Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for the Ledyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School Renovate as New Projects RFQ/RFP/BID#2015-16 Office of the Mayor Town of Ledyard 741 Colonel Ledyard Highway Ledyard, CT 06339 5.21.2015 1 CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................... 1 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ............................... 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................... 3 DESCRIPTION OF FIRM AND CONSULTANTS ....................................... 4 QUALIFICATIONS/ PAST PERFORMANCE ...................................... 5 APPROACH TO THE PROJECT ........................ 6 WORK SCHEDULE ............................................ 7 LITIGATION ...................................................... 8 FEE PROPOSAL (In Separate Envelope) 2 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 2 2 May 21, 2015 Office of the Mayor Town of Ledyard 741 Colonel Ledyard Highway Ledyard, CT. 06339 Re: Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for: Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and the Gallup Hill (Elementary) School Projects RFQ/RFP/BID #2015-16 Office of the Mayor: It is with great enthusiasm and an cipa on that Quisenberry Arcari Architects, LLC submits our qualifica ons for your review and considera on for the “Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for the Ledyard Middle School and the Gallup Hill Elementary School Projects”. Our team consists of a uniquely qualified group of professionals with extensive K-12 educa onal project experience in Connec cut including numerous master-planning and renova on and specifically “Renovate as New” projects. Key personnel of the QA team have extensive experience in the programming, planning and design of educa onal facili es. Our Team has completed over fi y educaonal projects in Connec cut, and in the process has developed a strong working rela onship with the Office of School Facili es. Our team’s goal is to “exceed the expecta ons of our clients through excellence in design and uncompromising service.” At QA Architects it is our belief that successful projects are the result of hard work, experience, and uncompromising a en on to detail. A unique aspect of the QA Team is our commitment and ability to provide principal level a en on to each project. As principal, I will personally oversee all aspects of the planning, programming and documen ng of the Ledyard Middle and the Gallup Hill Elementary School Projects and will be directly involved in every phase of the work. My focus for the past twenty five years has been on educa onal projects and my personal experience as principal and project manager includes over twenty “Renovate as New” projects. A significant part of the QA team’s past experience includes the programming, planning, design and renova on of municipal projects. These projects required the evalua on and upgrade of HVAC Systems, code analysis, infrastructure replacement, ADA upgrades, building addi ons, interior and exterior renova ons, re-roofing, fire alarm / sprinkler updates; and complete compliance with the public safety / building code and the Americans with Disabili es Act / Sec on 504. Recently QA Architects has executed a facility study and design for Wethersfield High School and implemented a Renovate as New approach. Quisenberry Arcari Architects has assembled a project team that has specific renova on experience to execute the Ledyard schools projects. Key members of the team have visited the schools and have an understanding of the educa onal program and facility condi ons. The team will focus on analyzing the exis ng design concepts as well as condi ons and assets, confirming and refining the educa onal program, reviewing state reimbursement and evalua ng the overall budget and schedule. We will also conduct an ini al review and analysis for High Performance Building and the LEED cer fica on process, to allow you to consider the possible advantages to implemen ng LEED for these projects. The QA team will assist the Town of Ledyard with upda ng submissions to the State of Connec cut Department of Educa ons for any program modifica ons or updates to grant applica ons. A twenty four person firm, of architects, interior designers and engineers, Quisenberry Arcari Architects, LLC was founded in 1994 and is the perfect size firm to meet the design challenges and technical requirements of your project. All key members of the team have significant K-12 experience and we believe that our team will provide your project the priority and every day a en on it deserves. QA Architects is focused on developing a strong client base and we look forward to adding Ledyard schools to our por olio of sa sfied clients. Please find enclosed a profile of our team’s experience and some highlights of the work we have executed in the past few years. I trust that a thorough review of this proposal will demonstrate our qualifica ons for this project, our experience in this building type, and our enthusiasm to work with Town of Ledyard. I am available at your convenience to discuss any aspects of this proposal and I look forward to a personal interview with the selec on commi ee to further discuss our qualifica ons, your projects, and ul mately how we will help make it a success. Sincerely, Amr Rusty Malik AIA, LEED AP – BD&C Principal, Director of K-12 Educa on Phone: 860 930 6763 Email: 318 Main Street, Farmington, CT 06032 860.677.4594 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Management Approach - A Proactive Team Wilton Comstock Entrance The management team consis ng of the QA Architects Principal & project manager and a senior representa ve from each consultant firm will meet twice a month through all phases of the project. The specific agenda of this group is to plan, schedule, coordinate and evaluate every detail of the project to ensure that the client’s expecta ons are met and poten al problems are resolved and/or addressed proac vely to minimize the impact on the project goals. The Architectural/Engineering Design Services for the Ledyard Middle School and Gallup School renova ons project will be led by Rusty Malik. The project manager will be supported by the project designer and project architect who will a end all key presenta ons and mee ngs. This core team will be dedicated to the project through out the preliminary design and documentaon process, with the project architect providing the construc on administraon services. A dis nct team of Architects and engineers will develop each project, working under the project Principal. QA works closely with its consultants throughout the project requiring all senior staff to a end team mee ng. We consider a proac ve approach as key to managing the progress of all team members. Successful projects are a direct result of the quality of the team. We are convinced that the QA Team will provide the energy, exper se, and dedica on to deliver a successfully project to the town of Ledyard. The Project Team’s Time Commitment Greenwich High School QA Architects, project team has been assembled based on their specific experience with renova ng exis ng building. All key staff understand the nuances of renova ng a facility that is occupied by students, teachers, staff and parents. We understand the value of maintaining consistency throughout all phases of the project and have selected our team based on their availability and commitment through the compleƟon of the project. All key personnel of the QA team have experience in the programming, planning and design of educa onal facili es and have completed over fi y educa onal projects in Connec cut. All consultants have worked with QA Architects and key team personnel on numerous projects and are experienced with the State DOE requirements and the BSF approval process. An organiza on structure along with resumes and projected work hours has been provided under sec on four of the proposal. The Project Team’s Ability to Meet the Schedule North Stonington Proposed Cafeteria QuisenberryArcari The QA design team selected for the Ledyard School Projects, collaborated on the development of the project schedule and is commi ed to mee ng the goals of the proposed schedule. By assigning senior staff with extensive K-12 experience to each project, we believe that we will meet the goals of the project and the expecta ons of the Town of Ledyard. Our team has developed several op ons for the schedule and will work with the building commi ee in refining the best op on that provides the greatest advantage to the Town of Ledyard. Although the schedule can be further compressed we must review the poten al pi alls of an overly aggressive schedule. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ARCHITECTS,LLC 3-1 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School DESCRIPTION OF FIRM AND CONSULTANTS DESCRIPTION OF FIRM AND CONSULTANTS 4 4 4 DESCRIPTION OF FIRM AND CONSULTANTS Quisenberry Arcari Architects is a full service architectural design firm located in Farmington, Connec cut. QA provides architectural programming, planning and design as well as interior design and FFE services for a wide variety of project types. Our focus market sectors include educa on, municipal and commercial architecture. Quisenberry Arcari Architects, LLC was founded in 1994, and has since expanded its services to include educa onal, municipal and health care projects. QA Architects success is a ributed to the confidence we have engendered with our repeat clients and our focus on municipal and K-12 educa onal architecture. Our staff of 24 professionals includes 18 architects, with 9 registered architects, 2 registered interior designers, a registered engineer and support personnel. ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICE K-12 Education Municipal Commercial Healthcare Public Housing As a Connec cut based Small Business Enterprise (SBE) providing professional design services, QA Architects has focused on projects that range from $250,000 to $85,000,000+ in construc on cost with the vast majority being renova ons of exis ng facili es. We are commi ed to principal level representa on and direct involvement on all projects, and maintain a workload that dedicates a principal to each commission. All principals and key senior staff have worked on PK-12 educa onal projects in Connec cut and are knowledgeable of the procedures and processes of the Office of School Facili es. QA Architects PK-12 educa onal market sector is lead by Rusty Malik AIA, LEED AP a principal in the firm and the director of educa onal projects. Our educa onal por olio includes facili es programming, master planning studies, planning and design of new facili es and the addional and renova on, including “Renovate as New status” to several schools in CT. Quisenberry Arcari Architects has completed several district-wide facility studies, addi ons & renova ons “renovate as new” and altera on and code upgrade projects in the past five years. Mr. Malik and the educa onal team has worked on numerous “Renovate as New”, projects educa onal projects including, Wethersfield High School, New Canaan High School, RHAM Middle School, Lewis Mills High School, Harbur Middle School, Swi Middle School, Vance and Lincoln Elementary Schools, M.D. Fox K-8 School and several other middle and elementary schools. QuisenberryArcari DESCRIPTION OF TEAM AND CONSULTANTS ARCHITECTS,LLC 4-1 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School STATE OF CONNECTICUT ARCHITECTURAL LICENSES DAVID K. QUISENBERRY, AIA, LEED AP Licenses: Registered Architect: State of ConnecƟcut - License # 8302 State of MassachuseƩs - License # 9476 NCARB CerƟĮed - CerƟĮcate # 57326 LEED Accredited Professional THOMAS P. ARCARI, AIA Licenses: Registered Architect: State of ConnecƟcut - License # 8537 State of MassachuseƩs - License # 10599 NCARB CerƟĮed - CerƟĮcate # 52360 RUSTY MALIK, AIA, LEED AP Licenses: Registered Architect: State of ConnecƟcut - License # 9199 Texas RegistraƟon - # 12509 LEED Accredited Professional BD+C EQUIPMENT & TECHNOLOGY The QA Design Team understands the importance of Building Informa onal Modeling in the development of architectural designs and the produc on of construc on documents. Our architectural staff has been trained in Revit 2013 and Autodesk 2013 and is used exclusively for the execu on of all projects. The QA design team is a strong proponent of BIM and supports the industry development of the technology. Although many client and construc on professionals are not yet set up to fully realize all of the benefits of BIM models in the design or construc on process, our strategy and direc on is to pursue BIM integra on on all suitable projects. We are poised to implement a full ‘4D’ BIM strategy for this project. Our team used BIM technology to model and facilitate the building design for Wethersfield High School, the Newington Schools Bioengineering and Aerospace STEM lab projects. QA Architects develops all its projects electronically and each individual has dedicated technology and equipment at their worksta ons. QuisenberryArcari DESCRIPTION OF TEAM AND CONSULTANTS ARCHITECTS,LLC 4-2 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School PROJECT TEAM & ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Mr. Malik will be the design and planning principal. Based on our teams commitment for direct principal a en on to all project, he will be directly involved in the design, produc on, and administra on of the Ledyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School renova ons project on a day-to-day basis. Quisenberry Arcari Architects understands the importance of personnel con nuity through the design and construc on phases and selects the team with a commitment to “full project par cipa on”. The consultant team selected for the Ledyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School renova ons project has specific experience with renova ons of elementary schools and the State of CT SF review process. Key staff of the consultant project team has worked together with the QA on numerous occasions and understand the standard we have established for our projects. Each consultant team will be managed by a principal and is commi ed to mee ng the project deadlines. QA Architects has selected a specific teams for each project, the individuals experience, role and me commitment id iden fied in this sec on of the proposal. Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for the Ledyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School Renovate As New RFQ/RFP/BID #2015-16 Quisenberry Arcari Architectural Design Amr Rusty Malik, AIA, LEED AP Principal and Project Manager LEDYARD MIDDLE SCHOOL Jim Healy AIA, LEED AP Project Architect GALLUP HILL ELEMENTARY Kevin McFarland AIA Project Architect Rebecca Sarkosi, IIDA Interior Designer Rebecca Sarkosi, IIDA Interior Designer Chris O’Neill, AIA Job Captain Adam Tarfano AIA Job Captain TO Design, LLC CES - ConsulƟng Engineering Service WP Barlow ASLA Steve Collins, PE, CCP Landscape & Playground Design MEP & FP Engineering Perrone & Zadja Engineers, LLC Chris Zajda, PE Principal Structural Engineering BSC Group CES Engineering JR Russo, LLC WelƟ Engineering William Walters PE Project Manager Rick McCracken PE Jim Russo President Clarence Wel Phd President Civil, Survey, & Traffic Security & Technology Cost Consultant Geotechnical QuisenberryArcari DESCRIPTION OF TEAM AND CONSULTANTS ARCHITECTS,LLC 4-3 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School The consultant team selected for the Ledyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School renova ons project has specific experience with the State of CT OSF review process and the renova on of occupied schools. Key staff of the consultant project team has worked together with the QA Architect on numerous occasions and understand the standard we have established for our projects Mr. Malik will serve as the principal-in-charge and the overall project lead. Based on our firm’s commitment for direct principal a en on to your project, Mr. Malik, Mr. Healy and Mr. McFarland will be directly involved in the design, produc on, and administraon of the projects on a day-to-day basis. The following paragraphs iden fy the role and me alloca on of each member of the design team. Typically the me will fluctuate during various phase of the project, with addi onal support staff being added as necessary. This architectural design team was selected to provide the level of quality that we demand the level of exper se that you desire, including proven experience in this project genre. The project team as a whole has extensive experience with similar projects has teamed on numerous successful projects over the past ten years. We believe that the there is a level of understanding and expecta on inherent to our team that has come about through our experience working together, that will add to the overall success of your project. Each consultant team will be managed by principal level staff and is commi ed to mee ng the project deadlines we have established. Project Principal: Rusty Malik AIA, LEED AP BD&C, CEFPI Time Commitment: Average of 50% based on a 40 Hour Work Week and Responsibili es Include: • Main Contact for the Building Commi ee • Maintain Schedule and project management • A end all Building Commi ee and Public Hearings • Presenta on of the project at all Mee ngs • State Grant Process, Reimbursement Evalua on & BSF Review • Programming, Planning & Design Lead • Document Review & Quality Control • Construc on Administra on & Project Closeout TO Design, LLC, Civil Engineering & Landscape Architecture W. Phil Barlow, ASLA - Project Principal and Manager for Landscape and Civil Responsibili es and includes: Site Design, Management and Presenta ons Time Commitment: Average of 30% * Mark G. Smith, PE – Civil Engineering Time Commitment: Average of 30%* Project Architects: Jim Healy, AIA, LEED & Kevin McFarland, AIA Time Commitment: Average of 80% based on a 40 Hour Work Week and Responsibili es Include: • Project Planning & Design • A end all Building Commi ee and Public Hearings • Prime responsibility for Design Documents • Prime responsibility for Construc on Documents • Backup project principal at Mee ngs Perrone & Zajda Engineers, LLC Structural Engineering Mr. Chris Zajda, PE Principal and Project Manager Time Commitment: Average of 65% * Responsibili es and scope includes: Structural design Job Captains:Adam Tarfano, AIA & Chris O’Neil AIA Time Commitment: Average of 80% based on a 40 Hour Work Week and Responsibili es Include: • Project Planning & Design • A end all Building Commi ee and Public Hearings • Prime responsibility for Design Documents • Prime responsibility for Construc on Documents • Backup project principal at Mee ngs CES - ConsulƟng Engineering Services Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing Engineering & Fire ProtecƟon Steve Collins, PE, CCP - Project Principal Time Commitment: Average of 45%* Brian Wetzel, PE, CCP - Mechanical Engineer Time Commitment: Average of 35%* Rick McCracken, PE, CCP - Electrical Engineer Time Commitment: Average of 35%* *based on a 40 hour work week Interior Designer: Rebecca Sarkosi Time Commitment: Average of 50% based on a 40 Hour Work Week and Responsibili es Include: • Project Planning & Design • Furniture & Equipment Selec on • Document Coordina on & Quality Control • Support the Project Architect during Construc on Administraon and Project Closeout Phase QuisenberryArcari DESCRIPTION OF TEAM AND CONSULTANTS ARCHITECTS,LLC 4-4 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School AM’R RUSTY MALIK - AIA, LEED AP-BD&C In his 28 years of diverse architectural experience, Rusty Malik has developed a broad depth of experience in K-12 school design. Spending 25 years in this prac ce group Rusty has built a reputa on across the state and region as one of the most learned and client a en ve principal level leaders in school design. Well-versed in the philosophies and developmental trends in educa on and school facility design, he has lectured over the years at several local and regional educa onal facility conferences and aims to elevate the awareness of users and design professionals in Education Graduate Program University of Texas at Austin Bachelor of Science in Architectural Technology New York Institute of Technology Registrations CT Registration # 9199 Texas Registration # 12509 regard to the student experience. LEED Accredited Professional Rusty prides himself on his ability to build consensus among diverse client Professional Affiliations groups and cons tuencies. His in macy and involvement in the projects he American Institute of Architects leads is unique in the industry and considered by numerous repeat clients Council of Educational Facility Planners International as unparalleled in the state of CT and the region. As a experienced senior professional he brings a personal, pa ent quality to his professional interac ons and as a result, has successfully guided a vast number of communi es through the State’s Board of Educa on’s Funding Grant and Plan Comple on process. Rusty’s ability to connect with a community’s “spirit” and people, coupled with his commitment oriented approach has equipped him with the ability to bring a number of town’s and communi es successfully through the referendum process with ease. Once the project is underway, his familiarity and “hand’s-on” professional philosophy is considered rare in the industry and non-existent at other principal level interac ons. His service oriented mission and mind set brings him to the table, planning challenging fast track schedules, safety RENOVATE AS NEW PROJECTS RHAM Middle school Harbur Middle School Swift Middle School Tyrelle Middle School Vance Elementary School Northend Elementary School MD Fox K-8 School oriented-construc on phasing, and though ul, inven ve design solu ons Sherman K-8 School all within the confines of ght-budgets. R Chafee Elementary School E Green Elementary Lincoln Elementary School Center Elementary School Mile Creek Elementary Wethersfield High School Lewis Mills High School New Canaan High School QuisenberryArcari DESCRIPTION OF TEAM AND CONSULTANTS ARCHITECTS,LLC 4-5 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School AM’R RUSTY MALIK, AIA, LEED AP-BD&C Principal / Project Manager - EDUCATIONAL PROJECTS ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Mile Creek Elementary School* Hawley Elementary School* Additions & Renovations Project Cost: 7 Million Old Lyme, CT Additions & Renovations Project Cost: 8 Million Newtown, CT Lake Garda Elementary School* Sherman K-8 School* Additions & Renovations Project Cost: 8 Million Burlington, CT Additions & Renovations Project Cost: 10 Million Sherman, CT Center Elementary School* R Chaffee Elementary School* Fox K-8 Elementary School* Lyme Consolidated School* Additions & Renovations Project Cost: 8.5 Million Old Lyme, CT Additions & Renovations Project Cost: 12 Million Newington, CT E. Green Elementary School* Additions & Renovations Project Cost: 10 Million Newington, CT Additions & Renovations Project Cost: 45.5 Million Hartford, CT Additions & Renovations Project Cost: 6.5 Million Lyme, CT Center School* Additions & Renovations Project Cost: 7 Million Brookfield, CT Birch Grove Primary* Huckleberry Hill Elementary* New Facility for 600 Students Project Cost: 11 Million Tolland, CT Additions & Renovations Project Cost: 7 Million Brookfield, CT Windham K-8 Magnet School* New Facility Project Cost: 47.5 Million Windham, CT Harwinton Consolidated School* Additions & Renovations Project Cost: 10 Million Harwinton, CT Lincoln Elementary School* Additions & Renovations Project Cost: 17 Million New Britain, CT Vance Elementary School* Additions & Renovations Project Cost: 15.5 Million New Britain, CT Northend Elementary School* Additions & Renovations Project Cost: 11 Million New Britain, CT GH Robertson Elementary School* Renovations Project Cost: 1 Million Coventry, CT Coventry Grammer School* Renovations Project Cost: 1.7 Million Coventry, CT Smith & DiLoretto Elementary Schools Renovations Project Cost: 2.2 Million New Britain, CT FACILITIES STUDY/MASTER PLANS Facility Study Region 18* All Schools Lyme and Old Lyme, CT Facility Study Newington* Facility Study Region 8 Green & Chaffee Schools Newington, CT Andover, Marlborough and Hebron CT Facility Study Region 9* Regionalization Study* Regional High School Easton and Redding, CT Oxford & Seymour, CT Facility Study Region 1* Facility Study Longmeadow Facility Study Region 10* Longmeadow, Massachusetts* All Schools, Burlington and Harwinton, CT Facility Study Coventry All Schools* Coventry, CT Facility Study Region 14* All Schools Woodbury and Bethlehem, CT Facility Study All Schools* Parish Hill High School Chaplin, CT District Wide Facility Study* Ridgefield, CT Cheshire, CT Facility Study Glastonbury* Academy Schools Glastonbury, CT Facility Study Greenwich High School Greenwich, CT Facility Study North Stonington Daniel Hand High School* All Schools North Stonington, CT Facility Study Madison, Ct District Wide Facility Study* Groton, CT Facility Study Wethersfield High School Wethersfield, CT HIGH SCHOOL PROJECTS New Canaan High School* New Britain High School* Additions & Renovations as New Project Cost: 67 Million Renovations & Additions Project Cost: 15 Million and High School* Renovations & Additions Project Cost: 15 Million Lewis Mills High School* As New Naugatuck High School* Additions & Renovations Project Cost: 52 Million Joel Barlow High School* Renovations & Additions Project Cost; 4 Million Newtown High School* RHAM Middle and High School* Renovations & Additions Project Cost: 30 Million Lyme Old Lyme Middle as New Greenwich High School New Facility for 1200 Students Herbron, CT Project Cost: 71 Million Renovations & Additions Project Cost: 35 Million East Haven High School* New Facility for 1500 Students Project Cost; 45 Million Performing Arts & Music Facility Project Cost; 35 Million Wethersfield High School Renovations and Additions As New Wethersfield, CT Project Cost; 75 Million Brookfield High School* Westbrook High School* Renovations & Code Update Project Cost; 2.0 Million New Britain Alternative High School * New Britain, CT Newington High School * Newington, CT Renovations & Code Update Project Cost; 2.5 Million MIDDLE SCHOOL PROJECTS Sherman K-8 School* Additions & Renovations as New Project Cost: 10 Million Sherman, CT Westbrook Middle* New Facility Westbrook, CT RHAM Middle Schools As New Andover, Marlborough & Hebron CT Newtown Middle School* Additions and Renovations Newtown, CT Harbur Middle School As New Fox K-8 School* Regional School District Burlington, CT Additions & Renovations as New Hartford, CT Windham K-8 School* New Facility Windham, CT Whisconier Middle School* Additions and Renovations Brookfield, CT Swift Middle School* Additions & Renovations as New Watertown, CT Martin Kellogg Middle School John Wallace Middle School Renovations Newington, CT. BOE OFFICE PROJECTS Town of West Hartford* West Hartford, CT Regional School District #8* Andover, Marlborough & Hebron CT QuisenberryArcari Regional School District Burlington, CT Town of Darien Darien, CT #10* Glastonbury Public Schools BOE Study Glastonbury, CT * Indicates work performed as principal and project manager with previous firm of Kaestle Boos Associates. East Haven Public Schools East Haven, CT DESCRIPTION OF TEAM AND CONSULTANTS ARCHITECTS,LLC 4-6 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School JIM HEALY - AIA, LEED, AP With nearly 30 years of experience within the profession and a diverse background, Jim is experienced in all areas of architectural service, from schema c design through contract administra on. He is proficient in AutoCAD 2015. Jim has worked on a broad range of projects. He’s dedicated to the profession of architecture. His philosophy is that great architecture has the power to inspire and connect people, support the local culture and help create and restore history. Whether designing a building, interior or furnishings, it is essen al to create a balance of func on, beauty and harmony. He work closely with his clients to interpret their request, build on their ideas, and recommend efficient, state-of-the-art architecture to meet their needs. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Wethersfield High School, Wethersfield, CT Additions and Renovations $85,000,000 Martin Kellogg Middle School, Newington, CT New Biomedical Classrooms Design Development Phase John Wallace Middle School, Newington, CT New Aerospace Classrooms Design Development Phase University of Hartford Performing Arts Center* The Hart School, Hartord, CT $12,000,000 Kelly Middle School, Norwich, CT* Additions and Renovations $40,000,000 QuisenberryArcari Education The Commons Building at The Learning Corridor, Hartford, CT* New Building $25,000,000 Parkville Elementary School, Gilead Hill Elementary School, Hartford, CT* Addition and Renovations $6,000,000 Hebron, CT* Additions and Renovations $5,000,000 Veterans Memorial Elemen- Ivy Drive Elementary School, Bristol Central High School, tary School, Norwich, CT* Renovations $4,000,000 Teachers Memorial Middle School, Norwich, CT* Renovations $5,000,000 Wilby High School, Waterbury, CT* Addition and Renovations $11,000,000 Valley Regional High School, Deep River, CT* Additions and Renovations $28,000,000 John Winthrop Middle School, Deep River, CT* Additions and Renovations $25,000,000 Bristol, CT * Additions and Renovations $14,500,000 Mountain View Elementary School, Bristol, CT * Additions and Renovations $13,000,000 Cherry Brook Primary School, Canton, CT* Additions and Renovations $6,000,000 Hebron Elementary School, Hebron, CT* Additions and Renovations $6,000,000 Bristol, CT * Additions and Renovations $35,000,000 Bristol Eastern High School, Bristol, CT* Additions and Renovations $34,000,000 Breakthrough Magnet School, Hartford, CT* New School $30,000,000 Asylum Hill Boys & Girls Club, Hartford, CT* New Building $8,000,000 * Projects while employed at previous architectural firms DESCRIPTION OF TEAM AND CONSULTANTS ARCHITECTS,LLC 4-7 Bachelor of Architecture Degree Hartford State Technical College Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School REBECCA SARKOSI - IIDA, NCIDQ CERTIFIED A registered interior designer with over 12 years experience in architectural styles that span tradi onal to modern, Rebecca has been involved in an array of project types which include educa on, corporate, retail, health care and private residences. Projects listed below entailed a variety of interior design services including interior finish selec ons & documenta on, space planning, programming, client presenta ons, FF&E specifica ons of new and exis ng, FF&E specifica ons, signage packages. Her passion is balancing her design vision, client requests and project constraints to create func onal and engaging interiors. RE LE V ANT EXP ER I EN CE Education Cornell University Axinn Veltrop Law Offices Fay School Wethersfield High School Providence Technical High Vassar College Renovations * Ithaca, NY Additions and Renovations Wethersfield, CT NBHA Education Center New Facility New Britain, CT CMEEC Headquarters Renovation Norwich, CT Bio Engineering Stem Academy Addition Newington, CT B&F Machine Office Renovation New Britain, CT Comstock Community Center Renovation Wilton, CT QuisenberryArcari Renovation * Hartford, CT School * Additions & Renovations Providence, RI Marshall University New Facility * Huntingon, West Virginia New Facility * Southborough, MA Renovations * Poughkeepsie, NY Genzyme Corporation Interior Design & FFE package * Framingham, MA Day Kimball Hospital ESPN Mt. Holyoke College Hartford Journalism & Media Various On-call services * Putnam, CT New Facility * South Hadley, MA Gottfried & Somberg Renovation * East Lyme, CT New Facility * Bristol, CT Bachelor of Science - Interior Design Endicott College Beverly, MA Registrations NCIDQ Certified Professional Affiliations International Interior Design Association Member Academy Renovation * Hartford, CT * Projects while employed at previous architectural firms St. Timothy’s Private School New Facility * Stevenson, MD DESCRIPTION OF TEAM AND CONSULTANTS ARCHITECTS,LLC 4-8 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School KEVIN P. MCFARLAND - AIA Kevin has over ten years of design and produc on experience, and has worked on a wide variety of project types. With extensive experience derived from educa onal, municipal, housing authority, residenal and health care market sectors where he plays a key role in the produc on detailing and management, Mr. McFarland understands well the a en on to detail required for educa onal & renova on projects and always fully engages to ensure ongoing opera onal project success. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE - Project Manager Wethersfield High School The Pre-School Wethersfield, CT CREC- Soundbridge School Wethersfield, CT Crosby High School/ Wallace Middle School** Media Center Addition/ Classroom Renovations Waterbury, CT New London Science & Technology Magnet High School* New London, CT CREC- East Hartford/ Glastonbury Elementary Magnet School** New Construction Glastonbury, CT High School** Groton, CT QuisenberryArcari LEARN- Learning Center** Addition Brooklyn, CT Robert E. Fitch Education C.B. Jennings Elementary School* New Construction New London, CT East Lyme Middle School* New Construction East Lyme, CT Seymour High School* Seymour, CT Western CT State University** West Side Athletic Stadium Danbury, CT 4-9 Engineering Technology University of Hartford Master of Architecture University of Hartford * While employed at Friar Associates, Farmington, CT ** While employed at JCJ Architecture, Har ord, CT DESCRIPTION OF TEAM AND CONSULTANTS ARCHITECTS,LLC Bachelor of Science in Architectural Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School Landscape Architecture Site Planning Phil Barlow, Principal 114 West Main Street, Suite 201 New Britain, CT 06051 T: 860-612-1700 F: 860-612-1757 CELEBRATING 25+ YEARS K-12 PUBLIC SCHOOLS At TO Design, LLC, we have established ourselves as leaders in the design of sites for “Schools of Choice”. We continue to integrate school grounds into the learning program, while providing for necessary service requirements. We have learned that the landscape environment can have a direct impact on the quality of learning that occurs within the building. Our design of a school site integrates all of the necessary functions, parking, bus circulation, service areas, athletic fields and community uses into a plan that is workable and meaningful to students and staff. REPRESENTATIVE EXPERIENCE Broad Brook Elementary School East Windsor, Connecticut Birch Grove Primary School Tolland, Connecticut Public Safety Academy (CREC) (QÀHOG&RQQHFWLFXW Glastonbury-East Hartford Magnet School (CREC) Glastonbury, Connecticut Mary Louise Aiken Elementary School West Hartford, Connecticut Regional School District #10 Burlington, Connecticut Gaffney Elementary School New Britain, Connecticut Sedgwick Middle School West Hartford, Connecticut Henry T. Wolcott Elementary School West Hartford, Connecticut River Street School (CREC) Windsor, Connecticut Thomaston High School Thomaston, Connecticut Washington Montessori School New Preston, Connecticut Soundbridge School (CREC) :HWKHUVÀHOG&RQQHFWLFXW :HWKHUVÀHOG+LJK6FKRRO :HWKHUVÀHOG&RQQHFWLFXW QuisenberryArcari DESCRIPTION OF TEAM AND CONSULTANTS ARCHITECTS,LLC 4-10 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School W. PHILLIPS BARLOW TO Design, LLC, New Britain, Connecticut - 1987 to present. A multi-disciplined ofÀce specializing in site and urban design. Phil received his BSLA from West Virginia University and is a licensed landscape architect in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Texas. His diverse background includes: urban design, master planning, park planning, historic resource planning, and award winning site design for commercial and municipal clients. PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT Allan Hixon Associates, Simsbury, Connecticut Project manager in landscape architecture ofÀce concentrating in site design and master planning. Carter and Burgess Engineers and Planners, Fort Worth, Texas Project landscape architect and planner in multi discipline ofÀce specializing in planned-use developments, large scale zoning and housing. Omni Homes, Dallas, Texas As staff land planner, assumed wide range of duties, from graphics to subdivision layout. EDUCATION West Virginia University Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture - 1981 PROFESSIONAL LICENSING AND TRAINING Licensed Landscape Architect – Connecticut, Massachusetts, Texas, Rhode Island CLARB #1141 LEED Accredited Professional PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AND ACTIVITIES CT Chapter of the American Planning Association American Society of Landscape Architects CT Chapter of the American Institute of Architects – Associate Member Boston Architecture Center - Adjunct Site Design Instructor Harvard University School of Design - Special Courses CT Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects – Executive Board Member Society for College & University Planning CT Recreation & Park Association CT Parks Association New England Parks Association 114 West Main Street New Britain, CT 06051 QuisenberryArcari Phone: 860-612-1700 DESCRIPTION OF TEAM AND CONSULTANTS ARCHITECTS,LLC 4-11 Fax: 860-612-1757 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School F i r m Pr o f i le Our Background: A Reputation for Design Excellence Founded in 1994, Consulting Engineering Services has grown in size and reputation for some very simple UHDVRQV:HEHOLHYHLQRIIHULQJRXUFOLHQWVWKHPRVWDGYDQFHGHQHUJ\HIÀFLHQWEXLOGLQJVROXWLRQVWKDWÀW our clients project budgets, schedules and complexity. We believe that successful projects are the result of proactive service – in planning, on the job, and after. 0RVWLPSRUWDQW&(6XQGHUVWDQGVWKDWQRWZRSURMHFWVDUHH[DFWO\DOLNHDQGWKDWHDFKVKRXOGUHÁHFWWKH unique needs and goals of each of our clients. “We continue to employ CES because of their consistent ability to meet stringent budget and schedule guidelines for projects of all sizes. Furthermore, their commitment to quality and service make CES a valued member of our team.” ---Eastern Connecticut State University Our Approach: MEP, Commissioning and Construction Administration 7KHVHYHQSULQFLSDOVRIWKHÀUPKDYe worked together to develop a reputation for design excellence in (GXFDWLRQ+HDOWK&DUH5HVHDUFK'HYHORSPHQW&RUSRUDWH2IÀFH6SRUWV5HFUHDWLRQ&RPPXQLW\ and Private Estate projects.The CES staff of over 75 experienced professionals is divided into manageable WHDPVWKDWVSHFLDOL]HLQPHFKDQLFDOHOHFWULFDOSOXPELQJDQGÀUHSURWHFWLRQHQJLQHHULQJVHUYLFHIRUDQDO\VLV design, commissioning and construction administration for projects throughout the Northeast and beyond. As the popularity of BIM software gained momentum with the architectural community, CES welcomed this new technology to coordinate and aid in clash detection with our 3D drawings. Early in 2009, AuWRGHVN5HYLW0(3ZDVUHOHDVHG0(3ZDVDVLJQLÀFDQWLPSURYHPHQWRYHULWVSUHGHFHVVRU:H embraced this software and started to utilize BIM to its full potential of project coordination. At present, we use Revit MEP 2013 on all of our new projects. “I have been very satisfied with the result of their commissioning and the professional level or service offered by CES. CES showed a desire and subsequent effort to provide us with a well controlled and fully operational building. It was clear there would have been items which were overlooked had CES not been onboard. They played a crucial role in the process and made the final turnover process easier on us as we felt confident that they were looking out for our best interest.” – David Fresk, CREC. Our Leadership: Professionals Our Principals and Team Leaders serve the AEC industry as guest lecturers, panelists and contributors to WUDGHSXEOLFDWLRQVDQGUDGLRWDONVKRZVRQHQHUJ\HIÀFLHQF\IRUWKHEXLOWHQYLURQPHQW&(6DOVRVHUYHVDV an AIA Registered Provider for Health Safety and Welfare seminars, offering continuing education credits for architectural re-licensure. Our Future: Creating Energy Solutions As part of our commitmentWRVXVWDLQDEOHGHVLJQDQGHQHUJ\VDYLQJVSUDFWLFHV&(6LVDFHUWLÀHG/(('TM FRQVXOWDQWZLWK/(('$FFUHGLWHG3URIHVVLRQDOV&HUWLÀHG(QHUJ\0DQDJHUV*HRWKHUPDO'HVLJQHUV39 Designers, Commissioning Professionals and High Performance Building Design Professionals all on staff. CES is also an adopter of the AIA2030 challenge. Consulting Engineering Services 811 Middle Street Middletown, CT 860.632.1682 QuisenberryArcari 510 Chapman Street Suite 201 Canton, MA 617.261.7161 DESCRIPTION OF TEAM AND CONSULTANTS ARCHITECTS,LLC 4-12 216 East 45th Street Suite 1107 N e w Yo r k , N Y 212.297.6295 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School Steven R. Collins Principal in Charge Mr. Collins possesses over 25 years of experience in project management and leads a multi-disciplined team with over 75 years’ collective experience in building systems design. His experience with coordination of construction schedules for extensive renovations, additions and building system upgrades is sought after by many clients who wish to minimize instructional disruptions during construction. Mr. Collins has served as the Principal in Charge for dozens of public school projects throughout the State, including most recently the Hartford Magnet Trinity College Academy in Hartford. Contact E T: 860-632-1682 Project Experience Hartford Magnet Trinity College Academy - Hartford, CT Greenwich High School, New Auditorium - Greenwich, CT Windsor High School, New Auditorium - Windsor, CT %ORRPÀHOG+LJK6FKRRO%ORRPÀHOG&7 &5(&3XEOLF6DIHW\$FDGHP\(QÀHOG&7 :HWKHUVÀHOG+LJK6FKRRO:HWKHUVÀHOG&7 CREC Two Rivers Academy - East Hartford, CT Waterford High School - Waterford, CT Education CCSU New Britain, CT Construction Engineering Studies Hartford State Technical College Hartford, CT Electrical Engineering Studies Professional Organizations Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) Professional Experience National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1997 – Present Consulting Engineering Services 0LGGOHWRZQ&7&DQWRQ0$1HZ<RUN1< Position: Principal 1989 – 1997 vanZelm, Heywood & Shadford, Inc. West Hartford, CT Position: Electrical Engineer 1987 – 1989 Deyo Associates Avon, CT Position: Electrical Technician 1984 – 1986 Allen Associates, Inc. %ORRPÀHOG&7 Position: Electrical Technician Connecticut Green Building Council (CTGBC) New England Healthcare Engineers Society (NEHES) American Society of Healthcare Engineers (ASHE) QuisenberryArcari DESCRIPTION OF TEAM AND CONSULTANTS ARCHITECTS,LLC 4-13 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School R elevant Pr o jec t Ex p er ienc e QuisenberryArcari Bennet Sixth Grade Academy Manchester, CT Size: 143,000 sq.ft. Cost: $24,000,000 Renovate as New Naugatuck High School Naugatuck, CT Size: 285,500 sq.ft. Cost: $81,000,000 Renovate as New, Addition Manchester High School Manchester, CT Size: 372,000 sq.ft. Cost: $27,000,000 Renovations and Addition Watertown High School Watertown, CT Size: 214,000 sq.ft. Cost: $56,000,000 Renovation and Addition MD Fox Elementary School Hartford, CT Size: 140,000 sq.ft. Cost: $54,000,000 Restoration and Renovate as New Journalism and New Media High School Hartford, CT Size: 79,000 sq.ft. Cost: $26,000,000 Renovate as New Glenville Elementary School Greenwich, CT Size: 65,000 sq.ft. Cost: $20,000,000 Renovate as New :HWKHUVÀHOG+LJK6FKRRO :HWKHUVÀHOG&7 Size: 267,000 sq.ft. Cost: $75,000,000 Renovation and Addition Judson Elementary School Watertown, CT Size: 60,000 sq.ft. Cost: $16,000,000 Renovate as New Gilmartin Elementary School Waterbury, CT Size: 80,000 sq.ft Cost: $25,000,000 New Construction Polk Elementary School Watertown, CT Size: 70,500 sq.ft. Cost: $13,000,000 Renovate as New West Bristol School Bristol, CT Size: 121,500 sq.ft. Cost: $52,000,000 New Construction Metecomet Elementary School %ORRPÀHOG&7 Size: 44,500 sq.ft. Cost: $10,500,000 Renovations and Addition Green Hill Elementary School Bristol, CT Size: 121,500 sq.ft. Cost: $52,000,000 New Construction DESCRIPTION OF TEAM AND CONSULTANTS ARCHITECTS,LLC 4-14 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School ABOUT US: B R U C E R . P E R R O N E P. E . We bring together a combined Bruce Perrone holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil experience of 40 years in structural Engineering, University of Har tford, 1977, and a Master of Business design of a variety of projects Administration in Finance, University of Har tford, 1981. He has been a Licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Connecticut (No. 14916) including educational facilities, since 1987. Mr. Perrone has over 25 years of experience dedicated commercial, retail, industrial and to structural engineering, and is constantly active in structural design residential buildings, and and current with all building codes and practices. He has been respon- religious facilities. sible for the structural design of various institutional, commercial, industrial and residential buildings. Prior to forming Perrone and Zajda Our firm provides all stages of Engineers, LLC, Bruce was employed by Hallisey Engineering & As- structural design in concrete, steel, sociates, Inc., from 1978 to 2003. Bruce is a member of the American masonry and wood. Council of Engineering Companies. He is also a committee member of the Boy Scouts of America Troop 0050 of Wethersfield, Connecticut. We provide calculations for steel fabricators for the design of brace C H R I S T O P H E R H. Z A J DA , P. E . frames, beam to column moment Chris Zajda holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil connections, simple beam to beam Engineering, University of Miami, 1987, Bachelor of Science Degree in Architectural Engineering, University of Miami, 1987 and a Master and beam to column connections, of Science in Civil Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1989. and stair construction. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Connecticut (No. 19709), State of New York (No. 075368) and in the State of New We design foundations for pre- Jersey (No. 42101). Mr. Zajda has over 15 years of experience in struc- fabricated steel buildings and also tural design, and has been responsible for all stages of design in con- provide Special Inspection services. crete, steel, masonry, and wood structures for a variety of projects that Our rates are very competitive. We include institutional, industrial, residential and commercial projects. look forward to working with you on Prior to forming Perrone and Zajda Engineers, LLC, Chris was a Project Engineer with Luchini, Milfor t, Goodell & Associates, Inc., from 1989 to future projects. 1998 and most recently, was employed by Hallisey Engineering & Associates, Inc. Chris is a member of the American Council of Engineering Bruce Perrone and Chris Zajda Companies and is fluent in Polish. He is also an assistant baseball and soccer coach in Southington, Connecticut. Southway Executive Park 35 Cold Spring Road Unit 511, Rocky Hill, CT QuisenberryArcari DESCRIPTION OF TEAM AND CONSULTANTS ARCHITECTS,LLC 4-15 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School OUR PROJECT LIST INCLUDES: EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES ` East Lyme Middle School, East Lyme, CT `Coleytown Middle School Phase III, Westport, CT ` Connecticut International Baccalaureate Academy, East Hartford, CT `Silver Lane School Additions, East Hartford, CT `Thomas Hooker Middle School Additions, Bridgeport, CT `Trumbull Regional Agri-Science Technology Center, Trumbull, CT `West Rocks Middle School Additions, Norwalk, CT `Silas Deane Middle School Additions, Wethersfield, CT `State Receiving Home & School, East Windsor, CT `Westhill High School Agri-Science Center, Stamford, CT `Kelly Lane School Additions, Granby, CT `Bullard-Havens, Regional Voc-Tech School `University of Southern Maine Library, Additions, Bridgeport, CT Portland, Maine `Torrington High School Additions, Torrington, CT RELIGIOUS FACILITIES `Living Word Ministries Church, West Haven, CT `Our Lady of Sorrows Church Addition, Essex, CT ` Franciscan Center of Urban Ministry Saint PatrickSaint Anthony Church, Hartford, CT `First Congregational Church, Granby, CT MEDICAL FACILITIES `Community Health Services, Hartford, CT `Southport Medical Building, Southport, CT ` Waterbury Hospital Health Center Emergency Dept. Additions, Waterbury, CT `Granby Medical Office Building, Granby, CT COMMERCIAL/RETAIL `A&P Supermarket - Webster Square, Berlin, CT `Walgreen’s Store #6654, Glastonbury, CT `Middlesex Federal Credit Union, Middletown, CT `Parcel J Building B Retail Stores, Manchester, CT `Showcase Cinemas Addition, East Hartford, CT `Parcel J Building C, Manchester, CT `1086 Elm Street Office Building, Rocky Hill, CT `Parcel T West Building, Northern Hills, Manchester, CT `Andrews/Wallace, Manchester, CT `Parcel T East Building, Northern Hills, Manchester, CT `Bank of Bermuda, Hamilton, Bermuda `Staples Store, Glastonbury, CT `Dunkin’ Donuts Store, Glastonbury, CT `Richmond House, Hamilton, Bermuda `Chili’s Restaurant, Glastonbury, CT `27,000 square feet Location Realty Stores/ Gateway Plaza, Manchester, CT `Chili’s Restaurant, Newington, CT `Renovations to 960 Main Street (Old G.Fox), Hartford, CT INDUSTRIAL `Braxton Manufacturing Addition, New Hartford, CT `Morse Watchman Addition, Oxford, CT `Arrow Concrete Facilities, Granby, CT `UTC Fuels Cells Hazardous Waste Storage Facility South Windsor, CT `AcuCut, Southington, CT HEALTH CARE FACILITIES `Assisted Living of Wall Township New Jersey, Wall Township, NJ `Anechoic Chamber, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT `Theresa A. Rook Retirement Community, Cromwell, CT Southway Executive Park The list of projects were designed by Bruce Perrone and Christopher Zajda while project engineers at their previous employments. 35 Cold Spring Road Unit 511, Rocky Hill, CT phone/fax: 860-513-1156 QuisenberryArcari DESCRIPTION OF TEAM AND CONSULTANTS ARCHITECTS,LLC 4-16 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School 300 Winding Brook Drive, Glastonbury, CT 06033 BSC Group Qualifications BSC Group is a collaborative practice of planners, engineers, and scientists who are thoughtfully transforming our environments with projects in site development, transportation, and energy. Founded in 1965, the firm offers the services of more than 100 professionals operating from four offices in Connecticut and Massachusetts. Our consulting staff represents the best talents in planning, engineering, regulatory permitting and ecological science, landscape architecture, land surveying, and spatial information systems. Our greatest strength lies in our collaborative approach to projects, involving all members of our multidisciplinary staff as necessary, leading to better and more creative solutions throughout the life of the project. We also encourage the involvement of our clients in every step of the process, resulting in high quality planning and design that is technologically and environmentally sound, economically feasible, and aesthetically pleasing. BSC’s design team has extensive experience in providing effective solutions to design challenges posed by educational projects. Our civil engineering capabilities are comprehensive, and address all phases of a project, including identification of key issues, engineering studies, design (plans, specifications, and contract documents), permitting through local and state agencies, and construction phase support. Our civil engineers are adept at working interactively on multidisciplinary project teams, allowing a positive exchange of ideas and development of collaborative solutions to complex problems. BSC's technical expertise is complemented by in-depth knowledge of local, state, and federal regulatory processes. We recognize the value of ecologically responsible and sustainable practices, including integrating school facility infrastructure with Low Impact Design (LID) principals for parking areas, stormwater management, hardscaping, plantings, and playgrounds. BSC understands the dynamics involved in the construction of K-12 projects. To support our designs, we provide ongoing civil engineering expertise throughout the construction phase. Because of our knowledge and experience, we can offer timely response to contractor questions and "in-the-field" recommendations to expedite the intent of design. Our experience designing K-12 schools is extensive and includes the following facilities: x x x x x x x x x x x Crystal Lake School, Ellington, CT Windermere Elementary School, Ellington, CT Charles H. Barrow STEM Academy, Windham, CT MD Fox School, Hartford, CT John F. Kennedy High School, Waterbury, CT Wilby High School, Waterbury, CT Career Academy, Waterbury, CT Gilmartin Elementary School, Waterbury, CT Waterbury Enlightenment School, Waterbury, CT Foran High School, Milford, CT Bethel High School, Bethel, CT QuisenberryArcari DESCRIPTION OF TEAM AND CONSULTANTS ARCHITECTS,LLC 4-17 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School Will Walter, PE, LEED AP Manager of Civil Engineering BACKGROUND Mr. Walter has 17 years of experience as a civil engineer with design experience in all aspects relating to land development, including permitting, grading and drainage, utilities, and erosion and sediment control. He is experienced in total site design to meet the design criteria and performance standards of numerous local, state, and federal guidelines and requirements, including local zoning and inland wetland requirements, stormwater design requirements, stormwater quality requirements, erosion and sediment control requirements, and ConnDOT permitting. Mr. Walter has participated in the design of numerous educational facility projects, and is well-versed in the permitting process specific to K-12 schools and the State’s Office of School Facilities (OSF). In addition to his design and permitting expertise, he is experienced in the provision of construction inspection and erosion and sediment inspection services, having performed this task for numerous development projects. EDUCATION B.S., Civil Engineering Worcester Polytechnic Institute REGISTRATIONS Professional Engineer - CT LEED Accredited Professional - USGBC AFFILIATIONS Construction Institute PROJECT EXPERIENCE Crystal Lake School, Town of Ellington, CT Project Manager for integrated site design for renovation/expansion of the existing 30,000 square foot building, with a 20,000 square foot addition. The 16 acres site was rehabilitated and reconfigured with revised grading, new access drives, parking and bus loading/unloading areas, three new athletic fields, three new play areas, and a walking path. The BSC team was responsible for site/civil engineering, stormwater management, traffic/parking, landscape architecture, design of the athletic and playground facilities, design of the walking path, and site permitting. Permitting was through the Town of Ellington, the State Office of School Facilities and CT DEEP. Charles H. Barrows STEM Academy, Windham, CT Project Manager for design and permitting of a new 600 student school serving grades pre-K through 8. After conducting a site selection study for the client, BSC designed the new school facility on the selected site. This included site layout planning, a comprehensive traffic study to assess effects of the new facility on local vehicular movements, and the design of new utilities, drop-off and parking facilities, athletic fields, and stormwater management systems. The new school facility incorporates significant LID components, and achieved LEED Silver certification. M.D. Fox School, Hartford, CT Project Manager for design and permitting of extensive renovations to one of Hartford’s original high schools, constructed in 1924. The BSC team provided civil engineering, traffic, and landscape architecture services for a complete reconstruction of the school’s site. This included a facility condition assessment, site layout planning, phasing, design of new utilities, site access/circulation, parking facilities, playgrounds, QuisenberryArcari DESCRIPTION OF TEAM AND CONSULTANTS ARCHITECTS,LLC 4-18 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School Will Walter, PE, LEED AP 2 and stormwater management systems. Permitted through the City of Hartford, and reviewed through the Bureau of School Facilities. John F. Kennedy High School, Waterbury, CT Civil Engineer for the design of the site-portion of renovations to the existing high school facility. The project included a facility condition assessment, interaction with school administration and faculty, preparation of planning documents for renovation, and preparation of conceptual design plans depicting proposed improvements. Career Academy High School, Waterbury, CT Project Manager for the development of a new high school in the City of Waterbury. This new 144,000 gross square foot school will serve 800 students as an intra-district magnet school. The BSC team provided civil and traffic engineering services on the project. This included design of site storm drainage, sanitary sewers, domestic/fire protection water services, gas utilities, sedimentation and erosion control measures and the related site utility permitting to support the proposed facility, and traffic study/analysis. Gilmartin Elementary School, Waterbury, CT Project Engineer for civil engineering services for the development of a new K-8 school facility in the City of Waterbury. Design included assessment of the existing school facility, project phasing, selective demolition, site storm drainage, sanitary sewers, domestic/fire protection water services, gas utilities, stormwater permitting, and sedimentation/erosion control measures. Local approvals obtained through the City of Waterbury. Review and approval through the Bureau of School Facilities. BSC also provided construction phase services in support of the project. Waterbury Enlightenment School, Waterbury, CT Project Manager for the site-related portions of the redevelopment of an existing school in downtown Waterbury. The project included several construction phases and complex utility, grading, and drainage solutions in a tight, urban environment. Mr. Walter also was responsible for obtaining project approvals through BSF for the site improvements portion of the project. Foran High School, Milford , CT Project Manager for civil engineering and landscape architecture services in support of additions to the High School facility which serves approximately 1,000 students. This project included a 12,000 sf addition to the building and exterior site enhancements for parking, circulation, drainage, and pedestrian access. Mr. Walter also was responsible for obtaining approvals through the State’s Bureau of School Facilities (BSF) for the site improvements portion of the project. Bethel High School, Bethel, CT Project Engineer for site design in support of a 30,000-square-foot addition to the school facility. Services included supporting utilities, additional/revised parking, and stormwater management, as well as local and state permitting. This included developing a creative stormwater design that would serve as an inexpensive alternative to costly underground detention. The result was several interconnected rain gardens and above-ground detention ponds. QuisenberryArcari DESCRIPTION OF TEAM AND CONSULTANTS ARCHITECTS,LLC 4-19 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School J.R. RUSSO, LLC 8FTQFDJBMJ[FJOQSPWJEJOHDPOTUSVDUJPO BENJOJTUSBUJPOBOENBOBHFNFOUTFSWJDFTUP DMJFOUTJOUIFNVOJDJQBMJOEVTUSJBM BOESFBMFTUBUFEFWFMPQNFOUNBSLFU 8FBMTPBTTJTUPXOFSTXJUIDPOTUSVDUJPO REFERENCES DMBJNTSFMBUFEUPGJFMEDPOEJUJPOTTDIFEVMF Colchester PK-2 School East Granby High School Mr. Greg Plunkett Tootin Hills and Tariffville Director of School Facilities Elementary Schools 127 Norwich Ave, Colchester, CT Simsbury, CT 860-537-7267 Mr. Mark A. Welch, AIA, JNQBDUTDIBOHFPSEFSTBOENPOJUPS QSPHSFTTPGDMJFOUTDPOUSBDUPSTGPS Oak Park Architects Enfield Schools (9-Elementary Schools, 1-Middle School, 1-High School) Enfield, CT DPOGPSNBODFXJUIDPOUSBDUEPDVNFOUT 312 Park Rd., Suite 202, West Hartford, CT 860-232-6664 Tootin Hills Elementary School Town Hall (renovations) DPW 860-486-8055 Vernon Schools (3 Elementary, 1 Middle, 1 High School, VoAg Center) Mr. Karasinski, Director of Business and Finance, Vernon Schools Vernon, CT 860-870-6000 ext: 126 Coventry Schools Roof Replacement Coventry, CT Mr. John Elsesser, Town Manager ENOS Hall (renovations) Simsbury Public Library Tariffville Elementary School Mr. Richard Sawltzke PE, EDUCATION Town Engineer and Director Worcester Polytechnic Institute Bachelor of Science of Capital Projects Simsbury, CT REGISTRATIONS 860-658-3260 State of Connecticut Registration # MCO 900973 OSHA 10 Hour Certified Hayden Fire Station Mr. Paul Goldberg State of Connecticut SBE, DBE, MBE Windsor Fire Administrator Construction Management Construction Contract Administration Windsor CT 860-285-1983 107 Oakwood Drive, Glastonbury, CT 06033 QuisenberryArcari Jim Russo, Principal General Contractor PHONE: 860-633-9481 FAX: 860-633-9331 CELL: 860-205-4472 DESCRIPTION OF TEAM AND CONSULTANTS ARCHITECTS,LLC 4-20 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School QUALIFICATIONS/PAST PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATIONS/PAST PERFORMANCE 5 5 5 QUALIFICATIONS/PAST PERFORMANCE Quisenberry Arcari Architects has designed several Connec cut public school projects including elementary middle and high school as defined in the minimum qualifica on criteria. Addi onally all key professionals assigned to the Ledyard Schools project teams have extensive K-12 educa onal experience while employed at other firms as is evident in their resumes. State of ConnecƟcut Bureau of School FaciliƟes Experience: Senior members of the QA design team have dedicated a majority of their professional career working on PK-12 educa onal projects in Connec cut. Our understanding and knowledge of the State Grant process and the requirements of the Office of School Facili es, is extensive. Mr. Malik the project manager and principal has assisted numerous school districts in Connec cut successfully navigate the state process over the past twenty ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICE four years. Our team understands the change order documenta on require- K-12 Education ments and the details required by the OSF to ensure appropriate reimbursement Municipal for change orders. We have assisted many districts from the ini al filing of the Commercial grant applica ons, the EDO-49 through the closeout documenta on, the EDO-49F Healthcare as well as the State Audit process. QA Architects senior staff has recently assisted Public Housing the town of Wethersfield though the State Grant Applica on process including the filing of the Renovate as New applica on. Furthermore we have been successfully in obtaining a 100% space standards waiver which maximized the towns state reimbursement. BIM & 3D Modeling - Building InformaƟon Management: The QA Design Team understands the importance of Building Informa onal Modeling in the development of architectural designs and the produc on of construc on documents. QA Architects commi ed to BIM five years ago with a goal of full BIM integra on for design and construc on documents on all projects. Most of our architectural staff has been trained in Revit 2013 and Autodesk 2013 and is used exclusively for the execu on of all projects. Although many client and construc on professionals are not yet set up to fully realize all of the benefits of BIM models in the design or construc on process, our strategy and direc on is to pursue BIM integra on on all projects. We are poised to implement a full ‘4D’ BIM strategy for the Ledyard projects. Our team used BIM technology to model and facilitate the building design for Wethersfield High School, the Newington Schools Bioengineering and Aerospace STEM lab projects. LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design & High Performance Buildings: Our design team is commi ed to a sustainable, high performance approach, and our project are reviewed for LEED Silver equivalency. We are familiar with and have implemented the requirements of the LEED Silver ra ng or equivalent standard as well as the requirements for High Performance Buildings. QA Architects has in-house LEED Accredited professionals that assess all projects for LEED and High Performance Buildings Criteria. The QA Architects team has designed several LEED Silver equivalent renova on projects, including the Soundbridge School. The Wethersfield High School project is tracking LEED Gold. QuisenberryArcari QUALIFICATIONS/PAST PERFORMANCE ARCHITECTS,LLC 5-1 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School QuisenberryArcari QUALIFICATIONS/PAST PERFORMANCE ARCHITECTS,LLC 5-2 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School WETHERSFIELD HIGH SCHOOL Wethersfield, Connecticut EducaƟonal program requirements, energy conservaƟon and an accessible building and site were the imperaƟves that are the basis of this “Renovate as New” project. The original facility was built in 1952 with several addition over the years. The project scope includes, full building renovation of 255,000 SF and a 26,000 SF addition. The site will be reorganized to enhance safety, accessibility and improve circulation and site amenities. A complete infrastructure upgrade will incorporate sustainable design concepts educational program enhancements include 14 science clabrooms, a new media center, a completely renovated auditorium with increased seating at the new mezzanine, a new gymnasium, additional classrooms, repurposed space for music, art and technology, Rendering - Band Room a new culinary program and a new commons/cafeteria. A critical component of this project is the community’s desire to pursue an environmentally sensitive design. This includes passive and active systems that will meet a LEED Silver Certification. Cost to benefit analyses indicate that a photovoltaic array and a geothermal system will help achieve the project and town goals. Rendering - Main Entry PROJECT COST: $84.6 million DESIGN PHASE MARCH 2013 - APRIL 2014 COMPLETION: August 2016 CONTACT: Christine Fortunato BC Chair - 860.836.0359 CONSULTANTS CES Engineers MEP&FP Perrone & Zajda Structural Engineers TO Design Landscape & Civil Engineers SCHEDULE On Schedule CHANGE ORDERS 2.3% Primarily HAZMAT Rendering - Media Room QuisenberryArcari QUALIFICATIONS/PAST PERFORMANCE ARCHITECTS,LLC 5-3 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School CREC - SOUNDBRIDGE Wethersfield, Connecticut The Auditory Method of teaching hearing impaired students is the successful foundation for the Soundbridge School. The Soundbridge school project consisted of a 16,000 sq. ft. addition and renovations that were designed to meet the needs of the rapidly growing preschool/elementary student population. The project expansion included six new state-of-the-art classrooms, a multi-purpose room, new administrative offices, additional sound booths, and a 150 seat auditorium. The project scope also included renovations, full MEP system upgrades, and ADA improvements to the existing facility. This state funded project was subject to full Department of Construction Services, Bureau of School Facilities review. Classroom Exterior PROJECT COST: $10.12 million DESIGN COST: PHASE January 2007 - January 2008 $10,129,000 COMPLETION: COMPLETION: August 2010 February 2010 CONTACT: CONTACT: Roger RogerLefleur Lafleur,860 524 4060 Director Associates of FacilitiesMEP&FP McIlveen 860.524.4060 Perrone & Zajda Structural Engineers CONSULTANTS TO Design Landscape & Civil Engineers SCHEDULE RecreaƟon Area On Schedule CHANGE ORDERS 3.15% QuisenberryArcari QUALIFICATIONS/PAST PERFORMANCE ARCHITECTS,LLC 5-4 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School AEROSPACE ENGINEERING STEM ACADEMY JOHN WALLACE MIDDLE SCHOOL Newington, Connecticut The STEM Academy for Aerospace Engineering is part PROJECT COST: $2.0 million DESIGN PHASE COST: COMPLETION: June 2014 - January 2015 CONTACT: CONSULTANTS Lucian G. Jachimowicz CES Engineers MEP&FP CFO 860 665 8641 Perrone & Zajda Structural Engineers of Newington Public Schools focus towards developing a career based curriculum. The Academy is designed $2,000,000 August 2015 COMPLETION: 2015 പ CONTACT: Lucian Jachimowicz CFO 860 665 8461 as a flexible instructional and exploratory laboratory program that emulates a research facility. Infused with technology the lecture and laboratory spaces are designed to provide a flexible environment folding TO Design Landscape & Civil Engineers SCHEDULE partitions that allow for a single large lab to multiple On Schedule instructional spaces for small teams. CHANGE ORDERS 0.75% Owner Requested Changes QuisenberryArcari QUALIFICATIONS/PAST PERFORMANCE ARCHITECTS,LLC 5-5 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School PROJECT COST: $1.0 million DESIGN PHASE June 2013 - January 2014 COMPLETION: August 2014 CONTACT: Lucian Jachimowicz CFO 860 665 8461 CONSULTANTS CES Engineers MEP&FP Perrone & Zajda Structural Engineers TO Design Landscape & Civil Engineers SCHEDULE On Schedule CHANGE ORDERS 0.25% A i QuisenberryArcari QUALIFICATIONS QUALIFICATIONS/PAST PERFORMANCE ARCHITECTS,LLC 5-6 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School ACADEMY OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES AT MARTIN KELLOGG MIDDLE SCHOOL Newington, Connecticut The new Academy of Biomedical Sciences is part of Newington Public School’s focus towards developing a career based curriculum. The Academy was designed by QA Architects as a flexible COST: $625,000 COMPLETION: August 2014 CONTACT: Lucian G. Jachimowicz, CFO 860 665 8641 instructional and exploratory laboratory program that emulates പ a research facility. Infused with technology, the lecture and laboratory spaces are designed to provide a flexible environment with folding partitions that allow for a single large lab or multiple instructional spaces for small teams. QuisenberryArcari QUALIFICATIONS/PAST PERFORMANCE ARCHITECTS,LLC 5-7 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School RHAM MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL Hebron, Connecticut Main Entrance Regional School District No. 8 - RHAM The new RHAM Middle and High School project incorporated state of the art technology, shared community spaces and a design that accommodated future expansion for academic classrooms. Built on the site of the exis ng facility a full athle c program with, football, soccer, so ball and baseball fields was developed. Separate access for Middle and High School students and the elimina on of vehicular pa ern conflicts with bus and parent traffic was successfully accommodated. The exisƟng middle school was expanded and renovated as a “Renovate As New” project. This project represents the individual experience of Rusty Malik, who worked as Principal-In-Charge while employed by the Architect of Record Kaestle Boos Associates. PROJECT COST: $71.0 million DESIGN PHASE MARCH 2000 - JANUARY 2001 COMPLETION: March 2006 CONTACT: William Silver - 860 930 4162 CONSULTANTS CES Engineers MEP&FP KBA Structural Engineers KBA Landscape & Civil Engineers SCHEDULE Completed On Schedule CHANGE ORDERS 3.75% QuisenberryArcari QUALIFICATIONS/PAST PERFORMANCE ARCHITECTS,LLC 5-8 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School WOLCOTT HIGH SCHOOL SCIENCE LABS Wolcott, Connecticut Quisenberry Arcari Architects renovated the Science Department Clabrooms for the Town of Wolcott. The work included removing all existing casework and finishes, including asbestos containing floor tiles and piping insulation, and replacing with all new material within the biology clabrooms and the shared prep room. The project design addressed layout revisions for lab stations providing additional sinks, provisions for handicap accessibility and including an independent mechanical exhaust system for the clabrooms. Temporary space was not available, therefore the project construction had to be completed during the summer break. After review by the State Department of Education and a successful bidding process the project was completed in time for the new school year. Custom cabinetry to accomodate laminar Ňow / fume hoods for the biology curriculum. PROJECT COST: $0.6 million COST: PHASE DESIGN $474,0002007 - January 2008 January COMPLETION: COMPLETION: August 2008 2008 August CONTACT: CONTACT: Fran Hubeny Hubeny 203 879 8150 Fran Facilities Director McIlveen Associates MEP&FP 203.879.8150 CONSULTANTS SCHEDULE On Schedule CHANGE ORDERS 0.15% QuisenberryArcari QUALIFICATIONS/PAST PERFORMANCE ARCHITECTS,LLC 5-9 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School GREENWICH HIGH SCHOOL Greenwich, Connecticut Greenwich High School Performing Arts Center Greenwich High School Based on a facility study of the music and performance programs at Greenwich High performed by Rusty Malik while employed at P+W, a new 1,350 seat auditorium and new facilities for the music program was designed at the high school. The auditorium was developed for both community and education use and incorporates all the support spaces necessary for the theater program. This project represents the individual experience of Rusty Malik, who worked as Principal-In-Charge while employed by the Architect of Record Perkins + Will. PROJECT COST: $28.0 million DESIGN PHASE January 2009 - January 2010 COMPLETION: August 2015 CONTACT: Jenny Krob, Former Vice Chairperson MISA 203 625 7400 c/o Board of Education CONSULTANTS CES Engineers MEP&FP GNCB Structural Engineers BSC Group Landscape & Civil Engineers SCHEDULE On Schedule CHANGE ORDERS 2.15% QuisenberryArcari QUALIFICATIONS/PAST PERFORMANCE ARCHITECTS,LLC 5-10 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School NEW CANAAN HIGH SCHOOL New Canaan, Connecticut New Canaan High School This “Renovate as New” project was renovated while fully occupied. The additions included a Gymnasium, Cafeteria, Kitchen and support spaces. The entire building was renovate and the science program was relocated into redesigned to meet modern lab-classroom program requirements. This project represents the individual experience of Rusty Malik, who worked as Principal-In-Charge while employed by the Architect of Record Kaestle Boos Associates. PROJECT COST: $67.0 million DESIGN PHASE January 2007 - January 2008 COMPLETION: August 2007 CONTACT: Christine Wagnew c/o BOE 203 625 7400 CONSULTANTS CES Engineers MEP&FP KBA Structural Engineers KBA Group Landscape & Civil Engineers SCHEDULE On Schedule CHANGE ORDERS 6.15% Primarily HAZMAT QuisenberryArcari QUALIFICATIONS/PAST PERFORMANCE ARCHITECTS,LLC 5-11 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School LINCOLN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL New Britain, Connecticut Built in 1929, the historic Lincoln Elementary School served the New Britain community as one of its several neighborhood schools. As part of a comprehensive renovaƟon “Renovate As New” and addiƟon project, the original 3 story PK-5 school was converted to house a preschool program as well as several other state-of-the-art educaƟonal and community related teaching spaces. The new addiƟon was designed to accommodate a relocated gymnasium, media center, pre kindergarten classrooms, mulƟ-purpose room and other core spaces. Each space developed to pro- Lincoln Elementary Exterior vide code required grade level egress as well as meet the neighboring communiƟes educaƟonal needs. The completed design preserves the historic front facade while reposiƟoning the school’s main entrance to accommodate bus and vehicular traĸc on what is otherwise a limited urban site. This project represents the individual experience of Rusty Malik, who worked as Principal-In-Charge while employed by the Architect of Record Kaestle Boos Associates. Lincoln Elementary Sketch COST: $18.5 Million COMPLETION: August 2005 CONTACT: Raymond Moore 860-827-2217 Lincoln Elementary Entrance QuisenberryArcari QUALIFICATIONS/PAST PERFORMANCE ARCHITECTS,LLC 5-12 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School VANCE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL New Britain, Connecticut Built in 1929, the historic Vance Elementary School served the New Britain community as one of its several neighborhood schools. As part of a comprehensive renovaƟon “Renovate As New” and addiƟon project, the original 3 story PK-5 school was converted to house a preschool program as well as several other state-of-the-art educaƟonal and community related teaching spaces. The new addiƟon was designed to accommodate a relocated gymnasium, cafeteria and classrooms, and other core spaces. Each space developed to provide code required grade level egress as well as meet the neighboring communiƟes educaƟonal needs. The completed design preserves the historic front facade while reposiƟoning the school’s bus and vehicular traĸc to the rear of the building. The school was designed as a village with real world spaces such as a bank, store, post Vance Elementary Corridor oĸce and other community spaces. This project represents the individual experience of Rusty Malik, who worked as Principal-In-Charge while employed by the Architect of Record Kaestle Boos Associates. Vance Elementary Exterior COST: $15.3 Million COMPLETION: September 2006 CONTACT: Raymond Moore 860-827-2217 QuisenberryArcari QUALIFICATIONS/PAST PERFORMANCE ARCHITECTS,LLC 5-13 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School WINDHAM K-8 ENVIRONMENTAL MAGNET SCHOOL Windham, Connecticut The Town’s ultimate goal was to construct a sustainable building that would save money, waste fewer resources and become a highly visible model of ecological design that would influence future schools and construction projects for years to come. The project involved new construction consisting of approximately 83,700 square feet and the building was designed to accommodate 600 students ranging from full-day pre-kindergarten through 8th grade. The school services the town of Windham and ten surrounding magnet towns. This project represents the individual experience of Rusty Malik while working at a previous firm of P+W. COST: 45 Million COMPLETION: 2012 CONTACT: Petina A. Killiany - Arcadis 860-704-6100 QuisenberryArcari QUALIFICATIONS/PAST PERFORMANCE ARCHITECTS,LLC 5-14 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School MD FOX COMMPACT SCHOOL Hartford, Connecticut MD Fox CommPACT School Hartford, Connecticut Completion Date: Phase I - 2009 Construction Cost: $35,000,000 Square Footage: 159,000 SF Grades: PreK-6 Students: 848 LEED Registered: Gold Originally constructed in the 1920’s this historic structure underwent major restorations as the building was revitalized and renovated to “Renovate “like new”As New” status as deemed by the State of Connecticut Bureau of School Facilities. The first phase of the project included over $5 million in construction and served to update the entire exterior of the existing city school. Phase 2 is planned to be over $30 million in construction scope and will re-configure and renovate the entire interior of the structure, the site and potentially remove a portion of the non-historical existing structure. A prominent building on the Hartford landscape, the Fox school promises to be a rewarding project and a great means for Perkins +Will to give back to the city and make a statement within the local community. This project represents the individual experience of Rusty Malik while working at a previous firm of P+W. QuisenberryArcari QUALIFICATIONS/PAST PERFORMANCE ARCHITECTS,LLC 5-15 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School 6 APPROACH TO THE PROJECTS 6 APPROACH TO THE PROJECTS 6 APPROACH TO THE PROJECT Team. Determine the impact of the test results and the impact on the project scope. Due to the requirements of PCB tesƟng by the State DCS/BSF, a detailed discussion on the extent of tesƟng is strongly recommended. QA Architects has assigned disƟnct teams for each of the projects. The process described below outlines how we will program, design and administer the construcƟon at each school. 2. Assessment of the Ledyard Middle School and Gallup School based on the exis ng educa onal programs. The Design Team will evaluate each educa onal and support space of the exis ng building based on current u liza on and iden fy all assets and deficiencies. Management Approach A Proactive Team 3. Educa onal Program: a. The Design Team will review the exis ng program and meet with the educa onal planning team of the school to confirm exis ng condi ons and understand the educators’ perspec ve on the assets and challenges of the exis ng facility in the delivery of educa on. b. Review the demographic data provided by the Board of Educa on and evaluate the impact on the Ledyard Middle School and Gallup School Project. c. Confirm an Educa onal Specifica on with the Board of Educa on. This will be a component for all planning and design solu ons and recommenda ons. The management team consis ng of the project manager and a senior representa ve from each consultant firm will meet twice a month through all phases of the project. The specific agenda of this group is to plan, schedule, coordinate and evaluate every detail of the project to ensure that the client’s expecta ons are met and poten al problems are resolved and/or addressed pro ac vely to minimize the impact on the project goals. The Architectural/Engineering Design Services for the Ledyard Middle School and Gallup School renova ons project will be led by Rusty Malik. The project manager will be supported by the project designer and project architect who will a end all key presenta ons and mee ngs. This core team will be dedicated to the project through out the preliminary design and documenta on process, with the project architect providing the construc on administraon services. QA works closely with its consultants throughout the project requiring all senior staff to a end team mee ng. We consider a proac ve approach as key to managing the progress of all team members. Successful projects are a direct result of the quality of the team. We are convinced that the QA Team will provide the energy, exper se, and dedica on to deliver a successfully project to the town of Ledyard. Building and Site Evaluation Confirming and Evaluating the Conditions The project manager and project team will visit the school to confirm and become familiar with the exis ng condi ons, review the report of the Space Need Commi ee, conduct a detailed analysis of the enrollment projec ons and op ons outlined in the report. This process of discovery will be performed in prepara on of the Kick-off mee ng with the Building Commi ee and Educa onal Representa ves. A dra schedule based on Local and State Board of Educa on requirements and deadlines has been developed and coordinated with all members of the Project Team and will be formally presented at this mee ng, to clearly iden fy all tasks and con ngent ac vi es, including a Community Informa on Plan. The Design Team members will meet with Key administrators and members of the Building Commi ee to fully understand the nuances of their recommenda ons. Facility Investigation The project goals and scope based on our understanding of the Architectural/Engineering Design Services for Ledyard Middle School and Gallup School renova ons project and our experience on similar projects, will include, but is not limited to the following: 1. Assessment of the building and site and the next stage of development of the priority list established for the school: a. Review all exis ng documenta on. b. Life Safety Codes – Building, Fire (NFPA) etc. c. Accessibility – ADA, 504 and ANSI d. Envelope - windows, roofs, walls etc. e. Interior finishes and Structure. f. Infrastructure - Mechanical, Electrical Plumbing and Fire Protec on. g. Technology and Telecommunica on systems h. Security process and Systems i. Site – drainage, vehicular and pedestrian traffic flow, u lies, exis ng improvements j. Evaluate HAZMAT test results provided to the Design QuisenberryArcari Programming - Understanding the Needs The Programming and Planning phase is a cri cal element in the design process. It is here that decisions are made that will have the greatest impact on land use, func onality, adaptability, and economy. The QA Team will work with the Building Commi ee and the Educa onal Representa ves, review the space program and tes ng it against the concept design op ons. This process will also give us addi onal insight to the viability of the op ons studied. Programming for the educa onal specifica ons is an intense phase that requires extensive interac on between the architect, educators, owner’s representa ve planning groups, and consultants. By sharing planning, demographic, and educa onal trends we will explore the types of programs that will best suit exis ng Ledyard Middle School and Gallup School, and incorporate the latest trends educa on. APPROACH TO THE PROJECT ARCHITECTS,LLC 6-1 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School Design Options Translating Ideas Into Design Concepts Schematic Design—Refining Design Concepts Upon approval from the Building Commi ee to proceed with the project, the QA Team will proceed with the Schema c Design phase. This process is the further developing the selected design concepts, which will involve extensive addi onal interac on between the design team and the educators. Upon confirma on of the educa onal specifica ons and space program requirements we will proceed with a detailed evaluaon of the design op ons developed by the study commi ee, including developing a series of alterna ve design concepts for the commi ee review. This will once again be a team approach with the commi ee and educators weighing in on each solu on. Using a wide array of visual communica on methods, we will provide an understanding of how these ideas and requirements can be translated into a physical structure. This process will also include: Step 1—Informa on Collec on Detailed Site analyses are performed addressing, site circula on, exis ng buildings, landscape and site design, parking capacity, and site u li es. We meet with all agencies having jurisdic on over the project and all local u li es companies to ensure coordina on and compliance with all requirements. Step 2—Design Kick-off A mee ng is held with all current planning groups and educators as determined by the commi ee and consultants, to kick-off the schema c design process. This mee ng is a brainstorming session intended to develop concepts addressing the spa al, func onal, and opera onal requirements of all the par cipants. Step 3—Op on Refinement Based on the outcome of the mee ngs and addi onal input of the par cipants, the selected design op on is refined, reevaluated and the project scope is confirmed. Step 4—Schema c Design Documenta on Upon confirma on of a preferred op on, final documenta on is prepared. This documenta on is suitable for public mee ngs, local reviews, and cost es ma ng. Step 5—Code Review An updated building code review is prepared. Step 6—Building Systems In consulta on with the owner, we prepare alterna ve studies for major building systems such as structural frame, exterior envelope, and HVAC distribu on. These studies are suitable for obtaining preliminary construc on cost pricing, and life cycle and opera on costs to determine the appropriate systems for the building. Step 7—Cost Es mates The cost es ma ng process states at the field inves ga on stage and is constantly updated through the design and construc on documenta on process. The design team will update the schema c design es mate to reflect phasing, and will evaluate the impact of the state grant on the final schema c budget, including projected state reimbursement. Step 1— Addi onal Informa on Collec on Site analyses are performed addressing zoning, site restric ons, easements, site circula on, exis ng buildings, landscape and site design, parking capacity, and site u lies. We meet with all agencies having jurisdic on over the project and all local u li es companies to ensure coordinaon and compliance with all requirements. Step 2—Code Review A preliminary building code review will be prepared for each op on to be er understand each op ons assets and liabili es. Step 3—Building Systems In consulta on with the owner, we will prepare studies for major building systems such as structural frame, exterior envelope, and HVAC distribu on. These studies are suitable for obtaining preliminary construc on cost pricing, and life cycle and opera on costs to determine the appropriate systems for the building. Step 4— Construc on Es mate A construc on es mate will be by an independent es mator with input and review from the design team will be prepared for each op on. Concept Design—Selecting the Right Solution The results of the design op on evalua on phase may result in one or more poten al solu ons. Based on a ranking system one or more of the solu ons selected by the commi ee, may be presented to the community in public informa onal mee ngs for feedback. This process provides community interac on and buy-in, and valuable insight that can be incorporated in the final solu on. Design Development Phase B Creating a Workable Building Based on the wri en approval of the Schema c Design phase, staff begins the Design Development phase, expanding the concept into a workable building solu on. State Approval —Understanding the Process Step 1—Design Development Documentation Based on the approved Schema c Design documents and any adjustments authorized by the district in program or budget, we prepare Design Development documents consis ng of drawings and other documents to fix and describe the size, loca on, and character of each element of the en re project pertaining to architectural, civil, landscape, structural, mechanical and electrical systems, and materials. Senior members of the QA design team have dedicated a majority of their professional career working on K-12 educa onal projects in Connec cut. Our understa ng and knowledge of the State Grant process and the requirements of the Office of School Facilies, is extensive. Mr. Malik the project manager and principal will review the exis ng informa on and recommend changes if necessary. QuisenberryArcari APPROACH TO THE PROJECT ARCHITECTS,LLC 6-2 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School Step 2—Concept Confirmation A series of mee ngs is held during the Design Development phase with all current planning groups and consultants to confirm that the Design Development documenta on is in compliance with the design direc on/intents established in Schema c Design phase. We also seek the type of addi onal informa on necessary the greater level of detail required for Design Development documents. rigorous checking process at various phases of a project’s design process. Quality control reviews are performed on every project; no project is released for bid without benefit of a review. The Bid Process - Communication with the Construction Manager and Contractors Communica on during the bid process is impera ve in obtaining favorable bid results. The QA Team’s senior leadership will a end the pre-bid mee ng and will be directly involved in providing clarifica on and or evalua ng sugges ons for subs tu ons. By providing clear and concise informa on and collabora ng with the construc on manager in defining contractor’s scope, we ensure compe ve bid results. Step 3—Life Cycle and Operating Cost Evaluations Evaluate major materials and systems based on first cost and known long-term opera ng costs. Step 4—Documentation for Reviews Documenta on is prepared that is suitable for public mee ngs; administra ve reviews, and cost es ma ng. We a end mee ngs as required to clarify documenta on. Construction Oversight The Physical Realization of Your Vision Step 5—Probable Construction Cost An evalua on of construc on es mate will be reviewed confirming that project scope creep and schedule are not impac ng the costs. Specifica ons specialist who monitor any changes at a naonal level. The team also assists the owner in filing the required documents for approval of municipal authori es having jurisdicon over the project. The Design Team has completed several projects of similar size and scope and are prepared to produce high quality documents. QA Architects is keenly aware of the cri cal nature of construc on schedules and the poten al impact on learning that results when deadlines are altered. The construc on administra on phase is given our full a en on to ensure that the projects are completed expedi ously and in the manner intended. The project manager and architect assigned to the project will con nue through the comple on of the project. In addi on a Construc on Administraon Specialist will be added to the team. Mr. Healy who is the assigned project architect will fulfill this role has over ten years of experience in the field. We provide proac ve administra on of the construc on contract including: Construction Documentation Upon approval of the design development document, and based on the selected alterna ve system studies, the design team prepares complete construc on documents. The construc on documents consist of contract drawings, specifica ons, general condi ons, instruc ons to bidders, and other necessary documents. The project manager and project architect are directly responsible for the products, systems and coordina on of the overall specifica ons. Each project specifica on is developed and reviewed by QA specifica ons specialist who monitor any changes. The team also assists the owner in filing the required documents for approval of municipal authori es having jurisdicon over the project. The Design Team has completed several projects of similar size and scope and are prepared to produce high quality documents for the Ledyard Middle and Gallup Hill Elementary School projects. This process is supplemented with a rigorous quality control procedure. • Advising and consul ng with the school district, program manager and construc on manager. • Mee ng with governing agencies to understand and confirm their requirements. • A ending all Construc on Team mee ngs and resolving ques ons before they become issues. • Review of shop drawings, samples, and other contractor submissions in a mely manner • Proac ve Contract interpreta on • Issuing cer ficates of payment and cer ficates of substan al comple on • Diligently reviewing change orders and assis ng in the resolving scope and cost issues Quality Control - Preparing the Design to be Constructed On-site observa on is provided throughout this phase as merited by the progress of the construc on. While on-site we prepare Field Observa on Reports for distribu on to the contractor/construc on manager and owner that enumerate our findings rela ve to the conformance of the work with the requirements of the contract documents. Devia ons are noted and necessary solu ons solicited from the contractor. During the punch list and project close-out, we make test all equipment and items specified in the contract documents. This ranges from major systems like mechanical equipment to the smaller elements like correctly func oning door hardware. Close a en on to quality and detail characterizes QA Architects philosophy on the Documenta on and Bidding phases of a project. Several current projects are nearing comple on without a single change-order required that was necessitated by construcon document inadequacies, a testament to the high quality of our construc on documents and knowledgeable evalua on of bid packages. QA Architects u lizes a quality control program that provides both technical assistance during project design and a strictly enforced system of periodic review. In addi on to stressing the importance of quality documenta on as an ongoing design process, we supplement our careful document produc on with a QuisenberryArcari APPROACH TO THE PROJECT ARCHITECTS,LLC 6-3 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School WORK SCHEDULE 7 7 WORK SCHEDULE 7 WORK SCHEDULE ded in the OSF requirements. 5. Maintain a high level of communica on with the project team to minimize conflicts and clearly iden fy me lines for deliverables. 6. Appropriate experienced staffing with weekly review and update of the project work plan. 7. A proac ve management of the project and schedule at the principal level. The key to establishing and maintaining design and construcƟon schedules for educaƟonal faciliƟes is developing a process that focuses on the client’s goals. The process also allows the project team including the owner representa ves, to jointly discuss and understand all the cri cal path milestones that will impact the project. On educa onal proj- All members of the QA project design team designated for the ects this typically includes establishing and approving the program Ledyard Middle and Gallup Hill Elementary Schools are experi- and design concept; verifying compliance with the project budget; ences with the planning and design of PK-12 educa onal facili es determining the State OSF and local municipal land-use approval including the OSF approval process in Connec cut. In developing me lines/deadlines; iden fying the required owner and financial the proposal response the project principal developed a work plan source performance me lines; coordina on with cri cal construc- and schedule that ensures the mely comple on of the design on issues and most importantly mee ng the educa onal goals. phase of the project. All key consultants of the QA design team To fully understand and commit to the schedule requirements for have also reviewed and provided input on the a ached schedule. the Ledyard Middle and Gallup Hill Elementary Schools, the QA team has developed three detailed schedule that iden fies key Bureau of School FaciliƟes BSF - Understanding the State Approval Process a key component in the development of the schedule: Senior milestones for the design team. This schedule also highlights the decision making me frame that the Building Commi ee must understand and embrace as we move forward with the project. The QA Team understands that the ideal me to start construc on will be the June of 2016. However, this will require the design team members of the QA design team and the building commi ee to consolidate mee ng and presenta- have dedicated a majority of ons, expedite the decision making process by the stakeholders their professional career working on PK-12 educa onal projects in and proceed through the local review process. The schedule is a Connec cut. Our understa ng and knowledge of the State Grant cri cal component in developing our response to the RFP/Q, and process and the requirements of the Bureau of School Facili es, we understand that any final schedule must include the voice of is extensive. Mr. Malik the project manager and principal has the client and all stakeholders. The QA design team will work with assisted numerous school districts in Connec cut successfully the building commi ee to establish milestone priori es so that an navigate the state process. Mr. Healy, the project architect, has achievable schedule is developed without compromises to the end worked on over twenty educa onal projects that required the product. We understand the he nuances of working with public en State of Connec cut DOE Office of School Facili es review and ap- es and the importance of building consensus and project proval. Along with the project manager and architect, we require understanding with all stakeholders. all consultants to be present at the PREP and PCT mee ngs at QA Architect’s approach to developing and maintaining sched- the Office of School Facili es. Our team understands the change ules during the design phase include the following imperaƟves: order documenta on requirements and the details required by the OSF to ensure appropriate reimbursement for change orders. 1. Review, discuss, augment and confirm the preliminary schedule developed by QA principal/project manager with all stakeholders. 2. Iden fy all cri cal path items and decisions that would impact the schedule, including land-use approvals. 3. Monitor and update the schedule on a weekly basis highligh ng areas of concern and recommending measures that would address potenal delays. 4. An cipate and account for the State OSF review and approval process and the required approvals to other state and local agencies imbed- QuisenberryArcari We are aware of the me constraints and staffing challenges at the OSF which can result in poten al schedule delays during the PCT approval process. QA Principal Rusty Malik will conduct an in house PCT review with the en re design team one week prior to the Scheduled PCT to confirm the completeness of the documents and ensure mely approval by the state Office of School Facili es. WORK SCHEDULE ARCHITECTS,LLC 7-1 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School Town of Ledyard Ledyard Middle & Gallup Hill Elementary Schools Renovations & Additions MAY 21, 2015 PROPOSED SCHEDULE OPTION ONE ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Task Name CONTRACT AWARD Building Committee Meeting Construction Manager Selection Review Prior Reports and Concept Designs Facility Evaluation and Document Existing Space Structural Review Code Analysis Land Use Approval Analysis Budget and State Reimbursement Analysis / Confirmation Concept Design & Existing Conditions Report BC / BOE & TC Update Meeting with Stake-Holders and Staff Meeting with Local Officials Security Task Force Meetings Building Committee Meeting Update Develop/Update Building & Site Concept Plans Develop Order of Magnitude Budget Building Committee Meeting - CONCEPT DESIGN REVIEW Review Meetings with Stake-Holders and Staff Update Concepts Based on BC and Staff Feedback Presentation to Building Committee - Design Selection Schematic Design Documentation Schematic Design Budget Estimate & Reconciliation Finalize Schematic Design Presentation to Building Committee BOE and TC Update P&Z Documentation Review & Approval Community Presentations Design Development Design Development Estimate BC Meeting Design Development Approval Construction Documentation Construction Document Estimate ( Based on 90% Documents) VE If Necessary BC Review and Approval of Value Engineering Construction Documentation 100% Complete Building Committee Approval for State Submission BOE Approval for State Submission State OSF PCT Meeting & Acceptance State Review Option One PCT Response to State Opt One Bid Bid & Scope Review CONSTRUCTION START ne 1 6/7 6/21 7/6 July 1 7/5 7/19 August 1 8/2 8/16 September 1 October 1 November 1 December 1 January 1 8/30 9/13 9/27 10/11 10/25 11/8 11/22 12/6 12/20 1/3 1/17 February 1 March 1 1/31 2/14 2/28 3/13 April 1 3/27 4/10 May 1 4/24 5/8 5/22 June 1 July 1 6/5 6/19 7/3 7/17 August 1 7/31 8/14 September 1 October 1 November 1 December 1 8/28 9/11 9/25 10/9 10/23 11/6 11/20 12/4 12/18 BC Meeting 7/22 7/9 7/9 7/9 7/9 7/23 7/30 BC/ BOE / TC UPDATE MEETING 8/6 8/12 8/6 8/12 8/13 BC Mtg - SECURITY DISCUSSION 8/19 8/20 8/26 CM & QA Team BC Mtg - CONCEPT DESIGN REVIEW 8/27 9/2 9/3 9/9 BC Mtg - DESIGN SELECTION 10/22 10/28 10/29 BC Mtg-REVIEW & APPROVE SD 10/30 BOE / TC UPDATE MEETING 1/7 11/19 11/6 12/24 12/25 1/14 BC Mtg - REVIEW & APPROVE DD 1/15 3/25 BC Mtg - VE REVIEW CD's 100% Complete 5/19 BC Mtg - Approval for State Submission 5/20 BOE Mtg - Approval for State Submission 5/23 State PCT Mtg 6/6 9/5 9/19 10/24 CONSTRUCTION START 45 46 LOCAL REVIEW OPTION 47 Local Review Option PCT Response - Local Review Bid Bid & Scope review CONSTRCUTION START 48 49 50 51 6/6 7/4 7/11 8/15 9/5 CONSTRUCTION START 11/21 Town of Ledyard Ledyard Middle & Gallup Hill Elementary Schools Renovations & Additions MAY 21, 2015 PROPOSED SCHEDULE OPTION TWO ID Task Name 1 CONTRACT AWARD Building Committee Meeting Construction Manager Selection Review Prior Reports and Concept Designs Facility Evaluation and Document Existing Space Structural Review Code Analysis Land Use Approval Analysis Budget and State Reimbursement Analysis / Confirmation Concept Design & Existing Conditions Report BC / BOE & TC Update Meeting with Stake-Holders and Staff Meeting with Local Officials Security Task Force Meetings Building Committee Meeting Update Develop/Update Building & Site Concept Plans Develop Order of Magnitude Budget Building Committee Meeting - CONCEPT DESIGN REVIEW Review Meetings with Stake-Holders and Staff Update Concepts Based on BC and Staff Feedback Presentation to Building Committee - Design Selection Schematic Design Documentation Schematic Design Budget Estimate & Reconciliation Finalize Schematic Design Presentation to Building Committee BOE and TC Update P&Z Documentation Review & Approval Community Presentations Design Development Design Development Estimate BC Meeting Design Development Approval Construction Documentation Construction Document Estimate ( Based on 90% Documents) VE If Necessary BC Review and Approval of Value Engineering Construction Documentation 100% Complete Building Committee Approval for State Submission BOE Approval for State Submission State OSF PCT Meeting & Acceptance State Review Option One PCT Response to State Opt One Bid Bid & Scope Review CONSTRUCTION START 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 ne 1 July 1 August 1 September October 1 November December 1 January 1 February 1 March 1 April 1 May 1 6/7 6/21 7/5 7/19 8/2 8/16 8/30 9/13 9/27 10/11 10/25 11/8 11/22 12/6 12/20 1/3 1/17 1/31 2/14 2/28 3/13 3/27 4/10 4/24 5/8 7/6 June 1 July 1 August 1 September October 1 November December 1 January 1 February 5/22 6/5 6/19 7/3 7/17 7/31 8/14 8/28 9/11 9/25 10/9 10/23 11/6 11/20 12/4 12/18 1/1 1/15 1/29 2/12 BC Meeting 7/22 7/9 7/9 7/9 7/9 7/23 7/30 BC/ BOE / TC UPDATE MEETING 8/6 8/12 8/6 8/12 8/13 BC Mtg - SECURITY DISCUSSION 8/19 8/20 CM & QA Team 8/26 BC Mtg - CONCEPT DESIGN REVIEW 8/27 9/2 9/3 9/9 BC Mtg - DESIGN SELECTION 11/11 11/17 11/18 BC Mtg-REVIEW & APPROVE SD 11/19 BOE / TC UPDATE MEETING 2/3 12/9 11/26 1/27 1/28 2/17 BC Mtg - REVIEW & APPROVE DD 2/18 5/12 BC Mtg - VE REVIEW CD's 100% Complete 7/7 BC Mtg - Approval for State Submission 7/8 BOE Mtg - Approval for State Submission 7/11 State PCT Mtg 7/25 10/24 11/7 12/12 CONSTRUCTION START 45 46 LOCAL REVIEW OPTION 47 Local Review Option PCT Response - Local Review Bid Bid & Scope review CONSTRCUTION START 48 49 50 51 7/25 8/22 8/29 10/3 10/24 CONSTRUCTION START 1/9 Town of Ledyard Ledyard Middle & Gallup Hill Elementary Schools Renovations & Additions MAY 21, 2015 PROPOSED SCHEDULE OPTION THREE ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Task Name CONTRACT AWARD Building Committee Meeting Construction Manager Selection Review Prior Reports and Concept Designs Facility Evaluation and Document Existing Space Structural Review Code Analysis Land Use Approval Analysis Budget and State Reimbursement Analysis / Confirmation Concept Design & Existing Conditions Report BC / BOE & TC Update Meeting with Stake-Holders and Staff Meeting with Local Officials Security Task Force Meetings Building Committee Meeting Update Develop/Update Building & Site Schematic Plans Develop Order of Magnitude Budget Building Committee Meeting - CONCEPT DESIGN REVIEW Review Meetings with Stake-Holders and Staff Update Concepts Based on BC and Staff Feedback Presentation to Building Committee - Design Selection Schematic Design Documentation Schematic Design Budget Estimate & Reconciliation Finalize Schematic Design Presentation to Building Committee BOE and TC Update P&Z Documentation Review & Approval Community Presentations Design Development Design Development Estimate BC Meeting Design Development Approval Construction Documentation Construction Document Estimate ( Based on 90% Documents) VE If Necessary BC Review and Approval of Value Engineering Construction Documentation 100% Complete Building Committee Approval for State Submission BOE Approval for State Submission State OSF PCT Meeting & Acceptance State Review Option One PCT Response to State Opt One Bid Bid & Scope Review CONSTRUCTION START 6/21 7/6 July 1 7/5 7/19 August 1 8/2 8/16 September 1 October 1 November 1 December 1 January 1 8/30 9/13 9/27 10/11 10/25 11/8 11/22 12/6 12/20 1/3 1/17 February 1 1/31 2/14 March 1 2/28 3/13 April 1 3/27 4/10 May 1 4/24 5/8 5/22 June 1 6/5 6/19 July 1 7/3 7/17 August 1 7/31 8/14 September 1 October 1 Novemb 8/28 9/11 9/25 10/9 10/23 11/6 BC Meeting 7/15 7/9 7/9 7/9 7/9 7/16 7/23 BC/ BOE / TC UPDATE MEETING 7/24 7/30 7/24 7/30 7/31 BC Mtg - SECURITY DISCUSSION 8/13 8/14 CM & QA Team 8/20 BC Mtg - CONCEPT DESIGN REVIEW 8/21 8/26 8/27 9/2 BC Mtg - DESIGN SELECTION 10/8 10/14 10/15 BC Mtg-REVIEW & APPROVE SD 10/16 BOE / TC UPDATE MEETING 12/24 10/23 10/23 11/26 11/27 12/17 BC Mtg - REVIEW & APPROVE DD 12/18 2/19 BC Mtg - VE REVIEW CD's 100% Complete 4/1 BC Mtg - Approval for State Submission 4/4 BOE Mtg - Approval for State Submission 4/5 State PCT Mtg 4/19 7/19 8/2 9/6 CONSTRUCTION START 45 46 LOCAL REVIEW OPTION 47 Local Review Option PCT Response - Local Review Bid Bid & Scope review CONSTRCUTION START 48 49 50 51 4/19 5/10 5/17 6/14 6/28 CONSTRUCTION START 10/4 LITIGATION 8 8 LITIGATION 8 LITIGATION STATEMENT Quisenberry Arcari Architects LLC., is proud of the fact that there are no litigation or arbitration claims, or pending legal proceedings against the firm. QA Architects has always made a concerted effort to work in such a way as to build positive client relationships and to prevent disputes with our clients that require resolution by outside entities. Our proactive approach to management and construction administration minimizes contractor claims. Additionally there are no legal proceedings against any of the partner at Quisenberry Arcari Architects. Greenwich High School Performing Arts Center QuisenberryArcari LITIGATION ARCHITECTS,LLC 8-1 Architectural and Consultant Design Team Services for Renovate as NewLedyard Middle School and Gallup Hill School 318 Main Street, Farmington, CT 06032 PHONE: 860.677.4594 WEB: