Course Syllabus 1. Program of study Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science Mahidol Univesity International College, Faculty of Science and Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies Mahidol University ICEN 421 Water and Wastewater Treatment 4 (4-0-8) None Elective 1/2014 2. Course Code Course Title 3. Number of Credits 4. Prerequisite 5. Type of course 6. Session/Academic Year 7. Condition 8. Course Description Water and wastewater characteristic; sources and uses of water, municipal and agricultural water uses; water standard; water quality testing; principle of water and wastewater treatment technology consist of physical, chemical and biological treatment methods. 9. Course Objectives - To be able to describe uses of water, municipal and agricultural water uses. - To be able to explain physical, chemical and biological characteristics and sources of water and wastewater. - To be able to describe water quality testing. - To understand the physical, chemical, and biological treatment methods of water and wastewater. 10. Course Outline Week Topic 1 Wastewater characteristics: 19 Sep - Quantity and quality - Sources of wastewater - General processes in wastewater treatment Physical wastewater treatment 2 methods 26 Sep Chemical wastewater treatment 3 methods 3 Oct Biological wastewater treatment 4 methods I: 10 Oct Aerobic processes Hours Instructor Lec. Lab Self study 4 0 8 Dr. Chulaporn Kamnerdpetch 4 0 8 4 0 8 4 0 8 Dr. Chulaporn Kamnerdpetch Dr. Chulaporn Kamnerdpetch Dr. Chulaporn Kamnerdpetch Week 5 17 Oct 6 24 Oct 7 31 Oct 8 7 Nov 9 14 Nov 10 21 Nov 11 28 Nov 9 Dec Topic Biological wastewater treatment methods II: Anaerobic processes Sludge treatment and disposal Hours8 Lec. Lab Self study 4 0 8 4 0 8 Midterm Examination Water quality and usage, Preliminary 4 0 treatment 4 0 Aeration, Coagulation Flocculation, 4 0 Sedimentation Filtration, Disinfection, 4 0 Clear well Carbon adsorption, Membrane 4 0 technology, Sludge treatment Final Examination8 Total 44 0 Instructor Dr. Chulaporn Kamnerdpetch Dr. Chulaporn Kamnerdpetch 8 Dr. Bundit Channarong 8 Dr. Bundit Channarong 8 Dr. Bundit Channarong 8 Dr. Bundit Channarong 8 Dr. Bundit Channarong 88 11. Teaching Methods Lecture, class exercise 12. Teaching Media Textbooks, LCD projector and some hand out. 13. Measurement and evaluation of student achievement 13.1 Mid-term Examination full score 49 13.2 Final Examination full score 41 13.3 Class Attention full score 10 Attendance at least 80 percent of class times are required in order to be able to take the examination and obtain a grade. Grading system is as followed; Final Score Final Grade 90 - 100 85 - 89 80 - 84 75 - 79 70 - 74 65 - 69 60 - 64 Below 60 A B+ B C+ C D+ D F Grade point equivalent 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0 14. Course Evaluation 14.1 Evaluate as indicated in number 13 above. 14.2 Evaluate student’ satisfaction towards teaching and learning of the course using a questionnaire. 15. References Metcalf and Eddy, Inc.Revised by George Tchobanaoglous. Wastewater Engineering: Treatment. Disposal, Reuse, 2 nd.ed., New Delhi : McGraw-Hill, 1990. N.F.Gray. Biology of Wastewater Treatment, New York : Oxford University Press, 1989. D. Toth and D. Tomasovicova. Microbial interactions with chemical water pollution. Ellis Horwood Limited, 1989. American water works association. Water quality and treatment: a handbook of community water supplies. 4 th ed., McGraw-Hill, 1990. 16. Instructor 16.1 Dr. Chulaporn Kamnerdpetch; Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies e-mail: - Aj.Bundit Channarong; Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies e-mail: 17. Course Coordinator Dr. Chulaporn Kamnerdpetch