1119 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Development of a Set of Functional Hierarchical Balance Short Forms for Patients With Stroke Wen-Hsuan Hou, MD, MS, Jyun-Hong Chen, MS, Yen-Ho Wang, MD, Chun-Hou Wang, BS, Jau-Hong Lin, PhD, I-Ping Hsueh, MA, Yu-Chih Ou, MS, Ching-Lin Hsieh, PhD ABSTRACT. Hou W-H, Chen J-H, Wang Y-H, Wang C-H, Lin J-H, Hsueh I-P, Ou Y-C, Hsieh C-L. Development of a set of functional hierarchical balance short forms for patients with stroke. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2011;92:1119-25. Objective: To develop a set of 3 hierarchical balance short forms (HBSF; containing sitting, standing, and stepping forms) to measure balance function in patients with stroke. Design: First, we developed the HBSF, based on a previous data set, with each short form containing 6 items. Second, we examined the psychometric properties and efficiency of the HBSF. Setting: Six teaching hospitals. Participants: Patients with stroke (n⫽764) for the first part of this study; inpatients and outpatients (n⫽85) for the second part of this study. Interventions: Not applicable. Main Outcome Measures: We used the item bank (9 sitting-related, 14 standing-related, and 13 stepping-related items) from the Balance Computerized Adaptive Test to develop the HBSF. Both the HBSF and the Berg Balance Scale (BBS) were administered to patients, to determine the concurrent validity and time needed for administration of both measures. Each patient was assessed by 1 of the 3 short forms selected by a rater. Results: The reliability of the HBSF was relatively high (reliability coefficients, .94 –.95). The scores of the HBSF were highly correlated with those of the BBS (Spearman ⫽.80 – .91), supporting the concurrent validity of the HBSF. The average time needed to administer the HBSF was 122 seconds (ie, about 40% of that for the BBS). Conclusions: Our results provide sufficient evidence that the HBSF is an efficient, reliable, valid, and practical way to measure balance function in patients with stroke. From the Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, E-Da Hospital and I-Shou University, Kaohsiung (Hou); Department of Psychology, National Chung Cheng University, Minhsiung Township, Chiayi County (Chen); School of Occupational Therapy, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei (Hsueh, Hsieh); Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei (Hsueh, Hsieh, Y-H Wang); School of Physical Therapy, College of Medical Technology, Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung City (C-H Wang); Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health Science, and Department and Graduate Institute of Neurology, College of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung (Lin); and Mackay Memorial Hospital, Department of Rehabilitation, Taipei (Ou), Taiwan. Supported by research grants from the National Science Council (NSC96-2314-B002-168-MY2) and the National Health Research Institute (NHRI-EX98-9512PI, NHRI-EX99-9512PI). No commercial party having a direct financial interest in the results of the research supporting this article has or will confer a benefit on the authors or on any organization with which the authors are associated. Reprint requests to Ching-Lin Hsieh, PhD, School of Occupational Therapy, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, 4F, No 17, Xuzhou Rd, Taipei 100, Taiwan, e-mail: clhsieh@ntu.edu.tw. 0003-9993/11/9207-00041$36.00/0 doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2011.02.012 Key Words: Postural Balance; Psychometrics; Rehabilitation; Stroke. © 2011 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine OR PEOPLE RECOVERING from stroke, changes in balF ance ability are highly correlated with changes in functions such as ambulation and activities of daily living. Measuring 1-5 balance function precisely and efficiently is useful when planning treatment strategies and assessing outcomes in patients with stroke.6,7 However, traditional balance measures are not perfectly suited to making precise and efficient assessments partly because of the lengthy tests for patients with stroke. Therefore, a precise and limited assessment burden measure for assessing balance function in patients with stroke is crucial for clinicians.1 Short-form evaluation is a potentially optimal choice of efficient measurements in modern clinical settings. We have developed 2 short forms of balance measures by reducing the number of items and simplifying the response categories in the Berg Balance Scale (BBS)8 and the Posture Assessment Scale for Stroke (PASS).9 However, because of the limited number of original items (14 for the BBS, 12 for the PASS), both short forms sacrifice, to some extent, precision and discrimination (eg, having floor and ceiling effects) to achieve efficient assessment.8,9 These sacrifices limit the utility of both short forms in clinical settings. Computerized adaptive testing (CAT) has been well justified for efficient and precise assessment of health-related outcomes.10-17 CAT uses a computer to administer items to respondents and allows patients’ levels of function to be estimated as precisely as desired (ie, to reach a preset reliability level). For example, if a patient cannot pass the item of “stand independently,” the computer “knows” not to present any harder item such as “walk” or “jump.” Instead, the next testing item presented by the computer will be whether the patient can “sit with or without assistance.” Because the testing items are chosen on the basis of the patient’s performance, the resulting score can achieve sufficient precision (reliability) with a minimal number of items.18 Therefore, CAT involves the use of a computer to administer tailored items according to respondents’ abilities and allows respondents’ level of function to be estimated with a preset, sufficient reliability.13,19 We have developed a Balance CAT18 with sufficient reliability and limited floor and ceiling effects for patients with List of Abbreviations BBS CAT HBSF MAP PASS Berg Balance Scale computerized adaptive testing Hierarchical Balance Short Forms maximum a posteriori Posture Assessment Scale for Stroke Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 92, July 2011 1120 DEVELOPING SHORT FORMS TO ASSESS BALANCE, Hou stroke. However, the utility of a single-domain Balance CAT may be restricted in daily clinics because the other important assessments (eg, assessing motor, sensory, or activities of daily living) have not yet been computerized and tailored for patient management. Thus, clinicians may encounter difficulty in using and integrating both CAT and traditional measures. Thus, a precise and efficient balance measure using traditional testing is still needed for clinicians. A CAT is developed on the basis of a large number of items, or an item bank. The item bank is useful for developing short forms without sacrificing substantial psychometric properties (eg, reliability, floor and ceiling effects). Thus, several short forms based on item banks have been developed to improve efficiency with sound psychometric properties in the assessments of physical function,20 activities,21-23 and health-related quality of life.24 However, no short forms have been constructed on the basis of an established balance item bank for patients with stroke to enhance clinical feasibility and efficiency. The purpose of this study was to develop a set of balance short forms by adopting items from the previously developed Balance CAT18 to achieve reliable, valid, and efficient assessment of balance function in patients with stroke. METHODS The study consisted of 2 parts. In the first part, we used the 34 items of the Balance CAT18 (table 1) as the basis to develop Table 1: Item Numbers, Contents, and Parameters of Original 34-Item Balance CAT and 3 Short Forms of HBSF (Sitting, Standing, and Stepping) (Nⴝ764) Item Parameter Item No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Item Content Sitting with trunk support for 10 seconds (on a chair with a back rest) Sitting without trunk support for 10 seconds Reaching for a pen on the less affected side and putting it into a chest pocket on the more affected side Reaching for a pen on the more affected side and putting it into a chest pocket on the less affected side Using the less affected leg to lift the more affected leg from the ground for 5 seconds Picking up a pen on the floor (in front of the less affected leg) Picking up a pen on the floor (centered in front of the patient) Sitting to supine Sitting to standing Supine to sitting Standing with support for 10 seconds Standing without support for 10 seconds Standing without support and with eyes closed for 10 seconds Turning the body to the more affected side to pick up a pen Picking up a pen on the floor (in front of the less affected leg) Maintaining a stride posture for 10 seconds (more affected leg forward, knee bent) Picking up a pen on the floor (centered in front of the patient) Standing with feet together for 10 seconds Maintaining in a stride posture for 10 seconds (less affected leg forward, knee bent) Picking up a pen on the floor (in front of the affected leg) Standing with feet together and with eyes closed for 10 seconds Marching in place Standing on only the less affected leg Standing heel to toe, more affected foot forward Standing to squatting Maintaining a squatting position Squatting to standing Standing on tiptoe Tapping alternate feet Jumping vertically with both legs Standing heel to toe, less affected foot forward Standing on only the more affected leg Hopping in place on the less affected foot Hopping in place on the more affected foot Balance Level Slope Step 1* Step 2* Sitting 2.72 –2.39 NA Sitting Sitting 4.67 3.82 ⫺1.76 ⫺1.54 NA NA Sitting 3.64 ⫺1.29 NA Sitting 1.52 ⫺1.05 NA Sitting Sitting Sitting Standing Standing Sitting/standing Standing Standing Standing Standing Standing 2.38 2.50 1.32 1.90 1.30 3.96 5.76 4.09 3.51 4.16 4.40 ⫺1.03 ⫺0.87 ⫺0.66 ⫺0.11 ⫺0.21 ⫺0.77 ⫺0.53 ⫺0.29 0.02 0.10 0.13 NA NA ⫺0.06 0.12 0.12 NA NA NA NA NA NA Standing Standing Standing 4.17 4.57 4.85 0.14 0.17 0.26 NA NA NA Standing Standing 3.35 2.93 0.27 0.28 NA NA Standing/stepping Stepping Stepping Stepping Stepping Stepping Stepping Stepping Stepping Stepping Stepping Stepping Stepping 3.02 2.16 2.75 3.86 3.93 3.86 1.87 1.86 3.15 2.88 2.00 2.59 2.98 0.50 0.55 0.88 0.97 0.98 1.05 0.82 1.07 1.09 1.11 0.91 1.26 1.86 NA 1.02 NA NA NA NA 1.31 NA NA NA 1.88 1.66 2.17 NOTE. Words in boldface represent the items chosen for the final set of HBSF at each balance level. The items are generally arranged in increasing order of difficulty. Abbreviation: NA, not applicable. *Step difficulty means the threshold between adjacent response categories. Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 92, July 2011 DEVELOPING SHORT FORMS TO ASSESS BALANCE, Hou Fig 1. Flowchart of the procedures to develop the HBSF. a set of short forms, named the Hierarchical Balance Short Forms. Second, we investigated the concurrent validity, efficiency, and floor and ceiling effects of each HBSF. This study was approved by the institutional review boards of the National Taiwan University Hospital. Develop the Hierarchical Balance Short Forms Figure 1 depicts the 3 steps for develping the Hierarchical Balance Short Forms (HBSF), which are as follows: Step 1: Divide original 34-item bank into 3 hierarchical, function-related balance levels. The Balance CAT is a CAT system currently in development for assessing balance function in patients with stroke.18 Traditional balance measures have been criticized for being time-consuming and involving complicated tasks; however, our Balance CAT is being developed from a well-calibrated item bank on the basis of balance concepts in daily tasks and activities (ie, the ability to maintain a given posture and the ability to ensure equilibrium while changing position).25 Of the 34 items shown in table 1, 26 items are dichotomous (able or unable to perform a balancerelated task), and the other 8 are trichotomous categorical items (ie, 0: unable, 1: able to complete the task but not smoothly, and 2: able to complete the task smoothly; alternatively, 0: unable, 1: able to maintain balance while performing a task for 1–5s, and 2: able to maintain balance while performing a task for more than 5s).18 The items can be arranged into 3 hierarchical, function-related balance levels, from easy to hard, containing 9 sitting-related, 14 standing-related, and 13 steppingrelated items, respectively. To ensure scale continuity between adjacent balance levels, 2 items were assigned to 2 adjacent levels (ie, item 11: “standing with support for 10 seconds” for sitting and standing levels; item 22: “marching in place” for standing and stepping levels). Both items were selected according to the item contents and item difficulty (see table 1). Step 2: Propose 6 candidates for each balance level. To determine the most appropriate candidate short forms for the HBSF, a Fortran program written by the authors was used to perform a simulation using the actual data of the 764 patients with stroke that were originally used to develop the Balance CAT.18 We used the generalized partial credit model26 to fit our 1121 data and to estimate the item parameters for the item bank. Maximum Fisher information was used as the item selection algorithm, and the maximum a posteriori (MAP) method was used to estimate the patients’ ability. In addition, we calculated the conditional reliability (the inverse of the observed score’s SE at any given test score)27 of each patient, and each candidate (6 items) of the HBSF was estimated for its average reliability, SE, maximum-minimum balance score, scoring range, and correlation with the 34-item bank. We first determined the number of items for the HBSF. Our previous study18 has shown that the Balance CAT takes 4 items, on average, to reach sufficient reliability (0.9), while it takes 6 items to reach excellent reliability (.95). The reliability coefficient was set at above 0.9 for the HBSF because it is a common standard for individual comparison.28 Nevertheless, to ensure sufficient reliability, we added 2 more items to the HBSF (6 items each) than to the Balance CAT (4 items). In addition, we designed a set of 3 hierarchical short forms to increase the suitability of items for different balance levels of patients. Thus, we proposed 6 candidates in each balance level with the highest reliability, using the simulation on the item parameters (slope and steps threshold) obtained previously (see table 1).18 The item-selection principles focused on the most reliable and discriminative candidates (short forms) to achieve both reliability and discrimination. Therefore, we extracted the 3 candidates with the highest reliability to achieve sufficient reliability, and the other 3, including the most difficult and easiest items, simultaneously to enhance the discriminability of estimation for patients with extreme balance ability. Using sitting level as an example, shown in figure 1, we first determined candidates 1 to 3 by selecting 6 items from the 9 sitting-related items (C69) with the highest reliability (step 2-1). Then we further determined candidates 4 to 6 by first selecting the 2 items with the greatest difficulty (item no. 11) and the least difficulty (item no. 2), and then chose the other 4 items from the rest of the 7 sitting-related items (C6⫺29⫺2) (step 2-2). We adopted the 2 items with greatest difficulty (item no. 11) and least difficulty (item no. 2) in order to broaden the range of the estimation value of balance function. In addition, we selected the subsequent 4 items of intermediate difficulty to increase the reliability. We took these steps so that the most discriminative items would be distributed evenly within this range, which would provide similar results of selecting items along the difficulty continuum. Consequently, a total of 18 candidates (each with 6 items) belonging to 3 different balance levels were selected. The participants’ responses on the 34 items were used for simulation.18 In the simulation, we assumed that the patients would respond in the same way to the items, regardless of the context. The 764 patients were divided into 3 groups (185, 310, and 269 of sit, stand, and step groups, respectively) corresponding to their balance level, and their responses were used to examine the psychometric properties of each candidate. Therefore, the candidates in the sitting level were simulated on the 185 patients who failed the item “standing with support for 10 seconds.” The candidates in the stepping level were simulated on the 310 patients who passed the item “marching in place.” The candidates in the standing level were simulated on the other 269 patients. The balance function of each patient and its reliability were calculated for all candidates. The MAP method was adopted in this study for consistency, as in the previous Balance CAT study.18 Step 3: Determine an optimal set of Hierarchical Balance Short Forms. We adopted the opinions of experienced stroke-related clinicians (1 physiatrist, 3 senior occupational Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 92, July 2011 1122 DEVELOPING SHORT FORMS TO ASSESS BALANCE, Hou balance measure for patients with stroke.18,29,30 These items are based on a 5-level scale (0 – 4). Its total score ranges from 0 to 56. Because the BBS is a commonly used balance measure in patients with stroke, and has satisfactory psychometric properties (including reliability, validity, and responsiveness),8,31-33 we used the BBS as our criterion to validate the HBSF.1 Data analysis. The Spearman rank correlation coefficient was used to examine the relationships between the scores of the BBS and HBSF to determine the concurrent validity of the HBSF. We first examined the relationships between all 85 patents’ scores on the HBSF and those of the BBS. We also examined the relationships between the patients’ scores on each short form of the HBSF (27 patients on the sitting, 29 on the standing, and 29 on the stepping short forms) and the corresponding BBS scores. Correlation coefficients greater than 0.6 indicate acceptable concurrent validity.34 We also examined the floor and ceiling effects of both the BBS and the HBSF. therapists, 1 physical therapist) and psychometricians (1 senior expert in item response theory, 1 doctoral student studying psychometrics).The clinicians mainly considered ease of use as the most important issue, whereas the psychometricians mainly considered psychometric properties (ie, reliability, SE, scoring range, and correlation with the Balance CAT). Disagreements between clinicians and psychometricians were arbitrated by a consensus conference to determine a final set of HBSF containing a 6-item balance short form for each sitting, standing, and stepping level. Concurrent Validity and Efficiency of the Hierarchical Balance Short Forms Sample. We invited inpatients and outpatients at 6 teaching hospitals in Taiwan to participate in our study. The following criteria were used to determine whether patients could be included in this study: (1) first or recurrent onset of cerebrovascular accident; (2) unilateral or bilateral hemiparesis/hemiplegia; (3) Mini-Mental Status Examination score above 23 with the ability to follow instructions to complete the assessments; and (4) informed consent given personally or by proxy. We excluded patients with other major diseases (eg, severe rheumatoid arthritis) that might affect their balance ability. Procedure. We administered both the HBSF and the BBS to the patients. Each patient was assessed using 1 of the 3 short forms (sitting, standing, or stepping) of the HBSF, which was selected by an occupational therapist according to patients’ self-reports and the therapist’s judgment. The occupational therapist was experienced, having administered all items of the item bank of the Balance CAT to more than 200 patients. The BBS was administered independently within 24 hours by another rater. The order of administrations was counterbalanced to eliminate possible learning or fatigue effects. The raters did not inform each other of their assessment results during the study periods. We also recorded the time needed to administer each short form of the HBSF and the BBS individually. Measure. The BBS (including 1 sitting item and 13 standing items) has been identified as the most commonly used RESULTS Three Steps to Develop an Optimal Set of Hierarchical Balance Short Forms Table 1 shows the item contents and parameters chosen for the HBSF (in boldface). Table 2 shows the 6 candidates with the highest reliabilities of each balance level selected by simulation and the aforementioned preset rules. Both the psychometricians and clinicians reached consensus on the final set of HBSF, shown in boldface in table 2. In the simulation study, we further compared the scores obtained from the 3 short forms of the HBSF and a 34-item bank of the same patients. Table 2 shows that the sitting short form had extremely high correlation with the full item bank (Pearson r⫽.98), while both the standing and the stepping short forms had sufficiently high correlations (r⬎.91). Reliability. The simulation study showed that the estimated score for patients using the final set of the HBSF all reached sufficient average reliability (ⱖ.93) (fig 2, appendix 1). Table 2: Included Items, Reliability, SE, Scoring Range, and Correlation With Full Bank of Candidate Short Forms by Sitting, Standing, and Stepping (Nⴝ764) Balance Level Candidate Included Item Nos.* Average Reliability SE Scoring Range† (Maximal – Minimal Score) Correlation With 34-Item Bank Sitting Sitting Sitting Sitting Sitting Sitting Standing Standing Standing Standing Standing Standing Stepping Stepping Steeping Stepping Stepping Stepping 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 11 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11 9, 11, 12, 19, 20, 22 9, 11, 12, 18, 21, 22 9, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22 11, 12, 13, 15, 20, 22 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 22 11, 12, 13, 15, 18, 22 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 34 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 34 22, 23, 25, 28, 32, 34 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 33 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 33 22, 23, 24, 28, 32, 33 .94 .93 .93 .95 .94 .94 .96 .95 .95 .96 .96 .96 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .25 .26 .26 .23 .24 .24 .21 .21 .21 .19 .19 .19 .23 .23 .22 .22 .22 .23 3.42 (3.45–.03) 3.41 (3.45–.04) 3.40 (3.42–.02) 2.53 (3.45–.92) 2.57 (3.54–.97) 2.60 (3.52–.92) 2.42 (6.08–3.66) 2.37 (6.03–3.66) 2.42 (6.08–3.66) 2.24 (5.91–3.67) 2.18 (5.85–3.67) 2.16 (5.83–3.67) 3.95 (9.81–5.86) 3.94 (9.81–5.87) 4.09 (9.94–5.85) 3.15 (8.99–5.84) 3.15 (8.99–5.84) 3.59 (9.39–5.80) .98 .98 .98 .97 .97 .96 .93 .90 .91 .92 .93 .92 .95 .95 .95 .93 .94 .91 NOTE. Words in boldface represent the final set of HBSF. *The item numbers are derived from the original 34-item Balance CAT shown in table 1. † The scoring range means the maximum score minus the minimum score. Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 92, July 2011 DEVELOPING SHORT FORMS TO ASSESS BALANCE, Hou Fig 2. Reliability of the HBSF under different balance ability in patients with stroke. Note that the original balance scores were linearly transformed to 0 to 10 for ease of interpretation. Also, each plot in the figure means different response patterns of the HBSF. The reliability of most (about 96%) of the patients was above 0.9, and only patients who failed to perform all items of the sitting short form and passed all items of the stepping short form had reliabilities of .86 (see fig 2). The raw scores were calculated from the sum of the 6-item response pattern shown in appendix 1. The balance score transformation table from the raw score of the final set of the HBSF in appendix 1 is provided for the prospective users to obtain the corresponding estimation of patients’ balance scores and reliabilities according to the performance on each item. Figure 2 plots the continuum of patients’ balance level (transformed scores, 0 –10) against reliability among the final set of HBSF. Except for patients with extremely good and poor balance abilities, the average reliability of the HBSF achieved .93 and above. Concurrent Validity and Efficiency of the Hierarchical Balance Short Forms Concurrent validity. A total of 85 patients with a mean age ⫾ SD of 64.2⫾12.1 years participated in this part of the study. Among them, 55 were men, 39 had left hemiparesis, and 58 sustained first or recurrent ischemic strokes and had had stroke for 4.2⫾5.3 months. Twenty-seven patients completed the sitting short form, 29 the standing short form, and 29 the stepping short form. These patients had BBS scores throughout the entire range (mean ⫾ SD, 22.9⫾19.2), indicating that they had a wide range of balance function. All 85 patients’ scores on the HBSF were highly correlated with those of the BBS (Spearman ⫽.97). The scores of the sitting (27 patients), standing (29 patients), and stepping (29 patients) short forms, individually, were also highly associated with the total score of the BBS (Spearman ⫽.80, .91, and .84, respectively). In addition, on the BBS, 8 patients (9.4% of the 85 patients) achieved the minimum scores of 0 points, and 4 patients (4.7%) achieved the maximum scores of 56 points, representing a 14.1% floor-plus-ceiling effect, whereas on the HBSF, only 5 (5.9%) patients obtained the minimum scores of .03, and 2 (2.4%) obtained the maximum scores of 9.30, representing an 8.2% floor-plus-ceiling effect. Efficiency. The average time (122s) needed to administer each short form of the HBSF was 40% of that of the BBS. The average times needed for the sitting, standing, and stepping short forms were 116, 122, and 128 seconds, respectively. DISCUSSION Our results showed that after patients were divided by their balance level into sitting, standing, and stepping groups, only 6 1123 items were needed for each group of patients to achieve a highly reliable and valid balance function assessment. The scores obtained from each short form of the HBSF were not only closely associated with those of the 34-item set of the Balance CAT, but also highly correlated with those of the BBS, supporting the concurrent validity of the HBSF. The average time to administer the HBSF was only 40% of that for a commonly used balance measure, the BBS. Hence, the HBSF is efficient, reliable, valid, and practical for patients with stroke. The HBSF is worthy of clinical application because of the following 3 special characteristics. First, the HBSF is simple and quick to administer. There are only 6 items of easy-toadminister tasks in each short form. Patients are only tested in limited postural changes (eg, 3 postures, including sitting to standing, standing, and standing with trunk forward bending, are required to administer the standing short form), which will save administration time and reduce the burden. Second, the psychometric properties (ie, reliability and validity) of the HBSF are satisfactory and comparable to those of the Balance CAT.18 The high correlations may be due to our dividing the patients into 3 hierarchical groups by their balance level. Although the range of each HBSF is restricted, the HBSF showed sufficient reliability in each of the 3 balance levels. Third, the results of the HBSF appear useful in representing patients’ balance level (or milestone) and setting task-oriented goals of clinical treatments. Because the HBSF is derived from the item bank of the Balance CAT, the scores of both balance level and functional descriptions can be obtained simultaneously by the HBSF, which can help clinicians to obtain both the patients’ balance ability and performance on the hierarchical functional tasks. From both clinicians’ and patients’ points of view, it is a convenient way to monitor the milestone recovery from sitting, standing, to stepping with patients’ balance scores. In addition, the detailed functional descriptions (ie, “reaching for a pen on the affected side and putting it into a chest pocket on the affected side” or “standing on tiptoe”) are useful in setting task-oriented goals and designing training strategies by observing patients’ difficulty in performing each task of the HBSF. The BBS is the most commonly used balance measure for patients with stroke.8,29 Our results showed that the HBSF outperformed the BBS in 2 aspects, in addition to the efficiency aforementioned. First, the HBSF substantially reduced floorplus-ceiling effects (only 8.2% in the HBSF, as compared to 14.1% in the BBS), indicating better discriminative ability for patients with extreme balance ability. Second, the materials (ie, bed, chair, and pen) needed for administering the HBSF are few and easy to prepare. However, the BBS requires a step or a stool, which might not be available in some clinics or wards. These advantages support the utility of the HBSF. We have successfully developed a Balance CAT system that is useful to achieve precise and efficient assessment of balance function. Two reasons inspired us to develop the HBSF. First, the materials used for administrating the HBSF (ie, paper, pen, chair, and bed) are accessible and available in clinical settings, while the Balance CAT has to be administered via computer (or personal digital assistant) and the Internet.18 The software and hardware are not accessible in some stroke rehabilitation settings, limiting the utility of the CAT system. Secondly, multidimensional measures are essential for patient management and outcome measurement in both clinical and research settings. However, only a few well-developed CAT systems exist currently to replace the traditional measures for patients with stroke. It is still troublesome and inconvenient to administer a single CAT system because researchers have yet to develop CATs for most Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 92, July 2011 1124 DEVELOPING SHORT FORMS TO ASSESS BALANCE, Hou of the domains (eg, mobility, mood, cognition, activities of daily living, or even health-related quality of life) needed for patient management in daily clinics. Thus, we are still far from wide application of CATs at this stage. Finally, the test results of the HBSF can be compared with those of the Balance CAT because they were both developed on the basis of the same scale by item response theory modeling. Therefore, the HBSF and Balance CAT can be used interchangeably. Study Limitations Two limitations might concern the readers. First, some important psychometric properties (eg, responsiveness,35 the minimal important difference36,37) of the HBSF remain unknown. Additional follow-up studies to examine the responsiveness and the minimal important difference are needed to further establish the utility of the HBSF in both clinical and research settings.36,37 Second, our prospective raters might find difficulty in selecting the most appropriate short form for patients. The raters might select an inappropriate short form for patients. We suggest that the raters use another short form of the HBSF if they find any conditions as follows: patients originally categorized as in the sitting group obtaining the highest score (passing all 6 items of the sitting short form); those in the standing group having either the highest or lowest scores (passing or failing all 6 items of the standing short form); or those in the stepping group getting the lowest score (failing all 6 items of the stepping short form). In addition, future users can use the overlapping items (“standing with support for 10 seconds” for sitting and standing levels; “marching in place” for standing and stepping levels) as screening items to determine the most appropriate short form to administer. CONCLUSIONS Our results provide sufficient evidence that the HBSF is an efficient, reliable, valid, and practical way to measure balance function in patients with stroke. These results suggest that the HBSF is promising and convenient for measuring balance function in patients with stroke, and for clinicians and researchers. APPENDIX 1: BALANCE SCORE TRANSFORMATION TABLE OF THE HIERARCHICAL BALANCE SHORT FORMS FOR PROSPECTIVE USERS Response Pattern Short Form Sitting Standing Item Item Item Item Item Item Balance 1 2 3 4 5 6 Score Reliability SE 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 92, July 2011 0.03 1.06 1.93 2.69 2.99 3.45 3.36 3.45 3.66 4.35 4.78 5.14 5.71 6.08 .86 .94 .94 .94 .95 .95 .97 .95 .97 .95 .93 .96 .97 .95 .38 .25 .25 .24 .23 .23 .18 .23 .18 .23 .26 .21 .17 .21 APPENDIX 1: BALANCE SCORE TRANSFORMATION TABLE OF THE HIERARCHICAL BALANCE SHORT FORMS FOR PROSPECTIVE USERS (Cont’d) Response Pattern Short Form Stepping Item Item Item Item Item Item Balance 1 2 3 4 5 6 Score Reliability SE 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 6.14 6.08 6.14 6.20 6.48 6.87 7.14 7.44 7.84 8.16 8.71 9.39 .95 .95 .95 .95 .96 .96 .96 .96 .95 .95 .93 .86 .22 .21 .22 .21 .20 .20 .20 .20 .21 .23 .27 .37 NOTE. 1. Use of this table requires the administration of all 6 items in each of the short forms. 2. Our principle of the above response patterns is based on the hierarchy of item difficulty. 3. 0, 1, and 2 represented the raw score of response among each item. 4. This table lists more than 80% of the response patterns. If a patient’s response pattern is different from the above, please download the detailed transform table (http://homepage.ntu. edu.tw/⬃clhsieh/HBSF.xls) to estimate his/her balance score. 5. Because the most difficult item is not contained in the stepping short form, patients who pass all items will not obtain scores of 10. References 1. Blum L, Korner-Bitensky N. Usefulness of the Berg Balance Scale in stroke rehabilitation: a systematic review. Phys Ther 2008;88:559-66. 2. Bohannon RW, Leary KM. Standing balance and function over the course of acute rehabilitation. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1995; 76:994-6. 3. Sandin KJ, Smith BS. 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