Head Office: Edelweiss, 14th Floor, Express Towers, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021 • www.edelcap.com Edelweiss Auditors' Report on the Consolidated Financial Statements of Edelweiss Capital Limited and its subsidiaries The Board of Directors Edelweiss Capital Limited 1. We have audited the attached consolidated balance sheet of Edelweiss Capital Limited ('the Company') and its subsidiaries ('the Group') as at 31 March 2007 and the consolidated profit and loss account and the consolidated cash flow statement for the year ended on that date annexed thereto. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management and have been prepared by the management on the basis of separate financial statements and other financial information regarding components. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. 2. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in India. Those Standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes, examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by the management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. 3. We did not audit the financial statements of certain subsidiaries whose financial statements reflect total assets of Rs 942,745 (000's) as at 31 March 2007, total revenues of Rs 99,758 (000's) and total cash flow of Rs. 1,410 (000’s) for the year then ended. These financial statements and other financial information have been audited by other auditors whose reports have been furnished to us, and in our opinion in so far as it relates to the amounts included in respect of the subsidiaries, are solely on the report of the other auditors. 4. We report that the consolidated financial statements have been prepared by the Group in accordance with the requirements of Accounting Standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, to the extent applicable and on the basis of the separate audited financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries included in the consolidated financial statements. 5. Based on our audit and on consideration of reports of other auditors on separate financial statements and on the other financial information of the components, and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, in our opinion the consolidated financial statements give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in India : - In the case of the consolidated balance sheet, of the state of affairs of the Group as at 31 March 2007; - In the case of the consolidated profit and loss account, of the profit for the year ended 31 March 2007; and - In the case of the consolidated cash flow statement, of the cash flows for the year ended on that date. For BSR & Associates Chartered Accountants Mumbai Date: 5 June 2007 Akeel Master Partner Membership No.: 046768 33 Edelweiss Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2007 Schedules 2007 2006 Capital 2 50.44 37.84 Reserves and Surplus 3 5,770.26 1,746.17 5,820.70 1,784.01 Currency Indian Rupees in millions SOURCES OF FUNDS Shareholders' Funds Minority Interest 4 1,398.79 3.43 Loan Funds Secured Loans Unsecured Loans 5 6 67.55 3,802.28 71.22 433.92 3,869.83 505.14 11,089.32 2,292.58 213.27 105.72 75.85 38.48 137.42 67.24 32.69 - 170.11 67.24 8 824.38 323.65 24.6 11.26 4.18 9 10 5,756.43 583.19 1,404.52 364.09 Cash and Bank Balances Other Current Assets 11 12 2,650.82 75.49 636.52 10.33 Loans and Advances 13 2,615.71 698.78 11,681.14 3,114.14 14 1,464.04 1,171.65 15 134.03 45.08 1,598.07 1,216.73 Net Current Assets 10,083.57 1,897.51 TOTAL 11,089.32 2,292.58 TOTAL APPLICATION OF FUNDS Fixed Assets 7 Gross Block Less : Depreciation Net Block Capital work in Progress Investments Deferred Tax Asset (Net) Current Assets, Loans and Advances Stock-in-trade Sundry Debtors Less : Current Liabilities and Provisions Current Liabilities Provisions Significant Accounting Policies 1 Notes to Financial Statements 24 The Schedules referred to above form an integral part of the Balance Sheet. As per our report attached. 34 For BSR & Associates Chartered Accountants For and on behalf of the Board of Directors Akeel Master Partner Membership No: 046768 Rashesh Shah Managing Director Mumbai Date : 5 June 2007 Mumbai Date : 5 June 2007 Venkat Ramaswamy Wholetime Director Shilpa Soti Company Secretary Edelweiss Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 March 2007 Currency Indian Rupees in millions Schedules INCOME Fee and commission income Trading and arbitrage income Investment and dividend income Interest income Other income 16 17 18 19 20 TOTAL INCOME EXPENDITURE Employee costs Operating and other expenses Financial expenses Depreciation Goodwill on consolidation written off 21 22 23 2007 2006 2,154.30 1,142.19 264.67 128.59 22.78 989.63 442.81 63.42 26.26 11.21 3,712.53 1,533.33 808.18 932.91 186.89 37.70 0.30 331.33 463.46 53.82 20.49 - TOTAL EXPENDITURE 1,965.98 869.10 PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION 1,746.55 664.23 647.35 (7.07) 5.70 221.39 1.49 3.34 1100.57 438.01 - 28.74 (4.03) (3.99) Provision for taxation (excluding impact of extraordinary items) - Current tax - Deferred tax (credit) / charge - Fringe benefit tax PROFIT AFTER TAXATION AND BEFORE EXTRAORDINARY ITEM Extraordinary item Less: Tax on extraordinary item Less: Deferred tax asset on extraordinary item PROFIT AFTER TAXATION AND EXTRAORDINARY ITEM Share of minority interest in profit for the year Adjustment on account of change in minority interest PROFIT AFTER TAXATION AND MINORITY INTEREST PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD Less: Adjustment on account of minority interest - 20.72 1100.57 417.29 1.67 - 0.32 0.40 1,098.90 416.57 653.79 - 296.67 0.70 653.79 295.97 PROFIT AVAILABLE FOR APPROPRIATION 1,752.69 712.54 APPROPRIATIONS Transfer to Special Reserve under Section 45-IC of the RBI Act, 1934 Proposed dividend Interim dividend Dividend distribution tax Dividend distribution tax for prior year Transfer to general reserve Transfer to debenture redemption reserve Profit and loss account balance carried to balance sheet 22.96 11.27 1.58 27.06 1.88 1,687.94 6.55 4.88 0.68 0.07 4.39 42.18 653.79 1,752.69 712.54 Basic earning per share before extraordinary item (Rs.) (Face value Re. 1) Basic earning per share after extraordinary item (Rs.) (Face value Re.1) 24.4 24.4 26.81 26.81 13.46 12.82 Diluted earning per share before extraordinary item (Rs.) (Face value Re.1) Diluted earning per share after extraordinary item (Rs.) (Face value Re.1) 24.4 24.4 24.91 24.91 11.77 11.21 Significant Accounting Policies Notes to Financial Statements 1 24 The Schedules referred to above form an integral part of the Profit and Loss Account. As per our report attached . For BSR & Associates Chartered Accountants For and on behalf of the Board of Directors Akeel Master Partner Membership No: 046768 Rashesh Shah Managing Director Mumbai Date : 5 June 2007 Mumbai Date : 5 June 2007 Venkat Ramaswamy Wholetime Director Shilpa Soti Company Secretary 35 Edelweiss Cash flow statement for the year ended 31 March 2007 Schedules Currency Indian Rupees in millions A Cash flow from operating activities Profit before taxation Adjustments for Depreciation Net Provision for Loss on Equity Index/Stock Options Miscellaneous balance written off Provision for gratuity Profit on sale of investments Income from investments in partnership firm Dividend on current investments Diminution in value of long term investments written back (net) Diminution in value of current investments written back (net) Goodwill on consolidation written off Profit on sale of fixed assets (net) Provision for doubtful debts written back Provision for doubtful debts Bad debts and advances written off Effect of change in foreign exchange Financial expenses Extraordinary item Interest income (gross) Operating cash flow before working capital changes 2007 2006 1,746.55 664.23 37.70 124.61 8.33 (200.08) (19.20) (12.88) (1.37) 0.30 (0.01) (1.06) 3.81 2.89 186.89 (68.27) 20.49 2.42 0.28 1.75 (45.59) (2.72) (0.70) (2.77) (1.50) 0.01 0.12 (0.11) 53.83 (28.74) (25.50) 1,808.21 635.50 Adjustments for Increase in stock in trade Increase in sundry debtors Increase in other current assets Increase in loans and advances Increase in current liabilities (4,351.91) (224.74) (36.73) (2,039.22) 268.35 (1,142.36) (242.28) (201.16) 723.80 Cash used in operations Income taxes paid (4,576.04) 566.89 (226.50) 218.33 Net cash used for operating activities during the year- A (5,142.93) (444.83) 39.84 19.20 (140.76) 0.20 (286.70) 18.64 0.70 (55.48) 0.01 (169.81) (368.22) (205.94) 2,942.99 1,393.69 7.65 (16.15) (2.26) 3,368.37 (3.67) (165.17) 834.80 1.95 (0.11) (2.80) (0.44) 372.14 12.63 (50.84) 7,525.45 1,167.33 2,014.30 516.56 636.52 2,650.82 119.91 636.52 B Cash flow from Investing Activities Interest received Dividend received on current investments Purchase of fixed assets Proceeds from sale of fixed assets Purchase of investments (net) Net cash used for investing activities during the year - B C Cash flow from Financing activities Proceeds from issue of share capital including premium received Change in minority interest Share application money Change in foreign exchange translation reserve Dividend paid Dividend distribution tax paid Proceeds from unsecured loans (Repayment of) / Proceeds from secured loans Interest paid on loans Net cash generated from financing activities during the year - C Net Increase in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C) Cash and cash equivalent as at the beginning of the year Cash and cash equivalent as at the end of the year 11 11 As per our report attached . 36 For BSR & Associates Chartered Accountants For and on behalf of the Board of Directors Akeel Master Partner Membership No: 046768 Rashesh Shah Managing Director Mumbai Date : 5 June 2007 Mumbai Date : 5 June 2007 Venkat Ramaswamy Wholetime Director Shilpa Soti Company Secretary Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007 (Currency Indian Rupees in millions) 1 Significant accounting policies 1.1 Principles of consolidation a) The consolidated financial statements relate to Edelweiss Capital Limited (‘the Company’) and its subsidiary entities and associates (‘the Group’). The consolidated financial statements have been prepared on the following basis: • In respect of Subsidiary Enterprises (including partnership firm), the financial statements have been consolidated on a line-by-line basis by adding together the book values of like items of assets, liabilities, income and expenses, after as far as possible eliminating intra-group balances and intra-group transactions resulting in unrealised profits or losses in accordance with Accounting Standard 21 - Consolidated Financial Statements issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. • In case of Associate Enterprises (including partnership firm), the financial statements have been consolidated as per Accounting Standard 23 – Accounting for investment in Associates issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. • Assets and liabilities of the foreign subsidiaries are translated into Indian Rupees at the rate of exchange prevailing as at the balance sheet date. Revenue and expense are translated into Indian Rupees at the average exchange rate prevailing during the year and the resulting net translation adjustment has been disclosed as Foreign Exchange Translation Reserve in Reserves and Surplus. • The excess of cost over the Company’s investments in the subsidiary company is recognised in the consolidated financial statements as Goodwill which has been charged off in the Profit and Loss Account in the year of acquisition. The excess of Company’s share in equity and reserves of the subsidiary company over the cost of acquisition is treated as Capital Reserve. • The share of Minority Interest in the net profit of subsidiaries / partnership firms for the year is identified and adjusted against the income of the group to arrive at the net income attributable to the Company. • The share of Minority Interest in the net assets of subsidiaries / partnership firms is identified and presented in the consolidated financial statements separate from liabilities and the equity of the Company. • The consolidated financial statements are prepared using uniform accounting policies for like transactions and other events in similar circumstances and are presented in the same manner as the Company’s separate financial statements. b) Investments other than in subsidiaries and associates have been accounted as per Accounting Standard 13 on Accounting for Investments. c) The subsidiaries enterprises and associates considered in the consolidated financial statements : Name of the Entity Country of Incorporation Proportion of ownership interest as on 31 March 2007 Edelweiss Securities Private Limited India 100.00% Crossborder Investments Private Limited India 100.00% Edelweiss Insurance Brokers Limited India 71.91% Edelweiss Commodities & Advisors Limited India 100.00% Edelweiss Capital USA, LLC U.S.A. 100.00% ECL Finance Limited India 100.00% EC Global Limited * Mauritius 100.00% Edelweiss Real Estate Advisors Private Limited India 100.00% Edelweiss Trustee Services Private Limited India 100.00% Edelcap Securities and Transaction Services Private Limited* India 100.00% (Formerly Tiffin Investments Private Limited) * held through Crossborder Investments Private Limited d) During the year, the Company has increased its stake in Edelcap Securities and Transaction Services Private Limited (Formerly Tiffin Investments Private Limited) from 49% to 100% on 12 December 2006 through Crossborder Investments Private Limited, a 100% subsidiary of the Company. 37 Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees in millions) 1.1 1.2 Principles of consolidation (Continued) e) During the financial year 2005-06, the Company has diluted its interest in Edelweiss Insurance Brokers Limited, a subsidiary company, from 99.95% to 79.96% on 24 October 2005 and from 79.96% to 71.91% on 31 March 2006. In the absence of separate financial statements drawn on the said dates of dilution, it is assumed that the profits of the subsidiary has arisen evenly through out the year for arriving at the share of profit of the minority interest in the consolidated financial statements. f) EC Global Limited, a subsidiary company of Crossborder Investments Private Limited, was incorporated on 29 December 2004. The first financial statements drawn by the subsidiary covering the period 29, December 2004 to 31 March 2006 has been considered for the purpose of consolidation for the previous year. The subsidiary had no commercial operations during the period 29 December 2004 to 31 March 2006 and as such had no impact on the previous year’s consolidated financial statements. Basis of preparation of financial statements The accompanying financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention, on the accrual basis of accounting and comply with the accounting standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (to the extent applicable) and in accordance with the generally accepted accounting principles and the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 as adopted consistently by the Company. The financial statements are presented in Indian rupees in millions. 1.3 Use of estimates The preparation of the financial statements in conformity with the generally accepted accounting principles requires the management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities. The estimates and assumptions used in the accompanying financial statements are based upon management's evaluation of the relevant facts and circumstances as of the date of the financial statements. Actual results may differ from the estimates and assumptions used in preparing the accompanying financial statements. Any differences of actual to such estimates are prospectively made in current or future periods. 1.4 38 Revenue recognition • Advisory and transactional services fee income is accounted for, on an accrual basis in accordance with the terms & contracts entered into between the Company and the counterparty. • Brokerage income is recognised on trade date basis and is inclusive of service tax. • Profit / (loss) on Error trades are included in "Income from Arbitrage and Trading in Securities and Derivatives" and "Income from Arbitrage and Trading in Commodity Derivatives" under the respective heads. • Brokerage and Commission income earned from Insurance companies is recognised on accrual basis exclusive of service tax. • Portfolio management fees are accounted on accrual basis as follows: a. In case of percentage based fees, as a percentage of the unaudited Net Asset Value at the end of each financial quarter, on a quarterly basis. b. In case of return based fee, as a percentage of the annual profit, on an annual basis. • Interest income is recognised on accrual basis. • Dividend income is recognised when the right to receive payment is established. • Revenue from fund management services is recognised in accordance with the terms and conditions of the investment management agreement between the Company and the Fund. The amount recognised as revenue is exclusive of service tax. • In respect of other heads of income, income from depository operations etc., the Company follows the practice of accruing income on a prudent basis. • Revenue from rendering of trustee services is recognised in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Compensation Agreement between the Company and the Fund. The amount recognised as revenue is exclusive of service tax. Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees in millions) 1.5 Equity index / stock - futures a) "Initial Margin", representing initial margin paid, and "Margin Deposits", representing additional margin over and above initial margin, for entering into contracts for Equity index / stock futures, which are released on final settlement/ squaring-up of underlying contracts, are disclosed as under Loans and Advances. b) Equity index / stock futures are marked-to-market on a daily basis. Debit or credit balance disclosed under Loans and Advances or Current Liabilities, respectively, in the "Mark-to-Market Margin - Equity Index / Stock Futures Account", represents the net amount paid or received on the basis of movement in the prices of Index / Stock Futures till the balance sheet date. c) As on the balance sheet date, profit / loss on open positions in index / stock futures are accounted for as follows: d) 1.6 1.7 • Credit balance in the "Mark-to-Market Margin - Equity Index / Stock Futures Account", being anticipated profit, is ignored and no credit for the same is taken in the profit and loss account. • Debit balance in the "Mark-to-Market Margin - Equity Index / Stock Futures Account", being anticipated loss is adjusted in the profit and loss account. On final settlement or squaring-up of contracts for equity index / stock futures, the profit or loss is calculated as the difference between settlement / squaring-up price and contract price. Accordingly, debit or credit balance pertaining to the settled / squared-up contract in "Mark-to-Market Margin - Equity Index / Stock Futures Account" is recognised in the profit and loss account. When more than one contract in respect of the relevant series of equity index futures contract to which the squared-up contract pertains is outstanding at the time of the squaring-up of the contract, the contract price of the contract so squared-up is determined using weighted average method for calculating profit / loss on squaring-up. Equity index / stock - options a) "Equity Index / Stock Options Margin Account", representing initial margin paid, and "Margin Deposit", representing additional margin paid over and above initial margin, for entering into contracts for equity index / stock options, which are released on final settlement / squaring-up of underlying contracts, are disclosed under Loans and Advances. b) "Equity Index / Stock Option Premium Account" represents premium paid or received for buying or selling the options, respectively. c) As at the balance sheet date, in the case of long positions, provision is made for the amount by which the premium paid for those options exceeds the premium prevailing on the balance sheet date, and in the case of short positions, for the amount by which premium prevailing on the balance sheet date exceeds the premium received for those options, and reflected in "Provision for Loss on Equity Index / Stock Option Account". d) When the option contracts are squared-up before expiry of the options, the premium prevailing on that date is recognised in profit and loss account. If more than one option contract in respect of the same index / stock with the same strike price and expiry date to which the squared-up contract pertains is outstanding at the time of squaring-up of the contract weighted average method is followed for determining profit or loss. On expiry of the contracts and on exercising the options, the difference between final settlement price and the strike price is transferred to the profit and loss account. In both the above cases premium paid or received for buying or selling the option, as the case may be, is recognised in the profit and loss account for all squared-up / settled contracts. Commodities stock - futures a) "Initial Margin", representing initial margin paid, and "Margin Deposits", representing additional margin over and above initial margin, for entering into contracts for commodities futures, which are released on final settlement / squaring-up of underlying contracts, are disclosed under Loans and Advances. b) Commodities futures are marked-to-market on a daily basis. Debit or credit balance disclosed under Loans and Advances or Current Liabilities respectively, in the "Mark-to-Market Margin - Commodities Stock Futures Account", represents the net amount paid or received on the basis of movement in the prices of Commodities Futures till the balance sheet date. c) As on the balance sheet date, profit / loss on open positions in Commodities Futures are accounted for as follows: • Credit balance in the "Mark-to-Market Margin - Commodities Stock Futures Account", being anticipated profit, is ignored and no credit for the same is taken in the profit and loss account. • Debit balance in the "Mark-to-Market Margin - Commodities Stock Futures Account", being anticipated loss, is adjusted in the profit and loss account. 39 Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees in millions) 1.7 Commodities stock - futures (Continued) d) 1.8 On final settlement or squaring-up of contracts for Commodities Futures, the profit or loss is calculated as the difference between settlement / squaring-up price and contract price. Accordingly, debit or credit balance pertaining to the settled / squared-up contract in "Mark-to-Market Margin - Commodities Stock Futures Account" is recognised in the profit and loss account. When more than one contract in respect of the relevant series of commodities futures contract to which the squared-up contract pertains is outstanding at the time of the squaring-up of the contract, the contract price of the contract so squared-up is determined using weighted average method for calculating profit / loss on squaring-up. Fixed assets and depreciation Fixed assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation. The cost of fixed assets comprises of purchase price and any attributable cost of bringing the asset to its working condition for its intended use. The Company provides pro-rata depreciation from the month in which asset is acquired / put to use. In respect of assets sold, pro-rata depreciation is provided upto the month in which the asset is sold. Depreciation is charged on written down value basis at the rates prescribed by the Schedule XIV of the Companies Act, 1956 as given below: Class of asset Rate of depreciation Office equipment 13.91% Computers 40.00% Vehicles 25.00% Electrical fittings 13.91% Furniture and fixtures 18.10% Leasehold improvements are amortized on a straight-line basis over the period of lease. All fixed assets individually costing less than Rs. 5,000 are fully depreciated in the year of installation. Software expense includes expenditure by way of license for various office applications which have been written off in the year of purchase on a prudent basis. 1.9 Impairment of assets The Company assesses at each balance sheet date whether there is any indication that an asset may be impaired. If any such indication exists, the Company estimates the recoverable amount of the asset. If such recoverable amount of the asset or the recoverable amount of the cash generating unit which the asset belongs to, is less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount is reduced to its recoverable amount. The reduction is treated as an impairment loss and is recognized in the profit and loss account. If at the balance sheet date there is an indication that a previously assessed impairment loss no longer exists, the recoverable amount is reassessed and the asset is reflected at the recoverable amount subject to a maximum of depreciable historical cost. 1.10 1.11 Stock-in-trade a) The securities acquired with the intention of short-term holding and trading positions are considered as stock-intrade and disclosed as current assets. b) The securities and commodities held as stock-in-trade under current assets are valued at lower of average cost and market value. In case of units of Mutual Funds, Net Asset Value is considered as market value. Investments Investments are classified into long term investments and current investments. Investments which are intended to be held for one year or more are classified as long term investments and investments which are intended to be held for less than one year are classified as current investments. Long term investments are accounted at cost and any decline in the carrying value other than temporary in nature is provided for. Current investments are valued at cost or market / fair value, whichever is lower. In case of investments in units of a Mutual Fund, the Net Asset Value of units is considered as the market / fair value, whichever is lower. 40 Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees in millions) 1.12 Foreign currency transactions Foreign currency transactions are recorded at the rates of exchange prevailing on the date of the transaction. Exchange differences, if any arising out of transactions settled during the year are recognised in the profit and loss account. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies as at the balance sheet date are translated at the closing exchange rate on that date. The exchange differences, if any, are recognised in the profit and loss account and related assets and liabilities are accordingly restated in the balance sheet except those related to acquisition of fixed assets which are adjusted in the carrying amount of the related fixed assets. 1.13 Retirement benefits Contribution payable to the recognised provident fund, which is a defined contribution scheme, are charged to the profit and loss account in the period in which they occur. Gratuity which is a defined benefit is accrued based on the actuarial valuation as at the balance sheet date carried out by an independent actuary. Unused leave of staff lapses at year end and accordingly is not encashable. 1.14 Debenture redemption reserve In terms of Section 117C of the Companies Act, 1956, amounts equivalent to the principal value of the debentures is transferred to Debenture Redemption Reserve proportionately over the term of the debentures. 1.15 Taxation Income-tax expense comprises of current tax (i.e. amount of tax for the period determined in accordance with the IncomeTax law), deferred tax charge or credit (reflecting the tax effect of timing differences between accounting income and taxable income for the period) and fringe benefit tax. Deferred taxation The deferred tax charge or credit and the corresponding deferred tax liabilities and assets are recognized using the tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date. Deferred tax assets are recognised only to the extent there is reasonable certainty that the asset can be realised in future; however, where there is unabsorbed depreciation or carried forward loss under taxation laws, deferred tax assets are recognised only if there is a virtual certainty of realisation of the assets. Deferred tax assets are reviewed as at each balance sheet date and written down or written-up to reflect the amount that is reasonable / virtually certain (as the case may be) to be realised. Fringe benefit tax Provision for Fringe benefit tax (FBT) is made on the basis of applicable FBT on the taxable value of chargeable expenditure of the Company as prescribed under the Income Tax Act, 1961. Securities transaction tax Securities transaction tax (STT) to the extent allowable u/s 88E of the Income Tax Act,1961 has been included in provision for Income Tax. 1.16 Preliminary expenses Preliminary expenses are charged to the profit and loss account in the year in which they are incurred. 1.17 Operating leases Lease rentals in respect of operating lease are charged to the profit and loss account as per the terms of the lease arrangement on a straight line basis. 1.18 Earnings per share The basic earnings per share is computed by dividing the net profit attributable to the equity shareholders by weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the reporting year. Number of equity shares used in computing diluted earnings per share comprises of the weighted average number of shares considered for deriving basic earnings per share and also weighted average number of equity shares which would have been issued on the conversion of all dilutive potential shares. In computing diluted earnings per share only potential equity shares that are dilutive are included. 41 Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees in millions) 1.19 Employee Stock Option Plans Pursuant to the Guidance Note issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India on Accounting for Employee Share-based Payments, the independent valuer computes the fair value of its shares using the earnings capitalization method considering weighted average adjusted profit after tax for last 3 years of all the subsidiary companies. Accordingly the difference, if any between the fair value and the issue price is charged to the profit and loss account as the compensation cost on account of Employee Stock Option Plan over the period of grant and vesting date. 1.20 Provisions and contingencies The Company creates a provision when there is present obligation as a result of a past event that probably requires an outflow of resources and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. A disclosure for a contingent liability is made when there is a possible obligation or a present obligation that may, but probably will not, require an outflow of resources. When there is a possible obligation or a present obligation in respect of which the likelihood of outflow of resources is remote, no provision or disclosure is made. Provisions are reviewed at each balance sheet date and adjusted to reflect the current best estimate. If it is no longer probable that the outflow of resources would be required to settle the obligation, the provision is reversed. Contingent assets are not recognised in the financial statements. However, contingent assets are assessed continually and if it is virtually certain that an economic benefit will arise, the asset and related income are recognised in the period in which the change occurs. 1.21 Reserve Bank of India Prudential Norms Crossborder Investments Private Limited and ECL Finance Limited, the subsidiaries of the Company follow the guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India, in respect of income recognition, provisioning for non-performing assets and valuation of investments. 42 Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements as at 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees in millions) 2007 2006 92.50 92.50 7.50 7.50 100.00 100.00 44.92 37.84 0.86 - 2.06 - 2.60 - 50.44 37.84 13.82 13.82 2 Share capital Authorised : 92,500,000 ( Previous year 92,500,000 ) Equity Shares of Re. 1 each 7,500,000 ( Previous year 7,500,000 ) Preference Shares of Re. 1 each Issued, Subscribed and Paid-up: 44,916,806 ( Previous year 37,836,166 ) Equity Shares of Re. 1 each, fully paid-up 861,486 ( Previous year Nil ) 0.01% Convertible Preference Shares of Re.1 each,fully paid-up (#) 2,059,107 ( Previous year Nil ) 8% Convertible Preference Shares of Re.1 each,fully paid-up (#) 2,600,000 ( Previous year Nil ) 12% Reedemable Preference Shares of Re.1 each, fully paid-up # These shares will be converted into equity shares before an intial public offering of the Company 3 Reserves and surplus Capital Reserve General Reserve As per last Balance Sheet Add : Transfer from Profit and Loss account 4.39 - 27.06 4.39 31.45 4.39 Foreign Exchange Translation Reserve As per last Balance Sheet (0.13) (0.02) 7.65 (0.11) 7.52 (0.13) 987.36 161.80 2,930.39 825.56 3,917.75 987.36 74.45 32.28 1.88 42.18 76.33 74.45 As per last Balance Sheet 12.49 5.94 Add : Transfer from Profit and Loss account 22.96 6.55 35.45 12.49 1,687.94 653.79 5,770.26 1,746.17 Add : Additions during the year Securities Premium Account As per last Balance Sheet Add : Additions during the year Debenture Redemption Reserve As per last Balance Sheet Add : Transfer from Profit and Loss account Special Reserve under Section 45-IC of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, of India Balance in Profit and Loss account 43 Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements as at 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees in millions) 2007 2006 697.44 - 697.44 - 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.02 - - 0.05 3.38 1.67 0.01 1.95 1.10 0.32 5.05 3.38 696.30 - 696.30 - 1,398.79 3.43 25.45 30.17 7.21 - 6.05 6.02 26.12 - 2.72 35.03 67.55 71.22 172.22 1,800.00 23.50 444.70 85.25 1,300.00 26.34 162.36 271.55 - 1,273.66 2.95 433.91 0.01 3,802.28 433.92 4 Minority Interest EC Global Limited Opening Balance Add: Investment by Minority Edelcap Insurance Advisors Opening Balance Add: Share of profit for the year Less: Adjustment on account of change in minority interest Edelweiss Insurance Brokers Limited Opening Balance Add: Investment by Minority Add: Adjustment on account of change in minority interest Add: Share of profit for the year Crossborder Investments Private Limited Opening Balance Add: Investment by Minority 5 Secured loans Bank overdraft (Secured by way of pledge of securities and fixed deposits) Loan from Bank (Secured by way of pledge of fixed deposit) Vehicles loan (Secured by hypothecation of vehicles acquired) Housing loan (Secured by hypothecation of flat acquired) Other loans (Demand loan secured by way of pledge of securities, placed with the Company by customers, includes interest accrued and due Rs. 2.72, (Previous year Rs. 35.03)) 6 Unsecured loans (Due within one year, unless otherwise stated) Optionally fully convertible debentures 13.4% Fully Convertible Debentures Nifty linked Debentures Inter Corporate Deposit Deposits accepted Commercial Paper Less: Unamortised discount on commercial paper Other loans 44 Previous year 58.77 105.72 9.88 Vehicles Total 3.13 Furniture and fixtures 46.51 0.87 Electrical fittings Computers 13.10 Office equipment - 32.23 As at 1 April 2006 Leasehold improvements Land Particulars 7 Fixed Assets 55.48 108.07 2.26 0.39 38.12 - 7.48 20.01 39.81 Additions during the year 8.53 0.52 - - 0.52 - - - - Deductions during the year Gross Block 105.72 213.27 12.14 3.52 84.11 0.87 20.58 52.24 39.81 As at 31 March 2007 - 18.01 38.48 2.31 1.61 19.01 0.01 2.47 13.07 As at 1 April 2006 20.49 37.70 2.00 0.53 16.66 0.12 2.55 15.84 - 0.02 0.33 - - 0.33 - - - - On Additions On Deductions during during the year the year Depreciation - 38.48 75.85 4.31 2.14 35.34 0.13 5.02 28.91 As at 31 March 2007 67.24 137.42 7.83 1.38 48.77 0.74 15.56 23.33 39.81 As at 31 March 2007 - 67.24 7.57 1.52 27.50 0.86 10.62 19.16 As at 31 March 2006 Net Block Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements as at 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees in millions) 45 Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements as at 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees in millions) 2007 2006 60.78 183.76 153.90 5.01 Long term investments in equity/preference shares - unquoted 38.55 61.51 Less : Diminution in value of investments 18.41 31.29 20.14 30.22 - Quoted investments in units of mutual fund/securities 179.54 106.20 - Unquoted investments in units of mutual fund 400.19 - 579.73 106.20 0.17 1.54 579.56 104.66 10.00 - 824.38 323.65 8 Investments Long term investments - quoted Long term investment in units of mutual fund/venture capital fund - unquoted Current investments (others) Less : Diminution in value of investments Application for UTI Gold Fund (pending allotment) Aggregate of quoted long term investment - At book value 60.78 183.76 117.79 325.61 153.90 5.01 20.14 30.22 - At book value 179.37 104.66 - At market value 185.09 158.83 400.19 - - At market value Aggregate of unquoted long term investment in units of mutual fund/ venture capital fund - At book value Aggrigate of unquoted long term investment in equity/ preference shares - At book value Aggrigate of quoted Current investment Aggrigate of unquoted Current investment - At book value 46 Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements as at 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees in millions) Face value Rupees Quantity (Nos.) 10 65,775 2007 Quantity (Nos.) 2006 48.35 - - 9 Stock-in-trade A. Equity Shares (Quoted) A C C Limited Aban Loyd Chiles Offshore Limited 2 3,600 6.85 - - Aban Offshore Limited 2 400 0.77 - - ABB Limited 10 34 0.12 604 1.77 Abhishek Industries Limited 10 - - 100,000 2.89 Aditya Birla Nuvo Limited 10 187 0.20 - - Ador Welding Limited 10 - - 2,572 1.03 Aegis Logistics Limited 10 - - 4,635 1.16 Ahmednagar Forgings Limited 10 - - 6,248 1.02 Aksh Optifibre Limited 5 - - 18,693 1.18 Alfa Laval India Limited 10 5,017 4.26 - - Allahabad Bank 10 2,450 0.18 - - Alok Industries Limited 10 - - 2,600 0.19 Alstom Project India Limited 10 - - 32,950 12.15 Amtek Auto Limited 2 600 0.22 3,300 1.04 Apollo Tyre Limited 10 740 0.20 685 0.20 Aptech Limited 10 10 0.01 - - Arvind Mills Limited 10 210,700 9.15 - - Ashok Leyland Limited 1 - - 22,000 0.67 Asian Hotels Limited 10 - - 3,355 2.01 Asian Paints India Limited 10 282 0.20 - - Associated Cement Company Limited 10 254,625 187.20 67,009 52.39 Atlanta Limited 10 550 0.15 - - Atul Limited 10 - - 17,300 2.01 Aurobindo Pharma Limited 5 - - 1,130 0.76 Aventis Pharma Limited 10 160 0.19 - - Bajaj Auto Finance Limited 10 4,282 10.39 - - Bajaj Auto Limited 10 32,100 77.91 8,611 23.59 Bajaj Hindusthan Limited 1 347,665 61.37 - - Balaji Telefims Limited 2 - - 1,095 0.20 Balkrishna Industry Limited 10 - - 15,765 14.00 Balmer Lawrie & Company Limited 10 5,214 2.11 - - Balrampur Chini Mills Limited 1 276,600 16.18 - - Bank of Baroda 10 281,400 57.48 5,730 1.32 Bank Of India Limited 10 5,700 0.81 2,038 0.27 Bannari Amman Sugars Limited 10 - - 740 1.00 Bata India Limited 10 8,400 1.16 - - Bharat Earth Movers Limited 10 1,400 1.52 927 1.34 Bharat Electronics Limited 10 1,375 2.07 - - Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited 10 6,346 14.33 20,880 45.30 Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited 10 33,290 10.08 31 0.01 Bharti Airtel Limited 10 1,520 1.16 - - Bharti Tele-Ventures Limited 10 - - 948 0.38 Biocon Limited 5 200 0.10 405 0.18 Birla Corporation Limited 10 - - 690 0.21 Bombay Dyeing & Manufacturing Company Limited 10 13,535 7.32 350 0.20 47 Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements as at 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees in millions) Face value Rupees Quantity (Nos.) 2007 Quantity (Nos.) 2006 - - 9 Stock-in-trade (Continued) Bongaigaon Refinery & Petrochemicals Limited 48 10 9,000 0.37 Britannia Industries Limited 10 2,955 3.54 - - C & C Constructions Limited 10 111,815 18.99 - - Cadila Healthcare Limited 5 - - 2,040 1.10 Cairn India Limited 10 70,000 8.71 - - Canara Bank 10 156,800 30.36 12,910 3.45 Carborundum Universal Limited 2 - - 6,000 0.92 Centurion Bank Of Punjab Limited 1 11,200 2.18 - - Century Textiles & Industries Limited 10 239,700 129.70 - - CESC Limited 10 30,800 10.86 - - Chambal Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited 10 13,800 0.43 - - Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited 10 1,100 0.20 - - 622 0.15 20,031 12.87 - - 400 0.20 CIPLA Limited 2 CMC Limited 10 Colgate Palmolive (India) Limited 10 - - 10,500 4.35 Corporation Bank Limited 10 - - 594 0.22 Crew B.O.S. Products Limited 10 100 0.02 - - CRISIL Limited 10 826 2.07 - - Cummins India Limited 2 70,300 17.94 - - Dabur India Limited 1 690 0.06 60 0.01 Deccan Aviation Limited 10 Deccan Chronicle Holdings Limited 2 4,238 0.39 - - 109,105 13.65 2,800 1.16 Dena Bank 10 200 0.01 - - Development Credit Bank Limited 10 320 0.02 - - Disa India Limited 10 256 0.34 - - Divi's Laboratories Limited 10 1,250 3.72 - - Dolphin Offshore Enterprises Limited 10 2,197 0.42 - - Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Limited 5 7,334 5.04 3,308 4.70 East India Hotel Limited 10 - - 7,112 4.97 Elder Pharamaceuticals Limited 10 - - 700 0.20 Emkay Share and Stock Brokers Limited 10 5 0.01 - - Escorts Limited 10 4,800 0.55 - - Essar Oil Limited 10 1,491,432 77.26 - - Essar Shipping Limited 10 11,956,402 514.71 - - Everest Industries Limited 10 - - 2,450 0.45 Financial Technologies (India) Limited 2 - - 760 0.94 Firstsource Solutions Limited 10 100 0.01 - - GAIL (India) Limited 10 17,928 4.70 90 0.03 Gateway Distriparks Limited 10 14,000 2.31 - - Gayatri Projects Limited 10 350 0.08 - - Gemini Communication Limited 5 33,438 9.33 - - Geodesic Information System Limited 2 GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Limited 10 Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Limited 2 - - 10,000 2.03 668 0.74 - - 2,400 1.47 9 0.01 Global Broadcast News Limited 10 274 0.15 - - GMR Infrastructure Limited 10 443,000 159.61 - - Godavari Fertilisers & Chemicals Limited 10 3,160 0.38 - - Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements as at 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees in millions) Face value Rupees Quantity (Nos.) 2007 Quantity (Nos.) 2006 9 Stock-in-trade (Continued) Goodlass Nerolac Paints Limited 1 - - 1,200 1.01 Graphite India Limited 10 Grasim Industries Limited 10 - - 1,650 0.48 68,149 142.62 11 0.02 Great Eastern Shipping Limited 10 55,800 11.17 5,500 0.89 Great Offshore Limited 10 340 0.20 - - GTL Limited 10 177,000 23.93 1,665 0.23 Gujarat Alkalies and Chemicals Limited 10 Gujarat Ambuja Cement Limited 2 Gujrat Heavy Chemicals Limited 10 46,200 5.37 - - 1,162,122 123.97 128,142 12.10 - - 9,780 1.17 Gujrat Sidhee Cement Limited 10 - - 198,609 3.00 Hanung Toys and Textiles Limited 10 5,523 0.65 - - HCL Technologies Limited 2 44,072 12.84 176 0.11 HDFC Bank Limited 10 254 0.24 1,347 1.03 Hero Honda Motors Limited 2 160 0.11 7,221 6.43 Hexaware Technologies Limited 2 2,000 0.33 20,000 2.14 Himachal Futuristic Communication Limited 10 - - 94,280 2.15 Hindalco Industries Limited (Partly paid up shares) 1 608,625 70.91 5,643 1.03 Hinduja TMT Limited 10 1,297 0.89 460 0.20 Hindustan Composites Limited 10 36,685 2.96 - - Hindustan Construction Company Limited 1 243,600 21.80 8,039 1.29 Hindustan Lever Limited 1 2,768 0.55 231 0.06 Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited 10 9,372 2.32 1,987 0.64 Hindustan Zinc Limited 10 2,600 1.47 1,380 0.51 Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited 10 200 0.30 1,226 1.64 IBP Limited 10 162,083 65.90 - - ICICI Bank Limited 10 2,821 2.41 7,638 4.50 Idea Cellular Limited 10 47,816 4.17 - - IFCI Limited 10 2,764,125 77.66 - - I-Flex Solutions Limited 5 37,570 74.88 - - India Cements Limited 10 732,250 118.59 - - Indiabulls Financial Services Limited 2 1,500 0.63 890 0.23 Indiabulls Real Estate Limited 2 2,901 0.87 - - Indian Bank 10 2,416 0.22 - - Indian Hotels Company Limited 10 - - 40 0.05 Indian Oil Corporation Limited 10 30,939 12.36 125,000 5.53 Indian Overseas Bank Limited 10 - - 2,597 0.25 Indian Petrochemicals Corporation Limited 10 251,898 67.48 97 0.03 Indian Resorts Hotels Limited 1 251 0.10 - - Indraprasta Gas Limited 10 - - 1,360 0.20 Indus Fila Limited 10 337 0.05 - - IndusInd Bank Limited 10 46,200 1.94 - - Industrial Development Bank of India Limited 10 31,350 2.43 - - Infosys Technologies Limited 5 88,398 178.32 44,331 132.17 Infotech Enterprises Limited 5 3,355 1.21 345 0.18 Infrastructure Development Finance Company Limited 10 67,850 5.68 - - Ingersoll Rand (India) Limited 10 700 0.20 - - International Travel House Limited 10 21,885 3.32 - - 49 Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements as at 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees in millions) Face value Rupees Quantity (Nos.) 1 81,764 IVRCL Infrastructure and Projects Limited 2 J.K. Industries Limited 10 Jain Irrigation System Limited 10 2007 Quantity (Nos.) 2006 12.18 160,847 31.33 13,000 3.79 14,000 3.89 - - 10,560 1.13 - - 8,400 2.03 9 Stock-in-trade (Continued) ITC Limited 50 Jaiprakash Associates Limited 10 69,300 36.78 - - Jaiprakash Hydro-Power Limited 10 406,250 11.52 - - Jet Airways (India) Limited 10 5,270 3.34 9 0.01 Jindal Steel & Power Limited 5 1,000 2.36 - - JSW Steel Limited 10 42,900 19.19 - - Jyoti Structured Limited 10 - - 6,820 2.76 Kalpataru Power Transmissions Limited 10 - - 25 0.05 KEC International Limited 10 4,500 2.32 - - Kirloskar Brothers Limited 2 Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited 10 - - 3,040 1.01 24,205 10.60 320 0.08 KPIT Cummins Infosystems Limited 2 - - 1,727 0.52 Krone Communications Limited 10 - - 104 0.02 Lanco Infratech Limited 10 226,950 35.99 - - Larsen & Toubro Limited 2 1,629 2.62 2,014 4.90 LML Limited 10 - - 17,425 0.61 Lupin Limited 10 1,050 0.64 700 0.67 Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited 10 30,904 4.54 66 0.01 Maharastra Seamless Limited 5 - - 1,470 0.97 Mahindra & Mahindra Limited 10 39,571 30.11 23,774 14.91 Maruti Udyog Limited 5 232 0.19 60,210 51.81 Matrix Laboratries Limited 2 43,597 7.63 50,000 14.08 Mawana Sugars Limited 10 - - 2,415 0.30 Mc Dowell and Company Limited 10 - - 3,680 2.49 Moser-Baer Limited 10 - - 4,000 0.90 Mphasis BFI Limited 10 167,497 46.51 1,600 0.33 Nagarjuna Construction Company Limited 2 6,000 0.95 3,000 1.02 Nahar Capital Financial Services Limited 5 18,300 2.58 - - Nahar Exports Limited 5 20,512 0.66 - - Natco Pharma Limited 10 - - 16,585 2.22 Natioanal Thermal Power Corporation Limited 10 - - 13,000 1.74 National Aluminium Company Limited 10 516 0.12 1,222 0.36 NELCO Limited 10 - - 20,000 2.67 Network 18 Fincap Limited 5 436 0.15 - - New Delhi Television Limited 4 268,400 83.17 27,500 6.62 Neyvelilignite Corporation Limited 10 41,300 2.08 - - Nicholas Piramal India Limited 2 - - 61 0.02 NIIT Technologies Limited 10 65 0.03 - - Nirma Limited 5 1,260 0.20 405 0.20 Northgate Technologies Limited 10 - - 1,800 0.74 NTPC Limited 10 37,375 5.38 - - Nucleus Software Exports Limited 10 16,111 9.26 7,500 2.48 Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited 10 5,285 4.43 151 0.09 Orchid Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Limited 10 448,350 114.80 - - Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements as at 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees in millions) Face value Rupees Quantity (Nos.) Oriental Bank of Commerce 10 334,200 2007 Quantity (Nos.) 2006 62.69 50,068 11.76 9 Stock-in-trade (Continued) Oriental Hotels Limited 10 - - 7,720 2.73 Pantaloon Retail Limited 2 - - 3,590 3.65 Parsvnath Developers Limited 10 431,150 111.60 - - Patni Computer Systems Limited 2 - - 650 0.29 Petronet LNG Limited 10 - - 41,710 2.29 Pfizer Limited 10 270 0.20 - - Phoenix Lamps Limited 10 1 0.01 - - Polaris Software Lab Limited 5 37,800 6.83 - - Power Finance Corporation Limited 10 31,200 3.25 - - Praj Industries Limited 2 484,983 171.65 - - Prithvi Information Solutions Limited 10 3,501 0.93 - - Provogue Limited 10 - - 9,000 1.24 PSL Limited 10 4,900 0.97 - - Punj Lloyd Limited 2 34,500 5.55 - - Punjab National Bank 10 113,694 52.92 155,547 73.17 Punjab Tractors Limited 10 40,530 12.40 1,640 0.39 Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited 5 241,395 81.49 248,049 107.24 Raymond Limited 10 - - 2,460 1.13 Recron Synthetics Limited 10 - - 80,000 0.77 Reliance Capital Limited 10 299,226 197.51 136,300 69.12 Reliance Capital Ventures Limited 10 - - 770,000 18.73 Reliance Communication Ventures Limited 5 - - 3,500 1.08 Reliance Communications Limited 5 507,038 209.02 - - Reliance Energy Limited 10 45,834 22.50 37,425 22.89 Reliance Energy Ventures Limited 10 - - 462,146 20.06 Reliance Industries Limited 10 62,916 84.90 66,147 52.61 Rolta India Limited 10 - - 780 0.20 Royal Orchid Hotels Limited 10 - - 4,500 0.89 Sakthi Sugars Limited 10 - - 10,800 2.02 Satnam Overseas Limited 10 Satyam Computers Services Limited 2 Sesa Goa Limited 10 - - 10,000 0.75 6,528 3.01 361 0.30 182,485 310.85 5,291 6.32 Shanthi Gears Limited 1 - - 7,450 0.55 Sharyans Resources Limited 10 991 0.23 - - Shipping Corporation of India Limited 10 - - 31 0.01 Siemens Limited 2 12,886 13.85 - - Sobha Developers Limited 10 2,450 1.79 - - SRF Limited 10 663,000 80.39 19,500 6.47 SSI Limited 10 37,714 6.87 - - State Bank of India 10 358,672 355.48 203,763 197.34 Steel Authority of India Limited 10 257,110 28.16 - - Sterlite Industires India Limited 2 646,625 294.40 172 0.26 Sterlite Opticals Telenologies Limited 5 - - 40,752 3.94 10,000 1.21 - - 154 0.16 18 0.02 2,750 4.16 - - Sujana Metal Products Limited 10 Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Limited 5 Sun TV Network Limited 10 51 Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements as at 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees in millions) Face value Rupees Quantity (Nos.) 2007 Quantity (Nos.) 2006 9 Stock-in-trade (Continued) 52 Sundaram Fasteners Limited 1 1,081 0.07 - - Suven Life Science Limited 2 - - 35,380 2.84 Suzlon Energy Limited 10 230 0.23 23,200 30.21 Syndicate Bank 10 - - 2,178 0.19 Syngenta India Limited 10 29 0.01 - - Taj GVK Hotels & Resorts Limited 2 - - 4,400 0.84 Tamil Nadu Newsprint & Papers Limited 10 - - 12,000 1.17 Tata Chemicals Limited 10 - - 6,023 0.97 Tata Coffee Limited 10 Tata Consultancy Services Limited 1 Tata Iron and Steel Company Limited Tata Metaliks Limited Tata Motors Limited - - 3,000 1.03 2,784 3.44 2,300 4.41 10 - - 2,000 0.85 10 - - 7,000 0.83 10 74,880 54.35 12,415 11.30 Tata Power Company Limited 10 158 0.08 20 0.01 Tata Sponge Iron Limited 10 - - 1,450 0.20 Tata Steel Limited 10 84,166 37.18 236,328 124.20 Tata Tea Limited 10 - - 6 0.01 Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Limited 10 700,150 14.77 - - Tech Mahindra Limited 10 400 0.57 - - Television Eighteen India Limited 5 - - 364 0.09 The Dhampur Sugar Mills Limited 10 - - 2 0.01 The Federal Bank Limited 10 - - 520 0.10 The Karnataka Bank Limited 10 62,500 10.69 22,500 2.25 The Phoenix Mills Limited 10 9,125 13.14 - - Thermax Limited 2 - - 6,510 2.03 Titan Industries Limited 10 54,053 45.56 17,062 14.04 7,700 0.38 - - 20 0.01 - - 3,000 0.36 5,610 0.51 Triveni Engineering & Industries Limited 1 Tulip IT Services Limited 10 TV Today Network Limited 5 TVS Motor Company Limited 1 8,900 0.53 - - UltraTech Cement Limited 10 20,800 16.06 - - Union Bank Of India 10 378,000 37.73 2,106 0.26 Unitech Limited 2 6,000 2.32 - - United Breweries Holdings Limited 10 4,722 0.73 - - United Phosphorus Limited 2 42,568 9.95 - - UTI Bank 10 - - 1,170 0.40 Varun Shipping Limited 10 - - 25,600 1.94 Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited 10 240,153 96.60 98,705 46.10 Vijaya Bank 10 55,200 2.24 - - VIP Industries Limited 10 2,228 0.22 - - Voltas Limited 1 9,000 0.75 - - Wartsila India Limited 10 2,277 1.36 - - Welspun India Limited 10 1,010 0.07 - - Wipro Limited 2 13,154 7.36 150 0.08 Wire and Wireless (India) Limited 1 6 0.01 - - Wockhardt Limited 5 6,000 2.37 3,000 1.52 Yokogawa India Limited 10 35 0.02 - - Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements as at 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees in millions) Face value Rupees Quantity (Nos.) 2007 Quantity (Nos.) 2006 9 Stock-in-trade (Continued) Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited 1 649 0.16 - - Zee News Limited 1 399 0.01 - - Zee Telefilms Limited 1 2,800 0.69 22,543 5.08 Zen Technologies Limited 10 - - 22,000 3.68 Zensar Technologies Limited 10 - - 2,430 0.49 31,812,343 5,522.68 4,513,672 1,404.18 Sub Total (A) B. Equity Shares (Unquoted) Ispat Industries Limited 10 9,000 0.12 9,000 0.20 Citigroup (erst while E-Serve International Limited) 10 1 0.01 1 0.01 9,001 0.13 9,001 0.21 6,000 0.13 6,000 0.13 6,000 0.13 6,000 0.13 9 0.01 - - 9 0.01 - - 737 0.11 - - 737 0.11 - - Silver 7,713.3856 150.90 - - Gold 62.0000 57.74 - - Goldmini 26.2000 24.18 - - 29,815.0000 0.55 - - 37,616.5856 233.37 - - Sub Total (B) C. Preference Shares (Unquoted) Ispat Industries Limited 10 Sub Total (C) D . Non Convertible Debentures (Unquoted) Trent Limited 1000 Sub Total (D) E. Warrants - Quoted Trent Limited Sub Total (E) 10 F . Commodity (Quantity in Kgs.) Gaur Seeds Sub Total (F) Grand Total (A+B+C+D+E+F) 5,756.43 1,404.52 - At book value 5,522.68 1,404.18 - Market value 5,627.76 1,433.18 0.13 0.21 0.13 0.13 0.01 - - At book value 0.11 - - Market value 0.11 - - At book value 233.37 - - Market value 234.36 - Aggregate of quoted stock in equity shares Aggregate of unquoted stock in equity shares - At book value Aggregate of unquoted stock in preference shares - At book balue Aggregate of unquoted stock in debentures - At book value Aggregate of quoted stock in warrants Aggregate of stock in commodities 53 Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements as at 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees in millions) Face value Rupees Quantity (Nos.) 2007 Quantity (Nos.) 2006 9 Stock-in-trade (Continued) Note : Of the above, the following shares are pledged with the bank/ clearing member for availing overdraft / margin facility 54 Associated Cement Company Limited 10 231,750 170.39 67,009 52.39 Abhishek Industries Limited 10 - - 10,000 0.29 Ador Welding Limited 10 - - 2,572 1.03 Ahmednagar Forgings Limited 10 - - 6,248 1.02 Aksh Optifibre Limited 5 - - 18,693 1.18 Alok Industries Limited 10 - - 2,600 0.19 Alstom Projects India Limited 10 - - 22,950 8.48 Amtek Auto Limited 2 - - 3,300 1.04 Asian Hotels Limited 10 - - 3,355 2.01 Apollo Tyre Limited 10 740 0.20 - - Aptech Limited 10 10 0.01 - - Arvind Mills Limited 10 86,000 3.74 - - Asian Paints India Limited 10 282 0.20 - - Atul Limited 10 - - 17,300 2.01 Aventis Pharma Limited 10 160 0.19 - - Bajaj Auto Limited 10 5,600 13.59 8,611 23.59 Bajaj Hindusthan Limited 1 28,250 5.02 - - Balaji Telefims Limited 2 - - 1,095 0.20 Bannari Amman Sugars Limited 10 - - 740 1.00 Balrampur Chini Mills Limited 1 59,600 3.45 - - Bank of Baroda Limited 10 252,000 51.47 - - Bank of India Limited 10 5,700 0.81 - - Biocon Limited 5 200 0.10 - - Bombay Dyeing & Manufacturing Company Limited 10 35 0.02 - - Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited 10 5,500 1.67 - - Bharat Earth Movers Limited 10 - - 700 1.04 Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited 10 - - 1,800 3.90 Cairn India Limited 10 69,925 8.70 - - Canara Bank Limited 10 114,200 22.24 - - Cadila Healthcare Limited 5 - - 2,040 1.10 Carborundum Universal Limited 2 - - 6,000 0.92 CIPLA Limited 2 - - 1,000 0.64 Century Textiles & Industries Limited 10 195,925 105.90 - - CESC Limited 10 2,200 0.70 - - Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited 10 1,100 0.20 - - Crew B.O.S. Products Limited 10 100 0.02 - - Cummins India Limited 2 68,400 17.46 - - Development Credit Bank Limited 10 300 0.02 - - Dena Bank 10 200 0.01 - - Deccan Chronicle Holding Limited 10 - - 2,800 1.16 Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Limited 5 800 0.55 - - Essar Oil Limited 10 1,031,550 53.43 - - East India Hotel Limited 10 - - 6,400 4.47 Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements as at 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees in millions) Face value Rupees Quantity (Nos.) 2007 Quantity (Nos.) 2006 9 Stock-in-trade (Continued) Elder Pharamaceuticals Limited 10 - - 700 0.20 Everest Industries Limited 10 - - 2,450 0.45 GAIL (India) Limited 10 17,250 4.52 - - Gateway Distriparks Limited 10 14,000 2.31 - - Global Broadcast News Limited 10 274 0.15 - - GMR Infrastructure Limited 10 393,900 141.92 - - Grasim Industries Limited 10 18,663 39.06 11 0.02 Great Offshore Limited 10 340 0.20 - - GTL Limited 10 156,500 21.16 - - Gujarat Alkalies and Chemicals Limited 10 43,400 5.05 - - Gujarat Ambuja Cement Limited 2 1,069,922 114.16 - - Geodesic Information System Limited 2 - - 10,000 2.03 Gujrat Heavy Chemicals Limited 10 - - 9,780 1.17 Goodlass Nerolac Paints Limited 1 - - 1,200 1.01 HCL Technologies Limited 2 25,350 7.39 176 0.11 Hindalco Industries Limited 1 304,215 39.64 - - Hindustan Construction Company Limited 1 242,200 21.68 7,500 1.21 Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited 10 3,900 0.97 - - HDFC Bank Limited 10 - - 1,347 1.03 Hero Honda Motors Limited 2 - - 1,000 0.89 Himachal Futuristic Communication Limited 10 - - 80,000 1.83 Hinduja TMT Limited 10 - - 460 0.20 Hindustan Lever Limited 1 - - 231 0.06 I-Flex Solutions Limited 5 10,550 21.33 - - IBP Limited 10 1,319 0.54 - - Industrial Development Bank of India Limited 10 5,750 0.45 - - Infrastructure Development Finance Company Limited 10 67,850 5.68 - - IFCI Limited 10 1,527,750 42.70 - - India Cements Limited 10 403,100 65.28 - - Indian Oil Corporation Limited 10 3,000 1.20 - - Indus Fila Limited 10 337 0.05 - - Infosys Technologies Limited 5 64,050 129.19 3,500 10.43 Infotech Enterprises Limited 5 3,355 1.21 - - Ingersoll Rand (India) Limited 10 700 0.20 - - Indian Petrochemicals Corporation Limited 10 166,406 44.59 - - Ispat Industries Limited 10 9,000 0.12 - - IVRCL Infrastructure and Projects Limited 2 13,000 3.79 3,600 1.00 Jaiprakash Associates Limited 10 24,300 13.10 - - JSW Steel Limited 10 25,300 11.57 - - J.K.Industries Limited 10 - - 10,560 1.13 Jain Irrigation System 10 - - 6,000 1.45 Jyoti Structured Limited 10 - - 6,000 2.43 221,850 35.19 - - 605 0.97 8 0.02 11,060 0.39 Lanco Infratech Limited 10 Larsen & Toubro Limited 2 LML Limited 10 - - Mahindra & Mahindra Limited 10 30,625 23.13 - - Matrix Laboratries Limited 2 12,347 2.16 - - 55 Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements as at 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees in millions) Face value Rupees Quantity (Nos.) 2007 Quantity (Nos.) 2006 Mphasis BFL Limited 10 78,800 22.28 - - Maruti Udyog Limited 5 - - 60,210 51.81 Nagarjuna Construction Company Limited 2 6,000 0.95 - - New Delhi Television Limited 4 225,200 70.03 - - NIIT Technologies Limited 10 50 0.02 - - 9 Stock-in-trade (Continued) 56 Nirma Limited 5 1,260 0.20 - - Natioanal Thermal Power Corporation Limited 10 - - 13,000 1.74 Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited 10 3,572 2.97 151 0.09 Orchid Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Limited 10 383,650 98.43 - - Oriental Bank of Commerce 10 301,200 56.52 - - Oriental Hotels Limited 10 - - 7,720 2.73 Parsvnath Developers Limited 10 361,150 93.54 - - Pfizer Limited 10 270 0.20 - - Petronet LNG Limited 10 - - 41,710 2.29 Polaris Software Lab Limited 5 18,200 3.29 - - Power Finance Corporation Limited 10 12,000 1.25 - - Praj Industries Limited 2 433,583 152.95 - - PSL Limited 10 4,900 0.97 - - Punjab National Bank 10 16,642 7.75 - - Punjab Tractors Limited 10 1,202 0.37 1,000 0.24 Punj Lloyd Limited 2 2,400 0.39 - - Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited 5 181,211 61.28 225,000 97.28 Raymond Limited 10 - - 2,190 1.00 Reliance Capital Ventures Limited 10 - - 770,000 18.73 Reliance Communications Limited 5 126,000 51.93 - - Reliance Capital Limited 10 109,050 72.02 136,300 69.12 Reliance Energy Limited 10 3,650 1.80 462,146 20.06 Rolta India Limited 10 - - 280 0.07 Reliance Industries Limited 10 30,850 41.54 - - Sakti Sugars Limited 10 - - 5,000 0.94 Steel Authority of India Limited 10 62,030 6.79 - - Satyam Computers Services Limited 2 3,000 1.38 361 0.30 Sesa Goa Limited 10 92,800 158.08 3,000 3.59 Shanthi Gears Limited 1 - - 7,450 0.55 Siemens Limited 2 2,875 3.09 - - SRF Limited 10 562,500 68.20 - - State Bank of India 10 307,466 304.74 30,000 29.06 Sterlite Opticals Telecommunications Limited 5 - - 30,752 2.97 Sterlite Industries (India) Limited 2 504,518 229.72 - - Sundaram Fasteners Limited 1 1,081 0.07 - - Suven Life Science Limited 2 - - 35,380 2.84 Suzlon Energy Limited 10 - - 7,500 9.77 Syndicate Bank 10 - - 700 0.06 Taj GVK Hotels & Resorts Limited 2 - - 3,810 0.73 Tata Consultancy Services Limited 1 - - 700 1.34 Tata Motors Limited 10 23,504 17.05 12,415 11.30 Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Limited 10 700,150 14.77 - - Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements as at 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees in millions) Face value Rupees Quantity (Nos.) 2007 Quantity (Nos.) 2006 9 Stock-in-trade (Continued) Tata Steel Limited 10 8,900 3.94 16,000 8.41 Titan Industries Limited 10 37,888 31.93 17,062 14.04 TV Today Network Limited 5 3,000 0.36 - - TVS Motor Company Limited 1 8,900 0.53 - - The Great Eastern Shipping Company Limited 10 42,800 8.56 - - The Karanataka Bank Limited 10 - - 12,500 1.25 Thermax Limited 2 - - 2,500 0.78 UltraTech Cement Limited 10 9,100 7.03 - - Union Bank of India 10 218,400 22.71 - - Varun Shipping Limited 10 - - 25,600 1.94 Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited 10 133,950 53.88 3,000 1.40 Voltas Limited 1 7,200 0.60 - - Wipro Limited 2 9,600 5.37 - - Wire and Wireless (India) Limited 1 6 0.01 - - Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited 1 301 0.07 - - Zee News Limited 1 209 0.01 - - Zensar Technologies Limited 10 - - 2,430 0.49 12,082,653 2,940.33 2,276,663 491.64 Total Note 2 Of the above , following shares are pledged with the fellow subsidiary Edelweiss Securities Private Limited A C C Limited 10 63,000 46.32 - - Aban Loyd Chiles Offshore Limited 2 3,585 6.82 - - Aban Offshore Limited 2 400 0.77 - - Alfa Laval India Limited 10 5,017 4.26 - - Alstom Project India Limited 10 - - 10,000 3.67 Arvind Mills Limited 10 120,400 5.23 - - Ashok Leyland Limited 1 - - 22,000 0.67 Associated Cement Companies Limited 10 20,250 14.89 - - Bajaj Auto Finance Limited 10 6,800 16.51 - - Bajaj Hindusthan Limited 1 128,215 22.40 - - Balmer Lawrie & Company Limited 10 5,214 2.11 - - Balrampur Chini Mills Limited 1 12,000 0.75 - - Bank of Baroda 10 1,400 0.29 - - Bata India Limited 10 8,400 1.16 - - Bharat Earth Movers Limited 10 1,400 1.52 150 0.19 Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited 10 6,346 14.33 - - Bombay Dyeing & Manufacturing Company Limited 10 7,200 3.90 - - Bongaigaon Refinery & Petrochemicals Limited 10 9,000 0.37 - - Britannia Industries Limited 10 2,955 3.54 - - C & C Constructions Limited 10 111,815 18.99 - - Canara Bank 10 17,600 3.25 - - Centurion Bank of Punjab Limited 1 11,200 2.18 - - Century Textiles & Industries Limited 10 24,225 13.22 - - CESC Limited 10 28,600 10.17 - - 57 Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements as at 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees in millions) Face value Rupees Quantity (Nos.) 2007 Quantity (Nos.) 2006 9 Stock-in-trade (Continued) 58 Chambal Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited 10 6,900 0.22 - - CRISIL Limited 10 326 0.82 - - Deccan Aviation Limited 10 Deccan Chronicle Holdings Limited 2 4,238 0.39 - - 109,105 13.66 - - Dolphin Offshore Enterprises (India) Limited 10 25 0.01 - - Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Limited 5 4,800 3.31 - - Escorts Limited 10 4,800 0.55 - - Essar Oil Limited 10 434,882 22.53 - - Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Limited 2 2,400 1.47 - - GMR Infrastructure Limited 10 29,000 10.45 - - Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Limited 10 2,800 0.33 - - Gujarat Ambuja Cements Limited 2 25,163 2.65 95,000 8.70 HCL Technologies Limited 2 18,200 5.30 - - Hexaware Technologies Limited 2 - - 19,975 2.14 Hindalco Industries Limited 1 47,850 6.23 - - Hindustan Zinc Limited 10 2,600 1.47 - - IBP Limited 10 121,698 49.48 - - ICICI Bank Limited 10 5 0.01 - - Idea Cellular Limited 10 20,435 1.79 - - IFCI Limited 10 1,236,375 34.96 - - I-Flex Solutions Limited 5 27,020 53.56 - - India Cements Limited 10 279,850 45.32 - - Indian Bank 10 1,616 0.15 - - Indian Oil Corporation Limited 10 4,982 1.99 - - Indian Petrochemicals Corporation Limited 10 17,600 4.71 - - IndusInd Bank Limited 10 15,400 0.65 - - Infosys Technologies Limited 5 16,000 32.30 - - ITC Limited 1 36,000 5.38 - - Jaiprakash Associates Limited 10 45,000 23.67 - - Jaiprakash Hydro-Power Limited 10 406,200 11.52 - - Jindal Steel & Power Limited 5 1,000 2.36 - - JSW Steel Limited 10 17,600 7.62 - - KEC International Limited 10 4,500 2.32 - - Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited 10 7,705 3.40 - - Lanco Infratech Limited 10 3,400 0.54 - - Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited 10 28,800 4.23 - - Mahindra & Mahindra Limited 10 8,321 6.49 - - Moser-Baer Limited 10 - - 4,000 0.90 Mphasis BFL Limited 10 61,897 16.65 - - Nagarjuna Construction Company Limited 2 - - 3,000 1.02 Nahar Capital Financial Services Limited 5 16,500 2.33 - - Network 18 Fincap Limited 5 436 0.15 - - Neyvelilignite Corporation Limited 10 35,400 1.78 - - NIIT Technologies Limited 10 15 0.01 - - NTPC Limited 10 22,750 3.28 - - Nucleus Software Exports Limited 10 16,111 9.26 7,500 2.48 Orchid Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Limited 10 5,250 1.29 - - Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements as at 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees in millions) Face value Rupees Quantity (Nos.) 2007 Quantity (Nos.) 2006 Oriental Bank of Commerce 10 30,400 5.68 10,000 2.36 Pantaloon Retail (India) Limited 2 - - 3,590 3.65 9 Stock-in-trade (Continued) Parsvnath Developers Limited 10 21,800 5.58 - - Power Finance Corporation Limited 10 19,200 2.00 - - Praj Industries Limited 2 28,600 10.62 - - Provogue (India) Limited 10 - - 9,000 1.24 Punjab National Bank 10 3,000 1.42 - - Punjab Tractors Limited 10 39,131 11.97 - - Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited 5 19,097 6.31 - - Reliance Capital Limited 10 12,263 8.16 - - Reliance Communications Limited 5 1,400 0.59 - - Reliance Industries Limited 10 4,967 6.78 - - Satnam Overseas Limited 10 - - 10,000 0.75 Sesa Goa Limited 10 5,100 8.69 - - SRF Limited 10 69,000 8.37 - - State Bank of India 10 37,250 36.89 - - Sterlite Industries ( India ) Limited 2 45,500 20.71 - - Sun TV Network Limited 10 2,249 3.41 - - Tamil Nadu Newsprint & Papers Limited 10 - - 11,725 1.14 Tata Chemicals Limited 10 - - 6,000 0.96 Tata Coffee Limited 10 Tata Consultancy Services Limited 1 Tata Iron and Steel Company Limited 10 - - 3,000 1.03 1,980 2.44 - - - - 2,000 0.85 Tata Metaliks Limited 10 - - 7,000 0.83 Tata Motors Limited 10 16,068 11.70 - - Tata Steel Limited 10 7,425 3.28 - - Tech Mahindra Limited 10 400 0.57 - - Television Eighteen India Limited 5 - - 364 0.09 The Great Eastern Shipping Limited 10 - - 5,500 0.89 Titan Industries Limited 10 6,165 5.20 - - UltraTech Cement Limited 10 10,200 7.88 - - Union Bank of India 10 159,600 15.02 - - Unitech Limited 2 6,000 2.32 - - United Phosphorus Limited 2 42,568 9.95 - - Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited 10 17,325 6.97 - - VIP Industries Limited 10 1,364 0.15 - - Voltas Limited 1 1,800 0.15 - - Welspun India Limited 10 1,010 0.07 - - Wipro Limited 2 1,800 1.01 - - Wockhardt Limited 5 2,400 0.94 - - Zee News Limited 1 190 0.01 - - 4,361,229 794.39 229,804 33.56 Total 59 Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements as at 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees in millions) 2007 2006 13.61 38.76 10 Sundry debtors (Unsecured and considered good, unless otherwise stated) Debts outstanding for a period exceeding six months - unsecured and considered good - unsecured and considered doubtful Other debts Less : Provision for doubtful debts - 0.40 573.39 325.33 587.00 364.49 3.81 0.40 583.19 364.09 583.19 364.09 0.87 0.15 11 Cash and bank balances Cash in hand Balances with scheduled banks - in current accounts 223.99 266.90 2,425.96 369.47 2,650.82 636.52 Accrued interest on deposits 37.46 9.02 Receivable on trading of securities 28.46 - 9.57 1.31 75.49 10.33 Secured - considered good 785.10 206.12 Unsecured - considered good 211.79 8.66 Advances to staff 44.36 - Loan to Edelweiss Employee Welfare Trust 47.45 - - in fixed deposits 12 Other current assets Interest receivable on loan against shares 13 Loans and advances (Unsecured and considered good, unless otherwise stated) Advances recoverable in cash or in kind or for value to be received Deposits 23.11 39.41 Margin deposit 240.12 93.47 Initial margin 173.22 5.78 Mark-to-Market Margin - Equity Index/Stock Futures 108.48 - Less: Provision for loss on Equity Index/Stock Futures 108.48 - - - Mark-to-Market Margin - Commodity Futures 13.81 73.14 Less: Provision for loss on Commodity Futures 13.81 73.14 - - Equity Index/Stock Options Premium Account 205.87 21.58 9.73 1.97 Less: Provision for loss on Equity Index/Stock Options Deposits placed with commodity/ stock exchange Inter corporate deposits placed 60 196.14 19.61 867.22 325.73 27.20 - 2,615.71 698.78 Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements as at 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees in millions) 2007 2006 632.90 710.83 Book overdraft 72.26 183.75 Premium Received on Equity Index/Stock Options 71.51 29.05 2.32 0.45 14 Current liabilities Sundry creditors [Including dues to small scale industrial undertakings Rs. Nil ; (Previous year Rs. Nil)] (The Company did not have any outstanding dues to any micro or small enterprises as defined under Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 at any point during the year that were outstanding for a period of more than 45 days from the date of acceptance.) Add:Provision for Loss on Equity Index/Stock Options 73.83 29.50 Mark-to-Market Margin - Equity Index/Stock Futures 72.45 39.42 Mark-to-Market Margin - Commodity Futures 13.63 1.44 Interest accured but not due on unsecured loan 24.71 2.99 Shares sold but not purchased 74.17 - 500.09 203.72 1,464.04 1,171.65 11.84 3.51 - 4.88 Other liabilities 15 Provisions Gratuity Proposed dividend Dividend distribution tax Taxation (Net of advance taxes and tax deducted at - 0.68 116.08 29.90 6.11 6.11 134.03 45.08 Source Rs. 311.13 , Previous year: Rs. 298.41) Other provisions 61 Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees in millions) 2007 2006 1,408.07 683.67 746.23 305.96 2,154.30 989.63 167,002.85 87,529.33 1,404.52 262.17 171,367.31 88,393.44 5,523.06 1,414.55 (245.92) 288.27 1,257.10 108.11 (6.30) 0.31 137.31 46.12 1,142.19 442.81 16 Fee and commission income Brokerage income (Tax deducted at source Rs. 2.33, Previous year Rs. 1.33) Fee income (Tax deducted at source Rs. 32.17, Previous year Rs. 12.97) 17 Trading and arbitrage income Profit on trading of securities Sales Less : Cost of sales Opening stock Purchases Less: Closing stock Profit on trading in equity derivative instruments (net) Profit/(loss) on trading of physical commodity (net) Profit on arbitrage and trading in commodity derivatives (net) 18 Investment and dividend income Income from investments in partnership firm (associate) - 2.72 200.08 45.59 Dividend on stock-in-trade 31.14 10.14 Dividend on current investment 19.20 0.70 Diminution in value of long term investments written back (net) 12.88 1.50 1.37 2.77 264.67 63.42 51.22 6.05 - 0.76 5.20 - 68.27 17.29 3.90 2.16 128.59 26.26 Profit on sale of investments (net) Diminution in value of current investments written back (net) 19 Interest income Interest received from loan against shares (Tax deducted at source Rs. 1.07, Previous year Rs. 0.90) Foreign exchange gain Interest income on advances (Tax deducted at source Rs. 6.43, Previous year Rs. Nil) Interest on fixed deposit (gross) (Tax deducted at source Rs. 10.04, Previous year Rs. 3.99) Interest - others (Tax deducted at source Rs. 30.14, Previous year Rs. 5.63) 62 Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees in millions) 2007 2006 10.62 1.73 0.01 - 20 Other income Marketing and promotional expenses reimbursement (Tax deducted at source Rs. 0.25, Previous year Rs. 0.01) Profit on sale of fixed assets (net) Provision for doubtful advances written back 1.06 - 11.09 9.48 22.78 11.21 791.49 327.20 Gratuity 8.59 1.75 Staff welfare 8.10 2.38 808.18 331.33 Miscellaneous income (Tax deducted at source Rs. 1.11, Previous year Rs. 0.12) 21 Employee costs Salaries and bonus 63 Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees in millions) 2007 2006 24.74 1.59 - 0.41 4.37 3.56 22 Operating and other expenses Advertisement and business promotion Amortisation of preliminary expenses Auditors' remuneration Bad- debts written off 2.89 0.12 Commission and brokerage 40.70 31.53 Communication 18.29 14.12 Computer software 15.87 11.37 Donation 8.83 5.03 Foreign exchange loss (net) 6.50 - Insurance 2.49 1.91 IRDA license fees 0.05 - 106.44 56.16 - 0.01 7.66 2.51 Legal and professional fees Loss on sale of fixed assets (net) Market data network services Membership and subscription Miscellaneous Office expenses Postage and courier Printing and stationery Provision for doubtful debts 2.47 1.33 14.23 9.92 8.21 6.68 5.27 2.38 16.70 8.77 3.81 0.40 Rates and taxes 16.43 6.39 Rent 61.32 36.51 Repairs and maintenance - others 6.04 5.95 SEBI turnover fees 34.48 37.65 Securities transaction tax 54.32 - Service tax expenses 148.46 66.36 Stock exchange expenses 268.06 118.80 Travelling and conveyance 43.34 26.99 Utilities 10.43 7.01 0.51 - 932.91 463.46 - Optionally fully convertible debentures 31.06 17.15 - Inter-corporate deposits 64.96 7.78 Interest on bank overdraft 26.02 2.88 Warehousing charges 23 Financial expenses Interest on fixed loans Interest on deposits 64 2.70 - Interest - others 14.09 1.18 Discount on commercial paper 14.17 - Financial charges 33.89 24.83 186.89 53.82 Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees) 24 Notes to the accounts 24.1 Segment reporting The Company's business is organised and management reviews the performance based on the business segments as mentioned below: - Broking - Trading / investments in securities, commodities and derivative instruments - Advisory and transactional services - Portfolio management services - Financing activity - Others Liabilities are either specifically identifiable with individual segments or have been allocated to segments on a systematic basis. Based on such allocations, segmental balance sheet as at 31 March 2007 and segmental profit & loss account for the year ended 31 March 2007 have been prepared. The following table gives information on the segment revenue, expenses and result for the year ended 31 March 2007: 65 66 2006 2007 Profit after tax 0.02 19.65 Depreciation Other non cash expenditure 46.68 307.43 Carrying amount of segment liabilities Capital expenditure 1,194.24 Carrying amount of segment assets Other information - - Extraordinary item (net of tax) - 7.97 36.73 770.89 737.08 20.72 - - Income tax Current tax Deferred tax Fringe Benefit tax 224.54 640.40 483.13 1,423.25 15.70 - - 624.70 2006 Segment result Total 8.08 - Excess provision written back Brokerage, interest & other income - 1,415.17 2007 Broking Income from inter segments Income from external customers Segment Revenue Particulars (i) Business Segment 24.1 Segment reporting (Continued) 24 Notes to the accounts (Continued) 2.87 - - 115.63 93.64 2007 - - - 445.95 697.54 - - - 697.54 2007 0.12 8.97 6.81 40.73 73.22 2006 - - - - 4.04 9.31 410.58 8,134.61 2007 - - - 1,063.10 1,403.15 337.82 149.65 - 12.88 - 1,390.27 2007 1.50 1.79 10.33 116.99 1,983.46 2006 - - - 399.93 513.93 6.81 3.65 - 503.47 2006 Trading/ investments in securities, Commodities & Derivatives - - - 337.82 2006 Advisory and transactional services (in millions) Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees) - Brokerage, interest & other income 2006 - 2007 Profit after tax - Depreciation Other non cash expenditure 4.21 Carrying amount of segment liabilities Capital expenditure 10.13 Carrying amount of segment assets Other information - - Extraordinary item (net of tax) - 0.64 0.49 8.23 19.97 - - - Income tax Current tax Deferred tax Fringe Benefit tax 17.49 - - - 3.03 891.75 2007 - - - 40.16 51.68 28.57 6.15 - - - 51.68 2007 2006 - - - 4.07 6.06 - - - 6.06 2006 - - - 35.46 181.48 Financing activity - - - 28.57 2006 Segment result 15.07 - Excess provision written back Total - 15.07 2007 Portfolio Management Services Income from inter segments Income from external customers Segment Revenue Particulars (i) Business Segment (Continued) 24.1 Segment reporting (Continued) 24 Notes to the accounts (Continued) - 14.01 84.77 6,025.81 2,363.02 2007 - - 647.35 (7.07) 5.70 (291.94) 121.84 100.35 - - 21.49 2007 Un-allocated - 1.12 1.12 753.00 514.10 2006 - - 221.39 1.49 3.34 (131.45) 6.55 3.98 - - 2.57 2006 2.89 37.70 140.76 6,866.69 12,687.39 2007 1,100.57 - 647.35 (7.07) 5.70 1,746.55 3,712.53 108.43 12.88 - 3,591.22 2007 Total 1.62 20.49 55.48 1,725.30 3,509.31 2006 417.29 20.72 221.39 1.49 3.34 664.23 1,533.33 26.49 3.65 - 1,503.19 2006 (in millions) Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees) 67 Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees) 24 Notes to the accounts 24.2 Related parties (A) Ke Keyy management personnel Rashesh Shah Venkat Ramaswamy Nilesh Shah Naresh Kothari Sunil Wadhwani Ramanan Raghavendran (B) Relatives of key management personnel with whom transactions have taken place during the year: Vidya Shah Roopa Shah Aparna T. C. Kirtilal Shah Sharda Shah Rushil Shah Neel Shah Sharmishtha Shah A.V. Ramaswamy (C) Enterprises in which key management personnel exercise significant influence, with whom transactions have taken place during the year: Rashesh Shah HUF Nilesh Shah HUF E-Cap Partners (the Company retired as partner since 15 November 2005) Niranjan Nanavati H.U.F 68 (4.07) (7.30) 2006 2007 (13.27) (0.01) 0.73 13.81 62.57 (59.17) (0.08) - - 3.94 22.12 149.70 (158.35) (0.38) - - (8.00) - (5.00) 5.00 (0.98) - 2006 - (2.60) 2007 Rashesh Shah Figures in brackets indicate income / liabilities Sundry debtors Sundry creditors Bonus payable Income from partnership f irms Share of profits Secondary market transactions: Dividend paid Remuneration Purchase of securities Sale of securities Brokerage income Fees received Current account transactions Amounts taken Amounts given Equity shares capital Equity shares-partly paid shares alloted at premium Capital account transactions Prefrence shares capital Particulars (D) Transactions with related parties 24.2 Related parties (Continued) 24 Notes to the accounts (Continued) (13.27) 2007 - 1.79 22.28 (0.37) (0.01) - - - - - 2007 (4.64) 2006 (0.01) 0.26 9.11 1.44 (0.01) - - (8.00) (0.98) - 2006 Venkat Ramaswamy (24.88) 2007 - 39.34 47.17 (36.20) (0.21) - - - - - 2007 (10.95) 2006 - 17.74 7.36 (13.97) (0.06) - - - - - 2006 Nilesh Shah - 2007 - 0.15 - - - - - - 2007 2.68 - 2006 - 0.05 - (2.43) - - - - 2006 Sunil Wadhwani Key Management Personnel - 2007 - - (0.06) - - - - 2007 0.23 - 2006 - - (0.21) - - - - 2006 Ramanan Raghavendran (13.27) 2007 - 23.44 - - - - - - 2007 (6.63) 2006 - 12.57 - - - - - - 2006 Naresh Kothari (64.69) 2007 - 5.88 107.18 196.86 (194.92) (0.59) (0.06) (5.00) 5.00 - - (2.60) 2007 Total 2.91 (4.07) (29.52) 2006 (0.02) 1.04 53.23 71.37 (73.14) (0.14) (2.64) - (16.00) (1.96) - 2006 (in millions) Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees) 69 70 - Amounts given Figures in brackets indicate income / liabilities - 2006 2007 Sundry creditors (0.01) (0.12) Brokerage income - - (26.88) 0.15 Sale of securities - Remuneration 0.10 20.13 0.44 Dividend paid 1.16 - - - 2006 Purchase of securities 1.16 Rent paid Secondary market transactions: - - 2007 Aparna T.C. Amounts taken Current Account transactions alloted at premium Equity shares-partly paid shares Share application Particulars (D) Transactions with related parties (Continued) 24.2 Related parties (Continued) 24 Notes to the accounts (Continued) (1.46) 2007 (0.13) (27.31) 26.04 4.09 1.10 - 5.00 (5.00) - 2007 Vidya Shah - 2006 (0.02) (1.77) 6.72 4.20 0.23 - - - (0.93) 2006 - 2007 (0.13) (28.94) 23.68 - - - - - - 2007 (2.01) 2006 - - - - - - - - - 2006 Roopa N Shah Relatives of Key Management Personnel - 2007 (0.02) (5.36) 4.33 - 0.44 - - - - 2007 Others (0.05) 2006 (0.01) (0.66) 0.08 - 0.10 - - - - 2006 (1.46) 2007 (0.40) (88.49) 74.18 4.09 1.98 1.16 5.00 (5.00) - 2007 Total (2.06) 2006 (0.04) (2.43) 6.95 4.20 0.43 1.16 - - (0.93) 2006 (in millions) Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees) Figures in brackets indicate income / liabilities 0.49 - 2.84 2006 2007 Sundry debtors Loans and advances (0.30) (0.08) (0.01) (0.08) (0.01) - (0.61) (0.28) (0.01) (0.13) (0.01) (0.01) (0.06) Reimbursements Rent Utilities Communication Leasehold improvement expenses Office expenses Printing & stationery Legal & professional fees (2.72) (0.16) - (82.31) 62.68 (0.01) 2006 - 201.95 (307.83) (0.04) (3.29) - - 2007 E-Cap Partners 0.42 - 2007 - - - - (4.00) (376.00) - 2007 - 2006 - - - - - 2006 Oak Holdings Pvt. Ltd. - 2007 - - 61.27 (69.05) (0.19) - - 2007 - 2006 - - 143.90 (147.78) (0.28) - - 2006 Nilesh Shah HUF - 2007 - - - - - 2007 - 2006 - - 1.83 (1.85) (0.01) - - 2006 Rashesh Shah HUF 2007 2.84 2006 2007 0.91 - (0.30) (0.08) (0.01) (0.08) (0.01) - (2.72) (0.16) 145.73 (149.63) (0.29) (82.31) 62.68 (0.61) (0.28) (0.01) (0.13) (0.01) (0.01) (0.06) - 263.22 (376.88) (0.23) (3.29) - (0.01) 2006 (in millions) Total (4.00) (376.00) - Enterprises in which Key Management Personnel and the Company exercise Significant Influence Income from Partnership Firms Share of profits Interest received Secondary market transactions: Purchases Sales Brokerage received Amounts taken Amounts given Capital Account Equity shares capital Securities premium Amount invested Amount withdrawn Current Account Transactions Particulars (D) Transactions with related parties (Continued) 24.2 Related parties (Continued) 24 Notes to the accounts (Continued) Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees) 71 Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees) 24 Notes to the accounts (Continued) 24.3 Income from arbitrage and trading in securities and derivatives includes loss of Rs. 10.86 millions (Previous year loss of Rs. 1.17 millions) on account of error trades. 24.4 Earning per share In accordance with Accounting Standard 20 on Earnings Per Share issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, the computation of earnings per share is set out below : (in millions) a) 2007 2006 1,100.57 438.01 0.19 - 1,100.38 438.01 0.19 - 1,100.57 438.01 1,100.57 417.29 0.19 - 1,100.38 417.29 0.19 - 1,100.57 417.29 37,836,166 28,603,500 7,080,640 9,232,666 44,916,806 37,836,166 41,040,453 32,546,688 3,138,091 4,668,952 Shareholders earnings (as per profit and loss account - before extraordinary item) Less: Preference dividend declared by the Company (including dividend distribution tax) Net profit available to equity shareholders for the purpose of calculating basic earnings per share (before extraordinary item) Add: Savings in net profit on account of conversion of dilutive potential equity shares (including savings in tax) Net profit available to equity shareholders for the purpose of calculating diluted earnings per share (before extraordinary item) b) Shareholders earnings (as per profit and loss account - after extraordinary item) Less: Preference dividend declared by the Company (including dividend distribution tax) Net profit available to equity shareholders for the purpose of calculating basic earnings per share (after extraordinary item) Add: Savings in net profit on account of conversion of dilutive potential equity shares (including savings in tax) Net profit available to equity shareholders for the purpose of calculating diluted earnings per share (after extraordinary item) c) Calculation of weighted average number of Equity Shares of Rs 1 each: (A) Number of shares at the beginning of the year (B) Number of Shares issued during the year Total number of equity shares outstanding at the end of the year Weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the year (based on the date of issue of shares) Number of dilutive potential equity shares 72 d) Basic earnings per share before extraordinary item (in rupees) (a/c) 26.81 13.46 e) Basic earnings per share after extraordinary item (in rupees) (b/c) 26.81 12.82 f) Diluted earnings per share before extraordinary item (in rupees) (a/c) 24.91 11.77 g) Diluted earnings per share after extraordinary item (in rupees) (b/c) 24.91 11.21 Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees) 24 Notes to the accounts (Continued) 24.5 Managerial remuneration (in millions) Salary and bonus 2007 2006 106.77 50.47 0.41 2.66 - 0.03 107.18 53.16 Rent Perquisite * Total Provision for gratuity are based on actuarial valuation done on an overall Company basis. * Valued as per Income Tax Act, 1961, of India 24.6 Deferred tax The primary components that gave rise to deferred tax liabilities and assets are as follows: (in millions) 2007 2006 - (1.23) 4.03 2.37 3.40 1.37 0.09 1.18 3.99 0.13 0.11 11.26 4.18 2007 2006 2.33 5.61 6.88 0.53 5.18 0.06 1.48 5.80 0.07 0.33 0.46 - Total 20.59 8.14 Income earned in foreign currency (on accrual basis) Fee income (gross) Other income 34.33 0.14 17.22 0.04 Total 34.47 17.26 Deferred tax liability Tax effect of the timing difference between book and tax depreciation Deferred tax assets Tax effect of Provision for Gratuity The timing difference between book and tax depreciation Difference on account of Section 43B disallowances Difference of extraordinary item Difference of provision for doubtful debts Preliminary expenses allowed under section 35 D Net deferred tax asset / (liability) 24.7 Foreign currency transactions The Company has undertaken the following transactions in foreign currency: (in millions) Expenditure incurred in Foreign Currency (on accrual basis) Travel Professional fees Employee cost License fees Miscellaneous Equity dividend paid Preference dividend paid 73 Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees) 24 Notes to the accounts (Continued) 24.8 Operating leases The Company has taken premises on operating lease. Gross rental expenses for the year ended 31 March 2007 aggregated to Rs. 61.32 millions (Previous year Rs 36.51 millions) which has been included under the head Operating expenses - Rent in the profit and loss account. Details of future minimum lease payments for the non-cancellable operating lease are as follows: 24.9 (in millions) 2007 2006 Minimum lease payments for non cancellable lease - not later than one year - later than one year and not later than five years - later than five years 49.39 33.44 - 9.77 7.39 - Total 82.83 17.16 Contingent liability a) Edelweiss Securities Private Limited, a subsidiary of the Company has provided bank guarantees aggregating to Rs. 1,815.00 millions (Previous year Rs. 685.00 millions) as on 31 March, 2007 for the following purposes to: i) The National Stock Exchange of India Limited - Rs. 300.50 millions (Previous year Rs. 125.50 millions) and Rs. 2.50 millions (Previous year Rs. 2.50 millions) for meeting margin requirements and towards security deposit respectively. ii) Bombay Stock Exchange Limited - Rs. 240.00 millions (31 March, 2006 Rs. 110.00 millions) and Rs. 1.00 million (Previous year Rs. 1.00 million) for meeting margin requirements and towards security deposit respectively. iii) Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services Limited - Rs. 1,271.00 millions (Previous year Rs. 446.00 millions) towards initial margin. It has pledged fixed deposits with banks aggregating of Rs. 910.00 millions (Previous year Rs. 354.67 millions) for obtaining the above bank guarantees. Further, it has pledged the fixed deposits with the following: b) i) OTCEI Rs. 0.30 million (Previous year Rs. 0.30 million) for meeting base capital requirements. ii) Bombay Stock Exchange Limited Rs. 13.00 millions (Previous year Rs. 1.00 million) for meeting base capital requirements. iii) Central Depository Services Limited Rs. 2.84 millions (Previous year Rs. 5.00 millions) for meeting claims and rebates. iv) National Stock Exchange of India Limited Rs. 20.00 millions (Previous year Rs. Nil) for meeting base capital requirements. v) Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services Limited - Rs. 80.00 millions (Previous year Nil) towards initial margin. Edelweiss Commodities and Advisors Limited, a subsidiary company has provided bank guarantee aggregating Rs. 24.00 millions (Previous year Rs. 4.00 millions) as on 31 March 2007 to the Multi Commodity Exchange of India Limited for meeting margin requirements. It has pledged fixed deposit with bank amounting to Rs. 11.00 millions (Previous year Rs. 1.00 million) for obtaining the above bank guarantee. 74 c) Taxation matters in respect of which appeal is pending - Rs. 6.81 millions (Previous year Rs. 8.65 millions). This is being disputed by Edelweiss Capital Limited and hence not provided for. The demand paid under protest against such contingent liability is Rs. 4.57 millions (Previous year Rs 3.70 millions). d) Income tax demands against Edelweiss Securities Private Limited, a subsidiary company not acknowledged as debts Rs. 28.59 millions (Previous year Rs. 0.08 million). The demand paid under protest against such contingent liability is Rs. 15.04 millions (Previous year Nil) Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees) 24 Notes to the accounts (Continued) 24.9 Contingent liability (Continued) e) Taxation matters in respect of which appeal is pending - Rs. 0.36 million (Previous year Rs. Nil). This is being disputed by the Crossborder Investments Private Limited, a subsidiary company and hence not provided for. The demand paid under protest against such contingent liability is Rs. 0.18 million (Previous year Rs. Nil). f) The Company has issued corporate guarantees to the extent of Rs. 3,690.00 millions (previous year Rs. 1,205.00 millions), in favour of Banks to secure the credit facilities sanctioned by these banks to Edelweiss Securities Private Limited and Edelweiss Commodities & Advisors Limited (Subsidiary Companies). 24.10 Capital commitment Capital commitments (net of advances) - Rs. 320.92 millions (Previous year Rs. 16.21 millions). 24.11 During the financial year 2005-06, Edelweiss Securities Private Limited, a subsidiary company had received claims from certain Beneficial Owners (BO) on account of transactions in Depository accounts at its branch through counterfeit signatures by the remisiers on Delivery Instructions Slips (DISs). In respect of any other future claims by BOs, a prudential provision of Rs. 6.11 millions had been made by the management as detailed below: Nature of Liability (in millions) Provision as on 1 April 2006 Addition Amount used Unused amount reversed Provision as on 31 March 2007 Claims and Rebates 6.11 - - - 6.11 Total 6.11 - - - 6.11 24.12 Optionally Fully Convertible Debentures have been issued by subsidiaries at a face value of Rs.100 each with a conversion option of one equity share of Rs. 10 each for every fifty debentures of Rs.100 each held on expiry of two months from the date of allotment. In case of non-conversion, the debentures shall be redeemed at face value. The Company also has the option to buy back the debentures at any time after three months from the date of allotment. The debentures are nontransferable and non-marketable. These debentures carry a Daily Put / Call Option. 24.13 During the financial year 2005-06, Edelweiss Securities Private Limited, a subsidiary company had subscribed to and was allotted 10,000 fully paid equity shares of the face value of Re.1 each for cash at par of Bombay Stock Exchange Limited (BSEL) in accordance with the BSE (Corporatisation and Demutualization) Scheme 2005 (the Scheme). The same being in the nature of long term investments have been accordingly disclosed in Schedule 8 to the Balance Sheet. Further, pursuant to the Scheme, the Company had classified during the financial year 2005-06, the book value of its Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) membership card amounting to Rs. 8.50 millions from "Fixed Assets" (Schedule 7) to "Investments" (Schedule 8). 75 76 Options vested as at 31 March 2007 Less - Options lapsed until 31 March 2007 Less - Options exercised until 31 March 2007 Add - Options vested until 31 March 2007 Options vested as at 1 April 2006 Grants as at 31 March 2007 Less - Options exercised until 31 March 2007 31 March 2007 Less - Options lapsed/cancelled until Add - Options granted until 31 March 2007 Grants as at 1 April 2006 Total Options approved by the members Scheme D 5,080,000 - (432,250) (1,327,890) 276,880 1,483,260 1,250 (1,327,890) (766,750) - 2,095,890 1 (304,620) - - (1,749,000) 157,870 1,895,750 - (1,749,000) (338,620) - 2,087,620 2,435,000 E 12.5 - (3,750) 3,750 - 1,250 (3,750) - - 5,000 95 - (26,250) (221,250) 158,750 88,750 63,750 (221,250) (50,000) - 335,000 12.5 F - (15,000) (482,500) 322,500 175,000 192,500 (482,500) (50,000) - 95 - - (157,736) 157,736 - 270,264 (157,736) (56,250) 225,000 259,250 2,000,000 725,000 25 - - - - - - 200,000 - - 200,000 200 G - - - - - 1,354,000 - (14,500) 200,000 200 - - - - - - 205,000 - - 205,000 4,000,000 1,168,500 95 Pursuant to the Guidance Note issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India on Accounting for Employee Share-based Payments, fair value of the Company's shares is determined under earnings capitalization method considering weighted average adjusted profit after tax for last 3 years of all the subsidiary companies. The Company has granted the options under its ESOP scheme on 1 October 2006 having an exercise price of Rs. 95 per option and on 31 March 2007 having an exercise price of Rs. 200 per option. The fair value of each share has been determined as per the method specified above is Rs.117 as on 1 October 2006 and Rs 167 as on 31 March 2007. Accordingly, the charge debited to profit & loss account towards compensation cost on accounting for ESOP is Rs. 2.49 millions (Previous year Nil) 24.14 Employee Stock Option Plans (ESOP) Notes to the accounts (Continued) Exercise Price (Rs.) 24 Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees) Edelweiss Schedules to the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2007 (Continued) (Currency Indian Rupees) 24 Notes to the accounts (Continued) 24.15 Capital work in progress represents advance towards flats under construction. 24.16 Previous year comparatives Previous year figures have been regrouped and rearranged wherever necessary For and on behalf of the Board of Directors Rashesh Shah Managing Director Venkat Ramaswamy Wholetime Director Shilpa Soti Company Secretary Mumbai Date : 5 June 2007 77