Terms and Conditions

The Belfast Waterfront and Ulster Hall Ltd
Programme Manager
June 2016
These Conditions of Employment explain the terms and conditions relative to your employment with
the Belfast Waterfront and Ulster Hall Limited (BWUH Ltd).
Conditions of Employment
Type of employment
Your employment is considered to be full time. You will not engage in any activity which will conflict
with the proper performance of your duties or conflict with the interests of BWUH Ltd.
Your appointment is subject to satisfactory completion of a probationary period as outlined in 2.4.
Duties and responsibilities
Your duties and responsibilities are as set out in your job description.
You will be based initially in the Ulster Hall but required to work flexibly across the two venues (i.e.
the Belfast Waterfront Hall and the Ulster Hall) to ensure the necessary high standards of service
delivery are achieved. You may also be required to perform your duties in such other place or places
as the BWUH Ltd may reasonably request from time to time.
The suitability of all new employees to carry out the duties of the post will be assessed during the
initial six months and appropriate training provided.
At the conclusion of the six months probationary period your appointment will be confirmed or
terminated. Your appointment may be terminated by one week’s notice at any time during the
probationary period.
If BWUH Ltd is not satisfied with your performance it may, at its discretion, extend your probationary
period for a further six months.
Hours of work
Your hours of work are on average 37 per week over a 12 week period. You will be provided with
your rota normally 12 weeks in advance, but no less than 6 weeks in exceptional circumstances.
Your working week should not exceed 48 working hours on average as measured over a 17 week
You are entitled to a 1 hour (unpaid) meal break during every working day or in accordance with
current legislation.
Due to the nature of the business there are times when the number and duration of events is
considerable. This may involve the venues being open for long days (16+ working hours) for several
weeks. A confirmed list of events will be available and will provide information on the majority of the
events for any given year well in advance. You should consult this document on a regular basis, as
it will indicate when you may be required to work longer hours.
Due to the nature of the business the BWUH Ltd may operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The
hours of work and patterns of attendance are dependent upon the needs of the customer. You are
therefore expected to be flexible and are required to comply with all reasonable requests to work
additional hours.
You will be appointed on the appropriate point of salary scale SO2 SCP 32 to 34, currently £27,924
- £29,558 per annum, namely £27,924 per annum plus 6.5 % flexibility allowance paid monthly by
direct payment by the Bankers Automated Clearing System (BACS) to a bank or building society
account of your choice.
You agree that the BWUH Ltd may deduct from any sums due to you under this agreement by way
of remuneration or notice payments any sums due by you to the BWUH Ltd including, without
limitation, any pension contributions, any overpayments, loans or advances made to you by the
Annual leave
Your annual leave entitlement is calculated in hours / minutes usually expressed in days and part
days. The formula for calculating annual leave entitlement is as follows:
Leave entitlement
(number of days)
Proportion to FTE
(where 1 = FTE)
Total leave entitlement
(in hours)
(standard day)
You will be entitled to 170.2 hours (23 days) annual leave each year plus 88.8 hours (12 days) bank
or other holidays. Leave entitlement will be increased by 37 hours (5 days) after five years’
continuous service and by a further 22.2 hours (3 days) after 10 years’ continuous service.
The leave year commences on 1 April and your leave entitlement during your first year of service
will be calculated based on completed months of service.
Taking annual leave
When annual leave is taken the hours that would have been worked on that day will be subtracted
from the balance of your annual leave entitlement. A minimum of ½ a working day’s leave must
normally be taken, except at the discretion of your line manager in exceptional circumstances.
Annual leave will be by mutual consent. To ensure operational cover is arranged, you are required
to give reasonable notice of any annual leave requests. Annual leave will be granted subject to
operational requirements.
There will be no requirement to round up or down part days. Where there is a small proportion of a
day left over in an individual’s annual leave entitlement that is less than ½ a day, this proportion will
be carried over into the next leave year. Alternatively you may make up the ½ day by allocating TOIL
to the proportion of the remaining leave.
Carryover of leave
Up to one standard week’s annual leave (i.e. your average working hours per week over a 12 week
period) may be carried over to the following leave year. Carryover of leave cannot be accumulated.
You will automatically become a member of the Local Government Pension Scheme (Northern
Ireland) LGPS (NI) in line with scheme regulations. You may opt out of the scheme. However, the
BWUH Ltd is required to comply with automatic enrolment provisions and will automatically enrol
you at certain times. The LGPS (NI) is administered by Northern Ireland Local Government Officers’
Superannuation Committee (NILGOSC) (www.nilgosc.org.uk).
Sick Leave
This scheme is intended to supplement Statutory Sick Pay and Incapacity Benefit so as to maintain
normal pay during defined periods of absence on account of sickness, disease, accident or assault.
Absence in respect of normal sickness is entirely separate from absence through industrial disease,
accident or assault arising out of or in the course of employment with a local authority. Periods of
absence in respect of one shall not be set off against the other for the purpose of calculating
entitlements under the scheme. You are entitled to receive sick pay for the following periods:
one month’s full pay and (after completing four
During first year of service
months service) two months half pay
During second year of service
two months’ full pay, and two months’ half pay
During third year of service
four months’ full pay, and four months’ half pay
During fourth and fifth years of service
five months’ full pay, and five months’ half pay
After five years’ service
six months’ full pay, and six months’ half pay
In order to maintain the high standards of service set by BWUH Ltd for both internal and external
customers you are expected to arrive punctually for your work at all times. If for whatever reason you
are unable to get to work or are delayed you must inform your line manager by telephone as soon
as possible. Repeated unpunctuality or unauthorised or prolonged absence of any kind may result
in disciplinary action being taken against you.
BWUH Ltd Policies
You will be required to comply with all current and future BWUH Ltd policies, procedures, guidelines,
agreed working practices and any relevant collective agreements which pertain to your employment
and conduct. A copy of the Disciplinary and Grievance procedure will be issued to you at your
induction training.
The minimum period of notice to be given by you shall normally be the ordinary period from one
payment of salary or wages to the next.
The BWUH Ltd may terminate your employment by giving the following period of notice:
Continuous service
One month or more but less than two years
Period of notice
Not less than one week
Two years or more but less than twelve years
Not less than one week for each year of
continuous service
12 years or more
Not less than 12 weeks
The client expects BWUH Ltd staff to be well presented at all times. You should maintain a high
standard of business dress and presentation when working for the BWUH Ltd. In general your
appearance should conform to professional business attire.
If applicable, a uniform will be provided by the BWUH Ltd and should be worn at all times when
working in “front of house”/public areas. All items of clothing and other issued equipment will remain
the property of the BWUH Ltd. You are responsible for the upkeep and cleaning of the uniform so
that it is smart, presentable and appropriate at all times. The BWUH Ltd will replace items on a fair
wear and tear basis.
Your appearance should conform to the high standards that the BWUH Ltd wishes to project to the
public. If you fail to maintain the appearance expected of you this may result in disciplinary action
being taken against you.
Confidential Information
All aspects of BWUH Ltd business and particularly where it concerns its clients are confidential.
Details about the events being held at the Belfast Waterfront and Ulster Halls or events that may be
held at the Belfast Waterfront and Ulster Halls are confidential. In addition information concerning
budgets and finance are also considered confidential. Apart from that which is necessary to carry
out your duties, you should not at any time during your period of employment with BWUH Ltd or
thereafter reveal any confidential information to other parties. You must also ensure that confidential
information, whether in written or other form is kept secure.
You should not communicate with the press, television or radio or any other media platforms
including social media, regarding Belfast City Council or the BWUH Ltd or any client without first
referring all such requests to your line manager.
Breach of these provisions may result in disciplinary action being taken against you.
You must comply with the BWUH Ltd policy on the use of email, internet and telecommunications,
as it is amended from time to time, at all times. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action
being taken against you
2.14.1 Intellectual property
You agree to promptly disclose to the BWUH Ltd all work and all intellectual property arising from
any work provided by you.
For the purposes of the terms and conditions of employment:
Intellectual Property means copyright, rights in inventions, patents, know-how, trade secrets,
trademarks and trade names, service marks, design rights, rights in get-up, database rights and
rights in data, semiconductor chip topography rights, mask works, utility models, domain names and
all similar rights and, in each case: (i) whether registered or not, (ii) including any applications to
protect or register such rights, (iii) including all renewals and extensions of such rights or applications,
(iv) whether vested, contingent or future and (v) wherever existing;
Work means any information, data, drawings, software or other materials or work created or
provided by you (either alone or jointly with others) or arising from this agreement or any duties
assigned to you by the BWUH Ltd (whether or not during your normal working hours).
2.14.2 BWUH Ltd records and other property
You will not, during your employment, make, otherwise than for the benefit of the BWUH Ltd, any
notes, memoranda, records, tape recordings, computer programs, photographs, plans, drawings or
any other form of record relating to any matter within the scope of the business of the BWUH Ltd or
concerning any of the dealings or affairs of the BWUH Ltd.
You will, on request at any time and from time to time and, in any event, on termination of your
employment, immediately deliver up to the BWUH Ltd or its authorised representative all keys,
passes, credit or charge cards, confidential information, and other documents, records, files,
manuals, papers, computer disks, tapes or other software storage media and any other property of
whatsoever nature which may be in your possession or under your control and relates in any way to
the business and affairs of or belongs to the BWUH Ltd and you will not, without the written consent
of the BWUH Ltd retain any copies.
2.14.3 Data protection and freedom of information
The BWUH Ltd may record, keep and hold personal data, including sensitive personal data,
concerning you in its manual and computerised/automated filing systems. The BWUH Ltd may
process and disclose such data internally and, so far as is reasonably necessary, externally, for the
purposes of complying with statutory requirements, pursuing the BWUH Ltd legitimate interests,
properly conducting its business, complying with the terms of this agreement and for all purposes in
connection with the employment. Any such data will be processed in accordance with the data
protection principles set out in the Data Protection Act 1998.
Health and safety
The BWUH Ltd will take all reasonable and practicable steps to ensure the health and safety of you
and your colleagues plus all other people who visit the venue. Ultimately it is the BWUH Ltd that is
responsible for all aspects of health and safety.
However you and all other employees are, in accordance with the relevant legislation, responsible
for your safety and that of your colleagues, clients, delegates and visitors to the BWUH Ltd. You
must observe all health, safety and hygiene rules and you should not operate any electrical or
mechanical equipment unless you have been trained and then only in accordance with the
manufacturers operating instructions.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) will be provided in accordance with risk assessments for
COSHH and food hygiene rules. You must use this equipment correctly. Any defect must be reported
You must report any defect in the structure of the building or with fixtures, fittings or equipment.
Additionally you should stop any practice (regardless of whether it is a council employee, client, sub
contractor or any type of visitor) you know or consider to be unsafe. Dangerous situations, which
cannot be eliminated by you, must be reported immediately.
Training on specific hazards will be given.
All accidents, incidents or near misses must be reported to enable a full investigation to take place
and prevent reoccurrence. Accidents will be reported in the accident book, which is held by the Duty