Academic License Structures

License Structures
SAS offers a range of license structures to meet the needs of our Academic partners.
Universities can utilise SAS for teaching and non-commercial research purposes at
campus, faculty or chair levels.
License types:
"Campus" license is used by students registered with Degree Granting Institute and
all instructors and researchers employed by Degree Granting Institute and on site
contractors while doing work solely for Degree Granting Institute.
"Faculty" license is used by students registered with Degree Granting Institute to
attend classes associated with a designated faculty member and the instructors and
researchers employed by Degree Granting Institute and on site contractors while
doing work solely for Degree Granting Institute
"Chair" license is used by students registered with the Degree Granting Institute to
conduct research work guided by the individual nominated to hold the Chair or attend
classes associated with the Chair Person and instructors and researchers employed
by Degree Granting Institute to work with the Chair Person and on site contractors
while doing work solely for Degree Granting Institute.
Academic Research
Researchers, students and professors need computational and analytical solutions
that are flexible enough to access and statistically analyse large amounts of data –
something that most solutions cannot support. They require a reporting solution that
can perform their statistical analysis and seamlessly work with their current
infrastructure in order to collaborate and share their research findings easily and
conveniently. They also require statistical methods that have been tested and are
proven, accurate or repeatable to validate their research findings.
Individual Research Package licenses to our SAS® Education Analytical Suite is
restricted to non-commercial research purposes only and is licensed either on the
total number of Users (not concurrent) or total number of PCs on which the Software
is installed.
SAS in the classroom
One of the key strategies of the SAS Academic Program is to encourage Universities
to include SAS software in their curriculum. The SAS Academic Program reflects the
commitment and support we are prepared to give Universities in the areas of
teaching. SAS has always had strong presence in the statistical and data mining
areas in a number of Universities throughout Australia and New Zealand, however
the introduction of Enterprise Guide (Point and click portal into SAS), and the
continuing need for Universities to provide their students with the latest in technology
will encourage even more professors to include SAS in course curricula.
TEL: +61 2 9428 0428
FAX: +61 2 9418 7211
ABN 13 002 287 247
SAS is a subsidiary of SAS Institute Inc. SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the
USA and other countries. ® indicates USA registration. Other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies.
Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
Interested in hearing what SAS can do to help you equip your students with
market leading software?
We would be happy to discuss any interest you may have for the potential use of
SAS software in your course, from the ability to supply the software for student use,
to teaching SAS developed course material at your university.
Home Copies
SAS offers students and employees the opportunity to use SAS on home PCs and
laptops for academic purposes. The allowance of home use is provided free of
charge (the process is managed by the University / Business School)
Course Development Mini-Grants
This competitive grant program offers participating faculty a six-month grant of SAS
software to evaluate the software with an eye toward integrating SAS into an existing
course or developing a new course.
TEL: +61 2 9428 0428
FAX: +61 2 9418 7211
ABN 13 002 287 247
SAS is a subsidiary of SAS Institute Inc. SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the
USA and other countries. ® indicates USA registration. Other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies.
Copyright © SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.