PHYSICS 360 - Quantum Mechanics Spring 2012 Monday

PHYSICS 360 - Quantum Mechanics
Spring 2012
9 Jan
Why did they need to invent
Quantum Mechanics?
16 Jan
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
23 Jan
If we make momentum an
operator,will it agree with classical
Chapter 1.5
HW #1 due
30 Jan
If all the eigenfunctions are
stationary states, how can QM
handle time dependent dynamics?
Chapter 2.1
HW #2 due
6 Feb
How can you get quantized energy
levels from an harmonic oscillator,
which has no boundary conditions?
Chapter 2.3.1
HW #3 due
13 Feb
MidTerm Exam #1
11 Jan
Which one is THE Schrödinger
Equation? What is an eigenvalue
Chapter 1.1
18 Jan
Since quantum mechanics relies on
probabilities, how do we quantify
Chapter 1.3
25 Jan
Why do particles act like waves, and
what then is their wavelength?
Chapter 1.6
13 Jan
"Is the Moon really there when
nobody looks?"
Chapter 1.2
1 Feb
How do the boundary condition
alone give quantized energy levels?
Chapter 2.2
3 Feb
The infinite square well: What can
we do with a complete set of wave
Chapter 2.2
8 Feb
Raising & lowering operators: what
are the limits?
Chapter 2.3.1
10 Feb
Quantum Harmonic Oscillator:
what are the wave functions?
(Mathematica to the rescue!)
Chapter 2.3.2
15 Feb
"There is no such thing as a free
particle with a definite energy."
Chapter 2.4
22 Feb
Where do wave functions live? (In
Hilbert space, of course!)
Chapter 3.1, 3.2
17 Feb
How do particles "tunnel" through
infinitely high (but thin) barriers?
Chapter 2.5
20 Feb
What if the square well isn't
infinitely deep? (Bound states and
scattering states)
Chapter 2.6
HW #4 due
27 Feb
29 Feb
Why is it you can only measure
How can the Uncertainty Principle
ONE eigenvalue at a time, no matter apply to time (Δt)?
how messy the wave function is?
Chapter 3.5
(This is nothing like classical
Chapter 3.4
HW #5 due
20 Jan
Normalization: What is the
probability that a particle has to be
Chapter 1.4
27 Jan
If particles were NOT waves, would
there be an Uncertainty Principle?
Chapter 1.6
24 Feb
Why do we need Hermitian
operators to handle things we can
Chapter 3.3
2 Mar
Surely Quantum Mechanics isn't
stuck in just one dimension, is it?
Chapter 4.1
PHYSICS 360 - Quantum Mechanics
Spring 2012
5 Mar
How do we get spherical harmonics
from spherical potentials?
Chapter 4.1
HW #6 due
Spring Break - March 10-18
19 Mar
How much did you forget about the
hydrogen atom over Spring Break?
Chapter 4.2
HW #7 due
26 Mar
Midterm Exam #2
7 Mar
Finally, the hydrogen atom. Did
Bohr get anything right?
Chapter 4.2
9 Mar
What do the hydrogen electron
orbitals look like?
Chapter 4.2
21 Mar
Back to operator algebra and
commutators: What are the allowed
angular momentum values?
Chapter 4.3
23 Mar
Why does the Uncertainty Principle
limit the angular momentum states?
Chapter 4.3
28 Mar
Spin: How do we do this without
knowing the wave functions?
Chapter 4.4
4 Apr
Can you quantize the spin of a pair
of electrons? (Entangled states!)
Chapter 4.4
30 Mar
If a spin points in the x direction,
what do you get in the y direction?
Chapter 4.4
6 Apr
What if you can't tell the difference
between your two particles?
Chapter 5.1
2 Apr
How do you build a Stern-Gerlach
Chapter 4.4
HW #8 due
9 Apr
11 Apr
13 Apr
Is there really a force between
Does understanding hydrogen help Is the entire periodic table just an
fermions? Is there a force law?
at all with helium?
example of the Pauli Exclusion
Chapter 5.1
Chapter 5.2
HW #9 due
Chapter 5.2
16 Apr
18 Apr
20 Apr
Can quantum mechanics explain
Why are some solids metallic, and What role does quantum mechanics
how a metal works?
others insulating?
play in determining temperature?
Chapter 5.3
Chapter 5.3
Chapter 5.4
HW #10 due
23 Apr
25 Apr
27 Apr
Quantum Statistics: Now can we
No, seriously: Is the Moon really
explain the Planck black body
there when nobody looks?
Chapter 12.1, 12.2
Chapter 5.4
Finals Week Apr 30-May 5 (PHYS 360 final date & time to be announced later)