' ., $ ~ ~ SIXTB -OR'S ANNIVERSARY NUMBER . r _J ir 1 IPRESIDJW'S MESSAGE] I #I15 DEBAIE U I M SELRTED -FOR YEAR NEWSONG Professor Davis Composes New College Song Students ReCeive It With ACelaim I n d h$By a Central, ProfessorIndiana D.,flca * .. .' tral. Indiana Centra!, Pmfessor Nathan Davis. instructor 1 the conntrv He also had work under "Ont of the heart come the isSnW Earlham, Oxford, Manchester Slated m nolin, has wntten a new song for Mrs' Flora M Hunter and Mr Oliver , The &lege of f C I-N-D-I-A N-A Centra! CUnege Indiana Central which be with hrs Willard h e r c e both of whom were For Contests, Lively Interest ltfe" The spint determmes the Yea! Year Yea' orchestra, presented in chapel Pro- fonndefs of the Metmpditan School of Rfanxfest , c o m e an8 to a great extent the rate Indiana tral. Indiana Central. Central, Indvam Celtfessor Dpns is the composer of both Mu& Besides this theoretical work, of progress of an mdimdual or an Professor Dams is an artIRt, havlng The members of the or& dedakng the words and music institution If that spmt has its The college for mr graduated from the Metropolitan promptings ont of motives that are ;eam as selected from those who tned < The mtL4n: for sch~ol 'lofty and unselfish, and d it takes the lor the team last Monday are Leila the orchestra and for the band, pnd in fi * I. eonfie of n g h t conduct f o l l m g the 7unbar, Liberty, Indian'a, Martha Mc- 'Our parts for voices and In three been Mehurg 1ndI.nepolis for 28 years Re taugh6 pnnnples of nghteonsness rather 'Oy, Freefandvilre' Ind' ' h.** 'p' parts for the srls' glee elub &pies for year'8, then place than short-sighted policies o r expedi- plmOnth' Ind' East of the words will beavailahle t u the at B i Kller, hut upon ency, then there can be assnrance Of st ' petty' Peru' students III the short time and if the was, taken he again E st Louis' song receives the approval of the her tbemming Ind' and Gladys the bhce m Indiana centra^ Cone@ *' students, Professor Dams says he at the ml- SIX T e r n s sons W~II Close Tomorrow Their Grid SeaH aves nolm me zapCbzle that snch conditions must prevail in would llke to have both the music and he also has a in mus,e Scott, words printed in order that the its halls that students mll he stirnu- mn, 1;ldianapoIia and Mworie coqp8ition Students who were here \ : Brazil, Ind Miss Dunbar is the only lated to high endeavor in mtellectual ents them lash Year will r*memher the ComPok'ncbestrr vnth one b e d em, one mpenenced debat& onithe team The pnrsuits, and they must have such enPmfeSsor Darns has &h&T SitidnS wntten by mem0ers of last defeat and four victones, tops the Inpersonnel of the affirmative and n e e eonragement and direction from com9 Bei*nherg, One Yesis class The compositionshowed diana secondary conference Munch ative teams has not been decided upon der Professor H petent teachers a s to bring abouf fie questlonfor debate 18 "Re- of the finest arrangers in this part Of tale%t and excellent training I IS tied m t h Manchester m t h two tied high attamment in scholastic standI games, one defeat and three mctones iolved, that the Efth section of ing and mental ability It also recog' , vanover Ends Season nizes that tf this IS $one while the Banmes Law shonld he adopted by stndent is losing in sprntual percep all the states" The fifth section of garlham holds down third ma & tron and moral fibre, it is failing mr5 Baumes Law provides llie impnsonjvictories and two slumps Wabaah, erahly in its pnrpose However We. ment for fourth c o n d d o n of felony DePanw, Butler, and Indrana Centra! -The colleges slated for debates this cessfuI a college may be m turning are tied for fourth m t h four nctories Tt B~ that gymnaiimm the members of the faetilty and two setbacks ont graduates m t h high intellectndl season are Earlham, North Manchesto he the scene Of a grand 'Ong their to the Student Hanover closed the ueabon Bp d m p training and discipline, it certainly m ter and Oxford University, Miami, 0 lng for the teams this year ventton of all the hobos and hohoettes a ,rank failnre unless those graduate2 The e facnlty p a ~ e s This 1s ping a heartbreaker t o Mnnne 8 to 0 23, for the freshFriday, November accorded have had similar development in hi& Is the finest It has ever affair a t Indiana Central It came near h e m an w e t for Hunmen have Mnceived the novel idea t' Professor IIaramy The mohves and are headed directly to. It bas long been the and ;has bRen ~ e r suoeessful y cie's homecoming of a hobo party fl*t ward worthy objectives In an U? are favorable that the girls' team mll sentiment Of me*ers Of this \ f i v e Games Satorday not only nphold the record of prenous pnrpose Of the Is to more be accomplished Dannlle, Term Haute, Eatfhan hf To accomplish @e destteed l b P o s i years hut also increase the renown of and-better feeling would he promoted the student an 0PPO-W aed Manchester came through mtl Central girl debaters the college must he Christian in a1 if there ensted between them a closer to become better acquainted m t h the easy games to help boost their aver. of its work Purposes and ideal8 organizahon It has heen darkly f a d t y The students are for ages DePanw gave Indiana Centra' hinted that the purpose of this gathershould be clearly nnderstood hy con, a Jolt, sending them home under e , \ ing is to extol the cause of the hobos the hospf+ality of the famlty and ' shtnency, f a d t y , and students It 15 26 to 0 blow they have at and effect a more enlightening at- the of mtal importance that teachers havi Evansville, Rove' PolA Wakhnd City titnde toward him on the part of the this ?Irma1 affair it in their hearts to live exemplan and Franklin played their regulai ' lives and give themselves whole, =hTP general pnhlic The committee has Bern. BallaM, chairdm of the game. ~ l i s l o n s ~d~~~ heaitedly to bnilding life a t ~ t sbesl ts on the welfare committee, heen w o r k w on 11 national a n t h a to Hold classesH~~~F~~~ With 1 -' N&~-M in &t student body It is of q u a which they feel is appropriate to the h" In the choosing Of hosts turning their minds to basketball thi Nights high Ca'lrng of h o ~ ~ sand m wh'ek and fiostesses for the vanous homes ~ o ~ ~ o w teams importance that the stndent organiza. i n g meetthis week end t ~ o n s and traditions shall point ths submit to the These men 'and somen are chosen N~~ 1 ~ ht ~ ~ ~ & c Q u ~ p s i & *o{thS they students and draw them to the higt Perry township council of Rehg.lous On the eve Of their It from the students body and aid in the N~~ 17-Mnncle at ~~p~~~ goals of efficient and worthy service Edueation has completed arrange- is thonght that the chieke* dinner entertaining for the evening Oakland City a t T e r n & d e The spint m the literary societ) menta for a five night interdenow- which is to he one of the features Wahash a t Puduc (Continued On Page 4) national training school Classes have Of the evening mll be an drawing card The committee " 'eeretive and ' iWanchester at Iud GentraL been scheduled Novemher 19. 26, Dether than this they w ~ l l not divulge VACATION' YESEarlham at Butler cemher 3, 17 at 30 to 3o , WITH TURKEY ? hut the* a M, to be held in the administration their The Mnncie-DePadw, Earlham-&it. hnmorous program which bids fair building of Indiana Central College ler games shonld be thrillers Frank. "' I Soon a great part of our student lin and Twelve credit hours are required to prove &If worthy of this a s c n m should he a treat inatlag body and group games that h& mll shake the dust of Indmnone maJ City Editdr hdtanapalis News to Ad f o r graduation from this department ~ 1 1 1make the stearnest hobo lose his a p o h from their feet and tnm toward Two all defeated and this course offers a splendid o p Mn-who can tell, dress Press Club on Sixth a portunity to anyone interested in more dignity. Ardis Shafer is chairman of them ancestral chateaus %at Saturday, Novemher 24 there i(rr , Anniversary efficient and reiimous the program committee Her assist- pleasure it ~ I heI to again take our only two games Rose Poly a t Evans. *i -1 ants are Louise Arford and Ruth nghfful places in the family circle training There are a w n e t y of at Wahash *?&s isdve marks the sixth Sanive~ c o m e s offered and competent in- Howe Murray Rickle and Edward The fatted calf IS doomed and soon viie and mll grace the waning hoard dong November 28 Rose poly and T e h Niswander have charge of the games Bary of the founding of the Reflector *troetora have 'ybhined that R a d w+l1 fight It out I M b e Term An the delegates are asked to present mth many other i The Press Club is planning a hanquel Rdliman, dean, has been Beenred to for its members to be held in the Cob teach the psyoho~ogycourse neRev their hest h o b l c appearance a t this h a w been strangely absent from our H ~ Mstadium lege dining hall Tuesday, Novemhei wolVertonand paul R e d m~l initial session Suggestions on "How diet for the last few months ,_ ,Lib 27 teach methods mnrses and Mrs J G to Be a Hobo" mll be welcomed by The faculty m t h a grand gerhme of the It has NOTICE Armngnnents are not yet complet Hills is t6 s v e a eonrse in m m a r y of gracionsness has kindly s v e n us been stated that the oroj ed, although the affalr m l l consist methods prof Is going a brief respite from terrors of the ; 'Alumni. ,,dngs a formal dinner followed b r a part]. to offer a content course in New Tes- ganization may influence ieeslahon ,cLasa mom we 'Iso Fn-' back tender memoAes You will on their behalf bo take place in the recephon room tamdnt day, Saturday and Suhday to loiter want the 1929 number The of New Hall Myron Lamm is 11 A goodly number of residents of around the family hearth The only scenics are printed ,n France WYMAN RECEN& charge of arrangements. the Heights, as well as college stufly m the ointment is the f a d that year and It necessar~to DIPLOMA , A nnmber of Indianapohs mb.spa. dents are expected to take advantage ' we must make up our Friday classes know hy December how many per men mll he guCsts & the banquet of these training c o m e s Tbis is one Wymn, awistanipia- before embarking books are to be ordered. ReWalter MdCarty, city editor of thi of the best opporttlnitzes that has been It IS hoped that W e d and serve yours a t once through the indianapolis News will give the ad. oRered here for those train- fessor of education, recently received college office a r write Paul C dress of the evening His subject Wily ing in r e l i ~ o n swork The enrbllment her drploma from the. School of De- those lust going to college, mll return promptly and plunge into their FawleT, circulation manager of 'Ity be, "Glimpse Into the News World * fee is Efty cents for any one of the \ In New The school has two branches, me studies m t h snch a zescthat the facThe Oracle, Indiana Central ColThe comrmttee in charge of th~ five courses To rn Philadelphia and one in P a n s UlW mll he pleased and see the benelege program, Martha McCoy ' affair are he a graduate of this mstitdtwn IS fit of such +acations >hairman, Everett Bah, Faye Find. sp&& ! an honor ley, Clarence Bluemel beeorations CITY HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS GREYHOUNDS ENJOY MOST SUCCESSFUL Mary Eiatt, chairman, Olive Line FELLOWS= Gerald Middleton and Ralph Hayter Usmg as his snhject "Leademhip , SEASON OF CONFERENCE GRID YEAR Menu, Ernest LeRoy, chairman, Alia for Peace:' President I J Good adOBSERVED This JedsOn has been the most snc- Nov &-Central, 12, Earlham, 6 Winchell, Gladys Qvely and Joe Shew dressed the Washington High Schodl WsSfnl of any of the five years of InNov 10-Qentral, 0, DePartw, 26 Both the Y M and Y W mgrtnfman ' assembly in their recent observance Nov 17-Central, 7 , Manchester, zations are observing this the World diana central's conference football Just SIX years a& yegter8aP thl of Armistice Day The' Greyhounds have scored 1, 'first issue of the Reflector was puh He that Ma +ecephan hy Fellowship week Morning devotions The Greyhounds have won four, lost hshed nnder the auspices of the Re the 1,100 students was enthusiastic a t the dining hall and noon day prayer.'*o and ped one Saturday they meet points t o 61 for opponents. Manchester for thew lahst game of the In the Oakland City gam tha e , flector PuhIisQing Association Th, and enconragmg and that the phn- have made up the program ' 'newspaper scored the most poinbs of any India waa a small four-colami cipal, Walter J Gingery, expressed The theme for the week Brig the seaeon I affair and the news contents and largi the desme that many of his present reconciliation of man wth himself The record far the m a n is zm f0% College team for thid year nnmber of adverhsements it eon stndents would in the near future he and his cirrmstances, between class- Iowa I Smith a t the present ieads the CO tamed indicate that the early atai enrolled a t Indiana Central College es, between races, and nations Rev Sept 2%-Centtal, t$, Franklin, 0 lerence in sconng with 66 points D members must have spent a great des In his speech, the president stressed H C Armstrong cmted the campus Oct G c e n t r a l , 31, Rose Poly, 6 Panw w a s the only team who real 1 of time on the DaDer Under the di the cost of war as mmpared to the in connection with Fellowship ohserv- Oct 13--Central, 6, Mnncle, 6 outplayed the Greyhounds this se rection of Dr W P Morgan the o n 6 cost of peace and challenged the, stud- axme The devotions before breakOct 19- Central, 97, Oakland son Central should have one of t nal a8somhonn was immediately re ents to do all in their power for the fast are being lead by faculty mem. City, 0 strongest teamq in the e o n f e n bers and stndents Oct 27-Centfa1, 0, Hanwer, f8 next year promotion of peace (Continued on Page 7 ) THE I C C SPIRIT - ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ - - ~ - q MANCHESTER-MUNCIE ' RETAIN TOP -PO§lllONS - - 1 HOBO§, HOBOED'ES IN S m E N T S MEET PROFS. FETENOVEMBJB23 IN HOMES TONIGHT - 'k ~ TRAINING SCHOOL T o OFFER Corn@ friendship - & I-' I I ' BANQUET WILL MARK REFLECTOR BIRTHDAY - - 2 *" - I p" - ~ ma LAMM ELECTED HEM GOllEGEPRESS CLUB Reergdratian Affected at nrecting Last Thnrsday Night, Adopt New Constitution - '3 A & b n g heid Thd;sda$"n&k: governher 8, of all staff members and reporters on the Reilector as well a s ,thers who ,were mterested, the Press Slub was reorganized with the adop tion of a new eonstitdon sad the dectxon of officers ( 1 , it Myron Lamm was elm& p d s i d d of the club, Gladys Lively, n c ~ p r e s i dent awJ Martha McCoy, secretarf and treasurer Prenousty the editor Df the Reflector was the Chairman of the club, but under the new eonstitution the college paper IS to be merelY an organ of publication m t h its editor havlng full charge hut relieved of the duhes of manasng the affairs the club in addition. * \ , % a Meetings are to be delri Wg&b every two weeks and social funchons are t o be planned occasionally It 3s hoped that the orgaluzation oVtllla club mll, in a measure, further the work on the Reflector and at the same time arouse interest in journalism , actinhes on the campus. The new constitution dabpt&? hy the Press Club was made necesssly by the increaslng needs in publlcahon The staff is endeavormg % increase the size of the Reflector as the g r h ing needs of the student Body demand. I A i ~ I CENTRAL PLAYERS , FORM -MASQUE "'I L a 6 . %$. i ctmme of Newhueme1 Dramatic is ~ ~ ~~ Organiaation ~ k i _ u~ t ~~ l~ m e formal o r g a n i z a t h ofthk'ka+-' dinal Masque Club was accomplished last Wednesday evening Officers w'ee elected for the commg year as followsClarence Bluemel, president, Alice Winchell, mce-president, Thelma Gregory, secretary, Myron Lamm, treasnrer and business manager, Rapmond Daniels, stage manager, Dons Alger, property manager Meetings will he held each week at which iime an intensive study of dramatics and play production w made ,* '5 #+. 4 ': , 4; forms the preaent m M r Clarence Bluemel has ben chosen for the part of Hamlet and Miss Thelma Gregory mll take the role of Ophelia The cast expects to present this play iu University Heights and also in Indianapolis The director and production 6f fine playa The following students h a w emdhed as active members of the club Mdga?et Winchell, Hazel Carter, Alice Winchell, Kathryn Awett, Dons Alger, Thelma Eiler, Margaret Brotksnuth, Pauline Riley, O p l e Gibson, Ernest LeRoy, Myron Lamm, Ross Slahangh, Raymond Damels, Cloyce Quackenbush, Clark Conley, Reedie Cobb, Ota Susdorf, Nila Daggy, Jean Lean3 Carol Bechtolt, Ho -i < 'h , I,' ' , i 5 **" ~ ;'' ' ": '! * ~ ' - j I - cently hy being elected to a membet- Y e a ship in the Coluplbia Club of I n d i a -%; i d apohs This cluh is me of the fofe-2 * $ < most in the state of 3ndiana It brsk h3-") the finest home in the state, located& on Monument Circle l The REFLECTOR Such a man is not only a nuishnce bat II menme u a college commnnits If hus b m u is addled, pmplt W d know it so ab to avoid ghnng h m mbk atten, tion than he deserves It shonld not be necessary in I case of this kmd for college o€€icial$ 'to go Tab PbW mth B blunder suit 9ph, wmldn't it he W e r in thil j l ' -case it the nuissnce take the hht 1 t . B 5% WL1Y 1 modtst hint) and abate itself mthout further delay TIiE REFLECTOR is a college paper, publiuhd II bl-weeklv by the PRESS CLUB of Indiana CeutraI College, Indianapolis, Ind I Entered as second-class matter October 18. 1923. at &e post office ht Indianapolis, Ind , under the net Of Hatch 3, 1879 Acceptance for mailing at special etea of p o s t 4 3 , 1 pronded for in Section 1108, Act of Octoher 9,1917,nuthatlzed October 18, 1928 MORE MUD SLINGING * S u b s e i i p h o n 4 n e dolhr rn college yea* Single Taro members of the Hoover Club were besaslnq ~"~--, the fact that the apples intended for the Republieni ember oft h e Indiana IntCz-CoIlemat6 PA m Member of the Indhna Normal P r e s Association rally had been putloined on the eve of the great event A cyn~ealDemocrat made the f o l l m n g m s e crack THE PRESS CLUB 'What are yon &wing about7 They probably wen rotten anyway" c Butler Collegian, I i' _I ~ 1 ?' LrNEs'ocHAFF - . * b o t ON A MARC!! DAY Mv girl E m t m e ~ ~ Wears crepc-de-chne, But you sea more Ernistine Than yon do c r e p e d c c h m t :** L l t . . ~ Columnists --______Joe m 2 have been n u m m m 61ighting w&*a made Ltmtemmg the quality of the poettg appeanng m thu column Such remarks only s e n e to Stren&n tht contention af contemporary w n h that the taste Of €he present generabon of readers ha$ declined to a de. plol%ble degree We do not claim that onr Paetts f alone wmth considerahon Milton and Shakeapean atso wrote mnch that is worth while Bnt, remember, poet seldom reaches his Xenith befme the age of forts and We stdl have seventeen years of grace Shewman, C l a r e m Bluemel fawn, Doreas Petty, Martha McCoy, Gemld.M&lletan, Everett Bish, Olive Lme, Ernest ~ R O and Y Mary 2 U.h+t ~ 4 \ ~ Assistants on Circulation Department Maw A l i a Petty, EMe Everitt, Albert Mahin, aden Forney Eaucabbh is to the human mu1 what acnlpture is to 'a Mock of marhke "IBANCE ABATE- %%bW? Causes undue annoyance or v e x a h is a nnrsance It may pot be pasaible to get entirely free i m m a nUisan* bat e v e m e agrees, that m ev&y case, b nuiaance &mld be abated If the nuiance IS r t f e e t h ~the progress oe m*ng mbre d B b u l t the advancement OP an institution that i$ engitHed in f m t h m n g the Sntezests b! n m a t e a b e and nee& ewty encwrarnment pmsible '& overtme the difficulties in its way, then it is all the more i m W h n t the nnwnce be abated One mah of Ebility with makiiians PIWO~S, *nh hatred in his heart and ullscrnpulous in hrs design6 can cause more trouble and vexatwn than a wbole n10unta111 of o r b a r y dBiculties He cau get angry when bts pastor reorganizes t h e tho= He Ian &dam@ the pastor and annoy him in the community and church He can seek membership in a church fn another commumty and still keep on mmrepresenhng and annoying his former pastor and church He can turn h deaf ear to the appeal of the church board Oi trustees and if the college presldent urges reconciliation for the sake of harmony in the collem eommunitY be can attack the president A d all the college interest% m t h unrestrained fury and bitterness Under such circumstances this man wrth ME hatred can plan to hinder the progress & the college by vanoua misrepresentations of the president, the faculty, t h e students, the finances, the discipline and the general conduct Re can invite mmlsters and laymen of the, constitnency to come to see hnn so he can tell them "how t u n g s are " He can make misleadmg suggestions t o students ahout the president and faculty He can ' suggest to them very innocently ( P) that certain real "estate signs (which happen t o beelong t o his cornpernor) Cah be gathered up and bumed He can write IetterS and talk to the presidents of other colleges. and to med~ -hers of the State Board of Edndabon telling what should be done t o discredit the college He can notlfy p o h e t o watch members of the collete m a p and can report on the speed of rolleke automobiles, and on the license tags of dog8 belonpng m college homes , If he can onty cause some embamksment he sees no reawn Why a college teacher of om1 expression who W e s part iu a play given i n Indianspolls should not be pven unfavomble publrcity The group that gave the play is one of the most respected organizations in the a t y and the play m e w e d unusually favorable comment and the part was recognized to have been well-played It meant nothing to him that the teacher IS very efficient and is supportmg a mdowed mother, and that his a h k was such &?I to canse her to offer her resignation as a College teacher which, of mume, wa8 not gecepted by the colleb authorities I n case of any breach of discipline %nthe Stndart body he can represent that practically the whole StuIs and standards are that it would be mteresting to have such an experience here and act on the impulse as a Halloween prank, he mterprets it immediately as provrng that the stad& body has no respect for the president o r faculty and takes the Imtlative to provide publicity in *be btg dally c _ bl% TO -3 -' -1 -42. < ' WitNn thk b n d s of Mmon COnnb. v d Za a land rb bdoka and horae play, Lived a pouth ealled Hurl-Urn-Bnl-A ,$.& Lean of flank and broad of shunlder, . Swlft of foot was Hurl-Um-Bal-A Known thronghout €he f a r 8pread *egiohb ' As a mighty man and hunter Written on the tnbal wampum Were his deeds of skdl and daring: '* Sung about the glomng campfires Was the prawe of Hurl-Um-Bul-A How he trapped the snipe and rabbit, Speared the trout and tamed the con& How he fought and killed unaided F o r his maiden Like-Um-Hurla, Deer and bear whose skms he fahhionbd I n a furry robe and blanket, So warm and safe from wind and blizzard %auld be his Iove, the forest maiden. - - , 1 a Among the':oWeHitg tree$ Mat S?~hadb'W& ' ' The happy hut of Hurl-Um-Bd-A, 5 Lived a fox sqnirrel m t h her children In a leafy bower of rmnshme ' High above the WmdiM river Where the mnd caressed the +J&OPS With its softest breath of summer, 1 Where the sweet nuts hung the largest, h v e d the squirrel and all her family 4 Feanng not nor man nor hunter, Savlng for the chill of wmter ' , . rn * - One day in A d m m , atrth lespeb MI hnW Upon this glade came Hurl-Urn-Bal-A, Who hunted not with bow and arrow But used the noise stick, tool of white m a Quick t o shmlder he m s s e d the Weapan Sighting up the shming barrel ' While on a high branch lay the sqnirrel Basking in blue sky and sunlight. ) Came flash of fire and noise of thunder, F O I I O W ~ by ~ the amen of powder , * ' Still on the top branch lay the fox #Sam1 Wakened fmm her lazy slumber \ While from the beech that nestled c b e W Fell cnmson leaves and brta of branches From out her hnt came LibUm-Hurla , With hasty steps t o cease the slaughter But needed not were wmds of warning. F o r flushed m t h shame was Hurl-Um-Bul-A. He, the chief% son, mighty huntet Knonofrm throughout the woods and marshes Up the twistmg trail he trotted 8 Wrth angry step and brow yet mottled. Whale in the heights, with zeal of beaver, Worked the aqumel for joy and m n t e r *The author respectfully dedicates this Pee t o Snipe Scholl, one of onr greatest nimrods ~ , 3 tanly went tu the p s r d e n t and hdore the whok college grm to apologme It W y not have occnred to who nent t o tell h m what contempt they have for him and his actinhes meant that he had better turn his sttenhon m other directions A M l G m -* I j ' 2. > &he tb %e kbm of protests that had db&d &r W, the toee C b r t has been diaContinad with thfs issue It seems that the wnter has fnmbled in hu pbficy of laying hare the emotional *eSrtlonS of cer. tam mdbxdosls on our campus The policy of thif column haB alaays been that of h v t h tcmdleSS d consquences W t several ominoua inBmuahcah ha* bnly sewed to mP(Uce ns that we can better sent tbe world by IMng the n a t n d span of yeam d1otW by bm creator I - ' . - NOT?CEV , * ~ i -;2?.+::*.%.4 hart Memonal Anditonum a t 7 16 o'clock Follomng the concert there '' will he a basketball game between the Otterbein Home team and the Indiana 5 , Central freshmen The O t t e F i n BARN-A HsmiEtm GIBbs Home team has been county chamare not Over- pions for several years and will afs E H done stories which are rare enough to ford stiff competition for the local * exite comment 'and a tale Of love hardwood men % ne6'msper PUbliCiW gives the which entertainingly deals wxth the Sunday morning the Bow a;a Mf recent Halloween pranks a n be con- con~ugalscene mstead of the too fa- A superintendent of the strued only as an unfair attack mthm-nuptra* Is to be %om&will have charge of the semces out regard t o truth by an enemy o r hlghly pnzed "Harness" hy A Ham- at church enemies of our school Should not ilton Qbhs (Little, Brown CO, ithe college have the prerogative in Rnatan. 1Qzm t~ storv of a disGIANTS I N TEE EARTIT~~, . . the .~~~ plaking public things which happen illusioned young English veteran of. OL & h a g On our campus, good or o t h e m s e r the World War who flees from the RutElmrealism is bhe moat pmmtWe cannot believe that any member restless surgings of the post-war ur- nent Characteristic of "Giants in the of the student hods or faculty 18 re- ban llfe and retires mth his bride t o Earth" r(€Iarpers, New York, 1926) a m s i b l e for such articles as were a quiet suhnrb of London to gather The author IS 01 Ralwg, who is pmpubl~shed a u m n l and fnends have up the tangled threads of has Ilfe and feasor of English at St Olaf's College bee," cawed much mortrfication Does earn a hnng by literary work HIS in Minnesota The stow is poweran outsider have any n g h t to have success 18 much more slow than that fully told and conveya the poignant Publl4hed anything about our school of hm talented m f e who nses rapidly gnef and JOY of a group of newly without permission" We believe that on the stage and undergoes a psycho- amved immigrant families as they statements to be niade should be left lopcal stwggle, the two forces h a n g drive their covered wagons over the to the publicity committee and other the seductive attractions of the lighted praines of Minnesota to the New proper authonties At least they will l o y ~of a stage career and the pull 3f Norway of t h m dreams The reader be sure of publishing only the truth a firmly founded home life rentered feels bhe ache in the pain of toil and Theha E l k around the sturdy mascuhmty of her depnvation It is a gobd t h % n g ' ~ s i c m ~ l l yt o husband, Michael Gordon CONFIDENCE NEEDED Mr Gibbs wntes iu the modern read a well wntten t p p c s b r y The Napoleon had a mighty army The style mthout descending to the gaudy reader usually prefers an optmishc, two most rmportank factors in mak- devlses of some of the novelists of cheerful and huafant theme, but by m g this great army were, first the our deplorable generation who fabgne way of variety and in order to ohtam mnfidence of the men in their leader, the reader mth a too sophisticated an accuratb knowledge of human IPsecond, the confidence .of the leader cleverness While the hero of the ture and its problems, a serious and in his men These two powers conpled story indulges in mild profanity, it 1s realistic (not pe6simistic) story is a to L common purpose formed one of of an entirely innocuous variety and healthful tonic "Gianta in the Earth" h e most dynamic f m e s tb world the book 18 remarkably free from the WIII not make you want to hugh nm cheap slang which stultifies much of will It induce hilanty in any degree, has ever known We have a common pmpose here. the modern realistic literature The but it mll make you f e d more kindly at Central, ne the stndents have the. book's chief claims to ment are the. and sympathetically toward the unfaith o$ our leader Therefore, we as vlndness with which the pnucipal fortunate foreignem who expcnd studen% of I C C ,wmh to take this, personages are portrayed and the sane heart brealnng toil in the emquest d ' Dpportunity to show that we have the and skillful analysls of their emobonal the western praines G A Blackbnm thrd requirement, that of faith in hur development ever amount to itself It seems that the guilty party of such a falsehood IS going beyond his reach and medd l w where he should not The pnnciple of the Monroe Doctnne applies very nicely here s *'OK REvlEws - - - ~._.I -- ~ ~~ P % F-*- I \ Society and Organizations * - The students who went borne 00 'vote were the Misses Georda Benson, Jnae;Op f r o a G e d n o n pam to C z l gwls surprised Laneedle, Floy Carver, WabaBh: the Zetsgathean-Philomusean llterm Margaret and Alice Winchell SaturMary Alice Petty, Peru, Pauline debate in chapel recently, AI Smith day evening a t their home, 4127 OtBamhizer, Lapel, and Mrs Faye<was more fitted for the presidential terhein avenue The evening was spent Reme, Pertland The Messrs Miper position than Herbert Hoover, how- in playing games and popping corn Rickel, Warsaw, John Thompson, ever, the decraion was awarded to Ev- I As a token of apprenation for their m e r , James Weher, Huntington, erett Bish because of the fluent pre- fnendship the girls presented MarCraig Brandenbnrg, Paoli, Sheldon' sentation of the Zetagathean Mr Ellis garet a* Allce m t h a picture on 'of Philomusea gave a long list of of- fnendship Key, Plainville~ M~SSDorotha Hoke ts confmed It fices and Circumstances CmnPnrrng the1 Those present were Margaret and her home in Casey, Illinois, h e t o + n o men m t h a d e m + d favor for Mr Alice Winchell, Vida Lehman, Faye illness Hoover , lFindley, Emma Louise Pngg, Hazel Carter, Inez Meade, Ruth Noel, Olive messrs ~ ~ g h1 1 Wilbb fiofeswrs BIackh=rn. Albnght york were msitors on the e a m last ~ R a n m y acted 8s judges and a poPnlar Line, Dons Algers, Ruby Velander vote was taken by the student body m and zoeF~~~~~~ wllson week end favor of Mr Bish paui Babbitt spent fiovemher 11 i n "41 Swth mada a w e a t nustake Ibs net employme MI BUsh as a eampaim , MUSIC NOTES _ Y + Loren 5'tm WBS the me* ef xissspeaker," said President Good iu disFreda Rider in New Albany, Novem- cussing the debate iim Burroughs was on the pmhnr 11 m m for the Protestant Ministers' . . Retreat held at the Broadway Methxiss Donna mggley Is ill at her FIvEYiARSAGOTODAY omst Episcopal Church, Sunday evehnme Butler E -* ~ ZETAGATHEAN WINS SURPRWE PARTY GIVEN DEBATE FOR SMITH THE WINCBELL SISTEkS PERSONALS ~ . - ---- 1 ! Aepph, November 11 + and Ralph Hlle were delegates repre- I students something of the nature of The M h e s Hazel Foateb, Dosenting the Reflector staff the coming concert of the chou * * * petty, Mary Alice P e t e , and RayMw Burronghs and Mrs Damn * mond Breneman motored t o bk%ans Bghteen Ex-Semce men were &at & uUphi Banme, A University, Sunday, November 11* tertamed a t dinner held in the dining held the ~ ~ country ~ cluk > Cosch Good's bmthet, E m d d Gwd* room of Dailcy Hall the evenmg of November 13 I.. of togansport, msited here, recently professor and Mrs Michael motored The Sophomores defeated the Freshto Ohio State. Friday monung, \men 31-16 in basketball operung the BLACKBURNS ENTERTAIN WITH DINNER PARTP Raturdav they went On tb Otterhein 1923 net season * I * to the Homecoming ProfPmfe&or and Mrs G A Blackbnrn so? Mlchael studied for the P e ~' hisme of Refl, %boo1 year 8t Otterbein &o carried .ecaunt the first,entertained a t dinner T h m d a y even. Heedlie Cohh spoke at t b second woman debater at I C c She was mg, November 1 Ouesta were MISF Moravian Chmch, 34th ma n o v w Miss Irene Roberts of the team of '21 Emma Wyman, asshtant professor of St, Sundsy, November h ob #e and W There being no women's, educabon and Miss JpSephine Mc: I&, "The Adventure of LIVmg" debating teams she was on the affirm- CreeW, professor of art Ralnh O'Dell spoke at the Second ative team m t h W C Bond and F A 7 . i I I - i~ 1 ~ IMPORTANT NOTICE' - k h C Gmd, cIam Oi '26, 18s asked tius column to announce hat he apprecistes the co-operation If the alumni in sending ID listr of rrospective athletes He would W e o have each alumnus who is teaenng m the high whools send in the urmes of the senior athletes, and to we Ins influence in dweting them award Inmana Ventral College / ary society and Mrs ShermanIKath&n Arnett, Do& home of $3; ROSS Slabangh spent the wdek and{ Dams at 320 Weat 43d street Georma Benson November 10 and 11 2 Mansfield hall G I ~ V Rice S spent the week end November i0 and 11 a t DePanw whipped cream, pickles and coffee m u J y y Of1 ..-_-I"_._" "Jn,.a I .m.vd Alger and EDITOR'S , +- 'Yon will nbte that we ha& a ar Alumni Column for the first time ha year It seems that the alumni 'eparter, MI Paul Suively, finds it, my dllficnlt t o collect snffuient' iews to fill a column each issue 1 iuggest that you make his problem !mier by wntmg to him any speeial terns of alumni nterest SHELDON KEY, Editor , NEW WBRARY BObKS , - T h e emulabon depkltment of the Eollege libdry has been increased by the purchase of new books and by gKts A large number of the hooks ste now ready for circulation, and others have not been reeeivcd 89 yet Installation ai new llghts WIU make it possible to keep the library open at night Bemnning Monday, d ~ ~ ~ ~ November 19 night hours for the 11brary wdl be from six-thirty t o wne except on Monday and Wednesday w h t s when tbey mll be from seventhirty to nine The f o l l m n g new bobs hare been received in the bhrary and are n a d Y for circulation k CONGRATULATIONS,' GREYHOUNDS! ; ' ye 'a, n e w t & p 1 i e a - 5-i - Roman Contemporary Economic Thought ProbLms in the U S Jon-Trust Bilduff-Auditing and Aocounting Handbook. l%ompaon--Febaolhic w d Social Ristory of the Middle Ages. ,> 6 5 . * I $ j * ( 2 4 in Bpprecikiom, the Bookstore gives a Spe; ' _ cia1 5% discount to all Varsity "C" men oti " any article of College Jewelry, Pennants , and Novelties. Smdogy and AntbropoIom- - Barnes Sociology and Political Theory Goldenwelaer=Esrlg Cihlization Loan-Pnmitive Relipon Lode-Pnmihm k e t y O s b o r p M e n of the Old Stone Age Sollas-Ancient Hunters Westermad-&story of Human Y In advance for the year four Reseetor aome 1 8 8 ~ 1 Marriage will know what uas happened PAUL 6 ShIVELY Treamter - I ' 'h -: NOTE - * 2 Physics Brooks and P 6 6 - E l e C t n e i t r and Magnetism Crew-The Rise of Modern Physics hall, the uew dormitory for @IS interesting program w g i v e l t ] " a s -Margaret Haworth, claas oJ Edser-Lwht for Students Meba was the fledOf her by the Y M C A Wednesday evening '28, who IS teaching a t Wolcottmlle Electmity, Millikan and Mills cousin, Dorothy at LUCY Row- November 7 A special musical fea- wntes a very interesting letter to h Sound and Light land hall, DePauw University, the ture was rendered by Robert Reese in Sood She s a y week end of November 10 an4 11 the form of a molin wfo "Although I am now an ex-studen Sganishsamuel We* the week end The address of the evening w a s of I C C my love and interest in m? Altamirand A La Navidad mi Tas gf NavernbeT and l1 at gzven br M r Mendenhall, state stnd- Alma Mater has not been dlminishei Montanas as the g u s t of his C W j i n , Pavtd ent secretary of the Y M, C A in the least I actually devonr all thi BelI-Conte&ararJ. Spanish h t e r Engle, at the Delta UPSllm house Hie spoke on the subject of prayer ~ w s s i b l einformation I receive frov ature Craig BrandenburgWoke On The matter of praymng, as MI Men- the college including letters from stu Camha-La Rana trialera' Peace In the chnst'an Endeavor denhall clearly painted out, was the dents, Reflectors, and newspapel Echegaray-0 Imcura o Santraad meeting at Centenary Christian attitude of the Chnstian mind and items Using Ruth Beck's expression Elliot&-Methods of Teachmg Modchurch, Oxford and East 10th street, he& I read the Reflector from 'civer t t ern Languages Sunday evening, November 11 Announcement was made in this a v e r ' Imagine my pride in the foot Galdos-La Loea de la Casa Erneat LeRoY and Cllfford Parker meeting by Bess BaIlard, represent-'ball vicbanes' The boys must bt Galdos-Manneha mated the latter's S*Ster, Esther mg the Y W C A , m t h regard to playing hard and I hope the g o 6 Ibane-La Batalla del Marne Parker, who 18 teach= at Cam- the week of Braver observed through- work will continue Larra-No Mas Mostrador. fort, Fnday evening, November 9out the worli bg all "Y" assbciations Northup-An Introduction to SpauHelen McDonald, student at Indiana , Mr Carroll Butler, class of '26, I! ish Literature University, visited her sister Panhne, EC mEET8 teaching this winter in Buhl, Mmn Nunea-El Haz de Lena. November 10 and 11 Ramon y Cajal-La Infancia de Ra100 miles north of Duluth I1 ahont ____f_ The club for addition to science teacher, he II mony Cajal FRESHMEN HAVE FROLIC their regular meeting Tuesday evebasketball and teams de I* komera-Nav-Nid AT HOME OF G I L L I A m nmg, November 13, in the Home Eeo- I Lrteratura Espanola \ nomic8 departman+ I Taboada-Cuentos Alegres. Chalfant, class Of 26 *P Hra D H Gilhatt entertained a Misses Mary Cobb m d Wilma Jndd Mr Paul 8 Q Jgmup of freshmen gmls at an 4- gave reports on the Home Economrc a in the Presbflerian church H O ~Eeonomks *$orma1 party, Friday evening Novem- Institutions which they had attended IS attending the McCormick Bible In Abel-Snsessful % d y Life oh ber 9 at her home The evenuxg was IZI the city MISS Faye Fludley talked stitnte at Chicago the Moderate Income spent in playmg games and malung on the Roman style show that she Cooley-Teaching Home E b n d c s cendy Those present were Jean had attended a t the Masonic Temple Mr Rblph Hue, class' of 2 4 , whq Hanna-Home Economics m the Lems, Nila Daggy, Marjorie Scott, in Indianapelis IS warlung toward a doctor's degrei Elementary dnd Seeondm Schools ' Thelma Maby, Louise Reeter, Pauline The h o w economic$ de&&nlent in zoology a t Indiana Umversity, ha! Maxwell and Pope-Pracpl NursRiley, Ida Apple, Esther h n k h u , has grown to h c e its sme in former been spending several daya a t tht ing S a r g a r e t Broeksmith, Roberta Lash- years The walls have recently been Wawasee fish hatehenes gathering ~iteSucc(nsfu1 Houses and Row b o o k and Beatnce Burrell redecorated matenal to Bulld Them 881 , _c ~ ~ -An Idea1 Xmas Gift - I 1 Maintain their'distinctivestyle after months and even years of service because of their superior hand tailoring and excellent fabrics - - - - L (i \f, - L 7 . 1 ' $22.50 and $30.00 *> ,?' -1- , *'^- ., &e Newest Coneglate ModeIs and CoIom Suits and Overcoats * * 76, -i , > I 213 Massachmetts Am. e&,' + i' r e -la,$ I L ’ PAGE 4 r LOCAL Y MEMBER ’ I SETTLEMENT WORKER - For a number of years the local Y has been doing splendid social work in some of the tenement districts Of the city of Indianapolis Through this medium William Watkins secured a permanent Job as boys director Of one of the nty’s Settlement houses At /the present time Mr WatkinB 18 ,doing his bit a t the Amencan Settlement ;n the vlcinity of the Kingan Packing Company He 1s in charge of the boys’ work which 18 under Contrd of the Central Y M C A in the city and the Y M organization of the college On Sunday afternoon, Mr Watkins teaches two Sunday School classes in the n t y In general, the settlement the needy in the eommunltY A h g e staff of nurses, teacpers and directors are employed to care for the children A cosmopolitan group exists here Mr Watkins has a unique Plan of developing the talents of the settlement children He formed the cornwohe Club, which m e 1s an ahbre plated form of the words companion, work and leisure The actlntles of the club COmPOSe two study meetings a month, one expedlixon a month to various Parts of the and one <b monthly social Mr Watkins has heen a t the Sett’e h e n t for two Years As he has rooms there, he Can be On hand at allnost any minute of the day Grant Brenner has also done Work Of this at the settlement Everett Bish will have Charge Of the at the settlement as soon as it is commenced ~ By Thelma King , Somehow the day dragged throu and patsy started home a t 4 o%Io, She must not forget the camphor 1 and smelling salts Aunt Em told t to get “Why, oh, why did Aunt B and sometimes Aunt Laura persist nagging at her SO, one would thi they never had been young S would go home, probably peel the I tatoes or sew on the quilt, set t am table, she and her old -d would eat supper, she would dry t d,shds, play the for $-tiy hour, look over her French lesson i next day, m e to her father a then be in bed by the time the chin strnck ninethirty because mrls h to get their beauty deep accordi to A m t Em and Aunt Laura Wl an idteresting life f o r a pretty v11 CIOUS semor in high school, Pal Loti knew the evening% progri would he lust that very thing becai hadn’t it been thus, ever since Mot1 had been taken to Heaven, becai God ha&needed her there? ‘Graham Skillen, Patsy Lou’s fath had be6n home to see his only ch just once since her mother had d and that was when she vas ten yer old and he only dtayed for four da Re declared, that the llght of his I had gone out when his mfe had dit and since that time had rimmed 01 the world undertaking dangerous, c enemeenne contr&s He worked so hard, so earnest putting forth all his strength and 1 tell~genee in work, h ch was extremely well done, that he very much in demand by the lar contractrng agencies, companies, a cornorations His oresent contra was that of huilding a%ndge over ravine in Chde and would be fiNsh - Herman T Spieth, ’26, who for the past two years has been a laboratory instmetor m zoology a t Indiana University has just returned from a field trip which covered 2,700 miles The states vlsited were Ohio, West Vir, mnia, Maryland, Virgmia, North and South Carolina, Georgm and Kentncky The tom kas &der the directfoir of $ D r A c UnseY, Professor Of entomology and was for the Purpose of ‘ C O l l ~ i n ginsects as a Part Of their research Program Mr S w t h 1s a canhdate for the Ph D degree an entomology and is co-author with Dr will Scott and Ralph H l h I c c ’24 of a scientific paper based upon , the study of Indiana lakes The paper is now m press ’ Mr and Mr have spent the past three summers making a hiological s m e y of Lakes Wawasee and Tippwanoe Both Indiana University and the Stat%DepartrnentO* Consewation are co-operating in the survey ? , ‘ 2 i THE PRESIDENT’S MESSkGE (Continned from Page 1) - 1 C H A P T ~ RI , -i t q &&= Louise, come back ti apd shut the &,’I cn I CENTRAL GRADUATE ON SOUTHERN TOUR I ~ I , ~ ~ $ r i Irection She got in and he began tallung of the small tnvlal things that didn’t even count. When they ‘ i were almost home she smd, “Please ‘Ime for hiw to attend Patsy Lou’s’ let me out around the e o p e r here, Annoub& the kemwal of His Office to tduation from high school +n June beeanse Aunt Em and Aunt h u r a do enjoyed Patsy’s letters i m m e e k , not approve of my nd,ng in cars I) 4104 MADISON AVENUE yet’ he not to see hers She blushed furiously as she smd this he told hmse’f’ because she would because it sounded so terribly young in f A.Wacker Bldg ,One Block South of 018 Loeation ng back to him the memones of Ted complied m t h her wish, she i wde, a8 Patsy Lou was the very he replied mth, thanked HOURS h u e of her mother 1 trouble a t all, good-bye Patsy,” and 7 0 0 p rn to8-00 p ni CHAPTER^ , offhe went Several times, perhaps as 11 00 a m ba 12 80 m ’ Sunday by Appomtmeut ’ Dne morning 61X Weeks before often as three ixmes a week, Ted 2.00 p m to 5 00 p p If No One Answers, Call lool was Out was blithh’ would seemingly just happen along f DRexel 1761-R-1 Phone DRexel 5494 mmlng to and Mth and take her to school, several tlmes , Sonthport 222-5-1 ?”me was perhaps blocks he brought her home, she was pleased ‘ A~ , , , , Im when a blue road- to have him take her in his roadster !r slowed doam beside her, and but ~. ~he talked to her as ~fshe was t behold, there was the Idol Of her merely a child, and as If his appearsrt. smiling and saying, “Hello, ing was purely acndental ?re,spirit of spnng, art thou going (To Be Continued) hold court in the brick castle this , 4 , immg and may I hie thee hither?” %erewas her heart? W h y didn’t it wt’ Was @he ggmg to ~ W n t ? ir couldn’t she talk? Finallv she lispered a very weak “Yes 1 ) Ted --.Daughterty Smond With 38 Pointa pped‘out of the car, held the door Oscar Smith leads the Greyhound Sripbver Sweaters $4.50 to $11 50 en and profusely bomng helped scores with fifty-su Points He IS $12.50 L Leather Blouses r into the car,g o t in himself, smlled also leading the State He 1s ClOSelY wn at her, the motpr purred, he Pressed by Hinchman of Butler, who , Leather Coats $12.50 to $18 00 ung the car around and off they has Wty-five points ‘nt Daugherty is aecond with thirty1 CorduroJ: Sheepskins J $12 50 Patsy Lou w a s bhssfnlyly happy eight pomts 1 she coulll do was s m l e at him Below is the standing of the Greyien he smiled, say “yes” or “no” to hound scorers FOOTBALL and BASKETBiLL UNIbORMS I questions, which were, “How are ”D TP Total and EQmPMENT 2 ur aunts’ Isn’t this a beautiful Smith i 9 2 56 ’ u y ? Are you getting your lesson Dawhertg ----_----- 6 2 38 8 ery day like a good g . l r l T Will Allen 18 Christmas Goods, Fada, Majestic, Atwdtdt Kent 18 ur father he borne for your gradua- %%ht ------------- 3 tn7 etc,’’ and by that time they Breneman 2 1 18 Radios i !re in front of the s c h d Oh, how Cooper 1 1 7 < ’ .tsy mshed that Tnxie would see Fawlqr ------------ 1 3 6 F r, but there were only a few felRS and grls talking together in Totals 25 6 156 mt of the door Patsy Loo came m her REV. ARMSTRONG SPEAKS But d e s we= more broad and interestAT JOINT rrya SESSION 1 than usual I - 2. Everyone at d m d patsy Xa a special feature dunng the j b % i but the felbws Were a f m d to World Fellowship Week of Prayer k her for ‘dates because of the the Y M and Y W eombrned on nts, whom evenone pictured as Wednesday evening, November 14, in wlar mkches, Or. orges Who would one meeting a t which Rev Armstrong .e anyone’s head off they saw m t h ~spoke on the theme “World Fellowtsy Lou The first two hours were ah,s9v Idy penods but not thls nioImng Dunng his d i s c m e the speaker r our Patsy She was thinking and cited instances where vast reforms 1s was the trend of her thoughts which are now taking place in the re“I wonder why he asked me all those ligrous world today Among vBnous ohsh, c2llldish questhons, why he other reforms the great forward lked to me as If I was a freshman, stndes in relisaus education, the 3tead of a senior To think of ask- world-mde peace movement and the me d I was getting my lessons numerous lnterdenominalional conferery day like a good little mrl The eneeg were mentioned ry idea He doesn’t seem to reahze He also stated that the youth of n a dignified senior the same as today were of one mind relative to ixie Reasoner I bet he doesn’t balk better eharch management in the in- , her that’way What IS there shout terests of 1ustice and human welfare c that is so different that he dates c almost all of the time and treats Y.W C A c so grown-up?” The bell rang/ is ending hkr revene The Y W C A meeting Wednesday h e evening a week later when evening, November 7, consisted enlo01 was out and Patsy Lou was tirely of music Those who took pari rmng home, she heard a familiar were Robert Vxalpando, Alfred Ameepdeep” and upon looking around ador, Esther Kmkel, Phyllis Johnson, I saw Ted, smiling as usual want- Mignon Chnsty and Mabel Bruley “Walk Up a Flight and Save the Difference” to know if he might take her Gkoup siugmg was also a feature of ne. that he was going in that 41- the program DR. E. F. BOGGS NECESSITY Skdlen, Patsy Lou’s aunt, old faahone& sharp-featured wom of perhaps forty-five years Pat L~~ made a wry face, came bai closed the gate and started off school for the second time It w a beautiful, warm sunshiny day grass and trees were all a restj thk birds were singing ehee pats5 LOU, was a senior Stanton hrgh school and in tl months would graduate “wish 1 were as popular as TI Reasoner,” she murmured to hers as she etrolled toward the high scho “1 wonder what it IS that makes h popular and Ted Sloan like her well Just to think of having a sopt more in a medical college to take y to the junior prom That must heaven,” patsy Lou and talkmg to herself and huilding I castles she entered the school bui ~ ~ I ’i. ROUGE - A ~ ~ p ’ ~ z,’ , , . *‘ ~ ~ - ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ AREAL I ________ _i--___-_____ _____-__~--- ____-_________ ________ ____ ___- _________ --------- = - ---I COMPANY *+bra 1 1 __ ~ . - - 11105 ‘HannaAvehu;e tended, but was condemned by t that wins new memberS and holds student body and faeulty alike, h tm steadily to that program of training did not Play the Part of coward$, b that mates its graduates effective in in a manly way came telling me th assemblies in after life is making its they had done it and explamed t h contribution in maintaining the spint they had not seen the act in its tn of the college The Y M C A and light, that they mshed to apologl: C O M P L m LINE O* BEAUTP WORK the Y W C A are demonstrating and to make a statement openly Ymr Patronage Appreciated Pn‘ces Reaaanahle their vlnhty by holding steadfastly the whole college group This thl OLLIE to the same old pnnciples and holding did and volunteered to do everythii ,4131 (YITERBEIN AVE. themselves responsible for helping to Possible t o rectify the wrong Ha mmntain the best college traditions different from the attitude of oppon bnd ideals religiously The athletic tion and antagonism that has bel teams are not only winning honors traditiend among some stude f o r themselves and the college ln f a bodies COMPLIMENTS TO THE GREYHOUND SQUAD vorahle scores but by playing a clean, College ideals and standards T e n arrived a t and maintamed by cor manly way , Insofar as students nolate their mon consent and general co-operati( From > * of the whole group is the expressi( hlgh privilege a s students in I c by equandenng their time and energy Of the true spirit of I C C and by indulging in such practices that are detnmental to thehelves or the college, they ar8 violating the I spint of the college OSCAR D LUDWIG, M. D. ’ The healthy condition of the stu Office Hours dent attitude has been revealed wlthm , ‘< , ZOO P M -400 P M the past two weeks when three boys’ 700 P M -800 M acted on the impulse to place a cow And bJi Appointment m the colleee bmldme lust as thev 4oT5 MADBON A V E “ Sad heard that other; had done &her colleges in years gone by When i ’ Phone, DRexel 3656-M , *’ Phone Sonthport 143 ,b Obey found that it was not the inwcent Halloween prank that they in- < - ’ VANITY FAIR BEAUTY SHOPPE /RUBENS COLLEGE CLOTHES - 1 2% i , “Broadway Tailored‘‘ ORE * OVERCOATS I I > * g -* W t ‘ 3 % n BAKER BROS. G A ~ A G E \ , h * OTHER VNMATCHABtE VALUES, $17 50 TO $3; 50 Repairing, Tires, Tubes, Atce&ories, Battery Service, Towing ~ P - ~ r I i 1 ; “ -$a, \ / f ’ , i x / .4% R U B E N:S 40 WEST \ WASHINGTONST-UP ONE FLIGHT Second Floor of Thompson Building )I * * ~ Members of the Indiana Central College Young Men’s Christian Association c ‘ i ” f .- - such a course if credit is offered Ball Teachers College is to be COEmended for not offering a course in ‘ 1 d outside actinties Probably more harm would result from such a step stdentsAssigned suhle* - . Oh u r o m m and shows that the training Ze*a*a and Phlalethea H4dFWst the Red Cross must not only replenish than can be imagmed Outside acsessioas of Year The first echoes Of A On bnties may he parbcipated m by all , C’assroom m4ry, && here is for the most part satik itself but add to itself a s it goes That ‘ Planned factory Many of these coaches se\ is one reason why it IS makmg a the Indiana -pus were studenta and organizations on tlte F / cured then knowledge of the net game Philomusean h t e r a r y society held special efport to &t college men heard the Opelung year Of the campus represent nearly every line of It was In the spring Of that the interest Using the new fashioned method by taking advantap of the Intramural its first open session of the year Mon- and women. Some effort is required, A sembTY* of finding out what a fellow I1kes and basketball league which is conducted day evening A large crowd of visitors some bme is needed, to make these Disaster relief is a phase of Red State Student visited the local letting h m pursue It, professor G I - by the athletic department each year was present as guests of the society Cross serwce that is attraetxng the Mr organizations prosper The good things h t t has employed t h e prolect method James Weber, senior, was inaugurated attention of the nation and of the and did much toward the encourage- of today are not delivered on ailver m his class in Rehgious Education y M. G O S P ~ L BS president of the organization for world a t thu time The fees paid for merit Of orgaNeation’ howev**m, de- Platters, they cnme only to those TEAMS 6ute steps were taken Smce the students did not m h to folIrbYstudents who are willing to spend TO BE REORGANIZED the next term John Thompson is the memberrrhip by thousands of students The fo’lowing new me-president last year are pow doing thew spare the extra hour or go the extra step low any prescnbed textbook, they Good at the A conference pooled their resources at the first Of A lengthy program of vaned num- in tius relief work The students of this type may r e a l m at Lake Geneva During thm confer- that their scholastic standing may he the semester and houghb a library of The Gospel Team Work at Indiana bers was a v e n Chester Ellis, the about eviw fY volumesfor dqs-Central College has been somewhat mt-going president dehvered a valewere made for Indiana endangered, hut then respect for the megular thm year as uompared m t h rwLY dictory address on the subject “If” central’s first Y M C A & Ham mstitntion taker. a more meaningful sen and % G o d were responsible for The bolts deal m t h Kmdergarten, that Of last pear [n it he renewed how easy it nnght than It as a mth the plans pnmry, and Junior methods in Sun- An attempt is to be made in the have been f o r the whole course of which to grind out a better hcense the A. was and ad- neail future by the music department history to have taken another slant, day schools, the org-ation Their dam to the positions of leadm-tration of religious educatxon in t o reorganize the Gospel teams for d only men had chosen another path Moving Pictures, Specml Speakers started and IrbY Good was e’cted ership of tomorrow, based on a reLord as the first Y M C A president tN Sunday school and family, charac- some effective work The work en- CarL Alford gave the Chaplain’s ad4&nventlons ~~u1.y~ of pracbcal achievements,, will not ” The ln those days ter m childbod and other phases of gaged IIT by these teams affords won- dress Mr Weber delivered an inV‘ Programs In addition the llbrary of derful trainlng in voice culture. pome, were held in the old chapel room, the long he ignored m a world that is falr such work iugural address om the subject “IIrUs t and square -The Easterner room which is now called “The kthe Slate Council of Relimous Educa- characbr building and mtmtive of Sand ” Bigger and better programs is the h r a w ” Every fellow was on the The Gospel team composed of Jesse Others elected to chair offices and iu,n is areessible ? ** + A s different problems mse they are Cotherman, Clark Couley, Chris Xud- who took t h a r places a t the meetiw watchword of the “Y” orgamzatxone cabinet, there hew about 14 fellows However, splenmd work was acasslgned to individuals for reports delston and Gerald Middleton has were Chester Ellis, critic, Eugene on the campus thw year. study and devot’ons The student reporting generally leads sung in several churches and is the Smith, secretary The regular liter The program will be varied, ewh complished a mscussion on his phase of the work only Gospel team that has remained ary program of the evening included Wednesday evening bringing some were stressed and the association was for J Gordon Howard, Miss Yound of organized, since the beguunng of the a production. “Where, Oh Where, Has thing new and different. Committees very active Of those desiring work the the Councd of Religious Educabon in school year This team has two more By LIttle Dog Gone,” by Ranold Wolfe have been in search of things t h t F~~~ that time the y M c A In school or college bandsmen are Indana, and Miss Gut&, the di- churches on its schedule w o r e the and an autobiography by M a m Bell are vrtal and which bnng interest to has taken a place of great prominence always in the lunehght, h h g rector of relimous education of the Thanksgwing vacation Zetagathea recently elected officers each one The greatest benefit to all can desired, not only during the meet-untll It has become the stron@st Or- fan, willlWng honors First Presbyterian Church, Ind*woIf any of the college fellows that who were installed a t the first open share the fun and‘ honors quickly, ga-qon On the lis have delivered lectures to the Class are not members of a Gospel team session held Monday, November 5 ings but on the campus every day by h a u w an easy playmg Corn Instead of a semester examination me to become, Bee jalnesPhilalethea held its erst own ses81on Attempts are being to proeach student mll investigate thor- weber last Tuesday evelung cure monng pictures for our mterest NO S a V m ouehly the branch of the work in and matruetion Special speakers are wh;chhe is particularly interested and A student not long ago wanted to commg also Have you ever met Dr s to his give * e results of h ~ findings Howard Thurman? If you have net know if there was a course in outside BAND INSTRUMENTS classmates- Some of their topics are. “Cnnversion.” “Junior Worshir, Pro- 11 ‘ --.~ mtrumeni that ‘Pferyts yoy, w grams f e r a Year,” “How to Tell , Stones to Children,” “Training Lead- Qpg Braidenburg ‘xa$ Charge of From Armistice Day through era and Teachers,” and “The Psying to take such a course if credit Thanksgivmg, November 11-29, has a state-wide Student Voluntee FneadsPlp plans chology of the Junior Cluld” The were given for it Needless to say, been set aside by the Amencan Na- ference this year, the National no such course is offered tional Red Cross as the time for the is planning in co-operation wi twelfth annual membership roll call Y W C A , a small convent This type of student measure9 The Red Cross is supported by its each college F o r three days w em1 tours to be conducted in the near membership fees and an effort is being future mto different parts of the city made to enlist college students over ;he country On one of these tours, plans have tution elosely enough to his heart to The Amencan Red Cross gmes the Iar Classes been laid to visit the c o l w d section cause him to want to go to the extra Phone RUey 4292 conference t of the city and study their problems 3tudents of universities something to hour He mll condescend to take lo and somethlng to think about In View8 mth Indiana Central gradu+s have and conmtions Another mcludes never found much difficultY ohtam- Kmgan’s distnct The third tour m- iisaster relief and first aid on land great time ing psitlons to teach IIIvestWtioU eludes the hospitals and chantable in- ind in water, it offers adventure to together Each student should -’carefully .shows that, at present, several for- stitutions of the city The last is in- .he enterprising along with service to mer Central students are &iW good t e n d 4 $0 visit the government b@d- me’s fellows Then, too, the Red watch the bulletin boards They mil :ross has educationak interests The gme the key t o commg events Not a as in hieh schools a,,.,. -_coaches . *..e0 lunior Red Cross is an unofficml but student should mms one of these good ’ Altogether’ there thirty-tw0 These tours are intended for those well recognized part of our common tlungs men now coaching in the high schools wha never visited these alms ichool system. The Red Cross is doing over the state and in other states, and do not know much the nty ictive educational york in its public who secured their athletic training Thomprion was golf It is the duty of tlus oommittee to lealth nursing* home hygiene, here Most of them are former memm t h a bow-legged opponent who drove way POs- ion, first aid and life s a n n g departbers of the Greybound varsity teams, further friendship It because Of t6L4fact that ments Its accomplishments in w h h c off first Fox then struck the ball in track, baseball, basketball and footunmmdful of the oppovelfare are well known t o students of ball However, m several instances, they are p h n m g these tours. nent was front of hm A definite date has not been dended ociolow, for the Red Cross has raised they are making a success of coaching .,Say,,, the bow-legged one 111 without hanng had any speual part upon as yet, but it will be sometime he standards in all these departments anger, ,‘that,s not ~ l ,,f m the near future All who can are tnd has made a recognized eontrihum college athletics “Well,” replied Fax, “lf it urn4 golf, A few coaches have heen turning invlted t o go on these tours T h e ion to soeial science in some phases of it’s good croquet ” in the rehab& ase work, parbcularly ont championship teams ‘Shorty’ committee LS under the guidance of TBE RIGHT WAY TO PBESS Mendenball had one of the best basket- Craig Brandenburg The committee tation of nctims of msaster The Red Cross, on the other hand, ball teams in the state of Illinois last has heen working hard toward the de(3119 and Ddvenes D d y year Others who have been connng velopment of fnendship on the cam- Doks to the colleges for its eommg toward Che front in basketball circles pus and p@ t-? ,we e x w t d saders It wishes to lnterest students a bath’’’ NOW,80 88 to e q o y i b e x fresh enthu“No I ddn’t, i s one nuyng?’’ ~ ~ ~ W ~ Y G G O ~O Y ~W ,. W +< %Lt 2 \ energy and constructive ideas bright, Bertrand Havhnd, Edgai SOCIETY siasm, RELIGION CLASS TO wpen thex take then places zn the Pence and Lloyd Sackmrre Others pILomf,JEAN space be pentioned e we had t h e could ELECTS NEW OFFICERS world USE PROJECT 1yuETE(OD In its progress upward, meeting the Tdis speaks well f o r our athletic increased responsi$dities put upon it, I / “’ 1 / I wVwn* - - __^_ PROGRAM COMMITTEE OFFI$RS RARE TREGTS ..^L U O r - Travel With the Band - - RELATION COLLEGE TO FRIENDSHIP GROUP TO MAKE CITY TOURS AMERrJAN cmss - CONN - 1 ~~ THIRTY-T,WO INDIANA CENTRAL (3MDS COACH, - I - VfiETERM GREGG & SON, Inc. . ’ 8 scEIOw*,SQUllD MANAGER Crr ~ "r .t Hersehell ScholI, aemor manager, played on the reserve squad for three L_, qearg and th~sfall w w selected as manager for the team. His home II) i In Dixon, Ill, right in the heart o j t h e cornbelt Aspco+ slstent, dependable member o f t h e Greyhound football machine h e h a s been d o i n g h i s part Besides his work in athletics, Herschell also is a member of the1 I928 Oracle staff, holdmg the position of advertising manager His ass&ants in the managership of the team ths season have been, Myron Lamm, iumor, Ernest Cornetec sophomye, , and Pnul Hnchnede, freshman I h e m n Deserve Praise For Successful Season T- Stars a t Center. BI- prey8 Gopd !&ne$ - By Ralph Hayter, Sports E&tnr When lookmg over the team work the playen all deeerve our prase lack Turner, our big blwde c&er, aw d a z e d a splendid game tbw * MAX ALLEN Max Allen IS a graduate of Dowamac high school of Dowagw, Mich&gaa. Be LB one of the beat of our freshmen material He has beea altematmg a,t hslf with Bwht Next year should be bnght for Max H E F C E L E G E CLASSES . - Then &era are the guards, E 3mth, Reese, Saekmire and Fields l'hese men have been playing a fine ,rand of hall Ted Fields 18 a freshman and pwbahlp ban % future in tpatbau Demmw, Eastnciso and E. Srmth tave turned m smne very good werk it the wmg posit~ons They have )een do? the field under every punt, In the backfield Breneman, our John Thompsoe, Everett Bish, Clarence Bluerael, Rdph O'Dell parter hack ha& s h ~ msome very John Thompson 1s president of the semor class, Everett Bish heads the :ood generalship Hla good headwark !umorsi Ckrenoe Blnemel the sogboioere, and Wph Q'WIS lsadsn d In plars has beea &meat hell, n-hmen lon -7- ~~' ,. I +* * h7F < , > $ * , c i , ' DAUGIIERTY CAPT VANCE Daugherty, a freshman, has shown prormse at full and a lot Captain Vance 1s a junior He has &en a stone wall rn the hne Dave should make the all-state this ' As a captam he has adtledlot of punch and pep to the team - 1s expected of him next year 1 READY FOR MANCHESTER 1 Inchanapohs is well represented on Central's football squad. The above men are those who have made the vaTAty. Brencman, a junior is a graduate of Manual and plays quarter Turner IE also a graduate of Manual. He 18 a sophomore and halds down center Thompson and Demmary are fmm Tech They are both sophs Demmary 18 an end and T h o m v "7 E a tackle, aoSs player! mfi,the Butler freshmen two y f w i ago. He ~4 a Jaad plays at full or quarter. , , &> I . , - :GREYHOUNDS CLASH WITH DIINKARDS ./ i .& Q r’ I -,, .. &- Lk i ir s , THE REF ECTOR PAGE8 1 - - *'ia . - those mterested m taking the exam f: Y%LSE A m U q J N . inahm, for memberslup. WI! kp& d *. Q T e XDI!TOQB their application ta P G &vdy ,' (ThbeFrankkn) .* xz**>j The dream of countless martyrs, s e c r e k y $ c h e l a Club. who have gone before us, has at last W. E. LANE, Prepnetor (Butler Collegmn) One of the greatest nahonal cam* 4, > J 1 < What JWtrfieS the exutance of &he been realzed! A long felt neaessity PUS problems is that o f the students' sensahonal editonal found m ach finally beem ~ ~ p p l i e dA! bond of * * &"I& EILUR BQBWNO I !,s?,tr " ' I ' +"< attitude toward rehgmn and all tlungs it proflluslon m the cheap dadpas of tc- W t Y has been ereqted MY! WI pertaining to it Wany educators, day' Sh-shf clergymen, laymen, and even the stu61 MONUMENT CIRCLE Why has the editunal, aetnowlRecently, a t one mumte to one dent organizations have attempted ta edged t o he the highest type of news- in the morning, mne worthy ytmng A tedt Of telephone ' H c e Wan ibsmver the reason for the athtudenever coming to a full explanation -~ 1 paper article and theorebcally the #m met to discuss an important fw- *mantV WmD1e-d by PrOf6SSOr guidepost ta the thought of the na- tor of the s o c d Me 09 our campus, Charles P BkeflOOl, O t tho Uni- However, it is undoubtedly true that 1 -'i* *,!ci?'* . *'*,a <' <q' t t m , sunk tu the level it has W e d and bhe ultimate outome was the VSr.lt9 Of M n n e B P t a The test COVf there am a number of contnhnting > ? durlnl formnlation and incorpxatxm of the era D pe&d OC two Y-8, factors that often, when magmfied, ' in many newspapers of today? It goes back &rectly to the system Bachelors Club of Induma Cent@ which time Profensor Bbrfooa tend to draw etudents away,rather ef @mng people what they thmk they college. A COnshtuhOn was drawn up kept accurata remrdI ai ths reaulta than toward things religious Every student owea some of his tlme and abihty to further, want In the p u b h schoob puplls are and adopted The folloanng officem ai all cslla he made Some of the factors that on our taught s u b h t a essentral t o thew wel- W e r e chosen Prwdent, Qmeth In that net perlod he made ap own campus tend to squeeze out l W the interest Of tbe College that h d ~ truing Wes, not gmen dime thrillers t o read, Humbert, first mce-President, Floyd ~mximstel~ 800 d l a during whlch things are the too free use 1 P-kInS, Bedand moe-president, Lorm time he got the wrong number ofspiritud 84 they would undoubtedly- orefer the freedom that we get when' aeven times and the call was not away from home and the old ha, the put through twlce At that rata he moeance and sonhistication comine figures it out that about one call in Felur T PacW+ter, Fowder a hundred goes wmng through the D q t of a little learning, and the popu- I iault of the operator which ha, lar conception thgt being PEOPLES BANK BLDG., INDIANAPOLIS term8 a remarkably small proporjust is not "being done" It IS gen- I . . .. tion, conaidering the intrlcacies of erally not until a student LS out of , -- __ system. In addltlon he is conthe After a dekata of f w r guren the Bluemel c,,lhv&&, md the college that he dlscovers\the superV k e d that hilure to get correct op90rtuNty as w,ly ns81m1- hours, Miss Hdloway ww chosen t o numbers ficiality of these views that he held in a very large mabrie act 1U the caWClty of f a d t y advlsou Late I&-, lom4lypresented, of cmes is not due to the fault ot years before, and then r e k s to findl C&@ Roberta Wpa M& 88 it does the fiamboyant nOn$eW Fulp as the operatar, but is lrequently jpintnal values to reinfow th@ v&eo , * handed it at pmsent. of the organuahon caused BY failure of the subscriber that he had neglected. wuncwinto tale A man ne& realizes wh& delight It is safe to say that the Bachelors "FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS" In the Wnter's opmion, it IS the he may find m fine a r t d comlc EtnPs Club IS the most exflusive organmaWEDDINGS PABTIES FUNERAL WORB greatest work of the college Y M. C s r e kept constantly before his eyes hm on our oampns k d ~ d a t e sare A s and Y W C A& to gld in pm. HOW shall We educate the public to V O W m only after the mast rimd TELFPHONE CONTROLS \r wntmg ths false athtude of repulHanna Ave, West of Madman Road differentiate between ahallow an4 teat of physical prowess, antelLectual ALL TRAlN MOVEMENTS sohd editonals' DiIost certainly not abihty, and moral for+ltude. has been 3mn toward rehglous m d InOrd Phone, DRexel 7828-Ri INDIANAPOLIS, IND ;hmgs Not thak these two organzaby f i o o b g the field mth &e &allow successfully completed The purpose Train diSRatchillg on the New :ions should be considered from the of 'the B C is to make the hves of its York, New Hav0d & Hartford Rail type # angle of being Sunday schools, or We have M quarrel to pick anth members more w o r t h w u As Mr road Is llow done enbrely by tele- :hurches. hut they should act either the present day style The reader Humbert s a d in his accepbnce ad- phone The New Haven was one 1s I ) means of mslntaming the devoWEEK-END RATES BETWEEN has a n g h t to demand that his edi- dress, "Upon us, my worthy comrades, d tha flrst railroads In the Unlted iional in college llfe or as forums in, kond he-easily read, and the short lies the responsibility of mr soeLal wtuch important questions of the time Stabs to make exclumve use of the paragraph and bold type fachtah order The trials and temptations of telephone for this PUrPose and to nre discussed by students under the readmg We do not condemn the the present day bachelor IS umver- ellminats the telegraph and other p d a n c e of some leader 'typography of the mwiern editorial sdlw known WB must perpetuate farms of communication bavlng to _ . \ %here are needs for these two I do with the direchon aud routing hut rather- Ita substance, or lack - d our class m thm vale of tsss same A typical example of the severe of trams BY the end of 1929 the Chnshan societies, and 88 goon as The old m o b trap story is as pmshment any mem- New York, New Haven & Hartford %tridents see to usmg them as toole Railroad plans to use no other It has ever been Think more ber for mlsdemeanm IS found in n the improvement of theu own charCoaches leave IudtFor C h a r t e r e d form of wire cammunicatlon tbau l o g l d l y than your neighbor, -te in A ~ 6 of~ the I ~ t i~t u t l o n-. ~ nthe ~ telephone for auy purpoqe. gters and as key# m the opemng of anapohs UmOn Bus "TRAVEL THE a ampler, mom strrught-fomrd member found in or a m w d D d e y with the single exeeptlon of the iOme of the problem doors of Stahon, 127 West Market St. Phone RI to excorn- telegraph printer which 18 used for style than lye does, and the world mil or N- f ~ d be SAFEWAY" HOOSIER bey wdl be utdued Lo t h e u intended 23-5-2 Southport Harman, L I n 1735. 2255 messam service between beat a path 60 the newstand that sells mumcation of the organizatzon AU general ~ " " your paper WOMEN' HATERS, E H ~ WELGNOT EXACTLY - 'l tg-1)&cle Barber Shop m&ymmT ~ ON TEIEPHONE SERVU - 1 WIW I * b ' . l . 1) 1 YOUR - P@T asfords ']['he peoples shk B a d - ~ ~ THE UNNERSITY FLORAL COMPANY - -- -.- - I --___ '1 I ~ I w% ."XI\ INDIANAPOLIS Chartered 1 1 .TERREHAUTE Coaches * I 1 t@!!