HARMONICS IN POWER SYSTEMS: THEIR CAUSES, EFFECTS AND MITIGATION George J. Wakileh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering New Mexico State University Las Cruces, NM 88003 Abstract | Harmonics have existed in power systems for many years. However, the issue has recently received added signicance by the simultaneous setting of two trends: the electric utility's increased use of capacitor banks attempting an improved power factor, and the industry's widespread application of power-electronic converters seeking higher system reliability and eciency. This paper provides a discussion of the issue of harmonics in electric power systems. Their origins, eects and methods of reduction are reviewed providing a quantitative analysis when possible. Pertinent equations are developed. form is composed of sinusoidal waves of dierent frequencies; a basic waveform at the fundamental frequency and a number of sinusoids or harmonic components with frequencies that are integer multiples of the fundamental. This section is aimed at developing and presenting some basics that will lead to a better understanding of the issue of harmonics. A. Representation of Harmonics The Fourier series represents an eective way to study and analyze harmonic distortion. It allows inspecting the various I. INTRODUCTION constituents of a distorted waveform through decomposition. Generally, any periodic waveform can be expanded in the LECTRIC utilities are always concerned about having a high power factor which has several advantages. This is, form of a Fourier series as however, accompanied by the industry's increasing use of variable speed drives and electronic equipment which, as sources 1 X of undesirable phenomena, can interact with power factor f (t) = A0 + (Ah cos h!0 t + Bh sin h!0 t) correction capacitor banks to result in voltage and current amh=1 plication. The steep development that the industry of solid-state elec1 X tronics has undergone lately, resulted in the introduction of Ch cos(h!0 t + h ) (1) = A 0+ \delicate" appliances which are more sensitive to the quality h =1 of power supplied by electric utilities, in comparison with the \robust" devices of the older days. At the same time, these where electric appliances result in the distortion of the steady-state f (t) is a periodic function of frequency f0 , angular frequency ac current and voltage waveforms. !0 = 2f0 and period T = 1=f0 This dilemma has set the basis for paying considerable atten- C1 cos(!0 t + 1 ) represents the fundamental component tion to the quality of electric power and seriously addressing the C cos(h!0 t + h ) represents the hth harmonic of amplitude issue of current and voltage distortion, a major form of which h Ch , frequency hf0 and phase h RT is harmonic distortion. 1 Harmonics are components of a distorted periodic waveform A0 = T2 R0T f (t) dt whose frequencies are integer multiples of the fundamental fre- Ah = T R0 f (t) cos(h!0 t) dt 2 T quency. Bh = p T 0 f (t) sin(h!0 t) dt This paper provides a quantitative discussion of harmonics. 2 2 h Section II provides some preliminaries. The Fourier series is Ch = Ah ?+1 B presented. Characteristics of harmonics are illustrated. Equa- h = ? tan ABhh . tions pertinent to distortion measures are developed. The use of capacitor banks for reactive power supply and power factor B. Characteristics of Harmonics in Power Systems correction is discussed. Resonance is explained. Symmetry: Origins of harmonic distortion are dealt with in Section III. o Odd symmetry is characterized by f (?t) = ?f (t) and Section IV is aimed at quantifying the eects of harmonic distorresults in no cosine terms in the waveform Fourier series tion on power system equipment and loads. Impacts on capacexpansion [1]. itor banks, transformers and rotating machines are examined. o Even symmetry is characterized by f (?t) = f (t) and reFinally, Section V is devoted to the reduction or suppressults in the waveform Fourier series expansion having sion of power system harmonics. Particular attention on how only cosine terms [1]. to attain this in converters, capacitor banks, transformers and o Waveforms with half-wave symmetry, f (tT=2) = ?f (t), rotating machines is given. have zero dc components and result in the cancellation of even-order (2, 4, 6, ...) harmonics. This feature leads us II. FUNDAMENTALS OF HARMONICS to ignore even harmonics in power systems [2] since they consist of bilateral components that produce voltages Sinusoidal waveforms are preferred since a sine wave contains and currents which are half-wave symmetric. no harmonics thus reducing iron losses and resulting in an in In a balanced three-phase system, the individual frequency creased eciency. Moreover, machine, transformer and electric harmonic components are of entirely positive, negative or appliance designs assume a sinusoidal supply thus simplifying zero sequence. The Fourier series representation of phase design calculations. However, a sinusoidal waveform is somevoltages reveals that: thing ideal and cannot be realized in practice. A distorted wave- E o fundamental as well as fourth, seventh, ... harmonics have positive sequence o second, fth, ... harmonics have negative sequence o triplen (third, sixth, ...) harmonics have zero sequence. The property that linear networks in balanced power systems have their responses to dierent harmonics independent of others, enables us [1] to treat each harmonic separately. That is, construct the equivalent circuit for each harmonic (in the frequency domain) and solve for currents and voltages. The total response is obtained by adding the harmonic components in the time domain. C. Measures of Harmonic Distortion A distorted periodic current or voltage waveform expanded into a Fourier series is expressed as follows 1 X Ih cos(h!0 t + h ) i(t) = V1 , I1 represent the fundamental peak voltage and current, respectively. With v(t) = h=1 and Vh cos(h!0 t + h ) the apparent power is v u 1 uX S = Vrms Irms = t Vh 2rms Ih 2rms h=1 Vh rms Ih rms cos(h ? h ) p p P = 2 Vh Ih cos(h ? h ) h=1 h=1 (7) h=1 p 1 1X = v u 1 p uX Irms = t Ih 2rms = I1 rms 1 + (CDF )2 = V1 rms I1 rms 1 + (V DF )2 1 + (CDF )2 where th harmonic peak current Ih is the hth Vh is the h harmonic peak voltage h is the hth harmonic current phase h is the hth harmonic voltage phase !0 is the fundamental angular frequency, !0 = 2f0 f0 is the fundamental frequency, f0 = 60 Hz. Accordingly, the following relationships for active and reactive power apply. Active power is 1 X (6) h=1 h=1 1 X v u 1 p uX Vrms = t Vh 2rms = V1 rms 1 + (V DF )2 p = S1 1 + (V DF )2 1 + (CDF )2 (8) where S1 is the apparent power at the fundamental frequency and the power factor is 1p pf = PS = SP p 1 1 + (V DF )2 1 + (CDF )2 = pfdisp pfdist pfdisp = SP1 1p 1 + (V DF )2 1 + (CDF )2 pfdist = p (2) where (9) pfdisp is the displacement power factor pfdist is the distortion power factor. Reactive power is dened as Noting that when harmonics are present, apparent power S is not only comprised of active power P and reactive power Q, Q = 2 Vh Ih sin(h ? h ) distortion power (voltamperes) D is dened [1], [2] to account for the dierence, where h=1 D2 = S 2 ? (P 2 + Q2 ) (10) 1 X = (3) Vh rms Ih rms sin(h ? h ) Finally, harmonics generate telephone interference through h=1 inductive coupling. The I:T product, used to measure telephone Voltage distortion factor V DF , also known as voltage total har- interference, is dened as [3] monic distortion THDV , is dened as v u 1 1X v u 1 uX 1 V DF = V t Vh2 1 h=2 1 uX (4) I:T = t h=1 (Ih Th )2 (11) where Analogously, current distortion factor CDF , further known as Th is the telephone interference weighting factor at the hth harmonic. current total harmonic distortion THDI , is dened as v D. Calculation of Distortion u 1 uX Harmonic studies are conducted to inspect the impacts of (5) CDF = I1 t Ih2 1 non-linear devices and analyze certain harmonic situations. h=2 They are aimed at detecting resonance and calculating distorwhere tion factors. An impedance scan, also known as a frequency scan, is a plot of the magnitude of driving point impedance at the bus of interest versus harmonic order or harmonic frequency and is useful in identifying resonance conditions. A dip occurring in the impedance value implies series resonance. Parallel resonance, on the other hand, is identied by a sharp rise in the impedance value. A harmonic power ow study further calculates fundamental and harmonic line currents and bus voltages. The outcome of dierent solutions could nally be examined through the simulation of various ltering alternatives. In simple systems, harmonic problems can be analyzed using a spreadsheet. Harmonic Power Flow Analysis Programs are further commercially available to analyze large systems and allow the detailed modeling of the dierent types of harmonicproducing devices. E. Capacitor Banks Switched at the bus of interest, capacitor banks provide a means of increasing the voltage and supplying reactive power thus correcting the system power factor [4]. Capacitor banks in parallel with an inductive load supply this load with reactive power thus reducing the system's reactive and apparent power, hence increasing its power factor. Moreover, capacitor current causes voltage rise which results in lower line losses and voltage drops leading to an improved eciency and voltage regulation [4]. Referring to the power triangle shown in Figure 1, the reactive power delivered by the capacitor bank is QC = Q1 ? Q2 = P (tan 1 ? tan 2 ) impedance is low and a small exciting voltage results in a huge current. Analogously, parallel resonance occurs in a parallel RLC circuit with equal inductive and capacitive reactances, so that the circuit admittance is low and a small exciting current develops a large voltage [1]. From the above, resonance occurs when X = !L = X = 1 L C !C that is, at a resonant frequency of ! = p 1 red/sec or f = p1 Hz (13) 2 LC Consider a power system represented by its Thevenin equivalent as shown in Figure 2. With the resistance neglected and for a base voltage equal to the rated voltage 1 1 (14) Xspu = SCMV A and XCpu = CAPMV A LC pu and the system's resonant frequency is f = 2p1L C = p !0 2 Xspu =XCpu s = f0 where r r XCpu = f SCMV Apu Xspu 0 CAPMV Apu pu (15) f0 is the system's fundamental frequency, 60 Hz SCMV Apu is the short circuit MVA at the bus dened by Equation 14 (12) CAPMV Apu is the capacitor MVA rating as dened by Equa- = P [tan(cos?1 pf1 ) ? tan(cos?1 pf2 )] tion 14 or approximated by Equation 12. where Equation 15 gives the implication that a system having P is the real power delivered by the system and absorbed by SCMV A = 25 pCAPMV A will undergo fth harmonic resthe load onance (f=f0 = 25 = 5). Q1 is the load reactive power S1 is the load apparent power Q2 is the system's reactive power with the capacitor bank conI Ls nected S2 is the system's apparent power with the capacitor bank IC connected j Xs I C IC pf1 is the original power factor, pf1 = cos 1 = P=S1 Vs pf2 is the improved power factor following the connection of j Xs I Z Vs the capacitor bank, pf2 = cos 2 = P=S2 Vbus V C C QC is the reactive power delivered by the capacitor bank. I Fig. 2. A power system with a shunt switched capacitor bank. QC S1 S2 Writing an equation for the phase voltage rise at the bus due to the connection of the capacitor bank, the system's resonant Q2 frequency can be re-expressed as φ1 φ2 f0 = p fo (16) f = 2p1L C = p P Vbus pu s Vbus =jVbus rated j Introducing the resonance order hr , dened as hr = f=f0 , Equation 16 becomes Fig. 1. Power triangle for a power factor correction capacitor bank. (17) Vbus = 1 Q1 pu h2r which tells that a 0.04 pu bus voltage rise due to the addition of F. Resonance a capacitor p results in resonance at the fth harmonic frequency Series resonance occurs in a series RLC circuit having (hr = 1= 0:04 = 5) and a 0.02ppu voltage rise corresponds to equal inductive and capacitive reactances, so that the circuit the seventh harmonic (hr = 1= 0:02 = 7:07). Harmonics in power systems have been known since the adoption of alternating current as a means for electric energy transmission. They have, however, been magnied nowadays with the increased use of non-linear devices. A non-linear device produces non-sinusoidal current when supplied with a sinusoidal voltage, and vice versa [1]. As sources of harmonics, non-linear devices can be classied as: Traditional (Classical) types: { Transformers { Rotating machines { Arc furnaces. Modern (Power-Electronic) types: { Fluorescent lamps { Electronic controls and switched-mode power supplies widely used these days in industry and modern oce electronic equipment { Thyristor-controlled devices which include: Rectiers Inverters Static VAR compensators Cycloconverters HVDC transmission. A. Transformers Power transformers are sources of harmonics since they use magnetic materials that are operated very close to and often in the non-linear region for economic purposes [1]. This results in the transformer magnetizing current being non-sinusoidal and containing harmonics (mainly third) even if the applied voltage were sinusoidal [5]. The converse is also true: if the magnetizing current were sinusoidal, the voltage could not be so. In three-phase transformers, a delta or ungrounded wye connection blocks the ow of zero sequence triplen harmonic currents. B. Rotating Machines Rotating machines are considered sources of harmonics because [1], [2] the windings are embedded in slots which can never be exactly sinusoidally distributed so that the mmf is distorted. However, and as will be seen later, coil spanning in three-phase machines is used to reduce fth and seventh harmonics. Moreover, large generators are usually connected to power grids through delta-connected transformers thus blocking the ow of third harmonic currents. Generally, harmonics produced by rotating machines are considered negligible compared to those produced by other sources [1]. However, a negative value of E and a greater than 90 ring angle put the converter in the dc/ac inversion (ac power supply or discharging) mode. Higher pulse number converters consist usually of two or more six-pulse converters operated through parallel transformers with some carefully selected phase shifts [1]. 1 3 5 Ideal Transformer III. SOURCES OF HARMONICS a b c E 4 6 2 Fig. 3. A three-phase six-pulse line-commutated converter. Consider two identical six-pulse converters operating in parallel through Y ? Y and Y ? transformers as depicted in Figure 4. The turns ratios are such that the same voltage magnitude is applied to both converters [1]. With the Y ? Y sixpulse converter phase current having a rectangular waveform, Iy would be expressed as Iy = I1 sin !0 t ? I5 sin 5!0 t ? I7 sin 7!0 t + I11 sin 11!0 t + I13 sin 13!0 t + : : : With the voltage applied to the -connected converter lagging by 30 , and assuming equal current magnitudes Id = I1 sin(!0 t ? 30 ) ? I5sin(5!0 t ? 150 ) ? I7sin(7!0 t ? 210 ) + I11 sin(11!0 t ? 330 ) + I13 sin(13!0 t ? 390 ) + : : : Y Iy Y I Y HVS LVS ∆ I d C. Fluorescent Lights In a uorescent lamp, the voltage builds up in each half cycle [1], [2] till ignition occurs. The lamp then appears as a negative resistance, the current being limited by the non-linear reactive Fig. 4. A 12-pulse converter comprising two parallel 6-pulse ones. ballast. The current is thus distorted. Moreover, electronic ballasts used nowadays produce harmonics of patterns similar Complying with the ANSI standard for Y ? transformers, to and sometimes dierent from those produced by the older high side positive sequence voltage or current should lead the core and coil ballasts. respective low side by 30 . High side negative sequence voltage or current, on the other hand, should lag the low voltage side D. Power Converters one by 30 . So, on the high side, Iy is the same in pu. On Three-phase converters produce harmonics because of the the other hand, Id positive and negative sequence harmonics commutation of dc-side current between the three ac phases are shifted by + 30 and - 30 , respectively. Accordingly, [1], [2]. Line-commutated converters are so called since they get IY = I1 sin !0 t ? I5 sin 5!0 t ? I7 sin 7!0 t + I11 sin 11!0 t + I13 sin 13!0 t + the voltage necessary for commutation from the network. A six+ I1 sin(!0 t ? 30 + 30 ) ? I5 sin(5!0 t ? 150 ? 30 ) pulse three-phase converter, shown in Figure 3, can be operated ? I7 sin(7!0 t ? 210 + 30 ) + I11 sin(11!0 t ? 330 ? 30 ) as an ac/dc rectier (dc power supply or charger) if E is positive. + I13 sin(13!0 t ? 390 + 30 ) + = 2 fI1 sin !0 t + I11 sin 11!0 t + I13 sin 13!0 t + g pu which manifests the following well-dened \characteristic" harmonics 11; 13; 23; 25; 35; 37; or 12n 1 where n = 1; 2; 3; . The sequence 12n 1 gave rise to the name 12-pulse converter. In general, a p-pulse converter produces harmonics of the order [1], [2] h = pn 1 ; n = 1; 2; 3; (18) Six-pulse converters, accordingly, tend to produce harmonics of the order 5; 7; 11; 13; 17; 19; . Moreover, the resultant nearrectangular-shaped phase current pulses have a theoretical harmonic content of Ih = 1 (19) For resonance at the hth harmonic frequency ! = ! = h! = p 1 h and Ls C 0 r Vs = ?| Vs Ls = ?| Zc V = ?|A V VCh = |!CR f s Rs C Rs s s (21) where VCh is the hth harmonic capacitor voltage, equivalently the capacitor voltage at resonance p ZC is the characteristic impedance dened as ZC = Ls =C I1 h Af is the amplication factor dened as Af = ZC =Rs . Practical values are, however, less due to the smoothing eect Equation 21 points out that harmonics corresponding or close of commutation [2]. to the resonant frequency are amplied. IV. EFFECTS OF HARMONIC DISTORTION As mentioned earlier, the increasing use of non-linear devices and loads is causing increased harmonic distortion problems in power systems. This section is dedicated to reviewing and discussing harmonic impacts on power systems equipment and loads, providing a quantitative analysis when possible. A. Thermal Losses in a Harmonic Environment Harmonics have the eect of increasing equipment copper, iron and dielectric losses and thus the thermal stress. Equipment derating [1] is a preventive requirement in this case. However, it is perceived that this may not work [6] since it is likely that \signs hung on the transformer warning not to load it over a certain percentage will be gone after a period. People will then load the unit up to its nameplate rating." B. Harmonic Eects on Power Systems Equipment Harmonics result in increased losses and equipment loss-oflife. Triplen harmonics result in the neutral carrying a current which might equal or exceed the phase currents even if the loads are balanced. This dictates the derating or oversizing of neutral wires [1], [6], [7]. Moreover, harmonics-caused resonance might damage equipment. Harmonics further interfere with protective relays, metering devices, control and communication circuits, and customer electronic equipment [1], [2]. Sensitive equipment would experience maloperation or component failure [7]. B.1 Capacitor Banks Harmonics aect capacitor banks in the following manner: Capacitors are overloaded by harmonic currents, since the fact that their reactance decreases with frequency makes them act as sinks for harmonics. Also, harmonic voltages produce large currents causing capacitor fuses to be blown [1], [2]. Harmonics tend to increase the dielectric losses. Additional heating and loss-of-life are direct consequences [1], [2]. Capacitors combine with source inductance to form a parallel resonant circuit, the resonant frequency of which is given by Equation 13, 15 or 16. In the presence of resonance, harmonics are amplied. The resulting voltages highly exceed the voltage rating and the consequence is capacitor damage or blown fuses [1], [2]. Harmonic amplication can be best explained as follows. Considering the power system of Figure 5, one can express the bus voltage when the capacitor is switched as Vs 0 = ?|XC Vs = VC = Vbus Zs ? |XC 1 ? !2 LsC + |!0 CRs 0 Rs Ls IC Vs Vbus IC Vs = Vbus j Xs I C R s IC C V C Fig. 5. Capacitor Switching. ANSI/IEEE standard 18-1980 \Shunt Power Capacitors" [8] states that capacitors can be continuously operated in a harmonic environment provided that: reactive power does not exceed 135 % of rating peak current does not exceed 180 % (superseded to 130 %) of rated peak current peak voltage does not exceed 120 % of rated rms voltage does not exceed 110 % of rated. B.2 Transformers Transformers operating in a harmonic environment suer [1], [2]: Increased load losses which comprise copper losses and stray (winding losses given by [9], [10] P eddy-current) 2 2 Pe = Pe1 1 h=1 h Ih pu , where Pe1 is the winding eddycurrent loss at the fundamental frequency. The increase in the latter is the most signicant factor in determining the additional transformer core heating losses due to nonlinear loads [9], [10]. Increased hysteresis and eddy-current losses. It is worth noting here that these losses greatly increase with frequency and the increase in eddy-current loss due to harmonics exceeds that of hysteresis loss. However, according to [9], temperature rise in the core due to the increased iron losses is less critical than in the windings. The possibility of resonance between the transformer inductance and power factor correction capacitors. Harmonic amplication was covered in Subsection IV-B.1 and is dened by Equation 21. Increased insulation stress due to the increased peak volt(20) age. These losses result in transformer heating [1], [2] and a corresponding loss-of-life. This brings us to the conclusion that, in the presence of harmonics, transformers should be derated. Once again, care should be taken here of the note recently made on equipment derating. ANSI/IEEE standard C57.12.00-1987 \General Requirements for Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power and Regulating Transformers" [11] poses the following limits on transformers operating in a harmonic environment: current distortion factor should not exceed 5 % steady-state rms voltage should not exceed 110 % of rated at no-load and 105 % of rated at rated load. This is equivalent to saying p that the voltagepdistortion factor should not exceed 0:21 at no-load and 0:1025 at rated load. B.3 Rotating Machines The eects of harmonics on rotating machines can be summarized as follows: Copper and iron losses are increased resulting in heating [1], [2]. Calculations of losses proceed in the same manner as for transformers. IEEE 519 [3] says that generator ratings should be determined in consultation with manufacturers. Pulsating torques [2] are produced due to the interaction of the harmonics-generated magnetic elds and the fundamental. These result in a higher audible noise. B.4 Protection, Communication and Electronic Equipment Harmonics aect protection and control equipment, metering devices, communication circuits and electronic loads in the following manner: Harmonics aect the interruption capability of circuit breakers. Relays whose operation is governed by the voltage/current peak or zero voltage are aected by harmonics. Electromechanical relays time delay characteristics are altered in the presence of harmonics. Ground relays cannot distinguish between zero sequence and third harmonic currents resulting in erroneous tripping. Metering and instrumentation devices exhibit a dierent response to non-sinusoidal signals. Harmonics result in interference with telephone circuits through inductive coupling. Through the shifting of zero crossing, harmonics impair the operation of electronic equipment and control circuits. Harmonics interfere with customer loads. This is of special concern in computer systems [1]. Harmonics shorten the life of incandescent lamps [2]. References [1], [2], [12], [13], [14], [15] tackle this topic in more detail. V. SOLUTIONS TO HARMONIC PROBLEMS Solutions to harmonic problems are categorized as preventive and remedial [1]. Preventive solutions are those policies sought for at discretion to avoid harmonics and their consequences. These include: Phase cancellation or harmonic control in power converters. Developing procedures and methods to control, reduce or eliminate harmonics in power systems equipment; mainly capacitors, transformers and generators. Attempting at keeping harmonics at a low \damage-free" level, standards are further developed setting limits on the level of individual frequency harmonics and/or harmonic distortion factors. Remedial solutions are those techniques recoursed to aiming at overcoming existing harmonic problems. They include: The use of lters. Circuit detuning which involves the reconguration of feed- ers or relocation of capacitor banks to overcome resonance. Harmonics can be eciently reduced through the use of a passive lter [1] which consists, basically, of a series combination of a capacitor and a reactor tuned to a specic harmonic frequency. Filters provide a low impedance \trap" to a harmonic to which the lter is tuned. Theoretically, the lter has a zero impedance at the tuning frequency thus absorbing the harmonic of interest. Shown in Figure 6, typical harmonic lters are [1], [2]: Series-tuned lters: A series-tuned lter consists of a series combination of a capacitor and a reactor and is tuned to low harmonic frequencies. At the tuned harmonic, the capacitor and the reactor have equal reactances and the lter has a purely resistive impedance. The lter's impedance is capacitive for lower harmonics and inductive for higher harmonics, a consequence of which is aggravating the impedance below the lowest tuned frequency [12]. Double band-pass lters: A double band-pass lter is a series combination of a main capacitor, a main reactor and a tuning device [2] which consists of a tuning capacitor and a tuning reactor connected in parallel. The impedance of such a lter is low at two tuned frequencies. Damped (High-pass) lters: A damped lter consists of a capacitor in series with a parallel combination [2], [12] of a reactor and a resistor. It provides a low impedance for a moderately wide range of frequencies. When used to eliminate high order harmonics (17th and above), it is referred to as a high-pass lter, providing a low impedance for high frequencies but stopping low ones. Detuned (Anti-resonant) lters: A detuned lter is tuned below [1] a characteristic harmonic (usually tuned to the fourth harmonic), thus absorbing some of the harmonic but not as much as a higher tuned one. Bus Bus Bus (a) (b) (c) Fig. 6. Typical harmonic lters: (a) Series-tuned (b) Double bandpass (c) Damped. References [2], [12] report on the details of lters; their congurations and design tactics. A. Power Converters It was seen in Subsection III-D that harmonics of pulse converters constructed through the operation of lower pulse number converters can be eliminated through the proper selection of phase shifts. This is called phase cancellation [1] or phase multiplication. Analysis revealed that fth, seventh, seventeenth, nineteenth, harmonics are eliminated in two six-pulse converters operating in parallel or series with 0 and - 30 phase shifts. This means that a twelve-pulse converter has a lower harmonic impact than two six-pulse units of a comparable size. Grady [1] further points out that two twelve-pulse converters operating in parallel or series through + 7.5 and - 7.5 phase shifts eliminate eleventh and thirteenth harmonics. A consequential conclusion is to use converters with higher number of pulses. B. Capacitor Banks Examination of Equation 15 leads us to the conclusion that: Relocating capacitors changes the source-to-capacitor inductive reactance thus avoiding parallel resonance with the supply. Varying the reactive power output of a capacitor bank will alter the resonant frequency. Capacitors can be designed to trap a certain harmonic by employing a tuning reactor whose inductive reactance is equal to [1], [2] the capacitive reactance of the capacitor at the tuned frequency. Parallel resonance involving a capacitor and a source inductance is achieved when XCr = XhC 1 = Xsr = hr Xs1 r XLn is the reactor's inductive reactance at the tuned frequency, p XLn = L1 =C1 XL 1 is the reactor's inductive reactance at the fundamental frequency XCn is the p capacitor's reactance at the tuned frequency, XCn = L1 =C1 hn is the tuning order, alternatively the harmonic order to which the capacitor is tuned or which is to be ltered is the tuned frequency, fn = hn f0 . Expressed dierently, Equation 24 becomes fn r The voltage appearing across the capacitor would be VC 1 ?|XC 1 XC 1 =XL 1 h2n Vbus 1 = |(XL1 ? XC 1 ) = XC 1 =XL 1 ? 1 = h2n ? 1 and s1 or 1 red/sec fr = hr f0 = 2pL1 C Hz s1 1 (26) p L1 =C1 VCn ?|XCn Vbus n = R + |(XLn ? XCn ) = ?| R that is, at a resonant frequency of !r = hr !0 = pL1 C r Xs 1 C1 hn = ffn = p1 = X (25) XL 1 = h r XL 1 ! 0 L 1 C1 0 which claries that a reactorpwith XL1 = 0:04 XC 1 represents a fth harmonic lter (hn = 1=0:04 = 5). (22) where = ?| XR0 = ?|hn Qf (27) VC 1 is the fundamental component of the voltage across the capacitor is the fundamental component of the voltage at the bus r r is the capacitor voltage at the tuned frequency SCMV Apu is the bus voltage at the tuned frequency p hr = ffr = ! pL1 C = XXC 1 = CAPMV Apu 0 s1 0 s1 1 is the lter's characteristic reactance, X0 = L1 =C1 = XLn = XCn where Q is the lter's quality factor dened as Qf = XL 1 =R. f XCr is the capacitor's reactance at resonance XC 1 is the capacitor's reactance at the fundamental frequency Being sensitive to peak voltages, however, the capacitor needs to be able to withstand the total peak voltage across it. That hr is the harmonic order activating resonance is, it needs to have a voltage rating equal to the algebraic sum Xsr is the source inductive reactance at resonance Xs1 is the source inductive reactance at the fundamental fre- of the fundamental and tuned harmonic voltages [1], [2]. quency VC = VC 1 + VCn = IC 1 XC 1 + ICn XCn (28) fr is the resonant frequency, fr = hr f0 f0 is the fundamental frequency, f0 = 60 Hz However, since it is likely that a capacitor tuned to a certain CAPMV Apu is the capacitor rating in pu MVA, harmonic will absorb other harmonics, a safety measure would CAPMV Apu = 1=XC 1 pu be to let the capacitor have a voltage rating of SCMV Apu is the bus short circuit capacity in pu MVA, SCMV Apu = 1=Xs 1 pu . hX max Tuning the capacitor to a certain harmonic, alternatively, deVC = ICh XCh (29) signing the capacitor to trap (lter) a certain harmonic, requires h=1 the addition of a series reactor. At the tuned harmonic C. Transformers XLn = hn XL1 = XCn = XhCn1 Harmonics are reduced through the ingenuity of transformer connection. Delta-connected transformers prevent the ow of so that the tuned frequency is zero sequence triplen harmonics, thus acting as two-way lters [2] protecting both the source and load sides of a power system. !n = hn !0 = pL1 C red/sec Harmonic currents can be damaging to transformers designed 1 1 to operate at 60 Hz. Oversizing the neutral conductor and derating the transformer [7] represents a short-term solution. Dini or [10] reexamines a formula for the derating factor based on the (24) equations derived in [9]. fn = hn f0 = 2p1L C Hz 1 1 K-rated transformers [6], [10] are specically designed to tolwhere erate harmonics and have the following features [6]: Equation 22 can be rewritten as Vbus 1 VCn (23) Vbus n X0 They have lower than normal ux densities and can, thus, tolerate overvoltages coupled with circulating harmonic currents. They employ an electromagnetic shield between the primary and secondary windings of each coil, thus attenuating higher frequency harmonics. They provide a neutral with twice the size of a phase conductor, to account for increased neutral currents due to the ow of triplen harmonics. Windings are designed with several smaller sizes parallel conductors, therefore reducing skin eect at higher frequency harmonics. They use insulated and transposed conductors resulting in reduced P losses. 2 2 The sum 1 h=1 h Ih pu is designated as the K-factor [10] in the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Standards and is a useful term for describing the additional heating that occurs in a transformer supplying non-linear loads. Transformers specically designed for use with non-linear loads are marked [10] \Suitable for non-sinusoidal current load with K-factor not to exceed : : : ", where standardized K-factor ratings are 4, 9, 13, 20, 30, 40, 50. D. Rotating Machines Although distribution and chording result in reducing the fundamental component of the induced emf, this negative eect is more than outweighed when considering the purpose they were intended for, namely harmonics. Obviously, they have the advantage of reducing harmonic voltages. Recalling that Kp h = sin( h 2) (30) where Kp h is the pitch factor at the hth harmonic Kp 1 is the pitch factor at the fundamental frequency, Kp1 = sin( 2 ) < 1 is the coil span in elect., = s s is the coil span in slots it is noticed that any one harmonic can be completely eliminated through selecting a coil span (fractional pitch) that results in the respective pitch factor being zero. 360 or 720 ) = 0 for = (31) Kph = sin( h 2 h h That is to say, a coil span of 4=5 pole pitch (144 elect.) results in eliminating the fth harmonic. The third harmonic is suppressed through using a coil of 2=3 pole pitch (120 elect.) span. Furthermore, a coil span of 5=6 pole pitch (150 elect.) greatly reduces fth and seventh harmonics (Kp 5 = Kp 7 = 0:2588). VI. CONCLUSIONS This paper reected an eort dedicated towards providing a \quantitative-directed" analysis of harmonics in electric power systems. Their causes, eects and methods of reduction were discussed. Needed beyond this point is industry-academia collaborative research intended at: \Hanging numbers" on the eects of harmonics on power systems equipment and loads, with special consideration being given to those harmonics produced by the newlyintroduced power semiconductor devices. Recommendations seeking the control of these harmonics are further appreciated. Developing equipment that enable the accurate and precise monitoring and measurements of harmonics. Designing and developing low cost active lters which are devoid of the disadvantages of conventional passive lters, namely: { The ltering characteristics being dependent on the source impedance. { Aggravating the impedance below the lowest tuned harmonic. { Being inadequate for ltering non-characteristic harmonics (dierent from the lter's tuned frequency), such as those produced by cycloconverters. References [1] W. M. Grady, W. H. Kersting, D. Osborn, N. R. Prasad, S. J. Ranade and H. A. Smolleck, Power Factor Correction and Power System Harmonics, Spring Short Course Series on Electric Power Systems and Harmonics, a short course held at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, New Mexico State University, March 15{ 18, 1993. [2] IEEE Working Group on Power System Harmonics, Power System Harmonics, IEEE Power Engineering Society Tutorial Course, 84 EHO 221-2-PWR. [3] IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electric Power Systems, IEEE Standard 519, 1993. [4] W. D. Stevenson, Elements of Power System Analysis, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1982. [5] J. Hindmarsh, Electrical Machines and their Applications, 4th ed., Pergamon Press Ltd., Oxford, England, 1984. [6] The Dranetz Field Handbook for Electrical Energy Management, Dranetz Technologies, Inc., POBox 4019, Edison, NJ 08818, 1992. [7] The Dranetz Field Handbook for Power Quality Analysis, Dranetz Technologies, Inc., POBox 4019, Edison, NJ 08818, 1991. [8] Shunt Power Capacitors, ANSI/IEEE Standard 18-1980. [9] IEEE Recommended Practice for Establishing Transformer Capability when Supplying Nonsinusoidal Load Currents, ANSI/IEEE Standard C57.110-1986. [10] D. A. Dini, \Testing and Rating of Transformers for Use with Nonlinear Loads", Underwriters Laboratories Inc., Northbrook, IL, 1992. [11] General Requirements for Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power and Regulating Transformers, ANSI/IEEE Standard C57.12.001987. [12] J. Arrillaga, D. A. Bradley and P. S. Bodger, Power System Harmonics, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1985. [13] E. W. Kimbark, Direct Current Transmission, Vol. I, John Wiley & Sons, 1971. [14] Nonsinusoidal Situations: Eects on the Performance of Meters and Denitions of Power, IEEE Power Engineering Society Tutorial Course, 90 EHO 327-7-PWR, 1990. [15] IEEE Task Force on Harmonic Impacts, \Eects of Harmonics on Equipment", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 8, pp. 672{680, April 1993. George J. Wakileh received the B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan in 1986. He worked for the Jordanian Royal Scientic Society/Renewable Energy Research Center from October 1988 to December 1992. George received the M.S. in Electrical Engineering from New Mexico State University in December 1993 and is currently a Ph.D. student at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kansas State University.