VTU – Edusat Programme – 5th Semester Mechanical - ME 55 – Control Engineering 1 SYSTEM ANALYSIS USING LOGARITHMIC PLOTS (BODE PLOTS) Frequency Response: The term frequency response refers to the steady state response of a system subjected to a sinusoidal input of fixed amplitude, but with the frequency varied over some range. This concept is illustrated in the figure shown, in which a linear system is forced by an input a sin t. b (sinωt+Φ) a sinωt Input a b 0 Φ Output Frequency Response The output is b Sin (t + ). The expression for the output is given in general form in which + indicates the addition of an angle which may be either positive or negative. The input and output wave forms are as shown and of interest is the ratio of the amplitudes and the phase angle , both of which are functions of frequency. This ratio, is commonly called as “Magnitude Ratio” and will be designated as M(). The phase angle (or phase Shift) will be denoted by () The main concern is . . . . ? “Determining the frequency response information analytically although such data can be obtained experimentally if the system exists” VTU – Edusat Programme – 5th Semester Mechanical - ME 55 – Control Engineering 2 Procedure to obtain frequency response data analytically. Step.1: Obtain transfer function for the element or combination of elements o( S ) F (S ) involved i.e., I (S ) Step.2: In the transfer function replace S, by Jw (Justification . . . . ?) Step.3: For various values of frequency , determine the magnitude ratio ‘M’ and the phase angle . Step.4: Plot the results form the above step 3, in polar co-ordinate or rectangular coordinator form. These plots are not only convenient means for presenting frequency response data, but are also the basis for analytical and design methods. Frequency response data can be presented in rectangular co-ordinate form. The most useful representation is a “logarithmic” plot which consists of two graphs one consists of logarithm of | G(j) | and the other phase angle of G(Jw) both plotted against frequency in “logarithmic scale”. These plots are called “BODE PLOTS” The standard representation of the logarithmic magnitude of G(Jw) 20 log10 |G(Jw)| decibels. is Here curves are drawn on Semi-log paper, using log scale for frequency and the linear scale for either magnitude (db) or phase angle (degrees). The main advantage of using the log-plot is that multiplication of magnitudes can be converted into additions. Basic Factors: Four basic factors, i) Constant (Gain K) ii) Integral & derivative factors, j 1 (Zeros or poles at origin) iii) First order factor 1 jT 1 (Simple zeros or poles) iv) Quadratic factors, 2 jw jw 1 2 n n 1 VTU – Edusat Programme – 5th Semester Mechanical - ME 55 – Control Engineering 3 We can draw log plots of these basic factions, then it is possible to use these basic plots to construct a composite log plot of any general factors of G (jw) H(jw) by sketching curves for each factor and adding individual curves graphically because adding log of gains corresponds to multiplying them together Now, the standard representation of logarithmic magnitude of G(jw) = 20 log10 | G(j) | Unit, = decibels (db) Mag = 20 log10 | G(jw) | db 1 3 5 7 1 + 80 + 60 + 40 (M) + 20 ZERO db - 20 - 40 - 60 0.1 1.0 10 2 10 103 104 Seme – Log Graph Sheet Gain K : K (indb) = 20 log10 K db i.e A log-mag curve for a constant gain K, is a horizontal straight line at the magnitude of 20 log10 K db The phase angle of K is ZERO |M| = 20 log10 K = ZERO VTU – Edusat Programme – 5th Semester Mechanical - ME 55 – Control Engineering 1 3 5 7 1 + 80 a. Gain K K 1 (i) (K)-1 + 60 K = 102 + 40 (K)+1 (M) + 20 K = 10 ZERO K = 10 - 20 db (K)-1 K = 102 - 40 - 60 0.1 1.0 10 103 2 10 104 (b) Integral or derivative factor i) jw1, 1 = -20 log10 jw |M| = 20 log 1 10 100 1000 1 jw = -20 log10 db M Zero - 20 - 40 - 60 Slope = -20 db / decade = - tan- = - 90 1 3 5 7 1 + 80 + 60 b. Integral or derivative factor j 1 (i) (J)-1 + 40 (M) + 20 ZERO db - 20 (J)-1 -20 db/decade, Slope, - 40 - 60 0.1 1.0 10 2 10 103 104 4 VTU – Edusat Programme – 5th Semester Mechanical - ME 55 – Control Engineering ii) jw1 M = 20 log |jw| = 20 log10 |w| db 1 10 102 103 M Zero + 20 + 40 + 60 Slope = + 20 db / decade = + tan = + 90 1 3 5 7 1 + 80 + 60 b. Integral or derivative factor j 1 (ii) (J)+1 + 40 (J)+1 (M) + 20 +20 db/decade, Slope, ZERO db - 20 - 40 - 60 0.1 1.0 10 2 10 103 104 5 VTU – Edusat Programme – 5th Semester Mechanical - ME 55 – Control Engineering What about j n 1 ( j ) n (iii) (a) (j)-n = M = 20 log 1 ( j ) n = -20 log (j)n = -20 x n log (j) Slope = - 20 x n db / decade Similarly = - 90 x n (b) (j)+n M = 20 log (j)n = 20 x n log (j) Slope = 20 x n db / decade Similarly = + 90 x n 1 3 5 7 1 + 80 + 60 b (iii) j n + 40 + 60 db/de (n=3) + 40 db/de (n=2) j n (M) + 20 ZERO db j n - 20 - 40 - 40 db/de (n=2) - 60 - 60 db/de (n=3) 2 10 103 10 0.1 1.0 104 6 VTU – Edusat Programme – 5th Semester Mechanical - ME 55 – Control Engineering + 160 b. (iii) j n + 120 n=4 + 80 n=3 j + 40 n=2 n ZERO - 40 db n=2 j n - 80 - 120 0.01 0.1 1.0 (c) First order factors : (1 + jwT) (i) (1 + jwT)-1 = M = 20 log10= 1 (1 jwT ) 1 (1 jwT ) = - 20 log10 (1 + jwT) = - 20 log10 12 2T 2 db For low frequencies , i.e., < < i.e. T << 1 Then M = -20log10 1= 0, (ZERO) If t >> 1 i.e., T >> 1 T Then M = -20 log10 T db 1 T 1 n=3 n=4 102 10 103 7 VTU – Edusat Programme – 5th Semester Mechanical - ME 55 – Control Engineering Now 1 T 10 T 10 T 8 M Zero - 20 Slope = - 20 db / decade - 40 = - tan-1 T 0 0 1 - tan-1 1 = -45 T = - tan-1 = - 90 + 80 C First order Factors 1 jT 1 + 60 + 40 (i) 1 jT 1 T = 0.1 (M) + 20 CF = ZERO db - 20 1 T = 10 -20 db/de - 40 1 T - 60 0.1 1.0 10 10 T 2 10 102 T 103 104 VTU – Edusat Programme – 5th Semester Mechanical - ME 55 – Control Engineering (ii) (1+ J T) +1 | M | = 20 log | 1 + J T | = 20 log10 db 12 2T 2 Now, for low frequencies, i.e << 1 T i.e, T << 1 |M| = 20 log10 = Zero If T >> 1, Then, |M| = 20 log10 T db If (M) 1 T 10 T Zero + 20 db 10 2 T + 40 db 103 T + 60 db = - tan-1 Slope = +20 db/decade (T) 0 0 1 T tan-1 1 = 45 tan-1 = 90 9 VTU – Edusat Programme – 5th Semester Mechanical - ME 55 – Control Engineering + 80 C First order Factors 1 jT 1 + 60 (ii) 1 jT 1 + 40 (M) + 20 +20 db/de T = 0.1 CF = 10 ZERO - 20 db 1 T - 40 10 T 102 T - 60 0.1 + 80 + 60 + 40 1.0 10 2 10 ZERO - 20 - 40 - 60 0.1 104 C First order Factors1 jT 1 3 1 (iii) 2 1 jT 1 (M) + 20 db 103 1.0 10 2 10 T CF 1 0.2 5.0 2 0.4 2.5 3 0.8 1.25 1 1 2 1 jT 3 103 104 10 VTU – Edusat Programme – 5th Semester Mechanical - ME 55 – Control Engineering (iii) for (1+jT) n We can show that in case of (1+jT)-n db decade Slope = - 20 x n for n = 2 Slope = -40 db/de =3 : 10 = -60 db/de : = -200 db/de again, = - tan-1 T x n + 80 n=4 C First order 1 Factors 1 jT + 60 + 40 n=3 1 jT n (iv) n=2 (M) + 20 ZERO db - 20 n=2 1 jT n - 40 n=3 - 60 0.1 1.0 10 In case of (1+jT)+n Slope = +20 x n db/decade and = tan-1 T x n 2 10 103 104 11 VTU – Edusat Programme – 5th Semester Mechanical - ME 55 – Control Engineering 12 HOW TO GET FIRST ORDER FACTORS: Consider the system shown in figure the differential equation is x C dy ky kxt dt K . c . y k xt y k x(t ) k y C Taking laplace, and rearranging the terms, we get transfer function. TF Where C k Y (S ) 1 1 X ( S ) 1 S 1 TS = Time constant = T Now making substitution, S=J and assuming some suitable value for = 0.1 see, yields 1 Y ( j ) = 1 j x ( j ) = 1 1 0 .1 j Now a table can be constructed giving the magnitude ratio M(w) and the phase angle (w) To illustrate this, let w = 10, as an example, Y x = = 1 1 j1 1 1.41 = 0.71 = 45 45 1 1 12 2 VTU – Edusat Programme – 5th Semester Mechanical - ME 55 – Control Engineering 13 Based on the above calculation for different values of , = 0, 2,5,10 . . . . . . . can be tabulated as shown below (rad/sec) M() () (degrees) Zero O 1.0 Zero 2 0.98 -11.3 5 0.89 -26.6 10 0.71 -45 20 0.45 -63.4 40 0.24 -76.0 0.00 -90 (rad/sec) M() M=20log10M (decibels) O 1.0 Zero 2 0.98 -0.175 5 0.89 -1.01 10 0.71 -2.97 20 0.45 -6.93 40 0.24 -12.39 0.00 HOW TO GET QUADRATIC FACTORS: Consider k-m-c, system as shown the differential equation, is .. x and transfer function is K Y (s) k 2 X ( s ) Ms CS k M C . M y cy k y kx(t ) y 1 M 2 C s S 1 k k 1 s 2 S 1 2 n n 2 VTU – Edusat Programme – 5th Semester Mechanical - ME 55 – Control Engineering 14 To form a tabular column, as done earlier, let us assume, natural frequency = 10 rad/sec and a damping ratio of 0.5, and making the substitution s = j,yields, 1 Y ( j ) = 2 0.01( j ) 0.1 j 1 x ( j ) = 1 (1 0.01 2 ) j.0.1 Now, a table is made giving the magnitude ratio and phase angle for various values of , let =5, as an example, then Y x = 1 (0 1.25) j 0.5 = 1 0 .9 -33.7 = 1.11 -33.7 M() () (degrees) O 1.0 Zero 2 1.02 -11.8 5 1.11 -33.7 8 1.14 -65.8 10 1.0 -90 12 0.78 -110.1 15 0.51 -129.8 20 0.28 -146.3 40 0.06 -165.1 70 0.02 -171.7 0.00 -180.0 (rad/sec) VTU – Edusat Programme – 5th Semester Mechanical - ME 55 – Control Engineering (rad/sec) M() M() (decibels) O 1.0 Zero 2 1.02 0.172 5 1.11 0.906 8 1.14 1.138 10 1.0 Zero 12 0.78 -2.15 15 0.51 -5.84 20 0.28 -11.5 40 0.06 -24.43 70 0.02 -33.97 0.00 15 VTU – Edusat Programme – 5th Semester Mechanical - ME 55 – Control Engineering 2 j j 1 2 n n (d) Quadratic factors: (i) 2 j j 1 2 n n = M = 20 log10 1 1 2 j j 1 2 n n 2 = -20 log10 1 2 j j n n 2 = -20 log10 1 2 j 2 n n 1/ 2 2 2 2 = -20 log10 1 2 2 n n If << If >> n , then (M) = - 20 log10 1 = ZERO db n , then, (M) = - 20 log10 n 2 db = - 40 log10 n n , If = n = 102 n = 10 M = -40 log1 = ZERO = -40 log10 = -40 db = -40 log102 = -80 db Slope = -40 db/decade 1 16 VTU – Edusat Programme – 5th Semester Mechanical - ME 55 – Control Engineering Phase angle: 2 / n 2 1 / n = - tan-1 The phase angle is a function of both and If = 0, = - tan-1 0 = ZERO 2 0 = -tan-1 2 = n = -tan-1 = 1 = -tan = - 90 = - 180 3 5 7 1 + 80 (d) Quadratic factors + 60 + 40 1 (i) [ 2 j j 1 2 n n ] -1 3 5 7 1 1 + 80 (M) + 20 (C) Quadratic factors + 60 ZERO (ii) [ ] -1 C.F = 1.0 + -40 20 C.F = 1.0 db Slope:+40 db/de (M) +-20 40 - 60 ZERO db Slope:-40 db/de 0.1 1.0 0.1 1.0 10 2 10 103 104 - 20 - 40 - 60 10 102 103 104 17 VTU – Edusat Programme – 5th Semester Mechanical - ME 55 – Control Engineering 18 VTU – Edusat Programme – 5th Semester Mechanical - ME 55 – Control Engineering 19