“Our People make the difference with Pride, Integrity and Quality” Project Type: Lift and Pump Station Constuction Job # Project Name 604 09-008 Lift Station 8 & Surface Water Pump Station Replacement Final Contract Owner: City of Altamonte Springs Scope of Work Replacement of the existing lift station 8 and SWPS, new wet well, electrical building, generator, rehab existing LS 8 wetwell, conversion of wetwell to SWPS, conversion of SWPS to weir box. Job # Project Name Final Contract 586 090128-NT-001 Palmera Missile & Fire Control Sewer Replacement $0 Owner: Lockheed Martin Corporation Scope of Work Installation of a duplex 30 hp pump station with a 125 kW genset and 12" electromagnetic flowmeter; 10", 12", 18" gravity sewer, 16" force main, jack & bore, asphalt paving, concrete, erosion control. Removal of existing sanitary and re-use main. Special requirements: Height restriction due to overhead high voltage power lines. Job # Project Name Final Contract 578 Mill Creek Reclaimed Water Distribution Pump Station $1,320,638 Owner: City of Sanford Scope of Work The project involves installation of a prefabricated pump station (pump/electrical room, air compressor room & chemical feed room) to include aluminum frame skid, doors, HVAC units, aluminum metal roofing system, roof hatches, FRP interior & exterior, lighting, five vertical turbine cans, four canned vertical turbine pumps with VFDs, electrical and controls; a submerged pond water intake screen; a pond water supply control valve station; associated yard piping, miscellaneous sitework, signage, fencing, entrance/exit gates, sodding, landscaping, irrigation system, electrical and instrumentation systems. Job # Project Name Final Contract 574 #2379 Water Conserv II Master Pump Station & Flow Equalization $0 Owner: City of Orlando Scope of Work New 3-level wet pit/dry raw sewage master pump station with five 9,975 gpm raw sewage pumps with variable frequency drives; 3.5 mg flow equalization tank, new precast concrete electrical building, new master pump station influent junction box; modifications and rehabilitation of existing master pumping station systems and conversion to a transfer pumping station, modifications to the existing primary clarifiers and associated site, electrical, controls, mechanical and other work. Wednesday, November 17, 2010 Page 1 of 6 “Our People make the difference with Pride, Integrity and Quality” Project Type: Lift and Pump Station Constuction Job # Project Name Final Contract 566 Winter Park Drive North Realignment $5,661,289 Owner: City of Casselberry Scope of Work Construct approx. 1.5 miles of two lane roadway through an undeveloped ROW along with supporting drainage & utility infrastructure. Work included excavation, embankment, stabilization, base, asphalt, reinforcing steel, lift station, mast arm assembly, signalization, MOT, irrigation. Drainage system included approx. 11,250 lf RCP 24"-42", 32 inlets and 28 manholes; utilities included approx 2,361 lf 8" potable water main with 14 service connections, approx 2,334 lf 8" reclaimed water main with 12 service connections and approx 4,487 lf of 6"-10" PVC sanitary sewer with 17 manholes and 25 service connections. Job # Project Name Final Contract 536 Bonneville Pump Station #3221 Rehabilitation $1,157,700 Owner: Orange County Utilities Scope of Work Rehabilitation of Pump Station #3221 including remove/install 8" piping, three 58 hp pumps, electrical & control equipment. Rehabilitation of existing wet well & manhole by installing new fiberglass liner, 1000 gal above ground storage tank, odor control unit, flow meter assembly, 8' block privacy wall with anti graffiti coating, relocate existing utilities & connect new piping. Job # Project Name Final Contract 532 Tier 8 - Orange Blossom Trail PS 3109 Improvements $694,084 Owner: Orange County Utilities Scope of Work Rehabilitate and upgrade the existing wastewater pump station. Work included installation of a ITT Flygt 30 hp submersible pumps, manhole rehabilitation, bypassing, new chain link fence with automatic gate, electrical improvements, a Kohler diesel engine generator, 65 kw, 60 hz 3 phase 277/480 volt with auto transfer switch, an H-120 bio filter modular skid mounted odor control system, driveway, wet well & valve vault corrosion proof lining and coating, miscellaneous mechanical and electrical equipment. Job # Project Name Final Contract 518 Jason Dwelley Pkwy Ext, Bradshaw Rd Roadway & Drainage, 3rd St Parking & Drainage Improvements $9,942,165 Owner: City of Apopka Scope of Work The original scope of work required the following. Jason Dwelley Parkway: Approximately 2 miles of new two lane roadway, storm drainage, lined pond construction, sport field grading, paved parking lots, and a new reclaimed water pump station. Bradshaw Road: Approximately 1/2 mile of roadway widening from two to three lanes, storm drainage, and pond construction. 3rd Street: Storm drainage improvements and new paved public parking areas. Wednesday, November 17, 2010 Page 2 of 6 “Our People make the difference with Pride, Integrity and Quality” Project Type: Lift and Pump Station Constuction Job # Project Name Final Contract 515 Peppertree, Boreas Drive & Lk Underhill Hospital Pump Stations $961,270 Owner: Orange County Utilities Scope of Work Project consists of construction of two duplex wastewater pump stations in residential neighborhoods, at Peppertree and Boreas Drive, and the rehabilitation of one duplex wastewater pump station at Lake Underhill Hospital. Job # Project Name Final Contract 511 Pump Station #28 and Pump Station #112 Improvements $572,807 Owner: Toho Water Authority Scope of Work Modifications of Pump Station #28 and Pump Station #112 including precast structures, wet well and manhole coating, sanitary sewer force main, pumps and miscellaneous piping. The stations were located in Osceola County along arterial roadways. Job # Project Name Final Contract 492 Orange County Landfill Pond 2 Pump Station Improv. $1,990,326 Owner: Orange County Utilities Scope of Work Refurbish existing pumps, installation of 5500 gpm cylinder mounted pumps to include replacement of emergency generator, valves, controls & minor structural work. Install 3000 lf 20' DIP FM to OUC property line. Job # Project Name Final Contract 482 Tallwood - Laredo Stormwater Improvements $562,747 Owner: City of Deltona Scope of Work Approximately 4000 LF of HDPE storm drainage pipe of various sizes was installed through out this project to improve and eliminate flooding conditions on several streets in a residential area. Several MES, headwalls, manholes and inlets were installed as part of this new storm water management system. A storm water pump station was installed which out-felled to a new 1 acre retention area. One of the storm lines was installed in a 10’ easement between two homes with out incident. Several drive way crossings were completed and concrete drives were installed. Job # Project Name Final Contract 480 Old Winter Garden Road & Professional Parkway $6,997,105 Owner: City of Ocoee Scope of Work Project required the widening of 1.262 miles of existing Old Winter Garden Rd. from a 2 lane road into a 4 lane divided roadway. Work included utility relocations/improvements, storm pond excavation, storm drainage system installations, signalization, fencing, landscape & irrigation, signage, and pavement markings. Relocation and improvements of Sprint Telephone facilities located within the right-of-way of this project. Wednesday, November 17, 2010 Page 3 of 6 “Our People make the difference with Pride, Integrity and Quality” Project Type: Lift and Pump Station Constuction Job # Project Name Final Contract 477 Reclaimed Water Booster Pumping Facility $1,138,854 Owner: City of Ocoee Scope of Work Reclaimed water booster pumping facility with electrical equipment building, wet tap connection to RWFM pipeline, paving, landscaping, ornamental wall, VFDs for four vertical turbine pumps, controls, telemetry system. Job # Project Name Final Contract 472 Cranes Roost PS Modif. & Reuse Weir Structure $406,220 Owner: City of Altamonte Springs Scope of Work Rehabilitation of storm water pump station from Cranes Roost, new 150 HP vertical turbine pumps, new controls. Also, sheet down to existing 21" gravity sewer & pour concrete structure for reclaimed water supply enhancement. Job # Project Name Final Contract 469 MoHo MH Park & Weatherly Pump Stations $409,664 Owner: Orange County Utilities Scope of Work Construction of two new wastewater duplex pump stations, gravity main and manhole. Also included are submersible pumps, emergency bypass, wet wells, valve vaults w/ corrosion proof lining & coatings, water service, landscaping, misc mechanical & electric Job # Project Name Final Contract 464 Dubsdread Neighborhood Sewer Improvements $2,279,659 Owner: City of Orlando Scope of Work Provide labor, materials and equipment to install 7300 LF of PVC gravity sewer (to 16' depth), install one duplex lift station via tremie method, 38 gravity sewer manholes (to 18' depth), 1200 LF of 6" Forcemain (to include directional drills), 5300 LF residential and commercial water lines and services (2" to 6" DIP main lines), residential road restoration, open cut Edgewater Drive, a major city thoroughfair, providing extensive MOT to include continuous business/public access, restore roadway with black base and associated storm water system modifications. Job # Project Name Final Contract 455 Rouse Rd & Berry Dease Pump Station Improve. $1,883,803 Owner: Orange County Utilities Scope of Work New VFDs and enclosure at Berry Dease pump station,. New HDPE lining, piping and pumps at Rouse Road Master Station. Concrete restoration at Rouse Rd. Bypassing of Rouse Road Pump Station. Wednesday, November 17, 2010 Page 4 of 6 “Our People make the difference with Pride, Integrity and Quality” Project Type: Lift and Pump Station Constuction Job # Project Name Final Contract 443 Liberty Mutual - Pump Stations A & Pine Hills $1,885,080 Owner: Orange County Utilities Scope of Work Takeover & completion of project abandoned by contractor. Work included rehabilitation of two master pump stations and construction of one new master pump station. Also laid 30" gravity sewer in an existing neighborhood to tie in to new pump station. Job # Project Name Final Contract 439 Pine Hills Pump Station Improvements $544,789 Owner: Orange County Utilities Scope of Work Rehabilitation of three lift stations in Pine Hills to include new piping, new pumps & controls. Dismantle old stations. Sliplining of +/- 400 LF of 8" gravity sewer & 60 LF of 10" gravity sewer. Job # Project Name Final Contract 433 Tupperware Utilities Relocation $425,000 Owner: Tupperware Center Scope of Work Installation of new sewage pumping station, gravity sewer and water supply mains for Tupperware to allow for the widening of US 441 by the FDOT. Job # Project Name Final Contract 427 Saxon West Extension $560,826 Owner: Volusia County Scope of Work Installation of 6", 8", 14" & 16" PVC force main (direct bury); 16" HDPE (directional drill), upgrade Regional Lift Station (SW60) including removal of existing pumps & pipe, cleaning walls & recoating, install new pumps, electrical controls, telemetry & Job # Project Name Final Contract 425 Kopsia, Lynwood, Lk Conway Est & Shenandoah PS Improve. $768,500 Owner: Orange County Utilities Scope of Work Replace existing wet pit/dry pit or above ground steel can (dry pit) pump stations w/ new submersible pump stations. Work included valve vault, paving, fencing, & misc site work. Some sites required demolition, install/conversion of MHs, sliplining of e Wednesday, November 17, 2010 Page 5 of 6 “Our People make the difference with Pride, Integrity and Quality” Project Type: Lift and Pump Station Constuction Job # Project Name Final Contract 415 Beverly Shores Water & Sewer Improvements $4,019,680 Owner: City of Orlando Scope of Work Installed approx 13,000 LF of gravity sewer (to 24' depth), approx 7,635 LF of water pipe, new lift station, drainage structures, 50 manholes. Work included pavement removal & restoration, concrete sidewalks & drives, sodding. Project was a complete sewer installation project within an existing neighborhood. The site required exstensive MOT for local residences. Job # Project Name Final Contract 265 Landfill Leachate Pump Station Rehabilitation $156,721 Owner: Orange County Utilities Scope of Work Installed new influent line to existing wetwell from manhole #5, removed & replaced leachate submersible pumps, electrical controls & control panel, flow meter & recorder, added landfill gas venting system, upgraded gas valves in valve pits, installed drain inlets & required piping, site improvement and fencing. Wednesday, November 17, 2010 Page 6 of 6