Question 9 Have you noticed any changes to the street lighting in your neighbourhood within the last 3 years? They have replaced old street lights with new brighter LED lights. Great improvement. They have replaced old street lights with new brighter LED lights. Great improvement. Switch to part night lighting this year Since the new lamp posts have been inserted (which we didn't need) we no have NO lighting at all in our street after midnight They are turned off except at street junctions between midnight and 5.30a.m Some are switched off at nught. New lights erected in the last month or so replacing the previous ones It's not street lightling it is inappropriate lights on peoples' houses and that is dangerous and a nuisance and detracts from the street lights. Many light have been changed and are more modern but the older ones had more effect and a better ligh although dimmer. Bulbs were altered some months ago our village has two street lights and we do not want or need any more Lampost removed from front of house. Now very dark and have had people hanging around Recent switching off from about 11pm to 5.30am New lights not as strong and different siting amber lights changed to I assume led white light New lights are not as bright i.e Don't illuminate as big an area.I suspect they are energy saving lights. Lights are now switched off-theoretically at around midnight but earlier than this in practice First ligths were dimmed. And this year ligths on one side of the road are switched off at 12.25AM. Lights were switched off at 23:45 but now a malfunction of the photo cells apparently! Has meant that the go off at 22:35 Some have been changed to LED lights, which are very bright. they are switched off during the night - when they are needed for security reasons. Last couple of months street lights have been completely turned off in the whole of Old Moulsham area in Chelmsford. Lights off at around midnight Changed lights and type of bulb think the timer goes off earlier, I assume to save electricity 1 There isnt much lighting. I live on a street that often has anti social behaviour, youths gathering in groups and vehicles being damaged/broken into. The street I live on is also near town so have alot of 'people traffic' from pubs. The street lights in the middle of the street have been switched off so there is very little light. I feel these lights being switched off has fulled this behaviour. I have had my property damaged twice since the lights have been switched off. New lights put up but never working Old street lighting has been replaced with new efficient lighting. Interestingly, a new lamp was placed at the dark end of the cul de sac, which was very much appreciated and a few weeks later it mysteriously disappeared. Changed to 'white' lights, at first I thought they were inferior but now I think they are OK, there is one directly outside my house which helps with my feelings of safety Very little street lighting on our Close - quite dark in the evening Street lights at the end of the jitty between Langdale Drive and Forest Road Loughborough have been out for almost a month. Has been reported to Leics, CC several times but no action. It is extremely dark with overhanging bushes and is used by elderly and vulnerable people living in a warden controlled environment new brighter sturdier lamp posts outside the house - lights go off more frequently for short times and some side roads have old or subdued lighting We have only lived here for 18 months maintenance looks worse, there are often lights that are not working di Our road is unadopted and we have had the street lights out for a long period of time our cars were broken into and our house had an attempted breakin. This prompted me to contact E-On and organise and pay for 3 street lights to have new bulbs in - this cost £170 the bulbs are out and no one mends them I walk to work on a night and they are not lit and its very dark one has been out for 3 years I keep reporting it but no one does anything Street lighting is not required by the general public in this village. Lamposts improved - updated Improved high-level lighting in Chase Side, which definitely makes me feel safer walking there at night. Light bulbs are not replaced when stop working! The two outside my house haven't worked for months. Because of change of traffic use which has become much heavier the street lights were changed to a brighter colour. Residents had complained about not enough street lighting. Street lights go out at 12 30 at night We don't have any. Street lighting appears to go off about 5 hours after sunset. neighbourhood is pitch black after that and an enticement to burglars. could do with more street lighting The odd light I've noticed recently is off. It hasn't been a problem. They get turned off and it is pitch black. So scary. Street lights switched off at midnight not lived here long - consider lighting essential for safety of persons living in courtyard and also safety of property. Langcliffe currently experimenting with turning some lights off. 2 The light outside our house at quite a busy junction for a drive hasn't been working for approx 10 months and makes the area very dark at night - I have reported it frequently but nothing gets done Change to "White" lights which do not seem to have as good coverage as Orange lights. SGC rolled out Part Night Lighting in June this year and the lights should go off in Summer 1am-5am and in Winter Midnight-4am everything is +/- 15mins. This is not acceptable and since the clocks changed they go off at 10.37pm. Main roads, side streets and foot/cycle paths are affected by this. I have asked SGC if they can switch ever other light off or every 2 in 3. Or dim all lights as in Bristol saving twice as much but they won't give me a straight answer. lamps replaced It has been the same for the 20 years I have lived here, in my street. Lights have been upgraded however numbers have been reduced so there are now dark spots in alot of streets. Old lamps replaced Fewer lights in street, lighting dimmer New lighting in Baker Street is dark, gloomy and makes me feel insecure! dimmed and reduced - generally fine. Alleyways need better lighting - less about security and more about trip hazards. Lights were changed When out at night there is usually sufficient moonlight to see by and if not I take a torch. Less street lighting,some small streets are dark at all Got brighter New lighting Street lighting completely switched off along footpath linking Rhodes Close and Springhill Gardens in Market Harborough between 0100 and 0600 I've asked for one light to be put back on but they refuse point blank, I've even been to my MP, even though in another area with no houses at a roundabout, all 18 lights are still on all night!! Lights don't get repaired S promptly. New style lamps erected in some areas. Some lamp posts were removed for "safety" reasons and the local areas were left without light for months until replaced. Street lighting not so bright The poles are much taller and the lights are now solar. New taller, whiter lights are good. I do not remember if lights were dimmed or not, but I am more concerned about thieves as I had something stolen from my backyard and some people were running away from an empty house next door through my backyard. I noticed though that lights on the Liverpool area are 'darker' than on the Huyton area (I live on the boarder of Liverpool and Huyton). The lights are switched off most nights when I return home the lights are not looked after quickly when they go out. most street lights are switched off after midnight in this area LED lighting -makes things less clear but much cheaper torun so good new lights I have a street light directly outside my house and have noticed no changes. I would be unhappy if it were to be dimmed or switched off. Chatterton Village has more attractive lights. I seldom go out at night and if I do I use my car 3 it goes off as suggested above. New poles. No noticable difference in lighting We only have 2 lamposts in the whole road and if they were switched off I would feel very unsafe. Street lights are must, they make people feel safe and any one up to no good can spotted more easily. Some street lights removed and now the visibility is half what it was, I have come close to running over pedfstrians and also cyclists without lights after dark as police take no action on this problem. they are switched off completely at night until 6.30 am, we only have two street lights in our street and even as i am all for energy saving schemes would feel safer in my neighbourhood if it was possible to have at least one of our street lights back on. In a linear shaped village, over a mile in length, there are 4 street lamps There is more lighting Completely off in the early hours when I get up for a piss. Appear to be switched off by council and are turned back on when someone complains. Our home was broken into this year and we think the lack of street lighting contributed to the incident. We complained and the lights were turned on the next day. We assumed this was an energy saving drive. They (Barnet Council) replaced the old street lamps for more"efficiant" ones. Now the clocks have changed the lights go off earlier. we have had some lamps replaced Different tules of street light Lights are switched off and it is very dark and so you do not feel the same sense of security with regards to your vehicles and property. Lighting now switched off at midnight each day. New Build site , new lights We do not have Street Lighting - it is a rural community Our street lights have been turned off late evening for years you I have notice recently the council is renewing some pathway lighting around Briar Road Estate Replaced yellow lights with white ones Lack of it!!!! Street lights were changed from the yellow lights to white lights. The new white lights create areas of dark shadow. They were changed for brighter lights which are great. Better Street Lamps replaced with smaller spacing. However there appears to be more street lights not functioning. Making corners particularly dim. New lights were installed which give a greater spread of light. I live on the A205 Be very happy if they were turned off and just the bare minimum left on. If those can be led based too AND NOT SHINE upwards that would be a lot better too! :) I am new to the area so don't know about more than nearly a year ago! A street lamp outside my house was removed and replaced with a tree It looks as if every other lamp has been turned off new style put in with different bulbs which are brighter though i gather more economical They are dimmer than usual as of late. 4 Some reduction in lighting levels which I welcome - less light pollution with its attendant health issues and lower energy consumption. Lights are turned off at midnight - pitching the complete cul de sac into complete darkness I not lived here long enough to notice any changes in my present neighbourhood, although I do think that the level of street lighting generally in many London boroughs has been reduced over time, and there are many areas of London where street lighting is very poor indeed. We don't want street lighting in rural residential areas. Some years ago we voted against it. I find it difficult to see when I am out driving. I have noticed when the weather is not good that I cannot see pedestrians Street lights turned off at about 12.30am . Extra private lighting Sometimes feel the lights are a bit dimmer but never sure if I am imagining it. Some have been replaced with brighter, LED lights while others which have blown remain unserviced for long periods of time. Although the lighting is very good, the branches of the trees in the area grow substantially and prevent the light from giving its full effect. In the last few months, I have noticed that street lights (not only in my neighbourhood )seem weaker than I can remember, not as bright and more yellowy colour. I was not sure about it until I was made aware of it by other friend walking and chatting an noticing this in our street. New lighting has made a large improvement n/a Lower power lighting used that leaves dark areas. The roads I walk to my house have recently over last 3/4years had improved lighting which is v good besides being safer you can actually see where you put your feet! However main road by woods is not well lit and I wouldn't feel safe walking that way late at night, it is a bus route street lights are now out from around midnight I live on a busy main road with nearby shops, so the area is well-lit and lively, so feels quite safe. Lights will be switched off between midnight and 5am from 18th November 2013 Many lights do not work and it takes an age to get anything done about them. Some are turned off after midnight Reduced the number of lamps Some lights now switched off between 01:00 and 05:30 They have replaced some streetlights with new ones. Majority of streetlights go off about 11pm We live in a cul de sac about 75 m in length with just one lamp which is turned off about midnight, uneven kerbstones makes walking dangerous. All streets seem to be a lot darker. This is not good on so many levels. Taking the dog out. Visiting neighbour early evening when it is dark and cannot see the road/pavement/pathway clearly. Could step in something undesirable. Lights keep being vandalised in Bolnore woods on the path on the way to the school. Moved to current area in the last month. Lights go out replaced new lamposts this month (mostly yellow light but oddly one very bright white light in the road) 5 Recently replacing them. its better;but litter picking is worse;just thought I would tell you. There are more street lights not working plus they dont seem bright compared to other streets and therefore feel less safe Our streetlights are turned off overnight (I think from midnight until 5am). New, non-polluting downward facing lights. Switched off fro about 1am to 5am We have had inadecuate lightning for years They do not seem to be maintained as well as they used to be with more and more lamps out and not being repaired quickly enough I've only moved to my area in the last year or so, so I'm afraid I can't answer this one. we barely have street lighting, only at the top and and bottom not nearly so bright now. Turned off at midnight The light from the bulbs in the street lights is not as bright as it used to be before the council changed to the new lamp posts. It would be better if it was brighter - especially for older people and we could do with some more street lights. We had sodium lamps replaced with "heritage" lamps (it's a conservation area). Very nice, but probably quite expensive. Always a need for more lighting in the side streets I seldom go out when dark The lighting could be upgraded with modern lighting as the current street lighting has a very bad reddish colour to it New lights at northcote Pitch black on certain sections of street Lights are not maintained. Three lights at Lismore circus, NW5 (Ludham and Waxham) not working and nothing is done unless a formal complaint is made or we chase up with repairs that is not our job. 31 Oct 2013. This was reported some weeks ago but may still be not working. putting in new ones New style of lighting (more 'downward') Reduced lighting overnight after approx 1:00a.m. - 6.00a.m. New lighting, but not as bright and they dim. I think that there is far too much street lighting in London. I could read a book on the pavement - crazy. I think alternate lamp posts would be more than adequate Replacement of columns and lanterns and adjustment of spacing I am not aware of any change as I am seldom out at night Some lights replaced or updated Replaced with ones that seem to have some solar panels A private estate, but the council estate behind has lighting on also replaced with white lighting in different positions LESS LAMP POSTS, ALOT MORE NOT WORKING AND NOT AS BRIGHT. It takes far longer now for faulty street lighting to be repaired. You can report a fault several times and still nothing happens. IT HAS BEEN IMPROVED QUITE GOOG IN FACT improved Sensor lighting on common Broken street lights are seldom repaired. 6 New street lamps put in that seem to be brighter if anything - there's one right outside my flat window so have noticed the difference Switched off between midnight and 5am just been replaced Recent change to no lighting 00:30-05:30 the new scheme of turning off light to save electricity bills has been implementer in my road and surrounding roads between 0030 hrs and 0530 hrs Only the fact they go out at 12.30am now. Old lights have been upgraded with a brighter/whiter variety Street lamps were replaced a few years ago. New lamps are good, but spaced at greater intervals which makes the level of illumination is inferior to the previous system (although there is less light pollution). Some areas of the street are now very dark. new lights installed There are 6 street lights where I live.Recently 4 have been turned off from 11.45 pm to approximately 5.30am. Since the clocks went back the lights go off at 10.45pm. There are now some very dark areas. it take time to get these repaired as a co-ord i report these to the council here in peterborough It is very dark if you have to get up in the night. One night I heard a funny noise which worried me but because no lights were on could not see if anybody was out there. Improved brighter lamposts When street lights go out in can take upto around 3 months to come back on The lights do not illuminate a good swathe when on and it is really dark when they are off. In my area the pavements are hugely rutted because of tree roots and poor visibility becomes a danger. I have had a bad fall because of this already. New bulbs - no sodium lamps. Probable better area of illumination with white light. I believe street lights should be switched off, say from midnight to 06:00, to save money & also to save energy (carbon) & to cut light pollution. Noticed some lights seemed to be put on timer or just happen to go on and off intermittently? some nights switched off lights on attee close are of most of the time and been reported and still nothing done I live in a small village without any street lights and, currently, there is only one way in or our of the village after 21.55 until 06.55 as the level crossing is closed. However, later this year or early next year the level crossing will be remotely operated on a 24 hour basis. the village has already expressed concerns about the effect of security but unfortunately the changes are going ahead. They are switched off after 12. new street lamps have been installed It is pitch black, one needs a torch to see anything. Much better We haven't lived here long enough to compare. seems too dark for older people to see where they are going, let alone feeling safe! and you have to bear in mind that it is dark at 1700 now. Ou private lane is not lit, but we are ony 30 odd metres from the lit main road Switched off between midnight and 5 am Brighter whilst on but they're turned off completely after midnight until 5.30am upgraded' giving marginally better light on spine road but side roads extinguished early hours 7 Two years ago we had extra lighting installed in our street and now it's been switched off on a night! The clocks going back seems to have confused the system and everybody is in uproar about being in the dark. I thin the lighting has improved with new lights. The taller post means that the light goes onto the places it is needed i.e. road and pavements and not into the windows of houses. They were too bright when I was trying to sleep at first, but they have been shaded for the night hours and still give sufficient light to the road so I am very happy with them! Some street lights are off after midnight. Should be dimmed in certain areas to save money Lower illuminations.The street lights are positioned badly and we requested that a shield was put on ours as it illuminates the bedrooms. Brighter During the early hours only street lights at junctions are kept on. the level of lighting seems to have been reduced by using different bulbs giving a 'bluer' light but still gives a sufficient coverage for the nature of the road They now go off from 11:30 at night until 5:00 in the morning See Q.8 - new lamps recently They go out around 1am to 6am & at these time its pitch black out you can not see anything ( it reminds me off croydon where we moved from 10yrs ago no go area once street lights go off for your own saftey) ITS SO SAD, we have flats over the road with elderly people in & they can't see the steps down to there homes ITS SO BAD,iIts only ONE light BUT makes a lot of difference Previously on throughout the night are now turned off in some areas between midnight and about 6am New lighting does not shed as much light as previously. All neighbours now think we have very poor street lighting. What a waste of money! New whiter lights There is street lighting but it is very dim and it is difficult to find your way along the footpaths. They've all been changed and are now off during the night Only when clocks go back/forward - the switch off changes. Noticed that the lights are now off when was awoken by a noise. Could not see out in the street as pitch black to establish what had caused the noise New low energy street lights fitted recently several house breakins since treet lights swithed off at night. Next door and three across the street while occupants in bed. Lights off from Midnight until 06.30am The two lights that were replaced are now both switched off. Not on for as long as they used to be. Lamp posts have been updated Additional lighting added to A23 during the roadworls Less light seem to be on Have gradually dimmed and are now switched off Have lived here 1yr First of all they were changed so do not throw so much light out. Now they are switced off overnight. Some have been changed to a different light source 8 More of our street lights are out now from 12am where as in the past they were dimmed. I would much prefer them to stay on as I think it invites crime to the area. Street lights are now turned off The light nearest to us turns off between 1 and 5 (although it is suppose to be 12). Ppl have more time to use drugs, drink alcohol and have other activities that should be private but are committed in areas that during the day are considered public. Yes they now turn off and at different times. It is not even bedtime. Every other lampost goes out after midnight. Lights put off on main-ish roads like A355 from M40 down to Slough. Equally lights put off on M40 from M25 to Beaconsfield. I think this makes roads far more dangerous. What about switching every other light off - leaving 50% alight = safer and saving 50%???? They are switched off at12:00 am until 5:00 am Lighting reduced, not as bright, goes off later in the evening. Two out of three switched off. Replacement of street lights All new lights fitted in our area. Lighting however seems about the same. Lights go off at midnight All switched off now instead of alternate lamps. It seems to take longer to get street lights repaired. HOWEVER, that is not necessarily a bad thing. I had a globe type street light just outside my bedroom window and even though it is 'silvered' on the side that shines in my window, I would prefer it was not there at all. I have a movement sensor light around my front door and so do my neighbours the street light doesn't help it just means it shines in my bedroom. Lighting has been switched off on some A roads All lighting has been renewed They are turned off to save money Brighter lamp posts installed but fewer switched on A lot of them go off after midnight. I had not noticed any changes in the street where I live. They go on and off all over the place , I can't plain to go out as I don't no if I can get back home before the lights go off its always well beforemldnight Lights don't always get new bulbs when needed Better There are various colours, some orange and some white. There should be full street lighting in the VIneyard Passage Richmond TW10 which is pedestrianised and well used by pedestrians but dangerously dark at night with a car park adjacent and laces for prospective assailants to hide Much brighter and well spaced. switched off at night Switched off c.midnight Yes it is getting worse and Fails more often Street light outside our property is on all night There is one street light further up the road which is of no benefirt to us. In my opinion it would be safer if there was more street lighting in our immediate vicinity. This may not make a difference to the crime rate but there is no pavement and walking on the road in pitch darkness may be dangerous. 9 Lights off at night Many lights have been turned off to save money Lights have been turned off, and those that are left on, not all working I am very happy for street lighting to be dimmed or turned off between 9.30pm and 5.30pm. I would feel perfectly safe without street lighting during these times. dramatic reduction in volume of light in recent week they have gone from being orange to white bulbs The lamp light opposite to where I live is on all night. New lights We used to have street lights on all night and find it disturbing not to have this anymore We have none. I have noticed changes in other parts of the town, but this is a very safe area and I am happy that the Council wishes to save this money. Lighting is dimmer than it used to be since we moved here in 2002. It seems less reliable, ie. when it malfunctions it is much longer until it is re-instated New lighting has been unstalled New white lights fitted at longer intervals in the road where I live. we have some lighting in warrenside Broken street lights not being repaired , sometimes street lights have not been working for several years Frankly, I've not noticed if any of our lights are switched off but is it between the hours of 1AM & 6 AM? They have all been replaced this year, august 2013, but it looks like only half are working/on. We got the new energy save white lighting in the neighbourhood though one up in the allyway has we suspect been tampered with as its off when it gets dark and through the night Part time street lighting at night Don't need them after 1.00am. No longer left on overnight. Lights are often not replaced when bulbs have blown meaning long stretches of darkness, and there are some stretches of pavement that have had the lights turned off completely Yes i can see now the vegation has been cut back , sadly it has taken me more than three years to finally get the cash straped council to send me letters as well as my neighbours ? we used to be pestered with drug and glue sniffers as well as motor bikes, thankfully the local police in conjuction with the highways dept/ got shicanes installed and so far along with the tech /closing life is better Street lights have all been replaced by energy efficient units and where necessary positions improved. Output reduced by 50% after midnight which makes sense Has recently been changed to led lights which give a harsh 'dark'light New lights As in question 8 We live in a close which does not have many lamps and these are now switched off around 1a.m. for several hours It used to be on 24 hours a day, now it's off at night. We don't like it being off after dark and would prefer it switched back on. Not as bright as it used to be. We would not be happy with complete darkness for the times mooted. they go off over night 10 Improved main street lighting and recently advised that lighting is to be 'updated'. They go off at around midnight Street lights selectively switched off on my route home from the train station. Lights were turned off at midnight at first but now turned off just after 10.30 Not on all night now which makes it easier to sleep. New replacement lighting, this year. Noticed the lights have been changed to what is commonly referred to as "rape lights" (orange lighting) New street lights put in Dimmed - makes me feel less safe If it saves electricity, dim them or turn off completely Unfortunately, we have no street lighting in the Close where I live, but most householders have installed some sort of lighting in their front gardens for safety/security reasons. The three street lights in our Close are now off all night - from midnight to approx 0600hrs. As Neighborhood Watch coordinator for the Close, following an incident at 0200hrs recently when the Police were called, I have been campaigning to get one street light to be on all night, without success. The local PCSO was not supportive in my/our cause. new lights being fitted at this date but not yet working New lamp posts installed last month We have an alley providing access to the street from a nearby pedestrian area. One of the lights was broken for a long time. We chased the Council to repair it. It took a long time but it was eventually done. Moving to less light polluting streetlamps but they don't always turn the new ones on instead just leave the old lamposts and light running which seems very odd. The old fashioned lights have been replaced and fewer are on than previously. new street lighting in the road Street much darker now most of the street lights are off after midnight. Seem brighter Always seems the same In particular driving along certain stretches of road - they are switched off all together which makes it feel much less safe I rarely walk about at night but never feel threatened when I do. i think it is on less now than before Recently sodium street lights have been replaced with taller, whiter lights which give a wider area of light. They appear to be dusk until dawn lights and come on automatically. A NUMBER HAVE BEEN SWITCHED OFF LEAVING DARK AREAS AT NIGHT Street lights were erected for a pedestrian crossing. I have complained bitterly as they are on all night and shine onto my house and garden but nor enough it would seem. The lighting makes emerging at the crossroads less safe because the lights of cars is diffused. NEW WHITE STREET LAMPS Apart from the new lamps fitted a few years ago, which do not shine into the bedrooms Are lights are now on this part night scheme which means they go out from mid-night till 5am. Unfortunately there seems to be a problem with the timing as ours are currently going off at 10.30pm. South Glos council are aware there is a problem due to the number of complaints and have admitted there is a problem with the units but have yet to sort it out. 11 New lights fitted but these cast more shadows than the previous ones. bulbs have change to brighter ones Existing lights were replaced because of safety concerns and were brighter New lights fitted, but not all activated yet New low lighting, because it is so bright it makes the areas in between appear darker. Luckily only every other light is turned off between 12:30am and 5:30am in my street new lamps installed which give better light. Some of the street lights are no longer on and the street is much darker now. replaced and improved It.s the same as it was 40 years ago that is not many lights but we always have torches lighting has been changed New lights in some adjacent roads and we are due to have some soon. Yes despite complaints about the lights switched off at night they still did nothing! new more efficient lamp posts have been erected New lights put in! l think our lights go off at about midnight now. l think this is a good compromise: it's not a neighbourhood where people tend to be out a lot alone late at night. Instead it's the kind of place where street lights shining in through window can make it hard for children to sleep. Also there is both a financial and an environmental cost to street lighting. New lights New lighting put on - greener? Not adequate street lights. Too far apart and not at all bright. Lights being replaced Less lighting walked home after going to the theater snd had to useva torch as lights out soon after midnight new street lights New lights are more effective New LED lighting The lights were changed My street is a dispersal route from Bognor town centre. The lamp outside my house used to be on all through the night since a spate of night-time vandalism a few years ago. Since the light has been on, there has been less of a problem. However, the new lighting system was introduced in the summer and WSCC informed me that they would no longer be leaving street lights on all night. This one now goes off about 1am and back on about 5.30am. The lights started going off at midnight in the last year, this time slowly came forward to 11.40, at the moment they are going off at 10.30/10.40 new lights this year new lighting in the street - they are on longer with some staying on all night Street lights often not working, broken lights not fixed unless reported New stronger lighting has been installed New lighting makes lots of dark areas Street lighting is a great comfort to older people and a deterrent to those up to no good Really bright, light blindness that filters through into our homes so it looks like its daylight when its the street lamp. They are too bright. Please don't dim any more as I arrive back from work some days around 10pm. 12 Others do early shifts, often low paid and these people shouldn't be penalised. Been replaced with white lighting - but actually this is worse in our street due to the shadows thrown and more patchy We are in Southwater, West Sussex and there is a huge reduction in street lighting with some areas including playgrounds which youths collect totally unlit causing unsocial behaviour Some lamp posts were removed. The light does not illuminate the street as fully as before, the road is definately darker. When the lights are switched off overnight it is very dark and unpleasant. Columns were replaced about 6 months ago. They were old sodium lights but are now much brighter low energy lights, giving a superior quality of light. Lghting has changed and fewer lampposts The council put up new energy saving street lights and also took some of the lights away. all this did was to show light underneath the lamp and cast shadows further out. It made the road MUCH darker!!! Not enough lighting Previous lights all replaced with more modern lighting, with less light pollutions, but a little more dark patches on the ground improved They are now switched off at 12.15am each day. New street lighting in Henry Morris Road and throughout the village. They used to be on all night now they go off at 12 but since the clocks went back they have started going off at about 10.30 so I have stopped going out new lighting has been fitted. It creates pools of bright light directly under the lamposts, but complete darkness inbetween lamposts Street lights being turned off Thre is no street lighting immediately where I live, but not far away up towards the village there is lighting. I haven't paid attention to whether it is dimmed at a certain point. Much less bright making it difficult to see Many lights on A40 switched off and some of those in "lit areas", when bulbs have failed, have not been replaced. Side roads have never been well lit, but house outside lights help. The street lights are turned off from around 12.00 midnight Yes it is darker Lights go off for approximately five and a half hours each night from about 12.17 a.m. I agree to lighting being reduced for part of the night but I feel that 11.15pm, as on October 29 is far too early, especially when there is heavy cloud cover. Being switched off earlier & earlier very dark indeed and the passageway next to the bungalow is also in darkness for its total length I think I answered this question with #8 No late night lighting. Dangerous driving as well. One area nearby seems to have no street lighting after dark Very erratic timings I only go out occassionally for Village meetings and to be honest during winter months unless I get a ride home from Church, village meetings etc I avoid walking or use the buses 13 have only lived here for 2 months The street lights are out making my street pitch black I literally can not see a thing - I wouldnt normally choose to walk in a dark srreet alone but as this is where I live I have to. I dont feel safe and have found im less likely to go out on the evenings. Our neighbour has had teens throwing things at her house but due to zero lighting on stredt we couldnt see who it was. They are going out gradually earlier and earlier. This is not acceptable and they should be on all night. There has apparently been a sudden rise in burglary in our area which was never really known for this. Street lights turned off - currently turned off too early. Should be no earlier than 11.30pm L.E.D / No 8 We have new one`s During construction on Bridleway lights have been turned off for several months making it very dark, even in the morning before 7:30am (BST). Still not working. The lighting was upgraded about a year ago. It's now brighter and whiter than before. The lights are now being switched off at 10.30pm. I no longer feel safe even going out to the car it the bins. It is pitch black. You can't see if there is anyone hanging around. I certainly wouldn't want to walk to the local shop renewed units and timed or switched off more frquently Apparently deliberately either switched off or repair time from first report to local authority being considerably drawn out. Lights off very early We have never had street lights I do not think lighting has changed There is a lot more of it.. Far too many lights on the main road. You could turn every other one off and I'm certain the place would not be darker our street lights go off between 12 midnight and 5am each night dont mind street lighting being switched off at 12am but for 3 weeks its getting earlier and earlier some nights at 10.30pm i dont finish work untill 11pm and dont feel safe walking home in the dark at that time\! Recent total switch off from midnight. TURNING LIGHTING OFF ON THE MAIN ROADS AT PEEK TRAVELLING TIMES IE 5-6PM Most turned off. IMPROVED AND I PREFER THE LIGHTS ARE OFF IN THE LATE EVENING All our street lights are switch of at 12 pm Lights go off at night they get turned off at night!!! New lighting (appears 'white' rather than 'orange has been installed. It is better only when it is kept at the brightest level. When it is dimmed (after 11 pm until day-break) my road is so dark that I have to take a torch in order to avoid tripping.on the pavement. The lamp post outside my house is now turned off at midnight until approx 5.30am. This has only taken place in the last few weeks. It is really very dark and I worry that our cars will be damaged, particularly as recently a car was damaged which was parked along the road (both wing mirrors were broken). Also I feel our house is much more vulnerable. Dimmed lighting would be preferable to no lighting. There was a spate of burglaries during the summer so I'm surprised that lighting has been turned off in the village at night. Walking is a no! No! Driving in the dark is hazardous 14 all replaced by new eco lamps and lampposts New street lighting installed VERY DARK They get turned off at night. My husband is a taxi driver and can come home late. Sometimes very dark and doesnt always feel safe walking from taxi to front door as we dont have a drive. New white street lights, seem better as cast fewer shadows Trees have grown that have obscured the lights making it darker in places As 8. Most lights off after midnight Less lights are operational From 1 Oct lights went out from 12 to 5am. I feel safe enough, but I am anxious that this feeling may not last.Fingers crossed The lights have gone off in the last month. Before they went off I felt very safe now I don't. I have a stick to walk with and find it very difficult in complete darkness especially at the present time the lights are going off at 11.30pm. I feel I am now under a curfew. Very much dimmer than they used to be. Switched completely at 12am, which I think is much too early. Some lights turned off New lighting installed in The Pyghtle estate in Wellingborough earlier this year is superb. The roads are lit better than by a full moon. Other adjacent roads, not upgraded, with partial lighting, feel positively gloomy. now dimmed in night from last year. Some still remain on. Lights are switched off from midnight till 5am Turned off at certain times Street lights off after 9.30pm Lights switched off As I rarely go out after dark I am not in a position to notice any changes in the street lighting. quiet a few bulbs are out It is difficult to see when walking home when the lights have been switched off. less lighting I didn`t know the lighting was going to be turned off for the early hours,so it was a shock when I took my dogs out .I thought there had been a power cut but noticed lights on at the top and bottom of the street.I take a torch with me now when I go out with the dogs to be sure I scoop the poop! I am always accompanied by my husband as I`m not used to the area being so dark.I expect I`ll get used to it.When the moon shines and the clouds are few its actually beautiful,so I am quite happy with the savings on electricity. There seem to be less street lights, and the ones that remain are dimmer. The lights are on a timer and this has not changed since the clocks went back. The street is now in darkness from 23.00 hours Lamps changed to energy saving fluorescent from sodium discharge now the lighting level is llower overall making the street darker. slowly getting brighter the orange street lights are no use Just started to be turned off anytime between 11am - Middnight. Some lights turned off e.g. every other one New lighting installed street lights are left longer when the bulbs are broken Different types of light fittings, some with LED's & others with varying "colours" of light produced, some with apparently brighter fittings generally 15 but I have noticed it is very poor on highways and motorways where they switch it off! Cheshire East have done this and it is dangerous on the Silk Road and the A34. I would be happy for street lights to be switched off after midnight in rural areas and on motorways. Street lighting may be necessary in cities and town centres but otherwise it is a waste of valuable resources and money. Improved New Lightening System much stronger lights The Street lights all go off early so it is very dark in our street. Some lights are switched off after nidnight, Since our neighbourhood consists manily of people over 70 we feel some extra lights are desirable Improved Only two street lights in the road. Some lighting in the area has been replaced. I can't remember exactly how long ago this was done. Brighter but less harsh Some lamps not switched on - money saving scheme. New street lights street lighting in our village is very poor any way and does make you feel in secure and as a cosequense I some times drive even in the village Lights switched of on main road. To Macclesfield The main one one my street on nursery avenue is now turned off at midnight and we get groups of kids on the field at the back early on in the evening. I have complained to the police several times and told my councillor I wasn't happy about the lights going off. On my road the residents are mainly elderly so cannot complain as they do not have access or know how to use a computer so I do it on their behalf. I live in Rotherhill Road, Crowborough and have never had street lighting in our section of the road since we moved here; apparently the houses were built in sections as land was acquired and the builders made no provision to join us up to the lighting system. I have not noticed any other changes apart from some lights going off and not staying on all night. Street lighting has just been switched off from midnight until 5.30 am One light recently not alight. Been reported. Nothing done yet.. Street Lighting has been switched off after midnight to save money Updated to brighter lightenng to cover a wider area Lights keep switching on and off. makes the pavements very dark and you can't se where you are stepping. Also could potentially allow predators to hide so it feels unsafe to walk out. Some street lights have been switched off but not in heavily populated streets, near junctions, etc We have never had street lighting which personally I don't want anyway. Brighter lights installed As I live in a very quiet lane I feel turning the lights off, which I believe happens after 1am is a sensible economy. I have noticed alternate street lamps switched off The council have started to switch the street lighting off after midnight new street lighting installed throughout the village Yes the street lights are going off at midnight until 5am. Remote sensors fitted for switching off which is now in place from midnight Street lights are now switched off between 12.00 and 5.30 a.m Switched off between midnight and 5:30pm Recently turned off from midnight to 5:30 am 16 The street lighting was replaced approximately 3 years ago as part of an ongoing scheme throughout Nottingham. The new lighting is better than previously as the lights are brighter and the coverage area is much greater Lamp stands replaced with better light units - wider spread Less need to keep curtains drawn once the lights go out outside our property. ECC have from the 1/9/13 turned the lights off from 12:00 to 5:00 am Some streets don't have street lighting and are very dark - this makes walking alone a little nervewracking at times. New lighting has been installed and are now turned off at night. Switch-off from midnight to 5.30 am from October 2013 yellow sodium lights, well spaced out, plenty of dark areas. Only that the horrible orange lights on the main road were replaced with white lights that don't appear to throw too much light upwards The lights have been altered to send the beam downwards and they switch every alternate lamp off at around 11.30pm. They now come back on at around 4.30 5.30am Brighter lights covering smaller area much better My own road has been upgraded & the lighting is excellent. However, nearby roads are very dark in places. Only on the main A412 Denham Rd from Denham roundabout to Iver Heath, then driving in a car. the lights are not on when i walk back after 12 each night from work, 2 are broke going down and up the hill at Hipswell also another light is sensor light which dose not work after 10. lights being turned off at night The street lamp which was virtually outside our house has been removed. They are now off between midnight and 0600 We have the orange lights which are not very bright you seem to have dark shadows between the lights they do not give a good light its been replaced with a really irritating bright street light New lighting installed which has had to be toned town as too bright in houses. The rays given off give much larger areas that are dark to walk in. You can't see where you are going or if anyone is lurking. Reduced lighting Not as many lights on and hard to drive in some parts because of the lack of lighting most off over night as part of cost saving New lighting columns erected recently however they have not been connected yet We don't have street lighting Some lights have been replaced with very bright light versions which intrude and give me headaches. Further uo into the village(about 1 mile), where I drop my son off to catch his school bus at 7.15am the street lights are switched off - I don't feel happy about this. I would like it to stay as it is. I go out with a german shepherd & 2 collies, I'm not likely to get any trouble. Also, I walk in the dark a lot & so may not notice if lights were dimmed. They've changed the lighting in recent years but I'm not sure if it's within the 3 year timescale. New street lights have just been installed in the area which give a brighter white light and are much better than the old orange sodium ones. Only got one light on the corner and is often out. 17 New development with low voltage street lighting, which we could not be without in this area... More street lights, more intrusive Now halogen, brighter and less light pollution. We have a new low energy light outside our house and it is not as bright. we would like it to be brighter More individual houses have their own lights. I live on a busy B road. It is reassuring to have good lighting at night. street lamp knocked over and not replaced for 4 months Street lighting is off by 11.30pm. I feel this is too early as most cafe/bar/pubs do not close to this hour, meaning people have to walk home in complete darkness. 12.30pm would be a better switch off time. A couple of extra street lights have been installed. I have only lived in the area since febuary 2013 the lighting is very dim, and some are covered by foliage Street lighting is now switched off from midnight through to dawn. seam dimmer Lighting has been better maintained Low energy bulbs in place The street lights have now been switched off completely at night and it is not a nice feeling. we just had new lighting about a month ago 50% off We have very few street lights in our road and about 6 months ago a replacement of existing lights was carried out in order to install eco-bulbs. At this time we complained to the council to point out that we have an inadequate number of street lamps. The official response was that the project did not consider this issue - only light-bulb replacement ! The lighting now goes off, leaving darkness in my neighbourhood. some houses have put in bright external lighting which also floods the street outside their houses.. Street lighting in our road hasn't changed in 30 years and is very limited but I am concerned about light pollution in cities. Other roads nearby have had downlights installed in the last year ot two. Huge Lights put up because of the EU County council has switched most lights out 2355 to 0600 and emphasises that crime has not risen, ignoring whether people feel safe or stop going out. Total disregard for differential effect on confidence and freedom of women, disabled people, ethnic minorities - who are more likely to feel vulnerable. All were switched off then changed to every other one I have only been living in the area for one year the council turned off half the lights, one of which serves the three houses adjacent to me and makes my entrance very dark Less lighting at round abouts on A1237 less street lights around Clifton Moor lake where people walk dogs at night so they tend to not pick up their dogs foul County Council took our street lamp away. Yes, firstly when the old street lighting system existed some of them were turned off to save money. Yes, secondly the new street lights were installed in June and of course they are fully operational, all on, and give the spread light effect. Much better. . 18 Yes there are less lights on at night New lighting columns, lights, spacing then the switching off at night. trees obscure allot of the lights when on at night, this is due to council cut backs when trees and bushes are not cut back. Much better since new lights went in. There are lights in my actual road but not in surrounding lanes, hence it is difficult to answer the above. When a streetlight is faulty, it takes Wokingham Borough Council numerous phone calls until it is fixed. Very poor levels of lighting both for walking and for driving newnew lights New-style lights installed this year not all switched on Nottinghamshire County Council (Conservative) have switched the street lights off in my village of Radcliffe-on-Trent without any consultation with the residents and also rate payers of the village. Labour are now in power - part of their manifesto before they were elected- they promises to switch the street lights on - they have been in power since last May and haven't switched the lights on. The political parties wonder why the young do not bother voting. Sodium type lighting replaced with "white" lighting My local street and many of the streets I walk down are pitch black, you can not see any curbs and I do not feel safe walking around in the dark. They seem dimmer even when they're not switched off to save money. we're on a corner with lights off overnight on one street I'd be pleased to have the lights off on both streets Street lights in the street and the whole neighbourhood changed last year. The change has given us a very dim light and we certainly have less light in the street. At the bottom of the street leading to the pocket park, the lamp posts have been removed, whereas more have been put up on top of the street. Not satisfactory. Have previously complained about it to the council, so far without any result. New improved lighting New down lights have been installed throughout the village LED lights installed. Street lighting has been switched off in our area, most noticeably the A5011 Linley Lane, this area is very dark & it does not make you feel safe when driving from the Staffordshire boundary where it is lit to the Cheshire side where it is unlit. You would not want to walk along that stretch at night. old ones taken out, and dimmer lights replaced on our main street New lighting has been installed The street is very dark with only a few street lights on. I am scared to walk to friends in the village in the evening and do not go to the local pub as scared to walk home We live on a main feeder Road to 'Clifton Moor' so I really think that the lighting is essential for safety reasons as the road is in use day and night I have also noted that faulty lighting not being repaired in a reasonable time. New lighting not as bright, nearest lamp to us is turned off at midnight, its at the bottom of some steps, which are dangerous when unlit, crime has increased because people hide in the dark. Most lamps have been replaced recently and the lighting is now white liht rather than amber light 19 Old yellow lighting is very gradually being replaced by higher white standards. Not good in the past couple of years There are no pavements for most of the 1 mile to the nearest village area and I feel worried that cars may not see me - so I wear light or reflective coats. When driving I feel concerned that cyclists, walkers and pets do not bother - this worries me when driving. There is a street light just outside my house and at present it is not working. All the other lights are though. About to change. Village has voted to have total blackout rather than 50%. with an increase in population & lower standards of living it might inrease crime. so need to keep street lighting some lights off after midnight Street lights are turned off after midnight. Lights go off at 12pm There is less They have been drastically reduced. Particularly on the road junction which I now consider to be dangerous.Also some lights in surrounding roads have disappeared or switched off completly. they have turned every other light out from light up time until dawn They dont work and nobody will come and fix them! replacement lighting type All the street lights were altered/upgraded however the light is now not as effective as previously, although a downward facing light there are dark spaces between lighting columns giving an overall impression of the area being less well lit. Improved street lighting has been erected in the last 12 months in my road and the local area. Lamps being used have changed to slightly better ones The street lighting is turned off just before midnight leaving lights on only at junctions . In some places it is pitch black. Over the top street lighting installed.Night is now day and for some properties it is as if car headlights are shining directly into the house.People have had to change curtains blinds and even doors to try to block out excess light at night .Some have even tinted windows.Cannot sleep properly. Not as bright Some side streets had notices put up saying the street lights were to be turned off but haven't been on them during the dark to notice yet. It takes much longer for lights to be repaired in a path behind our house than it used to be and we were told this was for financial reasons. lights switched off possible that a street light was removed at the Milton Road end of Chesterton Hall Crescent They are turned off at 12midnight to 6am just recently some of our village lights are not being put on to safe money and i think it's good for the environment to. The lights go off at midnight New posts and lights New low energy lighting installed Street Lights on our estate are now turned off overnight. Totally pitch black - don't think this is safe. 20 Live near Bedgrove roundabout in slip road which did have its lights switched off but still lights on main road. Recently slip road lights back on because of roadworks on main Tring Road. (Aylesbury) many switched off As live in village, when out after dark always in car with lights on so haven't noticed any change The street lamp by the bus stop just in from Woodpecker Road appears to have been turned off. The same ones are out every time even when supposedly repaired and new street lighting has been fitted which are worse than the last ones for visibility especially when driving and you cannot take down registration number with these ones when anything happens in your area!! Every other street light turned off, but they have upgraded from yellow light to white light which is much better switch off at midnight In an attempt to cut costs Kent County Council are switching off streets in the evening Recently replaced with low energy lighting. Turned off from Midnight to 5.30 a.m. in my village I think the lights could be switched off between 11.30pm and 6.00am Selected lighting has been switched off. Key points (corners, walk ways between housing) still lit. Being in a village that has maintained its street lighting as a conscious decision by the Parish Council Very, very bright lighting on the main roads Replaced them with eco ones last year only lived here 1 year they are improving the lights by making low energy We live on the outskirts of villages, village improvements are sometimes made but not in rural areas. LED lighting been fitted , think they are too bright its the spin off from well light areas i guess but find its bad light pollution we now need blackout blinds in our kids bedroom! Change to style of lamp post and lighting Street lights switched off overnight about a year ago new lights have left us in darkness Street lights go off around midnight there are fewer lights and it makes me fearful of answering the door in the evening as I cannot see who is there Changed to an Eco friendly type of bulb in parts of the village I believe most of verwood is not "dark " at night now and also most of street lights were recently replaced off after midnight which is fabulous. We think that streetlights should be restored at night I would feel less safe if there was reduced lighting some areas are realy well lit and other there is hardly and lighting at all down the streets and some of these street have terreses of More people leaving their own house lights on to provide light around their houses. One light was changed from the relatively week yellow sodium type to a brighter less coloured light with taller lamp standard Improved down-lighting, which is less intrusive into peoples homes 21 I recently moved house. The street lighting is poor in my new neighbourhood compared to where I used to live. Very recently started to turn off street lighting at midnight until 6am ( Essex County Council), majoirty of resdients are very unhappy New streetlights put up in the summer which are not too bright so dont cause disturbance but perfectly suitable I feel that there is not enough street lighting at our end of Sutton Courtenay High Street/corner Frilsham Street. Getting home late in the evening on my own I feel uncomfortable when unlocking the front door, despite a light in my entrance. use of low energy bulbs - making the street very poorly lit. Local police assisted residents with improved lighting in the area, but local council installed energy saving bulbs, so all the work by the police was undone - residents dont feel safe at night again. Cetain street lights in the village are switched off at night. new lights fewer in number and switched off often Holes bay, not sure they have done the right thing there. wrong side of the road to have darkness. all street lighting updated with new lamp posts and brighter lights When street lights fail, it takes longer to get them working again NEW LIGHTING INSTALLED. Lighting upgraded to LED giving a whiter and clearer light Lights were previously on all night Replaced street lighting Local government cutbacks by reducing streetlights in our area. There are more shadow areas - lower light levels = less light penetrates the shadows. We have complained about excessive lighting and too much light pollution before but nothing has been done about it. Lights should be severely dimmed all the time and shrouds fitted so they light the street as intended and not the upstairs bedrooms of our homes. This is not rocket science and can save a lot of money! Approx 90% can be switched off after 23.00hrs or so, after all, cars are fitted with headlights and people with eyes which also function in the dark. Electricity North West have started removing lights from their poles on SPURIOUS safety grounds. Improved lights installed Yes. In May the street lights were renewed with lower posts. They emitted quite a bright light, but this only manifested itself as a puddle of light at the foot of the post and the surrounding area was left in relative darkness. Because of the angle of the head of the lamp, and the fact that they were of reduced height, the light did not penetrate beyond high hedges. Properties with a lamp directly outside, but facing in the opposite direction, could still be in darkness. This left the majority of the neighbourhood, including the frontage of many houses, in shadow, which provided a perfect environment for burglars etc. It certainly did not make pedestrians feel safe or home owners feel secure. Since then the lamps have been replaced but the criticisms mentioned still apply and the end of cul-de-sacs in particular remain dark and intimidating. Many home owners have had to install their own security lights to overcome the problem. Think that every other light is now off They have changed the lamp heads to white light instead of amber 22 Street lights are very poor, original fixtures since 1977 when estate was built and there are not enough of them. Also there are a lot of overhanging trees of great height over the footpaths, making it even darker. Have reported it To West Sussex county council,but I their opinion theyare ok! Have answered no to street lighting as we have only 4 very old and tired lights on our grove which is dreadful when any young persons or old ones come to that have to walk down at night time. extremely dangerous Off after 12 pm I live in a private estate with a small number of street lamps provided by the estate. Outside the estate there is more than adequate lighting, which could be dimmed late at night I am fairly sure the lighting in some side roads has been dimmed see question 8! The lights go out at midnight and as we on a close the road is plunged into complete darkness. Streets are two dark and there are two many shadows Some street lights seem to be permanently switched off New lampposts with brighter lights We are on a B road. Lighting has been replaced - presumably for more green technology. We found a new lamppost directly outside our house, without being warned that it would be there, and light flooding throughout the house all through the night. They have put a 'skirt' to deflect some of the light, but it is still too bright and isn't turned down during the night. The side roads are far less well lit, and I would be a little nervous of walking down those streets during the hours of darkness. Sometimes the council turn off street lights to save money on the main routes to my town. Only lights at junctions are left on all night which is a good idea as far as I am concerned. Most lights go off at 1:00am BST and come on again at 6:30am BST White lights have been replaced by orange ones which are much dimmer. The streetlights have been changed to the much better looking 'white' bulbs rather than the garish orange - I think it helps with light pollution and is also much more aesthetically pleasing. We have some street lighting, but it very sparse, only 4 small lights spread along 800mtrs of roadway. only lived there for 2 years May street lights are turned off. I work at night. This is a big problem for safety and visibility when trying to move my car out of drive with other cars around. I do no feel safe and can barely see when getting out of my car when parked on the road. I feel very scared at times as the lighting is so poor. Only lived here 6 month Rushcliffe Council turn off our street lights at midnight until 5am. They are timed to go off at 12.15am Posts and lamps replaced. street lights not as bright New high efficiency lights installed They all go out at 1130, its pitch black out there! yes its too bright 23 Gone for eco lights. Ever since they did that the one nearest stops working for a week every so often and sometimes comes on later than the rest - so not good. It's a dark corner without it New street lights which seem brighter but it seems to make some areas darker ??? Lights dimmer . .now being turned off at midnight one lampost was knocked over by a lorry a few years back. this was not replaced with the recent round of street light replacements. in addition one lamppost opposite my house was removed and not replaced due to the replacement position being inconvenient to the owner of the house concerned. it is now quite dark and impossible to see in that part of the road which is covered in potholes! change to more eco friendly lights It's much darker Some lights have been changed/upgraded. Switched off midnight to 5:30 GMT 01:00 to 06:30 BST Certain lights are switched off Lights turned off midnight to 5am Light attached to my house much dimmer even tho I asked Scarborough BC to replace. They refused changed from yellow lighting to white lighting which presumably costs less to run but which give an inferior light, making the possibility of crime easier. Several of the street lights on Turners Mill Road, Haywards Heath do not work when dark - this has been the case for the last couple of years. When this happens and I am walking home late at night, I walk in the middle of the road instead of the pavement as it makes me feel safer. Street lights get turned off before midnight. Streets then in comple darkness. New street lights installed. Additional street lighting they have been turned off late at night the street where we live is in darkness as we type They changed the lighting Some are switched off The entire village has had it's street lighting replaced to enable the lighting to be dimmed. new lighting put in very good lighting They are switched off each evening by midnight Goes of about midnight - but sometimes as early as 11.30 which doesn't give you time to walk home after last orders in a pub for example. Previously the lights stayed on all night. There is a tendency not to replace lights when a major problem arises Going off earlier. They are now being switched off every night from 23:30-00:00 until 05:00. The streets are pitch black, you cannot even see your own front garden never mind be able to walk down the street form a local pub of friends house. It is very scary. 9 street lights reported not working in March 2013 non repaired. Reported again Sept. 16 2013 still non repaired. now even more lights not working Those lit are very dim and hidden in over grown trees No on during midnight and early morning Turned off for around 6 hours per night Lights are now out from 11.15/11.30 in the evening they are switched off at night They are currently replacing street lights in our villages. 24 Some have been turned off or 're-positioned. The new lights are dimmer. The area now is quite a lot darker and it is horrible. They oh off between 1130- 1145 pm way before the pub closes so we have to leave early to get home before the lights go out. The pub must be losing money and we are missing out. I take a torch and mace if I am brave enough to stay after the lights go out its AWFUL. the villiage lights are turned off - however, the new ''small'' estate i live on none are turned off - however, i feel that too many are turned off, (1 on each corner isnt always enough) especially as a woman walking on my own, i dont feel safe. (noted however, in towns, all the lighting is on for the town and surrounding housing estates - surely its safer in the town than in rural areas. so i believe this should be looked at. A lot darker and at times pitch black new steel columns...lights go out at 11.50 ish Dual carrage way now has no lights on Some renewal of lamp posts and lamps Street lights are not maintained on routine basis. the number of lights operating have reduced Just the darkness from my street as seen through a window. I live in a culdesac facing fields around the estate and when the lights switch off it is dark...some neighbours who work late at nite are not happy as they have to park in their garage area and then walk around in pitch dark! so it does not please everyone. Some lights appear dimmed, but no pattern. Switched off at midnight due to dimmer lighting the area is a lot darker and unsafe walking, risk of falls increased and car drivers not seeing walkers also home security concerns My husband and I used to walk a dog regularly day and night in the area, but since losing our dog 3 years ago we are not out so often at night and consequently not so aware of changes in lighting. Well some lights seem to be off but not others Light positioning changed with new bulbs. Not as many street lights now. off between midnight and 5 am. Faulty lights are rarely repaired. Less ;ights amd they dont appear to be as bright. Am living in a new build area and not all street lights appear to work close to our house. new energy efficient lighting installed Not aware of any changes in this area but aware of areas where bulbs have been changed to halogen which means there is less ambient light. Some lights don't work, and there are gaps along the road seem to have nights when not working but assume this is due to error not that council are saving money - but you never know! This is a well used street, have heard people walking after 12 midnight, especially at the weekend and more so on a Saturday night. New street lights, low wattage therefor not as bright. they are turned off too early New ones are being installed right now New lights which have improved visability on footpaths. New lighting Orange, dull and very dark. 25 Small village, very little street lighting. A survey a few years ago by the Parish Council sought villagers' views on the subject and the vast majority were against any additional lighting - "if you want to go out at night, take a torch!!!!". I think there has been a welcome gradual shift to more directional lighting, as I can see an increasing number of stars! I would be desperately keen to see street lighting dimmed or switched off altogether after 00:00 and not switched on again until 0600. Perhaps leave streetlights on in the centre of towns, but not in the residential areas. We just dont need all of the light pollution and cost. We always used to have this system in the past and it must have worked very well. I believe that the crime rate in rural areas is low, and that most significant crime takes place in remote places, and that involves theft of agricultural and other machinery. Half of us in our close have PIR lights and as soon as anyone walks by the lights illuminate. If nothing else, light up every other light (cant a PIR style of switch be employed, especially in new installations?) in a street so there is sufficient for general illumination, but a lot less pollution, and of course half of the cost to the council taxpayer.. then more money could be allocated to roads, which are criminally dangerous, and cause much more damage than the odd break in. Street lights turned off from midnight Have only lived here since July 2013 We have had new ,improved lights over the last year, which are a great benefit . some are switched off nearby but not near me. Different bulbs Most lights turned off at midnight to 5am New lights and lamp posts. Lights off from midnight to 6.00 am Street lights have beesn replaced not much diference than previously. Street lights have been replaced with dimmer downlighters. Much better and less light pollution. we live on a very badly lit road where cars travel too fast & the houses are set back from the road & some of the road has no pavement so you feel very vulnerable at night & its difficult for the children to walk up the road new street lights New lamps installed One new bright white light street light installed to replace former orange light at road junction close to home Some lights switched off as ecomomy measure. In the midst of an upgrade to our street lights The street light directly outside our house has not been on for over a year. Lampposts replaced. As we live in a cul-de-sac with unnocupied areas to 3 sides,the absolute darkness, caused when the lghts go out is very intimidating. any change in the level of street lighting is bound to have an effect on peoples perception of safety, and will without doubt lead to individuals whom are up to no good, such as burglars and drug dealers taking advantage of the added advantage less lighting will give. only two on in the cul de sac which makes our house porchway and drive very dark. The switching off seems to happen at random. I would greatly prefer to know with certainty whether the lights are going to be off or on when I feel able to take my small dog out. Before now I've had to turn back (struggling to walk with crutches and hang on to a small but excitable (& surprisingly small dog - most certainly not of the 'dangerous' variety!) the lights sometimes stay on, presumably unnecessarily throughout the entire night - which can hardly be money saving. 26 Recent initiative to reduce energy waste by switching off alternate street lights. new street lighting which is not as effective in lighting up the area. It tends to pool light in certain areas creating shadowed areas and areas of total darkness where a potential attacker could be hidden. I live next to a foot path and the street light on our property gets shut off at 1:00am and I do not like it. There are often people who walk along the foot path, and now I cannot see outside to know if any suspicious activity is going on. Often, during the warmer days, there are lots of young people who walk through this footpath to get to the park behind my house to drink alcohol. I wish our light would remain on all night. Key footpaths now dark Perhaps less regular maintenance. More vegetation needs to be cut back around one particular light - it has been requested MANY times. The tree is on private land next to the pavement. Long delays in repairing faulty street lighting A change to white lights from sodium on side streets are far better all round and act as more of a deterent to potential criminals. Some lights have been switched off. Not always sensible, some cul-de-sacs in total darkness. Potential (or real) risk of opportunistic property damage/car damage On the ring road lights are switched off and as its an area with trees I feel quite threatened by it and certainly wouldn't walk there. it has been replaced in a few places Very poor street lighting on the Langdon Hills Estate, which has recently led to crime I live on a side road of Taurus Avenue in North Hykeham, and whilst the Main Street has lighting, we (x6 homes) have non whatsoever! currently off between 1.45am until 6.30am. this leaves the street looking like " something out of the black-out", as one elderly neighbour said to me !!! Turned off between 12am - 5:30am some are switched off at night New down-lighters installed Sime lights appear to be turned off at midnight. Seems dimmed - don't know if it is. Takes time to get broken lights fixed. Some street lights don't work. There has been no change, but one area in particular is very dark to walk down at night. This is in Station Road, almost opposite West Road in Billingborough. energy efficient lighting has been installed However some areas of the town are having lights dimmed/turned off during the nighttime hours Takes longer for lights to be repaired We are rarely out after midnight. We think that there are some changes taking place in street lighting currently new lights seem to be brighter They have been replaced for new ones It was switched off for a while. One street light at the end of Adams Road has been removed. This has lead to a dark area which is dangerous. On one occasion I have actually collided with another pedestrian. The removal of this light is dangerous. New lighting installed Not working on paths. Not repaired. 27 We moved here two years ago. Our lights go off at midnight which for my family is ok. New energy efficient light have been installed New street lights installed last week Lighting has been replaced by the LED lights which make the area darker than with the old fashioned lights. Our road is very dark as not many street lights Any lighting outages seem to be fixed reasonably promptly. It just relies on someone being bothered to report it to Highways. They dim at time. not good this time of year; lots of leaves to slip on I have only lived here for 5months. The footpath nearby is not lit between midnight and 5am. Apart from CPSOs I doubt if anyone would use it at that time anyway Some main road lighting was switched off for a small period but have since been turned back on. Less street lighting Lights were upgraded a few years ago. The area is not completely dark - reflective lights from the railway, main Romanby Rod, pub car park, neighbours security lighting Go out less if no streetlights and darkness. We are on a new build estate and only lived here for 2 years House stands back from road so not really aware of street lighting We have had new lights installed which are very good Sounds as if dimming could solve security/expense at one strike. There are fewer lit after about 10.30 pm making sections of the street very dark. Modern lamps New brighter white lights have been installed to replace the dim yellow sodium lights. Not very well maintained The local council is talking about some changes to street lighting to come We had old, shorter street lamps replaced by new, taller ones. Yes after midnight some of the lights go out, it is certainly quite dark in Princess Drive and other streets round about.. much fewer than on estates built 10 years ago Lights turned off between 11:30PM and 05:00AM Lighting goes off about 12.00 p.m. Lights go off earlier now. 10 years ago, when i moved in all the lights were switched on. now, they either don't work, or they flicker on/off or are altered as to which ones are on. new lamps erected this year Adjacent street had lights replaced Many of the lights near me have been changed and new ones erected At the moment because of road works etc some have not yet been replaced Slowly there is more street lighting on nearby roads which will affect the ambience of the area. New lamp posts, much taller and bulbs not as bright One of the back street lights on the trunk road to the motorway had been out for a week or more.No one was doing anything about it? so I warned the Nottingahm county council about it being out on their internet site. 28 It would be preferential for lights to be dimmed from 11pm. as they are outside my bedroom window. However, we have a problem of students returning very late in the night - any time up to 2-3am -past our house (using a short-cut to the University residences, about which we have complained several times to no avail!,) and they are the only `vandals` making noise and disturbace through the night, making it important that they are not assisted by darker gardens and pathways. However, the existing lighting does not deter them from dumping litter and/or removing wheelie bins/making unacceptable levels of noise on occasion and so perhaps dimmed lighting would make little difference to their anit-social behaviour. The problems is the students, not the lighting. We have much more street lighting than we need , especially when there is almost noone about between midnight and 6am..Half as many lights would still light the roads . reduced Street lighting was set up for traffic and pedestrians for safety reasons. The arbitrary cutting back of street lighting was wrong The light is on, but it doesn't shine any light down to pavement level or around as much The lights were out for months and despite constant complaints they dithered and dithered, leaving us in darkness for far too long. New LED Lighting Old street lights removed, but less new ones put in their place, so less visibility in places. I consider it is dangerous for street lights along grid roads and along slip roads are off. The turn off has been happening for the last few years. It puts road users at high risk of all sorts of danger. When street light bulbs fail it takes a long time for the council to replace them. Also they appear to have stopped doing routine cleaning and checking of bulbs as most of them have grime and dirt on the covers. The street lights just outside my home go off after midnight Some lights in pathways between houses are cut off overnight to save the council money They are about to be turned off at night off over night unfortunately some street light are off between 12pm -5am New power saving lamps have been installed white lights are replacing sodium vapour THE LIGHTING AS BEING DIMMED I AM NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT. I THINK IT INVITES CRIME. Easingwoldthe seems a lot darker as you go through from long street by st johns towards spring street. Some switched off at nights. All sodium lights have recently been replaced by supposedly more energy efficient LED lights but are less efficient. We had all lamp posts replaced within the last 3years or so and out of 7or8 lights on our street only 1 is on after midnight A considerable number of lights lights have been turned off in the area. A number of the lights have been turned off on the Chowens Mill roundabout making a very dangerous roundabout even worse. 29 The light right outside my door has been switched off. I am in a cul de sac and this whole part of my street is now very dark. Shortly after the switch off affecting alternate lamp posts, my house was broken into during the night when I was asleep via a ground floor window facing the street. Previously the front of the house was well-lit by street-lighting. Many of the side streets have no lighting over night, I walk my dog and that is fine however if I didn't have my dog, I would not go out at all at night. Additional street lights provided They replace the perfectly good ones with new ones, I guess led. Lights do not appear to be maintained on regular basis. Non-functioning lights are not dealt with promptly. Improved - some new lighting and upgrades to the existing Very dark White lights rather than the old yellow in some streets. they get dim down at 10-45 I am out when they start to go down and I don't like it as it make it feel like I am in war times Yes as per question 8 - lights have been switched off at night Not very bright though those yellowy street eco lights. I usually add an extra movement sensitive light on the wall of house so I can see if anyone is lurking about my house as I come home in the dark. Stops me tripping down the steps too as the street lights are so poor and not enough of them . Safe area to live though generally but one needs to exercise caution. I have a Police issue shriek alarm and whistle in handbag too. As a car driver too our street lights not very bright especially hard to see the city gents in their dark commuter clothing crossing the roads . We've recently had new street lights installed. They are a lot better than before - the light is directed downward, which saves electricity and makes Sheen Common darker for the wildlife. Lighting has been updated to a different type of light, probably more effective. Some of the lights go off at midnight and come back on at Certain street lights are switched off during the night Taller lamp posts During the last FEW DAYS the street light near where I live has not been on at all. Lighting very dull now creating dark areas we have the new street lights new lights fitted this year. appear brighter than the old ones. Alternate lights are not on Failed lighting units have not been replaced/have taken a long time to replace New down lighters are slowly replacing the orange neon lights streetlights are off in the small hours, I think midnight to 5am or something like that The bulbs have changed and are dimmer Most of the lights switch off after midnight until about 5:30am Tree foliage often interferes with the effectiveness of street lighting New street lights fitted I've noticed the lights going off around 11pm in the evening. Lights on main roads had been turned off but have now been put back on due to increases in RTAs I live in a cul de sac and it is usually well lit. i wish the lights would be dimmed during the night See Question 8 The street lights are switched off at about midnight The street lighting in our road is frequently off but sometimes left on. 30 lights in our road are no longer lit but are lit in adjoining main road. Superior street lighting installed within the last 3 years. It has seemed darker on my road if I've been walking home later at night after an evening out. It's recently been switched off. they now have solar panels Unfortunately there are large trees on pavement which tend to obscure some of the light from the lamps, i have made this point at local meetings without success. Takes too long to repair lights when they are reported as out. 10 weeks was the last one I reported before it was mended Lights turned off after about 12.30 They have been replaced with a nicer light it's just a shame they moved the light so it shines straight through my bedroom window now! not appl Our street lights have recently been replaced by what I believe are energy saving ones. New lights are not as bright as the old ones, we live in a cul-de-sac and our corner seems to be quite dark. The lighting in my area is poor, but hasn't been reduced in the last few years. I do not feel safe walking on my road, which is across the road from woodland. Certain street lights are switched off at night. new whiter lights..a bit dimmer than before I believe that a new type of bulb is now being used which uses less electricity This is not a good thing - our street lighting is really bad we have very few streets lights and parts of the village are in complete darkness There is a light directly outside my house, which is often on when the others in the street are off, and vice versa. They seem to have got the timetable completely wrong. Not locally but on major roads lights have been switched off making driving hazardous It was cut last year as money saving plan by MKC Changed from bright orange, to dimmer white downlights. We have only lived in Knaphill for eighteen months, and I haven't noticed any change during that time. I am not often out at this time so would not necessarily notice slight changes new street lights are being put up this week Two Lights switched off. I often use Ormond Road at night and find it extremely dark. We have lost two street lights because of storm damage council will not replace and will loose two more when lights are removed from electric poles County Council switched off 50% of street lights We have had new street light installed to replace the old type lighting seems to have got dimmer most lights switched off Lights on the main road have been turned off at night the lighting is now switched off at night We have no street lights NEW TYPES OF UPGRADED LAMPOSTS AND MORE EFFICIENT TYPES OF LIGHTS INSTALLED REPLACING EXISTING ONES ON A ONE FOR ONE BASIS The light is much dimmer 31 there may now be more dark areas than previously we are in a small close next to open fields and I take our dog out at around 10.00 each evening,i would like the street lighting to be turned back on.the lamp directly outside our house has been off for 3yrs my husband is disabled its extremely dark and without our outside light (that we pay for) we cant see a thing ONE IN THREE SWITCHED OFF Only lived here 18 months Old yellow neon lamps replaced with white LED lights - much nicer. There are fewer lights when you get off the main road They have updated the lights from the old Victorian ones to more modern ones. Street lights on the roads approaching the village are turned off at midnight whilst those in the village remain on Four new street lights put up in the last two monrhs. Some are white light and some the orange light Brighter lamps have been installed in SOME areas at least 50% reduction There are some lamp posts with signs on saying that they will be switched off after 12.30am to 5.00am Some were switched off. Butt now they are being replaced with new, brighter and bigger lamps which give more light out Would not mind street lighting been dimmed Not lived in the area long enough to comment. Lights go off late evening Lights go off after midnight everywhere except my street where they stay on Trees have grown around many of the lamps blocking the light We used to have the 'softer' orange glow lights - these have been replaced by brighter white lights and I think maybe more of them) One would think we have no street lighting I have had to install a light at my expence so I feel safe. there are eight homes in a line and 5 300 m and there is a light for them but the councle will not install one here. Side streets have lights turned off every other night It used to turn off at 12.30am now it is earlier changed to new type Have increased many unnecessary I sometimes feel that even main streets are very dimmly lit for pedestrians. I no longer go out at night now if I can avoid it due to the fact I no longer feel as safe as I did in the past Lots of lights are out and have not been fixed Lights out after 11.30 New street lights installed Very old dim lights The spacing of lights has increased resulting in more areas poorly lite / dark. New type of street lights which light up downwards. There are areas that are now not well lit because of the change in lighting. The council turn off street lighting Replacement of old lights Switched off between 12.00 midnight and 5.00am. This has happened in the last 2monthe. Essex CC saving money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whiter shining light replaced the orange glow. 32 i beleve that the street lighting should not be turnd of at night thay should stay on from the time it gets darck till the time it gets light the street lighting should never never be turnd of at night thay should stay on all night. I constantly report lamps that are faulty and they take weeks to respond. The lamps by us are on the old wooden poles,that do not have a 'number' on so the system seems unable to records such street lamp failures. Main roads have lights switched off except for limited areas where there is housing. This is dangerous for driving, people walking along such roads.Also in residential roads, lighting has been poor for many years. Surely it would be better, over a period of time, to adapt to energy saving lighting. Is it necessary to return to Victorian times. I thought progress was key. Lights switched off during the night The individual street lights seem to go off at intervals and then come on again presumably an energy-saving exercise. But the overall effect is still bright enough. fewer street lights, live opposite garages, with several alleys, lanes and grass areas with large bushes and trees surrounding home, no longer have a street light in area. nearest light at end of road too far away to make any difference. area surrounding home pitch black. pavements and roads in poor repair. Lights switched off from midnight due to council cuts Get switched off at midnight A rural road is now lit up with lamps standards about every 40 yards - totally unnecessary. I was told that it would be safer for young children attending the school. The children do attend school at night. Some local adjacent streets have the lights off after midnight. This des not affect me personally but will affect a number of people who have to walk through those areas. Two lights, either side of a pelican crossing, have been taken out of use as they are no longer legally required. This is despite the crossing being part of a "safer route to school". They have stopped working and it took over 3 weeks to rectify alternate lights are switched off. I have no problem with this and if 50% of power use can be achieved that is a good outcome I live in an unadopted road with no lighting but good lighting elsewhere Lights go off at 12 till 4 That they are not on all the time Not as bright some have been upgraded Since the street lamps have been switched off overnight, I have enjoyed stargazing! Turned off when leaving early for work With the lights being switched off overnight we have had to invest in a security light at the front of house so we can see whats going on. W e run this off our own electric which shouldnt have to be Don't have street lighting as The Ridge in Woking is a private road, owned by Brookwood cemetry The street lights do not seem very effective, they turn off at dawn We have night disturbances , with clubbers making their way home, midnight and after. mainly weekends WE feel street light are essential. Light switched off at midnight. switched off at 0115 for remainder of night every night 33 Where I live the street lighting was upgraded about 10 years ago - it's over the top, too much, too bright. I support the idea of turning off some lights and dimming. light colour has changed Changed from Yellow diffused lighting to white sodium type New lights put up. There are far too many of them. the savings do not justify the enforced darkness, and subsequent fear of older people... we are rural and used to this darkness but some, the elderly for example will not venture out... unacceptable.. Lighting updated to power saving lamps which give less coverage. Changes have been made to lighting - smaller blue lighting which leaves large areas between lamp-posts quite dark on the footpaths. In the part of my village where there is street lighting it is no longer on throughout the whole night. Brighter light installed on adjacent property Better new higher solar ones As we a classed as a Private Road our local council will not fix the street lamps in our road, yet we pay our council tax so why can they not fix the street lamps Lamp posts have been changed. ? solar Lighting not as bright as befor Lights turned off at midnight The street lights seem to be dimmer, though they may not be. All our street lights go out between 12 midnight and 1.00a.m. until 5.30-6.00a.m. The lighting is unchanged but vegetation obscures the light beam and the posts look very tatty! If they break down it seems a long time before they get fixed Our road ends half way along the Close and the upper end is lit by only one lamp post for a dozen houses and two rows of garages. If this lamp were to be switched off at night the entire area would be in darkness. New white energy efficient, not very bright Some lights not as bright. Nearby some have a notice stating they'll be switched off from midnight Switched off late at niht All street lights now go off at midnight, however it can often be much earlier sometimes as early as 11.30. This leaves the neighbourhood in complete darkness, making me feel very vunerable. It has meant i have made changes to my social habits so that i make sure i am home by 11pm. My husbands works nights and it makes me feel less safe in my home once the street lights have gone out. mANY OF OUR LIGHTS WERE TURNED OFF FOR MONTHS AS DEEMED UNSAFE. DUE TO COMPLAINTS MANY REPLACED. NOT SURE IF ANY ARE TURNED OFF NOW See the previous question See the previous question Every other o e is switched off New type of brighter white lighting installed when existing ones fail. They are switched off at midnight new white lights installed as per the EU not as effective as the earlier sodium lights, which use to cover the front of property more effectively. four burglaries in immediate in last four weeks. not good. another example of EU interference, and I dread to think at what cost. The street lights go out between 12 midnight and 5 o'clock in the morning 34 In the last 2 years Northamptonshire Council followed through on a policy to switch over 50% of the streetlight to arguably save £2 million they said, Many in the community complained and a few lights were switched back on. Critical areas in the dark though are paths, walkways and residential estates that hardly saw any reversals to the switch-off campaign. To allegedly save money Kirklees Council has started turning off street lights in the late evening. Older people have stopped going to village activities. It is also more dangerous driving around in the pitch dark. We all have to sleep sometime, and the norm is during the night. I go to bed rather late and expect the street lights to be on at that time and remain switched on until dawn (up to present they are). Darkness is when we are most vulnerable and it is the time when criminals are active. I would rather skip several meals per week than see street lights turned off during the hours of darkness. In other words, to keep street lights on during darkness, I am happy to pay extra for this, so long as it will be a reasonable fee. The local council has replaced the old style lighting with new state of the arts lighting, these are now worked by computer control meaning they can reduce lighting if and when. This scheme is on trial at the moment and in other areas within the borough The lights are now switched off after midnight. Near where I live the lights are out on foot paths and near garages. This can cause problems but there are none at present. the new light polution-saving bulbs have recently been installed They appear to have dimmed Some now possible LED lights, changed recently from sodium. We live in a street with a neighbourhood access path at the rear, both of which have street lighting. new lights fitted to streetlamps recently turning them into dimming lights Work currently on-going It's been poor on the A340 in the 3 years we've lived here. Only moved here 2 weeks ago up graded with more energy efficient lighting some lights removed They have introduced lights going out at midnight - although I have noticed that it is sometimes earlier Have only lived here 1 year - no change in that time. See 8 above not sure what you mean by changes to the street lighting other than they go off at 1am during the summer months and 12 midnight in the winter months, which does sound a bit strange but they never alter them when the clocks are changed. improved when orange lighting was replaced with white lights One of the street lights nearly opposite our house is switched off late at night The lamps were changed 3 / 4 years ago then about 2 years the "turned off" during the night / early morning was started. Ok so it saves the council lighting costs but we don't feel as safe - and some people now leave outside lights on all night so the "eco" effect is reduced. They are turned off at 11:30pm N/A Selective street lights extinguished 35 street lights have been reduced, those which are in use are very dim,light is limited to the lamppost only Slow to response to repair There are 2 street lights for the whole of Southbank BN6-inadequate. Some lights switched off late at night changed to White light. They aer always swicthed off at Midnight or 1.00am depending wether the clocks have changed from summer/winter or vice/versa. So in the Winter time when you want them "ON" to avoid snow and ice etc. they go off at Midnight. Dimmer and off at night Reducing the time they are on. It is perhaps unfair to comment on Knaphill where I live because I live in a private block of flats where the lights are fine. Outside,in my recollection they are OK New led lights which are much better than the yellow. Live outside the lit area. New Standards(lamp posts) and some repositioning Between the lights it is very dark so you have to watch carefully where you are walking. Now off between approx. midnight & 5am some white lights replacing the yellow lighting Yes new estate and streets near to have all had new lighting. Our road always seems to be left put. Lights on the A413 have been turned off between Chalfont St Peter and Gerrards Cross Limited time on. We have new street lights which replaced the old ones however the village has always been underlit. The lighting has always been poor both in our street and in the village in general. not lived here for long enough to comment There isn't any!! Our Street lighting goes off at 12 midnight and from then until dawn it is pitch black and a very good target for crime. I have informed the local Parish Council of our situation without any response from them. We do pay for street lighting within our Council Tax but we don't get street lighting after midnight. So should we get a rebate from the Council ? They have been replaced. The new lights caste downwards narrowly, leaving much more of the neighbourhood in darkness compared to previous lighting. Lights on the main road are off in areas some of the lights seem to have been tampered with to make them duller and tree's are covering them as they have been to let get out of control The lights are very useful and when they do fail it is very noticeable. When you phone to tell them that they are out they are quickly repaired. Street lighting is turned off 2400 hours in certain areas, to save money, they have been switched off, and it is dark. My mother has been burgled at one such sites. Caldicot.Another friend lives on a steep slope, and the street lights have been switched off, so it is dangerous to go outside her property at night.. Penhow the lights go out at midnight until 5am, not happy with this, they should stay on, we pay our taxes, atleast on a Friday and Saturday night for definite!! Street lights nearby are turned off at set times, only started recently Repairs to faulty lights are slow in happening. 36 New street lights installed but now switched off on a night New high low cost lighting put in. The number of street lamps has been reduced but still provides enough lighting to feel safe. Originally all street lights in our residential area were switched off between 12.30am and 6.30am but after much protest a compromise was reached so that lights were left on at road junctions which mad =e things a lot better It's got brighter and more intrusive. Street lighting is inadequate! Street lamp partially obscured by growing vines. Street lamps were replaced with more modern units Some, but not many, street lights are shut off from late evening to early morning, since mid-summer. Off between 12 and 5am Lights do not seem to be as bright as they used to be At present the lighting is off on the main road, it looks as though several lamps are off. This does make me feel nervous when walking my dog. new lights installed - late night dimming New lighting installed this year- Very bright A lot of the time some lights don't work. Lights go completely out after midnight. Many lights have failed (corrosion) some have been replaced - even where the light is within the tree canopy ! Useless and quite common. Along a 300 m length of road in Nether Poppleton more than 50% of the lights are in the tree canopy. Main A50 street lights disabled at junction with West Lane, High Legh Sometimes it is difficult to see when there are cars parked in certain areas, or obstructions such as skips. This occurs obviously when driving down Long Lane the times of lighting have changed and now go out at midnight New, brighter lights have been installed in Faris Lane lighting on the main road has been switced off and is very dangrous as it makes very nervous when driving on A413 or travelling to little calfont in the dark Street lights seem to go off after midnight and not all street lights seem to be lit when they are switched on There is only one light on our back street and it is now often off making it pitch black.I often get home from work after 10pm and it is a hazard trying to negotiate into my house and in the back entrance which is up a fire escape . One light which had been broken for most of the year, was repaired. New lighting erected earlier this year, brighter Now dimmed or off It appears that some lights r off and others dime. The area is far darker less light smaller bulbs New lamps fitted, saving power but giving reduced pool of light. Previously front gardens were illuminated but not now. Dark patches where it's difficult to see . If a street lamp goes out, or remain on during the day it is reported to Hudderersfield Ross Street Care and it is corrected for the following night. Street lights now switched off at approx. 01:30 Changed and become dimmer Differing times of "ON" and "OFF" The County Council are consulting on switching certain lights off between midnight and 4.00 am certain lamps are being changed from sodium to mercury vapour in a random manor 37 WE HAVE ONE TOTALY USELESS STREET LIGHT IN THE VILLAGE which was put up about 4 years ago as an improvement . we are not sure who it was / is meant to help. but it does light up the trees very nicely if you go for a late walk to have a look at it .. I feel that saving electric and money is very important . I also feel that the haze of light pollution that hangs over some area causing a hazy orange glow is nearly as bad as smog . with the light out we can see the stars and take a torch !!!! a wind up one so it doesn't run out of expensive batteries !! much improved units Every third light is out. Lights are dim New and improved halogen(?) lighting One of the few street lights in our road has failed and has not been repaired. not so good Change to lamps looking down rather than intrusively all round horizontal. Tuned off late at night we have new lights erected they are brighter Would be happy to reduce lighting later at night. new street lights - not sure when The street lighting is so gloomy with the new lights , that is cast huge shadows and you don't feel safe walking out. I think it a burglars paradise with so many houses now shroud in darkness, I used to feel safe but now I won't go out walking after 8pm as I don't feel safe, I know the light are surpose to save money but what about people safety . New lamposts put up. Brighter and better. Change of light quality and lighting obscured by trees New street lights were installed. Posters have suggested the lights will be off after midnight, so that wouldn't impact on me. Some newer style lighting which points down brighter in our access lane, much appreciated. The street lighting is pure anyway: widely spaced and not bright. I don't think it makes much difference at all. Seems less as years pass. We have a few lights in the village but one has not been working for a while, those bushes are particularly black! I live outside village limits and so have no street lights until I get to edge of village and find it unsafe if walking alone Sometimes the odd one is either switched off or doesnt work Overhanging trees and bushes restrict the street lighting, they need cutting back drastically. new and better lighting installed by my local authority The lights go out around midnight and the place is in total darkness. previously the lights on the junctions were left on all night, and you could see movement in the street. Some of the lights are turned off at midnight Random lights off I think a few more lights are switched off from time to time but not sure about all of them as in Q8 Only moved here 15months ago No change ++++NO STREET LIGHTING+++++ 38 No changes yet but I understand that street lighting will be switched off this winter between 0100 hrs and 0500 hrs. For most residents this will not be a major problem, since most of us are in bed at these times. Most of the lights in my cul-de-sac are switched off from late evening until early morning. I do not like street lights and would be glad if the street lights were switched off at 12pm. It would save money and be environmentally friendly and we can get torches if necessary. some new columns some with different " colour " light ( different types of lightbulbs, but that is a non-technical description ) Not working as often but reason unknown, dimming, timing, broken? I believe they may have up-graded in the last few years to energy saving lights from Sodium style. It is a lot darker and visibility is not very good. alternate street lights turned off, due to council cut backs, making the street vulnerable to burglaries etc., turnd off at night Street lights replaced recently but are now turned off at night The street where I live had the street lamps replaced to improve the lighting. However the lights are only on one side of the street and my property is on the unlit side of the street. As a consequence we have seen an increase in attempted car theft and house burgalary. The latest incident being reported less than a fortnight ago when three men were seen in the street attempting to steal a car. We live in a cul-de-sac and prior to the lights been switched off at night we had practically no crime incidents. Whilst I understand the reason for cutting down on street lighting during the middle of the night this has left our street feeling more vunerable to crime. We have also had vandalism during the night to a fence, but didn't report it. Some street lighting is switched off completely on some roads and some street lights are switched off on others Not yet, but proposals have been made to dim some lights Street lighting in our village is turned off every night at 12.30 Street lights gave been changed from Amber light to white. Pools of light now around light. Street lot darker and the houses are in darkness. Switched off after 12.00am not as bright & turned off when I go to work Some parts of town have had new lights fitted to stop light pollution. they have fit brighter white bulbs and light up better than the yellow ones which were terrible Local Council is going to turn them off from midnight to 0500hrs by the end of October Some street lights removed and not as many replaced They have improved the lights Lower power white lights fitted recently The lighting is very poor. Street lighting not really applicable because I live on Mount Pleasant Park Home Site so lighting is private by the owner. Onitby for 2 yearsly lived in Wh Dreadful reduction in the lighting - it's pitch black down large stretches of our road and as pavement is not in good condition is rather dangerous. Ligthing has recently been changed from orange glow to bright white. New 'dark skies' lights. 39 Street lighting upgraded Different sort of light which took some getting used to but fine now. Seems to be less light during hours of darkness and I can only say I am glad I am not a lone woman or older than I am Nghttime energy saving switch off certain lights. When lights bulbs need replacing they are being replaced with bulbs that give a different light, this does not seem to give the same light as previously. Lights off approximately 2345 until 0530. I reside in a narrow lane and road is completely black even with moon showing. I view this as a charter for criminals. they were dimmed approximately three years ago Alternate lamps have been switched off for the past two years. A road junction ner us has had new lighting fitted which is a considerable improvement Every other one switched off Brighter bulbs have replaced the orange stips. They are white instead of yellow! parish council has just replaced a number of old lamps with new ones Seems to take local council longer to replace dead bulbs. All but one outside our house go out late evening New lighting fitted due to failure of old unit The streetlights outside my house have recently been replaced and are good. They are switched off during the early morning hours Some orange tungstan lights replaced by white energy saving lights New, taller street lamp was fitted Seems dimmer More lights not working and lights switched off in the early hours Some of the lights arew being turned out late at night. A change from yellow lights to white ones - they give a better light. we are always having power cuts, because it's old equipment and the electric companies don't invest only give cash to the shareholders. Some lights have been completely replace with improved models Lights are turned off between circa 12 midnight and 6am. We live on a lane in a suburban area that only has 3 x street lights, which makes seeing in teh dark quite difficult. When the lights are off the lane is in complete darkness which I feel is unsafe. Local council is 1 that has decided to switch lights off late evening/early morning. do not like the light being swith off overnight. Have children coming and going home in early hours from work. Dangerous especially in winter when icy as you cannot see the ice or much else. Also criminals can hide easier if dark. The ight have been removed and changed. The one directly outside my house was removed altogether and although at the time I raised my concerns as I am right opposite a junction, I was told it was not negotiable. phase of new lights , then cost cuts and turned off ! Same luminosityy during darkness Only after contractors have been to check them the bulbs seem to go! Can be a while before they're replaced We have none and do not want it Off due to a fault.........I appreciated the darkness and the clear skies! Street lights now go out after 11:30. Used to be very bright, was changed to lower light about 3-5 years ago All the street lights in the close are off after 12pm, pitch black. Certain batches of lights on the main roads turned off & estate lighting turned off 40 Switched off after midnight. Last night they went off at 2335pm All the lights in my area go off from 11.45pm until 4.30am. Proposals are to switch off street lighting from midnight to 5 a.m. Some people do not leave pubs & clubs until well after midnight and may have to walk home in darkness. A few people may have to leave for work before 5 a.m. in darkness. The Harrogate Council informed us that some street lights would be switched off at 12 m,n.until 5 a.m., to save money for more important projects, a few months ago. The lights are being switched off some nights at 11.30pm. which allow youths to ride byecycles, without lights, on the pavements, from 11.30p.m. onwards most nights, doing what-ever they feel like doing., With the onset of the winter months, plus clocks going back 1 hour, this can only get worse. Not repairing faulty lighting Off at midnight! 1 light goes off outside my property but the other one stays on. It's pitch black in our street from midnight until 5 am Some have changed bulbs to the long life version, plus being turned off overnight. New type of lighting throughout Surrey they are dimmed 1 covered with over grown tree branches asked council to upgrade from the yellow light bulbs to the energy saving day light bulbs still not done as our street is ver poorly lit. The street lighting, maintenance & reoairs in Conistone & Kilnsey is paid for by the Parish. It does not come under the District Council Lights which do not work are not replaced/repaired as often as in the past Most of the lights from Junction 1 on A40 to GX are off and road verge not well marked. Lights also off from GX to roundabout just short of Beaconsfield. The lighting has been switched from timed to all night and it is awful, totally unnecessary a waste of money, light pollution is horrific it is daytime all night!!!! Have only lived in my current area a year and a half. Every other light has been turned off The sodium lamps are being replaced with white ones which are not as good - they make a bright patch under each lamp but the space to the next lamp is dark. They are now not on overnight In recent weeks street lights ear this house have been turned off earlier in the evening. Extra lamp post & Light added in adjoining alleyway. In areas where there is little street lighting I feel much more vulnerable - particularly when out walking the dog. My husband agrees also. after midnight certain streets are unlit See 8 Been upgraded for which we are very grateful Colour has changed and lights point downwards renewed and improved Its has got MUCH BRIGHTER AND BETTER. improved when on Improved Our street is too bright - if alternate ones were not lit I would still feel safe. the street lighting is poor, especaily in the area of the pensioners bungalows. Changes to more efficient systems Not all of them are switched on and the news ones that are on only, and the ones that are on is dimly light only under the light. the rest of the street is in semi darkness. 41 They are brighter Some have been moved/removed new lights in my street and suroundind area The local council do not ensure that unlit units are replaced and ensure that folioage around the units is cut back. It gets turned off in our street most nights now Lamp posts have been exchanged for LED lights in the road. I actually prefer this as I live in a rural community and I don't want to see light pollution. In areas of higher risk (say to burglary/attack) then I do think lighting is important. Some lights turned off, on a bend and where a speed limit changes The luminaires have mostly been replaced by more efficient ones that give a more uniform illumination at ground level. New lighting fitted - totally different type of lighting lot of them replaced - better lighting but notices now say they will be turned off after 12pm. Improved New brighter LED streetlamps were installed last winter and they are amazing. No hazy yellow light but bright clear light. every other light is out at 11.59pm New additional lights put up further away from us Lights seem dimmer. I assume this is to cut light pollution. Most lights go off later during the night. Seem to switch off sometime after midnight and come on about 5am Some lights turned off during night Brighter lamp near the top of my drive see qn 8 In some areas as you walk down the main road it is particularly dark and I think the lighting has changed over the past few years. My daughter has to use a torch on her way to work at our local shop and in some parts she feels vulnerable, particularly past the park, past the school and the greyhound pub where it isn't at all well lit. Reduced on side roads. Canford Bottom itself is off from approx midnight but those in our cul de sac, backing on to Canford Bottom, are left on. old lamps are being replaced Certain lights are switched off to save power but these tend to be in dark areas such as quiet streets, footpaths etc. Updated Light bulbs are of a diferent type and do not appear to light the street so well Every other light was turned off in 2012 lights turned off after midnight Street light outside my home off at 12 midnight Many people in our road are elderly, so street lighting is important. However, I think it should be switched off after midnight. People can always take a torch and it would not only save energy but also enable us to see the stars occasionally! I do not know when or if street lighting is switched off in my neighbourhood after 11.00pm. it is pitch black in the morning when i go to work at 5am.I am a railway is awful. i also have to walk my dog before work in the pitch black.Not nice. As above. Street lights were upgraded a few years ago, but I am unsure exactly when... 42 Most lights are switched off sometime after midnight. A light outside my house was replaced with a more modern version. new style lights put in Some have been upgraded and a softer light They have become weaker, and the broken ones fixed less often. The street lighting in the village is so poor as to have little or no effect on the safety of pedestrians or motorists. It has a possible benefit in that one or two of the lights are in a tricky area for walking (Potholes!) But the community would be best served by turning them off at 10 or 11pm and using the money saved to install PIR controlled lights along the path to the church and community hall, which is dark and dangerous and which has been reused by the local authority in the past. New lamposts and lighting fitted, much brighter and visibilty vastly improved. Should be dimmed There are so many lights not working. It is very dark in some spots as there could be up to 5 lights out which have not been repaired. Had newer (more efficient) light standard installed. it is slightly darker in our street but a fairly quiet area on the whole. Nothing seems to have changed in the 6 years we have lived here apart from less lights on during the hours mentioned above. replaced in last 12 months Attempted break in to houses and cars Lights not on or bulbs out. The street lighting is generally very poor some stret lighting has been dimmed and soem streets come on later and go off earlier The lights are switched off from 12am - 6am and it is pitch black Lights are off in the early hours Street lamps replaced with anti-light polution type replacement lights erected approx.2 years ago. New lights installed recently - very bright and quite intrusive into bedrooms at night Most street lights are off after midnight I would be happy for them to be dimmed between say midnight and 5.30am if it saved money The lights were switched off at 0:30 for a trial period. This made it very dark but there didnt seem to be any more problems. Due to people complaining this has now been stopped and the lights are on all night WHAT A WASTE OF ENERGY!!! Turn them OFF I say! Bradman Gardens is quiet but there are so many trees here that it would not be safe to cut or dim the lighting. Us oldies are pleased not be 'in the dark' at night. It's reassuring. They have been off all this week The lights were "improved" a few tears ago. Each light now covers quite a large area and the general effect is similar to when it has been snowing. They are very effective and bright. This is a money saving operation. The area where I live is crime free but the lack of lighting is an inconvenience. They are about to switch off the lights in Essex, which will act as a curfew as far as I am concerned. No street lighting Shades to cast light down 43 I would only be out after 11 on voluntary work and to and from is done by car so feel fairly safe apart from some rowdiness when clubs are closing. Lighting makes little difference to me In alleyway adjacent--public right of way- streetlight flicks on and off-- when activated.This is most noticeable at weekends Lighting standards replaced no On the main road near us, the lights are off at night. I would never walk down this road at night We only have a few street lights in the village. Not all areas are covered. We would greatly appreciate street lighting in this area I've moved around a lot but never noticed this as a problem.. More modern lights installed, but sadly no reduction between 9.30 pm and 5.30 am. This is wasteful and distubing to the ecology Light are now switched off at midnight on our road street lights aren't always fixed quickly if they go out Area too dark. Lights now switched off late at night street lights replaced light outside house now goes off We only had three street lights in the village, providing fairly poor coverage. Two are now switched off at midnight, leaving no coverage. We have very limited pavements and speeding traffic , so the net efffect will be greater danger for any body out at those times. take a long time to get repaired when not working Certain lights are out now all night Improved less energy useing & brighter They quite often fail, and are widely spaced which creates large unlit areas. the lights have got better BUT they are needed due to the area & some of the people of the street are quite forth coming Modern lighting recently replaced the sodium lamps. The street is much darker now but the light pollution has been greatly reduced as well, so I think it is ok. street lights were replaced with more modern units and brighter bulbs A street light right next to us in the 'alleyway' appears to be on all the time now, I'm sure it never used to be. (it's more of a path than an alleyway but is quite wide and runs between the 2 houses) More off them - and I consider this to be a retrograde step because it causes light pollution and is unsightly. It is also totally unnecessary. street lights were changed on my street a couple of years ago. I walk along gravel hole lane back to my house and that area is very dark as there are no street lights at all I understand that HDC are planning to switch off or dim some street lights from midnight to 06:00 but I am not usually out and about after 23:00 I thnink to turn off lights at midnight until 5.30am would not only save money but also pollution. The lights now go off around 00:30 Turned off at midnight New lighting standards and lamps being installed Oct 2013. Lights will dim overnight. Some standards being removed for cost cuts much lower light levels from street lighting 44 Some lights are switched off that create black spots, trip hazards. Lack of lighting has mirrored with an increase in burglarys, domestic and non residential, in my opinion Our council tax goes towards paying for street lights and we see no reason why that part of the money should not go towards the same. New lights have been put in by the bus stop. Not repairing faulty lights for sometime Better transmission of light and positioning Still poorly lit New street lights lead to some areas better and some worse New lights put in 12 months ago Lights are on during the night all the time All street lights are off in the village which means thief could go around unnoticed with the street lights on if you hear anything srange after dark you would be able to see out fo the window and report to police The street lights were switched off for a period but now they remain on through the night Since the changes to lighting times when of from 12 midnight to 5 a.m. More lights as recently built estate n/a Tungsten lamps changed for LED lighting . . . . a big improvement in my opinion consume less power and provide a good light. When our street light failed to light over a considerable time we felt very unsafe during all times when it was dark. When the streetlights became active during darkness again I felt safe again during times of darkness. Yes, there is more of it and it is brighter Lighting has been updated New lights insyalled recently in my street Very dark area and with cars parked on footpaths on Hampsthwaite Road it is dangerous. being updated with more modern type lighting changed poles and lights Lighting is turned off at night - which is a good idea in order to save energy. And it allows us to see the stars! It doesn't seem to be any problem. most have been replaced Reduced lighting levels over past couple of years - type of lamps No Change apart from nightly switch-off. other than faults Light turned off at night Think they are less bright so possibly dimmed? The street lighting has been very well maintained in our area. Improvement with new light fitted opposite Lights off in Malthouse Lane Cul-de-sac lights are turned off New lights slowly being installed in neighbourhood NEW LAMP POSTS ERECTED AND DIFFERENT LIGHTING switched off for a few days a month ago for maintenance Walking the dogs on a night is rather unnerving as the area is pitch black. When the lights are on they do not seem to be as bright as they used to be. 45 In view of the cost, do not feel that street lights are needed after 12pm in such a relative safe area. Street lights could be movement sensitive if it saved money. Selby bypass lights switched off at times The lights have been upgraded and are switched off during the middle of the night Not enough lights Apart from renewal of some street lighting HCC PFI initiative new street lighting. these at present are run by the parish council, we have had problems where they were not on during the night but were on during the day?? this has now been resolved, we have recently had people trying to tamper with the boxes on the street lights at certain points on the street, this has resulted in vehicles being broken into Lights go off for about 5 hours any time between about 1130pm and 530am. Exact time varies. some of the lights are not on. Whether this is due to not replacing the bulb I don't know. We only have one street light in our village. Lights were off due to a fault. This was rectified when thir fault was reported. Street lighting switched off betwixt midnight and 6am, except in certain areas where it has been requested that they are kept on, as the areas have been identified as potential trouble spots without lighting, Mostly because these particular areas are pitch black, without lighting. An old street light standard was removed and not replaced for six months. It was one of only two on the street. While it was missing the street felt less safe. Apart from when unsafe lights were taken away and there was a delay in supplying new ones. New lamp posts were erected during the last 12 months. The lights nearest to our house stay on i.e.junction, public footpath. not really They are switching off the streetlights but not very consistently, the one in front of our home is always switched off after 11:30PM and the others are cycled. Sometimes is is so dark I can't even see across the road, especially during a new moon cycle. no where near \s good as used to be. Should be brighter Yes, they turn every second street light off in most of the village (except for the main road through the village) during the "quieter hours" overnight. I think they go off about 11pm and come back on about 6am. It was weird at first but we've got used to it and it doesn't seem to have had any negative affects. Fault lights not attended to as quicly Street lights were put in down in the village several years ago. The lights on our side road go off at night leaving the whole street in darkness repairs are not carried out as quickly as they were 3 years ago. ADB are not rectified for a long time SOME LIGHTS NOW TURNED OFF AT MIDNIGHT It has been renewed new lights, some switched off after midnight. all ok. Lights changed to a lower wattage,and since trees planted have now grown tall covering the lights when on. Some of the Historic lighting as become unserviceable and switched off. Awaiting replacement Have been replaced with brighter lights and the lamp posts have been cleaned and painted 46 switched off in early hours circa 1am onwards. There is often no lights on when I return home Switched off two lights next to each other plumiting bottom of cul de sac into total darkness - NOT GOOD. Lots of older people in this area New street lights have been installed Noticeable dark areas - I used to think they were power cuts! New lighting has been installed which provides more illumination on the actual road way, where as previously the lighting provided illumination to both the road way and the fronts of the houses along the roadway. In My street which is a cul de sac there is only one lamp and with the new lights installed the bottom of the cul de sac is extremly dark compared to the previous light which was installed. They used to switch off at midnight but our caress broken in toon the drive sowe complained and the lights were reset to darkness hours I usually carry a torch. The Police Commissioner has anti-social behavour and crime at the top of her list and speeding second - it doesnt matter whether you are in a town or rural setting when you live alone and at present you can see the area you live in - to go back to being pitch black - is not acceptable and quite daunting for the elderly and young children going to school in the winter - this is a quick knee jurk reaction to saving money - the council/government need to look to put there own houses in order before you turn lights out and cause misery and danger to the residents of this county - we dont live in a third world yet and monies should not be saved in this manner. I will be asking for a reduction in my rates if you proceed - as safety doesnt seem to have been part of the decision making. Why have you not been turning off some motorway lights and having only every other one on between 12 - 5 - this would have saved money years ago - as hardly any traffic is on this kind of road during this time it would have caused any problem for the users of this kind of road - you just want to turn off lights in rural areas - we have only had lights in our village for 12 years and you know want to turn some of them off. Try running this country properly and not ruining it - you are all doing a very good job of the latter - I dont think this is going to be a very propular move to try to put onto the British public at this time - you may well get a back lash. Some lights are turned off in our neighbourhood Alternate lights are off so there is still some lighting. This happens after midnight when I am rarely out. The lighting on our street isn't the best . I wouldn't feel happy if it were turned off . And we do pay for it !!! But I am told that our street lights will be switched off from midnight till 5.30am in the near future and I am very concerned about this. New lights Improved visibility. Some lights have been switched off. The street is very dark new leds now fitted Main road lighting improved There seems to be less street lighting in use where I live. Street light outside our house doesn't work but we don't need it so haven't reported it. They've got worse, it's not a well lit area at night time! 47 I work til midnight, they keep the street light on down the street where there are no houses/residents yet the one outside my flat is switched off and its so dark I cant tell where the pavement begins. certain roads leading to estates near were I live have had their street lights switched off , not good . It could help criminals !! no Lighting installed If they go out it can be some time before they are repaired No lighting during the evening since October 2013 There are certainly 3 lights on a nearby street not lit at present. Don't know whether this is intentional or the lights are just out. new street lighting. having problems in areas of the village where there are no lighting at all, due to them being broken. New type of lighting not as bright Not really as I seldom go out in the dark Replacement of some orange lights with LED ones Old lamp posts replaced with new ones. Lights now not as bright as before . I THINK THAT SOME OF SELBY BYPASS LIGHTS ARE TURNED OFF AT NIGHT TIME. I THINK THAT 1 IN 3 IS LIT NOW It is so dim partly with the change of the original lights to the more modern lighting system. They simply do not light enough of the roadway as the older lights did. We live in a village where there is minimal street lighting (deliberately as the majority of residents enjoy seeing the night sky). If it's dark I usually take a torch with him. All street lights were replaced. The street lights are new and not so bright as the old ones. Two of the street lights in our street are turned off about twice a month, in rotation. I don't like it but think it is better than turning a whole street off at once. Some street lights are occasionally off but not all of them at any one time Only that they are off at certain times now. I can confirm (because I spoke to them when they were instaliing them!) that in several streets in our Village the street lamps have been replaced with more energy efficient ones, plus they cause less "Light Polution" or so I was informed by the installers. Light outside our house is dimmed We do NOT need any street lighting in rural areas. MOST TURNED OFF AT MIDNIGHT Yes - light pollution is becoming more of a problem as some people fix lights to properties Lights were replaced and improved a year or two ago Essex County Council propose turning off our street lights between midnight and 5 am. My house has already been broken into twice in the last 20 years and I think that turning off the street lights will encourage more burglars. It is really worrying me. The are broken or off alot of the time. I have reported it & was told there was a 20 day lead time to get them fixed. They did come back on but are off as much as they are on. the lighting is so dim you can't see your way from one lamp to the next The street lights down my road(some ) have been upgraded, but I am not sure if that was the result of some failing and just being replaced with new lights. No problems - 48 New street lights with a more daylight than yellow light. Have been converted to LED type white lights. No lights Sreet lighting at night is an important factor in crime reduction. Dark streets are an invite to criminals , opportunist and habitual alike,,,particularly opportunist Most of the street lamps are off. Ones on street corners appear to be on There are a quite a few street lights out around the town at night but wether that's because no-one has reported them to the council or that they've been switch off I don't know All the lights in our cul-de-sac go off at midnight. Dim where I live When the light across from our house was broken it was very very dark here and it did make me feel rather unsafe and worried about burglars. street lights have been changed to a new style Currently sparsely lit. 1 light added There is less provision for street lighting, i.e. we only have 3 lights in the whole of our cul-de-sac. It is nice being able to see again some of the stars which were always there when I was a child. they have been replaced streets are pitch black after 1.00 am/12.00 The lights are switched off through the early morning hours Some of lighting doesnt work down my road. It becomes very dark and hard to see Some lighting has been turned off all together. Existing non-functioning street lights replaced with modern units. now switched off completely after midnight only been in the area approx 2 and a half yrs ; not noticed any changes recently All apart from 3 have been upgraded - 3 to be done in the near future It has improved New lights give very little light and vision is dangerously poor once the lights are turned off during the night. My son used to go to work at 4.30am and says vision was very poor Lights go off around midnight so that it is pitch black New lamp posts were erected in the last few months The lighting is very poor quality. they seem to be dimmer, and when lights broke council don't rush to mend them. if one light is out it makes a big area of the road dark and scarey street lights replaced with new type that spread light more and are not as bright - don't like them Old Orange lights are being replaced by new brighter ones in a seemingly random manner. Lights to the side road at the rear of the house are turned off at night. dimmed Street lights turned off about 12.30am the streetlights have been turned off late at night The parish council have started upgrading the streetlighting in my village. We don't have any replacement low energy lights are far less effective and give virtually no illumination Less of it 49 Lights switched off, very dark when walking unable to see where kerbs start or finish, more chance of someone hiding in the shadows without you noticing. Seem to go off about 7.45 in the morning in winter as you walk past and it is still dark Now have the new street lights I like the lights being switched off at night Replacement lights recently Half the lights not on at all The street lights have now been dimmed and it is much darker. dimmer lighting,(coloured) on some lamps.Some lights removed or not on. New lights have been installed which are less bright New less polluting lamps Not as bright as used to be I have only lived in this neighbourhood for 5 months. Many roads have no lighting now Half the streetlights go out at night It's been improved. Brighter street lights. Downward facing. Dimming during around 11pm -12 midnight. Some lights are switched off to save energy. Our street lights are very poor and always have been however they seem to have been out more than previously . When one goes out they take ages to be mended It got brighter some 2 years ago. Turned off for energy saving. There is a replacement lamp fitted but not yet working Not 100% it's 3 years but it's much brighter now, much better. the switching off scheme was started and has been successful Street lights should be switched off after midnight, to save energy. Lights are now turned off around midnight. Personally I am happy with this arrangement as I enjoy the area with less light pollution. only lived here a few weeks Changed from orange light to white light. Sometimes they're not on Since April there have been two lights off at the top of Harmby Bank one on each side of the road . Despie numerous phone calls nothing has been done to replace the lights Fewer Some lights are activated on motion. Turned off at night. That is fine Lights off midnight to 5am new street lights installed , better lighting a number of streetlights are switched off later at night Sometimes poorly lit pavements difficult to walk on safely, poor placement of lights and some overgrown trees blocking lights. NO STREET LIGHTING WHERE WE LIVE TAKE A TORCH 50 My Husband works nights & since the lights were switched off i have felt very home alone with my 7 year old 5/6 nights a week. Since the lights went out I have had my front door handle tried during early hours. neighbours have had peeping toms stood looking into there home & another friend followed home, my milk lady also finds it very daunting doing her job now!! .... So i am not in favour of lights off on our Road, its a public right of way off knaresborough High Street! a lot of lights are out of order for considerable time. Changed fittings and updated lamp posts I live near broad acres property on south parade and think its ludicrous that the street lighting could possibly be switched off! We are Neighbourhood Watch Coordinaters up from Rivendale Residential Home to Bankhead Road leading onto the back of Valley Road. We have 5 garages situated at the rear of the properties of Bankhead Road leading to Valley Road & when the street lights go out at approx midnight this asking for burglaries all round this area as it is pitch black. Not as bright. Dark areas between lights. Trees cause a lot of problems and block light shining down. They do seen less bright I return home from work at 4am and now have to carry a torch I work shifts and return home at 4am I now have to carry a touch Reduced numbers of streetlights - the one nearest our house was removed and not replaced - and reduced illumination from the remaining lights. It's darker now. Always been very poorly lit with the old orange lights I WOULD FEEL SAFER IF THE STREET LIGHTS WERE KEPT ON ALL NIGHT one off local scheme using house lights, electricity paid for by Parish Council. Some building work has removed a light or two and the PC has not pressed for replacements. Some street lights have been changed...........a different colour lamp. Local light are out but not sure if it's a fault They are being replaced gradually with newer ones There are hardly any street lights anyway, I would rather they were left on as there is a busy road through the village. Do we get a rebate on the parish precept if they are turned off? New style lamps which are no where near as bright as the old ones. We live outside town beyond the Malton by pass and the lighting on the bypass has increased especially on the new roundabout into Norton. A previously dark part of countryside is now like Blackpool illuminations! Surely a reduction in lighting should start on these areas first rather than in town? Lighting head gear has been replaced for more efficient lighting and standard post changed from concrete to steel posts In the last year there are a lot less street lights on late at night. Higher proportion of street lighting has been changed over to energy-saving units. The street lights in the cul de sac are switched off at midnight. Most street lights switched off around midnight Turned off at about 10pm in last 12 months Has not caused a problem. A good way to save money and the environment. Every other light has been switched off and now leaves dark areas in the street Lamps renewed in the last 12 months Street light switched off at midnight. New lamp posts installed. 51 We have some lights in some areas of the village but not everywhere on the outlying roads Replacement of old concrete posts / lighting by new metal posts with different lights. Less obtrusive but still OK - happy with that. New lights It's all off late at night No street lights so no change New street lights installed because according to the council the old lamp posts had become corroded and dangerous. Lighting is now much improved compared with the old system Would be reasonably happy for street lights to be turned off from 11pm to 6am New lamp standards have been fitted and some lights have been improved Switched off from 0001 to 0600 GMT Lights seem to be turned off 24.00hrs and 06.00hrs. Certain street lights have been switched off making it very hard to see especailly for dog walkers. We don't feel as safe as we used to. We have no street lights for about 10miles in all directions On one or two streets I have noticed that the lights are not operating during the evening but presumably this is a fault, as they are meant to stay on till after midnight. New street lighting has been installed in the last few years New installations Less street lights are on/not working New low energy lights fitted This question needs another answer N/A no street lighting in your neighbourhood Reduction in number of street lights Lamposts replaced with new ones, but not always in the same place, a few metres further apart, so the lit areas doesn't always meet up - in other words 'shaded areas'. The repalcement energy saving lamps dont appear to be as bright as the old ones, new lights Takes longer and longer to get faulty ones repaired Our street lights go out at midnight and don't come back on till 5.30 in the morning. All replaced with EEC grant We have old lights which are dim and there is only one in our street as I get older I don't feel as safe I do work nights so out travelling inthe dark a lot and I fear breaking down in the dark Street lights now turned off after midnight. we have no lighting They are switched off from 23.45 hrs . The village isn't well lit and often the quickest way from A to B isn't via the partly-lit street but along an unlit footpath so I always tend to carry a small torch. up grade The street lights go off just before midnight and come on at 5am lamppost and type of lighting changed Reduced Many more lights have been put up. I am in favour of dimming them and switching them off 52 only that ones that blow are not replaced as quickly as they used to be. Many are covered by overgrown tress too. Living in a rural village the main street lighting is poor. The lighting on the estates is much better and safer. New -style metal post street-lights with low intensity, downward facing and more efficient lights were installed within the last two years. There are very few houses on the lane being on the outskirts of the village and consequently the street lighting is very sparse. The lighting is very restricted - two lights for the whole village so far from adequate Changed from orange to white low energy- much nicer and less creepy! Not sure when this changed though. The street is pitch black after midnight until 5am in the morning. This change began this spring. I have a security light but would feel safer with stronger street lights Actual lamposts updated Only that there seems to be some kind of planning fixation on putting street lights wherever possible-overkill in the name of 'safety'. Any reduction in street lighting could well result in an increase in crime Some of the lights were switched off, we have just had our lights replaced now so to energy saving lights so they are now dimmed at different times. new posts were errected, so could come on at dusk - but have since been turned off !! Street lights are due to go off shortly. no relevant comment Tn6 2tl. Lights off at night I have a street light right outside my bedroom window which is a bonus. Improved when updated. All Surrey's street lights are in the process of being replaced/upgraded. My area has been completed. The lighting is now better than it used to be, but I am unsure whether the council have dimmed the lights at all, or plan to in the future. There are street lights in the village just under a 1 mile away Replaced lights, shame they always cut through live cables causing me to lose money. The new lighting systems are not as bright as the old type that are expensive to run. One thing though I am very much against the dimming or turning off of street lighting for obvious reasons regarding health, saftey and crime. This is England not some third world country. They are not on as long as they were Lots switched off, including the one opposite my house which leaves us in total darkness Trial carried out turning the lights off They will be switched off Much dimmer Lights are not always in the best/right places and we could do with a few more! I would like the light at the ottom of Mill Lane left on and one furher up the Lane could be turned off!! opposite No6, I have rung the council but they are not very cooperative!! It would help on very dark nights on that corner I would like the light at the ottom of Mill Lane left on and one furher up the Lane could be turned off!! opposite No6, I have rung the council but they are not very cooperative!! It would help on very dark nights on that corner 53 The council are saving on street lighting costing me more to light an area in front of my house, because thieves don't like to be seen at night They used to be on all night but now the lights are switched off around midnight and back on again around 5am less maintenance of lighting Lighting in local shopping precinct appears to be off at night ! Replacement of some of the old dull orange lighting All updated and replaced People are now walking around using torches which is rather sad living in a village. Takes me back to the 2nd World War. There are not enough lights on the main street - parts of the village are very dark! N/A no street lights. Brighter We now only have one on during night hours when they all used to be on until earlier this year. Replacement lamps. Lamp standards and tops replaced with new ones. The switching off of street lights at night. It has increased crime in out town! I know the few that we have are switched off but not sure when they are turned off for about 4 hours on a tight corner do not want street lights We have never had street lighting in the village and so there has been no change. They are off for a few hours at night. Many lights are turned off New lights installed More street lighting - often unnecessary It has been upgraded Roughly every 4th street light is switched off Rarely go out at that time so cannot comment Switched off at night We live in a village with street lights which rarely work, so sections are not at all well lit. I have not noticed any dimming of the street lights. I think our lights are faulty rather than deliberately being dimmed to save costs. Reduced number of lamps illuminated the lights dont always work They are always replaced when Council has been notified. Turned off about midnight Yes they are turned off overnight we have 2 lights but 1 has not been working for months New lights We have had new types of street lighting put up. lights have been replaced at least as much light I noticed last year that it seemed to be very dark in my area then realised that mist if the street lighting was out. I live on a small development (20 houses) about 2 miles from town, in a rural area. There is nowhere to walk to from here, so the few streetlights we have are adequate. If anyone goes out of there house at any time of day, it is always in a car. some sections of the surrounding streets appear very dark Lights now off after midnight New street lights fitted about 12months ago. 54 A few small streets have low level lighting but the general policy of our Parish Council is to resist any further lighting. Indeed I would support the reduction of lighting by swiching off during the proposed time. The switching off the two lights at either end of the cul- de- sac has made t absolutely pitch black as there is no illumination from anywhere. I believe we are very lucky where we live, there doesnt seem to be an attraction for any adverse activity here Have noticed outside our sheltered housing scheme ,that it is a lot darker. One or two of the lights are never on. i am not sure if it was cutbacks or lights were faulty. In the past i have reported faulty lights . They have always been repaired very quickly, but this has not happened for a while now ..So i have took it that they were introducing switching off some of the lights, to be able to spend money on other essentials. yes they are switched off at 12.30am Lighting was improved following a request from the Neighbourhood Watch I live in a cul-de sac with one street light and it is always late in coming on at night and then goes off before 12 midnight and is always late in coming back on again. Light bulbs were recently changed. Reductions in lighting are being talked of locally by council and that they may have to consider changes ...however....many people have concerns that both they and their properties will be even more vulnerable. Savings can better be made by omitting/dimming certain lights along motorways and dual carriageways from 11.30 until 5am At least one in 3 are turned off around the area I live in PFI produced complete change of lighting. Better for darker sky. Street lights are gradually getting closer and closer to where I live and the natural rural darkness is disappearing. They're not needed! some arears they are not working Upgraded Lamps Taller and brighter lamps. Getting less and less, street lights being taken down and not replaced and there was not that many there to begin with. STRONGER INTENSITY OF LIGHT GIVEN OUT BY NEW STREET LIGHTING We have only lived here for three years New lights have been put in during the summer 2013, which are now on 24/7 a few extra lamp standards installed at request of the village we have new lights. they look like led street lights go off too early at night betweem 11.40 and 11.45 should be on until at least midnight week nights and 1am Friday and Saturday nights N/A less lighting and reduced levels create dark spots The street lighting now goes off at midnight. Luckily I am now retired, but I used to start work at 3am at an airport, and left home at 2am. I shared driving with a colleague, and sometimes would walk to meet her. I am now retired and very glad I no longer have to walk in the complete dark. N/A no pavements or street lights Street lights go off at midnight 55 I can only speak for myself but as i am rarely out walking at night i wdnt mind too much if the lights were switched off. The only reservations i have are that it might encourage antisocial behaviour from the daft element if they knew they had the cover of darkness to protect them! (lets hope not!) During the winter the street lighting is very bright but during the summer time and early Autumn when leaves are still on the trees it is quite dark with a lot of shadow because of the tree canopy. The Council need to prune the trees back to improve the light. We only have one street light Site changed and type changed Visibility on pavements not as good, trip up often Lights off around midnight. Have walked another way to avoid dark alley New lights which point down to avoid light pollution. They offer better solution to light pollution but do have a slight spot light downwards from the light leading to darker areas. It doesn't make me feel less safe but you cannot see trip hazzards. New steel columns and the lights go out at approx 11.45pm It has been drastically improved - with a whole new set of street lights especially on a bridge which connects the village to the high street and railway station. We have a mixture of old & New I am generally out between the hours of 6pm & 9pm as I am Avon Rep & do find where the streets have been changed to the new lighting very dark as they only light a very small area I also find that the new lighting is only on one side if the street so no lights on the other so that makes it very dark. Where I live there are a lot of older people & they won't now go out at night & they worry for my safety. I cannot do this job during the day. very dark after 9.30pm, can't see to get into front door, can't identify people for police when reporting crime Lights were changed from normal bulbs to sodium (orange) lights. 3 on our road at 70watts each for 10 hours = just over 2 kwh per day. Is this too much to pay for the safety of over 200 people who live (and pay Community Charge) here? If so, I'll go round with a hat and pay the price of leaving the lights on to the penny-pinching Council! Consistent and reassuring. Council ensures they are in good condition and react to reported failure New One street light in particular goes off as you approach it......bizarre I know, but what's worse it's on the approach to crossing the railway track in Bicester They are in the process of renewing and replacing all the street lights in this area They kep the cycle path lights off in winter. LED lights have replaced the old sodium ones. We live in at the top of a cul de sac next to a playing field. Our street lights seem to be off as soon as it gets dark and, as there is no residual light from other areas, the street is exceptionally dark. This turning off of street lights has been noticeable in the past year and is not at all welcome. Street lighting now off midnight to 05.00 hrs addition and/or replacement of street lighting due to age or lack of prior lighting The street is much darker which sometimes why I feel more vulnerable New lamp posts at wider intervals 56 New, better ones are being installed as part of the Hampshire PFI scheme. Orange sodium lights are being changed for modern white lights. This gives a better sense of depth and distance whereas sodium lights create a fairly flat scene. These are not in our immediate road but around the area. Dorset seem to be turning the lights off at midnight. The other end of our road, which is adopted (we think) blacks out at the witching hour. We are not adopted so we stay lit till the sun takes over. They have been changed to the bright white lights. Just glad I don't sleep in the front of the house They don't seem as bright but I can't be certain. change of lamps In my opinion there are too many street lights. They aren't on as often New brighter lamp. New lighting standards were installed last year which I feel are superior in terms of illumination. Lights left off now. One of the lights is broken and has been for over a year now Some new lamp posts Not sure about dimming but our street lights go off after 12 at night and that makes me feel uncomfortable and less safe. We have also heard of more shed/garage breakins since the change. Our Local Council (Cheshire East) do not have responsibility for the Street Lighting in Chorley. Any work undertaken is driven by the Parish Council and therefore takes an age to arrange repairs, find funding and find the appropriate people to handle this via Cheshire East's list of preferred Contractors. I believe that there would be an immediate increase in personal safety if Cheshire East were to adopt the Lighting and be able to perform routine checks and maintenance in that they have the expertise to do this efficiently. No lighting The lamp posts have been replaced this year The lighting on our close is dim and always has been. We tried to get another street light at the end of the close some years ago and they said it was light enough although everyone else thinks not. Most people on the close have fitted security lighting including myself. All new/replacement lights in our area are now the multi light led ones and are a little duller than the old ones/do not seem to spread the light as far. We have a lot of lighting all around a nearby school that is on all night I think. There was no street lighting when we moved here and there's still no street lighting New lighting a year or so back - not sure whether less than three years ago. lights go off midnight and on in mornings No longer on all night failed lights not replaced Some lights are now switched off late at night. Alternate street lights turned off to save money a bit confusing recent turning off lights policy was very haphazard and dangerous There was a trial switch off and it felt even more dangerous than I expected. If the lights were turned off again I would feel trapped indoors between dusk and dawn. Some new lighting systems installed change from sodium to white 57 I CYCLE TO WORK VERY EARLEY IN THE MORNING. I HAVE LIGHTS BACK AND FRONT AND WEAR A REFLECTIVE JACKET, BUT STILL DO NOT FEEL SAFE. THE STREET LIGHTS HAVE BEEN RECENTLY DIMMED AND IT IS VERY DANGEROUS FOR CYCLISTS. IT IS VERY HARD TO SEE IF THERE ARE OBSTACLES SUCH AS GLASS ETC ON THE ROAD AND CAR DRIVERS SEEM TO FIND IT VERY HARD TO SEE CYCLIST AT THE BEST OF TIMES THE DIMMED LIGHTS HAVE MADE THIS FAR WORSE. Lack of lighting makes me afraid of trips, etc - not muggings! There are lights in the nearest town (Witney) and I have no fears of going out there at night. half are turned off for economy Street lights are being replaced with much brighter units Some new LED lighting installed changed the lights so they are not so bright Some lamps removed when switched to outsourced managed lighting. We are new to the area (Dec 2012). Lights at back of house near an entry where druggies congregate has been turned off reduction in lights leaving a number of badly spaced street lamps and a number of very dark areas. Lights switched off late at night - No problem to me, in fact happy to save council money. Some lighting appears to be dimmed or switched off at times. The Street Lighting in Barnet and Enfield has been renewed to a new anti light pollution system paid for with an EU Private Public Grant. Added to that the Street lighting has added to it a control system designed by the Harvard Engineering Company, this is known as 'Leafnut' Lights can be dimmed after Midnight up to 50% output, but still gives adequate light, Certain Alleyways and key junctions are still under the control of individual lighting photocells. The system also can tell if an individual light is faulty so that action can be taken to rectify the fault. The lighting has changed from yellow to a white light.I find this better for see other people and makes my daughter feel safer. lights under the underpass was out for some time. Old lamp posts currently being replaced on this estate the lights are off now through the night Only lived here for the past two years I used to sometimes go for a walk with my husband in the late evening but not since the street lighting has been switched off. do not have any Dimmed street lighting New brighter, whiter lighting put in this year. Lights extinguished during the middle of the night. lights currently are switched off during early morning hours On footpaths and bicycle paths in North Abingdon, the lights situated along said pathways are in many places obscured by overgrown trees and bushes which block, fully or partially, the light from the streetlights. This makes pathways dark and obscures obstructions, such as overgrown bushes, also creating a feeling of danger. This also has another negative impact in that, the street lights that are blocked by the overgrown trees/bushes stay on all day as their sensors detect darkness! Some lights turned off at Midnight, however remaining lighting sufficient. Upgrade some removed where not needed. Old ones replaced with much better brighter lighting 58 Too much street lighting. It really does not have to be lit up like a Christmas Tree all night long. I live in a small village and the street lighting is mainly on the main Road and not in this part of the village Not applicable. We do not have street lighting. Lights on main road into village have been switched off. Very dark go of about midnight would prefer they stay on we dont have street lighting Lights switched off They are currently all being replaced with the new up-to-date lighting but this is still in progress so not sure what difference they would make to my answers to this survey. New street lights are not good - bright pool of light near the streetlight but darker further away from it. The orange lights were better There are many more lights than previous - we have 3 lights and now have 9 (more than necessary for the short road we live on) Lighting has been put on a timer to go off after 12.00. at 1:00 a.m the lights are out where it becomes pitch black and I don't feel safe when arriving from work and lock the car Some street lights have been removed,this has made the street very dark and unsafe for our cars, houses and personal safty.We are not happy about this but have complained but with no help or solution given. I reguarly go to the Coombes school Arborfield, Berkshire in the evenings and the absence of street lights outside the school make it very dangerous they have now switched them on again Street lamps that are not working are not repaired. Outside 51 Orchehill Avenue a lamp has been out for over a year Not in my area. There are no lights on our service road, but I do not see aproblem. The main street lights provide suuficient light. Alternate lamps switched off, reducing visibility. They are switched off at night now, they did not used to be New brighter lights installed about 18 month ago A40 between Beaconsfield and Gerrards Cross no lights now Street lighting has been removed whilst new one are in the process of being installed , the effect has been that there are dark parts in the area, Residents have complained about this issue and are worried about safety. The Local Authority has been lobbied to get the new lighting installed as soon as possible as the area feels much less safe. I live on a main road and the lights remain on, whereas in side roads they are off from 12.30 am to around 5.30 am quite a few lights not repaired when failed. No street lights at all in a 30 zone in one section of road Lights go off at midnight Lights out after midnight We don't have street lamps Lights are now switched off during the middle of thenight. I have wondered whether the lighting was being switched off at night in my road. I am seldom out late at night. I noticed for the first time within the last month that the lights were off but it was after midnight and they had been on earlier, well after dark. Switched off at midnight. 59 why are street lights turned off in residential areas and left on in some non residential areas, there is no consistency We have just had new lights installed, the spacing is different and there seem ti be more dark areas as many lights have been installed in tree branchers new lights fitted recently new streetlights recently installed The lighting has recently been altered so that it now switches off at 1am They have been switched off. Yes, many lamp standerds are switched off New styled street lights erected Since the installation of the new white lights the lighting levels have dropped they hav also removed the standard from the junction of Newlands rd and Davie Lane which is now in darkness, this route is frequently used as a rat run via Teal Rd We live in a private road and it takes for ever to replace light bulbs. That they are dimmed/switched off overnight. Lights turned off around midnight most of them turned off, but some back on now. They go off in parts of my area A move to brighter lighting as older, yellow low-pressure sodium lighting is replaced with high-pressure. However, this is very slow as it is only on replacment of failed or damaged lamps. solar light studs in the pavement bewteen us and the next village New neighbourhood, less than 3 years. isolated lights at junctions and corners are left on. The result is there is always some light even if only low level. Certain street lights have been switched off Hideously brighter They ahve changed the lights I presume for less costly to run ones- they are less effective too. Also we have them go out between approx 0030 and the morning. I haven't really been affected by this though. It is completely black. I'm not sure if crime has increased because of this or not. Noit as good as it used to be. New lamps have been installed with low energy bulbs new replacement lights much better than old ones not sure when they was changed but went from the orange to the white which are better There are too few street lights at each end of the villlage. Changed to led lights. Whiter light which is good, but brighter, qhich is not so good as it's too bright Lights go off at mid night and come back on at 5am My daughter lives in Swindon.Peatmoor where the light are turned off in certain areas which I feel is very dangerous on the roads and for any pedestrians out at night. Most of the lighting has recently been turned of overnight some lights have been switched off Very slow to repair broken lights - took 2 months and several visits to finally repair a run of 8 lights 12 months ago, They now go out at night! Lighting removed in cul de sac where I live which leaves area outdide my home dark and unsafe brighter white lights installed 60 Selected lights switched off at night. Position and spacing of street lights has been changed.lights are further apart.o Local council switched main street lighting off, only those at junctions / roundabouts and other high risk areas were left on, due to a couple of incidents one of which i believe was fatal the lights were switched back on. Guess council concerned over being prosecuted, no one wants to take personal responsibility these days...... !!! Several lights out and not repaired, lots of dark areas around the village presumably due to cuts from midnight all street lighting is off and its so dark outside, you can't even see your hand in front of your face! Some lights were dimmed temporarily for a trial period. repairs are taking longer when lights fail. Also trees in one particular obscure the lights at a junction on the Lane End Road, and Seymour Park Road - dangerous as it can be hard for people to spot the turning when turning into Seymour park Road. one street lamp seems to be out but only one night at a time. Seems to go off around midnight ??? No changes, but ECC are about to implement 'Part Night Lighting' which I regard as grossly unwise, if not criminal. ECC's alleged saving of 2M pounds per annum could easily be paid for by a tiny increase in Council Tax equal to around 29p/household/month thus there is no need to switch lights off and endanger the public. There are several instances where part night lighting in trial areas has resulted in a massive increase in criminal damage and theft - ECC are lying when they state that 'Crime has not increased'. Talk to the residents in Saffron Walden! They have been updated but it seems the city once again more importance has been given to the city centre despite us have cycle lines on our foot paths and very large tress blocking out some of the street lighting. New low energy lighting Do not have any street lighting We could definitely do with more than two lampposts in the cul-de -sac! They have never been bright, so don't know if they've been dimmed or not. Not in our street but it is noticeable that the A51 trunk road leading to Nantwich from Acton has had its street lighting extinguished. The whole point of street lighting was to make it safer for pedestrians and motorists. This is an accident waiting to happen and is extremely dangerous. Street lights seem to be increasingly shrouded by overhanging trees. The ambient lighting levels are inadequate even before the trees intercept the light and cast extensive shadows. New street lights. Bigger gaps between lights. Were changed to being switched off for a few hours during the night, but I think they may have been switched on again, but am not sure as I am not usually out at that time of night I think they may be brighter than previously but couldn't swear to it No street lighting on amersham hill, between amersham and Chesham Some of the street lighting on the main A road, which I drive along to get to my road his alternate lamp posts switched off, midnight to 5.30 Sometimes the bulbs are replaced with ones that have different tones or colour temperatures, but nothing special. Personally I like the fact that the street lights go off at 1.30am, the darkness ensures a better night's sleep as well as making savings for the council that hopefully will be spent on urgent projects such as road resurfacing. 61 I would like the lights to go off for the night - say 11pm. I walk the dog most nights and I never see anyone. Nobody is walking about at that time of night and it is a complete waste of energy. If they need to get about use a torch Only lived in Oxford for a year. Never been street lights in our street A lot of the new lighting is dimmer. I have noticed that it is a lot less bright Only lived here for 1 year. Extensive use of what is called 'Part night' working. If you report a street light not working it is not possible to tell if it is operated part of the time through the night (part night in West Sussex) or on all the night. It is now impossible to report a light not working as you do not know whether it should be or not. Essex County Council street lights are turned off in our village from midnight to 5am this is recent - began in September 2013 turned offmore often I would not want lights to be dimmed, we live in a small cul-de-sac which even with lighting is dark at the end, no lighting would be an open invitation to burglars never had street lights Less lighting Small village of 200 houses - only street lights in four or five cul de sacs probably built in last 25 years With the low energy bulbs the lighting is less effective. It also crests more shadows than previously. New street lights installed They used to be on all night unhappy, no reduction in council tax but scaling back of services, have a higher level of fear with nights out at night. Lights I nearby Daventry switched off late at night and I would not feel safe there. The lights don't seen to be as bright and they used to be and it seems very dark and more difficult to see specially when driving, so avoid going out at unless have too. Lights now go off midnight to 5:30am Upgraded luminaires one light in vernons walk is on 24/7 new lights are not as good as the old ones When the bulbs go out I report this straight away to the Parish Council and after a few times chasing up the bulbs are then replaced The street lights have been changed to less bright low energy lights half the street light are switched off causing our part of the street to sit in darkness Street lights were permanently switched off over 3 yrs ago Better lights but further apart Street lighting is much dimmer. Some lights not working or switched off and areas of darkness. a colder, whiter light Yes, quite a few have been switched in an effort tosave money. new lighting standards put in place Unable to say as I returned to this area only last year. Maintenance is patchy and removal of creepers and adjacent branches that reduce effectiveness is seldom carried out. As answer at 8. 62 We are at present having new lampposts installed whereas the older ones were fine as they were. We and many of our friends are appalled by the amount of money being wasted on new posts throughout Nottingham when more worthy things like old folks home etc have to close. yes does not work properly at night There is only one street light that I know of, we should have another in the high street. only that it goes off at midnight and comes back on at 5am They are turned off later evening then throughout the remainder of the night. The estate is like there's a blackout, there is no illumination what so ever. When I arrive home off shift early hours the environment is very intimidating and menacing, particularly when strangers are dodging about. not as bright as they used to be Some street lights have been switched off in the street. Street lighting turned off late at night 24.00? Updated lamps We have had extra lighting put in our village although not where I live. the residents who live near to the lighting actually dislike it as it's too powerful and intrusive in to their homes. Switching off street lights is a new development, started September. yes, switched off at midnight new street lights have been put up in all of the town , the only fault I have with them is that the light shines straight down with no spread rather like a torch ,where I live there are a lot of older folk and there is only 4 lamps to cover an area about 1/4 mile long not very wide about 50 + yards a lot of the area is dimly lit ,not too good for older residents lots turned off Street lighting always appears to be dim, especially walking from the village shops along Washingborough Road. not working properley we have 2 street lights in our street Less of it. Three lampposts replaced with supposedly two better ones. The end result being much worse and a complete waste of money as far as I'm concerned. Fewer lights on creating pools of darkness new lamps installed that give better ground lighting without illuminating unnecessary areas such as the sky and houses Changed from easy on the eye Yellow colour, to harsh bright white! The council fixed one of the lights by the shops. less lights on in the streets Used to be on all night. Street lamps are now switched off in the late evening Soory, this is awkward to answer as the street light on our rural lane only go so far. The lights are switched off at about12.30 and come on again about 6am Have not got any street lighting as in earlier answers I believe that recently the street lighting is switched off at night at around midnight. New lights installed in road . Have a ghostly apperance New Estate Reduction in the number of lights locally. We have changed from orange neon light to I guess energy saving lights One point is worrying that lighting shared with telephone poles are to be withdrawn and not replaced this would mean all the ones on our street going Some lights have been switch off 63 the lighting on my road (bedale road, Sherwood) is very poor. it is very rare that I would out after dark but on the occasions when I am I feel very uncomfortable and unsafe. I have two teenage children and would hate them to be walking on this road in darkness as the lighting is extremely poor. it is a leafy and tree lined road and can appear very secluded. this should be a priority to heighten the quality of the lighting. Not sure if lights have been turned off or are broken. Have rang council to report them and they have been switched back on immediately. we have the new street lights which give out less light and there are now fewer of them in our Close Several street lights are due to be swtiched off at night Change of one lamp standard to a newer type. replaced lamps There is some, but very little, street lighting in my area, and what there is is inadequate to find your way around easily. new better brighter light`s Not sure that the changes have been necessary Only lived on new estate just over a year. Street light attached to an electricity pole has been removed, leaving a rather dark stretch of road. When the bypass road was opened so that we had much less traffic through the village the street lights were changed as the current ones were for a main road.The new ones are not as bright and are in slightly different positions which has had an adverse effect ,creating some dark areas. Seem to be on less, not always adjusted in tune with dusk and dawn. Feel much safer with street lighting on once dusk/dark Yes, crime has increased, making people not go out, feeling vulnerable. Lead has been stolen from people's houses, vehicles stolen, and items taken from houses or sheds. Many people in my area said no to the changes to the street lighting, yet our concerns were not listened to. I moved to the area last year Street lights are switched off about 11. 15 and not put back on until 5am approx. Lights replaced with newer model new lighting installed is very good not in favour of late night blackout , at least one light should be on at each corner or bend in the road wherever the road may be town or country. On the grid roads in Milton Keynes they are turned off. there are a few lights out but then there are a few that are now led and brighter Replaced the lighting Of necessity, I must be out in pitch darkness @/or about 0530; I use a million-candle Torch but have concerns/consideration for my neighbours therefore, it is not on the entire time that I am out, which is about 15 to 20minutes. The stress is detrimental to my health as I have respiratory & a cardiac condition. Certain street lights are turned off at night New street lighting Certain roads now turned off making them dangerous Always feels too dark the street light outside our property is very rarely lit now See Q8 above. We were asked a little while ago if we would like more lighting but I believe it was no 64 The street lights are switched off at about 01:00. I don't know what time they are switched on again. I guess about 08:00 in the winter. We live in a cul-de-sac and its very quiet so I don't feel uneasy if I need to go out. There was a switch off of some of the lights for a year or so, but these have now been turned back on. there are some very tall lights going up at the present where in my view they aren't necessary as it is not a residential area and they are replacing some shorter ones which appear adequate Some areas nearby have been treated to LED street lights.. Only lived in property for just over a year, there were some not working when I first moved in I reported them and they were fixed Large areas of darkness - not safe for driving One light in our close is off. It may be broken. If i do go out it is not after midnight so wouldn't know if the lights are dimmed after midnight. The lights have also recently been updated for modern versions in our area. We live in a "U" shaped street - a light at each street corner used to remain on all night this has ceased to be the case following lighting being replaced 3 months ago. In some street the lights are only on one side leaving the opposite side in semi-darkness to the point where uneven pavements could create a safety hazard. While in other streets some houses are floodlit necessitating the contractors to return and install "visors" to direct the light appropriately. Recently switched to dimmed at night YES THE LIGHT WAS TURN OFF BY NORTHAMPTON COUNCIL ( AT THE END OF A DARK ALLEYWAY ) Some lights are turned off late at night. Lights have been changed from the traditional LP Sodium lamps to those with an improved light output on the outskirts of Stokenchurch, some now turned off We had energy efficient lights fitted in our road. Some roads seem to be turned off at night, Our streetlighting has been upgraded/ replaced by SSE last year (2012). We have much more street lighting in some parts of our village than other villages in the area. But none on my part of the (rural lane). I think we could manage quite well if they were dimmed at night- it would certainly make the stars more viewable. Lights timed to go off at about 23.30 and come on again at about 5.30 over a year ago. No other changes except lamps are now of a more of energy efficient type dimmer than before Better However we only moved to the area 2 years ago It doesn't seem as bright as it used to be. Some lamps have been replaced with white light which is an improvement some lights are switched off We did have some new lights put in A significant amount of street lights have been turned off in the area where I live. Some of the street lighting is switched off with a notice to that effect The street lighting is very poor, and really almost no help Now off between 12 and 5 Improved lighting but alternate lights switched off Often grown over with plants and trees. Poor maintenance. Swtiched off between 12am and 5am as far as i am aware..... 65 Recently switched off due to local authority cost saving measures Some areas lighting have been switched off but now some is returning. street lighting on the main roads is switched off now, and bulbs that are broken don't get replaced very quickly If I am out during the specified time I am usually in a vehicle, sometimes on a bicycle and very rarely on foot. I also have good security lighting which activates during darkness and my property is largely screened from local street lighting by trees. Quite happy without street lighting in the village, as most houses have security lighting that comes on when you pass houses. Improved recently Luckily we have had an light put in half-way down he alley near to our house so this had made me feel safer and hopefully deters burglars. My immediate location and the road it comes off do not have street lights/ The main A4 running through the village as lights on during the hours of darkness. Some parts of the A4 in the near vicinity have the lights switched off between midnight and 5am. Otherwise i have not noticed any changes in the last 3 years. The question isn't very specific. New lighting installed to reduce light pollution They go off earley because of the cuts The lights at the end of the road appear brighter There are some areas where lighting is switched off completely. I feel fine about this. Less street lighting in neighbouring streets and also on approach to estate think there may be an icrease in opportunist crime especially from vehicles Main road lights between Amersham & St Giles have been turned off We now have white eco friendly lighting The bulbs were changed to energy saving a few years ago. Live on rural main road, no street lights so walking anywhere without a torch is very difficult. With the darker evenings lack of street lights is restricting. The local Parish Council provide the street lighting. The council declined switch off/dimming on grounds of security. new lamp posts being installed in some areas We had about 27 street lights out in Stokenchurch on the main A40 last year for over 12 months despite my having e-mailed Bucks C C with numbers of the lights not working. Most have now had bulbs replaced. The older MBFU type Light fittings do not give off the same light output as the newer Street furniture currently gives i.e.Lumen output. Lights off at 1am The Street Light by my house as installed in past months is very good and better than the previous Recently moved here so don't know. Street lights attached to properties and some poles are no longer repaired. Almost half of the lights in the village are now inoperative, leaving some areas very dark. Maintenance is worse and more lights are out We have some street lighting, but no repairs are done, so the lights are getting fewer. There are more strangers who come into our close to "have a look". off at night I was aware of the lights going off at midnight. No problem! Cambridgeshire replacing lighting, generally brighter although some areas have lost lighting 66 They go off at 11.35 ish Not on between 00.30-05.30. Adequately covers the time when you'd expect to be out on the street and its dark. Old lights been recently replaced. Newer ones seem higher casting light over a larger area. Some major road lighting switched of Lights repositioned and replaced It has got worse not repaired Initially at midnight then later changed to 1am. Light switches off suddenly with no dimmimg so if you half way down steps etc you can't see where you are going significant reduction in street lighting I do not like the street being in darkness at night Fairly convinced street lighting is being dimmed in our area, could do with street lighting on footpaths at sutton lawn. In De Freville avenue the number of street lamps have been reduced and some are inside trees which means in the autumn (like now) they don't give much light. I am not afraid of crime but I am afraid of missing the pavement step or stepping in puddles. Not sure if it was just within the last 3 years, could be longer ago, but the street lighting colour switched from yellow/orange to blue/white which makes colours easier to identify and the neighbourhood seem lighter. Much darker as you leave Victoria Road and walk into Parsonage Lane They are brighter in certain parts of various roads. Almost like daylight Additional light put in which made a massive difference. Switched off midnight to 6.30am approx Yes, they aren't on!!! So dangerous for driving and walking, there have been many break ins in our area, and we live in a "nice" area supposedly. Not from Northampton originally and desperate to get away. Switched off around 1am (probably midnight when the clocks change) and switched back on again around 6.30am Not immediately locally. It might be unwise with three licensed places in the road. As have just moved from North London a few years ago with brilliant street lighting in most areas it seems very dark, especially on corners of roads. Certain ones are switched off between 11.00pm and 6.00am I have not noticed any difference to the level of lighting in the area Brighter bulb replaced the former orange one on one of the lampposts Now turned off at midnight until 5am I live in a private road but with a public right of way. Over a 200 meter long road we have two street lamps which were replaced with new modern brighter lights which improves an otherwise dull road. It is a very good idea to switch off lights after 1am saving electricity A lamp just outside my housed - haven't noticed any change. SOME STREET LIGHTS ARE BEING SWITCHED OFF AT NIGHT Lights on Tollerton Lane off at night. The lamps have been replaced and don,t seem to cast as bright a light as they did. Pavement can be quite hard to see between lights. if cutting off street lighting at night helps us consume less energy then it's a good idea. The trouble is it invites burglaries and other crimes to proliferate observation. this village has a lot of elderly people in it. also the local pub is across a main dual carriageway. it would be safer if the village lights remained on. at least until the club and pub goers are home? 67 have fitted different lights that are brighter, but aim more at the pavement Trees belonging to County Council and residents are reducing the benefits of the lamps. New white lights instead of the old orange colour. I drive everywhere Not so many lights are left on during the night and the lights are the older style. Side roads have street lights turned off, so when dog walking, I avoid those areas! The street is still quite dark The. street lights often don't work and the street and surrounding area is very dark No but will be in the future as we are told that lights on wooden poles are to be removed and not replaced. This is a major concern to the village No change other than the inception of overnight switch-off as stated above. Most of the street lights go off at night, but one stays on near a bend in the road Not as bright as they used to be.One particular light goes out quite often and needs reporting. New Lighting along Corfe Road The council are upgrading all the street lights in the village at current time Used to be on all night - now turned off 23:00 - 05:00. No, because thankfully there has never been street lighting in this area because it is a lovely rural track up which only residents walk, Switched off completely after 2400 recently the street lighting has been switched off between the hours of 1.15 and 6.15am. We had new street lighting put in as old one was very dull. This was lovely for a time, nice and bright but has recently been dulled again due to cuts!!! Grid roads are unlit now. Have not lived here that long. The privately funded street lights have been refurbished to make them more fitting for this historic street All of the lights around us have switched to the new white lights which are brilliant. Our street was not "adopted" by the council before a certain date so we still have one old light and one that has been switched off. however i would like some street lights as no path on one side - a park/bushes on the other, which folk don't always keep trimmed backed - so unsafe to walk out and about when dark Lights were switched off w/o consideration of local conditions, purely on miss every other one, resulting in some dark areas that should be lit up. Upgraded improved Much reduced number of illuminated Lights STree lighting off at midnight till 6.30am Lighting levels seem lower The lights are old and yellow and do not seem to be very efficient A number of street lights are timed to go out after midnight except at road junctions or the end of a cul de sac. There is a passage from the neighborhood to the main road. There was no light before, I noticed that it well lighted now. It is a pleasure to walk here in the evening. Are turned off earlier,and I would consider they come back on later 68 not in my immediate neighbourhood but locally light were turned off for a while but then returned after a trial period Energy saving equipment There oulkd be a reduction in lighting outside my house at the edge of the village. Good lighting contributes to road safety Lights being switched off in the evening along the roads too and from our village. Lamp post positions changed. One lamp hardly sheds any light due to trees growing around it (on Old Rd, Heaadington pposite pedestrian entrance to Old Rd Campus, the entrance with a barrier parallel to the road). It has been reduced - unfortunately! This makes for more shadows, with increased danger of collision - for example, with cyclists. It is switched off at 1.10 am making it pitch black in our cul-de-sac I wrote and asked for our lights to be put back on. This request was refused. The state of the pavements (unevenness, camber, tree roots, overhanging branches, parked cars, dog poo) makes going out hazardous. We've also suffered from an increase in burglary and car crime since the lights were switched off. Not required The lights are a lot lower and visibility is not good. If a street light goes out it can cause people to be nervous as the roads become dark. Many street lights appear to have been switched off! I feel there are far too many street lights in my area. Nationwide we should turn every other one off.....I don't think anyone would notice! We have just 3 street lights in the entire village, all within some 50 yards of each other and none near my property. Completely new lighting installed on alpine st - although they are more targeted into a particular area, they seem to leave much more in the way of dark areas across the rest of the street so I tend to avoid that side. We have one of the new lights that shine straight down, reducing light polution There are less street lights causing very dark areas Lighting has become duller then normal. lighting replaced/updated. Now there are large spaces of blackness between lamp posts, particularly along Church St Buckden rendering parts of pavement unseeable and dangerous. A lamp at the end of a line of rear garages has been removed and the whole area now in total darkness unless there is a full moon. Security and safety seriously compromised. It used to be brightly lit which was a comfort but now it is very dim Some lights in our road are now brighter but not near me. Switched off between midnight and 5:00 am They are turned off at midnight My road is especially dark and I didn't feel safe walking home from station in dark before 9.30pm when I was working. You can't even see the potholes in the pavement so you have to walk in the road and you certainly can't see other people easily. Never out after 11.30pm. Lights replaced Seem to Don't seem so bright and appear to come on later. more lit up because of new ligts Local street lighting is quickly repaired when reported to council. This give added security and safe-being to residents. 69 new lights installed about 3 yrs ago Installed new Dreadful white lighting which is easily confused for oncoming car headlights. The pools of light have very little donward spread and when driving up steep hills between these lights they are dazzling. standards renewed but not removed street light removed from near my house making our garage block and back gate very dark. Replaced with lower energy lighting Turned off at midnight. Street lights are very important to provide a safe feeling whilst walking the streets at night when dark! Several street lights don't seem to be switched on now (or are dimmed). New brighter lo-enegy lighting installed in some areas. Every other light switched off Our street lights go out at midnight. As a Neighbourhood Watch Coodrinator I am not aware of any increase in crime due to the lighting going out at midnight New lamps with white bulbs Although the street lighting in the neighbourhood where I live is left on at night, the street lighting in the area I work is switched off at midnight and this does make me feel very unsafe and vulnerable. Not usually out after midnight, but haven't noticed any changes to the street lighting other than fused bulbs which are not immediately replaced. The lights seem to stay on well into daylight, when they are completely outshone by the sun, even on dull days Lights often flickering or out of order. Seems to be darker - perhaps fewer lights new lighting on heath road The lighting where I live is along the footpath edging Holes Bay. It is essential that these lights remain on at night to prevent anyone walking or cycling along from falling over into the reeds, as they need to see where they are going. There is no fence along the edge, just a grass verge. clocks malfunctioned. Lights on all day/off at night frequently. Were fixed in time Now switches off at approx midnight Some street lights which have been repaired do not cover as wider area as beforeleaving dark spots between lamposts Most of the street lights go off at around 2400 Only lived here for less than 2 years Lights are out in Denbigh Hall drive at the junction with Standing way. LED Type installed 2012 Much better than older fluorescent type. Some areas less well illuminated. Lights switched off in early hours Except that two lights near us are overgrown by trees and hence at the end of the culde-sac where we live (next to a field) it is very dark and the lighting is inadequate. Street lights are switched off between midnight and 7am. The lights should switch on earlier in the morning and by 5am, because the road is heavily wooded and very dark, which is a concern for those walking to work and to catch a bus. Changed for less light polution The lights on the main A523 have been switched off. This causes me anxiety when I have to pull out or in to my turning. We have a street light directly in front of our home and it was for this that we purchased this house. 70 Lighting is switched off during the night Some have been removed from footpaths near to the road system relying on road lighting styem These are now turned off some time after midnight, but as we have a social club at the end of the road where people can leave much later than this which means that we can have a lot of noise without being able to see what's going on if the noise is loud enough to make you want to check. All street lights replaced with improvements. There is the odd light in the village, but mainly unlit. No changes. Street lighting is not a problem. Lack of footpaths and overgrown verges are. Was on all night, but is now turned off at around 01:00am Street lights are switched off between midnight and 6am but there has not been any increse in the crime rate Poole Council seem to have given little thought as to which streets should have their lights turned off. My son lives on Durrant Road and they have no night time street lights. A very steep hill with a lot of tree detritus on the pavements. An accident waiting to happen? I liv in a Conifer Avenue cul-de-sac. Level. no pavement mess. Why not turn our lights off?? Both addresses in Poole, Dorset. Changes have been made to the street lights so that they can be switched off I live at the head of a culdesac with a footpath out into open countryside. Most of the street lights go off at night and the ones left on are inadequate. My son does a paper round at 6am mad he has to take a torch in the autumn because it is so dark. trees block light Street lights were replaced with newer lighting which allows you to see further because they are higher and throw the light down. No - it's pitch black from 4.00p.m. in the Winter - you have to rely on the headlights from passing traffic to see anything trial period started approx 6 months ago Only the change to a different type of "bulb". Portland Place , Sutton cum Lound is pitch black. Had my vehicle pinched. Cannot walk safely, many obstacles. where lights have been replaced they have a more directional beam and dont light all around eg the light at the end of the path behind our houses used to light along the path but the new one points towards the road so the path is dark I would be more than happy for the lights to go off say at 1:00 a.m. as anyone out after that should have a torch with them! It would also mean that we could rediscover the night sky. Perhaps they should also come on again around dawn if the sky is overcast for people doing an early start - technology should enable us to regulate the lights to suit the situation. improved There has not been any change to our street lighting in the past three years - I am aware that there is currently a programme for updating/changing/reducing street lighting but there has not been any change here yet. Although this is a new-build estate so all the lighting is newly installed Lights around Cheviot Square (CW7 1QS) have not been working for a considerable amount of time and even if they were working, there are not enought lights in the area, which is not only well used but does suffer from nuisance behaviour. I am aware that many residents will not venture into the area after dark. One light in the village is not working. The lights are switched off at night 71 New downlighter lamps it seems less well maintained if lights go out - or indeed stay on Lights are off at night. we live in an artea with many trees and no lighting at night makes it appear very dark and ominous to me. I have not lived in the area for very long Replaced Not on as much It's got worse, areas not covered by light fall Also increase in car crime and thefts More lights off all the time, Lights go out earlier. Some strret lighting always yurned off. being turned off midnight to 5or 6am An increasing number of streetlights are being switched off within the town (and wider county). This is not safe for pedestrians or motorists. Very rare that there is insufficient moon or star light. I am out every night with my dogs. No problems with the lights being switched off. New lamps installed and improved lighting. new lighting, energy efficent Street lights have been changed and improved We used to have street lighting throughout the hours of darkness We used to have two steet lights but the council changed some recently and did not replace the one at the top of the cul-de-sac which lights a connecting footpath. This is now dangerous for people at the top of the road and those trying to negotiate the footpath. No lighting from midnight removal of street lighting. New lights have just been installed which apparently meet regulations. The are a directed light and only light areas immediately under the light. This leaves lots of dark areas, they mainly light the road on one side and not the pathways. the show a white light. Previous lights were multi directional and orange and provide great areas being lighted, The new ones are useless compared with the previous lights. New lights give more natural colour and better coverage. Unsure whether some have been totally switched off or are faulty in some parts of the village 1/2 street lights turned off Street lights should be dimmed after midnight + every other one should be removed. New better lighting fitted to existing poles the one on the corner of a street adjacent to where I live has been switched off Council cutbacks have led to half of all lights being switched off. completely replaced by DCC Some street light are turned off at 11pm. I would like much fewer street lights to be on - light pollution is really bad around here. We had a short perod when the street lights were turned off throughout the night. The street lights go off around 0045 and come on again around 0630-0645 They have changed the yellow lighting for white and its a great improvement All street lights have been ungraded to more economical units New lighting installed last year: much brighter and better than previous lights. No lights at night! Lamposts and lampost positions changed a couple of years ago to comply with EU regulations. repairs take quite a while 72 Many village residents used to leave porch lights & etc. on during the night. This has become less prevalent with ever-escalating electricity costs. The lights go our about 1.15am its not a problem to me, its a good thing!!! I think the turning off of street lights past mid night is to be welcomed. In the village of Bingham near Nottingham crime has gone down since the lights have been turned off at mid night. Criminals don't like working in the dark They go of in the next village but we have not notice any changes to where we live. The lights are switched off after midnight (12.30 am?) Removed sodium lighting from outside my house, and replaced with iridium across the street leaving us with less light than before and dark entry at the side of the house,so we do not feel as safe as before. Due to budget cuts the local authority has been forced to save money by switiching off the street lights. We have new street lights that are white and very bright (the old ones were orange). They are good but very bright and shine directly into our windows (and our neighbours windows) at night and we would rather they dimmed a bit late at night so we could sleep better. Ours is a quiet street and we do not need these blazing lights late at night. New lamp posts, fewer than before but better lighting There are some areas in the neighbourhood which have no houses facing the street and which are very poorly lit, even though there are schools nearby. There clearly are odd things happening at night and we do not like visiting friends in the evening now especially if one is walking there on one's own (and esp. for our daughters). BArnet Council's administration is unresponsive and just send general statements. new replaced old and the new does not work SSE's roll-out of new lampposts and replacement lighting units has improved the lighting in most streets in Beaminster Lights switched off after midnight Street lights are now being switched off around 12 midnight, and (probably as a result of that) we have had an increase in crime locally. Obviously the reduction in the amount of lights on but we have now been fitted with a different type of lamp which throws off a better light. Some removed but replaced with better lights. The night time switch off has takenplace in that time. Low energy highly focused lighting replaced the sodium. Not on as long as used to be but not a problem new street lamps about to be installed over next few weeks Some switched off For some reason our council have now had them switched off at night its a nightmare for crime and the elderly. Council will not do anything about it all they want to do is save money In nearby streets all new lamp posts. But nearer to main roads considerable number have been switched off and in some places this is downright dangerous Lights switched off Lights all changed - lamps are brighter now. It is intended for the lighting to be turned off between midnight and 5pm in the near future Have changed lamp posts and lights. Takes a very long time to complete from digging up and fitting light and filling in. Also lights are now on all lday. new lights installed which give less light and road is darker 73 Main ropads turned off Moved in the area a year and s half ago. The street lighting is poor as it is. We got burgled s year ago and I have been csmpagning for better street lighting...obviously refused by the ciuncil! moved to the area recently I support the lights being turned off after midnight.....for environmental reasons, to cut costs and to stop the lamp shining brightly into my bedroom! There used to be some left on all night, but since they installed the new street lights they go off at 12.30am, and the streets are very dark, which is in my opinion dangerous and helps thieves Lack of street lighting on main roads Lights used to stay on throughout night but now go off at 1.00am approx. Lamp standards have been replaced in most of the village. We are waiting for the remainder to be done. there was no street lighting for 6 months when we moved in as we live on a new housing development Lights are not very efficient - partly covered by tree foliage. The light is not very bright. been switched off in the last 3 weeks and had 7 cars broken into and one car stolen. Some lights have intermittent faults while others are swamped by vegetation and provide little or no light where needed.. The yellow street lights were replaced by white ones on higher lamposts. nighttime switch-off Switched off during the night new lights better type of white light The have change the lighting columns and the heads from orange sodium type lamps to quite bright white lamps Alternate lights switched off. Too many dimmed. Agree some changes needed but not dimming New streetlights closer together. Don't like having one outside my bedroom window. We had a street light opposite to our house which was damaged by a lorry 2 weeks ago. The council came and removed it instead of re-erecting it. I am attempting to get it replaced. turned off during night wish street light outside our home could be turned off have it on all night N/A it is such a waste of money to High value projects like POOLE lifting bridge is like a Christmas tree at night but street lighting in our neighbourhood is turned off - why? Offices, shops, hospitals and all public buildings are all overheated and in most cases over lit even when they are empty for example at night - why? Although I haven't noticed any change, I would prefer to have street lights on during the night. We live in a rural area that is quite secluded. We don't get a lot of traffic but think that street lights deter criminals from coming into the area and causing trouble. The new lighting is much too dim and there are now areas that are not covered by the street light due to the dimness of them. My children have to walk to catch train at 7 in the morning and effects how comfortable they are walking out at this time when it is dark. 74 I have very recently had to contact the B'mouth Borough Council concerning the condition of the street lamps in Milford Drive. It has taken nearly a year to remove and replace a dangerous lamp-post, but they have eventually done an efficient job after a lot of chasing. The Lights are not on full power. On main roads the lighting is switched off. New, less bright lights are used Less lights on than before lights turned of midnight till 6am which I feel is VERY unsafe makes me feel scared Lo energy downlighter type now fitted The removal of the street light at the corner of Gosforth Road and Hallsenna Road Seascale has made the junction less safe in my opinion. overhanging trees are hiding the bulbs Switched off early evening but then not switched back on until after 07:00 switcher off between 24/01 till06/05 Off Think some may be but not positive the lights were turned off Do seem less bright and some are Orange tinted in the area, be much better warm white yes most are turned off at night brighter bulbs have been put in Lights have been removed to the detriment of the street, it's so dark now Lights on too long, prefer for them to be off after 2230 hrs I noticed a street light out when I returned from work at 2230, it was working again two days later. poor quality lighting since new street lights in place isn't just safety is fall factor too is dior no changes since I moved in 2yrs ago does not seem as bright and the lights dont seem to reach as far in their illumination of the surrounding areas. There are black spots. Extra lighting has been added Not always working and have to alert local council Have two street lights where I live. One has been switched off due to cuts. As a result one end of our road is not safe and will no doubt lead to an accident of some sort in the future, if not crime will be committed and as neighbourhood watch co-odinator I am concerned that lack of information to police will be detremental to our neighbourhood safety. I think it was vetoed though I think it is a good idea from The Global Warming and Dark Skies aspects. A lot of the lights are not working. Some lights are on sensors and are activated when you walk under them. switched off at midnight NOT SO WELL MAINTAINED One street light removed to one side of my house I never go that way after dark Street lights are turned-off after midnight Turned off overnight It seems that the lights have gone off in the Close but remain on in the main road. Too dark When bulbs fail they are being replaced by more powerful bulbs which emit better lighting. In my neighbourhood the street lighting has improved. 75 Lighting has been renewed and updated to meet EU standards over last 3 months I am only out in the evenings in the car and am usually home by about 10.30pm. I usually lock the car doors when out in the evening. Most of the lights in the close are switched off The lights go out at1 untill early morning. there seems to be more cars going in and especially at nighttime As above - they're turned off! It's darker so easier to sleep! Good for health therefore! During the last few months the local council decided that our road should have its street lights turned off each night at approx 1.00 am to save money. Less street lights. Alternate street lights disabled as a cost cutting exercise. My close is now in total darkness. Switched off at midnight and on at five am. New lighting they turn off from midnight onwards The street lights in my close have been replaced with much brighter ones. Had new Energy Efficient one's installed in last 18 months. Switch off after approx 1.00am recently commenced and lights come on again sometime before 7.00am - DK exact time Exchange of street lights for low energy but brighter street lights in our street, which is lined by large mature leafy trees. The road is now better lit but the new lights illuminate the pavements poorly because of beam directions and intervening trees. Thus pavements are now poorly lit. Some of the lights on the main road are now white lights which are far superior to the yellow lights. They get switched off after midnight. Not all on Further along my village an approximate 1 mile stretch of lighting is switched off overnight, this being on a main 'A' road. There is also a nominated cycle route at this point and it is very dark. This gives a feeling of insecurity and being unsafe when walking this route. The Council previously kept the lights illuminated and there was much public protest when the lights were extinguished. There has been talk of some lights being switched off during night hours but it hasn't happened yet. there are a couple or random street lights with bright white bulbs which at first i thouight where to bright nut now i am used to them find them excellent for extra surcurity Some of the lights have been turned off late evening Lights turned off on grid roads. Council have now switched them back on at night lights in my road are turned off after 12am Street lights have been dimmed at night Street lights switched off during certain hours Orange sodium lighting replaced with white lighting (much better) There does not seem to be consistency in the timing of the lights going off. have thought that 1 a.m. was a reasonable time. I would All the lights are turned off at 12.00 - 06.00am it is very dark during that time and I feel it is not safe, it would be so much better if one or lights could stay on, making it not quite so black in the street especially in the winter. 76 some street lights have been removed and it is very difficult to get light repaired when reporting a fault, we have to request this numerous times before the light is repaired. A40 between Beaconsfield and Gerrards Cross turned off really dangerous as the road dips especially when it rains Street lights switched off during night but no allowance made for change in clock times ie October/March. Lights out 00.50am or 11.50 pm. Feel these times too early: if visiting others in neighbourhood and walking home (ie having a drink and not taking car) need to leave before midnight to walk home on lit streets. Also last bus departing Nottingham at weekends around 2 pm - would be helpful to have street lighting to allow people, particularly young people who may have been 'drinking', to walk between bus and home safely. Lights now off 12pm to 6am or thereabouts Not as bright as it used to be so visibility is reduced Think it is a good idea to reduce lighting on roads - as car lights are ample Much brighter lights than previously used Not in direct vicinity but there are areas where lights are turned off have recently moved to woodstock so can treally say too much about it But it's never been good Less street lights on Many street lights are turned off Completely black after midnight, if disturbed by an unusual noise it is impossible to see the street. I would not feel confident if I ever had reason to go outside after midnight new energy saving street lamps fitted Lights go out after 1am and come back on at 6.30am Although street lighting is operated on a part-night basis, where I live is near a dangerous bridge so the street lights are actually kept on there throughout the night. Two areas in the village have asked for street lighting to be back on throughout the night some are switched off after 12oclock The council increased the lighting along a very dark walk area close to the area that I live within the last year. They used to be on all night, now they are turned off at midnight The new lights are a rather horrible colour but hopefully save energy. Lots of the lights have been turned off When the lights were switched off between midnight and 0600, as part of a test area. I have reported a broken light but last time I checked it had still not been fixed All new Eco lights, very bright, big improvement Lights changed in last 12 months and light levels improved The fact that every other street light is now switched off Street lights have stopped working for months before being fixed. One outside my house in 6 Hurstfield Drive, Tapolw hasn't come on for months now. due to be altered this year ?sustainable lighting -unsure how this will affect my feelings re the area Street lights now switched off between certain hours lamp post painted switched off at 12.30am I don't like the street lights going off at all. Lights are dimmer than before and broken lights are not fixed 77 Lamp post removed by my house to save cost as new lamp post along street were suppose to be as bright ..? Since the street lighting has been reduced I do not feel safe, some areas are very poorly lit. Have only lived here for a year or so. New columns installed with brighter lamps I have only lived here for 1 year, so don't know! The old neon (orange) lights were removed and replaced by slightly brighter, taller white lights at far less regular intervals under a PFI agreement with the County Council. We are in a new build area and many of the lights either do not work or have not yet been installed Yes, lots of street lights are turned off which makes it hard to see in the dark. Orchard Road seems to be very dark at night, I think it lacks street lighting around the shops and towards Raeside Close. Only on road junctions out in the rural areas. Trees are resticting the light from the street lights Much bigger brighter lamps Street lights, especially on main roads have been switched off. Dont want to, either keep the orange lights or switch all lights off. On the whole it has improved to a reasonable degree. Lamp post was taken away outside my house which now makes the whole street very dark Some of them are turned off between about mid-night and about 05:30am. Reduced lighting in some streets We don't have any I haven't lived here long enough to say As it's a tree lined avenue, the trees have got bigger and hide the light shining out from the lamp posts, so the pavements are in the dark for large stretches of the road. New lighting has been installed in our area much better lighting now Street lighting replaced Some lights were turned off. changed from yellow to white They have improved the lighting because of concerns of parish people. It is over the past couple of months, the street lights have been turned off. Some of the lamps are not lit so there are some dark parts to the streets On one side trees have grown so much that the street lighting is obscured. Lights are not close, we have one outside our house and would not like to see it switched off. Some main road lights are switched off, but side road lights are left on because the parish council thinks this matters. It is turned off at night. Its completely dark. Very scary. We are in a close so i think it worse than a road. We ave incident very recently where someone has entered a flat of a young women who has mental health problems. The girl forgot to lock her door. He eventually left and she didnt think to ring the police this was 2 to 3 am in the morning. She woke neighbour above as she was scared. Then this person tried another womens flat door. There are a number of women living on their own here in tihs close and we are all frightened as the street light has made the situation worse and it is so dark 78 No street lighting on A556 at the filter lane off the roundabout towards the B582. Difficult to see the filter lane without street lighting at night. Some of the lights are turned off overnight at our request. They were causing unnecessary light pollution and wasted energy. I do not feel that there is a need to keep the street lights on all night as they are at the present time. I think it is a waste of money which could be better spent. I greatly value the street lighting. It would be dark in the roads round here otherwise Yes they have updated . goes off at 1am. immediately that happened(due to my 'safe' area) we got lots of ringmaster emails re vehicle break ins!! Now switched off during the night and ridiculously dark as a result. Cannot see pavement when taking dog for walk. Cannot see into driveways or recesses, don't feel safe, always on guard some off the lights where I live have been turned off not making it very safe to walk , also they don't come on when it gets dark so when the clocks change at the end off the month they all need to be changed again Some street lights off later at night. Bulbs not as bright as they were. Dislike the switching off overnight. Don't feel safe. The part of The Copse where my house is situated is on an un-adopted road which has no lighting except at the entrance off the main part of the road. I don't know if the lights in my village are switched off as we have extremely limited lighting available anyway making it very unsafe negotiating the paths in the the dark. My main concern is lighting between School Lane car park and Montagu St,Kettering its a narrow passageway with no lighting. Lighting in areas off the main roads, especially in cul-de-sacs, is limited at midnight onwards. Think street lighting should be on or what is the point of paying for it to be installed I do not like areas where there are no street light - makes driving very difficult and drivers leave their lights on full despite it being bad manners so it makes it difficult to focus accurately There was street lights on Donaldsons Brae upper but they have not been repaired. New type of white low lights now installed. They only cast a small pool of light directly below them. Very poor to drive in. Our bungalows have the main entrance at the side and I can't see the lady across the road's door at all. I like to keep an eye on her as she is in a wheelchair and has a ramp, but I can't see it at all now (I used to be able to when the warm orange streetlighting was in place. No one can see mine either !! The light bulbs now give a white light that improve visability at night. New lights in certain parts of village Most street lamps are in disrepair I feel pretty safe my house was burgled some years ago so I started nbhw got all neighbours interested and we are all very aware of any strangers walking or vehicle down the road which is very well lit we have new lighting in our street, we used to have 3 street lights but now have 2 nice and bright Streets lights are dimmer lights off at night We live in a cul de sac that only has 1 lit street lamp now. 79 Whilst there are a reasonable number of lamposts, the light emission is poor making the streets on my estate dimly lit. The light throw is very limited; it is impossible to see walkers clearly until within a few feet . Street lights go out between 1am and 6am. they are being replaced at present some changed from sodium lighting to "white" lights They are turned off during the early hours of the morning. The lights are brighter when on, but are off in the early hours a lot of the street lights are out, a lot of the lights have been replaced with brighter bulbs but thats no good if half of them are out. Lights turned off Some of them have stopped working but that is down to them not being repaired. There has been no changes to lamps, lighting levels or general hours of operation. Yes they are now switched off. More lamps seem to be vandalised/not working in some areas. juat in the process of putting new lighting in New taller lamp standards have been installed quite recently but these are not yet working & the old standards remain in place & working. Walking down the Iver Lane into the Village has no lighting at all at night now and is pitch black accept for any car lights that may come along. Don't accept proposition that reduced lighting increases risk. New street lighting insalled by Cambs County council seems perfectly adequate they have painted half of the street light due to our neighbour complain that the light flooded her bedroom she has since left but we have had 4 cars broken in to due to the area where the cars are is in darkeness due to this street light being half blacked out also it has left my front door in complete darkness so i dont feel safe when coming home from work at 530pm at nite we have complained but it seems to have fallen on DEAF EARS All street lights renewed. Lights have been turned off by KBC to save money which I understand however there seems to have been little thought as to which ones have been turned off, simply alternating the lights means that when some streets meet 2 neighbouring lights are turned off leaving some very dark corners. The lights are switched off & it is pitched black no light at all The street lighting is turned off and my family and I would not want to walk in that area at night so it is very restricting. Upgraded Lights changed to much brighter - white lamps They go out from 12-30a.m. to 6a.m. When on they are much dimmer than they use to be When looking out of the windows during "lights out" it is very difficult to see anybody, particularly if they are dressed in dark clothing. Less lights on The lights were replaced and much lower so the road is better luminated with less dark spots only lived here for 18 months new led lamps fitted last year have improved the level of light from average to excelent. Dim LEDS have been installed New street lights have been installed within the last 18 months or so. 80 The street lighting has been updated to LED lamps which are brighter and I'm told more energy effcienent. the new lamps leave NO dark spots on the length of the street. I am very disappointed to see the lights are still off at holtspur hill. Boys race around this hill and there was a near accident the other day which I witnessed, if would have been less hazardous if the street lights were on for all concerned. street lamps have been removed making streets darker and less people happy to walk at night I have looked outside and find that the street lighting is switched off! It might be due to the large storm of thunder and lightening we have just had. I am not sure. The lights are not as bright. Go off after 12. Don't come on till really late in a morning. I personally think it is an invitation to burglaries and muggings. It looks like some parts of agar nook still have lights eg Oakham drive , Stamford drive etc why is this? Slightly dimmer than before. we have new lights but they do not light the surrounding area as well now the lighting is off at night the road is very dark no lights between 2400 and 0530 Forest Way switched off - I would not like to walk up Forest Way from Woodfield Gardens to my sister who lives on Field Way when the lights are off. It has improved. new street lights installed now the neighbourhood is very dark - the lights only shine downwards onto the road area not like the original lights which gave a cascade of light on the roads, pavements and gardens. unless you are directly under the new lights it is very difficult to see anyone standing in the shadows and it now feels a lot more dangerous when out at night. switched off during night.but don't take in to account when the clocks change Some street lighting is switched off between midnight and 5:30am Street lighting in my village is extreemly POOR design and not fit for purpose I don't think the lights used to be turned off in the middle of the night Some lighting on the main road onto which our road leads was turned off. However, following protests and a safety review it has been turned back on again. Maintenance is poor in that lamps are not being regularly changed when blown. There have also been times when I have seen banks of lights out for several weeks before the problem is rectified. I would question the following (1) Whether there is either a maintenance regime in place and that it is being monitored and audited significantly (2) The time taken to replace blown lamps from the time reported seems to be far too long particularly in the winter months when light is essential especially if you are walking alone (3) Some lights remain on all day so as with item (1), there is an electrical fault that is not being investigated and fixed due to a poor maintenance regime Most street lamps have been replaced and the new lights are much brighter. Only lived here 19 months They are switched off at about 12.30 am. The street lights in Fitzharris Avenue.have been turned off, or the bulbs need replacing ? Bournemouth Council have been informed many times as there are quite a lot of A.M workers living here, and we live opposite Winton Recreation Ground, which has many places for someone to hide in the dark !! " Please help" ..... Thankyou. 81 The street lights in Fitzharris Avenue.have been turned off, or the bulbs need replacing ? Bournemouth Council have been informed many times as there are quite a lot of A.M workers living here, and we live opposite Winton Recreation Ground, which has many places for someone to hide in the dark !! " Please help" ..... Thankyou. There used to be a street light directly outside our property but this was removed when new street lighting was put in. It is now very dark outside property and no street light on opposite side of road either. Also, the new lighting is spaced further apart. New low lighting in some areas. The type of lighting has been changed in some streets. The lighting is smaller and more downward than the big orange lighting we had before.also the lights go off at about 1 am and come on again at about 6am. Seemed to be even worse, very few lights. Although feel safe lack of lighting means it is dangerous to walk as easy to trip on footpath. So concern over injury is high. New lamp posts / lighting erected a couple of years ago within my, and surrounding roads - much improved spread of light into the pavement and road. great improvement. Seam to have gone brighter. A change of street lights and also some have been removed. Particularly concerned about insufficient lighting when children are walking home from school Find unsafe to walk.during dark nights turning off steet lights is a false economy.It is an invitation to thives & muggers to take advantage over valunarable people. Only just moved here We have only lived here since January The lights used to be switched on for longer. lights go out at midnight I think Some Lights have been turned off completely and others dimmed We have not been at our address long so don't know if anything has changed with the lighting .. Planned replacements or removals by the local authority. Our lights have been replaced with new ones. Seemed a lot of expense making little difference. We have more New lighting a great improvement New Street Lighting installed after a period of no street lighting at all Have asked Council to install footpaths and street lights but get fobbed off each time Our street lighting is poor, but is better than nothing The type, colour and frequency of street lighting has been altered in the last year. I do not think it has affected our ability to see or be seen. Not on as often It's dark. Too dark. reduction of on times. The overgrown street trees obscure the lighting. Sorry, I just don't go out on foot after dark, so I have not noticed. Some roads now have street lamps. Street lighting s now awitched off for most of the night, meaning when I walk to work it is a cahllenge to see with no lighting. It will be worsse once the qintery weather arrives. 82 New street lighting installed and some lamps not replaced Lights go off anytime between 11.35 and 12.00am Some lighting has been turned off by the council to save money Warrington Borough have fitted new street light which are situated near to the old type.These are not yet operative although they have been in situe some considerable time. Switch off areas seem random with no apparent logical reason for specific areas being chosen. Areas which local residents consider essential to be lit all night are ignored by so called 'experts' at County council level. Lighting goes off during the night Street lighting switched off around midnight now, previously switched on all night. We have the day light saving lights now which shine down on to the pavement. Makes it very shady. It does not seem to be as effective as it used to be There has been a significant reduction, at least 50% of street lights in my area have been turned off completely. Only one side of any street has any lighting which means there are whole stretches of pavement where it is very dark even early evening. I now have to take a torch out to see the pavement when I take my dog for a walk early evening. This is because the lighting is inadequate to see any tripping hazards such as the many pot holes and broken paving and also because you cannot see broken glass and my dog has been badly injured standing on broken glass.I have also had a fall after tripping on damaged paving. I am young and fit but I think this is a significant issue for more frail and elderly people. We have been promised that existing orange street lights are going to be replaced with more efficient brighter lights but this hasn't happened. There has been an increase in crime in my area. The area I live in has alleys between the streets and I feel particularly vulnerable walking to the shop even early in the evening when I have to walk past the ends of the alleys and they are in darkness. Several lights continuously faulty All street lighting replaced Replacement to the new energy saving lights. Old lights being replaced with new Street lighting has been turned off. More crime rates since lights being turned off in the street I do not remember the street lights going off in the early hours previously. Lights switched off on some trunk roads Some now switched off in the late hours The street lights don, t seem to change when the clocks alter. They seem a lot dimmer as can't see in front at a longer distance anymore Lots have been turned off. Many dimly lit areas now, particularly alley ways which now feel unsafe without the lighting. they have cut the lighting down and therefore feel not so confident to walk at night Only been in residence 6 months The new type of lights are much better and more energy efficient I believe. Council decided on cutbacks two years ago hence reduced street lighting. seems to have got darker More economical lamps some broken lights have not been repaired 50% less street lighting some lights have been switched off and stayed off but others have been switched back on 83 Not applicable, see 8 above. Would have preferred to answer 'Not applicable' instead of 'No'. Some brighter lights in certain places The A413 - A40 to Amersham and beyond and many other local roads are either poorly lit or not lit at all Coverage is extremely poor between roughly midnight and 6.30am As I said before we do not have any street lights. Goes out at 1.30am? And don't come back on until 6.00am. Many areas around where we are and for several miles up and down the A51 in south Cheshire, many street lights installed by the Highways Agency a few years ago are not labelled as "not in use". The criticism I have is the way it has been handled by Cheshire East and their apparent inability to answer any simple questions on the hows, whys and wherefores of this subject. Derby City contracted maintenance of street lighting on a 5 year contract. New lighting columns have been erected around all the suburbs and they are far superior to the older ones. Maintenance is very prompt also. It has always been too dim not maintained as well as they were years ago unless you complain when bulbs blow nothing would be done Firstly Northampton CC switched off a majority of them leaving the streets poorly lit and gave a feeling of insecurity whilst walking out walking. They have now fitted new lights and they are now on constantly at night. They are much brighter and give good viewing of the street which in turn makes you feel more safe. TREES OVERHANG AND CUTS OUT LIGHTING. NEEDS ATTENTION......... Do not think street lighting is necessary anywhere in towns after midnight. Would like to see cuts in spending in this area I think there are plans (which may have already started - I'm not sure) to switch lights off in the middle of the night. I am very happy about this - if I wanted all-night lighting I'd live in a city, not a village. I prefer to see stars, and for birds and other wildlife to not have their body-clocks confused by street lights. (The nearest streetlight shines into our bedroom, so I'd much rather it wasn't on all night. When it was broken recently, I was actually quite pleased!) Lights round mini roundabouts through the village. Totally unnecessary as car headlights on at night. New lighting A new lighting system was installed a while back. Whiter lights on main roads. New low level lights which seem to cover a smaller area. The old lights had a wider cover as they were higher up. We now have a number of blind spots. Light bulbs that fail take ages to be replaced turned off between 1.00am & The street lights in the alleyway at the back of our house now switch off at different times (they're switched off now- 18:45). they are now dimmed down at night only lived here 6 months Lighting being turned off at night Only alternate lights on leaving some very dark corners Areas of darkness around cars parked on drives The lights go out after midnight and I fell over coming home one night, missed the kerb! 84 There has been a big improvement in our street lighting. Taller posts which seem to give a better light. The lights have been switched off at some places so it can be quite dark Only moved in the house in march and I will not go out on my own at night as too dark. I think street lights are essential where there are houses on hermitage lane Different colour. More of a day light light. Lots of streetlighting permanently turned off to reduce costs Less lighting is on we have lighting outside our house thou as we on a junctionbut most of others are turned off The street lighting in my neighbourhood is dimmer now than it used to be a year or two ago. replaced. these give a better level of lighting. even tho the lights are not dimmed they do seem less bright than the old ones that were replaced 16-18 months ago. Lighting switched off after a certain time at night Not all are on, one in every 3 perhaps are switched on. only have lamp post on corner of roads that are now turned off at midnight, but do no affect most of this community. one across the street from me sometimes has a reddish light, rather than the usual orange Less lighting Roads near us do not have street lighting. I am not happy about this New street lighting put in about 12 months ago. No street lighting in our road as it is not adopted by the council and yet we have no council tax reduction for this lack of safety. Why not? A postiive when lights are vandalised or replaced for other reasons they same to renew with a modern type light that are brighter. On the negative, in Balerno we have so many trees that need pruned and are planted by street lights which obstructs any light from the lamp. A burglars,vandals or muggers paradise. Simple answer, cut the trees back! we don't have any so it cannot change! lights go off at 12. I make a habit of reporting to the Council of any faulty street lights asap. switched off Lights are out on the A610 between Cinderhill and Nuthall islands We have not lived here for 3 years. They go off and the road is very dark! some of lights now switched off new standards and recently some are switched off Low energy lighting installed. Where I lived there are two privately owned lights, up the road is publicly funded lighting. All very dim, but always has been The lighting has been consitant except for a light or two remaining out of order for a few days. reduced street lights Re: question 8 - we live on a street with no street lighting - the road is unadopted. My street lights go out as early as 11:35 pm in stoke Gifford yet Winterbourne and Bradley stoke go out at 1 am They have changed the type of lighting it does not seem quite so good 85 Lights on Delamere Park are very old - bluish colour with poor light given. Could do with upgrading, not switching off! Feel safe only because it is Delamere Park. However, could easily slip on leaves or whatever because of lighting. Turning off the lights is like giving burglars a birthday party! Ridiculous. Cuts can be made in much better obvious ways They have been switched off Every thing is the same as when I came here to live nearly 9 years ago. I like it this way. Needs to be darker before lights turn on, so they come on later and go off earlier. Lights have been turned off on footpaths leaving many non-illuminated areas. They are off when it is most dark New street lights They are turned off after midnight - which is a blessing; we have a light right outside our bedroom window! 2 many street lights removed Rarely out at night We only have 1 street light for 14 houses and that can be shaded by trees! Other than it being switched off after midnight, as Q8. expressway lights switched off between midnight to 6am approx. but does not affect me personally but does affect some members of my family who work lates and early mornings We have three street light at strategic cross roads, village stretches 2 miles. If there has been thefts people are more careful take a tourch or drive all street lamps replaced with new models which I presume to be more energy efficient and causing less light pollution. The light on the road outside where I live is either turned off or broken - I don't know which! turned off at midnight - so i am not out then. They are switched off between 1AM and 6AM Overgrown trees obscuring lights A number of street lights not working and the Council and their contractor seem slow to repair eg street light opposite our house has not been working for over two months with no date yet when it will be repaired. a different king of lamp appears to be on test in our close (only three lamps). This gives a white light rather than the sodium orange. Presumably it's cheaper although it appears dimmer to me. Some lights no longer operational The street lighting in our street goes off at 2300 each night and comes back on at 0500. Whilst the main road lights stay on all night. Don't they have this back to front? Wouldn't it be more logical to turn the main road lights off as the drivers use their headlights and leave the suburban street lights on. Or at least every other one. reduced hours of lighting I think the lights are switched off now to save electricity. This seems very sensible to me as the area is very low in crime rates and there are few people who walk the streets alone late at night. I live on a new development where there is actually more street lighting now than when I moved in. In the surrounding area the lighting has remained the same. London Road North lack of lighting dangerous. A group of youngsters straying off the path one night. Pitch black did not see them until right up to them. Very disconcerting. 86 the street lights do not extend as far as my property (nor do I wish them to) so I am not aware if the lights in the remainder of the village are lit for shorter periods, or are as not as bright as in previous years The street lamps on the main roads around us are now switched off in the late evening. Several street lights were switched off. Four months ago new street lighting was installed. The lighting is still excessive ! All new street lamps have been installed except on the busy main road to the rear of our estate which still has the yellow sodium lights which are adequate but not as good as the new lamps Often faulty and takes along time to repair. new white higher intensity lighting has been installed within the last 12 months which has improved the whole road Low voltage street lighting nstalled Lights are now turned off at 1.00 am Our lights do not dim at night - they are switched off. The decision not to light the section of Wycombe Road/Burroughs Grove to the entrance to Marlow Bottom was a shameful dereliction of care by the council to motorists and pedestrians. The road encourages speed and I feel very sorry for the (mainly female) staff from 'The Three Horseshoes' who have to walk down this unlit road to the bus stop after closing time. They face the twin dangers of cars not seeing them and potential assailants lurking in the bushes that line the road edge. reduced or faulty use of street lighting with daylight sensors ,making them more efficicent Many street lights turned off after midnight. will look tonight. new type of light white not orange some lights removed New energy saving lamps throughout Some of the surrounding roads have stretches where the street lights have been turned off. Not enough lights and trees obscure light Not applicable. lights have been replaced with more lights but of a lower brightness street lights are turned off between 12 p.m. and (I think) 5.30 a.m. recently a light in a alleyway/cut thru went out,& it took at least 6 telephone calls,4 notifications by e-mail, 2 visits to the local council offices,& 3 visits of workmen to get it fixed a total of 7 weeks. change to LED lighting. High intensity lights are starting to replace the sodium lamps Lights turned off at midnight It would help if they were working quite a few are permanently off Now turned off at night Significantly poorer The lighting is extremely poor and got worse lately. The lights are fitted randomly and where I live there are no adjacent lights. The footpaths are never cleared of seasonal debris and the combination of poor lighting and blocked footpaths results in severe safety issues. To navigate often have to walk in the poorly illuminated road which carries a 30mph limit totally ignored. new white lights have replaced the yellow lights 87 it has improved Yes, noise, disturbances, anti-social behaviour, damage to vehicles & property has increased Asleep if lighting turned off in the early hours, hence "not sure" reply for 8. We would be pleased if the street lighting was turned off aftermidnight. We have very poor levels of street lighting at the end of Church Road running down the Cinder track towards Slough extra lights put up in foot path through wood New "energy efficient" lighting has been fitted No lights between 1:00 and6:00am Lights have been turned off about midnight for the last year The lighting is not that good,and is only on one side of the road. Half the available street light switched off. Its darker with the lights off Bucks Cty Council have shut off street lights on main roads passing through rural areas and there has not been an increase in traffic accidents. I live on the A308 road countryside one side; houses the other. I would not have a problem if street lights were turned off between 1pm and 5am - very few walk this road then. I should think burglars are helped by street lighting just as much as honest folk. The county council have decreed that lights be switched off to save money, the lights on the park are staggered so we get some light some of the time but it's not nough. Street lights in our road (Pilsdon Drive) are turned off around midnight to 1pm and do not come on again until 6pm ish (approx times), If the council cut back trees that mask the few remaining street lights in Great Billing it would at least allow those that are on to serve their purpose A local lady fell last week due to almost total darkness in the main street of Great Billing They were on overnight, but now they are turned off at 1.00am and shortly to be 12.00am It gets swithced off after 1.15am on the estate I live on Some lights have been switched off permanently to 'save money' Only lived in the area for 1 year. The key issue in my area is not inadequate street lighting per se but the fact that the Council has significantly reduced the number of times they trim trees such as limes where there is considerable growth at person level. Groups of young people often lurk among the trees (as witness the number of alcohol cans found every morning) and this can be quite intimidating for people to walk past. I have noticed a definite dimming of the street light opposite my home. dimmer I live in Usk and the street lighting in Maryport Street is very poor. At night a torch is needed to identify hazards on the pavement. Some rural roads are unlit after early evening Improved due to replacement of luminaires with modern ones off 2 am to 6 am Lights dimmed but right across from us and they were too bright before See 8 N/A New light fitments have been installed, I believe they are LED lights need more on one corner very dark We had a light out (well, at least 2 to my knowledge). The nearest one to us took 3 requests to the council, and a total of 8 weeks to get it fixed. 88 I would not mind if they did have less street lighting - it is like Colditz here - I can make a cup of tea in th kitchen in the middle of the night without putting kitchen lights on. Not as bright and fewer street lights Seems to be less of it. Now switched off for a period during the night which was not the case previously The lights are switched off at midmight which is fine by me Some of the street lighting has been switched off along the main road running along the southern border of the village The street lighting has been apparently "upgraded". The bulbs being changed with the LED and the amount of lights has been reduced. That makes the town looks like a zombie town. The light given by these LED's is'n powerful enough to reach the ground and is shining in the eyes when you driving a car. This make you tired and give to the eye a funny feeling. Also where I'm living there was only two lights. One was taken away and the one remained isn't enough to light the entire area. Now is so dark that one of my neighbours has a fall when she was walking on the footpath because she wasn't seen where she was walking. To take away the power of the lights to save money I understand, but to go in the conflict with the plans of the street lighting taking off the lights is over our head. Please bring back our light, there is too dark and we pay the same money to the council. street lights are often broken and left for long periods before lights are renewed. It's on less lights not working despite reporting to Council and there Contractors Some lights are out between 1am and 6am Fewer lights - some actually removed. Foliage from trees frequently obscures the light available. Sometimes takes a while to get them fixed when a fault is reported. Sometimes takes a while to get them fixed when a fault is reported. Have only lived here for 5 months so I dont know., Replaced the orange bulbs with white ones (I think LED) - the white bulbs are not as good - they do not create as much light. My house is now in relative darkness compared to well light when we had orange lights. New, more efficient lighting installed As I live in a cul de sac the lighting is entirely adequate New lamp posts installed giving better light coverage. Apparently easier to programme and currently switched off from 0100 until 05.30 Areas which are now much darker with shadow. Some lights moved around A significant% of lights have been switched off Switched off at 0100 am The street lighting seems the same as it always was. I would call it adequate not so good has the old lights had a light at end of pathway never been replaced Old lighting has been replaced with white. They go off at around 12.30 am I tend to use the bus where previously walked Possibly slightly less All street lights are low energy so light levels are slightly lower. Before the street lights were turned off at night those in our road were renewed and there are more than there used to be new lights 2013 Lights are now placed more distantly apart than previous 89 Street lighting has been stopped in some places. Lighting column accross from my house has been turned off, and this has led to an increase of crime activity but should have seen an increase - there just needs to be one or two added between Kineton and Little Kineton - it isn't a case of being fearful of people but fearful of not being able to see..... soem installed naer a new roundabout I always travel by car at night. Would not feel happy walking once the street lights are out; as it's after midnight currently, this would not generally affect me. Go out at midnight , becoming noisy with people walking home after midnight . The turning off of lighting occurs from approximately 11.30 pm I have lived here for 4 years, and as far as I am aware there have never been street lighting in the village. Most people I know prefer it as it is, and are used to going out at night with a torch. I agree with this. street lights have been replaced with more eco friendly but brighter lamps Living in a close, some street lights switched off. Street lighting would be safer as one cannot see the edge of the pavement but I try to carry a torch Now off at night Street lighting was altered to reduce the number of street lamps. We were told the fewer number of lights would strategically positioned to be more effective. This was not the truth and the lighting now is inferior to that previously in place. They dim late at noight Some areas have lights turned off - I wish they'd do that in my street ... Part-night lighting progressively being introduced in the area around where I live Depends what you mean by neighbourhood. My road comes of a well lit road but lighting is very limited. Also the road beyond my house has no footpaths & is dangerous to walk at any time therefore people need to drive so street lighting is not that important Yes the light opp9osite the road where I live was turned off but now I am pleased to say it has been reinstated. I live in a rural area and when I am out between 9.30pm and 5.30am I use my car. I would not walk the mile from the village to my house on an A road. There is street lighting but I would not feel safe as a woman walking by myself. This is due to the isolated area and people in passing cars possibly cruising around looking for something to do. Increased lighting would not help with this, Agree lighting reduced late at night The old lights have been replaced with new lights which are far too bright and misdirected. I can now read The Daily Telegraph in bed without turning the lights on! There are 2 street lamps in a tiny housing development built in the 1960s, but nowhere else in the village, and that's how most of the residents like it. The street lighting was turned off, apparently after consultation with local groups but I was never aware of any such discussions All lights in our village and most surrounding ones were replaced with new, low energy units one or two years ago. These are much better - brighter and white light rather than sodium yellow. We had new lights which only project the light downwards Wilmslow Park Road, a private (un-adopted) road leading to the street where I live has street lights but not the responsibility oif the lighting authority so do not always get immediate attention when there are maintenance problems 90 Dimming and some being switched off I prefer to have the lights out a night, as I have a street light right outside my bedroom , also my front garden plants need some darkness! We are a very quiet neighbourhood and I do not think it makes any difference to safety to have them out for these few hours Street lights along certain sections of the A40 are not lit. A lot don't work very well & are old, they could do with updating to a better more efficient system Not until they switched off the street light outside by bedroom window Don't have them. Lights have always been few & far between. A torch is necessary when out at night The lights are switched off at 1 a.m. and come on again at 06.30a.m. I have noticed some of the street lights are off recently. The lights on the main road are off all the time now. Some of the semi-pedestrian lanes are dark, but I'm not sure they were ever lit. Yes SGC decided to turn the lights off even though we were unhappy. Switch off at 01:00 I used to get up before 5a.m each day to commute to London until 6 months ago. I am now semi retired so less able to compare. Before retiring Tilehurst station and car park were the most intimidating places for me at 5:20am onwards. We have only lived in our property for a couple of years so I am unsure when the changes took place, but am aware that our street lights are dimmed/switched off later in the evening. New street lights. whether a street is lit or not, EVERYONE HAS A RIGHT TO ROAM WHERE EVER THEY WANT . WITHOUT THE FEAR/DREAD OF BEING ATTACKED/MUGGED ETC., AT ANYTIME !!! The street lighting has been renewed very recently, but less lighting was installed that was there previously, leaving "Black" spots on our street. Old Newton has the street lights turned off. I don't particularly see an issue with this, and actually like the clear skies result. Ideal would be 1 in 3 lights being operative. 50% turned off All lamp posts replaced resulting in reduced level of light Yes the street lights were renewed and they took out every other one leaving us much darker than before as we had a light opposite the house. More energy efficient Lamps. Lighting provision is rotated Problems not speedily resolved. Certainly not directly by us but in nearby streets lights have been turned out. 1 extra light in my road (Woodlands, GX) which is helpful, tho' the road still has dark patches. Lights off on A40 between GX and Beaconsfield which makes driving difficult. One light improved There is some exterior house lighting along my road and I have emergency lighting in my drive. So, as far as I am concerned there is no problem A Survey was taken and the MKC suggested that 18 lights were required and needed to be added along three streets. Local opposition caused the Parish Council to veto the scheme whereby the MKC would share the cost and the Parish Council a portion of the cost. Now with the increase of traffic - the same people rue the day that they vetoed the scheme. The safety of pedestrians is very much endangered due to the lack of Lighting. 91 Takes a long time to fix broken lights Street lights now go off around midnight Old street lights are due to be replaced with modern ones in 2014. On some main traffic roads in nearby Cheshire, street lighting is switched off and not used during hours of darkness. This makes driving difficult since so many modern cars have over bright or misaligned. headlamps. Some lights go off at 12 midnight gmt The people of Chelmsford City are not safe in the hours of darkness any longer, due to our local borough councillor, who thinks we do not count. Asked on our local radio as to what was the so called saving of turning off our street lights would be used for he could not give a diffinitave answer. Its back to the post war years, it is a disgrace. We have had all new lighting installed along the main road The lights are on duering the week and off at the weekend when we need them most as most trouble is then not very bright New lighting has been fitted this year and give a wider area of coverage than the old lamps,even though the amount of lampposts has been reduced. Switched off 12.00-5.00GMT It's fine. Part night time lighting has been introduced recently Since SCC have changed the street lights it has improved our quality of vision slightly. The quality of street light illumination has substantially decreased since the installation of new lampposts with energy saving lamps fitted. I would say a 50% decrease in illumination. Some street lighting is turned off late at night, but no in my part of the village. Two lights in Goodwood Rise seem low power at times Its off first thing in morning, have to be at qork for 6am . Defrosting car by torchlight not good!! why they spent thousands of pounds on new lighting which I thought the other lighting was sufficent,in my case these are much to bright as they shine into my bedroom until they are turned off Changes in the lamp standards to avoid upward light are a great improvement. Watched the new lamp system being installed. Hard to miss really, lots of men going up and down in cherry pickers. The switching off at night is fantastic - you only have to look out of the window ! Stars, millions of the buggers. Galaxies are now visible too. It's as good as being abroad. After about 1:00am, our street is literally pitch black. the lights on a crossing near me are not always on durin the hours of darkness Street lights no longer on all night. We have the white lights instead of the orange ones on the estate We have the white lights instead of the orange ones on the estate Very poor lighting now Lights come on a bit later - after dusk has started instead of at dusk Have been renewed with less intrusive lighting. I always report any lights that aren't working. I have had a long running battle about some conifers blocking the only light in our dark cul de sac which have been cut recently but are starting to sprout again. non replacement of damaged lights 92 Light switched off during nighttime new lamp posts with better lighting. some new lamp posts and different coloured light Switched off to save electricity, but often come on in the day time. Bad programming? I would not welcome street lighting in Blewbury. We have managed all right up to now and it is one of the places where you can see all the stars in the night sky. There seems to be more lights off now,and it seems to take longer to get them fixed than it used to take and we always have to report them.Nobody seems to check them as before. only recently moved to this area so cant comment on a 3 year period. Street lighting is switched off between 1.00 am and 6.00 am. not been here long enough to answer this Where I live (in a side road off the main road) there is no lighting on the side road and the main road lights are dim as there are trees in front of them Lights in our street turned off at 12am Have a light at the end of the road, only Street lighting increased far too much. Lights on main roads (A413) out the lamp outside our house goes off at 1am. Yes they are now switched off at 12 G.M.T. Main road lights appear dimmer Light levels have reduced. Street lighting is now switched off after midnight New light installed Turned off at night New type of lighting installed which has improved the previous installation. Street lights switch off overnight.It must be noted that the lighte have only been put in in the last 12 yeats or so at a cost to make it saffer for us to walk betwn the two parts of the village Street lighting gradually changing to more modern light fittings - less orangey, more white light, which is better. The lights are switched off at about 1am and the streets are completely black. Could do with at least one light at the corner of each street Street lights are now out between about midnight and 5.30am We have no street lights and never see the police so we cannot really comment Feel very unsafe even in a car when there is no street lighting. always worried in case car breaks down and I have to get out of car Old style lighting from 1960's. not out often enough to know if there have been changes new lamposts giving a different light. Switched off after ?12 midnight There is only one street light at the other end of the village to where I live. This has always been the case. Replaced with a new style - possiblu USB. The lights went out some time ago without any warning. I do not think they have been turn down or off. BUT..! when the light blow or stopping working it is taking MDC longer to fix them, and it seems to be both light at the jenuals/walk thouhts from one street to another street which seem to have gone. are it just may be they have been turn off 93 I am not aware that there has been any changes to the street lighting and I don't think it has been discussed by the council. Still have old, dull orange streetlights in most places, but a few of the new, bright white lights that make area brighter - this process seems to have stalled in our area and not continued Don't go out at night and my curtains are closed. Light removed by our back gate. Results in patch of darkness by the entrance we use most often. more lights starting to fail due to Bulk exchange and Clean stopping a 4 years ago. There was much less faults since this stopped. I work for the local authority street lighting new lights installe but the lights seem to have been dimmed down since Lighting has been replaced. It's now dreadful and not fit for purpose; ie, when conditions are dark, the lamps make scarcely any difference at human head level so that you can't see a few feet ahead, nor the ground beneath your feet. The street lamps are set to come on well after dusk and they go off well before dawn in autumn/winter - just when I have to walk to work. They provide just "puddles" of light directly beneath the lamps (when they're on) but are otherwise quite pointless! And yet I am told they satisfy current lighting regulations ..... Alternate lights turned off during the evening I am lead to believe that the lighting in our road is due to be replaced. Street lighting offers false sense of security. There is safety in good cover, no better cover than darkness, especially if you are local and use it wisely. Train to move in darkness and you are safe. New street lights installed in 2012 some lights have been taken away New lamp posts/ lights erected about 6 months ago Apart from switching off overnight Fewer lights on. no lights in our road and limited number on way to village the lights we now have light more of the road is lit up and not very good on the paths There has been a lot of talk about turning lights off completely, but that has not happened yet and I hope it doesn't. i live on a main road and after 1am the whole street is pitch black. even though i use a torch i do not feel and have trouble negotiating the street curbs etc.l More and more street lights are either turned off or not working, both on streets and alleyways. New lighting installed -better lighting with lower power consumption. White light instead of yellow I live between two streets. one is always on at nnight, the other has been switched at times. Use of "low energy" bulbs which create a very small pool of light rather than a broad one, also spent bulbs do not seem to be being replaced Not as bright Lamps are never replaced. Our road is therefore dark, despite having enough streetlights. Light Pollution has increased but mainly due to unneccessary ill placed domestic and commercial lighting Lights have been replaced to save energy. They are not as bright nor do they illuminate the same area, but you do get used to them. 94 Our street lighting has be changed recently for lower power street lights which shine directly onto the road surface. These lights are extinguished between 0100 and 0700 hours each night. less lights and poorer quality Standards are being replaced on an ad hoc basis More crime in the village - break ins to houses and cars..... Major project to replace village street lights has led to some resiting of lamp standards. A frew taller whiter brighter lamps have been installed on some main roads and in a few critical places They turn off after midnight Outside my house has been switched off. Between 1am and 5am all street lights are off. Very good for any criminal activities. only lived here 18 month so cannot comment Clanfield has few street lights - they are spaced so very far apart that they are not much help. They our switched off at night time now Some streets are in darkness and other streets alternate lights switched off most street lighting in Corby was switched off 2years ago to save the council money. lamp posts and new 'bright light' fittings. Street lighting everywhere seems to be much dimmer (less bright) than it ever used to be and consequently I do not feel safe. You can't see properly who else is around, you can't see clearly where you are walking (poor pavement/road conditions make for trip hazzards) or clearly see any obstacles. In my area particularly I feel that the street lighting is very poor indeed. They got turned off Lights turned off at midnight in the local town where I used to live but just moved from Lighting in certain roads is turned off but not sure at what time. Lights switched off during the night But some close by areas are affected and these neighbours so feel unhappy about their situation, as if there were undesirables around they would go unoticed until it was to late to see or do much about it, we we rarely ever see a police officer on the beat now days. Thers officers are greatly missed and the absents of their presents on our streets is of much worry to the elderly, with their security and safety jepertised. These cuts have had great impact on all local citizans. New lamp posts replaced old ones approx 2yrs ago in this area. They dim at 11 o' clock at night; although not such a brightness after dimming still gives a good coverage of light overall. The length of beam plus brightness from these new lamp posts (before dimming) is greater than the old ones . They are white light whereas the old were orange. There appear to be more street lights causing light pollution Don,t have any I never go out after dark on my own now as you never know who is about . Some streets have no lights overnight. ONly moved here nine months ago. About every other street light is now turned off Lights go out at midnight and the one outside my house was not working at anytime for more than 6 months! switched off in my village after midnight 95 Only that some of the lights have beenreplaced with brighter whiter lights, rather than orange ones. Timings have remained the same. Lights go off at midnight Replaced old street lights last year, however not all of them were replaced so now the front and back of my house are dark Street lights off at midnight to 6.00pm approx A new street light has been installed opposite my bungalow and gives light to my area new tpye of economic lighting installed So dark in Hildersham High Street that overhanging branches brush your face and one can't see obstacles such as bumps in pavements or puddles without a torch don't feel save when the lights are not on. It can take ages for any lamps where the bulb has gone to be fixed! Would prefer never to have street lighting here -- far too rural to be necessary. Half of all lights have been switched off by county council No street lighting The lights need switching back on. For the safe walking, security, and older residents. Lighting in the garages at back of my home is switched off by 10pm and it allows a very dark area where my home and surrounding homes are at risk due to the dark area at back of gardens. The lights get turned off and you can't really see much detail in where you are. You have to rely on your knowledge of the area. new low energy lighting poor visabilty some switched off New 'white' lights (2 off) installed to replace 'amber' lights. The 'white' lights are much brighter and far better than the 'amber' not applicable. No lighting. Switched off to save money Turned off at 1am hey've updated all street lights I LIVE IN NORTHBOURNE GDNS WHERE ONE OF THE STREET LIGHTS IS TOTALY BLACKED BY TREES GROWING ALL AROUND IT HAVE TOLD THE COUNCIL ON NUMEROUS OCCASIONS BUT JUST WASTING MY TIME THERE IS ALSO ANOTHER ONE IN THE ALLEY WAY BLOCKED OUT BY TREES, AND THE LIGHTS STAY ON MOST OF THE DAY ON THESE TWO LIGHTS The street lights are not fit for purpose. The street lights in the st John Ward are only on one side of the street and are not very bright. Families with children, older residents and students make up the demograph of area. In Brooklyn street, crewe, where I live, only a handful of lights cover the length of my road,cars are double parked and that makes it difficult to see where you are walking.lots of people don't walk out in the dark.fearful of their safety. They used to stay on at night, now they go off completely from approx 1am, this does not affect me however if I was on a shift job I would be frightened being outside with no lights. I think we have brighter lights now but I am not sure if they are turned off or dimmed at any time in the night. I think they are on constant all night. One lamp opposite our house has a sensor on its top, so that might influence what it does at night. Not always on along Redways. 96 Street lighting often switched off Yes are switched off St John's Road sometimes unlit. Fault? St John's Road sometimes unlit. Fault? new lights are pointed down so when there are trees close by even the pool of light is reduced Most street lighting is off after midnight. The council have failed to cut back trees that grow next to our nearest street light so the amount and quality of light it gives has been reduced. Certain main dual carraigeways are not illuminated Street lighting is turned off around 01:00am. Very dark! The only street lighting we have is provided by people leaving their security lights on ie light pollution. haven't lived here for as long as 3 years seem to be on a lower voltage at night if i wake up and look out of window But would love the street lights switched off at night. Useless, such a quiet area, waste of money. Several are out before 9.30 as well which makes the pavement difficult to see as it's very narrow switched after midnight Were switched off late at night but due to crime increasing they were switched back on again. there is less - lights go out and they are not repaired. some lights are out of use or switched off New lights a couple of years ago. Also get switched off very late at night. Think that is good for the environment Different type of lighting - downward glare and more localised Milton Keynes Council has turned off some lighting on fast sections of the grid road network. Follwing Coroner's comments most have been switched on again. The Council undertaking 'trim and dim' works along with replacing older lamps with LED units . Some street lighting colums have corroded so badly during the last 30 years that they are dangerous and following testing have been cut downand not replaced and those stretches of 'A 'roads are now unlit Similar problems with corrosion occur in residential areas but are replaced. Lights on minor roads are switched off at midnight, just leaving the junctions lit. Street Lights on our housing area go off (approx mid night). the pools of darkness between are larger Main grid road lights were switched off (NOT at junctions / roundabouts) and that was fine by me but some people complained and tehre was a change in power in the oucnail and they got switched on again - all avery expensive waste of time and resources Older lamps replaced with more directional and supposedly more efficient the lighting appears to only shine downward Lights were turned off then put back on again due to high levels of crime Not as bright any more Newly replaced lighting gives better coverage of light in the street I don't feel it necessary to have lights on after midnight until 5.30 a m It took about a month from reporting a street light out to getting it fixed. new lights were fitted ,then capped to dim slightly It mad to turn street lighting off. In urban and residential areas 97 We've had new ones put in to meet 'EU' regulations and the lights go off from 1am until dawn. The bulbs have been upgraded and are much brighter in my immediate neighbourhood. I often attend meetings and functions in the village and it is very difficult to see where you are going with some of the street lights turned off especially as the footpaths are very uneven. Since the street lights have been switched off I feel less safe and I leave a light on outside my house all night untill 5.30 am some have been replaced with leds Change in the lights - now appear dimmer Just changed street lighting in Clifton Nottingham and it is TERRIBLE totally dark and a complete waste of time and money The street lights have been changed, but I cannot remember if it was within the last three years. Have only been in area for 1 year We have part night lighting and dimmed lighting. Street lights at junctions and one in each cul de sac are on 24 hrs Some lamps replaced They were turned on! having gas street lighting the brightness level is lower and softer than electric lighting but in the main the lighting level is perfectly adequate. New columns installed and lighting is now off between midnight and 06:30am 50% of the lights have been switched off SELECTIVE BRIGHTNESS no lights on Monks Way east of Brickhill Street, absolute madness. Street lighting switched off at night Changed to bright white light from orange/yellow. Made it much easier to see and less fewer dark areas. some lights dimmed Have lighting right outside my house which so far has never been off far fewer & our is off The street I live on is very badly lit with only 4 lights over its 500 yard lenght. Large and dense trees are directly opposite our property, beyond which, is a large open area and public footway. Please continue with the same level of lighting Deliberate switching off of street lights to save money. In my opinion this is a bad move as it creates areas where there is no or inadequate lighting and hence increases risks for anyone walking through those areas. The nearby Newport Pagnell by-pass lights have been permanently turned off at night. Street lights in our suburban road are switched off earlier at night than previously (now at 00:00), and come on later in the morning (05:00) With no improvement go off in the night new lights much better Street lighting always seems adequate - no problems encountered. I contacted the council when the street light was out in front of our house and it was replaced within a couple of days which I thought was great service. Energy saving - Lights out at 1am GMT 98 an extra 5 lamps were proposed in this small road which we managed to stop at the planning stage, we felt this was overkill, and would have lit the night sky spoiling an area of great beauty. The older lamps gave a better light. Our cul-de-sac is very very dark when the street lights are turned off and we feel very unsafe IF we have to venture out. Council have installed brighter type of lamp Some areas have less polluting lights, and some have them switched off at midnight, but we have bright orange light polluting lights, which remain on all night and are extremely annoying, wasteful and polluting street lighting is switched off at 0100 hrs The street lighting should be off from 12.00am until 6.00am during the teste period, however the lightings currently do not come back on until 7.00am. I am informrd that the lighting does not react to British Summer time.I am about before 6am cannot even see to get into my car. My daughter goes to work at 6.30am and I go out to the car with her each morning to make sure she is safe. I raised my concerns before the trail period starting for swiching the street lights off. I am sure that thsi will become permanent even if people object. Only change is lights going off at around 01:00 and back at 07:00 new lights Now far too bright and white We don't want street lighting and would fight any proposals to introduce it. Yes! Not as bright some of the lights are not lit up If the covenment were to take off tax on electricity and gas everyone would be happy and the lights could stay on as they are at present. They have only been installed within the last 2 years. this is a new housing estate in a rural area Dimmer and less of it Some lights have been replaced, others not repaired. Some have been replaced with brighter, whiter bulbs New ones currently being installed I have not really took notice, until now, and I will look and check if the lights do change. Changed & improved ~18mos ago No lighting, no change Much better now that the street light outside my house goes off I notice that it is darker now in the early hours of the morning due to the street lights being switched off. New lights installed Updated lighting fitted last year I would be most concerned if street lighting were turned off for periods during the night. I think that it would be much safer if lights were kept on at junctions and then half the rest turned off selectivly so that now where was in total darkness. Would be quite happy for our street light to be turned off during the hours of 10 pm to 6 am The lights are switched off from midnight until around 0600. Always lived in a village and disliked the the very bright orange lights when they were first introduced. Intrusive into bedrooms, cast dangerous shadows over kerbs, up and down light pollution and a waste of 99 parish money Light pollution is a problem in most areas. If a system could be used that only switched on street lighting following a movement sensor, this would cure the pollution problem and identify security problems. Our lights are off from midnight to about 6am I consider street lighting in rural areas to be uneconomic and unproductive even if provided as the areas are too large to be covered effectively. I would not be in favour of street lighting in rural areas. I think a more productive use of any additional money would be improved & better maintained white lineing (centre and road verges) of rural roads The lights have had low energy lamps and timers fitted. Grid roads have some lights not lit. New to neighbourhood, so can't comment. gone off new lighting recently, but we only have a few lights at junction of side road Main road lights switched off affecting side roads which are just lanes with our houses on them and very dangerous to walk. Yes, this is a newly developed area & the street light were not on for the first year. Now we are well lit in the small close. Some light are wither not working or very dim Only difference is them now being switched off as at Q8 The street lights only shine down now on the road so on the paths especially near trees it is very dark. Noticed many lamposts hidden in trees preventing adequate lighting esp rear of 21 Harkness Close MK2 3ND It has been switched off about 12 midnight. more lights have been turned off in specific areas or alternating lights are lit As 8 above I have been living in the current location for 18 months. Broken street lighting off the main streets is not being repaired. The WDCC have changed the light bulbs for low energy brighter bulbs and are supposed to be to be turned off between midnight and 5-30am from 1st January 2014, in our road the average age of residents is 70+, so as NHW coordinator I have requested that our lights ARE NOT TURNED off as we are on a direct footpath to the town. The lights are switched off late at night (midnight i think) They changed the lighting system to the low voltage occasionally wake up to find that there are no street lights on Lights seem dimmer. Switched off at night Not directly on our road, but on the main road nearby, we have had the lights renewed, not sure if they are any brighter significantly improved about two years ago Think there are les of them on through out night I wish they would switch the lights off at night. some of the street light have been cut off 100 Our street lighting has always been poor, not just within the last three years. The street is poorly lit with an avenue of trees which also shortens the street lighting's projection, making the street seem even darker. We also live opposite a large cemetery, making the street seem dimmer as no lighting shines from houses. turned off in small hours to save money The main problem is overgrowth of the overhanging trees which obscures the lighting and the pathways. They go off earlier than they used to Switched off before midnight New lights erected last year turned off at midnight The lights along the letcombe brook opposite the mill in Wantage have not been replaced since they stopped working and now a significant section are out. Part night lighting was introduced between midnight and 05:30 Certain stretches of road have lights turned off at night Attempts have been made to reduce hours of street lighting in so-called "safer" areas. This was not well received and was mainly shelved - certainly in my area. the street light at the beginning of my close is off The street light outside my neighbours house seems to be more often broken ie blown bulbs than before Existing streetlights replaced with new ones but in different places so they shine in people's bedroom windows Side roads have had their lighting switched off at night, but I live on a main road. I wouldn't park in a darkened street. We only have lighting in the close, not the roads around and no, I do not like walking around here at night come on later and go off too early in morning Street lights being overgrown by bushes restricting the lighting supplied. Too many street lights like blackpool illuminations Its off first thing in morning, have to be at qork for 6am . Defrosting car by torchlight not good!! the one out side my house comes on about 2130 and goes off at 5.30 The A road on the outskirts of the village has not been lit for the last three years but one would generally only drive there. Some areas in the village are not lit and that feels uncomfortable if walking. Some street lights are not working in line with local council cuts Most of the lights are switched off currently at about 1:00 am which will change to Midnight at the end of this month and do not come back on until 06:30 am. This makes it very dark duuring this period and one feels unsafe even if one is in ones house because of the increased chance of criminal activity. Can hardly see there so dark now On the main drayton road, Abingdon, the street lights running along road do dim Lamps and standards changed Lights on major roads turned off at all times other than at major junctions Lights are now switched off between midnight and 6am. New "white lighting" has been introduced to several streets. Have only just moved to the area so cannot comment on changes. Just right as it is, new lamps comung soon I see. A good thing. New lights - some streets nearby have lights switched off at night. In recent years have lived in a village/town without street lighting, I did not feel any less safe in that environment. There seem to be less inclination toloiter 101 very poor white lights installed, only shine in one place and often don't come on although the council claim this is a "feature" and not a fault Tree branches are increasingly obscuring some of the lights and we do not know if the council will prune this autumn. Some lights have been replaced in adjacent strreets but not in ours. There are frequent problems with the lights on during the day. There has been an upgrading of the individual lamps. street lights switched off or dimmed between 9:30 pm and 5:30 am One light is now off from midnight and there are several not working on Wiltshire Road Wokingham - have been awaiting repair for months Very limited. Only lived here for 18 months though Bucks CC has this ridiculous policy of turning them off which I consider to be inviting crime and making people feel unsafe. It's darker and dim they throw shadows New design lights installed not as many lights on at night especially near my home having to walk along in pitch dark for some way to get home. switched off after 1am - do the same to street lights, cars have headlamps !! Improved lighting in park outside my flat. The street light in Anstiebury Close has been turned off. switched off for part of night to save energy/money WE ONLY HAVE 2 X STREET LAMPS IN OUR ROAD WHICH HAS MANY TREES SO THE LIGHT IS DIMINISHED CAUSING IT TO BE VERY DARK New lamps - seem much brighter 0 light polution is a nighmare! Have lights outside bedrooms windows and even with blackout blinds, it is difficult to sleep lights were changed and they do not seem as bright as before Some lights seem brighter (almost like daylight) Behind the Great Northern Cottages in New England PE13|HJ| area - the alleyway street lights are dim to the point of hardly on or useful.. Drug dealings prostitution and other crimes occur here in this area - the residents are scared to go in their fenced gardens let alone in the alleyway.. new street light fitted, they are now brighter The street light immediately outside of our house has been permanently switched off All street lights in the village have been replaced by less brighter ones recently but most areas are still adequately lit for general mobility. They are much brighter than they used to be Main roads have lights off early in the evening the light on Pindale road goes out at 12.00pm - this makes it very dark and one needs a torch if out late A replacement of old poles wth new some have been turned of New build property - only been living here for 7 months The site is a new development and we have lights in some places. New lighting installed and not so many lights which is good, also the lighting is more down lighting The path from Denham Village to Denham Railway Station at night is not safe, badly lit (some lights not working), overgrown and the path quite precarious to walk on if you were infirm. security lights have been put up in several places around the estate Brighter lighting 102 Our road hasn't been adopted by the council yet. If it had been, the lights would probably be turned off, but at the moment they are not in control of the council. A number of street lights have been removed in the village making some areas very dark, leading to difficulties in seeing unless you have a torch with you. This is particularly difficult for the elderly and less mobile or parents pushing pushchairs as they have no hands free to carry a torch. better maintenance of trees growing over lights would be appreciated the lighting is still low pressure sodium, needs to be a white light Lights go out midnight Switchings off lights in certain areas. new ones were put up and are brighter Replacement posts have lowered lighting levels overall as they focus down - whereas my backgarden used to be lit by overspill from a lamppost down the road, it is now not which makes it vulnerable to burglary. Recently, because I get up at 5.45am to work 1 day a week, I realised that it was pitch black in most areas closeby - not sure whether they lights will come on again to cover the going to school time in winter when it is dark. Reduced Switched Off after about 1.00am A slight increase I am in a quiet reasonably respectable suburb (Tilehurst, West Reading), and feel safe when out and about. I occasionally drive after 2130, seldom if ever walk. Stree tlighting seems fine, and i have not noticed it being turned down or off over the past few years. Repairs take longer than before The street lighting has been replaced and updated to give a better light coverage. When Lights fail it takes several weeks to get them repaired plans now being implemented to upgrade lighting in the area, with the intention of a better distribution of light and reduction in glare.the same number of light columns is being retained,some with locations adjusted Lights on main road now off I live in a private steet with no street lighting at all. Main road lit. I grew up with gas lamps in the street every 100 yards. I didn't mind. I think street lighting can be at a lower level and still be safe. You don't need to be able to read a newspaper by street lighting No changes from the minimal lighting along this rural but residential road. The Parish Council did move to eliminate what lighting there is om 2006 but there was such a strong local protest at the plans they were scrapped. New LED lights installed by Cambs. CC. Apart from that I've noticed nothing The street light outside my house was removed, presumably to save money. This has left a large dark patch in the centre of the street. I do not feel unsafe, but I can no longer see my front door and have trouble finding the keyhole! Improved lighting in Hawthorne Road Driving when lights are off is unpleasant, due to parked cars. It is not nice getting out of the car in pitch darkness until my security lights come on. Longer off periods I believe LED have been fitted decrease New (green) lighting installed. Some lights are not switched on for savings Street lamps were replaced with new white light ones, which give far less light than before 103 half the county council street lights have been switched off for 2 years. The lighting for pedestrians is now very poor but not too bad for drivers . Replacing concrete old post with new metal ones @ a disturbing expense !! Replaced with much brighter lights. The lights go off and when returning home it does not feel safe especially for women I have spoken to. Trees which need attention by the Council hiding lights. Increase in problems with lighting in alleyway next to our house There does appear a couple of "dark spots" in between street lights Excessive tree vegetation not maintained adequately creates blackspots of no light on footways into city. This makes pedestrians apprehensive of footway trip hazards again caused by tree root growth, and other pedestrians. Lamp standards replaced and one extra erected in our street.. Some lights are being removed and others replaced at the moment. Not in place yet so cannot say what impact this has had. Been replaced and improved Thorpe Road roundabout and Parkway lights switched off Lights are turned off late at night appear dimmer light are of on the steps to are close and very dangerous were old people live and they do not go out cos its dark Some street lighting now turned off overnight. It's pitch black The new street lights that are fitted are half the brightness of the original fittings new energy lamps fitted One or two street lights have been off for a time, I think. Have only lived here a year. I can't say what happens during the night,. I am sixty five, and no longer a night owl. I had a horrible drive from Gerrards Cross to Farnham Common the other day , night time and raining , small road. When I arrived at my friends house - said I wouldn't do that again! She said they'd turned off the road lights . Surely it is better to have a few lights rather than accidents ? One outside the house switched off at 1230 am till 0600 am. Until recently Street lights on all the time - now off between midnight and 5am Replacement LED lights recently installed to part of the street Lighting is not being monitored as closely as it used to be and as a result lights can be out for weeks/months before bulbs being replaced. Possibly dimmer than they were, but truthfully, I haven't really noticed. They put up notices to say they were turning lighting off but they do not appear to have done that Many street lights have been turned off leaving many roads unlit Street Lighting is essential it must help in cutting down crime Our street lights were updated to white lights (from yellow) several years ago, but can't remember just when. The street lighting has recently been changed on my estate. The lights are now extremly bright, to the extent that they are too bright. I now find it difficult to sleep due to the light shining into my bedroom. Light in the whole street have been replaced street light removed there are many street lights not on 104 The lights on some streets are certainly spread far apart. This is not a change but does make some residential areas darker. On the other hand, guess people don't want lights burning through their bedroom windows Half the street lights have been switched off in the area White lights being installed I'd prefer the lights to be switched off over night to save energy and to allow us to see the sky. After midnight the lights go off on ever other one light down my street! Many street lights have been altered to give a yellow light. lighting has been changed to give a sharper image when near to the lights, however it has increased the dark spots where the youths can now hide up it was much better and residents felt more safer before. introduction of periods during the night when streetlights are switched off. lighting switched off at midnight and on at 5 a.m. One or two street lamps have been upgraded with high-pressure sodium or metal halide, which is not only casting unnecessary light into places not needed, but is also disrupting the behaviour of many night-flying creatures such as bats, moths and some birds. go off @ night Seems to start later street lighting has been switched off on Holtspur Hill but otherwise street lighting has remained on in the village. Less lighting along Towceter Road and roads leading off from this road, than there used to be Replacement lights not so good Street lighting is erratic, i.e. large areas not covered by lighting. Not on from about midnight and early morning. Also seem dimmer than usual Switch off for a few hours about 24.00hrs New street lights installed, they are really first class Selectively reduced Lighting on local main roads have been turned off and the these roads fell less safe Broken ones dont seem to be repaired so quickly Very dim Some of the lights are off and some seem to work on a movement sensor but away from the main road (Longdales Road) there are patches of poorly lit areas which have been subject to crime, and therefore add to the anxiety I approve of reduced lighting Only one street light on the corner of the cross roads of our village. Some lights turned off or not working (closest to me didn't work for weeks until I emailed the council Lights are often switch off New lights and much brighter Our street light outside our house has been on permanently for over two years despite numerous council vans driving by eventually my husband rang personally a month ago and a week later it was seen to and the light now only comes on at night a good tax saving I hope. Our lights now go out at midnight which I find very disturbing and feel very far more insecure at night 105 I have to walk up from Swithland Church to my home in Main Street regularly at night (c. 9.30 p,m or a little after). There are hardly any lights on in that part of the village which makes walking on pavements difficult, and cars driving through speed up as they pass. This makes me feel insecure. Brighter ! new street lamps put in, replacing the old. They've been switched off late at night The street light in front of my house was off for 2 months and it took them 1 month to repair it. think they go off at midnight The lights are turned off during the night to save money by the council. street lights have been turned off on the main rd. a413 in particular dangerous areas and in the high st. of great Missenden. Main road lights switched off late night on certain roads At the moment the street lighting is excellent. Some lights seem to have been switched off in streets near CMK There are insufficient street lights through the village. Lights not working are not being repaired new street lighting has been installed in our area in last 6 months They are switched off at night Lights on the road from GX to Beaconsfield and other areas. Why not remove bulbs on every other light so that we still have some, not good for driving. I fell this stops people from driving at night. also trim back the trees these make everything darker. lights switched off Although the residential streetlights have been turned off (or some of them anyway), there were new lights installed along the main road at Gleneagles Drive which are brilliant and are always on. I don't know if this is a different kind of light which costs less but it is very effective and would like to see them installed elsewhere on the estate too. The only change is new lights which are energy saving and brighter. Because this area is so rural there is very little chanceof the lights being switched off. There are so few lights in this village that you already walk from light into darkness between them. It would have been impossible to reduce their number. I only walk on the main road where necessary as a lot of the side roads (like mine) have very widely spaced street lights. Lighting is severely reduced to such an extent that it might as well be off completely. Several lights covered up by overgrown trees making some areas very dark. New lighting installed. But while some areas are better other areas now have no lighting where there was lighting in the past Some street lights were replaced by led lights. These areas are much lighter - feel safer! Why can't more of these lights be installed? new lights installed but the new siting has left more pools of darkness on our road, especially near our house. introduction of low energy bulbs We've had new, more efficient street lights. New (better) street lights - with a (small) reduction in the number of lights. We live at the back in our house so don't normally see the street lights. We only have two street lights for the 24 properties located in our cul-de-sac Not adequate spacing Low pressure sodium (SON type) was replaced by LED 106 New type very white downward directed street lights have replaced old type yellowy lights - very good!! Too much lighting for rural village Some lights on side street have been turned off between 12.00midnight and 5.30am. The lights on the main thoroughfare have remained on. There is adequate lighting. Recently new lights were fitted and they are very much brighter. It has been turned off on main roads and at dangerous junctions. a considerable amount of the lamps have been turned off The main roads have had their lighting reduced. a couple of lights have been changed to a brighter version First turned off, which was great and green, now back on again, change of local control. New low energy lighting installed, very satisfactory. Windsor & Maidenhead Council have reduced lighting, in underpasses, at 50%. I hate having to walk under these underpasses - especially since I was assaulted (not in a underpass) in Maidenhead in a side street about 5.30pm last Christmas. This crime was reported to the police. But I wish that the lighting in underpasses could be DOUBLED now to what it was when underpasses were installed years ago - in fact I would like all underpasses replaced with bridges or road crossings. Slough have done this by replacing their "spider" underpass near the library with crossings above. Cannot Windsor & Maidenhead do the same?? As a member of the Neighbourhood Watch for our area I have occasion to go out to speak to neighbours or deliver leaflets and also to obtain vehicle reg nos and descriptions for local police Either of these activities are nearly impossible as our street light is very dim and yellow. Despite my efforts in the past to get the street lighting better I have had no comeback from councils etc. You have to go out with a torch and feel your way up people's front paths even at 4.30 on a winter's afternoon. Lights are switched off between approx 11.30 pm and 6.00 am on A329 between Purley and Pangbourne We live in a old part of MK and seem to have very dim street lights, which are also blocked by large trees the by- pass around Buckingham the light are turned off except for junctions. If I broke down inbetween junctions it would be in pitch black. Therefore I tend not to use the by-pass at night in the car. I would come all the way through town and just come into Linden #village by the Stoney Stratford end. From linden village, it is a short walk into town through the green spaces but the last time I walked it in the evening the lighting was sparce. I don't know if the street light had been turned off or not. I would not walk the by pass as there is no lighting in between junctions. They have been replaced and are off sometimes More lights are failing and remaining unrepaired by the Council Street lights have been removed in my road leaving it very dark and quite ' eerie' Street lights appear to have been replaced/upgraded on a number of occasions but the City Council don't appear to know what they want out there! Lights are turned off between midnight and 4am until further down the street where there are pensioners local authority bungalows, where the lighting stays on. New street lamps. Quite bright but not intrusive. Improves safety. New type of lighting fitted from Sodium to low energy type of lamp 107 Birmingham is going through a programme of improving? upgrading? renewing? well, changing street lighting throughout (I believe). (Our road has been left out, it being a year since the work was scheduled.) The changes are generally noticeable, with higher columns and a different light output colour, but whether the new system will be cheaper to run and more effective, we have no information. Lighting has been maintained thus far!!! Lights switched off at 12.30-1.00 am Replacement lights in our road The lamps are yellow and only light a small area - you can only see whats happening directly under the lighted area Lights are dimmer Better quality lighting installed. The light lamps are not always replaced. The whole street lighting in the city,is being improved over next couple of years,not reached my area yet The lights are completely switched off between 1 am and 5 am BST. Out the back of my hoouse we have gone from 2 lamposts to 1 50% turned off Lights off at night Streetlights are switched off very close to my home It appears to be as it always was We only have two street lights one either end of the road. We had two others removed last year They are switched off during the night Improved outside my home but less lighting in side streets Reduced,switched off late evening Half the street lights are not switched on. As above, street lighting now goes off. Also people don't seem to want to report it when their streetlights aren't working. only lived there 6 months It is MUCH darker in our street since the new lighting installed no lighting in park gardens, bletchley mk3 6ht They have been replaced in the entire neighbourhood under a West Sussex upgrade scheme, supposedly more environmentally friendly and efficient Lighting just outside the village at a major crossroads has been switched off. No changes for years, but we could do with a few more lights in darker areas of the Village MORE UP-TO-DATE AND BRIGHTER Redone It's not bright enough The lights are now turned off at night. Yes, all of the street lighting has been replaced with energy efficient brighter lights. One result is an increase in traffic accidents. Another is a drop in trade for the night time economy Streets a lot darker they seem dimmer. NewLED lambs and switched off between 12midnight and 5.30am Only that in question 8 All lamp posts are being updated. Not sure yet whether lights will be stronger or weaker. 108 More street lighting locally which ruins the dark of the night Woodland trees along the Avenue block the light from the street lamps when they are in leaf. Lamps are ineffective during these times of the year. Upgrade on lighting in progress. Lights are much dimmer than they used to be and, when broken, are not repaired for weeks. The street light in the alley adjacent to my property has been reported twice since early September and remains unrepaired despite reported criminal activity in that location. Change from sodium yellow lights to a brighter white light. part lit part unlit but I ma walking a dog and it is a 'low crime' neighboorhood Brighter bulbs installed I would definitely feel less safe if the street lighting were to be switched off, and I feel very sorry for those people who have already experienced this. the lights have been replaced by dimmer lights they do not shine on the path as much and there dark spaces between lamps I live in a village.There is street lighting in the centre of the village but it stops before my house. I don't feel they are as bright - the whole area feels less well lit than before, decidedly murky in fact. Some new lighting is being installed and it's even worse - the actual lights are very bright - dazzling in fact, but their light doesn't 'spread' and the contrast makes it difficult to see. Very dark shadows. I formally lived in a lane on the other side of the city which was unlit. I actually felt safer in the dark, maybe because I have very good hearing, Where I live now, the street lights are sometimes on all night and that is an annoyance, We have duller lights New street lights fited throughout village some of the old victorian lamps have been taken out. the new ones seem to be more yellowy (sodium?) no street lighting and no light pollution, bit dodgy Lights go off on timer. Some are left on at junctions etc and provide sufficient light. Changed to down lighting Switched off between midnight and six am. It has been replaced with brighter lights They have put new ones on and they do not light up as good as the old ones. But maintenance is sometimes slow to respond to non-functioning lights Improved lights installed Many lights are now switched off. Yes around Yate and chip sod light off We have no street lighting, which is very unsatisfactory. This would have contributed to burglars selecting our house for burglary. Seems to be quite a few occasions where the street lights are faulty & do not work A413 has no street lighting in places and street lighting in my immediate area is inadequate. Private road, hoping to be adopted by the council, at expected considerable cost to residents.Street lights only just gone on,after residents paid to have them put on following an attempted burglary. yes, it goes off in some parts of the village but stays on on the main roads i think. Changed to white halogen. Horrible! Change of style of lampost coupled with a white, brighter light from the previous orange colour. Not in my immediate area but close by - lights switched off after 2130 109 The time for Investigation failure of street lighting and repairs or replacement to lighting systems requires improvement there does not seem to be enough lighting, probably not bright enough. They switch off during the night Changed all the lights to energy efficient but they are not so bright as they use to be but manageable New lights installed. I am disabled and use a wheelchair and find our street a bit dark in places Alternate lights switched off Street lights are less well maintained, we have many that require bulb replacement. Grove House Gardens lighting is very eratic as quite often a large number are out and nobody seems to check them on a regular basis. Some older lights have been replaced by brighter LED lights which is better. Some older lights are obscured by trees would resist it vehemently Living near Normandy Way, Hinckley, street lights are out New poles and lights fitted to give a far better distribution of light since 2013 they are turned off at about one clock new lighting The light is dimmer, but spread over a greater area. I would prefer the lights to go out at midnight, as they always used to do. A great saving would be made. not on as much as they used to be New lighting to replace old sodium vapour lamps (I prefered the old ones) It takes longer to make repairs to broken/ out of order street lights when reported faulty, always promptly maintained New light in alleyw Improved lighting on one side of the road. Pavement very thin on one side though. The lights all go out at 1am at the moment. When the clocks change at the end of October they will be going out at midnight. Completely refurbished, better quality light but reduced numbers Got worse - inadequate lighting on the public footpath adjoining my property, plus path is outside CCTV coverage equals anti social behaviour from local "youths" Generally increased, due to extra house building! New, brighter and higher lighting when the street light is not working it doesn't seem to get fixed so some areas can be quite dark The new LED lights do not cover the same amount of area as the old lights did. They are very bright to look at but the area of illumination is limited. Street lights have been replaced with LED based systems. council can be slow to replace street light bulbs and there are often several that are not working at the same time which leaves a large area of the street dark which must be helpful to opportunist burglars I put not sure because the street lighting is so bad you would be hard pressed to see what you were walking on and the middle of the road is the safest place to walk on a flat surface. Pavements are also decidedly hazardous and would be a health and safety field day if the same rules applying to the private sector also applied to the public sector Parish Council have responsibility for Street Lights in village and are in process of upgrading all lamps to conform with EU Standards (more efficient / low energy) 110 replaced. seem brighter Lights turned off after midnight Lights were switched off during the night (12 - 6)?? about a year ago. street lights are turned off at midnight Three of the street lamps are not working. Last time I reported this it took over three months to get it fixed and took four phone calls to finally get any action. LIGHTS ARE SWITCHED OFF AROUND MIDNIGHT, EARLIER IF POWER CUT, SEEMS THEY TAKE A WHILE 3 WEEKS TO RESET TO MIDNIGHT. LAMP POSTS ARE NOT MAINTAINED WE HAVE 1 LEANING OVER, HAS BEEN REPORTED BUT SEEMS THE MAN WHO CAME TO LOOK WOULD NOT LEAVE HIS CAR. Yellow lights are being replaced with white light which is a vast improvement, when the area is completed it will be far better More intrusive,new bright white light which radiates light pollution onto and into residential housing and gardens.Street light should be directed down onto the road and pavements only.Where appropriate,I am very much supportive of either dimmed,subtle lighting or in some cases the switching OFF of unnecessary street lights. Has been off for years Bulbs have been changed to lower power usage type. They are not as bright but do the job ok Think they were changed for energy saving bulbs. There has been some upgrading primarily to replace rotten and potentially dangerous concrete/steel stands. Not lived at my present address long enough to see changes, but have noticed a small increase in lighting where I used to live which did improve the security - I understand that this was instigated by Leicester City Council. Many lights have been turned off adding to risk of crime and accidents. In my own road a light has been for many years illuminated all night by the turning circle but the Parish Council has turned it off despite protests. I live on the main street in a village and for a while the street lights were switch off late at night. I thought this was unsafe and didn't like going out. They are now left on all night Don't seem as bright We have really limited street lighting, which makes walking after dark almost impossible and it does not feel safe to do so. Street lighting switched off between Poynton and Butley town making driving in the dark difficult and dangerous. I understand the need to save money, but it would help if the lighting was on during rush hour morning and evening during the winter months. Standard yellow lighting was replaced with modern "white" lighting. It is terrible. The old yellow lights were bad enough but the light polution is shocking from the new lights. I would be delighted to see them dimmed or switched off to save power and so that I might be able to see the stars once in a while. We have had a different type of lighting installed I live in a village, which does have some street lighting, but street lighting in villages is never as good as in urban areas. I would usually take a torch. Change of type of bulb, not so bright. Dimmed late at night Seems a lot darker than before Repairs take much longer to be effected. " 111 the street light that was opposite our house was removed earlier this year leaving it extremely dark. So dark in fact that you cannot see the edge of the pavement when crossing the road. It probably cost more to remove than it would to have run for several years! They go off at about 11.45 There is a light near to my property that has never been switched on brighter lighting AS 7 & 8 Fewer lights are left on to reduce costs. I do not have a problem with this as I go nowhere on foot at night. I have a balance disorder and need daylight to be safe. Street lights here used to be switched off at past midnight, but now with photo cells they are controlled by the light and so remain on all hours of darkness More put in by Local Parish council Horrid orange lights which don't reflect any light , also continuous broken lights Switched off between 00.15 and 05.30 GMT (no alteration for daylight saving time) Lights on main road have been switched off The street light directly outside my home has been turned off between 12.30am and 5.30am for the past 12months. Maybe they are a bit dimmer - but it is not an issue I worry about - in fact, I worry about street lighting per se. When I was living in Adelaide, South Australia, late 60's, the lights all went off at 1 p.m. I reckon this is our compromise. No for one moment do I believe that dimmer/off lights alter crime - in fact, logically, I would have thought it would be harder to rob places in dark streets - who, after all, can afford night vision goggles? This 'must have light to be secure' is nonsense - our country towns, in Oz, have virtually no lighting at all, by British standards and I cannot believe it has a radical negative effect on crime rates. Quite simply: you have to be able to see to steal, mug or ..... Neighbours have extensive driveway and house lights. These create dazzle and make it harder to achieve a level of dark adaption to see intruders. They may also attract criminals, as they indicate wealth. I feel safer and more relaxed once these lights go off, usually about midnight. Wish more of main roads still had street lighting. New lighting installed Street lighting is reduced To the front of my property and side new street lights have been put up but on the pathways at the rear no lighting at all. I have over the past 5 years been to Parish Council meetings on this subject even taken along photo's of day time and night time but to no avail. Have contacted Peterbough Council but have been told not their responsibility it is that of Cross keys housing which is rather strange as most of the properties on this pathway are owner occupied. Lights turn off late at night. Seem to be fewer lampposts switched on on the road between the local train station and my house. reduced lighting some lights have been changed their setting and somehave been dimmed No public lighting, but several movement triggered safety lights have been added to individual houses They are turned off at night I haven't lived here long enough It takes longer to get them repaired new lighting installed 112 It has been made brighter New infrastructure has been built (footpath along guided busway) however no street lighting has been installed, which makes walking along the footpath very dangerous. I would also like to clarify my response to question 6: I never feel safe, due to the complete lack of street lighting, which makes walking extremely dangerous, as it is completely dark. I am not worried about somebody attacking me. the lights on Devonshire road outside my house are 50yds away in both direction, ie 100yds apart, the entrance to my house is in darkness ALL STREET LIGHT LIGHTIMG HAS BEEN RENEWED AND UPDATED TO NORE EFFICIENT AND ENERGY SAVING LIGHTING It is turned off at night The street is now in almost total darkness overnight. Fewer if brighter lights which sometimes lead to one side of the streets to be lit and the other dark. The roads, streets have got darker due to lights switched off. There has been a reduction in street lighting during the night New lighting, but fewer lamposts. Now have very dark areas in most roads. lights switched off around midnight to 6.30. There are areas I am now avoiding in case my car breaks down as there are no street lights. change from tungsten orange light to clearer white lighting Replacement of did light bulbs can take up to one year Taken down Victorian street lamp posts which we liked in our road (Thistlecroft road hersham) and replaced with modern lamps. There have been times when lights have seemed not as bright. But no definite pattern to this. use of whiter lights Recently some lights are turned off at night and I agree with this - but I think that more could be turned off as I find some intrusive - they shine into my house and after 11.30 pm there is little or no pedestrian traffic. It has got better with some more efficient lamps being provided and one additional light at a key junction New lights installed across the road.. Old ones outside my house taken away so that my side is very dark after lighting up time but I don't mind as I wouldn't sleep if it were too bright. 2 lights on our road and one of them is always off in the last 3 years I live in a close and there is one street light at the very end so we all have to have our security lights on at night so some light comes on the close. Off the Avenue there is hardly any street lights and when walking back from late night school events there is no light at all and I have to carry a torch with me. I don't live far from the school but am always on alert and feel very nervous. Most of the side street lights are off late at night until the morning. I am less likely to go out when the lights are out. I know of friends that have tripped over because they cannot see where they are going down the side streets etc. Only lived there for 2 years Irregularly repaired usually after long delay Various lamps were switched off due to budget cuts. The County Council are now embarked on a programme of replacement with LED lighting with fewer brighter lights. These are very good. greatly improved 113 they have put new street lights in our street, so now we have a bright light at the lampost and dark inbetween Our nearest street light was out of action for over 8 months. I reported it to the Council on 3 separate occasions, they were very slow to respond. Changing street lamps to more economic ones Only lived here for, just coming up to two years. Village itself is fairly well lit - there is a street lamp immediately out side my property ! Appalling bright white lights installed instead of old orange ones,. Now youths congregate! Street is best when there are no lights. On the occasional nights when lights don't come on, it's silent and empty - bliss! I'm only "not sure" because I cannot remember when the change happened. I definitely noticed the lights were dimmer in some places - and off in others. dimmer Now the mornings and evenings are darker and I need to walk my dog I found the lighting to be poor and some street lights are not working at all. A couple of street away they switch off street lights at midnight. a lot of street lighting has now been permanently switched off Posts have changed, not sure about the quality I haven't lived round this area for more than a year yet thw new streetlight right outside our house is too bright and shines straight into the bedroom Installed new street lights but not sure if they're as bright as the older ones. They're probably more energy efficient All the street lights were replaced. The new lighting has a different glow and the light is more focussed down into the immediate surrounding area, creating darker areas between lights. The previous lighting had a wider arc of glow. We have a great street light just outside our house and as we have no neighbours it is a god-send because outside our house is never in darkness. I would worry if it was removed for any reason or broken. I've seen changes on roads joining urban areas, but not within an urban area Our lights were replaced but some were removed altogether, leaving areas in complete darkness. This gives a terrible feeling and we and our neighbours are most unhappy about it. As I'm living here from one year. NOT AS EFFECTIVE SINCE THE RECENT CHANGE TO LED. The street lights have been changed from red sodium lights to LEDs which is a more focused light, not general lighting. Improved May have been changes in type of lighting used but not sure Lights on main roads are now switched off Certain lights have been switched off. First they switched off a lot of lights, then they replaced them with the new brighter ones - but fewer of them. In places there are stretches of road that are not almost completely unlit. Street lighting is extremely important when feeling safe in the dark - it's easier for people to hide in the dark and very frightening if you are not able to see properly. Good lighting deters crime - i think criminals are less likely to act if the victim sees them. New street lights fitted on the road that adjoins us. 114 The lights used to on all night but now switched off at 1.0 a.m. If the lamps stop working it takes a long time for someone to come and mend them and the last time they put in a white light rather than yellow system. in a near by road new lamps have been made very tall and the light at street level is not so good. There are so few street lights, it is necessary to carry a torch to walk around the village after dark. There is both a car safety and personal safety issue due to the lack of street lights. Some areas were switched off but have been returned the only time one feels vulnerable is when having to use an underpass as the lighting nearby is usually dimmer than in the underpass itself thus leading to worry about figures in the dimness Due to EU regulations our local (parish) council were FORCED to spend £12000 last year changing our existing thirteen street lights. They seem dimmer and we are told they are more economical. Villagers were polled on design etc and whether they wanted lights at all. (Yes, this was an alternative.) But wisdom prevailed and, though relatively distant from each other, the lights definitely give you a 'comfort zone' even if only psychologically. Every other switched off permanently. Now replaced with new lighting spread much further apart Street lighting is prone to damage from agricultural and HGV traffic. Lighting columns are out of plumb with topsoil movement. It's been improved with much brighter lights. A trial was carried out switching off major road lighting except at junctions. It was very bad. It felt intimidating and scary Local authority lights have been replaced by Balfour Beatty. The new lights are extremely effective. I guess we are 'urban' but here in Brackley we are a very 'rural' 'urban'. Lights Switched off Lights are often not working in the area I live in There is far too much light pollution here from private houses especially Honeywood farm which is monstrous enough by day without being lit like at Christmas tree at night. No street lights PLEASE It takes much longer for failed lights to be put back into working order. When two fail next to each other there's a log dark section of street. There are parts of the est that are not covered by the new street lights at night now some of the walk way behind the houses are so you can not see there you are walking I have been in contact with N B C but they told me that the lights are not needed on some of the walk way and classed as not needed John Turner All the Street Lights on the Boulevard were updated about 12 months ago out of action,takes time to get them fixed. Now off after midnight,sometimes al,sometimes most of them. Really very black and dangerous Live in a very elderly area,look out and you can not see youre neighbour,s house.Not good I would welcome having ALL street lighting turned OFF in rural areas. There is FAR TOO MUCH light pollution. nothing has changed since I moved there 10 yrs ago. Street Lighting paid for by Parish Council Some lights switched off Don't Have any at all. Some of the road lighting around the Milton Keynes system is switched off. In my opinion, this a good thing when considering the amount of energy saved. Motorways and high traffic volume A roads should be a target for energy savings also. 115 Changed the lighting from yellow to white Have noticed in some areas the council to saev money has dimmed the street lights ?Shorter lamposts? Different type of light bulbs? New street lamps with low energy lamps Has got darker, new lights installed less brighter Far too much street lighting, turn it off the lighting is not so bright and there is always a light out somewhere in the area. I would prefer the street lighting to be dimmed, it is like 24 hour daylight outside my home. See comments below I live on the main road so street lights are always on but I am connected to a side road and these are dimmed and if I want to go round the corner at night to the local shops it is quite dark in certain areas. Old version lights are being gradually replaced, with lamps which are much higher. Lights were changed to Eco lighting. Since reduced lighting times certain areas are very dark. We have had new lampposts installed which whilst 'Victorian' in design to fit in with our conservation area give much better illumination than the ones we had before. This cam about in response to community action by councillors and residents otherwise we would have got some hideous 'motorway' type things. In some para ts of the community every other light has been switched off. The road has better lighting, but I have an alleyway along side my property and it has NO LIGHTS. It is the walkway from the station to home/work for many people so it is madness....... ! Apart from the fact that the council seem to take a long time to repair lights when they burn out very dim poor lights Street lighting replaced but still adequate Half the street lights were turned off leading to a spate of vandalism primarily to vehicles. improved Improved lighting due to change to energy efficient bulbs However there are plans to turn them off at night which I am opposed to. We have two street lamps in our close of 12 houses one now goes out at 1.00am Main street is light enough although some need to be seen to as they flicker... but some of the side alley ways are very poorly lit and scary New development of 1600 houses 1 mile away at the limits of our village. New street lighting has been established. New lights on stretches of the estate locally Reported lamps are not attended to mainly due to confusion of ownership We had our lights changed to the LED (I think that is what they are) lights that give off a more white and more directional light. The close is darker as a result But I would like the lights to be switched off after midnight or 1am as this would save energy and reduce light pollution. I have lived in a rural area with no street lights at all and much prefer it - I did not feel unsafe and would use a torch if out at night. Is there any evidence to prove that streets without lighting are less safe, or that streets with lighting are more safe? All street lighting has been replaced. They don't get mended for ages. The excuse being "we couldn't find it" or they fix the wrong lamp post 116 Cambridgeshire is currently renewing its street lighting with a major contract. Everything is in flux currently but it seems that there will be some places where lightiong is dimmed or turned off late at night/early morning. We now have new lights which dim slightly late at night Yes see issue referred to at no. 8 above New street lights There may be a little less or less strong lighting in places. Local Authority have indicated they will be switching most of the lights off after midnight but have not done so as yet. The nearest light goes off at night. Our nearest lamp has been out recently but wasn't sure whether it was just a bulb or being switched off purposefully? It lights up the street at the end of my drive & I found it reassuring. Did not really notice it but was told street lights had been changed. Could do with a few more So much more pleasant with street lights turned off - the moon is often sufficient light to see where I am going, whilst the night sky is now visible. Lights switched off. Noticbly very dark.Have to carry a torch to see my own key lock. I understand there is a street lighting update programme in progress, and we are due to be included next year. Replaced with the new "whiter" lights not bright enough There are several street lights that are not working and I am not sure if this is because bulbs have not been replaced or because they have been randomly switched off They were actually replaced and up-graded only last year to more powerful, brighter lights I live in a tree-lined avenue where the street lights are few and far between. The lamp standards are often quite close to trees which restrict the range of the light shed. I cannot remember when I last saw these trees pruned to open them up for passage of light to the area. Some areas seem very dark. It is the lighting for vehicles that is awful, especially at roundabouts where it is needed most. There is little or no lighting at the roundabout which crosses the A1 at the junction with A1139 eastbound and at the slip road off towards the showground. Very little lighhting at the roundabout that becomes the dual carriageway to orton parkway and at the roundabout to orton centre. there seems less street lights, particularly on the walk back from the station along the path there are no lights. This needs to be fixed as this is a well used path. Sometimes some lights are off at night. I don't know if that is planned or whether they are faulty Newer type of street light that appears give less upwards light pollution All street lighting is switched off at 0100 hours with the exception of lamps at junctions, which is a good idea in my view as it encourages people to go home early from the pub! It has certainly led to a reduction in the number of noisy drunks leaving the village pub late at night. We have been upgraded to more modern lighting. One lampost in this road damaged and out of action for at least one year. Streetlamp outside my house faulty for several months, Light flashing on and off, Reported and eventually repaired, Street lights were replaced (might have been over 3 years ago) 117 New brighter downlighting was installed recently we have no street lights in prestwood lights on main roads near junctions are either off or it takes longert to make repairs New eco lighting units fitted to existing standards. Not outside our house but at the top of the road all lights are turned off at 1am ish to I have to walk unlit footpaths through parks etc. It is a small village and not brightly lit anyway. All street lights on one side of the street have been switched off throughout the night allegedly to save money. Lights were switched off about three years ago and it has been dangerous every since. I did write and ask if they could have alternate lights switched off but with no success. The pavements are bad and quite dangerous as well as not knowing who is around. I feel quite unsafe and do not visit my elderly friend because of this. I live very close to Tongwell Lane which can attract strange behavior, this is lit quite lowly but adequate. Without lighting it could prove quite threatening, plus there still seems to be a lot of traffic using it despite the barrier Lights over bridges and in streets are on for less hours. I am of the opinion that street lighting makes you feeler safer. You can see to walk safely, be aware if someone is following you. I feel street lights are essential should an emergency outing have to be made for help etc. New lights put in that do seem to go off after a period of time so not all of the streets lights are on Switched off at night upgraded, more efficient lighting columns fitted some lights, where indicated, are switched off Star friendly lights should be fitted and replace old ones. They will be more effecient too Lights off 0100 hrs - 0500 hrs. no comments very happy with the street lighting provided so no complaints at all Our light used to be left on but are now turned off this is our first year of this happening new lights installed Lights turned off from 12.30 am until around 5am Removal of streetlight outside my home makes it pitch black at night,so much so that it is impossible to see to put the key in either the front or side door without a torch.I feel that the complete darkness makes this not only a security issue but also one of personal safety. Not been living here 3 years. Many of them are permanently switched off - this creates lots of totally dark zones, and we live on a major thoroughfare into the town - it,s effectively a muggers paradise and it's also dangerous for driving as you can not see pedestrians. The main road has no lights Main Street Bigby is very sparsely lit with only two lights in approximately 250 yards ..... Could do to have one more also change the colour to yellow instead of orange. some of the lights when faulty have been replaced with the new white lights much better 118 New lights put in recently - horrible white things, we hate them with a vengeance. They show too bright near the actual light but it doesn't spread far enough so cast shadows. Progress isn't always a good thing!!! The new street lights are no where near as bright and it's cast the street in almost total darkness. we need more lighting where we live some lights switched off Brighter units. Change from orange to white lamps I live in a cul-de-sac and cannot see the lighting further up my street. There is a pathway between the bungalows where I live and a light remains on at this point all night though other lights are off. The Council are in the process of reducing the numbers of standards in my street - by 50% - concomitant, they say, with an increase in the efficacy of those which they are installing instead. Occasional street light failure which is repaired when reported. their is an area along by the school playing field (which is an open space)where 1 street light was taken out when the lights were re-organised. This makes this stretch very dangerous as anyone could come across the field and you would not be able to see them New street lighting has made a massive difference they are so much better. Some do not appear to work The number of street lights on the main village street have been reduced and are on limited timing both on the Main Street and other areas Different style of lamp and slightly dimmer The switch-off has created pockets of complete darkness which are disturbing they are now switched off midnight to 5am Lighting seems duller, harder to see in dark. Light bulbs on street lightning not replaced. Sine strategic light around new build areas. But no change in the way the lights are used different lighting installed. less glare. Needs removing or replacing There has been a trial scheme in a neighbouring road whereby the lighting was switched off. I reported the light outside our house as not working and they took months to do anything about it. We've noticed that they seem to deliberately have some not working which leaves long spaces of darkness. Not repaired very quickly Lights in the smaller streets off my road are switched off between 12.30 am and around 5.00 am. Need brighter lighting in pathway of westmede, IG7 5LR Six Fields and Brickponds Path. There is no street lighting as such, but solar panels have been placed at intervals along the edges of the footpath. these have become overgrown in places because the vegetation borderin the path is not mown when it should be. There are more street lights - too bright and lighting up the inside of houses - badly angled No street liighting. Very rural area. Would not like street lighting. Feel extremely safe. was a period when lighting on some parts of main roads (not those where there was housing alongside them) were turned off at night 119 Small number of lights left on Moved in end July this year It seems darker in the street where I live Only been there a month Changed street lights and position of lights They turn off the lights in our culdiesac Fewer lights are on all the time Street lighting is good on my estate, and there is even a light at the rear of my property on a footpath so my garden is lit up. One section of A413 from Greyhound Roundabout to the next one for turning right to Gerrards Cross is switched off - just a gimmick to show the council saves power. It is a fallacy as indeed not enforcing 20 mph speed limit around CSP area to avoid car speeding at night and becoming dangerous to cross the roads. DEfinitely areas on this estate where you can hardly see where you are going with insufficient lighting. The lights are much dimmer than they used to be Existing lights are, supposedly, to be changed very soon, according to info supplied 23 months ago. Nothing has happened yet ! The light go off for 5 hours at night New lighting and positioning of lampposts in all local areas. The immediate area is near a village hall - and so lighting is and should be evident however if one is out it can take months to be fixed. Easy for gatherings or meetings for undesirables - local taxi drivers stop and pee there and also in the bus shelter on the main road! Broxtowe council have a website to report faulty lights but take a long time to resolve the issues once they have been reported. I was only aware of dimming/off on A19 road. Changes to low energy lamps side roads are a lot darker There are very bright lights that have been put up in Longtown down Moor Road They go off at midnight Some lights have been switched off between certain hours At a PACT (Partners & Communities Together) meeting last night one elderly lady expressed concern that lights were due to be turned off and was clearly terrified at the prospect. A County Councillor said that there was a proposal to turn off one in three after midnight from next April. There was no comment made by the Police Officer present. New lighting has just been installed There are some dark areas The parish council decided to switch them off at midnight to save energy, which is too early for people coming frmo parties etc. It means walking home in complete darkness. When lights are not working, it seems a long time before they are repaired. There are periods when a whole length of Bretton Way is unlit, however, I don't find this a problem as I only go out in the car at night. New street lights installed We live in a small close in a rural location (less than 40 dwellings). I would prefer to see the lights being dimmed between the hours of 9.30pm and 5.30am but to my knowledge this has never been raised by the Parish Council. It is a close with mainly young families or retired couples and I would think there would be a cost saving benefit in this exercise. 120 I cannot comment as I rarely go out at night and if so am always in my car A large amount is switched off. Some lights have been totally removed and never replaced. The main road lights were turned off Street lights are off earlier than 9.30 pm. I deliver catalogue orders and rarely do this after 6pm as the lights are off. My customers will not answer their door after dusk because of this. I do not feel safe out and about when the lights are off. Turned off between 1am and 5.30am A good decision to switch off the lights in the neighbourhood. It saves energy, money and has helped reduce light pollution. Street lights have always been sparse and quite dim here Lights not fixed as quickly. The main road lights have been switched off at night times after a certain time. I've only been here a month. Lamposts painted and I think the lights themselves have been changed New street lights have been erected but these are energy saving bulbs which are no way as bright as the old ones. Yes, Some lights are now switched off and we can see Norfolk's wonderful skies again. We live in a small town around 7500 people and our police are excellent so I feel very safe. This area of Lincolnshire has a fairly low crime rate took 6 months for a fault to light out side my home to be repaired despite numerous calls to the local council . some are switched off late at night until early morning sodium lights replaced with LED New lampposts and better lighting. New lights in some parts - don't know what type they are, but white in colour and shining in a downwards direction ?? They are considerably reduced from about 1 am until about 05.30 am We have one bright light. The rest appear yellow and don't through out much light. The bright one has a tree and bushes around it which are now absorbing the light because they are too high Never had any street lighting. A visually impaired teenage boy was hit by a taxi in our area as a direct result of the changes in street lighting There is not enough street lighting in some areas of where i live which makes it difficult to see as well feeling vunerable if walking alone at night. We only have 6 lights in the whole village. Ours go off at midnight. The lights have all been replaced with a lot brighter lights. Don't seem as efficient as they were. As part of the road is privately owned the council no longer maintain the street lights .... Even though those houses still pay the same council tax new energy efficient lighting has replaced old lighting. I believe lights on H10 Bletcham Way were switched off, but have since been put on again. Some lighting has been turn off I think, a huge difference I notice some streets with poor lighting Lighting is switched off where Iive. Quite alarming when switched off if ot and about Not all lighting on WE have very few street lights in the village anyway so always had dark streets.. 121 the lights have been turned off The street lights are not as bright as they used to be Unable to comment really - have only been here for ~12months One length of road now remains unlit throughout the night more lights are covered by foliage or bulbs need replacing There seems to be a street light in my road that now comes on when you approach it rather than being switched on all the time. Every other light has been turned off at night. I live in a semi-rural location - a few roads have street lights but several are without. Personal safety is not an issue - I always feel safe. But safety from fast and irresponsible traffic at night can make walking in the dark hours scary. More of a traffic issue than a lighting issue. I prefer not to have too many street lights. No lights change in lights (look good) Have no street lights I have not lived here as long as 3 years Less street lighting now. Driving more stressful. as in 9 Last year the actual street lights were changed/replaced and some of them were moved. Lights on the road home have been switched off meaning you are walking in the dark, making it feel unsafe. They were changed for much brighter and more efficient (non-sodium) lights. Only lived here a year Noticed one lamp turned off in our cul-de-sac near the entrance to our Drive this morning but both in middle of Drive were on so a fair economical arrangement. road junctions are now dark and dangerous New (eco) lights being installed Changed them to awful dim grey lights New lighting put up this year. Much better than previous lighting. New white lamp type installed last year New lights installed in 2012 which are more efficient and better downlighting spread. Yes, they have been upgraded by new installations following redevelopment of the area. All the lights on our estate go off at midnight until about 6 in the morning Street lighting limited as is gas lighting and unusual in Britain today I live on a cul-de-sac and due to the street lighting being put out at night the street has no other light sources available. Since this has taken place has neighbours son has had his moped stolen twice. some street lights not working therefore walking along paths/ verges is difficult with possibility of stumbling. Some lights are now motion sensored less lighting Street lights have been turned off on some roads - increasing risks for motorists as well as pedestrians. Reduced by previous administration in but new Labour administration is committed to turning them back on (and is doing so) where requested by the community. Our street lighting doesn't come back on until around 6.30. I am out walking my dog at 6.00 and feel much less safe than before. Street lights are not being repaired as quickly as before Think new street lights were installed recently on Victoria Road????? 122 I FEEL SURE THAT IT IS NOT AS BRIGHT AS IT USED TO BE It's all overgrown with trees. some lights not working Lighting is no longer on in the night. I would like to see the lighting switched off after 11 30 pm. Yes, there one lamp close to where our home is and which is not working. Although I emailed to the council, nothing happens. The light is still not working. they have been changed for the newer lights Street lights have been replaced with more eco friendly lighting Yes when I moved in there was none, and a a street light was installed. However I have noticed that street lighting is not universal and there are areas that remain unlit, lighting also appears dimmer that it was and the parish councils are less likely to to take action to repair lighting. Long periods without lighting coming on in the mornings specialy during winter months There are not enough street lights my street is very dark. We have a smallholding. There are sounds of unauthorised shooting on our furthest field, and cheap cartridge cases from a shot gun are often found.Hares have been eliminated from this field by the activity. It is not worth calling the police because the response times are too long, and being pensioners we cannot go and investigate on our own. There are no street lights on our lane, with 15 houses. New lights put in and they are now fewer. Always inadequate! Street lamps have been improved for efficiency and quality of light given. All lights etc those illuminating a junction switched off from midnight to 5.30 a.m. feel the road I live in is not so well lit don't feel safe Some street lighting has been updated, but not noticed any increase in number of extra lighting or brightness of light. In fact, one lamp post was removed beside a much used local footpath some years ago and never replaced. This leaves half the footpath (sandwiched between houses in a residential area) in complete darkness making the user feeling briefly extremely vulnerable. There are lots of dark corners in the close's communual car park and a cut through alleyway only has two lamps. It's quite dark and the orange lamps are ineffective. new lighting Its just dimmer 'cant see as far More broken light not repaired. LIve on a farm so no street lights Made much brighter with new white lighting replacing old orange style I think the lights have become dimmer over the years. light outside my house no longer on - don't know if turned off or blown bulb Odd lights switched off lights turned off at midnight as part of financial savings ASBO and more burgulary incidents Lights on my jogging route are now switched off. THE ONE OUTSIDE MY PROPERTY IS PERMANENTLY ON Only two lights in the whole street, more needed The lights have been changed to be more energy efficient and they seem to be much dimmer. We have one light in the street, they put in a new bulb and is a lot brighter, we have no pavements so would not walk about in the dark. Street lighting is inadequate for area and some is dimmed by overgrowing trees 123 Lighting for pedestrian areas remain on only vehicle roads switched off in places. Lights should be either on or off on roads not on here and there as switching from lit to unlit areas are unsafe for eyes to react rapidly enough. I have a street light at the back of my house on our shared drive but its not switched on - makes it difficult to see in the dark Have been told-lights are out at night,been in local newspapers that they are not attended to for months. Takes longer to get lighting repaired- sometimes left with no proper lighting for months at a time when fails Our street lights have been replaced and appear brighter Limited turn off, please turn more off. Lights switched off New lights offer better lighting at ground level, but much less light pollution. a Lot of the lights have been switch off just to save money when they waste money in other areas. Amber lighting was replaced with white lighting and different designed street lights, They certainly seem to be more effective. Defect lights are not repaired causung affected areas to be extremely dark Several rusted lamps newly replaced with brighter LED lamps Some areas have no lighting where we live, but in the village, some lighting is poor and I feel unsafe. As we've only lived here 15 months, I don't know if it's better lor worse than 3 years ago.. There needs to be street lights across the Grove aerodrome, many youngster walk back that way at night from Wantage There is no street light in a car park, behind where I live. The council and the developers have been contacted regarding the issue with no fruitful result. Nearby A40 lights now switched off late at night Some main road lighting reduced Some street lights are still on all day , ne section of a local road was without any lighting for over one year, some lighting on junctions have a new style of lighting Lights to main road have been switched off Most of our area has had the newer white lights installed. Some people have complained they were too bright - lighting up their bedrooms ect. and have requested shields. Our road is still orange so not an issue. New lights put up but still not on now that nights are getting darker, particularly in an area I would not like to walk alone.... One has needed replacing for 12 months! Council know about ti but nothing done The lamps that have been removed by road traffic knocking them down have not been replaced. The stumps are still sticking out off the ground. They have been replacing the types off lighting on the housing estates. The old ones gave a big spread light,the new ones give a pool of light (like a spotlight) causing shadowy areas.Also they are removing 1 in 3 in some areas making it darker. Some country roads near me now have the lighting switched off Some lights are switched off all the time even on main roads. It would be a good idea if they were all left on until midnight. Much less lighting. Lighting not being replaced when it's broken. Some new ones put in to replace old ones Some lights are switched off - there is a local cycle route where they are now off which feels very unsafe. The council have put new lights in and they are not as good 124 I agree with saving money I think ALL should be off from 1am to 5am Some of the lights have been switched off leaving very dark areas new street lighting leaving too many dark corners for people to hide in or get up to mischie Lights on bypass have been turned off, broken lights are not repaired Cottenham is currently having all streetlights replaced with new, higher, brighter LED versions... Lights in Loughton have staid the same - reduced lighting on the main roads They are less bright and not on for as long as before Not sure how long it's been orange lighting but they seem to make it darker when walking in the dark. I much preferred white lights when walking or driving. the street lights are not bright enough, and we need more of them. New lights - Eco friendly lights? lights are switched off between 12.30 and 6.30 Light switch off times seem to be changed when there is a power cut. Also adjustment for summer & winter time periods does not seem to bring a consistent result. lights turned off over night Our lights were turned off for some time, then replaced with inadequate ones that don't spread light very far. have only lived here 2 years, and it is in that time span that i have answered Due to the abundance of trees the lights are in shadow most of the time. This does make walking more difficult. Slow to have repairs to lighting carried out. Renewed to energy saving lighting New lighting put in this year Areas are not as well lit. bulbs not replaced!! Some of the yellow lights have been replaced with white lamps to give a better result On main rounds, street lighting has been reduced late at night. Many local roads have been switched off. Alternate lights switched off to save money. Resulting in some poorly lit sections of pavement. The lights on my street go off at approx 1am New lighting and improved positioning and performance Fewer new type energy saver street lighting has just been installed and old lamp posts removed. Many of the old lights had been switched off a couple of years ago anyway so I think the new ones are better. It has been greatly improved Poor maintenance results in some lights not working correctly Our light outside our house was out for over a year. For a period of time there were about 7 street lights out from the mini roundabouts at lent rise covering lent rise road east field road and stomp road Street lights take alot longer to be repaired for example if a bulb is blown - perhaps nobody has reported it to the local authority? Some now permanently off. council money saving measure The street lighting is unreliable and has been off completely for some periods. If e.g. half the street lights were turned off after midnight it would be acceptable but it's not good enough when they're all out. 125 The council are putting the new street lights in my area New street lamps put in earlier this year Better quality and repaired quickly Too many street lights, causing light pollution (particulary in my back garden!) Sometimes turned off at night Extra lighting installed on a dark footpath. Repairs take a lot longer to complete There is currently a programme underway to review the location, number and type of lights. No street lights on the road from Taplow station to edge of burnham. Feel very unsafe All street lights have recently been replaced and possibily increased Some areas the lights are switched off over night. The lights are about to be changed and some lights are destined not to be replaced. The village has very limited lighting Some main road lights are off between junctions which is OK. Street lamps mounted on electricity poles are being removed Poor street lighting leaving Residents feeling vunerable when walking home. My nearest light has been faulty/not working for the last 3 years and despite numerous complaints, it has not been fixed. I do feel nervous passing this area as it is a very dark narrow lane with no houses near. Poor after midnight longer to repair lights that have blown no lights No street lights where I live but I run at 7 in the evenings at a club and have noticed that alot of street lights have been turned off so you get alot of dark places which you can be very vunverble lights turned off for a period in the middle of the night new light fittings replaced April 2013 Sodium lighting is being replaced by much better LED lights. repairs take longer.. Street lights are further apart than before and not as bright Lighting had been unavailable such that the street is in darkness making me feel unsafe. street lights seem to be getting dimmer Its ridiculous to have switched off the street lighting in this area which is recognised as containing a large proportion of elderly, disabled and vulnerable people. Not maintained properly our streetlight is out at the moment and needs attention Reduced lighting Our street lights go out at midnight, not sure when this started Are Street lighting, is not the best at any time. Orange lights and not many of them for a Road which has a lot of elderly people living in it. A lot of the lights have been switched off It is a lot dimmer. some areas have had lights turned off They are areas that are out a lot, not working some sodium lamps replaced by tungsten street lights should be kept on safe or not we are not a third world country yet, just heading that way street lights have been changed and removed. lights out of town turned off. 126 Our street lighting is very good so no complaints on roads outside the town Lights are out midnight until 6am, when they are needed most to prevent crime, as during the early hours is when most street crime takes place. Different lighting introduced on Longwood Rd, Appleton, between Witherwin Ave & Petersham Drive. Yellow sodium lights on residential streets replaced by white fluorescent lighting. There are only 3 street lights in the village. The lights used to stay on all night, but local residents suggested that they are turned off at midnight to reduce carbon emissions & save money. It has been agreed that when these street lights finally fail they will not be replaced as people prefer the night sky. new low consumption sky saving white lights Street Lights resited to give less light where there should be more illumination Upgraded to more energy efficient ones A well used but secluded cycle route no longer lit at night nor is the youth multi sport pitch in local park where floodlights should be on until 9pm Our area is a small cul de sac in a 1970 housing estate in a rural village. During recent replacement of light fittings the lamp standard in our cul de sac was removed as part of the 10% mandatory reduction as part of the scheme. The result is that there is a dark haven around 4 garages for thieves to operate in and safety has been compromised. We fell much less safe when alighting from our cars and there is a trip or fall risk as the kerbs are invisible. We protested this strongly but got nowhere. old lights replaced with brighter ones Repairs take longer some lights switched off at certain times About half the street lights have been turned off less of it moved to Crowthorne 18 months ago Yellow (sodium?) lights changed to white lights. Makes it seem a bit "lighter". lighting in the village is inadequate with some areas unlit Street lights have been replaced with led type which are better than old ones within the last two months our street has had new lighting fitted and old lighting taken away New lamposts After switching off our lamps so we couldn't see our footpath to the estate we have recently had new lighting-much more efficient and safer. after the new street lights were installed I now have a bright light shining into my bedroom which disturbs my sleep despite thick curtains....the garden is lit up like the Queen Mary . Other than some lights being turned off. There is a proposed light dimming and late night switch off (midnight to 5am) this winter, this has not yet implemented though some of the lights have already been switched off completely ( every other light in some areas) Reported light broken on walkway frequently never been fixrd in 8 yrs been living hthere Need to request repairs/replacement bulbs from local authority. Some have been switched off and/or not repaired and some of those left have had stronger brighter 'bulbs' fitted. New lighting - Far better Faulty lights in side street (still) seem to be a low priority. turned off in Barrington Road 127 feel un safe with the lights out especially this weekend when the clocks go back 2 of the lamposts in my road have recently been removed Only after contacting the necessary bodies a couple of times were repairs completed on local lights... I've asked for more lighting in the road and prepared a petition but as not everyone in the road signed request was disregarded. There were about 3 names missing from 80 houses. Most residents are retired. Used to go off at midnight- now go off at 2am Street lighting on main roads, away from junctions, was turned off for a while but has now been turned back on Street lights are being replaced now Now they are turned off @ midnight whereas before they were programmed from dusk to dawn Switched off at night Alternate lighting Switched off It would not suprise me at if the councils put timers on street lighting in an effort to reduce electricity costs, they do need to make cut backs otherwise how will they fund thier expenses, partys, trips abroad, personal clothing allowances ect, and even if they did save moeny they would only spend it on something else - most councils are penny wise and pound foolish its switched off at night and incredibly dark Some are switched off . Repairs take longer than before. Most of the street lights have been turned off. Those that aren't turned off have not been maintained. (Flashing lamps etc) Every other steer light is out Lights out from about midnight/1 am our road isn't officially been adopted and is usually quiet, there is an ability for people to get to the back of our house but with 2 dogs, hopefully anyone be heard. Some of the lights are switched off. The major lights needed in the streets are still on. Many lights have been disconnected Some areas seem dimmer than before especially the footpaths into town. Replacement standards and more efficient lighting recently fitted. Took a little while getting used to new colour of lighting. lighting ok for us, but less backlighting to those behind lights. 3 out of five are turned off overnight Lights have been switched off by Essex County Council. I have not yet been out after when the lights go out but I would feel quite scared walking home in complete darkness. I also have night blindness in one eye so my vision woud be impaired significantly. Also I would think its more difficult to see steps, kerbs, uneven pavements, dog mess and you are less visible to cars, ie until you are in their headlights - too late! Haven't lived here this long on the main route to the M40 street lighting has been switched off and in my opinion makes for hazaedous driving , in my village environment the lightin has not changed for which I am grateful replaced the old yellow/amber lights with the new white versions much brighter They don.t seem as bright. Seem to make walk way through l Dark We have had the new led bulbs fitted which being more Eco friendly means less light...they don't illuminate other areas around the light only below it 128 Moved into area 6 months ago I must be honest, in the last few months we have had the new led lights put in where I live, they are fantastic. There is one street light on the bend in the main road opposite my access track (my house is 200 metres down the track). That one street light was installed this year, and I think it makes that bend in the road safer. It must also be safer for any people walking from the local village back home to their houses in the countryside. New street lights Lights not maintained and if broken left for long periods. Some lights don't work, and lighting doesn't extend to the edge of the village on 2 of the roads I use leading out of the village so I have to walk in darkness. We have never had street lighting in our village Outside my house is a street lamp, this light is situated in an area with trees and bushes that have not been maintained properly and therefore the light is now obscured by the tress and bushes, and gives off very little little light and is ineffectual. they do not seem as bright Lights are turned off between others in a pattern - the light opposite my house has been turned off which can be extremely uncomfortable at times as there is a long gap up the road without light Some of the main roads are not illuminated at night New to the arrea. havent notice changes except seemed to be alot out of order recently shut off from midnight to 6 m approx only just moved in One street lamp was moved at the end of the avenue I live on, so no light as you walk down which is quite unnerving and I think some are dimmed new lighting Changing over to more energy efficient lamps with less upward wasted light we have had the new low cost lighting installed - but these are much brighter than the older one's. A light outside No. 39 Cedar drive is often out of action. I have reported this to the RBWM several times and recently 2 weeks ago and the light is still not repaired causing great concern for breaking into to cars which is a golden opportunity for anyone interested in so doing. This is a great concern for Sunningdale. Some street lights have been turned off. Feels unsafe Broken lights seem to take longer to be replaced. Some pavements are difficult to walk along as they are uneven and lighting is poor. They are still the yellow lights We have no lighting from 12 midnight. new energy lights fitted which produce a white light Introduction of a few LED street lights. Great idea. Every other one is turned off making it difficult to walk as the pavement where we live is very uneven I personally had a very bad fall because of thr lack of lighting New lights. Dazzle when you look near them The light in front of my house is not working from last year or so. :-( The only change is that our street lights for numbers 11 up to 15 (odds and evens ) are on the other side of a large green space. The trees have grown and have obscured the light. We are in the dark and need a lamp on this side, please. lLGHTS NOW TURNED OFF AT 00.30HRS 129 Replaced as part of Surrey County Council's policy New street lights, better coverage, less dingy areas between posts All lights have been replaced with new LED style lamps - less light in the avenue in my opinion because of this Street lights replaced by white lights which are more efficient. The street light levels are now very low as the council fitted new energy efficient lights. The lights do not always switch on automatically and I feel that the new lights are not bright enough to deter potential crime & anti social behaviour. The street lights were recently all changed but I can't tell if it's made a difference. It happened over summer when it's daylight earlier and later. Two lights in the close go off around midnight Updated to very bright LCD lighting Some strret lights are off, like every other light or third light. Havent got any lived here 2 months limited street lights near to me, but not on my immediate section of road One or two lamps have failed and do not seem to be repaired as quickly as in the past Lighting to save money by Milton Keynes Council has been switched off on the grid roads and underpasses and on the Redways. Street lights are turned off completely at midnight Lights have been updated buy in my view not improved. Visibility doesn't seem any better but the lights are brighter and can be annoying as I don't like to close my bedroom curtains at night. It's better only because upward light polution is reduced but the lights are so high and bright that you can't see the stars anyway. New type of lighting - but very poor in my immediate area. I am 80m off the public road and there is no lighting on that 80 yards, and pretty poor beyond it. This is silly questionnaire. You are not asking the right questions and by forcing me to click on so few button choices you are not getting my full and true responses. What am I supposed to answer to this question apart from YES? people should have more say in the way street lighting is controled. Kettering Council totally ignored our request for a 90 year old friend whos front door was in total darkness (2 Albion Road), while two other lights were both on further up the road., They never replace bulbs down ally ways witch makes it dangerous to walk down A lot of the road lights are being switched off. This is terrible idea at night causes major issues especially when they are on duel carriageways in Mk but switched off at roundabouts. new lights Too much street lighting. Light pollution is a blight. Only lived here for 12 months and in that period I've noticed no change. Impacts following questions re 3 year periods. The council does now turn off many street lights between midnight and 5am, but I'm not out during those hours. Sometimes they don't come on at the right time also the amount of lights that are out makes me feel unsafe. They don't work and take a long time to be fixed up dated A lot of the lights are switched off on the main roads. Lights don't stop me being attacked, a cop coming around the corner is more of a deterrent 130 Some lights seem to be off sometimes, don't know if this is on purpose or just faulty lights. 2 of the 4 in our area have been shutdown don't appear to work as well and the patrols that should take place monthly summer and twice in winter don't appear to occur (EX STREET LIGHT STAFF) and work on street lights appear to be out sourced and this must be at great extra COSTS as more STAFF and equipment to do the same work as when done by councils themselves I believe some of the streetlamps along the main Amersham Road between High Wycombe and Terriers are no longer in use. The result is that one of the loneliest stretches of pavement, which runs alongside an enclosure with a small, uninhabited building used by the Waterboard, is also the darkest. Those broken are not repaired promptly we have lights out not workign that have been reported and attempts made to repare but still lef6t broken The streets are not well lit - the light seems dim and it is sometimes difficult to get about in certain areas. Lights have disappeared from in front of the house of a friend in her nineties, and this has made it practically impossible to find the way into her house and is especially worrisome for her. It is also quite dark outside my house and I have trouble finding the lock in my door at night. a few of the lamps are turned off to save money and some of them seem to go off as you approach them and on again when you get past them Less lighting at different times of the year but generally adequate So far there has been no changes and repairs etc. are done reasonably quickly - I believe the Parish Council pay for these. Lights are seldom repaired with any sense of haste. Where we live the stret light right outside is switched off just after 12.00am and burgulary has incresed this year in both villages N.West Leicestershire. Replacement street lighting fitted with new downward brighter clearer lights some lights turned off by council as a money saver new lights they are brighter They are dimmer It is as though the lights have been dimmed slightly, not as bright as they used to be. In my immediate area street lights do not fully cover the area. In the surrounding areas the main roads have had street lights turned off. It is increases risks when driving and makes cycling and walking after dark very risky not to mention extremely unpleasant They have increased the brightness of two lamps, although we were told this wouldn't happen, they are far too bright. Bulbs out not good Currently removed for maintenance issues No street lighting in our road but we have it on the main road Street lights have been replaced with higher efficiency lighting. All changed- much brighter Change from sodium orange colour to a much whiter colour - give more of a spread of light. Some local main road lighting is now not switched on. Our own street lighting is very low level. Ugly street lights were put out in the adjacent village. 131 Not something u think about except when the lights are not on .and it is particularly dark. not notest anything about street lighting as I never go out when its dark Some areas are very dark and without street lighting. It reminds me of the dim lighting when I was growing up 40/50 We have a really bright bulb one corner. Some that live near it say too bright. The all lights in the village are turned of after 12 mid night and quite a few don't work or come on at all Takes a long time to fix broken bulbs leaving patches of darkness during the walk home at night Lighting updated giving better lighting and more efficient. They are turned off about 1am and turned back on in the morning The lights are turned off between midnight and 6am and I hate it. many of the residents in the village feel the same. Lights go out (all street lights except 2 in our road) from approx midnight to 6am One of our small number of street lights has been removed. As i have just moved in to this neighbourhood less than a year i can't say much about that. Switched off at midnight. Being disabled i find it difficult just to walk to the corner shop, not saying all street lighting is off but some are and its those im concerned about Dimmed lights brighten but the way ahead is dark pavements can seem very dark after dark and if I am out late I often walk on the road 1 out 3 lights in a row has been switched off or bulbs not replaced New lights are rubbish, they don't shine up the whole place and leave 'dark spots ' As a Parish we funded our street lighting change to ensure we would have lighting throughout the night MOST LIGHTS ARE SWITCH OFF AT 12.00 TO 12.30 TILL 06.00 AM We live in a close of 6 houses wgere there are 3 lamp posts but there are none elsewhere in the village - hence we do not go out after dark because we cannot see anything without a torchj. In the summer months the trees grow over some of the street lights. new street lights installed last year, also seem to come on later and off earlier Other than the odd replacement column the street lighting is the same now as 3 years ago. More not working or dimmed or switched off. Central Beds Council has become incredibly slow at fixing failed street lights - recently this was done several weeks after initial notification despite one part of our road being very dark until it was. Some lights out and not repaired street lamp in the cul de sac road removed when faulty (NOT REPLACED) despite at least 2 episodes of car crime in that road in the last approx 5 years, and complaints to the council I lived at Kings Lynn until June last year, they had street lights which could be controlled remotely but some lights that should have been left bright were turned down and you sore a lot less people about in the dark areas. The village where i now live also has controlled lights but there are a lot less people about at nights due to being a rural village. However you do see groups of youths in certain places at night. Some of the Street Lights are switched off which makes it dangerous driving and helps criminals. Not lived here for three years 132 Change to LED in two lights close to our house Upgraded from low-pressure sodium to white-light this summer. Main road lighting switched off permnantly and other lighting switched off after midnight. few street lights around us, We have very poor lighting in our road and near by roads, which makes it very spooky when walking around after dark. Council cost cutting scheme. Some lights turned off permanently They are now brighter Locally round and about some street lighting is switched off late night/early morning. Street lights switched off at midnight. The lighting has always been so poor. Changes - less lights one. Every other light seems to be on. Fewer street lights as wooden poles are taken out Street lights are few and relatively far between. Long dark stretches prevent me from going out unless it is absolutely necessary, even though I carry a torch ( not really adequate). Marshall Road to Rackstraw Lights at College Town, Sandhurst have been permanently switched off recently. A very few lights are switched off after midnight (these are the pale orange/yellow lights) but the bright led lights remain switched on and the light from them is exceptionally bright - too bright in my opinion. As stated above, the switching off of lights. We appear to have kept all-night streetlighting. Other suburban villages (e.g. Stoney Stanton) have not - that is a very disturbing place after dark. Every other light turned off not as good as it used to be Extra light put on my street . And feel safer They have got dimmer, are not replaced when broken and have been switched off to save money Lighting at Waterbeach station does not work and is terrifying to use after dark. I dread walking into the car park and I stay up nervously when my daughter has to use it after dark. But it does feel quite dark between the street lights. The main reason I usually feel safe if out at night is that I would rarely do this alone. However, I would not be happy doing this alone and therefore would not use public transport at night because of the long walk to and from a bus stop. I am in a suburban rather than rural area but in a village where there are a lot of bushes to walk past and also where there is not much life on the streets at night and where it is known that vans often cruise to look for likely targets (property rather than people I believe). A different type of more natural street lighting ie daylight type lighting would be of some help I think. Just as it has always been in line with councils total lack of support of maintenance of roads(millions of large pot holes), recently its been noted that the street lamps are not working (nearer to my house) at all making it unsafe feeling. Twice as many lamp posts with better lighting on them. I would certainly feel unsafe without the street lights and this would curtail my night time activity. Recently a couple of lights (connected to electricity poles) have been removed. some street lights turned off overnight Lights removed leaving very dark areas 133 Changed to LED white light , radio controlled, lighting now only covers the immediate pavement and not the front gardens. Shadows around doorways in the evening and pitch black after midnight to 5.30am Over 50% of lights switched off less people on street at nights even in summer the numbers have dropped fear of attack is main concern know of carer who was attacked after tending call;. Lighting has been improved significantly. Now switched of at midnight Motion sensor lights have been installed in some areas. Some turn off when you approach or as you walk past them though so not very effective! Road is very dark new lighting They switch off half the lights on our road which includes the one right outside my house. is very difficult to see when they turn the lights off around 1pm Removed several street lights Some accident black spots on the A413 now have no lighting it is very badly lit as most of the light are off Taller ones which are brighter but with longer spaces between them. Most concerned if a street light not working as live in village with limited lighting and feel insecure walking as can't see path. Not often walking in village after dark, only when returning home by bus. Less light pollution in the last year and no street lighting in the last 4 months. Certain areas have been given the new LED lights which seem to light up the area better, whereas where I am we stilll have the dull yellow light Reduced number of lights with newer less polluting lighting. Need them to be dimmed between 11pm and dawn. There are too few street lamps on my road and those that are there are masked by trees. I am always frightened to walk down my road after dark alone even though I walk down the centre of the road to avoid walking past high walls with dark unlit driveways and trees. This has always been the case and had not changed in the 11 years I have owned my home. Fewer lights on I would not go further than my immediate area now. i have only lived here for a year but the lighting is dreadful i went to the local shop tonight and the amount of times i tripped just because i couldnt see and i am young i wouldnt like a person aged 50+ 2 go out after 6pm new Street Lighting fitted Very dark in areas with some lights completely turned off Too little-close where I live is poorly lit anyway-total darkness after midnight If a house alarm goes off at night very difficult to try & respond Lighting is cut off during some part of the night Some of the streetlight bulbs have been changed from the sodium type to those that give a white light. This we feel is much safer and better for indentification and awareness reasons, amongst others, - apart from it looks much better and more natural. (IF lights in the nigh time can be seen as 'natural' !) 50% or more switched off fewer lights than before brighter lights in places Street lights go off midnight till 6am Some are switched off at night 134 different type of light installed - whiter light, probably same intensity Not all the lights are on We have 7 lights along pathways which have not worked for two years The Solar Lights have been installed last week itself. all replaced with new radio controlled lights using flourescent tubes Turned off at midnight Whiter lights installed High level lights obscured by trees in many areas with little light at pavement level. Yellow lights a waiste of time as you can't even tell the colour of a car let alone see pedestrians. No street lighting and it is just the way we like it. Saves the environment The council introduced part night lighting -some of the street lights are switched off at 11.00 pm More lighting They have always been poor Old yellow lights changed to white and moved position A few houses have overbright and/or badly directed security lights, some able to dazzle drivers. I have a street light directly outside my house at the bottom of my drive. On that corner I also have a tree that is about 5 foot away from the tree and if it were allowed to grow to its full extent it would surround and block out the light as it used to when I first moved here. I keep it trimmed at the moment but trees like this should not be planted so close to lights and vice versa. The lights have a different quality that give a strange shadow. Changed lighting elements. Some lights have been replaced Changed from White to Amber low power. Very Good Idea New LED street lights are cold lights, taller , but do not give the same comfort are previous sodium lights Most lights have been turned off causing a high risk to residents the old orange lights were replaced aprox 5yrs ago the lighting is much better changes imminent south bucks turned the lights off with no consultation or thoughts of residents and it is dangerous. some lights are turned off , and there is a replacement programme underway to intall more efficient lighting No street lighting do not want street lighting White light appeared instead of sodium yellow across the road from us. Also, extra lights now in place unnecessarily. We live in Harmston, a village which doesn't need such high lighting levels in my opinion. The money could be better spent on other more useful village amenities It is now switched off at night Often turned off Street lighting turned off on main roads only. They have been turned off, then some replaced with not so bright lamps. Upgraded to a low voltage system about a year ago. Alternate lights turned off, on the main road you cannot see people walking or crossing more lights are being turned off in residential areas where pedestrians walk on the pavement 135 some alleyways and cul-de-sacs now lit I think they go off at about 12 midnight now. But in fairness, our street lights are so dim and poorly situated that it doesn't make much of a difference. You never feel safe walking on the pavements on Main Street, Kinoulton in the dark because they are in such poor repair. You are in danger of breaking an ankle or wrist - or worse. It is safer to walk in the road and risk being knocked over. So the threat to Kinoulton residents' safety is not from some criminal lurking in the bushes, but from local government who will not stump up enough money to repair the pavements. So perhaps they are the criminal element! The timer was faulty so there was less light Street lights on all the time they are needed orange light to blue giving daylight effect *8-No not yet, but think they are going to. *9-Taking odd lights out and changing over to a "white" light. Recently to save what must be very few pounds, the parisg council have decided to swirth off the lamps. It makes the street totally dark. There is no light bleed from the nearest town, so it is very poor. But would be quite happy to see the lights dimmed after 11pm/midnight Most of the lamppost have been replaced over the last couple of years by Balfour Beatty - it hasn't made much difference as two out of three are still switched off. Most of the lamppost have been replaced over the last couple of years by Balfour Beatty - it hasn't made much difference as two out of three are still switched off. Many street lights switched off to save money......what nonsense! l am a member of the PC and voted to keep our lights as we have many elderly people live in the village I have lived on this street for over 25 years and the lighting has always been poor! Less lighting and broken or faulty lights not replaced so making it even darker. Either some of the lights are deliberately turned off or they are not replacing faulty bulbs quickly enough Praise The Lord most of them are switched OFF at 1am. Then we can see the night sky. There are a significant number of street lights not working on my street. New type of lights that light beneath rather than the sky above and use less energy The A34 Bypass has reduced lighting which is ok if you are in a car but I did notice the main road between Hazel Grove and Poynton going south has no lighting in parts and as people do walk on that stretch of road I believe people will be vunerable. If I was walking on any road with reduced lighting then I would feel vunerable and seek a road that was well lit. The Council should not compromise people's safety in order to save money! Several lights have been permanently turned off as part of cost-cutting drives and the general area is rather dim as a result. Most of the stree4t lights in my village are turned off at midnight. changed to orange lighting when serviced. Appears to give better light coverage. All street lighting being changed at this very time. Some reduction in number of lights at various parts of the village. No. Lighting not maintained Lights go off overnight. not always repaired 136 Night switch off. Most are on a timer and turn off at midnight Down lighting installed. Gives a better light spread They were off for a few weeks as there was a problem New street lights - brighter, but more spread out Brighter lights installed. Lights are off for 4 hours from 0100hrs - 0500hrs New street lighting introduced. Areas not as well lit as previously. Some streets that are tree lined are particularly sinister at night time . New LED light units installed Due to be switched off in November according to the local paper. several cul de sacs within the estate - you are not able to see pathways 'v' road way or any other feature. You would not chose to walk into these areas and it would be very easy for people to hide here and not be noticed. I have only lived in this neighbourhood for two years but some new street lights have been installed recently. Street lights on te that were tephone poles have been removed and not replaced making the entrance route to our village very dark and scary as you cant see anything or what could be hiding in the dark. much darker Far too many lights nowadays. The government goes on about being green and saving energy, yet they let anyone stick a bloody light up anywhere and they are on all night! Some of the lights shine right in your eyes when you are driving past and are damn right dangerous. Britain is already the most light polluting country on the planet and it is getting worse! Every other street light has been turned off regardless of whether it makes sense. Change of lamp. Different type of bulb I believe. It is ageing and not being maintained as well as it was. A few area have lighting which is not always on. I have noticed no change to the street lighting for several years Lots now switched off permanently. We had one outside our house which is on a busy side road crossroads. Area now pitch-black, so dark now cannot even see to put our key in the front-door. Also increases risk of accidents on junction. The lighting intensity has decreased Noticed some new street lamps have gone up though Half are now turned off I think the more lighting the better from a safety and a security point of view to have visibility can only be positive. Alternate lights switched off permanently the newer lights are brighter. some lights are turned off at night. when they changed the lights recently they took out the one opposite our garage which makes it dark and less secure. In some parts they have two lights next to one another which does not make sence when we could do with a light. Many dark areas now because of the switching off of many light. A particularly difficult area is the path and bridge between Grantown Close and Cheyne Walk Kettering. There doesn't appear to be any system for checking lights are working or arranging repairs Not applicable Lights switched off to save energy. 137 We had new street lights put up along the Andover Road which seem brighter than before The have been reduced or removed in the last couple of years. I have np feelings of insecurity because I live in a safe area, and rarely go out after 10pm. However, I would feel a lot less safe if I lived in a town or a rough area. I am lucky. I think this is brilliant it has improved my sleep no end, until I moved and now the house I brought is in a junction so the light is all. Lights are now either turned off or reduced in most roads after 12 midnight Lights were switched off on main grid roads for a while Fewer street lights in the road where I live than previously so footpath is too dark to see in some places. As lights go out they are not being repaired or replaced. This is currently being debated by our district council The lights generally seem dimmer in the side streets. The main roads are unaffected. Street lights in Owlsmoor Park have not worked for months and despite requests to ask them to be fixed, one still does not work. I would feel a lot less safe if the street lights were switched off, either partially or fully. In the last few weeks the street lighting is turned off at 11.00 Lighting type has changed ie. more modern lights fitted also lights have been relocated Street lighting is fairly sparse All the street lights were replaced last year. New lamps installed New far brighter lights have been installed Lots of malfunctioning lights on my dog walking routes, including on in a very overgrown green alley (leading up to Tolcarne Avenue, uphill from the police office. Goes off at midnight. Dimmer and not lite properly very dark between the George pub Orton and the bridge on the road towards Tebay. There used to be a street light on a barn which is not functioning now. the older neon lamps are being replaced with bright white LED lamps We have had new street lighting put in in my area. new lights installed less than before some dark areas now they checked them and I have never noticed that before Random changes to the street lights - some on - some off - not always the same ones Street lighting has been upgraded recently moved house so wouldn't know what differences may have taken place lights at road junctions have been turn OFF this makes crossing roads very dangerious street lights controlled by parish Council No lights on at night and burglarys have increased! Yes they are switched off overnight No lighting Street lights replaced recently, there are fewer now (although a bit brighter) and there seems to be darker areas in some streets than before. We have had the new street lights installed which are brighter however where there are fewer, there is quite a few "dark" spots between the lights 138 Some lights turned off nearby. some of the main thoroughfare lighting has been switched off some are faulty - we have two poorly lit alleyways to the town centre There seems less of it and it isn't as bright. Have only recently moved here. Our street is completley dark till 6 am. for a while some were reduced now seem to mostly on a couple seem to be light active Street light broken for over a month. It is repaired now. Dark areas between lit lamps Dimmed, yellow lights. street lights on the approaches to the village along the main road to it have been switched off by the County Council There don't appear to be as many lights on as before. Maybe every other one is on. Reduced on main roads towards the town New solar lights Switched off at night more areas are switched off I have noticed that the lighting has got gloomier and that there are many more shadows and dark areas at night-- I see this when driving. I would not dream of going out after 9.30pm even with my labrador, albeit that we walk quite happily in country areas locally in the daytime. Street lighting replaced with LED system but many if the lights have failed and Sheffield City Council refuse to repair on the grounds that until all the lights are changed there may be some outages. We live in a cup-de-sac on a new estate - however our end of the road is not lit which we consider a risk. My working day is from 7am to 7pm which does not fit well with the times on your questionnaire I feel the timescale of 9.30 pm to 5.30 am is far too broad, especially in an urban area where there are fast food outlets open until 3.00 and sometimes 5.00 am. In the early hours of the morning there is more to be concerned about than street lighting. In CH1 we certainly could NOT contemplate less, or limited street lighting. My understanding is that as part of a money saving action street lighting is turned of from midnight in our village. I was not consulted over this action and do not feel it is conducive to safety and security in rural village locations. changed over to LED lighting We have been "done" by the PFI. Brighter. Large numbers of lights in Stour Green Ely area out of action around isolated walkways. new lamposts, less polluting light Don't have street light We have had a cycle path put in which links the development to the A153. I commented at the time, as a retired Crime Prevention/Architectural Liaison Officer, that the lighting on this path was not suitable. The majority of the lights have been installed alongside trees which has meant that most of the year when leaves are on the trees, the head of the light is obstructed, thus creating shadows. I also made a comment to the CPDA at Lincoln and received no reply. The street lights go out at about midnight now. new dimmable lights 139 New street lamps are much more effective than the old orange ones and provide much more lighting but only downward - not so much up into the sky - which is better as this prevents some light pollution. Street lighting replaced and reduced in 2012 Some lights on telegraph poles appear not to be working. This, added to the fact that cars parked on the pavements force me to walk on the road, can make it dangerous to walk through the village at night. times when they have been off and rd needs more anywy Street lamp outside our row of houses is actually not working; so parking area is very dark and murky. It's uncomfortable to park up there. Not all lights are switched off and there is a continuing background lighting presence Not as quickly repaired Changing the lights and installing new. There are street lights out that haven't been repaired, or they may have been repaired & then broken again. Have the new LED lights in a nearby Sensors fitted to most lamp posts Bulbs not replaced Our street lighting always appears to be working well whenever I see them switched on. They were switched off but I think they maybe switched back on now New estate not open 1 year I haven't noticed any change but it's possible I haven't registered a change. I'm on a main street and it's lit up like a Christmas tree the whole time as far as I can see. I feel the street lighting is excessive causing deep shadows where "ne'er do wells" could hide. I reduced level of lighting with street lights set in strategic positions would be much more effective, safer and use less electricity. Reported broken light twice - still not repaired. New controllable lights Made the distance between lampposts greater by moving or taking out posts, also changed to better lights Just recently several of our streetlights along one side have gone off a couple of times. Lights turned off at night The roads leading into hign wycombe have had the street lighgts removed/turned off. I think this makes the raods more dangerous. New street lights The old orange glow lights have all been replaced with brighter, white light street lights Since renewing the street lights they are a lot dimmer which they said they would be. We do not have that many street lights as it is and if one breaks it is either completely removed or not fixed for a number of weeks We have very limited lighting - only 10 or so in entire village Only recently moved here But not in my street The lights are not cleaned and have pink shades the do not light the street New lights installed several months ago; now very white, bright light. Grid-road lights turned off late at night and then turned back on after change of control at council 140 50% of lights switched off a couple of years ago so areas where you can't see where you're walking & very difficult when clearing up after your dog too There is less! Lights of for latter part of night About half of the street lights are turned off sometime around 1-2 am Other than arterial routes, which i live on, the streets are all turned off at midnight. It is pitch dark at night where I live in 166 Upper Woodcote Road. I often catch the bus from town to home at night and it is scary crossing the road as there is no lighting. County Council has no money and dims the lights around midnight. Replacement street lamps are brighter but cast much less peripheral light. As they are spaced further apart, this leaves big vacancies in the areas of pavement that are actually lit. Hours of lights have been reduced they seem dimmer new lamps recently installed seem to be less bright than before. some new non sodium lights fitted on some of the streets on Rise Park. the lighting on our street(Brownlow Drive) is not that bright, which doesn't bother me but I would like to see the sodium lights replaced with lights that are less light polluting and that downlight more efficiently. Renewed all lamp post to replace with more lamposts and bulbs have a much lower wattage which are not as good as the fewer placed previous lamps. It takes longer for bulbs to be replaced. There is no street lighting apart from in the immediate vicinity of new housing Lights were off at night most of last year Less than previous. No not in the last 36 years! New lamposts and brighter lighting a couple of years ago Street lights are few and far between in my area Lights repositioned some time ago - not sure within the 3 year timescale Some street lights have been switched off between Midnight & 6:30 am for past few months. Revolting yellow sodium lights removed. New, whiter, lights installed They have got a lot brighter which is not in keeping with a village. Lights hidden behind trees. Not enough Street Lights in our Village (Murrow). Front Road between Nos 142 and Ivy Lodge Farm is very dark. A lot of the lights in our town have been switched off. Less maintenance of broken lights. The lights used to be on constantly at night but are now off from midnight to 5am Dual carriageways and rounabouts Not sure of the timing but some lights changed from deep orange to a white shade of orange darker areas There was a trial of some street lighting being turned off. This didn't work and the lights were switched back on. Turned off and then alternative streets turned off. Coumcil tax not reduced The new lighting is CRAP The lighting is dim and inconsistent only a few bright safe spots along the street. Some streets close to home now switch off lights have lived here only one year 141 Street lights do go out and it seems a long time before they get repaired if ever. There is a couple of very dark alleyways which I avoid because of this. I've only just moved house Part night lighting New energy efficient ones The Street lighting along Main Street is inadequate to the extent that it is difficult to see the face of someone approaching as you walk down the road. I therefore feel very unsafe when walking during the hours of darkness. Recently the light near my house has been turned off during certain hours. Lamps have been changed to low energy and give out a "bluish" light which is less bright No street lights in some areas when driving Off from 11pm until 5am. Switched off at 1am No such lighting If street light goes out/ faulty takes a long time for repair turned off - excellent replacement street lamps installed recently Many main roads between villages no longer lit in Buckinghamshire since the street light switch off a few years ago new lights We don't have any! Lights near train station have been turned off which is ridiculous ! Lampposts/Light type changed now have light then dark areas. West Sussex is going through a 7-year change of all lamp-posts. My neighbourhood has been done but lights are now higher and brighter although said to be `softer' lighting. Some of it is switched off New street lights in my road (Grove Road East Molesey) are marvellous but the other roads adjacent to mine are REALLY BADLY LIT and I find them very hard to navigate on foot in the dark. It is pitch dark, there are not enough street lamps and they are very dim. Not to mention the appalling pot holes, tree roots that trip you up. new lights put up which light the highway more but darker gardens as the light is focused more on the road And Tree shades light Away from immediate vacinity street lighting is very poor. 5 minutes walk away very poor lighting or switched off altogether. They are in the process of changing them at the moment Yes recently the light outside our house had been switched off and I contacted the council to notify them. I was very scared with no light on at our end of the street and it was difficult to see when going out. Wish regular checks were madw to see all lights are working in areas around parks and footpaths Our back garden faces onto a main road which is very dark and is tree-lined so the trees cover the lights and of course the cars drive fast! Despite more houses (blocks of flats being built) there has been no increase in street lighting. It's inadequate - plus we have many schools in the area! We've lived here for over 25 years and the street lighting is exactly the same in the neighbourhood.. Reduced I live on a busy junction that is an accident black spot . Street lighting should be on at junctions of minor roads to main roads . 142 Fewer lights the street lights are off from midnight until morning Lights in our cul de sac go off after midnight but unsure of time. its very dark bulbs gone and not replaced which were supposed to be over 2 years ago Some streets have led lighting which creates a brighter clearer area. It illuminates a bigger area Yellow light bulbs seem dimmer. Certain lights come on much later than others. It is turned off afer 12:30, so we leave our outside light on to help passers by. We are on the edge of our village and the causeway is uneven Yes, they reorganised the street lights so they are now on one side of the road. Our street is a lot darker and am sure they are not meeting the minimum standards of lighting. We have had street lights replaced with street lights that reduce the light pollution. Although swirched ON, there is only one lamp in our close so lighting is dimmed and inadequate. when the light bulb occasionally goes! New brighter lights installed Changed from yellow to white which look brighter Maintenance appears to be less thorough. Footpath lights can be broken or obscured by foliage for longer than used to be the case. Some lights have been renewed It is so poor on my estate, the council put 'special' brighter bulbs in a couple of years ago, but like a badly tailored suit, it only looks good where it touches. MULTI LED LIGHTS BETTER THEN BEFORE round the corner in denbigh rd east the lights are now turned off and its really dark Lamp post heads updated to new brighter lights about three years ago. Now off through the night Lived in the same street for 4 years and lighting has neither increased or decreased in the amount of street lights Doesn't seem so well lit. WE have one light in our street which is not enough. WE have asked for more but have ben told there is no budget, yet they put new lights every where in the town, but left out old one, and didn't add any more! I am pleased to see less lighting as it saves electricity and there is less light pollution. Also pleased to see energy-efficient lamps being installed on major routes. dont have them there is one streetlight on a gitty that has been off for a while now and it is very dark for folk to go down always used to be lit darent go down there now leads down to wilbarston estaten needs seeing to maybe councils job Some now LED Yes they were changed to white light; which is much better Lighting has very recently been changed New type of lighting currently installed Some lights switched off. Council say its faults. Renewed, now better lighting Main roads have brighter lightening than my road Every second and third light have been switched off. I have no concerns about this as I believed that the original saturation coverage was far too much anyway. 143 After speaking with the local Green councillor and the council we have managed to fix a street light in an alley at the top of my road that supposedly no one owned., Hadnt worked for years. Makes it safer to walk up there at all times of day/night Only few street lights and not very bright, scare to take my dog out for walk night especially in the winter. Often drive to the Datchet (10 mins drive) for a 10 mins walk with my dog. changed to more energy saving lights It is being changed and is apparently brighter than before. In fact I find it intrusively bright for a minor street in a village The street lighting appears dimmer and not as many lamp posts around. The lights do seem a bit dimmer than they were but I haven't noticed that much as I always travel by car or taxi in the evenings. mostly switched off Sometimes we have to wait a long time to get lights that are out put on again Reduction of lighting on major roads, motorways and at roundabouts new lamp standards have now replaced the older ones and give more light than the old ones. policy appears to be not to replace bulbs when blown, and to switch off 1 in 2 street lights to save money - this is fine in some areas, but not in others, Down the bottom of Old slade Lane, there is no street lighting, or the street lights are hidden in the trees so it is very dark. The lights that helped with road safety have been turned off. The 12 lights on the nearby waste ground that could be lit with 2 lights are all still on, even though the only users at night are the odd pedestrian taking a shortcut, a couple of cats and the odd illegal motorcyclist. Yes our lights were switched off recently. street lighting on the parkway and some suburban roads has been turned off during these hours making the carriageway hazardous About a year ago the local council made a reduction in the amount of street lights in my village. It was to save money. In the street I live in we lost 50% of our lights. One was taken from outside our house, it also lit up the car park opposite our house and the path past us into the next street. Now the light is gone it is very dark, the car park is completely unlit and feels very unsafe and vulnerable when it's dark. It also feels very unsafe and there are trip hazards walking past our house up to the next street. We were not consulted at the time and if we had been we would have pointed out the dangers of removing that particular light. There is another light that would have been a much better and safer option. Late at night, during the early hours there are no lighting and at these times one feels at much greater risk - so much so that would not venture out / come home on foot. not as bright I live on a new housing estate. The lighting has become dimmer...and some of the lamps have been turned off. Some lights turn off at midnight some street lighting has been cut. Noticed trees not being cut and growing over lights making areas dark. Some new on main streets but not closes like our Some lights have been replaced with more energy efficient models and street lighting on some dual carriageway areas are off between midnight & 5am 144 Rushcliffe Council have decided its a good way to save money by switching street lights off after midnight until early morning. Criminals must love the fact they can move around during darkness. One, the light bulbs were changed and two, they were converted to automatically turn off after midnight LED lights installed : need to use sun visor if driving as glare from LEDs dangerous Inspire swimming pool often leaves lights on all night which lights up the whole area, very annoying. New lamp posts installed. new lights, shine on road more and less on pavements, now all go off at 1.30 am ish whereas ones on junctions and bends used to stay on. some lights are switched off, but no real planning went in to which ones were switch off, as some areas that have a lot of dark and hidden spaces worry older people and will not go out at night. Alternate street lamps have been turned off, meaning that the pavement is substantially darker in places. NEW WHITE LIGHT BULBS...BRIGHT BUT NOT A MUCH SPREAD OF LIGHT not sure when the scheme started but know the lights are out overnight. Feel safe when go out but don't go many places because scared to walk alone. Especially when dark. Your questions so far don't seem to allow me to express this, which is why I am putting these comments in this field. And why some of my other answers may seem inconsistent. Also, not sure if I live in rural or suburbs etc is because Milton Keynes is different to other places. I would like pavements next to roads to avoid the trapped feeling in underpasses, redways and bridges. Want as much street lighting as possible to be as visable as possible. And dislike undergrowth and shrubbery because reduces visibility and blocks escape routes. Don't like design of Milton Keynes much. New lights installed the village i live in has no lighting in certain parts to reduce light pollution, it is very dangerous and planning agreed to this in the planning stage, when i come in from work i feel at risk as it is pitch dark with no lighting in the car park Only lived here a year I think we have massively too much road and street lighting in the UK. It should in most places go off at 11.30 p.m. And much street lighting on bypasses, motorways and trunk roads should be dismantled. The cost, effect on global warming, light pollution and ugliness of the equipment outweighs the benefits by far. The street light have been replaced. I don't think they light up the area verywell The street lights were replaced by energy saving ones last year and the new lights are abysmal and leave big dark patches a burglars paradise Old sodium (yellow) lights replaced with higher brighter warm white lights, but on a more stretched out spacing that takes little account of hazards such as junctions, blind bends etc. The council is much slower to respond to faulty lighting e.g. we and our neighbours have been in complete darkness for several weeks owing to a non-working light. Lighting changed in street are much brighter now so feel somwhat safer, these lights do have a dimmer feature but I wouldn't feel so safe if they were dimmer. Yes lighting which off New modern lighting installed on mot roads 145 I live in a village which has a few well dispersed sodium lights. This has provided enough light to illuminate the main paths. There are dark areas but that is in keeping with the village and is not frightening. We have a new affordable housing estate which is heavily lit and this spoils the village atmosphere, ruins night vision and spoils the ability to see the night sky. The light adds nothing to village safety New light heads have been fitted but as one or two lamps are shrouded by nearby trees the light given off is strongly diffused by the foliage. Every second street light switched off. Switch off at midnight Little lighting in my immediate area Far too many have been removed from our street, leaving very dark patches in some areas. More people having outside lighting which is unfortunate as it spoils the view of the night sky. I live on a trunk road so lights are on all the time. Some lights off late and early morning. Some lights elsewhere are turned off after midnight We have no street lights near our house. To the front elevation their is no road and the foot path is not lit. To the rear elevation the road to our property has no lights at all, and is pitch black at night. The lights have been upgraded but are still as bright New street lights which are brighter. They go off after midnight to save the parish council money! What a joke never seem to be checked or repaired they flicker or go off every so often They have been reduced in number and now produce a large black area some newer less light polluting lighting has been erected but not to all areas They have put some of the street lights off on the red way just around the corner. Some lights switched off as part of the council cut backs. Some lit lights have trees obscuring them, we have reported these as it makes areas more dangerous. improved We had new stret lights fitted a little over 3 years ago. don/'t come on as soon as they use too Some street lights have been switched off cost cutting i take it, but late at night especially where i have members of the family that work late, VERY dark alley way, VERY poor street lighting a lot are covered by over growing trees Yes, it's improved with the replacement of yellow sodium lights with white low energy lighting. The one outside my next door neighbour is switched off at night now, and lo and behold they were broken into a few months ago! They have removed the sodium lights and put in white lights. Street light has been removed in Lomax Drive near the busy T junction out to Miller Way. Cars are often parked in the street which is now pitch black after dark. New street lighting The economic and environmental case for energy savings by switching the lights off is not supportable and more savings could and would be made by installing modern energy efficient dawn till dusk street lighting. Further, following events in Keyworth and other places since the lights were switched off, there is no value you can put on public safety! Replaced with much better lighting 146 New low power lighting works very well not many round the estate off main road change in colour to white from orange The lamps were upgrade and are now brighter and use less energy blown bulbs don't get replaced quickly enough, there are some dark area that would benefit from better lighting -especially park areas, some roads in south bucks that I use do have lights switched off - I will only drive here and would not walk on an unlit street. Some white LED street lights installed - these are too bright in my opinion. Redwell shops lights are all out if shops are closed no light been replaced by energy lighting only some roads and lane have lighting More switched off. Switched off over night to save electricity ; new lamp posts old ones not removed NEW SREET LIGHTS WERE INSTSALLED IN 2012 Some are turned off Quite recently we had two of the street lamps in our area which weren't working for several weeks. They have been dealt with but at the time there were quite a few incidents of damage to parked vehicles etc. Only moved into the area 18 Months ago New street light We need more as the Close is, and always has, been very dimly lit, irrespective of our numerous requests for better lighting. We are all Tax and Council Tax Payers in Full Time employment. We live on an estate with a management company. We pay for the electricity for the street lighting as the council would only adopt one street on the estate. Increase in Street lights not working and taking months to repair Daventry district council turned loads of street lights but recently they have been replaced and one of our street lights have been removed street lighting not sure as i only have lived here for one year Main roads are not lit anymore after midnight New street lights are being installed in our area. As an economy measure, some lights have been turned off. This has not bothered me, but some residents have found it unhelpful. I consider that there is TOO MUCH street lighting in my neighbourhood. No street lighting available! A couple or road traffic signs are lit but often seem not to be working! Takes ages to repair faults. Where it has been necessary to replace columns, the older low pressure sodium lamps (intense yellow colour) have been replaced with more modern pink / golden yellow lamps, which give a better light distribution. More lights switched off. Comments above are re some lights only. improved with new brighter lights The lights have been changed from fluorescent (Neon or Sodium) to LED type (white light). The lighting efficiency therefore has dropped, with peripheral light spillage being almost non-existent. This results in the area being perceived as substantially darker. These street light changes are being rolled out across the city. New lighting was put in and the street is darker than it ever was, it's dreadful. Visibility is so poor that when driving down the road the pedestrians can hardly been seen. Lighting not good for drivers or pedestrians safety. 147 The normal lights have been replaced by the newer "Greener" lights. They have removed more of the lights than expected The street lights go off at approx. 01:20 and come on again at approx. 06:30[at present] It is a dark and eary place without the lights on, and feels unsafe Moving to LED Lights have been removed in my cul de sac. My mother who lives in this neighbourhood had the light outside her house removed. She has 6 steep steps up to her house and uses a wheelchair. When I take her home after 4.30pm in the winter I can't see to help her up the steps into the house and I find it difficult carrying the wheelchair up the steps to her house. I am 65. I think one or two lights may have been switched off late at night, but visibility levels are still generally acceptable. new street lights being installed and more danger of tripping on all the barriers around all the holes dug around the lights-must be in its 4th week I always travel on a tricycle. I have either ridden a bike or a trike ever since I came to Oxford. But the streets feel safe anyway. I just want to be sure. It is dull orange where other streets around me are white light which is much brighter Some lights switched off to save money, but only on roads not housing estates New higher brightness lights with a greater spacing produce noticable darker patches between lights giving a more uneven coverage of light than previously Due to the installation of new street lighting, the street lighting around my house has moved. From my point of view the location of the lights is not as good, although it has probable improved for others. There are more of them, particularly near new developments polouting the night sky Living in a rural village it was decided many years ago not to introduce street lighting. Not only was it the cost but we felt it was inappropriate and reduced light pollution. I still agree with this decision. When we go out at night we always carry a torch! Darker on some lengths of road Less effecrive. We desperately need a "beacon" light on St. Catherine's Hill. I hesitate to call it a street light as the majority of the Mortimer Residents, including me do not want widespread street lighting in our village. What I am asking falls in the category of Health and Safety particularly in the winter months. The SMPC does not seem to think that it is a priority item and they think it would be very expensive!!!!!!!! We desperately need a "beacon" light on St. Catherine's Hill. I hesitate to call it a street light as the majority of the Mortimer Residents, including me do not want widespread street lighting in our village. What I am asking falls in the category of Health and Safety particularly in the winter months. The SMPC does not seem to think that it is a priority item and they think it would be very expensive!!!!!!!! There isn't much of it. . . But then we pay for it ourselves as the estate has not been adopted by the council. Only lived here for 3 months There a number of dark areas where lights have been switched off. At the same time a programme of repalcing woth new modeel lighting is taking place. The local council recently switched off many street lights in my town to save money. Old lights replaced by new brighter ones reduction in lighting quite a few lioghts go dimmer in evening about 930pm 148 There is Street lighting in the Village but I live in an external Hamlet which has no street lighting they are now turned off between 12midnight and 5am approx reduction of lights being on - newlights in area not as bright, placed inpractally key access points - eg' access to woodlands where children walk too - no lights junctions - lights off so unable to tell until close to junction The area around my home is pitch black at night since the lights were switched off, which is unsettling. Some roads have lighting switched off. they have been switched off It appears that every other street light is turned off so only half lights are lit at night There is a streetlight to one side of my front garden which is good to know about, especially when it is dark and a bin needs to be put out. The original number of street lamps on at night were reduced but we were told by the county council that they would be replacing them with less units but modern, efficient and of great light output. We had to push them to get this work done and whilst they are better than the original items but being less in number it does leave many 'dark areas' in our road. Not lived there long Some "improvement" was made and most of the streetlights have been removed. street light in adjacent garage block no longer lit. This is good because the light on encouraged local youths to congregate there. This no longer happens. Some of the streets are very dim. This is bad for older people: we cannot see uneven paving stones and could therefore fall. The old orange lights have been replaced with white lights been updated Although we have had uprated street lighting, they are spaced too far apart and are interspaced with large trees between them. Brighter lights they have gone just fairly recently only lived here for 18months Street light on York ave is very poor. No street lighting lights off after 12 we only have one street light The lights have always seemed inadequate in the village, dim and only sparingly placed, lots of unlit areas We have just had some new posts put in, and all lights have been changed. Yellow lights have changed to brighter white lights. No street lighting on Hughenden Road alongside Hughenden Park The lights go off completely and with out a torch you cannot see and there are loads of cars parked on the pavement road so you have to walk in the middle of the road to make it easier I do live in a no thrrough road Switched off at night. Noticeable as I live on a quiet road leading out of the village so it is pitch black at night when the street lights are off. One of the lights in our street was removed. This means that there is now a big gap between lights, in a place where there are some garages set back from the street, some large overhanging trees and a couple of alleyways at the back of the houses. 149 Some lights were off for some weeks and then I reported to the coucill but they came and repair them . The are is full of antisocial behaviour and it is dangerous to walk at night . The lights are too orange and not whit ... also there is a lot of dark areas which makes poor visibility for people to walk through and to be honest our safety as residents is not protected and that is why when I leave my house I get inside a cab or go with friends but never alone , I feel scared to walk at night in this area because there is a substantial amount of anti social behaviour . lights being changed for brighter lights in some locations New white lights installed along the main road, orange lights removed. The type of light has changed some replaced with LED lumiaires. Lights not as bright and not so many lights Lights removed and switched off seems a lot darker now and sometimes the lights in the court are out and it is pitch black Removed from some local main roads less brightness New posts and lighting fitted 2011 increasing the amount of lighting locally we live on a private estate and our lights remain on. Street lighting here is adequate. Street Lights switched off overnight. Growth of trees and other vegitation has reduced the effectiveness of some street lighting. We now have the new low energy lighting in my area which seem to be very effective and far better than recently when 50% of them were switched off! In 2011 I was having to walk my dog in the dark and it was totally unacceptable. I did write to the appropriate bodies to voice my concerns but was not given the courtesy of a reply..... Poorly maintained on the Promenade of Victoria Dock between Ida's Close and Pilots Way. the first light from Ida faulty 3rd light 4th Light 6th 7th and 8th Light are all faulty I noticed lack of street lighting in some areas, not sure if this is a reduction or just lack of lighting in some rural areas Failed lights not repaired new lamps have been installed at a greater distance apart Less street lights since they were changed to new environmentally friendly lights. More dark areas despite the fact the lights are supposed to be better. We lost three lights near our house. Not as bright Replacement of old style lights with bright white ones The lamp post directly opposite our house has recently been removed (no sign of a replacement) making it more difficult to check for pedestrians in particular when leaving the driveway We live in home which is not yet a year old. Moe lights are needded. They are not as bright, probably due to energy saving bulbs. New lamp posts installed More street lighting being installed Some of the street lighting is white while most reflects orange. Only lived there 15 months Street lamp damaged and replaced but still doesn't come on and work The street lights are only on near road junctions etc others are turned off 150 We only a couple along a long rd with wooded areas .. Street lighting has been put along the main road through the village. There is no street lighting at the side or rear of my property and hardly any along pathways in the village. i don't go out at night because the paths are narrow (where there are paths) and very uneven. Now go off completely from around midnight until 5.30am All street lights on the local estates are turned off at 1,30am and come on again about 6.30am, Main Road junctions are lit all night, residents state it would be better if the estates were lit and Main Roads turned off. I like living in the country with no street lights. If I wanted street lights I'd live in a town The pathway lamps from between No s 44 and 46 have failed now for some 16 weeks. Need new bulbs. new LED street lights fitted. They are very dim and gloomy and a step backwards. Street lighting turned off on A413 which is the road I mostly use at night The street lights in a very localised area have been replaced - ie the orange/sodium for 'daylight' - less night sky pollution Fewer; now more powerful increased LIghting has been updated & some lights have been removed. Some lights switched off Midnight to 5am We need extra lighting! MOVED HERE 2 YEARS AGO Right now new street lamps are being installed; one right outside my front entrance. We have two street light in our road (Hassall Road ) Crewe Road end passing by Bowker,a Croft. The Trees are covering both lights and if cut would give the correct Lighting as it should be, no body appears to be interested. Street lights are switched off midnight to 6.00am (possibly 1.00am - it will change when the clocks change). I prefer it dark, the moon and stars are wonderful. New style lights fitted Iwould like to say yes street lighting has been changed here in the village as they are taller than the ones they replacing there have been many comments regarding these as some of them have been put up right next to trees some indeed right in the trees the trees should have been cut back here i think as the lights involved light up the tree very nicely but no light is shone down in the street. No changes as we've never had street lighting New street lighting: replacement lights do not seem to throw the light further out but shine directly onto pavements. lights were changed and they seem to make the street a lot darker ONLY LIMITED LIGHTING NOW SWITCHED ON.THE OLDER LAMPS ARE THE ONES LEFT IN USE WHILST THE MORE MODERN VARIETY,ONE OF WHICH WAS REPLACED 1 MONTH PRIOR TO BEING SWITCHED OFF IN A STREET WHICH HAS A CHURCH AND 2 JUNIOR SCHOOLS AS WELL AS PREDOMINTLY OLDER RESIDENTS DUE TO 2 RESIDENTIAL CARE UNITS A NUMBER OF SPECIAL BUNGALOWS FOR THE ELDERLY AND A HOME FOR PHYSICALY HANDICAPPED PEOPLE OF ALL AGES. We have some LED lights which are brilliant at shining their light brighter and wider than the old orange ones. Lights reduced at 1.15 a.m. Lighting was replaced by more efficient type. Lighting was replaced by more efficient type. 151 yes on belton lane half the lights are turned off at night and now some are on in the day. I've only just moved here in the last 3 months, so I don't know the answer. Just moved to the area, new build area so still developing but quite close to Shelthorpe so minor disturbances. They have been renewed and are brighter. Not since moving in Sept 2012 I will notice tonight only one street lamp in a cul-de-sac of bungalows , at far end of road .-- residents O.A.P's The growth of trees now covers the street light making it redundant really. The branches were cut back once but it didn't help with the illumination of the pathway. Turn off at midnight until 6am Broxstowe Council are slow to repair faulty lights and rely on the public to flag any lights out of service. New daylight lights - don't like them as much as the old ones, as they just direct light down and don't light up surrounding areas as the previous ones did. Lighting has been upgraded old lamps taken away and replaced with new ones Lights switched off, particularly where there are road junctions in the early evening to save the council monry New street lights, one outside our house has been removed. These lights give pools of light under the street lights but big areas between lights are much darker. I would like the street lights switched off from midnight until 6am. Lighting at that time is an unnecessary form of light pollution. In our neighbourhood nobody is around after midnight. Dimmed through night We have had new energy saving lighting which is very good and, as far as my house location is concerned, I am very pleased with the light it gives as I am very close to a lamp, although not too close. However, when I come home at night I have noticed that because the general amount of street lights have been reduced it's not as light in the surrounding streets as it used to be. Haven't lived in the area long enough Due to a massive regeneration of my area every other lamppost was removed apparently. Some street lights turned off on major roads. People drive more slowly when there is no lighting and it makes you think more. a positive improvement in driving behaviour Change to white light from orange White lights are replacing the neon Lights switched off as driving home, so harder to see some improvements with sodium lighting Less street lighting on there are in the surrounding area where there aren't any pavements street lighting is switched off from around 00:30 to around 06:30 The council turned street lights off between midnight and 06.15 . I go to work very early some days it is not save. Also when cars get damaged or broken into, the police say "park under a streetlight if possible " more cars have been damaged, broken into and fuel stollen since lights are out. It has not saved the amount the council thought it would save either . 152 Super bright street lights have been installed on our road after comments from other residents about the low level of lighting. We live in a dead end street - no one walks through here unless they live here. The level of lighting could be better in some areas of the village to avoid shadow / dark areas. New white lighting replacing the orange glow. Our Street lighting os entirely satisfactory Change from white to yellow Yes - had lights that didn't work when arrived in the neighbourhood a year ago. Recently this has been corrected and all lights have been checked and replaced bulbs if not working. Different light bulbs being fitted, blue light. Replacement lights are not as bright and repairs are taking much longer. It takes the council forever to change the bulbs currently 3 out on my rd alone! Live in a adopted road with no street lights ... very dangerous to walk up at night .Road needs resurfacing and has many uneven surface areas. They have been switched off in Loddon after midnight The street lamp outside my house is switched off, then we know if we've had a late night! Changed to modern lights the street lights have been changed in our street and it has left areas in our street that is dark.There is also places that are dark and you can not see so if anyone was in the corner,until you got to the corner. I walk with sticks and it is so dark if anything was on the floor i would not be able to see it until i fell over it. changed from white light to orange Some lights disconnected Light broken and takes a while to repare The street lights have been changed (for the third time in twelve years !?!?), fewer of them, but natural lighting better distributed. LOW ENGER LIGHTS I feel that we have to many lights. Just that one particular area East of the railway bridge just into Lower Radley is very dark and unwelcoming, because Leylandii trees have grown to completely shroud the street light!!! Some of the road street lights are too bright and shine into homes. Now no night time lighting in smaller roads after 1am. More important roads, with junctions and a number of turnings off as we are principally residential, still have lighting all night. alternate lights not on, making the area dark & uninviting. try to avoid going out in evening after dark. New street lighting installed to replace original street lamps put in place in 1986. Most of the street lights have been turned off Lights currently being removed and only some replaced Switched off at midnight or 1.00am depending on the time of year. New lights are not as bright as the old ones Not since we moved in in April 2011 Moved in April this year After midnight or so it is turned off in places A lot of street lights were broken and it was very nice without them. They have been fixed recently which I think has led to more gangs if kids nearby late at night. Now turned off late evening 153 Poor lighting in the street The lights in my street, which were old white ones, have been replaced with yellow sodium ones. Some lights turn off on a Main walk way They have renewed all the street lighting with different lights that are brighter and make it easier to see when out at night. Kights switched ovewr leaving dark areas. Less lighting in our street now making it darker than it was. Fewer lights, lower level of light and on for fewer hours in the night. Needs improving They do not seem as bright and are often not working. Streets are not as lit up like they used to, now very dark and dull since lights were changed. I would say in general where we live the street lighting is inadequate. So much so there are plenty of dark, poorly lit area's where drugs are sold/dropepd off etc as they are in the shadow. New lights I would not to see a further reduction in lighting.... The street lights are far too bright for a rural street but we have not lived there for 3 years Many lights switched off on A413 between Gerrards Cross and Chalfont St Giles, I drive and the thought of breaking down at night is very frightening. But I refuse to be housebound at night. In response to answer 8 above now you mention it they do seem more dimmer Lights a lot brighter than they used to be New lights but they are not always on! One did not work for a long time after they were erected. The old orange lighting has been replaced with clear white light Only been here 2 years. Changed the position and I would think the brightness of the lamps. New lights being installed Private streets, plenty of houses, but the roads are floodlit - absolutely ridiculous level of lighting. The lights should be dimmed after midnight, or every other light switched off. Might even save some money! LED lights N/A I feel sure street lights could be turned off between say midnight and 6am in the winter. This would save money, cut down on light pollution and as most homes these days have the infra red lights, so I don't see it would increase crime rates. If this wont be allowed, surely they can be dimmed, which again will save energy. Have only been in the area for two years and the street lighting has been the same. Seems a lot darker than it used to, but on the plus side lamps that go out seem to be replaced quicker The old street lights were amber lamps and gave off a poor light. The new ones are 90% inprovement but are less in number then the old ones. They are far apart from each other thus this gap causes dark areas. have to keep alerting the local council to inneficient lighting bulbs not working Our cars have been vandalised twice in the past 12 months. for the past 18 months the street light opposite to our house, frequently switches itself off and on, in no set patted. 4 months ago two lads tried to smash our wing mirrors off at about 23.30. I went out, they ran off, but I didn't have a clear look at them, as the light was off. . 154 We live down a private lane. There is a small grup of cottages at the road end of our lane which does have 1 street light. Street lights between Amersham & Chesham have been turned off - our only theatre is in Chesham. Very unsafe to walk as the road is wooded. Plymouth City Council putting up LED lights. Improved in 70% of area. Too much lighting during night we have in some areas having L E D lighting. We have less and it's a lot darker, we lost 1 street lamp, it's too dark now, quite scary to be honest! lots of light are one seems to be bothered...reported them in my road ...asked for numbers off the lamp post...gave a few - and because I noticed our street actually started noticing loads of others out - reported to council - who said electricity company responsible.. who care sounds like jobs worth.. with 2 serious sexual assaults one across the road in a wooded area a year ago and one only weeks ago with in 500 meters of my home i feel walking my dog in the evening vunrable and at risk expecially as we can not see across our square at night and along the main pathway now without light we don't travel far from the house after dark and have gotten a taxi to travel less than 1 mile in the early evening because of the turn offs i have also had 2 garden invasions within weeks of the lights being switched off They don't seem to give off as much light now they are yellow in colour. Some have been turned completely off Adequte lighting new type of lights Some shrouded by trees. Others faulty. Lights not getting repaired quickly, not enough lighting Street Ligthing around our area on Main Roads has been turned off. In Denham Green to Denham Village the lights have been turn off then removed altogether The number of street lights has been reduced new LCD lights have just be installed Some lights are switched off and some aren't as bright. The council's switching off of every other street light has resulted in some areas being very dark and difficult to see if any one is around. Little thought was put into which lights should be switched off as the lights on many corner have been put out and therefore it is often quite dangerous around these areas. Also lights which should be on are not having the bulbs replaced when the bulb blows. Lights seem brighter. One has been moved and now shines directly into a bedroom. We are a new build estate, street lighting has not yet been turned on although half if the street is occupied just moved here a month ago, but love the lighting outside our house as I feel safe when the car is parked there The roads/streets where the lights are switched off are very dark, obviously homes have curtains and blinds so there is very little light on these roads/streets at all. New lighting this year Our local council made cuts last year and turned / dimmed street lights There were complaints.. Our street lighting is now turned off at midnight 155 But thankfully the lane behind our property is left on type of bulbs? used changed so different light effect Different type of light which is dim and does not light the area, waste of time might as well have no lighting Apparently there has been some work done on street lighting but I don't see any difference The lights are not fixed as regularly and do there are areas which are regularly in darkness New halogen lamps installed 6 months or so ago. Much brighter and less 'shadowy'. Improved new lamps throughout - LED The street lighting has been replaced and repositioned to be more equally spaced. So far the new lamp, on the corner of my property and in the open, has not attracted the crowds of youths which the previous one did, across from me, sheltered under trees and by a hedge. The street lighting is very dark and I think they should be replaced, I may even contact the Highways agency about this as some lights are off completely. It is hard to see when I am out. We do not have any street lighting in our area Some areas are very dimly lit. There seem to be less street lighting than some years ago More lights switched off No change - we've still got the damned things lighting everywhere up so the burglars can see what they're doing Whist the village where I live (Monkston Park) is not particularly rural, my house is on the edge of the park and is not on the road. Therefore, there are no street lights where my house is and there never has been. Security is and always has been a concern to us. There have been problems, such as a number of burglaries both at neighbours homes and a gated carport that five homes share. We now have CCTV installed, at great expense, in the carport and one of our neighbours has CCTV around their home as they have experienced several burglaries. Off altogether from evening until dawn Less of them turn on Street lighting on cul de sacs in the area is now switched off after a certain time each night, however junctions of roads are still lit for safety. Some lights are switched off after midnight. They have been switched off completely things like dimming,would have to be shown, for people to notice the difference. New brighter ones New lampposts that are not as bright. next street light to the one outside or house is always switched off at night - we are on the periphery of the lit area Lights switched off at night new lights were installed a few weeks ago, but much reduced in numbers. Alternate lights were switched off, now they've been replaced with new ones, fewer of them, supposed to be brighter but leave dark areas. Regular failures ( cheep bulbs ) A good deal of the lighting in Cambridge has been renewed over the last 3 years. 156 This year we have had several new lamp standards placed in our street in the past it was very dark in the evening in certain areas, One was placed right in front of my living room window at first we disliked it because of light pollution but now we realize that for safety reasons we feel a little more secure as our whole bungalow is now illuminated in the darker hours. Some lights are switched off overnight THey are just installing new ones Fittings are not as well maintained as they used to be. Our village has not yet had the Cambridgeshire lighting changes, so we still have the yellow Sodium lights. we seem to have less street lighting Our village has street lighting but its often shaded due to trees overhanging, or lack of sufficient lamps in the streets. There is no lighting on the edge of the village or if you want to walk the mile or so to the next village. In the dark this is somewhat scary. It's got a lot darker more lights turned off Our local park has stopped leaving lights on. Street lights that are out take a long time to be replaced we always carry a torch in our village The new lighting that has gone up over the last few weeks have made a big visual difference, its a lot brighter and clearer lighting Some of the street lights have been changed to give less glare to adjacent houses the street lights have recently been turned off to save money HAVE ONLY BEEN IN THIS NEW HOME FOR 18 MONTHS New build estate - not enough lighting many parts unlit and unsafe to walk I don't go out at night, so I'm not sure if the street lighting has changed Change to LED lamps It's always on,me specially In side streets outside houses where they could be switched off It's got worse. Need better lighting on East Street and Agnes street (Grantham). There's 3 lights between those 2 streets and most of the time they're not working! All local street lights have been replaced with new, brighter lighting. Big improvement. Street lights have been renewed but they still stay on all night. Keeping lights on after midnight is a waste of money and energy. I resent having to spend money trying to keep my bedroom dark while my Council Tax is being spent trying to turn night into day. Light pollution and waste is a problem that must be addressed. Don't think the system off switching off light is monitored correctly with some streets with no lights switched off and some with two or more off We live by very poorly lit alleyway with frequent anti social events occurring. Have spoken to Police & Council. Just told no money available for better lighting or CCTV. Feel very vulnerable and unsafe but until someone is killed nothing will be done i am afraid new more energy efficient lights dimmer bulbs used so darker. Some elderly lamps have been replaced with modern, more efficient, brighter units. These have significantly reduced the pools of shadow where installed, and are very welcome. Lights are now switched off around midnight until around 6am- ish We have spasmodic street lighting in my village. A lot of residents don't want it after midnight or at all in some cases. 157 We have only been here 2 years, but I would say the lights are dim, and not enough of them Our village has had all the old lights removed and not so many new ones put back There are more areas that are not so well lit and the change in height and from yellow to white light not so good All street lights changed in the last year from fog-cutting yellow to clear white. We can now see the colours of cars. Trees limit the spread along pavements it is very dark outside need to take a porch now, I actually rung the street lighting people today They are turned off at night and not on when I leave for work. Additional units added We have had a few new, brighter street lights dotted around the neighbourhood. I have only lived here for one year. seems to be darker. Private road so different timings? They have replaced the one outside my house with an extra bright one so I cant use my front bedroom any more :-( Some lights on main roads are switched off over night Not serviced as fast as they used to be They have been changed to solar lights and although I believe it is a good change for the environment. The quality of lighting does not seem as bright and has made me feel less safe when I go out in the dark. street lights have been reduced All replaced with lower energy lights Much darker in side roads The street lighting is switch off between 12 and 6am Two lights are obscured by trees Only lived in the village for the last few months While road junctions remain lit, intermediate lights are turned off. Replaced, and then 1 by us removed Street lights not repaired so the area on the street is dark We have a new LED lamp in the lighting furniture opposite my house and it's brilliant. No Change as we do not want to lose the incredible site of the stars at night New Schemes are not as good as the ones being replaced, larger spacing and more over grown trees. Most lights off between midnight and 05:30 approx new lights just fitted and now on all night Upgraded to new brighter 'whiter' light eco friendly type bulbs and new lampposts. New lights have been fitted and two?three removed from the former number. The lights are taller and much of the light is now lost in the foliage of the trees. LED lighting replacing the sodium lighting. Very welcome. Sodium lights replaced with very bright (almost dazzling) white lights which should be dimmed during the night but aren't The less frequently used paths seem to have less light :( Lights up graded with generally better recults On the footpaths, they are always blocked by trees. Changed lighting twice 158 I do not like street lighting, it makes dark areas between lamps and a lot of shadowy spots. It also helps burglars, only those near street lights in my road have been burgled. We have just had a new lamp installed opposite my house, it is an improvement as I think there is less polution, it seems to direct most of its light downwards. The lights stay on all night and do not bappear to be dimmed. it wouild appear that the lights now do not come in till 6 30am and this is not acceptable for people going out to work in the morning. Council are not replacing light bulbs until they are notified. Some lights have stayed on during the day and we also have times when 1 or2 lights are broken. These are reported to NCC but it may take a few days to be repaired. changed to new style lights There are certain areas that you see constant damage to the lights. This gives concerns when pubs throw out the drunken yobs. Would like to see the number of street lights in the village (Great Bourton) reduced . There are too many and cause severe light pollution. some of the street lights seem dimmed, some dont work very well, some seem to stay on during the day. In my street I phoned up and noted on line to the council about a light that went off for 1 minute before coming back on all night and left the surrounds very dark. It took them 4 before to come and fix it. In London where I used to live they changed all the street lights over - removing half the lamps on the street and replacing them with very bright ones indeed rather than the muted dull yellow, I suddenly felt much happier taking my dogs for a walk at night, this got rid of dark patches near to hedges and trees. It is dimmer Street lights - mainly on main roads could be switched off in the small hours, or just the odd one left on. Switch off alternate street lights on main roads - there are often far more than you really need. Switch to LED street lights - cheaper and greener in the long run, and pretty good these days. Change to eco lighting but waste of investment because they are now switched off at night. On the streets within the estate the lighting is too dark to see exactly where you are walking and where the edges of pavements are. However, I don't know if it is lights turned off or whether it has always been like this - i.e. not enough street lights in place We need street lights so we feal safe. We have none so I drive everywhere at night. We all leave outside house lights on all nightvas we have no streetlights. Seems we are doing the councils job! Different street lights to the usual ones, they are lower and shine directly down. They appear brighter and can obscure your vision when driving under or very close to them It has been improved Upgraded a lampstandard then 3 months later removed it Some parts nearby it has got better as the local council have been putting in new lighting as part of a renewal project and have moved to white as opposed to sodium (orange) lighting. In my immediate n'hood the lighting is by gas light provided my the local estate management company and the local council in partnership - roads are unadopted (yes, unbelievable but true, one of the few gas lit areas in the UK!) and this provides a lower level of lighting, but I do not feel esp unsafe as a result of that. 159 My local orange light has been replaced by a white light that is aproximately 3 feet higher than the original and as a consequence is amongst the branches of a tree. much brighter lighting installed twice in last 18 months. Lights out of the village are no longer in use On our street there is only one street light. Not enough. Different street lights, in another part of my street, which are on all night and shine down on the ground, rather than the small circular ones. New dimmed lights Off midnight to 6 am GMT THERE IS VERY LITTLE STREET LIGHTING LEFT ON NOW, AS MOST OF THE STREET LAMPS IN OUR VILLAGE WHERE TURNED OFF SOME YEARS AGO. WHICH NOW MAKES IT VERY DARK IN THE VILLAGE AND BECAUSE OF THAT A LOT OF PEOPLE DON`T VENTURE OUT NOW WHEN IT`S DARK. I WOULD HAVE THOUGHT IT WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER TO HAVE TURNED MOST OF THEM OFF BY 10.30PM AFTER WHICH TIME MOST PEOPLE WOULD HAVE BEEN BACK INSIDE. AS OPPOSED TO HAVING MOST OF THEM OFF FROM WHEN IT GETS DARK! Some were switched off but all are now back on due to PFI funding I think they have been upgraded,however, I live on the outskirts of town so it is still quite dark in the street. My street was restricted to every other lamp but after a few months all the lighting was changed and every light is now on. I can get to the fisha and chip shop a small grocery shop and a public house in this light as they are all in the same street. Growth of tree branches has a significant effect on reducing the illumination of footpaths in my area. I am rarely out during the time that the lights are switched off so if is probably unfair for me to comment. However it is pleasant to have complete darkness overnight. Over half of the street lights have been switched off leaving a lot of dark areas. New white lights installed. Some lights don't appear to be on in the early mornings e.g. 6am A412 cuts all lights between A40 and Denham Green. One can hardly know where to turn into Old Rectory Lane. Have been switched off late at night. No problem for me. However I have 2 teenage daughters and do worry that they are walking in darkness, but that is just an irrational worry. Faulty lights in the more built up area have been replaced and not turned back on. There are now a couple of solar lights which never work past high summer. I approve of turning off lighting where there are no residents and where there are no traffic hazards I have noticed lots of areas without adequate lighting. I will not walk in these areas due to perceived lack of safety from traffic and unknown persons. Some light are no longer on, this is ok new street lighting installed earlier this year LED lights in certain areas We had new brighter lights installed and the older ones removed. Street lighting does not seem to be as bright as it used to be. Also have occassions where lighting is off. New lamp units throughout Lack of tree pruning on the street means that it is much darker because the trees obscure the light Some lights have been completely switched off. 160 Major road routes have had there lights switched off. One street lamp is always being repaired. The streetlight has been moved from or side outside our house to the opposite side and two houses. It is a lot brighter and we now leave a chink in our bedroom curtains that saves us using a night light. Can't be bad. About half the number we used to have. They are taller and brighter but only if you stand directly underneath. light covered by trees. Hardly any light on the road Broken lights or bulbs are not being replaced Street lights on all the approaches to the estate/village have been turned off and the roads are horribly dark Not sure if switched off or just broken bulbs not replaced despite notifying of apparent failures online. Very dangerous cut backs at important junction is an accident waiting to happen. I feel every member of my family are taking their lives in their hands and it's only really minimised in the summer. They have been changed to LED lamposts. Sadly I feel more street lighting is required. We have one street light in a village with a population of approx 600. Many do not want street lights, as they don't want light coming into their house at night. The street lighting in the whole of Cambridgeshire is being changed and has been changed in Fenland. There are now certain areas where it is completely black and lights should not have been removed. As a local councillor I'm fighting with Cambs CC to get reinstated but to no avail. We have the highest ASB in Fenland and they've taken out far more than the overall percentage in the County. We lost half the street lamps in a council cost cutting venture. They then spent a huge amount of money on new energy efficient lighting, which is too dark on large roads but too bright on in small closes. New lights fitted to one quarter of the length of our road. I read an article recently about a survey that says that contrary to the generally held view, absence of street lighting during the night actually leads to less crime, not more. Apparently the bad people need light just as much as the good people. When broken it takes ages for the repair New street lighting which is not as bright as before. Some of the lights have been switched off by the council When broken it takes ages for the repair no street lighting where i live they go off The council tried to turn it off but residents were very much against it. There have been some power cuts in our area and the estate is pitched black when this happens which makes people feel very nervous. The lights now are a different type which are a bit less bright but still on at least! In particular on local roads our area has cut down to 1 in 3 street lights on switched off The highways lights have been switched off Street lights are dim and darker outside our house Lack of maintenance and repaire I think villages are safer with good street lighting and people feel safer and therefor street lighting should be left on when it is dark. they put new street light in lights switched off to conserve energy and expense 161 only lived in the area fir 2 yrs seems as they are so dim it is difficult to see what is out side They improved them as they were very dim. The lights were changed and are not as bright as before we don't have enough lights in regent street. We have very low levels of street illumination, and this will become much worse if H&S concerns over sharing poles with Telephone Cabling come into force and no electrical devices are allowed to share the poles. not working for a long time hughenden valley road and cryers hill lights hve been switched off and as a result I was nearly involved in a bad accident when a tree came down in Cryers hill and a car came head on to me to avoid the tree. Bulbs have been changed from orange glow to very bright white. Bulbs not being replaced, many street lights out of action. no lights outside my house New street lighting in Leeds, which meant fewer lamposts, as the energy efficient lights were supposed to be brighter. But on the whole you don't seem to be able to see as clearly, with more darker areas. broken ones take ages before they are fixed They are very dim and orange which makes it difficult to see properly. If i am walking in the dark I always ccarry a torch with a very stong light on it. Havn't got street lighting, and most definitely don't want it. Half lights switched off overnight New lighting has been installed. Some lights turned off now For a period of a few months street lights were switched off in many areas. Have been replaced with brighter lights Lights which are out are not replaced as quickly they are now off from midnight to 5.30am ish Every 2 in 3 have been switched off Lights been changed Switched off during midnight and 5 am making our street very dark during this time Most street lights are switched off since two years ago. I like a lot of bright street lighting as I believe strongly that this helps keep women safe from attack more lighting I have noticed that some street lights aren;t working. I report as many as I can but i think more residents should report any that aren't working. some lights switched off. STAYS ON FAR TOO LONG. new lights. much whiter and fewer of them New directional lights installed in different locations to old ones. Fewer in number The street lighting does not work, one lamp has never worked in 6 years and the other has stopped working in the last year. Nobody wants to take ownership of them and there are single elderly ladies that are very uneasy about opening their front doors. Coopers Gate Banbury. Many have been turned off Yes, they are not fixed as often as they used to be and there is a plethora of different types at the moment. I am the one who seems to only report lights that are out. Some posts have been in place for many years. 162 I have only recently moved into the area The council changed the street lighting from amber to white lights which are much better to see in. The old amber lights we easy to see but the light was difficult to see anything in. The new white lights are much better. New lamp post put in last year... There are no street lights at all in my area Most street lights are turned off in my road after 11pm. This makes me feel unsafe when walking home in the dark late at night. Some lighting has been placed much higher with resultant low ambiance at street level. Improved due to lights being repaired After the lights have gone out, it is pitch black, which has promoted me and some of my neighbours to have security lights on timers on our property at our own cost. New lights installed this month The street lights were upgraded a few years ago but I am not sure of the year. The area is brighter now. No change in my area so far. I should be very worried if our lights are turned off at night New power saving lights installed Parish council has turned many off to save money. Also changing bulbs to more energy efficient. New street lighting is being installed and as part of this process, one of the three lamps in our close will be removed and not replaced Upgraded lights switched off between 1AM and 5 30AM Dimmed some street lights disconnected Energy saving measures have been taken and are welcome The old street lighting has been replaced for more modern ones. I have noticed new street lights put up down our road, but they do not work yet! additional lighting where there has been housing development during this time .Lights OFF between 00.30 and 05.30 The way home from my local station is along an unlit road. I cannot use the station for several months of the year. Sometimes some lights are out completely, maybe they are broken? Some lights go out and it can be a while before someone fixes them. We do not have lights and what is just as bad is that we do not have pavements. We struggled to get a 30 mph speed limit but a lot of motorists ignore it, despite the bends in the road. Much improved We don't have any Much brighter I have been to areas where there is little or no street lighting and this makes me feel very unsafe. I also feel that this means there is more opportunity for crime. I also worry about my children safety when comng home through areas where there is little street lighting. Many streets are poorly or virtually not lit New street lighting installed in 2012 resulted in a very severe reduction in the lighting quality. A reduction of two lamp posts and new lights which are far less effective and reduce the feelings of safety and security. Lighting "spread" has been reduced resulting in many areas of the street being in complete darkness 163 All street lighting replaced with energy efficient lamps All street lighting is now switched off at night, Most lights have been replaced with modern units. No changes to lighting but lamp nearest to my house has not worked for around 2 months and Peterborough Council are dragging their heals on the rectification work that is required. Lack of trimming back vegetation and replacing failed bulbs. Lights dimmed or blocked especially during summer. Council were informed and did nothing. Lamp standards are in need of a repaint 1 street light is right outside our house in an area where no one ever goes, it would help if it were switched off after 10pm as it shines through our curtains & blinds disturbing our sleep, save money & switch off allowing us to sleep Maintenance of street lighting is spasmodic and alot of the time street lights are not fully repaired requiring return visits to correct the failures. Replacement lamp posts in some areas. They're all still pretty dim, and need brightening up. Our street lights have just been replaced and whilst the posts are taller and the lighting better the overhanging trees along the road tend to cover the lights to some degree Street lights on main roads reduced Replacement bulbs - slightly different colour Some replacement columns New Street lighting provided in our Close and othe neighbourhoods. The street lights have recently been replaced, they do not line up, they are in different positions and some have been removed. more lights It was about 3 years ago that the lights were first switched off at midnight Have industrial street lights replaced recently by equally tall lights most lost in the trees further up the road. Totally inappropriate for the road they are on. The old lamp posts have been replaced with new lighting and seems more reliable I'd have preferred it if it had been removed entirely. We've gone from a yellow sodium lamp shining in our bedroom window to a white light on a taller column shining into our window. We asked for a shield but were told we couldn't have one. They SAY it is dimmed, but I don't believe them. The council has upgraded the lighting in our street so it is brighter. This improves security. Lighting in dimmed, although i live in a central urban area (less than 10 min walk to train station & main shopping centre) i don't like walking due lowered lighting, business district so not many people about in evenings between train station, residential area and road layout mean pedestrian are directed through underpasses. It cost £5.70 in a taxi for a 1mile journey to my flat. Earlier in year there was a front page article in local paper as council cutting evening bus services, one of them being a night bus due to lack of use. I've lived here for 7 years & had not been aware there was a night bus that actually stopped outside my apartment complex! Some new street lights have replaced some of the old near my house on busier roads. Theses are brighter and illuminate the street better. The alleys or cut through paths have very poor lighting or none at all so I would not walk down them at night. We have had some new street lighting put in which is white rather then yellow light and much better. 164 Old streetlights have been removed and replaced by fewer but brighter streetlights Extremely bright. We had one installed outside our house and bedroom. The bright light shone directly in although we did enquire about this and the council installed a guard around the light to try and reduce the light shining outwards. not enough lights in village still need a torch at night They were renewed a while ago, and are now not as bright as they were. I feel that they seem more dim but really am not sure New lampposts installed. Streetlights switched off in some roads late evening. 2 out of 3 switched off randomly, so we can be in total darkness. When lights fail they are very slow to repair them new down lights in some areas Lights off at midnight We moved to partial street lighting, off between midnight and 6am, in many of the streets in my neighbourhood in April 2012. in answer to q.7 there is some street lighting but not enough. Adjacent areas with street lighting have increasing numbers of failed lamps, no routine maintenance. They have recently been replaced just dim The lighting is not a bright as I remember when we first moved here. There seems to be more street lights waiting for repair This being a village community we could always do with more street lighting. Street lighting is provided but a torch is necessary if going beyond the central areas of the village. I live in the Park, Nottingham. The gas-lit lighting is so dim it feels like a zombie land after dusk. Even my male friends do not feel safe or relaxed walking the park in the evenings. I really believe the Park needs proper street lights not the gas-lit one. They don't seem to be maintained as well One light in my street so overgrown by tree branches you can barely see it. We've never had street lighting in our village. New lights have recently been installed there are not enough street lights in my street. We had a period when several lights were off but this seems to have been changed when the maintenance men replaced some light bulbs Slight improvement in immediate area. Huge reduction nearby where lights have been switched off making it very unsafe for pedestrians. The lamppost outside my house is switched off. It is very dark when coming home at night, I struggle to put the keys in the lock. Colour has changed to white from yellow Pls note I have a dog which I walk @ 6.30pm in the morning before going to work. I used to walk my dog earlier but felt very threatened without street lights. Also when I have been out in the evening I have to get back before the street lights go out - which can be very inconvenient. There is currently a plan being discussed by county council to further reduce street lighting At odd times the Street Lights are on all Day, sometimes this is due to repairs but some times they remain on for a few days. Street light levels are now much lower than previously. LED lighting Lampstandards replaced with improved lights Very dim, almost non existent 165 They now go off at about 2am till 5am no problems NEW STREET LAMPS INSTALLED. THEY ARE BRIGHTER THAN THE OLD ONES They turn most of them off after midnight to 5am, I think. Just the "main" roads through the village and the junctions are lit, the rest aren't. On the odd occasion I've been up, I've noticed it's not so bright outside, which actually helps me sleep because one of the darkened street lamps is aimed at my bedroom when lit... Well maintained in general with occasional lapses the lights are not maintained like they used to be and will often be out for long periods awaiting fixing new white lights that appear not as bright as old orange ones yes - few lights working. Old style lights that don't really light the street. Replacement lights installed, shorter but much brighter in the immediate vicinity. They have be replace in the last few month and they seem brighter NA Lighting is very poor within the village More need repairing. Also one street around corner from me is a major thoroughfare but has car sales rooms and is lit up like a Christmas street - far too many light grid road lighting has now been restored, it should never have been switched off in the first place, unfortunately the Council are tardy with street light repairs Some see to be on in the day time and not on at night. We had a partial switching off 2 winters ago, it wasn't a success and now lights are on constantly throughout the night We had lovely new street lights. I like them because they are much less bright and give a prettier light. I don't like it when the streets are too brightly lit. When it's nighttime I think we should be able to enjoy the darkness . The streets leading to our culdesaclose have partial lighting which makes it darker. many not working as far as I am aware its been the same for 25+ years Our street lights go on at 1.15am and off at first light.We have a large majority of older generation and apart from feeling rather apprehensive about ourselves,cannot understand why this situation is being carried on.We have two large gipsy communities(1 on each side of town) which not only cause trouble during daytime in and around town but are a problem at all times.The local council or whoever make these decisions about street lighting will be on a hiding to nothing now the clocks are changing., New lights are brighter Street lights off but road signs illuminated - what is the point in that - they are fluorescent!! Less lights seem to be on and as such leave dark corners, who knows what goes on in them. Replaced Road to Mursley off Bletchley roundabout seems to have had lights turned off. This road is often used by "Boy-racers" at night and would benefit the rest of us with the lights back on. Lighting lower and not always maintained. 166 All been replaced with high intensity lights Street lights taking longer to be replaced when blown. have got better Only replaced with more modern (brighter) lamps. I think that some of the street lights have had dimmers installed Once I am at home with the curtains drawn I tend not to look outside unless I have the feeling that something is happening so I probably don't notice if the lights in Kinnaird Close have been dimmed or not. Milton Keynes has pedestrian/cyclist lanes called redways - these are not being lit as well as they used to be and I feel less safe when walking my dogs because of this. Not in my direct neighbourhood but when I am out, especially travelling on the dual carriageway towards Tescos - it is very dark where street lights have been turned off. Not as quick to repair ,even when email to tell them street light faulty . Thers are a number of very dark areas on the street where I live. See also 21 below. change to LED from sodium Stratford upon avon have adopted a lights out late evening,this impacts on single females safety when working till 11 pm At the roundabout where the new by-pass will be. Totally unnecessary! New standards with different lamps. new street lights which are brighter but can be intrusive, eg bright bedrooms difficult to sleep. some swithced off Lights on the main road (A4) are brighter. I know the parish council are considering having lights switched off overnight but my perception is this is already happening (could be wrong though) Not sure but they do not seem as bright as they used to. Longer for repairs to street lighting to take place. Being updated and added to in number It can take up to three years to get a street lamp fixed. Seem dimmer and go off over night. Would welcome less lighting or subdued lighting as live on buttercup road/wood avens way roundabout on the grange estate !! It's TOO light and affects sleep...have fitted two sets of blackout blinds to help Requested less lighting but told roads not adopted yet!! turned off completely in some cases or only midnight - 530am New street lighting installed seem to be dimmer and less street lights turned on The Lighting is now down lighting which is not as bright as before Street lights are switched off at regular intervals which doesn't help as crime has gone up in our area. streetlights are being replaced with new ones. Not all old streetlights are being replaced. That is some are deliberately NOT being replaced. So in some areas there will be less light/dark areas that was not so before. Local authority lighting is at a reduced level Street lights being replaced with energy efficient lamps need lighting See 8 above 167 New LED lights New dimming lights replaced existing New lights are being installed but we are having to lose one. We have compklained about it and received a very negative response! Street light outside my house has been switched off. It is on a sharp bend with cars parked close by. My drive is very dark until my own outside light switches on (proximity sensor) New lights fitted 2012 The majority of the street lights are turned off at midnight with maybe only every 3rd or 4th light left on. This does leave some very dark areas between both a communal car park and my front door or along the route when walking back from town. Street lights on opposit side of road, and often one or other is not lit, whether by design or malfunction. This creates patchy areas iof light, which together with poor, injmy view, footpath surfaces make it unsuitasble for elderly people to walk The street lights n the street and the local park have all been dimmed in recent years, this makes the park darker and unsafe. Haven't lived here that long Street light switched off on stretches of A413 Me lights where put up Some of the lights are not always on. I am not sure whether this is deliberate or because maintenance is not being carried out on faulty units. they street lights do not appear to be serviced or checked as often as they once were as twice in the last year I have had to report a street lamp out on our road albeit it was corrected swiftly. The council are now turning off every 2nd light. Pensioners are scared of falling as well as being attacked They were replaced less of it! I live on a private estate with night time street lighting quality is much better Reduced provision in areas of most use following chnages to alleyways and paths on estate. Some lights are now located in 'dead ends'. One has not worked since may I have reported it many times More use of full cut off lamps that don't cause light pollution of the sky some growth needs to be trimmed back on some, the lamps. used to be cleaned every two years not sure if this happens now Street lights only on as far as crossing outside house so not so bad yes not far away we have a main road and the evening street lights ahave been switched off,,trying to save money Recently one very bright street light has appeared on our street. New low energy lamps have been fitted in all roads around my local area. The 'conservation streets' have swan-necked lamps and the other streets have modern, oblong lamps. Lights upgraded to led,s very good New 'orange' street lights have replaced older 'white' lights. n/a It's changed colour to yellow. I live in a village which I consider to be safe at night and street lighting more than adequate 168 Street lights between ingoldemols & chapel st leonards switched of completely LCC cuts dangerous road, no pavements. Chapel street lights much dimmer very intimidating. Every other light switched off is bad enough but when other lights are not working it is very dark some lamps switched off by council, to save money making the area darker. It has been upgraded with new posts and lights. Some lights dont seem to be on Big improvement - very much appreciated! When not working takes ages for the ONE light in my part of the street of 30 houses to be fixed I have only been in this area for about a year so not sure whether or not there have been any changes. Old lights replaced by more efficient, brighter ones. New street lamps installed about one year ago. Lighting considerably improved since then. DO NOT GO OUT DURING PERIOD OFTEN ENOUGH TO REMEMBER BUT THE LAST TIME KINGS ROAD AND A413 SEEMED VERY DARK IN PARTS Street lights are switched off ORIGINAL 25 YEAR STREET LIGHTS WERE REPLACED 10/2013.....NEW LIGHTS ARE BRIGHTER AND APPEAR TO ILLUMINATE THE STREET BETTER....I UNDERSTAND THAT THEY USE LESS ELECTRICITY TOO We seem to have more faults and lights not working now they are being switched on and off more New lights were fitted and they are NOT as bright as the previous ones The road has had installed much more powerful, white light lampposts to replace the old amber ones. The lighting is now much better. usually I'm not out when the lights are on. Curtains are drawn so I don't see out. IT HAS BEEN SWITCHED OFF We have very little street lighting so if we go out when it's dark I always take a torch. I don't feel safe when I can't see where I'm walking. Street lighting is adequate but was never of a high enough standard to seriously decline. Council will not adopt the Close in which we live - hence inadequate lighting The County Council have cut off every other street lamp with no detriment. The Parish Council are considering reducing some lighting. Switched off after midnight The street light adjacent to the front of our property works only intermittently for the entire time it is supposed to be on. It has been intermittent for at least two the last two (2) years even though it has been serviced. The next street light along on the same side of the road at a bend by a lay-by is also intermittent & can be off when the first is flickering & vice versa. Either or both of them can be off for up to one minute at a time. The second street light is has fields behind it (part of the Meadow Park). The lights are now turned off around midnight and come on between 5 - 6 am Lights go off at midnight and come on again around 6.00am Possibly upgraded. Workers have been seen On street light was replaced after being off for over a year More broken/non-working lights. Lights going off at stipulated times as mantioned above here. Quite a large number of street lights turned off by County Council as an economy. 169 additional lighting in recreation park Never been any street lighting in Prestwood. replaced with new type of lighting and street lamps set back from the edge of kerb. Basically just the dimming Turned off during early hours of morning. street lights not woking are a regular occurance there go off and on not save to walk as there are alot of bushes that have over growen I have only lived in this neighborough for a year, so I don't know if there were any changes, but as far as my street goes, there are only two street lights and it gets very dark, to the point where I have to take my keys out before I turn into my street otherwise I wouldn't be able to find them in my bag or even to find the right key when I get to the door. They go off at night new lights fitted 2012 all working ok The lights are not so bright nowadays. New lights have been installed but much duller and harder to see New lighting on main roads The new type of lights they have installed in my area are no good at all and dazzle you when you drive up the road New lights, some switched off Even when just one street light is not working, we feel less safe and report it to the council. Changed to LED Lighting and does not give adequate safe lighting to prevent burglaries in area yes new regulation lights leaving some areas in darknesspreferred other lights which were removed I've only lived here for 3 years so cannot say Some missing/removed Recently had street lighting changed. New lighting much brighter than old orange street light. In one particularly quiet area the lights have been reduced by 50%, making it feel very unsafe, particularly for females. Most switched off at midnight, very disturbing Crime is independent from street lighting. Often lights take ages to be repaired. Some lights not been working properly for over a year (a row keeps turning on/off) Only lived there for 14 months I've only lived here for the past 10 months. new light in the alleyway but the old lights are still in situ What do you mean "do you identify as male or female". It is an outrageous and sexist question. They have been switched off between 0100 and 0600 Council think it's a good idea to extinguish every second light to save money! Personally I'd rather have the light & remove the mayor to save money. Renewed with Lamps that dim after late evening. The local council in partnership with a lighting company installed a new lighting system on part of the Wollaton Park housing estate ,and residents are not too happy with it Turn off at midnight leave village in complete darkness When driving around the area 170 light have been replace - so there are less of them but they are a white light and brighter. I do not feel it has made any difference though. They are being replaced at the moment to higher and better apparently we will see when they are finished. A row of perfectly serviceable street lights were replaced by a new row of street light emitting a different colour of light. It is almost 'daylight' where I live but STILL I've been burgled twice and garden/garage equipment have been taken. I live alone and have a large house and grounds and have always felt safe until the last few years. I now am fully 'alarmed' but still debating on whether to put in CCTV. We used to have a local 'bobby' who always made me feel safe but the government cuts mean I can no longer call on him to keep an eye out for me. Is this progress ???? LED lighting. Very bright. Additional lighting following infill development Sometimes street lights stop working and are not fixed for weeks! In some areas lights go off at midnight there is one solitary light at the junction at the end of our lane - this has not changed in 20 years. Every other lamppost is off. Especially down alleyways I think there are some street lights that seem to come on when you approach them, I am happy with the amount of lighting etc that is around up until recentley I was always out and about with our dog no longer here. So i am very used to being out and about in the dark with or without the dog. more attention appears to be given to pathway lighting than to road/pathway lighting Local road with no path or houses switches off 12 to 6. P F I Contract has meant installed new, brighter lighting columns. Some areas still require better lighting Turned off for a trial period The street lights are fairly far apart anyway so there is not much potential for reducing levels without making us resort to torches. More of them don't work, a trial was run by my LA where some were turned off but then had to be turned back on, and now we have both pavement/footpath and highway lights burning side by side. Illogical. some have been turned off Lights nearby are dimmed and/or switched off but not in the immediate vicinity Repairs take longer to be carried out and certain areas are left unlite because of no street light eing installed, so you walk from a lighted area into darkened areas and then back into lighted areas. I'm out at 6am and between 9pm-10pm walking the dog (before work & bedtime) when it its now dark, but stay on main road where there is decent street lighting & don't go near area's where I wouldn't feel safe - i.e, local caravan park where a lot of 'unsavoury' people live and the local park where trouble makers congregate. New downward facing lights New street Lighting currently being installed around daventry, but there are some very dark walkways one being around Drayton (Opposite Cummins).This is used a lot by school children and people going between housing estates Repairs are slower Lights are switched off at midnight to 5.00 a.m. in some side streets lights turned off on some roads Little in the way of repair work Lights go off at midnight to 5.00 am 171 New style bulbs appear to give more light There is talk of lighting reduction but not sure how it affects us. We live past the last street light on the road, at times when it has failed it has taken weeks to fix but as this is a small village 1000+ inhabitants, attacks at night is almost unheard of New cost effective, LED lighting on street lamps with less "spread" to the pavement and driveway areas makes everything seem darker. There are plans to reduce the street lighting in roads other than main routes but these are not yet implemented Plans to reduce lighting were not implemented Some switched off When they work on the estate they seem brighter than they used to be. There is always a light that is out though and it is very dark when that happens. I didn't feel safe on the main roads when the lights were switched off. It was too dark and visibility was very poor especially when driving late at night. It also is not a nice experience for a female driver on her own! One light isn't working overlooking the car park (since march) I have complained but it is still not fixed. There were burglaries last year and feel this gives them oppertunity to commit more crime. New lights that seem to direct light more downwards I live up an alley way and one of the lights has recently been removed. Making it dark and forbidding. Lights replaced - level of lighting now not uniform. Several dark areas I live on a crescent with only one street light and that now switches off at midnight which makes me feel very vulnerable if arriving home late Much less street lights, not all working. Particularly difficult to drive on A413 between Chalfont St Peter and Amersham. There is only one road I feel safe to walk on in Chalfont St Giles, the Deanway particularly with the new white lights Have arranged with KCC to illuminate public footpaths by change in type of lamp. dimmer than used to be A lot less lights are actually switched on in the evening The cul-de-sac I live in has 2 lights and both go out at around 11-00 pm. New one being put in alone the road off of us, not down our road though for some reason. sometimes the bulbs blow! New with corroled upward light polution, Are on all the night which I feel is unnecessary and they weren't before the change to the new lighting system. Flashes now Lighting replaced with up to date spread of light with columns relocated to give better light coverage. Energy efficient lighting replaced older lamps Lived here for less than two years. Not noticed any changes in this time. For the first time this year the street lights in our road are turned off at midnight (or thereabouts) We have no street lighting Dimmer light bulbs A413 VERY dark, I don't like it The standard of lighting is poor and spaced out. Street lighting on some roads Lighting in local park Some of the quieter roads have the lights out late at night. 172 More and better light were installed recently to replace the old ones. there are proposals from the County Council to make savings and to reduce the street lighting - i.e. dim in down Though most lights in our road go off at midnight it is no problem. I would rather they were not on at all. There is much evidence to show that it encourages crime. Youths hang around where they can see what is going on, not in the dark. Some of the lights aren't replaced when they break down. Not as bright since they changed the lampposts and lights. They are turned off at certain times and seem to take a while to be fixed when broken. Street lights on A4 off from midnight, I think this is a good idea for main roads but would be concerned if this was extended to more rural roads where there are currently lights. Lights on non-residential main roads were turned off for one winter and then turned on again. Only junctions were lit. As a driver I was concerned about cyclists and pedestrians in the road. New street lights, low upward lighting. Only the odd light dimmed or off .Darkness in some areas due to other factors.....such as over grown hedges,shrubs & tress etc. Switched off Only lived here 2 years Whilst lights in the village remain switched on those along the A roads have been switched off. lights were on after 11pm till recently when they got switched off at midnight, now they have changed again and they are on after midnight. Old lamp posts replaced with new Some of it has recently been improved There is no change other than if any lighting fails it takes longer to repair Brighter white lights new lampstandards in all streets Reduced time on Poynton to Macclesfield A523 road lights have been switched off. Dangerous bendy road. They have been switched on again at Butley Town!? Why only there. Surely if not fully on on this road, they should at least be dimmed? About 3 years ago - perhaps a little more, all the street lighting in our city was replaced with more modern lights - said to be more efficient. The general light levels in our local streets seem to be lower but more focused now. Switched off during the hours of darkness at junctions etc. Which is not helpful for a street light! Use of electricity should be kept at a minimum in view of dwindling resources. Bucks CC turned off the street lighting apart from at major junctions due to money saving Lights turned off at different locations including park walk through on Valeside gardens estate pitch black in certain areas Less and some people do not like it! Street nearby (Dunstans Drive, Winnersh) has street lighting turned off at night. At first I thought there was a fault. I do not feel safe walking in this area. Yes quite a few lights have been turned off only damage, but repairs have taken an extraordinarily long time. 173 We have only been in our house for one year, so it would be difficult to answer this question. However, after I received a letter from the council outlining changes to lighting in the area, I contacted the council for clarification. Apparently there are no plans to reduce lighting along our road although some lights will be replaced. I would not like to see the road lit any less than it is now. Some lights were switched off some years ago but public opinion saw the lighting reinstated. It was not a particular concern of mine but I could see how it could effect others. The plan of switching off was not fully thought through (ie the initial dark hours were set but were then not altered when the clocks changed) street lighting is new version to cut down on pollution The A413 between Chafont St Peter and Chalfont St Giles has no street lighting, except for a few locations. When walking on the footway on the A413 at night (eg alighting from a bus or a car lift) it is impossible to see and one cannot feel safe. The entrance / exit for the A413 / Misbourne Avenue is very obscured, even for car drivers. Some additional,selective lighting is required to improve comfort and security. More street lights not working Street lights are turned off When broken, they take much longer to be fixed. That being said, a number have just had the head units replaced with new lighting, possible led, which is whiter and brighter. Despite reporting faulty lighting to Cheshire East council, it often takes a long time before they are repaired. Switched off at night between 12.00 and 5.00am New bright led lights installed, but one hasn't been switched on I don't think. Replaced recently Reduced lighting in the street since the council moved lights and reduced their numbers, large pockets of black out spots; one side of the road now in darkness. Lights go off at 12 midnight. There is 1street light on our lane,there is children's home at the end of the lane.the light is off between 00.30am until 5am I leave my home at 5 am every morning and I am very aware just in case Illuminated only near intersections only on dual carriageway. got better Street lights are turned off after midnight and not switched back on until 6.30am. There are people in our area who work shifts and need to walk to/from work and also to do things like exercise dogs before/after work hours, and with no street lights, how exactly are they expected to see their animal's mess to clean it up!! Also should at least be left on through the night Fri-Sun to account for those who like to have a night out. It's very unsafe as a single female to walk home in total darkness after midnight. But then again the focus is all about money and never on people's safety. It will probably take someone to be attacked, or worse, after midnight before anything sensible is done. Lighting has been upgraded to LED lamps which are more energy efficient and give better light. All new lights - brighter and better Change from Sodium to "White Light" since the new lighting was installed it is brighter the light points down more since new heads have been put on 50 % have been swtiched off due to council cuts / saving initiatives New lamp has been fitted after several complaints of failures of the lamp not working 174 lights in our actual road are turned off at night now Some is switched off and some is dimmer Not as bright & less lamp posts Main road (B4300) has some lights out leading into the village. At one time, some lamps were said to be switched-off during early morning hours. Light is not switched off till ?0100?. I'm not usually out at that time. If I was, I wouldn't be particularly worried New ,Brighter. New lights are brighter and are a different style - better New lights have gone in on all main roads. more street lights added in the garages Selected street lights have been rendered "not in use" - generally these are in places where they ARE NOT necessary because we now have new and much brighter (ie. extends further) street lighting. Some lights replaced by modern (lower energy?) versions. Changed from concrete to steel street lamps. Seem to dim later in the night. Some lights have been changed giving a white light much better than yellow light. You can now clearly see all the litter and dog fouling that's all over. WE HAD NEW LIGHTING ERECTED BUT UNSURE IF IT WAS IN THE LAST 3 YEARS Only lived here past 3 months ALthough we have street lighting, the lamps are a long way apart, and there are many trees here - so lots of dark areas even close to those few lamps because of the shade they cast. My wife won't walk out at night because of this. A Light removed so middle of street is very dark Don't work, not maintained Street Lighting should not be switched off between dawn and dusk as this makes many elderly people and single women feel vulnerable. Is this a fair price to pay for minescule savings? Different bulbs used so brighter areas lights off at midnight to save money and raw materials. I live opposite a wooded area and it is really dark, because of less lighting we have had trouble in the area. I walk my dog very early in the morning = the lampposts are non existent along the walk from Heelas Road to Smith Walk. Driving on roads in the neighbourhood only lit on roundabouts makes focussing difficult and therefore driving less safe. The closure of a walk way means I now have to walk along an unlit pathway next to a wooded area to access my swimming pool. I feel more vulnerable when walking alone, whether with a male or female companion. They switched stretches off for about a year/18 months but they are on all night now I fully support the reduction in street lighting. Too many dark areas more dimmed Lights are turned off late at night to save energy No changes. Only lived here 6 months Replacement with fewer more efficient units, illumination levels seem about the same. They replaced all the old nice soft orange street lights with very harsh bright white streetlights 175 The Tory Council severely cut them back (either totally or via time-clock), then had to moderate that decision by restoring some (e.g., the light outside ours, being at the top of a t-junction, came back on fully); now the more balanced council has restored lighting in response to many public worries & some evidence of increase in crime. Lights are not allways repaired quickly when not working New light recently installed but there is much greater distance between them and it is very dark in places at night. The lighting replaced was relatively new and in good condition. It seems wrong to have spent money on new lights. It would have been better to keep what we had and have better lighting. It has become dimmer modernised and dulled at certain times in the night. I get up 3 to 7 times per night The lamps in the village are very few. The village is mostly dark. The incidence of crime is very small, except when the is a flare.....and that can last a few years. I would prefer that there be no lights on the street, to enjoy the sky. The lights here do not make much or any difference to crime here as the sorts of crime are more theft of agricultural vehicles, some drug dealing, drink drive...etc. New lights which have made a difference, they are brighter and light up a larger area. sometimes some lights don't work, not sure if on purpose or broken Steert lighting replaced with fewer replcement lights some dark patches. They seem to break down a lot! Main lights in the area are truned of at times The old lights have been updated and the level of light is excellent. There seem to be fewer lights now in some areas eg along River Cam pathways Street lights should all be switched off and recycled to save money and the environment. Dont appear to be as bright. Outside of the village main lights to the M40 are off half of existing lights permanently turned off. replacement lights for other half being installed. New lights not going into pedestrian walkways, footpaths - only along roads and streets. Poor lighting due to overhanging trees But wouldn't want any switched off Yes burglary on our estate Lights switch on when approached and off after a few minutes when passed in the alleyway linking my estate to my village Street lights VERY infrequent in our village. Street lights have been turned off on some nearby main roads (assumed to be not "our neighbourhood"). Happy with both these situations.. The old street lights were removed, area by area, and replaced by fewer but newer lights that are better. They are taller and the range of the light from each is greater than previously, they are cheaper to run and give out a better light without glare. have been upgraded Street lighting has been reduced by removing the number of colums in the street and also reducing the level of lighting from the others Side roads seem darker or not so brightly lit one sodium lamp replaced with a newer whiter LED buld Lights inoperative take and inordinate time to be repaired. Where sodium lux are replaced everything is brighter. less lighting on ring roads street lighting has been replaced 176 The lights have recently been changed for 'halogen' down lighter type lamps, and do not cover the same area as they used to, leaving areas between lamps unlit. As a co-ordinator we have worked with the council to I prove street lights,most have been changed from orange to bright clear lights,and cost less torun We pay for street lightning, especially important at night to deter criminal activity , so it should not be dimmed or switched offf! main A4 bath road lights off until 5-30am Change from low sodium to high pressure sodium in SOME of the lights. lights in road off approx. 0100 - 0600/0700 Its always been non existent Some out of town main road (A6) lights now switched off for economy) Improved lamps with increased light We have campaigned for street lights where there was none. We don't have street lightening Street light has not functioned outside my house for about 18 months Good bright lights. Now even better than before. One of our street lamps has been completely replaced, though I don't notice any difference in lighting quality, as we live several doors down from it. The street lights on our road are turned off in the evening. Our road is one of the principal routes between local villages and Princes Risborough station. Apart from the heightened security risk - there have been a number of robberies and break-ins in our road recently, there is also a safety issue to be considered. I walk my big dog, so I do feel safe, but thanks for alerting me to the possibility of dimming etc. I will keep it in mind in case it happens here. Some of the street lights are now a bright white rather than yellow. Street Light turned off due to cut upgraded to LED Only recently moved to the area 6 months ago. So not sure of changes Between Liston Court (after passing the shops) and where it intersects with the street, there is light that is intermittent but should be on all of the lighting up times. This is because it would easy to collide with anyone making the turning into Liston Court and someone coming from Liston Court. We dont have street lights Have very little lighting in the village. Improvements to the system have been made We have been advised that a number of street lights in our area are imminently to be removed to reduce cost. new lighting but now very dim Lights are turned off in in Side Streets but Crime has not increased. One light at the end of our road has been turned off. Upgraded New lampposts have gone up in the last couple of weeks, the street seems to be alot darker now, only if you are directly under the lamp do you get the light. Properties are no longer illuminated anymore, ideal for burglers. We have had all the street lamps renewed with better quailty in brightness only last year. Brighter There has been no change to date,however, I do believe change is coming. They are switched off after midnight Some of the lights have been turned off and it is very dark at night Some are switched off. The one in our lane has not been working for 4 days. 177 Seems as if we have more lighting than strictly necessary. SOME HAVE BEEN SWITCHED OFF PERMANENTLY Alternate street lights are switched off We need better street lighting new ligths seem to be whiter, which is good since the old amber lighting is terrible. Some street lights in my area are switched off after approx 11 pm I think. I would not like to switch them off any earlier for safety concerns Personally, I think people should carry a pocket torch and enjoy dark skies with vivid stars. One street light stopped working and I don't miss it. There is a streetlight across the Village Green. STREET LIGHTS ON MAIN ROAD ARE OFF AND HAVE WALKED ON BROKEN GLASS BECAUASE I HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO SEE IT. Less lighting in Whaley Bridge Fewer lamps are lit I live in Coton and work in Cambridge. My main concern is the lack of lighting on the Coton foot/cycle path. The path between the Cavendish labs and Coton has no cats' eyes to mark the edges of the path and no overhead lighting and so for half of the year it feels unsafe from fairly early in the evening until it gets light in the morning. Some reflective items at the edges of the path would make a huge difference, as would some overhead lighting. ALL street lighting recently replaced with new type lighting. Lighting in Haddenham has always been poor! Some lights no longer working Change in some areas to a white light at night which is clearer and better All lamp posts in Surrey are being replaced with more efficient, automated ones. The new lamps are good. Orange Sodium to white New street lights have been installed which are much dimmer, the place feels less secure than before, mainly due to subdued lighting. The local authority Cheshire East are slow to repair defective street lights and do not keep to their time scales for carrying out repairs.Some main roads are not illuminated at night. Street lights are often broken and not fixed for considerable amounts of time meaning that some roads are pitch black. Our village only has courtesy lighting with about 15-20 lights spread throughout the area (with only one in our Close) otherwise we rely on people's lights outside their homes In general in the local towns and villages, lights are off over night, which I support in terms of lower carbon use, less light pollution and lower council costs. New taller street lights Yellow lights changed to white. YES THE LIGHTS ARE NOW DEFINITELY DIMMER Our streets are much darker since the council introduced new street lighting . They were a waste of council payers hard earn't money and have put our safety at risk . Some streets have good lighting mine doese not need white light so to make it easer for my cctv camera to pick up face recenition. The lights go off on a timer and not according to lighting requirements New style lamp posts with greater lamination. George wimpey the house builders still own our small estate, not the council. They do not replace street light bulbs and it makes me feel slightly less safe, but also harder to walk about! 178 When there is a need to go out early and the street lights are out it isn't at all welcoming .tradesmen etc must find difficulty delivering in the dark.thankfully numerous security lights come on in this neighbourhood. Most of them are dimmed or off now turned off between 1am amd 6.45am(approx) a lot of the lights do not work Changed to led type lighting I have not lived here all that long County Council can (not always) be very slow to fix a light Introduction of timers to switch them off during the night between 12pm - 3am Sadly, no. There is far too much. I felt safer when there was just 1 street lamp between our 6 houses. Now, since the vile new road has been built, we are lit up constantly and it makes it so much easier for 'ne'er do wells' to check us out. All the street lights on the main roads are switched off at night near to where I live which causes problems for me as I cannot drive on roads without lights. We've just had the new replacement lighting. don,t know only lived here a year Some of them switch of so not so many lighting area. LED lighting has been put in some areas Fewer lights They have been "upgraded" to new lights. These are white not orange so have better colour rendering, but cast lots of dark shadows and pools of light in odd places. The area "feels" less safe, due to this but I doubt it is any less safe. recent turning off of lights at aprox 00:30 We have got street lights that are turned off at midnight (i think) New street lights in the whole village Main roads have brighter lights but side streets don't which is unnerving at night and very notable when out I think we have too many street lights on all through the night on our road every othyer one could go off at 11pm! Lights switched off between 24.00 & 05.00 brighter lighting New light units have been installed, and the path and houses are no longer lit as much as before as the light is targeted toward the road surface. sometimes some of the lights are not on , but it doesn't appear to be a regular thing The lights are off during the darkest hours. Between 11.00p.m. and 5.00a.m., I think Not lived in mk very long Our streetlighting was upgraded as part of Nottingham City Council's streetlighting programme. Limited lighting in some area. Ever other one on They take long to change blown bulbs or repair damage Some renewal of lampposts; also the switching off at 1am We have had low energy led street lighting in a couple of roads around our house, but not our street. Some streeet lighting turned off at night Some improvement in type of lamps used Partial night lighting. But only in some areas, some footpaths are unlit after midnight while other remain lit. In an urban area I would feel vulnerable if there were no street lights Lights on some main roads have switched off 179 New whiter lights installed in our street New lights about 3 years ago? Street lights are not as bright some nights it:s switched off. The close is in pitch darkness. There are a lot of lights either not working (have been reported but little done) or on at in inopportune time Not sure if they are dimmed at night Been improved so much brighter For a short period some of the street lighting was turned off during the night. It was much better. Some lights have been switched off to save money. The contractors booked to do the repairs by the council are now much slower in getting the work done so ,ight s are out of action for longer periods Change from blue light to yellow light (lower electricity use) resulting in much poorer lighting, overall not good for people with poor eyesight especially as you get older. Some Highway lights wsitched off just put new lamposts in not as bright as old ones New bright white street lights have been installed which look like energy efficient ones, much brighter. either dimmed or completely switched off A few more have been added in the vicinity of the village School. I did around 3 months ago make the council aware that a street light had gone out in the street where I live where it was replaced around a week later. since lights have been replaced there are more dark corners where the lights no longer reach, and areas that have now been plunged into darkness. Less of them are switched on during the evening We are at the end of a row of properties as you come to the end of the village and into roads flanked with fields - the street lighting doesn't go up to the end of the houses. We have had new high efficiency lamps installed at greater spacing in our neighbourhood. Many street lights turned off generally on the approach roads. change from orange street lights to white Some lights are switched off late evening/night Replaced all the street lights with stronger focussed lighting. Switched off around 11.45 pm until 5.00pm Not very bright and are covered by trees making it very dark. Yes. Nearest small town of Saffron Walden has been switching street lighting off at night for some time Lights in my road and other side roads have been replaced with much dimmer lights. There are now pockets of darkness at some junctions and outside some driveways. New lights recently fitted and light given off by them is poor. Changes in position of lights and type/colour of lights The street lights have been replaced with a reduced number of lights which has meant that there is less coverage and therefore significant dark patches too many street lights I think it is a huge waste of money and energy to have street lighting on overnight say after 00.30 a.m. Very few people are walking the streets at that time - in the winter they could go back on from around 6.00 a.m. Brand new street lights 4-6 month ago Lights on the opposite side of the road are switched off. 180 Requires up-grade to meet minimum specified requirements. NCC Street Lighting section are only able to upgrade when repairs/replacement lights requires. There was considerable concern in our Close when the night-lighting restrictions/switch-off (c.0100 - 05.30 hrs) was put in place but the actual effect has been minimal We have some new white lights even after reporting bulbs out they can take months to replace Street lights now switched off at midnight - from 2012 New bright white lights have been fitted. Means large black areas between lights and our bedroom being daylight most of the night. Recently the lights have been reduced making dark patches along the roads very hard to drive Our LA is maintaining the street lighting very well. To be honest there arent that many street lights in our street and on our corner it is very dark. Major roads are unlit Lights on the roads have been upgraded and improved. However the footpaths, alleyways and ratruns remain poorly lit and many of the lamps do not function. Unserrviceable lamps not being replaced as quickly as in the past. My home is not kerb-side but we have 'street lighting' for the paths. Perhaps three years ago one of the lights started blinking, not being on all the time. It took more than a year for my neighbours to get it repaired. An additional problem was that the branches of a tree cut off much of the light. I was advised that as the tree was privately owned I would need to approach the owner. However when a team came round about a year ago they cut it back. Now it needs cutting back again! A few years ago, probably more than three, at my request we had an additional light installed. New lights installed last year: new LED types ones which don't light up the sky but are brighter, and white in residential areas. Two years ago 50% of streetlights were turned off. This led to dark places and put a number of people off going out at night. One year ago new lampposts were installed which are more energy efficient and has improved lighting. There are many parts of the county which has 50% coverage. My estate is about10 years old and we do still have from time to time street lights that are not working .these get reported to the builders,we are not yet adopted by the city council,who repair them. Main Road Junction Lighting installed and then switched off permanently We have just had new street lights installed in some areas of the neighbourhood. Street lights changed from orange light to white light a few months ago. I think reason was to reduce light pollution, but while light is "nicer", they are produce much less light meaning that houses at the end of the cul-de-sac are very badly lit and possibly more vulnerable to burglary. Poor bulb replacement/repair time, sometimes weeks after being reported. Lights where 'upgraded' in the street and new lights where put in but not as many were put back as removed. We now have less lights per length of road with quite a few back spots. Newer, brighter, more irritating lights installed in my street, that shine into my home and affect my ability to sleep. half the lights in our street are switched off making one area of the road very dark indeed and I would not walk down that part of the road now 181 Less Street lamps have been replaced with white lights that illuminate the ground. These are now switched off between 12.30 am and 5.30 am lights turned off in next street across from us broken lights not repaired unless reported by residents Repairs take months Much lower level of lighting and an area of the street is really dark and needs an additional street lamp. One of them is LED Lights permanently turned off It is pitch black where I live and although the crime level is not high it is a busy road and very dangerous as the traffic is fast and few or no footpaths Dimmer at present time Gedling borough council have kept street lights on overnight which helps with safety Less lighting could result in possible accidents slips trips falls, open to attack by shady persons. Light levels have stayed the same, but the actual lights have all been replaced with energy saving systems Lights either broken and not repaired after reporting fault or perhaps have been switched off am not sure some lightsswitched off There are certain areas where there is little or no street lighting. Street lights have been changed from the orange ones to led ones to many light along the main road where there is no pedestrian access which is unnessary and costly. changed colour The street has trees which are starting to block out the light from street lights Some areas of my village no light but I have in my road, traffic Some new LED lights have been installed. New street lamps installed with a whiter light, but they dim at 11pm Our Street lights have been turned off over the last year or so from about 1:00am 6:00am. we had new street lights put in. changed the lighting at first but have got used to it now. They have replaced original lampposts with taller ones which are supposedly brighter. I reality they are now above the trees which stop the light getting through to the pavement level Lighting is no longer provided where I live, that is not beyond the high street New ones installed - taller to give a wider spread and a brighter light. Cuts In Street Lighting Maintenance and when you inform Kent County Council, there is a wait upton 1 month to repair or not repaired properly. All street lighting has ben renewed Some lights seem randomly to switch on and off. I can't tell whether they have been set to do this or whether there is a fault. I have not made enquiries about it. Not all lights do this. There seems to be no pattern or logical sequence either in terms of location, the length of the "off" period or any trigger that causes the lights to come on after being off. Based on that, I think that is more likely to be a fault than a conscious action by the council. I think that, if properly designed and implemented, it serves as a possible model for future street lighting. Once the light is broken I feel we are under curfew as ikt is so dark I do not deem it safe and it seems to take an age for them to fix it even when 2 or 3 of you ring in 182 A lot of lights do not work. Lights on main road have been switched off and are not on at all Some main road street lighting switched off completely. I will rarely go out so I can only put, not sure to q8 and q9 but very worried as we have just had notices to say that they will be permanently removing 2 streetlamps nearby along single track roads where a lot of people have to walk, as there is no pavement - removing one on a corner where there is no visibility and cars that go fast round the corner, and another near the village hall car park where there can be drunk men around on evenings when there are parties held there Too rural Street lights have been reduced in number, but working lights have been replaced by brighter models. I would like street lights in all but the main areas to go OUT over night. The lights shine in windows, impossible to block out all the light from bedrooms unless you sacrifice ventilation. They destroy your night sight making it harder to see where there are shadows. They also block out the stars.In a rural area this is particularly sad. Generally good but it can take up to a month to replace a blown bulb. A major problem is when the light in the traffic island signs blow as these also take to long to repair & are a major driving hazard until they are Many lights go out at night making the identification of the many Pot Holes in the roads almost impossible to see, it also makes it unsafe to walk out with cars whizzing past. No lamps Less regular maintenance. Lights can be out for months until someone has to report it on fix my street to get it repaired Street lights out from 12mn-05-30 colour change only New Persimmon development built without street lighting Not lived here that long As there have been a number of burglaries in the area more street lighting is needed i think as some area are quite dark and have become blind spots Multiple lights switched off by Northampton County Council to cut costs The street lighting in my neighbourhood is now permanently off. A hih number of the remaining lights in the area are not working. New street lighting has recently been installed which is very bright. I have emailed the council to ask if it can be turned down and have been told that the new lighting system can be turned dimmer electronically, after, I believe, 10pm. I have not noticed any change as yet. The lights are so bright I'm sure I could get a tan if I was to go outside. In a large village such as mine one I frequently use some short paths (metalled and unmetalled) which have no lighting provided and can be very black on a moonless or cloudy night. Certain streets seem to have it switched off. The council pays no regard for tress that block the street lighting effectiveness. Trees should never block the lighting. What i mean by blocking is trees allowed to grow to the height of the lamps and there should be sufficient to light up the street. My street has very few street lights especially at the head of cul de sacs. No lights on the busy main road between Altincham and Wilmslow. Driving is difficult, would not contemplate walking. 183 Essential to maintain pathway lighting. Lights are often obscured by trees which need drastic pruning to maintain safety. Some lights off new modern lighting has been instaled very old lighting on my street ,In need of an upgrade ,, New lights being installed I walk my dog late every evening and any lights not working properly are reported immediately. I always receive an acknowledgement and the repairs are carried out within 10 working days Would like to see our street lights turned off. It is only in recent years that lights have been installed. It was a much more pleasant environment without orane lights at night, Where there has been replacement lamp posts the level of lighting is more direct under the post but does leave darker patches in between. only certain street lights working ie one street light to light up a wide area I am not aware of any muggings or other abnormally dangerous situations in my neighbourhood, though they do happen within a few miles. council has removed the street light in front of the house in walk way, the area is so dark now with plenty trees across gives chane to burglary. All round orange lighting very slowly being changed for the more direct downlighting. Updated lighting just recently installed Street lights on residential roads inadequate. The turning off of lights on A40 and A413 an absolute disgrace. Completely renewed with more efficient ,more eco friendly white lighting. The whole of the County is replacing the street lights - at substantial cost ! This has been warnly welcomed by residents along some of the bigger roads some of the streetlights have been switched off I'm glad this survey has finally come up! I am extremely unhappy with the fact our street lights go off at night. I walk my dog at night as that can't be avoided... I am however finding myself in the dark as we live on a country road. I now feel extremely vulnerable at night and it is ONLY because the street lamps are now off. Also reading the neighbourhood watch emails regularly, it seems areas like ours (particularly around farms) is being targeted and it is probably for that reason! It is pitch black and burglars can go about their business without being seen. Two lamposts have been damaged and not replaced so the area is now darker than normal - the damage occured to one of them over two weeks ago and it has still to be replaced. Also lights are replaced with a dimmer lighting buld when they are replaced Would be happy with reduced street lighting Renewed Every other street light switched off on our estate Upgrading In some areas nearby not all lights work. new eco friendly lighting from Surrey CC I am aware that some councils are proposing street lighting cuts but I am not aware of any being implemented here at the moment. they go off at night New build site and very few lights installed at the moment Not as frequently maintained. Lights do not always work and it takes some time to get this remedied. Main street lights are left unfixed if the bulb goes 184 New metal poles and yellow lights Got a lot worse, rubbish, litter, drugs More lights are not working. Not at my old address. Don't know for new area. Northamptonshire County Council have switched off 50% of the street lights in the village. The Parish Council have provided the finance (against my recommendation) to have some lights in the Victorian and older areas of the village switched back on. The newer parts of the village either remain switched off. there is a recently constructed estate where the County Council have not yet adopted the street lighting and the developers continue to fund the full lighting as installed in those areas. In the whole of our street only 2 streetlights are off and one of them is directly outside our house.When I am coming home in the dark I am very wary when getting the car in the garage as it is so dark.I was under the impresion that every other one was to be switched off so why only 2 in our street.We had a heavy stone birdbath stolen from our front garden and no-one saw cos there are no lights. Some taken away and/or switched off. Those that are left have a poor quality of light. Much worse now. The council have switched off every other light between the hours of midnight to 0530 hrs: More and more of them are faulty i.e. not working, glowing red, on during the day. Reporting them to the councils online service does absolutely nothing. They remain faulty for weeks on end. If there are lights in place they should be switched on as it's safer for all. Lighting has stayed the same but is still very dim. Massive changes have taken place. Northamptonshire County Council removed every other streetlamp and replaced the ones left in situ with brighter lamps but many areas including our disabled adapted bungalow are now in total darkness at night. A police superintendent told us the police had not been consulted in any detail and they would have made representations to keep street lighting on particularly in those areas of Thorplands in Northampton that have high crime statistics. Street opposite has had brighter lighting Not fixed very quickly when broken. Poorly maintained despite requests to the council New lighting fitted changed from orange to white A new out of place massive white street light at the end of the road where it meets another road was added. i think there are to many young people hanging arround on street corners after dark when they should be indoors Tree pruning carried out by neighbour New directional lighting and separately some lights are switched off at 12:30 a.m Too much of it. I know about LED replacement and down lights, but there is still far too much street lighting. Street lights all replaced, I assume to low energy lights. Some lights are no longer used When it fails its not repaired so quickly. Sometimes the street lights go out as I'm walking down the street We have had 3 of the new brighter white "spot light" type lamps put in to replace the old orange coloured lamps. Sodium lamps throughout Cambridgeshire are being replaced with white lights which are dimmed late at night Lamp posts have been replaced in the last 3 months 185 New light put up but NO good when it rains as the bulbs blow some lights have been broken or have been turned off There is street lighting but lights are so far apart they are not really doing a satisfactory job. The lights apart from those on the corners of streets are turned off during the night. Also this doesn't seem to be altered allowing for British summertime/wintertime Some areas have reduced lighting at night with more due to come into force soon Greatly improved. It is better Recently the bulb failed in the street lamp outside of my house .It was replaced with an LED bulb and this is providing considerably less light in the vicinity than its fluorescent ? predecessor.Less than 50% would be my guess. Certainly adds to a sense of increased insecurity. Installed much better lights Some street lights are being replaced but ours haven't been, as yet. The lights now go off during the night but until until very late Repairs not made unless the local authority is pressed into action Not as bright on the street as it used to be. Certainly appears dimmer on the streets, but cannot be sure it has been physically dimmed. lights have been replaced with new brighter white lights instead of old yellow ones,however, no increase t frequency of street lights I think the lane where I live does not have lighting, maybe one at the top of the road. The street is actually quite dark at night. New lamposts with brighter lighting new ones Niggledly penny pinching by local councils claiming to make savings by switching off lighting. The effect is a loss of public amenity and reduced safety. Many columns replaced wth taller ones which often puts the lamp head in or above the tree/bush canopy creating areas of shadow, also lamps are "energy" efficient types which don't appear to give as much light, albeit it's just about adequate. More lamps not working and only repaired when I report them, no longer any regular check-ups etc The lights have been replaced; the replacements are very bright. I would prefer the lights to be switched off in the late evening (say after 11:30) to discourage crime at night They have got brighter---like sleeping under a searchlight There is an alleyway beside my house which is unlit and 3 years ago I was burgalled. I have campaigned for a light own there but was told no need!! next street lighting improved The lights have been dimmed. I haven't lived here for that long Street lighting on A roads has been turned off to save money but often this lighting is in places that need it, especially in Great Missenden where its at points that are susceptible to flooding. Street lighting have always been off in my neibourhood Only moved within the last year but no changes in that time. Lighting is about to be updated with new low-energy lamps on new lamp standards. Some positions will be altered, but the overall light levels should remain about the same. Two street lights not working and have been out for sometime. 186 The lighting is timed to go off during the night when it is not required - this obviously helps to save energy and is an important criteria to consider adopting everywhere where sensible on/off periods would benefit the environment. The Essex County Council are about to switch off the lights in our area overnight Some lights seem to go out as you approach them. ! The main street light is very poor in size and quality. We have been target of crime within our road from 2008. Lighting is something we are looking at to improve the problems we are having. Street lighting is very poor, but households show outside lights, and it enables us to see the stars. Some lights replaced with brighter ones. Took 12 months to repair 3 street lights close to house Not many street lights on the road and as we live down a lane feel vunerable The street light stay on in the Village "reduced" wattage lights introduced so at the end of our close it seems somehow darker. Though I am assured the power is still the same ! Not sufficient lighting in Holmer Green Road. Trees no longer cut back to expose what little lighting there is. Brighter lights but some not always turned on for financial reasons One is off down a alleyway so it dark Some street lights are now switching off after mid-night More street lights installed near my home. I object to the consequent light pollution. some are switched off New street lights currently being installed. Lights didn't used to be dimmed, this is fairly recent. We have very few lights - one on a road junction between 2 lanes and one or two others on a long residential road. The problem is that there is no pavement and a good torch is essential to avoid tripping over on people's grass verges.There is lighting on the village high street. Street lights create shadows in which people can hide. No light = no shadows. Every one can see each other, or not as the case may be Lights have been moved and there are less of them. I think some are turned off, but I couldn't say if this is just on the major roads and not in the residential areas. Only lived at address 1 year. Some of the street lights have been changed, replaced with another one. We have ahead new bulbs put in old ones with a white colour and on the main road new lamp posts with white dazzling light. We have 3 street lights, one for each of the entry points, otherwise the village is unlit. many paople have proximity security lights. Since I live on the main road into our estate I feel that the poor illumination at junctions along the road, as made thing more unsafe and more dangerous to both motorists & pedestrians. I know the lights do go off at about 1am but it is surprising how much activity there is, more so when there are events such as Happen in Oct Nov & December. More lights switched off. Some of the lighting was turned off during part of the night. As 8. above Its a lot darker 187 where i live the street lighting far exceeds the req level of lighting for a road or any other road for that matter more akin to a football stadium with the floodlights on Street lighting is much safer, especially for driving at night. Particularly if it is raining. Street lighting should never be switched off at roundabouts.l Street lighting has changed from white lights to yellow lights - far dimmer The lighting is in the village. We have security lighting for our houses on a small estate half a mile away Black as your hat when switched off, greatly enhanced possibility of trips/falls as unable to see footpaths/roads. Use of torch simply advertises your presence/route to potential criminals. Darkness offers cloack under which criminals can go about their business. England no better than bannana republic only lived here 5 months Its better. There are not enough street lights as we have very dark areas leading upto drives of large houses where anyone could loiter around. The lights are switched off between 12am and 5am Sunday to Thursday,--Friday/Saturday 1am to 5am some places there are no lights at all when there used to be, I think there should be one light to stay on in all places so that it is not a complete blackout and for safety for the public. street lights have been turned off and due to that, we have found that crimes on our cars have increased. We have had cars broken into and number plates stolen since the street lights have been turned off. I have lived here for the last 10 years and these incidents only started when the street lights have been turned off! Only outside of the town. The lights have been switched off on a few trunk roads and I feel these are now more dangerous Some lights were removed leaving very dark areas. I do not feel that they should be switched off as this leads to more crime if you here a noise and look out you can't see anything I live in Bucks and more and more street lighting is being switched off. They were switched off on A40 Our immediate street lamp has been switched off. This has had no effect to safety or the perception of. The new lights appear to be much brighter that before, but I hope that they are more energy efficient. The one outside our house was so bright that I could use it to read a newspaper sitting in my front room! It shone straight into my bedroom but they fitted a shade onto it so all is OK now. They don't seem to be as bright as they used to be. Only moved in September We are slowly getting led lights which are a great step forward. One street light has been removed in our Close and therefore a area has become dark New brighter lights installed. New lamp posts have been installed which dim at 11pm Certain lights have been switched off 188 Think they are about the same over past 7 years living here. Need street lighting in this area as it is a Sheltered Housing area housing elderly, sick, and disabled people! Energy saving concept. Switched off at 24:00 pm everday It seems to take longer for broken lights to get fixed Groups of people hanging around in dark areas, street lights that are not working & have been reported to council are never fixed. I suggested some years ago that the council was wasting taxpayers money leaving all lights on all night with such a spread that our bedroom was illuminated all night. It should be possible to programme lights to switch off some of the time, say 00.30 to 05.00 leaving important junctions or other special needs illuminated all night. In the present financial circumstances I think it is important that this is done. I know things are not as they were during WW11 when we had to do without any street lighting but there is no need to maintain the present wasteful practice. We have never had any street lighting. I do not want street lighting and I do not think it contributes to safety Not Applicable new stret lights do not give off as much light as the old lights they have put up new lights with fancy light bulbs which probably cost us tax payers a fortune. But every single light is buried within a tree canapy. When they put the lights up they did not even trim the trees back at all. They shed very little light because of the trees. Revised light systems fitted two years ago Our lighting was switched off (not sure when) and our row of 10 terraced houses very dark (have installed an outside light but that doesn't help if car parked quite far away which it often has to be). Have written numerous times to the Council and to the police and councillors and MP but had no joy. Not only is it dark with fields and hedges which could give cover to prospective attackers/burglars but very unsafe underfoot. Also there is a 50mph speed limit and often drivers go as fast as 100mph. Council not interested. Why couldn't they put on at least one street light by the bus stop (also in complete darkness). Would dearly like Council to inspect the conditions here in winter but no chance of them bothering. Lights on the main roads have been switched off. This I find extremely dangerous. Main road lights were switched off. I think this is a bad idea and will only lead to the likelihood of an incease in accidents and crime. Street lights were turned off or not working three times but after phoning the Council they resumed working again. They changed them into unattractive 'high' level ergonomic ones that now shine directly into bedroom at night. Has been renewed, light slightly better, but aim was probably to improve efficiency The street lighting on the following roads: West Barnes Lane, Grand Drive and some the side streets off these roads do not appear to be as bright as they once were. Lighting in our street is sparse, ancient and very poor and does not reflect the increase to the housing and population increase which has taken place over the years. Replaced old low efficiency lights with lower energy, brighter models Only been living here one year light on main road replaced by work not yet completed makes area darker than normal 189 Have been advised new more efficient street lighting to be installed. very poor lighting in the whole area and tyhe lights are switched off int he early morning improvements to some previously poorly lit areas. Only lived here 7 months They have changed lights from yellow to white and it is a lot darker in the streets now,which has made me feel very unsafe to go out at night. Lights renewed throughout village with LED's. Timed off from 12 'til 5. New post and lamps don't seem to have a set pattern of switching, probably due to radio switching Changed to very white energy saving lights 18 months ago Only on the A roads around and into Milton Keynes Rural lighting can be very patchy anyway and you certainly notice the dark sections! It was replaced to brighter white lights. Much better. the light giving light to the path to my house is covered with the a tall tree, so basically its sits in the tree, I asked council to chop the branches around the light, but they say there is no right to light in Milton Keynes.... It would make a massive difference, make me feel safer, not only because of the light, but as the wind blows the branches move and hit the light and the light could fall on someone.. more lamps not working and it taking a while for them to be repaired The Street lighting is bright but I still would not walk out at night due to the yobs that are out there. And with regard to questions 11 - 12 below, I don't walk out in my neighbourhood. lights seem quite dim and area is quite gloomy. trials have been underway re lights off Old lamps have been replaced limited street lighting, hence why there are consistant burgleries. Council replaced bulbs Street lights were turned off and signs advising this were erected. But then the lights were turned back on almost immediately, rendering the signs incorrect. Lighting on Wallingford Bypass not on all night Main street lighting (apart from at junctions) switched off between midnight and 5 a,m. repairs to street lights take longer street lights are often over grown with trees little or no action taken, when action is taken and the person takes no ation to cut back the trees there is follow up by the Highways When a street lamp is out or defaulted, I always notify the appropriate department at Peterborough City Council. the estate where I live has not been adopted by the council yet so the lighting is the responsibility of the builder of some 7 years the light in has a defect and has taken the local councillor to get on to them but some of the lighting is still failing Burnt out street bulbs not replaced Only lived here 18 months They go off at about midnight until first light. THE LIGHTING SINCE BEING CHANGED TO LESS OVERALL MAKES THE AREA MUCH DARKER AND DOES NOT FEEL SAFE QUITE A DISTANCE TO THE NEXT LAMP POST They seem dimmer, lower voltage 190 Street lighting is not really noticed until it is not there. Street lighting replaced with white lights rather than orange lights would prefer for them to be dimmed in the evening or on a sensor It seems to take a very long time for bulbs to be replaced. When this happens then it is exceptionally dark in the village and I do not feel safe physically because of uneven road and pathways, overhanging trees etc and worry a bit more about possibility of being attacked. But the lights on my street - Northcote Road, TW1, are REALLY poor - they hardly light up the pavement at all. Poor maintenance Birmingham City Council is investing in new brighter energy efficient street lighting. An adjacent road has them and we that we will soon too. I feel far safer with good lights and have invested in lighting and CCTV on my house Birmingham City Council is investing in new brighter energy efficient street lighting. An adjacent road has them and we that we will soon too. I feel far safer with good lights and have invested in lighting and CCTV on my house Main road lights turned off. Hard to drive safely. lighting has been reduced by taking out some lamp posts. This leaves access to garage block nearby unlit and has resulted in some very dark areas between lights. New lamps Most street lights go off at about 1.00am. Only key lights at junctions seem to be left on all night. Change of bulbs Far too many have been turned off. On/off switches fitted - remotely controlled Council seem to have wasted money by replacing perfectly adequate street lights on some local residential roads by new ones. Switching off late at night Energy efficency There seems to be less broken ones than there used to be The street lighting has been modified to a new design to save energy. The new lights appear to provide more light than the old ones. 2 out of 3 lighting columns were switched off by Northamptonshire County Council to save money a couple of years ago. The recent street lighting PFI contract has removed ALL of the old street lighting columns but has only replaced the columns which were lit. We have therefore lost 2 out of 3 lighting columns completely with no chance of getting them replaced in the next 25 years (when the street lighting contract ends). I work in Bedfordshire which maintains the industry standard levels of street lighting which is a marked contrast to the extremely poor lighting levels we now have in Northamptonshire. Since having new street lamps fitted a few years ago, it has been the same. it would be a waste of money if you decided to installed new lamps, total waste. change of bulb colour from orange to white Street lights frequently go flash on and off and then eventually over a period of time no longer function. Would be happy for lights to be off after 11pm to save electricity and decrease light pollution lights alittle dimmer Some street lighting bulbs are broken. I agree with less or dimmed street lighting. Don't have any street lights anyway! 191 New streetlamps installed recently The lamp post opposite my house was damaged and we were without the light for a number of weeks and it was surprising how dark it was without the light, very pleased to see it repaired and wrote a thank you to the department for putting us back with our lit lamp post. It was very difficult to see the kerb edges without the light. LIghting was upgraded a few years ago to white from previous amber lighting. Street light not on at all. Yes it's much better now that they are turned off at night. Mostly switch off between 1.00a.m and 5.30 ish except in a few areas where there has been a perceived risk. Surrounding road have their street lights switched off and I do think it makes most people feel unsafe! It is much more difficult to see people walking or cycling and most people I speak to feel more vulnerable! Lighting upgraded, some new columns, but some removed/thinned out. seem slightly darker but that could be my sight some are switched off all night. if necessary i would change my route to avoid an alley. i might take a taxi and i always carry a torch and a phone just in case. All the street lights have been replaced. several lights which are not part of the switch it off campaign have not had any defect rectification carried out for nearly a year. Lack of repair NEW lighting has been placed in various streets etc. unfortunately my Lane was omitted it is a long lane and i never feel safe after dark to be honest - either from work in winter or if i have been out late and returning - very dark and although a few lamps they are old style and too dark allows anti-social behaviour to carry on now and then as it does not deter them. Street lighting maintenance seems to be split between 2 authorities with the result that replacement can take a long time. Why not have one to do all the tasks and save time and money? Also some domestic hedges completely obscure some lights causing patches of dense shadow. Why is this allowed? There is not enough! They turned off at midnight white light There has been a change in type of street lighting in our area possibly more efficient ? Depends what you mean by neighbourhood. Lights in my road are on all the time, but I know some are turned off all the time now a mile or so away. Last year many of the main route roads had their street lights turned off except for junctions. This has since been reversed. they are not repaired as often as they used to be I only walk to the corner shop between 9,30pm and 511pm and I don't feel safe. I certainly wouldn't got any further. Been replaced my more efficient & powerful units during last 12 months turned off half the street lights to save money Lights switched off earlier in winter than summer We leave our porch light on all night as at our end of the street the street lighting is fairly poor LED lights have replaced most of the sodium lights 2 street lights in the village & one now switched off 192 Some street lights in the village are turned off at midnight, leaving our road very dark. actual lampposts have been changed to operate with light detectors on the top and the light is slightly dimmer The use of energy saving lighting. The light level given of is directional so the roads are lit up but not to the side of them. New, more natural-coloured lights that seem much more efficient. New lights installed Lights turned off in early hours of morning Local street lights changed to LED's with central wireless control in last year. The street lighting in my street is not very bright and I do not think it is sufficient to feel very safe. Fortunately the road is a cul de sac and so there is not much foot or motor traffic at night. The street lighting in the main road is much brighter and makes me feel safer. I live on a new estate that is still being built. When we first moved in 2.5 years ago, there was street lighting along the footpath that runs from the shops/bus stop. That lighting has not worked for years. This makes me feel physically unsafe as it is quite a dangerous environment considering how close it is to the building site. Do believe we will eventually have them dimmed or switched off after a certain time, not specified. Switched off between midnight & 6am There are parts of Hazlemere where I often visit in the evening where the street lights are now switched off. This makes it difficult for me as a driver to see people (especially those wearing dark clothing) in the road and to see the names of roads so that I know where to turn. I am afraid that one day I am going to hit someone in the road whom I haven't seen in the dark. Some streets not far away do get their lights dimmed however, I am so seldom out 'late' and would ALWAYS be in my car, never walking, so I can't be sure about this area. Lighting can be deceptive. Some were turned off for a period of time. They are all now back on in my street but are much dimmer. The adjacent streets still haven't all come back on Apart from when the (single) lamp post outside our cottage did not work a couple of times. I notified the appropriate people and the light was mended promptly. I was very impressed with the service. Parish Council installed additional lighting but is turned off late evening. Definite improvement but still more to be done Where individual lamps have failed, they are not repaired immediately or indeed at all. Improved, more modern lighting Off from midnight - to dawn New LED lights, which are brighter and like natural daylight. Feels a lot safer and would take these routes. Also much better if you are on a bike They have been upgraded but seem to go off earlier in the am. they replaced our street light with a more modern one which provides higher level of lighting Fewer Some lights are now turned off Not in my immediate neighbourhood, but certainly on the trunk roads in teh surrounding areas. very dark walk home and not as many street lights working Rural areas are blacked out and often with no pavements 193 Street lights height increased, lamp colour changed, but have been less reliable (reported for faults) Have only recently moved to the area In the last 3 years the street lighting where I live is extremely poor due to at least half the lights being switched off. energy efficient lighting installed, has resulted in some areas without housing being less well lit but I don't see this as a problem. 2 of the 5 street lamps in our road have just been removed. Very poor street lighting which is insufficient to even see where one is walking at night. A real hazard. turned off at times If the lighting was noticeable not there I would feel very unsafe Dimming overnight Improvement of lighting levels with new lamps installed They either don't work or switch of to save electric. For the past 2 years alternate lights have been switched off making where we live very dark. Some burglaries occurred when the clocks changed. New lights were installed in the Spring and the overall level of lightening is greatly improved and we are no longer plunged into darkness. More common to find streets with lights off or reduced. Feel more vulnerable on streets like this. Its better. Brighter bulbs and some lights that were turned off are now back on. Street lighting on main roads turned off Time taken to get broken street lights fix is increasing in particular some lights have now been out for 4-5 months with noone coming out to fix the lighting, yet time has been allocated to re paint the street lights and repaint the numbers on the broken lights replacement lighting i.e. higher lampposts with white lights Lighting is now very poor compared to before. Even visitors from out of town comment on how dark the roads are. they have put in the new ones. so it is much darker now even though we have new lights Brighter lamps installed Poorer lighting New lights installed nearby. Don't like them, as the lights 'pool' the light and the area around is dark. some do not come on at all at night Never really paid attention to the street lighting Change from Sodium bulbs has improved intensity Lampposts replaced recently i take the car often when it gets dark, as dont feel safe but i have noticed the areas are not as brightly lit as they have been when we first moved in to the area 3 years ago Few lights on our street does add to feeling of unease during the night hours Poorer light provided - areas now in semi-darkness. Could not describe the street lighting as being effective, especially along pathways between housing areas. If I was a woman, I would not walk alone at night in most areas of our town. Improved at junctions Tree's need cutting back in lots of places where they have not been kept under control resulting in the blocking of light from the street. 194 I am lucky in the fact, I live on a road junction and the street lights the stay on all night but in other parts of the village, the street lighting is switched off. They have been switched off at night it goes off around midnight It is so dark after 10pm although some junction lights have been turned back on. Lights turned off late at night All the lights locally have been replaced in the last 3 months Half of the street lights have been switched off I live on baskerville lane in shiplake. It's too dark at night as there is no lighting. New lighting installed under PFI less lighting There's very few lights anyway! There's very few lights anyway! Seaford road has new lamps - MUCH better The lights are not cleaned regularly and so become dimmed with grime, muck etc. Buls which have broken are not always relaced timeously. Also the actual lamposts all need painted. There appears to be no routine programme of planned maintenance. The lighting authority, instead, seems to rely on residents reporting faults to them, as opposed to routinely checking for themselves. AS PARA 8 There seems to be a campaign by the local council to dim or turn off lighting to save money, that's what I feel anyway. It has resulted in very dark areas particularly in residential streets The street lamps in Obelisk Rise, Northampton where I live were all renewed in June/July this year It is perfectly satisfactory The lighting is not repaired as quickly The street lighting is not as bright as it used to be a few years ago. The lighting has been changed. they are changing the bulbs to the new ones which are much brighter different downlights mean not so much ambient lighting. darker between lamposts some brighter lights have been introduced only that they are switched off between 00.30 hrs and 05.30 hrs Dont have street lighting so there wont be any changes There was a previous trial period of street lighting being turned off. Bulbs not working Not long moved to the area odd times the light in front of my house goes out and makes it very cark Every other street light is off and in some cases more. Some of the street lights on the periphery of where we live have been disabled. The lighting on the approach to Iver from Langley is switched off at night. Only 1 lamp on and none on footpath by spinney We have recently had very bright LED type street lights installed - which are very bright. We are a very small village and a main road runs through it. Once out of the confines of the village there is little street lighting (there are no footpaths so would not be appropriate/safe to be walking anyway) My main corcern over lack of street lights are when driving. I hope there will be questions on this. New brighter lights Some could be turned off overnight 195 All strret lighting has been replaced for new energy effiecient lighting with directed down lighting Poorly maintained, particulary where trees obscure existing lghts. I am a frequent night worker and go on call. Just leaving my house at night to get to my car can be daunting. We also have a garage behind our house which my husband will not leave his bike in and get it at 2.30am when he goes to work because the street lights are so poor. The street light on our cul de sac is switched off around midnight but the lights along the road which our cul de sac branches from are left on. It's a very residential area with little traffic and few pedestrians at night time. I cannot see why it is necessary for these lights to remain on, the crime rate in our area is very low therefore I feel the request to have these lights remain on possibly had an emotional basis focusing on the possiblity of what might happen on a darkened road rather than being based on exisitng crime rates and the likelihood of any criminal activity. The council switched them off as a cost saving excercise. I do feel that it makes people feel unsafe in badly lit areas. Reduced in the hours of darkness ie switched off Since May the street lights go off after min-night. I am currently raising views before requesting that one is turned back on again! Much less lighting around Had more effective fitted I would not go out when dark if there was no street lighting We are a private Victorian Estate lit be gas street lights Turn off street lighting after Midnight. I've managed 25 years without it and i get to se the stars. different variety of lighting.....different depth of light Lighting is on for restricted periods Some stretches of lights out, it is then really dark and I do not feel safe walking in complete darkness. Some roads do have lighting turned off, I think this is quite dangerous and should be reversed. HAVENT LIVED THERE FOR 3 YEARS, HAVE NOTICED NOTHING IN THE SIX MONTHS OF LIVING THERE It really dark along the paths and between houses improved when maintained. Street lights in side streets turned off at midnight, back on at 5.30 I think. Introduction of reduced lighting between midnight and 6 am about 3 years ago Some of the lights do need attention as some of the bulbs are dead. Fewer lights on. New P I F lighting has made a big improvement The light outside our house is off, I worry mainly for the older people in the street. Due to be switched off in places under budget cuts New lamposts Street lights go off at about 11pm/midnight. New lights, big improvement. Poor street lights anyway Slower responses to reports of failed lighting and reduction in lighting in footways because of overgrown vegetation. Reduced lighting behind shops in Town Centre Dalton Road at night when staff are leaving premises. 196 LCC intended to turn off lights at all times between Sutterton and Kirton. The PC lead a protest and instead they were replaced with low cost running lamps. Not so bright but OK less lighting and not fixed as quickly if not working - or maybe this is because they have been switched off but no notification received Lights switched off at night There is none so no change If a street light goes out it can take months to reinstate, whereas we used to have a dedicated operative who took care of our area and sorted faults within days. Don't feel as safe. Drive when it's dark and have to walk to my car, with less lighting it's dark both walking and driving. There's been an increase in car theft in my area parking areas used to be lit up, but not much lighting now. lights dim Street lights have recently been changed and are now much brighter New lamps installed 3 years ago placed further back from the kirb Some lighting in key areas has been changed to LED lighting giving a much brighter light, thus making me less apprehensive about walking in these areas. I have noticed that sometimes during dark times that they do not light up very bright. Lights are turned off over night. safety compromised lighting has been replaced with energy saving bulbs New street lights installed They could go off earlier, it always used to be switched off at 23.00 when I was at school, we just used a torch. My borough council announced last year (2012) that they were going to start a programme of changing the lighting, so that street lights would switch off late at 11pm or 11.30pm until about 5.30am. My street is not affected, so far. looks a little dimmer uesd to feel safe now feels very very unsafe after midnight as there are no lights Turned off midnight to 5am Question 10 If you answered yes to question 9, since you noticed these changes do you feel (options re. safety). Think it is too dark on our street -- Huckley Way, Bradley Stoke -- without any street lighting . . . too many bushes and hiding spots. A suggestion might be to dim every other street lamp or to shorten the time the lights are out to perhaps 1am to 5:30am New lights brighter New lights brighter see above and notification of more burglaries now than before Many elderly people feel unsafe when the street lights are turned off even if they are in their own homes as they are afraid of burglaries etc. The placement and new lights have led to more areas of shadow and at least two specific places where dark no-go areas have been created. Particularly noticed by my wife and friends on their walk to and from an evening club meeting Very dark and feel vulnerable A fairly safe area and we are alwayx alert! n/a 197 It is very dark round here at night without street lighting White light no longer orange can see more lights seem more directional If out walking the poor light makes me feel anxious in terms of road safety e.g. Cars being unable to see me and also personal safety that people could more easily be hidden from view If I hear a noise & look out to find out what it is.....I cannot see anything as on the ligthed side (school-field) as there is about 200feet between the two ligths on!!! The streets are pitch black, it is unsafe to be walking even if you have a dog. when needing urgent medical care it would be difficult for house numbers to be seen. They are quite few and far between, just at key junctions mainly. Other parts of our village have no street lighting at all. Quite a contrast. When I walk home at night I have often felt unsafe as the street has no lighting, I have also tripped and fallen on the uneven pavements in the area as these are not visible. We have to park our cars half on the pavement in the top part of Upper Bridge Road as the roads are so narrow, my neighbour has had his car badly scratched both sides since the lights have gone out and mine has also been marked. Not safe with no street lights See aboe comment we have front gardens and high trees in our road, so light is really important to see what is going on we need beat police which are visible as above In the dark without street lighting one does not feel so safe. very dark when driving. needing to use full beam at times As above. my street has lots of big trees which block a lot of light at the best of times, also bushes, with the street poorly lit or unlit now after 10;45 it is pitch black, you don't know who could be hiding out there. You can't see a thing. I use this light to check on my young family when I hear noises and even my children have woken up screaming saying they are scared of the dark. I wont even empty my bins now as I cant see a thing and I feel vulnerable. I live opposite a park which is not good when it's pitch black at night in the street Rough ground in places. No risk of attack. Too dark - can't see who could be about Police advice since female attacks in Bristol is to walk in well lit areas after dark. This is impossible in South Glos as Main roads and even pedestrian crossing are in darkness. This is very worrying with Halloween and Bonfire night and long winter night ahead New street lighting is much less effective and provides 'pockets' of darkness that were formerly lit up. It is pitch dark outside the front of our house when these lights are switched off, I also know of a neighbour who fell over on the path because she couldn't see where she was going. Dark areas always appear more unsafe In areas without light I felt very nervous and avoided them when possible. Our streets at night have always been rather shadowy, pockets of light and dark, and remain so. I cannot see anything when I'm driving let alone walking from my car. I feel unsafe on a regular basis 198 I wish the govt. officials who make the decisions about Safer Neighbourhood police took it more seriously how much good they do and not cut back on how many they supposedly need. No idea as only changed 2 days ago Pitch black after lights go out. Grateful for any domestic security lights that operate when passing bye. Literally cannot see where you are walking! More anti social behaviour since lights have been dimmed This short sighted action will cost lives and Iam sure will drive up crime statistics ,my wife will no longer walk to meetings alone after dark ,usually I pick her up by car. Very unsafe as we live in a rural lane bridle path way with only a handful of houses,and most of the residents are of pensionable years etc. I try not to go out after dark. Burglars and muggers paradise, also tripped over when didnt see pot hole!!!! The street is brighter but gardens and homes are in dark shadow providing possible hiding places They help as a deterrent. Made no difference to my perception of safety. Was not too bad before. I often come home late from work and liked the fact there was a light outside my property Sometimes they aren't even on, even in a safe area it can still make people less safe Safety is not about lighting levels. Crime of all sorts happens in broad daylight for example £6,000 worth of materials were stolen from a van 50 yards from me today without anybody noticing. All crime issues can only be dealt with by other means - increasing lighting and cctv gives the impression of safety it doesn't actually make things safer. Please see answer 9 above. Poor lighting certainly contributes to a feeling that being out and about at night is less safe, particularly as a single woman. Street lighting tends to be worse where there are fewer houses, such as along footpaths and near railway footbridges, however this is exactly where the lighting needs to be better in order to discourage loitering and littering. If lights are dimmer and one day there is a problem you will not be able to identify people than may be breaking the law and they may feel that can commit crimes as they are not going to be identified either by CCTV cameras. People may have more accidents on the streets as well. n/a The streets most of our neighbours, and we, have security lights The new street lights installed leave very dark areas See above comments I hate coming home in the dark, it makes me very nervous about being out late. I now avoid coming home after midnight as a result. Sometimes it is not possible to identify people coming toward you Although you do feel that you have to be more aware as we have an area of green opposite us surrounded by trees (which could do with pruning) and if we had another street light this would light up the green area helping us to see if there was anyone on the green. Less overall light in own street, but do not walk out from home at night. In the area where I do walk from building to car after midnight the lighting has not changed. 199 Unlikely to walk in unlit areas after 1.00a.m. or even well-lit areas near pubs and bars earlier in the evening . Use car whenever possible. Littlehampton perceived to be more of a problem than Rustington. Even comparatively early in the evening young adults found to drink too much and end up fighting. Perception that crime is reducing is wrong. It seems that the police only follow-up on crimes that, for example involve higher-value theft, rather than ,say more common robberies below a value of £1,000 - £1,500. I am seldom out at night You get the impression that the Council does not care, and if you ask or report it to the police they only every seem to say now is that it is nothing to do with them and if you don't feel safe then don;t go out alone or travel in a group only. THUGS ARE STILL BUSY EVEN WITH GOOD LIGHTING I do not feel safe due to the number of alcohol and drug filled people on the streets at night and the number of homeless in the area. I work shifts and feel very vulnerable when returning home at night. also there are a lot of trip hazards due to poor highway maintenance. At least one burglary in area every six months. Though some recent ones in daytime. due to darkness it is hard to see anything when leaving/arriving at the house in the hours with no street light on, and it does make me slightly apprehensive particularly when leaving the house as I can't see what is out in the street or just outside the house and I do not leave my house light switched on for 12 hours when i go to work I recently had a corrosive liquid poured over my car whilst parked at the bottom of my drive during the night. The new lamps should have been placed closer together - it would have probably have only required 4 - 6 extra lamps in the street. One cannot see outside as before. I had a light outside of my property which made me feel safe. See above and also you cannot see and identify people walking near you. there are old people were we live and its very dark you cannot tell if anyone is around,this causes a lot of chances for break ins and theft Although I did not answer yes to question 9 I feel that the changes will result in reduction of security. I cannot see and need a torch. Again, not having lived here very long am unable to compare. With lots of high fences and trees it makes it feel unsafe when the street lighting is off having said that there are not many times I'd be out after midnight! You do hear people laughing and talking whilst they walk past the house and it's slightly unnerving not to be able to see them and see what they're doing. did not wish cul-de-sac to be dark It's TOO dark - with CCTV cameras in the town centre crime is being pushed into the streets and lighting has been reduced in the streets. The clocks have gone back and it's total darkness in some areas - a criminals' paradise I feel more vulnerable for property safety with no lights behind my property As i said lights off you don't GO OUT as you cant see who is around its so dark (MUGGERS PARADISE) If I am out during the evening hours I am always in my car. I would never walk out on my own. Could not see if there was anyone out in the street. Also with high winds recently could not see if there was any damage occuring Whilst they are on all night I seldom go out after midnight. lights switched off just when they are needed. Have to use footpath which is unlit early morning 200 I feel frightened -I carry a torch to see where pavements are but feel very vulnerable as I can only see in the light beam but I am very obviously to someone that I am on my own. They can see me but it is impossible for me to see them I live, with my elderly mother, on the 'rat run' between the town pubs and Noake Road in Sherborne. To date cars have been abandoned and vandalised to the point where the yobs (in the words of the attending police officer) tried to let the hand brake off one and let it run down into the oncoming traffic in Horsecastles Lane. Walls and fences have also been vandalised, 2 fences of which had to be completely replaced. Since the 'switch off' we have, at great expense, had to install large timbered gates to secure the area to the rear of our house and install 3 sets of security lights. I had to rush my mother to Yeovil Hospital earlier this year returning home alone at 3 am as my mother was admitted. I felt extremely vulnerable. When I explained this to Councillor Robert Gould when he was out canvassing I was just told that 'cuts have to be made' - there was no concern for the safety of people in his ward. I always hear ppl fighting specially weekends ehen tge lights are gone As it is bitch black outside, I feel very unsafe and can not see what or who is around. Far more dangerous - especially in rain, like last Saturday night - when you CANNOT see huge flooded puddles half way across the road. The neighbourhood feels as safe in terms of crime/violence however I feel less safe in terms of pedestrian/traffic safety and potential road traffic accidents Car broken into outside the house after the street light went out - doubt they would have tried as the car was parked under the light No lighting after 01:00 some street lights have been positioned further away from the house Darkness makes you unsure stating the obvious Difficult to see Its scarey and you can't see where you are stepping the odd street light is left on so it is not a complete blackout I am very happy for street lighting to be dimmed or turned off between 9.30pm and 5.30pm. I would feel perfectly safe without street lighting during these times. a tremendous invitation for unwelcome visitors during night time hours i think the white bulbs aren't as probably good as the orange bulbs I seldom go out at night and if I did I would not like to be walking As above Lights go out at midnight and it is very dark in my road. There are quite a lot of trees which throw shadows on the pavements. The lighting is brighter Poor street lighting leaves dark areas at critical areas of the road, such as junctions, blind spots sharp corners If they have been switched off I would feel less safe & in our complex we have lights on throughout the dark hours:which our residents consider is safer! Whilst we have the new lighting , you still notice one or two young males in hoodies out in the very early hours but fri-sats after midnight until 4am you get males coming home from clubs etc which is always un-nerving It is so dark -if driving home after the lights have been switched off, I have to put full beam headlights on to see road turnings As a person who works shifts coming home after midnight to an unlit neighbourhood is very unnerving. 201 When you can't see more than a couple metres in front of you it is hard to feel safe. Also, when cars drive past you with full beam lights in the darkness (as there are no street lights on) it makes it even more difficult to see as stated above the improvements have made a difference Shadows seem darker Less safe as the Close is in complete darkness from 1 am all week, for several hours inviting burglars etc to pursue their criminal tendencies Total darkness in a suburb separated from the main town and with a non-secure mental health facility in the middle of it is not safe. Surrounding area of the lamps seems less brightly lit, especially in the vicinity of trees. If they are deciduous this should improve in winter. There's a particular corner which is very dark - I can't see my feet and have tripped once, and walked into overhanging trees on several occasions. I feel unsafe being unable to see anyone who is comin towards me at this point in the road. There is less late noise from near a local pub and it seems to have discouraged late parties in the big gardens of some nearby houses Lighting is a deterrent for those people who may take advantage of this situation to further their criminal activities. The new lights are a retrograde step. They are too bright and on for too long, turning off at 0100h. I have been in communication with our local County Councillor, who also has been negative in his responses. cannot comment because lighting system not working Having been used to all street lights being on it's noticeably darker without them. Inevitably safety is compromised. As fairly rural it is pitch dark if the sky is cloudy, this makes it very difficult to walk about. N/A I do feel the lighting is safer. It is pitch black and I am scared walking around the corner from my car to my front door as I would not be able to see someone hiding. More shadows with the new lights, the spread of light is less than prior ones but directly below they are brighter, Reduced lightingis better than none. There have been burglaries in the street and I feel that as it is darker since the switching off of street lighting robbery of properties and vehicles is now easier for criminals. darker at night Some of the new lights seem to be in the middle of trees! Brighter and wider light Lights are much brighter Lights not as bright As above. There are dark patches, more shadows. the moment. At weekends we walk to and from friends, respecting the don't drink and drive guidlines, we are often walking home after midnight. In the dark we do not feel so safe, also you cannot see any obstacles on the pavement(recycling bins), or potholes/raised bits of path. Also tree/bush branches hanging over garden walls. That could catch your eyes. The streets feel more scary in the dark and I would imagine more pedestrians will be injured or killed by motorists when the lights are out. My night-time journeyings are normally house to venue (useually church 6 miles away in the city) by car I have not noticed any diminution of street lighting 202 The answer isn't blazing street lights, burning up electricity. It is a healthy government to filter healthy policies for poorer communities to produce a healthy community for less crime. Difficult to see when walking. How about 11.30pm to 5am? When dog walking some areas are totally unlit causing youths to gather and you come across them without warning at 10.00 which is not late to be left feeling unsafe or turning around. because it made the road much darker Because of badly lit pavements felt safe previously This leaves the area in total darkness. As we have a 'twitten' beside our property we now feel particularly vulnerable to possible intruders. Equally, due to the darkness there is a possibility of injury to anyone walking through the 'twitten' - unless they had a torch! Because the lights are switched off , you can't see who is about or what they are doing ! Burglars paradise !! the darkness inbetween lamposts makes you feel vulnerable, someone may be there but you can't see them Makes sense to turn the lights off and save cost and energy during these hours when there is little activity. Less light aids criminals who appear to be more prolific now The large street light usually illuminates the entrance to the park / car park area, and the approach to a busy double roundabout. It is switched off from midnight. It is now easier for persons to carry out crimes in the park without the possibility of identification, and encourages dangerous driving on this particular stretch of very fast road. It is not unusual for drunks to be walking all over this stretch of road. I am not against turning off street lights but why not do it in cul de sacs and minor roads and not this particular stretch of well used main road. Although I do now take a torch if I need to go out at between these hours (usually to walk the dog) Any disturbances are usually on a Friday or Saturday night, after the local pubs have closed. On Blackhorse Road in particular it is impossible to see more than a few yards When driving and roundabouts aren't lit more accidents are likely to happen. Live opposite a park and anyone could be hiding over the wall etc. my wife will not go out Whilst reasonably happy to be out at night with the streetlights on, I feel very vulnerable once they are off. Also, it is impossible to spot hazards once the lights are out, such as uneven pavements and hedges etc. sticking out from gardens over the pavements. When a street light is out and I notice it I will call the local clln to report same As said above I feel not as safe she to sudden rise in burglaries and it now makes me uneasy through the night in my own home! Don't feel safe walking home in darkness Alleys are dark so you can't see even a step in front of you let alone down the alley to see it is clear!! Alleys are dark so you can't see even a step in front of you let alone down the alley to see it is clear!! Because of the long delays in getting works done. Also not enough lighting installed. A lot less safe. It's pitch black. You never know if anyone is hanging around. If anything did happen any CCTV wouldn't be able to see the incident. I think it's terrible from a safety point 203 street is darker , difficult to see, a disgace for council tax payers own particular residential area has high proportion of juveniles and youths being in greater numbers than previously. Just this evening lights were off at 10.30pm a gang of teens on bikes with hoods and masks over faces were out in my area it felt very unsafe and scary My street is unsafe as lights are literally switched off ! Im a single mum and it scares me that you can't see anything as ita in total darkness. It's made me feel trapped . I'm a 5'2", 27yo female - could be an easy target. Even at 6pm I don't walk home from work now as it's pitch black. Have to take car to work so I can drive it home, or rely on lifts. If the street lights were on, even until 7pm, it would make a huge difference! Would not feel as safe walking home late at night which I have done in the past, so as not to drive following a drink or two even when with my Husband . Although the new lighting is brighter, when it is dimmed after 11 pm the road (and my house) is extremely dark - potential burglars can work unseen! See above. Also if I go out to see if the cat is coming in, I don't feel secure because it is pitch black after midnight. a little lower, but better spread of, light There are less lamp posts and although the light spread is greater that spread seems only to be sideways. There is definiotely less light in some door ways / drives than before. CARERS COME LATE AT NIGHT. NOT GOOD FOR THEM-OR EMERGENCY SERVICES WHEN NEEDED. there are now more darker areas in the village Saving unnecessary expenditure - its a good idea. Much less bright, making it harder to see. Completely off at 12am. I feel like I have to leave earlier when out for the evening. Most of the areas are OK (before some lights were turned off there was probably too much lighting) Some footpaths however, have no lighting making carrying a torch extremely useful, if not almost a necessity. I feel safer now the street lights are turned of. I sleep better except for the remaining lights which have remained on. I thought I would feel more unsafe but I don't. I think the reason is that if you see a burglar you can see the torch in the house. I was brought up in a village with no street lights and had no problems then. the only burglary I witnessed we could tell it was a burglary and they were caught as a result. Some walk ways that have remain lit were correct and should remain lit as these are more vulnerable paths either because of other people or because the path itself is not flat. However there are some lights that do not turn of at night that I see no reason why they should not be. Having lights on means that people congregate at night so the ones that remain on attract people under them. I prefer the lower lighting levels because our house used to have street lights on 3 sides and it was too light during the night Very unsafe both on foot and in car as unable to see entrances to roads etc in pitch black. we live next to A19 roundabout need plenty of light to walk my dogs down bridlepath early morning and late evening As above as above and i now would never go out alone after 9.00 ish I am now always accompanied by my husband.I feel there is no added danger but it will take some time to get used to the much darker streets. Too many shadows for folks to lurk in. 204 But very spooky when you come home in the dark - I've not walked as yet always in the car. It's so dark you can't see the pavement let lone anyone coming towards you. N/A n/a I am very concerned about the possibility of an increase in criminal activity in the street as there are no lights and I feel quite scared when walking home from my zumba classs in the village. Also when we go away I worry about the house being burgled. It is a country lane and very dark. In fact there has been an increase in burglaries in our area. It's darker. No police presence to counteract it. As a woman with a teenager I feel anxious for both of us Wonder if anyone is lurking. Brighter lights make it easier to see your surroundings Because it makes the pavements darker. Also anti social behaviour with cars speeding ... you can't read the number plates to report them. All my life I have been told by the police to make sure that you stick to bright well lit areas at night in order to protect against attacks and muggings. It also feels unsafe when crossing roads as being in complete darkness means that I am less visible to any traffic. Also since the lights have been switched off there has been reports of crime taking place so I feel less safe in my home during the night. I do think that turning the light off makes me not want to out at all between midnight and 5am. I think midnight especially at the weekends is too early and would make sure I was home before then. Uneven footpaths make walking perilous at best. A lot of youths use the roads locally to travel between the town centre and the outlying housing areas and I feel unsafe/uncomfortable being followed/following a large group of them. Very unsafe walking home from local pub. Only 5-10 min walk so don't feel I can call a taxi I just have a feeling of insecurity after dark and am constantly listening for sounds of movement in the area. I get back indoors as quickly as i can Those intent on criminal behaviour will not be put off by the dark but it means you cannot see them. I think if someone older was walking down there they could fall in the ditch as the fence is broken also with the clocks going back its worse It is totally black at the entrance to our house. It is impossible to see pedestrians or cyclists coming along. It is a designated cycle route and bringing the car out is asking for an accident. Also people can lurk in the dark as there are so few houses. It is now a very scary length of road. As mentioned above. Even going to my neighbours when the lights are on I need a torch! Also were turned off at 12.00, so if coming back late or getting train back from London, very dark either trying to find car or walking home. Often Im then on my own and do not definately feel safe - or can see where Im going! Complte waste of money. Previous lights were fine! street lights are turned off late at night My son is alone and it its quite dark and deserted. In two years my daughter who will then be thirteen will be catching the same bus and I think I will have to stay with her until the bus arrives. We now have that orangy lighting that's we're told is better but in some roads it doesn't give enough light to feel 100% safe as you did with the "white" lighting we had before. As mentioned above the light is brighter and more effective hence you can see more and you can be seen easier. 205 Slightly My road is a main atreery in Hove so needs full lighting n/a we had lighting removed over the years and the bulbs are slow to reach the level of being useful. there are certain parts of the area where there is no lighting at all. It is pitch black and even looking out of my windows I cannot see anything, even just across the road. More unsafe We need more street lights on Elmstead Road KT146JB Can't see my car in the darkness, street kerbs ! Have heard drunken people falling onto my car or onto my property. We do not need these huge lights in a small rural village especially after 9.30pm I don't think I'm more likely to be a victim, but I can't see what's going on or judge the situation or people. large shaded areas make a perfect mugging spot Darker approaching round abouts There are no lights in this middle section of Aylestone Road. It is a main cycle thoroughfare and it is impossible to see cycles when driving my car onto the road. For walkers too the street is badly lit, not up to Co Council standards. Although the new lights allow better vision of people about and parked cars, I still prefer not to wander about my patch at night. Perhaps that sounds silly but I don't ever put myself in a lonely situation. I feel that without lighting this leaves us open to car crime, burglary and vandalism you have to take a torch out at night, now the lights are turned off. Use the car if I need to go to the local shops (about 3 minutes walk) because of the number of very dark areas in the streets like to see a distance from me Neighbourhood Watch stands for preventing the fear of crime so have some feeling for the elderly and more vulnerable who get up in the night because they are disturbed and then cannot see any thing outside in the total darkness because no street lights. Total blackness walking home could be mugged. What about the young ones coming home from a night club on the last bus walking in the dark to their home. We have all been "Clubbing" in our younger days. Emergency services have Sat Nav that takes them to a road name, then in pitch black they have to find the house number. How can you describe your assailant in the pitch black. I have been interviewed by BBC Radio Nottingham about this very subject. The Police say if you have to leave your car on the road leave it under a street lamp so that you can see it you might see the culprits breaking into it. As a female I have never been concerned about walking home on my own at night, I take relevant pre-cautions to make my journey as safe as possible. Since the street lights have been turned off, I no longer feel safe, it is so dark I can not see who or what maybe ahead or behind me. It feels like a curfew has be placed on me. See above I think you always feel safer in a well lit area there is a big gap of darkness between each lamp post There are still patches where because of the trees the lighting is still not quite sufficient Some county council lights have been tuned off. as above 206 New lighting is brighter. Quite dark walking on the footpath at night after parking car More because I can't see so easily. not out much when dark. The area is very dark. I have an increased fear of crime, but also concern for general safety. Some nights it is impossible to see where the kerb or other obstructions are. Not often out after 12, but on the occassions when I have been I find it very dark wnd intimidating getting from the car to the house. I would prefer more lighting There are many roads in the area with little or no lighting. means you have to take a torch when walking the dog as soon as it gets dark, usually walk between 4 and 5 pm and again 7 - 8 pm, it is very dark in places even keeping to the paths and main roads I assume that the changes are for lower carbon footprint The improved street lighting gives the perception of a safer environment. You have presented this in the manner of a leading question.The truth is it is less safe because people feel uncomfortable in their gardens because of the flood lighting and they are indoors behind ever heavier lined curtains,reducing observation of area. I had assumed the dimmer lighting was due to saving "light pollution", and have never felt it was a safety issue. Haven't experienced the dark streets yet. I feel worried whenever I need to use this path behind our house when a number of lights are not working. The streets are so dark you cannot see people approaching. There are more young people out past midnight. It's very dark at the end of Chesterton Hall Crescent near Milton Road I am seldom out and about after 10.30pm anyway No lighting from midnight Cant see anything - people could be lurking around ! Also trip hazzard if walking home late at night in some areas it is black as pitch We need plenty of street lighting to avoid any problems. Darker than it ever was ,but council feel the need to leave spotlight/floodlights on in grassy areas all night lighting up the grass rather than having our normal street lights on instead. Being quite a rural area this situation is making people feel very wary of going out in the evening espcially as the clocks have gone back now I don't see any change to worry about. I'm very lucky to live in a place where I don't feel threatened and to enjoy being out in the dark. I carry a torch and use it to make drivers aware of me when I hear a car. The previous lighting on the main roads, was adequate can help burglars see into your property . street light only lights opp side of road cannot see who is at front door see above Now has lots of dark corners and can't see pavement, dips and holes before I start thinking about anything else. It brightened up that area of the street I feel safe in our village at all times, fortunately. need a torch at times to walk down the road, a throw back to the 2nd world war!! LOW CRIME RATE IN THIS AREA 207 existing street lights have been changed to downlighters They go off too early Because of the head angle of the lights and their reduced height I still have reservations about the distribution of the light, particularly to properties behind the lighting columns or at the end of cul-de-sacs. At this time of year evenings are still fairly bright, but I have deep reservations about security and safety when we get to the darker winter evenings and nights. When the lights go out after 12 pm Since the switch off we have had 5 house/car burglaries in our road. So it's not a perception of crime IT's A FACT Crime has increased. We were one of the victims Not safe to walk far For me its not about how bright or dark it is but about todays society your just as likely to be robbed mugged or beaten in broad daylight Our road was already well-lit, and the level is still too high. The main routes where they turn off the street lights are when I am in my car, so I have to turn my full beam headlights on, as you can't see as well. I dont usually go or return home very late at night,if I do I will probably use my car. I think the more attractive lights contributes to a feeling that an area is well cared for and this ups the level of feeling safe psychologically, and I'm sure in real terms probably does contribute to making it generally safer. See above. With the street lights being turned off coupled with the local Police station closing and the fast access/getaway provided by the newly improved A46 dual carriageway, I feel vulnerable to the risk of burglary and feel it is only a matter of time before criminals realise the opportunity which has been presented to them by the Council/Police Authority's short sighted approach to saving money. Longer term sustainable solutions such as individually solar powered street lights should be financed now for savings for future generations. No light to see edge of paths etc the streets are darker, Apart from not being about to see other people, its hard to see where the curb changes, or pot holes, loose paving stones, trip hazards.......and dog poo...... When the light stops working it is very dark Replaced old streetlights with newer ones We have had several issues since the lights have been turned off. Graffiti on all the garages and out buildings around our home, our car was broken into, broken wing mirrors on the street, stolen items from gardens and youngsters congregating in the dark areas. They are using our road as a through path between streets on bikes and motorbikes which is waking up the young children on our road It's too dark Certain areas are very dark The light illuminates the track where several people live and it is very difficult to see now. seldom walk at night, but not influenced by the changes to the lighting. As above, lights in Turners Mill Road, Haywards Heath often not working. Not happy to walk on my own once streetlights go out if its dark then you can't see danger, it also allows less chance of criminal identification. Personally I prefer no lighting I feel you become more aware if it is dark Recently had to call 101 regarding a stranger on our drive and standing in front of our house at 3am . Apparently a gang of lads had been stealing milk from the doorsteps. Had a visit from the PCSO as a result of the call. This reduced lighting may have contributed to this, and my ability to identify the person except for their clothing. 208 because the old lighting has been updated the new lighting is much better unsettled and angry that this happens considering the amount of tax I pay. Can't see in front of your face without light from mobile phone which leaves you open to mugging for phone or obviously unseen attackers in the darkness On the nights when there is no moon it is pitch dark and one feels afraid to go out. The narrow winding roads need lights a key points, particularly those roads leading to bus stops and rural railway stations. Rural roads often flood or are overgrown and lights on key routes are important in the interests of personal safety. I feel very intimidated and have had to completely change my life style since the lights have been getting switched off. I live on a failry main road and cannot believe the council have decided to switch the lights off. The local pub is open until midnight Fri & Sat are are loosing business now because of this decision as everyone had to leave early to get home in time for lights out. Daughter returned home from holiday on a late train and felt very unsafe when walking home because the lights not working and very dark One house has been burglared already Lights go off before the planned time, so cannot guarantee walking home in the light! Returning from friends or the local pub after 11.30 now makes me feel uneasy as the area is so dark. often working late and walk home doesn't feel safe, can't ask for a lift as my husband is babysitting. It doesn't look as though the changes will really make much difference. We hope our street will be darker as the light shining in annoys us, and we feel safe in our neighbourhood anyway. We all hate not having the lights on- why on earth can't they go out after our only local pub shuts giving us time to get home safely? as above Cannot see without torch or car lights The out of order street lights made me feel unsafe. Especially when there are group of youth in hoodies. I don't feel as safe in the reduced light It affects we residents differently and some have a nearer access to their house from their garage. Others either park on the street or have a long walk around the block to home. The cul de sac is filled with parked vehicles early evening afer normal work hours. it's frightening to be in an area that is pitch black and lets face it that would be where somebody up to no good would hang out one top of my drive off. I feel extremely vulnerable. I would feel happier if all street lights were operational. if the street lights are off, i do not go out on own or walk so take the car, even if just to local shop only had the lights a week, so have not yet been out on my own at night yet. too dark Similar level of lighting. Bit difficult to see in boot and find keys when coming in after dark but not a major problem. The area is now potch dark or many hours. as above Maybe I'm naive but my greatest fear is twisting an ankle on an unseen kerb. Because the lights are not so effective I feel I have to be on my guard more than before and be aware more of my surroundings. 209 I feel less safe because I like being able to see around the perameters of my house, via the street lighting. This is why I chose to live in a suburb and not a rural area. If I wanted it completely dark outside my house, I'd have purchased home in where there was no lighting. Nightie when street lights needed See answer to No. 9 There are now some very dark area's. You can not see the pavement clearly and risk tripping up. Driving is more difficult as you can not see side roads until you right up to them. new standards and sodium lights do not appear to illuminate as much as the old ones. there is a certain feeling of the need to be extra aware & cautious when the lights are out. Obviously feel less safe with the lights off but fully understand the reasons. The improvement was in light polution, safety I believe was unaffected. Car has been vandalised. luminocity & timing of switch off periods seems the same I feel ok if I stay in lit ares but not on the paths where lights cut between midnight & 6 am. We had new posts installed and we live in a area where there are many trees and we have noticed dark patches . Although the light levels by our house has increase we have notice driving around generally there is dark patches on most streets with new lights I felt less safe while it was switched off. I am a runner and in Winter it's hard to find routes which are well lit, even in the early evening Streets very dark and difficult to walk on pavements (without using a torch !)- that is why I thought we invented street lights to see and for which we pay council tax! Lighting in the village is generally good, but due to trees etc. there are some areas which can be dark. More concerned about being hit by a road vehicle in the dark than by crime. I live on a poorly lit road and feel nervous walking down it in the dark I am generally in my car or with someone if I am out late, I don't think I would go out on my own now. Before the lights were turned off, if we heard any unusual noises outside it was easy to look out and see what was happening, now it is impossible to see anything. In particular we feel far more vunerable as we have a path running along the side of our house which is now black dark. If coming home late very dark as hardly any street lights on. depending on which lights are off when walking my dog. I have noticed that despite the fact a few lights are out we can still see quite clearly and possibly we could do without a few of them No change. From midnight all street lights are turned off. This is dangerous due to potential criminal / anti social activity & simple accidents (as it is impossible to see your next step forward). Too dark! I feel with all the burglaries in my community of late ,the local councils ought to make sure lights are working properly.I do realsie that there are thousands of street lights so it would be impossible to make sure they are all in good working order, but I do feel thay they ought to be a top priority at putting them back into working order~ sooner than later~ once you have warned the powers that be that the light is out. See above for possible consequences A few lights are now switched off after midnight on the footpath shortcut between Cross Lane Stocksmoor and Crangle Fields which is the only path where there are hidden bits and no-one able to see what happens there. 210 Street lighting is an obvious way of helping with a safer environment. Criminals will always feel they are better able to carry out an opportunistic crime if they have the cover of darkness If I were to be attacked any further than a foot away from a street light, no one would be able to see me Led lighting lights the path and roads but does not light House's and surrounding area The whole area just seems darker, as there are less street lights now. Some areas are very dark. The lights are switched approx midnight when I do not venture outside unless I have to in emergency. Extinguishing the lights has not made any difference to this approach as I am usually asleep,, all being well. If failed bulbs are not replaced quickly or regularly cleaned this poses a safety risk (stumbling in the dark) and provides dark spots for potential criminals to take advantage of. There is considerable night time drinking activity in the town and problems as a result. I do not use these pathways at night and never did before the changes I work shifts and often my wife and I leave at 5am there are no lights in our neighbourhood not only do we not feel safe its impossible to see at that time of the morning I will feel less safe less light The light shines downwards rather than spreading to cover a wider area therefore leaving dark spots Not sure just the darkness makes it feel less safe It becomes too dark in the areas where the lights are turned, often making very dark pockets where anybody could jump out on you. See 9. I feel unsafe, it is pitch black in the side street near where I live, I know this sounds very selfish but even if I had an elderly family member who lived there, I would not go and visit them if the streets lights weren't on. People can see I am a small elderly lady! We are a semi-rural area so searchlights are not appropriate! However, properly maintained street lighting would enhance feelings of safety I feel and may well allay the fears of those intimidated by darkened areas. some areas so dark, irregular pavement not visible enough Vunerable and increased anxiety from 'possible' intent to cause criminal damage to vehicles/personal possessions and do not feel safe walking along a street with no/very little lighting The lighting at the eastern end of King's Ride Gate doesn't really make much difference to our safety. What DOES make a difference are the greatly overgrown bushes at the eastern end. We suffer a lot of crime in Cleasby, especially around the farmyard. Not as easy to spot undesirable people I usually drive home so I just use my headlights to park / I was brought up in the countryside with no lights or pavements that is more dangerous Although the new street lights don't put as much light up arround the front doors of the houses, there is more light on the pavement and roads. Since the lights have been switched off at night my elderly mother has had problem with graffiti on the wall of her house. Some of her neighbours have had the same problem as well. 211 I thought it would make the area more unsafe but at a Neighbourhood Watch Meeting the local Police reported that anti social behaviour had dropped since the lighting had been turned off. They explained that criminals needed light to get about, so having the lights off would not encourage more crime. Since hearing this I felt reassured. I would not visit neighbours after dark as even crossing the road could be dangerous as you can't see very well. N-a Lighting is similar to daylight I don't feel particularly comfortable walking home on my own in the dark as you can't see what's ahead or behind you. Have been burgled before and my neighbour . So feel less safe with no lighting there is always light now Very dark if you are walking home late, which I do sometimes when I return home from friends in the village after 12.30am would like our corner to be a bit brighter I always felt quite safe when my street light was on. Not now. Am in favour of any measures to keep down costs, and also safeguard the environment/minimise energy consumption. Two lights on Cul de Sac switched off from 1am - 6am. making it very dark. I would not like to walk up to my house during those hours. We leave two outside lights on at night to compensate. Lights are not so strong and shine over a smaller area We now have many more dark and shadowy areas Need to take torch to avoid hazards more cars parked on the roads outside people's houses provides greater hiding places I avoid walking in the dark on my own, and I am grateful for the lighting on footpaths I do sometimes see strangers wandering about but am unwilling to tackle them owing to my age - also the pavements are not too good in places and there is a danger of tripping and falling the house two doors up and next to the fields had their car broken into a few months ago and it has unerved the neighbours I would feel less safe if the street lights were dimmed or switched off. I think the new lights are less costly to run.More cost effective. We live near a very severe bend which has had accidents on a regular basis, whilst no lights may make people go slower when driving. The bend is severe and especially if you are not local, could be more fatal to someone. Walking in our area at night or early hours is certainly not recommended. many areas are in complete darkness made worse by untrimmed trees and shrubs. Do not know if they are actually switched off as they are in a different part of the village Walking home from the station in Wraysbury requires a torch. As mentioned above, we used to have the 'softer' orange glow lights - these have been replaced by brighter white lights and I think maybe more of them) One would think the brighter lights would be safer - but, my neighbour (whose house is directly by a light that shines onto the front door,) was burgaled recently. also, the white lights now make it harder to see on coming traffic on the bend in the road at night, as the white light looks like car head lights, whereas before the orange glow didn't and so one knew when there was no traffic, making it easier to turn right into the road. This is probably because I rarely go out at night unaccompanied. I am aware my friend and neighbour has felt very unsafe, even though she rarely goes out in the dark, in her bungalow since the lights have been switched off 212 Feel more vulnerable and constantly checking around me when walking Just insecure when out Areas are not well lit and certain roads have areas which are very dark and difficult to walk down, especially where there are no pavements. I think it's discusting the council turn off street lighting A number of incidents have happened in the road in the last month with police presence and helicoptors. No explanation by the police has been given. less safe at night with the lights of so i would like the lights left on all night because if thay are turnd of then thay could be more brack in to house and women dont feel safe if the lights are not on at night so i think that thay should be left on at night all night. I can't use the railway anymore as the short walk home is now completely in the dark after 9.30. We have has the lead stolen off our roof 4 times although only reported to the police twice because there is no point. The dimming of street lamps make us a prime target. It encourages the 'undesirables. Never mind the council call takers saying the street lamps are there for road safety (quoted by a Kirklees council operative) rather than as a security measure. When returning from London and walking home from Station, there is insufficient light to see clearly. Pavements are often uneven and and from a female point of view, it is uncomfortable not to be able to see clearly who might be ahead or behind in a quiet area. I would never let my daughter walk alone once it is dark. Not really what one expects in the 21st century. can no longer see to walk safely. unable to see who is in area, have previousyl had problems with youths loitering in area and being intimidating Increase in crime and petty thefts Although it saves money I feel crime could take place as it very dark Have recently been burgled Too many people out and about at that time I'm up several times during the night and like to see what's going on. no comment i am not concerned for myself.. The lighting now leaves large areas between the lampposts dark and eerie. Less clobbers coming down street and going into a dark place for some ? Activity It is totally pitch black & I wouldn't feel safe walking down the road - I have children & grandchildren & I think it is quite dangerous especially now it will be getting darker earlier as from next week Too many dark spots We live on a secluded close with a bridal path at the rear of our property which leads up into the estate or down and across to the hydro where we are aware often 'not very neighbourly' people walk across from and use the bridal ways as a means into the estate. if street lights have gone out especially at a junction for a length of time it doesn't feel as safe. During the dark nights park lights are not all lit especially on the area at the back of Tesco on the Oak Tree Lane Estate on the paths from Tesco to the houses on Winster way Mansfield, Notts NG183SU Very dark area which concerns me as I walk my dog early evening. as above. I am next to a public footpath and I feel it should be well lit during all hours of darkness Pitch black It is now very dark and you have great difficulty seeing where your going The lighting means you cannot see the paths or peoples faces, i find it intimidating This new brighter white light makes the streets more like day light. lighting cover not as expansive. 213 The area seems to be very dark, especially round the back of our house, as there is a small path around the house before open fields. It feels a lot more safe when it is lit up. brighter white lights Apart from not being able to see other people who may be out, difficult, if not impossible, to see where one is walking and a fall is a strong probability. it has improved the lighting, you can see further,and feel a lot safer, However with the council looking for money saving projects and street lighting is under threat to be switched off in some arears Crime where I live in Dalton in Huddersfield so far there are no problems. the lighting has less glare and is more pleasant lthough the lights dim after 2230 I have not noticed any great difference If I am out when the lighting is not on, it is very unnerving - you really cannot see if there is anyone there. I enjoy walking and do not want to have to compromise on exercise and I can't always afford a cab, but makes me feel very vulnerable. If I'm out late I would usually be driving and not walking, so feel safer. However if I have to walk after the lights go out I would find it very difficult to see and would feel less safe. less dark areas but more attention should be paid to overgrowing trees around lamps in lots of areas My neighbour was woken up during the night by `visitors` trying the car & house doors presumably to steal something.Possibly because the `visitors` would not be seen.The police were called. We go to some friends about 6 / 8 times a year and always walk home about 1am. We used to walk across the side of a park but now we walk the "long way round" as the streets are lit approx every 3rd / 4th lamp Concerned about possible increase in house break-ins and vehicle theft I have to walk my dog late at night & also early morning, this was never an issue until recent changes to the street lighting locally. In particular, Framfield Way & surrounding streets, I have tripped over paving due to the darkness, I know for a fact that many local older people now feel very unsafe to walk along this road when it becomes dark, until the changes occurred witht he street lighting in our area this was not a concern. As a female walking alone it has suddenly become worrying to walk along these streets, the lights are too few & the lighting provided is pathetically inadequate. We live in a cul-de-sac, and the two lights that light the horse-shoe end are switched off. It's absolutely pitch black, as no light gets around the corner. The white light does'nt seem to spread the light as well. See above. New lights. They actually light up the pavement and are much brighter Deterrent ! See above The street lighting is still intermittent but the lights caste less light, so there is complete darkness inbetween. It's about road safety here, rather than personal safety. The former feels worse lights are duller Street lighting in my area is OK except on the lane, where you have to use a torch Country lane behind my house, but a busy road, dangerous for motorists and definite no go area for pedestrians when dark unless criminal activity! Women and children must feel very vulnerable and dog walkers We now have the low lights to stop light pollution. I find they make more shadow areas an issue have to be more alert. 214 Not only do bright streetlights cause light pollution but some of them are counter effective in terms of safety in that they are too dazzling so your eyes have to adjust to darkness when you move away from them. Less safe but only on the unlit routes- mainly footpaths You feel as if you have to stay more alert. It's pitch black Brightness of lights keep me awake but don't affect my feeling of safety. Previous lights were adequate If I'm ever out after midnight I have to take a torch with me. This relates not so much to personal safety/threat of violence - but that you simply cannot see to walk safely without a torch. Its the 21st C for goodness sake - I would like to think that decent and effective street lighting should be considered the norm LIghts not within actual estate(s) Very safe Lots of uneven pavements and difficult to see path so not able to be as aware of people around I don't feel at risk from attack it is just that I cant see where I am going During lambing time, I have to walk almost the length of the village, to check on the flock before going to bed. The last part of the route, (where the broken light was) is in darkness, even when the light is working. Although I take a torch, the walk between the street light and the shed light is quite scary, especially as the lane ends in an overgrown 'green lane', with lots of cover. As it's darker I would only walk around if absolutely necessay too many dark patches see 9 see above - in our area with 1 light I still have to take a torch - so I cant see the point in having 1 street light. and re question 11 & 12 it might depend on where the neighbourhood is more than the amount of light ! the orange lights are not so good Lighting is good dont go out after dark As above. Very dark public footpath area. Less safe to walk both for security and personal accident reasons. [ie cannot see the pathway, the condition of the ground and the presence of general obstacles. Better lit lane from main road into cul-de-sac when using bus. It is mainly since the influx of non-English speaking people to the country/neighbourhood in the last couple of years. Also burglaries seem to be happening every day in our town. As above you cannot see movement in the street No consistency as to which lights are off so some areas extremely dark The lights are still on: they've not turned them off yet The cul-de-sac is very dark where the lights are off and the level of security feels less. when the only lights burning are at junctions there are large areas of total darkness. Back gardens are pitch black with no light apart from moonlight IF it is shining -- a benefit to burglars one would expect. Rural lighting is very poor in our village, limited fittings, usually mounted on supply poles for convenience etc Very dark 215 The increase in people coming into our cul-de-sac for criminal purposes is worrying. Several of the neighbours have seen unknown people loitering in the street, and in some instances they have been trying house doors and car doors to see if they are locked or not. When driving at night it is concerning if I broke down in an area of no lighting that my safety would be compromised. More shadows, less easy to see in advance if evasive action might be needed or preferred. I can see better so don't trip over hedgehogs or step on the crested Newts that walk across the road It is now darker and when walking around you need to take a torch Cant see into the distance as before. The streets are virtually dark and it is necessary to carry a torch. Walking in the pitch black is not pleasant at all; one needs to carry a torch! Not sure yet - very recent, appears bright for residents but not overly helpful for car drivers. Any reduction in light not only brings a heightened feeling of vulnerability but also as I have found personally allows those with lesser morals to let their dogs foul the pavements. Which is in turn if wearing boots or other substantial footwear gets taken into your home and remains unnoticed until you have. This is also a health hazard to children. The effect gives a slightly eerie feeling at times depending on the weather. because a problem family were moved into the area two years ago and members of the family have criminal records and are known to have broken into garden sheds etc., since they arrived. I suffer from problems with my balance and am more reliant on eyesight to maintain my balance than most people as I have no hearing or balance in my right ear due to a tumour, now removed. I find walking at night much more of a problem without light to see the pavement or verge or any unevenness in them. Too many shadows. I like to be able to see and make out the pathway, road, any obstructions plus any individual or groups of people passing by or standing around Still some parts are less well lit than others, but if there were a greater number of the white street lights I think it would feel safer. Better lit areas allow greater visibility of places where people may lurk cars would be at a risk in the darkened street, although we live in a cul-de-sac it would be a open treasure chest for thives. Lights are turned off between circa 12 midnight and 6am. We live on a lane in a suburban area that only has 3 x street lights, which makes seeing in teh dark quite difficult. When the lights are off the lane is in complete darkness which I feel is unsafe. no lights With no lights and backing on to a playing field the house is not safe. Easy access to the house and in the dark. I have walked home from town on several occasions and there are areas on the main roads that appear to be black holes you are walking into, Whilst I feel the area I live in is relatively safe these areas could become hotspots of trouble Don't feel safe getting out of my car with no street lights It is a horrible feeling to be in complete darkness and makes me reluctant to stay out late if I know that I will be coming home to a dark street. I would not use the local bus service after about 10pm even though it runs until around 3am as walking from the bus stop in complete darkness is not something I would risk. 216 As above Anybody could be waiting to pounce! It is very dark without the lights, not ideal. been burgled once already When the lights go off we are left in total darkness and if there were to be any break in attempts or unsocial behaviour we would be unable to see what was going on. Night driving on the above stretches more hazardous Lighting up everything all night give the theives and hooligans light to see by!! Some areas are very dark, especially near corners. I hardly ever see anyone else out in the dark. Most people stay indoors. Our area is relatively safe and the reduction in lighting doesn't seem to have affected that. Anti-socil behaviour, eg overturning rubbish bins, can take place without the culprits being recognised I live in a corner property and one street is is switched off and the other is left on. Because there to many dark spots it makes me nervous, I try to walk near houses. I know my area is relatively safe. There are so few street lights that the ones that are there don't really help to make the area feel safer More chance of a traffic accident or street crime I am concerned to avoid falls or other minor accidents but decent torch would be nearly as useful as street lighting. I don't think "safety" = "freedom from attack" is relevant where I live. But who knows? We take street lighting for granted rather than as one of life's frills. i walk my dog regulally in the dark - and quite often pre 5am - feel more at risk to traffic and feel more vulnerable with limited lighting. Doesn't stop antisocial behaviour, just moves it to somewhere without lighting I am concerned about most lights going off during the night. I know this saves money, but perhaps they should only go off after about 2 am. Our son often walks back from town in the early hours, and this is a worry. As still some lights Area better lit and more difficult for wrong-doers to hide Dark areas now more common. the quality of the lighting is poor, probably due to distance between lampposts Certain footpaths I would now not consider using Just look better/may be more energy efficient, but haven't had a noticeable effect on behaviour. Sheltered housing introduced into this area some strange people walking about late at night. Main road into the City often damage caused in the early hours around the time that the night clubs close. Felt safer with the street light on Newer lights seem brighter than previous installation. n/a Far less safe. Can see the entire length of street,whereas old sodium lights gave just pools of light I would like to go out but would never venture it as I am disabled and scared. I would not be able to walk away from any trouble and when travelling in the car in the are we see so many incidents without Police attendance at scene Had no concern anyway as above in question 9 I often walk on a night and feel unsafe on paths when the lights are not on. Generally because its darker and it makes it harder to see if anyone else is around 217 N/A my pattern of going out at night has not changed during or beacuse of these changes I feel very vulnerable and at risk I rarely go out late at night but if I did I would feel less secure in darkened streets They should either be all off or all on - the human eye can adapt to total darkness There are fewer hidden shadowy areas now. See above I think as you get older, you become more aware of your safety Have always felt safe here Won't walk home alone even the 200m from main road to our door! My wife & I regularly leave house before 5.30am for work. She feels very unsafe now light off. Full length of our street in darkness. Lights designated to remain on are in fact 'headless' & have been waiting for replacement/ refurb for well over a year! Working lights are switched off!!! Pitch black now Never gave it a thought it feels safer as you can see more and what is going on It's more of a nuisance - it causes too much light inside our house at night which we struggle to block our and also, kids tend to congregrate more because the light is there. They never used to when it was darker. The lights have no impact on safety If the lighting is reduced I would feel about the same I am rarely out at the times the lights are off, and generally not alone. No lighting when returning from a late night out or working scares me as it is so dark you can't see if anyone is around. Increase risk of burglaries. Also when distant areas are lit visability is reduced closer to where you are. More chance of robbery or assault to occur, especially after leaving work The buses stop running at 5pm anyway..... Don't normally go out with dog after midnight As above I would be very unhappy about going out after dark you never know where people could be hiding I Did not feel safe when all the lights were going out. Can't see who is approaching you In answer to question 9 I said when asked streetlight failed during times of darkness I felt very unsafe during times of darkness. If keeping the lights off helps the Council tax then prosecute the cars on the footpaths. They mostly have garages. The lights are turned off well after midnight. This is good because I don't feel we need the lights at this time whee we live and it makes my bedroom more pleasant to sleep in and saves energy. We're used to villages with little or no street lighting - it's not a problem. People carry torches if they can't see their way, though usually there are enough household and garden lights to stop it being totally dark. It's lovely not to have permanent lighting on. It is unsafe to venture out in the dark here without carrying a torch. It is pitch black just to the west of my house Malthouse Cottage and the house opposite, Crimple Beck. I feel perfectly safe regarding muggers etc. but very unsafe walking in pitch black. To the east of my house you can't see the ground properly in places when walking. I don't use a car and have to use public transport. Lights not as dazzling - less light pollution 218 I use a torch when necessary and have no concerns Crime is on the increase in this town old ladies being mugged and more drug related issues this will only get worse if these offenders get the chance to roam more freely in yhe cover of darkness . less chance of them being idenified or desterbed by the vidulance of passing public Too dark, so feel unsafe I personally am an ex martial artist & a dog handler, I have 2 patrol dogs at home & at work, but from a security & safety point of view, I think it would be very foolish, to switch off lights at night, speaking to neighbors, some of them are on their own & are afraid enough during the day let alone at night, I think it would be a licence for more people to commit more crime & a more diverse variety of crime too Without adequate lighting the streets are dark and this is worrying for any age group. Along with this -It feels like we are being given a curfew of 9.30 - otherwise your at your out at your own risk!!! It was very dark. As the area is used for god walkers and others I felt worried not being able to see. We have had two burglaries here and also disturbed people loitering in our garden and next doors garden. Like most people, initially, I felt that turning street lights off between certain hours would be a burglars dream come true, however, this has not proved to be true, nothing has changed really. No real difference to the lighting itself. streets not so well light makes it nervy The street next to ours has only one street light lit at each end all the others are off. Our street has a couple off and is not too bad, but one of the off lights is at the junction with a dark alleyway and is intimidating. no comment Because of the change the streets are much dimmer, making it easier for people to be assulted. Area in street with light off well known for high car crime rates It's well lit therefore the residents feel safer at night and it may reduce ASB It would be very difficult to see anyone outside during the night due to lack of lighting. I often get a little scared when walking from my car. I also worry about falling as often it is impossible to see if I forget to put a torch in the car. As a consequence of there beeen less illumination of my own property I have installed dusk to dawn lights and sensors which turn external lights on when people approach property to reduce risk to property. Ver dark now in this area, I feel very nervous when the lights are out, I used to take my dog out for a quick evening walk, not anymore Turning lights off does not give me any concerns. Perhaps streets should be visited when these lights are off to determine if there are opportunities for turning off more or perhaps some have been incorrectly switched off. Can I ask why do bus stops continue to be lit during times when no buses run? I know I will feel less safe when the street lights are off. I am also worried about the darkness attracting criminals to the area. They switch them off I would not go out in the dark Light provides security to the street and to my property. Area has gardens/open spae near and no lighting so there have been problems Can be a little daunting to walk through or past an unlit area 219 There are only seven street lights in the stretch of road I live in, last weekend my wife and I recently visited friends nearby, when we left there drive onto the road we could not believe how dark it was and not realising the lighting was off we had no flashlight, we could not make out the pavement and had to negotiate black garbage bins on the path until finding our drive and flood lights coming on, I could not believe the stupidity and logic behind switching off the minim lighting we have in the village, and hope we never need assistance of the emergency services during the night. Lights off at night in adjacent road. Would avoid walking there I feel less safe when the lighting levels are lower. If it is pitch black you don't feel safe at all. Much cheaper to run Surely lights are there for our safety and tuning them off is putting the public more at risk. It's not so easy to see where you are going or to see other people who are about. It is very dark walking home from nights out in the village. The road is very uneven too. They may be brighter, but it was the uprights they were concerened about, as they were contrete and corroded. That is why they were replaced. OBVIOUSLY The lights are not necessary - people just need a torch. See answer to Q9 Its very very dark without the street lights, there are a number of dubious characters that use our road as a cut through to Leegomery. My street is a cul-de-sac, and the various ''rat-runs'' that existed when we moved here 33yrs ago, have been closed off, incl one thru my back garden , and back hedge, which I interlaced with barbed wire. THAT stopped them. They have NEVER tried AGAIN. New lighting is not consistent nor does it cover all areas. No lights I feel that it is better to have fewer street lights on at night. I feel that street lighting can be overwhelming, and darkness can be more beneficial when it comes to quality of sleep. On another note, fewer street lights reduce the drain on the electricity supply, which is a good thing. I think they goo off too early, and I don't think they should all be switched off. One light added. Very poor lighting means offenders, or possible offenders cannot be identified. streets are so dark, the lamp posts by our snickets are not lit up making it feel very unsafe. Seeing as its all dark and that I wonder about vandalism and burglary increasing. Not much lighting afraid of being attacked sometimes the street lights are not switched on for no reason Personal safety not an issue; this is a quiet village and the lighting assists navigation without having to carry a torch. n/a Can't see! too much drug dealing and youths hanging about in the twitchel between Edward st and Frederick road at stapleford. There has been a recordable increase in burglaries and attempted break-ins since the changes. I work late some nights after 11pm, so dimmed lighting makes me feel a liitle uneasy Street pretty quiet Obviously, you tend to feel more vulnerable when in an unlit street/neighbourhood 220 Lighting makes you feel safer particularly as a woman you need to be able to see what is around you I live in the country, I have a five minute walk till I get to street lighting. Then for it to go off as I am walking to walk I am a female I don't drive and I can't afford taxis It's almost like torch light so quite eerie now. Not keen on walking the quicker route home when it involves walking through small dark alleys,back roads etc.The longer route means walking past pubs and takeaways. Harder to see if anyone is hiding in bushes etc Street lighting is fine and I have no problems with it being off The remaining lights are sufficient to illuminate the area. long dark stretches are quite disconcerting especially if someone you dont know is coming the other way. More worried about stepping in something unpleasent. There has been no difference in the way I feel. Also the Crime statistics for the area provided by the Police show a reduction in crime It's always not safe for young ladies, especial girls when there are predator young drunk males about, Police should really be about on Fridays and Saturdays, even if only 'cruising' I have always lived in rural areas and was brought up on a street with no lighting. I actually prefer being without the street lights. I prefer street lights when I walk to work between 4-6am the streets are very dark and there have been violent incidents and we have experienced theft from car / garden even before lights were switched off Worried about tripping or falling over on uneven paths and potholed roads. As above. As comments above, this leaves us all vulnerable to burglaries & for usage of drugs ect. Need a torch. Can't see where you are walking, often walk on the road! It is very dark with many recesses and Lanes I am very nervous now Change is not so great as to cause a problem CRIMINALS ARE MORE LIKELY TO ATTACK AREAS WHERE LIGHTS ARE SWITCHED OFF AT NIGHT. HOW CAN ANYONE IDENTIFY CRIMINALS IF THEY IF THEY CANNOT SEE THEM. More worried about tripping up than being mugged! Walking dog late at night one is now more aware of surroundings than before The increase in lighting is for car safety but seems excessive. Feel more at risk of being attacked when out late at night on my own. As I rarely go out late at night it does not make much difference to me. Risk of burglary seems greater No problem with the lights going out There are now too many dark spots. It's pitch black and dangerous Several adjacent properties as well as our own have dusk to dawn security lighting as an ancillary to the local authority service Not applicable No perceived change in lighting levels Our area is mostly OK, neighbours know each other. I refuse point blank to go out late at night it's just not safe! We now have to leave outside lights on all night And more security lights When they are switched off visibility is poor and you are unable to distinguish anything. Its a very dark corner, so its difficult to walk 221 no difference Unnecessary to have lights on at Queen Ethelburgers. The spread and intensity of light are less than the lights they replaced. One notable gap in illumination results from the former lights being replaced one-for-one leaving unlit space enough to justify an extra light if even illumination were to be obtained. I now take a large torch with me if I am walking the street at night. This allows you to avoid dog mess on the pavements which has become more of a problem. About the same as they are now on but dimmed cul de sac back street in total darkness and scary if have to park at back at night and walk round to get into property after dark. I am a shift worker and often arrive home very late or early in the morning. We live on the edge of the village, open spaces woods and river side. I feel less safe as the light is the same as car head lights, so its harder to see when cars are coming which is dangerous. The only good thing from the new light is colour on cctv systems is better. But I dont walk the streets I go by car but anyone having to walk about in the dark is asking for trouble Haven't had any problems but I do believe lights are a deterrent to criminals.After all that is why they were put on in the first place. Less due to the fact the rear garden looks out onto open fields with a public footpath/rat run, running through it also there are a number of elderly people in the street I worry about criminals stealing and causing damage in my neighborhood. I have installed cctv at my address luckily we live in a very safe area, I have lived here for 30years and can only remember one incident of attempted break in which was about 20 years ago. The quality and number of street light sis generally poor and little has changed over the last 20+ years The updating does not seem to have made much difference. NOT OUT IN EVENING Fear of muggings by youths coming out of pubs We are a cup de sac so do not normally have traffic or persons passing through. Nothing to add. The amount of burglarys &vandalism especially to motor cars has increased! The road is extremely dark and generally have to carry a torch my husband has to go to work in the dark Provides opportunity Central tenet of crime prevention and community safety is removal of opportunity through design I have changed the route for walking my dog in the evening to avoid 2 dark areas Won't go out with no lighting Not at all easy to make my way home on paths which are not lit at all in some sections of the route. Its,very difficult see who is about, you have to rely on your hearing, i don't feel safe on a night in darkness the unlit sections are unpleasant to pass through However I am rarely out after midnight It hasn't really changed the safety aspect. They were old concrete posts and they needed updating. It has made walking home from a night out very scary and intimidating I try not to be complaceant. 222 On the rare occasion that we are out late, we cannot see a thing walking home it is very frightening. It is worrying as you cannot see who or what is going on in the dark. My husband works shift work and goes out to work and comes home in the pitch dark since the lights were turned off. N/A They turn them completely off in our cul-de-sac and I feel it unsafe especially for my property which joins a public footpath! At least one light, especially the one outside my property being left on would be safer for anyone using the footpath even if it were just to see safely enough whilst walking HAVE LIVED IN EASTWOOD FOR 10 YEARS AND HAVE SEEN NO CHANGES IN SAFETY OF THE AREA Although the new positioning has darken the area by my drive/neighbour, due to trees. They should have been more thoughtful when putting in the new lights as above Lighting should be restored I would not go out when the street lights are switched off. This area doesn't suffer a great deal of crime but the people have staed they will not go out at night due the problem with the trees Please see my remarks on question 9 I can't identify people anymore after dark when lights are dimmed It's a bad area in general. so even walking a few yards from the car to the house can be quite daunting. I never walk around after 9pm if I can get away with it. I don't feel as safe as I did as our street is now very dark with no street lights and no residual lighting from other areas. I walk our dog at night and also have a teenage daughter who will be going out at night with friends in the near future. I would not be happy to let her walk home on her own at night now because of the lack of lighting, even from her friends who lives on the next street down to ours. also HUGE comment in local press condemning street light swich-off. This shared between fear of personal and property crime, and hazards through dangerous state of footpaths and roads. See above. Pitch dark especially when driving. I bety there have been an increased number of accidents involving cars. Needs to be fixed Just replaced old posts - lighting the same Lighting has a huge impact on safety for me and my family. It is well known and documentated that crime always happens where the criminal cannot be seen. Because of the difficulty the Parish Council have in getting Contractors to repair and maintain the lights they are often not working for many weeks/months. This makes for complete dark areas of the Parish which should have lighting and therefore increases risk to those persons walking in these areas when dark. N/A Little apparent benefit. White light instead of sodium orange. Perhaps designed to reduce sky light pollution? would NOT go out at night now lights are turned off. I do not make any journey when I would have to be out at the time the lights are switched off. harbour was lit because it is potentially dangerous. Failed units not replaced due to ???? incompetence is the normal reason Obviously one feels less safe/more vulnerable when outside with no light. Parts of the street are now in darkness 223 AS ABOVE. one side of the street is still lit. and corners are also still lit. Do not go out at time lights switched off Reduced lighting appears to be selective so as to provide adequate lighting in general. I welcome this development as quite frankly the dimming is only just noticeable if dimmed lights are close to lights running at full output. A victory for common sense, with the added value that faulty lights can be dealt with without relying on the Public to report same, which usually results in nothing being done, despite a free phone number posted on every lighting column ! I would not go out at night alone, unless someone took me. I would be too scared to walk at night especially in unlit roads YOU cannot put a price on safety of women who are perhaps coming home from work late. Will crime increase? There’s sometimes glass and dog muck in the streets which you just can’t see and also struggle to see the end of the path. I personally am afraid of tripping over something along the darkened pathways. I am afraid of running into other individuals whilst riding my bicycle, due to overgrown bushes on pathways which obscure light from the streetlights. Lights either end of our property on walkway. Difficult to answer as the lights are on a main road and there is little reason to walk around this area However a new housing development may improve situation no change but would like lights on We live in a quiet Road with lots of overgrown big trees, which block the street lighting when there on.The trees make the Road especially very dark at night and when the lighting is off. I would not risk going out. We can not see anything out side our house at night. When we walk down the street when its dark we feel very vulnerable,not being able to see anything or any body behind hedges or lurking any where. All the lighting is poor as this is an avenue with many old trees that screen the lights, the pavements are in such a terrible condition that is easy to stumble or fall in poor conditions. Traffic less visible; shadowy areas where ne'er -do -welss could lurk. see above comments I would prefer if the lights went out on a Friday and Saturday night at 2am rather midnight as Iam often out to this time and the local pubs stay open to at least midnight and by the time you walk home can be one to half past one. Completely pitch black. Worry about the younger community coming home from pubs/clubs. I wouldn't be outside after midnight -- not through fear but because of my lifestyle as an older person. The lane of houses is now pitch black after midnight. With NO footpath it is very dangerous for anyone walking home. tend to be more suspicious of people when out walking at night. see above, poorly placed new lights It is normally very quiet but totally residential which gives a feeling of security More noises in alley way next to my house and have had to call 999 because of bad behaviour recently - in bad light could not see the culprits - we had 1st ever burglary 2 doors away since lights switched off Passing traffic may not see me, I may not see obstructions on the pavement, there may be overhangs from trees or bushes, potholes and raised slabs are not visible and opportunists have more cover. 224 Street lights are brighter than the old style street lights Lower lighting levels makes it difficult to see people in the dark regardless of their reasons for being there and I have a concern that it may encourage the criminal element into the area. There is also an issue with the pavements being uneven making it difficult for people especially the aged to negotiate. I think the council should be resonsible for Private Road lighting as we too pay our rates. Very dark on the streets The lighting is brighter, with less pronounced dark areas between lamps. It is easier to see where the pavemnet is in this stretch with no lighting The street is not as well lit and I would not venture out alone after dark Not so secure. I would not like to boe out when it is as dark as iti is. We get a lot of reprehensible characters in the Bakers.Arms problem with cyclists on pavements/road with no lights and going the wrong way down streets at night. I feel more vulnerable at times, especially when needing to go to the garage between the hours of 9.30pm and 6am. shines brighter as we have a lot of passage ways Felt very wary at night when no lights available - particularly as I live alone and nearest neighbour was away si it was very drk around my property - seemingly made it worse as other areas further away were lit, so felt my property would accordingly be a target. If I hear a noise outside, it is so dark I cannot see what it is. Darkness is an open invitation to theives, and the saving per household is just pennies. Lighting was on in high risk areas and areas of redway system that required it, saved council money. i would have gone further and switched off and traffic lights on roundabouts between 2100hrs & 0600hrs My concern is about tripping in one of the many potholes in the pathways and roads, though I know some women in the village feel very vulnerable and don't go out alone anymore once it gets dark its so dark, you don't know what's lurking around outside. Now I won't even put any rubbish in bins outside till the morning as its un nerving. Also when I pick my daughter up from late night parties etc driving back to the house is like driving into the black hole! I was happy with the changes and would have liked them to continue. I still would not walk alone late at night Just seems very odd. If ECC switch off lights then, most certainly, I would not feel safe in pitch-dark streets. I always act defensively and stay very aware wherever I am. It is virtually impossible to obtain an unobstructed view of the route. Moving from comparative light into extensive dark areas is unsettling. More darker spots especially when walking past gardens. I feel less safe driving up or down the hill and would certainly never walk up or down it between the two towns When I know that I am out after dark I carry and use a torch. its more dark and less street lighting We live in a Cul De Sac it is pitch black when street is switched off in the early hours. V dark Darkness breeds crime ok in my neighbourhood as lights not off but not in nearby Daventry Lights not bright enough. I welcome less light pollution the lighting is no good and can not see the numbers on the doors for example for ambulance taxis police and for fire 225 Some do not light up the many footpaths through the estate & some lights are obscured by trees. I find driving along dark roads more difficult. Would only walk my dog to the top of the road. If needed to go any further I would use the car. I no longer take my dog out for a walk or nip to the chip shop. Broken lights or obscured lights lead to larger dark areas. I do not think that the level of lighting actually makes any difference to ASB. If anyone wants to get up to mischief they will anyway. I FEEL EXTREMELY ANXIOUS AND AFRAID IN MY OWN HOME... I FEEL VULNERABLE. THE MERE THOUGHT OF BEING CALLED OUT BETWEEN THE SWITCH OFF TIMES TO GO TO MY ILL FATHER ACROSS TOWN IF I WAS CALLED OUT BY HIS CARERS ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIES ME. WHAT ABOUT MY HUMAN RIGHTS? DO I NOT COUNT IN THIS COUNTRY? WHAT RIGHT DOES THE GOVERNMENT HAVE TO DO THIS TO PEOPLE... IT'S A TICKING TIME BOMB FOR SOMEONE TO GET HURT OR KILLED. Street lights turn off about 1am in the morning. Before the lights were turned off If I got up in the night I always used to look out of the window to check everything looks ok. Since the lights go off I cannot even see my front garden let alone the houses opposite I feel we will become a burglers paradise and do not feel safe in my own home It is absolute idiocy to black out there neighborhood, the place becomes a haven to thieves and those who may do the community harm under cover of darkness. When my NHWS look out of there windows if there is a disturbing noise in the night we cannot see anything, how can we assist the local authorities with regards to the safety of the community when some buffoon managed to black out our streets to save local authority money. What use is continuing to convince residents to property mark, keep secure and vigilant as part of the watch, when the local authorities put us at unnecessary and additional risk. At a local community meeting this was put to Mr Pete Cutts of Warwick District Council (Community Safety) and in addition to arguing relentlessly against the installation of local authority CCTV that had £98,000 of secured ring fenced money sat on fro near five years by WDC, but claimed that the new enforced darkness would make criminal too scared to come out and commit crime. I have been NHW for many years starting this NHW scheme some 20 yrs ago, there is a very thin line, past which voluntary unpaid community work may just simply evaporate away. have to use subways to get to bus stops There is the odd unsavoury characters around at most time late at night I hate it. It is a commuter village, about 50 mins by rail from London. I now have a 20 walk in the dark if I leave London after 10.30pm. Even if nothing happens, it is the fear if it happening. Taxis too expensive (£16) so I have to take my chance, terrible. Used to feel safe walking home from xchurch after a night out but now don't feel safe at all once I get to the side roads that I have to use to get home because its pitch black. Also don't feel safe entering the property because there could be someone around and I wouldn't be able to see them same comment as above Difficult to see ground - problem if I want to go out running - this applies outside period surveyed. recent arson attack at car sales pitch Some roads are too dark it is scary You always feel less safe in complete darkness Just not as bright in the road Around home the lights have stayed on. It is too dark, we have to leave outside lights in all night absolutely. far less safe. this is unacceptable. 226 We live on a small circular shape estate. Cars are often parked totally irresponsibly. Sometimes opposite each other even on the bends and also on pavements severely restricting road width and leaving almost no pavement. Little or no street lighting can make this difficult for drivers and lethal for both pedestrians. Our group of houses in a cul-de-sac with no street lights between midnight and 5 am will be more attractive to criminals than nearby streets or cul-de-sacs with street lights on all night Between the two existing lights, I now need to remember to take a torch so that I can see where I am stepping. Part of the way is a verge as there is only partial pavementing. The dark spaces we now have are not ideal and I now carry a torch which was not previously needed. it has always been a quiet part of Bilborough here, only recently have there been a few concerns, these have been notified to the Police. see above I feel unsafer in the darker areas. this is a comparatively "safe" area but we do have too many heavy drinkers (of alcohol) close by; thus far, when asked to "move on" these noisy people have not been "difficult" difficult to recognise approaching vehicles and persons The street was quite dark so I had to install security lighting. LEDs are a clean low consuming light. The light output is fantastic, it is a lot brighter.. Not safe for my children who walk in the neighbourhood at night Please note first sentence in our comment to Q9 Too dark in some areas. Fewer problems with vandalism & general anti-social behaviour at night I can understand that a small percentage of lights being switched off will save a little electricity over a period of time but this tends to protect the burgulars with lurking in the shadows and make a better get away. I work shifts so I put a big flood light over my drive so I can see to walk to my front door now the street lights are off Not as easy to see in the dark - scared of falling More homes are now purchasing their own security lights and leaving them on all night and we will do the same to counter act the lack of street lights I don't see well in low light so I avoid the roads I know to be unlit. I feel safer sticking to well lit areas. when walking alongside wooded areas it is pitch black and difficult to see where you are putting your feet or what/who may appear out of the trees..that is disconcerting during the winter months I live in a cul de sac which I feel very safe in, however, since the new lighting was introduced. there are far more dark shadowy areas. New lamp posts doesn't change the safety in respect of lighting. posts are being changed in some instances due to corrosion of older posts, and more economical bulbs. as described above. Some areas of the village are now almost black. Walking alone can be unsettling, and even a torch does not give the same comfort as street lights. The dark areas are where the youths collect and their behaviour at times is intimidating WE live in a safe neighbourhood - lack of lighting is more of an inconvenience. its dark I am rarely out after midnight so I find it makes no differences other than driving along dark streets. safe in the light areas not where lighting not upgraded or removed 227 I live on my own and my stree is pitch black when lights go out .. I often take my dog out late as I work late I don't now because of no lightin . I would also walk home from pub but now I don't go .. I feel trapped in my own home my house had attempted burglary soon after the switching off of lightening It is a lot easier for undesirable people to get into private gardens and possibly break in to property See above - I am not afraid of crime in this neighbourhood. People are more visible and there aren't as many shadows enableing people to be seen easier Not necessarily safer but I can now see my car which is parked on the road and am happier about this as I had thefts from it before the extra light was put it Very rarely out at the time when street lights are switched off. Believe increased risk of burglary as property rather hidden from view at back and easy access from street and street at rear exists Casts a much clearer light so increases feelings of security I am glad lights are off - road outside perfectly safe for vehicles and generally a quiet neighbourhood I THINK ITS LUDICROUS TO SWITCH OFF ANY STREET LIGHTING AT NIGHT, ESPECIALLY FOR THE OLD AGE PENSIONERS. CRIME WILL INCREASE See comments in box 9 seems brighter with out all the light going upwards Light is not as strong After these new lights were installed, my car was taken off my drive and written off. I drive everywhere Though there are not so many lights on during the night, there is a light just outside my home so I get the advantage of a lighter part of the road. There is a large church near to where i live and there is not enough lighting around it. Have seen dog walkers out and about at 4:30am letting dogs run in and out of my neighbourhood gardens I cannot comment on the change until it is completed Then lights sometimes goes out. If I can't see then neither can wrong-doers. I would not like to walk along the footpath that runs parallel to my street as there are only three lights, shrubs and it is extremely dark even when lights are on it is still very dark. I usually carry a torch with me to ensure that I can see the way. Because it is a relatively quiet neighbourhood and we know most of the people we meet. This area has many secluded pathways which many people are loath to use after dark now they are largely unlit Uncomfortable walking home at night, but also early in the morning. Yellow lighting does not seem so good for driving Lower light contributes ot crime and ASB. For an example ask Police ot look on Hickings Lane Rec and Copeland Ave flats at night. Ok in daytime but at night teens gather and it becomes a problem The light is not adequate to light the road There are still a few lights on around my home. We live in a village and it is pitch dark when the street lights go out. it didnt make a difference to me either way Apparently the change was made for motorists' safety. 228 In danger of stumbling. Personal injury. The elderly in our community feel imprisoned and vulnerable to personal injury and crime. Crime rate seems to be on increase. To save money, why not cut civil service gold plated pensions? The reduction in lighting on pedestrian/cycle paths, for example, makes for more shadows, with increased danger of collision - for example, with cyclists. A light here in our cul-de-sac would be welcome when the lights are switched off. carrying a torch (as well as a handbag and umbrella) makes me less stable and more likely to have an accident Although the area where I live is relatively low crime, I feel uneasy about walking along pavements without adequate lighting More dark areas where only one side is lit and the new lighting is less diffuse than previously so doenst light up both sides as before It does reduce the distance I can see down ny close Less safe for people generally as walking through dark areas and difficult especially elderly on the many uneven pavements which are difficult enough during the day let alone on dark evenings I feel that lighting in my area could be brighter. Much easier for anyone with less than honourable intent to hide and move about. It's pitch black and you can't see who else is about and if it's safe or not. never felt un safe before new lights You can take people out of the gutter, but you cannot take the gutter out of the people. In danger of collisions with other cars because of the white lights which look too much like oncoming cars. I appreciate that the 'semi-rural' aspect of our particular neighbourhood should be maintained (i.e. no excessive lighting) but on main roads it is vital: it is not so much about personal safety from muggings etc (as there is relatively little incidence of this in our area) but about THE DIFFICULTY OF SEEING PEDESTRIANS WHEN THEY ARE CROSSING THE ROAD. This has become increasingly hazardous recently; on many occasions while I've been driving, I have spotted pedestrians crossing in front of me, or standing at the side or middle of the road attempting to cross, only at the last minute - because of the lack of or very dim street lighting. where I used to live 3months ago I would not have gone out because it is a notorious street with a lot of people visiting the drug dealers that live there, where I am now is a much better neighbourhood. There is a proposal to restrict the night hours soon. Please see above comments There are still some "dark spots" within the pavements nearly, which I avoid when its dark as there is little lighting there Obviously unscrupulous peoplel can move about without fear of detection Better lighting! Concern for users of footpath adjacent to my home. Often EFL students walking alone The main problem is that the lights do not switch on until 7am, and the road is heavily wooded. This is a problem for people walking to work and to catch a bus. I feel that the street lighting is important especially in urban areas were cars are pulling in and out of turnings Not concerned about lights off during the night Please see above box in no 9 Street lighting was never adequate but is now, obviously, less so. Would not like to see these street lights turned off at night would not use my back passage at night 229 As a rural area, the area invites theft. No lights makes it easier for crooks. I now would not use our back gate in the dark I believe incidents of crime have decreased as a result no change as above Too much lighting Not enough lights in our road Very dark and trip on uneven paths. Walking in a dark area at night always hightens your awareness of what is around you and makes you more concerned. Felt safe before but nice to have better lighting When our children (18-23) are out at night we worry more now there is no street lighting The top of the road is dark and the footpath totally unlight. This path is used by children going to and from school. No difference without light I would feel less safe!! Large areas unlighted. change is not on my estate there is no pavement where the light has been switched off so it is necessary to walk along the road in the dark. This feels risky because of the traffic Alleys nearby are not sufficiently lit. Since I am rarely out when the lights are off, it doesn't really affect me. It is not as safe as we used to feel. Older members od our community do not go walking out at night. Cars have have been broken into since street lighting changed. I am not out at these hours. More dangerous walking - avoiding tripping Feels like a burglar's charter Less light in the house in the middle of the night In the last few weeks our crime rate has increased due to two of our tenants have been attacked dark areas on street We have travellers illegally camped in the village, apparently with impunity - which concerns local people. New lighting makes the place feel dark and dank, like an unpleasant, inhospitable lunar landscape. Need to see how the new street lights illuminate the area. Due to alot of burgalaries i find i cannot sleep. n/a the local lighting is not affected it plunges the whole street into darkness so you can't see if anyone is on the street I am a confident person who feels everyone should be able to walk alone at night. I have had self defence training though! My neighbour works shifts and often comes home in the early hours when it is pitch dark, it feels very unsafe. there is much more antisocial behaviour now as the development has grown because if you hear a noise you cant see who it is or what they are up to, The danger is mostly from falling, slipping, or walking into unseen fallen branches. The lights go off very late, so it doesn't affect me. More opportunity for burlaries 230 The lighting is different but just about acceptable Too dim on some footpaths I feel the extra lights weren't necessary, It's pitch black on nights when there's no moon and we ave ad issues with fuel thieves before It is the congregation of youths at the shops in Anchor Road. We did one year have a 'Red No Go' area notice but don't think we need to go that far. Complete lack of Police presence. PCSO's are a waste of time.No powers and the yobs just laugh at them. Two of their wages would pay for a P.C. I feel there are places for criminals and criminal activity to hide under the cover of darkness. I wouldnt take certian paths without lights or make sure I am always with someone feel scared We have multiple problems with drunks, people who use the street as a toilet etc and need better lighting overall No lighting when leaving in the morning makes me feel extremely un safe Brighter lights needed there are many shaddowy n dark places feel safer as you can see more Way too dark to see, don't feel safe at all now is poorer visibility I feel vulnerable and nervy now ....I have always been reasonably confident going out. However I feel more restricted and wont walk in certain areas now. My own road is poorly lit !!!! See comments in box question 9. It is more dangerous walking down paths that are not well lit. You can't even see potential trip hazards. Concerned that dark streets will cause increased crime, not helped by minimal police manning levels due to cutbacks. A small improvement in lighting levels Don't feel safe at all especially with the dark evenings There are more movement of people in the area after dark It is pitch black during the first part of the night that the lights are turned off. There has been a recent burglary in my close. It's pitch black in the middle of a housing estate and very scary. More effective its the most ridiculous thing I have seen in all my years in this village, its a gold mine for criminals, from what I have seen its also pretty dangerous on a lot of different levels. Only very slightly/marginally less safe - as soon after the switch off started there was a spate of criminal activity - such as garage and shed theft, theft from cars In Enfield Park some of the lights are not working at least one of them is completely covered by trees, WE were promised 2/3 years ago that they would be cut back. NOTHING has been done about this. It isn't as dark and you can see things better. I used to be able to look out of my window when I heard suspicious noises in the street and I would be able to see people or cars that were out of place, but now that the lights are off I cannot see a thing. Even worse, I fell they can see me but I can't see them and this can be very frightening. The street lights need to be switched on again overnight. Very dark in places particularly as there is a nominated cycle path and pedestrian route present. the new bulbe ouyside my house is like my own door spot light I am not as affected as people walking after the lights have been switched off 231 When the lights were switched off it was difficult driving in Milton Keynes Ours are switched off in the very early hours of the morning, 99% of the time, I am not out at those times, therefore it does not effect us I have no wish to illuminate the neighbourhood to aid burglars - but if they have strong torches that would not be a deterrent. I note from your recent communication that the Police recommended dawn-to-dusk outside lighting but I am not sure about this illumination. now that the darker mornings and evenings are hear it is difficult to see where the road/pavemnet join and people could easily trip or fall feel we need to use car from door to door There have been incidents within a few streets from me, but they have not been reported, which seems foolish as there are then no statistics to justify restoring street lighting. I would only drive if out late and would not want my teenage kids out but i think there are less people walking around in the early hours since the lights went off. This is not about danger lurking in the shadows - it is about being seen While the change may inconvenience some residents, it would also inconvenience strangers who didn't know the area as well as us, i.e. have to use a light and make themselves obvious! Whilst very pleasant in daytime, there is a heavily treed area in our immediate neighbourhood Once the street lights are switched off it is pitch black and so dangerous to as pavements etc uneven Had number plates stolen of my car Some areas are in complete darkness. The new lighting makes much larger areas of darkness along the streets at night, such that there are distinct islands of safety within a sea of blackness. The lighting is very sparse Better for driving at night Can't see to enter the garden & open the front door when it's dark. (Used to be a light outside) It is more difficult to cross the road. It is more difficult to see when driving The quality of the lighting is generally better and makes things clearer. Difficult to see I like the fact that they are turned off. In addition to there being dark stretches under the trees, the pavements are very uneven and rough due to root damage, so quite a few people choose to walk along the road. although you can see clearer I am still mindful when out alone Its brighter in the darker streets Less safe as a motorist. very frightened as its complete black out BUT IT IS BETTER WITH THE NEW LIGHTING BUT NEVER GO OUT WHEN IT IS DARK it is extremely dark. we get youths gather due to a park and this makes things more menacing, plus the frequent ringmaster emails drawing your attention to outbuilding and vehicle break ins feels like people are taking advantage of the new cover of darkness. we also have gypsy camps set up across the road and petty theft goes up ie garden ornaments - next door had a gate stolen! It is ridiculously dark at night now when the streetlights go out. When I contacted a counselor they told me I should not be out after midnight 232 As abov we need more lights to make it safer beacause where I live we have had 2 crimes cormitted and we dont feel safe and most off the people are in Sheltered housing and most are old people About the same when in car but would feel unsafe if I was on foot (but very rarely am out in an area such as this as I need to drive as my own road is not lit and is very rural). In areas next to where I live, street lights are turned off late at night now. This is how it was in the '60s and I felt safe then as I do now It could be easier for burglars Dislike the switching off overnight. Don't feel safe. Lack of street lighting in such areas both gives concern to the elderly/infirmed as well as creating opportunities for thieves etc.. Lighting gives you confidence and you can see where you are placing your feet without lights it is very had to see where kerbs and irregularities are in paving and roads etc and there are a lot of them in this area Do not feel safe at all walking where there are no lights They are replacements Certain areas are very dark and unsafe to walk around and so going directly through often is the only way but leaves many feeling vulnerable to attack. work has yet to be completed so too soon to say Felt very dark if awoke in night - but it causes no concerns. I answered I felt safe if out after 9.30pm as I am always with someone else, but if i go out on my own as early as 6.30pm because its dark now i always have to carry a torch so i can see where i am walking and who is about so dont feel very safe As the lights are not working in some areas it does create dark spots I now stick to the paths adjacent to the main roads, rather than the walk ways through the estate. Less lights results in more dark areas and also knowing that many of those not working (have been told so by various involved persons) have been vandalised gives rise to Two causes for increased concern. Change not yet implemented It feels like it is too dark for women on their own to walk about at night. when you have had 4 cars broken in to in the last month and half you wonder if they will start pinching them or start trying to get in to your house. Level if lighting not improved When raising the issue of dark corners with KBC, I was told there was no chance the lights that had been turned off could be changed. It is pitch black cannot see anyone or anything. I work shifts and drive to work and home when lights are off on the streets. A female alone in the darkness I do not feel safe. probably more of a perception I do not like the lights out during the night I find this very unsettling when alone in the house during the night. We know that thieves passed by our house recently in the darkness with 2 wheelbarrows filled with "loot" that they had just stolen from a nearby house. The shadows are much darker I don't think the lighting level is adequate in my road. I did inform installers Balfour Beatty of this and asked what the lux levels are and what they should legally be but did not receive a reply. As Above 233 less lighting and feel less safe cars travel very fast down the road and now with no street lights it appears more dangerous. it appears to be an invitation to criminals Far far too dark in the areas the lights do not reach I feel just as safe with or without street lighting It's more an inconvenience as I can't see where I'm going so well. More likely to tread in something or trip over something than encounter a 'bad' person. See answer above - things are now the same as before. Lack of proper lighting which should be being properly maintained and replaced in order to help with issues such as safety and which is what a proportion of my council tax goes towards, is a major concern and the council should be doing a lot more to ensure this is the case. Poorly lit areas also offers opportunities for theft At night and early morning, as it's pitch black !! At night and early morning, as it's pitch black !! Very dark now outside our property which I think makes you feel less safe. After l am I cannot see my driveway - so it would be difficult to see if there were any persons lurking about. Fortunately I have a little dog, which makes me feel a bit safer. as noted in 9 above There are more dark spots now. Lighting iscriticalntonfeelings of safety Makes me feel haunded.We seem to feel insecure,scared,invitation to unsocial activity. The road ones nearest roundabout I have to wonder if this has increased the number of accidents there recently. The other lights along the main roads not so bothered about, although some re marking of the road markings might be useful As for dimmed lights, not too bad in the housing estates, but want propper lighting back in the alleyways. It's too dark to feel safe This is more to do with the state of the roads and tripping in the dark than fear of crime. When walking to Dorch West station for the first train of the day north, the lights are not yet on. No stetlights makes you feel uneasy when walking n streets in total darkness, where you cannot see if anybody is around. I walk my dog so he keeps me safe but some parts of neighbourhood are very dark. I take a torch The areas where the lighting has been turned off is rural so doesn't affect many people. Our drive is in fact a culdesac of a few private dwellings and very quiet.Mostly senior persons in residence. Theft has increased, particularly from vehicles. Vandalism has increased. Voices can be heard in the pitch darkness but there is no way of determining what is going on. An the police don't seem bothered. Very shady please see previous comments, I generally don't go out alone after dark now unless I have to. Too dark New lights installed within six months The lighting focuses on the pavement and road far better 234 The lights are brighter immediately under the light but the light does not carry from one light to the next like the old lights and possibly because they are brighter there seems to be much darker shadows. Hence, it does not feel as safe walking up the street. Most alleyways have no street lighting. Does not feel as safe to walk down them anymore. see ans to q9 its too dark in the streets now Lights are on at all road junctions roundabouts and other significant spots It is extremely dark with many unlit areas Especially in the early morning as need to walk the dogs or go to work early. This is specifically about the safety from road traffic. The pavement is rather narrow but the pubs, community centre and main centre of the village is a walk down the main road. Much of this walk is now in darkness. The lack of street lighting raises the risk of not knowing where the pavement edge is and the road surface begins. A fall here will result in somebody being "in the road" when a truck motors passed not knowing that there is an impediment. The lighting was not that bad before the changes, but they are now really. really good. SEE ABOVE WE HAVE POOR LIGHTING STANDARD The street lighting on my street is very adequate and works well. Mind you I might be classed as bias because I am fortunate to have a street light directly in fronty of my house. See my comments for Q 9 above Can't see who is in the alleyway and also very difficult to see obstructions on the path in front of our house as these are also turned off (live on a cul-de-sac so difficult the further up you get). It's too dark! We can see much more clearly at both front and rear of the property. Easier to identify objects etc. Large areas & long stretches of pathways are completely unlit, which as well as being dangerous, makes you feel much more vulnerable I walk my dogs in the dark and it's difficult to recognise people I meet or to see if they too have a dog with them. Original lights were adequate. the street is not lit up so well. Not so sure about personally feeling 'less safe' but certainly feel more uneasy as it's pitch black in my neighbourhood when the street lighting turns off - I can imagine for some this will be very unnerving My husband and I will probably take our car now - NOT very green and not good for either health & fitness and from a cost point of view. Moin road is verydark Can not see ahead of you when walking even just to the car on the drive!! 3 days ago there was a mugging nearby in an area previously thought of as one of the safest in the town It too dark , you can't see if someone is approaching you . I'm very frightened with no street lights . Lighting changes haven't really made any difference. It has restricted where I or my wife are prepared to walk during the hours of darkness. We use the car more frequently now. I have never felt unsafe in my neighbourhood. We have an effective neighbourhood watch in our area. 235 the light is not effective enough to show where your walking! Dimmer and less street lighting more danger from poor quality pavements, potholes than from people. It is incredibly dark Lights insufficient. And obscured Using environmental issues to justify turning lights off to save money is unacceptable. The majority of people that I know feel less safe when lights are not operational. If you can't see you are unsure As lighting has increased, so has my feeling of safety. It is difficult driving on the main roads without street lights, especially the turning into our road which is an accident black spot even during the day. This is more to do with the area in which I live rather than the street lighting There are unlit areas. Street lights are switched off at 1.00am. If there are no lights at night it makes it easier for the Burglars Not only do I no longer feel safe but having no lights on at night means visibility of the pavements is reduced and cannot see where the curbs are. My physical safety in this respect is also reduced. Comment to (9) above is explanatory. If I lived on one of the streets affected, I would not feel safe returning home late at night, even if I could park my car close by. Fortunately, my road is unaffected. light removed in section of road where the only reported crimes had occurred ??? Live next to a park behind some shops, often gangs of young people use the park after dark, in the mornings littered with plastic cups, empty bottles. also have noticed an increase in people using the neighborhood as a toilet often urinating in dark corners. Some even use church carpark as it is 'off road' LE2 5SF Driving can be quite hazardous on these roads at night or when it is raining Not Applicable There was no need to increase the lighting levels. The lights new lights provide far too much illumination. I suggest you turn off every other one when lit, and tun them all off between 22:00 and 06:30. The village has experienced 3 burglaries in 6 months- 1 miscreant caught. The low level of night illumination promotes crime. I have invested in 2 alarm systems to civer my property as a result of the burglaries. I would also reinforce my former views on personal safety issues due to lights/footpaths. I have yet to see a police person in the village apart from speeding through on Twos and Blues The lights were turned off (roughly every 2nd street light). This is not good enough for visibility at night. I have a torch with me so I can see in the dark areas I would prefer the lights to be on all night. Never see any police on patrol in the neighbourhood day or night when so I do not feel any less safe at any time. in my own neighbourhood. Youths congregate more, dealing drugs and causing damage. They are intimidating especially in the half-light wearing dark clothing and hoods. I used to walk my dog at night but with no lighting now I am afraid to go out. Also the pavements are uneven so there's more risk of falling in the dark. The area is too dark and I feel very vulnerable. I do not like the lights turned off. We pay enough in council tax to keep the lights on! I cannot believe that living in a rich country, councils feel compelled they have to do these stringent methods! An obvious question! If you cannot see, you cannot assess danger and so feel less safe. 236 Our garage was broken into and £750 of tools taken over night in the hours when the lights were off. This is not just a co-incidence as I've been here 41 years and Homewatch coordinator for the last 27 years had we have not experienced this before When I am out at night I am almost always driving. But I would not be happy walking around if the street lights were off Much less safer at night! As I live in an 'end of terrace' house, there is a long secluded entry down the side of the house/hedge that does not catch any light from the nearest street light. This is one of the reasons that I will not leave the house after dark, because my front door opens onto this entry and I am always afraid that someone may be down there. In my opinion, there should be MORE money spent on street lighting and especially security lighting on houses and down entries (for folk such as myself living alone), NOT LESS!! The lack of street lighting can be very unsettling . its pitch black and very quiet. the light given by these lights is different, a much whiter light. On first appearances they seem darker but vision does not seem lacking. We live in a cul-de-sac, and the light opposite our house makes a huge difference when it is 'on', and a more positive 'feel' to the street during the darkness. When walking home along this road from functions in the Village Hall No difference Less light equals more opportunity for crime to be committed. As stated above, the white bulbs are not as strong and do not create enough light. Basically, they are a burglar's dream. Generally a safe neighbourhood and occupants look out for each other Whilst I do not walk late at night I have noticed that people who do are often in areas with less lighting making them more vulnerable. Observations from a vehicle. Safe when I am in but not when I have to get from my car to my door. Before lighting cut you could see clearly that the footpath or roadway were free of trip hazards, This is a matter of concern particularly as footpaths & Roads are not repaired promptly. AS ABOVE As more and more thefts are occuring I'm usually in the car and it makes no difference to me. For reasons as given above I would rather they had not been installed Where there are sensor-controlled lights at houses, these are more obvious when they light up when street lights are off which could be helpful. Not thought about it till now! Now as winter approaching , people appear from Howard on larger groups drink . At least one light always on adjacent to housing The area is simply not as we'll illuminated as before and it would now be easier for a criminal to operate. I feel the more lights that are on the better. Without street lighting it is frightening to be outside after dark so I avoid going out! The white light allows you to recognize the colours of cars etc and to see people more clearly As a driver on a busy road (A40) I feel there is an increased likelyhood of an incident particularly with oncoming cars that have the very bright blueish headlights also the increased height of headlights on some 4x4 vehicles dazzle more with no streetlights. Also a greater chance of meeting an oncoming vehicle with lights on full beam when street lights are turned off. can not see if anybody is about now 237 I have a street lamp outside my house and although we live in a fairly safe area, I do feel ill at ease without the street lights on. The main road lighting is bad when driving home after midnight and when we drive into our road there is no light at all so you do feel unsafe No one could see you until morning if you fall over. See above Less street lights than before. Pockets of darkness and bad pockets of darkness if one fails to work. AS STATED IN 9 - IF WE ADOPT "ZERO TOLERANCE", AND ENSURE PROPER/STERN/STIFF SENTENCES, LIKE SENDING "EMIGRANT/FOREIGNERS ETC., BACK HOME FOR SERIOUS CRIMES/OFFENCES ETC., WE WOULD NOT BE FILLING IN THIS QUESTIONAIRE !!! Less safe because of the terrible state of the footpaths. They are uneven and slope towards the road. The kerbs have sunk and vehicles drive on the path where the kerbstones have sunken. These lamp posts are turned off at around midnight. I almost never go out after midnight so I feel unaffected by the change no further comment Would not want to walk home from the bus stop in one of the dark periods Lights are spead thinly and if they are broken makes it very dark. This makes the area popular to frequent by those committing ASB Just seems darker lighting Too many gangs of teenagers hanging about and drinking alcohol in the street. Cycling on the pavement Fronts of the houses are better illuminated and also covers any cars parked on the driveways. The areas illuminated has substantially decreased. It is not in an area where I go in the dark. Dangerous as a pedestrian and on road defrosting car! no change when I go out at night I would be very worried about going out when all the lights are off. If the moon is obscured, it is pitch black outside and can easily trip over kerbstones or uneven pavement. I would not walk on my own Only one street light, and when off area in total darkness. The main difference for us is lighting lights the street and not our bedrooms. brighter light covering larger area Our area was promised better LED lights some time ago but this has not happened,i suppose its all down to money. We have far too many street lights in our road and it makes sense to switch off to save electricity but must admit to being a little concerned. There are lots of trees and shrubs where people could hide and not be seen n/a break in next door and ringing of our door bell at 1.15am (both reported to police). There are fewer places of 'darkness'. you cannot see down the road at all Sometimes we return just after midnight. It would be better to have a light that detects movement. To early to measure. Taxi drivers and emergency sevices must have probeloms finding house numbers in the dark or it must be a lot slower. 238 I am not out at that time of night and I do not feel safe even in day light let a lone at night. and when I was out at night for my job. I do not feel safe walk to my car for work and there was some lighting but not much we use to walk of a team back to our cars, some meber of staff use to have there car key in there and to use if they where attack. But our manger got us all rape alarms Some old lights replaced with new bright/white bulbs but same old standard unimaginative thinking - streetlights placed standard width apart in standard locations with no assessment of each street/place to see if the brighter light casts darker shadows at bad places and if moving the lights about would enable better lighting cover but made cost effective by using fewer streetlights more strategically placed or by using street furniture such as building walls and roofs to hang lights better than using poles. Patch of darkness makes finding keys more difficult. Opening garage or back gate slower. Strangers passing hard to identify. it seems to be darker Ive been burgled once myself and many people i know have been as well Getting home from work entails walking through a couple of "twitchels" or alleys. No problem in daylight but the street lamps don't light until well after dark - and the alley is shaded by trees so it is even darker than the surrounding areas. You cannot see your hand in front of your face between 5pm and 6.30pm (when the lamps are set to come on at present). It's an accident waiting to happen. I am sure that crime would increase in the area if the lights are switched off and I would not feel anywhere near as safe as I do at the moment. Apart from that it is unsafe drivibg in the pitch dark. I would never consider going out at night without my car. Because of the drink and drug addicts knocking on you door asking for money, i have got to the stage where i turn the door bell off. anybody could be hiding just waiting to pounce or burgle your home. The old yellow light lamps meant that it was harder tyo see and there were black areas between lights Although I carry a torch at all times, I am wary that people could be lurking where I can't see them There have been increased burglary to both homes and vehicles since the lighting has been left inoperable . These lights are very good and no doubt cancel a lot of light pollution but as most properties in my NHW scheme have fairly long drives and the lights shine directly onto the roadway there are lots of shadows where miscreants could hide away. I would be happier if the street lights were back on and areas of the village were lit... The lighting improvement is more effective for road safety than for anti-social behaviour and personal safety No lighting means more opportunity for crimes to be carried out Again very easy for any criminal activites. Clanfield is a low crime area but more people now travel through so more lighting would be sensible. People can take advantage of the dark so felt compelled to have a security system installed Our lights seem to go off anywhere between 11.30pm and 1.30am at weekends. It would be most unusual for anyone to be out walking alone in this area later. no shadows in the area. Higher crime rate, especially vehicle break-ins at night There smmes to be a rise in burglaries at the moment and poorer lighting will help the burglars 239 The chances of getting police surport in the event of their need are practily impossible, as the duty officer in charge has to priorrtise every night shift as to his local knowledge and expirence with limited staff on duty, which get coverage with officers attendence & which get none. There are insufishant officers to cover all reports for police assistance, given time there are always innocent victims that will be harmed due to these shortages in our present situations. be warned !! See 9 I no longer like walking on our green at night as the lights are no longer on and the council doesn't cut back the bushes any more like they used too.... too many dark/hidden areas It's pitch black and very intimidating ! As I live alone, if I am out socially, I have to make sure I leave social venues in time to get home before the lights are switched off. I sometimes find this inhibiting and would much prefer that the lights were left on until at least 2am all the tear round Our back garden is now pitch black at night due to lamp posts not being replaced in the cul de sac behind us, and we did have one at the front of our garden, which was removed and not replaced. switching lights off after midnight presents no security problems again new type of lighting ensures that law breakers are easily spotted and neighbourhood watch can call all suspicious circumstances Obviously stretches of road can be quite dark and it's not nice to walk out alone. No street lighting The area is very dark and secluded and could encourage burglary of the homes surrounding it is exreemly dark on the walk through from sunninghill drive to failsworth close no lighting there at all does not make much differance New 'White' lighting. BECAUSE IT IS A DARK ROAD AT NIGHT ESPECIALY IN THE ALLY WAY, MY WIFE AND ANOTHER NEIGHBOUR SPENT A LOT OF TIME CUTTING BACK THE OVER HANGING BRANCHES TO MAKE IT LIGHTER,ALSO CLEARING UP BROKN BEER BOTLES AND EMPTY CANS THERE IS OFTEN STOLEN BIKES WITH WHEELS MISSING DUMPED THERE ,COUNCIL DONT WANT TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT THEY SAY THEY DONT OWN ALL OF THE LAND As I commented above. I also have a dog and if he has a problem and I need to take him out at night I feel unsafe after the lights go off. Can't see where I am going at 3.30am! Have to go along redway (cycle paths through parks) to get to work. We need to keep council costs down. havnt noticed anything different about the pedestrian activity. Crime increased there is more badly lit areas for scroats to hang around walking down to the main road is dark and creepy No real difference to ambient levels It's frightening to walk in the dark mainly because I can't see where I am going and the pavements are very poorly maintained. I do feel vulnerable to attack when walking in sparcely populated, dark areas, although I haven't heard of such an event in my neighbourhood. Feel safe in a non-lit area if with family / friends. However, if alone could possibly feel vulnerable. 240 if there are any ill-wishers around, it would be easy for them to commit crimes, especially against our young people (I am an ex-youth worker and sadly, the Scouts and Guides no longer feel safe to go home alone)) Grid roads in MK do not need the amount of lighting currently avaialble. More careful driving would mean level of lighting could be safely reduced. Unfortunately politicians do not like to be blunt and tell people it is their lack of driving to suit conditions that causes accidents. I will take more care if I have to leave my home whilst the street lights are off, but I am happy to make economies via the County Council street lighting reduces crime unable to see where pavements end or start. Worried about someone lurking around The more light there is the more visible people up to no good. I have lived in this area for most of my life and have never felt unsafe (only vulnerable as explained below) at any time until recently. As a woman who was raped at 16 it has taken a lot of hard work to not feel vulnerable but now at night I feel vulnerable again even when I am in my home as I can't see who is about outside when the lights go off. Too dark burglaries will increase Changing the street lighting has made no difference. There has never been enough lighting, we asked for lighting 20yrs ago in the garage blocks as we have two in our short road, but the council said no. One of the garage blocks has an alley way leading through to other houses that back on to us. It is pitch black at night. I am even afraid to answer the door at night. There is only a few of us that have porch lights that light up your front garden. I got my husband to fit dusk till dawn lighting to the side and rear of the house, plus a floodlit sensor light to the front and rear of the house and an outside light fitted on the shed at the back of the garden. At least I can see if there is anyone outside in the garden if I hear a noise, plus if they are closer to house the floodlight will come on. We have had someone in a garden a while ago now, the light came on one evening, my husband went to go outside and we could hear him climbing over the side gate, he made enough noise. Couldn't see anyone when he opened the front door. I'm not often out beyond midnight Car has been "keyed" at night whilst parked outside daughter's house. Since the lights were switched off I have been burgled. There are parts of the village where it seems very dark to walk home alone. I have a 17 year old son who also commented on how dark parts of the paths are. I won't go out after dark Walking into dark areas is unsettling as you are less well able or not able to see whether there is anyone loitering there. I understand the need for financial economies, and that is presumably the reason for street lighting recently to be maintained for shorter times at night. I do not perceive any greater risk to personal safety from this, but others may do. Badly designed lighting scheme in the centre of Torver cases glare and shines in at the windows of houses. It can be seen from a mile away. Wish they all went off Garage with light fitted does not switch it on because the street lights are not on all night now It is so dark when the street lighting is off you cannot see if anyone is about. This cannot be considered safe especially for females. So damge has be done at weekend with people walking through the cul-de-sac. I sleep better when they have switched off as the light level is less but not good when we are in pitch black fm midnight 241 on the estate there is street lighting and it is safer. as soon as you go off hte estate there is no street lighting and it does not feel as safe There has been some shouting and drunken behaviour at 02:00. I don't think there is any increased risk because the lights are off. Burglars/attackers will have the same difficulty in seeing in the dark as I do! If they use a torch I am more likely to spot them. N/A Driving is more difficult with pools of dark and light in equal amount. Not a personal safety issue but one of safety on the roads. We area cul-de-sac of pensioners and we are all afraid....never even go to dustbins at night cars have been broken into ....bikes stolen....gardens trashed. No way of travelling without an escort or in a car because of lack of lighting It is a quiet close & we notice anything out of the ordinary, being only one way in & out. It is only some teenage youths that tend to enjoy a bit of trouble making, but this is reported if it gets out of hand, when they start coming into the gardens over 6 foot fences to misbehave. We recently had a break-in and it's sharpened my perception on policing in general, although I have total respect for the police and the great work they do it's very clear that the cuts in resources has had an impact in recent times. No problems some street lights are too close together and are not needed anyway Being brighter lights we do not have any blind spots along the road. It is very dark when walking down the street, at times unable to see where you are going. The area is very dim with many more shadows. In certain area's I have even looked at the street lamps to make sure they are on because the area is so dark. crimne rates within the area have not increased. But I would not be happy walking about when the lights are off our road has no footpath so is shared with cars - many of whom have not read the Highway Code. we have a high student population and this has become increased. Often there are very rowdy groups out and about on the streets. They deface property and are often very vocal. They frequently disturb our sleep. We have had to make several complaints to the local police concerning noise and offensive behaviour. My street is very dark at night, and I am loathe to go out unless I absolutely have to as it is too easy for someone to hide with the lights off. The gardens are open plan ideal for anyone who wishes to lurk I am fine in that I'm a large male but im sure many ladies would not like walking on their own in that section. The lights are off in areas where people do not walk The road is very dark I don;t have a car so I walk everywhere and now walking into my close it is pitch black at night and can be very frightening. In a car the headlights would illuminate the area The street light mentioned above is currently not working despite the contractors replacing the bulb in the last week or so. It makes the footpath in front of our house very dark and the front bedroom and kitchen very dark if you get up in the night. However there is no problem walking round at night. Due to the actions of a neighbor who smashes up our property, and makes serious threats against us (My housebound disabled son, and partly disabled wife, and myself). Never felt unsafe in the first place, and still don't lights should not have been turned off till day light 242 THe street lighting in our area is not sufficiently spaced to light the area correctly. Dangerous as a pedestrian and on road defrosting car! see comments above Maybe more concerned about car crime but do have our own security lights. The streets where new lighting has been introduced feel brighter & less intimidating lights off, unable to see potholes, people Opportunity for successful transgressions of law greater in unlit places. But it would be better if the broken lights were fixed along what is a relatively busy road I was frightened and ran. very seldom out after 1am, then normally in a vehicle Cars parked on Pavements, Grass Verges and lighting has gone down hill in the last year. I had to report a street light being on all the time because the trees were overhanging on the streetlight resulting in the sensor thinking it was night all the time. I reported it 3 times and it took 3.5 months for somebody to come out to fix it. It would be better if all lights were the brighter ones. I pressed Cross Keys Homes to install rear garden lights to these houses - with no result.. Also the alleyway is owned by CKH and getting them to either replace these dated street lights or change the blubs is another challenge.. Due to the nature of the housing where we live, little light comes from the houses or gardens, so it is very dark in this area now. A few areas are less well lit due to a reduced number of lights and poor planning of location of replacement lights. Lack of any light makes me feel more vunerable Crime still occurs where there are street lights so dimming/turning of hasn't increased crime in our area. As per my comment above. the lights are very bright so able to see a little better in that area, Less safe from the point of view of being more likely to trip or fall in the dark. Quite happy in the dark. We have to reduce our energy use street is more visable It highlights the need to always carry a torch, however, since it had not been publicised when the lights are to go on and off. There are some dark areas. The police are never seen at night. More light too early to say-see answer 9 Burglars can lurk in darkness without fear of being recognized. Darkness provides cover for criminal activity some very dark areas of footpaths Lower level of lighting, and no provision of light in dark spots, of which there are many. I live a five minuet walk from my station (west byfleet) and leave shortly after 6.00am daily, returning around 19.00 or later. Over half the year the route is dark, and the new lighting did not provide for posts in areas at the end if the street where they are missing. The posts are shorter too, and before the leaves have fallen as at present, many are completely obscured with foliage. see above , some areas especially hwere highway trees obscure the lights are very dark. this creates areas young people use and it feels intimidating in the dark Only post replacement, no other changes noticed . Not applicable No lights is not safe! As you can imagine lights in the trees means no light in the street Gives opportunity for vandalism 243 As comments above Some lights are being removed and others replaced at the moment. Not in place yet so cannot say what impact this has had. You can't see into the street, there's a real fear as problems in the village have escalated and also a subconscious one, which unsettles people. Cannot always see uneven stretches of pavement when walking the dog. Police car stopped the other night to ask if I'd seen a man wandering along perhaps appearing confused and carrying an injury. I hadn't but I returned home pretty quickly! Extremly dark and difficult for Taxi company to find your location. The area was already well lit and feels a save environment, the money spent on new lights would have been better used to make the pavements safer. the occasional street lamp being out doesn't make me feel more weary when out and about, just a mild annoyance - this would be much different if all lighting was switched off. waiting at dark bus stops and walking in unlit roads is difficult often only light is moonlight.Surfaces are very uneven and a fall is likely I don't feel any safer, but am getting a lot less sleep as a result of the changes. it is very dark in this particular place on the street very dark in in some places we have to use a torch to see where we are walking It feel uncomfortable to walk in a half lit street, when it is difficult to see who may be approaching you or is behind you. I remember a number of years ago when the street lighting was improved to improve safety! White light is better for identifying detail These lights glow up high but give very little illumination. Areas between these lights are very dark, so much so that I can't see the dark tarmacked pavement. There are many little potholes, raised lumps where work has been done, broken off pieces from overhanging trees, and are generally uneven; very unpleasant and potentially hazardous when you can't see whats there. The old lights were bright enough illuminate the pavement from one lamppost to the next. Also, our streets are lined with very tall hedges and it has been know for women to be grabbed, pulled behind a hedge and seriously assaulted. Better lighting would give people a chance to catch a slight movement. we have ongoing after dark problems with groups of teenagers 6-7 in number who take great delight in annoying many of the elderly residents in the Ore Village area, they have also caused damage to the Ore church clock and windows and the under age ones use the dark areas to consume alcohol our local PCSO's are aware but it is still happening. Only marginally Can be an isentive for burglars to breackin whilst dark Personally, I wish there was NO lighting in my immediate neighbourhood. Police surveys in Devon and elsewhere have shown there is no increase in crime where lights are being switched off at certain times in the night. Before you could see if there was anyone about, but you carnt now its just pitched black. Driving can be more hazardous when street lighting is switched off when the weather conditions are poor i.e. fog or heavy rain. Too many dark places now, especailly near alleyways. I think it makes it easier for things to go unnoticed, ie committing of crimes. We (luckily) are in a very nice village and I feel completely safe. However the reduced lighting makes my wife nervous when she walks the dog The roards are dark at this time of year Much better visibility on the street and residents' front gardens. But hopefully less likely to have a council tax increase! 244 Because if the lights are brighter - then there must be a problem!!! I believe some of the lights were made brighter so as to enable CCTV cameras to be put when needed. the current lights are brighter than the old. As the village is rural there are is no bleed from surrounding lights - like in towns - so it is pitch black. I wouldn't feel safe walking around the village in pitch black as you don't know who could be hiding in the dark. We've had a number of break-ins in the village since the lights have been turned off. During the time the lighting was off I noticed more cars stopping in front of my house between 2 and 3am with their lights off. I had been ill and not sleeping well, so was usually awake at this time I walk with my dog everywhere I go. I am well known in my area. I take a firm stand against the local yobs, speaking to them if they do wrong. it is not the lighting but characters that roam the area day and night There are very dark areas where I live, makes it easier for people to break into houses. Also people stop in their cars and start taking drugs, this we have seen. no difference - the moon cannot be switched off When driving along Gleneagles Drive at night it feels safe, but once you come off the main road the lights are mostly switched off and it is very dark, so I don't feel so safe off the main road. This would be tenfold if I were walking though. Already answered above. I feel someone could be hiding in the darkness ready to pounce as I approach my own front door. the problem here is not safety but one of too much light, particularly from adjacent main roads and commercial premises, so we can't see the stars any more. Would happily accept less, or dimmed, lighting at night to reduce light pollution. main road nearby has street lights turned out LED lights have more even distribution, reducing dark spots It is very bright now in my hall and the front of house. Lack of lighting makes older people more vulnerable to accidents etc., as the pavements are in such a bad state of disrepair. Please see my comment under question 9. as above Is pitch black outside N/A I have to walk along unlit roads, with very rough uneven and broken.pavements at night. There is a lot of overhanging vegetation. I have to carry a stick and a police whistle for safety. I cannot take my fiancé out at night as he is blind, and I am not safe to guide him on the poor pavements in the dark. Removing the lights has made us feel very vulnerable to ' crime' Not what you meant, but the pavement works involved in the changing process are often hazardous in the day (in crowded high streets, for instance, and/or on dustbin days) as well as at night (eg deep holes filled with dead leaves and poor quality barriers worsened when targeted by ASB people). Also, the process seems to involve going through each stage for a large number of roads in turn before doing the next stage in those roads in turn therefore the hazards remain for weeks, sometimes months). Some of the lights were changed to meet conservation area Victorian style rather than brutal concrete poles, in Kent Road. Outside is completely dark when lights are switched off. Although it has not made area unsafe, it has made people worry about returning back / going out for work at that time. 245 For an elderly person the switching off of lights means that they cannot safely go out in the dark and therefore cannot visit friends or join clubs especially in the long winter months. Also crossing roads is a nightmare since we are relatively slow on our feet and have poorer eyesight than a youngster. It is easy to trip up and better for intruders to conceal themselves. As a street with largely elderly population I don't feel the street lighting is truly adiquate Provides less chance of detection Dark areas between lamps make me nervous of tripping over. Walking in dark areas as a woman on her own makes me feel very sensitive and unsafe. It is the perseption ofbeing less light and darker that we 'feel' less safe you cannot see anyone coming down the road from a vehicle prospective and crime would be so easy No significant change has been made to the areas of illumination, only the 'type' of lamp used. AND I'VE JUST MENTIONED YOUR NEXT QUESTION ... HOW CAN YOU ANSWER THAT WITHOUT DEFINING "WELL LIT"??? ANNOYING! Seems brighter to me, lighting up a wider area. Scared about burgulars I no longer go out at night as I don't feel safe. Switching the lights off has had a direct impact on my life in this respect. I feel vulnerable to crime and road accidents Should be a lot lighter to make me feel safer. Since we have had a travellers camp forced on us, I feel a lot less safe and the lack of street lighting through the night gives them surveillance opportunities. Strange as it seems - more lights makes it feel that there is more to feel nervous about. We live in low crime neighbourhood. Only the colour has changed, illumination approximately the same. The lights need to be on in populated area to deter criminal activity cant see up the road as much do not see people till 15 20 feet away but can here them, walking Where there is no lighting and the pavements are very poor and uneven, walking is dangerous. Particularly the new lighting makes things much worse. The dazzle from the lights themselves is blinding, the shadows cast are deeper and the perception of not being able to see around properly is a bit scary. I'm in the west end of Glasgow, but the back streets are very quiet at night with high buildings. It's uncomfortable to be out at night. lt is too dark. You don't know if any one is hiding around a corner. there is more light Because they only light up directly underneath where they are so the rest of the street is dark Safety not the issue. New units installed o save energy and reduce light pollution Where I park my car (in a side street) the lack of street lighting means I have tripped several times as well as now feel unsafe at night after parking my car. Both my husbands cat and mine have also been vandalised ay night as it is now safer for vandals as it is dark. I wouldn't want to be walking with no lights I do not feel safe walking in areas with no street lighting on! The brighter light does improve the overall visability and gives more of a sense of safety. Less safe and secure until satisfactory completion of repairs There should be either brighter bulbs for brightness or more lighting inbetween lamposts. Cant see so well so don't go out until light 246 Brighter lights does not take the risk of crime away, criminals will always find a way There are many areas of the estate that are dark and more lighting is needed Try to stay on the lit side, but it is not always possible due to the traffic. People seem to congregate under the light with alcohol drinks, and I fell safer then if I cross over to the darker side. The whole village is in total darkness. Only recently I was woken by an intruder alarm and got up to investigate. With the level of darkness I was unable to see anything. I was hoping a good compromise would be to just leave a few lights on. As above as the lighting is not as good. I am a local Councillor and I will raise this with the Environment committee. is there a service level agreement in place which stipulates how quickly the lights should be replaced because this seems to be key, and I would suggest one week as the target ?? The project is not changing the number of street lights but the new lamps are brighter and this has been commented upon by local residents The change in street lighting does not make us feel less safe VANDALISM . LATE NIGHT CLUB VISITS COMING HOME TO TOLLERTON BY BUS AFTER 12.30am AND LATER AT THE WEEKEND (drunk) DOING DAMAGE TO CARS,HOUSES,PUP, and GARDENS The darkness encourages the local thugs ITS VERY DARK IN PLACES, A FEW HOUSES HAVE HAD SHEDS/GARAGES ETC BROKEN INTO. YOU CANNOT SEE WHO IS COMING TOWARDS YOU. SOME PEOPLE ON BIKES RIDE ON FOOTPATH WITH NO LIGHTS It frees resources for more important things. see above n/a There are few lights even when illuminated and a lot of trees. It is pitch black outside. One of our local schools has a black uniform, one section of road has no path and no lights, it is very risky for these children to walk home when the clocks go back. Street lighting switched off between Poynton and Butley town making driving in the dark difficult and dangerous. I understand the need to save money, but it would help if the lighting was on during rush hour morning and evening during the winter months. No difference. Same feeling of safety. Too much light. Located next to a 'walk through' used regularly. Buses run 24 hours to the airport so people use the route to and from the bus stop, lots of flats and shadows about, and now a lot darker. Garages opposite my house, again not lit well and ample opportunity for break ins, or for someone to hide and yet have a view of the road/houses opposite. the removal of the street light has left very dark areas in the close, so you are unable to see if there in anyone or anything in the area. It is particularly unsafe for the elderly who can no longer see to get easily to their front door. I personally feel safe but, considering it is a main pedestrian thoroughfare through the estate, and several incidents have taken place I would have thought that all street lighting would be on when out at night the lighting is very bright With the street light out between the times mentioned, it does make the area around my home much darker and more threatening. How we feel (about lights dimming or being switched off) has nothing to do with the reality of things. Mind you, I never answer the door once it's dark - that's just common sense, isn't it!? See above 247 In principle, less lighting is a good thing at night to save energy, although there may be particular exceptions. Details as previous question I'm happy that the lights are off. I feel I get a better quality of sleep, and the electricity isn't being wasted. It also makes it easier to see the night sky, which I appreciate. I think individual householders feel safer when they have movement triggered spotlights in an otherwise completely dark environment, rather than within an area of bright street lighting. the lighting is better One cannot see who is there Don't like being outside. The habit of only lighting one side of the road decreases safety both for pedestrian and driver alike. I wouldn't let my daughter walk home in the dark. Have fitted lighting to my front garden to help with the light levels. The lack of light from street light makes one feel vulnerable, one cannot see who/what/ if anything is lurking in the shadows. It puts me off going out. Loss of some street lamps can create dark ghettos see above some of my neighbours are afraid to go out at night I worry about being attacked, and theft from our garden and vehicles. Our vehicle is parked off street in a car park at the rear of our house, it is very dark now there are no street lamps. although the lighting is greatly improved I thought lighting was not an issue anyway I had a camera on my car and could see ok with old lights ,but with the new ones it is too dark to see The village was already dark as it was but now there is alot of places were it is just pitch black Brighter lights cause more yobs to gather. No lights at all brings silence and peace. Brigt white lights are dazzling - you can't see into the shadows beyond but anyone there can see you fully. I'll go out in dark and under orange lights. White lights dazzle and worry me - not to mention stop sleep. In some places the lighting is very dim. There is a cut through with motion sensor lighting this sometimes does not come on until you are close to it and so it is very dark until then. I am walking a big dog so he helps to make me feel safer. i walk to work at 430 am n its dark large areas of darkness There was no real consultation about the removal of lights, or which lights, leaving some areas very dark. One of our neighbours has felt obliged to install an outside light and leave it on all night. AS ABOVE Brighter lighting More dark corners for n'er do well's to hide. The lights are brighter, which is better. see 9 So much darker. So much harder to see around you. So much harder to avoid the dog poo. I feel safer walking in the centre of the road; avoiding poo and giving me extra distance/space from really dark areas Maintenance of lighting appears to be onerous. To many dark spots 248 Taken lights way for some walk ways so not got any lights at all in some parts of Flaxwell walk ALWAYS CHECKED AROUND AT NIGHT,NOW CAN NOT SEE ANYTHING. It is still light enough and if it helps save money I am all for ti. People would feel safer if more police were seen to be around, but we would rather waste money on unnecessary lights all over the planet than have effective policing !! POLITICS !!! We've had an incident of a young stranger being on our dark driveway at night with a torch shining into the cars appearing to look for items left in cars. He moved on to the next house and I called the police, by which time he had disappeared into a vehicle waiting for him. Dark patches between street lamps Have requested that a street light on a very dark stretch of road be put back into use. I feel vulnerable here even in the early evening when dark. No surprise that some of the houses along that stretch have been burgled. However, I have been advised there is no budget. Because less people are around at night you feel less secure anyway so the added worry of the dark heightens my fears. Not convinced lighting makes somewhere safer, probably depends on area and if it's noisy as you then wouldn't hear if someone was close by. It is not in the part if the village I live in, so I do not feel this has affected me. I can smell what I think is probably drugs and guess this is happening in the dark of the alleyway so dark cant see in my road There are patches of darkness which are quite disconcerting. One lamp is left on so I can see the street and feel safe Has no effect on our rural community. lot of "pikeys" in this area so safer to lock ones self in at all times Hard to say as these changes are still happening. The light is still bright enough to see the area, but not so bright as to disturb our sleeping My house is detached away from others, i live on my own, the only lights that go out are outside of my house where all the others are they stay on!!! I feel very vulnerable as a single lady over 60 with nothing around only Industrial units, and a lorry park directly to the rear of my house. Local area in darkness is obviously less safe. Near the hospital where drunks hang about,Off the main road with lots of pubs and people lurking in doorways. never walk alone at that time now.I feel frightened for the younf people It is very difficult to see in "dark spots" which makes me feel very unsafe The lighting levels are higher now than before the lights were changed There are many dark areas - quite frequently I see people walking in the road at night , not using the footpath at all Don't catch a bus home at night as the walk from bus stop is very dark. Have to get a taxi. To save money and protect the environment ALL street lights on purely residential streets should be switched off between midnight and six am. It is completely unnecessary to have street lighting during these times. During my childhood in suburban Swindon all street lights on our estate went out at midnight. No real difference to light at street level 249 Would be better if damaged lampost replaced, as only a few lights in road, New lights better in that they direct the light down onto the road. more to do with traffic safety, both for cars and other road users there's more chances for cars to be broken into in pitch darkness and if anyone has CCTV they won't be captured on it as its too dark for the cameras to see them. Very few people about late at night in this area apart from the odd burglar. I feel safer when the streetlights are on all the night. Specially when walking from a bridge into a dark area! At present, thankfully, we still have lights, so I still feel safe. There is still enough light around. I may have changed my routes a little to avoid poorly lit areas Slight rise in thefts. cars,gardens etc. See above People have shadows to lurk in. Not good. I feel very unsafe in my street at night as it's far too dark. more lights down our lane! Area is now 'well lit'. If there were changes in my neighbourhood street lighting I would feel less safe plus as we have road side parking and no garages I would fear thar there would be an increase in car crime There have been several burglaries in my street, youths on small off-road motorbikes ride the pathways at night on weekends - so as not to be caught by police - and robberies occur in darkened areas and redways Too soon to say, really, but the sightline of the new standards should/may give the same coverage. Will know more when they actually make the switch, so to speak only at that particular spot as mentioned in question 9 They light the street up more. It is necessary to use a torch in the evening to walk about and to avoid uneven walk ways and pot holes, puddles etc. There are more opportunities for someone wanting to rob, burgle and carry out ASB there has been no change in crime or nuisance Women's safety is about FEELING safe. Not being able to see where you are and what's a head of you can leave you feeling unsafe. The lighting in my area is so poor that its hard to define who is ahead of you on dark nights. NA There are long areas of darkness. I would be wary about walking down one of the streets where the lights have been turned off. Having said that, it is most unlikely that I would be out between 12.30am and 5.00am. See comment under Section 9. We do not need so many lights, and what we have need to be more targetted Makes no difference lights are few and far between; since they are 'on' one has to say Yes. Such questionnaires are meaningless. One does not feel safe in the CSP precinct after 9PM and this has more to do with the type of groups hanging around. If this was a problem area, I would not feel safe. Expected to be set higher and constrained downwards. The cycle path where I have reported most faults has had a large increase in graffiti and vandalism. This may also be due to a lack of policing. This street is now very bright during darkness hours so its almost as if it was daylight It's pitch black anyone could be lurking in driveways etc: 250 The lights in particularly dark spots are left on Lighting is clearer and not so harsh On a street coming into the estate the lights are switched off Less safe arises from the risk of tripping because you can't see where you are going, not from any perceived threat from others. Half the lights within 500yards of my house are not working. Obviously if it's dark, there are many issues. You can't see what's up ahead, be it people or obstacles. You can't see what's coming up around a corner. you can't always see the edge of a pavement. You can't see if there is anyone lurking in an alleyway, driveway, inlet etc. You can't see pot holes in the road, of which there are now many. All of this leads to a possible accident or feeling of fear of being attacked and therefore less safe. The lack of streetlights when driving is also very dangerous as it is easier to drive safely if you can see hazards ahead in good time, which you can't always do with car lights. the theory is that it makes people slow down their driving if there are no street light but that is not the case, it doesn't. It is so much safer and makes you feel more in control if there is clear lighting when driving. there have been many fatal accidents on a particular road near me , over the last few years, at night where there was no street lighting. Atleast 6 people that I can remember have been killed when driving at dusk/night on this road. We felt it was not safe with the main road lights off when driving especially At the moment it is not good, but adequate. It would not feel safe if more lights were out. No lighting makes me feel less safe as I cant see what risks are there There are various dark areas that the lights do not reach never out during the lights off period so have no change of feeling safe The coverage of the new lamps is less due to more direction ality and less "scatter". The result are pools of unlit areas But I do wonder what kind of present the burlgars thought they'd been given... There is a section of my path in complete darkness. I stood on something very squishy the other night and the next day I found it was a slug! We live close to Milton Keynes station which has recently become a haven for beggars and anti-social behaviour I rarely venture out alone after dark and then mostly in the car. Try not to go out alone after dark More difficult to see very difficult when pavements are uneven and potholed Some of the lights have trees under them so cause big shadows. Not only walking, but feel less safe driving too It's always been so dark that we need torches to go anywhere. No criminal activity in the area for several years I regularly walk the dog at night and obviously if lights are out or covered it makes the areas much darker lighting is insufficient Seldom walk out in the dark. Street lighting has failed & has not been repaired promptly. With no lights we have felt unsafe & several elderly people have suffered bad falls. Usually all right but can get anxious if groups of lads out. Ours is a small Drive and the central area is still lit up so I don't see any onjection. As a woman who lives alone I feel unsafe when rfeturning home when its dark and rarely go out because of this The light is awful and not clear Brighter lights better illuminate parked cars 251 We have a pathway just outside our house where this is no lighting between midnight and 6 am, this pathway is surrounded by bushes so is very unsafe at night and even more so now only in terms of tripping hazard not vulnerable to crime. more that I cannot always see where I am putting my feet due to darkness rather than my personal safety being threatened I feel as if public safety has been put back to Victorian times. The lights need to come back on much earlier. People start going to work or walking their dogs from around 5am in my neighbourhood. When it's dark you can't see people approaching and bikes whizz past before you've seen them MY WIFE FEELS LESS SAFER THAN SHE USED TO, AND I DO COLLECTED HER FROM ANY SOCIAL EVENT SHE IS AT IN THE VILLAGE AT NIGHT One narrow path, speeding traffic and poor lighting. groups at top end of Corn street It is a quiet area with lots of trees and bushes, and no pavement. I NEVER walk out in the evenings any more especially in the winter, even to visit a neighbour. I would only go out if I could use the car and even then, all doors are locked. Dont seem to make much of a difference I do not feel the safety of women in particular is viewed as important any more, attitudes of communities seem to have changed and the feeling I get is that women are considered as "asking for trouble" if they walk around alone in the dark even if it is to get to an from a bus stop to work. cant see trip hazards or people appoching There has been no increase in crime or disorder in our area during the period street lights are switched off. ASB alcholics drugs abuse not bright enough. Cars parked on street are regularly having tyres stolen or windows smashed As above On my regular walk route there are a coupke of lights that were out for a while. I did not feel as safe as when the lights were working. My house was broken into recently, I would feel safer with the light back on I had to install security lighting on my property It is harder for drivers to see me as their overall vision is now limited to what they can pick out with their headlights. The lights are not as bright as they used to be. as above Lighting changes do not affect pedestrian areas only vehicles. Lights should be either on or off on roads not on here and there as switching from lit to unlit areas are unsafe for eyes to react rapidly enough. I do not go out in the dark. Some elderly residents have concerns over lenght of time repairs take It is very dark and due to the dark nights coming in there are still chidren about and it makes them vumerable to their safety. Dark makes things less safe. Never see any police around day or night. When we have needed police they have failed to take any action. As we live close to a busy trunk road and often we have experienced crime from outsiders in our small village, feel nervous at times and I would consider myself a young pensioner. So often wonder how older residents might feel, if I am. 252 I am a man therefore feel safer as I can fight back.It is the old and woman that are more vulnerable. there is a local cycle route where lights are now off which feels very unsafe. The range of the light is not as wide As above. Very dark areas as above too many shadows for people to lurk in There are areas where I will not go without the car Lights yet to be switched over. Ongoing works Reduced lighting on thr grid makes no difference to safety levels - the redways and pavements are still lit and errr cars have headlights !! we have lived in the village for years and know the area well - day or night Our area is very crime free and no changes in crime seem to exist when the light period is changed It is very unnerving to be out in the street when it's very dark and quiet. It feels threatening. I also fear for my property, as the darkness gives cover to burglars and car thieves. People could hide in the darker areas, It is more of a property security issue. I am fairly fit and agile but someone frailer might not want to venture out because of the poorly lit sections of pavement. I feel there is a security risk, particularly from anyone who may wish to access our gardens or break into our vehicles. There is also the increased risk of tripping/falling when walking along a pitch-black street if returning home late, as well as the cover of darkness provided to potential attackers. In this regard I am more concerned for my wife and daughters, as well as those of my neighbours. I think the new energy saver lights light up a wider area so there are slightly less dark areas. I still wouldn't go far on foot after dark on my own though but new lighting is better. At the time this was a horrible experience coming home and leaving to go to work in the dark. It was the winter months the street lights were out. It was scary and intimidating. After many phone calls to the council the lights were rectified and the street light outside our house was built back in in April this year. The council actually took the whole thing away. Still adequate lighting. New estate and lighting originally excessive New lights are brighter and have a wider pool of light See further with better lighting Street ligting makes no difference to how safe or not I feel when out at night. It does, in my case, mean that my back garden is lit up with an orange light all night long! Glad that there is no street lighting. Not expected in a rural area and not appropriate. As above Less safer more shadowed areas Cannot see anything when you come out of the front door As above Being pensioners and I am disaled my husband and I try not to go out during the hours of 5.30pm and and 6am When walking the dog at night I try to go earlier as I have to pass many dense bushes and although I am on the path next to a relatively busy road, I still feel uneasy. Lighting had been unavailable such that the street is in darkness making me feel unsafe. PUT THE LIGHTS BACK ON! Trees blocking lights and some not working of course if there is no light you won't feel as safe Bad spots 253 Reasons as answers to 9 above. The only issue is traffic on rural roads, but it would be highly undesirable to light them Also means youth facilities reduced Yes since the removal of the street light we think there is a dark zone in our corner where malcontents can lurk and perform burglaries safe in the knowledge they cannot be seen. there was a potentially serious car accident below a switched off lamp. A car went into a parked vehicle - the accident wouldn't have happened if the lamp had been on. a lot of people wear dark/black clothing and are not easily seen as street lighting has been reduced Lights are brighter but there seems less 'spread'. They are preferable because they do not 'shine' in the bedroom window so much. New lampost in garages behind my property makes me feel safer especially as it partly shines into my garden We have now had burglaries during the hours of darkness I prefer less lights on and feel there are still enough ro make the area light without the costs and light pollution of having them all switched on. Some friends have complained of feeling less safe It is still dark between lampposts. Not so much from a street crime point of view more from the issue of road safety There are dark patches whereby people could be lurking and i don't like to walk near these areas on my own at night A better solution would be to use either energy saving bulbs or to light every other lamp. Having backstreets left in complete darkness does not encourage a feeling of safety and where it is necessary to walk out in the night, (work etc) it is very uncomfortable. I now feel trapped in my property until there is sufficient light to feel safe to go out. less shaded areas Live alone, so like it well lit outside. Inadequate lighting in a couple of areas in the village Some drunks shouting occassionally as our police operate from a place located 10 miles away you only see a copper when you send for them, even then they try and sort it by phone inviting unscrupulous people to break into houses and cars There are significant spots of darkness As there have been burglaries locally during day light darkness increases the worry that one cannot see who is 'out there'. Some have been switched off and then put on again. now it seems to be all the safer places to leave on or off. reluctant to walk at night Still enough light from the streetlamps in the village I do not feel physically threatened , but it is different on the extremeties of the village Drivers can see people crossing the road better and the pavements are brighter Have put outside lights on a timer to light entrance to property. Safer I see To enter exit my home Less light I am seldom outside at night but the street light makes me feel safer when driving. Lights so provide security feeling I even feel this inside my own home and we have all sensor lights which come on to light hallways Very little light in this area. usually i am out at 4.30 am but i have a german sheperd with me or would not feel safe 254 Living close to a recreational field and having vast areas without light makes myself and others feel uncomfortable As stated, no light down the avenue isn't good, I live in the end house and its intimidating to walk down to the house alone now its dark, I usually use the flashlight on my mobile to see properly. lighting is less important than other council expenses They are very bright lights - so can make it more visable for good people as well as bad people. As above. Definitely has had an impact. I would previously have walked back from my local gym, but wouldn't take the risk now See above Our street is now pitch black as we live in a cul'disac. Too many areas especially near the open spaces are in complete darkness The lights dazzle as if driving into headlights For reason gfiven above MORE FORM WALKING ON POORLY MAINTAINED PAVEMENTS IN THE DARK. Lights are dimmer and do not illuminate the pavements midway between lamp posts Not as much light from the lamps, many more dark and unlit areas It is noticebly darker where the lights are off, and seems more hazardous for traffic. Slightly less safe in the dark patches where the lights have failed In a rural area with no streetlights & no police patrol, being disabled I feel vulnerable, dread to think how my elderly mother thinks, who daren't leave the house after dark! It'snot the lights or lack of them that worry me, it's the people. Another daft question. My answer is Safe AND Less safe. Less safe when driving, OK on foot. Non working street lights make that area an easy target for opportunistic crime like muggings and rape and it also makes it a place for drug deals to go on as passes by don't see what's going on As question 9 more police foot patrols are the answer 2 of the places where the lights are off are very very dark at nights and now winter is coming in thats earlier and earlier as stated more lights out would contact council if outside house (have noticed one,+ out for MONTHS and never seen it work as stated if outside would REPORT but where are the PATROLS to do the checks I rarely go out at night on foot, and should not feel safe there alone. we have large ares of path closed in with no lighting There are more dark places here than there were before the changes. sometimes some places are quite dark and i walk my dog at night sometimes Large numbers of addicts in area are often about at night. During a holiday of 19 days last christmas, we were burgled and it must have been at night, as we are a member of a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme and the people came in through our conservatory and caused devastation. Nine/ten months later we are just decorated from the damages caused and can now proceed to place boxed items back in their original places. We also have a very prominent alarm system which looks like Blackpool illuminations!! The yellow lighting is very poor and there are lots of dark areas around some property entrances, some lights are covered by tree branches resulting in more dark areas. Also, if you suffer some form of deafness, you might not know you were being followed or hear an attacker approach. 255 See comments in 9 Dangerous junction and deep ditch at edge of path now not lit There has been no rise in crime or any other problems and the area is a lot more pleasant without the orange street lights. Its like going back in time not forward switching off the main road lighting affects my feeling safe when driving on the road- it hasn't changed my perception of personal safety when on foot. we now live in total darkness after mid night Think twice about taking the same route when light bulbs are not fixed as too many dark corners where people can hide I hate it and many residents do too. We are asking for the lights to be re-instated but we have to do a survey of the whole village to see what all residents think! we fought for lights to be put into our neighbourhood, it is a service which should be there when it is dark. fear of tripping is a big problem. also I would never walk on a redway after dark for fear of assault Cannot see who is walking towards you or may be hiding Casts shadows UNABLE TO SEE ACROSS THE ROAD, UNABLE TO ID ANY ONE IN STREET. My village has no street lights so there is no difference - but your question is about how safe I feel *when I am out*. Main roads have less lights on them now for example and in other areas near where I live such as High Wycombe I don't feel as safe. Some areas to dark at night. the side & rear of my property is now in complete darkness at night As stated we live in a very rural area, but we have noticed a increase in night patrols of the police and i believe this is causing the youths to hang around in certain areas There are dark areas where criminals can keep out of sight I believe street lighting is a deterrent to criminals and I like to be able to see what/who is close by See above. Few street lights with many dark unlit yards /metres between lit areas. Not a great effect from my point of view and a good energy saving measure, I have never had cause not to feel safe in the thirty years I have lived in my current property. Darkness is good cover for criminals to operate in and drivers don't seem to be so good at driving in unlit areas nowadays. Bretton way is very dark at night.80%of lights are turned off.Thomas Cook roundabout is virtually in darkness Extra light and feel safer I no longer go out at night because my vision is poor in darkness No CCTV. NO light. Deserted area. terrifying to use at night. who would feel safe walking in darkness? who would be feeling safe to drive on a road with millions of pot holes?? Unlit areas My road is pitch black after midnight. There is a perception that unlit areas have the potential to become targets for antisocial behaviour and criminal activities was reluctant to go out at night but now there is no lights in street feel very uneasy It's nothing to do with lighting, more the environment. If you are in an area with lots of crime, you will inevitably feel unsafe 256 I think that too many lights were switched off, I think that 1 in every 2 could have been switched off. As it is our road is so dark it is almost dangerous to walk along the path incase you trip on the pavement or walk off the pavement not The road. I live very close to a pathway that leads to woodland and it is significantly darker outside my home. New street lights are better but with several removed it has created dark areas where I do not feel safe. Less safe driving on main roads yes as it is very dark I have been burgled since the lights were switched off and have spent 2000 pounds on cctv and external lighting to feel safe. Driving through the neighbourhoods that have had lighting taken away altogether from 5pm is extremely unsafe for pedestrians. Feel safer when lighter its to dark could not see people comin towards me at all Problems with youths hanging around. More incidents of criminal damage in the area. I don't think these white bulbs wouldn't really deter a person from carrying out a crime. I doubt that they'd be part of the criminal's thought process! victim of attempted burglary. I am deaf and wear hearing aids but need my eyes to compensate hearing loss when outside if alone. If I hear a noise in the night I look through window -pitch black, can't see anything, don't know who is about and frightened to go back to sleep. I feel less safe in darkened areas when I see youths in pairs or groups, often carrying cans of drink. The more light the safer I feel! Pathways winter nights are very dark Street lighting is still adequate and lights are always on near junctions House fronts are no longer covered by the street lighs and there are far more dark areas out of the white street lights. the lights go out at twelve midnight in my road making driving nasty and getting into my drive a problem. I want the light moved, its a bloody problem as its on our driveway No change. More energy efficient, less 'spill' It's harder for a villain not to be noticed My wife and I avoid walking at night if at all possible. We feel that that the new street lights are most unsuitable for residential areas There is a constant risk of drink and drug users now also rough sleepers in doorways not yet taken place Blacknwss is unnecessary.... as above The extra lighting doesn't make me feel safer, but does impose on us by shining through our windows more than it did. I don't walk on the main roads where lighting turned off, either before or since. There are a lot more darker areas which make me frightened to walk near. G Lighting is adequate. Can't see approaching! It is ridiculous to turn off strret lights in residential areas and puts people of risk of rape, murder amd muggings. I feel very scared for young people or women who have to walk home after dark. See above - the pavements have always been poorly maintained. 257 About the same at the moment, because they are still only haft way through changing the lights over. Lower lighting levels decrease personal security a) when out on the street and b)in the home, as break-ins can be attempted under cover of darkness. We suffer petty crime, turning the ligts out just plays into their hands as the people causing problems travel te back roads between the villages. Since the most of the lights were switched off I avoid going out at night. Since the most of the lights were switched off I avoid going out at night. Nowhere is safe after dark these days in Britain Much less due to lack of lighting There has been s serious sexual assault in a neighbouring district so I feel less safe when exercising my dog at night Because there are fewer shadows. There are three lights not working. one is at the side of my neighbours house and should light a footpath All areas become unsafe if lighting is reduced - always remember the pedestrian as well as the driver. I would much prefer more light in the street where I live, as well as those streets that are close by. Reduced lighting provides more opportunities for crime. No additional lights added to streets Cannot really comment until lighting changes have been completed. In the last six months we have had three vehicle brake in's and an attempted burglary. There are certain alleys that are completely pitch black whereas before they had always been well lit. I would definitely avoid them now. It was very dark This is not an area subject to problems. Very easy for property to be tampered with. Very easy for people to hide or be hidden in the unlit cul de sacs. Not safe for pedestrians as little distinction between road and path during the day so pretty impossible to identify in complete darkness. area also surrounded by a central lake! The route is very dark with fields and hedges either side anyone could be hiding out in them/ The streets are much darker, coupled with the over hanging trees it makes it feel very unsafe As I said before, lights next to the road are dangerous and I have heard many people complaining about lights shining in your eyes when driving and potentially causing accidents. They shouldn't be allowed! My house is one of three situated in an unlit area off the main road and the street light immediately at the entrance of this area has been turned off. Not about the same - exactly the same! When walking dog, streets are now extremely dark. I feel the darkness makes it much easier for potential muggers and for the first time in my life feel unsafe after dark With 5 pubs in the village, late at night is safety lottery I regularly take my dogs out at around 11 pm but the route I take is now very poorly lit and whilst I have had no problems with people, tree branches, brambles uneven ground and dog mess cause me many more problems than 3 years ago The light near us is not the only light they have taken away in our street. Areas where individuals can be hidden and where cars and doors can be tampered with. The area in question is poorly lit anyway and out of order lights just make it worse Neighbour has been targeted since lights switched off. 258 Mostly safe area. But very rarely out walking at that time of night We now have very few working lights and in a very rural village Lack of adequate lighting n the park, along with groups of sometimes rowdy youths make the area feel less safe. Although more modern & better lighting is used no change to perceived safety. The light that is out on the green alley is really dark because of the layout. I feel quite unsafe there and avoid it most of the time because I can't see if anyone is lurking. I feel relatively safe when I'm with my dog. Hazard when walking, even with a torch, it is difficult to see kerb edges. the new lamps provide a bright white light that illuminates the area better darker areas We need all the lights on during darkness with no lights you cannot see any thing on pavements so you have to carry a touch Turned off lights are not where I go No lighting in the part of street where I live, unsafe to walk in the dark Cant comment It's pitch black Very dark and spookey without the light It feels like we live in a 3rd world,back to the dark ages. Much left safe crossing roads at night wearing dark clothes. The lights are on the edge of the village and so do not effect me. There are footpaths along the main road at this point, leadingto other villages, but I have never make use of these at night; I have no need to. Can not see out of window if I hear a noise at looks very dark and early,would not feel safe to go out when lights are off. More likely to trip on uneven pavements There are no bright areas where I live at night--Hamilton Road and the trees make the pavements darker. As things are , no motorist would notice anything untoward happening Where I live it's pitch black. Denbigh Hall drive now has the lighting switched off. This area is used for dog walking but now it has no lighting even with a dog I do not feel safe in this area. See comments made above where I have answered this question. much better lighting than the old sodium lights It does not concern me, but my comments are on behalf of other residents. It feels very dark and unsafe after midnight. As there are very few of the new style street lamps there are not enough to make much of a change, ie, there is only 1 in our street - the rest are the older style orange ones. Some street lights have been remove and are also more spaced out. I am also unable to see where I am walking in certain areas As above, the danger is from being forced to walk on the road in poor lighting. Lots of hiding places that are hidden and not illuminated. Don't agree with them being switched off Felt safe before and safe now but I am a fit healthy ex Squaddie Most of the relocated lighting provides enough light and is not over kill as some where before. 259 When it is darker outside the house, I feel a lot less safe walking about than I do when it's lit. What surprised me though is that I also feel less safe inside the house on those couple of occasions the lights were off on our side of the street. I felt like there was more chance of someone attempting criminal activity on our property at night because it would be harder to be spotted doing so. My wife daughter and I all work shifts with someone in the family leaving the house between 0300hrs and 0530hrs every day and with the street lights being turned off it makes us all feel vulnerable Perhaps i answered Q9 incorrectly. I was thinking of the roads some miles from my house but I use them a lot The illumination hasn't changed security in my street. Dosnt seem to have changed anything. 1) Face recognition of anyone walking towards you is not possible until they are upon you 2) Our village does not have any light pollution so when it is dark, it is very dark 3) Not safe under foot due to the amount of uneven surfaces e.g. pothole in footpaths etc Much less safe than before both from a security & a physical point of view Nobody feels safer when it's really dark Concerned about theft. Glad have security lights. Pitch black - attraction for crime I live in a very safe city. drug dealers and users frequent the area With no street lighting Key street lighting at the end of footpaths or on road junctions remain on throughout the night so no safety issues in my opinion. Village is better lit. Main roads seem to be darker, if anything. Streets are too dark, do not feel as safe. More crime likely to be caused now too. it is darker now and very bad when a light is not working Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator No change in safety however as one of these lights is outside my window, more light seeps in through my curtains and disburbs my sleep winter approaching darker nights Don't feel scared but it is eerie EMuch Much Much darker z Often there are places that are too dark and could cause vulnerability to pedeastrians Pitch black in my street when I am on my way home after working nights I answered NO to Q9. It doesn't make sense to insist I answer this queation. My kids use the train at night and indont like it that it is pitch black on the walk from the station can only see other people when they move into properly lit area. We receive a local police bulletin of crimes in the area and most on the highways certainly wouldn't be carriedout when the lights are lit, such as stealing exhaust systems or breaking into vehilces. Cycling in pitch black on the redways is awkward which some glass on the redways I would feel less safe if they were turned off Arnison Road is practically pitch dark in the evening and a nightmare to walk up from the station. still new so not sure what in pack this will have Outside the immediate area no where near as safe Since street lights permanently turned off it is very dark and residents report feeling worried and uneasy about going out. Lights should be on until at least midnight. 260 Its quite unnerving if you get up in the night. This is a vulnerable housing complex of bungalows. Limited mobility during dusk/dark hours evening during darker seasons creates an extremely dangerous environment as the majority of walk areas are across grass footpaths between bungalows and, as the trees in this area have NOT had the tree surgeons to cut branches this year, as advised by the council last year in a free publication all tenants receive, a strong breeze, never mind gales, bring and have bought them down. Personally, I cannot imagine a fall as, although I am not in the bungalow for age reasons, I and my brother each have a bungalow due to severe osteoporosis (commonly, but not acurately described, known as brittle bone disorder, mine being three compressed lumbar vertebrae and various bone locations).Due to the council's negligence, due to know tree surgery as advised, the main problem is that the overgrown trees block all the 'behind the scenes" street lights to darkness. By this I mean street lights that are located within the bungalows and not the parameter road. I would want to carry a torch and would be cautious about trees and shaded area in case I was mugged. In the street light I could spot trouble well in advance. You now have to watch where you are walking on the street. If there was an incident it would be harder to identify an individual committing a crime. New lights too bright, preferred the old ones The street lights are still rubbish! The street is pitch black I think the lights in my quiet cul de sac should be turned back on as before, a lot of older people live around me.It is pitch black atnight !!! Roads/Paths very well lit but with LED's little stray light so surrounding areas now dark This is a relatively crime free area We only move in last year having been threatend in the past being able to see more clearly helps to feel safer. lights switched off either end of alley ways with multiple gateways - do not feel safe at all, even with a torch I am assuming this survey is about crime rather than actual safety. I do not feel any more at risk of crime now that my area is darker. I DO feel more at risk of being run over. For the reasons stated above. Late at night, during the early hours there are no lighting and at these times one feels at much greater risk - so much so that would not venture out / come home on foot. My husband and I are both well over 70 yrs old...and because we dont feel safe at night out side our home, any lessening of street lighting is a very backward move from our point of view. there are darker streets, concerned for young people walking at night in a badly lit road where there are no pavements. See above nearby junctions still have street lights on all night can't now see on the pavements properly VERY POOR LIGHTING IN OUR AREA...PROVIDE MOST OF THE LIGHTING AROUND FROM OUR HOUSE Less safe when in car and fewer street lights. There are dark areas Its dark and unsafe The new layout has created additional black (dark) spots where none previously existed. 261 There are several alleyways around our house. We don't always hear pedestrians walking behind us - we feel more secure when we can see them. Creates anxiety particularly for elderly angry at the light pollution Overall lighting has possibly got worse and there are dark areas where extra lamps would be beneficial It was an arbitrary way to cut out street lights and has resulted in some particularly dark areas and road junctions. Unable to see people walking along, only hear them. it feels very scary as there are too many dark patches in a fairly busy street. Jn Even though there are brighter lights it doesnt change who is on the street at night. My wife works evenings and now comes home in darkness due to the parish council night curfew on lighting! As it is now darker in an area which was previously well lit it is disconcerting coming home. I wouldn't walk along that bit of red way, it's to dark and feel unsafe! this has also put children at "risk" as car cannot see the children until the last minute because of the lighting We live backing onto fields as well so now we have no light to the front of the properties as well as the back! Have to take a tourch when going out after dark as you cannot see a hand in front of you. Have written to the Parish Council several times but they have never replied. The reality is, if you ask normal people if they feel comfortable and safe walking about in the dark and we all know the answer! Whether this is a perception or a fact it is a reality do you take a dark ally short cut or a well lit longer path? easier to identify colours of clothing darker streets give better cover for anyone with mal-intent on their mind! dark areas provide safe cover for anyone wishing to be drinking or dealing drugs. aside from this dark street allow people to get away with things like dropping litter, allowing a dog to foul and graffiti Some areas are very dark if out after the lights go off. Not just from personal attack or whatever, but just seeing where going - falling, etc. The bulbs are brighter but they're not on at the time when I want to feel safe Obviously, I would assume opportunist would target places less easier to be noticed which is evident with less lighting. It was quite unnerving to walk in the area where there was very little lighting During winter I walk my dog during the early evening when of course it is dark, when I come across street lights not working it does make me feel vulnerable The path between the fire station and the stream has switched off lights, I would NEVER use that path at night, it is dangerous It must be harder to recognise anyone in this type of subdued lighting, therefore more attractive to those individuals of the population who resort to criminal activity and also for safety reasons, its much harder to be seen by road users. There are large dark areas now by exits from garage areas. As long as I can see a reasonable distance, I'm fine. The general area is petty well lit as it is near an A road. One tries to be aware of any potential trouble, eg cross the road or hold back if there is a group of people. There has been a lot of car and shed break-ins in recent months although I haven't felt safe around here for years, I don't believe you're safe in your own home never mind the streets 262 The back of my house is less well lit Definitely less safe in the dark on wintry nights if one does not have a torchlight. Definitely less safe in the dark on wintry nights if one does not have a torchlight. I have to do standby work every week and often feel uncomfortable being out at night, usually on a Friday and Saturday when there are drunken youths about. This is a relatively safe area. The only safety issue is seeing where you are walking to avoid slips, trips and fallsi Lighting is adequate new LED lights are far better as used in suburbys in Surry because in my area i know a lot of drug deals take place and quite often arguments there have been thefts overnight but no violence As above. overal despite the newer lighting the street is darker and 'feels' less safer than with the original but greater in number street lights. Some street lighting in areas where youth may gather encourages them to congregate at night I don't want to risk falling, and so I don't go to evening meetings, including Neighbourhood partnership meetings. Poorly lit streets and pavements are dangerous for older people. The white have a cut off nearer to the lamp so there are more poorly lit areas between the lights. There is of course a difference in the amount of light given off by the uprated lamps but the trees cancel out any benefit by causing large areas of shadow. would rather they were there dark and not nice The new lights are much brighter and have a greater spread. We have recently had new lights fitted in the village which are different but as good as the old ones was broken into van and back of house heard a noise but did not see anything when I looked out was pitch black gutted also seen/heard more traffic late at night early hours of the morning Visibility is greatly reduced so I feel very vulnerable as I can't see potential dangers. The dark area is quite scary to go through, particularly on foot. It is a little better on a bicycle because you can get through it more quickly. Not safe at all , there is a lot of anti social behaviour . The white lights are more effective improving vision. don't feel they make any appreciable difference to security over old ones. Have had number plates stolen overnight from car parked on drive arbury is not a good neighbourhood to be out in at night,many teenagers roam about, young drivers and drunks some are rather intimidating noticed more foot trafic and loud noise from people after 2300hrs I live on an unadopted road with no proper pavements, so I have to walk in the road. The roads surfaces are uneven and therefore it is dangerous to walk as I cannot see where I am putting my feet. Well lit areas deter crime. Less effective lighting, more opportunity for criminals to be interested in the area. we know have a lot more dark areas where the street lighting doesn't light areas that have tree and shrub cover Due to the answer in question 9. There are darker areas 263 The lights in the entire area I live are of the 1960 style concrete posts with the orange lamps which is a very dim light which I think encourages anti social behaviour as you can hide in the dim lighting. This is when you feel unsafe. There should be a programme to ungrade the bulbs to white off white standards. The increased lighting has made the cracks on the footpath to the only shop nn the village easier to see According to our local Police crime incidents have not increased since the lights were turned off about two years ago. Hate the dark! We don't have lights in our street anyway so having another set of lights turned off elsewhere doesn't make any difference! I don't walk in my neighbourhood at night - travel by car, but as a car-driver am happy with the replacement lighting. i don't like street lighting, it gives you the illusion your are or your not lights have nothing to do with it The amount of lighting has not made a diference to my perception of being relatively safe I will be able to comment after the new street lights are connected and working. as above As above HAVING BEEN BURGLED ONCE WHILE OUR FAMILY INCLUDING OUR CHILDREN WERE IN BED AND ONCE WHILST AWAY FROM THE HOUSE AND ROBBED AT KNIFE POINT I CAN NO LONGER FEEL SAFE IN OR OUT OF THE HOUSE. As above, the lights are brighter and shine their light across a wider area. Not many people or cars about when street lighting reduced. some strange people hang about Lighting has to be a priority.No criminal likes to be seen. Awaiting replacement lamp-posts, not been told where they will be placed . Going over to energy saving white light . Have been told will make area better lit .I hope so as driveways too dark. Dark pathways make things unsafe. Hen't got the same vision all around The new lighting is perfectly adequate, very bright. In many ways it's better. Can't see if anyone is loitering about as it's much darker between lights. As I said above, we love the new lights. However, because there are not so many lampposts, it seems darker in the general surrounding area. Personally speaking I think the new lights make our house safer. There are now less lampposts and those in use are the environmental friendly dimmer type. The lightsare not well positioned - some areas are better than others Can't see who is about and not wearing hi-viz jackets we live close to a motorway allowing criminals easy and quick access and have had an increase in criminal activity targeting cars and burglary. See question 9. The lights have made no difference to how safe I feel but have effected the light levels in our home. A new light was placed outside our property. The orange sodium light was much brighter. See comment to question 9 Prefer the darkness. Street lighting keeps me awake. Have had to use two sets of blackout blinds instead of curtains. 264 I prefer to see what is ahead of me in the village as we have some activity then and as a woman alone it feels much less safe walking in the dark and I previously would avoid any unlit areas when walking. There is other lighting around, and I am rarely out after dark anyway. Walking from the bus stop to my home when i get the late bus (11pm) feels unsafe now as some areas are darker and I can't see in advance if anyone is there. Has i explained above. In one case the 'wrong' light was disconnected leaving a significant area poorly lit. I'm a six-foot ex-forces skinhead, so despite that fact that I'm one of the mildest mannered people on the planet, I think some people are afraid of me - not the impression I want to give. N/A see above Not so easy to walk due to pavements and bushes Larger stretches of non street lit areas down road now Street lighting is for safety as well as visibility. Makes you feel more vulnerable There is now too much light making it difficult to sleep. Even thicker curtains don't help. Have put in cctv with night vision as can not see what is going on The number of lights did not increase and the issue with some lights ie blocked or shrouded by trees still remains, the light is brighter that's all. don't like it darker in the street in the winter time feel very vulnerable. Hardly affects me as I go out on the street very rarely at night. I live on a main road, with not a lot of people walking at night, so I feel less safe walking when the lights are not working. Too many dark areas, danger points so to speak. Orange lighting is very poor. The reduced lighting is just right as far as I am. Concerned I believe the less bright it is at night the more opportunity there is for crime to be committed I simply notice that it is darker sometimes. Not sure if I feel less safe but I don't feel that property is as safe. very dark areas and worry about my daughter walking thro the alleyways....Friends of mine will not use them there's more chance of crime increasing during darkness, than in full daylight. Quite happy for the lights to be switched off after 01.00 We have a Youth Club nearby - I am sure the people are fine - I just feel intimated. To dark it actually feels like the 'black hole of Calcutta' sorry but its true.. its so dark I wouldn't go out - even to put the bins out... as above i feel at risk for a number of reasons There's not so much light so I don't go out if I can avoid it unless by car There are a series of paths that I have to walk along with no or hardly any lighting and small groups or gangs of kids gather in these areas....very intimidating and frightening especially as I am an OAP Speeding traffic with full headlights can be blinding leading to risk of falling off kerb edges. I now have a personal alarm plus touch to use when out at night. THe Road are very dark and unsafe See comment Question 9 265 There is so much news about people being attacked at knife point/gun point or by gangs of youths that you feel unsafe before leaving the house but as soon as you get to the places with the lights turned off you are on your guard all the time. Very poor lighting Only because these are patchy as opposed to complete areas not sure See above, also because of the spacing the whole street has better lighting. The lights have gone off and not been repalced. There is often a considerable distance between lamp posts Shadows are an excellent waiting area for drug dealers and users to do business . Dogs with psychotic cannabis users for owners are often invisible until they pounce on innocent victims and other dog walkers (using a lead) Attacks have increased dramatically over the past 6 months ...street drug dealing has exploded as policing cuts ensure no street visibility of neighbourhood police staff. We have on road parking so often have to walk a way from the car to the door in pitch dark I used to walk around my own garden without any concerns befoe the new lamppost, but since these have been put up my garden is pitch black, making it feel less safe to walk into I would prefer street lighting to be switched on to increase feeling of safety and also to assist visiblity when driving at night See above. Also, the two corners of the bottom of our Close are now in darkness - the light at the bottom wasn't replaced, the new one at the top of the road doesn't cover the whole area. The council are reputed to move ex prison personal into the flats area. Plus we are being mugged by men in suits in the Nottingham council A lot of strangers walking about with their faces hidden There isn't as much light to the alleyway so it's very dark to walk down. feel concern for personal safety, consequently we have installed night lights in our garden. SEE ABOVE New lights have better coverage, less/no dark areas. Turning night into day does not reduce crime. If walking home from town my last 10mins are done in near complete darkness. Fewer dark areas where the lamps have been replaced. I feel less safe after the street lights have switched off, as you cannot see much of your surroundings, from both a safety and security viewpoint. If travelling back from London can often arrive after midnight- I now try to avoid this. not so well lit round the village the trees cause dark areas There aren't enough of the brighter lights yet to notice much difference, unless they've only been placed in poorly lit areas before. Lower level of light was adequate. This is just light polution They are not in an area I walk, but drive. In fact there are no footpaths so wouldn't expect walkers to be there It does not seem as bright and the light is more specific and does not cover as larger area on the ground as previous lights did. street lamp in front of my house removed but don't answer door after dark anyway Bright lighting, especially in quiet areas allows thieves etc to easily assess you and plan an attack. The police need to change their message on this. 266 AS the council removed a number of lights in the area Though can be a bit more intimidating at times The brighter led lights are much better at illuminating dark areas. People have been attacked since the switch off. Lights dimmer and spaced further apart It is very very dark when lights go out and if you live on your own this is very worrying. I feel the same but some elderly residents do not feel as safe. I have notice a lot of foreign drunks and English drunks making remarks to young girls, making them run away after deing chased, and I have had abuse shouted at me while going home, they seem to think that it is the thing to do nowadays. please see above and I have a 20 year old daughter who works late at weekends in a bar and I am so worried as she gets the bus home and has to walk from the stop in darkness or partly lit areas N/A Burglaries increased. Now very dark by a back alley way I feel unsafe when I walk past it A little safer because of the new white non sodium lights are brighter, and they are installed in higher risk areas in most cases Bright light means crime deterrent. There seem to be less lights, and thus you can't see the other people about very well, if there are any. The street light outside the next door property shines down by path to the door, when it is lit. If I have to go out early in the morning (6am last week), it is still switched off and I don't feel as safe as when it used to be on all the time. It is only a small circular type light, but the light from it is bright enough for my path. SOME AREAS ARE EXTREMELY DARK IN AND AROUND THE VILLAGE. AND ALTHOUGH CRIME ISN`T A BIG ISSUE HERE IN THE VILLAGE AT THE MOMENT THAT DOESN`T MEAN IT WILL REMAIN SO INDEFINATELY. Having the street lights back on has made no difference to how safe I feel I never go out after dark as I am afraid. I have sometimes been told by friends and family that I trust people too much. Areas in darkness and other areas with much less lighting than before. We know there have previously been robberies, attempted rapes and other violent assaults in the neighbourhood. You can see more clearly The faulty light is near a busy junction from a business park. I am usually on foot walking my dogs in the dark and cars drive very quickly and struggle to see me even with reflective gear. Given that I have big dogs, I'm less concerned about personal safety from the perspective of people, more about being knocked down by cars. Lighting is poor I have always felt safe and still do. There are too many black spots. It is very dark in the road. Some parts are pitch black. Where people can hide. Lighting levels improved It's not light enough around the properties, especially when ALL the lights are broken My husband and I like to walk but do not like walking in the dark. It has stopped us walking to visit friends who live in neighbouring areas. Crashes will happen. Take the lights away only if the speed is reduced and drivers warned The new lighting leaves very dark areas between lamps. 267 Out and about in any poorly lit area has the risk of opportunists that maybe prevented if well lit From a road safety point of view Out and about in any poorly lit area has the risk of opportunists that maybe prevented if well lit I would be very nervous if the lights all went off at 21:30 as i walk a dog at 22:00hrs and would not want to do so if the estate was very dark. Street lights go out and stay out no matter how many times we report them to the council thr lights are creepy Installation of new , higher, replacement street lights recently has improved lighting . I live in a block of flats and there is no lighting and there is a lot of dark areas coming into the flats we need more lights in regent street please all neighbours don't feel safe. Not so much fear of assault but concern over falling into holes, roadworks and trip hazards. there are a lot of trees in our rural roads and problems will occur when trees are blown down. no i dont feel safe no lights outside my house See previous answer there as been an increase in the number of youths in the area Diffuclt to see properly. No change we live in a lane and would like some lighting for safety reasons Had our car stolen from drive don't think it would have been taken if more lit lighting is better but it is not enough LIGHTING AFTER MIDNIGHT SHOULD BE REDUCED Lighting in our road now appalling. House in total darkness when our outside light is off. I feel more vulnerable and it has prevented me from going out in the dark, even with my dog. I can now see objects and people better than I could before dark areas of the street less safe if i need to walk a short distance. The problems are mainly on a weekend when all the binge drinkers are making a mess of themselves and our town centre. Much better light Poor quality lighting with a reduction in number of lights and the new lighting has less "spread" leaving many areas of the street in complete darkness Feel a lot more apprehensive and worried in no longer deters burglars Opportunist thieves take advantage of dimly lit areas. There seems to be no urgency to repair the lights and in my area there are alot of vulnerable senior citizens. N/A - Changes have yet to be made. Answered suburban to this survey but we are on the outskirts of the town with lots of fields around us and it is a lane therefore do not feel as safe as we might. The better visibility definately gives confidence and deters thieves and unruly persons. see comment above If you can't see who is in the street - older people like me will naturally be nervous See above comment 268 Having experienced being assaulted in daylight on a main road on a Sunday afternoon, i am only too aware of personal safety. Despite this, i have still been followed & attracted unwanted attention early evening (18:30) when walking from station to apartment. I don't feel safe, they have also removed the community police officer patrols. No real difference. The lights are brighter but this feels more of a distraction in your home then it achieves in making you feel safe out and about I am disabled and I go into town approx once a week at around 6pm and have to travel back at approx 9.30 from town. I go to see my local Ice Hockey Team play and I go on my mobility scooter via the tram. It's not so bad on my journey there but coming home I don't get off the tram till about 10pm and I then have drive just under a mile home. Once I get onto my estate the street lighting is not as good as it was so I feel more vunerable, which does prevent me from going sometimes. N/A Occasional instances of total strangers about. There are already many black spots, so when they fail there are many more. As above. we have been burgled 4 time in the last 11 years but we have not reported 5 other events because of no action by police. 7 times in the last year. About the same in immediate neighbourhood but much less safe outside the immediate area where there are no lights. We pay huge council tax bills only to have inadequate lighting thus putting our lives at risk. I used to be in the police force and know the criminals always waited until the lights went out. There is no price on people's lives also there is two people in our house who work very early shifts - again this is just not acceptable. Seemed a great deal of expense for no reason. I feel very venerable but have to leave house to go to work. (Shift worker) I'm so rarely up at night, and our house is alarmed and has its own security lights, as do many of the neighbours. Actually, that would be a good future model for night-time street lights: movement-detecting lights instead of timed lights. I don't feel unsafe but it does make me anxious especially during the winter months when we seem to get an increase in burglaries or attempted burglaries NA Lived here two years and seen PCSO once in Mill Lakes/Country Park it would seem fairly obvious if you are unable to see well everything becomes much more unsafe whether it be driving on unlit potholed roads or possibly uneven pedestrian walkways. Usually only driving on roads and not on foot I never feel scared and anyway why would things be more dangerous in the dark. Its daft to spend a lot of public money and spoil the hours of darkness just because some people get spooked. It goes without saying that the older generation always feel at risk after dark in this day and age. It is easier for burglars to find their way around when streets are well lit, and security lighting has less effect If you live in the country and are out late you have to remember to take a torch Definite improvement no dark corners! The street where I live forms a short cut between two parts of the village. There are often strangers, including youths sometimes the worse for drink, using this route at all times of day They are not needed. Streets need to be lit at night to help prevent crime. 269 Lighting does not discourage drunks There seems to be a lot of street lights in my area that are not working and they have been like that for months and when they are reported it takes quite a long time to get them working again The area I live in only has a small section of street lighting. The residents I represent as a parish councilor are always asking for more as it would make them feel safer. There have been more houses broken into during the night. But with less light and pavements which are uneven it makes walking difficult as well as having to be more careful because of the spots where there is less light. Cannot see who is up to no good obvious Rarely out after midnight and always in my car so, apart from a few idiots on the roads, I do not feel at greater risk than before. Lighting has more of a spread as the masts are higher Light being lost is on the edge of a garage complex which has seen cars being damaged and stolen in the past. I do not feel nearly as comfortable or secure when walking home from town late after occasional nights out or even when walking the short distance from the communal car park behind my house to my front door. It seems incredibly dark there and it is especially unpleasant when I am alone (which is often as I live alone!) Poor, uneven, footpath surfaces together with restricted visibility through inadequate lighting means I am unsteady on my feet and over aware iof other pedestrians coming from behind me. My wife will not go out after daark Definately a lot unsafer driving. The streets need better lighting. Light offers sense of security, doesn't seem to be where you want it to be. INcreased number of 'gatherings' are intimidating and many feel unable to venture out once lights come on. The oblong lamps give a better light than the previous ones. The swan-necked lamps give about the same light as previously - which is not that great! n/a Well honestly I don't think the issue is one of street lighting, I think the issue is the unnecessary anxiety caused by newspapers and campaigners keen to make a mountain out of any molehill. When Suzy lamplugh was abducted is there any suggestion at all that brighter street lighting would have been an advantage? In the meantime we have light pollution, global warming made worse by unneeded street lighting and the citizenry made nervous when there is nothing little to be nervous about. Folk should get a grip - stay calm and carry on! don't like going out at night Not often out walking during these times, I don't personally less safe but I would have some concerns for my Wife if she were out alone walking during these times. Very Bright lights - excellent thank you. ONE Light to 30 houses that works some of the time, yeah I feel much happier not i WOULD NOT WALK DOWN KINGS ROAD, CHALFONT ST GILES DURING THIS PERIOD you have no idea who is lurking about and burglaries have increased since the lights have been going off dont walk out at bight Bright, natural-looking white streetlights make the street better lit, which improves feelings of security and safety NO LIGHTS 270 It is dangerous as you could fall over anything and you feel completely at the mercy of anyone in the darkness Answered No The road we live on is part of a housing estate. The Meadow Park is part of the local countryside & is not lit at all. Many people take their dogs there for recreation at all times of day & some even after dark. Behind this streetlight there are large trees which make the area even darker. There are also motorists who quite often drive round the bend at speed; add to this the eastern flight path to East Midlands Airport, walking in this area could be a perilous experience. I feel the blanket of darkness the lights going off provides may well encourage burglars as they'll maybe see this as extra essential 'other cover' for them to work under more covertly!"! I do not venture out on the streets at nights usually so it's difficult to answer this question objectively, bad lighting and bushes are over growen dont feel save The estate roads and therefore all the side alleys and gardens are so dark nothing can be seen. now have better lighting in place Can't see as well in less bright areas. Not as bright. Does not give adequate safe lighting to prevent burglaries in area Street much brighter. My neighbourhood is generally very quiet, during the day and night. Too many loud youngsters with hoods & they drink in the street Because it darker late evening, and the early hours of the morning. See my other comments parts of pavement are not lit like they used to be - also because light is brighter it can effect eyesight, which is bad enough when it is dark. When walking my dog in the morning at 4:45am the lights are off and where I live its pitch black I don't feel safe even with my dog I have complained to the council but to no effect. patchy lighting areas is poor for both pedestrians and drivers would like them to remain on longer The new lighting will improve visability at night Less safe only when repairs are not carried out Lack of lighting in some areas As above thefts could occur under cover of darkness. Very dark when I walk to my house at night Dark areas now As above cant see as well As my neighbourhood is close to open fields without sufficient lighting it increases the possibilities of mugging I believe that the level of street lighting in the area is appropriate to our semi rural area . Any significant increase would add to the light level contamination and be inappropriate We need the top one in the cul-de-sac putting back into service. All the neighbours feel unsafe now as it is simply pitch black at the top end. On a number of occasions people have been observed by neighbours walking up the street who do not live in it. I would prefer no lights in rural areas like ours Periods of pitch blackness I would feel less safe if it was reduced 271 If it is late, after 11pm the lighting feels very insubstantial and does not cast enough light leaving areas in darkness. I undertstand that the switching off of A road lights has saved the tax payer a lot of money and there has been no increase in accidents. We need the lights switched back on between Poynton and Macclesfield please. The unlit areas remain and are to be avoided. Same comment as at 9 I live on Leafield Road. I feel safe walking around the LEafield Road and Crescent Road area at night but NEVER at the back of the house or along Barrack's Lane cycle path. I'm a keen cyclist but I feel very uneasy even cycling at night along there so avoid it and use the main roads. There is a lack of lighting along that pathway. You are able to see who is around Street nearby (Dunstans Drive, Winnersh) has street lighting turned off at night. At first I thought there was a fault. I do not feel safe walking in this area. Certain areas are very dark since the lights have been turned off and I feel unsafe in these areas See comments in 9. See above. It reduces the ability to be a pedestrian in a semi urban albeit somewhat rural area. A torch is a essential prequisite. New lights have lit dark areas, apart from the one which I've never seen lit. Close is now darker. As above It's very dark for driving and lots of hedgerow by side of roads No streetlights = more antisocial behaviour, greater risk of theft/burglary, malicious damage to property and just generally makes the neighbourhood an unsafe place. We pay enough in taxes, leave the lights on!!! Some areas are very dark now Main streets seem to be very good, it's the path which intersect the estate that are dark because of all the over grown conifer hedges. NOT SO MANY DARK SHADOWS NOW Don't work, not maintained Lighting gives confidence because you can see potential danger and take calm measures to counteract it in time, rather than being taken unawares and panicking. Whilst the lights were off, that is. Pleased as it also reduces light pollution and saves energy and money The new lights are so bright they are almost dazzling to drivers which is probably not making it safer to be on the pavement. I don't think criminals would be put off by the extra light. Safer only in reducing the number of burglaries that had crept up in previous 2/3 years, and in reducing worries about road-safety. It is more difficult to see where one is going and whether there's anyone else about We have a street light outside which covers our drives and forecourts The lights are due to be reduced further under the safety concerns by the providers of the lamp poles. This is a concern for some older people here. Most people when going out at night on foot carry torches. Driving is less safe The council do not clear foilage trees from the street lights..because of the difficulty in either doing it or getting residents to do it I feel less safe only in terms of the possibility of accidentally tripping on dark uneven foot paths. this is more worrying as winter approaches walkways unlit 272 Cant see what's going on comment as above one lightbulb does not make a difference Although I feel about the same, I would be more wary approaching an unlit area. Less crime with bright lighting I think the answer to this question is rather obvious to most people! Really only affects me when driving - no problem Dark stretches are created where no light exists Lights cover greater area per lamp In view of recent burglaries and break-ins in our neighbourhood, the turning off of street lights in the evening is not helpful. Humber Walk some has all ready been attached Poorer lighting inevitably means more dark areas. very dark It isw better to see where one is walking,any objects in the way etc. It feels like the dark ages not the 21st century Feel vulnerable especially when large groups about I feel very safe walking at night around here. Still problems with late night noise & local pub. I think the new lights are dimmer but only slightly so. Household property more at risk to burglaries due to poor street lighting. Lighting on particular roads is non existent, a torch is needed to see where you are walking and makes you feel very unsafe especially as there are few houses around. See comment in no.9 The authorities need to cut off the tree branches that block the new street lights otherwise defeating the purpose of these lights as branches cover them. A team should drive around the areas where new lights have been installed and trim the branche The lighting team should trim the branches at the same time of installation of lights but I suppose it is a case of 'not my area of responsibility' ALTHOUGH THE LIGHTS ARE DIMMER IT DOES NOT MAKE A LOT OF DIFFERENCE Our streets are much darker than they were previously and that put our safety at risk . Need white light on all streets. In the summer the lights were coming back on in the morning after it was light!! didn't answer yes, but I do feel less safe. I am not afraid of the dark. I think it makes a difference to safety. I would feel safe if there were no lights at all, as long as I wear reflective clothing. As above the pools of light and dark make you "feel" less safe as there is a potential for someone to hide easily. I live at the end of a culdesac that serves as a cut-through for many pedestrians... coming and going from a wooded area that opens onto a field and community centre to the neighbourhood and main road. Since there can be quite rowdy pedestrian traffic during the late night hours, I feel less safe as I cannot see who the people are - it tends to make them less aware of where they are and therefore they don't tone down their behaviour. I think this walkway cut through should remain lit as it is from woods to an ally way - safer for the users and it would make me feel much more comfortable. Please note I am a single mum with 2 young kids at home so I feel even more vulnerable than others might. If you have someone coming back from a night out then it is pitch black 273 Why can't all the street lights be changed so they are brighter I live near public footpaths and a wood and fields and lighting just isn't good enough If I were a less confident person these changes might make a difference as the shadow areas are larger. Living in very rural location the little street lighting we have does make one feel safer in the context of traffic Just it feels good that the lights are using less energy. Cannot see if anyone around if they are wearing dark clothes etc It is dificult to see, this is made worst by the lack of maintenance to trees and shrubs. I walk a dog so in itself is a deterrent I don't walk about in the village late at night so to me safety was the same. There are now darker areas (obviously!) So these areas feel less safe, not merely because of criminal activity, but because it is easier to trip on uneven surfaces and unseen ice in winter. We have little violent crime in our area. It is mainly car theft and burglary but this means there are still criminals out the street at night which leads to perceptions of streets being unsafe in the dark. Cannot see as far, also created bright and dull patches. darker I can see the whole street The additional lights have been of no real benefit to the community as they are on an extreme edge of the village. Would prefer to have fewer street lights or for those existing to be dimmed or turned off through the night. For a rural location there is too much light pollution. dark corners mean you can not see if anyone there and as my street is used as a cut through to get to and from the entertainment park, there is a lot of noise late at night and you cannot see where it is coming from. The lights are much more pleasant like moonlight but it is a lot darker. No problems at the moment. Wouldn't bother me if we had no street lighting at all. The town is now very dark at night, in terms of road safety thi makes driving quite hazardous, particularly at the time when pubs are closing and people are walking home. It is not possible to see where noise eg 'rowdy behaviour' is coming from in order to assess possible danger/ threat until you are 'on top of' individuals which is concerning. For disabled people using wheelchairs or electric scooters, or other vulnerable people, this must be very hazardous and worrying. I really notice the darkness moving from the main roads to the side streets. My female friends and I are now much more likely to meet up, or stick together, when travelling to and from the town centre at night Street is darker Street lighting is not as effective or complete I wouldn't walk down the street on my own after 9.00pm As for 9 the new lights are not all over my neighbourhood Virtually nobody around after midnight - so if any danger from strangers, they would not be witnessed even if lights were on. There are many bushes and a walkway which is used by groups Its dangerous to go out alone. Its advisable to at least take a torch in order to avoid mishap on uneven paths. Overgrown bushes also create perfect concealment for criminals out of sight 274 On streets with no footpath it is precarious to go onto the grass verge when unable to see the dyke proximaty. Possibility of trips and falls. I would be careful visiting places where 50% of street lights are turned off. The new lighting seems much brighter. More tired! Less lamp columns but better lighting. if I walk my dogs on a unlit street at night I can't see what all who is waiting for me street lighting is a deterent to would be criminals When the lights are not working it leaves dark area's Because the dark area results in poor visibility. Dark areas between working street lights Light levels have stayed the same Rural area with very few street lights so without an street light is pitch black without a torch. In some places it is an issue of safety as you cannot see where you are going or where a path goes. I prefer the brighter, whiter LED lights from an environmental and security perspective. Cars with youths in 'hide' in the darkened car park til midnight and beyond on occasions Our street is a one way street which is busy in the day and very quiet at night (especially in the early hours). We have to park one of our cars in the street and over the last year we've reported two crimes relating to our car. Various other cars in the street have also experienced crime problems. Also, when I arrive home in the early hours the street feels very intimidating as most of the properties have high front walls and plenty of dark spaces for people to hide. Criminal damage to parked vehicles has increased. Nervous if I hear someone walking behind me Ironically, within a few weeks of the new lights being installed, vehicles - including my own were targeted for cat converter theft. Please above comments. There is enough lighting anyway, even with the affected lights being off. One has to use a torch as it is difficult to see the path. Path in poor state This affects drivers rather than walkers. When street lighting was first reduced there was a marked reduction in anti-social behaviour (people moved on instead of hanging about), and our garden was no longer lit up like a Christmas tree for the benefit of intruders. Rather a lot of cars pull up on the pretext of asking directions, asking if they may borrow a phone, asking to go into the house to use the toilet !! asking to borrow tools. Especially in dark walkways Weekend club drinking louts increasingly bothersome Too dark. We have now installed our own security lights, which remain lit all night. N/A I am wheelchair dependant. I can now no lobger see the ground so I don't know if I am goindg to hit stones or creacks in pavings which would cause me to be be ejected from my wheelchair. I used to go out quoite often whn dark but now I seldom do. Purely to save money the section of street light leading to our neighbourhood was permanently turned off. Despite putting those that walk locally at night in fear of the nocturnal criminal and fast traffic, the Council continues to put cash savings before the safety of residence. 275 We live in a relatively small cul-de-sac which is very secure, all houses are alarmed and everyone looks out for each other. If there isn't street lights the anyone can lurk. As above. more even illumination levels n/a No change more lighting is best,,,,,with limited lighting, some areas can feel darker The street lights are spaced too far apart and trees and shrubs cover them making them almost useless - Nicol Road, Chalfont St Peter. A dangerous corner and road junction has NO lights Ladies I know claim the new lights cause severe shadows which they find alarming. Lighting repositioned . Seems an improvement Less able to see physical hazards, more likely to trip, get caught on overhanging hedges. Can't see other pedestrians, cyclists. Driving on A40 andA413 awful during dark especially in poor weather. Fast roads...animals, cyclists, pedestrians very difficult to see. Potholes impossible to allow for at times. The new lights are more efficient as far as I'm aware the reduction in street lighting has been along the main roads and not within the residential streets See above As a result of the lampost directly outside my house not being replaced after it was damaged two weeks ago the street is extremely dark now and it is very hard to adjust your eyes first thing in the morning when I take my dog for a walk at 5:30am! Due to new lighting less light wastage On one pathway which is lined by trees on one side not all the lights work which obviously leads to feelings of insecurity. No different at leadt I can see the stars Cars pull up, throw litter and smell drugs The lights which were switched back on were done so at the DEMAND of the aged residents who infrequently venture out at night but felt insecure when they did due mainly to the bad state that the footways are in. This due to the County Councils failure to maintain them over many years. Lots of dark shadowy areas now. There is enough light from lampsthat are lit. Walking your dogs last thing at night when the streets lights are switched off or broken is a scarey experience! Visibility is affected for drivers 276 In response to 22 crimes previous crimes in our immediate area obtained through a FOI request hence verified by the police (burglaries, arson to houses, cars set on fire,cars thieved from or set on fire on numerous occasions) we asked the county council to leave our street lamp on. The streetlamp I refer to was at the back of our disabled adapted bungalow and we've been burgled twice, this lamp lit up our back gate and two parking spaces at the rear of our property. This lamp's lighting level had been enhanced previously under a home office crime and anti social behaviour partnership on the basis that this was here the crime was happening. This streetlamp also lit up part of the Sulby Road car park, where cars are parked facing a brook and this area has no houses looking over it hence this was the site of regular car crime prior to the crime and anti social behaviour partnership that attempted to design out crime by environmental changes. We now feel much less safe because our house is in darkness , no streetlamp, we face the brook, there's no natural surveillance at the rear of our house. We receive regular emails from the police telling us what crime is happening, there was two mugging and five burglaries, including one in our street, just a few weeks ago. So crime is on the increase , no need to perceive fear , the criminal acts are happening in our own street and streets nearby, since the level of public lighting was reduced to a minimal level. Changes haven't affected my street The lights now shine onto the street very apprehensive about leaving house unattended overnight (e.g.for holidays) when lighting is OFF - and will be especially worried when we go away in winter Not from a violence viewpoint, but from broken and uneven pavements which we cannot see properly when the lighting is not working and which we might trip or fall over on. Walking in the dark makes me feel unsafe most lights on the paths have been broken or have been turned off so you can't see well so my family do not go out after dark. It is very dark and you can hardly see your hand in front of your face. Our street is fine, the problem area is from the shops across a piece of waste ground and near a park. The only problem is the metal thieves at night targeting car Catalysts . We never see a Police patrol As the streets appear to have dimmer lighting, it also appears that criminal behaviour would be more likely, and with shadows being cast only near lights, other places are more hidden from view.. The new lights are brighter but still too spaced out so big areas are dark, especially where they are sited among trees the previous lighting was adequate. The present level of lighting makes it easier for criminals to get around at night N/A Some of the lights still haven't been changed despite original markings to do so. New lights would make some areas brighter. as above its so dark to go out. It takes me back to the late 1950s Not activated yet. A lot of areas are now in complete darkness. A different colour won't deter someone if they wish to get up to no good. Several houses have been broken into since the illumination times have been reduced There is a conflict between light pollution and "safety" but there must be a happy medium. Difficult to see where you are walking It's very dark around the turned off lighting. Older neighbours do not like it especially as their houses are in darkness. 277 Dimmed or switched off lights introduces the threat of burglaries, vandalism, of course. There are too many dark areas where people can hide. very dark on the streets and pavements - unable to see where you are going inbetween the lights To dark to go out due to the incidents mentioned above, i worry about parking my car in pitch black. I have no option with this as by the time i arrive at home from work, it is past 8pm and during the winter months, it would be pitch black by that time. Often i have to find my way back to the house in the dark and ensuring i don't step into a pot hole or cracks on the surface. To many ALLEYS AND DARK AREAS TO FEEL SAFE!!!!!!!! ALL OVERGROWN WITH SHRUBBS AND TREES A COMPLETE DISGRACE ACTUALLY AND HAS BEEN FOR YRS NOW In my small town i.e my immediate neighbourhood, about the same but less safe outside my town. I feel less safe walking and driving The main issue was traffic and pedestrian safety not crime We had a problem with burglars climbing over our back gate and trying to smash their way into the back of the house. They never gained access but did do quite a lot of damage trying to break in - our security and lights persuaded them to abandon their attacks. I don't think there is enough lighting on our street, considering there is a pub and a convenient store. brighter lighting but no sky win regardless of the police commissioners comment about burglars being also afraid of the dark, in past experience and with cctv evidence to support he was talking out of his hat. How is it possible that anyone could possibly feel safe having to walk down a road which is totally unlit with numerous hedge rows and large trees that folks can hide. I have seen youths blatantly walking up our road trying all the door handles of vehicles and within 2 weeks of the lighting being switched off 2 neighbors have their vehicles broken into. Darkness allows people to move about freely and unseen even with cameras. It is impossible to get true evidential pictures of crimes being undertaken when you cant see their face or clothing in colour!! LED lamps cost so little to run and most of Birmingham have converted so why not us? Do we not pay enough money in council tax to warrant our own safety and protection of property? Rural areas are different and that is the price you pay for living rurally but we have no excuses, it's appalling!! Brighter lights. Weve had a few break ins since light's gone off. Strangers have been seen, then when approached have ran off. Cars have been broken into. Its pitched black and I kbow have to carry a touch. It's dark near the house and if some body is hiding near the house it's difficult to notice at night Not Applicable not so light and as I have had over the past three years my car keyed four times and three windows in the cars smashed this is a very safe area but, because of the trees, it feels very dark and there are lots of places someone could hide. See above When street lights were off it was dangerously pitch black and difficult to see where the pathways were located. Also my property is on the edge of a wooded area with a rambler's path, so very difficult to see anything in the dark. They are brighter...could have been not as tall though!! As they now disturb sleep as they now are high enough to shine into bedrooms at nights 278 If I'm out by myself one has to be wary but I feel safe in the area that I live. If however, if I am out with my wife walking in my area or especially an unknown area and it is a little less bright, one has to be more aware of ones surroundings and the people that are about. If my wife is out by herself or with friends, I insist that she takes the car, or taxis to/from the destination or she calls me to collect her from our local train station before she arrives. as stated makes it darker and difficult to see if anybody about Owing to the street lights being changed I think lighting at night is important I like lights on for walking & driving, but think it wd be better to have lights off at say 11pm when folks are less likely to be out/about. Hearing about more break ins over twitter in merstham over the past few months lack of some street lights No difference. THE AREA IS VERY DARK See answer to q9 Light columns not repaired after 3 months reporting lights not on. Because of the way it was done, ie take some out to reduce cost, there are dark patches which make it difficult to navigate without a torch. The darker it is the less safe I feel We now only have 1 out of the original 3 lighting columns in place. The new lighting columns cast small pools of light in large areas of darkness. Us and several of our neighbours have had to put up additional lighting just to be able to find our way to our front doors. We keep these lights on during the hours of darkness in an effort to feel safe at night. I hate the dark and having no street lights makes me feel very vulnerable. Country hamlet with minimal street lighting. No change. yes with the light back on. It was safe before and that hasn't changed. You can't see anyone lurking about and it's more dangerous to walk, cycle or even in a car you can't spot people walking of cycling as quickly. Feel more nervous about being out. I walk down the road rather than on the pavements We have always had all night lighting. too many dark corners for undesirables to lurk in lack of light from broken streetlamps means area feels unsafer some areas more lit up and must feel slightly safer mine is not The odd light being out causes more shadows and darker shadows. There is a street light outside my house but nothing between that and the corner shop up the road. Inadequate lighting contributes to chances of tripping & falling I would feel less safe if this were the case There are some very dark roads and alleys in our neighbourhood - I would not want to be walking home from the bus stop after midnight, and I would not want my young daughters to be walking home alone when the lights have been switched off. Kids come off the field and hang around the streets. Neighbours are all putting their porch lights on now. as above, there are to many poorly lit areas. The streets are still well lit. failed lights get fixed much quicker now,just giving the lamp number to the council and it`s done within days 279 This makes me feel physically unsafe as it is quite a dangerous environment considering how close it is to the building site. Without street lighting I can't see where I am walking or where I am going or who is about. Fortunately, it is rarely totally pitch black when the street lighting is switched off, as many people have a porch light on which gives some light on the street - or there is a moon out to provide some light. I only walk in the dark with my dogs, never alone We are in a small village so get a great issue. Lighting cut backs in larger areas have had a definite negative effect See comment 9. our area is well lit but it still doesn't deter drunks and bike thieves who both frequent our area Because rural areas are blacked out and often with no pavements we don't like walking any longer There are more dark areas in the streets round here. Our lane is pitch black at night The streets are very dark now the sensors have been put on the street lights. Main road access into our rural road is very dangerous for cyclists and pedestrians trying to cross without street lighting Street lighting has been off for 5/6 months now with no repairs being made despite a number of calls to get this fixed some places down our road there are dark spots. Encombe is a cul-de-sac. Although there are burglaries, they are infrequent. as above comment i take the car now as do not feel as safe. I would also add that the alley ways are dark but also the bushes and shrubs are over grown so avoid walking these areas as always uncertain if anyonoe could be in the bushes and you would not know until its too late. There seems to be no relationship between Council economies and safety on the street. The Police do not appear to show much support for better street lighting (although they may do so in other community group meetings). What kind of dumb question was that! its darker and there are always burglaries Less safe No problem so far NOT OUT AT THE TIMES OF THE SWITCH OFF 0100 Where we live now there is some street lighting, but now we are a little older and suffer from ill health we hardly ever go out after dark. It has produced very dark areas in which people can congregate/hide Even though the new street lighting in my street is much brighter than before, especially as I now have a street lamp right outside the house which shines straight into the front rooms of the house, whereas I didn't before, I do not feel any differently with regards to safety in the area. This doesnt apply to me Poor visibility I keep all doors and windows locked Very wary about being out in the evening and always carry some sort of protection. When out walking in areas where the light shave been turned off I feel more vulnerable,. To many dark areas and never any police or plastic police(community )around I still feel safe - to be honest I feel more unsafe about the speed of the vehicles on the main road rather than being attacked. More light means that there is less chance of problems 280 see above I feel safe because it's my neighbourhood and I know it well, I might feel less safe in an area I know less well. Being a village which has experienced some burglaries this year, and with police neighbourhood notices warning of the dangers of not using lighting to deter potential burglars, we have been tipped into total darkness where if you hear a noise you cannot see if it's a fox or a person! No consultation took place. I feel safe enugh, I think it a bad saftey decision though Lights on the main roads remain on, if diminished. No light outside our house so very dark up the street. Though fairly safe from unwanted attention from undesirables the lack of lighting and failure to 'police' dog fouling and litter dropping causes an avoidable trip hazard especially for we older people, those with mobility problems and families using perambulators. I am concerned to hear of reduced lighting behind Dalton Road shopping area when staff are required to work an evening shift. house/property - as not well lit so feel more vulnerable to burglary more prevalent in area at present. 2 lights not on/roundabout top of laughton ave.wilford hill No data to suggest otherwise We have 2 street lights opposite our group of houses, about 50 yds apart, so still well lit if one is not working. As above Brighter lights make the neighbourhood feel safer and more secure Although the lights will be more efficient I haven't noticed any difference in lighting intensity restrict going out at night The village is completely black during lights out Question 13 Does lack of good lighting ever make you (‘other – please state’ responses). it also makes it harder to drive at night without good lighting on the streets Going out alone in unlit or poorly lit streets. Going out alone in unlit or poorly lit streets. Double check window and door locks, suspicious of noises, afraid to check outside Take a torch Drive instead of walking Doesn't bother me at all, if no lights why not take out a tourch? Just feel ill at ease. The only risk to walkers at night in our village is traffic and as it is quite dark everyone walking or cycling will carry a light/s and often a a high visibility jacket and vehicles have to use dipped headlights. More lights and perhaps pedestrians would be less safe ! None of the above be more aware I am more worried by accidents than attacks. Generally when I'm out in the evening, I have our dog with me, which is re-assuring. walk faster I prefer good lighting but don't see it as a big deal. 281 Taxi drivers have also complained it is too dark without street lighting as they can not always use full beam headlamps if other traffic is around. I never go out on foot when not lit I am more aware of surroundings, people & activities under these circumstances Use my car Makes no difference I have no parrticular fears when walking through my area after 9.30pm....which is not often. when walking in an area with insufficient lighting can make me feel vulnerable especially if walking past groups of people. Also if any dark junctions join the walkway this may cause me to walk in the middle or edge of the road to avoid crossing a dark ally No It just depens on the area you live in. Take more care Being rural, we almost always go out by car. None of the above; simply more cautious due to the fact that I am aware that untrustworthy people do exist. on rare occasions i have walked short distances along roads in early hours from friends house , 5 mins walk, because of light now out erly i have no safe way home, it it too short distance for taxi , so i would either have to go home very early (now 10;45) or walk home feeling terrified!! I suppose certain areas like the Scrase Valley Nature Reserve I might not use as my walking route in the same way as I would during the day. Bu then I wouldn't expect, nor want, that to be lit . not applicable Never given it a thought Avoid cycling in the dark in road with no lights or speed limit. This strongly curtails activities as it is too far to walk. Why do you only consider pedestrians? I stick to the roads rather than the alleys because of poor lighting - I'd rather use the alleys. If the area is generally unsafe due to the kind of crimes happening locally I would adjust my behaviour regardless of lighting. Concerned for the security of my, and other peoples homes. As a runner, I have to stick to illuminated pavements, so it is restrictive/dangerous if not illuminated. I cannot see anything so I walk as little as possible take a torch ..keep aware of what is around me... I am hardly ever out during the hours that the lighting is out. I would probably be more vigilant if lighting was less wouldn't stop me from what I want to do I would use a car It would prevent me from walking home on my own and also restrict my daughters movements as well As a pensioner I never go out in the dark, not even to put rubbish in the bin. Take a strong torch if I have to walk In dark alleys in town I would feel unsafe but out here in Fishbourne it's an absolute pleasure to be free of street lights shining into the bedroom and to see starry skies as there's so much less light pollution. Please do not change this! I hardly ever go out late at night so the lack of lightinh has made no difference to me. 282 at night i walk on my own but my wife doesn't feel safe so takes a taxi even when the lighting is good. I encourage my family to avoid walking in badly lit areas. Take a torch. arrange to be either with or observed by at least one other person while traversing an area of perceived threat. lack of good lighting makes me careful Haven't ever worried I would tend to drive anyway for efficiency. But I do take walks and I have wondered about taking a walk in the park at night but being unfamiliar with the whole area I am not sure just how safe it really is ... yet. More nervous definitely than during the day Poor lighting is only an issue in areas that would be considered potentially unsafe by me anyway - alleys, backs of shops, multi-storey carparks etc. None apply. Always try to walk with others or use my car and have installed security lights. Lack of street lighting where I live is not a concern. As I love the night sky I would be more concerned for a plan to have street lighting I would walk any anyway Feel more fraighten. unsecure It does not affect me as I would drive at night if I was going somewhere I was worried about. None of the above I would carry a torch. I go out but keep my keys and phone in my pocket as well as money and not in my handbag I mostly drive to go anywhere at night, and that is quite rarely. It all depends on the neighborhood, some I would feel safer than others. There are areas near where I live that are not lit, I still walk in those areas and feel reasonably safe. There are area in other parts of th town and in other towns where I would avoid walking alone whenever possible. No real concerns in my own area. Only go out when I am with others. Never walk anywhere after dark. Always take car. I am quite happy to walk with a torch, but obviously that I would prefer a taxi in the evening in certain neighbourhoods- light or no light. Don't really notice bad lighting until I get there, but would feel very uncomfortable still go out in the evening as before with husband Coming home earlier or avoiding going out if there is a possibility of coming home after the lights have gone off. I feel safe with or without lights I never go out walking on my own after dark. I always go with someone or I drive I'm not afraid of the dark. I don't go out at night Some youths on the estate are out to make trouble so would avoid any area in the evening ie Lismore Circus. Walk very briskly to car. Has little effect No i drive mostly for safety 283 No. Too much lighting impinges on the rural character and I would prefer less lighting than more. Drivel Depends where I am - more affected by how well I know an area. And applies to Question 12 which is also is subjective - and a leading question - bad survey! None of these options apply It makes me more vigilant. I would cycle to the train station, but due to total darkness I am now driving as I feel slightly unsafe both in terms of seeing potholes or possibly other people/animal does not influence me significantly very rarely walk in badly lit places No change Be more vigilant I continue as per normal It makes little difference but prefer street lighting I cannot afford Taxis.. has no effect - normally carry a torch. It wouldn't make much difference but unless it is only a short walk I would normally drive at night which would make me feel safer. take longer walk home to minimise unlit sections My actions do depend on the precise location. I believe I live in a safe village and am surprised when bad experiences are reported. Nevertheless, there are such reports and so I am naturally cautious even in my local relatively safe community. There are other places I would avoid during the day and never go after dark. Take a torch No problem Lack of lighting is good if you suffer with insomnia. Use our own transport - car. We now don't pop into see friends/neighbours as its not safe when lights are off ( i know your thinking who pops into neighbours between these times but when you get old you need looking after diffrent times of the day) especially when they are not very well. I am either in my car or with another adult makes no difference. I take a torch. USE A CAR Be in contact with someone or let them know where I am Park on the grass directly outside my house as I'm too afraid to walk to my house from The main road when it's pitch black outside I would drive my own car Walk faster. Being more alert None of the above apply the Parish Council are responsible for Street Lighting and they do not turn of lights Feel very insecure in our home. na If I was out on my own late in the evening, I would take these measures regardless of lighting levels. It is better that I take this measures on the occasions I am out late than have all the lights on all night very night. 284 But fue to work i have to go out and i have no choice. My van holds delicate instruments snd people dont respect that i work on call for an utilities company, i comeback late and its very unsafe to leave my van Poor lighting is not an issue as long as an area is well policed or occupied with other people My job involves shift work so I am often going out very early in the morning or getting home very late at night, sometimes not until 1 or 2 o'clock in the morning. Dangerous due to pavement condition When the coach stop was temporarily just down from my street I complained twice to the Borough highways dept that there was no lighting on the footpath/cycle way that led from the city centre down silbury boulevard to the coach stop. No one ever responded to my letters. I use this footpath/cycle path in the summer now, to go to work, I don't in the winter it is unlit and not overloooked by other traffic so it feels very insecure. I am afraid I have the same issue with cycle routes in MK in general. I cycle to work many days in the summer but in the winter I stop becuase I would be returning along the river and canal at night where there is no lighting, and I am afraid. Occasionally walk in the road. It would depend upon the neighbourhood but I have never felt unsafe in Chichester. I feel safe walking in my immediate neighbourhood : a private estate with no street lighting, but I avoid walking alone in towns or cities at night. continue as normal I would always use my car. take a torch i have no problem travelling at night Nervous; take/make phone calls whilst walking I would not walk alone late at night regardless of the amount of street lighting. No problem This is a question that leads to the answer you are seeking. Poor lighting keeps you in! great risk of accidents due to poor quality of pavements NO Be extra vigilant and be in as open an area as possible: perhaps walk in the road rather than on a pavement so as not to be taken by surprise Makes no difference NO.. why have you left this out of this heavily biased question!!!!! I often walk 5.5 miles to work in the morning, setting out at 5.30am. The dark parts of the walk make me want to carry a heavy torch, for light and as protection! because i drive i have a choice however a lot of my local neigh/ dont and stay in most of the times par/ in the dark evenings Have to walk the dog All journeys by car Use my car for short journeys where I would walk when the street lights were on. I have to start work at 5am Monday to Friday Has no effecton me If in Boston after a function I prefer to self-drive, or in bad weather or convivial function will order a taxi. Depends where you are walking. Good lighting doesn't make anywhere safer if no-one else is around to help you, but might make some think they are safer and take risks. 285 Lighting has nothing to do with safety. E.G. Consider Ferring, to the west of Worthing in Sussex. Ferring has at the most two street lamps, and to all intense is pitch dark when there is no moon. Worthing on the other hand is lit like a Christmas tree for most of the night. The crime rate for the two places after dark is the same - see the police crime statistics. we would normally take the car anyway but mostly because we prefer to to be in bed by 10.30 pm We have had a number of minor crimes reported in the Close at night, the worst being the attempted theft of a car when the drivers window was smashed but they broke the steering wheel off, thus making the vehicle undriveable., still use unlight areas This relates to walking in unfamiliar places - especially big towns and cities. Always go out in the car I prefer the dark in the village. Less light pollution, better view of the stars at night MORE CAUTIOUS AND AWARE OF STRANGERS If necessary I would take a torch use car We seldom go out in the evenings No, groups of people or the area makes you feel unsafe. I don't walk out of the village at night anyway I usually only go out in a car of an evening even though we have street lights. However, I sometimes walk to friends in adjacent roads and it is there that the trees affect the street lights. Does not change my view l sometimes drive if I'm going out late alone - but I'd probably do that with or without street lighting It's good to be able to see the stars take the car instead of walking. As walking in the dark takes away some of the pleasure of going out. rather a leading question this! I take a torch with me when I'm in the countryside at my wife's farm and i wouldn't want street lights there. Would only be concerned if I was visiting an area with a poor reputation It very much depends upon the type of neighbourhood. I am very lucky; I live in a rural area where crime is very low. I am not convinced that good lighting actually makes a significant difference to crime levels. makes no difference to me. No. never thought abbout it None of the above Carry a touch. Usually to evening meetings in the car. I am very rarely out after midnight. I would now take a small powerful torch with me. I have no problems with no lighting It depends whether it is an area I am familiar with. I would in my own locality but not somewhere I wasn't familiar with less safe, but this is mainly due to such things as "trip hazards" rather than the fear of assault or crime. none of the above telephone someone before leaving and when arriving so they know i am safe 286 I changed my jogging route due to poor street lighting in areas, which made me feel vulnerable on my own, and chose a route with better street lighting and more houses. i have to go out as i have a dog and he doesn't like it either All of the above. You can't see past your nose. Anything could happen and you could not see it coming. It's disgraceful !! I now actually don't good out as I don't like walking in the dark. It's unsafe and j don't recommend it at all. If I go out in the evenings, I use my car Make me run!! Take the car I have to 'empty' my elderly (tiny) dog before going to bed. This is always after 11 pm (she cannot be toileted earlier because she won't be able to hold on until the morning) and I take a torch, my mobile programmed with speed-dial to the police and a personal alarm. I also wear dark clothes and a 'hoody' so that I can pull the hood over my head to disguise that I'm a woman. (I'm over 5 foot 6 inches - so I'd hope to pass as a male from a distance.) makes no difference ensure that my mobile phone has a signal and ready to use it. Does not affect my behaviour. I have never changed my plans because of nervousness. carry a wind-up torch No effect- I still go but am warier. I do not worry about walking alone at night. I avoid certain areas that are remote but other than that I am not concerned. I think too much is made of the dangers. Common sense though must be used. If I go out in the evening, I take the car or get a lift with a friend We don`t go out much in the evenings because of our age! Feel very concerned about my teenage daughters and their safety. No lights would result in the fast moving traffic struggling to see pedestrians especially the school children walking home from the bus on the main Road during the winter months. I have to take dogs for a walk my husband has Parkinson disease and cant walk very far I couldn't even see to get my key in the front door! Whereas I've always walked home in a lit street - I would think twice now about walking home in the dark. Hasa not made a difference Lights go off at midnight and make sure I'm home even for the very short walk to the front door from the car. Wouldn't even consider going out alone walking. The lighting where I live is adequate in the rural setting of the town, any more would be intrusive and add to light pollution Take a torch and wait for a companion when dog walking in the morning LESS DRIVING take a torch Doesn't worry me at all No impact not so relevant in rural area - feeld fairly safe - ie. streets are fairly deserted I drive even across the village where I live friends drive to the pub Make me scared of who's lurking down driveways and on our back field. If my wife and I go out we usually travel by car since in our very rural area this is an esential mode of transport I have not gone out after 12 since 287 No to all three None of the above Take a torch No. It doesn't stop me doing anything Avoid walking alone in those areas after datk no effect except a desire to have lighting With the poor state of unrepaired and uneven pavements the light switch off makes walking unlit streets even more hazardous at night after mid-night i don't walk out on the streets after dark We cannot look out if hearing an unfamiliar sounds outside in the night and therefore the area is potentially much less safe than it was. Street lighting was put in for a purpose i.e. SAFETY and there are many other ways to save money. Not a problem here I am apprehensive that there will be an accident with cyclist and or pedestrians, as it is not possible to see them. Wear appropriate clothing so transport can see you. makes no difference Still go out but have to take a torch and hope for the best! Might take a taxi if walking. But if trying to find your car parked nearby - not an option and dangerous. I'm rarely out alone at night We need to do something about light pollution and energy useage. If part of this is reducing the amount of street lights then that's fine with me. Also your questions regarding street lighting in this questionnaire have been very leading! I am 86 and a bit disabled. I do get concerned by night burglaries-also vandalism Worry if my car broke down and it was dark. I go by car It is a very safe - no need to take taxis - I also drive if the distance is longer than walking re 11,12,13 it depends on the neighbourhood. I feel safe in my village I do not have concerns for myself but feel that it is a deterrent against anti-social behaviour and criminal activities N/A I feel safe in my community Doesn't generally worry me. I think we are lucky where we live Walk more carefully Buy a lot of torches.Dim light definitely removes the ability to detect differences in ground, especially degree of slope. This could be a problem on uneven footways. dim light is also a problem when it's icy, as you'd need to tell where the path/road was icy or not. I do not have any problems about walking anywhere in our village in the dark evenings. One can't always avoid poorly lit areas and I am not a person who parti cularly trys to, however I fully understnd how many people particularly the eldery do not venture out after dark. Good lighting is essential in my view for enhanced safety of both persons and property. I have to go out because of my job so dont have a choice. I am very wherery No lighting along river bank to the Village Hall so that nearly everyone drives the short distance from the village. If I have to go out I take the car. Our drive is well lit by the street lighting. None of above 288 worry about my children when they go out as they become more vulnerable. I would also take the car ! Affects which route I take. Makes me feel I'm living out in the country. Yet in the next streets there is plenty. Very carefully planned evenings out. Don't leave myself vulnerable but it shouldn't be like that, I shouldn't even feel that way! Has no effect on my decision to go anywhere. It's nice to be able to see the stars and planets when the lights go out. Unfortunately there are still some shop lights and poorly adjusted security lights which spoil things. also you can not see any trip hazards, as i found out last month. question not applicale Use the car even for local visits, partly because other people are worried about my walking alone after dark . Use car instead of walking Not really, I take a torch The unlit roads certainly make me consider what I am doing and how I get home. As someone who lives on her own I do not see why I should have to consider alternatives (and at a cost such as a taxi) when I felt completely safe by having the street lights on. 1. Drive short distances instead of walking, not because of distance but because of feeling unsafe. 2. Fetch partner and friends home after night out (whatever the time is) because of having been attacked previously when walking home late with poor street lighting. At night I cycle everywhere and thereby reduce the time I am on the streets walk our dog in daylight instead of last thing at night Stay home It has not affected my routine. This question slanted towards not turning lights off! Go out only when have to. Ashamed of living in an area which has a history of neglect by "our" concil (Kirklees) Majority of the lighting in our (conservation) area is dreary SOX type completely obliterating the beautiful, largely stone built properties. The road safety aspect of this woeful Avoid walking either alone or with friends, as some areas (eg the parks) are so dark you cannot see where you are walking. In the winter months this is very restricting and we love to walk I don't want my life curtailed because of problems with lighting. Will feel safer as burglars will not like unlit places. All three of the above are clearly leading questions.Some street lighting is clearly needed.There is a downside to excess lighting and in most cases this downside far exceeds any further upside. be very aware in badly lit areas I grew up in an area without street lights and their absence doesn't worry me. Ref 12 main risk would be from vehicles so important to wear bright outer garment or luminous jacket. No real effect 289 Would depend if I knew the dark area I needed to walk through. If unknown, would have company or use own car. I would go out less, but only because I can't see my way, not because I feel threatened. Not report incidents to either police etc because you cannot always see prop to get the correct evidence I try and carry a torch Have a poorer quality of life Have more chance to look at the stars it all depends on my preconceptions about the neighbourhood, if I think I'm I've got a reason to worry, I feel unsafe. But lights aren't the issue, dark or light, the issue is are other people likely to be dangerous? Will they be more dangerous if there are few other people around? Just makes me more aware of what is going on around me Locally no problem I am slightly more nervous if in towns, near noisy pubs, or "risky" areas. I probably wouldn't go anywhere alone if I lived on a high risk council flats area where trouble is common, but I have no cause to now. If on holiday in rural areas I am rarely concerned. Lack of lighting would possibly make walking in areas near towns more concerning. Walk faster, be more aware of potential dangers whether perceived or otherwise. I don't like walking in poorly lit areas even when I am not alone. Take the car or take extra care if I have to walk. It is not an issue. I think this question wrongly leads the responder to say there is an issue. Depends on the area. My wife would rightly avoid poorly lit areas I will never walk out alone at night under any circumstances. I always get my boyfriend to drop me off and pick me up. not go out after dark Use the car for nightime safety particularly when going into the City ( Brighton ) Rottingdean where I live is a safe village, but I am not sure it is in Brighton only 3 miles away. In other towns and villages that I don't know Doesn't change my habits Cant afford Taxis or there are times when I would use them Use car instead of walking Would use the bus but it stops at 8pm! Taxis too expensive. Doesn't worry me enough to stop me doing what I want to do. go out anyway No effect We never go out in the evenings - except to go to Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve Avoid going alone, take a torch, avoid Friday and Saturday evenings AVOID WALKING DOWN BACK OF PARK PLACE LATE AT NIGHT BECAUSE OF UNEVEN PATHS More aware of surroundings but we have a low crime rate where we live anyway Does not restrict me in any way. I would still walk with caution Lack of street lighting makes me glad! Please don't increase light pollution. Doesn't affect me at all. Sense of anxiety is felt. 290 We've walked from Chinnor to Thame several times after midnight, only using torches occasionally when there was no moonlight. Those that do not feel safe at night should carry a powerful safety device, alarm, or pepper spray or all of these I am far more likely than I was to take my car than to walk in the evenings. My wife and I enjoy walking but the neighbourhood has become rather intimidating and we no longer feel safe outside when it is dark. Heightened sense of caution Good Street lighting is essential to a feeling of safety and should be maintained at all times I think it would depend if you are familiar with the location you are walking. In my own village no problem on my own but in other villages yes I would feel a little apprehensive with what could be around the corner. would use the car Does not bother me. No one living in the house goes out when dark as they have a visual impairement Take an alternative better lit route unless walking home from ny local some 300 yards we would always take a taxi at night does not affect my decisions I use the car for any journeys after dark which would mean walking along unlit/poorly lit roads. Take my car Need to take a torch if coming home late Too much light is worse than too little. We have good lighting in our area Westlands and Rustington no impact Have to bring a torch with me It has no effect on my movement in the area I take a torch drive short journeys in the car rely on lifts Personally, I would feel uneasy about my Wife walking alone from work in badly-lit, or areas with no lighting, and would advise her to get a Taxi, or I would go out to meet her. Remembering to have a torch available is a pain. Also, we need to be more careful indoors as we didn't realise until the local switch off how much we relied on borrowed street light to move about safely. Al lack of street lighting is taking the country back to the dark ages literally, Walk in the road rather than pavement in order to feel safer. I just make sure I take a good torch and take note of my surroundings. none of those Its pitch black outside without the lighting and I know many local women are particularly frightened because they feel un safe walking. My girlfriend will no longer get the bus at night because she has such a long walk in the pitch black to the house. Friends of ours feel the same. I will drive instead of walking so that both myself and friends are safe ensure I have a good torch. I cannot afford to get taxis so have to cancel events or leave early every time. Just do not go out. Hedges overgrown. Unlit alleyways. Cut through from Entertainment park to housing estate. Unsafe environment. It makes me walk in the middle of the road (very quiet roads). Curtail my evenings 291 I have no choice, I walk.. and prey nothing bad will happen I have no problem with no lighting Leave earlier Take a torch Take mace No I do not avoid journeys because of lack of lighting. not essential to have street lights In my rural area it doesn't make much difference. If I was visiting a high crime urban area (in my case rarely) then it would make a difference. I tend to walk in well lit areas Never been a problem Just act normally Makes no difference, although I'm not usually walking on my own until my friend and I separate to go to our homes and I walk the last few hundred yards alone. have never walked anywhere where there is no lighting. I carry on as normal take to car on short journeys instead of walking on own or drag out the rest of the family to come with me, or order a take away! I carry a very bright torch. Answers above to Q10/Q11 are uncertain because you don't define "neighbourhood". If it was in a large city, my answers would probably be more cautious. I would choose to cycle or drive instead of walking I walk faster, and, after dark, I always wear trousers & lace-ups and never wear headphones. Good lighting in town/village centres is a good idea, but 90% of people are not out at night after 21:30 and most are travelling by car. Nothing wrong with a good torch. I went walking out last night for about a quarter of a mile and there is noone around. It does not affect me. We live in a semi-rural low-crime area where the risk is low. no impact Our lighting is on until midnight and most of my journeys are by car. Never really out walking at night i just carry a torch I rarely go out in the evenings, except to walk the dog or by car, so no problem. I am quite at ease in the dark as I know that naughty people are more scared of the dark than I am - and I know my way around my area far better than they do - and I am sober so less likely to trip than them! No Change It depends largely on the area in question. Some areas feel perfectly safe, others less so. I would avoid an unlit area in town if possible but lack of street lighting would not change my activity. Problem with parking own vehicle in poorly lit areas. Raised risk of trip hazards as I have a temporary disability Very wary of leaving my home unoccupied during night time hours, due to several burglaries and thefts during recent months. When I need to go out of an evening I either drive myself or get friend/family to drive me. Non of the above. Perhaps proceed with caution. No difference no 292 I would be more concerned about trip hazards when walking in badly lit streets than I would about other hunam beings! I mostly use my car None of the above As an older person it is easy to trip if poor walking surface and insufficient lighting makes no difference as don't go out at night Walk our dogs at night . If we do now we have to put lights on them they are on a lead but people just cart see them sometimes WE have only 3 old street lights(bulbs) in our village so it can never be referred to as good lighting See above Who compiled this questionnaire? This and the previous 2 questions are so vague as to be meaningless. Do they refer to where respondents live or places they visit during the hours of darkness? As for the following questions, what sort of English is 'I feel LIKE crime rates have gone down'? No None. I appreciate the opportunity to observe night life e.g. Bats and owls as well as stars in the night sky I seldom walk alone at night, but use my car. I have always done this evening in Summer during light nights. Dependent on the neighborhood. Just use common sense and care, always let people know where you are going. I THINK THERE SHOULD BE A DECLINE IN STREET LIGHTING always drive Poor lighting doesn't make me change my behaviour Use the car Not much difference in safety. Not in such areas recently Only go out in my car I could not afford taxis If the area was unlit I may think twice about going out alone but I do have my dogs to walk so have to go out I would not go out in the early hours unless I had to but we could maybe do without a few lights in places None of the above. If i am going out in an unlit place, I will have planned that and therefore dress and act appropriately. I carry a torch! no change None of these are possible due to the relatively short distance & I refuse to be a prisoner in my own home just because 'someone' thought it a good idea to turn off our streetlights. It doesn't change my movements at all Be more wary I feel safe anywhere in Stocksmoor but would not be so sure in some parts of Huddersfield Hold my keys in my hands with one or two keys sticking out when i make a fist as a weapon in case I get attacked no difference in our area It depends on the area. Has no effect, but in an emergency I imagine I would be apprehensive and very reluctant to venture out, taking any other option to avoid such hazard, other than to expose any other person to the risk. 293 Difficult to see the road/path properly and may fall easily. Walk a longer route that is well lit, arrange for someone to meet me to walk home We live in a safe neighbourhood. I would take a torch I would drive instead of having to walk any distance at night Not impact on what I do or go. does not worry me more careful and aware of problems it may cause. Doesn't deter me from going out See 9. I am also now very reluctant to answer my door after dark. I used to walk my dog later in the evening about 10.30 not anymore as the street lights are not bright enough anymore, or not on. Hurry on through areas that are not appropriately lit and be very wary of any potential dangers or other people. I have to take my dogs out and because I am wheelchair bound and deaf I don't feel as safe as I used to Drive instead of taking public transport. Look around me if walking very late after a theatre or cinema trip and have my whistle handy and ready to shout "fire" if attacked . (Shouting Help doesn't work apparently ) . Cannot see unevenness in road or path surface.Liable to falls as a result of potholes,slippery leaves etc Use the car or have someone with me. Doesn't affect my thinking about going out and about. None of the above I do not go out very often on an evening I use my car. Tend to use car parks which are well lit IF we can save money on street lighting that is good /people need to use common sense and not do things that make them feel ill at ease Be aware of my surroundings Makes no difference I won't let me wife of family go anywhere on their own if the lights are out. depends where we are walking - in unknown area lights are best If out at night it is usually in a car or on the bus anyway I have never been comfortable walking alone after dark, even though I consider the areas I have lived in to be reasonably safe. N-a I am not deterred by the lack of good lighting. Walk closer to, or in, the road so I'm not near edges of dark areas (hedge rows etc) Would not walk anywhere if no street lighting . Only go out in trsnsport I previously lived in a French village where there was no lighting but also virtually no crime. Here in the uk the fear of crime is not going to restrict my movements I don't go out walking at night, I will always go by car as I feel safer. I travel to work at around 5.15am and have to carry a torch with me. I walk along the road with the torch in one hand and a mobile phone in the other in case I need to use it if I am attacked. I walk my dogs every night but do not like going out with them unless accompanied by someone. havent thought about it The 'twitton' into our housing estate is dark because of high bushes but I feel that this darkness discourages young drunk people from coming through - it has not deterred me up until now - I hasten to add that I am always sober! 294 Makes walking dangerous - not for crime safety reasons but we cannot see the kerbs in the village due to the poor lighting I live in a terrace, so have to take my dog down the street to the park. At night, I let him out in the back lane and hope for the best! Would take a torch if I knew I was going anywhere with bad lighting. Would be more cautious about going out in badly lit areas but not sure that would prevent me from going out altogether. Always use car at night. Would only walk at night if I had no transport. put my car away very quickly and dash into the house cannot afford taxis and few buses late at night No I drive everywhere after dark, even to see my friend in the next road as my husband is disabled we dont really go out much in the evening ,it would be in the car if we do No effect I walk home from Ascot station in the middle of the road so I avoid shadows and places people could hide in None of the above - would carry a torch. None of the above - its doesn't worry me A neighbour got mugged in a poorly lit passage and this has changed my idea about the importance of increasing the level of light at night. Not applicable to my small village, Hirst Courtney.....happy to walk the village even where there are few lights. take extra care especially when out running with WDAC running club. No change IT IS SOMETIMES UNAVOIDABLE TO STAY IN. Take the car Carry a torch. It makes it easier for people up to no good Walk an alternative route Does Not Really Apply at Present Because I rarely go out unaccompanied at night ,this does not aply. I have not made any changes to my life stlye since the lights were turned off. I would continue going out take more care looking around me Safer as the lack ,of street lighting usually applies to the less populated areas None of the above ! drive instead of walking, Wonder who is wandering around. The lights are only off at times when I would not be out anyway am disabled and i have less visitors during winter, when visitors come they try to come during daylight or dont stay very long after dark. they feel unsafe and nervous visiting now and/or leaving car outside as so dark. find winter very lonely. carers if taken out very difficult to re enter home due to not able to see where walking. have fallen Too much light! IOt does not affect me personally. Some time in my car I feel I can look after myself. 295 i am used to not having streetlights as lived in woodlands for 29 years before movingto verwood last year prefer lights out at night No different Change my plans which don't involve putting myself in harms way during dark evenings none of the above Fear of being a victim of crime increases. Friends who live in areas without street lights at night have seen an increase in burglary and vehicle crime No Lighting do'snt affect my life style at this moment in time. No it makes no difference to me but the elderly perceive it is less safe. Hurry through the area Would be too scared to be out on my own on my front street once the lights go out, I don't even open my front door now whilst the lights are out. No When I'm walking at night it is usually with my dog. If I notice a person or group of people loitering I don't feel safe whatever the lighting Don't have any problems It doesn't alter my behaviour I would try to take the car or make sure I come home on a much earlier bus if possible.Otherwise, not go out. As there is no shadows you get true sense of what is happening around you. Go by car if possible when would otherwise have walked. Affects business at the village pub and means that some lonely, older people have stopped going out. I would venture out in the summer nights fairly late due to it being lighter In urban areas - if "nice" area - OK. In "so called" sink areas - I wouldn't go there. Rural - no problem - used to it. So far there are no problems where I live. But the fear is always there. No a lack of lighting doesn't affect my sense of safety in a safe neighbourhood and conversely lighting doesn't make me feel safe in an iffy neighbourhood. No. Enjoy the star scape. I go out any time I want to with no concern's I take the car Drive instead of walking no significant effect My partner will often now stay up late to check I am in safe Drive myself or get lifts. Walk with friends. Stay over to avoid having to come home. Take my own car. I & others now carry a torch when walking along these roads - also use mobile phone to as light. After babysitting til about midnight or so, I end up having to sprint through the unlit areas because it feels so unsafe. We have asked the council to leave just one of the lights switched on around the corner where we live, but to no avail. Does not affect me in MY neighbourhood 296 no problem Makes me wary of "blind" areas such as corners in ginnels and passing wooded areas. I try to take a torch with me as my home is in a dark area. I have always walked about and don't feel bothered by the dark. Lack of street lighting makes no difference to my actions. A little unsure particular in a strange area I don't walk anywhere at night, just use car no As I would very rarely walk out in the dark (night) it would not bother me much. However, were I a person with a poor sense of direction e.g. My wife, I would be very concerned as there would be very little to navigate by. I will use my car for a short journey in the village rather than walk because of the poor lighting. No My neighbour with poor eyesight finds it difficult walking in poor street lighting, made more difficult by poor balance I'm usually on a bike but, if not, I just avoid the darkest bits. Especially lat on. Get my husband to come with me or not take my dog out further than across the road and back, also I take a torch with me. I would drive or get a lift with someone else No change except carry a torch. Have to consider carefully the journey home if arriving, for example at Poppleton station after dark - THERE ARE VERY FEW STREET LIGHTS ON THE HALF MILE WALK - ALL WITHIN A BUILT UP AREA good area greenside dunnington We feel very safe in our area I prefer there not to be lighting as then if you are out on your own You are less likely to be spotted. Due to health/age I use my car in preference to walking, but I would not be put off from walking in a badly lit area if it was familiar to me. I have no option to change what I do dont go out much by foot in an evening anyway Very rarely walk out in the dark. If I go out in the dark or come home in the dark, it is usually in the car. street lighting only recently altered will need a winter to get feel of siuation Have some means of defence with me - walking cane / stick. Take my car Carry on as normal but take a torch. Go by car I grew up in the middle of a field. no street lights! I live in a small village 1 street light , I pay through council tax for millions of street lights - light pollution. I use flashlights to see what I am doing and cars for transport. the 1 street light is no use to me at all 297 It depends on the architecture as well as the lighting - if it's a jumble of small streets, un-kept, lots of graffiti, alleyways, with bushes / rubbish then I'll feel unsafe. If its a wider road with houses and fewer 'hidey holes' I'll feel safer. (if I come home late in one direction I'll happily walk - if I come home late the other direction I'll always get a taxi). Lighting comes into it but is only part of the story. Will I walk through a very highly lit council estate with very high crime levels - not bloody likely. Will I walk up a quiet house lined avenue with less lights - probably. It's also not simply about the brightness of the light - sometimes a softer light will feel safer than a hard white light. It's about looking at the whole environment and street design - not just lighting. Might be more applicable if outside my own area. I only go short distances in the roads I know No problem where I live or travel to I just get on with it. Do Not Go Out Lighting at night is unnecessary if you use a torch. Many houses have outside guard lights too. none of these apply As much to do with road safety as anything - crime is not an issue. Take a torch and a dog None of the above - as a professional market researcher I can tell you this question is loaded and the results will be misleading. use car to get to village rather than walk in winter months lighting is not an issue with me Do not have a problem Depends where it is and how well I know the area - I don't do anyhting differently in my immediare neighbourhood because i regard it as a safe area I do not walk in unlit places: we have no pavements in parts of the village and it is EXTREMELY dangerous to walk on a dark, unlit road. Therefore, I take the car - or don't go at all. As mentioned above I don't go out at night on my own but I would feel fairly unsafe if I had to and very unsafe in an unlit and badly-lit area. I'm fortunate in having a car, so can move about safely (for the purposes of this survey) Answer to thus question and some of those above will vary depending on the neighbourhood. I have answered the question as other/any neighbourhood. I would avoid dimly or poorly lit areas at night, possibly even in winter after 5.30 - 6.00 p.m. ] No change No Not knowing an area, and is unlit adds to the perception of feeling unsafe Not applicable L:ack of good lighting makes me walk further into the road for two reason. 1. I am scared of tripping on hte kerbs when there is bad lighting. 2. I walk well into the road so cars can see me and I can hear them slow down, htat makes me feel safer. If I go out in car I always lock doors If in doubt take a torch. Not applicable Do not go out in the evenings but I wouldn't go out if there was no lighting in any area. 298 no change Does not affect me Never, not a problem being out in the dark. Be aware that undesirables such as muggers could take advantage of the situation. Dog walking in the early morning in the village if we did not have street lighting would be very dangerous No one should feel trapped inside just because we want to save on council spending. and most of those trapped inside have spent a life time paying their dues as valued menbers of their comunitty. Take a torch with me. none I would go anyway, but be a bit wary Bus Very rarely out after midnight Note Q12 and 13: Whether or not I feel safe walking in a neighbourhood depends on the neighbourhood- there are some places I wouldn't walk even in broad daylight. Cycle instead of walk I still go out but feel uneasy in certain areas. As we live very rural we would go out in the car, but having street lights makes you feel that the neighbourhood is much safer. Depends where it is, or rather is lacking take a torch to highlight anything doubtfull underfoot i.e. rough ground, steps, dog poo worry about children if they are out late and if they are safe I won't even go out to my bin at night. I feel a prisoner after dark, especially as the nights draw in. It definitely affects peoples quality of life. And how the pensioners cope I have no idea! have to walk dog when dark in morning feel safe None It all depends on the area that i am in, if I am walking around the village where i live . I feel perfectly safe but if i was in a city centre, i would not like to walk about without lighting. It is the type of area rather than if it is lit or not which would make me consider any of the above Happy as I can see the stars Seldom walk in our neighbourhood at night. If we do go out at night, it is usually in the car, or we walk if we are visiting a neighbour. The majority of neighbours have a light come on when passing, or leave porch lights on, we usually take a torch To me feeling safe is primarily dependent on the type of neighbourhood. In our village I feel quite safe in unlit areas. However that might be different in say, some rougher parts of Leeds where the lighting would be important to me. Go out less or come home earlier. I would always be wary in an area where I didn't live but generally I would be concerned if the lighting was reduced so people could not be seen by car drivers I am happier in the dark so there are no shadows for people to hide in and no groups of youth gathering under lights at street corners. I hate street lights and this questionnaire is biased to produce a result in favour of more street lighting. Makes you have your wits about you a little more, and can make you nervous. no change Happy - we have far too much lightling when there's no need for it in the middle of the night (fair enough to have it up to midnight or so). 299 Depending on the area, I would perhaps not feel too happy! Use car instead of walking Specially talking about my neighbourhood. There was always sufficient light in dark walkways or areas that were not close to a road or houses. To now light everywhere all night is absolutley ridiculous and in fact locally in the last four weeks that has been a huge increase in crime! I would be more careful I would take the bus but our route has been withdrawn after 17:30. Doesn't affect me unduly. I do go out some evenings but I am always in my car I also believe lighting should go off around midnight I would never recommend girls or women to walk anywhere on their own at night whatever the lighting or where ever you live It depnds where you are as to whether street lighting improves the perception of safety. have make sure I have a working torch with me and use common sense like others should. If its dark where they are they should have a torch with them when they go out! Drive rather than using a bus Does not affect my behaviour. A little more apprehensive and take more care of what's around you! None of the above really apply to where I live. Surely, simple self preservation makes one more aware of your personal security when out in a poorly lit area - even if you do not feel particularly threatened by anything. More vulnerable so I ensure I am more alert to anything unexpected if I am walking in areas without good lighting. I would also take a different route to to protect my personal safety. Take the car no If I have to out at night I go: the street lighting in never considered becuse I like most people take it for granted. sometimes it is unavoidable to walk in these areas as my dogs need excercise - i am always on my guard. no change. Always would use the car Always would use the car Not really applicable no difference Non of above all depends on the area where you are going, down my street and turn right there are no lights any way. things can happen in the day time too an can unsafe what time of day it is again depends where you are. I feel safe in my village 99% of the time 300 My main concern is for the security of my house as a result of the scheme to turn off streetlights .We live in a close and are in the bottom corner of our small development with a bridlepath-unlit-to the side and rear .There is a streetlight in front of our house so when that light is on we get some light /comfort against the complete darkness of the bridlepaths .When they turn the light off the area around the house is in darkness .I occasionally have to be away overnight leaving my wife in the house alone. It concerns me greatly especially knowing there was an attempted burglary during the night a few months ago at a near neighbours house .There is a streetlight that stays on further up the close from us but it does nothing to light our corner of the close.We feel very vulnerable and cannot understand why the council chose to turn off our streetlight in the circumstances I have outligned . My daughter has no choice but to walk to her place of employment, however, she ensures that she takes precautionary safety measures to help her feel as safe as possible in our area. Just to be more cautious and alert Concern about security. It depends on the neighbourhood of course! walk in the middle of a (quiet) road, walk more quickly, occasionally look over my shoulder. I do not feel unsafe if there is plenty of passing traffic (when obviously I don't walk in the middle of the road!) No, as I nearly always walk the dog after the dark and take a torch. The path I use is only badly lit if one or more of its streetlamps are not working. This path goes through a rural area, which is very dark at night - I still walk alone occasionally if I have to whether it is well lit or not. The only time I would avoid walking alone after dark in both well lit and poorly lit areas are in certain city areas off the main routes, especially in parts of London or other big cities. no It makes no difference, If I need to go out I do In badly lit areas my main concern is tripping up or walking in mess rather than personal safety. no None of the above Just prefer to sit indoors as I feel it is so unsafe. Even during the day there are people drunk and drinking in the streets. After dark it is intolerable and only go out with my husband driving. I know when we see these "drunks" and they approach my husband would defend me and get in trouble himself so it is just not worth the chance. The residents here are Visually Impaired so rely heavily on well lit streets to assist. Rejoice and look at the night sky, assuming it is not clouded I would not go out at night on foot I would take the car. When my husband and I go out together I always feel safe as he is 6ft 4 inches and quite beefy Living in a village engenders a feeling of security Due to my job I have no choice but to go out late at night I work in the neighbourhood in the evenings and have no choice but to be out. Most areas feel safe enough, one or two are a bit creepy but I probably watch too much television 301 Hard to answer as they may all apply at sometime, I certainly do not think turning lights off or dim down would stop me doing anything I wanted to when I wanted to do it, I strongly feel however that darkness at that time of night is for normal people to be at home in bed, along with wildlife - if you have to work then you have to work and we all adapt so it my opinion its better for people, wildlife and the environment People will adapt and get used to darkness which is normal I won't let fear stop me from doing what I need to do but will take wise precautions to ensure I'm safe. I think walking with confidence makes you far safer than walking nervously. never tried it No No problem - I use a torch or head-torch. Walk 'safely' - ie in the road to avoid dark alleys Q 11 & 12. Does the question mean in this area or elsewhere? Q13. The biggest fear is being hit by vehicles on a road that has Cornish Hedges (no escape route). walk in the road which is well lit rather than dark footpaths with hedges, alleyways etc. Doesn't make much difference Would still feel safe in our area The lack of good lighting does NOT affect my going out at night in any way at all. Want to look up at the milky way. Yes! Will just not go out The other day I took a slightly longer route home from Kings Cross to walk in a better lit area. None of these its not something that would make me change my habits Car lights on main beam mean you cannot see the footpath even with a torch. The risk is a bad fall, not crime. As a car owner a lot of these questions do not affect me Some sections of our walk into the village centre can be very dark if there is no moonlight. I would always take a torch, and as long as not walking alone fell quite safe. Use the car if its so bad This is difficult to quantify as l came from London where l was held at gun point on one occasion and have seen many assaults in the 15 yrs there. Therefore living here is much safer, but l still remain alert and try to reduce any personal risk as much as l can. Like of good lighting or indeed no lighting does increase a sense of risk and l choose not to go into these areas at all as l see it as a good place to be targeted. This may be due to living in a city that l feel like this rather than having always lived in the countryside though. Just go ahead and hope! Lack of lighting does not influence me on wither to go out or not. None - I'm always aware of my surroundings and I feel it is quite safe where I live anyway. If I was worried, I'd take a torch with me. It enables me to enjoy the night sky no change always carry a torch Non of above apply As I said on the rare occasions that I am out after midnight it probably would not put me off walking home. 302 I take a torch Take a torch Walk awaiting for an attack Try to be accompanied As the surrounding area has no lights and we walk the dog and there are no pavements. We could do with both pavements and lights, really. It's just unsafe from a footing point of view, let alone traffic, or vagrants/travellers giving the occasional surprise and random horses tethered to various verges. none of the above - no difference Take other streets or cross the road to a more populated area Not bothered as anyone who has evil intentions needs lighting to see It all depends where one is living. I have no concerns about the area in which I live. It is a safe area. It depends where I am. In my home village lack of light does not bother me, but there are very few people around. In urban areas, lack of light does make me think about where I am. It is the people, not the light levels, that makes the difference. No change in my neighbourhood so I continue as before Feel it's a blessing for those who would deliberately set out to cause harm Ensures that I drive more carefull and also walk more carefully! no change I feel confident enough to walk whatever the lighting situation Never a problem I am always more careful if I am out on my own after eleven pm. But lighting has not been an issue for me. makes little difference Be cautious in some areas The only issue locally is one or two pathways between houses which are dark at night - it's not fear of muggers that might prevent you walking through them, just a worry about stepping into something squishy! concerned for elderly and young women Makes little difference but more careful of avoiding tripping over etc Does not affect me unsure of footing walking into things ie benches etc I feel unsafe due to fear of falling (osteoporosis) in the pitch black near my house. I can't take taxis except for extreme emergency because it costs over £20 for a round trip to Harrogate centre. Go out to look at the stars Makes me wary of leaving the house as my street is poorly lit and there are a lot of pubs in the area Makes no difference WILL GO OUT ANYWAY Prefer not to do anything when dark, try and stay home It does depend on the time of night - say up to 11.30pm & from 5.00am - would feel absolutely safe too numerous to mention Rarely go out at night No effect No change lights on or off dont mind walking in the dark Avoid going to the bins or into the garden. Also greater use of door security and not answering the door 303 None of these, in my case, I am big enough to look after myself, should any threat to my person arise. I do not go out much during evenings anyway, I am out dog walking at 05.20am, most mornings and feel that any lack of street lighting works in favour of innocent pedestrians, as much as those intent on causing trouble. Uneasy when my wife or myself arrive home after the street lights have been switched off. drive my car more Doesn't really make a difference - I'd take a torch if I needed to. Take reasonable care N/A to my life style I live in the middle of field with a footpath running through it,only light is from outside light on the front door. Take dog for a walk 11 pm or later no problem. This makes no difference to my feeling of being safe Take a torch. Part time Police Officer so less affected but elderly neighbours feel less secure. Take a torch Makes no difference Note that Questions 14 and 15 use the words "I feel like..." This is not acceptable use of English so the answers are blocked into "Not Sure". As I normally use a car, I can only relate to my own neighbourhood but have confidence in my own awareness of situations. As I stated above - when you are elderly you dont feel safe - the paths are in a poor state of repair and if you only had a torch you still cant see well - you are not able to judge who is coming towards you and it is very nerve racking to be out. You will be making life even more miserable than it already is. Does not make a difference only I would take a torch. Use the car no difference Mostly use car More anxious about groups of young people who congregate in the area close to my property. take a torch Look for somewhere else to park my car Walking down gatherley road industrial estate after work at six can lose my nerve Run instead of walk Sometimes use other routes (longer I have no choice. Work late shifts so cant avoid being out in the dark. NYCC is also thinking of ending our village subsidised bus. It is dark late afternoon in winter and we in Flixton will have to walk a mile to and from the nearest hourly bus route, so it will be worse without street lights! Please don't put the lights out as well! Has not happened Be more aware of one's surroundings and avoid dark patches here possible, especially close to vegetation. If going out I would take the car rather than walk. Have to walk in poorly lit areas because of work I use a torch Would take a good torch It doesn't really make any difference - but I do carry keys and/or torch in hand just in case Never thought about it. 304 Whether I feel safe depends on the neighbourhood so cannot answer questions 11,12 or 13-have been forced to do so to get questionnaire accepted - who designed these questions????? No amount or the lack of, lighting will make Britain a better place. Not until they bring back Hanging. No change in behaviour. I am selective about where I go at night, but feel more comfortable in poorly lit rural areas than well lit urban areas. No problems at the present time. Above questions depend on neighbourhood and are leading. Street lighting is not wanted in the village where I live. People feel safe and they value the starry skies. I feel safe in my road at night. I am lucky as the Bus stops on the main rd , right opposite our cul -de -sac. It is ALL well lit, so the walk to my house is safe and secure. Generally though we don't go out much at night in Winter, and often travel by car TO and FROM the destination. I just take a torch. In any case the lighting is ok up until 11pm when we are usually home No Careful when getting out of my car, even if just going to my house. not relevant where I live - in small rural village No I have to go out to walk my dog so I take a torch no carry a big torch Depends where I am/ Where I live I feel completely safe, in a city I may feel differently I live out of town, so rarely take the opportunity to walk locally. If I wanted to travel locally but away from my immediate locality, I would probably cycle. There I would consider the main risk would be from not being seen, so my bike is well lit. I feel most unsafe at night in a town or city,principally because of the number of youngsters out for a noisy night out, but again experience has taught me that a near 80 year old is nearly invisible to the sort of folk who are likely to cause trouble. Take my car I think lights should be switched off midnight, no need for them on all night. No difference I still go out to take the dog her last walk, but I always take a good torch for darker areas I drive when it's dark, walking would be too unsafe because my local roads are rural and narrow with few farms around and lots of farm tracks etc where people may park up in the dark. No difference; no anti-social problems in our village. Most of the village is sparsely lit, especially the footpaths. Trip hazards are the major concern. People walk to social events to avoid driving. normally feel safe and use hand torch Think twice about going out and consider the alternative of delaying going out until day light. never as yet been affected by the lack of good lighting walk a longer way home to avoid badly lit areas I have no option but to be out at night on my own to get home after a late shift None of the above We have no lighting and feel very safe I would go out in the car. 305 No I dont feel less safe I would use car rather than walk alone after dark Take the car when I may have walked Do not We only have 6 street lights in our village so it is not really well lit to start with. You cannot take the last bus home anymore as it would now leave you in the dark ince arriving at home. The last bus for us has always been a good option as it is cheaper than the taxi fare. Nights out have to be cut short. Be extra vigilant whilst out. It wouldn't make me stay but it would make me more wary. In my immediate vicinity there is no 'lack of good lighting' so this question is not relevant in my case. take the car instead of walking to the other end of the village No. Difference I don't have a reason to walk in an area without good lighting. Take a torch! This doesn't often apply as I live in the middle of London where lighting is everywhere. Dimming between 9-30 and 5-30 it's fine as early evening is when people are around most. Not really applicable to me. If returning from a night out by train, I have to walk down an unlit road. I've never felt unsafe and the only thing that bothers me about unlit roads is falling/tripping until my eyes adjust to the dark. As a cyclist out on country roads without street light being in the dark is not a problem, I have lights on the bike to see and be seen, I also carry a LED pocket torch as backup. The lack of lighting has not altered my feeling about the area. Just walk a bit quicker and keep aware Carry a torch. Never go out in the evenings anywhere else but Cranborne These questions seem very slanted to insisting upon street lighting always being on and never being turned off. If energy consumption is a big deal in future years then this has to be looked at especially in view of light pollution. All of the above 3 i.e. taxi, avoiding and going out less. none I dont often do it but if I do I always carry a good torch The issues i mentioned above have been reported over the phone to Harrogate Borough council. But they refused to address it as did not see a problem. we have had to by reflective coats, collars and flashing lights for our dog becasue idiots speed down poorly lit roadways Be a little cautious about who is about I do not think I would go out alone at night if it was unlit around where I live except in the car. It is a rural area and would be pitch black and there is a busy road running throught the village as well. I use a good torch. Actually a large Maglite which would make a good cosh.. In my own rural neighbourhood, I feel perfectly safe but rarely consider going into York Centre on certain evenings of the week unless in company with others. Evening visits to small town centres in North Yorkshire are often made with other companions. seldom go out in evening It does not affect my approach to the journey 306 I take a torch So far not had to consider this matter, but would feel fairly safe to be out during hours of darkness. No Has not made any difference lack of good lighting would not change my activities We sometimes have bad experiences with large numbers of young people around the entrance to the church doors where our large black congregation meets.......I am a Church Minister. It is not about lights, it is about the neighbourhood itself Never go out at night Makes no difference. I would drive my car even if it's just 50 metres rather than risk walking won't let kids out on own Questions 11 and 12 are bias; the street lights could be great but a group of thugs with knifes is still a threat. Without lighting in an orderly well kept street, no thugs, no problem. I just don't go out! There are not enough lights on the lane. Our section of the lane, High Bradley lane only has two lights and quite often there is only one working and it takes too long to be repaired. I would love to bike to work but don't feel safe when dark call friends for a lift or an escort Do nothing It is more the reputation of the area and the nature of the street/footpath that affects my behaviour. A poorly lit street in a better area would feel safer than a well lit underpass in a dodgy area. When friends bring me home they always bring me to the door because they say its unsafe Quite happy to have them all turned off and take a torch. not often out at night Q. 11 & 12 not specific enough. Does the question refer to walking within my village or elsewhere? I have assumed the former. There are town areas where would never walk! No street lighting in our area, only ever drive at night as live 5 miles from nearest town, unless going to nearby house. I do not go unaccompanied between those times. Use the car more often. it is nit a problem Doesn't really affect me and my family. If we need to go out in the middle of the night, I will drive or organise a taxi. 1) Walk more quickly! 2) Be more aware of my surroundings and who is also on my route Fine with it. Surely there is a Duty of care required. and how do you identify someone in darkness I need to walk the dog late at night AS i said above , our area is very quite, but if I go into town at night I have a taxi both ways. Fear of more crime Take dog for protectioni 307 My former professional career in law enforcement has ensured my confidence and attentiveness when out at night have been a victim of attack and neighbour ( female) also where her attackers were hiding behind a large tree halfway between street lamps! 2002 / 1980 Fall over on ice In certain areas I would feel unsafe if there were no street lights. I take a torch h I rarely need to walk in unlit areas I say switch off the lights. They make no difference. However, avoid wasting money modifying perfectly good lamps with timers & LEDs which will last about 3 weeks. It does not make any difference because I generally use a car at night if I am going any where no difference Take my car when I would walk if it were daylight prefer to see by the natural light or by very low levels that come off the built environment. Would be disappointed if the rural areas were all lit up like airports or Christmas trees! I don't have a need to go out walking after 9.30 p.m. as I have access to my car. If I had to walk out I would take a good torch. Depends which evening and time of evening. My decisions would be different on a Friday and a Saturday evening when the 'rowdies' have left the pubs / elsewhere. It makes me feel that there is some hope for humanity to tune in to the needs of other species - and therefore start the healing process so badly required on our planet. None of the above I prefer it to be unlit where I live. Enjoy the stars. It is danergous to go out in poor lighting, and I would also be concerned about an increased risk of someone breaking into my house if they were less visible in the area in which I live. No effect. Never had good lighting I would drive if going out in the evenings carry on as normal Become more cautious Sometimes feel unsafe but I have to venture out during dark times to complete jobs and associated person reasons Take my telescope out more often None of the above I would avoid walking in unlit areas after dark. n/a even avoid walking with others, as no-one feels safe. Lack of good lighting would encourage villains and anti-social behaviour ...they would feel as though they could not be identified as easily. Crime rates are UP in my is tight!...burglaries, thefts from cars etc are all up this year. Forced to walk my pet earlier than usual 308 Carry headlamp. Bright light acts as a deterrent/weapon It makes no difference to me when I'm in a rural area. No change Makes no difference ot me really N/A - small village and entirely safe 12 and 13 are not applicable in a rural area. If however the questions are referring to visiting an urban area in an evening then the answers given are correct . Stop activities? No! I go out alone (with torch, as needed) to meet teenagers walking home late along an unlit, unpaved lane - don't really feel scared as kids say I look like a "nutter" jogging along on my own in the dark (with torch). I feel safe as I know the area well and can turn off the torch to 'hide' if I'm concerned. I would feel less secure in a well lit area as I would be more conspicuous as a lone female, and wouldn't be able to hide in the same way. I have a large dog, but I feel she would hinder me and make me more conspicuous if I encountered anyone in the dark - I turn the torch off and I can't been seen or heard but you can't do that with a dog. Ive never actually had to walk where the lighting isnt good so not sure if it wd make me more security conscious but at the moment dont think it wd make me nervous although im a fairly brave person (and a good runner!) Speeding traffic is a danger As above have changed route to avoid dark alley does not make me change my behaviour at all drive rather than walk Take a weighted walking stick in case of attack. Does this make ME a criminal? So what? The need to go out in the evening is less than during the day but if there is a need to go out after dark I carry a stick with me. I do what I want when I want Assess each area. I don't walk through an unlit, dark park after about 7pm I won't even bike through those areas of which there are many. I live in a small village where crime is nonexistant apart from the the odd garage/shed theft (once in 5 years). There is poor street lighting but it is hardly an issue where there is some or ins't I have no choice but to walk on our unlit street as I have a dog but I don't feel safe doing it. Take the car. Normally go by car Take greater care not to trip, which is a far greater danger than being coshed by some bounder Use the car with doors locked None of the above Depends on the area None of these. I don't feel that the issue of good lighting changes my lifestyle at all. Worry aboptu children when they are driving at night As we are a rural area these questions do not really apply but I do like to have street lights in a town as there are more people and I feel more vulnerable. Go with someone else. I do not like the fact that they turn the lighting off on the motorway junctions - I feel this is very dangerous - OK for the main stretches but not at junctions. avoid going out at night 309 I would feel insecure if street lighting in my street was turned off at night, and , also I feel the risk of theft even in current safe areas would increase. It has no effect on me, if I need to go out I willdo so Make no diference. Stay indoors without even going out in my garden after dark. Going out alone MAKES ME VERY RELUCTANT TO WALK ANYWHERE AT NIGHT. No. I have to get home ! None of the above It makes no difference whether lights are on or off. This rather depends on whether you are familiar with the neighbourhood and know the good and bad areas. I was brought up in the age of gas lighting and have felt safer when there is not much lighting it makes me more consious of my surroundings and more aware if there is anyone else about. By contrast to my reply in Q 9 & 10, Welwyn Garden City has a 'Brutal ' switch off policy. Much to the anguish of the Local Residents. Obviously Cllr 'Don Binliner' (joke) took the easy way out. He should come to Barnet to see how common sense policies can get it right. As I live on the edge of the countryside I use my car almost all of the time Disabled therefore I rarely go out at night. Use a car instead of using some pathways. Would still go out, however take my Magilite torch. Walk my dogs (german shepherd and a toy poodle) every morning and night. Carry a torch so lighting not an issue It depends by what you mean by good lighting. This area is OVER lit, taking it down a bit would not cause security issues. If badly lit, I would be more concerned about falling over. Attackers don't just come out at night! this depends on the street and where it is. Wary of other people standing about, following me or walking past me. Doesn't stop my activities, just become a bit cautious I wear a reflective bib as my biggest worry is walking on unlit roads. I think it is more about the area I am walking in rather than how bright the lighting is. Some lighting is good but it wouldn't worry me lights were on but it was dimmer. None of these. Avoid walking across park because of dog mess Has not changed my attitude, will go out as normal. I know of 2 instances with relatives within the last 18 months where Front doors have been "tried" in different cul-de-sacs in Crewe and in both cases adjacent street lights were "out" I would be choosy about WHERE I walked but that's more to do with assumptions about crime areas than lighting per se Taxi sometimes, but generally it makes me change the route I would walk at night as opposed to day time so that I take more well lit or used routes. It doesn't change my behaviour can't go running with my daughter in the winter. One feels more vulnearble in badly lit areas. Poor lighting increases the criteria in judging areas that one might wish to avoid anyway. Not a problem. If I want to go out in the Dark- I do 310 None of the above Change NOTHING! Why is that no answer? I always use the car To be honest I have not changed my patten of living, since the change of the street lighting times. Generally I wouldn't go out after dark. I think people in general feel less safe during the hours of darkness, and stay inside more when it is dark. rarely out alone unless walking the dog so no problem with safety None concerned about invisible obstacles such as pot holes It would make me hesitant and asssess the risk. pleased to see the night sky, something in our risk adverse society I miss Just means I need to take more care and be more aware of my surroundings, i am lucky that I am able to take care of myself, some do not have that ability and therefore I am sure stay in doors. Crime IS NOT falling and the fear of crime is high. Goverment just change recording standards to make them look good and many people do not report crime any more, as some say "WHAT'S THE POINT, THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH OFFICERS TO DEAL WITH IT AND THEY HAVE MORE IMPORTANT THINGS TO DEAL WITH". See answer 10 rubbish answers Drive Doesn't bother me Being a well build ex-rugby player I do not feel particularly intimidated however I would not be happy for my wife to walk in poorly lit areas on her own at night and would advise she get a taxi, or if she shares one( <350 yards) would talk on the phone throughout the walk. I would usually only walk late at night from my sons house to my home, which is a matter of a few hundred yards. Otherwise I would be driving when out late. Take a different route, even if it is longer or less convenient. I live in a small rural community where I feel safe walking. I do not need a taxi here. It does not stop me going out in the evening. I would say that if I was going to be mugged it would happen in a lit area just as much as an unlit area. I may be an easier target in a lit area. has no effect Apprehensive and take other measures like a torch, leaving valuables behind etc strangers usually need a tourch . My dog. always with me growls at anything untoward at night. In our small village, only a small pub and village hall to walk to - we just use a torch but would feel uneasy if groups of youngsters had reason to be around Have severe panic attack if had to walk anywhere where there was no lighting. Don't go out unless have too. I tend to walk in well lit routes like main roads rather than wandering around neighbourhoods alone at night No. This is a biased question! It doesn't bother me. won't go out at night unless in my own car or get lift from friends. Take a torch Very unsafe particularly when near woodland or shrubbery where someone could be lurking. 311 None of the above Lights ok, so not a problem. Also excellent local cctv coverage of town centre area. Wouldn't change what I do. I would always avoid walking in any place with a bad reputation after dark but the actual lights make little difference to how I feel. I am More aware of my surroundings and more vigilant If I HAVE TO GO OUT AT NIGHT I EITHER GO WITH A FRIEND OR BY CAR The rear of my row of houses is the River Avon walk upto St Nicholas Park, it is always in semi darkness at night. Without the withheld yet already funded CCTV and lighting, at the pinch points either end of the walk, it becomes a haven for nefarious activity. Poaching, traveler encampment incursions, shed breaks, reports of garden intruders and outhouse damage has increased since the black out. NHW anticipated this-what is your/ their problem? More careful when out walking - try to stay in groups I refuse to not go out, and be dictated to - but hate having that walk home loom over me. no change in activity take risks walking home alone in the dark when i cant afford a taxi I don't feel too bad about going out at night but I know a lot of the residents in my area do Not me personally but my wife would take a longer detour to avoid unlit areas. No real change - it's a safe area anyway. Use the vehicle would not walk anywhere alone after dark - would always take my car, even to the local shop Used to low light levels - no problem I rarely go out on foot after dark, so not applicable not applicable life in village Just take extra care not applicable I go out less & i Do tend to get taxis, but even then i have had bad experiences, driver asking to many personal questions, asking for money up front! & asking for for more money. Also i felt One foreign driver may have been mentally ill, he was acting werid & i was scared. More apprehensive I usually take the dog with me unless I attend a meeting. I would never venture out in the total darkness without the presence of 2 large k9s! (disciplined & controlled animals) I dont wakl in our village as there is alot of drug abuse that the police and our local council representative know about but do nothing to resolve the issue More concerned about tripping falling in dark treading dog muck To be honest, I think there are too many lights. Light pollution is really bad these days. Obviously, it depends on the area. I wouldn't walk down the street in some London boroughs after dark but where I live I feel safe regardless of the time of night/darkness. Having said that I understand Witney has become slightly less safe than it was 2 or 3 years ago. None of the above not go out at all take the car I usually drive everywhere anyway 312 Cycle (fast) instead of walking. I will not go out at night alone, especially in badly lit, quiet areas. I will go out with a friend or my husband but never alone. If I have to go out alone at night I will drive or take a taxi. Be more aware of safety and what is going on around me. I expect it, grew up with it, and dont see what all the fuss is about. Sensible reductions and the energy and cost savings associated with these should be encouraged. Lack of lighting on very dark nights increases the danger from uneven paths and obstructions. A torch is necessary. stay home Not a problem. It also means I use my car when I could walk. I would be inclined to take car. Use my own car instead of walking. None Doesn't stop me going out and doing things, but poor lighting wold make me much more aware and cautious, and prompt me to hurry. More concerned about residential burglary than my safety. makes me more aware of my surroundings, more alert, more cautious and frustrated that more thought has not been given to where the lights have been turned off. more consideration has been given to motorists rather than pedestrians The answer to all questions is "no". I live in a rural community and I drive. It is rare that I would walk anywhere after dark but on the occasions when I attended a monthly meeting in the village i would use the car even thought it was only a 5 min walk. I rarely walk anywhere after dark nowadays mainly because I don't need to. Use a good torch and visually conspicuous clothing. If I need to go out then I go - this is not very often IN the centre of Manchester I live in a small town. On the whole, people are helpful and friendly. I am wary when there are heavy drinkers about. I walk through a park as the only unlit area and I take a heavy torch Use my own vehicle Doesn't apply If I was someone that went out nightly. By have NO lighting I would probably just stay indoors I use my car at night when I go out. Much safer. use car Having to use a torch in badly lit areas. Not in the habit of frequenting areas which are without good lighting. At times I drive to evening hours appointments and I am usually safe in the vicinity whereas in the past I would walk alone at night in the village, I now go by car even for short distances. This is alright as long as I can drive, but would leave me housebound at night if i stopped driving Change my route even if further Not really happened. don't go out unless I have a lift. I have no need to walk so late at night as I would be in a car therefore this doen't really apply. Use a car. 313 None of the above Use the car instead if walk/ cycle. Has no effect I go out when I want to. The fact that it may be more difficult does not stop me Can I sue the local government if I trip on poorly maintained paths due to the lack of adequate lighting? use the car or walk with others none of the above just more careful Take a different route None of these. I would not be walking if out at night but would be using my car into attached garage take personal lighting - torch I use my trusty torch - which is long and quite heavy! It is a consideration taken if going out my wife is blind and I am elderly so walking in a dimly lit street/road is not really our cup of tea. nothing to do with fear of crime etc. I drive everywhere iI am disabled and do not go far alone.I use electric scooter which has prity good lights If I walk I chose a different route No effect No Does not worry me My feeling does not inhibit my behaviour No discernable effect. No. I take a torch with me. None of these- indifferent Take a torch. No difference I am unable to walk my dog as it's so dark and I work during the day Street lighting does NOT make me feel safer as some areas are best avoided totally.I am happy to walk in the dark locally especially I have my dog with me! Youths have been know to cross the road to avoid me..... No change, but I suppose I would think twice about walking along an unlit road with no pavement in the dark. I just don't experience many places without light in the conurbation where I live. Take the long way round to avoid dark areas. even if in a group, will take car as no path/bushes on the way/uneven roads and potholes don't help either Would be more cautious away from our own locality i.e. another town or suburb. NO Deoends as in a rural area its more about beeing able to see rather than safety from others Or go accompanied, or take my bike instead. I don't go out that much in the evening, and would have to use a car if going any distance. We have no public transport. Lack of lighting has seen a marekd increase in criminal activity in our area because law abiding people are not around as often (see above) and criminals are less likely to be seen when they commit offences. Park somewhere else / closer to my destination No effect 314 No if I have to walk in these area I carry a torch footpath is unseeable in places, therefore dangerous, especially in wet conditions. Use car instead. Carry torch if walking home from train station in the dark - although only early evening. Would not do later in the evening. no change Live in small rural village so no problem. However, I would not want to be out in a city with a lack of good street lighting. Be very cautious when driving the car. Many cars parked on the road with no lights and poor street lighting. All parked cars should display minimal lighting at all times when parked at night. Drive short distances which otherwise I would walk See Qu.9. Take routes which have proper lighting, even when driving or cycling. No Check the back garden, make sure sheds are locked. None of the above no difference Only change my behaviour if alone- but if accompanied still go out anyway A biased survey as the last question should have been - not affected. I take a good torch Makes no difference When I go out after dark it is usually in a car or when I walk the dog. Lack of good lighting does not make me change my habits. never go out after dark-nor answer the door. i wouldn't be out after midnight I try to walk when necessary during the day time will still walk through the areas but depending on the location, i often walk a LOT faster! one bad experence would put me off walking through the area though! Take the car instead We generally feel safe in Ferndown but could be selective in unknown districts Travel at different times, which can be inconvenient. Not bothered by lack of lighting. Not afraid of the dark Use my car just being extra aware,just in case you never know these days but still feel fairly safe. Stay Indoors I can't afford to take taxis Go regardless. Irrelevant - and I would prefer village to remain mainly unlit and rural. In fact good lighting merely emphasises I am an older female walking alone It does not make any differance None of the above I will always get collected, as the path from our bus stop to the well lit-area of housing, is very dark and not at all safe due to trees and patchy undergrowth blocking the A road lighting. On occasions when I've had to use the bus I have walked along the road to avoid using the path. Does not bother me. If out of my immediate locality will normally use my car 315 Not where I live. I can appreciate this could be a problem in some area. I would take a torch! It very much depends on the neighbourhood. I would probably avoid areas that seemed 'dodgy' but it wouldn't really bother me in some other areas. Lighting or lack of would not impact on my decision to go anywhere. I would not feel as safe in any area where I was not used to. Lights or no lights None of these Street lighting is already too much. Lighting doesn't make one feel any safer It does not affect my lifestile If possible I would avoid walking in an area I didn't know. not sure as rarely out that late Use own vehicle. Lacking of lighting does not affect 'go-out' decisions. Only in my car. as we have no street lights in the neighbourhood I just accept it. I use my car after 9.30pm for convenience use my car. not really I am extra careful when walking on the unlit road it is fairly safe near where I live-I think, and in town it is safe I actually feel safer walking in my unlit rural village than in any town or street lit suburban area. Always take a torch.However, Bourne End has a very low level of crime, particularly street crime. It would depend on the area, as there are some that I would avoid with or without lighting. Others I feel happy to walk in the dark. No none of above. It would depend what area I was in. In my own village I would feel fairly safe but in somewhere I don't know or a place with a bad reputation, I would not feel safe. Does not change me walking if thats what I feel like doing Use the car or van take a bus Biased question! I welcome less lighting. In pitch dark it is my view that anti-social behaviour reduces. It is a great opportunity to view the stars! I have no problem going out at night I just take a torch. go out in my car. Use car to attend village functions. Not visit frieor go homearly It's a blanket question with no easy answer. I was brought up in the country with no street lighting. On a moonless night, you knew what 'dark' meant and it wasn't a problem. We live in a fairly peaceable area near the centre of town so very rarely experience anti-social disturbances. Normally use car No change to my behaviour other than taking a torch. It never makes me anxious N/A Take a good torch with me it depends where I am so Q 11 and 12 depend on this so unable to answer correctly as forced to put one 316 As the poor lighting in the area already is an issue I have sleeping problems worrying we will get burgled again. I do not change my routine....our neighbourhood is very low crime anyway I am rarely out after 10pm, but I would not feel safe coming home say after midnight No change As rural living does not offer the choice of lighting you get use to it carry torch / reflective clothing etc/ No - but what is 'good lighting'. I do not like overlit areas which can create dark corners and which ruin any view of the night sky. bus instead of walking have less exercise, because it is quite dangerous to run if there are no lights (potholes, uneven pavement). walked from Thorpe Arnold village hall to the car park which is up the road unlit. I will never do it again mt heart and brain was doing over time. I could not see a thing. 8pm 22/10/14 I have to drive to get anywhere so feel safe in a car. I am a car user most of the time so not a problem It wouldn't affect me. I change my way of life with the onset of winter which has no bearing on the level of street lighting in the village. Taxis aren't really an option as I live in a village, the normally I would ask my husband to collect me from the train station Dog walking - only some area can be used It is impractacle to light everywhere & not environmentally friendly.I don't feel the need to walk in dark places after dark Take the car where possible even less than a quarter of a mile to the local shop. I feel because the numbers of Police have been reduced, their response time will be too late to help you. just be caustios, but would not walk alone at night if I happened to be in a "dodgy" area. cant afford taxis cant walk to far Take the car instead; not for crime related security/safety reasons but because of road safety reasons on a country lane that is only lit at its ends. No effect If I'm on a side street/quiet road, I walk in the middle of the road so I'm as far away as possible from where anyone could jump out at me. I never listen to music when walking in the dark. have to leave early for work - walking to bus stop on unlit roads does make me feel vulnerable - this is at 0600 hrs and there is no lighting in our road at that time. Never let my daughter walk from the bus to home after about 7:00 no different Get a lift with friends rarely if ever go out in the evening-not safety no reason Absolutely depends on the area - would walk in my local village, would not necessarily walk in my local town no change Drive my car more My work takes me out at night so I have no choice Us a car 317 I work as a carer in the local comm often attending out of hrs ...In my personal life I will not go into a unsafe poorly lit area .....also as a driver a poorly lit area means less likely to see pedestrians especially if in dark clothes have noticed more diff to see even with good headlights. It's not the degree of lighting that affects my decisions; it's the neighbourhood and its reputation. One can be assaulted and robbed in broad daylight in a bad area. Use my car Unsafe environment for elderly and disabled people that live on our road and unsafe environment for car drivers at night as it is harder to anticipate incidents. As well as this if there is an incident on our road at night we cannot give police etc accurate information as we cannot see what is happening and cannot describe suspect behaviour or descriotions due to lack of light on our street, It doesn't really apply though if I am in deepest rural Dorset I use a torch but feel that those ares are safe! take a torch I am a runner and although I go out earlier in the evening (but when dark), I am finding I am having to avoid routes that are now poorly lit. Go by car in dark go by bike by day I walk my dogs early in the morning around 6am and some of the footpaths I use are not lit or poorly lit now we have the dark mornings. This makes me feel less safe than if there was good lighting present. Also there is a "doggy play patch" on Slades farm where I take the dogs. I feel this would benefit from movement sensitive lighting, so that those who have to walk their dogs before and after work, could exercise them in the doggy play patch and feel safe. Just don't walk out on my own after dark, even to walk the dog. Drive door to door or get lifts with friends. I rarely go out at night More than adequate lighting where I live. I also avoid cycling in a rather lonely canal side cycle and pedestrian path that is busy by day but quiet by night. I take an alternative but longer route on brightly lit busier streets. I would not go out in the dark as I cannot see in the dark, my eyes take a long time to adjust. Doesn't bother me as I am used to dark situations with wildlife interests Anxious about my family walking home. Doesn't stop me going out at all Lack of lighting would not stop me going out but I would take a torch as I fall over easily. I am lucky and live in a village where I feel totally safe. I may drive instead of walking. It would depend on weather conditions Please see answer to question 10 Make sure someone knows where and when I am going to be alone in dark areas I use my own transport if I ever have the need to go out in the evenings. Use a bike with powerful lights! Feel more need to take car from door to door. Feel uneasy about being outside front of property when area not lit eg access to garage, and also when returning home to unlock and enter property. ?possible opportunity for crime. none of the above Feel a little uneasy. CYCLE Use my car and pick up my kids if returning home when dark None 318 Never out after dark We would use the car. I will go out. Life is for living. You would not do anything otherwise. I try to be more alert and observant in poor lighting will wear a high viz jacket if walking the dogs in the dark depressed Na Lock car doors when driving and worry/more watchful when stopped at traffic lights or junctions Drive myself, walk the shortest distance possible between car and destination. no change No change to routine Quite content, crims need light. I am a wheelchair user and poor lighting coupled with a poor pavement (for example) can result in disaster if you're not careful or are unlucky. If I am walking somewhere dark I take a torch and ware a high visilbity jacket. A leading question indeed. I feel safer in areas without lighting. As far as I know, most attacks occur (at least initially) in areas with some lighting. If you're going to grab/attack someone, surely you're not going to do it in complete darkness? How would you know if the person you were attacking was male/female, well built, likely to be able to defend themselves or weak etc. if you couldn't see them? I drive a lot more instead of walk in. I don't go out at night much, and not in areas that lack good lighting. So cannot comment on how I feel. not bothered Even when yu get a lift ot taxi or drive yurs self home, you still have to get from the car to the flat in complete dark. I drive myself so no one is with me when i come home. I am very frightened. My neighbour is frightened to walk her dog if he needs to go out after 12 as no light I go out for a short time when it is dark but the lights are on in the street where I live. I luckily have a bus stop near my home dOES NOT AFFECT ME We don't have poor lighting in our area - if we did I would have answered Q. 12 originally! It's actually Not Applicable as our lighting is good! We we only walk out in our own well-lit areas, not because of feeling unsafe but because we don't have the need most of the time!. Drive None of the above. I was a student in Brixton in the '70s and I felt safe then. It's a state of mind. Stop trying to undermine people's assessment of risk! I now have a attack alarm I take out with me and never used to. As my comments above about the lack of lighting in the alleyway, I would rather take the long way round into Montagu St, Kettering. drive instead of walking take a torch with me or wear reflective cloths Always have to make sure I have a flashlight as the pavement are not in very good condition cracked and uneven, also there are electrical poles stuck in the middle of the pavement and are an extra obstacle to miss as they can't be seen without a flashlight. Not applicable do not go out in the dark 319 None of the above. I sometimes go shopping at night and walk down very dark footpaths. However, I do wonder if anything will happen to me and do feel that I am on my guard. Take a torch None of the above. Enjoy seeing the night sky. Be very nervous Very rarely go out walking at night. Need to go by car in a rural area. Concerned driving to work & home in the dark. Would be fearful if my car broke down! never go out alone after dark would never go out after dark I don't find lighting or the lack of it a problem. I just need to remember to take a torch. unsafe just going out at night but also extremely wary of answering the door after dark. They make you feel more like a prisoner in your own home. I walk my dog every morning and it is now completely dark when I walk to the park. I take a torch. I tread more carefully, but I enjoy the darkness. None of the above I usually feel safe where I live No difference Do not go out walking alone when dark but I would feel very unsafe if there was no lighting. I rarely go out in the evenings. But I would not like to walk in unlit areas if I should need to go out between and 6 am. Hurry as fast as possible. Coming home from work in the dark. Have to walk when i get off the bus to get home. Take a torch Personally I don't like street lights as they spoil the area Doesn't affect me, but anyone vunerable, females or the aged always seem to hate unlit areas, with good reason from what I hear. I take a torch if I go out - more to light my way and to ensure that I am "seen" than for security. I keep a wind up torch in my car and have a small one on my keyring NO Take the long way round on main roads. It depends on the reputation of the area. if I were to go to a place which has no street lighting I would take a torch. Its no different that being abroad and taking precautions in areas where street lighting is poor. just makes me a bit more wary and take notice of who is around me winter months are not good as part of the town still has lights. You can leave a house with street lights and proceed home through areas with no lights. Ridiculous. If the lighting is particularly bad in places then I have to almost feel my way around and tread very carefully to avoid tripping or other hazards. Like most people, I prefer to go out during the day when everything can be seen clearly. Has no effect, we have our small share of noisy kids and the odd bad hat (of any age) but none of them have ever bothered me NO Causes undue stress and anxiety 320 I take responsibility for my own actions and do not walk in areas that have always has poor lighting. If I am unsure I take another route. I drive everywhere to be safe! Take the car, sometimes. As stated above the issue is the traffic, its speed and the darkness not allowing the edge of the pavement to be visible. Go by car, or picked up by a friend. I do not encounter this situation in my locality. what a badly phrased question! Unlit areas mean it is often dangerous to walk because of the state of pavements and roads and not being able to see kerbs etc. This is regardless of any other issues such as perception of personal safety, traffic etc. Don't open front door when dark nothing I think that if you are out walking at night it is only sensible to walk with someone else whether lit or unlit after midnight. Maybe different in a town, but in this village, I just take a torch. Answers to Q11-13 do not apply to my village where I feel safe I try always to walk near to houses and stay clear of alleyways. Adequate street lighting is always desirable but I suppose it depends on the area. Crime still happens even with sufficient street lighting. I take a torch Lighting is good so this question does not apply Ensure I can get a lift home before making arrangements to go out. I have to walk my dogs after dark so regardless of how I feel about the dimmer lighting, I still go out. If it an area I am unfamilair with and an urban situation. Country areas do not give me the same cause for concern. Use better bike lights In my neighbourhood this wouldn't apply. However if I was in a nearby town (Slough) at night with bad lighting I would be wary of my surroundings. in some areas I still go - it is not a deterrent Take our own car which is more costly for us than walking We go by car I would take a torch with me. none of the above None of the above walk in the main streets that are still lit aftet 12. I am often out for evening meetings but always come home on bicycle with good lights on both front and back, and the speed of the vehicle (I'm a slower cyclist) might deter anyone with any intention from interfering me on my passage, perhaps, but am always mindful of any movement in front and back. No effect drive instead of walking Still walk my small dog Carry a good torch. I think that street lights in our rural area are not necessary after midnight . I prefer to walk with a torch but accept that street lights are necessary for most people . I now gone home early when I can to avoid the dark Basically drive except when remaining on Delamere Park 321 As I am 6'4 and weigh in at approx 230lbs I may be a bad demographic as I don't worry about going out walking the dog when dark. If I and my wife want to go out in the dark we do. No Problem. Lots of dog walkers in area , need lighting ! Use the car. If I do go out after dark, I take my mobile phone with me just in case I need to make an emergency call, and am sensible about taking care not to walk along extremely dark paths. I live in a small village, in a quiet lane off the main road through, lamp posts in the village are very sparse Particularly down the lane. The reason I feel safer (question 6 answer) is because we live in a close community and know almost everyone in the village. Use the car Drive or take a tourch None of these. I rarely walk when I go out at night. Carry a torch no. All reduces road safety. I am mostly driving so not really affected In an urban area that I know well, lack of street lighting does not bother me at all. In an area with which I am unfamiliar, it is a different matter - but for practical reasons (getting lost!) rather than concerns that I might be a victim of crime. I take alternative routes which are lit. Just get on with things None of the above Lack of good street lighting makes no difference Very rarely go out at night except by car. Use the car no worries Drive rather than walk or cycle, park as close as possible to my destination, try not to be alone in dark areas No No, it totally depends on the area. I am taken out. Same activity No difference, except for contact with overgrown hedges and obstructions on the footpath/pavement. walk quickly through the dark area Ovoid darkest spots I go out regardless A lack of street lighting does not affect any of my nightime activities. no change in habits I do not like looking out of my window when it's really dark outside if I hear a disturbance because it is dark & I never know who's outside (or what they might do if they see me looking) It depends entirely on the area. Near where we live there is a semi-rural cycle and pedestrian path that is well lit. I would prefer the lighting to be lower, as I don't like the fact that if someone were to be lurking in the bushes by the path I would be clearly visible. I drive myself 322 Yobbos congregate round lit areas. When it's dark they're not about! This really depends on how well I know the area This is really a comment on questions 11,12 and 13; I dont think lighting per se makes the difference;it is the area you are in.I remember Twickenham or Richmond on a Friday/Saturday night were almost no-go areas becuase of the 'threatening' atmosphere created by large numbers of inebriated youths out and about.Lighting makes no difference to how one feels in these areas.Locally I am sure Weymouth suffers from similar problems. I continue as before the switch off Depends on the neighbourhood I am in. If I know it to be a "rough area" I would not walk alone at night. There is street lighting all around where I live in north Maidenhead. I have been in rural areas where there is no street lighting whatsoever and this can be awkward if you do not have a torch. The problem is not bad people but falling over. none - I just "brave" it out yes if i am in an unknown area (away from where i live) It is a real privilege to live in a village without lighting and to enjoy the stars! Try and find somebody else to walk with - not always possible I won't even visit friends who live nearby if it means that I will have to spend ANY time walking in the dark. Up to approx. 2 years ago, I felt reasonably safe leaving my home to ride my cycle to work at 5.20am. Now I pay almost £7 taxi fares (no buses go from my area to my work place) and feel it is worth it to get there safely. Thankfully I only work a 3 day week! No it does not prevent me going out In this village I do not feel that street lighting makes any difference. Dislike uneven road / pavement surfaces in the dark. We are in a conservation village and there is no lighting at all apart from reflected light from the nearby school a/w pitch and the floodlighting from the church I avoid/use some areas at night irrespective of lighting. Lighting is not always relelvant. Be selective regarding the route taken. IF WE GO OUT AND LEAVE OUR PROPERTY EMPTY AND THE LIGHTS ARE TURNED OUT OUR PROPERTY IS VUNERABLE TO BE BROKEN INTO. the lights are switched off some time after I go to bed ie I some time after 11.00pm - so after the initial concern when I first noticed it, it now doesn't bother me. We have adequate lighting I use a bicycle and just be even more aware uring darklness ale a torch with me Have to walk on the road as I cannot find the path, which in any case probably has cars parked on it. Rare these days but would be more alert and maybe avoid walking alone. Rare these days but would be more alert and maybe avoid walking alone. I would drive or not go out No difference Not Applicable None of the above. Still feel safe in dark areas walking only locally I feel very safe No Rarely walk at night Less inclined to visit facilities in the village because of the badly lit section between Kineton and Little Kineton 323 Exercise more caution None apply While I'm able to drive, it's not a problem. I would not walk anywhere that's poorly lit after dark on my own. It is not often that I am out after 6 pm. It would encourage me to talk a walk as I prefer no lighting, though I doubt that many country dwellers who are used to, and prefer, the dark, will complete the survey. You can see the stars! In my own village I feel perfectly safe, if I am in another area I am more careful, depending on where I am. More watchful No difference Wary when I do go out. neither It depends on the area. However I have never felt street lighting was a deterrent to the determined criminal Answers to Qns. 11,12, and 13. depend on whether I'm in a town or countryside and how far I have to walk. If I was in an area that I didn't know then I would probably use a taxi. Definitely after midnight. None of the above Not really applicable here, but I'd feel different in nearby Yeovil without lighting! None of these apply It makes no difference. If it is necessary to visit such areas I would use my car Take the car Not applicable. I do not worry about going out in the dark - maybe I should, but I don't. Rural area I live in, always feel safe in dark Being in a village we are rarely out in an evening other than by car. I personally do not like strong street lighting because it is intrusive, sometimes sufficiently so for people to fit curtains that block out the light. Either avoid or drive Arrange a lift. Walk with the dog who is big but harmless! As I live in a small village this question probably does not apply to me. Some times I walk in fields in the dark with dog, but I always feel ok, I don't worry about it, as I was brought up in a quiet area and had to be independent. However if I lived in Peterborough I would be more mindful of where I walked after dark and I wouldn't hang around. It would not stop me from going out after dark as I have a right to go out to places but I would try to use well walked places where there were plenty of people around. I WOULD WEAR SEMI MILITARY DRESS - WALK WITH CONFIDENCE WITH A WALKING STICK, TO DETER WOULD BE CRIMINALS/CROOKS ETC AND PREPARED TO DEFEND MYSELF. RIGHT TO THE END !!! AND SO SHOULD ALL OF US !!! More alert no effect As I have said, I feel unaffected by the change in lighting Also wary of unmaintained pavements which can be difficult for the elderly after dark in badly lit streets I have no problem with walking at night 324 The Headlights of cars - usually on Full-beam - travelling towards pedestrians where there are no lights - and in villages - often no foot-paths either - make walking hazardous and blinding - this is extremely uncomfortable and very dangerous as often the cars are travelling at high speeds. Whilst I feel very safe in my village - whether I am walking in lit or unlit places - I always feel very nervous if I have to go into the nearest town centre at night, whether it is lit or unlit. I have always felt safe walking about the village during the evening and night. Haven't experienced it, as our street lights are always on. However wouldn't walk in really dark place if couldn't see underfoot for safety of walking. n/a wouldnt stop me using a route No change of attitude It is not just about lighting it is about the area. Lighting can mean you are very visible to target! As I am a car owner I do not walk the streets at night Schedule activities for the daytime. I tend to go out less and if I do go out, I take my car. Have to go to work in blackout during winter. Work on retail. if I need to go out I go out just the same Take a torch, Led Lenser Police Tech. will do the trick every time. depends where it is. Feel safe in country but would avoid walking in certain towns does not effect me from doing anything It cuts you off from socialising as you don't always want to take taxis. Don't usually go out in the evening but if I do I take the car. Walk very carefully, taking more notice of who/what is around Go for a longer walk through lit areas I won't let yobs or criminals dictate what I do and where I go Drive my car wouldn't go out in the dark Results in making me far more aware of surroundings and to try and avoid possible danger/ risky spots along route. it does not bother me Good street lighting does not make me safe. Good policing, a strong and just judiciary and educating society as whole the difference between wrong and right do. None - I walk the dog out of the lit area every night without feeling unsafe I now do less driving at night Would prefer less street lighting overnight. We still continue to live our normal lives. Drive rather than walk even though the distance is walkable and I usually enjoy the exercise and fresh air. Safety is paramount. This impacts on social activities as theatres etc, are usually open during the evenings there are other factors but lighting is very important 325 Where I live is very rural and it is rare to see anyone around at night. This makes me feel safer than if I lived in a more built up area where there are more people around because in my view more people equals more chance of someone unpleasant or inappropriate being around. I used to live in a big town with all of the problems that go with this kind of environment. When I lived there I was always frightened to go out alone and was nervous about returning to an empty house at night if I was alone whether the lighting was good or bad but a decrease in lighting would have made me even more nervious because of the possibility of someone hiding in the shadows. Bigger towns seem to have more problems and if I lived in a bigger town I would be very reluctantt to go out at night alone and would never go anywhere that meant I had to walk alone after dark and would be scared if I had to arrive home after dark. I never change my plans due to inadequate lighting. Stops me going out made me changed my job has I felt unsafe walking to my car afhter work and from my car to work in the morning. (it not just nights it dark morning to) event at work I felt unsafe and carry a panic alarm. I even locks my house doors will all 3 locks in the day. Cycling into town is hazardous where the paths are badly lit. Lights are either dazzling or missing. pedestrians often invisible. I feel safer walking, provided I have someone with me. In daylight I cycle. Even going out to a car early morning is not a safe feeling Makes no difference Wish I COULD avoid walking alone in those areas after dark/before dawn but I need to earn a living; I don't drive and am partially sighted. I do not often go out in the evenings, but when I do, usually to go to a meeting or function, I take a torch and a high vis vest. None of the above No. I feel safe in my rural village without lighting but wouldn't feel particularly safe in unlit areas in a town or city. No Depends on when and where If there were ni lights on in the hours of darkness, I would not go out at all. You cannot trust anyone. i leave money and phone at home. Walk a long way around to stay in the light. But it's stupid really as the longer I'm out alone the higher the risk too. wear visible clothing and take a torch Go out in groups rather than alone. Unlit rural roads without pavements are not safe at night on foot - lethal on a bicycle Extra special care to clear vehicle of contents at night, even though it is off-road on our private driveway. Take own vehicle instead of walking it makes no difference to me. just have to avoid those places I would not choose to go out on a Friday evening in the village centre not because of lighting considerations but because the local youth tends to congregate around the various takeaways - can be rowdy and abusive to passers-by. Take more care and be observant. Avoid dark areas where youths meet 326 No, my behaviour of an evening has not changed as a result of the lights being turned out, but I am more aware of leaving lights on at home for when as this makes me feel safe when unlocking the house. None of these apply to Clanfield. None of the above Adopt more awareness. take the car instead of walking. Certain areas can be subject to dog fouling so are best avoided to keep ones footwear clean. But sometimes unavoidable as I live on my own and when you drive places you have to go back to your car on your own. As a worker who visits the elderly as part of my job. being a woman walking alone at night is a bit scary but in a well lit area it is easier to be aware of others around you and to take appropriate action if feeling threatened Was brought as a child/teenager to avoid places not well lighted, do so more in this day and age, as age is against me now. No. I believe there is far too much unneccessary street lighting. Normally would use my car Leave venues early Think it is very dependent on the area. Feel perfectly safe in my home neighbourhood but if in a city may feel differently more aware that our house could be ideal for a burglar as it is now so dark, want to chop trees down at the front, however it is finding the time and the money to do this will not let any circunstances stop my daily or weekly outings I generally use the car if I go out in the evening, when I walk through Chesterfield I stick to busy areas and I am not out later that an event finishing at the theatre. No difference It means I take actions that could otherwise compromise my safety i.e. walk in the road rather than on a pavement near hedges and unlit driveways Organize to walk in groups of people. disabled Delighted at reduced energy use and reduced impact on wildlife/natural ecosystems. High intensity luighting causes dark shadows which are the friend of those intent on criminal activity. If I needed to go out I would Can't avoid going out as I do shift work! It has had no effect on me. Rural area you get used to low levels of lighting or non at all. None. Would prefer less street lighting. makes no difference use the car instead of walking There are still too many unnecessary street lights left on all night. All junctions should be lit, and lamps need to b e lit approx. 100meters distant. Doesn't apply as I rarely go out after dark anyway No. Street lighting creates shadows. I prefer total darkness - that puts me in the same boat as everyone else in the dark. And i usually have my dogs with me. much greater use of cars, both for myself and for young people I am just more aware I live in a rural village with adaquate street lighting and always feel safe walking after dark. 327 Unfortunately instead of walking I take the car not very good on two counts. Lack of exercise and not very green. It entirely depends where it is. In my area it doesn't make any difference. If I'm in a city or unfamiliar area obviously it does. Street lighting alone is not the issue it is the nature of the area. Never go out. Make sure car is garaged overnight. I feel safe and have not felt the need to take any special measures Be conscious, aware and observant of surroundings and avoid deliberately walking into or provoking a potentially unsafe situation. Will only go out after dark in a car. I think that this is mainly an age thing as there are many things that I would not dream of doing know but I am sure that I would still do them were I younger This would depend on the circumstances, where I was and who I was with No effect Town has very little open in the evenings, and as there are NO buses in the evenings we have to get a taxi if we need to get to another town None Just carry a torch and mobile phone. It is fine. i work shifts and i feel the lighting should accomadate people like me Enjoy the countryside and night sky more! In my own village, I think we could easily save money by switching off some of the street lights. However, in more urban areas better lighting is more important. I always take a torch and a mobile telephone and tell someone where I am going and when to expect me to arrive drive my car No effect I feel quite safe when out late in this area but feel less safe if I find myself in Bournemouth late at night qlthough the street lights there are not extinguished. Would always use my car. Improves my perception of what is around me. This question is aimed at getting a specific answer to one degree or another - ie that I feel more unsafe because of a lack of lighting. I don't. Neither the provision or lack of street lighting would affect my decision to take part in any night time activity Does not bother me. A few years ago every other street light was switched off, and it was OK, but maybe things have changed in some areas Walk with a friend rather than on my own. If I am out after dark I am in my car Tend to take the car, most evenings. none of the above do not ahve issues about walking at night whether it be lit or unlit More careful when driving you are equating darkness with something to fear - I might tick some of your options above if I was in a well-lit but drunk-infested area Has no effect Would drive even a short distance in my own car rather than walking providing I can be sure parking is in a safe place i dont walk out at all after daek Keep in phone contact with friends or family until I or they are home safe. It stops friends visiting at night as they feel unsafe with the lights off. none 328 Carry a torch Try to ensure I dont go out alone. If I go out in the evening it's usually by car anyway. There's nowhere to go in my village in the evenings No dont think about it Have to go to work in blackout during winter. Work on retail. Feel safer with a torch Walking a dog does not give you a choice in the area I live. There is no lighting along the sewerage road & thanks to council parks dreadful planning, have hedgerows & trees planted between the actual road street lighting and "the walk" means you do not even see lighting anymore! DOes not apply No difference No! I don't think it makes any difference Happy because I can see the stars. Decreasing light pollution, while saving money, is a good thing We live in a safe rural community. The concerns that urban dwellers have do not apply to us. Don't go to areas where this would apply if unsure don't go out None of above but may take a torch if dark TAKE A TORCH, VERY LITTLE CRIME IN OUR AREA It stops me from allowing my teenage sons to go out also. No Lighting is not really the issue - what does make me avoid Sturminster Newton town centre at night is youths hanging around. They may not necessarily be doing anything wrong, but it can be very intimidating No, but I would advise more vulnerable residents to avoid certain areas. would only go out if accompanied & take a torch I do not go out after dark Ensure people know where i am going / when i will arrive. route i take, I walk with purpose and assertively. Not falling about / looking vulnerable. I do not go far! if it is with a dog or to a friends who also live on the development To be fair, I usually take the car when I go out so it's not particularly relevant. It makes me keep more attention to surroundings and people and noise There have been times were I have been out on a winter's evening with the children and the street lights have been out (light bulbs gone). I started taking a torch to get through those areas. I did feel a bit unsafe, especially considering the area and the fact I had a child with me. I recommend that my teenage daughter and visiting students do not walk alone at night in our area. No Taxis mean added expense when funds are getting low enough to mean curtailing social life anyway. Better publicity - more open government (!) - is vital if services are to be curtailed so that people of aware of the things they are being "deprived" of. I carry torch for use in ill_lit areas. Mainly to spot dog faeces! no Take a torch no change 329 none of these Avoid areas that can be risky, especially at night Is no deterrent - if you've got to go you've got to go. Never go out at night unless in the car and that rarely. No I will never go out walking alone where there is limited or no street lighting No one is ever safe at any time these days , day/night . Lights on or off, dimed makes no difference to safety ..... I live in a partly lit village and feel safe when out after dark. Only problem I have is where there isn't any lighting I might trip or lose my footing. No difference Always careful ! Would normally drive to area. None of the above There does appear a couple of "dark spots" in between street lights on my route I would make sure that if I couldn't get a taxi that I would get someone I know to pick me up otherwise I wouldn't go out. only in a strange area Possibly use bus or car, or go with wife I am not so concerned about my personal safety in poor lit areas so much as tripping or falling over as it is difficult to see potential hazards. Very seldom go to this sort of area` My wife and I rarely go out at night. Not really applicable, out lighting is adequate for most journeys. It makes me more likely to go out because I really like being able to see the night skky. If I have to go out, we go out in convoy with others, it's like living in the dark ages. The dog has to be walked! Wouldn't stop me going out but it would make me more nervous and my journeys more stressfull. Living in a rural area the street lighting is not as good as it is in towns but we are used to having to stumble about in the darkness between street lights that are not all that powerful, and in a village you don't usually encounter too many miscreants. Just the odd fox up to no good. Pay more attention to my surroundings and those around me. think twice about walking there, though I often have to. If we are talking about my home area there is no problem it may be different in less safe areas The answers to 11/12/13 all depend highly on the area in question and can vary enormousely - the last 3 places I have lived would all ellicit different answers, therefore I have provided answers at random as it is not possible to leave the question unanswered. I feel this will not ensure an accurate outcome to your survey. I use the car as I'm not able to walk very far It wouldn't stop me from going out. Nervous I am used to living in the country where street lighting is minimal. Going out in the dark poses no problems. if I go out alone in the car my husband has to meet me when I arrive home worry about others when they are out at night it is very hazardous for elderly people 330 I ride a bicycle most places. This makes me feel safer as I can "get away" from potentially dodgy areas. Take the car out even though I may be going somewhere within walking distance, which I may prefer to do. I feel this (semi rural) area is pretty safe, so lack of good lighting wouldn't affect me in any way Makes no difference to me at all It makes no difference other than I need to be more aware of what is around me. make sure I carry a torch if going out very late. As a regular moth-recorder, I am often out and about after dark, where there is no artificial lighting of any kind. Perhaps I am just more used to the dark, and recognize that perceived fears are really no more than that. I have certainly had no "bad" experience so far. As I don't have a car I alkeverywhere and the dark evening do curtail this. I try not to go out in the evenings if I'll have to park down the road ( where there are no houses and no lights - we all have outside lights to combat the lack of council lighting) Not in our area. Not normaly out after 24.00hrs I do not allow lack of lighting to dictate my movements but I do take a torch. Take the car more Not personally - but my wife will go out less and my daughter lives in St.James where the street lighting has been switched off in her street and she definately feels unsafe no effect I am not inhibited, and continue to walk but remain feeling a bit unsafe. Drive Even if I do not go out at night looking out into pitch black rather than a lit street makes me feel very insecure as you cannot see who is in the street outside. It is actually better because you can actually see better in not so well lit areas - having bright lights makes you less aware and "false sense of security". When Carlisle had no street lights for several days because of the floods - it was actually possible to see movement better at night. Make me nervous driving in a village with no lights as it's harder to see obstacles or pedestrians. It's an accident waiting to happen! No. I am well known in my area, 15 years as Coordinator/ Group Liaison Officer and my dog is very protective. May drive instead. I would prefer not to go out but if I did the lack of lighting would not stop me in the area where I live. Other areas I might think twice about. I have never given "safety" much thought in this area. use the car instead of walking. Harder to recognise other persons where needed Not a big problem where I live. I tend to use the car I always carry a good torch Lack of good lighting does not bother me but I know I am in a minority. People with disabilities would generally find it more difficult, physically, to navigate their journey in unlit/badly lit areas. For further guidance contact Oxfordshire Unlimited. Tel:0845 12 141 12 331 lighting makes no difference - you can be mugged in daylight and at night - your survey is not very positive and seems to be attempting to generate fear into people at night No effect Take the car as I usually have children with me going to or returning from clubs I had to go out whether the streets are well lit or not More worried but determined not to let fear of crime keep me in. makes me take a troch! We do use a vehicle so the above would not apply. Car Don`t need to go to "rural" areas after dark I'm more aware of my surroundings and I make sure that I appear confident Feel perfectly safe in home village but do not like walking at night in urban areas None of the above - would not change doing any of my activities. not really I hurry more. I never have occasion to walk in my neighbourhood after dark but I would feel safe if I had to go out. I some times change my route to avoid underpasses I have been told, by a neighbour, that Maidenhead is not a safe place to walk in the dark! Drive my car as don't feel safe in taxis driven by strangers and they are too expensive the by- pass around Buckingham the light are turned off except for junctions. If I broke down inbetween junctions it would be in pitch black. Therefore I tend not to use the by-pass at night in the car. I would come all the way through town and just come into Linden #village by the Stoney Stratford end. From linden village, it is a short walk into town through the green spaces but the last time I walked it in the evening the lighting was sparce. I don't know if the street light had been turned off or not. I would not walk the by pass as there is no lighting in between junctions. I have to go out at night for my job as caretaker of the village hall. I can be out after midnight, on my own, in the dark, and aged over 60. It is frightening. This depends entirely on the neighbourhood, as do questions 11 & 12. Makes no difference None of those, but no opportunity to comment on Qs 11 and 12; in both cases feeling safe or otherwise depends on the neighbourhood. I have answered for a male in my neighbourhood, but my wife would/will answer "Fairly safe" in both cases. Leave our external lights on for when teenage daughters are returning home in the early hours. I normally walk home from Hampton Court station at night. I am a strong (but elderly) man so don't feel unsafe as such.. but occasionally 'anxious' in Wolsey Road, East Molesey, a road particularly BADLY/INADEQUATELY lit. Women must certainly feel unsafe there. And there is a good chance of turning an ankle on uneven pavements....... Driving rather than walking Our street is largely elderly virtually no one goes out after dark I use the car for short journeys Doesn't stop me doing anything but good lighting does make me feel safer and enjoy the walk more It has no effect on what I do, in fact I would like to see LESS lighting and MORE visible policing! 332 Buses The infrequent times I walk after 9.30 pm are always in my neighbourhood. It does not affect me Pleased to see a reduction in intrusive lighting on the streets; in this modern age when car lights, house lights and torches can all easily be used it really has no place and provides no better security. I would use my car or not go. I do not walk well and am wary of tripping over on very uneven pavements. Feel safe at night here. No impact where I live use car. i have to go out so i must but am a little wary (not age) I do not go out after dark unless driving to visit family. Lifestyle does not involve going out after dark.Of choice rather than apprehension Not really bothered. In general do not feel comfortable being out in the street after dark. This is only in more recent years and isn't anything to do with age vulnerability, more a 'sign of the times'. Carry on as normal. I'm concerned for other family members out late. Delighted to be able to see the night sky i rarely walk but some of my opinion is whether urban or not. when walking in a village i feel safer even thiough may not be as well lit as a town. Not go out in case I trip and fall due to the lack of good lighting. Also, I'm afraid to go out because you just cannot see who is out there. If I do go out to get in the car, put the rubbish out etc I have to take a torch & leave the house lights on. Makes me more vigilant and occasionally more 'jumpy'. Always feel unsafe for my family on retuning home at night when there is lack of good street lighting I feel reasonably safe in our area even where the lighting is poor I DON'T MIND WALKING IN THE DARK would get car out rather than walk if street lights out No change Very rarely go out in the evening, Use car if I have to go anywhere Not applicable - if have to go somewhere will go anyway! Dont go out at all at night unless really have to If needed I would carry a torch. Not bothered by lack of lighting. It's actually easier to see clearly in the dark without light pollution. None of the above depends on the area & its population make up. none of these Avoid children's activities that would mean coming home when it is starting to get darker. have to routinely ask "youths" to move on who are either drinking, acting anti socially or taking class C drugs Wont go out alone at night in areas which are poorly lit walk in the middle of the road so less likely to be surprised by anyone hiding in the shadows No direct experience of this but would consider need to walk through an area with poor lighting and alternative routes / mode of travel 333 No change in behaviour is necessary ONLY GO OUT BY CAR NOT SAFE TO WALK I don't walk around at night other than in my own area, in which I feel safe whether the lights are on or off. I TAKE THE CAR MORE. I HAVE A DOG TO WALK SO I KEEP TOP BETTER LIT AREAS. None of the above. We have too much light pollution from street lights. No effect Go out in the car I think you have to differentiate between no lighting and poor lighting! In the former I feel safe, in the latter I feel fairly unsafe. This is because poorly lit areas have pools of light which mean you can be seen by people you can't see in unlit areas. In areas of no lighting you take extra precautions and you can't be seen by anyone wishing you harm! We need to define "good lighting". I think people feel good lighting means lots of bright lighting. Good lighting is lighting which does not remove the night sky from view and which does not require residents to have blackout blinds in order to get to sleep at night. Would depend on familiarity with the neigbourhood; type of features e.g. uneven surfaces, large hedges, groups of people standing around would make me feel less safe; where I live is currently affected by tramworks so I would feel very unsafe walking with lack of good lighting. Makes no difference to me I live in the country without lighting and do not worry about going as it is a safe area. The lighting may only make a small difference to me as if it was an area where I didn't feel safe I wouldn't go out. Not applicable Southend Borough council lighting is excellent I have a balance disorder and am unable to walk out at night in any setting. I do not feel unsafe. But I am wary. I would drive. The other problem is drivers thinking they can go as fast as they like on very narrow lanes with no lighting. A 20 mph speed limit would also help No change Hard one - I am obviously more cautious now I'm older. Plus, if you can't see why walk? Surely if we get rid of night lights fewer people will be out - it's certainly like that in country towns in Oz. no change Answers to 11 and 12 relate to my feelings when in town. Would depend on my assessment of the social situation: would feel less safe in a very rundown area or a rich area with large gated properties regardless of the lighting. Note also that much urban lighting is poorly designed and causes dazzle, especially to motorists. Never been anywhere that is dark except the countryside Level of lighting probably not as significant as location i.e. I would avoid walking at night in an area I didn't know and I was on my own. Why are these all negative? This has had no adverse effect on me at all, but you don't have a box to tick for that. I now always drive to local shop if it's dark. I used to walk. Lack of lighting does not make me feel less safe in my neigbourhood In our village with which we are familiar walking around after dark is no problem. But walking after dark in a strange neighbourhood would certainly cause concern. I would use a torch 334 Take car for even the shortest walk, even to our local take away, which is a 5 minute walk away, however, due to the completely unlit paths walking would be unsafe, due to risk of injury. As we live in a rural area, the risks are not only twisted ankles and other such injuries, but there is also a real danger of falling into water filled ditches. No street lighting in entire village which following a 2013 village survey is what most villagers prefer. No change in my habits We take the car take a torch! No effect in the village. Take car Always use the car even for very short trip. Find alternative routes Not so far - it has had no effect on my habits I sleep better - see 9 above. The area where I live is very rural, and street lights at night are not vital - however if I am in a less rural area (ie town or city) I would feel very unsafe at night in a badly lit area. I wouldn't walk alone any where after dark and only walk when I am with my partner. No difference often can't avoid badly lit areas so I try to be more aware of my surroundings lighting is not an issue with me fear of attack is a constant issue although it has not happened to me personally We make sure that we always go out in pairs or more on a night I prefer low or no lighting because yobs stay away and your eyes adjust to the dark. Bright light giving deep shadows worries me much more. i have to go work early which is a 1 mile walk does not necessary concern me, I think that we have too much lighting on at night, the current EU regulations on street lighting is an over kill and for example every second one should be turned off after a given time at night, just like France where after 11pm they are turned off in rural areas !! I live on my own and do not have a choice when walking the dog. None of the above in my local area no change Try to find alternative routes, but that is not always possible if there is only one road leading to where you need to go. I am certainly much more anxious to get through a dark area if I am alone. Some cycle routes in the city are unlit, and it is incredibly hard to see where you are going, even with bike lights on, or to see pedestrians wearing dark clothing. I would walk quicker always checking around me and listening out for movement if this was a journey I would have to make. I only go out if necessary makes no difference I don't spend a lot of time out at night on foot - but I find the lack of lighting an issue when driving (or, in my case, riding a motorbike.) only venture out if there is a specific need or task to complete, but generally feel safe, but aware of my surroundings and any other person or animal. I might choose a different route to walk, but this might be a longer route and so would mean that I'd have to stay out after dark for longer than necessary and would be more time consuming - my time is very important to me as I lead a very busy life. None of the above Take a different route. 335 I THINK WE HAVE TO MUCH STREET LIGHTING Never have a problem, but am always alert and aware. I feel safer walking in the centre of the road; avoiding poo and giving me extra distance/space from really dark areas. Won't go out without company or my dog I visit unlit areas during office hours. Use my car - even for short journeys When arriving at Reading Station in the evening I always take a taxi home as there are no buses where I live after 7.30pm from town. Makes no difference - I take a torch. More a fear of falling over after orthopaedic surgery than a fear for personal safety in an unlit or poorly lit area. Does not change my behaviour Totally depends on where it is Sometimes I take a different, better lit, route. I don't generally go out in the evening. No Does not Bother The kind of people who would assault or rob me would do it without considering the lighting. In these modern times, too much Liberal emphasis has made us all less safe than when I was young. Today, people are just as likely to be attacked in broad daylight as well. Good police presence makes people feel safe, not street lights ! Enjoy the night sky I don't change my route but It just makes me more nervous. I can't really answer this as I don't go out alone in the dark. Can't avoid the stretch of road referred to above, so have to walk along it, but I don't feel very safe sometimes you need to go out to the local shop or arriving home late from work and have to travel in the dark. If I could avoid going out in the dark I do To Q11 I would have preferred to answer. Depends upon the neighborhood. It is more about that than the lighting I think, but I have not had an opportunity to know. I have not witnessed any dimming of lights/lights off. Should the question in your survey say: Do you live in an area where the lights are dimmer or off at night? Yes or No. I still walk I try not to walk alone after dark whatever the situation. Very wary of approaching strangers. Makes no differance As I have difficulty in walking any distance I use the car Usually drive if out after dark, no other means of transport to nearest shops (3 miles) Be more aware of my surroundings Take the car instead of walking. I make a longer detour to remain in the better lit area to avoid using side passages. More conscious of potential trouble Dependent hugely on the area It is not the lack of lighting that would make me feel unsafe - it is the nature of the neighbourhood, e.g. an area where there are few other people, is remote, has overhanging bushes, or that has a bad reputation for safety. 336 only change to behaviour is that I might choose a better lit street to walk down - but generally I am not effected usually walk at dawn (7.30am - 8.30am) & always with the dogs normally ONLY IN CAR I go out less and if i go to family I always make sure I am home before the street light goes out. This makes my social life geared up to street light times!!!!!! It's like being a teenager again and your parents telling you to be in by a certain time!! Take a different route when out with the dog NONE Be very aware of what and who are around me. I am a carer, and I work evenings and nights , so I walk by myself and I walk in areas that have street lights. I do not drive. I take a heavy torch! Does not worry me too much ,that it would stop me going out Walk quicker / jog Sometimes try to check for alternate route and end up in worse situations. The answer to question 12 varies depending on the type of neighbourhood where I am walking I have to go out because I have a small dog but I am not confident as I used to be. The only problem, although being almost 80 I rarely walk out in the evenings, is being blinded by oncoming headlights even thoug on a footpath! Walking back from the railway station along a wooded country lane I feel uneasy, even though it is lit. There are few houses and I feel alone. Walking in our village feels more secure, even if some of the lights are out, because I am in the protection of the houses Does not affect my "plans" This is a rural area and although there are some street lights there are also many areas not lighted. I do walk back from the village after 9.30 occasionally but choose my route when dark. Use a torch, and make sure I am aware of my surroundings. No change It doesn't really bother me. Tend to be in before the lights go out. I have to take a torch as there is no street lighting in my lane but there is some in the village. My diggest danger is not being able to see where i am going without a torch It depends on the neighbourhood, not the lighting; there is an unlit street near us that I'd walk down with a torch, and there are brightly lit streets in the town near us I'd do my best to avoid. Its not about the lighting - which frankly makes me more visible to people in the shadows nearby - but the crime statistics for the particular neighbourhood. Lighting does help prevent injury though due to trips and falls. I have to drive to collect my girlfriend from the local station. I travel by car Depends on what part of town I might be in. If I consider it to be a fairly safe area then I will walk even if the lighting is poor. Just take extra care. My lane is COMPLETELY UNLIT and I have to walk down it - I feel safe but spooked AND WALK QUICKLY. Take a torch. We attended a party at Winslow during the winter months and were astonished that the best roads were between Buckingham and Winslow because they were better marked and actually had cats eyes which were all lacking during our journey across Milton Keynes which coupled with no lighting is dangerous 337 Walk much faster if I cannot take a taxi. I always go by car. If out in the evening I always leave my car outside as I am afraid to go back outside after dealing with the alarm and so my car is left on the drive and is a target for the "baddies" depends where it is . if in unfamiliar territory i'd feel safe but different to when in my immediate neighbourhood. 11 12 & 13 are badly worded questions and will lead to differing answers No taxi, Always walk together. Would rather be out early evenings. Take the car I tend to carry a bright torch if I'm going somewhere with little/no lighting at night helps to pick out the shadowy areas and avoid hazards Drive short distances to avoid walking About the same fairly safe yes in an unfamiliar neighbourhood Bring a torch as it is so dark. Also avoid jogging at night to avoid injury. None of above. Still go out Far more wary and will look for alternative lit routes to get somewhere. I makes me more nervous and on edge I generally use my car when I go out in the evening and would never walk my local streets alone. However, during the daylight hours I used to walk to and from Beanhill to Netherfield to shop in the Co-op or Post Office but I do not do that anymore for fear of being robbed. Not at all.....feel very safe ---thank you. Amount of lighting makes no difference Using the car It would depend where the neighbourhood is surely? I don't think that it would matter if there was no street lighting where I live (only 5 lights in the whole village) However there are areas of big towns and major cities that I wouldn't want to walk about in even in the day. Drive instead of walk Unsure - feel safe in rural areas but am not sure whether I have had occasions to walk in a built up area in the dark other than the area I live in - which was rural but I now describe as urban because it has changed over the years I am reluctant to allow safety issues alter my life style - if I need to go out at night I do so. Where lighting is less, I take a torch (for lighting my path, and if attacked, it can be used for defence) If possible I would avoid walking in a quite area in an urban setting that I did not know, lighting or no lighting. If alone I would weigh up the situation including the weather. In most cases I would walk, I use buses. My area is already over-lit. None of the above I have no experience of poorly lit areas causing concern We have asked for some street lighting on our street not just from a safety point of view for robberies etc. but also as my street is used as a cut through for cars when the A30 is busy or train barrier is down & the lack of street lighting makes it extremely frightening when cars zoom through at speed in the dark. When my mum was alive ans used to try to go out on her mobility scooter it was terribly frightening! As I live in a safe area, it does not worry me taking the dog for a walk at night. 338 I only change my habits if I am staying in London. In general at night I do not use footpaths and alley ways that I might use during the day Drive I always carry a torch for light in my handbag and my house keys in my hand, which I could use as a weapon, just in case.......... I have no problems with the dark as I am prepared for every eventuality. doesn't affect me at all This is very depends on where you are when you think about going out when it is dark with no street lighing. I have no choice but to go out alone in the night as the dog insists on walks My reaction depends on whether the perceived threat comes from vehicles (whose drivers may not be able to see me) or from the people whom I beleive to frequent the neighbourhood after dark. It makes us nervous when our daughters are out late... no I try to avoid poorly lit areas by changing my route Take extra care and frequently turn round to check my environment whilst walking alone or with my wife in unlit areas at night I would become much more aware of sounds or people about me . Would feel less comfortable. None of the above. makes no change Yes I would avoid walking alone in some parts of the country if they were unlit after dark, but tihs doesn't apply to where I live. Other - Carry a torch I am far more alert. I don't feel unsafe in the dark Drive instead of walking unsure of driving as many motorways etc have no lighting now I live in a rual location and walking is therefore rarely an option. Drive short distances rather than walk, even though that has its dangers without lighting. Make sure someone else walks with me. No way would I trust a taxi driver in a badly lit area. I still need to be out late sometimes, cannot say that it feels comfortable. None of the above are applicable. Your questions are bias against lightning being switched off. Take a different route I am the Neighbourhood watch Co Ordinator so i walk round the estate most evenings and due to reduced lighting makes it a lot harder looking after houses in the dark A lot of our villages do not have lights so you either take a torch or make alternative arrangements, i.e. pick up by car or taxi. With regard to item 12 I do not tend to go to built up places in the dark on my own. So my answer is only a guess. I have no choise as I work shifts and some are nights. The cost decides my form of transport. (Bike) I have a torch now It is not just at night that I feel unsafe but also in the morning when I go to work it is pitch black.i feel very apprehensive until I am safely in my car. I drive rather than walk if on my own Not really. I am not able to walk very far or stand around Makes no difference to me No response - poorly worded question! 339 Lack of lighting would enhance my concerns about being out at night but in urban areas the lighting would be a lesser concern than "human" dangers! Its the nature of the area, not the level of lighting that would make me feel unsafe. I only go out in the village which requires walking home and so this does not apply. Usually travel by car at night would always feel safer moving within a group. Alone or just two, I would be a little wary. no I will avoid certain areas if I am aware the lights are inadequate take the car It makes NO DIFFERENCE - I just go out. I am no specifically moved to make extra ordinary steps (tacis etc) I move around in a electric wheel chair bad lighting make hard for me to see pot holes and other obstacles in my way. Does not affect my behaviour But need to walk the dog. Would only go out if I had to We dont have bad lighting. I go out which is not often at night for a walk without an hesitation. None of these I deliberately try not to use dodgy areas after pub closing times. Makes no difference to me I am just a little more aware of where I am who is around. It would depend on the location No Will change route to use better lit areas The dark holds no fears for me, but others will possibly be of a different mind set whilst in the dark Lack of lighting behind our house (which backs on to a public footpath) makes me VERY nervous when I go to our garage. This is due to at least 2 crimes taking place there in the last year or so. Additionally, there have been other crimes in the area and we've noticed that our wheelie bin is often pushed up against our fence to allow people to climb over. This concerns me greatly. If I could get CCTV I would, but this is something I cannot afford myself. I take a flash light to avoid falling over kerbs and other small obstructions I always tell my children not to walk in areas where there is no lighting as there have been some mugging in the area where we live (bicycles and mobile phone and money is taken). Drive everywhere no change Use common sense I have to go out! The lighting at one end of our street is inadequate in my view and people use it to street drink and urinate! Walking past them in the dark can be intimidating even though im a big bloke. Happy to walk in the dark I have no choice as I have to go out at that time. I feel like the Council are taking liberties with the public's safety. I have to take the dog out but I'm very nervous due to how dark the paths are I cycle across Jesus Green in the evenings regularly late evening and the lighting on the cycle routes is not very good BUT the main problem with bad lighting is that you are unable to see all the potholes on the path which is much more of a hazard than poor lighting. So please take on board the state of the paths across Jesus Green. 340 A little more apprehensive/less secure. I have recently moved from a well lit neighbour hood to a rural unlit area and well lit areas are where groups gather (usually under the lighting) so i feel safer in the country with no lighting because groups do not want to gather where they cannot see !! Use the car all of the above. I don't go out at night usually, but if I have to, I don't walk in an unlit or badly-lit neighbourhood because it makes me feel very unsafe and scared. I use my car. It has no impact I am always very wary and conscious of the situation around me and generally do not drink alcohol because of this, I can not afford to take taxis; however I do know alot of women both young and elderly that drive very short distances rather than walking. Not normally on the streets after midnight but, if I were I would possibly be in my car because I do not drink alcohol. Carry a torch I wouldn't walk alone in some areas late at night even if the lighting was good. In some areas I don't feel safe during daylight hours. Not affected by reduced lighting - go about our normal activities Not relevant During the times lighting is required I will be more cautious and aware who and what is around. nil Feel unsafe due to deprived area of Lincoln Curse the fact that councils up and down the country would rather spend good money on salaries for people with made-up jobs, rather than on much-needed public services. This is a biased question! What if your answer is 'nothing'? Doesn't affect my behaviour a women is not safe to walk about at night in the dark none of the above Do not go out in the dark. I feel very safe, it is not an issue about turning off lights. Just cautious and be aware I prefer walking at night carrying a torch, which I only illuminate if necessary. The human eye has an amazing ability to adapt to different lighting levels; in dim light the pupil expands and the iris relaxes to take in 30 times more light than in brightly lit areas. And since our human eyes take time to adjust from areas of bright to dim light, an equal level of darkness is better than sporadic light-dark. Glare from poorly designed streetlights is more dangerous than darkness; it blinds us. Regarding safety: more light at night does not prevent crime; statistics prove quite the opposite: the most well-lit areas in Britain are the most crime-ridden. In towns and cities that have experimented with turning lights off at midnight, crime has dropped. Criminals prefer lighted areas where they can choose their victims, locate escape routes, and see their surroundings. True safety is about having the right amount of light, the right type of light and the right color of light for the right place; it comes from being aware of our surroundings, making good choices, and not using our natural fear of the dark as an excuse to over-light our nights. Often drive rather than walk 341 One has always to be aware and alert all the time. I am more wary in dark areas but it will not stop me going out or doing what I may have to do. Still have to go out for work etc but would rather not have to. I worry when walking back to my car on an evening, both from a safety point, but also because the lighting is so poor, I can't see potholes, uneven paths or where the kerb is. Never think about it. Feel for the safety of others. As one who has walking problems without a walking stick this makes you walk more slowly and more vulnerable to assaults. robbery etc. No Drive myself when really I would prefer to walk As I live in a rural place would never go walking out at night! I don't walk any where at night and only ever drive because if safety. My husband will collect me from the station after dark. No effect No Fine in my village. Would have a torch anyway, high power TACLight :) Reduced lighting would just me me more aware of what or who is around me = would not stop me or make me use a taxi If I do have to go out it's always by car with the doors locked from door to door. Use buses instead of walking; Take the car instead of walking; Find alternative routes for walking for obvious reasons I would avoid unlit and dark areas I use a car whenever I am out after dark. Depends on the locality - also relevent to Q11 & Q12. Complete lack of lighting can be an invitation to people to come into safe neighbourhoods for criminal purposes and encourage anti-social behaviour. Groups of young people congregate where they can not be seen so well - ie unlit green spaces etc and due to their youth and being boisterous, can often end up being noisy and have nuisance value to nearby properties. Do not walk out at night, I take the car Don't go out anyway None of the above. I still go out. make sure Im not alone. It makes no difference I would drive but wouldn't like coming back to the car in an unlit area so would avoid going in first place. No change in habits No Consider other routes, or walk with others Will still do what I want to do and go wherever I want to go, morning, noon or night! I go Out in the evening in Autumn/winter I would use the car As above, it makes no difference whatsoever. Take the car No different Seldom walk out in town at night. 342 When walking about in my own locality I feel very safe or when walking about in my friend's locality (Maida Vale) I feel safe - not sure about walking about at night in, say, Truro, my nearest town. Make sure I walk with others and not on my own. Stick to well lit areas Travel By car but if younger we would walk in the evenings Sometimes my wife has to use public transport after work at night, she feels very vunerable walking in an unlit area. If friends have given me a lift I feel obliged to ask them to drop me at the end of my lane as it is narrow and badly surfaced. It makes it very difficult when you get up very early and go to work (6 am) when it is very dark when you come out of your front door to find the car No different I prefer no there to be no lighting. If it's dark for you it is also dark for anyone else! only out if it is essential Lighting make no difference I never walk alone after dark Most of the areas I walk in have lighting and the issue of walking without street lights does not occur. Take a stick or torch No lived in the country as a child and also caravan used to no or little lighting. In some ways streeet lighting is a curse obscuring the night sky. As a child I could see the milky way in an urban area. I tend to cycle on roads instead of cycle paths at night if a choice of route exists then I choose the lit way. I never go out in the evening, I wouldn't feel safe either being out or leaving my home empty I wouldn't walk in dark areas even as a group. little difference to me Take my car. lighting is good usualy trip up over the potholes in the road When I am out after dark it is usually to walk my dog. Personally I feel that street lighting can have the effect of making me feel MORE vulnerable as I am then quite visible. If there are opportunists around I am protected in the unlit areas as they can't see that I am there. In fact although I carry a torch I leave it off most of the time for this reason. Dark doesn't always equal danger! The only time I was 'stalked' by a car repeatedly slowing as it passed me was in the lit area of our neighbourhood through Wheeler End. may use car or walk dogs in more lit popular areas never out. I generally walk the dog which gives me a sense of security. Having said that, I always have my phone with me just in case anything happens. take my dogs I tend to drive instead of walking I would drive as I'm not bothered about drinking alcohol. If I couldn't park very near the destination and had to walk part of the way I would get a lift. I wouldn't get a taxi alone late at night unless I was really desperate. Take my 343 I have to drive out, mainly late at night, to pick up a Friend from dialysis treatment, three times a week, I find night-time driving a lot easier and actually feel safer when all the lights on the parkway are switched on. I realise that it is a cost issue, but I think we would all rather pay a little more to feel safer. I drive everywhere. I drive instead of walk once it's dark, even 100 yards. It's quite limiting I still have to go out at night, either due to my job or looking after animals so I just have to put up with it and hope the worst doesn't happen. None. Just behave as normal. Dont go reason to You just feel more apprehensive in general. I have my keys or money or whatever ready in my hand, my handbag is slung across my body and often pressed to my side and if I'm really nervous my mobile is in my hand so I could easily dial for help. I walk more quickly and try to look purposeful and am more alert to sounds around me. none of the above we live in a village which is pretty safe Take a different route which is lit. Drive for shorter distance that I can easily walk. Take the car instead of walking No I go out walking as I please No No To be honest i feel safer in the darkness than being visable in a well lit area I use a light or torch if walking on my local road at night. If I knew I had to walk through a dimmed/dark route I would probably take a torch and be OK. The elderly tend not togo out after dark for safety fears & lack of streetlights. When I was much younger I was used to walking in the dark and the lights weren't on all night then. It is never so dark that you can't see to walk, obviously you need lights if travelling faster. Not feel unsafe but get mad when I step into unseen mud or puddles. But this answer only works if you knew the true answer to your question 3 which I wasn't given the opportunity to provide. How many other peoples' forced inadequate answers are screwing your survey? awoid walking on certain areas at night..question * 14 and 15 need to stress, we must keep on with JAG. PSOs and Wardens are GETTING far too stretched in our ever expanding town. Makes me want to go out and look at the stars. Be more alert and take more care I don't feel unsafe in unlit areas Ever on the look out when hearing strange noises out side my home more random police foot patrols, being an ex- cop, turning a corner unexpected, is the best deterrent. I feel safe in Cumbria, but there are urban areas in Manchester and London where I would not go at night I don't avoid going out to friends', but I worry on the way home. Seek alternative, better lit routes As I am disabled and often have to go to local activities on a Scooter. Now in the Winter I shall have to rely on a lift from a neighbor or just not go out - loss of quality of life!! 344 I stil feel able to walk around with some degree of being abe to spot danger and avoid it Go a long way round to stay in well lit areas If I have to go out at night, I always go by car, even if it is just for a short journey. Tend to drive more than I otherwise would I am not concerned about lack of street lighting, in fact I feel there is too much light pollution in our urban and suburban areas and this also intrudes into country areas by creating a glow in the sky, visible from dozens of miles away. Travel by car and feel safe. Taking taxis in High Wycombe at night could be dangerous. No.... Not in my neighbourhood. I would feel less secure in an unknown area it would do if the council reduced good lighting where I WALK, but fortunatly in milton keynes I haven't noticed that they have. They have only reduced the street lighting where I drive. I drive if necessary to leave my house in the evening. no Does not affect what I do See my answer to question 9. Very slight reduction, wel live in a safe area It depends where it is. In small rural towns it’s usually fine, not sure about some towns and cities. I feel this also applies to questions 11 & 12 I will take the car out even if it is only a short distance. This is partly due to being disabled but wanting to be involved in my village life. However my wife will not go out at all, due to the possibility of something happening. I feel we need a constant police presence of some kind. Maybe like in the old days when you had a police house in most villages. Even if they were PCSO's. I GO OUT IN MY CAR MOST OF THE TIME I walk where I feel safe. Lack of lighting should not affect how you behave when walking around, isolated places are as much an issue as poorly lit. Sensible route planning is required I would only go out if I was being picked up and brought home by a friend. None of above Drive myself even if its a little journey due to poor street lighting. I don't let my children out after dark. Take bike rather than walk Only physical safety such as falling down a pot hole in the road, or not see a puddle I prefer to live in an area without street lights Lack of good lighting would have no effect on myself Use a vehicle. No Back up plans for using the carpark after getting off train. texts to say what time on train, getting off etc. Avoid public transport becasue of distance to walk to bus stop. No We live in the country and always go out in a car Cautious No difference, I like walking in the dark. Too many street lights is annoying especially whilst driving. Doesn't bother me, I was used to blackout conditions. 345 We have 3 street lights then 1/4 mile of no street lights, so I avoid walking after dark, I should not feel like this, my evening social life is curtailed, ie having a drink at the local pub. Generally our lighting is good but walk from Guided Bus stop is not lit so I don't use it when dark. I would probably take the car when out in the village in the dark but more from convenience than fear. The cost of taxis is prohibitive for many people. I am not happy about young people, particularly women being forced to stay inside, or take risks with travel because the council removed the lighting. Just makes me anxious and frightened Does not affect me in the 3 ways above I would take a more travelled route as opposed to a quieter more unsafe place. EG. I like to walk down/along Queen's Walk - but not in darkness. Instead I walk along Wilford Grove. (IF you don't know The Meadows area of Nottingham then let's say that Queen's Walk is a tree lined, or was until they started tramming there, stretch of land that's really lovely in daylight - pre building works.) We get a lot of louts hanging around in the dark jitty near us. When they start destroying property or shouting loudly after 12am. I don't like confronting them in the badly lit areas in case I'm attacked and can't see them. Drive to work, town or to see friends instead of walking We had good lighting as well, but was bullied and ragged once, during 8.30PM. I'm not scared of the dark no Generally, no need to walk in poorly lit areas. it dosent make any difference No feel perfectly ok but if in the city would normally avoid any possible trouble spots There are risks in certain places be it day or night. Day time there are generally more people about creating a safer feeling. No I walk around but occasionally feel a tad nervous. More likely to go walking because I can then see the night sky and stars as I walk Carry a torch in my pocket No, I am used to being abroad in places where you need to take a torch with you if you go out after 6pm all year around. Would depend on where I was Use the car if we have to go out in the evenings Makes me feel like carrying a big stick! Danger to traffic and pedestrians at night especialy on dual carrageways ad main roads. Also fear of undesirables ? mugging in the dark would not go out none of the above I avoid walking out alone late at night in well lit areas too. That's sensible in today's climate. no NONE I take sensible precautions, I do walk, run or cycle alone. my main worry is tripping over something I haven't seen rather than being attacked I don't drive in the evenings much now either. I don't drive in the evenings much now either. 346 If I was out after about midnight I would avoid dark places when walking alone. However I am rarely out late on my own. never go out in the evenings Feel worried for the elderly in our community Ask someone to come with me Continue as normal but carry a good torch No! I like the dark. I arrange for my son to collect me, I am unwilling to walk alone on the street at night without street lighting. This depends upon the locality as do questions 11 and 12. In this area I feel most at risk from motor vehicles after dark. Visiting cities like London I avoid back streets. Would not go alone More likely to cycle than walk No. The street lighting in this village is perfect and causes little light pollution. Walk anyway Typically use car door-to-door on the rare occasions we go out No changes to my pattern of being out and about. No change of behavior No issues for me but worry for my wife. I do not walk being disabled with major mobility problems discourage youngsters to walk from friends house to home in the dark meaning more trips for mum and dad & less opportunity to experience and learn independence. I wouldn't change my plans because of the lighting. Drive short distances where it is walkable. Take better light route Drive There is no option to say I feel OK. You have destroyed this survey by assuming all the answers are negative. Carry a large torch a for light and b as defense neither If out at night I normally use my car No. I think we should have better lighting. I would feel less safe in other areas. Suspicious of who's behind me Only out very occasionally anyway at that time of night and in low crime area I do drive at night but never feel safe getting out of my car and into the house re Q12; depends entirely on the nature of the neighbourhood; in my own locality my answer applies, likewise Q 13 depends on the nature of the locality Part of our private road does not have lighting as the road is unmade(Royal Avenue, Long Eaton, nG10 1NU) and unadopted by the authorities, I return home from work in the evening when it is dark and I am very concerned in this area. I carry a torch just to see where I am walking. i seldom walk Be wary of the area I prefer to drive and not walk if there is no or dim street lighting None of the above Going for a run. Drive myself, even if local 347 Might take my car or walk a better lit route if available. Does not bother me None of the above. Its never bothered me but I would avoid the hotspots of town centre at peak clubbing times Does not affect me as I drive most places since we are in a rural community I prefer areas with no street lighting no difference Drive short distances it would have been better for my health to have walked. Tend to drive from location to location. Would also depend on the area I am in. May consider not walking in an unfamiliar area. Makes me take a good torch! Wary of driving/parking Carry a small torch No, doesn't make much difference to me Only abroad. Re Q12 it is not the lighting it is the neighbourhood that is the determining factor. lighting is not the solution to crime, this happens in daylight and in well lit and badly lit areas I usually drive None of the above Get a lift from a family member or friend. I enjoy walking but work full time so have to do so in the evenings/night time to keep fit. I now feel unable to go out on my own because of the lack of lighting and I am also worried about falling over since I previously broke my foot in the dark (in another area) due to an unlit and unguarded pot hole No N/A I use my own car Family and friends don't either and drive it get lifts for even small journeys agitated by outdoor noises/shouts and uncontrollable children vandals. Does not stop me No Walk with others. Does not make any difference I'm not personally fearful of my own safety so lighting makes little difference to me. I do prefer the brother lighting for the added security it gives my house and the cats on my drive, however, my garage was still broken into and my bike stolen! Not bothered. more worried about property/buglary and car vandalism in the dark. moreso during school holidays. None where we live in Oxfordshire i feel safe walking at night and as they say the streetlight will be turned off at midnight soon , i am not worried about this but when i am in London i am very aware that the street lighting is lower than it was and this does make me feel very uneasy It would depend where it is - I wouldn't take a dark and lonely alleyway anywhere! I think one should be sensible. Ensure house is safe and fully locked. None 348 I use a bike light if the streets are really dark - but I am aware of people with impaired vision or mobility issues who can no longer go out at night as replacement street lamps mean that there is much less peripheral lighting around individual lampposts, and they can't see damaged pavements etc at all. Avoid areas where i know theres problems anyway if i can. No, I feel safe whatever the lighting level Usually go by car None of the above I use my bicycle Switch routes so that my way home is along better lit streets No we'd take a torch, we live in a safe area Husband comes to meet me Has not changed my lifestyle. Still quite confident to walk out in the evenings. Driving feels less safe when the roads are inadequately lit. It seems odd to skimp on street lighting at junctions on dual carriageways and motorways. Motorway service stations are particularly poorly lit. no But it really depends on the neighbourhood. I live in a lovely village and feel very safe so I really don't want any more lighting. And I wish it was turned off between 12 and 6 to conserve energy. If I am in a town or somewhere I don't know I might want more lighting. no differemnce None of these. i go out running but when it is darker because of poor lighting it's not safe underfoot Carry a torch, wear flourescent coat or put one on my dog if he is with me. Carry a 'phone. use of car walk faster!! None of these would still go if necessary No difference no different I am naturally nervous of beng out at night especially alone , street lightening doesn't lessen that fear No impact really No use a touch and go with company in places that I know if I do go out then but don't really need to Carry a torch, get annoyed by blinding headlights In my own neighbourhood and suburb I feel relatively safe even though I walk through an unlit alleyway. Elsewhere I wouldn't risk it and would avoid walking alone or going out. Be more situationally aware Lack of lighting would not stop me going out, would take torch I tend to avoid areas not well-lit even if it makes for longer walks. I just feel safer doing that. I would drive. Drive Dangerous. I have almost hit two pedestrians walking on poorly lit roads in dark clothing, also one cyclist riding on the road with no lights on as the road was lighter than the footpath which was pitch black 349 If alone then I would get a taxi or arrange a lift. If with others then I would walk in unlit areas but stay alert and be ready to defend myself / call or phone for help etc. Slightly more aware of my surroundings and environment. Travel in my own car! Also we have no neighbours on one side of us and "open-plan" gardens - I don't go out when 'it's dark - we need good lighting for the afternoons in winter it isn't just evenings! many residents are older and report to me they will not go out even to the wheelie bins in their own gardens in the dark. avoid uneven pavements so that I don't fall down NO CHOICE!!!!!!!!!! The type of neighbourhood affects me more than lighting levels Enjoy being able to see the stars It's not the lighting but the neighbourhood! If it's a decent area then I would feel safe whether there was lighting or not. Though I accept crime happens, I would never change my habits due to fear of crime. that is defeatist. If we all did that, the criminals would rule the world. (Sorry, bad line. They mostly already do!) no change Drive rather than walk. we do not have street lighting as we live in the country Make sure I can drive to the door of whereever I am going with no badly lit walk from a car park. Drive everywhere and park further away from eg. shop as to park in the street by it would mean parking in an unlit lane Drive even when going somewhere fairly local. Never out on my own in evening. No difference in my opinion Drive to somewhere safe than walk avoid areas with poor lighting No, I don't want to be intimidated, so try not to make the lighting deter me from going out, I have a dog to walk. Go by car with my partner I have no option but to walk the alley when visiting family - the only other route is an alley just the same - but I do visit more often in the lighter nights, and try to be accompanied in the winter Avoid roads because there are too many people speeding in the dark I would normally go out by car if I expected to be home after 8.30 because the bus services finish before that time makes no difference Not go out on My own as I do not trust taxi driver any more Does'nt bother me about being in the dark I will go out, but wife would not i am fine but wont let the family members go out alone I do not like street lighting in my village. I go out when I need to and do not feel at all unsafe. 350 Would walk much more if felt safe to do so. Only walk on my own on housing estate but even this is sometimes scary because not enough lighting, eg only on one side of the road. But mostly put off walking from estate to central MK due to route rather than due to lighting. Hate lack of housing where I would have to walk because no houses to run to if in trouble and scared on bridges and underpasses if by myself. People should be at street level. If anyone should go underneath, it should be cars. But best to have people and cars together with pavements by roads and zebra crossings. And as much lighting as possible. I usually cycle and if I had to walk I would carry a torch. Because I live in a village, I would either walk or cycle within the village or drive if I felt unsafe. I would have to drive or get taxis to leave the village anyway. Uneasy about the security of vehicles parked on the drive. Doesn't apply No the lighting will not alter my sense of safety but the local community might e.g. I would feel slightly unsafe in harringay with the arsenal football crowd spilling on the road no matter the amount of lighting Sometimes drive instead n taxi friends to ensure nobody has to get back alone. Not sure it is possible to comment as town areas are always lit and I certainly feel less safe in the towns. None of these I always take a torch to provide some light In my street, where I walk, despite no lighting, there are many houses right next to the road which makes me feel more secure. I would not walk on the roads in the area where this isn't the case no If I was going into an area without lighting I would take a torch and wear something reflective if by roads. who actually asks if you feel safer in light or dark, when walking outside...think about it No, can't say it stops me doing anything in my own town. It makes me worry about my family too. worried about being on my own after dark. no I had cause to take the last bus from the city in Feb 2012, (unknown to me soon after the lights had been switched off at midnight), and was dropped off at my village in total darkness! It was not a pleasant experience walking the remainder of my journey home. As a consequence, until this unsupported and rashly implemented policy is reversed, non of my family have walked in an unlit Keyworth - a taxi and/or car drop off pick up. No savings in carbon emissions there then! I may choose to take a longer well lit route rather than a shorter poorly lit route All of the above apply to my approach to going out at night, not because f the dark but due to the worry of being attacked. This is a situation which I don't feel will be improved simply through better/different lighting. Still go out if I want to, but take a torch if likely to be out when street lights switch off (energy saving policy by NS council) Get cross with myself when I forget a torch! take care none of the above Lack of lighting would make no difference to me. I carry a torch or use a bicycle with lights. None of these 351 None of the above. none There are areas that are poorly lit but they are areas where there are people who might come if I shouted for help. Would use my car where in daylight I might otherwise have walked. I always travel on a bike or a trike, I don't walk at night- stupid for a woman to do so. I take my car, Iam too frightened to go out on foot and I don't feel safe on parking on my return No Not in my village or local market town. I don't know how I would feel in an inner city, although I'm always happy to walk in the main streets of London Sometimes I have to go out alone after dark, but I try to minimise the distance I have to walk between house and house I am visiting, or car and place I am visiting. I carry a torch, wear an over the body bag, keep my mobile phone handy, and try to keep my hands free. I am wary, always turning round. Most of the time I carry a torch light but sometimes due to train delays in Reading or something similar, one does not arrive in Mortimer by bus as planned and descend into absolute darkness or obscurity. I nearly killed myself by going into the ditch and had to walk in the middle of the road waiting for the traffic to come so that I could see the footpath. Most of the time I carry a torch light but sometimes due to train delays in Reading or something similar, one does not arrive in Mortimer by bus as planned and descend into absolute darkness or obscurity. I nearly killed myself by going into the ditch and had to walk in the middle of the road waiting for the traffic to come so that I could see the footpath. More aware of surroundings. Use my car Never makes a difference When I'm working I have to go out alone Take extra care whilst walking inthe dark. I use a car I live on a country lane with no street lighting and no pavements. I seldom walk out at night when it is pitch black my real fear is from car drivers who drive to fast for the conditions. If there was little traffic, then I'd walk on the road, because usually there are less potholes in the road rarely does this apply Take the car instead of walking I will drive more than I usually would. I go out to walk my dog, but in the less well lit areas I come across instances of those with dogs who are regarded as dangerous, or borderline to that. As a direct result this makes me feel insecure, vulnerable and at times under threat. I have to walk a short distance from the station to my home. It is lit at present and I have no real fear of getting to and from there in the dark. If it was unlit, despite the very short distance it would make me feel very unsafe and have to seek other arrangements, ridiculous though it sounds considering the distance. Take a lit path if available Not going to the shops I tend to use my car when going out in the evening making the lighting unimportant. 352 I have to drive rather than walk as it is so unsafe to walk on unlit, unadopted roads. Not only could there be undesirable people lurking, but I could fall over as the roads are uneven with no pavements. I won't use most cash machines in darkness hours. As said before, I feel OK in my own area now but even so take sensible precautions, always carrying a torch, a personal alarm and my mobile phone. I also walk a very large black greyhound and would like to think this also adds to the deterrent element..... More aware Ensure someone walks me home. Carry a torch. Use the car Depends in neighbourhood I take the car instead of walking Don't consider it to be a problem in the area that I live. May feel less confident in a less familiar area at night. it does not change my plans other than to take a torch Only in central cities & when I dont knoww the areas too well Avoid heading to such areas at night by any means. lighting can spotlight you to a criminal too, so just cautious after dark N/A ARRANGE TO WALK WITH OTHERS AND AVOID PARKS Wouldn't feel at all safe if there was no street lighting - in fact I think I would panic Don't put myself at risk It depends what TIME it is too. It is a combination of darkness, ( which obviously comes very early in winter and late in the summer) the time of day and the number of people about which affects how I feel about the level of lighting, not just the presence or absence of good lighting alone. I realise this is not necessarily entirely rational, or necessarily sound judgement. I THINK ABOUT my personal safety a lot, but try nopt to let concerns about it rule or dictate my decisions about whether to go out or not. I don`t usually go out at night Take alternative routes Take the car Take caution Not aware of crime rate going up in this road, just think as well its fear of the unknown . Especially as area darker . Neighbour's not always community minded & looking out for each other. I will only go out with my dog by my side. Tend not to go out on foot anyway in the evenings Try to have my husband or a friend with me. Not a problem for me in my area. When going out in the dark, nine times out of ten I would always drive and automatically lock my doors. If not I would take a bus. If it was very local then I would walk but only in company of others, I would not walk alone. I chose my eveing walking route to avoid unlit alleyways. Prefer to stick to lit roadside footpaths. I grew up in an unlit area and believe there should be much less street lighting. I walk just as much as I would with or without lights Not bothered 353 Public footpath from Station Road Church Street/Vicarage Road often overgrown so lighting is ineffective. At the best of times it is inadequate. Coming back on train from evening in London can be daunting. It's not just avoiding walking - poor lighting makes me nervous about going out by car (as it would be scarier getting to and into the car), and about parking the car outside as it is more likely to get broken into. So I probably wouldn't go out. If the streetlight outside my house went out, I'd be much more worried about getting burgled too, as it quite a good deterrant. Have never been afraid to go out in the dark. Walk with a friend. Not always possible to avoid walking. Sometimes I have to walk from the bus stop and will walk in the middle of the road where I can see who/what is around me. I cycle to and from work on some very badly lit cycle tracks, I feel nervous during winter when the mornings and evening are dark Take a torch As NHW co-ordinator I HAVE to go out if called. Dependent on the area I would be entering Don't go out at night alone Not a problem I don't think Q 11 and 12 are very good because I don't walk in badly lit areas but I think it would be the neighbourhood rather than the lighting which affected my feelings re safety. It's not just the lighting but how quiet it is etc no fear of the dark Nervous in my own home use the car where possible I'm disabled and rarely go out at night.If I do I go out with my husband usually in our car. Just Cautious always carry torch in pocket Driving rather than walking along unlit country roads with no footpath because of danger from traffic none of the above, I feel safe in my neighbourhood. No. None of these I have worked in countries where there is no street lighting it is positively dangerous because apart from being easier to assault, rob, attack or rape, you cannot see where you are going and are likely to trip over kerbs, potholes or other hazards or walk into things. I would suggest someone does some research into the accident statistics during the 2 World War when there was a total blackout. I appreciate we have torches but if they break or the batteries run out etc they are not much use. Only go out when in a car take the car We do have a a drug problem in the area - where they are blatantly sold on the street. At certain times of the day/night Cleveland Way resembles more like a street on 'The Wire'. I think more about where I am going and should I really go there ... take a torch to avoid stepping in something unsavoury. There is too much street lighting I would take a torch if walking the dog in such areas. No difference 354 Only walk out in the early evening say 6pm to 7.30 pm. cautious when getting from car to house especially if after 8pm Just makes me a bit more aware. I generally drive and one of us doesn't drink. What's wrong with taking a torch out with you. Surely not all crime is committed in the dark is it??? Take the car instead of walking drive instead of walk Makes no difference. Seldom out, but would probably take a taxi Good area of Plymouth no problems. Does not bother me Would be more cautious when in an unlit area I am not afraid of the dark, but it makes it less easy to evaluate one's surroundings and thus provides more opportunities for crime. it makes me mad - why should I have to stay in.. don't get me wrong I am not a frail old pun intended - but like wise, too many drugs around here to set myself up as an easy target I cannot afford taxis and buses dont always run where I need to go. I would prefer to stay in than go out on my own. I used to enjoy a stroll after tea but now it is dark early and the street lighting non existent or dim in places, I have given up this activity which is a shame., Don't go out in evenings not a problem. lighting is sufficiently good I take a different route but even this sometimes suffers from faulty lights Usually make sure I have a lift home. Take a torch and my walking stick. be wary of where I walk my dog I think that the time of 9.30p.m. is fairly arbitrary In addition to my answers 6 & 7, if I do go out twilight/after dark, any season, I always use my car. use car most of the time when out late Always take a touch when walking my dog after dark so I feel safe. Use my car in the evening none of the above Always have a torch and have had exterior lighting installed on my property Drive rather than walk, even if it's only round the corner. I feel less safe where lighting is poor more when I am cycling than when I am walking, to be honest. My hunch is that people who are likely to intimidate or attack people are more influenced by their mental state or criminal intentions than by levels of lighting. On the two occasions in my life when I have been directly confronted and intimidated by a person, it was in a well-lit area the first time, and in daylight on the second. But I do worry about cars seeing me when I am on a bike at night, despite wearing high-vis garments and having lights on my bike. just more wary I enjoy the dark NONE of the above! This is a loaded question - you appear to want answers only from those who oppose reduced lighting - what about those who see it as a good thing?? I'm terrified of being out after dusk 355 Qs 11, 12,and 13. These are difficult questions to answer. Answers depend heavily on the areas in question. Some areas as, I'm sure you are all too aware, have bad reputations. Others a good ones.. Street lights do not affect crime rates. I will leave somewhere earlier to get home before the switch off Drive short distances to avoid walking, check outside windows before exiting property. Would NEVER let my children out at night without adult Carry on as usual Increase caution, walk faster, and be VERY alert to surroundings. Definitely under some stress. If I need to walk I will Take the dog with me- a 50kg dobermann cross use the car instead of walking None of the above I don't go through Life fearing I will be attacked. Anyway, if I can't see very well, neither can my attacker. But then I am a 6ft tall, fairly fit bloke. None of the above. A lack of good lighting has no affect. None of these - I walk or take a bike. More afraid of falling on uneven pavements than of crime. Also more likely ! Not currently, but I can imagine it would make me consider alternatives in certain areas It is not the lighting that makes an area safe or not. I feel safe, am never out after midnight when the street lighting is off. I just go Having lived in rural villages with absolutely no lighting whatsoever I have felt completely safe. I think the difference is in knowing the community and your neighbours where you reside. if I go out at night it would always be by car Make sure that I walk in lighter areas even if it means going out of my regular route Enjoy nature The last three questions don't have an accurate answer for me. I feel safe around here in rural Oxfordshire, I'd feel less safe in a red-light area in London, and it wouldn't make much difference if it were well or badly lit. I suppose in a slightly dubious area, good lighting would make one feel safer. Makes no difference No problem One is supposed to be safe where you live and that is not the case. One of the many footpaths on my Court is often used as a public toilet and all sorts of other things, needles, condoms, under garments and empty drink bottles. It makes no difference, i take a torch don't go out alone at night Makes no difference....nice to see the stars!!! As a wheelchair user I need to see pathways for dangerous potholes and not able to make out path ,kerb and road very scared walking in the dark and dimmed road. Take the car It's not really lighting in public areas that is the problem, it is badly lit alley ways etc that are often not part of the public highway and thus would be the responsibility of the landowner to light. I never go out after dark on my own. 356 I almost always drive when it is dark in the evenings. However, this is not strictly related to levels of street lighting but more to do with the perception that my area has problems with drugs and crime fuelled by drug habits. I live in a high crime area with no lighting at the back of my house. A walkway that runs right around the back and side of my house is not lit, and fields stretch for miles behind my house. I feel very frightened, but nothing is done about it, despite me asking several times. Take more care in those situations Wonder if I'll step into dog poo. GO OUT BY CAR INSTEAD OF WALKING! It does make me do anything different I don't go out. I tend to use my own transport (car) I still have a car and drive so do not often walk. I am not out when the lights are switched off Be very cautious when out after dark..always on guard. I dont think about it I rarely go out after dark but if I do I go by car. I go out alot during the day and have little need to go out at night. We eat dinner at 7pm!! None of the above Carry a torch No, question is also leading No I would always walk Take a differant walking route. Take a torch with me In answer to question 12 the obvious answer is I DON'T WALK IN UNLIT OR BADLY LIT NEIGHBOURHOOD. There needs to be an option to answer for this. So the answer is not a true one. Pause and look at the night sky. No, the state of lighting has little influence, provided I've remembered my torch. Depends entirely where I am: in my own immediate I feel safe . Less safe 100 yards away after 9.30 in a neighbourhood of mixed uses along a radial road. lighting is insufficient in side streets Just pluck up courage and hope for the best. I am disabled using a wheelchair or walking frame, so do not feel safe at all. If I go out in evening I will always be accompanied or stay in. Living in a rural area with only one street light & few paths & many hedgerows I am wary. I use a torch as also ground can be uneven. I have broken my ankle while walking one evening. No, not worried really. N/A There are certain pathways which are poorly lit and deter me from using them, even though it means a lengthy detour when I go out on my own I make sure that I have a lift there and back and phone my husband on my way home and he meets me at the door of the flats this happens at lest once a week Take the car Depends on the area. No - I'm happy to go out in the dark. No street light near very open piece of recreation park, very very dark to walk by. i carry a torch. Shorly most people would think of this. 357 i cycle nearly always. Does not really affect me as I go by car There are many places along unfrequented paths where I would not feel completely safe, even though they are well lit. In many areas it would make no difference where there are no witnesses. frightened of meeting uneven surfaces as i do not walk well I use my car a lot I am disabled and do have a mobility scooter and a walker. I use which one I need. I feel very vulnerable even in Lumley Road Skegness. Never considered it. I would be less likely to venture into unfamiliar territory on dark nights. Stops me running in evenings as cars are careless about runners. One just gets on with life! Makes me be more aware of my surroundings and third parties Be more observant and aware Using my car to drive into the city centre so that I don't have to walk in my neighbourhood at night. I feel safe enough in the city centre after dark. I don't have a choice if I need to walk my dogs, but I do feel unsafe (and it's also very difficult to check that I have picked up all the dog poo in the dark!) I'm not bothered. Affects family's feeling of being safe in general. It makes no difference; I carry a torch as much to be seen as to see. No change I have a dog to walk and sometimes it's after the street lights go out This also applies to 11 & 12 above!. Therefore my comments in those sections do not apply! Whoever designed this questionnaire has got it wrong. I don't walk in any neighbourhood after dark. If I have to be out after dark, I always use my car. So far, I have never felt the need to take 'avoiding action' in our neighbourhood, or elsewhere in Beeston. none of the above No problem with poor street lighting. I can see the stars! Makes no difference to me going out- I have a torch Doesn't change anything Take the car Choose a different, better lit, route Not letting my children out of having to chauffer them around. I drive everywhere at night, but only because it's more convenient, not because I'm afraid. Depends on the type of area. Personally I feel safer in a rural area with no street lighting than in an urban rough area with street lights!!! Driving when possible, as you can never see cyclists or people who may be on the pavement or crossing the roads. Lack of good lighting by itself is not the criteria that makes me feel unsafe in some areas. The type of neighbourhood, the apparent type of people who are around, and noise all contribute to feelings of insecurity. Depends on the area, where I live we have no street lights and i feel safe. Roads I don't know so well I may feel not so safe if on my own late at night. Seem quite reasonable to use taxi after dark rather than have lights on all night for the rare pedestrian. A bit nervous but only because the pavements are so uneven I could trip and fall or twist my ankle. 358 Tell people where I'm going before going out Arrange a lift home or travel with someone In an area I am not familiar with. Look at the stars on a lovely clear night take a torch no difference although I normally travel by car and infrequently walk locally after dark I don't think the lighting per se is the issue - it is more about the type of neighbourhood. If you are asking about here, I feel perfectly safe whether it is lit or not. I'm rarely out on foot after midnight and this has not changed since partial lighting was introduced. Concerned for younger people who have to walk in these areas after havinh been out. Walk with others never stopped me None of these, the dog has to be walked Difficulty in sighting pedestrians and/or cyclists when driving at night on poorly lit roads. Sodium street lamp spacing often seems too great Problems too, particularly late summer and autumn when the street light is surrounded by the canopy of a tree, thus letting little light fall on the pavement/road. I would not go out alone at night if no lighting was provided or if it was switched of at any time. Lighting is always required in the event of any emergency. Nothing can be worse than groping around in the dark when someone is in need of help. Or simply don't go out in the evenings, which is very much interfering with my social life It depends on the area, reputation etc. In our home area I would feel safe with or without lighting Carry a torch. We are used to having no lighting - therefore I take the car if on my own, Otherwise we feel safe in a group. Because I live in a rural area I would always go out in my car or with a friend due to distances to be travelled, walking is rarely an issue. The lighting does not affect our lifestyle vis a vie walking and taking taxis tend to drive if I need to go out at night Having to walk my dog later in the morning due to lack of light which in turn makes me later in getting to work. Consider the routes I take Have my rape alarm to the ready No.b This is a loaded question, as you can't answer no I don't take taxis etc etc never really think about it If the lighting is poor I wouldn't go there as I am not that good on foot with balance problems without good vision mostly I will cycle at nighs Tend to use my car at night none of the above I am normally fine as we have a large amount of military personnel amongst our local population which helps! I don't like wandering about whether there is street lighting or not. Not walk the dog in a dark either on the street or in the nearby parks doesn't affect me at all 359 With the salaries and pensions that are given to the public sector whether council,police etc the more the mind boggles about the relatively low cost of safety that the man in the street gets.Get rid of few and we should perhaps even be able to have public toilets reopened. When there is little street lighting, I take a torch It would depend on what area you are talking about. I would not necessarily feel safe walking alone late at night in town. Feel much safer in the country Always put my anti hijack facility on my car when out at night walk with more attention to what is around me - slight increase in paranoia! Someone has to stand at the bottom of the garden If it's dark I just take a torch; I would prefer not to have too much street lighting as I don't like light pollution and I'm not convinced that crime is reduced in rural aresa anyway. Has no effect. If I am out then I will walk as much as possible although there are times in our neighbourhood that I have felt less than safe. After dark in the winter I will often use a car to visit the local supermarket about a mile away. It makes no difference A Knowledge or perception of the area creates a greater sense of safety or lack of safety rather than the amount of light. I live in a rural area with little street light but feel safer than when at work in Wembley with full streetlighting. Take a torch Having little money unable to use Taxi's and take the risk walking home but feel worried and ring a parent who lives 25 miles away for the entire journey home incase something happens. Walk very fast and purposefully with my keys in my hand use a different maybe longer route. no I take a torch I'll take another route that is lit. Still go out Get someone to go with me that could deal with an altercation if it ever arose Use the car instead of walk No, I take a torch and get on with it as we all should. No - it makes no difference. I hope the villains can't see me! Appreciate the stars As a dog walker I have to go out in the dark late evening and early morning. It depends in where it is, I wouldn't go walking around Moss Side in Manchester even if the where lights every where. That relates to question 11 also. It all depends on where you live! speed up a bit if walking or slow down if on bike. just get on with it It is just inconvenient and I think encourages burglars none of the above It doesn't stop me from going out but I do not look forward to the short walk from my car park behind my house to my front door on my own. Since the lights have been switched off at midnight, I have managed to make sure I have not had to walk home alone and I would consider taking a taxi in the future if it were very late and I were alone. It is the surprise element that is most unsettling. To have some one suddenly appear behind me is the worst case scenario 360 Drive. Even if only down the road Consider my route and let people know that I am walking there. Does not stop me from doing anything None of your answers apply. Not Applicable as I would never go in an unknown area on my own also see no 12 which insists on an answer I would never go any where unsafe I'm scared of the dark anyway! I have to work nights as a Paramedic and I do feel more vulnerable in certain areas that are darker. Would be more likely to take the car even for a journey that I would normally walk if I know I'm coming home after lights out. rarely walk alone afeter dark, use car or walk with others. Perceived risk greater then actual but doesn't make it any less real. Drive when it is close enough to walk No. I am lucky to live in a neighbourhood which is quite safe. I have no choice but to take buses and can not afford taxis, but when there are less people around and less lighting i am a woman on my own and i have to walk very quickly and in fear! always go out using a car, and come home to a well lit garage. (pir etc) I try to be careful and listen feel tense and walk quickly to get to my destination Go out more because there are clearer skies. Go out more becasue there are fewer rowdy people. I will use my car rather than walk Try to avoid those areas or dark spots by crossing the road etc Its so dark in my part of the street its hard to negotiate as there is no light of significant use. Cannot recall any unlit areas I have recently been in This would depend entirely on where I was walking. In the dark in a rural area with no street lights I would not have any worries. On any of the estates in MK, either with or without lights, I would feel more anxious. The answers to 11, 12 and. 13 depend entirely upon the the neighbourhood so please disregard my ticked responses - ticked only because the survey demands responses. Take a slightly longer route on a lit area. I would be more concerned walking on unlit streets in the city Just be extra aware of who is about and what they are doing. It doesn't make any difference. I just take the precaution of carrying a torch and a phone. Carry a torch for badly maintened footpaths/roads None of the above; I am rarely out bewteen midnight and 6am As I live in a rural area where sometimes there is no street lighting on minor roads, I take a torch. Does not really affect me too much; I'd carry a torch I will drive instead of walk if I feel unsafe. no change to habits walk very quickly - be tense and anxious and look behind me every two minutes it has no effect. Walk with greater awareness. i have no problem in walking about if i need too N/a Happy because I can see the stars better. 361 Take a torch. I don't have the world's best night vision. Use the car Would never walk home alone if gone out for evening. This is a biased survey - there is no negative answer qavailable to this question ! I have a dog with PRA so he is night blind, I have to avoid areas with poor lighting when I also take him out, as he feels insecure in the dark. Depends on the area. Generally OK. I drive everywhere If the roads are rough or unmade it can make walking less safe - otherwise no problem If practical take a better lit route I have to walk the dog so although I would do all of the above I am compromised. See other comments None of those dont go out at all in the evenings If I need to walk out I still go. lack of good lighting doesn't bother me at all. If one lives in the country one copes well in the dark unless it is exceptionally icy underfoot. Re: Q7 I live outside the village. The village does have a few lights which are perfectly adequate. Re: Qs12 & 13 I never walk in areas, anywhere in the world, which are considered unsafe. I only ticked Q12 because it refused to send without one - so please ignore the answer See question 10 above None of the above go out and enjoy a peaceful moonlit evening even better with snow on the ground Lighting is a consideration, along with type of road. I have negotiated unlit village roads in South Oxfordshire anf Wales with no problems. no Take a torch Makes me personally much more aware of who/what's around me - but it wouldn't stop me going places I want to go. My firends sometimes insist that I take a taxi instead of walking No difference My area of Congleton always feels safe. Depends why I need to go out and where I'm going. Living in an area with no lighting I carry a bright modern torch. The torch is bright enough for any potential attacker to be unsure of my age or gender in an unlit area. none of the above use car drive less in the evenings Take public transport instead of walking or arrange for friends to pick up/drop off. My night vision is good <still> and I always consider that I can see well enough to be aware of anybody else in my proximity unless of course they are hiding in asmbush ,as it were. I must admit that I do carry a stout walking stick when out alone after dark! I always feel safe in Forest Fields - but generally I believe that good street lighting makes a huge difference to feeling secure. Feel unsafe on dark mornings on very dark nights, I can't see the paths or potholes, which makes me afraid of injury 362 take a torch! I would probably still do what I need to do, but feel more unsettled whilst doing it. depends on area MORE WORRIED ABOUT POT HOLES IN THE DARK THAN A PERSON OR PERSONS Walk, but take more care. We have no footpaths so have to walk in the roadway. Motorists dont seem to bother to give much room to pedestrians and in recent years the door morror of a vehicle struck my left arm causing extensive bruising. I have bought and wear a high vis coat to which I have added a flashing light for a bicycle. This has helped and most motorist, when I wear this, now give me more room. none Would my own transport if necessary Try to always be with a companion. Don't mind if I am with other people but would not consider walking alone Avoid pot holed surfaces and pavements This survey could be biased as to whether the man or lady of the house completes it.I'm 6 foot 4 inch & 17 stone and include boxing as one of my would answer not threatened, My wife would answer very differently as indeed will not go up to the local Tesco after dark. Lack