a ) Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax tinder aactlon 5D1(o), 62. or 4047(aXl) of the to e A Rer ff = C Name of Oro, B - it Revenue Cods (a=ept btack Iona 2019 Open a Pubuo Ins ft fil true or PHvaft found Lion) a a copy o! u s rewm eo satley state reporting ^. s ^ The meson may have toN use 201A nalendar Meer. er t= veer boedruilm oed one D Empioysr won number BNAX ZION FOUNDATION 9ft Business As NunTber arsd strut (Cr PA. bot d nu b not 018rered to street address) 136 EAST 3 9TH STRBXT Gtyortovm. stataoraoa y. ardLP+4 OM'w 0 O°0 1 T MM YOM, JAY 13-257226 8 -7 Raombults E Telephone number aem 1 0 01 6 H(a) is his a group return F Nance and address of peal ofNar.i7ACK GRUNSPAN 1 001 6 136 EAST 39TH ST . NEW YORK., K& 1 4817 1 or stafux SO C L-Jo i(of for amstos? Oyes ®No H(b) Are d M Ies indneee? Dyes [J No 527 d Wdxft lo, N/A Trost of 212- 725 - 1211 s 4 , 368 , 264. Assocptlon Y 00w BP- 11 No.' attads a ist. (sea Instructlono Huai Group dfafratharr number 10, 5 M Sbteot don*Se.NY Part 1 Sununary ons mission or most sig Ific nt actlvbtes: AS A CHARITABLE FOUNDATION 1 Bd* describe the ° SOCIETY, WE PROVIDE CUMMUMAMUCU10M, ASSISTANCg GUID 9 2 3 4 5 Check thin boa ^ II the orgaeb aeon d continued bs operations or disposed of more Uiwi 25!i of ba not as sets. Member of vo* g members of the goveming body lPart M. ere 140 ....................................... L M ber of fndopasdont voting members of de governg body Part VI. Do 1b) ..................... L r o16sdprDduals empto d In calendar year 2010 fart V. Une 2a) .............. :...^^-', Total nr ............... e Total m 35 34 16 0 er of volunteers (eat mme It neoessai) .............. 7 a Total ^n^related baabtees rerenao 1Fwn Past Vile ootumn Qq. One 12 ^j L^ b Net unrelated bosom twcable Income from Farm 980-T Mo 34 ........... ... `J . 6b .^ aw 0 9 10 11 12 Cor+fr[tvmn ons and grants Part vUl. acre 11) ........................................................ Pnprarn service nweswe OaR Vm. In 20 ............................ .. tovo gent i coma (pmt va4 column (q) Bus 3, a. and 7d4 ....... ....... a ^( ....... » .. OCmr rsvetnre dart VIO column W. Ines 8.6d. 8°. 9°.10c. and 1 1 e) ? Total r neis - add lines 8 1hrounh 11 (must dauld Part VUI colunn 3 a line 1 1a drams and &Mar mounts pant pmt uc, column W, Ones 14) ................................. U Benefits paw to artier members QPart oc. 41 ....................... n,p 15 Sainfies. other canpensatlon, amplay oi ......... 18a Professional Nndwietng fen Part DC edumn (A). One 11 e) .................. . . ..... .. ......... .... . b Total Mad 18 Total expenses. Addlines 13.17 (must equal Part D 1s Raverneamss aubaaesmrel '`'' 0. 71 , 235. . 8 6 0& 4 ,102,158. 471, 366. 881,725. 76 , 712-0 1 , 042 , 664. 527,619, 0. 0. 954 , 9 9 4. 6 2 , 8877 f. ' 362 expenses FaR K °olurtm (D); 17 Omer wq^ensesfartu eolum^ (W,mcea11a1^'^1t '11JD u4 AN + " 83 , 7 23 . ,179,9264 , 8S 1,610 . ^^ .....^:............................. 1 , 030 . 382. 9 44 , 46S. (J. In 25) ..................... 2 , 621 , 1 24, 3,30 0 , 80T.- ^'_^' -1 414 264. ......... B B 20 Teen assess (part X in 10) .............................................. ........... ........................ 21 Total lieb0tles Q)ert X. Hno 2S) ............................................................................... or Subtract Me 21 m 20 ............. . Ice dcarvntYear 7 ,97 3, 1 9 1. 1 5,430,10 1 . 1 2, 43,090. 1 793 . 3S5. EndotYoar 8 ,984,501. 3,439,759, rase we I QMVI NNUFU wuvw Una p cf pepuy. decors that have eaaelned INN Mim, Including aaompanytnp :chutes and sMff ants, and to do best of my knowAedge and belt. b is aao 0 N" U W 0 Wgn More ^ V Type ar pruu nano an PdnUfype WOQ8 e t came w Pall JACOB ANSEL Prooarer Ran name VI SION FINA uesoat Rnnsad rsss jP,. 1131 CARPUS U Co amoo+ as^n WA Par Pa wo* Rodoollon Act Notice, aea the SEE SCHEDULE 0 FOR ORGANIZATION F=m990 gW0J part I 2 3 4 BMI z F 13-257 2 3 88 z Ppp 2 ents Check Q Schedule o contsba a reuonss to my question in oft Part Ui ...................................................`......... i•• ................ ..... NONE Offaly describe the o &i zat one T 5eton Did the aganlmdon undo t" any &gnfflCant program seMoes during the year which were not listed on do Arbor Fam M or 9904EE? .................................................. ......................................................... ........................... If Yee describe, these new services on Schedule 0. [Dyes ®No 5. or make a4 10 snt domes In how It conducts, any pram serdoes? .................. Did the age cease oa it IYos,• deabe these changes on Schedule 0. Dose** the eempt purpose addevements for each of the oagenhotloa'a three largest program services by.off. and section 4947$p) buts we required to report the amount of grants and Section 501 {0 and 601^q(4) aunt sOmM a to ethem the MW eomensm and ravamea. If ww. for each croarem service reported. Dyes ®No 4a (Code: ) (Expenses s 2,068 ,139, intruding tents of s ) (Rsveswe s 4,102,156e ) 4b (Coax ) (84mmes s mcn, Wants of s ) (Revenue $ 40 (Coda: ) *vWIs . $ hsdudbng grants of S ) (ieverwo $ 4d other program services. (Descre in 8d de 0.) [Expenses s inctudlrtn Grants of s 40 Tow 2.068.139. ) (Rsrrsrwe $ Form990p010a oamore 2 17AAA011 1)2c01 ea boo 9A1 A AAA1 A cr i r Wvr%W a1%11MT .nrm* mm"'WoO I 3 I Is t e organlratlon described In section 801 (e ) or 4947(a3(t) (other ti n a pivate foundat,iort? N,ft' Ue Seho" A ........................... _.........._............... »............................................................................... 2 a Is the organIma1Ion required to complete Sd hele 8. Schedule of Conb utors? ...................................................... _.......... Old the os antratbn engage In direct or indirect poltical campaign activities on behalf of or In opposition to candidates for pulft ofRce? a'Ya;' corripfo Schedule C. Part 1 ................................................................ ........................................... 4 Section 601Ie ord. Did the orgy engage in bbby(g activitim or have a section 50100 election In effect dung the tax yeaR Trice,' c p la in Sdredble C, Part # .................... ........................... ................................................... 6 7 in the orsard lon a section 501(d(4). 601(coLor 801(x 6) orpantmtlon that receives membwefdp dues. . or atrrdar amamts as defined in Rever sa Procedure 9B•197 H'Yes,' Cwwo a Schmvb C, Part IN ...................... .................... Old the orlon rnai Lain any donor advised Nnda or any a mlar fonds or accounts where donors have the fight to provide advice on the distribution or investment of amounts in such funds or accounts? U'Yee' cornpbte Schedule D Part I Did the organization receive or hold a conservation easeemnt, induft easements to preserve open apace, B the environment. historic land arem or historic atuc ures? If 'Yes, complete Schedule A Part 8.......................................... Did the orpardmtlon maintain collections of wor is of a,1. treasures, or other similar assets? H'1W complete o 0% Part 1B ............................................................................................................................................................ Old the organization report an amount in Part X. Gne 21; serve as a aretodlan for amounts not Rated In Part )4 or provide credit counsel ng, debt rneragernmL credit repair. or debt negotiation services? U 'Yes,' corn lete Schedule Q Part IV ...... & hold assets In tem permanent, or quaal endorrrnarda? 10 Ofd the orparizadon6 directly or through a related ar If'1bs,' complete Sdiedlrlo D, Patty .......... ............ .......................................................................................................... 1 t If the organtr is answer to any of the fdtowfng q s Iss'Yes.' then complete Schedule OQ Pans VI, VII. Vql. IX or X as app8cabia. a Did the organization report an amount for land. bul dings, and equipment in Pert X line 10? a'Yea,- complete Sdredlel D. 9 FW w ............................................................................................................................................................................. b Old the organkation report an ornoumt for Inves* menb - other seairides in Pan X. One 12 that Is 516 or more of Its tow amts reported In Pan & In 18? N Ift, corMbte Schedule DL Part Va ................................................». ........................ e Did fhe argankation report an emunt for investnrerMs - program re ated in Part X One 13 that Is 596 or more of its total assets reported In Part X One 18? ff s,' cos le SohedUle Q. Part Vat .»._ ..............................................................».... d Ofd the ogariz8tlon report an amount for other assets in Pot X Bra MUM b5% or more of Its total assets reported In Part X, ins 16? M'1'tz' oagplets Sc edWe D. Part DC .................... .... _.............................................................................. e Old Ure 9 n m I Win report an amount for other Babletles In Part X gee 25? U'Yes, ' cormlate SdWmhW D. Pat X .................. f Old the argai " m 'a separate cr eormoldeted financial statements for the tax year Include a footnote that addresses the organtralLn'a BabOly for uncertain tax pons under FIN 4B {µ9C 740)? N 'Y.' ompl9te Schedule C, Prtrt X ............ /3 Old the obtain eeperate, independent and tinar A eats far the tax year? If 'YID,' Complete SdW" 4Peft Xl, XILandXIN ..................................................... .................................................................................. b Was the argantratlon included in cansaidated, Independent audited financial statements for the tax year? St'Yes,' andif fire or helm answeied'No' to (Ere 1Ze, Bren camp Schedule D, Parts Xf, XIl, and X l is optional......... 1.3 Is the crpsnitatton a school described In section 170(b)(1)VgM? V'Yes,' omr7rlete Steed E .......................................... tIen maintain an office. employees. or agents outside of the United States? ............. ....................... 14e Did the c regate revs b Old the organkatfon have s or epeneee of mmo than $10A00 horn gran ring. Asndralebg, fastness. and program service activities outside the United States? i') s,' compM. Schedule F, Pena 1 and W ............................ _... 1B Dad the orgentration report on Pat K column (A). In & more than $5.000 of grants or assistance to any organization or entity located outside the to ited States? if *Ye,- con pbte Salledub F. Parts H and IV .......... ......................................... to Ord the organization report on Pad IX column (A). Me 3. more than $5.000 of aggregate grants or aasiagnae to ink located outside the United States? N -Ybe6 - compete Stela F. Pats in and W ........................................... _............. ,,... 17 Old the orsarkdlon report a total of more than $1 5.000 of epenaes for professional fundraising services on Part DI. co4nnn (I ). Ines 6 and 11e? a'Yee ' complete Q Pert l .................................................................................»... Old the 9, Illim report more Shan S15A00 total o! arratrab6rg event gross income and contributions on Part WI, Sires 1c and 8a? U'Yee,• complain 8drodrdb Q, P rt s ............................................................................................................... 19 Old the on report mere than $15A00 o! gross income horn gaming activities on Past VIII. Bne Ba? a 1W, coarv lein Sd Q, Pat M ......................... ................. __..._.................................................................................. .. 2a Odd the organization operate one or more hoepPaM? If 'Vbs.' complete Schedule H .......................................................__ b B'Yea' to One 208. did the organization attach Its aad fed 1II M statements to this robin? trots. Some Form 990 fora that 1B Form 0=003 3 1')AAAO11 1 97001 O*7q7OO ')A1 A AAA1 D%TAT IP V1% T W^Tmi O1{t' ee I No 21 22 28 81a b c d ?aa b as 27 29 a b e 29 30 31 Old the .1 nU Uon report more than $5A00 of grants and adw assistance to goverruaents and organlaatlona In the United StMe an Part IX, co4rrmn K Bns 1? N'Yes,' compete Schell 4 Plots I and I! ................................... ................... ON the orgwi ton repart more than $6.000 of grants and c or assistance to Individuals. in the United States on Part IX column py, 6i 2? n'Ye% • eampbfe Salieduts 4 Parts Iand Of .......................................................................................... Old the orgidxation answer •YeV to Pot VD. Section A. Gn 3.4. orb about compensation of the ms's current and llonner offices, di ectors, trustees, key employees. and hIgI compensated employees? If 'Yes complete Scheckda J » ................ »............................................................................................................. .................. ........... _....... ON the arganbatlon have a twemaxempt band boos with an cutstanftv prlndpel amount of more than *100.000 as of the e bet day d the fir. 00 was issued after December 31.2002? M'Yav.' ans w Im 24b buougb 24d end cwI Sceedrds K U ? . go to So 25 ............................................................»...................».................................................... on Invest sty proceeds ai fax oxompt bonds beyond a waiponey period exception? .............................•... Old the o Old the orgarkstion maintain an escrow account other than a miosding escrow at any time during the year to defease any tax osernpt bonds? ............................................................»........................................................................................ Old to a 9- It 11, 1 act as an on behalf or issuer for bonds outstanding at any time during the yew? ..............»,,............... Seed= 801(c(3} and 501(o)(4) organkodons . Did the orgaairation engage to an excess benefit transaction with a disiqualifled parson during the Yea? If'Yes compete Schedule L. Pmt I ........... .............................................................. Is the onge^t6on aware that {t engaged In an excess benefit transaction with a ed person in a prior yea. end do the trarmao11 has not been reported on any of the orgenizellon's prior Fortes 990 cr 99dE Z? N "Miss,' corrplate SdhM& L. Avrt I ...................................................................................................................................................... VV= a ban to or by a current or farmer officer. director. trustee, key employes, highy compensated employe% or disqualifie d pa aan c dtrV as of the end at the o sd ..1I m nle tax year? 9 'Yee, complete Schedule L. Part II ................................ Old the aganb;atlon p ovtde a grant or other assistance to an officer, director, tnastee, key employee, aubs^nslet member. or to a person related to such en Individual? N wbo • oomwAe contributor. or a grant selection Schedule L. Part 19 ............... ........................................... .......... ............ .......................................................................... on a party to a business transaction with one of the edbwtng parties (see Schedule L. Part IV VVas the c In tiosafora Is fling thresholds. conditions. and exceptions): A current or farmer officer. 01 ector, trustee. or key employee? If 'Yes,' owaj*tte Sche" L. Part IV ................................. A handy member of a current or former officer. director. t ustee, or key employee? N Wes complete SdadLd& L. Part IV ...... An entity of which a current or former older. director. trwtee, or key employee (or a family member thereof) was an officer, director. trustee. or dhect or indirect owner? 9'YeA' cwrileto Schedule L. Part N.............................................................. Ord the o ganbadon receive morethan $28.000 In noncaah contributions? U 'Yes, complete Schedule M .................... . . Did the aganlratlon receive contAbutions of ad. historical treasures. or other dndlar assets. ar qualflod conservation contributions? N •Yes.' complete Schedule M ..................................................................................................................... Did the o ganbailon iqpidate, terminate. or dissolve and cases operations? l1'Ybs,' complain Schadkole N. Part f ...................................................................... ........................................................... 32 bbd the organization sea exchange, dispose at. or transfer mote than 2596 of be net asseta?U'YbS,' comple te 33 Sdtedt b At Part H ..................... .................................................... ...................................................................... ............ Ord the organkatlon own 10096 of an entity disregarded as separate from the organisation under Regulations seeks301."M •2 and 301 .710»? N curs•mrWile a Sdredwe R. part r ........................................................................ Was th e organisation related to a ny tw woaempt or taxable entity? f *Vb96 • cote Schedule R, Pats 9, 0, N, and V. 0e 1 ............................................................... .................................... as is any rotted aigankadon a contro¢ad entity within the meaning of section 512(b)03)? .................. a Ord the won receive any payment ftm orangege In any tray sacton with a controlled entity within the of 34 .................................... section S,Z^(13)? if Yaat.• cor++pb^ Sdeed 36 S? 38 R Part V, Bee Z ...................................... ............ .......... ee M) No 0Y Seetlon 601(a)[3) orgahicaltoas. Did the organization make any trans ers to an eaeopt noneharltable related crpantratbM N *Vbs.' corms Schedluft R Pert V, be 2 ........................................................................................................................ Old the organs conduct more than 8A of its activides through an entity that Is not a related organkstion and shat is treated ass partner hip for federal Income tax purposes? M'YNa' come .................. A, Part Did the organ*aatiOn ate Schedule O and provide explanations in Schedule 0 for Pat VI. line 11 and 19? P01oo 041-10 +oannoi i I IICQI U%TgnDO 4 3^ni n nen+ n e T I' oTn a an nanae"~ MM" #I a0 t Fo n990 13 - 2572280 Statements Rego e5 ngs and Tax Compliance Check if schedule O oon186+1 a response to any question In 8th Part v p 1a bu is Enter the number repotted In Boot 3 of Form 1006. Enter a U not app ROebfe ................................. lb 0 b Enter to nurnber of Farms *20 included in Ens Ia. Enter 41 not applicable .............................. o Old the organization comply WO badap withholding rules for repor<ebte payments to vendors and reportable gandng .............»......... bQ9) winnings to prise Winners? .......................................................................................... Traraemlml emploreported Form W3. of Wage and Tax Statements, an 6aer the number of 2a ?e 1 filed !or th calendar year ending with or within the year covered by this rahm » ........» ................ b gat least one Is reported on the 2e. did the own 190 ell required fede^ employment t x ra0uns? .............................. N. if the sum of Onss Ia and 2a b grouter than 250. you nay be required to wide. (see instructions) as Did the etgarkallon have unrelated business, gross Income of S1 J100 or more du" the yew? ......................................... wAbn khSdedub O .......................».................... Is If 'Yes.' has 8 Sod a Form 99aT fa this yeaR b'INo.' pr Rfs an a 4a At any thne during the calendar year. did the option have an intasat t% or a signature or other maha ty over, a 6nar^dal account U a tom country (such as a bank account, securities account. or other tbwndal aocewi ? ..................... b II 'Yes.' enter Iho name o1 the foreign country: See freftodons for MV roquiremments; for Form 7D F 9G22.1. Report of Foreign Bank and Fl=wW Aaoaaft be b a as Was th a organbPtlon a pally to a proldbited tax ehafer traneacdon at any time during the tax yew ................................... Did any to able party notify the won that It was or is a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction? .......................... II 'Yes.' to Bne Sa or Sb. did the orpenl:atton lie Form 8MT? .......................................................................................... Does the organization have annual gross receipts that an ncmwily greater than $100,000. and did the orWnfttion solicit any contrbutlons that warn not tax deductible? ............................ ...................................................................................... an express statenosnt that such o ne or pitta b d'Yes,' did he organization include with every 7 wom not tax dodueftb? .................................................................................................................................»............ Organla fJe a that may receive deductible contributions under eeotlon 170(* mo ive a pa meat In exsss al $T5 made partly as a ccrabuttan and portly for goods and services provided loft payoff a Old the b II 'Yes.' did the aganizallon notify the donor o! the value of the goods or aerviCea provided? .......................... _................. a Old the a genbateon set, eediange. ar otherwise dispose of tenpible personal property for which it was required to go Fore 8282? ...................................................................................„...»...................................... ....................... d I1 'Yes,' Indicate the nuafter of Foams 8282 1Usd during the Year ................................................ e I g h 8 9 a b 10 a b 11 a b Us is 13 a is o 7d Old the organization re eive any haws. directly or indirectly. to pay prenthe s an a personal benefit Contract? ..................... Old the orpanba!lon, during the you. pay pr nihir s, directly or indirectly. on a personal benefit contract? ........................... It the organization received a contribution of qualfled Intellectual property. did the orgardmition I13 Form 8899 as required?... It the orgnNPatton received a contribution of ears. boats. airplanes. or other vehicles. did the organization fns a Form 1098.01 ISooseoda0 off saloteNce donor advised folds and section 6001.1(2) sappooft orymlmtlons. Old the suppatng oreentibn or a donor advised fend oWntelad by a sparawtnp orpa hefon. have canes buskin holdings at any dm during the yeah erganb mainting donor adv eod funds. Old the mo lk a-Eon mats any tazble dbidbuHons under section 4968? ............................................................»................ Old Sue aeon mice a dfststutlon to a donor. donor adwior. or mined person? ......................................................... Seddon 801 (oXl) weantestlons. Enter: bin lies end utlons induded on Part VIII, One 12 ............................................. roe 10a Cross receipts, bided on Form 990. Part VIII. In 12. for public use olclub taoStles .............. _.. 1104 1 Se ctl+on 801(o1(t2) erg almdona. Enter Gloss Income from rtes or shareholders ......................».........................,,......................_„ 118 Gross brooms from other sources )o not net amounts due at paid to other saerces egg amounts dtse or received tram ttoem .) ............................................._....................................».. 1111h I wing Form Igo In Neu of Form 1041? Section 4047(e)(1) non-eosmpt chesttable trusts. left o if Yes.' enter the arnowd of tax exempt Interest received or accrued during the year ....... _....... .. l t2b Section 8GI(o3 ) qudised nonprofit health Inanance issuers. Is she or an , licensed to feaue qualified heath okra In more than one state? ............................................................... Note. Seethe instructions for addidanal +nforandw this organf on must report on schedule 0. Enter the amount of reserves the organization Is required to maintain by the antes in widch the o. on Is tlooeneed to bears quaRfled health plare ............................................................ Enter the amount of reserves an hand ............................................................... ........................... 14e Old the organization receive any payments for indoor tanning services during the tau yew? ............................................... Form 990 (2010) Gino 5 + 9Annoi 1 1 a acai oar )'loo 'fn1 n nAnl n Dw11T vTS T WiyTaatis/nrv no"0)a0 1 Fan OW T 13-2s72288 COMO) NU ZION Foraech 'Yes" raspo nse to fines 2 through 7b below, and fare 'Nb• Te , Managementr I Putt V1 Go to in On, 6b. or 14b below, dPasaibe the droranalancm prooosm ordian as M SdroaWb O. See instruclim. U 6mer the wither of Toting members of the governing body at the end of the tax year .................. to b Erder the number a! vothng members buNded to tine I a. above, who we Independent ...............«. b 2 Old any oft oer, di actor, trustee, or key employee have a famly rMade neh cr a bustneia rotallonsMp with any ether Paw G nse 3! 34 mlbar, director. trustee, or key employee? ....................... Old the organla;tlon delegate control over management duties ci oW peAonnad by or under the direst supervision of oho m, dbedfota or fnmtoes. or key employees to a mmnagement company or other person? ............................ 4 Old the orga nization make any alp~ changes to Its governing documents since the prbr Form 990 was 1Ded? .............5 Did t e organizatlln become aware during the year of e a d diversion of the s assets? ........................... On have members or stocMudders? .......... .................«.....«.........................».........»......................._... 8 Does the argar 7a Does Ow organhatlon have members. stockholders. or other persons who may elect one or more members of the obow ..» .................. ........ .... ...... .................................. ».................................... . .... »......... .. ............... »..... ».... t b Are anyd cW ns of the governing body subject to approval by members, stoddhoiders, or other pons? .................«..««.. 8 Did the orpanlradon contemporaneously document the m.ethngs held or written actions undertalm during the year S by the fdilowi g a 11te go0enibig body? .................» .................................................................................................................................... b Each oonr ilts a with au hority to act on behalf of the governing body? ................................................ ..... «..._................ s Is t ere arty ammeer, director, trustee, or key employee Bated in Put VII. Section a who certnot be reached at the 10e Does the OIaf1',%I'0n have lend s? ............................................................................»»»..«. rs, breaches, or at b If'Ye*.' does the organiz ation have written polices and procedures governing the acti of such chapters, af'fdatea, lie b 12o b o 19 14 15 a b 186 b and branches to ensure th* operations are condetent wNh those of the orgarfttbon? ...................................................... Has the orgadotdon provided a copy of this Form =to all menmels of its governing body before f8np the form? ....... »..._. Describe U Sdadu e O flea process, deny. used by the orgardatlon to review Ws Form 990. on have a written cortW of Interest poky? a'W' go b 8 e 13 ............................................................ Does the a Am otilcws, directors or trustees. and key employees required to disclose annually bye that could give he to confacts7 ................................................................................................................................................................. Does the organization reguh* and oonebtenty monitor and enforce compt nce wI h the polcy? M urea, • describe USdied ieObaw (irisbdene ................................................................................................................................... .. Does the o ganiatlon have a written whistleblovow po ................................................................................................ Does the oration have a written document retention and desbucftn poScf? .............................................................. Old the process for determining oompensatlon of the to®owing persons Include a review and approval by Independent persons, comparab(my data. and aontantpo sus substentlaflon of the delloeratlan and dedelon? The moon's CEO, EmaaAMe Director. or top management official .................. Other ofRcera or key employees of the organization ............................................................................................................ If Yee to line 15a or 18b, describe the process In SChedute O. (See Inst .) D d the mgwftdlon lmFW In, contribute assets to. or participate to a Jobe venture or similar arrangement with a tumble entity during the y ear? ....» ..................................................................................................... .......................... adopted a e policy or pnxedure requiring the organization to evaluate Its pwWpatlon 11 *Yee.* has the orpentad fn pint venture tents under applicable federal tax taw, and taken steps to safeguard the orgafta bons Sermon C. Disch UN 17 IS List the states with wMd^ a copy o1 Ws Fom+ Olio is required to be flied ^NT. CA . NJ . PA Section 6104 requIes an o gantaallorl to make Its Forms 1103 (a 1024 M applicable), 900. and SOOT (S01(cM only available for public hropedton. Indicate how you make these avallabie. Check all that apply. 19 Describe in Schedule 0 whether (and If so, ho), the aganiaatton makes Its governing documents.n fLt of Interest policy. and tam tents available to the pubes. 21) Was the name, physical address. end telephone number of the person who possesses the books and records of Vw TILE ORGANIZATIOU - 21e-7$5-1$11 136 EAST 39TH STREET . NEW HARK . NY 10016 [Down rite O Mother's websae ® upon request ors rbrm990(2010) Oaooe IN1am 6 10AffO11 1 tlcai ww99oa 9Ais AAAier nwair .veer vnri ITtammlly ^rf^fop 1 (A) Name and TlW (B) Average hours per weak (deserbe hours ft nested (q Powon (check as that apply} a n organization (YV2PIO994NSC) [n Schedule 0801M M. SCBa8PF BUZDMR OABRIMU DIAIOND (E) Reportable compenealbon from meted Nl Reportable compeneatlon from R X TALABUM Ell*aIA a m ount of cow CMPOIIIIMUW rmthe (W wgankation and adaled bet's o J x 0. 0. X 0. 0. JACK GOMMAN 4 0. 00 X SUM gaszzoM Tx(MEON. 5 X I XI 142 376. X 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. JAEIB OX&MM R X 0. vxcx w= X R 0. 609. MAN n v 8I y"X-MM X X 0. R B EM-MM B &VET GOLDVMB 0 . . 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 AM= Ia2U11. vice-tea ffi.SOA IQlML y2ca-MRS ar VZCR-PRM BORIS K R) N am.J222OW MADI= VICE- TICIR-MM BRIE BUIMt B,RM a vx4m -M= X x 0. 0. 0. X1 X 0. 0. 0. R x 0. 0. . X x 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. A. Form=0010) 032OF U-211-10 7 1')AAA011 1 31001 OW))QO 7AIA AAA1A 01TAT r7TA)X C/1Tvfvn%mr4 eT 01T'19OO 1 Fom,980 (OlO) one "Immu ( (A) and We Nw. Average poem n Reportable RepoAabla Ead nWAd hours per WoocA a1 to apply) woo cc npa{bauon fmm Oafllpensazion from m amaaf of o her (describe Itre (*21109 as in mgwdmftns in Sdredale DLL I8RA am= D8.1Q1u8L P3fl Papa 13-2572288 HNAI ZION FOUNDATION I ' uz Vu Seaffml A. WkWMEWDOMM T ftm the (Wand fahm X. 0. ot 0. IQ= S 0. 0. 0. sma SLAW Cam g 0. 0. N 0. MAD B so= San= Xom R&CMM u g Roam X1 ,ate 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. o 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. s IA= STRWM BOA= sun= mom » 0. 0. lb sob-mbd ............................................................................................. ^ 142, 376. 0. o Tatel f rorn conuatlon alreats to PartVll.Sec on A ........................ No. 0. 0. x d Tatar faM Ones lb and t 142 376. ..... 0. 1 2 Total wrebar of traces Br4koddw but not fm iced to those meted a 3 Ofd the organla ton Id any former oitboer, dreetor Cr buate% buy employee. or hkheo compensated vW"m an lira! .................................................................................................. On 1a?M*ft•compfteSdmck nJQorsuahb For wV Individual dated an In Ia. is the sum of reportable compensation and other con ton from the eugao atlon 0. of wlro received more than $100A00 1n rsoortabte Yes 4 and reeved o Man kaftm greater than Aso aoo? a •v • owrvbra sd edkrb i for such No ....................................... x idual for serAm MOWarson mted on foe to receive or accrue compensation f om any uroeinted or wI. m m or b mukad sous croanbaum? If•r Section B. went C4»baobm mats Independent contractors that received more than $100.000 of conipensationfmm t plate 11ds table for your HMO highest oa " i 6 Na 2 and business address Description of soVtoes Conte Total murder of independent 000bac ms rdinp but not Birthed to those BaMd above) who received more then $122000 to sonmmoMm from the ammnbmrtfon ^ 0 SSE PART VII, maws aaam SECTION A CONTINUATION SHENTS Fomi990 of 8 1 IAAAQ11 122CO1 01R9 ')OO IM A AAA1 A DV11T 'T^%? or, myr nmTA1.T D%t) 0Q 1 Total revenue M Unrelated Related at execW bnctdon iie Federated campaigns ........... .......... MQnf^sNp dues FiutdraMng events ........................ Related organ s .................. Govenunentsoft (ooatrf utcons) AD aft conMkOrm oft grants, v4 afar emm,m,rot is d above ...... 9 Nwei ax^r b a b uiw 1..It 8 Add bas it 18 b a d e f b 35 801. to 155 045. ,t 6 60 b usiness roVerme Ram e^oCA bom +S,I or 814. or, f s . se b a d e f A9 other program service revenue ............... 3 6 mostritsnt momma qnckedfig dnddends. baerest, and corerele anew s) ................................................... ^ 4 6 lnconm ton investment of take Rayautes .......... _.... _......... ... mpt bomb proceeds 7 744. 70 . 7 4 4. 91. 91. ^ im Personal (a Real 60 (fno90 Beets ......»............. b Loam reel expenses ......... a Rental brooms or CoSS) .... l Income or Qo®s) ... d Net Other 7 a Grow arnmunt frame sales of (1) SecigNs assets other mm kwon" 491. b Less: cost or other basis end sates 49 e ciorQoml .................... d Nstgalnorpoas) .......... ......_._.................... . ... . .. . ... . . . . Be Gross income from fundratdng events (not +g 9 of conbftftns reported on line lc). See Part N,ane18 ....................................... 8 45 , 419. b Lowdbectexpumes .._...._.................... b 2 66 , 106. a Het ieome yr pose ham events .. 79 1 79, 313. 98 Gross Income f om gang . see Fart N.Bne19 ......... ............................. e b Less: dkset expenses ........................... b a Net income or (4aae) tram gandng a id .. ............ 16 a woes sales of Inventory. less mums and s0owanoas ....................................... o b Less: cost of goods sold ........................ b o Net h.oome or &GmmUwwmm Revenue Business COW 11e b a d Allotltertevenue ..................................... e TafaL Add &sss 11a 11d ............................................. ^ aveaae.See ist L1021 5$. 35. +ss,.m 0. 11 79 . 313. Fora 9'90 (2010) 10 19AAA011 11 CO1 ou'fIoo Oft1 A AAAI A v%TU V WV^W W%TTU1 *UTy^W Otd•!'1 O O I wmsso Part DE I Stiftnuft at on 13-2572 2 8 8 OUNDATION rases wgw*xdom mgrcon AVa m PioDratn^eervboe expenses I ar+di. rat and Manag expenses a J 1 Funtlr^tng e,o to governments and pants and motet ues 1 aledOM& ftm mwtconWtM oo#unn MW erenot+egefred tooo rptetaooAorosM (r Qa not Include amour s reported on fines 6t;^ Tofal 7b,, 6b 9b, and 10b al Pmt V II. lO go I lip b ttee US. Sae Part N. 8 o 21 ...... marts and nd%er mo's l m we to IndMduals to t>se U.S. See Pat IV, on 22 ........................... crams and other to garenunents. a oM mid IndMduab o tside the U.s. See Pert N. MW 15 end 16 ........................... 2 3 4 $ Boneft pdd to or for members..................... . Compensation of«aaotcfflm%d> trustees. end key employees ........................ 8 Commmift not to dad above to died persons (U defned under seftn 4I58(q(t)) and person deaalbed In se lca 495B(e=111) ......... 7 e Other eafades and wapoa .. ............................ Pension Pla (Include section 401(k) arts sedan 403(b) em"bWer coWbj0=) ......... 9 10 11 a b o d o I g 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Other employee benefits .............................. Pew tans ................................................ Fees for sevOe6 *W"n plo Management ................................................ Legal ».......................................................... Pccourttng ................................................... Lab* 1ng ...................................................... Pr l Uii*a g serrkos. See Part N. IIRe 17 tr , No- R ,I moment feeea ... ................... CMW .......................................................... Adva+tift and ponso* on ........................... OIIloa expenses ............................................. Irtrommiftn tectmatogy ................................. Ro s ....... ....._ ........................................ Occupancy .........»....»...................»............. Travel ........................................................ Payments at naval or entertainment expanses for any federal. ante. or local public oMldals Canoes, conventions. a id meatUis ...... ederes. ................................................... Payments to atllaoss ........ ....................»..... Dapm:bft% depietimi, and amo n ...... tntnaroee ................................................ Items expenses not covered Ot er 1Y !D 21 22 23 24 e.( 241.UBaa a n(A) emeft 10. d erow^99Me24rexpensesonSdtedulea) ...... a SCIENTIST & BNQIN88R-RU b PUBLIC EDUCATION & INFO a TELEPHONE d BANK CHARGES AL EXPENSES e CO I 140 otteer expenses 0 lame poets. Check Isere ^ U B te0ewlap SOP 958.720). Iete this be only It the 88-2 reported to coauae (6) ^1atoosts from a atpn and tuadraictop ooa^bUed sloes IuISl Fpm 990(2010) 400110 041-W 11 1'7AAn011 i 2 5CO1 0%11900 9f11 A AA/11 A uwa r '7T~ T vArn7nnmTI1MT WWI4)OQ 1 13-2572288 Pmeht FaIMMI M ENAI ZION IPAN * v adnnEm wwwat w year aeglnrang of t Coh-wWRtereetteartrM ........................................................................... 2 saps and temporary cm bwee*meras ...................................................... 3 Pledges and grans MGBKI % net ............................................................... Endogym 175 198. 1 42 6 . 499 . a 753, 5 5 0 9 a 3 21,62 4 , 33 , 131. 3 .4 53 . 5 50. Accounts receivat% net .................... ............................................ .............. 4 a PAcgivables from current and former omcers, di eccas, auetese, key employee , and I t ca d emptoresL complete Pan 11 ofSchedule L ............................................................................................ a Receivables rear otter drsamonsd pe rearm (as denied under section 9n}h persons desedbed In section 498808}, and oont rting employers and spormoft argent of section 601(q(9) voluntary employees' benetici ry orpasthatione (fee Inehu ) ................................. notes and loans ntoelvab0e, not Inventories for eels ar use ....................... ............................................._....... 7 8 e Prepaid mpenses and defend charges ..................................................... a 5 S .029. 9 1 3 1,9 24. we Land. butldfngs, and equipments cost or other rte. OMVMto Part VI of S hdule o ......... 99 , 276. b tow acunmA t®d deptecladw .................. I U6 1 38 , 227. ne,as-aubldytraded ==uM o _._.................................................. 11 to m"Ounefft • other oecumme. Sae Pan N. fife 11 .......................................... tnrasbnents • psogmm rotated . See Pan IV. fine 11 ................... trdnIIbl assets .......................................................................................... 12 13 14 Is Coon asset L g ...................................• Part IV, in 11......... ......................... ........................... 1 17 16 10 Add Total One Accourft payable and accrued expenses ......................................... _........... Granspayabto ...»..... .................................................................................. Deterred mvenus ....... ............................................................................... 20 Tsavi 21 Escrow or wntodtat account HabOty. Con a Payreblasto current and loaner atfice,s. directors, buemee . b y employees. highest compensated employ. and di altfed persons. Complete Part 11 of Soheduhs L .............. ............................... .. ................................... .......... arml payable Win Unn*Aed notes and loans parable to unrelated d*d parties ........................ 92 secured 84 2 , 730 , 6 4 8 100 3 ,763,94S. 11 2 . 761 .0 4 9 . 2 , 323 , 763. 12 67 ,5 22. 141 is 1 460. . 17 18 lablBlem ............ ....... _................................................... « 25 orimr aabulttes. con notes Page IV of S&aduae o ............ tours dthIrd .................. a Pert X of Schedule D.......... _................................ 24071. 2a 1 2 ,9 39 , 382. as 2325 3,219, 333. 17 thmmh Orgwdwdww that follow SFAS 117, oheck here ^ end complete onm 27 dwauPa0, and lles 33 end 34. UntestiUdnstassets .................. ............ .. ................................................. a 2a Temporatlyrest,tasdnee anele .................................................................. 5 0 Pernmnw* wed net assess ........................................... ................. j e onsthat do Roe follow spas 1n. check hero P- 7 and come qn a ao mrough a4. 8 30 CaPW stock or bust pitnotpal, or cutrem funds ............................................. 31 32 Psld .ln or caplml suphes, or land. . or equipment lurid ....................... FeLhted earnings, en pent. accumulated incon1@, or other funds ............ as Total net anaets ortrnnd t'anoas .......................... ................ .................. 80 389 . 27 1 162 . 70 1 . as as 66 054. -126 , 29S. 20 21 3 2 , 543 , 09 0. 3 . 43 9,75 9. as 1 9.11. Form 98U QOto OXMI 1-0 1'iAnno11 12 SCOI ontoooo 12 tni n nAn1 n oua? '7T Mm- 'JOG I -2572288 Paas12 iieconeo1aUon of Net Assets Check H Schedule O come a a response to any question In Oft Part XI ...................................................................................... I 4 3 Total nwsnus OIxat equal Pact VOL column (43. line 121 .............................................................................. Total expenses OmM equal Part Ot', ooMne (4. One ......»...................................................................... ........................... Rsironus less ersnses. Scion t fees 2 boat Ens 1 ......................... 4 6 Not assets or Said balances at beginning of year (must equal Part X In 33, column (44) .............................. Other changes In not assets or fund bps (ailaln to schedule O) ......................................................... Flnat ei No I Accounting method used eo pepars the Fats ssa O Cash O Accrual ®Other MODIFIED CASH H Via oigerd^lon d^anGed ^s method of accounting from a prior year or checked 'Other. 9*laln in Schedule 0. statements compiled or reviewed by an Independent aooountant7 ................................... n's 0 2a Were the a Ys Mandel statements audited by an Independent accounU nt? ......................................................... b Were the o n have a canoftee that assumes responsltlIfty for oversight of the audit. o If YW Uo fits 2a or 2b. does Vw er ravtew. or eonpBatbn of Its financial staternerft and selection of an independent accountant? ............................................ tton dangsd either Its overnight process or selection process during the tax year. explain in Schedule O. it the o d N'Yes' to &o 2a or 2b. check a box below to indicate whether the financial statements for the year were issued on a ^° Oases oa^aWd basis. or both: D Separate basis 0 Consolidated basis [D Both aonsoedated and seperato basis 9a Ma reeuf et a federal award. veastm , 9, 1, 11 requited to undergo an audit or audits as am fort In the Singme Aud t Act and OMB C6oular M133? ............................................................................................................................................ b If Yes.' did the otgenaatton undergo the required audit oraudits? If the organisation did not undergo then audit Fans tMCM) croft taw 1')onnal l 122col on',%oo 13 )n1 n nA nit n o a*T 'T4+a WfWT n v4Mv^W n.Ttooo 1 SCHEDULE A Form 990 or 080-i OOammldhTea b"Waftumerom Complete If Hoe aeon to a section WIlgX3} orgardsa on or a section 4947(e)(1) noneooenfpt cherffable try st. ^ Attach to Form 900 or Fans 6®O.EZ ^ See separate HOSSoll for remiuc WtefUY b 1 I am No. 1643.5047 Public Charity Status and Public Support to plulft mm tm m oreniaatlone must cmmo to ttde oarta see instrwa tione. The ormuftallan Is not a private foundation because It Is: {Far Mee 1 through 11, check only one box.) Adwurdi, convention of direhe$, or association of churches described in section 170(bKgAjU). 1 2 0 A school described In section 170(bXIXA)(tl). (Attach Schedule E.) s 0 A hospoal or a cooperat ve ho,pleal service orgenTetlon described In section 170(b)I1XA (ill). 4 0 A aedieal roseardt aganl atlon operated o city. and state: with a hoepltel described in section 17 1 3(BI). Eater the Iospftals name. 6 0 An o go 1 Uon operated for the benefI of a college or university awned or operated by a governmental iudl desadbed In seeflon plete Part as (bXIXA)ft ( local government or governmental wilt descr bed (n section 170(bxlKAXV). federal, state. or A 6 0 tlmt normally receives a subsUntlel part of Its support from a governmental unit or from the general public described In 7 ® An section 170(bx1XAXvI). (Complete Part Ile a 0 Aaommwnly trust dese^ed to section 17o(b)(13p1HM). (Complete Part IL) e 0 An o g, I , 11on to nornany receives: (1) more Ow 331/3% of Its support from contributions. membership tees, and Bross receipts from a tivIties related to Is exempt fimctlons -abject to certain eaceptbm and (1) no more tfmn 33113% of Its support Nom prose Investment iioonme and unrelated busi ass taxable heoerrta page section 611 two from businesses acquired by the organization after June 30.1975. ace swum 6osa(4. (OOnplete Part IU.) 1d a An organbellon organised and operated eze{uelvoly to test for publto safety. See section 608(aX4). ^ for the benefd of, to aerbnn the functions of. or to easy out the p aposea of one or 11 O An orgenleibon orgenazed aid operated )or section 500(sM See section 500(e3 Check the box that his Imam lbed In section more pubicty supported or describes the type of ^°^.organization and complete Ines 119 through 11 h. o[:3 Type III • Functionally integrated d 0 Type III • Otter b U Type II a D Type I e [:j 0y checking this box. I certify that the organization is not control ed directly or Indbectty by one or more dfequatbed persons curer then Omm"m managers and other than one or more publicly supported orgenbat1ons described in section 509a)(1) or sec in 509(a)M. If the orgsnbetlon received a written determination from the IRS that It lea Type 1. Type U. or Type III f g supporting own. check this box ................ _.................................................................... ...................................... .............. 0 Shoe August 17, 20011. has the organisation accepted any gift or contribution from any of the following persons? A person who dtreaty or Indirectly controls. ether alone or together wAh persons described In (p) and GIp below, the governing body of the supported orgardta tion? .......................................................................................... I 11 A tardy member of a person described In %above? ........................-.......................................... .......... ............ 11 CM A 35% oontrolled entity of a person described In (0 or (q above? ........................................................................ 7 Provide go following Inc iron about the supported organtration(e). (q It (ONameolsupported (8) EIN (O1 Hk of WP ) Is the (1) or eacaes» docurnmil above or MC:a^On (see le>aee@oee)) nW h1 01d Iron raft In : the oro^ ^ cal. me^eom Vow o^nt^m^ la oc m Yea No m °I Yes ' gene suppert? No ca Yes Yes No MIl Amend of ^rovm+ No Tom Schedule A (Form 080 or 09O-) 2010 WA For Paperwork Redaotlon Act Notic% am the Instructions far Form 960 D00- . aaoQi 12a1-+o 14 T'l/nnbl l 1%2901 01?7700 nn1 n mini n U%"? 7?VW Of%Tt11Tn%MTr T O%T9'!0a I MftaAMarmMO % MQVjq nn 11 support mlnedule to 21 Pang din an (Complete only It you chedmd the box on fine 8.7. or a of Part I or If the organhetlon faced to qusfy under Part OL 0 the orlon fads to qualify under the tests Wed below. Please oomplets Part IU.) Section A. Public Support CI)e uyeu (o, Bsw1 ^sr Os bntn io) ^ I Qft glints6 oonbibutlons. end membs " lees received. (Do not has+deanytirorrumpranto') ,,. 2008 fal 2W 2008 2009 2010 188529 9 . 310806 . 24 3 4 586, Tom! 1710. 222 871. 2 Tax msvanuee levied for the oJgmr I^tOonla t and either paid to or owed on fts bstaff .._........ 3 IN vahm of services or tacues fund" by a poo nimentel unit to the ggoultall, wtafovt daap9 ... 4 Total. AddenesI throuph3 ...,..... 188529 31 0 806 5. 2434586. 943 211. 3851710 . 22228 1. s The por ion of total c by each Person (other than a governmental unit or publicly suppOrtsd otgaM:atlon) In ded on the 1 that exceeds 2% of the aasouid dwwm on ibis 11. ooMM O ........................... .._ 22871. s PMOMMPAMOOMMUMMMOM 4] Ssotlon B. r(oreseelyearbsglmitng(n) Celecdu 7 Amourits ttomuna4 ..................... 2007 101 9009 2(M fin 2009 161 2D 18852 99. 3 108065. 2434586. 943 , 21 1a 3 8 51 9 cross Income from Interest. dMdends. paw received on secumn eoamterra. rwinwas andieoomsttwnsrnft sauces ... 42 . 343. 7.472. 1684264. 71 83 . 723. 9 Net fnoo oe hen unrelated business aw.t^es. wholl r or not the business In iegi $y eanled on ... 10 Other income. Oo not Include gain or loss from the sale of capital assets (Explain in Part N.)............ 11 Total support. Add Ines 7 Uiraupb 10 12 Goss receipts f om meted acWhlm etc. We (nt uctions ) ..................................................... _....... ....... 1121 13 First live years. H the Form 900 Is toe t e orb first. second, thhck tounh. or fifth tax year as a section 501(x)(3) 14 PubBc support pwoetge for 2010 (&re 6. column (m divided by One 11 . column (f)) .................................... 1s Public support penenmao from 2009 schedute A. Pan it. Me 14 ....................... ........................................ 1a 18 36.61 84.60 !i % tee 33113% support teat - 2010.11 the organization did not check the box on Ikre 13. and Bne 14 In 33113% or more. chart this box and stop hers. The aMniftathn qua° as a pub6cy supported age n" 11on ....................................................................................... ^ 1771 did not check a box on in 13 or 18s, and lice 15 i133 113% or more. check tide boot b33 113% support best - 2 09.11 the and slop hen. The orp Rabin gvaxes as a publicly supported a go 1--la .................................................................................... ^ test - 2010.11 the org rftation did not check a box on One 13.16a. or 16b . and the 14 is 10% or more, 1ta 10% meets the ' test, check this box and atop hare. 80laln In Part N how the A ganlzafton and If the organ meets the rtes- test. The o g 1-1, q as a pubeoly warted o.gw.IzaI on ............................................. ^ 0 test - 20OB.It the a ganiratlon did not cheeks boot on Me 13.16a.1Ob. or 172, and One 15 In 10% or b 10% moue, and It the o game tlon meats the'factwanddnammtsnces' test. check this box and stop Aare. Explain fn Pest N how the ton meets the a ' test. The organization qualifies as a Publicly supported mpan[aaflon ........................ ^ 0 1A Prhote foundation. If the cnnwft tlon clid not cheek a box on One 11 18x.16b.17a. or 17b. check this box and we ftstruefforts --------- ^ El Schedule A (Eamm 880 or 0904M 2010 15 1 9Annol l 11 SCO1 o?T9100 'fn1 n nAnh n O%TnT '7T/1V v^rvw %mtTm1 owl) ')0O 1 10 a tar A port Fm Ul 3 ons Dewrftd ht n SOWAPQ (Complete ordy 8 you A ached the box on line 9 of Part I or H the o aun4Rr under the We Getee below obese eomoleta Part p.t tlon tolled to quay under Part U. M the organtratbn fats to section A. Public support 2007 CaleaQuyeer ( I (ids„ gr-Ms6 oontri rataM and membewlp tees reeetired. (Co not Include *unususl 9rantLI ...... 2 Gross nmkft from admissions. 02008 20MB (91201 0 Totm wise sold ar ssMoos per' Irl a or bcMs furnished In wT ecd ty Oral is tainted to the olwnbstlon's tafiesatpl wPose S arcs receipts from actlvptes that we not en imtu ad trade or bus- trress under section 613 4 Tax r venues lavled for the tratlon s beneSt and either paid to or expended on ka behalf ............ 5 The V" of services of bra 8anlehed by a governmental unit to the otgsn6Won without eharge ... 0 TotaL Add Beres 1 dwough S ......... 7a Mrounts bduded an Ones 1.2. and 3r e4 from dlls^ Persons b Ammm4 womd on nines ono atiomraa km @VW ear weed vaoeen am sa.eao, ntWSSA oo1%01m. eean0n.tsarmsyw .,.,.,». » .».... e Add &m7a and 7b ,,,....... e Bastion B. Told Sumwd dteodryeu (or fiscal yew beOtnlap [a) 100 9 kmwi s from We 6 .................... 108 Goss Income from bderest. 2007 2008 2008 (it 2008 T 1,0201 0 dkidands. pa n rents, royal SWAVOS ooans and Income from ebrfflusources ,,, b Unrested business teWA income es (leas sedan $11 taxes) from In acquired after Jima 30,1975 c Add Ina 1 Oa and 10b .............»... 11 Net income from unrelated business actlNtles not irtduded In Una 10b. whether or not the business is an . m9 12 Oder Urooma. Do not Include gain or sea from the sate of capital 1 In Part IV.) ...»....». assets 13 Total esppodommms . too, n, ova w 14 First fin rive, tt the Form Mtn for the aryertletion's fast, second, third, ftwth. or fit tax year as a wcdm 501(0)(3) aganketlon, 15 Publo support percentage for 2010 ¢trw8, column (Q divided by WW 13. column (ID ................................... 16 17 bwscr+ent income percentage for 2010 One 10c. column p) dlvlded by line 13. column (Q) ........................ 117 1 !6 1s kwooma Income percentage from Moo Schmute A. Part Ul, Cm 17 .»...........» ................................... 1181 1983113% support tests - 9010. !t the agenhatton did not deeds the boot on One 14, and line 15 is morn than 33113%. and Una 17 is not .... ^ a more than 3311396 . A m A? Oft box and slop two. The a genkatlon qualOss as a publicly supported gem - Hon ..................... b 33113 support tests - 2009 It the organbatton did not check a box on line 14 or One 19a. and One 16 is note than 331/396. and 18 Is not amra than 331F3%. chock this box and stop hae. The orgm4mflon cgumMes as a publdy supported m g; I 'In ......... ,,. ^ 0 2D Prbmte launitlon. if the min did not check a box on line 14.1 Be. or 19b . duck this box and see (nstnrdlons .. -................... 10173 Sohsdule A (Form W0 or990.U 2010 minas U41.10 16 1')AAAQl l 122901 O*T97OO '! A1 A AAAI A eU T r7TMT vffmTT%YITRTA%T OWT990O I SCHEDULED Supplemental Financial Statements (For,a t ^ Complete K the organisation answered IYes,• to Form 80% Part {V,Nne8,7,8,0,10,11,or V. 0- MUM to Farm OW Do- Bee separate in ucQons. er..rn.w..a.Me. Name of tfhe argar1atlon °"o "a "'°'°°"' 2010 PuDao 16eplow ru tuber or other Similar Funds or Accounts. Complete If the -YesTotal t umber at end of year .......................................»... /I®pegate omttt,eoM to ( yW4 ........................ AQpregste grants from (dud" year) ....................... --Aggregate valtse at and of yew ...»......»» ........................ Old the 9 91 Ind, inform a0 donors and donor advisors to writing that the asssb held in donor advised funds 1 8 3 4 6 am the artier law n 'IN property. subject to theo n'a e3duslve legal oa*01? ...................................................... 0 Yes 6 Did the organs Lion 6dlbnn 8119 1 1 1, 1 1 , donors, and donor advisors In writing that grand fU da can be used only for dhadtabfe purposes and not for the benefit of the donor or donor adviser, or for any other purpose conferring I Purpose(d) of conservation easements held by the organization (check all that apply}. udffiton anew 2 0 No ed 'Yes' t 0 Reservation of an hbtortcst y bapcrtant mnd area 0 Preservation of fend for pub5o use (e.g. remestion or edu atmn) PnDteaton of n0nal habitat ED Preservation of a certified historic structure Q Pleserva on o! open apace Complete lines 2a through 2d B the a ga 'it 1 I'm hold a qua$ed conservation ccnbtwtbn to the torn of a conservation easement an the last day oftthe tax year. el a Ead of t ie Tax Year a Total member of consewation easements ................................................................................................ b Total acreage restricted by cansamstim easements ..........» .....................................»....»..................... 2a o Nunbsr of conservation easements on a codified histoda stricture included In (a) .» ................................. d Nita her of aonservatbn easereents Included to (c) acquired after 8!17/06. and not on a historic structure tided In the National Register ................ »........................ _.............................................. ........................ hed. or minted by the organb ion during the tax 3 Number of conservatlon modified. hansfened. released. a 4 S Number of states wham property subject to conservation easement Is located ^ Does the option have a written policy regarding the Periodic monitoring, Inspection, handling of v r, and eneoroeme 0 of the conservation It holds? ................................ 0 Yea 0 No 6 Start and volunteer haws devoted to n 7 8 Amount of a es lamed !n monior ng. try, and entordng conservat on easements during the year' 3 nt reported on One 2(d) above satiety the requirements of section 170()4j Does each conservation ea and section 170Qd (4HB$ ? .......................................................................................................................................... 0 Yes 0 No In Pert XIV. describe how the orgarkatlon reporto conservation easements to Its revues and expense statement, and balance sheet. and Include. M eppfoabdp, the text of the footnote to the organs re's financial statements that describes the organtcation's accounting for o0ns8^vat^fl 9 Part QI mfng. Inspecting, and enforcing conser4abort easements during the year ^ Organisations Machining Collections of Arts t lael Try, or Other Similar Assets. Complete if the ygankcallon answered -Yes' to Form 990. Past IV, in 8. In M Use organism elected. as pemdnad under SFAS 116 (RSC 858). not to report to No revenue statement and balance shoot warts of art. hitwW treaeures6 or other sinthr assets held for public er% education, or research in authe anon of public seMoe. provide. in Pat XIV, the Wd of the footnote to its financial statements that describes these Rsms. b Oft organization elected , as ponMed under SFAS 116 (ASC 956). to report in Its revenue statement and balance sheet works of arc, h tressurse, or other steer assets held for public oath floe, education, or research in furtherance of public seMoe„ provide the following amens A tlng to these kena^ W Rerenuss bided in Form 980; Part wit, Bne 1 ..............»..................................................... .. ^ S (8) Assets Included In Form 990. Part X ............................................».....................................»..»..... ^ S 2 if the off received or held worts of art, historical treasures , or other sir. ft assets for Mandel gain, provide the following amounts required to be reported under SFAS 116 (ABC OR relating to these hems: a Revenues Included in Form 990. Part W. Mw I ....................................................... .................. ................ ^ S b Assets it'c 'ed In Forth 980, Pat X .............................................. ..... ....... ^ S LRA For Paperwork Reduction Act Kotloe, see the fnedruatlone for Form 990 we Schedule D (Form 690)2010 21 17AAnO91 12%CO1 I,"100 9A1 n nAA1 n nw%T 4rnar nnrTwnwmrfnw ww77700 1 schedweo Ust the c. gan E si's a (c hsc an do apPN). 3 2 2010 3NAI ZION T 13 n-25 7 2288 Organizations Maintaining Collection of Art, Histoitcal Treasures, or Other Similar Assets to niwe* an. aooesson, and other records. check any of the *ftwIng tlwt we a ant we of Its col a 0 Pubac sin b 0 Scholarly research tlon ins d Cl Loan or exchange programs e 0 other ion for tWOure Pwaftm a 0R don's exempt purpose 6n Part XV. Provide a description of the moon's col actions and expla1 how they NMer the o During the year. did the organhrat u.i aoedt or recehro donaltons of wt, historical treasures. or other similar assets "s es to be sold to ratae funds rather Om to tw mak-fthe-djes- pan al ft Part N EMOW and Custodial An'8ngomonl8. Coe ste # the arge I 41 m n answered 'Yes• to Foram 990. Pert IV. 1= 06 or reported an amount an farm 980, Part X Yne 21. 4 $ 7s is the orgsnketlon an agent. trustee. custodian or other Unermsdlary for contributions or other assets not Included en Fem 990 . Part X? ........................................................................ ........ a yes ................................................................... Na C He b If `Yes.' enw the armsefflard In Part W ard complete the following table: Amount o eegbuthug bal ............................................................................................................................... d Additions dwtng the year ....................................................................................................................... e Obtributions. duing the year ...»........ ............................................_.................................................... f &AM babanca ................»»................................................................................................................... to Id J* It ?a fed the orgsnbatlon bide an amount on Foam 980, Part X, Doe 21? ........................................................................... 7w. K'Y Endowment wide. Cort^Deth !f the oreontrallon ar^eareted •Yes• to Form 980. Pan IU. fne 10. Part V Yes no eepuft of year balance ..................... Oontd s ..... ..._............................... &d eandaps, gains, and losses Net k Grants or edalareNps ................»_....... Other tw fwFd e and Orog181115 ....................................... f Adn stratimexpenses ............. _...... ... ..............._. d Endotyearbalanoe 1s b o d e 2 Pro^Ade the es^ated cm -son of the year end balance held as: % a Board designated or ^Siandowment ^ b ^ % % o Teen endowment ^ 3a Are data ertduMerient funds not in the possession of the aganmlon That we held and admbdstered for the organftaUon by Yes No m wuemt omwftmftm ._........ _................................. _................................................................................................ QI) related ogm ..... ............................................................................................................................................. b a •Yes• to 3aft we the related orp mkatlons Sated as required on Schedule R? .................... _.... ....................................... Me Cm Pan mv go mmerma us" of wto Past VI Land. fkdkln% and Oeeer"M a! ant is Land ...... ................... _._.__....................... b euadinp .............. ............_._............ ......... See Farm 890. Pan X. Bna 1Q (a) Coat or other basis pnveebneffl) (b) Goat or other basis (other) (o) Aooueadated depredation (d) Book vahm 350 000. 3 5 0 ,00 0 , 2 , 143 , 848. 2 143 8 4 8 , e Lemehood bnp1aremwts ...._.... _ .................. d .._............................................... 30S . 428 . 1 1 38 227. 267 , 2 0 1. IdS Aim mm i a gmmm Ia. Schedule D Tone 99(l) 2010 Ira 1oAnno,z 123CO1 o,an200 22 )n1n nAn+n etr.T .7?riU w^rnxn,^t nW )OO 1 23 17AAAO11 122CO1 aST ' OO ')Alf AAAIA W%MT 'v u v1SInrmyf T null 1)OO 1 13-2572288 Page4 8ds, td@Diann9so)2MO BNAI ZYON FOUNDAT?ON I 11 I Pai nni lI1aHnn of Chonan In Not Assnffi from Fe[m 9l to Audited FhwnCia1 Statements 1 4,102,158 . 1 Tow lwMM dam 990, Part VUI. edumn p , One 12) ........................ . .. ....................................... 2 3,308,803 , 2 Total eels fc m 990. Part 0C. CONnm W. an 25) . . ...... . ..... . .... . ..».......................................... 793, 355 , 3 F esnor (de^ctgfortheyear. Subtract ane2from ant ........ . .. . . . . .. ...............»............................. 4 .................... _..._....... It8R unread gabs Qo-eeu) on investments ..............».............................. 4 5 Donated services and um d femi" e ...................................................................................»....... 8 6 bnreabroM ei enses .... . ... ....................................................................................................»....... 7 Prior peeled adjustntsnts ......................................................................»...................................... T s oumr (Deearbe in PM )QV. ...................................................................»............................... s Total 8OWSbrOft (net}. Addtnss4though8 ............................................ ..._............................... s I 2 a b o 103 315. 3 and 9 n of Revenue per Audited Fannd818toftments Wi h Revenue per Return E20033 Or XII RACOR P 103 ,315, TOW MVWNs, phis, and caner support per suaw tlnancld etatemsnte .................... Amawde included on In 1 but not on Form 990, Pail V01. Ne 12 Not uruedmed gales an bnagbnoft ...........................................»..............»..... Donated osMose and se of Esa[@tlea .................................................................. Reoove+las of prior Yt grwft ........................................................................... d Otter fWscftq in Part )UV. ...........................................................................». o Add Urea 2a Uuvugh 3d » ........................ ».......................... .....,, 4 . 102 15 8 . 2a ».................................................... _..._............. 3 &tbftd We 2e from an 1 ..................................................................»....».».............»............._...._...»........ 2a 9 4, 102 , 158. Amounts wed on Form 990. Part VIU, am 12. but net on Rne 1: 4 a Investment o eneee not ictuded an Form 990, Pail VIII, 9ne Tb ........................ Is Odw (Describe in Part )W4 ........................................................................ ».... c Add mss 4a and 4b T Par! 4b I 0. ......................................................................»........................................................ e Farrngso s rases Per Audited Financial Statements I 4,10 2 ,1 58. Expenwe per Retu rn t Tamp expen$O5 snd tosses perau^ad enanc^ aw^emente ............................................................ .... .............. 1 3 , 308 803. a 3,3 08 , 803. 2 Maanus boduded an an 1 but not on Form 890 Part W. &W 25: a Donated se MEcee and use of fa Men .................................................................. b Pdoryearad}ustmente ......... ............................................................................. a Other tosses ...................................................................................................... d Other vescdbe in Part XN. ................»............................................................ 2n e Add thee ft though 3d ................................................................................................................................. Sne 3 4 from mre l .....................................................................................................»... Miourts included an Form 190. Part IX, Me 25. but not on UM 1: ................. 0. 4a a tiwusmoant ems not trued an Form 980. Pan VIII, One 7b ........................ b Other pandbe in Part XIV.) ............................................................................. I 4b ................................ _.................................. a Add One 40 and 4b ............................................... 40 0. »................. Form must IMM fa ... ................... ».».......... _... MOS9MEMAMIlras 08 1 rum My] aupp on 111199M Con*k6e thla pert to provide the deerrlpUons required for Part II. less 3„ 5, and 9; Part UI. thee la and 4; Part N. thee lb and 2b; Part V. Me 4; Port x Qne 2 Pay! 30.BADS; Put )01. Ones 2d and 4b; aid Past Xpl, Bass 2d and 4b. Also complete this part to provide any additional 6A . NET UNRRALIZBD LOSSES ON INVESTMENTS Schedule D Flarm 990) 5010 +^a+o 2A 19AAn*11 199C01 IM"100 7A1A AAAIA O\Tmy 4TMT w wTwn%wvTfrte o%T9700 1 w For, 9" raered -fWftFa m 1 Employer tineoftheagaNsdlan Alm I mmt r - General Information on Activities Oubide the United States. Complete if the orgent to Fom 990. Peet N. One 14b. n answered -YeV Does the agantrtbn nimbi ovoids to substantiate the amount of the grants or ass^roe. the For gesdees• e8p 2 uAisum r z Part I 2010 Part N. Une 14b.18. or 16. ^ Attach to Form on ^ See separate 0 arse, n..w'v o cm oft "°'°°" Statement of Activities Outside the United States SCHEDULE F ty tar the giants or asebtence. and "a aim FORn altar used to aware the grants or essLsmnoo? ........ ,,.. a Yee O Mo Far hero. oesabs in Pail V " aganbatlws wooeduns for nowdoling the use of grant Iowa outside the W+nea states. (b)Number of (o) Number a( (COAct hates oondueEed in repicn (by type) (e.g.. WrWaisbng. program offices Ila, In-an (a) Re9lo^ In ma region ant .s..'. . grants to des) the spedfle type is boated to the region) of serulo*) In ragbn OSMCOs. fnve ma (e) H aetMty Usted In (d) is a progranm memos. (f) Tote! 6n teaton 3 a &rb4otal .................. b Total from continuation sheets to Pmt I ......... a Totals (add Ines 3a LHA Far Papawaric Reduction Act Hellos. are the bwvuctons for Fora 980. awl a.Mto 1'AAAO71 8ehsdule F (Form 906) 25 1 aaC01 O%t99OO ')Ain AAA1 A 'ITew w rnsr mvt%T oit970o I tft= or Bnuuse o ldo the United 8satOO. Complete d the wgardaatlon anatiwred 'Yes' to Farm 990, Fart N, 9ne 1 S. far any Mranea and Otlror AaOnoe tO Or _........................................................ ^ recipient who received more than 99,000. Check tide box M no one recipient rooehred more than $6A00 ......................................... _.......... 2 cam yr Enter total number of recipient organhetlons Dated above that are ieoognmed as oharhlef by the ioreign country, raagnQeo as o ..................................................................... ^ letter eadlon 601(c)) equivalency pnvided a orcmmeel has !Ire tHB, or for Mdoh the gmMee 9 7 www Schedule F farm 000) 9910 26 Oft"Fntms90120 10 BNAI ZXON FOUNDATION Part III Grant and Otter Aodetancs to Indlvldu ils OuWds the UnIMd Stets. Com*te B the orgy 13-2572288 mal an answerod'Yee* to Fenn 99% Pact IVY Gns 16. Pans2 8oh." F (Form 990) 21M 27 Rio Forelan Forms I 2 Was the argw*&tlon a U.S. transferor of Property to a foreign corporatlon durtn5 the tax yeaR If'Ybs,' the orpanbeUan aeyba isqukod to d<e Farm 926, Retum bye U.& TransMrorof Property foe Fob Qwpo ton - ins for Form 920 ............................................................................................................ 4 6 ® No es for Forms 3520and3= 41 .................................................................... 0 Yes ® No Old the cWftkMon have an Ww" Interest En a foreign corporation during the tax year U •Yea, • r maybe *dWd M 19e Form 5471, tlbnnalon Retina o/ US. Pomona VAM ralPant to (he Cl9W a CMISh AN 00 1 CMPCMdML (see A rfareblons ibr Fcnn 5471) ................................................................................. 0 Yes ® No 6821I .................................................................................................................................... O Yes ® No Old the orfudugon have an Ownership (Merest in a foreign partnership during the tax yew? if 'Y ,' ftn shay be req*ed [o do Fenn 886".x, ROM of U.S. Persona wit respect to Me or tohe Ameba ParomrshiaL (9e to sOrtxdlans for Form 8816) ............................................................................................. El Yea l lion have any operations In or old the or d to any boycotting countries during the tax yearn If 'Yel,' du orpnkofon maybe fequbed to Sc Font 5713. InMawdonaI Boycatt Rapwt (see 9isftwWns forForm5713 .......................................................... ............... .............. 0 Yea [X] No don a d recf or indirect sfamholder a1 a passive foreign Investment coaapany or a Was the a quaSPad efeattng fund dwbtg the tax yeaR N 'Yes.' the 1 '115, r may be suquded to fi Forth 8821, nt Qo r y ar QeaSed BecNng Find (see Rletnn bye BRarehofderala Pis Foreign to hudrucduiu 5 0 Yes Did the organfsalion have an Interest In a foreign mist during the mx yeah If 'YS4- the a,gsamatSon wWi Ameba Tan4P and may be ,egrobed to Sc Fam 9520. Mug Refnn to Report T wreac Rao*1o1Cdafr Foreign Gft a WwAum W20-1t Am" krdormeffan Return of Foreign Trust WW a U& Owrieramee Jr3orn 3 13-25 7 22 8 8 ............................................................ ... NO Schedule F (Farm 69O) 2010 0=4 t1-tam 28 1 9AAAOl l 1 21 C O 1 OU' .) O O 'I A l f AAl1 A u%T T '711W wrvrm1IWflTe%w o%T'f #I O 0 1 SCHEDULE a wM kft 2010 Supplemental Information Regarding Fundraising or Gaming Activities Ourviets if the oege dwtlon aa.1v i ad'Yes to Form 0001 Part w, arm 17,13. or 10. a^m+eaarorn or If the aroanirat on colored more than $15000 on Form 000.EZ. Una ea. Open TOR*ft ttene of the agarbem^n ® Fuadralsing ActivM @S. Comets it the awtbn answered Yea' to Form 990. Fart IV. One 17. Farm 990-E tBees are not rsquf ed to con to this part. I Indite the Orearitatlon rffitsd hinds through any of the fallowing activillee. Chalk all that appy. a ® Mee solicitations a (] Sofdtelaf of rlan.govemment grants b ®Wamet and ertm8 ao0e0^Dons f (] SoYdbtbn of government grants b E1 Special Nrrindelrtp events a ® Phone soedtasions saftwons d ® tea Did t e Eton have a wrltan or oral agreenrent with any individual onduding off, diredors. trustees or key amp lq eas Dated In Fonn 090. Pait %n* or entity to m cdo adh pndesslerm! tunda p sendoas? O Yes b U Yes.' Bat the ten highest paid kxUviduais or entitles qundraher9) pursues to agreements under oftich the fundralaar isto be ® No ated at least $5 000 by the arganizaNOn. don (1)^ t^lame and address of In d or ^nt ty psaidraieerf ( AmanK paid d M gross recatpea to,o (a eetatned ar eD m QSfeO^' t mbar from activity oee Qpl k+^M Oded In ca. m law eater VU DW IIRO 3 Uet ON SLIMS In w dCh the 0 9 N I I NO R Is Megttered or licensed to eoldt Ana or has been sou ed it Is ammpt from registration orb glng. LHA Paperwork Reduction Mt Notim we 1M Instructions for Form 990 or 900-EL Schedule 6 (Farm 900 or 9111144 X10 SSE PART IV FOR CONTINUATIONS o ei.u.» 29 11I/AAO11 179CO1 mu1i oo 7A11% ASAIA 011MT 77^1bT wewMTnxfP1Pf 0%t41 1%OO 1 13-2572288 pam 2 Complete If the orpanhatlon armed 'YW to Farm 990, Pad N. Me 18. or repotted more am $16A00 of furdratdng event conbliullons and moss Income an Form 090 a. Ones I and 6b. Uet events with gross receipts greater than 85.000: b) Event 02 (o) Other events (a) Event 61 (Co Total wants (add oct. 0* tivough VARIOUS (event type) (tow mnnfti 001' (OD (event type) 0 Fall IN 1 cl oe5 reea .......................................... 2 lass: CIS .................. 1 4 Cash pies ..... ................... _.... _............. 5 Houcash prizes ....................................... 6 qty coats .................................... 7 food and beverages ............................ 6 EntsitsIntnerd ................ _........................ A Olherd Mct Wq3 .............................. sumnrery. Add 6Ras 4 tluouph 91n column (d) ........................................................................ ^ 10 Dhvct v 0 Eno g. Oonom roe amanizedon answered 'YeV to Form N0. Part N. am 10. or reported more than jPwtM $15.000 on Form 990wZ. the Sa. m ( binge rooresslve bingo (a) ObW (d) Totalli 9 (add 001. (O)through ocl. (O)) (-t Ollur gaming 2 Cash pftes ........................».................. 8 Nonoash prices ....................................... 4 Rertfactity Costs .................................... ...... 6 Volunteer labor ............................... 96 U Yea D No I0 No 7 Clued aspens summary. Add lines 21Nough 5 in column (d) 96 LJ Yes O No !6 .......................... ............................ .................. ^ 9 Enter the state() In which the o genastlon operates gaming activities: l caned to operate gaming aavIlles In each of these states? ............................................................ Yes No ion Vim any of the orgenlredlon's gamIg des revoked. suspended or terminated dw v the tax year? ........................... b KNOW explalm Yes No a Is fm b III -W eo itabe Schedule 0 (Form 990 or 980-M 073M 61.13.11 10 30 l lAAA011 1 ? ltO1 OU99OO ')A1 A AAA I A OUT wvnur w^r=rI anITMT I%79'1OO I 13-257 o BMI Z ION FCMM-AT -MM Sd du Yes 11 Does the oipanbatba operats gaameg ac Musa wi h nonmembora4 .............................................................................._. 12 Is the ocgwft Eon a grantor. benelt Wy or trustee of a bust era member at a parbureftO or osier entity torn ed ter charitable t .................................................................................................................................... Oyes to ady 13 Indicate the percentage of pamtrnp a *Mty operated In: n'a facbty ...... ............................................................................. _........................................................ e'tea wow b M but" facNty ....... _........._.............................................................................................................................. _..... 14 Enter the rime and address of the person who prepares to apenhetton's medal events books and recoils: No. No 0 No 96 '16 ^ Addross ^ 18s Does the o gm I ton have a contrast with a IMrd party from whom IAe organhetbon receives gaming revenue? .................. 0 Yes b M'Yea.' enter the an air, tt of ganlh ieverne received by the o. revenue tetaheed by the the party ^ a of a If Yes, enter name stud address of tlw third party: 0 No and the amount 1zMl on ^ S Name ^ Address ^ to Gassing rnaneger wormatlarc Name ^ Des«gpU of services WwAded ^ O Independent conaaor O Employee O wrectontmoer 17 mandatory dd&Udonw a Is the amen required under state low to make charitable d from the gaming proceeds to ntdn tlra sfato gandng Boense? ................................................................................... .................................................... 0 Yes ns required under state law to be dated to other emempt organo:tlons or spentIn the b Enter the amount of do An%g the tax year No S n's Part IVI 0 No mtbns required by Part 1. One 2b, colwru e @Q and (4 and Part n1. Information. Complete this pan to provide the a l nes 9. Sk 1ob.1 Ob. 15c.10. and 17b. as gDOb able. Also oanadate this Part to provide any additional bifommtlon (see 6retncdOr4. SC®U+S 0. PART I. LINE 2B. LIST OF PEN HIGHEST PAID FUNDRAISERS: (I) NAME OF FU DRAISER: MARC NW-RIB-MV FUNDRAISING CONSULTING (I) ADDRESS OF FUNDRAISER : 3205 HICKORY STREET . WANTAGB . NY mmaa ou,sn 11793 8dhsdido 0 (Form 990 oar 90O- 2010 31 1')AAAOl l 111401 OUt99OO '!A1 A AA Al A O1rv T s1I a WW%rniv mvrtt owi ,oo 1 sCHEULE M FWMOO Noncash Contributions 2010 ^ con*ste If the agsdmtlo^ answerea 'lfee- on Form Open t oPdbtlo t of Anon B9gPart N.Bros 80 or30. 110 AMM to Form Oft Mo., areT ay NAWMAWWW904M torte of the orr^ptoyer s1= z O (a) Check If app&:dy I 2 M - Was of aft ....................................... M • Historical treasures ........................... 3 M - Fractional Interests .............................. 4 5 Sooks and pubecatlona .............................. GatNng and houeahotd goods .................. 8 7 8 9 Can and other vehicles .............................. Boats and Planes ...................................... b i tt^ ................................. 8eaalItes • Piebtldy traded ........................ 10 11 12 Secures - Closely held stook ..................... Seudmaa • Pvubvrahlp LLC% or that Interests .......................................... Secwtttaa • 1 oltensoue ........................ 13 OMRed conservation conbAnfton HIeto$0 etiuctures ........................... (b) Mmiber of OOntitbutlen0 Of 10} Noneash conbibutdon 8rrt01 M flOPOrt0d On ClJ ed cortearvadton contrQwpon • Other.. teat aside - Rat ......................... Red estate • conallercid ........................... teal estffia -Oar ..... _ ............................. Collectibles ................................................ Food invenEoiy .......................................... Drags arod melit, f supper ........................ 21 Taoddemty .............................................. 83 28 84 Historical artifacts .................................... S c specimen ................................. Ard eologlcal arm .............................. g8 20 Other ^ Other ^ 87 n 89 ( ) Other ^ Other 10, Nwnber of Forms 8283 received by the organisstton dwbV the tax year for contributions for which the oganiratlon completed Form 8283. Part IV. Donee Acknowledgement .... ,,...... 129 1 3 b 31 Oft b 89 WA (d) Method of trig ..... 14 15 18 17 18 19 80 ( ( mmn*or 13 - 2572288 B P 8D 1 } Y"I N WAng the year. did the arpenfttlon receive by oontrlbutlon any property reported in Part I. lInes 1 .28 that it must hold for at MW three years from the date of the kdtlm contribution, and which is not required to be used for exempt purposes for X 30a 00 entire holding period? ............ .............................................................................................................................. If 'Yee,' descrtbe the arrangement In Pan IL Does the arpanb$tton have a gi t a ceptance policy that requires the review of any nonetendand contribution? .................. X 31 Doss the n hire or use third parties or minded omens to sot&et. process. or sell noncesh contribullaft? ............. .................................................................................................................................................... she X tf'YSS.' desaltrs In Part U. If do own did not repeat an amount in column 14 for a type of property for which oakum (a) is chocked. describe In Part 11. For Paperwork Reduction Act Nod s. sea *e bstructions for Form 890. Schedule U (Penn 8s^ X10} Gail 32 14l/AA011 177901 Onvt oo nAhA AAAIA DU Y 71f%= Wnrmrnmruw ewr090a I wMeMw 0 (Earn990 or9D.M erm.TWOMM Supplemental Information to Form 990 or 990-EZ COmp%% to proMdO na9on for roaponus to X1110 quwftmm Form 090 or se04EZ or to provide any adelonal ft t r - "°'°' o 20 10 epee to Puerto ^ Attsab to Farm 890 ar 9800EZ. wpm" ou I Employer tdentlfgalan rnanber ft. of he FORM 990, PART I. LINE 1. DESCRIPTION OF ORGANIZATION WXSSION: AMID _QWHR PROGRAMS FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR NRMRBRS FORM 990. PART VI. SECTION A. LINE 2: ISRARL DIAMOND AND GABRIRLLA DIAMOND ARE RELATED . -ELEANORICNAL AND AARON IONAL ARE RELATED FORM 990. PART VI. SECTION A. LIKE 6: THIS ORGANIZATION DOES HAVE MEMBERS WHO PAY ANNUAL DUBS FORM 990. PART VI. SECTION A. LINE 7A: THE ^ffi^SHIP PAY DUES.HAVE LODGES SELECT DELEGATES TO ATTEND THE CONVENTION WHEREIN OFFICERS AND BOARD MEMBERS ARE ELECTED TO CARRY OUT THE CONSTITUTIONAND BY-LAWS OF THE ORGANIZATION FORK 990, PART VI. SECTION A. LINE 7B: THE GOVERNING BODY OVERSEES THE ACTIONS OF TUB OFFICERS DURING THE YEAR AND MAY APPROVE OR DISAPPROVE ANY ACTION THAT AFFECT THE PUROOSES OF TUB ORGANIZATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH ITS CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS FORM 990. PART VI, SECTION B. LINE 11: A COPY IS DISTRIBUTED TO EACH BOARD lOMSR FORK 990, PART VI. SECTION C. LINE 19: THIS INFORM TION IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST LM For Papen.uik Reduction Act Notice6 we to hiahvoflons for Form 900 or 990.EZ a4fs1I Schedule 0 (Fore ON or 99EZ) (20W) 0144.11 33 19AAAO11 1) 3001 dw99OO 9A1 A AAA1 A D*T%T 4TAtT vfTTwr•xITIWV %T OW)')OO 1 ol ^O^ 13 ZION Foorn^,TSOH murba -2572280 FORM 990, PART XI, LINE S. CHMG198 IN NET ASSETS: NET UNREALIZED LOSSES 019 INVESTMENTS 103.315. 8ahsd*de O Fong OW or 200-M (M1Oy 34 17AAAQ11 199e. Q1 OW) OQ 7A1f AAAlA u1T71T 4TAST wemunsenv T 01T77Q0 1 (B) Avera®e how8 W Nerve and tWa (C) POWM Mn (dteck OR 0 0 BOW (0) Reportable cortwa n (E) Reportable Iml IF N A tlon (F) wed an t of from the from related Of ors (VY2/1O9WBC) outer COnmpat 'Bolin from the per week orgarftodm (1N.?/1099MI& ) and eo4^tt9d 03!201 124410 9 1')AAAOI I 199GQ1 of 'fOO ')A1 A AAA1 A ImT T 7T' wf%rv n %wT/na owl) 900 1