P. Bruschi: Notes on Mixed Signal Design App. 3.4 Application of the cut-insertion theorem (decomposition theorem) to the design of closed loop, op-amp based networks. 1.1 Ideal block diagrams of feedback systems. Figure 1 shows a typical block diagram used in control theory to model feedback systems. All blocks are ideal and unidirectional. By simple calculations: α βA VOUT =− β βA − 1 VS (1) When |βA| tends to infinity, Vout/Vs tends to -α/β. In order to obtain a precise overall transfer function, transfer functions α and β must be precise, i.e. they should be designed to have as small as possible temperature coefficients, reduced dependence on pressure variations and high time stability. On the other hand, block A (amplifier) should exhibit high gain (to guarantee an high |βA| value, since generally β ≤ 1 ), and provide the required power to drive the load. Feedback Network β VE α VS A VOUT Fig.1: Typical block diagram used in control theory Equation (1) can be re-written as: [ VOUT α 1 α −1 = − 1 + ≅ − 1 + (β A) VS β βA − 1 β ] (2) where the rightmost approximation holds when |βA|-1<<1, that is |βA|>>1. Eq.2 gives an estimate of the relative error with respect to the ideal transfer function (-α/β): ε AL ≡ ∆AL −1 ≅ βA AL (3) For example, if we need to design a closed loop transfer function with AL=1 (unity gain amplifier or buffer), we simply can make α=1, β=−1. Than if we require an accuracy better than 1%, we simply have to guarantee that A>100. Similarly, it can be shown that to get the same accuracy (1%) but with an overall gain of 100 (e.g. α=1, β=−0.01), we need a block A with at least a gain of 104. The 1 P. Bruschi: Notes on Mixed Signal Design App. 3.4 requirement on |βA| deriving from the relative error specification through (3) should clearly hold over the whole frequency interval of interest. 1.2 Feedback systems in the electrical domain. When dealing with real electrical networks, the analysis is more complicated, since signals are embodied by voltage and/or currents that should satisfy Kirchhoff laws: blocks are often bidirectional and loading effects occur when blocks are cascaded. Figure 2(a) shows the implementation of the system of Fig.1 using electrical blocks. Feedback Network Feedback Network vs I E ve O AMP βN vs vout vo αN (a) ve vin AMP vout (b) Fig.2: (a) Implementation of the block diagram of Fig.1 in the electrical domain; (b) definition of the Feedback network transfer functions. In Fig.2(b) amplifier have been detached from the feedback network in order to measure the individual transfer functions of the blocks. Let us indicate with αN and βN the transfer functions from the input and output ports (I and O, respectively) to the error port (E) of the feedback network and with AOL the amplifier gain. These transfer functions are defined by: v α N ≡ e ; v s vo = 0 v β N ≡ e ; vo vs = 0 v AOL = out vin (4) It would be desirable to be able to model the circuit of Fig.2(a) with the block diagram of Fig.1, where α=αN, β=βN and A=AOL, so that Eqns. (1-3) would be applicable. Unfortunately, such a simple schematization is not correct since: • • • The amplifier gain depends on the loading effect of the feedback network. The feedback network transfer functions, calculated with the amplifier unconnected as in Fig.2(b), are different from the actual transfer functions occurring in the closed loop circuit of Fig.2(a). Blocks are not unidirectional. A possible approach is given by the cut-insertion method introduced by B. Pellegrini end described in refs.[1,2], by which it is possible to obtain the network of Fig.3, where the following network transfer functions can be defined: 2 P. Bruschi: Notes on Mixed Signal Design v α ≡ r vs v ; β ≡ r v p =0 vout v γ = out vs ; vs = 0 vp ; Zi = i v p =0 p vs = 0 v A = out v p vs = 0 App. 3.4 (5) ip ρ = vs v p = 0 It can be shown [1] that the network of Fig.3 is equivalent to the original network in Fig.2(a) if the following conditions hold true: vp = α vs ; 1 − βA 1 1 ρ = + (1 − β A) Z p Zi α (6) Feedback Network Ip vs Z p vr vp AMP vout Fig.3: Application of the cut-insertion method to the network of Fig.2. In these conditions, the overall closed loop transfer function of the network is given by: vout α βA =− +γ vs β βA − 1 (7) Eqn, (7) is very similar to (2), except for the term γ, which is apparently a feed-forward path for the signal vs . This approach represents a powerful method for the analysis of the network, since it allows splitting the overall transfer function into simpler network functions. The study of the system stability is also much facilitated. Complications might arise from the calculation of Zp, but, since the amplifier can be approximated as a unidirectional block, ρ=0 and Zp is simply the input impedance of the amplifier itself. In order to fully exploit the significant simplification offered by the cut-insertion theorem also for design purposes, the following conditions would be required: • • the feed-forward term γ should be negligible, since it introduces an error with respect to the nominal –α/β transfer function and its magnitude is not affected by increase of the βA term. the network functions α and β should coincide with αN and βN, respectively, calculated as in Fig.2(b), in order to greatly simplify the design of the feedback network and make it as independent as possible of the amplifier characteristics. 3 P. Bruschi: Notes on Mixed Signal Design App. 3.4 Both requirements are met if the following conditions hold: Z i >> Z e (8) Z out << Z o ; (9) where Zout and Zi are the output and input impedances of the amplifier, respectively, while Zo and Ze are the impedances seen across port O and port E, respectively, when the other ports are short-circuited. While the eq.(8) can be assumed to be verified, at least as a first approximations, (9) is difficult to fulfill with modern, low voltage operational amplifier, where, in order to maximize the output swing, common drain output stages are used, with output resistances in the range of several tens of kilo-Ohms. In this case, γ is often non negligible and α strongly depends on the amplifier output resistance, which is a parameter that is difficult to be controlled and even to be reliably simulated. Nevertheless, it is interesting to observe that, if |βA| tends to infinity, the closed loop transfer function tends to: v lim out β A →∞ v s α* = − β (10) where α* is vr/vs calculated with vp=0 and the output port short-circuited. Note that α* does not depend on the amplifier output impedance and also coincides with αN in the case that the input impedance of the amplifier is much larger than port E output impedance, i.e. condition (8) holds. With this new definition of α, the closed loop transfer function tends to a simple expression just as in the case of the ideal block diagram of Fig.1. In particular, Eqn.(10) is not affected by the feed forward term γ. In order to demonstrate Eqn.(10) let us start by defining the two quantities α* and β*, using the network of Fig.4, obtained from the network of Fig.3. We keep vp turned off and place an ideal voltage source vo across the output terminations. This is clearly possible only if the amplifier output impedance is not zero, which is true in all real cases. Then: v v α* ≡ r ; β* ≡ r v s v p ,vo = 0 vo v p ,vs = 0 (11) Feedback Network vp=0 vs AMP vr’=α* vs+β *vo Fig.4: Network used for calculation of the definition of α* and β*. 4 vo P. Bruschi: Notes on Mixed Signal Design App. 3.4 Now, let us consider Fig.5 that shows the network used for determining parameters α and γ, according to definitions (5). If we place an ideal voltage source of value γvs across the output termination (leaving vs turned on), the network shown in Fig. 5 is not altered, therefore the value of vr does not change. We can then consider the network of Fig.5 as a particular case of Fig.4, with vo=γvs. Then: α vs = vr v p =0 = vr' v p = 0 , v 0 = γv s = α*vs + β* γvs (12) Since this expression must hold true for whatever value of vs, then the following relationship can be found: α = α * + β* γ (13) Feedback Network vp=0 vs vout=γ vs AMP vr=α vs Fig.5: Network used for calculation of α and γ. Substituting this expression of α into (7) we get: ( ) ( ) vout α * + γβ* β A α* βA γ β* − β A =− +γ=− + +γ vs β βA − 1 β β A − 1 1 − βA 1 − βA (14) In order to find a further simplification, it is useful to find the relationship between β and β*. First, we refer to Fig. 6, where the voltage vr (indicated here with vr’’) is expressed as a function of vp and vo (with vs=0). Clearly, when only vo is on, we are in the same conditions of Fig.4 with vs=0, then the transfer function from vo to vr is β*. We introduce a new transfer function between vp and vr with vs=0 and vo=0 (i.e. output termination shorted): v η≡ r v p v s , vo = 0 (15) 5 P. Bruschi: Notes on Mixed Signal Design App. 3.4 Feedback Network vp vs=0 vo AMP vr’’=β*vo+η vp Fig.6 Network used for calculation of the dependence of vr on vp and vo for vs=0 Then let us consider Fig.7, showing the configuration used to calculate parameter β. Clearly, vr does not change if a voltage source of value Avp is placed across the output termination. This corresponds to setting vo=Avp in Fig. 6, therefore: β Av p = vr vs = 0 = vr'' v p = 0 , v0 = Av p = β* Av p + ηv p (16) From which, we find: η β* = β − A (17) Feedback Network vp vs=0 AMP vout=Avp vr=βvout Fig.7: Network used for definition of A and β. Note that, with the particular configuration of the network resulting from the application of the cutinsertion theorem to the original circuit of Fig.2(a), voltage vp may affect vr only trough the output termination. Since the latter is shorted in (15), η must be zero. As a result: β* = β (18) With (18), Eqn. 14 becomes: 6 P. Bruschi: Notes on Mixed Signal Design vout α* βA γ =− + vs β βA − 1 1 − β A App. 3.4 (19) It can be easily shown that the block diagram corresponding to (19) is that of Fig.8: Feedback Network vS β ve α∗ A vout γ Fig.8: Block diagram equivalent to Eqn.(19). If we calculate the limit of (19) for |βA| that tends to infinity, we just obtain Eqn. (10). For |βA|>>1, the relative error with respect to the ideal transfer function (-α*/β) is given by: ∆AL γβ γβ −1 −1 ≅ β A 1 + * ≤ β A 1 + * (20) AL α α Using Eq. (20) it is possible to estimate the minimum value of the gain loop |βA| to make the error smaller than the maximum allowed value specified by the design constraints. Finally we consider that, if we neglect the input impedance of the amplifier (i.e. we consider Zi->∞), we can make the following approximations: ε AL ≡ α* ≅ α N * β = β ≅ β N (21). A possible design flow based on the cut-insertion theorem can be the following: 1. design the feedback network in such a way that the target design function is given by –αN/βN; 2. design (or choose) the amplifier in such that, once loaded by the feedback network, its gain is still large enough to maintain the relative error, given by 20, below the maximum allowed value; 3. Calculate (or simulate) the actual feedback transfer functions (α*, β*) with the amplifier impedance connected and check if (21) can be considered acceptable. References. [1] B. Pellegrini, “Considerations on the feedback theory,” Alta Frequenza, vol. 41, no. 11, pp. 825– 820, Nov. 1972. http:// brahms.iet.unipi.it/elan/scompos.pdf. [2] B. Pellegrini, “Improved Feedback Theory”, IEEE Trans. on Circuit and Systems —I: Regular Papers, vol. 56, no. 9, September 2009. 7