RWG workshop 14 - Load Management Rule

Rule # - Operation of controlled load contactor
On/off status of the controlled load contactor
When the controlled load contactor is switched to the ‘on position’ [what
When the controlled load contactor is switched to the ‘off position’ [what
Controlled load contactor actions
The controlled load contactor must be capable of the following actions when
so instructed under one or more of the load control operations:
switch to the on position immediately;
switch to the off position immediately;
switch to the on position after a random delay, as described in Rule
[switch to the off position [after a random delay], as described in Rule
(d);] [To discuss with M. Gill]
commence cycling after a random delay as described in rule (e)
stop cycling.
Switch time randomisation
When the instruction to the controlled load contactor is the switch to the on
position after a random delay, the controlled load contactor will automatically
switch to the:
on position at a time, randomly calculated by the meter using a
uniform probability, which must fall within the minimum time delay
setting and maximum time delay setting, where the required meter
parameters are:
for the minimum time delay setting, 0 to 720 minutes,
settable in one minute increments; and
for the maximum time delay setting, 0 to 720 minutes
settable in one minute increments.
off position at a time.... [see Rule]. [To discuss with M. Gill]
Load cycling
When the instruction to the controlled load contactor is to commence cycling:
if the controlled load contactor is initially in the off position then, at
the time randomly calculated by the meter using a uniform probability
falling within the minimum time delay setting and maximum time
delay setting, the controlled load contactor will switch to the on
position and then cycle off at the cycle off time and cycle on at the
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cycle on time until instructed to stop cycling or another instruction is
effected; or
if the controlled load contactor is initially in the on position then, at
the time calculated by the meter using a uniform probability falling
within the minimum time delay setting and maximum time delay
setting, the controlled load contactor will switch to the off position and
then cycle on at the cycle on time and cycle off at the cycle off time
until instructed to stop cycling or another instruction is effected,
where the required meter parameters are:
for the minimum time delay setting, 0 to 120 minutes, settable in one
minute increments;
for the maximum time delay setting, 0 to 120 minutes settable in one
minute increments;
for the cycle on time setting, 0 to 120 minutes settable in one minute
increments; and
for the cycle off time setting, 0 to 120 minutes settable in one minute
Controlled load contactor operations
The controlled load contactor must be capable of the following load control
Normal Load Control Schedules Operation
The meter shall be capable of recording two default day load control
schedules each comprising a sequence of [up to] ten instructions,
specifying for each instruction:
the required controlled load contactor action (as described
in Rule # (c) above), and
the time in hours and minutes for effecting the required
controlled load contactor action;
so that a default day load control schedule may be set to apply for
each day of the week.
Alternative Load Control Schedule Operation
The meter shall be capable of recording a special day load control
schedule comprising [up to] ten instructions, specifying for each
the required controlled load contactor action (as described
in Rule # (c) above), and
the time in hours and minutes for effecting the required
controlled load contactor action
so that a special day load control schedule may be set to apply for
up to twelve dates during a year.
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Priority Override Load Control Operation
The meter shall be capable of receiving, locally and remotely, a
priority override instruction, specifying:
the required controlled load contactor action (as described
in Rule # (c) above);
the time in hours and minutes for effecting the required
controlled load contactor action or that the required
controlled load contactor action commence immediately;
the duration of operation of the required controlled load
contactor action from 1 to 1440 minutes, settable in 1
minute increments.
The meter shall be capable of receiving, locally and remotely, a later
priority override instruction, specifying those matters in paragraph
(iii)(A), (B) and (C), which will replace the earlier priority override
The meter shall be capable of receiving, locally and remotely, an
instruction to immediately cease the priority override controlled load
contactor operation.
When the priority override controlled load contactor operation ceases
the default day load control schedule for that day [or special day load
control schedule shall recommence] [(and where the next instruction
in that schedule is either switch to the on position after a random
delay or commence cycling after a random delay, following setting of
a new random delay [to discuss with M. Gill – this should happen
merely as an incidence of that action])].
Meter loss of supply load control operation
If the meter loss of supply load control operation is enabled, locally or
remotely, then the load controlled load contactor, if on, will
turn off upon detection of meter loss of supply; and
upon restoration of supply, return to the default day load
control schedule [or special day load control schedule (and
where the next instruction in that schedule is either switch to
the on position after a random delay or commence cycling
after a random delay, following setting of a new random
delay [to discuss with M. Gill – this should happen merely as
an incidence of that action]).
Demand limit load control operation
Where the demand limit load control operation is enabled, locally or
remotely, then the controlled load contactor will, if on, automatically:
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turn off if the average exported active energy demand
across the last set X minutes if greater than the set demand
limit (Y kW) during the period from the start observation
setting to the stop observation setting; and
remain turned off for the set P minutes, [and then does it
return to the normal schedule – discuss with M Gill]
where the required meter parameters are:
for the X setting, settable from 1 to 30 minutes in 1 minute
for the Y setting, settable from 0.5 to 99 kW in 0.5 kW
for the P setting, settable from 1 to 60 minutes in 1 minute
for the start observation setting, the time in hours and
minutes; and
for the stop observation setting, the time in hours and
Boost load control operation
Where the boost load control operation is enabled locally or
then the controlled load contactor shall automatically turn on
for a set time, settable locally and remotely, from 1 to 6
hours in 30 minute increments when the customer presses a
button located on the meter (unless this operation has been
set to be disabled automatically by the activation of
emergency supply capacity control and that control is
activated – discuss with M Gill); and
[then return to the normal schedule – discuss with M Gill] ,
it shall be possible, locally and remotely, to set the
controlled load contactor to follow the instruction of this
operation rather than following the instructions of the priority
override load control operation and the demand limit load
control operation
Mains frequency monitoring load control operation
Subject to Rule A2, the controlled load contactor must be capable of a mains
frequency monitoring load control operation.
If the mains frequency monitoring load control operation is enabled, locally or
remotely, then the controlled load contactor will automatically:
turn off upon if mains frequency is below the set X Hz for more than
the set U seconds; and
return to the default day load control schedule or [special default day
load control schedule] for that day [(and where the next instruction in
that Schedule is either switch to the on position after a random delay
or commence cycling after a random delay, following setting of a new
random delay [to discuss with M. Gill – this should happen merely as
an incidence of that action])] when mains frequency increases above
the set X Hz for more than the set V minutes,
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where the required meter parameters are:
for the X setting: 49Hz to 50 Hz, settable in 0.1 Hz increments;
for the U setting: 5 to 60 seconds, settable in 5 second increments;
for the V setting: 1 minute to 60 minutes, settable in 1 minute
Controlled load contactor operations hierarchy
If a controlled load contactor operation is inconsistent with another load
control operation, the controlled load operation higher in the list will prevail
over the other controlled load operation to the extent of that inconsistency:
Where enabled Meter Loss of Supply Load Control Operation
Where enabled: Under Frequency Load Control Operation
Where Boost Load Control Operation and Boost Primacy enabled:
Where enabled: Priority Override Load Control Operation (from
Alternative Load Control Operation) [to discuss with M. Gill]
Where enabled: Demand Limit Load Control Operation
Where Boost Load Control Operation enabled and Boost Primacy
disabled: Boost
Alternative Load Control Schedules Operation
Normal Load Control Schedules Operation
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