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K. Abdella 2012; A three-stage full-Range stress-strain inversion for stainless steel alloys as an explicit function of temperature, Thinwalled Structures , [53], pp. 9-14.[Elsevier].

K. Abdella 2011; Explicit stress-strain and temperature relations for stainless steel in tension and compression, Mathematics in

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Akram-Lodhi, Haroon

(International Development Studies)

‘Contextualizing land grabbing: contemporary land deals, the global subsistence crisis and the world food system’ in Canadian Journal of Development Studies vol 33 no 2 2012.

Reactions to the Market: Small Farmers in the Economic Reshaping of Nicaragua, Cuba,

Russia and China by Laura J. Enríquez in

American Journal of Sociology vol 117 no 6


Essays on the Theory of Plantation

Economy: a Historical and Institutional

Approach to Caribbean Economic

Development by Lloyd Best and Kari Polanyi

Levitt in Canadian Journal of Development

Studies vol 32 no 2 2011. n

Anastakis, Dimitry


Jeffrey W. Alexander, Japan’s Motorcycle

Wars: An Industry History, Scientia

Canadensis , 33 2, (Spring 2010), 134-136

Alastair Gillespie, Made in Canada:

A Businessman’s Adventures in Politics,

Canadian Public Policy , 38 2 (June 2012),

289-90 n

Angelova, Emilia


Review Essay of Reading Kant’s

Geography , eds. Stuart Elden and Eduardo

Mendieta. In: Comparative and Continental

Philosophy . Vol. 4.1 (2012): 151-157.


Arvin, Mak


“Life Satisfaction and Environmental

Conditions: Issues for Policy”, jointly with

Byron Lew, International Journal of Global and Environmental Issues , Volume 12, Number

1, 2012, pp. 76-90.

“Do Happiness and Foreign Aid Affect

Bilateral Migrant Remittances?”, jointly with

Byron Lew, Journal of Economic Studies ,

Volume 39, Number 2, 2012, pp. 212-230.

“Are Foreign Aid and Migrant

Remittances Sources of Happiness in

Recipient Countries?”, jointly with Byron

Lew, International Journal of Public Policy ,

Volume 7, Number 4, 2011, pp. 282-300.


Atkinson, Bill

(Physics & Astronomy)

W. H. P. Nielsen, W. A. Atkinson, and

B. M. Andersen, Signatures of orbital loop currents in the spatially resolved local density of states, Physical Review B 86, 054510


Chen, Hong-Yi, Atkinson, W. A., Wortis,

R., Effect of nonlocal interactions on the disorder-induced zero-bias anomaly in the

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Farhoodfar, A, Gooding, RJ, Atkinson,

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Physical Review B 84, 205125 (2011).


Bailey, Suzanne

(English Literature)

Suzanne Bailey and Christopher Doody, eds. P. K. Page, Brazilian Journal . Erin Mills,

Ontario: Porcupine’s Quill, 2011. Vol. 2 of

The Collected Works of P.K. Page, eds. Zailig

Pollock, Sandra Djwa, Dean Irvine.

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“Francis Galton’s Face Project: Morphing the Victorian Human.” Photography and

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“The Year’s Work in Browning.” “The

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Balfour, Gillian

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Legal and Rape Narratives in Conditional

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Era . Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.


Balfour, Gillian. Do Law Reforms

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Review of Victimology . May 29 2012 (Open

Access, Sage Publications)

Balfour, Gillian. “What happens when she is both victimization and criminalized?”

Invited Guest Editor, Special Issue.

International Review of Victimology . May 24

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Ballantyne, Peri



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Beresford, David


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Finity, L., Grooms, C., Kimpe, L., Kyser, K.,

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Beresford, D. V. 2011. Insect collections from Polar Bear Provincial Park, Ontario, with new records. Journal of the Entomological

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Bialuschewski, Arne


“Bartholomew Roberts, Woodes Rogers, and the Jolly Roger,” Nautical Research

Journal 57 (2012), pp. 39-43

“Pirates, Black Sailors, and Seafaring

Slaves in the Anglo-American Maritime

World, 1716-1726,” Journal of Caribbean

History 45 (2012), pp. 143-58 n

Bishop, John

(Business Administration)

“The Limits of Corporate Human Rights

Obligations and the Rights of For-Profit

Corporations” Business Ethics Quarterly . V 22,

N 1, January, 2012, 119-144.

“Business Practices and Agent Virtue”, in

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Ed. by Ruth Chadwick. January, 2012.

“The Elephant in the Room: On the absence of corporations in Bernard Hodgson’s

Economics as a Moral Science ”. Journal of Business Ethics . Volume 108, Number 1

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Bocking, Stephen

(Environmental & Resource Science/Studies)

“Nature on the Home Front: British

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Conservation,” Environment and History ,

2012, 18: 261-281.

“Indigenous Knowledge and the History of Science, Race, and Colonial Authority in Northern Canada,” in: A. Baldwin, L.

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Canada , (University of British Columbia

Press, 2011), pp. 39-61.

“The Evolution of Theory: 10 Ways

Science is Changing our World,” Alternatives

Journal , Vol. 37(6), 2011: 24-27.

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Disruptors and the Legacy of DES .

H-Environment Roundtable Review, April

2012, Vol. 2(2).

Review of Wired Wilderness: Technologies of Tracking and the Making of Modern Wildlife .

Isis, 2011, 102(4): 799-800.


Bode, Rita

(English Literature)

“Belonging, Longing, and the Exile State in Harriet Beecher Stowe and George Eliot.”

Transatlantic Women: Nineteenth-Century

American Women Writers and Great Britain .

Ed. Beth L. Lueck, Brigitte Bailey, and

Lucinda L. Damon-Bach. Durham, NH: U of

New Hampshire P, 2012. 188-207.


Boundas, Constantin


“Laurent de Sutter, La Pratique du droit”.

Review Essay. Symposium. Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy . 15: 1 (Spring 2011),


“Alexandre Lefebvre, “The Image of Law:

Deleuze, Bergson, Spinoza.” Review Essay,

Symposium. Canadian Journal of Continental

Philosophy . 15:2 (Summer 2011), 320-8.

“A Criminal Intrigue. An Interview with

Jean-Clet Martin,” Deleuze Studies. 5, 2011,

Supplement, 116-47. Reprinted in Hegel and

Deleuze: Together Again for the First Time , eds.

Karen Houle and James Vernon. Evanston:

Northwestern University Press, 2012.

Translated into French, “Phenomenologie de Hegel,” Jean-Clet Martin Blog Strass de la Philosophie: Hors-Champs, Contre Temps,

Contre Façons , January 2012. Translated into Spanish.


“A Criminal Review,” Review Essay.

Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental

Philosophy , 16: 2 (Spring 2012), 226-47.

“Resonance and the Reversal of

Platonism,” Parallax , 18: 1, 4-18.

After Poststructuralism: Transitions and

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“Encounters, Creativity and Spiritual

Automata,” Revisiting Normativity with

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Boyne, Martin

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M. Boyne. “Navigating the Spoken-

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Language 2. Ed. D. Hornsby. Newcastle upon

Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2011. 102-15.

M. Boyne. Review of G. Rohdenburg and J. Schlüter (eds.). One Language, Two

Grammars? Differences between British and

American English. Language and Literature

20.3 (2011): 259-65.


Brenner, Ingrid

(Trent/Fleming School of Nursing/Biology)

Brenner, I., Parry, M., & Brown, C. A.

(2012). Exercise interventions for patients with PAD. Physician and Sports Medicine .

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Brenner, I. (2012). Travel stories, perspectives, older adults and our members:

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Brown, Liana


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Gozli, D. G., & Brown, L. E. (2011).

Agency and control for the integration of a virtual tool into peripersonal space. Perception ,

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Bruce, Catherine

(School of Education and Professional Learning)

Beatty, R. & Bruce, C. (2012) Linear

Relationships: From Patterns to Algebra .

Toronto: Nelson Publications, Canada. ISBN-

13: 9780176519698 (1 Research Text and 1

Practical Text)

Bruce, C. (2012). Technology in the

Mathematics Classroom: Harnessing the

Learning Potential of Interactive Whiteboards.

Research into Practice: Ontario Association of

Deans of Education. Research Monograph # 38 ,

March, 1-4. Can be accessed at: http://www. research/whatWorks.html

Bruce, C., Jarvis, D., Flynn, T. & Brock,

E. (2012). Lead Teachers in Collaborative

Action Research: Perceptions of Role and

Responsibility. Canadian Journal of Action

Research 12 (3), 29-46.

Ross, J., Scott, G. & Bruce, C. (2012). The gender confidence gap in junior high school mathematics: Gender differences in student belief-achievement relationships. S chool

Science and Mathematics , 112(5), 278-288.

Bruce, C., McPherson, R. & Sabbati, M.

& Flynn, T. (2011). Revealing significant learning moments with interactive whiteboards in mathematics. Journal of Educational

Computing Research , 45(4), 433-454.

Bruce, C. & Flynn, T. (2011). Which is greater: One half or two fourths? An examination of how two Grade 1 students negotiate meaning. Canadian Journal for Studies in Science, Mathematics and

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Bruce, C., Flynn, T, & Peterson, S. (2011).

Examining the impact of participant roles on collaborative action research: a cross-case analysis. Educational Action Research , 19(4),


Ross, J., Bruce, C., & Sibbald, T. (2011).

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Beatty, R. & Bruce, C. (2011). Assessing a research/professional development model in patterning and algebra. In Bednarz,

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Ross, J. & Bruce, C. (2011). Technologysupported Instruction in the Mathematics

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New Developments in the Learning Sciences .

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Brunetti, Craig


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Burness, Gary


Kelly R.J., Murphy, T.G., Tarvin, K.A.

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Zoology 84: 348-363

Leshyk, R., Nol, E., Burke, D.M. & G.

Burness. (2012). Logging affects fledgling sex ratios and baseline corticosterone in a sensitive forest songbird. PLoS One 7:e22124.

Robar, N., Murray, D.L. & G. Burness.

(2011). Effects of parasites on host energy expenditure: the resting metabolic rate stalemate.

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Buttle, James


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Buttle JM. 2011. Streamflow response to headwater reforestation in the Ganaraska River basin, southern Ontario, Canada, Hydrological

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Creed IF, Sass GZ, Beall FD, Buttle JM,

Moore RD. Donnelly M. 2011. Hydrological principles for conservation of water resources within a changing forested landscape.

Sustainable Forest Management Network,

Edmonton, Alberta. 80 pp.

Creed IF, Sass GZ, Beall FD, Buttle JM,

Moore RD, Donnelly M. 2011. Scientific theory, data and techniques for conservation of water resources within a changing forested landscape. A State of Knowledge report.

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Cazorla-Sanchez, Antonio


“El franquismo y las elipsis del terror”, in

Fernando Martins (coord.), A Formaçao e a

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Pamela B. Radcliff, Making Democratic

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Hamilton M. Stapell, Remaking Madrid:

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Julián Casanova, The Spanish Republic and

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Sid Lowe, Catholicism, War and the

Foundation of Francoism. The Juventud de

Acción Popular in Spain , 1931-1939, in

Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical

Studies , Vol. 36, 1 (2012), pp. 181-183.

António Costa Pinto, ed., Ruling Elites and

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David Wingeate Pike, Franco and the Axis

Stigma; Peter Anderson, The Francoist Military

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The Journal of Modern History , Vol. 83, No. 4

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Fernando Martínez López, Jordi Canal y

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Changfoot, Nadine

(Political Studies)

“Why is Quebec Separatism Off the

Agenda?: Reducing National Unity Crisis in the Neoliberal Era.” Lead co-author with Blair

Cullen. Canadian Journal of Political Science/

Revue canadienne de science politique , v. 44, n.

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Chan-Reynolds, Michael


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Clark, Lorrie

(English Literature)

“Remembering Nature: Soliloquy as Aesthetic Form in Mansfield Park.”

Eighteenth-Century Fiction , vol.24:2 (January

2012): 353-379.

3 T r e n t U n i v e r s i t y F a c u l t y P u b l i c a t i o n s n

Cogley, Graham


Bolch, T., A. Kulkarni, A. Kääb, C.

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Cogley, J.G., 2012, Area of the ocean,

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Kargel, J.S., A.P. Ahlstrøm, R.B. Alley,

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T. Sheldon and I. Willis, 2012, Greenland’s shrinking ice cover: “fast times” but not that fast, The Cryosphere , 6(3), 533-537.

Cogley, J.G., 2012, The future of the world’s glaciers, in Henderson-Sellers, A., and

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Conley, James


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Conolly, James


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Dillon, Peter

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(2012): 59-81.

Portuguese Studies Review , vol. 17, no. 1

(2012), (with Martin Elbl).

Portuguese Studies Review , vol. 18, no.

1 (2011), (with Martin Elbl); Guest editor of Iconography and History: Craftsmen,

Tradesmen, Artists and Brazil (18th and 19th

Centuries) : Carka Mary Oliveira.

Portuguese Studies Review , vol. 18, no. 2

(2012), (with Martin Elbl).

Portuguese Studies Review , vol. 19, no. 1-2

(2011), (with Martin Elbl). Guest editors of collected essays in honour of Jill Dias, 1944-

2008, J.C. Miller, P.J. Havik, D. Birmingham.


Elliott, Paul

(School of Education and Professional Learning)

Elliott, P. and Dimacakos, G. (2012)

Hunting for invasive species: a geocaching adventure. Crucible 43(3),1-4.

Elliott, P. (2012) Planning for learning.

In: V.Brooks, I.Abbott, & P.Huddleston

(eds.), Preparing to teach in secondary schools

(3rd. Ed.), Maidenhead, McGraw Hill/Open

University Press.(pp.58-72).

Elliott, P. (2012) Communication in the classroom. In: V.Brooks, I.Abbott &

P.Huddleston (eds.), Preparing to teach in secondary schools (3rd. Ed.), Maidenhead,

McGraw Hill/Open University Press. (pp.103-



Emery, Neil


Kurepin LV, SC Farrow, LJ Walton, RJN

Emery, RP Pharis, CC Chinnappa (2012)

Phenotypic plasticity of sun and shade ecotypes of Stellaria longipes in response to light quality signaling: cytokinins.

Environmental & Experimental Botany ,


Kurepin LV, LJ Walton, AR Hayward,

RJN Emery, DM Reid, CC Chinnappa. (2012)

Shade light interaction with salicylic acid in regulating growth of sun (alpine) and shade

(prairie) ecotypes of Stellaria longipes . Plant

Growth Regulation , 68:1-8.

Yan Y, S Christensen, T Isakeit, J

Engelberth, R Meeley, AR Hayward, RJN

Emery and MV Kolomiets. (2012). Disruption of OPR7 and OPR8 Reveals the Versatile

Functions of JA in Maize Development and

Defense. Plant Cell . 24:1420-1436.

Long C, MA Held, AR Hayward, J Nisler,

L Spichal, RJN Emery, BA Moffatt, FC Guinel

(2012) Seed development, seed germination, and seedling growth in the R50 (sym16) pea mutant are not directly linked to altered cytokinin homeostasis. Physiologia Plantarum ,


Faix B, V Radchuk, A Nerlich, C Hümmer,

R Radchuk, RJN Emery, H Keller, K-P Götz,

W Weschke, P Geigenberger, H Weber (2012)

Barley grains, deficient in cytosolic small subunit of ADP-Glucose pyrophosphorylase, reveal coordinate adjustment of C:N metabolism mediated by an overlapping metabolic-hormonal control. Plant Journal 69,


Kurepin LV, LJ Walton, AR Hayward,

RJN Emery, RP Pharis DM Reid (2012).

Interactions between plant hormones and light quality signaling in regulating the shoot growth of Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings.

Botany , 90:237-246.

Schoor S, SC Farrow, H Blaschke, S

Lee, G Perry, K von Schwartzenberg, RJN

Emery, BA Moffatt (2011). Adenosine kinase contributes to cytokinin interconversion in

Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology , 20: 1321-1332.

Atkins CA, RJN Emery, PMC Smith

(2011). Consequences of transforming narrow leafed lupin ( Lupinus angustifolius [L.]) with an ipt gene under control of a flower-specific promoter. Transgenic Research , 20:1321-1332.


Epp, Michael

(English Literature)

“‘The Pleasures of Contamination:

Evidence, Text, and Voice in Textual Studies’ by David Greetham.” Bloomington: Indiana

UP, 2010.

American Periodicals 22.1 2012.


“The Humour Industry.” U.S. Popular

Print Culture 1860-1920. The Oxford History of Popular Print Culture Volume 6. Ed.

Christine Bold. London: Oxford UP, 2012.



Ermarth, Elizabeth

(Cultural Studies)

E.D. Ermarth, History in the Discursive

Condition: Reconsidering the tools of thought.

London and New York: Routledge, 2011.


Feng, Wenying

(Computing &

Information Systems/Mathematics)

W. Feng, A class of maps related to the semilinear spectrum and applications ,

Communications in Applied Analysis 15

(2011), no. 2, 3 and 4, 373–380.

W. Feng, T. H. Kazi and G. Hu, Web prefetching by ART1 neural network , Studies in

Computational Intelligence, 413(2012), 29–40,


C. Johns, K. Mak, G. Hu and W.

Feng, Effects of utility functions on network response time and optimization , Studies in

Computational Intelligence, 413 (2012),

77–88, Berlin/Heidelberg. n

Flisfeder, Matthew

(Cultural Studies)

Matthew Flisfeder, “Between Theory and

Post-Theory; or, Slavoj Zizek in Film Studies and Out.” Canadian Journal of Film Studies

20(2): 75-94, 2011.

Matthew Flisfeder, “Subject of Desire/

Subject of Drive: The Emergence of Zizekian

Media Studies.” Reviews in Cultural Theory

3(1): 25-37, 2012.


Fox, Michael


& Resource Science/Studies/Biology)

Groen, M, N.M. Sopinka, J.R. Marentette,

A.R. Reddon, J.W. Brownscombe, M.G. Fox,

S.E. Marsh-Rollo, and S. Balshine. 2012. A role for aggression in round goby invasion fronts? Behav. 149: 685-703.

Brownscombe, J.W., and M.G. Fox. 2012.

Range expansion dynamics of the invasive round goby ( Neogobius melanostomus ) in a river system. Aquat. Ecol. 46: 175-189.

Gutowsky, L.F.G, and M.G. Fox. 2012.

Intra-population variability of life history traits and growth during the range expansion of the invasive round goby ( Neogobius melanostomus ). Fish. Manage. Ecol. 19: 78-88.

Fobert, E., M.G. Fox, M. Ridgway, and G.H. Copp. 2011. Heated competition: how climate change will affect non-native pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus and native perch Perca fluviatilis interactions in the U.K.

J. Fish. Biol. 79: 1592-1607.


Franklin, Steven


Environmental & Resource Science/Studies)

Keppel, G., G. W. Wardell-Johnson, K.

Van Niel, C. J. Yates, M. Byrne, L. Mucina, A.

G. T. Schut, S. D. Hopper, and S. E. Franklin,

2011, Refugia: Identifying and understanding safe havens for biodiversity from climate change, Global Ecology and Biogeography , doi: 10.1111/j.1466-8238.2011.00686.x.


Frost, Paul


Wagner, N.D. and P.C. Frost. 2012.

Responses of alkaline phosphatase activity in Daphnia to poor nutrition. Oecologia 170:


Lessard, C.R. and P.C. Frost. 2012.

Phosphorus nutrition alters herbicide toxicity on Daphnia magna . Science of the Total

Environment 421-422: 124-128.

Zalewski, O., N.D. Wagner and P.C. Frost.

2011. Antibiotics affect the growth responses of Daphnia magna to poor food quality.

Aquatic Ecology 45: 493-504.


Galica, Jacqueline


School of Nursing/Biology)

Galica, J., Rajacich, D., Kane, D., Pond,

G. (2012). The impact of chemotherapy induced cognitive impairment upon the non-metastatic colorectal cancer patient’s psychosocial adjustment. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing , 16, 163-169. doi:


5 T r e n t U n i v e r s i t y F a c u l t y P u b l i c a t i o n s


Guéguen, Céline


A.M. McIntyre, C. Guéguen (2012).

Binding interactions of algal-derived dissolved organic matter with metal ions. Chemosphere.

Doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2012.08.057

C.W. Cuss, C. Guéguen (2012).

Determination of relative molecular weights of fluorescent components in dissolved organic matter using asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation and parallel facyor analysis.

Anal. Chim. Acta 10.1016/j.aca.2012.05.003.

C.W. Cuss, C. Guéguen (2012). Impacts of microbial activity on the optical and copperbinding properties of leaf-litter leachate.

Frontiers in Microbiology doi:10.3389/ fmicb.2012.00166

C. Guéguen, D.C. Burns, A. McDonald,

B. Ring (2012). Structural and optical characterization of dissolved organic matter from the lower Athabasca River, Canada

(Alberta, Canada). Chemosphere 87, 932-937

I. Lavoie, C. Guéguen, C. Fortin (2011).

Benthic diatom communities from rivers in close proximity to the Athabasca tar sands.

(Alberta, Canada) Water Qual. Res. J. Can.


355-365, n

Haines, Helen


Haines, Helen R., and Michael D.

Glascock (2012). Intra-Site Obsidian

Distribution and Consumption Patterns in

North-Western Belize and the North-Eastern

Petén . British Archaeological Reports (BAR)

International Series BAR S2326.

Haines, Helen R., David G. Smith, David

Galbraith, and Tys Thysmeyer (2011). The

Point of Popularity: A Summary of Human

Activity at the Princess Point Promontory,

Cootes Paradise, Hamilton. Canadian Journal of Archaeology , 35:232-257. n

Harrison, Julia


“I’m sorry I got so emotional”: ‘Real

Work and ‘Real’ Men at the Canadian

Cottage in Emotion in Motion: Tourism,

Affect and Transformation , (2012) D. Picard and M. Robinson, (eds.) Farnham, Surrey,

UK.Ashgate Publishing Ltd: Surrey, UK. Pp.

231-246. n

Harris-Stoertz, Fiona


“Pregnancy and Childbirth in Twelfth-and

Thirteenth- Century French and English Law,”

The Journal of the History of Sexuality , Vol. 21,

No. 2 (May 2012), 263-281 n

Havas, Magda


& Resource Science/Studies)

Havas, M. and D. Colling. Wind Turbines

Make Waves: Why some residents near wind turbines become ill? Bulletin of Science,

Technology & Society, September 2011.


Healy, Paul


Iannone, Gyles and Paul F. Healy

2012“The Trent Connection: A Cornerstone of Maya Archaeology in Belize”. Journal of

Canadian Archaeology 36:29-50.


Heitlinger, Alena


“Židovské mládežnické skupiny v

Československu v 60. letech 20. století a jejich obnova po pádu komunismu (1989)”

(Jewish Youth Groups in Czechoslovakia in the 1960s and Their Renewal After the Fall of Communism, 1989), in Blanka Soukupová and Miloš Pojar (eds.) Židovská menšina v Československu v letech 1956-1968. Od destalinizace k pražskému jaru(Jewish

Minority in Czechoslovakia during 1956-

1968. From De-Stalinization to the Prague

Spring) (Prague: The Jewish Museum, 2011), pp. 85-103 (in Czech) n

Hepburn, Sharon


“Shades of Darkness: Silence, Risk, and

Fear among Tourists and Nepalis during

Nepal’s Civil War” in J. Skinner (ed.), Writing the Dark Side of Travel . Oxford: Berghahn

Books, 122-142.


Hobbs, Margaret

(Gender & Women’s Studies)

“Rethinking Women’s Studies:

Curriculum, Pedagogy, and the Introductory

Course.” Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender,

Culture, and Social Justice . 35, 2 (2011): 139-

149. (6,135 words) (co-authored with Carla


“Reading Women’s and Gender Studies in

Canada.” Canadian Woman Studies/les cahiers de la femme . 29, 1 & 2 (Fall/Winter 2011):

201-208 (5,505 words) (co-authored with

Carla Rice) n

Hodges, Hugh

(English Literature)

“Poetry and Overturned Cars: Why We

Can’t Study Performance Poetry and Why

We Should Study it Anyway”. Eds. Susan

Gingell and Wendy Roy. Listening Up, Writing

Down, and Looking Beyond: Interfaces of the

Oral, Written, and Visual . Wilfred Laurier

University Press, 2012 n

Holdsworth, David


& Resource Science/Studies)

“Economics and the Limits of

Optimization: Steps towards Extending

Bernard Hodgson’s Moral Science,” Journal of

Business Ethics 108 1(2012), 37-48.

“Environmental Compliance by Industry,” in Ruth Chadwick (ed.), Encyclopedia of

Applied Ethics , Second Edition, volume 2,

Academic Press, San Diego, (2012), 88–96.


Hollinger, Veronica

(Cultural Studies)

Veronica Hollinger, “Contemporary

Trends in Science Fiction Criticism, 1980-

1999.” 1999. Criticism and Construction of

Science Fiction . Classical Western Science

Fiction Criticism Series. Trans. Fengzhen

Wang, et al. Ed. Yan Wu and Wei Shu. Beijing:

Anhui Literature and Art Press, 2011. 265-303.


Howes, Moira


2012. “Managing Salience: The

Importance of Intellectual Virtue in Analyses of Biased Scientific Reasoning,” Hypatia

27(4): 736-754. n

Humphreys, Sara

(English Literature)

“Rejuvenating ‘Eternal Inequality’ on the

Digital Frontiers of Red Dead Redemption.”

Television and the West : special issue of

Western American Literature . Ed. Michael K.

Johnson. 47.2(2012): 200-215.

“Oprah’s Vigilante Sentimentalism.”

American Exceptionalisms: From Winthrop to Winfrey . Ed. James Carson and Sylvia

Söderlind. Albany: SUNY Press, December

2011. 207-222.

“The Mass Marketing of Colonial

Captive Hannah Duston.” Canadian Review of

American Studies . 42.2(2011): 149-178. n

Humphreys, Terry


Eriksson, J., & Humphreys, T.P. (2012).

Development of the Virginity Beliefs Scale.

Journal of Sex Research . iFirst article.

Humphreys, T.P. (2012). Cognitive frameworks of virginity and first intercourse.

Journal of Sex Research.

iFirst article.

Kennett, D.J., Humphreys, T.P., & Schultz,

K.E. (2012). Sexual resourcefulness and the impact of family, sex education, media and peers. Sex Education , 12, 351-368.


Hurl-Eamon, Jennine


“Love Tokens: Objects as Memory for

Plebeian Women in Early Modern England,” in the Forum on Early Modern Women and Memory, Early Modern Women: An

Interdisciplinary Journal 6 (2011): 181-186.


Hurley, Richard

(Computing & Information Systems)

McConnell, S., R. Sturgeon, G. Henry,

A. Mayne and R. Hurley, “Scalability of

Self-Organizing Maps on a GPU cluster using

OpenCL and CUDA,” J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 341


6 T r e n t U n i v e r s i t y F a c u l t y P u b l i c a t i o n s


Iannone, Gyles


Carleton, W. Chris, James Conolly, and

Gyles Iannone 2012 A Locally-Adaptive

Model of Archaeological Potential (LAMAP).

Journal of Archaeological Science 39:3371-


Helmke, Christophe, Jaime J. Awe, Shawn

G. Morton, and Iannone, Gyles 2012 The

Archaeology and Epigraphy Significance of Cuychen, Macal Valley, Belize. Research

Reports in Belizean Archaeology 9:75-89.

Lamoureux-St-Hilaire, Maxime, and Gyles

Iannone 2012 The Last Waltz at Minanha:

Exploring Gradual Abandonment in the North

Vaca Plateau. Research Reports in Belizean

Archaeology 9:207-220.


Jamieson, Susan


2011 Power and Authority in the Great

Lakes-Saint Lawrence Lowlands Region,

Eastern Canada. In It’s Good to Be King: The

Archaeology of Power and Authority , edited by

Shawn Morton and Don Butler with Kathryn

Reese-Taylor, Peter Dawson, and Steven

Simpson, pp.1-10. Proceedings of the 41st

(2008) Annual Chacmool Archaeological

Conference, University of Calgary, Alberta,

Canada. The University of Calgary, Chacmool

Archaeological Association, Department of

Archaeology, University of Calgary, Calgary,



Kane, Sean

(Cultural Studies)

Inward of Poetry: George Johnston and

William Blissett in Letters (Erin: Porcupines

Quill 2011) n

Kapron, Carolyn


Kapron, C.M., K. Backman, C. Ostler and K. Wagner. 2012. Activation of Akt by cadmium in micromass cultures of mouse embryo limb bud cells. Birth Defects

Research Part A. 95: 318.


Katz, Stephen


How Are Emotions Social? Questioning

Sociology: Canadian Perspectivces 2nd edition , eds. Myra J. Hird and George Pavlich. Oxford

University Press, 2012, Pp. 69-78.

The Neuro-Complex: Comments and

Convergences, Simon J. Williams, Stephen

Katz, Paul Martin. MediaTropes (eJournal),

Vol 3 (1): 135-146, 2011.

Beyond Medicalisation: Medicine,

Memory and the Ageing Brain. Simon J.

Williams, Stephen Katz and Paul Martin.

Sociological Reflections on the Neurosciences ,

(Advances in Medical Sociology, Vol. 13), eds. Ira van Keulan and Martyn Pickersgill,

Bingley: Emerald Press, 2011, Pp. 231-254.

Neuroculture, Active Ageing and the Older

Brain: Problems, Promises and Prospects.

Simon J. Williams, Paul Higgs and Stephen

Katz. Sociology of Health and Illness , 34 (1),

2012, 64-78.

Embodied Memory: Aging, Neuroculture and the Genealogy of Mind. Occasion:

Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities . 4

(May 31), 2012, 1-11 pages.

Sally Chivers’ The Silvering Screen, for

Canadian Journal on Aging . Vol. 31 (2), 2012, pp. 254-255.


Kay, Carolyn


Kay, Carolyn. Review of German Cities and Bourgeois Modernism, 1890-1924 , by

Maiken Umbach. The English Historical

Review, 126 (2011): 1224-1226.

Kay, Carolyn. Review of Youth in the

Fatherless Land. War Pedagogy, Nationalism, and Authority in Germany, 1914-1918 , by

Andrew Donson. Social History, 37:2 (2012):



Keefer, Sarah

(English Literature)

Daniel Anlezark, The Old English

Dialogues of Solomon and Saturn [Cambridge:

D.S. Brewer. 2009], in Early Medieval Europe

19.4, 451-52.


Kennett, Deborah


Kennett, D.J., & Chislett, G. (2012). The benefits of an enhanced Nobody’s Perfect parent program for child welfare clients including non-custodial parents. Children &

Youth Services Review , 34, 2081-2087.

Kennett, D.J., Humphreys, T.P., &

Schultz, K.E. (2012). Importance of learned resourcefulness and the impact of family, peers, media and sex education on sexual resourcefulness, Sex Education , 12, 351-368.


Kerr, Leslie


Kerr, L.R., Boyd, A.L., Heighton,

R.S., Salleh, A.M. Mild and moderate early life stress differentially influence normal mammary gland development and carcinogenesis in BALB/c mice. Canadian

Cancer Research Conference. 2011:J3

Kerr, L.R., Boyd, A., Heighton, R., Munro,

M., Salleh, A Mild and moderate early-life stress differentially affect stress reactivity and mammary tumorigenesis in BALB/c mice:

A new look at the stress and breast cancer relationship. American Association for Cancer

Research. 2012:4455.


Kyle, Christopher

(Forensic Science)

Pelletier A, Obbard ME, Mills K, Burrows

FG, White BN and CJ Kyle (2012) Where to

Draw the Line When One Does Not Exist:

Identification of Black Bears’ Genetic Clusters

Across a Vast Landscape. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 90, 999-1014. Published August


Ethier DM, LaFleche A, Kyser TK, Nocera

JJ and CJ Kyle (2012) Population Subdivision and Peripheral Isolation in American Badgers

(Taxidea taxus): Implications for Conservation

Planning in Canada. Canadian Journal of

Zoology, 90, 630-639. Published May 2012

Srithayakumar V, Castillo S, Mainguy J and CJ Kyle (2012) Evidence for evolutionary convergence at MHC in two broadly distributed mesocarnivores. Immugogenetics,

64, 289-301. Published April 2012

Oomen RA UG , Reudink MW PD , Nocera JJ

(2011) Mitochondrial Evidence and CJ Kyle CI for Panmixia despite Perceived Barriers to

Gene Flow in a Widely Distributed Waterbird.

Journal of Heredity (publication photo on cover), 102, 5, 584-592. Published October

2011 n

Lacombe, Michèle

(Canadian Studies/Indigenous Studies)

“Indigenous Criticism and Indigenous

Literature in the 1990s: Critical Intimacy,”

Unruly Penelopes and the Ghosts: Narratives of English Canada , ed. Eva Darias-Beautell

(Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier University Press,

2012), pp. 199-224. n

Lafleur, Peter


McGuire, A.D., T.R. Christensen, D.

Hayes, A. Heroult, E. Euskirchen, J.S.

Kimball, C. Koven, P.M. Lafleur, P.A. Miller,

W. Oechel, P. Peylin & M. Williams, An assessment of the carbon balance of arctic tundra: Comparisons among observations, process models, and atmospheric inversions.

Biogeosciences , 9: 3185-3204.

Coursolle, C., H.A. Margolis, M.-A.

Giasson, B.D. Amiro, M.A. Arain, A.G. Barr,

T.A. Black, M.L. Goulden, J.H. McCaughey,

P.-Y. Bernier, J.M. Chen, L.B. Flanagan, R.F.

Grant & P.M. Lafleur, 2012. Influence of

Stand Age on the Magnitude and Seasonality of Carbon Fluxes in Canadian Forests.

Agricultural and Forest Meteorology , 165:


Lafleur, P.M., E.R. Humphreys, V.L.

St.Louis, M.C. Myklebust, L. Poissant, T.

Papakyriakou, J.D. Barker, M. Pilote & K.A.

Swystun, 2012. Variation in peak growing season net ecosystem production across the

Canadian Arctic. Environmental Science and

Technology , 46: 7971-7977.

7 T r e n t U n i v e r s i t y F a c u l t y P u b l i c a t i o n s

Chen, B., N.C. Coops, D. Fu, H. A.

Margolis, B.D. Amiro, T.A. Black, M.A.

Arain, A.G. Barr, C.P.-A. Bourque, L.B.

Flanagan, P.M. Lafleur, J.H. McCaughey,

S.C. Wofsy, 2012. Characterizing spatial representativeness of flux tower eddycovariance measurements across the Canadian

Carbon Program Network using remote sensing and footprint analysis. Remote Sensing of Environment , 124: 742-755.

Wu, C., A. Gonsamo, J.M. Chen, W.A.

Kurtz, D.T. Price, P.M. Lafleur, R. S. Jassal,

D. Dragoni, G. Bohrer, C. Gough, S.B. Verma,

A. Suyker, & J.W. Munger, 2012. Interannual and spatial impacts of phenological transitions, growing season length, and spring and autumn temperatures on carbon sequestration: a North

America flux data synthesis. Global and

Planetary Change , 92: 179-190.

Niu, S., Luo, Y., Fei, S., Yuan, W., & 46 others, 2012. Mechanisms underlying thermal optimality of net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide. New Phytologist , 194: 775-


Brümmer, C., T.A. Black, R.S. Jassal1,

N.J. Grant, D.L. Spittlehouse, B. Chen, Z.

Nesic, B.D. Amiro, M.A. Arain, A.G. Barr,

C.P.-A. Bourque, C. Coursolle, A.L. Dunn,

L.B. Flanagan, E.R. Humphreys, P.M. Lafleur,

H.A. Margolis, J.H. McCaughey, S.C. Wofsy,

2012. How climate and vegetation type influence evapotranspiration and water use efficiency in Canadian forest, peatland and grassland ecosystems. Agricultural and Forest

Meteorology , 153: 14-30.

Sulman, B.N., A.R. Desai, N.M.

Schroeder, D. Ricciuto, A. Barr, A.D.

Richardson, L.B. Flanagan, P.M. Lafleur,

H. Tian, G. Chen, R.F. Grant, B. Poulter, H.

Verbeeck, P. Ciais, B. Ringeval, I.T. Baker,

K. Schaefer, Y. Luo & E. Weng, 2012. Impact of hydrological variations on modeling of peatland CO2 fluxes: results from the North

American Carbon Program site synthesis. J.

Geophys. Res.

, 117, G01031.

Dietze, M., R. Vargas, A.D. Richardson,

P.C. Stoy, A.G. Barr, R.S. Anderson, A. Arain,

I. Baker, A. T. Black, J. M. Chen, P. Cias,

L.B. Flanagan, C. Gough, R. F. Grant, D. Y.

Hollinger, R. C. Izaurralde, C. J. Kucharik,

P.M. Lafleur, S. Liu, E. Lokupitiya, Y. Luo,

J.W. Munger, C. Peng, B. Poulter, D.T. Price,

D.M. Ricciuto, W.J. Riley, A.K. Sahoo, K.M.

Schaefer, A.E. Suyker, H. Tian, C. Tonitto,

H. Verbeeck, S. B. Verma, W. Wang & E.

Weng, 2011. Characterizing the performance of ecosystem models across time scales:

A spectral analysis of the North American

Carbon Program site-level synthesis.


Geophys. Res.

, 116.

Dimitrov, D.D., R.F. Grant, P.M. Lafleur,

& E.R. Humphreys, 2011. Modelling the effects of hydrology on gross primary productivity and net ecosystem productivity at Mer Bleue bog.

Journal of Geophysical

Research-Biogeosciences , 116.


LeBel, Sabine


& Resource Science/Studies)

LeBel, Sabine.”Wasting the Future: The

Technological Sublime, Communications

Technologies, and E-waste.” Futures of

Communication spec. issue of Communications

+ 1 . 1.1 (2012). Web.


Lehmann, Hugo


Sparks, F.T., Lehmann, H., Hernandez,

K., & Sutherland, R.J. (2011). Suppression of neurotoxic lesion-induced seizure activity:

Evidence for a permanent role for the hippocampus in contextual memory. PLoS

One , 6(11):e27426.

Sparks, F.T., Lehmann, H., & Sutherland,

R.J., (2011). Between systems memory interference during retrieval.

European Journal of Neuroscience , 34, 780-786.


Lem, Winnie

(International Development Studies)

Barber, Pauline Gardiner & Winnie Lem

(eds). 2012. Migration in the 21st Century:

Political Economy and Ethnography . New

York: Routledge

Barber, Pauline Gardiner Barber,

Belinda Leach, & Winnie Lem (eds). 2012.

Confronting Capital: Anthropology, Critique,

Praxis New York: Routledge

Barber, Pauline Gardiner & Winnie Lem.

2012 “Migration, Political Economy, and

Ethnography”) Migration in the 21st Century:

Political Economy and Ethnography in Barber,

Pauline Gardiner & Winnie Lem (editors) New

York: Routledge, pp. 1-16

Lem, Winnie, 2012. “Panoptics of Political

Economy: Anthropology and Migration” in Migration in the 21st Century: Political

Economy and Ethnography in Barber, Pauline

Gardiner & Winnie Lem (editors) New York:

Routledge pp. 17-37

Barber, Pauline Gardiner & Winnie

Lem 2012 “Migration, Political Economy and Beyond” Migration in the 21st Century:

Political Economy and Ethnography in Barber,

Pauline Gardiner & Winnie Lem (editors) New

York: Routledge pp. 236-242

Barber, Pauline Gardiner, Belinda

Leach, & Winnie Lem. 2012. “Confronting

Anthropology: the Critical Enquiry of Capitalism” Confronting Capital:

Anthropology, Critique , Praxis Barber, Pauline

Gardiner, Belinda Leach, & Winnie Lem (eds)

New York: Routledge pp. 1-16 n

Lew, Byron


Arvin, B. Mak and Byron Lew. 2012.

Do Happiness and Foreign Aid Affect

Bilateral Migrant Remittances? Journal of

Economic Studies . 39(2): 212-30. http://dx.doi.


Arvin, Mak and Byron Lew. 2012. Life

Satisfaction and Environmental Conditions:

Issues for Policy. International Journal of

Global Environmental Issues . Vol 12 (No. 1):


Arvin, Mak and Byron Lew. Are Foreign

Aid and Migrant Remittances Sources of Happiness in Recipient Countries?

International Journal of Public Policy 7(4):



Lewars, Errol


A. Kayembe, E. Lewars, J. F. Lieberman,

The Quinones of Bicyclo[3.1.0]hexatriene: a Computational Study of their Chemistry and Thermochemistry, J. Chemical

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2012 Religion. In Polynesian Outliers:

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2012 Anthropology and Dreams. In

Encyclopedia of Sleep and Dreams , Deirdre

Barrett and Patrick McNamara, eds. Vol. 1, pp. 42–43. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood


2011 Review of Mary, The Devil, and

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Mackay, Don


& Resource Science/Studies)

Hughes, L., Mackay, D. 2011 Model of the

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Organisms. Soil and Sediment Contamination,

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Buser A., MacLeod M.,Scheringer, M.,

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J., and Hungerbuhler K. 2012 Good Modeling

Practice guidelines for applying multimedia models in chemical assessments. Integrated

Environmental Assessment and Management , 8,


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2012 Selecting and designing chemicals

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8 T r e n t U n i v e r s i t y F a c u l t y P u b l i c a t i o n s


MacLeod, Lewis

(English Literature)

“‘A Man Who Knows his Capabailities and his Limitations is Benign to Papa Bois’:

On Omnsicience, Autonomy and Paternal

Authority in Turn Again Tiger and Those Who

Eat the Cascadura .” Journal of West Indian

Literature . 20.2 (2012). 70-88.

“‘Various Pubs Gave Signs of Life’: Of

Drink and Time in Alan Sillitoe’s Saturday

Night and Sunday Morning. Yearbook of

English Studies . 42 (2012). 113-131.


Manning, Paul


Strangers in a Strange Land: Occidentalist

Publics and Orientalist Geographies in

Nineteenth-Century Georgia . 2012. Brighton:

Academic Studies Press.

The Semiotics of Drink and Drinking .

2012. London: Continuum Press.

2011 (with Zaza Shatirishvili). Why are the dolls laughing? Tbilisi culture between intelligentsia culture and socialist labor. In

Tsypylma Darieva et al. (eds.), Urban Spaces after Socialism: Ethnographies of Public

Places in Eurasian Cities , 207-225. Frankfurt:

Campus Verlag.

(with Zaza Shatirishvili). The exoticism and eroticism of the city: The ‘kinto’ and his city. In Tsypylma Darieva et al. (eds.),

Urban Spaces after Socialism: Ethnographies of Public Places in Eurasian Cities , 261-281.

Frankfurt: Campus Verlag.


March, Raymond


Raymond E. March and Robert K. Boyd,

“Personal Foreword: Alexander George

Harrison”, IJMS Honor Issue for A.G.

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(2012) 2-4.

Raymond E, March, Naomi L. Stock, and

Michael C. Doran, Project Report to Invasive

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Marsh, John


Marsh, J. and MacPherson, A. Crowe

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Bain A. and Marsh J. “Peterborough: A

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McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal and Kingston, 2012, p. 151-168.

Marsh, J. “ El Cementerio de Disidentes y la participacion britanica en Valparaiso;

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Marshall, Barbara


Marshall, B.L. (2012) Medicalization and the refashioning of age-related limits on sexuality. Journal of Sex Research , 49(4):


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Marshall, B.L. (2011) The Greying of

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McCaskill, Don

(Indigenous Studies)

“Urban Aboriginal Peoples in Canada:

Community Trends and Issues of Governance, in Visions of the Heart: Aboriginal Issues in

Canada ED. David Long & Olive Dickison,

Woft Press (with Kevin Fitzmaurice).


McConnell, Sabine

(Computing & Information Systems)

Scalability of Self-Organizing Maps on a GPU cluster using OpenCL and CUDA,

Sabine McConnell et al 2012 J. Phys.: Conf.

Ser. 341 012018.


McGuire, Kelly

(English Literature)

Monograph: Dying to be English: Suicide

Narratives and National Identity: 1714-1814 .

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Edited volumes and introduction: The

History of Suicide, Vols. 3 & 4 . London:

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Article: “True Crime: Print Culture,

Contagion, and Herbert Croft’s Love and

Madness; or, A Story too True.” Eighteenth-

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McKenna Neuman, Cheryl


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Letters , 39(11). n

Meneley, Anne


2011 Food and Morality in Yemen. Food:

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New York: Berg. Pp: 17-29.


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Evolution and Global Bioethics 27:1-3.

Das, P., C.J. Williams, R.F. Fulthorpe, Md.

E. Hoque, C.D. Metcalfe, M.A. Xenopoulos.

2012. Changes in bacterial community structure after exposure to silver nanoparticles in natural waters. Environ. Sci. Technol.


Hoque, M.E. K. Khosravi, K. Newman,

C.D. Metcalfe. 2012. Detection and characterization of silver nanoparticles in aqueous matrixes using asymmetric-flow field flow fractionation with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (AF4-ICP-MS). J.

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Gottschall, N., E Topp, C Metcalfe, M

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DR Lapen. 2012. Pharmaceutical and personal care products in groundwater, subsurface drainage, soil and wheat grain following a high single application of municipal biosolids to a field. Chemosphere, 87:194-203.

Zhang, X., K.D. Oakes, S. Wang, S.

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2012. In vivo sampling of environmental organic contaminants in fish by solid-phase microextraction. Trends in Anal. Chem. 32:


Khosravi K., M.E. Hoque, B. Dimock,

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Nowack, B., J. Ranville, S. Diamond,

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Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 31:50-59.

Handy, RD, C. Geert, TF Ferrnandes,

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9 T r e n t U n i v e r s i t y F a c u l t y P u b l i c a t i o n s


Mitchell, Liam

(Cultural Studies)

Mitchell, Liam. “A Phenomenological

Study of Social Media: Boredom and Interest in Facebook, Reddit, and 4chan.” PhD dissertation, University of Victoria, 2012.

339 pages.


Morin, Eugène


Cochard, D. Brugal, J.-P., Morin, E. and Meignen, L. 2012. Early evidence for

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Quaternary International 264:32–51.

Morin, E. 2012. Reassessing Paleolithic

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Cambridge University Press.

Morin, E. and Laroulandie, V. 2012.

Presumed symbolic use of diurnal raptors by

Neandertals. PLoS ONE 7:1–5.


Morrison, David

(Politics and

International Development Studies)

Morrison, David R.,” Poverty and

Exclusion: From Basic Needs to the Millennium

Development Goals ,”revised for second edition of P.A. Haslam, J. Schafer, P. Beaudet (eds.),

I ntroduction to International Development:

Approaches, Actors, and Issues (Don Mills,

Oxford University Press, 2012): 237-261.


Munson, Marit


Munson, Marit K. 2012. Iconography, space, and practice: Rio Grande rock art, AD

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Tucson, AZ.

Munson, Marit K. and Genevieve Head

2011. Surveying Petroglyph Hill: Cultural landscapes of the Galisteo Basin. In Burnt

Corn Pueblo: Conflagration and Conflict in the Galisteo Basin A.D. 1250-1325 , edited by

James E. Snead and Mark Allen, pp. 94-111.

Anthropological Papers. vol. 74. University of

Arizona Press, Tucson.


Murray, Dennis


Thornton, D.H., Wirsing, A.J., Roth, J.R., and Murray, D.L. Complex effects of site preparation and harvest on snowshoe hare abundance across a patchy forest landscape.

Forest Ecology and Management . 280:132-139.

Walpole, A.A., Bowman, J., Murray, D.L.,

Wilson, P.J. 2012. Functional connectivity along the southern periphery of the Canada lynx ( Lynx canadensis ) range in Ontario,

Canada. Landscape Ecology . 27: 761-773.

Murray, D.L., Hussey, K.F., Finnegan, L.,

Lowe, S., Price, G., Benson, J., Loveless, K.,

Middel, K., Mills, K., Potter, D., Silver, A.,

Fortin, M.-J., Patterson, B., and Wilson, P.J.

2012. Assessment of the status and viability of a moose population at its range limit in southern Ontario. Canadian Journal of Zoology

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Wirsing, A.J., Phillips, J., Obbard. M.,

Murray, D.L. 2012. Incidental nest predation in freshwater turtles: inter- and intraspecific differences in vulnerability are explained by relative crypsis. Oecologia 168: 977-988.

Sparkman, A.M., Waits, L., and Murray,

D.L. 2011. Social and demographic effects of anthropogenic mortality: A test of the compensatory mortality hypothesis in the red wolf. PLoS (One) 6(6): e20868. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0020868.

McLoughlin, P.D., Vander Wal, E., Lowe,

S.J., Patterson, B.R., and Murray, D.L. 2011.

Contrasting models of resource selection for moose. Basic and Applied Ecology 12: 654-66.

Hossie, T.J., and Murray, D.L. 2011.

Effects of structural refuge and density on foraging behaviour and mortality of hungry tadpoles subject to predation risk. Ethology

117: 1-9.

Finnegan, L.A., Wilson, P.J., Price, G.N.,

Lowe, S.J., Patterson, B.R., Fortin, M.-J., and

Murray, D.L. 2011. The complimentary role of genetic and ecological data in understanding population structure: A case study using moose

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Robar, N., Murray, D.L., Burness, G.

2011. Effect of parasites on host energy expenditure: the resting metabolic rate stalemate. Canadian Journal of Zoology 89:


Sparkman, A.M., Adams, J., Steury, T.D.,

Waits, L., and Murray, D.L. 2011. Direct fitness benefits of delayed dispersal in the cooperatively breeding red wolf (Canis rufus).

Behavioural Ecology 22: 199-205.


Neufeld, Mark

(Global Politics)

Neufeld, “Beyond (Western) International

Relations Theory: The Post-Colonial Tradition and the Restructuring of (Critical) IR Theory”, in Shannon Brincat, Laura Lima, and João

Nunes, (eds), Critical Theory in International

Relations and Security Studies (Routledge:

2012), pp.173-85.


Newhouse, David

(Indigenous Studies/

Business Administration)

Hidden in Plain Sight, Aboriginal

Contributions to Canada and Canadian

Identity, Volume II, David Newhouse,

Cora Voyageur, Dan Beavon, Editors, 2011

University of Toronto Press

Well-Being in the Urban Aboriginal

Community, David Newhouse, Kevin

Fitzmaurice, Editors, 2012, Nelson House


1 0 T r e n t U n i v e r s i t y F a c u l t y P u b l i c a t i o n s n

Nguyen-Marshall, Van


The Reinvention of Distinction: Modernity and the Middle Class in Urban Vietnam . Edited by Van Nguyen-Marshall, Lisa Drummond and Daniele Belanger. The Asian Research

Institute (National University of Singapore) in cooperation with Springer Publishing, 2012.

“Introduction: What is and Who are the

Urban Middle Class in Vietnam?” Danièle

Bélanger, Lisa Drummond, and Van Nguyen-

Marshall, in The Reinvention of Distinction:

Modernity and the Middle Class in Urban

Vietnam . Edited by Van Nguyen-Marshall,

Lisa Drummond, and Daniele Belanger. The

Asian Research Institute (National University of Singapore) in cooperation with Springer

Publishing, 2012.

“The Associational Life of the Vietnamese

Middle Class in Saigon (1950s-1970s),” in

The Reinvention of Distinction: Modernity and the Middle Class in Urban Vietnam . Edited by Van Nguyen-Marshall, Lisa Drummond, and Daniele Belanger The Asian Research

Institute (National University of Singapore) in cooperation with Springer Publishing, 2012.


Nicol, Heather


Nicol, Heather N. 2012 The Wall the

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Nicol, Heather N. 2102. Canadian

Arctic Security and Climate Change : Where

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C. Pelaudeix, Alain Faure and

Robert Griffith eds., Paris: L’Haumattan.

Heather N. Nicol. 2012. Canadian

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Trembly, ed. Peter Lang: Brussels., 94-121. n

Nisbet, Elizabeth


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Underestimating nearby nature: Affective forecasting errors obscure the happy path to sustainability. Psychological Science, 22(9),



Nol, Erica


Pollock, L.A., K.F. Abraham and E. Nol.

2012. Migrant shorebird use of Akimiski

Island, Nunavut: a Sub-arctic staging site.

Polar Biology. Online available. DOI 10.1007/ s00300-012-1211-6.

Richmond, S., E. Nol, D. M. Burke and J.

Malcolm. 2012. Effects of single-tree selection harvesting on Rose-breasted Grosbeak

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Storm-Suke, A., D.R. Norris, L.J.

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Functional Ecology DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-


Storm-Suke, A., D.R. Norris, L.J.

Wassenaar, E. Chin and E. Nol. 2012. Factors influencing the turnover and net isotopic discrimination of hydrogen isotopes in proteinaceous tissue: Experimental results using Japanese quail. Physiological and

Biochemical Zoology. 85: 376-384

Proctor, E., E. Nol. D. Burke and W. J.

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Norlock, Kathryn


“Building Receptivity: Leopold’s Land

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Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and

Culture, 5(4), 2011, pp. 493-512; Special

Issue: “Aldo Leopold.” n

O’Connor, Alan

(Cultural Studies)

Walter Benjamin in the Intellectual Field.

In David Berry (ed.) Revisiting the Frankfurt

School. Farnham: Ashgate, 2012, 27-47.

Maximum Social Science: Interview with Michael Siciliano. In Zack Furness (ed.)

Punkademics: The Basement Show in the

Ivory Tower. Brooklyn: Minor Compositions /

Autonomedia, 2012, 92-104.


Oldham, Keith


Keith B. Oldham, Jan C. Myland and

Alan M. Bond, Electrochemical Science and

Technology: fundamentals and applications .

Wiley, Chichester. (2012)

Allen J. Bard, Gyorgy Inselt and Fritz

Scholz (editors), Electrochemical Dictionary , second edition.

Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2012)

Keith B. Oldham, Trends in electrochemical instrumentation and modelling .

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Keith B. Oldham and Jan C. Myland,

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Keith B. Oldham and Jan C. Myland,

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Paehlke, Robert

(Environmental &

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“Backcasting as a policy tool: the role of values,” Critical Policy Studies (Routledge

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“Climate Change and the Challenge of Canadian Global Citizenship,” in Will

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“Sustainable Development and Urban Life in America,” in Norman J. Vig and Michael

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Palmer, Bryan

(Canadian Studies)

“‘Cracking the Stone’: The Long

History of Capitalist Crisis and Toronto’s

Dispossessed, 1830-1930,” Labour/Le Travail ,

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“The Irrepressible Revolutionary: Marx for the Uninitiated, the Unconvinced, and the

Unrepentant,” Critique: Journal of Socialist

Theory , 40 (February 2012): 119-135.

“A Comment on Friedman’s and Rossi’s dialectical theory and the study of HIV/

AIDS: dialectical correctness,” Dialectical

Antropology , 35 (Issue 4, 2011): 429-433.

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Panagia, Davide

(Cultural Studies)

“Why film matters to political theory” in

Contemporary Political Theory , advance online publication, 5 June 2012:

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“The Notion of Pantry: A Speculative

Defense of Unuse in the Humanities” in World

Picture Journal , Fall, 2011. (http://www.

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14.4, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3


Parker, James


Keefer, K.V., Parker, J.D.A., & Wood,

L.M. (2012). Trait emotional intelligence and university graduation outcomes: Using latent profile analysis to identify students at risk for degree non-completion.

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Parnis, Mark


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“Fourier transform infrared matrix isolation analysis of acetaldehyde fragmentation products following charge exchange with Ar+· formed under varied ionization density conditions” Matthew G.

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Spectrometry , 2011, 46, 1071-1078.


Patton, David

(Physics & Astronomy)

Galaxy Pairs in the Sloan Digital Sky

Survey - IV: Interactions Trigger AGN , Sara L.

Ellison, David R. Patton, J. Trevor Mendel, &

Jillian M. Scudder 2011, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 418, 2043-


A Model of Habitability Within the Milky

Way Galaxy , Michael G. Gowanlock, David

R. Patton, & Sabine M. McConnell 2011,

Astrobiology, 11, 855-873

Compact Groups in Theory and Practice -

IV. The Connection to Large-scale Structure ,

J. Trevor Mendel, Sara L. Ellison, Luc Simard,

David R. Patton, & Alan W. McConnachie

2011, Monthly Notices of the Royal

Astronomical Society, 418, 1409-1422

Close Companions to Brightest Cluster

Galaxies: Support for Minor Mergers and

Downsizing , Louise O. V. Edwards & David

R. Patton 2012, Monthly Notices of the Royal

Astronomical Society, 425, 287-295

1 1 T r e n t U n i v e r s i t y F a c u l t y P u b l i c a t i o n s


Pendleton Jiménez, Karleen

(School of Education and Professional


Pendleton Jiménez, K. (2012). The breastfeeding curriculum: Stories of queer, female, unruly learning. In D. Freedman,

N. Jolly, & S. Springgay (Eds.) M/othering a bodied curriculum: Theories and practices of relational teaching , pp. 294-304. Toronto:

University of Toronto Press.


Penney, James

(Cultural Studies)

The Structures of Love: Art and Politics beyond the Transference . State University of

New York Press, 2012.

“Outside the Psy-Complex.” Review of Ian Parker, Lacanian Psychoanalysis:

Revolutions in Subjectivity . New Formations

75: 159-62.


Pivato, Marcus


A statistical approach to epistemic democracy, M. Pivato; Episteme , 9, special issue #2, June 2012, pp 115-137.

The ergodic theory of cellular automata,

M. Pivato, International Journal of General

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Pollanen, Marco


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Applied Mathematics, 72(4), 515–526.

Zhu, J., Pollanen, M., Abdella, K., &

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Ponce-Hernandez, Raul

(Environmental & Resource Science/Studies/


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Report. Land and Water Development

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Popham, Elizabeth

(English Literature)

Editor. A.M. Klein: Letters . Toronto:

University of Toronto Press, 2011. n

Rahman, Momin


October 2011 - Rahman, M. and

Lockwood, S. “How to ‘Use Your Olympian’: the Paradox of Athletic Authenticity and

Commercialization in the Contemporary

Olympic Games.” Special issue of the

British Sociological Association’s journal

Sociology on the Olympics, 45 (5): 815-829.

Co-authored with Sean Lockwood, Ancient

History and Classics, Trent University, Canada n

Reker, Gary


Reker, G. T. (2011). The meaning of life. In L. Bormans (Ed.), The world book of happiness (pp 136-139). Richmond Hill:

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Reker, G. T., & Woo, L. C. (November

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Reker, G. T., & Woo, L. C. (2011).

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Reker, G. T. (2012). Happiness: 14 habits of contentment. Zoomer , 28 (2), 64-65.

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C. M. (2012). Restoring, maintaining, and enhancing personal meaning through autobiographical methods. In P. T .P. Wong

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Reker, G. T., & Wong, P. T. P. (2012).

Personal meaning in life and psychosocial adaptation in the later years. In P. T. P. Wong

(Ed.), The human quest for meaning: Theories, research, and applications (2nd ed.) (Chapter

20, pp. 433-456). New York: Routledge.


Sangster, Joan

(Gender & Women’s Studies)

“Colonialism at work: Aboriginal women and labour placement programs in postwar

Canada,” in Kristin Burnett and Geoff Read, eds., Aboriginal History: a Reader (Oxford

University Press, 2012): 293-302.


Shaffer, Paul

(International Development Studies)

“Against Excessive Rhetoric in Impact

Assessment: Overstating the Case for

Randomised Controlled Experiments”, Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 47, No. 10,

November, 2011.

“Demand-Side Challenges to Poverty

Monitoring and Assessment Systems

(PMASes): Illustrations from Tanzania”,

Development Policy Review , Vol. 30, No. 1,

January, 2012

(with Le Dang Trung) “The Case of

Vietnam” in D. Mazumdar and S. Sarkar

(Eds.) Manufacturing Enterprise in Asia: Size

Structure and Economic Growth . London and

New York: Routledge.

“Beneath the ‘Methods Debate’ in Impact

Assessment: Baring Assumptions of a Mixed

Methods Impact Assessment in Vietnam”,

Journal of Development Effectiveness . Vol. 4,

No. 1, March, 2012 n

Sheinin, David


Sheinin, David. “Reading Kissinger’s

Avatars: Cold War Pragmatism in Argentina’s

Middle East Policy,” in Adriana Brodsky and

Raanan Rein, eds., The New Jewish Argentina:

Facets of Jewish Experiences in the Southern

Cone (Boston: Brill, 2012), 263-291.

Sheinin, David. “El judío en la mina de carbón: el inconfundible, dictadura e identidad en Argentina,” in Raanan Rein, ed., Más allá del Medio Oriente: Las diásporas judías y

árabes en Las diásporas judías y árabes en

América Latina (Granada: Editorial de la

Universidad de Granada, 2012). 163-196.

Review of No Higher Law: American

Foreign Policy and the Western Hemisphere since 1776 . Brian Loveman. American

Historical Review . Vol. 116, No. 5. December

2011. 1477-1478.


Shiell, Ralph

(Physics & Astronomy)

M. J. Romerein, J. N. Philippson, R. L.

Brooks and R. C. Shiell, “Calibration method using a single retarder to simultaneously measure polarization and fully characterize a polarimeter over a broad range of wavelengths”, Appl. Opt.

50 5382-5389 (2011).


Siena, Kevin


Review of Sergius Kodera, Disreputable

Bodies: Magic, Medicine, and Gender in

Renaissance Natural Philosophy (Toronto:

Centre for Reformation and Renaissance

Studies, 2010), Quaderni d’italianistica, 32

(1) (2011): 140-141 n

Simola, Sheldene

(Business Administration)

Simola, S.K, Barling, J., & Turner, N.

(2012). Transformational leadership and leader mode of care reasoning. Journal of Business

Ethics , 108, 229-237.

Simola, S.K (2012). Exploring “embodied care” in relation to social sustainability.

Journal of Business Ethics , 10(4), 473-484.

Simola, S.K (2012). Enhancing the care-based resolution of CSR-related firmstakeholder conflict: Invoking the counsel of Mary Parker Follett. In A. Lindgreen,

P. Kotler, F. Maon, and J. Vanhamme

(Eds.), A stakeholder approach to corporate social responsibility: Pressures, conflicts, reconciliation . (Gower Publishing, London,

UK) (pp. 347-370).


Skinner, Mark


Herron R and MW Skinner (2012).

‘Farmwomen’s emotional geographies of care: a view from rural Ontario’ Gender, Place and

Culture 19, 232-248.

MacLeod A, MW Skinner and E Low

(2012) ‘Supporting hospice volunteers and caregivers through community-based participatory research’ Health & Social Care in the Community 20, 190-198.

1 2 T r e n t U n i v e r s i t y F a c u l t y P u b l i c a t i o n s

A MacLeod, F Wilkinson, H Reid and M

Skinner (2011) ‘Visible voices: connecting seniors through art-making’ abstract in New

Directions for Aging: Proceedings of the Annual

Scientific and Educational Meeting of the

Canadian Association on Gerontology . CAG:

Ottawa, 52-53.


Smale, William

(School of Education and Professional Learning)

Smale, W.T. & Gounko, T. (2012). The alarming relation between early school leaving and crime: A case study of twelve male school drop-outs who ended up behind bars . Lewiston,

NY. The Edwin Mellen Press.


Solway, Jacqueline


Development Studies/Anthropology)

2011 Invited discussant on Vigdis Broch-

Due’s ‘Animal In Mind: People, Cattle and

Shared Nature on the African Savannah’

On the Human : a project of the National

Humanities Center (USA). October 2011. n

Stapleton, Tim

( History)

“South Africa” in Ian Beckett (ed.), Citizen

Soldiers and Empire: The Amateur Military

Tradition in the British Empire, 1837-1902

London: Pickering and Chatto, 2012, 139-154.

“Wars of National Liberation”, “Congo

Wars (1960-2002)”, “Ethiopia-Somalia

Conflicts”, “Mau Mau Emergeny”, “Madhist

War (1881-99)”, “Nigerian Civil War (1967-

70)”, “Njinga Mbande, Queen of Ndongo and

Matamba, c.1583-1663,” “Zimbabwe’s War of Independence, 1965-80,” “Umkhonto we

Sizwe (Spear of the Nation or MK),” “Azanian

People’s Liberation Army (APLA),” “People’s

Liberation Army of Namibia (PLAN),”

“Front for the Liberation of Mozambique

(FRELIMO),” “Zimbabwe National Liberation

Army (ZANLA),” and “Zimbabwe People’s

Revolutionary Army (ZIPRA),” in Gordon

Martel (ed.) Encyclopedia of War Wiley-

Blackwell, 2011.

“Faku,” in Henry Louis Gates Jr. and

Emmanuel K. Akyeampong, (eds.) Dictionary of African Biography , Oxford University Press,


Review of Smith, Keith, Harry Smith’s

Last Throw: The Eighth Frontier War 1850-53

London: Frontline Books, 2012, Journal of

Military History , Vol.76, No.3 (July 2012),


Review of Friedman, Michelle, “The

Future is in the Hands of the Workers:” A

History of FOSATU . Johannesburg: University of the Witwatersrand, 2011, Canadian Journal of African Studies , Vol. 46, No. 1, 2012.

Review of Onyebuchi Eze, Michael,

Intellectual History in Contemporary South

Africa. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2011,

International Journal of African Historical

Studies , Vol. 44, No. 3 (2011), 473-474.


Steffler, Margaret

(English Literature)

Book Review of National Plots: Historical

Fiction and Changing Ideas of Canada .

Andrea Cabajsky and Brett Josef Grubisic, eds. (Wilfrid Laurier University Press) in the

American Review of Canadian Studies 41.4

(2011): 499-501.


Stoyles, Byron


“Philosophical Suicide” Think: Philosophy for Everyone . 2012, Vol. 11(30). pp. 73-84. n

Summerfeldt, Laura


Vorstenbosch, V., Hood, H. K.,

Rogojanski, J., Antony, M. M., Summerfeldt,

L. J., & McCabe, R. E. (2012). Exploring the relationship between OCD symptom subtypes and domains of functional impairment.

Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related

Disorders , 1, 33-44.


Svishchev, Igor


Svishchev I.M. and Guzonas D. “Particle

Nucleation: Implications for Water Chemistry

Control in a GEN IV Supercritical Watercooled Nuclear Reactor” J. Supercrit. Fluids ,

55 , 1014-1018 (2011)

Plugatyr A.Y., Carvajal-Ortiz R. and

Svishchev I.M. “On the pH Control at the

Supercritical Water-cooled Reactor Operating

Conditions”, Nuclear Eng. and Design , 248 ,

340-342 (2012)

Plugatyr A.Y. and Svishchev I.M., “SCWR

Chemistry Issues: Hydrothermal Stability of Hydrazine”, in: Proceedings of the 5th

International Symposium on Supercritical Water

Cooled Nuclear Reactors , (ed.: D. Guzonas,

Canada, 2011) Paper P.012, 10 p.p.


Thomas, Yves

(Modern Languages & Literatures)

For Histoires littéraires N˚50 : p. 125 Le cinéma de Guy Debord ou la négativité à l’oeuvre; p. 128 Fantômas, L’Encyclopédie ; p. 140-41 Jeu de masques. Les femmes et le travestissement textuel ; p. 145 Nerval, Voyages en Europe ; p. 159 Jules Verne à Marseille

For @nalyses (electronic journal) Vol.

7 No 3 : 1. “ Aux frontières,la brume ” 2.

Huysmans, le genre corrupteur n

Torgerson, Douglas

(Political Studies/Cultural Studies)

“Public Problems and Democratic Politics:

Instrumental Rationality Reconsidered,” in Social Science and Policy Challenges:

Democracy, Values and Capacities , Giorgos

Papanagnou, ed., Paris: UNESCO Publishing,

2011, pp. 57-93.

Rethinking the Public: Innovations in

Research, Theory and Politics , Nick Mahony,

Janet Newman and Clive Barnett, eds. (The

Policy Press, 2010), reviewed in Critical

Policy Studies , 5:3 (2011), pp. 355-356.


Visser, Beth


Visser, B. A., Ashton, M. C., & Pozzebon,

J. A. (2012). Is low anxiety part of the psychopathy construct? Journal of Personality ,

80, 725-747. n

Vreugdenhil, Andrew


T.E. Stotesbury, M. Illes, and A. J.

Vreugdenhil, “Investigation of Physical

Effects of Acid Yellow 7 Enhancement on

Dark and Non-Porous Surfaces in Impact

Pattern Area of Origin Estimation” Can. Soc.

Forensic Sci. J. Vol. 45. No. 1 (2012) pp.


K.J. Croes, A.J. Vreugdenhil, M.Yan,

T.A. Singleton, S. Boraas, V.J. Gelling, “An electrochemical study of corrosion protection by in situ oxidative polymerization in phenylenediamine crosslinked sol–gel hybrid coatings”, Electro Chimica Acta., 56, p. 7796-

7804 (2011).

J. Eastcott, J. Powell, A.J. Vreugdenhil, and E.B. Easton, “Electrochemical and

Morphological Studies of Ceramic Carbon

Electrodes for Fuel Cell Systems”, Polymer

Electrolyte Fuel Cells 11, ECS Transactions,

B10-1215 (2011). n

Walden, Keith


‘Tea in Toronto and the Liberal Order,

1880-1914,’ Canadian Historical Review 93:1

(March 2012), 1-24 n

Wallschläger, Dirk

(Environmental &

Resource Science/Studies/Chemistry)

LeBlanc, K.L., Smith, M.S. &

Wallschläger, D. (2012): Production and release of selenocyanate by different green fresh water algae in environmental and laboratory studies , Environ. Sci. Technol. 46, 5867-5875

Petrov, P.K., Charters, J.W. &

Wallschläger, D. (2012): Identification and determination of selenosulfate and selenocyanate in flue gas desulfurization waters , Environ. Sci. Technol. 46, 1716-1723

Shaw, S.A., Hendry, M.J., Essilfie-

Dughan, J., Kotzer, T. & Wallschläger,

D. (2011): Distribution, characterization, and geochemical controls of As, Se and

Mo in uranium mine tailings, Key Lake,

Saskatchewan, Canada , Appl. Geochem. 26,

2044-2056 n

Watmough, Shaun


& Resource Science/Studies)

A regional approach for mineral soil weathering estimation and critical load assessment in boreal Saskatchewan, Canada.

Whitfield, C.J. Watmough, S.A. The Science of the Total Environment 437: 165-172 (2012)

1 3 T r e n t U n i v e r s i t y F a c u l t y P u b l i c a t i o n s

An assessment of the long-term risk of metals in Sudbury soils: a critical loads approach. Meadows., M., Watmough, S.A.

Water, Air and Soil Pollution 223: 4343-4354


Impact of winter warming on the timing of nutrient export from forested catchments.

Casson, N.J., Eimers, M.C., Watmough, S.A.

Hydrological Processes 26: 2546-2554 (2012)

Evaluation of the elemental depletion weathering rate estimation method on acid-sensitive soils of north eastern Alberta,

Canada. Whitfield, C.J., Watmough, S.A.,

Aherne, J. Geoderma 166: 189-197 (2011).


White, Bradley


Dungan S.Z. S. K. Hung, J. Y. Wang, and

B. N. White (2012) Two social communities in the Pearl River Estuary population of Indo-

Pacific humpback dolphins, Sousa chinensis .

Can. J. Zool. 90, 1031-1043.

Linda Y. Rutledge, Paul J. Wilson,

Cornelya F.C. Klütsch, Brent R. Patterson

, Bradley N. White (2012). Conservation genomics in perspective: A holistic approach to understanding Canis evolution in North

America. Biological Conservation 155,


Pelletier A, M.E. Obbard, K Mills, E.J.

Howe, F.G. Burrows, B.N. White and C.J.

Kyle 2012. Delineating genetic groupings in a continuously distributed species across largely homogeneous landscapes: a study of American black bears (Ursus americanus) in Ontario

Canada. Can J. Zool.. 90, 999-1014.

Pelletier A, Obbard ME, White BN, Doyle

C and CJ Kyle (2011) Small-scale genetic structure of American black bears illustrates potential postglacial recolonization routes.

Journal of Mammalogy , 92, 3, 629-644.


White, Deborah


Du Mont, J., & White, D. (2011).

“Seeking a better world for women and girls. A moral and political movement to end gendered oppression is needed”. British

Medical Journal , 2011;343:d5712.

White, D. & Du Mont, J. (2012). Call to

Galvanize a Movement to End the Oppression of Women Worldwide”. Review of Half the Sky:

Turning Oppression into Opportunity , Nicholas

Kristof & Sheryl WuDunn. Social Justice ,

37(3) .


Williams, Jocelyn


Williams, Jocelyn S., and M. Anne

Katzenberg, 2011 Seasonal Fluctuations in

Diet and Death during the Late Horizon: A

Stable Isotopic Analysis of Hair and Nail from the Central Coast of Peru. Journal of

Archaeological Science 39:41-57.


Woodend, Kirsten

(Trent/Fleming School of Nursing)

Fletcher, J., Hogg, W., Farrell, B.,

Woodend, K., Dahrouge, S., Lemelin, J.,

Dalziel, W. (2012). Effect of nurse practitioner and pharmacist counselling on inappropriate medication use in family practice. Canadian

Family Physician. 58(8):862-8

Noel-Weiss, J., Cragg, B., & Woodend,

A. K. (2012). Exploring how IBCLCs manage ethical dilemmas: A qualitative study. Medical

Ethics, 13(18). DOI: 10.1186/1472-6939-13-


Gifford, W., Davies, B., Graham,

C., Tourangeau, Woodend, K., Lefebre.

(2012) Developing Leadership Capacity for

Guideline Use: A Pilot Cluster Randomized

Control Trial. Worldviews on Evidence-

Based Nursing. Article first published online

: 30 MAY 2012, DOI: 10.1111/j.1741-


Graham, K., Davies, B., Woodend, K.

Simpson, J., Mantha, S. (2011) Impacting

Canadian Public Health Nurses Job

Satisfaction. Canadian Journal of Public

Health, 102(6): 427-31 n

Xenopoulos, Marguerite


Das, P., C.J. Williams, R.R. Fulthorpe, E.

Hoque, C.D. Metcalfe and M.A. Xenopoulos.

2012. Changes in bacterial community structure after exposure to silver nanoparticles in natural waters. Environmental Science and

Technology 46: 9120-9128.

Wilson, H.F. and M.A. Xenopoulos. 2012.

Diel changes of dissolved organic matter in streams of varying watershed land use. River

Research and Applications. Online Early DOI:


Williams, C.J., A.B. Scott, H.F. Wilson and M.A. Xenopoulos. 2012. Effects of land use on water column bacterial activity and enzyme stoichiometry in stream ecosystems.

Aquatic Sciences 74: 483-494.

Das, P., M.A. Xenopoulos, C.J., Williams,

E. Hoque and C.D. Metcalfe. 2012. Effects of silver nanoparticles on bacterial activity in natural waters. Environmental Toxicology and

Chemistry 31: 122-130.

White, M.S., M.A. Xenopoulos, R.A.

Metcalfe and K.M. Somers. 2011. The ecological disturbance of water levels on the benthos. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and

Aquatic Sciences 68: 1695-1704.


Young, Kelly

(School of Education and

Professional Learning)

Young, K. (2012). Curriculum of imperialism: Good girl citizens and the making of the literary educated imagination.

In C. Gibson & C. Peck (Eds.). Trends and issues in Canadian curriculum development .

(pp. 315-328). University of British Columbia:

Pacific Educational Press.


Zielinski, Ger

(Cultural Studies)

“The Pacific New Wave: Bruce Sweeney’s

Vancouver,” in World Film Locations:

Vancouver, ed. Rachel Walls. Bristol, UK:

Intellect, Limited, 2012.

“On the Development of Queer Film

Festivals and Their Media Activism,” with

Skadi Loist, in Film Festival Yearbook 4,

Edited by Dina Iordanova. St Andrews: St

Andrews University Film Studies, 2012.

“Berlin’s Underground Film, & Its

Imagined Scenes Over and Beyond the Wall,” in Poor but Sexy: Reflections on Berlin

Scenes, ed. Geoff Stahl. Oxford: Peter Lang,


“Los Angeles as Anomalous Urban

Site for the Road Film: The Case of Gregg

Araki’s ‘Irresponsible Movie’ The Living End

(1992),” The North American Road Movie, eds. Wilfried Raussert and Graciela Martínez-

Zalce. Bielefeld, Germany: Verlag Universität

Bielefeld, 2012.

1 4 T r e n t U n i v e r s i t y F a c u l t y P u b l i c a t i o n s
