Incontestable! j ic iu n .. If, PifS. m »iss iic.

cate that the ■day of awakening is very
near a t hamd,* when Adm iral Dewey
m ust fully realize .the serious nature The PlaiifopHeopejiIng’It is a Severe
"■* of the blunder he h as committed.
One onStockholders.
T^pOanaijoharie Courier says: “Afi
!WnAflLM B. COLLINS. Bubllili«r.
stockholders ■who (have beeni ■approach-.
Slnteced as second-class m ail m atter In
the Ca'uujohaii'ie hank
the postoffloe a t Oloversvllle, N. T.
W h a t a, F o rt Plain E ditor T hinks o f -reopen'ing
Delivered by carriers for 40 cent
m c^tb, J4.00 a year, or ^2.00 fo r six mon .
I fjja ld in advance.
One of the m ost thriving cities in the not been one refusal as yet. The m eet­
Bosltlyely no subscriptions taben a t less
thiHa 40 cents per m onth for a period of United .Stales is IGloversville, (W. Y.) ing of stockholders called for Thursday
less th a n six- m onths and no reduction
known as the 'centre of ithe g reat glove of this week a t Hotel Wagner promises
given unless paid in advance.
industry, lit is a city of twen'ty ithoiis.- to be simply a ratification and gratifi­
and people, thrifty, industrious and cation meeting, as the stoekholdeia
FHHIAY, A'PRIIL '6. 1900.'
prosperous beyond the usual conditions, will have nearly all signed the agree­
found in ■manufaeturin'g co-mmunities. m ent by that time. This plan, while
Repub can State Convention.
mason pointed 'Out for^ th e rapid quite severe on the stockholders, is
* ^ 0 th e Bepubllcan Electors of the State
M New York: The Eepublican Electors strides made by this city is the 'fact cheerfully accepted, because in the
of tlve S tate of New York and all other
first place it saves to th e bank its good
■eleptors, -without regard to p ast political th at 'three-quarte'i’s ■of th e total popula­
afflUatlons who believe in the principles of tion above fifteen years of age are em­ name and business, it shows depositors
th e Republican party and endorse its pol­ ployed in some capacity iln the m i^u- th a t the owners of the hank are anxi­
icies, are hereby requested to send dele­
gates to the S tate Convention, to be held facture of glO'Ves pr th e kindred trades. ous and willing to protect them to the
a t Brand Central Palace, New York City,
•Not only th e men, but the women and fullest extent and demonstrates to the
ohiidren comimand good ■wages a t wb'rk: community the faith they have in the
which is clean and congenial. A t least ultim ate rehabilitation of th e institu­
one-third .of ithe glove-maMng i s exe­ tion in the lull enjoyment of tlje prosr
cuted in the homes of the residents. As perity i t once had. The clerical force
you .pass along the streets of Glovers- of the bank will likely he reduced
ly D istrict in the State ville, you note a sewing m achine in the when business is resumed. Expense
Will be er—---- —
------------------ ...
to representation
in ao■windows O'f nearly all 'the bouses,'where win be cut and while, because of con­
cordance w ith the
■ ■ ’--.sls-establi
' ' by
th e S tate Convention of 1SS5. A schedule the housewives on'd d'aughters are servatism, the business may be less, it
o f representation is hereunto annexed,
showing the number of delegates to earning substantial amounts of money is estimated there will still be enough
W iteh-the several Assembly D istricts are from their work on gloves. The^ mater­ to eventually pay dividends on th e re­
York, Feb. 23,1900. ••
ial is 'brought to them, and the finished duced stock, large enough to make the
B. B. ODELL, Jr.,
.C hairm an Republican S tate Committee. product talcen away iby 'the glove men shares worth ?300 each.”
R . L. BDX, Secretary.
who keep 'them employed in their
e apportionment of delegates Is the
The stockholders .df the. bank met
s as th a t of the convention of 1898. homes, as well as a t the 'factories.
^_on Ibe vom a t the la st p r ^ ip n tia l
The different processes on a glove are yesterday 'at tJie bank bulldinig in CanIn the m atter of P eter Diehl, bankrupt.
o. 2,536. '
not 'difficult to leam ; and 'free instruc­ ajoharle. Many were unable bo ibe in InTobankruptcy,,N
the creditors of Peter Diehl, of
tion is provided to a ll ■wiho desire it. attendance, bu.t 'letters and ■telegna'ms Gloversville. In the county of Pulton and
district aforesaid, a bankrupt:
The prosperous apd general weil-to-do stated th a t they wen© willimg to do any­
Notice Is hereby given th a t on the 31st
day of March, A. D. 1900, the said Peter
Congressional Convention.
appearance of the citizens of this re- thing th a t 'could be suggested to re- Diehl
w as .duly adjudged bankrupt,
rparkable city are due largely to this ■opeu 'the bank. The plahs as stated in and th a t the first meeting of his creditors
will be held a t the court house in the city
condition, which providies for the The 'Leader a few days ago were ac­ of Johnstown, N.
on th e 21st day of
A. D. 1900, a t 1:30 o’clock In the afsteady .employment of bath sexes at cepted and are ito reduce the capital April,
ternoon, a t which time the said creditors
...... .................... .d a t th e Court of Ap­
m ay attend, prove their claims, appoint a
peals mom in the Town H all In the vll- living wa^es, making them all produc­ stock from ?125,OO0 to i?50,000 and levy trustee,
the bankrupt and traners. The population of 'Giovei’sville is an assessment of 25 per cent on ■'the sact suchexamine
other business as may properly
before said meeting.
o clock In the afternoon, for the purposes: steadily increasing, and the new peo­ stock involved. Then a m p le' bor.ds come
Dated Pultonville, N. Y., April 3, A. D.
1st. Of nom inating a candidate for Con­ ple quickly learn the trades and are a t will be at the disposal .of the hank to
gress in said district, to be supported a t
fhB ^ n e r a l election in the year 1900.
once lemployed by the .manufacturers, carry on a goo:d banking business AnReferee In Bankruptcy.
Bna. Of nom inating Presidential ElecW . A. M’DONALD,
who ore dally adV'eTtising fo r more otaner m eeting will ‘be held a t the call
Attorney for bankrupt.
uo n In th e^y ear^'w
such general eleoof
O. address. Masonic build­
M. *Of sending t-wo delegates and two
N. Y.
date fo r resuming .business T.-111 b:e
C o n g -™ ^ “ --®
O bituary. „
Ignited States for the N orthern D istrict of
e w lo rk .
^ ^ Y b r the purpos
The death of David Scldmore occur­
the m atter of George M. Burdick,
otoer^bueiness a ---red at his home. No. 9 Fosdick street, MENT.—Notice is hereby given th a t a bankrupt. In bankruptcy, No. 2,503.
To the creditors of George M. Burdick of
at 10 . o’clock last evening, as certified copy of Senate bill, printed Gloversville,
In the county of Pulton, New
1,079, Int. No. 835, entitled “An act York, and district
aforesaid, a bankrupt:
a .result
a heavy
cold No.
Notlee is hereby given th a t on the 22d
to amend section one hundred and
and incurable attack of hiccoughs. The forty-seven of chapter two hundred day of March, 1900, the said George M,
Burdick was duly adjudicated bankrupt;
Dated. M arch 15. 1900.
deceased was aged 72 years' and five and seventy-five of the laws of eigh­ and
th a t the first meeting of his creditors
be held a t the Court House In the city
B . D . BBOW isr.
months and was born N ot. '23, 182.7, teen hundred and ninety-nine, entitled will
Johnstown, Pulton county, New York,
‘^ n a ct to revise the charter of the city of
near Ballston, Saratoga county. He of
on the 21st day of April, 1900,--- a t 1:30
Gloversville,” which has been duly o’clock
In the afternoon, a t which time
resided a t Lake Pleasant, Hamilton passed by the Lejfislature, has been re­ the.
said creditors may attend, prove their
claims, appoint a trustee, examine the
county, during his early life an'd, after­ ceived; and a public hearing will be bankrupt,
and tran sact such other busi­
wards resided for a s h o rt tim e a t given thereon before the mayor and ness a s may properly come before said
THe reception ithus far of Admiral Northampton. Then h e .went to Am­ common council of the city of Glovers­
Dewey’s announcement th at he is a sterdam, where he conducted a jewelry
council in the city hall on Monday, Ap­
Referee in Bankruptcy.
oandidate fo r th e presidency lacks en­ store for several years. I t was about ril 9, 1900, a t 7:30 o’clock p. m. Said
thusiasm fro.m any quarter, and the forty years ago th at he removed to this hill relates to the exemption' from tax­
One Day .
tone, of regret th a t characterizes the, city and engaged i n ithe jewelry - 'busi­ ation of firemen who have performed
To Cure ller.ousnsss in OneDsy I
greater proportion of commehtary,] ness and afterw ards commenced busi­ services as such for a specified term.
honest, sincere regret th at h e should' ness as a phofograib^r, in which pur­ Thursld
To Cure Headache to One Day
• Mayor.
have been inveigled into plhcing him ­ suit he continued until iSeptember last.
To Cure Neuralgia to One Day
self in his present position, is, if any­ The deceased was a ■qi'emher of the
Take Dr. Sawem’s N ervb-ene P in ts
thing, even mo|re distressing than vio- iCongregatfonal church and a promi­
In th e mn
ien t attack. Dewey, by his single.mag- nent member of the Proihlbltion party. bemkrupt^
nlflcent naval victory, ma^e himself He also belonged to Arietta, 'tribje of
' foe SALE
the hero of the hour. I t ds a .pity th at Red Men, No. 175. In 1856 -Mr. BcidSmall house with 'large tot 50x165, on
he gho.uld now displ5.y signs of -weak-, more married Mary J a n e ‘P ease, of
of March, A.'DT IOM; the said P.'B ob"
Wilson street, next to the northeast
fflasB which no one had previously sus­ Northampton and she died in 1886. In ert W andel was duly adjudpred bankrupt,
and th a t the first m eeting of h|s creditors
corner of McLaren street. Price has
pected, and which are bound to affect, December, 1888, Mr. Scidmone m arried ■will
be held at the court house in th e city
been $800.00 until this sale. Have Been
of Johnstown, N. Y., on the 21st day of
to a greater o r less extent, his- splendid Miss Ida L. 'Douglass .qf this city, who April,
A. D. 1900, a t 1:30 o’clock In the af­
looMng around for something to give
pepidarity. I t is a pity that, a t this survives him. A daughter, (Mrs. Fred ternoon, a t whloR time the said creditors away th is week and have iconclii’ded. to
late day, he h as listenedi to unwise Girard of North Cambridge, Mass,,and trustee, examine th e bankrupt and tra n ­ sell this nice little 'home for only $650.
such other business as m ay properly
Lot is worth $500 and fruit, berries,
counsels, instead of resting content in two brothers, Ansil of Nevada and sact
come before said meeting.
etc., are worth balance, so iwe malce
the quiet, dignified enjoyment of his Henry N. o f Northville, also> survive
The said bankrupt asks a discharge
you a present of the house. I t is not
•against the creditors of the firm o f Lohr
well earned laurels.
the deceased. Tl\e funeral will be held & W andel and also the firm of Edwards a $1,500 house, but it is new an'd worth
I t is now given out th at Dewey has at the Congregational church Sunday & Wandel, as well as individual creditors. something. Small payment down and
D ated Fultonvllle, N. Y., April 3, A. D.
$6.00 'Per m onth a t Bloomingdale’s.
peraonally announced th a t he is a afternocm a t 3 o’clock, .Hev. W . E.Park
For Sale.—^Nice little farm of 10 acres
Deanocrat, hut even this aamouncement officiating, and will be preceded by a
Referee in B ankruptcy.
in city west of McNab farm, in fine,
Is decorated with trimmings th at do | prayer service at the house, of a pri­
state of cultivation, with an abundance
Attorney for bankrupt.
not show to advantage. It was in the vate character, at 2:30. The members Office and P. O. address. Masonic build­ of fruit, berries, etc. .Good 6 room
ing, Gloversville, N. Y.
house, large barn, etc. If cut up would
form of a n interview a t a concert, of A rietta 'tribe of Bed (Men. will attend
sell readily for huilding lot?. Price
Wlrattein. th e adm iral was asked' to state the funeral in a body. Interm ent will
United States for th e N orthern D istrict of
ills politics, ^nd !byi way of answor re- occur In Prospect Hill cemetery.
New York.
In th e m atter of Thomas P . Kyne, bank­
48iaed hie inquirer to Mrs. Dewey.
rupt, In bankruptcy. No. 2,511.
T hat ambitious lady was prompt to see
To th e creditors of Thomas P. Kyne. of
The MeKeever Fair.
Gloversville, in the county o f Pulton, New
t h a t the adm iral had opade a ‘^b^oak,”
York, and district aforesaid, a bankrupt:
The big fair and 'bazaar of th e Mc- • Notice Is hereby given th a t on th e 24th
an d thrown, 'back upon his own re ­
of March, 1900, the said Thomas _P.
sources, the new presidential aspirant. Keever Eifle corps will open a t Mills Kyne w as duly adjudicated bankrupt;
th a t th e first meeting o f his creditors
I„ . replied th a t he “.thought he'could an- ball to-morrow nightou'd arran'gemenis and
will be held a t the Court House in the city
f."''vswee*, yes, he was a Democrat.” The have been made .to make It a generally of Johnstown, Pulton county. New York,
on th e 21st day of April, 1900, a t RoO
answer Implied .an uncertlajinty, a 'de­ attractive and enjoyable event. A street o’clock In the afternoon, a t which tune
e said creditors m ay attend, prove their
gree of submission, th a t is in striking parade will ibe made prior to th e .for­ th
claims, appoint a trustee, examine the
botttrast w ith h is previous record. The mal opening and .the following bankrupt, and transact such o ther busi­
ness a s may properly come before said
.answ er also implies- the expectation
ith ai the nomination, if i t comes a t all, and the Gloversville Military bon'd:
D ated A p r l l ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ b RONK PISH , '
Referee in Bankruptcy.
m ust come from the Democratic side, Gloversville Citizens’ Corps; BoMord
m id this tardy display of political color H. & L. company. Forty-sixth separate
diMiOtea a regard for a certain kind of company, Amsterdam;. ■Winning H'Ose
company, 'Fort Plain; (Excelsior H. & L.
espsadianoy th a t is not Very flattering.
B ut there is eviden'ce th at in this emer- company, Herkimer. The mayor and
genoy, Admiilal Dewey has brought his common council will also be the guests
of the corps.
WKl?fe tb ■market out of season.
I t is true th at some of the Democrat­
Is the Proof of the Superior
s' J(}‘ organs which feel sore tow ardIn Recorder’s Court.
Bryan catch a t the new .possibility, ‘ Hamilton Miller was arrested this
Excellence of Curo
with, .more o r less eagerness, as a way afternoon by Court Officer 'Gniwodda
Out of the .woods, but even In such in ­ on a w arrant charging him w ith ■disor­
stances there is an apologetic tone re- derly conduct in breaking up a meeting
the admiral’s sim'plicity, con- of the Salvation Army at its rooms on
osm ing presidential responsibilities Bleeeker street last night an'd also of
dthairphs such support of anything like knocking the janitor against a window
‘dw»a?tdn6^. The morning dispatches with such force that th e glass was bro­
. __ citizens of this city have in
«l«o reveal the fact 'that, after a care­ ken. The defendant was arraigned be­ ■paper publicly expressed their high re­
ful UoU,, only one member of the .Dem­ fore Recorder Wood and pleaded not gard for Curo Blood Tonic, and here is
ocratic national committee was found guilty. He was repi'esented by F rank more proof:
“The best spring medicine on earth.”
who ■fhvored' the nomination, while E. Gould of the law offi'oe ol Jordam & —Mr. Thomas Lepper, 25 Grove St.
J Ylglit on the heels of Dewey’s avowal, Oass'edy, His trial was then sat ■down
"Curo as a body builder has no
the Sijtty-four delegates from Pennsyl­ for April 9, at 10 a. m., and he "yas re­ equal.”—Mr. James D. Wilson, 105 Sec­
ond street.
vania to the natiomal convention, were leased in ?200 hall.
' "I was completply run down; Curo
fflutruotad, In state convention yeaterH'oiboi't 'Fonda of Johnstown was a r­ spoodlly built mo up.”—Mr. Charles N.
51 No. Main St.
day, to fiv e their united support to rested yesterday .altomoon on a charge Jamison, 27 North School St.
"For coatlvoness, there ts nothing co
, William J. Biwan*
of partlelpatlng in a fight on Ordiai’d
In abort, the popular demand for his otreot Saturday night and 'paJd a fins of good ns Curo Blood Tonic.”—Mr. John
Van AlBtyne, 109 N. School titreot.
homlaatlon, to 'which Dewey so eonll- $5 to Recorder Wood w hen brought up
"As a nirve soother and stranjith
d ^ t ly aUufled In first announcing his for arraignment.
giver I have the utmont faith In Ouro
Blood Tonic."—Mrs. Drumm, 78 Second
candidacy, iae» n o t acorn to oryatallzo
vary m ildly, The spontaneoue ucOfli’de 8 to 10 »h«rp, Friday night,
To Introduce tlioroiiirhly and conclaim which w ai to « rte t him is aadly
IlllK hull.
vlnco everyone of its tmmenin value,
The Daily Leader,
3 p e c ^ la l I N o tie e s .
Saturday, April 7th.
N e w
N©w S to r o
S to c U .
b o y w a n t e d —Lltta u e r
A full and complete line of new
and at i ct ive styles in Hats, Caps
and Men’s Fumishings.
A. L
j3W ^N T E D -;T able c u tters a t L ittau er
hemmers. L lt-
2 5 N . M a in S t .
Exhibition of
j i c iu n ..
has opened a
haahWfitd Ita dliplaylni Usolf, and
ftiMrlt ftU tin §im <ft th# lim ii lndl«
I M Sti;
At 33 W WtiSt,
all druKtlRts laU n II bottle o f. puro
Ml m m w M m i TU*
adeRiglit, Fit Rlglt.
1 2 ? B te ^ e c ta rS L
O ^ ^ ^ -G lrl
Are you'in Need of a
housework a t
■WANTED—Layers-ofC a t J. Adler & Oo.
to do housework.
If, PifS.
A w im m m a a m
n w n n |1 f |'|| | •
| | 11 p |f ; l | | ] l I
| | I |j ||T |||f | I
'■' ■
vai ■
before Easter ? If so do not delay.
Our sample line the largest in. the
We Invite You to
Inspect Our Line.
ow ^ h^ndw rU ins
giving- references.
Made in ‘fabrics, ne(w, nosbby, broken
plaids.Freneh 'strl'pesyunflulshied elotha,
worsted in stripes and plaids, sei
clays, diagonals in sacks, cutaw
^HEMMBR wanted In shop. Kibbe i
with high cut or 'double breasted 4
. Prices $5 to $18.
Gotham or a Nox-jAll Hat,
Nelson Custom Fit Shoe,
complete the Outfit.
GIEL WANTED. L ittau er Bros.
WANTED—Girl or woman for house■work; .small family; good pay. 10 Union
EN W ANTED.—P ulton County Glue
3 Nortii Mail).
..... eLs/ERSva-i-^
IN SEAM MAKE]IRS w anted in shop.
lacoh A dler & Co.
BOY W ANTED. R ea, W hite & Carter.
B ic y c le s
Cleaned all this Week
for 50c each. All
Work thoroughly
Done and Guaran­
teed. ^
T he old wheel ■taken In exchange for
a new one, will GIVE you a gas lam p,
hell, toe clips and foot pomp, without
extra charge. NO EXTRA CHARGED
for selling wheels ON TIM!E. I CAN
SELL you TIRES and ail o ther SUN­
DRIES CHEAPER 'than anyuvliere else
in the city.
My line of wheels include the famous
Spalding, D. & H., Imperial, Ecliipse
and Liberty, ranging • in price from
BARN TO RENT—Inquire 28 Eltn street.
FURNISH][ED rooms to rent. No. 21
Hlgli street.
TO R EN T—F irs t floor P eter V. Hill
property on W est F ulton street. $15, w ith
harm. P’. L. and E. W. Peck.
To London or the ParlsExposltion,
come and let me secure your bertBs rentr Inquire 31 Cedar street.
and rooms at once. You can get yourtickets a little later. If you do not do
this you are liable to get left in secur
ing good accommodations.
If you are thinking of going to
iMnnM aw n d a oic r io rtci-r
Cunard Line,
25 Washington St.
pR A N D
April 11.
_ _ _ _ April 10^
nanagemont takes
mnouncing th at il
__ — above date the
finest comic opera organ!
istenco, without exception
Kiikt laSkelle’s Opeia Canpany,
in a marvellous $25,000 production of
the new opera comique,
m » is s iic.
LaSlielle. Music by
Book by Klrke LaS
Julian Edwards. /
andl intact fi'.om Its
ing direct im
ihs in New York, Boston, :Phllatriumphs
delphia, Baltimore
.more and "Wai
Absolutely the same superb company,
Including Christie MacDonald, Matlilldo Pi'onlllo, Margaret Stvyso, Winfield
Blake, Clinton Bldor. Hai’i’y Brown,
Joseph Miron, Thon. C. Leavy, W alter
Lawrence, Maxwell Collins.
PB I0 K6. 80,7B O S tA N D S 1.SO.
Ulft oi ient« biflni gaiin'd»y snoru*
!»*•--------------------- ----------------- .
Red Star Line,
RENT—L arge
le a th e r
squipped fo r all kinds of leath er dressing.
Glove shop_;_ C ottage street,
th e strongest
Anchor Line,
Battle Line,
Money t o loan
ind and m ortgage.
American L in e,. White Star Line.
Mills & Burton.
Hamburg American Line,
Netherlands American Line,
North German Lloyd,
FO R SALE—1 C allgraph typew riting
Compagnie Generale Transatlantique. machine.
new Remington typewriting- machine.
Clyde Line, Ward Line, Prince Line 11 roll
top desk.
Money and parcels remitted to all ^ 2 one-half
horse (Excelsior) electric moparts o f the -world,
Steamship Agency,
2 "machine delivery wagons, (to m ake
room fo r no-w ones.)
1 B radbury palm ing rnachino, (iie-w.)
All th e above a t a bargain. Inquire W.
T. Llntner, re a r opera house, Gloversville.
FOR SALE o r to rent.—House, 2i
pcct street. Inquire H. H. Steele.
dAriE5 HELL,
33 Gas Street.
H ilts ’ A g e n c y .
Mill property, Center St.
50 acre famu, $2,300.
10 acre farm in city, $2,400.
House and 3 acres in city, $1,250.
House and 10 acres in city, $1,850.
^^House and tot, West P ine street, $1,-
FOR SALE—Two houses on Oak s
Apply a t 2114 South Main street.
^^House and lot, West Pine street,$l,■House and tot. West Pine St,, $3,000.
House and lot. West Pine St., $4,500.
House and lot, Washington St., $3,- o K e r f ^ t l ?
House and tot. Broad >St., $2,600.
House and lot, Broad St., $2,200.
House and tot. Broad St,, $2,000.
House and tot, Woodsid>e Ave., $1,700.
FO R SALE—One-family house. Inquire
House and lot, Woodslde Ave, $2,000. 10-1 M arshall avenue.
House and lot, Woodslde Ave., $2,200.
m is c e l l a n e o u s House and lot, Lbxlngtoa Ave., $1,800.
m o n e y alw ays to loan on Improved
House and lot:—
ilty property, a t G etm an & BlHlngham’3.
Sixth St., $2,450.
East Pine, $1,600.
MONEY to loan on bond and mortgage
to^ $1,000 lots. B. A. Spencer, L ittguer
Maple St., $1,000.
Eagle St„ $1,500.
E agle St„ $1,800.
S(VGt» $X»GOO*
Steele ave., $1,650.
iwman S t, $1,000.
ankUix St„ $1,400.
.nklln S t, $1,00C
Inut e t, $600.
..... nut S t, $1,
McNab Avo„ 11,800.
Spring S t, $1,900. ,
Spring 8t„ $3,000.
Qhrlitio St.. $1,8G0,
qiTC»tnut S L 13,000.
Dance at the
A P R I L T th .