Matter - Georgia Standards

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The following instructional plan is part of a GaDOE collection of Unit Frameworks, Performance Tasks, examples of Student Work, and Teacher Commentary. Many
more GaDOE approved instructional plans are available by using the Search Standards feature located on GeorgiaStandards.Org.
Georgia Performance Standards Framework for Science – Physical Science (High School)
Unit Three Organizer: “Matter”
(Approximate Time: Seven Weeks)
The Periodic Table of elements is a scientific tool that shows trends based on atomic structure. Students will examine the structure of the atom
in terms of protons, electrons, neutrons, atomic number, atomic mass, and isotopes. The arrangement of elements of the Periodic Table will
enable students to describe trends and give locations of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids. Some elements on the Periodic Table are
radioactive. Radioactivity occurs as alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays. Nuclear energy is produced from radioactive elements and
although it is a useful source of alternative energy there are potential problems.
Focus Standards
SPS1. Students will investigate our current understanding of the atom.
a. Examine the structure of the atom in terms of
• proton, electron, and neutron locations.
• atomic mass and atomic number.
• atoms with different numbers of neutrons (isotopes).
• explain the relationship of the proton number to the element’s identity.
SPS3. Students will distinguish the characteristics and components of radioactivity.
a. Differentiate among alpha and beta particles and gamma radiation.
b. Differentiate between fission and fusion.
c. Explain the process half-life as related to radioactive decay.
d. Describe nuclear energy, its practical application as an alternative energy source, and its potential problems.
SPS4. Students will investigate the arrangement of the Periodic Table.
a. Determine the trends of the following:
• Number of valence electrons
• Types of ions formed by representative elements
• Location of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids
• Phases at room temperature
b. Use the Periodic Table to predict the above properties for representative elements.
Georgia Department of Education
Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
Unit 3 Organizer y Matter
December 2006 y Page 1 of 6
Copyright 2006 © All Rights Reserved
One Stop Shop For Educators
Georgia Performance Standards Framework for Science – Physical Science (High School)
Supporting Standards:
SPS5. Students will compare and contrast the phases of matter as they relate to atomic and molecular motion.
a. Compare and contrast the atomic/molecular motion of solids, liquids, gases and plasmas.
The characteristics of an atom are determined by its structure.
A change in the nuclear structure and/or electron configuration results in the emission of radiation.
Valance electrons determine the chemical properties of atoms.
Nuclear reactions convert matter into energy through the process of radioactive decay, fission and fusion.
The rate of radioactive decay for an isotope is constant and is measured by half-life.
Number of protons determines the type of element.
The more stable physical/chemical system is the system that is at its lowest energy state.
The elements, arranged by increasing atomic number, exhibit periodic trends in properties.
Non stable nuclei are radioactive and emit ionizing radiation in the form of alpha, beta, or gamma radiation.
Properties such as valence, ion formation, metallic or nonmetallic properties, and phase at room temperature, can be predicted for representative
elements by using the periodic table.
Chemical reactions are the result of changes in electron configuration.
Classical Physics (Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism) lead to the discovery of subatomic particles and the nucleus.
How do the subatomic particles of an atom affect its characteristics?
How would the mass of a 10-g sample of carbon-14 change after one half life?
In what ways does nuclear radiation affect living things?
If there were an ionizing radiation leak in this room, how would you shield yourself?
How can nuclear radiation be both dangerous and beneficial to humans?
How does knowing trends on the Periodic Table help scientists predict properties of the representative elements?
Why do some atoms gain electrons while others lose them in chemical reactions?
If an atom loses an electron, why would the resulting particle have a positive charge?
Georgia Department of Education
Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
Unit 3 Organizer y Matter
December 2006 y Page 2 of 6
Copyright 2006 © All Rights Reserved
One Stop Shop For Educators
Georgia Performance Standards Framework for Science – Physical Science (High School)
Atom, atomic structure, atomic mass, isotopes, radioactivity, alpha decay, beta decay, gamma decay, fission, fusion, half life, nuclear energy,
radioactive decay, periodicity, valence electrons, ions, metal, nonmetal, metalloids, representative elements, phases of matter.
Alpha particle
Atomic mass
Atomic number
Beta particle
Gamma radiation
Periodic table
Proton number
Radioactive decay
Valence electron
Ionizing radiation
The nucleus of an atom is the same thing as the nucleus of a cell.
Nuclear decay is similar to tissue decay.
Because gamma radiation is more penetrating, it is the only type of nuclear
radiation humans need to protect themselves from.
The nucleus of the atom is a very dense region at the center of the atom that
is made of protons and neutrons. The nucleus of the atom is much smaller
than the atom itself but accounts for almost all the mass of the atom.
The nucleus of the cell is a structure several orders of magnitude larger than
the nucleus of the atom formed by different macromolecules. These
macromolecules are formed by groups of atoms arranged in a particular
Nuclear decay is the process or processes by which instable atomic nuclei
emit radiation (in the form of alpha, beta or gamma radiation). The process
of nuclear decay is random and as a result is impossible to predict the decay
of individual atoms.
All forms of ionizing radiation (alpha, beta or gamma) produces
electrically-charged particles called ions in the materials it strikes. In the
large chemical molecules of which all living things are made the changes
caused by this radiation may be biologically important.
The degree of damage caused by radiation depends on many factors dose,
dose rate, type of radiation, the part of the body exposed, age and health of
the person.
Georgia Department of Education
Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
Unit 3 Organizer y Matter
December 2006 y Page 3 of 6
Copyright 2006 © All Rights Reserved
One Stop Shop For Educators
Georgia Performance Standards Framework for Science – Physical Science (High School)
All nuclear reactions will cause a violent explosion.
Nuclear reactions release energy on a natural way. In order to have a
violent nuclear reaction the density of the radioactive material must be
higher than some critical value.
Isotopes are any of the several different forms of an element each having
different atomic mass. Most elements have several different isotopes that
can be found in nature. The relative abundance of an isotope is strongly
correlated with its tendency toward nuclear decay; short-lived nuclides
quickly decay away, while their long-lived counterparts endure.
Electrons move around the nucleus of the atom at quantized energy levels.
Isotopes are always radioactive.
Electrons orbit the nucleus.
Elements exist in their elemental form in nature.
Each element has a different number of isotopes, each one of which is
present in nature on different abundance.
Atoms cannot be seen with an optical microscope. The extent of an atom’s
small size is often not well understood. For example, there are about one
million atoms across the width of human hair, but many students guess a
number in the hundreds or thousands.
Atoms can be seen with a microscope.
Atoms are alive (because they move).
Atoms are like cells with a membrane and nucleus.
Atoms can reproduce after the nuclei divide.
Atoms have electrons circling them like planets around a star.
Electrons do not follow a simple circular pattern around the nucleus.
An electron shell is like an eggshell or clamshell, thin and hard.
The electron shell is there to protect the nucleus, like an eggshell and a yolk.
The electron cloud is like a rain cloud, with electrons suspended in it like
droplets of water.
The electron shell is a matrix of some kind of stuff with electrons embedded
in it.
Shells are not physical shells like eggshells. They are not thin or hard.
Shells are energy levels outside the nucleus where electrons can be found.
The electron cloud is a location where an electron may be found. An
electron cloud represents a region of energies that are associated with the
motion of the electron.
The cloud contains the electrons but is made of something else.
Atoms "own" their electrons
Electrons are the same and can be transferred from one atom to another.
Georgia Department of Education
Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
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December 2006 y Page 4 of 6
Copyright 2006 © All Rights Reserved
One Stop Shop For Educators
Georgia Performance Standards Framework for Science – Physical Science (High School)
Culminating Activity:
The class will create a museum exhibit on radioactive isotopes. Each student will be responsible for the information on one isotope. The
student must design a display that explains the isotope in the context of what element it is, what its non-radioactive atomic structure and
properties are, and how this is related to the structure, properties and uses of the radioisotope. Half-life for the radioisotope should be
illustrated. The uses and / or dangers of this radioisotope should be documented. The use of this radioisotope at local facilities should be
investigated and included.
The display may be in any format that the teacher and students agree upon. Possibilities include tri-fold boards, posters, multimedia displays,
videos, etc.
The class and teacher will tour each other’s exhibits and the exhibitor will discuss the isotope with them. Each student will take notes on a
predetermined data table at the exhibits. The teacher will incorporate this data into appropriate summative assessment items. Students may use
their data table on the written assessment.
Teacher Note: Numerous examples can be located in texts and on websites. An example if Sodium-24 is used to detect blockages in the
circulatory system and has a half life of 15 hours.
The collection of the following tasks represents the level of depth, rigor and complexity expected of all students to demonstrate
evidence of learning.
Discussion, Suggestions for use:
Possible Solution :
Georgia Department of Education
Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
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December 2006 y Page 5 of 6
Copyright 2006 © All Rights Reserved
One Stop Shop For Educators
Georgia Performance Standards Framework for Science – Physical Science (High School)
Uses of Radioactivity
Modern uses of Radioactive Isotopes
Table of Radioactive Isotopes
Radioisotopes in Medicine
Data on Radioactive Isotopes of Elements
Georgia Department of Education
Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
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December 2006 y Page 6 of 6
Copyright 2006 © All Rights Reserved