“Get Ready, Get Set, PLAN!” Grade Level: Written by: Preschool Deb Kee, Bentonville Public Schools Childcare Enrichment Services, Director, Mary Calcote, My School Enrichment Center, Director/Owner, and Natalie Cook, Early Childhood Consultant I. ABSTRACT The presentation will provide an overview of the steps necessary to plan for a A. successful preschool day. Using theme ideas, various resources and the Preschool Sequence as a guide, we will demonstrate the steps to lesson planning for the month of September. In addition, activities will be presented to teach specific skills from the sequence. II. OVERVIEW Preschool Sequence Content A. Level II: September Monthly Planning Guide (p. 107) 1. Organizing and Integrating the Preschool Sequence into the Daily 2. Schedule (p. 113) Scaffolding Learning and Guiding Young Children to Increasing 3. Competency: Sample Lessons (p. 117) Resources and Materials for the Core Knowledge Preschool Sequence 4. (p. 128) Assessing September Skills through Portfolios (p. 4) 5. III. BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE Reference Books A. Core Knowledge Preschool Sequence, Charlottesville, VA: Core 1. Knowledge Foundation, 1997. Schmidt, Fran & Friedman, Alice, Peacemaking Skills for Little Kids (12. 878227-16-5). Miami, FL: Peace Education Foundation, 1993. Nelson, Marjorie, & Nelson-Parish, Jan. Peak With Books (0766859487). 3. Corwin Press, 1999. Kohl, Mary Ann, Preschool Art (0876591683). Gryphon House, 1994. 4. IV. PREREQUISITE PRIOR KNOWLEDGE FOR STUDENTS Mastery of all Core Knowledge Preschool Level I goals. A. V. RESOURCES Core Knowledge Preschool Sequence A. Core Knowledge Nursery Rhyme Cards B. Peace Education for Little Kids Teacher’s Guide C. Four weekly lesson plan samples for September D. Monthly Planning Guide for September on apple shape E. Core Knowledge Lesson Plan Format Sample F. Core Knowledge Art Prints-Summertime & The Snail G. Core Knowledge Movement Cards H. Core Knowledge Social Skills Cards I. Get Ready, Get Set, PLAN ® 2002 Core Knowledge Foundation 1 J. K. Children’s Books Steps to Lesson Planning Guide VI. LESSONS OUTLINE Lesson One: Title “Six Easy Steps to Lesson Planning Success” A. Choose themes for the month. B. Review the Core Knowledge Monthly Planning Guide. C. Choose skills to teach each week. D. Review resources. E. Brainstorm activities to teach skills. F. Complete the Core Knowledge lesson plan format. VII. HANDOUTS/WORKSHEETS Appendix A: “Six Easy Steps to Lesson Planning Success” & Resources Appendix B: September Level II Monthly Planning Guide Appendix C: September Extension Ideas Appendix D: Week 1-Me Lesson Plan Appendix E: Week 2-Family Lesson Plan Appendix F: Week 3-Friends Lesson Plan Appendix G: Week 4-Apples Lesson Plan VIII. BIBLIOGRAPHY Core Knowledge Preschool Sequence, Charlottesville, VA: Core Knowledge A. B. C. D. Foundation, 1997. Schmidt, Fran & Friedman, Alice, Peacemaking Skills for Little Kids (1-87822716-5). Miami, FL: Peace Education Foundation, 1993. Nelson, Marjorie, & Nelson-Parish, Jan. Peak With Books (0766859487). Corwin Press, 1999. Kohl, Mary Ann, Preschool Art (0876591683). Gryphon House, 1994. Get Ready, Get Set, PLAN ® 2002 Core Knowledge Foundation 2 Appendix A Get Ready, Get Set, Lesson Plan Six Easy Steps to Lesson Planning Success 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Choose themes for the month. Review the CK Monthly Planning Guide. Choose skills to teach each week. Review resources. Brainstorm activities to teach skills. Complete the CK lesson plan format. Resources Great Preschool Web Sites www.coreknowledge.org www.nuttinbutkids.org www.atozteacherstuff.com www.kiddyhouse.com www.preschoolrainbow.org www.earlychildhood.com www.perpetualpreschool.com www.enchantedlearning.com www.theideabox.com Get Ready, Get Set, PLAN Great Preschool Resource Books Preschool Art by Mary Ann Kohl Mailbox Magazine Peak with Books by Marjorie Nelson and Jan Parish Book Cooks by Janet Bruno ® 2002 Core Knowledge Foundation 3 Appendix B September Core Knowledge Preschool Level II Monthly Planning Guide Themes: Me, My Family, Friends, and Apples 1. Movement -relax specific body muscles and/or the whole body, from high activity level to quiet state. -throw and kick object with increasing accuracy at a target (all year) Game: Red Light, Green Light 2. Autonomy and Social Skills -draw a dimensional picture of a person (all year) -recognize, call by name and indicate role of school personnel 3. Work Habits -return toys and materials to their proper location (all year) 4. Oral Language -understand and use intonation and emphasis to ask a question, express surprise, agreement, displeasure, urgency (all year) -after listening to an oral description of a scene, recreate the scene in pictures (all year) -sequence and describe 3-5 images of events or phrases of a single event that have been experienced (all year) 5. Nursery Rhymes, Poems, Fingerplays, and Songs -memorize and recite independently a simple rhyme, poem, fingerplay or song (all year) Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone Are You Sleeping Brother John? Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes Do Your Ears Hang Low? Who Stole the Cookie? If You’re Happy and You Know It Pledge of Allegiance There was an Old Woman 6. Where is Thumbkin? The Wheels on the Bus Higglety, Pigglety, Pop Happy Birthday Tom,Tom the Piper’s Son Hush, Little Baby Rock a Bye Baby Storybook Reading and Storytelling -attend and listen to picture book with storylines as well as nonfiction (all year) -sequence 5 illustrations of story events (all year) Chicka Chicka Boom Boom I Know An Old Lady Are You My Mother? Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters Get Ready, Get Set, PLAN Madeline The Park Bench Good Dog, Carl Blueberries for Sal ® 2002 Core Knowledge Foundation 4 Appendix B 7. Emerging Literacy Skills in Reading and Writing -use a simplified, illustrated daily schedule of activities (all year) -read the first names of classmates (all year) -hold a writing instrument correctly (all year) -writing strokes: horizontal, vertical lines, spiral, circle (all year) 8. Mathematical Reasoning -identify pairs of objects/pictures as same or different -sort objects/pictures according to color, shape, size or function (“red/not red”, “circle/not circle”, “big/not big”, cooking utensil/not cooking utensil”) -complete puzzles of at least 18 pieces (all year) -recite number sequence, 1-10 (all year) 9. Orientation in Time and Space -time: sequence chronologically and describe 3-5 images of events or phases of events that have been experienced (all year) -time: name the days of the week in sequence (all year) -time: name the days of the weekend -time: use a simple, illustrated schedule of daily activities to indicate which activity proceeded and which will follow the current activity (all year) -space: in-on-outside, inside-outside, under-over -space: follow or give oral, spatially oriented directions to move from one location to another 10. Scientific Reasoning -identify body parts, including the following organs: heart and lungs -identify the body part and sense associated with certain sensations 11. Music -identify pairs of sounds as either same or different -identify and associate sounds with the rhythm instruments that make them 12. Visual Arts -play games requiring matching of like images, such as domino games -collage (all year) -examine and create a work in the style of…Artwork: Matisse, The Snail (collage) -examine and talk about the details and story of Artwork: Bearden, Summertime Get Ready, Get Set, PLAN ® 2002 Core Knowledge Foundation 5 Appendix C September Extension Ideas 1. Song - “Do Your Ears Hang Low?” Child traces arms and cuts them out. Child cuts out and counts black dots to glue on arms pieces. Attach these to a headband to become ears. Ears move as you sing! 2. With multicultural colored construction paper, children will choose the color closest to their own skin. They will trace a circle by using a small paper plate. Children cut out the circle and decorate it as a face using collage materials to replicate their face while looking in a mirror. Use faces for graphing activities. 3. Use red and green unifix cubes for a counting and patterning activity. 4. Retell “There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly” with sequence cards. Make it a clothesline story. 5. Teach size relationships with small, medium, and large apples and sequence. 6. Sort apples by color and size. 7. Use picture cards to sequence the growth of an apple. 8. Use I Care Puppet to teach positional relationships and body parts. 9. Do a group mural of an apple orchard or farm scene. 10. Make a class book “I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly” 11. Make Stop/Go sign with small paper plate and tongue depressor. Children color one side green and the other side red. 12. Velcro body parts including heart and lungs onto a body poster. 13. Do Know, Wonder, and Learn chart on apples. 14. Do Language Experience Activity on making applesauce. 15. Introduce language: all body parts, silhouette, stop, start, collage, tear, paste 16. Easel paint self-portrait. 17. Class Book “This is a picture of ME”. 18. Class Book “Who Stole the Cookie From the Cookie Jar?” 19. Clap rhythm to a nursery rhyme. 20. Use playdough to make the face of a friend. 21. Music and Movement “Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes” 22. Tasting Party-Taste apples, applesauce, and apple juice. Graph what they liked best. 23. Cut apples in half, let dry overnight, and use for art stamps. 24. Glue apple seeds on white apple shapes. Count the seeds. 25. Journal writing about families. 26. Use arm and handprint to make a family tree. Thumbprint apples on and add family members names. “My Family Tree” 27. Class Book or Portfolio, “This is how I looked on my first day of school.” “This is how I looked at the apple orchard.” 28.Use apple cut outs on popsicle sticks to act out fingerplays and songs. They can also be numbered for sequencing activities. 29. Add stickers to apple shapes to create a memory game. 30. Create your own puzzles by cutting out large pictures of people from magazines, laminate, and cut into large pieces. Get Ready, Get Set, PLAN ® 2002 Core Knowledge Foundation 6 31. Make picture dominoes by using stickers that relate to your theme. Get Ready, Get Set, PLAN ® 2002 Core Knowledge Foundation 7 Get Ready, Get Set, PLAN ® 2002 Core Knowledge Foundation 8 Get Ready, Get Set, PLAN ® 2002 Core Knowledge Foundation 9 Get Ready, Get Set, PLAN ® 2002 Core Knowledge Foundation 10 Get Ready, Get Set, PLAN ® 2002 Core Knowledge Foundation 11 Get Ready, Get Set, PLAN ® 2002 Core Knowledge Foundation 12 Get Ready, Get Set, PLAN ® 2002 Core Knowledge Foundation 13 Get Ready, Get Set, PLAN ® 2002 Core Knowledge Foundation 14