Star Notes Your step by step path to clear English Bonus Lesson Correcting /æ/ Lesson Outcome: Date: / / To pronounce words ending with /æ/ clearly. Download the Star Audio Recording - Correcting /æ/ Hearing the difference between /æ/ and /ʌ/ /æ/ /ʌ/ pat putt bat but mat mutt cap cup back buck /æ/ Mouth is slightly open and tongue is mid-height in the mouth. Jaw and tongue are not pushed down. Focus on the movement across. /ʌ/ Jaw and tongue are pushed downwards, so the mouth is in an open position. Focus on the movement down. PAGE 1 © G.TAYLOR STAR PRONUNCIATION Star Notes Your step by step path to clear English Bonus Lesson Correcting /æ/ /æ/ and /ʌ/ /æ/ /ʌ/ cat cut bat but mat mutt cap cup hat hut rat rut damp dump mad mud dad dud lack luck sack suck back buck bag bug rag rug flash flush crash crush Harry hurry marry murray PAGE 2 © G.TAYLOR STAR PRONUNCIATION Star Notes Your step by step path to clear English Bonus Lesson Correcting /æ/ /æ/ and /ʌ/ continued /æ/ /ʌ/ fan fun ran run ban bun pan pun hang hung bang bung bank bunk /æ/ is slightly longer before the voiced consonants /d/ /b/ /g/ /m/ /n/ /æ/ before an unvoiced consonant /æ/ is slightly longer before /d/ /b/ /g/ /m/ /n/ back bag mat mad sat sad rack rag bat bad pat pan Jack jam PAGE 3 © G.TAYLOR STAR PRONUNCIATION Star Notes Your step by step path to clear English Bonus Lesson Correcting /æ/ /æ/ and /ʌ/ in sentences /æ/ /ʌ/ cap Put the cup near my cap. cat The cat had a cut. lack I’ve always lacked luck. mat The mutt is on the mat. bat But he saw the bat. hat Take your hat off in my hut. hang He hung his coat on the hanger. ran I’ll run faster than I ran yesterday. ban There was a ban on the buns. fan They had fun using the fan. Dan Dan’s done all of the reports. PAGE 4 © G.TAYLOR STAR PRONUNCIATION Star Notes Your step by step path to clear English Bonus Lesson Correcting /æ/ /æ/ in multi-syllable words distraction /ə/ language damage satisfaction /ə/ manager /ə/ managed standing standard /ə/ random /ə/ happen /ə/ matter /ə/ passion /ə/ balanced /ə/ contract handle fashion /ə/ cancel /ə/ fantastic planning analyse /ə/ analysis factor /ə/ examine romance actually /ə/ accident /ə/ annually /ə/ dramatic /ə/ value transport (noun) happy package financial /ə/ banking traffic maximum /ə/ PAGE 5 © G.TAYLOR STAR PRONUNCIATION Star Notes Your step by step path to clear English Bonus Lesson Correcting /æ/ /æ/ Variations /æ/ is sometimes pronounced as /a:/ in words with the following suffixes: -ant -ance -anch -mple -mand, eg. plant, grant, dance, chance, branch, answer, sample, example, command. /æ/ in sentences It doesn't matter. Thank you for attending this annual event. I’ll be analysing the results from Saturday. Perhaps we should reconsider those factors. Let’s examine the balance sheet over lunch. My manager clarified the information. Absolutely, that’s something we need to discuss. PAGE 6 © G.TAYLOR STAR PRONUNCIATION Star Notes Your step by step path to clear English Bonus Lesson Correcting /æ/ /æ/ in sentences The meeting on Monday has been cancelled. Actually I’ve increased the figures by one hundred percent. The reduction in sales has been gradual not rapid. Show the customer a sample of our product. The company should reevaluate their strategy. He managed to avoid an absolute catastrophe. I’m very happy to answer any questions. I have some jam in my bag. PAGE 7 © G.TAYLOR STAR PRONUNCIATION