Republic of the Philippines SOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY Lucban, Quezon NOTICE OF AWARD August 3,2012 MR. RAMIL O. BONGAT General Managi:r Humil lnternational Trading 419 Alegria 5t. Sampaloc, Manila Dear Mr. Bongat: We are happy to notify you that your bid proposal in the Laboratory Supplies, Equipment and Apparatus of SLSU seven (7) Satellite Campuses in the items specified below is hereby accepted and contract will be awarded to you: HUMIL INTERNATIONAL TRADING Unit Cost Total Cost 72 840.00 Spatula 63 4,4tO.OO pcs. Cork borer 90 1,890.00 7 Pack Rubber stopper 200 1,400.00 7 Pack Cork stopper 200 1,400.00 35 pcs. 4,375.00 pcs. Metal ball Set of weights Total r25 21 450 9,450.00 70 pcs. Test tube holder 70 pcs. 2t P23,765.00. You are hereby required to formally enter into contract with us within-five (5) days from the receipt of this Notice. Failure to enter into the said contract shall constitute a sufficient ground for cancellation of this award. Very truly yours, Vt t / 1..ol-t-t+, DR. CECILIA N. GASCON University President Date z?lc . 2&, k2 ffi I I iiurat Manager, Humil lnternational Trading ,+rte, 'tx , lan- ou,. PURCHASE ORDER SOUTHERN LUZON STATE Supplier : F{umil lnternational i'rading Address :419 Alegria St. Sampaloc, Manila d UNIVERSITY DATE - \ Aug.t,2Ot2 OF Competitive PRoCUREMENT Bidding MODE Gentlemen: Please furnish this office following articles subject to the terms and conditions contained herein: Place of Delivery: SOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY, Lucban, euezon Date of Delivery (Within 30 days upon rece : ( Descri ption/Specification) of this order) Unit Cost Total Cost Test tube holder Rubber stopper Metal ball Set of weiehts 4,375.00 9,450.00 Twenty-Three Thousand, Seven Hundred Sixty-Five pesos (TotalAmount in Words) ln case of failure to make the fulldelivery within the time specified above, a penalty of ne-tenth (1/10) of one percent for every day delay shall be imposed. L't o I Tofaaa-l DR. CECILIA N. GASCON University President L O. BONGAT eneral Manager, Humil lnternational Trading Funds Available LLAVERDE 23,765.0O Republic of the Philippines SOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY Lucban, Quezon NOTICE TO PROCEED August 7,201"2 MR. RAMIL O. BONGAT General Manager Humil lnternational Trading 419 Alegria St. Sampaloc, Manila Dear Mr. Bongat: Notice is hereby given to Humil lnternational Trading with the attached contract. lt is expected that you will deliver the Laboratory Supplies/Equipments/Apparatus within 30 days upon receipt of this notice. Please be responsible to perform sale activities under the terms and conditions specified in the contract and in accordance with agreed schedule. Please acknowledge receipt and acceptance of this notice by signing both copies in space provided below. Keep one copy and return the other copy to the Southern Luzon State University. Very truly yours, c:t t /praut*, DR. CECILIA N. GASCON University President I acknowledge receipt of Name of Bidder this Notice on ,t{tg . re, % tL \ Authorized Signature lz\xr^rYllL \.r. D\.rtYr,JA I r Republic of the Philippines SOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY Lucban, Quezon NOTICE OF AWARD August 3,20L2 MS. EVANGELINE C. MAGTOTO Pres./CEO, Chemline Scientific Corp. 28 Law 5t. Victoria Subdivision Tandang Sora, Quezon City Dear Pres. Magtoto: We are happy to notify you that your bid proposal in the Laboratory Supplies, Equipment and Apparatus of SLSU seven (7) Satellite Campuses in the items specified below is hereby accepted and contract will be awarded to you: Unit Cost Total Cost 1,45 10,150.00 50 3,500.00 Graduated CVlinder 10 ml 350 24,500.00 pcs. Graduated Cylinder 100 ml 490 34,300.00 70 pcs. Wire gauze 10 700.00 70 pcs. Crucible tong 110 7,700.00 70 pcs. Test tube brush 15 1,050.00 70 pcs. Clav Triangle 42 2,940.00 35 pcs 3,8s0.00 35 vial 50 1,750.00 35 vial 50 1,750.00' 70 pcs. 54 3,780.00 T4 pcs. lron rlng Litmus Paper red Litmus Paper blue Meter stick Set of Tunins fork 110 760 10,640.00 CHEMLINE SCIENTIFIC CORP, 7A pcs. Beaker 50 ml 7A pcs. Watch glass 70 pcs. 70 P106,610.00 Total You are hereby required to formally enter into contract with us within-five (5) days from the receipt of this Notice. Failure to enter into the said contract shall constitute a sufficient ground for cancellation of this award. Very truly yours, vltlP DR. CECILIA N. GASCON Conforme: University President /L ErJ; LlrernilTTe JL-rerftTrTrL-(rrF';--- MS.EV ELINE C. MAGTOTO Pres.lCE Date Chemline Scientific Corp. PURCHASE ORDER SOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY Agency Supplier : Chemline Scientific Corporation Address : 28 Law St. Victoria Subdivision Tandang Sora, Quezon City P.O. NO. DATE MODE OF PROCUREMENT Aug. 1.,2012 Competitive Bidding Madam: Please furnish this office following articles subject to the terms and conditions contained herein: Place of Delivery: SOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY, Lucban, Quezql (Within 30 days upon receipt of this order) Date of Deliverv : Items Description/Specification) Beaker 50 ml Watch slass Graduated Cylinder 10 ml Graduated Cvlinder 100 ml Unit Cost Total Cost ( 10,150,00 24,500.00 Wire gauze Test tube brush '3,850.00 Litmus Paoer red Litmus Paper blue L,750.o0 3,780.00 10,640.00 Set of Tuning fork 106,610.00 One Hundred Six Thousand, Six Hundred Ten Pesos otal A.mount in Wordsi ffiii!tr'"fulldeliverywithinthetimespecifiedabove,apenaltyof one-tenth (1/10) of one percent for every day delay shall be imposed, rvt t lrrott-<t' DR. CECILIA N. GASCON Universitv President MS. EV.AilIGELINE C. MAGTOTO presidert/CEO, Chemline Scientific Corp. OBR NO. Funds Available Amount: E Un Republic of the philippines SOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY Lucban, Quezon NOTICE TO PROCEED August 7 ,2OI2 MS. EVANGELINE C. MAGTOTO President/CEO Chemline Scientific Corporation 28 Law St. Victoria Subdivision Tandang Sora, Quezon City Dear Pres. Magtoto: Notice is hereby given to Chemline Scientific Corporation with the attached contract. lt is expected that you will deliver the Laboratory Supplies/Equipments/Apparatus within 30 days upon receipt of this notice. Please be responsible to perform sale activities under the terms and conditions specified in the contract and in accordance with agreed schedule. Please acknowledge receipt and acceptance of this notice by signing both copies in space provided below. Keep one copy and return the other copy to the Southern Luzon State U niversity. Very truly yours, <"t t JVcJv.-t-t-' DR. CECILIA N. GASCON University President I acknowledge receipt of this Notice on Name of Bidder Authorized Signature -ro, *remii nEScie ntifiC eoip. -.. Republic of the Philippines SOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY Lucban, Quezon NOTICE OF AWARD August 3,2012 * 3 MR. .ARTURO T. REBOLLIDO General Manager, ATR Trading System X03 San Pedro Bautista St. Damayan, Quezon City Dear Mr. Rebollido: We are happy to notify you that your bid proposal in the Laboratory Supplies, Equipment and Apparatus of SLSU seven [7) Satellite Campuses in the items specified below is hereby accepted and contract will be awarded to you: ATR TRADIN G Unit Cost Total Cost lo pcs Test tube racl<-wooden 80.00 5.600.00 70 pcs. Crucible porcelain w/ cover 70.00 4,900.00 175 pcs. Dropper 4.50 781.50 35 pcs. 70.00 2,450.00 35 0cs, 120.00 4,200.00 35 pcs. 35 pcs. Mortar and pestle Metal Cylinder Brass Metal Cylinder Aluminum Stop watch 35 pcs. 7 95.00 3,325.00 3s0.00 12,250.00 Force table 4,200.00 147,000.00 Unit Van de Graff Generator 4,400.00 30,800.00 35 pcs Rectansular Block Aluminum L40.00 4,900.00 35 pcs. Rectangular Copper 400.00 14,000.00, Total P230,212.s0 You are hereby required to formally enter into contract with, us within-five {5) days from the receipt of this Notice. Failure to enter into the said contract shall constitute a sufficient ground for cancellation of this award. Very truly yours, l-.t t / rO-tu<-*t DR. CECITTA N. GASCON Conforme: University President RTURO T. REBOLLIDO Gen. Manager, ATR Trading System Date PURCHASE ORDER SOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY Agency \.t Supplier : ATR Trading System Address : 103 San pedro Bautista St. Damayan, euezon City TIN: P.O. NO. DATE Aug. 1, 2012 Competitive MODE OF % Bidding PROCUREMENT Gentlemen: Please furnish this office following articles subject to the terms and conditions conta ined herein: Place of Delivery: S_OUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERStTy, Lucban, euezon Date of Delivery Stock No. ' Il- (witnin j Items Unit (Description/Specification QTY Unit Cost ) Total Cost pcs. Test tube rack-wooden 70 pcs. Crucible porcelain 70 pcs. uropper tvtortar and pesfle rvletat cylinder Brass Metal Cylinder Aluminum Stop watch Force table van de Graff Generator Rectangular Bloclc Aluminum Rectangular Copper 80.00 70.00 175 4.50 787.50 35 70.00 2,450.00 35 120.00 4,200.00 35 95.00 3,325.00 35 12,250.0t) 7 3s0.00 4,200.00 4,400.00 35 140.00 30,800.00 4,900.00 35 400.00 14_OOn OO pcs. pcs. pcs. pcs. pcs. Unit pcs. pcs. w/ cover 35 wo Hundred Thirty Thousand, Two Hundred Twelve pesos & 50/100 TotalAmount in Words) tAt/Vot rt .l-aY DR. CECILIA N. GI \scoN University Presidt :nt .ARTURO T. REB ]LLIDO Seneral Manager, A R Trading System Date OBR NO. E (,,1,(,,,, 147,000.00 230,2L2.50 ln case of fi ilure ro maKe the tull delivery within t re time specified above, p a nalty of ne-tenth (1/10) of c ne percent for every day delay shall br imposed. onforme: 5,600.00 4,900.00 Amount: F Republic of the Philippines SOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY Lucban, Quezon NOTICE TO PROCEED q August 7,2oL2 lr MR. ARTURO T. REBOLLIDO General Manager, ATR Trading System 103 San Pedro Bautista St, Damayan, Quezon City Dear Mr. Rebollido: Notice is hereby given to ATR Trading System with the attached contract. lt is expected that you will deliver the Laboratory Supplies/Equipments/Apparatus within 30 days upon receipt of this notice. Please be responsible to perform sale activities under the terms and conditions specified in the contract and in accordance with agreed schedule, Please acknowledge receipt and acceptance of this notice by signing both copies in space provided below. Keep one copy and return the other copy to the Southern Luzon State University. . Very truly yours, a-/1"t /7a.--aa-y*t DR. CECILIA N. GASCON University President I acknowledge receipt of this Notice on Name of Bidder Authorized Signature lP-zuvn 7 ftepuhllc of thr Philippines SCIUTHERIII LUIOI{ STATE UNIVERSIfi Lucbsn, Quergn $OTICE CIF AWAfiD August 3, 70il MS, FtORtE &|SCOCHO Marketing Mrnager Science 6*ar Enterpris*s Unit ?li $lclg. S, Resieieneias de Manila {crner N agtah*n, Jesu; ;ct. Fandacan, Mattila Dear Ms. &isc*cho We are happy to nstify you that your bid proposal in the L*boratorv Supplies, Equiprnent and Apparatus of 5L5lJ :even i?)Satellite Carnpuses in the iternl rpecified below is herebv a{riepted and enntract wili be awarded to vou; I LIAmP nolder a+:nrl tron stand i ts I p.*. lran p€s, i, lecti-stEt Hefteng$tar Blocl 35 g.t: Bl brass ;,__€.",,_ pcs, i Pendulum stand *-'- 15 ' ---f pcs. sathroorfi 21 ,i prs. Bathroorn scrte scate : 3! _-_-,p,!1:... Slinky metal _-_1__Pcs, I nre LEaq__ z , pcs. Bread board Tntrt Totsl r , 180 i osO i -,.* *-+_**----,- , ern 6.300.00 j ' .., +_ ..__-____.-. r r !c^ M ' -- -+_...-----* r . :.S.758.o0 +jj 240 z4e ,-_.**-**.r-* 8,400.0S 4S0- -- ---.t-i 15.IS0.00 ----:..*-- ------{ dtSs aS0 !i $,450.00 C.ASO.OO 800 1O,S0O.SS ii j i! t**--*"' wl different resistors resistors i i--I i - . -. : SSn i: SSCI I I 1,850.00 l,A:9.00 ni a^ riin A.r,t P130.?60.00 You are hereby required , I i tn fslrnrally enter irrto contract with us within-five {5} dayr frorn the receipt of this Notice, Failure ts enter into the caid ccntract shall car,stitute e sufficient grsurrd for cancellation of this award. Very truly your:,, C,,-tt t I sR. cEcrrlA N.6A$CON LJniver:itv President Conforme: Ms. FLORTI B|5COCF|S Markg,Qng Manager, 5cience Gear Enterprises Date $C.^*, r4- /,'l i.i- {.,J,; PURCHASE ORDER SOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY Supplier : Science Gear Elterprises Address : Unit 2t7 Bldg.8, Residencias de Manila cor.Nagtahan, Jesus St. Pandacan, Manila P.O. NO. DATE Aug.1,2012 MODE OF Competitive Bidding PROCUREMENT Mada m: please furnish this office following articles subject to the terms and conditions contained herein: place of Delivery: SOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY, Lucban Quezon (Within 30 days upon recqplellhis eIgSIl Date of DeliverY : Unit (Description/Specif ication) Cost Total Cost Clamp holder 15,750.00 Rectangular Blocl< brass Pendulum stand Slinl<v metal Three wire sonometer Bread board w/ different resistors One Hundred Thirty Thousand, Seven otalAmount in Words 2,500.00 Hudf!l'*ly-I:t* 130,760.00 a penalty of ln case of failure to mat<e itre full delivery *iil"rin the time specified above, one-tenth (1-/L0) of one percent for every day delay shall be imposed' lA ,lyd.i_lvp DR. CECIdIA N. GASCON University President FLORIE BISCOCHO arl<eting Manager, Science Gear Interprises Funds Available OBR NO. Amount: Republic of the Philippines SOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY Lucban, Quezon NOTICE TO PROCEED August 7,201"2 MS. FLORIE BISCOCHO Marketing Manager Science Gear Enterprises Unit217 Bldg. 8, Residencias de Manila Corner Nagtahan, Jesus 5t. Pandacan, Manila Dear Ms. Biscocho: Notice is hereby given to Science Gear Enterprises with the attached contract. lt is expected that you will deliver the Laboratory Supplies/Equipments/Apparatus within 30 days upon receipt of this notice. Please be responsible to perform sale activities under the terms and conditions specified in the contract and in accordance with agreed schedule. Please acknowledge receipt and acceptance of this notice by signing both copies in space provided below. Keep one copy and return the other copy to the Southern Luzon State University. Very truly yours, <-'1 I)F\AA+- DR. CECILIA N. GASCON University President I acknowledge receipt of this Notice on Name of Bidder Authorized Signature arketing Manager. Science Gear Enterprises Republic of the Philippines SOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY Lucban, Quezon NOTICE OF AWARD August 3,2012 MR. ROMEO VELASCO Sales Representative Belman Compania lncorporada Belman Building ll, Cordillera St. Corner Quezon Avenue Quezon City Dear Mr. Velasco: We are happy to notify you that your bid proposal in the Laboratory Supplies, Equipment and Apparatus of SLSU seven (7) Satellite Campuses in the items specified below is hereby accepted and contract will be awarded to you: BELMAN COMPANIA ENCORPORADA Unit Cost Total Cost 24.OO 8,400.00 99.00 6,930.00 99.99 6,999.30 70 pcs. I Test tube pcs. Beaker 100 ml pcs. Beaker 250 ml pcs. Beaker 600 ml 145.00 10,150.00 70 pcs. Graduated Cylinder 25 ml 365.00 25,550.00 70 pcs. 365.00 25,550.00 7 unit Graduated Cylinder 50 ml Compound Microscope/ 6,300.00 44,100.00 350 70 70 Total PL27,679.30 You are hereby required to formally enter into contract with us within-five (5) days from the receipt of this Notice. Failure to enter into the said contract shall constitute a sufficient ground for cancellation of this award. Very truly yours, 94 llYottlttP DR. CECILIA N. GASCON University President Sales Representative Belman Compania lncoroorada O^r"W Funds Available I Ut'K NTJ' Amount: SOUTHERN LUZON 5IA I t UI\IVtsK)I I Y Agency Supplier : Belman Compania lncorporale Address : Belman Bldg. ll, Cordillera St. cor. Quezon Ave., Quezon CitY P.O. NO. - DATE - MODE OF d Ati's.L,zjtz ComPetitive PROCUREMENT BiddiN Gentlemen: Please furnish this office following articles subject to the terms and conditions contained herein: place of Delivery: SoUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY, Lucban, Qqq4g't (Within 30 days upon receipt of this order) Date of Delivery : Items Unit Description/Specification) Test tube Cost Total Cost ( Beaker 100 ml Beaker 250 ml Beaker 600 ml Graduated Cylinder 25 ml Graduated Cylinder 50 ml Compound Microscope/ 10,150.00 25,5s0.00 25,550.00 44,100.00 One Hundred TwentyFeven Thousand, Six Hundred Sqygty-tt'ne & 30/100 {TotalAmount in Words) deliverywithinthetimespecifiedabove,apenaltyof one-tenth (1/10) of one percent for every day delay shall be imposed. L-rl t / 7Ot'lr-t't'-, DR. CECILIA N. GASCON University President Confo Belman Sales Re resentative -15Date Funds Available /*1 a D. VIFLAVERDE OBR NO. Amount: !27,619.30 Republic of the PhiliPPines SOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY Lucban, Quezon NOTICE TO PROCEED August 7 ,2}tz MR. ROMEO VELASCO Sales Representative Belman Compania lncorporada Belman Building ll, Cordillera St. Corner Quezon Avenue Quezon CitY Dear Mr. Velasco: Notice is hereby given to Belman Compania lncorporada with the attached contract. lt is expected that you will deliver the Laboratory Supplies/Equipments/Apparatus within 30 days upon receipt of this notice. please be responsible to perform sale activities under the terms and conditions specified in the contract and in accordance with agreed schedule please acknowledge receipt and acceptance of this notice by signing both copies in space provided below. Keep one copy and return the other copy to the Southern Luzon State University. Very truly yours, </1 t /fo'.4A - DR. CECILIA N. GASCON University President I acknowledge receipt of this Notice ,, Kr.FtV &'a{ Name of Bidder Authorized Signature lirnOrn*lrtOr. l/. ,' r#.flK* (J6N IY\J: I Amount: "-4-- Republic of the Philippines SOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY Lucban, Quezon NOTICE OF AWARD August 3,701,2 .{ l. MS. LAMEGRA E. CORDIAL Bid Coordinator, Aspen Multi-System Corp. Unit D5 Lui Gin Corrdo Manila East Road, El Monteverde, Subd. Brgyu. San Juan, Taytay, Rizal Dear Ms. Cordial: We are happy to notify you that your bid proposal in the Laboratory Supplies, Equipment and Apparatus of SLSU seven (7) Satellite Campuses in tlre items specified below is hereby accepted and contract will be awarded to you: Total Cost Unit Cost s8.38 4,086,60 48.07 es.s4 l_ _9,s9{,,80__ - e2,18 1 4,500.00 I 9/q7:60 _ 94,500.00 4, 4,722.48224.88 I ...-'',':: :::'""I s4.e1 i 3,843.70 73.82 I 5, I Ii I l i i pcs. I Condenser 400 mm 19:60 'i. 2,74!.oo 52.17 l---------l i 70 i zo l__-_l 70 Ii------r i zo Ii.-- 70 ZO Ii'-l--l--. t I -- -n 1 pcs. 1 Frog smear i ocs. I Human Blood smear ' --t-- skin | pcs. I Frog i pcs. i Hyaline Cartilage n.t. 1 Striated muscle ----l--' l-i ! ^^- I c+-:-+^,J *.,--t^ 1 pcs, 1 Frog Squamouse Epithelium MS. LAMEGRA E. CORDIAL Bid CooS[natpr,AsRen Mutti-System Corp. 65.21 65.21 - ,6122! __ -55_:21 65.21 _ I 3,651.90 I I Monocot stem Frog'bone F lt?lgs gqthetium 65.21. 4,5_6_!J0 65.2L 4,564.70 _ 4,564JO 4,564.70 r,91"_tt:onIS_.I'ug_tjrsue f4ple A"a- ealance- 2 Vernier Caliper Ammeter/Multi-tester 4,564.70 4,564.70 00 16,817.50 P343,774.90 You are hereby required to formally enter into contract with us within-five (5) days from the receipt of this Notice. Failure to enter into the said contract shall constitute a sufficient ground for cancellation of this award. Very truly yours, l4 t /r-otwav-rnt DR. CECILIA N. GASCON University President conforff:l MS. LAMEGHA E. CORDIAL 3,J..too'dil#fi;o' o' n t''t'-svst e m corp \SE ORDER SOUTHERi?ff:1 V STATE UNTVERSITV - ency iupplier: i As Address : Uni # r--- P.o. NO. { _ l. DATE !y. san Juan, Tatay, Rr2J.- aug.'1,,2012 iubd M.DE oF PRocuREMo* M'dfi;l- I g - please I rorrowing artictes subject to the terms and :onditions cont :il:'J;::iltj''" rlace t"rt-rrn-,rt"- rr^r ).!. of Delivery: of Deliverv : Stock N, . RStTy, Lucban nr,^_^n gO F, f; pcs. 70 c 70 6q t1 @ # utcot stem pcs. 70 4,564.70 -_ - 65,2L 70 tu 65.21,. .__ -4,564.70 4,564,70 *- 65.21.. --l pcs. 65.21. q,saqlo unit pcs. pcs. .Hmmete r/M rr ffi ru Tot; tRmount in Woidl tn case of failu 4,564.70 7A k ffi pcs, 70 70 Atr 70 t{^ 65.21 27 u f ti_Grt" r.--.---- / ro 35 298.59 35 480.50 ---=+ _l )/100 ...- >-____ enth (1/10) ofono rcrrred above, rv, Ls,,r ror every day a pe delay shall be imposed. q,saq.lo 1 l' . . l';^^'*p^,1 Ms. rAMEGnat. conornr- t""A?fr Date i,"tA*t Funds Availacrr-! n M u rti-svste m Co rp. : niversity presiden 94.5on nn L0,450 6_q 1'J1 'loc nr ______________ :tJ 343,774.90 r.tty;----- I -..?/,(ffi 4.564 7n -J 4.56a zn 16.817 5n 171.979 85 I u'o 4,564.70 70 pcs. Huni Jred Fortr 4,564.70 4,564.70 -.-- 6E )1 70 pcs. Total cost H Pcs. pcs. I unit 70 pcs. o ne-l r.-.-..cost pcs. pcs. rg duv;;; ;coN t I I Republic of the philippines SOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY Lucban, Quezon NOTICE TO PROCEED August 7,20L2 t, t MS. LAMEGRA E. CORDIAL Bid Coordinator, Aspen Multi-System Corp. Unit D5 Lui Gin Condo Manila East Road, El Monteverde, Subd. Brgy. San Juan, Taytay, Rizal Dear Ms. Cordial: Notice is hereby given to Aspen Multi-System Corporation with the attached contract. lt that you will deliver the Laboratory Supplies/Equipments/Apparatus within 30 days upon receipt of this notice. is expected Please be responsible to perform sale activities under the terms and conditions specified in the contract and in accordance with agreed schedule. Please acknqwledge receipt and acceptance of this notice by signing both copies in space provided below. l(eep one copy and return the other copy to the Southern Luzon State U n iversity. Very truly yours, (-zl t )7vr-a-r.r*t DR. CECILIA N. GASCON University President I acknowledge receipt of this Notice Name of Bidder Authorized Signature on fufi-4 v )F , lay