www.ijraset.com Vol. 2 Issue VIII, August 2014 ISSN: 2321-9653 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH IN AP PLIED SCIENCE AN D E N G I N E E R I N G T E C H N O L O G Y (I J R A S E T) Evaluation of LSB Based Digital Watermarking Algorithm Using Various Parameters 1 1,2 Shefali Manchanda 2Er.Ravinder Bisht, 3Deepika Chaudhary Department of Electronics & Communication Engg RPIIT Technical Campus, Karnal 3 Department of Electronics & Communication Engg, DVIET, Karnal Abstract: Digital Image watermarking is the process of trouncing the digital data in the image, by inclusion of digital mark into the image. The research presents digital watermarking algorithm using least significant bit (LSB). LSB is used because of its reserved effect on the image. In this an invisible and a visible watermarking technique is implemented.. Various attacks are also performed on watermarked image and their impact on quality of image is also studied using various parameters like Mean Square Error (MSE), Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), Signal Mean Square Error (S_MSE) and the effect of rotation on watermarked image is also observed. The work has been implemented through MATLAB. Keywords - Watermarking, Least Significant Bit (LSB), Mean Square Error (MSE) Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), Signal to noise ratio( SNR),and Signal to Mean Square Error( S_MSE). I. INTRODUCTION MSE: The digital watermarking process embeds a signal into the The mean squared error (MSE) for our practical purposes media without significantly degrading its visual quality. allows us to compare the “true” pixel values of our original Digital watermarking is a process to embed some information image to our degraded image. called watermark into altered kind of media called cover work average of the squares of the errors between the actual and the .Digital watermarking involves embedding a structure in a noisy image. The error is the amount by which the values of host signal to mark it rights. the original image differ from the degraded image. The MSE represents the PSNR: (PSNR) is a term for the ratio between the Cover work maximum possible value (power) of a signal and the power of Watermark embedder Watermark detector Watermark message distorting noise that affects the quality of its representation. Detected watermark PSNR is expressed in terms of the decibel scale (db). It is wanted that higher the PSNR, the better tainted image has Description of the Parameters Page 214 www.ijraset.com Vol. 2 Issue VIII, August 2014 ISSN: 2321-9653 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH IN AP PLIED SCIENCE AN D E N G I N E E R I N G T E C H N O L O G Y (I J R A S E T) been reconstructed to match the original image and the better the reconstructive algorithm. SNR: Signal to noise ratio may be defined as the ratio of the desired signal (meaningful information) to the background noise i.e. unwanted signal. SNR is typically articulated in decibels (dB). An attempt is made maximize the SNR ratio. WM image (bit 5) WM image (bit 6) Results Analysis: WM image (bit 7) Host Image Image Watermarked Images: WM image (bit 1) Watermarked Noise at Least significant bit ‘1’ WM image (bit 2) Gaussian Noise Salt & Pepper Noise WM image (bit 3) WM image (bit 8) Poisson Noise Rotation WM image (bit 4) Noise at intermediate bit ‘4’ Page 215 www.ijraset.com Vol. 2 Issue VIII, August 2014 ISSN: 2321-9653 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH IN AP PLIED SCIENCE AN D E N G I N E E R I N G T E C H N O L O G Y (I J R A S E T) Table2. For watermarked image with Gaussian Noise Poisson Noise Gaussian Noise Bit value MSE MSE PSNR PSNR SNR SNR S_MSE S_MSE 11 22 33 4 4 5 5 6 76 87 8 .63472 54.7043 1.0974 54.6892 10.188 65.8617 41.5781 83.7878 165.0364 124.1223 170.7133 175.4487 159.0482 173.4957 151.881 165.8621 50.139 30.7846 47.7611 30.7858 38.0839 29.9785 31.9762 28.9333 25.989 27.2263 25.8421 25.7233 26.0482 25.7719 26.3498 25.9673 50.5434 23.1948 40.2758 23.3486 38.5723 23.6158 32.3408 23.7917 26.4481 23.0014 19.8921 19.827 14.349 14.522 8.1057 8.2168 26.0368 6.6824 23.6589 6.6836 13.9817 5.8762 7.8739 4.8308 1.8868 3.1241 1.7399 1.6211 2.0473 1.6697 2.2475 1.8651 Table3.For watermarked image with Poisson Noise Salt & Pepper Noise Rotation Noise at Most significant bit ‘8’ Gaussian Noise Bit value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Poisson Noise Salt & Pepper Rotation Noise Evaluation of Various Attacks on Watermarked Image Table1. For watermarked image Page 216 MSE PSNR SNR S_MSE 89.1881 88.1029 96.0423 105.7461 126.161 162.6044 186.347 185.2631 28.6617 28.7149 28.3402 27.9222 27.1555 26.0535 25.4616 25.4869 16.0378 16.1409 16.2709 16.4729 16.8721 16.6582 13.5588 8.1825 4.5595 4.6127 4.238 3.8199 3.0533 1.9513 1.3594 1.3847 www.ijraset.com Vol. 2 Issue VIII, August 2014 ISSN: 2321-9653 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH IN AP PLIED SCIENCE AN D E N G I N E E R I N G T E C H N O L O G Y (I J R A S E T) Table4. For watermarked image with Salt & Pepper noise 256pixels shows that the varioattack of noise or rotation doesn’t degrade our final obtained image to great exposure, Bit value MSE PSNR SNR S_MSE thus is vigorous to illegal attacks. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6.9427 7.1931 16.1297 45.6713 163.1726 168.4937 157.4057 150.7682 39.7495 39.5956 36.0885 31.5684 26.0383 25.899 26.1946 26.3817 10.6911 10.5763 10.8812 10.8181 10.8025 10.7456 10.0895 7.3697 15.6473 15.4934 11.9863 7.4661 1.9361 1.7967 2.0924 2.2795 REFERENCES [1] Vaibhav Joshi and Milind Rane “Digital Water marking Using LSB Technique” Electrical Replacement with Secret Key Insertion Association of Computer Electronics and Engineers, 2014 Electronics and Electrical Engineers, 2014 [2] Rajni Verma and Archana Tiwari “Copyright Protection Table5. 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