Writing - Texas Student Data System

TEKS Curriculum Framework for STAAR Alternate 2
Grade 4 Writing
Copyright © September 2014, Texas Education Agency. All rights reserved. Reproduction of all or portions of this work is prohibited without express written permission from the Texas Education Agency.
STAAR Alternate 2 Writing Instructional Terms
The curriculum that will be assessed each year for STAAR Alternate 2 is determined by the essence statements that are selected for each administration. Teachers
should refer to the Curriculum Framework documents for each selected essence statement to locate the prerequisite skills that are linked to that essence statement.
Instruction should focus on the listed prerequisite skills. The teacher should determine what skills have been mastered and which need to be taught according to the
developmental level of the student. The goal should be to assist the student in attaining the highest academic level the student is capable of within a given year. In
addition to the prerequisite skills, there are instructional terms that students will need exposure to during instruction. The following list includes the terms for all the
essence statements and not just the ones selected for a given administration. Students need to become familiar with these terms as the student is developmentally
able to comprehend the content. Students in higher grades need to also know the terms presented in earlier grades.
Grade 4 Writing
topic sentence
support (for topic sentence)
concluding sentence
combine sentences
transition/transition word
end punctuation
capital letter/capitalized
singular noun/plural noun
proper nouns
meaning (retain meaning)
figurative language: simile, metaphor
conclude/concluding statement
Grade 7 Writing
English I Writing
concluding paragraph/introductory paragraph
English II Writing
descriptive words
root word/base word
TEKS Curriculum Framework for STAAR Alternate 2 | Grade 4
STAAR Reporting Category 2—Revision: The student will demonstrate an ability to revise a variety of written texts.
TEKS Knowledge and Skills Statement/
STAAR-Tested Student Expectation
Essence of TEKS Knowledge and Skills Statement/
STAAR-Tested Student Expectation
(4.15) Writing/Writing Process. Stud ents use elem ents of the w riting
process (planning, d rafting, revising, ed iting, and publishing) to
com pose text. The stud ent is expected to
(C) revise d rafts for coherence, organization, use of sim ple and
com pound sentences, and aud ience. Read iness Stand ard
Revises text to clarify and im prove m eaning.
Prerequisite Skills/Links to TEKS Vertical Alignment
 revise d rafts for coherence, organization, use of sim ple and com pound sentences,
and aud ience
 revise d rafts by ad d ing or d eleting w ord s, phr ases, or sentences
 revise d rafts by ad d ing or d eleting a w ord , phrase, or sentence
 revise d rafts by ad d ing details or sentences
N OTE: Und er each heading the prerequisite skills are arranged from the highest grad e level to the low est grad e level.
September 2014
TEKS Curriculum Framework for STAAR Alternate 2 | Grade 4
STAAR Reporting Category 2—Revision: The student will demonstrate an ability to revise a variety of written texts.
TEKS Knowledge and Skills Statement/
STAAR-Tested Student Expectations
Essence of TEKS Knowledge and Skills Statement/
STAAR-Tested Student Expectations
(4.18) Writing/Expository [and Procedural] Texts. Stud ents w rite
expository [and proced ural or w ork-related ] texts to com m unicate id eas
and inform ation to specific aud iences for specific purposes. The stud ent
is expected to
(A) create brief com p ositions that
(i) establish a central id ea in a topic sentence; Supporting
Stand ard
(ii) includ e supporting sentences w ith sim ple facts, d etails, and
explanations; Supporting Stand ard
(iii) contain a conclud ing statem ent. Supporting Stand ard
Revises topic sentence and supporting d etails in expository text.
Prerequisite Skills/Links to TEKS Vertical Alignment
w rite letters w hose language is tailored to the aud ience and purpose (e.g., a thank you note to a friend ) and that use approp riate
conventions (e.g., d ate, salutation, closing)
 create brief com positions that:
(i) establish a central id ea in a topic sentence;
(ii) includ e supporting sentences w ith sim ple facts, d etails, and explanations; and
(iii) contain a conclud ing statem ent
 w rite resp onses to literary or expository texts that d em onstrate an und erstand ing of the text
 w rite brief com m ents on literary or inform ational texts
 w rite short letters that put id eas in a chronological or logical sequence and use appropriate conventions (e.g., d ate,
salutation, closing)
 w rite brief com positions about topics of interest to the stud ent
 d ictate or w rite inform ation for lists, captions, or invitations
Writing/w riting process*
 revise d rafts for coherence, organization, use of sim ple and com pound sentences,
and aud ience
 revise d rafts by ad d ing or d eleting w ord s, phrases, or sentences
 revise d rafts by ad d ing or d eleting a w ord , phrase, or sentence
 revise d rafts by ad d ing details or sentences
September 2014
TEKS Curriculum Framework for STAAR Alternate 2 | Grade 4
*These prerequisite skills w ere borrow ed from d ifferent know led ge and skills bank(s) d ue to sim ilar content.
N OTE: Und er each heading the prerequisite skills are arranged from the highest grad e level to the low est grad e level.
September 2014
TEKS Curriculum Framework for STAAR Alternate 2 | Grade 4
STAAR Reporting Category 3—Editing: The student will demonstrate an ability to edit a variety of texts.
TEKS Knowledge and Skills Statement/
STAAR-Tested Student Expectation
Essence of TEKS Knowledge and Skills Statement/
STAAR-Tested Student Expectation
(4.15) Writing/Writing Process. Stud ents use elem ents of the w riting
process (planning, d rafting, revising, ed iting, and publishing) to
com pose text. The stud ent is expected to
(D) ed it d rafts for gram m ar, m echanics, and spelling [u sing a
teacher-d eveloped rubric]. Read iness Stand ard
Ed its text using correct gram m ar, m echanics, and spelling.
Prerequisite Skills/Links to TEKS Vertical Alignment
 ed it d rafts for gram m ar, m echanics, and spelling using a teacher -d eveloped rubric
 ed it d rafts for gram m ar, punctuation, and spelling using a teacher -d eveloped rubric
 ed it d rafts by leaving spaces betw een letters and w ord s
Oral and Written Conventions/Handw riting, Capitalization, and Punctuation*
 use capitalization for:
(i) geographical nam es and places;
(ii) historical period s; and
(iii) official titles of people
 use capitalization for:
(i) proper nouns;
(ii) m onths and d ays of the w eek; and
(iii) the salutation and closing of a letter
 recognize and use basic capitalization for:
(i) the beginning of sentences;
(ii) the pronoun "I"; and
(iii) nam es of people
 capitalize the first letter in a sentence
 recognize and use punctuation m arks includ ing:
(i) apostrophes in contractions and possessives; and
(ii) com m as in series and d ates
 recognize and use punctuation m arks, includ ing:
(i) end ing punctuation in sentences;
September 2014
TEKS Curriculum Framework for STAAR Alternate 2 | Grade 4
Prerequisite Skills/Links to TEKS Vertical Alignment
(ii) apostrophes and contractions: and
(iii) apostrophes and possessives
recognize and use punctuation m arks at the end of d eclarative, exclam atory, a nd interrogative sentences
use punctuation at the end of a sentence
*These prerequisite skills w ere borrow ed from d ifferent know led ge and skills bank(s) d ue to sim ilar content.
N OTE: Und er each heading the prerequisite skills are arranged from the hig hest grad e level to the low est grad e level.
September 2014
TEKS Curriculum Framework for STAAR Alternate 2 | Grade 4
STAAR Reporting Category 3—Editing: The student will demonstrate an ability to edit a variety of texts.
TEKS Knowledge and Skills Statement/
STAAR-Tested Student Expectations
Essence of TEKS Knowledge and Skills Statement/
STAAR-Tested Student Expectations
(4.20) [Oral and] Written Conventions/Conventions. Stud ents
und erstand the function of and use the conventions of acad em ic
language w hen speaking and w riting. Stud ents continue to apply earlier
stand ard s w ith greater com plexity. The stud ent is expected to
(A) use and und erstand the function of the follow ing parts of
speech in the context of read ing, w riting, and speaking: Readiness
Stand ard
(i) verbs (irregular verbs); Supporting Stand ard
(ii) nouns (singular/ plural, com m on/ proper); Supporting
Stand ard
(iii) adjectives (e.g., d escriptive, includ ing purpose: sleeping
bag, frying pan) and their com parative and superlative form s
(e.g., fast, faster, fastest); Supporting Stand ard
(iv) ad verbs (e.g., frequency: usually, som etimes; intensity:
alm ost, a lot); Supporting Stand ard
(v) prepositions and prepositional phrases to convey location,
tim e, d irection, or to provid e d etails; Supporting Stand ard
(vi) reflexive pronouns (e.g., m yself, ou rselves); Supporting
Stand ard
(vii) correlative conjunctions (e.g., either/ or, neither/ nor); and
Supporting Stand ard
(viii) use tim e-ord er transition w ord s and transitions that
ind icate a conclusion; Supporting Stand ard
(B) use the com plete subject and the com plete pred icate in a
sentence; Readiness Stand ard
(C) use com plete sim ple and com pound sentences w ith correct
subject-verb agreem ent. Supporting Stand ard
Ed its text for correct w ord usage.
September 2014
TEKS Curriculum Framework for STAAR Alternate 2 | Grade 4
Prerequisite Skills/Links to TEKS Vertical Alignment
use com plete sim ple and com pound sentences w ith correct subject-verb agreem ent
use the com plete subject and the com plete pred icate in a sentence
use and und erstand the function of the follow ing parts of speech in the context of reading, w riting, and speaking:
(i) verbs (past, present, and future);
(ii) nouns (singular/ plural, com m on/ proper);
(iii) adjectives (e.g., d escriptive: w ood en, rectangular; lim iting: this, that; articles: a, an, the);
(iv) ad verbs (e.g., tim e: before, next; m anner: carefully, beautifully);
(v) prepositions and prepositional phrases;
(vi) possessive pronouns (e.g., his, hers, theirs);
(vii) coord inating conjunctions (e.g., and , or, but); and
(viii) tim e-ord er transition w ord s and transitions that ind icate a conclusion
d istinguish am ong d eclarative and interrogative sentences
use com plete sentences w ith correct subject-verb agreem ent
und erstand and use the follow ing parts of speech in the context of read ing, w riting, and speaking:
(i) verbs (past, present, and future);
(ii) nouns (singular/ plural, com m on/ proper);
(iii) adjectives (e.g., d escriptive: old , w ond erful; articles: a, an, the);
(iv) ad verbs (e.g., tim e: before, next; m anner: carefully, beautifully);
(v) prepositions and prepositional phrases;
(vi) pronouns (e.g., he, him ); and
(vii) tim e-ord er transition w ord s
ask questions w ith appropriate subject-verb inversion
speak in com plete sentences w ith correct subject-verb agreem ent
und erstand and use the follow ing parts of speech in the context of read ing, w r iting, and speaking:
(i) verbs (past, present, and future);
(ii) nouns (singular/ plural, com m on/ proper);
(iii) adjectives (e.g., d escriptive: green, tall);
(iv) ad verbs (e.g., tim e: before, next);
(v) prepositions and prepositional phrases;
(vi) pronouns (e.g., I, m e); and
(vii) tim e-ord er transition w ord s
use com plete sim ple sentences
speak in com plete sentences to com m unicate
September 2014
TEKS Curriculum Framework for STAAR Alternate 2 | Grade 4
Prerequisite Skills/Links to TEKS Vertical Alignment
und erstand and use the follow ing parts of speech in the context of read ing, w riting, and speaking (w ith ad ult assistance):
(i) past and future tenses w hen speaking;
(ii) nouns (singular/ plural);
(iii) d escriptive w ord s;
(iv) prepositions and simple prepositional phrases appropriately w hen speaking or w riting (e.g., in, on, und er, over); and
(v) pronouns (e.g., I, m e)
Concepts about print skills
 use som e appropriate w riting conventions w hen w riting or giving dictation
Sentences and structure skills
 com bine sentences that give lots of d etail, sticks to the top ic, and clearly com m unicates intend ed meaning
 com bine m ore than one id ea using com plex sentences
 use sentences w ith m ore than one phrase
 use regular and irregular plurals, regular past tense, personal and possessive pronouns, and subject -verb agreem ent
 use com plete sentences of four or m ore w ord s and gram m atical com plexity usually w ith subject, verb, and object ord er
Vocabulary skills
 use category labels to und erstand how the w ord s/ objects relate to each other
 use a w id e variety of w ord s to label and d escribe people, places, things, and actions
N OTE: Und er each heading the prerequisite skills are arranged from the highest grad e level to the low est grad e level.
September 2014
TEKS Curriculum Framework for STAAR Alternate 2 | Grade 4
STAAR Reporting Category 3—Editing: The student will demonstrate an ability to edit a variety of texts.
TEKS Knowledge and Skills Statement/
STAAR-Tested Student Expectations
Essence of TEKS Knowledge and Skills Statement/
STAAR-Tested Student Expectations
(4.21) [Oral and] Written Conventions/Handw riting, Capitalization,
and Punctuation. Stud ents w rite legibly and use appropriate
capitalization and punctuation conventions in their com positions. The
stud ent is expected to
(B) use capitalization Read iness Stand ard
(i) historical events and d ocum ents; Supporting Stand ard
(ii) titles of books, stories, and essays; Supporting Stand ard
(iii) languages, races, and nationalities;
Supporting Stand ard
(C) recognize and use punctuation m arks Readiness Stand ard
includ ing
(i) com m as in com pound sentences; Supporting Stand ard
(ii) quotation marks. Supporting Stand ard
Ed its text for correct capitalization and punctuation.
Prerequisite Skills/Links to TEKS Vertical Alignment
 use capitalization for:
(i) geographical nam es and places;
(ii) historical period s; and
(iii) official titles of people
 use capitalization for:
(i) proper nouns;
(ii) m onths and d ays of the w eek; and
(iii) the salutation and closing of a letter
 recognize and use basic capitalization for:
(i) the beginning of sentences;
(ii) the pronoun "I"; and
(iii) nam es of people
 capitalize the first letter in a sentence
September 2014
TEKS Curriculum Framework for STAAR Alternate 2 | Grade 4
Prerequisite Skills/Links to TEKS Vertical Alignment
 recognize and use punctuation m arks includ ing:
(i) apostrophes in contractions and possessives; and
(ii) com m as in series and d ates
 recognize and use punctuation m arks, includ ing:
(i) end ing punctuation in sentences;
(ii) apostrophes and contractions: and
(iii) apostrophes and possessives
 recognize and use punctuation m arks at the end of d eclarativ e, exclam atory, and interrogative sentences
 use punctuation at the end of a sentence
N OTE: Und er each heading the prerequisite skills are arranged from the highest grad e level to the low est grad e level.
September 2014
TEKS Curriculum Framework for STAAR Alternate 2 | Grade 4
STAAR Reporting Category 3—Editing: The student will demonstrate an ability to edit a variety of texts.
TEKS Knowledge and Skills Statement/
STAAR-Tested Student Expectations
Essence of TEKS Knowledge and Skills Statement/
STAAR-Tested Student Expectations
(4.22) [Oral and] Written Conventions/Spelling. Stud ents spell
correctly. The stud ent is expected to
(A) spell w ord s w ith m ore ad vanced orthographic patterns
and rules: Read iness Stand ard
(i) plural rules (e.g., w ord s end ing in f as in leaf, leaves;
ad d ing -es); Supporting Stand ard
(ii) irregular plurals (e.g., m an/ men, foot/ feet,
child / child ren); Supporting Stand ard
(iii) d ouble consonants in m id d le of w ord s;
Supporting Stand ard
(iv) other w ays to spell sh (e.g., -sion, -tion, -cian);
Supporting Stand ard
(v) silent letters (e.g., knee, w ring); Supporting Stand ard
(B) spell base w ord s and roots w ith affixes (e.g., -ion, -m ent,
-ly, d is-, pre-); Supporting Stand ard
(C) spell com m only used hom ophones (e.g., there, they're,
their; tw o, too, to); Supporting Stand ard
(D) use spelling patterns and rules [and print and electronic
resources] to d eterm ine and check correct spellings.
Supporting Stand ard
Ed its text for correct spelling.
Prerequisite Skills/Links to TEKS Vertical Alignment
use print and electronic resources to find and check correct spellings
spell com plex contractions (e.g., should 've, w on't)
spell single syllable homophones (e.g., bear/ bare; w eek/ w eak; road/ rod e)
spell w ord s w ith com m on syllable constructions (e.g., closed , open, final stable syllable)
spell high-frequency and com p ound w ord s from a com m only used list
spell w ord s w ith m ore ad vanced orthographic patterns and rules:
(i) consonant d oubling w hen ad d ing an ending;
(ii) d ropping final "e" w hen end ings are ad d ed (e.g., -ing, -ed);
(iii) changing y to i before ad d ing an end ing;
September 2014
TEKS Curriculum Framework for STAAR Alternate 2 | Grade 4
Prerequisite Skills/Links to TEKS Vertical Alignment
(iv) d ouble consonants in m id d le of w ord s;
(v) com plex consonants (e.g., scr-, -d ge, -tch); and
(vi) abstract vow els (e.g., ou as in could , touch, through, bought)
 use know led ge of letter sound s, w ord parts, w ord segm entation, and syllabication to spell
 spell sim ple contractions (e.g., isn't, aren't, can't)
 spell base w ord s w ith inflectional end ings (e.g., -ing and -ed)
 spell w ord s w ith com m on orthographic patterns and rules:
(i) com plex consonants (e.g., hard and soft c and g, ck);
(ii) r-controlled vow els;
(iii) long vow els (e.g., VCe-hope); and
(iv) vow el d igraphs (e.g., oo-book, fool, ee-feet), diphthongs (e.g., ou -out, ow -cow , oi-coil, oy-toy)
 use phonological know led ge to m atch sound s to letters to construct unknow n w ord s
 use resources to find correct spellings
 spell high-frequency w ord s from a com m only used list
 spell base w ord s w ith inflectional end ings (e.g., ad d ing "s" to make w ord s plurals)
 use letter-sound patterns to spell:
(i) consonant-vow el-consonant (CVC) w ord s;
(ii) consonant-vow el-consonant-silent e (CVCe) w ord s (e.g., "hope"); and
(iii) one-syllable w ord s w ith consonant blend s (e.g., "d rop")
 use phonological know led ge to m atch sound s to letters to construct know n w ord s
 w rite one's ow n nam e
 use letter-sound correspond ences to spell consonant-vow el-consonant (CVC) w ord s (e.g., "cut")
 use phonological know led ge to m atch sound s to letters
Independently conveys meaning skills
 w rite ow n nam e (first nam e or frequent nicknam e), not necessarily w ith full correct spelling or w ell-form ed letters
Speech production sounds
 perceive d ifferences betw een sim ilar sound ing w ord s
N OTE: Und er each heading the prerequisite skills are arranged from the highest grad e level to the low est grad e level.
September 2014