RESEARCH COOPERATION BETWEEN THE EC’S JRC & SLOVAK REPUBLIC CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE SLOVAK SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION SYSTEM Štefan Chudoba State Secretary 10. June 2014 RIS3 SK – Slovak Smart Specialization Strategy Slovak national smart specialization strategy RIS3 SK was approved by the Slovak Government on 13 November 2013. Main Goals: Deepening integration and embeddedness of key major industries Increased contribution of research to the economic growth Improving the quality of human resources for an innovative Slovakia RIS3 SK includes the following research and development priorities: Research and Development priorities: • 1. Material Research and Nanotechnology • 2. Information and Communication Technologies • 3. Biomedicine and Biotechnology Technological priorities: • 4. Industrial Technologies • 5. Sustainable Energy • 6. Environment and Agriculture Societal Challenges • 7. Selected areas of social sciences (with respect to the most pressing problems of the Slovak society RIS3 SK specialization for industry AREAS OF ECONOMIC SPECIALISATION: • Automotive and mechanical engineering industries • Consumer electronics and electrical equipment • Information and communication technologies and Services • Production and processing of iron and steel PROSPECTIVE AREAS OF SPECIALISATION: • Automation, robotics and digital technology, • Processing and increasing the value of light metals and their alloys, • Production and processing of plastics, • Creative industry, • Increasing the value of domestic raw material base University Science Parks and Research Centres Current situation in Slovak Republic (2007 – 2014) 67 Centres of Excellence (support excellent fundamental research) 8 Competence Centres (relatively large clusters of academic institutions and industry) 11 University Science Parks and Research Centres (5 already implementing Bratislava, Trnava, Košice, Nitra, Žilina), with links to businesses University Science Parks and Research Centres – main roles Strong link with RIS3 SK and H2020 priorities Development of excellent research infrastructure, support for elite scientific teams Co-operation with & creation of clusters, networking Increase the attractiveness of Slovak R&D for young researchers and researchers from EU Applied research - cooperation with industry and commercialization of scientific outputs Support for start-up a spin-off companies Automotive industry Geographical distribution of Science parks and Research Centres Science park Research centre Research centre Research centre Science park Science park Science park Research centre Science park Science park Science park Research centre Material research, research on new materials, nanotechnology Industrial research (transport, mechanical engineering, electrical engi Environmental protection, agriculture, food quality Biomedicine and biotechnology Information and communication technologies Implementation of the Inovation Process in SR Industry Implementation: MŠVVaŠ SAV "Land of No One" !!!!! Room for Prototypes Applied Research Research & Development Horizon 2020 Cars 2020 Private Investment Implementation: MH Companies Mass Production Start Up, Spin Off, Production Verification Technical Preparation of Production Good Weak Insufficient Implementation Strategy of the Research and Development at the MŠVVaŠ RIS3 -Priorities State budget Private resources Horizon 2020 Management: R&I Government Concil S&T General Directorate Cars 2020 Management: S&T General Directorate Slovak Research and Development Agency Legislation Management: R&I Government Concil S&T General Directorate Acts on: Materials Incentives BIO - MED Agriculture-Environment Energy Societal challenges OPR&I 1,0 billion € 1,4 billion € OPHR - Education cca 400 m€ similar structure as for Horizon 2020 R&D financing APVV Deduction of Project Preparation R&D Expenditure Networking Financing of Universities from Income Tax Project Preparation Exp. Project Preparation Link to the RIS3 Priorities Networks: for Horizon 2020 SAV Cooperation with: Automotive Ind. Association Companies Companies Link to the RIS3 Priorities Universities Universities ICT Industrial Technologies 14 Priorities National Delegates National Contact Points Increase to 1,2% GDP Goal - 700 m€ Goal min. 400 m€ Goal min. 100 m€ Goal 30 m€/p.a. National Horizon 2020 Support Structures Scheme National Horizon 2020 co-ordinator (MŠVVaŠ SR) National NCP co-ordinator (at the CVTI SR) National contact points - NCP (at the CVTI SR) National delegates (MŠVVaŠ SR) Slovak Liaison Office for Research and Development in Brussels (at the CVTI SR) Slovak Research & Development Agency Programmes National Horizon 2020 Co-ordinator – MŠVVaŠ SR Patrik Helmich ( National delegates – 14 Programme committees + 2 for EURATOM, Supporting the SR interests in preparation of Work Programmes (biannual), (calls, financing, ...) National contact points (NCP) Providing information services about calls, information days, seminars, consultations, partner search, databases National NCP coordinator ( – Jana Tomková NCPs contact: Slovak Liaison Office for Research and Development in Brussels - Support for Slovak institutions in H2020 & other EU initiatives & programmes - Propagation of Slovak research, its results and potential at the EU level - Liaison and contacts to European institutions and organisations in Partnership possibilities: Raw materials - magnesite (KIC): partners: Technical University of Košice, Slovak Academy of Sciences focus: Support the potential of raw materials magnesite in extraction, processing & industrial use on EU level contact persons: Ján Spišák Pavol Šajgalík František Simančík Partnership possibilities: Carbon fibre and Kevlar: partners: Technical University of Bratislava, Continental Matador Rubber, Dipex focus: industrial production & processing of carbon fibre & Kevlar, including construction of machines & utilities contact persons: Jozef Peterka Štefan Rosina Emanuel Polešenský Partnership possibilities: Decommissioning & nuclear safety: partners: Technical University of Bratislava, Slovak Academy of Sciences, JAVYS (Nuclear & Decommissioning Company) focus: scientific support for maintenance and decommissioning of nuclear installations, education - The summer school of decommissioning for universities students contact person: Vladimír Slugeň Partnership possibilities: ICT: partners: ICT cluster Košice, Technical University of Košice and University of P.J. Šafárik focus: The project brings together 40 ICT SMEs, the creation of e-cloud processes to support SMEs, social innovation and e-Health, project supports objectives of the Danube Strategy contact person: Radoslav Delina Partnership possibilities: Water Management and Flood Protection partners: Technical University of Košice, Technical University of Bratislava, EVPU (The Electrotechnical Research & Projecting Company) Nová Dubnica focus: rational use of drinking water, innovative waste water management, cleaning of surface waters from cyanobacteria, flood prevention systems contact persons: Ľubomír Šooš Miroslav Badida Jozef Buday Partnership possibilities: Waste Management: partners: Technical University of Bratislava, EVPU (The Electrotechnical Research & Projecting Company) Nová Dubnica focus: innovative research in the field of communal waste recovery with special emphasis on energetic recovery - gasification contact persons: Marián Peciar Jozef Buday Partnership possibilities: Forest management: partners: Technical University of Zvolen focus: adaptive forest management and creation of climate change adaptive forest ecosystems contact person: Rudolf Kropil: Partnership possibilities: Biomedicine – a) research of cancer b) Alzheimer disease research partners: Comenius University Bratislava, Slovak Medical University in Bratislava, Slovak Academy of Sciences focus: excellent and innovative scientific approach to the most important medical research on the EU level contact persons: Ján Turňa Ján Slezák Michal Novák Partnership possibilities: Widening of participation in EU research ERA CHAIRS ERA-NET European Innovation and Technology Institute (KIC EIT) KIC - Raw Materials KIC - Food4Future Twinning, Teaming Partnership possibilities – Danube Strategy Roma Education project partners: Slovak Academy of Sciences, Danube countries universities focus: re-inclusion of young Roma children to the existing education system, elaboration of a specific training of teachers focused on inclusion and other Roma social challenges contact person: Ondrej Kaščák Partnership possibilities – Danube Strategy Danube Academy for Dual Education partners: Ministry of Education, Science, Research & Sport of the Slovak Republic, State Institute for Vocational Education, Volkswagen Slovakia, BadenWürttemberg - Ministry of Finance and Economics, Wirtschaftskammer Österreich focus: Systematic support to the vocational education and training (VET), practical dual education in companies , enhancing co-operation and best practices transfer in VET contact persons: Roderik Klinda Hans-Peter Herdlitschka Barbara Wilfinger Partnership possibilities – Danube Strategy Flagship projects, etc... DREAM (environment, navigability, hydromorfology of the Danube river) Political support for DRRIF (Danube Regional Research and Innovation Fund) Thank you for your attention!