Industrial Energy Management Industrial energy management Fossile fired power plants: Construction elements 1 Industrial Energy Management Type of steam boilers shell boilers kettle boiler flue tube boiler fire tube boiler fire-flue- tube boiler fire-flue- tube boiler angular tube boiler (Holland type) steep tube boiler water-tuber boilers steep tube radiation boiler 2 Industrial Energy Management design of steam generators (boilers) 1 feed water inlet, 2 economizer, 3 steam drum, 4 evaporator, 5 distributor, 5 ash, 7 cóal and combustion air, 8 superheater, 9 fresh steam, 10 exhaust gas, 11 recirculation pump 12 moist separator (sediment bowl) a: natural circulation boiler b: forced circulation boiler once-through forced flow boiler: c: Benson type, d: sulzer type 3 Industrial Energy Management design of steam generators, critical boiling events 1. Kind: DNB Departure from nucleat boiling, excess of critical heat flux while nucleate boiling 2. Kind: Dryout Transition from annular flow to spray flow: steep decline of critical heat flux 3. Kind: Burnout High steam content, minimal critical heat flux 4 Industrial Energy Management design of steam generators (boilers) combination of forced circulation/once trough moist separation: 17) steam drum 25, Fig. 3, 2) sediment bowl 5 Industrial Energy Management 6 Example steam boiler: Offleben fresh steam steam outlet super heating intermediate super heating steam inlet moist separator residues evaporator evaporator bowl support tubes economiser feed water Benson type once-through forced flow boiler (Babcock, Oberhausen) with 1000t/h steam at 210 bar with 535°C(fresh) and 540°C intermediate superheating control scheme water and steam cycle Offleben Industrial Energy Management Example steam boiler: Mannheim once-through forced flow) with 1370t/h steam at 275 bar with 530°C(fresh) and 540°C intermediate superheating control scheme: a) steam and water, b) arrangement of separators and bi flux heat exchangers 7 Industrial Energy Management temperature curve in steam generators adiabatic combustion temperature Air ECO I entrance chimney reheat. I pre super heater reheater II super heater evaporator radiation zone water steam side ash ECO II temperature / °C flue gas temperature amount of transfert heat (relative) /% 8 Industrial Energy Management ratio of transfered heat in boiler ratio of heat / % reheating 2 superheating evaporation feedwater preheating fresh steam pressure / bar 9 Industrial Energy Management variation of the thermal efficiency / % Efficiency improvement: condensation pressure/temperature fresh steam conditon condensation pressure / bar condensation temperature / °C 10 Industrial Energy Management thermal efficiency / % Efficiency improvement: temperature + pressure fresh steam fresh steam pressure / bar 11 Industrial Energy Management variation of the thermal efficiency / % Efficiency improvement: quantity of preheating stages feed water temperature / °C 12 Industrial Energy Management variation of the thermal efficiency / % Efficiency improvement: quantity of reheating stages quantity of reheating stages 13 Industrial Energy Management power plant design hp preheater 1 2 main pump feed water tank degasification 4 3 2 lp preheater 1 heat circuit diagram , 750 MW, black coal, Boxbach 14 Industrial Energy Management power plant design water preheating air preheating regenerativ processes fuel energy output 38% el. mech. auxiliary losses 1.5% power2.5% losses at boiler 9% radiation 2% losses at condenser 42% Energy flux scheme in black coal fired thermal power plant 15 Industrial Energy Management power plant design, air preheating flue gas flue gas air inflow air inflow rotating storage rotating air hood scheme for regenerativ air preheaters with a) rotating heat storage mass and b) fixed storage mass 16 Industrial Energy Management power plant design, regenerativ air pre heating, type: Rothemühle static heat storrage, air hood rotation max 1upm, 17 Industrial Energy Management power plant design, air preheating, type Ljungström rotating storage mass, 1.5-4upm, D: up to 15m, M: 400-500t, A: 24000m² 18 Industrial Energy Management power plant design, emission reduction dust 19 Industrial Energy Management power plant design, emission reduction desulphurization: sulphur dioxide with quicklime to gypsum 2SO2+2Ca(OH)2+O2+2H2O 2CaSO4*2H2O 20 Industrial Energy Management 21 power plant design, emission reduction nitrogen oxides NOx avoidance T<1400°C denitrification unit using carbamite (urea) 4 NH3 + 4 NO + O2 → 4 N2 + 6 H2O a) hot process (selective catalytic reaction) b) cold process (reactor behind desulphurization) ISUT-Seminar Jörg Sauerhering 3011.2012 Thanks for your attention! sources: H. Effenberger, Dampferzeuger K. Kugeler, Energietechnik T. Bohn, Band 5 Handbuchreihe Energie 22