COMMUNICATOR Volume LIII, Number 3 May, 2014 THE PENNSYLVANIA HIGH SCHOOL SPEECH LEAGUE Susquehanna University 514 University Avenue Selinsgrove, PA 17870-1164 Tel: (570) 372-4300 Fax: (570) 372-2757 rd Our 53 Year Larry D. Augustine, Executive Director Volume LIII, Number 3 Codie Nevil Sauers, Secretary May, 2014 Contents Director’s Page...........................................................................................................5 2014-2015 Calendar ...................................................................................................6 Meeting Minutes ........................................................................................................7 Executive Board & Election Results..........................................................................8 Tournament Participation...........................................................................................9 Drama Participation ...................................................................................................10 Financial Summary ....................................................................................................11 2014-2015 Debate Topic............................................................................................11 Sweepstakes Trophy ..................................................................................................12 PHSSL Sweepstakes ..................................................................................................13 Commentary...............................................................................................................14 Dramatic Interpretation ..............................................................................................16 Duo Interpretation ......................................................................................................18 Extemporaneous Speaking .........................................................................................19 Humorous Dramatic Literature ..................................................................................20 Impromptu Speaking ..................................................................................................22 Informative Speaking .................................................................................................24 Lincoln-Douglas Debate ............................................................................................26 Parliamentary Debate .................................................................................................29 Persuasive Speaking...................................................................................................31 Poetry, Interpretation of .............................................................................................32 Policy Debate .............................................................................................................34 Prose, Interpretation of...............................................................................................37 Public Forum Debate .................................................................................................38 Radio Announcing .....................................................................................................43 2014 Radio Announcing Scripts ................................................................................43 Student Congress Resolution .....................................................................................45 Student Congress: House & Senate ...........................................................................46 Hall of Fame ..............................................................................................................53 FORMS ......................................................................................................................54 Membership Form (Includes 2 Membership rates…NEW FORM…) Insurance Form Calendar of Events Listing Form DIRECTOR’S PAGE Even though in the last two years, the 500 schools districts across the state have not received State funding to the degree they did before, it remains evident, however, that many school districts still believe that forensic competition is worthwhile. This is evidenced by the number of schools entering the competition in PHSSL’s Drama competition, District tournaments, and the State tournament. We, who are involved in this activity, know how important and needed education is in the areas of theatre, debate, and communication. I want to thank all the forensic directors and coaches who continue to sustain forensic programs at their schools and who spend countless hours coaching and preparing students for these speech and drama activities. Also, I want to thank those persons who serve the PHSSL organization in various ways: being a District Chair; perform Drama Coordinator duties; lead the organization by being an Executive Board member; and assist Codie and me during the year. Also, various members of the university community need to be thanked because without them, our organization could not function at Susquehanna. They are President Jay Lemons, Provost Linda McMillin; Dean of Arts and Sciences Valerie Martin; and Chris Markle Director of Admissions. These individuals consistently show their continued interest and support of PHSSL. This third issue of The Communicator not only summarizes the activities for this academic year, but it also includes information for next year. If you find any mistakes that need correction, please let Codie know so the matter(s) can be taken care of immediately. Election results for the four annual Executive Board position are as follows: Lisa Bompiani-Smith, Nathan Lawver, Kathleen O’Halloran, and Beth Young Also, I want to thank all those individuals who showed interest in becoming a Board member by having their names placed on the ballot. The Executive Board will be meeting at Susquehanna University on Saturday, July 12. If you want to place an item on the agenda, please let me, Codie or one of the Executive Board members know so the matter can be discussed. And, finally, I want to wish you a Happy Summer. Please take the time to get rejuvenated and refreshed, so when fall comes, we can start another successful year for forensics! Larry Augustine Executive Director PHSSL 2014-2015 Calendar 2014 Calendar November 23 Regional Drama Festival Deadline Each region must complete their Regional Drama Festival no later than today's date. November 25 Deadline for Regional Coordinators to Submit Regional Drama Festival Results Drama Festival Report forms can be found on the 'Forms/Documents' section of the PHSSL website. (Forms can be faxed or emailed to the number/address listed on the top of the form.) November 25 Deadline for Qualifying Schools to Submit State Drama Festival Registration State Registration forms can be found on the 'Forms/Documents' section of the PHSSL website. (Forms can be faxed or emailed to the number/address listed on the top of the form, and fee's may be mailed with registrations or brought the day of the Festival.) December 5 & 6 State Drama Festival Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove Contact: Codie Nevil Sauers ( or 570-372-4300) 2015 Calendar February 22 DISTRICT TOURNAMENT DEADLINE All District Tournaments must be completed by February 22 in order for competitors to qualify for the State Tournament. March 4 ALL DISTRICT REPORTS ARE DUE NO LATER THAN THIS DATE All District Chairs are to submit their District’s report to the State Office no later than today’s date. The forms can be found on the ‘Forms/Documents’ section on the PHSSL website. (Forms can be faxed or emailed to the number/address listed on the top of the form.) March 6 REGISTRATION MUST BE COMPLETED FOR THE STATE TOURNAMENT Coaches are to register all qualifiers/participants on the Joy of Tournaments website by March 6 ( Contact: Codie Nevil Sauers ( or 570-372-4300) March 19 Executive Board Meeting ~ Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove March 20 & 21 2015 State Tournament Susquehanna University Contact: Codie Nevil Sauers ( or 570-372-4300) PENNSYLVANIA HIGH SCHOOL SPEECH LEAGUE EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING – MARCH 27, 2014 CALL TO ORDER The Executive Board of the Pennsylvania High School Speech League was called to order at 1:30 PM, on Thursday, March 27 in Meeting Room 2, Degenstein Campus Center, Susquehanna University with the following members present: Lisa Bompiani-Smith, Keith Brosious, John Buettler, Barbara Giuliano, David Long, Sharon Volpe, Kate O’Halloran, Ellen Boyer, William Murray, Hugh Ringer, Beth Young, Larry Augustine, Executive Director, and Codie Nevil Sauers, Secretary. Michael Nailor was absent during a portion of the meeting due to teaching obligations. Neil Strine, and Lorinda Krause were excused from the meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the July 13, 2013, board meeting were reviewed. Motion: Mr. Murray Second: Mr. Long. Passed unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Augustine welcomed everyone to the meeting. Telephone numbers were provided for the tournament. Mr. Augustine announced that the terms of Lisa Bompiani-Smith, William Murray, Kathleen O’Halloran and Beth Young expire at the end of the 2013-2014 fiscal year. Three Board members agreed to run for another term. William Murray notified the Board that he will not be seeking re-election to the Board this year. An announcement was made that anyone providing a nomination should turn their nomination in to Mr. Augustine by the end of the PHSSL tournament to be included on the ballot for the 2014-2015 Executive Board election. Mr. Augustine announced the 2014-2015 dates for the Drama Festival and the State Tournament: December 5 & 6, and March 20 & 21, respectively. Anthony Figliola was awarded the 2013-2014 NFHS Outstanding Speech, Debate and Theatre Educator Award in our region. DIRECTOR’S REPORT As an informational item, Mr. Augustine gave the financial report (Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss statement depicting the Income and Expenses) from July 1, 2013 through March, 2014. Motion to accept Financial Report made. Motion: Mr. Long Second: Mr. Buettler. Passed unanimously. Mr. Augustine announced that Mr. Stephen Medoff & Ms. Kathryn Gingerich were elected into the Hall of Fame for 2014. There was a 44% return rate on the ballots sent for Hall of Fame nominations; 67 ballots were sent and 31 returned. Mr. Murray discussed his standing as a representative of the NFHS Summer Meeting, and part of the Debate Topic Committee. As such, he has agreed to stay on the committee for the remainder of this year, and has asked that someone consider entering into that position next year as he is leaving. OLD BUSINESS No old business brought up NEW BUSINESS The date for the July PHSSL Executive Board meeting was discussed, and it was determined to hold the meeting on Saturday, July 12, with a second day reserved for Sunday, July 13, if needed. 2014 TOURNAMENT ITEMS Mr. Augustine provided the WIFI passcode for access at the tournament. The Persuasive Speaking events will be held at the Selinsgrove High School on Friday. Mr. Augustine reminded the Executive Board: “No announcements about events at the high school or elementary school are to be made at the 2:45 PM meeting, as they will be made at the high school or elementary school.” Mr. Augustine requested that it be announced at the judges’ meeting that all cell phones are to be turned off during rounds. Mr. Augustine reminded all Executive Board members that the buffet would be held in the Evert Dining Hall between 9:00-11:45 PM. Executive Board members were asked to volunteer to work the Registration Table to collect any changes. Mr. Augustine reminded everyone to be mindful of the original set-up in rooms that are utilized by university, elementary and high schools. He asked that coaches and judges be reminded of this and furniture be returned to its original location at the end of competitions. The teachers at the elementary school are supposed to leave a picture showing how the room is set up so we know how to return it to its original configuration. Mr. Augustine reminded that the announcements at the Selinsgrove schools should be kept to a minimum so competition can get started and finished at a reasonable hour. Mr. Augustine announced that Saturday’s pairings will appear on the TV screens in Evert Dining Room on Friday during the buffet hours and on Twitter. Semi-finals will be posted in the same manner. The schematics will also appear in Apfelbaum Hall on Saturday morning. Mr. Augustine reminded everyone that the ballots should be brought back to the university for sorting—not to sort them at the elementary and high school. SUMMER AGENDA ITEMS Summer agenda items were noted for the July 12, 2014 Executive Board Meeting: Certificates for alternates at the District Tournaments (L. Augustine) B12.3 & B13.3 & B14.3: The interpretation of serial literature (K. Borland) Statement on Communication in Policy Debate (J. Kahn) Possibility of listing the following on the PHSSL website: (C. Nevil Sauers) o current member schools o insurance verification status o information for the state tournament: assignments for Student Congress House and Senate bills Technology policy revisited (M. Nailor) Substitutions for a debate team (B. Miller) FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER No additional items brought up ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at approximately 2:07 PM, until we reconnect to complete the tournament preparation later this afternoon. RETURNING EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS 2014-2015 Ellen Boyer 2015 Shikellamy High School 600 Walnut St. Sunbury, PA 17801 570-286-3700 FAX: 570-286-3775 John Buettler 2016 Holy Ghost Preparatory 2429 Bristol Pike Bensalem, PA 19020-5298 215-639-2102 Fax: 215-639-4225 Lorinda Krause, Principal Selinsgrove Area High School 500 Broad St. Selinsgrove, PA 17870 570-372-2231 (office) 570-372-2235 (secretary) FAX: 570-372-2240 Michael Nailor 2015 Susquehanna University 514 University Ave. Selinsgrove, PA 17870 570-372-4251 FAX: 570-372-2763 Dr. Neil Strine Bloomsburg University 213B Bakeless Center for Humanities Bloomsburg, PA 17815 570-389-4252 Fax: 570-389-2094 E-mail: Keith Brosious 2015 Elk Lake High School PO Box 100 Dimmick, PA 18816 570-378-2016 FAX: 570-278-4838 Barbara Giuliano 2016 Saint Joseph’s Preparatory 1733 W. Girard Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19130-1598 267-515-5955 Fax: 215-765-1710 David Long 2016 Southern Lehigh High School 5800 Main St. Center Valley, PA 18034-9780 P: 610-282-1421 ext. 7207 Fax: 610-282-2965 Hugh Ringer 2015 Mercer Area High School c/o 368 Sanbern Dr. Mercer, PA 16137 724-662-3094 FAX: 724-662-2993 Sharon Volpe 2016 North Allegheny High School 10375 Perry Highway Wexford, PA 15090 P: 724-934-7200 Newly elected Executive Board members: Lisa Bompiani-Smith, Greater Latrobe High School, District 4 Nathan Lawver, Delone Catholic High School, District 7 Kathleen O’Halloran, Norwin High School, District 4 Beth Young, North Catholic High School, District 2 DIRECTOR’S REPORT FOR 2013-2014 District # NOVICE DEBATE VARSITY DEBATE LINCOLN DOUGLAS PUBLIC FORUM PARLIAMENTARY COMMENTARY EXTEMP SPEAK PERSUASIVE SENATE INFORMATIVE PROSE POETRY DUO INTERP DRAMATIC HUMOROUS TOTAL 1 2 4 2 4 12 4 4 8 7 5 7 9 16 6 2 92 District # # of Total Member Schools in District # of School’s Participating in District Tournament # of School’s Participating in State Tournament 2 0 4 5 24 18 8 5 5 12 6 15 15 18 7 7 159 STUDENT PARTICIPATION AT DISTRICTS 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 2 8 2 0 18 4 2 2 4 4 6 2 2 8 4 4 8 11 2 20 6 12 2 4 12 12 14 12 18 6 0 6 6 6 12 21 9 8 4 12 2 5 5 2 2 3 9 2 9 2 2 7 4 2 2 6 2 11 4 3 8 5 1 3 13 0 0 3 3 11 5 1 5 4 2 12 6 5 5 4 2 4 14 6 21 2 7 7 11 4 4 13 5 14 2 6 11 9 6 2 12 6 16 0 4 16 18 4 4 6 4 8 2 3 7 8 0 2 6 7 11 1 4 6 8 1 3 175 53 128 74 60 117 155 73 61 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 10 12 12 8 13 10 5 15 12 13 9 12 12 6 12 9 5 13 9 8 9 10 7 12 7 5 13 9 12 0 4 3 20 6 2 3 4 5 5 4 6 10 2 2 76 14 0 0 2 5 0 7 9 5 0 9 11 10 8 8 5 79 15 0 6 5 16 24 5 3 5 4 6 3 5 4 3 2 91 Total 12 62 64 163 144 69 63 70 69 75 116 113 126 66 65 1393 12 14 15 Total 8 11 10 9 148 11 6 8 10 5 5 5 8 122 5 108 STUDENT PARTICIPATION AT STATE TOURNAMENT BY CATEGORY District # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 Radio Announcing 6 9 8 3 8 4 4 10 7 2 5 3 8 3 Student Congress 8 11 10 5 4 5 4 9 4 1 4 5 1 4 Impromptu 7 9 8 4 10 3 5 8 6 2 4 4 7 3 Debate(Policy, PF, LD, Parli) 16 18 16 6 6 19 13 15 17 16 18 16 4 18 Individual Events 20 22 22 15 26 20 18 20 20 12 20 19 19 20 Total 80 75 80 198 273 DRAMA TEAM PARTICIPATION Eastern Central Region Regional (# of teams/# of students) State (# of teams/# of students) Year # of PHSSL Schools Student Participation at Districts Student Participation at State Year # of teams at Regionals # of teams at State 4/30 2/12 Western Total 3/36 2/36 10/104 6/57 3/38 2/9 SPEECH & DEBATE TOURNAMENT YEARLY COMPARISON 04-05 05-06 06-07 08-07 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 144 141 142 143 132 160 171 148 12-13 146 13-14 148 1122 1205 1241 1171 1187 1305 1505 1427 1502 1302 614 601 627 540 588 569 665 677 706 706 12-13 10 6 13-14 10 6 DRAMA FESTIVAL TEAM YEARLY COMPARISON 04-05 05-06 06-07 08-07 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 14 11 12 12 10 10 9 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 DIRECTOR’S REPORT FOR 2013-2014 FINANCIAL SUMMARY for 2013-2014: Balance on Hand Balance on Hand DATE May 23, 2013 May 26, 2014 TOTAL $ 49,990.28 $ 51,706.10 Income Expense March 26, 2014 March 26, 2014 $ 8,716.50 $ 6,858.62 Profit/(Loss) $ 1,857.88 2014-2015 NFL POLICY DEBATE TOPIC AND RESOLUTION RESOLVED: The United States federal government should substantially increase its non-military exploration and/or development of the Earth's oceans. 2014 PHSSL DRAMA FESTIVAL Susquehanna University December 5 & 6, 2014 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2015 PHSSL STATE TOURNAMENT Susquehanna University March 20 & 21, 2015 STATE TOURNAMENT RESULTS SWEEPSTAKES TROPHY CONGRATULATIONS to North Allegheny High School, the winner of the 2013-2014 PHSSL Sweepstakes Trophy. This trophy is given to the Outstanding School in Pennsylvania in Forensics as demonstrated in the achievements at the Pennsylvania High School Speech League Tournament. The Sweepstakes Trophy is awarded to North Allegheny High School based on the following accumulation of points: STATE EVENT PRELIM SPEECH PRELIM INTERP PRELIM DEBATE DRAMA L-D POLICY DEBATE EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEAKING COMMENTARY PERSUASIVE INFORMATIVE PROSE POETRY DUO INTERPRETATION DRAMATIC INTERPRETATION HUMOROUS INTERPRETATION RADIO ANNOUNCING IMPROMPTU CONGRESS (HOUSE & SENATE) PUBLIC FORUM PARLIAMENTARY DEBATE TOTAL POINTS 29.5 26 32 14 7 3 12 12 8 8 6 7 7 171.5 BROTHER RENÉ STERNER SWEEPSTAKES 2013-2014 Overall Sweepstakes recognizes this year’s State Champion based on points accumulated at States. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. School North Allegheny High School Holy Ghost Preparatory Upper St. Clair High School Bishop Shanahan High School McDowell High School District 2 12 3 15 1 Points 171.5 124.5 116.5 112 110 DISTRICT AWARD Awarded to the District which scored the most points at this year’s State Tournament. Place 1st 2nd 3rd District Points 2 3 9 474.5 452.5 228 JEANNE LUTZ CUMULATIVE AWARD Jeanne Lutz Cumulative Award awarded to the school with the highest cumulative total at the State Tournament. (After winning, a school returns to 0). School 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. * Holy Ghost Preparatory Mercer Area High School St. Joseph’s Preparatory Dallastown High School McDowell High School Returns to 0 for 2014-2015 District 12 1 11 7 1 Points 580.5* 536.5 522.5 434.5 448 Commentary Commentary (cont.) Dramatic Interpretation Dramatic Interpretation (cont.) Duo Interpretation Taylor Sigut-Abbey Ford Extemporaneous Speaking Humorous Interpretation Humorous Interpretation (cont.) Impromptu Speaking Impromptu Speaking (cont.) Informative Speaking Informative Speaking (cont.) Lincoln Douglas Debate Lincoln Douglas Debate (cont.) Lincoln Douglas Debate (cont.) Parliamentary Debate Parliamentary Debate (cont.) Persuasive Speaking Poetry Reading Poetry Reading (cont.) Policy Debate Policy Debate (cont.) Policy Debate (cont.) Prose Reading Public Forum Debate Public Forum Debate (cont.) Public Forum Debate (cont.) Public Forum Debate (cont.) Public Forum Debate (cont.) Radio Announcing RADIO SCRIPT #1 A portion of Route 322 in Dauphin and Lebanon counties is scheduled to be closed for bridge repairs, starting at seven o'clock Monday night. The area affected will be between Meadow Lane in Derry Township and Campbelltown Road in South Londonderry Township. PennDOT says this area of Route 322, which carries over 15 thousand vehicles daily, will be closed to traffic for ten days. A signed detour will direct motorists around the bridge closure by way of Route 743, Route 422, South Lingle Avenue and Campbelltown Road. An anti-fracking activist is set to ask a Pennsylvania judge today to lift an injunction that bars her from her local hospital, grocery store, and other properties that sit atop land leased by a Texas-based company for shale gas extraction. A five-month-old injunction prohibits 63year-old Vera Scroggins, of Brackney, from setting foot onto 40 percent of Susquehanna County land that is leased by Cabot Oil and Gas. Scroggins is known for recording anti-fracking video footage, some of which was used in the documentary film "Gasland." Eight people are dead and at least 18 are still missing nearly two days after a landslide in Washington state buried homes and cars under mud and tangled debris. The search for victims was set to resume early on Monday after dangerous, quicksand conditions forced rescue workers to suspend their efforts over the weekend. Some workers had to be dragged to safety after becoming mired in mud up to their armpits. The landslide was triggered after rain-soaked embankments along State Route 530 near Oso, Washington, gave way on Saturday morning, washing away at least six homes. Major Texas shipping channels that deliver crude oil for more than one-tenth of the nation's refining capacity were shut down for a third day on Monday, as the cleanup from a tanker spill threatened to last through the week. The Houston Ship Channel was shut down Saturday following a collision between an oil barge and a cargo ship, spilling some 168-thousand gallons of fuel oil into the channel. Early Monday morning, the channels to Houston, Texas City, Galveston, and the Intracoastal Waterway remained closed. RADIO SCRIPT #2 Southwest Airlines has announced it is adding flights from Reagan-Washington National Airport this year, to new destinations such as Akron, Ohio, Indianapolis, and Dallas. The airliner is adding the flights after it bought takeoff and landing rights at the airport that American Airlines agreed to divest under an agreement with the U-S Justice Department. In addition to the new destinations, Southwest plans to use the new slots to add flights between Reagan National and Chicago, Houston, St. Louis and other cities. Apple is in talks with Comcast to enter into a deal for a streaming-television service that would allow Apple set-top boxes to bypass congestion on the web. According to the Wall Street Journal, the discussions are in early stages and there are a lot of hurdles to be crossed before a definitive agreement could be reached. Apple, which wants its TV service's traffic to be separated from public internet traffic over the "last mile" for faster transmission, is looking for special treatment from Comcast's cables to bypass congestion. Last month, Netflix agreed to pay Comcast for faster speeds, throwing open the possibility that more content companies will have to shell out for better service. An Egyptian court has sentenced 529 members of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood to death on charges including murder, in a sharp crackdown on the movement. Family members stood outside the courthouse screaming after the verdict, which is the biggest mass death sentence handed out in Egypt's modern history. Human rights groups said Monday's verdict suggested the authorities intended to tighten their squeeze on the opposition. Most of the defendants at Monday's hearing were detained and charged with carrying out attacks during clashes which erupted in the southern province of Minya after the forced dispersal of two Muslim Brotherhood protest camps in Cairo on August 14th. The Muslim Brotherhood, now largely driven underground, responded by calling for the "downfall of military rule" on its official website. A coalition of countries has approved a United Nations document that promotes equality for women, by reaffirming their sexual and reproductive rights, and endorsing sex education for adolescents. The 24-page declaration approved on Saturday by the Commission on the Status of Women expressed deep concern that overall progress towards the U-N goal of gender equality and empowerment of women remained quote - slow and uneven – end quote. The document calls for equality, empowerment and human rights for women to be a major plank in new U-N development goals expected to be adopted in 2015. In sports, the Detroit Tigers continue to stockpile shortstop depth in the wake of Jose Iglesias' likely season-ending injury, after trading utility infielder Steve Lombardozzi to the Baltimore Orioles for veteran shortstop Alex Gonzalez. The Tigers recently acquired shortstop Andrew Romine from the Los Angeles Angels to help replace Iglesias, who is out with stress fractures in both legs. Gonzalez and Romine join Hernan Perez and Danny Worth as the team's options at shortstop. Taking a look at the local weather forecast, today expect partly cloudy skies with high temperatures in mid-to-upper forties. Tonight, we'll see mostly cloudy skies with a fifty percent chance of snow and low temperatures in the mid-twenties. Tomorrow's forecast calls for mostly sunny skies and high temperatures in the mid-to-upper thirties. A Resolution Expressing Our Sincerest Gratitude Therefore, We the Representatives of the 2014 Super Session Student Congress hereby would like to thank Susquehanna University for hosting PHSSL 2014. Whereas, Susquehanna University provided excellent facilities for the Pennsylvania Forensics State Competition, and Whereas, the campus was beautifully maintained, and Whereas, the food was delicious, and Whereas, Susquehanna University is an ideal location for this competition. Respectfully submitted, 2014 Student Congress Student Congress Student Congress (cont.) Student Congress (cont.) Student Congress (cont.) Student Congress (cont.) Student Congress (cont.) Student Congress (cont.) PENNSYLVANIA HIGH SCHOOL SPEECH LEAGUE HALL OF FAME 2014 2014 2013 2013 2012 2011 2010 2010 2010 2009 2008 2007 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2002 2001 2001 2000 2000 1998 1998 1997 KATHRYN GINGERICH, Red Land High School, Lewisberry STEPHEN MEDOFF, Pennsbury High School, Fairless Hills CHRISTINE METCALFE, Mechanicsburg High School, Mechanicsburg JOHN V. ROCHE, Nazareth Academy High School, Philadelphia TIM WAXENFELTER, Quigley Catholic High School, Baden KEITH BROSIOUS, Elk Lake High School, Dimock SANDRA W. SAXMAN, Secretary, Pennsylvania High School Speech League, Selinsgrove LARRY D. AUGUSTINE, Director, Pennsylvania High School Speech League, Selinsgrove DAVID R. LONG, Southern Lehigh High School, Center Valley SHARON VOLPE, North Allegheny High School, Wexford ROBERTA RINGER, Mercer Area High School, Mercer VICKY TRIMMER, Mechanicsburg Area High School, Mechanicsburg MARSHA K. WILLIAMS, Greensburg-Salem High School, Greensburg ELLEN BOYER, Shikellamy High School, Sunbury MARY FURLONG, Delone Catholic High School, McSherrystown (RETIRED) ROBERT CASEY, Trinity High School, Camp Hill CARL W. ASKEW, Shikellamy High School, Sunbury REV. RAYMOND HAHN, Cathedral Preparatory, Erie KATHLEEN O’HALLORAN, Norwin High School, North Huntingdon ALICE URSIN, Bethel Park High School, Bethel Park MARIA CARUSI, Gwynedd Mercy Academy (Posthumously) SALLY FINLEY, Belle Vernon High School, Belle Vernon JAMES WILLIG, Lancaster Catholic (Posthumously)1999 No Award Given WILLIAM MURRAY, Mechanicsburg Area High School, Mechanicsburg ANTHONY STOKES, The Kiski School, Saltsburg ROYCE RICE, North Hills High School, Pittsburgh 1997 1996 1996 1996 1995 1995 1995 1994 1994 1993 1992 1992 1992 1991 1990 1990 1989 1989 1988 1988 1987 1987 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 HUGH P. RINGER, Mercer Area High School, Mercer JOHN BUETTLER, Holy Ghost Preparatory, Bensalem JANET DICENZO, Kennedy-Kenrick High School, Norristown ANTHONY FIGLIOLA, Holy Ghost Preparatory, Bensalem W. MICHAEL NAILOR, Danville High School BETH YOUNG, North Catholic High School MARY ANN YOSKEY-BERTY, Trinity High School RALPH KARN, Keystone Oaks High School, Pittsburgh JANET ROBB, McKeesport Area High School, McKeesport MARGARET EMELSON, Uniontown High School, Uniontown GLORIA WASILEWSKI, Riverside High School, Ellwood City CARL GRECCO, Truman High School, Levittown GLENN CAVANAUGH, Derry Area High School, Derry THOMAS FARR, Shikellamy/Danville High School(s) MARILYN ENGLEHART, Central Cambria High School FATHER TOM MEULEMANS, Archmere Academy EDWIN KELLY, Pennsbury High School CALLISTUS W. MILAN, Retired PEGGY ANN MADDEN, North Hills High School HOWARD FEDRICK, Retired ELEANOR LANGAN, Scranton Central High School THELMA CARUSO, Charleroi High School JEANNE M. LUTZ, Director, Pennsylvania High School Speech League ROBERT E. DUNHAM, Vice President of Academic Services, The Pennsylvania State University BROTHER RENE STERNER, Principal, Calvert Hall College BERYL MacLEAN, Retired SISTER ST. IRMINUS, Retired FORMS 1. Membership Form 2. Insurance Memo Form 3. Calendar of Events Form PENNSYLVANIA HIGH SCHOOL SPEECH LEAGUE MEMBERSHIP FORM (2014-2015) SCHOOL __________ SCHOOL PHONE ( ) District # __ FAX ( COUNTY ) MEMBER PREVIOUS YEAR? Yes / No Address To Use For Correspondence * (circle if address listed below is that of the school, the FD, or the DC): SCHOOL FORENSIC DIRECTOR Address ______________________________ DRAMA COACH ______ City ______ Primary Contact’s E-mail Address * ______ Zip ____________ _________________________________________ *PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY One primary contact from each school will receive mail and email correspondence. This individual will be responsible to share information with other necessary coaches and interested parties. FORENSIC DIRECTOR _____ Email: _____________ PRIMARY CONTACT NUMBER ( DRAMA COACH ____ ) _________________ SECONDARY ( ______ PRIMARY CONTACT NUMBER ( HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL ) __________________ Email: ) _________________ SECONDARY ( ) __________________ ) __________________ ______ PRIMARY CONTACT NUMBER ( ) _________________ SECONDARY ( PRINCIPAL'S SIGNATURE __ **To be sure your school has submitted their membership and insurance, please check the PHSSL website ( Memberships will be updated regularly.** Return this form to: Larry D. Augustine, Executive Director Pennsylvania High School Speech League Susquehanna University Telephone: (570) 372-4300 514 University Drive Fax: (570) 372-2757 Selinsgrove, PA 17870-1164 E-mail: MEMBERSHIP FEE OF $50.00: IS ENCLOSED (Includes electronic version of the Communicator.) PLEASE INVOICE _______ MEMBERSHIP FEE OF $65.00: IS ENCLOSED (Includes paper copy of the Communicator.) _______ _______ PLEASE INVOICE _______ MEMBERSHIPS NOT PAID BY DECEMBER 1 WILL BE ASSESSED A $25.00 LATE FEE INSURANCE STATEMENT (For those who have not yet sent in their Certificate of Insurance) To participate in the PHSSL State Tournament and/or Drama Festival, it is required that participating schools file a Certificate of Insurance listing both Susquehanna University and Selinsgrove School District as additional insured. To help simplify matters, below is a printed memorandum which you can send to your school’s Business Manager. He/she and/or your school’s insurance carrier should be familiar with the Certificate of Insurance. One annual filing will take care of the entire year. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Insurance Statement Organizations or groups who participate in the PHSSL State Tournament and Drama Festival are required to provide a Certificate of Insurance listing both Susquehanna University and Selinsgrove School District as "An Additional Insured." The policy must show that the organization or group is insured for $300,000 bodily injury, and $50,000 property damage during the time in which the facilities are being utilized. The insurance certificate must be received and approved by Susquehanna University. The certificate should be mailed to: Larry D. Augustine Executive Director Pennsylvania High School Speech League Susquehanna University 514 University Avenue Selinsgrove, PA 17870-1164 A confirmation of participants or facilities cannot be provided until the Certificate of Insurance is approved by the University. The Certificate is needed for either or both of the state championships in Drama (December) and Forensics (March). PENNSYLVANIA HIGH SCHOOL SPEECH LEAGUE Calendar of Events Listing Form Please complete form and mail or email to State Office: Larry D. Augustine, Executive Director PA High School Speech League Susquehanna University 514 University Avenue Selinsgrove, PA 17870-1164 In each issue of the Communicator as well as on the PHSSL website, a Calendar of Events is published giving the dates and places of high school speech events. If you are planning to hold a festival, workshop, or tournament, please complete the necessary information on the form below and return it to the PSSL office. This Calendar should prove helpful to schools looking for additional programs to attend. Name of Tournament/ Festival: ___________________________________________________________ Date of Tournament/ Festival: ___________________________________________________________ Location/Address: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Host School and Sponsoring Organization: ___________________________________________________________ Nature of Tournament/ Festival: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Schools Eligible to attend: ___________________________________________________________ Name and address/email of person(s) for whom additional information may be secured: ___________________________________________________________ Name and address/email of person(s) completing this form: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________