CHIRLESTOWS, JEFFEESOX COUSTF, ORGOIl, VOL. m 48. Jt li J> Oircjinia fut \ H P BUSHED WEEKLY BY H. 1% filLLAHER * €0. THURSDAY MOMJMK OCTOBEM8, i'855. little jellow ftta^*, which ?ra5 Wilton's •Lena, I bare been so worried about yon,' P O E T El home, sad sai, -Our child *hall be the wife eaid tha old woman, and then stopped sxid- NO. 40. their annual visit to Saratoga. >lar:h«. his eldest si?tcr. rode up ih« ueit d»j to welIVefind in the ChriMian .Advocate a ietttr/rcm acnly on seeiag a stranger come them home. Two Dollars and fifty Cents t3T Office ai S Rmel the llev. Beverir WanpL, senior Bishop oj^tae 'Itia mothers okl friend Mr Hughes — P-iU. A— NNUM, 'I bear jaa>e bad »n wnEBnaHy gay ^mS*P POJ «T 6 Il* »,„,*.-... --I' 'M.thodi;t Episcopal Chorch, to the Rev. Dr. LucYou remember, Mrs. Mwonjaaid Lena a« non at the Springs,' said the ladj • tVms oa will kev, (te>crip;iTe of the s;ate in which he found his •h«u»hered the gentleman into the parlor Wilton M indifferent aa ever to the beaufawi / 03 his recent return from an official visit to Mrs. Mason recei\ed him witL r»ptarca3 ties he found there, Sarah •' Ifew Ycrk. The Bishop'* letter is dated expressions »f delight, lint as Lena thruw 'Yes, just, M»rtha. I hare given him up Wmiem Mai "n- fwi MX nonth*, $l'4.&,to be Ba!tim»re, Stptenber 17, and says: " *>Ue«,j, a r < '.urea.-: of Carter's pa i f iD.Mna-jlrin ad-r»- . off her boncet, and cape into the liaht, he »ow. He's a confirmed old barhelor.' [May 11, ISM. "airs. W a n . h had a sister residing in poor AD VI could onij think of her. The large hazel 'No, be inu't either,1 said the geutleman •uicreo folk; she, with three sons, had ccraeto TSe er-ns o Jr • brown ejes, the fair, pare featnres. were so in question, coming in from tho next room, Bn nnoreKOI a week betore my retire, ana was imPKYATT, SI, tt.r .-,r- • R -rti ,.r,—t arvcr an...;-, t f c e ^mt like those bis early manhood had loTed,that _ anackrd b? tl.e yellow fevtr, and withwhere ho had overheard these remarks: ^p-op-rii n. _-. • ., tiniincc -.>.: -rci^prr^aare : longed to ~dnv the sewing girl to bis 'and to prove this to jon, I expect to be dajs she was in her grai-e! And in tw-a. • 9 11' :: ' - M* •"•••'i-d.rrfri iVir a sn'e. irk >nr Sours was k.lioive,J by her sen,. a young fceart, and rain down kisses npoia them.— married, Providence permitting, four weeks JFefifrian County, fa, m*-,'** *•-•"» i u s j ID i! ',,.-...:! zzldz-geducman about twenty-ihree years o.,.:! My'idear wife fn thr Ijpn s father had b.-qneathed her hair and from this dnj!' ' HIV NI>P<-M"- n'ur was ID bed, sick, whm her sister arrived" Oursoo, -! th-? »djae lashes their thick darkness, and given the Aitxiinder Townsrnd,, had been PA L U K E , the Aa«ricatt >rc<r»|>ar.«-r tits. Ail I ^ V M suite >;uite unw unwell, liav'To whoni ? To whom ?' cried both the lato hia wiJI pMod carve to her llips i s in their rrepose; e o s bat dies as they sat down pule with astonish- iny i:i.lU, clamtny swe;vs, by which he was verv tiii nuU'ifi&tJ Aecnl tbf th-- |>j|.rru> tlie prompt ant , >'ey Vcrit, a-;! i'iiil:.-;..-I;i!:i», and if mucJ, deviated, and this ? ave rue to a repottthit la ail else she ires like her motlvr. ment' U t<> <ik<: »Jv cr:j»i-rai;-:it< ami subscri|>tiomi he hid bceo attacked wiih" the y*:iow tetvr. Ycu Wiltoo's eyes followed tie girl as she left n s >:irc4 t>- «u. flp.i'ocriiif* w i ; l b« rc'Do you remember, Sarah, a younj girl, a may imagine the situation ia w h i c h 1 ibond IT.J tho room, aud he vainly tried to answer .•*,:-. Utf Otfce« an—BOKTO.'V. S«4L STO.TE, Miss Arnold, who some three yeirs agc.did Ju-usirbuld Our neiebbois were too much alarm|av' ; >J.H' YOliK, Trilwoe iiuii.tinf;. t M^s Mason's iuqiuries with au^ thing bat (lain sewing for you a few days t She if to •J io come m, and the hiied won an became so aiJA, N. iV. & Thin! and Ciicilnni mcnosylables. larmrd ihat she vrent iff. FiTtucaiely, Airs. le my wife.' Watifhs oldest -i»ier was with her. She got to Iu a moment Lccs retarned acd laid tbe iVT1'in~''~Hl" JIQ'I "1I^IJM» ^^ • m » i i --».... __ | Frr-r.i Ar'.liu •*.Horns 7 •Wilton Hugh^' !' shrieked both the hor-'i: lor m n n v oar noose too Izte io see her sisi.-r, but in time n •> -f.Miird as an oifice Iliii. Siae wus the younger. at;<i perhaps opened it! There were but a few worda, L d 1 Ji i 1 1 THE COURTS, by iht 'e Jtoin-rt * *T - * if*^M*V -^ !* aa-dJscrace yourself look up.^u her dyir^ nephew. A * soon alter my re, E-I. Me loved iier tLo better of the two. But traced, evidently, by a faltering hand. So and jonr family/ We wjfltieYer, never reK-f (>-iL-e;)i was able to truvi-l wiih safety, I i at tut: east Joot. scpjtJxsK COURT. July 3. ),<!i— it ceive her—never »peak to her.' there was no sympathy between them. Us ran tbe letter: . VI2GIXM TOIV.NSEN'D. BaUimore. at 'Martha! Sarah! be still1 The tones was a mystery, and a vxry provoking one, At n.Vbmon'l, frora l o t h O«toU-T lo 2!l:i Nov'r, inWan 'ilfy bduced Wilt.-:n : I am dying to-day, wt-re so stern and commanding, t h u t even has r Mrs <'''» clu..i..- ; !. .„ ju. .'^.'1) io j ii M«'<:li; Iro.-n l>t April Ol ve \ - e . " .'-ometitnes.-to h e r ; and she was to !>im like and few must be the words I can say to you. the proud women yielded to them -Listen "* Third 'Auditor Of the Treasury, t'.f H; i M » ; . At l^-w.»torg, firtt iluodaj io July, to Il::pir '•• i. i-. book wtich one admires for the elaborate *i U:I.I.M J»yt. if i.. vf-.. i ;LLn<;"n.! to elaiV,* Lcfore C..ngress or the 'Wilton, ilon't j-ou f v e r h i n f c r d to ^:el n ar- ! i r . ' l i n o r a'ld gilded rdgcs. l:ut knows there Ten years ago. holding my father's dying to me;' and Wilton sat duwn and told tbe Jt-'... 'hw-in-lawi* still anoihfr in Norr bis wi lelt fcome Dt-psi me:.;-;. HIN f'iiiiiiliaiitr w:th the hand iu mine I learned all We were both sisters the ptory of his youth—of his love I-! h-Tr'an—*V. D A N / K F . . '!itiT;r. r^d ? I declare. I'm quite in despair aJ-out i - f u s t l i t i l e isisiJe. after all. I ' l ' i n ' •••' ~:i issues.-, .viil tr.ablcbii^ M ho u»-lul to h re:na cej in do K. <; L. the victims. Thank God, your heart was as for 3Iary Willis, and of the lie that hacf • -i °. .' K-rfolk, has lallen you. Here you are, t l i i r t y ^ix yours old nest Claimants (.'an. P2. to the ep.uem.c. And so Wilton Hughes .sat there alone in du c. ii and an o.'d servant hfc«February, and a coi.firuu-d old bacli-^lor !— I is :i.-tc-r'.5 diawi!:jr-roo:n t h a t wicter after- true as my own Will.on my child is fath- made her another's, and bow his heart had 4'ii J J. AI.!.;.--. . eottvi ** J ««>«« ^ yellow "MRSL" SiU c:. i. .:. ; ;:i:, >.; i..:... \ V h y . von ought to have a wife t n d tw.j or joou. and the old years cacie up sol'rly and erle<sand motherless, and I have none with held that ore memory iu silence aud tenderoat^of the inticied locality (Lute L] Cumberland, fins ,«eco!nl editions by this time. I three mree line seconil cilitiotts titae. s^ing a ^\vi?et sons to hi:n —a soue of youth, whom to leave her. I give her to y«:u. though ness for so many years. 1 1 ! ; |i i THEA..IEKICAN I k u o w not where you are. whether married fT' . ?. •'?>';; i ;«' '•'•»• -';' «' 'f. .'7 *'"*"<••* Just thbk of all the trouble I'Ve had th;t;k I've about S. Js. H O L ; t ; ?1 H.iiii.f-r Sirf.-!. Baifinsnie,ar.d . „., . . , Then he told them of the winter night a-id love, and h'>po—and no found after all. or single, for I havj never Heard from you ca tf) 1D 7ili S.Vi Cirt:ilt. ! "tli Di»Ti(tc-r-14i,4 Circuit. is - ,v.- , PM, i..r th,- sVcnmnwdauOT ..i p c r m c n t t n >' - .°' »»* '"? country. E.t^ protne- tliat the pist stiil k; pi soa;e pearls witb We wiil stand by the American fl.'g, (says :hu and bis meeting with her child, and thus Le since a i i ! ir.-.i-icfii Do.tlcOISit^ Sis? lia:> a iaru't* aadrs in the city ; visits at home and p a r - . i wi-ich to dower tbf D'c.-;eut. concluded: .Aciericar. Organ.), se will maintain the Union . rjink-i.«, 'I can bardly see the lines, and I know n i i i n i i - r i»i>ir.ffl'- ro i..s IJ"-:/-n, CV/J and Skuxcr t i t s a b r n r d . all to no purpose It nrovikcs 'Whether yon receive or reject my wife, is and its guarantees, anil ve will beat back those It was ( j u i f p lite whe" he came Jack again the darknrss that is coming over them is FrnMirl:. Ji/;..- ! ".. N i : :• . 3D. II; 30 i. Al.iv fcRifltls r?rboards. m,; to thi.-ik of i". Oi:ec for all.' Wilton ! nn; to lhi:ik of i~. (Ji:ec for all. Wilton ^.i INja a matter perfectly optional with yourselves: who would invade these secret objects, careless to t';<> p.-fcr and arm ' h a i r ; ai d he smiled r . ^ i k r , ;.i_i 1^. :;. i 1: I Sl:t ::a-.:l ii. AJ. To-morrow I shall be at home; and but, remember, she is never to be iusulted even whether we strike those who have desecrated Unifies, l o y o u intend to l i v r a n r l J-c an old a sweet I.clf ni'Ui'•!'<"• I s nile to liin:si-lf as he dftit/tIf 'i:.j.-uY,.\ i i ; r . .1. ,il U | r^s.-. A|>r.l M 1JOSL.E Y, when this comes to you, you will take care in my presence.' And he left them. I $•-."». .-i , . . _ . ' . . . . .-. j : j7 j I l ^ i . j v . Ai'iii ths holy phtiges ot" pa ricti.-m conferrrd bjr the .4bachelor V And the lady, still yonuir aud io >':••:! at his wa'ch a :d m u r m u r e d : I N P O B T E E OF .';. i -a .." , I.'.. .:u,5Ia) of Lena, for the sake of blooming put d^-vis with an air of ti-'srcraucrican Order, by committing themselves io a war •Wilton's words bud reached the woman's wV;. . . • W h i t l i n i e s'.-alc'.'s tliese reveries are .' I '.V ^ DOMESTIC MARV.' tlon t lie j i w c l caso w i t h which I or finjors r: ess I'll finis!: up jhusa Jettcrs. aad Dot go heart of his. sisters. There was something against ihat very pu'jlic haraony which ft is tli« 15 -. ' tKT!-:::f.r cour.TS. Wilton read this letter through ; and then of t r u t h and bevuty in this deep, long en- first jiTinciple of the American Order to preserve. hud been playing. a:ul confronted tho" gcn- ou "lit cill after supper.' =«-^-"-! the proud man leaned his amis on the table, during lovti which spoke to tlir-j.- souls Wecrenottnce and repurfiate with th*-'same detes, Lc::!T STREET t'.. ni:.!i -v'-.n sat o p p o s i t e her -t.--2 , .,-, and burying his head there, snbbed like a through all tbe pride and false shame wu:.uh taiioiv, the negro oull:5ers, ihediiiunionists, and th: • He. t o r . In; 1 ! (•(;«:) Ins -;r,per. T a t y.'ltli an I- wa?s raw winter night ^Yilto^ ITufrhcs very u n m i n d f u l child of his tearful listeners. had tt,.'tf,,/.~ Mr.i.t:^ ' i., i ;,i 'i'.. t J j j j; inian:ous adventurers, who, for the rhance of an ; ; k UAI.TUUOKE. overgrown them. air of larguid svvg fioiil. wi.k-h was par'* ". , i'- k • . . i . I catiuot tell all which took place t h a t eve_ P ; - • • • ' - 1" :> <• lmmtitr j'h .>. . Karcb, Msv, Aiijiuf. tieularly ;rrit::ti:iL r . for dinner'wa* jasi:bver. st-.'ppeu b:ck for his uiubreliu, for he knew. Mary Willis had been their playmate in office'or a salary, will involve the country in an i<, — \',,;!y i> : ! .: I iir-H'v i-i M e'li J.i:i.-,An.i .\.,v j. :c \VVMI \:i, an 1 Wilton IJnp'ies always duvott n t h e mxt as the wit d met bis face, it was 'getting ning in Mrs Mason's little parlor ; but when the days they bad since blushed to remem- inter uinab.e war of sections. iui ,,, r;./f r!i >! ••.. -!ay 1-1 M.nt-f', J.i:ii -, Ati»., Nnv'r. ready to i now ' Wilton Hughes had risen to leave, he put ber, and her sweet face came back to them % h a l f lioar to r-o!iiics and brink stocks. tfiiiirn— a'i . !-i'''.i i.. .^i.llt•ll. .linn-, Anf^i«l. Nov'r. EMIGRATION. & HOPRHS. When he returned lie found a young girl aside Lena's thick eurls, and, looking in her onoe more, and in that Letter moment they >Mii- uM Momiay n, Muirli, Jinn-, Ati«n-t, Nov'r. 'Keally. Sars.' lie replied, and hip coolness i : ^'l• M •L.I.M in ."(!^ifri, -Iiiur. A:ICH-I. .*.'• i 'r. GHAIX, Tbe Staonton Skater says : '-Ws have beresai I : was in strange cC'iitrasc witii his Pt.stcr's ve- trying to close the door in the teeth of the face, said very tenderly : . . . i, and looking rui-fully out i n t o tbe thick 'My child, never go out to another day's tofn'r: ?.taied that a la r ge number of substantial cithemence. -I cannot answf-r yon. fur w!;e:her 'There is no use in finding fault with him : /.'..••'.(iir.'i.iwi - : .1 \! .iiihii in Frl/V.; ^'.^.% Aiif , N^v. darkness She was sleuder. anr! had pale' sewing. Your mother has given you to uie. Ge&eral f tOirttaifi'l,.- M .1 i.. | •_• | T,,,... r, , .|'cli.Jii,,,>,A<'i-.'.,Nov! and. after all, bis love has been very beauti- jz". n.-- of this county had gone to find new homes I shall d c j - a r t frcai this life in a state of 1 (J-'uruu- 3J .':::;, jy :,, M..:.-!,. '•!.>, A n - u^t, >ov'bcr. .V- "-0 l si 'sic or ilfjiiUc blessedness is still an ia-'cfi- delicate features; that, was. all he couid 1 will take good care of you. E STREET, ful. She will be his wife, and we will re- in th; Western S:atcs. The spirit of emigration leak*' out by the gaslight opposite, but her is by no means confined to Au^uMa, but seems to STB SET. ceive her as such. -V.-.Y 7 / r.ite oiatt:r to riv^clf. You shall b > ap- i CCL'iJTS. y.t.itli anil timidity app-'aled to his heart at A m o n t h had passed. j , ^. , •. • in juuciaaua prised of my decision when I make it.— And they did not alter their determina1 f have sold oat and left, and a number have gone Fm'rrir';—Mniulii)- ivf.r. ilVrrm -Tlrr,! M ' n h v once. ]} si-ides, it was not a night on which "iVhat is the reason that Wilton never " y tion when Wilton brought Lena to them ; liom Page, Campbell and other co-jn'ies. A party Meantime, my d e a r sister. I recommend t h a t f • <— r.,urt|. Mondnt .' I-' '!»•-' > a young c u d unprotected girl should be out stays at home now a-days ?' said Mrs. Hill arid the? looked upon bur. graceful and vine- of : t-Voi.'r . I i .. . .' .; , J,p;r*on— Til in! M.,i.|.iy. seventy-five per?.o!)9, crn>isttng of men, women give yourself uo furibc-r ut;eusines.s on t alone Jill il, -i. in ..ili. r >u i l l . . .••„. i,'jr«:u.i!i— Ah'iidit- btl'. to her dull but very stately husband on one like in all her bridal beauty; for she was and - h ' l i ' r t n. ( w h i t e ai>d black.) i ii Piuspect Stathe €U» UU, Jlan!-::~ M i u i li,-i U i i u i - - . »ccuu«l Tursdav •Mrs Hill is not in this evening. 1 he said of those unfreijueut evenings which they happy as few wives are in the husband who tion. Prince Edward county, on JMcnday week, lor •Yi'U are the nio?t provokintr b(ing alive. . • . ...... KiMi.Mi<touri.^5--:Surely says a ci temporary, the neishJ^KALI-:I;S V—-L •.'.-.—•••• ' borhjod• Irom which this party went must piesrnt U'ilton." ejaculated the lady ns she rose up. to the gitl. Mipposing she !;ad come there on were passing alone together. 'He used to had first loved her mother. • A.ND some err: nd to his sister. -Have you seen be away ijuite too much, I t h o u g h t ; but now (J1'JL.STICK3. a ve-y ioDesome appearance now :hat seventy-five 'I believe y'">u are .is heartless as yt'U are i-arM.sidn T'erchanis, the housekeeper? She should uot allow we never get a glimpse of him till eleven.— A lady who caught her magpie steal- of il eir population L. ve lelt for its wtitera ccunTlir |.l!nwin . '. .". ition ..f V t •iMratrs of this »& PRATT-ST., s SOUTH non\ir.n ST., cariib. and I shall jic-ver put another woman yea to re'urn alone.' ing her pickled walnuts, threw a basin of Do. Charles, hand me that magazine.' rwi^itv vtn-!i via, ii,..;. ,. \ . i. i. 1 •,•_'. 4:11! <v>n4piai-* in danger of lirj.-i.kinz her hccrt tVr you.' — lt*!>r|MOJ<8 . hot grease over the poor bird exclaiming. •I Lavj been sewing for Mrs. FTiU to day, 'Perhaps he's out courting: eh, Sara?' i u»\ii ili r • \| .•.. i.'.-j:i. ill-;. -111:1 ..-- wf..^hali COV. A n d the rustle of Mrs II ill's l>rowa fill: 1 M A D E O X COXEIOXJIENTS. «'" "'I' •'• I " ; • '• '. ' i . i • :i.--i i n ' n i i i , mil LC juui.d sir. answt'red tho girl : and soaiohow. her •Oh, you thief, you've been at the ickl suggested the gentleman as Le passed the pickled vs.? an e m j t h a t i c pfroration of her anger as •I-' l l l i ! ' • . , ' < ! • i . i - 111, V«'.:r I - J . ) : — It issnch a rare occurrence ihat this rity, alwalnuts, hax-c you V soft stvee; voice t.hrilb-d the heart that was paciphlet to bis wife. she swept iudigt.antly frora the n J^H.urv- JIi; \.\ 1 ,»:; |) \ VtM'Olir. !'•.->.;.! m^ .In«though tlur seat I'fzovernment, is honored with ths yst (juivrring to tbe old memory tune. 'It Poor Mag, was dreadfully burned, his •Nonsense ; it's nothing of t h a t kind.' reN B II.H:TI.KV !.<-.• : i i l l ) > \V K - : 1>. ! ) i V ! | > riJV.JOil.V presence 1 1 the Chief M,i«isirale nt the Slate, that \Viltrm Husrlies leaned back in bis chair. K ' i i ' • .. . ' lcd '. ".| il i t ;;ic. ceem il proper tu make special mention cl the and halt' closed his eyes. Now lie sits there took me "onger to finish the work than I plied the lady rjuickly, for she had ro great feathers came off. leaving his head entirely we Frbi... •. - '; i) • \ ; . r:.|.: r . ,. ; , , ; ; ; , j/ |; nilAM., tact that Govetnor Joe atrivcd liere a tew days bare—he lost all spirits and spoke not a thought it would : but I had no idea it was Confidence in her husband's discriminating J N O r SVtJTil. JXg • i .-v ;,...! A M.U.V1J.. >Hli a co- all alone, his face bi ought i n t o line relief by so Jark. 1 And she shuddered as :*he looked faculties 'I'd give him a lecture for leaving word for more than a year, when a gentle- age, and took lo-tgings at one of our hotels. We Marrh — JJ. I) ^ '. : . \ i • 1 1: i'. JOHN AlOLfcR. LtMlAN |.-.ii n u < er th- n a m e au.l frtvle should noi, probably, have ever t-tcome arquaintcl the dark velvet cushioning, we will look at dou-n t h e street. <)-i:(ii!-:':. :t N t; •:.;. ,;;;,;;, J ; _j JOSEPH ' man called at tbe house, who, on taking off ed me so: but then, what good would it do ?' U A K T L K V >v. F.iiU r i l i ; t : . tor ih- tr.-!i)-' viih t Ms fact, had he not signalized his adv nt Wrlxr.-, vs. it; for his countenance is something more 'I't-rhaps our paths lie in the same direcIf Mrs Hill could have known the new his hat, exhibited a very bald head. The by prosctibing two or three of cur city Tobacco A].r. ; !-i: !'\VKV|-(»!v r j MOl.Kn. f.. OSHOKX t h a n 'a book wiih a d;ite.' ai .N\i III!, \VAT>:a >nu.f T In;-f<;ctor:». H. N «r ',I.I.\'U:K :,,.i.i v v n . x i i v s s It is not a handsome facr>; and yet it will tion : it is not safe for you to go alono. I life which the heart of her brother had been rn;igpie appeared evidently struck with the Il.f.'ir^ a 'hiiroii^.i }>.-;...-ti<:al kni vr'.c<lpe of ihe Ma>— It O \ V I V'Oi.-T. J. T. I I K M i i . F , HrxJER Oa eo'iuirin? into ihe cause o! this act on the am Mrs. Hill's brother; will you allow me circumstance. Hopping upon the back of living for tbe last month, and if 3hc could bOMoesH, rt-ir ri'-sjic-.- i - i i i - , i »:]'_• r ..ur h.'^t sui vices |",ir win upon you strangely. The features are t ' H K M ' . I f ; W i > U .'AS. ami J. L li l>SELf ., pan ot hi> Excellency, we were informed that :)us to accompany you T asked the gentleman ; ;ii ;t his chair and looking him hastily over, be have looked i n t o Mrs. Mason's little parlor pTM-crioeri-J'ispccKrs were gravely ac< u-ed of be^"-.-'f jjiMirn,' '^- 1 I'-'i •»!.-•« ai:u 1 'ulc- ot FLOJJil, GRAIN. too lone and t h i n fir masculine b o u n t y : tlie JO.J.N'M.V. i i r . ^">' > ;: ",: i .' C'A. ^1 I I'^v-'j.^.,' ii ;-. She t i m e d , and looked onrnc.t him ! t! >at evening, it would have rrratly modified suddenly exclaimed, in the ear of his aston- ins Know >'oihiLg< ! Oar informant gave no naI ,^,:ii' ui:r d-f" ! inmnunii " i - ' - A >.,..... _ fl!5<i>v-S't, Mjjrastd-iiuiL Jb.i"!i. w i t h " ti.ick J u l y -K H \ \ I ••:'.." r < i U S II. l.F^XIS. A>"n. t Tffii^t-h^r remarks. tL ^t.iva.* a v.erv I ished visitor. scn what-ver, anil we l< •£. bound to coccluije that J'-.i i n r s i . vu- 'icx-l i-»ii6Ct-j . t t h a t %ve W i t I T j * - .... .. ' K I : N V I : I > V . J «jr'(:?.rY. *.>.>)<; w . T A f i i v Coui'iii-Muii m>3e «.ther_c«ibeaddticed.— ihcil. Amer. wi i i.e au.e logi-.v. .11 I -.•h'!'.!'-!i'i;i i.n «.ll rt.nsign- and in repose stern and r jrravu ; but you l O I, i . n t , t h t r f . ! trnn'vs> linen •»-«•• VICA«°'M 1! P - V F . N T t i R l . T 'A - KT.YFS. D. K 1 I V , i . •„'.-. should see them wliea th^} are iu tlse lisht 'Y«-s, idr,' answered the girl eagerly 'I \ again of the golden goblet of his youth, L i . V i ' . T I . l i Y & L..:OT!1CR. ldr*A. Frenchman xvho knew very little (i .1. K I . P ! V ' - ' ' •>! M i riJK. G ••" ot" cne of liis smiles. -Tbirt}' six next Feb- shall ho very grateful fjr your company, for | L-jna was so child like, so unaffected that English, got into a difficulty with an En Joshua Npwbrqngh. was bought in July last for SiM,t.-int.«-r— 15. O ' k X I S!'Oi; i'. .1 Vi.'l.r.II. ISR XF.L $4.000, by Win. B. Walter, who now "sells it to III S>K!.f.. M. H K I , M ai..U F H A M T K V M l K. ruary ! his strter.said. YOU would HI.VT I a n a fad coward ' ' 'lt w:'s a J"J to t u e world-weary uian to b j glisbmau. who insisted on fighting it out.— Junes cnrartz for $5.000. Mr. Swartz h;ia also> Oc-K.L.-p U P A V r . v i V V i T A !! »iJTr>.r.!l. !!. '.V. bi;lii:ve be was more thaa twenty eight, lookThey had proceeded but a short distance j w i t h her Tbe Frenchman agreed to this, but wished b-jupht the Fitzhngh property adjoininir, composcil U . V Y L O i - ' . S . l . - M T . N O f i l . S . X V . P XV TK!;.<:>.\. (it'iM'fH! <er::.-»;y:;i<Hi Slerchauts, ing i n t o bis face when t'h ' wind soran<: up fiercer and stron- | He rnijiht have been married years before: to knuw what he should fay if he got beaten, o" thirty acres of lanii. with u fine dwelling, for K , , . : , , i . r :; l> vVI-:N!'->.'tT. «. W.UTTI.K. .1 J. «a soi'Tii y tjo'.n rs \\-UAKF, Hut as the uian sits there. bi-= tbou^hfs g'T t h a n ever, whirling- up . tins yesterday's j but his sisters'fin-sse and frivolity had sick- bci.jg told be must cry cut 'enough.' they set $i,800, teing over .?i>3 per acre. i.Oi-K. J. J <.;;: XNTM.V.M. j. xv. nr.vv.5i r.-v Eetwern thirty-six aud thirtr-geven acres of B A L T I M O R E , MD., euod his heart of their sex ; and then they to. Tbe Frenchman, however, forgot the wander off on a lon<z journey It may his stiow. a.i J ahoutins alotig rue street Do.--sni.-i-i: DA v I-.NTOHT. <: xv i.n r^r.. .1 .;. Clurke county lai.d, just east ot ii-.e Upequon, and TTEM" parti'-'i;ar!y to t!n= si!» i,f FI.OVR. would never leave him alone, but were alLO'.'K. .1. J " . i l A M I i X M. J. XV . lvKY.\OI.,!'tf. Wilton's c»ni(union stopped suddenly, word, and cried out as he beard some of tha pirt of the track of the late Walter Tan(|tiary, II lli:.\ T ( 'O/.'.V ami ali k-,i:(^ el COUN- Mster's wi-rcls—it t u a v be the di:n quijt of {t>-M.i'i'i: JIM'-. A •..'.-!. :•;:•; >"> -. <-uib<-r. arc y-nr- TRV rUDUUCii. .ititi are prepared lo t'uniith tho room—have starti/d t l u m on a p a t h and gapped. 'Ob ! I cannot go any farther. ways trying to paltu off some woman upon bystanders do, 'Hurrah 1 Hurrah T To 'tis brought $21.20 at public sale in town on Monday. U-i'ly T.-IIII-; an:l MJI.- i a.;J An :u-t arc Jmy i'<-i u-. which reaches nway over the irravivyanls of Tin: wiud takes away niy breath. It always him as false and vain as themselves. !ia_ r > n> lariiitrs wishitis '«' cuusigii lo them. astonishment, the Englishman pounded all P. D. Smith purchaser.— HVrt. Repub. |Jj" V.luii a \:.c.:ii.-y . cc «r.-, Ilio acvv iucuaibout takes ;.But, Lena ! Lnu ! She had taken him i re, NM»-.'J."'. ihO'J. j m a n y dead ant3 buried years, to a far counthe harder. This caused monsieur to go to does.' til-* jii^c- ^>-. * '1 '» - ; r !. > . -.-ur. FATAL. AFFK.4Y. '.Dun - be afraid, my child. I shall take back to the golden dream of bis youth, and work in good earnest, and the Englishman try—tbe latul of bis youth •,7.' rEST^'n'TTT" rorx rv OFFICERS.; We learn that an affray occurred on Sunday last, It. is an old rid house t h a t lie sees care of you Hold your shawl before your he sat watching her to night as she stood soon cried out 'enough !' 'Say dat again,' §o cL-'-- o b>Mia n TlriU . f i : , . - Gou»ly '\«ii'i-TMO>!AS A MOOUF.. by the table, her graceful head leaning over said the Frenchman. 'Enough !. cried be ai the boose of Martin Whight, in the npper edge n o w ; tbe sloping roof is covered with moss, fic«'. and keep fast't-.* me. Thjre it's going IMPORTER A N D T. 1SKOWN. » Ink ,,ft!i.-fl--"'t « ' --I. i -!{!)«' r FaugiiierCoumy, near LinJcn Station in which the drawing he had brought her, her dark again. Tbe Frenchman in tarn, exclaimed. ol and in the spring the weeds take root among down We will procsfd.' Khcii!l -.'O.TN XV.M M O O j I K . Wright lost his life. The facts, s^ !ar as we cau CoD'.nr.ssicn 53 , S J A M K S \\-r\VPBF.I.L, liic caves and make a lotsjr green fringe on ' \ V h t i t should 1 have done if it had not eyes beaming bright through their long, •Pat'is de word I was trj.iug U say long learn, are as follows: Isaac and James Weeks, I)r|,uty blu-ritT* -( ,.,, ,;,-,; [• J.I CAS. JR FOR itiE SA;.!: OF brothers; went to Wright's bouse, and whi!s there the < rige of the house lie !>as not semi the bren for you .' I should never have reached heavy lashes. time ago.1 Conjsuount-iliL'» At.jriw;- ('•! \!- B H A R H I X G . Is-aae Weeks anC Wright begin wrestlins, in 'Lena,' said he at last, 'will you come and old home since that night when be learned my lion:c, never in the world.' And as the t KDX\ '!> K. COOKJE, which Weess, probably, get the worst of it When Ma»«.i.«*ioiurs^ I.A" *<»•" HO'I IS, . sit down by me, for 1 have something to say j JT3r"One day last week, says an English . look ! how the (Mild, proud man's girl spoke, the gentleman heard the throbthey had fin.-ed, Jaroe? Weeks causht Wrisht by HUM. Ci'i'.-i tir.d Old I\t/c ( S A M ' I . STONE. to vou ?' I paper, as an antiquary of this town was i m o n t h quivers, arid his fingers clutch the bing of the little coward heart against his r ,{..v..,,,i.--S A M I' UL. STOXE. Ue head an-j bent it down, and sirnck him" three Orricc,37'. SOCTU Sr JEET, (O.-PO She came with a smile, half curious, half i passing through an adjoining village in times, breaking his neck. We have not learned ' i paper, for tJiai night has come out to meet arm. J«lor— J O! I N XV . ! : • . \ v N . _ 'Yon sLouli] never venture out alone again confiding; for Lena had learned to know | search of curiosities, he stepped into the pnb- whether Wetks has beer, arrested ir, I". S. Fw.t. d V/Huhouits. ! bita. It was -laid away, and locked up.' he [Front Ki'i/al Gazette. j lie-house and vory innocently asked to be } thought, where it would never find a on such a night.' replied Wilton. 'Have Wilton very well during that monih. Tow :\ oo i; N c iT. — ly A KCCItO SUOT. •Lena,' he said, stroking the little hand i served with a pound of beer, for curiosity's W. J . H A XV kS. .t/mur. | L. HOT 1'S. Krrmdtr. I into the present, but now, as some old you BO friend to come for yon?' . \V>: Jon> ,)S, Jons he had taken in hi#, and looking into her j sake, as he had been informed that thty TYos'rrt - S i friend—over whose death we have wept and 'Xo. sir.' she answered mournfully; 'my A negro roan, beloneing to Dr. Price, of BrunsK S. X - . M M I : i?:»x. JOHN J. LUI.K, F. WL«*INO. sold beer there by the pound. The landla- wick, WILLIAM ! priivci!—comes back acd takes cur band, mother died two years ago She was tho clear blue eyes. ' love me any ?' was sho' on the planK road, in Dinwiddic II. N. G A H . M I K1* . J»'l ^AM•l. \\'ooi>i»v. DHALt.U. m •Love you any V answered the g;irl with dy promptly replied that they did so till the cinimy, last Monday, by a white man named Tutm S^K"'" — XV ! • : ! « > ! t' E.^^r£-PAV. I and the seat by our side, and look-s into our only relalion I had on earth ' and Leaf eyes vitli tho old smile, and wliijpers. 'Ii 'Poor child !' Involuntary the gentleman's that frankness which contact with the world ! parish pound was removed, but since then \/ hi> lock. It appeared Irom th? facts as we asthem, that ihe negro -<vas driving a wawas all filse ! I was not dead ." So this ban.! closed over t h n t winch by on his arm, had never taught her to conceal; 'to be surts the space on which it stood having been add- cfrtaiiitd Lack io Your s in up the road hrsvily loaded when he m:t ed to t h e premises they now sold by the I do Were you not my mother's best ui;:lit came back like a living presence, and for helplessness made her seem to him like the white mau in a bussy. Whi;!ock ordered the r SCU't'TS LITTLE Segan. ,'- of !?ui-ana aiul T friend, and are you not my own now ? Oh? yard. c;gro to l u t n out make ror-m t . r him. . The netook ifs scat by W i l t o n Hughes. a child. O H N r - N H C'Ji; .M.I.K I'aifiHt-it M a v Irt ii. gro was rather slou- in turning out, when Whitlock oSo. i*u LuiiJia.-ii I love yon bettor than any one in the world, He saw heragain, the only woman wlio •And with whom do yon live now?' ' -•: .cr.mvn i:: vriuion K r TheA K.VOTV POINT SETTLED—A cavalier in jtimpe'1 Ir-nii i.i . buggv and ran to the negro with r : Mi). Mr Hughes!' h:i ! evt-r troubled tiic tlet'ps of bis soul, as ins \Yith a Mrs. Ma.-on. who was a fiipnd of 5 I and e« -or.oun n » a r . i i t ; i i - u i r n nt ih<' fi>7m our vicinity, tho other day, tried to put a pistol in his :r.::..: snil f.- ••-! ai the negro's bead. — A j f t i l r>, JhT»5 3lul 'Well enough to bs my wife, Ler.a?1 he saw l^cr tUon. with her s'uining golden my mother's after, she came fiom England. down hi* opponent with this question ;—'tf T(ie m-pro is not ea peeled to recover. VVhitlook o. 4 a! 5'ili : ' . • ! ! ! sprang up in bar wild astoni.shment. Noah di-i send out a dove that never return- has bven arrested a&U cotaoiu^d ta Dinwiddie hair, and her Imsel eyes, as sweet a picture We wes.t there when I wa* a little girl, and -.r.i lor Ri'l-b n* ihf;-- . I as ever the heart of tsian {Valued and Lumped p.-ipa .ost his property, and died there. I and her checks were incarnadined with ed, where did it go to''—'Why, retorted cuaaty jail. Corner of IJtin •-/••/ I'J'/t Directs, Alar\la!id ji..l Uili:. tli- 1 •• 1^up iu the prit. Tlicy had ju^t returned from ooly twelve when we came back It is blushes. ON TIIK I i: Vi R.U. RAILKit i:i:<t> D, v.v. bis antagonist, 'I suppose somebody shot I your wife ! You do not mean it, Mr. it.1 No - '"'•i" h'T^f P,.-.ver Mi I, will Muuima liv«d two of these, and A N ' U F . A C T L ' u L S Tlr.-h:!.? Machines, a long ride iu tho country, and they stood four- years Gruu! u s. I'usiit-is p. r hour. by t!i3 gate. Ho had assisted her to alight. 1 •a a~ 'uking drawing Irssnus. and expecting j Hughes?' Hcr>e i'o-v r^, v."uea! F^iis £>; raw Outers, Cl'iir- a wrions accident cccurr^on the Western No. 3. T»r,i ii.ifj-e P.iwt'i- Mia u-ill Crush and Coin £>h Id3'! do not want to say anything against her*. P, :v,s. i.iarn.Ms. Cu!;:vai.iis. St-eil atid still rcJaii:o-J Lor little fingers iu his to tetch. w!ien she was taken ill. After she j • He put his arras around her. CTtol'the Central Railroad, one ttay last w»e!:, hy (JJrinJ fittffn bushels |«r hour. tbe individual in question.' said a quiet man D.iiis. G i - aaer.-r- H«.v Rakiis JLaiiJ!er», Hay Lena. I should not jest on such a died. I lived a year with Mrs. Mason, and which several person* were cofitterably injared.— No. 4. Tiro-hurso P.iwi-r N l ; I wiil C:u--h and Prc»«-». t'.si.-k Macliiiics and M< ni;'..~, 'Vi^i-iiine ov.-n. Griad twen'.v t-u-ht-N per boor, ast-oar-e K-uiua •>!>'' CliaiL.s; aoii beeps un hau>l Pi'.i's A young moon wa? mounting c-ver the then t!ie money wo brought from England subject. Twenty years lie between us. and j 'but I would merely remark, in the bnguage Mr. Jacob Sander, of JV*. ussy Crerif had his leg, or fi~p as m i v !-•• ••.-:.;•.: I\r.-nr.s «-i>tiir.s (lie Throher aa>i, Uas^py and McCoruiick forest, and tlit light lay soft and sad in the was £.11 go io I learned to do plain sewing my hairs may be growing gray while your j of the poet that to him 'truth is strange, sioulder and nose> broken; Mr. S:anU-y a Mage driver, had his rtn- e iuj'ireiJ. aa one ot the brakeL?tUe G i i n t w i M if t:iiu^!.i-U at the above laus. Rt-ap^r and JMuwctt-. Oviopet'> Luiu Spreaders, of Mrs- Mason's niecs. I am hoping some cheek still keeps thr bloom of its y o u t h — j stranger than fiction.' liuilows and along the road side. '.<,^«vin« a coli.r-a uian. was seriously hurt. w i i a a afsorltaent ot" Ail U ::;l'jrai Majrir'A female school-teacher in l>er adver- ni>-ii. He was only nineteen then, nnd v was the time to lay ty money enough to take drtitv- Shall .you love tua less because I loved your i The accirif-i't was iH-cssiunf.d yy a pile of stone E.M AJ?aUlTn. AS-T chinery, ;n u Tnlai-cunisi> : .\lili> a^d Fixtures. 1 tisement stated that she was complete mis!i>ft carelessly on Ihe side .if ibe track, upon which, mother firat—because I shall be old before : tenth of July ! His heart would keep tho.-o iup lessons agaia. April 5, K"0. Hi. I.-.34— ly tress of her own tongue.' 'If tbat'b tb. case1 the steps caught, aad the car* were thrown r.ff This simple tp'tome rf the past waa nj-ar- you. Lena?. two dales till it took up the lust ore—Etir[Siamivn Sjtc'.alor. faid a caustic old bachelor, -siio can't ask Fashionable Hats, for Spring;, She drew up close to him. mv.ri'd among the wind pauses, in a 'low, m/y. too much for her services.' T R A N C i E H t i v^i:in« ui* ci'v 'No. no 1 was not thinking of that; onSottih Charies S»lBobtoi, Atlas says that^omebady in A!Ho remembered bow. standing there, he sweet voice that seeme«i io Wilton Hughes 5 hnil aificrllenta-Bor\m«-nl i«i H A rs BALTIMORE. ly I am so different: I know so little, a&d I wrote to Horace Greely ^o know it he had 'S3 "You're in liquor,' as the vial 5aid like music Le had heard long ago leaned down to her, a^J p u t t i n g :.-sray the 'bfrwrv «le*criptu>'i i>l ^ [ y i f , q;:.-\:i;'. am BO unfitted to be your wife. 1 when the snake was put into the alcohol.— ever joined the Kaow NotSingjI Greely replied •May I enquire your mother's name?' cluster of ourls under her hou&et. said, 'I kind a; J L. McPBAlL 4 BKO '; .TAMES S. KOBIN5SOX, ; '1 am in no hurry. Lena. You are right •Good spirits preserve me,1 said the snake to in tbe following emphatic terms : i ^ i K^mb.M shall not be hare again till the ho.lows are Mary Arnold.' Has in Store, loj >ale at Mat<aiac:i>ry Prices, K5-J Ralliinn;e Street, "Sir :— I nevt?r was coascioasly vritHin a mile of as full of snow as they are now of moonlight. Wil'.cn stood still. It was tho one name in thinking "yonrseif too young to marry the vial. Printing, Writing. V» rappins; Paper, Muy God tak€; care of uiv darling, and oh ! burned into his soul Just then the wind now. I will wait f >r yon three ysars. I ICf-'Bill,1 said Bob. l why is that tree call- a Know-Nothing CalviTtanl North, lod^e, aod never -conid have been Neit to ihe Office ot \Ue Printers' Carat, Jtox, J><mn*i Strjr Voerds. induced to j-iin one en sny aoCoBBL ; By placing will not trammel your girl life with any en| you will be trae t3 me, my Mary !' beat, up hoars«r. Bladder than before. He ed a weeping willow T 'Kase one of the your loot again't ihe autbcr of inc silly Aud v . ; , , j u u i ..-*. for cusb, l^iimore Clippr?" repoci noJRoS-s. dnrcM, /;.>;.. tf~asit Puftr, .J-f. »J-C. She looked up to him. her dear eyes shin- dii not bear it. for the louder wind that was gagement which grar.itade might induceyou j sneaking plaguy things grew near our school- ;-ced in your let'er, rou will be certain to. kick a JAMES L M c F i l A l L & BRO haveja>t openAc-ust II), 1S«. to make me You shall be free, and you | house, and supplied master with switches ' *d * full a*>.Mimecs o l ' S T U A W GOODS tor g"-at liar." ing fondly througa Uer tears -Wilton'— driving through bis heart. KSeotlenirn. Y«'U<h and t'htiilren. coasi>tin; pi Will this satisfy the Southern Democracy that how the memory of her voice thrilled hi* The girl clung to him aud shuddered.— shall pass the intervening three years at ons BEHRYVILI^IL , jE5*Tf the doctor gets his living by pill- Grreel^ is act a sT3Jpa;hiser with the American H»TS acd CAPS, iu great vatiety ot ttyle ami of the best schools in the Union ' Ht; -m-scriber havir^' i.-«se.i ihe ,;t>v>ve vrell heart—'Wilton, you may trust mv !' and it It was the first thing that aroused him. finish. known Hcsel. i» BtrryriHe, Clirke co.nity, The pride of Lena's father and the deli- age, what does tbe lawyer get his by V By partj 1 •Don't be frightened.' he said soothingly ; |^*Oar Pr?e;s w:H bifoajjd as lor as acy oth- t>?«s leave to icfo>^i 'he iravellir.g- public, tuat he v;as not the words so much aa tho look, bad deeds, to be sure ! Or>Tbe P^idei>baf appointed George VV. pr establi^bmeni. is now ready to f^'eire guests. He is sho prepaid which filled his soul with such trust, that if 'we are almost home. I think, from your de- cacy of her mother rose in her answer. SC^-]2very moment make? thce dearer.' ol Virginia. Chi" *'»tiee o( th« failed State* Circuit •But to be so dependent before I .tin mar- i to accommo.!a;e Boarder?, either b}' the day, waeli, an angel had *pokea<rom Heaver: hownuld j scription. Your mother and I were old acried f Forgive me ; but I cannot tear the • said a miserly husbaad to his extravagant C =urt for the L ,*trict of CcJmabia, to Cil rbe rjciacy month or ypar. lave believed no more fully Hi; lemem- i quaiutances.' "JEFFERSON BALL" wife HIS TABLE vril! always be furaii-lied vrith aH bered the last kiss." and that his oven were ea«»<.-d by the .!«•:. of Jiidge Cranch. Jadge Hopk.n. of it, Mr. Hughes.' The;? were walking on again She looked j thcraght HE ^naersigned hss ju<t completed, and atioi i tbe varieties which tie season ami oisvtet rrjil at; 1 U .»« a judge cf V.r-.iuia, .nd formerly vrM a member I bave looked oct for all that, my Lena, i s A SINGULAR PLANT. cim as he sprang into the carriagi It was ^p in c.-ispeakable s'orpruic. -If you tell nag, i « P in ii,e »4l m«nnrr. A HALL «««5«'*^ fortS; his Bar wit'', fiie choicest Lii;oors, and his ofCoog.e^a^* to Port^aJ under Pre^u!^ M Ths gentleman at whose school I wonld i the last time he over saw Mary, or t'ae red ; your na:ne?' '." ; Stabfe with the bt-siaay, sfrain and of-'.-w. Piblic Lectures, Coactrts, I^r P. F. STAVTO.V, of Lirinsston Pari-h La., Fuls'i aJoiuutfatioa. As he intent'.* t.s nake this hi«. permanent resi- luusfi with the vfeeds growing on its edge. 'Wilton Hughes! Did y«ur mother ever place you desires an assistant in drawing. I hasavery plant in his ^an'.ea, whi--h dence, he will spsr« no pains in ende.ircring- to (ior.s, &CM wsTsay'i ~(i^et»c »y: "We Jeai* tbsj In two months yos. can be this, and yoor- | se^ms io besingular He had never !>lfnned her—aotcveu when | sp*ak of it.'' ihe cinDeeiins Hnk between the aci Which is now FOR R E N T upon revocable t< rtt*. i rent » e r these crbo srre him iheir cnMoir.. u-th tcocaN Asbby, E«q . •»=•- P"reta5ta rf Mr. mal and vejeUb'e world. Th?p-'aotis about thne "Oh, yes ! I am so glad! How very strange! self defray your expenses.' The Hall is in the centre or town, convenient vi ("f or i k hle and hapl-y.- K- flatters himseK. trcir frGin his tbe blind darknejs^f the great sorrow set1 IS « r<s of lu.l, a« S l#> ^ *" t~ei high and ii» steam reaches the ground. At tled upon the incrniag of his life—when he Sh'2 left a letter for you the very day she \ 'How can I thank you? said Lenh,.witha ' access 70 feet iu length, and 19 ia width Fur- ;'jona acquaintance tilh business, anri ifcf. ite manners mar ther infora- i-r., applv to the I'roprittcri.of Sap- of the xrorld t that hacan please the mwtt'astid Sous. k-arced that she *ras another's an 1 hiii l.eart cijil a t d told me ic be sure and keep it till i burs* of happy tears 'How I will study, the end it is armed with a sma!. Nbarp so -stance tbe Uray ro«l aud ia«ai* eree'^g thercoa a taadxta» with which it pierces IDMKU and lifts them nto ihe wvio Hi*charges will bex*moderate, as the iipensesot pinstao'c or Carter's Hotel, ~ I f.iun<l you: Here we are at home ! You so you shall not bi ashamed of me when I calyx, where they are grasped iiv (be plait, acd J.W. BELLER.aav gp<*S pub'ic ioa^in this sretion of coantrv grew dead within him. Kfiino*D ACCIDENT.- Rffci. M. John«on, of appropriate to its support He knev sfowastrne. and that -,ris i great will come in, Mr. Hughes, and get the lot- am vtll iusiify. He, ib«»iore. iavi;.-» all to estead to Rerl-p.e v jotnty, Va.. emplfjed as a oa ier?' iii« 4 stare of iLe4r c^'wnSb« did not finish the sentence; but be- j THB Boi^a^iS^w-Tbe ITO baby ,br,w,. •he Baltimore' ani Ohio B - aJIroad . feil <rOia l!lB ' olessing ; her Frieiids had deceived ter and Coal! Coal ! 1>V M. «. He did not answer he;, but be followed fore she buned her burning face on Lw white and-co!ore<!, tpened in Bjunn. on Tue«dav ca.son' Wetloeviay lr:t and was killed- T-A?O abe-weut to the altar, believing t.!i;.t Wilton IHE nndersigrned bavins lets-«l ihe Coal v\i\l Berry ville, April 5,\S3S. tht-light footsteps into tbe small brown house. shoulder, there had beamed a glance through week. Ju the former there are exhibited one cars passed ever him, cottirg iiTfoce or his l»gs f former\v oocnpied bv" David Seislc^ K. now wa< false to her. and fitiv children, a )ar«p hpmber ot- whom pre{m?rd to furutsh COAL at the short**! notice. Tbef H eQT'jred the parlor. It was plain- her swimming eyes, which told Wilton dred Mary's family was a poor and 'proud one; K^Gov. Ueeder, in a verv spirited address, acare twin* and triplets, and varvrn? ID a?e from six ^.11 orders will be proropUv ait<-nrf«l to.' *• for settlement, ly bat de>:entl_7 furnished. An old but very Haghes that she loted him. so was Wilton's month? to twelve years. In the tatter there are one cept, the nomination of the Ff« State men 01 Kaa JOHNH.DEEXER- . j -irY accoonts are cooler a t.iivor if they IU. ihat «re owins hundred and thirteen, from titnooiinold upwards. sas i't>r CoDgress, condittooally upon the (act tha» \ \ h e n t b e r i e b tnar. came ac. I laid his p': asant looking woman sat by the email , Sept. 2t. e accwms.1 "im catnp«l^»ul«t««ssulet Three years bad passed. Wilton had Boston i » a ;;reat place for if.m, baby-isms inclu- he i: w< eipscted to staaip ite Twritarf, I wealth and social elevation at tbltr'eetof the ty inder stove, and a lamp was burniag oa mv debts. 41 ed «o have m^fwy ioat returned with Mr. and Mrs. Bill from ded. RESBL SAUD OIL forsa e bv country girl, her parents looked off on the tin table TKOS. April 12,1S55. fiuK l^. CRAMER & HAWKS 10 PCBL'gnCD W E f . K l . T . AT ., CfaarIes!c,TD to*, citizens W'S. of the rich m» /' But Mary was true. God U**.« h e r ! an there «aa s. long web-of deWithin my r.iirif * depth? Jhere lingers ret, : ceit ami false sod woven at-out her heart beA «acrt*i dre:uii, I !,«->=.- can f rz<n ; fore she yit-l >d to t.!ieir entreaties. He A artam, toy silent li|» bare iirwmr toM A '.:L- !_• aaciif ttKy a-_»*-r ?.'*ju uuA/M. learned it all "o late ! Of ait that *CITCIT hatb my heart bereft, Aud tbea V'il'.oa Iluglies ^rent out into On*- oope cl I.E.' :T ,!„-.-- ;o ra« H i.i"', the worli. an did good battle with it He Oi ail t Ju>«- T i-i • ..- bright forever flaim, educated bimfclf:" Ji? ulevated his family; Ojc fcicsset) CWfUB their st.ii rasiius i-y r 'vn. and at thirty-|ve he was a rich m»n. Fncbanied st'll shn!» a ray of *purk'in« lijht, Thi.t throuiii ihe d_irfcu«i only serins morr L-ngut He bad but two sisi ers ; and when hn The hope of ether Jar* trernf vcl to t-cazu parents died |iey came to the city and Piar • Upon toe, v. L •;. I thiuk of !hit uri;hi dreau.. lied ricft men Proud, fashionable, elegant Tu .' time his mantle of cbl^rion cut, women tliey ircre—admired their brother, O'tr all tbe wild rmotiocs cf tbe fast. j« r j J i -• • As because 'he vorld did so. and jet dreaming oft re-:aia, Oa mt-in'f}-** ]ia.;e it eirer inu«l little of the soring of poetry, whose clear - Th<r star tlia' » my joyons ch.H'i jotl fhor.e, waters gti.<l:ceAlirongli and kept green the Shi iej f f t , lii •*.::. i.-n-, <!a<! it ^liiaes »louc heart, so bidder-Ifrom t'-cm 'I bey called Fotrvi-n'n Ih* n cord* cl tbe past, Sbat'dwell, that ill u.'u, theb.-ighlest an the last ! him odd, .notinslivs. fu-ttdious. and conld" not unde --taad wb v ho wa= so indifferent to women, wiib-«''V'sn ta< graccfuJ. naif k i d A I)i{i-; %>| OK EARLY YOUTH. in sc TWICE Lome-, jTn W * ' i?/ pn T Ii A M T T T •_..»!. 11.1'. «•»»• ^^-^ --- —^- ~- -*- -1-~T^L ^ , ___ ^ ^^ YIRGINIA FRIiE MESS Oirginia jTrec A SIHGC r^AK CASE. Por tb" first lime witlilp oar reeol!ect:o'»Ric.'.Aacd Et.qnCre^ , t jj g G <veraorol Virginia has ihvsgfct rroptr jo get'- a:«an aad rc^oTimcn'i a dar of asoeral tLai-kssiria? and prayer. It i'- peeaiiarlv afphyriate that fit verocr JOHXMX sJacnld r-.ivn»-j»a-.i the oluerviisce of a day, ia f/iew cf <>fTli!!!t:rt 18, l»*5.'S. '.'• '.• •• Tfui pcsiUtfuc-s tha: ba*«ie!olati;tl cat sister ' c: :;:s. We ca^aoi, doubt that eTeryJ Virginian '.(, »ith Chi;t.^«a pli iair&ivpy sod gratrtade,« will take !o If-rn the Pun'/os A.-'. ^ 'i ' :-: r;j ia. !!.-• eiceiieiit iusg-rstioas of tb.; over iCy«-ar« yf-^y:, T--> os- oi' go>i cb^iac^r, :rioaj asW s, i.ii « b ) w«!l t?o: %?sara<' manBY THE GOVEa-VOR OF VIBGIXLl, • el rt '"-- >;ID«! f;:r ;hat r u i-.j; ; n, i dc-ua'jie tilaatrcu will be pre^role J. No cce, no? f f t :;.~ ^p ?o :!>« t^.ove "r'QTiire.V portion of the people (f this Cooim inweaiih, .TSeo'.s, need *",-•;. r jrshcr partj^c'ar- tnay be =--,e4v~ MraT<elrd in lie a-JDa's c-f history, by tad at th? .:;::;Vc! lit Pil?,£ PK£S?. : s' -i l» b/lrm!~rts: it ' *f -«»iial :ile haw beea se- T U t s I> A Y M 0 RXJ 5 TOO Some of the D?mcc.i lu: papers are t«.ii<M>y or cawl-'J M c!ai=i:3f It c result of 'fee ei< ution io Penokylvauia 3» an el idem* of tte growia- favor cf Demo eratie principle* crr»(i!i<rr» A calm observer <aa see the mitter ia a HKtewlat diSertct a»fe:t. It nratt l« •veli i; -.:-:. that there were :!.-.-! a;i I- if \Vhig« a;.d "'Know Nothios*" in UiiiSute who did not TOte the "Fiuion" ticket. Tiii-y cilbcr tcld aloof (nan the rxJU, or rc:«d wilh tl»e Demccrats— ncc through any affiliation with the latter, bet (rcm a desire to lectiuoaliioi oad the i:;jtiaicioo« iatrcdtK.'ron of tbe »Iavery iuac. It cann<-t hire escaped thea!tv=;i.-n of candid men that tlierc ^rc it Pcnr.'ylviaia, «J in all the Northern Sutc«, many who, altUon^h o,>pcwd to the ditlmbance of the Mi«i:;u,'i ComprooiuM-, are yet averse tttat cMevd or eoaUoainoe cf a»itslion in and cat of Congre** of the tlavo ipieitioa, ai.d of ill atieniptu la re»tare the Mifjouri ii*-r. Tsey want tc »ee tLc coontry tawen-'OTe io a stats of repcse, acd vr.ll not agree to Ofelcfi acJ mi;e)iMLictii itituci. Tbe Ptnntv'eanian, i.bc^tigan of the Di-mocratrc n-~ty at Pfail.Jel|ibia, i* st!'lig»4 xo sdnitt, •;» «»-» . ».ioeranc« of iW jiy, that iti fc"^ h<J "rreeivcd with gralcfal heart* and cr>T. arnin thov»and» of patriotic V."h'5«." It» h\"»> that «be»e a.;i" ccutioue to t« "eanpoaent ].arts of it* healthy ami aJvancing crgaaizatioa," does not rest upon «absUctiiiI grooads. Th^f udcat jiartizan may anticipate future ri'su'.ts ia comftrmi'y whli h;s withes, but the reflectic*; observer w ill lock deeper i*to eansc and effect, liven if tbe election c! a Canal Cotnmu«ioncr could j>rc-|><:rly have involi c-d the re-opening of slavery agitation, it mujt be admitted ll<ai the "combination" for that purpose begin their work at a period alt gethi-r too 1; !c for iacciKa. l!c«ides, the opposition were silly ent'J[;h to give ihe Democrats the benc&t of the liquor qoi!»lioc- .In tin*, a1! in many other iuitanvs, the DrmccraU had luck OL tb»-ir side. They generally ri-aj) tht. bent ll: of all *iJe i.--uc>. But the large band of Conservative Whig;-, who appear on this occa-ioii to hive wioldtJ the balance of pjwcr, are n.otlo tie o ..-:..<•!' .1 a- hatiu; cnrcllcd tbercte'vcii r>vriitani:tiily under any ether flag than lhat ol the l'i.i.,n. We'Eopj- the folict;iag tiag.lx f iory from lie •acd Whig: Suawr. time in the monti, of A iigas* l*rt, Mrt. Rice B. nsi»lo;i, of thi» cily, was rij-lin; »t/me IrieuJt in Caroline eoua.y. daring whirc {teriol die was Liditced to Jfc in * bojgry io compaa r wi.tlj a r, laure namtr-i J«a»*-» H Mowe, to visit u naele. Ttty axardicgiT started. with b-crahildren ; but Moore, instead of coin? to the plaee Designated, drcre OB to LioyiP*, ia £s«-x i^tmniy, aod stopped at a house T&erc tb«-y were j>rf«#«fc»cconuaodiitioQ. Mrs. II. tun!'!?- [froenrett ]i>»igtr to* Balijmsre, sod thence to Citr I%ij*, V«., fn>B» which place she easily got to Rictuuo.t-1. Her husband in the nseantiine suffered ii.:en>cly, «adr u there- w»J ruach mystery ccssecieti with Ihe aflair, he m*J«r-$co*movemeat ti)w?rdi an ip:>:ic»lc!i io: » divorce. II** thit matter eventuated we hivis nrverbeea inieimeilj but it is tnie that Mrs. II. aal her hu .ba-.-ii htr» utterly resided under the same nwf in inr city, anil it is hkeiy tbat no blase whatever caild s.liaeh to the ladj-. In tbe progress of tiffi*, Mccre aiso came *lo Rich- : mood aod renewed bis aot>oj»acj, treat-Iy to tlhe interrnptioo of Mr. H*islop'« .iomwtic react Act moTe v-.^,;.: g£t£%~ • «*"?. •*> - ~ ts&ti&gsszRi* s&s&fjSi ins« 3t.ce*, every Vrtti = s <i{ snricnt lacilli!*. eic-pt „(•residence wjth . peqneit that *he wcold immediately; n ci nsasl '.r-ir Sni::cr«-d ill ecu.-lies, -ciT-scc-i; which " ^ c '; bby J * | ns-aal j jaiu hiM M tie Exchange Bcu-t. Mr. U:u* o? form1 icicrcDur«» l«*i stor.jv ;!, piivats basracss ic lercourse i?a» bas-bs'i s;<?rfx-,l, r.asracss sussas- • wijj, we iit »o the dcorof his d'-rcllm? and saw Moore pended, eiertfoa acd enterprise rendered hopeless. standia; tear tbe ft ace. lie {-are chase »o-J pursued a,id public duties Efrts^riiy disrega dec ; bjr his torcie itor as far as Orejton Hill, where hi- took n fwhich s-ympa'.hy has '.-eea aroused, aot crdy jjs ev- age in a house and was. lisr. sig'il ol. It if staled that ;rv part'c-' tsr oTi: 'Sun, tut. to tbe honor cf brj- he was lowered fronrtae n.ajxrr .rinditvs cf !his bouse it: crerv Siate wbxte kindred tiet and :he bv means of blankets and enabli r to fciakir h s escape. »e hope i S:"s'.Cai of jonie Two or fi icacc 3D<! ac;ivj!y «ili 1« tutored, anir t?ppine;« three c-:t d sav :u liis li'e. Despairtake the place of aSlioiii-n ; it U-ing an tccasion j ing tio« of >J BimstJf of the (_!_'••( l ol bU art'-cnr.!i-ual arii exrra..idiDiry, w'u--n ii tecciats all to ; ' •••'-' itcr la;-, lu! hai.biad 1. ''t-d. he (ifteruiined lo lo'tvhat he pcrhsp: consid-red a »«nleei way .of •vlr'se depenJei.ce uJon the A l m i g h t v and " **---*or pcrci^nce of hing bravirlv. So mcrtal c-oinbst, of Lir••/'.!!> from fiif-ter s " SIB : I will meet ycc on Monday morninf, Oct. Sr.h, >-Ji'"7e!c'"' '• -°:er-a J'J.hDion. Governor of Vir- 1355, at any place yon ciioote to name—intb any k::..! - ' : • . . •'x i .,.jt) v (iisc' aa'h-'n'.y lo rt-quire a !1 ica5^c5iucJvB?SfeV;iPtieYh»r--yco Y'TO Tifbl or not. '^•*!- tiorei.y. tth:>!f.r'f"'b»,o ''" ' —--off o^wjea 1 eoa'cidoryja a coward if yon do not accept. - f ircuuiineiiu i«aiona,r, U'^oout lOsfincuen " J. II. MOOCE. ereed or.parf., wi:5 cne Jicairil, unite in retcering " To Rice B iinislop. homage and thank-givin:; 10 Got! lor ais blessings, '•P. S. 1 have chosen ay seconds. J. H. M." and in fi rven! prayer ior a'conlinusnce of his guiMr. Hai:lop vrent directly to Justice Tvl^r, oTUendance and protection : And io, I stiegest tliit tie FIFTEENTH DAY JF ".VovKMDtn Best be set rico ecu; ac~.;!, to be religiously cb^ervtd, in ;Vy?doat from e<!. A Moore business or care, and w i t h a proper lee ing ol ha- indictment ciiliaiiaa lueauor. la testimony whereof. I hsive hereto *ut-s:ribcd ray uaine this eishih clav oi Ociubt-r, IS55. JOSEPH JOHNSON. ARRIVAL OF TUE NORTHERN LiG3T. A X S U A U K E P O U T «H-' 1 J I K B VUTI.V3OIIE TWO WEEKS LATER. A N D OIIH) ltA]L.KOAU. FARMERS* REPOSITORY. TO COMMODORE The Cocr«:»tion of the meate of tbs Al««*aria, ancicp the retarn of Lourloua anl Hampshire RailroaA was brfd m the ^ We lafee pleaenre in thU gentleman to onrtov He lett here upwards Court-HoD* HaH, Vinci***, ** Wednestoy the of three year? ago to tak tcmar d of the New 10th inst- l-heConrentiiMiras tsX*& to order at YortNaTy Yard—ose of most responsible po- 11 o'clock \ 5L On motion of G.H. S*ocrr, of Alsilions is the Navy srm«|JThe very satisfactt>- exandria, Jos- Bl SHESRAUD, the Mayor of Wmcheater, was call ;d to the Chair, Mil EMSAB BF m a n n e r in which his ra(Jdatii ant have beec discharged et forth in the iollow- GFo-E-SsssiSEYandE. C. BRICK, «;ditor3 of the 25 report which we copy from the New "i oik Alejaudria i Ivxttt, the YTinchester RejnOicaa, Mid th-} Wincbesi er HrginioJi, were &y pointed Secretaries. (Joan-rand E u q a i r e r : - l\Rcp. On motto of CoL Cius. BLCI, of Kampahire, the *RETIREME^T OF C|Al. BOARMAJf. rules of the I of Delegates irere adopted for the We hwre already annGScwl la« intention of regulation o ' the proceedings of the CrOnvention, so Com. BOJ.BMAM to retire fro} tbe command ol tlie far as they .pptied. The roE ol: the delegates from Brajfcljn Navy Yard. Hifcarried oat his in teathe difieren' counties was then <alled. u ben the follion on the fifsn iast.. and it/ill be seen by the prolowing gent'etaen either answensd to thier naosea or ihose who hare so long seril nn.!er him, «'ithont were reportt 1 present : For .llexi ndfia city and ctraiiy.— Kobt IL Miller, ac interchange of kind sentiients alike creditable Geo H Smi at. Lawrence B. Ta.Tlor, l)«vid Fcnsten, to the commander and his *iiordinates. Edgar Sodden, Charles P. ilaaDtug, Lewis Mcl The master median icsol the Brooklyn Na 'y Kenzie, C*S; ius F. Le*. Lctidom COIIB.'J.—Noble S. ISraden, \Villiam H. Yard,.New Yo:V, agreeabljto previous arrjingeJoshi a Pusey, Darid Hroirr-. meot, proceeded on Wedaelay evening to taie Grar, C/erfrc coMty.— T. P. Pendleton. Th* . McCormtck. leave ol Commodore Cairii BoARMiS, the retir- Francis McCormick, Dr. S. S. >>iS>, ?'"<'- Pi«'^ CtiL ing Comcaandeict of tht Yaf, prior to his depar- Trcadwell S^mith, R K- Mea-ie; Dr. C. R-tanstea CoL Beniair in Morgan. Job* C. R:ch»Tclson. ture for Virginia. IV^cnk towi/7.—VT«. Wooi, Ja.=. Gather. Robt Y Caurad. \breaam Xoiton, Wm. B. Baker, Jos. ti Sberraid. J ,hn F. Wall, Jas. H.Hurgfsa, John^Bruce I). W. Bart m, T. T.Fauntleroy, Jr^ <3eo. E-Sasett ev.L.T. iiore. Wm. IViker, Kenry H. Baker Col Eob:. L.I;iker; 3Uh'on S. Lo-ctt Wm. H. Gold, Geo W. W ird. lion. R. W. Barton. Pr. L. A. Miller, Commodvre 'Buaramn:—Tfe master mechanics David J. 5 tiler. Alfred Parkins, Wrn-Stephenson, who have hbeen employed at ne New York Navy W. Ma.:ou, Geo. Yeailey. Yard ior :. e pastihreeycarswderyourL-onimapd, Jos. Jcferum anmiy.-G. \V. U.ckland. G. W . Turner, have reqa suJ u>e to represent ilieia in saying P.. Il/Lee, l r . L- Brooke, John D. B. Lewis, J. J- W " they have cauVf'»« <*fee leave of you at the lenniDaiion of your command, aac- desire, in 'pa rt- lianrs, A. IL Ilerr. B. S:mt, an office r, courtesy tviih which thev A. Monroe. Sylv^ter R,,a« THK Or TUB UBATQ. W KV1IC* The negro boy (aged about 17) beIfWKtajrrS«Hr. William Tomer, of the Trinity ot I^« Tenn., whom, we mentioned jesterday aoraiM »» h«»ingth«day previous hi»td the oTets«er, »«, 3m»«». wms upptchcnded tie same a«y an4 wk» jo La Grange, whi re he was lodged in ihe calaboose for sale-keeping. About one o'clwfc f e«tsrJ«y moining. ibe ra'.aboose was broVen opea W »ome persous unUr.own, th* negro law* »-ta» scene of the raoKU r ai.d bans till h« was dead—' dead—dead—when?, in fact, he was found hanging by his masier yesttrrday momins whtn the ruia« sun had lifted ibe mantle if darkness which Ua4 enshrouded the operation* uf the CodeLyncfe.— The mnrder of Mr James was a most awfal cue, at>d justly merited ihe siernosllegal venswaace; bat we live in a land of laws, actt vengeanet shoahi b* left to «he Isws. We learn tbat one i f the penoaa concerned in the executiot oi ihe nesro, went b»lore the jury of it quest and confessed hi» participation ia the tragedy,;and g.ire the names of ihe others engaged with him. , -, 1 \f' Eagle unit irWjutrYj', " "~ JL- -^— » THE UAII.UOAU COSVISMTIO3I. Tor ihe Tifj4«ii Hnaer Wang =if H«et« »4 of Twy, Tirjn, MjM«n^ »»d of rmi joy. Brro»aia .»**, 'ti»«^», m«fcelfc» «w-. AMt t->laycit the 4leTiI with tbe Scotch Re»«w*. A »obt«r Uieme iloo now icy Mat in*pur» And wakei the echo of «»f «lanb«rii« lyi«. Great Cfcrf ApoUo. bat o»e baan I »k— Mike me 'art e^oi to Ait glorkas Ink ; Lend me thy aidrt"or I would |wtly pruM, A mifMy poet ofthes* o«d*rn darn. Some few «H*5 be»e* tb*r« i» • liMbj towm, ThoBgb rifl»g «« T«"» •»» T«* of •«•» rmuamm; A blessed town- -for «ut» ao »pct e« e«Hb. Has to swh geniuses e'er gi»e» birfS. Rome in her palmiest a*?* eoald aerer bowt Comparatively socb. a mighty kwt; Aacient Athens wwM stand b«ck ml»*edB And Ccrtntl. fi»«l »«' "»lerf*«o» «-«•»*'». If they ccuH ra< «nd ca»t a casml view, Upon tbi motlef. moBjrtel, scribbli»g errcr. A blessed httle town, ngiin I t*f. B!«sM t., posseo $«cb S15"'0'" ^"^ When. by=« neijhbor l«ly, she »a» told Of al! lit dazrlins wealth she had in «lore. Of gems, of iub-*s, and (f precious ore. With heartfelt rapture, turned «nd f»v« r*pJy : "Ah, Mi-lam, J on are less rich than I ; You bETij for tr.:«sure geld an<! jcwjU van:. But I iKxsiess those noblu children there,— Sons like their father, torn to achiere Fr*sh laurels for their country waile they hT« . And dyi*r, esch to Uav- behind a name O; glory, honour, ansi ofl«sli»S fame," S- she c^a turn and prosil'.y look upon Rich !>a:-d aodjeniui, each inspire 1 son. If a»k<r<l of her nhereu her treasa-es lie. She cjn point t J her poet* for reply. Brijhl scnii^* ra'Blls <*f u"""1*1 •""* Mule thirir com trr rich.-r far th»a sold, i>Vhv --rJie »oJijeribble in this niolern til«», Aad conjure up such plenitude of iliyme, Until "ihc prc-s beneati her lal-ar groanf. And (irinter's devils shake ihcir weary lieuei " But iurl roy uxisc> thy t x- atabilioiis wio;, 'Tis i>ol in prai»e of all tbat now 1 sing. O, w onld Apollo but n»r w>nl in»pi-e— Tcsch loe to st ike for them the iniK-Cui lyfoIa rspturoo* stiains I'd «ing each poets name-. Destined "to fill the six-akin- tron.p of fame. ' Oue bard alone, ami.l this motley throo; Of poets now shall rrace roy lab'rin.? son- ; One u 'rd alonc alworbi ray ntno0*' flli!l' •U tlie -coins of my Cjiiill. Space for a wrd or swo abont tfee railroa-.I f onrtn'ion on WeJr.--*<!ay is all that is left us. Tha a«sembla?e WES » satisfactory one in r»ery rfspeet.'_ The delegates fr-o-n the difterent counties were to»nosed of tbAl cla^s of grntlemen who carry a par-' pose into executi-m. Th-li>i of J-.-legates, a» reoor'cd is a larec acd csetSitahle one; yet lima wete many more in a'teunance »hc*e nasjles wera not hamlrd i». The hall in which ihe metiiae wasbeUl was eroded to i» ML«7«d r, »n«l «>•* attention and aarcemeni w.ih the iSelibera.ions were wndiu-s-d atT-rd sufficu-nt ia,licauoa» of ih- «p:ri: w i i h which ihe work v,-ill be pro^rented trpffl this tin • forth. In tbe haraMBiau bl<r». din-of ditr-reni views-ihe confenu-a hasbten pr»da^n-e et the mast bcmfi.-isl r«sul:s. f ffiadesttr Revt>alicit»i TIIE V A l . U l i OF A l>fc'.*» HORSE. It is said that abont ei R ht iht.nsand horses, anannually in ?i.w York . iiy, or at>oui i*'VJ-'*«perda<'-an ciasseraiiou. prol al-ly. Each d <»d hoi-eis tWBJJeied i" be v.vrlh scventt-en dolla:»and a halt. UU hide i^ M>U1 to ihe ianr ers (»r onr dollar ami a hail. U»» hide » «»M » ' the lanan. lur one d«>J?ar and a half, his bones air burned and. jold lolhi-NUiiir n-finer* for r fijin:: roipo*«.a.ul: to the farmers !\»r maaaro ; his mrai i» pressed am! the jrea>e UNO.! bv th- soap and cardie makeri, whife 'he enir.ii!^ am! reian?m» a»r ti-d to the hojk. to m a k e r<'ik f'"' h'-m" cnn-nm;'. 1 ';-^ _ On lu^'iwB of P. D.STSEIT, gentlemen representing corporaiiociio.-nimin- corr.paijiw were recognized as members: of ihe CoaTcntion, whereupon Titos. C. WILLIAMS President of the *ew Crw-fc Coal Company, and I.C.'.AU Loaars, of the i.-unrshire Coal an-J Iron Conjfnay, appeirej and took seats. The prc-trrers made by the Alexandria, J^ndonn ;irely aud itnponant structures have been tuilt. nnd llampshin: road was set forth by President! "•<•'•Harried* and others partially completed. The i.nproveun-nt KEXZIE. M;!IJ :;aid that the road was under conu'S«'t At Carter's IlMel. m Sunday »»«'• °T 3cT- 8 - M" of ihe G. my Wall, in connection w i t h ihe Dry from A!exu.d::is to the Shenandoah liver, n distance Ij>*ccr»b. Mr. T I I O M V S »V ORKM »«il Miw I«A»Dock—the extensive woiks unut'i the drpanmcnt HARA A S X IU)Fl'M.\STER—all « tni* coonij. of G3i iuil.:5, ttie contractors takinj; 20 per cent ot ol m a c h i n e r y , and the new and improved style of On nmrsJav. t i e 4;h m-t.. at Hurpw-Frrrr, kf wuik.shops and .stoic-hou>e>, are all included un- the stock, iiad ibe work is no-,v und;r construction «e» J. K. Ni,-h.l", Mr WILLIAM IIA W KIN3 to. der she l?rtn ol" you.' command, tost-tber wiMi the on the lnr:.>-y sections betvrcen Alexandria and Mi«llEUEX;CA WiLLIAMS, cfSi-euJuiicahcoanly, &i!>itic the Clark's Gap in Loudoan.fcnr miles w-st of Lcesburg Va The A n n u a l R-port ti liie President and Direc- Cholera on Board the Uncle f-'am~T1te Califamia Elec- c^ni|ilction and launch uf ilie fiiitate High on the lis'. 1 » S tion— 'jyiumph of Oif Aa-rricar. J'arlu — Ia.'r-esling construction of the steamer iVoj,r«rrt, and ihe n u In Lcesfnir<rr ore TinrsHiay evenins! »asl, by tfcc R»»-» tors of the BatiiuHre and O.iio Railioad vviis preone can trier e Sixteen miles Are under way at this time. from the Iflhm-a—Haigitation of Coc. A'tnnrv— For in in/ cITcits e»' merous outfi:s and repairs of ihe ^irveyingi-qnadMr Claikr, M i . HE.NRV L V f . M . A N . lormerlv of sented to the stockholders at iheir.general meeting ; rare, frosffct of hit Re-rUd&m and tne /lecogni.'iuri. of his ron fur ihe China Seas, aud Ihe several vessels of A series of-resolutions were offered by Jons BctTE Liiile York, P=., a»a >I»» MAKGARET LE\\ J-\ oC Marks of Uold genius. : yesterday, a n j w i l l btji.und iu uur co.'amtiS this'. by tlie British. -nld rlaco the: there. I i.ctsliurs. other squad tons. Wlr'c!i loudly c^aim thai I --!>•relative to the locati jr. of the line of the road ; uml, : m o r n i n g The report sati-s-tbe grc-s VcCt-ipis of NEW YORK, O;t. 13. 'Ihc >ti-:,;..-'-. ;i NvTihcni OnTuestiav, the 10th iistant,hy ROT SamerJ 6- rrrr The number "f mechanics, at limes, employed on motion, of P. L! STREIT, they were referred to a the roaJ :br tlie year lo have r-e-.-n £"•!, 711 13j S.r«, L-j;ht fiom San Francisco an ivc-d at her wharf about 5 Bold arc thy sltivinjs, upwards is . 'T ":S_ ' Sir JAMES I! COCKEttUULE to CA'VUAttl-NE A1 1; a.! iurreav u,).jn ihe previous year oi Su5.-Sll i2. o'clock this evening, hringin.-; Jatfs from San Friuci»co daily, has exceeded 25(10. Seeking to reac,i some new, untrodden .V ?" all o! Lpniltinn In ihesuperintetideij'.-e of works of so much mng- cctuT&itttce of two from the- different [counties and to the 2i)ih of Strjileiuber, ut-.vard of -I1'!) j'issirnsers, nilr.d'.1, with \ v h k h we hive had the fortune lo be corporations represented, with instructions to report 'Ihon -p:ir;r.-t sjifee the mnsly-fustv relea and gc lUl.OOO :'u treasure. : Of Webster, M-urray, "anliii'.ialcd fooU," Died: Tlie treasuru is principally consirncd a« tulltitvs :— coRtiectcd, under your command, you have bur-.e ihercsul: o:'iheir conference to the convention — 1; au established character for promptness and elli Am! every lawbelonging lo the stieuco Well*. Far-o & Co., .-JIOl.'IO'J; Dr.-x.-l & Co., $100, rs. iv. the 9'h of October. 1555, at S-naif ab?uiLeti in tiit r t d u c i i i ' n ol tbe4oaiiflg drhi and The Cu.ur ;i[ pointed the committee as follows: L. p^-^ OR G. the >viitf of ^unmcl J. C. >U> r«. 000; Ri>s, J-"alcDiicr i Co., .$55,000; J^iiu Ctok, Jr., ciinj-y. In oar personal trans-ai;tiiins we have tu Ol Portry, thor pullcst al dtfiance. In August last, we cniired the fat t lhat Profes- i., otber ab oluie'y rtqiiircd ouilays. The iljating i Poiui, acktiowlcd;je t u r sense of your uniform kindness U. Tavloruiid David Funster., of Alexandria: Win. "*" '"i^um *' ''Itf, iii Hie *»-ry palh of <lelf, w Like some youi g eaglet iu a cage confined ik-bi it is announced is utiili-r cuntfol and in ihe J^ In llic sor J. A. SiMi-soN. ol AVaihirigtr.-n C i t y , a celebra- cotme of the next iix aiot;ths Kill l>i Iiq:iid<itevi.— • Col. Kinncv hns resigned' tliR Govoncrsliip of San aad courltf^y; and in laUtn? leave of you, we de- II. Gray and ST. S. Bradcn, of Loudmm; U. K. M-nuiu I '-'C - a4 - i > ^ r. dan^hlcr. wift», T V, oulil be thy i;cnius—thy inspired mind— v 1 ihe midst ol I 1-1 ' "t h* !* br'° k"'<e-l, l*»t tk« ted Artist, wa-i ensag-ed at the r r s i l e n c u ol LKWIS The aggregate deTiin.'.;i!.-- .ip.n t!:e means a id eel Juan, and mother mrctnis f i r an e'ectin > ha. been call- sire lo say t i i a t y c n w i l l c a r r y \vi.h you our \vanu- and T. P. I'-jndieton, of Clark;; R. Y. Conrad and. mother, she J ird. . he bt.J; eUk Slioulil it be boi-ml to stcop to, and nsjiect '- spirif, her wrxnanlr ed, the ^.llgl!^ll Consul haviii; assured Ciil. Kiiiin-y that e^l \viihes lur your weUare. memory ol" IITT sivo-t an.. W. WAMIIS-JTOS, E - j in ihis county, in copying r-venuc of lilt; Company ;irinr lo tin- 4ih of A p r i l Lis Eovcriimciit woul.1 reco^iiv&e him if re-elected. D. \V. Burto 3, of Frederick; R. H. lee nud G. \V. Those era Jipin> rules you plainly so neglect. To this speech Commodore COARMAX replied as • irlues, hrr lire intclU-ct, lici n s ares'.attda; i?l,5(Jl 1—1>18 arulthe "waysaiid : it chrwtin Col. Walker was still at ^oii Jii-jii.U-1 Sur, nr:iiiiting. from old original pj.inlings, the Furtraits o!' '.he Turner, o: Jeflerson: P. B. Streit f.nd Col. Chaj. Yes, Donald ! then can's! eq'ially dispense liut above all. am! betonl all, b. r C-J">".,"" ,.-«• Tool is meer.s" lo meei tiiis liabi.i'y are pr.i down at £1,- No batll< s had cccur-.-d since tht- last stvamcr. folio vs: War-Lington family, ccmpri-iog that of General B18,50'2 Blue, of Haripshire, John A. F. Martin, of Preston ; c!iarac'«-r, 'ivr. anil every Jjy strih,.'" _*" With .liction, n easnrc, rhyme and coiumon ««»»«. 1>5 I t - a v i n / a l.'ii'Mici: to 'he Company's The- Nortlii-rn I.ijlil cciin. ctcd wiih tiie steaiucrCorCattlemen:—I have li^Iened, with feelings of the hearls of the m.iny foaj fiienji »hc n.' .eft. Washington, C<'. John Aag'.istine Washington1; c r . l i t o! £'51 tl'l'.r*'). w i i h its lioaiing debt entirely tcz, whit Ii left San Franci«c- .on Ihe iOsh ia <:<mjiaiiy You aik for pro jf—sure every uian has seen T. C. Williams, of the New Creek Company ; and deep intereil lo the aiktiess ju?l dclivt-rcd by-you, fruit lit not for Inmr only, biii Ml al;o lor clirrmiy. ctirrnity. . Col. Lawrence Washington. Col. Ssmtiel Wash- paid off'ani! iis l-auilit'e? 1 -r i:'.:nstjucli->n account, wiih the sl-.'aoicr S n r.i. for Paiuim. That fair example, calleJ the -'Ktiiu Sheen ;" anJ ,'h.iiik \o;t icr the lliueiiiig anc! Uiud e.xpits- Ed^rar Loosii?, of the Hampshire Coal and Iron Endeareil in all the rt-la:i(in< of life, her death CJn!l B The GoUi-n A»e arrived n|«m ihe li!lh of September e;c., i!i?L-liarf!eil up to thct |K-riod. The u b u l a r Or when with c an'ng win" vou soar on bi»h ington Mrs Uotty L-:«'K ("nly sister of the Genbut be lelt, iln-plv, heartily fell, her pl-ice no oilier c.' sions contained ihercin. Comp any. of tlic r- port, w h i c h our readers cnu ex- and the Utcle Sa:u oii.llic 1 -itli. (ill—her wcFlli was price—it daily srew uimt Sicce ! hive had ihe honor to .command t h i s To view "contentious iu the troubled sky," eral.) Major Lawren-:e I.*wis, sen of Birtty, Judge siatem-.T.i The latt'-r, it will be rcm -inhered, had put ir, o AcaOn motion of TC. II. MILI.KR, n recess was taken una m i n e f:r themselves, sho-.vs thai on the 1st of j vou, and they who did best know !>fr, did lore \vt Or « heu amid the stormy "summer'* blast " BushroJ Wa»liin2ti)j, Col. Wai. A V»Tasbingtor.. Aptil, 1S57, without any increase on th-? present re- | pulco with Ihc cholera 011 i-trard. U.-fore she i cached Van!, it has b^en my chiet aim to carry out strict- til 2 o'clock. When the Convention rc-as=embli;d at most Our lo-ii i' :n-a', l>nt lor hrr, to live tvant'hrf^— San Francisco, Ihe disease carried off 106 passen- ly the views ol t.;e GuVeriuneni, and in so doing, You sing the solemn rc(|iiirm "of Ihe past," Mrs H a n n a h Wa«.hinj;:on, (:uother of Judge venue, "the Company wi 1 i.w iinemViarrass,-i| — its j gers, of w^ioni 95 were adii'ls. Seyn . ; : . . - luj sub- liie taslc has been much le-s laborious lo me tliau that hour, tin: committee upon the rclcrreJ resolulo die gain—"lliaiiks be to God, wUcfc g.vdhiu :h« A case in point—:i iet rae qaoto, Tictorv thrci.vrlv nr Loid J.MIS Chris?,'' in h*r J<rfrui«, | Wa-hington.) and Col. Charles Washington, (the flualing dt-U liquidated— its funded Jeb; of gi'338,- s.-quenlly died in the hos[iitr.l at Sail Francisco, a:iJ 11 it otherwise would l.ave been, being so ably second; tions made tl'.tlr report; and. after some dispassiondealh haJ no ^ling, ;r;iv.-. no victory. B. 500 under a sradua! reduction—the loan !i mi ihe remainrd i iiil.-r trpalmeut. llespect forbids to pul it in a note : e.l bv the rt-spoiiive hcaJs ot tlie mechanical de- ate discussion, the resolutions were adopted by the ioundcr of C!iar!c--!o*Ti ) On Ihe mnrnini of ihr liih in-itant. after a fliort illcity of S'5 000 000 provided by a s i n k i n g land in The Slate elt-clirti iu Cal forniu hail resiillccl -ji favor pittinents of the Yard. In you 1 hav found a b i l i "Or who can tell or break the spell, This group, although, tiken from paintings over tue'liands of Ihe Oity ResUier, v. liich w i l l neaily of Ihe Amcriea:i party Jolmson's majority for Governess, Mr. THOMAS C. BACKHOUSE, elde-t »on of Which binds in mi«t the futnrf. ly, united w i t h industry, aud a cuecrlal desire lo Convention to tbe following i-flcct: George UackliLUse. E-IJ., o! this county, in the 3*lk Or rins the bell or find the cell, 100 years oM, are most perfect. They are net on- pav il on mammy, aad tL-e slodthoiders receiving ' nor over Bijlar was ovc? 4, X)C>. diseharse your respective duties in a mo.-i salisl'acItesoh'i'il. '. As the opinion of this Convention, year ofhisac>-. Th«d«e«««ed u-a-< a wor'uy geu'l* The VuU on ihe liquor law is close and do-ublf il The Of what mi'.i seeks in life*mo*t afler." ly finished in superior style, but are exact like- a liivi end a: Jh.- rale of MX per cent, per annuii. | Ccuate man, and exemplary in all ihe re!atia;iS of life. slurds IT Americans. Hi i)c3Hcrat>; llic Assem- Kiry manner. When ability, aiu! ihe desire lodis- that the interests of the country require Unit, i i the la fi-ur years more, after t'.ie paymen' ;a fail of " Ccnamtis nfjora pau!o." Bebold construction of the Alexandria, London n and llini|iClarge foithfully, duties devolving npon you, are ness»s o! the parties. They arc ao fancy portraits 51 Amt:ric;-.ns, '25 D.-iDCirrals. On Monday evenia; laM, iu this lown, Mr. AARON bncds No. 3,5'MT 83S 33 w i l l lv aJiicd to its in-^ans. blyThe IIoxv well Ihe story of "the wreck" it told, schC'On'.-r K. C. FosU-r h: d arrived from Japan. uui'.td, saccess is cerlain ; and as oar f'-llow-ciii- shire Railroad, the route found to be the McUKiDE, ag-rJ 4J years. —the characteristics of ihc original being strictly This Or see his bjik ailoat upor, love's stream, She had sailed from Honolu n vrith slor.-, in lh; whal- z>:ns in luuie lime, view ihe difl" rent works ol practicable to an air-line between the town of AlrxOn Saturday last, after a short illuusj, Mr. JOHM adhered to. Professor Simpson lias jgivcn an evi- Ihe liiij fleet, l>ut llur Japanese aiithorilies had refused her u.agni'.Uide developed by the resources ol our Gov- an'lria and t!ic Hampshire coul-basia should be lie claims a placo in Jennie dear's day dream ; RUSSELL, o>' Harpers-Prrry. aged j t x u t S I year«— b dence of Ins talent, unsurpassed, afier an experipermijVfon lo trade, allesin;; lhat the treaty i:iadc no e'timer.t t h > y will at once atarid mocumentsol ihe adopted. leavin: * wife anil4ehiUfen to m'urn his lo»«. Hi* Hut o!i! a pair ol boots he finds brneallj^ provisic for anytUi:ig more lhan a temporary nsideucc growing greainess 11 our cuuutry. and the t ^ k i l l o! 2. That this Convention most respectfully recomremains were interred ou Sunday aiinnoon by ih» ence of more than thirty years. Those who doubt Poor Jennie's dl-t**, aud slams them iu her teeth ! at Hukauinli. Ku to be alavoral'lc one. by p e n t U m c n ol bjolhers of tho Independent Order ' f Odd Fellows. Hoot h;r intL-lianics. It is n o e m o t y complimt-nt loyou. mends to the counties and towns ihrouzh or near to what we say, may satisfv themsetwis if :hey w i l l vi?\vs, bat upon the questioned tlif time w ion the The pov:r..roe.nt* cf Ensl-nd anJ Russia had conclu- but spoken iu sincerity, when 1 say I believe the which this freat improvement may pn-:i to take into of Temperauci: aud a .Uir:;e Cuucu irse of >x u:i> ilbi< ing Yes! I> nald is the Laureate Poet's name, mice tlic t i m e tc call at Mr. Wasningtoa'a resi- Cuinpai.y \v(.u!d be in n cuaJiiio;i in ivs-iuiie the ded in uii-- witli Japan similar to ourj. friends. mechanics uf this Ya:d unsurpassed in skill in early consideration the expediency of raising, by Whci'c mighty gritius I wiulJ here proclaim. p n y n i r n t r!" divKk-nds, a vari:irj'-e of preOn the 9lh in-tant. of vrlln-f fever, at Tick»bnrf, dence, and make an cxsrr.ination. coMiitv or corporation tax, funds in aid T) fa work t:eir vaiious departments. Hon. Henry A. "\Visc. We rtrsi! that Proteus couM change his for.n, Miss , Dr. A. M. Ii. CONRAJ, lormerly of Leeshnrj, The Navy Yatd at Brooklyn is destined to be- wLii-1). even t'nrifr its construction, like similar underTo Mr. WASH:.V.;VIIN much is due f >r his effort vailed. The report, lakin;,' ihe m»M iu.!;i•.•urabte A committee of Boston Abolitionists lui^e been To save himself from danger and from ham, iu Ihe 36tb ye ar of hi> agj. v i e w oi ihe Company's resources and m a k i n g amin gathering u p thcoKI s:attered portraits of the f l e prcvi>i n. lor all cuniingcnt-ies, ( n u t admil inviting a number of"Soutberu genik-racn to lecture C D U J - ine model N a v y Yard ol Ihc Uniied States. takings in the Sta'e, will scarcely fail to indemnity So th'iu, fair youth, halh often chatipred thy name, Dr. Coarail was an intr,.i»ent, skiilful and failbfa LVini? sitiiateil contiguous to New Ycik. the Cum- our communities for any reasonable out lay the\ may AV-i-hiiigti-n family. He his done jthis, without i ; • i ropriciy of to pay a dividend u n t i l in Unit city during the winter tpon the S'il'jcct of inorcial EiaptTiuni v f l l i e Western World, its nat- inrur in his piosecuiiou. But !ia-:t not changed to shield thyself Iron shame, ni'-in'i'-r of hi" |>rufe«sion; 4 dutiiul <oii; a hind hn<b>u4 ; aud fathei; an IniiuUe Ci ri-iliau; a patriotic citizen. regard to c-.-st, and h;- i; entitled lo thje gratitude of April 1H57. The gen ieur.':i representing lhestoi-k- Slaver^-. Mr. V'ise having b'.-cn sclicilcd, pionituly ural position points it out as the proper site lor a 3. That be appointe*.'. a committee lo repreBui ficm that uio'lcsty which poets feel huld r i-ilereM expres^-^c I e opinion thai the C mAt hi* n-«id>'nre. of >.araly«<. in the vicinity of P«sent to the Legislature the strong claims of the Algrand N a ral Df poL Who write for fainc—and yet their name* conceal. every lover of his country. ler«ville, Fre.lcnck c imty,' 311..on Sunday evenh]. rany raisht pav a ' l i v i d :n I i-.i April lS5C.anJ press- and seven.-ly declines the iuvi'.ution. and ckses his Since iht lime the Government honored me with exandria. Lor. louo and Hampshire Hailrond to the As IV,ill's son did recognise by note Ihe7ih insi., Dr. Tl'OS I. M A K L O W . ed the propriety ot'iH-i-laiin^ in favor of thai policy letter as fullows: liie command of so important a post as this Yard, most tuvoral'li! consideration of the State ; and solicFRUITS 01-' THE SEASJOX. The bee tbat slurg him " though she cha iged her ln_Ll.U>lttl»»/*>»»"l — -«"» «t« tik of n-«i,l.«. Mr. S \ M a^ due to tire Moel> holders «ho h a v c s u !onr» icniaia'•You s».y during the next session a cumlicr of \vorbs ol'grea". m a g n i i i i u e haveboen projected, and ir a subscriplian of three-fifths to tbe capital stock_ l-EIi A 1 |TE.>, iii 'lie i-iih year of In* ajf. He wan a* So I can tell tin- iiiu-ic cf thy songs. b!U work" A lady friend of R.-rkclcy county has. seni ns a e-J \vi hout i i r t u r n from th.-ii capital, ar.d to ihe city ;ntlemcn from tbe Sonll: will lie invited. &c^i(%— Kl MH. ava?1*^atn!»8i affectionate Ii ;-i .1 . I and father, a kind :i.-i-lili,;r and i« which ]i:-on-,isjs to our trade f.nd financt-s an ariount -flTe i le of CJen. lloi:.-t(ui. it i> r.ichift '. would And liKon- to whom tlie laurel wreath bclon-s. every siri,*v- of Ii:.; w j i d "an liiinc*.«t ma«." Ui.s Ius* it o pav a d i v i d e n d i> noiung?i aq'ipssiiT. ol fact bu; on- follow. 1 have iio doubt you accorded very respect- iiig com pie ion. of bencl t nc-t likely to be exceeded by any similar No matter what tby fictions name may be, deeplv frit by I-.s relations ami friends. You w i l l , r,oi;outt. find in mv successor au offi- improve men t in the Commonwealth. bouthood, a sample of doulile, or l^'iti Peaches, ly one of liiiitr, rather t h a i t<« e.tamine very closely fu' attention to him hut inUr, and v>ere vcrv gratecer luliy capable of carrying oat ihe inieution uf I still tlie sparkling of Ihv genius see— O.i the 3-1 c.' Or!., al hit rrsideiiee "n I. u I. n,, ••ounlT, large and well flavoured, and ot singr.larstructure. the arguim-cu u j o n whith-th,' policy cf ib-r ditK-r- ful for his services hi you? C?.HM\ 4. T.iat in order to obtain material aid to this W I L L I A M -,;.\R!l, K-n . in la.--5:h year of hi* »«•. the GoVL-rnmenl. and I am doubly "ratified in Mai- great ei it is proper, as rnurh aa possiliR'j to in? parties is r-t'.'dicaicd. a;;.-l lo recomnicad thai He it Ilnmlet, DjnalJ or Shivered L nice, "You otfcr ono hundri-d anc i:lty dollars to be paid ing ihal now, a; :!;e expiration oi mv term oi'comAbo, a double Apple, exhibiting a singular freak w h i l e all asrree that a dividend will be paid in 3Ir. Ciirr •••as an active mat'strale of this cru ity for I !;--ioiv theio. all u'en at a single glance. a?ccrtai:i ihir prominent points in tlie route. to tbe lecturer, he bearing Iii? own csjieusis." Let n.anv vear ; aud under tbu uM canslilulion >e rrJ u in e:ruc:ute. 1K>7, a u n a n i m o u s e!f.-rt be made in prove i'hclher me tcil ;'ou Treniunt Ti-mjilc canno: bold muiid of this Yard, the discharge of my duties, I 5. Thru vriilst diversity of opinion exists rs to IIij-.Ii She ,ir. have reson 'o believe, have b'-eu higtily sati.sfaetoSweet youth, thy t-tli;rts even now ha»e -ron it cannot be paid at an earlier period. "Tiii'x oKsiiiiiut'K. wealth c-n mirh ?o puri-h;i;e one word of ili:cussion r f lo UK- Government, as w-!l a^ harin'onious wilt parts of tbe conte East of t'.e town of Winchester, >'««r 5 h.-p!ierdstown, on Ihc rvfning of ^he 4\'l in" A fime more brilliant ilian tlic nnon-dtty .mo. [Baltimore Awican. it i-j sem.vrti'y concede-! that Winchester and lierrvfrom me i.'icrtj wlwllier ».i.'n#. h-re, shiill Le mit<e or ilio*e under my command. tta:.t o-': aprp!.-zy. Mrs. .MARY A. U\LL, <vife «f When this poor tribute to thy nolilc worth ville (w iiidi are ucarly in ire air-line from AlexanThe election of ShriilT, lo supply J!ie vacancy, r.ot; but 1 uui ready lo -'olanitcr, without raonev Mr G cr^e W "lljll, and d.lighter o" the laic J*r;*> In conclusion, allow me again i o t h a i : k y o u for Ha? perished with the perishing of earth,— I L L K C A I . VOTI>. C I.V C:COHG1.\. M- r;/j!i. aged Cf years. and without price, lo suppress any insurrection, and yourgt-o.l u-ir.ies and expressions of r.jj-re;, a n d l c dria to the iiutith of'Xew Creek) should be poiuu occasioned by the di'a'.L ot JoH.v-W. lyloouc, E-q , in the road. Thy words shall u'eii until the latest age, repel any invasion which thniMens orcnd;in2i;rs the O. the 5ih day of O tohor, J A M K - WALTER assured, a l t h o u g h ab-ent, you r t t a i c m y ln-\; w i s h was prt'gresMng a: the liiu«- ol going to press, WedG. That it be recomrnendeil to the President and The Savannah Repulliean, alluding to the ille- the State Ilightscf Vir;;ii ia, ar my iudividu:.! rights LOJK, aged 5 vears, -I in-inihi and o days—t>n of "With duilhless radiance deck historic p:ij»." nesday. As no opposition was presented to Ro- gal voting in l h a t city 0:1 election day. practised under the laws and cone'.ituticn of my c c u u t r v , o r es for your J u i u r e h;irpiness anM prosperity. Director.; of tlis C»mpnny to beein the construction Z .chanali ami .Margaret L«<-k. Mcthiuks I hear .viihi,. tbe future Jim. Let perseverance ami imlu«irY~t>e yoor guidina: KET LCCAS, Jr., who has served aa Dtputy for by the Democratic party, says: io the sacred Union whi-^i biriis slave Sliitcs'hnd s:ar in the foluie, as they have been in the: past, on Uiat poriion o (this road which lies betwesn the At h:a rcsidoiict*. i= Horkelpv county, ot Satn»«f*» Slicuts of thy praise in anthem acd in hymn; tt>wn c-:'\Vin:hester and tho coal fields ns soon a« lice togt-tlier in one one bind oj itiitional confideraqf, i»st, ofCcnr; s ire fever, WILL!AM D. CCN.MNGmany years, tve take it icr granted he is unaniMetliinks I hear near by ihe dying kneil '•That several persons have already been arres- and in. stjierair bonds oj iadcpfiideni socerigiiies !— and the ro.«p.'ci you will command, and your suc- may be expedient, so that tht; two sections of th..> roail 11A.M, a 'vorihy and estimable- citizen. mously elected. He has ciade a gop«l officer as ted under the charge ol arrjurV'/nnii s'.:i>oniinaiion cess in life, will b.' at one..' your renraul am! :hiOf---very rule—to rhyme, to writer, to spell; In sbor. pctitkuien, t v.'ill uoi deliver oi e of the proof i.lmi the American mechanic is au honor ti- may proceed simr.ltaneously : provided the means of At North Mountain, ,-r ilu- r.-»iJenc.-"f.»,hr F. BmfDeputy, and we believe he will make a good high ol pi-ijury at ;!«• pi>lls, soim; d whom have given the Company will allow. Meiliiuks I see liie end of all tl-cse nil.-s lectures af tbe coarse on slr.ven . ar the Trcmont fy, o.i Sepienilier -_'5ili, I I U C I I A. RITENOCU, aj«4 bail, while oilier? have been coiL-miucd it jail.— T«mp'e in Uostoa on Thur.-day evcnin-r, Januarv ll is c>'\in try. *r. •21 years, i luonlhs and I'J days The l.lanlj in the third resolution was fil'ed up \Vliich pedagogues, and v.iin, pedantic focli Among t h e latti-r are sume ignorant sajlcrs. who 10th ld5G ; and*there w i l l be- no Thursday between After h a v i n g taken an arT-cti-.inate farewell, ihi: Oai Friday of last week, in » c'; Cr-ifk V* 1 -j Mr. Call sciences—but nrhich :hcu dcetu'st bu; chairs ! with the following names LJonx DiifCE. RUJT. V. \vpre taken to ihe polls, ani! bf the most scandaFIRC! the mtdiili; of Dereir.I-or ind the middle of March pany retired, deeply moved by the Commo.'ore'.* PATRICK DOLA>", rcccLlly of Slorean couul», i> th* To clog the working of the hbmau brains, lous and fa's.- repiesen aiions, inductd tc vote.— next, or b;tweon that and rtniiusday, wLi.-'a will kindness and urbanity. We understand ihe Com- CO.XRAD, and !!J. II. MII.LEU. 22d year of his age. Wnicli hinder gpnius in. her lofty rlinlit, The folio .vitig letter from Mr. MCLMS, th'e State The siaMc of Mrs- EI.;::A SI. Gnjccs. cf this town, We uru!?rs!and ihat ihn oath which a ch;,lit-n!;ed best aceonnuod.xte me for that p:irpo.=e. Recently, at Hie residi-nec of his falhcr, iu tl.ii coo«modor? tojk his derarture fjr Virginia 1-st eveoVuier i* required to lake. I-^il io be Ircnsiated or TJ balhe her plumage in ce!e>tial light. '•J give you au immed ate answer, and at rav early, Mr. STEPHEN .M \.\SF1ELU, Jr. a-.-d i!wu« M was firod on Thar-day aicruicg la>t, about two o'ctock, iiitreprf I Senator f o : t i e Hampshire district, AVOS rend and U-(j lor or.s of th--m .' V» r ho, we would aslr, liest convenience indinte to yi-n that 'the particuBill tbon, a champion of freedom's ear<e, years. anil bof<_rc the fltoicf couKl be arreslrd, the stible was i> the grca?er criminal, this is*iorant sailer or liie I ordered r.o 'ae inserted in tha publication of tbo proHast burst Ihe tuialdnro of these tyrant I .wi, phase of the suAijcct' tbal 1 \\ ill preica; i , dir^ib- £!afety of Dr. Kunft and His Par£y of ArccoLtuinrd. Uv tin- • : ' . • - of our firemen and citizcu$, man who seduced him i n t o a violation of the Jaw ? lar | ciiedings : crately - To fight if we -Just."" And nobly set oppressed Genius free ti<: Explorers. Baltimore Karket. the :!..:;,-« irere prevented c.\te:iUi»!:—thou^li tlieroof of "The reader a: a <Jis;ance should not conclude _. ._, --^8,1S55. To siag of Liberty, and sing of Ihee— NEW YORK, Get, 11. — The propeller Arctic and that these arre-'is are citofined to such pocr .—There wa> a lair ir.,|uiry for FJonr toHOKKIUtTii >£( The dwelling was en fire i:. fovrral places. This iucenN'j Sir: 1 regret Mat no attac'c of bilKong Long may thy fame its latest tongue .-rnploy nnd barque Relief, sent out some (bur mouths simx- f.-vcr, fi-i.m which I uni slowly recoverin?, wi 1 preriay ani! nolder* were firm. Snippers Oihers ot a diliVreut cla:ss—men JUrv act n as doubtless the result tf mere mischief, as as this sailor. tnder the command of Lieut. Harlsuin, to the res- vent nr- .Uter, ling our Railroad Convention at AVinTUcu poet Laureate—tbou iuimoi la' boy. \nowii i h t u i i g h ' u t the c i t y — l a v e been arrested pretiy (reply. S'iwk iiii>,!t-rale and r» ci i<>i»- no» A private lelter to a citizen of Richmond from no one could entertain malice against a l.uiy who lias and required lo filler into tends fur their appear- Salem, in Roanoke Co.. gives ihe particulars ol a cue of Dr. Kaue and his party, arrived here this even- I'hester on \Vednes-day next. I address yon ;bw Inrse. Sales of 0.100 U>!s Ohio at Sf 50, and IZZVRD. been lo-«;ccufinrd by i!l»e=5. injr, Laving on joard the doctor and his companv. ance at the wxt lerm ol ihe court. This i> not all. murder committed in place oa Sa!urd;y liOO do. Howard Street at the same price, closinp Slu-j I.rrJ-inu-n, October 17, IS55. hasty-note f-)r the imrjiose cifexplaining the ciuise of The jiropeller and barque made tht-ir way north in my absimflti from th« Convention, andi of removing The woiic i-f inventiiiation w i l l be prosecuied unfirm; wi:h more buyers than sellers at this price — A G K l C U L T U R A L i VAIB. Dr. Richards, s well ,,-noivn p h v M c i a n i l Salt-in, Smith's Sound up to lat. 70 dep. 30 miiu'when their any W H A T I M t l D l i COSTS. til the law is viu.iitaU'd and the ba!io'4ox puriWe no-e a salt- al.'.. ..f «PO bhls. extra or i-h-urr false inp-ession tvith n.'yard to uiy position and was shcU and almost i n x i n i i t l v killed br a Mr. farther progress was stopped by the ice. After makli-.-d." Ohio at SS oC, and 200 bills. UowarU Street al ihe feelings upon ttiesnhjecfbf this preat scenie ofimTbe A allry A-rricuitaral Fair commences to day, at Clayion C_aldwell ol Nr»v Carsti». Crai^Co. It ap- ing their way in towards the shore, the expedition An Illinois farmirr, writing to a Chicago paner same price. provomsut which mi^ht by jiossil'ilitv be occasioned : the *rouutU near Charlcstotvii. AYe have nc doubt a pears, from '.he letter, t h a i Mr. C a l i i w e l l scnarated i .Ucovere>i an village, where they, learned about the expenses ol a se tier, says ''his living thereby. he Nati inal E-?.—the .Abolition o/sraa pub- I'roaj his -vife some 13 a-,'o uii accouin ol';-.lpreit variety of Stork, Ayriculiiiral impK-mcnts of all that Dr. Kane and his party had poncsoulb. Thev onr friends that, L'lotijjh absent, I ai» with w i l l vary according to ihe ihe siz- of his larnilv' Local Memoranda^ iort». besides multitudes of prctliicticus, w:ill lie exhib- lished ai V/asiungton—re card- ICcuw-Nothingism le-red inf lelit)'on he' p?.r"; and r e c e n t l y Mr. C. then returned to Discc Island, in Davis' Strait, t(F w i Assu-e t h them her.rt ami soul ia tlie noble enterprise in anc their propensity to gra pride, which is aU had so:re eaa-i>«[ ect tha: Dr. K. w;is i!i« of- tlic western coast of Greenland, where they found ited l.rt every one tend :u sumrtLhig Ipr cxhiuiiicu. ia the free States as an invincible obstacle to Fu ways an e^p-usive article anywhere." (;erlai.ilv which thry arj engaged. RELIGIOUS NOTICE. sioni;m*and Abolitionism, aaj calls it ih'! f a i t h f u l fender. As no or." wa~ pre.~ci:t =it the intt-rview lie- Dr. Kane and his 'ixpeditiouists. Dr. Kane had if it is so cosiiy a«, afl>ir on a prairie U r m . it ij" The aiore, the uie.-rier. ProTi'ilrnce perraiitin; there will be prfaer.inp in lh« Vcrv truly vonr fnomT. iween ihe par ics. which too'iplace at Dr R.'s of 1 ushed his vessel, tb.2 rescue, as far north as 81 dencre tbe less oostljr in i nr great Ailai'ic citirs ally erf slavery and the South. 11 says: Pre^kyteriao Cburci: iu'tlus place, on th= or? I Sabbath^ JXt'. C. B. 1IULLIX. See, ii is only left to conjcciure that Mr. C w.-nt 'f rees. wh<in slur nns frozen in. He remained by her S.VI-13-. which arc l u l l of ihe r'.in caused bv pride. Thou- Oct. 2!. r^-i. 15. '•Our readers see lhat Know Noihinisir i; opera- and ifemanJed some exn'anation of the otf-rf.ce, l-ut nil "ft at.rA3i VANCE. Esq. the winter, ending to the Indian village for prosan.ts are a n n u a l l y l*-3'garet ,and tens of thousands fl-e-v a'pisling just as we ptedictcd. \Yhcce is cannot- rule. receirin? nosaii>s"acti, n ii:in:edialely *" Mrs. Axs tl.T. B.)TR!.Kit. cf Shepheri r stnwn,d;s visions. Iu tbe spring he abandoned Ibe ship nr:-:! Tbe Ibllo'ving resoiation, o:&red by Col A%.MON- sirs, ghtened in circi-insisncps. by ihissacie prid^. ID~ By Divine permission Ihe 3rd Quarleriy Meet1 :«i1 aand /jc di-c' ar»ed i'.s 10 \teiits into i ai.ijmer: of Made his way southwardly insIedjiestoUpernaTicb, ROE, was ado:;ted: for Jefferson Circuit, of Hie AI. E. L'harch. will b» posed of her Karrn nrar:own, ccniainiif:; 231 acres, i; seeks to rein. Til S:;.tes There it is dominant, ii 1 j^ I t i j pride lhat nv.lets the fiiiher dress ftis dau:;hDt.Terrill h;rfppiotig to be i i , i i n ? b v at v hence ihey were ccinveytil iu a Danish vesstl to te^ bcvond hia mtuns. !• is pride lhatii iducesThe held al the While House, commencin-- on -Saturdar at private sale, a few days aso. to Cnir-^Es AGLIOX- s-ecks to subject Repullicauisin to its n-s-e ;. wjjcre-! t.!.-'--/_ h e i n s l a r t , and hear: •:• the report of ihr" pistol, t ie Island of Disco, \vbere they weie found by tht: [Oct. IS. Resoh-cd, Tl-at in the Turtlier prosecution of its wo-li moiber to do the Kitchen work, mat M a r y Anne next, at M o'clock. il is not, it arrays itself in bitter opposiiiot to ii.— dismounted ami hasieTit-il into the i-tHce. l)r. R a* expedition >iv, Esq , lor the sum of sl'0.10 cashsent in search of them. the Board of Directors of Alexandria, Loudoun mays! 7 , in ihe parlor and practice r n u - i i . h i$ ICT There will be preaching in the l/niun Church. Mr. Joax M. JKWKTT, Tiustte, sold a^t public In Indiana an;l some of the AVe.-tcrn Siaies. it soon a.- h- received t!i-.- f;it;il ivoumi. ran out into Throe of Dr. Kane s party ditd—C'hristion Olson, '• and Ki\n-risliire Railroad btr and it is bjrebv roijue?- pridt ihai lead lamiliesio live in houses filer than rpcnter; PIITL-P S,:<jul>ert, cook : and Ji-He son Da- i ted to.a]'|ily lo the Legislative of Virginia for such they can':, to give shoviy parties, lo u-asie the Smilhfield, ,,„ Saturday next, at 11 o'clock, A. M-, ai-di Sa:urd;-y last, the Mill Site, which was holds b*ck Ueptil;!;can:Vtn frcm any e5i icnt ac- the yard iind cried lor help. When Dr.Terrill en- cirpcnter tered the t-ilice, hefouuil Mr. Caidwcll clone in alterations of the charter a* cm/ be nect^ssatv to car- surplu.«. cf tb.;ir income in a sumrnrr excursion — also on Su.iday morning at the same hour, whr i ti» advertised in our p«p<?r. siiuE'.cd at Scrabble, for tion. In Ohio, Massachasct'.s, and 2Se\'.- Vurk, th- rnom,ac;lonenquii7ii?' 'what waslb« manerl" ker seaman, TLe rt-mainder are all, more or :sacraiueut of ihe Lord's Supper will be ailn.ii istered. f.-ost-bitten. .-|-T>riiito i-fect the resolutions above adopted, i-.nd to It is pride t r a * has French mirrors, French -laces _ . ,a K. T. BERRY, 1'astoir the sura ol S17G. Purchaser—Mr. ELISUA Ssv- where the Rcpablicai.i have disentanglej them- Mr. C.—ivhile in the ac of p u t t i n g a pi* to I in his On tbe 4t!i Kit.. th» barque Rsiisf narrowly escapee, i strikout from saiif charter any fixed point in tue French chi ia, French icniclt rockeries of every scrt'. Oct «• of the Pre<byterian selves, i: is seshkg to .-verthrow them, ihas play- pock-M—replied "1 shot him a id I fin nc.t denv it." s lipvrreck by coming in contact with an ice-berg.— i route betJfeen Winchester and the coal-field. ps». It IK pride in short, ih il is at the root cf hall the* ii!£ ioto ibtf hantli ot the AJmini^ration and the Dr. Richards linsered o'u'y a :'e\v mDrr,e:us and ex- She stova in.her bulwarks, and. had her boats cirPew rents in Ihe Prc»bi i . ' On ffiotioi of L. B. TATWB, the tbanli^ of thfc Con- ex'ravai'anceof theaga. Truly did the wise man ^ CURIOUS STATI2 <>V A I'I'M IRS. pired. M r . Caidtvell was fninc-Jiaiely urresteii ried away. j say, "Pride goeth before destruction." Embur- Church are now due. Payment can he mad? lo Slave PGVTIT, am! reiaidirg ihc movement fur uni- ai:d is cow in jail. The last \vintor was unnriaHjr se-ere in the Arc- vention %vere '.endere-i to the Chairman »nd Sccreta- rassmeat and ruin are whal pride ;nsts. J. HUMPMREYSr, \Ve learn frcm the Lttvrcnce IleralJ of Freedom thst i'a in ihe free, Siaies. _ . t'c region, and man;.- natives perished from exposure | rics for their services : an 1, on motion of Col. Blue, G. W. EICHELUKRGERv TOE YEJM.OW KJllYKF. AT K on FOLK 'and starvation. October 4, 1355. IJUAS. C. STEWART. CDXiiRESSIONAI., « OJ11 >i ATIOXS. Coi. 1.::-.-. a r.i ii '.vi of tfce la*t Congress, who veto! [ ail of the papers published 5n the towns and counAXD S Xo traces ivlnucvc-r were discovered of Sir John the Nebraska-Kama* bill, anj t:ln was f>r:notlr LieuPEW RENTSThe p w Rents of tl«ties inTirrtstird w ere reqnes :ed" to publish tbe proceedFranklin a party. 1'he following are'the candidates for this Hoi se Church, CharlesIowD, are now dus. Paymt-.i^ .to b tenant Governor ol Indiana, aid a praclitr.ig lawyer are gra'ifi-d to bp able I ) announce :bat the made to ing?. The Ki'.-hmoad papers were also respectfully of K.epresentatiwe» In M a r y l a n d : LAWhON I10TTS. there, for tirrniy years, hi« boc:i refosed p^ricission to fever has very nearly if no: entirely $ah*i<k-<i ar I.ate and Important froia_?le.tico—Alva- . K*}amti-£ to jmblUil tbe snou>; .-ind tbou Uio Con«-enOctober -1, 1S55. FSrsi District—Jame*. A. Siewai^, moti-Amn practice iu the teniUKJal court* cf Kansa?, because b: N oi [oik and P nsraomh. It is said'that atiseni; es rez Elected President-Denied Entrance tion airourccil sine die. Jo^n Dsanis. E<q., American. rt-uiin w i i b impnaiiy in.Lie course ol inotfcer would not uLe cu . j:li to .u-uiif tiio enaciuieuti of tbe to the Capital—More Fighting Expect" our people cannot be too well und. rstcc. . or tfco fcecoad District—Dr. Jacob Shower, a n l i - A m t r of JOS. H. SHKURARD, Chairman. ed. week. FIOTI ihe IblUnvioc n port trom D \ Poarme ans ]r*Kl~ure recently ia scsi-on. lie was Ihe ectmscl of Ci'M3«:8t..ixn. O:t. l(i —Ou: -town has, for ihe , ~neairer''"S or curing them too highly «->preeia Janes R. Ricaud, Ej=q , American. EDGAR.S.VIVJ.-DJN. ^ XEW OKI.EAXS. 0<::olier 12.—By the arrival of tin WcCrea, who is ia.iicleJ muidor; aa-1 the same per- paM :we'-.:y '-lurs. beer it. t.'ie mosl intense escile- ell, ihe gentlcmanlv an-.i : at'ira ive health oficer of „ . * person who dUcuvtrs any means of cijre or GEO. .U. SE.SSEXET. > Secretaries Third District—Joshua Vansanl, E«q , anti- alleT:ation, confers a benefit upon hit fellow-, anil it n»i:oti wis rrfusod to J. L. Erjory, of LWW rente, for i ! occasioned bv i« 3 c-t' tht most appallinz and the s;eamer North Cari>! na., it w i l l be seen l h a t he steamship Orizntia, r'rom Vera Crw; -ialcs from the E.C.3UUC-, V American. J Morrison Harris. E?q , Am.-rican. desenrmg of honor. This desirable coi.-u.u.i: IIOB n.« napri'vc'Sed murtkrs ttn recpr:i, she w h 1<; ct-j-.-ct BO longer drems his sei vices ui cessary.oo the boat, lilv of Jlexico to the-3th inst, have beon, recei^e-t the lasie roassn. McCrca can fet no CC.B.SM.-I Erq., anti-Amer- been achiered, and not o.-jlr may cv«p,-|>%-a >IT rurrd, Alvarez has >>een elected President of the Republxint. it ii JBt'poscd pluciic:. The victims are and has tonseq-.iecl!y made liis last trip. We take ican. H Winter Davis. AS ELOFEJIENT* , Amsrican thjre iu favrr cf t^» convictiaa. hot it may be prevented by the 'use oi "ii-.- li.nd'i Fi,ih Dr. J. F. C. ll&ttl, fi ni crly H<-alih Office of Bil- t h i s • cr.'isu-u io renirn to Dr. Powell our sincere lic bv the the E!4c'.ora', Colk-^e in SP;S!OD at CuruGerman tliltcrs." prepared by Dr. C. M- i.dnoo, li'Doi-e, bu' fur ;iie thre.* years a prixlisi -5 i thanks fi r I is kind attrn ion in furnishing-: ns w i i h vacca",but the military powers of the capital will dePhiladelphia, which medicine a spoken of ir u-nm of. BLOOUV COKSI^FESCBS.—The Thomasville, ,Ga.,}" physician o i.his cuv. and a yi>u;z man in his-Dl- i rrjrular and acrtjrate reports ( J n r i n z i h e u hale pro- ny his entrance, so that bar.!»n£ may be an- Er.terpr isc says : the highest commendation bv Ihon-ands who Is' e tested •. gress of lie epidemic —fiafa C'-jwr. ticipated before-lie can have the opportunity of asits efficacy. I t i, perfectly innocuous in its n .11 re. and i The receipt* for freijht oa t\ie Mana«sa» dp R.til- bee, uamed Heary Gttd, A"gcrin;u pcaljir, laic- i A corrcypoadent from Tclfair county, writ's 01 tha? suming the reign.? of government. possesses the raluajle properly of improring ih-i health, ly ir.-:n P i t ^ b u - s l i , who«e nau;e j.-not kno-j-n, has fIRCUll C«U!tT\ riid f^T tke month of Sq'traabsr, e\c--cds ;i9,OLK). 4l'» inslatl, John Qaiiia. cl that ecu'ty Hoped (tcp. Vega,has withdrawn from tha civil power, of the robust, as wejj as restoring the health cf i he fieav. l«en arre*!ei, charred vrith th.f inunierand against wiih Miss Martha VVHeux, the dausbterr/ Wooc'^ou The pecen>ts for the ajJH'li t'f July, Aagast »cd Severn. and refused to ol«y the orders of Alv:irez for the arSee advertisement. {Sept 27 — 3t\rhnra the ics'.im'inv is so strue^ -.hat he u-.>nid alFATAL ACCIDEirr The Circuit Court hr:s been ii- session fee re since rest of the fugitive rainister under Santa Anna, and V.'ilcox, of Telfair county, and carried her into Coffee Her of this rear exceed, by marly o-..c l.uxdred per raost be lyric he.-1, ii pji'os-ioo coalu b-- hac of him Tee day, the whole lime o! >, up to yesterday to arm the National Guard, which was superseded cwinty t3 \he h-Mseof Mr. Joba Hill, whe e they wera cent., the receij-.ts for the »-ime period in 1S5J. This tv ihc outrased married by Alexander Mobl:y, a Justice o! the One day las! week Mr. John Little, »,,„ Hv«l evening, was occupied ui:h iht t r i a l of Ji mes A bv \~ega. Cciirl. jreat increase is Wing to the ex:ca*ioa of the rosd ia!o AH communications ot a personal nature o; bearnear the Aogasia and Rtckbridge line, v»* killed Wil«on,for the rnurder of FreoY-icb Grimes T*e It is reported that Alvarez designs to .'.£=uzce the Afler th'?y had been united, the yoat'jftl couple itzttthe rallcv, and a* it proceed^ we n>sy lo:k !or a still V I K G I S H . f- TES \ESS12E BAILitOAD. rrisoner w;»s defended bv J I^andolph Tucker, civil supremacy. under peculiar circo.m^ances. He was ndin» a ing, appe'ring in oar columns, are inserted <is aded for tie house of Ihc bride«K>cm*g other; but w h i l e ereiter jacrea« ia tL« recc^.ts. The sh:j. Ijrrrencc E-q , of Winchester, ic an e!oquentandab> speech. Humors uere receiver! st the capital that the Amer- passing a small treek on tbe rc-iJ, John Qnimi, tbe young horse along lie *ack of tn.; Centnil Rail- vertisements, and charged for as such. Wi call We ie?retto learn that CiP. C F. M. Garnet He expected to be assisted t-y Robert S-o t, Esq , Urcirn. froai CardiJ, Wales, anivcd at oa his ican minister had furnished money and'arms to Al- hridosrVcom. wa$ shot id the back rod inslanliy killed. road, and bearing :he cat ; approach ing and fearing attention to tin's lact, in justice to onr readeia aad re«»gn?«i bis ctfice as Cfelff Enaineer ot ihe but his ind sposiiion pnirented h:m frota taking , that tbe horse would bcc une restive, he dismouoi- ourselve*. varez. This is, towever, denied by Alvarez and al- His wife went kick to the font h.-jse, which was Mr Macday, with a e»-go of nice bnadred toa» oj iron rails Virgi. ia and Tennessee Railroad. "Col. G. has ed The precaution hi werer, dil not p event a part in the iria!: The Comin--nwea!ih vra? repre- so by Mr. Gadsden. Joha Aahl'.-j'sacd gare the iaformatio!! that her hoi{)r>.We oraat money, aad mm! ha»e il. Th(«r nfor this road, which wi»i be <u«l ia tli* extension of the bc-ea oa this line Irc-ra its very comnjencemunt, ana sc^cted by B. W. Harrison, Esq ,.oor Ci'iamoafatal accident. As the ftrs came into riew, tbe dcbtrd, wb 3 to not intend lo pay. would confer e brer. band hail beeo killed. tori to WuoiUock froa» its pjeaent terwiau* alJIarri- fcas dischargecl his Juties in an eaiaeaily able and \vealsh Attorney, in two su-ong and able speeches. • SoEpicioii rcsta upon the lathr cf the young lady, and horse reared and lell bfck Dpon Mr, L., injuring bf iu form it; us of their intention. We »kail be eoa A DISCOVERY. !»' hx-- sivrn honil for his appi;: rooce at tbe next Supe- him ao severely that ae.died in a few hour*. Be •ell«il to force yiyo>«nl—jo look o-it ^ati-faciory manner. He has a'so made hosts cf The case was submitted to the jurv on yes>terdav. •ogburg. rior Coart of TelEur. tscwaf trieacis ia the meantime, n-how.l! parr- The jury havs rendered a rerdrct offfni'=y.of mnrhas left a wif; and «Tfal children.. FREE PRESS OfTICS ' A string of thirteen nropositipns it going the, I hiui deep r?gre Special*. der in tb: second degree, confining him ia the PenCOPPER MIXES.— The richest ccpperore yet focaJ 8^5S~HS"H" rounds of the Democraiic papers as an "admirable j FARM »f»L,D. itentiary for 18 y " " ' ---* •**---*.:—»—•— in South Western V-rginia. is sail to have breii reccntFSEK PissAce —T;s?;d|rectorB of" th* "Virginia enonciatica acJ cocueasation of '.he Democratic OCCCLLATIOS or TBE Moox.—A^total eclipse of the . ly discorered .» the r«lSey, a few mUo* tooth of Jeffer- moon, visible -a this latitude, w:J take place oo the ts.—A lelter frons the Crimea tells the creed " It is a piece of good fortune iu the panj I N. W.tbcnMwwoN ' ; assold lo JOH.V _.^«,, ,^, an-1 Tennessee Railrod will i«sae ticketa £>3 mem- rpHE members- of th- UNI TED FIRE COMeoeville, Taiewcll ..-oanty. Vilrgkb. The beds are in- mpn.jng of tht- 23lb i«*Unt. Toe fi-st cAt-xt wiih the following tale: "Vnltn-es ate very numerous in to be able to fintl out at last i:s characteristics — • $77 50 |ier acre, ihe fr rtn oi' liMhacres )yin£-mi the bers of the State Agridl'nra) Sccietv and the UniJ. PA>Yare requested to meet at ihtEn^iaa «h»u«tihle, »f«l it is taid to tie ibe greaSctt cc-pper. dis- shai'.otv of tbe ear;!, vrill >-cur r.t e%ht minalt-i b.-fore the Crimea, They smell the powder, acd await Tbe qaesJion has been often asked, "What is Df- j piank-rna 1. one milf conhnesi of IMWO. It j« the on Society of Virgin* and Norib Carol! : a. who .Uou?e, on Satorday evening n«i», at 3j o'rlcct ,. , j fie comins of-thefijht iothro"iihemseiTeaon their mocracy V And ih«? niosi sentjible sorntioa we ever i residue of the UALPIVS.N .ra;:t b;>ueht by Mr. RICH- may wish to attend * approaching fairs, at the covery yet cttdeiialhe Stite. 6as fact i:t= this is one o'*l<«&, the toul By Order of iha President, -.- iJ.jefcj an:; victim*. Afler one of the recent combats; an Eng- heard, was that given by a biant countryman who i ABIHOX hree year- ago, and cost him altogether S36 nsoal price, but willrtlow thejn to return tree of worth mere than pije* of ar-tuaeot in favor of an es- r»-sj»pearaacr; *t twenty-three lEiautcs! "befuj«: Soar.— lish officer was'fcinncf on the battle fi-U r, .10 hnd never swervrd from his fidelity to the path pointed ! charge, within five drs from tke close of either acie, being.S-* 000 less tKan is now obtained t«a*ita cf railway isei lilies, to pLice the capita! of the The early botir io the mornra; at \vh cii it will a-..^»r jnst erp5red,.pressiii?-!n boih his arms one of ihose o»t b? leaders. '-'What is Democracy V said he, articles intended Stock and « State in close c--ancjuon with the rich mincraJ to rote wiih your parwhioh he had "Democracy is—i<—always will deprive ciany of the eojoymfiit of the teaciifu birds ot prep,""dead, like hiro»-!f, RESH SALAD OIL. for sale b» 1 1 0( It e Suyxh west. be ret t but ty, rijai or wrong. '—fist'. Jnt. cru rhed ia a last tfijrt o!' agony i Oct. 18,1K5. CRAMER dt count j lauls.- Win Rrp. The charge with which yen have been St- long entrusted, is one of ihe ino;t respunsible lo which an officer of the Navy can be called- It involves ihe constant exercise ti care snil j-]dgia«ul, and capabilities of a hi^hoider, lur the proper" control -'• Attention Firemen! I F Public Sale *f For TWO FALUABLE FA3MS, IS BSfib'ELEV COU6TY, ^'A. T llE Mderwgned, it hU own righC'and a-i Agent for the oaher fceir».« well i* Erecctor i f airs. Frances Bams, dec'd, wilii ofiir at par/lie sale, VIRGINIA FEEE PRESS AND MMEBS' IlEPOSITOKY. PUBLIC SALE OF JEFFERSON MiCHiXti SHOP 1XD IT«B act! Brass Fall and Winter fin IJ66. HE FORTY EKJHTR jet ii» will begi. T on Monday, October 8th. Ia55. ac'I ead on the 1st of Marcb, 1K6, ,«™ 1UE6815T FORSALI HOTEL, VIRGINIA. « F*irate sale, j, mor yt then are aerer*! Deed ot '.?-.-: erecn:ed rnsproTtd ana in gram. TJitre Kinds are Principal aud I'raclice of S«r^ery.—Prrt 3fl H. . S. Zi»mericao aui o,a*rst» theliude"«r rilaiiole as Qrmtitg Laads. Th< SMliTH. fd on th« I4th day of f?ep:-iRb«-~ 18S5 ind of LATE ARIUVAL OF rd in the Clerk's Office of ths Ctastv Coa-t Che«»i-;trT and Pharmacy— Prrf. W. E A. AIKIN. Tracts serertlly contain from 1 OW Aetesor more"Fall and Winter Cloth ing. On Afondey tfe }-2th day of NeKaibe^ J85S, •>• record ef JcSeason, Va.. I will ofier sale Principles «nJ Prat tic; of Meciciue. — Prof. SAM- dowrs to aboat 150-^iad n»*j be aolc ic s-ait pnr chasers as to qatiairj. Tbcrcjreaa before'she Conn-House d<5 r in 3Iartins!>crg-, VirUEL CHEW. On the 24/J G,Xo$cr. 1855 JOBI¥ STRAUSS E art; coatincaliy _ a oar mica of the Tracts t !«$* 3TOT4E ginia, the Farm opoa whish Jie now re*fdrs, lyins: GeaeriiPhysloIcsy—I>rol" JOSEPH one facturiust House «» T, ESPECTFULLY informs his ,:c«<oaiers in apon (he BaItiraon<iL Oaio Railroad, in Berkeiej ? the JEFFERSON JJA^HINE SHOP," AND a large, so-; Anawrarsad BUILDING *nd other i.npniteaeots ROBEYi IRON AND BRASS FOUDfURY, sitaatec nesr . „ perii>r,and well**!. tedst-ckofM.-n's, " ' ' g-tneral that he ha* jast rreeired a large county, Virginia, and contains and whicii have beea occuf isii s» a Obstetrica—Prof. RKl^rARD B. THOMAS. S ihe Depot of the Y/incheMer sad Potomac Rail- i Youths' F;.7; wock o r D R Y GOODS, «-hichhe miinofictaresin Tavern Stand for oiaavyevj, koown IwTiV Maieria Medici Thurapentici and P-»tholu*i-»l . toad, OB the borders, of Chariest ow:;. 330 ACRES, CLOTHING a; ibis place, « n d whirt be will House," Ana »my— Prof Q Ji. MILTSSBfisafia." This properly, improved at a cast cf ? reral i cars t«re lt-r WiLchesttr or or Baliimire Baliimire Pa* Pa* •ett-ftl ihe lowest C4*b pri'ies. Havir,? bc*n mac- of prime Hne-stoae landj abeat 6t acres of whici Persons wishing to pnrehz.te any of the Lands «ec5ers 3;o?pm? here -o view '* thousand dollars, i> cewaod in eir^;' ie jjj re r a j r j for the present (ail ar,d »rinter trade, where pur- Esr^nmentsl FbTbioloiTY and Slicrosccn- _ onr bold rcnia.H, ufactorui? Pali and Winter Cloiiiios for the i* ia good timber. will please apply la Messrs. .5: »«:T A WHI-K at CBRISTePHSR JOHNSTO^, M D chasers can be ECKCsr.moJiitsd vitb the following raaantain scenery may rest assured thty will b* «in4 months, i cars only say people in. w.i.v.ui any This farm lies 6 from \'anin« -.are aof ! The WORK SBOP3, three or n-we ; D n o m ber, ' R:>aney, Va., who are anthoris^t.i make con- we.I cared for during their stay. Every eiertioat of Readr-Made ClothJrg, viz: Coats, Practical Anattaiy— BERWIC:-: B. S Bora's in my line will do well by Poking at my witbiu one raile of a depot of the 8. & O Railroad; are large and CoaiLodious, and the FOUNDRY assortment anls Ve s a M. D. i tracts subject to the approrul ot the andersi-rned will be maje to make the »ojonm ut irareUtra a. Brick, has been very lately bniTt. The'liciuf- £ > * - *l F»ces, qualities and sizes, Shim, •lock before purchasing elsewhere, as ii ia or.e of it « abom 6 miles from ihe Chesapeake & Ohio greeable. Clinical hismiction ia MeJicins aid Sarsery D.D.VOORBESIS rfc« Jar-fM and beat made assort merit of Clothing Cat:a'f aod witaio con»enieat ; i?:an:e <f several insrs have been ericted with strict regard to coave- „ d Je£' ***£?' F*? **' ltStt <*aa1'lies> ^ngh A Jan«31,1835.—tf "ats, Sixjch ar.d W»de-Awakes, d o , Bik. is gi»ea at the Bill-more Infir.naty, HE Institution M. CARREUU Ife Jenvr*on or LondonB Concty. Goo<l» will be Me.-chant Mills—ihiis po«s«s-in» easy access in nieoceinsheapplicition of the potrlrnsed :a dri- ^fk ?nd Harpers-Ferry, A'igrst 30.1855. ricp the Machinery, and from their prosiorty to 'T ? ,.F|'r df.:«*If t:nd* ef Men aad Boys' Caps, of ibinv-fcor yisare' stand !ar, beloneiaf so the «aade up to order at the shortest notice and iowe;t ma; ket for all its produce. It is i.i an «'x:elleni The Frederick a> ca T ta so d OD University, situated in its iiimfdiafe neighbor'' "f** '" reasonableterms, and ?ncCT, from ibe common to i b c l e n .jnality.— sta'.e of cahlvatiun, onder good fencing, an<! wilt •.be Railroad, machinery a sd materials can * n-prices that cannot fail !o please. Also, a lot ol hoed, and open to all mirtJcdSaws of the school, Euvtag an experienced cutter. Grodt; wils be wade mo^tot tbe timber Izai: enclosed. Jo a word it L; >:eiv«l or sent off at a very iritlu>g cos:. J Silk, C , Cotton and Gingham F'ccket and Neck Hand- without charge, 'hrcn^honi h; yrir. Si:aa'.ed in a henhhy Couc'.ry" and one f tie op so order jn ihe laiest stfle and warranted to be coas-idered by soo-l farmers one ot the most FT-T th« Charletfoivn Fe^s for the fall cogTrse 59f>: Mairicniation f5; a fit or no sale. I hare alao received a larre as- larcr.s io the co^oty. best agricnltoral districts t-f the Sta-e. in wl icb a kerchiefs, Jravats, Giovcs., Sock*, Siu DRUG Prattical ArMtoinv S'O; Grai'iation 2-"*0 Um^eila,, Canes, Pen Knives, Razor ofBoou. Shoe*, Ha is. Cap? Trent* The improvecenu consist cf a comfortable an-1 large amonm of Machinery atrj Agriea&Bral ImCHEMICAL. GEO. W. MiLTENSE iGF.R, Dean. plements are in use, this p'loperty presents -trocg a-*, Socbs, Siilr and Gin-haw !ltiO!iker- eonveoieat VARIETY. Baltimore, Scji. S(h, 1855 — iasrit 3,'J fflt'\KS, VALICES & CARI'ST-LAGS. ndacentents to perssns wiabitg to etigage n the Si!* and Gin-bam Cnsbrelias, Glove* of FANCY. Briek Dwelling House,, ail, &.f.. 11/" This being the larg.^tstock oi Keadf-ilade mancfactare of machinery. aisd STATIONARY Stort B3TIOO HANDS wanted to msk,: Costs, Paot* Kitchen, Smoke Hoase, StaWic?. Carria-re House, At ihe same tim? and place, I will sell s 11 tbe ever offered in tnisplace, laey ask a call -•very description of articles in their line of busi: a".d Vests. >'one bu» gooU Seaifcs-jresse* n< eil Corn Cribs, &<x,.&e,, «-i:h a t-^era'nie Barn^ MACHINERY oi Zimmerman & Co., com Utins fror.i all purchasers desinms of beios served on ness which it is boj^ed wiil meet the neceniiiet ARRISON'S ami LUBIN S Eairacls, comapply. reasonable lents.cithcr wbaSesaieor retail. There i* a pump oi water near the house, fed the in pan as fviiows:— grstifv the UMe, cf its patron*. The past pn'sia^ the fol.oviag as«oi:n!ent, 7iz: N. B.Persons tha; cacno; &c accommodated rrish t3TParclia«rs will loolr oat for IBT name S E M I N A R Y , and field* aie supplied wirh pc t,Ii. 1 20 Hor>e S-teata Engine and Boiler; month, (having been only put into action OB the Sxveet Ulover; Spring Floweis; jar present stock of Clcihwg, are infonned tba'. J O H N STRAUSS. Planing Machine; Concave do ; During do.; Ml of August,) hasencoataged its proprietors to Z3JTAi lie same limM ana place, I «ili sell anV<rrb«na;Gtraciiim;The Scholastic exercises 3/"this Institution leave we are prepared to have C:t>ihitis made tu order at other :arm adjuininz, coniaining Screw and Boll do ; Turning; La lie. no efforts or ejection untried, no attenion cr Paichouly; Maco&ia; will be resumed . 1 . 1 JUondmtthe 3d of Sepshort notict: and a guarantied FIT at the same low <lev-.iron to business unperformed, no accommodsPlaster M i l l ; Summer "Bli..ssom j Chryital Pataee ; 1IO Acres, prices. lion t» ih? pahiie at lar»e that can b« reasonably 2 Circular San?; Corn Shelters; >"t .v .Mown Hay ; Boniuet df Jenny Und , 25 of which art in timber, all enclosed. The soil EP" ^e return onr sincere ihanks to the citiMured, which will not f< cheerjuiiy rendered.— Fod(i;r Cu:;ers; Cub Crasher?; rpnis Schwsl is located in Frederick City, Md , Hei ioirope ; Prairie Flower Coiog ae : ihs-i .ract i* very scpL-rior and higBiy pio.Jactive. .KDS vt thi> place and vicinity, for the eery liberal They solicit a share el ih? public patronage, anl Threshing Mar hie e? and material; ESSHf? T. D. HI^NSO:.- t GEORGE of JL as healthy e i pleasant a town as anv in Double Extract of Lai-order; J ne impro/ements cnc-i.-t of a LOG HO SE ? we have receivej, aad re*per.rfully sowill sell their goods en as reasonable terms as tb* Wheat Fan<; {itstniny Mills; tbe Southern Stairs. R O H R w i i l iaken<>:i.-r that I ».ia i appjv to Kitchen Uauel's Lavender Genuine Ueai N Oil ; ; and a well f,f-:>,„( water. icit a t. OR tin nance 01 the same, as we pledge tarWheat Drills End material: il,< Virginia A»ricu!mral f^c'-tty. at it« next row-" The building is one of grest architectural beau- market will justify, and afford such indulgence a. Clairhue's Tricopb,;rous; Ba.-ry's do; These two tracts hav-.- be<?n fa.'rarj tojelher for 1 i^elves thsrs iha'l be noihir:j vantiQ?or t our part A larjje lot ol CaMinzs of varicas sort5, Ing for an honorary t Mirmmial. a» die ii:Tentorof a number ty, spacious and cominodius- erected about ten can be reasuu.iblr asked. H.iuei's Eau Lustraie; ofyear«, butcher an; so^iioatel w-ith re10 render -vaiisraction. both ia Goods and Prices. Saw Mill Irons; Plongii do.; C. E. SELLER & CO. th<? Guano »::.-:• !,m- u: at wfiirh litur and p'aret spec; lo timber, years ago espressiy «br a lemsle Colleire, and adOi Marrow Pomatum; Philocon* ilo; &.c , ih it me whole traci conld be A3-;ust ,iO. " IjjT Ccme one, cccae a l l . Come lo Wa!:er. Beams and Handle*; ihr« ran brin; forn-ard tb-'ir evi JeiiCe L) Oppose ivadilv ihvi.le.i il s ) desired, J>y purchasers, into mirably adapted t,) ihe uses of -uoh sn institution. Floral do; Lion do.; : ftro. & Co. s-cheapCUihir:s Hay, where you will t Pair Mill B'.inr; A Horse Cart and Gca ; mv rlalrr, if "h-y ihiak pror>»r, Harmon's Shaving Creaci, le is furni>lied in the best sty»< throoghout, ai an I H (J I ,1/M/Sol neariy -.qaal si e. 1 valaahle Work Horse, and a l:'r?e number ;rei the wor'h of your tconev. jOct ItJ, 1335. THO3. F. NELSOX expense of more than 37.000. \V r ain-.:t Oil ric;" Soap; Po-«pssiorj oj ihe lamis \vi,! begirea on tbe 1st i>f o i h f r aric!es aboot ihe Machine Shop and \\ ALT£R, r,ao. & co, ROFESSOR NOTT has the h.->n»r to inform This institution has an able and efficteni Board Jones' Hair Dve ; Aleiasder's Wicobaphe ; w March ItOG—il«e rig t !.-.-in» reserved, hawever -.FoJLQdxvjg_> ti'dio'j- to bemcn ijoafr1. Shenocilcah Street. the citizens of Ciarlestown and ricinily, tint of Professors und Teacheis, a »:mxl Library, excelA I)<•«•!i*:*blc* Pnrrn for Sale. sale hy L. M. SM1T3. to the jMe-eul occupant ;o cuTThe"crf>p""se'r.le1r'"iffis Terms oj t^tlS — I HP real"?? faTf WT»nr«Ttnr<r-rirleiRMusica! luatrumeais, an Ixunsiv: Chemical le wiil continue to »ive If wens at ibe "Jefferso»« flli nndfrxif ned <!tPT« for »ale iii« Farm near tall, an.l to use ihe necessary qaats iy of fuel (iur- rash, ami the residue in one and two years, with _and_Phj!osogh|cal Apparatus, and it is conSilently Llall.' Day* of tuiiion. AVednesday and Frn«y Durtieid- Dej-oi, containing O n - Handled and itig t;u ensuing winter. inieres.1 from the day of .-ale, see area by a D> eii i-l" parting aTti'orJtigTi,"citmstTf nitav£rajUes-tciL im.: jom :J till 5 P. M.. and on ibe same evening* TKSMI —S.',000 of the firs: payment will be rc- Trust o'i t3e premi.«es. nineti- nnr »< rr«, alnnii i h i i l y of ti-hi'h in in TiinHE snlxcriber is t'lepared to lo-nish the best as any Semiii.iry in ihe land. , for young gentlemen. qnireJ in haini from tho purchaser of ihc first narai The personal property wiil ">e sold upon a ?r(-d:t hr. Tin- iinpri^vemcnl^ri-prellvgi-tH], (hi: Farm P£iRL'l'IA\ GUA.\O, to ihe Fanners of The School is N-IT secTAintN, on the contrary, li'^ Clark'! County, Virginia. td farm. an<!SI.030 from ih« purchaser of ihe iasl ic wrll w.i'cf*d, and is known io be < n e o f the of six month* for all MUDS ,<f S10 alvJ ovt r, !he JelFers^m and Clnrke ai ii'iy-iwo (55-) dollars per the young ladies aie strictly required *o attend such named. The ren.aindi-r i..t ilie one-thiid of the purchaser jivin? bond an-', approved secnri'y betniwl prfdtjclive farms in ihe C'«un'y. ton, oj't«r?n!y-lwi> han.lrctl and fcrly pounds — ile- Church as parents designate, iccompanied always unlersijned :ig pnrchase-J the entire E have for sale : - Sprait's Patent," aljo-A^ purcba-se mnni-y to be ^retired riy bc(ndsp:ji*ali!i-on fore rcm-iving Ibe prope. !y--all tinc-U Is uuder ve ed on W W . UU1VTER. STOCK, LMPLEMENT3 &:. ol ihc shop I >i ' *«Cawta Battlmore. The Peruvian by a teacher. thur's Patent" Seli-Sealirg Cans, for keepllie l.-t >f February. I8n;> The-te.'-rred .payments £10. cash. DrrriFi.r>s Dr.pnr. O<-t IS 18.V>-3t Scholars will be received at a n y t i m e during the nv-t-ntly in the occupancv c.t Mr. SMIPI.EY, bugs Government agents price is filty fivs dollars ior ug. 'lermeiically seile.!. in a f ' e s h s i a t e for any are lo l.-i-secared bv bondsb-eariag ioterenirom tbe !a to begin ai 10 o'clock, t M. any amount less than two bandied tons. I am year, and will be charged projioriionably from the 1 avo to inform the ciiiwus i.fB'rrvviliL- and ihe !-n::t!i of time, all kinds oi' irniis end vegetable*. 1st da3' of March, 185C. and bec;nning due respecN s. WHITE:. "oiir.ty generally, lhat he is prepared 10 execute sure this i* ihe inosi advantageous arrangement date of their emra&ce to close <>f ihe scholastic year These CANS may be used year after year, and tively March the 1st. 1.C57, and Marrl: 1st. 185K. Sepiember 27, IS'j. Trustee. they cun :nake, as they may rest assured they will in July. every order in the TIN atid SHEET-IRON bnsilie zcrde is so simple that any one can put them Y A R D S CARI'ETI.VT m a n y f / t h e m D>"e«i-s will b- ciecuted to the purchasers at once, get.the pure article tiirect from the Asent, and t^For Board and Tuitior, including furnish- up properly. Full directions are furnished with tess. luioshi at siu-!i->n. anc wiil l>e sold ve- and Di'.'ds of TniM required !rum shem lo secure Laad for Sale IB He h a ^ o n h n n d a new stork of MATERIALS, fre;-b f/oni ihe Inspector. Tke ca:k must aecfrmi>a- ed Rooms, Lights, Fuel, Wasaing, ets./5-OO per the Cans. For sale by ry Ion-. Irom !-J| cent* lo 12 dollars, ainong ihem the remainder of the Ca*h payments and llie df fer•ny eacii onitr, and as it is ihou^hl the A?ent will scholRtic year; payable hall .'early in advance. am! will f u r n i s h any article desired by merchants, 4um« beautiful Bru-sel« ca'p^iiiioKEYES & KEARSLEY. eil l>«:i-!s. The f a m i l y Grave-yard will b<; reflffvcd WESTER? advance the price as;.in to fiilv-fiv 1 ; dollars for For Circulars and other paiticulars, address August 9 1S55. I'iriners, or housekeepers, a' the ^ort<;st notice. KEY£S& KF:ARSLEY. and ihe lilie to the ground it occupies will not be OFFER r .. i . iJOO or 2OOO ACRES OF larse or small q!i;in!iti;s, orders had belter be put jr a ( U. WINCHESTER, He is al-i> prepared it> put on at a lew £iays noOrtoher 18 1835. conveyed. in as early as possible. LAND A pouioii of the T R A C T of ihe *5OO Angnst23, 1835. President. Purchasers are invitei! to v:sit ihe farms and in- Acres, tin .vhich I re^iLie in Up-hui County, Va. l ce ROO.F1.\G if Sl'Ol'Ti.VG— l:e uia'terial . August -3. 1 S 5 5 . E . M.ATSQ.UITH. Paleot Chorus. *pe t lur ihem^elves. Any person wishing further It is situated betwci a the Midd!eto:fc and Huct- either uiruished Lv hiin^ell or those desiring the rTMlOSE who encaged Churns of Messrs. Hi»CharlottesTiHe Feniiile Academy. informatiun w i l l adi'.ress me at Vancle'-esvilie, liannr.r Rivers b t i r s cliiifly on the lailer; 7 miles v.-nrk. _L -iisox it GALLAUEK, nre icforrned that they iri/i l.mtf l/f;i!>:rcs indphtc<l 11 the nn- Berkeley county, Va. lie h^pcs by hisexperT-fnc-e al Ihe business, close FTUIEnextsesMonofthisIns itute will commence are r*ady fur delivery. Those wi.-hing Churai, l«Ki\v D u c k h a n n o n tl e coun:y seat af U p s h u r ; 13 atten;io,i to ihe wants o! his costcojfrs and an un(l<-i»igtir"l l«r A-lvrrii-ing. Jnh Work, and JEE1U S. BURNS. • railed above'Philipne,in BarboureiiiBry ; 20 mil s CAM leave their names at the JL oo the First Monday in-September. ; ". whilst the 'f*;>iril of J•Jie> ttn " was JUST PUBLISHED: ceasing elTjn u p'ease. l.e mav meri! the patronO<-ti,b?r 11. W. C. LIPSCOMB. Jr., Pi incipal. FREE PRESS OFFICE. fro.n the JSorth V/esrern Virjriniz Railroad ; -I a;e al the public whi-'n i* rf!-p'-c ! -ni|7 solicited. nmlrr ht« niufol. are r.oiified income furwar.l and July >2,a855. Ancient Languages, Mathemafics. A IVfcir Discovery in 3; edidne ! Irom ilieS aun'.on an't I'Hikersjarj, anil 1 oialc p.ivin-n! IT liif ir accunnts will he placed in PEJBMC SALE. JOSEPH H. EASTERDAY. MissS. A LIPSCOMB. t ,r.i!c; from ihe Miild'cloik Turnpike. th» h*n<!» rf < Ili-or< (iir rolleciion. Very nianv A FEW wordsoc tin R.itiotiiil Treatment, » iihSeptember 20, !(<.'>.">— 3m S Exccoiorof Mrs. r-'rance* II. M a n n i n s , the Assistant, "English Department. n The lai.d i.> h e a v i l v : ha'.-f pan: n»ili:n? lor ciu- l;^t five o r e i ^ h t yra'*, xi. out Medicite. ot Spennatorrhea or L cal KiiPtl will oll .r for sale on llie ~tk day T/II.L give the hishe-t Me-v York price* fo» Weakress, Ncrvoii* iVbi'ity, Low Spirits, Lassitude, j J. E. D ALFONCE, ami »urely tliry t a n a-k n" larilier iniiu'g rfe. of ffvmxb-.r, 1853, at V i n t u n . ore mile S>>uth ri Modern Languages, Draxving and Painting. . L A N D "WARRANTS properly assigned.— \V;MI.-:I-" of ihe Limbs .1 ul Back, Imli^position ami lu- i Th«- arr,.nnt> of ih- Ofii-e from Is; of A p n l , , lale resideiice of Mrs. F. H. Ma-.nA V I N G q'ialifi..\t as Administrator of Lewis capacity f - r Sm.l; anil I... lor, Online?: of Apprchensioo, J. M. DEEMS, Persons who have the n for sale may either enclose I'Cul. lo J u l y is."):, are in readiness fur collectitin, in a large ami very v a l u a b l e w i t h Oak, Hickory Poplar, Cli^i-nul. &c. I; cocIr.struraect;il and Vocal Mosic. their direct to me at Washington or leave them at C. flusscll, decca»-?d, auJ s u r v i v i n g partner Lc-s ol Meotorr, .iversior to Suciely, tore of Solitude, anil pr«i:npi payment will ! e <-xp c H iains COAL in the greater abundance, acct^-adle o' the firm ot Ru»el!& Gt-orac, all persons h a v i n g TiiuiJily, Sell-Distrust, Dizziness, ilesd Ache, Involilie Free Press Oinoc. Persona! Kstafc, Tern; per Session of Five Months. J A M E S W. BELLER. and of a very supciior q u a l i t y . It i; level ibi the c aims against said cstau; will present them asear- untary Discliargt-s, ?ains in Ihe Side, AffVclicn of Ihc con*i>!ing-. in pnrl. as lii lo-v- : JOH3SS.GALLAHER. English conrse. $>1500 Chs'lc-i.<-.rn, October M. IS55. s«'c:iijn nf cotmi.iy, li-riile, and is adii.iratil) at'.apl- ly as possible. Those irdclued to said estate are Eyes, Pimplcstm llie Face, Sexual a n : other InfirmiJune 14, 1855. At.oiu iri head of Work IIors<«. and C .lis; Algebra, G^omet: v, each > 00_ N. R —TliT diKiai.t sab-crili. rs, snmp of whom 1 ties in man. r e.l to tbe ;aibin£ of a!l kin s of rrqnesiei! 'o make priurp pavmcnt. is IV. sh Milcli Cows ol' vciy supcrio uli-od and Ancient and Modern Langna-resi each 1) 00' arr consiiltvab'y in a Tear* are nquesitd lo forFrom the French of Dr. It. L>t f^ttiey. ISAIAH II. GEOilGE. Administrator fi^i-ra'e Miikcrs; 2300 Tlie important !a-t l! .t these aknuing complaints Music on Piano, and use of lr,:>lruraer.t ran! l!ir am-nt'ii due lo J:ily. 18."4. prr mail, or of Lewi-s C. Rttss II. 9 larse fat Beeves; may cusily be reeioved AVITHOPT JIEMCIXE is, ia Ihis Music on Guitar, and use ot .instrument, 23 00 ihrir acriiiint*. j-o far a< <-an he a«rennineij as lo a= well as Stock. I: is well icatt-ied and has sevA lar^-e D u h a m Bull. hi»h bad ; small tract, clearly ileruci.strated : an I the entirely new Vocal Music clast. per session of eithi amount, w i l l h" lorwanjedto the various Pos'mas. eral Saw, Flour, a r i l Giist Mills in ils v i c i n i t y . I intend continniag the CABINET BUSINESS and highly suco-ssl'iil ire;tnient, as adopted by the AHa1);iiit -0 hrad ofolhcr Caul*; of 'd:pro"ed breeds ; Months, , 1200 leru. with a T' q-iest lo put '.hem in a t r a i n of .«/»r<v/y This is a i h i n l y settled section of ; te State, sel- in all its branches. Gi.'e me a cail, as I am de- tlu.r. '. :'.i\ explained, by rue.ins of wiiich every our is 73 head-. I Sh?cp; Drawing, 1-50 tnU.tlinn. J. W B. ' tlcrj^ have but recently commenced moving in, and euabU'J TO re BE HIMSELF PERPECTLV, AND AT THE Fuel, termined to sell a« low a< any one else. •1C Fdt Hop-, and 3G Slock Tiorrs; 100 cimsid'-ring its m a n y advania^ts, vi::: the J e r i i l i t y LEAST POSSIDLB COST, avoiding thereby all the adverI have a set ol Daginrean ImtrKiiunls of.gocil iS^ Four larse \Va?otis. anil .-, gnrat variety of Boarders are charged sixty-five dollars per -sestised POMimus ol the day. oj'ils soil, ihc §reai natural resourcesol the cnuii1 q u a l i t i e s and a number one tautlie and bridle- for V \ H A f H A D A N D HERRING sion, inc'.ucing washing, fuel and lights. ft v'S.-iit tn any addn-.s;. gratii!, and post free in a >:alFarming Implements, tiy, iis h c a l i l i i u i i t t : s. the niere non inal pricn ut s.ile at civ swop. U U y JUST RECEIVED.—The subWISH to '•nsa^Pilies.-rvice^of a M I L L E R (or Cata!osues may be obtaintd on application to cd envelope, by remit! ts (post paid) two postage such as Carts, Pio;ial:s, H«rrmvs, &c., &c. tl e land, coi'iparrd lo ils intrinsic ;ind rapid inI S A I A H H. GEORGE. scribers are receirins weekly, ana have made ama few u;'.-Dit>-. — r l v api'licaiiiiT is re>iied. the Principal. stamp* lo Dr. It! DE LANEV, No. 17 Lispenarii street, ctease in value, thf i:i;ernal itiiiiroti.'ment policy AKiiil 2000 bu.-hel« i'i prime W h e a t ; Hijh Street, Harpers Feiry, Sept. 20, 1655— ">a\ New York. plo arrangeiDents to supply all orders for Freah ) i ' , ^OOKIU-IL!.. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. [Octet<T 4, 1855—6m. ol the State, 'being, a? it v/eie, just commenced,) 600 of Corn, a:id -100 t.usheis oi Oats; and Salted V. W. SOUTHALL. Near W.lii.' Wilvi:. 1 >1il'«. several ions Ti-inoi'.iy and Clover Hay, ti-gether the certainly ihat the West « ill M,on have the asGreat Improvement. Smith's Conipcand Sjrup of E. R. iVATSOX. O.-tober 13. IS.V* —:jl. Shad and Herring 7'iih a great nnmher of other thiigs usuully found cendancy in the Legislative Courcils of ihc Stale, JOHN H.TIMBERLAK7.. r|T]E subscriber having just retarned from Balatshort .lotice. They have two Canal Coats which ai d shoald the A exandria Railroad be extended u o n «> i^r^e F«;m. K.1RSA2MRBILLA.. COL JOEIN R. JONES. Von Wnsil Picture*! JL tiinore, is now receiving and opening a very will make wcrkly lri;is to and from Georgetown il-.:-- Twelve months credit with in- to the Ohio lliver, it w'ill p:is>s t h r o t i j h or roar this "UIiS preparation has be.-n in use for the last superior assotimeni of W I L L I A M A. UIBB. and Alexandria, a.i.; .vi:! take all freight asusozl UST receive I another Lm of those beautiful terest alte'r (5 -.notnuS for all s u m ? over S i O ; under land. All the'-e coi:siijerations tend l.> render i l t j e three yeais, but is now, for the first time. REV. W I L L I A M P FAR13Q. on nioderato terms. The patronage of the public ' Atrr-riran Farm S<Tne<." also '•American SIO. cath Uood and fefi!ri:y required beiore rP safest, as well as the most prodnciire ao9 prufiiatie ! biou ;ht before the public. It is manu actured Fall as;c! Winter 'Kood», R.T. W. DUKS. is respectfully solicited. C n u n i i r Lile," all in h.indsoi-.e G i . Fratnrs vrith moval of Properly. E D W A R D \V. JACK, invesliiicnt the capitalist can male ir. real estate. I with t great care, from tlie best mr.lerials. and is am5 would very respecilu Iy invit:- his friends and August ItJ, 1855. Orders lea at the 3 orebcuse of ISREAL RUSGli'-«. ivlii^h are the b M illustrations of mral life The title is iniiifputable, ami the land will be I-ljtecutor olF 11. M a n n i n g . dec'J. i intended to supercede as far as possib'e the various ihe pttblic generally l o a n examin.nion (if his Slock SSLL, Hatpcrs-Ferry, w i l l meet with prompt atrrcr gotten "P and ^I)lluld decorate the parlors of soli! in lots to suit the views of tae purchaser, or i preparaiions ol SarsapariMa which are in market, before making their Fall jiurchast 5else.vhere, leelOct 1 1, 18.'xi. AVm. 11. Clings, Auctioneer. ten lion. rv rv Uiiner «,f the Connlv. th: entire traot i n c l u d i n g the open land and my w.iose com position is nol known. ing confident lhat every article ciminonly kept in Terms, for Fish, in ail cases, cash; oresehaaje4 O.*."ber I*. 18x5 C. E. RELLEU &. CO resilience, on accoinn:otiating terms. FOll OCTOBER, 1855. Shingles for Sale. As regards its value as a Therapeutic agent, it a well furnishi-d Cjnniry be had here as for country produce. Persons di.-povtJ tci pu chase, a-re invited to ca!l ! is only necessary to state tiiat most of the physi- good and as cheap, as at any oilier Store in the rflflF. sub^cri^er ha< for s31?, several thousand a n l see ihe premises, or should they desire a more RUSSELL * CO'. GBEGORY &, MAURY, MANAGERS. | ciitns in ihe county have invariably ti<-ed it. in Uonnty. i. superior OAK b[UX«Ll.S. Harpers-Ferry. April 26, 1955. detailed ducripiuin.ii'rms, &c., it can be ol'tain^cl iilE u •li'snti'S'-rit er's about the first of June preference to the oldest eMab.'ished remedies of the I have taken great pains in Delecting for the GEORGi: W.TURNER. bv adclress-ing ihc *utscriber at Puckhemnon, L'p- kind; and it necessary, mnr.y crrtificaies from well- Ladirs and Gentlemen a fi ne assortment of DRESS 78 Number Lottery—14 drawn ballots. It <.a I.'iJ" STKF.R, inaiked w i t h a slil an.i October I I . IS55--:>«skiir catinlr, l~ir"ii:ia. MAGNIFICENT SORC.MB. ! known dilizens coult. bo obtained attesting its ef- GOODS, and hope to sec; them here. I have also sin-x-j-lv-'in fli- ris^i ."nd Icli ears. The owner, Ky : JXO. DAVIS DAY.. ficacy. a good Stork- of Servant:' \VEAR, of every de- 1 Splendid Capital of SWO.OOO; 30,000; rpEIE nnt ersi::ned returns his <..mni-:t*f«-<r<f. provin-' rropcily end paying ilie JL grntelal acknowledgements for ; October ^ 1P55— 3t . Ii is not advertised as A popular no^tiu in, but scription. I would iay especially to the people of LL articles sold bv the sol'scriber at the DeUO.OOO; ir..OOQ: 10.000; 2 of 5.000; I of thi: patronage rxttnilec: to him in 1" s i t r p l y as a safe and vali;ajle l a m i l y medicine,, this vicirmy, to crone one and ail, arid prove lo atliirtl so sma'.l a prc fi . t h a t it is impossifor Salt:. 3,353; 5 of 2,000; 100 of 600: 151 of ?00, line of busia^ss—an:i ruspectfnlly an-J and a'lcjal will be it* best :eccmnien''alii>"- Man- yourselves, that it is all l i a m t u g \o go all the way islirtw «S, J r » — if ble u ilo any other ihan a I.AMI litisinc^s Freights nounces to the public ?cnera!!v thail WILL sell in front nf ihe Court-House on the u ( 3 C t u : e d and lur sale. wholesnJc- iind retail, hy fV" to Harpers-Ferry or Charlestowr. for your Goods i_V f* C « iV Uu (* v* aie ca>h un deiiv^ry. K. M. AlSdUITH. he continues lo cairy on the BIack-\ Qrst day of October Court, the lb;h } a large L M. SMITH. when they can be had near home better and theapTickets S15—Halves S7.50—duarters 33.75.' October I I , 185';. smith business near the Charles'.own arii valuable September 13, 1S55. • Cha.rUfl.Trn. Va. er. GEORGE W. FOX 25 ^ r!ay of of pacUage* of 26 Wholes, slrtO 00 Depot, where everything in his line WILL offer (or saW- oo Fridav HALI.TC.XVN-, October 4. 1853. ^^^ Cerlifir-atcs Slock of Feraitarc, Administrator':; notice. " " 26 Halves, :)0 00 w i l l bi? done-at short notice, in a substantial «n'dj at Il»- rcst.lcucc «f C n n r U ' H J *\A V I N G qtialiti'-d as admiimlrau r of XadiP- belonsin?:> to a G e n t l e m a n who has abandoned " " 2G Quarters, -1550 workmanlike manner, at fair prices. He will] ..r (-.OP mile «n"!li wesiot S i i n m i i P«>it-' ) =".""!t riah Puits, dec'd.all peis.ins ii;deb:ed to ^ai;l House K epin? Anum;; thearticlts, will t e lound F.>r Sprains, Bruises, Gulfs, Ulcers, $• Sores. especial attention ;o Shoeing horses, as indeed t»' Al- head of Cattle, in<-ludin- sev^al fine M i l r h 1 I Four fi.oi Mai lile Top Mahogany Sid? Board ; rjnilE following preparations on hand: rpHC Valley Agricultural Society, will hold every branch of blacksmiihing— therefore grlv*" ,w., two v'l.V- ol ..sen, also iwu h .r«.<-« A e^^a e will please COHM fur war J and settle ; thos^. J Marble Top Centre Table"; 1 their A n n u a l Exhibition, v.n-iSasers S ir- h a v i n g claims against ihe estaii are rcqn-'stet' to GEORGE W. SPOTT3; JL Little's AV.-iic Oi! ; Lottery for the ben-fit of the State of Dcla-oare, him a call. I Five-loot Circular D i n i n g Table, (mahogany) August 10, 1.154—tf pit-sent them p r i p t l y authenlicaclrd. The bnn.'s On the IBlk and 19<A<//~ October, Mexican Mif-tang Liaimcnt ; Class 237, for 1855, to be dra ,vn at Wilnungtoi, 1 W i t h an 8 ft-Mt i-snaTop; »iveu at ill ' >a e are d u e on slpr 7ih of October. Ki.M's Rock Oil; Del., October 20 1855. at the 1sround of the Society. A: 12 o'clock on tl.e 1 Dozen Cane-Seal C h a i i s ; JOHN 7 KOOJNCE, Adm'r Hum's L i n i m e n t ; Tru*ieo under !hc tviil cf ft>ry seccn' day, an Address will be ilelivereil by 78 Number Lottery—13 Drawn Ballots. I MalK-g-iny Brealrfast Table; Octruier 1 IS"'—."in. ot Z Polls, dec'd. Compound Oil c.f Spire; BYESTUIF**, PEKFIJOTERY,' MAfiNMFlCENT f C I I E M E . i:. , ) 0 ! I \ S ' I X ItAltUOUB, E:Hi. 1 Mahogany Wardrobe; Barbados Tar; Notice. ; 1 S-.-creiary and Glass Door Buolc Case ; 1 Splendid Capital of S37.f)00: 1 of 20,000 ; Books, Stationery of all kin&f Immediately af'or w h i i h the rerorts of the Judges Ruiler of A n i i n " n y ; 1 Gcnili-man's W r - t i n g Desk. LL p«-rson« indcb'ed to lln? late Firm <if Zimwill be read and the prctniauis awardcii and disBLANK BOOKS, &c. 1 of 10.000; \ of 0,000; 1 of 4.000: 1 of AVliitchcad's Extract ol Mustard, for sale A great many other articles notnectssary t o m e n - by rs. \ i A K J A E J O N E S ha< just 1." m e i m n n & C" , are n quo-led to c a l l on the tributed. L. M. SMITH. 2.G39 ; 50 of i ,000; 50 of 400; 180 of HE public is respcctiully informed, thatluare* Baiiunoie. biinaiiis: »'ith licr llie lo. e tii n w i l l he oflVnled for sale. 10 »hi.m they bav.assigned all their fro-n ^r 13. 1B:">5. Charlestons, ip my store, and for sale a large and general;1 300, &c., &3. »nlr« ,.l K O N N K T S . H'-r vpecinu-u <.f Ribbons, The above F u r n i t u r e has been i-.^i-A bu! a short srule. N. S. W H I T E . 1 assortment of ihe above articles selected with great ALEXANDER R. BOTELER. time, aiuiis as p. ,,oj jis new, and wil be sold on a !•*<•», ner«, Fl"»'<-r* an I Trimminjs surpasses any (id. 4,I^5.»-it. _ Tri.isii'e. Tickets §10—FTalves S3—Quarters $2,50. care, and warranted fresh. Also Patent Medicine** Vice Presidents, credit ol G month- ; tlie purchaser "ivinz bond with ilin? hpn-iof.ire clT n-1. Sie ini-ne* the ladies I > Certificates of packages of'26 Wholes, SI40 00 cf all kinds. Call and examiue them. rr^HE pailneuhip liere!o"c'e existirig betueenD. O. D MOORK. g...,,.l security. WM. U « U I G G 3 , Notice. aiait I HUG;; McGtrn-.B, 2G Halves, 7000 L. M. SMITH.L P. anil S. V. B. Striker, tinder ihe R.'W. BAEVO.V, r October 4, 1833. Auctioneer. EMate ol J. W. CharleslujR, Del. 16 1855. | C. J FAULKNER. * I T n ••sen? «cns indebted n i c i loo thee .« o •' " 25 Quarters, 35 50 Cnarlestown. April 2G. 1355. n ^ m f and firm ol S. V. B STR1DER & CO., is i m m e d i a t e IVoticc. A Wi-eu dec'd, are umilitd that im CurTtpamliKf; Scot'tary, t'jisc'.ay dissolved oy m u l n a l consent. - LX , . mdl mai 'e i»< t n n h c r inJulg-'thce will EING my intention to leave for the west so soon MMOcct mart i». • LEWIS „.„,,, „„,, . D A V I D H RENNIE. R. W. BAYLon. VrLottery for the benefit ot the Stale of netware, FRY, Ex.-cntor. as I can wind u p my business, it there are SAM'LV. B. STRIDER. ISS KATE HOOPER has received the 1s- cot t«e siffcn. Class Q. for 1*55, to be d.-awn at Wilmii.gton, r P«E Professional .ac:onnts of the late W. C.' Sccrt'an; I T cafurer, :iny per&ons who may vet have a n v claims against October 4 !S.".5—3i. September G, IPM Bonnet F<«lu'«as. and i* pi< pared to JOHN J. LCCK. | JA.MB:I V. Moo.IE, Del., October 27, 1855. -I- Worthingtnn. E.*q , are ready for settlement.— the esiaie ol J. T. A." Washington, dec'd., or toy»n**e BONNETS. &c , in Miiicrior, su-lo, at rcaPersons w h o It now that they have settlements to' Beard of M<mag?rs, 12 Drawn lumber .-nit ef~v. self, they will confea favor by pre^enling them, prices. Stte *n|icijs a call, and pledges Police, make, or who owe him '.cill please give this their GRAND SCHEME. JAMES D Ginann, L. V^. WASHSNOTOX, as I am ready tosetilt- the same. All pursor.s kcowatjention, a« ihe estate !>• in want of funds, and I 1 10 f ice jrncral s E undersicned is aalhorizcd to settle 'he Ac- G. \V. EicaELCsnor.R, JAM ; :S LAW. HOOFF, ing themselves indebted loehher vill be required 1 Prize of 870.000 : 1 of 3.3 000; 1 of 25:000; NEH^drcdandTwenty-F^T^-ndHawill be obliged to proceed to collect in the shortest n , Ocl. IS. J_ counts of the la:e firn of S. V. STRIDER & Gt.o. Ii. TATE, GEO W. TURNER, rana. La Vi«.oria, Plants iu»n,Ca='i'> : > s ' P a n ' to pay up. I will tal;e this opportunity to say tiiai 1 of 10,000; 1 of 0,955; 1 of 4,000 ; ,0 of way possible. S. RIDENOUR. BBOIVN, S. " anlios, Rifles, 5?rindpU.-s. Micerw, gr, a> "ish and some of those who \vc re purchasers at uy sale, have Co. The R.ioks of the firm have been placed in 3000; 40 of 1.500; 40 of 1,200: 124 i lowA p i i 1 2o, IS55. Administrator. ihe hands of Norman Miller, E^q . who is authornol as yet complied with ihe leims iriereol, end Marshal, Hall-Spani>h Segars, lor sale en * i :iz-.-tl lo settle with all indebted. Prompt pavment est 3 No. prizes) 1000. • R il.-at they will save rce no srmil dfgr;e of trouble JOHN W M.MOORE. Family Flour. Y virtue of two Deed" of Tiusi a* lolloxfs to is expected. DAVID P. RENX1E. an i 'itiii by couiina lorwaid anddoin»so. Tickets $20—Ha! ves SIC- Quarters SffcOO— wit - One exeouu-ii bv O'.tprlH-in Bc-ff-nan «>n W September 6. 1833. __,_ _ OR sale at the Depot—as the new wheat will' GEORGE WASHINGTON. Eights 2.50 tlie li h dav .-I March. 1*17 t" J«'l'n W. Kenuf.»y mERfAL OH JOSKPSI E CIIEt.BEAGER. rot make good lour for several months, fami-' 4. is:*.. Certificate of packages of 25 Wholes, $2oO 00 »,, S r.-u-re u. ToowasEii B-ichaoan h- n n v m e n i a l i>.iri:sTV '«« " 25 Halves, 13000 lies vou'.d do well to supplv ihemseives with floaff Recfj'lion Committee, Sc-.^T »iih inirreM fiom April «, 1.^1. The o'liCUSMtS. : Sale. 'E. M. AISUUITH. ERSONS bavins NKSUOES; for sale, would JOHN SF.r.PEr*, » " 25 Quarters, IS 00 now. I GEO W «i «crnip(i !>v Mich«-al Blsse, or ili«- l*i day <>l UcEKY \TAfJir.T\ SPICKS July 26. 1855. advance tht-ir interes; by calling at THOMP- R. M. ENGLISH, Do do 25 eighths ii-2,50 • Y v i r t u e of a D:fu of Trust cseruted lo me, [ M. HELM, i o l v r l >>l « . t . X S.. Wa-t^,, t o s r c n r e t o the sa.d for purposes therein meuti'-ned, I y Lewis Mc- SON^ Hotel, Berry villc, trfu'rc makias a disposiJACKSON Doout.ia. rl-ein IMluian t»-e payim-nt ol 5589G84 ^>'h Take Care ef the Pence. \ERRV Pherson, t-earins dali Uih o.' Ausust 1851.1 shall li, fWf them. eM ftom AbgnslSA. 18W (both cierds cov.rSepteuiler 20, 18.^5. HAVE a great many small and some larger S 'ptember 5, 1355. _ _ _ for Tickets and Shares and Ciirtifim<!f> pnxreed to sell, to thf highest bi^fitr, ,: c the *amr t.a.u of land.) 'be undrrM^ned. will i,l;i>cy« Tart), &.C. A?connts unsettled. All those that are owing caTes of Packages in the above Splendid Lotteries, before ihe C»u>-l-lh*fr JPUT in. tef^lt, "» On Thursday, the \stdayif November, 1S55. 1 A PIECES Plaid Lnsey, Strayed. will receive the most prompt attention, and aa ac- me, if they wi-h to save cost, had bolt- r ccme for-" . 18J5. being c ; .>urt day, 1 Hfc. Jn' at the residence of said McPhcrson, two mili-s C'TRAYED away from the subscriber about two 1U THOS. RAWUNS-. 4 Do (5| lulled, co-iitof each drawing will be sent iramed:ately ward and settle up. FAUil" lately l>eJi>n»in» lo Micbea; Blu AujrostD, 1855. Sor.h of Rippon, Ihe following prop-Miy, to w i t : 4 Do. Worsted Flannpl, after ii is over to all who order from me. i for October. O months sso, two jo'jns: STEERS,— one red . i 50 t Stocking Yarn, in ?tore Address, • P. J. BUCKET, Agen., 6 Horses; 2 Colts; IS Head t>f Oattle ; and white \viih a bole in ?ach ear ; and the other acres of first-rate Landf ODEY'S Lady's R4>Mf, Arthur's Home Magand for sale bv T. C. SIGAFOOSE. Sept. 27, 1^55. Wilmington. Del. Straw Carters. JJO Sheep, 70 Hugs ; d Oxen ; red w i i h o n l a n y mark. A suitable reward will be ' azine and National do.J-.r" received by of which Nacres are in eood tiuil -r This land S-p'pnilier 13 1S55. 1 Oi-Cart; 3 Wagons; 1 Whest x'an ; HE subscriber has on hand se7eral different' paid for such information; as will enab'.e me 10 reC. E SELLER & CO. RUD1J POTASH.— A smtil quantity of Crude 5kson the Turnpik-;. leading fr*«n Middle way to Sepwmber 5 1 Culling Bux 1 Wheat Scrci n : kinds of Straw and Fodder Cutters, which b* Books, Books. cover them. — A. I3LER. sWieplifrd-'.i.fii. « i i h i n h*lf a inileoJ Iverneysviile Potash !or sale low by 3 Barshear Plouzlis; G Double Sbovel Ploughs can furnish the "'armors with, at CaUimore pricet September C. 1S55. a- » n O IFE of Napoleon, 2 vols., oy Abbott; L. M. SMITH. Clothingr, tlothiis and the D:-pot on ihe Baltimore » :' I5'"^?'J 2 Single Shovel Plough^.; 3 Ilanows. . —Freight added. Spark's Life of Washington ; Charlfstown. Ser.tpm"''er 53 1355 _ lload. There is a g.iol D W E L L I N G HOLsE TCRMS CASH E. M. AISOOTTH. Plutarch Lives; QII the Farm. al>o a youn; Orchard ol choice Unit. August 16. 1355. TIMBEREAKE. E is hereby eiven to all persons knowCleve Hall, I v Miss Sewell; f he sale will lake place at li o'clock, as alore Trustee. Oc:ober4. _L'1 ins thera<:eives indebted In the estate of DAV- /CONSUMERS of Coal will do well to leave Ellie, or the H u m a n Ccinedr. by Cooke; T:»r. IKI. (J RK * MEa - de<-'d, to cornt: forward and msice W their orders enrly with me, as I shall comFlush Times of Alabama and Mississippi; —Ca«-h for so much of tin parchase of Laiad. payraeu' 10 Mr. JOHN- HESS, Agent of the Execn- mence the delivery of i: the f u s t week in August. R u t h Hall, by Fanny F>;rn ; BARRELS TAR received and for sal ipr.nev as w i l l pav *-2i«7 with interest due and onotice. URSUANT to. and by authority of. a Deed of j irii:, and ti"se h i v i n g claimsare requested to pre- Those who get their co:il bcfoie the winter sets in Happy H<»uri at Uocoe Nool Depot. TERMS CASH. paid from April 1st. «8I7 till paid the costs ana Lli persons indebted, by n,-U or otherwise, tn Trust executed by Joseph Entler. dated J a n u - i «ent them or-?«r!y auih-j.tirateri f"r pavment. Shady Side, IT Li/e in ;i country Parsona-c; wil! get it lower, a? the freight will be r»i inp on c,.maiisMoi-.s en the cash sale The te.ra en .he estate of GKCB ;K B BEAI.L, deed, are aiv i^ih, 18&-2, antl recorded in the Clerk : s Office j MARY C R E A M E R , Leather SlCetrinES and Silk ; the Baltiraoro Road- El- M. AISQ.tTlTUJeferrexl P «vin«m« w i l l be made known bv Mr. hereby respectfully noting that prompt payment of'ihe CoutiU-Cctu:cl Jeffcrscn coaa:y, Virginia, I r Younf Mali's Fiiend; Execntrix. jaiy st>, 1833. _ __ White on day of sale. The gn^wio? crop of Wheal "ll be required. Persons h i v i n g claims a »amst the Mibsdricer, as trustee in said deed, will uffet • Soptcmbcr 20, I$-i- ' Yoolh o^ Jjtfi^**—~M reserved Possession civcn imiaed ately. Lamplighter; .said estate will please prejrn. them properly au- for sale before the Coart-Honse of «iid county at j JOHN W. K E N N E D Y , » Tnislces, o^,.,,v Poetical Works ; E have on hand, .-. Jarge- assortment of first nul.lic auction, lor cash, on iheZltk.l'.yofOdfber, ,n,.r,iicated. JOHN Y. BE ALL LIKELY SERVANT WOMAN, aged aAg rt N. S. WHITE, J ra:.e Pioush Irn^s at won, a TRACT OF LAND iti said county \ October 4, 1655—&• ' ' _ *old for n> lault. A home in tbe Oct. 1 ft, IB55. WM H. Gmacs. Aac r. Miltoa a«d Young's Works, together with a Point, Joly H;', lK r >=. ES SLIPPERS. AND GAITERS, oi»u'. ,U-dSrrfeiJ f&$t*&fffiM&ti&^ \ , ars easVc!r,^ent«,l School and Blank Book, and wto August 9,13351— "UST received at L. M. ^£lfSS{ Robinson's heirs, and RjjjhtMis?esand Children's do. JBrick" Tor !4alc. received J U B S OOKASD VARIETY STORE, the foJlowQOK.ANDVJ* whirh wa> ccnveyed to said Joseph Enllci ~ Sla^trcss jyantefl. May 3, IMS. CRAMER & HAWKS: , slice h» Tohn TST. ivci;ucu>, «»- trustee, "--.---, -, \>7CTHN!T prrn'oVtl'enl W i l l V* t- 1 p p-Dv°s Diarv and Correspondence; 1 )NSTA!N' -, _ |icaiion bemarlesoon. whi^h h iLiuarv »Sih, 1S5-J. and recorded i n s J m e Clerk f on *„ . • j 7,.^«, hv Taylor; n nn(\ S**? "Tl^ TCbS, *I dt'^' '-'* _. _, _, - /-, rt januarj — •"•. Ia-» AOh.t-t>, AfKrrc; ^ 1 RftODS ) be bound.^ Brick would do well 'pr.pR PRESS OFFICE. Office roiitaiiuna B.US^L'O, and auu £ / S cxKi»«aJi -rtT-S^ received 50 bbls. Prime No. 1 Family' October IS, Aof'lv at lae " --*• ol saifi trad as will paj July t-2, 1855. '' J f IPP in?s. .1 a rt-rf low price, &r w «r idred and sixty dollars, .liir.e'iH, c Water Filt«r«. Portrait Patoling. Frank Freeman's Bsrber Shop . Int^rthereon from January 28th. 1853, :» Gamed T. by Jn -r Tl BORDLEY will rem lin in Charlestown a Life and Beauiies of Fanny Fern ;. Corn and Bacon. ay of'sale and the costs and expenses attendTTTST received anoiher lot of n« w Mattings an Cooke, with illnstraiicnsby Strotber; J . short ifme and offers Hi- professinal serv.ce* Tbe Know-Nothing;. J Siraw Gcod8> which will be»!d very low. BARRELS e- T>tP *aiu SSlC. , __,_ -_ Sisty years in both Hemispheres-;: esford : Tbe; EDWARD D OOOEi2, Trustee. Mav 17. _ JO ' p- LmK. to the citizens. Rak'eAylesfcnJ; AngH«t3o. iay>. . . Charlcstown, Scprember 27,1855. Doesticks, with illnsirations; ForSalle. U-cle Sarn-s Farm Fence; Jealous or. X POUNDS roar.try-cnred HAMS, im Corn Itteal w'cxxi'* personal' recoIIeciioDs of the Stage ; Trust Sale. Harper's Magazine lor a narfl berof ^^*±Z&Z3£_ and forsa >< J..JUU Our First Families;. a Deed of Trnsi. executed to ibe -TTTHITECORN MEAL^f Pntcam's J\ bound,) asalw j by John C. Walp.?r, on the 15th Abbott's Napol. on ;. jorsaleby . , August 3?). Chamber's Information for tne people ; Angast 3ff. IO. 11^0*1 before the C jiiri-Hoose, in Plastering Latbs. f ^ ^M) VRSONS bavins claims asrainst the estate Laths UK sale at An Election. T. C. SIGAFOOSE. erv description, for sale 1>T last, bet sn Gu'la^pv deeM., will please present ihem E. M. OR s . HE l^otes given at N of Presidet-* August 30, sutheaticate.1, »nd ihose (same f September last. As September 13, It >•< -•ed came doe on the July 26 to I evi d ted will come forward t in a very sbdri time, nty, M.L, ] I expect lo retorn io tl STEPHENS©*, tn a Lesley * >*>* { iVasbiJ.gtoti County ^.ueen*,! •trill be at Hiarrhae Cordial •and settie. p-ompi payment will „ -•-'-, ,a.L -c'r HAVE inst receded a handsoo* asssr Execctor. By order ol th. RICHARj>sON. ILernev^Ule from the &h to th^lSih of C 3R the core cf Di^rrhaa, Dvsentar}r aaeens, Giass aod Stt*e Ware; two rreparec; a> receive p,-.yment. T Morbus— fo? r-als b» October 11, IPSS-Spt 1 hleb Wi ! Prig and Fa^cy Store. oid CMI, will give this not^ S2«L C. E.BELLER4CO. erms oi £3le N. S. WHITE. ' I nibrellas and C«ne« r»av A JONES'instantaneous Liquid October 4. 1S55-31* Septembers', 1855Land \Tarra ts EST Cast Steel Hill and Cross Cut Saws °rSe. for sale ^y C. E. SELLER f —' Oct. 11, Piitch Forks and Kate., ANTED by Vinegar Aasnst-21. «oad». now receiving a iarge s^apply of'seaTJ3T Recei" d Two Bis. Cideir VJ years old, u. oe tad at ihe Market-! _*"» • _ Oft «O*^£ 1,1855.. SlS&t^'^S^SSS^ W R .. UNIVEIlStTY OF1UJIYLAND. "* * ^ r» i-;.•»._.._ t t i i * M. n ™ . .» <*— :l . . . . .I • i A H M Just Received Perfumery, Perfimery^ Notice, P T Establkhment, T W T CarpetiBgs. Last Notice, A TIMBERVfiJ 1 Notice, H FISHfFISHH Grain or Grass. A Killer Wanted. I 1 J "BRILTUANr SCHEMES, Estra'y. C Blacksmithing, A I Public Liniment for Horses! H Agricultural Fair, $37,500 : Drugs, Paints, Oils, New Fashions. M A T Dissolutioa o Partnership. Millinery, Notice. B M Segars, Trustees' Sale. B O F E P B I G C T L P "Fwljaie, 4 1 1 W v "Bacon, Notice. 15,000 F 1 of w t - " T "Ert.wS * B J Octvber 1.1; 1855- ' ' "T.ffinj^ VIRGINIA FREE PRESS AND FARMERS' REPO_SITgRY CUYSTAI. PALACE. ATER'S VAllIETY, I EXCELSIOR. . .. c s h Jre carias the Sick to aa exuwl »e«r before kacwB cf aay 3Iedici«e. Listen Once More. Friends! T 'most be known w jon that :be unaersign*™ has tor a period of J*ars nsed bis utmost e l ; ? ; in an ob igins maoaer to minister to year happi ness by tddios so your board ot p!eat>, even to bis own loss, ia man- msiaoces, !>ui h<-isnreed «a' by his circumstance* w appeal 10 your Duly to aim««lf aad his family, as well desire still more aMy to fill his stai:*s tor your conreaiene; 2nd World":; Ft«/, £cw York, Uxited Steles •$ Ani.tica.—Asssodatie* for the Exhibition }} the Industry of all Nations. ri^HE association lor ihe ExfaU'itiOE of ibe In^JL ca:itry of. aii Naiioa* awards tc Eumai S. SSTDKE, ot" Chariesiown, JeSrson Coaaty, Va., the bigiest premioa Bronze Medal, « iih special t^ rtw Vw f.'rj n tvtrt. at alui i nnder«igned have just opened in Caarles- r, et P « Piuj, 1 ii-t ff* cotnmcm i it*** tlieia »JiJ eojlH; } r ^" ettriortli- known to ihe Mutes of Harris Jb Ridenoure, a choice assomaent of »rHjfSj M0U, Gib, ro<lu :!1 b^^r (.-" ray c>r. than in*.l nwrked b ( fcxve , .. JT-TT r'r. ::- f - <!:!-. nr net f* i»d |>te»»»nt lo b* Tltcv u* P>-! «Jy t Uiem viloed ly 11* ;.-.-'. ,q : . : • : - « wl..cti . i» >,-. :Ii»v are k vrriiw {ram 7!.. v+i.enl.1t Biiliu: f. !Jtlj .'.;-r.'. --'•»: ••£)». J. C- A»J33— Sir: I bxtt taint ><"ir Pills irith rrr it iJjieSt, f.T tt«^ fet>r*«iw. Ixzauc, t"'' ••( Jpijetita, aj,d Bfi»»:« fcfidsclrf., •> Ukii IM^ '•< la* 31*"" "Tsrrakoa o*. A fcw daw* of y-or "'U cured nw ill ilx «i*«i >i-"r Ciierrr Pectoral many je?rs m mj v.-s «i It r. r.»:»h< ,t?iJ colds witli uiiOiimc -nrrw-. Yon tiilv It ii« wUu-b <••"•, K*l 1 (ffi Jt * ptauuic tu " i f-r lii* s RiiilTi;»iJ 1 HIS r. iSZATTV, j man, Wat-on Ncwboid, Esq., Colaacos, N. J., Cirf. Jjac W Proctor, Dauver,, Mass., Maj. Philip R. Freas, Gcrmantovn. Penn.; Ron. Henry S. BaLbu.: Brooklyn- L.l.: acting Sccreta.y in Cia&s TO. BALTiOflORE LOCK HOSPITAL, Ctiarlestcirn, Jejfcrs0* County, Va. Hi-: RK may be oU.iine the mus'.spewiy remedy for ai! p r i v a t e Com plaints, Gleeu, Stricf|A|-iS cvo^la^tI>y iinf>;»Mn« demacU h-r TIN, J. SHEET HION AND BRASS WARES, ; tans, Setiinal Weakness, P«iiw ia Ibe Lei a*, A*-cCOOKING APE'ARATUSof e7erj description, ' tiocu of t:e Kmnoj, Disease? of the Head. TUrott. METAL ROOFING, SPOUTH.'CJ, aad all oth- . None aad Skin, and all those dreadful (flections araiag • %e:r«t lubit of y&uth, waitii produces Con»ti!aer Job Work connecter, vita my busiaess, have ia- I! fctxa t tonal D-.-biUtv, renders Marriagr iatpuuible, and im «jnc«-tl a># to srrestly iucrease^my facility for supbcdv ani mind. plyiag (with that prompt*1.tide for which m. esiab- i the end <!'.-5'jviTi both Y O C X G M EX in?Eiiias acqoin.-dsuoie auie) all deaiancis ior the Especial'y. who have become tbe rtetaas of SoticilT above inemtoB?<:i wares. A u d i t4ke this method Vice, tlr. l dreadful anil destructive habit, which *IM ilof intormins the public lhat 1 haiegreails increas- ly «werus to aa untimely JUTC. thousand-, of ytiuag ed i:ie sire ot raj WORK SHOP and WARS- men of "ae most exilted talcats tad brilliant inteCpet, ROOM, a n u f n ' a g e u in the busioe.vs inaco moie who -jai|:ht otherwise have entranced listening Senate*, •extensivelr than tier, tot'ore, ami ban- made ar- with the thunders cf his eloquence, or waked to ecsticy raczements tu buy al' my mate-rial dirrvtly from tbe lirinz lyre, may call with full confidence. Morritd Pmo*3, or ttu&eccnteraplatui-g- nanfeg*, the Manufacturers or importers, .tnd purchased the aware of phvsicai weakness, shcutti iaunediitely • iio-t approteil.Machinery and Tools ior the uian- beinj consult Dr. J. and be restored to perfect health. Slight u i : c ; u r e o f aU Ware*, and nave now employed nous but the meat ei.>erience.J \.otiinet. aud is 1 CURED IX TWO DAYS OR N'M BARGE MA OE. nianuiaciure asexteniiyeiy a*a:iy coac-m in the UrricK, No 7 Sfuth Frederic's Street, 7 l>oor* iron. Ur.ited StaiesI havefaciliiies which roanv c .ai.a i: j B iii tiii.i -e Street, Eaij Side, up the *trj>s. ia the i-nme business.^-n lais State nave not l a m !_ ' &J- Hi particular ia: lA-aer* bg the >aaie and" ^Tomperfectly conSd«tLi'if nsy ability :e-supply iK<- riitn.i- I»«r, or veil will mistake the place 1>R. JOHNSON, zens of Virg^iia witli al! waret. in my i r.incb ot business, on as accoi imodaiin? terois as any con- ! Member of the Royal College of Sarfeww, Ixvfcn... cern in the Slates. Owing to tlie extent of Slock : jrnulaat*; frtxn one ot the rcon etiiaeni coltr^e* <-{ the ofdtfierent Waifs.wK-'chl keep constantly^011 hand, been s|x:nt in tiie firsi iL-.pjiaU v i I^cnaur, Parsa, Phil1 ihink I can •jfiiT.indii.ceineats ts> al] poithasers in adelphia, aud eUcwl'cre. i'-.- effected son-e of Shr most : this Siat*-, which can-ioi t a i l to insure to mi a veing cum. iliat were ever knO'»n, many Uoi-blcd ry extensive patron.-ge. riii»::i:- in the cars and hcs-J, w.icn a»te«p, great ner- W x Hiss A;;B JUDGE a?. .TILES From Parkei-'* STftVB'ilORIS. fii. If those who cav~ ..^ for rear alter jear would ooiy pay pan. I w.;sld b<- immensely rejnMice . >those I _ nxa^t r-" closed a any *acf «Sce.— I . ill S A* for ibe future, all I bare saiii thai I am compelled to s-K-t*' ibe cash system,. "ihe i I rote o; one for the other." Ch"er me tny • friends, euwaid wUh .he sinil* ^ gl)ld »n.a s : ' for oM score* a< well as nrw far jars, and droppm? the gSoowv trown. which is Qltl — «-••«"'»< to me J tbe will j t -yoa%ly j<*5on mv sore ot yuuf palaies, over .— whose s»-if*n vales are I'otti'ii with the bulluclt " and whose hilU ate »hiiened with He •'snowy fleece." Very refpectfu'h-. von" .,«-«• SAM'L C. YOUNG & SO>. Ansust 2, 1855. L ^ 4 II Jl. :• •• CA.C *^ most carefully s*ie;ted, and all be compounded «i'-h the utuno=t and attention. Tbev dcsiie. also, to fcfiMi in ronnecticn with M; Patent Premiam Threshing, S . tUeir D r u ^ S i ;?. a G E N E R A L VARIETY, and t««:.:;js ain; Ua^gi&g Grain Machine, it for sale, FANCY STOCK which w ill include eve-v arti•jfpich re<-ei,vei! the firM premium at tt-e Crystal cle 'that tasie or the paUii: necessity may tequire, Palace. Nsw Yoik. ocer all Ture»hiB£, Sepam.v if the want is t-o^seswJ, art! ibe profit will justity. . : iiag. CteaniBgand Bagging Grain Muhioe^ oo . Their o»ean- ieins liuiiti*(l. ana ih- hessvu-st arexhibition—ita* wovicg cu&ciisiveiy iii: t simpii- i id paly for ca*h, tb«-y will ex•:. cs:y ic construction, cbeapnes* in price, tnd duia- I pect all the loose change iheir Iriecds can spare, bility ia my laacbiae, is.being fully ajtf reciated, vet in lh* lansusse of ac?ertiseiii-?iUs since time aad thi; ohi and ri-w cu-ily inferior complicated . jaiiaeinonal. they a'e a l w a r s ready tc sell "en a separating M«tcbJne*.~ma-<t vi«hl lbrir rltces to a \\ short lime to p-inelua! cu^.-iners." rousneii. bvi:-.; j'.^ruioil st suJd.-n sounds, aiu1 hi>hmlTinware. saperi»r Labor Savine Machine. Tbe eelebiated ^cmyct.^Col.b. Wi h the honeol receiving a share of pub ic pa->a. R. A. Cfct, Pta*Mr>un. Dsc- 13, 1853. I%ave now danuiactured a very !ar«je and ?en- ness", -J'ith fmjacnt bliuhin;, att;-ndeil so>s«tuu«a witB M a c h i n e for Threshing, Separating, Gleaning •Sir: I tokr p!m«nw iu a.Mine my :r-tiuioii\ U) th« l-oua-e they r!eti?e iheir best exertions and most eial asM<rluien ; ot TINWARE ol ibe h-st quality, dcraagiincnt ol mini), were itirrd inimediatr'y. o'. ttcddtn d. " « n i r WihriiM^, Iwviu^' tl*fiv«Ht ver>- uialerial twice. Screening an i Bagging GrainV.- one MmTAKE PARTlCULAit NOTICE. nrr-everiDS eff-rts", to teai«:r s;ev -ral satisfaction which I wiil st-ll at my eManlishineut iu Uuaneat-nrfti f-i-Ti'i ti.r u>r <.f 1- ill }<nir H^t'-fai nt"! Caihattie ;*!e orxraiiun. The greatest labor saving Machine Dr. I. a,!.l.-e>.., s aQthac wuo have injurrd Hemto iho*e u-h-j may ce kimi enough t o g - v e '.hem U wn. or tnrou:;h mv travelling aat-cts. thro3-;hout f » T.;K 1 11:1 :**cr«iib.<si tluMii ia luy faiuilj, ui* i-liall I i.,, scKcs by private *n*J impi-o{>rr iminl^-ncei, that .•Sein tiie srorid tor separating all pare ai.c impuri- Candle**/Candles J • r .tr r. n -::t id l-c, ivhii* ni» BH-iiii- »vill iirucure tueui." their script Tt. " ' woiiM take • tni* method cret a: d Solitary Habit, v.j.irli ruins t^:h Bodv -uut 1 -. t it dc*n 1. »!«•, »»'. ties. This Machine throws the straw to itsell the t IS undersigned The T>-fclcly r»n-wnH S. 5. STEVCXS, M. !).,of \V«at^ . R K BELLER & co Tbai I can fitnrr fn;m the Urm Mind imfitiioir.thcra t'nrcithrr hi.sincss or «iociv;t}-". cijatf to" iu--eij, the wheat iu the bag, the screenings i JL f.-rm their tri,-D-3», ard the purchasing COUBw^nL, X. II., nriv*: JnlySG, 1S.-.5. Fall t»«* a* cinch w TOO, nr. Tbe^e are some of the s»<l am! :nc! i icholv effetts pro" Hat-in: I:M-.I yinu CATHI«-:IC TIUJ" in m}- pra'-tire, I to itself, nod the smnt and cheat to itself. Every- 1 m ni!v senerallr. lhat ih-v have est.-»bli?hr*A tfrtiij ft..--: cxj-^ir-ia:-, isial Oic;- »rr »n iutaliublv p«rl Soap. &c. ThONe \vhu pairouiz?ih:sesiab!i.-hmeni duced l'\- carlr hab::s of V3' th, ^ iz : Weakness cf Ihe thing has* place, and everything is in its place to i C A X U L E MANUFACTORY, AT riARPfc-KS • •Tube explicit; >Ti' ao a?c ilalHown Store and Depot. fstiv-f. In ta.-«u- "f diwtJ-T.-«l limrtiiiiis «•! ic« liver, Rack Limbs, Pains iu the '..-:•'. I'-u;i-«-»< ot'iisht, r 1 *-il! very soon b<? aS>!c to apprrriste the ccnveniOf irccd^m and (WOP*****? snis the coovc-nifnces ofihe farmer. Foi simplici- FERRY, and ha^e now a larsre q-iautity ot tbe be>t •** f) C* A ^C C3';.-iac li»^.!^< i>^. i»>i1i-«-tinB,>.-, and lue preM Loss ol Muscular Powei, PjJ^itation of tlie Hran. Dyuci]^ r-ub^c liber ha vioir IB isen tne o^ ll t'\ uuc* A -> 1 enceot bavin? iheir warfs brtnijlu to their buM>"o 1< «.-»er, do»-iu-0i> S«'r ''*«• ty, <lu'ab:litr, cheapness and capacity, it has no qualitv of MOULD CANDLES (.^ and ss) ready vaiiVyof dii«i--e- Ml»w, lai-y .ire a »nrei reiueay DEPOT, at llailtuwn. aad JUM opened a l i i M 1 ress. h-iii-f^ atid ihe trade taken froin ihf same perisia, Nervous irrilabiliiy IK-rjngooieutol ti* Dice«Can ;<* retain po»ic*---'ce»ii=n any «Uer. In all <:**«* wtcre i patflthw remedy equal in the woild. As for what has b"en slated tur saie. and wumd solicit orders Iron* tnose ami complete as«.rnnent o;' new DRY GOOL)S ! w i t h o u t jrivin; them eilcer ihe expenM- oflreigiit- tirc Functions, '.lv-;.c;... .'. ^ . . . ; _ . . Syi<>|>loiu» of CouTur lirai Ic:.? J cu foricstcd, is r«ic;feU, I r-.!.iiU*uUy «•<•<. aiii.i-od i'..f-t Pills t»' !»• in the difll-rent papers cbncernin-ir Mr. Zimint-i- want of the same. , , pi-U..-. sj -u;ie:i. t ^ aa> ulicr 1 Uave c»er f.iuud. Tiiey A^'O GROCERIES, respecituiiv i n v n e i b e Becit5c > v u l V U ' t to till it; man's Machine receiving ih* Cisi preuaiam at ihe ME <T.\--t.Y—The frarfu! c.Ti-ots en the miiul ar» They purchase ih* material* for Cart; haveitu aittMtioji ol'his t'iier.ils and ::be public generally, lo j t^e or trouble «>f preparii » fir shipinett. arc -t:re I:, liu-ir openfi<io,'nd perferlly ^6-, quaiitie* Tc; ow- il cli-»r!y t:-» S^ra^ Ware* j tnnch to be dreadod : I.PSS of Memory, Contusion of Iw Uicli i.ialie them »n iiniUiihle mil-!* !'.<• pytlk use. I Crysttil falace, New York, is Isbe, ami noi true. mo««iperienceii u-orkmen era?»dj«l m manurac- that liranch i>l his bns'ticss, and a> be isde.termiiK'd Sm-,;.ly b i - _ i t— / t r i liave f* many >I>«TI. kn«n-» !<«ir Ci^rrc Fedora.', as lU» 1 hnve now c n hand 3 !ar;re Mipply of PRESER V- ! deas, Dcprci^ion ct'Sjiir:1.^, E v i l Forefxxtin-g-J, Avorsioa U is also stated thatilr. ZimaiermaD leceiirei) a t u r i n a ; and tl*em il DO boasiir,^ w h - n thev say, not to bo beaten, eiiher it: the kind, quality or price l>. -i i ' . ; . ^ ; , i.i. ji.-lnc ic liii worldj ami ii,c>* I'iiln are iu j I N G iCt-VrTLKS, i't .issortment sixes, which 1 will ! to Soeu-ty, Sslf Pi-nriM. l.ovf i.rSciitude, TiniUitr, r,si;.,:,, r of preinintns at and utiier fans. That that M-wijants-aii'i others desirous of purchasing of-ood-i bv anv other C u u t j t r y Su>re in ilieOounfur no IM c ' lie. a."e some of the cv;:« nn.lucrJ. Such (»-nun« 1 know noihiQS aboct—perhaps be dii!; but it is b" the t.'ix. »r lar «fr quii"«tv. wilt find it to their , =>J!vnji M,"UO»A.- ,,,..>.;.._• thni can be done sell at extremely li-vr prict-s Or ia. I should K-fore coatcuiiilatin-.: >I;un-ia-*e consult Dr. loknOr d j actfc-e!cui.»iucf J that I advantage to call on '-luin, Purch.a^i»i -'— r.-irrasr to «-in Hie race, as the boy sail- when he r., .V.r. SJ ID render full sati.-factioa iu the potiple, he hopes tc ! stou, mid bo at once rostoi ..-d. Let cot t"i!s« De'.reacy V u. >nl! am atti-i.d">'Z ; amined . J. C. ATr.« raii'Ly himself. But rnv^hona-able lrwjdi!tit,{)^ 1 have a drsirai.-k* stock of Coul Scuttles. A*h I preVw-M, but u-j'^ly imincO ik-!y .c:.l >a\e v*:»ur>i-::"from meei w i t h ihst liberal encouraptinent ai.d suppc.r; I'TC plenty nj-irw »J aijuajL-'.ti ^^'Orders are solicited, and xri!l be died at the in wr-i ii-nii, fr i.i y Urii »-iin KotJs, Fue Carriers. Fire S-:reMis. Driapintr P.u^, the Store, that he has received in ihe Milling: JKH-S.'ifr/fti^fmirhTiai! a nnmt*pr of niter boys to shortest noiice ana lowest rates. ; tac dieadfu! aud ..:..; i-iiiisv.jin:..cea ui" this t..ribla To wUicb ! can ji-«f>r«, »u ; ' trial, and <ii1 uul..|J uCatntXuiLuCoif Acnir *^— -re-ciu^^ or r*-}»Mciiir 1 \rnie, buMii>-s.s. durinjr the pasl jear. I have been very Stove Pipe, &c., a; ;i am prepare.! t.) d-> iu ilie be?t |,A..,", i, Sii .t..,!«-r», r.fl.ii, tow.r kn'fe* run w i t h , besides him-elf. vrhich made the race D s'HGLt & CO. . -. n ' l.^-i: >.j; i. .il ..e u bat I liave only I DR. JOHXSTOVS !>: 'TCOR.\TTXG REMEDY manner and r.t shm: i,L>iice, all kuuls i.f SHEE f careliil in selecting ior ilie Ladies a nice s-took ot Will ii.JiCatc tU-- »i^«, »«r. more dilHeuit far Uiui—so much so, thi' he, Mr. H^rpprs-Ferry. O.-tobcr 2G. !.•%>!. mid Iv i . FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS. /"i.iiiii- i n i . i u . u-as r.eiiher Crataor seron-I—so you *• f-S" \VanteJ t\-r which the m.'irUet price will be Dress Goous. o f i h e late-t style, and h o | e t o h a v i : 111UN W O R K , of t-ither Rnx-ia. Ki;jrii.-.!i. Aiueii••Xcier uiiiilnt'W Lai'o I Urei* Ire*frrmi i!iis t.Kith«in>o Ky tliis "sreat a:::l :i::d ;aii>nr:a!it rerocity, vrr: IEUPM a cail from them ; also k.r the geiHi-'nitrn, every- can. .or Galvdiiized Iron, all of wtiivh 1 may jaJfje .u-here he was. di^ri-* 1 iu )-;.MI.- -Iriiw. .Al iiii.«-r- il JOt.toheJ my evei, j>ai.H in Cash, or No. I Mould Car.tiles. 10000 Its. . of ttu criraiis are sjic»•«!.!» c.;ivi! a:..: l u l l v;;.-.r n'.loretl and ii.Mlr t*ir n1i.i...l b'iitd. l^-iii**- ilie ni:fi.diinlli!0 Ihii? in the WHV of Diess—and indeed, c-.vrvthinu ;,. ,v on hand ataD limes. Thi.'nr are facts ihal cannot be denii-i:. The nn- t.t Tallow. \\ il! I l»i.-» cut j <--!.- bri»i«, fir ! _ O.S. &CO. —Thcu>a!uU of the r.s*t .'v.-nc'.i- <«nd Debiliutrii in-lipain: t( *.llirr- it .-Hf.t-ii in ll.f -c«lp i.f my li«a.l, iiid that'i." generally kepi ia a weil Jiunisbeit Country dersijrneil would iniorm thr r-'-il-liciiiai his farmers' Poor Cohb ca • ooJy grmU hu teeth U r ; - i r . . . i J n.y, ai>.I liiw kcp« me p.irllv lialil all my vidiisU who h : . . i : - - t a ! i i-;n-, .,avo IK-CU izuuai..!lately Store, can b? here n r i the mo^t liiieir.I teim*. And gri.ujble ,.r..ti-t*tiui.<, i:,).',- savins Machine: for Threshing. S.-paiatins, .*: in i;iy fcce, _...: i.. ,.i i: icj My stock i^'&fOVtiS at tb s u>m.- -. tfv.-i»us»i >d relieved. All iuiji«<lin>v.t in da.i*; .-. ii.f:..:..-^ it ci. That might -bcuM l> Uu- '"'«: «•! rtgt.l 1 aui a!-o h n v i n ? the Depot put in on:er fur reCiear'in*;, Si-reciiiri? ami Bac-iin? al' kinds of Mi I.'!:- .- I .« i-r*. a chauee f»r se'ecii'm as can be fiinnif at any cs' lnilwiir^.i IsVin*; yc*.ir (J3'- AUwt nil.*- M.K-V^ Grain, i^ for saie. Farmers wishiii; tt. buy the TTNDER the Act of Cqnsrr-ss spproved the 3d ceiviiu; still i'l'raardinjj Gr:iiii and all kinds i«f tablii-i>ii:fnt in any ol the Al auiie. cnks, amir.if: Phy«i-al or Mental Ehsq^Kxtificabca, Xirnons Irritabili;«!» fr«-i- iV'-ili lix . i i . p l . nit. tl.arii'- riit-,:iii<l it*-->v ; lit-st Machine io use, w i i l address JUSEI-II GI.AZU, U oa-,»t.f March. 1>53. ih">e p, r>ons -,\ ho liave Cuiinirv Proi'-ace, so th^: me Farmers in this i-om- which are : ty, 'I rvnil-iinj au.l V.'t-aUiiciJ, or ExhuiuSroc if the liir. ai-il »>> li=iir I'as ci.inMy t'v«'» src u p l l . iii\ ijkiu PreJerick Citv. Mil , who is n i a n u i a c i u - i n ? them reteiiied -10 acres of B-.'ii'ity Lsi.d are entitled to i n u n i i v «-iif find il lo ili-eir in-'eresl 10 make ibis, ;.l! of n!;itii i:..i;..> • iua fcel n.. j . . . i a lical'liy »r. ' Metropolitan niev?.r«: Oven Conk Stove. ; iu i-> 'jirfiil kii:.l -.-.H-c.Iily :urfj by Dr. Joun>ti.-ii." " Q3- AU ictttrs iuu..i 'to i-.,vi •.!,;•!.—Hi-u:.M.'i--i s<-ntby airc-ady a i;e'.v jwr-. n. in liie bi-st and m\n-t su!islau4ia! nianne.;' ami can an atldiifonal amount o( 120_ae,it§. th" pi'i:it at w h i c h tu r!is|>i^e cf ih.-ir prcdiirp^ rjth. C sizes, a ri;ove ot ex ellenti.peraliou a:id mail. •• Hoping ilii» -t™lpiii_'nt ma; he i\,r menu-of rnnvcying [ if», iSJo.- ly. TLoie persons <vho have received SO acres are tr !iv »ale or trauspoit.vior. i furnish any.c.-rfers at a lew dars no'-icj. Those GiiO. W. FOX. tiiamiMcsureii expressly lor St'u:lifrn ira-'e. i............ ..i liiai »lt«ll .. - g««l in tillirM, 1 an:, u: 1. every jt^-A sailor was called upon the stand IJAI.I.TOWN-. April OH, I.s55—y. wishing tu paichase the Patent Ri£h: :i''inaniit?.e- caiitled u> SO acies jddiliopal. Golilcn Cook. l,ir wyud, 3 M'Z:-> anil i5 tank's. ' -VAISIA Ui'-KCK." Thu>e persons whu have 'not been ent u r c the Machines, v.-i-i address meat<•!- irlestuwn. i X Conic S-ove, for wouil, 1 size, large ain! vrry B? a witness, *; I 'iavc Jinmvn the alrf-ve nanitnl M.nri.-i Iliclicr Iroiu lief liileJ lo Land, and w hose s-erv ice has II--FII 14 days, Jt.lei son Va. ELI3HAS.S sYDiitl. Ilooftag Slaio Slais Reefing ! heavy ca.>:iiu's. fT^'IC pui.iic «u-:• nr. i .:: the a n n u a l •Well, sir.' said the lawyer, 'do jou know cliil^'i.' il ana her siatettipnt i- »ir.ritv ir-if. or ie>> llian 30 I'ars. are enlii'cd to HiO ;scics. A si;. .-<.-! ; ; . ) i i i n « ti'i ill- us: i ! ;!;•• HIM r y v . i le an«l 4 sizes. AXlili.BiV J.' MI^KIt\'K, fTMIE onlv ariiclo !ha: has ever been vii-euverci! Gerard Cook, ior \vooJ or coal tie plaintiff and defendant ?' Those r-er>ons who hjv* betn in ac'.u-.d /M!(!C, or il» i!o 3 •• I or invt.MiK'd which povesses all the reqitisil^s Home Cook, '1 don't know tLe drift of them words, enzayen<itts£ai3ft any lime itss thaa^O days, arc cn- lo cotis'iitu'.e a, llvol, caicn'alrd Hi nst>l llie v;iri- Welpsurie Ci olc. 3o C»rr. JOKI. I'liATT. "f tiie sii? Mivb:i, r.-rili. fiuni vt i.i -. r. .-sr.,' i...ii i-,.,-.ii:,cf- ; i > ;! .' f.r>i of (.K-tol>«T, i!o 3 " ll»-iun. -^Uli A;iril. 1 iit: tii'cn tu IGQ acres. t>,">"> mav !>•• ni !'> ..» .. .;. ien'i -:re Ti-.isiner, Chrvstal Coi'k, iio do 3 " ewcre.1 tLe sailor. . n . ._ i us elements to \vhi,-h ROJ.'S me exposed, b^inj; •• Y.uir 1'illsi lave ruroi me from a l.-liim« 1ntinrk wliirh Those Revolutionary Oific-rs and Sot^iers who All ol which will be furris!ie«l complete and or n Tiii-s. A. MI.O.V-: :ii Cl'H;!.--'t'ui-. Tiie Toil •W hat. not know the incau;r.g of piaiotill ar.i-c- i'"U> ilcran.ji-iiK'ii! of tin- i.iver. \vhirli In.I 1-eraiira 1 i ' , « ter Pror.f! I find Proof! ! Fire PruuJ! .' / have never received Hoi.-iuy La rut ;rom the Unit'-'! v^rv -rii..!i-. 1 inti f.iiipil i»f :tii^ rt-lief l.-y my rjiv-iriaii. sold, lie I i vert-da nil set nf>, ata>fO!ii.>iii.ii; lu\v jiiiix-s. and defendant !' coiitii.ueil the> lawyer, -u ami irniu rver. I ci.iil.l try. I) it a li-tv ii^es of Sla':s, are e;i!i:led to ICO Acres, li dea.i, their "and Time Pf out /-'-'-' tii^ liai-".- w i i h . . » • n-.v-T .-LI i.i u,iis u:, ,> nti-.;ct» for Parior Stoves for wood. y.air IMI* U.ive roni|'li-i^ly re-Dretl we M lii>:iliti. I 'a\'f pretty fellow you to conic here for » witness. r \V i, ows a i e rnlilled. £F-*-~^mr-~'—*^^7- ;**•'- \ —=—^K *•»• —^--^^r—C Y** The iimkTsigiir-ii hav.ins l^coni^ join! propri-tnr Fnurnliiv, new auJ beautiful puUem, open fn-rit, the riiM!!!--; Vea> nrf >ir;de yivell Iltcri: to my rliii.ireli l»r, ui!li Ilie lie.-t &amrn, TI.H v::.r >f, and In-llanf wbo hnve bef-n ol liie Marylaii-l Si«-.:e Qi.nrrv al Ijutr.svilte, Fii'-:(Jan you tcl. lue where on board the ship tt elT«;«:i!*. Tuey «-rre j.r.'inptly .--ircd. 1 recpminftAded ior V.'tHHt iJ Mil'S. in S^ivice disiins h- 1 i-xisieuct; oi War, a;e enti- crick c.ionty. Mil . and nnv;nsrc-!i iiaiul au r.Min- Revere Air-Tight To If ''•rrrjr'-fi /i»j-.«»;;x :'-.'. . fiur.* c-i ourf ff7rf Wir Turnlii. .n lo a I... i..I furrti-livelie", \rlni-ll In.I Ir..l:li!«.l Ililil was= t'hat tl'is u,au M i u e k the other one.'1 4 " ft.r iin>!ifli>; l.t- I..I.I me i n a t c i v U.iys IlicyiiaJ cured Uim. pike at th; /..•.•'..t(jii-.j .id i-.iii.,.;/ 1'oitti f\* k* : tled lo IliO acre>o' Land iii) 4 " sive Sleek of S'ate, they are piepareil In ci-n'riict Etna V<iii unke ihe Lost i.u;Jic!i;e iu Ihe lyorid, a::d i am f:ea '\bnfi t!ieLiii!»ai-K-.' ^"id the «hUur For every— Ko.- the ii-ip. all corfccl infonanilvn and prrnf of Service fur Riicfiins lo any extent am! iiom tiieir f.sciiiiies Hu^^i.^ Iron Air-Tight, oast l o p n n j hoitom 3 •' t->;iy s«'." r f ^ ^ i E -under.-izni-J having puicha«<.'!i the cnn 'Abaft the l.iunaclc !' said the lawyer, r.nd obiaiumeni oi i-;i'i!ii<, address (postage paid, ) am! lonj; t-xperi^isre ll:i-y fed as.-tirt-d ili'-v will t.e Ten-plate S'sovt-s. buili jiluin an>l Uiiicr U'p-s. a'l tlore to a War-in 4 ci -its. I If uhevis are ruori- thsa Brail ll.i* from III* <!i-itiir»tii-liei! S.ilicil.irof rlif Supreme JL irai't lor citnvo-. ins- ihe U S M.i.I betwei'-n I Siu.;li- ll-.rfi: (.'i. I i •• fi.ur iiu-iu-^ wide bait tip-si • w b a t do you mr-au by that?' Citiin, \v]ut>e liiii; • aliililit - irivc nM.le liim well sizes, from ^0 I" 40 i^ciics in leugib. etiniil'-d lo 511 L- setisfaciii;^ loall who miiy patM.nUuu.iic fci (.'n -^ " Benyvilie and Charl-unvn (wh4ch cnn'rad c'Ti- i oi call i;: pcis-uii \VM. l thc.-c raits. : W. B G A L L A H E R k - . •« !.. nul i:ul} in il'i- bi.-t tilt' .. ..ii . .liiu Mnles. 'A pret'tv ft-llow jo'u,' responded the saiSi\-pla!e Bt'.\ Siove.s 4 s z:s D) I.i " ize them. linues lioin J u l y l.-t. K>r f. ur years.) ha/e detera- ' '-.\V.- ') Irauf, S'A -fp-i^ ISM. Frff Pt,:ss. ftffi'-.t!. nr, c Si:,' U- hr.rsu iio 10 " A p p l i i - n i i o n * personal!/, or by letter, will re- Pailor Stoves f«.|- i-oal. *5*ir: t have jrrnt s.nti>tnciinii ill a-asminayo 1 : thai my lor, 'to conic hero as a lawyer. »ud^ don t ined 10 plwce npi;ii said ruute a very neat and i JOH2C S. G A L L A H E K . Jr., Hor~e, -Mare, GelJ•e'l" .-IIH! family linve tieen vrrj- iiiurli benelrtev! by ;'<Kir Tiie C.-mmivn H a l l Stove, beaniifol pnttcia S" ceive prompt atton'i-in A-ldri'ss comfortable COACH drawn r.y gocd horses, and I l:now w h a t abaft the binnacle njc-ang.' H liKitffion, /) C. nirilinnrs. M y u i i e was rnrril two years ~ .cr, . . i ' » isi or Mule, - - - 3 " The Aliegh;iny Coal Grt\tej{probabieJ ''-i " W M . DAYLKY. Baliimor-. I'riren bv a careful and accorntnodatio? D i v e r — i f sevi-re auJ C'Mi«l!, ^y y..iir I'titBRv I'tCTonAL, -0 S iict-j> or i I j. -(.-.. 6^ '' >. } Wiirn thr rrmbrr is jj-^-Mr. Lo\'er tells a good anecdote of »n Diamond il.n'ialor -2 " J. C. F A l l N U M . at il.e O.naTy, The offices are kepi H; "VV-u. N Thompson's Ho:u..i i>ince Him lias riiinj e<l pSiierl lir.-iith. S!y cliildren '- mor«- or li-s-t tin- char°« BOW AH D ASSOCI ATiO^ Sheet-Iron -do -J •' II.IVA several limrs lief.u riire*) n t l n r k s of Ilie InHuIrishman irivitig the pass-word at t h e battle Ijain.-viile, Fred^ricli Co., WJ. tel. \n Berryville. and ai Capt Sarmingi .a's Iloitl, 20 Cattle 1?'. •• ? ) liy be .:. ; i . ; • • • ; ,.uu. t-:i/ i ami ( i • -;• t»y ii. Il '- an invaln.ilt!e rrnietly fur Esr^Siove, for Ciunberlan*? Coal (i •' 17, in Chailestnwn, Jtii'.rsuii rouniy, Va. nf Fontc'-joy, at the time the great Sasa waa liv order of the !t.*3nl Ilie^c rinii|il:*iii'.-i. Y*-*i:r CATIIAKTIC Piix* liave entirely And nearly every'.'r paueru of Slovc uc'.v in One of ihe proprietors resides on ihe r>alo. about oa.N D. rurptl mt- fiom & dyspepsia i---:.- - . • • . \vliirli has Marshal general u-se in ihe Males. {T*»xvn iip.*:i me f.»rci.iiie year-,—imleed tliHcnro i^ iiinch halt wr.v between 'he livo above poinis ,»nd w i l l at r J U) ALL PEiV»l>>.> iiliii«-ted w i ^ h s;,.sual disJ'ovemrter 23, 1S54— II" Trvu^urer. 'The pa« word i^ Saxo—now dou t forget ii...:'- iiii|u>n.iiil.ln*iii ihe fact i h a l I hail fuiteil tu -i i relief 1 nlsn am preprtrt-i! t" heal Churches an:l public ;:ll t i m - R do everyhing in hi* power in make Ihe 1 ea*e, s,,, h a> SiC.Vi i .N A L WKA K N ESS. I M - rpFTE tin-'-r-igiifd wi-ukl fespeciruliygive : fri'iii the l.e-i 1'liy-iriaus «liicii llii." smiim of tliecimntry : or private Louses \viih '}i>t Air. wiili ihe iijvis: ;ipit 1'at.' ?a d the Colonel. atxi.'e Sine agreeable and eoinforiable io passen- POTENCE, G O N O U U U t E A , GLEET. SYP11Iii that thi-v have removed to iheir a«r -r.l-,:i'i.! r.iiv oi'tlie r.uttieniiii! ren.i-ilir< 1 iinil taken. ! 3. pri'Vi'd apparatus, iis a di»rat>le and s.'i'f manner, '- Vim seem t.i u-, Dwi.'r, li:;e a pr..viilenti;il liie^^iiic to . gers and the public scneral!** •Sacks ' V .ith in 1 will not! Wasn't my n-speti. u l l y sulii-il o r i h i s from ail in w z n i u t our family, aud >o i may well -•.,.;...-*. u'rarein.t uniuindW M NISWANGHER ft BRO. T h - H O W A R D A?SOCIAT1ON ol Philadel- (nearly opnostie the"Su-am M i l l . ) where they | a n father a niil'ir V kSn or * ful of it. " YULK re-;.-eclfiil!», .An; tist 0, 1S55. P-i't*rifiors. Beating Fixture if ai-y dt^iipFreii . . ' v. J / r f , phia, in view ot the a w f u l de> uctiun of hui:ian v.-ill tie p!e<isi<J to svc theii i",nn.-r i-usii.uitre'aid I lloriy P^ g LEAvrnr TIJAXTF.H." 'Who goi ; there T cried the sentinel, afZ T U K N i .M> i!;;*i i insens of JcOr.) favor F.S many i.ew ones as m:iy feel (iispos life hen th. c&u.-'.-it ly d; su t! dis'.-;i!-es, anil the " SntcU Chmltr, Olio. ,1i>ril ?Ah, 1654. ter he araiv. d at the post. Sficial 6=:<>O£35i.if :j;ni! ^ponfin.?, sou at d :;'.;,i-:iiiir ' on: t i c ^ li.r ihe ii: tral pa"flu. J. C. Arm—lliuiiireil S : r: I !.ave made a Ihnrdeceptions'i-hrch arc praciise-1 jp.^n 'be ui:!i. lu- ih.-m wiih a share ol h< ir patn nage. o-Ji::i irial i.f the I tTHiHtn: I'm... Iffl me I'vyi'iir a*jent, Pat looktd :is wise a?au owl, and in a sort in makir« i h i > cba'nse ("iiia c.tirfurmer ,-laC'J of A H u l l oth r J ( *b A.'mk c:>nn«i-i.jii wnli my l>u.-- troi age «:su-n in) 10 li.r.i in liis lint oi l>usir.fsp; renale v i c t i r r s o f s-urli diseases !>y Quacks, h a v e and have IKTII r.i ed l,y them •: the dre.idftil Itlica:iiali~m direod (.'.--ir consul'ii.s Sn'c-r.n as a C H / . l M - t-u.-ini'ss, we l.-el ; our [-tuii-ineis w i i l f i u i inorajL ine?*, w i l l lie done b" workmen wr j hi\v hart an spf t l n i l . <;iv •> iioiior ti ai \.f. i-- s.ov: pn-'iaOji Iu of wliispcre 1 howl, rcpiieil: iniiler v.-hicli he 1 mii.i" me M lH-riu:. The tir>i1 ....-• rePatent Yi'ashiug Wlsaer's 'i 15 to £0 yea's and hnv>n? a I e.\<-;ii;e :jii iii I v • ! . 1 i-i- 1'i.i— si;- f: as a n ! pleasuie in i x a m i i . i n " our ijTriCl-rJ exn-:r ence ol lieved me, and ; few »:ih^*?mienl ih><t-s havi *-ul;rely LE A("T wonhv cl t!i'-ir name, to aive M.'ID"JJagi ! }"i-r honor !' r 1 r: DREW ROUSH has ihe sole : L.,t :o m a n - TAf of tlie 1,-rte-- it "tprr-vFi' Tool* lor thi-- hnr.rh o! i r v remiiveil si.r di-e i-e. I feel in Itelier health im-.v tlmi. l..r .\ e h iv l h a n herviofi-re, ;'.s we ivi; amp e ruor: to I C A ., A O VICE G R A T I S , to ill persons ihiis a:s, ;i l;:' , Mead and Hiiue yoar: bef..n , wliirh I afrilmte entireiy h> '.he eficcu uiiic-:ui\> and sell Ihfsc \laciii--es in thf |.:i:; ss. I ki uvv mv :tbiiity to «;> as e.">il a j«i) •!" Jl3"-Let me o u t ! let nw out on the steps !' Ilictid, (.Vliile or Ft male.) win app' by letter, j hilu't GOODS lo iheir aiivants.^.- ai-u to :ur own of your IViHABi c Piixs. YIKIVW w ii!i 2'«"it re-pen. Co'ii.iies of Berkeley aiid JnT-i.-on, Viisiira — Roofs;:? nn I S inii.ii ^ as c^ni be tlpse in th« L'ri- - ''-' saii-l>.*.iii*n. LL'ctus U.~A;KTI:ALF." ] wi=h a description ol iheir condition, Fung out a sji'-eiinen of Youn« America, aThere machines are being used l-y n ; ar.y ol tin- (jx.s-paid AVe \v-jtiM alsoi irke trke ocra'ion oci-a1to ro^irn our ted S .lies, iii 1 1 a:;i ai a'l liin-.'s prc| artrt iofur- at lie slorle: i ^, a ! u ; . ' - » ;i-e (a-st'. occupation, ha'-.iis of life. &c .) and in ca»-s Tlie above are ;..;> frum | who are pubiirly known bout two ye:irs. old. to hi^ uiotlicr, who was !no<:i re.-peclarile famili'.-s, and they jjiirr entire vv- r -.[.r.j .• .. eh'cour- nisli .KiL-k .-il the I*-?-! .jiialit,' t<>r an.- I; ud .>f meial bli ii-rit>; r -i of e x t r e m e poverty ?n?i Miflri rs tu FUHKlSH **vb?fe lh**> re>ii'e, \vhn \v«u'd n*.t uiake ihe>e piatesati'-f.iction. Every hc-use-keepcr r-'.cnld hav.oj'p'-sifg a'.l 1-i- tff.-rt- to got out. uieiitj nritaODt a ilmmngh omv:ctku tlm ihev were true. pjri-iii'.-nt iiii-etulo-e . e.-lnWi.'d. and Sii'pe to in." rit rooli'i?, ei-hi-r Copj-.-:, Tin. Sheet lion, Galvan- 01 i-r in tlie t .u > •< ;- • ;•-•: E D I C I N E S F EE OF C H A R G E . one. zs it is the mj-t c^inplete laSw-. -lavinz ma- M 'file ihe fin tiniif,! >upjH.!t (.:' iht- ci i n m n t i i i y bv sirici ized -ion o. '£inu. I w a r r a n t cvjry ji'li wlii.-li I lo ov n r:1- - :i . • .-. i -• * • You'll j«o o f f l l i u steps.1 1 Inward A-s.icia'i.m it. a benevolentrlostiPrepared by J. C. AVEK, : chire ever otT-Ted lo the public. One °irl can d.) !i ijjii, established hv sp-cial enrfov ment. for ih*» attention to bu:-ir.e>s, aa.l keeping at ail iiurs an of hi: k i n d - a be of tiie li?>t ni lit .-is!s. and sive .Liiil».i: .v 'No 1 wont V Practical and Analytical Chemist, LoTell, Masa ihe vasliinz w i t h one of ihese m: ciiines in an ri'liel oi the ^ick ami ili-i.-t-s-v-'i.afflicted u f i i h " V i i - j assuiimeiit of Goods iii extei:t and vaiie'y ctm- sitTi :i.-tit i me aiirr ilie t-i'aipleiidii iii ;hr wilf *: h'.iir, thai would r<'q:iire a day in tlie o r d i n a i v uit nt an.i Kjiijem .,f ui-.; >« ; :> anil it» I u nils can i»? i i i i i i i > i i i . i ' e wilh iheii wants. 'Yes. you will.' toie paynn-i l lo li o uttghly it-tl th.; ijtiaiity I M .he l.. .-... .> >u i ii. • .. ; ;...-.-....-.-K, xi av , and the price i> fixed at ^ le: s^nable a r.v.i rjs«"l lor no other puipo^e. It has now a -;uir'us-j T. D H A M M O N D , !hr-trs-r~crr<j, ^"o, I U be d d if I do !' be said. J O H M O. syYDEIl tS. DRO. th«t iib'ie need clo wi!h"fit one. S. II. FORNEY, i f means, which ih-- Direct.>r have voted in stiver- j HcTvville. Ati™u>t 'I. '855. Fi:S —-Bob. lovior yourself into tbe well And liv Driieri»ii «v hi'.p— -; l~zf \Ve w *uld rxtf-nd a special irivitnion to »!-!.• the above noiiir. It is tiredle«s to add ihai the I \\ive now re:i !y for sale a Ievvs;ls ol TOILET Ffb. >. is^j—tvcow CI.(>StD WITH TKRMS CASH — LC SHORT CI.KDiT and hollow for help. A?snriutii,n '., M,i..:,.;- t!i» aighe>t Medical sfci:l of ihose V'iibiDp io av; il theuiselves uf ihe CA?-!! V ' A F E , consist iii£. of Piii-lier tind BoivN, 'T.iilet .:rJor;:- '-• NCTtS. the ape. SYSTEM and piedst" onrselves to cfii-r .'-uc-h in- J;,rs Cbi.inber DU'-!ceis. Wjite.r Ruckeis iii'.C IMIO! •Whai for'f Jan.-20 A'ldiess, Cpost pni.! ") Dr.GE" R. CALHOUN. diicf inenls as will c.! vi.ite ihe iii'ct-Ksiiv ol "f;oiliE: Tul.s, w h i c h an: linish-il in llie 'lealest rriaiitu-r Direction* for tiring :i~ii>-cr'i l'< 'ait 'To frighten daddy, and make some fun ' t l K under-i^iied t-ff is Im s^Si- hi? *' d'n«iiliine Smai-on. tjitvard Association. Phi'ra- far the i and prubabiv lariug worse " a u'. vill ' i' snld »it Daliinii n.> prices. 'Bob did as he wus dt-sirnd. but pot more whicii he iv>ul.-s in .1* ti. IM)» rnunly. Va , By « rd.-r oft!-«- Dire* tors. I O S. & BT.O. f ^ ^ A l i orders from any |i<irt of State are the clothes to be wa.-hcrf, ( s j y 'rom fi to S -lelr-hia. Pa. fun tbau he f->v It was aduiinis situatei; i-n th- e.i-t si.le i'l Ihe Sbeoaodoab liver, EZKA H I T K x f : T W E L r . , rrntrfri't. fully >oli.-iied ai.d will r*"e--ive pio not aiti n-i»n. j shins.) together v.-itb the nq'iisiic ((ur.n:iiy oi tered with a hicnory sapling- Distance five 3 iniltr- souta tast t*!' Cuaik-t'.^wa. TLe uact ' W f i r t n w a t e r a r d soap, in the t u b ; sh n place the G K O K G F FAIUCHlLD. Sccnfary. .THOS. D. P A R K E R . Mav 3. IS r .r«— ly contains Charles own, Ot-.tol-.f-r 12, and a half fout. i fuji>eron iheus and ciiu-sr it to pt-tfum alternate 330 A-t'UES, I sr-iui-revoliiiiuns alnjut ihe ^piIu:!e. Tirae fjr Hol i-.n- f*t gC3*A w i t t y ceiitlctnnn of this city, speak- chi> -fli- o f l i m r ->i"ii«of and H-d oi ir->n ore soil, of j wr.iliin^ from :") to 8 m i n u t e s . Tlii- v - r i s h t ot me 1. 1! V K K 4 A i ilT, LATE AKP.1VAL OIing "fa friend who was prostrated by illness, which iniiifial iiuac t'ep-.isitt-s are supposed lo ex- j rul.'.ier and the in >!ion piven to il cause" the ritis JAl'KMCE, DVSPF.PSIA, CHRONIC Oil Nl'.Il remarked that-he could hardly recover, sioce i>t. Aho'ii 140 acres nr-.' umier cul:iv;iiion ."0 e-f j up m the rubber and the bt.iioni nf the iub to prc <, Spring: and SniMisser 1' VOUS DEBILITY, I T A L I A N STRINGS, &c. whicii i> Wheat. «nd ihe u->idue w i i i s - e t in Grass, ml) and ajitate the clmhes «nr:i'-i--.-ii v to leiru/ve Lis constitutii>:> was all gone.1 r principal')' Timyhv aad Cluvi-r, to which i: is iiditunimpuriiits wi;hju injniy io iheir liixture — No. 189 fialti.norc Strrct, Buliinorc. If liis c.nibtituti -n is all gone.' s»id a 1• ESPECTFULLY iii!oriij« his cnstoinursin oftlu i n i r a : i . adapted Tb<-icniiiiain? pan <-l This machine, for iiin|>!ii;itv o! (.•un^tl•ul:iillli, 'aMA11BLE WORKS. : nil all .i:-i-j-i-> 'i -i: -j \s pi'iifral :iia; " h^ ha< just received a larsje bystander, 'I do not see Low he live* at is clothed w u h a vaiu.ii ••.- u-i'-.-.'h <•• .^'"=^5 ci!i.y of operaiion,. cheapoees, i < Miperii.ii io S-UK t; i.i' DltV GOODS, i.hi. h he luaDufacmre* in , McJVF.rOmTF .'; I \ N ( _ ) F.ittes, Flutes.'GuitarS, Vm-ins : F afrom a Disordeie.l l.ivtror.Slomaeh. ail washing m^cliines iu use. and on.v n-q-iirrs a C L O T H I N G at tliii p'ace, and which he will all.' 1 such as Cinsli|ialici:, lt*iT;n-d Pil'-s, Fiil!•;:eo!ei-^ Ac'nr.!e >ns Tamboiincs. Sanjos, Guii.icK cir r, .1.'. i«vv. AKD, te^t to render its ji.erics apparent A n y one w i - h - sell al ir.e lowest (ash pn-es. Hjvins- t.eeii inan- lor and Vi"!in Cas:S, Bows, Peg-, Screws, Bow •O, responded the wag, 'he lires on the naiins, inteispeiced wish oihtr vai ieiii-s, IH».-., or lilnnil lo 'the Head, Acidilv of llifr -T'rT r L U i. -it ma i!i-ir V! i r g i n i a cu>t«>meif- ai J such a* oaks, hickory, red pinc,a>h. ic. .Stoiiiath, N;ii.*sca, Hc-.irllnirii, Di-pus! for VucA, ini: it, may trv tl:e machiue cna:, an.i l e t u i n it if lifacturins Spring ar.J Summer Cluihing lor lie Ret-,Is, f:..sin. \Vife. Brii'-jes, Finbv laws ' — J j u j f u / i ) L*Ji'i>rfssI V '!u- j'uMic gi-i:craLly .'sai ti.ey contiDue tw Fulfills or wi'ijht iii iht Sto-rach, Scuir Evucta>i satisfied wiih it. This Farm pn-ducts wheat, the «!itT.Tcnt « Ue><-ii|.iiun ol nu ijiit;ieiu-e la^t 4 tflniiihs. I can only :-ay people in ivaruul ary ger Etna ids. Tail P-eces, and every 1 ti'.ns, Sinking, or Flutter-is; ai the Pit ol'iht- SloinJ rvExiLE ATROCITY.—'Aunty. I saw a gen- and I n d i a n coin equal to tin- l.-.'st bm! in ihe counS.lf* All orders aJiiress»J to ANIMJEW R'X'fn, ^oi*-s i.i my line w i l l iio well by i-jolsing at iny Musical Afcrrfenufci! for sale a ihe \*wc>t wholeM O N U M E N T S . TOMl??^ ncl-, SM iiiinin 1 ..- of the Hi-^d, llnrrieJ and l > . ! ' i - u l l 'insbiirg-. B'-rkeley Ctiu-;iy, V.i , will i>e tleman in the Hotel reading room, busy ty, and poss?<-?es leaiaikaf-ii- pd^-niitssr? for eiiher liMi.D A.NLI r t ) ' » !' > T'TTVES. >Hick r-et'ure p'lrrlj.-i-inir r!»evvhere, as it is or.e <..!' sale aud retail pikes. Music BOUND iu the l[n- t!uu;r, FlutK-rin-r al tl.e lleuit, Clioalii:i.!: nr S>.ilfopn-mptlv atipndcd io. cropping-or crazing, bi-in^ eiiher fiom a half lh<r laigesl and b.-si nmde as»uriuieni olCI-jthirij; neatest and ftron^-s: uj:ii:iier. calius; Seusatiuiis v.'iit-ii iu a lying I'o-ture, Dimntss •with two voiuiuues at oni.-e.' Mav 33. li^JZi. inile io Ci miles t-tf 4 .".K-ri-har.t Mills, two of Vinlins, Guitars, Accordeons. and Instruments MANTLFiS. TILES n r . i tf t-f Vision, Ouls or \Vt-h< b;-fi:re tbe t-isrht, h over in Jrtll'rw-n or L'.<iu'<.un Ccuiity, fJuosis w i l l be | ' W h y CharJi-y—bow was tbat?' handsome whii h are rivei mifis and a water r'-nimunicati* n, REPAIRED in the urst manner. and Dull Piiin in the Ili-ail, IJeiicit-ucy of 1'crin i-'.c ra ly. Ttmls t-ii-.-i up '.> order at the ^ilorle^t notice and lowest ! 'Auiity—he had > volume of Pickens in enablin:! the pri.j*rictor to.ifelivcr from f.'.W to 1WO s|i:raiicn, Vrllon-nrss cf ihuStcinaiict EV«-K, Guitar, V i o l i i and B:inj ) Suings, c f a style. prices, f-om the tuinin.-n lo the i es-i q u a l i t y . — ; su Harp, ( Pain in the Side, Ifu-'k, U'br't. l.niJ --. •nc baud and a volume of suioke a coming busi>ei> a day ; it als-ja*a G i t A Z I N G K A K M has fTIHOSE persons u h o have irt-cved Rouniy lliiv-in? an experienced culler, Guoils \viil be iri&ile s- Ppi-rior "A!l wo>k «<>l-.l at -?i'v prir:r« and i'--!ivert-<1 ai our (jna'ity alvisyort band. &e., Kuildm Flu-lits of Heat, the advaniage ot an almt»i u n l i m i t e d ra;i«e bsck -i.-k an.l vxpf-nsc. Vork fluii- in ilie !•»"•!' sr\-!e, l-y RULED MUSH; PAPER, of 12 14. and IT, up to order iu !he la'?il ^iv!e and warranted to be j A Land Warrains ihrutigh ih?'Agei cy of Jo:in S out of liis mouth.' jiiirning ill tin K i , - i . Coilot the p!acc. aud belwceu it and lh.: lii-.ic Ritige Gallaher, Jr., or Win. W. B Gaila^-V. and who a tit or no SH!<?. I h a v e alto received a larire as- Lines, eic. constantly on band. All inusi*: publi>heil vorlitn-n nut M»,-ia«sr.! ii> H T - V -'i.'v in Il.e Union. 'Naughty—Naughty Charley !' slant lniajtiniii.s i'f Ev.l, Mouiitain. di>:aiii alu-ul a tnile. &c. Drawing* of .Monti-n'-n's. To:!i!i--. H-n I lire entitled 10 an ad'liiiftiil araouiu i-i'Lami tinder soiiiiirnt ofBoi(>ts, Sh n;s, Uais. CRp«, Trunks, in the United Slain; received as soon as issued. ^nd ^real D-'pre>*-iouof The i:np- r--iiu*ius consi.-.!. of a RRIOK the A-.-tolM.uch 3d. 1K>3. ivii luse iiotiinc in ap- Cf ip-'i-_Ba»-», S,>cks, Siik an-i Ginei-am Handker>V rn Is &t.. ran hi» • -ft: at ^ f ."•"hr-pul V r . fTTt'-AIJ order> by wail will receive p.onipl atu! JC?"A story is told of the clerk of a little Sl'irils.'cau b*- ellecLt)ERSON DJSHOP. near I! i-.v!;'s C. aeh Faciory, ^ J V . - ^ l>%yi;LLLNG. a-d all necessary plv:n<r in per.-on or !<y Seller lo Fren Prtss Olfi-'e, chiets, Siilc and Gingt.ara L mbrtllas, Gloves of faithful Atlcnlion. tioJly ci.n-tl >y village chureli in the west of~Kiigl;ind where ! K'«,-em!>er2, 185-1. Cliarle-ttorii 'elf.-rv a. couotiY Virgiuia, wl;» i» al kinds. &c. " or 10 Ji'lin S. Galleurr, Jr., \ V a s l . i t g i c n D C., DOCTOR the service is never commenced on Sunday our autr.oiizi'il AseM. Jj'*.''-: J ^ I § biing. loe 11 HIM-. 4i-.. situated on thi-'ush whitrn all claims can he I n l l y e*iablishied {^- I OO HANDS wanied to make Coals, Par Is CELEBRATED morning* U J t t i t h e 'squire has taken his w^'^"- J£^t'in'lit-'|1cC: reiaarkabie for iis heaith- •irt-kmit delay, or rit';t or czsnoilar'. ckarscs. Orders i iai.kluiSv eceisrei' acd promf !l/ atteaard Vests. .None but gtiod Seamstresses need CJER.JM.V tc it. One Suuday. howfver. this gentleman tulce^-s. u i i t i three un'ailins .--princs of .~o!t \VA~ i : cti i--. ?ersoDs ' a p p l y i n g ihrou^h said .Ajents an-1 At- a j p l v . TTAVING retire.; from the mercnnti!'- hnsiness, PREPAIED .;T Xnvemi" If!. !>."• -I-v t~&" Purchasers will !'iok ont for my happened to be late, and a neighboring cler- TEH wiiliin a tew va (is o f i h e b:ii!Jin^—Shanon- loiC'-'ys will have no difficulty in e.M:i )lisiiins t h e i r have author izeii and appoinied Walsh ^"^ i n u v CTD VTT JOHN STRAUSS. lo seitle ail accounts connecteu with my late busigyman not acquainted with tlie, ways of the dale S p : i t > a < «i*d Fiirrare wiiliin 3 "iniiis and cl. ims. as ihe a-lverlUeis liave ai! tho coincl foitas Near Carrell't Jiald. Harpers-ferry, VirginiS. GER31AK 3IKJ.IICLVJS STORE. Sou;h Brnd lV:;«e 1 mile, als-o iwo Saw .\iills nccorsaiv i;> piovi- S-rvice. ness, and coliect ac--:. receipt tor all mont-ysiiue mipkco. was -doing duty. 1 So he commenced Ercm a half to 1J mile o f i h e premises a t e some of aLd Muster iloilsJOHN Mav 10, 1855. S . G A L L A M E U , Jr.. on back account, iiotLii, rents, or in any manner Ac. 120 Ar?h St., vne door bf!o\a Sixth, US i f v. ill i'o well to >ave as usual with -When tha w.ickcd man—;' uj ihe ai!v.inta::-.-s The A'c^andna, L'iui!oi<n & \\\tf':in:'l,nt. It C., 'jTieir pcv.-er over the abo^e ilispasos 115 not excelird, \^th--ir o.-tit r- .viiti nei!ur : rl s tbis month, as I em WM. W. D. GALUUiER. jumped the clerk, bawling out. 'Stop, stop Hampshire 11.-i!.-••*•.'. I,R? \---. n li^.a; t -.! \vi;iiin a 1 Irust f.ll person; who .ITP indebted to me v.-il! if tcpi-iillet!, l>~ any other pn |i;iratiOt. in the t r o u t to c r n i r a c ' for eveial . amlri-Mor.*, anrJ ji is alter M.:i!ul mile ol this f i r m aiul will g.eaily er.h.-<i,cc iis va!Mr-rch 8. iSrij. call ur.-in him ai;d ^-?;ile their accouu's at the ear- j Stales, as l!.c cut es :!tlcst. it ::i. M V sir ! he's not come yet!' i.est to be IT t i m e , so a.\ to avoiri ilisapp«>9rrfc)ent i phvsjcians had fnlvd. u?. fie>i pt ssibli? day. sr I isve engaged in other bu.-iI will be r:i3blr;i to i irr.v t- M IM-I'/: L u m p Ccal a ' lic^c Jiitlcrs are worthy the itfpnticn of C3»Col Bodens, who was very fat. being As the tindcrs-qncd hasr a favottral-le opn iriuniiy ncss which n-q.iires all ihe ra'-ans, I car. covnmaad. j Po -cssmjr ;ri;al virtues in !••«.- r.-ctifica'.on n( ilie live T4ie Valley of Virginia Fire lh j lowest rates, aho SiacksiiiifVs Coal I feel il proper in t a k i n g tti-s i'areirell oi'inv old i am: lessor L !•.'•>! . exercisins the aio*t x-.trcln.JL- j» .waccosted by a man to whom hi* owed money, to invest, he wi',1 M>)( a g eni r-sraain in iho above E..M. AlKQtMTTI AXD Apjlicaiion to ibe j-alisc-riber on the fri-"-inls and euMomrrs, to retnin them my s r a t e f u l i in '|/*eabni-«s and aR'^clionsoi the J i - c - I i v e or^-;.>, ther J n n p Iv, I.-.".'.. with R -iu-w d'ye duT answered, -Pretty prcpeny. premises nr [r iv -i or bv let'er through ih-Charlesacknowledgements fur ihrir generous patronage an: witiiai -^af*-, rt-rlairi and |iira-aot. well, I thank you : you find I hold my own.1 town or r.Iarpcrs-FcT»y Pos: will bt? BROOMS OTKR MCVi.IGt: 4. Ctl « JJ3KKLA1N.) and snpport, a-nrTsolleit aliter llb-ra! i-npport for I'lii O1XIA 'J.V.V 'I/J/OAT. I ni/ issvf Potifits on nil kinds of Pi-irisrly, JlcrcuanCash ior r 'Yes. sir.' rejoined the tuin, 'and mine, too, ly >i'.'..:. . .: to. my;rs ni t|-e old stacd, Walsh. & Bro., Ih-. J. M. Wilson, Lcxintlcn. Va., Keb 6th. l?52. rrince ?.treel Warf, ditc, 4-c>, at fair and e-jniixU'. rattJ. r *aiil: "J aci ciilirvly out of l u - ' lemian JJiMerfc. 'fhey ^ATIIAMIZL V, . MANXJNG. who xvilfcoiithnie the busiue-s in all its departto tuy sorrow.' . ALEXANDRIA, VA. Capital $1-3O,OOO, with power in increase the j AM di'*iron>. to purciiase a !; ^-e number o BocfraVer 14 IS54. ments with fresh t.MMjries ani a pr^scrrJns ambi- havt-become all the rage. Notluog«-Jse lella." _ same to S3O»,OOO, AVE the pleasure to announce :o tht-ir cus- tion to please the o! 1 friends and customer* .-f the fEj**I say. Mistor. ho^ come your eyes so NEGP.OES for the Si-nthern ri-arkets/'-m- n §5?*Si*iut ot Jetlfison. LonJonn Democrat an .". J. .Ian.!-.-, /Jloontvillc, Va.. March 17, 185:!, ssid . rrillEattsation ot the citizens of Virginia if es- | tomers and dealers g-'nernlU , the ani val ci ho-jse. f.-i>BTen, boys. :jirl-> and- fainiliei t:rr "1 cur JJiltcrs give «rcat sat .-ta<-lion."' Wasi.inetotian copy and -st-nd l.illv i thir (»tri.>_>. all fired crooked T * MICHAEL HORAN. i_ pecially invited to this.Coinp;:ay as 4 Home | iheir S P RIN G STOCK, fumpfisiag which I w i l l ?iv. lb« highest CD*b p The*Rtith L«-»ion, |iubli>iii.'<! at Wsxxlslrrli^ Va., Harpers-Ferry. A p r i l G. lS5i. 'Mycyosr i liitiiution, based upon ample capita I, a n j guarrn- | Persons having :-!^ves to tell will P. S A-silierc ar-; many per>ons in Jf bled tome sail, Jan. 10th, K~50: A Gieat Medicine-.—We have : l:?if-2 Cases awsi Cartoons 'Yes. t T ' O U L O r<:-sp>.-.:!:u:iy ann-Wiiec t« the ci: zens li;ed bv the best of !references; and ci adut:ted ou the j nf ihe variouss'vies oi UUODS in tht-ir l i n e — aK -ji-rro have not yet "'alieii u p u n mv at-ent above uniformly relrain-.-d from rriMir.meneljn!; lo the jublic please inform me pr>rsona!ly.i>r by letter : By sitting b?t*veen two gals, and trying * V <.-t >J !aiU--'..>wn. anc a:i p.r>on«! v ^ i t j c j the s.ricic'it..priiiciple"' of t-qnitv. uis'ict'. and economy. ! •if u-hic-h were selec'fd SIR! purchased a';A.f of the nanifd to settle or pay their arcoun's. and as I an;- ofihe various patent cn-ilii-im-s of. liie day, inless .itWinthester u-hicli «-il! receiveprotnpf t'niroo^hlj' couvinr.t-d of ihci;- vaiue. Amon» thnsi wt saiaf, thai he has now on IK: iii auj w i i i con inue attention; or B. M. & W L. Campbell to look love to both at the *ame tiuie.' Bioripy ba«l!v. I hereby notii'v all such rwr- coi Mar.v.faclurtTS in -VcrF Suglaiul, under :lu nios! >ider wri rlhv of notictr, i-- the Geroiau Hitters, in JOS. S. CAR^OK. P. to be sapplifu w :!i the lau->iiiovc!!i-.-:;u:'c-sch sucit th.-y do not s*v or maUe ^cime ai ranseiiieni ;avoratile circnojstam.-es. No.£12,"\Vcst Pra;: street. B^ltimnre. vented bv Iloofla-ul, and )>re|iared InDr.JaciiFCn, itt fXj—What 1 rut s you southern men are cessive >ea>on. c.nnprisinff in i««rt — C. S. FUNK. Secretar'-i. Anticipaiii-g an increased demand from the for ( u i i h r r time beliTe the Isiof.S.'pteober neit. [ Pii:ladelj>liia. One i:i-iai.rc. !••• |iarlkalar, in v.-l irh tin; E L I J A H M..DO1VELL, «^lwavs sm-jkia^ ciiiurs.' s;ii;t a young lady CONFECllO^ARlES.l. the caoiosst rari:'.ics, O. F. BUEtiEE. Actuary. Trade — ^iowin» out i-l" Hi-; iisc-eRsoi lacilities or shall transfer (heir re-counts for coMecii -n, v.'iihout su| erior virluei cf this mcditiae have been u--t'--l, lta< Af[«ntJ ,r U. M .f- W L. Campbell *i-.-i; i-niefr,-"-.,ile miss. 'Yes. but your northern transportation, via. Cana' anJ flail Road — they regard to persons. Janice to invself ai d b proper lalieu uud«;r our '.bservaticn. DuHng tbe last summer, Winchester, Scpti-mber 4, ' '' have taken more than, usual pains ia ihe stilcclion resrani t o r m y own e-iaagerner'ts render' this course a i :n cf Mr. Abnim Crabill. of this oonnly, was ver'was the H"--^., yiu know, suioke herrings.' Fii: CanJv Tvys. 7,..' (.'•.'•••*. ; .' os. S. Carson Wm. L. Clarlr, of their Stock, and -Jr. not heM'iate to promise a:i sifTected wilh Livet C'lnoplamt, aud after tryunavoiriahlei MICHAEL DORAN, Bon Bon* "C Jatnes H Burgess, ! James P.,Rieier3 €a$»h For V}coiat in vair various remedies, he purchased a boule cf ^reat inducements in :t>e wax- of barsaiusa:; can be ;ioi~ 13. 1854. ! L.loyd Logajn, . N. W. Richardson, • liittt-i -. and u n * - r using i . was so much relii-vi-d < I rpHOSE persons having Nesroes foi sale.c;»r vour met v?ith in a n y n f i k u Xonhsrn Cities. John Iverr. distrea'jug lujluily, tha! lie procured Mother bottle, n , _ . . B. W. HERBERT, ment it' •f . Appicanor. i n person c-r -tr-geiamt, .Vee £rom ail injirious k . T v _ —• — • ~* • • -r--i --- « .w -.10 aii I ! be prompjlyattented to. ,„, ... - in Nevr Y«rk & Boston. appertaining to his 'justness, on terms , -is liberal as v',- U r'" e -' e has J"IIM rcc?frcti FRUITS 1NP and wiU compare vriii: anv -tn-tnis ur any other any . \VlSCHESTBB, ifij i7, 185.X establtshment in "hi Connty. Bei.i^a yoon» . . ?»js- 'Out of deference to the A U 1.-5. ot the Iwestiapattsrion, such as _ For sale .Wholesale br DragRHt in a|l the market, comprising the latest and most lashiocaWe, the nndersismed, beiog solicited So -nve our li'e man jastentfrin»l.v sir-ess life, he would soficit the eitie., and a retail by apoth.-dan rge aud infiriuuies of the senior uaval csc- Ornngfs, Lfrxons. Raisin*. siyles. opinion as to the eharar-ier and star jin« if ;h In patronage of the :iu'3:-nsof the county, and •n-ill e e»i.-ry town in «!ie tnited Sister. eutives. the atlaii.rahv iutdnd for the future Figs, frana. Cilnxs, Currants, ^" Dealers are res;ieclfaily invited to call and p-cmise by attention to bnsine?s. and "a desire to s jrance CompaKy of the Valley o! Virginia, hav,> cc 75 Crnt.i p:r Jlotlle examine before parcha-in? elsewhere, as it is their HAV.3 an ertftisive ass-utmpnt «-f p •• h j instead of styling tK-m -Aimirals-of the i-o besitatioji in savins: tkii *-c fanre'tbe O t m «»t -.-L Mj, Smith, accommodate, to ;jive satUfar-iinn :o a;l who may cetermiDBtion to sell «? low as aev nf tlterinrfhTD E .namOFFICE, HALL and COOK S'iitV Fleet,' to d'tb them -Amira'-j of tbe Slorr.5 cjnfidence in 'he ability 'and int^ri-v of ti.* ream, call nron him. EKOCH S. HARRELL. ', .-«,«,« '"«'•«. VV. A. HARPER, J. CO. S, COAL GRATES. &c.. wb|c\ £ resident and Directors of that Con:panv Febrnary 15. I85:>. And and u. Timberkie .k S3"They bnvo got a pig in OJUD so tborMarch 15, be sold, delivered aad setup on the iauciijccom The fan thai we have insured ttu ow'n' prone rtv rjodating terms. Toyt and Fauci/ ou^Uly educated tiiat Ue bas liken to ruti=tNovember 30^ in the Company, is perhaps the «ron?est evident' FOR .SALE. All penon* ia wart ot aay apparaics fnr heatin Tliev regulat-j his tuue by twtnti« his taii"of En re (ie, ruanu- vs e can give as to our opinion of it* inerits Hoases, c r f o r -Oooliinsr, are •e'speetfully.EaJieited idia rubber. &c. tbe greater tie twist tic hi-', ^r the note?. ' J. H. SHEBBAfiD. Cash. Farmer's ,3aak of Va. T'9E nrrcersi-ned having rente! the east froat to call al ibe .Chaiic-tctm Tin-war? ai<f Stove i-Jilr.iher kiads of Hon. J. M.-Mxsox. G^. S Senator J_ rcom, adjoining n ire-Free Press Office, and JCT'I'vl just lika to seo TOQ,' ss tLe blind Honse, before J5rrrc,ia5in°r elsewher-, as ^reai iaCharlestoicn. J-fcrson 'County. Va. i-^ms.JelJics. i£c.nia:ie to order and Washiugtos, D. C. JACOB SENSBSKT. Esq^'SSerchanr Winchester when in town he can.-!j-s. fdand at said room, and i dncemeni.': wili then' lie offered, both in variety mva s.vd to a jv.'.Lvu,,,-, wh P-i1, e told Lia TIKIS Valnahjp aril Com mod tons HOTEL r.A. Tu>B*LL.:Prc5t. of Baak of Valley of Va. of style, and eitremelv low -irices.. ". A PROPERTY he would take ht:u to ttc .station bouse if be ^^Sy £SfaSTd y: '^ ^j"- O1^ Office. AH claims cuisrided to rae'shall receive toyi'ther THOMAS D. PARKER whh the i?ERNITURE did not move on. prompt attention in every respect. Oct 27. IP5.1. __ „________ AND SUPPLIES, j s i s one arnongs: ._ . ,,... C.G.BRAGG, Of W!LS3-Thc sensitive actor : who caald not sit T T A V nftjfe Valley, and tea been favorably kt-own for the f years erpt-riew^ as dJsbursii^ agect of the-Jnd'iin the samo room W i;b a tea nra on account pas ten years. 1 o c-e w.shin^to er ;:age in the , D, paitmeal, vrkh a 2 e B eraI kaowletlleo f i b t ^ -1 ipersons . e«i harinn id Estate .in: business a most ra?orable opportqnitv is here ol- | of cVa 3sac:iDg tiusiness in tbe vSsomees of its hv«.iaq, has just been kiilei with a to. U e rrtHENatior>fti re-j-afation ol" the aitorrrvcloable qnt«e<i to prpstm: them 1 lutbentica ei! lered, and on accommodating terws. The; Ser- } GnvernmrnL enables him ' HALF •burst of—' S. theearliest day practica e. SPANISH SEGARS >se wbo havi.' JL RcroiHly H knotri* rr> the public. Tfte certifi: vants can l« retaiijf-1 nntil the end of ihe y:ar.*fl «**Q ~> Krt * : OP DR V GOODS AT _ « , 25,0«r Yara Principe, ofreiy fin* Possessiun given itarocdiateiy. are recates o?" cures are noi fabrications, but fmm distin"Q cxp^-^-stioa TBipre his care. 50,000fine Spanish SegartMarch 15. ia=»5. I. Jf. CARTER. idle than that haman nature, left to itself. He will also giye special sr.tentiDn to thea)Vec- l^tished ministers, ai d hi'hlv rrrectsble persons. M.OOO fine Repalia? ; 15000 Rifles; d Wiil c 'her improve cr oeasa to be riciou?. tion of claims against part e-; lesidio? in the Dis- The pobH* wil! find it a safe *T>d effective crtre lor , *wc.t assoned, saited to 20.0(10 tlauentd Regalias; 15,000 Ladies SeDress Goods. gars; trict of Corambia cr its vicinity, ot^oiiatib? leaps Cooeb>. Colds Inrtn--n!3. Whc«>p,insr Coash, Dvs,. . SAMUEL , KJ-Tfae mac who 'tnappcj out his plans A ted to call, examine as w«-ll as ihe purchase or sale of Stocks. Real Es- w-psia. -Sick Headache. Weakness or tbe L.iver, or ERAGE DEfUGE DE LAXES f,r"!h£m; A!so a Jot af jrery fiae Davana ond Plantation : for the fat-are, has engaged a score of surveyJOH1S SILK TISSV3S LA WXS. tate, Land Warrant*, Ac.,,Stc.,oriaTr.ishmfjnus- anv affections of the Throat or Breast where ths , XoremberSS, i ota to asoertain the 'metes aad bounds.' * tion to correspondents residing at a distance • in :v- Lcnes ?re no'. s«rjnnsly impaired. AXTS; SW'JSilMCrSLrNS. COifSJSTS; T.55. S" fSf Principal CHS? e, Frerfericfr. Mil. gard toanT bnsiDess which may interest them at AND ffXAUS SKJRTS for sale by ^Jf Epitaph—On a lamb joat Jailed • For «ale in Charfestown by {* M. SMITH, w IB the w;at ft Government. April 19, 185^ J. L. KOOFP. IHE P-ablie are resp/Ktfnlly i to call an fros to ito remains. A^ent for Jefferson cooEty, and ty Agents ihron°h. His O£5ce ia over the Banking Honse of Scidtn !ht!r fre j "Witbers »•"«' "«e " j cheap' out the United 8iale.«. . MBROIDEB.EI1 SWISS ROBES e store of J. D. LCJB for e T C r Neat's FtKJt Oil, J.IMES J. MILLER. ' ' - July 21, 4,1S5§, T.RAWLIN^ • -»• »*- r T ^ -•• ••«• •m.-^- baTe be mt.jicioes vril ! "IMPORTANT, POETEI. Tcrnpiko KotIc-3 JSE rr STOLIE-IIO USE, Look to Your Interest, A T Jefibrsoa Farm for Sale, Earylai.:! and Virginia 1 P BOUNTY LAND, Notice, DR c. M ./A«:KSOX. i To the ETerchaats of Jeiirson Marine lasurance Company, Wells A, Harper & Co,, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c, I H \ Tinning Establishment. Stoves ! Stoves ! ! Stove? !.:- •; To the Public CARTELS HOTEL, %£ BiteS1^ -l^r -ar:ieson *^ Goods at Cost- Segars, »TS " Hunt's Great Modern Remedy Trjii Trjit! TFjitH ' E P