App plication Note e MOS--010 D December r 2013 Paralleling Pow wer MOS SFETs in n Switch hing App plication ns Abstract: This paper discu usses issues involved in pa aralleling MO OSFETs in hig gh-power, high-frequency switching s applications. It investigattes root causse problems such s as unba alanced volta age and curre ent by taking a closer examination of PCB layou uts and importtant circuit de esign parametters for driving paralleled MOSFETs. M 1. Introdu uction MOSFETs with w low on-re esistance and d fast switch hing characte eristics are widely w used in n switch-mod de power supplies and motor driverrs in e-bikes, electric-moto or cars, powerr tools and electric lawn mowers. m In th hese high power appliccations, multip ple MOSFETss used in parrallel are ofte en necessary to increase current capab bility and improve efficiency. Multiple facto ors influence successful pa aralleling of high-speed h po ower MOSFE ETs. Variancce in the actual device parameters, asymmetric gate drivers, and poor layout of the PCB P can cau use a numbe er of problem ms. First, unbalanced current c flow in i parallel MO OSFETs can provoke ove er-current con nditions and damage one or more MOSFETs. Second, the drain-to-sourcce voltage ap pplied to each h MOSFET can c actually be b different, potentially reaching dam maging levels s on the drain n of one of th he devices. Finally, parassitic oscillatio ons can appe ear at the gate of each h MOSFET, causing c exce essive gate-to o-source voltage, potentia ally damaging g one or morre of the MOSFETs byy exceeding its maximum m rated VGS. This application note con nducts a deta ailed study off each of these issues and provides s recommended solutions. 2. Unbala anced Currrent and Vo oltage- in Parallel P MO OSFET App plications Under steadyy-state condittions, paralleled MOSFETss work well, sharing s curren nt with an equal amount of o voltage across each.. The on-res sistance (RDSS(on)) of a MO OSFET has a positive tem mperature coe efficient, meaning that RDS(on) increa ases with tem mperature. This known phenomenon n assists in paralleling MOSFETs M as it helps balance the current among multiple MOSFETs. M Current flowss through the e path of lea ast resistance e and as current incre eases in one MOSFET, power dissipation also increases, heatiing the devicce and increa asing the RDS(on). At that point, curre ent will flow to o one of the other o MOSFETs with a low wer resistance e, causing the e inherent current sharin ng amongst the MOSFETss. Under switch hing condition ns, the story iss very differe ent. Generallyy speaking, a MOSFET be ehaves like a voltagecontrolled sw witch. During g the dynam mic process of o switching, many factorrs can cause e current and d voltage imbalances, especially at higher freque encies. The characteristiccs of the MOS SFET, includiing the gate threshold t voltage, its forward f trans sconductance e, total gate charge (Qg), RDS(on), the actual driverr circuit and parasitic inductances in the PCB all a factor in to current and voltage imba alances. The e MOSFET pa arameters are e fixed at the time of de evice producttion and cann not be change ed in the appllication, and screening s MO OSFETs to ge et exactly matched para ameters can be economica ally challengin ng. The bestt way to preve ent these prob blems is to usse proper gate driver design d techniques that en nsure that the e current and d voltage acrross the para alleled MOSF FETs are properly bala anced. Rev. 1.0 www Page 1 of 8 Applicatio on Note MOS-010 M 2.1. Current Unbalance Resulting R Fro om MOSFET T Parameters s Understandin ng MOSFET parameters and a how theyy affect curren nt and voltage e balancing in n paralleled MOSFET M applications is i an importan nt first step to o determining the right solu ution to the prroblems that may m arise. Threshold Vo oltage, Gate-tto-Sourec (VGS(TH) ): Parallleled MOSFE ETs are norma ally driven byy the same ga ate driver G or gate driverr signal. A MOSFET with a lower gate-to-source thre eshold voltag ge (VGS(TH)) will turn on fastter than a second MOS SFET with a slightly s higherr VGS(TH). Thiss results in higher current flowing throu ugh the MOSFET with the lower VGSS(TH) and an unbalanced cu urrent situation. Forward Tran nsconductanc ce (gFS): In th he saturation region betwe een the cut-offf region whe ere the MOSF FET turns off and the Ohmic O region where the MOSFET M is fu ully on, the drain d current is i controlled by the gate-tto-source voltage, VGS. This region is governe ed by the forrward transco onductance (gFS) characte eristics of the e device. Different gate e-to-source voltages v will cause c curren nt imbalancess during the transition t from m on to off and a viceversa. Gate Charge e (Qg): Total gate charge, the total cha arge required at the gate to o turn-on the MOSFET an nd enable current flow from drain-to o-source, will significantly affect a the sw witching speed d of the MOS SFET. When n multiple h a lower Qg value, it will turn on faster than the re est of the MOSFETs arre paralleled, if one of the MOSFETs has MOSFETs. This T faster tu urn on causess that MOSFE ET to handle the majority of o the currentt during the trransition, causing anotther unbalanc ced current co ondition. 2.2. The Effe ect of the Gate Driver Res sistance on Current Imba alance In the gate driver d circuit shown s in figu ure 1, an intentional mismatch has bee en created an nd tested to show s the impact of mismatched m gate g resistan nces. As will w be shown n in section 3, the use of gate ressistors is recommende ed in high-freq quency applications to avvoid additiona al complicatio ons, and it is critical to ensure that these gate re esistors are matched m as closely as posssible. In the gate g driver circuit shown in n figure 1, Q1 1 and Q2 are paralleled d. R1 is the driving d resisto or connected in series with h the gate of Q1. Q R3 is con nnected to R1 1 and the gate of Q2. This T creates the t gate drive er mismatch. Figure F 1. Driving Circuit with the Gatte Resistor Mismatch M Rev. 1.0 www Page 2 of 8 Applicatio on Note MOS-010 M Figure 2a. Turn-On Waveforms Figu ure 2b. Turn--Off Waveforrms t gate-to-so ource voltages during turn--on and turn-off that resultt from the gatte driving Figures 2a and 2b show the resistor mism match. Chann nel 1 shows the t faster turn n-on and turn n-off times of Q1, the resu ult of the sligh htly lower gate resistan nce. These fa aster switchin ng times provo oke higher cu urrent flow thrrough Q1, compared to the current flow through Q2. The higher current flo ow through th he parasitic in nductance in the t drain and d source of Q1 causes larger voltage e peaks and ringing. The e difference between b Q1 and a Q2 in fig gures 2a and 2b shows th hat Q1 is handling larg ger peak curre ents during th he transitions due to the mismatched m gate driver ressistors. It is important to balance cu urrent through h each MOSF FET during trransitions to avoid a excessiive stress on one of the MOSFETs M in a paralleled application,, and using matching m gate resistance is the key to acchieving the desired d perforrmance. ect of the Gate Driver Cirrcuit Layout on o Voltage Unbalance U 2.3. The Effe In high-powe er, high-frequ uency applica ations, the pa arasitic inducctance of the e PCB can negatively n im mpact the overall syste em. Excessiv ve stray inductance in the e drain may cause c the MOSFET to fa ail if they are not well controlled. Figure 3 show ws parasitic inductance in two parallele ed MOSFETs, intentionallyy skewed to simulate s a poo or layout. In this circuit, the drain ind ductance of Q1 Q is 40nH (L L1) and the inductance of Q2 Q is 20nH (L L2). AOT470 is a 75V MOSFET tha at was chosen n for this simu ulation. Fig gure 3. A Sim mulating Circ cuit with Diffferent Drain Inductance I Rev. 1.0 www Page 3 of 8 Applicatio on Note MOS-010 M Inducced by drain inductance and di/dt Q1 VDS D Ringing Q2 VDS Q2 current Q1 current Figu ure 4. Simulation Waveforms with Diff fferent Drain Inductances s During turn-o off a voltage will w be added to the maxim mum drain voltage as dete ermined by the e parasitic ind ductance and the chan nging current (V = L* di/dt)). If the matcching circuits consist of the e same di/dt characteristicc and the parasitic inductance is optimized o for each MOSF FET, the max drain volta age seen by each device e will be approximately the same. When the parasitic inducta ances in the drains d are diffferent, the two o excessive voltages v caussed by the V = L * di/dt term will be unequal. u This s difference, in i turn, influen nces the mag gnitude of the e di/dt and eve entually will re esult in a higher drain voltage on Q1. Q Additiona ally, since the e drain inducctance of Q1 is larger, its ringing amplitude (as shown in figu ure 4) is also larger when L1 rings with h the Coss of the AOT470 and the para asitic resistan nce in the circuit. This combination n of ringing and a the volta age spike on the drain du uring turn-off can easily make m the MOSFET excceed its maxiimum rated drain-to-sourc e voltage and d d cause failurre. By carefu ully designing the gate driver circuit as shown in section 2.2, and minimizing parasitic circuit c inducta ance during PCB P layout, th he circuit designer can avoid these mismatches. 3. Managing Potenttial Oscillattions in Pa aralleled MOSFET M Ap pplications s Many design ners tend to directly d conne ect both gatess and both drains togethe er when parallleling two MO OSFETs. However, thiss approach can c easily cau use an oscilla ation on the gate. g Worst case, c the osccillation ampliitude can even surpasss the maximum rated gate voltage and wind w up dama aging the MO OSFET. Rev. 1.0 www Page 4 of 8 Applicatio on Note MOS-010 M 3.1. Example es of Oscillation s of Two MOSFETs Direc ctly Paralleled Figurre 5. Turn-Offf Waveforms s of Two MOSFETs Parallleled with Se eparate Driving Resistorrs Figurre 6. Turn-Offf Waveforms Figure 5 sho ows a clear example e of an a oscillation that can occcur when the two gates are a directly co onnected together. Th he high freque ency oscillatio on of ~150MH Hz occurs during the turn--on and turn-o off transitionss. These oscillations often o have ve ery high amp plitudes and can easily exceed e the maximum m ratting of gate-tto-source voltage or dra ain-to-source voltage and damage the device. d Through the use of individ dual gate drivving resistors, the oscillatio on can easilyy be removed d. Figure 6 sh hows the ding a single resistor in the gate of each e MOSFET. Both gatte and drain voltages are e virtually result of add identical on the t two MOSFETs, meaning that the cu urrent through each device can be asssumed to be the t same when paralleled. This gre eatly improvess the reliabilityy of the circuit. ause Analysis s of Gate Os scillation 3.2. Root Ca To understan nd the cause e of the high h frequency oscillation att the gate off two MOSFETs that are e directly connected to ogether, it is s important to o analyze th he equivalentt circuit. Fig gure 7 show ws the two paralleled p MOSFETs with w the paras sitic drain ind ductances, gate capacitan nces (Cgd), and gate ressistances all detailed. These compo onents form a low-impedan nce loop and can be consiidered as a se eries RLC equivalent circu uit. f0 Resonan nt frequency of o a series RL LC circuit : Q Quality fa actor of a seriies RLC circu uit: Rev. 1.0 0 L R 1 2 LC C (1) 1 R 0 C www (2) Page 5 of 8 Applicatio on Note MOS-010 M Equations 1 and a 2 determ mine the reson nant frequenccy of the serie es equivalent circuit and th he quality facttor (Q) at that resonant frequency. The lower impedance th he circuit hass, the higher the resulting Q factor. The T more selective a circuit c behave es in respond ding to signals of a given n frequency, the t higher th he resulting oscillation o amplitude. In order to av void this oscillation, equal gate resistors are recom mmended in series s with ea ach gate, s the oscillatio on when the loop impedan nce is very low w. which will help to suppress Figurre 7. Model of o Paralleling g of MOSFET Ts OT474 powerr MOSFETs are a paralleled d, the oscillatiion that results is due to th he reduced Cgd value, When two AO which in turn n increases th he Q factor (Q Q is inverselyy proportional to Cgd). The e solution is to t connect a separate gate resistor of 10 to th he gate of ea ach MOSFET to reduce th he Q factor and suppress the oscillatio on on the gates, as sho own in figure 6. 6 The circuit simulation in figures 8a, 8b and 9 further demonstrate es why seriess gate resista ances are imp portant to suppressing oscillations. The parameters used in this model were obtained from the electrical specifiication of e’s internal Rg is 2.8 and the Cgd is 36pF. Asssuming the parasitic the AOT474 datasheet. The device o 60nH in the loop, the new n equivalent circuit and d the values of the equiva alent impedances are inductance of show in figurre 8a. Figure e 8b shows th he impact of adding a a 10 series gate resistor each MOSFET, in ncreasing the effective gate resistance from 5.6 to 25.6. Rev. 1.0 www Page 6 of 8 Applicatio on Note MOS-010 M Figure 8a. RLC Circu uit Model with Internal Rg R Figurre 8b. RLC Circuit Model with a 10Ohm Resistor in Series S with the t Gate Small-signal analysis perfformed using the paramete ers obtained from the AOT T474 datashe eet and the equivalent circuit modells shown in figures f 8a an nd 8b yielded the results shown s in figu ure 9. The red r curve obttained by simulating th he circuit in figure 8a shows the app proximately 150MHz reso onant frequen ncy at high Q, Q which corresponds nicely to the waveform sh hown in figure e 5. The blue e curve is the simulation re esult for the equivalent circuit in figurre 8b, showin ng the impact of adding a 10 1 gate resistor to each MOSFET M gate e. The Q factor of the circuit is significantly reduc ced, explainin ng the result shown s in figure 6 of a veryy clean gate drive d waveform m. Figure 9. Simulation Wa aveforms of a Series RLC C Circuit Rev. 1.0 www Page 7 of 8 Applicatio on Note MOS-010 M 4. Conclu usion For optimal current c sharing and voltage e balance whe en using para alleled MOSF FETs in switch hing applicatio ons, care must be take en while desig gning the circcuit. Dedicatted gate resisstors for each h MOSFET will w help match h turn-on and turn-off times t while re emoving the possibility p for high-frequen ncy oscillation ns. Proper ca are during PC CB layout in order to minimize current loops while e keeping trace lengths sh hort, wide and d matched to reduce the amount a of parasitic indu uctance in hig gh current patths will help keep the voltages equal and within the design d specificcation. Reference es 1. Parallelin ng of MOSFETs J.B. Forssythe, IEEE-IA AS Conferencce Record, Occtober 1981. 2. Analysis of Power MO OSFET Perforrmance in Parrallel Operatio on QAIN Min n, XU Ming-qiian, Min Zhi-n nan (Institute of Mechanica al Engineering g, Tongji Univversity, Shang ghai 201804, China, C 2007.1 11 © 2013 Alpha and Omega Se emiconductor, Inc. All rights reserved. r LEGAL DISCL LAIMER Alpha and Om mega Semicond ductor makes no representatio ons or warrantiies with respecct to the accura acy or complete eness of the information n provided here ein and takes no n liabilities for the consequen nces of use of such informatio on or any product described here ein. Alpha and Omega Semicconductor reserrves the right to o make change es to such inforrmation at any time without furtherr notice. This do ocument does not constitute the t grant of any intellectual property p rights or o representatio on of noninfringement of any third partty’s intellectual property rightss. LIFE SUPPOR RT POLICY ALPHA AND OMEGA O SEMIC CONDUCTOR PRODUCTS ARE A NOT AUT THORIZED FOR R USE AS CRIITICAL COMPO ONENTS IN LIFE SUPP PORT DEVICES S OR SYSTEM MS. n: As used herein 1. Life supportt devices or sys stems are devicces or systems which h, (a) are intend ded for surgical implant into the body or (b)) support or sus stain life, and (c) ( whose failure to perfo orm when prope erly used in acccordance with instructions forr use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably exp pected to resullt in a significan nt injury of the user. Rev. 1.0 2. 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