Reset Page 1 4th Revised Sample Form No. 86 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NEW MEXICO LARGE SOLAR APPLICATION FOR SOLAR QUALIFYING FACILITIES (“QF”) FOR INTERCONNECTION USING CERTIFIED INVERTER BASED GENERATING FACILITIES WITH A RATED CAPACITY GREATER THAN 10 KWAC AND LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 1 MWAC THAT COMPLY WITH NMPRC RULE 568 AND APPLICATION FOR THE SALE OF LARGE SOLAR RENEWABLE ENERGY CERTIFICATES (“RECS”) FROM SOLAR FACILITIES GREATER THAN 10 KWAC AND LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 1 MWAC For purposes of this application “Solar Facility” is defined as a system generating electricity using solar photovoltaic or solar thermal technologies. The person(s) or entity (entities) submitting this application may be referred to as “Applicant.” For Third-Party Owner Solar Facilities, This application must be signed by both Customer and Third-Party Owner. APPLICATION TYPE Both Interconnection and Large Solar REC Sales – Systems > 10 kWAC and less than or equal to 100 kWAC: $450.00 Systems > 100 kWAC up to and including 1 MWAC: $450.00 plus $1.00 for each kWAC above 100 kWAC Large Solar REC Sales Only (for Solar Facilities already interconnected) - $350.00 CUSTOMER(S) PRIMARY AND SECONDARY NAME ON ELECTRIC ACCOUNT:* SYSTEM OWNER NAME (If different from name listed above.) ELECTRIC SERVICE ACCOUNT NUMBER: ELECTRIC SERVICE ADDRESS (STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE): PHONE (DAYTIME): ( ) EMAIL : PHONE (EVENING): ( ) FAX : ( ) * If you do not have this information please contact Customer Service at 1-888-DIAL-PNM. MAILING ADDRESS (STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE) (If different from Electric Service Address listed above.): CONTRACTOR/ELECTRICIAN CONTACT PERSON NAME: Dustin D. Neel NAME OF FIRM: Affordable Solar Installation ADDRESS (STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE): 4840 Pan American East Fwy, NE Albuquerque, NM 87109-2220 PHONE (DAYTIME): ( 505 ) 944-4285 EMAIL : PHONE (EVENING): ( 505) 210-1770 PHONE (CELLULAR): ( 505 ) 210-1770 1 of 4 GCG#514418 Reset Page 2 THIRD-PARTY OWNER OF SOLAR FACILITY (If Applicable) CONTACT PERSON NAME: NAME OF FIRM: ADDRESS (STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE): PHONE (DAYTIME): ( ) EMAIL : PHONE (EVENING): ( ) FAX: ( ) SYSTEM INFORMATION INVERTER MANUFACTURER: MODEL NUMBER: Advanced Energy (1) AE-1000NX & (3) Exist. AE-16TL IS THE EQUIPMENT UL 1741 LISTED? YES_____ LISTING INVERTER RATED CAPACITY: _________(kW AC) 1048 NO______ IF YES, ATTACH MANUFACTURER’S SPEC-SHEET SHOWING UL 1741 TOTAL INVERTER CAPACITY ( For Micro Inverter Systems) : _________(kWAC) SINGLE PHASE ______ THREE PHASE _______ SOLAR SYSTEM TYPE: SOLAR PV__________ SOLAR THERMAL ELECTRIC_________ List components of the Solar Facility equipment package that are currently certified: EQUIPMENT TYPE CERTIFYING ENTITY 1. Inverter - AE-1000NX (Qty. 1) 2. Module - Canadian Solar CS6X-305P UL 3. EXISTING Inverters - AE 16TL (Qty. 3) 4. EXISTING Modules - Suniva MVX-255 5. UL UL UL TERMS OF APPLICATION To be considered complete, this application must include the following: Application Form - Each section of this application must be completed, and the application must be signed and dated by the Applicant. Application Fee - Attach a check made payable to Public Service Company of New Mexico (“PNM”) at the time this application is submitted. Applications without the correct application fee will not be considered or reviewed. If Applicant decides not to proceed with the installation of the Large Solar Facility, Applicant will receive a refund of $120, which represents the cost of the REC meter included in the application fee. For Third-Party Owner Solar Facilities, the Application Fee shall be paid by the Third-Party Owner. One-Line and Three-Line Electric Diagram - A one-line and three-line electrical diagram of the Solar Facility and its interconnection to the utility system showing the electrical components, protective devices, manufacturer model numbers and electrical ratings. List any backup generator systems on the premises. The one-line and threeline electrical diagram for renewable energy systems must include: Renewable generator (e.g. photovoltaic panels or solar thermal electric generator), Batteries, Inverters, Fuses, 2 of 4 GCG#514418 Reset Page 3 Circuit breakers, PNM required disconnect switches, PNM meters, including REC meter and billing meter, and voltages, PNM transformers, etc. The manufacturer, model number and electrical rating for the renewable generator and inverter must be shown on the one-line and three-line diagram. The one-line and the three-line diagram must be stamped by a professional engineer licensed to practice in the state of New Mexico if the generating facility is larger than 50 kW. Site-Map - A site map showing the location of equipment listed in the one-line diagram, customer name and address, street designator and compass rose. For Third-Party Owner Solar Facilities, the Site Map must include the name and contact number for the Third-Party Owner. Customer Bill – For account information verification, existing account(s) to be interconnected must include a copy of all pages of a recent PNM bill. Specification (“Spec”) -Sheet – The inverter specification sheet. Third-Party Owner Size Specification – For Third-Party Owner Solar Facilities, information demonstrating that the Solar Facility is not sized greater than one hundred twenty (120%) of the average annual consumption of Customer at the location of the Solar Facility. APPLICATION REVIEW AND APPROVAL PROCESS IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED THAT THE APPLICANT OBTAIN PNM’S APPROVAL OF THE FINAL DESIGN AND ELIGIBILITY TO PARTICIPATE IN THE APPLICABLE REC PROGRAM BASED UPON THE ABOVE REFERENCED INFORMATION PRIOR TO PURCHASING EQUIPMENT OR STARTING CONSTRUCTION. 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. PNM will not review or approve interim plans or incomplete applications. Applicant agrees that if any material information required on this application is missing, is incorrect, is materially changed, or is falsified, the application will be rejected by PNM. Applicant agrees to supply further information as PNM may reasonably require and understands and agrees that the application may be suspended while PNM is awaiting such information. All other supplemental information is made a part of this application. PNM will provide Applicant a Notice of Completion of Application and REC Reservation within 10 business days of receipt of this application. The notice will advise Applicant whether the application is complete or incomplete. If PNM determines that the application is complete, the notice will state the price at which PNM will purchase RECs generated by the Solar Facility described in this Application. Payments will be made, pursuant to the terms and conditions of PNM Rate Number 32 and the Large Solar REC Purchase Agreement between Applicant and PNM. 4. Within 15 days of PNM’s determination that the Application is complete, PNM will conduct a technical screening of the Solar Facility project to determine the impact of the proposed interconnection. When technical screening is complete, PNM will provide Applicant and Contractor, if any, a Notice of Completion of Technical Screening. The notice will advise whether the Solar Facility has passed screening. If the Solar Facility passes the technical screening, the notice will include the date passed (“Screening Passed Date”). If the Solar Facility does not pass technical screening, the notice will include next steps for the Solar Facility project consistent with procedures set forth in NMPRC Rule 568. Project completion is defined as interconnection of the Solar Facility as authorized by PNM on Appendix E to the Applicant’s Interconnection Agreement with PNM. Applicant understands that the construction of the Solar Facility must be completed within 12 months from the Screening Passed Date. Failure to complete the Solar Facility within the 12 month period will re-set the REC purchase price to the rate that is available upon project completion. Installation, at any time, of additional capacity above the originally proposed capacity could subject the REC purchases to a new, lower REC purchase price. No information in this application will be considered confidential unless a written agreement is made with PNM prior to the submission of the application. In no event will information on the application which is required by the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (“NMPRC” or “Commission”) be withheld from the NMPRC. Acceptance of this application or any future actions by PNM are not and shall not be construed to be an endorsement or warranty of the Solar Facility, its equipment, operation, safety, or reliability. 3 of 4 GCG#514418 The completed application form with the above requested attachments does not constitute authorization for interconnection or parallel operation. Prior to authorizing parallel operation of the interconnection facility, PNM may observe and participate in the inspection of the interconnection facilities. A permanent and weather proof one-line diagram and, when required, a permanent weather proof map of the Solar Facility must be installed at the point of service connection to PNM. Resulting interconnections will be metered and billed in accordance with NMPRC Rule 570. FOR LARGE SOLAR REC SALES ONLY: PNM shall have no obligation to purchase RECs until PNM and Applicant have entered into a separate definitive written agreement to purchase the RECs. Applicant understands and agrees to abide by the requirements of NMPRC Rule 568 and to use a certified inverter at the point of interconnection with PNM. Applicant shall not begin interconnected operations until the execution of the interconnection agreement set forth in the New Mexico Interconnection Manual, Exhibit 3B, which is available to view at The Applicant shall install, operate, and maintain the Solar Facility and the interconnection equipment in a safe manner in accordance with the rules for safety and reliability set forth in the latest editions of the National Electric Code, other applicable local, state, and federal electrical codes, and prudent electrical practices. Applicant can visit PNM’s website for updated information as to the current rates being offered under Rate Number 32. Information available will include capacity of completed applications. PNM will update this website on a weekly basis. APPLICANT(S) SIGNATURE I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all the information provided in this Interconnection Application is true and correct. I also agree to install a warning label provided by PNM on or near my service meter location. I understand that the Solar Facility must be compliant with IEEE, NEC, ANSI, and UL standards, where applicable. By signing below, I am certifying that the installed solar facility meets the appropriate preceding requirement(s) and that I can supply documentation that confirms compliance. CUSTOMER THIRD-PARTY OWNER (if applicable) Signed: _____________________________________ Signed: _____________________________________ Title: _______________________________________ Title: _______________________________________ Date: _______________________________________ Date: _______________________________________ Signed: _____________________________________ Title: _______________________________________ Date: _______________________________________ Print Form 4 of 4 GCG#514418 ENGINEER: EXISTING (NET-METERED) ARRAY SUMMARY: MAIN FEATURES: Nominal AC Power: Peak DC Power: Module technology: Inverter Topology: PV MODULES: Manufacturer: Model: Peak Power: Quantity: NEW (REC-METERED) ARRAY SUMMARY 48.00 kWac 61.20 kWp Poly-Crystalline Central - UL1741 MAIN FEATURES: Nominal AC Power: Peak DC Power: Module technology: Inverter Topology: Suniva MVX-255 255 Wp (Each) 240 modules PV MODULES: Manufacturer: Model: Peak Power: Quantity: PHYSICAL CONFIGURATION: Methodolgy: Roof-Mount/Ballasted Tilt/Tracking: Fixed-Tilt/Azimuth Racking System: Unirac RM EXISTING NET METERED 48kWAC (61.2kWDC) ROOF-MOUNTED PV ARRAY EXISTING 480V MAIN DISTRIBUTION SWITCHBOARD "MSB" IN ELEC. ROOM (P.O.C.C.) 1000.00 kWac 1,251.72 kWp Poly-Crystalline Central - UL1741 EXISTING CUSTOMER OWNED TRANSFORMER Canadian Solar, Inc. CS6X-305P 305 Wp (Each) 4104 modules GENERAL NOTES: CUSTOMER OWNED MV DISTRIBUTION SWITCH "SW3" (S&C - PMH-9) EXISTING PNM PRIMARY METER TRANSCLOSURE AND METER (#495983) A. THESE DRAWINGS ARE SCHEMATIC IN NATURE AND ARE NOT INTENDED TO SHOW ALL POSSIBLE CONDITIONS. IT IS INTENDED THAT COMPLETE ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS BE PROVIDED WITH ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT, APPURTENANCES, AND CONTROLS, COMPLETELY COORDINATED WITH ALL DISCIPLINES. CUSTOMER OWNED MV DISTRIBUTION SWITCH "SW1" (S&C - PMH-9) PHYSICAL CONFIGURATION: Methodolgy: Ground-Mount Tilt/Tracking: Single-Axis Tracking Racking System: Array-Tech EXIST. CUSTOMER GENERATION DISCONNECT SWITCH EXISTING 15kV CUSTOMER OWNED PRIMARY LOOP ELECTRICAL CONFIGURATION: Modules per string: 10 Modules Max DC Voltage: 600 V UL Total Quantity of Strings: 8 Strings ELECTRICAL CONFIGURATION: Modules per string: 19 Modules Max DC Voltage: 1000 V UL Total Quantity of Strings: 216 Strings INVERTER CONFIGURATION: Designation: "Inverters 1 thru 3" Manufacturer: Advanced Energy Model: AE-16-TL Nominal power: 16kW AC (ea) Quantity: (3) Inverters Inverter Output Voltage: Array Combiner: Integrated AC/DC Disconnect Integrated INVERTER CONFIGURATION: Designation: "Inverter A" Manufacturer: Advanced Energy Model: AE-1000NX Nominal power: 1000kW AC Quantity: (1) Inverter Inverter Output Voltage: Array Combiner: Integrated AC/DC Disconnect Integrated CUSTOMER OWNED MV DISTRIBUTION SWITCH "SW2" (S&C - PMH-9) EXISTING 15kV CUSTOMER OWNED PRIMARY LOOP MV INTERCONNECTION FEEDER CUSTOMER GENERATION DISCONNECT SWITCH 16'-0" PNM ACCESS GATE (VEHICLE/PERSONNEL) ASPHALT PATCH (WHERE APPLICABLE) SHALL MATCH ORIGINAL DEPTH UNDERGROUND MARKER TAPE LOCATED 12" ABOVE CONDUIT PNM REC METER ENCLOSURE (58A @ 12.47kV) EXISTING ASPHALT 18" 18" COMPACTED NATIVE SOILS 30" 7.5" 7.5" UNDERGROUND MARKER TAPE LOCATED 12" ABOVE CONDUIT CONDUIT AND FEEDER ROUTED AND SPACED PER NEC ARTICLE 310 - FIGURE 310.60 (DETAIL 2) IN ACCORDANCE WITH TABLE 300.50 (COLUMN 6) (MIN 24"/MAX 30" TO TOP) COMPACTED NATIVE SOILS 30" 7.5" 7.5" 1000kVA ISOLATION TRANSFORMER "XA" (480V GR.WYE/12.47kV GR.WYE) INVERTER "A" ADVANCED-ENERGY "AE-1000NX" TYPICAL MV TRENCH SECTIONS SCALE: NONE PNM REC METER ENCLOSURE (58A @ 12.47kV) CUSTOMER GENERATION DISCONNECT SWITCH CONCRETE EQUIPMENT PAD (TYP.) 2 7/30/14 REVISED TRACKER EQUIPMENT DN 1 4/4/14 APPLICATION REVIEW COMMENTS DN REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY HP HP DN CHK APR APR REVISIONS ENLARGED CUSTOMER GENERATION EQUIPMENT SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" CONSULTANT PROJ. NO. CONSULTANT DWG. NO. PV 1.00 PROJECT NAME: CNM COMMUNITY COLLEGE 10544 UNIVERSE ROAD NW ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87114 - CONFIDENTIAL THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF AFFORDABLE SOLAR. THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREON MAY NOT BE USED OR DUPLICATED IN ANY MANNER WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY OWNER. FACILITY NAME: FACILITY LOCATION: PROJECT NO. CNM WESTSIDE CAMPUS ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO INTERCONNECTION DOCUMENTS CNM COMMUNITY COLLEGE PROPOSED PV ARRAY - 1.0MWAC GROUND MOUNT, S.A. TRACKER ENLARGED SITE PLAN - PROPOSED PV ARRAY SCALE: NONE SIZE DRAWING NO. REV. D PV-1.00 FILENAME: SCALE: AS INDICATED 0 SHEET 1 OF - ENGINEER: 13 MARCH 2014 GENERAL NOTES: A. TRACKING MOTOR "MA1" THESE DRAWINGS ARE SCHEMATIC IN NATURE AND ARE NOT INTENDED TO SHOW ALL POSSIBLE CONDITIONS. IT IS INTENDED THAT COMPLETE ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS BE PROVIDED WITH ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT, APPURTENANCES, AND CONTROLS, COMPLETELY COORDINATED WITH ALL DISCIPLINES. TRACKING MOTOR "MA2" KEYED NOTES: COMBINER "A1P" (+) COMBINER "A1N" (-) COMBINER "A2P" (+) COMBINER "A2N" (-) REMOTE PV TIE CABINET "CPTA1" REMOTE PV TIE CABINET "CPTA2" TRACKING MOTOR "MA3" COMBINER "A3P" (+) TRACKING MOTOR "MA4" COMBINER "A3N" (-) COMBINER "A4P" (+) COMBINER "A4N" (-) REMOTE PV TIE CABINET "CPTA3" REMOTE PV TIE CABINET "CPTA4" INVERTER "A" "AE-1000NX" 1000kVA XFMR. ENLARGED EQUIPMENT LAYOUT PLAN SCALE: 1" = 60'-0" DISC. COMB. "A3P" DISC. COMB. "A1P" DISC. COMB. "A4P" TRANSFORMER "XA" 1000kVA PADMOUNT, OIL-FILLED, LIVE-FRONT, 12.47KV(GR.WYE) TO 800V(GR.WYE) PAD MOUNTED DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER WITH INTEGRAL, BAY-O-NET FUSED AND LINE-SIDE ISOLATION SWITCH TRANSFORMERLESS CENTRAL INVERTER "A" - AE 1000NX 1000VDC INPUT/800YAC OUTPUT 60E 60E REMOTE TIE "CPT-A3" DISC. COMB. "A2N" DISC. COMB. "A4N" 60E REMOTE TIE "CPT-A1" 60E REMOTE TIE "CPT-A4" SECONDARY PV INPUT NEW PAD MOUNTED, 12.47kV, LOCKABLE, CUSTOMER GENERATION DISCONNECT SWITCH (WITH 60A, 15kV EJO-1 CURRENT LIMITING FUSES) 3 60E 6 800YAC DISC. REMOTE TIE "CPT-A2" NEW CUSTOMER OWNED DISTRIBUTION SWITCHGEAR "SW-PV" (PMH-7) 60E DISC. COMB. "A2P" NEW PNM PRIMARY REC METERING TRANSCLOSURE (50A @ 12.47kV-GR. WYE) DC/VD% = <1.0% 2 NEW #1/0(CU) 15kV (MV-90), INTERCONNECTION FEEDERS W/CONCENTRIC NEUTRAL (12.47kV GROUNDED-WYE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM) DISC. COMB. "A1N" DISC. COMB. "A3N" NEW #1/0(CU) 15kV (MV-90), INTERCONNECTION FEEDERS W/CONCENTRIC NEUTRAL (12.47kV GROUNDED-WYE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM) NEW #1/0(CU) 15kV (MV-90), INTERCONNECTION FEEDERS W/CONCENTRIC NEUTRAL (12.47kV GROUNDED-WYE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM) 1 9/11/13 REVISED CGD/REC LOCATION DN REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY HP HP DN CHK APR APR REVISIONS TO OTHER CUSTOMER OWNED DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT, ON PRIMARY LOOP SYSTEM CUSTOMER-OWNED 15kV (PMH-9) PAD MOUNTED SWITCH "SW1" EXISTING PNM 15kV SERVICE FEEDER NEW #1/0(CU) 15kV (MV-90), INTERCONNECTION FEEDERS W/CONCENTRIC NEUTRAL (12.47kV GROUNDED-WYE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM) 200E 200E 200E 200E 200E 200E CUSTOMER-OWNED 15kV (PMH-9) PAD MOUNTED SWITCH "SW1" CUSTOMER-OWNED 15kV (PMH-9) PAD MOUNTED SWITCH "SW2" CONSULTANT PROJ. NO. CONSULTANT DWG. NO. EXISTING #2/0(CU) 15kV, CUSTOMER OWNED PRIMARY LOOP FEEDER (12.47kV GROUNDED-WYE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM) PV 2.00 200E 200E EXISTING #2/0(CU) 15kV, CUSTOMER OWNED PRIMARY LOOP FEEDER WITH CONCENTRIC NEUTRAL (12.47kV GROUNDED-WYE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM) 200E 200E 200E 200E PROJECT NAME: EXISTING #2/0(CU) 15kV, CUSTOMER OWNED PRIMARY LOOP FEEDER WITH CONCENTRIC NEUTRAL (12.47kV GROUNDED-WYE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM) CNM COMMUNITY COLLEGE 10544 UNIVERSE ROAD NW ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87114 - CONFIDENTIAL THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF AFFORDABLE SOLAR. THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREON MAY NOT BE USED OR DUPLICATED IN ANY MANNER WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY OWNER. FACILITY NAME: FACILITY LOCATION: PROJECT NO. TO OTHER CUSTOMER OWNED DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT, ON PRIMARY LOOP SYSTEM AC INTERCONNECTION - THREE-LINE DIAGRAM SCALE: NONE CNM WESTSIDE CAMPUS ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO INTERCONNECTION DOCUMENTS CNM COMMUNITY COLLEGE PROPOSED PV ARRAY - 1.0MWAC GROUND MOUNT, S.A. TRACKER SIZE DRAWING NO. REV. D PV-2.00 FILENAME: SCALE: AS INDICATED 0 SHEET 1 OF - AE 1000NX Utility Inverter The Next Step in Utility-Scale Solar Power The AE 1000NX inverter is specifically designed to meet the requirements of utility-scale solar power plants with the lowest levelized cost of energy (LCOE) investors demand and expect. This high-efficiency inverter's wide reactive power range, utility level control capabilities, and grid support features are unlocked through our secure, open interface with third-party SCADA systems to provide utilities with the controls and grid assistance features they expect from a PV power plant. The bipolar 1000 V system topology drives down both DC and AC balance of system (BoS) costs, while the robust single engine design and cabinet details lead to low maintenance. These features work together with AE's world-class service offerings to help create PV plants with the lowest LCOE. Lower O&M Costs Advanced Energy 1000NX inverters, with their robust outdoor-ready construction, have field-proven high availability and reliability for low-maintenance operation. To maximize uptime and power generation, AE offers extended warranties (up to 20 years) and an optional SafeGuard service program. Based on our 30 years of experience serving mission-critical power-conversion equipment, this proactive O&M service program goes far beyond the standard warranty. Our highly trained specialists can perform a system test, remote diagnostics, and annual on-site inspections that keep your systems in operation and producing power. ® ® Take Control with SCADA & Grid Support The integrated data monitoring and controls solution enables SCADA connectivity, collects and stores a wide range of inverter real-time data, and can be connected to many third-party data services. The AE 1000NX inverters respond to a full complement of utility interactive controls (UIC) and enable a broad range of frequency and voltage ride-through profiles based on regional requirements. AE Solar Energy is a US based company. Increase Energy Harvest & Reduce BoS Costs Putting the AE 1000NX inverter to work in your PV power plant puts you ahead of the competition with increased energy harvest and reduced BoS costs. The inverter topology allows the pairing of 1000 VDC equipment with in-field combiner level PV ties to reduce the PV array wire length by up to 50%, increasing harvest potential by reducing voltage drop and DC line losses compared to a conventional single-array system. This DC side design allows higher AC output voltages that reduce AC wire size and over-current protection device ratings. Integration stays simple with multiple outdoor-rated inverters paralleling into a single medium-voltage transformer. Each inverter comes with a self-contained, closed-loop air-to-liquid cooling system that provides reliable performance in hot, sunny environments. There is no need to build air-conditioned shelters. Combined, these features reduce BoS cost and maximize your plant's power production. AE 1000NX Specifications Physical 2286 mm (H) x 4420 mm (W) 1057 mm (D) 90.0" (H) x 174.0" (W) x 41.6" (D) Dimensions Dimensions include cabinet handles, tie down feet, and AC & DC cabinets Weight 5450 lb (2472 kg) unit weight 5850 lb (2654 kg) shipping weight Construction Outdoor-ready cabinet design with electrostatically applied paint Environmental Rating NEMA 3R - Cooling cabinet NEMA 4 - AC, DC, and electronics cabinet DC Input Power Connectors 8 busbars per polarity standard with optional 10 busbars per polarity; BoS wire savings achieved with field connected neutrals via the combiner level PV tie (CPT) AC Output Power Connectors Busbars; (4) M10 studs per output phase User Interface Front panel LCD with keypad, shut-down button, and web interface Electrical DC Inputs Array Configuration Separable dual arrays with 1000 VDC strings Maximum Operating Input Current MPPT Voltage Range Open-Circuit Turn-On Voltage AC Output Nominal Apparent Power AC Rated Output Power AC Operating Voltage Range Electrical Service Compatibility Maximum Continuous Current Short Circuit Fault Current Nominal Frequency Total Harmonic Distortion Efficiency 956 ADC Imp maximum, self-limiting in operation ±550 to ±1000 VDC ±700 VDC default 1100 kVA 1000 kW 800 VAC ±10% Three-phase grounded wye (neutral conductor not utilized) 800 ARMS 1.2 PU (ARMS ), 22 ms duration 60 Hz < 3% (at rated power) 98.1% (includes brown power such as all standby, controls, and housekeeping losses) Peak Efficiency Weighted Efficiency Standby Losses Inverter Controls and Monitoring Inverter Controls Inverter On/Off Turn-On Ramp Rate Reconnection Delay Active Power Range Power Factor and Reactive Power 98% (CEC method) < 200 W Remotely controllable 1 kW/sec to 100 kW/sec, adjustable 5 to 7200 sec, adjustable 1000 to 0 kW, remotely adjustable ≥ 0.91 PF at rated power, remotely adjustable ±0.80 PF range, ±485 kVAr maximum Voltage Ride-Through Limits Frequency Ride-Through Limits Inverter Monitoring Adjustable to regional requirements Communication Interfaces and Protocols Ethernet TCP/IP, RS-485 Adjustable to regional requirements Modbus/TCP and Modbus/RTU Inverter Monitoring Options Integrated inverter data monitoring solution, compatible with third-party services Data Storage 90 days at 1 minute resolution 10 years at 15 minute resolution 10 years historical fault and event log Environmental Operating Ambient Temp Range Standby/Storage Ambient Temp Range Cooling Elevation Regulatory Agency Approvals/Regulatory Compliance -4 to 122°F (-20 to 50°C) -22 to 158°F (-30 to 70°C) Self-contained, closed-loop, liquid to air 7545' (2300 m) maximum Certified to UL 1741-2010 and IEEE 1547-2003 except where utility requirements supersede * Note: Not all performance window specifications can be achieved simultaneously. Performance varies per site. Consult your AE sales or service representative for specific PV system design questions at Subject to change without notice. Refer to user manual for detailed specification. Advanced Energy Industries, Inc. • 1625 Sharp Point Dr. • Fort Collins, CO 80525 800.446.9167 • • Advanced Energy and SafeGuard are U.S. trademarks of Advanced Energy Industries, Inc. ® ® © Advanced Energy Industries, Inc. 2014 All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. ENG-1000NX-250-09 3/14