Symeon Papavassiliou (CV) 1. Degrees Ph.D. Electrical

Symeon Papavassiliou (CV)
1. Degrees
Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY
M.Sc. Electrical Engineering Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY
Dipl. Electrical Engineering National Technical University of Athens, Greece
2. Research Areas
Resource allocation for wireless and high-speed networks, control and optimization of stochastic systems,
mobile radio communication system design, ad-hoc and sensor networks, multimedia communications,
network anomaly and intrusion detection, performance evaluation of communication protocols and networks.
3. Professional History
05/09 to present
10/04 to 04/09
06//04 to 12/05
08/99 to 15/04
05/96 to 08/99
05/96 to 08/99
08/95 to 04/96
Associate Professor (with tenure), School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
National Technical University of Athens, Greece.
Assistant Professor, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National
Technical University of Athens, Greece.
Associate Professor (with tenure), Electrical and Computer Engineering Department,
New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA.
Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, New Jersey
Institute of Technology, USA.
Senior Technical Staff Member, AT&T Laboratories, New Jersey, USA.
Adjunct Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Departments,
Polytechnic University, NY, USA.
Member of Technical Staff, AT&T Bell Laboratories, New Jersey, USA.
4. Other Professional Activities
07/06 to present
01/02 µέχρι 10/04
08/99 µέχρι 12/03
08/99 µέχρι 12/01
Board Member of the Greek National Regulatory Authority (NRA) on
Telecommunications and Posts
Associate Director of the New Jersey Center for Wireless Networking and Internet
Security (NJWINS)
Member of the New Jersey Center for Wireless Telecommunications
Member of the New Jersey Center for Multimedia Research
5. Awarded Honors
Recipient of the 2003 Faculty Early Career Development (Career) Award from the National Science
Foundation (NSF), 2003.
Awarded the “AT&T Division Recognition and Achievement Award”, in Recognition of Extraordinary
Contributions and Excellence, AT&T Data Network Services, November 1997.
Obtained Best Paper Award in IEEE INFOCOM’94, Canada, 1994.
6. Publication Record
Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers: 54;
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers: 108;
Book Chapters: 10
h index: 15;
citations: : >600 (Scopus), >1000 (Google Scholar)
7. Awarded Grants and Funding
Funding Agency
Program/Project Title
Design and evaluation of autonomic mechanisms for
supporting user Quality of Experience (QoE)
Exposing the features in IP version six protocols that can
be exploited for the purposes of designing/building
autonomic networks and services
Federated e-infrastructure dedicated to European
researchers innovating in computing network
Data Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (TMA)
Argumentation as foundation for the Semantic Grid
Ηellasgrid-Design and Development of Pilot
Infrastructures and Advanced Grid Services
Technical Support on the Design of Research and
Development Plans for the General Secretariat for
Security and Privacy Policy
Strategies on Vulnerabilities and Immunization of
Communication Networks
Information Society
Technologies, EU, Seventh
Framework Programme (FP7)
Information Society
Technologies, EU, Seventh
Framework Programme (FP7)
European Cooperation in the field
of Scientific and Technical
Research (COST)
Information Society
Technologies, EU, Sixth
Framework Programme (FP6)
Greek Networking Research and
Education (Ε∆ΕΤ)
Greek Ministry of Transport and
Algonet A.E.
Greek General Secretariat for
Research and Technology
(ΠΕΝΕ∆ 2003)
Greek Networking Research and
Education (Ε∆ΕΤ)
Greek Ministry of Transport and
Information Society
Technologies, EU, Sixth
Framework Programme (FP6)
Greek Networking Research and
Education (Ε∆ΕΤ)
Greek Ministry of National
Education and Religious Affairs
National Science Foundation
National Science Foundation
National Science Foundation:
Career Award
NJ Commission on Science and
NJ Commission on Science and
Technology – ELF
US Army
Research on Use and Impact of Next Generation Greek
Networking Research and Education
Strategy for the Development of Broadband Access in
Greek territories
Grid Remote Enabled Instrumentation, with Distributed
Control and Computation
Multi-Gigabit European Academic Network (GN2)
Technical Support on the Design and Development of
Optical Metropolitan Area Networks in Central Greek
Networks with Extended Quality of Service using
Service Vectors
Integrative Instrumentation for Network Research
Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks with
Multimedia Services
Hot-Spot Communications
Wireless Sensor Networks
Center for Wireless Networking and Internet Security
Equipment for Internet Engineering Computer
Networking laboratory
Survivable Highly Dynamic Networks
Wireless Networking: Routing, Protocol Evaluation,
Application Delivery
Integrating Routing and Mobility management in Mobile
National Science Foundation
Ad hoc Networks (Phase II)
Next Generation Video
Integrating Routing and Mobility management in Mobile 1999
Ad hoc Networks (Phase I)
Former Ph.D. Students (already graduated)
Sebnem Ozer, Ph.D. May 2001 (currently with Motorola Inc. USA)
Surong Zeng, Ph.D. May 2001 (currently with Motorola Inc. USA)
Beongku An, Ph.D. August 2002 (currently with the Faculty of Electrical, Electronic and Computer
Engineering, Hongik University, Korea)
Jiongkuan Hou, Ph.D., May 2003 (curently with Sprint Nextel Corp. USA)
Jian Ye, Ph.D., May 2004
Jie Yang, Ph.D., May 2004
Sheng Xu, Ph.D., May 2004
Jiang Jun, Ph.D., January 2005
Jin Zhu, Ph.D., August 2005 (currently with the Faculty of University of Northern Iowa USA)
Chengzhou Li, Ph.D. August 2005 (currently with LSI Corp. USA)
Vassilis Chatzigiannakis, Ph.D., May 2009 (currently with Greek Army)
Vassilis Karyotis, Ph.D., June 2009 (currently with Institute of Communications and Computer
Systems/National Technical University of Athens)
Georgios Androulidakis, Ph.D., July 2009 (currently with Greek Army)
Timotheos Kastrinogiannis, Ph.D., December 2009 (currently with Institute of Communications and
Computer Systems/National Technical University of Athens).
Current Ph.D. Students
Giorgos Aristomenopoulos
Stella Kafetzoglou
Dimitra Kollia
Vassiliki Pouli
Eirini - Eleni Tsiropoulou
Eleni Stai
Vaggelis Anyfantis
Journal Papers
S. Papavassiliou, L. Tassiulas and P. Tandon, “Meeting QOS Requirements in a Cellular Network
with Reuse Partitioning”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), vol. 12:8, pp.
1389-1400, October 1994.
L. Tassiulas and S. Papavassiliou, “Optimal Anticipative Scheduling with Asynchronous
Transmission Opportunities”, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 40, no. 12, pp. 2052-2062,
December 1995.
S. Papavassiliou and L. Tassiulas, “Joint Optimal Channel Base Station and Power Assignment for
Wireless Access”, IEEE Transactions on Networking, vol. 4:6, pp. 857-872, December 1996.
S. Papavassiliou and L. Tassiulas, “Improving the Capacity in Wireless Networks Through Integrated
Channel Base Station and Power Assignment”, IEEE Trans. on Veh. Tech. pp. 417-427, May 1998.
L. Ho, D. Cavuto, S. Papavassiliou and A. Zawadzki, “Adaptive/Automated Detection of Service
Anomalies in Transaction WANs: Network Analysis, Algorithms, Implementation, and Deployment”,
In IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), Vol.18:5, pp. 744 –757, May 2000.
S. Papavassiliou and M. Pace, “From Service Configuration through Performance Monitoring to Fault
Detection: Implementing an Integrated and Automated Network Maintenance Platform for Enhancing
Wide Area Transaction Access Services”, International Journal of Network Management, vol.10:5,
pp. 241-259, September 2000 (also in ACM Digital Library).
S. Papavassiliou, “Network and Service Management for Wide Area Electronic Commerce
Networks”, International Journal of Network Management, vol.11:2, pp. 75-90, March 2001 (also in
ACM Digital Library).
L. Ho, D. Cavuto, S. Papavassiliou and A. Zawadzki, “Adaptive Anomaly Detection in TransactionOriented Networks", Journal of Network and Systems Management, Vol. 9, No.2, pp.139-159, June
B. An and S. Papavassiliou, “A Mobility-Based Clustering Approach to Support Mobility
Management and Multicast Routing in Mobile Ad-hoc Wireless Networks”, International Journal of
Network Management, vol.11:6, pp.387-395, November 2001 (also in ACM Digital Library).
[J10] S. Papavassiliou and B.An “Supporting Multicasting in Mobile Ad-hoc Wireless Networks: Issues,
Challenges, and Current Protocols”, Journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
2002, vol.2, no.2, pp. 115-130, March 2002.
[J11] S. Papavassiliou, A. Puliafito, O. Tomarchio, and J. Ye, “Mobile Agent Based Approach for Efficient
Network Management and Resource Allocation: Framework and Applications”, IEEE Journal on
Selected Areas in Communications (IEEE JSAC), vol.20:4, pp. 858-872, May 2002.
[J12] G. Kotsakis and S. Papavassiliou, “An Iterative Approach to the Power Control Problem in Multiservice CDMA Systems: Algorithms and their Convergence”, Wireless Personal Communications
Journal, vol.22, no.1, pp.1-22, July 2002.
[J13] Beongkuan An and Symeon Papavassiliou, “An Entropy-Based Model for Supporting and Evaluating
Route Stability in Mobile Ad-hoc Wireless Networks”, IEEE Communication Letters, vol.6, no.8,
pp.328-330, August 2002.
[J14] J. Hou, J. Yang and S. Papavassiliou, “Integration of Pricing with Call Admission Control to meet
QoS Requirements in Cellular Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,
vol.13, no.9, pp. 898-910, September 2002.
[J15] Jiang Jun and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Providing End-to-End Quality of Service with Optimal Least
Weight Routing in Next Generation Multi-service High-Speed Networks”, Journal of Network and
Systems Management, vol.10, no.3, pp. 281-309, September 2002.
[J16] C. Manikopoulos and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Network Intrusion and Fault Detection: A Statistical
Anomaly Approach”, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 40, no. 10, pp. 76-82, October 2002.
[J17] S. Papavassiliou, S. Xu, P. Orlik, M. Snyder, P. Sass, “Scalability in Global Mobile Information
Systems (GloMo): Issues, Evaluation Methodology and Experiences”, ACM/Kluwer Wireless
Networks Journal, vol.8, no.6, pp. 637-648, November 2002.
[J18] Jian Ye, Jiongkuan Hou and Symeon Papavassiliou, “A Comprehensive Resource Management
Framework for Next Generation Wireless Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing,
vol.1, no.4, pp. 249-264, October-December 2002.
[J19] Dong Wei, Jie Yang, Nirwan Ansari and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Cell-based Schedulers with Dualrate Grouping”, IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol.E86-B, no.2, pp. 637-645, Feb. 2003.
[J20] Dong Wei, Jie Yang, Nirwan Ansari, and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Guaranteeing Service Rates for
Cell-based Schedulers with a Grouping Architecture”, IEE Proceedings – Communications, vol.150:1,
pp. 1-5, February 2003.
[J21] Beongku An and Symeon Papavassiliou, “MHMR: Mobility-based Hybrid Multicast Routing Protocol
in Mobile Ad-hoc Wireless Networks”, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Journal,
vol.3, no.2, pp. 255-270, March 2003.
[J22] B.An and S. Papavassiliou, “Geomulticast: Architectures and Protocols for Mobile Ad-hoc Wireless
Networks”, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, vol. 63/2 pp. 182-195, 2003.
[J23] J. Hou and S. Papavassiliou, “A Dynamic Reservation-based Call Admission Control Algorithm for
Wireless Networks Using the Concept of Influence Curve", Telecommunication Systems Journal, vol.
22:1-4, pp. 299-319, 2003.
[J24] Sebnem Ozer and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Performance Analysis of CDMA Systems with Integrated
Services”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.52, no.4, pp. 823-836, July 2003.
[J25] Jin Zhu and Symeon Papavassiliou, “On the Energy-efficient Organization and the Lifetime of Multihop Sensor Networks”, IEEE Communications Letters, vol.7, no.11, pp. 537-539, November 2003.
[J26] Chengzhou Li and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Fair Channel-Adaptive Rate Scheduling in Wireless
Networks Supporting Multi-Rate Multimedia Services”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in
Communications (JSAC), vol. 21:10, pp. 1604-1614, December 2003.
[J27] Jie Yang, Jian Ye and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Enhancing End-to-End QoS Granularity in Diffserv
Networks via Service Vector and Explicit Endpoint Admission Control”, IEE Proceedings –
Communications Journal, vol. 151:1, pp. 77-81, February 2004.
[J28] Jun Jiang and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Detecting Network Attacks in the Internet via Statistical
Network traffic Normality Prediction”, Journal of Network and Systems Management vol.12, no.1,
pp. 51-72, March 2004.
[J29] S. Ozer and S. Papavassiliou “An Analytical Framework for the Design and Performance Evaluation
of Realistic Aloha-CDMA Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 3:4, pp.
1088-1103, July 2004.
[J30] Sheng Xu, Symeon Papavassiliou, and Sathya Narayanan, “A Layer-2 Multi-hop IEEE 802.11
Architecture: Design and Performance Analysis”, IEE Proceedings Communications Journal, Special
Issue on WLAN Systems and Interworking, vol. 151, No.5, pp. 460-466, October 2004.
[J31] Jie Yang, Jian Ye, Symeon Papavassiliou and Nirwan Ansari, “A Flexible and Distributed
Architecture For Adaptive End-to-End QoS Provisioning in Next Generation Networks”, IEEE
Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (IEEE JSAC), Special Issue on Intelligent Services and
Application in Next Generation Networks, vol. 23, no.2, pp. 321-333, February 2005.
[J32] Symeon Papavassiliou and Jin Zhu, “A continuum theory based approach to the modeling of dynamic
wireless sensor networks”, IEEE Communication Letters, vol.9, no.4, pp. 337-339, April 2005.
[J33] Jian Ye, Symeon Papavassiliou and Sirin Tekinay, “An Efficient and Fair Co-operative Approach for
Resource Management in Wireless Networks”, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
Journal, vol.5:7, pp. 847-861, Nov. 2005.
[J34] Jun Jiang and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Enhancing Network Traffic Prediction and Anomaly Detection
via Statistical Network Traffic Separation and Combination Strategies", Elsevier Computer
Communications Journal, Vol. 29, Issue 10, pp. 1627-1638, June 2006.
[J35] Jin Zhu, Symeon Papavassiliou and Jie Yang, “Adaptive Localized QoS-constrained Data
Aggregation and Processing in Distributed Sensor Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and
Distributed Systems, Vol. 17, Issue 9, pp. 923-933, September 2006.
[J36] Vasileios Karyotis, Symeon Papavassiliou, Mary Grammatikou and Vasilis Maglaris, “A Novel
Framework for Mobile Attack Strategy Modeling and Vulnerability Analysis in Wireless Ad-hoc
Networks”, International Journal of Security and Networks (IJSN), Vol.1, Nos. 3/4, pp. 255-265,
[J37] Didem Gozupek, Symeon Papavassiliou and Nirwan Ansari, “Enhancing Quality of Service
Provisioning in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks Using Service Vectors”, Wireless Communications and
Mobile Computing Journal, vol. 6:7, pp. 1003-1015, Nov. 2006.
[J38] Vassilis Chatzigiannakis and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Diagnosing Anomalies and Identifying Faulty
Nodes in Sensor Networks”, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 7, Issue 5, pp. 637-645, May 2007.
[J39] Vasileios Karyotis and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Risk-Based Attack Strategies for Mobile Ad Hoc
Networks under Probabilistic Attack Modeling Framework”, Elsevier Computer Networks Journal,
vol. 51, Issue 9, pp. 2397-2410, June 2007.
[J40] Vassilis Chatzigiannakis, Mary Grammatikou and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Extending Driver’s
Horizon through Comprehensive Incident Detection in Vehicular Networks”, IEEE Transactions on
Vehicular Technology, Special Section on Vehicular Communications Networks, vol. 56, no. 6, Part
1, pp. 3256 – 3265, November 2007.
[J41] Jian Ye and Symeon Papavassiliou, “An Analytical Framework for the Modeling and Evaluation of
the Mobile Agent Based Distributed Network Management Paradigm”, International Journal of High
Performance Computing and Networking (Cooperative Internet Computing), Vol. 5, No.4, pp. 273 –
284, 2008.
[J42] George Androulidakis and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Improving Network Anomaly Detection via
Selective Flow-based Sampling”, IET Communications Journal, Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp. 399-409, March
[J43] Vasileios Karyotis, Anastasios Kakalis and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Malware-Propagative Mobile Ad
Hoc Networks: Asymptotic Behavior Analysis”, Springer Journal of Computer Science and
Technology, Vol. 23: 3, pp. 389-399, May 2008.
[J44] Gang Cheng, Nirwan Ansari and Symeon Papavassiliou “Adaptive QoS provisioning by Pricing
Incentive QoS Routing for Next Generation Networks”, Elsevier Computer Communications Journal,
Vol. 31, Issue 10, pp. 2308-2318, June 2008.
[J45] Stella Kafetzoglou, Maria Alexandropoulou and Symeon Papavassiliou, “A Novel Data Monitoring
and Gathering Framework for Resource constrained Underwater Sensor Networks”, Ad Hoc and
Sensor Wireless Networks, Vol. 5:3-4, pp. 313-329, 2008.
[J46] Timotheos Kastrinogiannis and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Utility based Short-term Throughput Driven
Scheduling Approach for Efficient Resource Allocation in CDMA Wireless Networks”, in Wireless
Personal Communications Journal, Springer, Wireless Personal Communications: Volume 52, Issue 3
(2010), pp. 517-535, 2010.
[J47] Vassilis Chatzigiannakis, Symeon Papavassiliou and George Androulidakis, “Improving Network
Anomaly Detection Effectiveness via an Integrated Multi-Metric-Multi-Link (M3L) PCA-based
Approach”, Security and Communication Networks (Wiley), (on-line Oct. 2008), 2008.
[J48] Athanasios Moralis, Vassiliki Pouli, Symeon Papavassiliou, and Vassilis Maglaris, “A Kerberos
Security Architecture for Web Services based Grids with Delay Sensitive Requirements”, Elsevier
Future Generation Computer Systems, (on-line Nov. 2008), 2009.
[J49] Timotheos Kastrinogiannis and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Game Theoretic Distributed Uplink Power
Control for CDMA Networks with Real-Time Services”, to appear in Elsevier Computer
Communications Journal, Vol. 32, Issue 2, pp. 376-385, Feb. 2009.
[J50] G. Androulidakis, V. Chatzigiannakis and S. Papavassiliou, “Network Anomaly Detection and
Classification via Opportunistic Sampling”, IEEE Network Magazine, January/February, pp. 6-12,
[J51] Symeon Papavassiliou and Chengzhou Li “Joint Throughput Maximization and Fair Uplink
Transmission Scheduling in Wideband CDMA Systems”, in EURASIP Journal on Wireless
Communications and Networking, Special Issue on Fairness in Radio Resource Management for
Wireless Networks, 2009.
[J52] Eirini-Eleni Tsiropoulou, Timotheos Kastrinogiannis, and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Uplink Power
Control in QoS-aware Multi-Service CDMA Wireless Networks”, Journal of Communications (JCM),
Vol 4:9, pp. 654-668, October 2009.
[J53] Georgios Androulidakis and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Two-Stage Selective Sampling for Anomaly
Detection: Analysis and Evaluation”, in Security and Communication Networks (Wiley), 2010.
[J54] Dionysia Petraki, Marcos Anastasopoulos, and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Secrecy Capacity for Satellite
Networks Under Rain Fading”, in IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2010.
Book Chapters
P. Sarachik, S. Panwar, L. Po, S. Papavassiliou, D. Tsaih and L. Tassiulas, “Modeling Approach for
the Performance Management of High Speed Networks”, in Network Management and Control book,
vol. 2 edited by I. Frisch, M. Malek and S. Panwar, Plenum 1994.
Symeon Papavassiliou, Sebnem Ozer, and Jiongkuan Hou, “Admission Control in Wireless
Networks”, in the Wiley Encyclopedia of Telecommunications, edited by John Proakis, 2003.
Symeon Papavassiliou and Jie Yang, “Admission Control in Wired Networks”, in the Wiley
Encyclopedia of Telecommunications, edited by John Proakis, 2003.
Symeon Papavassiliou and Jin Zhu, “Architecture and Modeling of Dynamic Wireless Sensor
Networks”, in CRC Press Handbook of Sensor Networks: Compact Wireless and Wired Sensing
Systems, edited by Mohammad Ilyas, Imad Mahgoub, Laurie Kelly, pp. 15.1-15.6, 2005.
Jin Zhu, Symeon Papavassiliou and Jie Yang, “Quality-Driven Information Processing and
Aggregation in Distributed Sensor Networks”, in IEEE Press Monograph on "Sensor Network
Operations” (edited by Shashi Phoha, Thomas F. La Porta and Christopher Griffin), pp. 467-485,
IEEE Press, 2006.
Symeon Papavassiliou and Chengzhou Li, “Efficient and Fair Bandwidth Scheduling and Allocation
in Next Generation Wireless Networks with Multimedia Services”, in Resource Allocation in Next
Generation Wireless Networks, Series on Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing, edited by Wei
Li and Yi Pan, Vol. 5, p.p. 223-247, Nova Science Publishers, Hardbound, 2006.
Symeon Papavassiliou, Jin Zhu and Stella Kafetzoglou, “Data Monitoring and Gathering in Sensor
Networks”, The Handbook of Computer Networks, John-Wiley, Edited by Hossein Bidgoli, Vol. II,
Part 3, December 2007.
Vasileios Karyotis and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Topology Control in Cooperative Wireless Ad Hoc
Networks”, in "Cooperative Wireless Communications" book, Auerbach Publications, CRC Press,
Taylor&Francis Group, edited by Yan Zhang, H. H. Chen and M. Guizani, 2008.
Ranganai Chaparadza, Symeon Papavassiliou, Timotheos Kastrinogiannis, Martin Vigoureux,
Emmanuel Dotaro, Alan Davy, Kevin Quinn, Michal Wódczak , Andras Toth, Athanassios
Liakopoulos, Mick Wilson, “Creating a viable Evolution Path towards Self-Managing Future Internet
via a Standardizable Reference Model for Autonomic Network Engineering”, Towards the Future
Internet- A European Research Perspective, IOS Press, edited by Georgios Tselentis, John Domingue,
Alex Galis, Anastasius Gavras, David Hausheer, Srdjan Krco, Volkmar Lotz, Theodore Zahariadis,
pp. 136-147, 2009.
[B10] V. Karyotis and S. Papavassiliou, “Mobility-induced Capacity-Delay Tradeoff in Wireless Multihop
Networks”, Nova Publishers, (to appear) 2010.
[B11] E.E. Tsiropoulou, T. Kastrinogiannis and S. Papavassiliou, “Non-cooperative Power Control in
CDMA Wireless Networks”, in “Game Theory for Wireless Communications and Networking” book,
Auerbach Publications, CRC Press, Taylor&Francis Group (to appear) 2010.
Conference Papers
P. Sarachik, S. Papavassiliou and D. Tsaih, “Delay Management of Multi-Domain Networks Using
Models of the Window Mechanism”, IEEE 1992 Network Operations and Management Symposium
(NOMS’92), pp. 173-185, April 1992.
P. Sarachik, S. Panwar, L. Po, S. Papavassiliou, D. Tsaih, L. Tassiulas, “Modeling Approach for the
Performance Management of High Speed Networks”, Second IEEE Network Management and
Control Workshop, September 1993.
S. Papavassiliou, L. Tassiulas and P. Tandon, “Meeting QOS Requirements in a Cellular Network
with Reuse Partitioning”, In Proc. IEEE INFOCOM’94, pp. 4-12, June 1994. This paper was
awarded the best paper award.
L. Tassiulas and S. Papavassiliou, “A Dynamic Scheduling Problem in Packet Switched Satellite
Networks”, In Proc. 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 2079-2084, Dec. 1994.
S. Papavassiliou, L. Tassiulas, “The Joint Resource Allocation Problem in Wireless Networks”, In
Proc. IEEE International Conference in Communications (ICC’95), pp. 395-399, June 1995
S. Papavassiliou and L. Tassiulas, “Improving the Capacity in Wireless Networks Through Integrated
Channel Base Station and Power Assignment”, In Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference
(GLOBECOM’95), pp. 1482-1486, November 1995.
V.S. Savant, S. Papavassiliou, J.J. Tupino and A.G. Zawadzki, “Enhanced Network Management for
Online Services”, In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and
Networks (IC3N’98), pp. 532-538, October 1998.
L. Ho, D. Cavuto, F. Feather, S. Papavassiliou and A.Z. Zawadzki, “Adaptive Network Fault
Detection in Transaction-Oriented Wide Area Networks” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on
Integrated Network Management IM’99, pp. 761-775, May 1999.
K. Amouris, S. Papavassiliou and M. Li, “A Multi-Zone Position Based Routing Protocol for Wide
Area Mobile Ad-hoc Networks”, In. Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC’99), pp.
1365-1369, May 1999.
[C10] S. Papavassiliou, M. Pace and A. Zawadzki, “Proactive Maintenance Tools for Transaction-Oriented
Wide Area Networks”, In Proc. IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium
(NOMS’2000), pp. 847-860, April 2000.
[C11] S. Papavassiliou, M. Pace, A. Zawadzki and L. Ho, “Implementing Enhanced Network Maintenance
for Transaction Access Services: Tools and Applications”, in Proc. of IEEE International Conference
in Communications (ICC 2000), pp. 211-215, June 2000.
[C12] G. Kotsakis, S. Papavassiliou, P. Demestichas, “Decentralized power control algorithms for multiservice CDMA-based cellular systems”, In Proc. IEEE Symposium on Computers and
Communications (ISCC2000), pp. 700-704, July 2000.
[C13] S. Xu, S. Papavassiliou and K. Amouris, "On the Performance of a Scalable Single-Tier Routing
Protocol for Mobile Ad-hoc Wireless Networks", In Proc. IEEE Symposium on Computers and
Communications (ISCC2000), pp. 575-580, July 2000.
[C14] L. Ho and S. Papavassiliou, “Network and Service Anomaly Detection in Multi-service Transactionbased Electronic Commerce Wide Area Networks”, In Proc. IEEE Symposium on Computers and
Communications (ISCC2000), pp. 291-296, July 2000.
[C15] B. An, S. Tekinay, S.Papavassiliou, A. Akansu, “A cellular architecture for supporting geocast
services”, In Proc. IEEE Vehicular Techn. Conference (VTC’2000), pp. 1452-1459, Sept. 2000.
[C16] G.V. Kotsakis and S. Papavassiliou, “An Iterative Approach to the Power Control Problem in
Wireless Networks for Integrated Services”, In Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference
(VTC’2000), pp. 265-272, September 2000.
[C17] S. Ozer, S. Papavassiliou and A. Akansu, “On Performance of Switching Techniques for Integrated
Services in CDMA Wireless Systems” in Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC’2000),
pp. 1967-1973, September 2000.
[C18] S. Papavassiliou, S. Tekinay, K. Malick, and K. Walker “Performance Evaluation Framework and
Quality of Service Issues for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks in the MOSAIC ATD” In Proc. IEEE Military
Communications Conference (MILCOM2000), pp. 297-303, October 2000.
[C19] S. Xu, S. Papavassiliou and K.Amouris, “On the Optimal Multi-Zone Configuration for the PositionGuided Sliding-Window Routing (PSR) Protocol for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks” In Proc. IEEE
Military Communications Conference (MILCOM2000), pp. 534-538, October 2000.
[C20] Jie Yang, Necdet Uzun and Symeon Papavassiliou, “T2MPS: Architecture of A Terabit Multicast
Packet Switch Emulating An OQ Switch”, In Proc. Conference on Information Sciences and Systems
(CISS2001), pp. 798-803, March 2001.
[C21] B. An and S. Papavassiliou, “Mobility-Based Clustering for Mobile Ad-hoc Wireless Networks”, In
Proc. Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS2001), pp. 60-65, March 2001.
[C22] Jiang Jun and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Optimal Least Weight Routing Algorithm for Guaranteed
Bandwidth Flows”, In Proc. Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS2001), pp. 564569, March 2001.
[C23] Jian Ye and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Dynamic Market Driven Provisioning of Network Resources
Using Genetic Algorithms in a Competitive Electronic Commerce Marketplace”, In Proc. Conference
on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS2001), pp. 519-524, March 2001.
[C24] Jie Yang, Necdet Uzun and Symeon Papavassiliou, “The Architecture Design for a Ten Terabit IP
Switch Router”, In Proc. IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR2001),
pp.358-362, May 2001.
[C25] Surong Zeng, Necdet Uzun and Symeon Papavassiliou, “A Dual Level Leaky Bucket Traffic Shaper
Architecture for DiffServ Networks”, In Proc. IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and
Routing (HPSR2001), pp. 73-77, May 2001.
[C26] Surong Zeng, Necdet Uzun and Symeon Papavassiliou, “An Improved Fair Traffic Shaping Algorithm
for High Speed Packet Switches”, In Proc. IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and
Routing (HPSR2001), pp. 68-72, May 2001.
[C27] Sebnem Ozer, Symeon Papavassiliou and Ali Akansu, “Performance Analysis of CDMA Random
Access Systems with Heavy-Tailed Packet Length Distribution”, In Proc. IEEE Symposium on
Computers and Communications (ISCC2001), pp. 597-602, July 2001.
[C28] Jiongkuan Hou and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Influence-Based Channel Reservation Scheme for
Mobile Cellular Networks”, In Proc. IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications
(ISCC2001), pp. 218-223, July 2001.
[C29] Symeon Papavassiliou, Antonio Puliafito, Orazio Tomarchio and Jian Ye, “Integration of Mobile
Agents and Genetic Algorithms for Efficient Dynamic Network Resource Allocation”, In Proc. IEEE
Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC2001), pp. 456-463, July 2001.
[C30] Sheng Xu, Symeon Papavassiliou and Gus Amouris, “OPNET Implementation of Position-Guided
Sliding-Window Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks”, OPNETWORK 2001, August 2001.
[C31] Β. An and S. Papavassiliou, “A Mobility-Based Hybrid Multicast Routing in Mobile Ad-hoc Wireless
Networks”, Proc. IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM2001), pp. 316-320, October
[C32] Β. An and S. Papavassiliou, “An Architecture for Supporting Geomulticast Services in Mobile Ad-hoc
Wireless Networks”, In Proc. IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM2001), pp. 301305, October 2001.
[C33] Jie Yang and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Improving Network Security Performance by Multipath Traffic
Dispersion” Proc. IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM2001), pp. 34-38, October
[C34] Sheng Xu, Symeon Papavassiliou, and Lev Zakrevski, “Fault-tolerant cluster-based routing approach
in wireless mobile ad hoc networks”, In Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), pp.
2613-2617, October 2001.
[C35] Chengzhou Li and Symeon Papavassiliou, “The Link Signal Strength Agent (LSSA) Protocol for TCP
implementation in wireless mobile ad hoc networks”, In Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology
Conference (VTC), pp. 2528-2532, October 2001.
[C36] Jiongkuan Hou, Jie Yang and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Integration of Pricing with Call Admission
Control for Wireless Networks”, In Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), pp. 13441348, October 2001.
[C37] Jie Yang, Dong Wei, Symeon Papavassiliou and Nirwan Ansari, “Improving Service Rate Granularity
By Dual-rate Session Grouping In Cell-based Schedulers”, In Proc. IEEE Global Communications
Conference (GLOBECOM 2001), pp.2425-2429, November 2001.
[C38] Jian Ye, Jiongkuan Hou, and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Mobile Agent based Framework for Mobility
Assisted Channel Reservation in Wireless Networks”, In Proc. Conference on Information Sciences
and Systems (CISS2002), pp. 833-838, March 2002.
[C39] Sebnem Ozer and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Framework for Performance Monitoring and Analysis of
Multimedia CDMA Wireless Networks: A First Step Towards the Implementation of Anomaly
Detection”, In Proc. Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS2002), pp. 583-588,
March 2002.
[C40] Sebnem Ozer and Symeon Papavassiliou, “An Analytical Framework for the Design and Performance
Evaluation of Realistic CDMA-CPCH Systems”, in Proc. of IEEE International Conference in
Communications (ICC 2002), pp. 3106-3110, April 2002.
[C41] J. Li, S. Xu, C. Manikopoulos and S. Papavassiliou, “Anomaly Network Intrusion Detection for ADHOC Mobile Wireless Networks”, Proc. 3rd IEEE Annual Information Assurance Workshop, June
[C42] Jie Yang and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Secure and Reliable Data Delivery in Ad hoc Wireless
Networks via Traffic Dispersion”, in Proc. 3rd IEEE Annual Information Assurance Workshop, June
[C43] Jian Ye, Symeon Papavassiliou, Giuseppe Anastasi, Antonio Puliafito, “Strategies for Dynamic
Management of the QoS of Mobile Users in Wireless Networks through Software Agents”, In Proc.
IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC2002), pp. 369-374, July 2002.
[C44] Jiang Jun and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Providing End-to-End Quality of Service with Optimal Least
Weight Routing in Next Generation Multi-service High-Speed Networks”, In Proc. IEEE Symposium
on Computers and Communications (ISCC2002), pp. 449-454, July 2002.
[C45] Jin Zhu, Symeon Papavassiliou and Sheng Xu, “Modeling and analyzing the dynamics of mobile
wireless sensor networking infrastructures”, In Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC),
Fall 2002, vol.3, pp. 1550-1554, September 2002.
[C46] Beongku An and Symeon Papavassiliou, “A Framework for the Evaluation of Geomulticast Delivery
Accuracy in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks”, in Proc. IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Modeling,
Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunications Systems, Mobility and Wireless
Access Workshop (MobiWac 2002), pp. 72-79, October 2002.
[C47] Dong Wei, Jie Yang, Nirwan Ansari, and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Implementing the Dual-rate
Grouping Scheme in Cell-based Schedulers”, In Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference
(GLOBECOM 2002), vol: 3, pp. 2410 –2414, November 2002.
[C48] Jin Zhu and Symeon Papavassiliou, “On the Connectivity Modeling and the Tradeoffs between
Reliability and Energy Efficiency in Large Scale Wireless Sensor Networks”, in Proc. IEEE Wireless
Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2003), vol.2, pp. 1260-1265, March 2003.
[C49] Jian Ye, Jiongkuan Hou and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Integration of Advanced Reservation and
Bandwidth Reconfiguration based Admission Control in Wireless Networks with Multimedia
Services”, In Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing
Systems – Workshops, pp. 844-849, May 2003.
[C50] Chengzhou Li and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Dynamic Fair Bandwidth Allocation in Multiservice
CDMA Networks”, In Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Distributed
Computing Systems – Workshops, pp. 850-855, May 2003
[C51] Sheng Xu and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Modeling and Analysis of the Position-guided Sliding
Window Routing protocol”, IEEE International Conference in Communications (ICC 2003), vol.3, pp.
1680-1684, May 2003.
[C52] Jie Yang, Jian Ye and Symeon Papavassiliou, “A New Differentiated Service Model Paradigm via
Explicit Endpoint Admission Control”, In Proc. IEEE Symposium on Computers and
Communications (IEEE ISCC 2003), pp. 299-304, July 2003.
[C53] Chi-Tung Chen, Sirin Tekinay and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Geocasting in Cellular Ad Hoc
Augmented Networks”, In Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Fall 2003, vol. 3, pp. 18581862, October 2003.
[C54] Albert Futernik, Alex Haimovich and Symeon Papavassiliou, “An Analytical Model for Measuring
QoS in Ad hoc Wireless Networks”, in Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference
(GLOBECOM 2003), vol. 1, pp. 216-220, December 2003.
[C55] Jun Jiang and Symeon Papavassiliou, “A Network Fault Diagnostic Approach Based on a Statistical
Traffic Normality Prediction Algorithm”, in Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference
(GLOBECOM 2003), vol. 5, pp. 2918-2922, December 2003.
[C56] Chengzhou Li and Symeon Papavassiliou ,“Opportunistic Scheduling with Short Term Fairness in
Wireless Communication Systems”, In Proc. Conference on Information Sciences and Systems
(CISS2004), pp. 167-172, March 2004.
[C57] Jian Ye and Symeon Papavassiliou, “On the Performance Analysis and the Tradeoff Evaluation of the
Mobile Agent Based Network Management Approach”, In Proc. Conference on Information Sciences
and Systems (CISS2004), pp. 1319-1324, March 2004.
[C58] Chengzhou Li and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Joint Throughput Maximization and Fair Scheduling in
Uplink DS-CDMA Systems”, in Proc. 2004 IEEE Sarnoff Symposium on Advances in Wired and
Wireless Communications, pp. 193-196, April 2004.
[C59] Jin Zhu and Symeon Papavassiliou, “A Resource Adaptive Information Gathering Approach in Sensor
Networks” in Proc. 2004 IEEE Sarnoff Symposium on Advances in Wired and Wireless
Communications, pp. 115-118, April 2004.
[C60] Jie Yang, Jian Ye and Symeon Papavassiliou, and Nirwan Ansari “Decoupling End-to-End QoS
Provisioning from Service Provisioning at Routers in the Diffserv Network Model”, in Proc. IEEE
Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2004), Vol.3, pp. 1605-1611, December 2004.
[C61] V. Chatzigiannakis, A. Lenis, C. Siaterlis, M. Grammatikou, D. Kalogeras, S. Papavassiliou & V.
Maglaris, “Distributed Network Monitoring and Anomaly Detection as a Grid Application”, In Proc.
of 12th Workshop of HP OpenView University Association (HP-OVUA) 2005.
[C62] P. Sakarindr, N. Ansari, R. Rojas-cessa, and S. Papavassiliou, “Security-enhanced Quality of Service
(SQoS): Design and Architecture”, In Proc. 2005 IEEE Sarnoff Symposium on Advances in Wired
and Wireless Communications, pp. 129-132, April 2005.
[C63] Jin Zhu and Symeon Papavassiliou, “On the Tradeoffs of an Adaptive QoS-constrained Data
Collection Process in Sensor Networks”, in Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Fall 2005
(IEEE VTC Fall 05), vol. 4, pp. 2730-2734, Sept. 2005.
[C64] Chengzhou Li and Symeon Papavassiliou, “On the Fairness and Throughput Tradeoff of multi-user
Uplink Scheduling in WCDMA Systems”, in Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Fall 2005
(IEEE VTC Fall 05), vol.1, pp. 206-210, Sept. 2005.
[C65] P. Sakarindr, N. Ansari, R. Rojas-cessa, and S. Papavassiliou, “Security-enhanced Quality of Service
(SQoS): A Network Analysis”, in Proc. IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM2005),
pp. 1-7, Oct. 2005.
[C66] Jin Zhu, Symeon Papavassiliou, Stella Kafetzoglou, and Jie Yang, “On the Modeling of QoSConstrained Data Aggregation and Processing in Distributed Sensor Networks”, in Proc. Fourth
Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops, pp.
347-351, March 2006.
[C67] Vasileios Karyotis, Symeon Papavassiliou and Basil Maglaris, “Modeling Framework for the study
and analysis of mobile attack propagation in wireless ad-hoc networks”, in Proc. 12th European
Wireless Conference (EW 2006), April 2006.
[C68] Chengzhou Li and Symeon Papavassiliou, “On the Uplink Throughput Maximization with Fair
Scheduling in WCDMA Systems”, in Proc. 12th European Wireless Conference (EW 2006), April
[C69] A. Moralis, A. Lenis, M. Grammatikou, S. Papavassiliou and V. Maglaris, “A Distributed Kerberized
Access Architecture for Real Time Grids”, in Proc. 4th International Workshop on Security In
Information Systems (WOSIS-2006), pp. 23-32, May 2006.
[C70] Vassilis Chatzigiannakis, Symeon Papavassiliou, Mary Grammatikou and Basil Maglaris,
“Hierarchical Anomaly Detection in Distributed Large- scale Sensor Networks”, in Proc. IEEE
Symposium on Computers and Communications (IEEE ISCC 2006), pp. 761-767, June 2006.
[C71] Vasileios Karyotis, Symeon Papavassiliou, Mary Grammatikou and Basil Maglaris, “On the
Characterization and Evaluation of Mobile Attack Strategies in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks”, in Proc.
IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (IEEE ISCC 2006), pp. 29-34, June 2006.
[C72] Jin Zhu, Symeon Papavassiliou, Stella Kafetzoglou, and Jie Yang, “An Efficient QoS-Constrained
Data Aggregation and Processing Approach in Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks”, in Proc. IEEE
Symposium on Computers and Communications (IEEE ISCC 2006), pp. 257-262, June 2006.
[C73] Didem Gozupek, Symeon Papavassiliou, Nirwan Ansari and Jie Yang, “A Power Efficient QoS
Provisioning Architecture for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks”, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on
Communications (ICC 2006), vol.8, pp. 3873-3878, June 2006.
[C74] Didem Gozupek, Symeon Papavassiliou and Nirwan Ansari “A Cross-Layer Architecture for End-toEnd QoS Provisioning in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks”, in Proc. Fifth International Symposium in
Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP 2006), pp. 206-210, July
[C75] Vassilis Chatzigiannakis, Symeon Papavassiliou, George Androulidakis and Vasilis Maglaris, “On the
realization of a generalized data fusion and network anomaly detection framework”, in Proc. Fifth
International Symposium in Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing
(CSNDSP 2006), pp. 251-255, July 2006.
[C76] Georgios Androulidakis, Vasilis Chatzigiannakis, Symeon Papavassiliou, Mary Grammatikou and
Vasilis Maglaris, “Understanding and Evaluating the Impact of Sampling on Anomaly Detection
Techniques”, in Proc. IEEE Military Communications Conference 2006 (IEEE MILCOM2006), pp. 17, October 2006.
[C77] A. Lenis, M. Grammatikou, V. Maglaris, S. Papavassiliou, “Εxtending Instrumentation Grids to
Wireless Sensor Networks”, in Proc. 2nd International Workshop on Distributed Cooperative
Laboratories: Instrumenting the Grid (INGRID 2007), April 2007.
[C78] Timotheos Kastrinogiannis and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Probabilistic Short-term Delay and
Throughput Requirements of Multimedia Services in High Throughput Wireless Networks”, in Proc.
2007 IEEE Sarnoff Symposium on Advances in Wired and Wireless Communications, April 2007.
[C79] Vassiliki Pouli, Stella Kafetzoglou, Mary Grammatikou, Chrysostomos Tziouvaras, Symeon
Papavassiliou, Vassilis Maglaris, “Service Level Agreement Provisioning and Monitoring for end to
end QoS”, The Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association (TERENA)
Conference, May 2007.
[C80] Leonidas Lymberopoulos, Stefano Bromuri, Kostas Stathis, Stella Kafetzoglou, Mary Grammatikou,
and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Towards a P2P Discovery Framework for an Argumentative Agent
Technology assisted GRID”, presented at CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Programming Model, Grid
and P2P Systems Architecture, Grid Systems, Tools and Environments (CoreGRID 2007), June 2007.
[C81] Vasileios Karyotis, Mary Grammatikou and Symeon Papavassiliou, “A Closed Queueing Network
Model for Malware Spreading over Non-Propagative Ad Hoc Networks”, in Proc. Sixth Annual
Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking (Med-Hoc-Net 2007) Workshop, June 2007.
[C82] Vasileios Karyotis, Symeon Papavassiliou and Mary Grammatikou, “On the Risk-based Operation of
Mobile Attacks in Wireless Ad hoc Networks”, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on
Communications (ICC 2007), pp. 1130-1135, June 2007.
[C83] Timotheos Kastrinogiannis and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Satisfying Elastic Short Term Fairness in
High Throughput Wireless Communication Systems with Multimedia Services”, in Proc. IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC 2007), pp. 5064-5069, June 2007.
[C84] Kostas Stathis, Stella Kafetzoglou, Symeon Papavassiliou and Stefano Bromuri, “Sensor Network
Grids: QoS Provisioning for Data Gathering via the Integration of Wireless Sensor Nodes and MultiAgent Systems”, in Proc. of Third International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems
(ICAS 2007), pp. 47-52, June 2007.
[C85] Athanasios Moralis, Vassiliki Pouli, Mary Grammatikou, Symeon Papavassiliou, Vasilis Maglaris,
“Performance Comparison of Web Services Security: Kerberos Token profile against X.509 Token
Profile”, in Proc. of Third International Conference on Networking and Services (ICNS 2007), pp. 2833, June 2007.
[C86] V. Chatzigiannakis, G. Androulidakis, K. Pelechrinis, S. Papavassiliou and V. Maglaris, “Data fusion
algorithms for network anomaly detection: classification and evaluation”, in Proc. of Third
International Conference on Networking and Services (ICNS 2007), pp. 50-57, June 2007.
[C87] Timotheos Kastrinogiannis and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Probabilistic Resource Allocation under
Opportunistic Scheduling in Wireless Networks with Multimedia Services”, in Proc. IEEE
Symposium on Computers and Communications (IEEE ISCC 2007), pp. 699-705, July 2007.
[C88] Angelos Lenis, Vassilis Chatzigiannakis, Mary Grammatikou and Symeon Papavassiliou, “An
Architectural Framework for the Support of Intelligent Vehicular Network Monitoring”, in Proc.
International Workshop on Wireless Networking for Intelligent Transportation Systems (WiN-ITS
2007) (ACM Digital Library), August 2007.
[C89] Timotheos Kastrinogiannis, Symeon Papavassiliou, Konstantinos Kastrinogiannis and Dimitrios
Soulios, “A Utility-based Resource Allocation Approach for the Downlink in CDMA Wireless
networks with Multimedia Services”, in Proc. of the 18th IEEE International Symposium on Personal,
Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC 2007, September 2007.
[C90] Vassilis Chatzigiannakis, Mary Grammatikou and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Improving Incident
Detection in Vehicular Networks: Methodology and Evaluation”, in Proc. of the 18th IEEE
International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC 2007,
September 2007.
[C91] Vasileios Karyotis and Symeon Papavassiliou, “On the Malware Spreading over Non-Propagative
Wireless Ad Hoc Networks: The Attacker’s Perspective”, in Proc. Third ACM International
Workshop on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks, pp. 156-159, October 2007.
[C92] Leonidas Lymberopoulos, Symeon Papavassiliou and Vasilis Maglaris, “A Novel Load Balancing
Mechanism for P2P Networking”, in Proc. First International Conference on Networks for Grid
Applications, October 2007.
[C93] Vasileios Karyotis, Mary Grammatikou and Symeon Papavassiliou, “On the Asymptotic Behavior of
Malware-Propagative Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, in Proc. of the Fourth IEEE International
Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), October 2007.
[C94] G. Androulidakis and S. Papavassiliou, “Intelligent Flow-based Sampling for Effective Network
Anomaly Detection”, in Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2007), pp.
1948-1953, November 2007.
[C95] G. Androulidakis, V. Chatzigiannakis and S. Papavassiliou, “Using Selective Sampling for the
Support of Scalable and Efficient Network Anomaly Detection”, in Proc. Second IEEE International
Workshop on Distributed Autonomous Network Management Systems, pp. 1-5, November 2007.
[C96] Timotheos Kastrinogiannis and Symeon Papavassiliou, “QoS Provisioning in Wireless Data Networks
under Non-Continuously Backlogged Users”, in Proc. IEEE 4th workshop on Resource Allocation in
Wireless Networks, pp. 71-76, March 2008.
[C97] Timotheos Kastrinogiannis, Vasileios Karyotis and Symeon Papavassiliou, “An Opportunistic
Combined Power and Rate Allocation Approach in CDMA Ad Hoc Networks”, in Proc. IEEE Sarnoff
Symposium 2008, pp. 1-5, April 2008.
[C98] Stella Kafetzoglou, Maria Alexandropoulou and Symeon Papavassiliou, “On the Efficient Data
Gathering in Large Scale Autonomous Bandwidth-limited Sensor Networks”, in Proc. IEEE
International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing, pp. 513-517, May 2008.
[C99] Timotheos Kastrinogiannis, Vasileios Karyotis and Symeon Papavassiliou, “On the Problem of Joint
Power and rate Control in CDMA Ad Hoc Networks”, in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on
Wireless Pervasive Computing, pp. 78-82, May 2008.
[C100] Timotheos Kastrinogiannis, Eirini Tsiropoulou and Symeon Papavassiliou, “Utility-based Uplink
Power Control in CDMA Wireless Networks with Real-Time Services”, in Proc. of International
Conference on AD-HOC Networks & Wireless, September 2008.
[C101] R. Chaparadza, S. Papavassiliou, T. Kastrinogiannis, M. Vigoureux , E. Dotaro, A. Davy , K. Quinn,
M.Wodczak and, A. Toth “Creating a viable Evolution Path towards Self-Managing Future Internet
via a Standardizable Reference Model for Autonomic Network Engineering” in Proc. of Future
Internet Conference, book on: "Τhe best Future Internet research ideas and achievements", Prague,
May 2009.
[C102] G. Aristomenopoulos, T. Kastrinogiannis, and S. Papavassiliou, “Efficient QoS-Driven Resource
Allocation in Integrated CDMA/WLAN Networks - An Autonomic Architecture,” in proc. of 1st
International Conference on Mobile Lightweight Wireless Systems (MOBILIGHT 2009), LNICST
Springer, May 2009.
[C103] E. E. Tsiropoulou, T. Kastrinogiannis, and S. Papavassiliou, “A Utility-based Power Allocation Noncooperative Game for the Uplink in Multi-Service CDMA Wireless Networks,” in proc. of the 5th
International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2009), June,
[C104] G. Aristomenopoulos, T. Kastrinogiannis, and S. Papavassiliou, “A Unified Approach for Efficient
Network Selection in Multi-Service Integrated CDMA/WLAN Systems,” in proc. of the 5th
International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2009), June,
[C105] E. E. Tsiropoulou, T. Kastrinogiannis, and S. Papavassiliou, “Realization of QoS Provisioning in
Autonomic CDMA Networks under Common Utility-Based Framework” in proc. of the 3rd IEEE
WoWMoM workshop on Autonomic and Opportunistic Communications, AOC’09, June, 2009.
[C106] V. Karyotis, A. Manolakos and S. Papavassiliou, “On Topology Control and Non-Uniform Node
Deployment in Ad Hoc Networks”, in Proc. of Sixth IEEE PerCom Workshop on Pervasive Wireless
Networking (PWN 2010), April 2010.
[C107] E.E. Tsiropoulou, G. Katsinis and S. Papavassiliou, “Utility-based Power Control via Convex Pricing
for the Uplink in CDMA Wireless Networks”, in Proc. of European Wireless 2010 conference, (EW
2010), June 2010.
[C108] E. Stai, V. Karyotis and S. Papavassiliou, “Socially-inspired Topology Improvements in Wireless
Multi-hop Networks”, in Proc. of Social Networks Workshop of IEEE International Conference on
Communications (ICC), May 2010.