PBR VISVODAYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE Course File III Year B.Tech (EEE) – I Semester Contents 1. Syllabus 2. Objective 3. Lesson Plan 4. Question Papers – Mid-semester examinations 5. Question Bank 6. Previous years’ question papers – JNTUA CONTROL SYSTEMS Syllabus JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR B.Tech III-I Sem. (E.E.E) T P C 4 0 4 (9A02503) CONTROL SYSTEMS (Common to EEE, ECE, E Con E, EIE) Objective: In this course it is aimed to introduce to the students the principles and applications of control systems in everyday life. The basic concepts of block diagram reduction, time domain analysis solutions to time invariant systems and also deals with the different aspects of stability analysis of systems in frequency domain and time domain. UNIT – I INTRODUCTION Concepts of Control Systems- Open Loop and closed loop control systems and their differencesExamples of control systems- Classification of control systems, Feed-Back Characteristics, Effects of feedback. Mathematical models – Differential equations, Impulse Response and transfer functions Translational and Rotational mechanical systems UNIT II TRANSFER FUNCTION REPRESENTATION Transfer Function of DC Servo motor - AC Servo motor- Synchro transmitter and Receiver -Block diagram algebra –Signal flow graph - Reduction using Mason’s gain formula. UNIT-III TIME RESPONSE ANALYSIS Standard test signals - Time response of first order systems – Characteristic Equation of Feedback control systems, Transient response of second order systems - Time domain specifications – Steady state response - Steady state errors and error constants – Effects of proportional, integral, derivative Controls. UNIT – IV STABILITY ANALYSIS IN S-DOMAIN The concept of stability – Routh’s stability criterion – qualitative stability and conditional stability – limitations of Routh’s stability. The root locus concept - construction of root loci-effects of adding poles and zeros to G(s)H(s) on the root loci. UNIT – V FREQUENCY RESPONSE ANALYSIS Introduction, Frequency domain specifications-Bode diagrams-Determination of Frequency domain specifications and transfer function from the Bode Diagram-Phase margin and Gain margin-Stability Analysis from Bode Plots. UNIT – VI STABILITY ANALYSIS IN FREQUENCY DOMAIN Polar Plots-Nyquist Plots-Stability Analysis. UNIT – VII CLASSICAL CONTROL DESIGN TECHNIQUES Compensation techniques – Lag, Lead, Lead-Lag Controllers design in frequency Domain, P, PD, PI, PID Controllers. UNIT – VIII STATE SPACE ANALYSIS OF CONTINUOUS SYSTEMS Concepts of state, state variables and state model, derivation of state models from block diagrams, Diagonalization- Solving the Time invariant state Equations- State Transition Matrix and it’s Properties. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Automatic Control Systems– by B. C. Kuo and Farid Golnaraghi – John wiley and son’s, 8th edition, 2003. 2. Control Systems Engineering – by I. J. Nagrath and M. Gopal, New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers, 5th edition, 2007. 3. Control Systems – A. Anand Kumar, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Modern Control Engineering – by Katsuhiko Ogata – Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 5th edition, 2010. 2. Control Systems Engineering - by NISE 5th Edition – John wiley. 3. “Modelling & Control Of Dynamic Systems” by Narciso F. Macia George J. Thaler, Thomson Publishers. 4. Modern Control Engineering – by Yaduvir Singh and S. Janardhan, CENGAGE Learning. Objective Objective: In recent years, control systems have assumed an increasingly important role in the development and advancement of modern civilization and technology. Practically every aspect of our day-to-day activities is affected by some type of control systems. Control systems are found in abundance in all sectors of industry, such as equality control of manufactured products, automatic assembly line, machine-tool control, space technology and weapon systems, computer control, transportation systems, power systems, robotics, Micro Electro Mechanical systems (MEMS), nano technology and many others. In this subject it is aimed to introduce to the students the principles and application of control systems in everyday life. The basic concepts of block diagram reduction, time domain analysis solutions to time invariant systems and also deals with the different aspects of stability analysis of systems in frequency domain and time domain. Lesson Plan PBR VISVODAYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE: KAVALI LESSON PLAN Year : 2012 – 2013 Branch: EEE-A Class : III BTech / Isem Subject : CONTROL SYSTEMS Faculty :P.Srihari No.of Total Periods Periods required Per unit Periods S.No. Dates Topic to be covered per week Unit 1 1 5 2 5 Introduction, examples of control systems 1 Open loop and closed loop control systems 1 Classification of control systems 1 Definition of transfer function and mathematical models 2 Impulse response 1 Translational and rotational mechanical systems and analogies 10 Feed back characteristics and effects 2 2 Unit-2 3 Transfer function of DC & Ac servo motor 2 Synchro transmitter and receiver 1 Transfer functions of other systems 2 5 Block diagram algebra- reduction technics 4 5 Problems 2 Advantages of Signal flow graph 1 Reduction of SFG by using Mason’s gain formulaProblems on SFG 10 2 Unit-3 ST Standard Test signals – time response of 1 order Systems 5 2 5 CE of feedback control systems, Transient response of 2 order systems 6. 4 1 nd 9 Time domain specifications- Steady state response 2 Steady state errors and error constants and problems 1 Effects of Proportional, derivative control 1 Proportional integral controller, PID controller 2 Unit-4 7. 4 Concept of stability- Routh’s criterion & problems 2 Qualitative and conditional stability & limitations to Routh’s criterion 2 Root locus concept – construction of Root loci 8. 4 Problems on root locus 2 Effects of addition of poles and zeros 2 9 1 9. 5 Revision of 1-4 chapters and important bits 3/9/12 To 5/9/12 5 5 I MID exams Unit-5 10 11 Introduction to frequency response analysis 1 Frequency domain specifications 1 Bode diagrams procedure 1 Transfer fuction – gain margin and phase margin from Bode plots 2 2 5 Stability analysis from Bode plots Problems on Bode plot 12 2 2 Unit-6 4 13 9 Polar plots & problems on polar plots 1 Nyquist plots introduction, Theory regarding Nyquist plots 1 Problems on Nyquist plots 2 Stability analysis using Nyquist plots 2 Unit-7 1 5 Compensation techniques –lag & lead 6 4 14 Problems on lag, lead compensators 2 Lead-lag controllers in frequency domain 1 P,PI Controllers 6 1 PD, PID Controllers 1 Unit-8 State space analysis- concepts of state State variables – state model 15 Derivation of state models from block diagrams 5 Diagonalisation – Solution to time invariant state equations 1 1 1 1 State transition matrix and its properties problems on obtaining state transition matrix 1 8 2 Controllability and observability 16 5 17 2 18 3 Total 77 1 Revision of previous model papers and important topics Revision for II- MID 2 2 3 3 77 Total FACULTY SIGNATURE HOD SIGNATURE Question Papers – Mid-semester examinations PBR Visvodaya Institute of Technology and Science Class: III B.Tech.I-Sem. Branch: EEEI MID (Objective) Subject: CONTROL SYSTEMS Max Marks: 10 NAME:………………………………… Time: 20 MIN Date: 04/09/2012(AN) ROLL NO:……………………… Answer all Questions 1. The transfer function of a system is the Laplace transform if its (a) ramp response (b) impulse (c) square wave (d) step [ ] 2. In force-voltage analogy, mass equal in electrical system [ ] [ ] [ ] (a) voltage (b) capacitance (c) inductance (d) resistance 3. In force-current analogy, dashpot equal in electrical system (a)voltage (b) capacitance (c)conductance (d) resistance 4. Applied force equal to opposing forces. It is called ________ law (a) Newtons first law (b) newtons second law (c) newtons third law (d)KVL 5. AC servo motor is a [ (a)open loop CS (b) closed loop CS (c) mixed loop CS (d) None 6. The time that it takes to settle to the final value is called [ ] (a) Steady state (b) transient state (c) both (d) None 7. The time domain specification which is dependent only on the damping factor is [ (a)Rise time (b)peak time (c)settling time (d) peak overshoot 8. Root locus diagram can be used to determine [ ] [ ] (a) Conditionally stability (b) absolute stability (c) relative stability (d) none 9. The value of K for which the system s^3+3S^2+3S+1+K=0 become stable is ] ] (a) K=8 (b) K=7 (c) K>7 (d) None 10. The transfer function is K/(S+1)(S+2)(S+3) the break point will lie between (a) 0 and - (b) -1 and -2 (c) -2 and -3 [ ] (d) beyond -3 11. The system is represented by its transfer function has some poles lying on [ the imaginary axis, it is (a) Unconditionally stable (b) Conditionally stable (c) Unstable (d) marginally stable 12. The time that it takes to settle to the final value is called [ ] ] (a)Steady state (b) transient state (c) both (d) None 13. When the gain K of a system is increased, the steady state error of the system [ ] (a)Increase (b)remains unchanged (c)may increase or decrease (d) decrease 14. Classification of servo motor based on nature of supply [True/False] 15. The static acceleration constant of a type 2 system is zero [True/False] 16. The control systems are normally designed with damping factor less than unity [True/False] 17. Unit impulse function is derivative of _____________ function 18. Parabolic function is called _____________________________ 19. The time that output takes to reach the steady state ______________________ 20. Laplace transform of unit ramp function ____________________ PBR Visvodaya Institute of Technology and Science Class: III B.Tech.I-Sem. Branch: EEEI MID (Subjective) Subject: CONTROL SYSTEMS Max Marks: 20 NAME:………………………………… Time: 90 MIN Date: 04/09/2012(AN) ROLL NO:……………………… Answer any three questions and each one carry equal marks 1. What are the various types of control systems given an example of each? What are the advantages and disadvantages of open loop and closed loop systems? 2. (a). Derive the transfer function of an AC servo meter and draw its characteristics (b). Explain the synchro error detector with circuit diagram 3. (a). Derive the expression for time domain specification of a standard second order system to a step input. (b). Explain the generalized error coefficients and given relevant expressions to compute them. 4. The characteristic equation of a feedback control system is S^3+(K+0.5)S^2+5KS+50=0 criterion determined the value of K which the system is stable. using RH- 5. Convert the block diagram to signal flow graph and determined the transfer function using gain formula. mason’s PBR Visvodaya Institute of Technology and Science Class: III B.Tech.I-Sem. Branch: EEEI MID (Subjective) Subject: CONTROL SYSTEMS Max Marks: 20 NAME:………………………………… Time: 90 MIN Date: 04/09/2012(AN) ROLL NO:……………………… Answer any three questions and each one carry equal marks 1. What are the various types of control systems given an example of each? What are the advantages and disadvantages of open loop and closed loop systems? 2. (a). Derive the transfer function of an AC servo meter and draw its characteristics (b). Explain the synchro error detector with circuit diagram 3. (a). Derive the expression for time domain specification of a standard second order system to a step input. (b). Explain the generalized error coefficients and given relevant expressions to compute them. 4. The characteristic equation of a feedback control system is S^3+(K+0.5)S^2+5KS+50=0 criterion determined the value of K which the system is stable. using RH- 5. Convert the block diagram to signal flow graph and determined the transfer function using gain formula. mason’s PBR Visvodaya Institute of Technology and Science Class: III B.Tech.I-Sem. Branch: EEEI MID (Objective) Subject: CONTROL SYSTEMS Max Marks: 10 Time: 20 MIN NAME:………………………………… Date: 04/09/2012(AN) ROLL NO:……………………… ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS 1. The range of damping ratio for correlating time domain and frequency domain specifications is ______________________. 2. The slope of log magnitude curve near cut-off frequency is known as_____________. 3. The frequency at which the phase angle of the open-loop system is 180 deg. _______________ [phase crossover / Gain crossover] frequency. 4. The reciprocal of magnitude of open loop system at phase crossover frequency is _________________ a) Phase margin b) Gain margin [ ] c) phase crossover frequency d) None 5. If Wgc = Wpc, the system becomes marginally stable. [True/ False] 6. The corner frequency for the factor 1/( S2+ 20S+ 64) is [ ] a) 8 rad/sec b) 6 rad/sec c) 5 rad/sec d) 9 rad/sec 7. Type of the minimum phase system indicates the _______________(starting/ terminating) point of the polar plot. 8. The circles in the polar plot indicates the ____________ ( magnitude/phase) of the system. 9. Polar plots are best suitable for marginally stable system. [True/False] 10. If a point is found to be inside the path, then the point is enclosed. [True/False] 11. Lag compensator improves the ______________ [steady state/ Transient] performance. 12. Lag compensator act as __________controller. 13. Lag compensator improves the ______________ performance. 14. Lead compensation ____________[increases/ decreases] the Bandwidth. 15. Speed of response increases with the help of _________ compensation. 16. If ‘n’ is the no. of state variables, ‘r’ be the no. of i/p variables, then the order of the matrix B is _________ 17. State space model of an LTI system can be represented by the equations? 18. The matrix A for the given transfer function 10/ (s3 +4s2+2s +1)is ____________________ 19. Transfer function model can be applicable to only linear systems. [True/ False] 20. Write the state equations for Homogenous LTI system _________________ PBR Visvodaya Institute of Technology and Science Class: III B.Tech.I-Sem. Branch: EEEI MID (Subjective) Subject: CONTROL SYSTEMS Max Marks: 20 Time: 90 MIN NAME:………………………………… Date: 04/09/2012(AN) ROLL NO:……………………… ANSWER ANY THREE QUESTIONS 1. a) State advantages & limitations of frequency domain analysis? b) Sketch the Bode plot for G(s) = 28.5e-0.1s / s(1+s)(1+0.1s) and find gain cross over frequency? 2. The open-loop transfer function of unity feedback control system is G(s) = 10/s(s+1)(s+5). Draw its polar plot? 3. Explain the design procedure of Lag compensator using Bode plot? 4. a) Obtain the state space model for the given transfer function Y(S) / U(S) = 2/S3 +6s2+11S+ 6? a) Explain the properties of state transition matrix? 5. Draw the Nyquist plot for the system whose transfer function is G(s)H(s) = k/s(s+2)(s+10)? Question Bank UNIT-I (DESCTRIPTIVE & OBJECTIVES) 1. What are the various types of control systems given an example of each? What are the and disadvantages of open loop and closed loop systems? advantages 2 .Explain the significance of impulse response. Also explain the feedback characteristics and feedback system. effect of 3(a). Define transfer function also explain advantages and disadvantages of transfer function. (b). Find the transfer function X1(s)/F(s) for the system shown. 4. Write the differential equations governing the mechanical system shown in figure. Draw the forcevoltage and force-current electrical analogous circuits and verify by writing mesh and node equations. UNIT-I BITS 1. The output of a feedback control system must be a function of (a)reference I/P & O/P (b)output (c)reference I/P (d) reference I/P& error signal 2. The transfer function of a system is the Laplace transform if its [ d ] [ b ] (a) ramp response (b) impulse (c) square wave (d) step 3. Any physical system which does not automatically correct for variation on it O/P [ b ] is called (a) unstable system (b) open loop system (c) closed loop system (d) None 4. Transfer function of a control system depends on (a) nature of output [ d ] (b) nature of input (c) initial conditions of I/P & O/P (d) system parameters only 5. Potentiometers are used in control system [ c ] (a)to improve stability (b) to improve frequency response (c) as error sensing transducer (d) to improve time response 6. In force-voltage analogy, mass equal in electrical system [ c ] (a) voltage (b) capacitance (c) inductance (d) resistance 7. In force-voltage analogy, velocity equal in electrical system [ b ] (a) voltage (b) current (c) inductance (d) resistance 8. In force-current analogy, dashpot equal in electrical system [ a ] (a) voltage (b) capacitance (c)conductance (d) resistance 9. In force-current analogy, mass equal in electrical system [ c ] (a) voltage (b) capacitance (c) inductance (d) resistance 10. Applied force equal to opposing forces. It is called ________ law [ b ] (a) Newtons first law (b) newtons second law (c) newtons third law (d)KVL UNIT-II (DESCTRIPTIVE & OBJECTIVES) 1(a). With a neat sketch explain the construction and principle of working of the synchro transmitter and receiver. (b). Derive the transfer function for the synchro transmitter and receiver. 2(a). Derive the transfer function of an AC servo meter and draw its characteristics (b). Explain the synchro error detector with circuit diagram 3. Convert the block diagram to signal flow graph and determined the transfer function using mason’s gain formula. 4. Using block diagram reduction technique find closed loop transfer function of the system whose block diagram is shown in figure. UNIT II BITS 1. The block diagram contains (a) System output variable (b) system input variable [ d ] (c)the functional relations of the variables (d) all of the above 2. The transfer function Eo(s)/Ei(s) of the RC-network shown is given by 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. [ a ] (a) 1/(RCS+1) (b) 1/(RCS) (c) RCS/(RCS+1) (d) None In a signal flow graph, the nodes represents [ a ] (a) The system variables (b) (b) the system gain (c) (c)the system parameters (d) (d)all of the above The branch of a signal flow graph represents [ b ] (a) The system variable (b) the functional relations of the variables (c) the system parameters (d) none of the above By applying masons gain formula, it is possible to get [ c ] (a) The ratio of output variable to input variable only (b) The system functional relations between any two variables (c) The overall gain of the system (d) The ratio of any variable to input variable only Two or more loops in signal flow graph are said to be non touching [ d ] (a) If they do not have any common loop (b) If they do not have any common branch (c) If they have common node (d) If they do not have any common node Classification of servo motor based on [ a ] (a) Nature of supply (b) output (c) response (d) none AC servo motor is a [ b ] (a)open loop CS (b) closed loop CS (c) mixed loop CS (d) None 9. DC field controlled servo motor is a [ a ] (a)open loop CS (b) closed loop CS (c) mixed loop CS (d) None 10. DC armature controlled servo motor is a [ b ] (a)open loop CS (b) closed loop CS (c) mixed loop CS (d) None UNIT-III (DESCTRIPTIVE & OBJECTIVES) 1(a). Derive the expression for time domain specification of a standard second order system to a step input. (b). Explain the generalized error coefficients and given relevant expressions to compute them. 2. A unity feedback system is characterized by the open loop transfer function G(s)=1/(s(0.5s+1)(0.2s+1)) Determine the steady state errors for unit step, unit ramp and unit acceleration input. Also determined the damping ratio and natural frequency of the dominant roots. 3. The unity feedback system is characterized by an open loop transfer function G(s)= K/(s(s+10)) determined the gain K, so that the system will have a damping ratio of 0.5 for this value of K. Determined settling time and peak over shoot for a unit step input. 4. A position control system with velocity feedback is shown what is the response C(t) to the unit step input given that ξ =0.5also calculate rise time, peak time, maximum overshoot and settling time. UNIT III BITS 1. The time that it takes to settle to the final value is called (a) Steady state (b) transient state (c) both (d) None 2. The time that output takes to reach the steady state (a) Steady state (b) transient state (c) both (d)none 3. Laplace transform of unit ramp function (a) 1/S (b) 1/S^2 (c) 1/S^3 (d) 1 [ b ] [ a ] [ b ] 4. Parabolic function is called (a) Position function (b)velocity function (c)Acceleration function (d) None 5. Unit impulse function is derivative of _____________ function (a) Ramp (b) step (c) impulse (d) sine 6. The static acceleration constant of a type 2 system is (a) Infinite (b) zero (c) cannot be found out (d) finite 7. The time domain specification which is dependent only on the damping factor is (a) Rise time (b)peak time (c)settling time (d) peak overshoot 8. When the gain K of a system is increased, the steady state error of the system (a) Increase (b)remains unchanged (c)may increase or decrease (d) decrease 9. The static error constants depends on (a) The order of the system (b) the type of the system [ c ] [ b ] [ d ] [ d ] [ d ] [ b ] (c)Both type and order of the system (d) None 10. The control systems are normally designed with damping factor (a) More than unity (b) of zero (c) less than unity (d) of unity [ c ] UNIT-IV (DESCTRIPTIVE & OBJECTIVES) 1. Sketch the root locus of the system whose open loop transfer function is G(s)= K/(S(S+2)(S+4)) find the value of K so that the damping ratio of the closed loop system is 0.5 2. Sketch the root locus for the unity feedback system whose open loop transfer function is G(s)H(s)= K/((S(S+4)(S^2+4S+20)) 3(a). The characteristic equation of a feedback control system is S^3+(K+0.5)S^2+5KS+50=0 using RH-criterion determined the value of K which the system is stable. (b) Determine (i) the number of root loci (ii) number of asymptotes (c) root loci on the real axis if any for the following : G(s)H(s)= K(S+1)/((S^3(S+2)(S+3)) 4. Construct routh array and determine the stability of the system represented by the characteristic equation S^5+S^4+2S^3+3S+5=0 comment on the location of the roots of the characteristic equation. UNIT IV BITS 1. Consider characteristic s equation S^4+3S^3+5S^2+6S+K+10=0 condition [ ] for stability is (a) K>5 (b) -10≤K (c) K>-4 (d) -10<K<-4 2. The characteristic equation of unity feedback system is given by S^3+S^2+4S+4=0[ b ] (a) The system has one pole in the RH-S plane (b) The system has no pole in the RH-S plane (c) The system is asymptotically stable (d) The system exhibits oscillatory behavior 3. The system is represented by its transfer function has some poles lying on [ d ] the imaginary axis, it is (a) Unconditionally stable (b) Conditionally stable (c) Unstable (d) marginally stable 4. A step function is applied to the input of a system and output is of the form Y=t, [ c ] the system is (a) conditionally stable (b) not necessarily stable (c) Unstable (d) stable 5. When gain K of the loop transfer function is varied from zero to infinity [ d ] the closed loop system (a) Stability is improved (b) always become unstable (c) Stability is not effected 6. The transfer function is K/(S+1)(S+2)(S+3) the break point will lie between (a) 0 and - (b) -1 and -2 (c) -2 and -3 [ b ] (d) beyond -3 7. For the root locus, the phase angle criterion of [ a ] (a) odd multiple of 180o(b) Even multiple of 180o (c) odd multiple of 90o(d) None 8. The root of a system has three asymptotes. The system can have [ d ] (a) 4 pole and one zero (b) 3 poles (c) 5 poles and 2 zeros (d) All of these 9. Root locus diagram can be used to determine [ c ] (a) Conditionally stability (b) absolute stability (c) relative stability (d) none 10. The value of K for which the system s^3+3S^2+3S+1+K=0 become stable is (a) K=8 (b) K=7 (c) K>7 (d) None [ d ] Previous years’ question papers – JNTUA AnsweranyFIVEq uestions All questionscarryequal marks * * * * * 1 (a) Explain theclassificationofcontrol systemswithexamples. (b) Find thetransferfunction for thefollowingsystem showninfigure1. J1 J2 T (AppliedTorque) K (output) Figure1 2 B (a) Drawtheconnectiondiagram ofSynchropair usedasapositionindicator. (b) Drawthesignalflowgraphfor thesystemofequationsgivenbelowandobtain theoverall transferfunctionusingMason’s rule: X2=X1–X6 X3=G1X2-H2X4-H3X5 X4=G2X3-H4G6 X5=G5X4 X6=G4X5 3 (a) Derive thestaticerrorconstantsand list thedisadvantages. (b) Aunitfeedbacksystemischaracterizedbyanopen-looptransferfunctionG(s)= . DeterminethegainKsothatthesystemwillhaveadampingratioof0.5. Forthisvalue ofKdeterminesettlingtime,peakovershootand times topeakovershoot foraunit-step input. 4 (a) (b) Howthe rootsof thecharacteristicequationarerelated tostability? The open loop transfer function of negative unity feedback system is given by G(s)= .SketchtherootlocusforK>0. DeterminetherangeofKforwhich thesystemisstable. AlsofindthevalueofKforwhichthesystemoscillatesand frequency ofoscillation. 5 (a) (b) Explain thecorrelationbetween timeandfrequency responseofasystem. Explain thefrequency responsespecifications. 6 (a) (b) Draw&explainpolarplotsfor type–0, type -1&type–2systems. Writeanoteonrelationbetween rootloci&Nyquistplots. Contd.in Page2 P a g e 10 f2 1 Code:9A19401 7 AunityfeedbacksystemhasanopenlooptransferfunctionG(s)= . Designa 0 suitablelogcompensatorsothatphasemarginis40 andthesteadyerrorforrampinput islessthanor equalto0.2. 8 (a) Considerthenetworkshowninfigure2andobtain thestatevariableform: A iL L iC i R VC Vo C Figure2 (b) Explainpropertiesandsignificanceofstate transition matrix. ***** Page20f2 2 Code:9A19401 II B.TechII Semester (R09)Regular Examinations,April/May2012 CONTROLSYSTEMS (Electronics &Computer Engineering) Time:3hours MaxMarks:70 AnsweranyFIVEquestions All questionscarryequal marks ***** 1 (a) (b) Explain thedifferencebetweenopenloopandclosedloopsystems. Derive thetransfer functionfor thefollowingrotational mechanical systemsshowninfigure1 Disc K Shaft B Stiffness K T Viscousfluid Rotational Figure1 2 (a) Explain theneedofMason’s gainformulafor anysystem reduction. (b) Obtainthe transfer functionof oftheelectrical networkshowninfigure2 R1 ei c1 R2 L c2 C eo figure2 3 (a) Explainerror constantsKp,Kv,Kafor type -1system. (b) TheopenlooptransferofaunityfeedbackcontrolsystemisgivenbyG(s)= where KandTarepositiveconstants. Bywhat factor should theamplifier gainbe reducedsothat thepeakovershoot ofunitstepof thesystemisreducedfrom 75%to25%. Contd.inpage2 Page1of2 2 Code:9A19401 4 (a) (b) A unity feedback control system is characterized by the open-loop transfer function G (s)= . (i) UsingtheRouth’scriterion,determinetherangeofvaluesofKforthesystemtobe stable. (ii) Checkif forK= 1, all therootsof thecharacteristicequationof theabovesystemhave dampingfactor greater than0.5. Calculate the values of K and for the point in S-plane at which the root locus of G(s)H(s)= intersectstheimaginaryaxis. 5 Drawthebodeplotsandfindthegainmarginandphasemarginofasystemrepresented byG(s)H(s) = 6 What isNyquistpath?PlotNyquiststabilityforG(s)H(s) = 7 FortheunityfeedbackcontrolsystemforwardpathtransferfunctionG(s)= 0 lag-leadcompensatorsothatPM 40 andsteadystateerrorforunitramp input 8 (a) (b) Definestate, statevariableandexplain thesignificanceofstatevariableanalysis. Asystem isdescribedby: u. Find thetransferfunctionandconstruct thesignalflowgraph. ***** Page2of2 . Designa 0.04rad. 3 Code:9A19401 II B.TechII Semester (R09)Regular Examinations,April/May2012 CONTROLSYSTEMS (Electronics &Computer Engineering) Time:3hours MaxMarks:70 AnsweranyFIVEquestions All questionscarryequal marks ***** 1 (a) What isfeedback?Explain theeffectof feedbackonstability. (b) Obtainthe transfer functions and ofthemechanical system showninfigure1 4 x1 K1 x2 K3 K2 m1 m2 b2 b1 Figure1 2 (a) (b) Explain thedifferencesbetweenAC servomotorandDC servomotor. Determinethe transfer functionC(s)/ R(s) for thefollowingblockdiagram (figure2) R + G1 C G2 + + H1 G3 Figure2 3 (a) (b) Definetimeconstant andexplainitsimportance. Foranegativefeedbackcontrolsystem having forwardpathtransferfunction: G(s)= andH(s)=1,determinethevalueofgainKforthesystemtohavedamping ratio of 0.8. For this value of gain K, determine the complete time response specifications. 4 (a) Definetheterms:(i)Absolutestability (ii)Marginal stability Plottherootlocifor theclosedloopcontrol systemwithG(s) = 5 (a) (b) (iii)Conditional stability. (b) H(s)= 1. Showthatinbodemagnitudeplottheslopecorrespondingtoaquadraticfactoris-40 dB/dec. Explainwith thehelpofexamples: (i) Minimumphasefunction (ii)Nonminimum phasefunction (iii)All pass function. Contd.in Page2 Page1of2 3 Code:9A19401 6 (a) (b) ExplainNyquiststabilitycriterion. Aunityfeedbackcontrolsystemhasanopenloop transfer functiongivenby G(s)H(s)= . Drawthe Nyquistdiagramanddetermineitsstability. 7 For G(S) = 8 Writethestateequationsofthesystemshowninfigure3inwhichX1,X2andX3constitute thestatevector. Determinewhetherthesystem iscompletelycontrollableandobservable. . Designalagcompensator givenphasemargin 350andKv U(s)+ + + X3(s) x1(s) - 20. S Figure3 **Code: 9A19401 II B.TechIISemester(R09)RegularExaminations,April/May2012 CONTROLSYSTEMS (Electronics&ComputerEngineering) Time:3hours 1 (a) (b) MaxMarks:70 AnsweranyFIVEquestio ns Allquestionscarryequalmark s Explainwithexample,theuseof controlsystemconceptstoengineeringandnonengineeringfields. Forthemechanicalsystemfigure1given,writedownthedifferentialequationsofmotionandhence determinethe . F(t) Y2 K1 K2 B2 M1 M2 B1 1 2 (a) (b) Derivethetransferfunctionforthefieldcontrolledd.c.servomotorwithneatsketch. Explaintheadvantagesandfeaturesof transferfunction. 3 (a) (b) Derivethetimeresponseof secondorderunderdampedsystemduetounitstepinput. -6t Theunitstepresponseofasecondorderlinearsystemwithzeroinitialstateisgiven by c(t)=1+1.25 e -1 (sin8t-tan 1.333). Determinethedampingratio,undampednaturalfrequencyofoscillationsandpeak overshoot. 4 (a) (b) ShowthattheRouth’sstabilitycriterionandHurwitzstabilitycriterionareequivalent. Drawtheroot locusdiagramforafeedbacksystemwithopen-looptransferfunction G(s)= followingsystematicallythe rulesforthe constructionofroot locus. Showthattherootlocus inthecomplexplaneis acircle. 5 6 (a) (b) Definebandwidthandderivetheexpressionforthebandwidthof asecondordersystem. Bring out the correlation between time response &frequencyresponse and hence show that the correlationexistsfortherangeof dampingration0<<0.707. TheopenlooptransferfunctionofaunityfeedbackcontrolsystemisG(s)= andhencedetermineitsphasemarginandgainmargin. . Drawitspolarplot 7 TheuncompensatedopenlooptransferfunctionofaunityfeedbacksystemisG(s)= . Designa phase-leadcompensatortomeetthespecifications:(i)Foraunitramp-inputthe steadystateerrorshould 0 belessthanorequalto 0.1units.(ii)Phasemarginof thesystembegreaterthan40 . 8 (a) (b) Definecontrollabilityandobservability. Considernowthatthesystemhasforcingfunctionandisrepresentedbythefollowingnonhomogeneous stateequation whereu is thestepfunction. Computethesolutionof this equationassumingtheinitialstatevectoris x0= . ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS MEASUREMENT Syllabus JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR B.Tech III-I Sem. (E.E.E) T P C 4 0 4 (9A02501) ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENTS Objective : Electrical measurements course introduces the basic principles of all measuring instruments. It also deals with the measurement of RLC parameters voltage, current Power factor, power, energy and magnetic measurements and Digital Meters UNIT-I MEASURING INSTRUMENTS Classification – deflecting, control and damping torques – Ammeters and Voltmeters – PMMC, Dynamometer, moving iron type instruments – expression for the deflecting torque and control torque – Errors and compensations, extension of range using shunts and series resistance. UNIT –II INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS AND P.F METER CT and PT – Ratio and phase angle errors – design considerations. Types of P.F. Meters – dynamometer and moving iron type – 1-ph and 3-ph meters. UNIT –III MEASUREMENT OF POWER / ENERGY Single phase dynamometer wattmeter, LPF and UPF, Double element and three element dynamometer wattmeter, expression for deflecting and control torques. Single phase induction type energy meter – driving and braking torques – errors and compensations. Three phase energy meter. UNIT –I V POTENTIOMETERS Principle and operation of D.C. Crompton’s potentiometer – standardization – Measurement of unknown resistance, current, voltage. A.C. Potentiometers: polar and coordinate types standardization – applications. UNIT – V D.C & A.C BRIDGES Method of measuring low, medium and high resistance – sensitivity of Wheatstone’s bridge – Kelvin’s double bridge for measuring low resistance, measurement of high resistance – loss of charge method. Measurement of inductance - Maxwell’s bridge, Anderson’s bridge. Measurement of capacitance and loss angle - Desauty bridge. Wien’s bridge – Schering Bridge. UNIT – VI MAGNETIC MEASUREMENTS Ballistic galvanometer – equation of motion – flux meter – constructional details, comparison with ballistic galvanometer. Determination of B-H Loop methods of reversals - six point method – A.C. testing – Iron loss of bar samples. UNIT – VII OSCILLOSCOPE Cathode Ray Oscilloscope- Cathode Ray tube-Time base generator-Horizontal and Vertical amplifiers – application of CRO – Measurement of phase , frequency, current & voltage- Lissajous pattern UNIT – VIII DIGITAL METERS Digital Voltmeter-Successive approximation, ramp and integrating type-Digital frequency meter-Digital multimeterDigital Tachometer TEXT BOOK: 1. Electrical Measurements and measuring Instruments – by E.W. Golding and F.C. Widdis, 5th Edition, Reem Publications. 2. Electrical & Electronic Measurement & Instruments by A.K.Sawhney Dhanpat Rai & Co. Publications. 3. Electrical & Electronic Measurement & Instrumentation by R. K. Rajput, 2nd Edition, S. Chand & Co. 4. Electronic Instrumentation by H. S. Kalsi, Tata Grawhill Mc, 3rd Edition. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Electrical Measurements – by Buckingham and Price, Prentice – Hall 2. Electrical Measurements: Fundamentals, Concepts, Applications – by Reissland, M.U, New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers. Objective IMPORTANCE OF THE ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS MERASUREMENTS Electrical measurements course introduces the basic principles of all measuring instruments. It also deals with the measurements of RLC parameters, voltage, current, power, power factor , energy and magnetic measurements and digital meters. The first unit comprises of the various measuring instruments to measure our basic electrical quantities I.e, DC voltage and DC current by PMMC instruments, AC voltage and AC current by using MI instruments and AC power by using Electro Dynamometer type instruments. In second unit we will discuss about CT and PT which are used to step down the voltages and currents in our transmission lines respectively for relay operation. We also discThe single phase and three phase power factor of the load by using single phase and three phase power factor meters. In third unit we will discuss how we can measure power . Basically we have DC power and AC power. To measure DC power we have V-A method and A-V method. To measure Ac power we have wattmeter methods. By watt meters we can measure single phase power and three phase power. In the third unit we will discuss about the energy meters also.By using this energy meters we can know the tariff of our homes. In this measurements subject in the remaining units we will know about how we can measure resistance by using DC bridges and how we can measure L & C by using AC bridges.We also know about the Electronic Measurements In last two units. Lesson Plan PBR VISVODAYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE::KAVALI LESSON PLAN Department of EEE Academic Year: 2012 – 2013 Faculty Name: G.SUMAN CLASS: III YEAR- I SEM Subject: Electrical Measurements S.No Dates No. of periods Topic to be covered In week 1 No. of Periods Required UNIT -I : measuring instruments Classification – 1 deflecting, control and damping torques- 2 5 ammeters and voltmeters-PMMC, moving iron type Total Periods Per unit 2 instruments –expression for deflecting torque 2 Moving iron type instruments –expression for 2 deflecting torque and Control torque –errors and 1 4 compensations, extension of range using shunts and 1 series resistance. Dynamometer type instruments-torque equations 3 1 Errors and extension of range 1 UNIT –II: instrument transformer 1 CT and–ratio and phase angle errors – 2 11 5 Design Considerations. 4 PT –ratio and phase angle errors –design 1 Considerations. 2 5 Type of P.F meters- dynamometer and 2 moving iron type-1-ph and 3-ph mete 5 UNIT –III: measurement of power 2 Single phase dynamometer wattmeter , LPF and UPF, 2 5 double element and three element dynamometer 8 1 wattmeter. expression for deflecting and control torques 2 3 6 Single phase induction type energy meter – driving 1 8 and braking torques-errors and compensations. three phase energy meter. 1 7 UNIT-IV: potentiometers: Principle and operation 5 of d.c Crompton’s potentiometer –standardization – 2 2 measurement of unknown Resistance ,current ,voltage A.C. potentiometers : polar type and coordinate types 8 4 standardization 1 2 1 9 5 5 applications 9 5 Revision for I Mid Exams I MID EXAMINATIONS (03-09-2012 to 05-09-2012) UNIT-V: D.C and A.C Bridges: Method of measuring low, medium and high resistance- 10 2 2 Sensitivity of WHEATSTONE’S bridge- KELVIN’S double bridge-for measuring low resistance ,measurement of high Resistance loss of charge method. 5 11 Measurement of inductance- Maxwell’s bridge, Anderson’s bridge. Measurement of capacitance and loss angle – DesautyBridge. Wien’s bridge- Schering bridge. 1 1 1 2 7 12 5 UNIT-VII : magnetic measurements: 1 Ballistic galvanometer –equation of motion 2 Flux meter-constructional details, comparison with 2 Ballistic galvanometer. determination of b-h loop methods reversals six point method –A.C testing –iron losses of 13 2 8 bar samples 1 Unit VII: Oscilloscope: Cathode Ray Oscilloscope 1 Cathode ray tube 1 Time base generators- 1 horizontal and vertical amplifiers 2 5 14 4 applications of frequency- measurement of phase 1 Frequency, current and voltage. 15 5 8 lissajous pattern 2 UNIT-VIII:Digital meters 1 Digital voltmeter-Successive approximation 2 Ramp type digital frequency meter 16 5 integrating type digital frequency meter 1 8 Digital multimeter Digital Tachometer 4 2 2 4 Revision for II Mid Exams 17 Total Available 4 76 Signature of the staff-in charge Total Required 76 Signature of the HOD Question Papers – Mid-semester examinations PBR VISVODAYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLGY AND SCIENCE :: KAVALI (Approved by A.I.C.T.E- New Delhi, Affiliated to J.N.T. University, Anantapur) Janata peta, Kavali, S.P.S.R Nellore (Dist), A. P Subject Name: EEMIstMID-Descriptive test Year & Branch:III B.Tech -I SemEEE Answer any three questions.each one carries 10 marks. 10X3=30 1.a) explain the working of a universal shunt used for multi range ammeter?b)write the significance of control and damping torque? 2.)explain the working of attraction type moving iron instruments. List the advantages and moving iron instruments? disadvantages of the 3.)With a neat diagram ,explain the working of dynamometer type power factor meter? 4.)Show that Tanϴ= .if and are the readings of two watt meters used in two wattmeter method ? 5.)explain the measurement of unknown emf using dc crompton’s potentiometer? VISVODAYA ENGINEERING COLLEGE :: KAVALI (Approved by A.I.C.T.E- New Delhi, Affiliated to J.N.T. University, Anantapur) Janata peta, Kavali, S.P.S.R Nellore (Dist), A. P Subject Name: EEMIstMID-Descriptive test Year & Branch:III B.Tech -I SemEEE Answer any three questions.each one carries 10 marks. 10X3=30 1.a) explain the working of a universal shunt used for multi range ammeter?b)write the significance of control and damping torque? 2.)explain the working of attraction type moving iron instruments. List the advantages and moving iron instruments? disadvantages of the 3.)With a neat diagram ,explain the working of dynamometer type power factor meter? 4.)Show that Tanϴ= .if and are the readings of two watt meters used in two wattmeter method ? 5.)explain the measurement of unknown emf using dc crompton’s potentiometer? PBR VISVODAYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLGY AND SCIENCE :: KAVALI (Approved by A.I.C.T.E- New Delhi, Affiliated to J.N.T. University, Anantapur)Janata peta, Kavali, S.P.S.R Nellore (Dist), A.P. Subject Name: EEM IstMID-Objective test Year & Branch:III B.Tech -I Sem EEE Name: Roll No: Max Marks:10M 1.)The high torque to weight ratio in an analog indicating instrument indicates [ ] a)high friction loss b)low friction lossess c)hysteresis loses d)frequency losses 2.) The scale of the moving iron instrument is [ ] a)uniform b)Non-uniform c)neither uniform nor non –uniform 3.)In gravity control system [ ] a) I α cosϴ b) I α sinϴ c)I α ϴ d) I α tan ϴ 4.)The controlling torque in 1-Ø power factor meter is provided by [ ] a)spring control b)gravity control c)stiffness of suspension d)none of the above 5.)The transformers use in conjunction with measuring instruments for measurement purpose [ ] is called a)C.T. b)P.T. c)Power transformers d)Instrumental transformers 6.)The deflection of the power factor meter is [ ] a)Ø b)cosØ c)sinØ d)none 7.)In rotating field type power factor meter we have [ ] a)3 fixed coils b)one fixe coils c)two fixed coils 8)In rotating field type moving iron power factor meter the field of the fixed coil is [ ] a)alternating field b)rotating field c)constant field 9.)The moving coil in a dynamometer wattmeter is connected [ ] a)In series with the fixed coil b)across the supply c)In series with the load d.)across the load 10.)A potentiometer is basically a [ ] a)Deflecting type instruments b)null type instrument c)digital instrument d)None 11.)in moving coil instruments the deflection is directly proportional to 12.)By using potentiometers we can measure 13.)A dc potentiometer is designed to measure up to 2V with a slide wire of 800mm.A standard cell emf 1.18V .obtains balance at 600cm.A test cell is seen to obtain balance at 680mm.The emf of test cell is 14.)A dynamometer type watt meter responds to the value of active power. 15.)A dc ammeter has a resistance of 0.1Ω and its current range is (0-100A).If the range is to be extended to (0-500A), then shunt resistance is . 16.)The power of a 3-Ø,3-wire balanced system was measured by two wattmeter method. The reading of One of wattmeter was found to be double that of the other. What is the power factor of the system . 17.)The minimum NO. of wattmeters required to measure 3-Ø,3-wire balanced or unbalanced power is 18.)The power expression in 3-Ø circuit in terms of line voltage ,line current and power factor of the load is .Where Ø is the angle between voltage and current. 19.) The scale of the moving iron instrument is 20) The minimum NO. of wattmeters required to measure 3Ø,4-wire unbalanced power is VISVODAYA ENGINEERING COLLEGE :: KAVALI (Approved by A.I.C.T.ENew Delhi, Affiliated to J.N.T. University, Anantapur)Janata peta, Kavali, S.P.S.R Nellore (Dist), A. P Subject Name: EEMIstMID-Objective test Year & Branch:III B.Tech -I Sem EEE Name: Roll No: Max Marks:10M 1.)The high torque to weight ratio in an analog indicating instrument indicates [ ] a)high friction loss b)low friction lossess c)hysteresis loses d)frequency losses 2.) The scale of the moving iron instrument is [ ] a)uniform b)Non-uniform c)neither uniform nor non –uniform 3.)In gravity control system [ ] a) I α cosϴ b) I α sinϴ c)I α ϴ d) I α tan ϴ 4.)The controlling torque in 1-Ø power factor meter is provided by [ ] a)spring control b)gravity control c)stiffness of suspension d)none of the above 5.)The transformers use in conjunction with measuring instruments for measurement purpose [ ] is called a)C.T. b)P.T. c)Power transformers d)Instrumental transformers 6.)The deflection of the power factor meter is [ ] a)Ø b)cosØ c)sinØ d)none 7.)In rotating field type power factor meter we have [ ] a)3 fixed coils b)one fixe coils c)two fixed coils 8)In rotating field type moving iron power factor meter the field of the fixed coil is [ ] a)alternating field b)rotating field c)constant field 9.)The moving coil in a dynamometer wattmeter is connected [ ] a)In series with the fixed coil b)across the supply c)In series with the load d.)across the load 10.)A potentiometer is basically a [ ] a)Deflecting type instruments b)null type instrument c)digital instrument d)None 11.)in moving coil instruments the deflection is directly proportional to12.)By using potentiometers we can measure 13.)A dc potentiometer is designed to measure up to 2V with a slide wire of 800mm.A standard cell emf 1.18V .obtains balance at 600cm.A test cell is seen to obtain balance at 680mm.The emf of test cell is 14.)A dynamometer type watt meter responds to the value of active power. 15.)A dc ammeter has a resistance of 0.1Ω and its current range is (0-100A).If the range is to be extended to (0-500A), then shunt resistance is . 16.)The power of a 3-Ø,3-wire balanced system was measured by two wattmeter method. The reading of One of wattmeter was found to be double that of the other. What is the power factor of the system . 17.)The minimum NO. of wattmeters required to measure 3-Ø,3-wire balanced or unbalanced power is 18.)The power expression in 3-Ø circuit in terms of line voltage ,line current and power factor of the load is .Where Ø is the angle between voltage and current. 19.) The scale of the moving iron instrument is Ø,4-wire unbalanced power is 20) The minimum NO. of wattmeters required to measure 3- PBR VISVODAYAYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLGY AND SCIENCE::KAVALI III.B.TECH,I-SEM,II MID EXAMINATION,November-2012 Branch: EEE Time:1:30 Mins Subject: EEM(Descriptive) **Answer any three questions. Each one carries equal marks. 3X10=30 1.(a)Draw the circuit of a Kelvin’s double bridge used for measurement of low resistances .Derive the conditions for balance. (b)A 4terminal resistor approximately of 50 resistances was measured by means of Kelvin double bridge having the following component resistances: standard resistor=100.02µΩ Inner ratio arms=100.30Ω and 200Ω Outer ratio arms=100.23Ω and 200Ω Resistance of link connecting the standard and the unknown resistance is 700µΩ . Find unknown resistance 2.(a).Derive the equation of balance for an Anderson’s bridge .Draw the phasor diagram for conditions under balance. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this bridge. (b)Write the CRO applications 3.(a) How the phase and frequency can be measured with the use of a CRO. Explain? (b)Explain the functions of the following controls: i). intensity iii). Horizontal and vertical positioning ii). Focus iv). synchronization 4.) Explain the method of measuring voltage in successive approximation method. 5.(a)Explain the determination of B-H loop method of reversals. (b)Discuss the constructional details of Ballistic galvanometer? *THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR HARDWORK* VISVODAYA ENGINEERING COLLEGE :: KAVALI III.B.TECH,I-SEM,II MID EXAMINATION,November-2012 Branch: EEE Time:1:30 Mins **Answer any three questions. Each one carries equal marks. Subject: EEM(Descriptive) 3X10=30 1.(a)Draw the circuit of a Kelvin’s double bridge used for measurement of low resistances.Derive the conditions for balance. (b)A 4terminal resistor approximately of 50 resistances was measured by means of Kelvin double bridge having the following component resistances: standard resistor=100.02µΩ Inner ratio arms=100.30Ω and 200Ω Outer ratio arms=100.23Ω and 200Ω Resistance of link connecting the standard and the unknown resistance to the nearest 0.01µΩ. 2.(a).Derive the equation of balance for an Anderson’s bridge.Draw the phasor diagram for conditions under balance.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this bridge. (b)Write the CRO applications 3.(a) How the phase and frequency can be measured with the use of a CRO.Explain? (b)Explain the functions of the following controls: i). intensity iii). Horizontal and vertical positioning ii). Focus iv). synchronization 4.) Explain the method of measuring voltage in successive approximation method. 5.(a)Explain the determination of B-H loop method of reversals. (b)Discuss the constructional details of Ballistic galvanometer? *THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR HARDWORK* PBR VISVODAYAYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLGY AND SCIENCE::KAVALI III.B.TECH,I-SEM,II MID EXAMINATION,November-2012 Branch: EEE Time:20 Mins Subject: EEM(Objective) NAME: ROLL NO: 1.)The common bridge for precise measurement of inductance over a wide range is a)Maxwell’s bridge b)Hay’s bridge c)Anderson bridge d)None [ ] 2.)The bridge most commonly employedfor measurement of frequency is [ ] [ ] a)Owen’s bridge b)Hay’s bridge c)schering bridge d)Wein’s bridge 3.)A multimeter is used to measure a)resistance b)Voltage c)Current d)all of the above 4.)Which one of the following is measured by the loss of charge method a)Low R b)High R c)Low L [ ] d)High L 5.) A dc voltage of 1V is applied to the X-plates of a CRO and ac voltage 2sin100t is applied to resulting display on the CRO screen will be [ ] a)vertical stright line b)horizontal stright line c)sine wave the Y-plates .The d)slant line 6)While measuring the phase difference between the V1(t)=10sinwt and V2(t)=10sin(wt +Ø),the observed on CRO was a circle. The value of Ø is [ ] a)zero b)Π/4 c)Π/2 d)Π 7.) A certain oscilloscope with 4cmX4cm screen has its own sweep output fed to its input.If the sensitives are same ,the oscilloscope will display a [ ] a)sawtooth b)triangular c)diagonal line b)Horizontal line X and Y d)horizontal line 8.)The X and Y inputs to a CRO are respectively 10cos(wt +Ø) and 10sin(wt +Ø) . The resulting [ ] a)Stright line Lissajous pattern c)ellipse Lissajous pattern is d)Circle 9.)Voltages Vy=100sin100t and Vx=50sin100t are connected to Y and X terminals of a CRO respectively. What is the shape of the screen on the CRO [ ] a)Circle b)straight line c)An ellipse 10.) Paramanent magnets are tested by d)A parabola [ ] a)ballistic methods b)using an electric circuit having mutual inductance c)potentiometer method d)None 11.)The approximate input impedance of the CRO a)1MHz b)10MHz [ c)100MHz d)20MHz 12.)The construction of Fluxmeter is similar to ____________milli ammeter a)MC b)MI ] c)Dynamometer type [ ] d)electrostatic 13.)High resistances are in the range of a)99.9KΩ b)1MΩ c)>100KΩ d)None 14.)The meter used to measure resistance is____________________. 15.)Medium resistances are from _____to________. 16.)The continuity in underground cables can be detected by using_______________. 17.) The flux meter have__________ damping torque __________ control torque. 18.) If hysteresis loop of a particular material is widen then the permittivity of the material is _______________. VISVODAYAYA ENGINEERING COLLEGE::KAVALI III.B.TECH,I-SEM,II MID EXAMINATION,November-2012 Branch: EEE Time:20 Mins NAME: Subject: EEM(Objective) ROLL NO: 1.)The common bridge for precise measurement of inductance over a wide range is a)Maxwell’s bridge b)Hay’s bridge c)Anderson bridge d)None 2.)The bridge most commonly employedfor measurement of frequency is a)Owen’s bridge b)Hay’s bridge c)schering bridge d)Wein’s bridge [ ] [ ] 3.)A multimeter is used to measure a)resistance b)Voltage [ c)Current d)all of the above 4.)Which one of the following is measured by the loss of charge method a)Low R b)High R c)Low L [ ] d)High L 5.) A dc voltage of 1V is applied to the X-plates of a CRO and ac voltage 2sin100t is applied to resulting display on the CRO screen will be [ ] a)vertical stright line b)horizontal stright line c)sine wave the Y-plates .The d)slant line 6)While measuring the phase difference between the V1(t)=10sinwt and V2(t)=10sin(wt +Ø),the observed on CRO was a circle. The value of Ø is [ ] a)zero b)Π/4 ] c)Π/2 Lissajous pattern d)Π 7.) A certain oscilloscope with 4cmX4cm screen has its own sweep output fed to its input.If the sensitives are same ,the oscilloscope will display a [ ] a)sawtooth b)triangular c)diagonal line d)horizontal line 8.)The X and Y inputs to a CRO are respectively 10cos(wt +Ø) and 10sin(wt +Ø) . The resulting [ ] a)Stright line b)Horizontal line X and Y c)ellipse Lissajous pattern is d)Circle 9.)Voltages Vy=100sin100t and Vx=50sin100t are connected to Y and X terminals of a CRO respectively. What is the shape of the screen on the CRO [ ] a)Circle b)straight line c)An ellipse d)A parabola 10.) Paramanent magnets are tested by a)ballistic methods [ ] b)using an electric circuit having mutual inductance c)potentiometer method d)None 11.)The approximate input impedance of the CRO a)1MHz b)10MHz c)100MHz [ d)20MHz 12.)The construction of Fluxmeter is similar to ____________milli ammeter a)MC b)MI c)Dynamometer type 13.)High resistances are in the range of a)99.9KΩ b)1MΩ c)>100KΩ d)None d)electrostatic [ ] ] 14.)The meter used to measure resistance is____________________. 15.)Medium resistances are from _____to________. 16.)The continuity in underground cables can be detected by using_______________. 17.) The flux meter have__________ damping torque __________ control torque. 18.) If hysteresis loop of a particular material is widen then the permittivity of the material is _______________. Question Bank ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS MEASUREMENTS UNIT-1 1.a) explain the working of a universal shunt used for multi range ammeter? 1.b)write the significance of control and damping torque? 2)explain the construction and working of PMMC instrument and also derive the torque equation for that? 3.)with a neat diagram explain the working of dynamometer type instrument? 4.)explain the working of attraction type moving iron instruments. List the advantages and disadvantages of the moving iron instruments? BITS 1.) The high torque to weight ratio in an analog indicating instrument indicates ] a)high friction loss b)low friction losses c)hysteresis losses c)frequency losses 2.) Horizontally placed instruments are used [a] a)spring control system b)gravity control system c)both c)none 3.) Which meterial is used for shunts of dc instrument [a] a) manganin b)constantan c)copper d)silver [b 4.)In moving iron instruments the deflection is directly proportionalto [c] a) I b)I/2 c) d) 5)A 100µA ammeter has an internal resistance of 100Ω .For extending its range to measure 500µA,the shunt required is a) 20Ω b)22.22Ω c)25 d)50 6.)in moving coil instruments the deflection is directly proportional to [a] a) I b)I/2 c) d) 7.) The scale of the moving iron instrument is [b] a)uniform b)Non-uniform c)neither uniform nor non –uniform 8)An ammeter with input resistance of 50Ω gives full scale deflection for 50µA current.The input resistance of (0-1mA) ammeter obtained by connecting a shunt across the (0-50µA)meter will be[d] a)50Ω b)25Ω c)5Ω d)2.5Ω 9.)A dc ammeter has a resistance of 0.1Ω and its current range is (0-100A).If the range is to be extended to (0-500A), then shunt resistance is [c] a)0.010Ω b)0.011Ω c)0.025Ω d)1.0Ω 10.)In gravity control system [b] a)I α cosϴ b)I α sinϴ c)I α ϴ d) I α tan ϴ [C] ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS MEASUREMENTS UNIT – 2 1.)Discuss C.T. and P.T. Define ratio’s of instrument transformers? 2.)Explain the advantages and disadvantages of instrument transformers? 3.)With a neat diagram ,explain the working of dynamometer type power factor meter? 4.)With a neat diagram ,explain the working of rotating field type moving iron power factor meter? BITS 1.)The controlling torque in 1-Ø power factor meter is provided by [d] a)spring control b)gravity control c)stiffness of suspension d)none of the above 2.)The transformers use in conjunction with measuring instruments for measurement purpose is called a)Current transformer b)Potential transformer c)Power transformers d)Instrumental transformers 3.)The transformer used for measurement of current is called a] a)Current transformer b)Potential transformer [d] [ c)Power transformers d)Instrumental transformers 4.)The transformer used for measurement of voltage is called [ b] a)Current transformer b)Potential transformer c)Power transformers d)Instrumental transformers 5.)The current in the primary winding of a current transformer depends upon [b] a)burden of the secondary winding of transformer b)load connected to the system in which C.T. is installed c)both buren of the transformer secondary winding and load connected to the system d)none of the above 6.)The burden of the current transformer is expressed in terms of the [b ] a)secondary winding current b)VA rating of the transformer c)voltage,current and power factor of the system d)None of the above 7.)The deflection of the powerfactor meter is [a] a)Ø b)cosØ c)sinØ d)none 8.)In current transformer ,the error in phase angle and transformation ratiois mainly due to a)Ie,Im,δ [a] b)n,Is,δ c)n,Is,ϴ d)none 9.)In rotating field type power factor meter we have [ a] a)3 fixed coils b)one fixe coils c)two fixed coils d)none 10)In rotating field type moving iron power factor meter the field of the fixed coil is [b] a)alternating field b)rotating field c)constant field d)none ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS MEASUREMENTS UNIT -3 1.)Discuss the errors and compensations of singlephase energy meter? 2.)With a neat sketch explain the working of 1-Ø electro dynamometer wattmeter? 3.)What is the significance of driving torque and breaking torquesin 1-Ø induction type energy meter? 4.)Show that Tanϴ= .if and are the readings of two watt meters used in two wattmeter method ? BITS 1.)Which one of the following defect is responsible for creeping in an induction type energy meter [b] a)imperfect lag compensation b)over friction compensation c)imperfect overload compensation 2.)The power of a 3-Ø,3-wire balanced system was measured by two wattmeter method. The reading of One of wattmeter was found to be double that of the other. What is the power factor of the system [ d ] a)1 b)0.866 c)0.707 d)0.5 3.)The voltage coil of a single phase house service energy meter [b] a)Highly resistive b)highly inductive c)highly inductive 4.)The moving coil in a dynamometer wattmeter is connected [b] a)In series with the fixed coil b)across the supply c)In series with the load d.)across the load 5.)A dynamometer type watt meter responds to the [a] a)Average value of the active power c)Peak value of the reactive power b)Average value of the reactive power d)Peak value of the active power 6.)The minimum number of wattmeters required to measure 3-Ø,3-wire balanced or unbalanced power [ b ] a)1 b)2 c)3 d)4 7.)Which of the following condition must be satisfied for the two wattmeter method of 3-Ø power measurement [c] a)Load must be balanced b)source must be balanced c)system should be 3-Ø,3-wire type d)none 8.) The minimum number of wattmeters required to measure 3-Ø,4-wire balanced power is [a] a)1 b)2 c)3 d)4 9) The minimum number of wattmeters required to measure 3-Ø,4-wire unbalanced power is [c] a)1 b)2 c)3 d)4 10.)The power expression in 3-Ø circuit in terms of line voltage power factor of the load is ,line current and .Where Ø is the angle between [c] a)Line voltage and line current c)Phase voltage and line current b)Line voltage and phase current d)Phase current and phase voltage ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS MEASUREMENTS UNIT-4 1.)explain the measurement of unknown emf using dc crompton,s potentiometer? 2.)Explain the applications of dc potentiometers? 3.)Explain about standardization of dc potentiometer? 4.)With a neat diagram explain the working of polar type AC potentiometer? BITS 1.)A potentiometer is basically a [b] a)deflection type instrument b)null type instrument )deflection as well as nulltype instrument d)digital instrument 2.)When a potentiometer is used for measurement of voltage of an unknown source,the power consumed in the circuit of the unknown source under null conditions [d] a)is very high b)is high c)is small d)is ideally zero 3.)Standardization of potentiometer is done in order that ,they become [d] a)accurate b)precise reading c)accurate and precise 4.)The standardization of AC potentiometer is one by [b] a)directly using AC standard voltage sources d)accurate and direct b)Using DC sources and transfer instruments c) Using AC sources and transfer instruments 5.)Potentiometers used in control systems are [c] a)To improve stability b)To improve frequency response c)As error sensing transducers d)To improve time response 6.)In order to achive high accuracy, the slide wire of a potentiometer should be [a] a)As long as possible b)As short as possible c)neither too small nor too large d)very thick 7.)By using potentiometers we can measure [c] a)High voltages b)voltages greater than 100V c)voltages less than 2V d)None 8.)A dc potentiometer is designed to measure up to 2V with a slide wire of 800mm.A standard cell emf 1.18V obtains balance at 600cm.A test cell is seen to obtain balance at 680mm.The emf of test cell is [b] a)1.00V b)1.34V c01.50V d)1.70V 9.)The reading of a polar type AC potentiometer when measuring the reactance of a coil are I=12 ,V=27.8 .The reactance of a coil is [b ] a)2.317Ω b)0.634Ω c)2.22Ω d)-2.22Ω 10.)In the potentiometer circuit shown in the figure. balance is obtained. The unknown emf is. [a] a)200mV b)2.8mV c)3.0mV 400mV ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS MEASUREMENTS UNIT - V 1.Draw the circuit of a Kelvin’s double bridge used for measurement of low resistances .Derive the conditions for balance. 2. A 4terminal resistor approximately of 50 resistances was measured by means of Kelvin double bridge having the following component resistances: standard resistor=100.02µΩ ; Inner ratio arms=100.30Ω and 200Ω; arms=100.23Ω and 200Ω Outer ratio Resistance of link connecting the standard and the unknown resistance is 700 µΩ . Find unknown resistance 3.Derive the equation of balance for an Anderson’s bridge .Draw the phasor diagram for conditions under balance. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this bridge. 4.Obtain the balancing conditions for the schering bridge with its phasor diagram. BITS 1.)The common bridge for precise measurement of inductance over a wide range is ] a)Maxwell’s bridge b)Hay’s bridge c)Anderson bridge d)None [ 2.)The bridge most commonly employed for measurement of frequency is ] [ a)Owen’s bridge b)Hay’s bridge c)schering bridge d)Wein’s bridge 3.)A multimeter is used to measure a)resistance b)Voltage [ c)Current ] d)all of the above 4.)Which one of the following is measured by the loss of charge method ] a)Low R b)High R c)Low L d)High L 5.)High resistances are in the range of a)99.9KΩ b)1MΩ [ [ c)>100KΩ d)None 6.)The meter used to measure resistance is____________________. 7.)Medium resistances are from _____to________. 8.)The continuity in underground cables can be detected by using_______________. 9.)The low resistance is in the range of____________________. 10.)The high resistance is in the range of from __________to_______________. ] ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS MEASUREMENTS UNIT-VI 1.Explain the determination of B-H loop method of reversals. 2.Discuss the constructional details of Ballistic galvanometer? 3.)Explain the construction details and operation of the flux meter? 4.) Explain the determination of B-H loop by step by step method? BITS 1) Paramanent magnets are tested by [ ] a)ballistic methods b)using an electric circuit having mutual inductance c)potentiometer method d)None 2.)The construction of Fluxmeter is similar to ____________milli ammeter ] a)MC b)MI c)Dynamometer type 3.)The loop which represents the relation of B & H is ] [ d)electrostatic [ a) Hysteresis loop b)Eddy current loop c)closed loop d) None 4.)A multimeter is used to measure a)resistance b)Voltage c)Current [ ] d)all of the above 5.)The unit of flux is [ ] a)Weber b) Tesla c) Newton d) Joul 6) The flux meter have__________ damping torque __________ control torque. 7) If hysteresis loop of a particular material is widen then the permittivity of the material __________ 8) As air gap increases the reluctance becomes________________. 9) Permanent magnets are tested by_______________. 10.) In Ballistic galvanometer the controlling Torque is_____________. ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS MEASUREMENTS UNIT-VII 1. How the phase and frequency can be measured with the use of a CRO. Explain? 2.Explain the functions of the following controls: i). intensity iii). Horizontal and vertical positioning ii). Focus iv). Synchronization 3.What ate the applications and advantages of the CRO? 4.Explain the functions of the vertical and horizontal amplifiers in the CRT tube? BITS 1.) A dc voltage of 1V is applied to the X-plates of a CRO and ac voltage 2sin100t is applied to the Y-plates The resulting display on the CRO screen will be [ ] a)vertical stright line b)horizontal stright line c)sine wave d)slant line 2)While measuring the phase difference between the V1(t)=10sinwt and V2(t)=10 sin(wt +Ø),the Lissajous pattern observed on CRO was a circle. The value of Ø is[ ]a)zero b)Π/4 c)Π/2 d)Π 3.) A certain oscilloscope with 4cmX4cm screen has its own sweep output fed to its input.If the X and Y sensitives are same ,the oscilloscope will display a [ ] a)sawtooth b)triangular c)diagonal line d)horizontal line 4.)The X and Y inputs to a CRO are respectively 10cos(wt +Ø) and 10sin(wt +Ø) . The resulting Lissajous pattern is [ ] a)Stright line b)Horizontal line c)ellipse d)Circle 5.)Voltages Vy=100sin100t and Vx=50sin100t are connected to Y and X terminals of a CRO respectively. What is the shape of the screen on the CRO [ ] a)Circle b)straight line c)An ellipse d)A parabola 6.)The approximate input impedance of the CRO a)1MHz b)10MHz c)100MHz [ d)20MHz 7.)The material used in the CRT screen [ ] a)Zinc b) Phosphorous c) Molybdenum d.)copper 8.)The Lissajous patterns can be used to find the___________________. 9.)The CRT of the Television can be worked on the _____________________ principle. 10.)_______________ system can be used as intensity knob. ] ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS MEASUREMENTS UNIT-VIII 1. Explain the method of measuring voltage in successive approximation method. 2. Explain the operation of the ramp type DVM? 3. What are the applications and advantages of digital instruments? 4. Explain the working and operation of digital multimeters? BITS 1.)A multimeter is used to measure [ ] a)resistance b)Voltage c)Current d)all of the above 2.)Digital instruments deals with ___________ voltage [ ] a)Low b) High c) Moderate d) None 3.) Digital instruments deals with ___________ frequency [ ] a)Low b) High c) Moderate d) None 4.) By using successive approximation method we can measure [ ] a) voltage b) current c)power d)none 5.) The accuracy in case of digital instruments compared with analog instruments is [ ] a)more b)less c)none of these 6.) The voltage can be measured by ___________ method. 7) If hysteresis loop of a particular material is widen then the permittivity of the material __________ 9) As air gap increases the reluctance becomes________________. 10.) If hysteresis is loop of a particular material is widen then the permittivity of the material Previous years’ question papers – JNTUA IIIB. TechI Semester (R09)Regular Examinations,November 2011 ELECTRICAL&ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENTS (Electrical &Electronics Engineering) Time:3hours MaxMarks:70 AnsweranyFIVEquestions All questionscarryequal marks ***** 1 (a) (b) Explainhowthecurrent rangeofPMMC instrumentisextendedwith thehelpofshunts. Discussabout ErrorsandCompensationsof measuringinstruments. 2 (a) (b) Listtheadvantagesanddisadvantagesofinstrumenttransformers. Discussphaseangleerror. 3 (a) (b) Explaindrivingsystem,movingsystemandbreakingsystemina1-Φ inductiontype energymeter. Writeshortnotesonthreephaseenergymeter. 4 (a) (b) Writeshortnotesonpolarstandardization. Explain theoperationof DC Crompton’spotentiometer. 5 (a) (b) Withneat figureexplain theworkingofawheatstone’sbridge. Howdoyou measureinductanceusingMaxwell’sbridge? 6 (a) (b) DiscussA.Ctesting. Writeexplanatorynotesonfluxmeter. 7 (a) (b) Withneat figureexplain theworkingofa CRO. Howdoyou measurephaseandfrequency usingCRO? 8 (a) (b) Explain thefunctionofdigitaltachometer. Discusstheworkingofanintegrating typevoltmeter. ***** IIIB. TechI Semester (R09)Regular Examinations,November 2011 ELECTRICAL&ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENTS (Electrical &Electronics Engineering) Time:3hours MaxMarks:70 AnsweranyFIVEquestions All questionscarryequal marks ***** 1 (a) (b) Explain themethodofreducingerrors in measuringinstruments. Withaneatfigureexplaindynamometer. 2 (a) (b) Explain theworkingofadynamometer. DiscussCTand PT. 3 (a) (b) Explain themeasurementofLPFandUPF. Whatisthesignificanceofdrivingandbreakingtorquesina1-Φinductiontypeenergy meter? 4 (a) (b) Explain themeasurementofunknown resistanceusingDC Crompton’spotentiometer. Listtheapplicationsofpotentiometer. 5 (a) (b) Explain themeasurementofhighresistance-loss ofchangemethod. Explain theworkingofAndersonbridge. 6 (a) (b) Explain thedeterminationofB-H loopmethodof reversals. WriteshortnotesonLissajouspattern. 7 (a) (b) Explain theconstructional detail andworkingofa CRT. ListtheapplicationsofCRO. 8 (a) (b) Explain theworkingofadigitalfrequencymeter. Listtheadvantagesof digital voltmeter. ***** IIIB. TechI Semester (R09)Regular Examinations,November 2011 ELECTRICAL&ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENTS (Electrical &Electronics Engineering) Time:3hours MaxMarks:70 AnsweranyFIVEquestions All questionscarryequal marks ***** 1 (a) (b) Deriveanexpressionforthedeflecting torqueandcontrol torque. Give thegeneral requirementsfor theconstructionofshunts. 2 (a) (b) Discussthedifferent errorsofPMMC. Withneat figureexplain thefeaturesofmovingiron typePFmeter. 3 (a) (b) What isaphasemeter? Discussthemeritsanddemeritsofit. Withaneat sketchexplain theworkingofasinglephasedynamometer wattmeter. 4 (a) (b) Withneat figureexplain theworkingofanACpotentiometer. Discussthesignificanceofstandardization. 5 (a) (b) Howdoyou measurecapacitanceusingWien’sbridge? Explain. Explain thesensitivityofwheatstone’sbridgeandhowdoyou measureit. 6 (a) (b) DiscusstheconstructionaldetailsofBallisticgalvanometer. ListtheapplicationsofCRO. 7 (a) (b) Howdoyou measurecurrent andvoltageusingCRO? Discusshorizontal andvertical amplifiersofCRO. 8 (a) (b) Explain themethodofmeasurementofvoltageusingRamp typevoltmeter. Listtheadvantagesof digitalmultimeter and limitationsof thesame. ***** IIIB. TechI Semester (R09)Regular Examinations,November 2011 ELECTRICAL&ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENTS (Electrical &Electronics Engineering) Time:3hours MaxMarks:70 AnsweranyFIVE questions All questionscarryequal marks 1 (a) (b) Explain theworkingofauniversal shuntusedfor multirangeammeter. Writethesignificanceof controlanddamping torques. 2 (a) (b) Define transformation ratio, nominal ratio and turns ratio as used for instrument transformers. Listtheadvantagesanddisadvantagesof movingirontypeinstruments. 3 (a) (b) Discusstheerrorsandcompensationofsinglephaseenergymeter. Obtaintheexpressionfordeflectingandcontroltorquesofadoubleelementwattmeter. 4 (a) (b) Howdoyou measurecurrent andvoltageusingpotentiometer? Discusscoordinatetypeofstandardization. 5 (a) (b) Explain theworkingofa Kelvin’sdoublebridgefor measuringlowresistance. Explain thefeaturesofDesautybridgewithaneat sketch. 6 (a) (b) Derive theequationofmotioninBallisticgalvanometer. Explainsixpointmethods. 7 (a) (b) What doyou meanbyLissajouspatterns? Howdoyou measurethem usingaCRO? Drawaneat figureandexplain theworkingofaCRO. 8 (a) (b) Explain themethodofmeasuringvoltage insuccessiveapproximation method. Givesalient featuresofdigitalmultimeter. * Electrical Machines _III Syllabus JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR B.Tech III-I Sem. (E.E.E) T 4 0 P C 4 (9A02505) ELECTRICAL MACHINES - III UNIT – I CONSTRUCTION AND PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION Constructional Features of round rotor and salient pole machines – Armature windings – Integral slot and fractional slot windings; Distributed and concentrated windings – distribution, pitch and winding factors – E.M.F Equation. UNIT-I SYNCHRONOUS GENERATOR CHARACTERISTICS Harmonics in generated e.m.f. – suppression of harmonics – armature reaction - leakage reactance – synchronous reactance and impedance – experimental determination - phasor diagram – load characteristics. UNIT – III REGULATION OF SYNCHRONOUS GENERATOR Regulation by synchronous impedance method, M.M.F. method, Z.P.F. method and A.S.A. methods – salient pole alternators – two reaction analysis – experimental determination of Xd and Xq (Slip test) Phasor diagrams – Regulation of salient pole alternators. UNIT – IV PARALLEL OPERATION OF SYNCHRONOUS GENERATORS Synchronizing alternators with infinite bus bars – synchronizing power torque – parallel operation and load sharing - Effect of change of excitation and mechanical power input. Analysis of short circuit current wave form – determination of sub-transient, transient and steady state reactances. UNIT – V SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS – PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION Theory of operation – phasor diagram – Variation of current and power factor with excitation – V and Inverted V Curves - Power developed – Synchronous Condenser. UNIT-VIPOWER CIRCLES Excitation and power circles – hunting and its suppression – Methods of starting – synchronous induction motor. UNIT – VII SINGLE PHASE MOTORS Single phase induction motor – Constructional features - Double revolving field theory – Elementary idea of cross-field theory – split-phase motors – shaded pole motor. UNIT – VIII SPECIAL MOTORS Principle & performance of A.C. Series motor-Universal motor – Principle of permanent magnet and reluctance motors. TEXT BOOKS 1. Electric Machines – by I.J.Nagrath & D.P.Kothari, Tata Mc Graw-Hill Publishers, 4th Edition, 2010. 2. Electrical Machines – by P.S. Bimbra, Khanna Publishers. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. The Performance and Design of A.C.Machines – by M.G.Say, ELBS and Ptiman & Sons. 2. Electric Machinery – by A.E. Fitzgerald, C.Kingsley and S.Umans, Mc Graw-Hill Companies, 5th edition, 1990. 3. Theory of Alternating Current Machinery by Langsdorf, Tata Mc Graw-Hill, 2nd edition. 4. Electromachanics-III (Synchronous and single phase machines), S.Kamakashiah, Overseas publishers Pvt Ltd. 5. Electric Machines - by M. S. Sarma and M. K. Pathak, CENGAGE Learning. Objective ELECTRICAL MACHINES – III Objective : This subject is an extension of previous machines courses. It deals with the detailed analysis of Synchronous generators and motors which are the prime source of electrical power generation and its utilities. Also concerns about the different types of single phase motors which are having significant applications in house hold appliances and control systems. Synchronous generators are the prime source of electrical power generation in many power plants. In our INDIA, the highest rating of 3-ph alternator for generating 3-ph AC power is 500MW at voltage range of 6.6KV to 33KV with 50 Hz cycles/sec In industry, most of the machines for different applications are 3-ph Induction motor, only a small amount synchronous machines are used for some special purposes because of its excellent advantages. The main advantages of 3-ph synchronous motors are it is used as synchronous condenser for power factor correction, for improvement of voltage regulation in power system, used to drive constant speed drives of loads etc. There are two basic reasons for the use of 1-ph motors than 3-ph motors. Those are (i) For the reason of economy, most houses, offices and also rural areas are supplied with 1-ph ac power. (ii) Economy of motor and its branch circuit. The 1-ph m/cs are simple in construction, reliable, easy to repair, cheaper in cost etc. Lesson Plan PBR VISVODAYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE ACADIMIC YEAR: 2013–14 LESSON PLAN S.N o. Dates No.of periods CLASS: III B.Tech-EEE Faculty Name: P. Gopi Subject: EM-III No.of Topic to be covered In week 1 2 Periods required Basic laws in electrical engg. and introduction to electrical machines Total Periods Per unit 2 02 Unit-I 1 2 4 Operating principle and working 1 Constructional Features of round rotor and salient pole machines 2 Armature windings – Integral slot and fractional slot windings; Distributed and concentrated windings Distribution, pitch and winding factors 3 5 E.M.F Equation. 09 2 1 2 Problems solved Unit-II Harmonics in generated e.m.f. 4 5 suppression of harmonics 1 1 2 1 10 1 1 1 2 11 Problems solved Armature reaction Leakage reactance – synchronous reactance and impedance Experimental determination 5 5 Phasor diagram – load characteristics. Problems solved Unit-III 6 3 Regulation by synchronous impedance method and problems solved. 2 1 M.M.F. method 7 5 Problems solved on M.M.F. method 1 Z.P.F. method and A.S.A. methods and problems solved 3 1 Salient pole alternators two reaction analysis Experimental determination of Xd and Xq (Slip test) Phasor diagrams 1 2 Regulation of salient pole alternators. Unit-IV 8 5 1 1 Synchronizing alternators with infinite bus bars Synchronizing power torque Parallel operation and load sharing 9 5 Effect of change of excitation and mechanical power input. 1 2 1 08 Analysis of short circuit current wave form 1 Determination of sub-transient, transient and steady state reactances. 10 02.09.13 TO 07.09.13 Revision of Mid paper –I 2 Introduction to Sym. Motors 1ST MID EXAMS 1 1 Unit-V Theory of operation – phasor diagram 11 5 Types of excitation systems Variation of current and power factor with excitation V and Inverted V Curves Power developed and problems solved Synchronous Condenser and problems solved 12 5 Unit-VI 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 Hunting and its suppression Excitation and power circles 13 5 Methods of starting 02 09 2 2 1 06 Synchronous induction motor. Unit-VII 14 4 Single phase induction motor 1 1 Constructional features 2 Double revolving field theory and cross-field theory Split-phase motors 15 2 Shaded pole motor. Problems solved 5 1 1 2 Unit-VIII 16 08 2 1 Principle & performance of A.C. Series motor Universal motor 17 5 Principle of permanent magnet 1 06 Reluctance motors. 1 1 2 Problems solved Revision No. of periods available 72 No. of periods required 72 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Electric Machines – by I.J.Nagrath & D.P.Kothari, Tata Mc Graw-Hill Publishers, 4th Edition, 2010. 2. Electrical Machines – by P.S. Bimbra, Khanna Publishers. REFERENCE BOOKS: 6. Electric Machinery – by A.E. Fitzgerald, C.Kingsley and S.Umans, Mc Graw-Hill Companies, 5th edition, 1990. 7. Electromachanics-III (Synchronous and single phase machines), S.Kamakashiah, Overseas publishers Pvt Ltd. Faculty In-charge Head of the Department Faculty In-charge Head of the Department Question Papers – Mid-semester examinations PBR VISVODAYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLGY AND SCIENCE :: KAVALI (Approved by A.I.C.T.E- New Delhi, Affiliated to J.N.T. University, Anantapur) Janata peta, Kavali, S.P.S.R Nellore (Dist), A. P Subject Name: EM – III 2nd -Descriive test Year & Branch: III B.Tech -I Sem EEE Answer any three questions, each question carries equal marks 1.(a) Explain Why the Syn. Motor is not self starting with suitable diagrams. (b) An industrial load of 4 MW is supplied at 11 kV, the power factor being 0.8 lagging. Asynchronous motor is required to meet an additional load of 1103.25 kW and at the sametime to raise the resultant power factor to 0.95 lagging. Determine the kVA capacity of the motor and the p.f. at which it must operate. The efficiency of motor is 80%. 2.(a) Explain in details about V & /\ curves with suitable phasor diagrams. (b) A 75KW, 400V,Y connected syn. motor has armature resistance and reactance/ph of 0.04ohms and 0.4ohms respectively. Find the open ckt voltage/ph and the load angle and also find the mech. power developed for full load at 0.8 p.f leading. Assume an effiency of 93%. 3.(a) Explain the construction of power circles for sym. motor with suitable diagrams. (b) Explain principle of operation and performance char. of Syn. Induction motor. 4.(a) Show that a single phase winding when excited by a single phase supply produce two equal andopposite revolving fields. (b) Write a short note on Capacitor Start Induction Motor with suitable diagrams. 5.(a) Explain about Universal motor with its performance characteristics. (b) Explain the operating principle Reluctance motor briefly. PBR VISVODAYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLGY AND SCIENCE :: KAVALI (Approved by A.I.C.T.E- New Delhi, Affiliated to J.N.T. University, Anantapur) Subject Name: EM – III Janata peta, Kavali, S.P.S.R Nellore (Dist), A. P 2nd -Descriive test Year & Branch: III B.Tech -I Sem EEE Answer any three questions, each question carries equal marks 1.(a) Explain Why the Syn. Motor is not self starting with suitable diagrams. (b) An industrial load of 4 MW is supplied at 11 kV, the power factor being 0.8 lagging. Asynchronous motor is required to meet an additional load of 1103.25 kW and at the sametime to raise the resultant power factor to 0.95 lagging. Determine the kVA capacity of the motor and the p.f. at which it must operate. The efficiency of motor is 80%. 2.(a) Explain in details about V & /\ curves with suitable phasor diagrams. (b) A 75KW, 400V,Y connected syn. motor has armature resistance and reactance/ph of 0.04ohms and 0.4ohms respectively. Find the open ckt voltage/ph and the load angle and also find the mech. power developed for full load at 0.8 p.f leading. Assume an effiency of 93%. 3.(a) Explain the construction of power circles for sym. motor with suitable diagrams. (b) Explain principle of operation and performance char. of Syn. Induction motor. 4.(a) Show that a single phase winding when excited by a single phase supply produce two equal andopposite revolving fields. (b) Write a short note on Capacitor Start Induction Motor with suitable diagrams. 5.(a) Explain about Universal motor with its performance characteristics. (b) Explain the operating principle Reluctance motor briefly. PBR VISVODAYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLGY AND SCIENCE :: KAVALI (Approved by A.I.C.T.E- New Delhi, Affiliated to J.N.T. University, Anantapur) Subject Name: EM – III 2nd -Objective test Year &Branch:III B.Tech -I Sem EEE Name: Roll No: Max Marks:10M 1). An under excited syn. motor operates at ____ [ ] a). Lagging p.f None b). Leading p.f c). Unity p.f d). 2).The function of Damper winding in a syn. motor is _____ [ ] a). to prevent hunting None b). to provide starting torque c). Both a & b d). 3). Improvement in power factor _________________ losses. 4). A salient pole syn. motor is operating at no load. If excitation is suddenly switched off, _________ [ ] a). Motor will comes to stop b). Motor will continue to run at a speed less than syn. speed c). Motor will continue to run at a speed less than syn. speed d). None 5). When a syn. motor started _________________ [ ] a). The field is excited by DC voltage b). The field wdg is opened initially c). The field wdg is shorted initially d). Any of the above 6). For fixed load on the shaft, the armature current of a syn. motor is minimum when the p.f is [ ] a). less than unity & leading not unity b).Unity c). Lagging d). leading or lagging, 7). The negative phase sequence in a 3-ph syn. motor exists when the motor is ________ [ ] a). Under loaded b). Over loaded c). Supplied with Unbalanced voltage d). hot 8). A syn. motor supplying its rated load and is operating at UPF. If excitation is increased, then [ ] a). Its load increased b). its p.f is constant c). p.f being lagging d). p.f being leading 9).V curves of syn. motor shows the relation between _____ [ ] a). p.f Vs load b). Ia Vs If c). p. f Vs If d). p.f Vs Ia 10). In salient pole syn. machine, the condition for max mech. power developed is __________. 11). The starting torque of a 3-ph syn. motor is______________. 12). In capacitor start motor, the capacitor is connected ___ [ a). In series with main wdg d).None ] b). in series with running wdg c). both a & 13). As compared to split phase motor, a capacitor start motor has_____________starting torque. 14). A permanent magnet AC motor has ________ excitation. [ ] a). AC b). DC c). zero d). None 15). A ceiling fan uses_______ motor [ ] a). Split phase d). None b). Capacitor start & run c). Capacitor start 16). A shaded pole runs in the direction from _________________________________ part of pole. 17). AC series motors are built with as few field turns as possible to reduce ___________ [ ] b a). Flux d). None b). Eddy current loss c). reactance 18). In case of reluctance motor, the torque is proportional to_____________. 19). The function of compensating winding in AC series motor is to ________________ [ ] a). provide starting torque b). reduce the reactance of arm.wdg. c). convert into 2-ph d). None 20). If a centrifugal switch of a capacitor start motor fails to open, ______ [ ] a).The capacitor & running wdg will be destroyed b). Only the running wdg may destroyed c). Only the capacitor will be destroyed d). None PBR VISVODAYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLGY AND SCIENCE :: KAVALI (Approved by A.I.C.T.E- New Delhi, Affiliated to J.N.T. University, Anantapur)Subject Name: EM – III Ist-Descriive test SemEEE Date: 12-11-2012(AN) Duration: 90 min Year & Branch:III B.Tech -I Marks:30M 1. (a) Explain different types of armature windings with example. (b) A 3-Ph star connected alternator, on open circuit is required to generate a line voltage of 3600 V, 50 Hz, when driven at 500 rpm. The stator has 3 slots per phase per pole and 10 conductors per slot. Calculate: (i) The number of poles, (ii) The useful flux per pole.All the conductors in a phase are connected in series and the coils to be full pitch. 2. (a) Explain the effect of power factor on armature reaction of an alternator. (b) Calculate the RMS value of EMF induced per phase of a 10 pole, 3-ph, 50 Hz, alternator with 2 slots per pole per phase and 4 conductors per slot in two layers. The coil span is 150 o electrical. The flux per pole has a fundamental component of 0.12 wb & a 20% of third harmonic component. 3. (a)What is Voltage regulation. Explain ZPF method of calculating regulation of alternator (b) A 3-Ph, alternator has a direct axis & quadrature axis reactances of 0.8 pu & 0.5 pu respectively. Draw a vector diagram for full load 0.8 pf leading & obtain there from load angle & no load per unit voltage. 4. (a) Define Syn reactance (Xs), Syn Impedance (Zs). Also explain the load characteristics of alternator. (b) The following results are obtained on 6600v, 3-Ph alternator.A field current of 20A is found necessary to circulate full load current on short circuit of thearmature. Calculate the load regulation of 0.8 p.f (lag) by MMF method. Voc(volts) 3100 4900 6600 7500 8300 If(Amps) 16 25 37.5 50 70 5. (a) Explain the conditions for parallel operation of two alternators. (b) What is synchronization of an alternator? Explain Two bright & one dark lamp, Synchronoscope methods for synchronization of alternators PBR VISVODAYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLGY AND SCIENCE :: KAVALI (Approved by A.I.C.T.E- New Delhi, Affiliated to J.N.T. University, Anantapur)Janata peta, Kavali, S.P.S.R Nellore (Dist), A. P Subject Name: EM – III Name: Ist -Objective test Roll No: Year & Branch:III B.Tech -I Sem EEE Max Marks:10M 1. Modern Alternators usually have fractional pitch wining to improve ___ [ ] a) Voltage wave shape b) Magnitude of generated emf c) Power factor d) None 2. If the armature current in an alternator is lagging w.r.t emf, the effect of armature reaction is __ [ ] a) Magnetizing b) X- Magnetizing c) De-magnetizing d) None 3. The maximum speed of Turbo alternator in India is ___ [ ] a) 1500 rpm b) 900 rpm c) 3000 rpm d) None 4. Salient pole alternators are generally used on: [ ] a) High speed prime movers b) Low and medium speed prime movers b) Hydrogen cooled prime movers d) None 5. The relation between the d-axis and q-axis reactance is [ ] a) Xd=Xq b) Xd > Xq c) Xd < Xq d) none 6. If an alternator winding has a fractional pitch of 5/6, the coil span is : [ ] a) 150˚ b) 300˚ c) 30˚ d) 50˚ 7. The leakage reactance and armature reaction emf of Synchronous Machine are determined by [ ] a) OC test b) ZPF test c) OC & ZPF tests d) OC & SC tests 8. The magnetizing curve represents the relationship between ____ [ ] a) P.f Vs terminal to load voltage b) Magnetic flux and armature current c) Exciting current and generated voltage d) None 9. The winding of an armature is distributed in different slots, for____ [ ] a) Reducing the cost b) increasing the efficiency c) increasing the regulation reducing harmonics 10. Synchronous reactance of an alternator is [ ] a) Xa + XL b) Xa - XL c) Xa / XL d) d) None 11. Synchrono scope is used for ___ [ ] a) Measuring P.f of alternator d) All b) Measuring active power of alternator c) for synchronization 12. At leading P.f, the armature flux in an alternator ____ the main flux. [ ] a) Opposes b) aids c) Distorts d) no effect 13.What is the expression for PSY, when the alternator is connected to bus bar with rated load [ ] a) αEVt / ZS b) αEVt / 2ZS c) αE2 / ZS d) αE2 / 2ZS 14. If the voltage across R & Y phases of 3-Ph alternator is 100V(dc), current is 10A(dc). What is the resistance of armature. [ ] a) 10Ω b) 15Ω c) 7.5Ω d) 5Ω 15. Which of the following method gives the accurate voltage regulation results [ ] a) EMF method b) AT method c) ZPF method d) ASA method 16. The results of a slip test for determining Xd and Xq of a Y connected salient pole alternator are given below:Vmax =108v; Vmin = 96v; Imax = 12Aand Imin=10A. Then Xd= _____ and Xq = ____ 17. It is never advisable to connect a stationary alternator to live bus bar because it [ ] a) is likely to run as Syn Motor c) will decrease bus bar voltage through momentarily b) will get short circuited d) None 18. EMF method is not accurate because the value of ZS so found is always __ than its value under normal voltage and saturation. [ ] a) More b) Less c) Zero d) Infinity 19. The ZPF char. for potier diagram can be obtained by loading the alternator using ___ loads [ ] a) Resistive b) Lamp c) Pure Inductive d) Pure capacitive 20. In the case of ____ load p.f., the terminal voltage will fall on removing the full load [ ] a) UPF b) ZPF c) Lagging P.f d) Leading P.f Today’s pain is tomorrow’s gain Answers: 1. B, 2. C, 3. C 4. 5. B, 6. A, 7. D, 8. c, 9. d, 10. a, 11. c, 12. b, 13. , 14. c, 15. c, 17. b, 18. b, 19. c, 20. d 16. Xd=10.8 and Xq=8 ohms. Aim to one and only Question Bank UNIT-I (DESCTRIPTIVE & OBJECTIVES) 1.(a). Explain the constructional details of round rotor m/c with neat diagrams. (b). What are the various terms related to armature winding. Explain. 2.(a). Explain briefly about different types of armature windings. (b). Write the advantages of (i) Short pitch wdg over Full pitch wdg (ii) Distribute wdg over Concentrated wdg. 3.(a) Define and derive the expressions for Coil span factor an distribution factor in terms of slot angle, no.of slots/pole/ph and short chording. (b) Calculate the distribution factor for a 1-ph alternator having 6 slots/pole, (i) when all slots are wound (ii) only 4 adjacent slots/pole are wound and remaining being not wound. 4.(a) Why the stationary armature is preferred over rotating armature. Write the differences between salient pole and smooth cylindrical type rotors. (b) A 3-ph, 4 pole, star connected alternator has 60 slots with 2 conductors perslot. The pitch of the coil is 3 slots less than pole pitch. The flux per pole is0.125 wb. Calculate the no load terminal voltage if the speed of alternator is1500 rpm. 5.(a) From the fundamental, derive the expression for induced emf/ph in 3-ph alternator. (b) A 1-ph, 1500 rpm, 4 pole alternator has 8 conductors/slot with total of 24 slots. The wdg is short pitched by 1/6th of full pitch. Assume distributed wdg with flux/pole as 0.05wb. Find the inducted emf per ph and Frequency of the induced emf. BITS 10. Modern Alternators usually have fractional pitch wining to improve ___ [ B ] b) Voltage wave shape b) Magnitude of generated emf c) Power factor d) None 11. The maximum speed of Turbo alternator in India is ___ [ C ] b) 1500 rpm b) 900 rpm c) 3000 rpm d) None 12. Salient pole alternators are generally used on: [ A ] c) High speed prime movers b) Low and medium speed prime movers d) Hydrogen cooled prime movers d) None 13. If an alternator winding has a fractional pitch of 5/6, the coil span is : [ A ] b) 150˚ b) 300˚ c) 30˚ d) 50˚ 5. The winding of an armature is distributed in different slots, for____ [ C ] a) Reducing the cost b) increasing the efficiency c) reducing harmonics 6. The biggest size of alternator in India is 500MVA, 6.6KV to 33KV. 7. The stator core of alternator is laminated to reduce______a) Hysteresis loss b) Eddy current loss [ B] c) Copper loss d) none 8. In modern alternators, generally double layer, distributed and short pitched wdg is commonly used. 9. The armature winding of 3-ph alternator is of _________ type a) open b)closed c) a or b 10. If coil span is less than pole pitch, it is called _____ wdg a) Short pitch b) Full pitch [C] d)none [a] c) concentrated d) distributed 11. If AC generator has 4 poles, no.of slots are 16, the type of wdg is ____ a)Full pitch b) short pitch c) Fractional slot [c ] d) integer slot 12. The winding factor is defined as product of coil span factor and distribution factor. 13.If the winding is full pitched and concentrated type, Kc and Kd values respectively[ b] a) 1.0, 0.966 b) 1.0, 1.0 c) 0.966, 1.0 d) none 14. In large AC generator, the field is rotating and armature stationary. UNIT-II (DESCTRIPTIVE & OBJECTIVES) 1. (a) Define Harmonics. Explain the causes for generation of harmonics? Explain the effect of harmonics on generated emf. (b) The flux distribution curve of a smooth core 50Hz generator is B = sinØ+0.2µ sin3 µ +0.2sin5Ø+0.2sin7Øwb/m2 where Øis the angle measured from neutral axis. The pole pitch is35cm, the core length is 32cm and stator coil span is four - fifth of pole pitch. Find equationfor emf induced in one turn and its rms value. 2.(a) Explain the effect of power factor on armature reaction of an alternator. (b) Calculate the RMS value of EMF induced per phase of a 10 pole, 3-ph, 50 Hz,alternator with 2 slots per pole per phase and 4 conductors per slot in twolayers. The coil span is 150o electrical. The flux per pole has a fundamentalcomponent of 0.12 wb & a 20% of third harmonic component. 3. (a)Explain the load characteristics of alternator with equivalent circuit. (b) Data from tests performed to determine the parameters of a 200 kVA, 480 V,60 Hz, 3-ph, star connected alternator are Voc=480V, Isc=209.9A for constant If& for DC test VDC= 91.9V, IDC=72.8 A (stator). Determine synchronous impedance, syn. reactance and regulation at 08 p.f lagging and leading. 4.(a) Explain how the synchronous reactance can be calculated by experimentally. (b)The SC, OC & DC test data for a star connected 25 kVA, 240 V, 60 Hz,alternator are (between two terminals):VOC = 240 V, ISC = 60.2 A - - - - For same field current and VDC = 120.6 V, IDC = 50.4 A Determine: Synchronous reactance, no load induced emf at p.f of 0.707 lagging, leading and UPF 5. (a) Draw the phasor diagrams for 3-ph alternator at various loads. (b) Write a short note on synchronous impedance and synchronous reactance. BITS 1. At leading P.f, the armature flux in an alternator ____ the main flux. [ B ] a) Opposes b) aids c) Distorts d) no effect 2. If the voltage across R & Y phases of 3-Ph alternator is 100V(dc), current is 10A(dc). What is the resistance of armature. [ C] b) 10Ω b) 15Ω c) 7.5Ω d) 5Ω 3. In the case of __load p.f., the terminal voltage will fall on removing the full load [ D ] c) a) UPF b) Zero PF c) Lagging P.f d) Leading P.f 4. If the armature current in an alternator is lagging w.r.t emf, the effect of armature reaction is __ [ C ] b) Magnetizing b) X- Magnetizing c) De-magnetizing d) None 5.The arm. reaction effect in a syn.machine depends on both load current and load p.f. 6. In syn.Generator, the effect of X-magnetization is to make the generated voltage _ [B ] a)pure sinusoidal b) Non-sinusoidal c) Free from harmonics d)none 7. In 3-ph round rotor syn.machine, the effect of armature reaction is taken care by __[ a ] a) Syn. reactance b) armature resistance 8. Unbalanced 3-ph stator currents causes a) Vibrations b) heating of rotor c) leakage reactance d) self reactance [d] c) double frequency in rotor current d)all 9. A leading p. f loads on an alternator implies that its voltage regulation shall be [ c ] a) zero b) positive c) negative d) none 10. In 3-ph Y connected generator, if the fundamental an 3rd harmonic rms voltages in each phase are V1and V3, the line voltage of the generator will be _____ [b ] a) sqrt(3(V12 +V32)) b) sqrt(3)V1 c) sqrt(3)V1+V3/3 UNIT-III (DESCTRIPTIVE & OBJECTIVES) d) none 1. Describe the EMF and MMF methods of determining the regulation of a non salient polealternator. Discuss the errors in both the methods. 2. (a) What is potier reactance? How it is determined by potier triangle? How it is used todetermine regulation. (b) A 5000KVA, 6.6KV, 3-ph, Y connected alternator has a resistance of 0.075ohms/ph. Estimate by ZPF method, the regulation for a load of 500A at a p.fs (i) Unity, (ii) 0.8lag, (iii) 0.8 lead. Use the following data. Field current (A) 32 50 75 100 140 O.C voltage (V) 3100 4900 6600 7500 8300 ZPF voltage (V) 0 1850 4250 5800 7000 3. (a) The following table gives the OCC & SCC of a 2 pole, 11kV, 50 Hz, 3-ph starconnected alternator. The stator resistance between two terminals is 0.2 .Calculate the regulation at full load current of 125 A at 0.8 pf lagging (bysynchronous impedance method). If(A): 16 20 25 32 45 ; EOL(kV): 4.4 5.5 6.6 7.7 8.8(where EoL is line voltage at no load) (b) Explain the ASA modification of MMF method. 4. (a) Write a short note on slip test for determination of Xd and Xq. (b) A 1 MVA, 6.6 kV, 3-ph star connected synchronous generator has a synchronous reactance of 25 per phase. It supplies full load current at 0.8 lagging pf and arated terminal voltage. Compute the terminal voltage for the same excitationwhen the generator supplies full load current at 0.8 leading pf. 5. A 3-ph, 440V, 50Hz, delta connected alternator has d-axis & q-axis reactance of 0.12 &0.09 respectively. If the alternator supplies 900 A at 0.8pf lagging, calculate the following:Neglect armature resistance. (a) the excitation EMF, neglecting saliency (Xd = Xq)(b) the excitation EMF, taking into account the saliency. Objectives 1. The effect leading pf loads on voltage regulation of an alternator is ____ in nature.[ B] a) Increasing b) decreasing c) constant d) none 2. The leakage reactance of a 3-ph alternator is determined by ____ tests. a) ZPF & S.C tests b) ZPF & O.C Tests [ c) O.C & S.C tests C] d) None 3. The syn. impedance method of finding voltage regulation is generally considered as a pessimistic method bcz saturation is not considered. 4. The ZPF char. for potier diagram can be obtained by loading the alternator using Inductive load. 5. EMF method give higher than actual value of regulation of alternator. 6. Potier triangle method of ZPF method gives accurate results for determination of voltage regulation of alternator. 7. Slip test is performed to determine ______ a) Xs and Zs [ B] b) d-axis and q-axis reactances c) Slip d) None 8. The results of a slip test for determining Xd and Xq of a Y connected salient pole alternator are given below: Vmax =108v; Vmin = 96v; Imax = 12Aand Imin=10A. Then Xd=10.8 & Xq=8 ohms. 9. Highersyn.reactance is preferred in the present day alternators to reduce transient currents. 10. For capacitive loads on alternator, the terminal voltages may falls when loads is turns off. 11. For inductive loads and UPF loads, the terminal voltage is more the its generated emf (ph). For Capacitive loads Vt(ph) < EMF (ph). 12. The max. current during slip test on a syn. machine, the arm. mmf aligns along __[ A] a) Q-axis b) D- Axis c) X-axis d) Y-axis 13. The leakage reactance and armature reaction emf of Synchronous Machine are determined by [ C ] b) OC test b) ZPF test c) OC & ZPF tests d) OC & SC tests 14. The magnetizing curve represents the relationship between ____ [C ] b) P.f Vs terminal to load voltage c) Exciting current and generated voltage b) Magnetic flux and armature current d) None 15. Synchronous reactance of an alternator is a) Xa + XL b) Xa - XL [ A ] c) Xa / XL d) None 16. Which of the following method gives the accurate voltage regulation results [ C ] a) EMF method b) AT method c) ZPF method d) ASA method UNIT-IV (DESCTRIPTIVE & OBJECTIVES) 1. (a) What are the conditions to be satisfied before a 3-phase alternator is synchronized to aninfinite bus-bar? (b) A 750KVA, 11KV, 4 pole, 3-ph star connected alternator has % resistance and reactanceof 1 and 15 respectively. Calculate the synchronous power per mechanical degree of displacement at(i) No load (ii) Full load 0.8 pf lag.Where, terminal voltage in each case is given to be 11KV. 2. (a) What is synchronizing power of an alternator? Derive an expression for the synchronizingpower between the two alternators connected in parallel. (b) Two 3-ph star connected alternators supply a load of 3000KW at 0.8pf lagging and sharethe load equally. The excitation of second machine is so adjusted that it supplies 150Aat a lagging pf. The synchronous impedance are 0.4 + j12 and 0.5 + j10. Find current,power factor, induced emf and load angle of each machine. The terminal voltage is 6.6KV. 3. (a) Explain the various methods of synchronization of alternators. (b) Two similar 4 MVA alternators operate in parallel. The governor of firstmachine is such that frequency drops from 50 Hz at no load to 47.5 Hz at fullload. The corresponding drop for second machine is 50 Hz to 48 Hz. (i). How will they share a load of 6 MW (ii). What is the maximum load they can share at UPF without over loadingany generator? 4. (a) Explain the effect of change in excitation on the parallel operation of twoalternators. (b) Two similar stat connected alternators 3-ph alternators share a load of 7500kW equally at 6000 V and 0.8 pf lagging. The synchronous impedance of (2.5+ j50) /ph. The excitation of second machine is changed, so that it delivers40 A at a lagging pf. Find: i. Armature current of 1st m/cii. EMF of each m/c iii. P.fof each m/c. 5. (a) Explain the effect of change in steam supply on the parallel operation of twoalternators. (b) The EMFs of two alternators are 3000L200&2900L00 V. Their synchronous impedances are 2+j20 /ph & 2.5+ j30 /ph. The load impedance is 10+j4 /ph. Find the circulating current. Objectives 1. Synchronoscope is used for ___ a) Measuring P.f of alternator synchronization d) All [ C ] b) Measuring active power of alternator c) for 2.What is the expression for PSY, when the alternator is connected to bus bar with rated load [ ] a) αEVt / ZS b) αEVt / 2ZS c) αE2 / ZS d) αE2 / 2ZS 3. An infinite bus bar has Constant voltage, Constant frequency and infinite voltage. 4. A salient pole alternator connected to infinite bus bar will deliver max power at power angle of δ=900 5. A salient pole alt. connected to infinite bus bar will deliver max power at δ=900 6. The power factor of an alternator is determined by a) Speed b) Excitation [ B ] c) Prime mover d) Load 7. While synchronizing a 3-ph alternator to a bus-bar the paralleling switch should be close just before the pointer reached vertical position when moving in the fast direction. 8. Two alternators A and B are sharing an inductive load equally. If the excitation of alternator A is increased Alternator B delivers less current and alternator delivers more current. 9. It is never advisable to connect a stationary alternator to live bus bar because it [B ] a) is likely to run as Syn Motor b) will get short circuited c) will decrease bus bar voltage through momentarily d) None UNIT-V 1. (a) Discuss with suitable vector diagrams, the behavior of 3-ph syn motor at no load with the change in excitation. (b) A 400v, 7.46KW, 3-ph, Y connected SM has syn. impedance of (0.35+j2.8) ohms/ph. Find graphically of otherwise, the voltage to which the motor must be excited to give the full load output at 0.867leading p.f. Assume an efficiency of 88%. 2. (a) Explain about Syn. Condenser with suitable vector diagrams. (b) A sub-station operating at full load of 1200 kVA supplies a load at 0.7 power factorlagging. Calculate the permissible additional load at this power factor and the rating ofsynchronous condenser to raise the substation power to 0.9 lagging. 3.(a) Derive the expression for the maximum power developed by a synchronous motor. (b) A syn. motor takes 25Kw from400V supply. The syn. reactance of the motor is 4ohms. Find the power factor at which the motor would operate when the exciting current is so adjusted that the generated emf is 500V. 4. (a) Explain in details about V & /\ curves with suitable phasor diagrams. (b) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of syn.motor. 5.(a) Explain the load characteristics of syn. motor. (b) A 75KW, 400V,Y connected syn. motor has armature resistance and reactance/ph of 0.04ohms and 0.4ohms respectively. Find the open ckt voltage/ph and the load angle and also find the mech.power developed for full load at 0.8 p.f leading. Assume an effiency of 93%. UNIT-VI 1. Why the syn. motor is not self starting. Explain the starting methods of syn. motor. 2.(a) What is hunting. With neat diagram, explainhow the damper winding prevents oscillations. (b) An industrial load of 4 MW is supplied at 11 kV, the power factor being 0.8 lagging. Asynchronous motor is required to meet an additional load of 1103.25 kW and at the sametime to raise the resultant power factor to 0.95 lagging. Determine the kVA capacity of the motor and the p.f. at which it must operate. The efficiency of motor is 80% 3. (a) Explain principle of operation and performance char. of Syn. Induction motor. (a) Explain the various power stages of synchronous motor. What are the various losses takingplace in synchronous motor? 4. Explain the construction of excitation and power circles for sym. motor with suitable diagrams. UNIT-VII 1. (a) Explain with neat diagrams the construction of 1-ph Induction motor. (b)Explain with neat diagrams theprinciple of operation ofShaded pole motor 2. Show that a single phase winding when excited by a single phase supply produce two equal andopposite revolving fields. (or) Explain why the 1-phInduction motor is not self starting. 3. Explain the various starting methods of synchronous motor. UNIT-VIII 1. (a) Describe the construction and principle of operation of a ac series motor with a neatdiagram. Give its industrial applications. (b) Compare the performance characteristics of a.c. series motor when it is connected across (i). A.C. supply (ii). D.C. supply. 2. Explain about Universal motor with its performance characteristics. 3. Explain the operating principles of (i) Reluctance motor (ii) permanent magnet motor. UNIT-V& VI 1. An under excited syn. motor operates at ____ a. Lagging p.f b. Leading p.f c. Unity p.f [ A] d. None 2.The function of Damper winding in a syn. motor is _____ a. to prevent hunting b. to provide starting torque [C] c. Both a & b 3. When a syn. motor started ?___ a. The field is excited by DC voltage c. The field wdg is shorted initially [C] b. The field wdg is opened initially d. Any of the above 4. For fixed load on the shaft, the armature current of a syn. motor is minimum when the p.f is [ B] a. < unity & leading b.Unity c. Lagging d. leading or lagging, not unity 5. A syn. motor supplying its rated load and is operating at UPF. If excitation is increased, then [D] a. Its load increased b. its p.f is constant c. p.f being lagging d. p.f being leading 6. A 3-ph 230V, Y-connected syn. motor produces a back emf of 320 V, the p.f of syn. motor is _____ [C] a. Unity b. Lagging c. Leading d. None 7.V curves of syn. motor shows the relation between _____ a. p.f Vs load b. Ia Vs If c. p. f Vs If [ B] d. p.f Vs Ia 8. As the load on syn. motor increased, the torque angle _______ a. Increases b. Decreases [ A] c. Independent of Load d. None 9. In a syn. motor _____ [D ] a.E is less than V b.E equal to V c.E is more than V d.E may be more or less than V 10. In a syn. motor _____ [B] a. The speed of stator mmf is always more than that of rotor mmf b. rotor and stator mmfs are stationary w.r.t each other c. speed of stator mmf is always less than that of rotor mmf d. None 11. The rotor of the syn. Induction motor is ____ a. Salient pole b. Squirrel Cage c. Slip ring [C] d. Round rotor 12. The 3-ph Syn. motor is not self starting machine. 13. A syn. motor is a constant speed motor. 14. When field current is 0 the torque developed by syn.motor is called Reluctance torque 15. A syn. motor is a double excited machine, since it requires A C supply for stator an DC supply for field winding. 16. In salient pole syn. machine, the condition for max mech. power developed is δ = ϴ 17. Syn. capacitor is an over excited syn. motor without mechanical load. 18. The negative phase sequence in a 3-ph syn. motor exists when the motor supplied with unbalanced voltage. 19. Stability of syn. motor increases with the increase in excitation. 20. A 3-ph syn. motor has zero starting torque. UNIT-VII & VIII 1. In capacitor start motor, the capacitor is connected as ___ a. In series with main wdg b. in series with running wdg [B] c. both a & b 2. As compared to split phase motor, a capacitor start motor has higher starting torque. 3. If a centrifugal switch of a capacitor start motor fails to open, ______ a. The capacitor will be destroyed [C] b. The running wdg may destroyed c. The capacitor & running wdg will be destroyed d. None 4. A ceiling fan uses_______ motor [ C] a. Split phase b. Capacitor start & run c. Capacitor start d. None 5. A DC series motor is switched on to AC supply [C ] a. Motor will not start b. Motor will damage c. Motor start with poor performance 6. The function of compensating winding in AC series motor is to _____ a. provide starting torque b. reduce the reactance of arm.wdg. [B] c. convert into 2-ph 7. The electrical motor, generally used for house hold food mixers is ______ a. Universal motor b. shaded pole motor c. Capacitor start motor [ A] d. None 8.A reluctance motor runs at _______ a. Syn. speed [A ] b. speed slightly less than syn. speed c. above syn. speed d. None 9. A shaded pole runs in the direction from un-shaded to shaded part of pole. 10. AC series motors are built with as few field turns as possible to reduce ___ a. Flex b. Eddy current loss c. reactance [C ] d. None 11. under no load operating conditions the speed of the universal motor is limited by windage and friction. 12. In an AC series motor, the p.f is improved by ____ [B ] a. increasing the no.of arm. conductors b. reducing the inductance of arm. & field wds c. increasing the supply voltage d. Both a & b 13. A 1-ph reluctance motor is a self stating and needs no DC excitation. 14. In case of reluctance motor, the torque is proportional to sin2δ. 15. The 1-ph Induction motors produces torque at starting is zero. 16. A permanent magnet AC motor has ________ excitation. a). AC b). DC c). zero [ d). None ] Previous years’ question papers – JNTUA 1 (a) Explain theeffectofharmonicsonpitchanddistributionfactors. (b) Analternatorhas18slots/poleandthefirstcoilliesinslots1and16.Calculatethe pitchfactor for: (i)Fundamental (ii)3rdharmonics (iii)5thharmonics and (iv)7thharmonics. 2 (a) Explain theeffectsof harmonicsonelectrical powersystem&utility. (b) CalculatetheRMSvalueofEMFinducedperphaseofa10pole,3-phase,50Hz, alternatorwith2slotsperpoleperphaseand4conductorsperslotintwolayers.The coil spanis150oelectrical.Thefluxperpolehasafundamental componentof0.12wb& a20% ofthirdharmoniccomponent 3 A3-ф,200kVA,1.1kV,50Hzstarconnectedalternatorhavinganeffectiveperphase resistanceof0.62Ωgave thefollowingresults: Fieldcurrent (A) 20 35 50 80 100 120 O.C.Voltage V1 692.82 1120 1450 1750 1953 2180 S.C.Current (A) 0 22 44 66 88 110 UsingMMF method, findthevoltageregulationat 100A, (a) 0.8p.f.lagging (b)0.8p.fleading. 4 (a) What ismeant bysynchronization?Howthealternator issynchronizedwithinfinitebus? A3(b) phasealternatorwithsynchronousreactanceof10ohmperphaseandnegligible armatureresistanceisconnectedto6.6kVconstantfrequencysupplyanditsupplies 100Aatunitypowerfactortothesystem.Iftheprimemoverinputiskeptconstantand theexcitationofthealternatorisincreasedby20%.Whatwouldbethenewcurrentand powerfactor? 5 (a) 6 (a) What ishunting?Whyit isessential tosuppress thehunting? (b) Explain thevariousstaring methodsof synchronousmotor. 7 (a) Whyacapacitorstart motor isbetterthansplit-phasemotor,explain? (b) Describe theconstructionandworkingofshadedpole motor. 8 The fullloadcurrentofa3.3 kV,starconnectedsynchronousmotoris160Aat0.8 pf lagging.Theresistance&synchronousreactanceofthemotorare0.8Ω/ph&5.5Ω/ph respectively.Calculate theexcitationEMF,torqueangle,efficiency,and theshaftoutput ofthemotor. Assumethe mechanicalstray lossestobe30kW. (b) Whatistheoverexcitationofasynchronousmotor?Whatistheeffectofoverexcitation ofasynchronousmotor? Withneatdiagramexplaintheconstruction&workingofvariablereluctancestep-per motor. Alsoexplainitsstatic&dynamiccharacteristics. ***** IIIB. TechI Semester (R09)Regular &Supplementary Examinations,November 2012 ELECTRICALMACHINES III (Electrical &ElectronicsEngineering) Time:3hours Max.Marks:70 AnsweranyFIVEquestions All questionscarryequal marks ***** 1 (a) Brieflydescribethephasespread,phaseband.Calculatetheirvaluesforintegralslot windingwithsuitableexample. (b) A3-phasestarconnectedalternatorhas ratingof120kVAat2.5kVwith12poles.The ratedspeed ofthealternatoris800 rpm. Therearethreeslots perpoleperphaseand thenumberofconductorsperslotis5.Determinethefluxperpoleforfullpitched windingtogive theratedterminal voltageatnoload. 2 Theeffectiveresistanceofa2200V,50Hz,440kVAsinglephasealternatoris0.5 ohm.Onshortcircuit,a fieldcurrentof4amp, givesthe fullloadcurrent. TheEMFon opencircuitforthesame fieldcurrentis1160V.findsynchronousimpedance, synchronousreactanceand%regulationof0.6p.flagging. 3 Explain the‘ZeroPowerFactor’methodof findingvoltageregulationofanalternator. 4 (a) Whatismeantbysynchronization?Explainthewayofsynchroninganalternatortothe infinitebusbars. (b) Twostarconnectedalternatorssupplyaloadof1500kVAat0.8pflaggingandshare theloadequally.Theexcitationofsecondmachineisadjustedsothatitissupplying 60A at alaggingpf.Thesynchronousimpedances are(0.4+j12)ohm/phand (0.5+ j10)ohm/ph.Findcurrent,powerfactor, inducedEMFandloadangleofeach machine.Terminal voltage is6.6kV. 5 (a) 6 (a) What ishunting?Whyit isessential tosuppress thehunting? (b) Explain theconstructionofdamper winding. 7 (a) Explaintheprincipleofoperationofsinglephaseinductionmotorbasedondoublefield revolvingtheory. (b) Comparethecapacitorstartmotorandcapacitorstartandrunsinglephaseinduction motor.Whichtypeofmotor hasbetterperformance,Explain? 8 (a) Listapplicationsofstepper motor&universal motor. (b) Explain theconstructionofAC seriesmotor. Asub-stationoperatingatfullloadof1200 kVAsuppliesaloadat0.7powerfactor lagging.Calculatethepermissibleadditionalloadatthispowerfactorandthe ratingof synchronouscondenser toraisethesubstationpowerto0.9 lagging. (b) Explainwhysynchronousmotor isnotselfstarting. ***** 1 (a) Explaintheeffectofshortchordingandspreadingthewindingina3-phasealternatoron theemfinducedinthewinding.Derivetheexpressionsfortheseeffectsintermsofslot pitch,numberofslotsperpoleperphaseandshort chording. (b) Describethemeritsoffractionalslotwinding.Whyitsarmatureslotsshouldbedivisibleby 3incaseof3-phasemachine? 2 (a) ExplaintheeffectofarmaturereactionontheEMFinduced.Isitpossibletoobtainload voltagemorethan EMF induced?Ifyes,how? ThephaseEMFofa3-phasealternatorconsistsoffundamental,20%3rdharmonic&10 (b) %fifthharmonic.Theamplitudeoffundamentalis1000V.Calculatethe RMSvalueofline &phasevoltage, when thealternator isconnectedin (i) Star (ii) Delta. 3 A1MVA,11kV,3-phasestar-connectedsynchronousmachinehasfollowingOCCtest data, If 50 110 140 180 Eol-kV 7 12.5 13.75 15)theshortcircuittestyieldedfullloadcurrentata (Where Eolisthelinevoltageatnoload fieldZPFyieldedafullloadcurrentatterminalvoltagefora fieldcurrentof150A.the armature resistanceisnegligible.Calculatethe voltage regulationat fullloadof0.866 p.f laggingbypotier trianglemethod. 4 (a) Explainthewayofparalleloperationoftwoalternatorsandsynchroninganalternatorto theinfinitebusbars. (b) Twostar-connectedalternatorsareconnectedinparalleltosupplyaloadof1500kVAat 11kVlinevoltageand0.8pflaggingpowerfactor.Bysuitableadjustmentofprime governorsthetwoalternatorscansharetheloadequally.Theexcitationofonemachineis adjustedsothatitissupplying43Aatalaggingpf.Thesynchronousreactancesofthe twomachinesrespectivelyare:35ohmand40ohm.Findphasecurrentinthesecond machine, inducedEMFofeachmachine,power factor at eachmachineoperates. mover 5 (a) Explainwhysynchronousmotor isnotselfstarting. (b) A3-phase,600V,starconnectedsynchronousmotorhaseffectiveperphasearmature resistance&synchronousreactanceof0.Ω 4 &3.6Ωrespectively.Calculatetheinduced EMFperphaseifthemotorworksonfullloaddelivering326kW.Thefullloadefficiencyis 87% havingpower factorof0.8leading. Alsocalculate the loadangle. 6 (a) Explain thevariousstarting methodsof synchronousmotor. (b) Explain theconstructionofdamper winding. 7 (a) Whyacapacitorstart motor isbetterthancapacitorstartandrun,explain? (b) Withneatdiagramsexplain theconstructionandworkingofshadedpolemotor. 8 Withneatdiagram explain theconstructionandworkingof: (a)ACseriesmotor. (b)Permanent magnet stepper motor. ***** 1 (a) (b) 2 (a) (b) Explain thefactorsaffectingsynchronousreactanceofalternator. CalculatetheRMSvalueofEMFinducedperphaseofa10pole,3-phase,50Hz, alternatorwith2slotsperpoleperphaseand4conductorsperslotintwolayers.The coilspanis150oelectrical.The fluxperpolehasafundamentalcomponentof0.12Wb& ofthirdharmoniccomponent. (a) (b) Describetheeffectsofchangeinexcitationandchangeinprimemoverinputofthe alternator. Howtheyareuseful intheoperationof alternator? A15MVA,11kV,50Hz,3-phase,4-polestarconnectedcylindrical-rotorsynchronous generatorsuppliesatratedoutputatpfof0.9laggingtoan infinite busbar.Its synchronousreactanceis0.35 pu.Determine the synchronizingtorque forashaft displacementof0.4o(mechanical).Neglectlossesandsaturation. 5 (a) What isasynchronouscondenser?What istheuseofsynchronouscondensers? (b) A220V,3-phase,starconnectedsynchronousmotorhasaresistanceof0.22ohmper phaseandasynchronousreactanceof2.4ohm perphase. Themotorisoperatingat0.6 pfleadingwithalinecurrentof180 A. Determine thevalueof generatede.m.f. 6 (a) (b) 7 (a) (b) 8 a20% A3-ф,440V,50Hz,deltaconnectedalternatorhasadirectaxisandquadratureaxis reactanceof0.12Ωand0.09Ωrespectively.Ifthealternatorsupplies900Aat0.8p.f lagging, calculatethefollowing:(a)TheexcitationE.M.F,neglectingsaliency (Xd=Xq). (b) TheexcitationE.M.F,takingintoaccount thesaliency. Neglectarmature resistance. 3 4 Explainthedifferencesbetweenstationaryarmatureandrotatingarmature.Whatare the advantagesofrotatingarmatureover stationaryarmature? Describethemeritsoffractionalslotwinding.Whyitsarmatureslotsshouldbedivisible by3incaseof3-phasemachine? (a) (b) Explaintheproceduretoplot‘Vcurves’&‘invertedV’curvesforagivensynchronous machinewithhelpofitscirclesdiagrams. Calculatethesynchronouscoefficient(inkW&Nmpermechanicaldegree)atfullload fora1MVA,0.8pflagging,6.6kV,8pole,starconnectedgeneratorofnegligible resistance&synchronousreactanceof0.8pu. Whythesinglephaseinductionmotorsarenotselfstartingexplainwiththehelpof doublefield revolvingtheory? Explaintheconstructionandoperationofcapacitorstartandrunsinglephaseinduction motor. Describe the working of dc series motor when connected to ac supply. What modificationshave tobeadoptedtoachieve thesatisfactoryoperation? Withneatdiagram explain theconstructionandworkingofreluctancemotor. * MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS & FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Syllabus 2009-10 35 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR B.Tech III-I Sem. (E.E.E) T P C 404 (9AHS401) MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS & FINANCIAL ANALYSIS (Common to BOT, CE, ECM, EEE, ME) UNIT I: INTRODUCTION TO MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS Definition, nature and scope of managerial economics- relation with other disciplines- Demand Analysis: Demand Determinants, Law of Demand and its exceptions UNIT II: ELASTICITY OF DEMAND Definition, Types, Measurement and Significance of Elasticity of Demand. Demand forecasting, factors governing demand forecasting, methods of demand forecasting (Survey methods, Statistical methods, Expert opinion method, Test marketing, Controlled experiments, Judgmental approach to Demand Forecasting) UNIT III :THEORY OF PRODUCTION AND COST ANALYSIS Production Function – Isoquants and Isocosts, MRTS, least cost combination of inputs, Cobb-Douglas production function, laws of returns, internal and external economies of scale. Cost Analysis: Cost concepts, opportunity cost, fixed Vs variable costs, explicit costs Vs Implicit costs, out of pocket costs Vs Imputed costs. Break-Even Analysis (BEA) - Determination of Break Even Point (Simple Problems)- Managerial significance and limitations of BEA. UNIT IV: INTRODUCTION TO MARKETS AND PRICING POLICIES Market structures: Types of competition, features of perfect competition, monopoly- monopolistic competition. Price-Output determination under perfect competition and monopoly - Methods of Pricing-cost plus pricing, marginal cost, limit pricing, skimming pricing, bundling pricing, sealed bid pricing and peak load pricing. 2009-10 36 UNIT V: BUSINESS ORGANISATIONS AND NEW ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT Characteristic features of business, features and evaluation of sole proprietorship, partnership, Joint Stock Company, public enterprises and their types, changing business environment in post-liberalization scenario. UNIT VI: CAPITAL AND CAPITAL BUDGETING Capital and its significance, types of capital, estimation of fixed and working capital requirements, methods and sources of raising finance. Nature and scope of capital budgeting, features of capital budgeting proposal, methods of capital budgeting – payback method, accounting rate of return (ARR) and Net present value method (Simple problems). UNIT VII: INTRODUCTION TO FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING Double-Entry Book Keeping, Journal, Ledger, Trial Balance- Final Accounts (Trading Account, Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet with simple adjustments). UNIT VIII: FINANCIAL ANALYSIS THROUGH RATIOS Computation, Analysis and Interpretation of financial statements through Liquidity Ratios (Current and Quick ratio), Activity ratios (Inventory Turnover Ratio and Debtor Turnover Ratio), Capital Structure Ratios (Debt- Equity Ratio, Interest Coverage Ratio) and Profitability ratios (Gross Profit Ratio, Net Profit Ratio, Operating Ratio, P/E Ratios and EPS), Du Pont Chart. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Aryasri: Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis, 4/e, TMH, 2009. 2. Varshney & Maheswari: Managerial Economics, Sultan Chand, 2009. REFERENCES 1. Premchand Babu, Madan Mohan:Financial Accounting and Analysis,Himalaya, 2009 2. S.A. Siddiqui and A.S. Siddiqui: Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis, New Age International,. 2009. 3. Joseph G. Nellis and David Parker: Principles of Business Economics, Pearson, 2/e, New Delhi. 2009-10 37 4. Domnick Salvatore: Managerial Economics in a Global Economy, Cengage, 2009. 5. H.L.Ahuja: Managerial Economics, S.Chand, 3/e, 2009 Objective Course Objective The course aims to equip the budding engineering student with an understanding of concepts and tools of economic analysis. The focus does not only on understand the concepts but apply them in real life by developing problem solving skills. In short, Managerial Economics imparts to students those aspects of Economic theory and applications which are directly relevant to the practice of Management and decision making processes within an enterprise. This aim confines the syllabus only to Microeconomic Theory and their applications and leaves out Macroeconomic theory and Public Policy. There exists a relationship between Managerial Economics and Accounting and same is dealt in the second part of the course. The focus here is on picking up the basics of Accounting such as Accounting Data and Financial Statements, which constitute the language of Business. The student is exposed and made familiar with generation, interpretation and use of Accounting Data. Lesson Plan Week Dates No.of periods in week 1 5 2 4 3 5 4 5 5 5 6 3 7 4 8 4 Topics to be covered No.of periods required Unit-1 Introduction to Managerial Economics Definition, Nature and scope of managerial Economics Relation with Other Disciplines Demand Analysis :Demand Determinants Law of Demand and its Exceptions 1 1 1 1 Unit-2 Elasticity of Demand Definition,Types of Elasticity of Demand Measurement of Elasticity of Demand Significance of Elasticity of Demand ,demand forecasting Factors Governing Demand Forecasting Methods of demand Forecasting (Survey Method,Statistical Method Expert Opinion Method, Test Marketing Controlled Experiments Judgemental approach to demand forecasting UNIT-3 Theory of production and cost analysis Production function Isoquants and Isocosts MRTS Least cost combination of inputs Cobb-Douglars production function Law of returns Internal and External Economics of sale Cost analysis Cost concepts : opportunity cost,fixed VS variable costs Explicit costs VS Implicit costs Out of packet costs VS imputed costs Break –Even analysis(BEA) Determination of Break Even point (simple problem) Managerial significance and limitations of BEA UNIT -4 Introduction to markets and pricing policies Market structures Types of competition,features of perfect competitions Monopoly Monopolistic competition Price-output determination under perfect competition Monopoly Methods of pricing –cost plus pricing Marginal cost,limit,pricing,skimming pricing Bundling pricing Sealed bid pricing and peak load pricing Total Periods per unit PBR VISVODAYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE ACADEMIC YEAR:2012-13CLASS:III 5 1 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 Subject:MEFA FACULTY:G.KoteswaraRao 9 5 10 2 11 5 UNIT-5 Business organizations and new Economics development Charecteristic features of business Features and Evaluation of sole proprietorship Joint stock company Public enterprices and their types Changing business environment in post liberalization scenario UNIT-6 Capital and capital budgeting Capital and it’s significance Types of capital Estimation of fixed and working capital requirements Methods and sources of raising finance 1 1 1 1 1 9 Simple problems Balance sheet With simple adjustments Problems 1 1 1 1 UNIT-8 Financial analysis through ratios,Computation Analysis and interpretation of financial statements Through liquidity ratios(current and quick ratio) Activity ratio and Debtor turnover ratio 1 1 1 1 1 13 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 UNIT-7 Introduction to financial accounting Double –entry book keeping Jounal,Ledger,Trial balance Final accounts(trading accounts) Profit and loss account Nature and scope of capital budgeting Features of capital proposal Methods of capital budgeting –pay back method Acconting rate of return(ARR) and Net present value method (simple problems) 15 1 1 9 4 4 7 1 1 1 1 12 14 1 1 1 1 1 10 16 4 17 1 Capital structure ratios(Debt-Equity ratio, Interest coverage ratio)and Probability ratios(gross profit ratio Net profit ratio Operating ratio p/E ratios and DU point chart revision Total 1 1 1 1 1 70 Question Papers – Mid-semester examinations PBR VISVODAYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE, KAVALI III B.Tech(I-Sem) MID-I Branch: EEE Time:90min Sub: MEFA Date: 09-2012 Max.marks:30 ANSWER ANY THREE OF THE FOLLOWING 1.Explain the scope and nature of managerial economics? 2. What are the factors influencing demand? 3. Explain the break even analysis. 4. Explain the price determination in perfect competition. 5.Explain the methods of measuring demand forecasting. PBR VISVODAYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE, KAVALI III B.Tech(I-Sem) MID-II Time:90min Branch: EEE Sub: MEFA ANSWER ANY THREE OF THE FOLLOWING 1.Explain the factors affecting the requirements of working capital? 2.Define company? Explain its features? 3. Define accounting and explain its functions 4. Explain features,advantages and disadvantages of sole trader? Date: 11-2012 Max.marks:30 5.What is meant by ratio analysis? Discuss its objectives and limitations? PBR VISVODAYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE, KAVALI III. B.Tech I Sem: EEE (A&B) I Mid SUB: MEFA TIME : 0.30Min Marks: 10 NAME____________________________________________ROLL NO____________________________ CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER 1. Integration of Economic Theory with business practice is called A. Managerial Economics B. Economics C. Macro Economics [ D. Micro Economics 2. Managerial Economics as a subject gained popularly first in___________ A. India B. Germany C. U.S.A B. Prof. Lionel Robbins C. Adam smith B. Car and petrol C. Tea and Coffee B. Tea and Coffee C. Shirt and Pant 6. In case of Giffen goods, the demand curve A. Slopes downwards B. Intersects supply curve C. Slopes upwards 7. In case of unity elasticity, the elasticity is equal to * + [ ] [ ] [ ] D. Shirt and Pant 5. Which of the following pairs of goods is example of complementary goods A. Car and Petrol ] D. Alfred Marshall 4. Which of the following pairs of goods is an example of substitutes ? A. Tea and sugar [ D. England 3.”Economics is the study of scarce resources and unlimited wants”, Who is said that? A. Paul A. Samuelson ] D. Pen and Fan D. Meets cost curve [ ] A. One B. Greater than one C. Less than one D. Two 8. The elasticity between two separate points of demand curve is called_______ elasticity A. Point B. Arc C. Total outlay B. Relation C. Regression B. Cyclic trend C. Seasonal trend B. Expenditure C. Income B. Iso product curves C. AR curves C. Sunk costs B. Sales control C. Break one point C. Selling price+ variable cost D. Selling price—variable cost 16. ______________ is the example for perishable goods C. Vegetables C. Duopoly B. Total cost 19. The price discrimination is also called as C. Total revenue ] [ ] [ ] [ ] D. Perfect competition 18. The firm is said to be in equilibrium, when its marginal cost equals to a. Marginal revenue ] D. Cloths 17. ______is a form of market organization in which there is only one seller of the commodity B. Monopoly ] D. Break even Analysis B. Fixed cost+ profit A. Oligopoly [ [ A. Total cost—variable cost B. Belts ] C. Opportunity cost D. Controllable cost 15. Contribution is defined as A. Pens [ [ 14. Which of the following is a technique for profit planning and control A. Cost control ] D. MR curves 13. The cost of the next best alternative foregone is known as A. Implicit cost [ D. Sales 12. Iso-quants are also called A. Iso cost curves ] D. Erratic trend 11. Conversion of inputs into output is called ___________ A. Production [ D. Precision 10. Which of the following results from the sporadic occurrence of strikes, riots and so on A. Trend ] D. Zero 9. _________ describes the degree of association between two variables A. Correlation [ [ ] [ ] D. Average cost A. Standard pricing B. Differential pricing C. Preferential pricing D. Equal pricing 20. Under which pricing method, price just equals Average cost A. Marginal cost pricing B. Cost plus pricing C. Full cost pricing [ D. Equal pricing Question Bank PBR VISVODAYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE, KAVALI III B. Tech(EEE & Mechanical & CIVIL) SUB: MEFA UNIT-1 :INTRODUCTION TO MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Define Managerial Economics? Explain its nature and Scope? Eleborate the importance of Managerial Economics in decision-making. Managerial Economics is multidimensional discipline. Explain. Define Demand and explain the factors that influence the demand of product. What is Demand? State and explain the Law of Demand. Are there any exceptions to the law? UNIT-2 : ELASTICITY OF DEMAND 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Define Elasticity of demand. Explain its Types and Significance. Define Price Elasticity of demand. Explain different types of price Elasticity of demand. Define Price Elasticity of demand. How do you measure it? What is demand forecasting? Explain various factors governing demand forecasting. What are the steps in Scientific approach to demand forecasting? What do you understand by demand forecasting? What is the need for it? UNIT-3 : THEORY OF PRODUCTION AND COST ANALYSIS 1. Draw Total Product, Average product and Marginal Product Curves on your answer book. Explain how output changes with Fixed Capital and Variable Labour inputs. 2. What are the economies of scale? Explain different types of Internal and External economies of scale. 3. Explain the following: ] A) Explicit and Implicit cost B)Fixed cost and Variable cost C)Opportunity cost 4. Define B.E.P. How do you determine it show graphical presentation of B.E.A? 5. Write short notes of the following: (A) Margin of safety (B) Contribution (C) Angle of incidence (D) P.V. Ratio 6. Explain the law of returns to scale. UNIT-4 : INTRODUCTION TO MARKETS & PRICING STRATEGIES 1. Define Market. Explain how the Markets are classified? 2. Explain important features of Perfect Competition Market and how price is determined under perfect Market? 3. Define Monopoly. How is price determined under Monopoly? 4. Define Market. Distinguish between perfect and imperfect markets? 5. Explain price-output determination under Monopolistic Competition? 6. Define Market. Explain any four methods of pricing based on Strategy. 1 (a) Definemanagerialeconomics.Explainits scope. (b) Distinguishbetweeneconomicsandmanagerial economics withsuitableexamples. Previous years’ question papers – JNTUA 2 Whatdoyouunderstandby‘ElasticityofDemand’?Whataretypesofelasticityof demand? 3 Explainhowdoyoudeterminebreakevenpointinvolumeandvalue?Explaingraphically. IVB.TechISemester (R09) RegularExaminations,November2012 How does anindividualfirm behaveunder perfectcompletion?Alsoexplain thefirm and industryequilibriumunder MANAGERIALECONOMIC perfectcompetition. S& FINANCIALANALYSIS Discussabouttheshort-comingsofthepublicsectorenterprisesinIndiaandwhatis theirfuture. ( C o Definecapitalbudgeting.Explainitsimportance. m How is useful ofpaybackperiodmethod?Explain itsfeaturesandlimitations. m o Whatis‘JournalEntry’anddescribesitsimportanceinaccountbooks? n Explainthebasic accountingconceptsandconvention,Giveexamples. t o Discuss the importance of ratio analysisCfor inter firm and intra-firm comparison, includingcircumstancesresponsiblefor itslimitations,if any. S E , I T & C S S ) Time:3hours Max.Marks:70 A n s w e r a n 4 5 6 (a) (b) 7 (a) (b) 8 y F I V E q u e s t i o n s All qu es tio ns ca rry eq ua l m ar ks * * * * * * * * * * IVB.TechISemester (R09) RegularExaminations,November2012 MANAGERIALECONOMICS& FINANCIALANALYSIS (CommontoCSE,IT&CSS) Time:3hours Max.Marks:70 1 AnsweranyFIVEquestions All questionscarryequal marks ***** Elaboratethe importanceofmanagerial economicsindecisionmaking. 2 How doyoumeasureelasticityofdemand?Illustrategraphically. 3 Whatdoyouunderstandbycostoutputrelationship?Explainhowcostsbehaveinthe shortrun. 4 Definemarket.Distinguishbetweenperfectandimperfectmarkets. 5 (a) Definepartnershipandexplain its silentfeatures andlimitations. (b) Whatarethequalities ofagoodpartner? 6 (a) Whatiscapital?Explainthetypesandsignificanceofcapital. (b) Explaintheconceptofworkingcapital,itsfeatures&limitations. 7 8 Explainthefollowinginbriefly:(a) Doubleentry system. (c)Capital. (b) Book–keeping. (d) Income. Howratiosareclassifiedforthepurposeoffinancialanalysis?Withassumeddata, illustrateanytwotypes ofratiosundereachcategory. ***** IVB.TechISemester (R09) RegularExaminations,November2012 MANAGERIALECONOMICS& FINANCIALANALYSIS (CommontoCSE,IT&CSS) Time:3hours 1 Max.Marks:70 AnsweranyFIVEquestions All questionscarryequal marks ***** Whatarethecontributionsandlimitations ofmanagerialeconomicstobusiness managers? 2 Whatisthesignificanceofelasticityofdemand?Explaindifferenttypesofelasticityof demand. 3 AfirmhastwoproductsBandC.Theparticularsofthepriceperunit,variablecostper unitandpercentageofshareinthetotal salesvolumearegiveninthefollowingtable: Products Sellingprice Variablecost %ofshare B Rs.400 Rs.160 30% C Rs.500 Rs 200 50% Thetotalfixedcostsduringtheyear amounttoRs:10,00,000.Thetotal volumeofsalesis Rs:80,00,000. ThecompanywantstodropproductBasitisyieldinglesscontributionper unit. Instead,itwantstoaddproductD.IfDisadded,thenewfixedcostislikelytobeupby 10% andthesalesvolume islikelytoincreaseby5%. Doyourecommendfor addingproductD? 4 Explainhow thepriceisdeterminedunder conditions of perfectcompetition.Illustratethis withhelpof diagrams. 5 Discuss thecompanyfeatures offormof businessorganization. 6 (a) Explainthefactors affectingtherequirements ofworkingcapital. (b) Determinethecapital,anditsfeatures. 7 (a) Defineaccountingandexplainitsfunctions. (b) Explainclassificationof accountswithsuitableexamples. 8 Thefollowingisthebalancesheetof SriAnuragEnterprisesason31stDec 20007. Liabilities Assets Rs. Rs. Sharecapital 2,00,000 Buildings 2,00,000 Reservefund 50,000 Machinery 1,50,000 Profitbalance 30,500 Stock onhand 1,00,000 Bankloan 1,50,000 Sundrydebtors 60,000 Sundry creditors 70,000 Cashonhand 20,500 Provisionfor Tax 30,000 5,30,000 5,30,000 Youarerequiredtocommentonliquidityandsolvencypositionoftheconcern. ***** 2 Explainwithexamples:(a)Priceelasticityofdemand.(b) Crosselasticity of demand. 3 Amachinetoolsfactoryhasaplantcapacityofenoughhours9000.Annualfixed chargesareofRs.50,000per year.Itcanproducetwoproducts ofXandY.Ithasthree options:makeXormakeYormakesomeunitsofXandsomeunitsofY.Lookatthe followingdata: X Y Sellingprice Rs.2,500 Rs.4,000 Variablecost(Rs) 1,000 2,000 Demand 2500units 5000units Timetakenforproduction 3hours 5hours Whatproductmixwill maximizethenetprofits ofthefactory?Calculatethemaximum net profit. 4 Definemonopoly.How ispricedeterminedundermonopoly? 5 (a) Definecompany.Explainitsfeatures. (b) Whatareitsadvantagesanddisadvantages? 6 (a) Whatistheimportanceofcapital? (b) Whatfactorsdeterminetheworkingcapital requirements ofacompany? 7 (a) How areaccountsfinalizedattheendof anaccountingperiodwiththehelpofa trial balance?Illustrate. (b) Definefinancial statements,andexplainits objectivesand importance. 8 From theinformationgivenbelow calculate: (a) InventoryTurnover ratio,and (b) ReceivablesTurnover ratio AmountinLakhs (Rs.) Sales(100% credit) 42.00 Openingstock 6.00 Closingstock 7.00 Salesreturns 3.00 Openingbalance ofsundry debtors 6.00 Closingbalanceofsundrydebtors 4.00 Openingbalance ofBillsreceivable 3.00 Closingbalanceof Billsreceivable 5.00 Gross profit=30% ofshares * * * * * TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRIC POWER Syllabus B.Tech III-I Sem. (E.E.E) (9A02502) TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRIC POWER Objective : This course is an extension of Power systems-I course. It deals with basic theory of transmission lines modeling and their performance analysis. Also this course gives emphasis on mechanical design of transmission lines, cables and insulators. UNIT-I TRANSMISSION LINE PARAMETERS Types of conductors - calculation of resistance for solid conductors -Calculation of inductance for single phase and three phase, single and double circuit lines, concept of GMR & GMD, symmetrical andasymmetrical conductor configuration with and without transposition,Numerical Problems.Calculation of capacitance for 2 wire and 3 wire systems, effect of ground on capacitance, capacitance calculations for symmetrical and asymmetrical single and three phase, single and double circuit lines,Numerical Problems. UNIT-II PERFORMANCE OF SHORT AND MEDIUM TRANSMISSION LINES Classification of Transmission Lines - Short, medium and long line and their model - representations Nominal-T, Nominal-Pie and A, B, C, D Constants. Numerical Problems. Mathematical Solutions to estimate regulation and efficiency of all types of lines - Numerical Problems. UNIT-III PERFORMANCE OF LONG TRANSMISSION LINES Long Transmission Line-Rigorous Solution, evaluation of A,B,C,D Constants, Interpretation of the Long Line Equations – Representation of Long lines – Equivalent T and Equivalent – π – surge Impedance and surge Impedance loading - wavelengths and Velocity of propagation – Ferranti effect , Charging current. UNIT – IV POWER SYSTEM TRANSIENTS Types of System Transients - Travelling or Propagation of Surges -Attenuation, Distortion, Reflection and Refraction Coefficients -Termination of lines with different types of conditions - Open Circuited Line, Short Circuited Line, T-Junction, Lumped Reactive Junctions(Numerical Problems). Bewley’s Lattice Diagrams (for all the cases mentioned with numerical examples). UNIT-V CORONA Corona - Description of the phenomenon, factors affecting corona, critical voltages and power loss, Radio Interference. UNIT-VI OVERHEAD LINE INSULATORS Types of Insulators, String efficiency and Methods for improvement, Numerical Problems - voltage distribution, calculation of string efficiency, Capacitance grading and Static Shielding. UNIT-VII SAG AND TENSION CALCULATIONS Sag and Tension Calculations with equal and unequal heights of towers, Effect of Wind and Ice on weight of Conductor, Numerical Problems -Stringing chart and sag template and its applications. UNIT-VIII UNDERGROUND CABLES Types of Cables, Construction, Types of Insulating materials, Calculations of Insulation resistance and stress in insulation, Numerical Problems. Capacitance of Single and 3-Core belted cables, Numerical Problems.Grading of Cables - Capacitance grading, Numerical Problems,Description of Inter-sheath grading. TEXT BOOKS: 1. A Text Book on Power System Engineering by M.L.Soni, P.V.Gupta, U.S.Bhatnagar, A.Chakrabarthy, Dhanpat Rai & Co Pvt. Ltd. 2. Electrical power systems - by C.L.Wadhwa, New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers,1998. 3. Power System Engineering by R. K. Rajput, Laxmi Publications, 1st Objective Electric Power Transmission Course Description: Electrical Power Transmission Systems engineering along with distribution network planning and design, play a critical role in the technical management, development, and acquisition of complex power and energy technology systems. They are the professionals responsible for planning, coordinating, and overseeing group efforts that translate operational need into technology solution, and whose tools and skills determine whether a system will meet cost, schedule, and performance goals. Along with the increasing complexity of the problems confronting our civilization, system complexity has dramatically increased over the last several decades. It is even more important today to deploy advanced methods and improved processes to effectively track life-cycle costs, calculate risk and complexity, and leverage best solutions and techniques. Lesson Plan PBR VISVODAYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCES LESSON PLAN YEAR: 2012 – 2013 BRANCH: EEE NAME OF FACULTY : S. Mahesh Reddy S.No. Dates No.of periods CLASS: IIIyear / Isem SUBJECT: TEP Topic to be covered In week No.of Total Periods Periods required Per unit Unit - 1 Types of conductors- calculation of resistance for solid conductors 1 6 Calculation of inductance for single phase, three phase 1 2 Inductance for double circuit lines 1 Concept of GMR and GMD Symmetrical and asymmetrical single and three phase 2 5 single and double circuit lines 1 1 1 Numerical problems 2 1 Numerical problems Calculation of capacitance 3 6 2 Effect of ground capacitance Capacitance for single and double lines for symmetrical and unsymmetrical problems 1 1 14 Unit – 2 Classification of Transmission lines 4 6 Representation of short transmission lines Medium transmission line Long transmission line 5 6 2 1 10 1 1 A,B,C,D constants for symmetrical and asymmetrical networks, problems 2 Regulation and efficiency of all types of lines and problems 1 2 Unit -3 6 6 Long transmission line- rigorous solution, evaluation of A,B,C,D constants Interpretation of the long line equations 7 5 Surge impedance and SIL of long lines wave length and velocity of propagation 2 2 2 9 of waves Representation of long lines- equivalent T and equivalent Pie network models 3 Unit-4 Types of system transients- travelling of surges 2 Attenuation, Distortion, Reflection and Refraction Coefficients 2 Coefficients for open circuited line, short circuited line, 2 T junction 5 Lumped reactive junctions and problems and Bewley’s lattice diagrams – 2 8 1 4 8 Unit – 5 -corona – factors affecting corona Critical voltages and power loss- radio interference 2 1 9 6 2 Unit – 6 Types of insulators- Voltage distribution, 10 2 string efficiency and methods for improvement, problems calculation of string efficiency capacitance grading and static shielding 11 problems 6 1 1 1 2 10 Unit – 7 Sag and tension -calculation with equal and unequal heights of towers 2 5 12 6 Effect of wind and ice on weight of conductor 2 problems 1 Stringing chart and sag template and its applications 1 Unit – 8 13 Types of cables, construction 1 Types of insulating materials 1 6 3 14 5 Calculation of insulation resistance and stress in insulation , problems Capacitance of single 2 11 and 3 core belted cables 15 6 16 2 problems Grading of cables- capacitance grading Description of intersheath grading 3 1 Revision Total HOD FACULTY 72 Question Papers – Mid-semester examinations Name:_________ Roll No:__________ PBR VISVODAYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE: KAVALI III EEE I SEMESTER I QUIZ EXAM TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRIC POWER Time: 20 Min MARKS: 10 1.The inductance of a power transmission line increases with (a) decrease in length (b) Increase in diameter of conductor (c) increased spacing between conductor (d) Increased in load current 2. The inductance of the line is minimum when (a) GMD is high (b) GMR is high (c)GMD is low and GMR is high (d) none 3.The DC resistance of conductor is less than AC resistance due to _____________ 4.Use of the bundle conductor increases __________ 5. The internal inductance of a long straight cylindrical conductor is ____________ 6. For a short line with r/x ratio 1.0, the regulation will be zero when load power facor is _________ 7. The ABCD constants for a short line are __________ 8.The most important cause of power loss in transmission line is _____ 9. Transmission lines having length between 80Km and 160Km are known as ____lines 10.Draw nominal T and nominal Π models 11For high voltage3-ph lines ____ Cables are preferred 11. the C and L per unit length of a 3-ph line operating at 110KV are 0.01uF and 2.5mH. the surge impedance of the line is ________ 12. For a long transmission line open circuited then the receiving end voltage is _____ 13.The surge impedance of a double circuit trmn.line is ________ 14.The charging current in the trmn.line (a) lags voltage by 90 (b) leads voltage by 90 15.For a good voltage profile at no load a long line needs ---------------------16. If a line of impedance Z is terminated through a resistor R the voltage transmitted in the resistor is ______ 17.For no reflections of travelling waves the line should be terminated by ________ 18. A transmission line near a station is terminated by means of a cable because _________ 19.Bewley’s lattice diagram is useful for ___________ 20.The magnitude of attenuated voltage wave after travelling a distance of ‘x’ meters is_______ PBR VISVODAYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE: KAVALI III EEE I SEMESTER I MID EXAM TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRIC POWER MARKS: 30 Answer any three questions 1.(a) What are bundled conductors? Discuss the advantages of bundled conductors (b) distinguish between AC and DC resistance of a conductor 2. Derive expression for inductance per phase of a 3-ph over head line when conductors are Un symmetrically placed but completely transposed. 3.Prove that inductance of a group of parallel wires carrying current can be represented interms of their geometric distances. Explain the meaning of the term self G.M.D and Mutual G.M.D 4. Show how regulation and transmission efficiency are determined for medium lines using nominal T method with vector diagram 5. Explain the physical significance of A,B,C,D constants of a transmission line. Find their values for nominal π method and nominal T method. PBR VISVODAYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE: KAVALI III EEE I SEMESTER I MID EXAM TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRIC POWER MARKS: 30 Answer any three questions 1.(a) What are bundled conductors? Discuss the advantages of bundled conductors (b) distinguish between AC and DC resistance of a conductor 2. Derive expression for inductance per phase of a 3-ph over head line when conductors are Un symmetrically placed but completely transposed. 3.Prove that inductance of a group of parallel wires carrying current can be represented interms of their geometric distances. Explain the meaning of the term self G.M.D and Mutual G.M.D 4. Show how regulation and transmission efficiency are determined for medium lines using nominal T method with vector diagram 5. Explain the physical significance of A,B,C,D constants of a transmission line. Find their values for nominal π method and nominal T method. Name:_________ Roll No:__________ PBR VISVODAYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE: KAVALI III EEE I SEMESTER II QUIZ EXAM TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRIC POWER Time: 20 Min MARKS: 10 1. Corona loss is less when shape of the conductor is __ (a) triangular (b) circular [ (c) square (d) none 2.The formula for air density correction factor is given by (a) 3.92t/(273+b) (b) 3.92b/(273+t) [ (c) 3.92b/100 (b) equal [ ] [ ] (c) less (d) None 4Over head line insulators are mainly made of (a) Ceramic (b) PVC (c) Glazed porcelain (d)Jute 5.The pin type insulators are uneconomical beyond (a)11KV (b) 33KV (c) 132KV [ (b) Cement (c) Water [ (b)WL^2/T (c) WL^2/2T (b) increases (c)decreases (a) Hyperbola (b) Straight line (c) Inclained line [ (b) To block Chemicals entry 11For high voltage3-ph lines ____ Cables are preferred (b) 3cored cable [ ] ] (d) none 10.ThePurpose of Sheath in Underground Cables is_____ (a) 2cored cables ] (d) none 9.The span of the transmission line between tower take the form of (a) To block Moisture entry [ (d)None 8.If the sag of transmission line increases ,tension (a) Becomes half ] (d) Led 7.Formula for sag when supports are at equal level is___ (a) WL/2T ] (d) None 6. ______ is used between metal and porcelain of pin insulator (a) Paper ] (d) none 3.Critical Disruptive voltage for strandad wire is ___ compared to solid wire (a) more ] [ (c) both (a) and (b) [ (c) 3single cored cables (d) none ] (d) None ] 12. The potential gradient in insulator is maximum at_____ (a) Center of core (b) Surface of sheath [ (c) Surface of conductor (d) none 13.Peterson’s formula for power loss due to corona is________ 14. Corona at hilly areas is more (TRUE/FALSE) 15. Over head line insulators are mainly made of Glazed porcelain (TRUE/FALSE) 16.Sag Template is used to _______________ 17.Stringing Chart is a plot drawn between _____________ & ____________ 18. Cables generally used beyond 66Kv are _____________ 19.In capacitance grading of the cables we use a _________ dielectric 20. Capacitance between core and earth of a 3-ph cable forms _____________ circuit PBR VISVODAYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE: KAVALI III EEE I SEMESTER II MID EXAM TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRIC POWER MARKS: 30 Answer any three questions 1. What do you mean by critical visual disruptive voltage and visual critical voltage of corona? Derive expressions. (10) 2. List various methods of improving the string efficiency (10) ] 3. Derive the expression for sag when the supports are at equal heights and the wind and ice effects are also considered. (10) 4.An overhead line at a river crossing is supported from two towers at hights of 40m and 90m above water level. The horizontal distance between the towers is 400mt. If the max.allowable tension is 2000Kg, find the clearance between the conductor and water at a point midway between the towers. Weight of the conductor is 1Kg/m (10) 5. (a)Give the list of various types of UGcables. Classify the UG cables according to various Parameters (4) (b) Derive an expression for insulation resistance, capacitance of a single core Cable(6) PBR VISVODAYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE: KAVALI III EEE I SEMESTER II MID EXAM TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRIC POWER MARKS: 30 Answer any three questions 1. What do you mean by critical visual disruptive voltage and visual critical voltage of corona? Derive expressions. (10) 2. List various methods of improving the string efficiency (10) 3. Derive the expression for sag when the supports are at equal heights and the wind and ice effects are also considered. (10) 4.An overhead line at a river crossing is supported from two towers at hights of 40m and 90m above water level. The horizontal distance between the towers is 400mt. If the max.allowable tension is 2000Kg, find the clearance between the conductor and water at a point midway between the towers. Weight of the conductor is 1Kg/m (10) 5. (a)Give the list of various types of UGcables. Classify the UG cables according to various Parameters (b) Derive an expression for insulation resistance, capacitance of a single core Cable(6) (4) Question Bank QUIZ BITS TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRIC POWER UNIT-1 1.The inductance of a power transmission line increases with (a) decrease in length (b) Increase in diameter of conductor (c) increased spacing between conductor (d) Increased in load current 2. The inductance of the line is minimum when (a) GMD is high (b) GMR is high (c)GMD is low and GMR is high (d) none 3.The DC resistance of conductor is less than AC resistance due to _____________ 4.Use of the bundle conductor increases __________ 5. The internal inductance of a long straight cylindrical conductor is ____________ 6. GMD is defined as ___________ 7. Transposition of transmission lines is done for____________ 8. Capacitance is defined as____________ 9. The capacitance to neutral of a 3 ph line with un equilateral spacing and transposed is 10.Capacitance per phase of a 3-ph double circuit line with vertical configuration is ____ UNIT-2 1. The length of a short transmission line is upto about_____________ KM 2. The formula for percentage requlation is ___________ 3.A 1-ph line transmitting 1100kw power to a factory at 33KV at 0.9p.f lagging. It has a total resistance of 10ohms and a loop reactance of 15ohms. The transmission efficiency is 4.Voltage regulation of a short line is either positive , negative, or zero 5. ______ is usually neglected in the calculations of short trams. lines 6. For a short line with r/x ratio 1.0, the regulation will be zero when load power facor is 0.707 lead 7. The ABCD constants for a short line are __________ 8.The most important cause of power loss in transmission line is _____ 9. Transmission lines having length between 80Km and 160Km are known as ____lines 10.Draw nominal T and nominal Π models UNIT-3 1. the C and L per unit length of a 3-ph line operating at 110KV are 0.01uF and 2.5mH. the surge impedance of the line is ________ 2. For a long transmission line open circuited then the receiving end voltage is _____ 3.The surge impedance of a double circuit trmn.line is ________ 4.The charging current in the trmn.line (a) lags voltage by 90 (b) leads voltage by 90 5.For a good voltage profile at no load a long line needs shunt reactor at receiving end 6.the line parameters for long line are taken as ________ 7. the Constants A, B for a long line in equivalent Π representation is ____ 8. To get series branch of eq. T circuit the series branch of nominal T circuit should be multiplied by ____ 9. Two lines with constants A1,B1 ,C1,D1 and A2,B2,C2,D2 are connected in series. Then A = __________ UNIT-4 1.Transients in power system are generally due to the presence of _____ & ____ 2.The voltage wave on transmission line travels with a velocity of ______ 3.The coefficient of reflection of voltage wave at open circuit end is _____ 4. the characteristic impedance of the transmission line is ____ and for cable is____ 5. The coefficient of reflection of current wave at open circuit end is_________ 6. If a line of impedance Z is terminated through a resistor R the voltage transmitted in the resistor is ______ 7.For no reflections of travelling waves the line should be terminated by ________ 8. A transmission line near a station is terminated by means of a cable because _________ 9.Bewley’s lattice diagram is useful for ___________ 10.The magnitude of attenuated voltage wave after travelling a distance of ‘x’ meters is_______ Descriptive questions: UNIT-1 1.(a) What are bundled conductors? Discuss the advantages of bundled conductors (b) distinguish between AC and DC resistance of a conductor 2. Derive expression for inductance per phase of a 3-ph over head line when conductors are Un symmetrically placed but completely transposed. 3.Prove that inductance of a group of parallel wires carrying current can be represented interms of their geometric distances. Explain the meaning of the term self G.M.D and Mutual G.M.D 4.Derive an expression for the capacitance of a single phase over head transmission line. 5.Calculate the capacitance of a 3-ph overhead line for unsymmetrical spacing. Also explain the effect of earth on the capacitance of a line. 6.Determine the capacitance of a 3-ph double circuit line with symmetrical spacing. 7. Show that inductance per loop meter of two wire transmission line using solid round conductors is L=4x10 7 ln(d/r’) UNIT-2 1.(a)How do you classify transmission line? (b) A short line ha impedance of (0.2+j0.45)ohm/phase. The sending end voltage being 3.3KV and the load at the receiving end being 250MW perphase at a p.f of 0.8lagging. calculate(a)receiving end voltage,(b) efficiency 2. Define regulation of a short 3-ph transmission line and develop an expression for approximate voltage regulation 3. Show how regulation and transmission efficiency are determined for medium lines using nominal π method with vector diagram 4. Show how regulation and transmission efficiency are determined for medium lines using nominal T method with vector diagram - 5. Explain the physical significance of A,B,C,D constants of a transmission line. Find their values for nominal π method and nominal T method. UNIT-3 1.Derive the equivalent ABCD constants of a transmission line connected in series with an impedance at both ends. 2.Derive the expressions for voltage and current distribution over a long line. Explain the significance of characteristic impedance loading and propagation constant in connection with a long line. 3.Using rigorous method, derive expressions for sending end voltage and current for a long transmission line. 4.What is equivalent π circuit of a long line? Derive an expression for parameters of this circuit in terms of line parameters. -6 5.The per unit length parameters of a 215KV, 400Km,60Hz, three phase long transmission line are y = j3.2x10 mho per phase per Km and z = (0.1+j0.5) ohm/Km/ph. The line supplies a 150MW load at unity power factor. Determine (i) the voltage regulation (ii) The sending end power (iii) the efficiency of transmission. UNIT-4 1.Deduce expressions for surge impedance and velocity of propagation. 2.Starting from first principals show that surges behave as travelling waves. 3. derive reflection and refraction coefficient of transmission line when receiving end is open circuited 4.When transmission line is terminated by a capacitive load, how do you find out the expressions of reflected voltage and current wave? 5. Discuss about attenuation of travelling waves. TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRIC POWER BITS AND DESCRIPTIVE QUESTIONS FOR II MID UNIT-5 1.Corona loss is less when shape of the conductor is __circular____ 2.Corona loss increases withincrease in supply frequency and reduction in conductor size 3.The formula for air density correction factor is given by 3.92b/(273+t) 4.Critical Disruptive voltage for strandad wire is _less_ compared to solid wire 5. For polished wires, the irregularity factor is 1.0 6.Peek’s formula for power loss due to corona is __________ 7. The frequency of supply being high, corona loss are high 8. peterson’s formula for power loss due to corona is________ 9.Corona at hilly areas is more (TRUE/FALSE) UNIT-6 1.Over head line insulators are mainly made of Glazed porcelain 2.The major draw back of glass is moisture condensing very easily on its surface. 3.The pin type insulators are uneconomical beyond 33KV 4.Define String efficiency 5.The capacitance of guard ring with respect to pins of insulator is Cn = nc/k-n 6.cement is used between metal and porcelain 7.The shunt capacitance is increased then the string efficiency is decreased 8.The main cause of insulator puncture is __flashover__ 9. When the potential across each disk is the same then the string efficiency is 100% 10.Use of lengthy cross arms increases string efficiency by decreasing shunt capacitance UNIT-7 1.The difference in level between points of supports and lowest point on the conductor is called sag. 2.Formula for sag when supports are at equal level is WL^2/2T. 3.If the sag of transmission line increases ,tensiondecreases. 4.Sag is provided in over head lines so that safe tension z not exceeded. 5.In a power transmission line,the sag depends on [ d ] a. a)Conductor material b)Tension in conductor b. c)Transmission line span d)All of d above 6.Define Saftey factor? Saftey factor is defined as the ratio of the ultimate strength to the working stress. 7.The span of the transmission line between tower take the form of Hyperbola. 8.Sag Template is used to allocate loacation of poles 9.Stringing Chart is a plot drawn between Sag and Tension Verses Temperature 10.Standered conductor materials are used in order to Increase the flexibility UNIT-8 1.ThePurpose of Sheath in Underground Cables is_____ 2. For high voltage3-ph lines __3Single cored__ Cables are preferred 3.The potential gradient in insulator is maximum at___Surface of conductor___ 4. Belted cables are generally used upto___33KV____ 5. Cables generally used beyond 66Kv are oil filled 6. Dielectric strength of the rubber is around 30KV/mm 7.Cables in power transmission line are provided with inter sheaths to provide uniform stress distribution. 8.In capacitance grading of the cables we use a __Composite____ dielectric 9.Which of the following protects a cable against mechanical injury (a) bedding (b) Sheath (c) armouring (d) paper 10.the most economic conductor size for less potential gradient is r = eR Questions Unit-5 1. What do you mean by critical visual disruptive voltage and visual critical voltage? Derive expressions. 2. What is corona and what are the factors affecting corona loss? Discuss them briefly. 3. Write a short note on radio interference. 4. Problem 5. Problem Unit-6 1.Explain why suspension type insulators are preferred for HV over head lines. Sketch a sectional view of one unit of suspension type insulator and describe the construction. 2.Discuss the method of grading the string unit in sulations. 3.List various methods of improving the string efficiency 4.Problem 5.Problem. Unit-7 1.Derive the expression for sag when the supports are at equal heights and the wind and ice effects are also considered. 2.Discuss the consideration which govern the selection of span and conductor configuration of a high voltage line. 3.What are sag template and stringing chart and what are their use? 4.Problem 5.Problem Unit-8. 1.Give the list of various types of UGcables. Classify the UG cables according to various parameters. 2.What are limitations of solid cables and how are these overcome in pressure cable. 3.Derive an expression for insulation resistance, capacitance and max,minimum gradients in a single core cable. 4.Explain about grading of UG cables 5.Problem 6.Problem Previous years’ question papers – JNTUA Code:9A02502 1 IIIB. TechI Semester (R09)Regular &Supplementary Examinations,November 2012 TRANSMISS IONOF ELECTRIC POWER (Electric al &Electr onicsEn gineerin g) Time:3hours Max.Marks:70 1 (a) Show that the capacitance per conductor per meter of a double circuit regular 2πε0 hexagonalspacingtransmissionlineisC= (b) 2 (a) F/meter/conductor,WhereDis 3D ln 2r conductor spacingandr istheradiusof theconductor. Determinetheinductanceperkmperphaseofasinglecircuit20kVlineofgiven configurationasshowninfig.Theconductorsaretransposedandhaveadiameterof5 cm. Explain the physical significance of the generalized A, B, C, D constants of a transmissionline.State theunitsof theseconstants. (b) Using nominal-TmethodfindA,B,C,Dparametersofa3-Φ 80kmlong50Hz transmission line with series impedance of (0.15+j0.78)Ω per km and a shunt admittanceof5x106 mhoperkm. 3 Startingfromthefundamentalsdeterminetheequivalent-Tnetworkparametersofa long transmissionline. AndalsoproveAD-BC=1for thesamenetwork. 4 A3-Φ transmissionlinehasconductors1.5cmindiameterspaced1mapartin equilateralformation. The resistanceand leakagearenegligible.Calculate: (i) thenatural impedanceofthe line (ii)the linecurrentsifavoltagewaveof11kVtravelsalongthe line (iii)therateofenergyabsorption,therateofreflectionandthestateandtheformof reflectionifthelineisterminatedthroughastarconnectedloadof1000 Ω/ph. 5 Writeshortnoteson: (a)Corona. (b)Radiointerference. (c) Powerlossduetocorona. Contd.in Page2 Page1of2 1 Code:9A02502 6 (a) Deducethe mathematicalexpression forpotentialdistributionoverastringof4insulator discs. (b) Thethreebusbarconductorsinanoutdoorsubstationaresuppliedbyunitsofpost insulators.Eachunitconsistsofastackof3-pintypeinsulatorsfixedoneonthetopof theother.Thevoltageacrossthelowestunitis8.45kvandthatacrossnextis7.25kv. Find thebusbarvoltageofthestation. 7 8 Assumingtheshapeofanoverheadlinecanbeapproximatedbyaparabola,deduce theexpressionforthesag,tensionandconductorlength.Howcantheeffectofwind andiceloadingsaretakenin to account? (a) (b) Writedown theadvantagesofundergroundcableover overhead transmissionlines. Asingle-corecablehasaconductordiameterof2.5cmandinsulationthicknessof1.2 cm.Ifthespecificresistanceofinsulation4.5×1014 ohm-cm,calculatetheinsulation resistanceperkilo merelengthof thecable. ***** Page2of2 2 Code:9A02502 IIIB. TechI Semester (R09)Regular &Supplementary Examinations,November 2012 TRANSMISSIONOF ELECTRIC POWER (Electrical &ElectronicsEngineering) Time:3hours Max.Marks:70 AnsweranyFIVEquestions All questionscarryequal marks ***** 1 (a) Find theexpressionforinductanceof atwo-wire1-ø transmission line. (b) Determinetheinductanceofathreephaselineoperatingat50Hzandconductors arrangedasfollows:Theconductordiameteris1cm. Fig 2 Anoverhead3-Φshorttransmissionlinedelivers4000kWat11 kVat0.8pflagging. The resistanceand reactanceofearth conductorare1.5Ωand 4Ωperphase respectively.Determine: (i)Thesendingend linevoltage. (ii)Percentageregulation.(iii)Transmissionefficiency. 3 Determine thesendingendvoltagecurrentandpower for160kmsectionof3-Φline delivering45MVAat132KVandpf0.8lagging. Also, find theefficiencyandregulation ofline.Resistanceperlineis0.16Ω/km, spacingis3.5m,6.5m and7.4mtransposed. Diameter oftheconductoris1.9cm. 4 Derivetheexpressionfortransientcurrentwave,showthattransientcurrentissumof incidentcurrent,andreflectedcurrent. 5 A110KV,3Phase,50Hz transmissionline,175kmlongconsists ofthree1cm diameterstranded copperconductorsspacedin3-meterdelta arrangement. Temperature taken at260Candbarometricpressureas74 cmofmercury.Assume surfaceirregularityfactor m0=0.85,mvfor local corona=0.72andmvforgeneral corona =0.82Findcritical voltagesandpowerloss. 6 (a) (b) Explainabout theimprovement ofstringefficiency usinglonger crossarms. Astringof5insulatorunitshasaself-capacitanceisequalto11timesthepintoearth capacitance. Calculate thestringefficiency if theoperatingvoltageis66kv. 7 Deduce the expressions for total length of conductor, tension and sag when the transmissionlineconductorsaresupportedontransmissionline towers. 8 Writeshortnoteson:(a) Intersheathgrading. (b)Capacitancegrading. ***** 3 Code:9A02502 IIIB. TechI Semester (R09)Regular &Supplementary Examinations,November 2012 TRANSMISSIONOF ELECTRIC POWER (Electrical &ElectronicsEngineering) Time:3hours Max.Marks:70 AnsweranyFIVEquestions Allquestionscarryequalmarks ***** 1 (a) (b) Startingfromthefundamentalsderivetheexpressionfortheinductanceofa3-øunsymmetricallyspaced transmissionline. Determinethecapacitanceandchargingcurrentperkmofasinglecircuit220kVline usingtwobundleconductorsperphaseasshowninthefigure.Thediameterofeach conductor is4.5cm 2 Derive theexpressions forefficiency and regulationandA,B, C, D parametersofa nominal-πmediumlengthtransmission linebyusingitsphasordiagram. 3 Startingfrom thefundamentalsdetermine theequivalent-Tnetworkandequivalent-π networkparametersof a long transmissionline. 4 Asurgeof25kV travelingonalineofnaturalimpedance500ohmsarrivesata junction withtwolinesofimpedances500ohms and 50ohms respectively.Findthe surge voltagesandcurrents transmittedintoeachbranchline.Also findthereflectedsurge voltageandcurrent. 5 (a) (b) Discusstheeffectof thesizeoftheconductor on Coronaloss. Acertain3-phaseequilaterallyspacedtransmissionlinehasatotalcoronalossof55 KWat110kvandalossof110KWat120KV.Whatisthedisruptivecriticalvoltage betweenlines?What isthecorona lossat125kv? 6 (a) (b) Explainabout theimprovement ofstringefficiency by gradingofunits. A threephaseoverheadlineissuspendedbyasuspensiontype insulator,which consistsofthreeunits.Thepotentialacrosstopunitandmiddleunitare12kvand18 kvrespectively.Calculate:(i)The ratioofcapacitancebetweenpinandearthtotheself capacitanceofeachunit(ii) Thelinevoltageand (iii)Stringefficiency. 7 (a) (b) Derive theexpressions forsagandtensionwhen thesupportsareat equal heights Anoverheadtransmissionlineatarivercrossingissupportedfromtwotowersat heightsof40mand90mabovewaterlevel.Thehorizontaldistancebetweenthe towersbeing400 m.Ifthemaximumallowabletensionis2000kg,find theclearance betweentheconductorandwateratapointmid-waybetweenthetowers. Weightof conductor is1kg/m. 8 Whatisthenecessityofgradingofcables?Explainbriefly thevariousgradingmethods ofcables. ***** 4 Code:9A02502 IIIB. TechI Semester (R09)Regular &Supplementary Examinations,November 2012 TRANSMISSIONOF ELECTRIC POWER (Electrical &ElectronicsEngineering) Time:3hours Max.Marks:70 AnsweranyFIVEquestions All questionscarryequal marks ***** 1 (a) Derivetheexpressionforthecapacitanceofa3-ødoublecircuithexagonalspacing configuration. (b) Determinetheinductanceofa3-ølineoperatingat50Hzandconductorsarrangedas follows.Theconductordiameteris0.8 cm. Fig 2 DerivetheexpressionsforefficiencyandregulationandA,B,C,Dparametersofa nominalπmediumlengthtransmission linebyusingitsphasordiagram. 3 Athree phase200kmlonghigh voltage linehasZ=(14.1+j51.48)ohmsand y=(0+j1.194x106 )siemens.Findthecharacteristicimpedance,propagationconstant andconstants A, B, C andDfor the line. 4 Asurgeof200kVtravelingonalineofnaturalimpedance500ohmsarrivesata junction withtwolinesofimpedances700ohmsand300ohms respectively.Findthe surgevoltagesand currentstransmittedintoeachbranchline.Also find thereflected surgevoltageandcurrent. 5 TUWO (a) (b) Writeshortnotesonradiointerferenceduetocorona. A3-phaselinehasconductorsofradius1.0cm,spacedatthecornersofanequilateral triangleofside2.5mapart.Ifthedielectricstrengthofairis30kv/cm.determine disruptivecriticalvoltageatwhichcoronawilloccur.Takeairdensityfactorδis0.96 andirregularityfactor m0is0.94. Assumetherequireddata. Contd.in Page2 Page1of2 Code:9A02502 4 6 Eachlineofathree-phasesystemissuspendedbyastringofthreeidenticalinsulators ofselfcapacitanceofC farad.Theshuntcapacitanceofconnectingmetalworkofeach insulatoris0.2C toearthand0.1C toline.Calculatethestringefficiencyofthesystem andalsocalculatestringefficiencyifa guard-ringincreasesthe capacitanceto theline ofmetalworkof the lowestinsulator to0.3C. 7 (a) (b) What arethefactorsaffecting the sag? Anoverheadlineatarivercrossingissupported fromtwotowersofheight50mand80 mabovewaterlevelwithaspanof300m,theworking tensionis2000kg.Determinethe clearancebetweentheconductorandthewaterlevelmidwaybetweenthetowers. Weightoftheconductorpermeter=0.844kg.Assumethattheconductortakesthe shapeofparaboliccurve. 8 (a) (b) Brieflydiscuss gradingmethodsusedfor thecables. A33kvsinglecorecablehasaconductordiameterof10mmandsheathofinside diameter of40mm. Findthemaximumandminimumstressintheinsulation.