magazyn dIauczcych sic jqzyka angielskiego ki Me leading FAMISH

magazyn dIauczcych sic jqzyka angielskiego
rnall Journey
a Hermetic
r.garet Atwood
ENGLISH. Repetytorium maturalne
Magorzaty CieIak
to zestaw opracowanych tematOw maturalnych przyktadowymi pytariiami
egzamiriacyjriymi, objanienrami stOw zwrctOw zawartych w tekstach,
slownictwem poszerzajcym dany blok tematyczny oraz zbiorcmi zddaO dia
poziomu podstawowego rozszerzonego.
Dodatkowo do zadaO zawartych w obu czkciach Repetytorium rnaturalnego'
February - March 2008
people & lifestyle
The School of Hard Knocks? 10
Taking a Year Out
Backstage of Cheerleading 15
America is Dying Slowly
- The Gang Problem
Margaret Atwood and her Vision
of the Future
Why elephants are not so long
in the tusk
Elephants are evolving smaller tusks due to pressure
from hunting and poaching for ivory, according to
conservation experts.
The average tusk size of African elephants has halved
since the mid-19th century. A similar effect has been
spotted in the Asian elephant population in India.
Researchers say it is an example of Darwinism in
action, caused by the mass slaughter of dominant male
elephants - but whereas evolution normally takes place
over thousands of years, these changes have occurred
within 150 years.
Zoologists at Oxford University fear that poaching and
hunting of the largest male elephants, which also have
the largest tusks, has changed the natural breeding
behaviour of these animals. Their research has shown
that the hunting of these large males for their ivory
allows smaller males with shorter tusks to produce more
calves. Over time the average tusk size decreases lain
Douglas Hamilton, from the conservation charity Save
the Elephants and who was one of the authors of the
study, said: 'What appears to be the case is that average
tusk sizes have decreased greatly since the mid-19th
century'. The data comes from the trade statistics and
from records of hunters around Africa who find that large
trophies are very much harder to find. 'While some of this
may be due to an absence at older animals, it is possible
there has been a genetic selection pressure against large
tusk size that outweighs their usefulness in contests with
other males in winning females.'
tusk - cios (a stonia)
U poaching - ktusowriictwo
ivory - kobd sfoniowa
slaughter - rze±, pogrom
calf - stonitko
I to outweigh - przewszad
computer game which allows users to play virtuall
ennis in their living room has been blamed for a
spate of injuries dubbed 'Nintendo Wii syndrome'.
The Wii, which allows people to mimic the movements
f activities such as golf, bowling or boxing via a handeld motion sensor, has been identified as the cause at
housands of minor accidents and injuries. Osteopaths
ay middle-aged parents are most at risk from neck,
houlder and elbow problems brought on from playing for
o long. Martin Davies. who runs five osteopathic clinics
Cheshire, noticed a sharp rise ri Wii-associated injuries
tier Christmas. He said: 'We noticed we were getting a
umber of middle-aged parents coming in having played
lethal - Smiertelny
vaccine szczepionka
tail-safe - bezpieczny w razie sszkodzenia
leak - przeciek
viable - zdolriy do dyes
Spate of injuries blamed on
ntendo Wii
Scientists have made the lethal virus Ebola harmless
in the lab, potentially aiding research into a vaccine or
Taking -a single gene from the virus slops it replicating,
US scientists wrote in the Proceedings at the National
Academy of Sciences journal. Ebola, currently handled
in highly secure labs, kills up to 80% of those it infects.
However, one expert said the new method may not yet
be a fail-sate way at dealing with the virus. The need
for a ,.biosecurity level 4" (05L4) laboratory for any work
involving Ebola means that very few research institutions
are capable of doing this. Researchers wear biosatety
suits with their own air supply, and the air pressure in
the room is less than the pressure outside, so any lea
would mean air flowing inwards rather than outwards
This wakes anything more than small-scale study of th
virus very difficult to arrange. If Ebola could be kept in a
viable form, yet with the risk of infection removed, then
conventional labs might be able to study it.
The researchers, from the University of Wisconsin at
Madison, say that they have found a "great system"
to do this. They said that a single one of Ebola's eight
genes, called VP30, is the key, as without it, the virus
cannot replicate within host cells by itself. However,44
the scientists still want the virus to replicate in order to
study it, so they developed monkey kidney cells which
contained the protein needed. Because the cell was
providing the protein, and not the virus itself, it could only
replicate within those cells, and even if transferred into a
human, would be harmless.
for far too long on the Nintendo Wii that they had bought
their children. The older patients in particular are finding
their neck, shoulders and elbows are painful and some
said they had been playing Wii for up to 10 hours'.
Mr Davies says tennis and basing are the biggest
cause of injuries, and he is advising patients to ensure
they follow the manufacturers guidelines and limit
their playing time. He has also devised a number of
warm-up exercises which can be carried out before
starting a play session. 'But it is not all bad', Mr Davies
added, 'One parent reported that his son had lost a
stone in weight since getting a Wii for his birthday'.
spate of sth - saris czsgob
to dub nazwsd
motion sensor czujnik ruchu
osteopath - krygarz
to devise opracowac
otanists have discovered a new species of giant
elf-destructing palm on the island of Madagascar
he tree, described as the nations largest palm
species, is unlike anything else ever found
n the island before, say scientists. Although
illagers knew of its existence, none had
witnessed the tree in flower. When this finally
appened last year, botanists found that thee
ee spent so much energy flowering that it died.
he palm is 2Cm high with leaves 5m long, the
llest tree of its type in the country; but for most
its life - around 100 years - it appears fairly
nremarkable apart from its size. It was on y when
otanists from Kew Gardens in London, UK, were
Itold of its extraordinary flowering pattern that they
began to be interested. 'It's spectacular', says Mijoro
Rakotoarirrivo, who works with Kew and has seen
'the tree. 'Al first there's only a very long shoot Irk
asparagus from the top of the tree and then, a few
weeks later, this unique shoot starts to spread. Atlfie
end of this process you can have something like a
Christmas free'. The branches then become covered
with hundreds of tiny flowers which are pollinated
and turn into fruit; but the tree expends so much
energy on flowering that it eventually collapses and
dies. The tree has been named Tahina speclabilis,
which is Malagasy for "biassed" or "to be protected".
species gatunek
to be in flower - kwitngd
unremarkable - niczym sig we wyrO±niat5cy
shoot - pyd
to pollinate - zapylad
The Oscar fever began. Winners in 24 categories will be announced
on 24 February. This year's nominations are as follows:
1 Best Picture. 'Atonement' 'Juno' 'Michael Clayton, 'No Country for Old
Men', 'There Will Be Blood'.
George Clooiiey, 'Michael Clayton', Daniel Day-Lewis, 'There
2. Ac
Will Be Blood; Johnny Depp, 'Sweeney Todd the Demon Barber of Fleet
Street, Tommy Lee Jones In the Valley of blab'; Viggo Mortensen,
'Eastern Promises
3. Actress: Cafe Blanchett, Elizabeth: The Golden Age'; Julie Christie,
'Away From Her'; Marion Cotil ard La Vie en Rose'; Laura Linrrey. 'The
Savages; Ellen Page, Juno'
4. Supporting Actor Casey Altieck, 'The Assassination of Jesse James by
the Coward Robert Ford' Javier Bardem, No Country for Old Men'; Hal
Holbrook, 'Into the Wild'; Philip Seymour Hoffman, 'Charlie Wilson's War;
Tow Wi kinson 'Michael C ,'iv'ton'
5 Supporting Actress. Cute aianchett, 'I'm Not There'; Ruby Dee,
'Amer can Gangster' Saoirue Ronan 'Atonement'; Amy Ryan, Gone Baby
Gone'; Tilda Swinton,'Michael Clayton'.
.J'reclur. Julian Scheabel, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly' Jason
Reitman 'Juno'. Tory Gilroy, Michael Clayton'; Joel Coon and Ethan
Coen, 'No Country for Old Men'; Paul Thomas Anderson 'There Will Be
7. Foreign Film: 'Beaufort', Israel; 'The Counterfeiters', Austria; 'Kaiytr',
Poland; 'Mongol, Kazakhstan; '12', Russia.
Christopher Hampton. 'Atonement, Sarah Polley,
8. Adapted
Away from Her; Ronald Harwood, 'The Diving Bell and the Butterfly'; Joe
Coen & Ethan Coen. 'No Country for Old Men'; Paul Thomas Anderson.
'ill Be Blood'
9. Original Screenplay: Diablo Cody, 'Juno', Nancy Oliver, Lars and the
Real Girl; Tony Gilroy, 'Michael Clayton'; Brad Bird, Jan Pinkana and Jim
Capobianco 'Ratatouille'; Tamara Jenkins, 'Thu Savages.
.ui s Up.
utatou i
10. An mated Feature Film: Persepo
11. Art Direction' 'American Gangster', 'Atonement', 'The Golden
Compass'. Sweeney Todd the Demon Barber of Fleet Street' 'There Will
Be Blood'.
12 Cinematography 'The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward
Robert Ford'. 'Atonement', 'The Diving Bell and the Butterfly', No Country
There Will Be Blood.
for Old ft'
13, Sound Mixing: 'The Bourne Ultimatum', 'No Country for Old Men',
'Ratatouille', '310 to Yuma','Transformers'.
14 Sound Editing 'The Bourne Ultimatum, No Country bc Old Men'
'There Will Be Blood' 'Transformers'.
'Rattito '
15. Original Score: 'Atonement' Dario Marianelli; 'The Kite Runner',
Alberto Iglesias; 'Michael Clayton', James Newton Howard 'Ratatouille'
Michael Giacehino; '3:1010 Yams', Marco Be I trawl.
16. Original Sorg. 'Falling Slowly from Once, Glen Hansard and
Marketa Irylova; 'Happy Working Song' from 'Enchanted', Alan Manken
and Stephen Schwartz 'Raise It Up' from 'August Rush', Nominees to
be determined' 'So Close' from 'Enchanted', Alan Menken and Stephen
Schwartz, 'That's How You Know from 'Enchanted'. Alan Menken and
Stephen Schwa—,_
17. Costume: Across the Universe'. 'Atonement' 'Elizabeth: The Golden
Age', 'La Vie en Rose'. 'Sweeney Todd the Demon Barber of Flout
18. Documentary Feature 'No End in Sight', 'Operation Homecoming:
Writing the Wartime Experience,' 'Sicko', 'Taxi to the Dark Side', Wart
19. Documentary (short subject); 'reshetd' 'La Corona The Crown),
'Salim Baba', Sari's Mother.
20. Film Editing: 'The Bourne Ultimatum The Diving deli and the Butterfly,
Will Be Blood
Into the W16, 'No Country for Old 1
21. Makeup: 'La Vie en Rose', 'Norbit 'Pirates of the Caribbean. At
World's End'.
22 Animated Short Film: 'I Met the Walrus' 'Madame Tutu-Path', 'Memo
Las Pigeons Vont au Paradia (Even Pigeons Go to Heaven)', 'My Love
)Moya Lyubov). 'Peter & the Wo
23. Live Action Short Film: 'At Night' 'I Supplente (The Ssbst tale)'. 'Le
Mozart ties Pickpockets (The Mozart of Pickpockets)", 'Tanghi Argentini'.
'The Tonto Woman'.
24. Visual Effects The Golden Compass. Pirates of the Caribbean: At
World's End', 'Transformers'.
It s a
Canadian psychologist is
selling a video that teaches
you how to test your dogs
10. Here's how it works: it you spend
$12.09 for the video, your dog is
smarter than you. This is one of the
jokes told by Jay Leno, a famous
American comedian, but when you
take a deeper thought, you may
actually draw the conclusion that
there is something to it. Flogs can
be really smart while humans can
be completely dumb. Just think how
many important roles dogs have in
peoples lives and you can be sure
that our lesser brothers sometimes do
outrun us in intelligence and wit.
Everybody knows that dogs are mans
best triencts. But not eve ryone realizes
that no other friend will serve us so
readily, happily and - most importantly
- for tree (unless you consider a little
bit of stroking a price to pay). The
essence of dogs aid to us, people, lies
in their ultimate devotion and affection
without expecting anything significant
in return. And this is probably what
makes the cooperation between
humans and dogs so extraordinary apart, of course, from the tact that this
animal does things that no man would
ever be capable of doing!
They entertain
To begin with the lightest and, so to
say, least serious role, dogs allow us
to have fun. And this means more than
just having a dog, walking it, stroking
it and boring it with your problems
whenever you feet like doing so (and
the dog will always listen until you're
done). Dogs perform in circuses,
on television (you must have seen
thousands of 'cute dog movies'), and
in various dog shows (you surely
can't think they enjoy doing them!).
Besides, they offer you their company
when you decide to practice one
of those funny activities like agility,
obedience, tlyball, tracking, frisbee
chasing and God knows what else.
Admit it - without a dog by your side
there would be no point doing them
in the first place. However, the most
extreme example of how dogs can
entertain you is the whole dog fashion
business. It dogs needed clothes,
a dog's life pieskie zycia
to take a deeper though . dtu5ej
siy zastanowid
to draw a conclusion - wycignpc
there is something to it - cod w tym jest
dumb - gtapi
lesser brothers - bracia mniejsi
to outran - przedcignrrt
wit spryt
to realize . zdawart sobie sprawy
readily - chptnie
to stroke . gtaskaO
essence - islota
aid . pomoc
ultimate devotion . catkowite oddanie
affection - sczucie
to expect 5th in return - oczekiwart
czegOS a zamian
extraordinary . nadzwyczajny
to entertain . bawid
to perform . wyxtgpowsd
dog show . wystawa psOw
agility - crhcunodit
obedience- kursy pontuxzedstwa
cracking . tropinnie
shoes or diamond collars, would have
seen to it thousands of years ago But
even so, they let people dress them
in funny and uncomfortable clothes
and the only possible reason why
they agree to it is to let humans have
fun (WHY people think it is so cute
is another matter!). Pet owners who
say: my doggie loves wearing shoes'
are simply cheating themselves
and instead they should repeat: my
doggie loves me so much that it even
agrees to the stupid dressing up'.
Lets leave it, though, for there is no
accounting for tastes. and move to
some more serious jobs dogs have
to do for us.
They save lives
The pictures of St Bernard's dog with
a brandy barrel saving people caught in
an avalanche, or a Newfoundland dog
rescuing a drowning person are now
deep-rooted in our consciousness.
We almost take it for granted that
these particular breeds exist to save
people from death. In tact, there
are many more representatives of
the dog world which save our lives.
Dutch Shepherds, Labradors. Collies,
Fox terriers and other dogs help
rescuers find victims of earthquakes,
collapses and explosions in the ruins
of hurt
find rT
of hea
acute than ours and - contrary to
some advanced search robots - they
are capable of reaching almost every
corner of a disaster site. They are
also taught to give clear signals to
their human partners, making this
cooperation really effective. Once
properly trained, they will not give in,
always trying to fulfill their tasks as
well as possible and so satisfying the
Their excellent senses also allow dogs
to detect cancer. History knows cases
of dogs who made their masters go
and see the doctor by persistent
sniffing one particular spot on their
bodies. In these cases it turned out
that the dogs actually managed to
localize cancer. Studies showed that
dogs are able to detect for instance
skin cancer and bladder cancer
(after sniffing urine samples). This
is possible because dogs can smell
particular substances which are not
present in healthy tissue. Research is
still being carried out on that amazing
- and useful - ability of dogs' noses.
Dogs' sensitivity - or sixth sense as
some prefer to call it - also allows them
to signal approaching epilepsy seizures
or blood sugar decrease in diabetics.
Dogs, even it untrained, are capable
of signalling these symptoms through
frisbee chasing - tapanie frisbee
collar- obro±a
to see to sth - dopilrrowad ezegod
dressing up - przebiersnki
there is no accounting for tastes
- o gustach siy nie dyskutuje
barrel - beczutka
avalanche- lawins
to drown - tonqc
deep-rooted - gfyboko zakorzeniony
consciousness - hwiadomedd
to take sth for granted - brad cod
vu pewnik
breed - rasa
collapse - zawalenie sip
sense of hearing/smell - zmyst
acute - Si: czuly
disaster site - miejsce katantrofy
to give in - poddad sip
to fulfill one's tasks - wypelniad
swoje zadania
to detect - wykrywad
persistent - uporczywy
to sniff - wchad
spot - miejsce
arise sample - prdbka moczu
tissue - tkaska
epilepsy seizure - stsk padaczkowy
blond sugar decrease - spadek poziomu
cukrs we kiwi
diabetic - diabetyk
They help us
Dogs are invaluable in helping police
officers, solders, border guards,
and firemen The police mould have
many more problems if they did not
have trained dogs to help. They use
the tour-legged ones in searching for
smuggled food, drugs or guns as well
as in tracking thieves. Dogs' excellent
sense of smell is also used by border
guards. Dalmatians contributed to the
firemen's work to such a large extent
that the breed is now the official
mascot of firefighters. Soldiers benefit
from cooperation with dogs in two
ways. They not only use the animals
to detect mines or during patrols but
they also find a good companion in
them in difficult times of war. Dogs
accompanied soldiers even during
World War II.
Assistance dogs are a separate
category of helping pets. Nobody
probably appreciates dogs more
than the blind and those who live
in wheelchairs. For the blind, guide
dogs are simply their eyes - they lead
people wherever they need to go,
avoiding obstacles or puddles and
stopping at zebra crossings. They
are much more than a white stick
and more importantly, they allow the
blind to be more self-reliant. Dogs
give greater independence also to the
physically dashed. They help people
living in wheelchairs by fetching
things, opening and closing doors,
or answering the phone. Surprisingly
enough, dogs can be humans' eyes,
ears, hands and legs, making life so
much easier.
They cure and support us
It turns out that dogs are not only
good company for humans. They
are even more than entertainers,
rescuers, soldiers and police officers
- they are doctors. Even though
they use no medicines and have
no medical knowledge, they have
amazing healing skills and thus
canine therapy has been developed.
Contact with dogs has an incredibly
good influence on mentally disabled
children through stroking the pets,
throwing them balls, g i ving commands
or even just marching thorn, children
earn openness and improve their
motor skills. Dogs work miracles
even with patents who seemed to
be 'hopeless cases'. They can reach
a difficult patient faster than all the
doctors of the world. How do they do
it? Naturaly, they undergo special
training, but everything is again based
on the 1 r natural devotion and affection.
People who are suffering from various
diseases or are disabled often feel
isolated in their misery. In some cases
they may also be subject to social
ostracism due to their illnesses. In
such situations, dogs' visits constitute
not only a part of therapy, but they
are primarily a sign of being accepted
unconditionally by another living
creature. Acceptance may mean
much more than the best medicines
and the newest treatments.
Dogs have also become a part
of the resociatization process in
many American prisons Research
showed that taking care of animals
reduces aggression, triggers positive
emotions and teaches bonding.
Thus, prisoners are entrusted with
bringing up puppies which are later
used as assistance dogs or in dog
therapy. This is a mutually beneficial
process, of course, since prisoners
undergo peasant, and at the same
time effective, rehabilitation and
foundations which train dogs for the
disabled do not have to worry about
the puppies' lives until they are old
enough to be trained.
There are a number of other
functions dogs perform for people.
It is impossible to list all of them in
one short article. Most of you could
probably add something - whether a
commonly known role or a completely
private one your dog does exclusively
for you. One thing is, however,
common to all these activities in which
we use dogs as helpers - no matter
what happens, dogs do not give up or
quit; they will always do their jobs with
true passion, patience, involvement
and devotion. And the only thing they
will expect in return is a little bit of
appreciation, be it in the form ofatreat
or lust saying 'good dog'. It would be
improbably hard to find such altruists
among humans. So, the next time you
call somebody 'a crafty old dog' or say
invaluable nieoceniony
border guard - straz gruriiezna
to smuggle - przemycac
to contribute to sth przyczyn c sin
do czegok
to a large extent w duzym stopsia
companion - towarzystwe
assistance dog pies towarzyszrtcy
guide dog - pies przewodnik
to avoid obstacles - omiiac przeazkody
paddle - katazu
zebra crossing . przejscie d a piessych
white stick- biala tasks
self-reliant - samodzielny
the physically disabled ludzie
niepelsosprawni ruchowo
to fetch sth - przysieait con
healing skills zdoinosci Ieczri oze
canine therapy - dogoterapia
mentally disabled children - dziec
upon edzorie urrysfowo
to give commands wydawac komendy
motor skills - zdolnonc motoryczne
to work miracles - dziatac cudn
to undergo a training - przejsc szkolenle
misery - nienzcz$cia
to be subject to social ostracism
- podiegait ostracyzmowi upofecznemu
to constitute - stanowic
to trigger emotions - wywoiywac enlecje
bonding - tvoorzen e wiz
to entrust sb with sth - powierzyc
cod komad
mutually beneficial - wzalemnie korzystny
to quit - rezygniowait
involvement - zaangazowas e
appreciation wdzicznosc
treat smukotyk
that someone is 'going to the dogs', remember that
such epithets are quite unfair - dogs didn't do anything
to deserve to be referred to litre that!
And jest for the record - apart from all those things
dogs do for us, which keeps them pretty busy for sure,
they have a long list of things to remember if they do
not want to end up in the doghouse! It sounds like
a lot of work for one animal. Chock out every dog's
commandments - tongue in cheek:
1. Iwill not eat the cats' food before they eat it
or after they throw it up.
2. I will not roll on dead birds, fish, mice, etc.,
just because I like the way they smelt.
3. The titter box is not a cookie jar.
4. The sofa is not a face towel'.
5. The garbage collector is not stealing
our stuff.
6. I will not play tug-of-war with Dad's underwear when he's on the toilet.
7. Sticking my nose into someone's crotch is
an unacceptable way of saying 'hello".
8. I don't need to suddenly stand straight up
when I'm under the coffee table.
9. I must shake the rainwater out of my fur
before entering the house - not after.
11. I will not sit in the middle of the living room
and lick my crotch.
12. The cat is not a 'squeaky toy' so when I play
with him and he makes that noise, it's usually
not a good thing.
13. I will not chew crayons or pens, especially
not the red ones, or my people will think I am
Isn't it a dog's life after all?!
crafty old dog - szczwany lie
to go to the dogs - schodzid na pay
just for the record - tak na margisesie
doghouse - psia beds
commandments - przykazania
tongue in cheek - z przymruzeniem oka
to throw up zwymictowab
to roll on - tarzab sip w
litter box - kuweta
cookie jar - sloik z ciastkami
face towel - rycanik do twarzy
garbage collector - dmieciarz
tug-of-war - przeciqganie hey
to stick one's nose - wtykab non
crotch - krocze
squeaky toy - piszcz4ca zabawka
to chew 2u6
to hemorrhage- krwawirt
rokual 1991
United Slates and Great Britain, it
has developed to the extent that
homeschoolinrg is simply one of the
available forms of education, nest 10
private and public schools.
The beginnings of modern homeschooling in the USA date back 10 the
nineteen-sixties and seventies. One
of the most determined promoters
of home education was John Holt, a
teacher and observer of education.
He claimed that no matter how good
some schools could be, the best place
for children to learn would always be
their horses. His philosophy was
based on a simple observation: 'the
human animal is a learning animal;
we like to learn; we are good at if;
we don't need to be shown how
or made to do it. What kills the
processes are the people interfering
with it or trying to regulate it or control
it'. Simultaneously, Raymond and
Dorothy Moore initiated professional
research on homesct'iooling. They
discovered that formal schooling
in early childhood can be even
harmful, especially to boys who lack
maturity. They also underlined that
the emotional development which
should take place at home with
parents before the age of 8-12 cannot
be made up for later in life. Similarly
egardless of whether you are
still attending school or if you
have already graduated, most
of you can probably recall a number
of negative emotions and traumatic
incidents associated with that part of
your life. It you get stressed out by
every morning which inevitably loads
to you ending upinastuffyclassroom,
or the mention of your school years
makes you shiver, just think that it
could have been so different...
commonly associated with educating
handicapped children, exceptionally
intelligent children. the children of very
rich parents or with the distant past
when there were simply no schools.
However, homeschooling, of Isle, is
becoming an ever more popular for
option for perfectly ordinary children
whose parents believe that for some
reason their offspring will be better
off when educated at home In the
the school of hard knocks - szkofa 2ycia
to attend school - chodziit de szkoty
to graduate - skodczyd szkot
to recall - przypomrfed scbie
traumatic incidents - Iraumalyczrie
associated with - zwinzany
to get stressed out - str000wa6 sin
inevitably. sieuchrorrsie
stuffy - dasuny
mention - wspomniesio
to shiver - dr±ect
commonly - pewszechnie
handicapped - upodledzony
distant past - odiegta przsszfodrt
offspring- pofcmstwo
they will be better off at home
- iepiej im bydzie w dornu
available - dost ppny
to date back - singaO
to interfere - ingerowad, wtrgcad sip
toinitiate - rozpoczd
maturity - doircafosh
to snderline - podkresiad
to make up for sIb - nadrobid
to Holt, the Moores emphasized that
homeschooling should never be an
attempt to bring the school model
Initially, homeschooling was considered controversial and even
harmful to children. Opponents were
concerned about the future of home
educated children, claiming that they
would grow up to be socially disabled.
Teachers considered themselves
the only experts at teaching. There
were no curricula for homeschoolers
and no regulations to sanction this
practice. However, advocates of home
education were stubbornly fighting to
legalize it and promote it among other
parents. Currently, homeschooling
is fully sanctioned and the number
of home educated children in the
USA and the UK keeps increasing.
According to the United States
Department of Education report, in
2005 there were an estimated 1.9-2.4
million children home educated in the
country (3.8-4.8% of the total student
population) and that number keeps
increasing every year. It is estimated
that the number of home educated
children in Great Britain was 150,000
in 2005 (11% of the population of 5-1 6year-olds).
U Other problems with available
U The child has special needs
U Transportation/convenience
U The child is not old enough
to enter school
U Parent's career
U The child was not admitted
to the desired school
Once parents decide to homeachool
their child, they have to decide what
the process will look like. In some
countries it is required that parents
comply with specific curricula. If
there are no such requirements,
parents can count on guidelines and
advice from other, more experienced
homeschoclers. In the countries
where homeschooling is more
popular, parents have a number of
books on home education and various
magazines at their disposal, but there
is also - and primarily - the Internet.
Various web sites offer comprehensive
information on how to prepare, how
to organize and how to proceed
successfully with homeschooling.
Those who are hesitating whether
to make this decision can also
look for support on the Internet. At you
will find a list of ten things to consider
before becoming a horneschooler for
your child. These include:
The reasons for choosing homeschooling over a traditional education
motivations, depending on their I Time zcommitmentl - homeschool
experiences. For some, this is a
ing fends to take up a lot of time in
decision made after a long process of your day. It is more than just sitting
pondering and information collecting, down with books for a couple of hours.
for others this is a consequence of There are experiments and projects to
some kind of ordeal their children be done, lessons to prepare, papers
went through at school. Among the
to grade, field trips, park days, music
most common reasons given by lessons, and the list goes on.
American parents are:
2. Personal sacrifice - the homeU The child will have a better
school parent has little personal time
education at home
or time alone. If care is not taken to
U Violence at school
set aside time for yourself, it is easy
U Religious reasons
to never have time alone. Parent and
U Poor learning environment
child are basically together 2417.
at school
- homeschooling
U Family reasons
can be accomplished very
U Parents want to develop character
inexpensively; however, it usually
requires that the teaching parent will
U Objections to what school teaches
not be working out of the home. Some
U School does not challenge
sacrifices will need to be made it the
the child
family is used to two incomes.
attempt - prOba
opponent - przeciwriik
to be concerned about sth - martwid
Sig czymb
to claim - twierdzid
socially disabled - spofecznie
curriculum (p1. curricula) - program
to sanction - usankcjonowuci
advocate- zwolennik
stubborn - uparty
estimated - uzacunkowy
to vary - rbbnirt sip
to ponder- rozmyblad
information collecting - zbieranie
to go through an ordeal - przejbd myky
to challenge - Ia: mobilizowud, pobsdzad
convenience - wygeda
to admit sb to a school - przyjpd kogod
do szkoly
to require - wymagad
to comply with - stesowad sip do
specific - konkretny
to count on - Iiczyd na
guidelines - wskazdwki
to have sth at one's disposal- mied
cod do dyspozycji
primarily - przede wszyotkim
comprehensive - obszerny, wyczerpujpcy
to proceed - kontynuowsd
to hesitate - wuhud sip
commitment- zobowigzanie
to lake up a lot of time - zabierad
daze czasu
to grade ' oceniad
field trip - wycieczku w tereri
sacrifice ' podwipcerrie
to oat aside - przeznaczyc
strain - obcipenie, stres
to accomplish - osipgnpd
inexpensively - niectrogo
to be used to sth - byd przyzwyczajonym
do czegod
i. -fr-hM
- more attention
will need to be given to getting your
children together with others.. The
beauty of homeschooling is being
able to have more control of the social
contacts your child makes.
1TTT!tr,1I1flTh housework and laundry still have to be
done, but it probably wont get done
first thing in the morning. It a stickler
for a spotless house, you might
be in for a surprise. Not only does
housework need to be let go at times,
but homeschooling creates messes
and clutter in itself.
I.lBiURi1P1IiLTfti2ttiTnt1- it is
important that both parents agree to
try homeschooling. It is very difficult to
homeschool if one parent is against it
If your spouse is against it at this time,
try doing more research and talking to
more people.
a willing
student is always helpful. Ultimately,
the decision is for the parents to
make, but it youchild is dead against
it, you might have a hard time of It.
,8. One year at a time - it isn't a lifetime commitment - most families take
one year at a time.
- it
you can read and write, you should
be able to teach your children. The
curriculum and teacher materials
will help through the planning and
teaching. Get help from others if you
get stuck or hire tutors for the difficult
- it might be
helpful to hear why other families
chose homeschooling. Can you relate
to some of them?
Unfortunately, Polish families who
choose to home educate their
children sic not have such easy
lives at all Even though this type of
education is becoming increasingly
popular also in our country, parents
who decide to become teachers
for their kids will face a number
of obstacles - from tack of social
acceptance to legal loopholes. Even
though there is the act of 1991 which
officially makes it possible for parents
to educate their children at home, in
reality, the one who decides whether
it will be possible is the headmaster
of the local public school. This means
that unless the headmaster agrees
to it, there is no way to homeschool
a child legally. Besides, children who
are instructed at home have to take
special exams every twelve or even
ax months; depending on the results
of these exams, parents are allowed
to continue homeschooling - or not.
Meanwhile, in the United Slates for
instance, home educated students'
knowledge is verified for the first time
during entrance exams to universities.
However. Polish parents keep fighting
the red tape and social exclusion of
kids who do not attend schools - just
as their American predecessors did
over thirty years ago They have
created web sites (www.edukacja
domowa.piasta.p/) and established
homeschooling associations. They
have joined forces in order to
achieve their goal
state support
and social understanding for their
choice Currently, there are about
50 families home educating their
children in Poland. The best known
Polish advocate of homeschooling is
Marek Budalczak, a PhD and a father
of two, who wrote the first book on
home education in Poland Edukacja
Domowa' (published in 2003). This
population is still small, but it is
growing and it has every chance of
housework- prsce domowe
laundry - pranie
to be a stickler for sth m eit bzika
ns pankcie czegos
spotless - nieskazite nie czysty
clutter- batagan
spouse- malzoneklmatzonka
willing - chytny, pelen zapatu
to be dead aga nsf sth- byc zdecydo
wan a przeciwko czerrub
lifetime - dozywotni
to get stuck - utksvyt
tutor- korepetytor
obstacle - przeszkoda
legal loophole - luka prawns
act - ustawa
headmaster - dyreklor
to instruct - uczyd
to take an exam - zdswac egzsmin
red tape - biurokracia
social exclusion - wykiuczenie
ze spoteczehsiwa
predecessor- poprzednik
to establish an association - zatozyc
to join forces - ztczyd oily
to achieve one's goat - osiggnpit cel
proponent - orydownik
pervaded with . przesiykniyty
humiliation - upokorzenie
average - przeciytny
incapable - niezdoiny
able zdolny
to devote sufficient amount of time
- podwiycic wystarczsjqcq ilo§t czasu
raising the status of homeschooling
to an alternative form of education
accessible to all parents who wish to
make such a choice.
Advocates and opponents of
homeschooling keep bombarding
each other with strong arguments
Proponents of this type of education
claim that children are safer at home
because schools are pervaded with
aggression, egoism, violence, lies and
humilialion. Besides, schools are only
good for average students - the ablest
ones get bored and the weaker ones
suffer - and teachers are incapable
of devoting sufficient amount of time
to every child. Research carried out
in countries where homeschooling
is particularly popular, showed
that children educated in that way
had better results in tests and they
were able to use their learning time
more effectively. The opponents,
however, claim that homescbooled
peer rbwiefriik
background - poohoctzenie
to be wrapped n Cotton wool - byd
trzymunym pod kloazein
shelter - scbronienie
unwittingly - n eswiadomie
one-sided view jednostrenny poglyd
to dimisnish - zmniejxzyit
to assume - zakiadac, przewidywac
all in all - ogoinie rzecz bioryc
charge zarzut
improper - niewlasciwy
Insufficient - niewystarczajycy
to draw a conclusion - wyciggrrc
the pros and cons - cx i przvciw
brllant - genialvy
outstanding - wyb tny
compulsory - obowiqzkowy
to be fit for sib - vadawac sly do czegod
emerging - powatajpcy
children lack proper socialization
with their peers, especially with
those of different ethnic and religious
backgrounds. They also repeat that
such kids, wrapped in cotton wool,
will have to leave the parents' shelter
at some point and that it can be a
shock for there. Besides, parents
who home educate their children
may - even unwittingly - give students
a very one-sided view of reality, thus
diminishing their ability to think for
themselves and accept various points
of view. However, horneschooling
does not mean isolating children at
all. Homeschooling curricula assume
also lessons outside the house - in
museums, city parks, forests and
other places. Also. homeachooling is
no obstacle for children to participate
in various additional activities where
they can meet their peers. All in all,
regardless of the opponents' charges,
homeschoolers never justify their
decision with the opinion that school
is bad. They simply believe that
school is 'improper' or 'insufficient'
and it is certainly their right to draw
such a conclusion.
Obviously, there are pros and cons to
everything and as far aa homescbooling
is concerned, the decision should
always belong to the parents, for no
school and no teacher will know their
children better. Besides, history shows
that homesohooled children can grow
up to be quite brilliant individuals.
Let's take the teenage Christopher
Paolini, author of the bestselling
'Eragon', Hans Christian Andersen, or
Mark Twain, author of not only many
outstanding books, but also the words
that homeschoolera keep repeating:
have never let my schooling interfere
with my education'. So, maybe
compulsory education does not have
to be the worst nightmare for those
who simply are not fit for a school life
anymore? It seems that the emerging
community of brave homeschooling
pioneers offers a chance to protect
the children from unwanted school
experiences even if we have to, or
had to, go through all that.
http:'/riomesch col ing.aboutcom
rittp:I/aww youcanliomeschool org
Taking a
Year ou)~
All Abou
by Maria Dasiewicz
hether you call it a gap
year, time out or year Out,
it basically means taking
'time out' to do a number 01 possible
activities at various stages in life,
Usually people take a gap year pro- or
during study at university or college,
during a career change, and e- or
post retirement. There are probably
as many reasons for takings gap year
as there are people taking one. Many
people want to travel and live abroad
before launching into a career, or they
want to gain extra confidence and new
skills. Others decide to take a year off
in order to buy time to decide on their
future career path, to plan major life
changes, or get some valuable work
It is generally a practice undertaken
by those from developed countries,
especially students. Some students
spend the time travelling, others spend
the time working, and many combine
these into an international working
holiday. A popular option for gap year
students, also known as 'gappors', is
international volunteering. In the wake
of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, a
great number of the volunteers who
helped in South Asia were on a gap
year. Also, many gappers earn money
often in the hospitality industry. Another
possibility is to enrol in global education
programmes that combine language
study, cultural immersion, community
service, and independent study.
Where it all began
The Gap Year concept appeared
in the decade following the Second
World War when youth travel and
cultural exchange was discussed
amongst Governments as a useful
tool to create more of a global
understanding to prevent future global
wars. However, the first 'Gap Years'
actually began in thu UK i ri the 1960s,
when the baby-boomer generation
headed oft to India on the Hippy
Trails, inventing the 'independent
travel market'. In 1967 three students
were sent on an Educational Trust to
Addis Ababa, and this begun the Gap
Year Volunteer Placements market.
Ever since, 'independent travel' and
'volunteer placements' have been
the two key elements to the gap
year market. The third key element
- Work & Travel - appeared with the
introduction of student work visas,
The modern Gap Year pioneers - Torn
Griffiths and Peter Pedrick - brought
the gap year market onto the web in
1998 with the launch of
offerings, phrases and concepts that
form the basis of the global 'Gap
Year' industry neon today. Tom
Griffiths, alias the Gap Year Guru, is
consideréJ to be a global authority
or gap years and acts as a media
spokesperson around the world. Gap
Year growth is accelerating across all
age groups in the UK, Australia, New
Zealand and Canada.
year out/gap year/time out - roczna
przerwa np. w sauce
retirement - emerl/tera
to launch into sth - rozpoczgd
to gain confidsence/new skills zdobyd
pewnot/ri iebie/rrowe umiejgtnot/ci
career path droga kariery
to undertake - podjrttt
developed countries - krale rozwisibte
to combine - la,czyd
volunteering - wotontariat
in the wake of sth - w nastgpstwie czegod
while overseas - podczas pobytu
to work cash in hand - otrzymywad
golówky do rpki za pracy
hospitality industry - przemyst hotelarski
to enrol - zapisac sig
cultural immersion - zanumzenie
w ksiturze
community service - praca na rzecz
spolecznobci Iokalnej
to prevent - zapobiegad
to head off - wylechad
trail - szlak
placement - znaleziesie pracy
launch - wpmowadzenie na ryrrek
authority - autorytet
spokesperson - rzecznik
10 accelerate - przyspieszart
employment - zatrudnienie
- ence/new
How can I spend my gap year?
.fl1TT1I- this option
may enhance your CV and could give
you a useful worn taster. It may also
help you to pay off debts or save up
for travel. Also, it assumes you have
already identified what you have to
offer an employer, what you expect
from a job, and that you are able to
identify an area of work or sector you
are interested in exploring.
usually, this
is the way in to many competitive
careers like the media and working
organisations. It can also be an
exciting way of putting something
back, especially if it involves working
ItTI- independent travel can be
a character building experience. It is a
great way to see the world before you
are tied down by studying or a job and
can be great fun too.
this does not mean a
full-time postgraduate course at a
universty, but rather short courses
which could help you gain extra
skills in TEFL, a foreign language
or relevant vocational skills. There
are plenty of opportunities in the UK
and in other countries however it is
unlikely that you will get any funding
for these.
usually people mix
and match some or all of the above
activities, working for a while to save
up for travel which might be combined
with overseas short term work or a
part time course. It is important to
focus on why you want to do it and
what the potential benefits will be.
Gap year pros and cons
A property planned gap year can be
an invaluable asset on your CV, but
a poorly planned gap year can harm
more than your bank balance. Most
employers are looking for evidence
of well-spent time out and they may
be unwilling to take a chance on you
if they cannot see that you have spent
your time wisely. Proper research and
planning can save you from awkward
questions and regrets later. There is a
lot you can gain, whatever you do in
your gap year
iTt!Z1- easily the most popular of
gap year activities.
+ Widens your horizons
+ Gives you experience of different
cultures - quite important if you are
planning to have an international
Shows self-sufficiency and initiative
- Though it can be fun, it is a fairy
common way to spend a gap year,
so you will not get any prizes for
being original. Also, you have to be
careful that it does not just look like an
extended holiday
* Work abroad - whether if is
teaching English or work placements
n another country, working abroad can
be a real asset to your applications.
a Work experience is always a good
thing and work experience abroad
can be invaluable if you want to start
your career overseas
Shows initiative
- Setter it the work is related to your
intended career
WTtTFTiiTgtP1 - if you do not
have much work experience, a gap
year may help you to acquire some.
-r You can try several careers before
you settle on one
a You can build up a wide variety of
new skills and contacts
- It may look like you are unfocused
on your career
- It may be expensive unless you are
paid for your work
taking a year off to
boost your qualifications can address
weak points in your CV.
Relevant short courses or
vocational programmes can help you
when applying for a job
- Courses rarely come free - you may
have to invest some cash in your
!L1fir TTT!I- a good way to give
something back to society in the UK
or overseas.
+ Shows your ability to muck in,
improvise and work hard
- You are not paid. so it is not a great
way to build up some cash for uni.
Basically, a gap year is a chance to
'gain some experience of life. Many
employers value the team-based and
interpersonal skills that are developed
on gap year projects. Many people
who have been on gap years have
a more mature outlook on life than
others their age.
Not everything you do has to be
tailored to your future, but you should
be aware that someone may ask you
why you decided to spend your gap
year in a certain way. All the options
have their good and bad points - the
key thing is the ability to justify your
decisions to colleges, universities and
future employers. As long as you can
do that, a gap year can be a great
benefit to your future.
to enhance - poprawic
taster - przedsmak
to pay off debts- uptacid cttugi
to save up zaoszczpdzicf
to assume - zak{adak
competitive - ambitny, zmuszuicy
do rywalizacji
to put sth back - opozniif
postgraduate - podyp ornowy
TEFL (Teaching of English as a Foreign
Language) - nauczanie angietskiego
lako jpzyka obcego
relevant - istotny, odpowiedni
vocational - profesjonalny
to mix and match - polgczyc r62ne rzeczy
to focus on sth - skupic sip na
the pros and cons za i przeciw
properly- odpowiednio
invaluable asset ieocenioniy atst
bank balance - stan konta
unwilling - niechytny
to take a chance zaryzykowac
awkward - niewygodny
regret - zal
self-sufficiency samowystarczainosb
fairly - dosyo
extended holiday - przedfuzone wakacjt
intended planoway, zamiervony
to acquire - zdobyc
to settle on sth - zdecydciwait sip na con
to boost zwipkszyc, poiepnzyc
to muck in - przytqczyd si p
mature outlook - ctojrzafy 6oglqd
to be tailored to sth - byc dostosowanym do
http://www upr ngboard hnbsxnscxuk/xdvice!gap year cu.uC2.!hi/uk oews!magazine(3530905 stm
httpllwww!siudanisioptinns/gap year!
4k AWL
nce it was said, that 'A good cheerleader is not
measured by the height of her jumps but by
the span of her spirit. This quotation goes very
very well with the picture of colourfully dressed girls in
estremelly short skirts and close-fitting tops, holding
their pom puma and carrying out all kind of elements of
tumbling, stunts and dancing. They say about themselves:
'I'm not a cheerleader. I'm an athletic supporter.'
Astonishingly enough, at its very beginnings cheerleading
was mainly a male sport. What's more, it was actually
invented by a man. Thomas Peebles was the first person
to organize crowd cheering at football games at the
University of Minnesota in the United States of America.
However, it was not until 1898, when student Johnny
Campbell directed a crowd in cheering something like:
'Rah, Rah, Rah! Sku-u-mar, Hoo-Rah! Hoo-Rah! Varsity!
Varsity! Varsity, Minn-e-So-Tahl', making himself the very
FIRST cheerleader and the 2nd of November 1898 the
official birth date of organized cheerleading. Soon after,
the University of Minnesota organized the first 'cheerleader
(called also: 'yell leader' or even: 'so ngleader', 'spiritteader'
- these are all variations of 'cheerleader') squad' of 6
male students. In 1903 the first cheerleading fraternity,
Gamma Sigma was founded. Cheerleading started out
as an all-mate activity, but just around the first World War
in Europe, females began participating in it. At this time,
gymnastics. fumbling, and megaphones were incorporated
Marta Buszkiewicz
into popular cheers. However, today it is estimated that
97% of cheerleading participants are... women! It's also
worth mentioning, that among famous ox-cheerleaders
there are such personalities as Ronald Reagan, Franklin
D. Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower and even George W.
Later, in the 1980s, the Americans observed the onset of
modern cheerleading with more difficult thunt sequences
and gymnastics being incorporated into cheerleading
routines. Young, brave cheerleading daredevils started
backstage - kulisy
span - to. wielkodd
close-tilting top - obcisiy top
tumbling - gimnastyka akrobatyczria
stunt - wyczyn kaskaderski
supporter- kibic
astonishingly enough... - odziwo..
to cheer - wiwatowad
varsity - reprezentacla sczelni
squad - druzyna
fra ternity - bractwo
to incorporate - zativierad
to estimate - ozacowab
it is worth mentioning that... -warto wspcmnied, ze...
onset - poczqtek
routine - uktad
daredevil - dmiafek
suffering more and more often from injuries, and in
extreme cases some of them ended up with disabilities.
Nowadays, though, this problem is a great concern of
the American Association of Cheerteacling Coaches
and Advisors (AACCA). Traditionally thought of as a
mainly 'girly' activity, cheerleading is quickly becoming
more athletic, more competitive.., and more dangerous.
In tact, the latest statistics show that high school and
college cheerleaders sustain more injuries that result
in paralysis or death than any other sport! Isn't that
frightening? Its just because today's cheerleading is
very high-impact, it can result in injuries from falls,
dismounts and weight-bearing stunts. The competition
between (and within) cheerleading teams is realty,
really tough.
Today, cheerleading is most closely associated with
American football and basketball. In addition, sports
such as soccer, ice hockey, volleyball, baseball, and
wrestling sometimes sponsor cheerleading squads. Kinds
of cheerleeding vary a lot; there is school sponsored,
or youth league and all-star cheerleading. The last one
is the least connected with supporting a specific team,
say, while a football match is on, but is focused first of
all on itself and the performance. As the popularity of this
type of team grew, more and more of them were formed,
attending competitions sponsored by many different
organizations and companies - most significantly - all
of them using their own sets of rules, regulations
and divisions. This has become one of the chief
concerns of gym owners. These inconsistencies
caused coaches to keep their routines in a constant
state of flux, detracting from time that should have
been utilized to develop skills and provide personal
attention to their athletes. More importantly,
because the various companies were constantly
vying for a competitive edge, safety standards were
becoming more and more lax.
However, exceeding the body's physical limitations
is not the only problem. The most successful
cheerleaders are perceived as snobs - bigheaded,
unbearable towards others, fussy and used to
putting on airs. Do they have the right to behave in
that way? Who gave them permission? However,
on the other hand, we should bear in mind, that
it is not easy thing to becoyne a really good and
skilled cheerleader. According to Valerie Ninemire,
cheerleading comes with many responsibilities and
if you're not ready to make a commitment to it you
shouldn't even waste your time trying out. She listed
some of the commitments and responsibilities:
• Time - as a cheerleader a girl must plan
on spending many hours practising. Add in the hours
she'll need for fundraising, pep rallies, competitions
and performances and it's easy to see this sport is
very time consuming.
• Financial - uniforms, shoes, accessories and camps
/clinics all cost an arm and a leg.
to suffer from/to sustain injuries - odniedd obrazenia
disability - kalactwe
high-impact - forsowny
dismount - upadek
weight-bearing - przeciyzajycy
associated with - zwiyzany
soccer - pitka nouns
all-star - druzyaa gwiazd
to focus on 'konrcertrowad sly na
to attend competitions - brad udziat w zawodach
concern - zmartwienie
inconsistency - niespOjrtodrt
to be in a state of flux - ciygle sly zmieaisd
to detract - pomniejszad
to provide attention - pcdwiycad awagy
to vie - rywalizowad
lax - pobtadliwy, lu±ny
to perceive - postrzegad
bighearted - zarozurniafy
unbearable - eieznodry
fussy - kaprydny
to put on airs - zadzierad rosa
permission -pozwotenie
to bear stIr in mind - pamiytad o czymd
to make a commitment - zaangazowatt sly
fundraising - zbiOrka tundriszy
pep rally - zbidrka kibicOw przect rozgrywksmi szkolnymi
time consuming - ezasochioniny
to cost an arm and a leg - kosztowad majytek
role model - wzdr do nadladowania
• Role Model - cheerleaders are looked up to by their
peers. They are expected to maintain good grades and
set a good example for the rest of the student body. It a
cheerleader-to-be can't live up to these expectations, she
should give up the idea.
• Work - cheerleading is as much mental as it is physical.
It will not only place many demands on the body, but
it will change the cheerleader's way of thinking, too. A
cheerleader-to-be will be a part of a group that will strive to
think and act as one.
So. its not hard to see that cheerleading is more than
yelling on the sidelines and shaking your pom-poms.
It's commitment, dedication, and an attitude. As proof
of these words may serve a short quotation cut out of a
cheerleader's diary, which is in the form of a short-story:
•.) Besides, some of them would have plans. Most teen
agers actually have lives, you know,' Cherie added point-
edly. Jessica rolled her eyes. 'And some of us are looking
for people who are committed enough to give up their Friday afternoon. It they get in, they're not going to have
that much free time.' Cherie snapped her mouth shut, but
she didn't look happy.'From that we should get an idea
of the standard,' Jessica continued, ignoring the daggers
Cherie was shooting at her, 'and work out how many we
actually want. I think six would be best, but I don't know if
there'll be six who are good enough. We'll have about
twenty callbacks, I should think, and final auditions can be
on Monday atternoort.( ... ) Melissa raised a hand lazily.
'Yeah. I was wonderig, what are we going to get them to
do?' Jessica felt like slapping herself. Duhf She had left
out the most important part. 'I was thinking they should
just perform their own routine. The ones who can do all
the stuff we'd need, such as herkies and summersaults
and flips will incorporate that, so it should be all we need.'
Melissa nodded. 'Sounds okay.' ( ... )'
to look up to sb . podziwiac kogos
to set a good example stanowirt dobry przykfad
cheerleader-to-be - przyszta cheerleaderka
to live up to expectations - spetniatt oczekiwania
demand . wymdg
to strive to - dzyti do
to yell- wrzeszczed
sideline - linia boczra
pointedly - zsaczco
to roll ones eyes - przewracad oczami
to snap one's mouth shut - zamknd usta
callback - oddzwaniad (do kogod)
to slap - spoticzkowad
summersault/flip - przewrót
floor gymnastics - cwiczerea wolrie w girnriastyce
back handspring - przerzal w tyf
roundotf - roandoft (czpsty ink w akrobatyce)
fluff - kfaczki
fabric - material
to arch-one's back - wygigh plecy w patftk
COACH: a person that instructs or
teaches a performer, player, or team.
POM POM; a decorative ball of
fluff made of fabric, or paper, or
ome other materials, e.g. plastic
w even leathers.
floor gymnastics
similar to somersault, back
handsprings, and roundoffs.
cheerleading has
been previously
referred to as
building pyramids.
(it has other
meanings, too)
HERKIE: a very common,
characteristic cheerleading
jump named after Lawrence
R. Herkimer, the founder of
this is when a
person arches his/her back
and reaches upwards. It's
usually used only while doing
a combination with jumps.
the National Cheerleader's
SQUAD: a small group of people
organized for a specific purpose; An
athletic team.
While writing this article, I consulted the following websites
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his is how Eva Hoffman, the
author of Lost in Translation
referred to her once-a-yearjourney to a synagogue in the Jewish
district in Cracow, which for a girl
raised in not a vary orthodox family
had a taste of novelty. It was, as
she said, a "disruption of everything
ordinary'. This reference is not entirely
out of contest. Firstly, this is a journey
into the heart of a community which
has defied change with time, clinging
to its old ways and thus isolating
itself from the mainstream society.
Actually, the Amish lifestyle, as it is
brought into focus in this article, to a
large degree resembles that of their
English ancestors of a century or so
ago. Their neat farms with spacious
houses ready to accommodate
typically large families, and deprived
of electricity and telephone lines, give
an impression that time has stood still.
Secondly, the Amish are sometimes
mistaken for Jews. And so if was with
the Martins, an Amish family living in
Poland. There was no warm welcome
when they arrived. Jacob Martin with
his neatly-trimmed beard, wearing
a black hat, was initially taken for a
Jew, while his wife, Anita, in her dark
cap and tong dress was believed to
be a nun. The bunch of kids which
accompanied them only added to the
confusion of their neighbours. Yet,
the initial suspicion soon dispersed
when the mistily turned out to be
completely harmless. What's more,
as one of their neighbours remarks
in Tygodnik Siedlecki, they are very
helpful - they give sway milk, Jacob is
eagertocarryhayfrom his neighbour's
field before his own no matter how
impending the storm is, so such Ilo
otherness - edmiennodit
district - dzieiriica
to raise - wychowywah
disruption - zaktócsnie, przerwsnie
reference - edniesienie
community - spofecznodc
to defy - oprzeit sip
to cling to sth - kurcuewo trzymait
sip czegod
thus - tak wiyc, w ten sposób
mainstream - gtdwny sari
Amish - amisz
10 bring sth into locus snaoczniit
to a large degree - w duSym stopaiu
to resemble - przypomisad
ancestor - przedek
spacious - przestroriny
to accommodate - miedciit
to be deprived of sth - byit pozbawioriym
to stand still - stanpit w rniejscu
to mistake sb for sb - pornylic kogod z kimd
neatly-trimmed - schludnie przystrzy2ony
cap - czepek
nun - zakonnica
bunch - gremada
contusion - zumyt, zvmieszanie
to disperse - rozproszyit sip, rozwiad
misfit - odmieniec
to remark - zasws2y6
eager - chptrry
hay - siano
impending - nieuchrosnie zbl15sjpcy sly
sort of peeps are "a
blessing'. The Martins
are the only family
which decided to stay
in Poland. The other
two families which
had planned to build a
community with them,
left. The reason? They
opened a carpenters
workshop, but there
was no demand for
their goods, in the end
- they were robbed
and, discouraged, left
for the US. It was the
advanced pregnancy
of Anita Martin that
influenced their decision to stay.
The Martins are from
Pennsylvania, the largest settlement
of the Amish. Who are the members
of this group? Let's take a tour into
their history. The Amish originated
in the Mennonite movement. Both
were part of the early Anabaptist
movement in Europe which took place
at the time of the Reformation. They
believed only adults who had made
a commitment to their faith should
be baptized and remain separate
from the larger society. Many of them
suffered persecution and were put to
death for heresy, That's why those
who survived fled to the mountains of
Switzerland and southern Germany
where the Amish tradition of farming
and holding their worship services in
homes rather than churches started.
In the late 171h century Jacob Amman
broke from the Mennonite movement
on the grounds of loosening discipline
within it. The name of the new sect
yet still sharing the same beliefs as to
baptism and Bible doctrines, derived
from his name As part of William
Penn's 'holy experiment' of religious
tolerance, the Amish migrated to
Northern America and settled in
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania,
which till the present day is their
largest settlement.
Al aspects of Amish life are
regulated by a set of unwritten rules
known as Ordnung They are not a
homogenous group - their practices
differi the most conservative group
is Old Order Amish, white the New
Order is more open towards change
civilization. Their lives are organized
in congregations, which means that
each church district decides for itself
what t will and will not accept there
is no single governing body for entire
population. In some areas Amish are
allowed to use bikes in some tractors
or even electricity it it is motivated by
the good of a community.
Community spirit is prevalent, based
on the belief that God has kept
them together despite pressure to
change from the outside world and
they should continue this stance.
Belonging to this community Is
manifested in many ways, clothing
being one of them. Men and boys
wear dark-coloured suits, straight cut
costs without lapels, broad trousers,
suspenders and black or straw breadbrimmed hats. Their suit coats and
vests can fasten only with hooks and
eyes, never with buttons. They cannot
have moustaches but they must grow
beards after they marry. The reason
lies in the past. The European soldiers
who persecuted the early Amish wore
uniforms with huge buttons and had
moustaches. Therefore, to
day they avoid any resemblance to
the military - the Amish are strong
pacifists and they are exempted from
military service Women and children
wear modest, dark-coloured dresses
blessing - btogostawiehstwo
carpenters workshop - warsztat ciesli
demand tupopyt
goods - towary
discouraged - zniechttcosy
advanced pregnancy - zaawansowana
settlement - osada
Mennonite movement - rsch marines cki
Anabaptist movement - ruch
to make a commitment - przylhd
faith - wiara
to baptize - ochrzckt
to setter persecution - cierpiec
przed adowania
to flee uciekad
to hold worship services - odprawiait
nabozenstwa religijrie
on the grounds ot- z powods
to share - podzielac
homogenous - jednorodny
conveniences ' WQod/
governing body - ciafo zarzgdzajgce
prevalent - dominulgcy
stance - postawa
suit - garniture
straight cat coat - ptaszcz o prostym krotu
lapel - kiapa (np. marynark )
suspenders szelki
straw broad-brmmed hat - sfomkowy
kapelusz z szerck m rondem
vest - karrrizelka
to fasten - zapinad
book and eye - haftka
resemblance - podobiertstwo
to exempt from military service - bye
zwolsiosym us sluzby wotskowej
modest - skronnb
Lan genscheidl
made from solid fabric and an apron
which is worn over the dress. They
must cover their reck and bosom
and cannot be shorter than half-way
between the knee and the floor. The
dresses have lots of pleats in them,
which is very practical because young
girls will grow up, and young women
can become pregnant, so they will not
have to wake new dresses. Visiting
a store is considered as vanity so
they must rely on their sewing skills.
All adult Amish women and teenage
girls wear a cap at all times: a white
one if they are married and a black
one it they are still single. They are
not allowed to wear any jewellery.
They never cut their hair, which is
pinned back, The Ordnung forbids
such vanity. This is in keeping with
their faith, stressing humility and
separation from the world.
As education could become a tool
of 'corrupting' children with worldly
values and trigger their decision to
leave the Amish community. Old Order
Amish teach their kids themselves in
one-room schoolhouses until grade
8. They are educated by young
unmarried women as married women
are not permitted to work outside the
home. More progressive New Order
Amish tend to send their offspring to
public high schools or even colleges.
Amish families won their right to
control the education of their children
in 1972, when the Supreme Court
ruled that Amish children would no
longer be forced to attend large
consolidated schools, where they
often felt like fish out of water and
were ridiculed due to their manner
of dress or speech. As for language,
they speak a dialect of German called
Pennsylvania Dutch at home, while at
their worship services they use High
German, and, in addition, they learn
English at school.
Being connected to the outside
world is perceived as a real danger.
Therefore, the Amish do not have
phones in their homes. Yet, they
solid fabric - gruby material
apron - tartuch
bosom - piersi
pleat - puss
vanity - prdznodc
to rely on sth - potegad ira czymd
to sew - szyd
to pin back one's hair - spid wtosy a tytu
humility - pokora
to corrupt - zdernorauizewab
worldly values - wartodci ziemskie
to trigger - spowodowad, deprowsdzid do
to permit - pozwolid
progressive - postypowy
offspring - potomstwo
to attend - uczyszczac
consolidated school - szko(a zbiorcza
to ridicule ub - wydmiewad sic a koged
manner - u: upesdb
to perceive - postrueguit
continue on page 24
Travel - Podróz
to organise a trip - urzpdzitt wyciecuky
to go for a trip - udud sip w podrd
to break a journey - przerwad podrO±
to go on holiday - jechab na wakacje
business trip - podrOd w intoresach
research trip - podrOz w celach
student exchange - wymiaea studextdw
a non-package holiday - urlop xv
wtasng ryky
travel destination - cal podrdzy
holiday maker - urlopowicz
to go: jechad:
-by train - -pocigiem
-in one's own car - -wfasnym
-by bus - -autobusem
-by ship - plyrryd statkiem
-to the seaside - -nad morze
-to the mountains - -w gOry
accommodation - zakwaterowanie
hotel chain - sied hoteli
bed and breakfast - hotel oterujqcy
nocleg ye dniadaniem
guest house - pensjonat
inn - goapoda, zajazd
mountain shelter - nchronisko gOrskie
youth hostel - schronisko mtodzieOowe
full board - petns wyzywienie
traIt board - niopetne wy±ywienie
self-catering - bez wyzywienia
including breakfast - ze kniadaniem
hotel stay - pobyt w hotelu
high season - pelnia sezonu
low season - okres przedsezcnowy
post-season - okres posuzonowy
travelling by train - podrOz pocirgiem
railway station - dworzec kolejowy
ticket hall - hula dworca
platform - peron
destination - slacla docelowa
waiting room - poczekaluia
newsagent - kiosk z gazetarni
left-luggage - przechowalnia bagazu
information dank - punkt inlormacyjey
schedule, timetable - rozkfud jazdy
railway connection - potgczenie kolelowe
arrival/departure - przyjazd/odjuzd
ticket office - kaua biletowa
seat reservation - miejscOwka
compartment - przedziaf
emergency brake - hamuloc
conductor - konduktor
fare dodger - pasa±nr na gapy
fast train - pocigg podpieszey
slow train - pocipg osobowy
restaurant wagon - wagon rustauracyjny
goods train - pocigg fowarowy
travelling by plane - podrOz samolotem
airline - linia lotnicza
flight schedule - rozkfad lotdw
departure time - cuas odlotu
departure hail hala odlotdw
observation deck - tarus widokowy
control tower - wieza kontrolna
passport control - odprawa psnzportowa
customs - odprawa celnu
luggage inspection - knntrola baga/u
hand luggage - bagaz rpczny
excess baggage - nsdbaga
economy class - klasa turystyczna
business class - klana business
line flight - lot liniiowy
return flight - lot powrotrry
charter flight - lot czarterowy
domestic flight - lot krajowy
to take off/to land - ntartowatt/lgdowak
soft landing - fagodne lgdowanie
hard landing twarde lqdowanie
forced larding - przymusowe Irtdowanie
travelling by ship - podróz statkiern
cruise - rejs
ferry - prom
steamer - parostatek
excursion steamer - parowiec
passenger ship - statek pasazerski
seasickness - choroba morska
aboard/or board - na pokladzie statku
lifeboat - fOdz raturkowa
lifebelt - kcslo ratunkowe
lifejacket - kamizelka ratunkowa
cabin - kajula
deck - pokiad
fore- - przedni aft- - tying upper- - -gfdwny
promenade- - -spacerowy
lower- - -doing
sun- - -do opalariia sip
car- - -cia trsnsportu namcchoddw
to sail out to sea - wypfyngd na morce
to enter a port - wplynpd do ports
to weigh anchor - zarzucad kotwicy
to sink - zatongd
Stnwnictwu zustalu
opracowune przy
pomncy ofownika
tematycznvgo auturstwa
Ew1 Pukko
Ewy Marl Rustek
wydawnictwa Wagres.
can use a public booth in case of
emergency, for example when a
doctor ought to be called. Electricity
is also treated with suspicion, in
particular by Old Order Amish. That
is why windmills, used to pump water
for the house or farm, are a distinctive
feature of Amish communities. Neat
is provided by wood or coal fuelled
stoves, while cooking stoves are
sometimes powered by propane,
kerosene or wood. Kerosene or clear
gas lamps provide light. However,
some exceptions are made. Men
can go before the Bishop and
explain a need for a particular piece
of equipment which would facilitate
their trade or work on their farm. A
woman running a house and raising
eight or nine children cannot ask for
electricity to make her life easier.
Bring a washing machine into the
home and nest thing she would ask
for would be a dishwasher or TV set!
That would only teed to temptation, so
the elders ensure that women are not
much exposed to them.
Such contradictions are not law in
number. Battery-powered devices
are quite common even among more
conservative groups. Farmers use
electric fences to keep their livestock
in or battery-powered agitators in the
milk tanks. It is also not a surprise to
see an Amish with a flashlight or an
Amish man dealing with trade and
using a calculator. They call it 'Amish
electricity'. Although they cannot
possess or drive vehicles, they can
travel by bus and ride in cars driven
by others. Many times exceptions are
made to their own rules. Yet they are
definitely to the benefit of men.
The position of a woman is not worth
envying. The Amish are primarily
a patriarchal society which means
career options are not numerous
for women - they are expected to
be homemakers, surrounded by a
group of, on average, 7 children. Only
before marriage can a woman be a
teacher in a local school or work in
town in one of the shops. As a married
woman she will not be allowed to
work professionally. She might do
some crafts: make quilts, crocheting
or knitting, or can foods, and then, if
her husband agrees, sell them at the
road side or at a farmer's
market. Yet Anita Martin,
when asked by Ems
Elrzyzga in her chat-show
if she was happy, uttered
an emphatic 'yes', as
she does not know a
different life. She neither
has television nor reads
newspapers, where she
could come across some
'deviant' feminist ideas.
She was not dreaming of a beautiful
wedding dress because she is not
allowed to visit boutiques and knows
nothing of the latest fashions, but
wears homemade clothes. What the
eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't
grieve over...
Yet, what happens if an eye is lured
to attractions of modern world? What
if the Amish make up their mind to
leave their community? They are not
barred. Adult baptism is preceded
by what is known as Rumspringa
("running around") when 16 year
olds are given a degree of freedom in
behaviourand are somewhat released
from the intense supervision of their
parents. The purpose of Rurnspringa
is to ensure that the young give
their affirmed consent to become
baptized and thus, sworn members
of the Amish community. One might
wonder how the Amish, isolated from
larger society for 16 years or more
can cope in adult life beyond their
hermetic world. The fact remains that
around 90% decide to stay Amish. No
wonder... how could they adapt to
the modern world? How could they
deal with the bewildering array of
technological information that we are
bombarded by every day, if they do
not even know electricity? How could
they earn a living? The questions can
be multiplied. Yet, it is neither my
intention to seek a solution to any of
them, and nor does the size of this
article allow it. It will suffice to say
that for a person from outside, living
constantly in the fast lane, hermetic
otherness retains its irresistible charm.
Like for Eva Hoffman, this journey
is a much awaited disruption of
everything ordinary. Yet ordinariness
and simplicity is what in fact ties at the
heart of the Amish way of life.
booth - tic budka teiefoniczna
windmill - wiatrak
distinctive feature - cecha
wend/coal fuelled stove - piecyk
na drewno/wpglowy
to power- zasilad
kerosene - eafta
to go before sb - stanftd przed kimd
to facilitate - sfatwiad
temptation - pokusa
the eiders - slarszyzna
to be exposed to sth - byd wystawionym
vs dziafanie czegos
contradiction - sprzecznodd
device srzftdzerie
fence - ogrodzesie
livestock - zywy inwentars
agitator- mieszadfo
flashlight - latarka
to envy - zauciroscot
primarily - proede wszystkim
homemaker - gospodyei domowa
craft - rpkodzielo
quilt - kotdra
crocheting - szydetkowanie
knitting - robienie na drutach
to can foods - puszkowad zywnodit
chat-show - talk show
to utter - wypowiedzied, wyctait z siobie
to come across - natknpct sip na
deviant - dewiacyjsy
what the eye doesn't see, the heart
doesn't grieve - cuego oczy nix
widzft, tego serca vie Sal
to lure - wabid, npcid
to bar - zakazad, zamknqd
to precede - poprzedzad
affirmed consent - zdeklarowana ogoda
to become sworn - zostad
to cope - dawad sobie rady
bewildering - zdumiewajgcy
array - szeroki wachlarz
to earn a living - zarabiad na zycie
to multiply - mnozyd
to suffice - wystarezyd
to use in the fast lane - zyd na petnych
to retain - zachewac, etrzymad
irresistible - rrieodpanty
group is usually defined as a
collection of several humans
or animals who interact with
each other, or share the same ideas
and identity. Groups can be small
and informal (like a family) or big and
institutionalized, often with formal
bounds to certain organizations.
Every individual has a reference
Group, a collection of humans he is
mentally related to and who share the
same goals and values. A reference
Group gives an individual a belief that
he is not alone in his opinions and
judgments and can become a part of a
large unit that meets his expectations.
It was suggested by Walter Bagehot
that: Man can only make progress
in cooperative groups."' And this is
probably the reason people tend to
form groups and not act individually.
Scientists and sociologists seemed
not to pay much interest in the group
concept until urban street gangs
emerged in the 1920s. The most
important goals of gangs were to
defend their territory, conquer other
areas and maintain discipline within
their structures. Such behavior is often
considered as territorial or dominant
and often leads to uncontrolled
aggression and violence and the
desire to protect ones own territory
is so powerful that it is conducted by
any means necessary. A gang has
the same features as any other social
group consisting of several members:
• Satisfies the need to belong to a
• Provides a set of goals, a world
view, and a place where one feels
valued. Group membership gives a
purpose to live.
• Incorporates initiation rituals that
help define individuality.
• Demonstrates its uniqueness by
wearing certain colors.
In the modern world, the term gang
refers to a group of generally young
people of both sexes (but mostly
male) who control a certain area
with excessive violence and make
their living by selling drugs, guns and
many other related criminal activities.
The term gangster is most commonly
used towards members of such
organizations as the Cosa Nostra or
the Russian Mafia, however, many
minor street gang members refer to
themselves also as gangsters, which
strengthens their self-esteem and
motivation. There are as many gangs
as many beliefs and ideologies. The
most prominent and visible are hate
several - kilka
bound - wid
mentally - psychicznie
to be related to byd zwiqzanym
goal - cel
to meet expectations - spetniad
cooperative . sktonny do wspOfpracy
urban street gang - miejnki gang uliczny
to emerge - pojawid vie
to conquer - podbijad
to conduct - prowadzid
feature - cecha
to consist of - aktadad my
valued - ceniony
group membership - przynaleznodd
do grupy
to incorporate - obejmowad
excessive - nadmierny
to make one's living - zarabiad na dycie
to refer to sb - odnosic sic do kogod
self-esteem - poczucix wtasnej wanodci
prominent . znaczqcy
hate group - zorganizowana grupa, ktdrej
cztonkowie sq orydownikami nienawidci, wrogosci i przemocy w stosuntru
do przedstawicieli konkretnej rasy,
wyznsnia czy orientac(i seksualnej
•British Susinevvman essayist and journalist
groups and extremists (like the World
Church of the Creator, White Aryan
Resistance, Combat 18, Blood and
Honour) who operate not only on the
streets but also on the Internet and in
the underground media. Three major
types of gangs can be distinguished:
• Scavenger gangs - the feast
organized and least "successful"
gangs. Members are likely to be lowachievers and drop-outs and are prone
to erratic behavior (no other gangs
allowed them to join). Leadership
changes very often, even on a daily
basis. Because scavenger gangs
have no pre-planned goals, crimes
are spontaneous and often result in
failure and arrests. Occasionally, a
scavenger gang can become more
organized to form a territorial
• Territorial gangs
- also known
gangs. They
are "loyal to
with elaborate
traditions and
practices that
distinguish them
from others. They
often wear clothing
that identifies them as gang
members (like bandana "colours").
Members of territorial gangs often
come from pathological families.
Many speak little English as most of
them constitute Immigrants. Fighting,
a major activity of territorial gangs,
gives gang members a chance to
prove their courage and strength.
• Corporate gangs - also known as
crews, are highly organized criminal
secret conspiracies set up to sell
drugs at maximum profit. Initiation,
colors, and other things that are
important for other kinds of gangs
are not relevant for corporate gangs.
Discipline, secrecy. and a strict
code of behaviour are expected of
every member, and death may be
a punishment for mistakes. While
members of corporate gangs may not
be well educated, they are often highly
intelligent. Leaders must be capable
of strategic planning, personnel/
time management, and money
management. Corporate gangs often
interact with big companies and
prominent politicians.
Gangs often have their own symbolism
that includes graftiti. bandanas,
jewelry, hairstyles, clothing or tattoos.
It enables communication between
gang members and differentiates
them from others on the street.
When immigrants froth Ireland
started to form gangs in New York
City, when they came there to seek
a better future, it had no pejorative
connotation. People who did not
speak English and had serious
problems in assimilating
formed gangs to help
each other and
fight reality. They
attacked other
immigrants or
The immigrant
gangs were
symptoms of
the ghettos in
America which
then expanded
with newly coming
Gangs consisting of immigrants
form the majority of criminal groups in
modern day America. One of the most
threatening and rapidly growing ones
is Mara Salvatrucha.
In the early 1980s a civil war broke
out in El Salvador and approximately
100,000 people were killed. Asaresult
of the unstable situation and corrupt
government, between one and two
million people emigrated to the United
States. The first large population
of El Salvadorian refugees settled
in Los Angeles and were not kindly
welcomed by the Mexican-American
population who were already living
in that area (the newcomers were
the cheapest labourers and took
every job they were given). The area,
already lull of different immigrant
gangs, became more and more
crime-prone and violent. The young
Salvadorians were constantly robbed
and attacked, and finally they created
a new gang, calling themselves Mars
Salvatrucha, also known as MS-13. It
is believed that the name arose from
combining the name of "La Mara",
a violent street gang in El Salvador
with Salvatruchas, a term used to
describe members of the Farabundo
Marti National Liberation Front'. The
13" was added to pay homage to the
California prison gang, the Mexican
Mafia. Members of this newly formed
gang soon took control over most of
the violent criminal acts and quickly
became known as one of the most
violent and dangerous gangs in the
area (many of their first members
were former guerillas and had already
killed hundreds of people in the most
repulsive ways using machetes, axes
and so on).
to distinguish - wyrOnic
scavenger- hmieciarz
low-achiever- riieudacznik
drop-out - wyrzutek
to be prone to sth - byd pedalnym na
erratic - nieobliczainy
on a daily basis - cedziennie
failure - porxzka
territorial - lerytorialny
loyal to the grave - lojalny do
grobowej deski
elaborate initiation rituals zlozone
ryfualy ieicjacyjne
corporate - wspólny, zbiorowy
crew - zahoga
to net up - slwcrzyri
relevant - istotny
secrecy - dyskrecja
Strict - screwy
to enable - umozliwitt
to expand - rozwingb sly, rozszerzyc siy
to break Out - wybuchnyd (rip. o wojnie)
approximately - w przybtizeniu
new-cower - rowe przybyhy
labourer - robolnik
constantly - ciggle
to pay homage ' zlozyb hold
to lake control over sth - przejyd
konlroly sad
guerilla - partyzantka
A political party in El Salvador that was
formerly a revolutionary guerilla
'A smaller group within a structure stone
Various members of MS-13 were
soon arrested and deported back
to the Guezaltepeque Prison in El
Salvador, which unexpectedly gave
rise to a high level of recruitment of
new members in their homeland and
the growth of the gang in the United
States The newly recruited members
had to pass an initial ritual, mates had
to be beaten in a closed circle of other
members and not shout or show their
pain; and tamales had to be raped by
at least three gang members
The gang soon became the largest
gang in El Salvador and spread to
Honduras and Guatemala Mara
Salvatrucha has become Central
The gang has been engaged in
organized terrorist acts against the
government. In 1997 the son at
Honduras President Ricardo Maduro
was kidnapped and murdered by
MS 13 members and left with a note.
more people will die... the next
victims will be police and journalists
The ultimate goal of the Mare
Salvatrucha is power and recognition.
New recruits play a vital role in
achieving it. As the MS-13 grows
Jan Twowski, Socjs ngia Male struklury
spoieczno Towurzyslwx Naukowe
Katxiick:ego Uniwewytetu Lubeiskiegs Lublin
Aidonu Frgczk ewicz-wronku, Maria Zralek,
targer, it will be forced to organize or
deal with internal struggles for power
and other problems that could lead
to serious, and clearly very violent
conflicts between rival cliques'. The
result in both cases is not promising
for the future of security in America's
immigrant communities or those
neighborhoods and communities that
are under the control of MS-13.
repulsive - odrazajpcy
axe taper
to give rise to sth - dad poczqtek czemud
homeland - ojczyzna
to spread rozprzestrzerdait sip
to be engaged in sth byb zaangazowanym/zum esoanym W 005
ultimate - nalwipkszy, eaiwadn ejszy
recognition - uznan e
vital - a rzhpdey
to deal with - zajrnowab $ p czymb
struggle - watka
neat cliques - rywallzulqce kliki
to pass an act - przyjpd uxtawp
to announce - ogtosic
murder rate - liczba mordxrstw
to equal rdwnact sip
homicide - zabojstwo
Pxiityka Spx/ocznu, Akadernia Ekonorn cone
im. Karo a Adamixctsiego Katowice inca
mericans are a sport-loving
nation. The millions of people
who participate in sports are
usually passionate about their games.
It should be noted that American
sports are very competitive and much
profit-oriented. As a result, playing to
win is more emphasized than playing
for fun. Even very young players are
encouraged with the slogans: "A quitter never wins; a winner never quits,"
or "Never be willing to be second
best." This may even be called a real
obsession with winning.
The immense popularity of sports
in America is indicated by the
number of pages and headlines the
average daily newspaper devotes
10 local and national sports. Sports
are big business in America - the
major television networks have
contracts with professional sports
leagues for the rights to broadcast
their games. The guaranteed mass
viewing of major sports events means
advertisers will pay networks a lot of
money to sponsor the programme
with commercials for their products, in
great things in baseball; it's our
the hope of pushing their goods tothe game, the American game," wrote
audience of big professional sports.
Walt Whitman. "Baseball has been
ingrained in American culture as
long as America has been a nation,"
basketball and ice hockey are the says Ted Spencer, vice president and
most popular sports in America. The chief curator for the National Baseball
first three sports originated in the
United States, while the modern game
of ice hockey developed in Canada.
competitive - wyczyeowy
profit-oriented - zorientowany cv zysk
Thus, the birthplace of baseball is
the United States, where it has long to emphasize - podkredlib
been regarded as more than just a to encourage - zachpcict
quitter - kiod kto by fatwo poddaje
"major sport". But baseball is also to quit -zrezygnowad
very popular in East Asia and in to be willing - chded
the remaining part of the American immense - ogromny
continent, although in South America to indicate 'wokazywad
its popularity is mainly limited to the headline - nagidwek
northern portion of the continent. In average - przeciptny
countries like Japan. South Korea, to devote stb to sb - pobwiycid cod kamud
Taiwan, Canada, Cuba, Panama, The to broadcast - trassmitowad
Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, viewing - ogla,dalnodd
major - gtówny
Nicaragua and Venezuela, it is one of
advertiser - reklamodawca
the most popular sports.
to regard sth as stti - uwazart cod za cod
portion -czydc
Baseball is regarded by many to ingrained - zakorzeniosy
be America's national sport. "I see chief curator - glOwvy kustosz
Hall of Fame and Museum Baseball
got an early hold on America
says Alaka Wai, an anthropologist.
Long before football and basketball
became popular, kids and adults
were watching professional baseball
games, then going home to play it
themselves.' Its an accessible sport,
she points out - one that many people
can both play and watch. Major
league baseball games are more
numerous and less expensive than
most sports, and minor league or
small-town baseball is within reach of
nearly everyone.
A baseball game is America in
microcosm. The ballpark brings
together total strangers - across
the social barriers of age and race,
language and social status - without
self-consciousness or animosity. It
unites them in highly vocal rivalry. It's
an urban game played on a grassy
field, a game of mind as well as body
- a fitting model for the American
national pastime.
Semi-professional baseball started in
the United States in the 1860s; in 1869,
the first fully professional baseball
cub, the Cincinnati Red Stockings,
was formed and went undefeated
against a schedule of semipro and
amateur teams. By the following
decade, American newspapers were
referring to baseball as the "National
Pastime' or "National Game." The first
attempt at forming a "major league"
was the National Association, which
lasted from 1871 to 1875
Baseball has often been a barometer
of the fabled American "melting pot",
as Immigrants from different regions
have tried to 'make good" In various
areas including sports. In the 191h
century, baseball was populated
with many players of Irish or German
extraction. A number of Native
Americans had successful careers
especially in the early 1900s. Italians
and Poles appeared on many rosters
during the 1920s and 1930s.Black
Americans came on strong starting
in the late 1940s after the barriers
had been lifted (a "gentlemen's
agreement" from the early 1890s
effectively barred African-American
players from the majors and their
affiliated minor leagues, which
resulted in the formation of several
Negro Leagues) and continue to form
a significant conlingent. By the 1 960s
Hispanics started to make the scene,
and became a dominant force by the
1990s. ln the 2l century, East Asians
have been appearing in increasing
numbers. Baseball has become fully
There are, of course, almost as many
ways to look at baseball as there
are Americans. To those who play
I, baseball is a game. To its most
to get a hold on sib przejc kontroI rad
accessible . dostppny
within 'each w zasiygs
to bring together zbl zyc
self-consciousness - akrhpowanie
animosity - riecbpc
to unite - tednoczyit
urban rniejok
mind - amyst
fitting model - odpowiedni model
pastime - rczrywka
- pOtprofesjonsiny
undefeated - niepokonany
to refer to baseball as sth mow it
o baseballs jak o
to last - trwaO
fabled - Iegendarrry
melting pot . tygiel
to make good - odnieitit sskces
extraction - pochodzenie
roster - trarmonogram
to come or strong - stait si popsiarsym
to lift barriers - znieitit bariery
to bar nb from ath zakazac komuit
wstypu do czegoh
affiliated - utowarzynzony
significant contingent - znaczca grupa
to make the scene - uclzielac si
do 30 -nasa 0080 a sieci
rprzedaty PxlanOiO Soawal i Akadarr a
-foranuc a takue na run
Ty Cobb
ardent tans it is a religion. Scientists
consider the physics at the curve ball.
while artists and poets are inspired
by its drama. Sociologists look at the
ladder of social mobility it provides,
and anthropologists are absorbed by
baseballs rituals and myths. Probably
no major sport has more rituals or
superstitions than baseball. Most
rituals grow out at exceptionally good
performances. When a player does
wed, he seldom attributes his success
to skill alone. He knows that his skills
were essentially the same the night
before. He asks himself, 'What was
different about today which explains
my three hits? He decides to repeat
what he did today in an attempt to
bring more good luck. And so he
attributes his
in part to
food be ate,
not having
he bought
that day, or
lust about
any out of
the ordinary
behavior. By
he seeks to gain control over his
performance Ritual activities
ones that are supposed to diminish
the player's anxiety and bring good
luck - include, for example, such
strange things as: chewing tobacco
(very popular in the past, now not
so wdespread), talking to ones
baseballs (Mark Fdrych), seeping
with one's bat (R ohio Ashburn),
putting on the same red socks (Carl
Yastrzemski), playing with a cheese
sandwich in a pocket (Julio Gotay),
eating only one kind of food before
the game (like chicken, in the case
of Wade Boggs) strange ways of
getting dressed (like Joel Pineiro,
who gets dressed starting with his
eft side, left hand, left leg, then his
right side). Some people say that
baseball slayers are so superstitious
because in this sport there is a lot
left to chance, for example hitting is
believed to be the single most difficult
task in the world of sport it is so full of
risk and uncertainty.
The professional season lasts from
April to October. Major league
baseball is organized into the
American League and the National
League. At the end of the season the
four best teams in each league play
to decide which two will go forward
to the World Series. The team that
wins tour games in this competition
are the World Champions. The New
York Yankees have won the Word
Series the most times. Other wellknown clubs include the Boston
Red Sax, the Cleveland Indians, the
Detroit Tigers, the Chicago Cubs,
the St Louis Cardinals
and the Los Angeles
players have included:
Ty Cobb, Babe Ruth,
Jackie Robinson, Joe
DiMaggio, Ted Williams
and Stanley Musial (of
Polish descent)
The rules
Baseball is a batand-ball sport played
between two teams of
nine players each. The
goal of baseball is to
score runs by hitting the ball with the
bat so as to be able to run around
the Infield, touching a series of tour
markers called bases arranged at
the corners of a ninety-foot square,
or diamond. Players of one team
(the offense) take turns hitting while
the other team (the defense) tries
to stop them from scoring runs by
getting hitters out in any of several
ways. A player on offense can
stop at any of the bases and hope
to score on a teammate's hit. The
teams switch between offense and
defense whenever the team on
defense gets three outs. One turn
on offense for each teem (each
division of a game during which
both sides have a turn at batting)
constitutes an inning; nine innings
make up a professional game. The
team wi th the most runs at the end
of the game wins.
ardent - zagerzafy
curve - zaokrgglony
social mobility nobiinodd spofeczna
superstition - przesgd
to grow out of sth - wywodzid sly
seldom rzadko
to attribute sth to sth - przypisywac
cod czemud
skill - umieiytriosc
out of the ordinary- niezwykli
to gain contra - pr2efO koniroip
to diminish - zmniejnzyc
anxiety - niepoko)
to chew -2u6
widespread - powszechrry
bat - ku
there is a lot left is chance - wiele zalezy
ad przypadku
uncertainty - niepewnokc
descent - pochodzenie
The rules.
to score a run - adobyd punkt
infield - pole bramkowe
base - baza
diamond - boisko
to take turns hitting - uderzad na zm any
hitter (batter) pafkarz
out - asi
teammate - koiega z druzyny
to switch - zmieniac sip
to bat - uderzad
inning - runda
Some interesting English expressions
that come from baseball
get to first base- kiss somebody
for the first time
touch base with somebody make
contact with somebody again
to strike out - to fail
to throw somebody a curve trick
to take a ran check -to delay an event
he largest US nature
reserve, Yellowstone
was established in 1872
on a broad plateau in the Rocky
Mountains, chiefly in northwest
Wyoming, but also in southwest
Montana and eastern Idaho. The
area of 8,983 sq km of park
contains more than 3,000 geysers,
steam vents and hot springs,
including the periodically erupting
Old Faithful and the Grand Canyon
of Yellowstone. It is also famous as
one of the world's greatest wildlife
refuges, home to grizzly bears,
wolves, bison, and elk, as well as
North America's only continuous
colony of white pelicans.
Much of the park was ravaged by
forest fires in 1988.
Some 11,000 years ago many
groups of Native Americans used
the area of the park as their homes,
hunting grounds, and transportation
routes. Then, one story has it, about
200 years ago the first explorers of
European descent arrived in the park
and, amazed by the areas natural
wonders, established the first national
park there. They wanted to preserve
and protect the best of what they had
for the benefit and enjoyment of future
generations. Another theory claims
that the government created the park
at the suggestion of the Northern
Pacific Railroad . which figured it
could easily and profitably transport
East Coast visitors to the wilds of
nature reserve - rezerwat przyrody
to establish - utworzyd, zafodyc
plateau . paskowyz
Rocky Mountains - Gory Skaliste
chiefly - gfOwnie
to contain - zawierad
steam vent - tumerola (rodzaj eksftalacji
wulkanicznych towarzyszcych czynnym
wulkanom; przez Iumarole wydostajg
sly gazy orsz para wedna pochodzena wulkanicznege)
hot spring - gorce drOdlo
periodically - ekresowo
wildlife refuge - schronienie dia zwierzyny
elk - toO
continuous - cipyty
to ravage - pustoszytt
hunting ground - teren tewOw
transportation route - ezlak trunsportowy
one story has it... - opowiedO mOwi, ze...
In the past, some groups of Shoshone
Indians, for example the Tukudika,
adapted to a mountain existence and
chose not to acquire the horse They
used dogs to transport food, hides,
and ether provisions around many
locations in Yellowstone.
In 1886 the US Cavalry was
called upon to manage the parks
resources and visitors as the civilian
management was not doing a good
job. The Cavalry built a permanent
post there, called Fort Yellowstone.
The historic Fort is now the parks
The Highlights
Each year some three million visitors
come to Yellowstone - one of the most
geologically dynamic areas on Earth,
due to a shallow source of magma
and the resulting volcanic activity.
The Mammoth Hot Springs in the
Mammoth District have, for a long
time, been an attraction for those
seeking relief from ailments in the
mineral waters. This area has been
thermally active for several thousand
years. As hot water rises through
limestone, large quantities of rock
are dissolved by the hot water, and
a white chalky mineral is deposited
on the surface. In this way active
travertine terraces are formed.
One of the symbols of Yellowstone
National Park is the geyser Old
Faithful. It continues to erupt about
17 times a day, spouting up to an
average of 40 metres. You should
plan to wander in the entire geyser
basin for a couple of hours, exploring
the hissing, bubbling mud pots and
hot springs. Visit Norris Geyser
Basin, Fountain Paint Pot & Firehole
Lake Drive, Midway Geyser Basin,
West Thumb Geyser Basin and
Mud Volcano. Yellowstone Park's
geysers are not just tourist attractions
and geological curiosities. They
contain microbes with applications
in medicine, agriculture and ecology,
and offer ideas to the formation of life
on Earth.
Yellowstone Lake is the largest
high-altitude lake in North-America.
The lake is rimmed by the Absaroka
Mountains, providing a serene and
breathtaking place to spend time. The
area is prime habitat for a variety of
birds and mammals. You can rent a
boat or take a guided fishing trip and
catch a native cutthroat trout or exotic
lake trout.
The Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone
River has inspired countless artists
with the wonderful red, orange and
yellow colours along its walls. There
are two prominent waterfalls in the
descent - pochodzenie
amazed - zdumioriy
to preserve - zachcwac, ocalid
to tigers that... - pomydled, Se...
to acquire - nabyd
provisions - zapssy
cavalry - kawaleria
resources - ussoby
permanent post - staly posterunek,
headquarters - sisdziba
highlight- gtdwna atrakcla
shallow - plytki
mammoth - mamut
ailment - dolegliwcdd
limestone - wapied
to dissolve - rozpsszczad
chalky- z duzq zawartodciq kredy
to deposit - nariosid
travertine terrace - taras trawertynowy
to spout - lrysnqc
to wander - wydrowad
hissing - syczqcy
bubbling mad pot - bulgoczqce
blotne niecki
curiosity - lv. ciekswostka
application in medicine - zastosowanie
w medycysie
high-altitude - na du2ej wysokodci
to be rimmed by sth - byd czymb otoczonym
serene - spokojny
prime habitat - g{Owne siedlisko
variety - lv rodzaj, odmiana
cutthroat trout - trod
lake trout - trod jezierowa
prominent - gtdwriy
petrified - skamieniafy
melted - stopiony
upper part of the Canyon - the Upper
Falls and the Lower Falls.
One of the park's most interesting
places is a petrified forest. Most
visitors have never seen it. It is
hidden deep within the park. Heat and
minerals from melted rock turned the
trees in this forest to atone
Yellowstone contains all the large
species present when
Although there were no wolves in
Yellowstone for 60 years, wildlife
biologists reintroduced gray wolves
into Yellowstone in 1995. The Lamar
Valley is one of the best venues for
wolf tracking, in the park's lightly
trafficked northeastern section. You
can spot the elusive grey wolf at dawn
or dune, when the packs are most
The Lamar Valley area is also home
to Yellowstone's grizzly bears, black
bears, coyotes and many birds ofprey,
such as bald eagles. Yellowstone
protects one of the largest grizzly bear
populations in the States.
If is the only place in the word where
buffalo have survived continuously
since primitive times. Buffalos in
legally protected within the bounds
of the park, but often stray beyond
its boundaries. Large herds of buffalo
and elk congregate along the Lamar
River and long horn sheep graze atop
the ridges. Yellowstone is home to
one of the largest concentrations of
elk in the world.
IPlan Ik
your visit'
There are numerous companies that
offer trips in the park where after
taking a bath in secret hot springs and
looking forwildlife, you'll come back to
warm meals, a sauna, and basic digs
in the middle of the wilderness An
April/May trip provides an opportunity
to see both wolves and grizzlies,
which emerge from their dens around
While something like two million
visitors come to the park during the
busiest summer months wandering
into Yellowstone in the winter allows
you to experience what happens in
nature when people aren't looking,
at least it you can get away from the
snowmobiles. West Yellowstone isone
of the better areas to enter the park
for skiing or snowshoeing. Because
winter weather in Yellowstone can
vary from mile to extreme, if is wise to
come prepared for all possibilities,
A seven-day pass for a private car
is $25, and if you enter on foot or
by bike or skis or whatever you will
pay $12, also for a week-long stay
There are numerous campsites in
the park to accommodate individuals
or groups of visitors. Cycling is
allowed on established public roads,
parking areas and designated routes;
it is prohibited on boardwalks and
blackcountry trails.
A visit to the United States' original
national treasure will certainly be
unforgettable and will give you an
opportunity to enjoy Yellowstone's
unique landscape as well an its
natural and historical heritage.
species - gatunek
venue - miejsce
totrack - tropc
lightly traff 1 cked - rzadko uczyszczany
to spot - wypatrzyc
elusive - n euchwytriy
dawn - ow
dusk - zmierzch
pack - to: stado, stora, watahe
black bear
edzw edz czarriy (barbal)
bird of prey - ptak drspieuoy
bald eagle - b elik ameryksnski
buffalo - bizon
within the bounds of - ia obszarze
to stray - Zsbfhkac sib
herd - static
to congregate - gromadzic sip
long horn sheep owca dfugoroga
to graze - padit sip
atop the ridges - sa graniach
to emerge .pojawaituiy
den - ours, legowioko
snowmobile - skuter do e2ny
to snowshoe poruszac sip przy pomocy
rakiet hnieznych
mild fagodny
campsite - kemping
to accommodate pomiescid
designated mates - wyznaczone trasy
toprohihit - zakazait
boardwalk chodnik z desek
heritage- dziedzictwo
kod v5tetu'F32799
http. /Iwwvv.
liSp Ilwww yeiiowsiooeavsociat snag
www yellowstone-nail park.coni
Atwood and
her vision
of the future
by Mario Dosiewicz
crclaimed for her talent for
portraying both personal and
worldly problems of universal
concern, Margaret Atwood's work
has been published in more than
thirty languages. She has an uncanny
knack for writing books that anticipate
the popular preoccupations of her
Margaret Atwood was born in Ottawa
in Canada, on Nov. 18, 1939, and
grew up in northern Quebec and
Ontario, and later in Toronto. She has
lived in numerous cities in Canada,
the US and Europe and is the author
of more than twenty-five volumes of
poetry, fiction, and non-fiction, short
stories, literary criticism, social history
and books for children. However,
Ms Atwood is perhaps best known
for her novels. These range across
a number of genres including gothic
romance, domestic comedy, science
fiction fantasy, the dystopian and
the historical novel. Her first novel
The Edible Woman was published in
1969. The story about a woman who
cannot eat and feels as if she herself
is being eaten, was well ahead of its
time. Around the time of her second
novel, Surfacing (1972). Atwood
married Graeme Gibson and moved
to the small community of Atliston,
Ontario with her husband and his two
young sons.
Her next books, Lady Oracle (1977),
Life Before Man (1979), and the
profoundly disquieting Bodily Harm
(1981) gained her further critical
acclaim. In 1982, her first collection
of short stories, Dancing Girls and
Other Stories was published. Her
best-known work the world over, The
Handmaid's Tale (1986), got Atwood
short-listed for the Booker Prize.
A novel about a futuristic dystopia,
where women are dehumanized into
mindless wombs, it also garnered
millions of new readers worldwide,
and a fervently loyal readership. This
wonderful book was later turned by
Hollywood into a movie. Her most
recent works of fiction are Oryx and
Crake (2003), The Panelopiad (2005),
The Tent (2006), and Moral Disorder
Margaret Atwood is often described as
a feminist writer, as issues of gender
often, though not always, appear
prominently in herwork.Atwood'swork
acclaimed - uznany
worldly problems - probiemy dcczesae
concern - niepokO(, obawa
uncanny niezwykly, niesamowity
knack - wprawa
to anticipate - przewidywab
preoccupation - zainteresowsnie
to range - rouciggab sip
genre - gatsnek literacki
dystopia - dystopia (przeciwiodstwo
to be ahead of one's time - wyprzedzab
wlasne czasy
profoundly disquieting . gfpboko
to gain - zyskait
to be short-listed znale±it sip na liitcie
to dehumanize - odczfowieczyit
mindless - bezmyitlny
womb - macica
to garner - zgromadziit
fervently loyal readership - zartiwie lojalni
lasses of gender - sprswy plci
though - jednaHe
prominent' wazny
has focused on Canadian national
identity, Canada's relations with the
United States and Europe, human
rights issues, environmental issues,
the Canadian wilderness, the social
myths of femininity, representations
of women's bodies in art, women's
social and economic exploitation,
as well as women's relations with
each other and with men. In her
novel Oryx and Crake and in recent
essays, she has demonstrated great
interest in and wariness of unchecked
The Handmaid's Tate (1985)
The best-known novel by Atwood
tells the story from the perspective
of Offred, a handmaid. Offred
belongs to her Commander, Fred,
as a concubine, and her real name
is not revealed. As the novel opens,
the government of the US has been
overthrown several years earlier.
The country has been taken over
by Christian fundamentalists who
have renamed it and made it into
a theocratic state. Women must
submit to men and no longer have
any civil rights. Their chief function is
child bearing and taking care of their
husbands. This has been imposed
as a means to improve the birth rate,
as infertility has become rampant
due to environmental pollution. If the
handmaids fail to produce a child after
attempts with three commanders, as
a punishment they are declared
Unwomen, and then sent to colonies.
The main themes that appear in
the novel are male dominance, and
the subjugation of women. Atwood
presents a world in which men
occupy many of the upper social
classes within society and, like the
women, they all have their particular
roles and duties to carry out. Women
are stripped of their independence
through the reversal of feminist
accomplishments. They are no longer
allowed to hold property, arrange
their own affairs, make reproductive
choices, read, wear make-up,
control money, or choose their
clothes. Women are segregated into
categories, and dressed according
to their social functions. There are
seven legitimate categories: Wives,
Daughters, Widows,
Aunts, Marthas,
Handmaids and
Econowives; and
functional categories
secretly, Prostitutes)
mentioned in the
The Handmaid's Tale
is often studied by
school and college
students. It has been
listed as one of the
"100 Most Frequeritl
Books of 1999-2000" due to tee nigh
volume of complaints from parents
of pupils on these courses regarding
the novel's anti-religious content and
sexual references. Atwood's tale
comprises a numberof social critiques.
The book presents a dystopian vision
of society in the US in the period
1970-1985, particularly in the period
of backlash against feminism. Atwood
is also mocking those who talk of
'traditional values', for instance,
such leaders as Margaret Thatcher
and Ronald Reagan who suggested
that women should return to being
housewives. Ms Atwood also offers
a critique of contemporary feminism.
By working against pornography,
feminists, in the early 1980s, were
criticised for favouring censorship and
making alliances with the religious
right. Atwood warns that such an
alliance may result in empowering
feminists' worst enemies. What is
more, Atwood critiques modern,
fundamentalist, religious movements,
especially fundamentalist Christianity
in the US, and possibly Iranian
fundamentalist Islam.
Oryx and Crake (2003)
Like The Handmaid's Tale, Onyx
and Crake is a speculative fiction
and 'adventure romance', not a
science fiction proper. It contains
no intergalactic space travel, no
teleportatiorr, no Martians. According
to Ms Atwood, the novel invents
nothing we haven't already invented
or started to invent. Every novel
begins with a 'what if', and then sets
forth its axioms. The 'what if' of lli
exploitation - wyzysk
wariness nieufnodd, rezerwa
unchecked- viekontiolowany
handmaid - stuzgca
to overthrow - obalib
to take over - przejgri
theocratic - teokratyczriy
to submit to sb - podporzqdkowad
sip komub
civil rights - prawa obywutelukie
chief - tu: gfOwny
child bearing - rnacierzyñstwo
to impose- narrucid
infertility - bezptodnodd
to be rampant - uzerzyit sig
to fail to do sth - sin dad rady
czegod urobid
subjugation - podporzgclkowanie
to carry out duties - wykonywad
to be stripped of sth- byd pazbawionym
reversal - cdwrdcenie
accomplishments - osiggeigcia
to hold property - posiadati wfasnodd
to arrange one's affairs - zatstwiad
wlasne sprawy
legitimate- legality
to challenge - podwazad, kweslionowad
complaint - skarga
content - Iredri
references - odniesienia
tale - opowietid
to comprise . zawierati, obejmowatt
backlash . ostry sprzeciw
to mock - wydmiewad
to favour - faworyzowait
to make an alliance - zawinrstt sojusz
to empower sb - wzmocnid czyjgti
pazycjy, dad komud prawo do
zrobienis czegod
to contain zawierati
scion - pewnik
.1wi J
Rude Ramsay
Oryx and Crake is simply, What if we
continue down the road we're already
on? How slippery is the slope? What
are our saving graces? Who's got the
will to stop us?
Returning to the themes present in
The Handmaid's Tale, Oryx and Crake
presents a very different scenario.
However, in both novels the collapse
of civilization quite noticeably echoes
current events. Oryx and Crake
critically examines developments
in science and technology such as
senotransplantaf ion
engineering, particularly the creation of
tranagenic animals such as 'wolvogs'
(hybrids between wolves and dogs),
'rakunks' (racoon and skunk), and
'pigoons' (pigs and baboons, for
organ transplants). This society,
which not only tolerates but promotes
such extreme commercialisation and
modification of life, has also produced
an exacerbated gap between rich and
poor, as well as the modification of
human life and sexuality in prostitution
and online child pornography. Oryx
and Crake does not depend on
imagining new scientific
discoveries; the novel
merely extrapolates on
the basis of technologies
that are, in principle,
available today, and
--carries current social and
economic developments
and their ethical choices to
their radical conclusions.
The protagonist of Oryx
'and Crake is Snowman,
clad only in a bed sheet
and a Red Sox cap, who
seems to be the last human
being on Earth. He is surrounded
by strange hybrid beasts such as
wotvogs, pigeons and rakunks,
which roam the land freely. Also,
a group of what he calls 'Crakers'
- strange human-like creatures - live
nearby. They bring Snowman food
and consult with him or matters that
surpass their understanding. As the
story unfolds, these assorted life
forms are revealed to be the products
of genetic engineering.
The Penetopiad (2005)
This is one of the first books to be
published in the Canongate Myth
Series, a book series in which ancient
myths are rewritten by contemporary
authors. The story take s art alternative
view of the story of Odysseus
by focusing on Odysseus' wife,
Penelope, and her twelve hanged
maids. Most of the novel follows
Penelope's struggle when Odysseus
takes twenty years to return from
Troy. Atwood uses material from
The Odyssey, along with present-day
feminist voices, to spin a yarn about
how Penelope waited twenty years for
Odysseus to return: did she collude
with the maids to evade the suitors, or
hlrp:l/www Iutninarium.orgfcsntemporarylawasc
htp:l/!t eat ures/atweod/r
htrp:I/www, swtsad.cow/borrre.htrrd
httpifwwwrandamhsuse.uero/t eat ures!atwood/E
http:/fwwwtanlastictictian co. ukla/margatet-atwi and Crake
rrttp:/twwworysandcraks.cs.uuborne.asp html
did she herself fall for the suitors and
betray Odysseus?
Atwood is also a beloved author of
children's books. Her first children's
book was Up In The Tree (1978).
which she herself illustrated in
charming, naive two-colour pictures.
It was followed by Anna's Pet (1980)
and For The Birds (1990), and
the delightfully illustrated Princess
Prunella and the Purple Peanut
(1995). Her latest children's books
are Rude Ramsay and the Roaring
Radishes (2003) and Bashful Bob
and Doleful Dorinda (2004).
With all these works to her credit,
Atwood also excels in the field of nonfiction. These writings include literary
criticism, studies, autobiographical
essays, book reviews, political
essays, eulogies, ecological writings,
and journalistic essays. Written with
her energetic style, keen intellect and
dry wit, these collections of her nonfiction further affirm Margaret Atwood
as one of the most noteworthy writers
of our time.
to continue dews the road - pcdpzad
p samp drogp
slippery - dliski
slope . stok, zbocze
saving grace - zaleta
collapse - spadek
to echo . odzwierciedlaf
racoor . coop pracz
baboon - pawian
to exacerbate - pogorszyk
gap - Iska, przepakd
to extrapolate - wnioskowati, przewidywak
clad - sbrany
bed sheet . przekcieradlo
to roam - wldczytt sip
to surpass - przskraczaO
to untold - rozwljak sip
assorted - ródnoroday
maid - dams dwors
to spin a yarn - snot opowiekli
to collude - byd w zmowie
o evade Sb - umykad pried kimd
tailor - zalotnik
o fall for sb - zakochak sip w kimd
o excel - wyrdzrialt sip
eview- recenzja
sIssy - pean
tees intellect - wyostrzony irtelekt
try wit - wytrawny dowcip
o affirm . potwierdzitt
loreworthy - godny swagi, interesujpcy
Vancouver on Canada's West Coast will be hosting the Winter Olympic
Games in February 2010, which will attract worldwide attention and
represent Canada's passion for sport and culture. The city is the chief
Pacific seaport of Canada and the third-largest metropolitan area in
the country. The commercial and industrial centre of British Columbia,
Vancouver's success is based on the arrival of the Canadian Pacific
Railway there in 1886. Surrounded by spectacular natural beauty, the
City of Vancouver is recognized as one of the world' s most livable cities,
renowned for its innovative programmes and leading in the areas of
sustainability, accessibility and an endless supply of attractions.
to host - byb gsspsdarzem
to attract - przycigas5
commercial - handlcwy
to recognize - uznawab
livable - nadajgcy siq do zamieszkania
renowned for - many
sustainability - rOwnowaga ekolcgiczna
accessibility - dostgpnosb
supply - tsr: drddto
to circle - staczab
rainforest - as deszczowy
outdoor enthusiast - zwslennik aktywnebci na bwiezym powietrzu
peninsula - pdfwysep
to border - graniczyct
Vancouver is known for many things: the beauty at its Coast Range mountains,
the Pacific Ocean at its door, bike and walking paths that circle the city,
rainforests and parks. It's a wonderful place for outdoor enthusiasts, but it is
also much more.
Downtown Vancouver is on a narrow peninsula bordered on two sides by water
with Stanley Park at the tip. Reserve time for a stroll along the Park's stunning
seawall on you can also sunbathe and relax away from the hustle and bustle
tip - koniec, czubek
stroll - spacer
stunning -olbniewaigcy
seawall - wet rradrnsraki
hustle and bustle- rozgardiasz
of the city on one of the three beautiful beaches. The much-loved Stanley
Park is an evergreen oasis of 400 hectares close to the heart of Vancouver's
downtown. It is one of the city's major Vancouver holiday attractions, and offers
numerous activities as well as the location where the Vancouver Aquarium can
be found.
You can reach and wander around key attractions and neighbourhoods around
Vancouver with some hot spots - Gastown. Chinatown, Stanley Park and
Granville Island. There are a lot of bikeways and greenways for those on bikes,
rollerbladea or boots. With amenities like benches, water fountains, public art
and landscaping, greenways make going for a walk much more appealing
compared to a plain old sidewalk.
The centre of downtown is occupied by many skyscrapers, making it very
modern. The high-rise development around Coal Harbour waterfront with
its newly established promenade makes it possible to admire bow the city is
rapidly developing. You can take a cruise around the harbour using the SesBus
ferry service. The mild climate of the city means that the harbour is open all year
round, a fact that helped establish it as Canada's chief Pacific port. The Port
of Vancouver is home port for the Vancouver-Alaska cruise, one of the world's
most popular cruises.
Canada Place at the waterfront is Vancouver's most distinctive landmark. Built
for Expo '86 this waterfront structure is shaped like a group of huge white sails
and serves as a main cruise-ship terminal and convention centre. You will get
panoramic views of Stanley Park and the mountains from here. If you love
views, another must visit is the Harbour Centre Tower. The Centre is known
locally as the Hamburger building due to the shape of the top of the building,
which is the observation deck. Once you have purchased your ticket you ride to
the top of the tower in a glass lift on the outside of the building, which is when
you begin to get a glance at the views. When you arrive at the observation deck
you are greeted with views across the city that go a whole 360 degrees around
the building. It is definitely the best place in the city to get views like this.
evergreen - wiecznie zielony
greenway - bcie±ki dia piaszych
i rcrwerzystOw
amenities - udogodnienia
bench - tawka
landscaping - architektura zieleni
appealing - interesujgcy
plain - zwykty
sidewalk - chodnik
high-rise - wie±owiec
cruise - ruts
ferry - prom
mild climate - klimat umiarkowany
distinctive landmark - charakterystyczny
waterfront - nadbrze±ny
sail - zagiel
convention centre - centrum kangresawe
must - obowipzkowy
glance - rzut oka
The neighbourhoods
Gastown, is the historic district and a major hub for Vancouver holiday tourists
and locals alike. Today's Gastown is a lively collection of souvenir shops, art
galleries, antique stores, offices, studios and ethnic restaurants housed in
dozens of restored and refurbished heritage buildings. A statue of the town
founder, 'Gassy' Jack Deighton, stands in the heart of Gastown.
Chinatown is one of the city's earliest commercial and residential districts,
containing a remarkable collection of buildings from Vancouver's boom years
at the turn of the last century. It boasts a weekend-night market similar to
those found in Hong Kong. You can get to Chinatown - home to around 35,000
Chinese-Canadians on the SkyTrain. The Chinatown Millennium Gate marks
the western boundary of Chinatown. Beyond the gate, look for the Dr Sun VatSen Chinese Classical Garden - the first authentic classical garden to be built
outside of China completed in 1985.
The public market at Granville Island - a piece of land in the middle of a body of
water called False Creek - offers everything from produce and baked goods to
hand-made craft items. Granville Island Public Market is home to at least four
different theatre venues, you can get there on a small water taxi. The Granville
Island Brewery is where you can sample a Kitsilano Maple Cream Ale or take
the tour and see how it's made.
The Capilano Suspension Bridge in Capilano Nature Park is one of the most
popular Vancouver holiday lourist atfractions and a definite must-see. Originally
built in 1889. today's 450 foot long bridge spans the canyon of the Capilano
River, at 230 feet. and seems to respond to every step you make, a must-see
whilst in Vancouver.
hub - centrum
to hosse- miebcib
to refurbish - odnawiac
heritage . dziedzictwo
residential district . dzielnica miesukalna
to contain - zawierad
remarkable - niezwykfti
at the turn of - na przetomie
to boast- chwalid sip
body of water - zbiorriik wodny
produce - produkty rUins
craft items -wyroby rzemiosta
venue - mrejsce
to sample - skosztowait
suspension bridge - most wiuzgcy
to spas -
,. L-L JL
Vancouver is home to a wide range of cultures and a vibrant arts scene. From
Aboriginal and Asian dance to classical opera and avant-garde theatre, modern
art to state-of-the art animation technology, some of Canada's best performers
and most creative minds live and work here.
The Museum of Anthropology houses many relics of First Nations people and
is regarded by many as the city's best cultural attraction. The Haida artworks
are fascinating but it's the forest of totem poles, set against a glass atrium
overlooking the water, that astonish most visitors.
In the Vancouver Maritime Museum you can immerse yourself in history and
discover rich maritime traditions of the Pacific Coast. One of the Galleries
features a collection of material relating to Captain Vancouver and his three
year voyage and exploration along the coast of British Columbia. The city that
bears the name of this great mariner, who was the first to charter the rugged
British Columbia coastline, recognizes his remarkable achievements here.
Where to shop
As a cosmopolitan city, Vancouver has a diverse style, and this is reflected by
the shopping on offer. If you want to shop during your Vancouver holiday then
take your pick from high fashion boutiques, designer labels. accessory and
jewellery stores, to extensive shop-till-you-drop malls offering something for all
tastes. There are unique shopping areas all around Vancouver, such as high
fashion on vibrant Robson Street, try historic Gastown for antique shops and
native art stores, or Granville Island Market for something a little unusual.
Holidays in Vancouver - Day trips
All the attractions, shopping and outdoor activities while on a Vancouver
holiday are easily accessible - walk, take a quick terry ride or a convenient
trip on the local transit system, which comprises a network of buses and
unique services such as the Seaffus or SkyTrain. Should you
decide to explore Vancouver's fantastic surroundings during
your Vancouver holiday, there is plenty to see and do. Visit
Whistler, internationally renowned as one of the leading ski
resorts in the world. Whistler is a year round destination, with
festivals and activities for every season, including summer
skiing. Don't miss out on the beautiful, historic Victoria during
your Vancouver holiday, known as the Garden City, it is in full
bloom spring and summer. Harrison, on the edge of southwestern British Columbia's largest lake, makes for a lovely
day trip, whether you fancy some swimming, windsurfing or
kayaking, or just relaxing in the warm mineral springs.
When to visit
Vancouver has mild weather year-round, and enjoys warm,
comfortable summers. The best time to visit is from early June
to early October, when there's less rain, temperatures are
warm, daylight hours are long and the transportation routes are
open. Canada Day is celebrated on July V. Traditionally held
around the be-sailed Canada Place, music, food and fireworks
combine to help Canadians celebrate the birth of their nation.
May to September are good times for whale-watching. The
winter ski season peaks in January and February, but at
resorts like Whistler the slopes are open year-round.
v3748 )
vibrant - tytsicy zyciem
state-of-the-art - najnowoczedruejszy
relic - relikt
totem pole - totem
overlooking - wychcdzpcy sa
to astonish - zadaiwiart
maritime morski
to immerse oneself in - zanurzyd sic w
to feature - przedstawiatt
to relate to - oclnosik sic do
to bear a name - riosid irnic
mariner - zeglarz
rugged - surowy
coastline - brzeg
achievements - osignipcia
diverse- rddsorodny
on offer - w spruedady
to take use's pick - wybierati
designer label- methi znanych
shop-till-you-drop - kupuj az do utraty trihu
convenient - dogodny
to comprise - obejniowati
surroundings - okolice
destination - cei podrOzy
to miss out on sth - przegapitt
in full bloom - w rozkwicie
to fancy sth - mied ochoty ta cod
springs - drddlu
year-round - catorocany
to peak - osirgad uzczyl
resort - kurort
slope - otok
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