R13 Code: 13A01501 B.Tech III Year I Semester (R13) Regular Examinations December 2015 BUILDING PLANNING & DRAWING (Civil Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 PART – A (Answer the following: 03 X 10 = 30 Marks) ***** UNIT – I 1 (a) What are building bye laws? Explain them briefly. (b) Write short notes on Floor Area Ratio (FAR), how it is related to height of the building. Explain. OR 2 (a) Explain in detail the factors to be considered for selection of a site for a residential building? (b) On what considerations, the grouping of various units in residential buildings is made? UNIT – II 3 Explain the characteristics of various types of residential buildings, with sketches. OR 4 (a) What are the minimum standards of various parts of Hospital and Dispensaries? (b) Discuss the principles of planning of school building. UNIT – III 5 6 Distinguish between PERT and CPM in detail. OR From the utility data for a network are given below. Determine the total, free, independent and interfering floats and identify the critical path. Activity 0-1 1-2 1-3 2-4 2-5 3-4 3-6 4-7 5-7 6-7 Duration(in days) 2 8 10 6 3 3 7 5 2 8 PART – B (Answer the following: 01 X 10 = 10 Marks) UNIT – IV 7 8 Draw to a suitable scale the front elevation of a King post truss indicating all details for a clear opening of 8000 mm. OR Draw conventional signs for the following materials: (i) Brick. (ii) Concrete. (iii) Wood. (iv) Stone. (v) Earth. Contd. in page 2 Page 1 of 3 R13 Code: 13A01501 UNIT – V (Answer the following: 01 X 30 = 30 Marks) 9 The line sketch of the plan of a residential building is shown in figure below. Draw: (a) A neat dimensioned plan. (b) Sectional elevation along AB, to a suitable scale, using the following specification. Specifications: Foundations: C.C 1:4:8 800 mm wide and 300 mm thick. Footings: Rubble stone masonry: 600 mm x 500 mm. Basement: Coursed rubble masonry: 400 mm wide and 700 mm high. Superstructure: Brickwork in C.M 1.5:300 mm wide and 300 mm high. R.O.C roofing: 100mm thick. Contd. in page 3 Page 2 of 3 R13 Code: 13A01501 10 OR Figure shown in below the line drawing of a residential building, draw to a scale of the following: (a) Plan. (b) Section along AB. (c) Front elevation. The following specifications are to be adopted: Foundation: Depth 1000 mm. C.C bed 1000 mm x 300 mm. Two footings with an off set of 50 mm and 250 mm thickness each. Basement: 600 mm high, thickness of wall at this level is 400 mm. Walls : Brick masonry in C.M.1:6, 300mm thick Roof: R.C.C slab 120mm thick. Provide the details of doors, windows, ventilators and steps etc. as per standard dimensions. ***** Page 3 of 3 R13 Code: 13A01502 B.Tech III Year I Semester (R13) Regular Examinations December 2015 DESIGN & DRAWING OF REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES (Civil Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 Use of IS 456:2000, SP16 Design aided charts only and IS: 875 (Part 1 & Part 2) books are permitted in the examination hall. PART – A (Answer any one question: 01 X 28 = 28 Marks) ***** 1 Design and draw reinforcement detailing of an L- beam for an office floor to suit the following data: Clear span = 8 m Thickness of flange = 150 mm Live load = 4 kN/m2 Spacing of beams = 3 m Adopt M-20 grad concrete and Fe – 415 HYSD bars 2 Design and draw a reinforcement details of a combined footing for two reinforced concrete columns using the following data: Size of column = 300 mm by 300 mm Spacing of column = 4 m Load transmitted by each column = 500 kN SBC of soil = 150 MPa and adopt M20 grade concrete and Fe – 415 grade steel. PART – B (Answer three questions: 03 X 14 = 42 Marks) 3 Design a reinforced concrete beam of rectangular section using the following data: Effective span = 5 m Width of the beam = 250 mm Overall depth = 500 mm Service load (DL+LL) = 40 kN/m and effective cover = 50 mm. Adopt M-20 grad concrete and Fe – 415 HYSD bars. 4 Design a rectangular slab 5 m by 4 m in size and simply supported at the edges to support a service load of 4 kN/m2. Assume coefficient of orthotropy (μ) as 0.7. Adopt M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415 HYSD bars. 5 Design the reinforcements in a circular column of diameter 300 mm to support a service axial load of 800 kN. The column has unsupported length of 3 m and is braced against side sway. The column is reinforced with helical ties. Adopt M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415 HYSD steel. 6 Design a reinforced concrete footing for a rectangular column of section 300 mm by 500 mm supporting an axial factored load of 1500 kN. The safe bearing capacity of the soil is 185 kN/mm2. Adopt M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415 steel HYSD bars. 7 Design one of the flights of dog-legged stairs spanning between landing beams using the following data: Number of steps in the flight = 10, Tread (T) = 300 mm, rise (R) = 150 mm Width of landing beams = 300 mm, M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415 HYSD bars. ***** R13 Code: 13A01503 B.Tech III Year I Semester (R13) Regular Examinations December 2015 CONCRETE TECHNOLOGY (Civil Engineering) Time: 3 hours 1 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) Max. Marks: 70 PART – A (Compulsory Question) ***** Answer the following: (10 X 02 = 20 Marks) What do you mean by graded aggregate? What is meant by 53 grade cement? How can workability of concrete be improved? How does water cement ratio affect the strength of concrete? State the different methods of concrete mix design. List the types of fibres used in fibre concrete. Define creep of concrete. List the benefits of high performance concrete. State four methods of curing. What is meant by extreme weather concreting? PART – B (Answer all five units, 5 X 10 = 50 Marks) UNIT – I 2 (a) (b) 3 (a) (b) Explain the process of hydration of cement. Explain the Initial setting time of cement with neat sketches. OR Explain the alkali aggregate reaction of aggregates. List the deleterious substance in aggregates and explain their influence on concrete. UNIT – II 4 (a) (b) 5 (a) (b) Explain the factor effecting g the workability of concrete. Explain the flow table test on fresh concrete. OR Briefly explain the steps in the manufacturing of concrete. Explain the flexural strength of concrete with neat sketches. UNIT – III 6 (a) (b) 7 (a) (b) Describe the properties of polymer concrete. Explain the factors affecting the properties of fibre reinforced concrete. OR Explain the self healing concrete. Explain the High-performance concrete. UNIT – IV 8 (a) (b) 9 (a) (b) Explain the factors affecting the creep of concrete. Explain the method of Ultra sonic velocity method used for concrete elements. OR Discuss the codal provisions for Non-destructive testing of concrete structures. Explain the method of Rebound hammer with limitations. Contd. in page 2 Page 1 of 2 R13 Code: 13A01503 UNIT – V 10 11 (a) Explain the factors influence the choice of mix proportions. (b) Explain the various steps in ACI method of concrete mix design. OR Design M25 grade concrete using IS 10262 method of mix design for the following data: (i) Size and shape of aggregate : 20 mm angular (ii) Exposure condition: severe (iii) Minimum cement content: 320 kg/m3 (iv) Maximum free water cement ratio: 0.55 (v) Degree of supervision: good (vi) Maximum cement content : 450 kg/m3 (vii) Specific gravity of cement: 3.15, fine aggregate: 2.7, coarse aggregate: 2.74 (viii) Water absorption: Coarse aggregate: 1.0%, fine aggregate: 1.5% (ix) Fine aggregate conforming to zone II ***** Page 2 of 2 R13 Code: 13A01504 B.Tech III Year I Semester (R13) Regular Examinations December 2015 WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING – I (Civil Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 PART – A (Compulsory Question) ***** 1 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) Answer the following: (10 X 02 = 20 Marks) List out the various types of precipitation. Define index. If following are the ordinates of a 2 hr unit hydrograph, what will be the ordinates of 2 hr hydrograph due to a rainfall excess of 3 cm. Time (hr) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 2 hr U.H(M3/s) 0 6.4 12.2 16.4 17.3 15.8 8.5 3.7 0 If specific yield of an aquifer is 17.4% and its specific retention is 15.4%. What would be its porosity? Find the delta for a crop if the duty for a base period of 100 days is 1200 hectares/cumecs. Define Kor depth and Kor period. Give the necessary of lining of canals. What is a regime channel? Define setting. What is a weir? PART – B (Answer all five units, 5 X 10 = 50 Marks) UNIT – I 2 3 (a) (b) What are the various forms of precipitation? Explain each. OR What is Energy – Balance method? How do you separate base flow? UNIT – II 4 (a) (b) 5 (a) (b) Give the assumptions involved in construction of unit hydrograph. Derive the expression for discharge for steady radial flow to a well in an unconfined aquifer. OR Explain S – hydrograph. An undistributed rock sample has an oven dry weight of 0.755 kg. After saturation with kerosene its weight is 0.832 kg. It is then immersed in kerosene and found to displace 0.25 kg. What is the porosity of the sample? UNIT – III 6 (a) (b) 7 (a) (b) Define duty. And how do you improve duty? Give the ill effects of irrigation. OR A water course has a culturable commanded area of 2400 hectares, out of which the intensities of irrigation for perennial sugar-cane and rice crops are 22% and 40% respectively. The duty for these crops at the head of water course are 740 hectares/cumec and 1750 hecta/cumec respectively. Find the discharge required at the head of water course if the peak demand is 20% of the average requirement. Define consumptive use of water. List the factors that affect consumptive use of water. UNIT – IV 8 9 (a) (b) Design an irrigation channel to carry a discharge of 45 cumecs. Assume N = 0.0225 and m = 1. The channel has a bed slope of 0.16 m per km. OR Give the advantages and disadvantages of lining. Give the effects of water logging. UNIT – V 10 11 (a) (b) Explain the various component parts of a diversion headwork with sketch. OR What is Kennedy’s gauge outlet? Explain various outlets. ***** R13 Code: 13A01505 B.Tech III Year I Semester (R13) Regular Examinations December 2015 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS – II (Civil Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 PART – A (Compulsory Question) ***** 1 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) Answer the following: (10 X 02 = 20 Marks) Distinguish between pin jointed and rigid jointed structures Differentiate the statically determinate structures and statically indeterminate structures Under what conditions will the bending moment in an arch be zero throughout Explain rib-shortening in the case of arches What are the assumptions made in slope-deflection method What are the advantages of Continuous beam over simply supported beam Mention the situations where in sway will occur in portal frames Give the assumptions for fully plastic moment of a section A T-section consists of 20 mm web and 20 mm thick flange. Depth of the web is 180 mm. Width of the flange is 120 mm. Find the shape factor based on plastic analysis. A rigid frame is having totally 10 joints including support joints. Out of slope-deflection and moment distribution methods, which method would you prefer for analysis? Why? PART – B (Answer all five units, 5 X 10 = 50 Marks) UNIT – I 2 3 A three hinged parabolic arch has a span of 60 m and central rise of 8 m. It is subjected to a point load of 40 kN at a distance of 10 m from left support and a u.d.l of 10 kN/m over right half span. Calculate the location and magnitude of maximum bending moment. Also calculate the radial shear, normal thrust and bending moment under 40 kN load. OR A three hinged parabolic arch of span 40 m and rise 8 m carries concentrated loads of 200 kN and 150 kN at distances of 8 m and 16 m from left end and an u.d.l of 50 kN/m on the right half of the span. Determine the horizontal thrust. Also calculate the radial shear, normal thrust and bending moment at a distance of 8 m from left end. UNIT – II 4 Analyze the continuous beam shown in figure below, using slope deflection method. Draw shear force and bending moment diagram for the continuous beam. 10 kN 3 kN/m A Constant EI B 5 D C Constant EI 3m 8m 5 kN 3m 3m OR Analyze the continuous beam shown in figure below, using moment distribution method. Draw shear force and bending moment diagram for the continuous beam. A 5 kN 10 kN 3 kN/m B C Ι 8m Ι 2Ι 3m 3m D 3m Contd. in page 2 Page 1 of 2 R13 Code: 13A01505 UNIT – III 6 Using Kani’s method, analyze the portal frame shown in figure below. 20 kN/m 50 kN 2Ι Ι Ι 3m 6m 7 OR Using Kani’s method, analyze the continuous beam shown in figure below. UNIT – IV 8 Analyze the beam given in below, by flexibility method. Take EI as constant. The beam undergoes settlement of supports B and C by 10/EI and 5/EI respectively. Draw the bending moment diagram. 80 kN 2m 2m 2m 9 40 kN 2m OR Analyze the continuous beam in given below, by stiffness method. Draw the bending moment diagram. Take AB = 2Ι, BC = CD = Ι. 40 kN/m 45 kN B A 30 kN C 2m 4m 6m D 2m UNIT – V 10 Find the required value of plastic moment capacity at collapse load for the continuous beam shown in figure below. Take load factor as 2. Take AB= 2 MP ; BC =1.5MP ; CD = MP 40 kN C B A 8m 11 75 kN 50 kN 20 kN/m 2m 2m 2m D 2m 4m OR Determine the plastic moment capacity of a continuous beam shown in figure below. Take λ= 1.7. ***** Page 2 of 2 R13 Code: 13A01506 B.Tech III Year I Semester (R13) Regular Examinations December 2015 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY (Civil Engineering) Time: 3 hours 1 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) Max. Marks: 70 PART – A (Compulsory Question) ***** Answer the following: (10 X 02 = 20 Marks) How do we say that structural geological knowledge is essential for tunnel constructions? Differentiate between fracture and cleavage of minerals. The sedimentary rocks are also used as stone masonry in civil engineering constructions. Is it correct? Justify your answer. Draw a neat diagram to show the hanging wall and footwall of a reverse faults. The perched water table is always occurred in zone of saturation. Is this statement true? Justify. How many seismic zones are shown in India’s seismic zoning map? List them. What are the uses of geophysical exploration? Write a note on neutron logging. How do you locate a site for dam, based on topography of earth surface? What do you understand by reservoir capacity and reservoir life? PART – B (Answer all five units, 5 X 10 = 50 Marks) UNIT – I 2 3 How may the weathering of granitic rock in the foundation of a concrete dam create construction problems? OR Describe briefly the following minerals’ physical properties: (a) Feldspar (b) Quartz. UNIT – II 4 5 In what way the granite, limestone and marble are used on the basis of their civil engineering applications? Add their mechanical properties. OR Why are folds less harmful than faults? Justify your answer based on the civil engineering point of view? UNIT – III 6 7 How do you locate an earthquake epicentre based on the data from seismograph stations? OR List out the causes of landslides and give remedial measures for slope and drainage problems. UNIT – IV 8 9 What are the active methods are employed to determine the sub surface aquifer investigation? Explain any one method with suitable data. OR Give a note on ‘improvement of competence of sites by grouting’. Add various type of grouting. UNIT – V 10 11 Describe in details the different stages of investigation that are required to be taken up for building a dam. OR What is pressure tunnel? Enumerate different types of tunnel and their functions. ***** SS Code: 13A01405 B.Tech III Year I Semester (R13) Regular Examinations December 2015 SURVEYING – II (Civil Engineering) Time: 3 hours 1 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) Max. Marks: 70 PART – A (Compulsory Question) ***** Answer the following: (10 X 02 = 20 Marks) What is trigonometric leveling? What are its advantages over direct leveling? An instrument was set up at a point 200 m away from a transmission tower. The angle of elevation to the top of the tower is , where as the angle of depression to the bottom was . Calculate the total height of the transmission tower. Define tacheometry and list out the uses of tacheometry. List out the types of errors in tacheometry. What are the requirements of a good signal which it should fulfill? List out the reference grids for setting out works. What are the methods of designation of curve? Give the relationship between degree of a curve and its radius. Enumerate the field problems in setting out curves. What is a total station? What are its advantages over traditional surveying instrument? What do you understand by remote sensing? Give the classification of remote sensing. PART – B (Answer all five units, 5 X 10 = 50 Marks) UNIT – I 2 3 How would you determine the difference in elevation of the instrument station and top of a chimney, if the base of the chimney is inaccessible? OR The observations were made on the top A of a flag AB on a hill from two instrument stations P and Q, 100 m apart, the stations P and Q being in the line with A. The angles of elevation of A at P and and respectively. The staff reading upon the B.M (R.L = 311.29 m) were Q were 2.690 and 3.815 respectively, when the instrument was at P and Q, the telescope being horizontal. Determine the elevation o the root B of the flag, if AB is 3.5 m. UNIT – II 4 5 The following are the distances of the staff position from the instrument and the corresponding staff intercepts. Calculate the tacheometric constants. D (m) 20 50 100 120 S (m) 0.195 0.495 0.997 1.197 OR A tacheometer was set up at a station A and the readings on a vertically held staff at B were 2.255, 2.605 and 2.955, the line of sight being at an inclination of . Another observation on the vertically held staff at B.M. gave the readings 1.640, 1.920 and 2.200, the inclination of the line of sight being . Calculate the horizontal distance between A and B and the elevation of B if the R.L. of B.M. is 418.685 m. The constants of the instruments were 100 and 0.3. Contd. in page 2 Page 1 of 2 R13 Code: 13A01405 UNIT – III 6 At a satellite station S, 5.5 m from the main triangulation A, the following directions were observed: The lengths AB, AC and AD were computed to be 3200.7 m, 4120.5 m and 2996.6 m respectively. Determine the directions AB, AC and AD. OR How would you set out a culvert in the field? Explain the method with neat sketches. 7 UNIT – IV 8 Two tangents at chainage 2380 m, the deflection angle being . Compute the necessary data curve to connect the two tangents, by using Rankine’s method of deflection for setting out a angles. Take the length of the normal chord as 30 m. OR Two straights AB and BC intersected by a line MN. The angles AMN and MNC are and 140 respectively. The radius of the first curve is 400 m and that of the second curve is 600 m. Find the chainages of the tangent points and the point of compound curvature, chainage of the point of intersection is 5555 m. 9 UNIT – V 10 (a) (b) 11 Discuss the following: Principle of EDM. Types of EDM instruments. OR Write short note on remote sensing platform and also discuss about the geostationary satellites. ***** Page 2 of 2