SAE TECHNICAL PAPER SERIES 972430 Microwave-Powered Thermal Regeneration of Sorbents for CO2,Water Vapor and Trace Organic Contaminants James E. Atwater, John T. Holtsnider, and Richard R. Wheeler, Jr. UMPQUA Research Co. Bernadette Luna NASA Ames Research Center ~A ~ ~ II!!!The Engineering Society For Advancing Mobility Land Sea Air and Space ~ INTERNATIONA L 27th International Conference on Environmental Systems Lake Tahoe, Nevada July 14-17, 1997 400 Commonwealth Drive,Warrendale, PA15096-0001U.S.A. Tel:(412)776-4841 Fax:(412)776-5760 972430 Microwave-Powered Thermal Regeneration of Sorbents for CO2, Water Vapor and Trace Organic Contaminants James E. Atwater,John T. Holtsnider, and Richard R. Wheeler, Jr. UMPQUA Research Co. Bernadette Luna NASA Ames Research Center ABSTRACT Feasibility of the use of microwave heating to achieve fast and efficient thermal regeneration of sorbents for the removal of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and trace organics from contaminated air streams has been conclusively demonstrated. The use of microwave power offers several advantages, including: improved heat transfer, lower thermal losses, improved power utilization, and enhanced operational capabilities. During the initial research, the sorption and microwave-powered thermal desorption of acetone, trichloroethylene (TCE), carbon dioxide, and water vapor was studied at 2.45 GHz using a rectangular waveguide based test apparatus. Both activated carbon and Carbosieve S-III were identified as excellent microwave regenerable sorbents for use in the removal of airborne organics. Water loaded silica gel, Molecular Sieve I3X, and Molecular Sieve 5A were also effectively regenerated under microwave irradiation at this frequency. Molecular Sieve 5A and a carbogenic molecular sieve prepared at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory were identified as viable microwave regenerable carbon dioxide (CO2) sorbents. A sorbent bed containing multiple media was challenged with air containing 0.5% CO2' 300 parts per million (ppm) acetone, 50 ppm TCE, and saturated with water vapor. The layered media bed was shown to effectively purify the contaminated air stream and to be completely regenerated by microwave induced heating. Spectral studies of the reflection, transmission, and phase shifts of microwaves for a variety of sorbents over the frequency range between 1.3- 2.7 GHz wereperformed. INTRODUCTION An investigation has been conducted to determine the feasibility of using microwave power to promote thermal regeneration of sorbents applicable to the life support requirements of astronauts during Extravehicular Activity (EVA). The primary advantages inherent to the use of microwaves are the increases in energy efficiency which result from the heating of materials by direct absorption of energy (in contrast to the indirect supply of heat by thermal conduction from heating elements), and the extremely rapid rates of heating which are possible. This maximizes the efficiency of energy transfer and minimizes conductive, convective, and radiative losses as well as the need to heat additional thermal massl. These features suggest the possibility of a more compact and thermally efficient technology for the removal of CO2' H2O, and trace organic contaminantsfrom air during EVA. A second generation thermally regenerable air purification system is envisioned in which microwave power is applied directly to the Portable Life Support System (PLSS) via coaxial cable, thus providing a means for regeneration which does not require removal of sorbent cartridges from the Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU). A third generation system could provide capability for sorbent regeneration during EVA. While the current investigation has been directed specifically toward EVA, the operational efficiencies which can be gained by the use of microwave power may apply equally to other life support requirements such as Air Revitalization within the cabin of spacecraft or within other enclosed habitats. Susceptibility to microwave heating is a function of the dielectric properties of the material. Microwaves encompass the upper end of the radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic spectrum. Due to their relatively long wavelengths, the behavior of microwaves is different in many respects from that of more energetic (and for most researchers more familiar) regions of the spectrum sucha~IR, visible,and UV light. If a high frequency RF signal is applied to a conductor, a current will flow. If the same signal is applied to ,. ; . ! - ;(;: a non-conductor (i.e., a dielectric material) then electromagnetic waves are propagated. If the electromagnetic energy is absorbed by the dielectric, the temperature of the material rises in proponion to the energy absorbed. The most common embodiment of microwave heating is the microwave oven in which 2.45 GHz microwaves couple primarily with the rotational transitions of dipolar water molecules. Different dipole-dipole loss phenomena occur in solids such as silicon carbide (SiC) and barium titanate (BaTiO)) which couple very effectively with microwaves. In these materials the frictional losses which result in the generation of heat are manifested through oscillatorily induced polarizations (Maxwell-Wagner effect, etc.) rather than by rotationally induced internal friction2,3. In concept, microwave-powered thermal regeneration of a loaded adsorbent can occur via three possible mechanisms: I) the adsorbent only couples with the microwaves; 2) both adsorbent and sorbate couple; and 3) the sorbate only couples. From an energy efficiency perspective, the latter mechanism offers the greatest potential savings in comparison to conventional thermal regeneration methods since the energy required for regeneration is transferred directly to the sorption site. Water bound on silica gel is an example of this phenomena. A founh mechanism for thermal regeneration is made possible by mixing a microwave susceptible material such as silicon carbide with a sorbent material. This founh mechanism may apply to sorbents such as lithium hydroxide (LiOH) and silver oxide (Ag20) in which the contaminant, CO2' is chemically bound, i.e., as lithium carbonate (Li2CO3) and silver carbonate (Ag2CO3)' respectively. Regeneration of chemisorbed materials will, in general, require higher temperatures, longer regeneration times, or both. The ability of microwave heating to achieve extremely rapid heat-up of microwave susceptible materials to very high temperatures may be a panicular advantage when applied to composite mixtures of these sorbents and microwave susceptible materials, and may make possible the regeneration of sorbents which otherwise would not be practical. For the purposes of the initial investigation, a representative variety of candidate sorbent materials which are potentially useful in the removal of airborne water vapor, CO2' and trace organics were screened for susceptibility to thermal regeneration using microwave power. These experiments were conducted at 2.45 GHz. In addition, because the susceptibilities of materials to microwave heating vary with the frequency of incident radiation, a variety of sorbent materials were also screened for their dielectric loss characteristics over a range of frequencies between 1.3 - 2.7 GHz. In these experiments, bulk propenies were measured, with contributions arising from both the sorbent and the gas phase filling the pores and intergranular spaces4-9. regeneration using 2:45 GHz microwaves; and 2) investigation of the spectral responses of sorbents over a range of incident microwave frequencies to determine if particular regions of the microwave spectrum exist which may be especially well suited for use with a particular sorbent. Sorption-Desporption Studies. A variety of sorbents were selected for study, including: activated carbon, carbon based molecular sieves, lithium hydroxide, silica gel, and silver oxide. Acetone, carbon dioxide, trichloroethylene (TCE), and water vapor were selected as challenge contaminants. Small packed sorbent beds were exposed to humidified air streams containing the appropriate contaminants and the relationships between cumulative flow and breakthrough of the sorbates were monitored. Once breakthrough occurred, the sorbents were exposed to microwave energy and the bed temperatures and effluent gas concentrations were monitored. For the cases in which successful thermal regeneration was indicated, this was confirmed by a subsequent re-Ioading of the sorbent with the contaminant to ensure that substantial sorption capacity had been regained. Microwave Spectral Studies. Low power studies were conducted to examine the dielectric loss characteristics of a selection of typical sorbent materials over a range of frequencies. The dielectric loss propenies determine a material's susceptibility to microwave heating. These propenies are functions of both frequency of the incident microwave radiation and of the temperature of the medium. For this preliminary investigation, room temperature experiments were conducted over the relatively narrow range of frequencies between 1.3 - 2.7 GHz. A vector network analyzer based system was assembled to monitor three propenies of each test specimen: relative reflected power, relative transmitted power, and the phase shift of the transmitted power. MATERIALS AND APPARATUS Microwave Powered Thermal Desorption Apparatus - The microwave transmission and irradiation testbed is illustrated in Figure I. The apparatus is composed of a series of WR 430 rectangular waveguide elements, and includes a magnetron, shorting plate, waveguides, directional coupler, solid state microwave detector, RF power meter, and a water load. An 800 W magnetron, emitting at 2.45 GHz, is located in the launcher waveguide section. The launcher section is terminated at one end by a shorting plate located at a distance of 'I.-wavelength from the magnetron antenna. At the opposite end of the launcher section microwaves are transmitted in the transverse electric (TE) mode into the test chamber waveguide section where packed sorbent beds are placed in the microwave field. The test chamber is connected to a 60 decibel (dB) directional coupler instrumented with a Hewlett-Packard (HP) 478A solid state microwave transducer and HP 432A power meter. Any microwave energy which has not been absorbed in the test chamber passes into the directional coupler where the power level is monitored, and then into a water load which serves as a sink for excess energy to prevent the reflection of microwaves backward through the waveguide components toward the magnetron. Water is circulated through the load at a flow rate of"" 1 L/min. EXPERIMENT AL SECTION. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH -To explore the usefulness of microwave power for the thermal regeneration of sorbents, two primary areas of experimentation were focused on: I) characterizationof the susceptibilityof a typical range of sorbents loaded with common airborne contaminants toward microwave powered thermal 2 ~~r;;;1 I S, I i I :CD! i ! !-i , , '-" iLJ I; ! 1 ~ '0'" ' fl CD' <D ~u i I : ~ ~ - '" ~ I-~o.-I@J (i)- @ ~,,"-~ '" = Q) Q) Thennocouple Figure I. Microwave Powered Thermal Regeneration Experimental Apparatus. I-Compressed Gas and Pressure Regulators, 2-Flow meter, 3-Sparger, 4-Sorbent Bed, 5-Magnetron, 6-Launcher, 7-Dewpoint/Hydrocarbon/CO2 Analyzer, 8-Directional Coupler, 9-Microwave Detector, 10- RF Power Meter, II-Water-Ioad. Microwave Choke Tube Glass Column Microwave power output is controlled by a variable transformer which regulates the voltage to the magnetron power supply. The packed sorbent beds are held in place within the test chamber using the mechanism illustrated schematically in Figure 2. The device is mounted vertically through the center of the test chamber waveguide section. The packed sorbent bed is confIDedwithin a length of quartz tubing with an internal diameter of 1.07 em, and held in place using glass wool end plugs. The sorbent bed is positioned so that the mid-point of the packed bed is centered in the waveguide. Gas enters from the bottom and flows upward through the sorbent bed. A J-type thermocouple is mounted inside. Challenge gases were fed into the apparatus Hom compressed gas cylinders, with initial pressures ranging from 15.5 - 20.7 MPa (2250 - 3000 psi). The gas stream passed through primary and second stage pressure regulators, to an Aalburg Instruments #052-04gG variable area flow meter (Cole-Parmer, Chicago, IL), and then through a sparging chamber, in which the stream was saturated with water vapor. In the case of CO2 sorptions, the liquid within the sparging vessel was maintained at an acidic pH and was pre-saturated with the contaminant before flow into the packed sorbent bed was initiated. In the case of the organic contaminants, the aqueous phase consisted of a solution with an amount of dissolved organic compound sufficient for equilibrium to exist between the gas phase and the liquid phase, according to Henry's Law. After passing through the sorbent bed, the decontaminated air goes to the appropriate gas analyzer(s). During a typical sorption/desorption experiment, contaminated air passes through the sorbent bed at IUmin until contaminant breakthrough is indicated by an effluent level approaching the influent level. For microwave desorption, the gas feed stream is then switched to a nitrogen tank and in most cases set to a reduced flow of 100 cm3/min. Microwave powered desorption then commences. Microwave power is manually adjusted based on the effluent gas temperature to maximize the rate of desorption without compromising the sorbent material with excessive temperatures. Sorbents - Type 830lMC activated carbon was acquired from CECA, Inc. (Tulsa, OK). Coconut Shell Gas Inlet t Figure 2. Device for Mounting Sorbent Beds in the Rectangular Waveguide. Charcoal, #5769, was purchased from Alltech (Deerfield, IL). Carbosieve S-III carbon based molecular sieve was acquired from Supelco (Belefonte, PA). A second carbon based molecular sieve was prepared by Dr. Pramad Sharma at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory using the methods of FoleylO. Lithium hydroxide was purchased nom Cyprus Foote Mineral Company (Kings Mountain, NC). Molecular sieves 5A and 13X were donated by UOP (Des Plaines, IL). Silica gel was acquired nom EM Science (Gibbstown, NJ). Silver carbonate was purchased nom Aldrich (Milwaukee, WI). Contaminants - Contaminant levels of carbon dioxide and water were meant to represent that of expired air. For the trace organic contaminants SMAC levels of 300 ppm acetone and 50 ppm trichloroethylene (TCE) were chosen. Compressed gas cylinders containing 0.5% carbon dioxide in air were obtained from Pacific Airgas (Portland, OR). Acetone and trichloroethylene were obtained from Aldrich (Milwaukee, WI). Separate contaminated air feed streams containing 300 ppm acetone and 50 ppm trichloroethylene (TCE) were prepared by addition of the appropriate volume of contaminant into evacuated high pressure gas cylinders, followed by pressurization with breathing quality air to 15.5 MPa (2250 psi) for steel cylinders and to 20.7 MPa (3000 psi) for aluminum cylinders. Analytical Instruments - Carbon dioxide concentrations were determined using an ASTRO Model 2001 TIC/TOC analyzer (League City, TX) and an ASTRa 5600AT continuous on-line non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) CO2 monitor. Trichloroethylene and acetone were determined using an HP-57IOA gas chromatograph with a packed SP1000 column (Supelco, Belefonte, FA) and flame ionization detection. Water vapor was monitored using an EG&G Model 880 Dew Point Hygrometer. Continuous hydrocarbon 3 monitoring was performed using a Beckman Model 400 Hydrocarbon Analyzer. Multifrequency Microwave Transmission and Reflection Apparatus A network analyzer based system was assembled to measure the dielectric loss characteristics of candidate sorbents over the frequency range between 1.3 - 2.7 GHz. The apparatus is illustrated schematically in Figure 3. Variable frequency microwaves are output via coaxial cable from the Hewlett-Packard (HP) Model 8754A Vector Network Analyzer sequentially to: 1) a frequency doubler (MA~COM D-6-4), 2) an HP Model 778D dual directional coupler, and 3) a coaxial cable to WR 430 rectangular waveguide adapter. Attenuated signals representing both incident and reflected power levels are routed back to the network analyzer from the directional coupler. Microwaves are transmitted through the WR 430 rectangular waveguide in the transverse electric (TE) mode. The microwaves pass through a WR 430 to WR 650 waveguide transition and into the Specimen Confmement Chamber. The Specimen Chamber consists of a hollow rectangular box (18 x 12.9 x 3 cm) with an internal volume of 414 cm3, constructed from 0.48 cm thickness polycarbonate sheets. The path length for microwave travel through the chamber is 2.05 em. Microwaves reflected by the specimen travel in the reverse direction via the directional coupler to the network analyzer. Microwaves transmitted through the Specimen Confmement Chamber pass through a WR 650 to WR 430 transition into a WR 430 to coaxial cable adapter, and then by coaxial cable to the network analyzer. The network analyzer sweeps through the entire frequency range at a pre-determined sweep rate. Output power, reflected power, and transmitted power levels are monitored by the network analyzer and analog signals are output, via analog to digital converter (DATAQ 01180), to an IBM Compatible 80486 personal computer for data storage. In essence the waveguide sections form two symmetrical 'horn antennas' which surround the specimen and transmit microwaves through the specimen. Dielectric loss characteristics are determined from a comparison of transmitted and reflected power. b- --~~- "," :' -- LP" " " @ " . : @ ' - '~iJ: I CD @ "-- )r~"\ IDI- I 111\ = ,II! ~\ @ (j) Figure 3. Multifrequency Microwave Transmission Test Apparatus: I) Network Analyzer, 2) Frequency Doubler, 3) Dual Coaxial Directional Coupler, 4) Incident Power Signal, 5) Reflected Power Signal, 6) Coaxial Cable to WR 430 Waveguide Adapter, 7) WR 430 WR 650 Waveguide Transition, 8) Specimen Housing, 9) Transmitted Power Signal, 10) X-Y Plotter, II) Analog to Digital Converter, 12) Personal Computer. - - Sorption and Thermal DesOl:ption of Acetone Activated carbon and Carbosieve S-IIl were investigated as candidate thermally regenerable acetone sorbents for use with microwave powered heating systems. Based upon previous work, activated carbon and Carbosieve were known to sorb acetone strongly11,12. Further, Carbosieve S-IIl had been identified as a selective sorbent for low molecular weight species such as acetone and methyl-ethyl-ketone. A 4.95 cm3 packed bed of activated carbon (2.13 g) was prepared using #5769 coconut shell charcoal. In the initial sorption experiment, 300 ppm of acetone in air saturated with water vapor was fed to the sorbent bed at a flow rate of I L/min. Effluent acetone levels were monitored by an on-line hydrocarbon analyzer and confirmed by gas chromatography. Initial breakthrough was noted after 99 liters of flow. Fifty percent breakthrough occurred at 120 L. Complete breakthrough was observed after 150 L of cumulative flow. The loaded activated carbon bed was thermally regenerated using an initial power level of 23 W under a dry nitrogen flow at 0.1 L/min. At this relatively low level of incident radiation, bed temperatures of 180°C were attained. Upon increasing the power to 35 W, maximum bed temperatures of 380°C were observed. The adequacy of thermal regeneration was confirmed by a repeat sorption. Equivalent performance was attained prior to and after thermal regeneration. The sorption and regeneration experiments are presented in Figures 4 and 5, respectively. A 1.9 cm3 bed containing 1.36 g of Carbosieve S-IH was challenged with humidified air containing acetone. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. Microwave Powered Thermal Regeneration of Sorbents - The sorption and microwave powered thermal desorption characteristics of carbon dioxide, water vapor, acetone and trichloroethylene (TCE) were studied using a range of typical sorbent materials. Because of the diversity of the chemical properties of the contaminants, no individual sorbent was appropriate for the removal of all airborne species. Single-sorbent/single-contaminant experimental results are summarized in Table I. Maximum temperatures achieved in the exit gas stream during desorption and nominal microwave power levels used are presented. For brevity, only representative experiments will be discussed in detail. In general, with the exceptions of lithium hydroxide (LiGH) and silver oxide (Ag20), the sorbentmaterials investigated, appeared to be adequately regenerated by microwave desorption as indicated by roughly equivalent contamin~nt loading between initial and follow-up sorptions. 4 - Table I Temperature and Power Levels for Individual Desorption Experiments. 300ppm 0.5% 50ppm saturated Acetone CO, TCE Water Activated Carbon 380°C/35W - 530°C/40W - CarbosieveS-III 90°C/86W - 610C/390W - LithiumHydroxide - 51°C/780W. - - Molecular Sieve SA - 55°C/780W - 112°C/780W. 255°C/780W. - - - SilicaGel - Silver Oxide - 43°C/780W - - Carbogenic Molecular - noC/780W - - Molecular Sieve13X 90°c/780W. Sieve * Nitrogen flow rate at ILlmin for desorption. Initial breakthrough occurred after 90 liters of cumulative flow. Fifty percent breakthrough and total breakthrough were observed at 150 liters and 240 liters, respectively. The acetone loaded bed was thermally regenerated using stepwise increasing applied microwave power levels between 86 600 W, corresponding to exit gas temperatures between 90 230° e. The bulk of the acetone was desorbed at the 86 W power level. The subsequent sorption experiment confirmed the adequacy of the microwave powered thermal regeneration. Sorption and desorption experimental results are shown in Figures 6 and 7, respectively. Sor:ption and Thermal Desor:ptionof Carbon Dioxide - CO2 sorption experiments were conducted using lithium hydroxide, Molecular Sieve 5A, the carbogenic molecular sieve prepared at JPL, silver carbonate, and silver oxide. During regeneration total effluent was collected in a gas-tight bag for gross CO2 determination. A lithium hydroxide bed containing 1.62 g was challenged with 0.5% CO2. During regeneration the LiOH bed coupled with the microwave field to a minor extent, but temperatures achieved were not sufficient to reverse the chemisorption of CO2. In order to achieve the higher temperatures required for reversal of the reactions responsible for chemisorption of CO2 by UGH, a composite bed was prepared consisting of 90% LiGH and 10%activated carbon by weight. This bed was exposed to the full microwave power of the waveguide irradiation system (780 W). Under these conditions, the quartz tube melted after an exposure of less than one minute, indicating that bed temperatures in excess of 1470°C had been attained. Clearly, very high temperatures can be achieved using a composite bed. However, owing to the constraints of time, this line of investigation was discontinued. A packed bed containing 2.81 g of Molecular Sieve 5A was challenged with dry air containing 0.5% CO2. The initial breakthrough occurred almost immediately. Total breakthrough was observed after 50 liters. Regeneration was conducted using full microwave power and dry nitrogen at 0.1 Llmin. During thermal desorption the effluent gas temperature rose to a maximum of 55°C. The results of sorption and regeneration experiments are shown in Figure 8. Integration of the breakthrough curve yielded a total mass loading of 56 mg CO2' corresponding to 2% of the initial sorbent bed weight. The microwave powered thermal desorption yielded 75 mg CO2. The discrepancy is believed due to the sorption of CO2 by the sorbent bed while exposed to the atmosphere during bed assembly. The carbon dioxide levels recovered upon heating indicated a complete regeneration of the Molecular Sieve 5A. To investigate the compatibility of a molecular sieve CO2 sorbent and a strong microwave susceptor, a composite bed containing 1.05 g Molecular Sieve 5A and 0.87 g activated carbon was challenged with 0.5% carbon dioxide in dry air at a flow rate of 320 mLimin. Effluent CO2 levels were tracked continuously using an on-line NDIR analyzer. Following sorption, the bed was thermally regenerated using - microwave power levels ranging from 39 - 210 W. The adequacy of thermal regeneration was confirmed by a second sorption, yielding virtually identical results. The carbogenic molecular sieve material (0.52 g) received from NASA's JPL was also evaluated as a CO2 sorbent. Initial tests with this material indicated an extremely high heat-up rate, actually melting the glass wool end plug. It is noteworthy that the softening point for borosilicate glass is ::::: 700°e. This temperature was apparently achieved inside the packed bed, while the indicated exit gas temperature never exceeded n°e. A subsequent sorption/desorption cycle indicated a I% bed weight CO2 loading. It is not known whether the performance of this material was adversely affected by temperatures ~ 700°C achieved during the first microwave desorption. Insufficient material was available to continue this investigation. 5 01 J 3001 j 35OJ 2SO .; 1 1 ECo .eo 3001 2SO eCo200 ~ ~ 0 ISO t 200 '" j CD c 0 ~ 100 B 1SO .0:: I 50 100 J ! 0 so' 25 0 0 75 100 125 1SO 175 200 225 2SO 275 SO Cumulative 40 20 60 80 100 120 140 180 160 Flow (L) 300 Cumulative Row (l) 250 350 j 1 e2OO Q. : ~ I 200 j "8 < 100 j 150~ ~ ISO 0 :'.! .0:: so , J 1 100 0 25 SO 0 75 100 125 1SO 175 200 225 250 275 50 Cumulative Flow 1 (L) . 00 20 O' 40 60 80' 100 120 140 160 Figure 6. Sorption of Acetone on Carbosieve S-III: Top 180 Cumulative Row (l) Figure 4. Initial, Bottom After Regeneration. Sorption of Acetone on Activated Carbon: Top Initial, Bottom After Regeneration. 25000 m ! \ 1 20000 ~I j 15000 1 250001 20000 ,I I Ii j i'5OOO4 j, .s '" ~ i ~ 1 10000~ ~ i 1 50001 : ] \ i ! 0 \ I 1 ffi \ ~ I +-"" 0 2 ~ 4 6 ~ 1 ! 11 " \ I ] j / 10000 ~ !to UJ 1 1 5000 1 8 10 12 14 0.. 0 18 16 J 2 4 Cumulative Flow (l) 400 1 ~~--; ~L 35O~ , 0 3OO-i . " . Oi : ~2oo' Co ,~ ~ I- ~ , : 30 : : V : :20 . :! II) 100 2 0 . ; -- I 0 .:. 0 2 4 6 8 Cumulative :;; i! 0 5. Thermal Regeneration 11 12 ~700 . . I J600 - I J :s: ! ':" ; ~ i500 ~ / 150., E > : ~ () c> '" E ~ ~ ~ 400 CD / ",. ~ 100]-~ ) , > ]300 ~ ;! SO i :; - 0- Temperature I 0:0 18 o_o_-~ 2 J 4 ~.~..o 5 6 7 Flow 8 Carbon. 6 9 10 11 (L) 7. Thermal Regeneration of Acetone Loaded Carbosieve S-III. Activated j 200~ 100 Power; 0 ._o 0 I Cumulative Loaded u J : (L) of Acetone 10 ( I, Figure Figure 9 ~. ~ :10 Temperature Power' o~'~'--"~--o'o 10 12 14 16 Flow 8 1800 ! '" I w so ~ 7 ,, . 1 40 i non.; ; I 6 -~~ ~ ~ : r / : ISO ~ 250 60 :50 , i ~250~ 5 Cumulative Flow (l) i0 12 ......_----. .,---------- 06 0.5j * : ; -------- -;0.4 ; 11 : 0 ; -- i503' c ~ 0 n I ~ 0.2~I, . . water vapor indicated complete regeneration of the molecular sieve 13X. The initial sorption and second sorption are shown in Figure II. The temperatures achieved during regeneration indicate fairly strong coupling of the molecular sieve with the microwave field. A 5-cm3 packed bed of Molecular Sieve 5A was prepared. During sorption maximum exit gas temperatures of 52°C were observed. Under full microwave power during desorption, exit gas temperatures rose to 112°C until irradiation was tenninated 14 minutes into the regeneration. Similar experiments indicated that silica gel couples only very weakly with the incident microwave energy, and that regeneration is in large part attributable to the direct uptake of energy by adsorbed water molecules. On the other hand, Molecular Sieve 13X appears to be quite susceptible to microwave heating. An intennediate case is presented by Molecular Sieve 5A, for which significant microwave absorption by the solid medium and by adsorbed water appears to occur. Though the mechanisms differed, all water sorbents were adequately regenerated. To improve the microwave coupling of a given CO2 sorbent material, composite mixtures of these sorbents and known microwave susceptors, such as activated carbon and silicon carbide were made. Beds assembled with these mixtures were placed in the microwave desorption test stand. The maximum temperatures achieved in the exit gas stream during microwave heating and nominal microwave power levels used are presented in Table II, along with the corresponding single sorbent desorption data for comparison. Insufficient time was available to pursue this investigation thoroughly. Methods of thennal control were not well established for these desorption experiments. The arbitrary mixtures investigated either resulted in runaway temperatures destroying the bed, or insufficient regeneration temperatures. Follow-up experiments were not perfonned due to time constraints. However, this comparison suggests that by varying the mixture of a microwave transparent sorbent material with a microwave susceptor material, a desired regeneration temperature can be achieved at reduced power levels. These results suggest the possibility of achieving the high regeneration temperatures required for chemisorbed CO2 sorbents such as Lithium Hydroxide and Silver Oxide, and other non-microwave susceptible sorbents, using this method. Sorption and Regeneration of Layered Media for .c£h.WaterVaporand TraceOrganics- A layered multimedia sorGentbed consisting of 0.56 g Molecular Sieve 13X, 0.17 g Carbosieve s-m, and 2.27 g Molecular Sieve 5A, in sequence from inflow face to outlet, was prepared for a challenge with an air stream saturated with water vapor and containing 0.5% CO2' 628 ppm acetone, and 105 ppm TCE. Sorption was conducted at a flow rate of 100 mL/min. Effluent levels of CO2' total hydrocarbon, and dew point were monitored continuously. Carbon dioxide began initial breakthrough at 5.2 liters of cumulative throughput. Fifty percent breakthrough occurred at approximately 9.5 liters, and total breakthrough was observed at 14 liters. Hydrocarbon breakthrough began after 9.2 liters of cumulative flow and never reached 50%. Water adsorption as indicated by dew point was anomalous. The dew point fell steadily until the 9 liter mark had been reached, after which it began to rise. Be- . 1 i 0.111 1 I 0.0 ~ 1 j 0 10 20 30 50 40 60 CumulativeFlow (L) --,60 3.0., - ; ~ t jJ -CO2 . tt 50 P G> :g x 2.0 .) 0 l40 2 ~ 2.5 i Temperature . t ~ -; is § 1.5 .J:J t ~ (ij (.) C 1.0 G> :J ~ w 0.5 ~ [30 i 20 ~ ; ~ ~ 0.0 0 2 3 4 5 ~ ~ ~ '" '" ~ 'x 10 W jo 6 Cumulative Flow (L) Figure 8. Sorption of CO2 by MolecularSieve 5A (top), and Regeneration (bottom). Sorption and Thennal Desorption of Trichloroethylene (TCE) The sorption and microwave powered thennal desorption characteristics of trichloroethylene (TCE) were studied using activated carbon and Carbosieve S-III. A bed of Carbosieve S-III containing only 0.33 g was prepared. Breakthrough for this bed began at approximately 30 L of cumulative flow. Thennal desorption was conducted at a constant 390 W power level, during which a maximum effluent gas temperature of 63°C was observed. The repeat sorption experiment (40 ppm TCE) confinned that the bed had been adequately regenerated. The results of sorption and thennal regeneration experiments are presented in Figures 9 and 10. Activated carbon showed a similar sorption capacity to Carbosieve S-III, and desorption was verified by a follow-up sorption. Sorption and Thennal Desorption of Water Vapor Water loaded silica get, Molecular Sieve 13X, and Molecular Sieve 5A were evaluated for compatibility with microwave powered thennal regeneration. Water sorption experiments were perfonned using a packed bed containing 3.47 cm3 (2.12 g) of Molecular Sieve 13X. During sorption, exit gas temperatures of 62°C were attained, indicative of the strongly exothermic sorption. A four minute thermal desorption was perfonned under full microwave power. Exit gas temperature rose steadily throughout the regeneration, reaching 255°C after four minutes. The second sorption of - 7 501 I 45 E 0- 40 S '" c: u 35 '" =c (; 0.. ~30 a; 2 9. 25 J:; £1. .= 20 1 < I 5 0 1 j: .10 -15 -20 0 25 0 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 ~ ;;.. 25 30 - 25 30 10 .10 -15 J 15 15 C 5 "0 n. 0 ~ co 0 .5 ~ 201 0 1 i!.= 20 20 35 25 15 25 40 ~ 10 250 Cumulative Flow (l) 30 5 Cumulative Flow (L) 10 S I 10 ~ 0 ..s 15 '[ ~1 :! - -20 0 10 15 Cumulative 10 20 Flow (L) Figure 11. First and Second Sorptions of Water Vapor on 5 25 0 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 Molecular Sieve 13X. 250 Cumulative Flow (l) cause the dew point never exceeded -10°C, adequate removal of water vapor by the layered multimedia bed was indicated. Based upon 100% breakthrough of CO2' regeneration was initiated after 14 liters of flow. Maximum effluent gas temperatures of approximately 45°C were observed during regeneration. Following regeneration, a second sorption was conducted, yielding results which were essentially identical with those obtained initially. This conflllIled the adequacy of the microwave powered thermal regeneration. The results of the initial and second sorption experiments are shown in Figures 12, and 13 respectively. Microwave Reflection and Transmission Spectra All of the microwave-powered thermal regenerations attempted in the current study utilized 2.45 GHz as the frequency of irradiation. To evaluate the potential for more favorable microwave heating of sorbent materials using other frequencies, a spectral study of microwave transmission, reflection, and phase shift over the frequency range betWeen 1.3 - 2.7 GHz was conducted using the vector netWork analyzer based multifrequency microwave transmission and reflection apparatus. Transmitted and reflected power levels were measured in terms of decibels (dB), defined as, Figure 9. Sorption ofTCE on Carbosieve S-III: Top Initial, Bottom After Regeneration. , 6000 . i - Ii 50001 [4000~ ~ 1 ] i3000] " 1 ~ :/ 5.\ 2000 1~l 0 2 3 4 Cumulative 5 6 Flow (L) 70 - 0600 :\ 60 j~ \~ 1 50 40 Q. E ~3O .. co C) .": 20 . ! I --------- ~ ; 700 1 : i 600 ~ i 1500 ., 0 0.. ; 400 ., i .-- 10 o~--0 300 ~ j 200 :; , " w Temperature Power! i ; 100 i '---~-' 1 2 3 ' 4 5 ~ j .-1 t; P dB = 10 log~ Pr 0 6 wherePm is the measuredpower level and Pr is a reference Cumulative Flow (L) Figure 10. Regeneration power level, in this case a 20 dB (ill ooth) sample of the ofTCE Loaded Carbosieve S-III. netWork analyzer RF output. The phase shift 6.8 measured 8 - Table II Composite Mixture vs. Individual Sorbent Heatings. Mass Fractions of Composite Beds 90% Lithium Hydroxide mixed with 10% Composite Heating Individual Sorbent Results Desorption Results >1470°C 1780W 51oC/780W Activated Carbon . - 55% Molecular Sieve 5A mixed with 45% . 165°C1210W 55°C/780W Activated Carbon 60% Silver carbonate mixed with 40% I83°C1780W 20°C/780W 72°CI245W 43°C/780W activated carbon 47% Silver oxide mixed with 53% a-silicon carbide was the difference in phase between the transmitted signal and the reference signal. :1 ~e = LPI - LPr ~... 0.4 :!2 ~ Transmission, reflection, and phase shift spectra were collected for GAC 830IMC activated carbon, #5769 activated carbon, lithium hydroxide, Molecular Sieve 5A, Molecular Sieve 13X, dry silica gel, partially wetted silica gel, and silver carbonate. The spectra were compared to that obtained from an empty specimen chamber. Due to the large sample volume required to fill the specimen chamber, Carbosieve S-III and the carbogenic material from JPL were not analyzed. A comparison of the spectra for GAC 8301MC and #5769 activated carbons is shown in Figures 14 and 15. The spectra for partially wetted and dry silica gel are shown in Figures 16 and 17. Not surprisingly, both activated carbons show strong absorptions compared to the other materials studied. The differences in transmission spectra between 3.1% water loaded silica gel and dry silica gel, while not as well pronounced, do show a limited frequency range between 1750 and 1950 MHz where a distinct difference can be seen. However, for the balance of materials studied, which have low dielectric loss, a comparison between different frequencies is not realistic due to low power resolution limitations of our test stand. The phase shift between GAC 830lMC activated carbon and the empty specimen chamber is presented in Figure 18. For this test apparatus, power absorbed by a material is represented by: PAb""".d= ~~nm*'" I00 ~. PT"""mW'd+ {( I00 P",jurnc< ) PIb:.fkCl<d + P""""""" . (~. I00 J . j ~ 0.31 .8 ' ~ ~ J . 1 02 j 0.1 1 0.0 .L-..,--. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cumulative 170 -,---, 165 . E,600S: c: 0 ~ 8 9 10 11 ~ 14 15 -20 Dew Point ~ -19 ; Hydrocarbon ,~ -18 /\ . ~ -g,'50, :z: . 145 13 ~--~ 155- ~ 12 Flow (L) i / / 140 ." -16 \ ~ T -15 ~ -14 ~ ,, 0... ;. -12 j .J !~ E c: i -13 I ' t -17 , \ i i. -11 """ '-10 0123456789101112131415 Cumulative Flow (L) Figure 12. Multimedia Bed: Initial Sorption of CO2' Water Vapor, Acetone and TCE. Pm"nldUS' P "'{".n«)} . 9 0.6 m 0.5 30 ~20 ... G) #~0.4 ~ &. 10 co :3! >< "C .& G) --= G) ~c: 0.3 -u a a:: -10 ~ 0.2 G) > +I 0.1 .!!-20 ~ ; '. :;' . . G) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -30 1200 10 11 12 13 14 15 1400 1600 -20 - Dew Point Hydrocarbon - 150 2200 2400 2600 Figure IS. Relative Reflected Power for Activated Carbons. -18 30 -17 6' -18 't,.. 1: -15 l !140 c: ~ 135 ---- ~ 130 I 125 I ;/ -14 -13 /.- 120 ../ ,./ 110 n. 'i ~ ~! -11 1101,..."., 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . . fii' ~20 -12 115 ~.,./ f I e -10 rV . ~ , 16-20 :i V 1 ~. 0 F ,1-10 10 11 12 13 14 15 Cumulative Flow (1.) . ~ -30 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 Figure 13. Multimedia Bed: Repeat Sorption after Microwave Powered Regeneration. Frequency (M-Iz) - m 30 ::- 20 ~ ~ 0 [l. ~ 10 "C ~ ~E 0 \ UJ c .-E -10 - Cort>on GAC 83OIMC ~ a:: 10 -u G) ~ G) 0 G) ~ 1ii -20 Qj -20 -30 1200 &. "C a:: -10 ~ > Q; Figure 16. Relative Transmitted Power for 3.1% Water Loaded Silica Gel and Dry Silica Gel. 30 m ~2O "C ~r\ 'i: ' a:: 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 -30 1200 1400 ; ::: 1600 ~. ' ~i : 1800 ~ir~ \.,i-{/ ' 2000 ~, /- \. -Slllc8Ge1 2200 't;f 2400 : 2600 Frequency (MHz) Frequency (MHz) Figure 14. Relative Transmitted Power for Activated Carbons. Figure 17. Relative Reflected Power for 3.1% Water Loaded Silica Gel and Dry Silica Gel. ; j j i t f 2800 -19 'E145 ~ 2000 Frequency (MHz) 160 155 ~ -c:..-v 85789 1800 Cumulative Flow (1.) '. / . a:: 0.0 .~~I~ \. ~ 10 2800 After applying this relationship to the transmitted and reflected spectral data for GAC 830IMC activated carbon and the empty specimen chamber, the absorbed power spectrum for this activated carbon is shown in Figure 19. In general, a calculation of the complex permittivity as a function of frequency for a material can be made from the phase shift data and the absorbance data, with corrections made for the effects of atmosphere filling the pores and intergranular spaces. Phase shift data are .closely related to the real part of the complex permittivity, and absorbance data allows an estimate of the loss factor or imaginary part of the complex permittivity. For this preliminary investigation however, further data analysis was not feasible. --,--, 180 en ,-_.'._,.,. test apparatus emitting at <1 frequencyof 2.45 GHz. Both activated carbon and Carbosieve S-III were identified as excellent microwave regenerable sorbents for use in the removal of airborne organics. Water loaded silica gel, Molecular Sieve I3X, and Molecular Sieve 5A were also effectively regenerated under microwave irradiation at this frequency. Molecular Sieve 5A and a carbogenic molecular sieve prepared at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory were . identifiedas . 90 ' Q) Q) c, Q) e. 0- ~ :c en Q) '" ~ Q. r'v -90- -180 1200 \ \ --. '--. J--' \ V \J ~---~ 1400 1600 1800 , 2000 Frequency ~..~ 2200 2400 ACKNOWLEDGMENT. . 2600 ; 2800 Development and testing of the Microwave Regenerable Air Purification Device was funded by the Ames Research Center of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under contract NAS2-14374. Follow-on work is currently in progress. (MHz) Figure 18. Phase Shift Relative to Empty Specimen Chamber for GAC 830IMC Act. Carbon. 10 CD ~ --- -- -- - .., ---..-..--.-.--- REFERENCES. 0 CD 3: 0 Q. -10 "0 Q) .D ,"\ ., \;-""""'./ / .~"" v"v,", .. :'\.: I. Carslaw, H.S., and Jaeger, J.e., Conduction of Heat in Solids, 2nd Ed., Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1959. 2. von Hippel, A., Dielectrics and Waves, Wiley, New York, 1954. 3. von Hippel, A., Ed., Dielectric Materials and Applications, Technology Press of MIT, Cambridge, . 0 ~ « viablemicrowaveregenerableCO2sorbents. A sorbent bed containiI:tgmultiple media was challenged with air containing 0.5% CO2' 300 ppm acetone, 50 ppm TCE, and saturated with water vapor. The multimedia bed was shown to' effectively purify the contaminated air stream and to be completely regenerated by microwave induced heating. A means of potentially regenerating sorbents that do not otherwise couple with microwaves has been identified. By mixing a microwave susceptible material with a sorbent material, otherwise unreachable regeneration temperatures can be achieved. Spectral studies of the reflection, transmission and phase shifts of microwaves irradiating a variety of sorbents over the frequency range between 1.37 - 2.6 GHz have indicated that interesting differences exist betWeenthe materials. These results warrant further investigation of dielectric loss over a larger range of microwave frequencies. -20 -30 1200 1954. 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 ~ 4. Tsang, L, and Kong, lA., Scattering of Electromagnetic 2800 Waves from Random Media with Strong Permittivity Fluctuations,RadioSci., 16(3), 303-320, 1981. 5. Bergman, DJ., The Dielectric Constant of a Composite Frequency (MHz) Figure 19. Absorbed Power for GAC 830IMC Act. Carbon. Material -A Problem in Classic Physics, Phys. Lell. C,43 (9),377-407,1978. 6. 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