Volume 189 Index

2 8,
E " SE X
W. C . 2
A.C.E. Machinery, Ltd., Special Purpose
Hoist, 652
Adams, H. J., Notes on Stresses in
Tanker 'Members, 472
Adams Hydraulics, Ltd., S.S. " Brighton,"
Adams, 0., Photo-Electric Temperature
Measurement in the Glass Indust ry, 290
A.E.C., Ltd., Buses with Under-Floor
Engines, 147
Airnesco Products, Ltd., Compressed Air
Operated Soot Blower, 189
Aiton and Co., Ltd., Vierfontein Power
Station, 327; Jubilee (339)
Aiton, Sir John Arthur, Obituary, 154
Alien, Edgar, and Co., Ltd., Use of
Oxygen in Steelmaking, 717
Alien, John, and Sons (Oxford) Ltd.,
Trench Excavatiri.g Machines, 561
Alien, W. H., and Co., Ltd., Critical
Review of Gas Turbine Progress, 32;
Gas Turbines in 1949, 68; Vierfontein
Power Station, 327 ; S.S. " Brighton,"
Allspeeds, Ltd., Variable Speed Gear, 652
Aluminium Company of Canada, Ltd.,
Aluminium Highway Bridge, 234 ;
Aluminium Box Car, 486
American Locomotive Co., Gas Turbines
in 1949, 157
American Shipbuilding Co., "Wilfred
Sykes " (682)
Amst erdam-Rhine Canal, 343
Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., Engineering Workshops in 1949, 14 ; Fawley
Oil Refinery Progress, 691
Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., Ltd., Engineering Workshops in 1949, 14
Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co., Ltd., Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering in
1949, 7 ; Gas Turbines in 1949, 84;
28,000-ton Tanker " Velutina," 437 ;
High-Speed Launches for Venezuela,
Applied High Frequency, Ltd. 25kW
Induction Heater, 651
Ardeltwerke G.m.b.H., 57-ton Heavy
Railway Breakdown Crane, 687
Ashmore, Benson Pease and Co., Ltd.,
British Iron and Steel Industry in
1949, 61
Associated British Combustion, Ltd., Oil
Fuel Burner, 648
Atkins, W. S. A., New .St eelworks, Port
Talbot -Planning and Design, 417
Automatic Telephone .Co., Ltd., Remote
Control and Gas Supply (375)
Aveling Barford, Ltd., Heavy-Duty
Dumper, 560
B.A. Collieries, Ltd., Skip Winder
Control at Calverton Colliery, 474
Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., Manufacture
of Fusion Welded Pressure Veasels,
385 ;
" Cyclone " Furnace, 593 ;
" Pulverised Fuel " (728)
Back, L. H ., Hot Working of Lead and
Lead-Rich Alloys, 496
Badger, E . B., and Sons (Great Britain)
Ltd., Engineering Workshops in 1949,
Bailey Meters and Controls, Ltd.,
Bellows-Operated Recorder, 581
Bakelite, Ltd., Plastics Exhibition (345) ;
Plastics Research and Development
Laboratory , 762
Baker, Gordon · M., Productivity in
British I ndustry, 319
Balfour Beatty and Co., Ltd., Civil
Engineering in 1949, 77; Gas Turbines
in 1949, 84
Ball, Sir William, E xpert Evidence, 263
Barber-Greene Olding and Co., Ltd.,
Bucket Loading'Maohi.ne, 590
Barker, John H., Obituary, 336
Barker Machine Tools and Equipment,
Ltd., A 5-inoh Lathe, ·95
Barlow and Young, Ltd., Electrical
Power Plant for a Film Studio, 636
Barnaby, K. C., Progress in Marine
Propulsion, 453
Barron and Shepherd, Ltd., " Lowerator "
Platform; " Roll-Race" Conveyor,
· Baumann, Karl, Retirement, 17 •
Bay Wharf Construction Co., New Yard,
Beardmore, William, and Co., Ltd.,
Engineering Workshops in 1949, 42
Beattie, R. A., Shifting Boards for
Ballasted CargQ Vessels, 473
Bedson, Noel PhiJJipL, Obituary (668)
Belliss and Morcom, Ltd., Engineering
Workshops in 1949, 42
Belmos Co., Ltd., Flameproof Lighting
Fitting (71)
B.E.N. Patents, Ltd., Air Compressors
and Spray Painting Equipment, 526
Benford, Ltd., Small Concrete Mixer, 179
Betts, P ., Temperature-Total Heat
Diagram for Cooling Tower Calculations, 337, 349 ; A Contribution to the
Theory of Natural Draught Cooling
Towers, 455
Bierrum and Partners, Ltd., Circulating
Wat er System and Coal Wharf at
Brighton " B " Power Station, 251
Biles, Sir John, and Co., Shipbuilding and
Marine Engineering in 1949, 91 ;
Troopship " Empire F owey," 485
Binoie, Deacon and Gourley, Civil
Engineering in 1949, 29
Blackburo, N. P., " Daring " Class
Destroyers, 91
Blackburn, R. E., Engineering Societies
Conference, 575
Blackman, Keith, and Co., Ltd., Diesel
Electric I nst allation of " Electric
Star," 278
Blackman, Raymond V. B., Naval
Constr uction in 1949, 21, 56
Black wood Hodge, J ohn, and Co., Ltd.,
Electrically Operated Walking Dragline, 355
Blaw Knox, Ltd., Self-Propelled Scraper,
399 ; Earth Scraper, 593
Boeing Airplane Co., Gas Turbines in
1949, 157
Boulton and Paul Aircraft, Ltd., Balliol
Trainer Aircraft (694)
Bowyer, E . C., Productivity in British
I ndustry, 380
Brackett, F . W., and Co., Ltd., Central
Flow Band Screen, 622
Bradford Sewage Committee's Report,
Brand, Charles, and Son, Ltd., Civil
Engineering in 1949, 77
Bristol Aeroplane Co., Aeronautics in
1949, 9, 65; Gas Turbines in 1949, 68;
Bristol " Brabazon I, " 723
British Aluminium, Ltd., E lectrical
P ower Plant for a Film Studio, 636
British Broadcasting Co., New Television
Equipment at Alexandra Palace, 146;
Third Programme Transmitting Station
for Liverpool, (165) ; Cameras, (179) ;
Appointment, (389); Television Plans
for Scotland, (405); Proposed Television Centre at White City, 629; Third
Programme Transmitting Station for
Sheffield, (694)
British Electric Transformer Co., Ltd.,
Electrical Power Plant for a Film
Studio, 636
British Electricity Authority, Manufacture of High-Pressure Pipework for
Boilers, (33) ; Electrical Engineering
in 1949, 46 ; First Report, 87 ;
Generating Plant Programmes, 117 ;
Generating Plant Extensions, 237,
(405), (668); Manchester-SheffieldWath Electrification Scheme, 248 ;
Circulating Wat er System and Coal
Wharf at Brighton " B " Power
Station, 251 ; Experimental HighVoltage Transmission Line, 266 ; Cont racts for Water Valves Placed in Italy,
283 ; Appointment, (384); New P ower
Station at Drakelow, (460); H ydroElectric Developments in N orth Wales,
511 ; Courses on Protective Gear,
(535); New Power Station for Lancashire, (616) ; New Power Stations, 697 ;
Pipe-Line Compression Cables, (720);
Operation of Steam Generating
Stations, 763
British India Steam ·Navigation Co.,
T.S. " Kenya," (642)
British Indicators, Ltd., I nternal Measuring Instrument, 580
British I nsulated Callenders Cables, Ltd.,
Electrical Engineering in 1949, 108 ;
Multicore Television Camera Cable
132 ; Diesel-Electric Inst allation of
" Electric Star, " 278; Alum inium
Sheathed Impregnated-Pressure Cable,
486; 220kV Pressure Cable Installation in France, 709
British Steel Piling Co., Ltd., Pile
Driving Plant, 561
British Tabulating Machine Co., Ltd.,
Component Production, 676
British Telecommunications Research,
Ltd., Marine V.H.F. Radio at Mersey
P ocks and Harbour, 707
British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd.,
Engineering Workshops in 1949, 14;
Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering
in 1949, 63 ; Electrical Engineering in
1949, 81, 108 ; Gas Turbines in 1949,
84 ; Leak Detection in Aircraft
Pneumatic Systems, 132 ; DieselElectric Shunting Locomotive, 174 ;
Vierfontein Power Station, 327 ; Output Measurements on Large Generators,
340 ; Portable Insulation Test Set,
445 ; Parents' Day, (584) ; Tot ally
Enclosed Fan-Cooled Motor, 651 ;
Control Console for Walking Dragline,
704 ; Hydro-Electric Generat ors for
Roxburgh Power Station, New Zealand, 718; Electromagnet ic Isotope
Separator at Harwell, (720)
British Timken, Ltd., Large Surface
Grinding Machine, 160
British Tyre and Rubber Co., Group
R esearch, (35)
Brook Motors, Ltd., .Automatic StarDelta Starter, 179
Brooke Marine, Ltd., Self-Propelled
Suction Dredger, 652
Brown, Boveri and Co., Ltd., Gas Turbines in 1949, 124; British R ailways
Gas Turbine Locomotive No. 18,000,
Brown, F. A. S., Railway Motive Power,
Brown-J ackson, David, Ltd., Reorganisation at the Works, 662
Brown, J ames, Ltd., Ship Conversion, 133
Brown, J ohn, and Co., Ltd., Shipbuilding
and Marine Engineering in 1949, 7 ;
Naval Construction in 1949, 21 ; Gas
Turbines in 1949, 68 ; The Orkney
Windmill and Wind Power in Scot land, 106 ; Metalurgical Plant in S.
Rhodesia, (520) ; ·r.s.s. " Amsterdam," 729
Bro\vn, T. W. F ., Some Factors in the
Use of High Temperatures in Gas
Turbines, 161, 191
Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd.,
Gas Turbines in 1949, 84; Visitors'
Day, (642); Works Standardisation
Scheme, 683 ; Falcon Association of
former " Brush " Apprentices, (720)
Bryan Donkin Co., Ltd., R emote Control
and Gas Supply, (375)
Brymbo Steel Works, Ltd., Use of
Oxygen in Steelmaking, 717
Brynmawr Rubber, Ltd., Civil Engineering in 1949, 77
Bureau of Analysed Samples, Ltd.,
Spectrographic Standard Steels, 718
Burmah Oil Co., Rehabilitation, (255)
Burrard Drydock Co., Ltd., Naval Construction in 1949, 56
CAHN, R. W., Recrystallisation of Single
Crystals After Plastic Bending, 535
Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering
Co., Ltd., Shipbuilding and Marine
Engineering in 1949, 91
Cammell Laird and Co., Ltd., Naval
Construction in 1949 21 ; Aircraft
Carrier " Ark Royal," 523, 579 ;
Exhibition Ship for 1951 Festival, (584)
Canadian Pacific Railway Co., Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering in 1949, 63
Canadian Vickers, Ltd., Naval Construction in 1949, 56; Propelling Machinery
for Naval Ships, 539
Candy Filter Co., Ltd., Metropolitan
Water Board Works in Progress and
Constructed During 1949, 127
Carlotti, Pierre, Note on New Forms for
Ships, 453
Carmichael, A. M., Ltd., Civil Engineering
in 1949, 29
Carpmael, Raymond, Obituary, 335
C.A.V., Ltd., Storage and Filtration of
Oil Fuel, (191); Buses with UnderFloor Engines, 147
Cementation Co., Ltd., Metropolitan
Water Board Works in Progress and
Constructed During 1949, 127; Some
Tunnels for Scottish H ydro-Electric
Schemes, 296
Chalmers, T. W., Short History of RadioActivity, 348, 378, 408, 438, 466, 494,
531, 562, 594, 620, 646, 672, 698, 724,
Chamberlain Industries, Ltd., Automatic
Tip-Up Car Ramp, 745
Chance Brothers, Ltd., Modernisation of
Gold Coast Lighthouses, 375; Airport
Location Beacon, 525
Chaplain, T. K ., Drawing an Approximation to an Ellipse, 90
Chapman, C. S., Welsh P ower Schemes,
Cheney, E. V., Obituary, (752)
Chilton, H., Mechanical Draught Cooling
Towers, 243
Chippindale, J. A., Drawing an Approximation t o an Ellipse, 301
Chisarc and Shell " D," Ltd., Civil
Engineering in 1949, 77
Churchill Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Heavy
Duty Plain Grinding Machine, 53
Cibula, A., Effect of Grain Size on the
Tensile Properties of High-Strength
441 ;
Mechanism of Grain R efinement of
Sand Castings in Aluminium Alloys,
Clark Brothers Co., I ncorporated, Gas
Turbines in 1949, 157
Clark, George, Ltd., Naval Construction
in 1949, 21
Clark, J. S., 50-Metre Mural Comparator
at the N.P.L., 201, 228
Clarke Chapman and Co., Ltd., DieselElectric Installation of " Electric
·Star," 278
Clear Glass Products, Ltd., Cold Galvanising, (30 1)
Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co.,
Ltd., Civil Engineering in 1949, 77
Figures in Brackets ( ) refer to paragraphs
Cliff Quay Generating Station, 689
Clunio P ower Station on Load, 437
Clyde Blowers, Ltd., S.S. " Brighton,"
Clyde Crane and Engineering Co., Ltd.,
, hlpbuilding and Marine Engineering
in 1949, 63
Coats, W. Lennox, Buses with UnderFloor Engines, 301
Coohrane, John, and Sons, Ltd., Some
Tunnels for Scottish 'Hydro-E lectric
Schemes, 296
Cock, C. M., R ailway E lectrification in
Great Britain, 359, 402
Cock burns, Ltd., S.S. " Brighton," 712
Cole, B oris N., Impact Stresses in Systems
of Bars, 264, 288
Cole, E. K., Ltd. , Radioactive Thickness
Ga uge, 446 ; R adiation Monitor, 592
Cologne-Deutz Bridge, 328
Colv illes, Ltd., British I ron and Steel
Industry in 1949, 61
Co mpactors Engineering, Ltd., Soil Com pacting Machine, 279
Co mposite Forgings, Ltd., Compon ents
for Large Built-up Dies, 691
Con crete
Engineering in 1949, 77
Conimeters, Ltd., The Conimeter, 341
Consett Iron Co., British Iron and Steel
Industry in 1949, 61
Consolidated Diamond Mines of , 'outh
West Africa, Ltd., Bridge Across the
Ora nge River, 163
Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co., Ltd.,
, tationary Air Compressor, 590
Contact or Switchgea r, Ltd. , Electrical
P ower Plant for a Film Studio, 636
Contractors Record, Ltd., H y draulic
Diagra ms, ( 103)
Coode, Vaughan -Lee Frank a nd Gwyther,
Civil Engineering in 1949, 77
Cook, Maurice, Hot Working of Copper
and Copper Alloys, 496
Cooke and F erguson, Ltd., Vierfontein
P ower Station, 327
Co0per, W. Roylands, R etirement, 394
Corby N ew Town, (396)
Corlett, E. C. B., Thermal E x pansion
Effects in Composite Ships, 519
Cory Brothers, Ltd., Amalgamation, 389
Coventry Clima x, Ltd., T.S.M. Small
Fork-Lift Truck, 731
Coventry Victor Motor Co., Ltd., 4 H.P.
Air-Cooled Oil Engine, 178
Coward, A. L., Obituary, 363
Cox, H. Rox bee, Industrial Gas Turbines,.
574, 595
Cowley, W. L., I ndustrial Application of
Atomic Energy, 393; The Quantum
Theory, 685
Crane Packing, Ltd., Gland Packing and
E lectrical I nsulating Materia l, 184
Cra nes (Dereh am) Ltd., " Mig hty Antar "
Oil-Field Tractors and Trailers, 498,
Craven Brothers (Manchester) Ltd.,
Engineering Workshops in 1949, 42 ;
La r·go Double-ended Tu be Boring
Machine, 308
Crompton Pa rkinson, Ltd., Cable for
Brisbane Ri ver Crossing, (195); ll kV,
' witchgear
Ch anger, 528; Electrical P ower Plant
for a Film , ' tudio, 636
Cullis, G., Locomotive Practice a nd P erforman ce in the T wentieth Century,
Cyc-Arc, L td., Stud Welding, 371
DAVEN PORT Engin eering Co., Vior fontein P ower Station , 327
Davis, Edwin, H ot Working of Copper
a nd Copper Alloys, 496
D avy, J. B., Obituary, 67 1
Davy a nd United Engineering Co., Ltd.,
.British Iron a nd St eel Industry in
1949, 61
Da we Instruments, Ltd., Moisture Meter
for T extiles, 445
de Havilla nd Aircraft Co., E conomiP.s of
the " Comet " Aircraft, 189
de H avilland Engine Co., Aeronautics in
1949, 9
De Laval Steam Turbine Co., Gas
Turbines in 1949, 157
Dem olition and Cons truction Co., Ltd.,
British Iron and Steel I ndustry in 1949,
61 ; Civil Engineering in 1949, 77
Denison, Samuel, and Son, Ltd., Tensile
Testing Machine, 556
D enny, William, and Brothers, Ltd.,
British Sh ipbuilding R esearch Association, 105 ; S.S. " Brighton," 712
Dewran ce and Co., Ltd. , Works F oundation Stone, 123
D ex I ndustries, Ltd., Rust R emoval and
Prevention, (316)
Diamon d, E. L., Effect of T apered Treads
on the Motion of Overhead Travelling
Cranes, 511 ; Characteristics of Scra p
in R elation t o Bulk Handling, 564 ;
P roposals for the Modifi cation of a
Blast -Furnace Top, 625
" Minilift " H oist , 704
D obbie Mci nnes, Ltd., Peak Pressu re
Indicator, 513
Dominion Bridge Co., Ltd. , Aluminium
Highway Br idge, 234
Dorma n Long and Co., Ltd., British Iron
and Steel Industry in 1949, 61, 74
Dorman Long (Africa) Ltd., R ecent St eel
Construction, 253 ; Viorfontein P ower
Sta tion, 327
D orma n, W. H., and Co., L td., Engineering W orkshops in 1949, 14
D ove, H. L. , Investigations on Model
Anchors, 509
D oxford, WilHa m, and Sons, Ltd., Shipbuilding and Marine Engineedng in
1949, 7, 91
Driver, C. J., Ltd., Gen erating P lant for
Egypt, (315)
Droop and R ein, Oil Groove Cutting
Ma chine, 661
Drvsdale and Co., Ltd., Diesel-E lectric
Installation of " Electric Star," 278
Duckitt, Waiter, Obitua ry, 17
Dunl op Rubber Co., Ltd ., Rubber
Suspension Units for Mot or-Cycles,
310 ; Rubber R esearch Centre, 706 ;
Silicone Rubber Product s, (750)
Duple Motor Bodies, Ltd., Photo-Electric
Press Guard. 160
EAGLE Engineering Co., Ltd ., Large
British Quarry Dumpers, 179
E agle Oil and Shipping Co., Ltd., Shipouild ing and Marine Engineering in
1949, 91
E ast African P ower and Lig ht Co., Gas
Turbines in 1949, 84
E ast Lancashire Chemical Co., Ltd. ,
Coating Thickness Meter, 220
Eastern an d N orth -E astern R egion
R ailways),
Man chesterSheffi eld- W ath ElectrificatiOn Sch eme,
248 ; Fluorescent Lighting for Shenfield Line St a tion Platforms, (490) ;
New E astern R egion Signa1ling, 673,
700, 727 ; Pneumatic Buffer St op, 745 ;
R ail Brak es a t Whi temoor Marshalling
Ya rd, (776)
Eborall, Myriam D ., Grain R efinem ent of
Aluminium a nd itR Alloys by Small
Additions of other Elemen ts, 441
Edwards. .J. B ., and Co. (Whyteleafe)
Ltd., Metropolitan Wa ter B oard Works
in Progress and Construct ed during
1949, 127
Edwa rds, W ., and Co., Ltd. , Vacuum
Coating U nit " 6E " ; " Speed ivac"
R ot ary Vacuum Pump, 446
El control, Ltd., Furnace Fla me F a ilure
Safeguard , 219
Elders a nd F y fftd, Ltd. , ShipbuildiiJ,g and
Marine Engineering in 1949, 63
EIPctri c M cl Musical I ndustricR, Ltd.,
Admiralty P ortable R adio In terferen ce
Measuring Set, (17!5) ;
Transmi t ter Equipm ent, (31 5)
Electronic Instru ments, Ltd., P ortable
Hig h-Rpeed P yrometer, 516
Elli ott Brothers (London ), Ltd., Ou tput
Measurements on Large Generators,
340 ; Electrical R ecorder with 3-inch
Chart; Automatic P otentiometer, 397;
New Optical Pyromet er for t he P ottery
InduRtry, (1507) ; , ' pced I ndicator
Genera tor ; " Trimode " Controller ,
E nfield Cables, L td., Cable-Laying
AcroRs t he River 'T'a mar, (405) ; PipeLine CompreRsion CablcR, (720) ;
Model High -Voltage D. C. Tra nsmission Syst em, 737
English Electric Co., Ltd ., Electrical
Eng in eering in 1949, 81, 108; A. C.
N etwork Analyser Board, 94; Gas
Turbines in 1949, 124 ; Arnhem
Trolleybuses, (135); "Canberra" J ot
Bomber Production, (272); Vierfontein
P ower St a tion, 327 ; 165kV, 3500
MV A Air Blast Circuit Breaker ; 5k W
Induction H eater, 527; Prop elling
Machinery for Naval Ships, 539;
P ortable 10kV Insulation T ester, 681 ;
D iesel-Electric L ocomotiv es for Tasm ania, (750)
English Steel Corporation, Engineering
W orkshops in 1949, 42
E scber W yss Engineering Works, Gas
Turbines in 1949, 157
Euclid (Great Britain) Ltd., British Built
Euclid Trucks, (750)
Eupen Dam, Belgium, Completion, 193,
E ve, J. L., Construction Co., Ltd .,
Metropolita n Water Board W orks in
Progress and Constructed During 1949,
Mech anical
E verard ,
Engineering in the Milda nds, 19251950, 746
Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd., T ransmitter for Tank Contents Gauge, 398;
Electrical P ower P lant for a Film
Studio, 636
Ewbank and P artners, Ltd., Engineering
Workshops in 1949, 14
FAIRFIELD Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd ., Naval Construction in
1949, 21 ; Shi p building and Marine
Engineering in 1949, 63 ; R econditioning of the " Empress of Scot la nd," 576
F airlight, Ltd., Air Disaster in South
Wales, 317
F a irmile Construction Co., Ltd., Lig ht
Alloy Ba rges, 762
Farrell, K. P., Improvements in Mooring
An ch ors, 509
Fawley Oil R efinery Progress, 691
F ed era l , 'team Navigation Co., Ltd.,
Cadet Ship, (776)
F elco H oists, Ltd., T ravelling Wire Rope
Pulley Block, 680
F enner, J. H ., and Co., Ltd ., Power
Transmission P rod ucts, 651
F erguson P ailin, Ltd., 66kV Outdoor Oil
Circui t Breaker , 589
Fon ·anti, Ltd., Vierfontien P ower Station,
327 ; " FM " Single-Phase Meter, 339 ;
High Speed R ecorder , 447 ; P ort able
Viscometer, 560
Field, J. F., Appli cation of Gas T ur bi ne
Technique to Steam Power, 281, 312
Fielding and Platt, Ltd., Va ria bleD elivery High -Speed R adia l P ump, 592
Fisher and Ludlow, Ltd., " Flowcline"
P ortable Con veyor , 681
Fla ther 's B right Steels, Ltd., New H eavy
Ind ustry, 16:1
Fleming and F erguson, Ltd ., Shi pbuilcling
and Marino Engineering in 1949, 91
Follsain-Wycliffe F oundries, Ltd., Long
, 'ervice Awards, ( 129)
F ord Motor Co., Ltd., New Cok e Ovens,
F oster, Yates and Thoro, Ltd., 85-ton
Battery B ox Press, 527
F owler, J ohn, and Co. (Leeds) Ltd .,
Cen tenary, 306
F ox, F. A., H ot Working of Magnesium
and its Alloys, 471
Fra nl<au, A. M., E ffect of T apered T reads
on th e Motion of Overhead Travelling
Cra nes, 511
Fraser and F raser, Ltd., Water -Tu be
Boiler for a DistiJlation Plan t, 340
Freema n, , 'ir Ralph, Obituary, 334
French, W. and C., Ltd., Civ il E ng ineering in 1949, 77
Funditor, Lt d., " ,'and -Jet" lV1ark ing
Machine, 588
Furness Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., Shipbuilding a nd Marine Engineering in
1949, 91
Furness Withy and Co., Ltd ., Exhibit ion
• hip for 1951 F estival, (584)
H ACK BRIDGE and H ewittic E lectric
Co., Ltd ., E lectl'ical Engineering in
1949, 108; Glass Bul b Rectifier for
Film , t ud io Lighting, 487
Haersolte, Baron. Van, Ob itua ry, 421
H alcrow, S ir Willia.m , a nd P artners,
P roposed H ydro-Electric Development
on the Gold Coast, 37 ; Civil E ngineering in 1949, 49, 77; Some Tunnels for
Scottish H y dro-Electric Schemes, 296
H ale and H a le (Tipton ), Ltd . Blackheart
Malleable I ron F ound ry, 736
H alifax , ' hipyard, Ltd., Naval Construction in 1949, 56
H all , J . and E., Ltd., , 'hip building and
Marine E ngineering in 1949, 63 ;
T roopship " Em]Jirc OrwelJ," 118;
T ... S. " Ch usan," 768
H all, R usseJJ a nd Co., Ltd., Naval Con struction in 1949, 21
H a m pton and , 'ons, Ltd ., T .S . .
"Ch usan," 743
H amwort hy E ngineering Co., L td.,
H y d raulic Testing Equi pment, 514
H anson, D., Grain-Boundary Phenomen a
in Severely H eated •'teel, 565
H a rbormaster, L td., Marine Propulsion
U nit, 744
H a rland Engineering Co., Ltd., ComGAL1 OWA Y , D. F ., Productivity in
pensated B oiler F eed Pump, 225
Bri tish Ind ustry, 604
H a rla nd a nd Wolff, Ltd., f::>hipbu ild ing
Gas Council, Gas Con version Unit, 650
and Marine E ngineering in J949, 7, 63 ;
Gatwick Airport, (71)
Naval Construction in 1049, 2 1 ; Civil
Gee Walker a nd , 'later, Ltd., Civil
Eng ineering in 1949, 29 ; Motor Liner
Engineering in 1949, 77
" Bloemfon toim Castle," 448 ; E x hiGeneral Electric Co., Ltd., Engineering
bition S hip for 195 1 F esti val, (584) ;
Figures in Brackets ( ) refer to paragrap hs
W orkshops in 1949, 14 ; Critical
R eview of Gas Turbine Progress, 32 ;
Electrical Engineering in 1949, 81, 108;
Shipb uild ing a nd Ma rine Engineering
in 1949, 91 ; Electric Discharge
La bora tory La mps, 143 ; Gas Turbines
in 1949, 157 ; Inexpensive Mo bile
Amplifier, (176); 2kW H .F. Plastic
Preheater, 187 ; Fluorescent L amp
and Circuit Test Set, 187 ; Miniature
N eon Indicators, (255) ; Genera ting
P lant for S outh Africa, (255) ; PhotoElectric Tempera ture Measurem en t in
the Glass Industry, 290 ; Fluorescent
Lighting Circuits in London Tra nsport
31 1 ;
Crysta l
R ectifiers, 329 ; Automatic Telephone
Trigger Dial, 370 ; Modern Control
Telephon e Syst em a t Burntisland,
(375) ; La rge E lectric P ottery Kiln,
400 ; Magn etic Field S treng th Meter ;
T ransmission Set, 41 2; Electronic
Control of a. Steel Mill R eel Mot or in
1940, 426 ; Fluorescen t Lighting for
Shenfield Line St ation Pla tforms,
(490) ; Spot W elder for Lig ht Gauge
Work, 512; Magn etic R ecording T ape,
(520) ; W eir Con trollers for Slip-Ring
Motors, 547 ; Carding Engine St arter;
High-Torque Squi rrel-Cage Mot or, 559;
Photo-Telegraphy System Acquired ,
(616) ; Gold Treatment Pla nt, 654 ;
Electromagnetic I sot ope Separat or at
H a rwell, (720)
Genera l P ost Offi ce, Automatic " Voice,"
General R efractories, L td., Engineering
Workshops in 1949, 42
Gibb, Sir Alexander, and P artners, Ci vil
Engineering in• 1949, 49, 77 ; SabiLundi Development, Southern Rh odesia, 150; Some Tunnels for :Scottish
H y dro-Electric Schemes, 296 ; Cli ff
Quay Genera ting Station, 689
Gibb, Sir Cla ude, Productivity in B ritish
Industry, 319
Gibbins, R ichard C., a nd Co., Ltd.,
Cable-Drum T railer, 731
Gildermeister A.-G., , ix-Spind le P ort al
T y pe Automatic Lath e, 660
Glacier Metal Co. , L td., , ' tandard Bron ze
Bushes, (195)
Glen field a nd K en nedy, Ltd ., Civil
Engineering in 1949, 77
Go df~y, Sir George, a nd Partners, L td.,
Air Conditioning Truck for Aircraft at
Air p or ts, 50 1
Gray, J ames, Some Considerat ions in the
P rovision an d Operation of a n Overseas
Mail , 'er vice, 112, l :38
Grazebrook, M. and W., Ltd., Black
Coun try Bicentena ry, 735
Greener, C. E., O bitua ry, 55
Urootenhuis, P., Sweat Cooling, 230
7500 B.H.P. Marine Diesel Engine, 635;
Reconditioning of the " Carnar von
Castle," (694)
Harris, N. L., Electric Discharge
L aboratory L amps, 143
Hartley, A., Overheating and Burning of
Steel, 565
H a rvey, G. A., a nd Co. (London) L td.,
Inspection by R adon of Large HighP ressure Vessels, 262
H arwell, Second Atomic P ile, 237
R awksworth, F . W., R etirement, 210
H awthorn L eslie, R. and W., and Co.,
L td.,
Engineering in 1949, 63
H ead Wrightson and Co., Ltd., British
Iron and St eel Industry in 1949, 74;
Aluminium Bascule Bridge, (255) ;
Tensioned Sluice Gate, 427
H ead,
Engineering Workshops in 1949, 14
H eidenreich and H arbeck, Gear R obbing
Machine, 686
H elier Maschinenfabrik G.m.b.H., Hydraulically Operated Long Milling
Machine, 601 ; H ydra ulically Operated
Universal F oundry Saw, 601
H enderson, Sir James B., Obituary, 451
H enderson, J ohn M., and Co., Ltd.,
Cableway Rope Turning Gear, 177
H enschel and Sohn G.m.b.H., 90-seat
" Bimot-Bus," 687
H erbert,
Mandrel, 516
Heyligenstaedt and Co., F ace Plat e
L athe, 661
Hilger and Watts, Ltd., Toolroom
Machine, 663
Hobbs, Aubrey Thomas, Obituarv, 89
H olcroft, H ., Cab Arrangemln t for
Standard B .R. Locomotives, 53
Holland and H annen a nd Cubitts, L td.,
Civil Engineering in 1949, 77
H olloway Brothers, Ltd., Civil Engineering Works in 1949, 77
Hollyer, G. J., Obituary, 463
H oist and Co., Ltd., Civil Engineering in
1949, 77
H oover, Ltd., Fractional H orsepower
Motor, 369
Hopkinsons, L td., Torsion Bar Safety
Valves, 745
H owarth, R. and T. , Bridge Over the
River Tame, 582
H owden, J ames, Ltd., S.S. "Brighton,"
Hunslet Engine Co., Ltd., Narrow-Gauge
Diesel Locomotive, l OO
H yroatic Engineering Co., L td., Mobile
Air Compressor, 624
I MPERI AL Chemical Industries, L td.,
Salt-Bath F urnace and Quenching
Tank, 558
I nternational Combustion, Ltd. , GeneralPurpose Wat er-T ube Boiler, 91 ; Vierfontein P ower Station, 327 ; Boiler
Unit for Portobello Station; Continuous Centrifuge, 524
I nternational Ma rine Radio Co., Ltd. ,
Radio-Telephone System for Lake
Nyasa, (71 )
Iraq P etr oleum Co., Ltd., Engineering
Workshops in 1949, 14 ; Water-Tube
Boiler for a Distillation Plant, 340;
" Mighty Antar " Oil-Field Tractors
and Trailers. 498, 568
I.T.D., Ltd., Battery-Operated Fork Lift
Truck, 679
.JACKSON, J., The Testing of Mechanical
Draught Water-Cooling Towers, 140 ;
Mechanical Draught Cooling Towers,
Jeffes, J. H . E., Thermodynamic Background of Iron and Steelmaking
P rocesses, 598
Jennings, R. F ., Blast-Furnace Gas
Cleaning, 624
J essop, William, and Sons, Ltd., P ermanent Magnets, (103)
Johnson, C. H. (Machinery) Ltd., Mobile
Conveyor, 589
J ones, Sidney G., Ltd., Copying Lathe
Demonstration, (255)
J ones, I. .J ., Obituary, 335
KASZ, F ., H ot R olling of Aluminium and
its Alloys, 4 71
K earns, H . W. , and Co., Ltd., Toolroom
Boring Machine, 663
K elvin and Hughes (I ndustrial) Ltd.,
Recorder ;
" Transflux "
Element, 397
K ennedy a nd Donkin, Civil Engineering
in 1949, 49
Kent E lectric P ower Co., Ltd., Electrical
E ngineering in 1949, 46
Kershaw, G. B., and K aufma n, Bridge
Over the River Tame, 582
Kieserling and Albrecht., Centreless Bar
Turning Machine : Eccentric Press
with Automatic Feed, 660
King, W. D., Productivity in British
I ndustry, Consequences of Simplification, 756
Kirkst all Forge, Ltd., " Mighty Antar "
Oil-Field Tractors and Trailers, 542
Kitchen and Wade, L td., Duplex Con necting Rod Drilling Machine, 159 ;
Special Drilling Machine, 691
K o, T., Grain-Boundary P henomena in
Severely H eated Steel, 565
K olb,
Hermann. ,
R adial
Machines, 662
K ollmann Machinenbau G.m.b.H., Piano
Milling Machine, 660
L AMSON Engineering Co., Ltd., " Skate
Wheel " Gravity Conveyor, 731
Lancashire Dynamo and Crypto, Ltd.,
Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering
in 1949, 63 ; E lectrical Engineering in
1949, 81 ; Gas Turbines in 1949, 84 ;
S.S. " Brighton," 71 2
L ancashire Electric P ower Co., Ltd.,
El'=lctrical Engineering in 1949, 46
Lansing Bagnall, Ltd., P edestrianControlled F ork Lift Truck, 731
Lapoint Machine Tool Co., L td., Tool
Supports for H orizontal Broaching
Machines, 280; Broach F actory, 709
Laporte, B., Ltd., Mobile Fuel Efficiency
Testing Unit, 294
Laoorte Chemicals, L td., Mobile Fuel
Efficiency Testing Unit, 294
Lapworth, H erbert, . Partners, Civil
Engineering in 1949, 29
Laurence Scott and Electromotors, Ltd.,
Shipbuilding a nd Marine Engineering
in 1949, 63
Lavender a nd McMillan, Ltd., Civil
Engineering in 1949, 77
Leech, K . H ., Opposition to Welsh P ower
Schemes, 603
Leedham, L. H., Future of the Steam
L ocomotive, 183
Levy, Lawrence, Retirement, (776)
Lewis and Duvivier, Civil Engineering in
1949, 77
Leyland Motors, Ltd., Buses with UnderFloor Engines, 114 ; " R oyal Tiger "
Under-Floor Bus Chassis, 546 ; SingleDeck Diesel-Engined Buses, (765)
Lindblad, Anders F. , Further Experiments with Models of High-Speed
Ships, 454
Liptak Furnace Arches, Ltd., WaterTube Boiler for a Distillation P lant, 340
Li\esey and H enderson, Shipbuilding
and Marine Engineering in 1949, 91
L loyds Register, Shipbuilding Returns,
123, 507; Annual Summary for 1949,
272 ; Statistical Notes, 287 ; Revised
Rules, 302 ; Wreck Returns, (315) ;
The Registro Italiano Navale, Agreement, (668) ; Special Meeting, (776)
Lobley, A. Glynne, Obituary, (136)
Lobnitz and Co., Ltd., Shipbuilding and
Marine Engineering in 1949, 91
Loc '1 Sloy, P ower Production, 317
Loewy Engineering Co., Ltd., Large
Scrap-Baling Plant, 309
Londex, Ltd., Remote Flow I ndicator,
London Midland Region, (British Railways) : Track Laying, (345)
London Transport, Conductor Rail
Gauging Trolley, 280; Fluorescent
Lighting Circuits in London Transport
Cars, 311 ; Safety Working on Permanent Way, (375) ; New Appointments, 619
Lu cas. Joseph, (Gas Turbine Equipment)
Ltd., Gas Turbines in 1949. 84
Lynch, Will, The L oss of H .M. Subma rine
" T ruculent," 123
Lysaght's, J ohn, Bristol Works, Ltd. ,
British Iron and St eel Industry in
1949, 61
Lysaght 's, John, Scunthrope Works, Ltd.,
British Iron and Steel Industry in
1949, 61
MACDONALD, F . A., and P artners,
Glasgow Water Supply, 503
MacNa mara, A. W. , Ltd. , Automatic
Wire-Forming Machine ; Wire a nd
Strip-Forming Machine ;
Plate Wire-F orming Machine, 526
Manadon House, Naval Engineering
Training, 235, 275
Marchant, E . W., H on. Membership of
I .E.E., 73
Marconi International Marine Communication Co., Ltd., Reconditioning
of the " Empress of Scotland," 576
Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd.,
Ma rconi Training and Marconi College,
(103) ; Broadcasting Transmitter for
Denmark, (112) ; Cameras for the
B.B.C., (179) ; V.H.F. R adio T eleph one Link in the F aroes, 195
Margolis, A. E., District Heating and its
Applica.t ion t o the New Towns, 330, 371
Marion Steam Shovel Co., Electrically
Operat ed Walking Dragline, 355
Martin, F rank A., J?roductivity in British
I ndustry, 258
Massey, H . F., Obituary, (642)
Ma.s sey Ha rris, Ltd., Engineering Workshops in 1949, 42
Mavour and Coulson, Ltd., Engineering
Workshops in 1949, 42 ; Belt Conveyor Driving Gear, 703
McAlpine, Sir Rober t, and Sons (London)
Reser voir, 428
McCall and Co. (Sheffield) Ltd., Development in Prestressed Concrete, 475
Mcl nnes, A., Gardner and P artners,
T.S.S. "Chusan," 743
McLaren, J . and H ., Ltd., Single
Cylinder, Cold-Starting, H orizontal,
F our-Cycle C.I. Engine, 528
McLeod, R obert J ames, Obituary, 17
Meadows, Henry, Ltd., 180 B.H.P. Oil
Engine, fi29
Merritt, H. E., Simplification Creates
New Problems for T op-Management,
Mer z and McLellan. Civil Engineering in
1949, 49 ; Cliff Quay Generating
Station, 689
Metal Industries (Salvage) Ltd., British
Shipbuilding Research Association,
105; Last Voyage of the" Aquitania,"
Metallisation, Lt d., Engineering Work·shops in 1949, 42
Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer British Studios,
Ltd., Electrical P ower Plant for a Film
Studio, 636
Metropolitan Cammell Weyroann Bodies,
Ltd., Buses with Under-Floor E ngines,
Metropolitan· Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd.,
E ngineering Workshops in 1949, 14;
Naval Construction in 1949, 21 ; Gas
Turbines in 1949, 84 ; H eavy-Duty
Weatherproof Floodlight Projector,
(103); Gas Turbine for Oilfield Ser vice,
188 ; Diesel-Electric I nstallation of
" Electric Star," 278; Vierfontein
P ower Station, 327 ; Simplified P errneameter for Magnet Steels ; Mass
411 ;
Spectrometer ,
Meter-Testing Equipment, 559; British
R ailways Gas Turbine Locomotive
No. 18,000, 608; Electromagnetic I sotope Separator at H arwell, (720) ;
Summer School; (750)
Metropolitan Water Board, Works in
Progress and Constructed During 1949,
127 ; Superchlorination, 396 ; Construction of Walton R eservoir, 428;
New Slow-Sand Filter Beds at Waltonon-Thames, 697
M'Ewen, E wen, Agricultural Engineering
R esearch, 711
Miller I nsulation, Ltd., S.S. " Brighton,"
Milner, H. L., Recent Developments of
the Mechanism of the H vdraulic
Variable-Pitch Aircraft P ropeller, 476
Mining Engineering Co .. Ltd., Face Conveyor Driving Unit, 189
Figures in Brackets ( ) refe r to paragraphs
Mirrlees, Bickerton a nd Day, L td.,
Sixteen-Cylinder Oil Engine, 218
Mirrlees-Watson Co., Ltd., Coke Stoker,
Mitchell Engineering, Ltd., Coal P reparation Plant, 680
Mitchell, J a mes, Sidney Gilchrist Thomas,
Mono Pumps, Ltd., S.S. " Brighton," 712
Moore, N. P. W., Sweat Cooling, 230
Morgan Crucible Co., Ltd., " The AllCarbon Blast Furnace," (776)
Morgan, Guy, and Partners, Electrical
P ower Plant for a Film Studio, 636
Morris, D. P ., Application of X-Ray
Methods to the Determination of Phase
Boundaries in Metallurgical Equilibrium Diagrams, 533
Morton and ·weaver, Small Marine
Reverse Gear, 269
1\Iott, Hay a nd Anderson, Civil Engineering in 1949, 77
Mouchel, L. G., and P artners, Lt d.,
Bridge Over the River Tame, 582
Muirhead and Co., Lt d., Exhibition of
Facsimile Com munication Equipment,
Mullard Electronic Products, Ltd.,
I nstrument for Conductance Measurements, 419 ; I mproved Production
Methods for Television C.R. Tubes, 482
Muscroft, E. B., Obitua ry, (315)
NASH , G. H . Obituary, 437
Nash, J. E., Obitua ry, (345)
National Coal Board, Continuous ~fining
Machine, 100 ; Northern Divisiona l
Coal Board, (103) ; Colliery Reconstruction Schemes, 105; University
Scholarships, 254; R esearch Appointment, 463; Pithead P ower Plant in
Germany and H olland, 753
National Physical L aboratory, Jubilee,
Nelson, Sir George, P resident of the
B.E.A.M.A., 539
Nelson, H. G., Education and Training in
Engineering Management, 578
New Conveyor Co., Ltd., Troughing
Idler, 679
New Zealand Shipping Co., Ltd., Shipbuilding a nd Marine Engineering in
1949, 7 ; Cadet Ship, (776)
Newall, A. P. Obitua ry, 243
Newalls, Ltd., T.S.S. "Chusan," 768
Newalls Insulation Co., L td., P a metrada
Resear ch Station, 714
Newton Chambers and Co., Ltd., Engineering Workshops in 1949, 14 ; British
Iron and Steel I ndustry in 1949, 61
Newton Victor, Ltd., Engineering Workshops in 1949, 14 ; Manufacture of
Fusion Welded Pressure Vessels, 385 ;
" Rayma x " Crystallographic X-Ray
Unit, 412
Niven, A. M., Obitua ry, (71)
Nock, 0. S., P resent-Day Locomotive
Working, 53; L ocomotive Practice
and Performance in the T wentieth
Century, 363
N.O.R., Ltd., Engineering Workshops in
1949, 14
Norris Warming Co., Ltd., Shipbuilding
and Marine Engineering in 1949, 63
North British L ocomotove Co. (Africa)
Ltd., Manufacture of Locomotives, 163
North of Scotland H ydro Electric Board,
Civil E ngineering in 1949, 77 ; The
Orkney Windmill and Wind P ower in
Scotla nd, 106 ; Tunnels, 296 ; P ower
Production at Loch Sloy, 317 ; Clunie
Power Station on Load, 437 ; ·Linking
Aberdeen and Dundee Electricity
Supplies, (460)
Nutting, J ., Detection of Overheating
and Burning in teel by Microscopical
Methods, 565 ; Overheating and Burning of Steel, 565
Norton, Sir James Farmer, and Co., Ltd.,
Wiredra,ving and trip Rolling Plant,
Nyasaland Ra ilways. Ltd., hipbuilding
and Ma rine Engineering in 1949, 91
OHLER, J. F., Cold. 'aws: 662
Oliphant, M. L., Industrial Application
of Atomic Energy, 303, 323
Ord. Lewis, (' ., A mcrioan I nclustt·ial
Advire, 638
Ou tram, F. C., Obituary, (720)
Ovo Arup and P artnorH, ('ivil Engineering in 1949, 77
Owcn, K A., Application of X -Ray
Mctho<IH to tho DoLor·mination of
PhaRe Boundaries in Metallurgical
Equilibrium Diagrams, !5:33
PAMETRA DA , C.: as Turbint>s in l 049,
124 ; Resrarch Station, 714
Parker, E. B., Railway Rails, 213
Parker, li'rederick, Ltd. , " Muni-Giant "
ConcrcLe Mixer; Mobile " Rocksizo•· "
Gru~Jh ing Plan L, 5!56
P arsonR, C. A., and Co., Ltd., Manufacture of High -Pressure Pipowork for
Boilers, (33) ; Electri cal l!:ngineoring
in 1949, 46, 81; Gas Turbines in 1949,
Paterson Engineering Co., Ltd., MetropoULan Water Board WorluJ in ProgresH
and Constructed During 1949, 127
Peattio, .J. D., Operation of B.E.A. 1 'team
Generating 'tations, 763
Peoblcs, Brucc, Ltd., Electrical Engineering in 1949, 81 ; Generator •rranRformers for Portobello Power Station,
Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., Troopship " Empire Fowcy,"
486 ; 'l'.S.S. "Chusan." (616), 705,
743, 768
Pcrkins, F., Ltd., Diesel Engine Works,
Perl Controls, Ltd., Magnetic Gas
Valve, 623
P erry Engineering Co., Ltd., Cablcway
Rope Turning Gear, 177
Peter Brotherhood, Ltd., 1 'hipbuiJding
and Marino Engineering in 1949, 63 ;
S.S. " Brighton," 712
P etrochemicals, Ltd., Engineering Workshops in 1949, 14
P otters, Ltd., Works Standardisation
Scheme, 683
Piacenza Bridge Over the P o, Italy,
Reconstruction, 193
PickerRgiJl, Wm ., and Sons, Ltd., Naval
Gonstruction in 1949, 21
Plessoy Co., Ltd ., Concentric Plugs and
Sockets, (103) ; Soldorless Wiring
Connections, 132 ; " Breeze" HeavyDuty Plug and
'ocket, (345) ;
lnduatr·ial Range of Hydraulic Pumps,
Pnoulec, Ltd., J arr Squeeze
Machine, 558
P ort Line, Ltd., Shipbuilcling and Marino
Engineering in 1949, 7, 63
P ou ltney, E. C., Cburohward, 452
Powel Duffryn Carbon Products, Ltd .,
New Industrial Carbon, 329
Power Flexible Tubing Co., Ltd., Bellows
Expansion .Joint, 514
P ower Gas Corporation, Ltd., Hydrogenation of I?atty Oils and Fats, 442
Power J acks, Ltd., Newton " Hydratruck "; Hydraulic .J ack and Pump,
Prcocc, A., Detection of Overheating and
Burning in Steel by Microfwopical
Meth ods, 565 ; Overheating and Burn ing of Steel, 565
PulUn , V. E ., Inspection by Radon of
Largo High-Pressure Vessels, 262
Purves, Colonel Sir Thomas F ortu ne,
Obituary, 182
PyC', W. G., and Co., Ltd ., Combined
Pi rani and J onisation Gauge, 341
Pyrenr Co.,
Ruat- Removing
Ho Iu tion, (328)
QUASI-ARC Go., Ltd ., Pressure
Welding l~ Jcctrod o, (:301)
Vos~w l
RABOMA Maschinenfabrik., Rad ial Drill,
Rachingor, W. A., Mc(·hnniRm of Defor mation in Metals wit.h Special Refer once t o Creep, G34
R adio Gramophone Developm ent Co.,
Ltd., Marine V.H.F. Radio at Mersey
Docks and H arbour, 707
Radiovisor Parent, Ltd., P hoto- Electric
PrcsR Guard, 160
Ra.dloy, W. G., Telephone and Telegra ph
Transmission and the Work of
Hoaviaide, 613, 639, 6(;4
Railway l~xocuti ve, BritiHh Railways'
MoLor-Car Ct\rrior, (I :313) ; WeedKilling 1'rains, (345)
Raleigh l ncluHtrics, Ltd., Cycles Through
the Ages, (7 1)
Ranaomos, Hims and J <;ff<>rieR, Ltd.,
Engineering Workshops in 1949, 14
Rawlplug Co., Ltd., " Rawloop8,'' 591
Read, C. M., Obituary, (520)
Rcdfern, H . G., Obituary, 405
Rcdmayne, Sir R1chard A. f:l., Coal in
l !l49, 12, 58
]~oovo, C. W., Proclucti vity in British
Industry, (Letter, 273)
Roid , W. D ., Obituary, (720)
Rondel, P almor and Trit ton, Engineering
Workshops in 1949, 14 ; Civil Engincm·ing in J949, 77
H.oy rollo, A., and Co. , Ltd., Electrical
J~ngincering in 1949, 108; " MonoBias " Busbar Zone Protoction, 305 ;
Vicrfon tein P ower Station, 327; ·:33kV
Outdoor Oil Circuit Breaker, 623
R.F. D. Co., Ltd., I ndustrial Goggl 8, 99
Rh odesian Alloys, Ltd., Metallurgical
Plant in S. Rhodesia, (520)
Richards, W. G., Obituary, (750)
Richards, W., and Sons, Ltd., Chart of
Iron and Stool Prices, (315)
Richardson, ]". 0 ., Thermodynamic
Backgr ound of Iron and Stoolmaking
Processes, 598
Richfiold, Thos., and Son, Ltd., The
Conimotor, 341
Ro borts, C. W ., Rolling of Zinc and
Zinc-Rich Alloys, 496
Roberts, D. F. T., Note on the Over heating of Stool, 565
Roberts, E. R. B., Rai lway Motive
Power, 213
Robinson, A., and Co., Ltd., DieselElectric I nstallation of " Elcctdo
~ tar, " 278
Rookwell Machine Tool Co., Ltd. , Largo
Surface Grinding Machine, 160
Roe, A. V. , Canada, Ltd., Aeronautics in
1949, 65
R ollason, E. C., Note on the Overheating
of Steel, 565
RoJJs-Royce, Ltd., Gas Turbines in 1949,
Ross, Donald, and Partnor·s, Ltd.,
Welding J ig, 279
Round Oak Steel Works, Ltd., British
Iron and Steel ] ndustry in 1949, 61
Rover Co., " Mighty An ta.t· " Oil-Field
TractorB, and Trailers, 611
R owatt, Thomas, Obituary, 479
R oyal Dutch P etroleum Co., Diamond
J u bileo, (776)
Royal Mail Lines, Ltd., Shipbuilding and
Marine Engineering in 1949, 7
Ruddle, R W., EfTect of Grain Size on
the Tensile Properties of High-Strength
Cast Aluminium Alloys, 441
Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., Gal'! 'f'urbines
in 1049, 84, L24; Diesel-l"i;lectric
'hunting Locomotive, 174 ; New
Mechanised I ronfoundry, 205, 233
SAHI-LtJNDI Development, 'outhern
Rh odesia, 150
Safm A.rino, Ltd., Now Service, 645
Halford Electric Lnstrumonts, Ltd.,
Photo-Electric Tom poraturc McaAuromont in thC' Glass I ndu!!try, 290;
Link-Testing Wattmeter, 445
SaliBbury China Co., Ltd., Large Electric
P ottery 1<iln, 400
~aycrs, Henry Mannington, Obitu ary, I
l':>chcuor, K , Modern Billet CMting, 440
Hcot.t, WiJliam Lcslio, Obituary, 153
Hcottish Region, ( British Railwayl'!),
Report on Train li'it·c, 317 ; Modern
Control Telephon e f:lyRtem at Burntisland, (371))
1 'cott 'H
1 'hipbuilding
ar1 d Engineering
0o., Ltd ., Naval Construction in
I 049, 2 1
Hcrivonor, Arthur, Ltd., Crush Forming
Contrcloss Grinder Whl'c·ls, 449
Heed, T . A., l>twid and Rollcrt Mushot, 90
Holf-Changing Gear Co., Ltd., Gas
Turbines, in 1949, 84
Shnw , An no G., l~' ull Application of
Motion Study, 388
Sha w Savill
nnd Albion Co., Ltd.,
Ji~xhibition Ship for 1951 F estival, (584)
Shawinigan Wntrr nncl Power Co., Programme, 313
Shell Caribbean Petroleum Co., L td.,
H igh-Speed Launches for V cnezur la,
Shell P etroleum Co., Ltd., Gas Turbine
for Oilfi eld f.icrvic·c, 188 ; Mobile Oil
Well 1 'cr vici ng Unit, 2 19 ; Chemical
Jncl us try Ma.Mgement, (642) ; Oilfield
Communi cations, (642) ; f.i holl Haven
Refin ery Developments, 657
1 'her burn,
H ., Productivity in British
Industry, Consequences of Simplifi cation, 756
'howell, D. W. Dugard, H ot Working of
rl'in Bronzes, 496
'iomena Electric Lamps nncl SupplieR,
Ltd., Arc I nitiation Under High
Pressure, 447
~· iom cnf! '<'huckC'rt (Groat Britain) L tcl.,
Flameproof Electric OriiJing Machine
for Mines, 3U
Sim on-Carvcs, Ltd., " Steam P ower
Plant," (35)
SimonR, Wm., and Co., Ltd., Shipbuilding
and Marine Rnginocring in 1949, 91
'kofk o Ball Bearing Co., Ltd., F ort ieth
Anniversary, (430)
Skinningrove Iron Co., Ltd. , British Iron
and Steel Industry in 1949, 74
Slack and P arr, Ltd., Variable Pi tch
Propeller, 591
Smith ,
l~x trusi on
Aluminiun Alloyl'!, 47 1
Smith , 'l'homM, a.nd Son (Rodley) Ltd.,
DiesC'l-Eioctri c 'hunting Crane, !)88
Spear, Peter, Organisation and Work of
the B.~ •.A. Group Machinability RoRearch Laboratory, 352, 401
Sponcor-Bonccourt, L td., Gfl.s Turbines
in 1949, 68
Sperry Gyroscope Co., Ltd., Plant
Extension, (473);
Vessel, (642)
Spillingwerk., T wo-Cylinder 50 B.H.P.
Steam F.n~in o, 687
Spooner Dry<'r and Engincer.ing Co., L td.,
Dryer for Machin e Glazing Cylinders,
Machine, 686
Standard Teleph ones and Cables, Ltd .,
Electri cal Engineering in 1949, 108 ;
Dual-Station Ht>n.ting Equipment, 219 ;
Telev ision Transmitter Equipment,
(315) ; 400kV D.C. Testing Equipment, 649; Cheater's New Automatic
Teleph one 1 'yRtem, (668)
Stanier, Sir William , Now Appointtnont,
Star F erry Co., Diesel-Electric Installation of " Elrctric tar," 278
Startrite Engineering Go., Ltd., P etrol
Engine-Dri ven Bandsaw, (584)
Steel Co. of Wales, Ltd ., British I ron and
Steel I ndustry in 1949, 74
Steph on , Alex., and Sons, Ltd., Naval
Construction in 1949, 21 ; Shipbuil ding
and Mari no Engineering in 1949, 63;
The Troopship " Empire Fowey," 481;
'tewart, Sir Froderick, Obituary, 334
Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., British Iron
and Storl Tn rlustry in 1049, 61 ; Profa bricated F ootbridge, 99 ; RofractorieR RcRCtll'Ch in the Open -Hearth
~ · teol I ndustry, 168
Stone, .J., and Co., Ltd., Works
Appronticc~:~h ip Scheme, ( 135) ; f.>.H.
" Brighton," 7 12
SLoodley, Cecil Charles William, Obituary
Stordy Engineering, Ltd ., Continuous
Annealing Fuma.ro for Aluminium
'hoots, 190
Stringer, .J., BIMt.-Furnnco C:ns Cleani ng,
'ucz Cann.l Co., Hnoz Auxiliary Canal,
101 ; Report for 1949, 723
Sulzor BrothC'rR, GaH 'rurbines in 1949,
I 24 ; DieRei-I<;Icctrio Locomoti ve for
•'outh Amer·ica, 432
Hu mmers, .John, ancl Sons, Ltd ., ~ h o<'t­
Annealing Fumace-Charging Mn.chino,
Hun vic ControlA, Ltd., P anel-Mounted
HoL- Wiro Vacuum f.iwitcheR, (255)
Sussex f-i hiphuilding Co., Ltd ., Highf.i pced Launches for Venezuela, 548
Sutcliffe, Thom1111 Dcsmond, Obituary,
Swan, Hun tc·r and Wigham Ri chA.rdson,
Ltd., Naval Construction in 1949, 21 ;
Figures in Brackets ( ) refer to par.1graphs
ShipiJuilcling and Marino Engineering
in 1940, 63; 2H,OOO-ton Tanker
" Vc•lutina." 4:l7
TAFFH, .John, Retirement, 723
1~ay l or, .J ., The I nnuonce of Gns/Solid
Temperature DifTcrC'nce on Blast Furnace Operation, 599
Taylor, .John, and Sons, Civil Engineer ing in I 949, 29
'l'aylor, R. J ., Welsh P ower 'chomes, 633
Tt\ylor Woodrow (Building Exports),
Ltd., Lightweight Tropical R oof, (237)
Taylor Woodrow Conf!tructJon, Ltd.,
Civil Engineering in 1949, 77
Technicolor, LLd., GlaRS Bulb Rectifier
for Film Studio Lighting, 487
Tolofl ox Products, Ltd., Light Conveyor
Un it, 732
" Tho M~tc hini st, " Fiftieth Year of
Publication, 49:l
ThomaR, Richard, and Co., Ltd ., E lectronic Control of a Hteel .Mill Reel
Motor in 1940, 426
Thomal'!, Richard, and l3aldwins, Ltd .,
Refractories R esearch in the OpenHearth Steel Ind uAtry, 168
ThompRon Brotherfl (13ilston) Ltd ., Large
Welding Shop Extension, 5 15 ; Centri fu gal Machine, 648
Th ompson, .John, Water Tube Hoilors,
Ltd. , Metropolitan Water Board Works
in Progress and Cons truct ed During
1949, 127
'l'h ompson, .John, (Wolverhampton) L td,
Travelling Grate Stoker, 622
Thornycroft, J ohn I., and Co., L td.,
Naval Construction in 1949, 21;
Troopship " Empire OrwoU," 118
rrhurRton, Sir C.:oorge, Obituary, 153
Ti mms, C., Autographic Recording of
Errors in Gear R obbing Machine .
Tables, 251
Towler, F. H., Conversion of Existing
Presses to the Direct Hydraulic
System, 758
Transport Equipment ('l'hornycroft) L td.,
" Mtghty Antar" Oil -li'ield Tractors
and Trailers, 498, 542
Travaillou r, Maurice, Obituary, 555
Trofilories et Laminoirs du H avre,
Elootrical Engineering in 1949, 108
Tripp, U. W., S.S. " Brighton," 7l2;
T XS. " Amsterdam," 729
'J'rippo, U. 1~' . , Obi t uary, (345)
Tube In vestmontl'!, Ltd., Stainless Steel
in tho Dairy Industry, (1:35)
Tuplin , W . A., Epi cyclic Gear Effi cioncics,
90, 243 ; Locomotive Cylinder P ower,
17 J, 214; Gear-Tooth Stresses at Htgh
Speed, 342
Turn bull, J. S., Tho " Lost ' ¥ ax "
J?rocells of ProciHion Casting, 97
Turton, Gcorgc, Platts and Co., Lt<l .,
Pneumatic Buffer Stop, 745
UNI ON Castle Go., Motor Liner
" Blormfontoin Ca!ltlo," 448
United Htccl Corporation, Ltd., Electrically Oper ated Walking Oraglino, 355
VACUUM Oil Co., Ltd., Amalgamation,
3 9
Varlcy, P. 0., H ot Rolling of Aluminium
and its Alloys, 471
Vaughan Cr·ano Co., Ltd ., 5-ton Crane
Gntb, 73
Vaughnn, J . W., Productivity in .British
InduRtry, (Letter, 603)
Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., Largo Scrap Baling Plant, 309 ; Profit, Sharing,
(406); I mproved " Bedford " Truck
Engine, 431 ; E xtensions at tho
Works, 48:3
VenterR, .John, 'r ho 01'ltncy Windmill
and Wind J)ower in Hcotland, 106
Veroin igte Drehbank-l<'abrikon., Boebringct-Billoter Planer, 686
Vickor·s-A rmt!LrongR, Ltd., Shipbuilding
.and Marine Engineering in 1949, 7;
Nava l ConsLru cLion in 1949, 56 ; Aircraft De-I cing 'L'rials, J8G ; Modernisation Scheme at Elswick Works, 429;
T.1 ·.1 ·. " Chusan," 7013, 743, 768 ;
Liner " Oronsay," (750)
Vierfontein Power 'tation, 327
Villiers Engineering Co., Ltd ., Small
P etrol Engine Servicing Equipment,
Vincent, Charles, Productivity in British
Industry, 243
Vosper, Ltd., Firefloats, 36 ; RadioControlled Target Launch, 732
Grinder, 342
Vulcan Foundry, Ltd., Electrical Engineering in 1949, 108 ; Diesel- Electric
Locomotives for Tasmania, (750)
Gustav .,
H ydrau lically
Operated Mitre aw, 661
Wa kefield, C. C., a nd Co., Ltd., A Soluble
Oil, 100
Waldrich Coburg G.m.b.H., Hydraulically Operated Planing Machine, 1601
W alker Brothers (Wigan) Ltd ., Mobile
Diesel-Electric Crane, 690
Walklate, E. J., A New B last- l~'urnace
Stook-R od Gas-Seal, 625
Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Co.,
Ltd., Naval Construction in 1949, 21 ;
hipbuilding and Marine Engineering,
in 1949, 63; '. . "Brighton," 71 2;
Pametrada Research Station, 714
Waiter, Leo, Automatic Control of
Industrial Furnaces, 260, 292, 324, 351
Walterisation Co., Ltd., Rust Prevention, (225)
Waiters, B., Rolling of Zinc a nd ZincRich Allovs.
Ward, H. W., Ltd., 1'crew Cutting on
Turret Lathes, 311
Waring a nd Gillow, Ltd.,
"Chusan," 743
Watson, E. A., Windpo,ver, 1 3
Watts, Watts, a nd Co., Ltd., Shipbu1lding and Marine Engineering in 1949, 91
Weir, G. a nd J., Ltd ., l\la rine De- Oiler,
Wellbourn, D. B., Epicyclic Gear
Efficiencies, 213
Wellman 1'mith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., Sheet-Annealing Furnace-Charging Machine, 566
Wesscx I ndustries, Ltd., Motor Truck,
West, A., and Partners, Ltd., Model
Demonstrating the Difference between
" British 1st Angle " a nd " American
3rd Angle " Projection, 649
West, Alien, Ltd., Electrical P ower Plant
for ·a Film Studio, 636
Westdeutsche Mannesmannrohren Akteingesselschaft, Building a nd Derrick
Cranes; 6 7
We tern R egion, (British Railways), Gas
Turbine Locomotive No. 18,000, 60 ,
West's Gas Improvement Co. , Ltd., Gas
Turbines in 1949, 6
Westland Aircraft Co., First European
H elicopter ervice at B.I.F., (584)
Whipp a nd Bourne, Ltd., Electrical
P ower Plant for a Film tudio, 636 ;
T.1 .S. " Chusan," 768
White, B., Productivity in British
I ndustry, 198 ; (Letter, 273)
White, J. Samuel, and Co., Ltd., "Naval
Constmction in 1949, 21
White Marine Engineering Co., 1'.S.
" Brighton," 712
vVhiteley, H. J., Extension of the Ar1
Range with Carbide Forma tion in
Mild Steel Duo to High T emp erature
Treatment, 565
Whittle, Sir F., New Appointment, (520)
Wickman, A. C., Ltd., Spindle Locating
Attachment for Chucking Automatics,
1 6; crew Cuttin g on Turret Lathes,
Wiggins-Sankey, Ltd., Method of Moulding Small Ducts in Concrete, 1 9
Wild Garfield, Ltd., Standard Workhead
for R.F. H eating, 649
Wilkinson, R. G., Hot Working of
Magnesium and its Alloys, 471
Williams, A. E., Hydrogenation of F atty
Oils a nd Fats, 442, 468
Willia ms, Gertrude, L abour and the
E conomic Situation in 1949, 5, 44, 76
Williams, W. J., Iniiuence of Low P ercentages of Certain Elements on the
Microstructure of Pure I ron-Carbon
Alloys and Cast Irons, 598
\VilliamsoQ, J ames, and Partners, Civil
Engineering in '1949, 49
Williamson, Jas., and Sons, Ltd.,
Electrical Engineering in 1949, 81
Wilson, F. R aynar, Track Circuiting on
Railways, 273
Wilton Row Extensions, Ltd., Improved
Lubricating Pumps, 178
Windeler, George Edward, Obitua ry,
271 ; An Appreciation, 421
Winget, Ltd. , Boom-Type Trenching
Mac}tine, 557
Wingrdve and Rogers, Ltd., Low Lift
P allet Truck, 679,
Wiseman, Alfred, and Co., Ltd., Resilient
Gear, 592
Wolf Electric Tools, Ltd., Electric
oldering Iron, 218; P ortable Electric
Drill Kit, 514
Wolfe, K. J. B., Organisation and Work
of the B.S.A. Group Machinability
Research Laboratory, 352, 401
Wolstenholme, J. P. , Obituary, (91)
Wood, B., Temperature-Control Heat
D iagram for Cooling Tower Calculat ions, 337, 349 ; A Contribution to the
Theory of Natural Draught Cooling
Towers, 455
Wood, W. A., Mechanism of Deformation
in Metals with Special Reference to
Creep, 534
Woodburn, Rt. Hon. Arthur, M.P., Productivity in British Industry, 464
Woodfi eld H oist Co., Ltd., Mobile Oi l
Well Servicing Unit, 219
Woods of Colchester, Ltd ., Mobile Fan
Showroom, (373)
P olytechnic's
Jubilee, 428
Wrightson,, ir Guy, Obituary, 89
YARROW and Co., Ltd., Naval Construction in 1949, 21 ; Shipbuilding
and Marine Engineering in 1949, 91 ;
Propelling Machinery for Naval Ships,
Yorkshire Copper Co., S.1 . " Brighton,"
Yorksh ire Electric Transformer Co.,
Vierfontein Power 1 tation, 327
AERONAUTICS (continued):
Lla ndow Air Accident Inquiry, (520)
National Aeronautical Collection, (750)
Airport Landing Device, (434)
Rescues from Crashed Aircraft, 577
Airport Location Beacon, Chance
Rubber in Aircraft, (66 )
Brothers, Ltd., 525
Survival in Air Accidents, 684
Gatwick Airport, (71)
United Kingdomfi celand Air AgreeLondon Airport, (35)
ment, (683)
National Airport at Bellville, 253
Power Generators for Civil Airports AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY:
Agricultural Engineering Research,
Southampton Marine Airport, (375)
658, (Lett er 711)
Agricult.ural Machinery Trials, 152
Agricultural Scientists' Canadian Visit ,
Balliol Trainer Aircraft, (694)
" Brabazon " at London Airport, 723
French Agriculture, 195
"Canberra" J et Bomber Production,
French Tractor Production, 255
Potato H a rvesting Machinery Trials,
Recent Developments of the Mechanism
2 7
of the H ydraulic Variable-Pitch Aircraft Propeller, H. L. Milnor, 476
Russian Agricultural Machinery, 416
Aeronautics in 1949, 9, 65
A R etrospect, 18
Air-Conditioning Truck for Aircraft at
Aeronautics in 1949, 9, 65
Airports, 1'ir George Godfrey a nd
British Iron a nd 1'tee! Industry in
Partners, Ltd ., 501
1949, 61, 74
Air Disaster in 'outh Wales, Fairflight,
Civil Engineering in 1949, 29, 49, 77
Ltd., 317
Coal in 1949, 1'ir Richard A. S.
Aircraft De-I cing Trials, VickersRcdmayne, 12, 5
Armstrongs, Ltd., 185
Critical Review of Gas Turbine ProBritish South American Airways, (71)
gre s, 32, 40
Busk tudentship in Aeronautics, (460)
E lectrical Engineering in 1949, 46,
CanadairExpands, 223
8 1, 10
College of Aeronautical a nd Automobile Engineering, (41)
E ngineering Workshops in 1949, 14, 42
College of Aeronautics, (750)
Gas Turbines in 1949, 68, 84, 124, 157
Economics of the " Comet" Ail'craft,
Labour and the Economic 1'ituation in
1949, Gertrude Williams, 5, 44, 76
First European Helicopter 1'ervice at
1\letropolitan Water Board, Works in
.B.I.F., (5 4)
Progress and Constructed During
French Aircraft Industry, 3L3
1949, 127
Gliding Regulations Relaxed, (616)
Naval Construction in 1949, Raymond
Growth of Air Travel, 242
V. B. Blackman, 21, 56
India to Build Gliders, (460)
Navy's Problems and Progress in 1949,
International Civil Aviation Organisa2, 38
tion, (490)
X uclear Energy in 1949, :!4
K.L.M. Headquarters at the Hague
hipbuilcling and Marine Engineering
(Holland), I 93
in 1949, 7, 63, 91
Leak Detection in Aircraft Pneumatic
, 'om(.' Work on British Railways in
1'ystems, British Thomson- HouKton
1949, 26, 51
Co., Ltd., 132
SOCIETIES (continued):
Annual General Meeting, 207
Aluminium in Road Transport, 213
ASSOCIATION, ENGINEERING EQmPAnnual General Meeting, (530)
Formation, ( 165)
Annual Meeting, 512
Anniversary Festival, (325)
Meeting, 407
Luncheon, (460)
AssociATION, " FrnsBURY
New Scottish Laboratories, 555, 576
Meeting, 619
Annual Report, 484
F ilm on Locomotives, (375)
Annual Report, 619
Annual Luncheon, 377
Mechanics of Rolling, 535
Annual Report, 555
Steel Research, 377
R aw Materials 1 urvey, (379)
Annual Report, 555
Annual Meeting, (279)
Opening of Laboratory Extensions,
Annual Dinner and Reunion, 493
E lectricity and H eat Supplies from
P addle Steamer" Lucy Ashton," 105
Thermal Plant, (315)
Pre idency, (755)
Research and Development Division,
Third Annual Conference, (345)
1 lide Rule for Spot Welding, (315)
Open Days, (195)
Spot Welding of Low Carbon Mild
'teel Sheet, (139)
Annual Luncheon, 523
Di trict Heating and its Application
British Electrical Goods, 37
to the New To,vns, A. E. 1\Iargolis,
330, 371
Cold Weather Concreting, (225)
Election of President, (1 1)
1\Ionthly Bulletin, (460)
Bristol 1 ection. (653)
AssociATro~ OF CoN ULTING ENGINMeeting of Foremen and .'uperEERS:
visors. 254
Annual Dinner, 645
AssociATION, DIESEL ENorNE U:·nms':
Annual O(.'neral ~l<>cting, 4: 4, 540,
Annual Lun ch<'on, 493
564, 59 ' 624
Figures in Brackets ( ) refer to paragraphs
0 0 0
SOCIETIES (con t inutd):
Bin t-Furni\C'C Gas Cleaning : An
Analysis of Plant P erformance,
R. F. J cnning 624
Bin t-Furnace Gas Cleaning :
for Calculating the
Motions of Particles in a Gas,
,J. ,' t ringer, 624
Characteristics of crap in Relation
to Bulk Ha ndling, E. L . Diamond,
Detection of Overheating a nd Burn ing in , 'tcel by Microscopical
Methods, A. Preece and J.
N utting, 565
Engineers' Group, 395, (694)
Extension of the An Range with
Carbide F ormation in Mild , teel
Due to H igh Temperature Treatment, ,J. H. Whiteley, 565
Grain -Boundary
, everely H eated , ' teel, T. K o a nd
D. Han on. 565
I nfluence of Gas/ olid Temperature
Bla t -Fumace
Operation, J. Taylor, 599
Influen ce of Low P ercentage of
Certain E lements on the Microstructure of Pure I ron -Carbon
Alloys and Ca t I rons, W. J.
William 59
New Blas t-Furnace tock-Rod Gasea!, E. J. Walklate, 625
N ote on the Overheating of Steel,
E. C. R ollason and D. F. T.
R o bertsl 565
Overheating a nd Burning of • t eel,
A. Preece, J. Nutting and A.
H artley, 565
Proposals for the Modification of a
Bla t-Furnace T op to Give Controlled Burden Distribution, E. L.
Diamond, 625
Gilchrist Thoma-s, 572
Thermodynamic Backgrou nd of I ron
and Steelmakin g Processes, F. D .
R ichardson and J. H . E. Jetfes, 59
Management Conference, 583
Ann ufl-1 R eport, 4 5
Burning of Boiler Fuels in Marine
Die el Engines, 548
Dinner, 317
"The Chartered Marine Engineer,"
Annual General Meeting, 363, 424,
440, 471, 496, 533
Appli cat ion of X-Ray Methods to
the Determina tion of Phase
Boundaries in Metallurgical Equilibrium Diagrams, E. A. Owen
and D. P . Morris, 533
Effect of Grain ize on the T ensile
Properties of High Strength Cast
Aluminium Alloys, A. Cibula and
R. W. Ruddle, 441
Extrusion of Aluminium Alloys,
Chri top her mith, 4 71
Grain R efinemen t of Aluminium and
its Alloys by mall Additions of
Other Elements, Mvriam
Eborall, 441
H ot Forging a nd H ot 'tamping of
Alumi!liuro and its Alloys, F. E.
'tokold, 47 1
H ot Rolling of Alum inium and its
Alloys, F. K asz and P. C. Varley,
H ot Working of Copper a nd Copper
Alloys, Maurice Cook and Edwin
Davis, 496
H ot Working of Lead a nd Lead-Rich
Alloys, 496
H ot Working of Magnesium and its
Alloys, R. G. Wilkinson and F. A.
F ox,47 1
H ot \Vorking of Tin Bronzes, D. \Y.
Dugard , howell 496
~leehani m of Deformation in :\1etal
with Special R eferen e to Creep,
W. A. Wood and W. A. Rachinger,
Mechanism of Grain Refinement of
, 'and Casting:!! in Aluminium
Alloys, A. Cibula, 441
Modern Billet Ca~ti ng, E. cheuer,
&ecrystallisation of Single Crystals
Mter Plastic Bending, R. W.
Cabn, 535
(con ti nued ):
Rolling of Zinc ancl Zinc Rich Alloys,
C. W. Roberts ~tnd B. Wa iters, 496
Agreemen t with Briti h Institute of
Management, (123)
H on orary F ellowship, (510)
hale and C'annel Coal Con feren ce, 37
British J ournal of Applied Physics, 55
I ndustrial R ad iology Group, (776)
, t re s Ana lysis Group, (375)
Golden Jubilee Banquet, 167
BRITts rr
Annual R eport, 639
Annual Corporate Meeting, (345)
Annual General 1\Ieeting. 463
Civil Engineering in the Colonies,
(2 5)
" New Steelwork , P ort TalbotrPlanning and Design," W. S. A.
Atkins, 417 .
P ublic H ealth Engineering, 347
ome R ecen t Trends i n R ock
Tunnelling, 325
Tunnels for Scottis h Hydro-Electric
Schemes, 296
Acoustics of , tudios a nd Auditoria,
Annual Dinner, 257
Annua l R ep ort and Accounts, (575)
Electric Railway Traction , 366
Faraday Medal, 73
5 7
H eaviside Centenary,
H on. Membership for E. \V.
Marcha nt, 73
London tudents, (722)
Metering of Welding Load , 220
M.K. . or Giorgi, ;vstem of Units, 377
P hase- Boundary P otentials a nd
Their Sig nificance in Chemistry,
cottish Centre Jubilee R ecollections, 1900-1950, (345)
T elephone and T elegraph Transmission a nd th'e Work of H eaviside, W. G. R adley, 613, 639, 664
New Examination
ylla bus, (35)
I N-
" Associate " Class of Membership,
• (225)
Dinner, 541
Annual Dinner, (642)
Future Development
team Turbines, 431
Machinery for Merchant Vessels, 411
Annual General Meeting, (642)
H eat R equirements for Buildings,
Presiden ti~tl Add res<~, 1!)7
Annua l R ep ort of the Council, for
1949, 357
Applica tion vf Ga -Tarbine T ech nique to team P ower, J . F. Field .
2 1, 312
Clayton Fellowships for 1950, 167
Contribution to the Theory of
Xaturnl Draug ht Cooling T owers,
B. Wood and P. Rctt , 455
Ed ucation a nd Training in Engi neering Ma nagement, H. G. Xelson , 578
Full Application of Motion , 'tudy,
Anne G. haw, 3 '
Gear-T ooth , 'tre:::ses at H igh , p eed,
\V. A. Tuplin, 342
High-Temper~tture Gas Turbines, 156
H ydraulic Varia ble-Pitch P ropellers,
(cm t nued)
" Lo t \Y ax " Procc s of Precision
Boi ler
Explo ion
A b oard
Ca ting, J . • '. T u rn bull, 97
'' I nchcolm," (405)
Mechanical Engineering in t he MidBoiler Unit for P ortobello • tation.
lands, 1925-1950, F . Vincen t
International Combusti on, Ltd., 524
E"'erard, 746
General-Purpose Water-Tube Boiler
R ecent Developments ofth e MechanI nternational Combustion , Ltd., 91
ism of the H y draulic VariableManufacture of High-Pressure Pi pePitch Aircra ft Prop eller, H . L.
work for Boilers, C. A. P arsons a nd
Milner, 476
Co., Ltd., (33)
Simplification Creates New Problems
Wa ter -Tube Boiler for a Distillation
Top-Managem ent, H . E.
Plant, Fraser and Fraser, L td., 340
Merritt, 237
Simplification and Management, 246,
- 274
Accident at Battersea Bridge, 347
Some Consideration in t he P rovision
Aluminium B ascule Bridge, H ead
and Operation of ~tn Oversea
\Vrightson and Co., L td., (255)
:Ma il ervice, James Gray, ll2, 13
Aluminium Highway Bridge, Aluome Factors in the Use of H igh
minium Co. of Can ad a, Ltd., 234
Temperatures in Gas Turbines,
Au t ralian R oad Bridge D evelopmen t,
T. W. F. Brown, 161 , 191
uromer Meeting a t Birmingha m ,
Bridge Across the Orange River, 163
(Leading Article, 766)
BridgeOver theGange , Near P atna, 195
Bridge Over the River Tame, 5 2
E xaminations, ( 165)
Bridge R econstruction in Budap e t, 6 1
Britannia Tubular Bridge Centenary.
Gold Medal, (642)
Cologne-Deu tz Bridge, 32
J eu de Mail Highway Bridge, 666
Annual Dinner, 407
Piaccnza B ridge Over the River Po,
Annual Spring Meetings, 37 J, 4 10,
Italy, Reconstruction, 193
453, 4 72, 509
Prefa bricated Footbridge,
Further Experiments with Models' of
a nd Lloyds, L td., 99
High-Speed , hips, Anders F.
R econstruction of the Bridge Over the
Lindblad, 454
River P o at Mezzanacorti, 101
I mprovements in Mooring Anchors,
R econstruction ofR ailway Bridge, (460)
K. P . F arrell, 509
R ep lacing of Bridges on the East Coast
I n vestigations on Model Anchors,
Main Line, (255)
H. L. D ove, 509
N ew F orms for hips terns, Pierre
Carlotti, 453
Acid-Resisting High Silicon Iron Ca tNotes on tresses in Tanker Members, H . J. Adams, 1:72
ing ' 1
Aluminium and Aluminium Alloy
Shifting Boards for Ba llasted Cargo
Ingots and Alu minium Alloy CastVessels, R. A. Reattie, 472
ings for General Engineering PurThermal E xpansion E ffects in Composite hips, E. C. B. Corlett, 510
poses, 69
Aluminium Electrodes for Metal -Arc
Wa tts Prize, (2 3)
Welding, 705
I NSTI TUTION OF PROD UCTION ENGINAnodic Oxidation Finishes for AluEERS:
minium a nd Aluminium Alloys, 269
Annual Genera,) Meet in g, (460) .
Ball a nd R oller Bearing Plummer
Schofield Travel Scholarship A wards,
Blocks (General-Purpo e cr ies), 640
Bibliographical R eferencPS, 486
Brickwork Settings for Cylindrical
Induction of President, (71)
B oilers, 128
Cables and Flexible Cords for Electrical
Equipment of Ships, 223
Activities in 1949, 257
Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged
Fittings, Class 125, for the P etroleum
British Shipping, 5 7
I ndustry, and Cast Iron Pipe Fla nges
Industrial Application of Atomic
and Flanged Fittings, Class 250, for
Energy, :i\1. L. Oliphant, 303, 323
the P etroleu m Industry, 12
Cold -Drawn Seamless Low Carbon
R esearch Fund, (354)
t eel T ubes for H eat E xchangers a nd
Condensers for the P etroleum In ~OCJETY, ILLUMINATING E NGINEERING:
dustry; Cold-Drawn eamle s Alloy
Annual General Meeting, (694)
teel T ubes for H eat Exchangers and
, ummer Meeting at Bu xton , ~la y,
Condensers for
P etroleum
1950. (195)
Industry, 537
Com mentary on British
Welfare in Indu try, 344
Wrought En eries, 449
Con den ;ing Unit
for R efrigera tion
History of Engineering in I pswich
(2 5)
' MOT<E ABATECon version Factors a nd Table , 128
Copper Sheet and trip for R oofing a nd
"Coming of Age," 463
Other Building Purposes, 1
Dimensions for Stonewa re Pipes and
ummer Meeting, 683
P ip e Fittings for Ch emical Purposes.
F langed teel Plug Va lves for the
Exhibition, 397, 411
P etroleum I ndustry, 269
Fusion Welded P ressure Vessels for
Elections, (434)
U se in the Chemica l and Allied
lnd us tries, 269
Annual General Meeting, (642)
Glo ary of T erms Used in RefrigeraGarden P a rty, (195), 587
tion, 69
H and H a mmers, 299
F orage H a rvesting Machinery T ria l ,
l\lild "' teel Ca tings of High Magnetic
P ermeability, 537
I mplement Competition, (490)
Nickel and Nickel Alloy Tubes for
Opencast Mining, (345)
Genera l Purposes, 1
P otato Harvesting Machinery T r ials,
Numbering of Cylinders for Interna l
2 7
Corn bustion Engines, 223
Panel Type Air Filter Element , 188
" The cien ce of Weather," (403)
Press T ool ets, 1
R ating an d T esting of Open-Type ConAMERICAN:
densing Units for R efrigeration, 299
Annual Meeting, (490)
R eciprocating Internal Com bustion
Engines for Marine Auxilia.ry and
ATOMIC ENERGY-see N u clear Energy
L and Service, 299
Figu res in Brackets ( ) refer to paragnphs
Cold Weather Concreting, (225)
Concret e Mixer, , mall, Benford, L td.,
Concreting and Bricklaying in Cold
Weather, (361)
D evelopment in Prestressed Concrete,
Moulding mall Ducts in Concret e,
Wiggins-Sankey, Ltd., 189
" Muni-Giant"
Concret e
Frederick Pa.rker, Ltd., 556
Training Courses.in Concrete, (616)
Road Studs and Plates ( tainless
, teel), 223
afety Precautions in the Use of
Laboratory Chemicals for Metallurgical Analysis, 223
ilicon in Plain Ca.rbon Steels, LowAlloy teels, and Cast Irons, 223
• oft olders, 188
' tee! Butt-Welding Fittings for the
P etroleum Industry, 730
, tee! for Lanrl Boilers, Receivers and
Other Pressure Vessels, 610
, tee! Pipe Flanges a nd Flanged CONTINENTAL ENGINEERING NEWS:
Fittings for the P etroleum I ndustry,
Amsterdam-Rhine·Canal, 343
Antwerp H arbour Activity, 193
Terms and Definitions Used in pectroDrilling Survey in weden, 101
graphic Analysis. P art 1 : Emission
Eupen Dam, Belgium, Completion, 193
pectrography, 537
H ydraulic Works in P ortugal, 101
Tests for Water Used in Steam GeneraH ydro-Electric P ower in Switzerland,
tion, Group A Control Tests, 425
Underground Fire H ydrants and
Iron and Steel Production in Belgium
Dimensions of Surface Box Openand Luxem burg, 343
ings, 449
K .L.M. H eadquarters at the H ague
Valves, Gauges and Other Safety
(H olla nd), 193
Fittings for Air R eceivers a nd ComNuclear Chemistry I nstitute in , wed en,
pressed Air Installations, 4 6
Valves, Gauges and Other Sa.fety
Power Transmission in weden, 458
Fittings for Land Boilers InstallaPublic Works in Belgium, 458
tions, 730
Railway Electrification in Belgium, 101
Vegetable Oils, 705
Railway E lect rification in Ita1y, 458
Verification of Testing Machines, 513
Ra.iJway Electrification in U.S .. R., 343
Vernier Ca.llipers, 640
Reconstruction of the Bridge Over the
Vernier H eight Gauges, 640
River P o at Mezzanacorti, 101
Wrought Aluminium and Aluminium
R econstruction of the Piacenza Bridge
Wrought AluAlloys - T ubes.
Over the P o, I taly, 193
minium and Aluminium AlloysR ehabilitation of H ellenic State R ailWire.
Wrought Aluminium and
ways, 458
Aluminium Alloys- Bars, R ods and
R oine-Termini Station, Works at, 193
, ections, 610
Rotterdam, P ort of, 343
uez Auxiliary Canal, 101
Underground Railway at Lisbon
(Portugal), 101
Underground R a ilway at R ome, 101
Underground R ailway in Zurich, 458
Waterway Construction in Belgium,
Aluminium B ox Car, 486
CanadairExpands, 223
Irrigation Ca.nal E xperiment, 223
Model Refrigerator Car, 223
P ower Company's Programme, 313
Rayon Pulp ~fill, 223
Barrage Reservoirs in the Seine
Steel, 486
Basin, 518
ydney Docks, 223
Compensation Barrage on the River
Transmission Grid, 313
Rhone, 458
Eupen . Dam, Belgium, Completion,
193, 268
Grand Coulee Dam, 587
Amsterdam- Rhine Canal, 343
Hunyani Poort D am, 133
D ock and Canal Charges, (165)
Witbank D am, 187
Irrigation Canal Experiment, 223
Suez Auxiliary Canal, 101
Suez Canal, 723
Ant\verp H arbour Activity, 193
Cranes for the Port of H p. vre, 405
D eep Sea P ort at Iluka Northern
African Coal for Sweden, (158)
N.S.W., 718
Cleaner Coal, 407
Dock a nd Canal Charges, (165)
Coal Board's University ScholarFrench Ports, R econstruction of, 285
ships, 254
Labour R elationships in the London
ir Richard A. S.
Coal in 1949,
Docks, 583
R edmayne, 12, 58
L ondon Dock Strike, 519
Coal Mine for Power Station, 187
L ondon Docks Committee of Inquiry,
Coal Production, 34, 70, 194, 224, 314,
374, 551, 667
Marine V.H.F. Radio at Mersey D ocks
Colliery R econstruction Schemes, 105
and H arbour, 707
Electricity in Yorkshire Coalfields, 430
Mechanisation in U.K. P or ts, 655
European Control of Steel and Coal, 555
Mulberry Pierhead's New Role, 486
Franco-Saar Coal Production, 375
P ort Facilities at Bordeaux, P artial
French Coal Supplies, 135, 255, 375,
Restoration, 165
488, 582, 666
P ort of H elsingborg, (165)
Human R elations in the Coalmining
P ort of Liverpool Marine R adio, 671
Industry, 667
P ort of London, (165)
I nterdependence of the European Coal
P ort of R otterda m, 343
a.nd tee! Industries, 733
Sand Pipeline Across Durban H arJ oint Consultation for the Coke Oven
bour, 163
Industry, 254
Sunderland South Docks Centena ry,
National Coal Board R esearch Appoint753
ment, 463
Sydney Docks, 23
Oil , hale and Canoe! Coal Conferen ce, 37
Opencast Coal, (552)
Researches into the Uses of Coal, 407
Technical Education in the Coal
Industry, 164
A.C. Network Analyser Board, English
Electric Co., Ltd., 94
Air Blast Circuit Breaker, 165kV
Engineering and Utility SerYices, 552
3500 MV A, English Electric Co.,
H ot Water Supply, 460
Ltd., 527
Installation and Maintenance of Electrical Equipment, 253
Aluminium- heathed
Pressure Cable, British Insulated
Suspended Concrete Floors and Roofs,
Callender's Cables. Ltd., 486
Apparatus for , tu dying Parasitic
F orces in A.C. Meters, Electrical
R esearch Association, 413
.Arc I nitiation Under High Pressure,
iemens Electric Lamp 3 and, upplies
Ltd., 447
Arnbem Trolleybuses, (135)
Automatic Potentiometer R ecorder,
Elliott Brothers, Ltd., 397
Automatic Star-Delta Star ter, Brook
Motors, Ltd., 179
Berlin West Power Station, 96
" Breeze" H ee.vy Duty Plug and
·"' ocket, Ple sey Co., Ltd., (345)
British Electl'ical P ower Convention,
British Electricity- A R eview of Progress, 772
British E lectricity Authority, Courses
on Protective Gear, (535) ; Experimental High-Voltage Transmission
Line, 266 ; First R eport, 87 ;
Generating Plant Extensions, (668) ;
P ower Sta.tions, 697
British Electricity Bulk S upply Tariff,
Cable for Brisbane R iver Crossing, (195)
Cable-Laying Across the River Tamar,
Circulating Water System a nd Coal
Wharf at Brighton " B " Power
Station, 251
Cliff Quay Generating tation, 689,
(720) ; Contract ors, 692
Clunie P ower , tation on Load, 437
Coating Thickness Meter, East Lancashire Chemical Co., L td., 220
Concentric Plugs and Sockets, Plessey
Co., Ltd., (103)
Control Console for Walking D ragline,
Tbomson-H ouston
Ltd., 704
D ourges Thermal Generating Station,
Drakelow, New P ower Station, (460)
Dua l-Station R.F. Heating Equipment, Standard Telephones a nd
Cables, Ltd, 219
Electric Discharge Laboratory Lamps,
N. L. H arris, 143
Electric Power from Europe's Windmills, 493
Electric Solderjng Iron, Wolf Electric
Tools, Ltd., 218
Electric Traction Film, (304)
E lectrical Engineering in 1949, 46,
81, 108
Electrical Machine Analysis, 437
Electrical Power Plant for a Film
Studio, Crompton Parkinson, Ltd.,
Electrical R ecorder with 3-inch Chart,
Elliott Brothers, Ltd., 397
E lectrical R esistance Wire Strain
Gauges, H. Tinsley and Co., Ltd.,
Electrically Equipped Machinery for
Canada, (48)
Electrically Operated Walking D ragline, Marion Steam Shovel Co., 355
Electricite de Fra nce's Budget, 776
Electricite de F,ance, Credits, 405
Electricity a nd H eat Supplies from
Thermal Plant, (315)
Electricity in Mines, 684
E lectricity in Yorkshire Coalfields, 430
Electronic Control of a Steel Mill
R eel Motor in 1940, Richard Thomas
and Baldwins, L td., 426
Elimination of Precipitation from
Cooling Towers, (165)
E xport of Electrical Equipment to
Canada, 213
European P ower Supplies, 137
First Yea.r of Nationalised Electricity,
Flameproof Ligh ting Fitting, (71)
Fluorsecent Lamp and Circuit Test
et, General Electric Co., Ltd., 187
Fluor~cent Lighting Circuits in London Transport Cars, General Electric
Co., Ltd., 311
French Electricity Production, 165,
582, 750
Generating Plant for Egypt, C. J.
Driver, Ltd., (315)
Generating Plant Extensions, 237 (405)
Generating Plant Programme, 117
Generating Plant for , 'outh Africa,
General Electric Co., Ltd., (255)
Generator Transformers for P ortobello
P ower • tation, Bruce P eebles and
Co., Ltd., 129
Fig ures in Brackets ( ) refe r to parag raphs
Germanium Crystal Rectifiers, General
Electric Co., Ltd., 329
Gla nd P acking and Electrical I nsulating Ma teria l, Imperial Chem ica l
I ndustries, Ltd., 184
Gla.s s Bulb R ectifier for Film S tudio
Lighting, H ackbridge and Hewitic
Electric Co., Ltd., 487
Government D epa rtment Elect rical
Speciiication, (720)
H eavy-Duty Weatherproof Floodlight
Projector, .Metropolitan - Vickers
E lectrical Co., Ltd. , (103) .
Hig h Bay Factory Lig hting, British
Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., 190
High Speed Recorder, F erranti, Ltd.,
High-Torque , quirrel-Cage Motor,
General Electric Co., Ltd., 559
H oover Fractional H orsepower Motor,
Hoover, Ltd., 369
I ndia's Electric Lamp P roduction, (375)
Induction H eater, 5kW, Eng}jsh
Electriu Co., Ltd., 527
I nduction H eater, 25kW, Applied
High Frequency, Ltd., 651
" Industrial E lectric Motors," (520)
I nstrument for Conductance Measurements, Mullard Electronic Products,
Ltd. , 419
I nsulation Test Set, P ortable, British
Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., 445
I nsulation Tester, P ortable l OkV,
English Electric Co., Ltd., 581
Internationa l Conference on Large
Electric Syst ems, 753
Lectures on Industria.! Electronics,
Electrical I nstruments, L td., 445
Linking Aberdeen and D undee Electricity S upplies, (460)
Magnetic Field Strength Meter, General
Electric Co., R esearch Laboratories,
Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., 411
Miniature Neon I ndicators, General
Electric Co., Ltd. , (255)
Mobile Amplifier, I nexpensive, General
Electric Co., Ltd., (176)
Model H igh-Voltage D.C. Transmission System, 737
" Mono-Bias " Busbar Zone Protection, A. Reyrolle and Co., Ltd., 305
Operation of B.E.A. Steam Generating
t ations, J. D. Peattie, 763
Orkney Windmill and Wind Power in
Scotland, J ohn Venters, 106
Outdoor Oil Circuit Breaker, 33kV,
A. Reyrolle and Co., Ltd., 623
Outdoor Oil Circuit Breaker, 66kV,
Ferguson P ailin, Ltd., 588
Output Measurements on Large
Generators, 340
P anel-Mounted Hot-Wire Vacuum
Switches, Sunvic Controls, L td., (255)
P er?lear;neter For Magnet Steels,
E lectrical Co., Ltd., 411
-Photo-Electric Temperature Measurement in the Glass I ndustry, 0.
Adams, 290
Pipe- ~ine Compression Cables, (720)
P lasttc Preheater , 2k\'\T H .F., Genera l
E lectric Co., Ltd., 1 7
Power Station for Lancashire, (616)
P ower Transmission in weden, 458
Pressure Cable, 220kV, Installation in
Fra nce, British Insulated Callender's
Cables, Ltd., 709
P ortable
High- peed
Electronic Instruments, Ltd. , 5H~
R adiation Monitor, E. K. Cole, Ltd., 592
R adioactive Thickness Gauge, E. K.
Cole, Ltd., 446
" R aymax" Cryst a llographic X-Ray
Unit, Newton Victor, Ltd., 412
R egulations for the Electrical Equipment of Buildings, 546
Rural Electrification in Northern Ireland, (642)
candinavian Power cheme, (203)
ingle-Channel Stra.in R ecorder, K elvin
and Hughes (Industrial) Ltd., 398
ingle-Phase Me~er-Te~ting Equipment, Metropolitan-V tckers Electrical Co., Ltd., 559
Solderless Wiring Connections, P lessey
Co., Ltd. , 132
Southern_ R:hodesian Electricity Supply
Comrrusston Report, 253
EXHIBITIONS (continued)
(ron tiri!Ued)
Phyt!ical Society's E xhibition, 397,
f'pcrd I ndicator Genera tor, Elliott
R ailway Electrifi cation , 165, 405, 432
411 , 444
Brothen (L ondon ) Ltd. , 530
R a ilway R olling Htook, 16!5, 488, 640
Plastics Exhibition, (345)
Rtanchtrd WorkhNtcl for R.F. H eating,
R efrigeration Equipment, 692
R ailway Civil Engineering Exhibition,
Wild Barfielcl, Ltd., 649
R efrigeration Re~earc h and T est
(616), 664
, 'witchgcar Unit, 11 kV, 250MVA,
Htation, 582
R esearch a nd Producti on, (165)
Crompton Parkinson, Ltd ., 528
R onault 4 H.P. Car, 255: 12- 14 H.P .
l~ottc r·dam H ar·bour' E x hibi tion, (668)
Tap Cha nger, Crompton P a rkinson,
Models, 6 14
1 'afety at Sea" E xhibition, (552)
Ltd., 52
Repor·t on the Condition of Now Works
, 'eventoenth National R adio E xhibiT esting Equipmen t, 400kV D.C.,
Undertaken by the Nationalised
tion, (255)
Standard T elcphonrs and Cables,
I ndus tries, 35
Utrecht Spring F air, 167
Ltd ., 649
R esearch by the Gas de France
Weld ing Research a nd Production
Thermal Gonrrating Plant in Fra nce,
L aboratories, 375
E x hil,ition, 175
R eview of Mining Activity in 1949, 666
T otally EncloAed Fan Cooled Motor,
Ri ver R hone Compensation Ba rrage,
Briti~ h Thomson -H ous ton Co., Ltd.,
65 1
R olling Mills at the Neunkircher
" Transrlux "
E i.'len work, 614
K elvin
a nd
R olling Stock R eplacemen t in Fren ch
(Industrial) Ltd., :398
Agri cultura l Development, 195
West Afri ca, 3 15
Trans mission 1'est Set, General Electric
Agricultural Mach iner·y Salon, 345
Saar Mines, 614
Co., R esearch L a boratories, 412
Aircraft Industry, 315
1 'aint-Amand Ceramic Industry, 776
T ransmitter for T ank Contents Ga•1go,
American Equipment for Automobile,
S t. Etienne I ndus try, 750
Evershecl a nd Vignolcs, Ltd., 398
P ower and Oil Production, 640
" Samson Stripper " in the Nord and
" 'l'rimode "Controller, E lliottBrothers
Approach Cha nnel at the P ort of
P as de Cala is Mines, 285
(London) Ltd., 52!)
Sfax, 71
, 'hip building Indus try, 692
Vierfontein P ower , 'tation, 327
Automobile Production, 35, 195, 285,
S hipbuilding Programme, 666
W elsh P ower Schemes, ():.Ctters, 575,
375, 692, 720
Sh ipbuildi ng at Saint-Nazaire, 255
603, 633)
Automobile Strikes, 3 15
Sift-Snecma Tractor, J 95
Windpower, E. A. Watson, 183
Barrage Reservoirs in the 1 'eine
S.N.C.F. Credits, 3 15, 614
Basin, 5 L8
S.N.C.F., Mercantile T onnage, 7 1
Cables for the French Post Office, 345
S.N.C.F. Programme for 1950, 285
Capacity of Priva te Generating Ins talAir-Cooled Oil Engine, 4 H .P .,
Sleeper S upplies, 488
la tions, 255
Coventry Motor Co., L td., 178
Steel Prod uction , 135, 194, 225, 375,
Car Tax in R elation to H orsepower, 345
" Bedford " Truck Rngine, I mproved,
432, 720
Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., 431
Steel R.esearch Ins titute, 776
Centre, 255
Sydney Gilc h ri~t Thomas, Centena ry,
B urning of Boiler Fuels in Marine
Chaix Quay, Casablanca P ort, 720
Diesel E ngines, 548
Cbott El Chergui H a rnessing, 432
Thermal Generating Plant, 776
Carding Engine , 'tarter, General
Coal I mports, 375
Tidal P ower, 225
Elect ric Co., L td., 559
Coal Supplies, 135; 255, 375, 488, 582 ·
Tignes River Harnessing, 225
Interna l Combus tion Engine Industry,
Coal Was hing, 345
Tractor Production, 255, 488, 692
Coke Production, 692
Vehicle Produ ction, 692
Internal Combus tion Engines in
Continuous Rolling Mill , 550
W orldng Conditions at the Chantiers
America, (L eading Article, 71 0)
Cranes for the Port of Havre, 405
de la P alli ce, 103
Marine Diesel Engine, 7500 B.H.P.,
Crude Oil Production, 432
H a rland and W olff, Ltd ., 635
D ourges Thermal Generating Station,
Oil Engine, 13 B. H .P., Associa ted
British Oil Engines, Ltd., 528
Electricite do France Credits, 405 ;
Oil Engine, 13 B.H.P. , J. and H.
Budget for 1950, 776
GAS TURBINE- see I nternal Combustion
McL aren, L td., 528
E lectricity Product ion, 165, 582, 750
Tur bine
Oil Engine, 180 B.H.P., H enry
Electrifi cati on o f the Nord and P as de
Meadows, Ltd ., 529
Calais Mines, 315
Sixteen-Cylinder Oil Engine, M.irrlees,
Emergen cy Electric Generating Groups
Bi ckerton and Day, Ltd., 218
Slipway Centenarian , 203
European Coal-Steel P ool, 776
Small P etrol Engine , 'ervioin g EquipExtra-H ard Cast Steei<J for Aircraft
Canadian Transmission Grid, 313
ment, Villiers Engineering Co., Ltd .,
Engines, 35
H y dro-Electric Development on the
Forges et Acieries de la Marine et
Gold Coast, 37
T wo-Cylinder 50 B.H.P. Steam Engine,
d ' H omecourt, 135
Spilling werk, 687
Franco-German Trade Agreement, 458
Uganda, (434:)
Gas Supplies, 432, 550
H ydro-Electric Developments in North
Genera l Indices for Indus t rial ProW ales, 5 11
duction, 640
Agricultural Machinery Salon in P aris,
H ydro-Electric Power m Switzerla nd,
H einitz a nd Deohen Colleries, 666
H ot R olling Mill I nstallation a t
Ba kclite Exhibition, (225)
Britis h Indus tries F a ir, 524, 555, 556,
Denain, 750
H ydro-Electric Progrcs~ in Canad a
During 1949, 177
588, 622, 648
H yd t·aulic R eserves, 103
Britis h Motor, ' how in New York, (225)
Indo-Chinese and Y unnan R aiJways, 35
Opposition to W els h Power Schemes,
.13ritish Plastics Exhibition, (268)
Inland Waterways, Modernisa tion, 432
(Leading Article, 506)
Canadian I nternational Trade Fair,
Iron a nd Cement, Simultaneous ProOwcn F alls H ydro-Electric Scheme,
duction, 6 14
154, (296), 628
I ron a nd , 'teel Prod uction , 71, 432
Cycle and Motor-Cycle S how, (I 03-t
P assy-sur-Ar ve H y dro-Electric Plant,
Design in Bu!iin Nii:l Printing, (3 15)
J cu d e Mail Highway Bridge, Recon640.
Dry R ot a nd Woodworm Ex hibition,
struction, 666
P ower Production a t L och Slov, 317
L ocomotive Production , 37:>
T asmanian H ydro-Electric P ower, 744
Exh ibition of Facsimile Commun ication
L orra ine It-on Mines, 51B
Tunnels for Hcottis h Hydro-Electric
Equipment, 480
Machine Tool Ind ustry, 35
Schemes, 296
l~x hibiti on of French , 'cientific Ins tru Merchant Navy, 550
ments, 181, 209
Metallurgical Industry, 103
Exh ibition of H ouse Jouma ls, (520)
Mining Equi pment, 195
Exhibition of Radio Components, (520)
Mining Rig hts, 103
F estival of Britain, (33 1) ; CompetiModerni~ation a nd Equipm ent Pla n, INDUSTRIAL AND LABOUR NOTES:
tion, 37 ; E x hibition Ship, (584);
National P rodnct.ivity Committee, 5 18
Science and 'J'echnol9gy, 159
A.E.U. Nationa l Committee, 7 19, 749
Fuel Efficiency .f;xhi bition a t StocksNatural Gas Gus h, 7l
Amalgamated U!lion of F oundry
bridge, 227
Niobium Ore, 5 Lk
Worker'!, 749
Normandy Hhipyards, l Q5
H a nover T echnical F a ir, 600, 660, 686
Angl0-American Council on Pro<lucI nternational
I ndian
Oil Production, f) 18, 582, 666
ti\ ity, 5 19, 615
Exhibition, (55~)
Oil R efinin g I ndustr·y, 285
Apprent.ices, I n tf'rnational H olidays
I ndustria l Accident P revention E xh iOil R esearch in French E ast Afri ca, 5 18
Few, 7 19
biti on, 437
P a ris Drainage Sy~:~tem , 692
Attit.ude of Organised L abour in the
International 1'1:ttde Fair in Chicago, J 23
P a ris F a ir, 640
U.S.A., 583
P aris-Lille " Autoroad, " 2813, 458
Leipzig T echni cal F air, 356, 415
Average Weekly Earnings a nd H ours,
433 .
L iege I nterna tiona l F air, (35)
Passy-sur-Arvo Hy dro- (j;Jectric Plant,
Man chester Electronics E xhibition,
B .E.A. Rngincering 1 'taff Agreement,
P eugcot Car.-! for Australia, l 03
Ma rconi MM·ine .J u bilce Exhibition, 377
P ort Facilities at Bordeau x, 165
Britis h Employers' Confederation, 433
Mechanical Handling gxhi bition, 659,
Port R econatruction, 285
Building Ma terials and th<' E xp ort
671, 678, 703, 731
Prefabricated Concrete P rod ucts, 71
Dl'ive, 404
Mini~try of Works' Display~:~. (239)
P reparation of Coal, 103
B usiness A<lminisimtion Schola rs hips,
Naviga t ion Through the Ages, 317
Production Level, 225
P a ris F air, 640
R~til car Production, 720
Canad ia n N ickel, 374
Figu res in Brackets ( ) refer to paragraphs
Careers, Guide T o, 314
Ccnsuli of Prod uction, Aclvi ~o ry Committee, 2S4 ; 1950, 589
Coal Hoard's Un iversity f.icholnr ..;hipa,
Coal Prod uction, 34, 70, 194, 224, 324,
:374 , 55 1, 667
Conference for Sma ll Firms, 693
Control of Engagament Order, 344
Cost a nd Pui ce R ed uction, 641
Distribu tion of Industry Bill, 404, 459
Distribution of United Kingd om Trade,
Dividend a nd Wage-Freeze, 344
Dus t in Iron F oundries, 459
E conomic Co-Operation, 3·14
Education a nd Training in the Hteel
Indu~:~ try, 404
Empire Trade: 61 5
Employment in North ern I rela nd, 667
Employment Trends in the U.S.A., 693
E mployment and Unem ployment, 102,
224 344, 489, 615, 749
Eng ineering Unions' Ba llot, 775
European I ndus t r·ial F ederations, 693
E uropean S teel Costs, M4
European Stool Trends, 34
Europe's Engineering Exports, 775
E x port and I mport Pri ces of Underd eve loped Countries, 3 14
E x pori of L ead Manufactures, 70
Export Trade, Britain's, 5 19
Exports, British Engineering, 102
E xports and Dolla r Savings, 134
F ederat ion of Britis h I ndustries, 5 19
F oun d ry F oremen's Tra ining Course,
Fuel Effi ciency in the Steel Industry,
Gold a nd Dolla r Reserves, 70
Government S teel -Ma king F actories,
H ours o f Employment, 34
Human R ela tions in the Coal Mining
Industry, 667
Ine;enti ves and T axation, 134
Index of Industrial P roduction, 433
India's Industrial Produ ction, 719
" I nduction," 374
Indus t rial a nd Commercial Finan ce
Corporation, 641
Ind us trial Ma nagement, 284
Industria l Outlook, 775
Industrial Production in 1949, 70
Industria l R elations, Guide T o, 164
Industrial Safety Conferen ce, 641
Industrial Training, 102
I ndustria l Welfare Society, 344
Industry and the Government, 459
I ndus try and the L ondon Develop m ent Plan, 314
I ndus try a nd National Expenditure,
Industry in Western Germany. 224
Institute of I ndus trial Hupervisors, 254
Iron F oundry Conditions, 775
I ron and S teel Order, 551
I ron and Steel Production, 102, 194,
314, 489, 583, 719
J oint Consultation for the Cok e O ven
Industry, 254
J oint Consu ltation in Indus try, 194, 459
L abour R elationships in L ondon Docks,
L ondon Dock , 'trikc, 5 19
L ondon Docks Committee of I nquiry,
Ma nagement Conference, 583
Ma n ufacturers a nd t he Hudget, 404
MeasurinJZ the Volumc of Oversc>a!=!
Trade. 749
Metal Pri ce~:~, 34, 194, 284
Miner!i' Wage Cla im , 775
Nat.iona llncome and Expenditure, 489
National .Joint Advisory Co uncil, l04
National Savings in the Engineering
I ndustry, 194
N ickel Indus try in 1949, 34
Non- Fcrr·ous Metals, 459, 55 1
1\on- l~crro us
T eam, 719
Northern freland 'l'! In clu ~iri cs, 1:34
0 rgan i-;i ng for 0 u tpu t, 6 1!)
" () ;>..ford " Management Conference,
Poi n ters to D ollar Markrts, 51)1
Price Incrc>ascs, 5 19, 6 L5
Purchase Tax on ('ommcrcial \Tchicle.\1,
R ccr·u itmcnt of F actot·y In~pcc tor~J, 2H4'
LITERATURE (con ti nued) :
(con ti11ued):
Design, 0 onatruction ttncl Main Government •'teol-MA-king F actorieR,
Agricul tural Engineering RN!Carch,
Recruitment and Training of Labour,
tenance of Docks, Wh arves and
Ewen M' E wen, 711
P iers, E. M. Du -Plat -'l'aylor, I 22
I nterdepondonco of tho European Coal
.Buses with Underfloor l£ngines, W.
Siliceous P ttrting Powders in Found Design of Tiro ber , 'tructures, An
and , 'teol I nduRtricR, 733
Lennox Coats, 301
ri o~o~, 2!')4
Introduction to th e, P. 0. Recce,
I ron F ounclr·v ConditioM, 776
f;teol Co ntro l~;, 489
Iron and Stool Order, 51H
Hteol DiHtribution, 667
DuRt Control in Mines, 365
I ron and Htt>el Production, 102, 194,
•'teeI Distribution Rocorcls, 69:3
Electroni cs in E~ ngincerin g, W.
314, 4 RO, 583, 7 19
" Daring " Class D01~troycrs, N. P.
f-4tee l Prices, 134
Ryland Hill. 767
I ron and Steel Production in Belgium
131ackburn, 91
Taxation and Governmen t Expendi l~ l cc tron i cs in Lh o Factory, J~d i tod
and Luxembn rg, 343
Davicl and Robert; MuHhot, 'f . A. , 'eed,
ture, 374
by H. li'. Trewman, 336
Tronfounding Productivity Team, 37
Trchnicu,l Education in the Coal
Elementary g ngin cering Design,
Moc· haniscd I ron foundry of Ituston and
J ndw~try,
Dr·awing A-n Approximation to an
H . A. Morgan, 669
HornRby, Ltd., 205, 233
'J'eC'H-sid e f nd Ulltry, 254, 404
El omen tar.v Reinforced Coocr·cte
Ellipse, T . K . Ghstplin, 00; .J. A.
Productivity in F;teel Foundries, 619
Tmclo DiHput.cH, :34, 164, 2H4, 433,
Design, W. Morgan, 480
Ghippindale, 301
R efractor·ics Re~on.rch in the Open1)1) l , 667
J~n g!Mcring Lam in atPF~, AI bert C. H.
Hearth , 'tee! I ndusLry, 168
Engineering Societies' Conference,
Trnclc, O vc r~;enli , 70, 102, 134, 224, 254,
I>ietz, 1508
Rh odesian Ir-on and Htcol Commission,
R. E . Blackburn, 575
344, 374, 489, 55 1, 615, 641, 749
Engineering Matcrials and Pro253
Epicyclic Gear Effi ciencieR, W. A.
Training and Empl oyment. of Young
cesses, L. H . Hancock :~02
' hect Steel and the Motor I ndustry,
T'uplin, 90, 243; D. B. Woll bourn,
Worl<ers, 224
Engineering Metals n.nd 'J'heir Alloys,
Transpor·t Ch argE>~ a nd Tron and Hteol
Garl H. HamanR, 45 J
South Afri can , 't<'rl Production. 163
Future of Lhc, 'tca.m Locomotive, L. H.
Producti on, i383
Engince1·s, Th e, H ai'Oicl Nockolds, 451
Spectrographic, 'tan eta rd Stools. Bureau
Leedharn, 183
'I'.U.0. nnd the J~cono mi c , 'iLuaLion, 70
Factor·y, 'l'hc, U. HchJesingcr, 244
of Analysed Sampies, Ltd., 718
Gencl'al-Pu r·poao Water-Tu be Boiler,
'f.U .0. and London Passenger FA~ros,
Factory, 'team Plant, C. K H. Lewis,
Stn.inlessHt eel rn the Dairy [ndustry, 135
Th os. Smeaton, In ternational Com404
, 'tcol 'onstruction in Houth Africa,
bustion, Ltd., 91
T.U.C. WagoH Policy, 102, n5 1
On.s Turbine, An Introduction to,
Dorman Long (AfTica) L td., 253
Heavy Duty Plain Grinding Machi ne,
Unofn cin.l , 'trikes, 1:34
D. a. Shepherd, :364
, 'tcel ControiA, 489
C. Greenwood, 53
Wng<' 0 1ai ms, 284, 3 14, 641
Gas Turbines for Aircraft, .11~. W.
, tMl Distribution, 667. 693
Hum an R elations and J!~ ull Empl oyWA-go J ncon ti vos, 615
Godsey, Jun., and Lloyd A.
f;teel Prices, 134
ment, Giles, 90
Wage R ate::~, Changes in, 34, 551, 667
Young, 121
Steel Rationing. 619
I ndustrial Appli cation of A to mic
Wage R ates and W<>rl<ing HourA, 1.64
Geology for Engineers, S. M.
• 'tecl Research, 377
Energy, W. L. Cowley, 303
Wage Rcstrain t, 7 19
Trefethen, 508
TransporL Charg<'R and Tr·on and , 'tool
J ano's Fighting , 'hips, Supporter, 273
Wage~:~, Engincori ng, J 94, 254
Historical Surv ey of British FiaJ1ing
Production , 583
Locomotive Practice and Performance
Wages, gnginoering and F-\hipbui ldin~,
Boats and Coastal G'raft, E. W.
Use of Oxygen in , 'teelm aking, 717
in the Twentieth CenLury, 0. S.
344, 433, 1519
Whi te, 452
Noel<, 363 ; G. Cullis, 4152
Wages Policy, 667
I ndustrial High-Frequency Electric
Mechani cal Draught Cooling Towers,
Wage<~, Railway, 34, 4 9, 693
P ower, E. May, 659
H . Chilton, 243; J ..Jackson, 243
Wages in Sweden, 164
I nterna l Combustion E ngineering,
Natura.! Dra-ught Cooling Towers,
Work . 'tudy and Operational RoA. T . .]. Kersey, 122
S.E.T. , 507
A Retrot1pect: Devaluation, ProducKCMCh, 5 1!)
J amcs Watt and the History of
Opposition to Welsh Power , 'chemes,
tivity, Prod ucti vity and Engineers,
Works Handbook, 693
Steam Power, I vor B. Har·t, 244
K. H. Leech, 603
Technological Education, NationaliZinc and Lead Prices, 164, 404, 5 3, 667
J ane's Fighting ~ hips, 1949-50.
Present-Day Locomoti ve Worldng,
sation and the E lecti on, Productivity
Zinc, Nickel and Copper, 693
Edited by R. V. B. Blackma n, J54
0 .•. Noel<, 53
and the I ndividual, 20
Light Metals Industry, Winifrcd
Productivity in Bri tish I ndustry,
Agricultural Engineering Research, 658
Lewis, 212
Charles Vincent, 243 ; C. W. Reeve,
Agricultural Machinery Trials, 152
Locomotive Practice ancl Perform273 ; .B. White, 273 ; A. E., 422 ;
Application of Gas-Turbine Technique
An Inter-Regnum, 270
n.nce in th e Twentieth Century,
.J. W. Vaughan, 603
to, 'team Power, J . .1!\ li'ield, 281, 3 L2
AuRtralia's Post-War Navy, 570
('eciI ,J. Allen, :302
Quantum Theory, W. L. Cowley, 685
Belgian Committee on Gas Turbines,
Bad Budget, 506
Mari ti me
Railway Motive P ower,]'. A. S. Brown,
Birmingham and Mcchftnical Engineer848-I 948, Mairin MitcheD, 211
122; E . R. B. R oborts, .213
C'om bustion of R esidual Ji'uels in
ing, 738
Materia ls H nndling Manua l, Ill,
R ailway Rails, 1~. H. Parker, 213
Marine Gas Turbines, 511
British Producti vity, 210
Edited by M. M. Williamson and
Track Circuiting on Rail ways, F.
Criti cA-l Review of Gas Turbine ProChurohwarcl, 393
G. W. Williamson, 452
Raynar Wilson, 273
gress, 32, 40
Commercial Vehicle DimensionR, 120
Mechan ics of Engineeri ng , 'oils,
"'Cruculent," H.M. , 'ubmnrine, Loss,
Gas .Turbine for Oi lfield , 'ervice, Shell
Defence Estimates, 332
P . Lconard ( 'appcr and W. Ji'isher
Will Lynch, 123
PeLr·oleum Co., Ltd., 188
Economic , ituation, 420
Cassie, 364
WelBh Power Schemes, C. H. Chapman ,
Oas Turbine Fuel Research, (694)
Education of Naval Officers, 300
Mechanics for t he Homo f3tudent,
575 ; R. J . Taylor, 633
Gas Turbines in 1949, 68, 84, 124, 157
Electricity in Mines, 684
E . N. f; imons, 423
Windpower, E. A. Watson, 183
Gas Turbines for Kenya, Brit ish
E ngineering Profits and Wnges, 710
Metal Worki ng and Heat-Treatment
Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., 309
Engineering Wages, 478
Manual, Vol. IIl, Surface HardenLITERATURE:
Turbines, . Fires
in f>hi.ps, 270
ing Processes, li'. J ohnson, 394
(Leading article, 180)
Books R eceived, 55, 155, 188, 212, 2415,
Metallic Creep and Creep-Resistan t
Industrial Cas Turbines, H. Rox bee
All oys, A. H. Sul ly, 671
Cox, 574, 595
Fu ture of the Iron ancl Stool Act, 333
Modern Plastics, Harry Barron, 212
Promise of the Gas Turbine, 570
Oermt~n R ecovery, 658
Modern Workshop Technology : Part
Some Factors in the Use of High
Great Western Locomotives, 210
II, Machine Tools and Metrology,
Temperatures in Gas 'L'urbines,
Directory of , 'hipowners, , 'hipGrowth of Air Travel, 242
T. W. F. Brown, 161, 191
bui lders and Marino Engineers,
High-Tomporatur·e Gas Turbines, 180
Narrow-Gauge R ailways to P ort19150, 419
Human R elations and Full Empl oymadoo, J. I . C. Boyd, 452
" Electrician, The." Blue Book,
ment, 54
NumericaJ Methods of Analysis in
Australian . 'teel P roduction, (3715)
Electrical Trades Directory. 1950,
Institution of Mechanical Engineers at
Engin eering, Edited by L. E.
Beryllium Steels, 773
13irmingham, 766
Grin tor, 364
Blackheart Malleable lron l•'ow1dry,
Lcxique-Techniq\10 do Materiel de
I ntern A-l Combustion Engines in
Oil Hyd raulic Power and its ApplicaTravaux Publi cs, 481
Hale and Hale (Tipton) Ltd., 736
America, 710
ti ons, Wait er Ernst, 394
Boron Steels, :390
MetA.IH Rcfcr<'nce Book, 173
.Justice for Naval Constructors, 478
Organi c Chemistry for Students of
\o\Tatcr Engineers' Hand boole, 1950,
.Bri tish I ron and , 'tool I ndustry in
King's Speoch, 300
g ngincoring, ll'. R. ~ to rrio, 121
1949, 6 1' 74
'Metallurgical Centenal'ies, 420
Outline History of Tran8atlantic
Whitnl<Or's Almanaclc, 1950, 256
Canadian Steel P roduction, 486
Natural Draught Cooling Towers, 450
Steam Navigation, H. P. , 'pratt,
('hn.rt of Iron and Steel Pri ces, W.
OpposiLion to Welsh Power Schemes,
H.ichardi! and Sons, Ltd. , (3 I 6)
Pl ain Concrete, E. E. B!tur r·, 42:3
Cold Rolling of Steel f-ltrip, 131
P erils of Prophecy, ::l62
Acr·onnutics : Heavier-than-Ai r AirPorta ble Power Tools M d I~ quipOccp-Drawing Steel Hhcets, 517
Population and Employ ment, 450
Part ll : Catalogue of
m<.>n t, Q. '!'horn ton ,J On CH, 245
Dust in Iron Foundries, 450
Precil!ion Casting, 89
Exhibits with D<>scriptive Notes,
l'l'actical Engi nceri ng Drawing, Vol.
Edu ca.t ion and '!'raining in Lho Htccl
Pre-Election l'unglosR, 54
. 'cienrc Museum , 394
11, C. J . AUcin ~:~, 181
I ndustry, 404
PromiRc of the GM Turbine, 570
Alloy f-ly~>t(.'mH: An I ntroductory
Progress in Metn.l PhyHics, g ditcd by
l~ lcctron i c Control of a f-ltc<'l Mill Reel
Text, ,J. 0. Lord, 451
PropoRcd Roynl InsLituto of TechBrucc Chnlm crH, 212
Motor in 1940, lt ichard Th omas and
nology, 392
Atlas of Defects in CnHtingH, 42:3
Pu l-;c'H and 'l'ranHicnLHin ('ommuni ctt Ha l dw in ~. Ltd., 426
Pu bHc Health Engineering, 632
British Htcam HoracH, Ucorgo Dow,
tion CircuitH, Colin C'her·ry, 73f)
Europenn Conti'OI of Stecl nnd Cmd, 555
Rail Transport, 362
Qu<·~tionf! nnd A Il l:! WCr H o n Elecguropean Htc(ll Costs, 374
Research and Govern ment Depart.
Calcu)ation, Design nnd TesLing of
troni cR, K Molloy, 3:3()
!<;uropcan , 'tcel TrendH, 34
mcntB, J152
Reinforced Concrot<•, K. L. ltao,
Radio- Frequency Hcttting !~qui p ·
J<'aLigue LimiL8 of Uhromium -Piatcd
Revolu tion in Underwater Propulsion,
m<'nt, L . L. Lnngton, 739
Steels, 24 l
Cal,hodo Ray Tu bo f.J'rncefl, Hilary
H.einforccd Concrct<'. A. L. L.
MOHS, 18 1
lt'ounclry Steel Melting, (642)
Safety in InduHtry, 538
Ba kor, 42:J
l<'r<•c.Machining StceiH, 77:3
Hchuman Plan, 602
Ch•·mi ca l Constitu tion and ProScwa.go TrNtLmcnt : D<•f! i~n and
I<'ren<:h Jron nn d Htcel Prod uc·tioo,
Hchuman Pla n Agnin, 738
' r r·ticr; of Engineering Mn.tol'inls,
Specification, L. B. E~Scritt, 739
I'. 0. ('nrman, 181
Secrecy and the Atom Homb, 180
7 J' 432
~i mplifi ed
D<'Hign of Htrnctural
Frc•nc:h f>L<'<'I Produc·tion, 135, 1{)4, 225,
Hccrecy and the Se rv i ce~;, 700
Gi' il l~ ngi 11 cering Drawings, f.\ pecifi .
Timber, IJ. Ptu·krr. :302
371), 4:32, 720
CitLions and (~uan titi c~;,· ,J. MM~:~ hall
Simpli'fication and Management, 242
Houncl-A hsorbing
Fu<>l J.:fri cicncy in Lhc Htccl lndul!try,
Survi vnl in Air Acc·idcntli, 684
R odgcr, 508
Zwiklwr and C. W. KoHtcn, 423
Thermo-N uclear Weapon, 643
()reop of MeLala nnd AlloyH, Jij , a.
•'tea m Engine Huilclt'rH of f-4uffolk,
Stanforcl, 480
Fu tu re of the lrcm nnd Steel Ac·L,
" Truc· ulont," J I.M. Aubmarinc, Loaa, 88
J~H~:~cx ttnd ('ttmbridgcshiro, ltonnld
Vnl ue of Produc·LiviLv
'J'eamH, 538
Deep Mining, ,Jack , 'palcling, 244
(Lcn.d ing Articlr, 3:33)
H. 01ark, 508
F i gu r ~s
in B:-ackets ( ) refer to paragraphs
'tea m Locomoti ve in Tra ffic, The,
LITERATURE (c!>ntinued):
K A. Phillipson, 423
Tube Boring Machine, Large DoubleEnded, Craven Brothers (Man.'team Turbine Operation, Willia m J
chester) Ltd., 30
K earton, 155
Stirnrad-Planet~ngetrie be,
R eemt
T urret Lathe, Cildermeister A. -G., 661
Universal Foundry Saw, H ydraulically
P oppinga, 57 1
Operated, H elier Maschinenfabrik
' trength of Materials, J . P. Den
H artog, 364
.O.m.b.H., 601
Strength of Materials, .B. B. Low, 452
Wood Veneer Lathe, 686
Strength of Plastics a nd Glass : A
W oodworking Mach ine T ools, (61 6)
tudy in Time, ensiti ve Materials,
R. N. H oward, 711
Structural Analysis b y Moment
Alloys of Magnesium and the R are
Distri bu tion, , . Ru Ltcrwor th, 508
Earth Metals, 240
Tandem Compound Locom otives,
Alloys of Phosphorus with Nickel or
P . M. K a.Ua-Bishop, 245
Cobalt, 774
T echnology of Light Metals, A. Von
Beryllium Steels, 773
Zeerleder, 2 ll
Boron 1 t eels, 390
Theory and Design of Inductance
Cold R olling of Steel Strip, 131
Coils, V. G . Wels by, 767
D eep-Dra.wing Steel Sheets, 517
Thermodyna mique de la Turbine a
Eft'ect of Molybdenum on P hosphorus
Gaz, P a ul Cha m badal, 121
Embrittlement, 390
T ool Engineers' Handbook, 394
Equilibrium Data for Tin Alloys, 518
Tracing E xercises for Beginners,
Fatigue L imits of Chr·omium-Plated
G. L . H obbs and L . Sanclison. 452
, teels, 241 ·
Worked Examples in Electrical
F la me H ardening, 517
Erg ineering, W. T. Pratt, 659
Free-Machining T ools, 773
Fusible Alloys, 39 1
I mpact Va lues fo r Sub-Size Specimens,
R endus
Recherches, 131
La Metallurgie, 518
Autographic R ecording of E rrors in
Modern Magnet Alloys, 774
Gear R obbing Machine Tables,
Non-F errous Metal I ndustry in GerC. T imms, 25 1
many, 1939 to 1945, 130
Automatic Turret Lathe, 356
Ontario R esearch Foundation , 631
Centreless Ba r Turning Machine,
Stainless Steel Rai lway Coaches, 518
Kieserling a nd Albrecht, 660
Titanium Alloys, 630
Conversion of Existing Presses to the
Direct H ydraulic l:;ystem, F. H. MINES AND MINING :
T owler, 758
Coa.l lVline for P ower Station , 187
Copying Lathe D emonstration, Sid oey
Colliery R econstruction Schemes, 105
G. J ones. L td., (255)
Continuous Mining Machine, l OO
Crus h Forming Centreless Grinder
Electricity in Mines, 684
Wheels, Arthur Scriveoer, Ltd., 449
E lectrification of the N ord and Pas de
Drilling Machine, Large R adial, 357
Calais Mines, 345
Drilling Machine, , ' pecial, Kitchen a nd
F ace Conveyor Driving Unit, Mining
Wade, Ltd. , 691
Engineering Co., Ltd. , 189
Fla meproof Electric Dri lling Machine
Duplex Connecting R od D rilling
for Mines, Siemens Schuckert (Great
Machine, Kitchen and Wade, Ltd.,
Britain) Ltd., 311
French Mining 'Equipment, 195
Eccentt'ic P ress with Automatic F eed,
Mine Accidents in 1948, 493
Kieserling and AI nrecht, 660
Miners' Wage Claim, 775
Expanding Mandrel, Alfred H erbert,
Mining E ngineering Examinations, (1 95)
L td., 516
Mining Equipment for Turkey, 283
Face Plate La the, H eyligenstaedt and
Pithead P ower Plant in Germany and
Co., 661
H olland, 753
Fren ch Machine T ool Industry, 35
Safet y in Mines R esearch, 753
Grinder, Tangentia l Chaser, Voucher,
" Samson Stripper " in the Nord and
Ltd., 342
P as de Calais Mines, 285
Grinding Machine, Centreless, for Ba ll
S kip Winder Control at Calverton
Bearing Cages, 357
Colliery, B.A. Collieries, L td., 474
Grinding Machine, Large Surface,
Wire Ropes in Mines, 587
Rockwell Machine Tool Co., Ltd., 160
H eavy Duty Plain Grinding Machine,
G. Green wood, 53
H ydra ulically Operated Mitre Haw,
Aluminium Passenger R oad Vehicles,
Gustav Wagner, 661
Lathe, 5-inch, .Ba.rker Machine T ools
Automatic Tip-Up Car Ramp, 745
and Equipmen t, Ltd., 95
"Bedford " Truck Engine, Improved,
Milling Mach in ~. H ydrau lically OperVau)(hall Motors, Ltd., 431
at ed Long, l:Lcller Masuhinenfabri.K
Br·itish Motor Vehicle Industry, 37,
G.m.b.H., 601
197, 645
Milling Machine, Piano, K ollmann
British Motor Vehicle Output, (750)
Maschinenba u G.m.b.H ., 6()0
Britis h Railways' Motor-Car Carrier,
Oil Groove Cutting Machine, Droop
( 135)
a nd R ein, 661
Buses with Under-Floor Engines,
Photo-Electric Press Guard, R adioLeyla nd Motors, Ltd., a nd Metrovisor P arent, L td., 160
politan Cammell Weymann Bodies,
Planing Machine, H y dra ulically OperLtd. , 114; Associated Equipment
ated, H. A. Waldrich, 601
Co., Ltd., 147 ; (Letter, 301)
P ortable Electric Drill Kit, Wolf
College of Aeronautical a nd Automobile
Electric Tool ~. L td., 5 14
E ngineering, (4 1)
Radia l Drilling .M achine, H et·man K olb,
Commercia l Vehicle Dimension.;, 120
French Automobile Production, 35,
Scrap Baling Plant, L:.n vey Engineering
195, 285, 375, 692, 720
Co., Ltd., 309
French Automobile f-)trikcs, :315
• 'crew Cutting on Turret Lathes, H. W.
French Car T ax, 345
Ward, Ltd., 311
Length of Pu blic f)crvice Vehicles 218
Slotting Machine, Hydrau lically Operated, H . A. Waldrich, 600
Motor Tr·uck, Wessex Industries, Ltd.
Spindle L ocating Attachment for
Motor Vehicle Produf'tion, (434) (520)
(6 16)
Wickman, Ltci., 186
T ensile T esting Machine, Samuel
Renault Car P roduction, 25!), 614
D enison and f)on, Ltd ., 556
R oad Vehicle Lighting R egulations,
T ool , 'upports for H orizontal Broach(520)
ing Machines, Lapoint Machine T oo I
" R oyal Tiger " Under-Floor .Bus
Co., L td., 280
Chassis, 546
T oolroom Boring Machin e, H. W.
Rubber •'uspension Units for MotorK carns a nd Co., Ltd., 663
C'.vdc~, Dunlop R ubber Co., L td ., 310
S heet Steel and the Motor Industry,
Width of Public Service Vehicles, 723
Metallurgy, 695
Mining Machinery, 5 5, 618
Miscellaneous, 435, 491, 554, 585, 669,
695, 721 , 751, 778
Oi l Burner Sprayers, 721
Pumping and Blowing Machinery, 435,
491 ,617,669
R a ilway Engineering, 435, 643
S hipbuilding and Marine Engineering,
St eam Gen erators, 435, 643
Torque Converters, 49 1
Workshop Applia nces, 461
Atomic Energy Establishment near
Reading, 453
Atomic Energy Information, 137
Atomic Energy Research E stablishment, H arwell, 767
Atomic E nergy T echnical Conference, PUMPS:
H arland Compensated Boiler F eed
Atomic Weap ons for the U.S. Navy,
P ump, H a rland Engineering Co.,
L td., (225)
Electromagnetic I sotope Separator at
H ydraulic J ack an d P ump, Power
H arwell, (720)
Jacks, Ltd., 680
Industria l Application of Atomic
I mproved L ubricating P umps, Wilton
Energy, M. L. Oliphant, 303, 323,
Row Extensions, Ltd., 178
(Letter, 393)
Industril l Range of H ydrau lic Pumps,
I nternational Nuclear Physics ConPlessey Co., L td., 544
ference, 697
" 1 peedivac" R otary Vacuum P ump,
Linear Accelerator at H arwell, (552)
W. Edwards and Co., L td., 446
Variable-Delivery High-Speed Radia l
Sweden, 193
Pump, Fielding and Pla-tt, Ltd., 592
N uclear Energy in 1949, 24
Second Atomic Pile at H arwell, 237
Secrecy and the Atom B omb, 180
Short History of Radio-Activity, T. W.
Chalmers, 348, 378, 4:08, 438, 466,
494, 531, 562, 594, 620, 645, 672, RAILWAYS:
698, 724, 754
Accidents :
Therm o-Nuclear Weapon, 632
R eport on , 'cottish Train Fire, 317
Victoria tation Collision R eport,
Aiton,, 'ir .John Arthur, 154
Barker, John H., 336
Bedson. Noel Philli ps, (668)
Carpmael, R aymond, 335
Cheney, E. V., (752)
Coward, A. L., 363
D avy, J. B., 67 1
Duckitt, Waiter, 17
Freeman, Sir R alph , 334
Greener, C. E., 55
Haersolte, Ba ron Van, 421
H en derson , Sir James, B., 451
H obbs, Aubrey Thomas, 89
Hollyer, G. J ., 463
J ones, I. J ., 335
L obley, A. Glynne, (136)
Massey, H. F., (642)
McLeod, R o bert James, 17
Muscroft, E. B ., (3 15)
Nash, G. H., 437
Nash, J. E ., (345)
Newall, A. P, . 243
· N iven, A. M., (7 1)
Outram, F. C., (720)
Purves, Colonel Sir Thomas F ortune,
Read, C. M., (520)
R eid, W. D ., (720)
Richards, W. G., (750)
R owatt, Thomas, 4 79
Sayers, Henry Manning ton , 1
• 'cott, Willia m Leslie, 153
Stewart, Sir Frederick. 334
Stoo~ ley, Cecil Charles William, (668)
ntcb ffe, T homas Desmond, 347
Thurston, Sir George, 153
T ravai lleur. Maurice, 555
Trippc, C. F., (34!'i)
Windeler, Gcor·ge Edward, 27 1
Wolstenb olme, .J. P., (9 1)
\iVrightson, S ir Guy,
Aeronautics, 461, 721
Air Engines, 777
Automobi le Engineering, 553, 669
Cranes and Lifting Appliances, 617
E lectrical Engineering, 461, 522, 553,
617, 643, 751, 777
Furnaces, 435
H eat Exchangers, 461 , 521, 553, 6 17,
644, 66!)
Internal Combustion Engines, 491 521
553, 721
I nternal Combustion Turbines, 521,
585, 695, 75 1, 777
Machine Tools and ~hop Appliances,
695, 75 1, 777
Figures in Brackets ( ) refer to paragraphs
General Matters :
Aluminium B ox Car, 486
Assam R a il L ink, (165)
British Goods for Canadia n R ailways, 31 7
County Down Railway, (71)
East London a nd Queenstown Ma in
R ailway L ine Completed, 133
Electric R ailway Traction, 366
French R olling , 'tock Construction,
French Rolling Stock Orders, 4 8
Goods Yard at Cape Town, 187
Mechanised T rack Laying, (225)
Model Refrigerator Car, 223
P ennsylvania Motive P ower, 184
Permanen t Way Costs, 137
Rail Transport, (Leading Article,
Railway Brea kdown Crane, 50 ton,
Ardeltwerke G.m.b.H., 686
R a ilway Construction and Operation, 753
R ailway Development in Pakistan,
(7 1)
Railway Freight Charges, 523
Railway Motive P ower, F. A. , .
Brown, 122, (Letter, 213)
R a ilway Rails, E. B. Parker, 2 13
R ailway, taffExchange Visits, (520)
R ailway Survey in East Africa, (776)
R eplacing of Bridges on the East
Coast Main Line, (255)
R evision of R a ilway Regions, (225)
R olling Stock R eplacment in French
West Africa, 315
1 '.A.R. Truck , ' hortage, 163
• 'omc Work on Bri tish Railways in
1949, 26, 51
1 'tainless Steel Railway Coaches, 5 18
Track Circuiting at Euston 'tation
Tr·ack Circuiting on R ai lways, F.
Raynar Wilson, (Letter, :n3)
Tl'ack-Laying Units, (737)
Underground Railway at L isbon
(P ortugal), 101
Underground Railway at Rome 19 1
Underground Railway in Zurich'. 4:)~
Wa,g~ , 34, 489, 693
Wcecl-I<illing Tra ins, (345)
\iVork on British Railways, 5 13
·works a.t the H.ome-Tcrmini, 'tation
British Railways:
Eastern a nd North-Eastern Region :
Fluorescent Lighting for Hhen field
Line Htation P latfor·m ', (490)
~ht.n c hester·-, 'hel'th,lcl- Wa th EleC'tri.
fication Seheme, 24 '
RAILWAYS (continued):
New Eastern Region Signalling, 673,
700, 727
N ew Rail Brakes at Whitemoor
Marshalling Yard, (776))
Pneumatic Buffer Stop, 745
London Midland Region:
Track R elaying, (345)
London Transport:
Conductor Rail Gauging Trolley, 280
Fluorescent Lighting Circuits in London Transport Cars, General
Electric Co., Ltd., 311
London Area P assenger Charges
Scheme, 257
London Travel Survey, 257
Meteorological Research on London's
Underground, 505
New Appointments, 619
Safety Working on Permanent Way,
Electrification of the Vincennes Metropolitan Line, 432
French Railway Electrification, 165
Indian Railway Electrifica.tion, (165)
Manchester-Sheffield- Wath E lectrification Scheme, 248
Paris-Lyon Line, Inaugural Train, 405
R ailway E lectrification in Belgium, 101
Railway Electrification in Great
Britain, C. M. Cock, 359, 492
Railway Electrification in Italy, 458
Railway Electrification in U.S.S.R., 343
British R ailways Gas Turbine Locomotive No: 18,000, 608, 626
Cab Arrangement for Standard B.R.
Locomotives, H. Holcroft, 53
Diesel-Electric Locomotive for South
America, Sulzer Brothers, Ltd., 432
Diesel-Electric Locomotive for Tasmania, (750)
Diesel-Electric Shunting Locomotive,
Ruston and H ornsby, Ltd., British
Thomson -H ouston Co., L td., 174
Film on L ocomotives, (375)
French Locomotive Construction, 375
Future of the Steam Locomotive, L. H.
Leedbam, 183
Great Western Locomotives, (Leading
Article, 210)
Locomotive Cylinder Power, W. A.
Tuplin, 171, 214
Locomotive Practice and P erformance
in the Twentieth Century, (Letters,
363, 452)
· Manufacture of Locomotives in South
Africa, 163
Narrow-Gauge Diesel Locomotive,
Hunslet Engine Co., Ltd., 100
Present-Day Locomotive Working,
0. S. Nook, 53
Repair of Locomotive Plate Frames by
Welding, 221
Modern R oad System, (225)
Paris-Lille " Autoroad," 285, 458
Road Research, 1948, 167
Rubberised Asphalt Roads, 550
Street Works Bill, 523
· S
Advisory Committee on and and
Gravel, 137
Air Disaster in South Wales, 317
Aluminium Industries of Western
Europe, 723
" Aquita nia," Last Voyage, 227
" Ark Royal,"
La unched, 523
Association of Consulting Engineers,
Associa tion of Supervising Electrical
Engineers, 493
Atomic Energy Information, 137
Atomic Energy Technical Conference,
Awards for the Study of Technology in
the U .S.A., 105
Battersea Bridge, Accident, 347
B.E.A. P ower Stations, 697
SEVEN-DAY JOURNAL (continued):
• ••
X lll
SEVEN-DAY JOURNAL (wntinu ed):
Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting in
" Machinist, The," 493
Belgian Committee on Gas Turbines,
Ships in Port, 227
Marchant, Prof. E. W., Hon. Member167
Fire in Ships, (Leading Article, 270)
ship of I.E .E., 73
Birmingham Tame ·a nd Rea District
High -Speed Launches for Venezuela,
Mechanical Handling Exhibition, 671
Drainage Board, 105
Sussex Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., 548
Metropolitan Water Board, 697
Birthday Honours, 697
Jane's Fighting Ships, Supporter,
" Bra bazon " at London Airport, 723
(Letter, 273)
M.K.S. or Giorgi System of Units, 377
Bradford Sewage Committee's Report,
Launches and Trial Trips, 346, 376,
Modern Physics Exhibits at the Science
406, 434, 462, 492, 554, 522, 616,
British Association , 407
670, 694, 722, 778
l3ritish Electricity Bulk Supply Tariff,
Light Alloy Barges, Fairm.ile Con347
struction Co. Ltd ., 762
Motor Industry, :British, 37, 197, 645
British Goods for Canadian R ailways,
Lloyd 's Register, Annual Summary
for 1949, 272 ; Shipbuilding ReAnnual Luncheon, 377, Annual
British Hydromechanics Research
turns, 123, 507 ; Registro Italiano
R eport, 555
Association, 73
Navale, (668) ; Revised Rules,
British Industries F a.ir, 555
Nash, G. H., Obituary, 437
302 ; Statistical Notes, 287 ;
British Iron and Steel Research
Nationa.I Coal Board Research AppointWreck R eturns, (315)
Associat ion, 619
ment, 463
Ma rine Propulsion Unit, H arborBritish Non-Ferrous Metals Research
National Smoke Abatement Society,
master, Ltd .• 744
Association, !>55
Merchant Shipping Bill, (490)
British Shipbuilding Research Associa" Navigation Through the Ages"
Noise in Ship's Passenger Accomtion, 105
Exhibition 317
modation, 664
British Steel F ounders' Association, 73
New Appointments, 619
Propeller, Variable-Pitch, Slack and
Budget, The, 463
New Year Honours, 1
Parr, Lt d., 591
Building R esearch, 1948, 227
Oil Shale and Canoe! Coal Conference,
Radio-Controlled Target La unch,
Canadian Standards Association and
Vosper, Ltd. 732
British Electrical Goods, 37
Opening of Parliament, 287
R ehabilitation of the Hellenic State
Chamber of Shipping of the United
Permanent Way Costs, 137
Railways, 458
Kingdom , 287
Pithead Power Plant in Germany and
Safmarine Line, 645
Civil Defence Regulations for Water
H olla.nd, 753
Ship Funnel Design, 545
Supply and Sewera~e, 463
P ort of Liverpool Marine Radio, 671
Ship Repairs, (490)
Civil Engineering Problems in the
P ost-Graduate Course in Public Health
Shipbuilding Conference, 227
Colonies, 723
E ngineering, 619
Shipbuilding a nd Marine EngineerCleaner Coal, 407
P ot ato Ha rvesting Machinery Trials,
ing in 1949, 7, 63, 91
Clunie P ower Station on Load, 437
S.N.C.F. Mercantile Tonnage, 71
Colliery Reconstruction Schemes, 105
Power Production at Loch Sloy, 317
South African Sb.ip Conversion, 133
Control Mechanisms, 105
Productivity in Steel F oundries, 619
Training of the Marine Engineer, 463
Corrosion Problems in the Oil
Productivity Teams, 523
Tugs for Durban, 163
Industry, I
Professional Engineers' Appointments
Ventilation of Ships' Holds, 437
Davy, J. B., Obituary, 671
Bureau, 257
Wages, Engineering and ShipbuildDefence Estimates, 287
Public H ealth Engineering, 347
ing, 519
Railway Construction and Operation,
Diesel Engine Users' Association, 493
Dollar E xports Board, 197
Named Vessels:
Electric P ower from Europe's WindRailway Freight Charges, 523
A msterdam, T.S.S., G. W. Tripp. 729
mills, 493
Report of the Comptroller-General of
Aquitania, Last Voyage, 227
Electrical Machine Analysis, 437
P atents, 697
Bloemfontein Castle, Motor Liner,
R esearches into the Uses of Coal, 407
Engineering Centre; Glasgow, 227
Harland and Wolff, Ltd., 44 ;
Engineering Tra.ining Grants, 587
R oad Research, 1948, 167
Maiden Voyage, (195)
European Control of Steel and Coal, 555
Royal Aeronautical Society's Garden
Brighton, S.S., G. W. Tripp, 712
European P ower Supplies, 137
Party, 587
Oli!Usan, T.S.S., (616), 705, 743, 768
European Scientific a nd Technical
Royal Naval Engineering College, 137
Electric Star, Diesel-Electric InstalCo-operation, 1
Safet y in Mines R,esearch, 753
lation, Metropolita n-Vickers ElecF araday Medal, 73
Safmarine Line, 645
trica.l Co., Ltd., 278
F.B.I. Office in Toront o, 1
Sayers, Henry Mannington, Obituary, 1
E mpire Fowey, Troopship, 485
Festival of Brit ian Competition, 37
Science and Industry, 257
E mpire Orwell, Troopsh.ip, 118, (255)
Scientific and Industrial R esearch in
" Finsbury " Old Students' AssociaE mpress of Scotland, Reconditiontion, 619
Australia, 671
ing, 576
Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting in
Scottish Laboratories of B.C.I.R.A.,
K enya, T.S.S., Launching Date, (642)
Ships in Port, 227
K i ng Edward," Turbine Stea.mer,
Freight Ha ndling in U.S.A., 645
Scottish Train Fire, R eport, 317
Fuel Efficiency Exhibition at StockShipbuilding Conference, 227
L iberte, S.S., First Sailing, (584), (776)
bridge, 227
Shipping, British, 587
Oronsay Liner Launch, (750)
Future of Technical Education, 137
Stanier, Sir William, New AppointV elutina, 28,000-ton Tanker, 437
Gold Coast, Proposed Hydro-Electric
ment, 671
W itjred Sykcs, American ShipbuildDevelopment, 37
Steel Rationing, 619
ing Co., (682)
Government Changes, 257
Steel Research, 377
Naval Matters:
Grand Coulee Dam, 587
Street Works Bill, 523
H arvesting of Seaweed, 723
Suez Canal, 723
H eaviside Centenary, 587
Sunderland South Docks Centenary, 753
Australia's P ost-war Navy, 570
Higher Technical Education, 645
Sutcliffe, Thomas Desmond, Obituary,
" Daring " Class Destroyers, N. P.
H ollyer, G. J ., Obituary, 463
Blackburn, 91
H ospital En~ineering Services, 347
Taffs, John, Retirement, 723
Education of Naval Officers, 300
Hydraulics R esearch, 407
Technical Press Pa nel for Productivit y
H.M. Aircraft Carrier Ark R oyal,
I.E.E. Annual Dinner, 257
Council, 197
523, 579
Industrial Accident Prevention E xhibiTechnical State Scholarships, 407
Just ice for Naval Constructors,
tion, 437
Technology in Universities, 73
(Leading Artic!e, 478)
Inla nd Wa.ter Survey Committee, 197
Technical State Scholarsb.ips, 407
Naval Const ruction in 1949,
I nstitute of Fuel Annual Luncheon, 523
T raining of the Marine Engineer, 463
Raymond V. B. Blackman,
I nstitute of Marine Engineers' Dinner,
Travailleur, Maurice, Obituary, 555
21, 56
" Truculent," H .M. Submarine, Loss,
Naval Engineering Training at
Instit ute of Refrigeration, 167
73, 167 ; Raising, 317 ; Salvage, 347
Manadon and K eyham, 23.5, 275
Institution of Chemical Engineers, 463
Utrecht Spring F air, 167
Naval Met eorology, 425
Institution of Heating and Ventilating
Vacuum P hysics, Conference, 697
Navy's Problems a.nd Progress in
Engineers, 197
" Velutina," 2 ,000-ton Tanker, 437
1949, 238
Institution of Mechanical Engineers,
Ventilation of Ships' H olds, 437
Propelling Machinery for Naval
Width of Pu blic Vehicles, 723
hips, 539
Institution of Naval Architects'
Wire Ropes in Mines, 587
Royal Naval E ngineering College,
Dinner, 407
Wireless Anniversary, 377
Integrat.ion of T ransport Services, 493
Work Measurement Research, 105
" Truculent," H .l\1. Subma rine,
Internal Combustion Engine Industry,
World Engineering Conference, 753
Loss, 73, 167 ; (Leading Article,
8) ; (Letter, 123) ; Raising,
Int.ernational Conference on Large SHIPS AND SffiPBUILDING:
317 ; Salvage, 347
Elect ric Systems, 'Z53
International Nuclear Physics Con FoRFION:
Aluminium Alloys in Ships' Superference, 697
French Merchant Navy, 550
structures, (668)
Ironfounding Productivity Team, 37
American Bureau of hipping, (776)
Leather R esearch Laboratories, 645
"Ashton " Trials, 685
Lloyd's R egister Statistical Notes, 287
British Sea Sa.fety Methods, (490)
London Area P assenger Charges
Chamber of Shipping, (165), 287
Bridge Across the Orange River, 163
Scheme, 257
Chemical Industry, Developments in,
London Travel Survey, 257
Wages, 344
Louis Bleriot Lecture, 523
Figures in Brackets ( ) refer to paragraphs
Slide Rule for Spot Welding, (315)
NOTES (continued):
• Electrical Resistance of Water Mains,
Spot Welder for Light Gauge Work,
Radio-Telephone System for Lake
with P articular Reference to the
General Electric Co., Ltd, 512
Nyasa, International Marine R adio
Asbestos-Cement Type, 96
Spot Welding of Low Carbon Mild
Co., Ltd., (71)
Forest Products Research Bulletin
Steel Sheet, (139)
ComNo. 23: " Flooring Softwoods," 247
Stud Welding, Cyc-Arc, Ltd., 371, (393)
Improved Methods for the Quantitative
Welding Jig, Donald R osa and Partners
. Telephone and' Telegraph Transmission
Analysis of Coal Ash and Coke Ash,
Ltd., 279
Welding Research and Production
. Radley, 613, 639, 664
Investigations on Shipbuilding Fires,
Exhibition, 175
V.H.F. Radio Telephone Link in the
Parts I and II, 308
F a roes, Marconi's Wireless Telegraph WIRELESS:
Investigation on Granualted B lastCo., Ltd., (195)
Furnace Slags for the Manufacture
Admiralty Portable R adio Interference
of Portland Blast-Furnace Cement,
Measuring Set, (175)
B.B.C. Television Service, (315)
Some R ecent Trends in Rock TunnelManual on F atigue Testing, Special
Effect of Broadcast Wavelength
ling, 325
Technical Publication No. 91, 577
Changes in Europe, 394
Tunnels for Scottish H ydro-Electric
Improved Production Methods for
Micro-Second Phenomena in the Steel
Television C.R. Tubes, Mullard
Schemes, 296
Welding Arc, 96
Electronic Products, Ltd., 482
Rat es of Rise of R estriking Voltage
Marconi Marine Jubilee Exhibition, 377
Measured on Some British Supply
Marine V.H.F. Radio a t Mersey Docks
Systems, 96
and H arbour, 707
R oad Note No. 8: Some Cases of Frost WATER SUPPLY:
Multicore Television Camera Cable,
Damage to Roads, 162
Civil Defence Regulations for Water
British Insulated Callender's Cables,
R oad R esearch Technical Paper No.
Ltd., 132
15, " Soil Survey Procedure," 262
Construction of Walton R eservoir, 428
P ort of Liverpool Marine Radio, 671
Glasgow Wat er Supply, 503
Solution of Small Displacement, Sta.
bility or Vibration Problems ConMetropolitan Water Board, Works m
Vosper, L td., 732
cerning a F lat Rectangular Panel
Progress and Constructed During
Radio-Telephone System for Lake
when the Edges are either Clamped
1949, 127
Nyasa, Internationa l Ma rine Radio
Pietermaritzburg's Water Supply, 309
or Simply Supported, 162
Co., Ltd., (71)
Slow-Sand Filter Beds at Walton-onSteam Bending Properties of Various
Radio Servicing Certificate Exa minaThames, Metropolitan Water B oard,
Tim hers, Par t I , 308
tion, (103)
Tests of a L anding Brake Propeller on
Television Equipment at Alexandra
a Fighter Aircraft, 162
Superchlorination, 396
P alace, 146
War-time Activities of the Road
Testing of Mechanical Draught WaterTelevision Plans for Scotland, B.B.C.,
Research Labora tory, 416
Cooling Towers, J. J ackson, 140
Television Transmitt er Equipment,
Automatic Telephone Trigger Dial,
British Electrode Classification, (195)
Station for Liverpool, (165)
General Electric Co., Ltd., 370
of Fusion
Chester's New Automatic Telephone
Pressure Vessels, Babcock and
System, (668)
Station for Sheffield, (694)
Wilcox, Ltd., 385
Mersey Ship To Shore Telephony, (668)
Vadso Broadcasting Station, 279
Metering of Welding Loads, 220
V.H.F. Radio for Dredger Fleet, (104)
Modern Control Telephone System at
Pressure Vessel Welding Electrode,
V.H .F. Radio T elephone Link in the
Burntisla nd, {375)
Quasi-Arc Co., Ltd., (391)
New Automatic" Voice," G.P.O., {405)
Faroes, Marconi's Wireless Telegraph
Prize for Welding Research, (409)
Photo-Telegraphy SysteQl Acquired by
R epair of Locomotive Plate Frames by
Co., Ltd., (195)
General Electric Co., Ltd., (616)
White City Television Project, 629
Welding. 221
Coal Mine for Power Station, 187
Foundry C1ays, 253
Gas T urbines for Kenya, 309
Goods Yard at Cape Town, 187
Hunyani Poort Dam, 133
Locomotive Manufacture, 163
National Airport at Bellville, 253
New Heavy Industry,163
Pietermaritzburg's Water Supply, 309
Plant Manufacture, 133
Plant for Salisbury Municipality, 253
Railway Scheme, Completion, 133
Recent Steel Construction, 253
Rhodesian Iron and Steel Commission, 253
Sand Pipeline Across Durban Harbour,
S.A.R. Truc!t Shortage, 163
Ship Conversion, 133
Southern Rhodesian Electricity Supply
Commission Report, 253
Steel Production, 163
Tugs for Durban, 163
Witbank Dam, 187
Aerodynamics of Porous Sheet s, 247
Air Resistance of a Flat Plate of Very
Porous Material, 247
Aluminium Alloys and Their Application to Shipbuilding, 125
Circuit for Compensating Hot Wires
Used in the Measurement of Turbulence, 262
Compaction of Soil: Study of the
P erforma nce of Plant, 722
Concrete K erbs: Causes and Prevention of Failures, 722
Design and Performance of PowerFrequency Amplifier with R.C.
Tuning and Variable Selectivity, 96
E ffect of Tension on Magnetization
Curves, 96
ABSOLUTE Filter, 692
Acoustics of Studios and Auditoria, 176
A.E.U. National Committee, 719, 749
Air Compressor, Mobile, Hymatic Engineering Co., Ltd., 624
Air Compressor, Stationary, Consolidated
Pneumatic Tool Co., Ltd., 590
Alloys of Magnesium and the Rare
E arth Metals, 240
Alloys of Phosphorus with Nickel or
Cobalt, 774
Aluminium Alloys in Structural Engineering, British Aluminium Co., Ltd., 209
Aluminium and its Alloys, Properties of,
Aluminium Crystals, New Methods of
Repairing, {530)
Aluminium Industries of Western
Europe, 723
of Foundry
Workers, 749
American Industrial Advice, Lewis C.
Ord., 638
An Inter-Regnum, 270
Anglo-American Council on Productivity,
519, 615
Arctic Experiments, 159
Automatic Control oflndustrial Furnaces,
Leo Waiter, 260, 292, 324, 351
Average Weekly Earnings and Hours, 433
Awards for the Study of Technology in
U.S.A., 105
BAND Screen, Central-Flow, F. W.
Brackett a nd Co., Ltd., 622
Bandsaw, P etrol-Engine Driven, Startrite Engineering Co., Ltd., (584)
Bay Wharf Construction Company's New
Yard, 579
B.E.A. Engineering Staff Agreement, 284
Bellows Expansion Joint, Power Flexible
Tubing Co., Ltd., 514
.Meters and Controls, Ltd., 581
Belt Conveyor Driving Gear, Mavor and
Coulson, .Ltd., 703
B.I.F. Export Gala, (419)
Birmingham Central Technical College,
Birmingh.am and Mechanical Engineering, 738
Birmingham Tame and Rea District
Drainage Board, 105
Birthday Honours, 697
Black Country Bicentenary, 735
Bradford Sewage Committee's Report, 697
British Council Courses, (195)
British Employers Confederation, 433
British Engineering E xports, 102
Broach Factory, Lapoint'e Machine Tool
Co., Ltd., 709
Bucket Loading Machine, Barber-Greene
Olding and Co., Ltd., 590
Budget, The, 463, (Leading Article, 506)
Building Boards J oint Committee, (552)
Building Film, John Laing and Son,
Ltd., (569)
Building' Materials and the Export
Drive, 404
Building Productivity Team, Report
of, 539
Building R esearch, 1948, 227
Building R esearch Congress, (516)
Bushes, Standard Bronze, Glacier Metal Civil Engineering in 1949, 29, 49, 77
eo:, Ltd., (195)
Civil Engineering Contractors Activities,
Business Administration Scholarships,
Edmund Nuttall Sons and Co. (L ondon)
Ltd., (629)
Civil Engineering Problems in the
Colonies, 723
Civil Engineering R esearch in Portugal,
CABLE-DRUM Trailer, Richard C.
Gibbins and Co., Ltd.,731
Coating Thickness Meter, East LancaCableway Rope Turning Gear, John M.
shire Chemical Co., Ltd., 220
Henderson and Co., Ltd., (177)
Coke Oven Plants, National Coal Board,
Calendars and Diaries, 35
Cameras for the B.B.C., Marconi's Wire- Coke Ovens at Ford Works, (655)
less Telegraph Co., Ltd., (179)
Coke Stoker, Mirrlees-Watson Co., Ltd.,
Canadian Aluminium Production, 745
Canadian Nickel, 374
Cold Galvanising, Clear Glass Products,
Carbon, A Ne\v Industrial, Powe11
Ltd., (301)
Du ffryn Carbon P roducts, Ltd., 329
Colonial Fibre Mission, (135)
Career, Choice of, (507)
Common Defects in Brickwork, (490)
Careers, A Guide to, 314
Component Production by the British
Catalogues, 159, 218, 312, 343, 371, 514,
Tabulating Machine Company, 676
644, 668, 696, 720, 752
Components for Large Built-Up Dies,
Cellulose Acetate Plastics, (668)
Composite F orgings, Ltd., 691
Census of Production, 1950, 489
Comptroller-General of P atents, R eport
Census of P roduction Advisory Com697
mittee, 284
Conference for Small Firms, 693
Centrifugal Machine, Thompson Brothers Coniroeter, Conimeters, Ltd., 341
(Bilston) Ltd., 648
Continuous Annealing Furnace for
Centrifuge, Continuous, International
Aluminium Sheets, Stordy EngineerCombustion, Ltd., 524
ing, Ltd., 190
" Cerchar," French R esearch and Study Contracts, 71, 104, 166, 196, 225, 255, 315,
Centre, 255
345, 375, 405, 436, 490, 520, 584, 694,
Chemical Industry in South Africa, 163
Chemical R esearch Laboratory, (584)
Control of Engagement Order, 344
Chemical Works Safety Conference, (720) Control Mechanisms, 105
Chilean Engineers in Britai n, (642)
Conveyor, "Flowcline" P orta ble, Fisher
Churchward, 393
and Ludlow, Ltd., 681
Civil Defence Regulations for Water Conveyor, Mobile, C. H. Johnson
Supply and Sewerage, 463
(Machinery) Ltd., 589
Figures in Brackets ( ) refer to paragraphs
Conveyol' Unit, Light, Telefiex Products,
Ltd., 732
Cooling Towers, Natural Draught, 450,
(Letter, 507)
Coopers Hill War Memorial Prize, (225)
Corrosion Problems in the Oil Industry, 1
R esearch,
Co-operation, (460)
Cost and Price Reduction, 641
Crane, Building, Westdeutsche Mannesmannrohren Akteingesselschaft, 687
Crane, Diesel-Electric Shunting, Thomas
Smith and Son (Rodley) Ltd., 588
Crane, Mobile, Diesel-Electric, Walker
Brothers (Wigan) Ltd., 690
Crude Oil Production, 432
Crushing Plant, Mobile " Rocksizer,"
Frederick Parker, Ltd., 556
Cycles Through the Ages, (71)
DEFENCR Estimates, 287, (Leading
Article, 332)
Designers in Britain, (409)
Diesel Engine Works, F. P erkins, Ltd.,
Distribution of Industry Bill, 404, 459
Distribution of United Kingdom Trade,
D istrict Heating and its Application to
the New Towns, A. E. Margolis, 330,
Dividend and Wage Freeze, 344
D ollar E xports Board, 197
Domestic H eating Equipment, (35)
Drawing an Approximation to an Ellipse,
T. K. Chaplon, (Letters, 90, 301)
D redger, Self-Propelled, Brooke Marine,
Ltd., 652
Dressed Granite, (561)
Drilling Survey in Sweden, 101
Drop Forging, Productivity Team's
Report on, 545
Drier for Machine Glazing Cylinders,
Spooner Dryer and Engineering Co.,
Ltd., 487
Dumpers, British Quarry, Eagle E ngineering Co., Ltd., 179
Dumper, Heavy-Duty, Aveling Barford,
Ltd., 560
Flameproof Electric Drilling Machines for
Mines, Siemens Schuckert (Great
Britain) Ltd., 311
Fork Lift Truck, Battery Operated,
I .T.D., Ltd., 679
F ork-Lift Truck, Pedestrian-Controlled,
Lansing Bagnall, Ltd., 731
Foundry Clays, South African, 253
Foundry Foreman's Training Course, 374
F ourth World Power Conference, (694)
Franco-German Trade Agreement, 458
Freight H andling in U.S.A., 645
French Honour for E.R.A. Secretary, (87)
French H ydraulic Reserves, 103
French Industrial Production, General
Indices, 640
French Inland Waterways, 432
French Met allurgical Industry, 102
French National Productivity Committee, 518
French Oil R efining I ndustry, 285
French Production Level, 225
French Scientific Instrument s, (67)
Fuel Allowance for E xcursions, (552)
Fuel Efficiency Testing Unit, Mobile,
B. Laporte, Ltd., 294
Furnace, "Cyclone." Babcock and
Wilcox, Ltd., 593
Furnace Flame Failure Safeguard,
Elcontrol, Ltd., 219
Furnace, Vertical Slot, In candescent
Heat Co., Ltd., 650
Fusible Alloys, 391
Fusible Alloys Containing Tin, (71)
GAS Firing of a Slab H eating Furnace,
Gaz de France R esearch Laboratories, 375
Gear, Varia ble Speed, Allspeeds, Ltd., 652
Gear -Tooth Stresses at High Speed, W. A.
Tuplin, 342
German and Japanese I ndustry, Reports
on, 136, 226, 286, 376, 554, 586, 618,
644, 670, 696
German Recovery, 658
Gland Packing and Electrical Insulating
Material, Imperial Chemical Industries,
Ltd., 184
Goggles, Industrial, R.F.D. Co., Ltd., 99
Gold Coast Lighthouses, Modernisation
of, (375)
Gold and Dollar Reserves, 70
EARTH Scraper, Blaw Knox, Ltd., 593 Gold Treatment Plant, Fraser and
Economic Co-op eration, 314
Chalmers Engineering Works, 654
Economic Situation, 420
Government Changes, 257
Economic Survey for 1950, 389
Grinding of Cutlery and Edge Tools, (411)
Elswick Works, Modernisation Scheme, Group Machinability R esear ch LaboraVickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., 429
tory, Organi,sation and Work of the
Empire Trade, 615
B.S.A., K. J . B. Wolfe and Peter
Employment in Northern Ireland, 667
Spear, 352, 401
Employment Trends in U .S.A., 693
Guide to Industrial Relations, 164
Employment and Unemployment, 102,
224, 344, 489, 615, 749
Engineer and the Election, 200
Engineering Centre, Glasgow, 227
Engineering Profits and Wages, 710
" HANDIAIR " Portable Compressor
Engineering and Shipbuilding Wages, 344
Units, B.E.N. P atent s, Ltd., 526
Engineering Societies' Conference, 452, H arvesting of Seaweed, 723
(Letter, 575)
H eavy Industry in South Africa, 163
Engineering Training Grants, 587 .
High Pressure Steam Pipes, (315)
Engineering Unions' Ballot, 775
Higher Technological Education, 645
Engineering Workshops in 1949, 14, 42
H oist, " Minilift," Didsbury Engineering
Epicyclic Gear Efficiencies, (Letters, 90,
Co., Ltd., 704
213, 243)
Hospital Engineering Services, 347
Equilibrium Data for Tin Alloys, 518
Hours of E mployment, 34
European Industrial Federations, 693
H uman Relations and Full Employment,
European Scientific and Technical
54, (Letter, 90)
Co-operation, 1
Hungary's Five-Year P lan, (116)
Europe's Engineering Exports, 775
Hydraulic Diagrams, Contractors Record,
Expert Evidence, Sir William Ball, 263
Ltd., (103)
Export and Import Prices of Under- Hydraulic Testing Equipment, H amdeveloped Countries, 314
worthy Engineering Co., Ltd., 514
Export of Lead Manufactures, 70
Hydraulic Works in P ortugal, 101
Export Trade, Britain's, 519
Hydraulics Research, 407
Exports and Dollar Savings, 134
H ydrogenation of Fatty Oils and Fats,
A. E. Williams, 442, 468
FACTORY Lighting, High Bay, British
Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., 190
Fan Showroom, Mobile, (373)
Faraday Lecture, (71)
Fawley Oil Refinery Progress, 691
F.B.I. Office in Toronto, 1
Federation of British Industries, Annual
General Meeting, 519
Films on Foundry Gating Practice, 423
Firefioats, Vosper, Ltd., 368
Flame Hardening, 517
Flame Radiation, 580
IMPACT Stresses in Systems of Bars,
Boris N. Cole, 264, 288
Impact Value for Sub-Size Specimens, 131
Imperial Pound and Y a:td T~st, (720)
Incentive& and Taxation, 134
Index of Industrial P roduction, 433
India's Industrial Production, 719
" Induction," 374
Industrial and Commercial Finance
Corporation, 641
Industrial Management, 284
Industrial :Mission to Pakistan, (166)
Industry and National Expenditure, 719
Industrial Outlook, 775
Industrial Production in 1949, 70
Industrial Safety Conference, 641
Industrial Training, 102
Industry and the Government, 459
Industry and the London Development
Plan, 314
Industry in Western Germany, 224
I nland Water Sur vey Committee, 197
Inspection by R adon of Large HighPressur e Vessels, V. E. P ullin, 262
Integration of Transport Services, 493
Internal Measuring Instrument, British
Indicators, Ltd., 580
I nternational Exchange of Students, (195)
International H olidays for Apprentices,
Moisture Meter for Textiles, Dawe
I nstruments, Ltd., 445
Molybdenum on Phosphorus Embrittlement, Effect of, 390
Mood Nickel F ellowships, (285)
Monopolies and Restrictive Practices, 347
Motion Study, Full Application of,
Anne G. Shaw, 388
Mural Comparator, 50-Metre, at the
N.P.L., J. S. Clark, 201, 228
Mushet, David and Robert, T. A. Seed, 90
NATIONAL Income and Expenditure,
National Joint Advisory Council, 164
National Savings in t he Engineering
~ 19
Industry, 194
International Organisation for Standard- New Year H onours, 1
isation, (490)
Newton " H ydratruck," P ower Jacks,
I .R.S.I.A. Comptes Rendus de ReLtd., 680
cherches, 131
Nickel Industry in 1949, 34
Isotopes in Industry, (436)
Non-Ferrous Metal Industry in Germany,
1939 to 1945, 130
Non -Ferrous Metals, 459, 551
Non-Ferrous Metals Productivity Team,
J ARR Squeeze Strip Machine, Pneuleo, Northern Ireland's Industries, 134
Ltd., 558
Nuts and Bolts Order, (584)
J oint Consultation for t he Coke Oven
Industry, 254
J oint Consultation .in Industry, 194, 459
Jubilee of the National P hysical Laboratory, 149
OIL Burner, P ortable, Oil Equipment
Jubilee of a Pipe-Making Firm, Aiton and
and Engineering Co., L td., 457
Co., Ltd ., (339)
Oil Company's Amalgamation, 389
Oil Fuel Burner, Associated British
Combustion, Ltd., 648
Oil Production in Algeria, 518
KING'S Speech, The, 300
Oil Shale and Cannel Coal Conference, 57
Oil Well Servicing Unit, Mobile,
Woodfield Hoist Co., L td., 219
Oilfield Communications, (642)
Ontario Research Foundation, 631
LABOUR and the Economic Situation in Organised Labour in the U .S.A., The
1949, Gertrude Williams, 5, 44, 76
Attitude of, 583
L.C.C. Main Drainage Committee, (375) Organising for Output, 615
Leather Research Laboratories, 645
Operational Research Quarterly, (405)
Leeds Engineering Firm's Centenary, Optical Pyrometer for the Pottery
J ohn Fowler and Co., (Leeds) Ltd., 306
Industry, (507)
Length of Public Service Vehicles, 281
Orkney Windmill and Wind P ower in
Lighthouse Conference, International,
Scotland, 106
Overseas Economic Surveys, (35)
Lightweight Tropical R oof, Taylor, Overseas Mail Service, Some ConsideraWoodrow (Building Exp orts) Ltd.,
tions in the Provision and Operation
of, James Gray, 112, 138
Limits for Building Operations, (103)
" Oxford " Management Conference, 284
London Area Passenger Charges Scheme, Oxygen Utilisation, Developm~nt in, (505)
Long Service Awards, Follsain-Wycliffe
Foundries, Ltd., (129)
" Lost Wax " Process of Precision
Casting, J . S. Turnbull, 97
PACKAGI NG Glossary, (405)
" Lowerator " Platform, Ba.rron and P acking for Safety at the Docks, (735)
Shepherd, Ltd., 681
P ainting of Structural Steelwork, 269
P allet Truck, Low Lift, Wingrove and
Rogers, Ltd., 679
Pametrada Research Station, 578, 714
Paris Drainage System, 692
MACHINING Zinc Alloy Die Castings, P arliament, Opening, 287
P atents for Rubber Latex, (285)
" Machinist, The," 493
Magnet Alloys, Modern, 774
Mclnnes, Ltd., 513
Magnetic Gas Valve, P erl Controls, Ltd., Perils of Prophecy, 362
Permanent Magnets, William Jessop and
Magnetic Recording Tape, General
Sons, J,td., (103)
Electric Co., Ltd ., (520)
P etroleum Equipment, British ManuManufacturers and the Budget, 404
facturers, (285)
Marine Reverse Gear, Morton and Physics Exhibits at the Science Museum,
Weaver, 269
Material Testing Cupboard for Variable Physics of Lubrication, (750)
Temperatures, J oh Alfred Richter P ile Driving Instruction, (333)
K altemaschinenbau G.m.b.H., 416
Pile Driving Plant, British Steel Piling
Materials Handling Conferences, 633
Co. , Ltd., 561
Materials Handling, Productivity Report Pirani and I onisation Gauge, Combined,
on, 610
W. G. Pyer and Co., Ltd., 341
Mechanical Draught Cooling Towers, Plant Extension of the Sperry Gyroscope
H. Chilton and J . J ackson, (Letters,
Co., Ltd., (473)
Plant for Salisbury Municipality, 253
Mechanised Ironfoundry of Ruston and Plastics Research and Development
Hornsby, Ltd., 205, 233
Laboratory, Bakelite, Ltd., 762
Metal Congress and Exposition, (552)
Pointers to Dollar Markets, 551
Metal Prices, 34, 194, 284
Population and Employment, 450
Metallurgical Centenaries, 420
P ottery Kiln, Large Electric, General
Metallurgical Plant inS. Rhodesia, (520)
Electric Co., Ltd ., 400
" Mighty Antar " Oil-Field Tractors and Precision Casting, 89
Equipment Pre-Election Pangloss, 54
(Thornycroft), Ltd.; 498, 542, 563, 611 Pressure Vessel Welding Elect.rode,
(Suppt., April 28th, 1950)...
Quasi-Arc, Co., Ltd., (391)
Mineral Working, 20
Pressure Vessels, Manufacture of Fusion
Modernisation Scheme at Elswick Works,
Welded, Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., 385
Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd ., 429
Price Increases, 519, 615
Fig ures in Brackets ( ) refer to paragraphs
Productivity in British Industry: B.
White, 198; Frank A. Martin, 258;
Sir Claude Gibb and Gordon M. Baker,
319; E. C. Bowyer, 380; Rt. Hon.
Arthur Woodburn, 464; D. F.
Galloway, 604; W. D. King and H.
Sherburn, 756 ; (Leading Article, 210) ;
(Letters, 243, 273, 422, 603)
Productivity Report on Materials Handling, 610
Productivity Teams, 523
Productivity Team's Report on Drop
Forging, 545
Public H ealth Engineering, 619, (694),
(Leading Article, 632)
Public Works in Belgium, 458
Pulley, Travelling Wire Rope, Felco
Hoists, Ltd., 680
Purchase Tax on Comm*'rcial Vehicles,
QUANTUM Theory, (Letter, 685)
Quarry Dumpers, British, Eagle Rngineering Co., Ltd., 179
" RA WLOOPS," R a wlplug Co., Ltd., 591
Rayon Pulp Mill, Columbia Cellulose
Co., Ltd., 223
R ecruitment of Factory I nspectors, 284
Recruitment and Tl'aining of Labour, 254
R efractories R esearch in the OpenH earth Steel Industry, 168
R efrigeration R esearch and Test Station
at Algiers, 582
R egister of Patent Agents' Rules, 1950,
Relaxation Methods, Summer School,
R emote Control and Gas Supply, (375)
R emote Flow Indicator, Londex, Ltd.,
Research and Government Departments,
R evised Standard Form of Contract, 272
Revolution in Underwater Propulsion,
River Boards, 151
Rolling Mill at the Forges de BasseIndre, 550
Royal Institute of Technology, Proposed,
Royal Naval Engineering College, 137
Rubber R esearch Centre, Dunlop Rubber
Co., Ltd., 706
Rust Prevention, Walterisation Co., Ltd.,
Rust Removal a nd Prevention, Dex
Industries, Ltd., (316)
Rust-Removing S olution, Pyrene Co., Strikes, Unofficial, 134
Submarine Gravity 1 ' urvey of the
Ltd., (328)
Eastern Mediterranean, 307
Sweat Cooling, N. P . W. Moore a nd P.
Grootenul)js, 230
SABI-LUNDI Development, Southern Sweden's Industrial Production, (584)
Synthetic P etroleum Plant for India, (460)
Rhodesia, 150
Safety in Industry, 538
St. Etienne Industry, 750
Salt-Bath Furnace and Quenching Tank,
Imperia l Chemical Industries, Ltd., 558
Sand a nd Gravel, Advisory Committee, T APERED Treads on the Motion of
Overhead Travelling Cranes, Effect of,
E. L . Diamond and A. M. Frankau, '511
Sand and Gravel Output in the Wessex
Taxation and Government Expenditure,
R egion, (616)
"Sand-Jet " Marking Machine, F unditor,
Technical Education, Future of, 137
Ltd., 588
Techni cal Missions for the U .S.A .. (434)
Scholarships for Building Apprentices, Technica l Press P anel for Productivity
Council, 197
Schuman Plan, (Leading Articles, 602, Technical 1 'tatf' Scholarships, 407
Technology in Universities, 73
Science and I ndustry. 257
Tees-side Industry, 254, 404
Scientific Film Shows at Science
Temperature Total H eat Diagram for
Museum , (103)
Cooling T ower Calculations, .B. W ood
Scientifi c a nd Industria l Research in
a nd P . Betts, 337, 349
Australia, 671
Scraper, Self-Propelled, Blaw Knox, Testing of Mecha nical Draught WaterCooling Towers, J. J ackson, 140
Ltd., 399
Therm ionic Va lves, S.I.M.A. List, (35)
Secrecv and the Services, 766
Sheet· Annealing
Furnace-Charging Thin Copper F oil, (584)
Wellman Smith Owen Titanium Alloys, 630
Engineering Corporation, Ltd., 566 Torsion Bar Safety Valves, Hopkinsons,
Ltd., 745
Shell H aven R efinery Developments, 657
Siliceous Parting Powders in Foundries, Trade Disputes, 34, 164, 284, 433, 551, 667
Trade, Overseas, 70, 102, 134, 224, 254,
344, 374, 489, 551, 615, 641, 749
Silicone Rubber Products, (750)
1 implification Creates New Problems for
Trade, Overseas, Measuring the Volume
. Top-Management, H. E. Merritt, 237
of, 749
Simplification a nd Ma nagement, 242
Tl'aining and Employment of Young
Workers, 224
Site for New Town in Wales Rejected,
Trencbing Machine, Room -T y pe, Winget,
Sluice Gate, Tensioned, H ead Wrightson
Ltd., 557
and Co., Ltd., 427
Troughing Idler, New Conveyor Co.,
Soil Compacting Machine, Compactors
Ltd., 679
Engineering, Ltd., 279
T.U.C. and the E conomic Situation, 70
Losenahusenwerk T .U.C. and London P assenger F ares, 404
Dusseldorfer Maschinen bau A.G., 416 T.U.C. Wages Policy, 102, 551
Soldering Iron, Electric, Wolf Electric
Tools, Ltd., 2 18
Solderless Wiring Connections, Plessey
Co. Ltd., 132
Soluble Oil, C. C. Wakefield and Co., Ltd., UNIFIED Thread Form Diagrams a nd
Graticules, Design of, 577
Soot Blower, Compressed Air Operated, Universal Measuring Microscope, Carl
Airnesco Products, Ltd., 189
Zeiss, .Tena, V. E.B., 416
South African Plant Mannfacturl", 133
Standards for Tungsten Carbide Tools,
Steam P ower Plant, Simon -Carves, Ltd.,
VACUUM Coating Unit " 6E," W.
Storage a nd Filtration of Oil Fuel,
Edwa.rds a nd Co., Ltd., 446
C.A.V., Ltd., (191)
Vacuum Physics, Conference, 697
Va lue of Productivity Teams, 538
Va u xhall Works, E xtensions, Vauxhall
Motors, Ltd., 483
Viscometer, P ortable, F erranti, Ltd ., 000
WAGE Claims, 284, 314, 641
Wage Incentives, 615
Wage Rates, Changes in, 34, 551, 667
W age R ates and Working H ours, 164
Wage R estraint, 719
Wage Dispute, Engineering, 488
Wages, Engineering, 194, 254, (Leading
Article, 478)
W ages, Engineering and Shipbuilding,
433, 519
Wages Policy, 667
Wages, R ailway, 489
Wages in S weden, 164
W alking D ragline, Electrically Operated,
Marion Steam Shovel Co., 355
Water Pipes, Small Diameter , (490)
Water Turbines, H andbook on, (434)
Wat er Valves, Contracts Placed in Italy,
Waterway Construction in Belgium, 101
Waterways in the F ourth Soviet Fi vey ear Pla n, 505
Weir Controllers for Slip-Ring Motors, 547
Weldi ng Shop E xtension, Thompson
Brothers (Bilston) Ltd., 515
Wire F orming Machine, Automatic,
A. W. MacN a mara, Ltd. , 525
Wire-F orming Machine, Vertical Plate,
A. W. MacNamara, L td., 526
Wire a nd Strip F orming Machine, A. W .
MacNamara, Ltd., 526
W oolwich
P olytechnic's
Jubilee, 428
Work Measurement R esearch, 105
Work Study and Operationa l Research,
Works Apprenticeship Scheme, J . Stone
and Co., Ltd. (135)
Works of David Brown-J ackson, Ltd.,
R eorganisation, 662
W orks F oundation Stone, Dewrance and
Co., Ltd ., 123
W orks H andbook, 693
Works St andardisation Scheme, 683
World Eng ineering Conference, 753
World Petroleum Congress, (694)
Wrexbam Technical College, (71)
" ZEBRA " P edestrian Crossings, (584)
Zinc and Lead Prices, 164, (375), 404,
583, 667' (720)
Zinc Nickel and Copper, 693
Figures m Brackets ( ) refer to · paragraphs
' ..~~ . '