spring 2016 tuition and mandatory fees

All students enrolled at the University of Missouri are required to pay tuition based on the number of credits of instruction they are
receiving. Courses taken as a hearer (auditor) are charged at their normal credit value when computing the amount of fees to be
paid. For fees in distance/online programs, see below. Some departments also assess additional course fees. Other required
fees may include equipment/materials and international fees. Optional fees may include club memberships and student insurance.
Graduate Tuition & Fees
per credit
Nonresident Fee (added to Tuition if not a Missouri resident)
per credit
Prepaid Health Fee
flat rate
Recreation Facility Fee
flat rate
Student Activity Fee
flat rate
Information Technology Fee
per credit
College of Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources
per credit
Applied Music
flat rate
College of Arts and Science - level 2000 and above
per credit
College of Arts and Science/School of Medicine - level 2000 and above Anatomy
per credit
College of Arts and Science/School of Medicine - level 2000 and above Microbiology
per credit
College of Arts and Science/School of Medicine - level 2000 and above Pharmacology
per credit
College of Arts and Science/School of Medicine - level 2000 and above Radiology
per credit
Trulaske College of Business - graduate
per credit
Cooperative Work Study Program (1)
flat rate
College of Education - graduate
per credit
College of Engineering
per credit
Engineering Excellence - Resident
per credit
Engineering Excellence - Nonresident
per credit
School of Health Professions
per credit
Health Management and Informatics
per credit
College of Human Environmental Sciences
per credit
School of Journalism
per credit
Sinclair School of Nursing - graduate; assessed per clinical credit hour
per credit
Truman School
per credit
Flat fee assessed to students registered with the College of Engineering for work experience as required; no credit awarded for
this. *Source: http://cashiers.missouri.edu/costs/index.html
Most courses offered through distance/online programs are assessed the same tuition as on-campus MU courses. Distance students
are assessed the information technology fee and any applicable course fees. Distance students are not assessed campus fees (e.g.
recreation facility fees) but may opt to pay fees for access to services.
Graduate students: $350.10 per credit hour unless your school/college charges a higher rate for the online courses they
offer. Schools/colleges that charge higher rates are listed below. Graduate students who have been designated as distance students
pay in-state tuition or the higher rate charged by the program regardless of where they have residency. Graduate students who
have been designated as on-campus students and who do not have Missouri residency will also be assessed the graduate
nonresident fee: $587.30 per credit hour (in addition to the in-state tuition or higher rate charged by the program) if they take an
online class. Self-paced courses are assessed a $25 administrative fee per class.
Online Programs with higher fees
Architectural Studies - graduate
per credit
University Engineering Alliance - graduate
per credit
eMINTS - graduate
per credit
Energy Efficiency graduate certificate program
per credit
Great Plains - graduate
per credit
Health Administration - students starting in Spring 2014-2016; graduate
per credit
Health Ethics - graduate
per credit
Health Informatics - students starting in Spring 2015; graduate
per credit
Nursing - graduate
per credit
Online MA in Journalism - all emphasis areas
per credit
Masters in Public Health
per credit
Vet Med Biomedical - graduate
per credit
execMBA – Please see execMBA Website
Optional Fees
Optional fees may include memberships and student insurance for domestic and international students and dependents. If you
purchase any options and later decide you do not want that option, please contact the department in regards to removing the
charge from your student account. If you are requesting insurance coverage for dependents, you must provide your dependent
information to the company handling MU student insurance, AETNA. Spring/summer coverage period for international students is
1/1/2016 - 7/31/2016. Spring/summer coverage period for domestic students is 1/10/2016 - 8/14/2016. The deadline for enrolling
in insurance is 2/12/2016.
Note: The University reserves the right to increase or decrease the fees charged for attendance and other services at the University
when the Board of Curators considers it in the best Interest of the University to do so. Any increase in fees must be approved by the
Board of Curators not less than thirty (30) days prior to the beginning of the academic term (semester, etc.) to which these fees will
be applied. Any change in fees will be effective irrespective of whether fees have or have not been paid by or on behalf of a student
prior to the effective date of the modification. Page source: http://cashiers.missouri.edu/costs/index.html