A Power Regulation and Harmonic Current Elimination … 1 http://dx.doi.org/10.6113/JPE.2012.12.4.000 JPE 00-0-00 A Power Regulation and Harmonic Current Elimination Approach of Parallel Multi-Inverter for Supplying IPT Systems Ruikun Mai†,Yong Li*, Liwen Lu* and Zhengyou He* *† Key Laboratory of Magnetic Suspension Technology and Maglev Vehicle Ministry of Education, Chengdu, China Abstract The single resonant inverter is widely employed in the typical Inductive Power Transfer (IPT) system to generate a high frequency current in the primary side. However, the power capacity of a single resonant inverter is limited by the constraints of power electronic devices and the cost, so that IPT systems may hardly meet the need of some high-power application requirements, such as rail application. At the same time, the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) may violate the EMI standard requirement with phase shift control under light load condition. A power regulation approach with selective harmonic elimination is proposed based on parallel multi-inverter to upgrade the power level of the IPT system and to suppress the THD under light load conditions by changing the output voltage pulse width and the phase shift angle among parallel multi-inverters. The validity of the proposed control approach is verified by using a 1412.3W prototype system, which achieves a maximum transfer efficiency of 90.602%. The output power level can be dramatically improved with the same capacity of semiconductor and the distortion can be effectively suppressed under various load conditions. Key words: Inductive power transfer (IPT), Parallel multi-inverter, Power regulation, Selective harmonic elimination R0 The reflected resistance of the secondary circuit. NOMENCLATURE E Lk DC input voltage of each H-bridge inverter. Link inductance of each inverter. n The number of parallel inverters. The output current of each H-bridge inverter. ik CP The compensation capacitance of the primary circuit. ip The current in the primary coil. L p The inductance of the primary coil. M LS The mutual inductance between the primary and the secondary coils. The inductance of the secondary coil. CS The compensation capacitance of the secondary coil. iS The current in the secondary coil. RL Equivalent load resistance. U out The output voltage across the load. Manuscript received Jan. 20, 2015; revised May 26, 2015 Recommended for publication by Associate Editor Hyung-Min Ryu. † Corresponding Author: mairk@swjtu.cn Tel: +86-028-87602445, Southwest Jiaotong University *Key Laboratory of Magnetic Suspension Technology and Maglev Vehicle Ministry of Education, China ( A)* The conjugate operation of A. I. INTRODUCTION Inductive Power Transfer (IPT) systems are employed in many ultra-clean, ultra-dirty environment as a power provider to transfer power from primary side to secondary load side over a moderate air-gap distance through magnetic coupling [1]-[9] as per the applications’ requirement. Potential advantages of IPT systems include immunity of affecting by ice, water, and other chemicals, and environment friendly and maintenance free. Besides, IPT systems have been adopted in a number of applications including wireless charging of biomedical implants [10], mining applications [11], under-water power supply [12], electric vehicles [13]-[20], and railway applications[21] due to its ease-of-use, and environmental sustainability and as well as low lifecycle cost. The high frequency AC power supply, resonance tank, magnetic structures for inductive coupling, a pickup in the secondary side and a rectifier load compose the basic of an IPT system. The power supply produces an alternating electric current in the primary coil, which, in turn, produces a time-changing magnetic field. This variable magnetic field 2 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 00, No. 0, July 2016 induces an electric current (producing a magnetic field) in the secondary solenoid windings. The induced AC and voltage are then rectified to Direct Current (DC) (in an inverter) to recharge the battery or/and the load. Unlike the consumer-electronic devices, some particular applications, such as electric vehicles and rail transit systems, are required to be fed with large amount of power. The transferred power capacity of single inverter based IPT systems [22]-[23] is restricted with the constraints of power electronic devices, which may not be available in the market or be too expansive to pursue. In order to enhance the capacity of the resonant inverter source, multiple inverters connected in parallel is proposed in [24]-[27]. A parallel connected system for induction heating based on high frequency LCL resonant inverter was described in [24]. It requires no additional device for connecting inverters in parallel, and the flexible power levels can be achieved by choosing the number of parallel inverters. A phase-shift control power regulation approach for multiple LLC resonant inverters for induction heating was presented in [25] in order to regulate the output power of the paralleled inverters by controlling the phases among the inverters. A novel soft-switching high-frequency resonant inverter comprised of twin half-bridge connected in parallel was described in [26]. By employing a new current phasor control of changing the phase shift angle between two half-bridge inverter units, the output power can be regulated continuously under the condition of wide-range soft-switching operations. A parallel topology, which can achieve high output power levels in a cost effective manner for IPT systems with LCL-T resonant inverters, is proposed in [27] with high reliability of functioning even that a faulty parallel H-bridge inverter is electronically shut down. However, the low order harmonic will dramatically degrade the performance of some IPT systems, and unfortunately the harmonic issue was not paid much attention to by the aforementioned approaches. Safe levels of magnetic field exposure is one of the major strict requirement that IPT systems should meet and the public are intensively concerning with. The maximum allowable field intensity at a given frequency related to the track current in IPT systems with operating frequency normally at 20-100kHz is provided by the guard-line [28] and does not vary with frequency. At the same time, the harmonics in the track current may increase the peak value of the track current, especially in the light load condition, which will in turn enhance the field intensity so as to violate the standards. Therefore, harmonic reduction approach should be paid careful attention to, so that the magnetic field intensity can be maintained within the safe levels. A novel parallel multi-inverter IPT system is presented in this paper to upgrade the power level of IPT system. Phase Shift Pulse Width Modulation (PS-PWM) method employed in parallel inverters is proposed to realize the power regulation and selective harmonic elimination. The explicit solutions against phase shift angle and pulse width are given according to the constraint of selective harmonic elimination equation and required power avoiding solving non-liner transcendental equation. Thus, the proposed method is suitable for real-time applications, especially for IPT systems with high operation frequency. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. The basic principle of the parallel multi-inverter IPT system is described in section II. An analysis of selective harmonic elimination and the output power regulation is demonstrated by using equivalent circuit of the proposed parallel multi-inverter IPT system in the section II. The experimental verifications on selective harmonic elimination, circulating current and wide range power regulation are carried out by using the 1412.3W 20kHz prototype of an IPT system in section III. The conclusion is finally drawn in Section IV. II. BASIC PRINCIPLE OF PARALLEL MULTI-INVERTER A. Topology Analysis of Parallel Multi-Inverter The schematic diagram of the proposed parallel multi-inverter Series-Series (S-S) tuned IPT system with voltage-fed H-bridge inverters is illustrated in Fig. 1. The inverter is composed of N identical H-bridge inverters connected in parallel. Each H-bridge inverter is connected in series with a link inductor Ln .The resonant and compensation capacitor CP is then connected in series with the parallel H-bridge inverter. The synthesized current flowing through the primary coil LP establishes magnetic coupling with the secondary coil. The secondary circuit consists of the pick-up coil LS , the compensation capacitor CS and the load RL . The H-bridge inverters H1 - H n produce the output voltages u1 - un which are controlled by changing the phase shift angles and the pulse widths in the gate pulse signals. Accordingly, the output power of each H-bridge inverters can be regulated individually. Each inverter is equipped with a protection device composed of two anti-series connected semiconductor [29] in order to isolate the fault inverter from the system. A Power Regulation and Harmonic Current Elimination … 3 Z= (k ) Z= jk ω L Z (k ) . = = 1(k ) Z N n (k ) H1 Q11 Q12 · i1 E1 The current of each branch and the track current can be derived by L1 u1 N · Q13 Protection device 1 Q14 In (k ) = Hk Qk1 Qk2 · ik Ek CP · Lk uk LP · Qk3 Qk4 Dr1 · M iS LS · Qn1 Qn2 · (5) = I p (k ) · Dr4 = In (k ) ∑ n =1 n =1 Dead time Q12 Protection device n Q13 ωt Q14 θL The S-S tuned IPT system based on parallel multi-inverter with protection devices i1 (6) Z (k ) + N ⋅ Z 0 (k ) un Qn4 Fig. 1. ∑ U n (k ) N Q11 · Qn3 N RL Uout Ln in En n =1 Z (k )2 + N ⋅ Z (k ) ⋅ Z 0 (k ) Dr3 Cr Dr2 Protection device k Hn CS [ N ⋅ Z0 (k ) + Z (k )] ⋅ U n (k ) − Z 0 ⋅ ∑ U n (k ) i2 u1 P11 iP in u1(1) 0 ωt P11=−θ∆−θL P12 = θL−θ∆ ωt i1 P12 CP L1 Z1 L2 Ln Z2 Q21 Zn Z0 LP u1 u2 u0 Q22 un u2(1) P21=θ∆−θL P22=θL+θ∆ u2 Fig. 2. The equivalent circuit of the IPT system with parallel multi-inverter Herein, In Fig. 2, the equivalent circuit is demonstrated and its resonant angular frequency is defined by = ω 1 = L0CP 1 LS CS N 1 L0 =LP + ∑ n =1 Ln (1) −1 (2) For simplifying the analysis of the operating principle of the proposed parallel multi-inverter system, letting Ln = L and substituting (2) into (1), the operating angular frequency of the inverter can be expressed by ω= where 1 ( L N + LP ) CP U1 (k ) = I1 (k ) ⋅ Z1 (k ) + U 0 (k ) U N (k ) = IN (k ) ⋅ Z N (k ) + U 0 (k ) N U= (k ) Z 0 (k ) ⋅ ∑ IN (k ) 0 n =1 Z 0 (k ) =+ R0 jkω LP + 1(jkωCP) = R0 + jω ( NLP k 2 − L − NLP ) / ( Nk ) (3) P21 0 x Fig. 3. ωt Q24 2 θ∆ R0 Q23 i2 P22 ωt ωt The output voltage and current waveform of the inverters. Under resonant condition, according to [22], the reflected impedance of the secondary circuit becomes purely resistive, which can be derived by R0 = ω 2 M 2π 2 8 RL (7) B. Topology Analysis of Parallel Multi-Inverter 1) Waveform analysis of voltage source The operating waveforms of the output voltages of the two H-bridge inverters are two identical staircases with a phase shift as depicted in Fig. 3. A coordinate system is constructed accordingly. Line x is the symmetrical center line of the staircase waveform. The origin is chosen at the point where line x and the abscissa ( ωt ) intersect. To simplify notation, the pulse width of the staircase is 2θ L , and the phase shift (4) angle between the two staircases is denoted by 2θ ∆ . TS is and the period of the fundamental voltage. Current changing rate caused by two parallel inverters with opposite output voltages will be twice as large as that with one inverter with zero output as per the following equation. 4 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 00, No. 0, July 2016 di u1 − u2 E = = ± dt L1 + L2 L (8) Therefore, θ ∆ and θ L have to meet the restriction. θ∆ + θ L ≤ π (9) (I) θ L = π 3 , (II) θ ∆ = π 6 . That is to say, when satisfying one of the two conditions, the 3rd order harmonic current can be eliminated theoretically with the same DC bus voltage. Similarly,say α =0 ,applying (11) to (6), we have 2 The output voltage ui (t ) ( i = 1, 2 ) of each H-bridge (10) After applying Fourier Transformation to (10), the kth order harmonic phasor is given by 2 = U i (k ) TS + θ L + ( −1)i θ ∆ ⋅TS 2π ∫ ( E ⋅e − j 2π kx TS dx −θ L + ( −1)i θ ∆ ⋅TS 2π θ L + ( −1)i θ ∆ +π ⋅TS 2π ∫ −E ⋅ e − j 2π kx TS dx) −θ L + ( −1)i θ ∆ +π ⋅TS 2π − jk ( −1)i θ ∆ 2 2 E sin(kθ L ) ⋅ e ( k is an odd number ) = kπ ( k is an even number ) 0 (11) 2) Harmonic Analysis The DC bus voltage is not guaranteed to be the same in practice. Say that E2 =E , E1 =(1+α )E ,N=2,applying (11) to (6), we have 2 2 E sin(kθ L )[(α + 2)cos(kθ ∆ ) + iα sin(kθ ∆ )] I p (k ) = kπ [ Z (k ) + 2 Z 0 (k )] (12) Let k = 1 , then 2 2 E sin(θ L )[(α + 2)cos(θ ∆ ) + iα sin(θ ∆ )] IP (1) = π ( jω L + 2 R0 ) (13) Let k = 3 , then 2 2 E sin(3θ L )[(α + 2)cos(3θ ∆ ) + iα sin(3θ ∆ )] IP (3) = 3π ( j 3ω L + 2 R0 ) (17) 2 2 E sin(θ L ) ⋅ e − jθ∆ I p′ (1) = π R0 (18) 2 2 E sin(3θ L ) ⋅ e − j 3θ∆ I p′ (3) = 3π R0 (19) Let k = 1 , then inverter in one operation cycle is defined by E , ωt ∈ [−θ L ,θ L ] − (−1)i θ ∆ ui (t ) = − E , ωt ∈ [−θ L ,θ L ] − (−1)i θ ∆ + π 0, otherwise. 2 2 E sin(kθ L ) ⋅ e − jkθ∆ I p′ (k ) = kπ R0 (14) This research focuses mainly on eliminating the 3rd order harmonics as low harmonics contribute more influence on the load with the merit of resonant filter characteristics, that is to say, letting the 3rd order harmonic phasor be equal to zero. Thus, the harmonic elimination equation is provided by 2 2 E sin(3θ L )[(α + 2)cos(3θ ∆ ) + iα sin(3θ ∆ )] = 0 (15) kπ ( j 3ω L + 2 R0 ) When the DC bus voltages are the same, i.e. α =0 , obviously, the solution for (15) is given by (16) cos(3θ ∆ )sin(3θ L ) = 0 Two solutions are derived by (16), which are given as Let k = 3 , then Under condition (I), the 3rd order harmonic can be eliminated even the DC bus voltage difference according to (15). In the meantime, the amplitude of 3rd order harmonic is a function against α under condition (II). Here the detail performance analysis of the 3rd order harmonic elimination is provided by setting α =5% and α =10% . The design specifications of the experimental setup are listed in Table I. In the experimental evaluation, it is assumed that the H-bridge inverters have the identical circuit parameters and the same power rating. TABLE. I DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS AND CIRCUIT PARAMETERS OF IPT PROTOTYPE Parameters Value DC voltage of the H-bridge inverter E/V 150 Inverter frequency f/kHz 20 Inductance of the primary coil L P /uH 186.78 The link inductance of H 1 L 1 /uH 304.12 The link inductance of H 2 L 2 /uH 303.87 Resonant compensation capacitance of primary 219.54 circuit for two inverters C P /nF Resonant compensation capacitance of primary 441.86 circuit for single inverter C’ P /nF Mutual inductance of the primary and secondary 60.04 coils M/uH Inductance of the secondary coil L S /uH 506.47 Resonant compensation capacitance of secondary 124.81 circuit C S /nF 10 Equivalent resistance of the load R L /Ω It is obvious that the 3rd order harmonic amplitude of the proposed algorithm is much smaller than that of single inverter approach that just changes the pulse width as shown in Fig. 4 with the configuration of Table I and (13) , (14) , (18) and (19). The 3rd order harmonic’s amplitude (maximum 0.7A) of the single inverter approach is much larger than that of the proposed algorithm (maximum 0.02A). And the influence of DC bus voltage difference on the 3rd order harmonic elimination is ignorable. A Power Regulation and Harmonic Current Elimination … 3rd harm onic current amplitude with the proposed approach /A 0.7 0.025 0.6 0.02 0.5 0.4 0.015 0.3 0.01 0.2 0.005 0.1 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Fundamental current amplitude in the primary coil /A 3rd harmonic current amplitude with 0.8 the single inverter approach /A α =10% α =5% α =0 single inverter approach 0.03 16 power of the IPT system Pout can be continuously regulated from zero to 48E 2 RL π 4ω 2 M 2 with harmonic elimination and go 2 2 E cos(θ ∆ )sin(θ L ) IP (1) = π R0 = u1(1) i1 u1 0 P11 ωt P12 0 u3(1) i3 0 P31 2θ∆+2θ∆1 Pout can be given by 36 E 2 RL (23) π 4ω 2 M 2 Similarly, by fixing θ L = π 3 , the range of θ ∆ will be expressed by π (24) 6 Consequently, under this condition, the range of Pout with harmonic elimination under various settings is provided by 36 E 2 RL ≤ Pout ≤ 48 E 2 RL (25) π ω M π ω M When more power is required, the inverters will generate pulse width ( 2θ L ) more than 2π / 3 with the same phase to 4 2 2 4 2 2 increase the output power with the cost of disability of harmonic elimination. By setting θ L = π and θ ∆ = 0 , the output power will go up to Pout = P41= θ∆1+θ∆−θL P42 = θ∆1+θ∆+θL i4 P42 ωt (22) 3 Substituting θ ∆ = π 6 into(21), the range of output power 0 ≤ θ∆ ≤ ωt P32 u4(1) P41 0 0 ≤ Pout ≤ P31= θ∆1−θ∆−θL P32 = θ∆1−θ∆+θL u4 be 0 ≤ θL ≤ ωt P22 u3 π 4ω 2 M 2 When fixing θ ∆ = π 6 , the 3rd order harmonic will be π P21= −θ∆1+θ∆−θL P22 = −θ∆1+θ∆+θL i2 P21 64 E 2 RL cos 2 (θ ∆ )sin 2 (θ L ) eliminated. Under the restriction of (9), the range of θ L will harmonic P11= −θ∆1−θ∆−θL P12 = −θ∆1−θ∆+θL u2 2θ∆1 (21) without u2(1) 2 θ∆ ω 2 M 2π 2 IP (1) ⋅ ( IP (1) ) 8 RL 64 E 2 RL π 4ω 2 M 2 θL * Pout = to C. Multi-Inverter Case Study On the basis of two-inverter case study, another two-inverter is employed to form a four-inverter base system here. The output voltage waveforms are shown in Fig. 5. (20) According to [22], the output power of the IPT system can be expressed by up elimination. Fig. 4. The comparison of 3rd order harmonic current of the primary coil current of two approaches 3) Power Regulation of IPT System From (12), the fundamental phasor of the primary coil current is denoted by 5 64 E 2 RL (26) π 4ω 2 M 2 By changing the value of θ L and/or θ ∆ , the output Fig. 5. The output voltage waveform of four-inverter approach Similarly to (12), the Fourier Transformation of each output voltage are described by 2 U1 (k ) = 0 2 U 2 (k ) = 0 2 U 3 (k ) = 0 2 U 4 (k ) = 0 2 E sin(kθ L ) ⋅ e kπ − jk [θ ∆ −θ ∆1] ( k is an even number ) 2 E sin(kθ L ) ⋅ e kπ 2 E sin(kθ L ) ⋅ e kπ ( k is an odd number ) − jk [ −θ ∆ −θ ∆1] ( k is an even number ) − jk [θ ∆ +θ ∆1] 2 E sin(kθ L ) ⋅ e kπ ( k is an odd number ) ( k is an odd number ) ( k is an even number ) − jk [ −θ ∆ +θ ∆1] ( k is an odd number ) ( k is an even number ) (27) where U1(k ) and U 2 (k ) are the output voltage of the first two inverters, while U 3 (k ) and U 4 (k ) are that of the others. 2θ ∆1 is the radian difference between the output voltages of the two-inverter system as shown in Fig. 5. The phasor of the primary coil current can be derived from (6). 6 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 00, No. 0, July 2016 8 2 E sin(kθ L ) ⋅ cos(kθ ∆ )cos(kθ ∆1 ) I p (k ) = π [ Z (k ) + N ⋅ Z 0 (k )] (28) Of course, θ ∆1 can be simply set to zero to double the output power compared to that of the two-inverter system. Besides, as discussed before, as long as θ L and θ ∆ meet the restriction of the 3rd order harmonic elimination, the output current of four-inverter system will not exhibit the 3rd order harmonic. With careful design, another order harmonic can be eliminated as well. Taking the 5th order harmonic for example, the harmonic elimination equation is given by (29) sin(5θ L ) ⋅ cos(5θ ∆ )cos(5θ ∆1 ) = 0 paper, it at less needs 2 N ′ inverters to eliminate N ′ orders of harmonic. D.Analysis of the circulating current Take the two-inverter based model for example, according to [30], the circulating current between the first and the second H-bridge inverter is shown in Fig. 7 can be expressed by I (k ) − I2 (k ) Ic (k ) = 1 2 (30) Normalized value(current over Imax)/p.u. Combining (16) and considering the changing rate of the branch current, the track current of proposed approach against various settings is shown in Fig. 6. 1 ⑤ Imax 0.87 ④ 0.75 ③ 0.58 0.55 ② ①Fix θΔ=π/6 ,θΔ1=π/10 and alter θL between [0,7π/30] ②Fix θL=7π/30 ,θΔ=π/6 and alter θΔ1 between [0,π/10] ③Fix θΔ=π/6 ,θΔ1=0 and alter θL between [7π/30,π/3] ① ⑤Fix θΔ=0 ,θΔ1=0 and alter θL between [π/3,π/2] 00 π/10 π/6 7π/30 θ/rad π/2 π/3 Fig. 6. Primary coil current response of proposed approach against θ L , θ ∆ and θ ∆1 ①Setting θ ∆ = π / 6 and θ ∆1 = π / 10 , let θ L change from 0 to 7π / 30 with the 3rd order and the 5th order harmonic elimination. ② setting θ ∆ = π / 6 and θ L = 7π / 30 , let θ ∆1 go down from π / 10 to 0 with the 3rd order harmonic elimination. ③ setting θ ∆ = π / 6 and θ ∆1 = 0 , let θ L Fig. 7. The circulating current between two inverters. Substituting (5) into (30), the fundamental circulating current phasor can be expressed by ④Fix θL=π/3 ,θΔ1=0 and alter θΔ between [0,π/6] 2 2 E sin(θ ∆ )sin(θ L ) Ic (1) = πω L From (31), the circulating current Ic (1) obviously relates to the operating angular frequency ω , the link inductance of the H-bridge inverter L , the DC voltage source E and the phases θ L and θ ∆ . When satisfying the elimination conditions ( θ ∆ = π 6 or θ L = π 3 ), the circulating current phasor derived from (31) will be varying in the range of 0 ≤ Ic (1) ≤ change from 7π / 30 to π / 3 with the 3rd order harmonic elimination. ④ setting θ L = π / 3 and θ ∆1 = 0 , let θ ∆ go down from π / 6 to 0 with the 3rd order harmonic elimination. ⑤setting θ ∆ = 0 and θ ∆1 = 0 , let θ L go up from π / 3 to π / 2 without any harmonic elimination. The output power increase to the maximum. What needs to be clarified is that the number of parallel inverters to be used is determined by the following factors. 1. The capacity ( Seach ) of each inverters should be a little bit greater than (not just the same as) 1 / N of the power demand required by the load by considering the circulating current flowing amongst inverters. N is the number of the parallel inverters. Therefore, if the larger each inverter’s capacity is, the less number of inverters is needed with the same power required. 2. The number of the parallel inverters is also decided by the number of harmonic to be eliminated. As discussed in this (31) 6E 2πω L (32) Therefore, by choosing proper link inductors, the circulating current between the two inverters will be effectively controlled by enlarging the value of link inductance. E. Control diagram The control block diagram is shown in Fig. 8. The DC load voltage is sent to the primary side controller via wireless data sender. The load voltage and the reference voltage is treated as input to the PI controller to yield the control parameters θ L and θ ∆ , which is used to generate the pulse width for the H-bridge inverter. If any inverter occurs a fault, its fault signal is sent to controller to isolate this branch to make sure other parts of the system work continuously, so that the reliability can be improved dramatically. The inverters will not perform the harmonic elimination strategy and work under the condition that the output voltages of each inverter are A Power Regulation and Harmonic Current Elimination … 7 controlled to be in phase with the same pulse width. Fault signal H-bridge #1 u1 5.6cm Secondary coil Wireless U out data receiver Primary coil u2 Protection device 2 Link inductance L2 i2 Cr RL 10cm Uout Pulse H-bridge #2 Rectifier Air gap Uout Wireless data sender DSP 25.5cm Uout + U - out PI 31.1cm θL θ∆ 24cm Transmitter i1 * Pulse Pulse modulator Protection device 1 Link inductance L1 Voltage sensor Fault signal 32cm 5.6cm Fig. 8. The control block diagram III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Power analyzer Rectifier LS CS DC source E DC source E Inductor L2 Inverter2 H2 Inverter1 H1 DSP LP CP Inductor L1 Electronic load RL Auxilary sourcr Fig. 9. The exterior appearance of the proposed IPT prototype. Fig. 10. The primary and the secondary coils wound with Litz wire. B. Experimental results To provide clear comparison of different operating conditions, the experimental values of the output power, the load consumption and the transmission efficiency of IPT system against output power are given in Fig. 11 . Input DC Power /W 1800 PDC1 PDC2 PDC η1 η2 0.95 1600 0.9 1400 0.85 1200 1000 Alter θL′∈[0, π/2] Zone1 Fix θ∆=π/6 Alter θL∈[0, π/3] 0.75 Zone2 Fix θL=π/3 Alter θ∆∈[0, π/6] 800 600 0.7 0.65 Zone3 Fix θ∆=0 Alter θL∈[π/3, π/2] 400 200 0 0.8 250 Fig. 11. 450 650 Efficiency A. Prototype system To validate the proposed approach, an experimental IPT prototype was constructed in the laboratory settings with two identical H-bridge inverters connected in parallel. The prototype is designed to operate up to 1412.3W in the experiment with the functionality of selective harmonic elimination and power regulation by changing the output voltage pulse width and phase shift angles. The exterior appearance of the experimental setup is portrayed in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10. The TMS320F28335 Digital Signal Processing unit (DSP, Texas Instrument) are used to generate the gate pulse signals for the semi-conductors. The primary coil(L:32cm,W: 31.1cm) on the bottom and the secondary coils (L:24cm,W:31.1cm) on the top are both with the U-shape ferrite. The distance between the primary coil and the secondary coil is about 10cm. The two coils are both mounted to the acrylic board so as to attain mechanical support. MOSFETs (AP80N30W) and the gate driver (CONCEPT-2SC0108T2A0-17) are adopted by the H-Bridge inverters. The DSP is employed as the controller of IPT system to perform the functionality of control and protection, etc. The two H-bridge inverters are separately powered by two isolated DC supplies, and the AC output of the two H-bridge inverters are connected in parallel to provide transmitting current in the primary coil compensated by a series capacitor. An electronic load is employed as the secondary load connected with the rectifier. The experimental waveforms are measured and displayed by Agilent MSO-X 4034A scope, which provides built-in harmonic analysis. The efficiency of the system is analyzed by YOKOGAW WT1800 power analyzer. 850 1050 Output Power Pout/W 1250 1450 0.6 0.55 0.5 The input power and the overall system efficiency against the output power It is clearly proven that the wide-range output power regulation can be achieved by changing the phase shift angle and pulse width of the proposed approach and by changing the pulse width of the single inverter approach as shown in Fig. 11. The output power of the two inverters are approximately the same as each other (about half of that of single inverter approach), even though they are not identical to each other as there is a phase shift between them. As a consequence, the circulating current exists between two inverters so that the loss occurs and the efficiency decreases as shown in Zone 1 and Zone 2. At Zone 3, as the output power goes up, the overall efficiency of the proposed approach increases up to 90.602% at output power of 1412.3W, which is nearly the same as that of single inverter approach. The THD distortion of the proposed algorithm is much smaller than that of the single inverter approach and the 3rd order harmonic of the proposed approach is dramatically suppressed under various output power conditions as shown in Fig. 12. Especially, in Zone 1 and Zone 2, the track current THD of proposed approach is kept within 2%, while the THD goes up as the proposed approach cannot eliminate the 3rd order harmonic in Zone 3. The blue line (THD1) represents 8 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 00, No. 0, July 2016 0.12 THD1 THD2 Alter θL′∈[0, π /2] 0.1 THD 0.08 0.06 0.04 Zone1 Fix θ∆=π /6 Alter θL∈[0, π /3] Zone2 Fix θL=π /3 Alter θ∆∈[0, π /6] Zone3 Fix θ∆=0 Alter θL∈[π /3, π /2] 650 850 1050 Output Power Pout/W (a) 5th harmonic 3rd harmonic 1250 Normalized RMS Harmonic Current 0.03 7th harmonic 0.04 0.03 0.02 Zone2 Fix θL=π /3 Alter θ∆∈[0, π /6] 0.01 250 450 650 850 1050 1250 1450 Output Power Pout/W (b) 3rd harmonic 5th harmonic 7th harmonic Zone3 Fix θ∆=0 Alter θL∈[π /3, π /2] Zone2 Fix θL=π /3 Alter θ∆∈[0, π /6] 0.02 0.01 Zone1 Fix θ∆=π /6 Alter θL∈[0, π /3] 550 650 750 850 Output Power Pout/W 950 1050 1150 Zone3 Fix θ∆=0 Alter θL∈[π/3, π/2] 1000 800 Zone2 Fix θL=π/3 Alter θ∆∈[0, π/6] Zone1 Fix θ∆=π/6 Alter θL∈[0, π/3] 600 400 0 450 0 π/6 0.6 π/3 1.2 θL and θ∆ /rad π/2 1.8 Fig. 14. The output power against θ ∆ and θ L . It is obvious that the 3rd order harmonic of the experiment can be suppressed dramatically by the proposed algorithm even with different DC bus voltages compared to that of single inverter approach as shown in Fig. 13. The output power of the experiment measured by prototype is provided in Fig. 14. The output power can be continuously regulated from almost 0W to 1400W by changing the value of θ L and/or θ ∆ . After comparing the waveforms of the two 0.005 250 450 1200 0 0.025 0.015 350 200 0.01 0.03 single inverter approach proposed approach 0.02 1400 0 Normalized RMS Harmonic Current Zone1 Fix θ∆=π /6 Alter θL∈[0, π /3] 1450 Output Power Pout/W 450 Alter θL′∈[0, π /2] 0.035 α =10% Fig. 13. The comparison of normalized RMS 3rd order harmonic current of the primary coil current of two approaches 0.05 250 α =5% 0.04 1600 250 α =0 Alter θL′∈[0, π /2] 0 0.02 0 single inverter approach 0.05 Normalized RMS 3rd Harmonic Current the THD value of the single inverter approach and the red line (THD2) represents that of the proposed algorithm. The 3rd order, 5th order and 7th order harmonics are suppressed by the proposed algorithm in Zone 1 and Zone 2 but not in Zone 3 as shown in Fig. 12(b) and (c). 650 850 1050 Output Power Pout/W 1250 1450 Fig. 12. The comparison of THD and normalized RMS of the primary coil current of two approaches: (a) THD comparison of two approaches, and (b) normalized RMS of the primary coil current of the single inverter approach, and (c) normalized RMS of the primary coil current of the proposed approach. approaches, the harmonic is dramatically suppressed by the proposed approach and the 3rd order harmonic is nearly eliminated, which is coincide with the theoretical analysis. The overall efficiency of the proposed approach is about 82.9% as shown in Fig. 15. When under the maximum output power point(1412.3W), the waveforms of the current and the voltage of IPT system as well as the overall efficiency(90.602%) are shown in Fig. 16. more working points are referred to Fig. 11. A Power Regulation and Harmonic Current Elimination … u(100V/div) ip(10A/div) FFT of ip(100mA/div) FFT of ip 9 u ip 5th 0.53A 7th 3rd 0.09A 0.06A u1 u2 ip i1 Uout(30V/div) i1,i2(10A/div) iP(20A/div) 0.03A 7th 5th 3rd 0.05A 0.02A t(20us/div) (b) (c) Fig. 15. Measurement of the key system waveforms for two approaches at P out = 388.4W (a) waveforms of output voltage , the primary track current and the harmonic analysis of the single inverter approach. (a) waveforms of output voltage , the primary track current and the harmonic analysis of the proposed approach and (c) the overall efficiency of the proposed approach measured by power analyzer. u1 u1,u2(100V/div) i1,ip(10A/div) FFT of ip(100mA/div) FFT of ip u2 ip i1 5 th 7th 0.35A 3rd 0.12A 0.05A t(20us/div) (a) (b) Fig. 16. Measurement of the key system waveforms for two approaches at P out = 1412.3W(a) waveforms of output voltage , the primary track current and the harmonic analysis of the single inverter approach. (a) waveforms of output voltage , the primary track current and the harmonic analysis of the proposed approach and (c) the overall efficiency of the proposed approach measured by power analyzer. Uout(20V/div) i1,i2(5A/div) iP(10A/div) FFT of ip 18ms 17.5ms Uout 70V 50V 50V i1=12A i1=16A i1=12A i2=8.5A i2=11A i2=8.5A iP=19A iP=26A iP=19A RL=10Ω 16ms t(50ms/div) (a) RL=8Ω RL=10Ω 17ms 50V Uout 50V 50V i1=11.2A i1=11.2A i1=11.2A i2=7.4A i2=7.4A i2=7.4A iP=8.8A iP=8.8A iP=8.8A t(20ms/div) (b) Fig. 17. System response with step change (a) step change of reference voltage from 50V to 70V and then back to 50V (b) step change of load resistance from 8Ω to 10 Ω and then back to 8Ω Uout(10V/div) i1,ip(10A/div) i2(5A/div) u1,u2(100V/div) i1,ip(10A/div) FFT of ip(100mA/div) t(20us/div) (a) Uout 17ms 30V 30V i1=7.3A i1=11A fault i2=5.7A 0A iP=11A iP=11A t(20ms/div) Fig. 18. The waveforms when a fault occurred in H-bridge inverter 2 10 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 00, No. 0, July 2016 The dynamic response is provided in Fig. 17. The reference voltage of the load is change from 50 V to 70V and then back to 50V as shown in Fig. 17(a). The response of the proposed algorithm is fast and it takes about 18ms to reach 70V and 17.5ms back to 50V. The load resistance change test is performed and the dynamic response of proposed algorithm is given in Fig. 17(b). It takes 16ms for the proposed algorithm to converge to 50V with load resistance change from 10Ω to 8Ω and 17ms with load resistance change from 8Ω to 10Ω. The waveforms of the current and voltage of the IPT system are shown in Fig. 18 with the operation of protection device of inverter 2. At the beginning, the voltage of the load at the secondary side is set to 30V. When a fault occurs in inverter 2, inverter 2 is cut off by the protection device and Inverter 1 is still continuously working. After 17ms, the load voltage comes back to 30V despite of a voltage drop happened. It is clear that the fault H-bridge inverter can be removed by the proposed algorithm and the reliability of the system is promoted by the proposed algorithm. IV. CONCLUSIONS The novel power regulation control approach with selective harmonic elimination based on parallel multi-inverter for IPT systems is proposed in this paper. The operating principle of harmonic elimination and power regulation has been explained and described in detail. By changing the output voltage pulse width and the phase shift angle of the inverters, the 3rd order harmonic current of the primary coil could be eliminated and the IPT output power could be continuously regulated, simultaneously. A 1412.3W experimental prototype is set up and tested. 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His research interest includes wireless power transfer and its application in railway, the power system stability and control, phasor estimator algorithm and its application in PMUs. Yong Li was born in Chongqing, China, in 1990. He received his B.S. in Electrical Engineering and Automation from Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU), Chengdu, China, in 2013, where he is currently working toward a Ph.D. degree at the School of Electrical Engineering. His research interests include wireless power transfer, modular multilevel converter supplying IPT systems for high applications. Liwen Lu was born in Jiangsu, China, in 1990. He received his B.S. in Electronics and Information Engineering from Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU), Chengdu, China, in 2014, where he is currently working toward the master degree. His research interests include inductive power transfer and power conversion in rail transit applications. Zhengyou He was born in Sichuan, China, in 1970. He received his B.S. B.S. degree and M. Sc. degree in computational mechanics from Chongqing University, Chongqing, China, in 1992 and 1995, respectively. He received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Southwest Jiaotong University in 2001. Currently, he is a professor in the same institute. His research interests include signal process and information theory applied to power system, and application of wavelet transforms in power system.