IBM Systems IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Version 6.3 IBM Systems IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Version 6.3 Note Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 697. © Copyright IBM Corporation 1999, 2013. US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Contents About this publication . . . . . . . . ix Conventions and terminology . . . . . . . Publications and related information . . . . . Web resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . How to send your comments . . . . . . . . . ix . ix . xi xiii Terminology changes . . . . . . . . xv Chapter 1. Overview of IBM Systems Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Accessibility . . . . . . . . . . License information . . . . . . . . IBM Systems Director technical overview . IBM Systems Director components . . Manageable resource types . . . . Manageable systems and system types User interfaces . . . . . . . . Base function and extensible plug-ins. Upward integration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 1 . 5 . 6 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 19 Chapter 2. Using the IBM Systems Director Web interface . . . . . . . . 21 Logging into IBM Systems Director Server . . . Logging out of IBM Systems Director Server . . Enabling multisession support . . . . . . . Navigating the Web interface . . . . . . . The Web interface . . . . . . . . . . Customizing the Web interface . . . . . . Managing and closing open pages in the Web interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . Viewing help in the Web interface . . . . . The Welcome banner area . . . . . . . . Navigating IBM Systems Director by way of the Home page . . . . . . . . . . . . . IBM Systems Director Home page . . . . . System severity states . . . . . . . . . Starting work in IBM Systems Director . . . Learning about the product . . . . . . . Checking IBM Systems Director readiness . . Viewing updates. . . . . . . . . . . Viewing tutorials . . . . . . . . . . Viewing the IBM Systems Director Server summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finding and navigating resources . . . . . . Resource views . . . . . . . . . . . Finding systems and other resources . . . . Viewing resources in the topology perspective. Working with tables . . . . . . . . . Working with topology maps . . . . . . Working with properties . . . . . . . . Setting navigation preferences . . . . . . Renaming a resource . . . . . . . . . Removing a resource . . . . . . . . . Managing groups . . . . . . . . . . . © Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2013 . . . . . . 21 22 22 22 23 24 . 26 . 26 . 27 . . . . . . . . 27 27 36 36 37 37 38 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 42 43 55 56 60 71 82 84 86 87 88 Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Creating a criteria-based dynamic group. . . Creating a static group . . . . . . . . Editing a group . . . . . . . . . . . Deleting a group . . . . . . . . . . Adding a resource to an existing group . . . Exporting a group . . . . . . . . . . Importing a group. . . . . . . . . . Finding and starting tasks . . . . . . . . Finding a task . . . . . . . . . . . Starting tasks . . . . . . . . . . . Launched tasks . . . . . . . . . . . Using External Application Launch . . . . Using Advanced External Application Launch Scheduling tasks . . . . . . . . . . . Noninteractive tasks . . . . . . . . . Jobs and job instances . . . . . . . . Scheduling a task . . . . . . . . . . Scheduling a task from a selected system . . Viewing active and scheduled job information Viewing information about scheduled jobs . Determining target systems that are affected by a job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Viewing job-instance records . . . . . . Viewing job-instance logs . . . . . . . Copying a scheduled job . . . . . . . Editing a scheduled job . . . . . . . . Running a scheduled job immediately . . . Suspending and resuming a scheduled job . Canceling a running job . . . . . . . . Deleting a job . . . . . . . . . . . Encrypting interprocess communication . . . Encryption . . . . . . . . . . . . Enabling encryption . . . . . . . . . Disabling encryption . . . . . . . . . Changing the encryption algorithm . . . . Resending the encryption key to systems . . Creating a new encryption key . . . . . . 88 . 93 . 96 . 97 . 98 . 99 . 100 . 101 . 102 . 102 . 103 . 104 . 117 135 . 136 . 137 . 137 . 138 . 140 142 . 143 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 151 152 152 154 155 156 157 157 Chapter 3. Discovering systems and collecting inventory data . . . . . . 159 Discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . System discovery . . . . . . . . . . . Discovery protocols . . . . . . . . . . Choosing which discovery method to use . . . . Viewing the discovery manager summary . . . . Renaming discovered systems automatically . . . Discovering systems with system discovery . . . Performing a system discovery . . . . . . Discovering systems that use a mirrored image Managing systems that have duplicate SSH keys Discovering IMMs for managing and updating physical servers . . . . . . . . . . . Discovering VIOS servers managed by an HMC 159 160 167 169 171 173 174 174 176 181 183 184 iii Discovering the operating systems that have vCenter installation . . . . . . . . . . Viewing system discovery results. . . . . . Managing discovery profiles . . . . . . . . Creating a discovery profile . . . . . . . Editing, copying, and deleting discovery profiles Permanently excluding IP addresses from discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Collecting and viewing inventory data . . . . . Inventory data and collection profiles . . . . Creating an inventory collection profile. . . . Managing inventory collection profiles . . . . Collecting inventory . . . . . . . . . . Comparing fixes installed on IBM i systems . . Viewing inventory. . . . . . . . . . . Inventory collection metadata file (twguser.ini) Exporting inventory data . . . . . . . . Connecting to IT Registry and Context Menu Service databases . . . . . . . . . . . . External connections with IT Registry and Context Menu Service databases . . . . . . 184 185 187 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 196 196 197 198 199 201 Chapter 4. Configuring systems . . . 203 Configuration settings . . . . . . . . . . Configuration templates . . . . . . . . . . Predefined configuration template . . . . . Configuration plans . . . . . . . . . . . The Automatically deploy feature . . . . . Predefined configuration plans . . . . . . Configuration-setting license entitlement . . . . Monitoring the deployment of configuration plans and configuration templates . . . . . . . . Managing system configuration . . . . . . . Viewing configuration settings . . . . . . Editing configuration settings . . . . . . . Saving configuration settings as configuration templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saving configuration settings to a configuration plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Backing up configuration settings for a device Restoring configuration settings for a device . . Managing configuration templates . . . . . . Creating configuration templates . . . . . . Creating a configuration template from an existing one . . . . . . . . . . . . . Viewing configuration templates . . . . . . Editing configuration templates . . . . . . Adding configuration templates to a configuration plan . . . . . . . . . . . Deploying configuration templates . . . . . Viewing deployed targets . . . . . . . . Exporting a configuration template . . . . . Importing a configuration template . . . . . Deleting configuration templates . . . . . . Managing configuration plans . . . . . . . . Creating configuration plans . . . . . . . Creating a configuration plan from an existing one . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deploying configuration plans. . . . . . . Viewing configuration plans . . . . . . . Viewing deployment history . . . . . . . iv IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide 203 204 205 205 206 206 206 207 208 209 209 210 211 212 212 213 213 214 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 224 226 227 228 229 Editing configuration plans. . Exporting a configuration plan Importing a configuration plan Deleting configuration plans . Managing activation keys by using Activation Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 230 231 232 . . . 233 Chapter 5. Monitoring system status and health. . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 System status and health . . . . . . . . . Viewing the status manager summary . . . . . Viewing the performance summary . . . . . . Using the Health Summary task to view the status of your environment . . . . . . . . . . . Scoreboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dashboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . Health summary . . . . . . . . . . . Using the scoreboard to identify issues . . . . Adding a graphical monitor to the dashboard Removing a graphical monitor from the dashboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adding systems to the health summary . . . Removing a group from the health summary Using Resource Explorer to view the status of a specific resource . . . . . . . . . . . . Scenarios: Using custom monitor views, thresholds, and event automation plans . . . . . . . . Scenario: Using a custom monitor view in an event automation plan to report disk data by using drive letter names . . . . . . . . . Scenario: Using a custom monitor view in an event automation plan to report cluster drive data using drive letter names . . . . . . . Monitors and thresholds. . . . . . . . . . Monitor views . . . . . . . . . . . . . AIX Monitors view . . . . . . . . . . All Monitors view . . . . . . . . . . . Column Management Monitors view . . . . Common CIM Monitors view . . . . . . . Common Monitors view. . . . . . . . . SNMP Monitors view . . . . . . . . . IBM i Monitors view . . . . . . . . . . VIOS Monitors view . . . . . . . . . . Managing monitors . . . . . . . . . . . Viewing a monitor . . . . . . . . . . Creating a monitor view. . . . . . . . . Editing a monitor view . . . . . . . . . Deleting a monitor view. . . . . . . . . Graphing a monitor . . . . . . . . . . Managing thresholds . . . . . . . . . . . Viewing a threshold . . . . . . . . . . Creating a threshold . . . . . . . . . . Editing a threshold . . . . . . . . . . Activating a threshold . . . . . . . . . Deactivating a threshold. . . . . . . . . Deleting a threshold . . . . . . . . . . Managing status set entries . . . . . . . . . Viewing a specific status set entry . . . . . Viewing status set entries for a specific resource Viewing status set entries for a group of resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 238 239 240 241 242 242 242 245 245 246 248 248 249 249 251 254 255 255 258 258 258 259 261 261 266 269 269 270 271 271 271 272 272 272 273 273 274 274 274 275 276 276 Activating a status set entry . . . . . Deactivating a status set entry . . . . . Deleting a status set entry . . . . . . Deleting a Power Systems status set entry . Managing the event log . . . . . . . . Changing backup event log preferences . Changing event log preferences . . . . Creating an event filter from an event . . Deleting an event . . . . . . . . . Replying to an IBM i inquiry message event Viewing events . . . . . . . . . . Viewing SNMP device attributes . . . . . Managing MIB files . . . . . . . . . Compiling a MIB file . . . . . . . . Loading MIB files into memory . . . . Managing process monitors . . . . . . Viewing process monitors . . . . . . Creating and configuring a process monitor Removing process monitors . . . . . Recording resource-monitor statistics . . . lsresmonrec . . . . . . . . . . . mkresmonrec . . . . . . . . . . rmresmonrec . . . . . . . . . . stopresmonrec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 277 278 279 279 280 280 280 281 281 281 282 282 283 283 283 284 284 284 285 285 285 285 285 Chapter 6. Automating tasks . . . . . 287 Events, filters, and actions in event automation plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Event filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . Event actions . . . . . . . . . . . . Monitoring operating-system specific events . . Mapping SNMP traps to Systems Director events Viewing the automation manager summary . . . Managing event automation plans . . . . . . Copying an event automation plan . . . . . Creating an event automation plan . . . . . Deactivating and activating an event automation plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deleting an event automation plan . . . . . Editing an event automation plan . . . . . Suspending and resuming event automation plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Viewing event automation plans associated with a resource . . . . . . . . . . . . . Viewing event automation plan properties. . . Managing event actions . . . . . . . . . . Creating an event action. . . . . . . . . Editing an event action . . . . . . . . . Copying an event action. . . . . . . . . Testing an event action . . . . . . . . . Deleting an event action . . . . . . . . . Saving and not saving an event-action history Viewing an event-action history . . . . . . Refreshing entries in an event-action history log Deleting entries from an event-action history log Viewing event action properties . . . . . . Event-data-substitution variables . . . . . . Managing event filters . . . . . . . . . . Creating, editing, or copying an event filter . . Editing an event filter . . . . . . . . . 288 288 294 298 314 314 319 321 321 322 323 324 324 325 325 326 326 326 327 327 328 329 329 330 331 332 332 333 336 336 339 Copying an event filter . . . . . . . . Viewing event filter properties . . . . . Viewing predefined filter criteria . . . . . Deleting an event filter . . . . . . . . Exporting and importing event automation plans, event filters, and event actions . . . . . . Migrating and importing event automation data from a previous version . . . . . . . . . Using command automation . . . . . . . Creating or editing a command definition . . Running a command definition . . . . . Restricting anonymous command execution . Chapter 7. Updating systems . . . . 340 340 341 341 . 342 . . . . . 342 343 343 345 345 . . . . 347 Planning to update systems . . . . . . . . Supported update tasks . . . . . . . . . Supported updates and systems . . . . . . Version considerations for updating IBM Director and IBM Systems Director . . . . . Update considerations for specific operating systems and platforms . . . . . . . . . Determining the installed IBM Systems Director version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Starting to monitor and update systems . . . . Configuring update manager . . . . . . . . Updating IBM Systems Director . . . . . . . Updating without an Internet connection . . . Acquiring and installing updates . . . . . . . Acquiring and installing updates with the IBM Systems Director Web interface . . . . . . Acquiring and installing updates with the installneeded command . . . . . . . . Keeping systems in compliance . . . . . . . Compliance policies . . . . . . . . . . Adding updates to a compliance policy . . . Create and configure compliance policies . . . Identifying systems that are out of compliance Resolving compliance issues . . . . . . . 348 348 349 351 352 362 362 364 365 366 367 368 396 399 400 401 401 403 404 Chapter 8. Remotely accessing systems and resources . . . . . . . 405 Remote access facilities . . . . . . . . . Distributed Command . . . . . . . . File management . . . . . . . . . . Launch Web browser . . . . . . . . . Remote Command Line . . . . . . . . Remote control tasks . . . . . . . . . Remote Xen Console . . . . . . . . . Serial Console . . . . . . . . . . . Running remote access functions . . . . . . Using the Distributed Shell . . . . . . . Managing files on a remote system . . . . Establishing command-line access to a remote system . . . . . . . . . . . . . Launching a Web browser . . . . . . . Configuring Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Connection . . . . . . . . . Establishing Remote Desktop Connection . . Establishing Virtual Network Computing communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405 405 406 406 406 407 408 409 409 409 412 . 413 . 414 . 414 . 415 . 415 Contents v Establishing IBM BladeCenter or RSA communication . . . . . . . . . . . Launching the Hyper-V Virtual Machine Connection Tool . . . . . . . . . . Launching a VMware ESX or ESXi hypervisor virtual machine connection . . . . . . . Establishing a remote Xen console session . . Accessing POWER managed systems or x86-based systems by using the serial console . 416 . 417 . 417 . 417 . 418 Chapter 9. Managing agents . . . . . 421 Common agent services . . . . . . . . . Resource manager . . . . . . . . . . Agent manager . . . . . . . . . . . Common agent . . . . . . . . . . . Logging Platform Agent . . . . . . . . . Importing agent packages . . . . . . . . Installing agents using the Agent Installation Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Restarting agents . . . . . . . . . . . Restarting Common Agent . . . . . . . Restarting Platform Agent . . . . . . . Setting the agent manager for IBM Systems Director Server . . . . . . . . . . . . Viewing the agent manager properties . . . Adding a new agent manager . . . . . . Setting the active agent manager . . . . . Deleting an agent manager . . . . . . . Using a remote agent manager with IBM Systems Director . . . . . . . . . . Managing the agent manager used by a Common Agent . . . . . . . . . . Securing Common Agent managed systems . . Changing the agent registration password . . Migrating common agents to a different agent manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Binding Platform Agent to specific IP addresses Changing the Common Agent IP address . . . Critical services for monitoring Platform Agent hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Configuring Platform Agent for SELinux policies Disabling IBM Systems Director agents . . . . . . . . . . 421 421 422 423 424 430 . . . . 431 434 435 436 . . . . . 438 438 439 440 440 . 441 . 442 . 445 . 445 . 447 448 . 449 . 449 451 . 452 Chapter 10. Managing IBM BladeCenter, IBM Flex System Manager compute nodes and System x systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453 Service processor communication. . . . . . . In-band communication requirements . . . . Out-of-band communication requirements . . . Out-of-band communication and the standard TCP Command Mode protocol . . . . . . Out-of-band communication and the secure TCP Command Mode protocol . . . . . . . . Out-of-band communication and the standard CIM protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . Out-of-band alert-forwarding strategies. . . . Out-of-band event monitoring in a redundant environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . Service processors and resource types . . . . vi IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide 453 453 454 456 457 458 458 459 459 Viewing the management summary . . . . . . Downloading and activating I/O module plug-ins Configuring integrated management modules . . Integrated management module task support and features . . . . . . . . . . . . . Configuring dynamic UEFI settings . . . . . Changing the integrated management module IP address by way of the server resource . . . Changing the network port on an integrated management module . . . . . . . . . . Configuring integrated management module security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Configuring the Try DHCP setting for integrated management module . . . . . . . . . . Enabling Secure Sockets Layer after discovery Enabling Secure Sockets Layer before discovery Discovering scalable systems that have multiple nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Discovering a scalable BladeCenter system with multiple nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . Discovering a scalable System x system . . . Changing the password for the Remote Supervisor Adapter or management module . . . . . . . Enabling hardware events . . . . . . . . . Managing power state settings on IBM BladeCenter and System x servers . . . . . . . . . . . Power On/Off task support using out-of-band communication . . . . . . . . . . . . Power On/Off task support using Wake on LAN technology on System x . . . . . . . Power On/Off task support by way of the operating system on System x and blade servers Changing the power state on System x and IBM BladeCenter hardware . . . . . . . . . Enabling collection of SNMP-based inventory by way of management modules . . . . . . . . Hardware-log information using out-of-band and in-band communication . . . . . . . . . . Viewing hardware-log information . . . . . Refreshing hardware-log information . . . . Clearing the hardware-log information . . . . Providing hardware-log information. . . . . Using locator LED settings on IBM Flex System Managercompute nodes, IBM BladeCenter, and System x servers . . . . . . . . . . . . Locator LEDs and out-of-band and in-band communication . . . . . . . . . . . . Identifying hardware with the locator LED . . Solving hardware problems by using light-path-diagnostic LEDs . . . . . . . . . Light-path-diagnostic LED information . . . . Changing the resource for viewing light-path-diagnostics LED information . . . . Turning Off the Check Log LED . . . . . . Viewing light-path-diagnostics status . . . . Viewing detailed light-path-diagnostics information . . . . . . . . . . . . . Configuring templates . . . . . . . . . . Password security levels for IBM BladeCenter management modules and System x service processors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460 460 461 462 462 463 464 464 464 465 465 466 466 467 467 468 470 470 471 471 472 473 473 474 475 476 477 478 478 478 479 479 482 482 482 483 484 484 Configuring the boot sequence for a blade server in an IBM BladeCenter chassis . . . Configuring an IBM BladeCenter management module . . . . . . . . . . . . . Configuring network resources for IBM BladeCenter blade servers . . . . . . . Configuring SNMP agent community information . . . . . . . . . . . . Configuring the IP address pool for IBM BladeCenter systems and System x servers . Configuring System x service processors . . Configuring switch protocol information . . Configuring switch virtual LAN information Configuring users and passwords for an IBM BladeCenter chassis . . . . . . . . . Managing network-configuration information Managing system-account information . . . Setting asset information . . . . . . . Managing activation keys by using Feature Activation Manager . . . . . . . . . . . 486 . 487 . 504 . 505 . 506 . 507 . 519 523 . 526 526 . 529 . 532 . 534 Chapter 11. Managing IBM Power Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537 New terms for Power Systems users in IBM Systems Director . . . . . . . . . . . . Managing Power Systems running AIX . . . . . Managing Power Systems running IBM i . . . . Managing systems controlled by HMC and IVM Viewing the Power Systems Management summary Monitoring for IBM i message queue events . . . Managing power state settings on IBM Power systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Changing the power state on IBM Power systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Managing storage using shared storage pools . . Shared storage pools . . . . . . . . . . Requirements for creating and managing shared storage pools with IBM Systems Director . . . Installing the shared storage pool VIOS subagent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Creating a shared storage pool . . . . . . Viewing the shared storage pool dashboard . . Viewing the storage pool dashboard. . . . . Adding physical volumes to a storage pool . . Replacing physical volumes in a shared storage pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editing a storage pool threshold . . . . . . Adding VIOS virtual servers to a shared storage pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Removing VIOS virtual servers from a shared storage pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deleting a shared storage pool . . . . . . Removing the shared storage pool VIOS subagent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537 538 539 540 541 542 544 545 545 545 548 549 549 551 551 551 552 554 554 555 556 556 Chapter 12. Managing IBM System z systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557 System z virtualization . . . . . . . . Basics about the z/VM operating system . . z/VM manageability access point and agent . . . . . 557 . 557 . 561 Viewing the System z Management summary page Discovering systems and collecting inventory data for System z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Managing power state settings for Linux on System z servers . . . . . . . . . . . . Power On/Off task support by way of the operating system on System z servers . . . . Changing the power state on System z servers 561 562 563 563 564 Chapter 13. Managing and configuring storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565 Planning for storage management . . . . . . Storage management in real time and using configuration templates . . . . . . . . . . Managing SMI-S providers . . . . . . . . . SMI-S providers for IBM Systems Director. . . Installing SMI-S Providers . . . . . . . . Configuring SMI-S providers . . . . . . . Discovering and collecting inventory for storage devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Running Discovery and unlocking storage devices using SMI-S providers. . . . . . . Running Direct Connection discovery and unlocking storage devices using SMI-S providers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Running System Discovery for multiple SMI-S providers using multicast and broadcast . . . Collecting inventory for devices managed by IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center . . . . Working with external storage applications . . . Installing and configuring external storage applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . Launching an external storage management application . . . . . . . . . . . . . IBM Systems Director Storage Control 4.2.4 . . Viewing storage devices . . . . . . . . . . Storage Management Summary . . . . . . Viewing storage systems using storage groups Displaying attached storage for a given system Viewing storage volumes . . . . . . . . Viewing the health and status of storage devices Storage topology perspective . . . . . . . Managing storage in real-time . . . . . . . . Managing IBM BladeCenter and System x storage devices . . . . . . . . . . . . Adding IBM BladeCenter Integrated Storage devices to a server. . . . . . . . . . . Provisioning storage from an existing storage subsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . Managing storage volumes in real time. . . . Configuring iSCSI components in real time . . Configuring IBM BladeCenter SAS zone connectivity in real time . . . . . . . . . Managing storage with configuration templates Viewing storage configuration templates . . . Changing storage configuration templates . . . Creating a configuration template for a storage volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Managing IBM BladeCenter SAN configuration mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contents 565 566 566 567 571 576 579 579 580 582 583 584 584 588 590 592 592 594 595 595 596 597 598 598 602 603 604 608 613 615 615 616 616 617 vii Configuring iSCSI components using configuration template . . . . . . Managing IBM BladeCenter SAS zone configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . 621 . . . 626 Chapter 14. Managing virtual environments . . . . . . . . . . . 631 Chapter 15. Security . . . . . . . . 633 Authenticating users to IBM Systems Director . . User authentication . . . . . . . . . . Users and user groups in IBM Systems Director Authenticating IBM Systems Director users stored in the local operating system . . . . . Authenticating IBM Systems Director users stored in the Microsoft Active Directory domain. Authenticating IBM Systems Director users stored in LDAP. . . . . . . . . . . . Editing user properties . . . . . . . . . Authorizing users to IBM Systems Director . . . User authorization. . . . . . . . . . . Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Permissions and roles required to run smcli commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . Authorizing users to manage resources . . . . Assigning a role to a user or user group . . . Copying a role to another user . . . . . . Creating a role . . . . . . . . . . . . Removing a role from a user . . . . . . . Removing a role from a group. . . . . . . Managing roles . . . . . . . . . . . . Ending the session for another user . . . . . Changing the time interval between consecutive resynchronize calls . . . . . . . . . . Managing user groups in IBM Systems Director Managing credentials in IBM Systems Director . . viii IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide 634 634 635 637 638 639 651 651 652 652 654 658 659 660 660 661 662 662 664 Managing shared credentials . . . . . . . Managing mappings . . . . . . . . . . Configuring the authentication registry . . . . Managing targeted credentials . . . . . . . Managing access . . . . . . . . . . . . Accessing a secured system with request access Accessing a secured system with configure access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Configuring access to CIM using X509 certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . Revoking access to a secured system . . . . Managing access to agentless managed systems Accessing a managed system with configure system credentials . . . . . . . . . . . Configuring access to agentless managed systems using sudo utility and key-pair authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . Managing auditing . . . . . . . . . . . Audit records . . . . . . . . . . . . Setting server-auditing preferences . . . . . Viewing the audit log . . . . . . . . . Deleting the audit log . . . . . . . . . Communication protocols and supported encryption algorithms . . . . . . . . . . 683 684 685 685 685 686 687 687 689 690 690 691 Appendix. Accessibility features for IBM Systems Director . . . . . . . . 693 Accessibility options in IBM Systems Director . . 693 Keyboard navigation in IBM Systems Director . . 694 Using a screen reader with IBM Systems Director 695 Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 697 Trademarks . 664 664 666 667 672 675 676 681 681 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 699 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 701 About this publication This publication provides instructions for using IBM® Systems Director for systems-management tasks. IBM Systems Director consists of the following tools to meet your systems-management needs: v IBM Systems Director Web interface is the graphical user interface (GUI) for IBM Systems Director Server. Using IBM Systems Director Web interface, you can conduct comprehensive systems management using either a drop-and-drag action or a single click. v IBM Systems Director command-line interface (dircli) is the command-line interface for IBM Systems Director Server. You can use a command-line prompt to access, control, and gather information from IBM Systems Director Server. This documentation also provides planning and implementation information for event management. Conventions and terminology These notices are designed to highlight key information: Note: These notices provide important tips, guidance, or advice. Important: These notices provide information or advice that might help you avoid inconvenient or difficult situations. Attention: These notices indicate possible damage to programs, devices, or data. An attention notice appears before the instruction or situation in which damage can occur. Publications and related information You can view the same content in the IBM Systems Director Information Center as PDF documents. To view a PDF file, you need Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded for free from the Adobe Web site at Information centers and topic collections v IBM Systems View the IBM Systems information center landing page, which provides integrated information for multiple IBM Systems products. v IBM Systems Director Updated periodically, the IBM Systems Director topic collection contains the most up-to-date documentation available for IBM Systems Director. v IBM Systems Director plug-ins extensionparent.html View the IBM Systems information center for information about how to install and use plug-ins that extend the functionality of IBM Systems Director. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2013 ix v IBM Systems Director Upward Integration Modules (UIMs) Read the IBM Systems Director Upward Integration Modules (UIM) topic collection to learn about how to install and use upward integration modules and management packs that enable non-IBM workgroup and enterprise-management products to interpret and display data that is provided by Common Agent and Platform Agent. v IBM Systems Director API Licensing View the license information regarding use of IBM Systems Director APIs and their associated documentation. Fill out the form to request API access. After your information is reviewed, you will be contacted with additional information regarding access to and use of the APIs. Publications Release Notes® 6.3.3 Provides an easy reference to planning, install and troubleshooting information for IBM Systems Director IBM Systems Director Planning Guide Provides planning information, including hardware requirements for running IBM Systems Director components, supported IBM Systems Director hardware, operating systems, databases, and workgroup and enterprise systems-management software. PDF files for installing IBM Systems Director Server Provides detailed instructions to prepare for, install, and configure the IBM Systems Director Server. PDF files for installing IBM Systems Director agents Provides detailed instructions to prepare for and install IBM Systems Director agents on your managed systems, as well as, prepare for agentless managed systems. PDF files for upgrading and migrating IBM Systems Director Server Provides detailed instructions to upgrade and migrate the IBM Systems Director Server. PDF files for upgrading and migrating IBM Systems Director agents Provides detailed instructions to upgrade and migrate IBM Systems Director agents. IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Provides detailed instructions for using the Web interface and managing systems and resources in your environment. IBM Systems Director Troubleshooting Guide Provides information about problems and how to solve them, and strategies for troubleshooting common problems. IBM Systems Director Events Reference Provides information about IBM Systems Director events, including the event type, description, severity, and extended details. IBM Systems Director Commands Reference Provides detailed information about the systems management command-line interface (smcli) commands, and other commands that can be run directly from the command line, including configuring the database, and starting and stopping IBM Systems Director. x IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide White papers and briefs v IBM Systems Director XBW03006USEN.PDF This paper provides a detailed overview of the changes in IBM Systems Director V6.1, including the new Web interface, security features, operating system agents, integrated plug-ins and additional plug-ins that can be separately installed. v Value Proposition for IBM Systems Director XBW03007USEN.PDF This paper describes the challenges of operational management for enterprise server installations and the value provided IBM Systems Director. v Performance Tuning and Scaling Guide for IBM Systems Director 6.3 Hardware requirements for running IBM Systems Director Server Provides information about how to plan, implement, configure, and use an IBM Systems Director Server to manage a large configuration with optimal performance. The Performance Tuning and Scaling Guide also contains information about the following topics: – Running IBM Systems Director plug-ins, such as IBM Systems Director Active Energy Manager® and IBM Scalable Systems Manager – Integration with Tivoli® products – Implementing high availability IBM Redbooks® publications You can also search this Web page for documents that focus on IBM Systems Director and specific IBM hardware; such documents often contain systems-management material. The following book is available for IBM Systems Director V6.1: Implementing IBM Systems Director 6.1 Tip: Be sure to note the date of publication and to determine the version of IBM Systems Director software to which the Redbooks publication refers. Further information See Searching knowledge bases for more resources for further information about IBM Systems Director. Web resources Listed here are the websites and information center topics that relate to IBM Systems Director. Websites v IBM Systems Director About this publication xi View the IBM Systems Director website on® which provides links to downloads and documentation for all currently supported versions of IBM Systems Director. v IBM Systems Director Downloads View the IBM Systems Director Downloads website on which provides links to download code IBM Systems Director, IBM Systems Director plug-ins, and IBM Systems Director upward integration modules. v IBM Systems Director Documentation and Resources View the IBM Systems Director Documentation and Resources website on which provides links to product documentation, Redbooks, redpapers, white papers, and learning modules that are related to IBM Systems Director, IBM Systems Director plug-ins, and IBM Systems Director upward integration modules. v IBM Systems Director Upward Integration View the IBM Systems Director Upward Integration website on which provides more information about IBM Systems Director upward integration modules that are created by IBM and other companies. IBM Systems Director UIMs enable third-party workgroup and enterprise systems-management products to interpret and display data that is provided by IBM Systems Director Platform Agent managed system. v IBM Systems Director Best Practices Wiki home?lang=en#/wiki/W3e8d1c956c32_416f_a604_4633cd375569/page/Best %20Practices View updated documentation and best practices for IBM Systems Director on various systems. v IBM Servers View the IBM Servers website to learn about IBM Systems server and storage products. v IBM ServerProven® View the IBM ServerProven website to learn about hardware compatibility of IBM System x® and BladeCenter® systems with IBM applications and middleware, including IBM Systems Director. Forums v IBM Systems Director Forum (System x, System z®, Power Systems™) View the IBM Systems Director Forum website on to discuss product-related issues that pertain to IBM Systems Director, IBM Systems Director UIMs, and IBM Systems Director extensions. This website includes a link for obtaining the forum by using a Rich Site Summary (RSS) feed. v IBM Systems Director 6.x SDK Forum xii IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide View the IBM Systems Director 6.x SDK Forum website to discuss issues that pertain to the IBM Systems Director Software Development Kit (SDK). This website includes a link for obtaining the forum by using a Rich Site Summary (RSS) feed. v IBM Systems Forums View the IBM Systems Forums website on to learn about various forums that are available to discuss technology-related and product-related issues that pertain to IBM Systems hardware and software products. This website includes a link for obtaining the forum by using a Rich Site Summary (RSS) feed. How to send your comments Your feedback is important in helping to provide the most accurate and highest quality information. If you have any comments about this book or any other IBM Systems Director publication, go to the IBM Systems Director information center Web site at There you will find the feedback page where you can enter and submit comments. About this publication xiii xiv IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Terminology changes Several terms changed between IBM Director v5.x and IBM Systems Director v6.x. Deprecated terms New terms Description IBM Director Agent Common Agent Common Agent provides a rich set of security, deployment, and management function. The function available for Common-Agent managed systems varies based on operating system and hardware, and includes the following tasks: discover systems; collect comprehensive platform and operating system inventory data; monitor health and status; manage alerts; remotely deploy and install Common Agent; perform remote access, including transferring files; perform power management function; more event support; monitor processes and resources, and set critical thresholds that send notifications when triggered; manage operating system resources and processes. IBM Director Core Services Platform Agent Platform Agent provides a lighter footprint and fewer management functions than the Common Agent. The function available for Platform-Agent managed systems is limited to the following tasks, and varies based on operating system and hardware: discover systems, collect limited platform inventory data, monitor health and status, manage alerts, remotely deploy and install Common Agent, perform limited remote access, and perform limited restart capabilities. Level-2 managed object Common Agent managed system A system on which Common Agent is installed Level-1 managed object Platform Agent managed system A system on which Platform Agent is installed Level-0 managed object Agentless managed system A system that does not have an agent that is installed but can be discovered by IBM Systems Director using Secure Shell (SSH), Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM), or Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). The function available to Agentless-managed systems is limited to the following tasks, and varies based on operating system and hardware: discover systems, collect limited operating-system inventory data, remotely deploy, and install Common Agent and Platform Agent, perform limited remote access, and perform limited restart capabilities © Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2013 xv xvi Deprecated terms New terms Description Managed object System A hardware endpoint that can be discovered and managed by IBM Systems Director. For example, storage devices, network devices, physical servers, virtual servers, and virtual farms are systems. Extension Plug-in Free or for-fee software that is downloaded and installed on top of IBM Systems Director to provide more function. Job activation Job instance A specific occurrence of a job that is running or is finished. Event action plan Event automation plan A user-defined plan that determines how IBM Systems Director automatically handles certain events. An event action plan comprises one or more event filters and one or more customized event actions. Hardware control point Platform manager Software that manages one or more host systems and their associated virtual servers and operating systems. Platform managers can be started from the IBM Systems Director web interface. For example, IBM BladeCenter Management Module, IBM Hardware Management Console (HMC), IBM Integrated Virtualization Manager (IVM), and VMware VirtualCenter are platform managers. Configuration profile Configuration plan A collection of templates that are used to configure hardware and operating systems. Component Template A stored version of definition parameters for the configuration of a specific system. Remote session Remote command line A command-line interface to a remote system. IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Chapter 1. Overview of IBM Systems Director You can read an overview of IBM Systems Director, including supported hardware and software requirements, technical overview, web resources, and what is new in this release. Accessibility IBM strives to provide products with usable access for everyone, regardless of age or ability. The reference topic Accessibility features for IBM Systems Director provides details about the accessibility support, tips, and workarounds of the product. To learn about IBM Systems Director accessibility of the information center interface, see the topic Keyboard navigation in IBM Systems Director Note: For technical details about the accessibility support in IBM Systems Director, see the Voluntary Product Accessibility Templates (VPATs). You can request VPATs from the web at accvpat.nsf/bidxjs?OpenForm. License information Before deploying this product, ensure that you have the necessary licenses. IBM Systems Director The IBM Systems Director program contains Management Server (Manager) components, Agent components, and application programming interfaces (APIs), as further described in the documentation. You are authorized to use Management Server and Agent components only on IBM machines. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the IBM Systems Director program includes a license for up to 20 installations of the Agent component on non-IBM x86 systems. These 20 licenses for non-IBM x86 systems are not transferable and cannot be combined or aggregated. For example, if you buy two IBM machines and install the IBM Systems Director program on only one of them, you are entitled to install the Agent component on only 20 non-IBM x86 systems. If you install the IBM Systems Director program on both IBM machines, your entitlement is limited to managing 20 non-IBM x86 systems. To install additional Agent components on non-IBM x86 systems, you must obtain additional Agent component licenses from IBM. Authorization for IBM Systems Director for Power Systems Processor is a unit of measure by which the IBM Systems Director for Power Systems program can be licensed. Processor (commonly called a processor core or CPU) is a functional unit within a computing device that interprets and executes instructions. A processor consists of at least an instruction control unit and one or more arithmetic or logic unit. With multi-core technology, each core is considered a © Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2013 1 processor. Authorization for the IBM Systems Director for Power Systems program is based on the total number of activated processors (including any temporary processors) on the machines running the IBM Systems Director for Power Systems program and the total number of activated processors (including any temporary processors) on the machines being managed by the IBM Systems Director for Power Systems program. Authorization for IBM Systems Director for IBM x86 servers Server is a unit of measure by which the IBM Systems Director for IBM x86 servers program can be licensed. A Server is a physical computer that is comprised of processing units, memory, and input/output capabilities and that executes requested procedures, commands, or applications for one or more users or client devices. Where racks, blade enclosures, or other similar equipment is being employed, each separable physical device (for example, a blade or a rack-mounted device) that has the required components is considered itself a separate server. The IBM Systems Director for IBM x86 servers program uses a per Server charging metric. An authorization is required for each server running the IBM Systems Director for IBM x86 servers program and for each server being managed by the IBM Systems Director for IBM x86 servers program. Terms applicable to API use The IBM Systems Director program includes APIs called Representational State Transfer (REST) APIs and Advanced External Application Launch (AEAL) function. The IBM Systems Director REST APIs and AEAL function are described in the documentation, available through the IBM Systems Director Information Center. If you own or separately develop an interface to hardware that provides similar function or feature as the REST APIs or AEAL function, or if the Licensee offers hardware that provides similar function or feature as the REST APIs or AEAL function, the following terms apply: v You may develop applications using the Program's REST APIs and/or AEAL function solely for testing and deployment within your Enterprise and only in connection with your internal business purposes. An Enterprise is any legal entity (such as a corporation) and the subsidiaries it owns by more than 50 percent. v You may not rent, lease, loan, sell or otherwise distribute applications or derivative works created using the IBM Systems Director REST APIs and/or AEAL function to third party end users external to your Enterprise unless you have entered into a written contract with IBM for this purpose. Warranty The IBM Systems Director program contains Upward Integration Modules (as described in the documentation) for third party system management products to manage IBM hardware platforms with Common Agent components. There is no warranty or support service available for the Upward Integration Modules when you use a third party system management product. Special terms for the Software Update component When you use the Software Updates navigation link of the IBM Systems Director program to request software updates, the Management Server component collects information about the release level of certain software products installed on your 2 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide machine ("Software Information") and electronically sends that Software Information to IBM. Software Information does not include business data such as your financial, statistical and personnel data regarding your business. You agree that IBM (including subcontractors and consultants under contract to IBM) may store and use Software Information for purposes of software maintenance and support, and that such Software Information (including any contact information provided by you) may be transferred to such entities in any country whether or not a member of the European Union. Software Updates Licensee receives are covered by this Agreement. If any additional or different terms apply to any such Software Update, such terms will be included with the Software Update. Supporting program details - IBM DB2® The following applies to use of IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition. Use Limitations: Use by Principal Program "Use by Principal Program" means that neither you nor any application, program, or device external to the Principal Program is authorized to directly use or access the services of IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition in any way. The IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition program is provided exclusively for use by the Principal Program. You may access IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition only to perform administrative functions, such as backup, recovery, and authorized configuration but may not directly use the IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition program for any productive use. Program details - IBM Systems Director Active Energy Manager IBM Systems Director Active Energy Manager contains monitor function and management function. The terms of this license apply to your use of the monitor function. The management functions may be used for internal evaluation, testing, or demonstration purposes for 90 days without a valid License Key. After 90 days the management function will not operate without a valid License Key. If you want to continue to use the management function to manage your systems after 90 days, you must then obtain a valid License Key. Active Energy Manager uses a per-processor or per-server charging metric, depending on platform. Power Systems servers For Power Systems servers, a processor license is required for every processor on every Power Systems server being managed by the program. Servers are categorized as small, medium, or large based on criteria such as server model. Authorization for IBM Systems Director Active Energy Manager is based on the total number of activated processors (including any temporary processors) on the machine(s) running the program and the activated processors (including any temporary processors) on the machine(s) being managed by the program. If you want to use the management function to manage IBM x86 servers, you must obtain an authorization for IBM Systems Director Active Energy Manager for IBM x86 or IBM Systems Director Standard Edition for IBM x86. If you want to use the management function to manage IBM System zservers, you must obtain an authorization for IBM Systems Director Standard Edition for Linux on System z. System x servers For System x servers, a license is required for every IBM x86 server being managed by IBM Systems Director Active Energy Manager. An Chapter 1. Overview 3 authorization is required for each server running IBM Systems Director Active Energy Manager and for each server being managed by IBM Systems Director Active Energy Manager. If you want to use the management function to manage Power Systems, you must obtain an authorization for IBM Systems Director Active Energy Manager for Power Systems, IBM Systems Director Standard Edition for Power®, or IBM Systems Director Enterprise Edition for Power. If you want to use the management function to manage IBM System z servers, you must obtain a valid license key for IBM Systems Director Standard Edition for Linux on System z. Program details - IBM Systems Director VMControl IBM Systems Director VMControl contains life cycle management functions, image manager functions, and system pools functions. The terms of this license apply to your use of the life cycle management functions. The image manager and system pools functions may be used for internal evaluation, testing, or demonstration purposes for 90 days without a valid License Key. After 90 days the image manager and system pools functions will not operate without a valid License Key. If you want to continue to use the image manager functions and/or the system pools functions to manage IBM Power Systems after 90 days, you must obtain a valid license key. Power Systems servers Authorization for IBM Systems Director VMControl Enterprise Edition for Power Systems and IBM Systems Director VMControl Standard Edition for Power Systems is based on the total number of activated processors (including any temporary processors) on the machine(s) being managed. If you want to move the authorization to manage a Power Systems machine which has a higher authorization requirement or manage additional Power Systems machines, you agree to notify IBM or its reseller and agree to acquire the required authorization. If you want to use the image manager functions and/or system pools functions to manage IBM x86 servers, you must obtain an authorization for IBM Systems Director VMControl Enterprise Edition for IBM x86. If you want to use the image manager functions to manage IBM System z servers, you must obtain an authorization for IBM Systems Director Standard Edition for Linux on System z. System x servers An authorization is required for each server being managed by IBM Systems Director VMControl Enterprise Edition for IBM x86. If you want to use the image manager functions to manage IBM Power Systems or IBM System z servers, you must obtain an authorization for IBM Systems Director Standard Edition for Power, IBM Systems Director VMControl Standard Edition, or IBM Systems Director Standard Edition for Linux on System z. If you want to use the system pools functions to manage IBM Power Systems servers, you must obtain an authorization for IBM Systems Director Enterprise Edition for Power or IBM Systems Director VMControl Enterprise Edition for Power. 4 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide IBM Systems Director technical overview IBM Systems Director is a platform-management foundation that streamlines the way you manage physical and virtual systems across a heterogeneous environment. By using industry standards, IBM Systems Director supports multiple operating systems and virtualization technologies across IBM and non-IBM x86 platforms. IBM Systems Director provides consistent views for viewing managed systems, determining how these systems relate to one another, and identifying their statuses. You can use these views to correlate your technical resources with your business needs. A set of common tasks included with IBM Systems Director provides many of the core capabilities required for basic management. Use these tasks to achieve instant business value. These common tasks include discovery, inventory, configuration, system health, monitoring, updates, event notification, and automation across managed systems. The web and command-line interfaces in IBM Systems Director provide a consistent interface that is focused on driving these common tasks and capabilities: v Discovering, navigating, and visualizing systems on the network with the detailed inventory and relationships to the other network resources v Notifying users of problems that occur on system and ability to drill down to the source of the problem v Notifying users when systems need updates and distributing and installing updates on a schedule v Analyzing real-time data for systems and setting critical thresholds that notify the administrator of emerging problems v Configuring settings of a single system and creating a configuration plan that can apply those settings to multiple systems v Updating installed plug-ins to add new features and function to the base capabilities v Managing the lifecycle of virtual resources IBM Systems Director is designed to manage simple and complex environments, with multiple operating systems and platforms, up to 5 000 managed systems. It supports the management of IBM and non-IBM hardware and drives common tasks through the following platform management plug-ins and virtual resources: v IBM Power Systems management – HMC, IVM, and VIOS appliances – Power servers, Power blades, and LS41 and QS21 blade servers – AIX®, IBM i, and Linux on POWER® operating systems v IBM BladeCenter chassis management – IBM BladeCenter chassis components, such as switch modules and server blades – VMWare virtual servers v IBM System x management – System x systems and blade servers – Windows and Linux operating systems on System x v IBM System z management – z/VM® hypervisor – Linux on System z operating system installed on z/VM virtual servers – Linux on System z running on a partition without z/VM v IBM System Storage® management – Integrated RIA controller (such as LSI) Chapter 1. Overview 5 – Network storage, such as DS3000, DS4000®, DS5000, and DS6000™ – Storage switches, such as IBM BladeCenter SAS, Brocade, QLogic, Nortel, and Cisco v Some IBM Flex System hardware. IBM Systems Director integrates with robust workgroup and enterprise management software from IBM (such as Tivoli software), Computer Associates, Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, NetIQ, and BMC Software. IBM Systems Director components IBM Systems Director includes IBM Systems Director Server and two operating-system agents: Common Agent and Platform Agent. IBM Systems Director Server provides a central point of control for aggregating and managing discovered systems based on a service-oriented architecture. It can be installed on one or more systems, called management servers. Systems that connect to the IBM Systems Director web interface on the management server through a web browser are called browser systems. The operating-system agents serve as the control point for accessing operating system and host information that might not be accessible through an out-of-band interface (such as remote supervisor adapter (RSA), Baseboard Management Control (BMC), and BladeCenter Management Module). These agents run on operating-system-based and hardware-based endpoints, called systems, that can be discovered and managed by IBM Systems Director. The level of system management depends on the agent that is installed on the system: Common Agent or Platform Agent. Each agent provides a different footprint size, level of performance, and set of management functions. IBM Systems Director can discover and manage some systems on which neither of these operating-system agents is installed, but the level of management is limited. This figure shows where the IBM Systems Director Server and operating-system agents are installed in a basic IBM Systems Director environment. 6 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Management server Systems Director installed includes: - Management Server - Web Interface - Command-line Interface - Common Agent - Platform Agent - Service and Support Manager - Active Energy Manager - VMControl HTTPS Browser system - no Systems Director code installed TCP/IP Various protocols SNMP devices Agentless managed systems - no Systems Director code installed Agentless managed systems - no Systems Director code installed Common managed systems - Common Agent installed on each FQM0553-0 Platform managed systems - Platform Agent installed on each Figure 1. Software in an IBM Systems Director environment Management server The management server is a system that has IBM Systems Director Server installed. It provides a central point of control for aggregating and managing discovered systems based on a service-oriented architecture. IBM Systems Director Server stores data about discovered systems, their attributes, and their relationships to other resources in a relational database. You can access information that is stored in this database even when the managed systems are not available. IBM Systems Director Server includes a default database, the managed IBM DB2 database, although you can choose to use any supported database. IBM Systems Director Server includes two interfaces that the system administrator can use to manage their environment: a web user interface and a command-line interface. The system that you use to interact with these interfaces is called the browser system. Chapter 1. Overview 7 Tip: When you install IBM Systems Director Server, the Common Agent is installed automatically on that system. The Common Agent provides a rich set of security, deployment, and management function. Common Agent Common Agent provides a rich set of security, deployment, and management function. Common Agent is available for all Power Systems, System x, IBM BladeCenter, System z systems, and some non-IBM systems, when the system is running a supported operating system. Notes: v Systems running AIX require Common Agent to be installed. These systems cannot be managed with Platform Agent. v For a detailed list of operating systems that are supported for Common Agent, see the Planning information. Common Agent replaces Level 2: IBM Director Agent version 5.20. IBM Systems Director 6.x supports agent systems running either Common Agent version 6.x or, depending on the platform, the older Level 2: IBM Director Agent version 5.20. The functionality that is available for Common Agent managed systems varies based on the operating system and hardware in an environment, and includes the following items: v Discover systems v Collect comprehensive platform and operating system inventory data v v v v v v Monitor health and status Manage alerts Remotely deploy and install Common Agent Perform remote access, including transferring files Perform power management function Additional event support v Monitor processes and resources, and set critical thresholds send notifications when triggered v Manage operating system resources and processes v Manage updates Additionally, using Common Agent instead of Platform Agent provides enhanced scalability through asynchronous system management, which reduces the demands on IBM Systems Director Server. Firewall management is simplified, too, because Common Agent requires that you keep fewer ports open. For a detailed list of functionality that is supported by Common Agent managed systems, see the Planning information. Note: Throughout the IBM Systems Director documentation, the term Common Agent (with both words capitalized) refers to the IBM Systems Director Common Agent, which includes subagents that provide specific management capabilities for IBM Systems Director. IBM Systems Director can also discover and perform limited management on other common agents that use the common agent services (CAS) architecture. When referring to these common agents generically, lowercase text is used. 8 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide For information about resource managers and agent managers, see “Common agent services”. Platform Agent Platform Agent is suited for environments that require a smaller footprint without sacrificing a high level of manageability. It provides a subset of Common Agent function used to communicate with and administer the managed systems, including hardware alerts and status information. Platform Agent is available for all IBM Power, System x and IBM BladeCenter, and System z, IBM System Storage systems, and some non-IBM systems. For IBM i, Platform Agent is part of the IBM Universal Manageability Enablement for i Licensed Program Product that ships with the base operating system. Platform Agent replaces Level 1: IBM Director Core Services version 5.20. IBM Systems Director Server 6.x supports agent systems running either Platform Agent 6.x or, depending on the platform, IBM Director Core Services version 5.20. Note: The version level of Platform Agent might not match the version levels of IBM Systems Director Server or Common Agent. The function available for Platform Agent managed systems is limited to the following tasks, and varies based on operating system and hardware. v Discover systems v Collect limited platform inventory data v v v v Monitor health and status Manage alerts Remotely deploy and install Common Agent Perform limited remote access v Perform limited restart capabilities For a detailed list of function that is supported by Platform Agent managed systems, see the Planning information in the information center at. Agentless managed systems IBM Systems Director provides a set of manageability functions for managed systems that do not have Common Agent or Platform Agent installed. These Agentless managed systems are best for environments that require small footprints and are used for specific tasks, such as one-time inventory collection, firmware and driver updates, and remote deployment. Agentless managed systems must support the Secure Shell (SSH) or Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) protocol, or the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) interface. IBM Systems Director discovers Agentless managed systems by verifying the IP addresses on your network and scanning the ports of those addresses using the SSH or DCOM protocols. By default, IBM Systems Director uses the range of addresses that are in the IP domain of the management server. You can discover a specific IP address or range of IP addresses using the IBM Systems Director Web interface. When an Agentless managed system is discovered, it is locked by default. You can unlock the system by requesting access to it through IBM Systems Director. Chapter 1. Overview 9 Agentless managed systems are suited for one-time collection of inventory, and can be used for updating firmware and drivers, and remotely deploying and running it through SSH or DCOM services. Note: No persistent data is stored on Agentless managed system. The function available to Agentless managed systems is limited to the following tasks, and varies based on operating system, platform, and hardware. v Discover systems v Collect limited operating-system inventory data v Remotely deploy and install Common Agent and Platform Agent (root access required) v Perform limited remote access v Perform limited restart capabilities For a detailed list of function that is supported by Agentless managed systems, see the “Planning for IBM Systems Director” section in the information center at Database application IBM Systems Director uses a database to store information that it collects from the endpoints that it manages. You can configure a custom database to use with IBM Systems Director or you can use the managed IBM DB2 database that is included with IBM Systems Director Server 6.3.x. Managed IBM DB2 database The managed IBM DB2 database is packaged and installed with IBM Systems Director Server 6.3.x. It is the default database for IBM Systems Director Server 6.3.x. You can store data only from IBM products, such as IBM Systems Director and Storage Control, in the managed IBM DB2 database. The managed IBM DB2 database is a subset of IBM DB2 Database Enterprise Server Edition version 9.7 with fix pack 4. It includes the necessary JDBC driver and the command-line interface. It does not include the IBM DB2 Control Center. Unlike a regular IBM DB2 database, IBM Systems Director installs the managed IBM DB2 database on the same server as IBM Systems Director Server. If you use a regular IBM DB2 database, you can install and run IBM DB2 on the same server or on a different server as IBM Systems Director Server. It is possible to install and run the managed IBM DB2 database on the same server as another IBM DB2 database that is used for another purpose. However, to reduce the complexity of managing your resources, do not run multiple IBM DB2 databases on the same server. Instead, run the managed IBM DB2 database on one server and the other IBM DB2 database on a different server. Manageable resource types A resource is a generic term for anything that IBM Systems Director can manage. For example, systems, slots, cards, groups, and updates are all resources. 10 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide From the web interface, you can use the Find a Resource task to find resources. You can also use the Resource Explorer task to view and work with these resources. Manageable systems and system types A system is one type of resource that IBM Systems Director manages. It is an operating-system-based or hardware-based resource that has an IP address and host name and can be discovered and managed by IBM Systems Director. From the Resource Explorer page in the IBM Systems Director Web interface, you can view the All Systems group to work with all discovered systems. Operating-system-based systems Operating-system-based systems (referred to as operating systems) consist of the operating system image, agent, drivers, applications, and configuration settings. From the Resource Explorer page in the IBM Systems Director Web interface, you can view the All Operating Systems group to work with these types of systems. Hardware-based systems Hardware-based systems are the physical and virtual systems, such as servers, virtual servers, storage systems, and network devices. Physical systems can host multiple operating systems and virtual servers, either by using a dual-boot feature or by way of a hypervisor. From the Resource Explorer page in the IBM Systems Director Web interface, you can use the All Network Systems, All Storage Systems, or All Systems groups to work with the physical aspects of a system, determine how many virtual servers a physical system contains, and determine how many operating systems are running on a physical system. To view the relationships between systems, view the topology map view for a system by selecting the system and then clicking Actions > Topology Perspectives. A submenu of applicable perspectives is displayed. To view resources associated with a system, select the system and then click Actions > Related Resources. A submenu of applicable related resources is displayed. IBM Systems Director manages the following types of systems: Chassis A physical resource that encloses other resources and provides definable functions. Example types include a desktop, processing node, uninterruptible power supply, disk or tape storage, or a combination of these types. Cluster A computer system that is composed of two or more computer systems that operate together to increase performance, reliability, availability, and serviceability. ComputerSystem A single component that runs one operating system, or multiple components that are controlled by one or more operating systems. GenericNetworkDevice A computer system that has an unknown device type. Chapter 1. Overview 11 HardwareManagementConsole A computer system that controls managed systems. This includes the management of logical partitions and the use of Capacity on Demand. OperatingSystem Software that is responsible for the formation of an execution environment and allocations of resources for software programs on a computer. PassThroughModule A Pass-Thru module. Server A single node computer system such as a desktop, mobile device, or NetPC. The Server class type is derived from the ComputerSystem class type. StorageSubsystem A computer system that is dedicated to acting as a storage server. Switch A computer system that is dedicated to acting as a switch for network traffic. SystemChassis A computer system that represents a modular enclosure that contains one or more blades. You can use the lssys -I command to obtain a list of valid system types for commands such as discover. With virtualization, you can hide the physical characteristics of your servers to consolidate servers, optimize resource usage, and improve IT flexibility and responsiveness. Using virtualization, you can create multiple discoverable virtual servers from a single physical server or create a single discoverable virtual server from multiple physical servers. Each virtual server has an independent operating environment and can have functions or features that are not available in its underlying physical resources. Tip: Virtual servers running on IBM systems are often referred to as logical partitions or virtual machines. After IBM Systems Director discovers a physical server, it continues the discovery process to find all associated virtual servers. Each IBM system offers virtualization technologies to help you consolidate systems, optimize resource utilization, and improve IT flexibility and responsiveness. User interfaces There are several methods for managing an IBM Systems Director environment: a web interface and a command-line interface (smcli). Web interface You can use the IBM Systems Director Web interface to conduct comprehensive systems management through a graphical user interface. Data is securely transferred between the web browser and web interface through HTTPS. The system on which you logged in to the IBM Systems Director Web interface is referred to as the browser system. You log in to the IBM Systems Director through a supported web browser with the following URL: http://System_Name:Port_Number/ibm/console 12 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide where System_Name is the name of the system on which IBM Systems Director Server is installed and Port_Number is the first (lower) of two consecutive port numbers that you specified for the Web server to use. The default ports for the Web server are 8421 and 8422. If you use port 8422, make sure that you specify https to indicate a secure port. Command-line interfaces You can use the systems management command-line interface interactively using the smcli utilities. This command-line interface (CLI) is an important primary interface into IBM Systems Director and can be used either as an efficient way to accomplish simple tasks directly or as a scriptable framework for automating functions that are not easily accomplished from a graphical user interface. For security reasons, the CLI runs only on the management server. The command-line interface follows the GN/POSIX conventions. Tips: v The IBM Systems Director smcli supports most commands that were available in previous releases through the discontinued dircli utility. v For security, the CLI runs only on the management server. You can run the CLI remotely using a remote-access utility, such as Secure Shell (SSH) or Telnet. Base function and extensible plug-ins Base plug-ins in IBM Systems Director provide core function to manage the full lifecycle of IBM servers, storage, network, and virtual servers. Plug-ins that provide advanced function or function that is tailored to a particular environment can be downloaded and installed on top of IBM Systems Director. Basic user interface, security, and agent management functions include: v Finding and viewing resources and resource information, including relationships and properties v Organizing logical sets of resources into groups v Starting, stopping, and scheduling tasks in IBM Systems Director v Integrating third-party management software and other programs into the IBM Systems Director Web interface v Managing auditing v Encrypting interprocess communication v Managing Common Agent registration and authentication v Authenticating users through a configured user registry available from the operating system, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), or domain controller v Creating roles and authorizing users and user groups to access certain systems, groups, and tasks v Managing credentials to support single sign-on authentication, even when services span different systems v Installing, upgrading, and promoting agents Discovery manager Discovery manager performs physical and virtual system discovery and inventory of related resources on the network. Chapter 1. Overview 13 You can use the discovery manager plug-in to: v Discover systems and other resources (such as physical and virtual servers, storage systems, and network devices) in a heterogeneous environment. Discover resources by using a single IPv4 or IPv6 address, a single host name, a range of IP addresses, or use a discovery profile to discover systems of different types across multiple subnets. v Collect inventory data about hardware and software that is installed on systems. Inventory data is information about physical, logical, and virtual hardware (such as virtual systems, virtual servers, and farms), software applications, operating systems, middleware, firmware and BIOS, diagnostic information, and network. v Manage inventory profiles that you can use to discover a group of resources or collect inventory data based on a set of criteria. v View systems, inventory data, and relationships among systems in the network by using Resource Explorer. v Request access to manage security credentials for discovered systems. Status manager Status manager provides an at-a-glance view of the health of your managed resources (including systems, operating systems, applications, processes, and security). The status of discovered systems is automatically retrieved and displayed, and this display can be customized in several ways: using one of the system status and health tasks, navigating to a specific resource, or by using the command-line interface. You can use the status manager plug-in to: v Use the Status Manager Summary page to view the status of discovered systems and a summary of tasks that help you manage the status, problems, and events for systems. v Determine the health, compliance, and performance of managed systems in your environment by using the health summary, scoreboard, and dashboard. The health summary shows the overall health of your managed systems. The scoreboard summarizes the hardware state, event state, and compliance state for all managed systems. The dashboard shows performance information for specific managed systems. v View the event log. v Identify problems and find the root cause by viewing detailed information about the problems and inspecting the event log. v Monitor dynamic properties of resources by defining monitors and thresholds. v Monitor applications on a specific system by defining process monitors. v Automatically send notifications when devices and services on a specific system reach or exceed a particular setting by defining thresholds. Configuration manager Configuration manager is used to integrate new hardware into your environment, configure systems after installation, or do one-off configurations for problem resolution. Configuration manager uses a set of well-defined templates that can be applied to servers, storage, and network resources even if the resources are composed of different technologies. You can use the configuration manager plug-in to: 14 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide v Use the Configuration Manager Summary page to view system configuration status and a summary of tasks that help you configure your systems. v Initially configure one or more systems (hardware and operating systems) to a point where they can be deployed, allocated, and powered on. v Automatically configure newly discovered systems by using the automatic-deploy capability of a configuration plan. v Reconfigure systems to prepare for redeployment, reallocation, or reprovisioning (for example, as a result of an event or as part of a workflow that the configuration needs to be support). v Manage configuration templates and plans. A configuration template is a collection of settings and values that define the configuration of a system. A configuration plan is a set of templates that can be applied to one or more systems in a specific order. Automation manager Automation manager provides tools to notify an administrator or run a predefined task automatically when a certain event occurs. You can use the automation manager plug-in to: v Use the Automation Manager Summary page to view the status of jobs and automation plans and a summary of tasks that help you automate tasks. v Create custom event-automation plans used to automate tasks and other responses to situations that occur in your environment. v Create and manage event filters that allow the event automation plans to target specific events. v Create and manage event actions that identify tasks or commands to run or notifications to send. These actions include starting a noninteractive task or program on the management server or the system on which the event was generated, or sending an email notification over the Internet or to a mobile phone. Update manager Update manager provides tools for maintaining current versions of operating systems, device drivers, firmware, and BIOS, and IBM Systems Director agent and server code on managed systems without an upgrade or migration of the installed product. You can use the update manager plug-in to: v Use the Update Manager Summary page to view update status and a summary of tasks that help you manage updates on your systems. v View update history and status of targeted systems. v Identify updates available for your systems. v Create customized update groups for your company's certified list of updates. v Detect and view out-of-date systems. v Get a notification when systems are in need of updates and which updates are needed. v Download, distribute, and install available and requisite updates in a single request without repackaging or performing each step in the process separately. v Download and review update information, such as prerequisites, readme files, Release Notes, content letters, and associated collateral. Chapter 1. Overview 15 Remote access manager Remote access manager provides tools that support running and monitoring applications and services running on remote systems. You can use the remote access manager plug-in to: v View and interact with applications on a system remotely by displaying the screen image of the system by using remote control tools, including Virtual Network Computing (VNC), Remote Desktop (RDP), and web-based remote control for IBM BladeCenter and RSA. v Run command-line programs through a remote session. The remote session creates less network traffic and uses fewer system resources than the remote control applications and, therefore, is useful in low-bandwidth situations. v Manage files on a remote system. v Open console windows to one or more POWER managed systems. v Run a command on one or more managed systems in parallel. Network Management Network Management provides management functions for network devices, including discovery, inventory, health and status monitoring, and configuration. You can use Network Management to: v Discover network devices in your environment. v Review your network device inventory. v Monitor the health and status of network devices. v View network device configuration settings, and apply templates to configure devices. v Run network diagnostics tools like ping and traceroute. Chassis management Chassis management provides lifecycle management of your IBM BladeCenter chassis and related resources, including discovery, health and status monitoring, configuration, updates, and virtualization. It also provides platform-specific functions. You can use this plug-in to: v Change power settings v Manage hardware logs v Identify hardware by using the locator LED v View light-path diagnostic LEDs IBM System x management IBM System x management provides lifecycle management of your modular IBM System x systems and related resources, including discovery, health and status monitoring, configuration, updates, and virtualization. It also provides platform-specific functions. You can use this plug-in to: v Change power settings v Manage hardware logs v Identify hardware by using the locator LED v View light-path diagnostic LEDs IBM System z management IBM System z management provides the capability to discover System z hosted virtual servers, and to access status information about them. 16 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide This plug-in provides functions to discover, monitor status, configure, and update these virtual servers. It also generates information that is used in the Welcome panel summary view and includes support for Linux on System z and z/VM systems that are running on IBM System z mainframes. IBM Power Systems management IBM Power Systems management provides lifecycle management of your IBM Power systems, and platform managers such as Hardware Management Console (HMC) and Integrated Virtualization Manager (IVM) platform managers, including discovery, health and status monitoring, configuration, updates, and virtualization. It also provides platform-specific functions. You can use the IBM Power Systems management plug-in to: v Manage the following Power Systems environments that might include servers with any supported processor versions that are running AIX, IBM i, or Linux: – Power Systems managed by the Hardware Management Console – Power Systems managed by the Integrated Virtualization Manager – A Power Systems server with a single image (a nonpartitioned configuration) – A Power Architecture® BladeCenter server under the control of a BladeCenter management module v Perform management tasks on systems that are under the control of HMC and IVM, including managing power, creating virtual serves, editing virtual server resources, and relocating virtual servers between host systems. v Perform management tasks that are available from the IBM Systems Director Web interface for supported versions of AIX and IBM i. IBM System Storage management IBM System Storage management provides lifecycle management of your physical and virtual storage systems, including discovery, health and status monitoring, configuration, updates, and virtualization. It also provides platform-specific functions. You can use the IBM System Storage management plug-in to: v Add storage systems to IBM Systems Director using a proxy provider v Configure storage systems v Manage storage devices v Update a SAN configuration profile v Start storage management applications v Use integrated SCM features to manage integrated RAID Controllers, IBM BladeCenter SAS modules, and BC-S RAID SAS modules v Use embedded management interfaces, IBM Systems Director Storage Control 4.2.4, or IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center to manage storage devices. See the following topic for details: Supported storage devices. v Support for automation plans based on events and event actions from storage resources v Support for IBM System Storage Area Network products Additional IBM Systems Director plug-ins Additional IBM Systems Director plug-ins can be downloaded and installed on top of IBM Systems Director to provide advanced function or function that is tailored to a particular environment. For a complete list of available plug-ins and for information about how to download and install the plug-ins, see the IBM Systems Director website at Chapter 1. Overview 17 Active Energy Manager plug-in The Active Energy Manager plug-in helps you to monitor and manage the power and cooling needs of IBM servers and IBM BladeCenter systems. Non-IBM systems can also be monitored by using metering products, such as power distribution units (PDU), sensors, and integration with facility software. You can use Active Energy Manager to: v Allocate less power and cooling infrastructure to your IBM servers. v Reduce power usage on select IBM servers. v Plan for the future by viewing trends of power usage over time. v Determine power usage for all components of a rack. Active Energy Manager is a licensed plug-in that supports Windows, Linux on Power Systems, and Linux on System x platforms. Service and Support Manager plug-in The Service and Support Manager plug-in, which includes the Electronic Service Agent™ tool, identifies and reports hardware problems and service information automatically to IBM for service and support. All information sent to IBM is stored in a secure IBM database and used for improved problem determination. You can use Service and Support Manager to: v Place service calls to IBM automatically if the system is under a service agreement or warranty. v Collect and send scheduled system inventory and diagnostic inventory to an IBM database. This inventory information is available to IBM support representatives when they are solving your problem. v Communicate with IBM using a secure Internet connection by using encryption and authentication. Service and Support Manager is a free plug-in that is supported on the following operating systems when installed on the IBM Systems Director management server: v Windows for 32–bit and 64–bit systems v Linux on System x for 32–bit and 64–bit systems v Linux on Power Systems v Linux on System z v AIX IBM Systems Director Network Control plug-in The Network Control plug-in provides facilities to discover, inventory, and monitor network devices, start vendor applications for configuration of network devices, and see groups of network devices. Note: IBM Systems Director Network Control V1.1 is not supported on IBM Systems Director. When you install or upgrade to IBM Systems Director V6.2, the Manage page displays Network Management in place of IBM Systems Director Network Control. 18 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide IBM Systems Director Storage Control 4.2.4 With the Storage Control plug-in, you can manage an expanded set of storage subsystems and Fibre Channel switches. You can use Storage Control to discover and collect inventory, and monitor device health. These subsystems include the IBM DS8000® family (DS8100, DS8300, DS8700, DS8800), the SAN Volume Controller, the IBM Storwize® V7000, and the Brocade Fibre Channel switches. Important: If you are not using IBM DB2 managed by Systems Director, then you must use one of these versions of IBM DB2 as the local database application for Systems Director to use Storage Control: v IBM DB2 Enterprise Edition v. 9.7 v IBM DB2 Enterprise Edition v. 9.7 with fix pack 4 v IBM DB2 Enterprise Edition v. 9.7 with fix pack 6 (or above) That is, the correct version of DB2 must be installed on the same system as Systems Director. Storage Control is not supported on any other databases.When you configure Systems Director, specify the database administrator user ID as the database runtime user ID. In other words, when you configure Systems Director with the external DB2 database, set the DB2 administrator user ID for the DbmsUserId property in the cfgdbcmd.rsp file. IBM Systems Director VMControl plug-in The VMControl plug-in is designed to simplify the management of workloads in your IT environment. Use IBM Systems Director VMControl Express Edition, IBM Systems Director VMControl Standard Edition, and IBM Systems Director VMControl Enterprise Edition to manage virtual servers, virtual appliances, workloads, and system pools across multiple hardware platforms and virtualization environments from one location. IBM PowerVM® Workload Partition Manager for AIX plug-in IBM PowerVM Workload Partition Manager for AIX (WPAR Manager) is a plug-in for IBM Systems Director that provides a centralized point of control for managing workload partitions (WPARs) across a collection of managed systems that are running AIX. Workload Partition Manager can manage heterogeneous environments of managed systems at different AIX technology levels. However, to use full management capabilities, update the Workload Partition Manager agent to the latest version. The following features are supported on all AIX technology levels: Cross-system management of WPARs, including lifecycle management Global load balancing with application mobility web-based administration of basic WPAR operations and advanced management tasks Monitoring and reporting of WPAR performance metrics. Upward integration With IBM Systems Director, you can make the most of your existing enterprise management structure by upwardly integrating with many workgroup and enterprise-management products. IBM Systems Director upward integration modules (UIMs) and management packs enable non-IBM workgroup and enterprise-management products to interpret and display data that is provided by Common Agent and Platform Agent. IBM Systems Chapter 1. Overview 19 Director UIMs and management packs provide enhancements to the enterprise-management products that you can use to collect inventory data, view IBM Systems Director event notifications, and for some UIMs, distribute IBM Systems Director software packages. With the IBM Systems Director UIMs and management packs, you can use your enterprise-management software to manage systems that have Platform Agent or Common Agent software installed on them. You can use Platform Agent software to: v Gather detailed inventory information about your systems, including operating system, memory, network adapters, and hardware. v Track your systems with features such as power management, event log, and system monitor capabilities. Platform Agent uses some of the latest systems-management standards, including Common Information Model (CIM), Web-Based Enterprise Management (WEBM) and Extensible Markup Language (XML), to provide compatibility with your existing enterprise-management software. For more information about upward integration modules, see IBM Systems Director Upward Integration Modules. You can also configure IBM Systems Director Server to forward alerts (such as SNMP) to higher-level enterprise managers, including CA Unicenter NSM, HP OpenView NNM, HP OpenView Operations for Windows, Tivoli NetView®, Tivoli Management Framework, Microsoft Systems Center Operations Manager, and Microsoft Systems Management Server. 20 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Chapter 2. Using the IBM Systems Director Web interface IBM Systems Director provides the Web interface through which you can view resources and use tasks in your systems-management environment. This section provides information about the Web interface, including the Home page, the different ways to view resources, and how to work with tables and topology maps that are used in these different views; how to find resources; how to create and work with groups of resources; how to find and start tasks; how to schedule tasks, and much more. In addition to these fundamental tasks, IBM Systems Director provides the following tasks and features through plug-ins that are already installed or can be separately installed. For information about available plug-ins, see “Installation.” v Discovery and inventory collection (see “Discovering systems and collecting inventory data”) v Configuring systems (see “Configuring systems”) v System status, health, event logs, and active status events (see “Monitoring system status and health”) v Event automation plans, event filters, and event actions (see “Automating tasks”) v Management and installation of updates to existing software products and firmware, external network and storage switches, as well as external storage servers (see “Updating systems”) v A number of security features that include authentication and user-administration options (see “Security”) Related concepts: Security Related tasks: Automating tasks Configuring systems Discovering systems and collecting inventory data Monitoring system status and health Updating systems Logging into IBM Systems Director Server You can log into IBM Systems Director Server by way of the Web interface to use the features and functions that IBM Systems Director provides. To log into IBM Systems Director Server, complete the following steps: 1. Point your browser to the following URL: http://System_Name:Port_Number/ibm/console where System_Name is the name of the system on which IBM Systems Director Server is installed and Port_Number is the first (lower) of two consecutive port numbers that you specified for the Web server to use. The default ports for the Web server are 8421 and 8422. If you use port 8422, make sure that you specify https to indicate a secure port. 2. Type the user ID and password that correspond to an authorized IBM Systems Director administrator user ID and password. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2013 21 3. Click Log in. Note: A security alert window might be displayed before logging in. This is due to incorrect configuration of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate. For information see “Configuring Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) between IBM Systems Director and the Web browser client.” Note: Logging in to IBM Systems Director will be slower with SSL enabled. Note: For optimal performance, it is recommended that no more than 30 users log on to IBM Systems Director Server at one time. Related tasks: Logging out of IBM Systems Director Server Configuring SSL between IBM Systems Director and the Web browser client Logging out of IBM Systems Director Server When you are finished using IBM Systems Director, you can log out. To log off of IBM Systems Director Server, in the Web interface, click Logout in the upper-right corner. Related tasks: Logging into IBM Systems Director Server Enabling multisession support An authorized user can access multiple user sessions. To enable multisession support, follow these steps: 1. Log out of the IBM Systems Director Server by clicking Logout in the upper-right corner of the IBM Systems Director Web interface. 2. Open the <Director root>/lwi/runtime/isc/consoleProperties.xml file. 3. Update the ENABLE.CONCURRENT.LOGIN property to true: <consoleproperties:console-property id="ENABLE.CONCURRENT.LOGIN" value="true"> 4. Save the file. 5. Log back into the IBM Systems Director Server. When a user is logged on more than once, you will see a number, such as (2), next to the user's state on the Users page. Related tasks: Logging into IBM Systems Director Server Logging out of IBM Systems Director Server Authorizing users Navigating the Web interface Navigating in the Web interface, you can access tasks, resources, and data in IBM Systems Director. The interface also provides ways to customize itself as well as help information. 22 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related tasks: Navigating by way of the Welcome page The Web interface IBM Systems Director provides tasks and unique views to help you manage your systems-management environment. You can access all tasks available in IBM Systems Director and you can launch tasks in several other management tools. You can access your resources using Resource Explorer. Figure 2. Web interface Navigation area The navigation area of IBM Systems Director Web interface provides categories of tasks that can vary depending on your IBM Systems Director installation. The navigation provides links to tasks you can perform on your resources. Examples of typical tasks might include Resource Explorer, Inventory, Health Summary, and Automation and Settings. Content area When you open the Web interface, by default you see the Home page for IBM Systems Director in the content area. The content area changes depending on the item you select in the navigation area. You can customize aspects of the content area using the Navigation Preferences. For more information, see “Setting navigation preferences.” Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 23 View list In the navigation area, this list provides the following alternate view selections: All tasks Displays all the tasks that are available in your IBM Systems Director installation. This is the default view. My tasks Displays a customized list of tasks. For more information, see “Customizing the Web interface.” IBM Systems Director Displays only IBM Systems Director tasks. Select Action list This list provides the following ways to work with task pages: My Startup Pages Customizes the pages that are started automatically when you log in to IBM Systems Director, the page that is displayed first of these automatically started pages, and the default navigation area view. For more information, see “Customizing the Web interface.” Manage Open Pages Provides a way to manage and close one or more open pages. Close Page Closes the page that you are viewing. Help Displays the help system. Logout Logs out of IBM Systems Director. Related concepts: The Welcome page Related tasks: Setting navigation preferences Customizing the Web interface Managing and closing open pages in the Web interface Viewing help in the Web interface Customizing the Web interface The IBM Systems Director Web interface provides settings that you can use to customize the Web interface to meet your specific needs. The My Tasks feature provides a way to customize the tasks that are displayed in the navigation area. By saving task pages to My Startup Pages, you can set one or more pages to open automatically when you log in to IBM Systems Director, including a setting for the default page that is displayed first among all of the automatically started pages. Also, you can set the view that is displayed in the navigation area. Note: In addition to these settings, you can customize navigation preferences for table and topology views. For information see “Setting navigation preferences.” To customize the Web interface, complete the following steps: 24 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide 1. In the IBM Systems Director navigation area, select My tasks from the View list. 2. In the IBM Systems Director navigation area, click Edit 'My tasks'. 3. On the My Tasks page, select the tasks that you want to display in the navigation area. 4. Click Apply. The selected tasks are displayed in the navigation area. 5. In IBM Systems Director, open a task page that you want to start automatically when you log in to IBM Systems Director. 6. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface, click My Startup Pages from the Select Action list. 7. On the Add to My Startup Pages page, click OK to save the selected page. 8. To add any other task pages that you want to start automatically, repeat steps 5 - 7. 9. To view your saved task pages, click My Startup Pages in the IBM Systems Director navigation area. On the My Startup Pages page, the saved tasks are displayed in the table. 10. Click Default to set the default page to display first among all of the automatically started task pages. 11. If you decide that you do not want a page to start automatically, select that task and click Remove. 12. To set your My tasks selections as the default navigation area view, select My Tasks from the Console navigation default view list. You always can change the navigation area view by using the View list. Select All Tasks to see all IBM Systems Director tasks. 13. When you are satisfied with your settings, click OK to save the settings and close the page. To save the setting but not close the page, click Apply. To close the page without saving the settings, click Cancel. Any changes take effect the next time you log in to IBM Systems Director. Related concepts: The Web interface Related tasks: Managing and closing open pages in the Web interface Viewing help in the Web interface Setting navigation preferences Changing the welcome message on the login screen The default herald contains the welcome message that displays with the login prompt for all users. Users with Administrator authority can change the welcome message using the dircli CLI command. 1. Create a UTF-8 file on the system. The file will contain the welcome message and must be named 2. Edit the file and add the following line, substituting your custom text: loginMessage=This is the text that will appear on the login page. Note: When creating, characters need to be specified with valid ISO 8859-1 Unicode-escape sequences. 3. Save and exit the file. 4. On the host system, run the following command: dircli chgloginmsg -f C:\ Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 25 The C:\ file is copied to the install root in the following path: <Director root>/lwi/runtime/isc/loginMessage The new message appears immediately for future login attempts, you do not need to restart the server. Related reference: “Command-task file parameters” on page 119 Managing and closing open pages in the Web interface The IBM Systems Director Web interface provides several ways to manage and close open pages. The Web interface provides page controls in the upper-right corner in the Select Action list. Also, when you have more page tabs that can be displayed in the width of the Web interface, an arrow is displayed that you can click to view the additional tabs. Figure 3. Select Action list To manage and close open pages, complete any of the following steps: v In the IBM Systems Director Web interface, click Manage Open Pages from the Select Action list that is located in the upper-right corner of the Web interface content area. On the Manage Open Pages page, you can close all pages by clicking Close All Pages, close selected pages by selecting one or more pages and clicking Close Page, or view a selected page by clicking the page link. v To close a page that you are viewing, click Close Page from the Select Action list. v To close a page, click X on the page tab. v When applicable, click the OK or Cancel buttons on the page. Related concepts: The Web interface Related tasks: Customizing the Web interface Viewing help in the Web interface Viewing help in the Web interface The IBM Systems Director Web interface provides several ways to view help. To view help, complete any of the following steps: v In the IBM Systems Director Web interface, click Help in the upper-right corner. The IBM Systems Director help system opens in a new Web browser window. v In a task page, click ? in the upper-right corner of the page. v In a task window or wizard, click ? in the upper-right corner of the window or wizard. v When applicable, click the Help button on the page. 26 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: The Web interface Related tasks: Customizing the Web interface Managing and closing open pages in the Web interface The Welcome banner area Starting with IBM Systems Director version 6.2, the Welcome banner area provides links to the Active Status (compliance) page, where you can view the active compliance issues for all discovered systems and the Problems page, where you can view the active problems for all discovered systems. In the Welcome banner area, you can get a quick view of system status by viewing the following icons next to Compliance or Problems: v Warning v Critical For more detailed information, click Compliance, to view the Active Status (compliance) page or click Problems to view the Problems page. Navigating IBM Systems Director by way of the Home page Using the IBM Systems Director Home page, you can navigate to first-time setup steps, make sure IBM Systems Director and its plug-ins are setup and configured, manage your environment from plug-in summary pages, and access tutorials and Information Center topics to expand your skills with IBM Systems Director. Related tasks: Navigating the Web interface Finding and navigating resources Managing groups Finding and starting tasks Scheduling tasks IBM Systems Director Home page Use the IBM Systems Director Home page to complete first-time setup steps, view and activate IBM Systems Director plug-ins, and access information center topics and tutorials to expand your skills with IBM Systems Director. Figure 4. The Home page displaying the Initial Setup, Additional Setup, Plug-ins, and Learn tabs The following links are available at the top of the Home page: Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 27 Update IBM Systems Director Checks for and displays any updates that are available from the product web site that are required by the IBM Systems Director Server. Information Center Opens a link to the corresponding IBM Systems Director Information Center in a separate browser tab. Related concepts: System severity states Related tasks: Starting work in IBM Systems Director Learning about the product Checking IBM Systems Director readiness Viewing updates Viewing tutorials Viewing the IBM Systems Director Server summary The Initial Setup tab Provides the tasks to set up IBM Systems Director for the first time. A user must have the AllPermission permission to view this page; otherwise, it is not displayed. 28 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Figure 5. The Home page interface displaying the Initial Setup tab The following tasks are provided on the Initial Setup tab. Update IBM Systems Director Obtain and install updates for IBM Systems Director. When the updates begins, the current status of the update appears under this step. As part of the update, you will need to restart the IBM Systems Director Server. A timestamp of the update appears once the update successfully completes. System Discovery Discover systems by using a single IP address or host name, a range of IP addresses, or a discovery profile. Request Access Request access to systems that IBM Systems Director has no access to using either the request access task or the configure access task. Collect Inventory Collect the most current inventory from a resource or view the inventory of a resource. Resource Explorer Provides a link to the Resource Explorer page to start managing the resources in your environment. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 29 Health Summary Provides a link to the Health Summary page where you can quickly view and monitor resources that are important to you. Related concepts: “System discovery” on page 160 The Plug-ins tab The Additional Setup tab The Learn tab Security Related tasks: “Updating IBM Systems Director” on page 365 “Collecting inventory” on page 194 Home page: Additional Setup tab Provides additional steps to make IBM Systems Director more productive after the steps on the Initial Setup tab are complete. A user must have the AllPermission permission to view this page; otherwise, it is not displayed. Actions The Additional Setups tab consists of the typical next steps for setting up IBM Systems Director. These steps include: v Registering IBM Systems Director. v Setting up Electronic Service Agent to collect and send hardware problem information to Support. v Creating thresholds and event automation plans v Checking for updates on discovered systems v Installing Common Agent on systems v Setting up user security v Configuring your systems 30 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Figure 6. The Home page interface displaying the Additional Setup tab Related concepts: The Initial Setup tab The Plug-ins tab The Learn tab The Plug-ins tab Provides information that you can use to determine whether IBM Systems Director and its plug-ins are ready to use. From this page, you can view, activate, and deactivate additional plug-ins, along with importing license keys for your plug-ins. The message associated with each plug-in changes based on whether the plug-in is ready to use. The links provided for each plug-in include the plug-in summary page on which you have quick access to your environment's data and applicable tasks. If a plug-in is not ready to use, this page provides links to the applicable tasks that you must perform to complete setup or configuration of the plug-in. The Plug-ins tab includes an icon that is displayed if any problems exist with one or more plug-ins. Note: The Plug-ins tab displays only the plug-ins that the user is authorized to use. If a user is not authorized to use any plug-ins, the Plug-ins tab is not displayed. Figure 7. The Plug-ins tab with the Information icon Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 31 The icon displayed is tied to the plug-in states that are displayed on the Plug-ins tab: If one or more plug-ins are in an Error state, the Error-connecting icon is displayed on the Plug-ins tab. If one or more plug-ins are in the Setup-required state, the Setup-required icon is displayed on the Plug-ins tab. No icon or collecting-data state If all plug-ins are in the ready state then no icon is displayed on the Plug-ins tab. 32 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide , Figure 8. The Home page interface displaying the Plug-ins tab Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 33 Plug-in title Click the plug-in title to display the plug-in summary page. The summary page provides tasks and information that you typically use in that plug-in. Readiness icons Each plug-in title has one of the following icons next to its name denoting whether the plug-in is ready for use: Ready The plug-in is correctly installed and configured. Collecting data The process to determine whether a plug-in is ready to use has started and might take a long time. To determine when the plug-in is ready, click Refresh (located at the bottom of the page) and if the plug-in is ready the status icon will change. Setup required The plug-in is not set up correctly or the set up is currently incomplete. A message and additional links are displayed providing information about any required setup, such as additional configuring, enabling of firewall support, identifying applicable types of servers required by that plug-in, or other setup activities. Error connecting The plug-in has failed to connect to the applicable destination, which might be the management server, a Web site, or another destination. Plug-in links Each plug-in section provides links that you can use to complete any configuration or setup activities. Refresh Click to refresh the ready-for-use information. It also reports that last time the information was refreshed. Additional plug-ins to activate Displays any additional plug-ins with links to activate them. The name of each plug-in is a link to launch a new browser window with information about the plug-in. Import License Key From the Additional plug-ins to activate box, click Import License Key to open the Import License Key page where you can import permanent license keys. 34 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: The Initial Setup tab The Additional Setup tab The Learn tab Importing license keys: You can import permanent license keys through the IBM Systems Director Web interface from the Plug-ins tab of the Home page. You can only use the Web interface to import license packs for license key management. For installation instructions, as well as information about compatability, planning, management, and so on, see the documentation for each plug-in. For detailed licensing and pricing information, or to obtain media with license keys, contact your IBM marketing representative or business partner. For a complete list of available IBM Systems Director plug-ins and for links to the documentation for each plug-in, see the IBM Systems Director Web site at The Learn tab Provides a list of available tutorials and other information center links. If the link is to a tutorial, the link opens a tutorial section in the “Learning and tutorials” section of the IBM Systems Director information center. Hover help for each link provides a description for that tutorial. Figure 9. The Home page interface displaying the Learn tab This page provides the following information: Tutorial links Provides links to available tutorials for installed plug-ins. Tip: The tutorials are launched from the Internet. You must have access to the Internet to view them. For more information about e-learning and tutorials, see “Learning and tutorials.” Hover help Provides a description for each tutorial. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 35 Related concepts: The Initial Setup tab The Additional Setup tab The Plug-ins tab System severity states Systems with Common Agent or Platform Agent installed on them generate events that numerically indicate their health status to IBM Systems Director Server. The numeric values indicated by the event correspond to one of three severity levels in IBM Systems Director: critical, warning, or informational. Each applicable IBM Systems Director system generates a numeric value that aligns it with one of the following three severity levels: Critical A system that has generated an event with a severity of 5 or 6 is the most severe and is identified in IBM Systems Director as being in a Critical state. These systems have already lost or will imminently lose data, have had system down time, or are on the verge of losing some other services. System operation might be impacted if the problem is left uncorrected. Warning A system that has generated an event with a severity of 3 or 4 is identified in IBM Systems Director as being in a Warning state. These systems can escalate to a Critical state if left uncorrected. System operation might not be impacted and normal use of the hardware can continue. Informational A system that has generated an event with a severity of 1 or 2 is identified in IBM Systems Director as being in an Informational state. These systems are operating normally and typically, no action is required. Related concepts: The Home page Related tasks: Starting work in IBM Systems Director Learning about the product Checking IBM Systems Director readiness Viewing updates Viewing tutorials Viewing the IBM Systems Director Server summary Starting work in IBM Systems Director Before IBM Systems Director can manage your systems, the systems must be discovered. Using the Home page, you can set up IBM Systems Director for use for the first time. To get started with IBM Systems Director, complete the following steps: 1. If this is the first time using IBM Systems Director, the Home page is displayed automatically. Otherwise, in the IBM Systems Director navigation area, click Home. 2. On the IBM Systems Director Home page, view the tasks on the Initial Setup tab. This section provides the steps to update IBM Systems Director, discover systems, request access to system, and collect inventory. 36 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide 3. View the steps on the Additional Setup tab. This section provides typical tasks for setting up IBM Systems Director, including registering the product, creating thresholds and event automation plans, checking for updates, installing Common Agent on systems, setting up security, and configuring your systems. Related concepts: The Home page System severity states Related tasks: Discovering systems and collecting inventory data Learning about the product Checking IBM Systems Director readiness Viewing updates Viewing tutorials Viewing the IBM Systems Director Server summary Learning about the product There are several ways to learn about IBM Systems Director. You can learn more about IBM Systems Director in the following ways: v In the IBM Systems Director navigation area, click Home. On the Home page, click the Learn tab. View the available tutorials to expand your skills with IBM Systems Director. v On the Home page, click the Plug-ins tab. For each plug-in, click the plug-in section heading to view its summary page. v Go to the IBM Systems Director information center at infocenter/director/pubs/index.jsp to review scenarios and other information resources. v Go to the IBM Systems Director customer forum. For more information, see “Accessing the IBM Systems Director customer forum.” v To familiarize yourself with other information resources available on the Web, click Related Web Resources. Related concepts: The Home page System severity states Related tasks: Starting work in IBM Systems Director Checking IBM Systems Director readiness Viewing updates Viewing tutorials Viewing the IBM Systems Director Server summary Checking IBM Systems Director readiness You can determine whether the plug-ins in your IBM Systems Director installation are ready for use by viewing the Home page. To determine whether plug-ins are ready for use, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director navigation area, click Home. 2. On the Home page, click the Plug-ins tab. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 37 3. Browse the Plug-ins page to determine the plug-ins that are in your IBM Systems Director installation and whether they are ready for use. Each plug-in has one of the following icons beside its name denoting whether the plug-in is ready for use or requires additional setup or configuration: Ready The plug-in is correctly installed and configured. Collecting data The process to determine whether a plug-in is ready to use has started and might take a long time. To determine when the plug-in is ready, click Refresh (located at the bottom of the page) and if the plug-in is ready the status icon will change. Setup required The plug-in is not set up correctly or the set up is currently incomplete. A message and additional links are displayed providing information about any required setup, such as additional configuring, enabling of firewall support, identifying applicable types of servers required by that plug-in, or other setup activities. Error connecting The plug-in has failed to connect to the applicable destination, which might be the management server, a Web site, or another destination. 4. If a plug-in reports that it has a problem, click the displayed links to complete the setup and configuration. 5. Complete the setup tasks listed for the plug-in. 6. On the Plug-ins page, click Refresh. IBM Systems Director checks the plug-in. The affected plug-in is now ready to use and its status is updated. Related concepts: The Home page System severity states Related tasks: Starting work in IBM Systems Director Learning about the product Viewing updates Viewing tutorials Viewing the IBM Systems Director Server summary Viewing updates You can view updates that you can choose to apply to your IBM Systems Director environment. To view updates, in the IBM Systems Director navigation area, click Home to view the Home page and complete any of the following steps: v In the left-hand navigation, click Release Management > Updates. The Updates page is displayed. v Click Acquire updates. 38 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide 1. On the Acquire Updates page, select the option to check for updates, then select the types of updates for which you want check and click OK. Using the Acquire Updates page, you can start managing updates in the following ways: – Select the systems to keep in compliance with the latest updates. – Configure a connection to the Internet. – Run or schedule a check for updates. 2. In the Launch Job window, click OK to start Check for Updates immediately. IBM Systems Director checks for any updates that are available. A message is displayed stating that the Check for Updates has run. 3. Click Show and Install Updates. The Show and Install Updates page is displayed. v On the Home page, click the Plug-ins tab. On the Plug-ins tab, click Acquire Updates under the Update Manager section. The Acquire Updates page described in the preceding step is displayed. Related concepts: The Home page System severity states Related tasks: Starting work in IBM Systems Director Learning about the product Checking IBM Systems Director readiness Viewing tutorials Viewing the IBM Systems Director Server summary Viewing tutorials You can view tutorials to learn quickly how to use tasks and feature provided by IBM Systems Director. To view tutorials, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director navigation area, click Home. 2. On the Home page, click the Learn tab. The Learn tab is displayed with the available tutorials for the installed plug-ins. Hover help provides a description for each tutorial. 3. Click the tutorial link for the task about which you want to learn. Tip: The tutorials are launched from the Internet. You must have access to the Internet to view them. For more information about e-learning and tutorials, see “Learning and tutorials.” If you have trouble viewing a tutorial, make sure that you install version 8.0 or later of Adobe Flash Player from and ensure that your browser security settings are not preventing the interactive content from displaying. Also, make sure that the system on which you install the IBM Systems Director components meets the defined hardware requirements. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 39 Related concepts: The Home page System severity states Learning and tutorials Related tasks: Starting work in IBM Systems Director Learning about the product Checking IBM Systems Director readiness Viewing updates Viewing the IBM Systems Director Server summary Viewing the IBM Systems Director Server summary You can view a summary of all activity within the past 30 days that is associated with IBM Systems Director Server and the server on which it is running (management server). Note that information on this page is refreshed automatically when there are any changes. To view the IBM Systems Director Server summary, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director navigation area, click Home. 2. On the Home page, click the Plug-ins tab. 3. On the Plug-ins tab, scroll to the IBM Systems Director Server section of the page and click the IBM Systems Director Server section heading. The IBM Systems Director Server summary is displayed. 4. View the IBM Systems Director status section. This section provides the following information: v The management server name. Click the name to view the properties page for the server. v The current status for IBM Systems Director Server and, if applicable, its last restart date and time. The Status field displays a local system health rating that warns you when the IBM Systems Director Server is experiencing problems that could jeopardize performance or stability. If a problem is detected, a message ID is also provided. When you can click on the message ID, a new window opens with a recommended operator response. v The number of systems discovered. Click this link to display the discovered systems. v The type of authentication used. v The known ports that are in use. Click All possible ports to view information about ports that IBM Systems Director might use. v v v v 40 Note: This link opens the IBM Systems Director information center and requires Internet access. The location of any trace and error logs. The database version number and driver that is installed. The current management server statistics including processor use, memory use, storage use, and the number of active users. In the Common tasks area, the following links are provided: System discovery Click System discovery to discover systems by specifying a single IP address, host name, or IP address range or by using a discovery profile. Collect and view inventory Click Collect and view inventory to open the View and Collect IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Inventory task, with which you can collect the most current inventory from a resource or view the inventory of a resource. Find a task Click Find a task to quickly and easily find any task. Then, you can run the selected task. Find a resource Click Find a resource to quickly and easily find a particular resource. Resource Explorer Click Resource Explorer to view, work with, and navigate among resources in your systems-management environment, including view and manage discovery options on an individual resource level. 5. View the Users and roles section. This section provides the following information: v The number of users that do not have access to any resources. Click this link to view the Users page that displays the affected users. v The number of users that are defined in your IBM Systems Director Server environment. Click this link to view the Users page that displays the defined users. v The number of roles that are defined in your IBM Systems Director Server environment. Click this link to view the Roles page. v In the Common tasks area, the following links are provided: Manage Users Click Manage Users to specify basic properties for each authorized user and assign access to each user using roles. Manage Roles Click Manage Roles to create, edit, or delete roles that are used to assign access to users. Add a role Click Add a role to create a role. You also can reach the summary page by using Find a Task. For more information, see “Finding a task.” Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 41 Related concepts: The Home page System severity states Related tasks: Discovering systems and collecting inventory data Finding systems and other resources Finding a task Authorizing users Starting work in IBM Systems Director Checking IBM Systems Director readiness Viewing updates Viewing tutorials Related reference: All possible ports Finding and navigating resources The IBM Systems Director Web interface provides many ways to navigate resources. This section includes information about finding resources; the available ways to view resources and resource information, including topology maps and Topology Perspectives; working with resources in tables; and working with resources in topology maps. Topology Perspectives is a powerful navigation feature. When you select this action, you can view a resource and its relationships to other resources in a graphical display. For more information, see “Topology Perspectives views,” “Viewing resources in the topology perspective,” and “Working with topology maps.” The Web interface also provides navigational actions for resources by way of the Actions menu and the complementary pop-up menu that is displayed when you right-click a resource. These actions vary depending on the resource. When you click a resource, the default navigational task occurs; the default task, too, can vary depending on the resource. For example, if you click a group, the members of that group are displayed. When you right-click a group, the first navigational action provided in the pop-up menu is View Members, which displays the members of the group. If you click a resource, the Properties page for that resource is displayed. When you right-click a resource, Properties is provided at the bottom of the pop-up menu. The menu also provides the following navigational actions: v When you select a resource, the Related Resources menu item provides a list of any and all resources that are related to the currently selected resource. v When you view members of a group, the menu provides group-specific actions. For example, while viewing a member of the group called All My Linux Servers, you can click Actions > All My Linux Servers to view a submenu of appropriate actions for that group. As you navigate from one resource to another or drill down from a resource to its subcomponents, a breadcrumb path is displayed at the top of the page as a navigational signpost. The breadcrumb path is extended each time you drill down. 42 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide If you navigate to a related resource, the breadcrumb path is updated to the current location. The last link in the path identifies your current location in the resource navigation. If you right-click on this last link, a menu is displayed. This menu provides the same options as the Actions menu at this current location. The following examples illustrate specific resources and the pop-up menus that are displayed when you right-click the breadcrumb path: v When you view members of a group, the breadcrumb path displays the menu associated with that group. v When you view blade servers in a chassis, the breadcrumb path displays the menu associated with the chassis. v When you view a resource in a topology map, the breadcrumb path displays the menu associated with that resource. Related tasks: Navigating the Web interface Navigating by way of the Home page Managing groups Finding and starting tasks Scheduling tasks Related reference: lsgp command accesssys command Resource views The IBM Systems Director Web interface provides a number of ways to view information about your resources as well as manage the resources. The most typical ways are through tables and the properties view. Most tasks and plug-ins provide information and function using tables, although the amount of information and function varies depending on the task or plug-in. In this section, Resource Explorer is used to describe navigating tables in general. Information and functions also are provided using the properties view. The properties view is always available for any resource by selecting the resource and clicking Actions > Properties. Some tasks and plug-ins, most notably Resource Explorer, also provide Topology Perspectives. When you select this feature, you can view a collection of related resources, such as systems and their storage, and see the relationships among the resources using a topology map. You also can toggle from the map view to a resource view or relationship view. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 43 Related tasks: Finding systems and other resources Viewing resources in the topology perspective Working with tables Working with topology maps Working with properties Setting navigation preferences Renaming a resource Removing a resource Table view The table view can display a list of the resources or tasks. Tables are the basic way that information is displayed in IBM Systems Director. Use the following example and descriptions to learn about the table view. Figure 10. Table view Breadcrumb path Provides a collection of links that show the navigation path to the current view. You can click any of these links to go back in the path. Toolbar Provides frequently used tasks as buttons. Available buttons vary, depending on the task page. In this example, the Create Group button is provided, but on other task pages, the Create Group button might not be. Actions Opens a list of available actions. These actions include those that are 44 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide provided in the toolbar and elsewhere on the page as well as actions that are common to all tables. For common table actions, see “Table navigation in IBM Systems Director.” Search the table Searches the table with the string or phrase provided. When you type a string in this field, any matching strings in the currently displayed table are highlighted. Additionally, if you click Search, all of the pages of a table are searched for the provided string; only the rows that contain the string are displayed in the table. Resource area Displays the content of the resource area depending on the resources that you have chosen to view. To see the members of a group, click on a group in the table. The view drills down to view the group members in the table and another step is added to the breadcrumb path. For example, if you click Common-Agent systems in the table, all systems in your environment that have Common Agent installed are displayed. The resource view functions in the same way regardless of the resources that you have chosen to view. To perform an action on a resource in the view, right-click the resource and select an action. Table state information Provides navigation between pages of the table. The table view displays a limited number of entries on a single page. To move to the next page, click the arrow button at the bottom left portion of the table. The table view indicates the number of pages of data that is being displayed, for example, Page 1 of 3. It displays the count of resources or relationships currently shown, filtered, and the number selected. To change the number of entries that are displayed in the table, change the Rows per table setting in the Navigation Preferences page. For more information see “Setting navigation preferences.” Tip: To got to a specific page, type a number in the provided entry field and press Enter. If you specified an number that is not valid, the page in the table does not change. Related concepts: Properties view Topology Perspectives views Related tasks: Navigating tables Setting navigation preferences Properties view The properties view displays a list of properties and other detailed information associated with the selected resource. Using the properties view, you can access troubleshooting information and other important details about a resource from anywhere in the IBM Systems Director Web interface. This view is available for all resources from the Actions menu and from the resource's pop-up menu. Depending on the selected resource, the properties view can provide information about any configuration settings, jobs, thresholds, or event automation plans that can affect the resource as well as dynamic troubleshooting information such as Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 45 active status, inventory, and event log. Also, the properties view provides access to any tasks that can be performed on the selected resource by way of the Actions menu. You can access the properties view from any view by selecting a resource and clicking Actions > Properties. Use the following example and descriptions to learn about the properties view. Figure 11. Properties view Breadcrumb path Provides a collection of links that show the navigation path to the current view. You can click any of these links to go back in the path. Actions Contains actions that are applicable to the resource displayed in the Properties view. Additional properties If present, this area provides links to customized properties views provided by the plug-in. Resource area Displays the content of the resource area that varies depending on the resource that you have chosen to view. While the General page is always displayed by default, the following additional pages can be provided depending on the resource type: 46 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide General Displays the basic resource properties. This page is displayed by default. Active Status Displays any problems, compliance concerns, and other issues. Applied Activities Displays any jobs, thresholds, software packages, activations, or event automation plans that are associated with the resource. Configuration Displays any configuration settings that can be edited immediately or saved as a template for later deployment. For more information, see “Configuring systems.” Event Log Displays any event log data that might be associated with the resource. For more information, see “Managing the Event Log.” Inventory Displays any inventory data that might be associated with the resource. For more information, see “Collecting and viewing inventory data.” Service and Support Displays whether Service and Support Manager is monitoring the resource for problems that can be reported automatically to IBM support. This page is displayed only if you have installed and activated the Service and Support Manager plug-in. For more information, see “Service and Support Summary.” Related concepts: Table view Topology Perspectives views Related tasks: Working with properties Configuring systems Collecting and viewing inventory data Managing the event log Topology Perspectives views After you select Resource Explorer from the navigation area, you can drill down to see relationships among your resources using Topology Perspectives. Select a resource or group of resources and click Actions > Topology Perspectives > Basic. The Basic selection provides a topology map that shows key resources that are related to the selected resource. When viewing a collection of related resources, you can toggle among the map view, resource view, or relationship view to manage your resources. Resource Explorer provides the basic topology perspective that is described in this section. Other plug-ins available for IBM Systems Director might provide additional perspectives on this menu. These additional perspectives can provide specific topological views of resource information: All Provides a topology map that shows all resources that are related to the selected resource. Network Provides a topology map that shows network-specific resources that are related to the selected resource, including servers, routers, and network cards. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 47 For information about additional topology perspectives, see the following topics: v “Storage topology views” v “The update topology perspective” v “Viewing resources in virtualization perspectives” Note: The properties view is always available for any resource; select the resource and click Properties. Related concepts: Storage topology perspective Table view Properties view Map view: The map view shows a graphical view of your resources and their relationships. You can drill down and view the relationships among these resources and other resources in your environment. You can also view and edit resource properties. You can click on any displayed system icon or on any relationship line to select a resource or relationship; then right-click on that selected resource to display a list of available actions. You can access the topology map view by selecting one or more resources and then clicking Actions > Topology Perspectives > Basic. After you have entered the map view, you can change to the resource view or relationship view. You can access the map view from the resource view or relationship view by clicking Actions > Map View. Use the following example and descriptions to learn about the map view. 48 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Figure 12. Map view Breadcrumb path Provides a collection of links that show the navigation path to the current view. You can click any of these links to go back in the path. Toolbar The toolbar contains the following toolbar buttons and menu: Table 1. Toolbar buttons and menu Icon Name Description Actions menu Contains actions for the topology as a whole, as well as pop-up menu items for resources currently selected in the topology. For example, to display the properties of the currently selected resource, click Actions > Properties. Search the map Searches the map for resources that have a name containing the word or phrase provided. Select Selects resources in the topology. Zoom Area Selects the part of the topology that you want to increase or decrease in size. Pan Provides a way for you to drag the topology map to reposition it in the topology viewport. Hover Help Displays detailed information about a resource or relationship line when a mouse hovers over it. Zoom Out (F2) Incrementally reduces the total area of the topology you want to view. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 49 Table 1. Toolbar buttons and menu (continued) Icon Name Description Zoom In (F3) Incrementally enlarges the total area of topology you want to view. Zoom To Fit (F4) Scales the entire topology to fit into the topology viewport. Print Graph Prints the entire topology. A Web browser window opens containing a JPEG image of the graph. You can either print the graphic using your Web-browser print feature or save the graphic as a local image. Note: Be sure the Web browser option to block pop-up windows is turned off for the URL that you use to log in to the IBM Systems Director Web interface. Print Viewport Prints only the current resources and relationships that are displayed in the topology viewport. This view might be only a portion of the overall topology. A Web browser window opens containing a JPEG image of the graph. You can either print the graphic using your Web-browser print feature or save the graphic as a local image. Note: Be sure the Web browser option to block pop-up windows is turned off for the URL that you use to log in to the IBM Systems Director Web interface. Hide Palette View Hides the support area that displays the palettes. Show Palette View Shows the support area that displays the palettes. Map area Enables you to drill down and view the relationships between resources in a graphical format. You can right-click on a resource to display a list of available actions. You can perform mouse actions on the topology map such as scrolling, repositioning, and resizing. You also can use the Overview palette to easily reposition the resources and relationships that are displayed in the map. Support area Contains the Overview, Details, and Filter palettes. Click Hide Palette View on the navigation toolbar to close the support area. Click Show on the navigation toolbar to open the support area. See Palette View “Navigating topology maps” for more information. Overview palette Provides a view of the entire topology map with a rectangle surrounding the portion of the map displayed in the map viewport. You can click and drag within the Overview palette to reposition the topology. See “Reordering, minimizing, and hiding palettes” for more information. Details palette Provides a way to work with the properties of your resources. When you select a resource or relationship in the topology, all of its properties appear in the properties page within the Details palette. To change editable properties, click Edit to open the Edit Properties window, change the property, and click OK. See “Viewing properties and details” for more information. 50 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Filter palette Provides a way to select the resources that you want to see in the topology map. You can filter your selections by status and by resource type. When filtered, the affected resources and relationships are grayed out in the map. The Filter palette also provides a Results page that displays the results of searching the map view. See “Filtering the topology map” for more information. Table state information Displays the count of resources or relationships currently shown, the number selected, and the number filtered. A Depth menu is displayed to indicate the number of relationships from the root node to the object that is farthest away from that node. Using this menu, you can select the depth of related resources that you want to view in the topology. Related concepts: Resource view Relationship view Related tasks: Navigating topology maps Reordering, minimizing, and hiding palettes Viewing properties and details Filtering the topology map Working with topology maps Viewing resources in the topology perspective Changing between resource views Changing the default resource view Resource view: The resource view displays a list of the resources in the current topology map view. You can access the resource view from the map view or relationship view by clicking Actions > Resource View. Use the following example and descriptions to learn about the resource view. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 51 Figure 13. Resource view Breadcrumb path Provides a collection of links that show the navigation path to the current view. You can click any of these links to go back in the path. Actions Opens a list of available actions. These actions include those that are provided in the toolbar and elsewhere on the page as well as actions that are common to all tables. For common table actions, see “Table navigation in IBM Systems Director.” Map View Click to change to the topology map view of the selected resource and its related resources. Resource View The currently selected view, it displays the resource view of the selected resource and its related resources. Relationship View Click to change to the selected resource, its related resources, and their relationships. Depth Indicate the number of relationships from the root node to the object that is farthest away from that node. Using this menu, you can select the depth of related resources that you want to view in the table. Search the table Searches the table with the string or phrase provided. When you type a string in this field, any matching strings in the currently displayed table are highlighted. Additionally, if you click Search, all of the pages of a table are searched for the provided string; only the rows that contain the string are displayed in the table. 52 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Resource area The content of the resource area depends on the resources that you have chosen to view. To see the members of a group, click on a group in the table. The view drills down to view the group members in the table and another step is added to the breadcrumb path. For example, if you click Common-Agent systems in the table, all systems in your environment that have Common Agent installed will be displayed. The resource view functions in the same way regardless of the resources that you have chosen to view. To perform an action on a resource in the view, right-click the resource and select an action. Table state information Provides navigation between pages of the table. The table view displays a limited number of entries on a single page. To move to the next page, click the arrow button at the bottom left portion of the table. The table view indicates the number of pages of data that is being displayed, for example, Page 1 of 3. It displays the count of resources or relationships currently shown, filtered, and the number selected. To change the number of entries that are displayed in the table, change the Rows per table setting in the Navigation Preferences page. For more information see “Setting navigation preferences.” Tip: To got to a specific page, type a number in the provided entry field and press Enter. If you specified an number that is not valid, the page in the table does not change. Related concepts: Map view Relationship view Related tasks: Setting navigation preferences Navigating tables Viewing resources in the resource view Changing between resource views Changing the default resource view Relationship view: The relationship view shows the relationships among the resources in the current topology map view. You can see the name of each resource, its type of relationship to another resource, and the related resource. Before you can access the relationship view, you must enter Topology Perspectives. You can access a relationship view from the map view by clicking Actions > Relationship View. Note: After you enter the map view, there are two additional alternate views: the relationship view and the resource view. Having entered the map view you can change among the three alternate views. Use the following example and descriptions to learn about the relationship view. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 53 Figure 14. Relationship view Breadcrumb path Provides a collection of links that show the navigation path to the current view. You can click any of these links to go back in the path. Actions Contains actions for the selected resource and its related resources in a relationship view. Opens a list of available actions. These actions include those that are provided in the toolbar and elsewhere on the page as well as actions that are common to all tables. For common table actions, see “Table navigation in IBM Systems Director.” Map View Click to change to the topology map view of the selected resource and its related resources. Resource View Click to change to the resource view of the selected resource and its related resources. Relationship View The currently selected view, it displays the selected resource, its related resources, and their relationships. Depth Indicate the number of relationships from the root node to the object that is farthest away from that node. Using this menu, you can select the depth of related resources that you want to view in the table. Search the table Searches the table with the string or phrase provided. When you type a string in this field, any matching strings in the currently displayed table 54 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide are highlighted. Additionally, if you click Search, all of the pages of a table are searched for the provided string; only the rows that contain the string are displayed in the table. Relationship area The content of the relationship area depends on the resources that you have chosen to view. For example, if you click Virtual Servers and Hosts, the relationships that pertain to your virtual systems and hosts will be displayed in the relationship view. A relationship between two resources is displayed in each row. The relationship view functions in the same way regardless of the types of relationships you have chosen to view. To perform an action on the resources in the relationship view, right-click the resource name in a row. The pop-up menu provides a submenu for each resource in the relationship. Select an action for the resource you want to affect. The action you select is performed on the selected resource within the relationship. Table state information Provides navigation between pages of the table. The table view displays a limited number of entries on a single page. To move to the next page, click the arrow button at the bottom left portion of the table. The table view indicates the number of pages of data that is being displayed, for example, Page 1 of 3. It displays the count of resources or relationships currently shown, filtered, and the number selected. To change the number of entries that are displayed in the table, change the Rows per table setting in the Navigation Preferences page. For more information see “Setting navigation preferences.” Tip: To got to a specific page, type a number in the provided entry field and press Enter. If you specified an number that is not valid, the page in the table does not change. Related concepts: Map view Resource view Related tasks: Setting navigation preferences Navigating tables Viewing resources in the relationship view Changing between resource views Changing the default resource view Finding systems and other resources A system-management environment can include a large number of systems and other resources. While you can expand and navigate through groups from the Resource Explorer page or within other task tables to find a particular resource, you also can quickly and easily find a particular resource using Find a Resource. To locate resources quickly, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Find a Resource. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 55 2. In the Find a Resource field, type the name of the system and click Find. The first 10 results of the search are displayed below the field. If there are more than 10 results, More is displayed. 3. Optional: If there are more than 10 results, you can refine the search results. 4. Optional: To view all the search results, click More. A table is displayed with the search results. Related concepts: Resource views Related tasks: Viewing resources in the topology perspective Working with tables Working with topology maps Working with properties Setting navigation preferences Renaming a resource Removing a resource Related reference: lssys command accesssys command Viewing resources in the topology perspective Using topology perspectives, you can view a collection of resources and see their relationships among each other in multiple ways. If a task provides topology perspectives, the Topology Perspectives action is available from the Actions menu. After you enter the topology map view, you can access the resource view and the relationship view. These views provide alternate ways to view the resources and relationships that are displayed in the map view. Note: Do not confuse the resource view and relationship view with the navigation tables that are used throughout the IBM Systems Director Web interface. These views display only the resources and relationships that you selected to display in the topology perspective. Related concepts: Resource views Related tasks: Finding systems and other resources Working with tables Working with topology maps Working with properties Setting navigation preferences Renaming a resource Removing a resource Viewing resources in the map view The map view shows a graphical view of your resources and their relationships. If a resource provides the topology map view as an alternate view, Topology Perspectives is available in the Actions menu. To view a topology map, complete the following steps: 56 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide 1. On a task page, navigate to a resource with relationships that you want to see in a topology map view and select it. 2. Click Actions > Topology Perspectives > Basic. 3. View the map area. Use the map to drill down and view the relationships between resources in a graphical format. You can right-click on a resource to display a list of available actions. 4. Use your mouse to scroll, reposition, resize, and select resources and relationships, as well as open context menus for resources. Relationships between resources are displayed as lines, and the direction of the relationship is shown by the direction of the arrow attached to each line. For information about determining the type of relationship that a line indicates, see “Determining a relationship type.” For more information about relationship lines, see “Topology-relationship descriptions.” For more information about mouse actions in a topology map, see “Navigating topology maps.” 5. View the Overview palette in the Support area. This palette provides a view of the entire topology map with a rectangle surrounding the portion of the map displayed in the map viewport. You can click and drag within the Overview palette to reposition the topology. 6. View the Details palette in the Support area. This palette provides a way to work with the properties of your resources. When you select a resource or relationship in the topology, all of its properties appear in the properties page within the Details palette. To change editable properties, click Edit to open the Edit Properties window, change the property, and click OK. See “Viewing properties and details” for more information. 7. View the Filter palette in the Support area. This palette provides a way to select the resources that you want to see in the topology map. You can filter your selections by status and by resource type. When filtered, the affected resources and relationships are grayed out in the map. The Filter palette also provides a Results page that displays the results of searching the map view. For more information, see “Filtering the topology map.” Related concepts: Map view Related tasks: Working with topology maps Viewing resources in the resource view Viewing resources in the relationship view Changing between resource views Changing the default resource view Navigating topology maps Viewing properties and details Filtering the topology map Determining a relationship type Viewing resources in the resource view The resource view displays a list of the resources in the current topology map view. To view and use the resource view, complete the following steps: 1. In a topology map or relationship table, click Actions > Resource View. 2. In the table view, click a resource in the list to drill down and see more resources and their relationships. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 57 3. If you want to perform tasks or other actions on your resources, select one or more resources; then, click Action and click a task. Tips: v You also can right-click the resource and select a task from the pop-up menu. v You can run some tasks on multiple resources simultaneously. To perform an action on multiple resources, select the resources, right-click on one of the selected resources, and select a task from the pop-up menu. Related concepts: Resource view Related tasks: Navigating tables Viewing resources in the map view Viewing resources in the relationship view Changing between resource views Changing the default resource view Viewing resources in the relationship view The relationship view shows the relationships among the resources in the current topology map view. You can see the name of each resource, its type of relationship to another resource, and the related resource. Before you can access the relationship view, you must enter Topology Perspectives. To view and use the relationship view, complete the following steps: 1. In a topology map or resource view, select a resource and click Actions > Relationship View. The resource view shows a list of the relationships among your resources. A relationship between two resources is displayed in each row. The resource view provides the following information about the relationships: From In the resource view, the resource that is the starting point of a relationship. For example, if System A is the host for Virtual Server 1, then System A is the starting point of the relationship. Relationship type The type of relationship between two resources. Relationships might be physical to physical, physical to virtual, or virtual to virtual. Consider the following examples: v A physical to physical relationship might be an IBM Power system to a disk unit. v A physical to virtual relationship might be a host system to a virtual server. v A virtual to virtual relationship might be a virtual server connected to a virtual LAN. In the resource view, the resource that is the ending point of a relationship. For example, if System A is the host for Virtual Server 1, then Virtual Server 1 is the ending point of the relationship. 2. To perform actions on a resource in a relationship, select a relationship row. Then, click Actions, select either the To or From resource, and click a task. To Tips: v You also can right-click the resource and select a task from the pop-up menu. v Use the pop-up menu or the Actions menu to perform actions on either of the resources represented in the relationship. 58 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: Relationship view Related tasks: Navigating tables Filtering table information Viewing resources in the map view Viewing resources in the resource view Changing between resource views Changing the default resource view Changing between resource views After you have entered the topology map view, you can change to alternate views of the resources and relationships that you chose to view in the topology map view. You first must enter the topology map view before you can change to the relationship table or resource table views. If a task provides the topology map view, the Topology Perspectives action is available in the Actions menu. After you enter the topology map view, you can change to the relationship view or the resource view and then return to the map view. All views are available in the Actions menu and the view that you are currently using is checked. Also, the properties view is always available from the Actions menu. Select a resource and then click Actions > Properties. When selecting a view, consider the following information: v In the map view, you can view related resources of multiple types, including their status information. Also, you can control the levels of resources that you view. For example, if you choose to view three levels, the map displays all resources that are up to three levels away from the primary resource, such as a server, its RAID controller, and any attached RAID physical drives. v In the resource view, you can view all the resources from the map view, but in a table that is easier to filter and sort. v In the relationship view, you can view the types of relationships that exist between the resources in the map view. v In the properties view, you can view all the troubleshooting information for a resource in one place. Related tasks: Viewing resources in the map view Viewing resources in the resource view Viewing resources in the relationship view Changing the default resource view Changing the default resource view You can customize the view that you want displayed when you open a resource in the topology map. This setting is provided for accessibility requirements and screen reader support; the setting affects only the view that is shown when the resource is opened. After you have opened the resource, you can switch to a different view. By default, this option is not selected; therefore, the topology view is the default view. When this setting is selected, the topology view is not initially displayed when you select Topology Perspectives. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 59 To set the default resource view, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, expand Settings and click Navigation Preferences. 2. On the Navigation Preferences page, select or clear Use the resource table view as the default view for topology maps. 3. When you are satisfied with your settings, click OK to save the settings and close the page. To save the setting but not close the page, click Apply. To close the page without saving the settings, click Cancel. To reset the settings to the system-defined values, click Restore Defaults. You still must click OK or Apply to save the restored settings. Related tasks: Viewing resources in the map view Viewing resources in the resource view Viewing resources in the relationship view Changing between resource views Working with tables Working with tables and table information is a common task in the IBM Systems Director Web interface. In addition to navigating tables, you can filter, sort, search, export, and print table information. You can add resources to your Favorites view that you use frequently. Also, you can customize your table navigation preferences and adjust table columns. Related concepts: Resource views Related tasks: Finding systems and other resources Viewing resources in the topology perspective Working with topology maps Working with properties Setting navigation preferences Renaming a resource Removing a resource Navigating tables Navigating tables is a common task in IBM Systems Director. Most resources and information are displayed in tables. To navigate in tables, complete the following steps: 1. Open a task, such as Resource Explorer, that uses tables for navigating resources. 2. Click a resource or group in the task table. Depending on the resource or group that you click, the following information is displayed: v If you click an individual resource that contain other resources, its subsystems or related resources are displayed. For example, you can drill down to view disks related to a server or fans related to a BladeCenter chassis. Depending on the resource, there might be several levels through which you can drill down. You can continue to click or drill down on resources to see lower-level subsystems or resources. v If you click a resource that does not contain other resources, then that resource's properties are displayed. Depending on the pages provided for the 60 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide 3. 4. 5. 6. resource, you can access information such as inventory and event status; configuration settings; and information about the jobs, thresholds, software packages, activations, or event automation plans that are associated with the resource. For information about the Properties page, see “Viewing properties.” v If you click a group, a list of the included systems and resources is displayed. If you want to change the number of rows that are displayed in the table, change the Rows per table setting in the Navigation Preferences page. For more information see “Setting table-navigation preferences.” If you want to navigate to an earlier part of your path in the table, click the applicable part of the breadcrumb path located above the table. As you drill down through related resources or to properties pages, the breadcrumb path is extended to reflect the path you have taken. Continue to click or drill down through resources to see lower-level subsystems or resources. The Actions menu also provides alternative ways to navigate the resources in the table. Clicking Actions > Related Resources provides a list of resources that are related to your selected resource. Select a related resource from the list to navigate quickly to it. If applicable, alternate views might be available from the Actions menu. Clicking Actions > Topology Perspectives displays a map of resources and their relationships starting from the selected resource. For information about Topology Perspectives, see “Topology Perspectives views.” If you want to perform tasks or other actions on your resources, select one or more resources. Then, you can either right-click the resource or click the Actions menu. Both menus provide tasks and actions that are available for the selected resources. These tasks and actions fall into the following categories: v Actions that provide navigational alternatives. Related Resources provides a list of resources that are related to the selected resource. Using this list, you can navigate quickly to any related resource. If applicable, alternate views also might be available. For example, the Topology Perspectives view displays a map of resources and their relationships starting from the selected resource. For information about Topology Perspectives, see “Topology Perspectives views.” v Specific tasks or actions that are applicable to a selected resource in the table. For example, if you select a system in a table, these actions might include Create Group, Power On, Access Control, Encryption Key Reset, and others. v Globally available tasks and actions. For example, these tasks might include Create and Create Like if they are applicable to a resource. v Actions that are specific to tables such as filtering, sorting, exporting, and adjusting columns. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 61 Related concepts: Table view Topology Perspectives views Related tasks: Viewing properties Filtering table information Sorting table information Searching table information Printing tables Exporting table information Adding resources to your Favorites view Adding a group of resources to the Health Summary Setting table-navigation preferences Setting table-column preferences Viewing properties The properties view displays a list of properties and other detailed information associated with the selected resource. Using the properties view, you can access troubleshooting information and other important details about a resource from anywhere in the IBM Systems Director Web interface. This view is available for all resources from the Actions menu and from the resource's pop-up menu. For information about viewing properties in a topology map view, see “Viewing properties and details.” To view properties for a resource in a table, complete the following steps: 1. In the table, select a resource. 2. Click Actions > Properties. On the Properties page, the resource area displays one or more pages. The number of pages and the types of information they include vary depending on the resource. The General page is displayed by default. 3. View the properties displayed on the General page. Some properties are editable. For information about editing properties, see “Editing properties.” 4. Optional: If additional pages are available, click them to view additional properties information and troubleshooting information. Depending on the pages provided for the resource, you can access information such as inventory and event status; configuration settings; and information about the jobs, thresholds, software packages, activations, or event automation plans that are associated with the resource. 62 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: Properties view Related tasks: Editing properties Viewing properties and details Navigating tables Filtering table information Sorting table information Searching table information Printing tables Exporting table information Adding resources to your Favorites view Adding a group of resources to the Health Summary Setting table-navigation preferences Setting table-column preferences Filtering table information Within any IBM Systems Director Web interface table, you can use the filtering options that are available from the Action button. After you have completed filtering resources in the table view, you can see the rows that match your filter criteria in the table. Note: Filtering is not persistent; filter settings are not remembered for subsequent uses of the list. To filter information in any table, complete the following steps: 1. Click Actions > Show Filter Row. An additional row at the top of each column is displayed. This row contains Filter links. 2. Click Filter to open the selectable filtering criteria for a column. Note: The available filter conditions vary depending on the column. 3. In the Filter window, select the condition on which you want to filter the column. The conditions available vary depending on the type of information that the column contains: Textual information, such as name and description The Filter window provides the following settings, as well as an option to match the case: v Contains v Starts with v Ends with Type information, such as resource type The types present in this column determine the settings available for filtering. For example, if the column contains hosts, platform managers, physical processors, and storage systems, then those types are available as filter selections. However, if the column contains only one type, for example, only servers, then filtering is disabled for that column. Health and compliance information The Filter window provides settings that are applicable to the specific information reported in the column. For example, the following settings are used for health information: v Critical Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 63 v v v v v v Fatal Minor Warning Informational Unknown OK Status information The Filter window provides settings that are applicable to the specific information reported in the column. For example, the following settings are for access status: v None v Partial v Full Enumeration The Filter window provides a list of settings that are applicable to the specific information reported in the column. Numeric information The Filter window provides the following settings when applicable, where x is a specified number and y is another specified number: v All numbers v Numbers less than x v Numbers less than or equal to x v Numbers greater than x v Numbers greater than or equal to x v Numbers equal to x v Numbers not equal to x v Numbers between x and y v Numbers between and including x and y Date, time, or date and time information The Filter window provides settings that are applicable to the specific information reported in the column. For example, the following settings are used for the date: v All dates v Dates until v Dates from v Dates between Boolean information The Filter window provides information that can be filtered by Yes and No selections. 4. Optional: To refine your filtering, you can edit the filter settings for additional columns. 5. When you are satisfied with your filter settings, click OK. If you want to clear all of your filter settings, click Actions > Clear All Filters. 6. When you finish filtering your table information, click Actions > Hide Filter Row. 64 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related tasks: Navigating tables Viewing properties Sorting table information Searching table information Printing tables Exporting table information Adding resources to your Favorites view Adding a group of resources to the Health Summary Setting table-navigation preferences Setting table-column preferences Sorting table information Within any IBM Systems Director Web interface table, you can use the sorting options that are available in the table column headers and from the Action menu. To sort information in any table, complete the following steps: 1. If you want to sort all the rows by the values in one column, you can click the Up Arrow and the Down Arrow in the applicable column heading. For example, if you want to sort the rows by name, click the arrow in the Name column for the sort direction that you want. If you want to sort the rows by type, click the arrow in the Type column. You can control the sorting of a column by a series of clicks on the column heading: v The first click sorts the rows in ascending order (Z-A). v The second click reverses the sort, that is, to descending order (A-Z). v The third click removes the sort altogether. 2. If you want to all the rows by the values of more than one column, click Actions > Edit Sort. For example, you might want to sort all the rows by type but, within type, you want the rows sorted by name. 3. In the Edit Sorts window, a list is displayed for each available column on which you can sort. In the First Sort list, select the column that contains the data you want sorted first. Also, select the order of the sort: Ascending (Z-A) or Descending (A-Z). 4. Optional: If you want to sort the table information on additional columns, continue to make selections in the additional sort lists. 5. When you are satisfied with your sort settings, click OK. 6. If you want to clear all of your sort settings, click Actions > Clear All Sorts. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 65 Related tasks: Navigating tables Viewing properties Filtering table information Searching table information Printing tables Exporting table information Adding resources to your Favorites view Adding a group of resources to the Health Summary Setting table-navigation preferences Setting table-column preferences Searching table information Within any IBM Systems Director Web interface table, you can search for a specific string in the table information. To search any table, complete the following steps: 1. Type a string in the Search the table field. Any matching strings in the currently displayed table are highlighted. 2. Click Search. All of the pages in the table are searched for the provided string and any rows that contain the string are displayed in a new table. Related tasks: Navigating tables Viewing properties Filtering table information Sorting table information Printing tables Exporting table information Adding resources to your Favorites view Adding a group of resources to the Health Summary Setting table-navigation preferences Setting table-column preferences Printing tables If a table is only one page long (that is, you can view the entire table on the page), you can use your Web browser to print the table information. Otherwise, to print tables that are more than one page long, you can export the table data to a CSV file that you can subsequently import into a spreadsheet program and print using that program. Note: Be sure the Web browser option to block pop-up windows is turned off for the URL that you use to log in to the IBM Systems Director Web interface. If you want to increase the number of table rows that are displayed on one page, see “Setting table-navigation preferences” for information. To print a multiple-page table, see “Exporting table information.” To print a one-page table, complete the following steps: 1. In your Web browser, click File > Print. 66 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide 2. In the Print window for your Web browser, click the option to print the selected frame. Selecting this option will print only the IBM Systems Director Web interface content area and not the navigation area. 3. Optional: Adjust your orientation setting to landscape so that the table width can be printed. Typically, this is a printer setting and must be changed in the printer properties. 4. In the Print window, click OK. Related tasks: Navigating tables Viewing properties Filtering table information Sorting table information Searching table information Exporting table information Adding resources to your Favorites view Adding a group of resources to the Health Summary Setting table-navigation preferences Setting table-column preferences Exporting table information Within any IBM Systems Director Web interface table, you can export the table data to a CSV file that you can subsequently import into a spreadsheet program. Note: Be sure the Web browser option to block pop-up windows is turned off for the URL that you use to log in to the IBM Systems Director Web interface. To export data from any IBM Systems Director Web interface table, complete the following steps: 1. Click Actions > Export. 2. In the file download window for your Web browser, click Save to Disk and then click OK. 3. If your Web browser requires a location selection, provide it and click Save. The data is exported and a CSV file is saved in the location that you provided. Tip: You can print a multiple-page table using a CSV file. Import the CSV file into a spreadsheet program and use the program's print feature. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 67 Related tasks: Navigating tables Viewing properties Filtering table information Sorting table information Searching table information Printing tables Adding resources to your Favorites view Adding a group of resources to the Health Summary Setting table-navigation preferences Setting table-column preferences Adding resources to your Favorites view You can save resources that you refer to frequently into a special location: your Favorites view. Having all these resources in one location makes managing your system-management environment easier. You can add a resource to your Favorites from many places in the IBM Systems Director Web interface. Whenever the Actions menu or a pop-up menu provides the Add to > Favorites selection, you can add the resource to your Favorites. To add a resource to your Favorites, complete the following steps: 1. In an IBM Systems Director Web interface table, navigate to the resource that you want to save. 2. Optional: If you want to add multiple resources to your Favorites at once, select each resource in the table that you want to save. 3. Right-click the resource (or a selected resource) and then click Add to > Favorites. A confirmation message is displayed. To view your Favorites, navigate to the Health Summary page. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, expand System Status and Health and click Health Summary. Favorites - userid, where userid is your user ID, is displayed in the Health Summary page. Related tasks: Using the Health Summary task to view the status of your environment Navigating tables Viewing properties Filtering table information Sorting table information Searching table information Printing tables Exporting table information Adding a group of resources to the Health Summary Setting table-navigation preferences Setting table-column preferences Adding a group of resources to the Health Summary You can save a group of resources in the Health Summary for easy reference. The resources must be in a group. On the Health Summary page, a thumbnail of the 68 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide group contents is displayed. You can add a resource to the Health Summary whenever the Actions menu or a pop-up menu provides the Add to > Health Summary selection. The resources must be in a group. If the resources are not in an appropriate group, use the Create Group wizard to create a group. For information, see “Managing groups.” To add a resource to the Health Summary, complete the following steps: 1. In a table, select the group that you want to save in the Health Summary. 2. Click Actions > Add to > Health Summary. A confirmation message is displayed. To view the Health Summary, navigate to the Health Summary page. In the IBM Systems Director navigation area, expand System Status and Health and click Health Summary. Related tasks: Using the Health Summary task to view the status of your environment Managing groups Navigating tables Viewing properties Filtering table information Sorting table information Searching table information Printing tables Exporting table information Adding resources to your Favorites view Setting table-navigation preferences Setting table-column preferences Setting table-navigation preferences You can customize your preferences for navigating in the table view. These preferences include table accessibility, your preferred navigation view, and more. To set the preferences, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, expand Settings and click Navigation Preferences. 2. On the Navigation Preferences page, you can set the following preferences that affect the table view: Enable tables for accessibility Select this option to turn off table features that are not accessible in the interface, such as fixed column width. By default this option is not selected. Play sound when data on the page changes Select this option to turn on a notification sound that is played when the graphical user interface is refreshed. Examples of situations that can cause a notification sound include a page refreshing dynamic data, a user selection that displays additional controls or options, a table completes a sort, or a user starts a page refresh. By default this option is not selected. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 69 Use the resource table view as the default view for topology maps Select the view that you want displayed when you open a resource in the topology map. This setting affects only the view that is shown when the resource is opened. After you have opened the resource, you can switch to a different view. By default, this option is not selected; the topology view is the default view. Rows per table Specify the number of rows to display on a page in the table view for Resource Explorer and other navigation tables in IBM Systems Director. The default number of rows is 15. Rows per embedded table Specify the number of rows to display in an embedded table in the table view for Health Summary and other navigation tables in IBM Systems Director. The default number of rows is 10. 3. When you are satisfied with your settings, click OK to save the settings and close the page. To save the setting but not close the page, click Apply. To close the page without saving the settings, click Cancel. To reset the settings to the system-defined values, click Restore Defaults. You still must click OK or Apply to save the restored settings. Related tasks: Navigating tables Viewing properties Filtering table information Sorting table information Searching table information Printing tables Exporting table information Adding resources to your Favorites view Adding a group of resources to the Health Summary Setting table-column preferences Setting table-column preferences You can customize your preferences for the table columns used in Resource Explorer and all other tables used in the IBM Systems Director Web interface. These preferences include the available columns that are displayed in the table, how the columns are ordered (except for Name, which is always the first column), and the width for each column. Note that you also can adjust the column width by dragging the column handles in the table-column header. Note: These settings affect tables in the following ways: v If you are viewing a group when you open the Column Preferences window, the preferences are saved with the group. The preferences are saved specifically for your use; group column preferences for other users are not affected. v If you are viewing a set of resources of the same type when you open the Column Preferences window, the preferences are saved for any time you view that same resource type. To set the table-column preferences, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface task table, click Actions > Columns. 70 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide 2. In the Columns window on the Order page, select the columns that you want to display. Use the Add and Remove buttons to move columns between the Available columns list and the Selected columns list. 3. To adjust the order in which the columns are displayed, select the column from the Selected columns list and use Up and Down to adjust the order. Note: You cannot adjust the Name column; it is always the first column. 4. Click the Width tab. The Width page provides an adjustable width setting (in pixels) for each column displayed in the table. Note: You also can adjust column width by dragging the column handles in the table-column header. 5. If you want to change the settings on the page to the system-defined default values, click Restore Defaults. 6. When you are satisfied with your settings, click OK to save the settings and close the page. To save the setting but not close the page, click Apply. To close the page without saving the settings, click Cancel. To reset the settings to the system-defined values, click Restore Defaults. You still must click OK or Apply to save the restored settings. The table is adjusted to display using the new column settings. Related tasks: Navigating tables Viewing properties Filtering table information Sorting table information Searching table information Printing tables Exporting table information Adding resources to your Favorites view Adding a group of resources to the Health Summary Setting table-navigation preferences Working with topology maps The topology map view shows a graphical view of your resources and their relationships. In addition to navigating maps, you can filter, search, export, and print topology maps. Also, you can customize your topology map palettes and map preferences. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 71 Related concepts: Resource views Related tasks: Finding systems and other resources Viewing resources in the topology perspective Working with tables Working with properties Setting navigation preferences Renaming a resource Removing a resource Navigating topology maps You can navigate topology maps to view resources and their relationships to each other in a graphical view. To navigate in topology maps, complete the following steps: 1. Open a task that provides the topology map view as an alternate view. Resource Explorer is one of these tasks. 2. On the task page, navigate to a resource that you want to view in a topology map and select it. The selected resource will be the root node in the topology map. 3. Click Actions > Topology Perspectives > Basic. The topology map displays scalable topology graphs that you can manipulate using the following mouse actions: Table 2. Mouse actions in the topology map Interaction Description Scrolling and repositioning Topologies are often much larger than the topology-map viewing area. Therefore, you might want to reposition the map to see specific resources. You can reposition the topology map in the following ways: v Use the eight scroll controls to scroll in eight directions. The scroll controls are displayed as white arrows on all four sides and all four corners of the topology map. Click the arrows to move the topology horizontally, vertically, and diagonally in small increments. v Go to the Overview palette to reposition the topology map. A blue rectangle indicates the viewable area of the topology map. Click and drag to move the blue rectangle around the topology thumbnail. When the Overview rectangle is moved, the topology is repositioned in the topology map. v Click the Pan toolbar icon to load the mouse with the Pan cursor, then click and drag inside the topology map. v Press the Ctrl and arrow keys on the keyboard to scroll in four directions. Resizing A resizing function is provided to enlarge the topology map. Click and drag the small gray triangle in the lower right portion of the topology map to resize the viewable area in the topology map. Dragging the small gray triangle only resizes the size of the viewable area; it does not resize the topology. Note: Resizing the topology map causes the entire page to resize within the interface. Select a resource Click the resource icon or a resource label. Select multiple resources To select two or more resources at the same time, click the first resource. Then press the Ctrl key while using the mouse to select as many resources as you want. 72 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Table 2. Mouse actions in the topology map (continued) Interaction Description Deselect resources Click the resource again, or click on the background within the topology map. Alternatively, select the deselect action from the Actions menu. Select a relationship Click the relationship line. Select multiple relationships To select two or more relationships at the same time, click the first relationships. Then, hold the Ctrl key down using the mouse to select as many relationships as you want. Deselect a relationship Click the relationship line again, or click on the background within the topology map. Open a pop-up menu Right-click the icon or label. for a resource Note: The pop-up menu items that are displayed are based on the icon or label that is selected. Open a pop-up menu Right-click the background within the topology map. for the topology Perform an action on Right-click the icon to access the pop-up menu and then select a menu action. Alternatively, a resource select the icon or label and then select an action from the Actions menu. Perform an action on Select multiple resources, and right-click any of the selected resources to access the pop-up multiple resources menu; then select a menu action. Alternatively, select the icon or label and then select an action from the Actions menu. 4. For large topology maps, use the Overview palette to view of the entire topology map with a rectangle surrounding the portion of the map displayed in the map viewport. You can click and drag within the Overview palette to reposition the topology. 5. Optional: If you want to perform tasks or other actions on your resources, select one or more resources. Then, you can either right-click on the resource or click the Actions menu. Both menus provide tasks and actions that are available for the selected resources. These tasks and actions fall into three categories: v Specific tasks or actions that are applicable to a selected resources in the map. For example, if you select a system in a map, these actions might include Create Group, Power On, Access Control and Encryption Key Reset. If applicable, alternate views might be available. For example, Relationship View displays a table of a selected resource and its related resources, and lists their relationships. v Globally available tasks and actions. For example, these task might include Create and Create Like if they are applicable to a resource. v Actions specific to maps such as graph mode, zoom, and layout. 6. If you want to navigate to an earlier part of your path, click the applicable part of the breadcrumb path located above the map. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 73 Related concepts: Map view Related tasks: Viewing properties and details Determining a relationship type Filtering the topology map Searching the topology map Printing topology maps Exporting topology maps Reordering, minimizing, and hiding palettes Setting topology-navigation preferences Viewing properties and details You can view properties and detailed information about a selected resource in a topology map. Depending on the selected resource, the properties view also provides dynamic troubleshooting information such as active status, inventory, and event log. To view properties and details, complete the following steps: 1. In the topology map, click a resource or relationship line. 2. View the Details palette for the properties information. If you selected a relationship line, a relationship table is displayed. If you selected a resource, a properties table is displayed. Note: If you want to reorder or adjust the size of the palette, see “Reordering, minimizing, and hiding palettes.” 3. To view all of the resource properties information, click Actions > Properties. On the Properties page, the resource area displays one or more pages. The number of pages and the types of information they include vary depending on the resource. The General page is displayed by default. 4. View the properties displayed on the General page. Some properties are editable. For information about editing properties, see “Editing properties.” 5. Optional: If additional pages are available, click them to view additional properties information and troubleshooting information. Depending on the pages provided for the resource, you can access information such as inventory and event status; configuration settings; and information about the jobs, thresholds, software packages, activations, or event automation plans that are associated with the resource. 6. When you are done viewing the properties, click OK to return to the topology map view. You also can change editable properties. For more information, see “Editing properties.” 74 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: Properties view Related tasks: Editing properties Navigating topology maps Determining a relationship type Filtering the topology map Searching the topology map Printing topology maps Exporting topology maps Reordering, minimizing, and hiding palettes Setting topology-navigation preferences Related reference: Topology-relationship descriptions Determining a relationship type Topology maps display relationships between resources using lines. A line can indicate one of many relationship types. There are several ways that you can determine the type that a line indicates. You can determine the type of relationship that a line indicates in any of the following ways: v In the topology map, click a relationship line. Then, view the Details palette. The relationship type is listed in the Details palette. v In the topology map, right-click a resource at either end of the relationship line and then click Relationship View. The relationship table view is displayed. The information is listed in the Relationship Type column. . Then, move the v On the topology map toolbar, click the Hover Help icon mouse pointer over the relationship line to view information about the relationship, including the relationship type. For information about each relationship type, see “Topology-relationship descriptions.” Related tasks: Navigating topology maps Viewing properties and details Filtering the topology map Searching the topology map Printing topology maps Exporting topology maps Reordering, minimizing, and hiding palettes Setting topology-navigation preferences Related reference: Topology-relationship descriptions Filtering the topology map Within any topology map, you can use the filtering options that are available from the Filter palette. Use this palette to select the resources that you want to see in the topology map. You can filter your selections by status and by resource type. When Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 75 filtered, the affected resources and relationships are grayed out in the map. The Filter palette also provides a Results page that displays the results of searching the map view. To filter a map, complete the following steps: 1. View the Filter palette in the Support area. The palette has two pages: Filter and Results. On the Filter page, the palette provides two types of settings on which you can filter: status and resource type. 2. If you want to filter by resource status, go to the Status Items group and clear the selections that you want to filter from the topology map. Any resource in the topology map that has a status matching a cleared selection is grayed out in the topology map. For example, if you clear the OK check box, any resources that have a status of OK are grayed out in the topology map. 3. If you want to filter by resource type, go to the Resource Types group and clear the selections that you want to filter from the topology map. Any resource of a type that matches a cleared selection is grayed out in the topology map. For example, if you clear the Server check box, any resources that are a server resource type are grayed out in the topology map. 4. Click the Results tab. The Results page displays a table of information about the resources that are not grayed out in the topology. Note: Filtering is not persistent; filter settings are not remembered for subsequent uses of the map. Related tasks: Navigating topology maps Viewing properties and details Determining a relationship type Searching the topology map Printing topology maps Exporting topology maps Reordering, minimizing, and hiding palettes Setting topology-navigation preferences Related reference: Topology-relationship descriptions Searching the topology map You can search for a specific resource name in a topology map. Any resources in the map that do not match the specified string are greyed out in both the large topology map and the thumbnail topology map in the Overview palette. To search a map, complete the following steps: 1. Type a string in the Search the map field. 2. Click Search. The name field is searched for the specified string. Any resources in the map that do not match the specified string are greyed out in both the large topology map and the thumbnail topology map in the Overview palette. The search results also are displayed in the Filter palette on its Results page. 76 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related tasks: Navigating topology maps Viewing properties and details Determining a relationship type Filtering the topology map Printing topology maps Exporting topology maps Reordering, minimizing, and hiding palettes Setting topology-navigation preferences Related reference: Topology-relationship descriptions Printing topology maps You can choose to print the entire topology or only a portion of the overall topology. Note: Be sure the Web browser option to block pop-up windows is turned off for the URL that you use to log in to the IBM Systems Director Web interface. To print a topology map, complete the following steps in the topology map view: from the toolbar. A 1. To print the entire topology, click the Print Graph icon Web browser window opens containing a JPEG image of the graph. 2. You can either print the graphic using your Web-browser print feature or save the graphic as a local image. 3. To print only the current resources and relationships that are displayed in the from the toolbar. The topology map view, click the Print Viewport icon currently displayed resources and relationships might be only a portion of the overall topology. A Web browser window opens containing a JPEG image of the graph. 4. You can either print the graphic using your Web browser print feature or save the graphic as a local image. Related tasks: Navigating topology maps Viewing properties and details Determining a relationship type Filtering the topology map Searching the topology map Exporting topology maps Reordering, minimizing, and hiding palettes Setting topology-navigation preferences Related reference: Topology-relationship descriptions Exporting topology maps You can export the topology-map data to a CSV file that you can subsequently import into a spreadsheet program. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 77 Note: Be sure the Web browser option to block pop-up windows is turned off for the URL that you use to log in to the IBM Systems Director Web interface. To export data for an entire topology map, complete the following steps in a topology map view: 1. Click Actions > Export. 2. In the file download window for your Web browser, click Save to Disk and then click OK. 3. If your Web browser requires a location selection, provide it and click Save. The data is exported and a CSV file is saved in the location that you provided. Related tasks: Navigating topology maps Viewing properties and details Determining a relationship type Filtering the topology map Searching the topology map Printing topology maps Reordering, minimizing, and hiding palettes Setting topology-navigation preferences Related reference: Topology-relationship descriptions Reordering, minimizing, and hiding palettes The topology map view provides palettes that display overview and detailed information as well as filtering options. You can reorder the position of the palettes to meet your preferences, you can minimize one or more palettes, or you can completely hide the support area that displays the palettes. Each palette has arrow icons on the title bar as applicable. For example, if a palette is the top palette in the support area, its title bar includes only a down arrow. The middle palette include both up and down arrow icons. To reorder a palette, click the applicable up or down arrow icons until the palette is in the order that you prefer. To save the new palette order to use whenever you use the topology map view, select Remember palette state in Navigation Preferences. For more information, see “Setting topology-navigation preferences.” To minimize or hide palettes, complete the following steps in the topology map view: v To minimize a palette, click the Minimize icon on the palette title bar to the right. The palette minimizes and only the palette title bar is displayed. v To maximize the palette, click the Maximize icon on the palette title bar to the right. The palette maximizes and is fully displayed. on v To completely hide all of the palettes, click the Hide Palette View icon the navigation toolbar. The support area is closed. v To show the support area and the palettes, click the Show Palette View icon on the navigation toolbar. The support area is displayed. 78 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related tasks: Navigating topology maps Viewing properties and details Determining a relationship type Filtering the topology map Searching the topology map Printing topology maps Exporting topology maps Setting topology-navigation preferences Related reference: Topology-relationship descriptions Setting topology-navigation preferences You can customize your preferences for navigating in the topology map view. These preferences include the way that topology map palettes are displayed, the default topology and table sizes, your preferred navigation view, and more. To set the preferences, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, expand Settings and click Navigation Preferences. 2. On the Navigation Preferences page, you can set the following preferences that affect the topology map view: Show palettes on initial view Select to display the Overview, Details, and Filter palettes in the topology map view. If you deselect this setting, you will see the topology map without the palettes; you can show the palettes again by clicking the Show Palette View icon This option is selected by default. on the navigation toolbar. Play sound when data on the page changes Select this option to turn on a notification sound that is played when the graphical user interface is refreshed. Examples of situations that can cause a notification sound include a page refreshing dynamic data, a user selection that displays additional controls or options, a table completes a sort, or a user starts a page refresh. By default this option is not selected. Remember palette state Select to make sure that the state of your palettes persists even as you navigate away from the topology map view, change to another page in the overall IBM Systems Director Web interface, or log off from the IBM Systems Director Web interface. For example, you can customize the topology map view by minimizing or reordering the Overview, Details, and Filter palettes. By selecting Remember palette state, you maintain the customized view of your palettes even after you log out of the IBM Systems Director Web interface. This option is selected by default. Use the resource table view as the default view for topology maps Select the view that you want displayed when you open a resource in the topology map. This setting affects only the view that is shown when the resource is opened. After you have opened the resource, you can switch to a different view. By default, this option is not selected; the topology view is the default view. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 79 Topology map size Specify the dimensions to use for the topology map view. Remember last size used Specify that you want to save the dimensions of the current topology map view and use these dimensions at the next startup. This option is selected by default. Custom size (pixels) Specify custom dimensions for the topology map view. The following dimensions are the defaults: v Width: 500 pixels v Height: 500 pixels Preferred size for topology map icons (pixels) Specify the size of icons in the topology map when the map is displayed initially. The default value is 50. 3. When you are satisfied with your settings, click OK to save the settings and close the page. To save the setting but not close the page, click Apply. To close the page without saving the settings, click Cancel. To reset the settings to the system-defined values, click Restore Defaults. You still must click OK or Apply to save the restored settings. Related tasks: Navigating topology maps Viewing properties and details Determining a relationship type Filtering the topology map Searching the topology map Printing topology maps Exporting topology maps Reordering, minimizing, and hiding palettes Related reference: Topology-relationship descriptions Topology-relationship descriptions Relationships between different resources are displayed as lines, and the direction of the relationship is shown by the direction of the arrow attached to each line. As you work with the topology map, it is important to understand that relationship types are differentiated by the lines. The following relationships are available: Table 3. Types of relationship lines in the topology map 80 Type Description Accessed via Shows that a resource is accessed from, or accesses another resource. For example, a system accesses an image repository. Advertises Shows that a certain capability is available on a system. For example, if a system offers a Web service, it might advertise that Web service capability. Allocated from Shows that a resource is allocated from or allocates another resource. For example, a storage volume is allocated from a storage pool. Applies to Shows that a resource applies to another resource. For example, a software product can be applied to a system. IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Table 3. Types of relationship lines in the topology map (continued) Type Description Assigned to Shows that a resource is assigned to, or assigns another resource. For example, a DVD drive is assigned to a virtual server. Binds to Shows that a setting is bound to a specific resource. For example, a specified IP address was bound to the given TCP/IP port. Boots from Shows the link between an operating system and the file system from which it is loaded. Configured using Shows the settings that have been used to configure a specific resource. Configures Shows that a resource template was used to configure an instance of a resource. For example, a software instance is one of the instances that were configured during of a general Software Installation. Connected to Shows that a resource is connected to another resource. For example, a system is connected to a network through a particular port. Contains Shows that a resource is contained by or contains another resource. For example, a host contains a physical processor or a rack contains a chassis.. Controls/ controlled by Shows that a resource is controlled by, or controls another resource. For example, a platform manager controls a host or a virtual farm. Controls access to Shows a resource that controls access of another resource. For example, a Role controls the access rights of a particular user. Defined using Shows that a resource was defined using another resource. For example, a template was defined using specific configuration settings. Federates Shows a logical relationship between two resources. Resources that exist independently are federated by a separate entity to create a logical contain relationship. For example, hosts are federated by a virtual farm. Fixes Shows the resource that fixes another resource. For example, a firmware update fixes a system. Hosts/hosted by Shows that a resource is hosted by or hosts another resource. For example, a virtual server is hosted by a host. Installed as Shows that a software module was used and installed as a specific software resource. Installed on Shows the relationship between an operating system, software, or fix, and a computer system. For example, an operating system is installed on a server. Latest for This relationship represents that the given Software Module is the latest for the given computer system. Located at Shows that the given physical resource or system is located at the provided Location. Member of Shows membership of a group or other container. For example, a blade server is a member of a BladeCenter chassis. Needs Shows that a Software Module is missing from the System and must be applied to it. For example, an update might be needed by an operating system. Performs Shows the entity that performs a service. For example, a set of processes perform a service, or a system performs a particular role, such as a domain name server. Plugs into Shows that the given resource plugs into the provided Slot. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 81 Table 3. Types of relationship lines in the topology map (continued) Type Description Provides Shows that this Service is provided by the System. Realizes/realizes by Shows that one resource provides the physical reality of another resource. For example, a host processor realizes a virtual processor allocation. Recommended for Shows that the given Software Module is recommended for the given System. Represents Shows that the given Software Module is considered represented within the Software Installable. Requires Shows that a resource requires or is required by another resource. For example, an update might have three requisite updates that must be installed at the same time. Runs on Shows that a resource runs on another resource. Supersedes Shows that a Software Resource is considered to be a superset of another Software Resource and is therefore superseding it. For example, an update might be more recent than another and therefore supersedes it. Uses/used by Shows that a resource is used by another resource. For example, a virtual server uses a processor allocation. Related tasks: Navigating topology maps Viewing properties and details Determining a relationship type Filtering the topology map Searching the topology map Printing topology maps Exporting topology maps Reordering, minimizing, and hiding palettes Setting topology-navigation preferences Working with properties The properties view displays a list of properties and other detailed information associated with the selected resource. Using the properties view, you can access troubleshooting information and other important details about a resource from anywhere in the IBM Systems Director Web interface. This view is available for all resources from the Actions menu and from the resource's pop-up menu. 82 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: Resource views Properties view Related tasks: Finding systems and other resources Viewing resources in the topology perspective Working with tables Working with topology maps Setting navigation preferences Renaming a resource Removing a resource Editing properties If a resource property is editable, you can edit it in the properties view. To edit a property, complete the following steps: 1. Navigate to the resource that you want to view and edit. 2. Right-click the resource and click Properties. The General page is displayed by default in the properties view. 3. Click Edit at the bottom of the General page. The Edit window opens and displays the properties. The properties vary depending on the resource. Only some of the properties are editable. The editable properties are displayed in fields and lists. 4. Edit one or more of the editable properties. 5. When you are satisfied with your changes, click OK to save the changes. Related tasks: Viewing activities that affect a resource Editing location information for a resource Editing location information for a group Related reference: chsys command Viewing activities that affect a resource A resource can potentially be affected by a number of applied activities, such as jobs, thresholds, software packages, activations, or event automation plans. You can determine applied activities that affect a specific resource in the properties view. To view the applied activities associated with a resource, complete the following steps: 1. Select the resource for which you want to view the applied activities. 2. Click Actions > Properties. 3. On the Properties page, click the Applied Activities tab. The Applied Activities page displays a list of any jobs, thresholds, software packages, activations, and event automation plans that are associated with the resource. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 83 Related tasks: Editing properties Editing location information for a resource Editing location information for a group Editing location information for a resource You can edit the location information that you have provided for an individual resource. You can edit location information only if you have installed and activated the Service and Support Manager plug-in or the Active Energy Manager plug-in. To edit the location information for a resource, complete the following steps: 1. On the Properties page, if the General page is not displayed, click the General tab to view the General page. 2. In the Additional Properties area, click Location. 3. Click Edit. 4. In the Edit Properties window, make the updates to the location information. 5. Click OK. Related tasks: Editing properties Viewing activities that affect a resource Editing location information for a group Editing location information for a group You can edit the location information that you have provided for a group of systems. You can edit location information only if you have installed and activated the Service and Support Manager plug-in or the Active Energy Manager plug-in. To edit the location information for all of the systems in a group, complete the following steps: 1. In Resource Explorer, right-click the group that you want to update. 2. Click Edit Location. 3. In the Edit Location window, select the boxes next to the information that you want to update. Note: Only the information in the fields that you select will be updated. Changes made to other fields will not be saved. 4. Make the updates to the location information. 5. Click OK. Related tasks: Editing properties Viewing activities that affect a resource Editing location information for a resource Setting navigation preferences You can customize your preferences for navigating in IBM Systems Director. These preferences include the way that topology map palettes are displayed, the default topology and table sizes, your preferred topology icon size, and more. To set the navigation preferences, complete the following steps: 84 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, expand Settings and click Navigation Preferences. 2. On the Navigation Preferences page, you can set the following preferences: Show palettes on initial view Select to display the Overview, Details, and Filter palettes in the topology map view. If you deselect this setting, you will see the topology map without the palettes; you can show the palettes again by clicking the Show Palette View icon This option is selected by default. on the navigation toolbar. Remember palette state Select to make sure that the state of your palettes persists even as you navigate away from the topology map view, change to another page in the overall IBM Systems Director Web interface, or log off from the IBM Systems Director Web interface. For example, you can customize the topology map view by minimizing or reordering the Overview, Details, and Filter palettes. By selecting Remember palette state, you maintain the customized view of your palettes even after you log out of the IBM Systems Director Web interface. This option is selected by default. Enable tables for accessibility Select this option to turn off table features that are not accessible in the interface, such as fixed column width. By default this option is not selected. Play sound when data on the page changes Select this option to turn on a notification sound that is played when the graphical user interface is refreshed. Examples of situations that can cause a notification sound include a page refreshing dynamic data, a user selection that displays additional controls or options, a table completes a sort, or a user starts a page refresh. By default this option is not selected. Use the resource table view as the default view for topology maps Select the view that you want displayed when you open a resource in the topology map. This setting affects only the view that is shown when the resource is opened. After you have opened the resource, you can switch to a different view. By default, this option is not selected; the topology view is the default view. Topology map size Specify the dimensions to use for the topology map view. Remember last size used Specify that you want to save the dimensions of the current topology map view and use these dimensions at the next startup. This option is selected by default. Custom size (pixels) Specify custom dimensions for the topology map view. The following dimensions are the defaults: v Width: 500 pixels v Height: 500 pixels Rows per table Specify the number of rows to display on a page in the table view for Resource Explorer and other navigation tables in IBM Systems Director. The default number of rows is 15. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 85 Rows per embedded table Specify the number of rows to display in an embedded table in the table view for Health Summary and other navigation tables in IBM Systems Director. The default number of rows is 10. Preferred size for topology map icons (pixels) Specify the size of icons in the topology map when the map is displayed initially. The default value is 50. 3. When you are satisfied with your settings, click OK to save the settings and close the page. To save the setting but not close the page, click Apply. To close the page without saving the settings, click Cancel. To reset the settings to the system-defined values, click Restore Defaults. You still must click OK or Apply to save the restored settings. Related concepts: Resource views Related tasks: Finding systems and other resources Viewing resources in the topology perspective Working with tables Working with topology maps Working with properties Renaming a resource Removing a resource Renaming a resource You can rename a resource in the IBM Systems Director database. If the name that was set for the resource when it was discovered is not easily usable for you, you can rename the resource. To rename a resource in the IBM Systems Director database, complete the following steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. Navigate to the resource that you want to rename. Select the resource. Then, click Actions > Rename. In the name field, type the new resource name. In the Rename window, click OK. The selected resource is renamed in the IBM Systems Director database. Note: Consider how renaming a resource might affect other aspects of your managed environment. For example, changing the name of a managed resource that an event filter specifies as an event sender causes any associated event automation plan to fail unless you update the sender name in the event filter. 86 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: Resource views Related tasks: Finding systems and other resources Viewing resources in the topology perspective Working with tables Working with topology maps Working with properties Setting navigation preferences Removing a resource Related reference: chsys command Removing a resource You can remove a resource from the IBM Systems Director database. Removing a resource from the database also removes any additional resources that are associated with it but does not affect the actual resources. However, removing a resource from the database is useful when you are removing a resource from your systems-management environment. Resources have a properties that determines whether they can be removed. If the property does not permit removal, this task is not available for the resource. To remove one or more resources from the IBM Systems Director database, complete the following steps: 1. Navigate to the resource that you want to remove. 2. Select the resource. Then, click Actions > Remove. 3. In the Remove window, OK. 4. A confirmation message is displayed. Click OK. The selected resource is removed from the IBM Systems Director database. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 87 Related concepts: Resource views Related tasks: Finding systems and other resources Viewing resources in the topology perspective Working with tables Working with topology maps Working with properties Setting navigation preferences Renaming a resource Related reference: rmsys command Managing groups You can use IBM Systems Director to organize logical sets of resources into groups. Depending on the type of group that you create, you can use groups to easily identify and categorize new resources when they are discovered. You can schedule tasks to run on groups of resources. Using an event automation plan, you can automatically run tasks on groups of resources. You can create, edit, import, and export customized groups of resources. Groups are displayed in Resource Explorer, Health Summary, wizards, and throughout the IBM Systems Director Web interface. Groups You can use IBM Systems Director to organize logical sets of resources into groups. Groups have the following general characteristics: v Groups can include resources. v Groups can include other groups. v Resources can belong to multiple groups. v You can perform tasks on groups in order to perform the task on every group member. v When you select a group in Resource Explorer, the resources that are members of that group are displayed. Related concepts: Manageable systems Related tasks: Creating a criteria-based dynamic group Creating a static group Editing a group Deleting a group Adding a resource to an existing group Exporting a group Importing a group Related reference: Group commands Group types You can create dynamic and static groups in IBM Systems Director. 88 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Dynamic groups Dynamic groups are based on specified system criteria. You can create a dynamic group by specifying criteria that the attributes and properties of the systems must match. IBM Systems Director automatically adds or removes systems to or from the group when their attributes and properties change and affect their matches to the group criteria. For example, a dynamic group might contain all systems that have Linux installed. Note: You cannot edit or delete static default groups. Static groups Static groups contain a specified list of systems. IBM Systems Director Server does not automatically update the contents of a static group. The members of a static group are fixed unless you change them using the IBM Systems Director Web interface, the dircli chgp command, or an event automation plan. You also can copy the members of any dynamic group to a static group. For example, a static group might contain all the systems that are physically located in a particular server room. Related concepts: Default or predefined groups Group member types Default or predefined groups When you start Resource Explorer, the discovered resources are categorized and displayed in default groups. You can click a group to view subgroups that further categorize the resources for ease-of-use. Note: You cannot edit or delete static default groups. All Systems All discovered systems in IBM Systems Director, including servers, chassis, operating systems, switches, blades, and storage systems. All Operating Systems All operating systems that can be managed in the IBM Systems Director. Groups by System Type Systems categorized into subgroups by hardware and operating system platform. The available subgroups vary, depending on the plug-ins that you have installed in your IBM Systems Director environment. v BladeCenter Systems – BladeCenter Chassis – BladeCenter Chassis and Members – Power Systems Blade Servers – – – – – – Note: The JS21 and JS22 blade servers are not displayed in this group. They are displayed in the Power Systems group that is contained in the IBM Power Systems group. x86 Blade Servers BladeCenter Servers BladeCenter Ethernet Switches BladeCenter Fibre Channel Switches BladeCenter InfiniBand Switches BladeCenter SAS Switches Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 89 v v v v – BladeCenter InfiniBand Switches to Ethernet Bridges – BladeCenter InfiniBand Switches to Fibre Channel Bridges – BladeCenter Pass-Through Modules Operating Systems – Windows Systems – Linux Systems – AIX Systems – IBM i Systems – z/OS® Systems System x – System x Servers – Servers with Service Processors – VMware Hosts – Scalable Systems - Scalable Virtual Servers and Members - Scalable Systems and Members System z – Hardware Management Console and Managed System z Servers – z/VM Hosts – z/VM Virtual Servers – Linux on System z – z/VM Manageability Access Points IBM Power Systems – Hardware Management Console and Managed Power Systems Servers – IVM and Managed Power Systems Servers – Virtual I/O Server Appliances – Power Systems Note: The JS21 and JS22 blade servers are displayed in this group also. – AIX/Linux Virtual Servers – IBM i (formerly i5/OS™) Virtual Servers – Virtual I/O Server Appliances – Isolated Workloads and Hosts – AIX Workload Partitions (WPAR) – Linux Containers v Storage Systems All groups provided by Storage Management. For information, see “Storage groups.” – Systems and Volumes – Storage Subsystems and Volumes – SMI-S Providers – Internal RAID – Network Storage – BladeCenter Storage – Generic Systems Groups by Agent Systems categorized into subgroups by the degree of management capability available in the IBM Systems Director systems-management environment. This default group provides the following subgroups: v Systems with No Agent v Systems with Platform Agent v Systems with Common Agent 90 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Groups by Status Dynamic groups that contain systems for which there are unresolved hardware status events. This default group provides the following subgroups: v Systems with Problems v Systems not in Compliance Groups by Access Dynamic groups that contain systems depending on their current access state. This default group provides the following subgroups: v Systems with No Access v Systems with Partial Access v Systems with Full Access Groups with Thresholds Any groups to which you have applied a threshold. Note: If you have migrated event automation plans from versions of IBM Director earlier than version 6.1, event automation plans that use threshold values are migrated to this group. Personal Groups Any groups that you have created or are exclusively associated with your IBM Systems Director user ID. These subgroups include the Favorites group. Other Groups Group definitions migrated from versions of IBM Director earlier than version 6.1. Update Groups All groups provided by update manager. For information, see “Update groups.” Virtualization Groups All virtualization groups. Related concepts: Group types Group member types Service and Support groups: These predefined groups are available only if you have installed and activated the Service and Support Manager plug-in. Service and Support Manager categorizes systems into subgroups based on their service monitoring status. This default group provides the following dynamic subgroups: Excluded Systems Contains resources that are ineligible for monitoring by Service and Support Manager. The eligibility of a resource depends on many factors, such as the type of resource, machine type, manufacturer, model, and serial number. Systems with Service Requests Contains resources for which a service request has been opened with IBM Support. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 91 Monitored Systems Contains resources that are being monitored by Service and Support Manager. Unknown Systems Contains resources for which Service and Support Manager eligibility is undetermined. The eligibility of a resource depends on many factors, such as the type of resource, machine type, manufacturer, model, and serial number. Service and Support Manager has not been able to determine the resources' eligibility because the resource information is not available. For more information on Service and Support Manager groups, see “Service and Support Manager.” Storage groups: These predefined storage groups are shipped with IBM Systems Director so that you can start working on storage configuration quickly, and can understand which systems have which storage devices attached. Do not delete or make changes to these predefined storage groups. Instead, make a copy of one that you want to change and make changes to the copy. BladeCenter Storage Contains all systems that have IBM BladeCenter S SAS RAID Controller Module storage for IBM Systems Director. This group is used to define discovered storage contained within the IBM BladeCenter S SAS RAID Controller Module itself. IBM BladeCenter S SAS RAID Controller Module storage is included in this group as well as in the Network Storage group. Local Storage Contains all systems that have Internal RAID Controllers installed. They could be systems with traditional adapter cards, or IBM BladeCenter systems with RAID daughter cards. Network Storage Contains all discovered external storage systems. These are the SAN systems. They could be Fibre Channel, SAS storage systems, or iSCSI systems. IBM BladeCenter S SAS RAID Controller Module storage is included in this group as well as in the BladeCenter Storage group. SMI-S Providers Contains all systems that have SMI-S providers installed and running. An example is a system that has installed the SMI-S Provider for IBM Storage System DS4000. Storage Subsystems and Volumes Storage subsystem volume to computer system volume topology. Systems and Volumes Computer system volume to storage subsystem volume topology. Update groups: Update groups can be static or dynamic. Both types can be used in compliance policies. Static update groups Contain individual updates that were explicitly chosen. Once established, 92 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide the membership changes only when you manually add or delete updates. Static update groups can be used as a baseline for future comparison or update deployment. Dynamic update groups Automatically contains updates based on selected update types. The membership of this group changes as update information changes. It is important to note that the membership of an update group is not resolved at the time that a task using the group is scheduled. The membership of the update group is resolved at the time that the task runs. If you add a system group or an update group to an existing system group or update group, this new, nested group will not be considered when the parent system or update group is used for validation of compliance policies. Groups member types In IBM Systems Director, groups have a member type that restricts the kind of resource that can be a member of the group. For example, if a group is assigned the member type Server, then only resources that are servers can be members of the group. The following member types are available: Any Contains all resources. Group Contains other groups. Note: This member type is not available for dynamic groups. Managed System Contains resources that are managed in IBM Systems Director by way of Common Agent or Platform Agent. Agentless-managed systems are also included. Update Contains software and firmware updates. Related concepts: Group types Default or predefined groups Creating a criteria-based dynamic group Dynamic groups are based on specified system criteria. You can create a dynamic group by specifying criteria that the attributes and properties of the systems must match. IBM Systems Director automatically adds or removes systems to or from the group when their attributes and properties change and affect their matches to the group criteria. The criteria available for selection are derived from inventory. For example, you can quickly group existing systems by creating a dynamic group using the criterion Windows operating system. You can further refine the systems that can be in the dynamic group by using logical AND with an additional criterion selection of “Windows systems with critical problems.” Then, create an event automation plan to notify you when these systems have problems. You also can schedule tasks to run on all systems that match a certain criterion, such as Collect AIX Inventory on a group called AIX systems. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 93 To create a dynamic group, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director navigation area, click Resource Explorer. 2. In Resource Explorer, click Create Group. 3. In the Group Editor wizard, the Welcome page is displayed. Click Next. 4. On the Name page, type a unique descriptive name for the group that you are creating. Optionally, you also can type a description of the group. Click Next. 5. On the Type and Location page, select Dynamic from the Group type list. 6. From the Member type list, select the type of member that you want included in the group. A member type acts like a filter. Only resources of the specified type can be part of the group you are creating. Any Group membership is unlimited. Any resource can be in the group, including systems, software, and management applications. Managed System Group membership is limited to system types such as different type of servers, fabric, farms, hardware control points, controllers, operating systems, chassis, switches, and storage. Update Group membership is limited to updates types such as for firmware, IBM Systems Director, and operating systems. 7. From the Location list, select the parent group to contain the group that you are creating. In Resource Explorer, a parent group is created and is located under Personal Groups. 8. Click Next. Option Description If you selected Any or Managed System The Define page is displayed. Continue to the next step. If you selected Update The Updates page is displayed. Go to step 15 on page 95. 9. On the Define page, click Add. The Add Criterion window is displayed. 10. Refine the criteria from which you can select. Option Description If you selected Any 1. In the Resource category list, select the type of resource with the criteria that you want to evaluate. 2. In the Type of device to add list, select the device type to further refine the available criteria. If you selected Managed System In the Type of system to add list, select the system type to further refine the available criteria. a. In the Select criteria to refine group contents list, expand the tree and select a criterion for the dynamic group to evaluate. Your selection is displayed below the list. b. Click Operators to select how you want the criterion evaluated by the value you provide. 94 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide c. Click Value to select the value by which you want to evaluate the criterion. If you want to specify a custom value, select Use entry from below and type the custom value in the field. Important: The custom value must match the value stored in the IBM Systems Director Server database. Partial matches are not accepted. If the value does not match, nothing is returned for this criterion. d. Click OK. On the Define page, the criterion is displayed in the Criteria preview field. 11. If you want to add additional criteria, click Add and repeat step 9 on page 94. After adding another criterion, the Define page displays the logical AND and the logical OR selections. These selections determine how the criterion that you create now will affect the criterion you created previously. You can use the logical AND only if your selected criteria belongs to the same resource type or managed system type. For example, a criteria of (Battery.description=’Sony’) AND (DiskDrive.NeedsCleaning=’true’) is never true because a resource cannot be both a disk drive and a battery. Therefore, if your criteria contain different resource types or managed system types, the selection is set to logical OR and cannot be changed. If you do select logical AND and subsequently add another criterion, the Add Criterion window automatically displays the criteria that are valid for the resource type or managed system type that you already selected. 12. If you want to change a criterion, select the criterion from the Criteria list and click Edit. The Edit Criterion window is displayed with the settings for the selected criterion. Change the settings and click OK. 13. If you want to delete a criterion, select the criterion from the Criteria list and click Delete. A confirmation window is displayed; click Delete and the selected criterion is deleted from the list. 14. Click Next and go to step 17. 15. On the Updates page, in the Available update types list, select the updates that you want to add to the group and click Add. To make multiple selections, press the Ctrl key and click your selections; then, click Add. 16. Click Next. 17. On the Summary page, verify the details of the group. If you need to make changes, click Back; otherwise, click Finish. The dynamic group is created and is displayed in Resource Explorer. A confirmation message about the group creation is displayed also. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 95 Related concepts: Groups Related tasks: Creating a static group Editing a group Deleting a group Adding a resource to an existing group Exporting a group Importing a group Related reference: mkgp command Creating a static group To make working with a set of resources easier, you can create a static group. For example, you can create a static group for all the servers that you are responsible for in your systems-management environment. Groups also can contain other groups. For example, you can have a group called Development Systems that contains three groups: one group for each development team. To create a static group, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director navigation area, click Resource Explorer. 2. In Resource Explorer, click Create Group. 3. In the Group Editor wizard, the Welcome page is displayed. Click Next. 4. On the Name page, type a unique descriptive name for the group that you are creating. Optionally, you also can type a description of the group. Click Next. 5. On the Type and Location page, select Static from the Group type list. 6. From the Member type list, select the type of member that you want included in the group. A member type acts like a filter. Only resources of the specified type can be part of the group you are creating. Any Group membership is unlimited. Any resource can be in the group, including systems, software, and management applications. Managed System Group membership is limited to system types such as different type of servers, fabric, farms, hardware control points, controllers, operating systems, chassis, switches, and storage. Update Group membership is limited to updates types such as for firmware, IBM Systems Director, and operating systems. Group Group membership is limited to other existing groups. 7. From the Location list, select the parent group to contain the group that you are creating. In Resource Explorer, a parent group is created and is located under Personal Groups. 8. Click Next. 9. On the Define page, select one or more groups of resources from the Available list and click Add. You also can drill down into a group and select one or more resources. If you want to remove a group or resource, select it from the Selected list and click Remove. Notes: 96 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide a. You cannot add a group's parent to itself. For example, if you define the parent group location for Group1 to be Personal Groups, then you cannot add Personal Groups to Group1. b. If you select a resource to add, but the Add button is unavailable, then the selected resource is not a valid selection due to its member type. 10. Click Next. 11. On the Summary page, verify the details of the group. If you need to make changes, click Back; otherwise, click Finish. The static group is created and is displayed in Resource Explorer. A confirmation message about the group creation is displayed also. Related concepts: Groups Related tasks: Creating a criteria-based dynamic group Editing a group Deleting a group Adding a resource to an existing group Exporting a group Importing a group Related reference: mkgp command Editing a group You can edit a group to change its name and description. If you are editing a static group, you can edit the members of the group. If you are editing a dynamic group, you can edit the membership criteria. Note: You cannot edit default or predefined groups. To edit a group, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director navigation area, click Resource Explorer. 2. Click Actions > Edit. 3. In the Group Editor wizard, you can edit the name and description of the group. If you are editing a static group, you can edit the members of the group. If you are editing a dynamic group, you can edit the membership criteria. 4. On the Summary page, verify your changes to the group. If you need to make changes, click < Back; otherwise, click Finish. The group is updated with your changes and is displayed in the Resource Explorer. A confirmation message about the group change is displayed also. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 97 Related concepts: Groups Related tasks: Creating a criteria-based dynamic group Creating a static group Deleting a group Adding a resource to an existing group Exporting a group Importing a group Related reference: chgp command chusergp command Deleting a group When a group is no longer useful, you can delete it. Note: You cannot edit or delete static default groups. To 1. 2. 3. delete a group, complete the following steps: In the IBM Systems Director navigation area, click Resource Explorer. Select the group that you want to delete. Click Actions > Delete. Attention: The group will be deleted for all IBM Systems Director users. 4. A confirmation message is displayed. Click Delete to delete the group. The group is deleted and is no longer displayed in the Resource Explorer. While you can delete the Favorites and Health Summary groups, the next time you open Health Summary, the groups are recreated. However, they will not have any members. If you delete a group that was used when scheduling a job, the job remains and is active, but it does not run because it does not have a target system against which to run. 98 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: Groups Related tasks: Creating a criteria-based dynamic group Creating a static group Editing a group Adding a resource to an existing group Exporting a group Importing a group Related reference: mkgp command Adding a resource to an existing group You can add one or more resources to an existing static group. This is useful when new systems or resources are added to your systems-management environment and you want to include them in groups that are already serving your needs. To add one or more resources to an existing static group, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director navigation area, click Resource Explorer. 2. Navigate to the resource or resources that you want to add to a static group. 3. Select one or more resources. Then, click Actions > Add to > Existing Group. 4. In the Add to Existing Group window, select one or more groups from the Available list and click Add >. You also can drill down into a group and select a subgroup. If you want to remove a group or resource, select it from the Selected list and click < Remove. Note: If the Add > button is unavailable, you cannot add your selected resource to the selected group because of one of the following reasons: v The selected group is a dynamic group. You can select only a static group. v The selection is not a group, but an individual resource. v The resource might already be a member of that group. 5. Click OK. The selected resources are added the static group. A confirmation message about the addition is displayed. Click View Group to view the affected group immediately. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 99 Related concepts: Groups Related tasks: Navigating tables Creating a criteria-based dynamic group Creating a static group Editing a group Deleting a group Exporting a group Importing a group Related reference: chgp command chusergp command Exporting a group You can export a group to archive or back up the criteria that define a group. After a group is exported, you can distribute it to a new instance of IBM Systems Director Server by importing the group through the IBM Systems Director Web interface. Note: Be sure the Web browser option to block pop-up windows is turned off for the URL that you use to log in to the IBM Systems Director Web interface. Before using Internet Explorer to export a group, complete the following steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. In Internet Explorer, click Tools > Internet Options. From the Security tab, click Custom level. In the Settings list, scroll to the Downloads section. Enable the Automatic prompting for file downloads setting. Click OK. 6. A warning dialog displays. Click Yes to confirm the settings change. 7. Click OK to close the Internet Options window. To export a group, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director navigation area, click Resource Explorer. 2. Select one or more groups that you want to export. 3. Click Actions > Export Groups. 4. In the file download window for your Web browser, click Save to disk and then click OK. 5. Optional: If your Web browser requires a location selection, provide it and click Save. The group is exported and an XML file is saved to the location that you provided. 100 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: Groups Related tasks: Creating a criteria-based dynamic group Creating a static group Editing a group Deleting a group Adding a resource to an existing group Importing a group Related reference: lsgp command Importing a group You can import a previously exported group so that you can distribute that group to a new instance of IBM Systems Director Server. Note: To import groups from versions prior to IBM Systems Director 6.1, make sure you use Group Export to export the group in the earlier version of IBM Director. To 1. 2. 3. import a group, complete the following steps: In the IBM Systems Director navigation area, click Resource Explorer. Click Actions > Import Groups. In the Group Import page, click Browse to navigate to the exported group file that you want to import. Or, type the file name in the Select the file that you want to import field. 4. Click OK. A progress indicator is displayed. When the import is completed, a confirmation message is displayed and the group is displayed in the Personal Group in Resource Explorer. If you want to view the imported group in another group than Personal Group, select the imported group and click Actions > Add to Existing Group. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 101 Related concepts: Groups Related tasks: Creating a criteria-based dynamic group Creating a static group Editing a group Deleting a group Adding a resource to an existing group Exporting a group Related reference: mkgp command Finding and starting tasks The IBM Systems Director Web interface provides many tasks and many ways to start these tasks. This section provides information about finding tasks as well as how to start tasks. It also includes information about how to integrate external tasks into IBM Systems Director Web interface. Related tasks: Navigating the Web interface Navigating by way of the Home page Finding and navigating resources Managing groups Scheduling tasks Finding a task IBM Systems Director provides a wealth of tasks that you can use to manage your system-management environment. While many tasks can be found in the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, the Actions menu, or in pop-up menus, you can quickly and easily find any task using Find a Task. Then, you can run the selected task. If it is a targeted task, a list of available target systems is provided. To find a task, you must be authorized to use that task. If it is a targeted task, you must also have authorization to access the systems. For more information see “Security.” To find tasks quickly in the IBM Systems Director Web interface, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Find a Task. The Find a Task page opens and displays an alphabetical list of all available tasks in your IBM Systems Director installation. 2. If you do not know the name of the task you want, go through the Find a Task pages and view the descriptions of the tasks until you recognize the task that you want. If you know all or part of the name of the task you want to find, type the task name in the Search the table field and click Search. All of the table columns are searched for the word that you typed. Any task that has the entered word in any of its columns is displayed. 3. Click the task that you wanted to find to start it. 102 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide 4. If the task requires a resource on which to work, the task will request the resource. If the task does not require a resource, then the task opens immediately. Related concepts: Security Launched tasks Related tasks: Starting tasks Related reference: lstask command Starting tasks You can choose from several methods of starting tasks in the IBM Systems Director Web interface. Start a task from the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area in any of the following ways: v Click Find a Task. On the Find a Task page, you can search for and start a specific task. For more information, see “Finding a task.” Note: You can select a noninteractive task and click Actions > Run to schedule the task to start immediately or at a later time. For more information, see “Scheduling tasks.” v Expand the sections in the navigation pane to view and click available tasks. v Expand Task Management and click External Application Launch. You can configure other applications to run from the IBM Systems Director Web interface. For more information, see “Integrating external applications.” v Click My Startup Pages. Any pages that you have saved to your Startup page are displayed here. A saved page includes any tasks that can be run from that page. For more information, see “Customizing the Web interface.” v Click any of the tasks available in the navigation area. Start a task from the IBM Systems Director Web interface content area in any of the following ways: v In a table view, right-click a resource and select a task. Tip: You can run some tasks on multiple resources simultaneously. To perform a task on multiple resources, select one or more resources. Then, right-click one of the selected resources and select a task. v In a table or topology map view, select one or more resources. Then, click Actions and click a task. v In the topology map view, right-click a resource and select a task. v In the topology map view, select the resource. Then, in the Details palette, right-click the resource and select a task. v For applicable tasks, you can select Run Now or Schedule. You can schedule a task to start immediately or at a later time. For more information, see “Scheduling tasks.” Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 103 Related concepts: Launched tasks Related tasks: Scheduling tasks Customizing the Web interface Finding a task Integrating external applications Related reference: runtask command Launched tasks IBM Systems Director provide some tasks that start outside of the IBM Systems Director Web interface. These tasks are launched tasks and are identified on menus by the Launched tasks icon . When you select a launched task, the task can be displayed in one of the following ways: v In another instance of your Web browser. The task provides its own Web interface. v As a separate program on your system desktop. Note: Launched tasks require an installation of Java™ Web Start (JWS). For more information, see “Downloading Java Web Start.” Related tasks: Downloading Java Web Start Finding a task Starting tasks Related reference: Troubleshooting for launched tasks Downloading Java Web Start If you want to start tasks outside of the IBM Systems Director Web interface, the Java Web Start (JWS) software must be installed on your browser system. JWS is required on your browser system to enable launched tasks in IBM Systems Director. To download JWS, complete the following steps: 1. If your browser system requires JWS, a message window is displayed. Complete the following applicable steps. Option Description For Windows and AIX Click Download Now. For Linux 1. Select the applicable (Java Runtime Environment) JRE for your browser system. 2. Click Download Now. 2. Select to save the file to your hard disk drive or open and run the file immediately, as applicable for your operating system. 104 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide 3. When the JWS installation is complete, retry the launched task that you wanted to use. Related tasks: Configuring Web browsers to use JWS Configuring SSL between IBM Systems Director and the Web browser client Configuring Web Browsers to use Java Web Start To launch tasks, Web browsers must use a Java Web Start program, such as the one that is installed with the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Related tasks: Downloading Java Web Start Configuring SSL between IBM Systems Director and the Web browser client Updating the Firefox Web browser to use the Java Web Start program: To launch tasks that start outside the IBM Systems Director Web interface, the Firefox Web browser must use the Java Web Start program that is installed with the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). To update the Firefox Web browser, version 3.6.13, to use the Java Web Start program, complete the following steps: 1. In the Web browser, click Tools > Options. 2. In the Options window, click Applications from the toolbar. 3. Select the JNLP content type. Note: If the JNLP file type is not available, see "Associating the JNLP file type with the Java Web Start program (Firefox)". 4. In the Action column for the JNLP content type, select Use Java WebStart Executable. If Java WebStart Executable is not available, select Use other... and click Browse. 5. Navigate to the Java Web Start program, javaws.exe, located in the JRE directory. 6. In the bin directory, select the javaws.exe program and click Open. 7. In the Options window, click OK. The Java Web Start program and the JRE are now configured for use with launched tasks. Related tasks: Associating the JNLP file type with JWS (Firefox) Associating the JNLP file type with the Java Web Start program (Firefox): If, while updating the Firefox Web browser to use the Java Web Start program, you determine that the JNLP file type is not available for configuration by way of the Firefox Web browser, you must associate the JNLP file type with the Java Web Start program. To associate the JNLP file type with the Java Web Start program, complete the following steps: 1. Click the IBM Systems Director task that required Java Web Start. 2. In the Opening launch.jnlp window that displays, click Open with and select Other. 3. On the Choose Helper Application dialog, click Browse and navigate to the Java Web Start program, javaws.exe, located in the JRE directory. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 105 4. In the bin directory, select the javaws.exe program and click Open. 5. In the Opening launch.jnlp window, click Do this automatically for files like this from now on. 6. Click OK. The task launches. Related tasks: Updating Firefox to use IBM JWS Updating the Microsoft Internet Explorer Web browser to use the Java Web Start program: To launch tasks that start outside the IBM Systems Director Web interface, the Microsoft Internet Explorer Web browser must use the Java Web Start program that is installed with the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). To update the Microsoft Internet Explorer Web browser, versions 6.0, 7.0, or 8.0, to use the Java Web Start program, complete the following steps: 1. Start the Windows Explorer program. 2. Click Tools > Folder Options. 3. In the Folder Options window, click the File Types tab. 4. On the File Type page, select the JNLP file type and view the information in the Details area. Note: If the JNLP file type is not available, see “Associating the JNLP file type with the Java Web Start program (MSIE).” 5. If the Details area reports that the JNLP file type has customized behavior, complete the following steps: a. Click Restore. The default behavior for JNLP files, opening with the Java Web Start executable, is restored. b. Click Advanced. 6. In the Edit File Type window, click Edit. 7. In the Editing action for type window, click Browse. 8. Navigate to the Java Web Start program, javaws.exe, located in the JRE directory. 9. In the bin directory, select the javaws.exe program and click Open. 10. In the Editing action for type window, add the following string to the end of the information in the Application used to perform action field: "%1" Note: Be sure to type a space between the information and the new string. 11. Click OK. 12. In the Edit File Type window, click OK. 13. In the Folder Options window, click Close. The Java Web Start program and the JRE are now configured for use with launched tasks. Related tasks: Associating the JNLP file type with JWS (MSIE) Associating the JNLP file type with the Java Web Start program (MSIE): If, while updating the Microsoft Internet Explorer Web browser to use the Java Web Start program, you determine that the JNLP file type is not available for configuration, you must associate the JNLP file type with the Java Web Start program. 106 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide To associate the JNLP file type with the Java Web Start program, complete the following steps: 1. Start the Windows Explorer program. 2. Click Tools > Folder Options. 3. In the Folder Options window, click the File Types tab. 4. On the File Types page, click New. 5. In the File Extension field, type jnlp and click OK. 6. On the File Types page, select JNLP in the Registered file types list and click Advanced. 7. In the Edit File Type window, clear the Confirm open after download check box and click New. 8. In the New Action window, select the Use DDE check box. 9. In the Action field, type &Launch. 10. In the Application field, type javaws. 11. In the Topic field, type System. 12. Click Browse. 13. Navigate to the Java Web Start program, javaws.exe, located in the JRE directory. 14. In the bin directory, select the javaws.exe program and click Open. 15. Add "%1" to the end of the information in the Application used to perform action field. Be sure to type a space between the information and the new string. 16. Click OK. 17. In the Edit File Type window, click OK. 18. In the Folder Options window, click Close. The Java Web Start program and the JRE are now configured for use with launched tasks. Related tasks: Updating MSIE to use IBM JWS Configuring Secure Sockets Layer between IBM Systems Director and the Web browser client IBM Systems Director Server provides, by default, a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate that supports HTTPS connections between IBM Systems Director Server and the web browser client. To ensure server authentication, data privacy, and data integrity, you must replace the default certificate. Replace the default certificate with either a self-signed certificate or a certificate that is signed by a certificate authority (CA). You must also change the keystore password. It is not required that you use SSL to secure the network traffic between your management server and client browser. However, configuring SSL ensures data integrity and data confidentiality between the management server and web browser client. This protection is especially important if you access the IBM Systems Director from outside your network or if you use the launched tasks feature of the IBM Systems Director Web interface. Note: Logging in to IBM Systems Director is slower with SSL enabled. Note: Make sure that the host name you specify in the Common Name field of the SSL certificate matches the host name that you specify in the URL that you use to access the web interface. For example, if you specify a long name for the host name in the Common Name field of the certificate, you must specify a long name Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 107 in the URL. If these host names do not match, you might receive errors when you try to open the web interface or start launched tasks. Follow the instructions in the following procedure to make sure that you specify the correct host name in the Common Name field of the certificate. Note: When the SSL certificate that supports HTTPS connections between IBM Systems Director Server and the web client expires or is not valid, you must replace the certificate. If a client receives a web browser message that indicates that the certificate is untrusted, expired, or not yet valid, then: 1. View the IBM Systems Director Server certificate. 2. Verify whether the certificate has expired. If the certificate has expired, follow Step 1 - Step 5 to replace the certificate. To replace the default certificate with a new certificate and to change the keystore password for SSL, complete the following steps: 1. Delete the default certificate. For information see, “Deleting the default certificate.” 2. Create a certificate. You can create either a self-signed certificate or request and receive a CA signed certificate. v To create a self-signed certificate, see “Creating a self-signed certificate.” v To request and receive a CA signed certificate, see “Requesting a CA signed certificate” and “Receiving a CA signed certificate.” 3. Update the web container properties. For information see, “Updating the web container properties.” 4. Update the web browser with the new certificate. For information see, “Updating the web browser with the new certificate.” 5. If you make any changes to the key store or trust store files by using any application other than IBM Systems Director, you must restart IBM Systems Director. If you use IBM Systems Director to make the changes, then IBM Systems Director does not need to be restarted. Related tasks: Downloading Java Web Start Configuring Web browsers to use JWS Deleting the default certificate: IBM Systems Director Server provides, by default, a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate that supports HTTPS connections between IBM Systems Director Server and the Web browser client. You must delete this default certificate before you can replace it with either a self-signed certificate or a CA signed certificate. Also, you must change the keystore password. Note: v Back up any files before you edit them. v In addition to this procedure, you can delete the default certificate by using the rmcert -a lwiks command. For more information, see "rmcert command". To delete the default certificate, complete the following steps: 1. Stop IBM Systems Director Server by completing the applicable steps: 108 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Option Description For Linux Type the following command: smstop For Windows 1. Right-click My Computer and select Manage. 2. In the Computer Management window, expand Services and Applications > Services. 3. In the Services pane, right-click IBM Systems Director Server and select Stop. 4. Exit from the Computer Management window. 2. Start the IBM Key Management program by typing the applicable command. Option Description For Linux install_root/jre/bin/ikeyman For Windows install_root\jre\bin\ikeyman.exe where install_root is the root directory of your IBM Systems Director installation. Note that this path uses the backslash (\) to delimit the directory; depending on the system that you are using, you might be required to enter the path using the forward slash (/). 3. To open the default keystore file, click Key Database File > Open. 4. In the Key database type list, select JKS. 5. Click Browse and navigate to the applicable default keystore file: Option Description For Linux install_root/data/security/keystore/ ibmjsse2.jks For Windows install_root\data\security\keystore\ ibmjsse2.jks where install_root is the root directory of your IBM Systems Director installation. Note that this path uses the backslash (\) to delimit the directory; depending on the system that you are using, you might be required to enter the path using the forward slash (/). 6. Select the default keystore file and click Open; then, click OK. 7. In the Password Prompt window, specify the default password for the default keystore file and click OK. The default keystore file password for IBM Systems Director is ibmpassw0rd. 8. In the Key database content pane, select the default personal certificate named lwiks and click Delete. 9. If you make any changes to the key store or trust store files using any application other than IBM Systems Director, you will need to restart IBM Systems Director. If you use IBM Systems Director to make the changes, then IBM Systems Director does not need to be restarted. Next, you must create a new certificate. v If you want to create a self-signed certificate, go to “Creating a self-signed certificate.” v If you want to request a CA signed certificate, see “Requesting a CA signed certificate.” Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 109 Related tasks: Creating a self-signed certificate Requesting a CA signed certificate rmcert command Creating a self-signed certificate: Self-signed certificates are certificates that you create yourself for private use. After you create a self-signed certificate, you can use it immediately. Because anyone can create self-signed certificates, they are not considered publicly trusted certificates. Therefore, use self-signed certificates only on a temporary basis while you test your environment. You can replace the default certificate with a self-signed certificate. Before you complete this procedure, you must delete the default certificate. For information see “Deleting the default certificate.” Notes: 1. Back up any files before you edit them. 2. Messages and settings might differ depending on your Web browser and the version of Java Web Start that you are running. 3. Instead of the steps 10-12 to change the keystore password, you can also use the cfgappcred command. See "cfgappcred command." Important: If you want to request a CA signed certificate, do not perform this procedure. Instead, see “Requesting a CA signed certificate.” To create a self-signed certificate, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Key Management program, click Create > New Self-Signed Certificate. 2. In the Create New Self-Signed Certificate window, in the Key Label field, specify a label for the new certificate, for example, DirServer. 3. In the Version list, select X509 V3. 4. In the Key Size field, accept the default value. 5. In the Common Name field, specify the fully-qualified host name of the server for which you are creating the certificate. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Note: This host name must match the host name that appears in the URL you specify in your Web browser to reach IBM Systems Director Server. In most cases, you must specify the fully-qualified host name. However, if you use a short name in your URL, you must specify a short name for the Common Name. In the Organization field, type the name of your organization. In the Country or region list, accept the default value. In the Validity Period field, specify the lifetime of the certificate in days or accept the default value. Click OK. To change the default keystore file password, click Key Database File > Change Password. 11. In the Change Password window, specify and confirm a new password and click OK. 12. To exit the IBM Key Management program, click Key Database File > Exit. 110 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Next, you must update the Web container properties. Go to “Updating the Web container properties.” Related tasks: Deleting the default certificate Requesting a CA signed certificate Updating the Web container properties cfgappcred command Requesting a CA signed certificate: You can request a digital certificate from a certificate authority (CA). Because certificate authorities are public entities that issue certificates to identify other entities, CA signed certificates provide a level of public trust. Therefore, this type of certificate is better suited for your production environment. Before you complete this procedure, you must delete the default certificate. For information see “Deleting the default certificate.” Important: If you are creating a self-signed certificate, do not perform this procedure. You must create a certificate-signing request (CSR) to request a digital certificate from a CA. To create a certificate-signing request, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Key Management program, click Create > New Certificate Request. 2. In the Create New Key and Certificate Request window, in the Key Label field, type a label for the new certificate, for example, DirServer. 3. In the Key Size field, accept the default value. 4. In the Common Name field, specify the fully-qualified host name of the server for which you are creating the certificate. Note: This host name must match the host name that appears in the URL you specify in your Web browser to reach IBM Systems Director Server. In most cases, you must specify the fully-qualified host name. However, if you use a short name in your URL, you must specify a short name for the Common Name. 5. In the Organization field, type the name of your organization. 6. In the Country or region list, accept the default value. 7. In the Enter the name of a file in which to store the certificate request field, type a file name or click Browse to select a file in which to store the certificate request, for example, DirServerSecPubCertreq.arm. 8. Click OK. 9. Send the certificate-signing request file to the CA. See the CA Web site for specific instructions about requesting a new certificate. You can request either a test certificate or a production certificate from the CA. However, in a production environment, you must request a production certificate. Next, you must receive the CA signed certificate. Go to “Receiving a CA signed certificate.” Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 111 Related tasks: Deleting the default certificate Receiving a CA signed certificate Receiving a CA signed certificate: After the certificate authority (CA) accepts the certificate-signing request, the CA processes the request and verifies your identity. The CA sends the signed certificate back to you by way of e-mail. You must receive and save the new certificate in the default keystore file. Before you complete this procedure, you must create and submit a certificate-signing request. For information see “Requesting a CA signed certificate.” Notes: 1. Back up any files before you edit them. 2. Instead of the following steps, you can also use the importcert and cfgappcred commands. For more information, see "importcert command" and "cfgappcred command." 3. Messages and settings might differ depending on your Web browser and the version of Java Web Start that you are running. 4. This procedure documents how to receive a signed certificate with a file extension of .arm from a CA into the IBM Key Management program. If your certificate has a different file extension, see the IKeyMan User's Guide. Go to the IBM Support and Download Web site at and search using the document number SC23-6510-00. Important: If you are creating a self-signed certificate, do not perform this procedure. To receive a CA signed certificate, complete the following steps: 1. If the CA sends the new certificate to you as part of an e-mail message, you must cut and paste the certificate from the e-mail message and save it in a certificate file, for example, DirServerSecPubCert.arm. Note: The e-mail message from the CA might include supplemental text in front of the certificate and after the certificate. For example, you might see the text BEGIN CERTIFICATE in front of the certificate and END CERTIFICATE after the certificate. In this case, make sure that you cut and paste the supplemental text along with the certificate text. 2. Save the certificate file in the applicable directory: Option Description For Linux install_root/data/security/keystore For Windows install_root\data\security\keystore where install_root is the root directory of your IBM Systems Director installation. Note that this path uses the backslash (\) to delimit the directory; depending on the system that you are using, you might be required to enter the path using the forward slash (/). 3. Start the IBM Key Management program by typing the applicable command. 112 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Option Description For Linux install_root/jre/bin/ikeyman For Windows install_root\jre\bin\ikeyman.exe where install_root is the root directory of your IBM Systems Director installation. Note that this path uses the backslash (\) to delimit the directory; depending on the system that you are using, you might be required to enter the path using the forward slash (/). 4. To open the default keystore file, click Key Database File > Open. 5. In the Key database type list, select JKS. 6. Click Browse and navigate to the applicable default keystore file: Option Description For Linux install_root/data/security/keystore/ ibmjsse2.jks For Windows install_root\data\security\keystore\ ibmjsse2.jks where install_root is the root directory of your IBM Systems Director installation. Note that this path uses the backslash (\) to delimit the directory; depending on the system that you are using, you might be required to enter the path using the forward slash (/). 7. Select the default keystore file and click Open; then, click OK. 8. In the Password Prompt window, specify the default password for the default keystore file and click OK. The default keystore file password for IBM Systems Director is ibmpassw0rd. 9. In the Key database content pane, select Personal Certificates from the list. 10. Click Receive. 11. In the Receive Certificate from a File window, in the Data type list, select Base64-encoded ASCII data. 12. In the Certificate file name field, specify the name of the certificate file that you created when you received the certificate from the CA, for example, DirServerSecPubCert.arm. 13. In the Location field, specify the applicable directory path: Option Description For Linux install_root/data/security/keystore For Windows install_root\data\security\keystore 14. 15. 16. 17. where install_root is the root directory of your IBM Systems Director installation. Note that this path uses the backslash (\) to delimit the directory; depending on the system that you are using, you might be required to enter the path using the forward slash (/). Click OK. In the Enter a Label window, specify a label for the certificate, for example, DirServerSec. Click OK. Optional: Add the public version of the CA signed certificate to the Web browser's truststore file. The public version of the certificate contains all identifying information as well as the public key associated with the certificate. This optional step can provide additional security within your SSL configuration. The Web browser Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 113 can determine whether the server presents a certificate that is signed by a trusted signer. If the browser determines that the certificate is not signed by a trusted signer, the browser displays a warning which alerts you to a possible security breach. Configuring SSL for the browser is browser-specific. See your browser documentation for instructions. 18. To change the default keystore file password, click Key Database File > Change Password. 19. In the Change Password window, specify and confirm a new password and click OK. 20. To exit the IBM Key Management program, click Key Database File > Exit. Next, you must update the Web container properties. Go to “Updating the Web container properties.” Related tasks: Requesting a CA signed certificate Updating the Web container properties Updating the Web container properties: Because you changed the keystore or truststore password, you must update the Web container properties with the new keystore or truststore password. Before you perform this procedure, you must create a new certificate. You can create either a self-signed certificate or request and receive a CA-signed certificate: v To create a self-signed certificate, see “Creating a self-signed certificate.” v To request and receive a CA signed certificate, see “Requesting a CA signed certificate” and “Receiving a CA signed certificate.” To update the Web container properties, you do not edit properties directly within the file. Instead, you must create a file named sslconfig in the same directory, edit the properties in the sslconfig file, and restart IBM Systems Director Server. The process of restarting IBM Systems Director Server encrypts the new password in the Web container properties. Notes: v Back up any files before you edit them. v Messages and settings might differ depending on your Web browser and the version of Java Web Start that you are running. To update the Web container properties for a new keystore or truststore, complete the following steps: 1. Stop IBM Systems Director Server. 2. Change to the applicable directory: Option Description For Linux install_root/lwi/conf For Windows install_root\lwi\conf where install_root is the root directory of your IBM Systems Director Server installation. 3. Change the name of the file to 114 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide 4. In the same directory, create a file named sslconfig and copy the contents of into the sslconfig file. 5. Using a text editor, edit the sslconfig file. Note: Specify only plain text values for the passwords in the sslconfig file. 6. Specify the new keystore or truststore password with the following text in the sslconfig file: keystore truststore Where v secure_port is the secure port that IBM Systems Director Server uses. Use the secure port value indicated in your properties file. v new_password is the password that you set in one of the following steps: – Step 11 on page 110 in “Creating a self-signed certificate” – Step 19 on page 114 in “Receiving a CA-signed certificate” 7. Delete the line sslEnabled=true from the sslconfig file. 8. Save the sslconfig file. Important: Ensure the sslconfig file is created without the .txt extension. If the file is created with the .txt extension, remove it. Otherwise, the IBM Systems Director Server will not start. 9. Restart IBM Systems Director Server by completing the applicable steps. Option Description For Linux Type the following command: smstart For Windows 1. Right-click My Computer and select Manage. 2. In the Computer Management window, expand Services and Applications > Services. 3. In the Services pane, right-click IBM Director Server and select Start. 4. Exit from the Computer Management window. When you restart IBM Systems Director Server, the sslconfig file is used to automatically create a new file and encrypt the new password in this file. After the new file has been created, IBM Systems Director Server deletes the sslconfig file because it is no longer needed. 10. After you start and connect to IBM Systems Director Server, you can delete the file manually. 11. If you are using LDAP over SSL, then you must modify the keystore or trust store password: v If you used the cfguserreg command to configure LDAP, then you must modify the keystore or trust store password using cfguserreg. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 115 v If you modified the file to configure LDAP, then you must modify the keystore or trust store password in that file. See Authenticating IBM Systems Director users stored in LDAP for more information. Next, you must update the Web browser with the new certificate. Go to “Updating the Web browser with the new certificate.” Related tasks: Creating a self-signed certificate Requesting a CA signed certificate Receiving a CA signed certificate Updating the Web browser with the new certificate cfgappcred command Updating the Web browser with the new certificate: You must update your Web browser with the new certificate. Before you perform this procedure, you must update the Web container properties. For information see “Updating the Web container properties.” To update the Web browser with the new self-signed certificate, complete the following steps. Note: If you performed step 17 on page 113 in “Receiving a CA signed certificate” or if the public version of the CA signed certificate is already stored in the browser truststore file, go to step 11 on page 117. Some browsers contain the public version of well known CA signed certificates. 1. In a Web browser, type the following URL to point to IBM Systems Director Server: http://server_name:port_number/ibm/console, where server_name is the host name of IBM Systems Director Server and port_number is the port for IBM Systems Director Server. The default port is 8421. Option Description For Microsoft Internet Explorer A Security Alert window is displayed, for example, you might see the following message: The security certificate was issued by a company you have not chosen to trust. View the certificate to determine whether you want to trust the certifying authority. Continue to step 2. For Firefox A Website Certified by an Unknown Authority window is displayed. Click Accept this certificate permanently and then click OK. You Web browser is updated with the new certificate. In the Security Alert window, click View Certificate. In the Certificate window, click Install Certificate. In the Certificate Import Wizard, on the Welcome page, click Next. On the Certificate Store page, select the way that you want to store the certificate and click Next. 6. On the Summary page, click Finish. A Security Warning window is displayed. 2. 3. 4. 5. 116 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide In the Security Warning window, click Yes. In the Certificate Import Wizard window, click OK. In the Certificate window, click OK. In the Security Alert window, click Yes. When you use a launched task in the IBM Systems Director Web interface, the following message is displayed: The application's digital signature has been verified. Do you want to run the application? Be sure to select Always trust content from this publisher and click Yes. Related tasks: Updating the Web container properties 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Using External Application Launch Use External Application Launch to integrate third-party management software and other programs into the IBM Systems Director Web interface user interface. Before you can start an external application from IBM Systems Director Web interface, you must configure the external application so that it is recognized by IBM Systems Director. To integrate an external application into IBM Systems Director, complete the following steps: 1. Define the external-application task by creating a command-task file. For information see “Creating a command-task file.” 2. Optional: Specify a national-language task title for the command-task file. For information see “Specifying national-language task titles.” 3. Copy the command-task file and any resource-bundle files to the management server (where IBM Systems Director Server is installed) in the install_root/classes/extensions directory. 4. If you intend to integrate the external applications into an instance of IBM Systems Director Web interface that is not running on the management server, configure the remote IBM Systems Director Web interface for external-application tasks. For more information, see “Configuring external-application tasks for browser systems.” 5. Refresh the external applications. For more information, see “Refreshing external-application tasks in the IBM Systems Director Web interface.” 6. Select and start an external application. For more information, see “Starting external-application tasks in the IBM Systems Director Web interface.” You can restrict the use of the external-application task to specific users. For more information, see “Authorizing users to IBM Systems Director.” Related tasks: Authorizing users Finding a task External-application tasks External-application tasks are user-defined tasks that are displayed in the IBM Systems Director Web interface. They can start a command, process, or application that is external to IBM Systems Director and runs on the browser system or management server. External-application tasks are defined in IBM Systems Director using a combination of Java resources including command-task files and Java resource bundles that you create. These resources specify the application to be started, the Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 117 task title, and the way that the task is started in the IBM Systems Director Web interface. External Application Launch tasks also have resources for each supported language defined in the command-task file. External-application tasks can be targeted, untargeted, or both. Targeted and untargeted tasks: All IBM Systems Director tasks (including native IBM Systems Director tasks, tasks added by installing plug-ins, and external application tasks) are either targeted, untargeted, or both, depending on how the task can be started. Targeted tasks Targeted tasks are tasks for which a resource is specified when the task is started. Targeted tasks are started by right-clicking a resource and selecting the task. Typically, a targeted task performs an action on the resource specified as the target. Examples of targeted tasks are Remote Session and SNMP Browser. When an external application is started as a targeted task, information about the specified target is provided. If one or more system attribute names are configured, the available values for each target are passed to the application using environment variables. If no system attributes are configured, the IP address, MAC address, and computer name are passed to the application by way of environment variables. Untargeted tasks Untargeted tasks are tasks for which no resource is specified when the task is started. Untargeted tasks are started in the following ways: v By selecting the task in the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation pane v By selecting the task from the Actions menu or pop-up menu Untargeted tasks perform actions that are not specific to a targeted resource, perform actions that apply to all resources, or provide their own interface for selecting resources on which to perform actions. Tasks that are both targeted and untargeted A task can be both a targeted task and an untargeted task, with behavior reflecting the manner in which the task is started. The Inventory task is an example of such a task: if started from a resource’s pop-up menu, it displays information for that resource only; if started from the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation pane, it displays information for all resources. Related reference: Command-task file location and naming conventions Command-task file parameters Considerations for command-string parameters Environment variables Managed-resource types Sample command-task files Command-task file location and naming conventions: All command-task files must meet specific file-location and naming-convention requirements. 118 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide v Command-task files must reside on the management server in the classes/extensions directory, under the directory in which IBM Systems Director Server is installed. Command-task files that are not in this directory are ignored. v Command-task file names must end with the .CMDExt extension, which is not case-sensitive. v The file name and extension are not case sensitive. v Do not use underscores in file names. IBM Systems Director uses the file name to sort the external-application tasks in the IBM Systems Director Web interface. The sort function replaces spaces in the file name with underscores. File names that are identical with the only variant being spaces and underscores are considered duplicates, and only one will be displayed as an external-application task in the IBM Systems Director Web interface. Related concepts: Targeted and untargeted tasks Related reference: Command-task file parameters Considerations for command-string parameters Environment variables Managed-resource types Sample command-task files Command-task file parameters: The Command-task parameters table lists the parameters that can be specified in a command-task file. Parameters are listed here in alphabetical order. Important: Consider the following information when working with command-task file parameters: v Both parameter names and values are case sensitive. v Each parameter must be defined on a separate line. v If the same parameter is specified more than once, the last parameter value in the file is used by IBM Systems Director. v If a command-task file includes parameters that are no longer supported, the affected parameters are ignored. v You must use ISO 8859-1 character encoding when editing the command-task file. Characters that cannot be represented directly in the ISO 8859-1 character set can be specified with valid ISO 8859-1 Unicode-escape sequences. v Command-task files use Java-properties-file formatting; therefore, any backslash (\) or forward slash (/) character must be coded as a double backslash (\\) or forward slash (//) (for example, dir c:\\tmp\\backup1 /s). v Environment-variable values must have only one backslash or forward slash. v Windows-based systems use backslashes (\) to delimit directories in a directory path. AIX-based systems and Web addresses use forward slashes (/) as delimiters. This information uses backslashes (\) to delimit directories in paths that apply to all operating systems; depending on the system that you are using, you might have to enter the directory path differently than shown. v No error-checking is performed on command-task files, so you must be careful when editing them. Parameter names that do not exactly match expected parameters are ignored. v For information about setting a task title using a national-language string, see “Specifying national-language task titles.” Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 119 Table 4. Command-task parameters Parameter name Description Allowed values CheckFileExistsNow.Unix CheckFileExistsNow.Windows The attribute that shows or hides the external-application task in the IBM Systems Director Web interface based on the result of the applicable FileExists parameter (FileExists.Windows or FileExists.Unix). Possible values are: true If the file specified by the FileExists parameter exists on the browser system, then IBM Systems Director Web interface displays the task. If the file does not exist, then IBM Systems Director Web interface hides the task. false Client.x.Resource The fully qualified Java class name of a valid target type for the external-application task. The target type identifies the type of resources for which the external-application task can be targeted. Important: To use this parameter, you must set the Targeted parameter to a valid value other than none; one, multi, none|one, and none|multi are valid values. To define multiple targets, replace x with a unique non-negative integer for each target class. For example, the following two lines specify that the external-application task can use either a physical platform or a logical platform as a target: Client.0.Resource=OperatingSystem Client.1.Resource=Server 120 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide IBM Systems Director Web interface always displays the task. A valid resource name for a managed-resource type in IBM Systems Director. For the list of managed-resource types, see “Managed-resource types for the Client.x.Resource parameter.” Table 4. Command-task parameters (continued) Parameter name Description Allowed values CommandString CommandString.Linux CommandString.Unix CommandString.VMware CommandString.Windows CommandString.Windows2003 CommandString.WindowsXP CommandString.WindowsVista The command string to be run on a UNIX, Linux, VMware, or Windows (including Windows 2003, Windows XP, and Windows Vista) browser system. Note: A valid command line for an external application running on a browser system. v You can specify both CommandString.Server and CommandString parameters if you want to specify a browser system and management server synchronized task in which both a noninteractive task and an interactive task are launched at the same time. v If you specify more than one CommandString parameters that apply to the same operating system, IBM Systems Director uses the most specific parameter. For example, if you specify CommandString.Windows and CommandString.Windows2003 parameters, IBM Systems Director uses the CommandString.Windows2003 parameter. CommandString.Server CommandString.Server.Linux CommandString.Server.Unix CommandString.Server.VMware CommandString.Server.Windows CommandString.Server.Windows2003 CommandString.Server.WindowsXP CommandString.Server.WindowsVista The command string to be run on a UNIX, A valid command line for an external application on a Linux, VMware, or Windows (including Windows 2003, Windows XP, and Windows management server. Vista) management server. Note: v You can specify both CommandString.Server and CommandString parameters if you want to specify a browser system and management server synchronized task in which both a noninteractive task and an interactive task are launched at the same time. v If you specify more than one CommandString.Server parameters that apply to the same operating system, IBM Systems Director uses the most specific parameter. For example, if you specify CommandString.Server.Windows and CommandString.Server.Windows2003 parameters, IBM Systems Director uses the CommandString.Server.Windows2003 parameter. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 121 Table 4. Command-task parameters (continued) Parameter name Description Cwd Cwd.Linux Cwd.Unix Cwd.VMware Cwd.Windows Cwd.Windows2003 Cwd.WindowsXP Cwd.WindowsVista The path name of the directory on a UNIX, A valid directory on the browser system. Linux, VMware, or Windows (including Windows 2003, Windows XP, and Windows Vista) browser system from which the external-application task must be started. Specify this parameter only if the command needs to start in a specific directory. Note: If you specify more than one Cwd parameters that apply to the same operating system, IBM Systems Director uses the most specific parameter. For example, if you specify Cwd.Windows and Cwd.Windows2003 parameters, IBM Systems Director uses the Cwd.Windows2003 parameter. Cwd.Server Cwd.Server.Linux Cwd.Server.Unix Cwd.Server.VMware Cwd.Server.Windows Cwd.Server.Windows2003 Cwd.Server.WindowsXP Cwd.Server.WindowsVista The path name of the directory on a UNIX, A valid directory on the management server. Linux, VMware or Windows (including Windows 2003, Windows XP, and Windows Vista) management server from which the external-application task must be started. Specify this parameter only if the command needs to start in a specific directory. Note: If you specify more than one Cwd.Server parameters that apply to the same operating system, IBM Systems Director uses the most specific parameter. For example, if you specify Cwd.Server.Windows and Cwd.Server.Windows2003 parameters, IBM Systems Director uses the Cwd.Server.Windows2003 parameter. FileExists FileExists.Windows FileExists.Unix Specify a qualified path or name for a file that must exist on the browser system before launching the task. If IBM Systems Director does not find the specified file, a message is displayed and the external application does not launch. If you do not specify a directory in the FileExists parameter, the default path is temp/.ibm/lic where temp is the operating-system-specific temp directory on the browser system. 122 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Allowed values The path and name of an existing file on the browser system. Table 4. Command-task parameters (continued) Parameter name Description Allowed values ShellRequired A flag that indicates whether you want to Specify one of the following start a persistent shell on the management values: console in which to start the external true Start the application. Set this parameter if the external-application application requires an interactive window task in a persistent or advanced command-line syntax, such as shell. wildcard expansion. false Do not start the The shell is started using one of the external-application following commands: task in a persistent shell. This is the Windows default value. start cmd.exe /k . UNIX or Linux bash –c If this parameter is omitted or set to false, the command string is issued without starting a persistent shell. If this parameter is set to true, any command output to the shell is displayed in a command window that you can scroll and later close. ShellRequired.Server A flag that indicates whether you want to Specify one of the following values: start a persistent shell on a managed system in which to start the external true Start the application. Set this parameter if the external-application application requires an interactive window task in a persistent or advanced command-line syntax, such as shell. wildcard expansion. false Do not start the The shell is started using one of the external-application following commands: task in a persistent shell. This is the Windows default value. start cmd.exe /k UNIX or Linux bash –c If this parameter is omitted or set to false, the command string is issued without starting a persistent shell. If this parameter is set to true, any command output to the shell is displayed in a command window that you can scroll and later close. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 123 Table 4. Command-task parameters (continued) Parameter name Description Allowed values System.Property.x A requested system property (as defined in the managed resource) that is specified for each managed resource property required by the command. Each property is passed as an environment variable at launch time, for each targeted system chosen. Each property is assigned a unique environment variable name, and these environment variable names can be used in the CommandString or can be accessed by a script launching the application. For example, to pass the computer name of the targeted system, set the parameter to: A system property associated with one of the Client.x.Resource target types. System.Property.x=Name where x is the index number assigned to the system property. 124 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Table 5. Command-task parameters, cont. Parameter name Description Allowed values Targeted A flag that specifies whether the external-application task can be started as a targeted task, an untargeted task, or both. If this parameter is omitted, the value is set to one. Specify one of the following values: none An untargeted task. The task can be opened by selecting it in the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation pane, from the Actions menu, or from the pop-up menu. one A targeted task. The task can be started by selecting a target system and right-clicking the task. This is the default value. none|one Tasks that are both targeted and untargeted. The task can be opened by selecting it in the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation pane, from the Actions menu, from the pop-up menu, or can be started by selecting a target system and right-clicking the task. This is the default value. multi A targeted task. The task can be started by selecting a target system and right-clicking the task. This is the default value. none|multi Tasks that are both targeted and untargeted. The task can be opened by selecting it in the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation pane, from the Actions menu, from the pop-up menu, or can be started by selecting a target system and right-clicking the task. This is the default value. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 125 Related concepts: Targeted and untargeted tasks Related tasks: Specifying national-language task titles Related reference: Command-task file location and naming conventions Considerations for command-string parameters Environment variables Managed-resource types Sample command-task files Considerations for command-string parameters: When using command strings in command-task files, there are specific considerations that you must review. v Testing the command strings from a command line to ensure that they run successfully outside of the command-task file can reduce debugging efforts. It is your responsibility to ensure that the environment is properly configured for the desired behavior. For example, if the application requires an interactive window or advanced command-line syntax (such as wildcard expansion), you must set the ShellRequired parameter. For information about the ShellRequired parameter, see “Command-task file parameters.” v Only a single command can be specified for the CommandString value. Do not chain any commands or use pipes or redirection. You can, however, define a shell script or batch file on the browser system. For information about the CommandString parameter, see “Command-task file parameters.” v v v v v 126 Note: Only some commands will accept parameters at invocation as they are seen by the server as two separate commands. This is a limitation of the operating system or application. When the external-application task is defined on the management server (the system running IBM Systems Director Server), the task title is displayed on all instances of the IBM Systems Director Web interface. To start the application successfully, the necessary applications, files, and any resources that are required by the application must reside on the browser system from which you want to start the task. For information about passing target attributes to the external application, see “Environment variables for external-application tasks.” When using the CMDTASK_IP_ADDRESSn and CMDTASK_MAC_ADDRESSn environment variables in a command string, always remember to append a number at the end of the variable name to specify which TCP/IP address or MAC address will be returned. Because command-task files are Java properties files, the backslash (\) must be represented by a double backslash, as in dir c:\\*exe /s. An interactive task runs on the local system (the system from which you are activating it). To create an interactive task that runs on the management server or browser system, you must specify both a CommandString parameter and a CommandString.Server parameter. Use environment variables to pass system attributes to the external application. A noninteractive task runs on the system on which IBM Systems Director Server is installed. To create a noninteractive task, you must specify a CommandString.Server parameter. Use environment variables to pass system IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide attributes to the external application. If the task requires that system attributes be passed in the environment, ensure that the system attributes are named correctly. Note: These tasks must not invoke IBM Systems Director commands. v A console/server synchronized task runs an interactive task and a noninteractive task. You would create a synchronized task when an interactive task depends on a noninteractive task running simultaneously in order to function. The noninteractive task is started first. The interactive task is started after a successful launch of the noninteractive task. Because both tasks are required to provide function to a user, they are considered to be one console/server task. To create a console/server synchronized task, specify both a CommandString.Server parameter and a CommandString parameter. The CommandString.Server value is launched as a noninteractive task (on the management server) and its CommandString counterpart is launched as an interactive task (on the browser system). Use environment variables to pass system attributes to the external applications. v To create a group heading to serve as a parent for group of related external-application tasks in IBM Systems Director Web interface, create an interactive task without a CommandString or CommandString.Server parameter. Related concepts: Targeted and untargeted tasks Related reference: Command-task file location and naming conventions Command-task file parameters Environment variables Managed-resource types Sample command-task files Environment variables for external-application tasks: When an external-application task is started against a target, IBM Systems Director passes system-property information about the selected target to the external application by setting the values of environment variables on the browser system. Note: You are responsible for ensuring the validity and functionality of your environment variables. To pass system-property values when starting an external application, the external-application task must be targeted (that is, it must have at least one Client.x.Resource parameter specified). The system properties that are available depend on the target type (Client.x.Resource object). Each target type provides a set of system properties, each of which has a key and a value. If you specify more than one target type, the list of available system properties is the union of all available system properties for those target types. Some system properties (such as computer name) are available for all target types. For information about the Client.x.Resource or System.Property parameter, see “Command-task file parameters.” Tip: Only specify the environment variables that are necessary to start the external application. This is especially true if the external-application task targets multiple resources. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 127 You can access the value associated with a system property using the echo command. The following table provides an example. Table 6. Examples of using the echo command Operating system Command example Linux echo $CMDTASK_IPV4ADDRESS0_0 Windows echo %CMDTASK_IPV4ADDRESS0_0% The following table lists system properties. Note that this might not be a complete list. Table 7. System properties 128 System property Environment variable name AgentDate CMDTASK_AGENTDATE_x AgentType CMDTASK_AGENTTYPE_x AgentVer CMDTASK_AGENTVER_x Architecture CMDTASK_ARCHITECTURE_x ComputerName CMDTASK_COMPUTERNAME_x CurrentTimeZone CMDTASK_CURRENTTIMEZONE_x DisplayName CMDTASK_DISPLAYNAME_x EncryptionEnabled CMDTASK_ENCRYPTIONENABLED_x EndpointType CMDTASK_ENDPOINTTYPE_x HasLicense CMDTASK_HASLICENSE_x ImageSet CMDTASK_IMAGESET_x IPHosts CMDTASK_IPHOSTv_x IPv4Address CMDTASK_IPV4ADDRESSv_x IPXaddress CMDTASK_IPXADDRESSv_x Locked CMDTASK_LOCKED_x LPARID CMDTASK_LPARID_x MACAddress CMDTASK_MACADDRESSv_x MachineTypeModel CMDTASK_MACHINETYPEMODEL_x Manufacturer CMDTASK_MANUFACTURER_x OperatingSystem CMDTASK_OPERATINGSYSTEM_x OSArchType CMDTASK_OSARCHTYPE_x OSMajVer CMDTASK_OSMAJVER_x OSMinVer CMDTASK_OSMINVER_x Ping CMDTASK_PING_x Protocols CMDTASK_PROTOCOLSv_x SecuredClient CMDTASK_SECUREDCLIENT_x SecureSupport CMDTASK_SECURESUPPORT_x SerialNumber CMDTASK_SERIALNUMBER_x SSHFingerprint CMDTASK_SSHFINGERPRINT_x SSHPort CMDTASK_SSHPORT_x SSHVersion CMDTASK_SSHVERSION_x IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Table 7. System properties (continued) System property Environment variable name Task CMDTASK_TASKv_x URL CMDTASK_URL_x WBEMPort CMDTASK_WBEMPORT_x Related concepts: Targeted and untargeted tasks Related reference: Command-task file location and naming conventions Command-task file parameters Considerations for command-string parameters Managed-resource types Sample command-task files Managed-resource types for the Client.x.Resource parameter: Managed-resource types are used to specify targets for the external application task with the Client.x.Resource parameter. For information about this parameter, see “Command-task file parameters.” Valid managed-resource types include those listed in Table 8. Note: The information provided in this table is for reference only, and might not include third-party managed-resource types or resource types supported in future versions of IBM Systems Director. Table 8. IBM Systems Director resources and managed-resource types Managed-resource type Resource OperatingSystem com.tivoli.twg.engine.TWGNativeManagedObject com.tivoli.twg.tier.TieredManagedObject SystemChassis Server Chassis GenericNetworkDevice com.tivoli.twg.rmon.TWGRMONDevice com.tivoli.twg.snmp.TWGSNMPDevice Cluster Switch com.tivoli.twg.snmp.TWGSNMPDevice PassThroughModule com.tivoli.twg.snmp.TWGSNMPDevice Printer com.tivoli.twg.snmp.printer.SNMPPrinter StorageSubsystem Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 129 Related concepts: Targeted and untargeted tasks Related reference: Command-task file location and naming conventions Command-task file parameters Considerations for command-string parameters Environment variables Sample command-task files Sample command-task files: The sample command-task files are provided to assist advanced users and vendors who want to create command-task files. Telnet to managed system (Telnet.CMDExt) This example shows a command task to open a Telnet session and hold the window open while a user types the user ID and password. With the –hold option, you also receive an error message if the Telnet command is not performed successfully. # Parameters for all operating systems: Targeted=one ShellRequired=true # Parameters for UNIX and Linux: CommandString.Unix = xterm –hold –e telnet $CMDTASK_IP_ADDRESS0 # -hold gives you an error message if telnet fails # Parameters for Windows: CommandString.Windows = telnet %CMDTASK_IP_ADDRESS0% Map a managed system to a Windows network drive (NetUse.CMDExt) This example shows a command task to create a Windows network-drive connection to the targeted system using the next available drive letter. # Parameters for all operating systems: Targeted=one ShellRequired=false # Parameters for UNIX or Linux: CommandString.Unix = # Empty command string specified; no action occurs # Parameters for Windows: CommandString.Windows = net use * \\\\%CMDTASK_COMPUTERNAME%\\c$ /u:userid pwd # note: \\ for each \ Launch a noninteractive application (MyServerApp.CMDExt) This example shows a command task to launch a noninteractive application on the IBM Systems Director Server and specify both the manufacturer and the machine type model of the target for the application. # Parameters for all operating systems: #On Windows: CommandString.Server.Windows = myServerApp.exe %CMDTASK_MO_MFG_0% %CMDTASK_MO_MACHINETYPEMODEL_0% 130 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: Targeted and untargeted tasks Related reference: Command-task file location and naming conventions Command-task file parameters Considerations for command-string parameters Environment variables Managed-resource types Creating a command-task file Command-task files are Java properties files that define external-application tasks for IBM Systems Director. You can create a command-task file that is used to integrate third-party management software and other programs with IBM Systems Director. To create a command-task file, complete the following steps: 1. Create a file with the .CMDExt extension. For information about specifying file names, see “Command-task file location and naming conventions.” 2. Open the file using a text editor. Each line that you create in this file must be either a comment beginning with a number sign (#) or a parameter definition in the form parameter_name=value, for example: # This line is a comment. The following line sets a parameter for Windows: CommandString.Windows = telnet %CMDTASK_IPV4ADDRESS0_0% For information about the parameters that you can use, see “Command-task file parameters.” 3. Define the task that you want to run using one of the CommandString parameters or define a group heading. For important considerations about specifying the command-string parameter, see “Considerations for command-string parameters.” For information about the CommandString parameter, see “Command-task file parameters.” 4. Optional: Define other parameters as needed. 5. Save and close the file. Related concepts: External-application tasks Related tasks: Specifying national-language task titles Configuring external-application tasks for browser systems Refreshing external-application tasks Starting external-application tasks Deleting external-application tasks Specifying national-language task titles Command-task files can reference Java resource bundles to apply national-language titles to the external application task. You can create and modify External Application Launch resource bundles using an editor. It is your responsibility to ensure the accuracy of Java resource bundles that you create. National-language task titles are specified by using the Unicode or UTF8 character set. Characters are typed in the code page in which the user is working. The IBM Systems Director Web interface supports the code pages listed in the following table. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 131 Table 9. Code pages supported by the IBM Systems Director Web interface Language Code page Brazilian Portuguese 850 English 850 French 850 German 850 Italian 850 Spanish 850 Japanese UTF8 Korean UTF8 Simplified Chinese UTF8 Traditional Chinese UTF8 Because the IBM Systems Director Web interface supports multiple code pages, users cannot directly type characters in their current code page for all supported languages. National-language titles for English, French, German, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, and Spanish can all be typed directly in code page 850, but to specify characters in another code page, complete the following steps: Important: You are responsible for ensuring that the data in the resource bundles is valid for the intended purpose. 1. Create at least two properties files for resources (one default file and one English file). For example, if you created a command-task file with the file name “apple”, create two resource-bundle files named and For each additional non-English title you must create additional resource bundles for each locale that you defined. For example, if you provide French and Spanish titles as well, you must create the and files. In the properties file, use the keyword TitleKey to define the title, and, optionally, DescriptionKey to define a description of the task. For example: TitleKey=title DescriptionKey=description where title is the translated title of the task and description is a translated string that describes the task. The description string is displayed in the Description column on the External Application Launch page. 2. Using the translation services available to you, obtain translations of the title text in all the languages that you intend to support. Translators will require code page information if they are contracted to provide translated character strings. Note: If your translation service will translate the resource bundles you are using, no subsequent steps should be necessary. 3. Copy the resource-bundle files to the applicable directory on the management server. Table 10. Location of resource-bundle files by operating system Windows installation 132 \Program Files\IBM\Director\classes\CmdTask\resources IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Table 10. Location of resource-bundle files by operating system (continued) Linux installation /opt/IBM/director/classes/CmdTask/resources where resources represents the directory that contains resource files for a specific external-application task. Configuring external-application tasks for browser systems External-application tasks are initially created only on the management server. Additional preparation is required to start external-application tasks on your browser system (the system running the IBM Systems Director Web interface) when the browser system is not the management server. The following prerequisites apply to this procedure: v One or more external-application tasks must be created on the management server. v The external-application task must be tested to make sure that it starts successfully on the management server. To configure the browser system to start an external-application task, complete the following steps: v Make sure that the application to be started by the external-application task, as well as any resources required by the application, is present on the browser system. If necessary, install the application on the browser system. v Make sure the path and file name for the application that is installed on the browser system is the same as the path and file name on the management server, as specified in the .CMDExt file associated with the external-application task. v Make sure that Java Web Start is installed on the browser system. Related concepts: External-application tasks Related tasks: Downloading Java Web Start Creating a command-task file Specifying national-language task titles Starting external-application tasks Deleting external-application tasks Refreshing external-application tasks in the IBM Systems Director Web interface In the IBM Systems Director Web interface, you can refresh the list of available external-application launch tasks that you can use. To refresh the list of external-application tasks, complete the following steps: 1. Restart the IBM Systems Director Server to pick up new command definitions. 2. Log back in to the IBM Systems Director Web interface. 3. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, expand Task Management and click External Application Launch. 4. On the External Application Launch page, click Refresh. The list of available external applications is refreshed. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 133 Related concepts: External-application tasks Related tasks: Creating a command-task file Specifying national-language task titles Configuring external-application tasks for browser systems Starting external-application tasks Deleting external-application tasks Related reference: External Application Launch page Starting external-application tasks in the IBM Systems Director Web interface After you integrate an external-application task and it is displayed in the IBM Systems Director Web interface, you can start the task in the same ways as any other IBM Systems Director task. Important: v When the external-application task is defined on the management server (the system running IBM Systems Director Server), the task title is displayed on all instances of the IBM Systems Director Web interface. To start the application successfully, the necessary applications, files, and any resources that are required by the application must reside on the browser system from which you want to start the task. v When you start an external-application task, the resulting application runs according to the settings that are present on the system where the application is started. You can change settings by defining system attributes within the command-task file. For information about the System.Attribute parameter, see “Command-task file parameters.” v You can restrict the use of the external-application task to specific users. For more information, see “Authorizing users to IBM Systems Director.” To start an external-application task, use one of the following methods. Depending on the task type, some methods might not be available. v Right-click a resource and select the task. v Select the task from the Actions menu. v Select the task in the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation pane. v In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, expand Task Management and click External Application Launch. Then, select and start an application from the External Application Launch page. 134 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: External-application tasks Related tasks: Creating a command-task file Specifying national-language task titles Configuring external-application tasks for browser systems Refreshing external-application tasks Authorizing users Related reference: External Application Launch page Command-task file parameters Deleting an external-application task You can delete an external-application task that is displayed in IBM Systems Director Web interface. Attention: The command-task file for the selected external-application task is permanently deleted on the management server. To delete an external-application task, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, expand Task Management and click External Application Launch. 2. On the External Application Launch page, select one or more tasks that you want to delete. 3. Click Delete. The selected command-task files are deleted on the management server. They are permanently deleted. Related concepts: External-application tasks Related tasks: Creating a command-task file Specifying national-language task titles Configuring external-application tasks for browser systems Refreshing external-application tasks Starting external-application tasks Related reference: External Application Launch page Command-task file location and naming conventions Command-task file parameters Considerations for command-string parameters Using Advanced External Application Launch Use Advanced External Application Launch to integrate Web-based third-party management software and other Web-based programs into the IBM Systems Director Web interface. Before you can launch an external Web-based application from IBM Systems Director, you must register the external application using a template file. Once registered, the external application launch points will be visible as either targeted or untargeted tasks within IBM Systems Director, depending on the launch point Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 135 definitions. The vendor instructions, as well as the template file, should provide more information about the names of the tasks as they will be displayed in IBM Systems Director. To integrate an external Web-based application into IBM Systems Director, complete the following steps. 1. Obtain the external application launch point template file from the vendor providing the Web-based application. 2. Review the comments section of the template file and follow the vendor instructions for customizing any information in the template file prior to registration. 3. Run the following command: importextlps -f <filename>, where <filename> is the fully qualified path and filename of the template file. If the template file contains custom tags, use the -c option and specify the appropriate substitution values. 4. Optional: Run the following command: listextlps -A <applicationID>, to verify the external application launch points registered successfully (where <applicationID> is the application ID from the template file). To remove an external Web-based application registered with IBM Systems Director, complete the following steps: 1. Run the following command: removeextlps -A <applicationID>, where <applicationID> is the application ID from the template file. 2. Optional: Run the following command: listextlps -A <applicationID>, to verify the external application launch points unregistered successfully (where <applicationID> is the application ID from the template file). Related tasks: Finding tasks Starting tasks Scheduling tasks You can use Scheduler (also called the Launch Job window) to schedule noninteractive tasks to be run at an exact date and time. You can define a schedule to repeat a task automatically at a given interval, such as every Saturday at 2:00 a.m. You can define a specific number of repeats, such as every Saturday at 2:00 a.m. for the next 6 weeks. Scheduler also provides automatic notification for job status and task completion. 136 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: eLearning: Scheduling tasks Related tasks: Navigating the Web interface Navigating by way of the Welcome page Finding and navigating resources Managing groups Finding and starting tasks Related reference: Tasks and scheduled jobs commands Noninteractive tasks Noninteractive tasks, such as inventory collection or system identification, do not depend on immediate user input and can be scheduled to occur on multiple systems at any time. Interactive tasks, such as remote control and file transfer, cannot be scheduled because they directly interact with only one client at a time. Related concepts: Jobs and job instances Related tasks: Scheduling a task Scheduling a task from a selected system Viewing active and scheduled job information Viewing information about scheduled jobs Determining target systems that are affected by a job Viewing job-instance records Viewing job-instance logs Copying a scheduled job Editing a scheduled job Running a scheduled job immediately Suspending and resuming a scheduled job Deleting a job Jobs and job instances A scheduled task is called a job. A job has the following characteristics: v Noninteractive tasks that are to be run v Specified dates and times the tasks are to be run v Target systems on which the scheduled tasks are run v A history that provides summary details about the job run v A log that provides step-by-step details about the job run You also can create jobs without assigning a schedule and manually run the job at any time. Because you can run a job more than once, there is a record called a job instance that represents each execution of the job. For example, you might have a job that is Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 137 scheduled for every day at noon. You could view the results for a specific execution of the job, such as the Tuesday run as opposed to the Monday run, by viewing the job instance record. Related concepts: Noninteractive tasks Related tasks: Scheduling a task Scheduling a task from a selected system Viewing active and scheduled job information Viewing information about scheduled jobs Determining target systems that are affected by a job Viewing job-instance records Viewing job-instance logs Copying a scheduled job Editing a scheduled job Running a scheduled job immediately Suspending and resuming a scheduled job Deleting a job Scheduling a task When you create a job, you can schedule one or more noninteractive tasks to run on one or more target systems. To schedule a task, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director navigation area, click Find a Task. 2. On the Find a Task page, right-click a noninteractive task that you want to schedule and click Run. If the task is an interactive task, you cannot schedule it and the Launch Job window will not appear. For information on the difference between interactive tasks and noninteractive tasks, see “Noninteractive tasks.” 3. The Launch Job window opens and the Target page is displayed. Select one or more systems or groups of systems on which you want to schedule the task to run. Note: If you select a dynamic group, be aware that the group members used for the scheduled task are those members present in the group when you create this scheduled job. Subsequent changes in dynamic group membership are ignored. For example, if you schedule to collect inventory by using a dynamic group and the group membership changes, the target systems originally part of the group are used for the inventory collection. The changed group membership is ignored. Important: Although you can select multiple target systems when you create, edit, or copy the job, the Scheduler does not evaluate the following criteria until the task is actually run: v Whether the target systems support the task that you are scheduling v Whether the task is appropriate for multiple systems 138 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide If the scheduled job fails any of these criteria, an error is logged in the job instance record. Each job instance record provides detailed status information about the History page and a log file that you can view from the Log page. For more information, see “Viewing job-instance records” and “Viewing job-instance logs.” 4. Click the Schedule tab. On this page, you can choose to run the job immediately or schedule the job to run at a later time. a. A job name is required and the Name field provides a unique default name. To change the default name, type a job name in the field. b. To run the job immediately, click Run Now and go to step 7. Otherwise, click Schedule. c. In the Schedule list, select how frequently you want the job to run. The default setting is Once. Other values are Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, or Custom. Also, you can specify whether to run the job on the weekend. d. Select the date and time to run the job for the first time. e. Select the time range for the job to repeat. 5. Rarely, a task might require setting additional parameters and the Parameters page is provided. Click the Parameters tab. If the task provides default values, they are displayed on this page. If the settings are blank, you must enter all the settings; otherwise, the Scheduler cannot save the job. 6. Click the Notification tab. On this page you can customize a notification that is sent by e-mail. a. Select from the available criteria to customize when the mail notification is sent. You can specify that the mail be sent when one of the following criteria is met: v When the job begins. v When the job completes successfully. v When the job fails. You can further customize this criterion by setting either the percentage of target systems on which the job had errors or the number of systems on which the job had errors. Therefore, if the job runs on five systems, the job has errors on two systems, and you set the criterion threshold to 50%, the notification is not sent. v When the job receives any error. b. Type your mail address, mail server, and mail server port. Tip: You can provide only one mail address. 7. Click the Options tab. On this page you can select additional options for the job behavior. a. Select whether you want the job to run according to your management server's time or the target system's time. Tip: Make sure that you know the time and time zone to which the respective systems' clocks are set. b. Select whether you want the job to fail if a system is offline or if you want the job to run when the system is online again. 8. Click OK to save the job. Click Cancel to exit from the Launch Job window without saving the job. If the job is created successfully, a message is displayed on the page from which you started the Scheduler. If the job creation fails, a message is displayed in the Launch Job window so that you can correct the job. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 139 Note: Scheduled jobs retain the locale in which they were created. For example, if you create a scheduled job in German and then switch to English, the job will still appear with German titles. The job is displayed on the Active and Scheduled Jobs page. Related concepts: Noninteractive tasks Jobs and job instances Related tasks: Scheduling a task from a selected system Viewing active and scheduled job information Viewing information about scheduled jobs Determining target systems that are affected by a job Viewing job-instance records Viewing job-instance logs Copying a scheduled job Editing a scheduled job Running a scheduled job immediately Suspending and resuming a scheduled job Deleting a job Scheduling a task from a selected system When viewing systems, you can select a noninteractive task and schedule it to run on one or more systems. To schedule a task from a selected system, complete the following steps: 1. In Resource Explorer or any table that displays systems, select one or more systems on which you want to perform a noninteractive task. 2. Click Actions and click a noninteractive task that you want to schedule. The Launch Job window is not displayed if one of the following conditions is true: v One or more of the selected systems does not support the selected task. v The task is an interactive task. You cannot schedule an interactive task and the Launch Job window is not displayed. For more information, see “Noninteractive tasks.” 3. The Launch Job window opens and the Schedule page is displayed. On this page, you can choose to run the job immediately or schedule the job to run at a later time. a. A job name is required and the Name field provides a unique default name. To change the default name, type a job name in the field. b. To run the job immediately, click Run Now and go to step 7 on page 139. Otherwise, click Schedule. c. In the Schedule list, select how frequently you want the job to run. The default setting is Once. Other values are Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, or Custom. Also, you can specify whether to run the job on the weekend. d. Select the date and time to run the job for the first time. e. Select the time range for the job to repeat. 4. Rarely, a task might require setting additional parameters and the Parameters page is provided. Click the Parameters tab. If the task provides default values, 140 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide they are displayed on this page. If the settings are blank, you must enter all the settings; otherwise, the Scheduler cannot save the job. 5. Click the Notification tab. On this page you can customize a notification that is sent by e-mail. a. Select from the available criteria to customize when the mail notification is sent. You can specify that the mail be sent when one of the following criteria is met: v When the job begins. v When the job completes successfully. v When the job fails. You can further customize this criterion by setting either the percentage of target systems on which the job had errors or the number of systems on which the job had errors. Therefore, if the job runs on five systems, the job has errors on two systems, and you set the criterion threshold to 50%, the notification is not sent. v When the job receives any error. b. Type your mail address, mail server, and mail server port. Tip: You can provide only one mail address. 6. Click the Options tab. On this page you can select additional options for the job behavior. a. Select whether you want the job to run according to your management server's time or the target system's time. Tip: Make sure that you know the time and time zone to which the respective systems' clocks are set. b. Select whether you want the job to fail if a system is offline or if you want the job to run when the system is online again. 7. Click OK to save the job. Click Cancel to exit from the Launch Job window without saving the job. If the job is created successfully, a message is displayed on the page from which you started the Scheduler. If the job creation fails, a message is displayed in the Launch Job window so that you can correct the job. Note: Scheduled jobs retain the locale in which they were created. For example, if you create a scheduled job in German and then switch to English, the job will still appear with German titles. The job is displayed on the Active and Scheduled Jobs page. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 141 Related concepts: Noninteractive tasks Jobs and job instances Related tasks: Scheduling a task Viewing active and scheduled job information Viewing information about scheduled jobs Determining target systems that are affected by a job Viewing job-instance records Viewing job-instance logs Copying a scheduled job Editing a scheduled job Running a scheduled job immediately Suspending and resuming a scheduled job Deleting a job Viewing active and scheduled job information You can view quick, high-level information about active and scheduled jobs, including a progress indicator for each job. The progress indicator is useful for tracking the progress of instances of long-running jobs. To view information about active and scheduled jobs, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director navigation area, expand Task Management and click Active and Scheduled Jobs. 2. On the Active and Scheduled Jobs page, scan for the job that you want. For each job, the following information provided: Name The name of the job. Status The current status of the job. The following list describes the available job states: Active Indicates that the job has run once and is scheduled to run again. Scheduled Indicates future scheduled runs of the job and the number of systems affected by the job. This is a job's initial state. Inactive Indicates that the job has been disabled and scheduled instances will not be run. Use this state to prevent a job from running without deleting the job. Neither the job nor its history is deleted. Running Indicates that the job is currently running and the number of affected systems. This state can be transitory and, therefore, not observable for some jobs. If a job is running, you cannot change its state to Inactive. Complete Indicates that no future runs of the job are scheduled, that the job has run at least once, and the number of affected systems. Progress If a job is in the Running state, a progress indicator is displayed in the column. 142 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Description A description of when the job is scheduled to run. Next Run The date when the job will run next. Last Run The date when the job ran most recently. Task The name of the task that the job runs. Created By The user ID of the person that created the job. Related concepts: Noninteractive tasks Jobs and job instances Related tasks: Scheduling a task Scheduling a task from a selected system Viewing information about scheduled jobs Determining target systems that are affected by a job Viewing job-instance records Viewing job-instance logs Copying a scheduled job Editing a scheduled job Running a scheduled job immediately Suspending and resuming a scheduled job Deleting a job Related reference: lsjob command Viewing information about scheduled jobs You can view information (properties) about any job. This information includes what tasks are included in each job and, if a job has a repeating schedule, when the job has run before and when it will run next. To view job information, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director navigation area, expand Task Management and click Active and Scheduled Jobs. 2. On the Active and Scheduled Jobs page, select the job that you want to view and click Actions > Properties. 3. On the Properties page, the General page is displayed by default. On this page you can view the following general information about the job: v The name of the job that was originally given by the user who created the job. v The current status of the job. v A progress indicator that reports the progress of the job if it is running when you view the job properties. v The description of when the job run and repeats. You can click on this status to view the log of the last run. v The date that the job last ran. v The date that the job will run next. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 143 v The name of the task that the job runs. v The name of the job's creator. 4. If you are finished viewing this information, you can return to previous views using the breadcrumb links at the top of the Properties page. Also on the Properties page, you can perform applicable tasks on the selected job. Click Actions to view the available tasks that you can perform. Related concepts: Noninteractive tasks Jobs and job instances Related tasks: Scheduling a task Scheduling a task from a selected system Viewing active and scheduled job information Determining target systems that are affected by a job Viewing job-instance records Viewing job-instance logs Copying a scheduled job Editing a scheduled job Running a scheduled job immediately Suspending and resuming a scheduled job Deleting a job Related reference: lsjob command Determining target systems that are affected by a job You can view a list of the target systems that are affected by a selected scheduled job. To view the target systems, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director navigation area, expand Task Management and click Active and Scheduled Jobs. 2. On the Active and Scheduled Jobs page, select the job that you want to view and click Actions > Properties. 3. On the Properties page, click the Target tab. On this page you can view the list of target systems on which the job will run. 4. If you are finished viewing this information, you can return to previous views using the breadcrumb links at the top of the Properties page. Tip: You also can find this information by selecting a system and viewing its Properties. On the Properties page, click the Applied Activities page to view information about any jobs that are associated with the system. Also on the Properties page, you can perform applicable tasks on the selected job. Click Actions to view the available tasks that you can perform. 144 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: Noninteractive tasks Jobs and job instances Related tasks: Scheduling a task Scheduling a task from a selected system Viewing active and scheduled job information Viewing information about scheduled jobs Viewing job-instance records Viewing job-instance logs Copying a scheduled job Editing a scheduled job Running a scheduled job immediately Suspending and resuming a scheduled job Deleting a job Viewing job-instance records You can view a record for each instance of a scheduled job that has already run, including detailed information about the status of a particular instance. To view job-instance records, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director navigation area, expand Task Management and click Active and Scheduled Jobs. 2. On the Active and Scheduled Jobs page, select the job that you want to view and click Actions > Properties. 3. On the Properties page, click the History tab. On this page you can view the history of previous times that this job has run. A record is created for each instance of the job as soon as it starts running. This page provides the following historical information in each record: Date Provides the date and time for the record Status Indicates whether the job instance has completed. Scheduled Indicates future scheduled runs of the job and the number of systems affected by the job. This is a job's initial state. Inactive Indicates that the job has been disabled and scheduled instances will not be run. Use this state to prevent a job from running without deleting the job. Neither the job nor its history is deleted. Running Indicates that the job is currently running and the number of affected systems. This state can be transitory and, therefore, not observable for some jobs. If a job is running, you cannot change its state to Inactive. Complete Indicates that no future runs of the job are scheduled, that the job has run at least once, and the number of affected systems. Failed Indicates that a job instance failed on the specified number or percentage of systems, and the number of affected systems. Unavailable Indicates that a job instance did not run because a target system was offline and the number of affected systems. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 145 Skipped Indicates that a job instance did not run because a target system was offline and the number of affected systems. 4. If you are finished viewing this information, you can return to previous views using the breadcrumb links at the top of the Properties page. Also on the Properties page, you can perform applicable tasks on the selected job. Click Actions to view the available tasks that you can perform. Related concepts: Noninteractive tasks Jobs and job instances Related tasks: Scheduling a task Scheduling a task from a selected system Viewing active and scheduled job information Viewing information about scheduled jobs Determining target systems that are affected by a job Viewing job-instance logs Copying a scheduled job Editing a scheduled job Running a scheduled job immediately Suspending and resuming a scheduled job Deleting a job Related reference: lsjobhistory command rmjobhistory command Viewing job-instance logs You can view logs for each job instance that has already run. These logs can include error messages that you can use to determine why a job instance failed. To view job-instance logs, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director navigation area, expand Task Management and click Active and Scheduled Jobs. 2. On the Active and Scheduled Jobs page, select the job that you want to view and click Actions > Properties. 3. On the Properties page, click the Logs tab. On this page you can view a log for each record. For each job instance record, the page displays the date and time, as well as one of the following status: Running Indicates that the job instance is currently running. This state might be transitory and, therefore, not observable for some job instances. Running with errors Indicates that the job instance is currently running, but with errors. This state might be transitory and, therefore, not observable for some job instances. Waiting Indicates that the job instance is waiting for a resource to become available. 146 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Waiting with errors Indicates that the job instance is waiting for a resource to become available, but has already logged some errors. Complete Indicates that the job instance has successfully finished its execution. Errors Indicates that the job instance has finished its execution, but with errors. 4. Right-click a record and click Show logs. The log is displayed below the table. If the record state indicates errors, view the log for error messages that can help you troubleshoot the problem. Note: You can use the Message Filter dropdown list to limit the type of messages to display from the selected job log. 5. If you are finished viewing this information, you can return to previous views using the breadcrumb links at the top of the Properties page. Also on the Properties page, you can perform applicable tasks on the selected job. Click Actions to view the available tasks that you can perform. Related concepts: Noninteractive tasks Jobs and job instances Related tasks: Scheduling a task Scheduling a task from a selected system Viewing active and scheduled job information Viewing information about scheduled jobs Determining target systems that are affected by a job Viewing job-instance records Copying a scheduled job Editing a scheduled job Running a scheduled job immediately Suspending and resuming a scheduled job Deleting a job Related reference: lsjobhistory command Copying a scheduled job Copy a job when you want to create a new scheduled job that is similar to a existing job. To copy a scheduled job, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director navigation area, expand Task Management and click Active and Scheduled Jobs. 2. On the Active and Scheduled Jobs page, select the job that you want to copy. 3. Click Create Like. The Create Like window is displayed with the settings of the job that you copied. 4. Type a new job name for this job. 5. Navigate through the Create Like window and edit the applicable job settings. 6. When you are satisfied with your edits, click OK. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 147 The new job is saved and is displayed on the Active and Scheduled Jobs page. Related concepts: Noninteractive tasks Jobs and job instances Related tasks: Scheduling a task Scheduling a task from a selected system Viewing active and scheduled job information Viewing information about scheduled jobs Determining target systems that are affected by a job Viewing job-instance records Viewing job-instance logs Editing a scheduled job Running a scheduled job immediately Suspending and resuming a scheduled job Deleting a job Related reference: Active and Scheduled Jobs Launch Job window Editing a scheduled job Edit a job to change its settings. You can edit only jobs that have not run. Attention: To avoid a potential error, check to make sure that the job that you want to edit is not scheduled to run during the time that you want to edit it. Check the Next Run column to make sure the job will not run during the time you intend to edit it. Important: You can edit only jobs that have not run. If a job has run once or more, you cannot edit it. To edit a job that has already run, you can copy the job, edit the new copy, then remove the original version of the job. Alternatively, you can create a new job with the properties you need and then delete the original job. To edit a scheduled job, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director navigation area, expand Task Management and click Active and Scheduled Jobs. 2. On the Active and Scheduled Jobs page, select the job that you want to edit. 3. Click Edit. The Edit window is displayed with the job settings of the job that you want to edit. 4. Navigate through the Edit window and edit the applicable job settings. For detailed information, see “Scheduling a task.” 5. When you are satisfied with your edits, click OK. Note: If the job was executed while you were editing it, the edited job is not saved. If this occurs, an error message is displayed stating that the job has run already and cannot be replaced. The edited job is saved and is displayed on the Active and Scheduled Jobs page. 148 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: Noninteractive tasks Jobs and job instances Related tasks: Scheduling a task Scheduling a task from a selected system Viewing active and scheduled job information Viewing information about scheduled jobs Determining target systems that are affected by a job Viewing job-instance records Viewing job-instance logs Copying a scheduled job Running a scheduled job immediately Suspending and resuming a scheduled job Deleting a job Running a scheduled job immediately You can run a job immediately. This action does not affect any scheduled instances of the job. To run a scheduled job immediately, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director navigation area, expand Task Management and click Active and Scheduled Jobs. 2. On the Active and Scheduled Jobs page, select the job that you want to run. 3. Click Run Now. On the Active and Scheduled Jobs page in the Status column, the state is changed to Running. This state can be transitory and, therefore, not observable for some jobs. The state might appear to change to Complete without changing to Running first. The Last Run column is updated also. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 149 Related concepts: Noninteractive tasks Jobs and job instances Related tasks: Scheduling a task Scheduling a task from a selected system Viewing active and scheduled job information Viewing information about scheduled jobs Determining target systems that are affected by a job Viewing job-instance records Viewing job-instance logs Copying a scheduled job Editing a scheduled job Suspending and resuming a scheduled job Deleting a job Related reference: runjob command Suspending and resuming a scheduled job You can stop a job from running any of its scheduled instances without deleting the job. Neither the job nor its history is deleted. Then, you can resume the running of the job. While the job will run its future scheduled instances, it will not run any past instances that were missed during its suspension. Note: You cannot suspend most job instances that are currently running. Right-clicking on the job will show if the job supports suspending currently running jobs or not. If you suspend the job, the suspension will affect only the job instances that have yet to run. To suspend and resume a scheduled job, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director navigation area, expand Task Management and click Active and Scheduled Jobs. 2. On the Active and Scheduled Jobs page, right-click on the job that you want to suspend or resume. 3. Click Suspend. On the Active and Scheduled Jobs page in the Status column, the state is changed to Inactive. 4. When you want to resume the job, select the job and click Resume. The job is resumed. On the Active and Scheduled Jobs page in the Status column, the state is changed from Inactive to Scheduled. A message is displayed on the page stating that the job was resumed successfully. 150 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: Noninteractive tasks Jobs and job instances Related tasks: Scheduling a task Scheduling a task from a selected system Viewing active and scheduled job information Viewing information about scheduled jobs Determining target systems that are affected by a job Viewing job-instance records Viewing job-instance logs Copying a scheduled job Editing a scheduled job Running a scheduled job immediately Deleting a job Related reference: runjob command Canceling a running job You can cancel a currently running job using the Cancel Running Job Instance task. Restriction: The Cancel Running Job Instance task only applies to jobs that support cancellation, such as Discovery. To cancel a currently running job, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director navigation area, expand Task Management and click Active and Scheduled Jobs. 2. On the Active and Scheduled Jobs page, select the job that you want to cancel. Note: The Last Run Status column will display Running for currently running jobs. 3. Click Cancel Running Job Instance. A confirmation window opens. 4. Click OK to confirm cancelation of the job. On the Active and Scheduled Jobs page, in the Last Run Status column, the state is changed to Complete. Deleting a job Delete a existing job when you no longer need it. To delete a job, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director navigation area, expand Task Management and click Active and Scheduled Jobs. 2. On the Active and Scheduled Jobs page, select one or more jobs that you want to delete. 3. Click Delete. 4. In the confirmation window, click OK. The job is deleted and is no longer displayed on the Active and Scheduled Jobs page. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 151 Related concepts: Noninteractive tasks Jobs and job instances Related tasks: Scheduling a task Scheduling a task from a selected system Viewing active and scheduled job information Viewing information about scheduled jobs Determining target systems that are affected by a job Viewing job-instance records Viewing job-instance logs Copying a scheduled job Editing a scheduled job Running a scheduled job immediately Suspending and resuming a scheduled job Related reference: rmjob command Encrypting interprocess communication Encryption is enabled for interprocess communication by default using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). You can change the encryption algorithm, disable and enable encryption, and manage encryption keys. This encryption feature implementation is available only for IBM Director, versions 5.20.3 and earlier. Restriction: v Only IBM Director 5.20 servers support encryption of the IPC layer between 5.20 servers and 5.20 agents. v Additionally, the following limits exist for the supported interprocess communication (IPC) encryption between 5.20 servers and agents: 1. 5.20 agents do not support encryption of the IPC layer with Netware systems. 2. 5.20 agents do not support encryption of the IPC layer with 64-bit Windows systems. Related reference: Encryption Preferences page Encryption IBM Systems Director contains a security feature that encrypts all data in interprocess communications, except transport-layer datagrams used during discovery. This encryption feature implementation is available only for IBM Director, versions 5.20.3 and earlier. Restriction: v Only IBM Director 5.20 servers support encryption of the IPC layer between 5.20 servers and 5.20 agents. v Additionally, the following limits exist for the supported interprocess communication (IPC) encryption between 5.20 servers and agents: 152 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide 1. 5.20 agents do not support encryption of the IPC layer with Netware systems. 2. 5.20 agents do not support encryption of the IPC layer with 64-bit Windows systems. This encryption feature provides automatic key management. You can select an encryption algorithm from the provided libraries: v IBM Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) v OpenSSL JCE provides ciphers for all Java-based platforms, including IBM i and Linux; OpenSSL provides ciphers for 32-bit Windows operating systems. Encryption is disabled by default. To encrypt data transmitted between IBM Director Agent version 5.20, managed systems and IBM Systems Director Server, you must enable encryption on both IBM Systems Director Server and IBM Director Agent version 5.20, managed systems. When you install IBM Systems Director Server, you can select one of the following encryption algorithms: v Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) v Data Encryption Standard (DES) v Triple DES IBM Systems Director Server automatically generates a key, based on the encryption algorithm selected. IBM Systems Director Server stores the key in memory and presents it to IBM Systems Director Server or IBM Director Agent version 5.20, each time that IBM Systems Director Server or IBM Director Agent version 5.20, is started, using the Diffie-Hellman key exchange. It is not necessary for a key to be stored on each managed system. The following table outlines how data is transmitted between IBM Systems Director Server and IBM Director Agent version 5.20, managed systems, depending on whether encryption is enabled. Table 11. Encryption state and data transmitted between IBM Systems Director Server andIBM Director Agent version 5.20 IBM Systems Director Server (encryption enabled) IBM Director Agent version 5.20 (encryption enabled) IBM Director Agent version 5.20 (encryption disabled) Encrypted Unencrypted IBM Systems Director No data transmission Server (encryption disabled) possible Unencrypted If you have more than one management server in your environment, make sure you consider the following situation: v Two management servers have discovered each other and each are displayed in the other's IBM Systems Director Web interface as systems. v One management server (server A) has encryption enabled. v The other management server (server B) either has encryption disabled or has encryption enabled now but had it disabled when it was discovered and the communication has not ended since the discovery. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 153 In this situation, unencrypted transmissions sent by server B to server A will continue until the previous communication is ended. This occurs because server A (in its role as a management server) is already communicating with server B (in its role as system) in plain text. You can delete each system from the Web interface of the other to end the unencrypted communication. If you run multiple management servers that can discover each other, you can enable encryption on both management servers before they are started or before they can discover each other. You can also use the dircli lsmo command to check for previous communication. For more information, see “System commands.” Notes: v Encryption is not supported on systems running NetWare or systems running 64-bit versions of Windows. v Neither out-of-band communications nor communication used by Internet tools, such as Telnet or File Transfer Protocol (FTP), are encrypted. v There is a performance penalty when you enable encryption. Encrypting data packets and exchanging encryption keys has an effect on the speed with which IBM Systems Director completes management operations. When either the management server or the systems are restarted, keys are regenerated and exchanged. Consequently, an unsecured managed system might seem to be unmanageable for a period of time. Related tasks: Enabling encryption Disabling encryption Changing the encryption algorithm Resending the encryption key to systems Creating a new encryption key Related reference: Encryption Preferences page System commands Enabling encryption You can enable encryption on the management server. This encryption feature implementation is available only for IBM Director, versions 5.20.3 and earlier. Restriction: v Only IBM Director 5.20 servers support encryption of the IPC layer between 5.20 servers and 5.20 agents. v Additionally, the following limits exist for the supported interprocess communication (IPC) encryption between 5.20 servers and agents: 1. 5.20 agents do not support encryption of the IPC layer with Netware systems. 2. 5.20 agents do not support encryption of the IPC layer with 64-bit Windows systems. To enable encryption on IBM Director Agent, versions 5.20.3 and earlier, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, expand Settings and click Encryption Preferences. 154 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide 2. On the Encryption Preferences page, select the Enable encryption of data check box. 3. Click Apply. 4. The Save Encryption Settings window opens. Click OK to confirm enabling the encryption algorithm and synchronizing the keys. The keys are sent to all affected systems. A confirmation message is displayed. 5. Click OK to save the change and close the page. Related concepts: Encryption Related tasks: Disabling encryption Changing the encryption algorithm Resending the encryption key to systems Creating a new encryption key Related reference: Encryption Preferences page Disabling encryption You can disable encryption on the management server. Encryption must be enabled previously. This encryption feature implementation is available only for IBM Director, versions 5.20.3 and earlier. Restriction: v Only IBM Director 5.20 servers support encryption of the IPC layer between 5.20 servers and 5.20 agents. v Additionally, the following limits exist for the supported interprocess communication (IPC) encryption between 5.20 servers and agents: 1. 5.20 agents do not support encryption of the IPC layer with Netware systems. 2. 5.20 agents do not support encryption of the IPC layer with 64-bit Windows systems. To disable encryption on IBM Director Agent, versions 5.20.3 and earlier, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, expand Settings and click Encryption Preferences. 2. On the Encryption Preferences page, clear the Enable encryption of data check box. 3. Click Apply to save the change. 4. The Save Encryption Settings window opens. Click OK to confirm disabling the encryption algorithm. 5. A confirmation message is displayed. Click OK to save the change and close the page. Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 155 Related concepts: Encryption Related tasks: Enabling encryption Changing the encryption algorithm Resending the encryption key to systems Creating a new encryption key Related reference: Encryption Preferences page Changing the encryption algorithm You can change the algorithm used to encrypt communications between IBM Director Server, versions 5.20.3 and earlier, and IBM Director Agent, versions 5.20.3 and earlier. When you change the algorithm, new encryption keys are sent to all systems running IBM Director Agent, versions 5.20.3 and earlier. Encryption must be enabled previously. This encryption feature implementation is available only for IBM Director, versions 5.20.3 and earlier. Restriction: v Only IBM Director 5.20 servers support encryption of the IPC layer between 5.20 servers and 5.20 agents. v Additionally, the following limits exist for the supported interprocess communication (IPC) encryption between 5.20 servers and agents: 1. 5.20 agents do not support encryption of the IPC layer with Netware systems. 2. 5.20 agents do not support encryption of the IPC layer with 64-bit Windows systems. To change the encryption algorithm for systems running IBM Director Agent, versions 5.20.3 and earlier, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, expand Settings and click Encryption Preferences. 2. In the Select data encryption standard list, select the encryption algorithm that you want to use. 3. Click Apply. 4. The Save Encryption Settings window opens. Click OK to confirm changing the encryption algorithm and synchronizing the keys. The keys are sent to all affected systems. A confirmation message is displayed. 5. Click OK to save the change and close the page. 156 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: Encryption Related tasks: Enabling encryption Disabling encryption Resending the encryption key to systems Creating a new encryption key Related reference: Encryption Preferences page Resending the encryption key to systems You can resend the existing encryption keys to systems running IBM Director Agent. This encryption feature implementation is available only for IBM Director, versions 5.20.3 and earlier. Restriction: v Only IBM Director 5.20 servers support encryption of the IPC layer between 5.20 servers and 5.20 agents. v Additionally, the following limits exist for the supported interprocess communication (IPC) encryption between 5.20 servers and agents: 1. 5.20 agents do not support encryption of the IPC layer with Netware systems. 2. 5.20 agents do not support encryption of the IPC layer with 64-bit Windows systems. To resend encryption keys to all systems running IBM Director Agent, versions 5.20.3 and earlier, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, expand Settings and click Encryption Preferences. 2. On the Encryption Preferences page, click Resend Keys. 3. In the Resend Encryption Keys window, click Resend to resend the keys. When the operation is completed, the confirmation message is displayed. 4. To close the page, click OK. Related concepts: Encryption Related tasks: Enabling encryption Disabling encryption Changing the encryption algorithm Creating a new encryption key Related reference: Encryption Preferences page Creating a new encryption key You can generate a unique encryption key for a system running IBM Director Agent. This encryption feature implementation is available only for IBM Director, versions 5.20.3 and earlier. Restriction: Chapter 2. Using the Web interface 157 v Only IBM Director 5.20 servers support encryption of the IPC layer between 5.20 servers and 5.20 agents. v Additionally, the following limits exist for the supported interprocess communication (IPC) encryption between 5.20 servers and agents: 1. 5.20 agents do not support encryption of the IPC layer with Netware systems. 2. 5.20 agents do not support encryption of the IPC layer with 64-bit Windows systems. Encryption must be enabled. To set a new encryption key for one system running IBM Director Agent, versions 5.20.3 and earlier, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Resource Explorer. 2. On the Resource Explorer page, navigate to the managed system for which you want to reset the encryption key. 3. Right-click the system and click Encryption Key Reset. Note: You can select more than one system to reset encryption keys. 4. In the Encryption Key Reset window, click Reset to reset the key. IBM Systems Director Server generates a new, unique key for the managed system and displays a confirmation message. Related concepts: Encryption Related tasks: Enabling encryption Disabling encryption Changing the encryption algorithm Resending the encryption key to systems Related reference: Encryption Preferences page 158 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Chapter 3. Discovering systems and collecting inventory data To manage a resource within an environment or view inventory data about it, that resource must first be discovered and, after access is granted, an inventory must be collected. The resource is recognized and added to the comprehensive list of native resources and native attributes for the system. Discovery and inventory collection are the two primary tasks that are used to connect to supported network resources and collect information about them. If you are discovering and collecting inventory on Power Systems compute nodes, make sure that SCP is installed on the Power Systems compute nodes before running Discovery or Inventory Collection from the FSM so that the network adapters are discovered and inventoried by the FSM. For more information about installing SCP, which is available with the OpenSSH software tools, see the following website: OpenSSH and Kerberos Version 5 support Related concepts: Discovery manager Manageable resource types Manageable systems and system types Related tasks: Discovering and collecting inventory for storage devices Discovery Discovery is the process by which IBM Systems Director Server identifies and establishes connections with network-level resources that IBM Systems Director can manage, such as computers, switches, or printers. Use system discovery to identify resources within your environment, collect data about those resources, and establish connections with them. Before you can use IBM Systems Director to manage a device, that resource must be discovered by IBM Systems Director Server. After a resource is discovered, it becomes a system that IBM Systems Director can manage. Note: The discovery process discovers only systems and other types of resources that can be managed by IBM Systems Director. In other words, just because you can "ping" a resource does not mean that IBM Systems Director can discover it. After a system is discovered, it is displayed on the Resource Explorer page. You can drill down in the groups of systems within IBM Systems Director to manage and view information about the systems that have been discovered. You can view discovery and inventory information and perform discovery and inventory tasks on the Initial Setup tab of the Home page or by using the Discovery Manager plug-in. As the discovery process runs, the pie chart on the Discovery Manager summary page updates to indicate the number of system types discovered. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2013 159 Related concepts: Manageable systems and system types Related tasks: Collecting inventory System discovery System discovery enables you to discover a resource for a single IPv4 or IPv6 address or host name or many resources of the same type that occur in a densely populated single range of IP addresses. You can also use a discovery profile to discover more specific categories of resource types, specify multiple ranges of IP addresses, or automatically request access to or collect inventory for discovered resources. System discovery provides the following functions: v Discovery based on a single IPv4 or IPv6 address v Discovery based on a single host name v Discovery based on one range of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses v Discovery based on a discovery profile Using discovery based on a single IP address or host name or a range of IP addresses is useful when the following conditions apply: v You are managing a single subnet (or only a few subnets) and you want to manage all resources that are on the subnet or all resources of a given type. v The subnet is a densely populated single range of IP addresses for a single resource type that you want to discover at one time. Using discovery based on a discovery profile is useful when the following conditions apply: v Your resources span many subnets. v A specific type of resource occurs in multiple IP address ranges. v You want to automatically request access to or collect inventory for the discovered resources. v You need to discover various types of resources by using targeted discovery profiles. System discovery is able to detect the same kinds of resources as the Default getting started discovery profile, but also is able to discover the following types of resources: v Chassis by way of a management module or an advanced management module v eServer™ 325, 326, and 326m model servers discovered by way of an ISMP service processor1 v IBM Flex System Enterprise Chassis v IBM Power servers with service processors v IBM Power systems being managed by Hardware Management Console (HMC) v IBM Power systems being managed by Integrated Virtualization Manage (IVM) v IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center (TPC) storage resource groups v Metering products such as power distribution units (PDU) and uninterruptible power supplies v Printers, switches, and bridges enabled for SNMP2 v Sensor hubs and sensor networks for energy and environmental management 160 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide v Storage devices, including TPC storage resource groups v System x servers with service processors v System x servers discovered by way of an integrated management module, integrated management module II, or IPMI baseboard management controller (BMC) v System x server discovered by way of a Remote Supervisor Adapter or Remote Supervisor Adapter II v System z servers being managed by (HMC) v Systems that are cloned or that use a mirrored image3 v VMware vCenter systems 1. Although the service processor in the eServer 325, 326, and 326m models is called an ISMP, it is a BMC. 2. Pass-through modules do not provide SNMP support. 3. To discover a system that uses a mirrored image, the system must be properly configured. For more information, see “Discovering systems that use a mirrored image.” The discovery process discovers only systems and other types of resources that can be managed by IBM Systems Director. In other words, just because you can "ping" a resource does not mean that IBM Systems Director can discover it. Discover only those resources that you intend to manage with IBM Systems Director. For example, if the management interfaces of your networking equipment are on a single subnet, yet you do not intend to manage your networking equipment with IBM Systems Director, do not discover devices on that subnet. As system discovery runs, the System Discovery page refreshes the list of discovered resources in the Discovered Manageable Systems table. You also can view the results of this discovery by using the Discovery jobs task to examine the associated job. You can view all discovered systems on the Resource Explorer page. While the discovery process is active, the System Discovery page also displays additional elements: v An icon and text message that states whether the discovery process is running or stopping v A Stop button that enables you to stop the discovery process that is updating the Discovered Manageable Systems table v A New discovery button that enables you to run another system discovery in addition to the one that is currently active. If you run a new discovery, the new discovery updates the Discovered Manageable Systems table. When you run a new discovery, you must use the Discovery jobs task to view the results of the current discovery. Note: The time it takes for discovery to finish processing varies depending on such factors as network performance and the number of systems that are discovered. Avoid managing newly discovered resources for a time after the discovery task finishes, because associated processing continues to run. Chapter 3. Discovering systems and collecting inventory data 161 Related concepts: Default getting started discovery profile Related tasks: Discovering systems with system discovery Discovering systems that use a mirrored image Using system discovery to view current results IP addresses System discovery can use a single IP address, a single host name, or a single range of IP addresses to discover manageable resources. When using a discovery profile, you have options to specify multiple IP addresses and address ranges and import IP address information in a text file. You can also exclude individual IP addresses, IP address ranges, or entire subnets from discovery. System discovery in IBM Systems Director version 6.2 supports both the IPv4 and IPv6 protocols. Whether you specify a single IP address on the System Discovery page or import a list of IP addresses, discovery requires that IP addresses adhere to the following rules: v The maximum permitted range of IP addresses is 256. v For IP address ranges, the specified starting address must be less than the ending address, where only the last piece of the starting and ending addresses are unique. The following examples are valid patterns: a.a.a.b-a.a.a.c for an IPv4 address or a:a:a:a:a:a:a:b-a:a:a:a:a:a:a:c for an IPv6 address, where for each example b is less than c. v All addresses in a valid IPv4 address range must occur in the same Class C subnet. v When the interface allows (for example, when using the Discovery Profile wizard), IPv6 address compression might be used to replace one or more consecutive instances of 0 in an address. For example, when using address compression, this address DD01:0:0:0:0:0:0:1C would be written as DD01::1C. v Using the IPv6 loopback address (0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 or ::1) is not supported. v Using prefix-length for IPv6 addresses is not supported. When discovering a range of IP addresses, use the smallest range possible. v IPv4 example: Assume that you have a subnet -, but all of your systems are within the first 100 addresses. In this case, you would use as the range instead of v IPv6 example: Assume that you have a subnet E290::51D2:9008:C01D:6420 E290::51D2:9008:C01D:651F, but all of your systems are within the first 100 addresses. In this case, you would use E290::51D2:9008:C01D:6420E290::51D2:9008:C01D:6484 as the range instead of E290::51D2:9008:C01D:6420E290::51D2:9008:C01D:651F. Import IP address file format When you have many IP addresses that you want to discover, consider using a discovery profile to import one or more files that list the addresses to include in and exclude from the discovery. An imported file can specify multiple single IP addresses or address ranges to include and exclude. Discovery supports both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols. Note: After creating the file, import it at the time you configure a discovery profile. To create a discovery profile, click Create new profile on the System Discovery page. For more information, see “Discovery profiles.” 162 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Importing a file that lists IP addresses to include and exclude applies only to the current discovery. To permanently exclude IP addresses from discovery, specify that IBM Systems Director permanently ignore the IP addresses. Excluding IP addresses in this way means that Systems Director does not communicate with or manage resources by using the excluded IP addresses. For more information, see “Permanently excluding IP addresses from discovery.” To import a file, the file must meet the following criteria: v The file must be a simple ASCII text file. The file extension does not matter. v The file must be located on the system that is running the web browser that you are using to create or edit the profile. v Case does not matter. v Do not use host names. v Each line of the file can contain only one IP address or one IP address range. v Write an IP address range as <start>-<end> where <start> is the starting IP address of the range and <end> is the ending IP address of the range. For example, this entry includes the specified IP address range: v To exclude a single IP address or IP address range, begin the line with exclude=. For example, both ExcluDe= or exclude=e290::51D2:9008:C01d:6420E290::51d2:9008:c01D:6484 are valid entries. Related tasks: Permanently excluding IP addresses from discovery IPv6 restrictions for discovery Starting with version 6.2, adds support for using IPv6 addresses to discover and manage resources. Keep in mind the following IPv6 considerations, whether you discover resources by specifying a single IP address, host name, or IP address range or by using a discovery profile to specify multiple IP addresses and address ranges. IPv6 in-band restrictions The following restriction applies when using IPv6 in-band for agentless-managed systems, Platform Agent managed systems, and Common Agent managed systems. Restriction: All discoverable operating systems that version 6.2 can manage by using IPv4 can also be managed by using IPv6 in-band, except for Windows 2003 and Windows XP. Microsoft does not officially support DHCPv6 client with Windows 2003 or Windows XP, and so neither is fully IPv6 compliant. IPv6 out-of-band restrictions The following restrictions affect discovery when using IPv6 out-of-band. Restriction: v IPv6 support for managing IBM BladeCenter servers out-of-band requires Advanced Management Module Firmware v3.54 (BPET54B) or higher. v IPv6 support for managing IBM Power Systems servers out-of-band through Hardware Management Console (HMC) requires HMC V7R350 SP1, V7 R710 or higher. Chapter 3. Discovering systems and collecting inventory data 163 v IPv6 support for managing Power Systems servers out-of-band through Integrated Virtualization Manager (IVM) requires IVM/Virtual I/O Server (VIOS) 2.1.3 or higher. v IPv6 support for managing Power Systems servers out-of-band using Flexible Service Processor (FSP) is currently not available. This restriction does not apply to Power Systems managed with IVM or HMC. v IPv6 support for managing IBM System x servers out-of-band using Integrated Management Module (IMM) is not available. v IPv6 support for managing IBM System x servers out-of-band using Integrated Management Module(IMM) II is available. For more information about IBM Systems Director support for IPv6, see “IPv6 compliance”. Related reference: IPv6 compliance Discovery profiles System discovery can use a discovery profile to discover manageable resources. A discovery profile is a group of discovery settings that are saved on IBM Systems Director Server. Settings for the profile include the type of resources to be discovered, and whether to automatically request access to or collect inventory for discovered resources. IBM Systems Director includes several default profiles that you can use, or you can create profiles to suit your specific requirements. Several options exist for working with discovery profiles. You can use the System Discovery page to run an existing profile or create a unique profile. Use the Manage Discovery Profiles page to create, copy, edit, delete, or run discovery profiles. Choosing to create or edit a discovery profile launches the Discovery Profile wizard, which helps you configure the profile. Typically, a default discovery profile searches the primary subnet for the specified target resources. Default profiles automatically use the IP address range of the current subnet, as determined by the last start of the IBM Systems Director Server. You can also create a profile that you base on a default profile. Simply changing the IP addresses might be sufficient to create a profile that suits your needs. When discovering a large number of resources, network traffic associated with the discovery process might cause timeouts that result in some discoverable resources remaining undiscovered. To help prevent this problem, use one or more discovery profiles. Using a discovery profile enables you to target specific resources and limit the number of communication protocols used during discovery. Limiting the number of communication protocols used when discovering a large number of resources helps avoid problems caused by network traffic collisions and timeouts. IBM Systems Director includes the following default profiles: Default agentless discovery Discovers agentless-managed systems running AIX, Linux, or Windows1. Default Common Agent discovery Discovers systems on the local subnet that have IBM Director Agent, versions 5.10 and 5.20, or Common Agent, version 5.0 or later, installed.2, Default getting started discovery Discovers a wide range of managed resources on the local subnet. For more information, see “Default getting started discovery profile”. 164 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide 3 Default HMC managing IBM Power Systems discovery Discovers IBM Power Systems and System z servers on the local subnet that are under the control of Hardware Management Console (HMC) or Integrated Virtualization Manager (IVM). Default IBM BladeCenter discovery Discovers IBM BladeCenter systems, by way of either a management module or an advanced management module. Default IBM Power Systems Servers with service processors discovery Discovers IBM Power Systems servers with service processors. Default IBM System x Servers with service processors discovery Discovers IBM System x servers with service processors. Default Platform Agent and agentless discovery Discovers IBM Systems Director Platform Agent , version 6.1 or later, managed systems; IBM Director Core Services, versions 5.10 and 5.20, managed systems; and agentless-managed systems running AIX, Linux, or Windows.4, 5 Footnotes: 1. Default agentless discovery profile does not discover agentless-managed systems enabled for SNMP. 2. Discovery of IBM Director Agent, versions 5.10 and 5.20 is provided only as a step toward upgrading discovered agents to a more recent version. IBM Systems Director version 6.2 does not support managing IBM Director Agent, version 5.10. For more information, see “Version compatibility of IBM Systems Director components.” 3. IPv6 is not supported for IBM Director Agent, versions 5.10 and 5.20. Common Agent version 6.2 includes support for IPv6. but previous versions do not support IPv6 addresses. 4. Discovery of IBM Director Core Services, versions 5.10 and 5.20, is provided only as a step toward upgrading discovered agents to a more recent version. IBM Systems Director version 6.2 does not support managing IBM Director Core Services, version 5.10. For more information, see “Version compatibility of IBM Systems Director components.” 5. IPv6 is not supported for IBM Director Core Services, versions 5.10 and 5.20. Platform Agent version 6.2 includes support for IPv6. but previous versions do not support IPv6 addresses. When you need to create a unique profile, the Discovery Profile wizard assists you in identifying the type (and subtype) of resource that you want to discover and configuring the necessary protocols. For more information about creating, editing and deleting profiles, see “Managing discovery profiles”. Related concepts: Discovery protocols Related tasks: Creating a discovery profile Managing discovery profiles Discovering and collecting inventory for storage devices Related reference: Version compatibility of IBM Systems Director components across releases Default getting started discovery profile: The Default getting started discovery profile discovers a range of manageable resources on your local subnet. Chapter 3. Discovering systems and collecting inventory data 165 The Default getting started discovery profile discovers the following types of managed resources on the local subnet: v Systems that are managed by using the following agents or services: – IBM Systems Director Common Agent, version 6.1 or later1 – IBM Systems Director Platform Agent, version 6.1 or later1 – IBM Director Agent, versions 5.10 and 5.202, 3 – IBM Director Core Services, versions 5.10 and 5.202, 3 v Any existing infrastructure being managed with Tivoli Common Agent Services v Agentless-managed systems enabled for Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) v Agentless-managed systems running AIX or Linux4 v Agentless-managed systems running Windows4 v Operating systems enabled for SNMP v VMware ESX and ESXi hosts 1. IPv6 is not supported for IBM Director Agent, versions 5.10 and 5.20 or IBM Director Core Services, versions 5.10 and 5.20. 2. Discovery of IBM Director Agent, versions 5.10 and 5.20, and IBM Director Core Services, versions 5.10 and 5.20, is provided only as a step toward upgrading the discovered agents to a more recent version. IBM Systems Director version 6.2 does not support managing IBM Director Agent, version 5.10 or IBM Director Core Services, version 5.10. For more information, see “Version compatibility of IBM Systems Director components.” 3. IPv6 is not supported for IBM Director Agent, versions 5.10 and 5.20 or IBM Director Core Services, versions 5.10 and 5.20. 4. For more information about preparing or configuring agentless-managed system so that IBM Systems Director can discover and manage them, see “Preparing agentless managed systems.” The Default getting started discovery profile attempts to discover systems by using all agent-related discovery protocols on the local subnet. This inefficiency might cause the management server to time out on one or more discovery requests, resulting in a small percentage of discoverable resources remaining undiscovered. Note: The time it takes for discovery to finish processing varies depending on such factors as network performance and the number of systems that are discovered. Avoid managing newly discovered resources for a time after the discovery task finishes, because associated processing continues to run. The Default getting started discovery profile does not discover every type of managed resource. For more information about how to discover other types of managed resources, see “System discovery.” 166 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: The Initial Setup tab System discovery Related tasks: Viewing the discovery manager summary Preparing agentless managed systems Related reference: Version compatibility of IBM Systems Director components across releases Discovery protocols A discovery protocol is any network communication protocol that IBM Systems Director Server uses during the discovery process to discover a resource. The Default getting started discovery profile uses a predetermined list of protocols. When you specify a single IP address, a single host name, or a single range of IP addresses, system discovery uses one or more protocols based on the selected target resource type. Using a discovery profile enables you to refine the target resource type and configure specific protocols that you want to use. The communication protocols that IBM Systems Director Server uses during discovery depend on the protocols used by the target resource type. You need to decide about the different protocols only when you create or edit a discovery profile. The Discovery Profile wizard helps you select and configure the correct protocol for the type of resource that you want to discover. When discovering a large number of resources, network traffic associated with the discovery process might cause timeouts that result in some discoverable resources remaining undiscovered. To help prevent this problem, use one or more discovery profiles. Using a discovery profile enables you to target specific resources and limit the number of communication protocols used during discovery. Limiting the number of communication protocols used when discovering a large number of resources helps avoid problems caused by network traffic collisions and timeouts. By default, IBM Systems Director supports the following discovery protocols: Agent manager discovery Agent manager discovery specifically targets the discovery of Tivoli common agents. In the Tivoli paradigm, Service Location Protocol (SLP) is not supported and management servers contact an agent manager that knows about the agents in their environment. You can select the agent managers that you want to use in discovery. Common Agent Services (CAS) discovery CAS discovery utilizes Service Location Protocol (SLP) discovery, with which clients can locate servers and other services on the network. Common Information Model (CIM) discovery CIM discovery utilizes the Service Location Protocol (SLP) for discovery. With CIM discovery, clients can locate servers and other services on the network. Interprocess communication (IPC) discovery IPC is the process by which programs send messages to each other. Sockets, semaphores, signals, and internal message queues are common methods of interprocess communication. IPC is also a mechanism of an Chapter 3. Discovering systems and collecting inventory data 167 operating system that enables processes to communicate with each other within the same computer or over a network. IPC leverages services that IBM Systems Director provides that components use to communicate with each other. By using these services, a server task can communicate with an agent task running on a target. Secure shell (ssh) discovery Secure shell is a Unix-based command interface and protocol for securely accessing a remote computer. With ssh discovery, you can specify either a single IP address or a range of IP addresses upon which to run discovery. Note: IBM Systems Director does not support the ssh protocol on ESXi. Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) discovery SNMP is a network management standard widely used in TCP/IP networks. SNMP performs management services by using a distributed architecture of management systems and agents. SNMP provides a method of managing network hosts such as workstation or server computers, routers, bridges, and hubs from a centrally-located computer running network-management software. Storage Management Initiative Specification (SMI-S) discovery With SMI-S discovery, clients can locate servers and other services on the network. It is a design specification developed by the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) that specifies a secure and reliable interface with which storage management systems (SMSs) can identify, classify, monitor, and control physical and logical resources in a storage area network (SAN). The interface integrates the various devices to be managed in a storage area network (SAN) and the tools used to manage them. Windows Distributed component object model (DCOM) discovery Use Windows DCOM (an extension of the Microsoft Component Object Model (COM) to support objects distributed across a network) configuration to specify either a single IP address or a range of IP addresses upon which to run discovery. Note: Additional discovery protocols are routinely created by vendors. For more information about communicating with a device that uses a protocol that is not listed here, contact the manufacturer or software provider for that device. 168 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: IP addresses IPv6 restrictions for discovery Discovery profiles Default getting started discovery profile Related tasks: Performing system discovery Choosing which discovery method to use Discovering your resources in the most efficient manner means deciding which method best suits your needs. Each method has advantages and disadvantages to consider. Table 12. Recommended use for each discovery method Discovery method When this discovery method is appropriate Specifying a single IP address or host name, or a range of IP addresses v You are managing a single subnet (or only a few subnets) and you want to manage all resources that are on the subnet or all resources of a given type. Using the Default getting started discovery profile v The subnet is a densely populated single range of IP addresses for a single resource type that you want to discover at one time. v Your management server (the system running IBM Systems Director Server) and all managed resources reside on a single subnet, for example, small and medium business (SMB) and small office or home office (SOHO) environments. v The subnet is densely populated with many types of agents or resources. v Efficiency is not required. For example, discovering a sparsely populated subnet by processing the entire subnet range takes longer because many requests that use many protocols must complete. Using a discovery profile (other than Default getting started) v Your resources span many subnets. v A specific type of resource occurs in multiple IP address ranges. v You want to automatically request access to or collect inventory for the discovered resources. v You need to discover various types of resources by using targeted discovery profiles. Each discovery method has advantages and disadvantages. Understanding this information can help you decide which discovery method is best for your systems-management environment. Chapter 3. Discovering systems and collecting inventory data 169 Table 13. Advantages and disadvantages of discovery methods Discovery method Advantages Disadvantages Specifying a single IP v Discovers one system or IP address range v Single-step task that can discover all address or host name, systems without requiring information by using the protocols associated with the or a range of IP specified resource type. This method of about what type of resource is located at addresses each IP address. discovery might be inefficient because all Note: Discovery the discovery protocols for the specified v Discovers a specific system by using an IP supports IPv4 and IPv6 resource are used on each IP address. This address or host name. protocols. inefficiency might cause the management v Discovers multiple systems by using a server to time out on one or more range of IP addresses. discovery requests, resulting in a small v Can limit discovery based on the resource percentage of discoverable resources type. remaining undiscovered. v Schedules to run discovery on a recurring basis Using the Default getting started discovery profile Easy to use. v Discovers only agents in the local subnet. Agents include: – IBM Systems Director Common Agent, version 6.1 or later1 – IBM Systems Director Platform Agent, version 6.1 or later1 – IBM Director Agent, versions 5.10 and 5.202, 3 – IBM Director Core Services, versions 5.10 and 5.202, 3 – Agentless-managed systems v An inefficient form of discovery because it attempts all agent-related discovery protocols on the local subnet. This inefficiency might cause the management server to time out on one or more discovery requests, resulting in a small percentage of discoverable resources remaining undiscovered. Using a discovery profile (other than Default getting started profile) v Provides various default discovery profiles. v Provides a wizard that helps you create a profile. v Does not provide a progress indicator for discovery completion. Instead, use the job progress indicator on the Active and Scheduled Jobs page. v Provides finer categories of resource types v Cannot discover multiple resource types in a single discovery profile. for selection. v Takes more time and system knowledge v Discovers multiple systems by using a to configure due to extensive options and range of IP addresses. settings. v Provides discovery-protocol selection that enables the most efficient discovery of target resources and reduces the chance for network timeouts. v Discovers multiple ranges of IP addresses. v Schedules to run discovery on a recurring basis. v Imports a list of IP addresses to discover. v Provides an option to automatically request access to discovered resources. v Provides an option to automatically collect inventory for discovered resources. 170 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Table 13. Advantages and disadvantages of discovery methods (continued) Discovery method Advantages Disadvantages 1. Common Agent version 6.2 and Platform Agent version 6.2 include support for IPv6. Previous versions of these agents do not support IPv6 addresses. 2. Discovery of IBM Director Agent, versions 5.10 and 5.20, and IBM Director Core Services, versions 5.10 and 5.20, is provided only as a step toward upgrading the discovered agents to a more recent version. IBM Systems Director version 6.2 does not support managing IBM Director Agent, version 5.10 or IBM Director Core Services, version 5.10. For more information, see “Version compatibility of IBM Systems Director components.” 3. IPv6 is not supported for IBM Director Agent, versions 5.10 and 5.20 or IBM Director Core Services, versions 5.10 and 5.20. Related concepts: System discovery Default getting started discovery profile Discovery profiles Related reference: Version compatibility of IBM Systems Director components across releases Viewing the discovery manager summary You can view a summary of all activity within the past 30 days that is associated with discovery, including discovered systems, collected inventory data, system access, and system authentication. The information on the summary page is refreshed automatically when there are any changes. To view the discovery manager summary, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director navigation area, click Home. 2. On the Home page, click the Plug-ins tab. A list of available summary pages is displayed. 3. On the Plug-ins tab, scroll to the Discovery manager section heading and click it. The discovery manager summary for the past 30 days is displayed. 4. View the Discovery and Inventory section. This section provides the following information: v A pie chart and corresponding list that indicate the number of discovered systems for which inventory was collected, broken down into the following three categories: – Systems with no agent (agentless) Note: Agentless pertains to a type of data collection that is accomplished without installing additional agents. Data is obtained by using software that is already installed on the resource. – Systems with a platform agent – Systems with a common agent Click any of the category list items to see a breakdown of the systems in that category. v The number of discovered systems for which no inventory was collected. Note: A system that has not been discovered does not show up anywhere on this page. v In the Common tasks area, the following links are provided: Chapter 3. Discovering systems and collecting inventory data 171 System Discovery Use the System Discovery page to run a discovery. Discover specific types of resources for a single IP address or host name or a single IP address range, or you can use a discovery profile to customize the discovery settings. Collect and view inventory Use the View and Collect Inventory page to collect the most current inventory from a resource or view the inventory of a resource. Resource Explorer Use the Resource Explorer page to view and manage discovery options on an individual resource level. 5. View the Access and Authentication section. This section provides the following information: v The number of systems that are accessible. v A pie chart and corresponding list that indicate the access levels of the systems, broken down into the following three categories: Systems with no access IBM Systems Director is not authenticated to these systems and is unable to perform any tasks on them. Systems with partial access IBM Systems Director has full access to some remote service access points for these systems but no access to others. Note: A system with partial access has multiple access points, but not all these access points are accessible. To gain full access, you must configure credentials to authenticate with each of the access points. For more information, see “Accessing a secured system with configure access” and “Accessing a secured system with request access”. Systems with full access IBM Systems Director is fully authenticated and, barring other inhibitors, able to perform tasks on these systems. Click any of the category list items to see a breakdown of the systems in that category. v In the Common tasks area, the following links are provided: Request access for 'no access' systems Use the Request access for 'no access' systems page to view the list of systems that are in the no access state. Also use this page to request access, with a user ID and password, for any of the listed 'no access' systems. Manage Credentials Use the Manage Credentials page to manage all your shared credentials. You also can reach the summary page by using Find a Task. For more information, see “Finding a task.” 172 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: System discovery Related tasks: Finding a task Accessing a secured system with request access Accessing a secured system with configure access Managing credentials Renaming discovered systems automatically You can configure IBM Systems Director to automatically rename each discovered system by using a customized template. Following discovery, IBM Systems Director assigns a name to each discovered system, which might not suitable for your environment. To help better organize your systems and ensure consistency among system names, you can rename each system to follow a convention. You can use Resource Explorer to rename each system individually, but this can be time consuming when you have many discovered systems. An easier and more efficient option is to configure IBM Systems Director to rename each discovered system by using a customized template. To automatically rename discovered systems, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, expand Settings and then click Auto Rename. The Auto Rename page opens. 2. On the Auto Rename page, select the profile that you want to customize for automatic renaming and click Edit. The Edit Template page opens. 3. Customize the template to be used when systems are automatically renamed and enable the auto rename task: a. Decide which variable should be displayed first in the name of each resource and select it from the list, which varies depending on the resource type that is selected. Note: To specify text to be inserted into the name template, select %TEXT%, then enter the text. b. Click Insert. c. Select each subsequent variable and click Insert after each one. d. Select Yes to enable auto rename. 4. Click OK. The template is displayed in the table. 5. To set up targets and options for your auto rename task, click Rename. The Job Launcher page opens. Make your selections, then click OK. The auto rename task runs or is scheduled to run. Chapter 3. Discovering systems and collecting inventory data 173 Related concepts: Discovery profiles Manageable systems and system types Discovering systems with system discovery Use the system discovery task to discover one or more resources based on a specific IP address, host name, or range of IP addresses or by using a discovery profile. You can also use system discovery to discover properly configured systems that use mirrored images. View the results of the current system discovery or a system discovery that ran previously. Related concepts: IP addresses IPv6 restrictions for discovery Discovery profiles Discovery protocols Related tasks: Choosing which discovery to use Performing a system discovery Use the System Discovery task to discover one or more resources by specifying a single IP address, single host name, or a single range of IP addresses, or by using a discovery profile. To perform a system discovery, complete the following steps: Note: v Discover only those resources that you intend to manage with IBM Systems Director. For example, if the management interfaces of your networking equipment are on a single subnet, yet you do not intend to manage your networking equipment with IBM Systems Director, do not discover devices on that subnet. v When discovering a large number of resources, network traffic associated with the discovery process might cause timeouts that result in some discoverable resources remaining undiscovered. To help prevent this problem, use one or more discovery profiles. Using a discovery profile enables you to target specific resources and limit the number of communication protocols used during discovery. Limiting the number of communication protocols used when discovering a large number of resources helps avoid problems caused by network traffic collisions and timeouts. 1. Open the System Discovery page as follows: v From the Initial Setup tab on the Home page, click System discovery. The System Discovery page is displayed. 2. Select one of the following discovery methods: 174 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Table 14. System discovery methods To do this task: Complete these steps: Use a single IPv4 or IPv6 address 1. Select Single IPv4 address or Single IPv6 address from the Select a discovery option field. 2. In the IP address field, type the IP address of the system that you want to discover. 3. If you want to discover only a specific resource type, select it from the Select the resource type to discover list. Use a range of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses 1. Select Range of IPv4 addresses or Range of IPv6 addresses from the Select a discovery option field. 2. For the IP address range that contains the systems that you want to discover, type the complete low-end IP address in the Starting IP address fields and the last piece of the high-end IP address in the Ending IP address field. 3. If you want to discover only a specific resource type, select it from the Select the resource type to discover list. Use the host name of a system 1. Select Single host name from the Select a discovery option field. 2. In the Host name field, type the host name of the system that you want to discover. 3. If you want to discover only a specific resource type, select it from the Select the resource type to discover list. Use an existing discovery profile 1. Select Select a discovery profile to run from the Select a discovery option field. 2. Select the profile that you want to use from the Discovery profile to run field. Create and use a discovery profile 1. Click Create new profile under Advanced Tasks. 2. Use the Discovery Profile wizard to create a discovery profile. After saving the profile, the System Discovery page display automatically, and the profile you created is already selected. 3. Run the discovery. v Click Discover Now if you want to run the discovery immediately. v Click Schedule if you want to schedule the discovery to run at a specific time. The Job Launcher page is displayed. Use the Job Launcher page to configure the Schedule, Notification, and Options settings for the discovery task. The System discovery page updates in the following ways: v A message displays information about the job under which the discovery task runs. v When the discovery task runs immediately, a status icon and text message indicate the status of the discovery process. Chapter 3. Discovering systems and collecting inventory data 175 v As the process discovers manageable resources, the Discovered Manageable Systems table displays them. The Discovered Manageable Systems table displays the resources that are discovered during the current discovery and those resources that were discovered previously. v The Discover Now and Schedule buttons are deactivated and the Stop and New Discovery buttons appear. 4. Optional: If you want to stop the discovery process, click Stop. If you want to run a new discovery while the current discovery continues to run, click New Discovery. When you choose to run a new discovery, the Discovered Manageable Systems table displays results for the new discovery only. To view the results of the current discovery, use the Discovery jobs task. As the process discovers manageable resources, the Discovered Manageable Systems table displays them, including those resources that were discovered previously. Note: After a resource is discovered, the virtual systems that are associated with that resource are also discovered. v To view the results of a specific discovery that ran at a previous time or a discovery that is scheduled to run at a later time, use the Discovery jobs task. v To view all discovered resources, use the Resource Explorer task. Note: The time it takes for discovery to finish processing varies depending on such factors as network performance and the number of systems that are discovered. Avoid managing newly discovered resources for a time after the discovery task finishes, because associated processing continues to run. When the discovery process completes, the status icon and text message disappear and the Discover Now and Schedule buttons become active again. Related concepts: System discovery IP addresses IPv6 restrictions for discovery Discovery profiles Default getting started discovery profile Related tasks: Choosing which discovery to use Accessing a secured system with request access Discovering and collecting inventory for storage devices Related reference: IPv6 restrictions for discovery Discovering systems that use a mirrored image Systems that are cloned (or use a mirrored image) and managed by must be correctly configured to ensure their successful discovery. To discover cloned systems, they must be configured in the following ways: v All cloned systems must have a unique identifier (UID). v Each cloned Common Agent managed system must have a globally unique identifier (GUID). 176 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide v Any cloned system that uses Secure Shell (SSH) must have a unique Secure Shell (SSH) host key. To discover cloned systems, perform the following steps before discovering them. If you have previously discovered the cloned systems, remove the managed systems and their operating systems from Systems Director before proceeding. Note: On AIX you can also use the reset_diragent_keys command to perform these steps automatically. See “reset_diragent_keys command” for information. 1. For the specified mirrored systems, view and compare the UID entries on the host and the mirrored system to ensure that the UID entries are unique. For Common Agent managed systems, perform a similar comparison for the Tivoli GUID entries. Important: Common Agent contains a platform agent. Therefore, if you have a common agent, you need to complete the common agent and the platform agent steps. For instructions to search for existing resources, see the topic “Finding systems and other resources”. Platform Instructions AIX, Linux For Platform Agent managed systems, run the following command: od -t x1 /etc/ibm/director/twgagent/twgagent.uid For Common Agent managed systems, run the following command: v For AIX: LANG=C;/usr/tivoli/guid/tivguid -Show v For Linux: LANG=C;/opt/tivoli/guid/tivguid -Show IBM i (formerly i5/OS) Note: Some characters are not readable. For Platform Agent managed systems, run the following command: DSPF STMF(’/etc/ibm/director/twgagent/twgagent.uid’) For Common Agent managed systems, run the following command: DSPF STMF(’/etc/TIVGUID’) Note: Alternatively, use the following command to create a spoolfile that contains the viewable TIVGUID: SBMJOB CMD(CALL PGM(QCASNATIVE/GUID) PARM(’-show’)) JOBD(QCPMGTDIR/QCPMGTDIR) Windows For all mirrored systems, compare the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ ComputerName\ComputerName\TWGMachineID Note: The UID is displayed in reverse byte order. For Common Agent managed systems, from the \Program Files\tivoli\guid directory, run tivguid.exe -Show. 2. For all mirrored systems, remove the UID entry that might have been duplicated. For instructions to remove a resource, see the topic "Removing a resource". Platform Instructions AIX, Linux Run the following command: rm -f /etc/ibm/director/twgagent/ twgagent.uid IBM i (formerly i5/OS) Remove the following file: /etc/ibm/director/twgagent/ twgagent.uid Chapter 3. Discovering systems and collecting inventory data 177 Platform Instructions Windows For all mirrored systems, delete the following value in the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ ComputerName\ComputerName key Value: TWGMachineID 3. For Agentless managed systems, proceed to step 4 on page 179. For Common Agent managed systems generate a new Tivoli GUID and a new UID. For Platform Agent managed systems, generate a new UID: Platform Instructions AIX, Linux Run the following command: v For AIX: /opt/ibm/director/bin/genuid v For Linux: /opt/ibm/platform/bin/genuid And, for Common Agent managed systems, also run the following commands: 1. /opt/ibm/director/agent/runtime/agent/bin/ stop 2. v For AIX: LANG=C;/usr/tivoli/guid/tivguid -Write -New v For Linux: LANG=C;/opt/tivoli/guid/tivguid -Write -New 3. /opt/ibm/director/agent/runtime/agent/bin/ start 4. Delete these files: /opt/ibm/director/agent/data/collectioncache.txt /opt/ibm/director/agent/data/providercache.txt /opt/ibm/director/agent/conf/.settings/instancecache/* /opt/ibm/director/agent/data/instancecache/* IBM i For Platform Agent managed systems, restart the platform agent. For Common Agent managed systems, perform the following steps: 1. Run the following command to stop the Platform Agent: ENDTCPSVR SERVER(*CIMOM) 2. Run the following command to stop the Common Agent: ENDTCPSVR SERVER(*HTTP) HTTPSVR(CAS) 3. Run the following commands: a. SBMJOB CMD(CALL PGM(QCASNATIVE/GUID) PARM(’-Remove’)) JOBD(QCPMGTDIR/QCPMGTDIR) b. SBMJOB CMD(CALL PGM(QCASNATIVE/GUID) PARM(’-Create’)) JOBD(QCPMGTDIR/QCPMGTDIR) 4. Use the following command to start the Platform Agent: STRTCPSVR SERVER(*CIMOM) 5. Use the following command to start the Common Agent: STRTCPSVR SERVER(*HTTP) HTTPSVR(CAS) 178 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Platform Instructions Windows For Common Agent managed systems, run the following commands: v From the C:\Program Files\tivoli\guid\ directory, run tivguid.exe -Write -New v From the C:\Program Files\IBM\Director\bin\ directory, run GENUID.exe For Platform Agent managed systems, from the C:\Program Files\IBM\Director\bin\ directory, run GENUID.exe 4. If the mirrored system does not use SSH, go to step 10 on page 180. 5. If you must determine the SSH key, run the following command: ssh-keygen -lf /etc/ssh/ 6. If the mirrored system uses SSH, stop ssh: Platform Instructions AIX Run the following command: stopsrc -s sshd Linux Run one of the following commands: v /etc/init.d/sshd stop v service sshd stop IBM i The command you must run depends on which version of the operating system you are running. For more information, see IBM Portable Utilities for i. Windows Consult the documentation for the SSH client that you are using. 7. Delete the SSH host keys: Platform Instructions AIX, Linux Run the following commands: 1. rm /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key 2. rm /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key 3. rm /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key IBM i The command syntax depends on which version of the operating system you are running. For more information, see IBM Portable Utilities for i. Windows Delete the following files: v C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\etc\ssh_host_rsa_key v C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\etc\ssh_host_dsa_key 8. If your SSH client requires that you explicitly regenerate the SSH host keys, run the commands to regenerate them. Note: Some SSH clients require that you run specific commands to regenerate the SSH host keys, but some regenerate the SSH host keys when you restart SSH. Chapter 3. Discovering systems and collecting inventory data 179 Platform Instructions AIX, Linux Run the following commands: Note: In the following commands, " represents two single quotation mark characters ('). 1. /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key -N ’’ -t rsa1 2. /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key -N ’’ -t rsa 3. /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key -t dsa -N ’’ IBM i How you regenerate the SSH host keys depends on which version of the operating system you are running. For more information, see IBM Portable Utilities for i. Windows Determine if you must manually regenerate the SSH host keys by consulting the documentation for the SSH client that you are using. 9. Restart the SSH service: Platform Instructions AIX Run this command: startsrc -s sshd Linux Run one of the following commands: v /etc/init.d/sshd start v service sshd start IBM i The command syntax depends on which version of the operating system you are running. For more information, see IBM Portable Utilities for i. Windows Consult the documentation for the SSH client that you are using. 10. For Agentless managed systems, go to the next step. For Common Agent managed systems, follow these steps: a. Stop Common Agent Services by running by running the appropriate command: Windows: <install_directory>\IBM\Director\agent\runtime\agent\ bin\endpoint.bat stop Linux: /opt/ibm/director/agent/runtime/agent/bin/ stop b. Stop IBMSA and tier1slp by running net stop ibmsa. Respond Yes to the prompt that asks to stop tier1slp. c. Start IBMSA by running net start ibmsa. d. Start tier1slp by running net start tier1slp. e. Start Common Agent Services by running the appropriate command: Windows: <install_directory>\IBM\Director\agent\runtime\agent\ bin\endpoint.bat start Linux: /opt/ibm/director/agent/runtime/agent/bin/ start 11. Run system discovery to discover the cloned system: a. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface, click Inventory > System Discovery. b. Specify either the IP address or the host name of the cloned system, then click Discover Now. 180 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide 12. If the endpoint was incorrectly mirrored previously, you must reauthenticate to the newly mirrored system and any other endpoints that might have been merged with it. Related concepts: Discovery protocols Related tasks: Removing a resource Finding systems and other resources Related reference: reset_diragent_keys command Managing systems that have duplicate SSH keys For IBM Systems Director to identify a managed system, the system must provide unique keys. However, sometimes the SSH key on AIX systems is not unique. If possible, use the reset_diragent_keys command to change the SSH keys to make them unique. If you cannot change the SSH keys, follow these instructions. Important: v If a managed system duplicates the SSH key for the operating system that hosts Systems Director server, do not follow these steps. Do not reset the SSH keys or UID on the Systems Director server, and do not remove the operating system from Systems Director. If this happens, contact Support. v If you ran discovery and did not follow these steps first, Systems Director discovers the systems with duplicate SSH keys, but treats them as one system. To fix this, follow the steps in “Getting rid of duplicate entries” on page 182. For Systems Director to manage an AIX system that has duplicate SSH keys, complete these steps: v Set the universal ID (UID) for the Systems Director agent to a unique value. v Omit the SSH protocol when discovering the AIX system. Follow these steps to reset the agent UID and discover the system without the SSH protocol: 1. Run this command to display the UID: od –t x1 /etc/ibm/director/ twgagent/twgagent.uid. 2. If the UID is duplicated with the IBM Systems Director Server Server or another server that is managed by Systems Director, run these commands to remove and reset it: rm –f /etc/ibm/director/twgagent/twgagent.uid /opt/ibm/director/bin/genuid 3. Register the system to Systems Director by using one of these methods. It must be registered without discovering the SSH protocol. v Run the command from the system as follows. Specify the following on one line: /opt/ibm/director/runtime/agent/toolkit/bin/ -amhost agent_manager -passwd agent_registration_password -force The variables have the following values: Chapter 3. Discovering systems and collecting inventory data 181 agent_manager IP address or network name of the system where the agent manager is installed. This is typically the Systems Director management server. agent_registration_password The password that was specified when the command was run. v Use a customized Systems Director discovery profile to add the system to Systems Director without SSH protocol discovery. There are several pre-defined discovery profiles, including Default Common Agent discovery. These profiles are set up to run discovery on the subnet that Systems Director is installed on. To specify a different IP address, copy and edit the profile. See “Editing, copying, and deleting discovery profiles” for details. Related tasks: Editing, copying, and deleting discovery profiles Getting rid of duplicate entries To determine whether this issue exists, list the discovered operating systems in Resource Explorer. If it lists IP addresses for an operating system that are associated with a different system, run the following commands. These commands are further described in “Agent Manager Toolkit Usage”. 1. Remove all duplicated operating system resources from Systems Director. For instructions, see “Removing a resource”. Important: v If a managed system duplicates the SSH key for the operating system that hosts Systems Director server, do not follow these steps. Do not reset the SSH keys or UID on the Systems Director server, and do not remove the operating system from Systems Director. If this happens, contact Support. v If you ran discovery and did not follow these steps first, Systems Director discovers the systems with duplicate SSH keys, but treats them as one system. To fix this, follow the steps in “Getting rid of duplicate entries.” 2. Log in as root or Administrator, navigate to AgentManager_Home/toolkit/bin and run this command: ./ –toolkitPassword password The toolkit password is the Resource Manager password that was defined when the command was run during the Systems Director install. A list of all agents is shown. 3. Look for agents that have the wrong IP addresses for the hostname. These agents need to be removed. 4. Run the LogicallyDeleteAgents command for each agent that needs to be removed. This command sets the identified agents to be expired: ./ –toolkitPassword password -me management_element_ID The management element ID is listed in the RetrieveAgents output. The toolkit password is the Resource Manager password that was defined when the command was run during the Systems Director install. 5. Run the PurgeAgents command for each agent that needs to be removed. This command removes the expired agent from the Agent Manager: 182 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide ./ –toolkitPassword password The toolkit password is the Resource Manager password that was defined when the command was run during the Systems Director install. 6. Follow the steps in the previous section to reset the ssh key or UID on all duplicate servers. 7. Follow the steps in the previous section to rediscover and re-access each managed system. Discovering IMMs for managing and updating physical servers If it has been discovered correctly, an integrated management module (IMM) can be used to update a target physical server. If these steps are not done correctly, you cannot use the IMM to update the target endpoints. A VMWare operating system installed on the physical server has a separate IP address and must be discovered separately. Therefore, to manage all virtual and physical components within a physical server managed by an IMM, you must perform two separate discoveries: one for the IMM and another for the operating system. Note: The order of discovery does not matter, but the System Discovery task has to be run once for each of the IP addresses. Follow these steps to discover the operating system first. To discover the IMM first, use the information in “Viewing system discovery results”. After discovering the IMM, discover the virtual operating system as usual. 1. Discover the operating system-managed endpoint by using its IP address. For example, if you have an ESXi VMware operating system, this is the address that you use to contact ESX. 2. Log in with an ID that has administrator privileges and request access to the operating system. Ensure that the operating system is unlocked completely. Additionally, the physical server-managed endpoint access status should be “OK”. 3. Collect inventory. Before continuing, ensure that the inventory is collected without errors. 4. Use the IMM IP address to discover the IMM. This IP address should be different from the operating system’s IP address. 5. Use the IMM credentials to unlock the physical server from step 2. 6. Collect inventory for the IMM. The IMM is now listed with a machine type of “Integrated Management Module”. It can now be used to send updates. Note: In all, there are at most three managed endpoints: v Operating system. v Physical server. This is also the server managed endpoint for the IMM. Chapter 3. Discovering systems and collecting inventory data 183 Related tasks: Collecting inventory Discovering systems with system discovery Viewing system discovery results Discovering VIOS servers managed by an HMC Follow these steps to discover and access VIOS servers that are managed by a Hardware Management Console (HMC). Important: Do not manually discover a VIOS that is managed by an HMC. Doing so might cause problems, for example, Systems Director might not be able to access the VIOS correctly. Follow these steps to discover the HMC and VIOS servers: 1. Ensure that your HMC is enabled for discovery. For instructions, see “Preparing Hardware Management Console devices for discovery with IBM Systems Director”. 2. In the IBM Systems Director interface, click Inventory > System Discovery. 3. Specify the appropriate information to discover the HMC. When the HMC is discovered, the name is displayed in the Discovered Systems table, with “No access” listed. 4. Right-click the name of the HMC and select Security > Request access. 5. Enter the user ID and password for the HMC and click Request access. The requested HMC is now displayed with the Access value of OK. Next, Systems Director automatically discovers the VIOS servers that the HMC manages. 6. Run inventory on the HMC. Related tasks: Preparing HMC devices for discovery Discovering the operating systems that have vCenter installation Follow the steps to discover the operating systems that have vCenter installation. To discover the operating systems where vCenter is installed, complete the following steps: 1. Ensure that the vCenter service is running on the operating system 2. In the IBM Systems Director interface, click Inventory > System Discovery. 3. Specify the appropriate information to discover the operating system. When the operating system is discovered, the name is displayed in the Discovered Systems table with No access. 4. Right-click the name of the system and select Security > Request access. 5. Enter the user ID and password for the OS and click Request access. The operating system is now displayed with the Access value set to OK. The IBM Systems Director automatically discovers and requests access to the host servers that VCenter manages. You can check whether the vCenter is discovered. To ensure that the vCenter is discovered, right click the Operating System Management endpoints, select 184 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Security > Config Access to check the Remote Service Access Points (RSAP). The RASP shows a vCenter in the list, and the URL of RSAP is like https://ip:port’. By default, the port is 443. Viewing system discovery results Viewing the systems and other resources discovered during and after discovery is an important aspect of performing system discovery. Generally, use the System discovery page to view results of a running discovery task and use the Discovery jobs task to view results of a previous discovery task. When you are viewing results of a system discovery, keep in mind the following points: v The discovery process discovers only systems and other types of resources that can be managed by IBM Systems Director. In other words, just because you can "ping" a resource does not mean that IBM Systems Director can discover it. v Some results indicate multiple IP addresses on the same discovered resource that might represent separate operating systems, components, or other items. Consider the following examples: – Results indicate two IP addresses for a particular server that uses an integrated management module (IMM). In this case, one IP address represents the external IP of the IMM and the other IP address is a USB network connection. Both discovered resources are valid. – Results indicate multiple operating systems for a particular server that uses more than one network interface card. In this case, successfully requesting access to the discovered resources removes multiple occurrences of the operating system. v The discovery process might create an operating system resource for any device that supports the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol. For example, discovery results might show a IBM BladeCenter chassis resource and an operating system resource for a single managed resource (the chassis). If that managed resource is not an operating system (for example, a switch, storage device, or BladeCenter chassis), then the associated operating system resource is invalid. Either ignore or remove the associated operating system resource. Requesting access to such an invalid operating system resource might lead to errors and further confusion. Using system discovery to view current results Use the System Discovery task to view a table that contains the results of your current system discovery task. To use the System Discovery task to view the system discovery results as you discover systems, complete the following steps: 1. Open the System Discovery page as follows: v From the Initial Setup tab on the Home page, click System discovery. The System Discovery page is displayed. 2. Discover systems by using one of the available methods. 3. View systems as they are discovered in the Discovered Manageable Systems table. Note: When you are viewing results of a system discovery, consider the following items: v Displayed results include resources discovered by other IBM Systems Director users who are accessing the same management server to perform Chapter 3. Discovering systems and collecting inventory data 185 discoveries. So the Discovered Manageable Systems table displays results that might include additional resources that are not located at the target IP addresses or host names that you expect. v When you click New Discovery to run a new discovery while a previous discovery is still running, the Discovered Manageable Systems table does not include results for the previous discovery. To view results for the previous discovery, you must use the Discovery Jobs task or the Active and Scheduled Jobs task. After the discovery process completes, all the discovered manageable systems are displayed in the Discovered Manageable Systems table. The table maintains the information until you close the Systems Discovery page, at which time it is cleared. Note: Any discovered manageable system also is listed in one or more groups on the Resource Explorer page. Related concepts: System discovery Manageable resource types Manageable systems and system types Related tasks: Finding and navigating resources Using discovery jobs to view previous results Use the Discovery Jobs task to view the results of a specific system discovery task that ran previously or one that is running. For IBM Systems Director to retain the results of a specific system discovery task, the job under which the task ran must still exist. To use the Discovery Jobs task to view the results of a specific system discovery task, complete the following steps: 1. Open the System Discovery page as follows: v From the Initial Setup tab on the Home page, click System discovery. The System Discovery page is displayed. 2. Under Advanced Tasks, click Discovery jobs. The Active and Schedule Jobs page displays. The entries in the Discovery jobs table include only those jobs under which system discovery tasks ran. Note: By using the Discovery Jobs task, the Active and Scheduled Jobs page displays the Discovery jobs table, which displays only discovery-related jobs. If you use the Active and Scheduled Jobs task, the resulting Active and Scheduled Jobs table lists all jobs, including those jobs that are not related to system discovery. 3. In the Discovery jobs table, click the job that represents the system discovery for which you want to view the results. The properties page for the selected entry displays. 4. Click the Discovered Systems tab to view the Discovered Manageable Systems table, which contains results for the system discovery task. Each system discovery task runs under a specific job. If that job is not deleted, you can use the Discovery jobs task to view results for the associated system discovery. Note: Typically, it is easier to use the System Discovery page to view the results of a currently running system discovery task. However, when you click New 186 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Discovery on the System Discovery page to run another discovery while the previous discovery is still running, you must use the Discovery Jobs task (or the Active and Scheduled Jobs task) to view results for the previous discovery. Related concepts: Manageable resource types Manageable systems and system types Related tasks: Viewing active and scheduled job information Managing discovery profiles Use the Managing Discovery Profiles page to create a unique discovery profile, create a profile based on an existing profile, edit an existing profile, or delete one or more profiles. Related concepts: System discovery Discovery profiles Creating a discovery profile Use the Manage Discovery Profiles page to create a discovery profile. You can create a unique profile or you can create a profile that you base on an existing profile. Before you start creating a profile, determine if a profile exists that at least in part suits your needs. For example, IBM Systems Director for 6.2 includes several default profiles created to find specific types of resources. To examine a default profile more closely, on the Manage Discovery Profiles page, select the profile that you want to examine, then click Edit. (Using Edit on a default profile enables you to examine all the profile settings, but it does not allow you to change any of them.) To create a discovery profile, complete the following steps: 1. Open the System Discovery page as follows: v From the Initial Setup tab on the Home page, click System discovery. The System Discovery page is displayed. 2. Under Advanced Tasks, click Manage discovery profiles. The Manage Discovery Profiles page is displayed. 3. On the Manage Discovery Profiles page, use one of the following methods to start the Discovery Profile wizard. v To create a unique discovery profile, click Create. v To create a profile that is based on an existing profile, select the profile that you want to copy, then click Create Like. You can use Create Like with a default profile to easily alter the IP addresses settings to find specific resources at new addresses that you specify. 4. Use the Discovery Profile wizard to create and save your discovery profile. After you exit the Discovery Profile wizard, the new discovery profile appears in the Discovery Profiles table on the Manage Discovery Profiles page and in the list of available profiles to run on the System Discovery page. Chapter 3. Discovering systems and collecting inventory data 187 Related concepts: System discovery Discovery profiles Related tasks: Editing, copying, and deleting discovery profiles Editing, copying, and deleting discovery profiles Use the Manage Discovery Profiles page to create a unique discovery profile, create a discovery profile like an existing profile, edit a profile, or delete a profile. To edit or delete a discovery profile, or to create a profile based on an existing profile, a discovery profile must exist. You can also use this page to create a unique discovery profile that you then can manage. See “Creating a discovery profile” for instructions. To edit or delete a discovery profile, or to create a profile based on an existing profile, complete the following steps: 1. Open the System Discovery page as follows: v From the Initial Setup tab on the Home page, click System discovery. The System Discovery page is displayed. 2. Under Advanced Tasks, click Manage discovery profiles. The Manage Discovery Profiles page is displayed. 3. On the Manage Discovery Profiles page, select one of the following actions. Note: When working with discovery profiles, you can select one or more profiles at a time. If you select multiple profiles, you have only the options of running them or deleting them. Table 15. Discovery profile actions 188 To do this task: Complete these steps: Create a discovery profile based on an existing profile 1. Select the profile on which you want to base the new discovery profile. 2. Click Create Like. The Discovery Profile wizard is displayed. The profile name defaults to Copy of (original profile name), but the remaining fields retain the same values and selections as the original profile. 3. Edit the profile properties as needed, clicking Next to continue through the wizard. 4. Click Finish to exit the wizard. The new discovery profile appears in the Discovery Profiles table on the Manage Discovery Profiles page and in the list of available profiles to run on the System Discovery page. Edit an existing discovery profile 1. Select the profile that you want to edit. 2. Click Edit. The Discovery Profile wizard is displayed. 3. Edit the profile properties as needed, clicking Next to continue through the wizard. 4. Click Finish. IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Table 15. Discovery profile actions (continued) To do this task: Complete these steps: Delete an existing discovery profile 1. Select the profile that you want to delete. 2. Click Delete. A confirmation message is displayed. 3. Click OK in the confirmation message box to delete the selected profile. The deleted profile no longer appears in the Discovery Profiles table on the Manage Discovery Profiles page or in the list of available profiles to run on the System Discovery page. Note: Any scheduled event that uses a deleted profile continues to run as scheduled. When the scheduled event tries to run the deleted profile, the event fails. Related concepts: System discovery Discovery profiles Related tasks: Creating a discovery profile Permanently excluding IP addresses from discovery Attempting to discover resources at IP addresses that you do not want to discover or cannot manage takes extra time and can negatively affect discovery performance. When you have many IP addresses that you want all future discoveries to permanently ignore, consider updating IP preferences for the management server. Updating the file causes all future discoveries to ignore the specified IP addresses, but also prevents IBM Systems Director from communicating with or managing the IP addresses. Note: Before editing the file, consider carefully whether you want to prevent Systems Director from communicating with or managing the specified IP addresses. If you want only the discovery process to ignore the IP addresses without disrupting the ability of Systems Director to communicate with the IP addresses, use a discovery profile to exclude the IP addresses. You can configure a discovery profile to import a file that specifies the IP addresses to exclude. By using the imported file, discovery ignores the excluded IP addresses only when running the associated profile. For more information, see “Import address file”. Consider having Systems Director permanently ignore IP addresses only if at least one of the following conditions applies: v The specified IP address or address range represents one or more multiple network interface cards that you want to prevent communicating withSystems Director v The specified IP address or address range represents one or more resources thatSystems Director cannot manage or resources that you do not want Systems Director to manage v The specified subnet is not one that Systems Director uses to manage resources Chapter 3. Discovering systems and collecting inventory data 189 You can exclude one or more individual IP addresses, an address range, or an entire subnet. For example: v When a managed resource has multiple network interface cards, exclude all but the IP address that Systems Director uses to communicate with the resource. v When managed resources are on more than one subnet, exclude the subnet that Systems Director does not use to manage resources. To permanently exclude IP addresses, perform the following steps: 1. Use a text editor to open an empty file named in the following location: install_path/data/ where install_path is the path where you installed IBM Systems Director Server. Note: If the /data/ file exists, open the file with a text editor, then go to the next step. 2. Type the IP addresses that you want to exclude:<IP_addresses> where IP_address is one or more IPv4 or IPv6 addresses or address ranges that you want to exclude. v To exclude one or more individual IP addresses, use a comma character (,) to separate the IP addresses:, v To exclude an IP address range: v To exclude a subnet, use the asterisk character (*) as a wildcard:* Note: v All entries in the file must be on the same line. v To insert a comment, begin the line with a number (#) character. 3. Save and close the file. For Systems Director to ignore the excluded IP addresses, you must restart the management server. Related concepts: IP addresses IPv6 restrictions for discovery Import IP address file format Collecting and viewing inventory data Inventory collection is the process by which IBM Systems Director Server establishes connections with network-level resources, such as computers, switches, or printers, that have already been discovered and collects data about the hardware and software that is currently installed on those resources. Use the View and Collect Inventory task to view and manage an extended set of resources and relationships for network-level resources that have already been discovered. Before you can collect inventory for a resource and view the inventory data, you must discover the resource by using System Discovery and also have access to it. 190 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related tasks: Discovering systems with system discovery Accessing a secured system with request access Related reference: Inventory troubleshooting Inventory data and collection profiles IBM Systems Director uses inventory collection profiles to collect inventory data from discovered resources. After you collect inventory, you can view the inventory items, their attributes, and the values of those attributes by using the Refresh View option. The inventory items that are displayed include physical, logical, and virtual hardware; software applications, operating systems, middleware, firmware, BIOS, and diagnostic information; network information; and system-contained resources. Note: You must discover a management module, such as CMM, before inventory items can be displayed. You cannot use SNMP to retrieve the information. Inventory data comprises three parts: inventory item, inventory attribute, and inventory value. Inventory item A distinct part of a resource that makes up the whole. The inventory item might fall into the following categories: basic system information, hardware inventory, or software inventory. For example, hardware inventory might include a physical card as an inventory item. Inventory attribute The details about an inventory item, for example, the attributes for a physical card might include the name, the date it was last changed, a description, FRU number, manufacturer date, physical element manufacturer, physical element model, physical element serial number, and more. Inventory value The data associated with the inventory attribute, for example, the name of a physical card, or the serial number of the physical card. IBM Systems Director uses profiles to manage the inventory collection tasks that you create and run. An inventory collection profile is a group of settings that are saved on IBM Systems Director Server that indicate the type of resources collected during the collection process. Using IBM Systems Director Web interface, you can run an inventory collection profile on specific systems (targets), and you can schedule a profile to run at specific times or in response to specific events. Inventory profiles make it possible to collect only a subset of all available information, which reduces network traffic and speeds up collection. By default, IBM Systems Director includes the following inventory collection profiles: All Inventory This profile collects inventory from all resources and encompasses all the other inventory collection profiles. Chapter 3. Discovering systems and collecting inventory data 191 Note: The All Inventory profile is the one you must run if you intend to use update manager. All Hardware Inventory This profile collects inventory from physical and virtual devices. All Software Inventory This profile collects inventory from software resources. Basic System Information This profile collects inventory from system resources. These profiles are read-only. They cannot be deleted or edited. They can, however, be copied. You can use the existing profiles to create your own profiles by using the Create like option. Or you can create your own inventory collection profile without any preconfigured settings by using the Create option. Related concepts: Update manager Creating an inventory collection profile Use the Create Inventory Profile wizard to create an inventory collection profile. If you do not want to use any of the profiles that are shipped with IBM Systems Director, you must create and configure a profile that meets your needs before collecting or viewing inventory. To create an inventory collection profile, perform the following steps: 1. Open the View and Collect Inventory page as follows: v On the Home page, click Collect inventory. The View and Collect Inventory page is displayed. 2. Click Manage Profiles. The Manage Inventory Profiles page is displayed, listing the existing inventory collection profiles. 3. Click Create. The Create Inventory Profile wizard opens. 4. In the Profile Name field, type a descriptive name to identify the profile. 5. In the Profile Description field, optionally type a brief description for the profile. 6. Click Next. The Inventory Selection page displays a hierarchical tree of the types of resources for which IBM Systems Director can collect inventory. 7. Navigate to and select the group or resource type that you want to add. Note: You can add an entire group of resource types or you can select them individually. 8. Click Add. 9. Continue adding resource types to the profile as needed. 10. Click Next. Either the Discovery Service page or the Options page is displayed. If the Discovery Service page is displayed, proceed to the next step. If the Options page is displayed, proceed to step 16 on page 193. 11. Select the option that reflects your decision about whether you want to configure the discovery services or have the system choose the services for you, then click Next. v If you select Let me manually configure the discovery services, the Module Selection page is displayed. Proceed to the next step. 192 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide v If you select Let the system choose the discovery services, the Options page is displayed. Proceed to step 16. 12. Select the discovery modules that you want to configure to discover additional attributes on your resources. 13. Click Next. Pages for each of the discovery modules that you selected are displayed. 14. Complete the pages for each discovery module. 15. Click Next. The Options page is displayed. 16. In the Timeout period field, type the number of minutes that you want to allot before an inventory collection event terminates. From the Inventory Collection Profile list, select the inventory collection profile that you want to use. The timeout value indicates the length of time to wait for a response to inventory collection communications that are sent to systems. If the timeout value elapses before the response is received from the destination, no inventory data is collected from that target. 17. In the Maximum simultaneous collections field, type the maximum number of agents from which IBM Systems Director Server can simultaneously collect inventory. Note: To help reduce network traffic, specify the lowest possible number of agents. 18. To instruct IBM Systems Director Server to automatically try again after failed collection attempts, select Retry failed agents. 19. Click Next. The Summary page is displayed. 20. Click Finish. After creating an inventory collection profile, you can run it from the View and Collect Inventory page. Related concepts: Inventory data and collection profiles Related tasks: Collecting inventory Managing inventory collection profiles Use the Manage Inventory Profiles page to copy, edit, or delete inventory collection profiles. To copy, edit, or delete an inventory collection profile, the profile must already exist. You can also use this page to create a new inventory collection profile that you can then manage. See “Creating an inventory collection profile” for instructions. To copy, edit, or delete an inventory collection profile, complete the following steps: 1. Open the View and Collect Inventory page as follows: v On the Home page, click Collect inventory. The View and Collect Inventory page is displayed. 2. Click Manage Profiles. The Manage Inventory Profiles page is displayed, listing the existing inventory collection profiles. 3. On the Manage Inventory Profiles page, select one of the following actions. Chapter 3. Discovering systems and collecting inventory data 193 Note: When working with inventory collection profiles, you can select one or more profiles at a time. If you select multiple profiles, you have only the options of running them or deleting them. Table 16. Inventory collection profile actions To do this task: Complete these steps: Copy an existing inventory collection profile 1. Select the profile that you want to copy. 2. Click Create like. The Create Like Inventory Profile wizard is displayed. The profile name defaults to Copy of (original profile name), but all the rest of the fields are populated with the same entries and selections as is in the original profile. 3. Edit the profile properties as needed, clicking Next to continue through the wizard. 4. Click Finish. The new profile based on the original profile will appear in the table on the View and Collect Inventory page. Edit an existing inventory collection profile 1. Select the profile that you want to edit. 2. Click Edit. The Edit Inventory Profile wizard is displayed. 3. Edit the profile properties as needed, clicking Next to continue through the wizard. 4. Click Finish. Delete an existing inventory collection profile 1. Select the profile that you want to delete. 2. Click Delete. A confirmation message is displayed. 3. Click OK in the confirmation message box. The selected profile is deleted and is no longer displayed in the table on the View and Collect Inventory page. Note: Any scheduled event that uses a deleted profile will continue to run until it tries to run the deleted profile, at which point the event will fail. Related concepts: Inventory data and collection profiles Related tasks: Creating an inventory collection profile Performing system discovery Collecting inventory Use the View and Collect Inventory task to collect inventory data for systems that have already been discovered and accessed by IBM Systems Director Server. Before you can view inventory for a resource, you must discover that resource using System Discovery. Inventory collection uses inventory collection profiles. You can use an existing profile to collect inventory for a system. If the inventory 194 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide collection profile does not exist for the type of inventory data you want to collect, you must first create the inventory collection profile and make sure that it contains the appropriate settings. Note: Inventory is displayed for only those systems that are in a state other than no access. To change the access state, select the system or systems and click Actions > Security > Request Access. To collect inventory for one or more systems, perform the following steps: 1. Open the View and Collect Inventory page as follows: v On the Home page, click Collect inventory. The View and Collect Inventory page is displayed. 2. In the Target Systems list, select the system for which you want to view or collect inventory data. If the target system that you want to view is not in the target systems list, perform the following steps to add the system to the list. a. Click Browse to open the Context Chooser. The Context Chooser displays a list of system groups. b. In the list of groups, drill down to the individual target system for which you want to view inventory data in the group that contains that target system. Note: You can select the entire group or you can drill down to select individual target systems as targets within a group. c. Select one or more target systems that you want to add. d. Click Add. The selected target systems are displayed in the Selected list. e. Click OK. 3. In the View by list, select the inventory profile that you want to use. 4. Click Collect Inventory. The Run - Collect Inventory page is displayed. 5. Use the Run - Collect Inventory page to set up optional functions and options of your inventory collection task: Schedule Use the Schedule tab to set the inventory collection task to run immediately or at a specified time and date in the future. You can also schedule the task to repeat at a specified frequency. Notification Use the Notification tab to specify options for an email notification that you can receive as the inventory collection process progresses. Options Use the Options tab to specify the time to use for the system time and how to handle unavailable systems. 6. When you are finished with the Run - Collect Inventory page, click OK. An inventory collection job is created and an informational message is displayed about the job. Note: Click Display Properties if you want to view the properties of the job. The Active and Scheduled Jobs page is displayed and provides information about the job including status, progress, a list of targets, a history, and error logs. When inventory collection is completed, you can view the inventory data list and table by clicking Refresh View. Chapter 3. Discovering systems and collecting inventory data 195 Tip: To improve the performance of inventory collection and keep the system resource usage to manageable levels, see the “Performance Tuning and Scaling Guide for IBM Systems Director 6.3”. Related concepts: Inventory data and collection profiles Related tasks: Creating an inventory collection profile Viewing inventory Performing a system discovery Viewing active and scheduled job information Related reference: Performance Tuning and Scaling Guide for IBM Systems Director 6.3 Comparing fixes installed on IBM i systems You can select an IBM i system and compare its installed fixes to the fixes that are installed on other IBM i systems. The result is exported as an HTML file. The following steps use these terms: Source system The system that you want to compare to other systems. Target systems One or more systems that you want to compare the source system's fixes to. Follow these steps to compare the installed fixes: 1. Turn off any software to block pop-up windows in your web browser. 2. In Resource Explorer, select the source IBM i system. 3. Right click and select Inventory > Compare Installed Fixes. 4. From the Available list, select one or more target systems. Click Add to add them to the Selected list. Click OK. 5. The system generates a report of differences between the source system's and the target systems' installed fixes. The report is displayed in a new tab in your browser. Related reference: cmpptfs command Viewing inventory Use the View and Collect Inventory task to view and manage an extended set of resources and relationships for systems that have already been discovered. The inventory that is displayed includes physical, logical, and virtual hardware; software applications, operating systems, middleware, firmware, BIOS, and diagnostic information; network information; and system-contained resources. Also, IBM Systems Director displays the inventory data for the inventory items that are collected. Before you can view inventory data for a resource, you must collect the inventory data for that resource. 196 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Note: Inventory is displayed for only those systems that are in a state other than no access. To change the access state, select the system or systems and click Actions > Security > Request Access. To display inventory data for a resource, complete the following steps: 1. Open the View and Collect Inventory page as follows: v On the Home page, click Collect inventory. The View and Collect Inventory page is displayed. 2. In the Target Systems list, select the system for which you want to view or collect inventory data. If the target system that you want to view is not in the target systems list, perform the following steps to add the system to the list. a. Click Browse to open the Context Chooser. The Context Chooser displays a list of system groups. b. In the list of groups, drill down to the individual target system for which you want to view inventory data in the group that contains that target system. Note: You can select the entire group or you can drill down to select individual target systems as targets within a group. c. Select one or more target systems that you want to add. d. Click Add. The selected target systems are displayed in the Selected list. e. Click OK. 3. In the View by list, select the inventory profile that you want to use. 4. Click Refresh View. The inventory data for the selected resource is displayed. Note: If you click Refresh View before any inventory has been collected by IBM Systems Director Server, an empty table is displayed and the Last collected value will be none. Before you try to view inventory, make sure that you discover the applicable resources and collect the inventory for them. Related concepts: Inventory data and collection profiles Related tasks: Creating an inventory collection profile Collecting inventory Inventory collection metadata file (twguser.ini) Use inventory collection metadata to more easily group inventory data collected from managed resources. You can specify inventory collection metadata on only managed resources that are running a supported version of the Windows operating system and that have common agent services (CAS) installed. The twguser.ini file contains the inventory collection metadata. The plain text file twguser.ini resides in the install_root/agent/data directory, where install_root is the root directory of your IBM Systems Director installation. Use a plain text editor to make changes to the twguser.ini file. Using inventory collection metadata makes it easier to view, organize, and search collected inventory. For example, using metadata allows you to associate collected inventory for a system with a particular user, email address, building, or country. To see inventory collection metadata, make sure to collect inventory for the affected system after you update the twguser.ini file. Chapter 3. Discovering systems and collecting inventory data 197 The following lists show the available metadata entries that are available in the twguser.ini file and specifies the character length restrictions. Important: Exceeding the character length restriction for even one entry prevents inventory collection from using (and displaying) any of the metadata. Table 17. User metadata entries and character length restrictions User metadata entry Maximum number of characters FIRST_NAME 256 total, including MIDDLE_NAME and LAST_NAME MIDDLE_NAME See FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME See FIRST_NAME EMPLOYEE_ID 128 TITLE 256 DEPT_NAME 128 DEPT_NUMBER 64 DIVISION 64 WORK_PHONE 25 CELLULAR_PHONE 25 FAX_NUMBER 25 PAGER_NUMBER 25 PAGER_TYPE 32 EMAIL_ADDRESS 512 HOME_PHONE 25 Table 18. Location metadata entries and character length restrictions Location metadata entry Maximum number of characters CITY 64 STATE 32 ZIPCODE 16 COUNTRY 32 BUILDING 64 FLOOR 32 ROOM_NUMBER 32 LATITUDE 16 LONGITUDE 16 USER_DATA1 Unsupported; do not use USER_DATA2 Unsupported; do not use Related tasks: Collecting inventory Viewing inventory Exporting inventory data You can export collected inventory data to a file in comma-separated value (CSV), HTML, or XML format. 198 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Be sure to turn off the Web browser option to block pop-up windows for the URL that you use to log in to the IBM Systems Director Web interface. Complete the following steps to export your collected inventory data: 1. Open the View and Collect Inventory page as follows: v On the Home page, click Collect inventory. The View and Collect Inventory page is displayed. 2. Make sure to collect and view the inventory data that you want to export. For more information about collecting and viewing inventory data, see “Collecting inventory” and “Viewing inventory”. 3. Click Export All. The browser either opens a file download window or it displays the exported data. 4. Save the file. If the Web browser opens a file download window, save the file. If the Web browser requires a location selection, provide it and click Save. v If the Web browser displays the exported inventory data, from the File menu, click Save As, navigate to the location where you want to save the file, then click Save. v Note: You can save the file only to a file system that is accessible from the system running IBM Systems Director Server. Related tasks: Collecting inventory Viewing inventory Connecting to IT Registry and Context Menu Service databases Connect to preexisting IT Registry and Context Menu Service centralized databases to enable IBM Systems Director to accept external connections so that it can share tasks and resources with external applications such as Tivoli products. The IT Registry and Context Menu Service databases to which you want to connect must already exist. Using the IT Registry and Context Menu Service Registration page in the IBM Systems Director Web interface, you can register with either or both an IT Registry or Context Menu Service database. After initial registration, if you want to remove the capability of products to start IBM Systems Director tasks, you can unregister to remove all connection settings and previously registered data for tasks and resources for the currently connected IT Registry and Context Menu Service databases. You can also register again to connect to different IT Registry and Context Menu Service databases. Note: The Context Menu Service does not support using the IBM DB2 server that is installed and managed by Systems Director. Using IBM DB2 as the target database for Context Menu Service requires a separate installation of IBM DB2. 1. Set up the JDBC jars for the database that you are using. a. Obtain the JDBC jars by using one of the following two methods: v Copy the JDBC jars from the installed instance of the database. v Download the JDBC jars from the website for IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, or Oracle® Database. Chapter 3. Discovering systems and collecting inventory data 199 b. Place the jars into the /lib directory of the appropriate plug-in for your database: Note: If you are using the same DBMS type for the Systems Director database, the jars already exist in the plug-in, so you do not need to copy them. v v v The plug-ins are located under install_root/lwi/runtime/database/ eclipse/plugins, where install_root is the root directory of your IBM Systems Director installation. c. Open the MANIFEST.MF file in the META-INF directory of the plug-in and ensure that the Bundle-Classpath entry in that file contains the exact name of the JDBC jars placed in the /lib directory. If the Bundle-Classpath entry is incorrect, edit MANIFEST.MF to include those jar names, then save the changes. 2. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface, navigate to Settings -> IT Registry and CMS Registration. 3. On the IT Registry and Context Menu Service Registration page, complete the steps for the action that you want to take: Register with IT Registry and Context Menu Service databases for the first time Complete the following steps to register with IT Registry and Context Menu Service databases for the first time. Note: You must register an application on all servers that will use it. a. Complete all of the required fields with the connection settings for the IT Registry database and the Context Menu Service database. b. Click Test Connections to test if the connection settings that you entered are valid. If the connection test fails, check your entered values. c. Click Register to apply the connection settings to register with the targeted IT Registry and Context Menu Service databases. Unregister with IT Registry and Context Menu Service databases If you are already registered with IT Registry and Context Menu Service databases but want to unregister, click Unregister. Clicking Unregister removes all connection settings and previously registered data for tasks and resources for the currently connected IT Registry and Context Menu Service databases. Note: The fields already contain the connection settings for the connection databases with which you are currently registered. Register with different IT Registry and Context Menu Service databases If you are already registered but want to change and connect to different IT Registry and Context Menu Service databases, you can register again by using the values for the new databases. You do not need to unregister with the initial IT Registry and Context Menu Service databases before reregistering. Complete the following steps to register with different IT Registry and Context Menu Service databases. 200 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Notes: v The fields already contain the connection settings for the connection databases with which you are already registered. v Reregistration completes for both databases, regardless of whether you changed values for either one. a. Replace the contents of each applicable field with the connection settings for the new IT Registry and Context Menu Service databases. b. Click Test Connections to test if the new connection settings that you entered are valid. If the connection test fails, check your entered values. c. Click Register to apply the connection settings to register with the new targeted IT Registry and Context Menu Service databases. After IBM Systems Director registration is complete and the other product is also enabled to use IT Registry and Context Menu Service, the IBM Systems Director tasks will appear in the context menus of the other product and can be launched by selecting that menu item. Related reference: Installing the IBM DB2 Driver for JDBC and SQLJ Oracle JDBC/UCP Download Page Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver 2.0 External connections with IT Registry and Context Menu Service databases IT Registry and Context Menu Service are databases with which IBM Systems Director can register so that it can accept external connections and therefore share tasks and resources with external applications such as Tivoli products. After IBM Systems Director registration is complete and the other product is also enabled to use IT Registry and Context Menu Service, the IBM Systems Director tasks will appear in the context menus of the other product and can be launched by selecting that menu item. IT Registry When you register with the IT Registry, entries are added to the IT Registry database for resources that IBM Systems Director has discovered. Context Menu Service The Context Menu Service, which is a component of the Tivoli Integrated Portal (TIP), facilitates launch-in-context capability between products. The launch-in-context capability enables one application to invoke a function or launch a user interface that is provided by another application while also passing in data that the function or user interface can immediately process. Context Menu Service enables launch-in-context by allowing a product to register launch points for itself and locate launch points for other products. Launch points provide information that allows an application to invoke a function or user interface from another application. Chapter 3. Discovering systems and collecting inventory data 201 When you register with the Context Menu Service, entries are added to the Context Menu Service database so that other programs can start IBM Systems Director tasks outside of IBM Systems Director. 202 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Chapter 4. Configuring systems Using configuration manager, you can configure both hardware devices and systems so that they will work together and meet the needs of your environment. Note: To use configuration manager, you must have smadmin authority. In order for your configuration settings to take effect, they must be deployed to the appropriate managed resource (device or system). When you deploy a configuration plan, the configuration settings contained in all templates contained by the plan are applied to the resource. In Current Configuration, you can list configuration settings for one resource, make some or no changes to the settings, then deploy it to a different resource. You must understand the following terms to effectively configure systems using . Configuration setting a real-time value associated with one aspect of a device that can be saved as a configuration template or plan. For example, login information or SNMP options. You can save configuration settings from a system and convert them into configuration templates or configuration plans. You also can create configuration settings from scratch. Configuration template A version of configuration settings that are not on a given system, but are stored for future deployment. You can deploy a configuration template on a system even if it is not a member of a configuration plan. Configuration plan A set of configuration templates used to configure a system. Configuration settings A particular system's configuration can be accessed and viewed. Changes can be made if necessary, and the configuration setting for an individual resource can be stored as a configuration template or as a configuration plan. Configuration settings for a whole system can be stored as a set of configuration templates, which can then be placed in a configuration plan. All specific configuration settings are described in the documentation for their specific devices. As an example, the configuration settings for IBM BladeCenter and System x are described in the documentation for IBM BladeCenter and System x. The configuration settings for storage devices are described in the IBM Systems Director Storage Systems documentation. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2013 203 Related tasks: Configuring templates Managing storage with configuration templates Configuration templates A configuration template is a stored version of device parameters and settings, which can be reused or deployed later. You can create, view, edit, delete, deploy, and schedule configuration templates to be deployed on a target resource. Target types A target type is the type of system on which a configuration template is deployed. A configuration template can have one of the following target types. However, the listed types might vary, depending on the installed settings in your environment: BladeCenter chassis BladeCenter H chassis BladeCenter HT chassis BladeCenter S chassis BladeCenter T chassis Ethernet Switch Fibre Switch IBM Flex System Enterprise Chassis InfiniBand Switch Operating System Operating System (using CIM protocol) Server (using CIM protocol) Stand alone server Storage Platform Storage Switch Tips: v When you change a configuration template that is already contained in one or more configuration plans, the changes apply to these configuration plans. v If you want to delete a configuration template that is contained in one or more configuration plans, remove that configuration template from all associated configuration plans first, and then delete the configuration template. You can delete a configuration template that is in one or more configuration plans, but deleting the template generates a warning message. v When you create a configuration plan, you can determine the order of the configuration templates within the configuration plan. This order is not checked at creation time to determine whether certain resources require that other resources are defined first. If an inappropriate order is chosen, errors might be issued when the configuration plan is deployed. When you deploy a configuration plan, check the status to determine whether it succeeded and analyze any errors received. 204 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide v You can automatically deploy certain types of templates. The order that they are deployed in is specified in the automatic deploy sequence list for each template type. This list can be modified at any time. Additionally, the list is modified automatically when templates that specify automatic deployment are added (by modifying the properties or creation of a new template), or deleted. Note: You cannot automatically deploy network templates, and this extends to the network plans that contain them. Predefined configuration template IBM Systems Director provides a predefined configuration template to help you quickly configure a BladeCenter chassis resource. Do not delete or modify the predefined configuration template. To modify the predefined configuration template, use the Create Like task to make a copy, and then change the copy. Configuration plans A configuration plan is used to configure systems and resources. A configuration plan is a group of configuration templates that are deployed in a sequence. A configuration plan has a name, a description, a plan target type, an indicator of automatic deployment status, plan creation information, and plan modification information. A configuration plan contains one or more configuration templates. The configuration templates in a configuration plan can be specified in an order, and will be deployed in this order when the configuration plan is deployed. Some configuration plans can be set up to be automatically deployed when a new resource of that type is discovered. You can also specify the order in which the configuration templates in a configuration plan are deployed, for situations in which some resources must be defined before others. Note: You cannot automatically deploy network templates, and this extends to the network plans that contain them. Types A type is the category of resource associated with a configuration plan. These are the types for a configuration plan. All configuration templates within a given configuration plan must also be of the same type as the configuration plan. Chassis Devices such as management modules and switches Network Network components Server Server components Storage Storage devices and other related resources Operating System Operating system components Chapter 4. Configuring systems 205 The Automatically deploy feature This feature is used to automatically deploy a configuration plan or configuration template when system changes, such as the addition or removal of hardware, are detected by IBM Systems Director. Note: You cannot automatically deploy network templates, and this extends to the network plans that contain them. An entire configuration plan or individual configuration templates can be designated as automatically deploy. If an entire configuration plan is designated as automatically deploy, whenever IBM Systems Director detects a new system or device of that type, this entire configuration plan is automatically deployed on that system or device. There can be only one active configuration plan designated as automatically deploy for each configuration plan type at any given time. For example, assume that configuration plan plan1 and configuration plan plan2 are of the same plan type. If plan1 is already set to automatically deploy, and you then designate plan2 as automatically deploy, plan2 will become designated as automatically deploy for this plan type, and plan1 will no longer be designated as automatically deploy. A warning will be displayed in this situation. For an individual configuration template, automatically deploy means that whenever IBM Systems Director detects a new device of the configuration template type, the configuration template is automatically deployed on that device. In addition to automatic deployment for a new device that is added to a system, automatic deployment can also take place if a device is changed or removed. In this case, automatic deployment is dependent on the values in the configuration template or configuration plan that have been designated for automatic deployment. Predefined configuration plans IBM Systems Director provides a predefined configuration plan to facilitate configuration of some of the most popular resources and systems. Do not delete these predefined configuration plans. Do not edit or change them. To modify them, use the Create Like task, make a copy, and then change the copy. Do not delete or modify the predefined configuration templates within the predefined configuration plans. Chassis Predefined Plan This predefined configuration plan is for an IBM BladeCenter Chassis. It has one predefined configuration template named Boot Sequence Predefined Template. To see all relevant attributes, view this configuration plan and configuration template from the IBM Systems Director Configuration Manager Summary page. Configuration-setting license entitlement Some configuration settings might be associated with a license entitlement. In order to use the setting, and therefore any template or plan that contains that setting, the license must be valid, that is, not expired. Not only must a configuration setting have a valid license, but some licenses also require a license for the system for which the configuration setting is intended. 206 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide If a license is expired, you will be prevented from using the affected configuration setting. If a license is required for systems, you can be prevented from using the affected configuration settings on unlicensed systems. If you have an expired license, the following items are subject to these restrictions: v Current configuration settings that have a license entitlement v Configuration templates that contain a license entitlement configuration setting v Configuration plans including at least one template containing a license entitlement configuration setting If one of these items contains a license entitlement setting that has expired, the item can be deleted. If you attempt to edit, deploy, or use the template in any way, a message is displayed notifying you to purchase a license. Monitoring the deployment of configuration plans and configuration templates To monitor when a configuration plan or configuration template is deployed, use an event automation plan. To create the event automation plan, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director navigation pane, expand Automation and click Event Automation Plans. 2. On the Event Automation Plans page, click Create. 3. The Event Automation Plan wizard displays the Welcome page. Click Next. 4. On the Name and description page, type a descriptive name for the event automation plan that you are creating. Optionally, you also can type a description of the plan. Click Next. 5. On the Targets page, select the systems that you want the event automation plan to monitor for the configuration manager events. Select the systems in the Available table and click Add to move them to the Selected list. Click Next. 6. On the Events page, select Advanced event filters from the Events list. 7. Click Create to create an event filter. 8. The Create Event Filter wizard displays the Welcome page. Click Next. 9. On the Filter Name page, type a descriptive name for the event filter that you are creating. Optionally, you also can type a description of the filter. Click Next. 10. On the Filter Type page, select Simple event filter from the Filter type list. 11. On the Event Type page, select Custom from the Types of events to include list. The Available Event Types table is displayed. 12. In the Available Event Types table, click Systems Director Program > System Configuration. The table displays the available configuration manager events. 13. Select the applicable configuration manager event: Option Description To monitor for the deployment of configuration templates Click Configuration Template, then select Deployed. To monitor for the deployment of configuration plans Click Configuration Plan, then select Deployed. 14. On the Event Type page, click Next. Chapter 4. Configuring systems 207 15. On each of the remaining pages of the Create Event Filter wizard, until the Summary page displays, accept the default selection and click Next. 16. On the Summary page, verify that the information is correct and click Finish. The Events page displays the new filter. 17. On the Events page, make sure that the new filter is selected, then click Next. 18. On the Event actions page, click Create. 19. In the Create Actions window, select an event action, for example, Send an e-mail (Internet SMTP) . 20. Click OK. 21. Complete the fields for the event action that you selected. For some event action types, you can include event-specific information as part of the text message. Including event information is referred to as event-data substitution. You can use event-data-substitution variables to customize event actions. For more information, see “Event-data-substitution variables.” 22. When you are satisfied with the settings, click OK. 23. On the Event Actions page, make sure that the new event action is selected, then click Next. 24. On the Time range page, select the time over which you want to collect the events. Select All the time (24 x 7) so that the plan is active all the time. 25. When you are satisfied with the specified time ranges, click Next. 26. On the Summary page, verify the details of the event automation plan. If you want to change the settings, click Back. 27. When you are done editing the event automation plan, click Finish. The Event Automation Plans page displays the new event automation plan. Related concepts: “The Automatically deploy feature” on page 206 “Configuration templates” on page 204 “Configuration plans” on page 205 Related tasks: “Viewing configuration templates” on page 216 “Viewing configuration plans” on page 228 Managing system configuration Manage your system configuration by viewing and making updates to configuration settings. These configuration setting can be stored into configuration templates, which can be grouped into configuration plans. Note: Before changing the feature activation manager configuration on a switch, for example, if you inventory, install, or remove license keys, you must specify TFTP information on the IBM BladeCenter Update Settings page. For instructions, see the topic “Specifying IBM BladeCenter update setting” in the information center. 208 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: “Configuration settings” on page 203 “Configuration templates” on page 204 “Configuration plans” on page 205 Viewing configuration settings The configuration settings for a particular system contain detailed information about the system, such as definitions, options, and attached devices. To view the configuration setting for a particular system, complete the following steps: 1. From the Resource Explorer area, select a system. 2. Click Actions > Properties to view the current properties of the system: v If the system has resources that can be configured by IBM Systems Director, a Configuration tab will be present. v If the system does not have resources that can be configured by IBM Systems Director, there will be no Configuration tab. You cannot perform any of the remaining steps in this procedure. v The communication state such as: online or offline, and access state such as locked or unlocked will also determine if the configuration tab is displayed for a system. 3. Click Configuration to see the configuration settings for this system. As an alternative, you can start this task from the navigator area by selecting System Configuration > Current Configuration Related concepts: “Configuration settings” on page 203 “Configuration templates” on page 204 “The Automatically deploy feature” on page 206 “Configuration plans” on page 205 Related tasks: “Editing configuration settings” “Saving configuration settings as configuration templates” on page 210 “Saving configuration settings to a configuration plan” on page 211 “Creating configuration templates” on page 213 “Creating a configuration template from an existing one” on page 214 Editing configuration settings Edit the configuration setting for a particular system so that they remain current and are kept up to date with hardware and software changes. 1. From the Resource Explorer area, select a system. 2. Click Actions > Properties to view the current properties of the system: v If the system has resources that can be configured by IBM Systems Director, a Configuration tab will be present. v If the system does not have resources that can be configured by IBM Systems Director, there will be no Configuration tab. You cannot perform any of the remaining steps in this procedure. Chapter 4. Configuring systems 209 v The communication state such a: online or offline, and access state such as locked or unlocked will also determine if the configuration tab is displayed for a system. Click Configuration to see the configuration settings for this system. Select the configuration setting to be edited. Click Edit. A page with the configuration setting information is displayed. Make any necessary changes. Click Deploy. The changes are applied, and you are returned to the list of configuration settings for the system. 8. Click Close. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. As an alternative, you can start this task from the navigator area by selecting System Configuration > Current Configuration Related concepts: “Configuration settings” on page 203 “Configuration templates” on page 204 “The Automatically deploy feature” on page 206 “Configuration plans” on page 205 Related tasks: “Viewing configuration settings” on page 209 “Saving configuration settings as configuration templates” “Saving configuration settings to a configuration plan” on page 211 Saving configuration settings as configuration templates In order to have the configuration setting for a particular device applied to another resource, possibly one located on another system, you must save the configuration setting as a configuration template. To save a configuration setting as a configuration template, complete the following steps: 1. From the Resource Explorer section, select a system. 2. Click Actions > Properties to view the current properties of the system. v If the system has resources that can be configured by IBM Systems Director, a Configuration tab will be present. v If the system does not have resources that can be configured by IBM Systems Director, there will be no Configuration tab. You cannot perform any of the remaining steps in this procedure. v The communication state such a: online or offline, and access state such as locked or unlocked will also determine if the configuration tab is displayed for a system. 3. Click Configuration to see the configuration settings for this system. 4. Select the configuration setting to be saved as a configuration template. 5. Click Actions > Save as Configuration Template. The Save as Configuration Template page is displayed. 6. Type a name for the new configuration template. 7. Type a description for the new configuration template. 8. Click Open configuration template list when finished saving if you want to see the list of existing configuration templates while the save is taking place. 210 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Although you will be taken to the Configuration template table, deploying this newly-created configuration template from this table will require you to select a target. 9. Optional: If you want to add the new configuration template to an existing configuration plan of the same type, choose one from the list of configuration plans. You are given the choice of configuration plans of the correct type. 10. Click Save. The Configuration Progress Indicator keeps you informed of the progress of this task. Related concepts: “Configuration settings” on page 203 “Configuration templates” on page 204 “The Automatically deploy feature” on page 206 “Configuration plans” on page 205 Related tasks: “Viewing configuration settings” on page 209 “Editing configuration settings” on page 209 “Adding configuration templates to a configuration plan” on page 218 “Viewing configuration templates” on page 216 “Saving configuration settings to a configuration plan” Navigating tables Saving configuration settings to a configuration plan Use this procedure to save configuration settings to a configuration plan. When you save configuration settings to a configuration plan, configuration templates are created to contain the configuration settings. The configuration plan that is produced is no different than one created starting with configuration templates. To save configuration settings to a configuration plan, complete the following steps: 1. Click System Configuration > Current Configuration. A list of systems is displayed. 2. Select a system. 3. Click Actions > View. A table of configuration settings for the chosen system is displayed. 4. Select those configuration settings that you want saved to a configuration plan. 5. Click Save to Configuration Plan. The Save to Configuration Plan page is displayed. 6. Choose the configuration plan for the configuration settings. v Add selected configuration settings to an existing configuration plan. A list of existing configuration plans is displayed. Choose one from this list. v Add selected configuration settings to a new configuration plan. Type a name and description for the new configuration plan. 7. Click Save. Chapter 4. Configuring systems 211 The configuration settings added to the configuration plan might not be in the order that you would want them to be deployed on a system. From any table that displays the configuration plan, click Actions > Edit to change the order of the configuration templates. Related concepts: “Configuration settings” on page 203 “Configuration templates” on page 204 “The Automatically deploy feature” on page 206 “Configuration plans” on page 205 Related tasks: “Viewing configuration settings” on page 209 “Editing configuration settings” on page 209 “Saving configuration settings as configuration templates” on page 210 Navigating tables “Adding configuration templates to a configuration plan” on page 218 “Creating configuration plans” on page 224 “Viewing configuration plans” on page 228 Backing up configuration settings for a device Follow these steps to back up a supported devices configuration settings. Supported devices include IBM Flex System Enterprise Chassis with Chassis Management Module (CMM) and x86 Blade systems with Integrated Management Module (IMMv2). You can save all of the settings or a subset of the settings as a configuration template, a CLI file, or a text file. 1. In the IBM Systems Director navigation panel, click Resource Explorer > All systems. 2. Right click the system you want to work with and select System Configuration > Backup and Restore. 3. The Backup and Restore window opens. Select the appropriate task and fill out the panels as required. Restoring configuration settings for a device Follow these steps to restore configuration settings for a supported device. Supported devices include IBM Flex System Enterprise Chassis with Chassis Management Module (CMM) and x86 Blade systems with Integrated Management Module (IMMv2). These settings can exist in a text file, or from a file created by using the IBM Systems Director user interface. 1. In the IBM Systems Director navigation panel, click Resource Explorer > All systems. 2. Right click the system you want to work with and select System Configuration > Backup and Restore. 3. The Backup and Restore window opens. Select the appropriate task and fill out the panels as required. Note: User groups or accounts created on a resource after a configuration template is deployed are not removed from the resource if you restore the configuration settings by using the configuration template. 212 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Managing configuration templates You manage configuration templates by creating and updating them. They can be deployed to a system, or grouped into configuration plans. Related concepts: “Configuration templates” on page 204 Creating configuration templates Create a configuration template to hold specific user-defined settings for a configuration which can then be applied to relevant managed endpoints. Note: For more information about navigating and working with tables in IBM Systems Director Web interface, see “Table navigation in IBM Systems Director.” To create a configuration template, complete the following steps: 1. From the Configuration manager summary page, click Create a Configuration Template. The Configuration Templates page is displayed. 2. Click Actions > Create. 3. Choose a target type in the Template type field. 4. Choose a value in the Configuration to create a template. 5. Type a unique name for the new configuration template. The name must be unique and have a maximum length of 100 characters. The name of the configuration template cannot contain the following XML special characters: v The ampersand character (&) v The apostrophe or single quotation mark character (') v The double quotation mark character (") v The greater-than character (>) v v v v v v v The The The The The The The less-than character (<) vertical bar character (|) back slash character (\) slash character (/) asterisk character (*) colon character (:) question mark character (?) v The percent character (%) 6. Type a meaningful description for the new configuration template. The maximum length is 500 characters. The description of the configuration template cannot contain the following XML special characters: v The ampersand character (&) v The apostrophe or single quotation mark character (') v The double quotation mark character (") v The greater-than character (>) v The less-than character (<) 7. Optional: If you want this configuration template to be run automatically when a new device with a type that matches this configuration template is added or removed, or when an event related to this type of device occurs, select Automatically deploy this configuration template when notified of a matching resource. Chapter 4. Configuring systems 213 Note: You cannot automatically deploy network templates, and this extends to the network plans that contain them. If you enable automatic deploy, the template is appended to the end of the automatic deploy sequence list for the relevant type. To re-order the list, go to Actions > Automatic Deploy Sequence. 8. Click Continue. The Configuration Settings page is displayed. 9. Enter configuration information. 10. Click Save to create the new configuration template. The new configuration template will be displayed in the configuration template table. Related concepts: “Configuration templates” on page 204 “Configuration settings” on page 203 “The Automatically deploy feature” on page 206 “Configuration plans” on page 205 Related tasks: “Viewing configuration settings” on page 209 “Creating a configuration template from an existing one” “Viewing configuration templates” on page 216 “Editing configuration templates” on page 217 “Adding configuration templates to a configuration plan” on page 218 “Deploying configuration templates” on page 219 “Viewing deployed targets” on page 220 “Exporting a configuration template” on page 221 “Importing a configuration template” on page 222 “Deleting configuration templates” on page 223 Navigating tables Creating a configuration template from an existing one You can create a configuration template using an existing configuration template as a model. Note: For more information about navigating and working with tables in IBM Systems Director Web interface, see “Table navigation in IBM Systems Director.” To create a configuration template from an existing one, complete the following steps: 1. From the Configuration Manager Summary page, click Create a Configuration Template. The Configuration Templates page is displayed. 2. Select one configuration template to use as a model for the creation a new one. 3. Click Actions > Create Like. Information from the selected configuration template is placed in the panels that follow. 4. Type a unique name for the new configuration template. The name must be unique and have a maximum length of 100 characters. The name of the configuration template cannot contain the following XML special characters: v v v v 214 The The The The ampersand character (&) apostrophe or single quotation mark character (') double quotation mark character (") greater-than character (>) IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide v v v v v The The The The The less-than character (<) vertical bar character (|) back slash character (\) slash character (/) asterisk character (*) v The colon character (:) v The question mark character (?) v The percent character (%) 5. Type a meaningful description for the new configuration template. The maximum length is 500 characters. The description of the configuration template cannot contain the following XML special characters: v The ampersand character (&) v The apostrophe or single quotation mark character (') v The double quotation mark character (") v The greater-than character (>) v The less-than character (<) 6. Optional: If you want this configuration template to be run automatically when a new device with a type that matches this configuration template is added or removed, or when an event related to this type of device occurs, ensure that Automatically deploy this configuration template when notified of a matching resource is selected. Note: You cannot automatically deploy network templates, and this extends to the network plans that contain them. If you enable automatic deploy, the template is appended to the end of the automatic deploy sequence list for the relevant type. To re-order the list, go to Actions > Automatic Deploy Sequence. 7. Click Continue. The Configuration Settings page is displayed. 8. Enter configuration information. You cannot change the values in the Template type and Configuration to create a template fields. 9. Click Save. The new configuration template is created, and will be displayed in the configuration template table. Chapter 4. Configuring systems 215 Related concepts: “Configuration templates” on page 204 “Configuration settings” on page 203 “The Automatically deploy feature” on page 206 “Configuration plans” on page 205 Related tasks: “Creating configuration templates” on page 213 “Viewing configuration settings” on page 209 “Viewing configuration templates” “Editing configuration templates” on page 217 “Adding configuration templates to a configuration plan” on page 218 “Deploying configuration templates” on page 219 “Viewing deployed targets” on page 220 “Exporting a configuration template” on page 221 “Importing a configuration template” on page 222 “Deleting configuration templates” on page 223 Navigating tables Viewing configuration templates The properties of a configuration template include the name, a description, the target type, automatic deployment status, and the dates and ID of users who created and edited the configuration template. Note: For more information about navigating and working with tables in IBM Systems Director Web interface, see “Table navigation in IBM Systems Director.” To view a configuration template, complete the following steps: 1. From the Configuration manager summary page, click View Configuration Templates. The Configuration templates page is displayed. 2. Select the configuration template you want to view. 3. Click Actions > Properties. A page containing the configuration template's properties is displayed. 4. Click Cancel when you are finished viewing the information. 216 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: “Configuration settings” on page 203 “Configuration templates” on page 204 “The Automatically deploy feature” on page 206 “Configuration plans” on page 205 Related tasks: “Saving configuration settings as configuration templates” on page 210 “Creating configuration templates” on page 213 “Creating a configuration template from an existing one” on page 214 “Editing configuration templates” “Adding configuration templates to a configuration plan” on page 218 “Deploying configuration templates” on page 219 “Viewing deployed targets” on page 220 “Exporting a configuration template” on page 221 “Importing a configuration template” on page 222 “Deleting configuration templates” on page 223 Navigating tables “Monitoring the deployment of configuration plans and configuration templates” on page 207 Editing configuration templates You can change some attributes of a configuration template after it is created. Using the edit function, you can change some of the settings that the configuration template defines. You cannot change the target type of the configuration template. Changing template settings does not modify any settings that were deployed to a system before modifying the template, but it does affect settings that are deployed by using the modified template. Note: For more information about navigating and working with tables in IBM Systems Director Web interface, see “Table navigation in IBM Systems Director.” To edit a configuration template, complete the following steps: 1. From the Configuration manager summary page, click View Configuration Templates. The Configuration Templates page is displayed. 2. Select a configuration template to edit. 3. Click Actions > Edit Template. The Configuration Settings page is displayed. 4. Make all necessary changes. Note: Depending on the template settings (which are preset), you might not be able to change the template name and the automatic deployment setting. For a template that supports automatic deployment, if you enable that function, and it was not already enabled, the template is appended to the automatic deploy sequence list. If you disable that function and it was previously enabled, the template is removed from the list. To reorder the list, go to Actions > Automatic Deploy Sequence. Note: You cannot automatically deploy network templates, and this extends to the network plans that contain them. Chapter 4. Configuring systems 217 5. Click Save. The changes are applied to the configuration template. Tip: You also can select Actions > Properties to examine and change configuration template attributes. Related concepts: “Configuration templates” on page 204 “Configuration settings” on page 203 “The Automatically deploy feature” on page 206 “Configuration plans” on page 205 Related tasks: “Creating configuration templates” on page 213 “Creating a configuration template from an existing one” on page 214 “Viewing configuration templates” on page 216 “Adding configuration templates to a configuration plan” “Deploying configuration templates” on page 219 “Viewing deployed targets” on page 220 “Exporting a configuration template” on page 221 “Importing a configuration template” on page 222 “Deleting configuration templates” on page 223 Navigating tables Adding configuration templates to a configuration plan When changes are made to your systems, it can be necessary to add new configuration templates to a configuration plan. Note: For more information about navigating and working with tables in IBM Systems Director Web interface, see “Table navigation in IBM Systems Director.” To add a configuration template to a configuration plan, complete the following steps: 1. From the Configuration manager summary page, click View Configuration Templates. The Configuration Templates page is displayed. 2. Select one or more configuration templates to add to a configuration plan. 3. Click Actions > Add to Configuration Plan. The Add to Configuration Plan pop-up is displayed. 4. Choose a configuration plan: v Click Add selected templates to this plan to select an existing configuration plan. v Click Add selected template to a new plan and specify the appropriate values to create a new configuration plan. 5. Optional: If you do not want to see the list of configuration plans when you are finished, clear Open Configuration Plan list when done saving. 6. Click Save. The configuration template will be added to the configuration plan. 218 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: “Configuration settings” on page 203 “Configuration templates” on page 204 “The Automatically deploy feature” on page 206 “Configuration plans” on page 205 Related tasks: “Saving configuration settings as configuration templates” on page 210 “Saving configuration settings to a configuration plan” on page 211 “Creating configuration templates” on page 213 “Creating a configuration template from an existing one” on page 214 “Viewing configuration templates” on page 216 “Editing configuration templates” on page 217 “Deploying configuration templates” “Viewing deployed targets” on page 220 “Exporting a configuration template” on page 221 “Importing a configuration template” on page 222 “Deleting configuration templates” on page 223 Navigating tables Deploying configuration templates You can deploy a configuration template even without having the configuration template as part of a configuration plan. However, if you want to deploy the configuration templates in a particular order, create a configuration plan to specify the configuration templates in the desired order. Each configuration template has a target type. Each system has a set of resources. When a configuration template is deployed to a system, the configuration template is deployed only on those resources that are of the same type as the configuration template. To deploy a configuration template to a target resource, complete the following steps: 1. From the Configuration manager summary page, click View Configuration Templates. The Configuration Templates page is displayed. 2. Select a configuration template to deploy. 3. Click Actions > Deploy. The Deploy Configuration Templates Job page opens. 4. Select a system from the Available list. Use the Add and Remove buttons to move items between the Available list and the Selected list. 5. Select as many systems as you want, and review the Selected list to ensure accuracy. 6. Optional: Use the Browse button if you need information about the systems in order to make your choice. 7. Optional: Click the Schedule tab. The Schedule page is displayed. 8. Optional: Enter job information. 9. Choose Run Now or Schedule. 10. Click OK when ready to run. Chapter 4. Configuring systems 219 11. A message at the top of the Configuration Templates page indicates if the deploy task has completed or not. Click on Display Property to see the job status. 12. Optional: In order to see the log information about the configuration template deploy, complete these steps: a. Click Display Property. The properties of the job are displayed. b. Click the Active and Scheduled jobs tab. The Active and Scheduled jobs page is displayed. c. View the job status in the General task section. d. Click the Logs tab. A table of job logs is displayed. e. Select the configuration template deployment job, and right click on its name, and select the Show logs option. A list of job logs is displayed. f. In the Activations logs text box at the bottom of the screen, you can see details about the deployment of the configuration template. If the deployment has failed, the reason for the failure is displayed in the Activation log. Related concepts: “Configuration templates” on page 204 “Configuration settings” on page 203 “The Automatically deploy feature” on page 206 “Configuration plans” on page 205 Related tasks: “Creating configuration templates” on page 213 “Creating a configuration template from an existing one” on page 214 “Viewing configuration templates” on page 216 “Editing configuration templates” on page 217 “Adding configuration templates to a configuration plan” on page 218 “Viewing deployed targets” “Exporting a configuration template” on page 221 “Importing a configuration template” on page 222 “Deleting configuration templates” on page 223 Navigating tables Viewing deployed targets You can view the devices and systems on which a configuration template has been deployed, to determine where changes are required. Note: For more information about navigating and working with tables in IBM Systems Director Web interface, see “Table navigation in IBM Systems Director.” To view the list of devices and systems on which a configuration template has been deployed on, complete the following steps: 1. From the Configuration manager summary page, click View Configuration Templates. The Configuration Templates page is displayed. 2. Select a configuration template. 3. Click Actions > View Deployed Targets. A list of devices and systems on which the configuration template has been deployed is displayed. 220 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: “Configuration templates” on page 204 “Configuration settings” on page 203 “The Automatically deploy feature” on page 206 “Configuration plans” on page 205 Related tasks: “Creating configuration templates” on page 213 “Creating a configuration template from an existing one” on page 214 “Viewing configuration templates” on page 216 “Editing configuration templates” on page 217 “Adding configuration templates to a configuration plan” on page 218 “Deploying configuration templates” on page 219 “Exporting a configuration template” “Importing a configuration template” on page 222 “Deleting configuration templates” on page 223 Navigating tables Exporting a configuration template A configuration template can be exported to an XML file on the local system. Exporting is useful for moving a configuration template from one IBM Systems Director system to another. Note: For more information about navigating and working with tables in IBM Systems Director Web interface, see “Table navigation in IBM Systems Director.” To export a configuration template, complete the following steps: 1. From the Configuration manager summary page, click View Configuration Templates. The Configuration templates page is displayed. 2. Select the configuration template that you want to export. Only one configuration template can be exported to any given file. 3. Click Actions > Export. 4. Type the name of the file to receive the exported data. 5. Click Save. Chapter 4. Configuring systems 221 Related concepts: “Configuration templates” on page 204 “Configuration settings” on page 203 “The Automatically deploy feature” on page 206 “Configuration plans” on page 205 Related tasks: “Creating configuration templates” on page 213 “Creating a configuration template from an existing one” on page 214 “Viewing configuration templates” on page 216 “Editing configuration templates” on page 217 “Adding configuration templates to a configuration plan” on page 218 “Deploying configuration templates” on page 219 “Viewing deployed targets” on page 220 “Deleting configuration templates” on page 223 “Importing a configuration template” Navigating tables Importing a configuration template An XML file containing a configuration template can be imported to your list of configuration templates. Note: For more information about navigating and working with tables in IBM Systems Director Web interface, see “Table navigation in IBM Systems Director.” To import an XML file containing a configuration template, complete the following steps: 1. From the Configuration manager summary page, click View Configuration Templates. The Configuration templates page is displayed. 2. Click Actions > Import. 3. Select the XML file to be imported from the local system. 4. Click Open. 5. The information in the file is verified to ensure that it contains a valid configuration template. If the configuration template is valid, it is added to the Configuration templates page. If there is already a configuration template with the same name as the one you are trying to import, a message is displayed and the configuration template is not imported. For the import to succeed, rename the existing configuration template. If the configuration template being imported specifies <autoApply>true</ autoApply>, the template is appended to the end of the automatic deploy sequence list for the relevant type after it is imported. 222 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: “Configuration templates” on page 204 “Configuration settings” on page 203 “The Automatically deploy feature” on page 206 “Configuration plans” on page 205 Related tasks: “Creating configuration templates” on page 213 “Creating a configuration template from an existing one” on page 214 “Viewing configuration templates” on page 216 “Editing configuration templates” on page 217 “Adding configuration templates to a configuration plan” on page 218 “Deploying configuration templates” on page 219 “Viewing deployed targets” on page 220 “Deleting configuration templates” “Exporting a configuration template” on page 221 Deleting configuration templates You can delete those configuration templates that are no longer needed in order to save space and prevent them from being used. Note: For more information about navigating and working with tables in IBM Systems Director Web interface, see “Table navigation in IBM Systems Director.” To delete a configuration template, complete the following steps: 1. From the Configuration manager summary page, click View Configuration Templates. The Configuration Templates page is displayed. 2. Select one or more configuration templates to delete. 3. Click Delete. A pop-up will prompt you to confirm the deletion. 4. Ensure that you have chosen the correct configuration templates to be deleted. v Click OK to perform the delete. v Click Cancel to cancel the delete. If you delete a template that has automatic deploy enabled, it is removed from the automatic deploy sequence list. Chapter 4. Configuring systems 223 Related concepts: “Configuration templates” on page 204 “Configuration settings” on page 203 “The Automatically deploy feature” on page 206 “Configuration plans” on page 205 Related tasks: “Creating configuration templates” on page 213 “Creating a configuration template from an existing one” on page 214 “Viewing configuration templates” on page 216 “Editing configuration templates” on page 217 “Adding configuration templates to a configuration plan” on page 218 “Deploying configuration templates” on page 219 “Viewing deployed targets” on page 220 “Exporting a configuration template” on page 221 “Importing a configuration template” on page 222 “Deleting configuration templates” on page 223 Managing configuration plans A configuration plan is used to configure hardware and operating systems. Manage configuration plans by creating and updating them. They can be deployed to a live system or set to be automatically deployed when a new system of matching type is added. Related concepts: Configuration settings Configuration templates Configuration plans The Automatically deploy feature Predefined configuration plans Related reference: Configuration plans and templates Creating configuration plans A configuration plan consists of a set of configuration templates. Configuration plans can also be used to automate, to an extent, the configuration process. If you have not already done so, create configuration templates before creating a configuration plan. You can also create configuration templates based on a target resource when a list of these resources is displayed. Note: For more information about navigating and working with tables in IBM Systems Director Web interface, see “Table navigation in IBM Systems Director.” To create a configuration plan, complete the following steps: 1. From the Configuration manager summary page, click Create a Configuration Plan. The Configuration plans page is displayed. 2. Click Create. The Configuration Plan wizard starts. 224 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide 3. Optional: Clear Show this Welcome page next time if you do not want to see the Welcome page the next time that this wizard starts. 4. Read the text on this page and click Next. The Name and Type page is displayed. 5. Type a unique name for the new configuration plan in the Name field. 6. Type a description for the configuration plan in the Description field. 7. Select a target type for the configuration plan. The configuration templates in the configuration plan must all be the same type. Only one type can be selected. 8. Check Automatically deploy to indicate that this configuration plan is automatically deployed whenever IBM Systems Director detects a new resource of the same type. Only one configuration plan of any given type can be designated to automatically deploy at any given time. If there is already a configuration plan designated to automatically deploy, that plan will no longer have that capability; instead, the new configuration plan will automatically deploy. A message is issued in this situation. Note: Because network templates do not support automatic deployment, the automatic deploy button it is not available for network plans. 9. Click Next. The Configuration Templates page is displayed. This page is used to select configuration templates to add to the plan. You can also add new configuration templates based on a target resource. 10. Choose how you want to customize the Available table contents: v Click Show existing templates to fill the table with all the existing configuration templates. v Click Show templates based on a target to choose a target system. Its configuration settings will fill the table. Click Browse if you would like more details about the choice of systems. If you select this option, you must click Refresh after selecting the target system, in order to display the list of available configuration templates for that system. v You can effectively use both features by clicking Show existing templates, selecting some configuration templates, and adding them to the Selected table. You then click Show templates based on a target, select configuration templates from a target system, and add them to the Selected table. You cannot change the values associated with an individual configuration template while you are using this wizard. 11. 12. 13. 14. Select each configuration template to be included in the configuration plan. Click Add to move the configuration template to the Selected table. Optional: Click Remove to delete configuration templates selected in error. Select the order in which the configuration templates are to be deployed on a target system when the configuration plan is deployed: a. Select each configuration template whose order is to be changed. b. Click Move Up or Move Down to change the order of the configuration templates. c. When the order is correct, click Next. The Summary page is displayed. 15. Examine the information on this page. v If you want to change information, click Back to return to the previous page. Chapter 4. Configuring systems 225 v To return to a particular page to make corrections, click its entry in the navigation pane. v If all information on this page is correct, click Finish. The new configuration plan will be created. v To terminate the wizard without creating a new configuration plan, click Cancel. Related concepts: Predefined configuration plans The Automatically deploy feature “Configuration settings” on page 203 “Configuration plans” on page 205 Related tasks: Creating a configuration plan from an existing one Deploying configuration plans Viewing configuration plans Viewing deployment history Editing configuration plans Exporting a configuration plan Importing a configuration plan Deleting configuration plans Navigating tables “Saving configuration settings to a configuration plan” on page 211 Related reference: mkcfgplan command Creating a configuration plan from an existing one An existing configuration plan can be used as a model for creating a new one. Note: For more information about navigating and working with tables in IBM Systems Director Web interface, see “Table navigation in IBM Systems Director.” To create a configuration plan with the same characteristics as an existing one, complete the following steps. You can later edit this new configuration plan. 1. From the Configuration Manager Summary page, click Create a Configuration Plan. The Configuration plans page is displayed. 2. Select one configuration plan to use as a model for the new configuration plan. 3. Click Create Like. The new configuration plan is created and added to the list. The new name is the selected configuration plan's name with the prefix Copy of appended. 4. The Configuration Plan wizard starts. Make any necessary changes. 5. Change the name of the newly-created plan. 226 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: Configuration plans Predefined configuration plans The Automatically deploy feature Related tasks: Creating configuration plans Deploying configuration plans Viewing configuration plans Viewing deployment history Editing configuration plans Exporting a configuration plan Importing a configuration plan Deleting configuration plans Navigating tables Related reference: mkcfgplan command Deploying configuration plans A configuration plan can be deployed on one or more systems. Deploy a configuration plan on one or more systems from the Configuration Plan page, or by using the automatically deploy feature. Configuration plans can also be deployed using automation manager with an event action plan. Note: For more information about navigating and working with tables in IBM Systems Director Web interface, see “Table navigation in IBM Systems Director.” To deploy a configuration plan on a target system, complete the following steps: 1. From the Configuration manager summary page, click View Configuration Plans. The Configuration plans page is displayed. 2. Select the configuration plan. 3. Click Actions > Deploy. The Deploy Configuration Plans Job page is displayed. 4. Select a system from the Available list. Use the Add and Remove buttons to move items between the Available list and the Selected list. 5. Select as many systems as you want, and review the Selected list to ensure accuracy. 6. Optional: Use the Browse button if you need information about the systems in order to make your choice. 7. Click Next. The Schedule page is displayed. 8. Enter the job information. 9. Click OK when you are ready to run the job. 10. A message at the top of the Configuration Plans page indicates whether the deploy task has completed. Click on Display Property to see the full status. 11. Optional: In order to see the log information about the deploy task, complete these steps: a. Click Display Property. The properties of the job are displayed. Chapter 4. Configuring systems 227 b. Click the Active and Scheduled jobs tab. The Active and Scheduled jobs page is displayed. c. View the job status in the General task section. d. Click the Logs tab. A table of job logs is displayed. e. Select the configuration plan deployment job, and right click on its name. f. Click Show logs. A list of job logs is displayed. g. In the Activations logs text box at the bottom of the screen, you can see details about the deployment of the configuration plan. If the deployment has failed, the reason for the failure is displayed in the Activation log. Related concepts: Configuration plans The Automatically deploy feature Related tasks: Creating configuration plans Creating a configuration plan from an existing one Viewing configuration plans Viewing deployment history Editing configuration plans Exporting a configuration plan Importing a configuration plan Deleting configuration plans Navigating tables Related reference: mkcfgplan command Viewing configuration plans The properties of a configuration plan include the name, description, target type, whether it can be automatically deployed, and dates and ID of users who created and edited the configuration plan. Note: For more information about navigating and working with tables in IBM Systems Director Web interface, see “Table navigation in IBM Systems Director.” To view a configuration plan, complete the following steps: 1. From the Configuration manager summary page, click View Configuration Plans. The Configuration plans page is displayed. 2. Select the configuration plan whose information you wish to view. 3. Click Actions > Properties. A page containing the configuration plan's properties is displayed. 4. Click Cancel when you are finished viewing the information. 228 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: “Configuration settings” on page 203 “Configuration plans” on page 205 “The Automatically deploy feature” on page 206 “Configuration templates” on page 204 Related tasks: Creating configuration plans Creating a configuration plan from an existing one Deploying configuration plans Viewing deployment history Editing configuration plans Exporting a configuration plan Importing a configuration plan Deleting configuration plans Navigating tables “Saving configuration settings to a configuration plan” on page 211 “Monitoring the deployment of configuration plans and configuration templates” on page 207 Related reference: lscfgplan command Viewing deployment history Follow these steps to view a list of the attempts to deploy configuration plans and templates to a system. This option is only available on the context menu for a system that has been discovered and unlocked. If no templates or plans have been deployed to the system, this list is empty. Note: For more information about navigating and working with tables in IBM Systems Director Web interface, see “Table navigation in IBM Systems Director.” 1. From the Resource Explorer area, select a system that is not locked. 2. Click Actions > System Configuration > Deployment History. The Deployment History page is displayed. 3. View the Type column to determine whether the attempt was an attempt to deploy a configuration plan or an attempt to deploy a configuration template. 4. A list of the attempts to deploy a configuration plan or a configuration template to the system is displayed. The date and time of the attempt, and the status of the attempt, are also displayed. The most recent attempt is listed first. 5. When done, click Close. Chapter 4. Configuring systems 229 Related concepts: Configuration plans Configuration templates The Automatically deploy feature Related tasks: Deploying configuration plans Related reference: lscfgplan command Editing configuration plans The attributes of a configuration plan can be changed after it is created. Note: For more information about navigating and working with tables in IBM Systems Director Web interface, see “Table navigation in IBM Systems Director.” To edit a configuration plan, complete the following steps: 1. From the Configuration manager summary page, click View Configuration Plans. The Configuration plans page is displayed. 2. Select the configuration plan to be edited. 3. Click Actions > Edit. The Configuration Plan wizard starts, using the existing information about the configuration plan. 4. Proceed through the wizard making any necessary changes. This process is the same as if you were creating a new configuration plan, except that you cannot change the plan type. Related concepts: Configuration plans Predefined configuration plans The Automatically deploy feature Related tasks: Creating configuration plans Creating a configuration plan from an existing one Deploying configuration plans Viewing configuration plans Viewing deployment history Exporting a configuration plan Importing a configuration plan Deleting configuration plans Navigating tables Exporting a configuration plan A configuration plan can be exported to an XML file on the local system. This is useful to move a configuration plan from one IBM Systems Director system to another. 230 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Exporting a configuration plan will not export the contained configuration templates. Only the names of the contained configuration templates will be listed in the exported configuration plan. You will have to export the configuration templates separately. Note: For more information about navigating and working with tables in IBM Systems Director Web interface, see “Table navigation in IBM Systems Director.” To export a configuration plan, complete the following steps: 1. From the Configuration manager summary page, click View Configuration Plans. The Configuration plans page is displayed. 2. Select the configuration plan that you want to export. Only one configuration plan can be exported to any given file. 3. Click Actions > Export. 4. Type the name of the file to receive the exported data. 5. Click Save. Related concepts: Configuration plans Related tasks: Creating configuration plans Creating a configuration plan from an existing one Deploying configuration plans Viewing configuration plans Viewing deployment history Editing configuration plans Importing a configuration plan Deleting configuration plans Navigating tables Related reference: lscfgplan command Importing a configuration plan An XML file containing a configuration plan can be imported to your list of configuration plans. Note: For more information about navigating and working with tables in IBM Systems Director Web interface, see “Table navigation in IBM Systems Director.” To import and XML file containing a configuration plan, complete the following steps: 1. From the Configuration manager summary page, click View Configuration Plans. The Configuration plans page is displayed. 2. Click Actions > Import. 3. Select the XML file to be imported from the local system. 4. Click Open. 5. The information in the file is verified to ensure that it contains a valid configuration plan. If so, it is added to the configuration plans page. Chapter 4. Configuring systems 231 If there is already a configuration plan with the same name as the one that you are trying to import, a message is displayed and the configuration plan is not imported. You are advised to rename the existing one in order for the import to succeed. The import of a configuration plan will not create the configuration templates listed in the configuration plan file. The configuration plan import assumes that the configuration templates listed in the plan are already present on the target system. If a configuration template that is listed in the configuration plan file exists in the database, it will be associated to the imported configuration plan. Related concepts: Configuration plans Related tasks: Creating configuration plans Creating a configuration plan from an existing one Deploying configuration plans Viewing configuration plans Viewing deployment history Editing configuration plans Exporting a configuration plan Deleting configuration plans Related reference: mkcfgplan command Deleting configuration plans You can delete those configuration plans that are no longer needed, in order to save space and prevent them from being used. Note: For more information about navigating and working with tables in IBM Systems Director Web interface, see “Table navigation in IBM Systems Director.” Complete the following steps to delete a configuration plan: 1. From the Configuration manager summary page, click View Configuration Plans. The Configuration plans page is displayed. 2. Select the configuration plans to be deleted. 3. Click Delete. A confirmation panel is displayed. 4. Ensure that you have chosen the correct configuration plans to be deleted. v Click OK to perform the delete. v Click Cancel to cancel the delete. Deleting a configuration plan does not delete the configuration templates that are included in that configuration plan. 232 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: Configuration plans Related tasks: Creating configuration plans Creating a configuration plan from an existing one Deploying configuration plans Viewing configuration plans Viewing deployment history Editing configuration plans Exporting a configuration plan Importing a configuration plan Deleting configuration templates Navigating tables Related reference: rmcfgplan command Managing activation keys by using Feature Activation Manager Use the Feature Activation Manager to activate (or unlock) Features on Demand options that are integrated in a managed resource. The feature is in the firmware or software but is locked until you install the activation key. The Feature Activation Manager consists of the Feature Activation Configuration page and the Feature Activation wizard. Ensure that the resource that you want to configure supports feature activation. The Feature Activation Manager provides the capability to activate a feature on a resource with a software key that is referred to as an activation key. For example, when you purchase a server and a Features on Demand option, the activation key can be installed on the server so that the Features on Demand function is ready for you to use when you receive the server. Also, an available Features on Demand option can be ordered anytime after your initial product purchase. The feature is activated in one of the following ways: v When you purchase a feature as part of a server or chassis order, the IBM factory or IBM Business Partner enables the feature as part of the configuration and testing of the server or chassis. You can begin using the feature when you receive the server or chassis. v When you purchase a Features on Demand option or upgrade that is separate from the server or chassis order, you must complete the feature activation when you install the option. In this case, an authorization code with instructions for activating the feature is mailed to you. v When you successfully retrieve an authorization code from the IBM Key Management System Features on Demand web portal ( systems/x/fod/index.wss), an authorization code and instructions are contained in a PDF that is e-mailed to you. v When you already have the activation key, use the Feature Activation Configuration wizard to upload the key. An authorization code is a 22-character alphanumeric string that is the proof of purchase and entitlement to upgrade one or more units with a particular feature. The authorization code and instructions for requesting an activation key are on a Chapter 4. Configuring systems 233 printed document that is mailed to you. If you order directly from IBM, the authorization code and instructions can also be sent to your email address. To use the Feature Activation Configuration wizard to obtain, upload, install, or activate keys, complete the following steps: Note: Before viewing, installing, or adding feature activation keys for a switch, be aware of the following Switch considerations. 1. On the Plug-ins tab of the Home page, click Configuration Templates under Configuration Manager. On the Configuration Templates page, click Create. 2. In the Create window, select the Template type that you want to create, then select (if available) Feature Activation Manager Configuration. 3. Type a Configuration template name, then click Continue. The Feature Activation Configuration wizard is displayed. 4. Complete the Feature Activation Configuration wizard to add the activation key for your resource. Switch considerations: v For switches that use either SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c, configure the Write Community String. v For switches that use SNMPv3, configure the feature key management privilege for the specified user. v For a IBM System Networking or a Mellanox switch, make sure to use the Update Manager Configure settings task (on the System x and IBM BladeCenter tab) to specify which server you want to use as the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server. The TFTP server is used to inventory or install feature activation keys on the switch. Use the Feature Activation Configuration page to view information about installed feature activation keys, add and remove keys, and reboot the specified device on which a feature activation key is installed or removed. To access the Feature Activation Configuration page, right-click the resource that you want to examine, then select System Configuration > Configuration Settings > Feature Activation Manager. 234 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Chapter 5. Monitoring system status and health IBM Systems Director provides a set of tools that you can use to monitor and manage the status and health of resources in your environment from a single interface. Related tasks: Automating tasks Related reference: System status and health troubleshooting System status and health IBM Systems Director automatically retrieves and displays the status of systems that have been discovered. You can display this information using one of the System Status and Health tasks, by navigating to a specific resource in IBM Systems Director, or by using the command-line interface. Use this topic to learn about the following: v “About system status and health” v v v v “Working with system status and health” “System status and health summary” on page 236 “System status and health tasks” on page 236 “Viewing older events” on page 238 About system status and health Before you can view the status of any resources, IBM Systems Director must first discover and be able to access those resources. After a system has been discovered, IBM Systems Director automatically monitors the system and its resources. The status of an entire system reflects the status of the component on the system that has the most severe status. For example, if a component within a system has a status of critical, the entire system will have a status of critical, even if the critically impacted component is not critical to the system. IBM Systems Director provides several tools and views to monitor and manage the resources within your environment. See the section ““System status and health summary” on page 236 for details.” Working with system status and health The approach you use to manage resources depends on how you prefer to view them and what you are looking for when checking their statuses. Examples of approaches that you can use for different situations are as follows: v After connecting a new hardware device to your network, you might want to check the status of the hardware. Rather than navigate to the Health Summary page, you can drill down from the Resource Explorer page and navigate directly to the new hardware to view its status. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2013 235 v If there is a problem with your network and you do not know the resource that is causing the problem, it might be quickest to navigate to the Health Summary page to identify the problem areas and drill down to the resources that are causing the problem. System status and health summary There are several ways to view the system status and health summary: Banner The banner on the upper-right of the IBM Systems Director web interface displays this information for all Systems Director managed systems: v The total number of “critical”, “warning”, or “minor” health status issues v The total number of “out of compliance” issues System Status and Health > Scoreboard The scoreboard displays the total number of endpoints with active problem reported. This total includes the following: v The number of Systems Director managed systems with active problems reported. v The number of Systems Director managed systems that are not in compliance with their configured compliance policies. System Status and Health > Active Status The 'Active Status' page displays all active events reported on Systems Director managed systems. The table lists “information” events and compliance events as well as “critical” and “warning” issues. Therefore, the number of entries in the Active Status table can be greater than the number of problems listed on the banner count. Problems (Active Status) The Problems (Active Status) table lists all active “critical”, “warning”, or “minor” events reported on Systems Director managed systems. The banner count should match this count. Power Systems Management This page lists the number of Systems Director managed IBM Power resources with “critical”, “warning”, or “informational” events. This number includes the endpoints on which all or some alerts have been ignored. System status and health tasks The System Status and Health tasks simplify your work as a system administrator by providing consolidated views of the health and status of your entire environment. Specifically, the Health Summary task displays information about the resources that IBM Systems Director has discovered. You can customize the content that is displayed on the System Status and Health pages with information that is specific to your business processes and organizational structure. In addition, you can view detailed real-time data by adding monitors to the dashboard. Use the System Status and Health tasks to perform the following functions: v Determine the health and performance of resources in your environment. v Identify the causes behind changes in the health of a resource. v Display charts that indicate real-time usage data for resources. 236 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide v Set thresholds to quickly determine whether the resources are in an abnormal state. v Run tasks on resources in response to status changes or system management needs. v Take action to resolve issues for resources. v Launch the event log viewer. Use the following System Status and Health tasks to view the system's status: Performance Summary The Performance Summary task displays available monitors with which you can examine the servers, virtual servers, or operating systems that you specify. Use this page to dynamically view, monitor, and work with processor pools, memory pools, networks, and other critical areas of your environment. Health Summary The Health Summary task displays several resource-monitoring tools on a single page. Together, these tools provide a single, consolidated interface with which you can quickly view the status of important areas of your environment, monitor critical resources, and view the contents of user-defined health summary groups. Monitors The Monitors task provides the tools that you need to retrieve real-time status and quantitative data for specific properties and attributes of resources in your environment. You can also set thresholds for the monitors, graph the data that monitors retrieve, and drill down to quickly view the status of resources for each system and the name of the monitor so that you can view its properties. Thresholds The Thresholds task offers a consolidated view of all the thresholds that you have created to monitor the dynamic properties of your resource. This task saves you from searching for them all in the Monitors task. Problems The Problems task lists only those elevated status set entries that are problem status set entries that have been reported to IBM Systems Director Server. The data listed here is a subset of what is listed on the Active Status page. From the Problems page, you can navigate to, display, and manage these status set entries. You can also ignore entries to prevent IBM Systems Director Server from collecting them or delete the entries to remove them from the list until they occur again. Active Status The Active Status task lists all of the status set entries, including problems and compliance issues, that have been reported to IBM Systems Director Server. From the Active Status page, you can navigate to, display, and manage these status set entries. You can also ignore entries to prevent IBM Systems Director Server from collecting them or delete the entries to remove them from the list until they occur again. Event Log An event is an occurrence of significance to a task or resource. Examples of events include operation completion, hardware component failure, or a processor threshold being exceeded. The Event Log task displays all events that the management server receives from any resource for which you can view events. Chapter 5. Monitoring system status and health 237 SNMP Browser The SNMP Browser task enables you to display, inspect, and perform certain actions on SNMP-compliant resources, including selecting the targets on which an SNMP job will run. Viewing older events In System Settings, you can specify how many events to keep in the event log. When the event log is full and a new event is received, the oldest event is moved to the backup event log. When the backup event log is full, a new one is created. The old one might be deleted, depending on the backup event log preferences. To view events in the backup event log, open data/eventLogBackup_n.log, where n is incremented every time a new backup event log file is created. See “Changing backup event log preferences” for more information. Related tasks: Changing backup event log preferences Viewing the status manager summary You can view a summary of the current activity that is associated with status, including the status of the systems in your environment, the number of recordings and thresholds, and detailed status. The information on the summary page refreshes automatically when there are any changes. To view the status manager summary, complete the following steps: 1. On the Home page, click the Plug-ins tab. A list of available summary pages is displayed. 2. On the Plug-ins tab, select Status manager. The status manager summary is displayed. 3. View the Status section. This section provides the following information: There are four status categories, represented by icons: v A pie chart and corresponding list that indicates the number of systems that fall into each of the following four status categories: Critical Warning Informational OK Click any of the category list items to see a breakdown of the systems in that category. v In the Status tasks area, the following links are provided: Health summary Use the Health Summary page to quickly view the status of important areas of your environment, monitor critical resources, and view the contents of user-defined health summary groups. View problems Use the Problems page to view the elevated status for categories that are part of the problems composite category and ignore or delete the 238 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide entries. The problems composite category includes all categories, such as hardware status and threshold status, except compliance and LED. View active and ignored status Use the Active Status page to view all status set entries for resources in your environment and ignore or delete the entries. Groups by status Use the Groups by status page to view a list of groups that represent resources grouped by status. 4. View the Management section. This section provides the following information: v The number of thresholds that are active and not active. Click the link to view the Thresholds page v In the Common tasks area, the following links are provided: Monitors Use the Monitors page to create and work with monitors. Thresholds Use the Thresholds page to work with thresholds. Event log Use the Event Log page to view events according to filters that you select. Viewing the performance summary Use the Performance Summary task to examine performance information selected from available monitors for the resources that you specify. Selecting the target resources populates the rows of Performance Summary table. The available monitors for each target resource determine the columns (attributes) that you can display. The Performance Summary page displays multiple pages. Which pages display depends on your IBM Systems Director installation. A base installation displays at least a Processor page and a Memory page. To view performance information for a target resource, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, expand System Status and Health, then click Performance Summary. 2. Specify one or more target resources (servers, virtual servers, or operating systems) for which you want to examine the performance information. Click Browse if you want to search for a resource. The Performance Summary table is created and populated with the targets that you specified. 3. Specify the type of performance information that you want to display in each column. Each column represents an attribute reported by an available monitor. a. Click Select Column Monitors b. In the Columns window, select one or more entries from the Available Columns list, then click Add to move them to the Selected Columns list. c. If you want, select one or more entries from the Selected Columns list, then click Remove to remove them from the list. d. Click OK to save your changes. The updated table displays performance data in the columns that you specified. 4. One way to work with the table entries is to right-click a target, then select Column Monitors to choose a monitor that you want to use. Chapter 5. Monitoring system status and health 239 5. Select the performance data that you want to examine, then select how you want to interact with the data: a. Select Activate Threshold to display the Threshold page, where you specify how to activate the threshold. b. Select Graph to display the Graph page, where you can view a graphical rendering of the data. c. Select Add To Dashboard to add a graphical rendering of the data to your dashboard. Specify a name for the monitor view and select the type of graph that you want to display. Related concepts: Dashboard Related tasks: Managing monitors Activating a threshold Working with tables Using the Health Summary task to view the status of your environment The Health Summary task displays several resource-monitoring tools on a single page. Together, these tools provide a single, consolidated interface with which you can quickly view the status of important areas of your environment, monitor critical resources, and view the contents of user-defined health summary groups. Before you can view the status of any resources, IBM Systems Director must first discover and be able to access those resources. IBM Systems Director provides multiple ways to check the status of a specific resource in your environment. Use the Health Summary page to see a consolidated view of the health and status of your system resources, storage resources, and thresholds. These indicators help to identify areas within your environment that might have problems or issues that you need to resolve. You can view the status of several resources and quickly view details for those resources that are causing a problem. The Health Summary page contains the following sections: v Scoreboard v Dashboard v Health Summary By displaying a consolidated view of the health of your systems, storage resources, and thresholds, these panels provide the information and tools that you can use to monitor and manage systems and resources across multiple platforms from a single interface. Note: You are not required to first collect inventory for a resource for it to be displayed on the Health Summary page. The health summary task provides the following functions: v Retrieves and displays the status and health of resources that you specify. v Displays charts that indicate real-time data for resources and thresholds. To view the status and health of your environment resources from the centralized location of the Health Summary page, complete the following steps: 240 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide 1. On the Home page, click the Plug-ins tab. A list of available summary pages is displayed. 2. On the Plug-ins tab, click Health Summary under Status manager. 3. Choose an item and drill down to view its details. Related tasks: Finding systems and other resources Managing groups Scoreboard The scoreboard displays a table in which each row represents an area or category of information. Each element of the table, including column headers, row headers, and cell data, is potentially clickable and displays specific data. Each column header in the scoreboard identifies a severity status associated with the corresponding categories. At the intersection of each row and column is a number that represents the number of resources that adhere to the conditions of both the row and the column that intersect. Each resource is counted only once, regardless of the number of issues it has. Clicking the number displays the resources. Only the systems to which you have access are displayed on the scoreboard. The scoreboard displays the status of important areas of your environment by using three severity levels; critical, warning, and informational. A system that reports multiple severities is always grouped under the highest severity. For example, if a system has both critical and warning events, it is shown under critical and is not listed under warning. From the totals, icons, and category names in the scoreboard, you can drill down to view various details about the systems that are reporting system health and performance issues. In order for IBM Systems Director to monitor the vital signs related to the health and performance of a target system, the target system must have Common Agent or Platform Agent installed on it. Agentless managed systems are also counted if they are configured to report performance issues and if they have one of the following protocols installed: v Secure shell (ssh) v Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM), an extension of the Microsoft Component Object Model (COM) to support objects distributed across a network. v Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Examples of agentless-managed systems are management modules and Remote Supervisor Adapters (RSAs). By default, IBM Systems Director counts and displays the totals for the following status categories: Compliance Identifies software-update and compliance-related status issues. The compliance status category is populated only when a compliance policy is re-validated due to a variety of different events. Problems Includes all types of issues including hardware, software, inventory, and power-related status issues. LED Status Identifies the aggregate state of all hardware LEDs. Each LED identifies the Chapter 5. Monitoring system status and health 241 state of a related hardware component. LED status is updated when any hardware LED changes. For example, if there is a CPU LED fault, then the CPU LED is lit and LED status is “Critical”. Dashboard The Dashboard section of the Health Summary page displays a real-time, graphical representation of resource status based on the measurable properties for the resource that you have set. You can display this data in various formats to help monitor resources. Use the Monitors task to add items to the dashboard. To display information in the dashboard, you must first set up and configure the monitors to indicate the information that you want retrieved. By default, the dashboard is initially empty. To add charts to the dashboard, you must use the Monitors task to display existing monitors and target systems. From the Monitors page, you can find the appropriate monitors and then add them to the dashboard. You can add only one monitor to the dashboard for each graph. Additionally, you can add only bar and line graphs for group monitor thumbnails in the dashboard. Health summary The Health Summary section of the Health Summary page displays selected resources that you have chosen to watch closely. With this section, you can quickly view and monitor the resources that are most important to you. You can perform actions on a resource by using the Actions menu. You can also drill down to display the properties and other details for each resource. To display information in the health summary, you must first set up and configure the groups that you want to display. To view the health summary, expand System Status and Health in the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation pane and click Health Summary. The scoreboard, dashboard, and health summary display the status and health of your environment. The Favorites group and the Systems with Problems group both appear in the health summary by default. You can add or remove groups of resources from the health summary. You can also create new health summary groups. After you have discovered applicable resources, use the Health Summary Group Editor wizard to add the most important or critical systems in your environment to a health summary group. After a health summary group has been created, you can add the group to the health summary. Using the scoreboard to identify issues From the Health Summary page, you can select items in the scoreboard and drill down to details that help locate and identify issues within your environment. The scoreboard counts and then displays only those systems that have been discovered and are accessible, and have reached a critical, warning, or informational level. Before you can view the status of any resources, IBM Systems Director must first discover and be able to access those resources. The scoreboard is a table that comprises columns, rows, and individual totals in cells. You can drill down from the icons (column headers), category names (row 242 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide headers), or totals (in the cells) to view various details about the systems that are reporting system health and performance issues. Totals If you click a totals number in the scoreboard, you are presented with a list of entries that contains the number of systems in the list equal to the number on which you clicked. For example, if two systems in your environment have a combined total of five critical problems, the number 2 is displayed in the scoreboard to represent those two systems. When you click the 2, you see all five critical problems. Icons When there is a number in the scoreboard, the severity icon above that number becomes a clickable link. When selected, the link displays all the entries with that severity from every category. For example, if two systems in your environment have five critical problems and three critical compliance issues between them, the number 2 is displayed under the Critical icon for the Problems category and the number 2 is displayed under the Critical icon for the Compliance category. The Critical icon at the top of the scoreboard is enabled. If you click the Critical icon, you are presented with a list of eight items: five critical problems and three critical updates. Categories When there is a number in the scoreboard for a category, that category name in the scoreboard becomes a clickable link. When selected, the link brings up all the entries for all severities for that category. For example, if two systems have five critical problems, four other systems have a total of four warning problems, and one other system has one informational problem, then there are three numbers in the scoreboard for the Problems category: 2, 4, and 1, which represent numbers of systems with each type of problem. When you click the Problems category, you see a list of ten items, which are all the problems across all the systems. Note: If there are no resources with a particular status for a category, the intersecting cell will display a hyphen (-) instead of a number. To use the scoreboard to identify problems, complete the following steps: 1. On the Home page, click the Plug-ins tab. A list of available summary pages is displayed. 2. On the Plug-ins tab, click Health Summary under Status manager. The scoreboard, dashboard, and health summary display the status and health of your environment. 3. In the scoreboard, select one of the following filtering methods: Chapter 5. Monitoring system status and health 243 Table 19. Filtering methods To do this task: Complete these steps: Filter based on severity status In the scoreboard, click the icon for one of the following severity status values: Critical A system that has generated an event with a severity of 0 or 1 is the most severe and is identified in IBM Systems Director as being in a critical state. These systems have already lost or will imminently lose data, have had system downtime, or are on the verge of losing some other services. Leaving the problem uncorrected might have an impact on system operation. Warning A system that has generated an event with a severity of 2 or 3 is identified in IBM Systems Director as being in a warning state. These systems can escalate to a critical state if left uncorrected. Leaving the problem uncorrected might not have an impact on system operation, so normal use of the system can probably continue. Informational A system that has generated an event with a severity of 4 is identified in IBM Systems Director as being in an informational state. These systems are operating normally and typically, so no action is required. Note: A system that has generated an event with a severity of 5 is in an unknown state. The unknown state is not included in most IBM Systems Director tasks. The resources with the selected severity level are displayed in the Resource Explorer table. 244 Filter based on type of issue In the scoreboard, click one of the listed categories. The resources with the selected issue type are displayed in the Resource Explorer table. Filter based on both status and issue Click the number in the scoreboard that corresponds to the severity level and the type of issue that you want to be displayed. For example, if two systems have critical problems, the number 2 would be displayed under the critical icon on the Problems category. If you click that number, those resources with a critical severity level for the problems type of issue are displayed. IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide 4. Navigate to the resource that you want to view and click it to view its subsystems or related resources. The number of pages and the types of information that these subsystems or related resources include vary depending on the resource. 5. Click through the pages until you find the resource that has caused the problem. Related concepts: System severity states Adding a graphical monitor to the dashboard Monitors are dynamic in nature and can be easily monitored graphically by configuring IBM Systems Director to display the information. When you select Add to Dashboard for an individual monitor on the Monitors page, a graphical representation of that monitor is added to the dashboard. Before you can display any graphical monitors on the dashboard, IBM Systems Director must first discover the systems that you want to monitor. After you have discovered the applicable systems, you can add them to a group. You can then add individual monitors to the dashboard. To configure the dashboard to display the monitors you want, complete the following steps: 1. On the Home page, click the Plug-ins tab. A list of available summary pages is displayed. 2. On the Plug-ins tab, click Health Summary under Status manager. 3. In the dashboard, click Show Monitors. The Monitors page is displayed. 4. To select one or more target resources, click Browse. The Context Chooser is displayed. 5. Use the Context Chooser to add one or more resources or groups of resources as a target: a. To add a group, select the group that you want to add as a target. To add a single resource, drill down from the group that includes the resource that you want to add and select the resource. b. Click Add. c. Continue selecting groups or resources as needed. d. When you are finished adding targets, click OK. 6. From the Monitor selection page, select the monitor view that you want to be displayed for the targets that you selected. 7. Click Show Monitors. The Monitor View page listing monitors for the targets that you selected is displayed. 8. Right-click the monitor that you want to be displayed on the dashboard and select Add to dashboard. After adding a monitor to the health summary, navigate to the Health Summary page to verify that the monitor is displayed in the dashboard. Removing a graphical monitor from the dashboard From the Health Summary page, you can remove charts from the dashboard. To remove a chart from the dashboard, complete the following steps: Chapter 5. Monitoring system status and health 245 1. On the Home page, click the Plug-ins tab. A list of available summary pages is displayed. 2. On the Plug-ins tab, click Health Summary under Status manager. 3. In the dashboard, right-click the title of the chart that you want to remove and click Remove. Adding systems to the health summary The health summary displays selected systems that you have chosen to watch closely. Use this panel to quickly view and monitor the systems that are most important to you. By default, the health summary displays the status of systems that belong to the health summary favorites group and the Systems with Problems group. To add additional systems to the health summary, choose one of the following methods: v Add additional systems to the health summary favorites group. v Add additional systems to another group and add that group to the health summary using either the Resource Explorer task or the Actions menu in the health summary. Using the health summary favorites group to add and remove systems in the health summary Use the Health Summary task to add and remove systems in the favorites group and display them in the health summary. Before you can add or remove a system from the health summary favorites group, IBM Systems Director must discover that system. By default, the health summary displays the status of systems that belong to the health summary favorites group. Note: The health summary also displays the Systems with Problems group by default. To add or remove systems in the health summary favorites group to be displayed in the health summary, complete the following steps: 1. On the Home page, click the Plug-ins tab. A list of available summary pages is displayed. 2. On the Plug-ins tab, click Health Summary under Status manager. The scoreboard, dashboard, and health summary display the status and health of your environment. 3. In the health summary, right-click Favorites and select Edit. The Group Editor Wizard opens and the Welcome page is displayed. 4. Click Next. The Name page is displayed and the Name and Description fields are filled out for your favorites group. 5. Leave the Name and Description fields as they are and click Next. The Type page is displayed. You cannot change any values on this page. 6. Click Next. The Define page is displayed. 7. To add systems to the group, select the systems or criteria in the list on the left and click Add. 8. To remove systems from the group, select the systems or criteria in the list on the right and click Remove. 9. Continue modifying resources or criteria as needed. 10. Click Next. The Summary page is displayed. 246 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide 11. Click Finish. Using the Actions menu to add systems to the health summary Use the Actions menu on the health summary to add any group to the health summary. To add a group to the health summary using the Actions menu on the health summary, complete the following steps: 1. On the Home page, click the Plug-ins tab. A list of available summary pages is displayed. 2. On the Plug-ins tab, click Health Summary under Status manager. The scoreboard, dashboard, and health summary display the status and health of your environment. 3. In the health summary, click Actions > Edit. The Group Editor wizard opens. 4. In the Name field, type a descriptive name of the health summary group that you want to create. 5. In the Description field, type a brief description for the group. 6. Click Next. The Type page is displayed. 7. In the Type list, select one of the following options: Static Static groups contain a specified list of systems. The members of a static group are fixed unless you change them. Dynamic Dynamic groups are based on specified system criteria. IBM Systems Director prompts you to specify the criteria that the system attributes and properties must match. Then, when system attributes or system properties change, its match to the group criteria changes and IBM Systems Director automatically adds or removes the system to or from the group. 8. In the Member list, select the type of members to add to the group. 9. Click Next. 10. In the left area, select the resources or criteria to use for the group, and click Add. 11. Continue adding resources or criteria as needed. 12. Click Finish. After adding a group to the health summary, navigate to the Health Summary page to verify that the group is displayed. You can configure the columns that are displayed in the health summary to make it easy to quickly identify the status of the resources that you are monitoring. As a best practice, ensure that the columns that are related to health and status are always displayed in the health summary. Using Resource Explorer to add systems to the health summary Use the Resource Explorer task to select the resource groups that you want to be displayed on the health summary. To add a resource group to the health summary, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Resource Explorer. 2. Navigate to the group that you want to add to the health summary. Note: If the group that you want to add does not exist, create it. Chapter 5. Monitoring system status and health 247 3. From the Resource Explorer table, right-click the group that you want to add to the Health Summary page and select Add to > Health Summary. The Navigate Resources table is displayed. Note: If you right-click a system instead of a group, you can add that system to either the Favorites group or another group of your choosing. Adding the system to the favorites group will automatically add it to the health summary. However, if you add the system to another group of your choosing, ensure that that group is added to the health summary if you want the system to appear there. After adding a group to the health summary, navigate to the Health Summary page to verify that the group is displayed. Removing a group from the health summary The health summary displays the status of systems that belong to the health summary favorites group and other groups that you have added to it. You can use the Health Summary task to remove a group from the health summary. To remove a group from the health summary, complete the following steps: 1. On the Home page, click the Plug-ins tab. A list of available summary pages is displayed. 2. On the Plug-ins tab, click Health Summary under Status manager. The scoreboard, dashboard, and health summary display the status and health of your environment. 3. In the health summary, right-click the group that you want to remove and click Remove. A confirmation message is displayed. 4. Click Remove. The group is removed. Using Resource Explorer to view the status of a specific resource Use Resource Explorer when you want to view the status of only one resource and you know exactly which resource it is. Using the Resource Explorer task, you can navigate to a specific resource and drill down to view detailed status information. Before you can view the status of any resources, IBM Systems Director must first discover and be able to access those resources. To view the status of a specific resource using the Resource Explorer task in IBM Systems Director, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation pane, click Resource Explorer. Note: If you know the name of the resource that you want to view, use the Find a Resource task to navigate to it even more quickly. 2. In the Groups column, click the type of resource that you want to find. 3. Click the name of the resource you want to view. The table displays the state, problems, and compliance status of the resource. 248 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related tasks: Finding systems and other resources Managing groups Scenarios: Using custom monitor views, thresholds, and event automation plans These example scenarios illustrate ways to use monitors, thresholds, and event automation plans to report when important or critical disk drive conditions occur. Each scenario creates a custom a monitor view, activates thresholds for the monitors in the view, and uses the view and thresholds in an event automation plan. When reported by the automation plan, the results from each example indicate the affected disk drives by the letter name given to them on the system. The scenarios do not specify which action the automation plan automatically performs, but possible actions include notifying an administrator by phone or email or running a remote command to correct the reported condition. Scenario: Using a custom monitor view in an event automation plan to report disk data by using drive letter names This example scenario describes how to create a monitor view and use that monitor view in an event automation plan. The scenario assumes that you want to create an event automation plan that monitors the percentage of disk drive space used by specific disk drives. Additionally, the event automation plan must report information about the disk drives by using the letter names given to the drives on the system. All tasks for this scenario occur within the IBM Systems Director Web interface, so the scenario assumes some familiarity with browsing the interface and using it to perform tasks. Also, each of the following steps describes only one way to perform the action, even if an alternative method exists. For this scenario, the letter names for the disk drives to monitor are drive c, drive d, and drive e. To create a custom monitor view for disk drives and use it within an event automation plan, perform the following steps: 1. Select the resources that you want to monitor: a. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Navigate Resources. b. Drill down to select the resources that you want to monitor, and select them. c. Click Actions > System Status and Health > Monitors. If System Status and Health > Monitors is not a choice available to you, one or more of the resources you selected are not eligible for monitoring. Make sure to select only resources that can be monitored. The Monitors task is displayed with the systems that you specified in step 1b already selected. 2. Start creating a monitor view by clicking Actions > Create. The Create View page is displayed. Chapter 5. Monitoring system status and health 249 3. On the Create View page, in the Name field, type a name for the monitor group that you are creating. 4. From the Show list, select Selected Resources. 5. Select the monitors for the individual disk drives that you want to monitor: a. In the Selected Resources table, select SystemName > Director Agent > Disk Monitors, where SystemName is the name of the system that contains disk drives that you want to monitor. Monitor information for the disk drives is displayed. b. In the Selected Resources table, select the monitors that you want to include in this monitor group. For example, select Drive C: % Space Used, Drive D: % Space Used, and Drive E: % Space Used. c. After selecting the monitors, click Add to add them to the monitor group, then click OK. Note: If you want to monitor drives on more than one system, for each system that contains drives that you want to monitor, repeat step 5a through step 5c. The Monitors page is displayed, and the Monitor Views table includes the monitor view that you created. 6. Click the name of the monitor view that you created. The Monitor View page is displayed. 7. Activate thresholds for the monitors. For each monitor for which you want to create a threshold, perform the following actions: a. Right-click the name of the monitor, then select Activate Threshold. The Threshold page is displayed. a. On the Threshold page, specify the threshold values and options that you want to use, then click OK. The Monitor View page is displayed, and the table shows that the new thresholds are active. 8. Create an event filter to be activated by the thresholds that you created previously: a. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Automation > Event Filters. The Event Filters page is displayed. b. Click Create to create the filter. The Create Event Filter wizard is displayed. c. On the Welcome page, click Next. The Filter Name page is displayed. d. On the Filter Name page, type the name you want to give this event filter, then click Next. The Filter Type page is displayed. e. On the Filter Type page, select a filter type of Threshold event filter, then click Next. The Event Type page is displayed. f. On the Event Type page, select an event type of Custom. This scenario assumes that the event filter does not include IBM i message queue events. g. In the Event Types table, click Director > Director Agent (Component Category) > Disk Monitors. The Event Types table displays the disk drive event types. h. Click the appropriate disk drive event component category, for example, Drive C: % Space Used (Component Category). The Event Types table displays thresholds for the specified disk drive. i. Select the thresholds that you want to activate the event filter, click Add. j. After you add all the necessary thresholds, click Next. k. On all subsequent pages (until the Summary page is displayed), accept the default values or specify the values that you want to use, then click Next. 250 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide l. On the Summary page, review the settings for the event filter. Click Back if you want to change any settings. When you are satisfied with the settings, click Finish to create the event filter. 9. Create the event automation plan that uses the event filter you created in the previous step: a. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Automation > Event Automation Plans. The Event Automation Plans page is displayed. b. Click Create to create the event automation plan. The Create Event Automation Plan wizard is displayed. c. On the Welcome page, click Next. The Name and Description page is displayed. d. On the Name and Description page, type a name for the event automation plan, then click Next. The Targets page is displayed. e. On the Targets page, use the Show list and the Available table to select the target systems that you want to be affected by the event automation plan. For each target system that you select, click Add. f. After you add all the targets, click Next. The Events page is displayed. g. On the Events page, from the Events list, select Advanced Event Filters. The Event Filters table is displayed. h. From the Event Filters table, select the event filter that you created previously, then click Next. The Event Actions page is displayed. i. On the Event Actions page, select one or more event actions that you want to occur when this event automation plan is triggered, then click Next. The Time Range page is displayed. j. On the Time Range page, specify the time range that determines when the event automation plan is active, then click Next. The Summary page is displayed. k. On the Summary page, review the settings for the event automation plan. Click Back if you want to change any settings. When you are satisfied with the settings, click Finish to create the event automation plan. When triggered, the event automation plan reports the percentage of space used on the disk drives, which it identifies by the associated letter names. Scenario: Using a custom monitor view in an event automation plan to report cluster drive data using drive letter names This example scenario describes how to create a monitor view and use that monitor view in an event automation plan. The scenario assumes that you want to create an event automation plan that monitors the percentage of disk drive space used on specific cluster drives. Additionally, the event automation plan must report information about the disk drives by using the letter names given to the drives on the system. All tasks for this scenario occur within the IBM Systems Director Web interface, so the scenario assumes some familiarity with browsing the interface and using it to perform tasks. Also, each of the following steps describes only one way to perform the action, even if an alternative method exists. For this scenario, the letter names for the cluster drives to monitor are drive m and drive n. Chapter 5. Monitoring system status and health 251 To create a custom monitor view for cluster drives and use it within an event automation plan, perform the following steps: 1. Select the resources that you want to monitor: a. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Resource Explorer. b. Drill down to select the resources that have the cluster drives that you want to monitor, and select them. c. Click Actions > System Status and Health > Monitors. If System Status and Health > Monitors is not a choice available to you, one or more of the resources you selected are not eligible for monitoring. Make sure to select only resources that can be monitored. The Monitors task is displayed with the systems that you specified in step 1b already selected. 2. Start creating a monitor view by clicking Actions > Create. The Create View page is displayed. 3. On the Create View page, in the Name field, type a name for the monitor group that you are creating. 4. From the Show list, select Selected Resources. 5. Select the monitors for the individual cluster drives that you want to monitor: a. In the Selected Resources table, select SystemName > Director Agent > Windows Performance Monitors > LogicalDisk > DriveName, where v SystemName is the name of the system that contains the cluster drives v DriveName is the letter name of the cluster drive that you want to monitor Monitor information for the cluster drive is displayed. b. In the Selected Resources table, select the monitors that you want to include in this monitor group. In this scenario, the monitor must report the percentage of disk space used, but no available monitor for that measurement exists. Select % Free Space, for which a threshold can be set to report the percentage used. c. After selecting the monitor, click Add to add it to the monitor group, then click OK. Note: If you want to monitor drives on more than one system, for each system that contains drives that you want to monitor, repeat step 5a through step 5c. The Monitors page is displayed, and the Monitor Views table includes the monitor view that you created. 6. Click the name of the monitor view that you created. The Monitor View page is displayed. 7. Activate thresholds for the monitors. For each monitor for which you want to create a threshold, perform the following actions: a. Right-click the name of the monitor, then select Activate Threshold. The Threshold page is displayed. b. On the Threshold page, specify the threshold values and options that you want to use, then click OK. Tip: In this scenario, the maximum threshold value must be a high value of 75% or more disk space used. The monitor reports only the percentage of free space. To report when the disk has 75% or more disk space used, the 252 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide threshold must be set for a low value of 25% or less free disk space. The Monitor View page is displayed, and the table shows that the new thresholds are active. 8. Create an event filter to be activated by the thresholds that you created previously: a. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Automation > Event Filters. The Event Filters page is displayed. b. Click Create to create the filter. The Create Event Filter wizard is displayed. c. On the Welcome page, click Next. The Filter Name page is displayed. d. On the Filter Name page, type the name you want to give this event filter, then click Next. The Filter Type page is displayed. e. On the Filter Type page, select a filter type of Threshold event filter, then click Next. The Event Type page is displayed. f. On the Event Type page, select an event type of Custom. This scenario assumes that the event filter does not include IBM i message queue events. g. In the Event Types table, click Director > Director Agent (Component Category) > Windows Performance Monitors > Logicaldisk > DriveName > % Free Space (Component Category), where DriveName is the name of the cluster drive that you want to monitor. The Event Types table displays the cluster drive event types. h. Click Low Warning, then click Add. Remember: To report a high value for the percentage of disk space used, the threshold is set to report a low value for the percentage of disk space free. The selected event type is added to the Selected list. i. After you add all the necessary thresholds, click Next. j. On all subsequent pages (until the Summary page is displayed), accept the default values or specify the values that you want to use, then click Next. k. On the Summary page, review the settings for the event filter. Click Back if you want to change any settings. When you are satisfied with the settings, click Finish to create the event filter. 9. Create the event automation plan that uses the event filter you created in the previous step: a. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Automation > Event Automation Plans. The Event Automation Plans page is displayed. b. Click Create to create the event automation plan. The Create Event Automation Plan wizard is displayed. c. On the Welcome page, click Next. The Name and Description page is displayed. d. On the Name and Description page, type a name for the event automation plan, then click Next. The Targets page is displayed. e. On the Targets page, use the Show list and the Available table to select the target systems that you want to be affected by the event automation plan. For each target system that you select, click Add. f. After you add all the targets, click Next. The Events page is displayed. g. On the Events page, from the Events list, select Advanced Event Filters. The Event Filters table is displayed. h. From the Event Filters table, select the event filter that you created previously, then click Next. The Event Actions page is displayed. Chapter 5. Monitoring system status and health 253 i. On the Event Actions page, select one or more event actions that you want to occur when this event automation plan is triggered, then click Next. The Time Range page is displayed. j. On the Time Range page, specify the time range that determines when the event automation plan is active, then click Next. The Summary page is displayed. k. On the Summary page, review the settings for the event automation plan. Click Back if you want to change any settings. When you are satisfied with the settings, click Finish to create the event automation plan. When triggered, the event automation plan reports the percentage of free space on the cluster drives. (In this case, the measurement desired is the percentage of space used on the cluster drives, which you have to manually compute from the known free space.) The data reported by the event automation plan identifies the cluster drives by their associated letter names. Monitors and thresholds Monitors provide the means to retrieve and visually observe real-time changes in system resources. Activating thresholds on monitors offers a way to trigger events or report problems when the monitored resource exceeds the threshold. IBM Systems Director includes monitor views, which are groups of monitors that belong to a specific category. Examples of monitor views are AIX monitors and SNMP monitors. Create custom monitor views that contain collections of monitors that you find useful. Combine monitors, thresholds, and automation plans to automate troubleshooting or corrective actions in response to reported warnings or critical situations. Monitors Use monitors to observe changes in system resources on physical servers, virtual servers, supported operating systems and hardware, and Virtual I/O Servers (VIOS). The IBM Systems Director Web interface offers various locations where you can use monitors. For example, on the Health Summary page, display one or more specified monitors as graphs on the dashboard. View lists of monitors on the Monitor page or see real-time data in columns on the Virtual Servers and Hosts page. The Performance Summary page has a number of tabs, each of which offers a selection of monitor columns. Additionally, some other resource tables offer the ability to add or remove monitor columns, which provides an easy way to visually monitor a variety of system resources within the table. Monitor views are groups of commonly supported monitors. Some monitors that are included in a monitor view might be unavailable to you because the managed resource does not support them. Several factors determine which monitors are available to use. Determining factors might include the operating system, hardware configuration, and software configuration of the managed resource. Creating a custom monitor view might make available to you additional monitors not included in the default monitor views. Thresholds A threshold is a high or low limit that you do not want the monitored system resource to exceed. For both the high threshold and the low threshold, you have the option of specifying a warning value and a critical value. For example, the 254 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide high threshold for a monitor that measures the percentage of used space on a disk drive might have a warning value of 80 and a critical value of 90. Activating a threshold includes setting options that include specifying whether to generate an event when the threshold is exceeded and determining the amount of time the threshold waits before resending the information. When the monitored resource exceeds the specified value for any threshold limit, the monitor displays the appropriate icon for a warning or critical notification. The next step in using monitors and thresholds is to combine them with one or more event actions in an event action plan, making it possible to automate troubleshooting and corrective responses to predetermined events. For more information, see “Events, filters, and actions in event automation plans.” Related concepts: Events, filters, and actions in event automation plans Related tasks: Managing monitors Managing thresholds Monitor views Use the Monitors task to monitor critical system resources on your managed systems. IBM Systems Director arranges available monitors in groups called monitor views. Each view represents a list of the most commonly available monitors in a category, for example, monitors that are supported by AIX. Use existing monitor views or create your own views that contain the selections of individual monitors that you find useful. Several factors determine the availability of individual monitors in a monitor view. Determining factors might include the operating system, hardware configuration, or software configuration of the managed resource. Depending on those factors, some monitors included in a view might be unavailable in your environment. Note: The monitor views described in the following topics are only those views that ship with Systems Director. Installing an advanced plug-in might install one or more additional monitor views that are not described here. For more information, see the documentation for that plug-in. When you create a monitor view, the Create View page presents all the available monitors in each category, not just the most common monitors. Creating your own monitor view makes available additional monitors that are not in the commonly used sets of monitors included in the default monitor views. Polling intervals (or how often data collection is performed) for monitors depend on the managed system or device. In general, using the default settings, data collections occur every 5 - 10 seconds, and the display refreshes every 10 - 20 seconds. Polling intervals affect the minimum granularity and timeliness of any thresholds applied to a monitor. AIX Monitors view The AIX Monitors view contains some of the monitors most commonly reported by installed versions of AIX as being available to IBM Systems Director. When you create your own monitor view, additional individual AIX monitors might be available. Chapter 5. Monitoring system status and health 255 The following table lists some of the most commonly available monitors from the AIX Monitors view and the data that each monitor retrieves. Note: Several factors determine the availability of the individual monitors listed in the following table. Determining factors might include the operating system, hardware configuration, or software configuration of the managed resource. Depending on those factors, some monitors listed in the following table might be unavailable to you, and some monitors that are not listed might be available. Table 20. Monitors commonly available in the AIX Monitors view Monitor name Data retrieved ™ 256 Active Memory Sharing Enabled Whether memory sharing is enabled. Possible values are: v TRUE v FALSE Active Time of /dev/hdisk0 for processing request (%) The percentage of time that the physical disk is active (bandwidth utilization for the drive) or, in other words, the total time disk requests are outstanding. Active Virtual Memory (4K Pages) Active virtual memory in (4K page units) Available Space of /dev/hdisk0 (MB) Amount of available space (in megabytes) on the specified disk drive Available Space of Filesystem / (MB) Amount of available disk space (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Available Space of Filesystem /home (MB) Amount of available disk space (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Available Space of Filesystem /opt (MB) Amount of available disk space (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Available Space of Filesystem /tmp (MB) Amount of available disk space (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Available Space of Filesystem /usr (MB) Amount of available disk space (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Available Space of Filesystem /var (MB) Amount of available disk space (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Capacity of /dev/hdisk0 (MB) Total capacity (in megabytes) of the specified disk drive CPU Computing Unit (%) A percentage that represents the average time that the processor spends in the user mode, system mode, idle state, and wait state divided by the length of time being measured CPU Utilization The percentage of CPU capacity being used. For uncapped partitions, this can be larger than 100%, potentially much larger. Uncapped partitions use all available capacity in the shared processor pool. Ethernet Kilobytes Received Rate of en0 (KB/sec) Rate of data received (in kilobytes per second) by way of Ethernet connection Ethernet Kilobytes Received Rate of lo0 (KB/sec) Rate of data received (in kilobytes per second) by way of Ethernet connection IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Table 20. Monitors commonly available in the AIX Monitors view (continued) Monitor name Data retrieved Ethernet Kilobytes Throughout Rate of en0 (KB/sec) Rate of successful data communication (receipt and transmission, in kilobytes per second) by way of Ethernet connection Ethernet Kilobytes Throughout Rate of lo0 (KB/sec) Rate of successful data communication (receipt and transmission, in kilobytes per second) by way of Ethernet connection Ethernet Kilobytes Transmitted Rate of en0 (KB/sec) Rate of data transmitted (in kilobytes per second) by way of Ethernet connection Ethernet Kilobytes Transmitted Rate of lo0 (KB/sec) Rate of data transmitted (in kilobytes per second) by way of Ethernet connection Ethernet Packets Received Rate of en0 (Packets/sec) Rate of data received (in kilobytes per second) by way of Ethernet connection Ethernet Packets Received Rate of lo0 (Packets/sec) Rate of data received (in packets per second) by way of Ethernet connection Ethernet Packets Transmitted Rate of en0 (KB/sec) Rate of data transmitted (in packets per second) by way of Ethernet connection Ethernet Packets Transmitted Rate of lo0 (KB/sec) Rate of data transmitted (in packets per second) by way of Ethernet connection Memory Mode The memory mode Memory Page Fault (Pages/sec) Rate of page faults (in pages per second) Memory Page Steal (Pages/sec) Rate of page steals (in pages per second) Memory Usage Memory being used (in megabytes) Paging Space Remaining (MB) Amount of remaining paging space (in megabytes) Paging Space Reserved (MB) Amount of reserved paging space (in megabytes) Paging Space Total (MB) Total amount of paging space (in megabytes) Paging Space Used (MB) Amount of used paging space (in megabytes) Time for Servicing Transfers in relation to Active Time of /dev/hdisk0 (%) The percentage of time that the physical disk is busy servicing a transfer request compared to the time the disk is active (the time when transfer requests are outstanding) Total Space of Filesystem / (MB) Amount of total disk space (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Total Space of Filesystem /home (MB) Amount of total disk space (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Total Space of Filesystem /opt (MB) Amount of total disk space (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Total Space of Filesystem /tmp (MB) Amount of total disk space (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Total Space of Filesystem /usr (MB) Amount of total disk space (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Total Space of Filesystem /var (MB) Amount of total disk space (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Used Space of Filesystem / (MB) Amount of disk space used (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Chapter 5. Monitoring system status and health 257 Table 20. Monitors commonly available in the AIX Monitors view (continued) Monitor name Data retrieved Used Space of Filesystem /home (MB) Amount of disk space used (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Used Space of Filesystem /opt (MB) Amount of disk space used (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Used Space of Filesystem /tmp (MB) Amount of disk space used (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Used Space of Filesystem /usr (MB) Amount of disk space used (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Used Space of Filesystem /var (MB) Amount of disk space used (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Note: v These monitors gather data that is supplied by the agent. v IBM Systems Director monitor and threshold memory values are measured in megabytes (1024*1024 bytes). Some applications measure memory in millions of bytes. For example, the memory value for 2 GB is the number of megabytes, or 2048 (1024*2). All Monitors view The All Monitors view contains all of the available individual monitors from the other predefined views that ship with IBM Systems Director. Also, any individual monitor not in the All Monitors view that is encountered while creating a monitor view is added to the All Monitors view. Note: Deleting a custom monitor view does not remove the individual monitors from the All Monitors view. When you create a monitor view, the Create View page presents all the available monitors in each category, not just the most common monitors. Creating your own monitor view makes available additional monitors that are not in the commonly used sets of monitors included in the default monitor views. For more information about available monitors, look at the information for the specific view in which you are interested. Column Management Monitors view The Column Management Monitors view contains a selection of monitors offered as resource table columns by the installed plug-ins. This monitor view is the only view that ships with IBM Systems Director that you can edit, which means you can add monitors that you want to use as columns in resource tables. For example, when viewing a list of resources (not groups) on the Resource Explorer page, click Actions > Columns to add columns to or remove columns from the table. Some of the available columns to add or remove are monitors that are included in the Column Management Monitors view. Common CIM Monitors view The Common CIM (Common Information Model) Monitors view contains some of the most common CIM monitors. When you create your own monitor view, additional individual CIM monitors might be available. 258 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide The following table lists some of the most commonly available monitors from the Common CIM Monitors view and the data that each monitor retrieves. Notes: v Linux for Power does not provide CIM-based metric profile metrics. v Several factors determine the availability of the individual monitors listed in the following table. Determining factors might include the operating system, hardware configuration, or software configuration of the managed resource. Depending on those factors, some monitors listed in the following table might be unavailable to you, and some monitors that are not listed might be available. Table 21. Monitors commonly available in the CIM Monitors view Monitor name Data retrieved CPU Utilization Rate at which the CPU is running Disk % Space Available Percentage of available disk space Disk Space Remaining (MB) Amount of remaining (available) disk space (in megabytes) Memory Usage (MB) Memory being used (in megabytes) Packet received rate Number of IP packets received/second Packet transmitted rate Number of IP Packets sent/second Note: v Linux for Power does not provide CIM Base Metrics Profile (DMTF Standard DSP1053) based metrics. v Several factors determine the availability of the individual monitors listed in the following table. Determining factors might include the operating system, hardware configuration, or software configuration of the managed resource. Depending on those factors, some monitors listed in the following table might be unavailable to you, and some monitors that are not listed might be available. v These monitors gather data that is supplied by the agent. v IBM Systems Director monitor and threshold memory values are measured in megabytes (1024*1024 bytes). Some applications measure memory in millions of bytes. For example, the memory value for 2 GB is the number of megabytes, or 2048 (1024*2). Common Monitors view The Common Monitors view contains some of the most common monitors for operating systems that are supported by IBM Systems Director. When you create your own monitor view, additional individual operating systems monitors might be available. The following table lists some of the most commonly available monitors from the Common Monitors view and the data that each monitor retrieves. Note: v Several factors determine the availability of the individual monitors listed in the following table. Determining factors might include the operating system, hardware configuration, or software configuration of the managed resource. Depending on those factors, some monitors listed in the following table might be unavailable to you, and some monitors that are not listed might be available. v The “CPU % Utilization monitor” is different from the “CPU Utilization %” virtualization monitor. For more information about the “CPU Utilization %” monitor, see the topic: “Virtualization Monitors view”. Chapter 5. Monitoring system status and health 259 Table 22. Monitors commonly available in the Common Monitors view 260 Monitor name Data retrieved Active Processors Number of available processors CPU Utilization Rate at which the CPU is running Disk 0 Workload Workload managed by disk 0 Disk % Space Used Percentage of space used on the disk Disk Space Used (MB) Amount of space used on the disk (in megabytes) Locked Memory (MB) Amount of memory locked (in megabytes) Memory Usage (MB) Memory being used (in megabytes) Paging Space Remaining (MB) Amount of remaining paging space (in megabytes) Paging Space Reserved (MB) Amount of reserved paging space (in megabytes) Paging Space Total (MB) Total amount of paging space (in megabytes) Paging Space Used (MB) Amount of used paging space (in megabytes) Time for Servicing Transfers in relation to Active Time of /dev/hdisk0 (%) The percentage of time that the physical disk is busy servicing a transfer request compared to the time the disk is active (the time when transfer requests are outstanding) Total Space of Filesystem / (MB) Amount of total disk space (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Total Space of Filesystem /home (MB) Amount of total disk space (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Total Space of Filesystem /opt (MB) Amount of total disk space (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Total Space of Filesystem /tmp (MB) Amount of total disk space (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Total Space of Filesystem /usr (MB) Amount of total disk space (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Total Space of Filesystem /var (MB) Amount of total disk space (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Used Space of Filesystem / (MB) Amount of disk space used (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Used Space of Filesystem /home (MB) Amount of disk space used (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Used Space of Filesystem /opt (MB) Amount of disk space used (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Used Space of Filesystem /tmp (MB) Amount of disk space used (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Used Space of Filesystem /usr (MB) Amount of disk space used (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Used Space of Filesystem /var (MB) Amount of disk space used (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Table 22. Monitors commonly available in the Common Monitors view (continued) Monitor name Data retrieved Note: v These monitors gather data that is supplied by the agent. v IBM Systems Director monitor and threshold memory values are measured in megabytes (1024*1024 bytes). Some applications measure memory in millions of bytes. For example, the memory value for 2 GB is the number of megabytes, or 2048 (1024*2). SNMP Monitors view The SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) Monitors view contains monitors supported by SNMP devices. The SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) Monitors view contains several monitors, such as the Network Bytes Transferred monitor, which retrieves the total number of bytes (using SNMP) transmitted or received by the resource, and monitors that require data collection from Remote Network MONitoring (RMON). Note: In some instances, SNMP monitors data will not be available for a device. The capabilities of the SNMP device determine which monitors will display data in the SNMP Monitors view. IBM i Monitors view Use these instructions to view and configure available IBM i CIM monitors. Doing so helps you quickly start monitoring IBM i systems. Before starting, ensure that you followed the instructions in the CIM section in the topic “Using IBM i resources with an IBM Systems Director Server”. The IBM i Monitors view shows some of the most common monitors reported by installed versions of platform agent on IBM i as being available to IBM Systems Director. When you create your own monitor view, more individual IBM i monitors might be available. To view IBM i monitors, follow these steps: 1. From the navigation pane, expand System Status and Health, then select Monitors. 2. From the Monitors window, select IBM i Monitors and click Show Monitors. Available Monitors Following are some of the most commonly available monitors from the IBM i Monitors view and the data that each monitor retrieves. v For a more complete list of monitors that can be added to a custom view, see “ IBM i resource-monitor attributes”. v For more information about CIM, see “Common Information Model”. v For more information about monitors, see “IBM i System Metrics Providers”. Note: Several factors determine monitor availability. Some factors include the operating system, hardware configuration, and software configuration of the managed resource. Depending on those factors, some monitors might not retrieve the appropriate data and would then display “No Data Available”. Chapter 5. Monitoring system status and health 261 Table 23. Commonly available monitors in the IBM i Monitors view Monitor name Data retrieved Active Virtual Processors of Computer System Average number of active virtual processors Average disk active time percentage Average disk active time percentage Average disk space utilization Average disk space utilization Average interactive jobs transaction rate Average transaction rate of interactive jobs Average interactive response time Average transaction response time of interactive jobs Average jobs transaction rate Average transaction rate of jobs Average user pool faults Average user pool faults Batch jobs logical database IO rate Database IO operations rate of all batch jobs CPU % Utilization Percentage of defined CPU capacity that is used by this system CPU Consumption Index CPU time used, divided by the available CPU time for this operating system CPU External View Total of Operating System (%) External view CPU percentage. This is the percentage of this partition CPU time used. CPU External View User Mode of Operating External view user mode percentage System (%) CPU Internal View Idle of Operating System Idle percentage, as seen from within the (%) operating system 262 CPU Internal View Total of Operating System (%) User mode percentage from the perspective of the operating system CPU Internal View User Mode of Operating System (%) User mode percentage as seen from within the operating system Free Physical Memory of Operating System (Kilobytes) Kilobytes of unused, available physical memory Free Space in Page Files of Operating System (Kilobytes) Kilobytes of memory that can be mapped into the operating systems’ paging files Free Virtual Memory of Operating System (Kilobytes) Kilobytes of unused, available virtual memory Interactive jobs CPU percentage Percentage of CPU used for interactive jobs Maximum disk active time percentage Maximum disk active time percentage Maximum disk space utilization Maximum disk space utilization Maximum interactive response time Maximum transaction response time of interactive jobs Maximum user pool faults Maximum user pool faults Number of Users of Operating System Number of user sessions for which the operating system is storing state information Page In Rate of Operating System/sec Number of pages that are paged in per second Process Count Number of processes that are currently loaded on the operating system Total CPU Time of Operating System (Milliseconds) Total CPU time, sum of KernelModeTime and UserModeTime, on operating system level IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Table 23. Commonly available monitors in the IBM i Monitors view (continued) Monitor name Data retrieved Unused Global CPU Capacity of Computer System (Milliseconds) Milliseconds of CPU time that are not used on the global server level Unused Partition CPU Capacity of Computer System (Milliseconds) Reserved but unused capacity for this operating system container User Mode Time of Operating System (Milliseconds) Time in user mode, in milliseconds, on operating system level Related reference: Common information Model IBM i System Metrics Providers IBM i resource-monitor attributes These are some of the most commonly used resource-monitor attributes for the IBM i operating system. Resource monitor Attributes File Notes: 1. File-monitor attributes can be files or directories. 2. For compatible file system types, the “Directory exists” or “File exists” attribute (depending on which is applicable) is always valid data. 3. If there are more directories, additional subelements are displayed. 4. A directory can contain hundreds of subelements. If it does, a directory might take 5 seconds or longer to open. 5. QSYS.LIB can contain thousands of subelements. If a timeout occurs, reopening the directory after a timeout increases the timeout value, and might increase the timeout value sufficiently for the operation to complete. v Directory – Directory exists – Last modified – Directory attributes – Directory owner – Directory size (bytes) – Object type v File – Checksum – File exists – Last modified – File attributes – File owner – File size (bytes) – Object type Chapter 5. Monitoring system status and health 263 Resource monitor Attributes File system Note: The file system monitor attributes for specific directories are provided for typical IBM i directories. If one of these directories does not exist, the attribute is not displayed. v / v /bin v /dev v /etc v /home v /lib v /tmp v /usr v /var List of directory contents v v v v v v Process Note: The number of applications or executable files that a process monitor checks can vary. The IBM Systems Director user configures the processes that are monitored using the Process Monitor task in the IBM Systems Director Web interface. Each of the process-monitor attributes is displayed for each executable file that is monitored. v Current active processes v Maximum running at once v Maximum running yesterday v New executions counted v Times failed to start v Time started v Time stopped v Total execution time v Execution time yesterday I/O processors v v v v v v v v v v v v v Job queues 264 Directory attributes Directory exists Directory owner Directory size (bytes) Last modified Object type Auxiliary IOP Use % IOP All Comm. Use % IOP Disk Use % IOP LAN Use % IOP Memory Free (KB) IOP Operational Status 0 = The status field does not apply to this resource or could not be determined. 1 = Operational; the resource is operational. 2 = Inoperative; the resource is not operational. 3 = Not detected; the presence of the resource could not be detected. IOP Optical Use % IOP SDLC Use % IOP System Function Use % IOP Tape Use % IOP Twinaxial Use % IOP X.25 Use % Primary IOP Use % v Job Queue Status 0 = Released; the queue is released. 1 = Held; the queue is held. v Jobs in Queue IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Resource monitor Attributes Job statistics v v v v v v v v v v Batch Jobs Ended, Output Waiting Batch Jobs Ending Batch Jobs Held on Job Queue Batch Jobs Held while Running Batch Jobs on Held Job Queue Batch Jobs on Unassigned Job Queue Batch Jobs Running Batch Jobs Waiting for Messages Batch Jobs Waiting to Run Jobs on System NetServer statistics v v v v v v v Average Response Time (Milliseconds) File Opens/Minute Kbytes Received per Minute Kbytes Sent per Minute Password Violations Print Jobs Queued/Minute Session Starts/Minute Physical disks v Disk Arm Utilization % v Disk Average Queue Length v Disk Mirroring Status 0 = Not mirrored 1 = Active 2 = Resuming 3 = Suspended v Disk Operational Status 0 = The status field does not apply to this resource or could not be determined. 1 = Operational; the resource is operational. 2 = Inoperative; the resource is not operational. 3 = Not detected; the presence of the resource could not be detected. v Disk Processor Utilization % v Disk Read Commands/Minute v Disk Read Kbytes/Minute v Disk Space Free (MB) v Disk Space Used % v Disk Write Commands/Minute v Disk Write Kbytes/Minute Storage pools v v v v v v v Subsystems v Subsystem % of Job Limit v Subsystem Active Jobs v Subsystem Status 0 = Inactive; the subsystem is not running. 1 = Active; the subsystem is running. System statistics v v v v v v Active to Ineligible (Transitions/Minute) Active to Wait (Transitions/Minute) Database Faults per Second Database Pages per Second Non-database Faults per Second Non-database Pages per Second Wait to Ineligible (Transitions/Minute) CPU Utilization % Current Temp Storage Used (MB) Max Temp Storage Used (MB) Permanent Addresses Used % System ASP Used % Temporary Addresses Used % Chapter 5. Monitoring system status and health 265 Resource monitor User statistics Attributes v v v v v Users Users Users Users Users Disconnected Signed Off, Output Waiting Signed On Suspended by Group Jobs Suspended by System Request VIOS Monitors view The VIOS (Virtual I/O Server) Monitors view contains the most common monitors reported by VIOS as being available to IBM Systems Director. When you create your own monitor view, additional individual VIOS monitors might be available. The following table lists the monitors included in the VIOS Monitors view and the data that each monitor retrieves. Note: Several factors determine the availability of the individual monitors listed in the following table. Determining factors might include the operating system, hardware configuration, or software configuration of the managed resource. Depending on those factors, some monitors listed in the following table might be unavailable to you, and some monitors that are not listed might be available. Table 24. Monitors commonly available in the VIOS Monitors view 266 Monitor name Data retrieved Active Memory Sharing Enabled Whether memory sharing is enabled. Possible values are: v TRUE v FALSE Active Time of /dev/hdisk0 for processing request (%) The percentage of time that the physical disk is active (bandwidth utilization for the drive) or, in other words, the total time disk requests are outstanding. Active Virtual Memory (4 K Pages) Active virtual memory (in 4 K page units) Available Space of /dev/hdisk0 (MB) Amount of available space (in megabytes) on the specified disk drive Available Space of Filesystem / (MB) Amount of available disk space (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Available Space of Filesystem /home (MB) Amount of available disk space (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Available Space of Filesystem /opt (MB) Amount of available disk space (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Available Space of Filesystem /tmp (MB) Amount of available disk space (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Available Space of Filesystem /usr (MB) Amount of available disk space (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Available Space of Filesystem /var (MB) Amount of available disk space (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Capacity of /dev/hdisk0 (MB) Total capacity (in megabytes) of the specified disk drive IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Table 24. Monitors commonly available in the VIOS Monitors view (continued) Monitor name Data retrieved CPU Computing Unit (%) A percentage that represents the average time that the processor spends in the user mode, system mode, idle state, and wait state divided by the length of time being measured CPU Utilization Rate at which the processor is running Ethernet Kilobytes Received Rate of en0 (KB/sec) Rate of data received (in kilobytes per second) by way of ethernet connection Ethernet Kilobytes Received Rate of lo0 (KB/sec) Rate of data received (in kilobytes per second) by way of ethernet connection Ethernet Kilobytes Throughout Rate of en0 (KB/sec) Rate of successful data communication (receipt and transmission, in kilobytes per second) by way of Ethernet connection Ethernet Kilobytes Throughout Rate of lo0 (KB/sec) Rate of successful data communication (receipt and transmission, in kilobytes per second) by way of Ethernet connection Ethernet Kilobytes Transmitted Rate of en0 (KB/sec) Rate of data transmitted (in kilobytes per second) by way of Ethernet connection Ethernet Kilobytes Transmitted Rate of lo0 (KB/sec) Rate of data transmitted (in kilobytes per second) by way of Ethernet connection Ethernet Packets Received Rate of en0 (Packets/sec) Rate of data received (in packets per second) by way of Ethernet connection Ethernet Packets Received Rate of lo0 (Packets/sec) Rate of data received (in packets per second) by way of Ethernet connection Ethernet Packets Transmitted Rate of en0 (Packets/sec) Rate of ethernet data transmitted (in packets per second) Ethernet Packets Transmitted Rate of lo0 (Packets/sec) Rate of data transmitted (in packets per second) by way of Ethernet connection Memory Mode The memory mode Memory Page Fault (Pages/sec) Rate of page faults (in pages per second) Memory Page Steal (Pages/sec) Rate of page steals (in pages per second) Memory Usage (MB) Memory being used (in megabytes) Paging Space Remaining (MB) Amount of remaining paging space (in megabytes) Paging Space Reserved (MB) Amount of reserved paging space (in megabytes) Paging Space Total (MB) Total amount of paging space (in megabytes) Paging Space Used (MB) Amount of used paging space (in megabytes) Shared Ethernet Adapter ent4 Byte In Rate (Kilobytes/sec) Rate at which the adapter is receiving data (in kilobytes per second) Shared Ethernet Adapter ent4 Byte Out Rate (Kilobytes/sec) Rate at which the adapter is transmitting data (in kilobytes per second) Shared Ethernet Adapter ent4 Packet In/sec Rate at which the adapter is receiving data (in packets per second) Shared Ethernet Adapter ent4 Packet Out/sec Rate at which the adapter is transmitting data (in packets per second) Chapter 5. Monitoring system status and health 267 Table 24. Monitors commonly available in the VIOS Monitors view (continued) 268 Monitor name Data retrieved Time for Servicing Transfers in relation to Active Time of /dev/hdisk0 (%) The percentage of time that the physical disk is busy servicing a transfer request compared to the time the disk is active (the time when transfer requests are outstanding) Total Space of Filesystem / (MB) Amount of total disk space (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Total Space of Filesystem /home (MB) Amount of total disk space (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Total Space of Filesystem /opt (MB) Amount of total disk space (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Total Space of Filesystem /tmp (MB) Amount of total disk space (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Total Space of Filesystem /usr (MB) Amount of total disk space (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Total Space of Filesystem /var (MB) Amount of total disk space (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Used Space of Filesystem / (MB) Amount of disk space used (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Used Space of Filesystem /home (MB) Amount of disk space used (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Used Space of Filesystem /opt (MB) Amount of disk space used (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Used Space of Filesystem /tmp (MB) Amount of disk space used (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Used Space of Filesystem /usr (MB) Amount of disk space used (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Used Space of Filesystem /var (MB) Amount of disk space used (in megabytes) for the specified filesystem Virtual Target Device vtscsi0 Read Rate (Kilobytes/sec) Rate at which the specified device is reading data (in kilobytes per second) Virtual Target Device vtscsi0 Transfer Rate (Count for transmission/sec) Rate at which the specified device is transferring data (in count for transmission per second) Virtual Target Device vtscsi0 Write Rate (Kilobytes/sec) Rate at which the specified device is writing data (in kilobytes per second) Virtual Target Device vtscsi1 Read Rate (Kilobytes/sec) Rate at which the specified device is reading data (in kilobytes per second) Virtual Target Device vtscsi1 Transfer Rate (Count for transmission/sec) Rate at which the specified device is transferring data (in count for transmission per second) Virtual Target Device vtscsi1 Write Rate (Kilobytes/sec) Rate at which the specified device is writing data (in kilobytes per second) Virtual Target Device vtscsi2 Read Rate (Kilobytes/sec) Rate at which the specified device is reading data (in kilobytes per second) Virtual Target Device vtscsi2 Transfer Rate (Count for transmission/sec) Rate at which the specified device is transferring data (in count for transmission per second) IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Table 24. Monitors commonly available in the VIOS Monitors view (continued) Monitor name Data retrieved Virtual Target Device vtscsi2 Write Rate (Kilobytes/sec) Rate at which the specified device is writing data (in kilobytes per second) Note: v These monitors gather data that is supplied by the agent. v IBM Systems Director monitor and threshold memory values are measured in megabytes (1024*1024 bytes). Some applications measure memory in millions of bytes. For example, the memory value for 2 GB is the number of megabytes, or 2048 (1024*2). Managing monitors The Monitors task provides the tools that you need to retrieve real-time status and quantitative data for specific properties and attributes of resources in your environment. You can also set thresholds for the monitors, graph the data that monitors retrieve, and drill down to quickly view the status of resources for each system and the name of the monitor so that you can view its properties. Note: For a list of items that you should consider while working with resource monitors and event automation plans, see “Resource-monitor threshold settings change unexpectedly”. Related reference: Resource-monitor threshold settings change unexpectedly Viewing a monitor Use the Monitors task to view the monitors you have set for your resource. To view a monitor, complete the following steps: 1. Open the Monitors task as follows: a. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Resource Explorer. b. Either select a group or drill down to select a resource within a group. c. Click Actions > System Status and Health > Monitors. The Monitors task with a table listing applicable monitor views and information about each monitor view is displayed. 2. To select one or more target resources, click Browse. The Context Chooser is displayed. 3. Use the Context Chooser to add one or more resources or groups of resources as a target: a. To add a group, select the group that you want to add as a target. To add a single resource, drill down from the group that includes the resource that you want to add and select the resource. b. Click Add. c. Continue selecting groups or resources as needed. d. When you are finished adding targets, click OK. 4. From the Monitor selection page, select the monitor view that you want to be displayed for the targets that you selected. 5. Click Show Monitors. The Monitor View page listing monitors for the targets that you selected is displayed. Chapter 5. Monitoring system status and health 269 6. View the properties for the monitor in the table or click the monitor to view additional properties and details. Creating a monitor view Use the Monitors task to create views of monitors. Ensure that the resources on which you create the monitor views have the appropriate level of agent running on them. Agent level requirements for creating monitors are as follows: v Common monitors are available only for systems running Common Agent or IBM Director Agent version 5.20. v Common CIM monitors are available for all Common Agent managed systems (except for Linux on System x Common Agent managed systems), all Windows Platform Agent managed systems, and Linux on System z Platform Agent managed systems. v No common monitors or common CIM monitors are available for Agentless managed systems. To create a monitor view, complete the following steps: 1. Open the Monitors task as follows: a. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Resource Explorer. b. Either select a group or drill down to select a resource within a group. c. Click Actions > System Status and Health > Monitors. The Monitors task with a table listing applicable monitor views and information about each monitor view is displayed. Click Create. The Create View page is displayed. In the Name field, specify a name for the new monitor view. Specify an optional description for the monitor view. In the Show field, select Selected Resources to choose from existing monitored resources or Monitor Views to choose from existing monitor views. For more information about monitors that are shipped with Systems Director, see “Monitor views.” 6. In the Available table, double-click a monitor to view and select all the monitored resources that you want to add to your new monitor view. 2. 3. 4. 5. For example, double-click Disk Monitors to view monitors that are available for each hard disk drive present in a system. 7. Click Add. Note: Add is activated only when an item that can be monitored, such as CPU Utilization, is selected. If you select any items that cannot be monitored, Add remains deactivated. 8. Click OK. The new monitor view appears in the Monitor Views table. 270 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related reference: Version compatibility of IBM Systems Director components across releases Editing a monitor view Use the Monitors task to edit monitor views. To edit a monitor view, complete the following steps: 1. Open the Monitors task as follows: a. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Resource Explorer. b. Either select a group or drill down to select a resource within a group. c. Click Actions > System Status and Health > Monitors. The Monitors task with a table listing applicable monitor views and information about each monitor view is displayed. 2. Select the monitor view that you want to edit. 3. Click Actions > Edit. 4. Modify the monitor view values as needed. 5. Click OK. Deleting a monitor view You can delete monitor views that you no longer need. A monitor view must exist before you can delete it. To delete a monitor view, complete the following steps: 1. Open the Monitors task as follows: a. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Resource Explorer. b. Either select a group or drill down to select a resource within a group. c. Click Actions > System Status and Health > Monitors. The Monitors task with a table listing applicable monitor views and information about each monitor view is displayed. 2. Select the monitor view that you want to delete. 3. Click Actions > Delete. 4. Click Delete. The monitor view will no longer appear in the Monitors Views table. Graphing a monitor Use the Monitor View task to view graphical representations of the monitors on your resource. To graph a monitor, complete the following steps: 1. Open the Monitors task as follows: a. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Resource Explorer. b. Either select a group or drill down to select a resource within a group. c. Click Actions > System Status and Health > Monitors. Chapter 5. Monitoring system status and health 271 The Monitors task with a table listing applicable monitor views and information about each monitor view is displayed. 2. Select the monitor for which you want to create a graph. 3. Click Actions > Graph. The Graph page is displayed. 4. Modify the options of the graph, including graph type and zoom level, as needed. Managing thresholds The Thresholds task offers a consolidated view of all the thresholds that you have created to monitor the dynamic properties of your resource. This task saves you from searching for them all in the Monitors task. Note: Although there are smcli resource-monitor thresholds commands, you must use the user interface to manage thresholds for advanced managers. Viewing a threshold Use the Thresholds task to view thresholds that are set for the monitors on your resources or use the Resource Explorer task to view thresholds for a specific resource. To view a threshold, complete the following steps that apply to the method that you want to use: 1. View thresholds that are set for the monitors on your resources: a. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, expand System Status and Health > Thresholds. The Thresholds page with a table listing applicable thresholds and information about each threshold is displayed. b. View the properties for the threshold in the table or click the threshold to view additional properties and details. 2. View thresholds for a specific resource: a. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Resource Explorer. b. Navigate to the resource for which you want to view the threshold. c. From the Resource Explorer table, right-click the resource and select System Status and Health > Thresholds. The Thresholds page is displayed. Creating a threshold You can create a threshold by activating a threshold on a specific monitor. A monitor must have a threshold status of None before you can create a threshold for it. Tip: You can configure an event automation plan to send an e-mail notification when a specified resource reaches a predefined threshold. To create a threshold for a specific monitor, complete the following steps: 1. Open the Monitors task as follows: a. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Resource Explorer. b. Either select a group or drill down to select a resource within a group. c. Click Actions > System Status and Health > Monitors. 272 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide The Monitors task with a table listing applicable monitor views and information about each monitor view is displayed. 2. From the Monitor selection page, select the monitor view that you want to be displayed for the targets that you selected. 3. Click Show Monitors. The Monitor View page listing monitors for the targets that you selected is displayed. 4. 5. 6. 7. Select the monitor for which you want to create a threshold. Click Actions > Activate Threshold. The Threshold page is displayed. Input and modify the threshold settings as needed. Click OK. The threshold status value in the Monitor View table will change from None to Activated and the threshold settings will be displayed Creating an event automation plan based on an existing threshold Use this method to create an event automation plan that uses the target system and the event types that are specified by an existing active threshold. When creating an event automation plan based on an existing threshold, you need to specify only a few settings: the threshold levels that you want to monitor, the event actions that you want the plan to include, and the time range that determines when the plan is active. 1. From the Monitor View page or the Thresholds page in the IBM Systems Director Web interface, select a monitor with an active threshold. 2. Click Create Event Automation plan. The Event Automation Plan wizard is displayed. 3. Complete the wizard, then click Finish. Related tasks: “Creating an event automation plan” on page 322 Editing a threshold Use the Thresholds task to edit thresholds that are set for the monitors on your resource. To edit a threshold, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, expand System Status and Health > Thresholds. The Thresholds page with a table listing applicable thresholds and information about each threshold is displayed. 2. Select the threshold that you want to edit. 3. Click Actions > Edit Threshold. The Threshold page is displayed. 4. Modify the settings for the threshold as needed. 5. Click OK. Activating a threshold You can activate thresholds that have been previously deactivated. A threshold must be in the deactivated (disabled) state before you can activate it. To activate a threshold, complete the following steps: Chapter 5. Monitoring system status and health 273 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, expand System Status and Health > Thresholds. The Thresholds page with a table listing applicable thresholds and information about each threshold is displayed. 2. 3. 4. 5. Select the deactivated threshold that you want to activate. Click Activate Threshold. The Threshold page is displayed. Optional: Modify any settings for the threshold that you want to change. Click OK. The threshold status value in the thresholds table will change from deactivated to activated. Deactivating a threshold You can deactivate thresholds that have been previously activated. A threshold must be in the activated (enabled) state before you can deactivate it. To deactivate a threshold, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, expand System Status and Health > Thresholds. The Thresholds page with a table listing applicable thresholds and information about each threshold is displayed. 2. Select the deactivated threshold that you want to activate. 3. Click Actions > Deactivate Threshold. 4. Click OK. The threshold status value in the thresholds table will change from Activated to Deactivated. Deleting a threshold You can delete thresholds that you no longer want associated with your monitors. A threshold must exist before you can delete it. To delete a threshold, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, expand System Status and Health > Thresholds. The Thresholds page with a table listing applicable thresholds and information about each threshold is displayed. 2. Select the threshold that you want to delete. 3. Click Actions > Delete Threshold. 4. Click Delete. The threshold will no longer appear in the thresholds table. Managing status set entries The status set entries that are reported by resources that are managed by IBM Systems Director help to indicate the overall health of your environment. By managing and monitoring status set entries, which include problems and compliance issues, you can help prevent undetected failures that cause network interruptions and data loss. 274 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Status set entries that are reported by resources in your environment are tracked by IBM Systems Director. You can use IBM Systems Director to quickly navigate to and display these entries. You can also control the entries that are displayed and collected by IBM Systems Director. The Health Summary task displays several resource-monitoring tools on a single page. Together, these tools provide a single, consolidated interface with which you can quickly view the status of important areas of your environment, monitor critical resources, and view the contents of user-defined health summary groups. You can also use other tasks in IBM Systems Director Web interface, such as Resource Explorer and Find a Resource to quickly navigate to specific resources. After you have located a specific resource, you can use the Actions menu to view its status. You can perform the following actions on status set entries that are tracked by IBM Systems Director: Delete Clears a status set entry. When a status set entry is deleted, the individual status set entry is removed from IBM Systems Director tasks that might display it; however, future occurrences of the entry are still tracked and counted by IBM Systems Director. Ignore Deactivates a status set entry. When a status set entry is deactivated for a system or a specific entry type, the systems continues to generate that entry and the entry still occurs. However, IBM Systems Director tracks its status in only the event log. Future occurrences of the entry that occur for the specified system are not displayed or counted by IBM Systems Director unless you reactivate the status set entry. Activate Activates a status set entry that has been deactivated. When a status set entry is activated, the individual status set entry and all future occurrences of the entry are tracked and counted by IBM Systems Director. Viewing a specific status set entry Status set entries that are reported by resources in your environment are tracked by IBM Systems Director and displayed in the applicable health summary tasks and panels. Use the System Status and Health tasks to view status set entries that have been collected by IBM Systems Director. You can view status set entries for only those resources to which you have access. To view a specific status set entry, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, expand System Status and Health and navigate to the type of status set entry that you want to view: v To navigate to a hardware or power-related status set entry, click Problems. The Problems task lists only those elevated status set entries that are problem status set entries that have been reported to IBM Systems Director Server. The data listed here is a subset of what is listed on the Active Status page. From the Problems page, you can navigate to, display, and manage these status set entries. You can also ignore entries to prevent IBM Systems Director Server from collecting them or delete the entries to remove them from the list until they occur again. v To navigate to all status set entries, including problems, click Active Status. The Active Status task lists all of the status set entries, including problems Chapter 5. Monitoring system status and health 275 and compliance issues, that have been reported to IBM Systems Director Server. From the Active Status page, you can navigate to, display, and manage these status set entries. You can also ignore entries to prevent IBM Systems Director Server from collecting them or delete the entries to remove them from the list until they occur again. A table listing applicable status set entries and information about each entry is displayed. 2. View the properties for the status set entry in the table or click the status set entry to view additional properties and details. You can use the Ignore, Activate, and Delete actions to control the entries that are displayed and collected. Viewing status set entries for a specific resource Status set entries that are reported by resources in your environment are tracked by IBM Systems Director and displayed in the applicable health summary tasks and panels. Use the Resource Explorer task to view status set entries for specific resources. You can view status set entries for only those resources to which you have access. To view the status information for a specific resource, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Resource Explorer. 2. In the table view, drill down to the resource that you want to view within the group that contains that resource. 3. Select the resource that you want to view. 4. Click Actions > System Status and Health > Active Status. The active status set entries are listed for the resource. Note: In a targeted launch scenario, only status that applies to the target is displayed. You can use the Ignore, Activate, and Delete actions to control the entries that are displayed and collected. Viewing status set entries for a group of resources Status set entries that are reported by resources in your environment are tracked by IBM Systems Director and displayed in the applicable health summary tasks and panels. Use the Navigate Resources task to view status set entries for the resources that belong to a specific group. You can view status set entries for only those resources to which you have access. To view status set entries for a group of resources, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Navigate Resources. 2. In the table view, select one or more groups from the list. 3. Click Actions > System Status and Health > Active Status. The active status set entries are listed for the resources that belong to the selected group. 276 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Note: In a targeted launch scenario, only status that applies to the targets is displayed. You can use the Ignore, Activate, and Delete actions to control the entries that are displayed and collected. Activating a status set entry You can activate (un-ignore) individual status set entries that have been deactivated (ignored). Status set entries that are activated are tracked by IBM Systems Director and are displayed in the applicable Health Summary tasks and panels. When status set entries are activated for a system or a specific entry type, IBM Systems Director tracks them. To activate a status set entry, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, expand System Status and Health and navigate to the type of status set entry that you want to view: v To navigate to a hardware or power-related status set entry, click Problems. The Problems task lists only those elevated status set entries that are problem status set entries that have been reported to IBM Systems Director Server. The data listed here is a subset of what is listed on the Active Status page. From the Problems page, you can navigate to, display, and manage these status set entries. You can also ignore entries to prevent IBM Systems Director Server from collecting them or delete the entries to remove them from the list until they occur again. v To navigate to all status set entries, including problems, click Active Status. The Active Status task lists all of the status set entries, including problems and compliance issues, that have been reported to IBM Systems Director Server. From the Active Status page, you can navigate to, display, and manage these status set entries. You can also ignore entries to prevent IBM Systems Director Server from collecting them or delete the entries to remove them from the list until they occur again. A table listing applicable status set entries and information about each entry is displayed. 2. Click Ignored Status. 3. Select the entry that you want to activate. 4. Click Activate. Deactivating a status set entry You can deactivate (ignore) individual status set entries that you do not want IBM Systems Director to collect. Status set entries that are deactivated are ignored by IBM Systems Director and are not displayed in the health summary tasks and panels. When a status set entry is deactivated for a system or a specific entry type, the systems continue to generate that entry and the entry still occurs. However, IBM Systems Director does not track its status. Future occurrences of the entry on the specified system will not be displayed or counted. To deactivate a status set entry, complete the following steps: Chapter 5. Monitoring system status and health 277 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, expand System Status and Health and navigate to the type of status set entry that you want to view: v To navigate to a hardware or power-related status set entry, click Problems. The Problems task lists only those elevated status set entries that are problem status set entries that have been reported to IBM Systems Director Server. The data listed here is a subset of what is listed on the Active Status page. From the Problems page, you can navigate to, display, and manage these status set entries. You can also ignore entries to prevent IBM Systems Director Server from collecting them or delete the entries to remove them from the list until they occur again. v To navigate to all status set entries, including problems, click Active Status. The Active Status task lists all of the status set entries, including problems and compliance issues, that have been reported to IBM Systems Director Server. From the Active Status page, you can navigate to, display, and manage these status set entries. You can also ignore entries to prevent IBM Systems Director Server from collecting them or delete the entries to remove them from the list until they occur again. A table listing applicable status set entries and information about each entry is displayed. 2. Select the entry that you want to deactivate. 3. Click Ignore. 4. In the Ignore Confirmation window, select the option that represents the desired scope for the ignore operation: v Selected resources only v All resources 5. Click OK. You can display entries that have been deactivated and then reactivate them. You can also delete individual entries to clear the specific occurrence of the entry but not future occurrences. Deleting a status set entry You can delete individual status set entries that you do not want IBM Systems Director to collect. Status set entries that are deleted are not displayed in the health summary tasks and panels. When a status set entry is deleted, the individual status set entry is removed from IBM Systems Director tasks that might display it; however, future occurrences of the entry are still tracked and counted by IBM Systems Director. To delete a status set entry, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, expand System Status and Health and navigate to the type of status set entry that you want to view: v To navigate to a hardware or power-related status set entry, click Problems. The Problems task lists only those elevated status set entries that are problem status set entries that have been reported to IBM Systems Director Server. The data listed here is a subset of what is listed on the Active Status page. From the Problems page, you can navigate to, display, and manage these 278 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide status set entries. You can also ignore entries to prevent IBM Systems Director Server from collecting them or delete the entries to remove them from the list until they occur again. v To navigate to all status set entries, including problems, click Active Status. The Active Status task lists all of the status set entries, including problems and compliance issues, that have been reported to IBM Systems Director Server. From the Active Status page, you can navigate to, display, and manage these status set entries. You can also ignore entries to prevent IBM Systems Director Server from collecting them or delete the entries to remove them from the list until they occur again. A table listing applicable status set entries and information about each entry is displayed. 2. Select the entry that you want to delete. 3. Click Delete. 4. In the Delete Confirmation window, click Yes. An entry is deleted for only that instance. If the entry occurs again in the future, IBM Systems Director will collect it. Deleting a Power Systems status set entry When IBM Systems Director receives an event that needs to be listed as a problem , it creates a status set entry for the event. Some Power Systems status set entries are not automatically cleared. Follow the steps in this topic to manually close and delete Power Systems status set entries. You might have two different types of Power Systems status set entries: Service status entries For instructions to close and delete service status entries, see this topic: “Manage Service and Support Manager events” Hardware status entries Hardware status entries are not deleted automatically. If you want to delete them, follow these instructions: 1. In the IBM Systems Director left navigation pane, expand System Status and Health and navigate to the Problems view or the Active Status view. 2. Select the entry that you want to delete and click delete. When you delete a Power Systems status set entry, Systems Director removes the entry from every view where it was visible. 3. In the confirmation window, click Yes. Systems Director deletes only that instance. If the entry recurs, Systems Director collects it again. Related tasks: Manage Service and Support Manager events Managing the event log An event is an occurrence of significance to a task or resource. Examples of events include operation completion, hardware component failure, or a processor threshold being exceeded. The Event Log task displays all events that the management server receives from any resource for which you can view events. Chapter 5. Monitoring system status and health 279 Related concepts: Events Changing backup event log preferences The event log preferences file specifies the backup event log maximum file size and the maximum number of backup files to keep. Use these instructions to change the event log preferences. In System Settings, you can specify how many events to keep in the event log. When the event log is full and a new event is received, the oldest event is moved to the backup event log. When the backup event log is full, a new one is created. The old one might be deleted, depending on the backup event log preferences. To view events in the backup event log, open data/eventLogBackup_n.log, where n is incremented every time a new backup event log file is created. To change the preferences, follow these steps: 1. Modify this file: data/ max_number_of_backup_files=1 Maximum number of backup files to keep. The file name is eventLogBackup_n. size_of_each_backup_file=1 Size of each backup file, in megabytes. 2. Restart IBM Systems Director Server. Changing event log preferences The Event Log Preferences task is used to configure the options for the events that are retrieved and displayed in the event log. You can set the number of events that are retrieved and the duration of time over which those events are retrieved (time range). Note: Use the server preferences settings page to set the maximum number of events that are stored in the management server log file. To change the event log preferences, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, expand Settings and then click Event Log Preferences. The Event Log Preferences page is displayed. 2. On the Event Log Preferences page, make the desired changes. 3. Click OK. Creating an event filter from an event You can create a simple event filter for use in an event automation plan from an event in the Event Log. To create an event filter, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director navigation area, expand System Status and Health and click Event Log. 2. In the Events table, select the event that you want to use for an event filter. 3. Click Create Filter. The Create Filter window is displayed. At the bottom of the window, the selected event type is displayed. 280 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide 4. In the Event filter name field, type the name for the event filter. 5. Optional: In the Description field, type a description to help you identify this event filter. The description is displayed in the Event Filter window. 6. Click OK. When you create an event automation plan in the Event Automation Plan wizard, on the Events page select Advanced Event Filters from the Events list. the Event Filters table displays all available event filters, including the one created from the event log. Related concepts: Event filters Related tasks: Managing event automation plans Deleting an event You can delete individual events that you do not want IBM Systems Director to display in the event log. To delete an event, complete the following steps: 1. Open the event log as follows: a. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Resource Explorer. b. Either select a group or drill down to select a resource within a group. c. Click Actions > System Status and Health > Event Log. The event log table is displayed. 2. Select the event that you want to delete. 3. Click Delete. 4. In the Delete Confirmation window, click OK. Replying to an IBM i inquiry message event Follow these to reply to an individual IBM i inquiry message event displayed in the event log. 1. In the IBM Systems Director navigation pane, expand System Status and Health and click Event Log. The event log table opens. 2. 3. 4. 5. Select the single inquiry message event that you want to reply to. Click Reply. The Reply to Message window opens. In the Reply field, enter your message. Click OK. Viewing events Use the Event Log task to view events that are stored in the event log. The event log includes all events that are received by the management server from any resource to which you have authorization to view events. You can view all events, events for a specific managed resource or group, or events that are filtered using a specific criteria. Note: The event log does not automatically refresh. To refresh the information in the table, change the event filter or click Refresh. Chapter 5. Monitoring system status and health 281 To view events in the event log, complete the following steps: 1. Open the event log as follows: a. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Resource Explorer. b. Either select a group or drill down to select a resource within a group. c. Click Actions > System Status and Health > Event Log. The event log table is displayed. 2. Click Event Filter and select the filter criteria that you want to use. The default filter is All Events. The event log displays the events that have been received by IBM Systems Director Server and that match the filter criteria. Note: The number of events that are displayed is limited by the event-log preferences settings. By default, the event log displays the last 500 events that occurred over the last 24 hours. Use the Event Log Preferences page to change the event log preferences. 3. View the properties for the event in the table or click the event to view additional properties and details. You can use the Delete action to control the events that are displayed. Viewing SNMP device attributes You can use the SNMP Browser task to view the attributes of SNMP devices, for example, hubs, routers, or other management devices that are compliant with SNMP. You can use the SNMP Browser for management based on SNMP, troubleshooting, or monitoring the performance of SNMP devices. To view SNMP devices, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, expand System Status and Health, then click SNMP Browser. 2. In the SNMP Browser window, use the Target field or click Browse to select an available target. The SNMP Systems table displays entries that represent the collection of managed objects in the Management Information Base (MIB) module. 3. To perform an action on an entry in the table, right-click the entry and select an action. The SNMP Systems table displays information about the SNMP resource, including all the managed objects defined in the MIB module and the MIB itself. You can inspect the objects or perform actions on them. Note: To configure your SNMP devices, see “Accessing a secured system with configure access”. Related tasks: Accessing a secured system with configure access Working with tables Managing MIB files You can import, remove, and compile Management Information Base (MIB) files for SNMP-compliant resources. 282 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Compiling a MIB file You can compile Management Information Base (MIB) files that are located on the IBM Systems Director Server. The MIB files are located in the install_root\proddata\snmp directory, where install_root is the root directory of your IBM Systems Director installation. Note that this path uses the backslash (\) to delimit the directory; depending on the system that you are using, you might be required to enter the path using the forward slash (/). When IBM Systems Director Server starts, it loads a default set of compiled MIB files that are commonly used. If you have updated the list of MIB files to load, your most recent selections are loaded. MIB data is stored in its own persistent-storage file, name.mibdata, where name is the MIB definition name. These files are located in the install_root\proddata\snmp directory. By deleting these files and loadedmibs.dat, you can remove all MIB data in IBM Systems Director but retain other persistent-storage data. To compile a MIB file, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, expand Settings and then click Manage MIBs. 2. On the Manage MIBs page, click Import MIB File. 3. On the Import MIB file page, click the File name field or click Browse to search for an MIB file. (To compile successfully, the MIB file must be located on the IBM Systems Director Server.) 4. Select the MIB file that you want to import, then click OK. Click Cancel to close the page without importing a MIB file. A message displays that indicates whether the compilation was successful. The message provides a link to view logs. Loading MIB files into memory You can load Management Information Base (MIB) files into memory. To load MIB files into memory, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, expand Settings and then click Manage MIBs. 2. On the Manage MIB files page, in the Available MIB files list, select the MIB files that you want to load into memory. 3. Click Add to transfer the selected MIB files to the Loaded MIB files list. 4. When you are satisfied with your settings, click OK to save the settings and close the page. To save the setting but not close the page, click Apply. To close the page without saving the settings, click Cancel. To reset the selected MIB files to the server default MIB installation, click Restore Defaults. You still must click OK or Apply to save the restored settings. Managing process monitors You can use process monitors to generate events when an application process starts, stops, or fails to start. Chapter 5. Monitoring system status and health 283 Viewing process monitors You can view a list of the process monitors that exist on a managed system. To view a list of the process monitors that exist on a managed system, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Resource Explorer. 2. Navigate to the resource for which you want to view the process monitors. 3. Right-click the resource and select System Status and Health > Process Monitors. Note: The Process Monitors selection item displays for only those resources that are operating systems. The Process Monitors page, which lists all the process monitors created for the selected resource, is displayed. Creating and configuring a process monitor To monitor a process, you must create and configure a monitor. This is supported only on systems that have Common Agent installed. To create and configure a process monitor, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Resource Explorer. 2. Navigate to the resource for which you want to create a process monitor. 3. Right-click the resource and select System Status and Health > Process Monitors. Note: The Process Monitors selection item displays for only those resources that are operating systems. The Process Monitors page, which lists all the process monitors created for the selected resource, is displayed. 4. On the Process Monitors page, click Create. The Create window is displayed. 5. In the Create window, type the executable file name of the application process that you want to monitor. 6. Select any combination of the Start, Terminate, and Fail to start after reboot check boxes, to specify the actions that you want to monitor. Selecting one or more actions activates the process monitor. A process monitor does nothing unless you select at least one action. 7. If you select Fail to start after reboot, type a timeout value. This value is the number of seconds that the process monitor waits for the application process to start before generating a fail event. 8. Click OK to save the process monitor. The new process monitor is displayed in the Process Monitors table on the Process Monitors page. Removing process monitors You can remove any number of existing process monitors from a managed resource. To remove one or more process monitors from a managed resource, complete the following steps: 284 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Resource Explorer. 2. Navigate to the resource from which you want to remove one or more process monitors. 3. Right-click the resource and select System Status and Health > Process Monitors. Note: The Process Monitors selection item displays for only those resources that are operating systems. The Process Monitors page, which lists all the process monitors created for the selected resource, is displayed. 4. Select one or more process monitors that you want to remove. 5. Click Delete to remove the selected process monitors and any associated thresholds. A confirmation dialog displays. 6. Click OK. The selected process monitors and any associated thresholds are removed and no longer appear in the Process Monitors table. Related tasks: Scheduling tasks Recording resource-monitor statistics You can view statistics about critical system resources, such as processor, disk, and memory by recording resource-monitor statistics. Record resource-monitor statistics for an individual managed system, multiple systems specified by IP addresses or host names, or system groups by using the smcli resource-monitor recording commands. Use the commands to start or stop recording statistics (resource-monitor values), and to export recordings to archive or review the statistics. You can export recordings to a file in text, comma separated values (CSV), HTML, or XML formats. You can also delete resource-monitor recordings. Note: Because IBM Systems Director stores the recordings in binary format, you must use the smcli resource-monitor recording commands to work with the recordings. lsresmonrec Use the lsresmonrec command to list information about previously configured resource-monitor recordings. mkresmonrec Use the mkresmonrec command to record resource-monitor values. rmresmonrec Use the rmresmonrec command to delete one or more resource-monitor recordings. stopresmonrec Use the stopresmonrec command to stop recording resource-monitor values. Chapter 5. Monitoring system status and health 285 286 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Chapter 6. Automating tasks By creating event automation plans and applying them to specific systems, you can automate tasks and other responses to situations that occur in your systems-management environment. For example, when a specified threshold is reached or a specified event occurs, you can be notified by e-mail or phone. Or, you can configure an event automation plan to start a program on a system or change a system variable when a specific event occurs. Important: If you are using predefined IBM Systems Director roles, you must have SMAdministrator authority to use the automation tasks in the IBM Systems Director Web interface. IBM Systems Director provides the Event Automation Plan wizard as a quick and simple way to create event automation plans that meet most systems-management needs. Using the Event Automation Plan wizard, you can create plans that monitor for the most typical situations in systems-management environments, including, but not limited to, the following examples: v Critical hardware events from all systems in your environment v Processor (CPU) use in a specific group of systems, such as all servers running Linux v All Common Agent managed systems to determine whether Common Agent goes offline v The status of updates that are underway v Disk space use in systems, such as those that store database data Then, in response to the situations that you are monitoring, you can choose to send a page or e-mail, or you can start a program on a system. For more information about creating event automation plans and using the Event Automation Plan wizard, see “Creating an event automation plan.” The Event Automation Plan wizard also provides advanced event actions and event filter options that you can use to create event automation plans that can meet very specific needs in your systems-management environment. Successful implementation of event automation plans requires planning and consideration of how you will implement them. Providing thoughtful descriptions for your event automation plans can be particularly helpful. For more information, see “Planning for event automation plan implementations.” © Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2013 287 Related concepts: eLearning: Automating tasks Related tasks: “Creating an event automation plan” on page 322 Related reference: Planning for events Event and event automation plan commands Events, filters, and actions in event automation plans An event automation plan lets you automatically respond to a situation in your IBM Systems Director environment. By creating event automation plans and applying them to specific systems, you can be notified by e-mail, for example, when a specified threshold is reached or a specified event occurs. Or, you can configure an event automation plan to start a program on a system in response to the event. What is an event automation plan? Event automation plans are composed of three components: a target list that contains one or more system or group, a filter that specifies types of events; and one or more actions, which are invoked in response to filtered events. The Event Automation Plan wizard provides a quick and easy way to create event automation plans for common situations. If you want to create sophisticated event automation plans, it is important to understand the events that are generated in a systems-management environment, the event filters that specify the triggering events, and the event actions that can automate a response to the triggering event. When you create an event automation plan, you include a filter and one or more actions. Finally, you apply the event automation plan to an individual system, several systems, or a group of systems. How does IBM Systems Director Server use an event automation plan? When IBM Systems Director Server receives an event, the server determines whether there is a plan for that type of event. If so, the server checks whether the event source is in the list of targets in the plan. If it is in the plan, then the server performs the action specified in the plan. Events An event is an occurrence of significance to a task or system, such as the completion or failure of an operation. In a systems-management environment, IBM Systems Director Server receives events from many sources. These sources include, but are not limited to, the following programs and protocols: v Systems Director Program native events generated by the management server. v Systems Director native events generated by Common Agent. For more information, see “Common Agent.” 288 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide v Common Information Model (CIM) indications from the Common Information Model Object Manager (CIMOM) that is installed as part of Common Agent and Platform Agent. v Microsoft Windows event log. v Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). v SNMP traps through out-of-band communication, that is, communication that is not through Common Agent or Platform Agent. v Platform Event Traps (PET) through out-of-band communication with systems that support Alert Standard Format (ASF) and Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI). v Service processor notifications through out-of-band communication. Alerts and resolutions In Systems Director, an event can be in one of the following categories: alert and resolution. Typically, an alert is the occurrence of a problem relating to a system. A resolution is the occurrence of a correction or solution to a problem. Related concepts: “Event filters” on page 294 “Event actions” on page 298 Related reference: CIM indications in IBM Systems Director Mapping SNMP traps to Systems Director events This topic explains how to modify the rules used to map SNMP traps to Systems Director events. This customization provides greater flexibility in what information gets presented to users and increases the event action plan filter options. Introduction Systems Director can manage SNMP traps. An SNMP trap is a notification sent from the device acting as an SNMP agent; such as a switch, router, or printer, to Systems Director. It processes incoming traps by mapping them to Systems Director event format. The conversion process is called mapping. Systems Director has default mappings for some traps. Users can also create mapping files to map additional events. Mapping SNMP traps to Systems Director allows you to do the following: v Use the same event action plan tools for SNMP traps and Systems Director events. v Create homogenous information across multiple vendors supporting a trap. v Customize information presented in the resulting Systems Director event. There are two methods by which traps are converted: unmapped and mapped: Unmapped traps Use a generic set of rules, also called keys, to map the trap data to properties within the Systems Director event. Any trap OIDs that are not included in the mapping keys are considered unmapped and use the default, generic keys. Mapped traps Have specific conversion keys defined for an SNMP OID or OID range. Chapter 6. Automating tasks 289 Follow these steps to add or change mappings: 1. Open the .map file in one of these directories: v Linux: /opt/ibm/director/data/snmp/ v Windows: C:\Program Files\ibm\director\data\snmp\ 2. Modify the .map file as necessary. See the map file properties below. 3. Restart Systems Director services. Mapping key syntax The SNMP map file contains a series of map entries that consist of predefined keys grouped into map entries for specific OIDs or range of OIDs. The equals sign (=) is used to set a value and the double equals (==) is used to compare values as equal to each other. Predefined keys The predefined keys describe how SNMP trap data should be converted to Systems Director event format. Each key has this format: event.index.key format. Note: The predefined key usually does not need to be changed. index Identifies which map the key entry belongs to. It must be unique to the key entry in the map file. Follow these suggestions to avoid duplication of index values: v Use the specific trap type as a part of that index. In the following example map entry, the trap type is 8217 and the index was set to 18217. v Systems Director uses index values through 14000, so choose indexes above 14000. Check the existing .map files for additional index values that are in use. key The key property to be modified and the data associated with it. Example: The entry event.12000.severity=4 sets the severity to 4 for map 12000. Map entries A map entry contains two sections of keys. The first section, Director Alert Definition, describes the organization and content of the Systems Director event. The SNMP Trap Filter Section deals with how the trap information is filtered and parsed. Example map entry: # # # # - Director Alert Definition Section Mappings from lsi-adaptersas.mib specific SNMP traps to the corresponding Director Event Format author: Author Name Warning! This file is case-sensitive # SW traps # - Director Alert Definition Section # Define the alert Family # Define the alert Event Qualifiers event.18217.keyword.0=Hardware event.18217.keyword.1=Storage event.18217.keyword.2=LSI # Set the Severity event.18217.severity=4 # Set the Category event.18217.category=1 290 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide # Define the message to be displayed event.18217.text=PD state changed on Adapter {0} Dev {1} Enc {2} Slot {3} from {4} to {5} # - SNMP Trap Filter Section # OID of the trap to match event.18217.oid= # Trap variable to parse for the alert message event.18217.eventvar.0= event.18217.eventvar.1= event.18217.eventvar.2= event.18217.eventvar.3= event.18217.eventvar.4= event.18217.eventvar.5= event.18217.proceedwithnormaltrap=false Mapping file syntax - Map entries, Director Alert Definition section This section uses a set of keys to define which information is presented in the Systems Director event. The following keys are pertinent to this section: Table 25. Keys pertinent to the Director Alert Definition map entry section Key Value Description SNMP Top-level qualifier: the family name of event. event.index.keyword.0 event.qualifier.sample1 This is the top level qualifier. This value can be translated from the language bundle specified by event.bundle key. event.index.keyword.1 event.qualifier.sample2 The next level qualifier. You can create as many keywords. These values form the event type hierarchy within a family. event.index.severity 0,1,2,3,4,5 0 - Fatal, 1 - Critical, 2 - Minor, 3 Warning (default), 4 – Harmless/Informational, 5 Unknown event.index.category 0 or 1 0 – resolution, 1 - alert (default) event.index.text text1 This value can be translated from language bundle specified by event.bundle key. event.index.version version number Version number of this event definition (defaults to 1) The and event.index.keyword keys are used to define the event type hierarchical structure that the resulting Systems Director event will belong to. This grouping can be used as part of an event action plan event filter. The family for mapped SNMP traps is always set to SNMP, while the rest of the keywords in the hierarchy can be set to whatever best describes the Systems Director event. Example: The example in “Mapping key syntax” on page 290 uses the following entries for family and keywords: # - Director Alert Definition Section # Define the alert Family Chapter 6. Automating tasks 291 # Define the alert Event Qualifiers event.18217.keyword.0=Hardware event.18217.keyword.1=Storage event.18217.keyword.2=LSI These keys will produce a Systems Director event with the Event Type SNMP.Hardware.Storage.LSI. The first two keywords define the component category, and the last keyword becomes the component type. These are the values as shown in the Systems Director event interface: Component Type: LSI Component Category: SNMP\Hardware\Storage Additionally, you can select the event type on the Event Type page of the Event Filter wizard. To see it, choose these: Types of events to include: Custom Show: Event Type The next two keys in the example, event.18217.severity=4 and event.18217.category=1, set the event severity to “Informational” and the category to “Alert”. There are event categories: Alert A problem has just occurred. Resolution A problem has been resolved. The Director Alert Definition Section ends with the key that describes what event text is produced. The example has the following entry: # Define the message to be displayed event.18217.text=PD state changed on Adapter {0} Dev {1} Enc {2} Slot {3} from {4} to {5} Note: In the map file, this key is on a continuous line. All information after event.18217.text= is in the event text as it is entered, except the bracketed numbers such as {0}. These numbers represent the inclusion of variable information specified in the SNMP Trap Filter Section of the map entry. They can be assigned to any of the trap variables sent with the trap. This lets you include trap variable data in the event text. Mapping file syntax - Map entries, SNMP Trap Filter section The SNMP Trap Filter Section of the map entry specifies how the SNMP trap is filtered and parsed. The following keys are pertinent to this section: Table 26. Keys pertinent to the SNMP trap filter map entry section Key Value Description event.index.oid (see the example map entry) OID of incoming trap to be matched. Use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character to support fallback rules. event.index.eventvar.0 Event variable This value can be used as a variable in event.index.text. event.index.eventvar.1 Event variable Use this to add a second variable if necessary. You can add as many variables as are needed. 292 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Table 26. Keys pertinent to the SNMP trap filter map entry section (continued) Key Value Description event.index.eventvar.index.0 Position based event variable. For example, this value can be 1. (see the example map entry) Use this instead of event.index.eventvar.n if you want a specific varbind (by position) value to be used as an event variable. The first occurring word index is a number and the second word index is an actual word. In the example map entry, the value of first varbind will be used as event variable {0}. event.index.eventvar.index.1 Position based event variable. For example, this value can be 2. Use this to add a second variable if necessary. You can add as many variables as are needed. In this case, the value of second varbind will be used as event variable {1}. event.index.proceedwithnormaltrap true/false If true, a normal SNMP trap event is also generated. Currently, this value is ignored. The first key included in this section is event.index.oid. It defines the OID of the trap that the map should be applied to. The example OID key is for the specific trap type 8217. # OID of the trap to match event.18217.oid= Notice that the OID is in numeric format and identifies a specific trap. To indicate a range of trap OIDs, end a branch with an asterisk (*), as shown here: event.12000.oid=* After the specified OID is found, the trap identification can be filtered further by matching the trap variable information against predefined values. This can be done by using one of these keys: event.index.eventvarbind or event.index.eventvarbind.index. The primary difference between these two keys is how the variable data is found. After the OID and variable filters in the map entry identify a compatible trap, Systems Director retrieves the variable trap information to be included in the Systems Director event text. The SNMP trap variables can be parsed into the Systems Director event text using the event.index.eventvar and event.index.eventvar.index keys. In the example map entry, key entry for event.index.event.var shows a request for the trap variable with OID and assigns it to the Event Text variable {0}. event.18217.eventvar.0= The event text variable {0} is replaced with the value of the trap variable’s OID in the event.index.text key. event.18217.text=PD state changed on Adapter {0} Dev {1} Enc {2} Slot {3} from {4} to {5} The complete set of variables in the example is mapped as follows. # Trap variable to parse for the alert message event.18217.eventvar.0= event.18217.eventvar.1= event.18217.eventvar.2= Chapter 6. Automating tasks 293 event.18217.eventvar.3= event.18217.eventvar.4= event.18217.eventvar.5= Another commonly used key is event.index.proceedwithnormaltrap. For an SNMP trap that is mapped, this key lets you decide whether Systems Director should report the original SNMP trap. By default, Systems Director processes both the SNMP trap and the mapped Systems Director event. This causes double event log entries and possibly multiple event action plan triggers. Setting the event.index.proceedwithnormaltrap key to false specifies that only the mapped event is processed. Example: event.18217.proceedwithnormaltrap=false MIB trap used in the example map entry Reference of trap from MIB used for this example. pdtStateChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo, pdOldState, pdNewState} DESCRIPTION "PD state changed on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4 from $5 to 6" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: PD state changed" --#SUMMARY "PD state changed on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d from %d to %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3,4,5} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8217 Forwarding SNMP traps from IBM Systems Director Server to any SNMP application To forward SNMP trap events that come from IBM Systems Director to an external SNMP application, import these Management Information Bases (MIBs) to the external application. MIBs: SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB IBM-REC-MIB.mib IBM-Director-Alert-MIB.mib On Windows systems, the MIBs are located here: C:\Program Files\IBM\Director\ proddata\snmp\. On Linux systems, the MIBs are located here: /opt/ibm/director/proddata/snmp/. After the MIBs are imported, the external SNMP application’s event data displays the correct trap information. Event filters A filter specifies one or more events that you want your event automation plan to process. The event automation plan ignores any event instances that do not meet the specifications of the filter. Typically, you will use the common event filters that are provided in the Event Automation Plan wizard. Occasionally there are situations where you will want to create a sophisticated event filter. The event filters described in this section are available for such implementations. Using these 294 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide filters, you can specify details for an event such that it covers very specific problems and occurrences. To create filters quickly, default values are provided; however, you can customize the settings. You can use a filter to capture a single event or multiple events. When designing an event filter, first determine whether the following criteria are met: v Can all the target systems generate all the events that you want to filter? If a system cannot generate the event that you want to filter, the filter will not be effective on that system. In such instances, you can apply the event automation plan to those systems, but it will have no effect. For example, if an event filter is based on an event for BladeCenter products and that event automation plan is applied to systems that do not include BladeCenter products, the event filter has no events to filter, and therefore, no actions are performed. If you understand this concept, you can create more complex event automation plans, and you can reduce the number of event automation plans you must build and maintain. v Can you use the same event actions for all targeted systems to respond to the event? v Are the other filter options besides the event type common for all targeted systems? These settings include the number of times the filter is active, the severity of the event, and other attributes. In addition to selecting the event types to filter, you also can select from four types of event filters: Simple, Duplication, Exclusion, and Threshold. Each filter offers different options for processing the selected event types. Related concepts: “Events” on page 288 “Event actions” on page 298 Related tasks: “Managing event filters” on page 336 Events that are available for filtering Using the Event Automation Plan wizard you can select from commonly used sets of events. Occasionally, you might need to create a filter using specialized events. The Event Automation Plan wizard provides a means to do this also. All currently available event types are displayed in the tree on the Event Type page in the Event Filter Builder window, except for the IBM i message queue events. The Event Type page provides a way to specify the IBM i message queue events without using the tree. The default installation of IBM Systems Director and its default plug-ins publish their events in the Event Type tree when one of the following software starts: v IBM Systems Director Server v Common Agent v Platform Agent However, optional plug-ins might vary in whether the events are published when one of these software starts. When the events are published depends on how the optional plug-ins are implemented. If you add a plug-in to your IBM Systems Director installation, the plug-in might publish its events either when it is added to the installation or when the plug-in sends its first event. If the plug-in publishes when it sends its first event, only that event is published. Chapter 6. Automating tasks 295 Note: Events from the Windows event log are displayed in the Windows event log tree in the Event Type Filter Builder. Events from WMI are displayed in the Common Information Model (CIM) tree. Simple event filter Simple event filters are general-purpose filters; most event automation plans use a simple event filter. In addition to any simple event filters that you create, IBM Systems Director provides the following predefined, read-only simple event filters in the Event Filters page. Note: You cannot change predefined event filters; they are read-only. However, you can copy a predefined filter and change the copy. For more information, see “Copying an event filter.” All events Processes any events that occur on any system, except for Windows-specific and IBM i-specific events. Common Agent offline Processes only those events that are generated when any managed operating system resource goes offline. Critical events Processes only those events that have a Critical severity. Disk Use Processes only those events that are generated when the currently available hard disk space in a system changes with respect to availability. Environmental sensor events Processes only those events that are associated with the condition of a system environment, such as voltage and temperature. Fatal events Processes only those events that have a Fatal severity. Hardware Predictive Failure Analysis events Processes only those events that are generated when a Predictive Failure Analysis is detected for a hardware component. Informational events Processes only those events that have a Informational severity. Memory use Processes only those events that are generated when the currently available memory in a system changes with respect to availability. Minor events Processes only those events that have a Minor severity. Processor use Processes only those events that are generated when the state of a processor (CPU) has changed. Security events Processes only those events that are generated by specific security protocols, for example, log on failed due to an undefined user ID, or incorrect or expired password. Storage events Processes only those events that are generated by storage components, such as RAID configurations, for example, when creating, modifying, or destroying a storage volume or storage pool. Unknown events Processes only those events that have a Unknown severity. Warning events Processes only those events that have a Warning severity. 296 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Some of these predefined filters use the severity of events to determine which events can pass through; other filters target a specific type of event. Using one of these predefined event filters ensures that the correct event type or event severity is selected. Related tasks: “Managing event filters” on page 336 Duplication event filter In addition to the options that are available in the simple filters, duplication event filters ignore duplicate events. You can use this filter in two ways: with or without specifying the number of times to ignore an event (Count). To specify only a time range (Interval), the Count setting must be set to zero (Count = 0). The first occurrence of an event that meets the filter criteria triggers associated actions and starts a countdown of the interval. For example, if you specify a 10-second interval, a 10-second timer starts when an event meets the filtering criteria. Because Count is set to 0, all other instances of an event that meets the criteria do not trigger associated actions during the interval. If you also specify a number of times to ignore an event (Count), it applies within the specified time range (Interval). After the first occurrence of an event that meets the filtering criteria, the Count setting specifies the number of times an event must meet the criteria again before associated actions are triggered. For example, if you set Count to 9, an event meeting the criteria is allowed to occur nine times within the interval. When an event meets the criteria for a tenth time within the interval, the associated actions are triggered, the count is reset, and the interval is reset. For the duplication filter to trigger the associated event actions a second time, the count must be exceeded within the reset interval. For example, if Count = 3 and Interval = 5 minutes, the event action is invoked for the fourth occurrence of the event that occurs within 5 minutes. Then, the count and interval are reset. A fourth occurrence of the event must occur in a 5-minute interval again. This filter is useful in managing the processing of frequently generated events. For example, you can define a duplication filter to filter on the occurrence of an offline event and define a corresponding event action to forward the event to IBM Systems Director Server. Depending on the criteria that you define, only the first event announcing that the system is offline is processed, and all other instances in which an event meets the filtering criteria are discarded until the Count value is exceeded during the specified interval. Related tasks: “Managing event filters” on page 336 Exclusion event filter In addition to the simple filter options, exclusion event filters exclude certain event types. Using this filter, you define the criteria of the events to exclude. You can use this filter to activate a group of events and then exclude some of the events in that group. You can use this filter to exclude multiple event types. This filter type is useful when you want to create a filter based on a severity or a category of events, but you want to exclude some specific event types. Instead of Chapter 6. Automating tasks 297 creating event filters for each event that you want to include, you can specify the event types that you want to exclude. By using exclusion event filters, it is easier to remove events that you do not want to monitor. Example You can monitor server events, but exclude security alerts such as “SSHLogin_Failed” failures from a service processor or other SSH client. To change the event filter, complete the following steps: 1. On the Event Filters page, select the event filter that you want to edit. Click Edit. The Edit Event Filter wizard is displayed. 2. Change the filter type from 'Simple Event filter' to 'Exclusion Event filter'. 3. Click the 'Excluded Event Type' tab on the left. Select Custom and specify the full path of the events to be excluded. For this example, browse to Managed Resource > Managed System Resource > Logical Resource > System > Computer System > Hardware Control Point > Service Processor. Under Operational Condition, select SSH Login Failed. 4. Click Add. Result The client no longer receives email related to “SSHLogin_Failed for Service Processor”. Related tasks: “Managing event filters” on page 336 Recurring event filter In addition to the simple filter options, a recurring event filter processes an event after it has occurred a specified number of times within a specified interval. An event triggers associated actions if, within the specified interval, the event occurs the number of times specified in the Count field. For example, you can define a recurring filter to monitor frequently occurring heartbeat events and forward the event to IBM Systems Director Server only when the heartbeat event is received for the 100th time during a specified amount of time. Count is set to 100 and Interval is set to 5 minutes. When the specified event is received for the 100th time within 5 minutes, the event actions are invoked, and the Count and Interval settings are reset. To invoke the event actions a second time, the specified event must be received 100 times within an interval of 5 minutes again. If only 90 events are received within the 5 minutes, the Count and Interval settings are reset. Another example is to create a recurring filter such that, if a user attempts to log on with a bad password five times within five minutes, the event automation plan will trigger associated event actions. Related tasks: “Managing event filters” on page 336 Event actions Event actions specify the action that IBM Systems Director takes in response to a specific event or events. Using the Event Automation Plan wizard, you can easily create an event automation plan that will send you an e-mail or pager notification 298 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide in response to an event. Additionally, the Event Automation Plan wizard provides other advanced event actions that you can use in response to an event. IBM Systems Director has several predefined types of event actions. With the exception of “Add to the event log”, you must customize each action that you want to use. Note: When you upgrade from previous versions of IBM Director to IBM Systems Director 6.1 or later, the following event actions will no longer be supported: v Add a message to the console ticker tape v Send a message to a management console user If you migrate an event action plan from IBM Director, version 5.20 or earlier, to IBM Systems Director 6.1 or later, these actions will be removed from the event automation plan. If the resulting event automation plan has no event actions remaining, the plan will be in a deactivated state. Related tasks: “Creating an event action” on page 326 “Editing an event action” on page 327 “Copying an event action” on page 327 “Deleting an event action” on page 329 “Saving and not saving an event-action history” on page 329 “Viewing an event-action history” on page 330 “Viewing event action properties” on page 332 Log to a log file Logs information about the triggering event to a specified text file. Requirements None Result The specified text is added to the log file. Also, applicable attributes of the event are also logged, for example, severity, event type, date, time, and IP address of the affected system. You can specify the filename and file extension of the log file, as well as its maximum file size. If the log file reaches its specified maximum size, it is renamed to filename.1, where filename is the file name that you specified. Then, a new filename.extension file is created, where extension is the file extension that you specified for the log file. The log file is located on the management server in the install_root\log directory, where install_root is the root directory of your IBM Systems Director installation. Note that this path uses the backslash (\) to delimit the directory; depending on the system that you are using, you might be required to enter the path using the forward slash (/). Example Use this event action when you want to log information in a file after a specified event is generated. You can log the following information: v Standard information from the event. v Custom information that you specify. Tip: You can use event-data-substitution variables in the Log comment field field. For more information, see “Event-data-substitution variables.” Chapter 6. Automating tasks 299 Related concepts: “Event-data-substitution variables” on page 333 Modify an event and send it Resends the event that originally triggered the event automation plan. Before resending the event, the action modifies the event data, such as its text and severity, to your specification. Requirements None Result The triggering event and the event that this event action generates are both logged in the Event Log. The event that this event action generates contains the text and event type from the original triggering event. Example Use this event action when you want to send a secondary event that contains information from the first event. You can change or add to the event text. Also, you can change the event severity; for some events, this capability is useful when you want to increase the severity level. For example, by default an Topology Offline event has a severity of informational. If you have created an event automation plan to filter critical events and you want the Topology Offline event to be treated as such, you can use this event action to change the severity of this event. Create a simple filter for the Topology Offline event. Then, use the Modify an event and send it event action to resend the event, but change the severity to critical in the New event severity field. Now, the critical event filter will catch the event and the event automation plan will perform the prescribed action. Note: You can use event-data-substitution variables to include event-data information into the new event text. For more information, see “Event-data-substitution variables.” The detail slot setting also accepts event-data-substitution variables; however, using event-data-substitution variables in the detail slot setting can cause errors if not done correctly. Related concepts: “Event-data-substitution variables” on page 333 Post to a newsgroup (NNTP) Posts a message to a newsgroup used by your organization. The newsgroup must use Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) to send and receive information. Requirements Newsgroup service must be available. Note: You cannot use this action to post a message to a secure news server. Result The specified message is posted to the newsgroup. Example This action can be useful as an additional logging mechanism outside of IBM Systems Director. Use this event action when you want to send information to a newsgroup after a specified event is generated. The message might notify members of a technical support organization when a critical server is having problems. 300 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Note: You can use event-data-substitution variables to include event data information into the newsgroup message. For more information, see “Event-data-substitution variables.” Related concepts: “Event-data-substitution variables” on page 333 Send a Tivoli Enterprise Console event If IBM Systems Director Server receives an event, you can forward that event to a specified Tivoli Enterprise Console® event server. Requirements This event action requires that Tivoli Enterprise Console server is installed on the specified system. Result The specified Tivoli Enterprise Console server receives an IBM Systems Director event in the Tivoli Enterprise Console event format. Note: If the Tivoli Enterprise Console server is unavailable, the Tivoli Enterprise Console events are queued and delivered when the Tivoli Enterprise Console server becomes available. Example When IBM Systems Director Server receives an event, you might want to forward the event to a Tivoli Enterprise Console server. Send an Internet (SMTP) e-mail Sends a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) e-mail message. You also can send a message to an e-mail enabled phone. Using this action, you can send more text than when using Send an e-mail to a mobile phone. Note: This event action can send e-mail messages to Lotus Notes® IDs. Requirements If you are concerned about the availability of the internal mail server, consider using an outside SMTP provider. Result The specified e-mail address receives the e-mail message. Example Use this event action to send a message to administrators that need to track the status of a group of servers. Note: You can use event-data-substitution variables to include event data information in the subject and body of the e-mail message. For more information, see “Event-data-substitution variables.” Related concepts: “Event-data-substitution variables” on page 333 Related tasks: “Testing an event action” on page 328 Send an e-mail to a mobile phone Sends an e-mail message to a mobile phone. The e-mail message is shortened to accommodate the limited display screen of a mobile phone. Using this action, you can send less text than when using Send an e-mail (Internet SMTP) . Requirements This event action has the following requirements: v The management server must be running Windows, AIX, or Linux. Chapter 6. Automating tasks 301 v The mobile phone must be able to receive text messages. Result The specified mobile phone receives the e-mail message. If you specified a message body, that is all that the mobile phone receives. If you did not specify a message body, the mobile phone receives the text of the triggering event. Example Use this event action to send an e-mail message to service personnel when a Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) configuration fails. Note: You can use event-data-substitution variables to include event data information in the subject and body of the e-mail message. For more information, see “Event-data-substitution variables.” Related concepts: “Event-data-substitution variables” on page 333 Related tasks: “Testing an event action” on page 328 Send an event to Tivoli Event Integration Facility probe If IBM Systems Director Server receives an event, you can forward that event to a specified Tivoli Event Integration Facility (EIF) probe. Requirements This event action requires that you have Tivoli Event Integration Facility (EIF) probe installed on the specified system. Result The specified EIF probe receives an IBM Systems Director event in the Tivoli Event Integration Facility event format. The event includes the following extra tokens: source_moid This token has a value of the managed object identifier (MOID) for the source event system. For example, an IBM Director Server, called dirserverA, discovers an IBM Director Agent, called diragentB. When the events from diragentB occur, the source_moid is the MOID of diragentB. Note: For out-of-bind events, the system that is the source of the events has no MOID. source_app This token has a value of “IBM_DIRECTOR”, which means that the source application is IBM Systems Director. source_app_version This token has a value that corresponds to the version of IBM Director Server that is currently installed. managed_object_type This token has a value that corresponds to the type of managed object (in this case, the component type) that is associated with the type of source event. Some examples of managed objects: v managed_object_type="BCChassis" v managed_object_type="UPD" v managed_object_type="Fan" 302 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide http_port This token has a value of an HTTP port number, such as http_port=8421. https_port This token has a value of an HTTP secure port number, such as https_port=8422. Note: Note: If the EIF probe is unavailable, the Tivoli Event Integration Facility events are queued and delivered when the probe becomes available. Example When IBM Systems Director Server receives an event, you can forward the event to a Tivoli Business Service Manager (TBSM) by using the EIF probe. The event action sends the event to the probe. Then, the probe forwards the event to Tivoli OMNIBus, and TBSM pulls the event from OMNIBus. Any products that work with EIF probe can process the event action, so TBSM represents only one potential consumer of this event action. Note: OMNIBus is a prerequisite for running TBSM. You can install OMNIBus as part of TBSM, and TBSM customers have the option of connecting to an existing copy of OMNIBus. Send an SNMP INFORM request to an IP host Sends an SNMPv2 or SNMPv3 INFORM request to a specified IP address or host name. SNMP INFORM is a special version of an SNMP trap with a response from a destination. Optionally, SNMPv3 traps can be authenticated (by using either the Message Digest 5 protocol or the Secure Hash Algorithm protocol) and encrypted (by using either the Advanced Encryption Standard or the Data Encryption Standard). Requirements This event action requires that an SNMP manager that can receive an SNMP INFORM be installed on the specified system. Result The specified system receives an SNMP INFORM. Note: For SNMPv1 and SNMPv2, this event action supports all implementations that follow the associated RFCs. For SNMPv3, this event action supports implementations that follow the associated RFCs (like the inform listener in Net-SNMP version Keep in mind that different SNMPv3 implementations offer varying degrees of support that might produce different results. Example An SNMP INFORM is a type of SNMP communication. You can use this event action to send an SNMP INFORM in response to the triggering event. Typically, an SNMP INFORM is used for manager-to-manager communication as a means of acknowledging receipt of a notification. If you use SNMP to monitor your systems, use this action to send specified critical events as SNMP INFORM notifications to your SNMP monitor. If the SNMP INFORM is not received, the action completion status is set to Failed and IBM Systems Director Server knows whether the SNMP INFORM was delivered successfully. Chapter 6. Automating tasks 303 Send an SNMP trap reliably to a NetView host Generates an SNMP trap and sends it to a specified NetView host using a TCP/IP connection to the host. If delivery of the SNMP trap fails, a message is posted in the history log of the system. Requirements The NetView product must be installed on the specified system. Result The specified NetView system receives the SNMP trap. If delivery of the SNMP trap fails, a message is written to the specified system's history log. The failure information can be retrieved from the management server system log using the lsevtacthist command-line command. For more information, see “lsevtacthist command.” Example If you are using the NetView product to monitor your systems, use this event action to send or reroute specific events from IBM Systems Director Server to your NetView host. Then, you can view these specific events on your NetView console. Related reference: lsevtacthist command SNMP trap details Send an SNMP trap to an IP host Generates an SNMPv1, SNMPv2, or SNMPv3 trap and sends it to a specified IP address or host name. Optionally, SNMPv3 traps can be authenticated (by using either the Message Digest 5 protocol or the Secure Hash Algorithm protocol) and encrypted (by using either the Advanced Encryption Standard or the Data Encryption Standard). Requirements This event action requires the availability of SNMP agent on the specified system that is to receive the traps. Result The specified system receives an SNMP trap. Note: For SNMPv1 and SNMPv2, this event action supports all implementations that follow the associated RFCs. For SNMPv3, this event action supports implementations that follow the associated RFCs (like the trap listeners in IBM AIX Version 6.1 or Net-SNMP version Keep in mind that different SNMPv3 implementations offer varying degrees of support that might produce different results. Example If you use an SNMP application to monitor your systems-management environment, you can use this action to send the events from IBM Systems Director as traps to the SNMP application. If your systems-management environment includes several installations of IBM Systems Director Server, you can use this event action to configure each instance of IBM Systems Director Server to send the events as traps to the SNMP application such that the traps are consolidated in the SNMP application. In the SNMP application, an administrator can view all of the events from all of the IBM Systems Director Server installations. 304 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related reference: SNMP trap details Send events to Syslog server When IBM Systems Director Server receives an event, you can forward that event to a specified syslog server. To help ensure reliability, specify a secondary syslog server that receives messages when the primary syslog server is unavailable. You can also configure the primary and secondary syslog servers to forward messages to another syslog server. Requirements This event action requires that you have a syslog server installed, configured, and running on the specified system. When you create the event action, you must specify the port number and the protocol used to communicate with the syslog server. Verify that the management server can successfully communicate with the syslog server. Important: When using the UDP protocol, the event action handler assumes that the port is open on the remote system if the event action does not receive an ICMP unreachable message from the syslog server. For example, the event action assumes that the remote UDP port is listening or open when ICMP is disabled on a syslog server that is not pingable or when the syslog server does not exist. Result The specified syslog server receives the forwarded IBM Systems Director event message. Configure the event action to forward messages from a specific type of source (or facility) and to include different levels of detail in the forwarded messages. Note: When the primary syslog server is not available, a specified secondary syslog server receives the message. If you did not specify a secondary syslog server or if the secondary syslog server is not available, the event action fails to start. Facilities The event action forwards messages generated by any one of the following facilities: Note: Some syslog servers might support only a subset of the facilities. Forwarded messages for unsupported facilities might exhibit unexpected results. v AUTH: authorization system messages (including programs that require user IDs and passwords) v AUTHPRIV: security or authorization system messages (including programs that require user IDs and passwords) v CLOCKDAEMON: clock daemon messages v CRON: cron daemon messages v DAEMON: system daemon messages (daemons not specified by other facilities) v FTP: FTP daemon messages v KERN: kernel messages v LOCAL0 - LOCAL7: user-defined facility messages v LOGALERT: authorization system messages (including programs that require user IDs and passwords) Chapter 6. Automating tasks 305 v LOGAUDIT: authorization system messages (including programs that require user IDs and passwords) v LPR: line printer subsystem messages v MAIL: mail program messages v NEWS: news subsystem messages v NTP: NTP subsystem messages v SYSLOG: syslog server messages v USER: user-level messages v UUCP: UUCP subsystem messages Example When IBM Systems Director Server receives an event, details about the event are packaged into a message that is forwarded to a syslog server. For example, the management server receives an event with a severity of 4 (Harmless). The Send events to Syslog server event action packages the specified event data into a message with a corresponding syslog severity of 5 (Notice) and forwards the message to the syslog server. (The event also is logged in the appropriate IBM Systems Director Server log.) When the primary syslog server is not listening, the event action forwards the message to the secondary syslog server (if a secondary server is specified). Note: When the message sent to the syslog server is larger than 1024 bytes, the event action separates the message into two or more segments. Each segment of the message is numbered, and the last segment is identified. Related reference: The Syslog Protocol Event data and severity mapping: Select how much event data the Send events to Syslog server event action includes in the forwarded messages. The severity level is always included in the forwarded message. Use the severity mapping information to determine how the severity level of the stored message on the syslog server corresponds to the severity level of the original IBM Systems Director event. Event data Specify how much event data are included in messages forwarded to the syslog server by selecting either Main event data or All event data. Note: Main event data is the default selection. Main event data Main event data includes the following data: v The management server IP address or host name v The event ID v The event message v The name of the resource that generated the event v The severity level of the event v The localized date and time that represent when the event occurred v The category of the event (Alert or Resolution) 306 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide v v v v v The The The The The fully qualified representation of the event type component category component instance condition type condition value All event data All event data includes the same data as main event data plus the following data: v v v v The time zone of the management server The source application, which is IBM Systems Director The version of IBM Systems Director The name of the resource that sent the event, which might be different from the source value when the event is forwarded or transmitted through an intermediate system v The unique ID of the event sender v The unique ID of the event v Any additional details, as available Severity mapping The Send events to Syslog server event action maps received IBM Systems Director events of a given severity to a corresponding syslog severity level. The result of this mapping is that the event in the IBM Systems Director log has a different severity level than event in the syslog server log. Use the following table to determine how the severity levels of IBM Systems Director events correspond to severity levels of the corresponding events in the syslog server log. Table 27. How IBM Systems Director events map to corresponding syslog server events Severity of an IBM Systems Director event Severity of the corresponding event sent to the syslog server 0 Fatal: The source of the event caused the program to fail; resolve before restarting the program 1 Alert: Take action immediately 1 Critical: The source of the event might cause the program to fail; resolve immediately. 2 Critical: Critical condition 2 Minor: The application that issued the event assigned a severity level that indicates that the source of the event should not cause immediate program failure; resolve 3 Error: Error condition 3 Warning: The source of the event might not be problematic but warrants investigation. 4 Warning: Warning condition 4 Harmless. The event was generated only for informational purposes. Most events of this severity do not indicate potential problems. 5 Notice: Normal but significant condition 5 Unknown. The application that generated the event did not assign a severity level; however, these events might indicate potential problems. 6 Informational: Informational message Chapter 6. Automating tasks 307 Related reference: Generating events (genevent command) The Syslog Protocol (RFC 5424) Set an event system variable Sets a user-defined system variable to a new value or resets the value of an existing system variable. IBM Systems Director provides user-defined system variables to help you test and track the status of network resources according to the needs of your organization. System variable names and values can be referenced wherever event data substitution is allowed. Note: This event action affects an IBM Systems Director-provided, user-defined system variable, not an operating-system variable. Requirements None Result The specified variable and value are added to the EventSysVar.prop file. This file is located on the management server in the /opt/ibm/director/ data directory. in the install_root\data directory, where install_root is the root directory of your IBM Systems Director installation. Note that this path uses the backslash (\) to delimit the directory; depending on the system that you are using, you might be required to enter the path using the forward slash (/). Example Assume that you need to monitor a bottleneck in the network that can cause network congestion. You can create an event automation plan to specify an SNMP event that indicates network congestion, and initiate the Set Event System Variable task when the event occurs. Assume that you have specified the following settings: v System variable name field: NetStatus v New value field: Congested v Reset value to use IBM Systems Director Server when restarts field: Normal v Time until automatic value reset field: 10 If 10 seconds elapse before IBM Systems Director Server receives the event that triggers this action or before IBM Systems Director Server stops and restarts, the NetStatus system variable is reset to normal. Instead of using a specific event that signals that your NetStatus is Normal, you have used a system variable that automatically resets to normal when the events that cause this action to trigger are not received within the interval. If IBM Systems Director Server continues to receive the events before the interval expires, this action continues to trigger, signaling that the network is congested. If the timer interval expires, NetStatus is reset to Normal. Note: You can use event-data-substitution variables to include event-data information in the System variable name, New value, and the Reset value to use IBM Systems Director Server when restarts fields of this event action. For more information, see “Event-data-substitution variables.” 308 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: “Event-data-substitution variables” on page 333 Start a program on a system Starts a program on a specified system. Programs can include command-line commands that can start or stop programs on the system. Requirements This event action has the following requirements: v The specified system must have Common Agent installed. v To work with this type of event action, the user must belong to the smadmin group. Result The program is started on the specified system. Related concepts: “Event-data-substitution variables” on page 333 Related tasks: “Testing an event action” on page 328 “Migrating and importing event automation data from a previous version” on page 342 Start a program on the management server In response to an event, starts a program on the management server (the system running IBM Systems Director Server) that received the event. Programs can include command-line commands that can start or stop programs on the system. Requirements To work with this type of event action, the user must belong to the smadmin group. Result The program is started on the management server that is processing the event and invoking the event automation plan. Example If your management server is configured with an audio card, you can start an audio player and play a specified file to alert a technician about a critical event. This implementation can be useful in large rooms with many servers. Tip: You can use event-data-substitution variables in the Program file name field. For more information, see "Event-data-substitution variables." Related concepts: “Event-data-substitution variables” on page 333 Related tasks: “Testing an event action” on page 328 “Migrating and importing event automation data from a previous version” on page 342 Start a program on the system that generated the event Starts a program on the system that generated the event that triggered the event automation plan. Programs can include command-line commands that can start or stop programs on the system. Requirements This event action has the following requirements: v The specified system must have Common Agent installed. Chapter 6. Automating tasks 309 v To work with this type of event action, the user must belong to the smadmin group. Result The program is started on the system that generated the event. Example You might use the dakill.exe program that is provided with IBM Systems Director, located in the support directory. You can use this program to stop processes by providing the process name. For example, if you want to stop the solitaire.exe program, you can create an event automation plan using this event action and combine it with a process monitor configured to generate an event when solitaire.exe starts and the event automation plan will stop the solitaire.exe process on that system. Note: You cannot test this event action before including it in an event automation plan. The Test menu item under the template menu is not supported by this action. Tip: You can use event-data-substitution variables in the Program file name field. For more information, see “Event-data-substitution variables.” Related concepts: “Event-data-substitution variables” on page 333 Related tasks: “Migrating and importing event automation data from a previous version” on page 342 Start a task on a specified system Starts a noninteractive IBM Systems Director task on a specified system. Noninteractive tasks are tasks that do not require user input. Requirements This event action has the following requirements: v The specified task must be a noninteractive task. v The task that you want to use must be available in the IBM Systems Director Web interface before you can specify the task for this action. v To work with this type of event action, the user must belong to the smadmin group. Important: Some tasks have hardware or software requirements and cannot be performed on a given system. Give careful consideration to an event automation plan that uses this event action before associating it with a given system or group. For example, not all power management commands are available. For more information, see “Managing power state settings on IBM BladeCenter and System x servers,” and “Power On/Off task support for System z servers.” Result The task is started on the specified system. Example Consider an environment where you have two physical systems and one of the physical system is running three virtual servers. You can create an event automation plan that detects a critical Predictive Failure Analysis (PFA) event on a physical system. Using this action, you can run a previously created noninteractive task that migrates the running workload of the virtual servers hosted on the affected physical server to the second physical server. 310 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Note: You can create noninteractive tasks using the Command Automation task. Related tasks: “Testing an event action” on page 328 “Migrating and importing event automation data from a previous version” on page 342 Start a task on the system that generated the event Starts a noninteractive IBM Systems Director task on the system that generated the event. Noninteractive tasks are tasks that do not require user input. Requirements This event action has the following requirements: v The specified task must be a noninteractive task. v The task that you want to use must be available in the IBM Systems Director Web interface before you can specify the task for this action. Important: Some tasks have hardware or software requirements and cannot be performed on a given system. Give careful consideration to an event automation plan that uses this event action before associating it with a given system or group. For example, not all power management commands are available. For more information, see “Managing power state settings on IBM BladeCenter and System x servers,” and “Power On/Off task support for System z servers.” Result The task is started on the system that generated the event. Example You can create an event automation plan to monitor systems for hardware problems and, when the event automation plan detects a hardware problem, you can set the locator LED on that system to flash by using this event action. Note: You cannot test this event action before including it in an event automation plan. The Test menu item under the template menu is not supported by this action. Related tasks: “Migrating and importing event automation data from a previous version” on page 342 Static group: add or remove group members Adds a defined set of systems to a specified static group or removes a defined set of systems from the specified static group. Use this event action to initialize a set of systems to process. Then the processing is triggered by an event that you specify in your event filter. Requirements Both the source and target groups must be static groups. Result The group member that generated the event is added to the specified static group or removed from a specified static group, as applicable. Example Use this action to track systems that have been processed. When the specified event is received, this event action moves a defined set of systems to a static group. Then, as each system is processed, the system is removed from the static group using the Static group: add or remove the event-generating system event action. Chapter 6. Automating tasks 311 For example, create a static group that contains all the systems that require updating. After each system is updated, an event is generated. That event can trigger this event action to remove the updated system from the static group. When there are no more systems in the static group, you know all systems have been updated. Tip: You can use event-data-substitution variables for the target group name or the new group name. For example, you can dynamically set the target group to the static group that contains the system that generated the event. For more information, see “Event-data-substitution variables.” Related concepts: “Event-data-substitution variables” on page 333 Static group: add or remove the event-generating system Adds the system that generated the event to a specified static group or removes the system that generated the event from a specified static group, as applicable. Requirements Both the source and target groups must be static groups. Result The system that generated the event is added to the specified static group or removed from a specified static group, as applicable. Example You can use this event action to track systems for which IBM Systems Director has processed an event. As a system generates the event that you specified, that system is moved to a static group. Then, you can view the members of that static group to see which system has generated the event. Similarly, as a system generates the event that you specified, that system can be removed from a static group. Tip: You can use event-data-substitution variables for the target group name or the new group name. For example, you can dynamically set the target group to the static group that contains the system that generated the event. For more information, see “Event-data-substitution variables.” Related concepts: “Event-data-substitution variables” on page 333 Timed alarm that generates an event Generates a defined alarm event only if IBM Systems Director does not receive a specified event within a specified time range. This event action is useful for monitoring for a loss of function, much like a heartbeat monitor. Requirements None Result An event triggers an event automation plan that contains this event action. The action is invoked and it starts a timer. If another event of the same type is received before the timer expires, nothing further happens. However, if the timer does expire, an alarm event is generated by this action. Example You can use this action to make sure that something happens repeatedly or within a given amount of time. After the timer expires and the alarm event is sent, the monitoring process of this event action stops. 312 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Note: In IBM Systems Director, versions 6.1.x and 6.2.x, when the associated event is not received within the specified interval, the alarm triggers the action only one time or generates only one event. This behavior is different than in IBM Director 5.x, where the alarm continually triggers the action during the specified interval until the event associated with the action is received. For example, you can monitor Common Agent to go offline on a system. If Common Agent does not return online within a given amount of time, you can power off that system. Note: You also can stop the monitoring process by setting the timer value to 0. This capability is useful if you want to stop the process without deleting the event action or the event automation plan. Tip: You can use event-data-substitution variables in the following fields: Timed alarm ID, Program file name, and Working directory. For more information, see “Event-data-substitution variables.” Related concepts: “Event-data-substitution variables” on page 333 Timed alarm that starts a program Starts a specified program only if IBM Systems Director does not receive a specified event within a specified time range. This event action is useful for monitoring for a loss of function, much like a heartbeat monitor. Requirements To work with this type of event action, the user must belong to the smadmin group. Result An event triggers an event automation plan that contains this event action. The action is invoked and it starts a timer. If another event of the same type is received before the timer expires, nothing further happens. However, if the timer does expire, this action starts a specified program on the management server. Example You can use this action to make sure that something happens repeatedly or within a given amount of time. After the timer expires and the program is started, the monitoring process of this event action stops. For example, you can monitor for a system to go offline. If the system does not return online within a given amount of time, you can failover to a backup system. Note: You also can stop the monitoring process by setting the timer value to 0. This capability is useful if you want to stop the process without deleting the event action or the event automation plan. Tip: You can use event-data-substitution variables in the following fields: Timed alarm ID, Program file name, and Working directory. For more information, see “Event-data-substitution variables.” Chapter 6. Automating tasks 313 Related concepts: “Event-data-substitution variables” on page 333 Related tasks: “Migrating and importing event automation data from a previous version” on page 342 Monitoring operating-system specific events If you want to monitor Windows-specific or IBM i-specific events in the IBM Systems Director environment, you must create an event automation plan in order for IBM Systems Director to process these events. The predefined active event automation plan in IBM Systems Director, Log All Events, does not monitor these operating-system specific events. Systems running Windows or IBM i can generate the following operating-specific events. Windows-specific event types v Windows event log v Windows services v Windows registry IBM i-specific event types v Msgq Even though these events are generated by their respective operating systems (or an optional layer that is installed on the operating system), IBM Systems Director does not process these events unless you create an event automation plan to do so. When you install IBM Systems Director, it has one predefined active event automation plan: Log All Events. However, this event automation plan does not log these Windows-specific or IBM i-specific events. You must create an event automation plan with a simple-event filter that contains the event types for one or more of these events. Then, you must apply this event automation plan to the systems running Windows or IBM i. When Common Agent starts on a system running Windows, the twgescli.exe program starts, too. This program listens for IBM Systems Director Server to send a message to Common Agent that an event automation plan has been applied to that system. If the event automation plan includes a simple-event filter that contains the event types for any of the Windows-specific events, IBM Systems Director appropriates these events for its own use. This process is called event subscription. The twgescli.exe program subscribes to the event types that are specified in the event automation plan and translates the Windows-specific events into an IBM Systems Director event type. Then, the program forwards the events to the management server from which the event automation plan was applied. Mapping SNMP traps to Systems Director events This topic explains how to modify the rules used to map SNMP traps to Systems Director events. This customization provides greater flexibility in what information gets presented to users and increases the event action plan filter options. Introduction Systems Director can manage SNMP traps. An SNMP trap is a notification sent from the device acting as an SNMP agent; such as a switch, router, or printer, to Systems Director. It processes incoming traps by mapping them to Systems 314 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Director event format. The conversion process is called mapping. Systems Director has default mappings for some traps. Users can also create mapping files to map additional events. Mapping SNMP traps to Systems Director allows you to do the following: v Use the same event action plan tools for SNMP traps and Systems Director events. v Create homogenous information across multiple vendors supporting a trap. v Customize information presented in the resulting Systems Director event. There are two methods by which traps are converted: unmapped and mapped: Unmapped traps Use a generic set of rules, also called keys, to map the trap data to properties within the Systems Director event. Any trap OIDs that are not included in the mapping keys are considered unmapped and use the default, generic keys. Mapped traps Have specific conversion keys defined for an SNMP OID or OID range. Follow these steps to add or change mappings: 1. Open the .map file in one of these directories: v Linux: /opt/ibm/director/data/snmp/ v Windows: C:\Program Files\ibm\director\data\snmp\ 2. Modify the .map file as necessary. See the map file properties below. 3. Restart Systems Director services. Mapping key syntax The SNMP map file contains a series of map entries that consist of predefined keys grouped into map entries for specific OIDs or range of OIDs. The equals sign (=) is used to set a value and the double equals (==) is used to compare values as equal to each other. Predefined keys The predefined keys describe how SNMP trap data should be converted to Systems Director event format. Each key has this format: event.index.key format. Note: The predefined key usually does not need to be changed. index Identifies which map the key entry belongs to. It must be unique to the key entry in the map file. Follow these suggestions to avoid duplication of index values: v Use the specific trap type as a part of that index. In the following example map entry, the trap type is 8217 and the index was set to 18217. v Systems Director uses index values through 14000, so choose indexes above 14000. Check the existing .map files for additional index values that are in use. key The key property to be modified and the data associated with it. Example: Chapter 6. Automating tasks 315 The entry event.12000.severity=4 sets the severity to 4 for map 12000. Map entries A map entry contains two sections of keys. The first section, Director Alert Definition, describes the organization and content of the Systems Director event. The SNMP Trap Filter Section deals with how the trap information is filtered and parsed. Example map entry: # # # # - Director Alert Definition Section Mappings from lsi-adaptersas.mib specific SNMP traps to the corresponding Director Event Format author: Author Name Warning! This file is case-sensitive # SW traps # - Director Alert Definition Section # Define the alert Family # Define the alert Event Qualifiers event.18217.keyword.0=Hardware event.18217.keyword.1=Storage event.18217.keyword.2=LSI # Set the Severity event.18217.severity=4 # Set the Category event.18217.category=1 # Define the message to be displayed event.18217.text=PD state changed on Adapter {0} Dev {1} Enc {2} Slot {3} from {4} to {5} # - SNMP Trap Filter Section # OID of the trap to match event.18217.oid= # Trap variable to parse for the alert message event.18217.eventvar.0= event.18217.eventvar.1= event.18217.eventvar.2= event.18217.eventvar.3= event.18217.eventvar.4= event.18217.eventvar.5= event.18217.proceedwithnormaltrap=false Mapping file syntax - Map entries, Director Alert Definition section This section uses a set of keys to define which information is presented in the Systems Director event. The following keys are pertinent to this section: Table 28. Keys pertinent to the Director Alert Definition map entry section Key Value Description SNMP Top-level qualifier: the family name of event. event.index.keyword.0 event.qualifier.sample1 This is the top level qualifier. This value can be translated from the language bundle specified by event.bundle key. event.index.keyword.1 event.qualifier.sample2 The next level qualifier. You can create as many keywords. These values form the event type hierarchy within a family. event.index.severity 0,1,2,3,4,5 0 - Fatal, 1 - Critical, 2 - Minor, 3 Warning (default), 4 – Harmless/Informational, 5 Unknown event.index.category 0 or 1 0 – resolution, 1 - alert (default) 316 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Table 28. Keys pertinent to the Director Alert Definition map entry section (continued) Key Value Description event.index.text text1 This value can be translated from language bundle specified by event.bundle key. event.index.version version number Version number of this event definition (defaults to 1) The and event.index.keyword keys are used to define the event type hierarchical structure that the resulting Systems Director event will belong to. This grouping can be used as part of an event action plan event filter. The family for mapped SNMP traps is always set to SNMP, while the rest of the keywords in the hierarchy can be set to whatever best describes the Systems Director event. Example: The example in “Mapping key syntax” on page 315 uses the following entries for family and keywords: # - Director Alert Definition Section # Define the alert Family # Define the alert Event Qualifiers event.18217.keyword.0=Hardware event.18217.keyword.1=Storage event.18217.keyword.2=LSI These keys will produce a Systems Director event with the Event Type SNMP.Hardware.Storage.LSI. The first two keywords define the component category, and the last keyword becomes the component type. These are the values as shown in the Systems Director event interface: Component Type: LSI Component Category: SNMP\Hardware\Storage Additionally, you can select the event type on the Event Type page of the Event Filter wizard. To see it, choose these: Types of events to include: Custom Show: Event Type The next two keys in the example, event.18217.severity=4 and event.18217.category=1, set the event severity to “Informational” and the category to “Alert”. There are event categories: Alert A problem has just occurred. Resolution A problem has been resolved. The Director Alert Definition Section ends with the key that describes what event text is produced. The example has the following entry: # Define the message to be displayed event.18217.text=PD state changed on Adapter {0} Dev {1} Enc {2} Slot {3} from {4} to {5} Note: In the map file, this key is on a continuous line. All information after event.18217.text= is in the event text as it is entered, except the bracketed numbers such as {0}. These numbers represent the inclusion of Chapter 6. Automating tasks 317 variable information specified in the SNMP Trap Filter Section of the map entry. They can be assigned to any of the trap variables sent with the trap. This lets you include trap variable data in the event text. Mapping file syntax - Map entries, SNMP Trap Filter section The SNMP Trap Filter Section of the map entry specifies how the SNMP trap is filtered and parsed. The following keys are pertinent to this section: Table 29. Keys pertinent to the SNMP trap filter map entry section Key Value Description event.index.oid (see the example map entry) OID of incoming trap to be matched. Use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character to support fallback rules. event.index.eventvar.0 Event variable This value can be used as a variable in event.index.text. event.index.eventvar.1 Event variable Use this to add a second variable if necessary. You can add as many variables as are needed. event.index.eventvar.index.0 Position based event variable. For example, this value can be 1. (see the example map entry) Use this instead of event.index.eventvar.n if you want a specific varbind (by position) value to be used as an event variable. The first occurring word index is a number and the second word index is an actual word. In the example map entry, the value of first varbind will be used as event variable {0}. event.index.eventvar.index.1 Position based event variable. For example, this value can be 2. Use this to add a second variable if necessary. You can add as many variables as are needed. In this case, the value of second varbind will be used as event variable {1}. event.index.proceedwithnormaltrap true/false If true, a normal SNMP trap event is also generated. Currently, this value is ignored. The first key included in this section is event.index.oid. It defines the OID of the trap that the map should be applied to. The example OID key is for the specific trap type 8217. # OID of the trap to match event.18217.oid= Notice that the OID is in numeric format and identifies a specific trap. To indicate a range of trap OIDs, end a branch with an asterisk (*), as shown here: event.12000.oid=* After the specified OID is found, the trap identification can be filtered further by matching the trap variable information against predefined values. This can be done by using one of these keys: event.index.eventvarbind or event.index.eventvarbind.index. The primary difference between these two keys is how the variable data is found. After the OID and variable filters in the map entry identify a compatible trap, Systems Director retrieves the variable trap information to be included in the 318 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Systems Director event text. The SNMP trap variables can be parsed into the Systems Director event text using the event.index.eventvar and event.index.eventvar.index keys. In the example map entry, key entry for event.index.event.var shows a request for the trap variable with OID and assigns it to the Event Text variable {0}. event.18217.eventvar.0= The event text variable {0} is replaced with the value of the trap variable’s OID in the event.index.text key. event.18217.text=PD state changed on Adapter {0} Dev {1} Enc {2} Slot {3} from {4} to {5} The complete set of variables in the example is mapped as follows. # Trap variable to parse for the alert message event.18217.eventvar.0= event.18217.eventvar.1= event.18217.eventvar.2= event.18217.eventvar.3= event.18217.eventvar.4= event.18217.eventvar.5= Another commonly used key is event.index.proceedwithnormaltrap. For an SNMP trap that is mapped, this key lets you decide whether Systems Director should report the original SNMP trap. By default, Systems Director processes both the SNMP trap and the mapped Systems Director event. This causes double event log entries and possibly multiple event action plan triggers. Setting the event.index.proceedwithnormaltrap key to false specifies that only the mapped event is processed. Example: event.18217.proceedwithnormaltrap=false MIB trap used in the example map entry Reference of trap from MIB used for this example. pdtStateChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE pdTraps VARIABLES {atAdpNumber,pdID,pdEncIndex,pdSlotNo, pdOldState, pdNewState} DESCRIPTION "PD state changed on Adapter -$1 Dev -$2 Enc -$3 Slot -$4 from $5 to 6" --#TYPE "LSI SAS Trap: PD state changed" --#SUMMARY "PD state changed on Adapter -%d Dev -%d Enc -%d Slot -%d from %d to %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,2,3,4,5} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#GENERIC 6 --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 8217 Viewing the automation manager summary You can view a summary of activity within the past 30 days that is associated with automation, including event automation plans, scheduled and run jobs, event management and Event Log, a list of systems with the most critical and warning events, and a list of the most frequent received critical and warning events. Note that information on this page is refreshed automatically when there are any changes. To view the automation summary, complete the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director navigation area, click Home. 2. On the Home page, click the Plug-ins tab. Chapter 6. Automating tasks 319 3. On the Plug-ins page, scroll to the Automation portion of the page and click the Automation Manager section heading. The Automation manager summary for the past 30 days is displayed. 4. View the Scheduled Jobs section. This section provides the following information: v The number of active scheduled jobs. v The number of job activations that have completed successfully. v The number of job activations that have failed. v Up to three upcoming jobs that will run next. If more than one job will run at the same time, all affected jobs are displayed. v Up to three of the most recently run jobs. If more than one job ran at the same time, all affected jobs are displayed. v In the Job management area, a link to the Active and scheduled jobs page. Using the Active and scheduled jobs page, you can create or edit jobs, view job information, view job instance information, suspend and resume jobs, and more. 5. View the Systems with the Most Frequent Critical or Warning Events section. This section provides the following information: v The five systems that have generated the most events with the following event severities: fatal, critical, or warning. If there are more than five systems that have generated the same number events, an ellipse (...) displayed indicate that there are more systems. v In the Event management area, a link to the Event log task page. On this page you can view events that IBM Systems Director Server has received along with event information that can help you troubleshoot problems in your systems-management environment. 6. View the Most Frequent Critical or Warning Events section. This section lists the five event types that have been generated the most with the event severity of fatal, critical, or warning. If there are more than five event types that have been generated in the same number of severities, an ellipse (...) displayed indicate that there are more event types. 7. View the Event Automation Plans section. This section provides the following information: v The number of active event automation plans. v The number of inactive event automation plans. v In the Plan management area, the following links are provided: Event automation plans Use the Event Automation Plans page to create and work with event automation plans. Event actions Use the Event Actions page to create and work with event actions that specify the action to automate when an event automation plan is triggered. Event filters Use the Event Filters page to create and work with event filters that determine which events trigger an event automation plan. You also can reach the summary page by using Find a Task. For more information, see “Finding a task.” 320 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related tasks: Finding a task Scheduling tasks Managing event automation plans Use event automation plans to automate tasks in your system-management environment. These plans are composed of event filters and event actions. The plans are triggered by events. You can create, copy, edit, deactivate, activate, and delete event automation plans. Also, you can view the Automation summary page. Related concepts: eLearning: Creating basic event automation plans eLearning: Creating advanced event automation plans Related tasks: Monitoring for IBM i message queue events Monitoring the deployment of configuration plans and configuration templates Related reference: Event automation plan commands Exporting event automation plans (lsevtautopln command) Generating events for testing purposes (genevent command) Copying an event automation plan Copy an event automation plan when you want to create a plan that is similar to a preexisting plan. To copy an event automation plan, complete the following steps: 1. On the Plug-ins tab of the Home page, click Event Automation Plans under Automation Manager. 2. On the Event Automation Plans page, select the event automation plan that you want to copy. 3. Click Create Like. 4. On the Name and description page, type a new descriptive name for the event automation plan that you are creating. Optionally, you also can type a description of the plan. Click Next. 5. In the event automation plan wizard, navigate to the pages that you want to edit and make your changes. 6. On the Summary page, verify the details of the event automation plan. If you need to make changes, click < Back Make sure to specify whether you want to apply the event automation plan as soon as you finish creating it. 7. When you are done editing the event automation plan, click Finish. The event automation plan is saved and is displayed on the Event Automation Plans page. Chapter 6. Automating tasks 321 Related reference: mkevtautopln command Creating an event automation plan Create an event automation plan to automatically respond to a situation in your IBM Systems Director environment. By creating event automation plans and applying them to specific systems, you can be notified by e-mail or pager, for example, when a specified threshold is reached or a specified event occurs. Or, you can configure an event automation plan to start a program on a system in response to the event. Use this method to create an event automation plan by configuring all the possible settings. For example, select one or more systems to apply the plan to, specify one or more event types from the full range of available events, select or create the associated thresholds, and so on. Alternatively, you can follow these instructions: “Create an event automation plan based on an existing threshold”. 1. On the Plug-ins tab of the Home page, click Event Automation Plans under Automation Manager. 2. On the Event Automation Plans page, click Create. The Event Automation Plan wizard is displayed. 3. Complete the wizard, then click Finish. Related tasks: “Creating an event automation plan based on an existing threshold” on page 273 Monitoring for IBM ii message queue events Monitoring the deployment of configuration plans and configuration templates Related reference: mkevtautopln command Selecting the events that trigger an event action The event automation plan uses event filters to monitor for the occurrence of one or more specified events. When these events occur, your event automation plan responds with one or more customized event actions. The types of events that you can select and the ways that you can filter events are broadly divided between the following categories: v Common event filters v Advanced event filters Common event filters are predefined simple filters that monitor for events of common interest in systems management. For example, the Disks event filter is triggered by any hard disk events and the Fans event filter is triggered by any fan events. The Event Automation Plan wizard provides several common event filters so you can create typically required event automation plans quickly and easily. For more information about event filters, see “Event filters.” If you want to monitor specific events that are not included in the common event filters, then you must select advanced event filters. You also can create more sophisticated event filters that are triggered when duplicates of an event are received, when events occur a specific number times over a range of time, or when 322 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide a specific event is received but you want to exclude another event. For more information about event filters, see “Event filters.” Related concepts: “Event filters” on page 294 “Events that are available for filtering” on page 295 “Simple event filter” on page 296 “Duplication event filter” on page 297 “Exclusion event filter” on page 297 “Recurring event filter” on page 298 Related tasks: Monitoring for IBM i message queue events Creating an event automation plan based on an existing threshold Use this method to create an event automation plan that uses the target system and the event types that are specified by an existing active threshold. When creating an event automation plan based on an existing threshold, you need to specify only a few settings: the threshold levels that you want to monitor, the event actions that you want the plan to include, and the time range that determines when the plan is active. 1. From the Monitor View page or the Thresholds page in the IBM Systems Director Web interface, select a monitor with an active threshold. 2. Click Create Event Automation plan. The Event Automation Plan wizard is displayed. 3. Complete the wizard, then click Finish. Related tasks: “Creating an event automation plan” on page 322 Deactivating and activating an event automation plan You can deactivate an event automation plan such that the specified events do not trigger the plan. When you want the event automation plan available for events to trigger again, you can subsequently activate the event automation plan. By default, event automation plans are activated. Deactivating an event automation plan can be useful if you want to temporarily turn off an event automation plan. For example, if you have an event automation plan that notifies you of printer problems by sending a message to your mobile phone, you can turn off the event automation plan while you are gone on vacation, but turn it back on when you return. To deactivate and then activate an event automation plan, complete the following steps: 1. On the Plug-ins tab of the Home page, click Event Automation Plans under Automation Manager. 2. On the Event Automation Plans page, select the event automation plan that you want to deactivate. Note: You can deactivate more than one event automation plan at a time. 3. Click Actions > Deactivate. The event automation plan is deactivated. On the Event Automation Plans page in the Status column, the state is changed from Chapter 6. Automating tasks 323 Active to Inactive. A message is displayed on the page stating that the event automation plan was deactivated successfully. 4. When you want to activate the event automation plan, select the plan and click Actions > Activate. The event automation plan is activated. On the Event Automation Plans page in the Status column, the state is changed from Inactive to Active. A message is displayed on the page stating that the event automation plan was activated successfully. Related reference: evtautopln command Deleting an event automation plan You can delete an event automation plan when it is no longer useful. To delete an event automation plan, complete the following steps: 1. On the Plug-ins tab of the Home page, click Event Automation Plans under Automation Manager. 2. On the Event Automation Plans page, select the event automation plan that you want to delete. Note: You can delete more than one event automation plan at a time. 3. Click Delete. 4. In the confirmation window, click Delete. The event automation plan is deleted and is no longer displayed on the Event Automation Plans page. A message is displayed on the page stating that the event automation plan was deleted successfully. Related reference: rmevtautopln command Editing an event automation plan Edit an event automation plan to change settings in a preexisting event automation plan. To edit an event automation plan, complete the following steps: 1. On the Plug-ins tab of the Home page, click Event Automation Plans under Automation Manager. 2. On the Event Automation Plans page, select the event automation plan that you want to edit. 3. Click Edit. 4. In the event automation plan wizard, navigate to the pages that you want to edit and make your changes. 5. On the Summary page, verify the details of the event automation plan. If you need to make changes, click < Back Make sure to specify whether you want to apply the event automation plan as soon as you finish creating it. 6. When you are done editing the event automation plan, click Finish. The event automation plan is saved and is displayed on the Event Automation Plans page. 324 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related reference: chevtautopln command evtautopln command Suspending and resuming event automation plans You can suspend all event automation plans for a system (except for the Log All Events plan) so that the specified events do not trigger the plans. When you want the event automation plans available for events to trigger again, you can resume all the event automation plans. Suspending all event automation plans can be useful when you want to temporarily turn off all event actions associated with the event automation plans. For example, if you have automation plans that notify you when a server encounters various problems, you can suspend all event automation plans while you work on the server. After you resolve the problem, you can resume all event automation plans for the server. To suspend and then resume event automation plans, complete the following steps: 1. On the Initial Setup tab of the Home page, click Resource Explorer. 2. Navigate to the group that contains the resource for which you want to suspend all the event automation plans. 3. Right-click the resource, then select Automation > Suspend Event Actions. After you suspend event actions, no event triggers any event automation plan for the selected resource, except the Log All Events plan. In the Suspended Action Plans column for the specified resource, the state changes from False to True. Note: For more information about adding the Suspended Action Plans column to the table, see “Setting table-column preferences”. 4. When you want to resume having event actions on the resource trigger event automation plans, right-click the resource, then select Automation > Resume Event Actions. After you resume event actions, event actions for the resource again trigger event automation plans. In the Suspended Action Plans column, the state changes from True to False. Related tasks: Setting table-column preferences Viewing event automation plans associated with a resource You can view the properties for a resource to determine whether that resource is associated with any event automation plans. To determine whether a resource is associated with any event automation plans, complete the following steps: 1. Navigate to the resource and select it. 2. Click Actions > Properties. 3. On the Properties page, click the Applied Activities tab. On the Applied Activities page, you can view a list of any event automation plans that can potentially affect the resource. Chapter 6. Automating tasks 325 Viewing event automation plan properties You can view the properties for an event automation plan for information about the plan settings. This information is the same summary that you see when you complete creating an event automation plan. To view event automation plan properties, complete the following steps: 1. On the Plug-ins tab of the Home page, click Event Automation Plans under Automation Manager. 2. On the Event Automation Plans page, select the event automation plan whose properties you want to view. 3. Click Actions > Properties. 4. On the Properties page, view the settings for the event automation plan. Note: The Actions button does not provide any event-filter specific actions because there are none available on the Properties page. Related reference: lsevtautopln command Managing event actions Event actions specify the action that IBM Systems Director takes in response to a specific event or events. You can create, copy, edit, test, and delete event actions as well as view their properties. Also, you can record and view the history of an event action. Related reference: Viewing event actions (lsevtact command) Generating events for testing purposes (genevent command) Creating an event action Create an event action to use in your event automation plans. You can create event actions and test actions before using them in your event automation plans. Typically, you create event actions in the Event Automation Plan wizard. However, there might be times when you want to create an event action that you can use in event automation plans at another time. To create an event action, complete the following steps: 1. On the Plug-ins tab of the Home page, click Automation Manager. On the Automation Manager summary page, click Event Actions under Plan management. 2. On the Event Actions page, click Create. 3. In the Create Actions window, select an event action. For information about event action types, see “Event actions.” 4. Click OK. 5. Type a name for the event action in the Action name field. Use a naming convention that ensures the entries are grouped conveniently on the Event Actions page. For example, if you want names to begin with the associated action, an event action that sends a message to a pager or phone might start with Pager or Phone. 326 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide 6. Complete the remaining fields for the event action that you selected. For some event action types, you can include event-specific information as part of the text message. Including event information is referred to as event-data substitution. You can use event-data-substitution variables to customize event actions. For more information, see “Event-data-substitution variables.” 7. If the event action that you selected includes the Test button, you can determine whether your settings are correct by clicking Test. 8. Click OK to save the event action. The new event action is displayed in the Event action page. Note: You can create and select more than one type of event action for your event automation plan. The event action is saved and is displayed on the Event Actions page. Related concepts: “Event actions” on page 298 Related reference: mkevtactemail command mkevtactstpgm command mkevtactsttask command Editing an event action Edit an event action to change settings in a preexisting event action. To edit an event action, complete the following steps: 1. On the Plug-ins tab of the Home page, click Automation Manager. On the Automation Manager summary page, click Event Actions under Plan management. 2. On the Event Actions page, select the event action that you want to edit. 3. Click Edit. 4. Edit the settings that you want to change for the event action. 5. If the event action that you selected includes the Test button, you can determine whether your settings are correct by clicking Test. 6. Click OK to save the event action. The new event action is displayed in the Event action page. Note: You can create and select more than one type of event action for your event automation plan. The event action is saved and is displayed on the Event Actions page. Copying an event action Copy an event action when you want to create an event action that is like a preexisting event action. To copy an event action, complete the following steps: 1. On the Plug-ins tab of the Home page, click Automation Manager. On the Automation Manager summary page, click Event Actions under Plan management. Chapter 6. Automating tasks 327 On the Event Actions page, select the event action that you want to copy. Click Create Like. Edit the settings that you want to change for the event action. If the event action that you selected includes the Test button, you can determine whether your settings are correct by clicking Test. 6. Click OK to save the event action. The new event action is displayed in the Event action page. 2. 3. 4. 5. Note: You can create and select more than one type of event action for your event automation plan. The event action is saved and is displayed on the Event Actions page. Related reference: mkevtactemail command mkevtactstpgm command mkevtactsttask command Testing an event action You can test an event action to make sure that the settings perform as expected. It is a best practice to test an event action before using it in an event automation plan so you can avoid unexpected results. The following event actions cannot be tested because critical information is not available until a system generates the event and triggers an event automation plan: v Start a program on the system that generated the event v Start a task on the system that generated the event v Update the status of the system that generated the event To make sure that an event action can be tested, select the event action and click Actions > Properties. The Properties page for the event action states whether the event action can be tested. To test an event action, complete the following steps: 1. On the Plug-ins tab of the Home page, click Automation Manager. On the Automation Manager summary page, click Event Actions under Plan management. 2. On the Event Actions page, select the event action that you want to test. 3. Click Actions > Test. 4. In the confirmation window, click Test. A message is displayed on the page stating whether the event action was started successfully. If the selected event action cannot be tested, a message also is displayed. 5. To view details about the test, select the event action and click Actions > Properties. An example of the kind of detail you might want to view is whether the action completed successfully. 6. On the Properties page, click the History tab to view details about the test. 328 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: “Send an e-mail to a mobile phone” on page 301 “Send an Internet (SMTP) e-mail” on page 301 “Start a program on a system” on page 309 “Start a program on the management server” on page 309 “Start a task on a specified system” on page 310 Related reference: testevtact command Deleting an event action You can delete an event action when it is no longer useful. To delete an event action, complete the following steps: 1. On the Plug-ins tab of the Home page, click Automation Manager. On the Automation Manager summary page, click Event Actions under Plan management. 2. On the Event Actions page, one or more event actions that you want to delete. 3. Click Delete. 4. In the confirmation window, click Delete. The event action is deleted and is no longer displayed on the Event Actions page. A message is displayed on the page stating that the event action was deleted successfully. Related reference: rmevtact command Saving and not saving an event-action history You can save useful information about an event action by saving the event-action history. When you no longer want to save the event-action history, you can stop saving it. By default, the event-action history is not saved. To view an event-action history, see “Viewing an event-action history.” Saving the history of an event action can provide useful information. For example, an event automation plan can include an event action that reduces disk-space used by running a program to remove temporary files. When you start saving the history for this event-action, the following information is recorded: v The date and time when the event action ran and, later, when the cleanup program ran v Whether the program ran successfully v The event that triggered the event filter. To start and then stop saving the history of an event action, complete the following steps: 1. On the Plug-ins tab of the Home page, click Automation Manager. On the Automation Manager summary page, click Event Actions under Plan management. 2. On the Event Actions page, select the event action with the history that you want to start saving. Note: You can start saving the history for more than one event action at a time. Chapter 6. Automating tasks 329 3. Click Actions > Start Saving History. The history of the event action is now set to be saved. On the Event Actions page in the History column, the value is changed from Not saved to Saved. A message is displayed on the page stating that saving of the event-action history was started successfully. 4. When you want to stop saving the history for an event action, select the event action and click Actions > Stop Saving History. The history of the event action is set to no longer be saved. On the Event Actions page in the History column, the value is changed from Saved to Not saved. A message is displayed on the page stating that saving the event-action history was stopped successfully. Related reference: evtacthist command Viewing an event-action history You can view an event-action history for information about how an event action ran in your systems-management environment. Before you can view the history for an event action, you have to start saving the history for that event action. For information, see “Saving and not saving an event-action history.” Saving the history of an event action can provide useful information. For example, an event automation plan can include an event action that reduces disk-space used by running a program to remove temporary files. When you start saving the history for this event-action, the following information is recorded: v The date and time when the event action ran and, later, when the cleanup program ran v Whether the program ran successfully v The event that triggered the event filter. To view the history for an event action, complete the following steps: 1. On the Plug-ins tab of the Home page, click Automation Manager. On the Automation Manager summary page, click Event Actions under Plan management. 2. On the Event Actions page, select the event action for which you want to view the history. 3. Click Actions > Properties. 4. On the Properties page, click the History tab to view the event-action history. Each log entry in the history provides the following information about each time the event action was used: Date The date and time on which the event was generated. Launch Status Event action launch status, which indicates whether the action was launched successfully. Possible values are successful and failed. Completion Date The date and time when the event action completed. Completion Status Event action completion status, which indicates whether the action ran successfully. Possible values are successful, failed, and not performed. The Not Performed status is specific to three event actions: Modify an event and send it, Start a program on a system, and Start a task on a specified system. If you do not configure any modifications to make to 330 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide an incoming event, the event is not sent again and the event action status is considered not performed. For the latter two events, if the specified system cannot be found when the event action is invoked, then the action cannot be performed. Managed Resource Target system on which the event occurred. Event Type The type of event that was generated. The event types are categorized by hardware, device, or software. Category The mode of the event. Possible categories are: Alert A problem occurred. Resolution A problem was resolved and is no longer a problem. Event Severity The severity level of the event, which identifies potentially urgent problems requiring immediate attention. Possible severity levels are: Fatal The source of the event has already caused the program to fail and needs to be resolved before the program is restarted. Critical The source of the event might cause program failure and needs to be resolved immediately. Minor The source of the event is not likely to cause immediate program failure, but needs to be resolved. Warning The source of the event is not necessarily problematic, but might warrant investigation. Informational The event was generated for information only. Most events of this severity do not indicate potential problems. However, offline events are categorized as informational, and these events can indicate potential problems. Unknown The application that generated the event did not assign a severity level. Sender The system that sent the event to IBM Systems Director Server. For example, SNMP events list the IP address of the trap source. Because most events are generated by IBM Systems Director Server, this field typically contains the name of the management server. Related reference: lsevtacthist command Refreshing entries in an event-action history log You can refresh an event-action history log so that you can view the latest available entries. To refresh an event-action history log, complete the following steps: Chapter 6. Automating tasks 331 1. On the Plug-ins tab of the Home page, click Automation Manager. On the Automation Manager summary page, click Event Actions under Plan management. 2. On the Event Actions page, select the event action for which you want to view the history. 3. Click Actions > Properties. 4. On the Properties page, click the History tab to view the event-action history. 5. On the History page, click Refresh. The list of available log entries is refreshed. Deleting entries from an event-action history log You can delete log entries from an event-action history when the entries are no longer useful. To delete a log entry, complete the following steps: 1. On the Plug-ins tab of the Home page, click Automation Manager. On the Automation Manager summary page, click Event Actions under Plan management. 2. On the Event Actions page, select the event action whose history-log entries you want to delete. 3. Click Actions > Properties. 4. 5. 6. 7. On the Properties page, click the History tab to view the event-action history. Select one or more log entries that you want to delete. Click Delete. In the confirmation window, click Delete. The log entry is deleted and is no longer displayed on the History page. A message is displayed on the page stating that the log entry was deleted successfully. Viewing event action properties You can view the properties for an event action for information about the action settings. Also, the Properties page lists the event automation plans that include the event action. To view event-action properties, complete the following steps: 1. On the Plug-ins tab of the Home page, click Automation Manager. On the Automation Manager summary page, click Event Actions under Plan management. 2. On the Event Actions page, select the event action whose properties you want to view. 3. Click Actions > Properties. 4. On the Properties page, view the settings for the event action. The settings vary depending on the type of the event action. Note: The Actions button does not provide any event-action specific actions because there are none available on the Properties page. 332 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related reference: lsevtact command Event-data-substitution variables For some types of actions, you can include event-specific information as part of the message text. Including event information is referred to as event-data substitution. You can use event-data-substitution variables to customize the message text sent by an action. The following examples show how you can use event-data-substitution variables in the message text associated with a customized event action: v &severity - &text on &system v Event &text received from &system at &time on &date Tip: When you use event-data-substitution variables, do not use punctuation after the variable, for example: Event received from &system. &system cannot be interpreted correctly because of the period. You can use the following event-data-substitution variables. Note: Any of the substitution variables can have a null value. In that case, the localized version of the string “Not Applicable” is returned. &date The localized date on which the event occurred. Example: 7/23/2007 &ipaddr The IP address of the system on which the event was generated. This is either the IP address of the system running Common Agent or, for an SNMP device, the TCP/IP address. Example: &iphost The IP host name of the system on which the event was generated. This is either the name of the system running Common Agent or, for an SNMP device, the TCP/IP host name. Example: &time The localized time at which the event occurred. Example: 2:32 PM CDT &text The event details, if they are supplied by the event. Example: System moonlite is offline with errors. &type The event-type criteria that were used to trigger the event. For example, the event that is generated when a system goes offline is of type Topology > Offline. This type corresponds to the entry on the Event Type page. Example: ComputerSystem or Processor Chapter 6. Automating tasks 333 &severity The severity level of the event. Example: Informational &system The system name of the system on which the event was generated. This is either the name of the system running Common Agent or, for an SNMP device, the TCP/IP address. Example: moonlite &sender The name of the system that sent the event. This can be different from the &system value if the event was forwarded or transmitted through an intermediate system. This variable returns a null value if the name is unavailable. Example: moonlite &group The group to which the target system belongs and that is monitoring the system. This variable returns a null value if the group is unavailable. Example: TestHardwareGroup &category The category of the event, either Alert or Resolution. For example, if the system goes offline, the category is Alert. If the system goes online, the category is Resolution. Example: Alert &pgmtype The fully qualified representation of the event type using internal type strings (ComponentCategory.ComponentType). Examples: Managed Resource > Managed System Resource > Logical Resource > Logical Device > Processor &timestamp The long value timestamp of the time that the event occurred, in milliseconds, since 1/1/1970 12:00 AM GMT. Example: 1185219178228 &rawsev The nonlocalized string of event severity. Non-localized string of the event severity. Example: Any of the following strings: “FATAL”, “CRITICAL”, “MINOR”, “WARNING”, “INFORMATIONAL”, “UNKNOWN”. &rawcat The nonlocalized string of event category. Example: Any of the following strings: “ALERT”, “RESOLUTION”. &corr An internally generated correlation identifier for this event. This identifier 334 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide allows an alert event to be correlated with a resolution event, thereby indicating that the problem that caused the alert has been corrected. The length of this string can vary. Example: 1883481972341237 &snduid The unique ID of the event sender. Example: 7F153619BA2D7861 &sysuid The unique ID of the system that is associated with the event. Example: 4309132478791324 &prop:file_name#property_name The value of the property string property_name from property file file_name. file_name can include the absolute directory path or the relative path to the IBM\Director\classes directory. Note: For IBM i, you must use the absolute directory path. The properties file contains key=value pairs. property_name is the name of a key in the properties file. The value of the specified property is returned. The value can be any string, depending on the purpose and contents of the properties file. Examples: & = INFO & = UTF-8 & = TRUE &sysvar:variable_name The string value of a variable, variable_name, previously set in the IBM Systems Director sysvar file. Variables can be set in this file using the Set an event system variable event action. The variable name and value can be any string. This variable returns null if a value is unavailable. For information about the event action, see “Set an event system variable.” Examples: &sysvar:DEBUG_SETTING = DEBUG_ON &sysvar:IP = &slotid:slot_id The nonlocalized ID slot_id is the identifier of event details contained within the event. An event might include any number of event details. This substitution variable is used to retrieve those details. The user must know the identifier of the event detail that they want. The value can be any string as defined by the component that generates the event. Example: &slotid:Suppressions = “3 instances of this condition have been suppressed.” &otherstring If any other word is preceded by an &, it is treated the same as the slot_id Chapter 6. Automating tasks 335 in the previous &slotid:slot_id variable. The otherstring string is used as an identifier to locate event details contained with the event. The value of the detail slot that has a localized label that matches otherstring. A detail slot is a record in an event detail. For example, an event might have one event detail that has an ID of key1 and a value of value1. You could use the substitution variable &slotid:key1 to obtain the value value1. You also can use &key1 to obtain the value value1. In the description above, otherstring is a placeholder for the user-defined event detail ID. However, if the passed ID is not found, the value Not applicable is returned. Example: &Suppressions = “3 instances of this condition have been suppressed.” Related concepts: “Log to a log file” on page 299 “Modify an event and send it” on page 300 “Post to a newsgroup (NNTP)” on page 300 “Send an e-mail to a mobile phone” on page 301 “Send an Internet (SMTP) e-mail” on page 301 “Set an event system variable” on page 308 “Static group: add or remove group members” on page 311 “Static group: add or remove the event-generating system” on page 312 “Timed alarm that generates an event” on page 312 “Timed alarm that starts a program” on page 313 Managing event filters A filter specifies one or more events that you want your event automation plan to process. The event automation plan ignores any event instances that do not meet the specifications of the filter. You can create, copy, edit and delete event filters. Related reference: Viewing event types (lsevttype command) Generating events for testing purposes (genevent command) Creating, editing, or copying an event filter Create an event filter to use in your event automation plan. Typically, you create event filters in the Event Automation Plan wizard. You can use the Event Filter wizard to create an event filter that you intend to use in an event automation plan at another time. Also, you can edit an existing event filter or create one by copying and modifying an existing filter. You create event filters so that you can use them in your automation plans. As you create or edit event filters, you specify the types of events and event characteristics that you want to include in the filter. The filter is triggered when those included events are encountered during the processing of an automation plan. To create an event filter, edit an existing filter, or create a filter that is based on an existing filter, complete the following steps: 336 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Note: The Event Filter wizard determines which panels to display based on your choices. Different panels display depending on the type of events and event characteristics that you choose to include. 1. On the Plug-ins tab of the Home page, click Automation Manager. On the Automation Manager summary page, click Event Filters under Plan management. 2. Perform only one of the following actions. v If you want to create an event filter, click Create. v If you want to edit an existing event filter, select the filter you want to edit, then click Edit. v If you want to create an event filter that is like an existing filter, select the existing filter, then click Create Like. 3. On the Welcome page, click Next. 4. On the Filter Name page, type a name and description for the event filter, then click Next. Although it is not required, a description does help you sort and manage your event filters. 5. On the Filter Type page, select the type of filter that you want to create, then click Next. For more information about the different filter types, see “Event Filters”. 6. On the Event Type page, complete one of the following actions to select the type of event that you want to include, then click Next. v Select Default to include events of all types, except for Windows-specific events. Optionally, you can include IBM i message queue events. v Select Common to include the most common systems-management event types, except for Windows-specific events. Optionally, you can include IBM i message queue events. Click the name of an event type to see a description and any additional settings. If an entry has additional settings, make sure to select the event type and each setting that you want to include. v Select Custom to specify event types by category, type, and value. Optionally, you can include IBM i message queue events. The Available table is a hierarchical list of event types. Click an entry in the table or the breadcrumbs above the table to navigate within the hierarchy. Select an entry to include that entry and any entries in subsequent levels of the hierarchy. (The table also lists available Windows-specific events.) 7. If the IBM i Event type page appears, specify IBM i messages that you want to include. Otherwise, go to the next step. a. Type each message that you want to include. Note: Use the following format: library/message_queue.messageID, where, for each specified event v library is the library v message_queue is the message queue v messageID (optional) is the ID The IBM i.Message Queue field automatically provides the common message queue event prefix, which is OS/400.msgq. You type only the unique portion of the message queue event. Consider the following examples that assume the library is QSYS and the message queue is QSYSOPR: v To specify all message IDs, type QSYS/QSYSOPR. v To specify a message ID of CPF1234, type QSYS/QSYSOPR.CPF1234. Chapter 6. Automating tasks 337 v To specify any message ID that starts with the characters CPF: – If the managed resource has 5770UME V1R3 and all the available UME PTFs installed, type QSYS/QSYSOPR.CPF. – Otherwise, type QSYS/QSYSOPR. Then, on the Event Text page of Event Filter wizard, specify that you want to look for the characters CPF. b. Click Add to add the message to the list of Selected IBM i event types. c. When you are finished adding messages, click Next. 8. If the Excluded Event Type page appears, specify the event types that you want to exclude, then click Next. Otherwise, go to the next step. Excluded events do not trigger the filter. You specify the event types to exclude in the same way that you specified the event types to include in step 6 on page 337 Optionally, you can exclude IBM i message queue events. To exclude available Windows-specific events, select Custom. 9. If the Excluded IBM i Event Type page appears, specify the IBM i messages that you want to exclude. Otherwise, go to the next step. Excluded events do not trigger the filter. You specify the messages to exclude in the same way that you specified the messages to include in step 7 on page 337 10. On the Severity and Category page, specify the severities and categories that you want to include, then click Next. Select Default to include events of all severities and categories. Select Custom to specify one or more severities and categories. 11. On the Event Sender page, you can add any specific event senders that you want to include in the filter. The filter is triggered when a specified sender generates an event that you included in the filter. Choosing Default includes events sent from any managed resource. a. Select a sender from the Systems list, then click Add to add it to the Selected senders list. b. To add a sender that does not appear in the Systems list, type the name of the sender in the Additional sender field, then click Add. c. When you are finished adding senders, click Next. Important: Remember to update any specified sender name if you rename the associated resource (the sender). When a managed resource is renamed, IBM Systems Director does not automatically update the associated sender name in an event filter. Renaming the resource without updating the event filter results in a mismatch between the sender name that is specified in the event filter and the sender name that is specified in the incoming event. The mismatch in sender names causes any event action plan that includes the filter to fail. 12. On the Event Text page, specify the event text that you want to include in the filter, then click Next. v Select Default to include all event text. v Select Custom to specify a word, separate words, or a phrase that you want to include in the filter. The filter is triggered by only those events that you include in the filter that also contain the specified text. 13. If the Frequency page appears, specify how often an event occurs before triggering this filter. Otherwise, go to the next step. v Select Default to trigger the filter any time an included event occurs. v Select Custom to specify how many times an event must occur before triggering the filter, called the matching event count. Optionally, you can specify a time interval within which the event must occur. 338 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide 14. If the System Variables page appears, specify the system variables that you want to include, then click Next. Otherwise, go to the next step. The filter is triggered when an included event occurs that has a specified keyword and value pair with a given value. v Select Default if you want to include all events, regardless of whether they have system variables. v Select Custom so that the filter is triggered only when included events also contain one of the selected keyword and value pairs that has a specified value. 15. On the Time Range page, specify when you want events to trigger the filter, then click Next. v Select All so that the filter is triggered any time that included events occur. v Select Custom to specify that the filter is triggered only when included events occur on a particular day of the week or within an identified time range. 16. On the Summary page review your settings. If you want to modify any settings, click Back to make changes. When you are satisfied with the event filter, click Finish to save it. The event filter is saved and is displayed on the Event Filters page. Related concepts: “Events that are available for filtering” on page 295 “Simple event filter” on page 296 “Duplication event filter” on page 297 “Exclusion event filter” on page 297 “Recurring event filter” on page 298 Related tasks: “Creating an event automation plan” on page 322 “Viewing the automation manager summary” on page 319 Related reference: Events Reference Editing an event filter Edit an event filter to change the settings in an event filter that you previously created. To edit an event filter, complete the following steps: 1. On the Plug-ins tab of the Home page, click Automation Manager. On the Automation Manager summary page, click Event Filters under Plan management. 2. On the Event Filters page, select the event filter that you want to edit. Note: IBM Systems Director includes some predefined event filters that you cannot edit. You can create an event filter that is like a predefined filter by using Create Like, but you cannot directly edit it. 3. Click Edit. The Edit Event Filter wizard is displayed. 4. Use the Edit Event Filter wizard to edit the event filter. The Edit Event Filter wizard uses the same panels as the Create Event Filter wizard. For more information about using an Event Filter wizard to create or edit an event filter, Chapter 6. Automating tasks 339 see “Creating an event filter”. After you finish using the Edit Event Filter wizard to save the event filter, it is displayed on the Advanced Event Filters page. The edited event filter is saved and displayed on the Event Filters page. Related concepts: “Events that are available for filtering” on page 295 “Simple event filter” on page 296 “Duplication event filter” on page 297 “Exclusion event filter” on page 297 “Recurring event filter” on page 298 Related tasks: “Viewing the automation manager summary” on page 319 Copying an event filter Copy an event filter when you want to create an event filter that is like a preexisting event filter. To copy an event filter, complete the following steps: 1. On the Plug-ins tab of the Home page, click Automation Manager. On the Automation Manager summary page, click Event Filters under Plan management. 2. On the Event Filters page, select the event filter that you want to copy. 3. Click Create Like. The Copy Event Filter wizard is displayed. 4. Use the Copy Event Filter wizard to create an event filter based on the one that you selected. The Copy Event Filter wizard uses the same panels as the Create Event Filter wizard. For more information about using an Event Filter wizard to create or edit an event filter, see “Creating an event filter”. After you finish using the Copy Event Filter wizard to save the event filter, the filter is displayed on the Advanced Event Filters page. The new filter that is based on a preexisting filter is saved and displayed on the Event Filters page. Related concepts: “Events that are available for filtering” on page 295 “Simple event filter” on page 296 “Duplication event filter” on page 297 “Exclusion event filter” on page 297 “Recurring event filter” on page 298 Related tasks: “Viewing the automation manager summary” on page 319 Viewing event filter properties You can view the properties for an event filter for information about the filter settings. Also, the Properties page lists the event automation plans that include the event filter. To view event-filter properties, complete the following steps: 340 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide 1. On the Plug-ins tab of the Home page, click Automation Manager. On the Automation Manager summary page, click Event Filters under Plan management. 2. On the Event Filters page, select the event filter whose properties you want to view. 3. Click Actions > Properties. 4. On the Properties page, view the settings for the event filter. The settings vary depending on the type of the event filter. Note: The Actions button does not provide any event-filter specific actions because there are none available on the Properties page. Related tasks: “Viewing the automation manager summary” on page 319 Related reference: lsevtfltr command Viewing predefined filter criteria You can view the criteria used to define a predefined event filter. Note: You cannot change predefined event filters; they are read-only. However, you can copy a predefined filter and change the copy. For more information, see “Copying an event filter.” If you want to see what event filter criteria are included in a predefined event filter, complete the following steps: 1. On the Plug-ins tab of the Home page, click Automation Manager. On the Automation Manager summary page, click Event Filters under Plan management. 2. On the Event Filters page, select the predefined filter that you want to view. 3. Click Actions > Properties. Related concepts: “Simple event filter” on page 296 Deleting an event filter You can delete an event filter when it is no longer useful. To delete an event filter, complete the following steps: 1. On the Plug-ins tab of the Home page, click Automation Manager. On the Automation Manager summary page, click Event Filters under Plan management. 2. On the Event Filters page, select the event filter that you want to delete. Note: You can select to delete more than one event filter at a time. 3. Click Delete. 4. In the confirmation window, click Delete. The event filter is deleted and is no longer displayed in the Event Filters page. A message is displayed on the page stating that the filter was deleted successfully. Chapter 6. Automating tasks 341 Related tasks: “Viewing the automation manager summary” on page 319 Related reference: rmevtfltr command Exporting and importing event automation plans, event filters, and event actions Event automation plans, event filters, and event actions can be exported and imported as an XML file on the management server. Using CLI commands to export and import event automation plans, event filters, and event actions makes it easier and faster to use multiple instances of your plans, filters, and events. For example, you can export a set of event filters then import them to other systems. Or, after exporting some event automation plans to a development environment, you can modify and test them safely, then import them to the systems in your production environment. Use any XML editor to create or edit an XML file. Importing the XML file creates the event automation plan, event filter, or event action, but does not update or replace any existing plan, filter, or action. The import process checks and compares the event automation plans, event filters, and event actions that you are importing with the plans, filters, and events that reside on the management server. The import process then reports any errors and conflicts. The schema files used for exporting and importing automation data reside in install_directory\proddata\schema\xml, where install_directory is the location where IBM Systems Director is installed. v When exporting XML files, using the -F option with the CLI commands creates a copy of the schema in the same directory as the exported files, if the schema does not exist in that location. v When importing XML files, the schema file needs to be in the same directory as the imported file. The CLI commands create a copy of the schema in the same directory as the one to which the XML file is imported, if the schema does not exist in that location. Related tasks: “Migrating and importing event automation data from a previous version” Migrating and importing event automation data from a previous version When you update and migrate IBM Systems Director Server, the existing event automation plans, event filters, and event actions are also migrated. You might also choose to import automation data that was created by using a previous version of Systems Director. A migrated or imported event automation plan that contains certain event actions might need to be reviewed to ensure that any related commands or tasks perform as expected. In previous versions of Systems Director, a user could create or edit an event action that runs a program or starts a task that might be beyond the authority specified for that user. In Systems Director 6.3 and higher, the following event actions are available only to users with SMAdministrator authority. That is, the user must be a member of the smadmin group: 342 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide v v v v v Start Start Start Start Start a a a a a program on a system program on the management server program on the system that generated the event task on a specified system task on a system that generated the event v Timed alarm that starts a program After you migrate or import an event automation plan from a previous version of Systems Director, the EventActionPlanRisk.log file identifies the plans that contain event actions that are meant to be created by a user with SMAdministrator authority. Review the identified event actions to ensure that the actions (and the related commands or tasks) are valid. Starting or restarting the management server generates the EventActionPlanRisk.log file, which resides in install_root/logs directory, where install_root is the root directory of your IBM Systems Director installation. The following example shows how the log identifies an event action and the related commands that you might want to examine. The log also identifies the event automation plan and event filter in which the event action occurs. Plan Name Filter Name Action Name Action Type ********************************************************* p123 p123-Filter apg-sys Start a program on a system p123 p123-Filter pgm on-ISD Start a program on the management server p123 p123-Filter pgm on evt-sys Start a program on the system that generated the event p123 p123-Filter start-task Start a task on a specified system p123 p123-Filter run-task-evt-sys Start a task on a system that generated the event p123 p123-Filter time-spg Timed alarm that starts a program Related tasks: “Exporting and importing event automation plans, event filters, and event actions” on page 342 Using command automation Use the Command Automation task to create, edit, copy, and delete command definitions. A command definition specifies and configures a command-line program that you want to run on a managed system. Anonymous command restrictions apply to command definitions. Notes: v Users with SMAdmin roles are given unrestricted access to target systems. These users always have “root” or “admin” access on IBM Systems Director - managed systems when running command automation through IBM Systems Director. This is regardless of what command-line context access the user has on the target. If this causes a security violation, give users SMManager or other customized roles that prevent them from accessing command automation. Creating or editing a command definition Use the command automation task to create and run a command definition, which specifies the command-line program that you want to run on a managed system. You can create a command definition, create one based on an existing command definition, or edit an existing command definition. Note: Chapter 6. Automating tasks 343 v Command automation is supported only on systems on which Common Agent is installed. v Remember that anything a system-account user can do from a command line can be done to the system, regardless of the user who is logged in to the managed system. To create or edit a command definition, perform the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Automation > Command Automation. 2. Determine if you want to create a command definition, create a command definition based on an existing one, or edit an existing command definition. v If you want to create a command definition, click Create. v If you want to create a command definition that is based on an existing command definition, select a command definition from the table, then click Create Like. v If you want to edit an existing command definition, select a command definition from the table, then click Edit. 3. In the Create Command Definitions window, specify information about the command definition: a. Accept the default name for the command definition or type a new name in the Name field. b. In the Command to run field, type the fully qualified file name and command syntax. Consider the following information: v For managed systems running IBM i, the command is run in the Qshell environment. To run an IBM i system command (such as the call command), specify the command similar to the following example: system ’call mylib/myclpgm’ The command runs within the Qshell environment and enables you to access the IBM i system commands. v For managed systems running Windows, preface the command with the following string to ensure that it runs in a Windows command-shell window: cmd /c c. In the Timeout field, type a timeout value, in seconds. The timeout value specifies the number of seconds to wait for the command either to return a completion code or time out. Make sure that the timeout value is long enough. d. Select the Log check box if you want to log any output produced by the command, for example, a directory listing. e. Either accept the default user ID (or the existing user ID if you clicked Edit or Create Like) or type a new user ID that has the required authority to perform the command. If you want to run the process using an alternative user account and override the default user ID, you can specify a user ID and password in the Login group box. Note: (Managed systems running IBM i only) Commands cannot be performed using the default user ID that is shipped with IBM Systems Director. For a command definition to run successfully on IBM i systems, the command definition must specify a valid user ID and password, or the managed system to which it is being run must be configured to specify a user that has the authority to run the command definition. You can register that user in the IBM 344 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Director Agent default user function ID on the managed system system using Application Administration in Power Systems Navigator. Note: You either must specify an alternative user ID or remove the default user ID from the registered function and add a new default user ID that has the required authority to perform the command. 4. Click OK to save the command definition. The Command Automation page displays the new command definition. Running a command definition After creating a command definition, you can run it on one or more specific managed resources. Run the command definition immediately, or schedule the command to run at a specific time or at regular intervals. As an alternative to using the Command Automation task in the IBM Systems Director Web interface, you also can specify the command definition as an action in an event automation plan. Note: v Command automation is supported only on systems on which Common Agent is installed. v Using the Command Automation task to start interactive programs, for example notepad.exe, is not supported. To run a command definition, perform the following steps: 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Automation > Command Automation. 2. Select the command definition that you want to run. The Command Automation page is displayed. 3. Click Run. The Launch Job window displays. 4. Use the Launch Job window to specify one or more target resources on which you want to run the command and determine when you want to run the command. You can also specify other options, including notification settings. 5. After you finish specifying the configuration for this command definition in the Launch Job window, click OK to use your settings to run the command definition. Restricting anonymous command execution By default, commands are run on the managed system as either system account (Windows) or root (Linux). You can restrict anonymous command execution by disabling this function and always requiring a user ID and password. Restricting anonymous command execution on Linux You can restrict anonymous command execution on managed systems running Linux. To restrict anonymous command execution, complete the following steps: 1. Change to the directory in which Common Agent is installed. If you installed IBM Systems Director in the default directory, the directory name is opt/ibm/director/data. 2. From a command-line prompt, type the following string, and then press Enter: Chapter 6. Automating tasks 345 vi 3. Change the value of RestrictAnonCmdExe to True. 4. Save the file. The change takes effect immediately. Restricting anonymous command execution on Windows You can restrict anonymous command execution on managed systems running Windows. To restrict anonymous command execution, complete the following steps: 1. On a Windows system, type regedit at a command line and press Enter: 2. Navigate to the registry entry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Tivoli\ Director\CurrentVersion. 3. Double-click RestrictAnonCmdExec. 4. In the Value data field, change 0 to 1. 5. Click OK. The change takes effect immediately. 346 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Chapter 7. Updating systems Use the IBM Systems Director update manager to acquire, install, and manage updates, as well as to monitor your systems to ensure that they remain current. Update manager enables you to keep your systems at desired software or firmware update levels by automatically checking for available updates and identifying which systems need attention. It also provides you with the ability to monitor your systems for needed updates and schedule the installation of updates at times that are convenient for your network and users. Update manager compares update information that is loaded into it with the inventories of specified systems to determine whether updates are needed. To load current information about available updates into update manager, you can use the update manager Acquire updates task. Within that task, you can use either of the following functions, both of which supply the same exact source for update manager: v Acquire updates: If an Internet connection is available, the acquire updates task automatically contacts the update repository and downloads information about the latest available updates into update manager. Note: To acquire updates, the IBM Systems Director Server must have Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) Internet access. This access can be through a direct connection or through a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) proxy that you configure in the Settings task. (See “Changing update settings” for more information.) If an IPv4 connection is unavailable, you can instead import the updates for more information. v Import updates from the file system: If no Internet connection is available, you can manually download supported updates and then import them into update manager. Update manager then enables you to examine recently acquired updates and install any that are needed. Note: Because update manager determines needed updates by comparing information about available updates with system inventories, the update information must be current. To help keep update manager up to date, schedule a recurring Acquire updates task that will regularly download update information since the last acquire updates was run. Alternatively, you can regularly monitor and import updates that your systems might need into update manager. If your systems need updates, you can use update manager to manage the installation. Important: For update manager to determine which updates are needed, you must ensure that the software inventory for monitored systems is collected and current. Most update manager methods cannot determine the applicability of updates to a system unless inventory was previously collected on the system. To view a table of the updates needed by your systems, you can use the update manager Show and install updates task. From this table, you can select which updates to install. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2013 347 Notes: v Before update manager installs updates, it displays information about whether system restarts are required. You can allow or disable automatic restarts. If automatic restarts are allowed, update manager calculates the installation sequence that minimizes the number of restarts. Alternatively, you can manually control the restarts. v During installation, update manager automatically downloads the update installation files and distributes them across your network to complete the installation. As with restarts, you can also manually control these steps to minimize disruption. To receive an automatic notification when updates are required to keep your systems current or at a specified update level, you can use update manager to set up compliance policies. These policies specify which systems are monitored and which updates you must install to keep the systems in compliance. Update manager uses these policies to check the status of your systems and notifies you when systems need updates, and which updates are needed. To set up compliance policies, you can use the update manager Create and configure compliance policies task. After a compliance policy is set up, the compliance pie chart then appears on the Update Manager summary page and you can use that to monitor compliance status and take any necessary corrective action. Note: As a best practice, plan to update to the latest update or patch for your release of IBM Systems Director at least twice a year. Maintaining this schedule will help to eliminate unnecessary exposure to problems that are already resolved in more current updates and patches. Staying farther back on maintenance can also inhibit the ability of your service representative to provide a formal fix without first requiring the application of a more current update or patch. Related tasks: Installing agents Planning to upgrade or update Planning to upgrade or update Related reference: Update commands Planning to update systems Complete these planning steps before starting the actual update process to ensure that the update process that you follow is successful and meets your needs. Supported update tasks You can use update manager to complete various update tasks, including downloading and installing updates to existing software and setting up compliance policies to monitor your systems. You can also use update manager to manage individual updates or sets of updates that are known as update collections. Update manager performs the following tasks: v Manage and install updates to existing software products and firmware, external network and storage switches, and external storage servers. v Install updates to IBM Systems Director. v Install updates to IBM Systems Director agents that have already been installed. 348 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide v Acquire and install an individual update or update collection with the following sequence of tasks: 1. Downloading, which copies the installable files for an update to the management server. 2. Installation staging, which copies the installable files for an update to an appropriate location for eventual installation. 3. Installing, which installs an update. 4. Uninstalling, which removes an update. v v v v Note: Not all updates support the uninstallation task. Manage compliance policies, which provide notification of when systems are in need of updates and which updates are needed. Schedule a check for updates, which is a search for new updates of which update manager is not currently aware. If any new updates are found, update manager obtains the necessary information that is required to include these updates. Provide details about a specific update, such as its documentation and prerequisite requirements (requisite updates). Display information about updates that were installed by IBM Systems Director. Note: Updates installed by other means are not displayed. Update manager does not perform the following tasks: v Install new software products. v Install IBM Systems Director agents on systems that currently do not have an agent. Instead, install IBM Systems Director agents with the agent manager plug-in of IBM Systems Director. v Migrate to any version of IBM Systems Director from any version of IBM Director. v Migrate to IBM Director 5.2 from IBM Director 5.1. v Perform actions on systems that are not accessible. You can perform update actions on only those systems that are accessible. Notes: – If a system is not accessible, the update menu actions are not displayed for it. You cannot select a system that is not accessible in any of the system selection actions, for example on the System page in the Installation wizard, on the Installation staging wizard, and so on. – If you want to monitor update management and compliance status on any systems that are not accessible, you must first run inventory collection on them. Most update manager methods cannot determine the applicability of updates to a system unless inventory was previously collected on the system. v Update another, different instance of IBM Systems Director Server. Supported updates and systems This is a list of supported updates and the systems to which they apply. Unless otherwise noted, the systems can be Agentless managed systems, Common Agent managed systems, and Platform Agent managed systems. v IBM Systems Director 6.3.x, as follows: – Common Agent Chapter 7. Updating systems 349 – Platform Agent – IBM Systems Director Server v IBM Systems Director 6.2.x and 6.1.x, as follows: – Common Agent – Platform Agent v IBM Director V5.20.x, as follows: – IBM Director Agent version 5.20 – IBM Director Core Services version 5.20 v Technology levels and service packs for AIX 5.3 TL6 SP5 and later. (IBM Systems Director Server or Common Agent only) v Technology levels and service packs for AIX 6.1 (IBM Systems Director Server or Common Agent only) v SUSE Linux v Red Hat Enterprise Linux v Cumulative PTF packages and PTF groups for IBM i (formerly i5/OS) 5.4 and later v Hardware Management Console systems at V7.3.3 SP2 or later v Power Systems firmware for all systems that meet at least one of the following criteria: – Inband stand-alone (not managed by Hardware Management Console or Integrated Virtualization Manager) Power Systems target systems running AIX or Linux Note: These systems must have the Common Agent installed. – Out-of-band (managed by Hardware Management Console) target systems Note: No Common Agent is required in this case because Secure Shell (SSH) performs the update. – Power Systems target systems managed by Integrated Virtualization Manager and running Virtual I/O Server version or later Note: No Common Agent is required in this case because SSH performs the update. v Migration, fix packs, service packs, and interim fixes for Virtual I/O Server version or later v Device driver and firmware updates, or UpdateXpress System Pack updates, for System x servers running Linux or Windows Notes: – Support is provided for servers running all available agent and agentless levels. – Support is provided for the application of System x device driver and firmware updates to IBM Director 5.20.x systems. This support includes IBM Director 5.20.x versions of IBM Director Agent managed systems, IBM Director Core Services managed agents, and Agentless managed systems. – Support is not provided for the application of System x device driver and firmware updates to IBM Director 5.10.x systems. – Support is not provided for updating IMM V2 systems running IBM Director Agent 5.x. v IBM BladeCenter I/O Module Firmware 350 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Notes: – Applying IBM BladeCenter device driver and firmware updates to IBM Director 5.20.x systems is supported. – Applying IBM BladeCenter device driver and firmware updates to IBM Director 5.10.x systems is not supported. – For these devices, inventory is provided by SNMP. v IBM BladeCenter Management Modules, Advanced Management Modules, and Passthrough Modules Notes: – Applying IBM Director 5.20.x – Applying IBM Director 5.10.x BladeCenter device driver and firmware updates to IBM systems is supported. BladeCenter device driver and firmware updates to IBM systems is not supported. – For these devices, inventory is provided by SNMP. v External storage firmware, including IBM BladeCenter external storage firmware for IBM BladeCenter S SAS RAID Controller Module and IBM BladeCenter SAS Connectivity Module v For the list of available System x and IBM BladeCenter systems that update manager supports, see IBM ServerProven at serverproven/compat/us/. Version considerations for updating IBM Director and IBM Systems Director The use of a configuration with mixed IBM Director 5.20 and IBM Systems Director 6.1 or 6.2 systems is discussed here, as well as applying updates to IBM Systems Director itself. Consider these points when applying updates to systems that are at a level earlier than the current level of IBM Systems Director. v You cannot use update manager to perform a migration to IBM Director 5.20 from IBM Director 5.10. v You cannot use update manager to perform a migration to IBM Systems Director 6.x from any version of IBM Director 5.x. However, you can use agent manager to upgrade an IBM Director Agent version 5.20 to a IBM Systems Director 6.1 Common Agent managed system. v From IBM Systems Director 6.1, you can use update manager to update to IBM Systems Director Server 6.1.2 and use agent manager to update to Platform Agent 6.1.2. v You cannot update Common Agent 6.1 to Common Agent 6.1.1, so you must first uninstall Common Agent 6.1 and then use agent manager to install Common Agent 6.1.1 and Platform Agent 6.1.2. v To update to Common Agent 6.2.1, you must start with Common Agent 6.2. v You cannot use update manager to perform a migration to IBM Systems Director 6.2 from any version of IBM Director 5.10 or 5.20. However, you can use agent manager to upgrade IBM Director Agent version 5.20 to a IBM Systems Director 6.2 Common Agent managed system. v IBM Systems Director supports the updating of systems that are at earlier versions of IBM Director as long as the updates do not change the version or release level. The following earlier version of IBM Director can be updated: IBM Director 5.20, all modification levels. Chapter 7. Updating systems 351 Note: You cannot update a newer version of any IBM Director or IBM Systems Director component to an older version of the same component. You need to first uninstall the newer component and then install the older component. Related tasks: Managing agents Managing agents Installing agents Update considerations for specific operating systems and platforms When you are installing updates for certain hardware and operating systems, there are unique tasks to be performed and restrictions to consider. Predefined update groups can be used to facilitate working with updates for a particular platform or operating system. Update considerations for AIX systems Updating AIX systems with IBM Systems Director requires the use of Network Installation Management (NIM) software and a Common Agent. IBM Systems Director supports updating AIX 5.3 TL6 SP4 and later releases, as well as updating AIX 6.1 and later releases. Terms used for updating AIX These are terms you will encounter when you are working with AIX updates: Network Installation Manager (NIM) master An AIX system that has been designated as a focal point to receive updates and install them on other AIX systems, known as NIM clients. Network Installation Manager (NIM) client An AIX system that is installed from a NIM master. Technology Level The twice yearly AIX releases, which contain new hardware and software features and service updates. The first of the twice yearly technology levels is restricted to hardware features and enablement, as well as software service. The second of the twice yearly technology levels includes hardware features and enablement, software service, and new software features. Make sure that you install all parts of a technology level. Back up your system before installing a technology level. Service Pack A collection of service-only updates (also known as PTFs) that are released between Technology Levels to be grouped for easier identification. These fixes address highly pervasive, critical, or security-related issues. Maintenance Level The service updates (fixes and enhancements) that are necessary to upgrade the Base Operating System (BOS) or an optional software product to the current release level. 352 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Recommended level The level of a service pack that is recommended for a given AIX technology level. Not all technology levels have a recommended service pack level. Latest level The most recent level of service pack or technology level. Tips for updating AIX Be aware of these tips and restrictions when you are working with AIX updates: v Do not upgrade the AIX host operating system that IBM Systems Director Server is running on. Doing so would break the connection between IBM Systems Director agent and IBM Systems Director Server. v Back up your system before installing a technology level. v Updates can be installed only within a release of AIX. You cannot perform a migration to a new version of AIX with update manager. v You cannot perform a new overwrite installation of AIX with update manager. v AIX 5.3 TL6 SP4 and later releases are supported, as well as AIX 6.1 and later releases. v To perform an installation or installation staging for AIX updates, your system must adhere to the following requirements: – Ensure that your AIX has a NIM master. Note: During installation, IBM Systems Director automatically adds the target AIX system as a NIM client of the NIM master. – Ensure that your AIX has a NIM environment. – Ensure that the AIX NIM master and the AIX managed systems (NIM clients) contain Common Agent. – Ensure that the NIM master is correctly initialized and configured. – If you are updating an agentless or Platform Agent system, ensure that the /tmp directory has full public read/write/execute permissions and enough allotted disk space to accommodate the staged update. v The updates will always be staged to a NIM master. IBM Systems Director update manager creates a separate file system named /export/um_lpp_source if it does not exist. The size is initially set to 1G, but IBM Systems Director update manager will increase the size if the available space is not large enough to hold the update files. v Installation of an update that requires a license acceptance must be done manually on the AIX target system. There are cases in which an update contained in a technology level or a service pack can require license acceptance. The ability to accept a license is not supported from the user interface and must be performed by installing the file set through the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) interface and responding yes to the query ACCEPT new license agreements?. v If you plan to import updates on an AIX system, note that you can import only those updates that contain descriptor files. Fix Central is typically the only location from which you can obtain updates with descriptor files, so updates obtained from the DVD might not properly import. v Update manager cannot install AIX iFixes in the .EPKG.Z format. IBM Systems Director can import and apply fixes on AIX only when the fix packages are Chapter 7. Updating systems 353 published on ECC (Electronic Customer Care) and include all supported files such as the .sdd file. When such a fix package is available, you can install it with the following command: emgr -i -C package_name.epkg.Z For more information about the emgr command and installing iFixes on AIX, see emgr Command. Update considerations for IBM BladeCenter I/O Modules and Management Modules Consider these factors when updating IBM BladeCenter I/O Modules and Management Modules. v You can use update manager to install updates to IBM BladeCenter, but you cannot use update manager to uninstall or roll back IBM BladeCenter updates. v Regarding updates to an S SAS RAID Controller Module: – Before you can update the IBM BladeCenter S SAS RAID Controller Module, you must discover the Storage Management Initiative Specification (SMI-S) provider used to communicate with the module. – The S SAS RAID R3 Controller Modules (for Linux and Windows) require that the managed system has the following software installed: - Platform Agent 6.3 or later - The appropriate supported operating system: v For the Linux module: Redhat Enterprise Linux 6.1 (32 bit) or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1 (32 bit) v For the Windows module: Windows Server 2008, Enterprise, Standard, and Datacenter Editions R2 – On managed systems that have both SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1 (32 bit) and the R2 module installed, updating Platform Agent from version 6.2.x to version 6.3.3 automatically installs the R3 module. For other managed systems, use the Install Agent wizard. For more information, see “Installing the SMI-S provider for the IBM BladeCenter S SAS RAID Controller Module on additional systems.” v Before you can update out-of-band switches and IBM BladeCenter Management Modules, you must create a configuration template for them. v Updates to I/O modules, management modules, advanced management modules, and pass through modules must be installed from a Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) or File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server. Use the Settings function to specify TFTP or FTP server properties. Notes: – If the staging server is an AIX system, ensure that you install the unzip command on it if it is not already installed. – If you use the management server as a TFTP server, ensure that port 69 on the management server is open for inbound UDP communication. v SNMP agents must be enabled in the IBM BladeCenter Management Module. Otherwise, communication is not possible. You can enable this using IBM Systems Director by creating a Management Module Network SNMP Configuration template, and applying it to the IBM BladeCenter Management Module. v When creating the Management Module Network SNMP Configuration template, the IBM BladeCenter Management Module must be configured to have the SNMP Access Type with a value of SET, for the installation process to 354 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide succeed. Alternatively, you can use the Web-based interface for Advanced Management Module or Management Module, under SMPv3 User Profile, to change the Access Type to SET. v SNMP Version 3 communication requires authentication (or credentials) as it is more secure. When creating the Management Module Network SNMP Configuration template, select SNMP Version 3, and fill in the appropriate authentication settings. v SNMP Version 3 credentials can also be obtained from the IBM BladeCenter Management Module, if possible, when it is being unlocked. This normally means that the privacy protocol is set to NONE for the User ID used to unlock the IBM BladeCenter Management Module. v SNMP credentials in the Management Module Network SNMP Configuration template used by IBM Systems Director must match the SNMP credentials in the IBM BladeCenter Management Module itself. Check these credentials. Related tasks: Installing the SMI-S provider for the BladeCenter S SAS RAID Controller Module on additional systems Update considerations for Hardware Management Console systems Hardware Management Console systems can have these items installed: updates, upgrades, and interim fixes. Note these restrictions and hints for working with Hardware Management Console updates: v Only Hardware Management Console Version 7 Release 3.3 SP2, and later versions and releases, are supported. v Only Virtual I/O Server Version and later fix packs are supported. v Hardware Management Console upgrades are not supported for the installation staging task. If installation staging is attempted, a message is displayed with instructions for creating and using a CD to manually perform this task. v An ISO image is a disk image for an ISO 9660 file system, and contains the installable files for a particular update or upgrade. A download is automatically performed for the ISO image, and the files that are downloaded can be used for installation on the management server. You must manually create a CD with this ISO image and then install the update from the CD. v Hardware Management Console upgrades are not supported for the installation task. If you attempt an installation task, after having successfully performed a manual installation staging task, a message is displayed with instructions for installing the upgrades on each Hardware Management Console system. If you attempt an installation task and installation staging has not been performed manually, a message is displayed with the installation staging instructions using CDs mentioned above. v Uninstalling and rolling back Hardware Management Console updates, upgrades, or interim fixes is not supported. v Updating a Hardware Management Console system might remove existing CIM indication subscriptions. To ensure that IBM Systems Director correctly registers the CIM indication subscriptions and continues to accurately display the status of the updated Hardware Management Console system, revoke and then reinstate access to the system. Chapter 7. Updating systems 355 v Extended discovery or inventory discovery must be performed for the target Hardware Management Console before using any Hardware Management Console functions in update manager. v Sometimes upgrades require that you install the media manually by storing the obtained ISO image on a CD, for example, when there is no Hardware Management Console update path to a new release. When a manual CD installation is required, the upgrade ISO image must be downloaded using update manager and stored in the director install\data\updateslib\HMC\Update_ID directory, where director install is the location of the IBM Systems Director installation. Subsequently, if the Install task is chosen, installation instructions are displayed to upgrade the Hardware Management Console manually using the CD installation. Update considerations for IBM i systems Consider these factors when updating IBM i (formerly i5/OS) systems. v Only IBM i Version 5 Release 4 and later releases are supported. v To distribute and apply IBM i PTFs, a credential must be created authorizing the user after IBM Systems Director has obtained access to the IBM i system. The IBM i system must be an agentless-managed, platform-managed, or common agent services managed system with access granted. Refer to the topic “Creating single sign-on credentials” for instructions to create the credentials. v Updates that are permanently installed on the system cannot be uninstalled. v If an update requires a system restart, the administrator must perform the restart manually. No automatic system restarts are performed for IBM i systems. For more information about updating IBM i systems, see “Best practices for working with updates for IBM i.” Update considerations for Linux systems Each Linux Distribution Partner provides updates for its specific Linux distribution. To download updates and install them, you must have an Internet connection and be registered with the Linux Distribution Partner. Consider these factors when updating Linux systems. v IBM Systems Director supports the application of updates only to Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions 5.x and 6.x, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 with any of the applicable service packs, and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11. v Only users with root authority can manage Common Agents. v The target system must have network connectivity with the management server and either direct or proxy connectivity with the Internet. The Internet connection is needed to obtain the updates from the Linux Distribution Partner. v To apply Linux updates, each system must be registered with the update server for the appropriate Linux distribution's update service. See these Web sites for more information: – For Red Hat Enterprise Linux distributions, or – For SUSE Linux distributions, or v Ensure that the following commands are installed on each system that is to receive an update: 356 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide – – – – – zip gunzip rug (for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 with the service pack) zypper (for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11) yum (for Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions 5.x and 6.x) v Uninstalling updates and rolling back updates are not supported. v The Linux system to receive updates must be a Common Agent managed system. v If you are updating an agentless or Platform Agent system, ensure that the /tmp directory has full public read/write/execute permissions and enough allotted disk space to accommodate the staged update. Update considerations for IBM Power I/O firmware Consider these factors when updating IBM Power I/O firmware. v AIX is required on the target system to update IBM Power I/O firmware. v Common Agent 6.2.1 is required on the target system to install IBM Power I/O firmware. v You must perform extended discovery or inventory collection for the target system before working with IBM Power I/O firmware updates. v If you will update a shared device, ensure that it is not used on other partitions. v You cannot use update manager to downgrade or roll back an IBM Power I/O firmware level. v The IBM Systems Director Web interface allows you to select multiple criteria values at the same time. If you select the criteria value of All, other selected criteria values are ignored. Update considerations for Power Systems firmware Consider these factors when updating Power Systems firmware. v You must perform extended discovery or inventory collection for the target system before working with Power Systems firmware updates. v If the target system is managed by Hardware Management Console or Integrated Virtualization Manager, extended discovery or inventory collection must be performed for the managing Integrated Virtualization Manager or Hardware Management Console of the target system before using any Power Systems firmware functions of update manager. v For a stand-alone Power Systems server, the installation staging and installation tasks require that the installed operating system (Linux or AIX) is available. v The fix service provider will have only the firmware level 01SF240_338.201 for POWER5 Power Systems firmware. v All POWER6® firmware will be available from the fix service provider. v Some POWER5 and POWER6 systems have BPC firmware to control each bulk power unit in the central processor complex (CPC) and towers. This bulk power is attached to the frame. These systems must be managed by a Hardware Management Console. When the Power Systems firmware is updated for these systems, the bulk power firmware might require updating as well. Update manager for Power Systems firmware will automatically update this bulk power firmware in this situation. An example is if you upgrade your POWER5 or POWER6 Power Systems firmware to a new level and that level requires an update to the bulk power Chapter 7. Updating systems 357 firmware. Update manager will automatically download and install this bulk power firmware as part of the Power Systems firmware download and installation tasks. v Power Systems firmware updates can be obtained from fixcentral/. v Some levels of Power Systems firmware being installed on a system managed by Hardware Management Console require that the Hardware Management Console managing the system to be at a minimum Hardware Management Console level. See the readme file for the Power Systems firmware. If you attempt to update the Power Systems firmware when the Hardware Management Console is not at the required level, the task will fail and log an appropriate message. v Uninstalling and rolling back Power Systems firmware updates or upgrades is not supported. These are the configurations supported for updating Power Systems firmware: v Standalone POWER5 and later systems running Linux or AIX, with the Common Agent installed v POWER5 Power Systems and later systems managed by Hardware Management Console and running Linux, AIX, or IBM i (formerly i5/OS) v POWER5 Power Systems and later systems (POWER6 Power Systems, and so on) managed by Integrated Virtualization Manager, with Virtual I/O Server and later fix packs Update considerations for System x systems Consider these factors when updating System x systems. v Before you attempt to update the firmware for a System x system, make sure that the LAN over USB interface is enabled on the system. v You can use update manager to install updates to System x systems, but you cannot use update manager to uninstall or roll back System x system updates. v System x and IBM BladeCenter firmware updates for UEFI and IMMv2, and PBDSA firmware updates on IMMv2 systems, are available in an operating system agnostic format. This means that you can install any of these types of updates on any operating system that resides on a system with the applicable machine type. To install these updates, which are not self-executable binary files, you must use IBM UpdateXpress System Pack Installer (UXSPi). In IBM Systems Director, ensure that the latest version of UXSPi is imported, then use the UXSPi settings tab to view obtained operating system agnostic updates and manually import new ones. Note: You must also use UXSPi to run compliance checks on such System x and IBM BladeCenter firmware updates. Ensure that the latest version of UXSPi is imported before running compliance. v The designated severity levels of System x system updates can dynamically change depending on the updates that are already installed on the system. For example, if no previous versions of an update exist on a system, the current version of the update might have a higher level of severity than it would if a previous version of the update existed. Update considerations for Virtual I/O Server systems Updating Virtual I/O Server systems with IBM Systems Director by using a migration image requires the use of Network Installation Management (NIM) software. The NIM server must be running AIX 6.1 or later. 358 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide A NIM master is not required when updating Virtual I/O Server systems with fix pack, service pack, or interim fix updates. Terms used for updating Virtual I/O Server These are terms you will encounter when you are working with Virtual I/O Server updates: Network Installation Manager (NIM) master An AIX system that has been designated as a focal point to receive updates and install them on other Virtual I/O Server systems, known as NIM clients. Network Installation Manager (NIM) client A Virtual I/O Server system that will use a NIM master for migration. Fix pack A fix pack updates your Virtual I/O Server release to the latest level. A fix pack update can contain product enhancements, new functions, and fixes. Service Pack A Service Pack applies to only one Virtual I/O Server level. A Service Pack contains critical fixes for issues found between fix pack releases. A Service Pack does not update Virtual I/O Server to a new level, and it can only be applied to the fix pack release for which it is specified. Interim fix (iFix) An interim fix (iFix) applies to only one Virtual I/O Server level and provides a fix for a specific issue. Migration image A Migration image supports the upgrade from a Virtual I/O Server version to a newer version. Tips for updating Virtual I/O Server Be aware of these tips and restrictions when you are working with Virtual I/O Server updates: v Only Virtual I/O Server and later releases are supported. v You cannot use IBM Systems Director update manager to perform a fresh installation of Virtual I/O Server. v To perform an installation or installation staging for the Virtual I/O Server migration image, your system must meet the following requirements: – A NIM environment is required. – An AIX NIM master is required to migrate Virtual I/O Server to higher release, such as from Virtual I/O Server to – Do not update the NIM master when you are migrating Virtual I/O Server using that NIM master. – The operating system level for the NIM master must be AIX 6.1 or later. v Do not migrate to Virtual I/O Server directly from a lower version such as because Virtual I/O Server is not officially supported by IBM Systems Director. Install the fix pack or Service Pack for Virtual I/O Server directly when you are migrating from a version earlier than Virtual I/O Server The update manager for Virtual I/O Server extension will automatically install Virtual I/O Server and the selected fix pack or service pack for you. Chapter 7. Updating systems 359 v v v v v Note: You also need a NIM environment because migrating to Virtual I/O Server is based on NIM operation If there are any LPARs managed by the Virtual I/O Server system, you must close them before installing updates on the Virtual I/O Server system. Back up your system before migrating it to a higher release. When performing migration, the migration image will always be staged to a NIM master. The image requires 16G of available space and will be put into a separate file system named /export/um_lpp_source. If the file system does not exist on the NIM master, IBM Systems Director update manager will create it. If the file system does not have enough available space, IBM Systems Director update manager will increase the size of the file system. For the installation of a fix pack, service pack, or iFix, 5G of available space is required on the /opt file system of the target Virtual I/O Server system. The update manager for IBM Systems Director extension will automatically accept the license if the update requires it. v IBM Systems Director update manager does not support rollback for Virtual I/O Server extensions. v The size of some updates might exceed the file size limit of the system on which IBM Systems Director Server is installed. Therefore, you should set the file size limit to unlimited before proceeding. Refer to the system documentation for information about checking and setting file size limits. v If you distribute an update that is a migration image, the progress bar will reach 100% complete while the status is still running. The task will actually be complete when the status is changed to Complete. v Although the IBM Systems Director Web interface allows you to select multiple criteria values at same time, only one of them will take effect: – When the criteria value All is selected, other selected criteria values will be ignored. – When the criteria value All is not selected and the criteria value Latest Upgrade is selected, only the latest upgrade takes effect. All other selected criteria values will be ignored. v Only migration tasks are staged to the NIM master. All other update tasks, such as for firmware or fix packs, are staged directly to the managed server. Update considerations for VMware ESXi systems Consider these factors when updating VMware ESXi systems. v The following firmware update types are supported when updating versions 5.0, 5.0 updates 1 and 2, 5.1, or 5.1 update 1 of either the standard VMware ESXi (vSphere) product or an IBM customized version of VMware ESXi (vSphere): Table 30. VMware ESXi supported firmware 360 Firmware update type Standard VMware ESXi (vSphere) IBM customized version of VMware ESXi (vSphere) Brocade N Y Broadcom N Y DSA Y Y Emulex N Y FPGA Y Y IMM Y Y QLogic CNA N Y IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Table 30. VMware ESXi supported firmware (continued) Firmware update type Standard VMware ESXi (vSphere) IBM customized version of VMware ESXi (vSphere) QLogic FC N Y uEFI Y Y v Updates are not supported on IBM customized VMware ESXi (vSphere) versions 4.0 or 4.1. v To manage firmware updates for systems running standard VMware ESXi, you must first discover and access both the OperatingSystem resource and the related Server resource, which is, for example, an IMM. Note: Discovering and accessing only the VMware ESXi OperatingSystem resource will not create the correct Server resource because the OperatingSystem resource and the Server resource are typically assigned different IP addresses. See “Viewing system discovery results” for more information. v To manage firmware updates for systems running the IBM customized version of VMware ESXi, you need to discover only the OperatingSystem resource. v Install updates to management modules from a server with SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP), or File Transfer Protocol (FTP). If necessary, use the Settings function to specify TFTP or FTP server properties. Notes: – If you are updating an IMM v1 system running standard VMware ESXi, TFTP is the only supported protocol. – If you are updating the IBM customized version of VMware ESXi, SFTP is the only supported protocol. v Use IBM ToolsCenter Bootable Media Creator (BoMC) or UpdateXpress System Pack Installer (UXSPI) to update VMware ESXi versions that IBM Systems Director does not support. v Before updating firmware on an IBM customized version of VMware ESXi (vSphere), ensure that you apply the latest VMware ESXi drivers and the latest VMware ESXi IBM customized image patches to the ESXi system. Related tasks: Viewing system discovery results Update considerations for multi-node systems Consider these items before updating system firmware on multi-node systems. In a multi-node system, also called a scalable system, update manager is responsible for keeping the following four types of system firmware at the same level on all physical servers across the system: v DSA v FPGA v IMM v UEFI To achieve this, if any system firmware update is needed on the physical server, update manager marks the needed relationship on the top level system, also called the cluster system. Then, during installation, the update is applied to all the physical servers in the multi-node system. Chapter 7. Updating systems 361 Consider the following items when updating the system firmware on multi-node systems: v Before starting any system firmware update processes, ensure that the multi-node systems are discovered with both inband mode and OOB mode. See Discovering a scalable BladeCenter system with multiple nodes for more information about how to discover multi-node systems. v When checking compliance, the system firmware is shown on the cluster manageable endpoint of the multi-node system instead of on the physical server system. v The systems firmware updates are installed to all the physical server systems when you install the update on the multi-node system. All the partition systems are then rebooted after the installation. Related tasks: Discovering scalable systems that have multiple nodes Determining the installed IBM Systems Director version Before you update an installation of IBM Systems Director, determine the version of the IBM Systems Director Server or agent that is installed. To determine the installed version of IBM Systems Director Server: v Console: Check the version number of the IBM Systems Director Server managers on the Home page. v CLI: Run the smcli lsver command. To determine the installed version of IBM Systems Director agent: v From IBM Systems Director Server: – Console: Check the version number in the Agent MEP properties. – CLI: Run the smcli lssys command, with the ManagementSoftware attribute. For example: smcli lssys -A ManagementSoftware -i v (AIX only) From the IBM Systems Director agent: – CLI: Run the lsagent.agent command. Note: Maintenance is not delivered for every manager at each update or patch. For example, the update for a particular version might be released for automation manager without the release of a corresponding update for configuration manager. Related tasks: Planning to update Updating the product Related reference: lssys command lsver command Starting to monitor and update systems To monitor and update systems, you must set up update manager correctly, including choosing the systems to monitor. You must also ensure that an Acquire updates task is run on a recurring basis, and that someone is periodically checking systems that have compliance issues. Lastly, you must install needed updates. 362 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide For systems that are to be monitored for update management and compliance status, you must: v Make sure that the systems are discovered and accessible. v Collect inventory on the systems. Most update manager methods cannot determine the applicability of updates to a system unless inventory was previously collected on the system. Tip: Use the IBM Systems Director Pre-Install Utility to scan systems and identify potential problems that could prevent IBM Systems Director from updating successfully. Tip: To protect your system in the event of an unforeseen complication, ensure that you back up your data before performing any update tasks. 1. From the Plug-ins tab on the IBM Systems Director Web interface Home page, click Update Manager. The update manager summary page is displayed. 2. Click the Optional: Getting started link and complete the Getting Started wizard. See “Getting started with updates” for more information. 3. Click the Configure settings link and complete the Settings task. See “Changing update settings” for more information. 4. Optional: Create additional update groups to facilitate update management. See “Managing update groups” for more information. 5. Acquire and install updates for the product or system that you want to update: Update IBM Systems Director If you want to simply update IBM Systems Director, use “Update IBM Systems Director” to let update manager take most defaults and run most update tasks for you automatically. See “Updating IBM Systems Director” for more information. Update other systems If you want to update other systems, or if you want to update IBM Systems Director but have full control over the whole process, use the various update manager tasks in the IBM Systems Director Web interface or the installneeded command to update your systems. See “Acquiring and installing updates” for more information. 6. Schedule an Acquire updates task to run periodically, at least once a week. See “Acquiring new updates” for more information. 7. Review the Update Compliance section of the update manager summary page to check if your systems meet your update specifications. See “Keeping systems in compliance” for more information. 8. If some systems need updates, review the exact compliance issues and address them by planning to install the needed updates. 9. Periodically, perform Steps 7 and 8, or create an Event Automation Plan to perform this task and notify you of any systems that are in need of updates. See “Creating an event automation plan” for more information. Chapter 7. Updating systems 363 Related tasks: Planning to update systems Configuring update manager Updating the product Acquiring and installing updates Keeping systems in compliance Managing update groups Creating an event automation plan Related reference: Pre-Installation Utility Configuring update manager Before starting to manage updates, run the Settings function and the optional Getting Started With Updates wizard to customize your configuration. To specify settings, go to the Update Manager summary page, click Configure settings and complete the various tabs for your configuration. Then, use the optional Getting Started With Updates wizard to accomplish the following tasks: v Select a set of systems to monitor with compliance policies v Create update groups for updates that are appropriate to the selected systems v Configure Internet connectivity v Run or schedule a check for updates To run the Getting Started With Updates wizard, complete the following steps: 1. On the Update Manager summary page, click Optional: Getting started. The Getting Started With Updates wizard displays a welcome panel. 2. Optional: If you do not want to see the Welcome page next time, clear Show the welcome page next time. 3. Click Next. The Name and Description page is displayed. 4. Type a name and optional description for the update group that is to be created. This group is initially empty but will acquire the updates for the systems that were selected. It is also attached to these systems through a compliance policy. Update manager will monitor the systems and indicate when a system is missing a needed update from the group. 5. Click Next. The Systems page is displayed. 6. Optional: The IBM Systems Director Server is selected by default. Select it and click Remove if you do not want monitoring of this system. 7. Select at least one system, which must be accessible, and click Add. These systems will be automatically associated with an update group through system compliance policies. If a selected system cannot be monitored, an error message is displayed. 8. Click Next. The Connection page is displayed. 9. Indicate how the Internet is to be accessed to acquire updates: v Click Use direct connection if a direct Internet connection exists and you want it used. 364 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide v Click Use Proxy server if your proxy server requires authentication. A proxy can be an HTTP proxy or a Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) proxy, and must be configured and made available by your organization. a. Type the host name and port number of the proxy server. b. Click Authenticate using the following credentials if you want to access the proxy server with a user ID and password. Type the user ID and password for the proxy server. Note: To acquire updates, the IBM Systems Director Server must have Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) Internet access. This access can be through a direct connection or through a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) proxy. If an IPv4 connection is unavailable, updates can be imported. 10. Optional: Click Test Connection if you want to test the connection settings that you have specified. 11. Click Next. The Summary page is displayed. 12. This page lists the types of updates that will be added to the update group to monitor the selected systems, and when a check for updates is run. Verify the information on this page: v If the information is correct, click Finish. The common launch-task window is displayed to schedule an acquire updates for the selected systems. Schedule this task to run on a recurring basis, not just once. v If the information is incorrect, click Back to return to previous pages and correct the information. 13. Specify notification and schedule settings for the task that is being launched. In addition to launching a check for updates task, the wizard creates an update group using the default update criteria for the systems that were selected. A compliance check is created for each selected system to ensure that it complies with this newly created group. Related concepts: Updates and applicable resources Update considerations for specific operating systems and platforms Compliance policies Related tasks: Configuring update manager Navigating tables Navigating tables Related reference: Update types Updating IBM Systems Director Use “Update IBM Systems Director” in the IBM Systems Director Web interface to automatically obtain and install all types of updates for IBM Systems Director. Consider these points when updating IBM Systems Director: v Most update manager methods cannot determine the applicability of updates to a system unless inventory was previously collected on the system. v You must restart IBM Systems Director to activate installed updates. Chapter 7. Updating systems 365 To instruct update manager to take most defaults and update IBM Systems Director almost automatically, complete the following steps. Attention: Use this method instead of other methods, such as the Acquire updates" method, to update IBM Systems Director. Other methods might allow you to install only a partial set of updates, which can cause damage to the installed image and prevent you from starting IBM Systems Director. Even if it does start, you might find that not all required plug-ins are present, which could result in undefined or unknown behavior of the updated image. 1. From the IBM Systems Director Web interface Home page, click Update IBM Systems Director. When the acquire updates task completes, the updates needed by the IBM Systems Director Server are displayed in the table. 2. Optional: If your management server does not have an IPv4 connection to the Internet, you can download IBM Systems Director updates and then use update manager to import and install the updates.copy the updates to the management node. See “Updating without an Internet connection” for more information. 3. Click Download and Install to run or schedule the update. 4. After the installation is complete, restart IBM Systems Director to activate the updates. Related concepts: Version considerations Related tasks: Planning to update systems Configuring update manager Disk space requirements for applying updates Disk space requirements for applying updates Determining the installed version Restarting the product Related reference: Update types installneeded command Updating without an Internet connection If the management server does not have an Internet connection, you can manually download IBM Systems Director update packages. After an update package has been downloaded and extracted, you can use update manager to schedule when to import and install the updates. 1. Download the necessary fix files from Fix Central. See “Getting fixes from Fix Central” for more information. 2. Import and install the updates using either the command line or the IBM Systems Director Web interface: Command line Run the following command to import and install the updates: smcli installneeded -v -F /home/USERID IBM Systems Director Web interface Complete the following steps to import and install the updates: a. From the IBM Systems Director Web interface Home page, click Update IBM Systems Director. 366 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide b. On the Update IBM Systems Director page, click Stop to stop the task that checks for new updates and instead display options for downloading and importing updates. c. In the Path field, either type the full local directory path and file name of the downloaded update package zip file, or click Browse... to manually search for and locate the file and then have the path information entered into the field for you. d. Click Import and Install to run or schedule the import and installation of the updates. 3. After the installation is complete, restart IBM Systems Director to activate the updates. Related tasks: Getting fixes from Fix Central Disk space requirements for applying updates Disk space requirements for applying updates Downloading manual updates Related reference: Fix Central Acquiring and installing updates Use IBM Systems Director Web interface tasks or the installneeded command to update your systems with update manager. Note: If you are updating IBM Systems Director itself, see “Updating IBM Systems Director”. Tip: To download updates for multiple System x systems or all updates for a given System x system, you can instead use UpdateXpress System Pack Installer. See the readme that is included with the UpdateXpress System Pack Installer at for further information and a link to the user guide. Chapter 7. Updating systems 367 Related concepts: Version considerations Related tasks: Updating the product Planning to update systems Configuring update manager Disk space requirements for applying updates Disk space requirements for applying updates Determining the installed version Restarting the product Related reference: Update types installneeded command Acquiring and installing updates with the IBM Systems Director Web interface Use the update manager tasks in the IBM Systems Director Web interface to acquire updates, stage your installation, manage update groups, and install updates on your systems. Showing needed updates Use the Show and install updates function to identify updates that are needed by your systems. This function does not show information for systems for which you have not collected inventory. Note: For more information about navigating and working with tables in IBM Systems Director Web interface, see “Table navigation in IBM Systems Director.” This function can be used on systems or system groups. If you select a system group, this task will display only those systems within the group that are in need of updates. The list of needed updates is produced by comparing the updates that IBM Systems Director has knowledge of to the inventory on your systems. This task does not list as needed any update that IBM Systems Director does not know about. An important part of keeping your systems up-to-date is running the Show needed updates function and reviewing the results. To see a list of updates needed by a system, complete the following steps: 1. From the Update Manager summary page, locate the Updates section. 2. Click Show and install updates. The Show and install updates page is displayed. 3. Select a system or system group in the Selected systems field. Click Browse to see a list of systems to choose from. 4. Click Show and install updates. A table of needed updates is displayed. 5. Examine the table. There is one line for each update and details about the update. 368 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Notes: v If you do not see an update that you expected to see, you can view all updates that are available for installation on a system by selecting Show all installable updates. v Certain listed updates, for example UpdateXpress System Pack updates for a IBM BladeCenter blade server or chassis, are actually update collections that contain one or more member updates that are combined into one installable image. To view the member updates within the update collection, right-click on the update collection and select “Update”. For more information, see your product documentation. Update tasks such as Install can be done from this page by clicking Actions and selecting an available task. Related concepts: The update topology perspective Update relationships Compliance policies Related tasks: Viewing update details Navigating tables Navigating tables Related reference: installneeded command Showing all installable updates Use the Show all installable updates function to identify all updates that are available for installation on your systems. This function does not show information for systems for which you have not collected inventory. Note: For more information about navigating and working with tables in IBM Systems Director Web interface, see “Table navigation in IBM Systems Director.” This function can be used on systems or system groups. If you select a system group, this task will display only those systems within the group that have updates that are available for installation. The list of all installable updates is produced by comparing the updates that IBM Systems Director has knowledge of to the inventory on your systems. This task does not list as installable any update that IBM Systems Director does not know about. To see a list of all updates that are available for installation on a system, complete the following steps: 1. From the Update Manager summary page, locate the Updates section. 2. Click Show and install updates. The Show and install updates page is displayed. 3. From the Show and install updates page, click Show all installable updates. The Show All Installable Updates page is displayed. Chapter 7. Updating systems 369 4. Examine the table. There is one line for each update and details about the update. Update tasks such as Install can be done from this page by clicking Actions and selecting an available task. Related concepts: The update topology perspective Update relationships Compliance policies Related tasks: Viewing update details Navigating tables Navigating tables Showing installed updates Use the Show installed updates function to determine which updates are installed on a particular system. This task shows those updates that were installed by IBM Systems Director. Updates installed by other means are not displayed. This function does not show information for systems whose inventory you have not collected. Update tasks such as Uninstall can be done from this page by clicking Actions and selecting an available task. To change which update properties are displayed on the table, their position in the table, or the field sizes, click Actions > Columns. Note: For more information about navigating and working with tables in IBM Systems Director Web interface, see “Table navigation in IBM Systems Director.” To see a list of updates installed on a particular system, complete the following steps: 1. From the Update Manager summary page, click Show installed updates. The Show Installed Updates page is displayed. 2. Select a system or system group in the Selected systems field. Click Browse to see a list of systems to choose from. 3. Click Show Installed Updates. A table of installed updates is displayed. 4. Examine the table. There is one line for each update and details about the update. 370 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: The update topology perspective Update relationships Compliance policies Related tasks: Viewing update details Navigating tables Navigating tables Checking for new updates Use the Acquire updates task to periodically load new updates into update manager. Schedule a check for updates task to run frequently, at least once a week. Note: To check for updates, the IBM Systems Director Server must have Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) Internet access. This access can be through a direct connection or through a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) proxy. If an IPv4 connection is unavailable, updates can be imported. To check for new updates, complete the following steps: 1. Select Acquire updates from the Updates section of the Update Manager summary page. The Acquire updates page is displayed. 2. Select the option to check for new updates. 3. Select the types of updates for which you want to check. 4. Optional: Click Remove to remove any entries that have been selected in error. 5. Click OK. A scheduling task is displayed 6. Optional: Type a job name. 7. Choose when to run the job: v Click Run Now to run the job right away. v Click Schedule and choose a date and time for the check for updates, as well as the Repeat Options for running the task. You are advised to schedule a repeating task, because it ensures that you are aware of new updates as they become available. You are also advised to choose a time when system load is light, so that the job will complete quickly. 8. Click Notifications and enter notification options. 9. Click Options and enter other options. 10. Click OK. 11. If any new updates are found, update manager will be automatically made aware of them. Examine any static update groups that you have created to see if the new updates must be added. This is an alternative, system-based approach. Go to the Resource Explorer area and select a system or system group. Click Actions > Release Management > Acquire Updates. This will scope the check for updates to just that type of system or systems in the group. Chapter 7. Updating systems 371 Related concepts: Compliance policies Related tasks: Keeping systems in compliance Related reference: Update types checkupd command Update types: The various operating systems and firmware that can be updated by IBM Systems Director have unique update types. The update type is used when a check for updates is scheduled, or when a compliance policy is created for a system. Update types for AIX: These update types are used for AIX systems. All Request a specific Technology Level or Service Pack. This choice copies all the technology level and service pack metadata to the management server. Update to recommended level Update to the recommended service pack level. When an AIX system is chosen from the Getting Started wizard, this type is the default value. If the newest technology level does not have a recommended service pack, the AIX system will be updated to the newest technology level that does have a recommended service pack. Update to latest level Remain on the same technology level, but update to the latest service pack level. Upgrade to recommended level Upgrade the technology level to the recommended level. This is likely to upgrade AIX to a new service pack on the new technology level. Upgrade to latest level Upgrade the technology level to the latest level. Typically, AIX is updated to a new service pack on the new technology level. Update types for System x servers and chassis: These are the update types for System x servers and chassis. System x servers and chassis Categories ASR Driver Automatic Server Restart Driver BIOS System BIOS updates BMC/H8 BMC/H8 Updates CD ROM / DVD Chipset-INF Server Chipset Device Drivers/INF files 372 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Diagnostics Diagnostic flash updates Fibre Fibre Channel updates Hard Disk Drive Hard disk drive firmware updates Hot Plug Active PCI Device Driver updates iSCSI Internet SCSI updates Network Network Device Driver and firmware updates PLD Code CPLD and FPGA firmware updates RSA RSA Firmware updates RSA II RSA II firmware updates SAS Serial Attached SCSI updates SATA Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (SATA) updates SCSI Small Compute Systems Interface (SCSI) updates ServeRAID ServeRAID updates Service Pack Driver Service Processor (including RSA and RSA II) Device Driver updates Tape Tape Drive firmware updates UXSP UpdateXpress System Pack Note: On a IBM BladeCenter blade server or chassis, UpdateXpress System Pack updates are actually update collections that contain one or more member updates combined into one installable image. For more information about UpdateXpress System Packs, see Video Video Device Driver updates Severity Initial Release Critical Suggested Non-Critical Note: The designated severity levels of System x system updates can dynamically change depending on the updates that are already installed on the system. For example, if no previous versions of an update exist on a system, the current version of the update might have a higher level of severity than it would if a previous version of the update existed. Chapter 7. Updating systems 373 When chosen from the Getting Started wizard, all System x updates are selected by default. Update types for Hardware Management Console: These are the update types for Hardware Management Console systems. All Used to request all updates. Update to recommended level Remain on the same version and release, but update to the recommended modification level. This is the default when a Hardware Management Console system is chosen from the Getting Started wizard. Update to latest level Remain on the same version and release, but update to the latest modification level. Upgrade to recommended level Upgrade the version and release to the recommended level. Upgrade to latest level Upgrade the release to the latest level within the current version. For example, if you are currently at V7R3.3.0M0 and you request Upgrade to latest level, you might get an update to V7R4.0.0M0, but you will not get one for V8. Update types for IBM Systems Director and IBM Director: These are the update types for IBM Systems Director and IBM Director. IBM Systems Director 5.20 IBM Director 5.20.x 6.1 IBM Systems Director 6.1.x 6.2 IBM Systems Director 6.2.x 6.3 IBM Systems Director 6.3.x Update types for IBM i systems: These are the update types for IBM i (formerly i5/OS) systems. PTF Groups Operating System PTF Groups Include IBM DB2 UDB, High Impact or Pervasive and other PTF Groups. The list of PTF groups varies depending on the IBM i version being updated. IBM WebSphere® Application Server PTF Groups Includes updates for IBM WebSphere Application Server products supported by IBM i. The list of PTF groups varies depending on the IBM i version being updated. Update types for Linux: These are the update types for Linux systems. Red Hat EL 374 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Security Fixes to defects that have the potential to compromise system, network, or user security. They are categorized according to their severity: v Critical v Important v Moderate v Low Bug Fixes Fixes to defects that do not compromise system, network, or user security. Enhancements New features Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Category v Recommended v Optional v Security Update types for IBM Power I/O firmware: These are the update types for IBM Power I/O firmware. All Used to request all updates. Update to latest level Remain on the same version and release, but update to the latest modification level. Update types for Power Systems firmware: These are the update types for Power Systems firmware. All Used to request all updates. Update to recommended level Remain on the same version and release, but update to the recommended modification level. This is the default choice when Power Systems firmware is chosen from the Getting Started wizard. Update to latest level Remain on the same version and release, but update to the latest modification level. Upgrade to recommended level Upgrade the version and release to the recommended level. Upgrade to latest level Upgrade the version and release to the latest level. Update types for Virtual I/O Server systems: These update types are used for Virtual I/O Server systems. All Request all updates on FSP, including migration, fix packs, service packs, and interim fixes. Chapter 7. Updating systems 375 Latest Update Remain on the same release, but update to the latest fix pack, service pack level, and interim fix. Latest Upgrade Request the latest release of Virtual I/O Server and the most current interim fix on the latest release. When a Virtual I/O Server system is chosen from the Getting Started wizard, this type is the default value. Downloading updates While the download of updates happens automatically as needed, you might want to download updates when it is most convenient for your network, and to ensure that the updates are available at the time of installation. You can choose to download the installable files for the update to the management server if you have interest in installing the update, and want to make the installation process run faster when it is scheduled. Downloading the updates ahead of installation ensures that the valuable time allocated for system maintenance (when typically systems are not available to the users) is not spent on tasks such as downloading, which does not require exclusive system access. You are not required to run the download task. If the installable files for the update have not been downloaded when the installation task is scheduled, the download task is automatically be invoked before the installation task. It is important to note that the membership of an update group is not resolved at the time that a task using the groups is scheduled. The membership of the update group is resolved at the time that the task runs. To download updates, complete the following steps: 1. From any panel where a list of updates is present, click Actions > Download. 2. You will see a summary panel explaining which updates are to be downloaded to the management server. Click OK. 3. The task scheduler is displayed. Choose to either run the download now or schedule it for later. 4. When the download task is used on a selection of updates that must be manually downloaded, a message is issued stating that not all the updates can be automatically downloaded. You can click Download manually to display the manual download page. Follow the instructions on that page to complete this process. Related tasks: Navigating tables Navigating tables Related reference: importupd command Downloading manual updates: Some updates must be downloaded manually. An example of an update that requires a manual download is an update that requires a licensing agreement. There might be some updates that cannot be automatically downloaded due to licensing restrictions. In this case, the downloaded column for the update will 376 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide contain the text No, manual download. When you try to download this type of update, you will see instructions for a manual download. When you select the download task on an update menu, a panel is displayed to guide you through visiting the appropriate Web site, downloading the update, and then copying the installable files for the update. To perform a manual download of an update, complete the following steps: 1. From the update menu page, select Actions > Download. A panel with instructions for each manual download is displayed. 2. Select one update and click Actions > Download. This launches a Web browser to the appropriate Web site for downloading the installable files for the update. 3. If a licensing agreement is displayed, read it and any other information presented to you. Accept the licensing agreement if you want to continue. 4. The download retrieves the installable files for the update. Make a note of their location. 5. Close the browser for the download link. You will return to the Download Updates page. 6. Put the location of the update installable files (from Step 4) in the Files to import field. 7. Optional: Click Browse to browse the directory. 8. Repeat this step for each update that requires a manual download. 9. Click OK to import the updates you have downloaded. After an update has been manually downloaded, it can be managed the same way as any other update. Related tasks: Updating without an Internet connection Importing updates Use the Acquire updates import function to copy one or more updates from a directory on the management server to the update library. To import updates, complete the following steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. From the Update Manger summary page, locate the Updates section. Click Acquire updates. Select the option to import updates. In the Path field, either type the full directory path that contains the update files on the management server, or click Browse... to manually search for and locate the directory and then have the path information entered into the field for you. Notes: v On Windows, the specified path must point to a local directory. You cannot specify network mounted directories. v You cannot select specific updates from the target directory. All eligible updates found within the directory are copied to the update library. v You can import only those updates that contain descriptor files. Fix Central is typically the only location from which you can obtain updates with descriptor files, so updates obtained from the DVD might not properly import. Chapter 7. Updating systems 377 5. Click OK. The scheduler is displayed. You can then choose to run the task now or to schedule it to run in the future. Related reference: importupd command Exporting updates Use the Export function to copy updates from the update library to a target directory on the management server. The target directory must be accessible to the management server. To 1. 2. 3. export updates, complete these steps: From any list of updates, select the ones that you want to export. Click Actions > Export updates. Specify a location for the update files by typing or browsing for the path name on the management server in the Path field. 4. Click OK. The scheduler is displayed. You can then choose to run the task now or schedule it to run in the future. Related reference: lsupd command Using the System x and IBM BladeCenter platform configuration file to acquire updates to systems that are outside of your environment Use this procedure only in situations where the normal update tasks cannot be performed. Customize the System x and IBM BladeCenter platform configuration file so that you can acquire updates for systems that you have not discovered or for which you have not collected inventory using IBM Systems Director. To modify the System x and IBM BladeCenter platform configuration file for a particular System x or IBM BladeCenter system, complete the following steps: 1. Open the file in a text editor. The System x and IBM BladeCenter platform configuration file is named director install/data/xbc_platforms.cfg where director install is the directory in which IBM Systems Director has been installed. 2. Using the guidelines in the file itself, add the machine type, operating system, and architecture combination for the system that you want to manage. 3. Save the file. Now this system will be listed by update manager and update tasks can be performed for this system. Related concepts: The System x and BladeCenter platform configuration file Related reference: Sample System x and BladeCenter platform configuration file The System x and IBM BladeCenter platform configuration file: You can use a System x and IBM BladeCenter platform configuration file to specify systems that you have not yet discovered or for which you have not yet collected inventory with IBM Systems Director. This file is then used to perform update tasks on the systems listed in the file. 378 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide This capability applies to System x and IBM BladeCenter systems. A blank System x and IBM BladeCenter platform configuration file is created automatically on the management server the first time that any System x or IBM BladeCenter update criterion is displayed. You can customize this file for systems that have not been discovered by IBM Systems Director so that their updates can be downloaded. The System x and IBM BladeCenter platform configuration file has this name: director install/data/xbc_platforms.cfg where director install is the directory in which IBM Systems Director has been installed. System x and IBM BladeCenter platform configuration file format In the System x and IBM BladeCenter platform configuration file, each entry is on a separate line The file has these fields, separated by commas: Machine type The 4-digit machine type of the System x or IBM BladeCenter server. Operating system The operating system running on the System x or IBM BladeCenter server. Architecture The architecture of the operating system. This value will typically match the architecture of the server, although it is possible to run 32-bit Windows on an EM64T-based Server. Attention: The values that you specify for Operating system and Architecture are case sensitive. For these two fields, use an example entry as a basis for a new entry to avoid errors. Tasks used with the System x and IBM BladeCenter platform configuration file Use the System x and IBM BladeCenter platform configuration file to select the machine type and operating system criteria for an update group, or to control the acquire updates task. For each of these update manager tasks, consider these points: Acquire updates (selected from the Update Manager summary) If the System x and IBM BladeCenter platform configuration file contains machine type and operating system entries, the Acquire updates panel will display these values. You can use them as you would any other selection on this page. If an entry in the System x and IBM BladeCenter platform configuration file contains a wildcard, all values that match the wildcard will be selected when this entry is selected. Acquire Updates (selected in the context of a system and then choosing Custom) The System x and IBM BladeCenter platform configuration file is not needed because the machine type and operating system information is provided by the selected system. Create an update group The values in the System x and IBM BladeCenter platform configuration file are displayed when you are creating update groups. Create a dynamic Chapter 7. Updating systems 379 update group and choose the entries from the System x and IBM BladeCenter platform configuration file that you are interested in. Sample System x and IBM BladeCenter platform configuration file: This sample file can be used to download updates for systems that are not present in your environment. The entries are commented out. Remove the number sign (#) for each entry that you want to use. #Machine Type, Operating System, Architecture #Operating System Choices: #RHEL 3 #RHEL 4 #RHEL 5 #SLES 8 #SLES 9 #SLES 10 #AIX #Windows 2000 #Windows 2003 #Windows XP #Windows Vista #Architecture Choices: #blank indicates i386 or x86 #x64 #ppc #For Out-of-Band updates specify NONE for both #Operating System and Architecture #Examples: #8843,RHEL 3, #8843,RHEL 3,x64 #8843,RHEL 4, #8843,RHEL 4,x64 #8843,RHEL 5, #8843,RHEL 5,x64 #8843,SLES 8, #8843,SLES 8,x64 #8843,SLES 9, #8843,SLES 9,x64 #8843,SLES 10, #8843,SLES 10,x64 #8843,Windows 2000, #8843,Windows 2003, #8843,Windows 2003,x64 #8843,Windows XP, #8843,Windows XP,x64 #8843,Windows Vista, #8843,Windows Vista,x64 #8842,RHEL 3,ppc #8842,RHEL 4,ppc #8842,RHEL 5,ppc #8842,SLES 8,ppc #8842,SLES 9,ppc 380 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide #8842,SLES 10,ppc #8842,AIX,ppc #8852,NONE,NONE Installation staging Use installation staging to copy the files that comprise an update to an appropriate location for eventual installation. That location might not be the system that the update is to be installed on. This task is not required. If you skip this step, the update is staged when it is needed. This task is provided to save time during installation maintenance windows, in order to minimize system downtime and unavailability. The task of installation staging is accomplished by running the Installation staging wizard on an update. The Installation staging wizard guides you through the task of copying the installable files for an update from the management server to an appropriate location for eventual installation. If the installable files for an update have not been previously downloaded, a download is run before the installation staging is performed. It is important to note that the membership of an update group is not resolved at the time that a task using the group is scheduled. The membership of the update group is resolved at the time that the task runs. To perform an installation staging for an update, complete the following steps: 1. Click Actions > Installation staging on the menus for an update or update group. The page of the Installation staging wizard is displayed. 2. Clear the Show this welcome page next time box if you do not want to see the Welcome page again. 3. Click Next. The Updates page is displayed. The Updates page is skipped if the Installation staging wizard was invoked from an update or update group. In this case, proceed to Step 5. 4. Select each update that you want. If an update that is part of an update collection is chosen, a warning is issued because it is advisable to install the update collection as a whole. 5. If you select updates that require a manual download, these updates cannot be staged until you manually download them. The Downloads required panel will be displayed. a. Click Details to manually download updates. b. Click Continue, the updates are now downloaded and ready when you have completed the manual download. c. Click Skip the updates which must be manually downloaded if you do not want to manually download these updates, or the process has failed for one or more of them. Those updates will be removed from the list and will not be staged. d. Click Next The Systems page is displayed. 6. You can stage updates for installation by selecting the systems or system groups that the updates are to be installed on. Select the system or system group name and click Add Be aware that if you selected system groups, the list of individual systems in these groups is not determined until the task runs. You are presented options only for those systems that were individually selected. Group membership is not determined until the task runs. Chapter 7. Updating systems 381 7. If some of the updates are for AIX or IBM BladeCenter systems, and you had not already specified the necessary AIX or IBM BladeCenter options on the Settings page, it is displayed so that you can choose these options. 8. Click Next. The Options page is displayed. 9. If you do not want updates that are required for the installation of the selected updates to also be staged for installation, clear Automatically stage missing required updates. Clearing this box is not advised. Missing mandatory updates will cause the installation task to fail. 10. A table of the known update requirements for each selected update is displayed. a. Select a system from the list of systems to see its update requirements. b. Review the required updates that will be installed when Automatically stage missing required updates is selected. You cannot edit the required updates here. 11. Click Next. The Summary page is displayed. 12. Review the information on this page. v If it is correct, click Finish. A panel is displayed for you to specify notification and schedule settings for the installation staging task being launched by this wizard. v If some information is incorrect, click Back to go to previous pages and correct the information, or click Cancel to cancel the entire process. After the installation staging task completes, the updates are staged in the following locations: v When staging to AIX, IBM i, and Linux systems, updates are staged to /tmp/updatemanager/staging in all cases. v When staging to Windows systems, updates are usually staged to TEMP\updatemanager\staging, where TEMP usually resolves to C:\WINDOWS\TEMP but can change depending on the resource type to which you are staging. Note: To ensure that updates are staged to the Windows TEMP directory, specify RELOAD_STAGING_LOCATION=true in the install_path\IBM\Director\lwi\ runtime\core\workspace\.metadata\.plugins\\ file. To determine the exact staging path for a particular system, see the related entry in the job log. To verify that the path has sufficient space, explicitly stage an update to the target system and then verify the staging at that path. Related tasks: Navigating tables Navigating tables Related reference: installupd command Viewing information about updates Information about updates and updates groups is often needed to decide whether to install the update. 382 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: The update topology perspective Update relationships Update groups Related reference: lsupd command The update topology perspective: The Updates topology perspective displays a topology view tailored to the system's update-related resources. From any place within update manager where you can display a system, click Actions > Topology Perspectives. By default, a topology perspective contains all resources related to the system. The Updates perspective limits the resource types to update-related resources that are installed on, needed by, or applicable to the system. The following resources types are included in the Updates perspective: v systems v updates v update collections Click the displayed resources to see the relationships displayed in the Properties table. Relationships for updates and update collections: Update relationships indicate how an update relates to other updates and target systems. The Topology view is a good way to illustrate update relationships. This is a list of all update relationships. To simplify this discussion, the term 'update' refers to either an individual update or an update collection, unless otherwise noted. appliesTo Indicates systems that an update can be installed on at this time. You can view updates that can be installed on a system by navigating the appliesTo relationship from the system's Related Resources submenu. federates Specifies the individual updates that are contained in an update collection. installedOn Indicates systems where the update is currently installed. You can view where a specific update is installed by following the installedOn relationship from the update's context menu. This displays the systems where the update is installed using a table view. This table view can be switched to a topology map to display a graphical layout instead of a topology. In the topology map, the installed on relationships between the updates and the systems are displayed. needs Indicates updates that a system needs. Chapter 7. Updating systems 383 Several updates might applyTo a system, but the system might only need one of those updates. An example is the situation where one update supersedes another. You can see where an update is needed for installation by following its needs relationship using the resource navigator. When an update is acquired, the needs and appliesTo relationships for the update and affected systems are automatically synchronized so that the new update can be properly managed, and compliance policies remain accurate. This table view can be switched to a topology map to display a graphical layout instead of a topology. In the topology map, the needs relationships between the updates and the systems are displayed. requires Indicates that this update requires another update to be installed. supersedes Indicates that this update supersedes another update, meaning that the other update is not needed if this one is installed. Viewing properties, documentation, requirements, and other details for an update: You can obtain details about an update, such as general properties, installation requirements, installable files, and documentation. If an update has not been downloaded and you attempt to view the contents of an associated documentation file, the download task will be run so that the files can be read. To view properties and documentation for an update, complete the following steps: 1. From any place where an update is displayed, click the update name. A page of general information about the update is displayed, including: name, ID, size, version, and so on. 2. Click the General tab to see general information about the update. In this list, the term 'update' is used to refer to an update or update group. Note: Certain listed updates, for example UpdateXpress System Pack updates for a IBM BladeCenter blade server or chassis, are actually update collections that contain one or more member updates that are combined into one installable image. To view the member updates within the update collection, right-click on the update collection and select “Update”. For more information, see your product documentation. Name The name of the update. Description A description of the update. Acquired Date The date that this update was acquired by update manager. Build Date The date that the update was built. An example is the date that the source for the update was compiled. 384 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Build Number The build number of the update. Category The category of update. Downloaded Whether the update has been downloaded to the management server. Filenames The names of the files for the update. Package Type The package type of the update. Platform The hardware platform that the update applies to. Product The name of the product that the update applies to. Restart Type Whether a restart is required when the update is installed or uninstalled, and what type of restart is required. These are the possible values: Restart immediately after update is installed The restart must be performed before other updates can be installed or uninstalled. Restart after all updates are installed The restart can be performed at the end of the install or uninstall task. None There is no restart indicated for the system or resource. Severity The severity of the update is one of the following values: v Critical v High v Normal v Low v Not Applicable Note: The designated severity levels of System x system updates can dynamically change depending on the updates that are already installed on the system. For example, if no previous versions of an update exist on a system, the current version of the update might have a higher level of severity than it would if a previous version of the update existed. Software ID A character string or value that identifies the software or firmware that needs the update. Superseded Whether this update has been superseded by another. Total Size The total size of all the update's files. Chapter 7. Updating systems 385 Uninstallable Whether the update can be uninstalled. Update ID A unique identifier for the update. Update Type Whether the update is an individual update or an update collection. Vendor The manufacturer of the update. Version The software or firmware version that the update applies to. 3. Click the Documentation tab. A page of documentation files is displayed. Some updates might not have documentation files. 4. Click the Requirements tab. A page of requirements that must be met in order for the update to be installed is displayed. The type of information depends on which software component is being updated, such as applicable operating systems and levels. 5. Close this page by clicking the X on the page tab. Related concepts: The update topology perspective Update relationships Related tasks: Viewing required updates Viewing parent update collections Viewing the supersede relationships for an update Related reference: lsupd command Searching update documentation: If there is a specific area of concern or detail that you are looking for, searching update documentation can point you to the updates that you are most interested in. Only the latest documentation for an update in its supersede chain is displayed. If you have a situation where update A supersedes update B, the documentation for update A is displayed rather than the documentation for update B, since update A is the most recent update in the supersede chain. The Update Manager summary page contains a search field that searches the documentation files of updates that are available for management. The search is limited to updates that have been downloaded to the management server. For each update, only those files that are human readable are available for searching. To search update documentation, complete the following steps: 1. From the Update Manager summary page, locate the Search section. 2. In the Search local updates field, type the terms you want to search for. 3. Click Search. Search results are displayed in a separate table, sorted by closeness to the search terms. Search results are not case-sensitive. 386 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide 4. Optional: You can do various tasks from the search results page, such as installing an update, viewing the properties, or adding it to an update group. 5. If you do not find what you are looking for, perform a check for updates to ensure that you have all the most recent updates. You can use operators in your searches to obtain more accurate search results. Here are examples of the supported search operators and their meanings: Linux Matches anything that contains Linux. Linux* Matches anything that begins with Linux. Linux server Matches anything that contains either Linux or server or both. Linux OR server Same as Linux server. +Linux +server Matches anything that contains both Linux and server. Linux AND server Same as +Linux +server. +Linux -Blade Matches anything that contains Linux and does not contain Blade. clock~ Matches anything like clock, such as block, click, clocks, and so on. (Linux OR server) AND Blade Matches anything that contains Blade and also contains Linux or server or both. "Issues and Recommendations" Matches anything with the exact phrase 'Issues and Recommendations'. Related concepts: The update topology perspective Update relationships Related tasks: Viewing update details Navigating tables Navigating tables Related reference: lsupd command Viewing required updates: When preparing to install an update, it might be necessary to first install another update on a given system. These updates are called required updates or requisite updates. You can view the updates required by an update by navigating the requires relationship on the update menu. The requires relationship navigation will display the updates required by the currently selected update. The updates are displayed in a navigator table view. Chapter 7. Updating systems 387 This table view can be switched by the user to a topology map to display a graphical layout instead of a table. In the topology map, the required relationships between the updates are displayed. Note: For more information about navigating and working with tables in IBM Systems Director Web interface, see “Table navigation in IBM Systems Director.” To view the required updates for a specific update, complete the following steps: 1. From any list of updates, select the update whose required updates you want to display. 2. Click Actions > Related Resources > Needed Updates. A table of the needed updates is displayed. Related concepts: The update topology perspective Update relationships Related tasks: Viewing parent update collections Navigating tables Navigating tables Viewing the supersede relationships for an update Related reference: lsupd command Viewing the contents of update collections: An update collection is an update that contains other updates, such as a service pack. They can be managed as a single unit, just like an individual update. To determine if an update is a collection or an individual update, from any table where a list of updates is displayed, view the Update Types field. A value of 'Collection' indicates that the update is an update collection. A value of 'Individual' indicates that the update is not a collection, but an individual update. Note: For more information about navigating and working with tables in IBM Systems Director Web interface, see “Table navigation in IBM Systems Director.” To view update collections, complete the following steps: 1. From any list of updates, select an update collection. 2. Click Actions > Related Resources > Updates. A table of the member updates is displayed. Although you can view the member updates in an update collection, you are advised not to install these individual members separately. Instead, install the entire update collection. 388 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: The update topology perspective Update relationships Related tasks: Viewing required updates Viewing parent update collections Viewing the supersede relationships for an update Related reference: lsupd command Viewing the supersede relationships for an update: One update supersedes another if installation of the one update will make the other no longer needed. The concept of supersede can be explained by this example. UpdateA supersedes UpdateB if UpdateA contains all the information in UpdateB, or installing UpdateA creates a situation where UpdateB is not needed. UpdateA can be said to supersede UpdateB or be a supersede of UpdateB. UpdateB can be said to be superseded by UpdateA. You can see the updates that are superseded by a given update by selecting supersedes on the Related Resources submenu at the top of the update menu. It is possible that an update does not supersede any other. It is also possible that an update is not superseded by any other This table view can be switched by the user to a topology map to display a graphical layout instead of a table. In the topology map, the superseded relationships between the updates are displayed. Related concepts: The update topology perspective Update relationships Related tasks: Viewing required updates Viewing parent update collections Related reference: lsupd command Viewing parent update collections: For a given update, a parent update collection is an update collection that contains this update, as well as possibly others. Not all updates will have a parent update collection. Parent update collections are updates themselves, and can be installed as an update. These are similar in concept to service packs. To view update collections, complete the following steps: 1. From any list of updates, select an update whose parent update collection you want to view. Chapter 7. Updating systems 389 2. Click Actions > Related Resources > Update Collection. The update collection that contains this update is displayed. Although you can view the member updates in an update collection, you are advised not to install these individual members separately. Install the entire update collection. Related concepts: The update topology perspective Update relationships Related tasks: Viewing required updates Viewing the supersede relationships for an update Related reference: lsupd command Managing update groups You can group updates to form an update group, which can then be managed as if it were an individual update. The use of update groups can save time and limit the complexity of the update tasks. Related concepts: Update groups Related tasks: Managing groups Managing groups Update groups: Update groups can be static or dynamic. Both types can be used in compliance policies. Static update groups Contain individual updates that were explicitly chosen. Once established, the membership changes only when you manually add or delete updates. Static update groups can be used as a baseline for future comparison or update deployment. Dynamic update groups Automatically contains updates based on selected update types. The membership of this group changes as update information changes. It is important to note that the membership of an update group is not resolved at the time that a task using the group is scheduled. The membership of the update group is resolved at the time that the task runs. If you add a system group or an update group to an existing system group or update group, this new, nested group will not be considered when the parent system or update group is used for validation of compliance policies. Viewing update groups: It is advisable to view the individual members of an update group so that you are aware of the updates that are being used for compliance policies. 390 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Note: For more information about navigating and working with tables in IBM Systems Director Web interface, see “Table navigation in IBM Systems Director.” To view an update group, complete the following steps: 1. From the Update Manager summary page, click Show update groups. A table of all defined update groups is displayed. This table shows all the update groups in the group named Update Groups. 2. Click the name of the update group that you want to view. The members of the group are displayed in a list. Related concepts: Update groups Related tasks: Creating update groups Managing groups Managing groups Navigating tables Navigating tables Creating update groups: Although there are predefined update groups, you might want to create and manage update groups for your unique systems and their software. To create an update group, complete the following steps: 1. From the Resource Navigator, click Create Group. The Group Editor wizard is displayed. 2. If the Welcome page is displayed, click Next. The Name page is displayed. 3. Type a name and description for the new group and click Next. The Type and Location page is displayed. 4. Select a Member type of Update. 5. In the Group type field, choose either a Static or Dynamic update group. The Define page is displayed. 6. Select group members: v If the group type is Static, select the individual updates and update collection and click Add to move them to the Selected column. v If the group type is Dynamic, select the types of updates and click Add to move them to the Selected column. These values are like those on the Acquire Updates page. 7. Click Next. The Summary page is displayed. 8. Review the choices for the new group carefully. v If your choices are correct, click Finish to create the update group. v If you want to change your choices, click Back to go to the previous page, or choose the Group Editor wizard page from the navigation area. Chapter 7. Updating systems 391 Related concepts: Update groups Related tasks: Viewing update groups Managing groups Managing groups Installing updates on systems Use the Install wizard to install updates on systems or groups of systems. If you choose to install updates that have not been downloaded or staged for installation, these tasks will be automatically performed as part of the installation task. Note: The installation of updates on IBM i (formerly i5/OS) systems requires a single sign-on credential that maps an IBM Systems Director Web interface user to an IBM i user ID. v For instructions to create credentials, see “Creating single sign-on credentials”. v For more informations about credentials, see “Managing single sign-on credentials”. Tip: Use the IBM Systems Director Pre-Install Utility to scan systems and identify potential problems that could prevent IBM Systems Director from updating successfully. Tip: To protect your system in the event of an unforeseen complication, ensure that you back up your data before performing any update tasks. To install updates, complete the following steps: 1. From the Update Manager summary page, locate the Updates section. 2. Click Show and Install Updates. The Show and Install Updates page is displayed. 3. Select a system or system group in the Selected systems field. Click Browse to see a list of systems to choose from. 4. Click Show and install updates. A table of needed updates is displayed. 5. Select each update that you want to install. Whole update collections, not individual member updates, will be installed. 6. Click Install. The Install wizard Welcome page is displayed. 7. Clear Show this welcome page next time if you do not want to see the Welcome page next time. 8. Click Next The Systems page is displayed. 9. If some of the updates are for AIX or IBM BladeCenter systems, and you had not already specified the necessary AIX or IBM BladeCenter options on the Settings page, it is displayed so that you can choose these options. 10. Click Next. 11. Optional: If you select updates that require a manual download, and this has not already been done, you must manually download them. The Downloads required page is displayed. a. Click Details to perform the manual download. b. Click Continue, the updates are now downloaded and ready when you have completed the manual download. 392 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide c. Click Skip the updates which must be manually downloaded if you do not want to download these updates, or the manual download process has failed for one or more of them. 12. Click Next. 13. Optional: The Manual Installation Required page will be displayed if a selected update must be manually installed by the user. a. Click View under the Installation Instructions heading to see the manual installation instructions. b. Read the instructions and decide to install the updates now or later. Updates that require manual installation will be removed from the list of selected updates. If all the selected updates require manual installation, you cannot continue; Next will be disabled. 14. Click Next. The Restarts page is displayed. All selected systems are displayed in the table even if they do not require a restart. For each system, the highest restart impact is listed. The systems are sorted in this table with those of highest restart impact listed first. 15. Automatically restart as needed during installation is selected by default. Clear this box if you do not accept the restart requirements. If you clear the Automatically restart as needed during installation box and updates are installed that have pending restarts, then the installation task will complete with errors and some update installs might not be attempted if a dependent update requires an immediate restart. 16. Click Yes in the Restarts Required column for a system to view all updates to be installed on the system and their individual restart requirements. This view is specific to the selected system. It shows all the updates that will be installed on that system and the restart value for each. You cannot change the information on this page. If you do not accept the restart requirement, click OK to return to the Install wizard, click Back, and then remove systems or updates. If you have selected system groups as the target for the update installation, the list of individual systems in these groups is not determined until the task runs. You are presented options only for those systems that were individually selected. Group membership is not determined until the task runs. These are the possible values: Restart immediately after update is installed The restart must be performed before other updates can be installed or uninstalled. Restart after all updates are installed The restart can be performed at the end of the install or uninstall task. None There is no restart indicated for the system or resource. 17. Click Next. The Summary page is displayed. 18. Review the information on this page. v If it is correct, click Finish. A panel is displayed for you to specify notification and schedule settings for the installation task. v If some information is incorrect, click Back to go to previous pages and correct the information, or click Cancel to cancel the entire process. Note: Even if the installation of your update is successful, the version numbers that are displayed for a particular updated IBM Systems Director component might not match across version displays. For example, after successfully updating Platform Agent 6.2 to 6.2.1 and collecting inventory, the Platform Agent version Chapter 7. Updating systems 393 that is displayed in the file set remains as 6.2. Rebooting the system will fix the version in some but not all instances of this issue. Regardless, this issue does not impact functionality, though, and you can ignore it. Related tasks: Navigating tables Navigating tables Managing single sign-on credentials Managing single sign-on credentials Related reference: Pre-Installation Utility installupd command installneeded command Removing update files When an update is no longer needed, you can remove its associated installable files to save space. If an update has not been downloaded, this task is not available. This task removes the installable files for an update, but descriptive information about the update is not removed. When this task completes, the update remains known to update manager and is treated like any other update. To remove the installable files from an update, complete these steps: 1. From any page where a list of updates is present, select the updates whose files you want to delete. 2. Click Actions > Delete files. 3. Click Yes in the verification window to confirm the removal of the files. To remove all information about an update, use the cleanupd command. Related reference: cleanupd command Uninstalling updates It might be necessary to remove an update from a system or group of systems. Use the Uninstall updates task to do this. Not all updates support the uninstall task. For updates that cannot be uninstalled, it might be possible to roll them back to an earlier version by installing an older version on top of the current one. To uninstall updates, complete the following steps: 1. From the Update Manager summary page, click Show installed updates. The Show Installed Updates page is displayed. 2. Select a system or system group in the Selected systems field. Click Browse to see a list of systems to choose from. 3. Click Show installed updates. A table of installed updates is displayed. 4. Select each update that you want to uninstall. 5. Click Uninstall updates. The Uninstall wizard Welcome page is displayed. 394 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide 6. Clear Show this welcome page next time if you do not want to see the Welcome page next time. 7. Click Next. The Updates page is displayed. 8. Select each update that you want to uninstall and click Add. 9. Click Next. The Systems page is displayed. 10. Select each system or system group from which you want to uninstall the updates and click Add. All selected updates that are installed on these systems will be uninstalled. If you select a system group, the updates are uninstalled from those systems that are a member of the group at the time the uninstallation task runs. 11. If some of the updates are for AIX systems, and you had not already specified the necessary AIX options on the Settings page, it is displayed so that you can choose these options. 12. Click Next. 13. Optional: The Manual Uninstall Required page might be displayed. It is displayed only when an update selected for uninstallation must be manually removed. a. Click View under the Uninstallation Instructions heading to see the manual instructions for each update to be uninstalled. b. Read the instructions and decide to run them now or later. 14. Click Next. The Restarts page is displayed. All selected systems are displayed in the table even if they do not require a restart. For each system, the highest restart impact is listed. The systems are sorted in this table with those of highest restart impact listed first. 15. Automatically restart as needed during installation is selected by default. Clear this box if you do not accept the restart requirements. If you clear the Automatically restart as needed during installation box and updates are uninstalled that have pending restarts, then the uninstallation task will complete with errors and some uninstalls might not be attempted if a dependent update requires an immediate restart. 16. Click Yes in the Restarts Required column for a system to view all updates to be uninstalled on the system and their individual restart requirements. This view is specific to the selected system. It shows all the updates that will be uninstalled on that system and the restart value for each. You cannot change the information on this page. If you do not accept the restart requirement, click OK to return to the Uninstall wizard, click Back, and then remove systems or updates. If you have selected system groups as the target for the uninstallation task, the list of individual systems in these groups is not determined until the task runs. You are presented options only for those systems that were individually selected. Group membership is not determined until the task runs. These are the possible values: Restart immediately after update is installed The restart must be performed before other updates can be installed or uninstalled. Restart after all updates are installed The restart can be performed at the end of the install or uninstall task. None There is no restart indicated for the system or resource. 17. Click Next. The Summary page is displayed. 18. Review the information on this page. Chapter 7. Updating systems 395 v If the information is correct, click Finish. A panel is displayed for you to specify notification and schedule settings for the task being launched by this wizard. v If some information is incorrect, click Back to go to previous pages and correct the information, or click Cancel to cancel the entire process. If an update cannot be uninstalled, it might be possible to roll back the installed update by installing an older version of the update. The older update can be installed if the older update is applicable to the system. Related tasks: Navigating tables Navigating tables Related reference: uninstallupd command Acquiring and installing updates with the installneeded command Use this alternate update method if you want to use the command line to specify some options and then let update manager automatically obtain and install all types of updates for IBM Systems Director. You can use the installneeded command line tool to simply update IBM Systems Director servers and agents, or you can add optional parameters to install other update types. The tool performs the entire update process from beginning to end with a single command. The basic flow consists of collecting inventory on the target system, acquiring updates, running compliance, installing needed updates, then running inventory and compliance again. This topic describes several high-level uses for the installneeded command. See the installneeded command topic for more detailed information. v To update IBM Systems Director Server from the FSP, issue the following command: smcli installneeded -v -F This command will use the server on which it is run as the target. It will automatically acquire IBM Systems Director Server updates from the FSP and install them. The -v option specifies “verbose” and is useful for tracking progress or seeing problems. The -F option specifies “force”, without which the command will ask for confirmation before installing each update. The following options and operands are also useful when updating IBM Systems Director Server: -I Installs updates that are already in the updates repository. For example: smcli installneeded -v -I import_path Installs updates after you import them from the supplied path. For example: smcli installneeded -v c:\dirupdates See the installneeded command topic for more detailed information about these options and operands. 396 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide v To update Common Agent or Platform Agent with the latest update level from the FSP, complete the following steps from an IBM Systems Director server: 1. Issue the following command to determine the OID of the system: smcli lssys -o The output will resemble this example: netvj165, 0xa98, 0xa39 2. Issue the following command to update the agent: smcli installneeded -v -n {system_oid | system_name} -F For example: smcli installneeded -v -n 0xa39 -F smcli installneeded -v -n -F The following options and operands are also useful when updating Common Agent or Platform Agent: -I Installs updates that are already in the updates repository. Use the following format for the command: smcli installneeded -v -n {system_oid | system_name} -I -i Specifies an IP address or host name to identify the system instead of the system OID or system name. This could be useful if you are using a script to update the system after using other CLI commands to discover and request access to the system. If both the server MEP and operating system MEP have the same IP address, you must use another parameter along with the command to install the updates without user intervention. Use the following format for the command: smcli installneeded -v -t system_type -i ip_address -F For example: smcli installneeded -v -t OperatingSystem -i -F Note: Use the lssys -T command to determine the valid system types. Note: You can use -i in combination with -I. See the installneeded command topic for more detailed information about these options and operands. v To update Common Agent or Platform Agent with a specific update level, complete the following steps from an IBM Systems Director server: 1. Download the desired updates from 2. Issue the following command to import and install the updates: smcli installneeded -v -n {system_oid | system_name} -F import_path For example: smcli installneeded -v -n 0xa39 -F c:\dirupdates v To install other types of updates, complete the following steps: 1. Issue the following command to determine the update type or types to specify: smcli installneeded --list Chapter 7. Updating systems 397 2. Issue either of the following commands to install the updates: – smcli installneeded -v -n {system_oid | system_name} -F -u update_type – smcli installneeded -v -t system_type -i ip_address -F -u update_type For example: – Install System x and IBM BladeCenter updates from the FSP to the system with a system OID of 0xa39: smcli installneeded -v -n 0xa39 -F -u systemxandbc – Install System x and IBM BladeCenter updates that were already acquired from the FSP or imported previously to the system with a system name of smcli installneeded -v -n -F -u systemxandbc -I – Install Linux updates to the system with an IP address of smcli installneeded -v -t OperatingSystem -i -F -u linux Note: The default value for -u is “Director”, which is implied if -u is not specified. That is why the previous command to update IBM Systems Director Server was accurate even though the -u option was not included. The -u option corresponds to the update ProviderType and specifies the types of updates to acquire if -c is specified or implied when no other option is given. The acquire updates task will only order updates using the default criteria values that are supported by the target system or server if no target system is provided. To illustrate with an example, a user wants to update IBM Systems Director Server on Linux and uses the following command to do so: smcli installneeded -v -F The user then discovers and accesses a Linux agent and plans to perform Linux updates on the agent after the agent side setup is complete. There are correct and incorrect commands to use for this action: – Incorrect: smcli installneeded -v -t OperatingSystem -i -F -u linux -I This command would find no updates to install. Even though the smcli installneeded -v -F command already ran the acquire updates task on a Linux server, -u was not specified and therefore defaulted to “-u Director”. Only IBM Systems Director updates were acquired from the FSP, and no Linux updates were placed in the repository for installation. – Correct: smcli installneeded -v -t OperatingSystem -i -F -u linux This command would complete an acquire updates task for Linux updates from the FSP and install them. See the installneeded command topic for more detailed information about these options and operands. 398 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: Version considerations Related tasks: Planning to update systems Configuring update manager Disk space requirements for applying updates Disk space requirements for applying updates Determining the installed version Restarting the product Related reference: Update types installneeded command lssys command Keeping systems in compliance Use compliance policies to receive notification about systems that are missing specific updates. The Update Manager summary page provides a quick view of the number of systems that are monitored by compliance policies and the number of systems that are out of compliance. Review this information before viewing the more detailed data that follows it. Use the Update Manager summary page to view information about compliance policies for your systems. All compliance policy tasks are initiated from the Update compliance section on this page. Note: Compliance status does not change on the monitored systems until an acquire updates task is complete and compliance has completed. This status change can take up to ten minutes after the acquire updates task completes. Important: When using compliance for the first time, keep in mind the following items: v To check compliance for IBM BladeCenter and System x systems running Linux or Windows, an applicable IBM UpdateXpress System Pack Installer (UXSPi) is required. The UXSPi is downloaded automatically when you use update manager to acquire updates from the internet. If the management server does not have an internet connection, you must manually download and import an applicable UXSPi. Important: For UXSPi to work correctly on 64-bit Linux operating systems, you must install the compatibility libraries compat-libstdc++-296-2.96. v To check compliance for , Systems Director an applicable IBM UpdateXpress System Pack Installer (UXSPi) is required. The UXSPi is downloaded automatically when you use update manager to acquire updates from the internet. If the management server does not have an internet connection, you must manually download and import an applicable UXSPi. Chapter 7. Updating systems 399 Important: For UXSPi to work correctly on 64-bit Linux operating systems, you must install the compatibility libraries compat-libstdc++-296-2.96. v To efficiently balance impact on resources and improve reliability, consider grouping your systems, for example by type or by level of operating system, and then using a rollout or staged approach to attain currency. v For important information about applying compliance on IBM BladeCenter and System x systems specifically, refer to the Best Practice Firmware Update Guide IBM BladeCenter and System x at docdisplay?lndocid=MIGR-5082923 v For important information about applying compliance on Systems Director, see the Firmware Update Guide - IBM Flex System, at support/entry/portal/docdisplay?lndocid=MIGR-5091991&brandind=5431802. 1. To view or edit update compliance policies, click Create and configure compliance policies from the Update Manager summary page. A list of systems is displayed. 2. Select a system from the list to edit its compliance policy. You can create compliance policies on systems or system groups. When a policy is created on a system group, all systems within the group inherit the compliance policy. The group is displayed in the Inherited column when viewing the system compliance policy. Related concepts: Compliance policies Update relationships Updates and applicable resources Update considerations for specific operating systems and platforms Compliance policies Use compliance policies to monitor your systems and inform you when systems are missing specific updates. The first section on the Update Manager summary page is the Update Compliance section. This section provides a quick summary of the update health of your systems and provides several system-related tasks. Tips v If you see the term Inherited Compliance Policy or an Inherited field in a table when you are viewing this information, there is a compliance policy on the parent group for the system. The policy can be removed from the system only by removing it from the system parent group. v The behavior of a compliance policy for an update group differs slightly depending on whether the update group is static or dynamic: Static update group When a static update group is examined, each update contained within the group that is applicable to the system must be found to be installed; otherwise the compliance policy indicates an 'out of compliance' situation. This situation is verified by examining the appliesTo relationship on the update. Dynamic update group When a dynamic update group is examined, the compliance policy indicates an 'out of compliance' situation only when updates that are 400 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide needed by the systems are not installed. This situation is verified by examining the needs relationship on the update. v If you add a system group or an update group to an existing system group or update group, this new, nested group is not considered when the parent system or update group is used for validation of compliance policies. v If an update that is not applicable to a particular system is not installed, the compliance policy does not indicate an 'out of compliance' situation. Adding updates to a compliance policy Updates can be added to a compliance policy to keep the compliance policy current. To add an update to the compliance policy for a system, complete the following steps: 1. From any panel that has a list of updates displayed, click Add to > Compliance Policy. 2. Select the system or system group to be monitored for the update. 3. Click OK. The selected update is added to the compliance policy for the system. 4. Click Save to save the compliance policy. Related concepts: Updates and applicable resources Update considerations for specific operating systems and platforms Compliance policies Related tasks: Keeping systems in compliance Create and configure compliance policies Use the Create and configure compliance policies page to change compliance policies. The Create and configure compliance policies task is used to configure compliance policies on systems that are monitored for missing updates. Each compliance check is listed on a separate line. The target system or system group is checked against its associated compliance policy automatically when the system or update inventory changes. To modify compliance policies, complete the following steps: 1. From the Update Manager summary page, click Create and configure compliance policies. The Compliance Policy page is displayed. 2. Select a system or system group. 3. Optional: Click Browse to see a list of systems. a. Click Add to add a system or system group. b. Click Remove to remove a system or system group. 4. Click Show Compliance Policies. 5. Select one of the following policies to create or, if it already exists, configure it: v Policy to ensure that the latest released updates are always applied v Policy to ensure that specific version levels of updates are maintained Chapter 7. Updating systems 401 Important: If a policy already exists and you select and configure the other policy, the existing policy and its compliance checks are removed when you save the new policy. If the chosen policy already exists, the table displays all associated compliance checks. If the chosen policy does not already exist, the table is empty. 6. Choose a task to perform on the selected compliance policy: v Create a new compliance check. Complete the following steps: a. In the displayed table, click Add.... The Add... page is displayed. b. In the Show: list, select the type of updates to display in the table. Note: If you are adding a compliance check to the “Policy to ensure that the latest released updates are always applied” policy, you can choose from among only dynamic update groups. If you are adding a compliance check to the “Policy to ensure that specific version levels of updates are maintained” policy, you can choose from among only individual updates or static update groups. c. Choose the updates or update groups to include in the compliance policy. d. Click OK to add the updates or update groups to the compliance policy. v Remove a compliance check. Select a compliance check, then select Actions > Remove. 7. Click Save to save the changes to the compliance policy. This will activate the selected compliance policy and any compliance checks that you set up for it, and will remove any previously existing compliance policies and compliance checks. Example If you create a static update group where some of the updates supersede others, the compliance policy verifies that the latest superseding update is installed. The recommendation that comes from this type of compliance policy will be to install the latest update in the supersede chain. As an example, consider an update group with these attributes: v It is a static update group. v Group members are updates named UpdateA, UpdateB, and UpdateC. v UpdateA supersedes UpdateB. v UpdateB supersedes UpdateC. When a compliance policy is created with this group, the compliance policy verifies that the latest supersede update (UpdateA in this case) is installed, and, if it is not, the recommended action is to install the latest update in the supersede chain (UpdateA in this case). Even if both UpdateB and UpdateC are installed, the compliance policy indicates 'out of compliance' unless UpdateA is installed. If UpdateB and UpdateC are not found on the system, but UpdateA is present on the system, the compliance policy indicates that the system is in compliance. 402 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: Compliance policies Related tasks: Identifying systems that are out of compliance Identifying systems that are out of compliance Identify systems that are out of compliance so that you can take recommended corrective action. This function does not give you information about all your systems, just those that are monitored by compliance policies. The system-compliance status indicator represents the highest severity among all of the compliance policy updates that are not installed on the system. There are five compliance categories, represented by icons: : Indicates a missing update severity of critical or high : Indicates a missing update severity of medium or low : Indicates a missing update severity that is not known or not applicable : Indicates systems that are in compliance; they have no missing updates : Indicates systems that are not accessible or do not have inventory collected To identify systems that are out of compliance according to an active compliance policy, complete the following steps: 1. On the Update Manager summary page, find the Update Compliance section. 2. Examine the pie chart and icons to its right. The number of systems in each compliance category is displayed. Note: The compliance pie chart is visible only if you have already created a compliance policy for your system. 3. If one or more system is in need of updates, click one of the systems links next to the severity icons (which are next to the pie chart). This displays a table of systems. 4. Optional: You can also click the View all issues link to the bottom right of the pie chart to view all compliance issues for all systems that are in a policy and are in need of updates. 5. Examine the Compliance column to find which systems are in need of updates. The highest severity of all the missing updates is displayed. 6. Select one or more systems. 7. Click System Health > Compliance Issues The View All Issues page is displayed. Chapter 7. Updating systems 403 Those systems that have the same compliance issues are grouped, and the total number of systems is displayed. 8. Click a compliance issue to expand and filter the list of individual systems. Otherwise, each system with each particular issue and recommendation is listed. Related concepts: Compliance policies Related tasks: Changing compliance policies Resolving compliance issues When a compliance policy indicates that there are updates that are required on one or more systems, examine the severity of the updates, and plan to install them considering your system's availability, workload, and scheduling factors. Use this procedure only if one or more of your systems is out of compliance, as indicated by the Compliance column in the list of monitored systems, or as indicated by the pie chart on the Update Manager summary page. Note: The compliance pie chart is visible only if you have already created a compliance policy for your system. The Compliance column visually indicates that a system is not in compliance. The status severity is the highest severity of all the updates needed by the system. To correct an out-of-compliance situation, complete the following steps: 1. Click the compliance status in the Compliance column to see the Issues and Recommendations panel. 2. Read the recommended action. Make sure that you understand the proposed actions. 3. Choose the issues that you want to resolve and then click either Install or Uninstall, according to the recommendation. The appropriate wizard starts. You can choose to resolve all issues at once instead of resolving them individually. Related concepts: Compliance policies Related tasks: Changing compliance policies Identifying systems that are out of compliance Navigating tables Navigating tables 404 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Chapter 8. Remotely accessing systems and resources Using the IBM Systems Director remote access function, you can establish sessions to a system and transfer files when you are logged into another system. In order to use remote access, one or more discovered and accessible systems must have support for at least one remote access task. Remote access facilities Remote access has facilities for file transfer and access to systems in both full-screen and command-line modes. Remote access consists of these access mechanisms: Distributed Command Executes a command on one or more managed systems in parallel. File Transfer Transfers files from one system to another. Launch Web Browser Opens a browser window for the selected system. Remote Command line Establishes command-line access to a remote system. Remote Control Establishes full-screen access to a remote system using these access methods: BladeCenter and RSA Remote control Launches the Web interface to remotely control IBM BladeCenter or Remote Supervisor Adapter (RSA) systems Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Connection Launches this application for Windows systems Virtual Network Computing Launches Virtual Network Computing (VNC) for AIX and Linux systems. Remote Xen Console Establishes command-line access to a remote Xen server. Serial Console Opens console windows to one or more POWER managed systems. Distributed Command The Distributed Command task launches the Distributed Shell. Restriction: To use this task, you must be logged into IBM Systems Director Server running on AIX. Otherwise, you will get an error message. The Distributed Shell gives you the ability to execute a command on one or more managed systems in parallel. The command is executed on each remote target and the output from each system is returned to the IBM Systems Director Server. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2013 405 The Operating System resource type is supported by the Distributed Command task. Related tasks: Using the Distributed Shell File management Use the File Management task to manage files and directories on a remote system. From the IBM Systems Director Web interface, you can use the File Management task to manage files on a remote system. File management task operations include rename, delete, upload, download, and the creation of new folders. If you use the File Management task to perform an upload or download, you can transfer individual files and directories between the following systems only: v The browser system and the management server v The browser system and a managed system Transferring files directly between a management server and a managed system is not supported. If you need to transfer a file from a management server to a managed system (or the reverse, from a managed system to a management server), you must transfer the file to a browser system first, and then transfer it from the browser system to the managed system or the management server. Launch Web browser Use the Launch Web browser facility to access a system that has a Web server. The IP address that IBM Systems Director has for the system is used to launch the Web browser with http protocol. Remote Command Line The Remote Command Line task establishes command-line access to a remote system. The Remote Command Line task opens a non-graphical Remote Command Line window in the IBM Systems Director Web interface. You can communicate with a remote system by issuing its operating system's commands at the command-line prompt in the window. Generally, you can have multiple remote command-line sessions active at the same time. Restriction: You can have only one active remote command-line session through a management server to a single Windows system at a time. When you connect to a system that is running UNIX or Linux, Remote Command Line uses the secure shell (ssh) protocol. If the ssh server on the system does not respond, Remote Command Line attempts to connect using the Telnet protocol. For a system running IBM i, Remote Command Line uses the Telnet protocol only. The Remote Command Line function does not use SSH to connect to switches. For switch resources, telnet is always used. 406 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Remote control tasks Remote control establishes a full-screen session to the remote system using a remote control application. If your system does not have one of the following applications installed, you must first install and configure it on your browser system. BladeCenter and RSA Remote Control Launch the Web interface for remote control of IBM BladeCenter or Remote Supervisor Adapter (RSA) systems. Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Connection Launch this application for Windows systems. Virtual Network Computing Launch Virtual Network Computing (VNC) for AIX and Linux systems. Microsoft Windows Hyper-V Virtual Machine Connection Tool Launch the Hyper-V Virtual Machine Connection Tool. VMware ESX or ESXi hypervisor virtual machine Launch a VMware ESX or ESXi hypervisor virtual machine connection. Setting up remote control As mentioned above, if your system does not have one of the above applications installed, you must first install and configure it on your browser system. To install and configure a remote control application: 1. From the Remote Access Summary page, click Set up remote control. 2. On the Setup Remote Control page, click the check box next to Use Remote Desktop to control Window systems. 3. Complete required fields. 4. Click Apply and then OK. Related concepts: IBM BladeCenter and RSA Remote Control Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Connection Virtual Network Computing Hyper-V Virtual Machine Connection Tool VMware ESX or ESXi hypervisor virtual machine connection Related tasks: Running remote access functions IBM BladeCenter and RSA Remote Control Use the IBM BladeCenter and Remote Supervisor Adapter (RSA) function to access an IBM BladeCenter or RSA system. Related tasks: Establishing IBM BladeCenter or RSA communication Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Connection Use the Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Connection to establish remote control sessions to Windows systems from IBM Systems Director. Before using Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Connection, make sure to configure it on your Windows system. There is no need to install or configure anything on IBM Systems Director. Chapter 8. Remotely accessing systems and resources 407 Related tasks: Configuring Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Connection Establishing Remote Desktop Connection Virtual Network Computing Use the Virtual Network Computing (VNC) application to establish remote control sessions to AIX and Linux systems from IBM Systems Director. Virtual Network Computing must be installed first in order to use it with remote control. Follow these steps to install VNC: 1. Install the RealVNC viewer or another compatible VNC viewer on the Web browser client. 2. Ensure that the Web browser client has network access to the agent. 3. Install and configure the VNC server on the agent, using a default port number of 5091. Important: When using VNC to establish remote control sessions on Linux systems, you must also create the following script on your Web browser system and associate it with the .vnc file type in the browser. #!/bin/sh VncViewer=vncviewer # (may need to Conf=$1 Host=$( cat $Conf | grep ^Host= | Port=$( cat $Conf | grep ^Port= | Port=eval [ $Port - 5900 ] which $VncViewer 1>/dev/null 2>&1 && be customized for your environment) cut -d= -f2 | tr -d ’\r’ ) cut -d= -f2 | tr -d ’\r’ ) $VncViewer $Host:$Port & Related tasks: Establishing Virtual Network Computing communications Hyper-V Virtual Machine Connection Tool The Microsoft Windows Hyper-V Virtual Machine Connection Tool can be launched from IBM Systems Director using Remote control to display and provide access to the video, keyboard, and mouse of Hyper-V virtual machines. Related concepts: Remote control tasks Related tasks: Launching the Microsoft Windows Hyper-V Virtual Machine Connection Tool VMware ESX or ESXi hypervisor virtual machine connection VMware ESX and VMware ESXi are platform-virtualization software that you can launch from IBM Systems Director by using Remote control. Related concepts: Remote control tasks Related tasks: Launching a VMware ESX or ESXi hypervisor virtual machine connection Remote Xen Console The remote Xen console task manages a command-line interface to a remote Xen server. 408 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide You can use the remote Xen console window to establish a fully active command session with a remote Xen server or host. The remote Xen server or host must be started and have access granted in order to establish communications. This session is non-graphical, so a command line window opens when it is started. Serial Console The Serial Console task launches the serial console. Restriction: To use this task, you must be logged into IBM Systems Director Server running on AIX 6.1F or higher. Otherwise, you will get an error message. The serial console gives you the ability to open console windows to one or more IBM Power managed systems. Each window provides access to the system’s serial console, accessed out-of-band. The following resource types are supported by the Serial Console task: v Server v Virtual Server v System Related tasks: Using the serial console Running remote access functions You can run the remote access functions from the Remote Access Summary page. For the remote control functions, you do not choose which function to run. It is chosen based on the target system. Related concepts: Remote access facilities Related tasks: Accessing a secured system with request access Using the Distributed Shell Use the Distributed Shell to execute a command on one or more managed systems in parallel. To use the Distributed Shell, you must be logged into IBM Systems Director Server running on AIX. Otherwise, you will get an error message. When you use the Distributed Shell to execute a command on one or more managed systems in parallel, the command is executed on each remote target and the output from each target is returned to the IBM Systems Director Server. To use the Distributed Shell, complete the following steps: 1. From the Remote Access Summary page, click Distributed Command. The Targets page is displayed. 2. Select one target for remote access. Use the Add and Remove buttons to move items between the Available list and the Selected list. 3. Optional: Click Show to filter the targets, for example, to show only those targets that support the Distributed Command task. Chapter 8. Remotely accessing systems and resources 409 4. Click OK. The Distributed Shell page is displayed with a Selected Targets pane that contains the list of targets selected. 5. Optional: To display a list of hidden options, click Show Additional Options. The options include: Shell The shell in which the remote command should be run. You can select either ksh or csh. Fanout The maximum number of target systems to run command in parallel. (1–16). Timeout (sec) The amount of time, in seconds, that can elapse before termination of command execution. Zero can be used for unlimited timeout. Output formatting The format of output from the targets. You can select None, Group output from each target together, or Compress identical output. Send server locale information to targets If you want to send server locale information to the targets, click the check box next to this option. Hide Additional Options You can click Hide Additional Options to close the Show Additional Options pane. 6. Optional: Click Save As to save the command so that it can be recalled later using Browse Saved Commands .... a. A Save command window is displayed with two fields: Name and Description. b. Required: Specify a name to save the specified command under in the Name field. The command name is loaded in the Command field. c. Optional: Specify a description of the command in the Description field. 7. Click Run. The command is executed on the selected targets. 8. Optional: If you click Browse saved commands ..., the Saved commands window is displayed where you can select a previously saved command. The commands are listed in the following format: Name – Description. To a. b. c. execute a saved command: Select a saved command from the Select saved command: pull-down menu. Click Load . The command name is loaded in the Command field. Click Run on the Distributed Shell page. The command is executed on the selected targets. In the Saved commands window, you can also select Delete, to delete a saved command or Cancel, to close the Saved commands window. After the command executes on the selected targets, the Command Output pane is displayed in the Distributed Shell page to show the output of the command from each target, as well as errors from those targets. Click Cancel to return to the Distributed Shell page where you can run additional commands. Remember: v When specifying a name for the command, if another command is already saved under the same name, an error message displays. v The name you specify cannot contain spaces. 410 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide v The Name field is used to create a file of the same name. v The created files will be stored in the /opt/ibm/sysmgt/dsm/saved_commands directory. Related concepts: Distributed Command Using the Distributed Shell to issue a command to several targets You can use the Distributed Shell to issue a command to several targets. To use the Distributed Shell, you must be logged into IBM Systems Director Server running on AIX. Otherwise, you will get an error message. Before doing this task, a set of Operating System targets must be discovered and you must request access to those targets. 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Resource Explorer. 2. Select the Operating System targets for which you want to run the command by clicking on the box next to the target in the Select column. 3. Click Actions and select Distributed Command. The Distributed Shell page is displayed. 4. Type the command name in the Command field. For example, date, for the date command. 5. Click Run. The command is executed on the selected targets and the output is displayed on the Command Output pane. Using the Distributed Shell to issue a command to a group You can use the Distributed Shell to issue a command to a group. To use the Distributed Shell you must be logged into IBM Systems Director Server running on AIX. Otherwise, you will get an error message. Before doing this task, a set of Operating System targets must be discovered and you must have access to those targets. 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Resource Explorer. 2. Navigate to the group of type Operating Systems. 3. Right-click the group and select System Configuration > Remote Access > Distributed Command. The Distributed Shell page is displayed. 4. Type the command name in the Command field. For example, date, for the date command. 5. Click Run. The command is executed on all the members of the selected group and the output is displayed on the Command Output pane. Using the Distributed Shell to save a command for future execution You can use the Distributed Shell to save a command for future execution. To use the Distributed Shell, you must be logged into IBM Systems Director Server running on AIX. Otherwise, you will get an error message. Before doing this task, a set of Operating System targets must be discovered and you must have access to those targets. Chapter 8. Remotely accessing systems and resources 411 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Resource Explorer. 2. Navigate to a target. 3. Right-click the target and select System Configuration > Remote Access > Distributed Command. The Distributed Shell page is displayed. 4. Click Save As. 5. Type the Name and Description for the saved command. 6. Click Save. Using the Distributed Shell to execute a previously saved command You can use the Distributed Shell to execute a previously saved command. To use the Distributed Shell, you must be logged into IBM Systems Director Server running on AIX. Otherwise, you will get an error message. Before doing this task, a set of Operating System targets must be discovered and you must have access to those targets. 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Resource Explorer. 2. Navigate to a target. 3. Right-click the target and select System Configuration > Remote Access > Distributed Command. The Distributed Shell page is displayed. 4. Click Browsed Saved Commands. The Saved Commands window is displayed. 5. Select a command to execute. 6. Click Load. The Distributed Shell page is displayed with the command name in the Command field. 7. Click Run to execute the command. Managing files on a remote system Use the File Management task to manage files on remote systems. Important: Keep in mind the following important items when you use the File Management task to transfer (upload or download) files: v You can use the task with only one system at a time. You cannot transfer files to multiple systems or to a group. v Files are transferred in chunks through a queue on the management server and the receiving Common Agent. If the chunk is not processed by the queue before the timeout limit is reached, the transfer will fail. Such failures can occur when other tasks are running on the same Common Agent, or when the queue is full. Give careful consideration to transferring large files using file management. v The transfer of large (5 MB or larger) files might take several or more minutes to complete, during which time you might receive little or no indication that the transfer is still running. If you try to initiate the transfer again while the original transfer is still running, both transfers will fail. So, before trying to transfer a file again, verify that the original transfer completed and failed. To use the File Management task to manage files, complete the following steps: 1. From the Remote Access Summary page, click File Management. The Targets page is displayed. 412 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide 2. Select the targets for file management, using the Add and Remove buttons to move a system from the left (Available) column to the right (Selected) column. Note: The Choose Target window does not display locked systems. 3. Click OK. The File Management page is displayed. 4. Right-click on a file or directory and select a management operation: Rename, Delete, New Folder, Upload File or Download File. 5. Optional: Alternatively, you can access the File Management page from the Navigation pane by clicking System Configuration > Remote Access > File Management. 6. Optional: Right-click on a file or directory and select Properties to view properties not displayed in the default view of the File Management page, such as Created, Type, and Attributes. 7. Optional: Click Actions > Columns to select additional properties to display on the File Management page. Select the properties by using the Add and Remove buttons to move a property from the left (Available) column to the right (Selected) column. Related concepts: File management Establishing command-line access to a remote system Use Remote Command Line to run commands on a remote system. To establish a remote command-line session, complete the following steps: 1. From the Remote Access Summary page, click Remote Command Line. The Targets page is displayed. 2. Select a target for remote access, using the Add and Remove buttons to move a system from the Available column to the Selected column. You can select only one target. 3. Optional: Click Show to filter the targets, for example, to show only those targets that support remote command line. 4. Click OK. A Login dialog displays in front of the Remote Command Line window. 5. Type the User name and Password for the remote system you are accessing. 6. Click OK. The Remote Command Line window is enabled for input. Note: If the window is disabled for input after you click OK, you must ensure that the server is in the browsers trusted zone. You can perform the following steps for Internet Explorer: a. Launch Microsoft Internet Explorer. b. Select Tools > Internet Options > Security. c. Select Trusted sites. d. Click Sites. The Trusted sites window opens. e. In the Add this website to the zone: field, type https://<server ip address> for example, Click Add. f. Click Close on the Trusted sites window and then click OK to close out the Internet Options window. Perform these steps for Mozilla Firefox: a. Launch Firefox. b. Select Tools > Options > Security. Chapter 8. Remotely accessing systems and resources 413 c. Select Exceptions. The Allowed Sites - Add-ons Installation window opens. d. In the Address of web site field, type https://<server ip address> for example, Click Allow. e. Click Close on the Allowed Sites - Add-ons Installation window and then click OK to close out the Options window. 7. Optional: Alternatively, you can establish command-line access to a remote system by using Resource Explorer to navigate to the system. a. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Resource Explorer. b. Navigate to the system on which you want to establish command-line access. c. Right-click the system and select System Configuration > Remote Access > Remote Command Line d. Follow steps 5 and 6 above. 8. After the Remote Command Line is enabled for input, you can communicate with the remote system by issuing its operating system's commands. 9. When you are finished, close the Remote Command Line tab to terminate command-line access. Related concepts: Remote command line Launching a Web browser Use the Launch Web browser task to access the default Web page for a system that hosts a Web server. When using this feature, you might see panels displaying various actions performed by IBM Systems Director in order to accomplish this task. These panels require no action from you and can be ignored. Note: For more information about navigating and working with the Available table, see “Navigating tables.” To launch a Web browser for a system that hosts a Web server, complete the following steps: 1. From the Remote Access Summary page, click Launch Web Browser. The Targets page is displayed. 2. Select a target using the Add and Remove buttons to move a system from the Available column to the Selected column. You can select only one target. 3. Optional: Click Show to filter the targets, for example, to show only those targets that support launching a Web browser. 4. Click OK. Using the IP address for the chosen system, a Web browser is invoked. 5. View and communicate with this Web page. 6. When you are finished, close the Web browser session. Related tasks: Navigating tables Configuring Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Connection You must configure Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Connection on your Windows system in order to use it with IBM Systems Director. 414 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide If you are using a web browser on a Linux system to connect to a Windows agent, you will need to configure and use the tsclient application. To configure Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Connection on your Windows system, go to the Web site at features/remote-desktop-connection and follow the instructions. Note: The Windows panel interfaces and text vary slightly depending on the version of Windows that you are running. You can ignore the section Connect your remote computer to the host computer; this action is performed automatically by IBM Systems Director. Related concepts: Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Connection Establishing Remote Desktop Connection Use Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Connection to communicate with Windows systems. If you are using a Linux browser, you must install and configure the tsclient application. To establish a Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Connection communications session, complete the following steps: 1. From the Remote Access Summary page, click Remote Control. The Targets page is displayed. 2. Select the target for access, using the Add and Remove buttons to move a system from the Available column to the Selected column. 3. Click OK. A window opens displaying a file; the file name is an IP address and the file type is rdp. 4. Click Open. A Remote Desktop session is started. 5. Perform your work on this remote desktop. 6. When you are finished, close the page by clicking the X at the top. Related concepts: Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Connection Establishing Virtual Network Computing communications Use Virtual Network Computing (VNC) to communicate with systems with a full-screen session. The Web browser-client machine must install RealVNC viewer or a compatible VNC viewer. The agent must be configured to run vncserver on the default port of 5901. Important: The VNC Remote Framebuffer (RFB) protocol is not secure. However, you can improve the security of a VNC session by using a Secure Shell (SSH) tunnel. To create an SSH tunnel on Linux or Unix systems before you start VNC, run the following command: ssh -L local_port:local_hostname:destination_port -N -f user_name@destination_hostname where: Chapter 8. Remotely accessing systems and resources 415 v local_port is any available local port on the local host system that is the source of the tunnel v local_hostname is the local host system that is the source of the tunnel v destination_port is the remote port on the system that is the destination of the tunnel v user_name is the user ID that enables the SSH session to the VNC server (and KVM host) v destination_hostname is the host name of the system that is the destination of the tunnel The SSH session continues to run in the background and can be terminated after the VNC session ends. Some VNC viewers will optionally create an SSH tunnel and determine the available local port to use. To establish a VNC session, complete the following steps: 1. From the Remote Access Summary page, click Remote Control. The Targets page is displayed. 2. Select the target for VNC access, using the Add and Remove buttons to move a system from the left (Available) column to the right (Selected) column. 3. Click OK. A window opens displaying a file; the file name is an IP address and the file type is vnc. 4. Click Open. A VNC session is started. 5. Communicate with the target system by logging in and working as usual. 6. When you are finished, terminate the VNC communication by clicking the X at the top of the window. Important: When using VNC to establish remote control sessions on Linux systems, you must also create the following script on your Web browser system and associate it with the .vnc file type in the browser. #!/bin/sh VncViewer=vncviewer # (may need to Conf=$1 Host=$( cat $Conf | grep ^Host= | Port=$( cat $Conf | grep ^Port= | Port=eval [ $Port - 5900 ] which $VncViewer 1>/dev/null 2>&1 && be customized for your environment) cut -d= -f2 | tr -d ’\r’ ) cut -d= -f2 | tr -d ’\r’ ) $VncViewer $Host:$Port & Related concepts: Virtual Network Computing Establishing IBM BladeCenter or RSA communication Use IBM BladeCenter or Remote Supervisor Adapter (RSA) to communicate with IBM BladeCenter or RSA systems with a full-screen session. To establish an IBM BladeCenter or RSA communications session, complete the following steps: 1. From the Remote Access Summary page, click Remote Control. The Targets page is displayed. 2. Select an IBM BladeCenter or RSA target, using the Add and Remove buttons to move a system from the Available column to the Selected column. 3. Click OK. The IBM BladeCenter or RSA system is displayed. 4. From the IBM BladeCenter Management Module, click Blade Tasks > Remote Control in the left navigation area. 5. Communicate with the target system by logging in and working as usual. 416 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide 6. When you are finished, close the browser window. Related concepts: IBM BladeCenter and RSA Remote Control Launching the Hyper-V Virtual Machine Connection Tool Use Remote control to launch the Microsoft Windows Hyper-V Virtual Machine Connection Tool. To launch the Hyper-V Virtual Machine Connection Tool, complete the following steps: 1. From the Remote Access Summary page, click Remote Control. The Targets page is displayed. 2. Select the virtual server target for access, using the Add and Remove buttons to move a virtual server from the Available column to the Selected column. 3. Click OK. The Hyper-V Virtual Machine Connection Tool is launched. Related concepts: Remote control tasks Launching a VMware ESX or ESXi hypervisor virtual machine connection Use Remote control to launch a VMware ESX or ESXi hypervisor virtual machine connection To launch a VMware ESX or ESXi hypervisor virtual machine connection, complete the following steps: 1. From the Remote Access Summary page, click Remote Control. The Targets page is displayed. 2. Select the virtual server target for access, using the Add and Remove buttons to move a virtual server from the Available column to the Selected column. 3. Click OK. A VMware ESX or ESXi hypervisor virtual machine connection is launched. Related concepts: Remote control tasks Establishing a remote Xen console session Use remote Xen console to run commands on a remote Xen server. When using this feature, you might see panels displaying various actions performed by IBM Systems Director in order to accomplish this task. These panels require no action from you and can be ignored. Note: For more information about navigating and working with the Available table, see “Navigating tables.” To establish a remote Xen console session, complete the following steps: 1. From the Remote Access Summary page, click Remote Xen Console. The Targets page is displayed. 2. Select a target using the Add and Remove buttons to move a system from the Available column to the Selected column. You can select only one target. Chapter 8. Remotely accessing systems and resources 417 3. Optional: Click Show to filter the targets, for example, to show only those targets that support remote Xen console. 4. Click OK. A window with a remote Xen console is displayed and enabled for input. 5. Communicate with the remote Xen console. 6. Optional: You can select text within the remote command-line window and click Edit > Copy to copy the selected text to the clipboard. You can also import clipboard text into a remote command line window by clicking Edit > Paste. 7. When you are finished, click File > Close to terminate the session. Related tasks: Navigating tables Accessing POWER managed systems or x86-based systems by using the serial console Use the serial console to open console windows to one or more POWER managed systems or x86-based systems. To use the serial console, you must be logged in to IBM Systems Director Server running on AIX 6.1F or higher. Otherwise, an error message is displayed. Use the serial console to open windows to POWER managed systems or x86-based systems. Each window provides access to the serial console of the system, which is accessed out-of-band. To use the serial console, complete the following steps: 1. From the Remote Access Summary page, click Serial Console. The Targets page is displayed. 2. Select one target for remote access. Use the Add and Remove buttons to move items between the Available list and the Selected list. 3. Optional: Click Show to filter the targets. For example, you can use the filter to show only those targets that support the hardware command-line interface. 4. Click OK. A separate window is displayed for each selected target. The title of each console window is the display name of the selected target. Note: The defaults cannot be changed when the serial console is displayed when the IBM Systems Director web interface is used. Important: When you use the serial console connection to remotely access an x86-based system, ensure that Windows Telnet server is installed on the x86 system. You must also start a Telnet service because by default a Telnet service is not enabled. If the Telnet server is already installed, ensure that the serial over LAN (SOL) settings are configured as a prerequisite. For details on the configuration, see the Serial over LAN (SOL) Setup Guide. Note: If an error indicates that an SSH or Telnet server is not configured, install and enable the Telnet Server on the resource. 418 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related concepts: Serial Console Displaying a serial console to one server target You can display a serial console to one server target from the IBM Systems Director Resource Explorer page. To use the serial console, you must be logged into IBM Systems Director Server running on AIX 6.1F or higher. Otherwise, you will get an error message. Before doing this task, you must have access to the target's managing hardware control point. 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Resource Explorer. 2. Navigate to the target for which you want to display a serial console. 3. Right-click the target and select System Configuration > Remote Access > Serial Console. A separate window is displayed for the selected target. 4. Login to the console with the target's userid and password. Displaying a serial console to several server targets in a group You can display a serial console to several targets in a group from the IBM Systems Director Resource Explorer page. To use the serial console, you must be logged into IBM Systems Director Server running on AIX 6.1F or higher. Otherwise, you will get an error message. Before doing this task, you must have access to the target's managing hardware control point. 1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface navigation area, click Resource Explorer. 2. Navigate to the group containing System type objects for which you want to display a serial console. 3. Right-click the group and select System Configuration > Remote Access > Serial Console. A separate window is displayed for the selected group. 4. Optional: You can also select multiple individual targets from Resource Explorer. After you specify your targets, select System Configuration > Remote Access > Serial Console from the Actions pull-down menu. 5. Login to each target using target's userid and password. Closing the serial console There are three ways to close the serial console. To use the serial console, you must be logged into IBM Systems Director Server running on AIX 6.1F or higher. Otherwise, you will get an error message. Close the serial console by using one of three methods: v File > Close v X from the console title bar v Ctrl-x Chapter 8. Remotely accessing systems and resources 419 420 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Chapter 9. Managing agents You can use IBM Systems Director to deploy and manage agents (including Common Agent and Platform Agent). Note: Throughout the IBM Systems Director documentation, the term Common Agent (with both words capitalized) refers to the IBM Systems Director Common Agent, which includes subagents that provide specific management capabilities for IBM Systems Director. IBM Systems Director can also discover and perform limited management on other common agents that use the common agent services (CAS) architecture. When referring to these common agents generically, lowercase text is used. Common agent services IBM Systems Director uses the common agent services (CAS) architecture, which provides a shared infrastructure for managing systems. This infrastructure, which includes resource manager, agent manager, and common agent elements, is also used by Tivoli Provisioning Manager products. The goal of common agent services is to reduce infrastructure cost, complexity, and redundancy by providing a common agent that can be used by multiple management products instead of multiple separate agents that each provide essentially the same functionality. To achieve this goal, one or more resource managers (such as IBM Systems Director Server) use an agent manager to communicate with the common agents that are installed on managed resources. This architecture is illustrated in Figure 15. IBM Systems Director Server Resource manager Embedded agent manager Common agents Figure 15. The elements of common agent services in the default configuration for IBM Systems Director Related information: Tivoli Provisioning Manager documentation Resource manager Installed on the management server, the resource manager is the management application that uses the agent manager for security and credential management. IBM Systems Director Server is the resource manager for IBM Systems Director. © Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2013 421 Multiple resource managers can use the same agent manager and manage the same common agents. v Each common agent can use exactly one agent manager. v Each resource manager can use exactly one agent manager. v Each resource manager can manage many common agents. Agent manager The agent manager provides authentication and authorization services for installed common agents and resource managers. It also maintains a registry of configuration information about Common Agent managed systems. Note: Except for security and credential management, systems management communications between IBM Systems Director Server and common agents do not go through the agent manager. IBM Systems Director uses only one active agent manager at a time to communicate with common agents. If no agent manager is active, IBM Systems Director is not able to manage common agents. v Each common agent can use exactly one agent manager. v Each agent manager can be used by many resource managers. v Each agent manager can be used to manage many common agents. As illustrated in Figure 15 on page 421, IBM Systems Director Server includes an embedded agent manager. However, IBM Systems Director Server can use an agent manager other than the one that is embedded locally. Using another agent manager allows multiple instances of IBM Systems Director Server to manage the same common agents. Installing your IBM Systems Director Server instance and the agent manager on separate servers can also improve performance. Notes: v The agent manager that is embedded with IBM Systems Director Server can be used by any number of instances of IBM Systems Director Server, but it is not configured for use with other management application products. v If you will use the locally embedded agent manager, you need to supply credentials when you configure it that are used if you change agent managers. These credentials depend on your operating system: – On AIX or Linux, you can specify any credentials. You do not need to use the root user ID or even an operating system user ID. – On Windows, use the same administrator credentials that you used to install IBM Systems Director. The agent manager has the following parts: agent manager service The agent manager utilizes http servlets or Web services to manage agents for IBM Systems Director and other products. The agent manager service provides authentication and authorization using X.509 digital certificates and the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol. It also processes queries against its registry of configuration information about common agents and resource managers. Resource managers and common agents must each register with the agent manager before they can use its services to communicate with each other. 422 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide The agent manager service provides the core agent manager functionality with the following services: Service catalog Provides information about the location of the agent manager service. Credential manager Enables the agent manager to act as a certificate authority and issue security credentials and revocation lists to managed elements. Agent registry Retrieves information about the common agent resources. Querying service Enables the resource manager to query the agent registry for the agent and resource manager information. agent manager registry The agent manager registry stores the following information in a database: v The identity, digital certificates, and communication information for each resource manager v The identity, digital certificate, and status for each common agent v Basic configuration information about each common agent including information about the type and version of the hardware and operating system v The last error or, optionally, a configurable number of errors, reported by each common agent v Communication parameters for the common agent, including IP address, the port or ports for which the common agent is configured, and the supported protocol Common agent Installed on managed systems, the common agent reports information about the managed system to the resource manager and performs tasks on the managed system as directed by the resource manager. Note: Throughout the IBM Systems Director documentation, the term Common Agent (with both words capitalized) refers to the IBM Systems Director Common Agent, which includes subagents that provide specific management capabilities for IBM Systems Director. IBM Systems Director can also discover and perform limited management on other common agents that use the common agent services (CAS) architecture. When referring to these common agents generically, lowercase text is used. v Each common agent can use exactly one agent manager. v Each common agent can be managed by one or more instances of IBM Systems Director Server. Note: All instances of IBM Systems Director Server must use the same agent manager, and the common agent must be registered with that agent manager. When you discover a system that has a common agent on it, the IBM Systems Director Web interface will list the system with a protocol of 'CAS'. The system will initially have no access, but you can register the agent with the agent manager using one of the following two methods, depending on the mode you used to install common agent services: Chapter 9. Managing agents 423 Managed mode common agent services Common agent services registers the common agent with the agent manager during installation. Unmanaged mode common agent services Requesting and gaining access to the system registers the common agent with the default agent manager that is configured with IBM Systems Director Server. Related concepts: Common Agent Logging Platform Agent Use the PALog.INI configuration file to configure logging for Platform Agent. This topic describes the property values and options to use with that file. The PALog.INI file is located at the following paths: v On Linux: PA_INSTALL_DIR/platform/data/PALog.INI v On Windows: PA_INSTALL_DIR\cimom\data\PALog.INI where PA_INSTALL_DIR is the Platform Agent installation path. Example ITA properties file # ITA Properties file written Sat Sep 04 19:43:00 2010 [PlatformAgent.Logging] codeset_dir = config_type = cclog logging_type = ita_logdefault nlspath = start_logdaemon = none use_logdaemon = false [PlatformAgent.Logging.cclog] PlatformAgent.organization = CompanyA PlatformAgent.logger.className = ccg_pdlogger PlatformAgent.logger.listenerNames = PlatformAgent.loggerfl PlatformAgent.ffdc PlatformAgent.loggerfl.className = ccg_levelfilter PlatformAgent.loggerfl.level = ALL PlatformAgent.loggerfl.listenerNames = PlatformAgent.loggerhd PlatformAgent.loggerhd.className = ccg_filehandler PlatformAgent.loggerhd.fileName = agent.log PlatformAgent.loggerhd.formatterName = PlatformAgent.fmt PlatformAgent.loggerhd.maxFileBytes = 4096000 PlatformAgent.loggerhd.maxFiles = 3 PlatformAgent.fmt.className = ccg_basicformatter PlatformAgent.ffdc.className = ccg_ffdc_filecopy_handler PlatformAgent.ffdc.baseDir = PlatformAgent-FFDC PlatformAgent.ffdc.filesToCopy = agent.log PlatformAgent.ffdc.triggerFilter = PlatformAgent.lf PlatformAgent.lf.className = ccg_levelfilter PlatformAgent.lf.level = ERROR PlatformAgent.tracer.className = ccg_pdlogger PlatformAgent.tracer.listenerNames = PlatformAgent.trfl PlatformAgent.trfl.className = ccg_levelfilter PlatformAgent.trfl.level = OFF PlatformAgent.trfl.listenerNames = PlatformAgent.trhd PlatformAgent.trhd.className = ccg_filehandler PlatformAgent.trhd.fileName = agent.trace PlatformAgent.trhd.maxFileBytes = 4096000 424 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide PlatformAgent.trhd.maxFiles = 3 PlatformAgent.trhd.formatterName = PlatformAgent.trfmt PlatformAgent.trfmt.className = ccg_basicformatter PlatformAgent.fmt.className Sets the format in which messages are logged. The following values are accepted: ccg_basicformatter The text format in which the messages are logged. ccg_xmlformatter The XML format in which the messages are logged. PlatformAgent.logger.className Indicates the type of logging handle to use for the logger. The following values are accepted: ccg_basiclogger A basic logger class, with support for localized and non-localized messages. Loggers of this class do not automatically add any data to the event except for the timestamp. ccg_basiclogger does not show the LEVEL information. The following example shows what the output might look like: 2010-09-04 20:04:43.671+05:30 PlatformAgent.Test | This is a test message ccg_pdlogger An extended logger class with extra information for diagnosing application problems. Loggers of this class automatically add the names of the product, component, server, and organization to the event, along with the timestamp. The following example shows what the output might look like: 2010-09-24 08:14:39.663-04:00 18446744073559305104 7093 CompanyA PlatformAgent | Start Logger PlatformAgent. Note: If the className value is set to NULL, a warning message does not appear on the IBM Systems Director Web interface. It instead appears on the agent console. A default logger with the name PlatformAgent_default_message.log is created for logging the warning message information. PlatformAgent.logger.listenerNames Specifies a list of names that procures events from the specified logger, filter, or handler. Ensure that the names are the names of objects that are defined in the same properties file. Separate the names in the list with spaces. By default, Platform Agent supports two listeners: logger and FFDC. To disable the FFDC, remove the PlatformAgent.ffdc entry. PlatformAgent.loggerfl.className Specifies the class name for the logging level filter. This property is not configurable; do not change it. PlatformAgent.loggerfl.level Specifies the logging filters with log level values. The following values are accepted: ALL Enables all log levels. Chapter 9. Managing agents 425 FATAL Instructs the filter to block all events that are at a level lower than fatal. ERROR Instructs the filter to block all events that are at a level lower than error. WARNING Instructs the filter to block all events that are at a level lower than warning. INFO Instructs the filter to block all events that are at a level lower than info. DEBUG_MIN (Default log and trace value.) Sets the debugging log levels to the minimum value and includes extra debugging information such as method name, function name, and line numbers. DEBUG_MID Sets the debugging log levels to the median value and includes extra debugging information such as method name, function name, and line numbers. DEBUG_MAX Sets the debugging log levels to the maximum value and includes extra debugging information such as method name, function name, and line numbers. OFF Disables logging and creates a log file that contains only a message stating that the logger initialized. No other messages are logged. When no log level is specified, a warning message appears. A default logger with the name PlatformAgent_default_message.log is created for logging the warning message information. A default tracer with the name PlatformAgent_default_trace.log is created for logging the trace information. PlatformAgent.loggerfl.listenerNames Assigns the logger handler that manages the logging properties that are related to the log file. This property is not configurable; do not change it. PlatformAgent.loggerhd.appending Indicates whether to append or overwrite existing file handler output files. The following values are accepted: TRUE (Default value.) Causes existing files to open in append mode. FALSE Causes existing files to be overwritten. PlatformAgent.loggerhd.className Indicates the type of handler to use for the logger. The following values are accepted: ccg_filehandler Logs the messages to a file. ccg_consolehandler Logs the messages to the IBM Systems Director Web interface. This option is not supported. 426 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide PlatformAgent.loggerhd.fileName Indicates the full path of the log file. If this property is set to blank, no log file is created, a warning message appears, and no logging takes place. Note: If a Windows path name is specified in a properties file, you must double the back-slashes like in the following example: fooHandler.baseDir: C:\\temp\\myApp\\ PlatformAgent.loggerhd.formatterName Specifies the handle to the Platform Agent formatter, which takes care of assigning a particular format for the log file. This property is not configurable; do not change it. PlatformAgent.loggerhd.maxFileBytes Indicates the maximum file handler output file size (in bytes). When that size is reached, the log file is closed and renamed, and an empty new log file is opened. This property has no effect unless the set value of the maxFiles property is greater than one. Note: For the correct behavior, set this value higher than 10 KB. If it is set to less than 10 KB, the maxFileBytes size of the rollover files cannot be interpreted if the log messages are high. Example: In the following example, the first rollover file is of size agent.log and the next rollover files is of size maxFileBytes: Size of the rollover files = if ( sizeofagent.log > maxfileBytes ) PlatformAgent.loggerhd.maxFiles Indicates the maximum number of file handler output files that are created before the oldest one is recycled. If this property is set to 1 or 0, the current log file never closes and might grow without limit. A warning message appears. The default value is 3. PlatformAgent.organization Displays the organization name as IBM in the log file. Trace properties The following trace properties are like their companion log properties. Note: The default trace level is OFF. v PlatformAgent.tracer.className v PlatformAgent.tracer.listenerNames v PlatformAgent.trfl.className v PlatformAgent.trfl.level v PlatformAgent.trfl.listenerNames v PlatformAgent.trfmt.className v v v v v PlatformAgent.trhd.className PlatformAgent.trhd.fileName PlatformAgent.trhd.formatterName PlatformAgent.trhd.maxFileBytes PlatformAgent.trhd.maxFiles FFDC properties PlatformAgent.ffdc.className When set to ccg_ffdc_filecopy_handler, copies specified files to an Chapter 9. Managing agents 427 output directory whenever triggered by an event. This action allows the creation of backup copies of files, the contents of which might have been otherwise overwritten before examined. PlatformAgent.ffdc.baseDir Required value that designates the base directory into which all FFDC output is placed. To conform to the Tivoli Serviceability Imperative, this base directory must adhere to the following format: [install-Dir]/[log]/PlatformAgent-FFDC/ Whenever FFDC actions occur, daily subdirectories with the following format are created under the base directory: [baseDir]/[YYYY.MM.DD]/ where YYYY.MM.DD is the numeric year, month, and day from the timestamp of the event that triggered the FFDC action. By default, no base directory is specified, and no FFDC actions are performed by an FFDC handler until the property is specified. Instead, a warning is issued until the property is set. Note: If a Windows path name is specified in a properties file, you must double the back-slashes like in the following example: fooHandler.baseDir: C:\\temp\\myApp\\ PlatformAgent.ffdc.filesToCopy Specifies the files to copy. To copy multiple files on Windows, enclose each file name in quotations and separate each one by a space. If you specify to log the ERROR level, FFDC is triggered and files are copied into the directory that is specified by the PlatformAgent.ffdc.baseDir property. Every time FFDC is triggered, message files are appended. PlatformAgent.ffdc.triggerFilter Required value that designates the name of a CCLOG or CFFDC filter to control which events trigger an FFDC action. By default, no trigger filter is specified, and no FFDC actions are performed by an FFDC handler until the property is specified. Instead, a warning is issued until the property is set. PlatformAgent.ffdc.triggerRepeatTime Sets the minimum amount of time, in milliseconds, that it will take the handler to respond to more triggering events after a triggering event. Use this property to limit how rapidly a given FFDC action is repeated. For example, it might not make sense for a given application to take an AutoTrace snapshot less than 10 seconds after the previous snapshot. PlatformAgent.ffdc.maxDiskSpace Sets the maximum disk space, in bytes, that is allotted to the FFDC data. When the total space used by the FFDC data exceeds the specified limit, a warning is issued and, depending on the quota policy, actions are taken. Those actions might include the automatic 428 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide deletion of older files or the suspension of new FFDC actions until more space is made available by the manual removal of files. By default, the maximum disk space is 10 megabytes (10*1024*1024). PlatformAgent.ffdc.quotaPolicy Designates the policy that specifies what to do when the FFDC directory exceeds the disk space limit. The following values are allowed: QUOTA_AUTODELETE (Default value.) Automatically deletes FFDC files, in a decreasing order of age, until the directory is below the disk space limit. QUOTA_IGNORE Issues warnings but do not enforce the FFDC disk space quota. QUOTA_SUSPEND Halts further FFDC actions until the FFDC directory is manually cleaned up to below the disk space limit. PlatformAgent.ffdc.firstWarning A percentage of maximum disk space usage for the first warning. A first warning is issued if the disk space usages exceeds this value. Set this value to a floating-point value between 0.0 and 1.0. The default first warning threshold is 0.75. PlatformAgent.ffdc.secondWarning Sets a maximum percentage of disk space usage for the second warning. A second warning is issued if the disk space usages exceeds this value. Set this value to a floating-point value between 0.0 and 1.0. The default second-warning threshold is 0.90. PlatformAgent.lf.className Sets the trigger filter for the FFDChandler ccg_level_filter, which specifies that the FFDC trigger occurs, and then monitors the log levels in the log file. PlatformAgent.lf.level Designates the FFDC trigger level value of the log levels in the logging filters. The following values are accepted: FATAL Triggers the FFDC when a fatal error message is logged in the log file. ERROR Triggers the FFDC when an error error message is logged in the log file. When no log level is specified, a warning message appears. A default logger with the name PlatformAgent_default_message.log is created for logging the warning message information. A default tracer with the name PlatformAgent_default_trace.log is created for logging the trace information. Chapter 9. Managing agents 429 PALog.INI and PALog.INI.bkp files The PALog.INI.bkp file is created as a backup in case a process crashes while updating the PALog.INI file. When you modify any configuration, use PALog.INI.bkp to ensure that the property ITA logging initialization File I/O takes place properly. If both of these files are deleted, ITA fails to initialize the logger and throws an error message. The location of the error file is ./tmp/italog_error.log on Linux and %TEMP%/italog_error.log on Windows. ITA logs only the initialization error messages in to the error log file. If the PALog.INI is corrupted or invalid property values are assigned, no error messages are logged to the italog_error.log file. No such error messages appear on the IBM Systems Director Web interface. PALog.INI is not recreated if it is corrupted. For every successful logger initialization, PALog.INI.bkp is overwritten with the PALog.INI. Importing agent packages IBM Systems Director Server can import agent packages that have been downloaded from the Web or obtained on physical media. These agent packages then can be distributed to managed systems using the Agent Installation Wizard. The agent packages that IBM Systems Director Server uses are Tivoli Provisioning Manager automation packages with a file extension of .tcdriver for 6.1.x packages and .jar for 6.2 packages. Use the following procedure to import one or more agent packages for distribution using the Agent Installation Wizard. 1. Download the installation package from the IBM Systems Director Downloads Web Site at 2. Copy the package files to a directory on the management server. 3. In the IBM Systems Director navigation area, click Release Management > Agents. The available agent and subagent package groups are listed. Note: A subagent plugs in to a base agent and provides additional capabilities to support IBM Systems Director plug-ins such as IBM Systems Director VMControl. This documentation uses the collective term “agents” to refer to both agents and subagents. 4. Click Import Agent. The Import Agent window opens. 5. Type the path on the management server where you copied the package files in step 2, and then click OK. All of the agent packages that are found in the specified path are imported, and a confirmation message appears indicating that the packages were successfully imported. Note: The imported packages might not appear in the agent package groups list immediately. 430 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide After the agent packages are successfully imported and appear in the agent package groups, you can install the packages using the Agent Installation Wizard. Related tasks: “Installing agents using the Agent Installation Wizard” Related information: "Developing automation" in the Tivoli Provisioning Manager Information Center Installing agents using the Agent Installation Wizard You can use the Agent Installation Wizard to install agent packages on managed systems. IBM Systems Director Server requires a number of agent packages that can be deployed to managed systems using the Agent Installation Wizard.The imported agent packages are located in the dynamic group “Agent Package Groups” and can be accessed by clicking Release Management > Agents in the navigation area. You use the Agent Installation Wizard to select one of these agent packages to install and one or more systems on which to install the agent package. Then, the wizard creates an agent installation job that can run immediately or at a scheduled time. Important: Ensure that the following requirements are met to enable use of the Agent Installation Wizard to install and update agents: v The root user account was used to initially request access to the managed system. v IBM Systems Director Server on non-Windows systems has SSH, and a successful SSH connection exists in both directions between the server and the agent. v IBM Systems Director Server on Windows systems has DCOM, and a successful DCOM connection exists in both directions between the server and the agent. Complete the following steps to import the agent packages: 1. Download the remote agent packages from software/director/downloads/agents.html. Ensure that you choose packages from the “Remote Deployment using Agent Installation wizard” section. 2. Copy the packages to a location of your choice on the IBM Systems Director Server system. 3. Import the packages with the Agent Installation Wizard. 4. Make any required changes to the diragent.rsp and or platform.rsp response files. See the topic for your operating system under “Installing Common Agent manually” or “Installing Platform Agent manually” for instructions about how to change the response files. Complete the following steps to install agents using the Agent Installation Wizard: 1. Start the Agent Installation Wizard. You can start the wizard in multiple ways: v From the Home page, click Additional Setup. Then, click Install agents on systems > Deploy Agents. v Right-click an agent package or a managed system and select Release Management > Install Agent. 2. If the Agent Installation Wizard Welcome page appears, click Next. 3. In the Agent Installation Wizard Agents page, complete the following steps: Chapter 9. Managing agents 431 a. Select the agent or subagent package that you want to install in the Available list. Note: A subagent plugs in to a base agent and provides additional capabilities to support IBM Systems Director plug-ins such as IBM Systems Director VMControl. This documentation uses the collective term “agents” to refer to both agents and subagents. b. Click Add. The selected agent package is displayed in the Selected list. Notes: v Depending on how you started the Agent Installation Wizard, the Selected list might already contain one or more agent packages. v The Agent Installation Wizard can install only one agent package at a time. If more than one agent package is displayed in the Selected list, you will not be able to advance to the Systems page. c. Click Next. 4. In the Agent Installation Wizard Systems page, complete the following steps: a. Select the managed systems on which you want to install the agent package in the Available list. b. Click Add. The selected systems are displayed in the Selected list. Notes: v Depending on how you started the Agent Installation Wizard, the Selected list might already contain one or more systems. v Depending on the agent package that you are installing, some selected systems are potentially not valid targets for installation. The wizard checks the selected systems for some or all of the following criteria to ensure that the systems are valid targets before allowing you to continue: – Operating system family – Operating system version – Operating system distribution – Operating system name – Server architecture c. Click Next. 5. In the Agent Installation Wizard Summary page, review the Selected Agents and Selected Systems lists to ensure that they are correct. v If the selections are not correct, click Back and make the necessary changes. v If the selections are correct, click Finish. After you click Finish, the Run - Install Agent window opens. 6. In the Run - Install Agent window, click the Schedule tab. On this page, you can choose to run the job immediately or schedule the job to run at a later time. a. A job name is required and the Name field provides a unique default name. To change the default name, type a job name in the field. b. To run the job immediately, click Run Now and go to step 7 on page 433. Otherwise, click Schedule. c. In the Schedule list, select how frequently you want the job to run. The default setting is Once. Other values are Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, or Custom. Also, you can specify whether to run the job on the weekend. d. Select the date and time to run the job for the first time. 432 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide e. Select the time range for the job to repeat. 7. Click the Notification tab. On this page you can customize a notification that is sent by e-mail. a. Select from the available criteria to customize when the mail notification is sent. You can specify that the mail be sent when one of the following criteria is met: v When the job begins. v When the job completes successfully. v When the job fails. You can further customize this criterion by setting either the percentage of target systems on which the job had errors or the number of systems on which the job had errors. Therefore, if the job runs on five systems, the job has errors on two systems, and you set the criterion threshold to 50%, the notification is not sent. v When the job receives any error. b. Type your mail address, mail server, and mail server port. Tip: You can provide only one mail address. 8. Click the Options tab. On this page you can select additional options for the job behavior. a. Select whether you want the job to run according to your management server's time or the target system's time. Tip: Make sure that you know the time and time zone to which the respective systems' clocks are set. b. Select whether you want the job to fail if a system is offline or if you want the job to run when the system is online again. 9. Click OK to save the job. Click Cancel to exit from the Launch Job window without saving the job. If the job is created successfully, a message is displayed on the page from which you started the Scheduler. If the job creation fails, a message is displayed in the Launch Job window so that you can correct the job. The job created by the Agent Installation Wizard will transfer the agent self-extracting script and the agent response file into the following directory, which depends on your version and agent level, on the target system: 6.x Common Agent /tmp/commonagent_tmp 6.x Platform Agent /tmp/platformagent_temp 5.x Common Agent install_root/SwDistPk After the files are copied, the installation file sets are extracted into the /tmp directory and installed. The files are then removed after a successful installation. You need to ensure that there is sufficient space on the target system to copy the self-extracting script and extract the file sets. Refer to the space requirements as specified in “Hardware requirements for systems running Common Agent or Platform Agent”. If the agent deployment completes with errors, check the log file for your target operating system for a possible root cause: v AIX and Linux: – Common Agent: /var/log/dirinst.log Chapter 9. Managing agents 433 – Platform Agent: /opt/ibm/platform/log/install.log v Windows: %WINDIR%/diragentinst_timestamp.log or %WINDIR%/ platint_timestamp.log Note: For more information about error log files, see “Information to provide to the IBM Technical Support Center”. Notes for AIX: v Refer to “Installing Common Agent on AIX” for more detail on the self-extracting script and the response file options. v For AIX server and agents, it is less space consuming to remotely install agents using NIM as explained in the IBM Systems Director Best Practices wiki page “Installing IBM Systems Director Common Agent for AIX using NIM” at Installing+IBM+Systems+Director+Common+Agent+for+AIX+using+NIM. Installing with NIM does not allow the use of a response file. You can view the status of the agent installation job by clicking Task Management > Active and Scheduled Jobs. If you installed Platform Agent on Linux, enable SNMP Access and Trap Forwarding by installing and configuring Net-SNMP. For instructions and information, see Related tasks: Install the product on the management server. Log on, discover managed systems, and request access to them. Verify that the systems meet the requirements for the agents you will install. Preparing a common-agent managed system Preparing a platform-agent managed system Scheduling tasks “Importing agent packages” on page 430 Related reference: Hardware requirements for systems running Common Agent or Platform Agent Related information: IBM Systems Director for Power Systems wiki "Developing automation" in the Tivoli Provisioning Manager Information Center Restarting agents The following topics contain information about stopping, starting, and checking the status of Common Agent and Platform Agent. 434 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Related tasks: “Changing the Common Agent IP address” on page 449 Restarting Common Agent Restarting Common Agent requires that you run a command to restart certain processes and, for other processes, run one command to stop the processes and then run another command to start them again. Before you stop Common Agent, warn users to finish their work or stop the processes that they are running. To restart Common Agent, complete the following steps: 1. Stop the Common Agent processes. v If you are running AIX, type the following command on a command line and press Enter: stopsrc -s cas_agent v If you are running IBM i, type the following command on a command line and press Enter: ENDTCPSVR SERVER(*HTTP) HTTPSVR(CAS) Note: The IBM i Common Agent an IBM i TCP server. v If you are running Linux, type the following command on a command line and press Enter: install_root/agent/runtime/agent/bin/ stop where install_root is the root directory of your IBM Systems Director installation. v If you are running Windows, type the following command on a command line and press Enter: install_root\agent\runtime\agent\bin\endpoint.bat stop Note: If desired, you can use the following command instead: net stop IBMTivoliCommonAgent0 Note: After the Common Agent processes are stopped, two events that announce that the agent is stopped are immediately generated and recorded in the IBM Systems Director Server event log. However, a third event, which announces that the agent system is offline, is also recorded in the event log, but at a later time. This third event is generated only after IBM Systems Director Server next runs the Verify Connection task against the agent system. The Verify Connection task runs according to a user-defined schedule, so the third event is delayed and then recorded according to that same schedule. 2. Start the Common Agent processes. v If you are running AIX, type the following command on a command line and press Enter: startsrc -s cas_agent v If you are running IBM i, type the following command on a command line and press Enter: STRTCPSVR SERVER(*HTTP) HTTPSVR(CAS) v If you are running Linux, type the following command on a command line and press Enter: install_root/agent/runtime/agent/bin/ start Chapter 9. Managing agents 435 where install_root is the root directory of your IBM Systems Director installation. v If you are running Windows, type the following command on a command line and press Enter: install_root\agent\runtime\agent\bin\endpoint.bat start Note: If desired, you can use the following command instead: net start IBMTivoliCommonAgent0 3. Obtain the status of Common Agent to ensure that it started successfully. v If you are running AIX, type the following command on a command line and press Enter: lssrc -s cas_agent v If you are running Linux, type the following command on a command line and press Enter: install_root/agent/runtime/agent/bin/ status where install_root is the root directory of your IBM Systems Director installation. v If you are running Windows, type the following command on a command line and press Enter: install_root\agent\runtime\agent\bin\endpoint.bat status where install_root is the root directory of your IBM Systems Director installation. Restarting Platform Agent Restarting Platform Agent requires that you run a command to restart certain processes and, for other processes, run one command to stop the processes and then run another command to start them again. Before you stop Platform Agent, warn users to finish their work or stop the processes that they are running. To restart Platform Agent, complete the following steps: 1. Stop the Platform Agent processes. v If you are running AIX, type the following command on a command line and press Enter: stopsrc -s platform_agent Note: Stopping Platform Agent does not also stop the CIM server. If you want to stop the CIM server, type the following command and press Enter: stopsrc -s cimsys v If you are running Linux, type the following command on a command line and press Enter: paservices stop Note: Alternatively, you can run the following command to stop and then automatically start the Platform Agent services on Linux: paservices restart v If you are running IBM i, type the following command on a command line and press Enter: ENDTCPSVR SERVER(*CIMOM) 436 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide Note: The IBM i Platform Agent is an IBM i TCP server. v If you are running Windows, run the following command: paservices.vbs stop Note: Alternatively, you can run the following command to stop and then automatically start the Platform Agent services on Windows: paservices.vbs restart 2. Start the Platform Agent processes. v If you are running AIX, type the following command on a command line and press Enter: startsrc -s platform_agent Note: If it is not already running, the CIM server is automatically started by Platform Agent. v If you are running Linux, type the following command on a command line and press Enter: paservices start Note: Alternatively, you can run the following command to stop and then automatically start the Platform Agent services on Linux: paservices restart v If you are running IBM i, type the following command on a command line and press Enter: STRTCPSVR SERVER(*CIMOM) v If you are running Windows, run the following command: paservices.vbs start Note: Alternatively, you can run the following command to stop and then automatically start the Platform Agent services on Windows: paservices.vbs restart 3. Obtain the status of Platform Agent to ensure that it started successfully. v If you are running AIX, type the following command on a command line and press Enter: lssrc -s platform_agent v If you are running Windows, go to the Services panel (Start Menu > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services) and ensure that the following services are running: – Platform Agent – Platform Agent – Platform Agent – Platform Agent – Platform Agent Related reference: paservices utility Cimlistener Service SLP SA SLP Attributes Service WMI+A Service Watchdog Service (Platform Agent only) Platform Agent Watchdog Platform Agent Watchdog monitors Platform Agent 6.3.x services, such as cimlistener and cimserver, on Windows, Linux on x86, and Linux Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM). Chapter 9. Managing agents 437 When Platform Agent Watchdog notices that any monitored services have crashed or otherwise become useless, it automatically restarts those services. Note: If you want to stop certain services manually, ensure that you first stop the Platform Agent Watchdog service. Platform Agent Watchdog monitors a default set of services that depends on your operating system: Services monitored on Windows: v v v v v v cimlistener gatherwin ibmsa reposwin tier1slp wmicimserver Services monitored on Linux on x86: v cimlistenerd v cimserverd v gathererd v paslpd v tier1slpinst Services monitored on Linux Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM): v cim-listener v gatherer v slpd v tier1slpinst v tog-pegasus Setting the agent manager for IBM Systems Director Server By default, IBM Systems Director is configured to use its embedded agent manager. However, you can configure IBM Systems Director Server to use a different agent manager. You can configure how IBM Systems Director interacts with the common agent services architecture to secure your Common Agent managed systems and to improve scalability and performance. Important: Setting the agent manager incorrectly will prevent IBM Systems Director Server from communicating with common agents. Viewing the agent manager properties Some basic properties of the agent manager can be displayed in the IBM Systems Director Web interface. To view information about the configured agent manager, use the following procedure: 1. Click Settings > Agent Manager Configuration. 2. Optional: Click the name of a listed agent manager. 438 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide The following properties are displayed for agent managers in the IBM Systems Director Web interface: Active Whether the agent manager is the active agent manager for IBM Systems Director Server. CAS Version The common agent services version of the agent manager. IP Address The IP address of the agent manager. Name The globally unique identifier (GUID) of the system on which the agent manager is installed. Adding a new agent manager You can configure IBM Systems Director to use additional agent managers in addition to the default agent manager that is installed with IBM Systems Director Server. IBM Systems Director uses only one agent manager at a time; the agent manager in use is the active agent manager. You can add other agent managers in the Agent Manager Configuration page, but only the active agent manager is used for communication with Common Agents. Note: For descriptions of resource managers and agent managers, see “Common agent services”. Use the following procedure to add a new agent manager: 1. Click Settings > Agent Manager Configuration. 2. In the Agent Manager Configuration page, click Add. 3. In the Add a New Agent Manager window, type the requested information for the agent manager you are adding, and then click OK. Agent Manager host name or IP address The host name or IP address of the agent manager you are adding. Resource Manager Registration user name The user name that is used to register IBM Systems Director Server with the agent manager. Resource Manager Registration password The password that is used to register IBM Systems Director Server with the agent manager. Agent Registration password The password that is used to register common agents with the agent manager. Catalogue service port The port that is used for non-secure, or public, communications. Note: The agent recovery service listens for registration failures on this port number in addition to port 80. Make the new agent manager active If selected, this check box sets the new agent manager as the active agent manager for IBM Systems Director Server. Chapter 9. Managing agents 439 Important: Changing the active agent manager in IBM Systems Director migrates all of the common agents that are registered with the previously active agent manager to the new active agent manager. This has two implications: v Depending on the number of common agents that are registered with the previously active agent manager, the migration process could take some time, during which some common agents might not be available for management by IBM Systems Director. v After the common agents are migrated to the new active agent manager, they will no longer be able to be managed by any management applications (including other installations of IBM Systems Director) that use the agent manager from which they were migrated. In order to manage the migrated common agents with other management applications, the management applications must be configured to use the new active agent manager. Related concepts: “Common agent services” on page 421 Setting the active agent manager You can set the active agent manager from the Agent Manager Configuration page. IBM Systems Director uses only one agent manager at a time to communicate with common agents. This agent manager is the active agent manager. If no agent manager is active, IBM Systems Director will not be able to manage common agents. Important: Changing the active agent manager in IBM Systems Director migrates all of the common agents that are registered with the previously active agent manager to the new active agent manager. This has two implications: v Depending on the number of common agents that are registered with the previously active agent manager, the migration process could take some time, during which some common agents might not be available for management by IBM Systems Director. v After the common agents are migrated to the new active agent manager, they will no longer be able to be managed by any management applications (including other installations of IBM Systems Director) that use the agent manager from which they were migrated. In order to manage the migrated common agents with other management applications, the management applications must be configured to use the new active agent manager. To set the active agent manager, use the following procedure: 1. Click Settings > Agent Manager Configuration. 2. In the Agent Manager Configuration page, select the agent manager that you want to activate, and then click Make Active. 3. In the confirmation prompt, click Yes. Related tasks: “Managing the agent manager used by a Common Agent” on page 442 Deleting an agent manager You can remove an agent manager from the Agent Manager Configuration page. Note: You cannot delete the active agent manager. If you need to delete the active agent manager, you must first make a different agent manager active. 440 IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide To delete an agent manager from the Agent Manager Configuration page, use the following procedure: 1. Click Settings > Agent Manager Configuration. 2. In the Agent Manager Configuration page, select the agent manager you want to delete, and then click Delete. The Delete Selected Agent Managers window prompts you for confirmation. 3. Click OK in the Delete Selected Agent Managers window. The agent manager is removed from the Agent Manager Configuration page, and IBM Systems Director Server will no longer use the agent manager to communicate with common agents. Deleting an agent manager from the Agent Manager Configuration page does not uninstall the agent manager or delete any agent manager data. Using a remote agent manager with IBM Systems Director There are several reasons why you might want to use an agent manager that is remote to your IBM Systems Director Server instance instead of the agent manager that is embedded within it. For example, if you need to manage the same common agents with more than one instance of IBM Systems Director Server, all of the instances of IBM Systems Director Server must use the same agent manager. Such situations are addressed by configuring one or more of the management applications to use a remote agent manager, which is the agent manager embedded in IBM Systems Director Server on a remote system. Configure IBM Systems Director Server to use an agent manager other than the locally embedded agent manager if you want to obtain any of the following goals: v Manage the same common agent services agents with one or more IBM Systems Director Server instances and one or more Tivoli applications v Gain partial redundancy by detecting an agent manager failure condition and then switching to a different agent manager v Improve performance on IBM Systems Director Server by decoupling the agent manager workload to a separate system The agent manager can run under one of the following types of enterprise application server environments: IBM WebSphere Application Server Agent manager can use an existing installation of a supported version of IBM WebSphere Application Server. The agent manager applications can be installed in the same application server as your other products, or it can be in an application server that is dedicated to the agent manager. lightweight runtime environment The agent manager applications can be installed in the same lightweight runtime instance as your other products, or it can use an instance that is dedicated to the agent manager. Note: The agent manager that is installed as an embedded component of IBM Systems Director Server uses the lightweight runtime en