August 31, 2010 TO: PARTIES INTERESTED IN EVALUATION REPORTS ON SEISMIC PERFORMANCE OF NONSTRUCTURAL COMPONENTS AND NONBUILDING STRUCTURES SUBJECT: Proposed Revisions to the Acceptance Criteria for Seismic Certification by Shake Table Testing of Nonstructural Components and Nonbuilding Structures, Subject AC156-1010 R1 (BG/DZ) Hearing Information: Thursday, October 7, 2010 8:00 a.m. Sheraton Gateway Hotel Los Angeles 6101 West Century Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90045 (888) 627-7104 Dear Madam or Sir: The subject acceptance criteria will be discussed at the hearing noted above. The subject acceptance has been revised as reflected in the enclosed draft. The enclosed summary dated June 23, 2010, by Schnieder Electric, provides background information for the proposed revisions. The proposal has the following revisions: 1. Revised title and content to referring to seismic certification instead of seismic qualification. This change will make AC156 consistent with the special information, such as testing, stated in Sections 13.2.1 and 13.2.2 of ASCE 7. 2. Updated content to permit evaluation reports to be issued in accordance with the 2006 or 2009 International Building Code (IBC). The staff does not support inclusion of the 2012 IBC, since it has not been published and consequently is not available for adoption by jurisdictions. 3. Removal of references to the Uniform Building Code, since this code has become obsolete as an enforcement document. 4. Addition of ASCE 7-10 in Section 1.3, which is proposed as alternative to ASCE 7-05. A significant change occurs in Section 13.4, which now includes an exception to the AC156-1010-R1 2 limitations on use of power-actuated fasteners and adds clearer provisions on use of friction clips. 5. Addition of nonbuilding structures in accordance with Chapter 15 of ASCE 7-05. The staff notes that Chapter 15 does not directly reference AC156 as does Chapter 13 for nonstructural components, though Section 15.1.2 b does so by allowing use of reference documents listed in Chapter 23, which includes AC156. Chapter 15 in ASCE 7-10 includes revisions from ASCE 7-05, which draw upon other IBC references for design information. Additional revisions need to be addressed within the proposal for acceptance of nonbuilding structures, since AC156 references Chapter 13 of ASCE 7 for design requirements, while Chapter 15 of ASCE 7 uses different design bases, depending on the type of structure. 6. Revised Section 4.5 now states the minimum number of tests needed to represent a product line. 7. Reformatting of the entire criteria. Staff comments at this time are as follows: 1. Section 6.5.1: The limit on maximum AFLX-H is based on Eq. 13.3-2 of ASCE 7-05. By setting Eq. 13.3-2 equal to Eq. 13.3-1 using ap =2.5 and z/h =1, and solving for Rp, the resulting Rp is 1.875, which is less than the minimum value of 1.5 in Tables 13.5-1 and 13.6-1 of ASCE 7. Should the maximum value of AFLX-H be increased to match the minimum Rp of 1.5? In addition, should AC156 include a minimum value of ARIG-H to comply with Eq. 13.3-3 of ASCE 7-05? 2. In accordance with Section 13.2.5 of ASCE 7-05, testing according to AC156 should be used to address seismic relative displacements. AC156 may need to be amended to address this requirement. Comments are requested on this observation. 3. Section 12.5 of ASCE 7 requires structural systems be designed for critical effects of seismic forces from any direction. The question is raised as to whether this aspect is adequately addressed where uniaxial or biaxial tests are conducted, since these tests by definition subject the unit under test to accelerations in the principal axis only. You are cordially invited to submit written comments on agenda items, or to attend the Evaluation Committee hearing and present verbal comments. If you wish to contribute to the hearing, please note the following: 1. Written comments that are received by the Los Angeles business/regional office by September 17, 2010, will be forwarded to the committee prior to the hearing, and will be posted on the ICC-ES web site shortly after the comment deadline. 2. Written comments received up to ten days before the meeting, and staff memos responding to comments, will be posted to the web site on September 28, 2010. 3. ICC-ES is no longer providing printed copies at the meeting of proposed acceptance criteria, staff memos or public comments. These documents will be available on a limited number of CDs at the meeting, for uploading to computers; and ICC-ES will AC156-1010-R1 3 make arrangements with the hotel business center to have hard copies available for photocopying. 4. Written comments that miss the deadline noted in item (1), above, will only be available at the meeting if you provide 35 copies, collated, stapled, and three-hole punched, either at the meeting itself or to the Los Angeles business/regional office by September 28, 2010. 5. If you plan to speak for more than 15 minutes, or offer a visual presentation lasting longer, you should notify ICC-ES staff as far as possible in advance. There will be a computer, projector, and screen available at the meeting for anyone wishing to make a visual presentation, and presentations in most cases will need to be in PowerPoint format. Also, ICC-ES will need to be provided with your presentation at least a halfhour before the start of the relevant meeting session (morning or afternoon) on either a CD or a flash card. 6. If you have any special needs related to a presentation, you should contact ICC-ES staff well in advance of the meeting. 7. Any visual aids for viewing at committee meetings (charts, overhead transparencies, slides, videos, electronic presentations, etc.) will be permitted only if a copy is provided to ICC-ES, before the presentation, in a medium that can be retained with other records of the meeting. 8. Any materials submitted for committee consideration are considered nonconfidential and available for public discussion, as noted in Section 2.7 of the ICC-ES Rules of Procedure for the Evaluation Committee. 9. Prior to the meeting, you should refrain from trying to communicate directly with committee members about agenda items, either verbally or in writing. Committee members reserve the right to refuse such communications. Your cooperation with these guidelines is much appreciated, as is your interest in the deliberations of the Evaluation Committee. If you have any question, please contact the undersigned at (800) 423-6587, extension 3260, or David Zhao, at extension 2nd Engineers Extension. You may also reach us by e-mail at Yours very truly, Brian Gerber Principal Structural Engineer BG/md Enclosures cc: Evaluation Committee ICC EVALUATION SERVICE, LLC, RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR THE EVALUATION COMMITTEE 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of the Evaluation Committee is to monitor the work of ICC-ES, in issuing evaluation reports; to evaluate and approve acceptance criteria on which evaluation reports may be based; and to sponsor related changes in the applicable codes. 2.0 MEETINGS 2.1 The Evaluation Committee shall schedule meetings that are open to the public in discharging its duties under Section 1, subject to Section 3. 2.2 All announced. scheduled meetings shall be publicly 2 2.3 Two-thirds ( /3) of the voting Evaluation Committee members shall constitute a quorum. A majority vote of members present is required on any action. 2.4 In the absence of the nonvoting chairmanmoderator, Evaluation Committee members present shall elect an alternate chairman from the committee for that meeting. The alternate chairman shall be counted as a voting committee member for purposes of maintaining a committee quorum and to cast a tie-breaking vote of the committee. 2.5 Minutes of the meetings shall be kept. 2.6 An electronic audio record of meetings shall be made by ICC-ES; no other audio, video, electronic or stenographic recordings of the meetings will be permitted. Visual aids (including, but not limited to, charts, overhead transparencies, slides, videos, or presentation software) viewed at meetings shall be permitted only if the presenter provides ICC-ES before presentation with a copy of the visual aid in a medium which can be retained by ICC-ES with its record of the meeting and which can also be provided to interested parties requesting a copy. A copy of the ICC-ES recording of the meeting and such visual aids, if any, will be available to interested parties upon written request made to ICC-ES together with a payment as required by ICC-ES to cover costs of preparation and duplication of the copy. These materials will be available beginning five days after the conclusion of the meeting but will no longer be available after one year from the conclusion of the meeting. 2.7 Parties interested in the deliberations of the committee should refrain from communicating, whether in writing or verbally, with committee members regarding agenda items. All written communications and submissions regarding agenda items should be delivered to ICC-ES. All such written communications and submissions shall be considered nonconfidential and August 20, 2010 available for discussion in open session of an Evaluation Committee meeting, and shall be delivered at least ten days before the scheduled Evaluation Committee meeting if they are to be forwarded to the committee. Materials delivered to ICC-ES at least ten days before the scheduled meeting will be posted on the ICC-ES web site ( prior to the meeting. After this time, parties wishing to submit materials for consideration by the Evaluation Committee must deliver a sufficient number of copies as directed by ICC-ES. Consideration of materials not received by ICC-ES at least ten days before the meeting is at the discretion of the Evaluation Committee. Following the meeting, ICC-ES will make all materials considered by the Evaluation Committee available on the web site for a maximum period of one year following the meeting. The committee reserves the right to refuse recognition of communications which do not comply with the provisions of this section. 3.0 CLOSED SESSIONS Evaluation Committee meetings shall be open except that the chairman may call for a closed session to seek advice of counsel. 4.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 4.1 Acceptance criteria are established by the committee to provide a basis for issuing ICC-ES evaluation reports on products and systems under codes referenced in Section 2.0 of the Rules of Procedure for Evaluation Reports. They also clarify conditions of acceptance for products and systems specifically regulated by the codes. Acceptance criteria may involve a product, material, method of construction, or service. Consideration of any acceptance criteria must be in conjunction with a current and valid application for an ICC-ES evaluation report, an existing ICC-ES evaluation report, or as otherwise determined by the Evaluation Committee. 4.2 Procedure: 4.2.1 Proposed acceptance criteria shall be developed by the ICC-ES staff and discussed in open session with the Evaluation Committee during a scheduled meeting, except as permitted in Section 5.0 of these rules. 4.2.2 Proposed acceptance criteria shall be available to interested parties at least 30 days before discussion at the committee meeting. 4.2.3 The committee shall be informed of all pertinent written communications received by ICC-ES. 4.2.4 Attendees at Evaluation Committee meetings shall have the opportunity to speak on acceptance Pg 1 of 2 ICC EVALUATION SERVICE, LLC, RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR THE EVALUATION COMMITTEE criteria listed on the meeting agenda, to provide information to committee members. issued by ICC-ES is intended to provide a basis for approval under the codes. If the subject of the acceptance criteria is not regulated by the codes, there is no basis for issuing a report, or a criteria. (Specifics must be provided concerning the inapplicability of the code.) 4.3 Approval of acceptance criteria shall be as specified in Section 2.3 of these rules. 4.4 Actions of the Evaluation Committee may be appealed in accordance with the ICC-ES Rules of Procedure for Appeal of Acceptance Criteria or the ICCES Rules of Procedure for Appeals of Evaluation Committee Technical Decisions. 5.0 COMMITTEE BALLOTING FOR ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA d. The subject of the acceptance criteria needs to be discussed in public hearings. The committee member requests additional input from other committee members, staff or industry. 5.3 An Evaluation Committee member, in voting on an acceptance criteria, may only cast the following ballots: 5.1 Acceptance criteria may be issued without a public hearing following a 30-day public comment period and a majority vote for approval by the Evaluation Committee when, in the opinion of ICC-ES staff, one or more of the following conditions have been met: Approved Approved with Comments Negative: Do Not Proceed 1. The subject is nonstructural, does not involve life safety, and is addressed in nationally recognized standards or generally accepted industry standards. 6.0 COMMITTEE COMMUNICATION 2. The subject is a revision to an existing acceptance criteria that requires a formal action by the Evaluation Committee, and public comments raised were resolved by staff with commenters fully informed. 3. Other acceptance criteria and/or the code provide precedence for the revised criteria. 5.2 Negative votes must be based upon one or more of the following, for the ballots to be considered valid and require resolution: a. Lack of clarity: There is insufficient explanation of the scope of the acceptance criteria or insufficient description of the intended use of the product or system; or the acceptance criteria is so unclear as to be unacceptable. (The areas where greater clarity is required must be specifically identified.) b. Insufficiency: The criteria is insufficient for proper evaluation of the product or system. (The provisions of the criteria that are in question must be specifically identified.) c. The subject of the acceptance criteria is not within the scope of the applicable codes: A report August 20, 2010 Direct communication between committee members, and between committee members and an applicant or concerned party, with regard to the processing of a particular acceptance criteria or evaluation report shall take place only in a public hearing of the Evaluation Committee. Accordingly: 6.1 Committee members receiving an electronic ballot should respond only to the sender (staff). Committee members who wish to discuss a particular matter with other committee members, before reaching a decision, should ballot accordingly and bring the matter to the attention of ICC-ES staff, so the issue can be placed on the agenda of a future committee meeting. 6.2 Committee members who are contacted by an applicant or concerned party on a particular matter that will be brought to the committee will refrain from private communication and will encourage the applicant or concerned party to forward their concerns through the ICC-ES staff in writing, and/or make their concerns known by addressing the committee at a public hearing, so that their concerns can receive the attention of all committee members. Pg 2 of 2 | (800) 423-6587 | (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council ® PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR SEISMIC QUALIFICATION CERTIFICATION BY SHAKE-TABLE TESTING OF NONSTRUCTURAL COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS NONBUILDING STRUCTURES AC156 Proposed August 2010 Previously approved December 2006, June 2004, and January 2000 PREFACE Evaluation reports issued by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC (ICC-ES), are based upon performance features of the International family of codes and other widely adopted code families, including the Uniform Codes, the BOCA National Codes, and the SBCCI Standard Codes. Section 104.11 of the International Building Code® reads as follows: The provisions of this code are not intended to prevent the installation of any materials or to prohibit any design or method of construction not specifically prescribed by this code, provided that any such alternative has been approved. An alternative material, design or method of construction shall be approved where the building official finds that the proposed design is satisfactory and complies with the intent of the provisions of this code, and that the material, method or work offered is, for the purpose intended, at least the equivalent of that prescribed in this code in quality, strength, effectiveness, fire resistance, durability and safety. Similar provisions are contained in the Uniform Codes, the National Codes, and the Standard Codes. ICC-ES may consider alternate criteria, provided the report applicant submits valid data demonstrating that the alternate criteria are at least equivalent to the criteria proposed in this document, and otherwise meet the applicable performance requirements of the codes. Notwithstanding that a product, material, or type or method of construction meets the requirements of the criteria proposed in this document, or that it can be demonstrated that valid alternate criteria are equivalent to the criteria in this document and otherwise meet the applicable performance requirements of the codes, ICC-ES retains the right to refuse to issue or renew an evaluation report, if the product, material, or type or method of construction is such that either unusual care with its installation or use must be exercised for satisfactory performance, or malfunctioning is apt to cause unreasonable property damage or personal injury or sickness relative to the benefits to be achieved by the use of the product, material, or type or method of construction. Acceptance criteria are developed for use solely by ICC-ES for purposes of issuing ICC-ES evaluation reports. PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR SEISMIC QUALIFICATION CERTIFICATION BY SHAKE-TABLE TESTING OF NONSTRUCTURAL COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS NONBUILDING STRUCTURES 1.0 2.0 SCOPE AND PURPOSE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose: The purpose of this criteria is to establishes minimum requirements for the issuance of ICC Evaluation Service, Inc., evaluation reports on seismic certification by qualification shake-table testing of nonstructural components and nonbuilding structures systems (hereinafter referred to as “equipment”) to be recognized in ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, evaluation reports in accordance with the 2006 or 2009 International ® Building Code (IBC). Basis of recognition is IBC Section 104.11. Such reports relate to the seismic design requirements for architectural, mechanical, electrical and other nonstructural systems, components, and elements permanently attached to structures, as specified in Section 1632 of the 1997 Uniform Building Code™ (UBC) and Section 1613 of the 2006 International Building Code® (IBC) This acceptance criteria is applicable for shaketable testing of nonstructural components and systems that have fundamental frequencies greater than or equal to 1.3 Hz NOMENCLATURE: 2.1 UBC: The following symbols and notations have the noted meaning in this document: The reason for the development of this criteria is to provide detailed procedures for seismic certification by testing of nonstructural components and nonbuilding structures as an alternative to code-prescribed analytical requirements. 1.2 Scope: This acceptance criteria is applicable for shake-table testing of nonstructural components and nonbuilding structures that have fundamental frequencies greater than or equal to 1.3 Hz. Testing done in accordance with this criteria is intended to support data for the seismic design of architectural, mechanical, electrical and other nonstructural systems, components, and elements permanently attached to structures, and nonbuilding structures as specified in Section 1708.4 of the 2009 IBC or Section 1708.5 of the 2006 IBC and Section 13.2.2 of ASCE 7. Ca = Seismic coefficient, as set forth in Table 16Q of the UBC. Na = Near-source factor used in the determination of Ca in Seismic Zone 4, related to the proximity of the building or structure to known faults having magnitudes and slip rates as set forth in Tables 16-S and 16-U of the UBC. Hx = Equipment attachment elevation with respect to grade. For items at or below the base, Hx shall not be taken to be less than 0.0. Hr = Building or structure roof elevation with respect to grade. Rp = Equipment response modification factor. Rp represents the energy absorption capability of the equipment's structure and attachments, set forth in Table 16-O of the UBC. Ip = Equipment importance factor. Ip represents the greater of the life-safety importance of the component and the hazard exposure importance of the structure, set forth in Table 16-K of the UBC. 2.2 IBC: The following symbols and notations have the noted meaning in this document: 1.3 Codes and Referenced Standards: SDS = Design spectral response acceleration at short period, as determined in Section 1613.5.4 of the IBC. z = Height of structure (in feet or mm) with respect to grade, at point of attachment of equipment the component. For items at or below the base, z shall not be taken to be less than 0.0. h = Average building/structure roof height (in feet or mm) relative to the base elevation. z/h = Height factor ratio. Rp = Equipment response modification factor. Rp represents the energy absorption capability of the equipment's component structure and its attachments, set forth in Table 13.5-1 or 13.6-1 of ASCE 7. Ip = Equipment importance factor. Ip represents the greater of the life-safety importance factor of the component and the hazard exposure importance factor of the structure, as set forth in Section 13.1.3 of ASCE 7. ® 1.3.1 2009 International Building Code (2009 IBC), International Code Council. ® 1.3.2 2006 International Building Code (2006 IBC), International Code Council. 1.3.3 ASCE Standard, SEI/ASCE 7-10, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, American Society of Civil Engineers. 1.3.4 ASCE Standard, SEI/ASCE 7-05, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, American Society of Civil Engineers. 1.3.5 FEMA 461, Interim Testing Protocols for Determining the Seismic Performance Characteristics of Structural and Nonstructural Components, June 2007, Federal Emergency Management Agency. 1.3.6 IEEE Standard 344-2004, IEEE Recommended Practice for Seismic Qualification of Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, IEEE. 2.3 Common to UBC and IBC: The following symbols and notations have the noted meaning in this document: 2 PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR SEISMIC QUALIFICATION CERTIFICATION BY SHAKE-TABLE TESTING OF NONSTRUCTURAL COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS NONBUILDING STRUCTURES 3.6 Equipment Force-resisting System: Equipment force-resisting systems are tThose members or assemblies of members, including braces, frames, struts and attachments that provide structural stability for the connected components and transmit all loads and forces between the equipment component and the supporting building structure or foundation. Equipment supports also transmit lateral forces and/or provide structural stability for the connected equipment. ARRS = Spectral acceleration as calculated from design seismic forces, Fp, and equipment weight, Wp. = Fp/Wp. AFLX-H = Horizontal spectral acceleration calculated for flexible equipment components. AFLX-V = Vertical spectral acceleration calculated for flexible equipment at z/h = 0. 3.7 Octave: The interval between two frequencies that have a frequency ratio of 2. ARIG-H = Horizontal spectral acceleration calculated for rigid equipment components. 3.8 One-third Octave: The interval between two 1/ frequencies that have a frequency ratio of 2 3 1/3. ARIG-V = Vertical spectral acceleration calculated for rigid equipment at z/h = 0. ap 3.0 3.9 One-sixth Octave: The interval between two 1/6 frequencies that have a frequency ratio of 2 1/6. = In-structure equipment amplification factor. The ap represents the dynamic amplification of the equipment component relative to the fundamental frequency of the building structure. Fp = Horizontal seismic design force centered at the equipment’s component’s center of gravity, and distributed relative to the equipment’s mass distribution (lbf or N). Wp = equipment Component operating weight (lbf or N). 3.10 Required Response Spectrum response spectrum generated using the normalized spectra detailed in Section acceptance criteria. The RRS constitutes a be met. (RRS): The formulas and 6.5.1 of this requirement to 3.11 Ring-down Time: The time required for vibration of the shake table to decrease to a negligible level following excitation. 3.12 3.11 Rigid Equipment Component: A component or nonbuilding structure, including its attachments and force-resisting structural members, having a fundamental period less than or equal to 0.06 second (greater than or equal to 16.67 Hz). DEFINITIONS: 3.1 Attachments: The means by which equipment is secured or restrained to the supporting by the seismic force resisting system of the building structure or foundation. Such attachments and restraints Examples may include anchor bolting, welded connections, mechanical fasteners and seismic vibration isolators 3.13 3.12 Subassemblies: A grouping or assemblage of secondary sub-components and/or structural elements that require attachment to the equipment’s primary force resisting system to achieve structural stability. 3.14 Seismic capacity: Seismic capacity of a component, for the purposes of this criteria, is defined as capacity associated with the component’s internal structure and its attachments to resist the seismically induced forces and deformations, and maintain the structural integrity. Post-test functionality shall be maintained for equipment with Ip = 1.5, 3.2 Biaxial Test: A dynamic test in which the test specimen is subjected to acceleration in one principal horizontal axis and the vertical axis simultaneously. The horizontal and vertical acceleration components are derived from two different input signals that are phaseincoherent. 3.3 Build-hold-decay (BHD): The build-hold-decay time interval envelope (5 + 0 / – 3 seconds, 20 + 6 / – 0 seconds and 5 + 0 / – 3 seconds, respectively) imposed on the drive signal of the shake table to simulate the nonstationary nature of an earthquake event. The build time includes time necessary for acceleration ramp-up, the hold time represents the earthquake strong motion time duration, and the decay time includes the de-acceleration ring down time. A straight linear approximation is acceptable. 3.15 3.13 Test Response Spectrum (TRS): The acceleration response spectrum that is developed from the actual time history of the motion of the shake table test as measured by reference control accelerometers mounted on the shake table at a location near the base of the UUT. 3.16 3.14 Transmissibility: The nondimensional ratio of the response acceleration amplitude of a system in steady-state forced vibration to the excitation amplitude. The ratio may be one of forces, displacements, velocities, or accelerations and is used to characterize resonant modes of structural vibration. 3.4 Damping: An energy dissipation mechanism that reduces the amplification and broadens the vibratory response in the region of resonance. Damping is expressed as a percentage of critical damping. This criteria is based on 5 percent of critical damping. 3.17 3.15 Triaxial Test: A dynamic test in which the test specimen is subjected to acceleration in two principal horizontal axes and the vertical axis simultaneously. The two horizontal and the vertical acceleration components are derived from three different input signals that are phase-incoherent. 3.5 Flexible Equipment: Component or nonbuilding structure, including its attachments and force-resisting structural members, having a fundamental period greater than 0.06 second (less than 16.67 Hz). 3.18 3.16 Uniaxial Test: A dynamic test in which the test specimen is subjected to acceleration in one principal 3 PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR SEISMIC QUALIFICATION CERTIFICATION BY SHAKE-TABLE TESTING OF NONSTRUCTURAL COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS NONBUILDING STRUCTURES Name: Product name axis. The acceleration components are derived from a single input signal. UUT Designation: Short alphanumeric UUT designator used for plotting and test run purposes. 3.19 3.17 Unit Under Test (UUT): The equipment component item to be qualification certification-tested. UUT Function: A general description of the primary function or end use of the product. 3.20 3.18 Zero Period Acceleration (ZPA): The peak acceleration of motion time-history that corresponds to the high-frequency asymptote on the response spectrum. This acceleration corresponds to the maximum peak acceleration of the time history used to derive the spectrum. For use in this acceptance criteria, the ZPA is assumed to be the acceleration response at 33.3 Hz or greater. 4.0 Description: A detailed description of the UUT configuration. This should include a listing of major subassemblies and sub-components (e.g., bills of material) and any other applicable product differentiation. Identification No.: Supply UUT’s unique identification number or serial number. UUT REQUIRED INFORMATION: Dimensions: Height = xx in. (mm); Width = xx in. (mm); Depth = xx in. (mm). Sections 4.1 through 4.7 4.6 detail the necessary information to be provided for each UUT. Section 4 shall be a complete document, submitted by the UUT manufacturer or the manufacturer’s representative and included as an appendix to the Qualification Test Plan described in Section 6.1. Appendix A of this document sets forth the information necessary to meet the requirements of Section 4.0. Weight: Approximately xxx lbs. (mm). Restrictions: Provide limitations on use. 4.3 any product restrictions or Seismic Parameters: 4.3.1 UBC: The following seismic parameters, used to establish maximum UUT seismic qualification test requirements, shall be provided: 4.1 Manufacturer and Testing Laboratory Contact Information: The following contact information shall be specified: Hx = Equipment attachment elevation with respect to grade. 4.1.1 Manufacturer’s contact information as follows: name and address and the individual(s) representing the primary point of contact for all correspondence regarding the seismic qualification testing per this procedure. Hr = Building or structure roof elevation with respect to grade. Ca = Seismic coefficient. Manufacturer: Company name Ip = Equipment importance factor. Address: Company address Phone Number: Representative(s) phone number 4.3.2 IBC: The following seismic parameters, used to establish maximum UUT seismic qualification test requirements, shall be provided as shown in Table 1 below: E-mail: Representative(s) e-mail address. z = Equipment attachment elevation with respect to grade. Primary Contact: Representative(s) name 4.1.2 Testing laboratory’s contact information as follows: name and address and the individual(s) representing the primary point of contact for all correspondence regarding the seismic qualification testing per this procedure. h = Average building/structure roof elevation with respect to grade. SDS = Spectral response acceleration at short period. Ip = Equipment importance factor. Testing Laboratory: Laboratory name Table 1: Shake Table Test Parameters Address: Laboratory address Building Code Primary Contact: Representative(s) name Phone Number: Representative(s) phone number IBC 20** E-mail: Representative(s) e-mail address. 4.2 UTT Description: A description of the UTT shall be provided, including the following items: Test Criteria SDS (g) z/h Horizontal Vertical AFLX- ARIG- AFLX- ARIG- H H V V ICC-ES AC 156 4.4 Functionality and Operability Requirements: A listing and detailed description shall be provided of the functionality and operability equipment requirements and/or tests used to verify pre- and post-seismic-testing functional compliance of components. 4.2.1 General description of the UUT’s primary function. 4.2.2 Detailed description of the UUT’s hardware configuration, including subassemblies and unique product identification numbers and/or serial numbers. Each test and/or requirement should be listed as a separate line item. 4.2.3 Overall dimensions and weight of the UUT. 4.5 Equipment Component Product Line Extrapolation and Interpolation: Testing every single configuration of a given equipment component product line 4.2.4 Any restrictions or limitations on equipment use. 4 PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR SEISMIC QUALIFICATION CERTIFICATION BY SHAKE-TABLE TESTING OF NONSTRUCTURAL COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS NONBUILDING STRUCTURES may not be feasible. Therefore, it may be necessary to select test specimens that adequately represent the entire equipment component product line. The following criteria shall be used to establish UUT configuration requirements for representing an equipment product line (UUT configuration rationale shall be provided): same type of mounting hardware specified for proposed installations. Substitution of nonhazardous materials and fluids is permitted for verification of equipment components or subassemblies that contain hazardous materials or fluids, provided the substitution does not reduce the functional demand on the equipment component or subassembly. Minimum of two components/products shall be tested for a product line with similar structural configuration and dynamic response. Where a range of products are tested, the two components/products tested shall be the largest and smallest, or alternative representative samples. 4.5.4 Mass Distribution: A rationale shall be provided explaining that the selected UUT’s mass distribution is one contributing to the least seismic capacity of the UUT compared to other mass distribution options that are available within the product line being qualified. The weight and mass distribution shall be similar to the typical weight and mass distribution of the equipment component being represented. Weights equal to or greater than the typical weight shall be acceptable. The following criteria shall be used to establish UUT configuration requirements for representing a component product line (UUT configuration rationale shall be provided): 4.5.1 Structural Features: A rationale shall be provided explaining that the two selected UUT’s structural configurations is one are offering the least seismic withstand capacity compared to other options that are available within the product line being qualified. The UUT’s force-resisting systems shall be similar to the major structural configurations being supplied in the product line. If more than one major structure is a configurable option, then these other structural configurations shall be considered in the equipment component product line extrapolation and interpolation rationalization process. 4.5.5 Equipment Variations: A rationale shall be provided explaining that the selected UUT’s overall variations contribute to the least seismic withstand capacity of the UUT compared to other variations that are available within the product line being qualified. Other equipment component variations, such as number of units/components in production assemblies, indoor and outdoor applications, etc., shall be considered in the equipment component product line extrapolation and interpolation rationalization process. 4.6 Installation Instructions: include the following items: 4.5.2 Mounting Features: A rationale shall be provided that explains that the two selected UUT’s mounting configurations is one are offering the least seismic withstand capacity compared to other mounting options that are available within the product line being qualified. The configuration mounting of the UUT to the shake-table shall simulate mounting conditions for the product line. Seismic testing of equipment components may be conducted using the smallest diameter tie-down bolt size (or minimum weld size) that can be accommodated with the provided tie-down clearance holes (or base structural members) on the equipment components. If several mounting configurations are used, they shall be simulated in the test. Instructions shall 1. Description of how the UUT will be installed in the field. 2. Description of how the UUT will be installed during the qualification certification test. 4.7 Flexible Equipment Component: 4.7.1 Component Force-resisting System: Equipment force-resisting systems are tThose members or assemblies of members, including braces, frames, struts and attachments that provide structural stability for the connected components and transmit all loads and forces between the equipment component and the supporting building structure or foundation. Equipment supports also transmit lateral forces and/or provide structural stability for the connected equipment. Use of specific test results shall be limited to the mounting type and configuration. Where individual components of a multi-component system are certified by test, the flexibility of the supporting structure in the equipment to point of anchorage shall be replicated in the test setup. Alternately, the input motions for the test setup may be modified to account for this flexibility using a rational analytical method. The components from the mounting brackets to the supporting structure shall have similar flexibility and strength to what is used in the component certification test and may be certified by a supporting analysis. 4.8 Special Test Requirements (Optional) The UUT manufacturer or the manufacturer’s representative can list any test requirements that would be deemed special or beyond the norm for seismic qualification testing (i.e., requesting displacement and/or force monitoring instrumentation, requesting additional response monitoring accelerometers, or requesting electronic data output of accelerometer sensors, etc.). 4.5.3 Subassemblies: A rationale shall be provided explaining that the selected UUT’s subassemblies are representative of production hardware and offer the least seismic withstand capacity of the UUT compared to other subassembly options that are available within the product line being qualified. The major subassembly components shall be included in the UUT. These components shall be mounted to the specimen structure at locations similar to those specified for proposed installations. The components shall be mounted to the structure using the 5.0 TESTING LABORATORIES AND REPORTS OF TESTS: 5.1 Testing Laboratories: Testing laboratories shall comply with Section 2 of the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Test Reports (AC 85) and Section 4.2 of the ICC-ES Rules of Procedure for Evaluation Reports. 5.2 Test Reports: 5.2.1 General: Test reports shall comply with AC 85. 5 PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR SEISMIC QUALIFICATION CERTIFICATION BY SHAKE-TABLE TESTING OF NONSTRUCTURAL COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS NONBUILDING STRUCTURES 5.2.2 Specific: Reports of all tests noted in Section 6 are required. In addition, the following items must be reported: UUT required information in accordance with Section 4.0 shall be added to the test report as an appendix. Identification of equipment component being qualified along with their dimensions and weights. 5.3 Product Sampling: Sampling of components for tests under this criteria shall comply with Section 3.1 of AC85. For a custom product line, where subcomponents in each assembled product can potentially be different, all qualified sub-components along with their dimensions and weights shall be listed. If there is more than one manufacturer or material for any sub-component, each manufacturer’s sub-component for each material shall be treated as separate product. Different operating conditions for equipment for which equipment is qualified shall be listed. 6.0 SEISMIC QUALIFICATION CERTIFICATION TEST PROCEDURE 6.1 Qualification Seismic Certification Test Plan: The UUT shall be subjected to a seismic certification qualification test program, considering all elements noted in this section. The seismic certification qualification test plan is intended to satisfy the requirements of Section 1632 of the UBC and/or Section 1708.4 1613 of the 2009 IBC or Section 1708.5 of the 2006 IBC and Section 13.2.2 of ASCE 7 for equipment components. References for setting the test plan and objectives include ANSI/IEE 344 and FEMA 461. Seismic parameters and derived RRS levels for equipment that is being qualified in accordance with Section 4.3. Results of pre- and post-test structural integrity and functionality and operability requirements and/or testing. 6.2 Pre-test Inspection: Upon arrival at the test facility, the UUT shall be visually examined and results documented by the testing laboratory, to verify that no damage has occurred during shipping and handling. Testing facility location and a list of observers present for test/functionality verification. 6.3 Pre-test Functional Compliance Verification: Functionality and operability requirements and/or tests, as specified in Section 4.4, shall be performed by an accredited testing laboratory to verify pre-test functional performance. Functional testing could be performed at either the test facility or at the UUT manufacturing facility. Test description and results shall be documented in accordance with Section 5.2 (Test Reports). Testing equipment description including size and capacity of the shake table and verification of calibration of instruments used in the test. Equipment mounting details, including all interface connections. Photograph of component set-up on the shake table before and after test including detailed photographs of anomalies observed during or after test. 6.4 Seismic Simulation Test Setup: Seismic ground motion occurs simultaneously in all directions in a random fashion. The requirement is to perform qualification testing in all three principal axes, two horizontal and vertical. However, for qualification certification test purposes, uniaxial, biaxial or triaxial test machines are allowed in accordance with the following test requirements. Test data, including proof of performance, TRS plots, acceleration time histories of the shake table input motion, acceleration transmissibility plots, UUT dimensions and measured weight, etc. TRS plots in each of the three directions shall show corresponding RRS, 90 percent RRS, and 130 percent of RRS. Damping ratio used in generating RRS and TRS shall be indicated on the TRS plots. 6.4.1 Triaxial, Biaxial, and Uniaxial Testing Requirements: The preferred method of performing testing is using a triaxial shake table. However, it is recognized that capable triaxial testing facilities are limited in number, and this may restrict testing access. The following requirements shall be used when performing triaxial, biaxial, or uniaxial testing. The resonance frequency in each of the three directions for each UUT shall be included in the report similar to Table 2 below. Table 2: Unit Under Test (UUT) Resonance Frequency UUT Identification Resonance Frequency (HZ) Front-to-Back Side-to-Side Triaxial Testing: If a triaxial test is performed, the test shall be performed in one stage with the two principal horizontal axes and the vertical axis of the UUT simultaneously tested. Vertical Biaxial Testing: If a biaxial test is performed, the test shall be performed in two stages, with the UUT rotated 90 degrees about the vertical axis for the second stage. Verification that shake table motion in three orthogonal directions are phase-incoherent (statistically independent) shall be provided. Uniaxial Testing: If a uniaxial test is performed, the test shall be performed in three distinct stages, with the UUT rotated after each stage, such that all three principal axes of the UUT have been tested. Test results and conclusions (including a statement of any anomalies observed during or after the test, and justification that the equipment is still qualified). Resolution of all significant anomalies, which affect either equipment force resisting system or functionality of equipment with Ip = 1.5, shall be addressed in the test report. 6.4.2 Weighing: The UUT shall be weighed prior to performing the Seismic Simulation Tests. The measured 6 PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR SEISMIC QUALIFICATION CERTIFICATION BY SHAKE-TABLE TESTING OF NONSTRUCTURAL COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS NONBUILDING STRUCTURES V, and ARIG-V. The RRS shall be defined using a damping value equal to 5 percent of critical damping. UUT weight shall be recorded in the Test Report of as set forth in Section 7.2 5.2. 6.4.3 Mounting: The UUT shall be mounted on the shake table in a manner that simulates the intended service mounting in accordance with Section 4.6 4.5.2. The mounting method shall be the same as that recommended for actual service, and shall use the minimum recommended bolt size, bolt type, bolt torque, configuration, weld pattern and type (if applicable), etc. The orientation of the UUT during the tests shall be such that the principal axes of the UUT are collinear with the axes of excitation of the shake table. A description of any interposing fixtures and connections between the UUT and the shake table shall be provided. 6.4.4 Monitoring: Sufficient vibration response monitoring instrumentation shall be used to allow determination of the applied acceleration levels in the principal horizontal and vertical axes of the shake table. Reference control accelerometers shall be mounted on the shake table at a location near the base of the UUT. Vibration response monitoring instrumentation shall also be used to determine the response of the UUT, at those points within the structure that reflect the UUT’s response associated with its structural fundamental frequencies. Placement locations for the response sensors shall be at the discretion of the UUT manufacturer or the manufacturer’s representative and approved by the test laboratory prior to testing. Sensors shall be installed, calibrated and approved by the test laboratory prior to testing. The accredited laboratory shall document the location, orientation, and calibration of all vibration monitoring sensors. FIGURE 1—REQUIRED RESPONSE SPECTRUM, NORMALIZED FOR EQUIPMENT THE COMPONENT UBC: The required response spectra for both horizontal and vertical directions shall be developed based on the formula for total design lateral force as specified in Equation (32-2) of the UBC: Fp = ap CaRp / Ip Hx Hr W ( ) p 13 The height factor ratio (Hx / Hr) accounts for above grade level equipment installations within the primary supporting structure and ranges from zero at grade-level to one at roof level, essentially acting as a force increase factor to recognize building amplification as you move up within the primary structure. The site-specific seismic coefficient, Ca, varies per geographic location (as set forth in Table 16-Q of the UBC) and site soil conditions. The Ca factor is used to define the general design earthquake response spectrum curve and is used to determine the design seismic forces for the primary building structure. The Ca factor ranges from 0.06 to 0.66 depending on the seismicity of a given location. The ratio of Rp over Ip (Rp / Ip) is considered to be a design reduction factor to account for inelastic response, and represents the allowable inelastic energy absorption capacity of the equipment’s force-resisting system. During the seismic simulation test, the UUT will respond to the excitation and inelastic behavior will naturally occur. Therefore, the ratio (Rp / Ip) shall be set equal to 1, which is indicative of an unreduced response. The importance factor, Ip, does not increase the seismic test input motion but does affect the requirement for the UUT to demonstrate a level of functionality following seismic simulation testing, and is used in this criteria to determine post-test UUT functionality compliance in accordance with Section 6.7. The component amplification factor, ap, acts as a force increase factor by accounting for probable amplification of response associated with the inherent flexibility of the nonstructural component. The component amplification factor, ap, shall be taken from the formal definition of flexible and rigid components. By definition, for fundamental frequencies less than 16.7 Hz the equipment is considered flexible (maximum amplification ap = 2.5), which corresponds to the amplified region of the RRS. For fundamental frequencies greater than 16.7 Hz the 6.4.5 Resonant Frequency Search: The resonant frequency search test is for determining the resonant frequencies and damping of equipment. The data obtained from the search test is an essential part of an equipment certification qualification; however, the search test does not constitute a seismic test certification qualification by itself. A low-level amplitude (0.1± 0.05 g peak input; a lower input level may be used to avoid equipment damage) single-axis sinusoidal sweep from 1.3 to 33.3 Hz shall be performed in each orthogonal UUT axis to determine resonant frequencies. The sweep rate shall be two octaves per minute, or less, to ensure adequate time for maximum response at the resonant frequencies. Transmissibility plots of the in- line UUT response monitoring sensors shall be provided along with a table showing resonant frequencies in accordance with Section 6.5 Multifrequency Seismic Simulation Tests: 6.5.1 Derivation of Seismic RRS: The equipment component earthquake effects shall be determined for combined horizontal and vertical load effects. The required response spectra for the horizontal direction shall be developed based on the normalized response spectra shown in Figure 1, and the formula for total design horizontal force, Fp. The required response spectra for the vertical direction shall be developed based on two-thirds of the ground-level base horizontal acceleration. The seismic parameters specified in Section 4.3 shall be used to calculate the RRS levels as defined by AFLX-H, ARIG-H, AFLX7 PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR SEISMIC QUALIFICATION CERTIFICATION BY SHAKE-TABLE TESTING OF NONSTRUCTURAL COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS NONBUILDING STRUCTURES z z AFLX H S DS 1 2 and ARIG H 0.4 S DS 1 2 h h equipment is considered rigid (minimum ap = 1.0), which corresponds to the ZPA. This results in two normalizing acceleration factors that, when combined, define the horizontal equipment qualification RRS: where AFLX-H is limited to a maximum value of 1.6 times SDS. AFLX = 2.5 Ca 13 and ARIG = Ca , Hx Hr 13 Hx Hr where AFLX is limited to a maximum value of 4 times Ca and ARIG is limited to a maximum value of 3 times Ca. For vertical response, Hx may be taken to be 0.0 for all attachment heights. For vertical response, z may be taken to be 0.0 for all attachment heights, which results in: IBC: The required response spectra for both horizontal and vertical directions shall be developed based on the formula for total design horizontal force, Fp, as follows: in accordance with either Section or Section of this acceptance criteria. In lieu of determining the spectral acceleration as described in this section, equivalent provisions based on ASCE 7 Equation 13.3.4 shall be permitted for structurespecific applications. Building—Generic: When the building dynamic characteristics are not known or specified, the horizontal force requirements shall be as determined using Equation 13.3-1 of ASCE 7, which reads as follows: Building Specifics: Equipment requirements may alternatively be defined using the results of a dynamic analysis procedure for the seismic design of a specific building per Sections 12.9, 16.1 and 16.2 of ASCE 7. Response spectra constructed in accordance with Section 1613.5 of the IBC, using R = 1.0, shall be used in the analysis of the building structural system. A result of the dynamic analysis procedure yields the following parameters for AFLX and ARIG: Fp AFLX-V =0.67*SDS and ARIG-V = 0.27* SDS 0.4a p S DS z 1 2 W p R p I p h AFLX = 2.5 Ax ai and ARIG = Ax ai, The height factor ratio (z / h) accounts for above gradelevel equipment installations within the primary supporting structure and ranges from zero at grade–level to one at roof level, essentially acting as a force increase factor to recognize building amplification as you move up within the primary structure. The site-specific ground spectral acceleration factor, SDS, varies per geographic location (taken from the design value maps) and site soil conditions. The SDS factor is used to define the general design earthquake response spectrum curve and is used to determine the design seismic forces for the primary building structure. The ratio of Rp over Ip (Rp / Ip) is considered to be a design reduction factor to account for inelastic response and represents the allowable inelastic energy absorption capacity of the equipment’s forceresisting system. During the seismic simulation test, the UUT will respond to the excitation and inelastic behavior will naturally occur. Therefore, the ratio (Rp / Ip) shall be set equal to 1, which is indicative of an unreduced response. The importance factor, Ip, does not increase the seismic test input motion but does affect the requirement for the UUT to demonstrate a level of functionality following seismic simulation testing, and is used in this criteria to determine post test UUT functionality compliance in accordance with Section 6.7. The component amplification factor, ap, acts as a force increase factor by accounting for probable amplification of response associated with the inherent flexibility of the nonstructural component. The component amplification factor, ap, shall be taken from the formal definition of flexible and rigid components. By definition, for fundamental frequencies less than 16.7 Hz the equipment is considered flexible (maximum amplification ap = 2.5), which corresponds to the amplified region of the RRS. For fundamental frequencies greater than 16.7 Hz the equipment is considered rigid (minimum ap = 1.0), which corresponds to the ZPA. This results in two normalizing acceleration factors, that when combined, defines the horizontal equipment qualification RRS: Where Ax is the torsional amplification factor per Section of ASCE 7 and ai is the acceleration at level i, obtained from the dynamic analysis procedure. For vertical response, two-thirds of the response spectra used in the analysis of the building structural system may be used. 6.5.2 Derivation of Test Input Motion: To meet the required response spectra as defined in Section 6.5.1, the corresponding shake-table drive signals shall be nonstationary broadband random excitations having an energy content ranging from 1.3 to 33.3 Hz. The drive signal composition shall be multiple-frequency random excitations, the amplitudes of which adjusted either manually or automatically based on multiple-frequency bands. The exact bandwidth of individual bands employed shall be left to the discretion of the test laboratory. Typically, one-third-octave bandwidth resolution is used with analog synthesis equipment. However, the use of digital synthesis equipment may require narrower frequency bands on the order of one sixth-octave bandwidth. The process involves use of an aggregate of multiple narrowband signals that is input to the shaketable with each band adjusted until the TRS envelops the RRS according to the criteria specified in Section 6.5.3. The total duration of the input motion shall be 30 seconds (nominal), with the non-stationary character being synthesized by an input signal build-hold-decay envelope of 5 seconds, 20 seconds, and 5 seconds, respectively. The input duration of the time history tests shall contain at least 20 seconds of strong motion. Strong motion durations greater than 20 seconds shall be considered acceptable. Independent random signals that result from an aggregate of the narrowband signals shall be used as the excitation to produce phase incoherent motions in the principal horizontal and vertical axes of the shake table. 6.5.3 Test Response Spectrum Analysis: The test response spectrum (TRS) shall be computed using either 8 PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR SEISMIC QUALIFICATION CERTIFICATION BY SHAKE-TABLE TESTING OF NONSTRUCTURAL COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS NONBUILDING STRUCTURES justifiable analytical techniques or response spectrum analysis equipment using the control accelerometers located at the UUT base per Section 6.4.3. The TRS shall be calculated using a damping value equal to 5 percent of critical damping. The TRS must envelop the RRS based on a maximum-one-sixth octave bandwidth resolution over the frequency range from 1.3 to 33.3 Hz, or up to the shake table limits. The amplitude of each narrowband signal shall be independently adjusted in each of the principal axes until the TRS envelops the RRS, within the limitations of the test machine. It is recommended that the TRS should not exceed the RRS by more than 30 percent over the amplified region of the RRS (within the limitations of the shake table control system). Any acceleration-signal filtering performed within the range of analysis must be defined. The general requirement for the enveloping of the RRS by the TRS can be modified under the following conditions: multifrequency seismic simulation tests performed in accordance with Section 6.5. The following conditions shall apply: 6.6.1 Attachments:Structural integrity of the component attachment system shall be maintained. Limited yielding of the attachments shall be acceptable. Equipment design must ensure that the anchored UUT will not leave its mounting and cause damage to other building components or injury to personnel during the seismic event. Structural integrity of the equipment attachment system shall be maintained. 6.6.2 Equipment Force-resisting System: Structural integrity of the equipment force-resisting system shall be maintained. Equipment design must ensure that structural failure of the lateral force–resisting system of the UUT would not cause a safety hazard to life or limb. Structural damage, such as limited local yielding, to UUT force-resisting members is acceptable and structural members and joints not comprising the UUT forceresisting system shall be allowed minor fractures and anomalies. Amplified Region of RRS: In the performance of a test program, the TRS may not fully envelop the amplified region of the RRS (frequencies less than or equal to 8.3 Hz). The general requirement for a retest may be exempted if the following criteria are met: 6.7 Post-test Functional Compliance Verification: Based upon the specified UUT importance factor in Section 4.3 6.5.1, equipment component being qualified must be capable of performing its intended functions after the seismic event. Functionality and operability requirements and/or tests, as specified in Section 4.4, shall be performed on the UUT to verify post-test functional and operational compliance. Functional testing may be performed by an accredited testing laboratory at either the test facility or at the UUT manufacturing facility when required test equipment is not available at the test facility. (Requirements of this section are satisfied if one of the following criteria is met.) In those cases in which it can be shown by use of the resonance search in Section 6.4.4 6.4.5 that no resonance response phenomena exist below 5 Hz, the TRS is required to envelop the RRS only down to 3.5 Hz. Excitation must continue to be maintained in the 1.3 Hz to 3.5 Hz range, within the limitations of the shake table. When resonance phenomena exist below 5 Hz, the TRS is required to envelop the RRS only down to 75 percent of the lowest frequency of resonance. When the absence of resonance response phenomena below 5 Hz cannot be justified, the general requirement applies and the low-frequency enveloping should be maintained down to 1.3 Hz. 6.7.1 Components with Ip = 1.0: At the completion of the seismic testing, the UUT does not pose a life or limb safety hazard due to collapse or due to major subassemblies becoming separated. Structural integrity of anchorage system and component force-resisting system shall be maintained. Structural damage, such as limited local yielding, to UUT force-resisting members is acceptable and structural members and joints not comprising the UUT force-resisting system shall be allowed minor fractures and anomalies. A single point of the TRS may fall below the RRS (for frequencies less than or equal to 8.3 Hz) by 10 percent or less, provided the adjacent one-sixthoctave points are at least equal to the RRS. A maximum of two of the one-sixthoctave analysis points may be below the RRS (for frequencies less than or equal to 8.3 Hz), as under the same constraints as noted in 6.7.2 Components with Ip = 1.5: The equipment is deemed to be essential to the continued operation of a facility, and/or essential to maintaining critical life support systems, and/or contains materials deemed to be hazardous, to humans or the environment, in quantities greater than the exempted amounts listed in the code. After completion of the seismic testing, the UUT shall satisfy the functional and operational requirements and/or tests specified in Section 4.4, with equivalent results to those of the pre-test functional compliance testing of Section 6.3. UUT materials deemed to be hazardous shall not have been released into the environment in quantities greater than the exempted amounts listed in the code. In addition, at the completion of the seismic testing, the UUT does not pose a life-safety hazard due to collapse or major subassemblies becoming separated. Structural integrity of anchorage and component force-resisting system shall be maintained. Structural damage, such as limited local ZPA Region of RRS: In the performance of a test program the TRS may not fully envelop the ZPA region of the RRS (frequencies greater than 8.3 Hz). The general requirement for a retest may be exempted if the following criteria are met: A single point of the TRS may fall below the RRS (for frequencies greater than 8.3 Hz) by 10 percent or less, provided the adjacent one-sixth-octave points are at least equal to the RRS. A maximum of two of the one-sixthoctave analysis points may be below the RRS (frequencies greater than 8.3 Hz), as under the same constraints as noted in Section 6.6 Post-test Inspection: The UUT shall be visually examined and results documented upon completion of the 9 PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR SEISMIC QUALIFICATION CERTIFICATION BY SHAKE-TABLE TESTING OF NONSTRUCTURAL COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS NONBUILDING STRUCTURES 7.3 ANSI/IEEE Standard 344-1987, IEEE Recommended Practice for Seismic Qualification of Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations (1987), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. yielding, to UUT force-resisting members is acceptable and structural members and joints not comprising the UUT force-resisting system shall be allowed minor fractures and anomalies. Minor repairs to the UUT (such as replacing a bulb) are allowed for the equipment to satisfy this section. Any repairs shall be documented and included in the final test report noted in Section 5.2. 7.0 7.1 7.4 IEEE Standard 693-1997, IEEE Recommended Practice for Seismic Design of Substations (1997), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. REFERENCES 1997 Uniform Building Code™. 7.5 ASCE Standard, SEI/ASCE 7- 05, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, American Society of Civil Engineers. 7.2 2006 International Building Code®, International Code Council. 10 PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR SEISMIC QUALIFICATION CERTIFICATION BY SHAKE-TABLE TESTING OF NONSTRUCTURAL COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS NONBUILDING STRUCTURES ANNEX A Section 4.0 UUT Required Information Template UUT: Name This appendix details the necessary required information to be provided to the test laboratory for each equipment item (UUT) to be seismically qualified. Sections in parentheses refer to sections of this criteria. Manufacturer’s Contact Information (Section 4.1.1) Manufacturer: Company name Address: Company address Primary Contact: Representative(s) name Phone Number: Representative(s) phone number Test Laboratory’s Contact Information (Section 4.1.2) Test Laboratory: Lab name Address: Lab address Primary Contact: Representative(s) name Phone Number: Representative(s) phone number Test Specimen Description (Section 4.2) Name: Product name UUT Designation: Short alphanumeric UUT designator used for plotting and test run purposes. UUT Function: A general description of the primary function or end use of the product. Description: A detailed description of the UUT configuration. This should include a listing of major subassemblies and components (e.g., bills of material) and any other applicable product differentiation. Identification No.: Supply UUT’s unique identification number or serial number. Dimensions: Height = xx in. Width = xx in. Depth = xx in. Weight: Approximately xxx lbs. Restrictions: Provide any product restrictions or limitations on use. Seismic Parameters (Section 4.3) Building Code: List the required code (1997 UBC and/or 2006 IBC) Height Factors: The ratio of (Hx/Hr) for UBC and/or the ratio of (z/h) for IBC shall be provided Seismic Coefficient: Provide the specific seismic coefficient as required per the building code (SDS value for IBC and Ca value for the UBC) Importance Factor: Specify the desired importance factor. The Ip value will dictate the level of acceptance criteria used during qualification testing. Functional and Operability Requirements (Section 4.4) Required Testing: List and define any testing that will be used in the determination of pre- and post-functional compliance. Each test and/or requirement should be listed as a separate line item. Equipment Product Line Extrapolation and Interpolation (Section 4.5) Structural: A rationale shall be provided explaining that the selected UUT’s structural configuration is one offering the least seismic withstand capacity compared to other options that are available within the product line being qualified. Mounting: A rationale shall be provided explaining that the selected UUT’s mounting configuration is one offering the least seismic withstand capacity compared to other mounting options that are available within the product line being qualified. Subassemblies: A rationale shall be provided explaining that the selected UUT’s subassemblies are representative of production hardware and offer the least seismic withstand capacity of the UUT compared to other subassembly options that are available within the product line being qualified. 11 PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR SEISMIC QUALIFICATION CERTIFICATION BY SHAKE-TABLE TESTING OF NONSTRUCTURAL COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS NONBUILDING STRUCTURES Mass Distribution: A rationale shall be provided explaining that the selected UUT’s mass distribution is one contributing to the least seismic withstand capacity of the UUT compared to other mass distribution options that are available within the product line being qualified. Variations: A rationale shall be provided explaining that the selected UUT’s overall variations contribute to the least seismic withstand capacity of the UUT compared to other variations that are available within the product line being qualified. Installation Instructions (Section 4.6) Field Mounting: Describe how the product is to be mounted in field applications. This should include the quantity, size, grade and installation torque of mounting fasteners, or weld size and weld type for welded installations. Sketch: Provide a sketch of the UUT mounting hole bolt pattern or welding details. Test Mounting: The preferred test specimen mounting is to directly attach the UUT to the shake-table using the fieldmounting configuration. Alternatively, the UUT may be secured to a rigid interface test fixture and then the test fixture is secured to the shake table. Details of recommended interface test fixtures should be defined. Special Test Instructions (Optional) Request: Define any special instructions that may be beyond the standard test requirements of AC156. This could include requests for additional response accelerometers or displacement and force monitors, digital output from accelerometers, etc. Each unique request should be listed as a separate line item. 12