A status of energy efficient LED traffic signals in Korea Bong-Man Jung 71-2, Jang-dong, Yusung-ku, Taejon, Rep. of Korea, 305-343, Electrics & Lighting Research Center, Korea Institute of Energy Research, Email: bmjung@kier.re.kr Hak-Geun Jeong 71-2, Jang-dong, Yusung-ku, Taejon, Rep. of Korea, 305-343, Electrics & Lighting Research Center, Korea Institute of Energy Research, Email: hgjeong@kier.re.kr Soo-Bin Han 71-2, Jang-dong, Yusung-ku, Taejon, Rep. of Korea, 305-343, Electrics & Lighting Research Center, Korea Institute of Energy Research, Email: sbhan@kier.re.kr K EY WO R D S LED traffic signal, Korean-type LED traffic signal specifications A B S T RA C T Concerning Korean energy consumption, 20% of the total electrical energy (96% is now exported) is consumed in lighting area. Accordingly, it is one of the most important governmental policies to efficiently utilize electricity due to development and application of high-efficiency lighting equipment. In Korea, widely-built traffic signals employ an incandescent and are of 100W/300 mm, and 280,080set/ 801,932lamps have been installed and operated by 1999. Of them, 58% (161,181set), 25% (69,655set) and 18% (49,244set) correspond to traffic signals, pedestrian signals and other supplementary signals respectively. It was estimated that electrical energy consumed 28MW instantaneously, 245GWH annually and 20million EU, 40million EU are expended as annual electricity fee and maintenance fee respectively. On the other hand, the LED traffic signal is expected to be a future traffic signal since if traffic signals are replaced by LEDs, energy saving effect of 85% and drop of 75% in maintenance fee will be obtained. In this paper, development procedure, main features of proposed Korean-type LED traffic signal specifications, on road test results and economical effects are introduced. INTRODUCTION The spread of LED traffic signal is now impossible in Korea, though it has such advantages as large energy saving and long life time. Because standard of bulb-type traffic signal was established and has been enforced but as stand- ard of a traffic signal employing such a new light source as the LED traffic signal is not prepared. Accordingly, for the purpose of construction of domestic-spread basis of LED traffic signal, a research for development of Korean-type LED traffic signal standard has been in progress since 1998 and it is expected that its spread will be soon common in Korea. The development of Korean-type LED traffic signal standard was carried out in such order. First, we analyzed current standards and technologies related traffic signals and drew-out temporary standard based on existing traffic signal standard. Second, we manufactured test traffic signals and evaluated their performances in the laboratory and outdoor. Third, we developed a draft of the standard and proposed standard. Main considerations concerning the standard development are as follows. • Safety: Safety of the products employing new technologies and materials is essential in order to install and operate them on the spot. Especially, in the case of traffic signals, as their lighting indicates directions of vehicle's movement, traffic accidents and traffic safety should be taken into account above all. A LED traffic signal standard should include test items, test methods, performance and matters regarding its authentication. • Structural compatibility: A LED traffic signal should have structural compatibility with existing traffic signals, so that it can replace existing traffic signals by not deforming or modifying shapes of a housing, a traffic signal post and a local controller but replacing a traffic signal module. RIGHT LIGHT 5, MAY 2002, NICE, FRANCE 429 POSTER SESSION JUNG, JEONG, HAN Table 1: Main contents of Standard of Korean LED traffic signal (Draft) Color Boundaries Red Luminous Intensity [Cd] in the reference axis Yellow Green Size [mm] Temperature 200 300 -30~70°C Red Yellow Green X Y x Y x y 0.665 0.335 0.555 0.435 0.009 0.720 0.665 0.335 0.560 0.440 0.284 0.520 0.700 0.290 0.612 0.382 0.028 0.385 0.710 0.290 0.618 0.382 0.183 0.359 Min = 140* (d**=200mm) Min = 340* (d**=300mm) * The intensity value is the required value at the point where horizontal and vertical angles are 2.5 degrees from the reference axis. ** d indicates the diameter of the roundel signal head. • Practicality: Standard value which can embodies maximum performance should be suggested in consideration of LED production technology, level of circuit design and technical level of electronic and electrical engineering and optical equipment production. In addition, features of Korean climate and traffic environment, and citizen's response to the LED traffic signal must be synthetically examined and then reflected on the development of the standard. D EV E L O P M E N T O F KO R E A N S T A N D A R D ( D RA F T) A N D D E M O N S T RA T I O N Based on results of the analyses of existing standards and the elementary experiments such as proper luminous intensity, environmental adaptation and on-site test, "Standard of Korean LED traffic signal (Draft)" was presented in early 2001. Afterwards, through opinion collection procedures such as several briefings and public hearings, the draft was submitted to the authorities concerned such as the police headquarter and is now under final consideration. Main contents of "Standard of Korean LED traffic signals (Draft)" are described in Table 1 and, in sum, as follows. In consideration of technical levels of domestic and international LED light source and characteristics of radiances, criteria for intensity of light according to color are set identically for three colors as adopted in Europe and Japan. In consideration of standard of bulb type traffic signal and results of the elementary experiment, in the case of 300mm traffic signal, reference axis intensity of light was proposed 340 cd similar to that of green light-bulb type traffic signal. A lens for a traffic signal was supposed to be a transparent lens principally and, if necessary, a colored lens may be used. As for a lens on which symbols and words exist, by pasting black cover up on the area of a lens except symbols and words, color contrast between light-up and light-out should be enhanced. 430 RIGHT LIGHT 5, MAY 2002, NICE, FRANCE A traffic signal module should operate normally at ambient temperatures of –30°C+70°C, and change in intensity of light should be within ±20% at 25°C. A traffic signal should operate normally without any abnormality at an allowable voltage( in the case of rated 110V, 88V~121V and in the case of rated 220V, 176V~242V). A traffic signal should be well wired lest reduction rate of optical output should exceed 20% even when one malfunction or more than one in light source elements happen. At the moment when a traffic signal is turned on at a rated voltage and 25°C, electrical power should be below 15W, a power factor over 0.9 and a total harmonic distortion below 40%. After 5-sec light-on and 5-sec-light-out alternate 50000 times, there should be not any abnormality in operation status of a LED module. Free guaranty term for a traffic signal should be 36 months. After installation of a traffic signal, for the purpose of its management and maintenance of its performance, a nameplate on which main performances are written should be attached. LED traffic signals fit for suggested the Standard (draft) were manufactured and have been built and operated at some crossways of Seoul and Taejon city as test models. [Fig. 1]. LED traffic signals consumed electrical power of 8 ~ 15W according to their colors and areas of radiance and it is reported that energy saving of 85 ~90% is available. As a result of questionnaire for citizens, more than 80% of them answered that luminosity, color and visibility of the LED traffic signal are greatly superior to those of existing signals. JUNG, JEONG, HAN POSTER SESSION Fig. 1 Scene of installed Full Color LED traffic signals (City of Taejon, 2001) Economy of LED traffic signal is analyzed in a way that payback period is calculated by dividing net initial investment by total annual profit. Here, net initial investment is a cost require to replace LED traffic signals (C) deducted by DSM effect (G). Total annual profit is a sum of predictable cost in annual electricity saving (I), in maintenance and repair saving (J), in environmental improvement due to reduction CO2 (L). But cost for improvement of traffic environment (M) which is saved by enhancement of visibility is neglected. Payback period = (C-G) / (I+J+L+M), M=0 Economical analyses are performed for two cases, that is, one case where all traffic signals throughout the country are replace by LED signals and the other case where only red signals are replaced, which require small initial investment compared to other color signals and have the largest energy saving potential. Elementary data employed in the economical analyses are as follows. A N E C O N O M I C A L A N A L YS I S O F L E D T RA F F I C • Number of traffic signals: 280,080set / 801,932lamps - Vehicle: 161,181 set X 3.5 lamps/set = 564,134 lamps - Pedestrian: 69,655 set X 2 lamps/set = 139,310 lamps - Others: 49,244 set X 2 lamps/set = 98,488 lamps SIGNAL Traffic signals that are widely installed in Korea employ bulbs and are of 100W/300mm and, 280,080 set/801,932 lamps have been installed and operated throughout the country currently in 1999. Of them, 58% (161,181 Set), 25% (69,655Set) and 18% (49,244Set) correspond to traffic signals, pedestrian signals and other supplementary signals respectively. It was reported that instant electrical power consumed by traffic signals amounts to 28MW (annual electricity of 245 GWH) and 20 million EU and 40 million EU are expended as annual electricity fee and maintenance fee respectively. • One red lamp is equipped to one set of traffic signals and among them one lamp is kept light-on • Ratio of average light-on time of a red signal: 60% (Actually 50~75%) • Prices of LED signals (estimated) - Red and yellow 220 EU / green 350 EU / an average 260 EU Table 2: An Economical analysis of LED traffic signals Item Full color exchange Red color exchange Remarks A Number of signals (set) 280,080 230,836 Red includes only vehicular and pedestrian signals[2] B Number of signals (lamps) 882,522 230,836 C Retrofitting Cost (million EU) 209 51 B x Price of traffic signals D Power consumption of bulb-type (kW)[1] 28,008 13,850 A x 0.1kW, Red: A x 0.1kW x 0.6 E Power consumption of LED-type (kW)[1] 4,201 2,078 A x 0.015kW, Red: A x 0.015kW x 0.6 F Power plant construction effect (kW) 23,807 11,773 D-E G DSM effect (million EU) 48 24 F x 2000 EU/kW H Electrical energy saving (GWH/Y) 209 103 F x 24hours x 365 days I Saving in electricity (million EU/Y) 16 5 B x 0.085kW x 0.02EU/kW x 12 months J Saving in maintenance(million EU/Y)[3] 30 9 Saving 75% K Reduction Amount of CO2 (Ton/Y) 173,094 85,596 H x 830 Ton/GWH L Saving in CO2 treatment(million EU/Y) 35 17 K x 200 EU/Ton M Saving in traffic improvement - - - N Payback period 2.0 0.9 (C-G)/(I+J+L+M) [1] One lamp per one set of signals is always light-on. [2] One red lamp is attached each set of vehicular and pedestrian signals [3] Full color exchange: 40 million EU/Y * 0.75. Red color exchange: 40 million EU/Y * 0.75 * 230,836/882,522 RIGHT LIGHT 5, MAY 2002, NICE, FRANCE 431 POSTER SESSION • Average electricity saving: 85% (100W -> 15W) • Average saving rate in maintenance and repair: 75% • Electricity cost: 0.02 EU/W-Month (A fixed amount paid according to capacities of facilities regardless of consumed electricity) • DSM effect: 2,000 EU/kW (based on a nuclear power generator) • CO2 generation: 830 Ton/GWH (based on 500MW coal-fired power generator) • CO2 treatment cost: 200 EU/Ton (currently $100~$300/ Ton) • EU rate: 1,146 Won/EU Table 2 summarizes procedures of economical analysis, and it is shown from the analysis that payback periods are about 2 years for the first case and 0.9 years for the second case and accordingly economy of LED traffic signals is significantly excellent. CO N C L U S I O N It is the worldwide trend that spread of a LED traffic signal is being expanded due to such advantages as its significant energy saving, a long life and improvement of traffic environment by high visibility. However, because safety is prior to other factors of traffic signals, its widely spread is now impossible in Korea where any institutional standard of LED traffic signal does not exist yet. In this paper, technical trends and standards concerned foreign LED traffic signals were analyzed, and after sample products were manufactured and evaluated in consideration of compatibility with existing traffic signals, and then standard of LED traffic signal fit to Korean environment was presented. LED traffic signals manufactured according to the suggested standard have been installed and operated as test models on real roads in Seoul and Taejon city. And it is expected that the standard will be established sooner or later, and wide range of spread of LED traffic signal will be possible. As technologies of semi-conductor light source keep growing rapidly, suggested specifications may not be suitable for near future. Therefore, it is thought that continuous research and development directed toward fully taking advantage of LED technologies. RE FE R E N C E S B. M. Jung and H. G. Jeong, A study on specifications and standard system for energy efficient LED traffic signals, A research report of Korea Institute of Energy Research, 2001. Institute of Transportation Engineers, Interim LED Purchase Specification, 1998. European Committee for standardization, Traffic Control Equipment – Signal Head, EN12368, 2000. CIE Technical Report, A Guide for the Design of Road Traffic Lights, 1988. 432 RIGHT LIGHT 5, MAY 2002, NICE, FRANCE JUNG, JEONG, HAN