10/14/15 Materials Needed: Pen or Pencil, binder PS5,6 Homework: HW #13 DO NOW: Agenda: What is all matter made up of? A. Carbon B. Metal C. Cells D. Atoms Objectives 1. Take out your •Scientists will be able periodic to describe thetable basic rulesprojects. and procedures of 6th grade science. Explain why you picked your answer. 1.Do Now (5) 2.Experiment (10) 3.Dismiss (3) 2. If you finish early, THUMBS UP! Today’s Agenda • • • • • • • Objectives Periodic Table Projects Gallery Walk Discussion and Socratic Seminar Atomic Bonding Preparations for atomic bonding lab Homework: #13 Ticket to Leave Objectives Scientists will be able to judge student projects based on a rubric and discuss their reasoning. Periodic Table Project: Gallery Walk Using your rubric guide, you will walk around the room and make notes on each project. Please remember that we will be using constructive criticism in this class. What is constructive criticism? Periodic Table Project: Discussion In larger groups, discuss these questions using evidence from your gallery walk to support your discussion (everyone should speak): 1. What do you think some projects were missing that could have made them better? 2. Why did you like some projects compared to others? 3. What would have made this project harder? What would have made this project easier? Atomic Bonding Introduction Atomic Bonding (Covalent Bonds) In a covalent bond, electrons from each atom are attracted or “shared” by both atoms. Two or more atoms covalently bonded are called a molecule. This means that sometimes atoms “want” to bond together to form something bigger. Homework: Complete your projects Your projects are due at the beginning of class tomorrow. Late projects will have points deducted. Email me over the weekend you if you a question. Ticket to Leave • What stuck with you today? Tell me about something that you thought was interesting or made an impression on you today. Or…ask me a question about something you don’t understand. This will be graded as completed or not once per week. Use the sentence frames on your daily agenda to help you if you need it. Scientist of the Day