Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) 2242–2250 Repetitive laser pulse heating analysis: Pulse parameter variation effects on closed form solution M. Kalyon a, B.S. Yilbas a,b,* a ME Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), KFUPM Box 1913, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia b AE Department, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey Received 19 February 2005; received in revised form 13 March 2005; accepted 1 April 2005 Available online 13 June 2005 Abstract Laser conduction limited heating finds wide application in surface processing industry. Modelling of the heating process gives insight into the physical processes involved in conduction limited heating. Moreover, analytical solutions provide functional relation among the parameters that influence the heating process. In the present study, repetitive laser pulse heating of a solid substrate is considered. A closed form solution for the temperature rise including the cooling cycle is obtained using a Laplace transformation method. It is found that the results obtained from the closed form solution agree well with the numerical predictions. The maximum surface temperature rises rapidly once the cooling period between the consecutive pulses reduces. # 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Laser; Conduction; Pulse heating; Closed form 1. Introduction Laser repetitive pulse heating process finds wide application in industry. Since lasers deliver high intensity beam onto the substrate surface, a local thermal processing is possible. Irradiation of a surface with a single laser pulse does not provide sufficient energy deposited onto the surface. Consequently, repetitive pulse irradiation becomes inevitable during the laser heating process. More* Corresponding author. Tel.: +966 3 860 4481; fax: +966 3 860 2949. E-mail address: (B.S. Yilbas). over, a closed form solution for the temperature rise provides useful information on the heating parameters and laser pulse properties. In addition, model studies reduce the experimental cost and minimizes the experimentation time. Laser pulse heating falls into conduction and nonconduction limited heating processes. In the case of conduction limited heating process, the substrate material remains in solid phase while phase change occurs in non-conduction limited heating process. Considerable research studies were carried out to explore the laser conduction heating process. An analytical solution for a laser step input pulse intensity was obtained by Ready [1]. Simon et al. [2] studied the 0169-4332/$ – see front matter # 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2005.04.032 M. Kalyon, B.S. Yilbas / Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) 2242–2250 Nomenclature Cp I1 I0 k rf s t t1 t2 t t1 specific heat (J/kg K) power intensity (I0 (1- rf )) (W/m 2 ) laser peak power intensity (W/m 2 ) thermal conductivity (W/m K) reflection coefficient Laplace variable time (s) time initiation of first pulse (s) time initiation of first pulse (s) dimensionless time (= ad2 t) time corresponding to first pulse beginning t2 time corresponding to second pulse beginning dt1 pulse length of first consecutive pulse (s) dt2 pulse length of second consecutive pulse (s) dt1 pulse length of first pulse dt1 pulse length of second pulse Tðx; tÞ temperature (K) T ð0; t Þ dimensionless surface temperature (= Tð0; tÞ kd I1 ) T0 ambient temperature (K) T̄ temperature in Laplace domain (K) x spatial coordinates corresponding to the x-axis (m) x dimensionless distance (= xd) Greek letters a thermal diffusivity (m 2 /s) d absorption coefficient (1/m) D shift in time r density (kg/m 3 ) heat conduction in deep penetration welding and showed that the time modulated laser beam had little effect on the resulting heat affected zone. Laser heating of a two-layer system was studied by AlAdawi et al. [3] using a Laplace transformation method. They indicated that the time to reach the melting of the substrate material was dependent highly on the thermal properties. Blackwell [4] studied analytically the temperature rise due to a laser heating 2243 pulse and convective boundary condition at the surface. He obtained a closed form solution for the temperature rise inside the substrate material. Thermal analysis of a surface transformation hardening due to laser pulse heating was carried out by Woodard and Dryden [5]. An analytical solution for the axisymmetric heat conduction was presented. Thermal analysis of laser heat treatment of engineering alloys was studied by Yilbas et al. [6]. They obtained a closed form solution for temperature rise and developed a relation between temperature rise and equilibrium time. An analytical solution for a laser step input pulse heating was obtained by Yilbas and Shuja [7]. They introduced a power relation between the dimensionless temperature and distance. An analytical solution for a repetitive laser pulse heating with a convective cooling boundary condition at the surface was obtained by Yilbas and Kalyon [8]. They introduced a time exponentially varying pulse in the analysis. When formulating the laser conduction limited heating process, the cooling cycle onset of laser pulse ending should be taken into account. Moreover, in repetitive laser pulse heating process, the period (cooling period) between the successive pulses should be considered. Consequently, the analysis of repetitive laser pulse heating employing the cooling period between the consecutive pulses becomes necessary. In the present study, an analytical solution for the laser repetitive pulse heating process is considered. A closed form solution for the temperature rise due to laser repetitive pulses is obtained using a Laplace transformation method. The results obtained from the closed solution is compared with the numerical predictions. It should be noted that in order to obtain a closed form solution for the temperature distribution independent of material and laser pulse properties, the Fourier heat transfer equation is non-dimensionalized and the results are presented in dimensionless form. Consequently, the results obtained can be changed into the dimensional form through accommodating the material properties and pulse intensity in the dimensionless time, space and temperature. 2. Mathematical modelling The heat transfer equation for a laser heating pulse can be written as 2244 M. Kalyon, B.S. Yilbas / Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) 2242–2250 @2 T I1 d dx 1 @T e ðC1 P1 þ C2 P2 Þ ¼ þ @x2 k a @t (1) where I1 ¼ ð1 rf ÞI0 and P1 ¼ 1½t t1 1½t ðt1 þ dt1 Þ, P2 ¼ 1½t t2 1½t ðt2 þ dt2 Þ. 1½t ¼ 1; t > 0 ; 0; t < 0 1½t t0 ¼ 1; t > t0 0; t < t0 The non-dimensional initial and boundary conditions become: At time t ¼ 0 : T ðx ; 0Þ ¼ 0; At the surface x ¼ 0 : @T ¼ 0 and at x ¼ 1 : Tð1; t Þ ¼ T0 @x x ¼0 (2) where rf is the reflection coefficient and I0 is the peak power intensity. P1 and P2 are the step input intensity functions for the first and second consecutive pulses, 1½t is the unit step function and 1½t t0 is the shifted unit step function (shifted by t0 ), t1 and t2 are first and second pulse initiations, dt1 and dt2 are the first and second pulse lengths, and C1 and C2 are the constants defining the peak amplitude of pulses (0 C1 1 and 0 C2 1) (Fig. 1a). Therefore, the amount of time shift between two consecutive pulses is t2 ðt1 þ dt1 Þ. The initial and boundary conditions are: The solution of Eq. (3) can be obtained through Laplace transformation method, i.e., with respect to t , the Laplace transformation of Eq. (3) yields: @2 T̄ þ ½C1 P1 ðsÞ þ C2 P2 ðsÞ ex ¼ ½sT̄ T0 @x2 or @2 T̄ sT̄ ¼ ½C1 P1 ðsÞ þ C2 P2 ðsÞ ex T0 @x2 The homogenous solution of Eq. (5) can be written as T̄h ¼ K1 e At time t ¼ 0 : Tðx; 0Þ ¼ T0 ; At the surface x ¼ 0 : @T ¼ 0 and at x ¼ 1 : Tð1; tÞ ¼ T0 @x x¼0 In order to generalize the solution independent of material and laser pulse properties, which could be applicable to any material, non-dimensionalizing of the parameters in the Fourier heat transfer equation (Eq. (1)) are essential. After introducing the dimensionless parameters as 2 t ¼ ad t; x ¼ dx; kd T ¼T I1 T̄p ¼ pffi sx (7) Therefore, the solution of dimensionless temperature in the Laplace domain becomes pffi sx þ K2 e T̄ ¼ K1 e pffi sx C1 P1 ðsÞ þ C2 P2 ðsÞ x T0 e þ s1 s " (3) @T @x ¼ K 2 e (8) pffi pffiffi sx s x ¼0 C1 P1 ðsÞ þ C2 P2 ðsÞ x e s1 where P1 ¼ 1½t t1 1½t t1 þ dt1 ; P2 ¼ 1½t t2 1½t t2 þ dt2 (6) The boundary condition Tð1; t Þ ¼ T0 results in K1 ¼ 0. The boundary condition at the surface yields @ T @T þ ½C1 P1 þ C2 P2 ex ¼ @x2 @t þ K 2 e C1 P1 ðsÞ þ C2 P2 ðsÞ x T0 e þ s1 s Eq. (1) becomes 2 pffi sx and the particular solution for Eq. (5) is þ (5) (4) where t1 ¼ ad2 t1 , t2 ¼ ad2 t2 , dt1 ¼ ad2 dt1 , and dt2 ¼ ad2 dt2 . which results K2 ¼ C1 P1 ðsÞ þ C2 P2 ðsÞ pffiffi sðs 1Þ # ¼0 x ¼0 M. Kalyon, B.S. Yilbas / Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) 2242–2250 2245 Fig. 1. (a) Construction of a step input intensity pulse. (b) Consecutive two pulses used in the analysis. ( Therefore, Eq. (8) becomes pffi pffi C1 e sx t1 s C1 e sx ðt1 þdt1 Þs pffiffi pffiffi T̄ ¼ s sðs 1Þ s sðs 1Þ ) pffi pffi C2 e sx t2 s C2 e sx ðt2 þdt2 Þs pffiffi þ pffiffi s sðs 1Þ s sðs 1Þ ( C1 ex t1 s C1 ex ðt1 þdt1 Þs C2 ex t2 s þ þ sðs 1Þ sðs 1Þ sðs 1Þ ) C2 ex ðt2 þdt2 Þs T (10) þ 0 sðs 1Þ s T̄ ¼ þ C1 P1 ðsÞ þ C2 P2 ðsÞ pffisx pffiffi e sðs 1Þ C1 P1 ðsÞ þ C2 P2 ðsÞ x T0 e þ ðs 1Þ s Noting from Eq. (4) that: P1 ðsÞ ¼ et1 s eðt1 þdt1 Þs ; s s P1 ðsÞ ¼ et2 s eðt2 þdt2 Þs s s Hence Eq. (9) becomes: (9) Noting that: 1 1 1 ¼ sðs 1Þ s 1 s 2246 M. Kalyon, B.S. Yilbas / Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) 2242–2250 The inversion of Laplace transforms can be written as pffi pffisx pffisx e sx e 1 1 1 e pffiffi pffiffi pffiffi ; L L ¼L sðs 1Þ s sðs 1Þ s s L1 x x x e e e ¼ L1 L1 sðs 1Þ ðs 1Þ s Consequently, Laplace h pffisx i 1 p effi L yields [9]: L1 transformation of s sðs1Þ L1 pffi sx t " L ex ¼ ex ½et 1ðt Þ ¼ HB sðs 1Þ (12) Ds e ex ¼ ex ½et 1ðt DÞ sðs 1Þ Moreover, we note from Eqs. (10) and (11) that: pffi e s x pffiffi L e ¼ Term1A ¼ HA ðDÞjD¼t ; 1 s sðs 1Þ pffi e sx 1 ðt1 þdt1 Þs pffiffi L e ¼ Term2A s sðs 1Þ 1 t1 s ¼ HA ðDÞjD¼t þdt ; 1 1 pffi s x e pffiffi ¼ Term3A ¼ HA ðDÞjD¼t ; 2 s sðs 1Þ ffi p e sx L1 eðt2 þdt2 Þs pffiffi ¼ Term4A s sðs 1Þ Consider the following Laplace operation: L1 et2 s L1 eDs FðsÞ ¼ f ðt DtÞ where L1 FðsÞ ¼ f ðtÞ. Therefore pffi e sx 1 Ds pffiffi L e ¼ f ðx ; t Þ s sðs 1Þ ¼ HA ðDÞjD¼t þdt 2 More explicitly: " # pffi e s x 1 Ds pffiffi e L s sðs 1Þ 3 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi x e Erfc t D þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 7 et Dt 6 2 t D 7 6 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 7 ¼ 6 5 2 4 x x e Erfc t D þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 t D x " pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 t D x2 =4ðt DÞ pffiffiffi e p # x x Erfc pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ HA 2 t D where 1ðt Þ is a unit step function. Similarly, 1 pffiffiffiffi e e x pffiffi ¼ ex Erfc t þ pffiffiffiffi 2 s sðs 1Þ 2 t # pffiffiffiffi x ex Erfc t þ pffiffiffiffi 2 t " pffiffiffiffi 2 t 2 pffiffiffi ex =4t p # x x Erfc pffiffiffiffi 2 t 2 where D is amount of shift in time due to two consecutive pulses. h x i e yields Laplace transformation of L1 sðs1Þ 2 (13) Similarly, the following terms can be written: x e 1 t1 s L e ¼ Term1B ¼ HB ðDÞjD¼t ; 1 sðs 1Þ x e L1 eðt1 þdt1 Þs ¼ Term2B ¼ HB ðDÞjD¼t þdt ; 1 1 sðs 1Þ x e L1 et2 s ¼ Term3B ¼ HB ðDÞjD¼t ; 2 sðs 1Þ x e L1 eðt2 þdt2 Þs ¼ Term4B ¼ HB ðDÞjD¼t þdt 2 2 sðs 1Þ (14) (11) Using the terms in equations (13) and (14), dimensionless temperature (Laplace inversion of Eq. (10)) becomes: M. Kalyon, B.S. Yilbas / Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) 2242–2250 Table 1 Pulse properties used in the present study t1 t2 dt1 dt2 C1 C2 Fig. 1b, i.e., the first unit step input pulse starts at time t1 while the second unit step input pulse starts at time t1 þ dt1 . The difference in both pulses results in the first pulse of the consecutive pulses, i.e.: 0 5–15 5 5 1 1 P1 ðtÞ ¼ 1½t t1 1½t ðt1 þ dt1 Þ where 1½t t1 and 1½t ðt1 þ dt1 Þ represent the shifted unit step functions with shifted amounts of t1 and dt1 , respectively. These unit step functions are defined in Eq. (2). Similar arguments are applied to the second pulse of the consecutive pulses when constructing it, i.e.: " T ¼T0 þ C1 ðTerm1B Term1A Þ # ðTerm2B Term2A Þ P2 ðtÞ ¼ 1½t t2 1½t ðt2 þ dt2 Þ " 1ðt t2 Þhas the value of zero at t < t2 and 1ðt ðt2 þ dt2 ÞÞ has the value of zero when t < ðt2 þ dt2 Þ. The time shift between two consecutive pulses is þ C2 ðTerm3B Term3A Þ # ðTerm4B Term4A Þ 2247 (15) Eq. (15) is developed for two consecutive pulses with (t2 ðt1 þ dt1 Þ) apart and having pulse lengths dt1 and dt2 with amplitude multiplication factors of C1 and C2 as shown in Fig. 1. The pulse properties employed in the computation are given in Table 1. 3. Results and discussions Laser repetitive heating of solid substrate is modelled and closed form solution for temperature rise due to laser pulse is obtained. The governing equation of heat conduction is non-dimensionalized and three pulse types are considered when presenting the results. In the closed form solution, two consecutive pulses are taken into account. The first pulse starts at t1 with a pulse length of dt1 and the second pulse initiates at t2 with a pulse length of dt2 . The first pulse consists of two cycles, namely heating and cooling cycles. The heating cycle starts with the initiation of the pulse and ends when the pulse intensity reduces to zero. The cooling cycle starts after the pulse ends as shown in Fig. 1b. The mathematical construction of the first pulse of consecutive pulses is achieved through subtraction of two unit step functions (infinitely extending pulses) as shown in t2 ðt1 þ dt1 Þ Moreover, the pulse intensity of consecutive pulses can be varied by introducing the intensity multiplication factors for each pulse of the consecutive pulses, i.e.: C1 P1 ðtÞ þ C2 P2 ðtÞ where C1 and C2 are intensity multiplication factors where 0 < C1 < 1 and 0 < C2 < 1. Table 1 gives the properties of different pulse types. In order to obtain a general solution for the temperature rise, the Fourier heating equation is non-dimensionalized. This provides the solution independent of material properties and laser pulse intensity. Consequently, the closed form solution for temperature distribution can be used for any substrate material. One of the examples of such situation is given in Fig. 2, i.e. temporal variation of the surface temperature distribution for steel is shown for a single pulse with pulse length 1:4 108 s and pulse intensity 2 1011 W/m 2 . Fig. 2 shows the temporal variation of surface temperature obtained from the closed form solution and numerical simulations. The temperature profiles obtained from both analysis are in excellent agreement. Fig. 3a shows the temporal variation of nondimensional temperature distribution at different locations inside the substrate material. Temperature rises rapidly in the beginning of the heating pulse and as the heating pulse progresses the rate of temperature 2248 M. Kalyon, B.S. Yilbas / Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) 2242–2250 Fig. 2. Temporal variation of dimensionless temperature at the surface obtained from closed form and numerical solutions for pulse type 1. profile rise reduces slightly. This can also be seen from Fig. 3b, in which time derivative of temperature gradient is shown. This indicates that in the early Fig. 3. (a) Temporal variation of dimensionless temperature at different x-axis locations for pulse type 1. (b) Temporal variation of time derivative of dimensionless temperature at different x-axis locations for pulse type 1. heating period, the internal energy gain of the substrate material due to absorption of irradiated energy dominates over the conduction energy transport from surface vicinity to the solid bulk. As the heating period progresses, temperature gradient increases and heat conduction from the surface vicinity to the solid bulk enhances. The material response to a heating pulse at some depth below the surface differs. In this case, temperature profiles becomes almost similar in depths similar to absorption depth of the substrate material (x < 1). As the depth increases further from x ¼ 1, the energy gain due to absorption becomes almost negligible and energy transport by conduction is almost the sole mechanism governing the temperature rise in this region. Consequently, material response to a heating pulse slows down and the rate of temperature rise reduces in this region. The influence of the second pulse on temperature profiles is similar at the surface as well as inside the substrate material, i.e. magnitude of temperature rise in the surface region is similar to that corresponding to some depth below the surface, provided that x < 1. Moreover, the domination of internal energy gain over the conduction energy transport in the surface region during the early heating period is not observed at some depth below the surface. This is because of the energy transfer mechanism, in which case, absorption replaces with the conduction heating in this region. Figs. 4 and 5 show temporal variation of nondimensional temperature profiles corresponding to Fig. 4. Temporal variation of dimensionless temperature at different x-axis locations for pulse type 2. M. Kalyon, B.S. Yilbas / Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) 2242–2250 2249 4. Conclusions Fig. 5. Temporal variation of dimensionless temperature at different x-axis locations for pulse type 3. other two pulse types employed in the simulations (Table 1). It should be noted that the duration (cooling period) between two pulses is reduced for pulse type 2 and the cooling period is set to zero for pulse type 3. The later (pulse type 3) provides the basis for comparison of temperature profiles due to a single pulse with double pulse intensity and pulse type 3. Temperature profiles show similar trends to those shown in Fig. 3a, provided that the magnitude of maximum temperature increases considerably after the second pulse arrives. This occurs because of the cooling period between the pulses, which is short for pulse type 2, i.e. temperature inside the substrate material remains high after the first pulse when the second pulse is initiated. Consequently, high base temperature results in the attainment of a high maximum temperature after the arrival of the second pulse. In the case of non-existing cooling period (pulse type 3), temperature profile rises continuously, i.e. the second pulse is triggered immediately after the first pulse ends. Although the material response to the second pulse results in gradual rise of temperature during the early heating period of the second pulse, the rise of temperature is not discontinued, i.e. the rate of temperature rise changes gradually due to two pulses. Material response to a single pulse with double intensity becomes significant when comparing its counterpart due to two pulses with zero cooling period. In this case, the rate of temperature rise is considerably higher than the consecutive two pulses with no cooling period between the pulses. An analytical solution for repetitive laser pulse heating of solid substrate is considered and a closed form solution for temperature rise inside the material is obtained using a Laplace transformation method. The governing equation of heat transfer is nondimensionalized to obtain a closed form solution independent of material and laser pulse properties and the influence of the period (cooling period) between two successive pulses on the temperature rise is investigated. It is found that the magnitude of the maximum surface temperature is influenced by the cooling period of two successive pulses. The rapid response of material to heating pulses is more pronounced in the region just below the surface (x < 1). The specific conclusions derived from the present study can be listed as follows: 1. Temperature profiles obtained from the closed form solution agrees well with the numerical predictions. Analytical solution provides the temperature distribution in the heating cycle as well as in the cooling cycle of the heating pulse (after the pulse ends). 2. The rate of temperature rise in the early heating period is higher than that corresponding to longer heating periods. In this case, internal energy gain dominates over the conduction energy transfer from surface vicinity to the solid bulk of the substrate material. 3. Temperature rise due to consecutive tow pulses without having the cooling period between them is less than that corresponding to a single pulse with double intensity. Acknowledgment The authors acknowledge the support of King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia for this work. References [1] J.F. Ready, J. Appl. Phys. 36 (1963) 462. [2] G. Simon, U. Grotzke, J. Kross, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 26 (1993) 862. 2250 M. Kalyon, B.S. 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