Dunlin Decommissioning

Dunlin Decommissioning - CGB Derogation
Independent Verification Process
Fairfield Energy Ltd
Assignment Number:
Document Number:
Xodus Group Ltd
Xodus House
50 Huntly Street
AB10 1RS
T +44 (0)1224 628300
E info@xodusgroup.com
Process & Facilities
Table of Contents
Verification Process
Dunlin Decommissioning - CGB Derogation – Independent Verification Process
Assignment Number: A00709-S00
Document Number: A-00709-S00-REPT-001
Fairfield Energy Ltd (Fairfield) is investigating the decommissioning options for the 320,000 tonnes Dunlin A
concrete gravity base (CGB), and has asked Xodus Group Ltd (Xodus) to act as Independent Verifier, in
accordance with DECC Guidance [1].
This report describes the review process undertaken by Xodus.
Although is not anticipated that Dunlin A will cease production before 2018 at the earliest, Fairfield wishes to
complete this review as early as possible in order to provide financial clarity, as this is the most significant area of
decommissioning activity.
The Dunlin cluster of fields, which includes the Dunlin field and its subsea satellites Osprey and Merlin, is located in
the UK North Sea, some 500km north-northeast of Aberdeen, and is operated by Fairfield Energy on behalf of itself
and MCX, a subsidiary of Mitsubishi Corporation.
The Dunlin Alpha platform, known as Dunlin A, came into operation in 1978 and acts as the production hub for the
fields. Dunlin A is a concrete gravity base (CGB) structure, supporting a steel topsides deck and production
facilities, shown below in Figure 1.1.
Figure 1.1
Dunlin A Platform
The CGB decommissioning options have been evaluated in a series of study reports, which are available for review
on the Dunlin decommissioning website at:
The subjects of the reports are:
Re-use the platform at the current location [2]
Refloat the platform (for its relocation for re-use or deconstruction inshore) [3]
CGB in situ deconstruction (CGB deconstruction at the current location) [4]
CGB in situ decommissioning (CGB wholly or partly left in place) [5]
Dunlin Decommissioning - CGB Derogation – Independent Verification Process
Assignment Number: A00709-S00
Document Number: A-00709-S00-REPT-001
CGB cells contents and environmental impacts [6] [7]
Access to legs and cells in the CGB [8]
Decommissioning Options Assessment and Selection [9]
In addition to the study reports, output from two stakeholder meetings is available on the Dunlin Decommissioning
website at:
Finally, a copy of the Dunlin A construction video was made available to Xodus.
Dunlin Decommissioning - CGB Derogation – Independent Verification Process
Assignment Number: A00709-S00
Document Number: A-00709-S00-REPT-001
Xodus has previously acted as Independent Review Consultant (IRC) for the decommissioning of the BP Miller
jacket and the CNR Murchison jacket and pipelines.
Almost all of the verification team were members of the IRC teams on Miller and Murchison.
The study was lead by Mike Taylor, who also lead the structural / naval architectural reviews, supported by Zahra
Totounchian. Caroline Laurenson performed the process & facilities review while the environmental assessments
were performed Cliff Johnston, supported by Zoe Cairns. CV’s can be found in Appendix A.
Mike Taylor
Mike Taylor is a Chartered Structural Engineer with over 30 years oil and gas experience covering topsides
greenfield and brownfield construction and major studies involving both jackets and topsides. He was the IRC
Team Leader and Structural Consultant on both the BP Miller decommissioning and the CNR Murchison
decommissioning. Prior to joining Xodus, Mike was Lead Structural Engineer on the Shell Brent C LTFD Project,
which involved the decommissioning and removal of several topsides modules.
Zahra Totounchian
Zahra is a Naval Architect with an MSc in Offshore Structural Engineering. She has 11 years experience and is
head of the Naval Architecture discipline in Xodus.
Caroline Laurenson
Caroline is a Chartered Member of the IChemE with a 1st in Chemical Engineering from Strathclyde. With over 7
years in the oil and gas industry her experience ranges from conceptual pre-FEED work right through to detailed
design, operations support, commissioning and most recently decommissioning work for Shell's Brent field.
Definition of the Brent field decommissioning scope is a complex project. There are a great many
interdependencies between the platforms, the surrounding infrastructure and the timing of when each milestone will
be achieved. During the concept stage Caroline produced a number of reports and technical notes to assess the
options, the most significant being an investigation into the feasibility of putting the platforms into an unmanned
status to reduce operating costs if the schedule is extended. Caroline was lead process engineer for the Brent
Alpha platform. She assessed the existing platform systems and utilities to define the scope for engineering down
and decide what is required to support decommissioning activities. She delegated tasks within the process
engineering team and liaised with the other disciplines, operations representatives, the wells department and
subsea teams to ensure all scopes were aligned. Caroline was part of the IRC team working on the CNR
Murchison decommissioning.
Zoe Cairns
Zoe Cairns is a founding Director of Aurora Environmental Ltd (now Xodus Environmental Division) and has over
18 years experience in environmental management for the oil and gas industry. During this time she has built up
wide ranging experience in undertaking environmental studies, in particular the oil and gas industry. Particular
areas of expertise lie in EIA for major offshore and coastal developments, and her experience includes EIA’s for
offshore oil and gas exploration, offshore oil and gas/condensate developments, deep-water FPSO developments,
pipeline studies, BAT/BPEO assessments, onshore oil and gas terminals and decommissioning programmes.
Decommissioning experience dates back to 1997 and the undertaking of one of the first comparative assessments
in UK waters for the Mobil Linnhe subsea development. This led to undertaking a detailed EIA for the selected
option for the Linnhe decommissioning programme and subsequent submission to DECC in 2009.
Zoe was also involved in early scoping for the BP Miller decommissioning environmental work, a detailed EIA for
the BP Don decommissioning programme, BPEO assessments for BP NW Hutton, and review of cuttings piles on
behalf of Shell UK.
A major area of ongoing interest is that of environmental legislation and policy, and Zoë is the editor and technical
author for the Oil and Gas UK Environmental Legislation Guide, which is updated periodically and is available on
Dunlin Decommissioning - CGB Derogation – Independent Verification Process
Assignment Number: A00709-S00
Document Number: A-00709-S00-REPT-001
the web (http://www.ukooaenvironmentallegislation.co.uk ). Zoe has helped clients develop an understanding of
the regulatory requirements for decommissioning, in particular for Marathon UK and also for Repsol. Zoe was also
lead technical author of a review of international, European and national legislative requirements for
decommissioning and disposal of offshore structures as part of study examining implications of decommissioning
needs on Scottish waste handling and infrastructure on behalf of the Scottish Environment Protection Agency.
Zoe was the IRC Environmental Consultant on both the BP Miller decommissioning and the CNR Murchison
Professor Cliff Johnston
Professor Cliff Johnston, an Associate Consultant with Xodus Group, has a long environmental pedigree, and has
previously set up and managed the Institute of Offshore Engineering (Heriot Watt University) as well as
establishing and acting as Managing Director for Environment & Resource Technology (ERT) Ltd, the Orkney
Water Test Centre (OWTC) Ltd and the International Centre for Island Technology (ICIT). His pedigree particularly
relating to pollution control was recognised in 1995 by appointment to the first Board of the then new regulatory
body - Scottish Environment Protection Agency, SEPA. The breadth and depth of offshore experience has been
recognised by both industry and regulatory agencies in the UK and internationally.
In the oil and gas industry sector key experience includes:
 Detailed knowledge of the oil and gas industry internationally, with over 30 years consultancy, contract services,
research and training experience with most major international operators;
 Good understanding of environmental management issues, ranging from policy, regulation and impact
assessment through to definition of engineering solutions;
 Understanding of wider, particularly environmental technology, market opportunities, with contacts throughout
relevant industry and governmental agencies;
 40 years academic/training experience at all levels from in-house company training to advanced post-graduate
teaching, with strong interests in issues across policy - environmental science - engineering interfaces;
 Proven track record in project development and management, with strong innovative/lateral thinking abilities;
and above all,
 Strong commitment to provision of top-level independent professional support, working for industry and
government agencies.
Cliff acted as the Environmental Consultant on both the BP Miller and CNR Murchison IRC’s.
Dunlin Decommissioning - CGB Derogation – Independent Verification Process
Assignment Number: A00709-S00
Document Number: A-00709-S00-REPT-001
The objectives of the verification process were:-
to confirm that Fairfield has identified all potential decommissioning options for the Dunlin A CGB.
to determine whether the option assessment process followed by Fairfield is reliable.
to determine whether Fairfield has undertaken an adequate and comprehensive analysis of the identified
decommissioning options to support their conclusions regarding the decommissioning of the CGB.
to verify those conclusions and, if appropriate, make observations regarding their validity
Verification Process
The verification process on Dunlin has been the same as that used on Miller and Murchison. This was:1. Kick-off meeting. Fairfield gave an introduction to the Dunlin Field, their decommissioning plans and
identified the location of all the available data.
2. Individual team members reviewed the available data (reports, construction video and stakeholder output)
and, using engineering judgement and experience, made comments in an internal report. In line with DECC
guidance, the comments related to:a. Safety
b. Environmental
d. Societal
e. Economic
3. During the course of the commenting phase, discussions were held between individual team members for
clarification. Also during this phase, queries were raised with Fairfield.
4. The Study leader then reviewed individual comments and drafted tentative conclusions for review by team
members. At this stage, omissions from the studies would be apparent.
5. An internal meeting held to discuss and agree conclusions.
6. The conclusions were then sent to Fairfield for review prior to discussion.
7. Meeting held with Fairfield to discuss conclusions.
8. Draft statement produced, stating broad agreement with Fairfield’s conclusions, but also with observations.
Dunlin Decommissioning - CGB Derogation – Independent Verification Process
Assignment Number: A00709-S00
Document Number: A-00709-S00-REPT-001
Department of Energy & Climate Change. Guidance Notes - Decommissioning of Offshore Oil and Gas
Installations and Pipelines under the Petroleum Act 1998. Version 6 March 2011.
Fairfield Energy Ltd. Dunlin Alpha Decommissioning. Dunlin Alpha Concrete Gravity Base Re-use Options
and Conclusions. July 2011.
Fairfield Energy Ltd. Dunlin Alpha Decommissioning. Concrete Gravity Base Refloat Options Study and
Conclusions. August 2011.
Fairfield Energy Ltd. Dunlin Alpha Decommissioning. Concrete Gravity Base In Situ Deconstruction
Options and Conclusions. October 2011.
Fairfield Energy Ltd. Dunlin Alpha Decommissioning. Concrete Gravity Base In Situ Decommissioning
Options for Derogation. November 2011.
Metoc Limited. Dunlin Alpha Decommissioning. Cells Contents Impact Assessment. Report Reference.
P1215C_RN2478_Rev0. 2 June 2011.
Fairfield Energy Ltd. Dunlin Alpha Decommissioning. Concrete Gravity Base Cells contents impact
assessment - Fairfield Energy summary of the independent analysis conducted by Intertek METOC. June
Fairfield Energy Ltd. Dunlin Alpha Decommissioning. Concrete Gravity Base Access to Legs and Cells.
July 2011.
Fairfield Energy Ltd. Dunlin Alpha Decommissioning. Concrete Gravity Base Decommissioning Options
Assessment and Selection. December 2011.
Dunlin Decommissioning - CGB Derogation – Independent Verification Process
Assignment Number: A00709-S00
Document Number: A-00709-S00-REPT-001
Dunlin Decommissioning - CGB Derogation – Independent Verification Process
Assignment Number: A00709-S00
Document Number: A-00709-S00-REPT-001
Xodus Group
First name and initials:
Michael L
Job Title:
Senior Structural Consultant
Process & Facilities
BSc Hons (1st Class) Civil Engineering-specialising Structural
Professional Affiliations:
M I Struct E
French, German, Italian
First year in Oil and Gas:
CEng :
No. Years Experience:
Summary of Experience:
30 years of engineering research , design , fabrication and installation experience covering major
drilling and production platforms, including integrated decks, power, process, drilling and
accommodation modules.
The last 17 years have been in the position of Project Manager or Lead/Principal Engineer.
The experience has been shared almost equally between Greenfield and Brownfield projects and
between Conceptual and Detail designs.
Also acted as Project Manager on many projects including advanced structural analysis, structural
integrity management, the design of oil & gas topsides and marine renewable energy devices.
Details of Experience:
Xodus Group – Key
01/01/2007 - Present
Mike is head of the Xodus structural group. In over 4 years at Xodus, he has been involved in many
different activities including:
 Topsides development studies associated with the tie-back of new fields to existing facilities.
 Assessment of the strength of existing topsides and jackets.
 Installation studies.
 Client representative, providing structural advice in studies involving 3rd parties.
 Study Manager on the Independent Review of decommisssioning studies for major North Sea
 Design of wave and current turbines.
 Conceptual design of FPSO topsides.
Chevron North Sea Limited - Mariner Phase 2 Support 2007
Providing structural engineering input to the Mariner Project, including management of the
interfaces with Amec, Technip and KCA/Deutag.
Talisman Energy UK Ltd - Structural Review of Lift Cap
Structural design review of the Galley Development Caisson Lifting Cap on Tartan.
Talisman Energy UK Ltd - Monarb Assets Strategic Assessment
Performing module location studies on the Monarb Assets Strategic Assessment Project. This
involves the identification of suitable locations for new modules on Montrose and Arbroath, and the
liaison with structural model holders to establish the maximum weight that can safely be carried in
each location.
Talisman Energy UK Ltd - Auk North Over Fulmar Concept Selection
Facilities location studies on the Auk North over Fulmar Concept Selection Project. The work
involves the identification of suitable locations for a new module or brownfield equipment, and the
preliminary assessment of the structural capacity of the Fulmar A and AD jackets.
Talisman Energy UK Ltd - Tartan Additional Riser Access (TARA) Replacement
Riser removal and installation studies on the Tartan Additional Riser Access (TARA) Replacement
Pipelines 2 Data Limited - Pigging Loop Design
Detail design of supports for onshore pigging test loop.
Talisman Energy UK Ltd - GFA Development Strategy JV Study
Structural studies on the Hally Appleton over Fulmar Concept Selection Project. The work involves
the preliminary design of a new module for the AD Platform, together with compilation of Weight
AWS Ocean Energy Ltd - Pre-Concept Design Meeting Workscope
Preliminary review of the structural design of the Archimedes Wave Swing wave power generator.
AWS Ocean Energy Ltd - Pre-detail Conceptual Studies
Structural Lead and Project Manager on the pre-detail design of the Archimedes Wave Swing.
Total E & P UK Limited - Structural Support to WoS Shallow Water Hub Studies
Structural support to Total in the management of studies by Amec and FloaTEC for the preliminary
design of conventional jacket and topsides and semi-sub respectively.
Oilexco North Sea Limited - Huntington Field Engineering Studies
Weight estimating and structural studies on the Huntington Field Engineering Studies.
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd - Peik over Bruce Appraisal Definition
Perform preliminary weight estimate, using norms. Perform preliminary designs of connections to
existing steel and strengthening to existing steel. Establish scopes of work for costing.
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd - Review of the removal of Miller jacket footings
Review of proposals for the decommissioning of the Miller jacket and pile clusters, with particular
emphasis on the stability of remaining sections in the event of temporary cessation of operations
due to bad weather.
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd - Andrew Appraise Studies - Phase 1
Identified possible module and cantilever platform locations. Identify and resolve issues. Calculate
load capacity at each location.
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd - Independent Review of Miller Decommissioning Studies
Study Manager and Structural Consultant for the Independent Review of the BP Miller jacket
decommissioning studies. This involves the review of 3rd party studies from a technical, safety and
environmental perspective, commenting on the scope, clarity, completeness, methodology,
relevance and objectivity of conclusions regarding removal of the jacket footings and treatment of
the drill cuttings pile.
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd - Andrew Area Development Select Studies
Responsible for the preliminary structural design of a Reception Module of 500-600 tonnes. Duties
also include weight estimating and assembly of a weight report.
TAQA Bratani - Host Facility Ullage and Capacity Review
High level study to identify spare weight capacity in the Tern, Eider, Cormorant Alpha and North
Cormorant jackets. In addition, the study identified suitable locations on the topsides for the
installation of new modules or cantilever platforms.
Dana Petroleum plc - Barbara Phyllis Concept Select 2009
This was initially a review of a study performed by another consultant on the provision of a
minimum facilities BLP to Lomond for the reception of 4 fields. In addition, Xodus performed a
separate study to perform a high level screening cost assessment for a minimum facilities BLP to
Lomond for Barbara Phyllis only.
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd - Lifeboat Feasibility Study
Review BP assessment of lifeboat provisions on 4 assets with respect to Information Sheet
12/2008 regarding Big Persons in Lifboats. Carry out brain storm to address any identified
shortfalls in lifeboat capacity and assess feasibility of implementing options.
Total E & P UK Limited - West Franklin Phase 2 Conceptual Study
Perform conceptual design of WHP and UQ topsides and jackets for West Franklin development,
taking into account several different options. Provide weight and cost estimates.
Atlantis Resources Corporation - Concept Review
High level review of the concept design, focussing on the foundation and the installation, removal
and maintenance of the tidal turbine.
BG Norge - Jordbær Field Concept Selection Study
Study of the advantages and disadvantages of many different substructures (eg FPSO, semi-sub,
TLP etc) for the Jordbaer project in 400m water depth.
BG Norge - Bream Development - Concept Select
High level review of options for development of Bream, including jack-up and MOPUStor.
Maersk Oil North Sea (U.K.) Limited - Produced Water Disposal Caisson Investigation
High level review of the options for a failed PW caisson on Janice.
Larsen & Toubro Ltd - Deen Dayal Field Well Head Platform Process Studies
Project Manager for review of L&T design of HP/HT wellhead platform.
Talisman Energy UK Ltd - Auk South Re-development - Structural Design - Peer Review
Review of 3rd party design of new modules for Auk south, including primary structural framing and
weight control.
TAQA Bratani - Darwin Host Screening - Cormorant Alpha & North Cormorant
Review possible locations for a new module on Cormorant A and N Cormorant.
Talisman Energy UK Ltd - Mike Taylor Secondment to Talisman
6 month secondment to Talisman as Structural Engineer on the Auk South Project.
Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd - Tidal Turbines Preliminary Engineering - Revised Proposal
Preminary design of seabed mounted turbine base, cost estimates etc.
CNR International (U.K.) Ltd - Provision of Independent Review Consultancy Services
Chairman of the IRC and structural consultant for the decommissioning of Murchison.
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd - Review, Assessment & Replacement of Bruce Bearings
Appriase and Select Phase assessment of options for replacement of the P60 bridge bearings.
Also jacking philosophy for the C40 bridge.
Talisman Energy UK Ltd - Bleo Holm Additional/Replacement Living Quarters Study
Identify and review options for increasing the POB on the Bleo Holm FPSO.
Previous Experience:
Atkins Ltd - Aberdeen
March 2002 - December 2006
Manager of over 100 projects in total, with up to 40 projects simultaneously, including jacket capacity
studies, other advanced structural analysis, structural integrity management, topsides design and
windfarm design.
Responsibilities included estimating, planning & progress and technical & commercial control.
Wood Group Engineering Ltd
June 2001 - March 2002
Lead Structural Engineer on the NAM Compression Project.
AMEC Offshore Services
August 1991 - June 2001
May 2000 – Jun 2001
Jointly Lead Structural Engineer on the AIOC Chirag 1 Debottlenecking Project and Principal
Structural Engineer on the Mobil Skene Project.
December 1998 – May 2000
Lead Structural Engineer on the AIOC Chirag 1 Water Injection Project.
May 1996 – December 1998
Lead Structural Engineer on the Chevron Alba Phase 2b Redevelopment Project.
July 1993 – May 1996
Lead Structural Engineer on the Brent Charlie LTFD Detail Design.
July 1992 – June 1993
Lead Structural Engineer on the Brent Charlie LTFD Conceptual Design.
August 1991 – July 1992
Senior Structural Engineer on the Brent Bravo LTFD Conceptual Design.
Atkins Oil & Gas Ltd
April 1991 - August 1991
Principal Engineer responsible for the fire risk analysis of the Shell Auk Alpha Topsides and Amerada
Hess AH001.
Mobil North Sea Ltd
January 1991 - April 1991
Lead Structural Engineer on the Nevis Field Development Project.
Brown & Root Vickers Ltd
March 1990 - January 1991
Senior Structural Engineer on the BP Bruce PUQ Topsides.
Shell Expro - London
November 1988 - March 1990
July 1989 – March 1990
Senior Structural Engineer on the Gannet Integrated Deck Detail Design.
November 1988 – July 1989
Senior Structural Engineer on the Gannet Integrated Deck Conceptual Design.
Shell Expro - Middlesborough
May 1988 - October 1988
June 1988 – October 1988
Field Structural Engineer working offshore on the Eider hook-up.
May 1988 – June 1988
Senior Structural Engineer working on the Eider Project.
Matthew Hall Engineering Ltd
June 1986 - May 1988
October 1987 – May 1988
Senior Structural Engineer working in the hook-up group on the Shell Eider Project.
June 1986 – October 1987
Site Structural Engineering responsible for the supervision of the construction of the Eider Living
Quarters and Helideck.
MatthewHall Engineering Ltd
November 1981 - June 1986
November 1984 – June 1986
Senior Structural Engineer responsible for the conceptual and detail design of the Drilling Modules D1
and D2 on the Shell Eider Project.
August 1983 – November 1984
Structural Engineer on the Marathon North Brae Project, working on the design of the two drilling
support modules M13 and M14.
November 1981 – August 1983
Structural Engineer working on HGB Morecambe Bay and BP Magnus.
Xodus Group
First name and initials:
Job Title:
Principal Engineer
Process & Facilities
British - Persian
Master of Science
Offshore Structural Engineering
Bachelor of Science
Naval Architecture
Professional Affiliations:
CEng :
First year in Oil and Gas:
No. Years Experience:
Summary of Experience:
Previous work experience and roles include:
 Responsible for design and structural analyses of Top Tension Risers and Conductors drilling
off Semi-submersibles ,Jackets and Jack-ups
 Naval Architecture
 Define procedures for analysis and devise new analysis procedures
 Plan, budget and organize assigned projects
 Perform/supervise assigned projects
 Manage budget and schedule, monitor change orders and attend meetings
 Provide technical guidance and consultation to less experienced engineers
Areas of Expertise
 Vast analysis experience with ASAS, ASAS_NL, Orcaflex, FEMGV and GID; FEM analyses
 Improved client’s confidence, commitment, and satisfaction through all of completed projects.
Academic Experiences
 Dynamic analysis of a marine riser and mooring lines of a semi submersible rig (MSc Thesis).
 Acquisition of Auto Plate software for sketching Shell Expansion Plans for a naval ship and
Usage of Line Heating Method to form Hull plates of a vessel (BSc Thesis).
 Familiar with “Marine Pipelines”, “SAP software”, “Ship Basic Design”, “Marine Pumps”,
“Gearbox Design”, “Ship Motions” & “Hydrostatic & Hydrodynamic Analysis of a Vessel” and
“Database Programming”.
Computer skills:
 Use of operating systems such as MS DOS,WINDOWS 98 &WINDOWS XP.
 Microsoft Office Software’s:Word, Excel, Power Point, Access.
Technical Software’s & Programming: ASAS, ASAS-NL, Orcaflex, FemGV, GID AutoCAD,
Details of Experience:
Xodus Group – Key
01/02/2011 - Present
Joined Xodus in February 2011 to provide Lead Specialist Structural and Naval Architecture
capability to the Xodus Structural Group.
Fairfield Energy Ltd - Dunlin Decommissioning - CGBS Derogation
Independent verification of an assessment process for the:
• Definition of Dunlin CGBS decommissioning options
• Assessment of the defined options
• Viability of the defined options
Ithaca Energy - Naval Architectural and Marine Support for Stella Field Development
• Naval Architectural and marine support through Concept and FEED
• Consultancy and Advise on FPV Selection
• Attendance of technical interface meetings
• Design reviews
• ad hoc support
Centrica Energi - Conductor Analysis
• assess the suitability of the proposed conductor and its connectors for strength, given the
operable extreme environmental conditions;
• assess the well for wave fatigue, ensuring that fatigue lives will be acceptable for the selected
conductor connectors and other equipment;
• assess the susceptibility of the well to vortex induced vibration;
Talisman Engergy UK Ltd - Auk South Redevelopment
Structural Engineering support and jacket analysis for alternative BLP Concepts on AUK South
Previous Experience:
Altra Energy Ltd
Structural Specialist Team
May 2009 - November 2010
BP - FPSO Due Diligence Study
Assessed the likely future integrity of the Vessel Hull covering current structural condition, repair and
upgrades, life extensions, redevelopment options
Project completed for Schiehallion FPSO.
Eaglewood - River Fleet Verification Study
The purpose of this review was to undertake an assessment of a Virtual Pipeline System (River Fleet)
ro verify whether the proposed system is ideal for efficient, profitable and safe transportation of LNG
products. Output of the work was recommendations and definition of risks.
Project Completed for Eaglewood Papua New Guinea Project.
Various - Structural Specialist Team Leader
Drilling risers off Semis-submersible rigs structural analysis
Work scopes:
 determined the axial capacity of the conductor to soil connection
 determined the latched capacity of the wellhead and conductor at various riser angles ,
tensions and mud weights;
 assessed the strength and fatigue life of the riser and conductor / casing system in the
expected sea states.
 determined offset operating guidance to ensure that the LFJ and UFJ limits and loading on
riser/conductor components are not exceeded during operations;
Completed Projects:
 Noreco SvanøgleWell
BG JordbærWell
BG BreamWell
Nexen BrandWell
Various - Drilling conductors off Jack-up rigs strength and fatigue analysis
Work scopes:
 Checked the axial capacity of the well conductor (soil / cement interface)
 assessed the suitability of the proposed conductor and its connectors for strength, given the
drilling period and probable extreme environmental conditions;
 assessed the well for wave fatigue, ensuring that fatigue lives will be acceptable for the
selected conductor connectors and other equipment;
 assessed the susceptibility of the well to vortex induced vibration;
 assessed, based on the results of the above, if there is any requirement to locally increase
the conductor size and / or grade and recommend suitable connectors and their placement;
 recommended, based on the results of the above, the optimum top tension policy for the
conductor, compile results for presentation, operational guidance, and well approval.
Completed Project:
 BG JackdawWell
 Maersk Oil Culzean Alpha and Beta Well
 ConocoPhillips EkofiskWell
 ConocoPhillips Pelikan and Megalodon ExplorationWell
 Dong Energy OselvarWell
 GDF Suez TeslaWell
 BG MandarinWell
 BG Pi-NorthWell
LNG FSO Mooring Verification Study
Performed a number of mooring studies on the proposed LNG FPO in order to obtain the optimum
vessel mooring design configurations and to evaluate suitable transfer techniques to and from the
Poseidon International Ltd
Senior Naval Architect
July 2007 - April 2009
Scotrenewables Ltd - Tidal Current Energy Converter - Hull Conceptual Design
Develop a geometric model of the mid-ship cross-section, moon pool section, bulkhead section, body
Adjusted the materials and scantlings of the structural members for the hull of the vessel
Project completed for Scotrenewables Ltd Tidal Turbine.
Bibby Offshore - Senior Naval Architect
Justification of sea-fastening for all equipment to be placed on the vessels deck, which were included
Tensioner ,Winches ,Reels , Cradles, Rails, Containers, and Chute
Project completed for Saxon Vessel.
Asia Classification Society
Naval Integrity Engineer
September 2005 - July 2007
Asia Classification Society - Naval Integrity Engineer
Field Surveys on various fiberglass vessels
Deputy of Managing Director for Quality Management ISO 9001-2000
Meetings with new clients and continuous relation with existing ones
Design Approval for various fiberglass vessels
Creating Ship Spec Data-Base
Iran Group of Surveyors (IGS)
Integrity Management
June 2003 - September 2005
Iran Group of Surveyors (IGS) - Integrity Management Engineer
Optimum Arrangement Studies for Shipyards & Dry-docks
AttendingWPS and PQR based on ASME Certificate
Preparing IGS Newsletter
Creating Technical Libraries
Iran Shipbuilding & Offshore
Industries Complex Co.
Trainee Naval Architect
June 2001 - June 2003
Iran Shipbuilding & Offshore Industries Complex Co. (ISOICO) - Trainee Naval Architect
Basic & detail design of vessels of various types by means of AUTOSHIP & ANSYS software
Preparing workshop drawings & production plans by means of AutoCAD & AUTOSHIP
Xodus Group
First name and initials:
Job Title:
Principal Engineer
Process & Facilities
1999 – 2003 Strathclyde University, 1st Class BEng (Hons) in
Chemical Engineering
Professional Affiliations:
Member of the Institution of
Chemical Engineers
CEng :
First year in Oil and Gas:
No. Years Experience:
Summary of Experience:
Caroline is a Chartered Member of the IChemE with a 1st in Chemical Engineering from Strathclyde.
With over 7 years in the oil and gas industry her experience ranges from conceptual pre-FEED work
right through to detailed design, operations support, commissioning and most recently
decommissioning work for Shell's Brent field.
Caroline has worked as a member of the Process team on design contracts for Shell, Total, Talisman
and BP. Her daily duties have included producing project documents such as SORs, P&IDs, cause
and effects, logic diagrams, operating philosophies and procedures, equipment datasheets, tie-in
schedules, line lists, calculations, technical information notes and study reports. Caroline has
developed a good working knowledge of software packages such as HYSYS, ESI, PI Databook, and
Microsoft Office.
Technical Training
• Production, Processes & Emergency Systems on Offshore Oil and Gas Installations (20/08/2004)
• Campbell’s Gas Conditioning and Processing (24/09/04)
• Thermodynamics (18/11/04)
• Process Modelling using HYSYS (15/03/05)
• Advanced Process Modelling using HYSYS (16/03/05)
• Introduction to AutoCAD (17/03/05)
• Design and Operation of FPSOs (22/04/05)
• Flow Assurance with Olga 2000 (28/04/05)
• Process Control and Instrumentation (27/05/05)
• Intermediate AutoCAD (07/07/05)
• ABB Pressure Relief – A Proven Approach (08/11/05)
• Control and Operation of Centrifugal Gas Compressors (02/06/06)
• IEC 61508/61511 SIL Determination Course (15/06/06)
• Flarenet (12/09/06)
• Emerson Control Valves (25/10/06)
General Training
• Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training (01/10/03)
• Root Cause Analysis for Participants (29/10/03)
• Major Time Management Challenges (06/01/04)
• Presentation Skills (16/01/04)
• HAZOP Secretary Training (04/02/04)
• Communication Skills (11/02/04)
• Technical Report Writing (07/06/04)
• Introduction to Oil & Gas (02/08/04)
• Listening Skills (23/03/06)
• Leadership Skills (23/05/06)
• Essential Supervisory Skills (27/07/06)
• Talisman ISSOW Awareness (29/11/06)
• Further Offshore Emergency Training (expires - 16/09/11)
• Shell STOP Awareness Training (08/12/09)
• Study Management (31/05/11)
• Oil and Gas UK Pearl Award for Overall Excellence 2007.
• Caroline is a SETNET Science and Engineer Ambassador (SEA) and she is always keen to get
young people interested and enthused about engineering. Through this she has in the past organised
an after school science club called Young Investigators at a local primary school. She also promotes
chemical engineering as a career volunteering in the IChemE’s ‘whynotchemeng’ campaign for the
Aberdeen area.
BEng in Chemical Engineering
• Final Year Design Project:- As part of a small team of four, the brief was to design a plant to
produce nuclear grade CO2 from flue gases. Carolines duties included performing heat and mass
balances over the process and producing the PFD, as well as detailed design of a number of pieces
of equipment such as the main absorption column. The design was based around the Benfield
process, which utilises hot potassium carbonate to remove CO2 from the wet flue gases. During this
project she was also able to gain an appreciation of the economics required in design work to
optimise details like vessel and pipe sizing.
• Final Year Research Project:- Caroline produced a new laboratory experiment for the 2nd Year Lab
Programme. The experiment was based on a heat pump system, which operates in the same manner
as a refrigeration system, however here the purpose is to provide heating rather than cooling. The
apparatus was to be used to demonstrate concepts like Heat Balances, and the thermodynamic
principles of Pressure-Enthalpy Diagrams and Coefficient of Performance. Caroline carried out tests
on the equipment to determine the operating parameters which best demonstrated these concepts. In
doing so it was important to determine the time it took for the apparatus to reach equilibrium and
verify that the results obtained were consistent and repeatable. During this time she also researched
into the various applications of industrial and domestic heat pumps.
Details of Experience:
Xodus Group – Key
01/12/2010 - Present
CNR International (U.K.) Ltd - Provision of Independent Review Consultancy Services
Part of a team reviewing the CNR decommissioning project. Specifically I reviewed the topsides
aspects and also the overall scope. Previous experience on the Shell Brent Platforms has been
applied to the CNR assets being examined to identify whether CNR are addressing all the issues
and potential decommissioning options.
Talisman Energy UK Ltd - Flyndre/Cawdor over Clyde pre-FEED
The work scope was to write a technical note reviewing the status of the Clyde PWRI system. The
aim is to re-instate the system in order to re-inject a volume at least equal to the additional water
production from the new Flyndre/Cawdor development. Since the commissioning of the Clyde
PWRI system in 2007 there have been a number of operational and design issues. The system is
not currently operational, attempts to restart the system were halted in early 2008 and further
investigations undertaken.
A review of the design established that there is a requirement to inject a minimum of 131m3/hr (or
19,800bpd) of produced water plus 249m3/hr of seawater to meet the minimum flow requirement of
380m3/hr with 2 out of the 3 main water injection pumps operating. This would be more than
enough to make up for the peak water production of 6,500bpd from Flyndre/Cawdor.
The report set out the work required to re-commission the system. The key item needing to be
addressed was to engage the vendor of the sand removal package to modify the design.
Talisman Energy UK Ltd - Auk South Caisson Installation
Talisman wish to redevelop the wells on the Auk platform to extend field life. Xodus have been
tasked with investigating a number of different options, ranging from additional caissons/towers at
either end of the platform to support a new wellhead module and accommodation block, a bridge
link platform (with and without drilling facilities) and a Mobile Offshore Application Barge (MOAB).
As lead process engineer I have developed a master HYSYS model, sized the new processing
equipment (separation, pumps, etc) and produced a comprehensive equipment list and costing for
all the new facilities including utilities.
Ithaca Energy - Stella Production Module
Development of the Stella and Harrier fields via tiebacks to a new processing module where the
host facility has yet to be indentified.
The new cantalever module processing facilities are to include a reception vessel and
hydrocyclone, start-up pump, HP gas compression train, gas dehydration, gas export and possibly
also LP flash gas recovery via a compressor or eductor. Supporting systems are also required
such as a cooling medium system, chemical injection, subsea support facilities and the local
equipment room.
As lead process engineer I am responsible for developing the HYSYS topsides simulation, PFDs,
H&MBs, preliminary equipment sizing and equipment list.
Previous Experience:
Genesis Oil and Gas
Senior Process Engineer
September 2009 - December
Genesis Oil and Gas Consultants - Senior Process Engineer
Brent A/B/C Decommissioning
Definition of the Brent field decommissioning scope is a complex project. There are a great many
interdependencies between the platforms, the surrounding infrastructure and the timing of when each
milestone will be achieved. During the concept stage Caroline produced a number of reports and
technical notes to assess the options, the most significant being an investigation into the feasibility of
putting the platforms into an unmanned status to reduce operating costs if the schedule is extended.
Caroline was lead process engineer for the Brent Alpha platform. She assessed the existing platform
systems and utilities to define the scope for engineering down and decide what is required to support
decommissioning activities. Day-to-day she monitored and reported progress including any issues to
the project engineer. Caroline was responsible for ensuring deliverables were issued in a timely
manner and were also of a high quality. She delegated tasks within the process engineering team and
liaised with the other disciplines, operations representatives, the wells department and subsea teams
to ensure all scopes were aligned.
Wood Group Engineering
(North Sea) Ltd
2009 Senior Process
September 2003 - September
Wood Group Engineering (North Sea) Ltd - Senior Process Engineer
April 2009 – September 2009
Andrew Area Development Topside FEED
Senior process engineer on a study for a subsea tie-back to the BP Andrew platform. Caroline
produced datasheets and performed sizing calculations for the new equipment, such as the new
reception vessel, start-up pumps, allocation metering, control valves and relief valves. Caroline
provided support to the graduate engineers and was responsible for checking other engineers work.
August 2008 – March 2009 - Maternity Leave
November 2006 – July 2008 - Secondment to Talisman Operations Support
Caroline provided onshore support for the day-to-day platform operations. In addition to this Caroline
was the operations support focal point for all environmental modifications across the Auk, Fulmar and
Clyde assets to ensure compliance with legislation. Caroline provided cover for the main asset
onshore focal points when required.
Work included commissioning and subsequently trouble-shooting the operational issues with the
Clyde PWRI system, carrying out an independent start-up readiness audit for the Tweedsmuir project
on Piper, co-ordinating trials for a new de-oiler chemical on Auk, arranging vendor assistance for
flowrate verification tests and developing spreadsheets to monitor platform performance across the
September 2005 – November 2006 - Talisman Contract
Galley Over Tartan & Duart Over Tartan:-Caroline worked as part of the team that carried out the
FEED and detailed design for Talisman’s Galley and Duart subsea tie-backs to Tartan. producing
datasheets for the new hydrocyclones and chemical injection equipment. Caroline developed all the
P&IDs for the chemical injection scope. She carried out calculations to check line sizes and relief
valve capacities. She wrote technical notes on the capacity of the existing instrument air system and
the requirements for the new Galley equipment. Caroline attended the HAZOPs and responded to all
the actions relating to chemical injection. Caroline prepared the project Cause and Effects and the
Control and Operating Philosophy. Caroline also carried out an analysis of the all the HP/LP
interfaces to ensure that all modified and new interfaces were sufficiently protected.
September 2003 – August 2005 - Total Contract
Alwyn Wellbay Reorganisation:- The Total reservoir department for Alwyn identified that there was
a production benefit in rerouting a number of the existing wells connected to the HP production
manifold to the LP production manifold. It was Carolines job to identify the scope required for the
installation of tie-ins at the next shutdown.Caroline conducted a multi-discipline survey to verify the
piping routes, connection suitability and identify where pipework or valving could be reused to
minimise costs and lead time for delivery of materials. This information was summarised in technical
information notes, project P&IDs and tie-in schedules which Caroline produced.
Alwyn PWRI Project:- With the tightening of produced water discharge legislation imminent, Total felt
that it would be beneficial for them to install a system to re-inject the produced water from Dunbar
back into the reservoir on Alwyn. Caroline was the responsible process engineer for this first phase of
the modifications. Caroline prepared the P&IDs, Cause and Effects, developed the control philosophy
and carried out line sizing checks to ensure that there was minimal pressure drop across the system
to provide maximum injection pressure into the wells. Caroline also attended the HAZOP and closed
out all process related actions.
Forvie Impact Study:- During the FEED for the Forvie subsea tie-back to North Alwyn ‘B’ Caroline
carried out a study to identify potential bottlenecks or operational difficulties with the existing
processing systems. She developed base case simulations on HYSYS to model the platform with the
new Forvie facilities and collated data on the design basis for the major processing equipment. The
report findings highlighted platform limitations with recommendations for improvements. Problem
areas which required extensive modelling were the operation of the Associated Gas Compressors.
Alwyn Online Moisture Analysers:- Total wished to replace existing moisture analysers on North
Alwyn ‘B’ as it was becoming increasingly difficult to obtain spares and the results obtained were
inconsistent due to contamination of the aluminium oxide sensors. Caroline undertook a study of the
system to recommend a replacement design. She determined the hydrocarbon dewpoint and
assessed the likelihood of glycol carryover in the export gas as both of these factors would affect the
analyser operability. Caroline also reviewed the sample point locations to see if the configuration
could be improved. In assessing the acceptability of the vendor quotations Caroline had to look at
various criteria such as reliability, cost, maintenance, ease of installation and the size of the
equipment itself and then make a recommendation to the client stating which system would be most
Elgin PUQ Hydraulic Power Unit:- Caroline led a study into the operational problems in the HPU on
the Elgin PUQ. Operations were experiencing problems with low hydraulic oil supply pressure that
was causing the platform to shutdown on a low hydraulic oil pressure trip. Caroline carried out a
hydraulic analysis of the pipework downstream of the distribution pump to determine whether there
was appreciable pressure drop in the existing system. Caroline also analysed the current capacity of
the accumulators to determine whether they were sufficient for the demand on the system. The
options to improve the system included increasing the size of the pump discharge piping, adding
additional accumulators or increasing the operating pressure. Caroline conducted an offshore survey
of the HPU to confirm the feasibility of the options and to discuss the operating problems further with
the platform personnel.
June 2005 - Secondment to Frontier Engineering Solutions
Caroline carried out an investigation using Olga which examined the flow regimes and liquid hold-up
in manifold pipework for well production fluids on the Centrica DP8 platform, this was to define
whether the pipework topography was causing slugging problems.
BP Grangemouth
Process Engineering
July 2002 - September 2002
BP Grangemouth - Process Engineering Internship
12wk Summer Internship at BP Grangemouth working as part of the process team in the Refinery
Operations Support Centre.
Xodus Group
First name and initials:
Job Title:
Global Director - Environment
BSc Zoology (Hons)
MSc Marine Resource Development and Protection
Professional Affiliations:
Associate Member of IEMA
CEng :
First year in Oil and Gas:
No. Years Experience:
Summary of Experience:
Zoë Cairns has worked in the field of environmental management consultancy for over 18 years.
During this time she has built up wide ranging experience in undertaking environmental studies, in
particular the oil and gas industry. Areas of specialist technical competence include:
• Environmental impact assessment,
• Environmental risk assessment,
• Oil spill studies,
• BAT, BPEO and BEP studies,
• Decommissioning programmes,
• Fishery-pipeline interactions, and
• Offshore/marine environmental legislation.
Zoë has extensive experience in undertaking and project managing formal environmental impact
assessment (EIA) projects for a range of client and development types. Experience includes concept
screening studies; scoping studies; emission inventories and assessment of impacts; design of
mitigation measures and monitoring plans; facilitation of consultation, and production of formal
Environmental Statements (ES) for public consultation. Particular areas of expertise lie in EIA for
major offshore and coastal developments, and her experience includes EIAs for offshore oil and gas
exploration, offshore platform and deep-water FPSO developments, subsea tie-backs and major
pipeline studies, onshore oil and gas terminals, salmon farming/mariculture and wastewater treatment
plant. Work has been undertaken on developments in the UK (North Sea and Atlantic Margin) and
overseas (West and North Africa and SE Asia,).
Zoe has seen new field developments from concept selection, to FEED and EIA through to
construction, installation, commissioning, first oil and subsequent ongoing operations. This
experience provides a solid basis for understanding management of environmental issues and
delivery of mitigation measures/ES commitments throughout a project life-cycle both in-house and in
contractor management. A core aspect of Zoe's work is facilitation of BAT and BPEO studies, either
as part of wider EIA and FEED programmes or independent studies e.g. for system optimisation.
Examples include review of produced water treatment and disposal options, handling and disposal of
drill cuttings, flare systems, and decommissioning studies.
Zoe also has extensive experience of oil and gas operations in terms of environmental compliance
and environmental assessment/risk assessment for consent and permit applications. Zoe is also an
active environmental auditor in particular with respect to compliance audits and due dilligence audits
for example in support of clients during acquisition or divestment activities. Zoë is the editor and
technical author for the Oil and Gas UK Environmental Legislation Guide, which is updated
periodically and is available on the web (http://www.ukooaenvironmentallegislation.co.uk).
Zoe was one of the founding Directors of Aurora Environmental Ltd in April 2000, and since
acquisition by Xodus Group Ltd is now head of the Xodus Environment Division.
Details of Experience:
Xodus Group – Key
01/07/2007 - Present
Since becoming part of the Xodus Group, Zoe has continued to be involved in a range of projects for
the oil and gas industry in particular environmental screening of development concepts, BAT/BPEO
studies, environmental impact assessment for field development and environmental lead for
Selected Projects
BP Clair – Zoë was part of the core EIA team for the BP Clair Phase 1 development. The ES
submitted was highly rated by the then DTI and it has been cited as a leading example for offshore oil
and gas Environmental Statements. Zoë’s particular involvement in the Clair ES revolved around oil
spill issues, which was of particular importance for this development due to its location and the
prevailing weather conditions. Oil spill was also a major stakeholder issue. Due to the presence of a
large number of sites designated under the Habitats Directive and Birds Directive, there was a need
to provide additional information towards ‘appropriate assessment’. This was the first major
application of appropriate assessment for offshore and coastal habitats in the UK and the
methodology developed has been applied elsewhere by other operators. Following ES approval, Zoe
was seconded in as Environmental Advisor to the Clair Phase 1 Project during construction,
installation, commissioning and early operational phases. As part of this she prepared and submitted
all required permit applications (including PPC, EU ETS, OPPC and PON15D), developed the Clair
Environmental Management System (EMS) and associated procedures and developed and
implemented all required environmental monitoring (e.g. air emissions, energy audits) and reporting
systems. Zoe then went on to be lead EIA consultant to the subsequent Clair Ridge development
during concept select (2006-2007), including a major lessons learned excercise from Clair Phase 1,
for the subsequent Clair Ridge project and project director for the EIA (2008-2010) and associated
environmental studies during FEED.
BP Schiehallion - Zoë was project manager and lead consultant for a series of EIAs for the BP
Schiehallion development in deep water to the west of Shetland. This is an FPSO development with
crude oil exported by tanker. The ES for the Phase 4 development was approved by the DTI in
September 2002, and for the “life of field” ES in January 2005. Zoë worked closely with the
Schiehallion team to ensure environmental issues are addressed throughout the design process. This
included the chairing of a number of workshops and facilitation of consultation with the statutory
consultees and other interest groups, in particular the fishing industry. The BP Schiehallion Phase 4
ES was the only ES in a recent BERR review to gain an "A" in terms of meeting the requirements of
the EIA Regulations. Zoe was subsequently involved in the Schiehallion redevelopment project
(Quad204 Redevelopment) and has provided support since concept identification, including
comparative assessment, facilitation of a series of ENVIDs, ad-hoc advisory support, scoping and
subsequent senior technical and QA for the Quad204 EIA/ES.
Talisman Energy UK Ltd - Montrose BLP Basis of Design and SoW
Senior peer review of BAT assessments and FEED design philosophy documents.
E.ON Ruhrgas UK North Sea Ltd - Huntingdon Field Development
Facilitation of ENVID for the Huntingdon Development to inform the engineering and
construction/installation phases for the project.
BG Norge - Jordbær Field Concept Selection Study
Environmental support to concept definition and concept selection process for Jordbaer field,
Support included facilitiation of ENVID, development of project environmental
performance standards, and BAT assessment (in particular flaring, power generation and produced
OMV (UK) Ltd - Tornado Field Development - Concept Screening Study
Environmental support and ENVID facilitiation for Tornado deep water water development West of
BG International Ltd - Flaring Systems and Identification of Best Available Techniques
Review of existing BG flare operational practices at all BG global assets, benchmarking of
performance and development of indicative BAT standards.
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd - Clair Ridge Drilling BPEO
Facilitiation and lead technical author for BPEO study assessing the different cleaning/disposal
options for drill cuttings at the Clair Ridge platform.
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd - BP Clair Ridge ES
Project director and senior technical input for Clair Ridge EIA/ES. This is the second phase of the
Clair field development to the West of Shetland.
Venture Production plc - Environmental Awareness Training Course
Preparation and facilitation of an environmental compliance awareness training course for offshore
oil and gas operations on the UKCS. Training provided as a workshop with interactive exercises.
Marathon Oil UK Ltd - Special Area of Conservation - Environmental Compliance Guidance Note
Production of guide note for Marathon UK with regards to operating in or near a Special Area of
Conservation and the requirements/responsibilities under the EU Habitats legislation.
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd - Clair WBM Cuttings Disposal Options
Environmental advice to project re-designing the Clair platform cuttings discharge caisson.
Eni Denmark B.V. - Environmental support for Faroes exploration well
ConocoPhillips (U.K.) Limited - Jasmine Development Project EIA
Project Director for Jasmine EIA/ES
Dana Petroleum plc - Barbara Phyllis Concept Select 2009
Environmental screening of development options for the Barbara Phyllis development. Support
also provided to consultation meetings with DECC, JNCC and Marine Scotland.
E.ON Ruhrgas UK North Sea Ltd - Huntington Concept Selection Support
Environmental input to concept development and concept screening.
TAQA Bratani - Kingfisher Due Diligence
TAQA Energy B.V. - Project Lily Due Diligence
Total E & P UK Limited - Total Laggan-Tormore EIA/ES
Project Director for major Laggan-Tormore EIA Study, including
EIA/ES for Laggan-Tormore West of Shetland development;
EIA/ES for new gas processing plant at Sullom Voe Terminal;
EIA/ES for gas export pipeline from Shetland to FUKA Line;
Scoping for 3 x EIA/ES including consultation with regulators and public;
Scoping and management of all environmental baseline surveys for offshore marine,
inshore marine, coastal and terrestrial environments.
 Appropriate Assessments for certain aspects of the development where there was risk of
impact on sites designated under the EU Birds and EU Habitats Directives.
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd - BP DPU Environmental Poster
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd - BP Devenick DHSV Spill Risk Assessment
Mobil North Sea LLC - Beryl Environmental Awareness Poster
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd - Foinaven Subsea Separation - Environmental Support
Environmental support during design competition for Foinaven Subsea Processing project.
Included running ENVID workshops with each engineering contractor.
Talisman Energy UK Ltd - Flotta Oil Terminal data review and future sampling protocol
Review of long-term Flotta Oil Terminal environmental surveys and rationalisation/development of
survey scope for future annual surveys.
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd - BP Don Decommissioning OPEP
Total E&P UK Limited - Total Laggan-Tormore Concept Screening
Series of work on behalf of Total UK Ltd including high level environmental screening of offshore
development options, ENVID workshops and review of onshore development options (Sullom Voe
Terminal). Overall project management of ongoing EIA process for the proposed development.
Oil and Gas UK - Oil and Gas UK Environmental Legislation Register
Ongoing technical authorship and editor of the Oil and Gas UK Environmental Legislation Register
Venture Production plc - Review of Venture Consents and Notification Register
Annual audit and review of Venture Consents and Notifications Register
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd - Quad 204 EIA
Project Manager and Lead Technical Consultant for the BP Quad 204 Redevelopment EIA in West
of Shetland Area. Environmental support has been ongoing on this project through environmental
screening of development options, EIA scoping and production of ES for submission to BERR.
Involves working closely with the BP engineering and project team. Support also to wide
stakeholder consultation.
Project involved chairing a series of ENVID workshops during concept selection, definition and
FEED with the aim of removing or reducing environmental impact by design. A series of
BAT/BPEO assessments also undertaken during the EIA process.
Mobil North Sea LLC - Linnhe Decommissioning EIA
Senior technical support and input for Environmental Statement towards Linnhe decommissioning
programme in the North Sea.
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd - Harding Production Increase EIA/ES
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd - Review of BERR Comments on BP Oil Spill Plans
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd - Clair PPC Emissions Gap Analysis and Reporting
Fairfield Energy Ltd - Dunlin Development EIA/ES
Project Director on Dunlin Development EIA/ES
Oilexco North Sea Limited - Huntingdon EIA/ES
Study included early environmental screening of development options with the output feeding in to
the option selection process. A detailed EIA then undertaken of the selected option with production
of ES to meet UK regulatory requirements. Project not completed due to change of ownership.
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd - BP Andrew Concept Screening and EIA
Support to BP/Xodus engineering team during concept development and selection,
including environmental screening of options.
 Facilitiator of Best Practicable Environmental Option (BPEO) workshop on the produced
water treatment and disposal options available for the project.
 Project Director for the EIA/ES study.
Fairfield Energy Ltd - Dunlin Oil Spill Contingency Plan
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd - NW Hutton Densitometer BPEO
Facilitation of BPEO workshop to select and screen options for handling grout densitometers on
NW Hutton.
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd - Don Decommissioning EIA/ES
Investec - ITC Review of NSE Jacky Field Development
Environmental input for due dilligence review of the Jacky Field in the Central North Sea
Shell UK Limited - Shell Environmental Call-off Contract - ES
Overall Project Director and Principle Environmental Consultant for Shell UK for EIA/ES support for
new developments.
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd - BP Devenick EIA/ES
Principal environmental consultant on Devenick EIA/ES on behalf of BP Exploration & Production.
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd - BP Clair Ridge Concept Select and EIA/ES
Lead environmental advisor during the option selection stages of the project, including
environmental screening workshops with the topsides and subsea engineers. The output from this
supported the BP decision making process.
Following selection of preferred development option, acted as Project Director/Senior Peer to a
detailed EIA/ES undertaken working closely with the FEED engineers to reduce/remove
environmental impact by design or reduce/manage residual environmental impacts through
operational practice.
Chevron North Sea Limited - Chevron Environmental Call-off Contract
Overall Project Director for ongoing Chevron Call-off Contract to provide PON and general
environmental support.
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd - PON14 - Environmental Narrative
Project Manager and Senior Technical QA for production of PON14 applications for a series of BP
planned seismic surveys in the West of Shetland area. Included Assessment of Disturbance as
now required under new JNCC Guidance.
Chevron North Sea Limited - Chevron Cuttings Piles Characterisation
Senior Technical QA for Cuttings Pile Assessment on behalf of Chevron.
BP Exploration & Operating Company Ltd - Ongoing PON15 and EEMS Support - Clair Phase 1
and Clair Ridge
Project Director and Senior Technical QA for ongoing call-off support for BP Clair Phase 1 and
Clair Ridge. Includes all PON15B, PON15F, PON15C applications and ongoing maintenance of
PON15D (including major reviews). Support also given for OPPC and EEMS reporting.
Oilexco - Huntingdon Concept Development
Lead technical consultant in environmental screening of concept options for Huntingdon
Development. Fed into integrated concept study work being undertaken.
CNR International - Hutton Concept Development
Lead technical consultant in environmental screening of concept options for Hutton Development.
Fed into integrated concept study work being undertaken. Consents register and schedule risks
study also undertaken as part of this work.
Venture Production plc - Compliance Audit of Hummingbird FPSO
Audit of the Hummingbird FPSO prior to tow-out to ensure compliant with all environmental permit
requirements. Included review of all permits/consents and a site visit to inspect discharge and
metering locations. A report including recommendations was used as an assurance process by
Venture and Wood Group.
Petro-Canada Europe Lubricants - European Environmental Legislation Register
Development of a legislation register for all PetroCanada European Lubes, European operations.
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd - BP DPU Environmental Poster
Production of poster for BP DPU Operations raising awareness of environmental sensitivities in the
deep water West of Shetland Area and potential interactions with offshore production operations.
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd - BP Clair Environmental Support
Ongoing environmental to BP Clair Phase 1 Operations including:
 Ad-hoc environmental advice;
 Audit of offshore operations;
 Development of EMS supporting documents and operational procedures;
 Emissions monitoring and data collection;
 Permit applications and annual reporting, in particular under OPPC, PPC and EU ETS.
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd - Environmental Support to BP DPU Projects
Continued and ongoing environmental support to BP Deepwater Production Unit. In particular
providing ad-hoc environmental advice and facilitating continued liaison with external stakeholders
including BERR, FRS, JNCC and the fishing industry.
BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd - BP Legislation Register Review and Audit 2007/08
Quarterly updates and annual audit of BP Environmental Legislation Register for their North Sea
offshore oil and gas operations.
Previous Experience:
Aurora Environmental Ltd
January 2000 - July 2007
Scottish & Southern Energy/BP - Miller DF1 EIA/ES
Lead Technical Author and Project Manager for EIA/ES for BP Miller DF1 Project (offshore). This was
the first CCS and CO2 EOR EIA undertaken on the UKCS. ES not submitted as project withdrawn.
BP Angola - Chemical Permitting System Development
Review of BP Angola chemical permitting and management system and recommendations for
ensuring compliance with emerging Angolan Regulations. Involved in-country visit and interviews of
key personnel. Chemical selection procedures and chemical tracking/reporting systems were
developed for implementation.
BP Exploration & Production Ltd - Environmental Advisor to Quad 204
Acted as Environmental Advisor to BP Quad204 Project during Appraise and Select Phases. Work
aspects included screening and scoping of possible options and development of environmental
design requirements as part of the Basis of Design.
Total - Detailed Concept Selection Screening - Laggan Development
Detailed quantified option screening for Total Laggan Development. Screening involved comparison
of offshore and onshore hub development options, in particular with respect to atmospheric
emissions, energy use, resource use and seabed impacts.
Shell Exploration & Production Ltd - Drill Cuttings Screening - OSPAR Recommendation
Project manager and lead technical consultant undertaking a review and screening of Shell UK
cuttings piles and requirements against OSPAR Recommendation 2005/01. Work involved review of
Shell survey and anaysis reports and production of a report recommending follow-up actions.
BP - Environmental Legislation Register
Annual audit and major revision of BP environmental legislation register for its upstream oil and gas
operations. Involved major updates to include new OPPC legislation and amendments due to the
Public Participation Directive.
Orkney Islands Council - Waste Management Audits
Project management of waste management audit for all Orkney Islands Council facilities. Project
being undertaken in 3 phases, including site audits, waste improvement plan and subsequent audit of
plan implementation (planned for end 2006).
BP - Miller DF1 Scoping
Lead consultant in production of scoping report for the DF1 Miller 2030 project. This is the first
development of its kind involving generation of hydrogen free electricity and capture and storage of
CO2 downhole in the Miller reservoir.
Chevron - Chevron PON Call-off Contract 2004-2008
Lead technical guidance and QA to all Chevron PON applications undertaken by Aurora.
BP - Clair Phase 1 Environmental Support
Continued support to the BP Clair team including overall project management for their PON15
applications (production and well operations). Continuing support also includes ongoing development
of in-house data handling systems and environmental procedures as well as ad-hoc advice and
training of BP personnel.
Venture - Environmental Awareness Training
Environmental awareness training workshops held for all appropriate Venture personnel. Workshops
covered all relevant offshore environmental legislation including chemicals, oil to sea and atmospheric
BP - Miller Decommissioning
Project management and consultancy input to a decommissioning EIA for a platform in the northern
North Sea. Project not completed as decommissioning of the platform was deferred.
Tullochs - EIA/ES EMEC Tidal Device Test Site
Project management and consultancy input to the EIA for the EMEC tidal device test site
infrastructure in Eday, Orkney. EIA scope included onshore construction, cable landfall and offshore
location of device test sites. Project included production and support to permitting process under
Section 36 and Coastal Protection Act.
Maritime & Coastguard Agency - Port Waste Reception Research
Research project into the impacts of the Port Waste Reception Regulations 2003 on both the UK
shipping and port industries. This research will inform the UK Government’s input into discussions at
EU level when the Directive is up for review in 2006. Project Manager and Lead Consultant.
Melbourne Management Services - Oil Spill Contingency Plan Review
Revision of oil spill contingency plan for the Forth Ports and production of standalone oil spill plan for
ship to ship transfer operations. Project Manager.
Confidential Client
Production of chemical permits and oil spill contingency plan for a potential appraisal well to the west
of Shetland. Project Manager.
BP Foinaven
Provision of ongoing environmental support to the BP Deepwater Subsea Engineering Team for the
Foinaven, west of Shetland development.
BP Schiehallion
Provision of ongoing environmental support to the BP Schiehallion team during project design for a
series of infill drilling programmes, development of new drill centres and a subsea pumping project.
Work follows on from the production and submission of the BP Schiehallion Wider Field
Environmental Statement.
BP Clair
Secondment into the BP Clair team as Environmental Advisor to the project as it moved into hookup and commissioning and subsequent operations. The post involves development of the
environmental management system to ISO14001, environmental awareness training of all personnel,
design and implementation of environmental monitoring programmes, and production and
implementation of all environmental permits including PON15s, IPPC permit, EU ETS application and
ongoing reporting.
BP Mature Business Unit - Farragon EIA/ES
EIA for subsea tie-back of the Farragon field to the Andrew platform in the northern North Sea.
Included survey design and consideration of potential “pock-marks” in the area as well as
consideration of fishing interactions. Project manager.
Talisman - Environmental awareness and legislation training at Flotta Oil Terminal.
PetroCanada - Pict to Triton EIA/ES
Project manager for EIA for subsea tieback (Pict) to the Triton FPSO in the Central North Sea.
Project manager for the production of a chemical use and discharge permit (PON15D) for the Paladin
MonArb development
JP Kenny
Project manager and lead technical consultant for the development and implementation of a surface
water and ground water monitoring programme for the BP Clair onshore pipeline installation
operation. Included site visits to identify suitable locations for boreholes and co-ordination of
BP Schiehallion
Update of fishing information poster raising awareness of drilling and subsea installation activities at
the Schiehallion field offshore west of Shetland.
Project manager for a series of chemical permit and EA applications (PON15B) for drilling
operations in the North Sea.
Lead technical consultant for chemical use and discharge permit application (PON15C) for the
Clapham pipeline system.
Project manager of the production for a UK Offshore Operators Association (UKOOA) position paper
for submission to the Scottish Coastal Forum. Paper will form basis for discussion looking at coastal
planning issues and integration of coastal planning across a range of industry.
Review and risk assessment of ballast water discharges to Scapa Flow from ship to ship transfer
vessels. Involved a review of current understanding and ongoing research into the issues of
introduction of alien species into the marine environment by ballast water and ballast sediment. Study
will include design of a sampling and analysis procedure (2003 – ongoing).
Production of an environmental legislation register for the UK Offshore Operators Association. The
register encompasses all offshore, onshore and coastal legislation and is aimed at providing
operators and contractors the information required to ensure environmental compliance. The register
will be an internet service and the contract includes the provision of regular updates (2003-2005). This
work is a continuation of the UKOOA legislation register for which Zoë has been editor since 1994.
Orkney Islands Council - Scapa Flow Tran-Shipment Container Hub
Environmental sensitivity screening project for a proposed trans-shipment container hub
development on the Golta Peninsula, Flotta in Orkney. Project involved characterisation of the
environment and scoping of required environmental baseline studies towards a full EIA of the
development. This will be the largest port development in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland in
recent years.
BP - ES Guidance Tool
Senior consultant in the development of an ES guidance note and toolbox for use by BP personnel in
the BP UK and North Sea area.
BP - Scheihallion Life of Field EIA/ES
Project manager and lead technical consultant for an EIA of the Schiehallion wider field development.
Involves working closely with the project team, including chairing of workshops, and facilitation of
consultation (2002-ongoing). Main issues are associated with fishing interaction and the incremental
increase of emissions at the FPSO. Will involve detailed cumulative impact assessment of the
Schiehallion development.
BP/JP Kenny - Clair Onshore Pipeline EIA/ES
Project manager and lead consultant for an environmental impact assessment for the Clair onshore
pipeline route at Sullom Voe Terminal. Involved a site visit and assessment of environmental
sensitivities, in particular groundwater contamination and otter disturbance.
Production of an information map for the fishing industry regarding the BP Schiehallion Phase 4
drilling and installation programme. Included translation into French.
BP - BP Clair Oil Spill Contingency Planning
Oil spill contingency planning for the Clair Phase 1 development to the west of Shetland. Involves
extensive discussions and workshops with response organisations, regulatory authorities and local
stakeholders. Gap analysis of response resources and production of contingency plans for offshore,
pipeline route (onshore and offshore) and coastal areas (2002 – ongoing). Will involve extensive peer
review and exercises of contingency plans prior to submission for approval. Project Manager and
Lead Consultant.
Talisman - Nigg Oil Terminal COMAH Report
Environmental input into the Nigg Oil Terminal COMAH Report. Included site visit and field survey to
identify areas of environmental sensitivity and identification of environmental risks of a major accident
hazard. Project manager and lead technical consultant.
Review, audit and update of the BP intranet based environmental legislation guide.
Update of OIC Harbours Oil Spill Contingency Plans.
BP Exploration - BP Schiehallion Phase 4 EIA/ES
Environmental impact assessment for Schiehallion Phase 4 development. Involving working closely
with the project team engineers and consultation with external organisations, in particular the fishing
DTI, Oil & Gas Division
Legislation register for use by DTI Oil and Gas Division personnel covering all offshore
environmental legislation. To be published on the internet.
Boreas Consultants - Shell Penguin Fishing Intensity Study
Fishing intensity study for new pipeline in northern North Sea for the Shell Penguin development.
BP Exploration
Continued support to BP Clair Phase 1 Project including development of monitoring plans.
BP Sullom Voe Terminal
Review and audit of environmental management measures in place to ensure new pipeline and
additional storage required for the Clair field export are in place.
AFEN - AFEN Environmental Publication
Authorship of chapters on the water column (fish/plankton) and coastal protection for a publication
describing the environment of the Atlantic Margin west of Shetland and the survey work undertaken
by the Atlantic Frontier Environmental Network.
Gibb - Takoradi Thermal Plant Oil Spill Planning
Production of Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan and Spill Response
Plan for Takoradi Thermal Plant, Ghana. Included site visit for data gathering and coastal sensitivity
mapping. Spill plans covered both onshore and offshore operations.
OIC Harbours
Risk assessment and development of a safety management system under the Port Marine Safety
Code. Involved extensive consultation with harbour user groups and harbour personnel; production of
Standard Operating Procedures for harbour operations and development of a safety management
OIC Harbours
Update of oil spill contingency plans for all OIC Harbour operations including Scapa Flow Oil Port
and passenger/freight operations
BP - BP Clair Phase 1 EIA/ES
Clair EIA – lead technical consultant for the Clair development EIA, West of Shetland. Includes
providing wider environmental support to the Clair development team, in particular part of EIA team,
oil spill risk assessment, pipeline-fishery interactions and consultation with statutory and stakeholder
organisations (2000-2001). Particular involvement in consideration of implications of the Clair
development on a number of sites designated or proposed under both the EU Habitats and EU Birds
Directive. First major application of appropriate assessment for offshore and coastal habitats in the
Legislation register for Clair, Schiehallion and Foinaven Fields as part of ISO14000 requirements
OIC Harbours
Gap analysis of existing safety management system towards implementation of the Port Marine
Safety Code.
BP Amoco - Magnus EOR Onshore Pipeline EIA/ES
Consultancy input into Magnus EOR Onshore EIA being undertaken through Aquatera. Technical
authorship of environment description for onshore pipeline route. Included site survey of pipeline
Environment & Resource
Technology Ltd
Senior Consultant
April 1998 - April 2000
Fendercare Marine
Production of summary oil spill contingency plan for ship-to-ship transfer operations in Scapa Flow
Oil Port.
BP Exploration and Production - Faroese Licensing Round Applications
Consultancy support towards major oil company Faroese licensing round application. Application
was successful.
Texaco - Atlantic Margin Environmental Sensitivity Study
Environmental Sensitivity study for the Atlantic Margin. Both UK and Faroese sectors were
considered as part of this study. Consultant input.
Amerada Hess
Oil spill contingency plans for a number of North Sea wells. Project Manager and Lead Technical
Legislative reviews towards EIAs for further development drilling at BHP Douglas and Lennox Fields
in Liverpool Bay.
Legislation input on decommissioning study for platform offshore Spain. 1st decommissioning
programme to date in Spain and required looking to both international and national Spanish
legislation for advice on environmental standards and removal requirements.
Wide area fishery intensity study for potential pipeline corridor between Foinaven/Schiehallion fields
West of Shetland to Magnus field in northern North Sea. This study built upon work undertaken
previously in 1997 for BP Clair Fishery Study. Project Manager and Lead Technical Consultant.
Scoping and guidance on data requirements for oil spill contingency plan for exploration drilling
operation in Caspian Sea. Lead Technical Consultant.
Fishery study for Hannay tieback project. Project Manager.
Elf Exploration
Production of summary oil spill contingency guidelines for use by Flotta Terminal personnel.
Peer review and technical input into an oil spill plan for exploration drilling offshore Azerbaijan.
Environmental legislation guide for UK offshore oil and gas industry. Update of guide to include
new legislation. Technical author and editor.
Amerada Hess
Continued call-off contract for production of oil spill contingency plans for all AHL drilling
activities in North Sea.
Amerada Hess
Production of poster giving summary of offshore statutory environmental control for use
company wide.
Amerada Hess
Production of generic summary oil spill plan for all offshore drilling operations. Plan produced as
laminated guide to initial responses for offshore personnel.
Amerada Hess
Production of oil spill plan for exploration drilling operations in Dutch Netherlands sector of the
North Sea. Involved consultation with Dutch government agencies and development of a plan
template to meet Dutch reporting and response requirements.
Technical review and input into legislative compliance data sheets as part of the Company’s
Environmental Management System.
Legislative and regulatory standards input into a review of wastewater treatment and disposal
systems at Sullom Voe Terminal.
Project management and technical QA for production of electronic database for DTI oil spill
statistics from 1975 onwards.
Elf Exploration
Production of oil spill plan for Elf’s Fourth Round Asset, including the Piper, Claymore and Scapa
offshore production platforms, Main Oil Line and the Flotta Terminal.
Elf Exploration
Production of oil spill plan for Elf’s Elgin Franklin development drilling programme. Elgin-Franklin is a
HT-HP condensate development.
Ministry of Defence
Production of oil spill contingency plan for operations at HMS Royal Oak.
Ministry of Defence
Repeat of oil leak measurement study to ascertain current rate of oil leakage from HMS Royal Oak
in Scapa Flow. Project Manager.
Ministry of Defence
Scoping study for hydrodynamic survey of wreck towards improving design of canopy attachment
for collecting oil leaking from wreck. Project Manager.
Offshore environmental legislation as input into EIAs being undertaken by Mobil in-house.
OIC Harbours
Production of summary oil spill contingency guidelines for use by Pier Masters and Harbour
OIC Harbours - Oil Spill Contingency Planning
Production of oil spill plans to meet OPRC requirements for OIC Harbours harbour areas.
Harbours covered included small outer island ferry piers, the larger commercial harbours of
Stromness and Kirkwall as well as the Scapa Flow Oil Port.
Production of guidelines for wildlife emergency response on behalf of OWERG. Guidelines
included cetacean stranding and oil spills. Project Manager.
Amerada Hess
Since 1998 Zoe has been responsible for the co-ordination and technical QA of a call off contract
for production of oil spill contingency plans for drilling operations in central and northern North
Sea. A large number of plans have been produced for oil, gas and condensate exploration, appraisal
and development drilling programmes.
Update of compliance register for AHL ISO14001 EMS.
Production of oil spill contingency plans for drilling operations in Southern Gas Basin, UKCS (Block
ARCO British Ltd
Peer review of legislative standards report towards preparation of Environmental Management
System for ARCO British Ltd UK operations
Production of oil spill contingency plans for drilling operations West of Shetland, UKCS.
Esso Nigeria - EIA/ES Exploration Drilling Offshore Nigeria
Environmental impact assessment for exploration drilling offshore Nigeria. Consultant input.
Georgia Pipeline Co
Position paper on introduction of alien species in tanker ballast and current treatment protocols.
Ministry of Defence
Sublittoral and coastal survey around HMS Royal Oak to identify current levels of impact resulting
from the leakage of oil from the wreck. Project Manager. ROV survey of wreck also undertaken.
Mobil - Linnhe Decommissioning BPEO Study
BPEO for decommissioning programme for Linnhe subsea facilities. Project Manager and Lead
Shell - Seismic Survey Offshore Morocco EIA/ES
Production of environmental description for EIA for proposed seismic activities offshore Morocco.
Fishery study for Orion tieback over Clyde in central North Sea.
Environment & Resource
Technology Ltd
April 1994 - April 1998
BP Exploration - BP Schiehallion Phase 1 EIA/ES
Project manager and major technical input into production of ES for the BP Schiehallion
development. Document was produced for public consultation exercise being undertaken.
Agip UK
Production of legislative compliance requirements towards the preparation for ISO14001
Amerada Hess
Production of legislative compliance requirements towards the preparation for ISO14001
certification by Amerada Hess.
Undertaking of tanker trials on behalf of oil tag manufacture to determine feasibility of addition of
tag to cargo and bunker and ease of detection in sampled oil. Project Manager.
BP Exploration - BP Clair Field Pipeline Routes EIA/ES
Technical input into preliminary EIA of potential pipeline routes from BP Clair Field to Flotta and
Sullom Voe oil terminals.
BP Exploration - BP Clair Offshore Loading Environmental Assessment
Technical input (including risk assessment) into EIA for the potential offshore loading option for the
Clair development, west of Shetland.
Esso Nigeria - Exploration Drilling Offshore Nigeria EIA/ES
Production of environmental description for EIA for proposed exploration drilling operations offshore
Peer review of risk assessment of oil spill from HMS Royal Oak produced by MOD personnel
BP Exploration - BP Clair Fishing Intensity Study
Project management and technical authorship of major fishery study for potential pipeline corridors
from BP Clair field. Demersal and pelagic fisheries were investigated including fishing effort and
landings. Statistical data from range of North Sea national fishery authorities was analysed and
mapped. Historical trends were examined using ICES data. In addition, mariculture and salmon farm
production in coastal waters were examined.
Marathon Ireland - SW Kinsale EIA/ES
Environmental impact assessment for the South West Kinsale development, offshore Southern
Ireland. Consultant input.
MOD - HMS Royal Oak EIA/ES
Environmental assessment of likely impacts of an oil spill from HMS Royal Oak in Scapa Flow.
Involved consideration of engineering solutions for removal of oil from the wreck. Lead Consultant and
Project Manager. Results of assessment were presented to team of MOD and Navy personnel.
Undertaking of series of tanker trials to test oil tagging in field. Continuation of research undertaken
in 1996. Project Manager.
SEPA - Offshore Decommissioning Waste Disposal Review
Review of international, European and national legislative requirements for decommissioning
and disposal of offshore structures as part of study examining implications of decommissioning
needs on Scottish waste handling and infrastructure on behalf of the Scottish Environment Protection
Agency (SEPA).
Since 1996 Zoë has had the project management and technical authorship responsibilities for the UK
oil and gas industry environmental legislation guide. This publication is used widely as a
reference by the industry.
Marine Safety Agency - Tagging of Shipping Oily Waste Research Programme
Research programme into the feasibility of active tagging of oil cargo and bunker as a means
of identification of illegal discharges of oil into the sea. Project Manger and Lead Consultant.
Project involved initial feasibility study followed by practicability trials to investigate behaviour of oil
tags in weathered oil. Both papers were presented to IMO MEPC for consideration as tool in pollution
BP Exploration
From 1996 to 1998 Zoë was responsible for the legislative and policy analysis input into a series of
EIAs undertaken for BP developments west of Shetland, including Schiehallion and Clair.
Esso Exploration
Identification of environmental sensitivities towards 17th UK Offshore Licensing application for
area to West of Shetland.
Shell - Mallard EIA/ES
Environmental impact assessment for the Mallard development in the North Sea. Consultant input.
Shell - Gannet E&F EIA/ES
Environmental description, fishery data and legislative input for update of EIA for Gannet E and F
sub-sea tiebacks to the Gannet A platform.
Elf Exploration
Secondment into the Elf office for the production of Environmental PR Brochure for all Elf
Exploration UK. Led to undertaking update for Flotta Terminal Brochure in 1996. Project Manager.
Amerada Hess
Data collection and authorship of environmental description for Perth field EIA.
Marathon - SW Kinsale Area EIA/ES
Legislative and policy interpretation and input for an EIA for the SW Kinsale Area gas storage
development offshore Eire.
Critical review of risk assessment (including oil spill) undertaken for BP Foinaven development on
behalf of Shetland and Orkney Island Councils.
Amerada Hess - WOS Pipeline Route Study EIA/ES
Technical input into two preliminary EIAs for a potential pipeline route and potential
development options West of Shetland.
Technical input on the development of environmental standards for the oil and gas industry into
a study funded by the UK Department of Trade and Industry which examined the role of
environmental legislation in promoting technological development in the offshore oil and gas industry.
Analysis of fishery statistics for input into Gannet E and F EIA.
Western Isles Council
Legislative analysis of EU Directive requirements for the provision of waste-water treatment facilities
in Stornoway, Isle of Lewis.
Member of dive team for sublittoral survey following Braer oil spill. Involved input into Marine Nature
Conservation Review marine habitat descriptions.
Elf Exploration
Member of dive team for Flotta effluent discharge seabed survey to meet HMIPI/SEPA
requirements. Regular member of survey team 1993-1998.
Xodus Group
First name and initials:
Job Title:
Professional Affiliations:
CEng :
First year in Oil and Gas:
No. Years Experience:
Summary of Experience:
General environmental pedigree, particularly relating to pollution control and a special interest in
island issues was recognised in 1995 by appointment to the first Board of the then new regulatory
body - Scottish Environment Protection Agency, SEPA. The width and depth of offshore experience
has been recognised by both industry and regulatory agencies in the UK and internationally.
In the oil and gas industry sector key experience includes:
• detailed knowledge of the oil and gas industry internationally, with over 30 years consultancy,
contract services, research and training experience with most major international operators;
• good understanding of environmental management issues, ranging from policy, regulation and
impact assessment through to definition of engineering solutions;
• understanding of wider, particularly environmental technology, market opportunities, with contacts
throughout relevant industry and governmental agencies;
• 40 years academic/training experience at all levels from in-house company training to advanced
post-graduate teaching, with strong interests in issues across policy - environmental science engineering interfaces;
• proven track record in project development and management, with strong innovative/lateral thinking
abilities; and above all,
• strong commitment to provision of top-level independent professional support, working for industry
and government agencies.
Have a strong interest and expertise in political: stakeholder issues in environmental decision making,
e.g. making company director level presentations on key issues, providing facilitator role in
stakeholder meetings, and leading company in-house environmental workshops (e.g. ENVIDEnvironmental Issue Identification workshops). Increasingly invited to peer review projects.
Both oil industry and wider regulator (e.g. SEPA and DTI) experience has helped develop a strong
interest in the interpretation of global environmental issues, from scientific, perceived public and
political viewpoints, notably:
• global warming
• biodiversity
• sustainable development.
Previous Experience
Director, Digitata Ltd, formerly Johnston Environmental Ltd (since 2004) Director, Orkney Seaweed
Company Ltd (since 1988)
Posts previously held
Board Member Scottish Environment Protection Agency (1995-99)
Director, Institute of Offshore Engineering, Heriot-Watt University (1980-1992) Managing Director,
Environment & Resource Technology Ltd (1982-1997) Managing Director, Orkney Water Test Centre
Ltd (1986-1997)
Director, Orkney Enterprise Ltd. (1990-98)
Director, IOE Group (1993-1997)
Director, Johnston Environmental Ltd (1998 – 2004)
Examples of Specific Consultancy Studies (post 1995):
2002-present : Johnston Environmental Ltd, now Digitata Ltd
[in ‘attempted retirement’ some strategic confidential studies (not listed) –and some limited general
studies often in collaboration with other consultants], including:
Xodus Group/BP – Independent Peer Committee for BP Miller decommissioning programme (20082009)
Aquatera – peer reviews of studies relating to renewable energy generation and power transmission
Aurora Environmental –peer review of study relating to Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and
related offshore EOR/CO2 disposal (2006)
Aquatera – peer reviews of projects such as tanker-tanker transfer and fishmeal processing (2006)
Orkney Enterprise & Orkney Islands Council –Feasibility of Continued Development of an
International Centre for Postgraduate Teaching and Research –in collaboration with Aquatera Ltd
Total E&P UK PLC –Peer Review of MCP-01 Decommissioning EIA (2004)
Department of Trade and Industry - Peer Review of Environmental Statements (2002-2005)
Department of Trade and Industry - Strategic Environmental Assessment - Peer Review/Steering
Group roles (2002-2005)
BP - Clair Field Development –Development of drilling cuttings disposal BPEO (2003 - 2004)
BP – Schiehallion Field: Ongoing ‘umbrella’ Development - Environmental Assessment; in
conjunction with Aurora Environmental Ltd (2002- 2004)
Petro-Canada UK - Grebe (Pict) Field Environmental Assessment; in conjunction with Aurora
Environmental Ltd (2003)
Confidential Clients: Peer review of OCR chemical permit preparation (2002- 2003)
BP - Clair Field Development - Environmental Assessment/ Devices; Register in conjunction with
Aurora Environmental Ltd (2002- 2003)
1998-2002 : Johnston Environmental Ltd (some in collaboration with other consultants)
BP –Schiehallion Field: Phase 4 Development – Environmental Assessment; in conjunction with
Aurora Environmental Ltd (2001- 2002)
BP - Clair Field Development - Environmental Assessment/ Preparation of Environmental Statement;
in conjunction with Aurora Environmental Ltd (2000-2001)
Shell UK –Pilot Study (Meeting) –Biomass for Fuel Production (2000)
Department of Trade and Industry - Peer Review of Environmental Statements (1999-2002)
Department of Trade and Industry - Strategic Environmental Assessment - Peer Review Role (19992002)
Orkney Enterprise/Elf Petroleum / ERT - Flotta Facilities: Opportunities Assessment (1999 - 2000)
OKIOC - Awareness Training - Kazakhstan Officials, UK visit (1999)
Department of Trade and Industry - Environmental Advisor - St Kilda Heritage Site Appraisal (1999)
ERM / Statoil UK - Environmental Awareness Training (1999-2000)
Statoil UK –Environmental management, including preparation for ISO 14001 EMS (1999)
Confidential Client - review of COMAH requirements (1999)
Confidential Client - review of IPC requirements (1999)
BP Amoco - Development of Environmental Regulatory Framework for Azerbaijan offshore
operations, including detailed work on BPEO and EQS setting procedures (1998 - 1999)
Elf Petroleum - Environmental Awareness Training - Flotta Terminal Workforce (1999)
1995 – 1998: Environment & Resource Technology Ltd
ARCO - environmental management, including preparation for ISO 14001(peer reviewing and
strategic inputs)
Elf UK - Oil Terminal waste minimization planning within IPC requirements, including ENVID (1998)
Shell - Mandarin:Turnstone Development, EIA incorporating an ENVID (1998)
Elf UK - Confidential Project - involving BPEO assessment (1998)
Shell - Penguin Development : ENVID (1997), within a wider EA programme
Jacques Whitford - Terra Nova Project-Newfoundland; consultancy and peer reviews on EA and
baseline study design (1997-98)
Amerada Hess - Client at all UK sites taken through by ERT team to ISO 14001(1997-98); the first UK
oil company to achieve this certification across all sites and activities
Confidential Client - Reputation Management Assessment (1998)
BP - Pipeline Options for Clair Development: potential marine and overland routes (1997)
Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) -Decommissioning of offshore oil and gas
installations; including onshore implications (1997).
ODCP - Decommissioning of offshore structures: Energy use considerations (1997)
Confidential Client - Assessment of Accuracy of Greenpeace / NGO positions regarding West of
Shetland developments (1997)
BP - Schiehallion Development and the Environment - review of environmental assessments and
preparation of EA overview (1997)
BP - several contracts to provide peer review and facilitator roles at both internal and stakeholder
meetings (1996-1998)
Details of Experience:
Xodus Group – Key
f_XodusDates Present