“Comparison Analysis of AC Voltage Controllers Based on Experimental and Simulated Application Studies” Hamdy. A. Ashour and Rania. A. Ibrahim Arab Academy for Science & Technology Department of Electrical & Computer Control Engineering, 1029 Miami, Alexandria, Egypt hashour@aast.edu, rania_assem@alexseeds.com heating, melting, arc furnace, transformer tap changing, cycloconverters, wind turbines, power factor improvement, flexible transmission systems (FACTS), static switches, AC motors control and operation [1-13]. The operation of the AC voltage controllers have been explained in literatures [5-8]. This paper introduces a comparison between eleven possible configurations of the AC voltage controllers based on experimental and simulation analysis. Principle of operation is reviewed, experimental setup and software simulation are introduced, a detailed comparison has been carried out and two different application case studies have been discussed for practical validation. Abstract- This paper introduces a detailed comparison between possible connections of AC voltage controllers. For each configuration, the experimental setup is implemented and the corresponding simulation program is presented using Simulink under Matlab. The simulated and experimental instantaneous voltage and current waveforms in case of resistive and inductive loads are matched well, validating the simulation comparison for analysis. The comparison analysis includes the required number of devices and isolated gate signals, which determines the complexity and the size, hence the overall cost. Also harmonic spectrum, total harmonic distortion, effective rms value, dc offset and the control range are compared to specify the performance. The implementation of a fixed- capacitor thyristor controlled reactor (FC-TCR) and three phase induction motor starters (SOFT STARTER) as two application case studies of AC voltage regulators has been discussed. Experimental and simulation results have been obtained and well correlated, showing the effectiveness of such configurations in the fields of control of reactive power flow and in the field of controlling the starting performance of three phase induction motor. II. AC VOLTAGE CONTROLLERS: If a thyristor switch is connected between an AC supply and load, the power flow can be controlled by varying the rms value of the AC voltage applied to the load. This type of power circuit is known as an AC voltage controller (regulator). Since the input voltage is AC, the thyristor is line commutated, so there is no need of extra commutation circuitry and the circuits for AC voltage controllers are simple and relatively inexpensive. AC switch can be implemented either using a single triac with a single isolated gate circuit but for lower power applications, using two back to back thyristors with two isolated gate circuits, using two diodes and two thyristors with a single isolated gate circuit, or with four diodes and a single thyristor with a single isolated gate circuit. The power flow to the load can be controlled by the ON-OFF or phase angle control techniques. For the ON-OFF control, the rms output voltage for resistive load can be expressed as [6]: LIST OF SYMBOLS: Vo rms Vs n, m k α β Θ δ : rms output load voltage : rms supply voltage : Number of ON & OFF cycles : Duty cycle : Delay angle : Extinction angle : Load angle : Conduction angle ( δ = β − α ) I FC −TCR , V FC −TCR : FC-TCR current and voltage BFC −TCR : Compensator susceptance Bc : Capacitor susceptance BTCR : Inductor susceptance as a function of delay angle : Maximum inductor susceptance : Angular frequency : Capacitance & inductance value Bmax ω C,L 1 n 2π 2 n 2 Vorms = =Vs k (1) ∫ 2Vs sin ωtd(ωt) =Vs ( ) 2 n + m m +n π 0 While for the phase control Vo can be expressed as: rms 1 2 1 2 2π 1 sin2α 2 (2) Vorms = ∫ 2Vs2 sin2 ωtd(ωt) =Vs π −α + π π 2 2 0 The ON-OFF type of control can be applied in applications having mechanical inertia and high thermal time constant such as industrial heating and speed control of small motors, while the phase control can be utilized in many industrial applications such as motor starters, transformer tap changing and static VAR compensators. In case of inductive load, the current will not be in phase with the controlled voltage. In this case, in order to ensure full control of the AC voltage, a single gate pulse should be replaced with continuous train of pulses and the range of delay angle α is limited within the range of: I. INTRODUCTION: The AC voltage controller can be considered as a voltage regulator device by which the root mean square load voltage (rms), hence the power flow, can be set and maintained constant at a certain desired value. The recent developments achieved in the field of power electronics, control techniques and microprocessors have introduced such AC voltage controllers for the applications of power ranges from few watts up to fractions of megawatts, such as light dimmers, 79 θ ≤α ≤π While (2) maybe then re- written as: (3) 1 1 2 β 2 1 sin2α sin2β 2 Vorms = ∫ 2Vs2 sin2 ωtd(ωt) =Vs δ + + (4) 2 2 2π α π The AC voltage controllers can be configured to be used either in the single phase low power domestic applications, or in the three phase high power industrial applications. Different possible configurations of the AC voltage controllers are depicted in fig. 1 and will be compared through the next sections. (a) General block diagram Figure 3: Simulation software III. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP AND SIMULATION SOFTWARE: The simulation analysis has been carried out using Simulink under Matlab version 6.5 which provides strong power electronics and analysis toolboxes. The system is simulated in a modular form, as shown in fig. 3, typical to the experimental block diagram for clear comparison and has an additional block for harmonic analysis. This simulation block calculates the Fourier coefficients, the total harmonic distortion (THD), the effective rms value, the DC offset component and then plots the harmonic spectrum as will be demonstrated in the next sections. A general block diagram for the experimental setup is shown in fig. 2-a while an example of practical connections is shown in fig. 2-b. The setup is built in a modular form and consists of a variable power supply, a variable RLC load bank, a synchronizing and isolating firing gate signals, a controlled set point (delay angle α) and a group of individual diodes and thyristors power electronic devices. The setup is reliable and flexible to be reconnected to get different configurations shown in fig. 1. T1 T1 T1 A Io + Load Vs Io + VCA Load Vs D1 − (a) Load C Load T4 T5 (g) A T1 T2 T4 T 2 Load T3 T6 B T3 (i) C T1 T5 B B T6 T2 T6 Load A Load D4 Load T5 (f) Load C (h) T3 B Load C Load Load (e) D2 T4 Load D2 T1 D6 Load C A Load (c) D6 T5 C T5 Load Load Load A B T6 T5 B (d) T3 Load T2 T3 T2 Load IV. COMPARISON ANALYSIS: A T5 D2 Load T4 T3 T1 Bn T6 Load T1 IC VBC D4 Load T3 D6 C C A Load T4 Load T5 IB T1 A D4 T3 B V AB (b) T1 A Load IA B T2 − T1 (b) Example of simulation program (Conf. c) Load C (j) T6 Load Load For each configuration in fig. 1, the experimental setup is reconnected and the experimental waveforms are obtained using storage scope, then the simulation is reconfigured to obtain the corresponding simulated waveforms for comparison and analysis. An example of the experimental connections and the corresponding Simulink simulated program for one of the possible three phase configurations are illustrated in fig. 2-b and (3-b) respectively. For the single phase configuration, the gate signals (1, 2) are shifted by 180º while for the three phase configurations the gate (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) are shifted by 60º. For all configurations, the comparison is carried out for load voltage waveforms at delay angle α=108º and in two cases: unity power factor (resistive load) and 0.6 lagging power factor (resistive and inductive load). The comparison depicted includes the followings: A. Experimental and Simulation Waveforms: These waveforms shown in fig. 4 are for clear comparison and simulation validation. The scales of time, voltage and current of the experimental waveforms are typical for these shown in the corresponding simulation graphs. A good agreement between the simulated and experimental waveforms can be seen in fig. 4 for different configurations. The slight differences noticed between waveforms, particularly for inductive loads, could be due to the difference between switching performance of the actual and simulated devices. T3 (k) Figure 1: Different circuit configurations for the implementation of AC voltage controllers B. Number of Devices: Lower number reduces the cost; hence the cheapest configuration is the single phase configuration (a) while the cheaper one in the three phase is configuration (k). However, (a) General block diagram the SCR current rating of configuration (k) should be 2 higher than the other three phase configurations. For three phase, since the devices are connected at the phases for (b) Example of actual connections (conf. c) Figure 2: Experimental set-up 80 configurations (i, j, k), and not at the lines like others, they could have lower current and higher voltage ratings. components and the THD, since the output waveform tends to be sine wave. C. Number of Isolated Gates: Increasing this number complicates the circuits, increases the size and the overall cost. Configuration (a) is the best from this point of view as it needs only one gate signal, while the three phase configurations (d, f, h, k) require only three isolated signals rather than six required by the rest. D. Number of Load Terminals: For the three phase configurations (g, h, i, j, k), the six terminals of the load should be available and not connected as star or delta. This could limit the applications of these configurations according to the nature of the available loads. It is not the case for other configurations which require loads with only three terminals and are suitable for most three phase loads (connected or not connected as star or delta). (a) Conf. a E. Effective rms Value and the DC Offset: These values are calculated in per unit for the supply voltage taken as a base voltage and for a certain delay angle α=108º and the load impedance is the base for current calculation. Due to the presence of diodes in configurations (a, d, f, h) or the possible forced path through the ON SCR in configuration (k), the output voltage and input current are asymmetrical containing a DC component. This is very clear in the single phase configuration (a) which also has a limited range of control as the Vorms can be only varied from 0.7 p.u. to 1 p.u. If there is a magnetic element, such as a transformer, such DC component may cause saturation problems. For these reasons, these configurations, named as unidirectional, are more suitable for resistive loads, such as heating and lighting applications. Configurations (b, c, e, g, i, j) are bidirectional control and the waveforms are symmetrical along the x-axis, containing no DC component. These configurations are most suitable for AC motor controls and power system applications. (b) Conf. b (c) Conf. c &g (d) Conf. d &h F. Harmonic Spectrum and Total Harmonic Distortion (THD): Harmonics may cause problems particularly for motors (negative torque) and power systems (resonance and noise interference). Harmonics may be useful in some applications, such as heating, since the effective rms may be increased. Configurations (c, g) and (d, h) produce similar waveforms respectively as seen from fig. 4-c & 4-d. From fig. 4-a & 4-b it can be seen that the unidirectional configurations introduce even and odd harmonics while the bidirectional configurations introduce only odd harmonics due to the symmetrical positive and negative parts of the waveforms. Even harmonics may cause problems in motor applications. It can be also seen that the inductive load increases the value of harmonic components and THD values due to the distortion in the waveforms. The triplen harmonics will be disappeared in the line values for the delta connected loads (configurations e, f, i). It should be noted that the control range of the delay angle may change the voltage wave shapes and fig. 6 depicts the different voltage wave shapes at different delay angles using resistive load for clarity. Reducing the delay angle α reduces the value of harmonic (e) Conf. e (f) Conf. f 81 (g) Conf. i THD = 96.43% RMS= 1.25 p.u DC= -2e-3 p.u THD = 82.95% RMS= 82.95 p.u DC= -7e-4 p.u (f) Conf. f THD = 147.6% RMS= 0.47 p.u DC= 0 p.u (h) Conf. j THD = 206.4% RMS= 0.97p.u DC= 0 p.u (g) Conf. i THD = 105.1% RMS= 0.33 p.u DC= 0 p.u (i) Conf. k Figure 4: Simulation and experimental load phase voltage and current waveforms for different configurations. Graphs in sequence are: Left graphs: SIMULATION Right graphs: EXPERIMENTAL 1st = Voltage, R -load 1st = Voltage, R -load nd 2 = Current, R- load 2nd = Current, R- load 3rd= Voltage, RL- load 3rd= Voltage, RL- load 4th= Current, RL- load 4th= Current, RL- load Scales: Voltage: 50 V / div, Current: 1 A / div, Time: 0.01 sec/div THD = 67.68% RMS= 0.8 p.u DC= -0.3 p.u THD = 186.8% RMS= 0.48 p.u DC= 0 p.u (h) Conf. j THD = 82.85% RMS= 0.68 p.u DC= -1e-3 p.u THD = 99.8% RMS= 0.76 p.u DC= -2e-3 p.u (i) Conf. k Figure 5: Harmonic analysis for output voltage for different configurations Left: R- load Right: RL- load THD = 69.89% RMS= 0.86 p.u DC= -0.21 p.u α =40º α=80º (a) Conf. a THD = 87.2% RMS=0.54 p.u DC=0 p.u THD = 129.1% RMS= 0.67 p.u DC= 0 p.u α=120º (Conf. a) (Conf. b) (Conf. c & g) (Conf. j) (Conf. k) α=40º (b) Conf. b α=80º THD = 104.9% RMS= 0.33 p.u DC= 0 p.u THD = 266.9% RMS= 0.69 p.u DC= 0 p.u α=120º (Conf. i) α=40 (c) Conf. c & g THD = 82.82% RMS= 0.68 p.u DC= -1e-3 p.u THD = 105% RMS= 0.74 p.u DC= -1e-3 p.u α=80 α=120 (Conf. d & h) (Conf. e) (Conf. f) (d) Conf. d & h Figure 6: Effect of varying delay angle on output voltage for different AC voltage controllers on R-load. THD = 100.2% RMS= 0.57 p.u DC= 0 p.u THD = 254% RMS= 0.96 p.u DC= 0 p.u V. APPLICATION CASE STUDIES: Two different application case studies using AC voltage controllers will be discussed through the following sections (e) Conf. e 82 practical implemented setup for both the 3 SCRs and 6 SCRs corresponding to those simulated waveforms in fig. 9 & 10 at no-load. The differences between the experimental and simulation waveforms are due to the increase of α was done manually unlike the simulation. A. Static Power Factor Improvement (FC-TCR): Recently, the AC voltage controllers have been utilized in the field of power system quality and flexible AC transmission FACTS [9-11]. Unlike traditional shunt reactive elements, a fixed capacitor– thyristor- controlled reactor (FCTCR) is able to rapidly and smoothly supply or absorb reactive power by controlling the firing delay angles of thyristors. As shown in fig. 7, each branch has a fixed capacitor and two anti- parallel thyristors controlled in series with an inductor. For such configuration, (5) can be written from [10]. I FC −TCR = V jB FC −TCR B FC −TCR = BC − BTCR , BC = ωC (5) 2α 1 1 BTCR (α ) = B max 2 − − sin 2α , B max = π π ω L Fig. 7-c shows the operating characteristics and the susceptance ( BFC −TCR ) of this type of compensator based on (5) and it can be seen that VAR (reactive power) production as well as VAR absorption is possible by varying the delay angle of thyristors; hence the power factor changes from leading to lagging. The firing gates of the thyristors are synchronized with the capacitance voltage and can be varied from 90º to 180º. From (5) and for L= 448 mH, C= 18 µF, ω =314.15 rad/sec, then: if α=90º BFC-TCR = Bc - Bmax= (1.45 e-3) mho. or if α=180º BFC-TCR= Bc = (5.65e-3 ) mho. Such configuration of the FC-TCR has been experimentally connected and simulated using Matlab. Fig. 8 shows the experimental and the corresponding simulation waveforms of the FC-TCR voltage and current for different delay angles. It can be seen that experimental and simulation waveforms are matched and show the validity of controlling the flow of reactive power. This configuration could be utilized to replace the traditional bank of capacitors in many applications such as power factor improvement, power system voltage and reactive power control, voltage control of induction generator and performance optimization of three phase induction motor operated from a single phase supply. (a) Three phase connection (b) Per phase connection (c) Characteristic curves Figure 7: Configuration and characteristics of the FC-TCR Voltage Current α= 125º (lagging) Voltage Current (a) Experimental results α= 133º ≈ in phase α= 125º (lagging) α= 133º ≈ in phase Voltage Current α= 160º (leading) α= 160º (leading) (b) Simulation Results Figure 8: Effect of changing delay angle on the FC-TCR voltage and current waveforms CH1 voltage: 20 V / div, CH2 current: 0.2 A / div, Time: 0.01 sec/div B. Three Phase Induction Motor Starters (Soft Starters): Controlling the starting performance of three phase induction motor has become one of the major concerns in industrial fields [12 -13]. The purpose is to control the starting voltage, current and torque as desired. Configurations (e, f) in fig. 1 were utilized to examine the starting performance on a three phase delta connected induction motor of 0.75 kW, 75 V, 1.5 A, 50Hz, both experimentally and using simulation. As seen from the results depicted in fig. 9 & 10, configuration (e) produces symmetrical wave forms for both voltage and currents, unlike configuration (f) which produces unsymmetrical voltage and current waveforms. The unsymmetrical waveforms caused by the usage of only 3 SCRs is the reason for the appearance of odd and even harmonics, DC voltage and current, torque pulsations and a longer time to reach the desired speed as can be seen from fig. 9. Heat loss in configuration (f) is higher than configuration (e) due to the higher rms value of current. Fig. 11 & 12 depict the experimental waveforms obtained for the (a) Line voltage (b) Line current (c) Motor speed Losses= 5.4 watt (d) Average heat losses 83 Losses= 5 watt VI. CONCLUSION: A comparison study for different configurations of AC voltage controllers has been introduced through this work. Experimental and simulation waveforms are matched and validated for the configurations. The analysis showed that unidirectional configurations, having a combination of diodes and thyristors, produced even and odd harmonics and also contained a DC offset hence they are most suitable for heating, melting and welding applications, while the bidirectional configurations are suitable for AC motors, power systems and electrical drives applications due to the waveforms symmetry of the controlled voltages. This paper also validates the analysis of each configuration for any value of delay angle and control range. Using the AC voltage controllers in reactive power control and controlling the starting performance of three phase induction motor through FC-TCR and SOFT STARTERS respectively as two application case studies of AC regulators are demonstrated by the aid of experimental and simulation results. 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(c) Phase current THD= 241.5% DC=0 THD= 226.5% DC=0.05 (d) Harmonic Analysis Figure 10: Simulation waveforms of three phase induction motor at α=130º Left: 6 SCRs Right: 3 SCRs (a) Phase voltage and phase current (b) Line voltage and line current Figure 11: Experimental Waveforms of Three Phase Induction motor CH1 voltage: 50 V / div, CH2 current: 0.75 A / div, Time: 0.01 sec/div Left: 6 SCRs Right: 3 SCRs (a) Phase voltage and line current (b) Phase voltage and phase current Figure 12: Experimental waveforms of three phase induction motor α=130º CH1 voltage: 50 V / div, CH2 current: 1 A / div, Time: 0.01 sec/div Left: 6 SCRs Right: 3 SCRs 84