Maths Comprehensive coverage for KS3 and KS4 KS3 Progress reporting system New GCSE Statistics product From the creators of Boardworks, whose software is used in over 85% of UK schools! Teaching Spotlight: KS3 Progress reporting Available as a stand-alone subscription or as part of an 18-subject suite, Doddle Maths provides you with engaging, interactive and reliable teaching presentations mapped to the KS3 Programme of Study and GCSE exam board specifications. Doddle Progress reporting is specifically designed to break down the new KS3 Maths curriculum into granular, testable skills. The teaching resources and homework quizzes establish key concepts, with particular focus on problem solving using multi-step problems, and demonstrate maths in action using engaging illustrative material. The objective and reliable assessment data highlights where individual students are improving and enables comparison of class trends to see what particular skills are holding them back – insight which feeds directly back into adapting and personalising their lessons. Built in partnership with PiXL, our reporting helps you assess your students, discuss their progress and demonstrate it to parents and inspectors. Home 1 Resources Markbook Diagnose Progress Students Assign self-marking baseline assessments Student Sarah White Change class in class Sarah’s Class to establish student Student attainment overview understanding Homework Doddle consists of hundreds of activities making it easy to structure your homework for the term ahead and set homework consistently across your department. Homework quizzes are self-marking, and contain formative recap slides providing instant feedback to students. The engaging interactive content keeps students interested in their work and builds enthusiasm to learn independently. This system integrates well with the DTT teaching model as you can diagnose where students are struggling, set targeted therapy tasks from Doddle resources and retest student understanding using the assessment tests. Secure Baseline test Step Year Developing All Novice 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Jeremy Newnham, Headt eacher, Caistor Yarborough Acad emy Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 Proportion 8 RP2 - I can use proportional reasoning to solve problems. 8, 9 RP3 - I can use scale factors, scale diagrams and maps (see Maps and diagrams). 8, 9 RP4 - I can use compound units such as speed, unit pricing and density to solve problems. RP5 - I can solve problems involving direct and inverse proportion including graphical and algebraic representations. Ratio RP6 - I can use ratio notation, including reduction to its simplest forms. RP7 - I can divide a given quantity into a given ratio. 3 8, 9 8 Test 7.2 Assign summative end tests 7.2 to demonstrate progress or highlight areas of concern Doddle GCSE Statistics provides total coverage of the AQA and Edexcel specifications for both Foundation and Higher tier. “It’s really nice to get th e marking done for you, because th e marking is the bit that stands in the way of helping the student.” End test Ratio and proportion RP1 - I can change freely between related standard units. Cather.. Check whether students are secure on the skillsEditand skills adapt Download and years teaching in order to apply the relevant therapy Assign Spotlight: GCSE Statistics Assessment The detailed online markbook automatically records reliable and comprehensive data about student progress, allowing you to quickly assess student understanding, see average results and pinpoint areas for concern. Ratio and proportion Maths 2 Blog Therapy The product is made up of diagrams, visually appealing games and adjustable charts that keep your students engaged throughout the lesson and facilitate overall understanding of core topics. Doddle GCSE Statistics also features exam-style questions and a wide selection of mini quizzes based on key skills. Ranging in difficulty for different abilities, teaching and homework can be tailored to suit your students’ needs. Find out more about Doddle Maths at 7 8 9 and Boardworks Ltd are the creators of Doddle, an online resource bringing together over 16,000 teaching, homework and revision materials across 18 subjects at KS3–KS4. Comprising all Boardworks teaching presentations, thousands of formative self-marking homework quizzes, and our new progress reporting system, Doddle is designed to assist schools in consistently raising achievement. Pricing SUBJECT 1-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION 3-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION Doddle KS3 & KS4 Maths £999 £2,399 Doddle GCSE Statistics £399 £899 Doddle Maths & GCSE Statistics* £1,299 £2,899 Doddle Suite ** £6,900 £15,900 *Maths Bundle includes KS3 & KS4 Maths and GCSE Statistics. **The Doddle Suite includes: KS3 and KS4: science, maths, English, ICT & computing, French, German, Spanish, geography, history, RS, citizenship, PSHEE, D&T, art & design, music and drama. KS4: business studies and PE. The Small Print: all prices are for a whole-school licence and are exclusive of VAT. Prices are subject to change: please visit for up-to-date pricing information. See Doddle in your school Book an in-school demonstration: Call us: 0845 0 300 400 Email us: