I - -- *-= COUNCIL OF THE ATIONAL AG - ia AUGUST. 1916. Inset: JOHN REID. Inset: ERNEST BYNE. Back Row: E. T. BELL .L.A~. JOHNA . HAYES (Hon. Treasurer). C. R. PICKWORTH (en. Vice-President,. J. BAlM (Secretay). W. K. CHARLS. le Row: GEORGE WAUGH P. J. SYKE. JOHN HIRON. W.J. FFLECK(. PHILIP FRANEL. CAPT. HESKETH-SNYITH CAPT. COSENS (Hlon. olicror) (A.D.C. Governo-Genera!;. (.D.C. Goveror of Old s*L Row: . T. NOTES (Vice-Presidnt). JOHN MCDONLD (Chairman). LDY ORGA. SIR RONALD C. MUMBO-FERGUSONI (ovenor-eneral of Australia. LDY~ HLELEN UNR-FERGUON.. IR ABRUR ORGA, Kt. (President). A. W. CAMERO. RICHARD GAlLEY cTrustee). ______ L 1 --- -r14I- -IC-8 sr"_~^--~--2f~lcia~Wu--~.il-r- -- I~-~-. - -- __ Nation Queensland. Association ofandi atlOIai1Agricultural PATRONS: His Excellency the Rt. Hon. Sir RONALD MUNROFERGUSON, P.C., Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief of the Commonwealth of Augtralia. His Excellency Sir HAMILTON J. GOOLD-ADAMS G.C M.G., C.B., Governor of Queensland. President: Hon. SIR ARTHI'R MORGAN Kt. COUNCIL, 19i6. Vice-Presidents: C. R. I'I'KWV )'il. Es'. A. '. NOYE\S, Esq. Hon. Treasurer: Chairman: J. \1 A(' IONA LI), Es 1 . .1 A. HAYES. Esq. Committee: J. AFFLECK, Esq. T. F. FAUSET, Esq. BAYNES, Eso. P. FRANKEL, Esq. T. BEL, Esq. J. HIRON, Esq. W. CAMERON, Esq JOHN REiID, Esq. M CHARLE. Eso. 3. P. J. SYMES, Esq. HARRY BROOIKES, Esq. Trustees: Sir~A. . COWE, K't. R. GAILEY, Esq. Hon. Veterinary Surgeon: J. WASHINGTON IRVING, Esq., M.R.G.V.S.L. Hon. Solicitors: Messrs. OSHORRNE & WAUGH. Secretary: J. BAIN. 40th Annual Report OF THE COUNCIL OF THE National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland For the Year 1916. LADIES AND GESIT'LE~IEr',-GENTLEMEN,ASI) TADIES OUR COUNCIL have pleasure in presenting to you to you ill presclnting pleasurr 11Hv e OUR COUSCIL the notwithstanding strife war and and strife of war conditions of the conditions Ilo~tffithstanding achieved, results achic tihe results to tih~e vetl, they tttte~ltisal to tkey draw attention gratification that t hAt is with with gratificatioll it is alld it the year year. 1916, and for and Report their for St~teInent Financial Statement al~d Financial t R~poa AnlluHI their Annual Imiellace still which August, since have prevailed which still I11('1I11('(' allct M:llic;h 11)14, and A~~~~lst, 1914, sillc c prcvAiled Ilavc! \I hiclt degree. irce to progress iin and retard tiegl cr. tJistrcn~iilg to aa distressing cclrlllrcll.cc' ill cmm retard Ii.o8i.ess and has leepest sorrow our jg Since Ii;is soi'i'ou tl~lc'lc'st neport. I;tst Report. o~~i last ~rrsclntiil# Pinct presenti ones bereaved to the aiid homes, ian ll ny Aust O iiittered )1())11('5, Rlld to the! ll('l'('ll\'f'(l neS A~1Stl')lliall ll11lnS illtO ma c'lltt'l'c!d into At I)yma thy. S Of S01 pressioI ex dur ;~t Con we S!'llll)iltll!'. ('Sl))'rSSIOIIS SillCt'l'('Bf Jul. sinicerest y Collvcvey woultl ~P woul softened has time when that feel but cannot we tirie, the ~ e cannot llllf f~~P1t hat \I.'h('ll tilllc' )IN8 SOff~'nc'(l the same sHnic tin~P, ustraliaii en A in wledge of A~istraliaii grief, fHllrrl thos~l fall tllat those ~1Re that the oi kkllc,\\l~ Il.iclc ic f, pride 91 cat sri tile great e i rreparahli e r th t elupe fulther w ill il'l'('Pill'ilJ11~' t llc' MEN tc'lllpc')' true I'ul.thrl. \\'il l were ~\~IES 1-l.uc sol(liers r;ol(liers \\ rlc then. aroundi emories mi revered td a loving Hlld I'rVrl'(-l~l Al'()llillrl 6heln. build lovina IllrlllOrirS ano Iuild loss, Inss, atio SHOW. VALUE OF THE NATIONAL ~HOW. Slic,\\' (:1' tili ofur Shw u o11i sti'oii#ly worthli the \\~oi ~Wc caiiiiot empn 1 )hasixe the' ronigly c.riilh8sixc too st cannot tco )We diirouglht and cli war ann in \vHr especially ill tiiiies. o~~gl~t times. progress, rHptt~cially of pl'Ogl'('BS, revealer Of (as a PAV('HLrr (aB exhibits of Show the AuIgust Qh()W last ~I\IIAYI1St ilgriccultural and agricultural stock and Of live li\ (' stock t~tl~lrxJlihitR At last bled oil assemn oLI were such as had never Hsscrllbled hecn I,1 obHh1~ hen Ilr~rr probably produce wrre pro~uce Conole wvl the even in niot ii clvc n tlle ~ ifL' Ilot Sho'wgroundC:oln~-lolr olllcl--i one yurellJalld Sllourgl oiir Queensland monwealth. monwcaltlh. the to The the n~lhtlt c,~~t what find out to find Sh ou to the Show to the canlc oll~ came ~c city people The city country had done, and what the prospects were for the coming \I(( 1 fa, 611t, c!onlillg DI had tlollr, aind u llctt, t'he ospects co~tl y of Irtak of tJlr~ laok ho~r the Ico, ll how came t~own to learnI cttme to town f'h~~ country countl.y Hllcl the veR1.. anti year, To nterprise. local by met being a To a ise. rntclr~,l locitl enemy Inc~t hy products waH was heing eneiny products was degree lesser a to also as satisfied, was the vr af; the degl te the ssel as also to a Ic degree gatisfied, t'he city c\eqree country, nianufactured local manufactured that local expressed that was expressed regret was hut regret country, hut as extent same the to ~h~ demonstrated were the as were not extc~nt same goods not denlsncstrater~ to t~hr wel e gooofi were products. primary pronucts. ILCI~I LIVE STOCKg EXHIBITS. The numiber and qality 0V the live stock xhibi~s easily eonstiuted a reco~d, aind tihe figures w:hich we present on another page show the marvello us growth ad geat rale to stock sales. At the 1913 Show thle Queensland of our anual total sales effected amlounte1 to only £~,300 as against 1,010 uls. Sd. for Vhis year, and from~ inforation at or disposal, we a, ill ith reasonable asisuranlce, estimate that the 117 sales eclipse this year's to a marked extent. FINANCE. presenltedl The~ statecietilt of Revenlue an1d Expnlliture hos that Rteenue For 1916 amouted to £12,043 2. hreithh Expenditure otalld aul.. as comipar'ed with £11,76 8s. ini 11. £11;00 i s. 1(.1., the' corr~csponlding~ figurecs for 113 be!ing £11,50)1. 17s. lid. In atlitioni to reducing our dlebit blace by 103~8 is. 4d., Improvents we have expended £381 16s. 3d. on Prmarnnt £163 2s. 2d. on purchase of Funitue, £160 19s. d. on Plant and MIaterial, 337 on Tinbr required for stging istict and othr exrhibits (75 per cent. of which will be available for next s-er's Show), and have d~Ona~ted £11l7 to Pat~iotic puroses. M EMq1ESII 1P EES show aii icrea se 'of £f280 as1 coniP' redc w'ith last Yea . a 1(1( AE L( 'El"l''~~'i'8 a--ii- inc res of £148. I la Iiot I'h e Irin w\hich rell ontIi chlast clayS i terfcre'c I witli the MIonday to the 'cerv? fine a ve~~1ra ( alttenldanlce cIicatine~d froml Fidy , thle total \\ocd1hve d hci even11 lecttei. The1( tliaiics oh' your1 Associatio n areo (lice to thle Ba~king wxho ('our inrej~al hIoues, antl plivate iiiiviluals, I stitut ios, N'o contributed so liberally this~ yea;r to your Prize Fiund. le~ss a sumi tlhan £61 18s. w as thus cloijtd. '1his total has only bcc xced cl oncC sine*' the forcn1Atio of t'he AqSSCia ir, i. in the . Jub~ilec Yeri, 1909, w\rhen a to~ weeks' Show was h~l. DEFENCE DEPARTMENT AND SHOWII GROUND. ~ cloccbt existed In ther early onths of te ear considerablel as to wleter tile Mlilitary Authoritiels ~ "ro were inl occupation to allow of the 8Ahow 67ounds cold vacate~ in timei suficint 'beCing ade for the ie ncessarA1y prelimlinry pre'paraisfi~f waHs io, but thle inplOta uCce of the functioni to Qyueensland reconised, anid at very considerable iccolvciclcee thecy jnadc aranlgemnt~ls w\hicli perlni ittl ed s to CRrry on1 as uIsul. Altogether tl Defeiiee )epla tnn lt oQcii ied thle SHow,~ 0 roundls foc ab~out 18 1i1o tlis, a cd 'a wrl:1 (If pirise~ in st lie( xtei(led to t he for the great careC taken of our1 pr'perl' v dluing# that oficers~ Tcrio1. O1ficrs antl mnel alike trete~d the, wvishesl 'of y'our rstay J1*ie. with a cour'tesy wh'lich) was plraSicig bey'Sond pl 4 DEATH OF SIR ARTHUR MORGAN. It is with deepest sorrow that we have to refer to the loss which your Association and our State generally suffered by reason of the lamentable death of Sir Arthur Morgan. who for six years ,had occupied the position of President. and duringu that period had assisted your institution to an extent little imagined by those who are not bhrou.ght into relation with his National Association work. A comparatively young man, and with, apparently, many useful years ahead, his demise came as a great shock to the public of Queensland. Although in 1915 ill-health prevented our late President from ocnupyin' his ,fficial position, he felt so much better this year that li was in constant attendance at the Show, and presided over the various official functions in a manner which made us believe tlhat a return to his usual good health was assured. We, in conjunction with the rest of t'he State, were deeply shocked and grieved w'hen news of his death was communicated. To Lady Morgan and members of her family, we extend a sympathy which cannot be expressed in words. RESIGNATION OF MR. T. F. FAUSET. It is with regret that we 'have to announce the resignation of Mr. T'. F. Fauset as a member of Council. Mr. Fauset's connection with the National Association as a mImei),hr ,' Council had extended over 1S years, and had started at a period in its history when, owing to severe financial stress. Councillors had to assume duties which embraced every phase of Show management, even to some of those now undertaken by Inciiajiios and labourers. At a valedictory tendered to Mr. Fauset by his fellow Councillors, appreciative reference was made to the splendid services wihich Mr. Fauset had rendered to the Association during his long term. special stress being laid uponI tli untiring and unselfish assistance which he had rendered towards building the Association to its present highly important standing. To mark their personal esteem, his "comrades on the Council" presented Mr. Fauset with a handsome souvenir suitably engraved. ELEOTION OF MR. HARRY BROOKES. Mr. Harry Brookes, of Glentainer, Dalveen, was in October elected to the vacancy on t'he Council caused by the resignation of Mr. T. F. Fauset. ILLESS OF THE STATE GOVERNOR. Whecn early in Sowr wee~k it hecace klowii that 1-s ExcelSir Ham iloii J. Goold-Adamns w-ho wa s on a isit to N..W., ha(l b~eti stiekeii ~ithi sevllre i 11(1isposit ioul, a iid n~L1 not be( ale~ to r:eturn to Queenslnd in timec to pr~it his attenance at t'he earlier functions of our Sho, genr~al egret was exp~esed, but when His Excellency accomniediic by L~ay Grool-Adainls, aHthloug lookig fr1 f~om wecll, isitedc thec IilICy congratulated upon his l1aRtial return to~ ood hIealth. IMPROVEMETS. [In provenletits t his yeau itil iide the erct ion of :30 new cattle~ yard ithl ece'ssay dr tlIinIIking a conmlloaHt iot. juistallaRtioui of extra watiiilg trough s inl dlfilret se~ctions, r~ctioni of 24 cattle sta'lls inl the da~iry! cattle sectio,i a tiew\ Hor'tielltull Pavilion, l6Oft. long~ by~ 3Oft. ~il, eight new- cattle stalls adjoiing t'he Fruit. Pa~ilion, ~enloal f~om Ptt's Paddock and re-ercion on Miacineryv Hill of Fr~uit Pailioi, and rection. of a nlew bidge adjoin jug thle Acc'ijintisation SOCity Gr'oundS. FLOOD DAMAE. Th~le iea vyS ailfall of 'e iul~lal-rv was re~splsible tor~l con~siderble daage~ to the~cb)ounldary feCe's adljoiing ther crek nulich r~uns Ijetween~l te Ac~liua~tisatioii Society 's Grounlds andi thec 'Show (Iroancs. Whle pancls of feicinig, flood gates, and the two b~ridges adjoiing trhe Ho~ticultural Pavilioni and thle Acclimatiation IGounds respctively w1re swpt ceal a~a. 'Thec 2Oft. logs used for our Jumlpss we~e also floatedt away? f~omi their storing stationi uder thle Grand tand ar~chay, and thlree of thlemi car~iedc righlt th~ough~ t le sewer1~1 t un i(l to l re'(a k fst ('re~k. 'Tie rinfall at that pe~iod was a! ~iorlna I, auid. unifor tulately, met a fll tid~. wi jel I acke i t he waMters lii it i ai dleth up1 to, as much1'1 as .~ t. of wa.iterl wa'is Spread~( o)ver thet w h)ole of the low' jilv tIg orttiOLS oft t'lie ( r'owI(s. [eoi i lemnis in entfioned(, 110 furlther SeilOuiS (in d ageff rlted~ fr'oni this shorti~ hut sharp flood. OPENING EREMIONY. Exehiemrlcyv the (bIeiilo r (;e i( ia, Sir W~iald Muir1 - l.rgi.a~omi onI Wed., 16thi AugF., ait noon)1, thet creunoll(lly, as usual, being eonl(liletedl enI a dias inl fron)t of tie (Arla uid Stadt. The1( dist inguislied isitoirs wer Ine't b v Si u A l li r M' Rorgi, I )epluty (1ovr' I1 OP1a 11( 1'irsiderit of thle NaMtion~l Associat ion. al by LaY CI(ly oRg'n, whoI( w11cre a'ttiln'dtd by3C(atin ('osens. A.D.C. A very large attendance of visitors was present, and weather conditions were ideal. TherVice-regal pRlty con1sisted of Their Excellencies the Govenor General and Lady Mlunro Fergus'on~ attended by Capt. Heskth-Smit~h, A.D.C., escorted by a body of monted police unler the (lirection of Inspector Carroll. 'The guard of honour colsiste(1 of a nlumnber of men froml the Corpoals' cool, under C'aptain Cruickshank and Lieutenants G-ibbs and er~y. Ohers present included the members of the~ Council of the atioal Association andC lady rlatives, lion. ~J. M. Hunter and Mrs. Hunter, Hon. W. Hami]tonl and Mrs. Hailton, Hon. J. A. Fi'hlly and rs. Fihielly, Hon. J. Page, M.P., and many leading citizens. 'The Presidlent, Sir Arthur Mogan, havinlg eprssed the pleasure w'hich it gave hini on behalf 'f the Association to elcome their Excelencies, called upon the Secretary to readl thle folloing addrss:May it please Your Excellecy,-On behanlf of the Inmembes of the Nt onal Agfiriultul ralui Ind~ustrial Association of Qlcinsla nd, w\e w ish to etend to Your Exellelcy iid to Landy Mn~lro-F ergfiuson a helrty wclcoe to Queen l~an.~ anti to exsr s deep ;l,'''in pre tion of the iioinlur whic~h you have coitf*rrl liv opning this, oati 41st A ann I Exiilii in. \c e desire to also wc~lole Hiis E~cl leiicv Mi i Ham liltutil .r. (moI~ld aIts and Landy (itodd-Awlatit WVe re g'r'tiiecl to be ale to submit for Youur Exeeclletiv 's i uspe' t'ionl, a collect ioli of ug:riculturl r, plastoral nd in dustin cxliihits witii h ber eloqueti t test inotty to t le alarvl bus recit perat i V e ([uli tics if inrspec't, have )lttriioducd inl theC fict of the sevIrt drtlit I~l(ion~lS utut recordtic for many~1CerlS, nd the' inlst rial sect ion utf tint cotlitiniy hias had to combiat, ini udtitit~l to uiroiht ccnitituts.. thle serions dislut apet wr ot itlstanldingll this, w~e tire jr(ui stiv that this yea~r'S S10\ \\'il Strlta~S inl tjuallit to, be in a1 posit itti to of1 exScellence(' 'fLJ dcssors. We~ oid cal \'onr spcial artttioni to thle ' ' (r ld e~lliiiits sta geti by the Mou~lth ('oust Dist lt J)isplay Assoiai~i~ ottut Qtieeti15la itti and y tite Wsterit )istit 5 (f New\\ Mouth W ';is, thec foit i 'H '' (i rude I'buliab; .1. A. N'i st rtittt tf Kingutii, nubl( W\. Ale itt11 c (')1Itt swor )ltb, rretpl'tei ely. a1 The five fruit tI slils of t lie (iv oie,iC BU1Pitll e i oli l ii, Mttitt \ill, (iluss Housec Mlottiitts, I'iitwl\Oo(i, attib1 Laitsiooui d11~(1.1~1 (it id S cait (ily he dscribed~ as a1 miitni licltt ilistrtt onl if I he wcitht of the respetive districtsR ts IttillcIrt5 f the Iitost Ius ious of Q~ueen l nl frulitsl. TheagArieultural eaptihtiities (if otir $tate ate amlply tletuotratetl itt the suprb court of the (lov ern moent Expenrini ntl Va nios sUPpleltiettt ed bry the tropical ehibits frontl the Gircssytiutii Prk Etts, orth Qucis band, and by the vegetulle dlislay whieh is eltliti'd by sttlers fruttal the' Prikly Pear lands (if W'allibil ia. lit the' Fishries Cort we.( utt dlemonstrtng the v~rietiesn tif fish nttdi fi~i foodsl ithl which titit Mturte is so lvihly endoed by lt(turt. of Thc Bccf (attic of Quenisndl are world r'e'o ned, and to-day we have pleasure in submllittinlg for Y~Our ExcellenIcys inpection, umerous compeitors repreentilg the btest studs in our mlidst. The airy cattle exhibits are mlore uleous tharn ever befor, and you wiMl note that ehibits include both direct represet~ations and local br~d decenda~nts of some of the best known herds inl the world. We mlut brify refer to the high qulity of or Sheep., Swfin, Dog, aind Poultry exhibits. In the latter section. wIe have o fewer thanl 1,2:0 etrisy, constituting a rIecord for Queenlshld. The savmples of Butter. ( he~s , and Bacon elibited unl tle Bultter Court xwill fittinly demnsolxtae the superb qulity of these prodlutsa qlity for hich Querelnd busR nio\\ ecoie jutly rioted inl the world 's makts. an inspection of our exihitionl wuld be~ inlcoplete if it did not incl~ude viis to the r1'ourits andt Iltelligece Departmecnt Cort, the Aboiginal ('onrt, ndi the inn in d iillSt lial I isplays which we have onl view?. In the forriier cout will be foud, in~ addition to other interesting fe~atrs, many rSllples xa ii of oii r ra nePst GemIIs, Rich Or-esx, nd Vluable Time~s. Xcleg to assure ~~u scl rlv ftie laty arid devotion of Q nenllsla liers tii the t lilcrone a 11(1 r~~lsra! of His M ijes~.tv K\ing: ( corge V. His EcllenlCy replied as follows:-I~hav'e the honou1r to ac(kOWIdge~ the Cx reSSiOmi of lovUitv to thle Thi ru~ne a ii d PrsOn of His MaljesRt Killrig Georg. a i(1 0 eha1lf of HerI ExccPllenlC?- anl nl'islf. I log' to exj~reSS ourII sincereI.( than lks~ for1 the Aild ness with -h ich voni Iia e beecn goicol ciiough to co inc us to thi is greilt Sitte of thecoiiii on w ca1I\Clti. , tiCenit collectionl of ngr~icilt:l and1 pasltorl liriitliCts exhliited here Tt i~in dee I a1 sujct fur c on grtu t i on t lit :i fter so severe a drougt, and xr~lii I pa si ru tlirough a1 l~crio(1 if t irilce diorgni sat ionl this Sho\shouldl smuals aill pr~c-ious reccords huutlu nts regatrds the numbr and the exellence of its exhibits. This is striking~ testiuloi both to the fertility ad richneCss of thle soil of QrIslC ~:i miii nd to thle entrprie and enrgy~ of 'its l~atorlists andi fnrmi~rs. I thank you for draing rayT atte~ntionl to thec cptionn~l nicritsi of the vrious itit displays, wa~d of thle fruit anid dir cattle setions. I shall examine with interest the tropicl produce fromr the Grovemmeat experimental farms. and the sanples of your tine tinubrs, whose cormuneretial vatlue is certeuin to applreit. I tnrt that, at the conclusion of thle war, I nia be ale to payv a loner visit to this iniotarit part of the &orlulrurowelh, ann11 hmaPe an opportunity of becoing bttr acquinted with its agiclituRal arid industrial enterprises. I trust good seaso~s muay i sit Queensland, and I wish all proslity to the great iinulustries you represent.'' Lepd by ir A rtliur Mocrgan,. thcse present gav e ringing cheers for their Excllenciu. THE Ofl'WOIAL LUNCHUN. Imediately aftri the 'Opeing Ceremony a represen~ta400 were entertained at luncheon in Vrhe main Exhiitionl Hal. Supportig Vheir Excellencies er~e Sir Arthur M~organI andi dy Morgai, Mr . John Macdloald (Cairmlanl of thle Associati~) and Mrs. Macdionld, M1. C. R. ~i'k orth (V'iee-Presidtarit) anld Mrw. Pickworth, ti\ -e conpanly nlumlheriflg ovr Mr. A. '1'. Noys (Vice!-Pe~side~nt) ad Mls. N~oys, M'. John A. Hayes (IHon. 'Teasui'er) and1( iss H-aysR, M1. and1( MIs. W. . Afflek. .r and Mlrs. Erest Baynes, M~r. and Mlrs. Harry Brackrl,Mr. and Mi's. E. Tr. Bell, Mr. and Mlrs. A. W. Cameron, MrT. anld Mrs. W. M. Chales, M'. anul Mrs. T. F. Fuset, Mr. and Ms 6. P. Frank1. M. and Mlrs. Johnl Hi~oi, M~r. and M\is. Jo'hii Rid, M1. anrd M~rs. P. J. Synes. Mu' A. S. ( 'owly and( Mr. R. (Jailey (rlustes~f), the! Ciief Justice (Sir Pope A. C:ooper), the Ati gi'e i~ei r ( mu. E:. . Theodoe) aid MIs. Thoor, the Actinga Chiei ecr~tary (lo. J M. Hunte ) and Mlrs. Hunte',, The1( h~ome Sci'e tiy (lo. .. hluxhani) aMi' 1s. Huxhatni, T~e Assistalt Mlinister~ for .Justifce (Hon. J. A. Flillv' and Mi's.a Fi'he~ly, the niinistr for Mlins (HoZn. W~. Hailtoni) and Msf. 1-a ilto, the ,Minister for Agiiculture (lon. W'. Leniton01) W. H~therington), lion. .Jaiies Tolunie (Le~der of the Opyposition') ait Mliss Iiiji, (Je'Ijenhi; (:. 1. Lee'( and Ms. Lee(, toge~ tiei W itli ot)c1 her rei'cs~iita tive \c o t I ie' Defecec )epa ~tinnit, M1.'., J. Iaiii (Sce~tary' anld .\l is. Barnil, i'preCseultt ive s tit the leatliug aiks andcl iitei'eantile houses~ tiogtherl writh I)1'oi iintn t'i bito'~s andl( reisnaiv Uf Ai'iCUl tuI) Ra SOitieS througolt the ('oiii noiiwcaltlh Sir Arthua M*.ugru. asr nrsi dent of theu asscit in. w :is iill( Sir A~thur a s prolKo'd'c "His Exeecllncv thel Uovenolcor.-Ueiier(1. i I, and i n the na mer of the lIcoPle of Qucasla ad estended a hen rtv wehojue,1, to Sirk Roima Id and Ladyl Hele~n. Tedeaa o fw ryei t Exclleny fultlliig his: proiiise tol openl thle sihow tw\o yr~rls a g, a ii iaiCC then1 hie had had a nIuiet anious tim. Ausralia wans fortunate~ to have hadl at this perio aI tioveploi-(( ieiieanl of suchl ehllt'at'ter a d lmi lit v. S3ir Art hi r a~lso addedt~ta t~ibute to Ludyl Helenl for the ~ai~tt she hul I1'ayed in ha~rnoly with the wommienc~l of Astralia. w\ho w\(1( ore l doingR suel . He truted they would feel that the show had henc'i woth ining~ tol : . In1 such a vastL Sftat, w'ith its e itidl tin onel( cor)ii or~l,it wasI Imu)t oa:sS' forl ay as~ciation to justify its i'lhi imi to thel name1Iaitiona i. hut thel NaIt ioon 1l ASssciati(Nn ha~d eNtiliheil its ~iht. As ati exhli~it inl, it \\wsr an ejitoiime of the products anld mlam ufi tetm 'Los of the \.Ii ole Stto' its Immlh rslS~il asn represeim't~tt.at ive f the \\ ho)l St ate a mi d I he aIt tenld~llm iwo t tJ( ll ow' wast~ re~rosenltat ate eve~n o~f the reotstt euormerss of ther Stte. His Eclle'y the (iov~rmmv'-&iene ridu, inrrieilvl, ox esed!iiccig et aIt the abncecc, t Iiough ill ne, of hisi Ecl lomu'l' tlie G:ov ~rm. Si i 1I mi i t on by his wide exjsrieicec, i nlud~i ug ole ye~i ms in o Iiol A friei , wa ;s a taking of this chanaCter. Aimdui hg to time' i\ r situatfio, he' LSid it could1~ hrot he sidl tat all da uer and uijcetitv hlad passL~~ away?. It wouldI1~ take a gmeaut andi united effort of tie wh.)ole~ Epire, in cojulctio nl witli t~h'n A Iie, to secure the finn I ilefa~t of ( IerlImnnn. ''wlr o iit ad the ('oinnmowoa lth (I crvinmlic t Ii ad iicq11 i lrd, dii iiiim. t he ('lidii't o~f the war, a large ieasu re of pulblic cotidonlc o iii their orgap:nitionl ot the rm'our'e of Autrliai for \\ rl. TIo dii wh at mlore~ plt iotic tt itud'o p~ulic mlan thn that takein by thec Prile couldl be taken y any~ rat hil been Australia, nd Queenslnd in prticlr (Chers.~ Minitr and~ ther how (rol~oit, stlrugigli n g ot oly :Iaa st wa:~ i',bt aIo agiaist ust to-day. n(1 repoirts from1I1ma IIV hijSt i't' SuggeSte(1 thnt thir mlotto he 1' ReSrga o. ' i-I truslted I ht theCse i Nlieati(nl'S 1Itteant tht aIftr fiVe Iliiiht be) inl forl the( SVen1 fat ~'ars they? )lt rial throughii ogh V'a. rs' the bloomi uponi thec stock 'Oilli )esp~ite the drouht, day. of ncinlt uelid not be t'xl~ ilev~lolred inl niny ilirecctiois. i' side the' a ntii a~cr~nd h to, a\ o rid ott hi hog xeinewt II,\ took inl hocrticultue- a brn.:1ch Theylow se. It wa s iltdustrv anI in- of andi the ic ~'(ii' Iltetj(', iii I li it'et'lltilit of hIouset. hoticltre. iorestrv?, wa:s thet (S attraclltive( feture too'I of flit' Itto)t ,\\. :t Sct tishi 4ow Inl the1 grac oh:11 hOttiss5', atid( aIctul hou~se1S l'orstry Sioie tv~ s cottujietitiotil for lan thec hired~itug h' i Iiilk, inlsteadL~ of the beant. hellitalth:111 of /Itris~, ho('~:il it cottl1il tio(t the salid they' had1 ei 'it the torll soltion of the jititlileiti ocf the~ tet for1 tubCrculoSs vect r'i'i lureI( wa :1 gra cottto'anttia loui he( k tow iii the ol coiiti ry111! ')Iheh ttesh 5\'Steo ol t~e(tilig. w\ithl Illo\.isiotiS titi' t'oIIIIJieiiS: Lttii Ii' id noct know' e~ e,atthe a t'estil o oet':t in stge o f i. itg i'ecot',ihs1,thel tsts, altl Iletrritig1* '~rv it addedtl iiiiiioiuelvS1\ tothe fl Ittiactioti itt $I(\.Meatne al sho th lini'ai'let'istic tif thle etlte~lri'ise if Ausa~rlia .At eture~ of1 hIuiie shiciws dii\.lll; ~ liv' SOcietfies, and 1w' (;o'was11theiiiiiiStruti II a ti)rk, done1w(itii ptitl iou was theC l paclkiii. \\.'hi Ic t1 l((i itttigeoii tlegsiiltiis Ag'iihtal Nittish sltii. t te vit theOl ho 's, andl h t'ariiie'is iti' llg' ext(itilig itII(t i'\'t'it iii the iiilttiiotfrce itlit litsii and ihition uiti d to the tesnts for diseass, it hadlc dlone 1110 ic t han aiiy othecr thing~ to ltbns lohde Te tice the getiral inltere'sts of i'~i'lutll'. til Il(re thul ii. e:e * ft ei thle wa:r to help, iii the aninl there w\old be needed ii e a i ttiCillg Itrgat ilustlti. of agr~licltral restora.tionl dlloug ot' mlost use~ whenr pl'cedt ( ariuj llt~ural college~s were These('ere iii ore ' Iitahihe~ thatil thel (liii ill ii l tes. onl his fthecr's f'iiuil tir (:O\'Ci'itiieit farmlS. A b)oy w\as hietter trinedt thanll even'1 til a iritd Cl\(ovrlllttn tInged fat-.l \\11t wel bi!:trl out til the farm fa ml, because the true test of suei'ss, wais a hI ii cii t lie i-t id I? e c s on s bcause b the o ;~ist'l i wa rgn~y ? A uuothiel' soil tee of ligh~t ; rtl out o~f th ' l~ledge thy got stl e way fitiw it tid kit ow exe ha tige of iews\ 'Ihe mallin t''el(rn of theP fttulre IIist beC ter bter utilistioii of dolrk. the In it, ailid the grctt'r cin fort tif those liv i igi iiun)(I ie l'i tId. lit this lnc saidl he~ w'oiild like to give8 a t'up) fOi toutilpetit'otnlcction his Excelll Thu(' i it \\was a coat et it ion hut wen t ion inl either (tilt tf thice' direct ion. .n ive socitisf, to ascetainl whichl wals die musot succesful ('-olict thec oy.iiioil thnt ide of ('x iCinien~tll ii lle'iin tiveP wast1 L t'uiui pt it ioitl fOr ~IIISIor' ac(tl'iI htiihlings~, a mid Outbuli ldiing a ad fiture~s soit li' fur soldi' ' stt leinen Is~ .in1 thel ilnl. or fo' Ordi tiaryY ngr~'llu~'h 1 tollegesCh to ute'lt the requli i e at of settlemenlt ble ami i iiietmse a 1114)11 Iii t Thre ' ltl. ~iinls ot cope~rt itfter ther wr. He w\old lvea ei I li 'oi~'e of cinoid l~ciion w'ith ti e cotimi- ducllts, a iii the' I liird~ cil. In conclusion, his Excellency said their first thought to-day must be the winniing of the war, and their last man and last shilling had been pledged to that end. The second care was that in the years of peace after the war, they should build up an even greater Australia, which would be a greater asset to the Empire, and which would add to the high security twhich the E:npire afforded, a security built upon a solid foundation of free institutions, healthy famnily life, and sound public policy-a h;gh security for the peace, welfare, and happiness of mankind. (Applause. The Chairman aead a message from Sir Hamnilton Goold-Adatas, who stated that he joined most heartily iin the welcome to Sir R. ('. anid Lady Munro-Ferguson, and wished the Association every success with its carnival. Sir Arthur explained that Sir Hiamilton Goold-Adams had gone to Sydney to visit the .State Governor there, and had hben forbidden by his medical adviser, because of illness, to travel back in time ir to oe present that day. He would, however, return that night. Hamilton took a very keen interest in the affairs of the association, which was'doing a great deal, not only to settle people n the la-ild. but also to make them prosperous. (Applause.) The health of the State Governor, proposed by Sir ArthuIr M org'an. was enthusiastically drunk. Mjr. A. T. Noyes briefly proposed "Tlhe Ministry of Q(ueensland." Mr. Theodore, responding, referred t o what lie considered the (;Gvernmennt's dluty to be in the present international crisis. The par'.m'oiiiiiit necssity at the piresent time was the concentration of all the tores within the Empire upon the winning of the war. There was no excuse Unless they put for keeping back any part of their whole strength. forth the whole of their might in the carrying through of the war to a successful issue all their efforts during the last two years would be rendered nugatory. It was the duty of the Government, therefore, to see that the whole tof thelir resour'ces were used to win tlie war. After the war they would he faced with trade and industrial problems which such gatherings as that could deal with. Old time shibboleths must go, and with them the pernicious practice of buying in the che ap est market, and selhing in the dearest. The safety of the Empire must be the first consideration. GeriaiIny no IIonger must be allowed to cupture their natural ,resources and their trade. The dominance of Germany must be broken for ever not only on the battlefield, but in the world's markets. ((Applause). Other problems, however, must not be ineglected by the Government. Parliament would meet shortly, and probably would sit till the end of the year. He believed that the p)rogramme for the coming session would satisfy all sections of the conumunity. (Applause.) Mr. Theodore then proposed the National Association, and said it: influence was conferring a permanent benefit on the State. (Applause). Mr. ,John Macdonald (Chairmnimi ) replied. He said the council was more tha'r pleased to be able to present such a fine exhibition of the products of Queensland. In his opiuiiinii tne show on the whole was superior to anything seen before. What with the drought and the military use which had been made of the show grounds, the council had their doubts ,at one time about seeing a show at all, but the military authorities readily met them. He thought the district exhibits were finely staged, and he was glad that Mr. and Mrs. Trevitt, who had roome up with a New 8outh Wales display, had carried off the blue ribbon. He also comgratulated Crows Nest on winning the B grade. The association specially appreciated the assistance of the G(h \einent in providing departmental exhibits. He believed that this friendly attitude was typical of the feeling of all Queensland towards the associntion. HE TR'STED THE FRIENDLINESS WOULD EASE THE COUNCIL'S TASK IN PERSUADING THE GOVERNMENT TO FACILITATE THE EXT ENDING OF THE GROUNDS AND THE CLOSING OF THE ROAD THAT SEPARATED THE TWO PARTS OF THE SHOW GROUND. The company then adjourned to the show grounas. REVIEW OF EXHIBITS. Live Stock Exhibits. In the Council Stewards' Reports which appear elsewhere, ,detailed reference is made to live stock exhibits, and as a supplement, we have very much pleasure in laying emphasis upon tlhe large increase of live stock exhibits which this year faced the judges. Although in the Cattle Section the entries were only 54 more than on the previous year, that increase, owing to many of he ,classes (su'ch as herd bulls) consisting of three or more animals, brought tihe actual increase of stock up to over 300. Apart from the increased number of exhibits present, the sales effected endorse the 'opinion of the experts in attenlance, that the quality of the animals shown was of the very highest standard, and the stock salesmen were emphatic in their expressions of opinion that the 1916 Show wlas a record in number ,and quality of stock offered for sale, and in number of ,buyers present. HIorses show ldecreas(ed entries as compared with last year; but this is explained in Mr. E. Baynes' S'how Report. The general opinion expressed was that the quality of the animals s'hown had an upward tendency. Veterinary examinations and stud bhook reqluirements although affecting tlle number of ex- hibits, is undoubtedly having a beneficial effect quality of the exhibits now coming forward. upon tihe Sheep (British Breeds.) ('lasses for exhibit in the Stud Sheep Section were confined to Lincolns, English Leicesters, Border Leicesters, Romney Marsles, and Dorset Horns, the total number of entiies 1)eingi 114 as compared with 110 in 1915. The Sheep Judge (Mr. W. G. Brown, Government Sheep and Wool Expert), adopted the "Point" system in arriving at 'his adjudications, and apparently with results which were highly satisfactory to exhibitors. In his report, Mr. Browne mentions that although drought 'conditions had been sever,. the majority of the exhibits were of high quality and good enough to hold their own at ,any Show in Australia, this applying particularly to the Border Leicester and Lincoln exhibits. Swine. This section is fully referred to in tihe Council Steward's report appearing on another page. i-L Poultry.. Exhibits totalled 1,221 as compared with 918 on the previous year, arid the quality of the exhibits in this class wert. so good that more sales were effected than on any previous occasion. Dogs. As usual were well represented, the competitors including most of the Ohampions in this and Southern States. Judging occupied the whole of one day, and many of the ,classes were so even in merit that the judge had considerable difficulty in separating them. District Exhibits. Considerable interest always attaches to the District Exhibit competitions. This year we Ihad two "A" Grades, one from the Western Districts of New South Wales scoring 874 points, the other staged by the South Coast of Queensland District Display Association, whose total points num'bered 852. By the very narrow margin of 22 points in a possible of 1,390, the N.S.W. competitor thus won first 'honours. Tihe small margin of points by which N.S.W. won from Queensland will, no doubt, have a stimulating effect upon the losing district wheji next they ,meet. In the "B" Grade, four districts competed. Crowns Nest winning with the splendid score of 8O8 points, followed by Fassifernl with 761 points, then Kingaroy with 733, and Gynmpie with 732. Last year Gympie took .pride of place with Crows Nest last, this year there was a complete reversal of honours. 'One Farm Competition. The competitors for this year were. Mr. O. C. Williams of Plainby, Crows Nest, who scored first honours with an aggregate of 370 points; Mr. Win. Allen of Ohatsworth, 'Gymlpie. being second with 342; and Mr. J. A. Nystrom of Booie, Kingaroy. third with 328. These exhibits arounsed considerable interest, and throughout the week were surrounded by interested spectators wh'o were loud in their praise of the value of the competition as demonstrating the capabilities of one lman and ihis family, and also the capabilities of his farm. The competition was, perhaps, doubly interesting by reason that three far separated portions of Queensland were represented. District Fruit Exhibition. A departure was made from methods adopted at past shows in connection wit~ the Fruit exhibition, when for several years the whole of the fruit display had been collected in the distriets embraced within the North Coast 'Fruit area. It was felt by quite a number of those contributing to past displays that their r - C..ri -i -I- respective districts did not receive credit to the extent that their contributions warranted. Recognising the justness of tlhis contention, it was decided this year to divide Queensland into fourteen districts. each of which was invited to compete for ithe £100 prize money. Five of the fourteen competed, first honours going to M'ontvil'le with 111 points, Landsborough and Glass House Mountains, ,and Buderim Mountains district each scored 90 points, Palm woods 81, and Gympie and district 75. In. addition to the prize ,money of £100 itlhe National Association's certificates were awarded as follows for the best ex'hibits mentioned:-Pineapples: Landsborough and Glass House Mountain: Bananas: Bulderin Mountains; (Citrus fruit: Montville; Fruit packed for Market: Montville. Horticultural Display. The Horticultural exhibits this year surpassed all previous displays held in connection with our Show. lThe new Horticultural Pavilion, which measures about 160ft. long by 30 ft. wide, and built like a huge bush-'house, was used for the first time and packed from end to end with one of it:he most marvellous floral collections ever submitted. iThe .Sweet Pea display was absolutely astounding and experts from the 'Soutthern States stated most emphatically that they doubted if in ithe whole of Austratia bl'ooms of similar size and wealth of colouring could b, grown. In the District Horticultural Competition the Stepllhens District won first honours for the second year in succession. Wallumbilla Vegetables. A display of 3: tons of vegetables grown in the Wallumbill-i Disitrict on land w'hich, until recently, was infested by irickly pear, was an object lesson, not only on the subje ,t of the worth of these lands. but more so as a demonstration of the 'big hearts of tlliose settlers who undertook to reclaim fromi t'he pear scourge the farm lands which are now giving such Iprofitable returns. No better vegetables were ever seen in Australasia th th tliose comprising ,this exhibit, size and quli'ality leaving nothing to be desired. Cottage Garden Competition. An innovation in Show compeititions was introduced last year in tlhe form of a competition for ('Cottage Gardens, open only to amateurs, and met with such excellenit support that it was decided to ,continue the coompetition this year. Sixteen gardens .competed, the first prize going to Mr. J. Smitlh 'of Red Hill, who scored 52 points out of a total of 65; Mrs. E. Zimnitat of Zillmere, being second, wivtJh a score of 50; and Mr. C. Short of Toowong, third, with 47 points. In the report submitted by tlhe Judge, Mr. JT. F. Bailey, Government Botanist, he writes: "The garden which agained the greatest number of points was a striking example of patience and industry. Here ithe owner had great difficulties to face in forming a garden, owing to the steep ,grade of his ,land, which, however, was not 'the only drawback; the soil available being mostly of a gravelly nature. It is hardly the place one would expect to find good root ,crops; but it would be hard to improve on the quality of the carrots, Swede turnips, and potatoes grown by Mr. Smith, and it is to be hoped that some of he produce of the garden will find its way to the Show tables this week. The garden placed second, is worked under difficulties of a different nature to the lastmentioned, in the fact that no water is laid on, and the owner spends a couple of hours each day 'when necessary, in watering with the aid of a can. The show of flowers was very creditable, and the vegetables were ,good, the cauliflowers calling for special mention. 'The third garden in order of merit, .had a good variety of flowers, including a fine display of Sweet Peas of splendid quality. Some of the vegetables were particularly fine, notably leeks, cabbage, and rhubarb." These competitions were instituted with the object of encouraging holders of small areas of land to convert portions into kitchen gardens, and, perhaps. thus enable them contribute a portion of the amount saved to one or other of the Patriotic Funds, this aspect being quite apart fronm the beautification of premises, which would result from the healthy rivalry introduced. Tropical Display. Mr. J'oseph Campbell of Gossypium Park Estates, and Kamnma. Cairns, staged a m'ost interesting display of the tropical products of North Queensland. Samnples of many of the very fine fibres, together with examples of cottJ'is grown o,. the Estate constituted the principal portion of the exhiiit. Possibly the most valuable items included were examples of paper pulp made from fibres, grasses and cotton, which grow profusely on a large proportion of our Northern coast lands. We understand that Mr. Campbell has, sinc our Show, so demonstrated to, and so thoroughly .convinced, the Paper Manufacturers in Victoria and New South Wales, that large orders have been received for the pulp, wlhich he purposes 'manufa'turing at Kamma. Butter and Cheese Competitions. The entries in the Butter and Cheese Sections at this year's Show were most satisfactory, being in advance of all previous records. This was remarkable, as well as encouraging, when the existing dry time through wlhich the dairying industry lhas been passing, was taken into consideration. 'The total Butter entries numbered 121, and Cheese 146, the latter being more tfhan double those of last year. Bacon and Hams. The cormetition was keen in this section. Ftor the best six. sides of 'Bac , f~actory cured, first laward w-et to the J. C. Hutwith 96 poits out of a possible 10; tonl Ppty. ofBrisbane, Qlueensland Co-operative Bacon Coy., urrarie, wining second Ihonours wvith a total of 93 poits. In1 thle class for six Hams, fctory ~of the J. C. Hutton Ppty. aine first, the the Brislne samel Conrpny 's Melbourne factory second, and their C'anterbury factory, NS.W... third. The exhibits wer~le of hiigh order, anld w-on the 'colmmendatioIi of the judgec. Farm and Dairy and piar. The FaLrm and~ D)airy andi Apiary~ exh~liits w\ere t~his yar Eties inl thec fo~rmler dliplayed inl ai roomy andc wellI lit C'ourt. setion binlg ahead of those received onl any Iwecvious year', and th:e quality descibed~ as supeb. T'hw fallilg off in miumber1 of enlt~ies inl the Apicultue conl it ios, whlichl had mit ter Se;. tionl was due to the driought nlominall ondcitiomms inl the~ bee w\o~l. Fine Arts, Women 's Industries and Schools. A dpiartu it \v\as miiade~ this year inl 11w~ Fine Ats Sctioni onl mthod s of previous ya~s. iniasiiuckl as thiat theic adlj udicationis were niade eforec the picture~s wem1e h~ug. Tis etlod. app~oved by ine ju~gs. and allowed~c inorc carefu~l w-as warmly thanl are possible undcer thIe 'old systel. All ho ughl c~op~arisonsl~ inl a niuiber of instnics, imr~ioved quc~lity w\as mot icable as compar~ed ith prvios exhibits, thlere( is still r'oomr for' advce~lcIn ent. In1 the Womni's Industr~ies Section, exhriits wrei ulII to the usual s~tadar, and 'wcre , praps, a little itire attractive thani oni previous years. b' reaon tlht mnnany? oh the' exh'iblits sh1own.1 colsisted of kniittedc ariticles iade~ for tie 'lcelltit ~)f our solieris I(;l ii h 0(Cc n l ~I at the front. Mlenierls o~f thclie oo Spun ingl a sace in the section devoted to thel Womn's I nlustr~ies, and 'providecd a display wicih, ow\ig to its uiqlueness, wasl mlos;t Quite a minim h)er of spinmnlinig \\he~ls were at work, attrctive. and the whole~ p1ocess of mnaikimig knlitting~ w\ool ironi1 thel( raw\\ aterial was demnoistrated. Theo Scholso~ Exiits. as usual, proi~c\i~ ld con~isideriable~ lative(, anld also inter~st for te juenile exhi~itor's a1(nIl Jo iled a~mll proof that the Q~ueemmisla id school gi~l and bo(y is ifted with a fmnl hare of m~t ra I ailit , aind that the school0 systemis adopted in Qdueesland~1 re~ w\okiig iii a ir etionb wibch brings out thle et that is iii eal oh t he' pu~ils. i The saple oF witig, se in$ rwn, amtmg z i lld 111) pinge exhib~ited, were of very hclighy order.lR 16 Government Experimental Farm Exhibit. The exhibit made by the Department of Agriculture and Stock presented a number of new and interesting features. T lhe design of the Court was very imposing, and, we understand, was the result lof some of the ideas collected at the Panama Exposition. Visitors were impressed, and congratulated the Department's designer upon the very Ihandsome result achieved. We cannot ,adequately do justice in this report to the innmmense value of this display from both agricultural and pastoral standpoints, but we oan assert tihat the whole arrangements fulfilled to the leter he ,objec of the Department, viz.-the scientific education of the miaal on the land. The work of the Department, as brought before the public in this magnificent exihibition, illustrated how vital an intimate knowledge of production was to both our old and new settlers. No section of our Show presented m'ore interesting features than were shown here, and throughout the wh.ole six days it was crowded with students and members of the general public. The incalculable value 'of the education which is thus convevyd to the man on the land, is recognised by the majority of our settlers who have no diffidence in expressing their appreciation of its good work. Fisheries Court. A remarkably fine display of food fisthes formed the leading feature of the exhibition made by the Licensed Fishermen in the ('ourt devoted to that branch .of our industries. Schnaipper, mullet, king, giant mackerel, cod, taylor, bream, flatihead, and every known edible fish was entered for competition. The noncompetitive portion of the exhibit could not well be improvedl upon. 'The cetntre of the 'court was occupied by a large Dugong weighing 8cwt., accompanied *by a baby dugong, both frozen solid. Grouped around these were different coloured fish in blocks of ice. Dredge and bank oysters were also shown, and a display of preserved fish kindly len't by tihe Amateur Fisher,men's Association, added to the educational value of this highly interesting exhibition of our food fishes. Examples of tinned Queensland fish were also shown. The credit for the artistic arrangement of the wihole display, which was much admired, is due to Mr. J. H. Stevens, Inspector of Fisiheries, who. with his very capable staff, put in several weeks of exceedingly hard work to make the Court the attractive feature attained. Intelligence and Tourist Department. The Court allotted to the Queensland Intelligwnce anti Tour ist 'Bureau this year had, perhaps, more interest for the average visitlor than any other section of the Show. The magnificent collection of oil paintings and photographs illustrating Queensland scenery, which had been hung at the Paniama Exposition, I -were displayed in this Court, and, perhaps, none were more surprised than Queenslanders to learn that in their own State, scenery of the nature depicted by means of these pictures, 'was contained within easy reach. In -addition there was displayed Queenland timbers and minerals, and Mr. J. Stuart Nesbit had on view a collection of gems from Sapp'hiretown worth £4,000. TPhe Department's literature of value to seekers for l.and, and also tourists, was profusely (listributed to those who purposed making use of the intelligence t'hus supplied. Aboriginees Court. This court, as usual, attracted a constant flow of visitors. The design of tihe court and arrangement of exhibits, showed 11)o1 the efforts of previous years. considerlahle improveentt (hn section was dvote(1 to the work of the Missions, and the central stands to the work of the Government Aboriginal Sdhools. At the lack of the Court w~'as a realistic group of palms, under which a guywih was erected, t~he inmates being full-blooded natives from the Ha ranaha h Settl tlelmt. I)isplays of work from the several Presbyterian Missions, Mapoon, in- cluded crochet and Red ('ross work of a quality which surprised visitors, and was solely the work of the aboriginal women iul girls. From Weipa some heautifuil specimens of needlework were s'hown, together with leather work 'and native weapons. From Aurukan, Yarra'hah, and Mona Mona came collections of native nats, weapons. fire sticks, sand other contrivances used by the aboriginals. The exercise lbooks. copy ho4ks, garments. samplers, home-n made bread, scones, etc., compared favourably with similar work and cooking shown by the white sisters of those aboriginal women and girls. Altogether the work in this section was a revelation, and is a magnificent testimony to the good work leing colnlductedl hy our A'lyoriginal T)epartmnent. assisted hv the various M1issions interested. Visits to Shows. l)uring the year members of Council and officers visited 2!) shows, viz. :-Barealdine, Huidaherg, Heaudesert, Brookfield, Beenleigh, B'oonah, ('ahoolture, ('lifton, Glen Inines, Jpswvich, lKillarney, Kilcoy, Iowvood, lismore, .Melbourne, Maryborough, Mirwillumbah, iMarburg, Naibour, North Pine, Rosewood, Sydney, 'Tenterfield, Toogoolcawah, 'l'to oomba , Warwick, Woodford, Woibhye, and ill mere. Retiring Members of Council and Auditors. of the followYou are called upoii to elect officers iin placa ing, who retire:President:-Mir Arthur Morgan, Kt. (deceased). Vice-PreIsidcmnts :-Mvssrs. C. R. Pickwurth and A. T. Noyes Ooiuncil:-Mesars. W. J. Affleck, A. W. Cameron, W. M. Chales, J. Hiron, John Reid, and P. J. Symes. Auditor:-Mr. C. A. Powell. With the exception .of Mr. C. R. Pickworth as Vice- President, and Mr. C. A. Powell, Auditor, all the above gentlemen are eligible for re-election, Mr. Pickworth being eligible for eleetikn as a menmber of the Council. 'The following six members of the Council remain in office for a further twelve nIouths:-Messrs. E. Baynes, E. T. Bell, Harry Brookes, IP. Frankel. J. A. Hayes, and J. Macdonald. Mr. R. 'G. Groom remalins in office as Auditor for another twelve months. To fill the vacancy .caused by the resignation of Mr. '. F. Fauset, Mr. Harry Brookes was elected ion 26th October. You are called upon to confirm this election, the period heig for a further term of twelve months. Staff The Secretary and staff have aga in givell itire sat isfaetion to memers of tlh Council in the care which they have exercised oin blehalf of the interests of the Association. Yours faithfully, For and behalf of the Council, JOHN MACDONALD, SHOW DATES, 1917, 13th to 18th AUGUST. COMPARATIVE 1910, TATEMET OF ENYTRIES, BRISBAE The following table shows the comprion 1911, 1912, 1913, 191, 1915 a~nd 1916. *1909 9335 565 89 21 . Wine'* Farml and1~ I)a~irY Ap'icult re Ht ~ticult tare )it ict 4'ollet it lts ~iaie A~ts. 1910 ti91il 1912 1913 1914 11915 924~ 687 40 1124 6i70 100O 142 :37 49 :17 8 60( 100 7 ccla JHuiltliatg bea't heajecs. 41 413 10) 4 418 375 18 58 21 76i -- 4 768 900 110 3 92 4137 918 15 76 :17 80 290 8 3 3120 19 1916 715 954 114 - 71 405 1221 4127 35 352 6 3 280 22 141 417 16 44 18 21 20 93 2 1306 40 900 241 8 530 13 10 6i86 16l 16i -) --1 19 - (iall~uiaag amacotaslr II 38 16i 1~sa? s onr the 8how, Mlusicl of entries for the years 1909, 1048 1035 980 6253 832 1013 170 2377 225 17 2.5 25 25 29 659 109 11 35: 73 71 2731 294 259 77 288 332 679! 586c 86i8 843 9128 1040 " 1 22 173 XI 154 5 12'7 10(5 291 57 177 12 82 26 103 42 7 79 6 6 209 265 194 236 297 3120 4 4 5 6 10 7 I 3 2 5 374 266 ic 44 I io 80 360i 78 :37 32 30 51 16i Horsies C:attle Sheep Angra' G:oats Swine 1)ogS Pocult~y . .. Wool SHOW. a muI Lit Itt my Sheepl Docg '[ajils 59:3 -9' - - 5 10 - Year. 8 - . 7020 *.lubile~ 1229 ) 167 i26 1 ItS 16 460- At hltie Fi he mies . I'o 211 23 22 20 5534 Ei603Y 6436~ - i79 -3 - - - 32 30 73 6628zl5434 5827 1 Statement of RECEIPTS and RECEIPTS. .... Weight Guessing Commission on Sales Donations to Prize Fund .. .. Entry Fees .. Ground Rents .... Gate Receipt .. .. Privileges Sundry Receipts.. Members' Subscriptions Space Charge . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. :. .. . .. £ 97 152 691 952 450 5,341 803 467 1,935 1,152 s 2 12 13 17 10 16 0 8 13 7 d 0 10 0 11 0 11 0 6 ( 9 £ 12,045 Dr. Balance Bank of North Queenslhind at 31st .. .. Decemrner, 1916 s d. 2 5 1,954 5 2. £13,999 7 7 So5 /( ~'e 7J JOHN A. HAYES, Hon. Treasurer. J. BAIN, Seoretary. 21 1916. EXPENDITURE at 31t Decembe, EXPENDITURE. Advertising Audit Fees IIII( I( Exehaiie Bank ('hag el£1 and C~rtage andl ('ab, H ire £ J2 31 7 59I 2 42 631 16 0 £/ H 8 Comlmision Ctering arid Ent~rtin~ing Furniture Fire Briadle . Fodlder Freight .. . Fee ('itv ('io,w~i .. . . . £ (I. s. d. 10(I 6 8 9 I 3 19 10 4 4 6i3 I 6i 4 1 .115, Kitsron Lightig~. £57, 15, Gas. 516/3; General Expens.. Hire of Furnitulre Im~rovenints Inrance Interet onI )vrraft Fee. Jutlges' andi St~wr' .. onations to, Patriotic Funds ieiie ~ . s* . .. . Mluic rship Badg~cs Mebe Maeite~nnee Groundt ... . . Plant anld MlterPial . . . . . Prize Mloey P'olice Exe nses . Priting alnd Statione~ry .5 .. Rate~s Wtr .. . Sanita~y Expensefis .. .. Reit-BHrisbane O)ffice Rihbons. and ( 'aice . Reiairs tampsl~ .. Slarlier-~tff Salla ries-TempllIorary~ Office Stff . . . Suu~lrv Show Expses . . Trave~ lln Expenses') .14 . Timb~r So IWee and~ Clea~ring~ Upl--sl, Wags-Prpaingl 'l) :181 16i 331 139. 5 297i 7 117 0 IS~ 0) 42 12 124 18 89 10 160 19, 3817 I 66 0 301 II 3.. 131 341 161l 9 125 18 25 8 70) I 19 240-I 17 187 6i 7 16 0 1410 iiI 3J 6 II 0 0 6i (1 8 10 0() I 7 0 II 7 0 6 8 0 11,017 -- I)r. BLance Bak of North Queenslandlcl 1st *lanuarv. . .. .. .. .. .. 1916i Examined and found corret this 10th dy of Jaiiarv), 6 6 £13,999, 7 7 2,992 1917. C. A. POWELL, A.F.1.A. B. U. GROO, F.C.~.A. 22 COUNCIL STEWARDS' SHOW REPORTS. MR. ERNEST BAYNES' REPORT. In making my Awunal Report of the Horses at the recent Exhibition, it gtitves ne pleasure to say that they were wel up t'o the high standard usually seen in our Ring. Ow'ng to the severe drought maging ov'er the greater part of the State until a month or so before our entris closed, they were, perhaps, less than in some former years, but what we lost in numbers, we made up in quality. In the Ag'ed Blood Stalilion class there were 13 Stud Book horceba good lot, The first prize aiid champion going to Mr. M. F. Yore's 'Sunripe" (imp.), by Sundridge-Full Ripe. "Lily Veil" (imp.) by Mavtoagon-&Chifon nreceiving the reserve chaupon, and 'Borghese" Amongst the unplaed 'horses were some (dmp.), Highly C(omniended. that, properly meted, would certainly improve our general utility stock. Mr. I. J. Afoore's "Loch Raven," by "Simmer,'' from "Loch Lena" again won the Championship for Blood Mares. Owing to the absence thorough sickness of His Exce~ldency Sir Hamilton J. (oold-Adams, who was to have judged the Blood stock, Mr. C. E. McDougall acted, and the thanks lof the Associiation are due to him for coming to our assistance at the last imoment. I am pleased to say His Excellency was welJ enough to visit t'h'l. Grounds during t.he last two or three (lays of the Exhibition. The Draught Horses were fewer than last year, but in the class 4 years a'nd over, some v'erV fine horses wrre shown. That fine horse, "Royal Scotch," bred in New Zealand, won 'his fourth ('hallionshlli) in suiccession. He is certainly one of the tinest horses in Aiustralia, and v'e'ry hard to beat. He is a Ihandsome browi hors', a. good mover, with suiuerb carriage. The Sec ondl and 'l'hird horses, *King George," 'and "'B'itishHope,"'' and ''Radical"' were bred in New Zealand and Victoria, * King Geyrge"'' rciving the Reserve C(hanpionsIihip. The ('haipion ,Mare, Mo,"'' was alother New Zelander, and was exhibited by Mr. Stokes. ,She was foaled in 1910 111 is by 'Baron Bold.' I am sorry to say that sonic of the' Queensland bred Draughts were not. of a. vtry 'high class, and I amni afraid lIreeders are not paying as much attention to the Imares as they shuuld. We have the sires, but the avres aT ouIr wknes8. 'I'he ('haiO Trotting or Pacing Stallion was won by Mr. H. t. C'ihb 's "King ('ole,'' a very handsome hoiee, and a great pacer, hin reor(rd boling 2 inns. S 3/ths sees. The Reserve C(hanpion going to Smith Bros., ''Sparkling Bells." "Coy Bells,'' by 'Sparkling Bells,' was first in the three year old, beating last year's Ch.aimpion, "JIdlewood." ''Coy Bells was bred anii exhibdt'le by Mr. L. H. Ja'ksoln. The ("hampion Mare was Mr. H. . C'ribb's " Vivience Hope,'' by ' King l 'ole"''-"'Vanquish.''" S'h is only a young imare and very fast. Reserve ('hamnpion went to W. J. Young 's Bells.'" 'Queensland 'King ('ole" gave us a taste of his quality wuheui he attempted to lower our track mteuord of 2.17 established last year by ''Derby Chiuintes.'' He was well driven, and if a more suitable pacemaker had been procured he would have broken the *record as it was he managed to equal it-and with another stride het would have lifted our £100. There were only two Pors's shown in the eles for Coacers, but as neither were, in the opinion of the judge, bred on coaching lines, no award was made. ther First Prize going to Mr. obs.-Thet'C wre only three shwn, Robbinsi' ''Mieang,' a shapely~ Little horse. to two dlistinlt ty pes of vonies hiaF6 shOwn1 in the Ponies.-O~ing eta1lin c.sses, it w'a&s found1. Ix.Cee arY tio Cl~aSify tlheni before th' judgOne class wras m~ade of those best dapted for gettingf tivitir ingbegn. r'iding~ ponlies)-it was ponis, end another eias b~t suite~d for prodluig inl Que nlslanld we halve thle uly fair w~ay ~fjudgingl thenl. At pr~c~rent. me tds of the reooglised ptiy br~eds, and util we ha~ve, classifingf themi as we did seentss to mei th'e faiest wayl! of judgCingf thel. On the I. whoble, ti~eyv re a. gcood lt. The First an~d( anipio wcre onl byv I~le\ tI." G;. It. R~obbiuls' ' Nos~kie.' by\ the imprted Welshl p~ony?,'lle He~ is a iiirt attractive little~ ge~lttem~an. The~t Reserv e (Th tlionl oilg to aln Teewsa Mrl. F . 1-1. C'hales ' '~icero. ' ' 1ontl N.~~.W. off' inl the clacses for po~ny matres, very few goocd oes beiug shon,l thec h:lf sle o~f I1( enstrti pa fret all ,:lts titor'S Hunters, etc.-W'c hatld cool ot Autrldia, froml Backall. inl thec ('etritril wecst. .tr Aderlide, inl thec rsoiuth. ig mony.. rete ani attrcti-c e event, dlid nt [ughl .l1itop alw\aysr perfruit net. oNic goom records, hoit it wan~ ~rcc~tive oif tl'ss PlaBte'-ur Tuei lie ' t2s anyi newv -L f ~l Ii0W.5t ittiiite tl sevra ftet' this i ct. of (itt. I Iittn.esttl~lishel Ilst secar lv'' Handloa1I: t Tft. hult they\. ill f ild~. it ))11 \:s Te it(' third at lift. :(is. to tise o~nt pre'set record.' hecr' ' lid lLathlc'k. *ir s Whi ixkv Tcer aI~tltlc k. stnrteil, by M\'. .1. WI. I. i.i: of thle an:~ti. lolitire ' ig iiil tiii'fo aIfteri ciig I.a~dy geut lv e\ .1ust becfore~ the c't~lt ets fiell, .ll e~serr~isd, stttggereil N\I.R.(.V\.S.... \h( l toitidl the cluse (If dea';th tol Il' i this e'\ eit somei pre7'tty. ,jutlliIin tvllus soet. 1iid )rau~ght Stailiii otie (It ou1r Ilgst salesn we re very siicesstixfl, It is iuteresting~ to iiitt' aitl ia e.lr\' ~at if~ctry sl. waCs souul tit gii to .Jap i.1. P'otty s~tihlioi. 'Nosk~i, III thel Hack and Harness Horses themv~~ were.( soitie very finec horse.-~ tht thel &('hainipiotiHacki etted egr bitt in au seasewc it is to h e~uhiitedl, ril Bi wer~e fcwaled across the brd~r. aal Rewrve Ohanlpion Reser~lve Chm pio Ft.. with ' SporltsumIa~ a opularU hLOreL, wIns the w'intar(, in th4 claes for Lad's Hacks thlre. was real~ly~ ti very tine lot of orsesa, .ii fact. one of tie outstnl~ing felatures ttf thec atid s~pllinddly iddel, nlhow wlas thle niagitheemit riditig byv the~ ladrisc. Itt the' Hrness cl~a~uss te eoptitiomi was~ vely keenl. MrW.. ('oh1 fti' the( Bestf Mingle~ lIII r ( ltlliionl won~l tile 'h , Totkin~ of Wihect~toe a very filte truec gitd troter, hult '' Horse, with ' (7olniue'rcial nessn Iathr 1)11 th h~igi side for a bttggy. IHi thle o'vr l asses some \ 'rv nice (~I of titlicultv itt wltcre oult, andllgave( thle j~lidge a Reat de view\r hlorss ni~kiug is a-werl. drou~ terllcr optoeld the ~xiititut this, yenur-helz The (iovesrtir-( onl tit tuc rn ul itt a ntlotoi' c~ir, andll tit a palir' ofhorses like our $tte~ Grovrnotrl dlid Iat yeatr. Tite thanlks of the Assocaition are ilite to our exibitors for thle attrtctivo w'aSy in whlich thir hIOrses welre showt. 'rite illLto''peiter sid ~lt that iiolr (Ihatopii(* The track, in spite of the hard work, remained good to the end of the week, and refleeted ereid'it om our Ground Supeintend'ent, Mr. McMillen. A word of praise should also be extended to our Ring Steward, Mr. B. L. George, an 1 tihe general staff for their good work during the week. In conclusion, aftiejr carefully observing our horses and atudying what 'pas seen on our Grounds, one is struck with the many varied classek of horsees*een,--some very good, but quite la numiber of no particular type or class, clearly showing that many people are breeding with no very d'efinite ideas of 'type, sand whic, 'if llowed to go son, will flood this State wit'h 'a lot of nwondescripts. If 'a little of the thought and attention had to be given to horse-breeding that has been bestowed on the sheep, cattle, and othor live stock in this State, we would have the finest horses in the waoald, 'as we have all the natural advantages of coiuntry and elimiate to rear strong w\'ell-gr1ow n horse's of any breed. The promised '8talli'oai Tax Bill has not been introlduced, hut wh'cn pnsa' "d it will he a pirotection to the owners of good stallions against the owners of inferior horses kicking in breeding, type and conformnation, many 'of which are at present standing for public stervice. at a low foe. As it .is at present, owners of good horses get very little enceo ragemeinnt, and 10oprotletifon by the (iov'ernmineiit from thcse niongrelis. I know it is a difficult ratter to interfere wilth a man's private property, hot I do all tlhe necessary quatlifieations to' think that unless a .horse possess gether with soundness, type and conrfirait ion, he should n'ot be illowed servir'eh an11d shioull not be allowed to receive the to stand for public premiums or benefits fromn the Mtnlloh Tax. iMost of our biggest 1111(1be.t breeders lare in favour of the Bill, but naturally there is great (liversity of opinion as to its provisoilns anti conditions. It is with regret that I have to report that a very large proportion -of the wimers at our recent Exhibition we're bred abroad or in other States. In days gone by we could more thou hold our own. There is, in spite of Ilo0'or truction, a big demand for good horses suitable for miliVary purposes for India and other countries, to say nothing of the local demand for draughts and general utility horses for our own use. It is inter(ewting to noel in' this connection that America .upplied Great Britian anti France (luring the first atwenty-one rnumths of the war with t00,o00 horseq and 150,000 mules, at a cost of over £3,000,000. Speaking of mules, the breeding of them might be worth the (onsideraition of the astoralist of this Stute. Years age they were bred about Southern Queenslsnd, but for sonmc reason abandoned. The breeding of 'them is being revivied 'again in North Queensland. One breeder, Mar. J. 8. Love, imiported about three years ago sociie S'panisih Jacks, he is I unidetand breeding for the Jadian market, and his exaimiple might be worth following. As part of the schillne of our Natinal Defence, it is .to be hoped the Government will1 seriously consider the importa'ace of the horse breeding industry. The National Association is alwaIys pIrepared to assist in every possible manmIner, and to hba k up any sehenme to improve the stocek of this State. ERNEST BAYNES. (Signed) REPORT ON TROTTERS. III this sectiomi tihe Stud cleases were of excellent quality. 'J'no luhmampion Trotting Stal'lkm, King ('ole,'' and ObhamuIpionI Trotting MI'ir, "Vivian HoPe,'' were both lte inmportations from New Zealand by Ma. H. 8. Cribb of Ipswich. "King Cole '' (lne mtile Lace record in New Zealand of 2 anins. '3/5the secs. is the record for Australasia. This hors.. will be a great a((lquiSitin to Queensland. "King Cole'' only reached here in June l.st aftkr a long boat trip froium New Zealand. 'His prepiration for the Brisbane sLhw, which opened oa 14th August, wmie a very short one, still this great horse paced one mile on Friday, 18th August, in 2 min. 17 sees., thus equalling tfhe track record established by " Derby ')himles'" last year, which, all things considered, was a great perf'ormiiance. The National Association, by offering such liberal prizes, have for a number of years attracted one or more of the very best trotting stud book stallions from other States to attempt to lower the Exhibition track record. The record 'has bleen reduced lurino' the past few years from 2 min. 27 sees to 2 min. 17 'ses.-(-1) seconds in ten years. The attempts uave nall been good and intereting to the public. Most of the sies are now at stud duty in Queensland. thus th'e National Association have .cconLplished what it intended to do. viz.:-benefit this State in the breeding of light harness horses, and the truer to type, the mnore profit. Yble to the hreedcrs, and the better asset to the State. C. R. PICKWOliTH. (Sign'ed) MR. A. T. NOYES' REPORT STI'D BEEF CATTLE The Stud Beef (attle exhibits were mnin~'ifieot. Never in the history 'of the Associa'tioii have such nuumbers cuiupceted, an'd when it is realised tnait the best products of the best herds in Australia were on view aind that the quality .of th.e exhibits had never been surpassed, it will be admitted that. tJhlerre is no occasion to qualify my opening remarks. A ramblC UImongst the exhibits made it hard to Conceive tshat only a few ioiontih prior to the Show we were wrestling with severest drought and conditionn-cnditions that had caused heavy losses in sheep,'horses cattle. The number and qunlity of the animals shown was eloquent proof that Queensland can challenge coniparisonin stock raising with any part of Australia. In the Shorthorn section we had exhibits from the herds of most of the old, and quite a numiber of new exhibitors including such well-known breeders as Messre. C. E. McDougall, J. R. Lomax, Harry Brookes, John Colins & Sons, J. Burgess, T. B. Murray-Prior, J. Willianmsn, the Urangeline Coy, O. J. Booker, J. McGregor, J. H. Doyle, the Callandoon North gedine Coy., C. Jk Booker, J. McGregor, J. H. Doyle, the CalIhandoon North In the Herefords, as usual, Mrs. E. Lumley Hill, and Messrs. J. H. McConnel and (on, were the principal exhibitors, closely followed by Meieasrs. Tindal' and ,ons, J. Sparkes, S. J. Everdell, A. R. Atthow, and Chandler and Longwill. In the Iusser Oaittle ection, a bull and three heifers were shown by Mr. J. T. Turner, The Holmwood, Neurum, and critics spoke very highly of the posibilities of this' breed. The ex'hibit'oes of Aberdeen Angus cattle lincluded Measrs. Donald -Gunn of Bioolarnel, G. C. Oherk of Talgai, and J. A. *Melntosh of Mountside. Both in the Sussex and Aberdeen Angus classes the exhibits were of superb quality and had many atdmirers. FAT STOCK. The fat stock exhibits were in eviery sense satisfactory, no clearer proiof of this can be advanced than by reference to the result of the sailes, which were effected at advances on antieip~atmed prices. One beast, weighing 2,03tlbs., ehanged hands for £42, whilst a pen of three bullcks exhibited by the Callandoon Estate, was sold, .two at £33 5s., and one 'at £29 5s. Prices for other competing bulocks ranged froma £29 5s. down to £18 l*r head. The A.M.E. Company bought Messrs. Moore Bros. winning pen of freezer buiocks, and have forwarded the 'caeases to the Sniithfield Markets, London, where they will be exhibited before being cuit up. Appenmed are particulars of the weights of the carcases and bye-products. A. T. NOYES. (Signed) Catte tor Freezing. HOW THES WEIG:HTS WORKED OUT. M\oore ndl Co.. Bararbah, (#omri. won thle .sp(.cil trophy alt the Naitionast ('o., Ltd.. for thec pen" of thtee b'ullock'- mc~tL how pfesented by the A.I.. unitorml bin :--A ge not over 4 yeaur. suitable for freezing. the conditinls Thec f~lloing tale showsa how breed, atnd weight 660Ilb. to 8001. dressedt. the weights workecd out:- . Live w~iglt Dre~ssed weigh~, hot ehilltt I wihlt. )rcs-((1l Bloodl .. Paunc, full . LighIts . kirt, ticfk Peck. fll Tail 983c N:. I 17 36i - 1079) -- II - 14~ IT I 14 4 i . (4aulfat 'finuauliiIS. lillitg. floorI :1 8 18 :1i 1 58i - H 8 II .. . 6 12 Head 4(6 . . Tail leir Til buit Hide, reonI w~iht Tongt . * I -i :1( 2(17 -- 24 I '.1 lHll - II) .. d Peck, mnutrelc .. Peko~, fat .. Ruffle. fat Midle~ gut ftl Miscetllaneo'cus fat . Cings, clean Casrings. mannure I-ead, meat'H.auI~ e'Ye fat . Headl pict-s .. Chek eat . Head hocnes . Brains 16 I8 3 - -- II -48 II 4 8 3 ~icc' 8 I)- TI 8 '" 2( -- 14-18 -16i 18 II 23 - 18 - I 12? 48B 10 8 2 I - 14 II - 16i 8 1 7 8 10 8 24 -I- 38U Sin~ws Totarl weight of by- rodlcts Perentage, live to, deadl wight - 48 18 - ntv Paunchl fat 'I 14 78x . not sined h. Pa tic Feltt 07 . Liver Hrt Pizzle Feect, -- 16 . Uts Icl)! 4 31 18 5 54.1 6i4.90 414 523 IS 611.4 S8 1 8 496 12! 65.5 32'8 - -- 27 Particulars of P'riee~ reaised for live tock t E~xhibitionl Sales:Sh~rtorns Hreflrds . Ahrdi en Autz~s Shlee . .. 8821 7 0 161 19 0 400 12 01 4h MVR. W. . AFFELO'S REPORT. DAIRY' ECTION.. and I I ave? beenin' ii\ited to sbt uiit a1 replort ohr thc Dairy Sc~ction, Brder s didl iot respond fine it sot~nehat tiiflhitlt, aot bc~ause~ the'.tnd becst ndl inn ke a1 (Iisplay worthy ~ 0i (flt' in'.' i toih ol to rri hg along~ thir l'.' oarr Stionn.1 Sho'. , wic~h t lie'. did,. hut bcause the Pcr~ss as'.'r\' re b'ot'ed eve'ry u porl""tit the'ta ii of' our exe~lleu t shoilg. \:ltief of o~ur caittle eslibif ca;ll hiltf he( over'l-estinliated. ThoulSa 11415 (lirctl'.' ilttlreted in dairvin, and~ tliO:~saudS hop~ling sotie dayl to engage~( inl th. inl tchI .vith the sccessfl liieellrs, mlut assis~t t hemr. Ilo wk;'lcdge th~t nld. inl this u\;!a'. ' ave gined'( gathlering.f Thlis v('earthe (Iscrt ledl to oa,1r disncctiiiiig this itiplottit (la~rgely tliit to, tlit eiiei'gv! of ItIv A'.'shiire tiei~l. hreedelrs themlvel rs vei' ddre'sses onl thelc et' ehibitors prntl to, heat'~ the se'. era I judge s delicl 'Fhi reedetrls by\ tis la tic;r s caine ll()lit ii II eedslzt hey hadl that dulv juge. lo e~sle ssed theal' scl 5 hlighly ~leasetl iirc tly inl touchl with the j';udge s wh w\ith thit exee~lieneee of our ettit, alndI prFOtiised thalt thery wlold meel(t thenilr onl the folow\ing tin, andt if ncessalry, go care''flly overr th in' :La'ei led t hentlsl ye of the otl'er mnae~. litl i tu ou :rL('coiunio1d~ i~n, both iii re~ard to tt Iand tu feedl rootts, of betgin ~ilkitig ('outptitioln e.l i~r, and (f the b~it todurct iclti of otiuec svst t' ii o~f coull bec takreti jagin~g whereby tle protluctionl ability (If thec fetls wi~ll rceive cirfal tonsiern tionl before ill to ac1COnt. Thesone int trs ther issue lof thle 1917 ,rchdle. w\ill, I fel sautec, concur w~ithl iiut in MIy eo-stewlId, Mtr. W. 'hures,r l i js klen inlteresPt inl this very b~if repr~t. His knledgelk of stock the work has been of colnsideraFtlble vlue tol us. Iii uutiiLuslnriou, I would like to thsrnk the judges mairt the oorary stewarls for thit' '.'luale~ work nd lariotece. 1 ca~n but aldd tat I oairclIatu Lfe the elibitor aml dosing thoir very btett to keepl tis section oie of thle mllost iiiupoi'tatitl ia or big Natioal show. (ioned) W. .. AFE'IECK. SHEEP REPORT. (2aa~uee for exhkibits in the stud !Slnle 1) ISr~tion Wrle cwit,.iued to ~iti~eicrtte', RHouuev Murshes, andt orst clIns, Englisrh iietr, Btor~dr of Plbt'tworth, A. C. Thlompsonl of Kaina lHorne. Me~rsr. J. C'. Mnyull ( - -- - --- .~ killenbun, and L. F. Laurie-IEhodes of Pittseworth, were the exhibitors in the stud cleases. Pat Stock competitors inclded, in addition to th3 gentlemen mentioned, Messrs. Francis H. Needham, S. E. Puflen, T. Crawford, Lucas Bros., Mark Boiton, Callandoon North Estate, and Jan..s 1T. Stirling. Tre total number of entries was 114 as comripared with 110 in 1915. Mr. A. C. Thompson of Kainmkillenbun, won the special trophy piesented by the A.M.E. Ooy. for a pen of 10 fat lambs most suitable for export, to weigh 28 to 40 lbs. dreesed weight, irresjc'tive of all i'reed, to be judged for conformation, quallity, and depth of flesh. The weight particulars are as follows:-Average live weight, 75.7 1bs.; Avernge dressd weight (chilled), 37.ilbs.; Yield, 4i1.(i7 per cent.; Averuge weight of skins (green), 9.l25lbs. SWINE RFEPORT. The Swine Judge, Mr. E.1J. Shelton of the law keshu r c(llege. as Quceirsnsla ( N.S.W., is an enthuna-stic believer in the possibilities of Ic sumitued up his i pressions ns follows:-' There a pig-raising country. He is no doubt that the pig industry in Queensla nd should he of very mlc larger dimensions than it is considering the profit to be made from these animale, land the cheanopess with which they are produed. It is ;dmuitted that they entail a lot of lalour, but t.here is uo reason wihv farmers should not pay mtiore attention to the production of the htter cuIasses. The bacon facories throughout the Commonwealth require grnter quan tities. They are prepared to pay the highest market rutes for the best qualities, and tey will meet and assist the frmer in every possible way, inchuding the giving of infonriationi as to the types ilesired. When it is considered that the average sow is eapable of producing at last l 2U pigs per annum, each worth at Least £1 at birth, or soon after, one has some idea of the profits offering. A sow that does not produce 1i( to 20 pigs a year should be discarded, and replaced with sometlh-immg that will." The judge is very emphatic on this point, which Ihe says is no mere theory. 'Po illutrate this, he points to the case of a sow in pig in .lanuary, farrowing in April eight pigs or mnor'c. Before the end of the year the*ia pigs are worth at least £3 a piece. The now goes in pig again in July, and farrows in October, this being 'her second litter for the year. Taking, of this amount, 12 us actual profit, tshat leaves a very fair margin over all working expenses, 'aind an excellent profit for the farmer. 'Po do this, feleid must be produced cheaply, hence it should be grown on the farm as much us possible, and by using sukimi Iilk, if it is available. In ordinary seasons there should be little difficulty in keeping up a food supply of assize, wuorne, barley, root crops, &c. Pork pigs are more saleable in the cities, and the supply of porkers will probably be maintained by those using .hotel and .restaurant waste flood anird other cheap foods obtainable only in the city. No better type than the Berkshire can be found to use Mr. Shelton said, as the basis for porkers or baeo'ners, on which other types can be crossed. For this purpose either the Tamiworth lor the middle &rkshire seem to be eminenitly suited. This small Yorkdhire and the Poland China in our wanmu climate are not (luitf as suitable, as they suffer from the effects of heat. The judge added that, with the present high prices, pigs were Inever inure profitable, anrd everything points to a continuance of these values. Mressrs. Macfarlane Bros. won the Chamuionship hlonours with their Berkshire Board, 'Onward,'' uand ecured tihe Herd Book Ribbon, whit for the Imuproved Berkshire Boar th e exhihit of the (1ouOmd Hospital for 'the Insane won the coveted honour. .Mesi s. Mafarlane Urns. also won prinmcijal honours in the Ijershire Slw classes. As on previous yaUts. Mr. W. J. Warhurton's Yorkshire swing carried all before themi. _ ___ The Dunwich Bencvlnt A~yluml had a realy hih-)laSs ehiit of Tainworths. the only othr exhibibor1 being Mr. I). . Evns. G~ood eaiiiles o~f Bacon anld Porkrl Pigs were ehibit~d by Mtessr. W. ..l W'arlburton, Queensland Aricultur l (t ollg, (4nltton, . i. Osblorn and D. \intr. HORSE BREEDING FOR ARMY PURPOSES. Mr. Eic~t Baynest , w\ho has beecn aIpoited to repres~nt thLI Nationl Asso~atio~n at a Horse Bredilg Contece.'lc callecl by the Fcdrsil Goveminen(~lt inl Mellborlne, sbiitted to the ( (Nruci I the' following highly itrsting~ report of the busines coducted thecreat:-'This imortnt i~onfllrciice tol c~nslwrr the best: meatnsi of raising he generwl statndrdl of the A~tr~ lan hlore . haingl spei~l regalrd to arn1' Irll OlltS walS held~ In Mlelourne1 on :lrdi oveniber, and was attenof the ch~c~f racilg clubsH ii the ('omnon wealt. Brigdier-g ener1al .1. .t rrlely (chinlirmalll j, Colonel1C PeLo~ck (hwll of thle Indtianl reount dcpwtulen')t ), ieltenant Itcolone(l . L.. Robetsn (dlirctor of A~ustruli~n riinu iits ), nd in nv o~thers w c(re p~rcseii t. A ftcil aL colsi di inbie ;~lon a ii ut (it disc LISSIol,, the duhLi~l~Lan suggsted a sml~l su b-coinitte, consiting~ of ( oloneil Pc~cock, Dr. Lng, Messrs. Adlran knlox, Ut. B:. Wcir (st AuHtralia). and Erncst Buyvnes (Queeonslandi be furnwd to drawv ul somtin gf cinite to be snbnitted to the confecnee for disclsin~. lue followngl deccisions we cre irrivotl at, and fore-nec:-''Tha~t this u'of~reuieee recrise~ s the ul~rgenrt neeiPsitv of taking i mdciate steps t(Ja.rls Ilaelciig theItOlse b)i.cding inld~ty on1 al iuiore( stiwft~ory footig~, w\ith a v'iew\ to i Injurov)\ing~ the type)( of hrsesP raPise~d in Australia.'' ''Tht thC fir~t step to he tokenr is to po ide for the elimiation of unfit tallos-that is* stllions 4ftrccd ith herditry unseoudnss or df~ctive inl typoB or cofomnatin.' ''That this rc-Rllt can only be achieved by le~isatioi, and that if euch leiltion be( iiot. ithin th~e l~,ers of thec C onuninonweoba~lth Parliamont, tp. should be taken to procure the enlac~tuunt of uniforml mcwu- ures b~y the 'rliaionts of thet ttes. ''Tht suitable stallions shoud be proidedt to tand at a re:iasonuble ft'e in listiet fitted for t~he production of h~orses of t'hc cla~ss deired.'' That a syteml orf regxistic4n of mares suitable for breeding the type (if orse recluire~d slold be instit~utd. ' aTt~tr conlumitttec of coupetent~ p~rsons should be formed in earch tate for the iitrpoe of (a) deternuinig in ~hatdistricts the schemc should lie bought into operautin; (Ii) determiin thle melth~od by r\ia ~tih stafllionsM slhould b prov\ided; (e ) dviuiig a scheiiie for the regisration of sutlet~~~ nunHI1' res n theri proe~ny; (d ) edlucailg hLOre-broeJer us t(I the type~ of horsere'~ui~red, ad thle bts't ui~tuod of rauiig thl.' 'Ihat sruch comnmittee5 should ork uiudeil thec sujrisioa of a direetar, to be Lpointed by the Minister. asnl tlht the prcloil to be so, appointed should have anl itimante knIIowledge uf thet caIpaity (If Ausltrallia for horeL-blreeding~f purposstL, an (i f tht n~ture' anld exStet of the Irquiremrts orf the lDefeuc~c Dp nclt ut of the iciuonit (le lu~titii'it il Indi, antl of tile War lic. "Tht theR Icertificutioiu oft talliolis anld mre, arnd Jll voterinary work uccesa~ry shouldt be ecried oult b, exprinlc ed ioficr~. wo-kiiug nd'r thet dlictiom~ of the r'or'inittees in the ser~ral H1 tteL. '' T'lht e~c h ~Ft~~t e euiim it tee sh101. ou Id un y JIoWe~ to apploi ut local coiuuuuitte eN inl its state, an'I~ deit' t'he iowui~ iu uul d ituitik'si of SuchI1 loCtl goluolit tes~. ' bnfree the iatrodtition of the~ "Thatf in the opiiom c4 thai to'taldato throughot Australia ould provide al revenue ncessry for of the earryving out :a ~c'chlene onl te lines submlitted, if 2~ pler cet. money passing Ithrough were appropriated for that prposxe. reeding,? the use n of horse~c-h in any scheme for the imprvemnt 'ht stallion, hich~ has poveti its othl DiI tht I';I(4 ' of the tihoroulh~red and thuat ans a upply of suitbl l stallions (an1 ooily ooure, is ieeseti~l, be obtaind by the cofiiianFlce of hig-clias horse aing, a .suficint be t'etainc d by the racing proportionl of the totalisaor revenuell should cluobs to en~surec te poision of vlulable stakes to be r Iun f'or.'' ''That agjricultural ;soieties ,lund be enlcourlaged tol prov\idec coinand fillie, suitale for itiitarv or petition for tlalins, ilars, cot, general tility purpo~ses ( icluing~ oice clacss , and thllat JIIlgeCS E'r those eomlrpcti~tioi shrould be pereons acquilted w\ith ilitlry rqire ounncless toi he( r'egn i-died as of Iri nnry impott:~lue. ne tits be( atlt'li ties itil tLgri('ultnrl' siic itt.ii'~i shilil ''That bhe tte inl edtut i ig l breedeLirs als toc t he' ty jie ot Ilerse leqi(lli! ci, inlvited( to aMsit and thc bet metod of pr~ducing it.'' lii ll'~~lJ" :i o~f hl:rI'Sti I'lii5(1lsr'l forii I i'V? ThadC:ttdite standardl'( Ii' Ing.:l i'Pga:i'd tii th4 i'ice olt o~thr Ii\ ' stii'l k aiii~ should he( adecqute, woit.h'ti'ss aid ill t ri I Pfat n.itli a \ ieu' to thel clitn inrti ciif h~orss, the e~ortt~ionl of hoI lesc-' h l.s a1, :iiti(l~ ot' 101)1 slilI~l~ h1( encour~age d't. '. it is niot dl.crili~lc' t lii iii the oplinion of this cotfrc 'That, scle, bit inlerc'ij.i entejirise ) oro aI lrge uiental work woulrd bi, dosiratb~e'' (tve.(riiill(ent farmsII folr d3l)'r do]l thart thel breedl'ig of IIIIIles sJIuI' hi( pro'fitb~le~ for hircclitig iils. eneOn rage ~d.'' lh s ulicintlv clea~r and 'xpliit ti) reqluire '\v These~ reslutiotisa' (n W\.(l~rll 'u(ldl lilt e to Say? 41 fL' fromIl joe, 'It~lt I little {oauiueiit A ~1 i i])T t shll e in fiiriiia~ltioit on1 liH i II Igl eade~ivonrl to, ii' riatioual italt-tr. i ry~ to SPe'Cif~y, sC's of the Ii ugles~t (lassx, bit for Inas~ns) whilii it is aIIeII('e~SP the standarl of tin' Iiorse Ii ted iii thle Coot iiililwealthI huis dtror ii'rdd h~t ever'n wre tis not so, in at progressiveo cottnti'y huch~ of Ioal yer, it is, thr~fore, iiiciiiiibetitt as tihi, anl un prol\-)tueIItPI~ shtold be( expccted. well aan et'enomher pojat of iew tht some both froma ; nilitnlRv *tu~) 8teps should ber taken inl this mttr'.. It is manifi;t to everbody that the proces of poduction of allI it Ii the tim~s, eonloit ties needs cons~tant iol"l'"o iiientl ti) keej'l Irl tip and it is u'egrcttbh' th~lat so) lit'tle' ulttetlti'itI Ihas heeti' pal to, h1orse( h1rOedThe1Iptoduc"tionl of horsesL Ilitis been1 car~ried~ on illii a meek less and to m-produ ce theisec's hlaphlaard 'nnner, Itlnd the unfits are! llowued be. Th~e resullt is a wastfl inahiadn of beingR (ilninate d a t~hey hold condrtins of affaits, as it is t. wellI klown fact tat a. ood horse~ is a's rear a* aLbad one. 'ho retmount officrs re~ort thRt r~at tIaierp In obtainin 'hoes up to tihe military stanrd, diioaulty ia exprieced nun' of i tionrdese~ript, type. as ai very large pcreat age~ of tose~ iiispe~te'd nly 1 to 4 ip~r ceit. of tite hoarses iti t ise a lamiemmltahh' tact tlht (Tis is o of armly requilre uin'ets. A-uatnl~ia lare up to the satulard 'l)erttiient.. exaygeratiot, and is vOU(hld for by the Uetiiout if it is nor ~econvey~d by3 this statemenrt A fale utipresiotitia utidr 4 years'1 and over 12". stock andr 'hIOFRRc explu~iitirid that breerdig ye~rsc of a-ge, are inluded inl t1( toturrJ tn which theC peI~rcntage is calcul of hrs~es uitabli'fat ated, burttt evena H)OWiig for this the prcttge ilnug. _I W__ j rliitry purpoaefl is very low. Tve neceslsity for taking oction for tihe imrovmen~t of hiorse breeding is very apparent, and if Auatralia takos the initiative without loss of time, she is like'ly to benlefit niateiialy. At presen, a large innbor of inferior stallions are bred frn, partly front ignorance and partly through dliinclination to pay a few pounds for the ervie of a suitable horse. Every encourageneit anid asisstalce sholld thrfore~ be giiv~n to snull ow~rnrs to 1 )roide auitable stallions for their mars, and in ditricts where thi annot be done, arrangeIeD4 loiird he made to place 46allioas8 t the dlisposal of horse breeders at a nomial fee. The great difficuty to be overcome alpears to be the inability of people to undsandst~ ll the proper type of 'horse rqineid, eionseque ntly sninals pr~ctical ly iisecss for any pu~rpose arec bred in large nubers. 'I~e t~rpe of holRses for which we should aiml are :-1. Thbe caalrv horse of the weignht carrying hunter type, About 15.i to 1.3 in herig~t ~ithgood shoulders andl ril, short legs nnd hack, deeprl girth anld w\ide~ th~ough sh'ude~saald acoss the hips., masuringR at leat 7d ines ~ below thle knee, aind w~ose sire or darn wais got by a1 bborouhbedi a~tllion. 2. The rtillery hocrse of thte hea\vy oach or vatn type, 1.1 to 15.3 in hii~ht. ston, ac'tie, nd capable of trotting or cantering at a fair pace,( posses~ing suicint weiht to dlrawn a frl loadl, andl~ hanving cleeu ~not too hairy) 1e*~7s The poinrs ot e'onfrmatim ate simnilar to tbhose sper'ifiod fr caralry As far as oIitaLrv hOlRsCi aret ()IIconIcerd, Vlhe best rs8ults have been obtinertl inl Austrlia f~oml thorough~bred and (2Idesdale tallion, but froiii nvhat I saw in ~rance ad the horses inl Enit~nd iportd from~ (knaa and the Uited Stats, I iu i nelilietl to th ink the Pe~rche~rn nilari~s iia ( time progel port ba:ck to te t oi~oughbred.c~t Thle mretls a~e or g rca test wcn k less. aiit d a fort i nte'ly it As ciustoiimary for ninny bi cederss to hirtetl froni 11;11 are h\Ji~h the' are unlable to sll, so, as like begets like, ' thei result is dlisast olls. Hoirse hrietl i g. eveiil \\'hiii c'ri(l outf iii t le jIOut SySteIoUt iC a1Iid bsine ss-llike nia1Iner'1, is perllhaps not, u1d luc'rti e als otherl( iietiiodsr of tcck ra i5i og, andlr the qluestion is hter thlc ime'c pa:iti by thec i ilitarv nt iat ies is ij~t too l~o. A fter all' , thel~ sta t jog jsint is poiiiidrs, slilli riS the~ icc, breedl~rs l iii b rc ly ediirotih tor take tle' lmlrJTli e agn~liul to ia I socities ii 1lo l rat deal to lhe Ip to ralise the stati da rd.~byV iing gOol Iiz(Es for stllionsH IHin'Yres {ltstilies,?H caH\aiy. al( ridti 'til'l c l('i. The resw ldc efoiiteioiy rais(t' throug h thec stallionl tals. The iooy rauised trough~ thalt surce should of co rse be( ea.l~iarked for ii lii o eiiient o l t he brIrtc of Iiorss~. o~n iv iiulc velst posit ionl ll. pleasedt to sax' thalt. tlio 'tw\o 'Ilargc'st r'acig ll cl~hS iii thc so~uth, the .. C. andi( ther AJ..(. have j'~oiiiised thecir supporlc"t. R~a~i rig is prim~rily iiteldl for the i liro encieri 'of horse( ll~ree(ding, aii d it ~I1Otn'ld b' unlders'tood that, t lie iil I nov cii lt of the thonoiighb~rt1d alonelt lis ot the' ol to, be aiied at. Ther t ility horsec, ilk wh)iclh ctteory the' iiilit ry i.Orselt is ad ledltt, is thec breedv w'iich tieseive Iliiot cucll sidrt ion, andt racngi hould be doiitlucte l as it iS Ca'ri'ie~l onI 'inl Fraiic~ at the pri'~teiit tJiiel with tlhis ojet. I fel slice~ that if the p~lrsent state of affairs was represlt'(l to ourlear~dig m~ilig c'lubg, it is prbhable that assaitanlce ~'uld b~e ivn, ot oi'ly by thir leilatiiigI as to tlit ratlces which sould ~eencouragedt, but tLo by he~ilg the aC~ric~ltural si~ieties wth rizes fotr the stallions lik'l~'l to, brlingJ albout the illipreleri~t inl the geeral tility or Iilitary 'hlore. The impr'ovenicnt effected in aeroplanes, arnioured cars, and motor traction generally, will exert an influence over military requirements, but as far as can be learnt, the number of horses which will be requitredf in future wars are not likdly to be decreased; in fact, the probabilities are f(hat they will be wanted in larger numbers. This being -so, it becomuies a national necessity to foster the great resources which exist in Austrawhich were diverted to Amecirien and lia, and to ensure tihnt the millions dlewhere, should be in future 'spent in Australia. It may be 'of interest to note thta in the first 21 months of the war, the British 'overn'men t purc'hased appcox iantely f .00,)00horses and 170,000 mruels at a cost sof £32,000,000. The contribution of Great Britain and Ireland to the total number has been .about 150.000, 'of wfhieh to mention here that these Ireland has contributed 23,000. I would'like figures and other militair fasctes were supplied to me by officers of high standing in the Australlian and British forces. It is 'n deplorable fact that one of these officers visited Australia just recently, an'd was prepared to spend severall millions 'of pounds ii buying hlorses, but could only spendtl ha'lt the amount, simply because we could not supply the horses up to army rdquirements. It is advisable to accentuate the fact that therte is no necessity to increase the numnber of ihorses bred, rather, the revere, the object 'to be aimed at is to raise the standard. There is a very vaiuable euggestion icar the end of the list of decisions arrived at, and that is, "with the view 'of the elimiuation of worthless and inferior horses, the exportation of 'horse-flesh as an article of food Whould be encouraged." .This is double-ged . It would supply oar A'llins with cheap meat, and help 'us to get rid of a lot of worthless culls. There are in Queentlaand about 700,000 horses, about one-third of which we could export with adv'an'tage. From purely sentimental reasons Britishem do not eat horse flesh, but the continental nations hvi' nu objection to it. The .meatworks here are prepared 'to treat 'it. The final suggestion, that. of mu'le breeding, is a most implortant one. The average Australian .does not 'like 'a male, but it is from want of knowledge of his good points. I will give a fewl- extracts fronm a letter from an officer 'in the War Office, dated 1(ith September, to Colonel Peu cocke:- "Re the future requirements of armies, I gathe' that the day of the cav'ltry is by no means past, that thoug'h they will be supported I' nimoured cars anid cyclists, the latter cannot leave the roads and ommly 'horsemen can. The size 'of armuies have so vastly increased that the number of Ihoses required for 'ttheir maintenance will be extraor-dimnrilv big. 'The Australian riding horse 'is, of course, the right sort, heing largely thoroughbred, but their lighmt draught 'horses are, I believe, of a very nondescript type. What we want to dlo in England is to establish a breed 'of 'light active, clean 'logged cart horses 'to work on farms wfheretdhe land is not too heavy, instead of the plnlderous and delicate shire horses, which are not tough emnough for activ'e service. Personally. I believe the Pereheroi is the best strain to encmour-tage-they have dome very well in America, and I hlieve wou'ld do equally well ini Australia. We have bought am enormous number of artillery horses in America, fine horses, the result of a 1Percheronm cross. The American mule has beeni a perfect revelation to ma'uy people--all of then as quiet as sheep, and the pec-entajge of mnulcs to horses ini all veterinary 'hospitals, and the wastage of mu'lme coimuparod to horses is very mmal. We have bought themi in three classes, a few heav'' mimules 16/171 hands, weighing from 13/1,500 lbs., for 'use with the heavy guns in Egypt. A'rtwlery draught muls, 15.2, weighing about 1.100 lbs. and w'hat we call "carters," that is, mules about 45 hands, which can go in draught in the 'limbered service waggos, and allo carry packs, if neee.sary. I wish Australia would take to mule breeding. I fancy that wrhen her soldliIrs go homc, t~hey will, all of then, have nlothing bat praie for the Amrican bred munle. I em 9sie it ~would pay Anustrlia to send a co'nlmji~ion to North Amlerica to study b~eeding~ horses for army requireflbft, andl also mules.'' In conclhsiol, perhps I should ~pogie for the length of the reort, burt it ia y deire to convey any informeatiil I have acquired onl dhr su~bject, and to rose Quceneladrs to its iiuportelnce. I aussurd the autorities that tlhe National A~ssociation wold do alil in their power to bring about the imlprovemlent in horse breeding. and I trust all the agriculturni and pastoral societies wil1 do their best to a~sit.'' THE MILING COMPETITIN8. This year there wee twenty-eight entries for the Homle ilking Competitions, ad eightytwo for tests on the grounds, these gures easily cnstitute a reclord. Trhe competitions are now firmly established in popularitv. and quite apart from uaanteeing beyond question the aggre. gate worth of eadh breed (or grade), and individual worth of ealch cow of that breed (or grade). iThe competitions ave 1)een respnsble 15r thle great. anmual improveent in utility which hlas becoe a noticeale feature inl our hrds. STATEMENT OF ATTENDANCES OF THE COUNCIL. Mlac(laI. Affluck, .. . .. W. .1. l-i~, lhi. Halye. J. A... FraHIkeI'.li. (hr~~ W . .. .. .. . . 7 7 . 8 H . . 6i . . 2 - I - I -- 2 1 2 - 2' -- I - - I .. 5, - .. 4 - .. 3 -- .. 3 -- - - I -- -- --- 22 18 18 16t 1 23 19 22 20 8 13 12 13 II 5 9 5 10 9 3 10 II I -- - I - 1 I:1 1 I -- -- ~ :I .. . I'iekw~rth, C'. B. IlIIE.. .. kcil, Johu~ .. Brooke, H. 9 9 7 8 8 . ... 'I'. F.. H 8 . . .. N'oys, A. ''. Syte. ... Ua eji,. auset. . .. II - - -- 1 - - _ L LIST OF PRIZE DONORS 1916 SHOW. .£ . d. Queensland Government .. 40 0 0 His *Excellency the GoQueensland of vernor (Trophy) Co., Newspper Brisbane .. 25 0 0 .. Ltd. (Trophy) .. 15 15 0 Allan & Stark, Ltd. Co., Tramways Brisbane .. 15 15 0 .. .. Ltd. McWhirter & Son, Ltd. .. 15 15 0 .. 15 15 0 "Teachers' Whisky" .. 13 13 0 .. Moreheads Ltd. Finney, Isles & Co., Ltd... 12 12 0 Export Meat Australian Co.. Ltd. (Two Cups) .. 10 10 & Co. C. T. Beirne, .. 10 10 Brisbane Milling Co. Brisbane Newspaper Co... 10 10 .. 10 10 Berry & Co., Henry Collins, C. J. (Trophy) .. 10 10 .. 10 10 Duhig, Archbishop Horden, Anthony & Sons, .. 10 10 .. .. Ltd. .. 10 10 .. Lindeman Ltd. .. 10 10 Pastoral Review Ltd. .. 10 10 Slade. W. B. Stewart, Alex. & Sons, Ltd. 10 10 VictualUnited Licensed . . 10 10 lers' Assciation .. Kodak (Australasia) Ltd. lo 0 8 8 .. Dalgety & Co., Ltd. S . Klilroe, J. (Trophy) New Zealand Loan & M. 7 7 .. .. A. Co., Ltd. Machine Sewing Singer 7 5 .. (Trophy) Co. 6 6 .. Brown & Board, Ltd. 6 . . .. Overells Ltd. Australian Bank of Com5 5 .. .. .. merce 5 5 .. .. Birt & Co., Ltd. 5 5 Bank of New South Wales Queensland, Bank of North .. .. .. Ltd. Brown. Thos. & Sons, Ltd. 5 5 5 5 Bridge, John & Co., Ltd... 5 5 .. Bell, E. T., M.L.A. .. 5 . . Baynes, E. (Trophy) . 5 5 Bank of Australasia 5 5 . Sons Butler, E. & 5 5 .. Birch & Carroll 5 5 ,. .. Brodribb, F. K. 5 5 . Baynes Bros. Newspaper Co., Brisbane . 5 5 Ltd. (Trophy) 5 5 Chapmans Ltd. (Trophy) 5 5 .. (Trophy) Cotton, A. J. 5 5 .. . Cribb & Foote 5 5 .. Collins & Sons, John 5 .. Dewar & Sons, John .. 5 5 . . "Daily Mail" . . Farmers' Co-op. Diatribut-.. 5 5 .. .. ing Co., Ltd. .. 5 5 "Farmers' Gazette" 5 5 . Galley, R. Hardy Bros., Ltd. (Trophy) 5 5 HonfnunK & Co.. Ltd., 8. . . 5 5 I I I __~ illl j Hill, Mrs. Lumley (Trophy) Hutton, J. C. Ppty., Ltd... Holland & St. John, Ltd. Luya, A. C. .. Daily Newspaper Labour Coy. Ltd. London Bank of Australia Lomax, A. R. Midson, A ... .. Morgan, Sir Arthur.. Murray, D. & W. Ltd. .. . Murray, Mrs. J. McConnel & Sons, J. H... E. C. McDougall, Nestle & Anglo Swiss Condensed Milk Coy. New Zealand Insurance Co. Ltd. Queensland National Bank Meat Export Queensland Co. .. . Rich, E. & Co., Ltd. Rowe's Ltd .. . "Sydney Mail" Storie, John .. Sydney "Daily Telegraph" Surgical Suplplies Ltd. (Trophy) Thurlow, R. W. & Coy. Ltd. "Telegraph" Newspaper Co. Thornhill Pastoral Coy. . Union Bank of Australia, Ltd. Whittingham, Hon. A. H... WVills, (eorge & Coy. Williamson, J. C. Ltd. Walker & Hall (Trophy).. Campbell, James & Sons, Ltd. .. Nissea, F. W. (Trophy) .. AssurUnion Commercial ance Coy. .. Commercial Banking Coy. of Sydney .. Cooke, John & Coy. C'astlemaine Brewery and Gray & Coy. Quinlan Ltd. English Scottish & Australian Bank ... Perkins & Coy., Ltd. Queensland Bull Dog Club (Trophies) Reid & Coy. Ltd, Robt. . Spencer, A. Sinnamon, J... Sturmfels, Ltd. (Trophy) .. Stumm, Chas. Taylor Estates Coy. United Insurance Coy. Valley Art Printing Coy. Ltd. Weddell & Coy., W. Watson, Ferguson & Coy., Ltd. .. . Bayard & Coy. Clark, O. C. . . k 8. 5 5 5 5 5 5 550 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 0 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 . d. 0 0 0 0 35i LIST OF PRIZE DONORS-C(Ontined. r. Chlicgo Jewellery Co. City\ & Suburban Parcel Delivery Coy. I~ay-, Victor .. Elliott Bros.. .. Foy &; Gibson Gallagher M. J. .. Hart, J. H. Hayes. J. F.. 1.ysahts Galvd. Iron Ppty. Ltd. Laycock, Litldike & Coy. MuIlrs Ltd... McrDonnel & East Ltd. Mc[re;gor, Robt. ~ichols, C. H5. O,'She. P'. J. Ross. H. P'... S8torv & Ralmsay .. Symets. P. .1 Suga I to Austali ii ii ucr' Assocatoni .lu'ral -IIint. T. It. c:iption & c~ot(h ( 'Tol ) XV': tao ii. ~ergusonl & Co. ('Ia lik:. X.. d. 20O 20O 20O 20O 20O 20O 20O 20O 20O 20 20O 20O 20O 20 " 0 20O 20O 20 20 20 00o 19 0 11 0 50O 50O .50 10n 10o 10u 10o 10o 1 I) J~avey, Hon. A. A... Edwards. Dunloy and Co., Ltd. (trophyv) Eaton, A. Elliott. E. Fercal Carriae Co. Finlayson, W. F., M.P. Greenel.. A. 1'. and Co. Green, J.. Harra ve ;Mrs. John Hrrlingtons Ltd (trophy) 1-eslol) and Co., Ltd., Thos. Haye. J. A. Holmes. Mrs. M.. .roye Bros... Kin. John . Laheys Ltd.. Lisner, Mrs. E. Moroms Ltd.. Maor of South Brisbane . , P. (trophy~) Mc ka M((utlie and. Co. (S. 0. Cow l) MeLeodl .. A\... . tewa:rt, C. .J.. St t. ANSUraIjeI Co. Tbila ., M . LPV X I~ill l.ti ii. A. ). trlihy)~r. s.. d. 10O 10O 10O 10O 10O 10O 10O 10O 10O 10O 10O 10O 10O 10O 10O 10O 10O 10O 10O 10o 10o 10o 10o 10o 10o 10o 10 10o 1 0 10O 10O 10 0 10 0 LIFE MEMBERS, 1916. Affleck, W. J., National Mutual Life Association, Queen Street. Arvier, Mrs. C. A., "Cooinda," North Quay. Armour, H. P., England. Badger, J. S., Brisbane Tramways Coy., Ltd., Countess Street. Barnett, Baron Lewis, Sydney. Baynes, Ernest, South Brisbane. Baynes, Harry, South Brisbane. Behan, Thomas, Garfield, via Jericho. Benjamin, David, Creek Street. Berry, P. T., Henry Berry and Co., Melbyurne. Brodribb, F. K., "Kurrowah," Gladstone Road, South Brisbane. Brookes, H., "Glentanner," Dalveen. Brown, Mrs. D. I.., Bowen Terrace, New Farm. Brown, John (junr.), 202 Plowen Terrace, New Farm. Burton, Arthur, Commercial I'nion Assurance Co., Eagle Street. Bushnell, R., Nanango. Cadell, W. T., Deepwater, New England, N.S.W. Cardell, E. S., Indooroopilly. Carr, D. R. A., Longpocket Road, Indooroopilly. Carrington, Chas., Diamantina Hospital, Woolloongabba. Carseldine, A. W., Turbot Street Markets. Chapman, E., Wickham Street, Valley. Clark, A. E., Kerr Street, Toowong. Clark, James, Kerr Street, Toowong. ('lark, J. H., Kerr Street, Toowong. (Comino, T. S., Turbot Street. Cory, G. C., Toowoomba. Cotton, A. J., Hidden Vale, Grandchester. Couldery, W. H., Cedar (;rove. "owley, Sir A. S., Toowong. Cowlishaw, Hon. J., M.I..C., Bowen Hills. Davis, S., Sydney. Delpratt, J. H., Tambourine Mountains. Demack, W. H., Post Office, Bulimba. Donkin, Henry, Queen Street. Evans, Chas., Commissioner for Railways, George Street. Fauset, T. F., Eagle Street. Ferguson, James, Queen Street. Finlayson, M. "H., Turbot Street. Finlayson, W. F., M.P., Turbot Street. Fox, George, M.L.A., Yeronga. Frankel, P., Edward Street. Fraser, D. M., "Mundoolun," Beaudesert. Gailey, Richard, Courier luildings, Queen Street. Corrie, A., Grosvenor Road, l.indtield, N.S.W. Gray, Hon. G. W., M.L.C.. Quinlan Gray and Coy., Ltd., Queen Street. Griffith, Sir S. W., C. J.,Sydney. Gunn DIonald, M.I..A., Boolarnel Station, Goondiwindi. Hardgrave, Philip, Wellington I'oint. Harte, A. E., Queen Street. Hayes, J. A., Sandgate. Hiron, J., Toowong. Hollis, W., Stanley Street, South Irisbane Hooper, George, "Esher," Westwood. Jewell, J. A., "Glenview," Annerley Road South Brisbane. Johnson, W., Turbot Street Markets. Jost, J. P., Jostvale, Oakey. Jolliffe, E. A., Leichhardt Street, Spring Hil. King, W. M., Queen Street. Kingsbury, J. J., Robert Street, Toowong. Klaassen, C. N., York Hotel, Stanley Stref, South Brisbane. Klaassen, C'. S. B., York Hotel, Stanley St., South Blrisbane. Klaa.sen, J. BI., York Hotel, Stanley Stret. South Brisbane. Klaassen, S. D.. York Hotel, Stanley Stre'. South Brisbane. Long, T. T. T., Stanley Street, South Br bane. Macansh, J. G., "Borva," Gladstone Ro,;. Souti Brisbane. Macdonald, Jolin, John Bridge and Co., l.t. Eagle Street. Macdonald, I'. F., Yaamnba Station, IBlai. water. Mackay, R. S., Cawmore Wood, Gallowa:r' Hill. Brisbane. A. H., oQ9Wickham Terract. Marks, lr. Mculloch, I). B., Xou ueen Street. Amanmoor, Gympie. \Wailter, Mc(;ill, Mac(;regor, Sir Wm., England. Mc.eod, A., Elizabeth Street. Noble, H. CG., Eagle Street. Oxley, E. ;riffith, Queen Street. I'erry, G. H., Alliert Street. l'ersse. IDe lurgh, Tabragallba, Ileaudesc l.angside Ri., j'ointn, A., "Dangore," Hlamilton. I'ratt, T., Fruit Exchange, Turbot Street Raine, R., Roima Street. Reid, John, London Road, Clayfield. Ridley, R. R., c/o S. W. Ridley, "'1 I)aily Telegraph" Office, King Str, Sydney. Rigbv, W. A., South British Insurance ( (Queen Street. Str Moray Robertson, H., "Glenugie," New Farm. Wooloowin. Street, Wride H., Ross, A. Ruthning, H. I.. E., George Street. Savage, A. H., "Goanba," Dornoch Terr.. South Brisbane. Savage, W. E., New Zealand Chambers, Qui Street. Stores, Count, Railway F., Simonson, Street. Simpson,t;eorge M., "Formartin," via Ruth, lDalby. Sparkes, Jas.. Lindley, lD)alby. Stephens, Hon. W., M.L.C., "Waldhci Ipswicli Road, Annerley. Steven, J., Taromeo, via Kannungar. Stevens, Hon. E. J., M.L.C., Southpori Stewart, John K., Alex. Stewart and ., Ltd., nueen Street. Taylor, J., Clifford House, Toowoomba. Taylor, ('apt. R. S., Eagle Street. Tinmm., 1). W., Strathpine. Timm., W. D., Strathpine. Walker, Edgar W., New Zealand Insur. Co., .)ueen Street. Webster, F. II., Mary Street. Weedlon, Warren, Selby House, Wick' Terrace. Bank H, Young, J. E., "Molonga," Graceville. ~---~---F~-T ANNUAL MEMBERS. Abel, W., Jubilee Estate, Paddington. Ahrell, E. H., Chief Secretary's Ofice, Executive Building. Abercronbie, A. D., Tenerifie. Aberrombie, D. J., Teneriffe. '\dam, B. W., John Cooke and C:oy., Ltd., Eagle Street. Xdamson, J., M.L.A., Adelaide Street, Clayfield. \ddtis. )., Rora Street. .AdLlisn, C;. 11 ., Kodak Buildings, Queen Street. fflec, \. ., "Grasnere," N~orth P'ine. 'Iern, 1'. 1., Ahern and Hurle, C ourier B~uili. \herrn, W\.. c/n D~algety aud Coy, I Ad., Elial,eth Street. Vile), W\., Elizabeth Street. \nhn, D~r.. lretoln H-ouse, Q~ueen Street. \hierr, E. H., ObIt Sagate Road, Altuiun. \ian,. James, . .A., Allan and Staik, I Adl., Queen Street. anc \ilen, .n, Coy., ('reek Street. ., Tlrot Street. T. ., F. t'rago an~d J., (;. Mt. Harbour , Ba;rboi', as., .S.O., Glenken, Biarra, Esk. James, Jr.. C;lenken, Biarra, Esk. H., ('-olerative )airv Coy. ltarlot , .W Hosrnioont Stre,-t, Wnds~r. Itaritro,, H.. .1akson Street, Ilailton. Barne~. ., Romal~ Street. B(arnes, J., .S.W. Canting Factory, 2 Bot- ~. ~. any So~ns, Farmers (no-op. li~n. W'. II., Roma Street. . 3., Edard;rt Street. Itarsley, F.. H trtille, Sydney. Itar , A. S., Turiot Street. Ba;rringtorcn, A., ()tten Street. Itrrn, A. C'., Howess Bros. and Coy., Rams Street. Barrow., ('. '., v' ot Wharf Street. Bar~es, Itarr, ~arr, O)lyp~ic Caf, \idrws, li. Muicial Q~ueenl St feet. arkts, Homla Street. gnas, ( . II., It owmn J. l~id.. D., Hotel, Ale~ide Barns, Tyson race. \,inand, Street, Wtrloo,. H. S., t ;resliamn J. Street. Ltd., .rt, H. K., Sayers Allpocrt ('It~., I~t. M aeqluarie Street, Sydney. \mic.. A., A. . P. Society, Qitleenl Street. i'm1, 0~.(. I.., ''Syenhani.' ikliam Ter- \mlcnar, ~sk. Ba;re~r. B~arns~. Elizabeth Street. \filtrt.. Ayscotgh, J. \V., Petrie Terrace. Backhouse, W. B., illarney South. Bailes, . J, Owen Gardner and Sons, M~ellIourne Street, South Brisbane. Baile, C. E., d/o Chas. Willett, lj Edward Street. Baile, C'. H., Gynpie. Bailey, ., Thomas Street, Red Hill. Baines, J. E., Supreme Court, George Street. Baker, Enoch, Brunswick Street, Valley. Baker, It, ('abolture. ~aldin, 'd. _ Ottensland Turf (lul, Creek Street. Balliner. '1f ., Sup~rele ('ourt, G;eorge Street. ~almer,A. S., Sandy ('reek, roelton. Banks,~ J. ., Itlcklll. s Aderlaidle. Booth, Too- B Ii din gs, * Annad ant Mlars' Street. C;. J.,Soutliport. lr, flon. ~ial, N' C. .. .Moray Street, Nw NVt ilald, H. ., ( ladlstone Ro,nl Fa;rm. Sont I Blarstow. V., M~jestic Theatre, ~ueenStreet. . J., Queeni Street. C. B., 142 Charlotte Street. JIrstow F., Highate Hill, South Brisbane. B~arter. (;, Stallel Street, Southl Brisane. Itartlett, S. II. ( otitinntal Building, Adelaidet Strect. Barto~n 1' J. P. Town Hall, Quen Street. lasintl tiklte (,. E., Jinghi Jiughi Dlby. Batehelor 1-, Iandsborough,N.C L. Ba;te. W. .4 A. Fernleigh, Lakesidle. B~atile, ( . Ktlkee via Laidly. Banlch, 1 hit I ke C'larendon, Gatton. Banes,~ Arthtr Atlelaide Street. Bayners, '. S., c/n Mtoreliadls, l.td., Mlary Street. ns1trong,~'I., \' instrung, mocr. ?'lrn, \ slwrth, ('ireil.I., Kate, Mli-s 'rilcn J)ispttteti l'latins, l.is- N.S.W. Nirs. J. Heriert, ., Loc~iton c/n Road, Mloreheads~ ('layI~t. Mary Street. -prey, J. I.., Tattrsll's ('lit, Adlide Street. 'still, A.. Mloor oka. itis, E:.. Irutiwick Street, V~lly. kIinocn, H. W., Atkinso~n iI Mly Adlelaide Street. t!Iliw, A. H., Highwol, Kilcy. *lnw, C;. A., ('layfield. Iteale, A. Fi., Edward Street. Itarlmnori' FH., Datgetys ~liahetli Street. lett l, I)., Kernilwotth, Eumundi. Heat tie, H., K nil wrt Ii, Enmu idli uiling, Bedgaod, F. j. Isaacl Street, P'addingtol. ieby, j. t ., Itaranga, via Wondlai. Behl. ., Ralcecouse Road, Ascot. Be~hrendoi,~ff If, ., Bunjuren, via Boonah. iier, J.. tieiisllantd Machinery C'oy., Al. bert Street. Reirne, Hoit. 'P. C'., lrtunswick Street, ValBell, F. '1,., M. I..A., ('ohin C'oocin, ll, H .1., Esakdale South, Esk. Bell, T. A., G;ladstone Road, South Brisbane. Bel, Mrs. Wi., "~Carthoa,' Enu Park, via Rockiham~ton. 88 MiNUAL MlEBERS.-('nhinud. Bennett, A., Co-operative Butter and Bacon Coy., Ltd., Atherton. Bentley, R. H., South Coast Dairy, Gleneg Street, South Brisbane. Berg, H. S, City Council, South Brisan. Bergin, B., 'loonioo, Mungallala. Bergin, H. 6., Albert Street. Bergin, V. L., Currawilla, Windoral. House. Bertram, W. M.L.A., Parliamelt Coy., Besley, F. W~., Valley Art Printingl Wikham Street. Best, John, Byres Street, Newtead. Belts, B., Stevenson Street, Ascot. Biddle, R. E., Yerongpilly, S.C.. N.C.L. Biddies, P., Home Park, etherby, igs, T., Eiabth Street. Bilnglon, R., Hamilton. Birchlcy, H. ., Boundary Street, WVest Enld. Birkbeck, G;. Hi., amels Street, Wooloowan. Birley, L. E., Mauil Street, Kanaroo I'oint. Bisco, Rt., Mcl.enan Street, Albiol. Black, A., Pajigo Statiol, Cartrs Towers. BlacI., hug, City Bluildins, Ed~ard Street. Black, ~iL, Queenl Street. Black, J., Queen Street. Black, J. H., Muron. ~uilding, Oneern Street. Black, R., Courier Black, S., Quceil Street. igt. Black, W. R., I't ics Sl hut lok. Blacklock, A. W., "laelnar,' and1 Sonts, I .1(., Blacklock, ( ; II., Hi~,nshy Queen Stieet. Blacklo, W~., Henra. Blanl, C. ., Manly. ln. Blanliel , Geco., Wal Blank, ., Iloweni Iridge Ra. Strict. dlersi~i, I .td., \Vhai Blocksidpe, (;. II., Qeen Stiect. (y)lnplir. Bloss, ('.. Deep ( reek, Blun, E. G'., Stanley I [all. Ascot. Blundell, I'. A., Queenslanld 'Ti ustes, 1Lt., Qoueen Street. Band, H. E., 289 Queen~ Street. nI re\; ivc., Bond, Ivail u , Australia iLI Queenl Street. Bond, i.. M., Perrry Brs.. Albrert Sti eel. Booker, C'. J., M.I..A., Wooluga. Tlieebiri. Moray Street, New Farm. Booker, Desmon~rd, Booth, C'. C., 07 ueen Street. Booth, E. Bell, UIisbaiie Tratnwa.Us ('oy., I .td., Counltess SItrt. Booth, ., Lancaster Road, Ascot,. Booth, W., Ascot. Bortol, M. I., 'oowouzitlja.. Bostock, H. A., I swcli. Bolt, S. C., Queenl Street. Street. Bottgr, C. J., 302 Adlaide Bottoniley, J. P., lswich. '., ueen Street. Bouchard, T. Boulto, E. II., Ormistoi. C'levland I .n. Bowler, F., Los Eagle Street. Bowden, John, Stwart Street, (,odii~i Vrulba. Bowmai, F. J. Mi., Bedemer, Bowman, W. H.. Iloonla. Bowser, E. A., ManIy Windsor. Boyce, W. . Ht., 272 Queenl Street. Boyd, H. L.., Iyrnetown, Gayndalil .ie. Boyd, W., Old Sandgate Road, Alioi. Boycs, J. W., Agnes Street, Torwod. Boyle, M.A., Thorn Street, Ipawicl. Bracker, A. E., Edgecumbe, Texab. Touwuun~a. Brakn, H., Hele , Bracker, L., Cobba-da-manla. Bracker, W., Lasbrook, Cobba-da-Manna. Bragg, J. F ., Brunswick Street, \'alley. Brathwaite, W. P., Cashmere Station, Mr Garnett. Brake, WT., Mowray Street, East Irisane Brentnall, Hon. F. T., Coorparoo. Bros., Roma Street Brett, . J., Deitam Byrne Estate Brewster, W., "Kia.Ora," Bowenl Bridge Roai. ~ridge,W. J., Kedron. JUriggs, F. W'., Politic, Aramac. ]road~et, II. G;., Booral, Juanldal. Broadbent, J. E., Booval, Juanda. Augathella. Brodie, T. A .,Nive Down, H., ltaik of New South~ Wale.. Blrodlie, ~. Quen Street. Brosnan, T. P., Sea View Iltel, Sadgte It. I., loweii Hills. ron, Bnowi, F. IL., Touoolawal. Ltd., Near I(i lnl, Itruu~ ii, (.;., Itrownl antl .steadl. Brown, Broa ii, Road, Tarniiia~. ( . Mi., Mlogill Narangh.a E., BUrwii' ( rel., (.. Jlron Ro~a, Asct. iil, II., .ncaster Laily~. W'., Thie Sp~rigs, Blrown, .. !)ueet uroo. A. . C. Blak, Broii1, St reel. St e~t. J. jlrtline,. J'ark Llalc P)I, e, Uiltoit(.:il aiiil Stock W\illiamtl Street. Beaudesert. Iruxiiei , H., Jelb~yn, ai nt, ( ;. H., (t. Ml. E, andli A. (iv., Street. Itrce, M. A., Northicriil AssuraiileIo Eagler Street. Itryce, J. ., Adelaider Sti eel. ~h ~r) itnk Icy, Ilul,,cl, 'I., Ie~.., Ito riard, inna Ion a SS. . N. WY., (rleeki Street. Ea:gle Str~eet. I. E. , V i nl.,. r Avenlu, Bursheiii, 1. II., I.ysagits Ppty.,~ ',uoooiwi I Luil., Anii Street. lurtoii, E., Wanora. Jlurtii, .. J.. 17 Eliza~ethi Street. Street, Southi lii Burtoil, H. E., Mlanning Brtii, ~Vrwick Butter and Dainying Co Texas. ~aalgo. Busliie~ll, W. N., Street, New Farri' Bulaiid, W. II., Sargait Butlrl C., Fanninlg River, Northl IJueensldil Butler. W. H.. taghus, Vinbunl. Butt, U. ., Monile S.C... Ittyers, W. J., Kuray, MEMBERS.-Cotitivcd. ANNUAL Byres, Wm., Hall. City Inspector's Office, Hvrne, Edward, Albion. Pvrne. G. R., Town Hall, Queen Town Street. Royal Hotel, Queen Street. M., Grand Hotel, Esk. .,meron, A. W., Bank of New Sou:h Wales, ()ueen Street. 'ameron, I. A., Woodlands, Mithellt I Iameron, D. C. K., United Pastorlists' Association, Union Bank Chambers, Queen Street. ni<meron, Glen, Rainbow Street, Sandgate. i.tmeron, Dr. J. A., East Street, lpswi.h. anleron, J. G., Town Hall, Queen Street. I .meron, J. S., Town Hall, Queen Street. I .meron, i'. W., Nicholas Street, Ipswich. * meron, H., Murweh Siding, S. an 1 W. Railway. WV. F., Town lall, Qoccn Street. .meroni, dampll , A. II., Alhion Bakery, All in. anitell, C. W., Albion Sawmills. Alu,,n. anthell, E. J., Maynard Street, South Bris. ain, J., allaghan, hane. .lntl<mell, I'., ('reek Street. I;. imjlell, J. K., 41 Jane Street, New Farm. .antell, V., James ('am phell and Sonus, L.t d., ('reek Street. .. dell, lP. R.. OKecife Street, Thomson l'state. ..rlen, Mrs. 1., Street. nmichatl, J. II., ('reek Street. .. rr, E., er. Iellevue H-oskin Hotel, and ;eorge (Carmit'hael, Hamilton. H., tuneen's Wharf. Hillside Crescent, Hamilton. XV,., TLoowong. Vharf, W\illiam Street. I.H, Queen's *r, '. XV. Tl. II. , Itidoioroopill y. rrick. X. P., c/n Felnwick and Coy., Ltd. Edward Street. rnll. J. ()'Cunnelltown, Windsor. rt r, Hon. A. J.. Australasian Chambers, 4'tJ Queen Street. 'Icr, 1. E.. 142 ('Iharlotte Street. r. i. F.. rtr, W.. ('arter XVatson and Coy., Eliza- beth Street. er, W. F., Usher's Hotel. Sydney. vesslo, Dr. A. h., "Frescati," Ann Street. G. A., Winchromhe ('arson, .td., thcart, Creek Street. rvetto, L., Stanley Street, South Brisbane. Imbers, C'laude W. .. idler, J. II., Elizabeth Street. undler, W. J., Warwick. *.tman. A. E., "Walmer," Enoggera Road, Kelvin (;rove. I'man. F. C.. "Walmer," Enoggera Road, Kelvin Grove. 'tnman, H. A., Queen Street. ipnan, J., Oueen Street. Itman, R. V., Queen Street. .<rles, F. W., The Pines, Murwilltmbat, N. S. W. d<res. WV. M., Gootchie, N. ('. L. .I. A., Summerlands, Harrisville. avter, H. H., ueensland Agency, Ltd., I'reek Street. auvel. gwin. 'T. I'., c/u ward Street. mos, ('., Ellis s 1atiei, * tie, arch, J. 1'. Wilson, Ltd., Cafe, Edward Ed. Street. ('olin, Ithaca Street, Normanhy. Robert, Hell Street, Enoggera. J. F., Queen Street. Clacher, J., Buckley Street, Nundah. Clapperton, T. A., Tarong, Nanango. Clark, A., Mary Street. Clark, A. H., R. W. Thurlow and Coy., Ltd., Wharf Street. Clark, G. C., East Talgai, Dalrymple. Clark, G. J., Montague Road, West End. Clark, James. "Wybenia," New Farm. Clark, W. H., Watson, Ferguson and Coy., Ltd., Queen Street. Clarke, C. M., Maryvale, Charters Towers. Clarke, Edward A., Clarke's Bridge, via Laidley. Clarke, F. H., Makerston Street. Clarke, George, Manufacturer, Annerley Road, South Brisbane. Clarke, R. (., C. A. Clarke and Son, 293, Queen Street. Clarke, Wm., Treasury Hotel, George Street. Clarke, Wim., Hox 43, Dalby. C., Clarkson, Oakdale l'oultry Vards, Esk. ('leghorn, H. A., l'etries Bight. Coakes, W. J., Finney isles antl ('oy., Ltd., (Iueen Street. ('obbold, F. E., I.ondon Hank (Chambers, ('reek Street. ('ockerill, W. F., Stanley Street, South Brisbane. Cocks, H. J., l'arkield Salisbury. ( ocks. H., 'ohen. Ioowong. Il., ('ominercial Travellers' Buildings, Elizaheth Street. I oh. A. J., Toowoomba. ('olclouglh, F., In.;tls Department, Street. Cole, James, ('ole and Grice, ('ole, W. F., Adelaide Street. ('oleman. (',,Coleia. ohmn End. u.M.E. Coy., Mary Street. WV. lH., Moore's ( 'hambers, Queen t;. S., J. Str et. I West George WX., XX. ('olli I . and Sons, Petries Iiight. I aptain Colhii, W. 1., W. ((llini and Sons, Ilight. ( ohlis, A., Xandilla, Marlborough, via oc khIamipt on. ('collin, Mliss J., duntdoolun, Beaudesert. (ollins, I'. W., 2o, Oueen Street. Collins, C. J., Tlamnrookun, Beaudesert. Collins, 'l'lomas, L.loyd Street, Coorparoo. ollhins, T. A., X'ictoria Street, Windsor. Collins, Victor, Spring Creek Station, Mt. IPtrie Surprise, Cairns. t'oiin, R. A., (;eorge Street. (onnollv, Dr. F. (;lynn, London Bank Cham- hers, (Creek Street. A., Windsor. 'oiiochie, H., Brooklands, 'Tixgoora. lale Street, Albion. ('ungan. D., c'ok, IJ.. (luecsland Farmers' ('o-op,. l oval. connor, J. aookall, i)., Lovedale Street, Coy., Wilston. Cooke, Alfred, Maleny. ('ounan, Cooper, I., Air Samford House, Tlaringa. Pope, Sherwood. ('ooper, Miss E. M., Sanitation Health Food Agency, Edward Street. ('opeland, I'. W., George Street. ('oppillger, 1., Hanlun Terrace, Hamilton. I orhy, S. iL., 'Glenlessie," Glencairn's Siding, Warwick. ('orrie, D. M., ('lielmer. (orrigan. II. V., AIbbotsforl Road, (orser, II. 11., Wetheron, Hurn.tt. dowen 40 ANNUAL MEMBERS -Contin Cory, A. H., Department of Agrkultuore and Stock, William Street. Cosgrove, J., Ipswict Road. Cosh, Rev. J., Old Sandgate Road, Wot loowin. Costello, P. M., Windsor. Chartc:s Toa ers. Ac!aide Cottam, J. A., 19 Fitzroy Cha'nl ths. Street. Road Logatt "Kyarra," Couch, W., Couch, W., "I(yalra," I.~,y all Rlclti F~wnrd Buildigs, City Coughlin, M., City Uuildiags, ~F~n ;rd Coughlin, I'.P. M., Street. Street. Street. Queen 420 Norman, Coungeau, ~ot Coungeau, mat~, jlo C~ueen Street. Queen Street. House, Cowan, P., P., Preston Cowan, Prestoll House. Queen Street. Cowell, S. G., W. A. McGuttlie and Coy., Cowell, S. C;., M'. A. McC;uttie atld Coy., Street. Queen Street. Queen Assurance Union Assurance H., Commercial Cox, J. Cox, J. H., Crmmercial Unioll Street. Eagle Street. Coy., Coy., Eagle Coxon, F., F., Glendower, Glendower, Prairie. Prairie. Coxon, CleveGates Head, Lindunm, Coxon, George, Coxon, George, Gates Heatl, Lindurll, Cle~eland land Line. Line. Cleveland I.indum, Cleveland Head, I.indum, John, Gates Gates Head, Coxon, John, Coxon, Line. Line. BrisEast BrisStreet, East Withington Street, E. J., Coyle, E. Coyle, J., Withit~gtotl bane. bane. Cunnamulla. Plains. Cunnamulla. Craig, Charlotte Plains. A., Charlotte Craig, A., Street. Queen Building, Kodak Craig, J., I(odak I~uilding, Queell Street. H. J., Craig, H. Craig, W. W. T., T., Willis Willis Gilchrist Gilchrist and and Sarldetson, Sanderson, Craig, Street. Wharf Street. Ltd., Wharf Ltd., Coy., KilKilA., Killarney Dairy Co?., Cramwell, T. T. A., Cratnwell, ~illarne? Dairy larney. larney. Crawford, T., Yaamba, Macalister-. Crawford, T.. l~aamla, ~lacalister. Cribb, B. F., Longreacl Building, North Crilb, n. F., I.ongcenc)l nuiltlillR, ~~rth Quay. Ouay. Cribb, H. S., Bleak House, Ipswich. Cribb. H. S., Bleak House, Ipswich. Cribb, T. H., c/o Mrs. Lewis jThomas, i3ribh, T. H., c/o Mrs. Iewis jTllot~las, Brynhyfryd, 'Spswich. Brynhyfryd, Ipswich Crombie, A., Elphin, Toowoomba. Crombie, A., Elpllin, Toowlolnla. Crooke, C. Survey Office, Street. Crooke, C. G., C.., Surve' Of~ice, Geotge C;eol ye Street. Cross, Thomas, Thomas, Whetstone. Whetstone, Goondi\i Goondiwindi. Cross, indi. Cross, T., T., Jnr., Jnr., Whetstone, Whetstone, Goondiwilldi. Goondiwindi. Cross, Crowe, Miss, Miss, Norman Hotel, I~swicll Ipswict Road. Road. Crowe, Norman Hotel, Crowther, S., S., "Ree~hfieltl," "Beechfield,," Dornoch TerTer. Crowther, Dornocll race, South risane. race, South Rrishane. Crowther, C. H., Montrose, Montrose, Hose\r~~,otl. Rosewood. Crowther, C.. H., A. and M. W., New New %ealand Zealand l.an Crowther, W., Crowther, I.can alld ni. A. Coy., Ltd., Eagle Street. Street. Coy., I.td., Eagle Cruse, A., Miles Miles Street, Street, Wooloowill. Wooloowin. Cruse, A., Cruse, 3., Bridge Bridge Street, Street, Allioll. Albion. Cruse, J. S., Claylield. ~:~::: :: ,..,,,,,,,,,. Cryle, 3., Brisbane Tramways Coy., Ltd., Cryle, J., Brisbale Tratll~aR ('II).. I.ttl.. Colrntess Countess Street. Street. Cubith, H. H. S., Taringa. Cuhith. S., Tarillga. Cudmore. D. D. C., Iarcaldine. Cudmore, C., narcaldint. Cullen, A. A. K., K., Euromlah, Eurombah, Tal Taroomtt. Cullen, cltll. Culleit, D., Maryland. Culleii, D., Marylaiitl. Culley, Mrs. Mrs. I)., I)., Sllanllnrkk Stantrock H~,tel. Hotel, Hrllllswic~~ Hrnnswick Culley, Street. Street. Cumming, A. A. 3., Government PriritinR Printing Office. Office. Cumming, T., Governlnent William Stieet. Street. William Cumming, R. H.. H.. Chas. A. ('larke ('larke and Sott. Cumming, R. Chas. A. alnl Rll. Street. zy3 Queen Cueell Street. 293 Culryleb. H.. Cupples, H.. T.ontloii I.ondon Ilallk lIlaLk or of Auhlr3lia. Australia, Street. Qtteett Street. Qtleell Currant, W. W. C;., C., Bellwood Dairy, Gtnalda. Currant. nrllwo~,d DairT.. f.;di""d:l:,, Currie, T., Currie Currie Tlurner, td., Qteen Currie, irurner, Street. Street. Curtis, Commander E., Naval Naval Office. Office. E~l\\ Edwarl Curtis, ('~)llltllBlldel. E., al~l Street. Street. Curtis, R. R. G., G., Womball, Wombai, Mt. Mt. Perl Curtis, Perry. ~. Cusack, Thoo;, Thos, A.M.T.. and and F. F. Ruilrlirg. Building. Cueack, A.M.I.. Creek Street. Street. Creek Czerney, Thos., c/o c/o J. T'. Phills, Phipps, George Czertley, Thos., J. 1'. George Street. Street. Dance, B., Chubbill Farm, Marburg. Dance, Mrs. Mrs. G. C. B., Chubbill Farm, Marburp. Daniell, A. 3., Hotel, Daniell, A. T., Railway Railway Hotel, Roma Street. Roma Street. -- ued. Daniels. J., Bennoble, Canungera Line. Daniels, H., Windsor Road, Red Hill. D'Arcy, M., Gympie. Dare, Thos., Mt. Bismarck Co-op. Dairy Co! via Jondaryan. Dath, R., Dath Henderson and Coy., Bulimh, Davey, Hon. A. A., Ellerslie Crescent, Sout Toowong. Davey. A .H.. Davey Iallida. ( o.. Ar Street. IJavey, James, Dutton Park, South Urishai lDavidoit. A., 302* Ailelatde Street. Davidson, A. A., Australian Estates and M toy., Creek Street. I ay ii -,ot . 1 . ( . . SandIgate. l)avihson, J. O. W., Ercildonne, Clifton. I)avies. H. J., Australian Estates and M. Coi Crveel Street. IDavies. J. J., Mt. (ravatt. liavie-. Wmn., "Dryslwytt." Toowotng. H.. Yorkshire Insurance Co3 D)avis. F. Eagle Street. C., Caldwells Wines, Ltd., tStreet, Sydney. Davi-., W. I., College Street, Hamilton. Davy, H., Oueentslaatd ( lub, George Street. iDaason, M., Coittnercial Ilanking ( oy. Svdney, Oueeti Street. of ()tteen-lain Hoy al Iiant Day, E. lDenti, nueelt Street. Day, ( . l-., Villilrs Street. New I-arm. Day. \ictor. Adelaide Street. l)eani. Henry. 2 g, Roma Street. IDvan, I. F.. Co-operative Dairy ('o'.., Mat Iborough. De Grant, L., Howard Street, llayswater. Deighton, H., Aldersyde, Warwick. Delaney, J., Woolloongabba Hotel. Stani Street. D1e Little, F .W., N. Z. Loan and M. A Coy., Ltd.. Eagle Street. Dell. . )., Langlands Estate, Coorparoo Delvin, W., Dauphin Terrace, South Bri bane. De Mole, C. M., South British Intsuran ('ny., Oueen Street. Denha, D. F.. "Ingelside." Atnerley Roa South Brisbane. Devereux, D., Newtown, Ipswict. Devereux, W. P., A. M. IL. and F. CoN ( reek Street. 1)ev.iie, A. E., Mtount I.einster, Dalby. Devine, A. H., Hotel Cecil, George Stree Devine, H.. Dalby. 1)evoy, J. N., Ouinlan Gray and Coy., Que Street. Dewar, T. G., King and King, Ltd., Que Street. I)ickfoas, H., Colevville. Dick,,on, J. M.. William Street, off Ipswi Road, South Brisbane. I)ilger, IT. L., Marburg. Dixoi. A. J., River Road, New Farm. Dodwell A. V., Canada Cycle and Mot Agency, Creek Street. Domnjahu, E. A., Englesberg. Donaldson, J. C.. t69 Elizaheth Street. Donaldson, R., Medway, Bogantungan. Donaldson, Archbishop, Rishopshourne, Ii javis. R. M acq uarie ton. Donnelly, A., Heal Street, Teneriffe. Donovan, John, Charlton Street, Ascot. Dore, A. G., Whybrow and Coy., Charlot Street. . ANNUAL MEMBERS.-Continued. l)ougall, J. II., Gladstone Road, South Brisbane. JDouglas, H. A., Mt. Moriah, Morven. Do)uglas, W. A., Supreme Court, George Street. D),gTas, W. C., Bellview. I)owridge, J., George Street. Doyle, E. J., Marr's Boarding House, Tank Street. boyle, J. H., Invermein, Scone, N.S.W. Doyle. M. E., York Hotel; Queen Street. Doyle, M. W., Moggill. l)rouyn, F. S. G., Brisbane Club, Isles Street. Drury, Miss, Rougham, Eildon IHill. Dryilen, V., Drydens, Ltd. )ry-lau, W., Glenapp, Beaudesert. Duff. G. L., Stott and Hoare, Edward Street. Duffy. T. H., Ormiston, Cleveland Line. ] uhig, Archbishop, Darra, Valley. Dunbar, D., Elizabeth Street. Duncan, IDl'ncan, A., Rockhampton. C., Corrumburra, via Rockhampton. Dincan. Mrs., Mooraberrie, Windoralh. Duncan, W., Wakefield Street, Albion. Dunlea, R., Empire Hotel, Brunswick Street, Valley. Iuunlol, J. W., Associated Farmers of Queensland. Roma Street. Dunn, D., Valley View, Beaudesert. Dunne, G., Roma Street. I)'er. R. T., Taringa. l-arle, S. R., 379 George Street. Early, A. E., Nelson Street, South Brisbane. Earwaker, J., Winchcombe Carson, Ltd., Creek Street. I.Eaion, C., N. Z. Loan and M. A. Cov., Ltd., Eagle Street. East. Hubert, McDonnell and East, Ltd., George Street. Eaton, W. D., Bulimba. Eis-ler. J., Safety Air Gas Coy., Adelaide Street. Elgar, S., Adelaide Steamship Coy., Ltd., Petries Bight. Ellerton, Dr. H. B., Hospital for Insane, Goodna. Elliott, A. A., "Victo," Coongoola. Elliott. C., Charlton and Elliott. Queen Street. Elliott, E., Eagle Street. Elliott Gavin, Wheatley Farm, I.aidley Souti. Illi., W. H., Farm Queen Street. Bulletin Office, 303 Elplhinlstone, A. C., 129 Creek Street. Elwyn, II. F., Gunyan, Inglewood. 1 lwyn, H. S., Texas Station, Inglewood. Englanld, J., South Pine. l)enett, Coy.. Thos., N. Z. c/o R. W. Cameron and Chambers, Queen Street. Evans. J). W., "Miora," Pilton, via Clifton. Evans, John,. Evans Anderson and Phelan, Kangaroo Point. Everdell. S. J., Woodhill, Beaudesert Line. lalhey, Hon. B., North Quay. Fairfax, J. H., Marinya, Cambooya. Fanning, Tom, Ashgrove. Farley, J. H., Burke's Hotel, Annerley Road, South Brisbane. Farley, W., Boonah. Feather, H. A., Howard Smith Coy., Ltd., Eagle Street. Feez. Adolph, Feez, Ruthning and Baynes, Lutwyche (Chambers, Adelaide Street. Feez, C., Yeronga. Feldt, P., Vine Street, Clayfield. Felton, D. W., Q. M. E. and A. Coy., Mary Street. Ferguson, Andrew, Water and Sewerage Board. Albert Street. Ferguson, C. D., Queen Street. Ferguson, E. A., Watson, Ferguson and Coy., Ltd., Queen Street. Ferguson, John, Eagle Terrace, Sandgate. Ferries, G. E., c/o Markwald Son and Abel, Eagle Street. Fiebig, J., Mcl.ennan Street, Wooloowin. Fielding, G. A., c/o McWhirter and Sons, Ltd., Valley. Fielding, John, Blenheim, Laidley. Fihelly, Hon. J., Parliament -House. Finlayson, M. H., Fruit Exchange, Turbot Street. Finn, J., J. Lynch and Coy., Mary Street. Finney, Hubert, Charlotte Street. Fish, George, "Banyo," Grey Street, South Brisbane. Fisher, J., J. W. Johnston and Coy., 82 Queen Street. Fisher, Thos., Wondai. Fisher, W. R., Pinella Poultry Farm, Aspley. Walsh, Fitzgerald, J. F., Fitzgerald and Queen Street. Fitzgerald, M., Wickham Street, Valley. Fitzgerald, T. K., Samford. Fitzpatrick, J. C., Bellevue Hotel, Coominya. Fitzwalter, G. J., Charleville. Fitzwalter, C. N., Charleville. Fletcher, D., Eurella, S. and W. Railway. Fletcher, D., Junr., Eurella, S. and W. Railway. Fletcher, M., Eurella, S. and W. Railway. Fletcher, P., Eurella. S. and W. Railway. Fletcher, S. D., Virginia Avenue, Hawthorne. Fletcher, W., c/o R. B. Sellars, Markets, Roma Street. Flittcroft, John. Maleny. Flynn, E., Bank Street, South Brisbane. Foggitt. C('.E., Foggit, Jones and Coy., Turbot Street. Foote, H. J.. Box 5o, Post Office, Ipswich. Forbes, W. D., Co-operative Dairy Coy., Kin Kin. Ford, F. C. B., Deputy Surveyor General, Executive Building. Forrest, G. B., Nudgee. Forrest, John, Chatsworth, George Street. Forrest, Peter, Forrest, Lang and Roper, Merivale Street, South Brisbane. Forrest, P. Mcl., "Rocklands," O'Connell Street, Kangaroo Point. Forster, D. M. T., Forster Engineering Works, Mary Street. Forster, G. C. D., E. S. C. A., Ltd., Edward Street. Forsyth, James, M.L.A., Burns Philp and Coy., Ltd., Mary Street. Fortescue, E., Queensland Brewery Coy., Ltd., Elizabeth Street. Forth. E. E., Silverwood Dairy Coy., Roma Street. Foster, J.. Hudd Street, Bowen Hills. Fowler, T. C., A. M. L. and F. Coy., Ltd., 127 Creek Street. Fowles. Win, Hotel Daniell, George Street. Fowles, W. I.., Under Secretary, Treasury D)epartment. 42 ANNUAL MEMBERS.-Continued. Fox, John T., Goodna. Francis, F., Telegraph Chambers, Queen Street. Franke, H., Cawdor, via Toowoomba. Fraser, C. S., Frasers, Ltd., Queen Street. Fraser, John, Bowen Terrace. Fraser, W., Bowen Terrace, New Farm. Frawley, P. J., Club House, Caboolture. Frederichs, A., Strathpine. Frederichs, A. L., Butter Factory, Marburg. Fredericks, T., Murwillumbah, N.S.W. Freeleagus, P., George Street, City. Friend, Harry, "Montpelier," Wickham Terrace. Frith, J. O., Rodway, Toowoomba. Fritz, Harry, Senr., Oakey Creek, via Eumundi. Frost, E., Audit Branch, Railway Department, Roma Street. Fryer, C. E. S., Railway Department, Ann Street. Gailey, R., Jnr., Courier Building, Queen Street. Department, Gall, W., Home Secretary's Treasury Building. Gallagher, A. E., Kedron. Gallagher, L., Watt's Cafe, Adelaide Street. Gallagher, M. J., Kedron Tanlarv. Gallagher, Thos., "Innisfail," Wickham Terrace. Gardiner, F. P., Royal Street, Paddington. Gardiner, H. J., c/o Dalgety and Coy, Ltd., Elizabeth Street. Gargett, A., Sandgate. Garrick, J. Cadell, o10Telegraph Chambers, Queen Street. Gartside. T. H., Boonah. Gates, W., Clarence, Stanley Street, South Brisbane. Geaney, C., City Mutual I.ife Assn., Ade'aide Street. Geissman, B., Tambourine Mountain. Geraghty, James, Inspector of Police, Petrie Terrace. Gerlee, -. , Ipswich Road, South Brisbane. Gerrard, T. R., Moggill Road, Taringa. Gibbon, (C., Farleigh Nettheim and Coy., Edward Street. Gibbon, D. W., Nundah. Gihson, Hon. Angus, M.L.C., Bingera, Bundaberg. Gibson, Dr. A. J., c/o Bureau Central Sugar Mills. Elizabeth Street. (;ibson, A. S., Yorkshire Insurance Coy., Parbury House, Eagle Street. Gihson, John. Lorne, Rockhampton. Gibson, W. G., Kedron. Giffin, W., Paddington. Gilchrist. A. J., Longreach. Gildav, J. T., M.L.A., Musgrave Street, Paddington. Gillespie. A., Grey Street, South Brisbane. Gillies, R. G., inlQueen Street. Glanville, E. S., Cooyar. Glasgow, S. H., "Ivanhoe," Kinbombi. Glasson, W., Queensland Club, George Street. Goethe, A. H., Obi Obi, via Nambour. Golden, M., Golden, E.. Yeulba. Golden, M., Yeulba. Gole, L., Liverpool Road, Clayfield. Goodall. D., Swan Terrace, Windsor. Goodger, V. D., Nanango. Gooley, W., Perkins and Coy., Ltd., Mary Street. Goonan, D., Co-operative Dairy Coy., Gayndah. Gordon, J. P. J., East Street, Rockhampton. Gore, F., Goondiwindi. Gooring, N., Dalby. Gostling, F., Sherwood. Gow, Alex., Petries Bight. Graham, A. D., Inns of Court, Ade:aide Street. Graham, C., Strathellbess, Dalveen. Graham, C. E. M., Bluff Downs, Chartes Towers. Graham, D., Town Hall, Queen Street. Graham, R. F., Graham Bros., Edward Street. Graham, W. Gordon, Department of Public Lands, George Street. Graham, W. E., Inns of Court, Adelaide Street. Gralton, A., Albion Hotel, Albion. Gralton, James, "Brolda," Mowbray Terrace, East Brisbane. Grammanz, Max., The Gap Dairy, Ashgrove. Gratton, F. C. G., Kingsthorpe. Gray, G. H., Eldernell, Hamilton. Greaves, G. A., Merrimac Estate, Mudgeeraba. (;reen, A., Perdriau Rubber Coy., Adelaide Street. Green, 1H., Carlton Club, Queen Street. Green, H. H., Main Street, Bulimba. Green, James, Wickham Street, Valley. Green, James, Jnr., Wickham Street, Valley. Greenfield, A. P., George Street. Gregory, H. J., Gregory and Davidson, Ltd., Edward Street. Greig, J. R., Civil Service Stores, Adelaide Street. Grieve, Thos., Chelmer. (;rigg, E. J., Bowen Street. G;rigg, J. C. N., Bostocks, Brookstead. Groom, R. G., Commercial Union Chambers. Eagle Street. ;ross, E. R., W. D. and H. O. Wills, Ltd., Edward Street. (;rove, C. H., "Kelvingrove." Nanango. Gunn, D. D., Tartulla, Roma. ;~iynne. W., Tuncester, Lismore, N.S.W. Haddock, R. R., Bridge Street, Albion. Haig, T., I)orris Street, West End. Hair. J.. Hardgrave Road and Scott Street, \West End. Halford. Dr. A. C. F., "Turrawan," Clayhield. Ilall, F. R., A. M. P. Chambers, Edward Street. Hall, N. G., Tantitha Station, Bundaberg. IHall, N. W., Dayton Scale Coy., 151 Queen Street. Hall, Thos., Annerley Road, South Brisbane. Hall, Hon. T. M., Edward Street. lHalliday, A., Davey, Halliday and Coy., Ann Street. Ham, Isaac, Ipswich. Hambly, W. O., Jones and Hambly, Edward Street. Hamilton, C. W., "Kalinga," Lytton Road, East Brisbane. Hamilton, Wm., Roma Street. Hamilton, Hon. Wm., M.L.A., Minister !'r Mines. Treasury Building. Hlammel, W. F.. Beenleigh. Hampson, E., O'Connell Terrace, Paddington. Haml,son, F. E., Enoggera Terrace, Red Hill. ANNUAL MEMLBER.-Conltin .I~ticock, J. II., Hancock and Gore, Ipsw~ich Road. di~ldley, C. (3., Rockville, Esk. I jonlah, A. V., Commercial Bank of Australia. l~td., Queen Street. -Il lon, C., Ipawich. A ,~dcre, Hon. H. F., MIiister for Public lmstruction, Treasury Building. A1isicastle, John, Dugandan. Stlreet, Ilpiacli. I tding, C. J. ast Aagrave, ., Lverpool, London and Globe [lturance Coy., Q!ueenl Street. ~ireaves, Mlanly. I ir C. Ht., R. S. Hles andl (co.. Fliza. bth Street. I .~ris. D~r. Ilailyn, Oluenslaind Mluseum, Ito~wen Britle Road. ri,on, . A., ('harlotte Stret. Iii,1 Arthur G., Springfield, Blackall. ~i,B. H., c/u 'ialker ani Hall, Fitzro IluildingK, Adelaide Street. i .1. I". "Culterfel" Mal. Whallrf Street. F,~ . M., Eplire (:hamer. Hotel, Itoov\al. i. . 'i.. Racecourse 1W. I., Spningtifel, lackall. ii. WV. H., Flower anld Iljrt, Adlelaide t~eet. S. L. R., G. Wills and Co., W\hrf Street. 1 .-itgs, J. E., Silktune, 1ps~icil. Kilco. II-rins, T., CourtleWoy, Iliii,,,s. V. (3., Telemon, Beaudert. Iy~, Ltd., Q. ionIII I; ilerson, J. S., Milton Station, Gladstone. outh i lerlsun, H. N.. Stanlley Steetl, B\risbane. lcr~et~oi. Ri.. Uion~ Street, luv'oiig.l It a1r, R., Stuek Exlaige Hotel, Q!ueenl StrIeet. 'I~ 'elI, Dr. A. P., 5s Wickliamn Trr~e. Terace. I~ tll T., Twine Street, WiClitunII A., Charlotte Steet. / bel~rg, 'Ib rerg, A. M., Chlarlotte Stre~t. I'too.,,1 A. T.. Otmor, 0 seifrd 1~!ter-igtol, J. W., Mlainl Str~eet. Kanlgaroo M t~unt Meer, Iewitt and Suit. ismloe. S.W. he, W., Glenalou~I It air~, 'iilttt. 'I ..,, "(':1C orel-a, Milol. Toowogb . It. E, St. Lucia, 1 et, W'., Ahbutsford Road, Iloen Hills. 'L,tliel,6 Y. ~It? W., Texas. WengRleeg HIx,1, House, Bellevue. Blre. cryd, Ltd.,i .. E. Huline.. F. J ., II olmes andi (htrcli, Oucen Street. \ a IIy, II' me. Io 05, .o la ods, S~rig l'ittsworth. intel, Onueen Strect. JHole.. M.. Itelast Samuel, Pittsocrth. Fllne~., Ilooke.. F. F. St. I.., Humplyhong Steamship Coy., cittelt Street. I iI J., Kenmore, via I idoropilly. ',! J. F'., '"Caington,'' East I pswtcl. H l en. M. (3., N. ~ank,Oneenl Street. ner , C., tp6 Edwardl Street. I Win.. Leichlardt Street, S~ring Hill. James, "Lakkatt,'' Vultulre Street, I .dopII Suth Brisbane. Adelaide I tier, E., Isles Love Buildi~g, Street. I. tlitin H. B., WilSOnl and Hemming, Adelaidle Street. "Beauli.'' Holbrook Set. 1. adna Hllai~lerl. J. 1.. Qucesdr ()ueen tret lIoud, W'. Irishnne. ~, ~itt, Henr, l)'Atilar. ~irtt, T. M., Cavendisli Road, Hill, I-I. S.. "Warickshire," Coor~aroo. Hill, W. J., Kelvin Grove. Hill, W. R. ., "Tyrian," Melbourne Street, South Brisbane. Hiockley, F., Berlin Street, Hendra. H indes, W., Queensland Agricultural College, Gatton. Hinton, W'. L., Chrles Street, Deagon. Hip~wood, James, Eagle Street. 1lockins. W. S. T.. Pastoral Occupation lIranltl, Eecutive Building. lodsoit, Isaac, Taringa. I-Iudgson, Johln, k~napp's Creek, Beaudesert. lo~dgs~on, W (juenl Street. Hoal. Josephl. Pul and G~ray, L~td., Eagle Street. Creek I loganl. )J.. Patriotic Assurance Co., Street. H oue,l . ., Iirt .. " and Cy., Itirside," Ltd., South! M~iva, aiangyo S.. Litartotent of Agriculture andi H oupler. l'. II., T~wer Street, Al~ion. Hitopr. ., (lCeddar Farm, oombye. I oplr. . J.. "t 'urriogi n,' Manrkwell Street, I! antiltoti. IIore, (' Horije. J.,~ . Monsiligdae Monsildale, i I.nvl vial Linvill. (ltam~ers Eale Street. H ortti, N., I uliS, L-td., (hlarlotte Street. Alfredl, Ioskinl anitl (armichacl, Hokin, ('reek Street. lails. Toooolawahl. Hosingc S. H., Ratcig l'iicess Street, lSulima. Howa:r, Tts,h Howe, John, Maryboroughl Co-op. Dairy C o.. Mnlduhbera. I low\ell, (3. H.. Australian Bank of Comerce )ucen ~ Stret. Howell, R. A., illarneyr South. J. Hughes, C'., Sepelt, Hughes. i'. H. J., Ltd.. Eagle Street. Stanley Strec), Smutl O!ucen Huges, . F., Snlow s Buildinf, St r'eet. II ughe~s, . F.. F'orest Hill, Southi J~isbie. Huit, Alex., Maleit. M~owlit y Hunitr, Herbert, "~lenle,'r, Steet. East ~rishael. Hultr, II., Jlr.' Bunell.'~~ Mlowraly Street. East lHrish~an. II uter, . A.. ~'ulb. Huter. R. S., Mary~ Street. 1'. iI., QucerIt Street. Ito itr. 44 AN UAL NT~1 I EMBERS. -( 'oniu~d. R. C., Royal Bank of Queensland, Valley. Hrley, C. A., Ahern and Hurley, Courier Hunter, Building. Htrworth, D~r., Edlward Street. Httssey, T., (;eoffre3' Street, New Frm. Hutchins, W. (;., Hidden Vale, ( raulltesti'r. lutlinson T., amieson Street. Sydlne. Hydec, ('. E. N., Roe Roadl, SNtdalt. I nlis, NV'., lanson IRoad, II tlr~. ns, G;., N'st End. I nos, S.N.. Walla, Jacke, A. E., Countr~y Pess Assol., Qut': Street. Jow~ret, C.ecil, Lyton Road, East Brisbatl: Joye, H., Wilridge andi Sinclir, Eliz~ahetlt Street. Jud1. A.. lIri w'ss ('icek, Illaytey, N.S. Vi tlde, M. K;., Aut raliati Estaics and I .. (rck Strcct. J .tsrr\. Vi.I., 'rincce Street, lltnpsot G;in Gi. 'ootr~ar i. JSaas. F. R., S. I loftoittg oi ('hrlotte Street. Isles, I". A. J., Iles l.oive :itil iile Street. I yes 3 oseji, tI1( o, . tl.. (iv \.. Atle F. E .,,"tlt Ave~nc, Wttls~r. James A., Qitarry Street, ]IsHich. llaidec Strtet. lCtII It ls lix I I ~III illstcn. (;tl;L. . I'~lxl~~* h~x ijr helll~lll.li Sretl.i N S. W. Ja'ksitt, .li. H~iian Street. Jaclsitl, . T.. Eale St' re;ttC. Ja~ksonl .1acson, R., l'.agle N. .., Jaris, Chs., Jeffrey, -. , . Steet. H. oxa S.rl~ ii .latrsi, El~lizt't ilte. Street. FnlIt ., Jenis, 'I'., Itietin Ilettmsen. S. ('., O)rttislv, ('ilt~rov Jiliiis, NV., Oltecut Strce. Jiibtisn, A., Saw I~li lltt,1 11ills.c ret M~ills, N. ('. I linttt' I . Kinjtottll.T W.. ISleatI ('Val., L.Senltti flait an hill'y., Cx\'li .od Glend I,l1 Street. (altiultr'e. St reet. 3 ohinon, !)tueetslail Fa:rtut ' 'i li I0( ii li z abet I Stret. l~tel ('eil, t eore Street. jliiston, James, ( 'anada I 'yle antI Mtor ('oy., C'reek Steet. J ohnsc~i, NV'. I ., ''Nlt. I .angR,' II etulerson Street, Bluliia. Jones, A. .. 3ones andi H anlly, Etwari Street. Jones, A. RaymnIl I jal, Raytnittil, mites acnd Hall, Elward Street. jiitts, )anjel, 138R Ptric Terrace. Jones, D. ., Sydney, Teehar, Brooweena. Iii bit so. .., NV i., 3 olnstito, ., Jones, Edward 3., Ihtler llro., ('larlotte Street. Joes, van, Syny. Jones, C. E., Goomeri. Jonecs, H. A., ./U G;ord1on anld Giitb, Queen Street. Jones, Sydney NV., G;ordon and Gothl, Queen Street. Jones, T. L., Foggitt, Jones and Coy., Tur- boct Street. Jrdan, T., Spring Street, II etlr. Ki. \.I., t/i N'liittncLactid olI S ( re htot. I.Zilt, ~1 .I .alrat Street, Alinorr Kngh, .,\Vca Street, s aley. Vot Knaiht, K. (laeley Stree, Atltttl KIti lit W. .. Ileal and (ov.. Joattil (!tt'ettyar (o. ekSreet. Kttox~l, A. I., utrliati tel, Iie'i t ~rrrh. KI to Itte . . ,hugow e Road, liii Wiiit Street. Il',iste St ret Sot tlriltte.Inleil T, et Oi NN ~I I~ IEMBBERS.- 'uiri Imudamba. City V ieW Diy, I rue..-. M. hr.i\. H on. I'. J*, c-2ueen Street. Coy.., Emit G., Co-op. Dairy mimoth, (mreek, via I)eilho. New Famml. ( .. Mray tret. kL\. . mvI.. IAd.. .401 F. H., Lueteiord; Valle. Street, NWickham 293 3. B., addilgton. 'ark, Coorlamo. Tr.,N tiumnl l~mk. t . an,. ( ueen Street. 1.mmma,A. C'., (2. otittl Brisbne. Lim1\a. II. E.. tnley Stret, Lugg, Stree. E-ale em,., Smrvey~ 044c, ( cr~ I.v1mml miii mm mmml iil L,,m Wi., N\c~tein Zealn I'. . I;1.immi. ?ee Street I Ad.rzi. Eaglel ,. )S1,Vm Itrigdi r-( eiiera l. 4it~. I. ie mai . 1e e'F ;mrm 11am tm. N. h IL, 11. \Verheirtoy. . ., Itm,;I:LK(. -1. J.1 Nlaekenmicl ''e. I'ra..c E~1!.1. t.p St 52 item . Vmxm (ttens ort lliimmk1of Ic;l~mmwn .~., I et I IIote N\lr.,llariig \'.. t.I.1)1mnpmt) I ;.. mml'.. I ;.. (]111 \) ow m I,. I t ! .I :mCamm.., - Street. Accr. M.I' I~). 4 arml- I \jl.,A~il. 11m I.. I,mcaImmm~I r (I~ 1e.ill., Si .~ iii. mid is . lm1~1,1\ 11wm~ll Street. tt- t. tel I NlI~ mcimmmim . N~I7Ll.l 1 NrltiC i mimmima I il,1,(1 J. NI mtI;I mli 4 lliamVlle NI~i Nl imli II. W., A. I. NI~mcmlmllm~ll, 1'. SN N. '. I. Cimy. Jzlhtd., mm m~ Stt~ N21I 'Ii, . I.. F. W.. littlel Street ~ilge, lJm ic,mm., 2c~mieem I.. \Vai Imi.l mmSt me. 4I~i .\;t-r III)r.~ . (I. 4 ileem Stt-jlmtmm, Stret. I Abimi c t Itmimi I) 51;1jll , \.1. mimI. I'. 1.I NI:mmlm1mm ~S mimtL. Illami ill.\ h'~lum,, mrmmiimg'.iim I~mmclmimammm ~,' StreetIIII;~,Ii. Wicklmammmi t ci..\ Termite e NlI mmi in mm,.. Jl's .,'. Na~immme. "~tr iii I;mmfmmm Stitlid<'~. It 1 .ii Im~, Nl~rmiml I. )., I.. I,4i,-Se 'il,e Itr. I. ln Ctcc, .1mg. \Vl,., '('mo Val g NI el. cli. Al~ll(it CR,miix AIlvmimie , (i I'., NImlsmmm I~I.. Rim iri .1I)imm v Immmm'.c, Teme i iv, l'mi lii Itievi Ii.,~ SItreet.k mm Emmmmmvtie, hy Street teet.d Sndg Keiian. Stet nnitn Ab fo i~s 9wI:.m AN NUAL 31EMBERS.-Contiuled./ Marshall, W. MeL., c/o Sargood Bros., Ccmmonwealth Building, Adelaide Street. Marsland, J., London Road, Clayfleld. Martin, F. W., Queensland Co-op. Bacon Coy., Murrarie. Martin, H. S., Bororen. Martin, M. D., Bank of Australtuia, Oucen Street. Martyr, W. J., Lakefield, Taroom. Massey, J. G., c/o Dalgety and Coy., Ltd., Elizabeth Street. Matthews, E. H., Royal Bank of Queenm!la.d, Queen Street. Matthews, J., Edward Butler and Sons, I.td., Petries Bight. Matthews, Ray, L.adlow, Enoggera. Newstead Matthews, W. H., "Wulfrunia,' Terrace, Newstead N.S.W. Kogarah, Avenue, Rawson J., Maude, May, G. D., Fenwfck and CGoy., L.td., Edward Street. Mayall, G., Avondale, Pittsworth. Mayall, J., Avondale, Pittsworth. Maynard, R .S., "Farm Bulletin" Office. 303 Queen Street. Mayne, Dr. J. O'N., Moorlands, Toowong. Mayne, W. M., "Moorlands," 'I'Towong. Meade, James, Rona Street. Mecklem, . A. Strathpine. Medcraf. H., Denison Street, Rockhampnjton. Meek, Dr. R., Vulture Street, South Brisbane. Meiklejohn, J., F. S. C. A., I.td., Fdwt ard Street. Merritt, J)., Sanudgate. Merson, T. S., Miles Street, Woolonwin. Ilowen Middleton, Jamcs, I)ownes Street, Ilills. Middleton, W., Devon Court. t rows Nest. Midsoii. A., Ednonstone Street, South Itiris. bane. Milburne, George, "Riviera," North Ooay. Mildren, Mrs., Wellington Road, Red Hill. Miles, Andrew, ('liarlotte Street. Paddington. Miles, Hon. E. I)., Ascot. Miller, J., Bald Hills. Miller, James, Sandgate. Miller, -. , Miller and Ledwick. 3.7 Oucen Street. Mills, Robt. H., A. M. P. Building. Edward Street. Milie, J., Smellie and ('oy., Edw ard Street. Milne. J. U., Mercantile Mutual Insurance Coy. Mitchell, J. M., Toowong. Mitchell, R., Mary Street, Grove Estate. Mitchell, S., Strathdu Station, via Warwick. Mitchell, ---. , Onarua, New ZealanI. Moffatt, George, Toorak, Hamilton. Moffatt. Hugh, Dalgety and Coy., Elizaheth Street. Mole, F. J., 154 Edward Street. Molesworth, Rev. H. T., Cornwall Street, Thompson Estate. Albion. Moloney, George, "Whiteciffe." Monk, W., Vulture Street, South Brisbane. Montteath, C. II., Hardgrave Road, West End. Monteith, H., New Zealand Chambers, Queen Street. Moon, W. R., Salisbury Chambers, George Street. Moore, Alfred, Bonathorne, Dirraubandf. Moore, Edward. Moore Bros., Stanley Street, South Brisbane. Moore, Eric, Indooroopilly. Moore, E. F., Toogoolawah. Moore, F. J., Golf Street, Graceville. Moore, I. J., Barambah, Goomeri. Moore, John, Palace Hotel, South Brisbi Moore, J. C., The Peaks, Marbango. Moore, T. H., Colinton. Moran, H. S. F., Edward Street. Morcom, W. N., Eagle Street. Morgan, Sir Arthur, Parliament House. Morgan, A. R., Ales. Stewart and Sons. I. Qucen Street. Morgan, E. F., McLenan Street, Albion Morgan, I.. H. C., Dalgety and Coy., 1. Elizabeth Street. Morris, C. A.. "Roseholmn," Racecourse Ro Ilamilton. Morris. F. E., Colonial Mutual Fire In ance t V.. (iceek Street. u Morrow. T.. Morrows. lttl., NorthI Morse, Wi., 42 Adelaide Street. ( randclhester. Mort. A., Franklin \'ale, Mott, D.. Crescent Road, South Brisbane Mluir. M.. McWhirter and Son, L.td.. \ lev. T., ('lichlmer. O., Nelson Street. Souti Mullet, II., Monduran. (;in Gin. Mullen Miuller. uniidlell, G., Redmarley, B risha via Miles. Itri ngaha ii. MunudellI. Jodhn. Juandah. Mun,ro, 1). Roy, St. George. M unro. E., lellevue Terrace, (layfield. Munro, Mrs. 1. R. I)., "Sunnvside," \\ wick. lHos, 303 Queen St cet. W. Mdunr.. I'.. (entral (haitubei s 1-It0i. ward Street. Murray. t . F., Mt. Watson. IBlackall. Murray. E., Queensland Farmers' CoCo., Booval. lurplhy . J olin, "Tullabardi ii,' More HoII. Street, New Farm. M urrav, J. R., Berlin Street. Hlendra. Murray , J. P., Bridge Street, Albion. Murray, N. R., Heaconslield, Ilfracomnbe. Murray, P. R.. Brisbane. Mturray Murray, R., Sixth Avenue, Windsor. Murray-Prior, T. B., Maroon, Boonah. I Murton, E.. Glasshouse Mountains. N. Myers, E. M., 184 Queen Street. Mylett, J. S., Beaudesert. McAllister. R. A., Oil Coy., Hulime Mcallum, A. K., "HIolywood,' Lai Parade, East Brishane. McCallumn, Joni N., L.ongreacli Buildi Nortl Ouav. Met allumi H. A., N. Z. Loanm and .A ]. Ltd.. EarIe Street. ( McCarthy, D. J., Warwick Butter anti Da: V'acuunm ingR Co., Ltd., Allora. McCarthy. Rev. J. T., Presbytery, Red Ii' Mc('artney. I). II., Grey Street. South It bane MIlcComiechy, A. H., Hamilton Road, Chc side. Me('onmiel, A. J., Dugandan, Boonali. Mc'onnel, E. J.. Marshlands, Wondai. Mc('onnel, E. W., Mt. Brisbane, Esk. Mcook R., Rona Street. Mctormack, J., Sandgate. Mc('ormack. R., Sec. Federated I.io Trade Emloyees' Union, City. McCormack. W., M.I..A.. Parliament H.. MeCowan. Jamtes, Mt. Wallaby. Gin Gin. 47 ANNUAL MIEMBERS .- t.'oat(i,nu~. C(owan, R., N. Z. Cambers, Queen Street. Iocnald, A4., Ewendale, llfracomb. CenOly Do~cnld, A\. Ii., *G;rosvenor," tral. M~utual Life AsDonald, G. E., Natio~al soiton, Oneen Strect. D. C., Tooloon, Wallal Siding, J~onell, Railway. S'. aOnl . anld lI-o. F., Mi.L. ., Mconnlell ,Iolnell, Street. Faql. I.td., Gore I onnnell, J. 3., Queen Street. ~arwick. I ougall, C. F.., Lyndhnrst, ,Ilgall. Fralnk, Sherwood. I hngajill, James, )avis andi McDouall, Fockhiiinpton. tougall, i'I. A. H., Wongongera Statinn, C hinchilla. R.. C'ooar. loiuall, ~lI)ualll, Roinl, (nooyar. I lonuall. Rolerick, ((clyr. lougall, V. S., Cooyar. I ;\ n, H., 1.01011 Street, Sp~ringf lull. N treet. ~illi, *f.,~ Aso I; rrth, 1'., ., ;eo c Saudgate.. Roh~t., Ewrd ~itrcct, A. I'., Russell Street, Sothl Itris. I~; rir rorry, iuire, J. it reet. iire, ., 1'.,NSewmaret Hotel, Romna EliyaRoyal Exchange I fotel, I i Street. IIIlittn, A., Brisbane. ountsdc, via I Jisi,A.,Gundb, I I tyre, Jnc. lii ICNV. Oinkvle, Chlristtn t titercial Blank 'rek. of Aus- Irlia, I .td. , Oneen Street. kellr11. . H .. Surscy Ofce, Gerorge Sreert. I I\(nna, I )r., Eagle Junctionl. I~weii, I ii., ~i nion, v. Kilkisan. P'., Jnne Street, F~itzroy Chs., West BUilig, ESnd. Adlide oroch Terrace, South~ Uris. , et.nl, Pter ~., Moray Street, New Farn. 'iuiion, endt, A. R., 171 Queen Street. mdot, D. E~dward ., N olinll iii ~Iiii Noi lii ., i~- t ., - A\rthu1r, ol mo\\b,! Woodfo~r. ( o., A. H., 'Glenmore,"' Humce Street, MeSllane, Toowoom a. lc\:ean, W. A., Ascot. R., Queensland F'armers' DisMecWlinney, trihutting CyRoma Street. Street, Valley. J.,Brnwc MecWbirter, MeWilliil, T., rahant andf Coy., Charlotte Street. W\. A., c/a J. P. Bottomley and Coy., Nason, Ipsw ich. Nvlur, 3. '1., Surar Nele, G;., Ruincorn, S. C:. i.. ., 'anning Downs, Warwick. Needhain, Coy., V. M., Brisbane Tranmays Nlsn, Street. l.tl., (olntess Nevlle, ~. G;.. Guthrie Street, Paddington. Nenan, t;., Wyreema. Newman, 6;. N., d/o Dalgety and Coy., Ltd., Elizabeth Street. Terrace. ewman, K. I., Wickham R. H., New Zealand Loan and ML. Newman. A. Coy.. l~td.. Eale Street. and Coy.. Mary N\eylor. Ml. N., d/o Lanham Street. R. 6., Mlaryboroughl ('a-up,. Dairy Niclol, n'y. , It iggcnde ii. iciolas, C. F., Tait's Hotel, Tewantin. icols, C. 5., Nichols, L~arill andi Butler, G;eorge Steet. ihols, J. 11., G;rceville. icholson, 17r. F. V. C ity Chamers, Edwardt Street. ichon ,, JoIn, Musgrave Rad, Redl Hill. owenville. ., Carean, icolson, K. Nicklin, W. I.. Lahey's J~td., Vulturc Street, Southi Brisbane. Ice rulce, City nd Suburbn 6;. Nio, risbane. I istihuoting Coy., Sot It N\isen, F. NV., Queen Street. Dairy ( o-o. Xny 1oroigi t - H.. Ma NI is, ~inaroy. ( s. Fenwick and Coy., I.td., Stret. . W., Fenwick ndt ( oy., I .ul.. E-dwrd Street. igllilii, II. P., Royal HIotel, \'etlba. and Steelart Wunerlich I\lanns, A. II., t cv., Aelia Street, Valle. 3olin, Dairy Coy., .tdl., Green.I\Ilste I~ endtl . iltount. I~ Na, A., Adlelaide Street. I b, J., Dathl Henderonl anil Coy., BitIini~. MerNab, and MerI ~nb, R. J., Ch]abers, Street. SN, Adelide Datlh Hendetrrson ani Co~y., I~n, Ii. S., Ita iba. . I.iclliardt I .tgaooil Street. ocet, Marly V'alley Bnk, Wilston. Ii., Oril t ash Store, ClayI-angi]Cy Snutt ill .. UTlster Hotl, Elizabeth Street. Noycs, A. ., N. Z. Chambers, Queen Street. Noycs, Tlios.. 34i Queen Street. Nuttigc, J. II., Snrmnby, Harriaville. Nystronl, J. A.. Iooie, Kinaroy. G;. C., Dikson Terrace, Toork O'Ileiriie, Hill. O'Crroll, J. ., A. M. .. andl F. Coy., Ltd., Street. 'r ek B., Colinton. O'Connor, Maclay Street, )enis, "Pomeroy," O'Colnorl, Potts Point, Sy ulney. J. D., Girey's Road, Hamilton. O'Cono~r, S., Tattersall's Club, Isles Street. O'Conor, O'C'onnor, 1'hos.. "Dupworth," Oxley. O)'oovan. A. Bl., Racecourse Road, Ascot. Oelrics, ('. F.; Johln Cooke anul C'oy., Ltd., Eale Street. Ogg, C . W., Newmarket. Okeden, C. F. Parry, Auburn, Ciinhilla. ~.P'usell anld Coy., Queen F., A. Oltll, Street. j., Fedteral Chlambers, Queen . O'Marali, Street. O'Nill, John, ;ro~e Street, Albion. Felix Street. O'Rilly, Clas., ANS NUAL M1EB EIt.-('tdlii ted. Pittsortt. Hunl. J. I)., St. Illens. 0' Rotrke, F;., I ntis .. f(otrt. Allaite Street. Kingaroy. l Irotk.i Grdn M. WC. 'Rnuk, O'Rvati, . C.. 11. 13. Ctt.. Statley Sret. ~South Brisbane. Osborne, I... E., Roma. Osborne, W. 6., Stafford. O'Shea, T. J., 43 Queen Street. Mluckadillal. O'Sullivan, Denis, Ashmount, ( reek Hotel, (O'Sullivan, T. H., Queen Street. P. C., arwick Butter and DirYOttose, jug Coy., Texas. Outridge, G. C., "Kerwee," via Munt erry. Overell, W. H., Overells Ltd., V'alle. Oxlade, W. .. P'etries Bight. Ozante, C., Musgrave Street, Pa.dig~ton. Padgett, C;. W., River Road. New Farm. Page, james, Roseh~err y Street, Highgz e Hill Page, Dr. S., 69 Wicklam Terrace. Paine, N., Zillmanl Road, Henl:a. Paine, H., Monrooka. Br,'iLr:,t ( ieek. Palme , A. C. H.. Palterosa, Palmer, C. B. H., Auchenflower. i. PaInter, Johl, Short Street Wla. Palmer, J. H., Macalister. Palmer ,Miss M. J., Eatonl Gras, Taowrong. Paradise, W. T., Pearson Soap Coy., Ltd., South Brisb~an. Park, James, d/o W. MeIC(alluni Prk, E1tigera. Park, L,., Wunderlich Steelart Coy., Ameli' Street, Valley. Valley. P'arker-, W., Brunswiek Stlret, Ormiti, Parker, W. H.. IX Nelstinl (lamers Street. Stlret. I'aten. . Pate, J. Patei, I.. Patesoit, ~r.1~ Sangate. toplt)iad St rel. Patlldintitill. Pat(trsiit, (. (;.. Heidr. 'atllct Paul, It. II., Creekl Street. Ht. 11., c/ti Sloels xltatige H-otel. Pulitli. (')toeen Stret. Street. Valley. A., llruitwici P'astt, I';isiie. AC I ., .anttot, Newcastle. H , Inuisfail. I ,uvnu. 'I' Strct I It, I'eat~e aIii I)oulas, tIdwardl 3. HI. I~yullin,'' NtiatiI Parade, F. itlle J itletion P'ehialtgoi W. H., I liluloolill!. itaiiet Prisons ('alit., 'enlnt ithei Buililig. lt u y C'oy., I.ttl., atil Philfi Burnis 'eremi, . 1)., c/n Maty Street. leel lerrtt. II., (hicesltol Vanrners' ( , Ip"I) "Mbord;ni,'( Coy. Phillish, A. S., 5, titteen Street. I.itlcreliffe,'' H'inders Pat ( ., l'liillip, Sanilate. P'hil it. Sir. Rolit., Too wo 1g. Ri. C.. Towilsvllle. Phil, I. Taylor Street, ot I .oganl R I 'liip,l lbips. . T., George Sti cet. ii st on. I 'i b ~v t I. W\.. XWiIto 1 I'sa e, Sewiiig M ac 'ickwoi iii, C. R., Singer 'oy))., QueenC Strcet. 'ickwortli.. J. W. l auri Bros. and Thomp, ~lizabeth Sti eet. H. P'irce. P. C., Ilrokes Street. Boen W., Janies Street, Wo~looi~. I'ierlinlt. Pike, V.. Queenl St~eet. ike, W., Oeen Street. P'itt. C. W., 'Narrawong," Charleville. "Narrawon," Charlev Pitt, C;. W. jr. Pitt, Hi. C. J., "Narawong," Charleville. A. E., Dalety and Co., Ltd., El ile. bcth~ Street. 3. E. S.. Pltitridge Ltd., al 'lumige. Poole. I-I. E., c/n B. J. Ball, Ltd., Elizal~ Poole. Mliss R. .. .S.W. Sunlnysidle C entral Ti tt'v Pre~ho. Hi. 3., Reeyr ( reek StLoitii. Tat1 Prstonl C;., aan~o. PreCston.) C. H.. 217 GrTegory Terrace. Preston. . A., Alb~ert Street. Price. V'.. Aucienflower., Stret. P'riiig, ( . E.,. ,tt. Brunlswicl Farn.. A. 2., T'urbt Street. cha ~.1 I'rit social itii, Edward Street. Street. Pr.v i me, l'., Wol ali. IIul aberg. Provinee, T. H., Roslyn, Mt. Perry,. rice, I). C'., Nestles Farmis Toooolait I'ullei. S. F.. Prarie Plains, Wiyarra. Dairy Co., J., Dow~ns C1o~. Ptirell, \Tlley. itilnl Allitle Sti ee, ,T, Tlonltotil House Spring S H.. Baudesert. Oilili, Oiiil. IV., 24t Onueeti Street. Q~ullitig, H. C ., Dept. t~f Agriculitit Williani Sti Cut. Stok. i . ( ;. A.. ITtitit Bazk, QueenL I SiI.. Ai ros., Ralstni. A. V'., Macaggart Street. iI. Rlalstt.. W. V., ( Ittensiild Nationl (titen Street. Hra. Sc reel. PetersenII .t. P, Clyfield. l'alitgansti S Street. ueen StrIet1. Petc ~.It. Ptty H. ., Queen Street. FaC.: Porter, A. J., Forte Lane. Maryboroug P'olset. W\. C'.,(ueen Street. Morv~ii P..i rcli, A. F., Ivatitie )owii, Eale S * Powel~. C. A.. Pa3rhirv hue. Xalnit. Hlti, W., Wanora. H., Jeyariel, ('alvert. A., 'leleal~li Chabers, Nundah. i'at rick, C'. A., Beulfool, Patterniore,-r A., Aleatllet Sireci. Chlese estinotet Petcrsen. P. .. vial Wawick. &ii lellsfr,' I..A.. Ptrie. A. L., Ml. AN N CAL MIEMBERLS.-((oohti'd ~,usay E.L..Ilatelory Umirati. via Tool~wona. mini. W. V., A .M. L. and F;. (io., Creek Street. n~iioni. R. 1'., 78 Eagle Street. ij1 J. Maleny. (,\ n. ., ,i~ nonld, I roside A. J., stte, Toowon. River Termre. Kaigaroo I:lig, ;. I'., Brookfield. *~.1r ( '. I'., Varrum, ii~ rui~ick Street, New Farm. <iJ. H is Ioitour Iuatic, Sill reme Couurt, (;t~lrge Street. ; II. ., ('ac leln, Mlen ii. U). V)., Johnl Reidl and~ Nelleo s (liarlotte Street. ~. i,i J., .auristoit Co-o. Dairy C'o., HeadllllgtOt Hill, CliftOn. i,. J*, 49 1'nrtescne Street, S~rig Hill. Gchr~,. H. F., Howard M1otor C oy.. Queeni Street. koo~~n, A. B., Adelaide Street. Ke~ ell. Walter Reynella Soth Anstralia. l(-! olds, W. H., Ann Street, Valle . R!:. itles, V. H., Wikham Street Valle. HI dles, L. F. Latrie, Cedar Park, Pittstiort . lh. <, J*, Eliheth Street. R lardson, G. A., Kagaroo Creek. via 1'~1r. lie. ). ., e~, Ge re tret I, !~~J., "Ahhlotsford,' Wtrr ls s Roadl. I' .ll/ll, t . II., Altia Street, C'latieldl. It i~;l, (; .Howrd, Kedron. 't'., j. 'c .. i F.. IIerltl lrs.. 1 iI.. Istitut. obcrts lritisli d1ll Jiinljtre Anehenl HloS I!, Elm. 1 otl, ((Iteet S., Brry and Roberts, ( uneen St cci. T. A., Nestle andi A.-S. Condensed Mlk C'oy.. ('reek Street. i ; l,t, n, W.~ II., Cor~lt; Side Sut li I~t. I I lilslt)1, H., ('oIollerat iV ChIese 1aCOry, 15011). VV. Albert lps~icI1 Road. Arthtr, "Tamava,~ Ascog- Toowong. F'. RyallI James, R., Yamburgan, Moondoo. Nornlliy Hotel, Normny. Yeulba. Brotller J. A., Christian Bros. Nitdgee Ryn, Joh, Ryan, C ollege. Hyat, P'atrick, Perak ('rossing. Ryall. P. F., Gooniliwindi. Ryall, Honl. T. J., M. L.A.. n)eensland. Premier Rylanlce. P. I).. Qiteen Street. Salil. F. W., G. Wills and of Coy., Ltd., S i. II W A. \l calallcll Irl~surance I til ( tteen Street. SiIit C Aiiiirc Street. .Neu Farm. 5 1111IsIl \. I' ( rek Street. (i'y.. W\harf Sugart. A. ~.\\~ro Street. II., Edlwardl ( . I c. So~tt, It. 1)1-. Scriveit, nlnit H., T)I.osroonb. .oaiil and1 Sir 'Terlrace . Rtllge ~~~It, ~ ~itI.( ).. Rttlelgc. Street. lirv EI Ilizaetll Street. Slanllo~~. I'., l,lil SCcIe ll 1. I> lllIsoll) I iii I. 'it:~s. 'I 'Mlalvern," Roth lt.ll T. ., Edcardl Street. Rt~l. J.. "i reilale C hristnas Creek. Rodtl. t. . "iredanle, t ilisnias I reeki. Rudlle. . 11., Rolyal Goge Ho~tl, \:alley. Ritdle, Wini.. Roal G;eorge Ilotl, Valley. Huddle. W. B., RoyalrGeorge Hotel, Valley. Rue, R. C., Metro~olitan ('hatnlters Adlaide Street. Ii 'elI. . . F:.. Iitlloorooil ly. Russell, II. I aclius Marshl Milk Coy., ijS FIle Street. Rttsll. J .1.., 7i Elizahetll Street. Rtliiiing. H. I. F:.. Rutting Works, L~td., Sti leet H'~!irdsozt, W., Indooroopilly k1, A.. Trrors Creek, via Pet nc. I\II..I1.VI. r. Ro,h~ \Vtn.. Mji.thic. ;LIII Slls. ( rge~~ Stric~t. t 1rCt. OlleellI .(Intercoluolial Itoril1g toy.. Itt, I Strtc~ .Neii\ lrtunsouk . ;. ., Inuler Secrt~ary. of Agriculture and Stock. l)cart Coy.. I ''led s,~ Alex.. Torrens \'ale, Ta:nefield. I- I-I R.. RutlIvell Street, T1I,woontha~ ~1... Searl, J. I.. W2arwick Butter an1d D~airiiig J. II., "D1OrraL 1Tr, I.Ura Street, Sot Ii risbane. Selhy'. A .. N alango. Septlt,c l . A. Ouet i nll Eagle Streets. Scutloll. H. F.,~ I'.lgiilecr. Ollice, Railways, Sells. (l.. 'Me. I 'ny, Street, 'lnolllba. "Ntc. . II .,IIai cld~., I"~ Philip Cookid St~eet (' I . M onlooall. Sy iiy. Stitilr lat in, .t~t('. Sldek. 'F.. StIdIII A. otlde II. Iull n Sltatd. Sltanmon,l Street, Kanigaroo Point. ltiru~la. Iayes Bros., uensport. W., l.ad Court, Executive 'lii1n ., C. A., P. c/n Sllarpe, . .,Tl. Heaslop and Coy., Roma Street. Slaw, E. J., F'airmont, Zillmere. Slias . E. ., Telen, Beaudesert ANNUAL MEMBERS.-(Continu'd. Shaw, J., Dornoch Terrace, South Brisbane. Shead, W., Gladstone Road. Sheard, S., Paddington. Sherston, W., "Beerwah," Gregory Terrace. Short, F. E., 367-369 Queen Street. Silvester, W. S., Federal Chambers, Queen Street. Simmons, L., 307 Queen Street. Simpson, A. E., Alderley. Simpson, J. H., Barundi. Sinclair, Robt., Central Auction Mart, Toowoomba. Sinnamon, B., Avondale, Oxley. Sinnamon, J., Goodna. Skerman, J. H., Maleny Co-op. Dairy Coy., Maleny. Skinner, E. J., Mammetein Ppty., Ltd., o09 Pitt Street, Sydney. Skipper, F. J., "Cliveden," Gregory Terrace. Skirving, J., Kellett Street, Auchenflower. Slade, A. S., Brisbane Tramways Coy., Ltd., Countess Street. Slade, W. B., "Montpelier," Wickham Terrace. Small, Andrew, Glenmore, Clermont. Smallbone, W., Wellington Road, Kangaroo Point. Smalley, \V. E., Mary Street, Gympie. Smith, A., Redbank. Smithl, A. A., Hurns Philp and Coy., Ltd., Mary Street. Smith, A. V., i6(> Edward Street. Smith, Iloward, 08 Eagle Street. Smith, James, Burnside Cheese Factory, Tannv'i I ci. Smith, J. South Smith, 1.. Smiti, 0. Smith, O. tralia, Smith, R. I.td., R., lallina, Richmond River, New Wales. S., Mt. Joscph, Brown'ea. H., Wuolla, Kilcoy. A., Commonwealth Bank of Aus()ucen Street. sinclair, A. M. L. and F. Coy., 127 ('reek Street. Smith, Sergt.-Major, The Esplanade, Manly. Smith, S. B., "Glenalbyn," Corinda. Smith, T. E., Australian Mutual Ins. Coy., 113 aigle Street. Smith, W. C., Longreach. Smitli, W. H., Woodford. Smvtic, Richard, MIusgrave Road, Redl Hill. Shell. RI., Soutlhrook Dairy (Coy., Southhrook. Snelling, T. A., National Pastoral Coy., Ayrshire Downs, Winton. Snelling, W. N., Moreheads Ltd., Mary Street. Brispswich Road, Sout , J.,Jnr., Soden bane. Soden, W. C., Upper Glenelg Street, South Brisbane. Somerset, H. P., M.L.A., Caboonbah, Toogoolawah. South, F. I.., Kodak Ltd., Queen Street. Southern, G. T., "Boronia," New Farm. Spark, Dr. E. J., Vulture Street, South Brisbane. Sparkes, A., Langside, Hamilton. Speering, R., Grantham. Speering, W., Grantham. Ltd., Spence, L. H., E. Rich and Coy., Wharf Street. Corinda. A., Spencer, Spencer, B. H. A., Spencer and Coy., Queen Street. Spencer, T. A., .Roma. Spiro, Mrs. L.,, 484 Bowen Terrace. Sprake, G., O'Connell Terrace, Bowen H Spry, C. F., Flowerdale, Rocklea. Spurgin, C. A., 288 Queen Street. Stacey, G. W., Graceville. Stanley, H. C., Moreton Street, New Far i. Stark, R. B., Allan and Stark, Ltd., Qui :i Street. Stedman, J., 65 Queen Street. Steer, G. R., General Traffic Supt. Railwai George Street. Stephens, A. G., Brisbane Tramways C(.. Ltd., Countess Street. QOut 1 Building, Stephens, I'. J., Kodak Street. Chambt .. Telegraph C. G., Stevenson, Oueen Street. Stewart, A. Alex. Stewart and Sons, It I., Queen Street. Stewart, C., E. S. and A. Bank, Queen Str,! Stewart, C. J., Criterion Hotel, George Str'. Stewart, E. I)., Australian Bank of C('oi merce, Ipswich. Stewart. Rev. Robt., Brookes Street, Ho\w Hills. Stimpson, F. A., Fairfield, South Brishcie. Stirling, Alex., Flinders Parade, San.lgate. Stirling, J. I.., Gunhower, Pittsworth. Stitt, J., Ilaynes Iros., South Brisbane. Stodart, J., M.L.A., Charlotte and Mar! Streets. Stokes, George, North Melbourne. Storie, J., Enoggera Terrace, Red Hill. Story, Story Robt., Street. Story, W., Street. A. M. and E. Ramsay, Coy., Adelai e Ltd., Ei. 173 Ann Street. Street, \ni., Strong, II. A., ]ndooroopilly. Stuart, (.. '., I'nioii Stullert. G. \V. T., Street. tank, ('ohbh Oueetn Street. iand('y.,('r Stuiiiu, C., Inns of Court, Adelaide Stree Stil'lnt iel'.. l. E.. ('rtCk Sirrt.t Sunnler, R., Montpelier Road, V'alley. Sutlherlandl, F'. Su/li, 11. ()., .l« Petrie 'Terrace. Svglbtl. Calit. O., "N(or\\'ay," Nornan 1'.. S iaynle, I., M.I..A., l'arliament IIou'e. Symes. 1'. .. , I'.Pa rltry Hioune, Eagle Sitr '';uit. ('., uRobertson T'ait and Coy., Charl.r Street. 'i'nier, R. 11.. lirislane ("iii te.. "1ratuways tCoy., 1: Street. , T. 1.. I.am, Itea ilesert. "['arlin oiton Tarte, I. M.. River Road, New Farm. ate, I:.J.,e/o J. Tate, Saddler, Red H. Tate, J., Red Hill. Tate, S., t'ngella. Tay'I'lor, ('Carlrs, Roma Street. Taylor, Edward, Taylor and ('olledge, 1.1 Charlotte Street. Taylor, J., Russell Park, Surat. Taylor, R. Willis, Taylor and Colledge, L ('Charlotte Street. Taylor, S. A.. iHonAccord, I)alby. Taylor, T. Mcl., Morelheads Ltd., M, ; Street. Taylor, Dr. \W. F., "Westhlorne," G« Street. Telford, W., Department of Public Instr " tion, Treasury Building. Teys, D. S., "Wyvera," Sherwood Road, T ," wong. 51 lote, lIon. F. U;., State Treasurer, Trea'Iheitt sury Building. Road, Indooroopilly. I otus, enyHart's rs.Lews,"Brynlhyfryd," lpswich. ,,ms, , Roma~ Steet. A\landcr IItomts;1, ,iilsIit~H. , n. pslllh(, it S.. iuit11sIutt, Street, ilsin. .,I .amont XXiihl te, Fernvalc. XV'. A., C recl'Stret. Ilnnptt I tilsnlsoll l.oltlIlltl Ro,I Nudg~ee l.illynier,' ('l~:lle~'is, ll. ~r l Street. .I hoisron, XV.. ()ltl Age 'eisioni ()iic, Street. ot j. S.. Ki ura. li)alb. ite aIICit, uc .Alie~ e ardI;ecre Ilirlw. 1 . ~ic A. I .. Xarwvick X'ltarf( Sret. XV. (., .Iiit. ri Hutter MlUlgo)ItI. I';gle i Al- Sreet. C'., 171 (luceni Street. Sendten, A., I.ganl Road, South b~risbale. Vanrenan, II. H., Logan, Victoria. XV;agner, Hl., .i6i (;regory 'Terrace. Road, Nunda. U;. W., Cemeery Wagne, agner, J. F:., Toowong., X\'alkr, A. C'., inera, Iundaberg. Wa;lkr, A. '., Brisbane. X. X'ollct, Von ('ambers, Mlutual F. J*. Colonial r~ tiucen~ Street. Wlker, ( . I., Huckland Road, Nundai. J H. C., K~nockroe. Walkr, I.. E:., C harlotte Street. . X~:lkr M~lvern, Sherwood. ., W\almsley, Walsh, A. U)., )algety and Coy., Ltd., Elizab~ethl Street. t hamrbers, Mlutual .1. A., Collonial i, XX'als Q~ueen Street. Valley. Street, Waltonl, A. E., Irunswick Walton, XV., UnsIIwick Street, Valley. X\'arljurton, W. J., Northgate. Flinders Parade, '"sara," XWardc, Allred, Sanldgatc. XVar, U. XV., Moses Ward and Sons, Queen Street. Street, South Brisbane. Ward, J., Cornwall Ward,~l J. X., Moses Wardl and Sons, Queen Street. Walkr, Hankll A. I'.,Ma o~tl, ti~tII'd. M~EMBERS.-CIl UA.L ANN andi ])airying ,itnltlliwll. Ms ~s, . 1. H, X~adli Roina Street. lIett., Wa:re~, Win., Irdhank. ailway Olic, i\. H., TIoogolawab. Warultetnindel, Str~eet, Teneriffe. j. XV., ('hesterl Wasseh(ll, Newstead. .d;ll, I)ai, Stretc. F~rall. XV. II., Fuecnerry, I. l-illgtUiera. .. Rickartl XXat s Avritue, Hondi. Sydney. Street, Valley. IieveltlaitWater. Wickhamn 'rvt, C., Fairlill,Peel, N.S.W. ewe\cke, H. H., Goundiwindi. c/u F. Trin, Thmas Street, X\r., .I'uit. Irout, ., Petrie Terrace. Richard, M.L.A., Red Hill. Irout, XV., [r~ut, '[tcrkl, A. ully, FS. l'utlevr H. Redl Illl. I'oint. I., Main Street, Kagbaroo ., Mlain Street, Kangaroo Point. Roadl, SIutlt HrisF., C;latltone batle. XV. J., Jyce Bros., I.tl., Sttnly J'utley, Street, South risbae. Tur, W. F., Adelaide Street. Stalley Mlaler, XV., c/u P. J. ('. Tutrter, Street. South ribane. ~., "Marlborough," Rockhantonl. Turuer, T., The Holmwood. Neurun. Turer, . R. U)., Mfader ald ('oy.. Eliza~ethl Turnr, Street. S, QueesnStret. 'lurer, oley Bros., Ltd., Roia Tynal, A.7M, Street. ~Ulman, F. W., Caboolture Co-op. Coy., Caboolture. Uhllman, H. ('., Blay View, urpengary. Road ,I ndoorooValernine, J. F., C;rosvencr iill . A., iiI, neuenslltid Bedsltead ('oy)., To- Stret. X\'tsit, . Srl, It\\., Verolllita.ll; I::\)Ji II ., tlrgaetitrct X\atsott, .l'. Xaso DAtyl~l tyL., . I., to14, (llrtiv XX';:astt, ll\nfi n hlal. I H..~ri X\~atsitt, ateIpwl. XXtt 'it. \Xan~l. L. I.. (tetSlan ilto X'at t s. F.l (uli, l ere ~ Sutet oad.lahall e; rg, O I titer a d XCaugh, I ) t e i* Street. rtaue o (t-t Mjs, ('apt;. XV.~ X~llteril Wtle ree, (itR icrd ili ding.t anl We Il, M . St aor -oit-kern.e ot XXaetl, 1)rti XV. S., VltueSret I lll WebrA. Webstert, U.., arrla N., Yecl Webte aey oy, ad ar i) Whleeler, Jos., So7 Mlainl Strect, ~anroo P'oit. Whereat, J. ., Byron Street. Iluliliai. Whiplell, C. R., St. ;oge. White, C. ., Pikedale, Stantlorpe. White, E., Bluff Dowls, ('arters Towers. White, E. U;., "Oakden," O'C:onell Terrace, Bowen Hills. Whiite, F. L,., Brooklands. Woodhill. White, H. B., Mars Street, Wilstoi. White, John, d/o Caricks Ltd., Saul Street. White, J. W.. Vulture Street, otith B(risbane. White, T., Molindear, S. (*. . Wite, W. )., Sotliort. White. V. M., The Willows, l.aidlev. Wlitefo,l~1 James, iX Somerset .ir .t, ally. Whitly, H. W.,. c/u Muorltead'. Lh1.. \VIitmii, Wm. Tain~a. Whlittaker, T., Australianl Esttes t'oy., ('reek Street. Wl'titiogham, 1-In. A. II.. M.l .. field," Hamilton. Mry and ' M. M a', Elli~abth Street. Wienlolt, 1)., Daley's Itiligi. Street. WVietlolt, J. U., "Tuie (Cottae.' ~oad, Sotith t Brisan. Wir d i t W'ildnii;l, L~td., Elizabethi Street. Wi:it k s, (. MV., Dep~artmnt 01i Agi It II Stuck,. Williami Stret. W\i met.. W. U;., Kinstoni S. C. I.. Winstoi, B., Brown Street, New Farm.n Win~ten. I). A., Anellala D~wns, Morveni W'iten H. J., Morven. Wi i cr1 l tam, U)., '1'l eat re Ro)al Ho li Eiliz~lietli Street. \\itliam. W'. I.., Rose Street. Anellrle3 Wit lcenle, W. , D~ickson Street, W'oolot ~i a i Woodl, A., flualtrougli Street, S. Brisb~ane. Wood.tf Dr. Blutlr, Queenl Street. Street. WId elm itt Wilson, II. B., Steart ~ivr, Tingoor. Wilson, J., Worongary, S. C. L. Wilson, John P., Cadury Bros., Lt., I ward Street. Wilsonl, hl., Queensland Tradig Coy., Ked, Building. Wilson, T. W., Elizaheth Street. Wilson,. T., Ceoffey Stet, New ~arn. Wilon, W., Stane's Corner , Loorlaroo. Wilso, W., d/o Robt. Reidl ad C'oy., .t~ Edward Street. Wilsn. Wylie, Q. T. C. Olicec, ('reek Sin~ W'ilson,. WI. ., J. Kiitchien andl Sons l't' , ti~ I) .,. ~ udgee. \udee Rod. A. I).. N~w F~arml. Eliz,abetL ~ ~ 1 .\. 5., Adlelaidle Stteet. l Ilendra. Co., Dalb~y. Willias,, ., E5sk. Wilkinson, ., Valle. W~outellad, ('. W., c/u iryce I .td., Adlelit Street. \\oololllffe. A. .l. 147 I.m~ert Srteet, Kair Steet. ov~\.. t inceil Street. W'ithin. T'. S.. )eighton~r Williamls A., Gt'egOr'sk (ree. Williams. F. C., C;reor's ('reek. W\right, A. ( '., ( olonil Eagle Street. Str~eet, Rlosalie. W'illiamUs. I. BI., F'rinlle, Hlatins. New. Zealandlt. Wlilliams, . ( ., Plainlt,y via ('row est. Wilsire, ..il. (o otirt r' , Co.,0ae Wilsol, A., High Street, Lutwycle. WYilson1.II. C., OucenI SIt ccL' Wilson, Grahal. "Mlinnore.'' v.ia Kin~aroy. ~~Vyllie, A.. Strathine. ~otng , F.. Malnrl. Ehtt. SOLtii Sugar Reli itery . W\ire 'cnigl Street. V~, ii ig ~V. .. n te' St reci . 'al 1e. lI-i I'" til