vR504A DETAILEDINSTRUCTIONSHEET PTo3st9l ot z g * PI F2 Pg o Q OO ' llanufactured by : P0WER-TR0N|C$, lNC. Cor^pus Christi,Texas regulator wasdesigned TheVR504Avoltage to flll a universal rolein replacing oldermechanical andelectronic as well as thenewestdigital ln usetoday.lt alsocanbeusedto controlmuchlarger voltageregulators static excltensfoundin olderbrushtypegenerators, Because the VR504A hasbeendesigned for sucha universalrole,it has someverydifferentoneratlng characteristics thanthe otherregulators that areconsidered the standardindustryfare, TheVR504A is designed to let the installeractuallyadjustthe characteristics of the regulatorto matchthe requirements of the potentiometers generator, Thisis accomplished by uslngadjustment powerto the locatedonthe regulatorandselectingthe incoming are reslstors0r specialreactors0r transformers regulator.Nodr0pping needed, .5pe*h/rnofe.'Never useadlgitalvoltmeter tosetupagenerator or voltage regulator. lt will notindicate realflickersor fluctuations and will notEivea truevoltage reading eitherondc0r acwhenfluctuations present. are Onlyusea vanetypevoltmeter 0ngenerators llll Thereis a special reason thattherearen0identifications of positions 0r printed functions onthecaseof thevoltage regulator. Thisis doneto present insurethattheinstruction sheetis uponeachinstallation.l Installationandmounting: TheVR504A regulator 1sdesigned to ln h0stileenvlronments, operate butfor thelongest llfe andbest it operation,should bemounted in thecleanest andmostvibration free p0ssible package location suchasthemeter or lnsidea switchboard. Hinimumfield resistancevalues: l0 ohms at 120vac input, 20 ohmsat 240vacinput. !- Flaximumoutput amperage:5 amps dc,Higher amperes canbe withoptional obtained adaptors. usea multiconductor RFI and induced voltages: Never cordto hook upthisregulator, Useloose wlringora shielded cahle withonlyoneend c0nnected to ground, of theshielding l'lagnetic interfenence: Donotmount thlsregulator nearanystrong f leldssuchaswlthln6 lnches magnetlc of hlghcurrent conduct0rs 0r placed nextt0 a magnetlc f ieldsuchasanexclter fleld0ra pmgexclter nouslng. Highvoftage protectionof outputof generutor:Themosr common failureof all voltage regulators ls hlghanduncontrollahle protection voltage 0rn0voltage at all, Theonlyabsolute against htgh voltage is avoltage sensing relay,These relays areavailahle thrumost generator service companl es, Lowspeedoperationof generator: lf warm ilp0rc*oldown of thegenerator engine is desired, a run/ idleswitchshould in beplaced serieswiththelnputvoltage 0f theregulator. Thlsswltchcanalsobe usedasanemergency shutdownfor thegenerator voltage.Damage to the regulator andgenerator canresultfromlowrpmoperatlon of the generator. is designed to havean Incoming suppfy voltage: Thisregulator yourinputv0ltage, you ashighas250vac,T0determine inputvoltage knowwhatthefull loadexcitervoltage is, lf the should of thegenerator voltage ls lessthan32volts,thebestinputvoltage will full loadexciter f 20vac,lf thefull loadexcltervoltage is above f2 besomewhere around volts,aninputvoltage of somewhere around 220vacis recommended , is unknown, waysto makean lf theexcltervoltage thereareseveral guess asto whatit is. lf thef ieldresistance ls lowerthanl5 educated it mayindlcate ohms, thattheexciteris of thelowvoltage fype,Another voltage theexclten is to runthegenerator at ratedrpm wayto determine connect a 12vdcbatteryt0 theexciterf ields.lf the andmomentarily is t00hlghor cornect, theexciterhasa lowvoltage outputvoltage lf the0utputvoltage requirement, is toolow,theexciteris 0f thehigher reguirement. voltage test,butshould serveto giveyouanideaof where Thisis nota foolproof at theexciterf ieldsshould to start.Thedcvoltage bechecked withthe generator at ratedspeed wlthn0loadandthenduringfull loadcondltions. will n0thavea residual voltage hlghenough to a generator Sometlmes of thelinevoltage, Thisusually occurs onlowvoltage meatea buildup instead0f the120 lf so,slmplyinput220voltsto theregulator exciters. ly reguired, voltsnormal is for settingthe Regulator ildiustment Pl: Thisadjustment is When thevoltageregulator desired outputvoltageof thegenerator, Thisis normal f irst installed andrunup,thevoltage sh0uld hepulslng, thePI adJustment ls below80vac,whlchis thevoltage thatls because requlred fer thehuildup clrcultto dlsengage, Fl is adJusted When ahove wlll eitherstopor begln to become mildlyerratic. 80vac,thepulsation perfectly will become setupat thistlme. It is veryrarethatthevoltage to about8098 of whatyouwouldlikeyouroutput Adjusttheoutputvoltage to be.Otheradjustments will bedoneat thistime.Thevoltage voltage will riseandfall astheseotheradJustments aremade.Keep thevoltage in the8098 range withP1, Regufator adjustment P2: Note: Thls adjustment is not ls for correctlng a voltagerlsewhich normallyused.ThtsadJustment speed is occurs 0nveryiowvoltage exciters whentheenglne sometimes governor reduced duringshutdownor sloppy operation. lf anundeslrable riseoccurs voltage during thesecondltlons, whichwlll be I to 5 volts, cw in smallincrements turntheP2adjustment to correcttheemor,As whenP2is fullycw, P2ls adjusted, thevoltage wlll lower,Sometimes generator of the will notadjustto full outputevenwith thelinevoltage fullycw. Thlsis dueto overcompensating 0f the thePI adJustment voltage regulator, Tocomect this,slowfyadjustPJcw untiltheline voltage ls at thedeslred level,lt is bestnotto usethisadjustment absolutely necessary. All PZadjustment holesareplugged andto unless plug, pair pliers pinch the usea of needle nose and thelocking refirove plug push plug oneachsideof the and the upandoutof the brackets hole, adjustment RegulatoradjustmentP3: Thisadjustment is used to match the reactance tlme0f thegenerator wlththeoutput0f thevoltage regulator. regulator is reacting toofast,thelinevoltage will be lf thevoltage for its ownvoltage triesto overcompensate erraticastheregulator Toslowdownthereactance timeof theregulator to matchthe changes, tlmeof thegenerator, veryslowlyturnPi cw untilthevoltage reactance will rise, withnof llcker,AsyouturnPi cw,thevoltage becomes steady withPl. When thevoltage is smooth nearthe80?d range keepthevoltage levelwithPl thevoltage upto thedesired andthereis nof licker,adJust youare thevoltagefor about2 minutes,ff nof lickeroccurs, andobserve adjustPJcw onllne,ff a flickeris noticed, readyto placethegenerator a little more. Trouble shooting running Ho build up of voltage: Withgenerator at operating speed, checktheresldual voltageat,I and2 0ntfreVR504A terminalboard,The voltage sh0uld hemorethan3,5voltsac. lf thevoltage ls belowthis theexciterf ieldsfr0mtheregulat0r value,remove andmomenlarily apply l2vdcto themwhilethegenerator is running at speed, Thevoltage at I increase to a muchhlgher valueduring thistest, lf the and2should doesnotIncrease to a muchhigher all wiringand voltage value,check for 0pencircuits.Alsomakesurethat fuslngthatleadt0 theregulat0r potentiometers during thistestthatall of theadjustment aresetfully cw andthattheoutputdcf leldvoltage at 2 and3 alsoIncreases asthis thatthevoltage wouldindicate regulator is functioning correctly, After potentiometers tl^ris test,setall adJustment fullyccw. regulator increases duringthe lf thevoltage at I and2 onthevoltage at 2 and3 doesnotincnease, thiswouldindlcate test,andthedcvoltage is damaged 0r defective. thattheregulator diclnotinrease0nthegenenator whentheexciter ff thelinevoltage problem to the l2 vdc,thereis aninternal in the f ieldswerec0nnected generator suchasanopenexciterfleld0r shorted 0r opendiodes In the rectiflerbankor openrotor, the l2 vdcfromtheexciterfieldsandreAfterthlstest,disconnect thef ieldleadsto theregulator, connect l{akesurethattheleadthatwas c0nnected t0 theposltlve 0f the l2 voltsis connected to 3 andthelead to negative thatwasc0nnected ls connected to 2 onthevoltageregulator, goahead upto spe-ed. lf theIinevoltage is pulsing, and Runthegenerator aspreviously described, lf thereis nobuildupand setuptheregulator theresidual voltage at I and2 ls still t0olow,change to theinputv0ltage 240vacwhlchshould double theresldual voltage at I and2, lf when vac upwlth a24$ lnput,lf theresldual ls stlll toolowfor build ho0ked f lashing circuitwill haveto beinstalled, up,thenanexternal \* cw.with l'linorflickering of voltage: Pi isnotsetfarenough generator froml0ad,sl0wlyturnP3cwuntilflickerlng dlsconnected 5tops. Yoltage is high and uncontrollable: voltage regulator is defective 0r theexciterfleldls grounded, for thlsis that Another reason exceeds theexciteramperage therating0f thevoltage regulator, Intermittentflashesor glitchesin voltage Loose c0nnection t0 regulator aclnputor a defectlve exclterf leldwitha carbon or Intermlttent In leld track open f c0llor loosecomponents ln thevoltage regulator dueto excessive vibration. loading of generator leads or Voltage rises ruithload: Unbalanced to beadjusted morecw, Pi needs toofarcw,adjustccw Yoltage falls off rith load: PJis adjusted droop is satlsfactory. untilvoltage \v-' Yoltagc rises too muchduring shut dorn: P2needs to be adJusted cwto correct therlse.TurnJustenough to correct therlse, Voltage rill not adjust to louer values: Inputwiringto regulator voltage is supplied thrua cordorcable thatls unshielded. Use wiringorshielded cables. loose If yound adviceor tshnical assistance CAII: (512)ffi1-9382 ll hourhotline generator Troubleshmt anddetermine if youhave apneratorfailureor if the voltry regulator faild. Datermine inputvoltEeandfield voltapfor theYR504A r4ulator andinstall. $etall diustments ccr* $tartpneratorandrunuptoratedspffid. Adjust Pl until808 ofratd voltapis remhd. pulsations harestoppdandthev0ltry bmames steady, Yoltffiwill riseasPJis turned cw,Fsep voltryin ranpwithPt. Remsre lmdfromgenerator andlower volt@ Snerat0rrpmslightly,0bserve in voltage astherpmis for aninmease TocorrmtavoltaEe rise,adjust lowered. PZcwin smallinrements untiltherise P2isdiusted, stops, thevoltry { When will lowar.Kmpthevoltryin ranpwith Pl.) Besuretoreturntherpmtoratlng before eachtest. TurnPl cwuntllpulslngvoltap bemm*steady or slightlyamatic. Applyloadandobsrvevoltqe, lf it rises onloding,setP3morecrY,lf it falls whenloding,setPJmoreccw, generutor Place vR50{A ETECTRONICVOTTAGEREGUI.ATOR t20 0n 2t0 uRc 'I STARTUP PROCEDURE 3 AI{D4 IF THISREGULATOR INSIALL A JI'I,IPERBETT'EEN FIELD.32 IS TOBEUSEDOiI A LOT'VOLTAGEEXCITER votTs oRrEss. If,PUT VOLTAGE OUTPUr VOLTAGEF+ }IAIINUN DC AIIPERABE FPEQUEf,C? VOLTAGE DROOP NEGULATIOXAGCUTACY st?E ilEta||T oo To 250 v*c .6 TOtos DC 5 AOC / 25 ADC lflTH A504 45 TO 70 HZAA'USTABLE TO IOT LESE TIIAT I' OF SETTIXG 6 l i . rs t f ,. r 21i l . 6 02. HOOKUP VITH OPTIOT{AL A5O.TADAPTOR. RED 5 ANO6 IF IIIOEXTERIIAL INSTALTA JUHPERBETWEEN rS USED. 2.000_0HEYoLTAGEAIUUSTT{ENT FIETDSAREIN 6OOD IiAKE SURETHATTHEEXCITER ANDI{AVEIIIOCONTACT WITHGROUND COilDITION OR OTHER CIRCUITRY. 30 AIIP FUSE YITI{ I20 VOLTSFOREI(CITERS OF D. SUPPLYTI{EREGULATOR 52 VOLTSORLESS.SUPPIYTHEREGUTATOR YITH 2{O OF32 VOttS ORI{ORE. volTs FoR EXCITERS 120 VOLTINPUT YILL I{OTE:AS AtUUSfHEilTSAREI{ADE,THEVOLTAGE TOOOT RAISEA}IDLOSER,XEEPTHEVOLTAGEATUUSTED VOTTAGE VITII PI" WIIEiIFIRSTINSTALLED OFDESIRED TI{EVOLTAGEWILLruLSE I,TIITILPI IS TURiIEDCW. I.IAKE VER,Y SLOYLYI ALL ATI'USTMENTS I. ATT'I'STI.IENT POTSFUTLYCCU. TURNALL YOLTAGE 2. Rt,I{ UP TOSPEED, DOIiIOTIDLE. $TARTGEI.IERATOR, 5. YOLTAGEIS TURHPI CY UHTILEO' OFDESIREO OBTAII{ED. 4. IF THEVT}LTA6EIS STABTEAI.IDIIOTPI,LSATING, TURI{PI CW UNTILTHEDESIRED YOLTAGEIS NOOTHER ATUUSTTIENT YILL BEilEEOEO. REACHED. \- tF THEVoLTAGEts puLsAilNo. vERy slovlv ruRtrl P3 CY UNTILTllE PUtSATlOtrlSTOpS,(XEEPVOLTAGE DOESNOTSTOP, tN RAI{GES|TH Pt }, lF PULSATTON YILL ITIOT THISREGUTATOR BESUITABLEFORTHE APPLlCATlOl,l. qIJESTIONS ??????? GA[.[.: POWER-TRONICS,'INc. CORPUSCHNISTI.TEI(AS (5r2) EEr-9382 Et ort:rg,