SAFE OWNER’S MANUAL MODELNO._________________________________ SERIALNO.__________________________________ 1 ATTACH COPY OF ORIGINAL SALES RECEIPT HERE At Rhino Metals, Inc., our job goes beyond just making safes. We believe our ul mate responsibility is to provide a quality product that creates peace of mind and unmatched value for our customers. We are thankful you chose Rhino Metals, Inc. to help protect your valuables and are confident you will be sa sfied with your safe for years to come. The Rhino Metals, Inc. Team 2 2 DO NOT STORE YOUR COMBINATION OR PROOF OF PURCHASE INSIDE YOUR SAFE PLEASE KEEP INFORMATION AVAILABLE AS WE WILL ASK FOR IT IF WARRANTY WORK IS NECESSARY. Serial Number: ___________________________________________ Combina on: ___________________________________________ Purchased From: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________________ Rhino Metals, Inc. Makers of Bighorn, Kodiak and Rhino Safes 607 Garber Street Caldwell, ID 83605 208‐454‐5545 208‐459‐0819 (FAX) Toll Free: 800‐701‐9128 For Technical Support issues, it is helpful to be near your safe when you call. 3 3 CONTENTS Sales Receipt/Le er from the Company Safe Informa on Contents What’s Included with Your Safe 2 3 4 5 Ge ng Started Rhino Safes Step 1. Rhino Safe Clutch System 6 Rhino Safe Detent Bu on Func on Step 2. Removing Shipping Feet 7 Step 3. Bol ng Down your Rhino Safe 8 Ge ng Started Bighorn/Kodiak Safes Step 1. Removing Interlock Screw Step 2. Removing Shipping Feet Step 3. Bol ng Down your Safe Ge ng Started Ba ery Installa on Opening Your Safe For The First Time Electric Lock Instruc ons Manual Lock Instruc ons Frequently Asked Ques ons Troubleshoo ng Guide Warranty 9 10 11 12 13 14,15 16 17 17,18 20 Interior shelves have a max load ra ng of 40 lbs. 4 4 What’s Included with Your Safe 1. Handles may come inside your safe, depending on model. (Excludes models with drop handles or hand wheels) 2. Extra Shelf Clips 3. Owner’s Manual Accessories are available. Please visit us at 5 Ge ng Started: Rhino Safes STEP 1 Rhino Clutch System Patent Pending Certain model Rhino Safes come with an internally clutched handle. The clutch will automa cally disengage the handle sha from the locking mechanism if the handle is rotated in either direc on without first unlocking the lock. This is normal opera on. The clutch has been adjusted at the factory. If you suspect your clutch system is not func oning properly, do not a empt to adjust the clutch without consul ng tech support, as it will void the warranty and may cause a lockout to occur. Detent Bu on Func on on Rhino Safes (Does not apply to Bighorn or Kodiak Safes) Certain Rhino Safes are equipped with an interlock device which prevents the bolts from being extended while the door is open. You will need to depress this bu on when tes ng the lock. To extend the bolts with the door open, press the detent bu on (located on the hinge side of the door) then turn the hub/handles counter‐clockwise. Detent Bu on 6 6 Ge ng Started: Rhino Safes STEP 2 Removing Shipping Feet on Rhino Safes A en on For your safety, we recommend that a professional mover remove the shipping feet. For safety, blocks should be placed under the safe before removal of the shipping feet. Cau on: The door of your safe is extremely heavy and is a safety hazard un l bolted down. on A en Prior to bol ng down, exercise extreme cau on when opening the door to prevent the safe from pping over. On Rhino Safes, you will need to unbolt the shipping feet from the inside of the safe. 1. You will need a 5/8” socket wrench to remove the shipping feet. (wrench not included) 2. Place blocks under safe on all 4 corners of the safe for safety purposes. 3. Locate bo om floor tabs (le and right sides) and pull up on the tab to li panel, exposing the bolt heads (see page 8 for more details). 4. REMOVE ALL BOLTS. Place wrench on head of bolt. Begin turning bolt counter‐clockwise to remove. Once ALL (4) bolts are removed, the door MUST be closed and locked before the next step. The door of your safe is heavy and presents a safety hazard un l bolted down. 5. Close and lock safe door before con nuing. 6. Tilt the safe to the le , as shown, and care‐ fully pull shipping feet and blocks away from bo om side of safe. Use two people for this step. 7. Once shipping feet and blocks have been removed from one side of the safe, carefully lower safe to the floor as shown. Proceed removing shipping feet and blocks from other side of the safe, following step 6. 7 7 Ge ng Started: Rhino Safes STEP 3 Bol ng Down Your Rhino Safe Safe must be bolted directly to floor. Shipping feet must be removed. To remove shipping feet, please refer to page 7. Your safe is predrilled from the factory for anchoring with 2‐4 holes through the floor of your safe. (Located under the floor panel) 1. Place safe in exact loca on desired. 2. Open door. 3. Locate carpeted tabs on floor of safe. Pull tabs gently upward to‐ wards the center of the safe to expose the floor. It is not neces‐ sary to remove the interior or the carpeted floor panel, however you may need to remove the 3 outlet adapter if your safe included a factory installed electrical outlet. (See red arrows below) 4. Locate factory anchoring holes. PULL UP ON TABS 5. Purchase anchor bolts correctly suited for your floor type. We recommend using wedge anchor bolts 3” or longer for concrete floors and 1/2” in diameter. Follow bolt manufacturer’s installa on instruc ons. Anchoring hardware is not included. WARNING: Your safe is heavy and presents a safety hazard unless bolted down. You must bolt down your safe to validate your break‐in warranty. 8 8 Ge ng Started: Bighorn Safes STEP 1 Removing Interlock Screw Certain model Bighorn Safes come with an interlock screw. Simply open the door by pulling on hub. Once the door is open, you need to remove the screw with a screwdriver. WARNING: Max load for shelves is 40 lbs. 9 9 Ge ng Started: Bighorn/Kodiak Safes STEP 2 Removing Shipping Feet Bighorn/Kodiak Safes (and select models of Rhino Safes) A en on When removing shipping feet, start from side to side and not front to back. Remove shipping feet one side at a me. If your safe is under 500 lbs., use a minimum of 2 people. If your safe is over 500 lbs., the manufacturer recommends professional installa on. 1. Make sure door is closed and locked. 2. On a Bighorn or Kodiak, you will need either a 17mm or a 19mm socket wrench to remove the shipping feet. (wrench not included) 3. Have an assistant brace the safe. 4. Place wrench on head of bolt. Begin turn‐ ing bolt counter‐clockwise to remove. Unbolt one side, and do the same to the other. 5. Tilt the safe side to the le , as shown and carefully pull shipping feet away from bo om of safe. Use two people for this step. 6. Once shipping feet have been removed from one side of the safe, carefully lower safe to the floor. Proceed removing bolts from other side of the safe, and follow steps 3 and 4. 10 10 Ge ng Started: Bighorn/Kodiak Safes STEP 3 Bol ng Down Your Bighorn/Kodiak Safe Safe must be bolted directly to floor. Shipping feet must be removed. To remove shipping feet, please refer to page 10. Your safe is predrilled from the factory for anchoring and has either 2 or 4 holes through the floor of your safe 1. Place safe in exact loca on desired. 2. Open door, and remove black caps to expose anchor holes. 3. Purchase anchor bolts correctly suited for your floor type. We recommend using wedge anchor bolts 3” or longer for concrete floors and 1/2” in diameter. Follow bolt manufacturer’s installa on instruc ons. Anchoring hardware is not included. WARNING: Your safe is heavy and presents a safety hazard unless bolted down. You must bolt down your safe to validate your break‐in warranty. 11 Ge ng Started Ba ery Installa on This applies to SecuRam and LaGard electronic locks only. 1. 9 volt Ba ery required. (not included) Use a new ba ery with “use date” at least 4 years in the future. Pre‐used or old ba eries will likely cause your lock to malfunc on. 2. Place palm under keypad and push UP. 3. Gently pull keypad away from safe. Install ba ery, taking care not to pull out wiring harness. 12 12 Ge ng Started Opening Your Safe For The First Time Bighorn and Kodiak safes come with the lock de‐ energized and will open by simply rota ng the hub 1. A er installing ba ery, enter factory default combina on of 1‐2‐3‐4‐5‐6 to ac vate your lock. 2. Test the opera on of the lock several mes with the door open before a emp ng to change the code. Instruc ons for changing the code are on page 15. 3. Handles will be inside the safe. Install handles by screwing clockwise into hub. 13 Ge ng Started LaGard Lock SecuRam Lock Electronic Lock Instruc ons OPENING THE LOCK Enter the exis ng six digit code. The lock comes from the factory set to 1‐2‐3‐4‐5‐6 and/or 1‐1‐1‐1‐1‐1. Each key press is confirmed with an audio and light signal. The lock will indicate a valid code entry with a double signal. Ensure that the factory default se ngs are overwri en. Failure to change the factory default combina ons may result in unauthorized access. Within 3 or 4 seconds, turn handle clockwise; pull door open. To lock the safe, turn the safe handle counter‐clockwise. Always check to ensure the lock has engaged by turning the handle clockwise. WRONG TRY PENALTY Entry of 4 consecu ve invalid codes starts a 5 minute delay period. (LED will flash at 5 or 10 second intervals.) This lock will indicate an invalid code entry with a triple signal. At the end of the lock‐out period, two more incorrect codes will restart an addi onal 5‐minute delay period. LOW BATTERY INDICATIONS Repeated beeping during opening indicates that the ba ery is low and needs immediate replacement. Uses (1) 9‐Volt ba ery. We recommend the use of Duracell™ or Energizer™ ba eries. Ba ery must have “use date” at least 4 years in the future. The lock manufacturers recommend replacement of the ba ery at least annually. 14 14 Ge ng Started CHANGING YOUR BATTERY Slide the keypad housing up and carefully pull away from moun ng surface to expose ba ery compartment. Remove 9‐Volt ba ery and replace with new one with “use date” at least 4 years in the future. The connector is easily removed by unsnapping it from the two terminals on the top of the ba ery. CAUTION: HOLD ON TO BATTERY TERMINAL TO AVOID PULLING WIRES OUT OF HOUSING. Carefully posi on the keypad over the moun ng screws and slide the keypad housing down. Ensure that there are no wires or cables bent or pinched between the input pad and the safe door. Pinched cables can result in a short circuit and performance issues with your lock. In rare cases, staƟc electric discharge could damage your electric lock or keypad. To reduce this risk, always touch the handles or body of the safe before you touch the keypad to enter your combinaƟon. WARNING: NEVER ATTEMPT TO CHANGE YOUR COMBINATION WITH YOUR SAFE DOOR SHUT. OPEN THE DOOR AND EXTEND THE DOORBOLTS BEFORE PROCEEDING ! CHANGING YOUR CODE 1. Press the “0” (zero) bu on six mes. 2. Enter your exis ng six digit code one me. 3. Enter NEW six digit code two mes. 4. Enter your new code again to unlock safe. If a mistake is made, wait thirty seconds and repeat steps 1‐4. Test opera on of the lock several mes before pu ng any items in the safe or before shu ng the door. IF YOU DO NOT KNOW THE EXISTING COMBINATION, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO FOLLOW THE CHANGING INSTRUCTIONS. USERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING A RECORD OF THEIR COMBINATION. 15 15 Ge ng Started OPENING YOUR MANUAL LOCK NEVER SPIN THE DIAL, TURN SLOWLY USE THE OPENING INDEX MARK LOCATED AT THE 12 O’CLOCK POSITION ON THE OUTER RING OF LOCK Turn dial le (counter‐clockwise) at least four full revolu ons stopping exactly on the first number of your combina on. Turn dial right (clockwise) passing the second number of your combina on twice, stopping exactly on it the third me around. Turn dial le (counter‐clockwise) passing the third number of your combina on once, stopping exactly on it the second me around. Turn dial slowly to the right un l it stops. Make sure it has turned as far as possible, then turn handle clockwise; pull door open. 16 16 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 1. Where is my serial number located? Your serial number is located on the back or side of the safe on one of the upper corners. It usually starts with the model number, followed by a series of numbers; also lower inside door frame. 2. How do I clean my safe? A clean cloth dampened with water works well. Use a dus ng cloth with no lint residue. 3. Is my safe pre‐drilled for a dehumidifier? Yes, depending on model your safe may either be predrilled or have an internal power outlet. If predrilled, you will see a small hole drilled in the steel in one of the lower corners on the backside of the safe. You’ll need to back‐drill through the fire lining and upholstery and will be able to feed the wire for your dehumidifier into the hole. 4. My safe has external hinges. Are they more vulnerable to an a ack than internal hinges? No. In fact, external hinges are just as, if not more, secure. Your safe has door bolts on both sides of the door to prevent the door from opening if the hinges are sawed off. Also, in a fire, internal hinged safes are vulnerable to heat transfer as there is a large unprotected area where the hinges are welded to the inside of the body. External hinges help provide you the best fire and the protec on possible. 5. Should I bolt my safe down? Definitely! If you had the ability to get your safe into your house, a burglar will be able to get it out. Bol ng your safe down ensures the best possible protec on for your valuables. Also, safes are very top heavy and when unsecured can be a safety hazard. You must bolt down your safe to validate your break‐in warranty. 6. How do I bolt my safe down? Your safe has pre‐drilled anchoring holes in the floor. (Refer to pages 8 & 11) 7. Can my electronic lock be hot‐wired by a burglar to gain entry? U.L. Listed electronic locks are designed to block any a empts at hot‐wiring, shor ng, and manipula on. The only way to open your lock is with the exis ng combina on. TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 1. I can’t get the combina on to work on my manual lock. Review the opening procedure on pg. 16. 2. I have a SecuRam electric lock and my safe won’t lock. The most common issue is low current from the ba ery. If your safe won’t lock, try installing a new 9 volt ba ery with “use date” at least 4 years in the future. 3. Should I clean my doorbolts? Yes, if there is fric on when turning the handles or wheel you should wipe the doorbolts with a clean rag and then use furniture polish or apply a thin silicone based lubricant on doorbolts. 17 17 4. I am ge ng no response from my electronic lock. Replace your ba ery with a new 9V Duracell™ or Energizer™ ba ery with a “use date” of at least 4 years in the future. Low current will cause keypad to malfunc on. Make sure all wires are properly and ghtly connected to the keypad with no pinched wires or bent connectors. 5. My electronic lock is randomly flashing and not allowing me to enter my combina on. You may be in lock‐out mode. Do not touch anything on the keypad for a period of 10‐15 minutes. (If you a empt to enter your combina on while in lock‐out mode, the lock‐out period will be extended. Changing the ba ery on your keypad while in lock‐out mode will also extend the lock‐out period.) A er you have waited 10‐15 minutes and the light stops flashing, you may then enter your combina on. If it is s ll flashing randomly, wait up to 2 hours before trying again. 6. My electronic lock beeps and flashes a er every digit is pressed, but it will not lock/unlock my safe. If your lock is accep ng your combina on (indicated by two beeps and flashes a er the combina on has been pressed), you may have a ba ery with too li le current. Try con‐ nec ng a new 9V Duracell™ or Energizer™ ba ery with a “use date” at least four years in the future. Then, try your combina on again. If your lock gives you three beeps and flashes a er the combina on has been pressed, an incorrect code has been entered. In some cases, this may also indicate a low ba ery. 7. I’ve changed my ba ery and the safe is s ll not locking/unlocking. If you are a emp ng to unlock the safe, rotate the handle counter clockwise while you enter your combina on. Once you hear the two beeps wait for 2 seconds, and then rotate clockwise to open. If you are a emp ng to lock the safe, turn the handle to the le un l it stops, then press and hold the handle to the le for 7 seconds before checking to see if it locked. 8. What do I do if I have forgo en the combina on to my safe? If you have an electronic lock and have forgo en your code, you will have to have your safe drilled open by a locksmith, which could cost you over $500. To prevent this, please keep your combina on in a secure loca on– NOT inside your safe. WE DO NOT STORE YOUR COMBINATION AT THE FACTORY. If you have a manual lock, we may have your combina on on file; however, we neither guarantee it is available, nor are we responsible for keeping the informa on. If available, we can give the factory set combina on to you with proof of pur‐ chase and iden fica on. If you have since changed your combina on, a locksmith must be called. 9. My door is dragging. How can I fix this? Make sure you have removed the shipping feet from underneath your safe as it is a safety hazard and could cause your safe to be unlevel. Once the feet have been removed, check to be sure the safe is on level ground. If it is not, use shims to level it. If s ll dragging, contact tech support. 10. My door seems loose when closed. Is there a way to ghten this? For Bighorn and Kodiak Safes, adjust the doorbolt strike pad located on the le side of the door frame. You can bend these out using a screwdriver to put tension on your doorbolts and pull the door into the frame. Be sure not to pull the doorbolt strike pads out too far as they can damage your doorbolts and make the safe difficult to open. For Rhino Safes, please contact tech support. 18 Notes 19 Limited Life me Warranty Rhino Metals, Inc. offers to the original purchaser, a limited lifetime warranty, covering defects in workmanship, material, damage by unlawful attempted or actual break-in, and fire. This Warranty applies only to safes located in the United States, purchased at an authorized Bighorn Safe or Rhino Safe dealer, and that have been used solely in residential applications. Commercial or industrial use applications carry a one year warranty against defects in workmanship and materials. In order to receive warranty support under this Warranty, Purchaser must provide Rhino Metals, Inc. with (1) proof of purchase, (2) a written statement, (3) photographs of the damaged safe and (4) a police or fire department report. Rhino Metals, Inc. will make the decision to repair the safe in-home, at the factory, or replace the safe altogether. If possible, the safe will be repaired locally. If the safe is to be repaired at the factory or replaced, Rhino Metals, Inc. will, at its expense, have the safe opened, if required, and will pay for the freight back to the factory. Purchaser must package and palletize the safe and make the safe available for a curb side pickup at their expense. The Warranty does not cover any costs for removal or installation of the safe or its contents. Personal property in the safe is not covered by the Warranty. The obligation of Rhino Metals, Inc. under this Warranty is contingent upon proper use, installation, and maintenance of the safe and shall not apply to safes or safe parts which have been neglected, misused, or exposed to extreme or unusual environments. Failure to bolt down the safe using factory pre-drilled holes voids this warranty. Any modifying or tampering with the safe which alters or affects the safe’s use or operation voids the warranty. Without limit, this Warranty specifically excludes any liability for defects or damage caused or increased by the use of unauthorized parts. Upon purchase, the Purchaser must promptly notify Rhino Metals, Inc. of any defects. The Purchaser’s remedies are solely limited to replacing parts or repair and are at the discretion of Rhino Metals, Inc. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Locks and electronic keypads carry a one year warranty for labor and parts. The warranty does not cover forgotten or lost combinations, dead or weak batteries, or improper opening procedures. Lights and electrical components carry a one year warranty. Paint or powder coat finish is warranted for one year based on proper care and environment. This Warranty is given in place of all other warranties and assurances, whether expressed or implied, including but not limited to matters of merchantability, quality, or fitness for purpose. Rhino Metals, Inc. accepts no liability under any circumstances whatsoever, for any incidental or consequential damage or loss suffered by anyone as a result of using or being unable to use the safe. This Warranty does not apply to the following: Bighorn Model 12ECC, P-10, Rhino Underbed Series, Rhino Ironworks Personal Safe Series, Rhino Ironworks Tool Chests, and Rhino Ironworks Home Furniture Series. Version 14D 20