Q Exactive – A True Qual-Quan HR/AM Mass Spectrometer for Routine Discovery and Target Quantification in Proteomics Yi Zhang1, Zhiqi Hao1, Rosa Viner1, Shannon Eliuk1, Justin D. Blethrow1, Vlad Zabrouskov1, Markus Kellmann2 and Andreas F. Huhmer1 Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose, CA 95134, USA1; Thermo Fisher Scientific, Hanna-Kunath-Str. 11, 28199 Bremen, Germany2 High Dynamic Range, High Sensitivity, High Duty Cycle High Precision, High Accuracy TMT Quantification High Selectivity, High Sensitivity, High Throughput Figure 3: Q Exactive identified 2x unique peptides and proteins and 4x lower abundant proteins than the TripleTOF due to its broader dynamic range, fast scan rate, and high quality HCD spectra. Q Exactive FIGURE 1. Schematic of the Q Exactive HCD/C-Trap Combo Cell Spectrum Multiplexing Quadrupole Mass Filter (dd HCD, SIM) Figure 4: TMT 6-plex Quantitative Results on Q Exactive A. Quantifiable MS2 spectra account for 97% of the total identified MS2. Bent Flatapole Figure 8: LOD of 10 amol or 100 amol is routinely achieved with HR/AM targeted quantification in medium or strong background, respectively A. Sensitivity and linear dynamic range of peptide targets in 10 ng yeast digest Figure 5: High resolution ensures accurate target selection Log10(Peak Area) Results: The Q Exactive identified twice as many peptides/proteins as the AB Sciex TripleTOF 5600 in a well controlled head-to-head comparison. High precision (CV<13%) was routinely achieved for TMT-based quantification experiments on the Q Exactive. The quadrupole based SIM and ultra-high resolution of 140K resulted in accurate and sensitive HR/AM targeted quantification. A LOD of 10 amol was obtained on most peptide targets with low background. HR/AM Target Verification/Quantification B. Measured ratios are within 5% of expected values, with CV<13%. TripleTOF 5600 1.04 1.02 1.03 1.05 30 ppm 1.03 • Low amol detection • CV < 10% at 50 amol • 4 orders of linearity S/N: >40 SSAAPPPPPR* 10amole 1fmole 100fmole Log10(Sample Amount) GISNEGQNASIK* R2: 0.9991-0.9999 Ratio Methods: The peptide identification capability was investigated through in-depth analysis of the yeast proteome. Discovery-based quantification accuracy and precision were evaluated using TMT labeled E. coli digests. The sensitivity and linear dynamic range for HR/AM targeted quantification were investigated with peptide standards spiked into a complex yeast digest background. Discovery-based HR/AM Qual/Quan # of Unique Peptides Purpose: The performance of a novel Q Exactive mass spectrometer was evaluated in both routine peptide identification and targeted peptide quantification. Discovery- Protein Identification Peak area Overview 1000ng 100ng DIPVPKPK* Sample amount (fmol) 10ng # of Protein Groups B. Sensitivity and linear dynamic range of peptide targets in 1000 ng yeast digest Orbitrap with Enhance Resolution Samples: heavy isotope labeled peptide retention standards (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Cat #: 88321), yeast tryptic digest, TMT 6-plex labeled E. coli tryptic digest. LC: Split-free EASY-nLC from Proxeon, Solvent A: 0.1% formic acid in H2O, Solvent B: 0.1% formic acid in acetonitrile. Capillary In-Depth Proteome Analysis # of Protein Groups Figure 2: Q Exactive has 10x broader dynamic range of identification Most Intense Least Intense Copy Number of Yeast Proteins1 10 ng load High Quality HCD Spectrum identified with the Q Exactive only Extracted from: C:\Xcalibur\data\Zhiqi\ID_QE\20110321_10ngYeastDigest_Top10_140min_01.raw #23048 RT: 77.42 FTMS, HCD, z=+2, Mono m/z=645.83948 Da, MH+=1290.67168 Da, Match Tol.=20 mmu TripleTOF 5600 Q Exactive 1000 ng load Intens ity [counts ] (10^3) 50 y₃₊ 435.26990 40 30 149 copy/cell in 10 ng sample L G N D D E V I L F R y₄₊ y₁₊ 175.11826 20 548.35284 MASCOT Score: 90 y₅₊ 647.42157 y₆₊ 776.46594 y₂₊ 322.18576 y₈₊ 1006.51752 y₁₀₊ 1177.57886 y₉₊ 1120.55273 y₆₊-H₂O 758.45410 b₅₊-NH₃ 498.17874 10 y₇₊ 891.48932 0 200 400 600 800 m/z Normalized Precursor Intensity of Identified Yeast Peptides 1000 1200 Data Analysis Peptide identification and TMT quantification data were processed and searched against their respective databases with Mascot using standard search parameter settings in Proteome Discoverer 1.3. Targeted quantification using LC peak areas of heavy peptide standards with ±5 ppm mass windows were automatically calculated for both full scan and SIM scan using Quan browser in Xcalibur 2.2. Linear regression fittings in both normal scale and log scale were performed to estimate LOD and LOQ. NGFILDGFPR* 10amole 1fmole 100fmole Log10(Sample Amount) R2: 0.9997-1.0000 Sample amount (fmol) Conclusion TMT Quantification Evaluation: E. coli tryptic digests were labeled with TMT 6-plex reagents at a ratio of 1:1:1:1:1:1. Labeled peptides (20, 40, 80, 200, 500 ng) were separated over a Michrom Magic C18 nano LC column (75µm x 20cm, 3µm particle) with a two-hour gradient, analyzed with a data dependent top 10 HCD method on the Q Exactive. The resolution was 70K for full scan and 17.5K for MS2. The maximum IT was 250 ms for both full scan and MS2 scan, top 10 HCD was selected with MS2 trigger threshold of 1E5 and dynamic exclusion of 80s. The AGC targets were the same as above. HR/AM Targeted Quantification: Heavy isotope labeled peptide retention standards at 0, 10 amol, 50 amol, 100 amol, 1fmol, 10 fmol, and 100 fmol were spiked into either 10 ng or 1000 ng of yeast tryptic digest. Each sample was analyzed three times with a 60 min LC gradient over a Michrom Magic C18 nano LC column (75µm x 15cm, 3µm particle) and a full-msx tSIM method on the Q Exactive. The resolution was set at 140k for both scan types. The AGC target was 1E6 for full scan and 5E5 for SIM scan. The maximum ion injection time was 100 ms for full scan and 500 ms for SIM scan. The isolation width for SIM scan was 4 amu. The peptide retention standards were monitored over a 4 min window. Multiplexing level was set at 4, which allowed isolation and accumulation of up to four peptide targets in the c-trap before they were transferred to Orbitrap for detection (Figure 7) S/N: 2.5-6 GLILVGGYGTR* Head-to-Head Comparison of the Q Exactive against the AB SciexTripleTOF 5600 for Peptide Identification: Yeast tryptic digests at 10 ng, 100 ng and 1000 ng were analyzed with the same nano LC column (Dionex AcclaimPepMap100 C18, 75µm x 15cm, 3µm particle, 100Å pore size) and the same 60 min gradient on both the Q Exactive and TripleTOF 5600. The instrument parameters on the TripleTOF 5600 were set at values recommended by AB Sciex: 250 ms full scan with 30K resolution, top 20 MS/MS with 15K resolution and 50 ms beam time, MS2 trigger threshold of 100 cps, dynamic exclusion of 30 s. On the Q Exactive, the resolution was 70K for full scan and 35K for MS2, the AGC target was 1E6 for full scan and 1E5 for MS2, the maximum IT was 100 ms for both full scan and MS2 scan, top 10 HCD was selected with MS2 trigger threshold of 5,000 and dynamic exclusion of 60s. Discovery- Protein Identification A Head-to-Head Comparison against TripleTOF 5600 Same sample, Same column, Same gradient TMT channels for Quantification (80ng) Methods 1000ng 100ng 10ng Amount of Yeast Tryptic Digest Loaded • 100 amol - 1fmol detection • 3-4 orders of linearity Log10(Peak Area) Amount of TMT 6-plex labeled E. coli digest Peak area S-lens (Improved Sensitivity) Figure 6: High sensitivity with quadrupole based SIM scan Figure 7: Spectrum multiplexing and concurrent injection/detection provides high throughput analyses A G C Orbitrap FTMS acquisition scan 1 A G Orbitrap FTMS acquisition scan 2 C The Q Exactive is well suited for routine in-depth proteome analysis with its five orders of magnitude dynamic range, fast high-resolution MS/MS scan rate of 12Hz, and high quality HR/AM HCD spectrum. The Q Exactive generates accurate quantification data with high precision (CV<15%) in TMT based quantitative discovery analyses. The quadruple-based high-resolution SIM scans combined with the unique spectrum multiplexing functionality enable high throughput HR/AM quantification with high selectivity and sensitivity in target verification/quantification studies. The Q Exactive is a true Qual-Quan mass spectrometer, which allows seamless transition from discovery to target verification/quantification. References 1. Ghaemmaghami S, Huh WK, Bower K, Howson RW, Belle A, Dephoure N, O’Shea EK, Weissman JS. Nature 2003,16, 737–7341. Acknowledgements Collecting ions for scan 2 Collecting ions for scan 3 We would like to thank Professor Gygi from Harvard University for supplying the purified yeast digest sample.