Vanguard Systems, Inc.

Vanguard Systems
Smooth Sailing Business Management
The Navigator for Enterprise Solutions
MARCH - 30 - 2016
20 Most Promising BPM Solution Providers 2016
usiness processes are at the heart of what makes or
breaks a business, and what differentiates it from
the competition. Realizing the need of optimized
process automation, enterprises have started
adopting operational intelligence solutions such as Business
Process Management (BPM) which views a business as a set
of processes or workflows, enabling businesses to model,
implement, execute, monitor and optimize their processes. In
today’s time BPM solutions are increasingly being leveraged
to deliver accelerated business growth through multi-modal
customer engagement and effective delivery of customer
With the increasing relevance and implementation of
Big Data, mobile and Cloud technologies, companies are
being compelled to rethink their business models and tailor
processes. As organizations are embracing the wave of digital
transformation, a shift towards using intelligent business
Vanguard Systems, Inc
recognized by
process management Suite (iBPMS) is underway. The
convergence of strong BPM with Social Media capabilities
is allowing enterprises to engage in a more candid and
personalized manner with customers, greatly advancing their
customer-centricity efforts.
In order to assist CIOs to understand the latest trends and
navigate among the BPM solution providers, CIO Review
presents the 20 Most Promising BPM Solution Providers. The
organizations incorporated in this issue have exhibited vast
knowledge and in-depth expertise in delivering BPM related
A distinguished panel comprising of CEOs, CIOs,
analytics, and the CIO Review editorial board has selected the
top players from the competitive field of BPM Solutions. This
listing provides a look into how these solutions alleviate the
challenges pertaining operation management and how they
help their clients to be one step ahead among the competitors.
Key Person:
Vanguard Systems
magazine as
Provides enterprise management
solutions designed to improve
organizational efficiency and
regulatory compliance
An Annual Listing of 20 companies that are at the forefront of
providing BPM solutions and impacting the marketplace
JULY 2014
David Engberg
n the recent years, organizations
are looking into business process
management (BPM) tools that add
a new dimension to their approaches
while implementing strategies, tracking
performance, and deriving insights
to accelerate enterprise productivity.
However, a number of challenges await at
the doorstep of the CIOs who are seeking
to adopt the most befitting BPM software
in their business. The cost complexities,
frequent need to adapt to the market
and technology changes, security, and
time taken for its implementation and
installation are the factors to be considered
and dealt with while utilizing BPM
solutions. Easing up the entire process,
Vanguard Systems provides enterprise
management solutions that are designed
to enable application integration as well as
fast implementation toboost organizational
efficiency. “Vanguard’s mission is to make
the software intuitive and non-technical
so the business unit is able to administer
the BPM process they use,” beams David
Engberg, President, Vanguard Systems.
Staying in line with the ongoing
trends in providing BPM software,
where vendors are attempting to provide
industry-specific vertical applications,
the Aston, PA headquartered provider,
offers custom templates, which provide a
quickstart. From accounts payable process
automation to health care processes such
as admissions processing, insurance
or mortgage processing to HR forms
and administration, Vanguard caters to
diversified landscapes.
Realizing that cost saving is achieved
maximally through applications that are
based on transactions; Vanguard focuses
on a transaction-based automation
strategy. “If a business improves efficiency
by a small percentage for millions of
transactions annually, the savings can
March 2016
production within one week
be huge,” observes Engberg.
of initial implementation.
The screen and dashboard
Post deployment, the
creation can be cited
provider is committed
as an example to this.
towards securing the
client’s investment in
has integrated screen
Vanguard’s software,
building with edit
ensuring the best ROI
rules and validation
possible for the client.
included. “All that the
In one instance, a
BPM administrator needs
David Engberg
large energy company,
to do is select the data and
documents that are required
equipment repair purchases at more
for each task, identify the order in
which the data should be displayed and than 100 locations and a centralized
the data fields where inputs are required,” payment processing system, observed
gaps in their ledgers. The expenses for
illustrates Engberg.
equipment repairs were in large amounts
with 15-day payment discounts terms.
Vanguard assisted the organization with
its process automation; eliminating missed
discounts and helping them save millions
of dollars every year.
The customer success stories add
credence to the functionality of Vanguard’s
solutions as well as its philosophy to
empower customers through innovation.
Bestowing users with adaptability and
empowering process owners to maintain
process flows, without frequent procedural
changes, and speed-to-production are some
of Vanguard’s delineating factors. “The
understanding that ‘no two people are the
same’ is very important for me as a person
Quoting Jonathan Ive, Apple’s and the same idea is applied at Vanguard,
Chief Design Officer, who once stated, whereeach person and customer’s problem
“Simplicity is about bringing order to is treated individually,” denotes Engberg.
Having recently launched its third
complexity,” Engberg says, “Vanguard
emulates the aspect of simplicity in its generation of software, Vanguard is
BPM application.” With its feature- already on-hands with its fourth generation
integration software, which promises to be more easy,
with business applications, Vanguard intuitive, and powerful with business
provides the ease-of-use factor without implications. “At Vanguard, we constantly
over-loading the customer with technical endeavor to achieve reputation as the
jargon. This allows customers the easiest-to-use, and fastest ROI, BPM
convenience to migrate their systems to product,” assures Engberg.
Vanguard’s mission is
to make the software
intuitive and nontechnical so the
business unit is able
to administer the BPM
process they use
JULY 2014